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Son Of Montecristo And Napoleon Bonaparte

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  • Аннотация:
    The boy Benedetto, the son of Count de Montecristo, provides great assistance to Napoleon Bonaparte by handing over a package of misinformation to the German Field Marshal Blucher. As a result, Napoleon Bonaparte wins the Battle of Waterloo and the entire course of world history changes.

  The boy Benedetto, the son of Count de Montecristo, provides great assistance to Napoleon Bonaparte by handing over a package of misinformation to the German Field Marshal Blucher. As a result, Napoleon Bonaparte wins the Battle of Waterloo and the entire course of world history changes.
  . CHAPTER No. 1
  It"s as if Napoleon Bonaparte"s army is preparing for the decisive battle of Waterloo. Benedetto, in the body of a simple boy of about twelve years old, received from the command the task of delaying the arrival of the Prussian cavalry led by Blucher.
  It's not that simple. But the boy had to tell this marshal the following: they say that the bridge is mined and we need to move around. In fact, the bridge is well guarded by the Dutch and it is not easy to get to it.
  But Napoleon has the necessary seal, and Blucher must believe the messenger boy's message. Who, by the way, speaks excellent English and has blond hair. And young age inspires even more confidence. So there is a stereotype that children are not hired as serious spies.
  And if Blucher believes and lets the cavalry go around, then time will be won and the British will be defeated.
  Benedetto rides to Blucher on a small pony with an important message. The boy, of course, is dressed as a messenger. But while galloping, he took off his hated smart boots, and prefers to ride barefoot on a horse, which is much more pleasant.
  And he, of course, is having fun and is in a good mood. But you have to make it to Blucher and the boy hits the pony on the sides. And the horse, although small, is agile.
  Benedetto sang with rage:
  We all look at Napoleons,
  We want unimaginable victories...
  So that millions of us fight,
  And so that children do not know troubles!
  So that Waterloo does not thunder,
  So that the leaves don't bleed...
  And so that there is no defeat,
  Good luck with the right number!
  Now he's just just a boy
  And soon I will become an officer...
  I jump across the field like a bunny,
  Let's show courage by example!
  I will deliver what the lord ordered,
  Although there is a considerable risk in this...
  And Satan has a thousand faces,
  Capable of bringing us down!
  Sometimes they hit me on the heels,
  And the strong stick whistles...
  We played hide and seek with fate,
  With that fortress like a monolith!
  We can't be brought to our knees
  And you can"t bend it with a hard whip...
  In the name of bright generations,
  We will show you the path to success!
  The Lord is not often merciful
  We all have to suffer...
  The rich and the poor are also unhappy,
  Let the time be for change!
  I believe peace will come to Europe,
  Napoleon is monarch forever...
  We will all have a good life,
  And the person will become happy!
  After this song it became more fun. The messenger boy caught the gadfly with his bare toes. And then he deftly threw it, and slightly crushed it. He flew over and crashed into a burdock.
  And some bird swallowed it in one stroke. This is really funny.
  Benedetto sang:
  Burdock grows under the fence,
  There's a rooster sitting on the fence!
  And it became even funnier and more fun... And the boy again hits the pony"s rump with his bare heels and whips her up.
  Napoleon is a great personality. Indeed, he was almost a genius, albeit successful, but for the time being. Here the commander Alexander Suvorov lived sixty-nine years and won until the end of his life. And if he lives, say, seventy-five years, he will fight Napoleon in battle. Let's say at Austerlitz or even earlier? Who would Napoleon be then? Or, on the contrary, Napoleon would be invincible for many years. What would the world expect?
  On the one hand, it is good, of course, to have a single empire, instead of squabbling between small countries and peoples. But on the other hand, all these numerous relatives of Napoleon would have created a lot of problems, and it could have been nonsense. Especially if sooner or later this great monarch died. Yes, and in one way or another there have always been and will be problems.
  If Napoleon would have come up with a more perfect system of a single empire.
  Take, for example, Tsarist Russia: the emperor also has a family there, but the empire is single, unitary, and is not divided into different kingdoms. And there is no stupid competition here.
  The boy smiled and cut off a bump with his saber as he galloped.
  But the Romanovs with their excellent genetics from Rurik are one thing, and the Bonapartes, this plebeian blood, is another thing. And there is a difference. Of course, Benedetto did not know what awaited Russia and the Romanov dynasty in the future, and in general what the Frenchman had to do with a foreign country.
  I would like to figure it out with mine...
  The boy even sang with delight, a famous folk romance, which he sang at one time with Count Montecristo, whom he considered at that time his own father.
  And the romance, I must say, is very bright and interesting;
  In Gascony the word "coward" is not known,
  I don"t know a sword if you are wrong. We Gascons have the best taste in the world - We don"t like anything except glory!
  High cheekbones, special to become - Here is the Gascon look of a guy of the world. Believe me, sir, you won"t have to wait long - Paris will still knowParis will still knowParis will still know Benedetto!
  Burgundy, Normandy, Champagne or Provence, And there is fire in your veins too, But good fortune has no time for you, Not yet in the white world, Not yet in the white world, Not yet in the white light, There is Gascony.
  I can"t live in Paris without fame. My
  whole life has passed - it"s time to deal with fate. So how old are you, my child? Ah, a lot, sir, a lot - twenty-something!
  Is your hand steady? - Firm! - This is a true trait of a Gascon with a very pure soul. And I was just as daring when Paris recognized the GasconParis recognized the GasconParis recognized the Gascon Montecristo!
  In Gascony the word "coward" is not known, I don"t know a sword if you are wrong. We Gascons have the best taste in the world - We don"t like anything except glory.
  High cheekbones, special to become - Here's a Gascon look to you with greetings. Believe me, sir, you won't have to wait long - Paris will still knowParis will still knowParis will still know Benedetto!
  Burgundy, Normandy, Champagne or Provence, And there is fire in your veins too, But good fortune has no time for you, Not yet in the white world, Not yet in the white world, Until the white world has Gascony!
  Although Benedetto is not exactly a Gascon, but rather a Parisian. But Montecristo seems to really be a Gascon.
  Well, the goal is already close. The horse patrols of Field Marshal Blucher's army are visible.
  The boy shook the bag in front of his nose and showed him the pass. And of course they missed him. The young warrior was full of strength and energy. And the fact that he looked like a boy even aroused more confidence. After all, children are the flowers of life and it is generally accepted that they are more trusting than adults.
  And the scout boy was invited to the table. They gave him a piece of lamb and good, green wine. Benedetto only sipped the last bit, fearing that his tongue would be loosened.
  The boy passed on the information, and they almost forgot about him. Well, you can enjoy your vacation. And at the same time, maybe we can sing, what"s patriotic?
  And the boy sang with feeling and expression;
  My Britain sleeps
  Hidden, secret
  Given to you and me
  Into the long dawn!
  Strange names
  Streets, buildings
  Soon this knowledge
  Check it out, here's yours
  Ticket, sew it into the sleeve that was not red
  So that you hate this color
  The plot of your game is obviously dangerous:
  Magic, war, love, sixteen years
  Only the one who extinguished the despair in his eyes
  Can't retreat, won't sleep forever
  The century will certainly deceive everyone
  Sleep, my Britain.
  Sleep my Britain
  Given to me by fate
  Happiness and suffering -
  You are alone
  Sleep, Britain's war
  Early, early
  Sword of your election
  Raised from the lake
  bottom and like any steel sings about blood,
  drinks mine and washes himself with love
  to the royal country under the fragile starry roof,
  where autumn and spring remained to rule
  There are crowns, not churches - a berth for angels,
  The crown was accidentally broken by some dwarf
  But, as the late Charlie bequeathed, in our dreams
  His dragons fly
  Sleep my Britain
  Meetings without goodbyes
  You are not you, I am not me
  Piano speeches
  Two hands
  Executions without forgiveness
  I am not you. Who am I?
  Only the current knows
  Ancient underground river
  And this shaky bridge leads under the arch
  The one who walked on water without drowning
  Reliable blue velvet spreads on the waves
  Walk along it boldly while the whole world falls asleep
  And your enemies sleep holding their hearts,
  Friends are sleeping, having entrusted their fate to the golden lion
  Even the one who is said to have trampled the baby
  Sleeping with his arms around a beautiful widow!
  Sleep my Britain
  Sleep my Britain
  Hidden, secret
  The rhythm of your breathing -
  My breguet
  Deaths other than name
  Nothing to trade
  My pure star
  England is back in the house
  Sleep in the dawn flames
  Sleep, my love
  You are my Britain.
  Although it"s disgusting for a Frenchman to sing like that. But he is in the uniform of an English boy.
  And so Blucher"s army set out along the wrong route. And Benedetto left him, rushing forward. He is a boy and should not sit still. Just before leaving, he managed to win ten gold louis d'or. And I was very pleased with this. And now he rode on horseback back to Napoleon and looked forward to a considerable reward. After all, he was able to pull it off so brilliantly. It was as if he himself was Genghis Khan. Yes, if Napoleon, like Genghis Khan, had lived for seventy-two years without knowing defeat, the world would have been different. And maybe harmony and happiness would reign in it. And so, Europe is divided, and Tsarist Russia grabbed the Kingdom of Poland for itself. Why is this logical? If you are weak, then why not snatch pieces from you?
  Benedetto began to sing as he rode on his white steed;
  The country of the French is the Holy Motherland,
  In which everyone is equal and great.
  Stretched from edge to edge,
  With a peal of wide steps!
  There are mountains in it - golden peaks,
  And the rivers sparkle with pure silver...
  In winter the snow is like lush gray hair,
  In spring, a stream behind a solid bank!
  But then the boy fell silent, feeling danger. And the thoroughbred horse neighed in fear. Benedetto looked back - wolves were trotting after him. And this is already serious. There's already a whole flock of them here.
  The boy hit his bare heels on the croup of his horse and started it into a gallop. At the same time, the boy thought. That wolf is a vile beast. For example, he ate little red riding hood. Is this a decent thing on his part? What can you say about the wolf?
  Benedetto sang a comic song with irony at these gray predators;
  I'm straining with all my strength - and with all my tendons,
  But today - again like yesterday: They surround me, surround me - They cheerfully drive me to the numbers!
  Double-barreled shotguns are busy behind the fir trees -
  There hunters are hiding in the shadows, - Wolves are tumbling in the snow, Turning into a living target.
  The hunt is on for wolves,
  The hunt is on - for gray predators, seasoned and puppies! The beaters are screaming, and the dogs are barking until they vomit, There is blood on the snow - and spots of red flags.
  do not play on equal terms with the wolves
  , but their hand does not waver: Having protected our freedom with flags, they strike confidently, for sure.
  The wolf cannot break traditions -
  Apparently, in childhood, blind puppies, We, the wolf cubs, sucked the she-wolf And sucked in: you can"t grab the flags!
  And now - the hunt for wolves,
  The hunt is on - for gray predators, seasoned and puppies! The beaters are screaming, and the dogs are barking until they vomit, There is blood on the snow - and spots of red flags.
  Our legs and jaws are fast -
  Why, leader, give me an answer - We are hunted and rush to the shot And don"t try through the ban?!
  The wolf cannot, must not, do otherwise.
  My time is running out: The one to whom I am destined smiled and raised his gun.
  The hunt is on for wolves,
  The hunt is on - for gray predators, seasoned and puppies! The beaters are screaming, and the dogs are barking until they vomit, There is blood on the snow - and spots of red flags.
  I came out of obedience:
  Behind the flags - the thirst for life is stronger! Only - behind me I joyfully heard the surprised screams of people.
  I'm straining with all my strength - and with all my tendons,
  But today is not the same as yesterday: They surrounded me, surrounded me - But the huntsmen were left with nothing!
  The hunt is on for wolves,
  The hunt is on - for gray predators, seasoned and puppies! The beaters are screaming, and the dogs are barking until they vomit, There is blood on the snow - and spots of red flags.
  After which the wolves really took it and fell behind. Moreover, if a barefoot boy sings, it means he"s really cool and it"s better not to mess with him.
  And Benedetto took great pleasure in taking and crushing the mosquito with his bare toes. And he noted:
  - I changed the course of history!
  And everything really changed. Blucher did not arrive in time, and Napoleon won at Waterloo. Then it was the turn of the Germans. The great commander won several more victories. Including over the Russian army. But the people of France are too tired of protracted wars. And too many men were killed.
  And Napoleon Bonaparte agreed to peace. France retained northern Italy, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and part of Germany, as well as northern Spain.
  After which there was no war in Europe for some time. True, the French went into Africa and captured Algeria and Morocco. Then Tunisia was conquered, and then Libya and Egypt. The war for northern Africa ended successfully for France. And then to Sudan.
  Napoleon ruled until March 1842, living for seventy-two years, like Genghis Khan. He was succeeded by his son, Napoleon II. Who soon became the emperor of the Austrian Empire. But that is another story. Napoleon became a great legend. And his dynasty is a glorious dynasty. And Bonaparte's reign is truly legendary.
  There was even this song composed:
  There was a stormy century, a wondrous century:
  Loud, majestic; There was a huge man, a waste of glory.
  It was the age of heroes!
  But the checkers got mixed up, and midges and insects crawled out of the cracks.
  Every mama's boy,
  every one robbed, a fool of fashionable nonsense, making liberal appearances.
  Despotism's adversary,
  Equality's orator, - Swollen, blind and bearded, Proud registrar.
  the volumes of Thiers and Rabeau
  by heart and, like an ardent Mirabeau, glorifies liberty.
  And look: our Mirabeau
  of Old Gavrilo For a crumpled frill, it lashes his mustache and snout.
  And look: our Lafaet
  Brutus or Fabricius puts the men under the press, along with beets.
  The adventures of eternal children continue in the space detachment. At the same time, new adventures await the eternal boy Eduard Sturgeon, including among trolls, orcs, elves and other creatures of the fantasy world. And the daughters of the Demiurge Gods also fight side by side with them.
  . CHAPTER No. 1
  Warrior girl Adala whispered:
  - What do you have this time, forever young genius?
  Edik answered with a boyish smile:
  - There is an answer to this too!
  A huge metal boa constrictor, with a mouth in which drill teeth were spinning, continued to crawl closer and closer to the children's special forces detachment. Following this long monster, large robots began to emerge, looking like walking turtles. And they had cannons on their heads that fired from laser systems. True, the less-than-perfect rays did not cause much destruction.
  The boy genius took out an ordinary wire cast with copper, and to it he attached a pea with an unknown filling.
  And launched it in the direction of a menacing, mechanical reptile. The wire got tangled in the drills and immediately sparked. The huge boa constrictor began to shake.
  The boy lying in the west on Edik"s right hand rang:
  - Wow! Beautiful!
  The body of the mechanical reptile twitched and knocked down the walking robotic turtles. They twisted around and, firing, began to shoot at each other. And from the impacts of laser beams the armor actually warped and the metal burned.
  The boys and girls of the assault squad from the children's special forces took and opened fire to kill, using their laser machine guns.
  Edik shouted:
  - Leave it alone! Save your energy guys! Anti-pulsar!
  The children's special forces soldiers stopped shooting. And so it was already clear that the twitching gigantic boa constrictor with its body maimed and crushed almost all the cars. This is truly a monstrous impact and just super.
