Шарафутдинов Эмиль : другие произведения.

The Asses on Parnassus

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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The Asses on Parnassus

When long ago the Gods were removed from Greece 
And among laity their lands were let on lease,
Then someone also got the mount of Parnassus;
And there the new master started to tend Asses.
The Asses, I don't know how, before long did know
That the Muses lived here not so long ago,
And said the Asses "Not in vain
We have been brought to this domain:
The public must be tired of the Muses' singing
And now it wants us to make a new beginning." -
"Get set, lads, cheer up!" One of the Asses cried.
"I will strike up and don't you lag behind!
My friends, do not feel shy, and may
Our herd be heard of far away!                     
And soon the talents of the Nine
Our zeal alone will outshine!
Yet so as to prevent our fellowship from being misled,
Such an admission order to Parnassus
We must apply, that will not let
Inside our ranks one who has no vocal nicety of asses."
The Asses for all asses' cause
Approved their tricky-twisted clause: 
And such nightmarish drivel the new poets started howling,
As if up there was a long train toiling
The wheels of which required a good oiling.
But how did this flashy-dashy sinning end?
The farmer, having lost his patience, went
And drove the Asses back into the cattle house.

No modern poet's anger wishing to arouse,
I would like only to observe in this comment:
That no place will ever recompense 
For lack of talent, rhyme and sense.

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