Мартишин Сергей А. : другие произведения.

Opened thoughts

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I think again there is nothing to believe.
After a punch of pain I've received.
Nobody knows how I live.
Nobody knows how to lead.

The things that have never been told.
This ones hide a lot of tears that you cried.
My soul have never been sold.
I can't understand to make a try.

Changing myself was too late.
I look at the other sky there's no sun.
It was my mistake to start to wait 
And then understood that the time had gone.

I'm waiting for the moment 
To start to open window.
I won't ignore incoming 
Good things, I will not think so.

I forget about 
My faults I have made. Well,
I put away any doubts 
And the last I find myself.

Following the wind of changing 
I will not close my eyes.
I will not feel me hanging. 
Neither once, nor twice

Standing at the edge of the roof 
Of the 16 storeyed block of flats.
I'm looking around without move, 
Awaiting when the curtain of the clouds ends.

But there are no the beams of sun.
Only the clouds are closing one.
I don't know how the dark had begun.
There's no reasons to be fun.

I hear nothing around me.
Just step away and start to fly...
Feel the moment when you are free,
One killing you in the name of lie.

And now. What are you waiting for?
Release your pain exploding you.
Then touch the grass. The end. No more.
The only way to know the truth.

Only one step between you and 
The black colours of the ground.
It's easy to get from the start to the end.
And disappear to score this round.

Wait for a minute before make a step and blink.
Then feel the horror start to grow.
The minutes' arrow haven't completed the ring.
Because the sky cries the snow.

You are standing so closer to the edge.
Tou see the people in the yard. They look at you.
Snowflakes are flying. Where's your rage?
Maybe the snow can tell you the truth.

Like time is stopped. All around don't move.
The snow still cover the black ground.
It whisper you not to jump through 
The last border. Incomplete round.

Again the good and the rage collide.
The seconds start to last much longer.
Your biggest problem is your pride.
Forget about it. Please be more stronger.

Remember that you can't get enough.
Remember that you could be the best.
You've known all mysteries of love.
But why have you left it all the rest?

And there is nothing to interest.
You've thought that your life has been broken.
You can't find some things to impress
And can't tell me your problems to be spoken.

It wasn't too late to save your soul.
Due to the mistake your mind was locked.
I guess it was your biggest fault.
You haven't lost the chances to stop it.

Step back. Away from edge. Please, stop it!
The sun will shine for you again.
You are wrong that all your dreams was flopped.
Life isn't finished. One's started. That's the main.

But it's your life. And it's your blood.
Your mind is open, heart is open.
Everything can be all right, dude.
Your next step is your chance to stop it.

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