  The girl Adala winked at the young genius commander and noted:
  - It's great! Well, you are a fighter! You use the enemy's power against him!
  The boy commander winked at her and said:
  - Of course, we need a scientific, subtle approach.
  The boa constrictor, twitching, broke the walking robotic turtles; they either exploded or were flattened. Also, his tail with a hysterical wave overturned the tanks on caterpillars that jumped out of the castle gates.
  They turned out to be helpless and the candles lit up. And it looked cool.
  And the shells flew out of the barrels and hit their own people. And a lot of destruction of weapon towers.
  In response, weapon batteries started working from the castle walls again. Both laser beams and annihilation-pumped projectiles rained down on the mechanical boa constrictor. The first shots pierced his steel and titanium skin. Breaks began to occur. Like wormholes, holes appeared in the armor of this monster.
  The girl who was to Edik"s right squeaked:
  - These are fireworks! We gave him a great deal!
  The boy commander clarified:
  - I received it from my own people!
  The warrior children exclaimed in unison:
  - Truth and luck are with us,
  We will hit the bikes hard...
  Our main task is
  Kill the evil aliens!
  Adala, this girl who has experienced a lot, and even had to hijack a gravity-magnetic fighter, noted:
  - It"s wonderful when there is a smart and scientific approach!
  And the girl showed a hologram of how she escaped from the concentration camp. Barefoot and wearing striped pajamas, the young prisoner raced across the icy crust that covered the airfield. And they fired at her. The girl was thin, cheekbones even appeared on her childish face from the forced diet of a labor concentration camp, and a number was shining on the chest of her pajamas. But she was able to get into the fighter and used the electronic card stolen from the guard.
  As a result, the machine, stuffed with electronics, came off the coating.
  And the girl pressed with her bare, round heels, roughened from forced walking barefoot and constant, hard work. Yes, a children's labor concentration camp is not a sanatorium. But on the other hand, you develop such endurance there that it"s useful to go there. Adala looks to be only twelve years old, but in reality, of course, she is older, and she is also experienced, even if not as experienced and sophisticated as Edik.
  It was visible on the hologram how a graviomagnetic plane with a girl was flying. Her sharp chin appears in the image, and there is a bruise under her cornflower blue eye. But the girl, who has the skills of a pilot, very deftly avoids the laser beams that are trying to shoot her down.
  Her bare, childish fingers confidently finger the control joystick buttons. And it looks great.
  Adala blew a kiss and sang:
  - On airplanes we rush over the waves,
  Quarks foam in the ether vortices...
  What will I convey to my planet -
  Children of the sublunar, blue world!
  And behind her, fighter jets rushed to pursue the daring girl. And it looks extremely aggressive, like a whole flock of vultures. And they fire, and there seems to be no chance of escape.
  But the girl Adala called the hero boy Edik on the radio, and he, as always, was ready.
  A young warrior who looked about twelve years old, although, in fact, a seasoned fighter and a brilliant designer, flew out to meet her. The boy was only wearing sports shorts, but with his bare feet he caught the smallest vibration of his flying saucer. And it was clear that the boy was at his best.
  As soon as he presses the button with his bare heel, a wave goes off. Four enemy fighters rushing ahead collided at once. And explosions followed.
  Adala winked with her sapphire eyes and said:
  - This is the highest class!
  The rest of the enemy fighters began to fire from a long distance. The fuselage and tail of the plane that the girl was hijacking were clattered with shrapnel and debris.
  The young warrior pressed her bare heels even harder and performed a somersault on the fighter.
  But Edik, this eternal boy, took and launched tiny bubbles from his flying saucer. They rushed at high speed and seemed to crash into a flock of vultures.
  Explosions, fractures, and enemy planes torn to shreds were heard. This is a crushing blow.
  The boy, deftly working with his bare, nimble feet, sang:
  How we lived fighting
  And not afraid of death...
  This is how you and I will live from now on!
  And in the heights of the stars,
  And mountain silence -
  Sea wave and fierce fire!
  And fierce, and furious fire!
  This is how the children dealt with enemy fighters. Those who were able to survive turned back. And Adala returned to Edik"s detachment. There was only part of the children's special forces with them - young warriors with unique skills.
  Now they are repelling another attack from the fortress. Apparently realizing that combative and overly developed and intelligent child warriors cannot be won over with electronic gadgets, the infantry was thrown into battle.
  The large cycle warriors themselves, each two and a half meters tall, went on the offensive. They were in combat suits and appeared clumsy in appearance.
  But they rushed into battle with colossal pressure and attacked like tanks. This is where the battle unfolded.
  Now you can start shooting. The child warriors opened fire on them with laser guns. There were hits on inogalact monsters. But they answered.
  The girl and boy were injured and burned from enemy rays.
  Edik answered with a smile:
  - I"m turning on the protective field!
  Adala asked with concern:
  - And we can shoot at the enemy through it!
  The boy commander answered confidently:
  - Yes! Certainly! This is one and a half dimensions. It lets energy flow through on your side, but not on the enemy"s side!
  A warrior boy in a battle suit with green speckles exclaimed:
  - This is a cool environment!
  And the battle continued with incredible force! And now the children turned out to be completely invulnerable. And they destroyed their enemies effortlessly. They, in the hands of special forces forever young soldiers, have thermoquark-pumped lasers, and this is serious. Thus, during thermoquark fusion, one gram of matter emits energy equivalent to the combustion of four billion tons of coal. So you can imagine how colossal this power is.
  But children do not always fight with such perfect weapons and have technological superiority.
  So Edik turned on a video and a three-color hologram, which showed his fight with much more primitive technologies and, at the same time, no less dangerous, and with children who had a hard time.
  When Edik woke up after the blow, another boy Pashka vigorously shook him by the shoulder. The boy jumped up and caught the frightened look of his red-haired, newly minted comrade, and asked:
  - What are you doing?
  Pashka pointed his finger at Edik"s head and muttered:
  -Who shaved you like that?
  Edik put his hand to his hair and muttered in confusion:
  - Wow... - The hedgehog pricked under their fingers, and they felt an impressive and, at the same time, painful lump.
  Then Edik glanced at his right hand and saw a fresh burn in the form of a camp number. Familiar thirteenth...
  The boy blurted out:
  - Bravo! This turns out to be not a dream. I was actually imprisoned!
  Pasha looked at his partner in confusion and muttered:
  -Where did they put you?
  Edik answered in a sad tone:
  - To a space prison... That is, to jail on another planet!
  Pashka shook his head... He thought that this tanned guy had gone crazy. But Edik didn"t look crazy at all, although a healing black eye was shining under his eye. Almost bald, the blond boy's head gave him the appearance of a criminal, or a desperate thug.
  However, the boys have no time to speculate further. It's time to run to a meager fish breakfast and pick up the shovel again.
  But this time, it was not possible to work for long. The Orkmet jet attack aircraft swooped in again. The guys hid at the bottom of the trenches, and aerial bombs rained down from above.
  Edik tried to shoot from a gun, but this time the enemy planes could not take these shots. Orkmet stormtroopers are covered with solid, alloyed armor underneath, and there is no way a bullet can penetrate them.
  Then the boy took the grenade with his bare toes. Since the muscles of the legs are larger than those of the arms, you can throw a "present" a much greater distance with the lower limb than with the upper one.
  The boy took a deep breath, turned over on his back and threw the cumulative grenade with all his might. It flew past with a hiss and hit a stormtrooper that was hovering too low. He lost control and was split almost in half by the explosion. And Edik showed his nose to the enemy.
  After which, the terminator boy found another grenade. As he was taught in space: a special technique of kicking, with hip rotation, extension and movement of the fingers. The grenade, in this case, flies much further than it could have been thrown by hand. It"s not for nothing that the four girl rangers also mastered the technique of throwing with their lower limbs.
  So the second Orkmet jet attack aircraft loses its wings and flies nose-first into the ground. He pierces the ground with such force, as if he wants to get to America.
  Pashka exclaims admiringly:
  - Yes, you are a super fighter!
  Edik proudly puffed out his chest and roared:
  - I'm really great...
  A boy with a freshly shaved head looks somewhat comical. But here comes the third grenade, finding its target with inexorable accuracy! Well, after this, will anyone doubt that this boy is a hero? And not even the last hero, but a knight who will lead everyone!
  Edik Osetrov sang, feeling for the fourth grenade with his bare fingers and throwing it forcefully:
  The insidious snake hid in the crack,
  Stealthily Rus' dreams of poisoning...
  But the mighty knight will hit his target,
  Under the clear sun of anger the color will melt!
  While they were singing, the boy threw a fifth grenade. He very deftly intercepted it with his flexible leg, and then threw it again. The richest school of martial arts had an effect, including training by the cosmic Amazon on a distant planet.
  Edik mastered a lot then and became a real super ace boy. And now he throws the sixth grenade. He very deftly throws it up, and it flies, literally cutting through the air like a skate.
  Terminator boy says:
  The anthem of the Motherland sings in our hearts,
  There is no one more beautiful in the entire universe...
  Squeeze the knight's beam thrower tighter,
  Die for God's given Russia!
  And the seventh grenade, thrown by the barefoot boy, quickly flying by, finds its target.
  The rest of the pioneers try to imitate their new idol, but their grenades either fall off their feet or fly worse than from their hands. Clara, however, gives the order in time:
  -Leave me alone! Only Eduard Osetrov throws grenades!
  The boy is very proud of the trust placed in him, and again throws the gift, tearing off the HEC-283's wing, and causing the Orkmet machine to lose control. And the jet speed does not help the orcs.
  Eduard Osetrov cheerfully says:
  Fatherland, you are my dear mother,
  I cannot bear the suffering of people...
  I'm ready to give everything I have -
  Go through pain, sorrow, any trials!
  Now the ninth grenade finds its target. The boy, who looks so much like a Japanese anime hero, launches it very deftly.
  After a successful throw, Edward again utters:
  Homeland in my heart - a string plays,
  Life will be good for everyone in the world...
  And I dream of the Fatherland - a holy country,
  Where happy children laugh!
  The Orkmet vultures, having ironed the ground, fly away, and Edik throws the tenth grenade as a farewell. The last Orkmet plane to be shot down folded its wings together and ended up in a figurative coffin.
  The boy jumped out of the trench and showed an insulting gesture to the fleeing orcs. Following him, other boys did the same.
  Like, know our monsters, you belong by the bucket!
  After which, the guys started working again. The air raid caused almost no casualties to the children, only two boys were slightly wounded by bomb fragments and were bandaged.
  The pioneers and the slightly older guys were in a fighting mood. Although there wasn"t a single fighter who had a goatee, there weren"t any cowards among them either. All of them, half-starved and half-naked, worked with great enthusiasm and were eager to quickly get even with the Orks. Cannonade rumbles in the distance, and very soon Orkler's vehicles will reach this line.
  Four girls in a parallel universe attacked the troops of the Orklichans and Trolls, who dared to land in Fryma. A small detachment of Russian special forces also acted with them.
  This is a kind of short-term intervention at the behest of the Russian gods with the aim of changing world history.
  The battle was extremely hot, the girls were advancing. But the Russian special forces detachment also suffered significant losses. But there turned out to be a lot of enemies, so here in one place Orklia, Trollntsia, the Hobbit Kingdom and Furtia gathered significant forces. They wanted to make a turning point over the Russian army advancing with the goal of releasing Revastopol.
  Of the four Russian tanks, three have already been knocked out, and the position of the combatants seems critical.
  But from the open hatch of the broken and scorched T-64, the youngest participant in this enchanting battle began to fire.
  But, really, what should a child do in a modern war? Only he himself can answer this. In any case, twelve-year-old Moscow schoolboy Edik Osetrov decided that he could not sit in one of the comfortable children's sanatoriums in generous Russia. Captivated by the unique romance of war, he fled to the front. But we didn"t have to run far: the enemy stood near Fronetsk and mercilessly shot at the city.
  Almost before Eduard Osetrova"s eyes, the school collapsed after being hit by the Uragan multiple launch rocket system. Several children who did not have time to escape were buried under the ruins, and Anastasia Petrova, Edik"s friend, received terrible burns. She died for a long time and very painfully. Ten days of hellish agony... And then, heavy shells destroyed the apartment building where Eduard Osetrova"s relatives lived.
  The young warrior shoots and does it very accurately! In practice, he has no misses, and now the next seven rounds have been used up, and the boy is busily pouring them into bags.
  The approach of large forces from the coast and fresh landing regiments again tilted the scales towards the allied army. It is surprising that both powerful European empires transported so much force to Frym. And if we are used to fighting with the Trolls, then the Orcglians are a new enemy. In general, the "Friman War" is the only case in history when Russia and Orktania are officially at war. Before this, Orglia was generally considered a fairly friendly country, in particular, it was an ally in the battle with Avapoleon. But now, it is a fierce and ambitious enemy who fears growing Russian expansion.
  Eduard Osetrov tossed the shell casing with his bare foot. This time he slightly changed his habit of fighting, throwing discs with his feet. But nothing, and you can fire surprisingly accurately from a sniper rifle.
  It"s not so easy to see enemies in the smoke, and you can"t even see their faces. Therefore, the dead, whose dying cries dissolve with many similar others, do not cause negative emotions. It"s like you"re playing a shooter game on a computer, or hitting electronic monitors at a shooting range.
  Now, if you feel that you missed the mark, then this already causes irritation!
  And the enemy, taking advantage of their numerical superiority, presses back the defenders of Revastopol. The light, fairly rapid-firing and accurate field guns of the Orglikans are hammering and constantly nailing. This is also one of the reasons why Russia, since 1618 (for almost a quarter of a millennium, the Russians did not lose wars, but were defeated only in individual battles!) was forced to give in.
  The depleted special forces squad with tanks, the warrior of the black forces, Victoria, ordered to regroup and save ammunition as much as possible. The transporters, there were only two of them, were hastily covered with sandbags (these were trophies) and the machine guns mounted on them were used to shoot.
  Most of the special forces soldiers used up all their magazines, well, in general, it"s a clear story. Now we had to use rifles captured from the enemy to fight back.
  Of course, during such an intense battle, these clips are spat out very quickly. But you can"t fit many horns on one infantryman; they"ll get in the way.
  True, on the armored transports themselves there are still boxes with reserves. So they should be used sparingly.
  Out of fifty people, only about half were left standing, and a couple more people with serious wounds were dragged from the battlefield. Serious losses for a twenty-first century department.
  You need to take care of your people, especially since they have encountered a brave enemy who will not scatter at the first, even not very intense, salvos.
  The colonel who helps the Russian troops, Mikhail Tsarkov, is also wounded, but is still on his feet. The main problem is that in the excitement of the fighters, they used up too much ammunition, which is why it is very difficult to fight off the overwhelming numerical superiority of the enemy. True, Tsarkov, like a seasoned warrior, shoots sparingly, and he still has a reserve. For example, he doesn"t disdain single shots.
  But when the enemy began throwing grenades...
  This is very dangerous when terribly numerous bombs explode, even if they have small explosive power.
  The warrior boy Edik starts throwing sharp discs with his bare feet. But it's like a poultice for the dead
  Although Victoria doesn"t want to do this, the lives of soldiers are more valuable. And fuel... God bless him! If only there were meat grinders, there would be fuel for them!
  The metallic voice of Chernobog"s daughter commands:
  - Raise the helicopters into the air!
