Stonogin Sergey Vasil'evich : другие произведения.

The characteristic of the surgeon, the candidate of medical sciences Stonogin Sergey Vasil'evich

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    The characteristic of the surgeon, the candidate of medical sciences Stonogin Sergey Vasil'evich

The characteristic of the surgeon, the candidate of medical sciences Stonogin Sergey Vasil'evich.

   Was born June, 2, 1970 in city of Moscow.
   In 1987 has arrived in the first Moscow medical institute on medical faculty which has ended in 1995 on a speciality Medical business.
   Since 1993 is engaged in scientific work - studying of new methods of treatment of a peptic ulcer under the direction of the professor of the Centre of science of surgery of the Russian academy of medical sciences, the doctor of medical sciences Shertsinger A.G., the senior lecturer of faculty of surgical illnesses N 2 Moscow medical academies of a name of I.M.Sechenov of Cherepanin A.I., the lieutenant colonel of medical service, a member of the American academy of medical sciences, a member of the American academy of sciences of the doctor - endoscopist Timen L.J.
   In 1993 he makes the report at session surgical a mug at the Centre of science of surgery of the Russian academy of medical sciences about application of a capillary nasojejunal medical probe at treatment of patients by a peptic ulcer.
   In 1994 1995 he studied in subinternship on surgery on stand of surgical illnesses N 2 at the Moscow medical academy of a name of I.M.Sechenov on the basis of city hospital N of 20 cities of Moscow.
   With 1995 on 1997 studied in internship on surgery on stand of surgical illnesses N 2 at the Moscow medical academy of a name of I.M.Sechenova on the basis of city hospital N20 of city of Moscow.
   Independently carried out appendectomies, cholecystectomias, ablations of extremities, dissectings of abscesses and phlegmons of mild tissues of various localization, a plasty of extensive wounds various methods, has mastered conducting and treatment of patients by purulent surgical diseases. Has published 17 scientific works in medical magazines and on medical sites of network Internet. At surgical conference in city hospital N20 of city of Moscow the report on tactics of treatment of ulcerative gastroduodenal bleedings has given. During education in internship was on duty in abjointing emergency surgery of Krasnogorsk municipal hospital.
   In 1997 has with distinction ended internship on surgery on stand of surgical illnesses N2 at the Moscow medical academy of a name of I.M.Sechenov on the basis of city hospital N20 of city of Moscow.
   With 1997 on 1998 worked in a post of the surgeon - intern in surgical abjointing of Krasnogorsk municipal hospital. Independently carried out cholecystectomias, herniotomies, erasions of tumours of mild tissues, operations concerning liquidation of an edema of testicles. Scheduled work in abjointing constantly combined with watches on emergency surgery on which independently carried out appendectomies, laparotomies with a drainage of a belly lumen concerning an appendicular peritonitis, appendicular abscesses, initial surgical treatments of wounds with a stopping of a bleeding, processing of burn wounds, dissectings of abscesses and phlegmons of mild tissues. Within 1 month combined work in abjointing with work of the surgeon of a polyclinic at Krasnogorsk municipal hospital where carried out out-patient surgical interventions and observed out-patient surgical patients.
   Since October, 1998 works in the Tooshinskoi city children's hospital in abjointing emergency surgery where has passed specialization in questions of surgery of children's age. Is on duty on abjointing emergency surgery. Operates patients concerning an appendicitis, an appendicular peritonitis and appendicular abscesses, an acute hematogenous osteomyelitis, an intestinal invagination, suppurative processes of mild tissues of various localization. Continues to conduct scientific work. Tries to introduce in work new methods of treatment.
   In 1999 has protected the dissertation on competition of a scientific degree of the candidate of medical sciences on a theme The Capillary medical probe in preoperative preparation of patients with a pyloroduodenal ulcerative stenosis in the Centre of science of surgery of the Russian academy of medical sciences under the direction of the doctor of medical sciences, the professor of the Centre of science of surgery of the Russian academy of medical sciences A.G.Shertsinger.
   Has independently executed 673 operations.
   During study and work has proved capable, hardworking, purposeful, disciplined. On all investigated disciplines has only excellent and good assessments, owns computer technologies. In work differs responsiveness, kindness and an openness with colleagues and patients from whom has gratitude.

The supervisor of studies: the doctor of medical sciences, professor A.G.Shertsinger - the phone 471-01-13 worker.

   Zheleznodorozhnaja street 28 A 24
   Sergey Vasilievich Stonogin - surgeon, the candidate of medical sciences

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