  It must be said that aircraft provide not only lethal force - after all, even a helicopter has limited ammunition - but also a moral impact. For the nineteenth century, something that flies and shoots is a curiosity. So there is a chance...
  The defenders of Revastopol are already retreating to the outer redoubts of the citadel city. In general, their behavior is correct - if all the soldiers are put in battle on the outskirts of the stronghold, there will be no one to defend the fortress. And then there will be a wedge in the war. The capture of Revastopol will be the signal for the Elfstrians and Persians to enter the war.
  And so, having gathered all their forces into an impressive fist, the Orkglichans, the Trolls and the Turks attack...
  Edik, calmly taking aim at the enemy, also began to get nervous. The boy understood that they were losing the battle, and the only hope lay in the fact that Fenshikov"s troops, who were far behind, would have time to arrive.
  And the next day, the guys were faced with real tests. They had barely had breakfast when they heard a hoarse rumble and the movement of enemy tanks. This means that childhood is finally over, and a battle awaits. Some boys already had experience in fighting and behaved calmly. But some of the guys, especially the younger ones, began to fuss.
  Clara shouted at them in a loud voice. The kids calmed down. They took up a fortified position and prepared grenades, as well as slings for throwing war materials. There was also a row of anti-tank mines in front.
  The orcs were approaching. Moving ahead were low, squat, but long tanks of the FE series. Several of them already had a pyramidal shape, almost invulnerable from several angles. But the majority were "Dragons" with a turret shifted back, and FE-70 with a 128 mm cannon.
  Young in appearance, Edik, prepared a whole backpack of anti-tank grenades near him. Of course, they don"t penetrate armor, but they can easily break tracks. In addition, pyramidal tanks have small but numerous rollers dotting the entire bottom. And their chassis is extremely difficult to disable.
  There are a lot of Orkmet tanks moving. There is even a rod of Elferikan TOR-93 and Phoenix-2 at the back. They are worse than the Orkmet ones, but they create an additional ambiance. The Dragon tank is quite nimble with a 105mm cannon capable of penetrating Russian tanks from a long distance and is squat. With a classic layout, only the engine and transmission are located in the front of the tank, and the gearbox is on the engine itself.
  The vehicle with modification - 3, has strong armor on the sides and rear of 125 millimeters at an angle, and is difficult to take with a grenade. Apparently, we'll have to hit the tracks.
  How to stop pyramid tanks? These are actually monsters of monsters!
  And against two hundred boys there are more than three hundred and fifty cars! Almost two heavy tanks per person, and even a child! And not a single one is older than fifteen, except for the Komsomol commander Klara!
  The balance of forces is such that their battalion of suckers is doomed to defeat.
  But if you are going to die, then with music!
  Young Edik threw a grenade with his hand and caught it with his foot. The first Dragon tank has already entered the destruction zone, which means it can be thrown. The boy arches his flexible, muscular body, straightens his leg and lower leg, and stretches his bare toes. And the grenade flies hundreds of meters, as if launched by a catapult. No, you will never throw your hand like that.
  And the grenade whistles over the anti-tank hedgehogs. The Orkmet tank got hit in the caterpillar, turned and... rammed its body into its colleague walking on the right.
  Young Edik whistled:
  - And the battle continues again,
  The hyperplasmic fire is boiling...
  And Lenin is so young -
  Deals a fatal blow!
  The boy, inspired, throws another grenade at the "Dragon". The car gets knocked down and rams his partner on the left. This is how you can actually change the direction of movement of the tank by damaging the caterpillar. And he squints and goes the wrong way.
  And the fighting boy Edik sings, throwing more grenades:
  - My homeland is the darkness of the universe,
  Ready to repel the onslaught of evil enemies!
  Without you, love, I can"t even go a day,
  I am ready to give my life for you!
  And the terminator boy again throws grenades with his feet, forcing the Mongoose-3 to crash into the pyramidal Orkmet tank.
  Young Edik even jumps up for joy, wow... So you should fight the Orks. And again he throws a grenade with his bare foot. He does this very well. The grenade bounces onto the grass and again hits the Orkmet tank, forcing it to swerve to the side and ram its lumbering counterpart.
  The boy laughs and sings:
  -Raise barrels of gasoline with fires,
  We pioneers blow up cars -
  It will be a complete defeat for the Orks,
  The cry of the pioneers: always be prepared!
  The cry of the pioneers: always be prepared!
  And with every line, a grenade is thrown at the Orklerites, which makes the Orkler tanks collide. But now the Elferik TOR-93 has also become a victim. Moreover, this car managed to crash so that it blew up two of its Phoenixes.
  One of the most powerful Orkish breakthrough tanks, the Royal Dragon, weighing one hundred tons and having an engine of 1880 horsepower. And how this thug was shaken. He shot down one tanker, and then another. And three cars are burning at once.
  And the boy begins to sing again, with anguish:
  Evil damned reality
  It can drive you crazy!
  All the power of the formidable atom -
  Satan drove into the Earth!
  And while singing, he threw five grenades and knocked out a dozen tanks. The Orkmet vehicles came closer and closer, and other pioneers began to throw their presents. At the same time, the return fire from the Orks did practically no damage to the guys. It was like a real miracle.
  The children were able to take the Orkish monster by the horns and shower the mastodons with grenades.
  The young boy Edik, throwing grenades with his feet more and more intensely, sang:
  On starships we rush across the waves,
  Quarks foam in the ether vortices!
  What will I convey to my planet,
  Children of a crazy, sinful world!
  And for this verse, eight grenades were thrown, and twenty of the fat hog"s tanks were hit and collided head-on. The limbs of the swift boy, who was taught martial arts by both gods and aliens, flash more and more energetically. The grenades in my backpack ran out. It's okay, homemade explosion bags will be used. And the Orkishists have received and will continue to receive.
  Several Orkler tanks were blown up by mines, and vehicles behind them crashed into them. After which, they all caught fire, blazing Kupala bonfires. It"s all so hot, and burnt orcs are crawling out. And so is their entire foreign army.
  And the fighting Edik will start singing;
  Brother raised his hand to his brother -
  Cruel war, roar of the adversary!
  The machine gun has become your friend,
  Retribution has come for frivolity!
  What to do if people are broke
  When dashing bullets whistle around!
  God better break the war by force -
  So that the days of the dragon of prey are over!
  But hell knows no limits and limits,
  The earth is burning in napalm, children are crying!
  Now the girls' features have turned pale -
  For this, who will the Holy Lord answer?
  Well, how many loved ones can you kill?
  After all, man is born, believe me, for happiness!
  The mother does not let her son go to the front,
  And even in the summer there is bad weather during the war!
  But a soldier's duty is a true duty:
  Why should we fight for the Fatherland?
  At the age of sixteen the temple is already gray,
  The unfortunate widows' faces are swollen from tears!
  But what is it, are you crazy, brother?
  No, you are mad - your loved one answers!
  For meanness, who is our soldier at the throne,
  He believes that his brother-in-law is the filthy Cain!
  In the earth, streams of blood tear the veins,
  And the pulse from the core will respond with a blow...
  The plow struck by a shell froze in the field,
  Oh, how crimson the Sun has become!
  But there is faith that Jesus will come -
  He will reconcile the brothers and bring salvation!
  Then let's forget to take revenge on the vile score -
  May forgiveness reign in the souls of all of us!
  The Terminator boy sang and threw explosive packets from both bare feet with maximum efficiency and intensity.
  At the last lines, the few surviving tanks of Ferman Orkring turned back. More than three hundred destroyed Orkishist mastodons were left burning on the field.
  A bead of sweat ran down the child's smooth forehead. It rolled down the recoil-reddened cheek, stung the scratched skin unpleasantly, and fell onto the overheated breech of the automatic rifle. Hissed...
  Edik burst into tears with a sigh:
  - My poor heart is ready to explode in my chest like a shell, but there is no other way, believe me, even at home, as if candles are burning!
  Grenades also flew into his tank... Two fellow tankers, small in stature, but, of course, adult fighters, also responded with shots from pistols and small machine guns.
  But the enemy breaks through with numbers. Edik tries to choose officers as victims; soldiers themselves are not worth much. The enemy is suffering losses, but the tanker on the right is already a donkey with a broken head. The skull is crushed, and the brains flow out in a limp paste, like resin from a felled aspen tree.
  Now the boy felt real fear. These are no longer the shadows that are in the virtual reality, not harmless units that you send to slaughter in the thousands, but real people who bring death. And they...
  A shrapnel hit the boy flat on the forehead... Everything went dark before his eyes, and, dropping the rifle, the boy plopped down inside the tower. Saggy on the chair. The surviving tanker spent his last bullets and groaned pitifully when the bayonet pierced his frail chest.
  The wounded Edik was saved only by the appearance of a "Black Shark" in the sky. The streamlined vehicle slammed needle-filled cluster rockets at the accumulated goosebumps of the grenadiers. They fell like poppy seeds, scattering their ashes over dozens of fathoms...
  The appearance of winged monsters actually slowed down the attack. The horses were especially frightened. The front ones turned back, and the rear ones, on the contrary, spurred on, a bloody dump arose.
  The heavy infantry reformed and quickly moved to higher ground. Although there were only a few soldiers left, one soldier had to carry two or even three wounded.
  The MIG-124, having fired its last rockets, fired short machine-gun bursts. At the same time, and this brilliant idea occurred to Natasha in advance, several kegs of gunpowder were dropped from above. The most primitive weapons for the nineteenth century were ordinary wicks, ruptures of the most ancient of destructive substances.
  But effective...
  Another novelty was the dumping of resin, oil and alcohol in clay jugs. Ancient, incendiary shells. It"s also not a superweapon, but if they reach you from above, then!
  It is clear that modern ammunition is almost exhausted, and we have to switch to more ancient and archaic weapons. It seems to ignite, burning the adversaries alive. Even the meat peels off their bones and their skeletons are exposed. Then the wind begins to fiddle with them, tinkling and crackling. The ranks collapse, mix, and move back.
  And here comes help from Fenshikov. Naturally, the cavalrymen arrived first. While there are no mobile transporters, the queen of the fields has to stomp everything with her own limbs.
  But it"s a horse, he"s a horse in Africa too.
  The serf girl and, at the same time, the fierce warrior Domkratova, on her beautiful horse, managed to get ahead of everyone. The beautiful peasant woman kicks the horse's croup with her bare heels and fiercely waves her saber.
  So her first "trophy", a dust-stained lancer, repulsed only the first attack of an educated peasant woman, and the second twist almost cut off his entire head. Orktsuz could not even scream with his throat cut, but simply fell off his croup. And Domkratova sang:
  - There are cornflowers in an open field... A long journey!
  Elena, who heard with her super-acute hearing, growled in unison:
  - Along the road, there is a dense forest with Yagami women!
  Nadezhda added, drowning out the hubbub of the battle, all these guns and blades:
  - And at the end of that road, a chopping block with axes!
  Domkratova, quickly moving away from the blade, said, without any roar:
  - Oh, once!
  After this word the Orkgli rider fell...
  - Yes again!
  And here the Furets cavalryman, pompous as a pasha, was out of luck.
  - Yes, many, many, many times!
  At this point, Nadezhda interrupted in a jump, scattering a whole dozen invaders with her graceful legs:
  - Yes, why are you whining over and over again! Let's get a million right away!
  The fiery terminator, daughter of Chernobog Victoria, throwing her steel helmet in flight with her bare fingers, growled:
  - We keep millions in the bank and don"t care about the laws!
  Reasonable Elena agreed with this situation:
  - That's right: if you break one law, you're a criminal, if you break several, you're dead, everything is Lord God!
  The very smart Victoria wittily remarked:
  - As one great writer and philosopher said: no laws are written for fools, and the laws of nature are not prescribed for geniuses!
  Perun's daughter Victoria deftly tossed a keg of gunpowder with her foot. She looked at her bare sole, glistening with blood, and when the barrel of hellish potion exploded, she chirped:
  - Language is given to a smart person to hide thoughts about stupid and meaningless things!
  But apparently the girls were thinking about it... The MIG-124, choking from lack of fuel, began to lose altitude. Experienced pilots desperately tried to save the car, landing it on a more or less smooth place. Fortunately, by this time the last reserves of courage among the allied troops had dried up. In addition, the heroic Russian infantry, having overcome a huge distance with Suvorov"s forced march, was already approaching the field and hills engulfed in a grandiose battle.
  And then the warrior-sorceresses finally unleashed their magic... It was something beyond the scope of human perception. They did things that many lower-level deities could not do.
  Victoria's hellish magic forced the Orkgli and Furets horses to become covered with corpse spots and rot alive. Moreover, with colossal speed. And on the Orkgli horsemen, Furets fighters, Trolls and Fardins, purulent nasty ulcers appeared, which burst with gusto...
  The impact of the magic of Belobog's daughter Zoya was different, but no less destructive. The horses were overgrown with bright flowers, roses and violets, and the people themselves were covered with a layer of honey and chocolate. Many soldiers began to bloom like lush spring bushes. And it smelled fresh. Belobog's magic also killed, but it did it very beautifully and completely painlessly. This is good violence. And what beautiful buds with multi-colored flowers appeared instead of people.
  Perun's daughter Nadezhda used more than obvious techniques for her specialization: shooting from lightning. Thousands of electrical charges covered the shelves, turning a great many soldiers into ashes and dust. And when an electric ramp passes over you in a thick and dazzling cascade, it is less than pleasant, but more than deadly.
  And Elena, Svarog"s daughter, used a technique typical of a technician: she made the weapon shoot at her own people.
  The guns, not listening to their masters, hit the soldiers in the back, and the cannons knocked out entire ranks and mowed down the ranks with colossal intensity. And the helicopters that broke through from another universe simply burned an entire battalion with one rocket. The weapon became extremely destructive when it was influenced by the power of Svarog.
  So all four girls showed their power at once, destroying tens of thousands of soldiers and officers with one blow.
  And this decided the outcome of the battle... When the last Furets, Okrgli, Trolls and Fardin warriors died down, the four girls and the surviving Russian fighters turned to the hypermagic portal, and within a minute returned to their world.
  Gulliver, who has again become an eternal boy, performs feats and shows his wisdom and brilliant sayings. Together with him, the Viscountess stomps barefoot on the sharp stones, whose poor, tanned legs withstand the severe test with honor.
  . CHAPTER No. 1.
  Having become a young body, the former captain and famous traveler woke up.
  And so he had to stomp his bare, childish feet again on the sharp stones of the road in the direction of the port.
  A girl from a noble family took it and got off her unicorn.
  And they walked together, taking off their sandals decorated with precious stones.
  At the same time she noted:
  - It is necessary that the feet do not become soft, but are as hard and durable as possible!
  Boy Gulliver nodded:
  - This is a very wise remark! But to be honest, here in Britain the Viscountess"s desire to go barefoot would seem very strange!
  The girl sang in response:
  The whole earth is warmed with warmth,
  And I run along it barefoot...
  I wish it was summer
  You won"t be forced into the snowdrifts!
  The boy captain agreed:
  - Yes, it"s much better in summer! It"s so nice when the sun is shining and the snowdrifts shimmer in the rays!
  Here Gulliver corrected himself:
  - I wanted to say pearl dewdrops on the grass!
  The girl laughed and sang:
  - Dew, dew, dew, dew,
  It's buzzing like a swarm of wasps!
  And then she added:
  - No! This is neither a village nor a garden!
  Gulliver agreed:
  - Neither to the village nor to the garden! But in any case, you and I got along great.
  The boy"s baby legs had healed overnight, and walking was no longer as painful as it had been yesterday.
  The mood also improved.
  Gulliver noted:
  - That"s really what I don"t understand, why do you need slaves?
  The Viscountess snorted contemptuously:
  - What"s incomprehensible here?
  The boy seriously remarked:
  - You are eternal children, you have good endurance - you can work yourself!
  The girl laughed and chirped:
  - Stomp your right foot,
  Wave your left hand...
  It's good to live in the world,
  Without doing anything!
  Gulliver objected:
  - Doing nothing is boring!
  The Viscountess giggled and noted:
  - They left the hut,
  Huge rednecks...
  The boy asked:
  - Well, so what?
  The girl replied:
  - They cut down all the oaks,
  On the coffins!
  And how this eternal child will take it and laugh. Yes, this is extremely cool.
  Gulliver asked the Viscountess:
  -Are you ever serious?
  The girl sang:
  In the joke kingdom
  It's been so long...
  Nothing, as is known -
  It doesn't happen seriously!
  The boy answered with a smile:
  - Yes, I understand that! Eternal childhood in both mind and body!
  The Viscountess remarked:
  - Being determines consciousness!
  Gulliver nodded his childish head vigorously:
  - It's hard not to agree! Now, at least physically, I feel very good and cheerful. And even the worn-out soles of a child"s body coarse so quickly, and become strong and calloused, that they no longer hurt, but on the contrary, walking has even become pleasant.
  The girl nodded energetically and remarked:
  - I can sing about this topic!
  The boy captain nodded in agreement:
  - Of course, sing! We will be very happy!
  The Viscountess began to sing with great feeling and pleasure;
  There are miracles in the new world,
  It's like a fairy tale in color...
  There is such beauty here
  You can't find a flaw with a pointer!
  Well, what if it"s a new day,
  It's coming over the Earth...
  So we are not too lazy to get up,
  It doesn't get any cooler in the world!
  There will be a new light in glory,
  Where the trees are like candy...
  We will begin to greet the dawn,
  Our children are in eternal happiness!
  A new century is coming,
  This region is so beautiful...
  The person will be happy -
  Let the path be dangerous!
  May the planet bloom -
  Soon to be a lush paradise...
  Open a winning account
  The world will be a radiant May!
  How good is it?
  If the sun is shining brightly...
  A woodpecker drills a chisel
  Everyone has a wonderful time on the planet!
  How fun everything is with us,
  Full valley of happiness...
  Believe it will be the hour of dawn,
  Golden mean!
  Who would make our destiny,
  Very valiant and handsome...
  If there is a redistribution,
  Then you become more powerful!
  We won't let our heads down
  Straightening my back proudly...
  For the pancake, butter, cottage cheese,
  The hostess immediately adds!
  So there will be happiness, you know,
  And light with the Name of Svarog...
  It will become a real paradise
  People prayed to God!
  The Lord gave one answer:
  We must work in joy...
  And then hello will come -
  Faces will light up brightly!
  Here's a girl barefoot
  I rode a turtle...
  You have to punch it with your fist,
  Causing a lot of fear!
  Where does fire happen?
  Well, where is the fire burning...
  Crushing blow
  A cruel enemy is attacking!
  We will not surrender to the enemy,
  Consider this an aspiration...
  The cherub straightens
  Wings and forgiveness to enemies!
  He will say it will happen soon
  What is called victory...
  The circus happens to be a tent,
  And sometimes dogs bark!
  Soon it will be like heaven
  Let's make the whole world beautiful...
  I thank Lada -
  Cherubs shine with gold!
  The boy Gulliver clapped his hands and said with admiration:
  - How lovely! This is poetry! And the girl"s voice is simply miraculous!
  The girl modestly replied:
  - This is a gift from the gods! In general, what is given is not appreciated!
  The boy remarked again:
  -It"s hard to disagree with this! But in any case, we are not children in terms of experience and life knowledge!
  The Viscountess grinned and asked:
  -Can you prove that you are no longer a child? Moreover, precisely by intelligence and knowledge!
  Boy Gulliver nodded:
  - Of course! I can do it and of course I want it!
  The girl angrily stamped her bare foot and roared:
  - So come on, prove it right now!
  The boy began to spew out popular aphorisms with rage and excitement;
  To see the enemy is a half-win, but to remain invisible yourself is a complete win!
  The champagne of victory is shared only with three warriors; valor, courage and honor. However, unlike a human feast, the fourth friend is luck, and not superfluous at all!
  Of all the troubles, death is the most harmless, because it never happens again and after it nothing gets worse!
  In war, the most acute sense of routine is the dulling of the sense of danger!
  It's good to fly when you're soaring above nonentities - how can you fly away from a kick in the ass!
  He who flies using the fuel of bitter human tears will fly in his sweet dreams!
  Witty criticism is better than stupid praise!
  A person does not want to fall into a hole for any money, with the exception of the Womb of Venus! For this he is ready to pay extra and even give his last!
  Those who never lose their dignity are not afraid of losing their prestige!
  He who does not sing in times of trial will howl when he realizes that he suffered in vain!
  With your tongue you can grind everything except the stones of tongue-tiedness and the cobblestones of dullness!
  A female doe is good, a male deer is bad!
  A deer differs from an elk in that the former is bothered by the latter, and the prey goes to the fox!
  A real warrior must have the character of an animal, but not the intelligence of an animal!
  In the world of wolves, jackals usually take the place of a lion!
  If you want it to have a strong blow that puts the enemy down, don"t hit it while lying on the couch!
  The strongest blow comes to those who don"t give a damn about patriotism!
  The chop of the enemy is done by those whose brains are not beaten off and their eyes are not flooded!
  We can win with numbers, but we can enjoy the fruits of victory only with skill!
  An egoist who does not want to give up will definitely give up in the face of a problem!
  By attacking, of course, there is a risk of defeat, but by being attacked, you have already lost!
  Don't go left, boy, you'll end up in a hole, even if, in fact, you're right!
  You can't get away from an old woman with a scythe with slanted hands!
  It's better to be Ostap Bender than a poor dunce!
  Cunning does not always make you rich, but ingenuity certainly ruins you!
  A fox in human form is not always bright in fur coat, but always dark in intentions!
  A bright soul usually brings the flesh to funeral pallor!
  A donkey can sit on a throne, but it won't force you to kneel!
  Not the lion who roars loudly, but the one who bites hard and hits hard!
  There is no need to set fire to the house while fighting mice. There is no point in turning the country into a concentration camp while trying to defeat corruption!
  Intuition is, of course, a traitor, but not in your camp!
  Don't be afraid of a smart swindler - be afraid of an honest fool!
  He who praises the tyrant will crow the rooster on his bunk!
  A tyrant is like a lion, even stroking it, tearing off meat and skin with his claws!
  In war, comfort is like chocolate in lard, it only makes you sick with corpses!
  It is customary to light candles in church, but even in the largest quantity they are not able to extinguish the flame of human passions!
  You can have an icy heart, blood as cold as running water, but a person"s thirst for success will always be hot!
  Rushing in everything leads to bad consequences, except attempted suicide!
  Any people can win a conflict, but only Russians can win a war, so they do not strive to gain material gains for themselves!
  The fireworks of war are a holiday for everyone except cowards, and universal mourning, with the exception of the last fools!
  Most often, it is the straight convolutions that get confused!
  And they get out of trouble, convolutions, clearly laid out on the shelves!
  He scratches his tongue a lot, the one whose head itches from emptiness!
  The best investment is in the coffins of your opponents, although it is never direct!
  The army produces nothing, but it more than pays off its investment under a brave ruler!
  When a man wins, the consequence is death and humiliation! When a woman is life and pleasure!
  Women spend more on their victories than all the armies in the world, but they take an indemnity from the vanquished, which is given much more willingly!
  A woman, unlike an army without uniforms, wins faster!
  Unlike men, for women, real victory is achieved after surrender!
  In war, as in cards, you need to be able to fight back, and unlike them, the advances need to be saved and transferred to the enemy!
  War is poker, but peeking at a card is not a scam, but a feat of intelligence!
  Fighting without cunning is like slurping soup without a spoon, but for some reason the prudes only discuss the latter!
  Dashing men are fighting - separate them quickly! If women fight, it"s better not to fight!
  In war, everything is cooler than in peaceful life, except for the sloping forehead of the commander!
  Strength without good raises civilization like a hanged man with a noose!
  Without beating someone else's face off, you can't eat your own!
  The donkey is always beaten, but only killed when it ceases to be useful!
  The brave man kills the enemy, the coward kills the slave!
  Initiative in war is expensive, especially for an enemy accustomed to cheap templates!
  For beings of a lower order, sometimes their own negative experience is more useful than any positive instruction!
  They water their daily bread with their sweat, and their holiday bread with the blood of their enemies!
  When a politician grinds his tongue a lot, the result is not flour, but flour!
  When a ruler talks a lot, the dough may turn out fluffy, but it quickly goes bad!
  The hard heart of a ruler can put the whole country on breadcrumbs!
  Politics differs from mathematics in that in mathematics you cannot divide by zero, but in politics you divide by solid zeros!
  The politician is a brilliant mathematician, but only in one action - subtraction!
  You can talk about everything, but only condemn what is beneficial!
  Conversation without meaning is chatter, conversation with meaning is polemic, conversation with benefit is teaching, and the greatest profit comes from being silent!
  Only a small mind takes over with a large number!
  Two are better than one, but not if they are dead comrades!
  Blessed is he who believes, and whoever does not believe, the blessings are double, so he has confidence in his own strength and reason!
  It"s bad when there are no brakes, even worse when you slow down!
  No, the devil is terrible the way he is painted, but the most terrible thing is the sketch of an angel done by a mongrel!
  Animals live in the forest - and brutal people turn everything into a thicket!
  In the kingdom of the beast there are only roosters and parrots, and the eagles have been replaced by feather beds!
  A good design is that if you are late, you will become obsolete; a good person, if you are late, will become hated!
  Death in battle gives rise to a pair of courage and stupidity, but if at the same time an alliance is concluded with wisdom, then there will be a victorious life!
  Everything can be disguised, except your own stupidity!
  Everything can be exposed, except someone else's mind, which you yourself live in!
  Red speech is the best remedy for the shedding of red blood!
  The hardest metal is soft lead, from which bullets are cast!
  The most dangerous lead is not the one in the bullets, but the one that fills the brain!
  The best thing in the world is that you can never say it can't be worse!
  What is bad in the world is just right in war, and after victory it can"t be better!
  Mercy in war, unlike a public whore, costs more, but cannot give satisfaction!
  Only a person who is truly exalted in spirit is not shy about showing mercy to the fallen!
  You can talk about anything, but only talk about the matter, because idle chatter turns the soup into bloody diarrhea!
  Silence is gold, which gives corrosion when silencing arbitrariness!
  Words are silver, which does not allow the source of living water of knowledge and truth to go out!
  A country with strong aviation will never be left behind!
  The greatest sorrow, from a meager amount of intelligence!
  From the milk that comes from the mistakes of archers, only children of misfortune and suffering grow up!
  Physical exercise is needed so that only your opponent"s life battery runs out!
  People with dull minds and those with a strong sense of their own inferiority love to tease others!
  Sharp tongues, unlike a dagger, stab even through the chain mail of stupidity!
  The fairy tale says well, but the reality comes true poorly!
  Everything in the world comes to an end, except human idiocy and animal competition!
  Life is very much like a ring, the end of suffering is visible, but you can never feel it!
  Everything in the world comes to an end, except human idiocy and animal competition!
  Life is very much like a ring, the end of suffering is visible, but you can never feel it!
  A well-aimed eye is the best way to prevent dead people from being drafted into the army!
  And accurate instruction will not allow you to miss the road leading exactly to the goal!
  Hell has only one advantage over heaven, there is no fear of expulsion!
  The most unpleasant thing in Christian paradise is that you can"t even wish for anything better!
  Christ is the only lamb in whom the hare takes on lion features in the wolf world!
  Only those who fail to kill fear in themselves die!
  Immortality is achieved by those in whom fear does not live at all!
  He who is afraid of a large number of the enemy will shortchange his allies!
  A minute spent on reconnaissance saves a century of life and a moment of triumph!
  He who does not dismantle the roads will too often fail to collect the bones!
  The greatest damage to the enemy is caused by those who do not lose their sense of proportion!
  A person does not know the limits of his ambitions, but he is always measured by his possibilities!
  This is what Gulliver came up with - cool! And everything is literally in one breath. Indeed, truly, there are children of genius if the soul of an adult has entered into them.
  The Viscountess girl noted:
  - Yes, this can make you go crazy! That's how you can compose!
  The boy captain nodded:
  - Yes, life has taught me a lot! And including this wisdom!
  The girl then asked:
  - Why aren"t you a king in your country!
  Gulliver laughed and replied:
  - You know, somehow the idea of fighting for the throne never occurred to me. But to be honest, it"s worth thinking about!
  The Viscountess sang:
  - Passion rages in his soul,
  All the boy needs is power!
  Gulliver remarked:
  - If I already have a thousand years of life, as well as health, then why not dream of power!
  The girl ordered:
  - Hit him with a whip!
  Two guard boys took and hit Gulliver on his bare torso. He screamed.
  The Viscountess stopped the fighters:
  - Enough! This is so that he understands and knows his place! And his place is that of a slave!
  The boy Gulliver croaked, shaking off beads of sweat on his burst skin:
  - How can you not understand! Here the last ass will understand!
  The girl stamped her small, chiseled foot and squeaked:
  - Now sing! Until I got on a horse!
  The boy captain began to sing, overcoming his reluctance;
  Many troubles have come to Fatherland,
  It all ended in a colossal defeat...
  Rejoice there are no more knights,
  Honor and praise to your home!
  I am Gulliver, a great fighter,
  You know, I can fight fiercely...
  Mars is this warrior, good father,
  And my treasure hidden in my backpack!
  I'm running barefoot in the cold,
  The round heels flash across the snow...
  I will deliver the Fritz by force,
  There will be victory in fierce May!
  I destroy orcs with crossbows,
  Cutting down a dozen gnomes at once...
  I need to bite the troll on the nose,
  I became a warrior, very cheerful!
  Never for a boy like this
  The end of the world, believe me, will not come...
  I'll run forever barefoot
  So that Cain does not celebrate victory!
  Our homeland is our holy country,
  We won"t regret it, trust your life...
  Even though Satan attacks the people -
  There will be, the tree of monarchism will bloom!
  Hail Britain, valiant land,
  It contains the greatest glory of the Fatherland...
  Saint Oenomaus once ruled,
  Nowadays the girls are fighting Orcism!
  No, we will never yield to the enemy,
  Let the sun shine on the planet...
  A star shines brightly,
  We will have a bright place in heaven!
  God Jesus is lord of all,
  Crucified for humanity by the evil...
  Thank him people
  Be at least a little holy too!
  The barefoot girl was waiting for the knight,
  I was looking for armor that was cleaned to a shine...
  Apparently, such a Pallas is fate,
  To be honest, meet a knight with love!
  I believe happiness will come from progress,
  Dead people in science will be resurrected...
  Anyone who knows sex will be available,
  We will be in ecstasy - the speakers will not crack!
  The girl laughed and shook her finger:
  - Well, you are a lewd person! You forgot that you are a child now. And you will be a child for another thousand years. You even have a head start on us. The previous life does not count. You still have ten full centuries ahead of you, and I have fewer viscountess!
  Gulliver nodded with a smile:
  - I sympathize with you!
  The girl muttered:
  - Come on, say something genius about this topic!
  Gulliver again began to pour out popular expressions;
  If you want to become God, don"t be a monkey in the habit of imitating the unclean!
  If you don't want to work like an ox, you'll end up with a collar on your neck!
  The Viscountess interrupted:
  - That I no longer wanted to listen to such philosophy and aphorisms! Better sing something funny again!
  The boy captain began to sing with some reluctance. He didn"t have the strength to compose, so he sang a folk song from the Russian rebel Stenka Razin. Well, whatever came to mind, I sang:
  As if along the Volga River, along a wide
  river, a sharp-nosed boat sailed, Like daring oarsmen on a boat, Cossacks, young guys. At the stern sits the owner himself, The owner himself, Stenka Razin is menacing, In front of him is a red maiden, A captivated Persian princess. Stenka Razin does not look at princess, And looks at his mother on the Volga. As the menacing Stenka Razin said: "Oh, you are a goy, Volga, dear mother! From a stupid age you delighted me, During the long night you lulled me, rocked me, You bore me in rough weather, Aren"t you a good fellow for me? dozed, endowed my Cossacks with goodness. That we have not given you anything yet." How the formidable Stenka Razin jumped up here, picked up the Persian princess, threw the red maiden into the waves, bowed to Mother Volga.
  Stenka Razin went
  to Astrakhan city
  to trade goods.
  The governor began to demand gifts. Stenka Razin brought crispy stones, crispy stones - gold brocade. The governor began to demand fur coats. The expensive fur coat: The floors are new, One is beaver, the other is sable. Stenka Razin will not give him the fur coat. "Give it back, Stenka Razin, Give me the fur coat from your shoulder!" If you give it back, thank you; If you don"t give it back, I"ll hang it up in an open field On a green oak tree, On a green oak tree, And in a dog"s fur coat." Stenka Razin began to think: "Good, governor. Take yourself a fur coat. Take yourself a fur coat, Let there be no noise."
  That it"s not a horse"s trumpet, not people"s rumors,
  Not a trumpeter"s trumpet heard from the field, But the weather is whistling, humming, Whistling, humming, flooding. Inviting me, Stenka Razin, to take a walk on the sea, on the blue: "Well done, you"re a daring robber, You dashing robber, you riotous brawler, You board your fast boats, Unfurl your linen sails, Run across the blue sea. I will bring you three boats: On the first ship there is red gold, On the second ship there is pure silver, On the third ship there is a maiden soul
  . CHAPTER No. 2.
  The girl, stamping her bare little feet, clapped her hands and chirped:
  - How lovely it is! You are truly a miracle boy! And why do you need to be an adult?
  Gulliver answered with a smile:
  "I feel better than ever in a boy"s body!" And I"m in a very fighting and positive mood!
  And the boy-captain will splash his bare, small, freshly tanned feet.
  Then he sang:
  First grader, first grader,
  Today is your holiday...
  The hour is beautiful and cheerful,
  First meeting with school!
  And Gulliver winked with his white-toothed smile. In those days, if God forbid you had a toothache, it would be such a torment! And here it"s wonderful, you are forever a child and literally one hundred percent happy - oh, oh, oh!
  This is really funny. You perceive yourself more and more as a boy.
  But there were very good times. That's how Gulliver was in the kingdom of sorcerers who could even summon the souls of the dead. Then even dying became fearless - this means that there are other souls, and life continues after death.
  That's how great something like this is.
  The boy continued to plop his bare feet along the path and began to sing, baring his childish teeth;
  Hello mother! I've been trying to write to you for the umpteenth time. And now you are in front of me and it"s as if all the problems go away.
  The moon is floating across the sky, there is silence on the street,
  And only mom is awake in the house.
  And at night she will quietly open the door for you,
  Believe me, no one else, only mom.
  And at night she will quietly open the door for you,
  Believe me, no one else, only mom.
  And if someone ever stops loving us,
  Only the mother will wipe away the tears and understand.
  And if we ever go on a long journey,
  Then only my mother will be waiting for us.
  And if we ever go on a long journey,
  Then only my mother will be waiting for us.
  How are we doing? Yes, somehow everyone scattered. Anka died, and the Stewards divorced. Yes, somehow everything is in the turmoil of things. Mother! Why are you silent?
  The moon is floating across the sky, there is silence on the street,
  And only mom is awake in the house.
  And at night she will quietly open the door for you,
  Believe me, no one else, only mom.
  This time, too, nothing happened with my letter. Mom, but I will definitely write, definitely. I'm sorry.
  And at night she will quietly open the door for you,
  Believe me, no one else, only mom.
  And at night she will quietly open the door for you,
  Believe me, no one else, only mom.
  The girl giggled and noted:
  - Yes, that"s how things are... You thought about your mother. Do we have neither mom nor dad?
  Gulliver was surprised:
  - Wow! How is this possible? How are you born?
  The Viscountess replied with a smile:
  - The stork brings children to people. And we have a fairy-tale dragon. Only among people the fairy tale about the stork is just a fiction for small children, but with us the dragon is real. Because we are also mortals and we need to replenish our population from time to time.
  The boy captain remarked:
  - A thousand years of life is still so short! Especially if you are always full of strength and energy!
  The girl nodded in agreement:
  - May it fly by in the blink of an eye! You won't have time to look back! Although on the other hand, most likely you will be sold to a quarry, and there time moves very slowly!
  Gulliver took it and sang:
  - About the fact that labor is torture,
  In winter and spring...
  The only exception is
  When you're with Satan!
  The Viscountess frowned:
  - You are such a zealous Christian. And now I"ve already remembered about Satan! Where is your faith!
  Gulliver answered honestly:
  - Of course I believe in God,
  And I love Christ with all my heart...
  We got a loss
  But it has a door!
  The girl angrily stamped her bare little foot and squeaked:
  - Let's sing something, philosopher!
  Gulliver took it up and sang again;
  Hear the thunderclaps
  Wild howl curse, cry and moan,
  This is the time of reckoning -
  Fight Armageddon, fight Armageddon!
  The Viscountess angrily stamped her little bare foot and roared:
  - I don"t like such songs!
  The boy captain grinned sarcastically:
  - How can you not like it? Then sing it yourself, if my music doesn"t suit you!
  The Viscountess bared her teeth and growled:
  - I"ll take it and sing it!
  And the girl took it and began to sing with great enthusiasm, her teeth white, showing like ivory;
  And we are dashing elf girls,
  We love to fight for the glory of the Fatherland...
  We have a fighting, barefooted element,
  And we believe, we will build palaces of elfinism!
  There is no more beautiful country for our Elf,
  In it is the sun of the peoples of the whole world...
  And let Satan's horde attack,
  We'll do something cooler than Shakespeare!
  Do you love our Motherland of centuries,
  That our history grew in construction sites...
  From the greatest and most magnificent wreaths,
  They once cooked Spartan porridge!
  Do not throw our Fatherland to the ground,
  Which is proud, simply holy...
  When we swore by the double-headed eagle,
  And now the hammer and sickle is dear to us!
  We will soar higher than the heavens,
  We'll raise the roofs all the way to space...
  A mighty cherub hovers above us,
  Such a great word - Elfia!
  No bloody tears will fall,
  And the Elf will not trample the heel of the infidels...
  Our holy dream will come true,
  Get up off your couches guys!
  Boundless space, stormy and simple,
  Such a beautiful word - Elfia,
  We will pass an evil verdict on the Wehrmacht,
  And let's make our Motherland happier!
  Let our patronymic blossom,
  Like a bush the color of the berries of the Garden of Eden...
  We dashingly sweep away the enemy,
  The boy will receive a reward from God!
  I don"t believe what will happen with the victory of Orkshism,
  Walk through Elfskva, raking in rollers...
  Let holy Elfinism rule in Elfia,
  The girls are running, their legs flashing so fast!
  Don't cry, friends, that your husbands have fallen,
  All the dead will be resurrected by the will of Svarog...
  Who was stabbed, who fell from the gun,
  But we all fought bravely and honestly!
  I don"t know why evil reigns in the world,
  Why did the Lord give strength to the adversaries...
  Elves were often unlucky in battles,
  Although there is no braver soldier in battle!
  Well, little elf, you are brave, you know,
  You know how to fight and are very brave...
  The great king sits on the throne,
  We elected him, believe me, not in vain!
  In our Fatherland there are violets flowers,
  Emerald forests, pearl birch trees...
  Elfia is beautiful - the crown of beauty,
  At least Orkolf wants to destroy his homeland!
  No, we elf-girls are such fighters,
  What is there on the planet that is braver and cooler...
  Let our children and fathers be proud of us,
  Let the clouds clear over the Fatherland!
  I don"t know what the girls will come to,
  Will we be able to make the Fatherland happy...
  We are used to fighting with a sharp sword,
  And we win, believe me, beautifully!
  Doesn't know how strong the enemy is
  The spirit of the elves, a people beautiful in faith...
  We will certainly defeat our enemies in battle,
  Let us receive holy freedom as a reward!
  So know happiness and peace in the Fatherland,
  It was brought on bayonets by elf-mills...
  Now our strongest cherub is
  And our guys are so deft with their blows!
  Centuries pass, elfinism will come,
  All those who fell in battle will rise bodily...
  And the path is forever up, not a moment down,
  The universe is too small for us even without an edge!
  The Viscountess sang so beautifully, stamping her very graceful, childish feet. Gulliver even regretted that she was a girl. An older girl would be much more attractive. Especially the bend of the heel on the sole.
  Well, okay, even so. The boy captain replied:
  - We don"t do anything like that, we just sing and have fun!
  The girl muttered:
  - Whose voice would sing, and yours would sniffle!
  And there was a pause. The boys that the sailors had become now walked on sharp stones with almost no pain. Children's bare feet become rough very quickly. This is truly a positive fact. And of course the mood rises.
  The slave boys even began to sing;
  In the rays of the daytime sun, the back burns with fire,
  The overseer does not sleep, and the whip is faithful to him.
  When night comes, the white gentleman
  will fall asleep in his bed between the white feather beds.
  I, having extracted sugar from cane all my life, did not know any other reward than a cuff with a stick. My hand does not bend and my cloudy gaze is heavy, But my heart beats terribly, like a fiery alarm!
  I run and hide like a thief, the grass is not high, I don"t hear the dogs yet, but that"s just for now. The next morning they"ll grab me, hang me from a post, And the boys-brothers will look from under their foreheads.
  I"m already dying of thirst, I can"t see water, But a whole day of freedom, who can take it away!
  The song, of course, is not God knows what. And it doesn"t add optimism.
  Gulliver remarked with a childish smile:
  - These are the kinds of twists fate has! So I"m going and I don"t know where. And what awaits ahead... Well, in my previous adventures there was somehow more dynamics and interest. And here there are only songs, and you stomp around like a clockwork robot.
  The Viscountess nodded in agreement:
  - Do you need dynamics? What is this possible!
  And the girl took a whip from her belt and let it beat Gulliver. The boy howled in pain and croaked:
  - That's not what I meant at all!
  The Viscountess laughed and replied:
  - But you need to be educated! Maybe you can tell me some funny story?
  The boy captain nodded and began to weave a story:
  Emperor Diocletian refused to resign from power, as he understood that without him the Roman Empire would not survive. Moreover, Diolectan finally had a Son and heir, nicknamed Julius, like Caesar. The emperor ruled even before 320, managing to strengthen the old faith of Rome by modernizing paganism. Jupiter became the main God, who, as it turned out, also created the universe.
  The doctrine of both heaven and hell also arose and was strengthened. That is, instead of the gloomy kingdom of Hades, the doctrine of a fairy-tale empire was introduced, where the souls of the dead receive bodies and live again. Warrior heroes, of course, also have concubines and celebrate feasts. And the emperors have their own powers there. And of course, slaves remain slaves. But those who obey their masters and behave well - they have an easier and better life and are given young and healthy bodies after death. And disobedient slaves and Christians are tortured very cruelly, and tortured so brutally that all they can do is cry and repent.
  After Diocletian's death, his son Julius continued his father's traditions. And he even undertook several aggressive campaigns - bringing the southern border of the empire to India itself.
  This is how a new dynasty of Diocletians even arose. Which provided Rome with stability and prosperity. Christianity gradually faded and came to naught. Indeed, the fairy tale about Christ gradually went out of fashion. And Christians could not prove that they could do anything or were worth anything. And so everything went towards oblivion of what many considered to be a branch of Judaism. But among the Arabs, who had not yet been conquered by the Great Rome, Magomed appeared.
  By this time, the Romans had already conquered India. Their empire has become so huge that it is difficult to manage. In Europe, the Romans reached the Vistula. And they conquered almost all of Germany. And in the south, moving along the Nile, they subjugated Sudan and Ethiopia. But scientific progress developed slowly.
  And it turned out to be very difficult to control such territories from a single center.
  Well, therefore, the Arabs, who were poor and lived in the desert, were left alone.
  Just like the Romans did not conquer the Slavs, who lived too far away and in a harsh climate. And China, which is also full of mountains, rivers, and deserts, and has a large population. And so the Roman Empire is large both in population and territory. And the emperors especially don"t want to go to China.
  And in Africa there are also no roads or communications. Well, there were also some, across the Atlantic Ocean to America, but they were also not yet mature enough. Although some ships sail further away.
  But under the command of Mohammed, Arab troops, having subjugated Saudi Arabia, invaded Roman possessions.
  But the Romans, of course, have many times more population and troops than the Arabs.
  However, they are scattered across numerous provinces. In the meantime, Arab troops are in Palestine. And the Roman governor Scorpius fights with them, with five legions and hired Arab cavalry. But at the decisive moment of the battle the Arabs went over to the side of Mohammed and struck the Romans in the rear.
  And there was a big and bloody massacre.
  And the Roman provinces burned. But Mohammed suddenly died. And numerous and well-organized troops arrived from other provinces. And the Arabs were defeated.
  And then they were completely conquered. But all this was not in vain. And the new emperor of Rome, Constantine, decided to borrow something from the Koran. Before there is faith in the Most High God, and the prohibition of other gods and deities. However, the Roman Emperor himself was proclaimed the Face of Allah and the Most High God on Earth and the material world. This is how a new religion arose - like Islam, but in a Roman way.
  Of course, Namaz, Ramadan, the ban on eating pork and drinking wine, as well as the Hajj to Mecca were canceled as unnecessary. But, of course, polygamy itself is legalized. Well, instead of the hajj to Mecca, the hajj to Rome. And of course much more.
  Women were also not prohibited from walking half naked. But of course other religions were banned. Including Judaism. And honor other gods too. Previously, there was a main God, Jupiter, who was made the main creator of the universe by the Romans, but other gods also remained as objects of worship. And now a total ban has been introduced.
  This is how final monotheism appeared and took shape.
  The Roman Empire continued its territorial conquests!
  The girl interrupted:
  - This is, of course, interesting, but let"s sing better!
  Gulliver took a deep breath and began to sing;
  How often do we wander
  And we just forget
  That the world is ruled by vanity.
  Sometimes we play at love,
  We don"t notice sins
  And there is pain and emptiness in my heart.
  Come to Jesus and say:
  I can't live like this anymore
  I don't want to sin anymore -
  I'm sorry.
  Come to Jesus and believe
  That life will change now
  And that the holy blood of Christ
  Will save you.
  The Lord will forgive anyone
  He will heal the sick
  Fill your heart with kindness.
  His love is holy
  Lives and wins
  Brings joy and peace.
  Come to Jesus and say:
  I can't live like this anymore
  I don't want to sin anymore -
  I'm sorry.
  Come to Jesus and believe
  That life will change now
  And that the holy blood of Christ
  Will save you.
  The Viscountess remarked gloomily:
  - Somehow the song is not very artistic! Can you sing about Christ, something brighter and more beautiful?
  Gulliver shrugged his childish shoulders and answered:
  - Do you want something bright? But isn't Jesus as bright as the sun at noon at the equator?
  The girl laughed and answered:
  - Well, then sing again as best you can, if, of course, you are capable of something.
  The boy captain began to sing enthusiastically;
  You are life, you are light, a covenant of love,
  You are life, you are light, a covenant of love,
  You came into my life and filled everything with light,
  Illuminated me, gave me
  In the place of pain there is joy, grace is salvation,
  Now I'm in the covenant
  Jesus You are my life, You are air and water for me,
  You are my universe, my soul praises You.
  Jesus You are my life, You are air and water for me,
  You are my universe, my soul praises You.
  I hear Your voice, You are next to me,
  I'm in Your hands, I know
  There is no one more precious than you, you are my reward,
  Forever with you I...
  Jesus You are my life, You are air and water for me,
  You are my universe, my soul praises You.
  Jesus You are my life, You are air and water for me,
  You are my universe, my soul praises You.
  Jesus You are my life, You are air and water for me,
  You are my universe, my soul praises You.
  You are life, you are light, a covenant of love,
  You are life, you are light, a covenant of love,
  Every day I want to be with you stronger,
  Only by You alone, I live, My God,
  I will sing without ceasing, I will sing for You,
  I love you more than my whole life.
  Every day I want to be with you stronger,
  Only by You alone, I live, My God,
  I will sing without ceasing, I will sing for You,
  I love you more than my whole life.
  Jesus You are my life, You are air and water for me,
  You are my universe, my soul praises You.
  Jesus You are my life, You are air and water for me,
  You are my universe, my soul praises You.
  Jesus You are my life, You are air and water for me,
  You are my universe, my soul praises You.
  Jesus You are my life, You are air and water for me,
  You are my universe, my soul praises You.
  The Viscountess began to clap her hands and chirped:
  - It"s so much better this way! You really can sing well my boy!
  Gulliver bowed and answered:
  - Yes! I love the Most High God Jesus Christ, and of course the Most Holy Theotokos!
  The girl nodded with a smile:
  - This is wonderful! Please sing about the Most Holy Theotokos, so that everything will be bright and beautiful!
  The boy stamped his barefoot child's foot and sang;
  Holy, most pure Virgin Mary
  She gave birth to the Savior, gave us light.
  But your children are barefoot in winter -
  And in dirty basements we meet a hungry dawn!
  After all, how did it happen that the world is tormented by evil,
  That there are more poor people than in the locust fields.
  That even the cold freezes the plants in May,
  That the most common answer is - if you are poor, then dance!
  It"s a pity to give a copper penny to the rich,
  Although their mammon has swollen to the limits of decency...
  Their main mentor is an oak stick above us -
  But it will become a roar when the rooster crows!
  The Lord commanded you to share with the rich -
  So that there are no dead and crying does not torment God"s Hearing.
  Help those who are weak - kind faces say from the icons,
  If you are merciful, the beacon on the path to heaven has not gone out!
  But for many, mammon holds souls and salvation dearer,
  They say that they will buy saints with gold!
  The moneylender's fat made his disgusting face swollen -
  And a heart without peace is cold granite!
  What is your pain to us - meager people?
  In palaces we don"t even hear groans!
  Do you want shelter? May you have shelter
  Under a prison roof!
  Why give it to you, to us,
  What have we successfully taken by force?
  You were nothing and forever nothing,
  The sky was not given for you!
  But death came unexpectedly to them,
  As the Almighty Creator taught!
  Now they are where Satan burns
  Where the traitor creaks and roars from suffering!
  So you decided the Almighty was joking -
  Saying, the generous will be exalted?
  And that Jesus himself is the Creator incarnate,
  Was it wrong to say that the evil mice will eat the belongings?
  Repent by reading Mary"s prayer,
  And falling to his knees and repenting - groaning!
  When a child cries in front of you,
  And the barefoot girl is shaking from the cold!
  Take your tight and stingy wallet,
  Let's spend some money with a smile.
  Then Jesus the God of Love will lead,
  And it won"t let you fall down the unsteady path!
  The girl clapped her cute, very graceful hands, exclaiming:
  - Bravo! It is wonderful!
  Gulliver, this eternal child, asked:
  - Maybe you can sing too?
  The Viscountess nodded her head, as bright as a spring dandelion, and sang:
  You only see what you want to see.
  But can life be the way you imagine it?
  Your heart is a block of ice, and it is closed to me.
  You are completely absorbed in pressing problems
  And you spend your life on anger and regret.
  Your heart is a block of ice, and it is closed to me.
  If I could melt your heart
  We would never part.
  Trust me,
  Only you can fix everything.
  There is no point in looking for someone to blame.
  Know that I suffer too.
  If I lose you, my heart will be broken.
  Love is like a bird, it longs for freedom.
  Don't let resentment eat you from the inside.
  Your heart is a block of ice, and it is closed to me.
  If I could melt your heart
  We would never part.
  Trust me,
  Only you can fix everything.
  You only see what you want to see.
  But can life be the way you imagine it?
  Your heart is a block of ice, and it is closed to me.
  If I could melt your heart
  We would never part.
  Trust me,
  Only you can fix everything.
  If I could melt your heart
  We would never part.
  Trust me,
  Only you can fix everything.
  If I could melt your heart...
  The adventures of four barefoot ninja girls and their eternally young guru-demiurge are extremely exciting in confrontation with Lord Tyranus and other villains of all stripes.
  They showed the adventures of very beautiful four warriors, who were called ninjas. And they had a teacher - a boy of thirteen or fourteen years old, very muscular. Moreover, he only looks like a teenager, but in reality he is some kind of pagan god, expelled from heaven to Earth. And he is many thousands of years old. So the barefoot boy trains the ninja girls.
  Well, this is pretty funny. Moreover, the boy"s bare, pink heels flash while he jumps.
  And then the girls" opponents appeared. Two large mutants - one with the head of a crocodile, and the other of a lion. They are obviously up to something bad. For example, they decided to steal a large diamond from the city treasury. The time period is approximately the end of the twentieth century and people"s technologies are not yet so cool. And these mutants have laser machine guns in their hands, and also special radiation that makes the fighters almost invisible.
  And here are two mutants - half-human and half-animal, which makes them unusually strong, and perhaps even fast.
  So they entered the hall where the diamond is kept. And how they will fuck with the alarm system and bulletproof glass. From a laser beam, transparent armor will explode.
  The crocodile and the lion rushed to the diamond, grabbed it and hid it in a strong bag. Of course, the alarm went off. The police burst into the building.
  But the mutant warriors, like they would hit with laser machine guns, cut a dozen guards at once, like a blotter with scissors. After which, the lion and crocodile turned on the invisibility field.
  But four girls are already racing in their racing, flying car to the rescue. Their boy guru usually appears suddenly, and in case of a critical moment or emergency.
  The girls sing with rage:
  - Too often trouble knocks on the door,
  But it"s not difficult to believe in cool girls...
  After all, you just have to call them -
  You don't have to wait long for friends!
  They move very quickly in their air car.
  One of the girls is Natasha, who has blue hair and is a real technical genius. And, of course, the ninja warriors put on special glasses that allowed them to see, even in a special field that distorted the movement of photons.
  The corpses of murdered police officers... Yes, it's disgusting. And the collapsed walls of the museum. Powerful weapons for mutants from the Ygrek dimension. But, of course, they are not on their own. They have a boss, who also doesn"t always appear right away.
  The girls are blocking the way for mutant criminals who are ready to jump into the portal.
  They, of course, open fire from machine gun blasters. The girls jump to the side. Although it looks kind of stupid - to have time to deviate from a laser that flies at the speed of light.
  But cinema is cinema.
  Here is a girl with yellow hair throwing a piece of ceramic with her bare toes. And he will hit the laser machine, knocking it out of the hands of the mutant. And another girl threw a dagger with her bare heel, it flew above the monster"s head and hit the pipe. It burst and the lion was overcome with steam. He also dropped his machine gun in pain and surprise.
  The girls growled:
  - Fight on equal terms!
  In response, a mutant with a crocodile head will throw a Mercedes car at them. It will fly by, and the girls will jump higher. And the car rushes under their bare feet.
  The girls flash their bare, pink heels and quickly rush to get closer to the mutants. And their muscles roll like balls under their tanned and elastic skin.
  And then he appears - enemy number one, Lord Tyranus in a black battle suit and a closed helmet. This means there will be a serious battle ahead. The girls are, of course, trained. The warrior with red hair remembers how their boy guru held a candle with the toes of his bare, almost childish feet. And she tried to extinguish it.
  And flew past, crashing into a stone wall. And now the warrior is trying to push Tyranus in the stomach with her bare heel, but he moves. And his paw scratches the girl"s bare sole.
  She even groaned in pain.
  Natasha, the girl with blue hair, chirped:
  - Girls fight for metal, for metal,
  Satan rules the show there, rules the show there!
  And she also attacked Tyranus. A warrior in black armor put up a block. But a mutant crocodile tried to move the girl from the side with a log.
  However, the warrior dodged, and the log crashed into Tyranus.
  He, having received a blow of lethal force, crashed and roared:
  - Idiot!
  The girl with yellow hair added her bare heel to the back of the mutant lion's head and chirped:
  - We are the strongest in the world,
  Let's soak the mutants in the toilet...
  The motherland doesn't believe in tears,
  And we'll beat Tyranus to the punch!
  The girl with red hair squeaked and pointed her knee at the two-legged lion's chin. And he clanked his teeth. And it turned out to be a very lethal hit.
  And then the mutant beast stepped on the laser machine, and a beam of destructive, unusual power was released. Which hit the polished surface of the metal, was reflected and hit right under the crocodile"s tail.
  He will roar from wild pain.
  Tyranus, however, jumped up and threw one of the ninja girls over him. It collided with the brickwork, scattering the products in different directions. This was an aggressive showdown. The girl in the bikini was slightly scratched, leaving bruises on her bronze skin.
  She immediately jumped up and did a spin. And then Tyranus received a blow to the shoulder blade and fell down.
  Everything would have been fine, but a couple of combat robots jumped out of the portal. And they have blasters in their hands.
  Natasha threw a small, thin, round disk at the robot and barely managed to dodge a blast from a blaster. The disk hit the robot in the eye and caused a short circuit, causing it to become covered in a web of lightning.
  The girl with white hair stood up on her hands. And her bare, graceful foot threw a pea with explosives.
  It fell into the large robot's cybernetic mouth. And how it will explode. A pair of limbs of a cybernetic organism described an arc and struck one at the lion and the other at the crocodile. And so successful. Right on the back of the head. And both mutant thugs passed out dead.
  True, Tyranus managed to move the ninja girl with yellow hair along the body to the side.
  And she flew away and turned over several times in flight. Then, however, she got up, but a little hard.
  Tyranus growled: "Meow and Woof, let"s fight." But both mutants - a lion and a crocodile with the bodies of athletes - continued to lie motionless. And their mighty torsos swayed.
  Natasha answered with a smile:
  - Now you are alone, and there are four of us! Finally, you will be finished.
  Tyranus roared:
  - Four against one, that's not fair! And ninja girls fight extremely honestly.
  The red-haired ninja girl muttered:
  - Is this what you're aiming for? But is he honest?
  The warrior in black armor remarked:
  - But I"m a villain, and you, positive heroines! Are the methods of good commensurate with the methods of achieving the goal of evil?
  Natasha nodded in agreement:
  - He is right! I will fight him one on one!
  The red haired ninja girl retorted.
  - No! I"d rather fight with him - one on one!
  The white-haired ninja girl squeaked:
  - Why are you doing this? Maybe I'm even better and cooler than you!
  The yellow haired ninja girl suggested:
  - Maybe we can cast lots? Or maybe we can do a counting game?
  Natasha nodded and asked:
  - Stone or brick?
  At that moment there was a flash. And the boy guru himself appeared. He was wearing only shorts with a very muscular and sculpted torso, but he looked no more than thirteen years old. Blonde hair with a fashionable boyish cut. The demiurge boy angrily stamped his bare, tanned, strong foot so that the asphalt cracked, and said in a ringing voice:
  - No! We have a long-standing score with him! Let's fight one on one on one - we are like classic good and evil!
  Tyranus nodded with a smile, his black mask stretched:
  - Great! It will be a very interesting fight!
  Natasha with blue hair said with disappointment:
  - You, as always, are right sensei! But what remains for us?
  The guru boy replied:
  - And you take care of them!
  And he pointed with the finger of his right hand at the still open portal from which the enemy"s combat robots were emerging.
  A ninja girl with red hair noted:
  - Well, now everything is fair! And the warrior girls fight with dignity.
  And all four girls took and extracted from the belts on their hips small peas with a strong explosive. The robots came from the portal, and they had blasters in their hands. Give them free rein, and they will be able to enslave, or destroy, or maybe both at the same time, the earth!
  And so the beauties took and threw these peas with the bare toes of their nimble feet. Those, flying in an arc, hit the four advanced robots right in the neck. And how after that he will take it and explode.
  The heads of the cyborgs were torn off. One hit the robot behind it, and it was completely short-circuited.
  Meanwhile, the guru boy and his opponent, dressed in black armor, stood against each other.
  Barefoot, with a naked, very prominent torso, the child sensei seemed like an insignificant opponent against the backdrop of a large fighter. Tyranus is half human and half demon. And also, he is capable of much.
  To begin with, he took and released from his black, long, gloved fingers lightning bolts of power. They flashed like a corona discharge in an electrical network.
  The boy fighter raised his bare foot, and the lightning of the force went out at once, and as if a discharge went under the asphalt.
  The young warrior nodded:
  - Do you want an answer?
  Tyranus drew a luminous blade, shining scarlet like a poppy, and answered:
  - Let the sword fight decide which of us is right and which is wrong!
  The boy-guru in response drew his own sword, which glowed blue, and said with a smile:
  - A sword fight will not determine whether anyone is right. It will only show which of us is more technical, dexterous and quick-witted!
  . CHAPTER No. 1.
  Tyranus made the first lunge. He performed a triple fan technique. And the red sword described an arc above the bright, beautiful head of the boy-sensei. In response, the young demiurge jumped and scratched the enemy"s armor with his blue sword and deftly dodged the retaliatory attack.
  The armor on Tyranus began to smoke, and a streak ran through it.
  He muttered:
  - Not bad, boy!
  The guru boy laughed and remarked:
  - I remember wandering with my bare feet through the desert of Egypt when there were no pyramids there yet!
  Tyranus tried to attack again, but the boy jumped over the sword beam and kicked the warrior in black armor in the chin with his bare heel. And from the blow he staggered and fell on one knee.
  Meanwhile, ninja girls fought with robots. They threw murderous peas of death at the enemy with their very nimble bare fingers, like monkey paws. And these gifts of annihilation hit the enemy from the alien metal and tore them apart, causing detonation.
  And the cars were torn to pieces. In response, beams were released that glowed green and yellow. But the ninja warriors jumped away from them, flashing barefoot, tanned, chiseled and surprisingly agile legs.
  Natasha slightly changed her tactics during the battle and threw the pea with explosives higher. It described an arc and hit the roof. It fell down and rammed the advancing robots, two dozen at once.
  But a boarding tank crawled out of the portal. But you can"t just take him with a pea with explosives.
  The Guru Boy continued to fight Tyranus. He had already taken it out with a lightsaber several times without even receiving a scratch. However, the black armor saved the evil warrior from serious trouble.
  The boy noted:
  -You have a good gunsmith!
  Tyranus nodded:
  - The dwarf made this armor!
  The young guru chuckled and sang:
  - We can literally conquer everything,
  Break any army by playing...
  Let the thread of our life not be interrupted,
  We won't become a brainless parrot!
  The battle between the two great masters continued. The boy was fast and small, and his lithe body was extremely agile. The young warrior's muscles rolled and flowed like ripples on a stormy sea.
  And he was an order of magnitude faster than Tyranus.
  The ninja girls tried to somehow restrain the giant robot. Peas of explosives trivially bounced off the armor that covered the gigantic tank and robot in one bottle. At first he crawled out like a tank, barely squeezing through the portal. And then he took it and rose to great heights, and lethal power appeared.
  The girls barely had time to escape the laser shots of such a powerful robot with guns.
  And Natasha noted with a smile, smacking her lips:
  - Yes! This is another surprise from Hyperbrain! Tyranus himself would never have thought of this!
  A ninja girl with yellow hair took and threw a dagger, trying to hit the rollers. But the weapon bounced off the armor, failing to wedge itself.
  The warrior sang:
  Oh, the armor of the tank is reliable,
  From someone who intends to bite...
  But she won't break me
  A ninja girl can always fight!
  The girl with white hair turned to Natasha:
  - Well, do something.
  The girl with blue hair asked:
  - Do you want that?
  In response, an eloquent laugh. Then Natasha took and removed from her belt a device the size of a matchbox. And with her bare toes she tuned it to a certain wavelength, trying to select the necessary and lethal radiation. But she had to jump back, as the huge terminator grabbed her and struck her with deadly lightning. It made a crater in the asphalt, a deep one at that.
  Natasha clicked her bare heels and sang:
  - War is always cool
  Spring is raging in the sky...
  Years pass, I believe,
  But we are young forever!
  And after that, she sent a wave with a worm virus at the huge terminator. And this rattling electric boa constrictor went into the circuits of a huge robot terminator, and it really began to shake.
  And the guru boy and Tyranus continued to fight. And their lightsabers flashed and glowed with a bright flame.
  The young warrior was finally able to truly commit to the blow, and his lightsaber cut off the black warrior"s hand.
  Then he cried out:
  - Damn, it hurts!
  The guru boy giggled and noted:
  - You're probably the devil! And I, angel!
  Tyranus grinned and remarked:
  - But you wouldn"t kill an unarmed man, would you?
  The young warrior nodded:
  - Give up! We will judge, punish and have mercy on you!
  The black warrior raised his left hand and suddenly, suddenly, threw a pea. A miniature atomic bomb exploded. And Tyranus disappeared.
  The guru boy whistled:
  - It"s always like this! And how does he do it?
  Suddenly a voice came from behind:
  - Get it!
  The young warrior barely had time to jump away. A crocodile and a lion shot at him. And the rays pierced the robot that jumped out to meet them. It detonated and exploded. And fragments flew in different directions. One of them hit the guru boy on the bare heel. And he groaned.
  But then the young warrior turned around and sang:
  - We will boldly go into battle,
  For the ninja's cause...
  We will defeat all enemies,
  In the name of life!
  And then the boy-fighter hit the mutant lion"s temple with his bare heel, and he fell down as if knocked down.
  The enemy crocodile swung a piece of rail and wanted to move the boy, but he hit himself on the knee and fell down. The boy guru kneed him on the back of the head and noted:
  - You stood in my way for a very long time!
  Natasha, who had sent yet another mutant to scrap metal by throwing a pea with explosives, corrected:
  - On our way!
  And the warriors grabbed the two stunned bandit animals by the arms.
  The guru boy remarked:
  - If we hand them over to the police, then Tyranus with his equipment and robots will break down any prison and free them:
  The ninja girl with white hair suggested:
  - Let's set a trap for the black lord. He will rush to rescue the mutants, and then we will grab him!
  The yellow haired ninja girl remarked:
  - This idea is very good! But here"s the catch: will Tyranus sense a catch?
  A ninja girl with red hair noted:
  - There is another problem here. The police might get confused if you give them mutants. Indeed, animals are kept in menageries, not in prison!
  Natasha tweeted:
  Animals get ready for school
  The cockerel crowed long ago...
  Really, don't try,
  Don't kick, don't bite,
  It won't help anyway!
  The guru boy said emphatically:
  - Maybe it"s better to throw them back to Tyranus?
  Natasha shrugged:
  - Why else is this? We tinkered with them so much!
  The young warrior noted:
  - Because these cretins are our old friends, whom we constantly beat. And so, Hyperbrain can create mutants that are much smarter and more agile!
  The ninja girls laughed and chirped:
  - I believe that people don"t say goodbye to fairy tales,
  And they will remain true friends forever!
  After which, they took two large mutant animals with their barefoot, graceful, tanned, muscular legs, as if woven from steel wire, and they flew along a tangential trajectory and fluttered into the portal.
  After which, the glow stopped. Five warriors: four girls and a boy, looked around.
  The girl with red hair remarked:
  - We should...
  A ninja girl with white hair asked:
  - What should you do?
  She answered:
  - Eat some chocolate covered ice cream! It's both delicious and angry!
  The girls and the guru boy moved down the street. And they began to sing with joy and delight:
  Sword of light, progress
  Let's bring love...
  Even though the world is full of stress -
  Let's save the planet!
  Let the fate be terrible -
  Evil death has come...
  Don't die in vain
  After all, our Motherland is alive!
  Then the guru boy suddenly remembered:
  - But we forgot the most important thing - to return the stolen diamond!
  Natasha squeaked:
  - Yes, this is indeed our miscalculation! How can they get so screwed up?
  The girl with red hair suggested:
  - Maybe we"ll take it like this and rush into someone else"s dimension?
  The white haired ninja girl retorted.
  - No! This requires too much energy. We"d better find out why they need this diamond.
  The guru boy nodded:
  - Yes! They didn't just steal it. And they won"t cut it into pieces to sell. Most likely, Tyranus will want to use it as a focusing lens for powerful weapons.
  Natasha suggested:
  - Let's then take it and make our own trick to deliver a pre-emptive strike on the enemy!
  The white haired ninja girl giggled and remarked:
  - An artificial diamond is not suitable for the role of a focuser. You need to use only natural ones. Right?
  The guru boy nodded:
  - Certainly! Otherwise, why would Tyranus steal a natural one? It"s easier to make his own, artificial one.
  Natasha suggested:
  - There is only one other place in the world where such a diamond is stored. This is where we should go!
  The red-haired ninja girl remarked:
  - There is serious security there. So what, we chop them all into pieces?
  The guru boy objected:
  - No! It won't do. We cannot stoop to robbery. We are the bright part of the force!
  The yellow haired ninja girl chirped:
  - We are capable of good,
  Breaking the evil spell...
  But of course it doesn't matter
  What a small diamond size!
  A ninja girl with white hair suggested:
  - Come on, then let's ask for that diamond for a while. Well, I think a day is enough for us?
  The guru boy jumped up and said:
  - Another option is possible. We will take it and offer to organize a competition for the coolest Superman hero, and the winner will get the right to wear a jewel around his neck for a whole week. This way we can do good deeds and get a diamond without stooping to banal robbery!
  Natasha doubted:
  - Will they agree to organize a competition for this? And trust a stranger to carry the stone for a whole week, risking that it will wash off?
  The young warrior noted:
  - Well, first of all, who else can"t be trusted, like the main character, Superman. And secondly, gangs in Tokyo are now no less rampant than in New York, and they will only welcome the idea of cleaning out the Augean stables!
  A ninja girl with white hair noted:
  - This is logical! You really should try it! Moreover, Tokyo is the largest city in the world, and it"s interesting to see what it looks like now!
  Natasha tweeted:
  - The world is afraid to respect us,
  The girls' exploits are countless,
  Ninjas, as always, know how to fight,
  Winter will end - spring will come!
  The guru boy said with a smile:
  - Recently, such a cool thing as the Internet has appeared, and through it we will send our idea!
  The red haired ninja girl suggested:
  - Let's then, to make it easier for the soul, take it and misbehave as it should!
  The yellow haired ninja girl retorted.
  - We catch hooligans, not hooligans ourselves!
  The white haired ninja girl chirped:
  - Doing something that is completely wrong
  It's sweeter than even ice cream!
  The boy-sensei nodded and said:
  - I have a special modem, we"ll send it right now!
  And he began to type numbers.
  At that moment the portal opened again. A small but very mobile tank jumped out. Instead of a cannon barrel, he had two long swords spinning.
  Natasha whistled:
  - Fencing tanks are not effective, but they are impressive!
  The guru boy made a funny face and sang:
  - Three tankers drank three hundred each,
  And then, we drank a hundred!
  The artilleryman was repulsed
  Because a tank is nothing in battle!
  The ninja girl with white hair took the pea and threw it at the fencing tank. It flew by, but the blow of the machine's sword hit the pea. And there was an explosion. And the tip didn"t even scratch anything, but the explosion dissipated.
  Natasha noted with a smile that glowed like car headlights on a dark night:
  - Wow! It's not that simple!
  The guru boy picked up with his bare toes a fragment of a laser machine gun bayonet from a destroyed robot lying on the road.
  And he launched it with a throw of his foot along the trajectory. He flew over and hit a barrel of beer. The impact caused the barrel to turn over and splash foamy liquid onto the fencing tank. As a result, a fatal short circuit occurred.
  A foamy wave washed over the car, lightning flashed, entangling it in a cobweb. And the alloy steel swords curled into a tube.
  The guru boy squeaked:
  - One, two, three - wipe the spotlights,
  Four, eight, five - kill the evil orcs!
  Natasha noted:
  -You are truly great, sensei!
  The young warrior objected:
  - No! We are all both great and insignificant in our own way!
  Natasha sang:
  What a person cannot curb in any way,
  His desire to become the Almighty Almighty...
  So that the Earth rules the universe,
  You are the demiurge ruler over the existing world!
  A ninja girl with white hair noted:
  - Yes, these songs are just lovely! And here you can"t argue against the fact that a person is developing by leaps and bounds!
  The red haired ninja girl replied:
  - What is seven miles compared to space parsecs? Agree - it"s minuscule!
  The yellow haired ninja girl sang:
  Earth in the porthole, earth in the porthole,
  The earth is visible through the porthole...
  How a son is sad about his mother, how a son is sad about his mother,
  We are sad about the earth, it is alone!
  And the stars, nevertheless,
  And the stars, nevertheless,
  A little closer, but everyone is also cold,
  And like the hours of an eclipse, and like the hours of an eclipse,
  We are waiting for the light and seeing earthly dreams!
  Natasha giggled and objected:
  - And I"m already tired of this planet, Earth! I want to be transported to the Ygrek dimension. And have a good time there!
  The guru boy smiled and replied:
  - What planets and what dimensions have I not visited? And I saw something that could literally tear the roof off its hinges. So there are many interesting places in the universe!
  The red-haired ninja girl remarked:
  Of a thousand planets
  There is no such green...
  Of a thousand planets -
  There is no such favorite!
  Natasha noted with a grin:
  - But you must admit, it"s much more interesting when, for example, you find yourself in a world where, instead of oxygen, the most important element is fluorine. And in this case, evolution should go even faster!
  The guru boy nodded:
  - There are such worlds, although they are rare. But you can only move there in a combat suit, or under the cover of a strong force field!
  The portal opened again. Another robot that looked like a rabbit jumped out of it. And very bouncy! How it will jump and turn over, releasing a fiery pulsar from its mouth!
  The white haired ninja girl chirped:
  - Magic rabbit,
  Draws a zero!
  The guru boy asked the girls:
  - We'll get him wet, or let him live!
  Natasha noted with a chuckle:
  - Still a funny bunny! But what can be done to make him good?
  The bouncing robot rabbit suddenly made a long jump and was transported to another street. And there were already cars from the end of the twentieth century - also quite decent and fast, of different colors.
  The ninja girls and guru boy rushed after him. They climbed through the houses to take a shortcut. And their bare, prehensile toes clung to the walls and cornices, and allowed them to move through the structures.
  A ninja girl with white hair noted:
  - Indeed, the wise men say, if the wolves are fed and the sheep are safe, it means that the number of hares has decreased!
  The yellow haired ninja girl remarked:
  - How do rabbits differ from hares?
  The ninja girl with red hair suggested:
  - Hares are leaner, athletic and have less fat!
  Natasha sang:
  But if you have a hare's heart,
  Even if there are wings behind your back...
  Don't try to fly higher.
  Steel wings will crush you!
  So they jumped to the next street. The robot rabbit caused a real traffic jam. And things actually even came to the point of clashes. And the electronic creature will burst into flames from its mouth. And how he twists his donkey ears. This actually turned out to be very cool and cool.
  Natasha took and threw at the robot rabbit with her bare, chiseled foot a destructive pea with explosives, which the warriors themselves made according to the recipes of their guru.
  But the robot rabbit waved his long and wide ears, and the pea flew back. And she almost struck Natasha and her companions to death, rushing under their bare feet with pink, round heels.
  The boy guru noted:
  - Wow! It turns out we have a problem!
  Natasha sang:
  Although we cannot solve all our problems,
  Not solving all problems...
  But everyone will be happier
  Everyone will have more fun!
  The ninja girl grinned and took it and tried to cover the robot rabbit with a throw of a killer dagger. And he flashed by like a meteor. But again the ears of the advanced robot waved, and the weapon flew back. And now Natasha has to run away and dodge. But she managed to survive and sang:
  Hell's hare in the face of death,
  The victim awaits at midnight...
  I believe we will have immortality,
  And the rabbit will get it in the eye!
  The guru boy suggested:
  - What if we use our ancient but effective method of fighting particularly advanced robots?
  Natasha asked with a smile:
  - How"s that?
  The young warrior suggested:
  - Take it and whistle!
  The red haired ninja girl stated:
  - Then let's all do it together!
  The girls and boys put their bare toes in their mouths and whistled. And several large, urban crows lost consciousness from shock and, fainting, rushed down. And their striking beaks, like they took and rammed a rabbit. It immediately became entangled in a web, sparked and exploded. Moreover, in flight, the fragments of the terminator rabbit turned into delicious and sweet chocolates.
  The guru boy sang, picking up the delicious candy with his bare foot:
  - I'm a chocolate bunny
  I'm a gentle bastard...
  I'm one hundred percent sweet
  Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!
  I'm a chocolate bunny
  And touching your lips,
  I melt so easily
  Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!
  After which, he took a small bite. And then he spat it out; something very real flared in the boy"s throat. And a very burning and aggressive fire.
  Natasha noted:
  - Don"t put every tasty treat in your mouth like a little boy!
  The white haired ninja girl sang:
  Of course, the fintipluskins,
  Not at all like the Pushkins...
  But still, they were able to create a masterpiece,
  And you are a guru boy - don"t drift forward!
  The girls began to pull people out of damaged cars. And then they tried to treat them.
  The most effective way to speed up the healing of wounds is to stick the bare sole of a girl's foot to the face of the injured person and have him kiss it.
  Then a very colossal and powerful energy of healing, joy and energy of healing magic is transmitted.
  The guru boy did the same thing, sticking his bare feet in for kisses, choosing representatives of the fair sex.
  And at the same time, he hummed through his nose:
  Girls, girls, girls,
  Don't stand cowardly on the sidelines...
  Better get things done
  May your Motherland bloom!
  Yes, the work here was interesting - they took on the role of doctors. And a helicopter appeared in the sky. TV presenter Veprin o Nile was flying on it. She was a beautiful girl, but at the same time, of course, she was far from a ninja in a fight.
  However, the girls had already saved her and helped her out several times.
  Natasha waved her hand and sang:
  Stupid people talk about stress,
  Stress is like a hand...
  They will make an interesting film for you,
  In another hour!
  Veprin squeaked and yelled:
  - Hello, fighters! I see you have become so cool! And they have already begun to charge powers with magic.
  The guru boy remarked:
  - Sometimes it is more difficult to resurrect one than to kill a million, or rather, not even sometimes, but almost always!
  When the helicopter landed, the girl journalist jumped off and ran up to the young warrior. She kissed him on the lips and said:
  Young in body and soul,
  Boy, you are completely barefoot...
  But with your mind, consider yourself a giant,
  That's right, people say!
  The guru sang in response to the boy:
  What people say
  We care
  There will be a strong result -
  If you hit it decently!
  The Second World War did not start. Britain and France allowed Hitler to occupy Poland. After which there was a temporary peaceful pause. However, on February 23, 1950, Stalin began a war against Japan, seeking to regain the south of Sakhalin and other lands lost during tsarist times. And a new big war began in the Far East. The samurai stubbornly resist, and Hitler, his Third Reich and other states are gathering forces to strike the USSR.
  . CHAPTER No. 1.
  British Prime Minister Chamberlain was smart enough not to declare war on Germany after the attack on Poland. The Wehrmacht quickly defeated the troops of Warsaw and divided this power with Stalin. After some time there was a war between the USSR and Finland. Much like in real history. Then the accession of the Baltic states and Moldova. After which the new Soviet empire stabilized. Stalin almost completed the collection of Slavic lands. And Germany has already in some places exceeded the 1914 borders. And through diplomatic means she also achieved the return of the colony of Namibia. The Third Reich grew stronger and Hitler was at the peak of his popularity.
  The Second World War never broke out. In Germany, the economy experienced strong growth and factories were built, including for automobiles. And Hitler even repealed almost all anti-Semitic laws. The regime of the Third Reich was experiencing liberalization.
  Everything seems to be fine in the USSR too. The Third Five-Year Plan was officially declared as overfulfilled as always. True, there were problems with agriculture and food.
  The Stalinist regime pursued a policy of stimulating the birth rate and prohibiting abortion. Population growth increased. The Fourth Five-Year Plan also seemed to be overfulfilled. But life did not get better in material terms. The USSR had too much military equipment. Moreover, Stalin, having brought up the tank sphere, relied on the construction of a large number of large surface ships, including battleships.
  And a new big purge with repressions began. Even Budyonny, Voroshilov, Timoshenko, Shapochnikov and others became its victims.
  Stalin decided that it was time to get rid of the old team, including Molotov and Kaganovich - they know too much. Beria was also shot. And then his successor Serov. A very young Shelepin took their place.
  Stalin's seventieth birthday was celebrated magnificently all over the world. Everything would have been fine, but in the USSR there were mass purges and repressions again. Even entire nations were subjected to terror and genocide. In Germany, on the contrary, liberalization: the multi-party system has even returned. And what? All the same, the Nazis are beyond competition and easily win any election. Hitler himself, despite his status as Fuhrer for life, held popular elections for the presidency of Germany. And even with a couple of pocket alternative candidates. And of course, he won.
  The Fuhrer is an authoritarian leader, but within reasonable limits. And even abolished the death penalty.
  It"s true that the Germans have problems too. In particular, demographic policy increased the German population. But the territory of the Third Reich is relatively small and there are problems with food. We have to buy. It"s true that the economy is booming, but I want colonies.
  In the world, Britain and France still retain their colonies. And they don"t need new lands - they would like to digest their own. But Hitler wants to expand the empire, so the population density in Germany is growing and there are many children. And this creates tension. In particular, the Germans want the West to return to the borders of 1914. This means that France and Denmark must cede part of their territory.
  Stalin, too, although the Soviet empire is huge, wants to complete the collection. And the problems with Japan have especially worsened. In particular, the USSR tried to regain young Sakhalin through diplomatic means. But Japan resisted. The USSR is militarily very strong and has a large population.
  And then Stalin"s patience ran out. And on February 23, 1950, the day of the Soviet army, the war against Japan began. It must be said that the Land of the Rising Sun beat Tsarist Russia during the war of 1904-1905. And of course, Soviet generals and authorities dreamed of revenge.
  Thus began a new big war. The USSR last fought ten years ago with Finland. He managed to conquer something, but at the cost of great losses. And now he tried to expand the territory again. And this was the curse of this empire, which sought to expand.
  Stalin, who was already seventy years old and had health problems, wanted new conquests. At least return southern Sakhalin and, if desired, the Kuril ridge. And also take control of Manchuria and Port Arthur.
  The fighting began with the attack of Soviet troops on Sakhalin. It was not sudden; the Japanese fortified themselves, dug trenches and trenches.
  But Soviet troops launched tanks on the offensive. Including the mighty IS-7. This vehicle weighed seventy-eight tons and was armed with a 130-mm long-barreled gun. And she had eight machine guns.
  Alenka fought with a crew of girls in this car. Despite the winter, the powerful engine and heater provided a hot temperature. So the girls stripped down to bikinis and fought barefoot.
  The car was heading towards Japanese positions. The tank had sloped armor, and its turret was streamlined and low.
  Thirteen modifications of the KV appeared in the USSR, and some reached a weight of two hundred tons. But then the IP family arose. The cars are more compact, with a lower silhouette, and no longer have as many trunks. However, the KV series has not yet been withdrawn from service. The IS-7 appeared quite recently, and the Red Army has only a few such vehicles.
  And how not to form a crew of girls so that it is politically correct. After all, there is equality in the red empire.
  The aggressor in this case was the USSR. Although the MGB staged a provocation. Japan did not fight with the USA and Britain. They have been butting heads with China for too long. In the end, they somehow concluded a truce and divided spheres of influence. The USSR had to fight a strong and numerous Japanese army and a huge fleet. Therefore, the blitzkrieg that happened in real history in 1945 was unreal.
  And the Soviet command, having no experience of the Second World War, acted the old fashioned way. Instead of a sudden attack by large forces, the battles in Manchuria began with small skirmishes. And the Japanese had a powerful and technologically advanced defense.
  So Stalin got into a protracted and bitter war. Moreover, troops had to be transferred from the European USSR. The population, of course, was larger than in real history, and it seems that the GDP was also larger. But the quality of troops and operational command is much lower.
  Much in the Red Army is morally outdated. Although of course there is a lot of equipment and tanks and planes and even ships. But the fleet is not yet completed. It is impossible to build battleships and large aircraft carriers as quickly as tanks and planes.
  But Stalin, having health problems and having noted that for seventy years, did not want to delay the war. So he could trivially not last even longer. But I want to go down in history as a great commander. The war with Finland was not convincing - too many losses, against a country with a population of three and a half million. So Hitler defeated Poland, which had a much larger population, in three weeks with fewer losses.
  The Battle of Khalkhin Gol was a local battle. And also not entirely clear, since the USSR lost more planes and tanks than the Japanese.
  Stalin wants to take revenge from Japan for the defeats of the tsarist era. And show yourself to be very cool. But will he succeed? Economically, the USSR is, of course, stronger than Japan. And the population is more. But the fleet has not yet been completed. The USSR began building large surface ships too late. Since Stalin feared Hitler's attack and developed the ground army more.
  But Hitler seems to be behaving quietly. Indeed, he already has territorial gains and fame. And the big spoon is in my mouth. Moreover, the Fuhrer was still afraid of fighting with France, Britain, Belgium and Holland - they could crush Germany with colonial divisions alone. In real history, the Third Reich was saved by the fact that Hitler was able to win at the pace of the blitz, in just a month and a half. But if there had not been a quick victory, then the matter would most likely have ended in the defeat of the Third Reich.
  Like the USSR, Hitler could have won in principle at the pace of the blitzkrieg, but a protracted war turned out to be disastrous.
  The Third Reich is economically very strong, however. And its population is large and continues to grow.
  Hitler decided for now to see how things would turn out for Stalin in the war with Japan. And if the Red Army gets bogged down, then what the hell, you can attack. In secret, German diplomats have already begun work. In particular, Finland may take Germany's side. The Finns are eager to take back Vyborg and other lands conquered from them by the Red Army. And Romania also yearns for revenge for annexed Moldova, and part of Bukovina.
  These countries would willingly support Germany in the war against the USSR. It is more difficult with Bulgaria and Yugoslavia, where the regimes are pro-German, but the population is Slavic and does not want war with the USSR. Hungary also has a pro-German regime, in exchange for part of Galicia it can join the anti-Soviet coalition. Moreover, after Horthy came the more radical Salasi. Slovakia has a formally independent pro-German regime, but their army is not very strong.
  There is also Türkiye with strong German influence. In real history, she did not enter the war. But then the Turks were threatened with bombing from Britain and the United States. And now Britain, France, and the United States immediately expressed moral support for Japan after Stalin"s attack. And Türkiye could enter the war. Moreover, in the First World War, it seems that Turkey did not lose to Russia, and even conquered the Carp region. Why not try again? But Turkey still has a large population, even if it doesn"t have a very high-quality army.
  But the strongest ally of the Third Reich in terms of population, economy and army is Italy. It has colonies in Africa, including captured Ethiopia. Together with its colonies, Italy has a population comparable to Germany itself. Moreover, Mussolini"s regime also stimulated an increase in the birth rate. True, Mussolini himself grew old, decrepit, and did not really want to fight.
  Moreover, Italy does not have a common border with the USSR and, even if it gains territory in Russia, it will not be very convenient to govern it. And Mussolini hesitates.
  Although in principle he is not that old yet, he is almost four years younger than Stalin. And he still hasn"t given up on the idea of creating a Roman Empire.
  Other allies of the Third Reich are: Britain, France, the USA, which themselves do not want to fight with the USSR, but can help economically if necessary. Yes, and send colonial divisions and volunteers. Franco promised to help with volunteers, and Salazar may do something. And Sweden is also thinking about revenge for previous defeats, and so is Norway. In general, an entire coalition could act against the USSR.
  And then the work, of course, goes on. But much will depend on how Japan resists. If the war drags on, the USSR will be attacked. And if there is a blitzkrieg, then maybe they won"t risk it.
  In any case, the first days of the war are the most decisive. The beginning of the battle is so important.
  And now the girls on the IS-7 tank go on the attack. They turned on the heater and were now barefoot and in bikinis.
  And they are much more dexterous and better this way.
  And of course Alenka takes the first shot on the move, using her bare toes.
  Then she sang:
  - Japan, Japan, Japan,
  Great country,
  Has the spirit of the mighty samurai,
  Know that she is our opponent by the Almighty, she has already been given,
  But we will tear her to pieces!
  Shooting with bare feet is a special tactic of Komsomol girls.
  So Anyuta fired at the Japanese with her bare, round heel. And she fell into a samurai howitzer. It turned over and rolled off the snowy platform.
  The girl took it in joy and sang:
  - We will destroy the enemy with one blow,
  We will confirm our glory with a steel sword...
  It"s not for nothing that the girls are barefoot,
  We'll smash the samurai to pieces!
  So red-haired Alla also shows her aggressive streak. And so she took it and pressed the scarlet nipple of her breast on the button, firing a projectile from a 130-mm gun. A precise hit caused the Japanese cannon to overturn.
  And the girl chirped:
  - I'm the coolest in the world,
  And the girl is always barefoot!
  The girl Maria also took it and fired, pressing the lever with her bare heel. And the launch system worked. And machine guns slaughtered the samurai. Maria mowed down the opponents and squeaked:
  - For a new communism!
  And Olympias also fired, using a strawberry breast nipple, which was very delicious.
  And a whole line of samurai was mowed down. And this turned out to be extremely cool and cruel.
  The Olympics blathered:
  - Glory to communism! Glory!
  And again, girls, let's shower the Japanese with fire.
  Meanwhile, the samurai caught a boy of about thirteen. He was a handsome, fair-haired child wearing a red tie.
  To begin with, the Japanese stripped him down to his underpants and drove him barefoot and half naked through the snow. The boy walked, urged on by rifle butts. His hands were tied behind him, and his bare, graceful feet left beautiful footprints in the snow.
  The samurai giggled and made sarcastic jokes. One of them grabbed the boy"s bare foot, ran his palm over his foot and roared:
  - Good handsome!
  Then he slapped the boy on the ass with his palm. Seryozhka blushed with shame. It was very unpleasant to walk barefoot in the snow in winter. Especially when you have to walk for a long time and your bare soles are even burning.
  Seryozhka walked through the snow, his children's legs became scarlet, like the feet of a goose.
  But the boy tried to keep his head straight. And the boy"s head is bright and beautiful.
  Seryozhka's naked torso was blown by the wind. The boy walked and sang enthusiastically;
  We are pioneers, brave fighters,
  Born and cast from steel...
  Grandfathers and fathers are proud of us,
  And dear Comrade Stalin is with us!
  Such a wonderful country of ours,
  What communism gave to the peoples...
  She was given to us forever by birth,
  A gift of proletarian freedom!
  Yes, our faith in the bright star path,
  To fly higher in aspiration -
  Believe me, our Russian spirit cannot be bent,
  And if necessary, we will ram the roofs!
  Yes, believe Russia, my homeland,
  Fascism will never defeat you...
  The peoples of the world are a friendly family,
  And Stalin, the brilliant Lenin, is with us!
  We gave birth to a strong family,
  In which faith, truth triumphs...
  I love Svarog God and Stalin -
  I believe our tomorrow will be bright!
  We will create a new moment,
  And we"ll simply build a beautiful world...
  Above us is a golden-winged cherub,
  And I believe the person will become a hero!
  Our fatherland will prosper,
  She is proud and simply majestic...
  We'll just get five for winning,
  Such is the glory of our Fatherland!
  The Lord created fields and mountains,
  Nice guys were born into the world...
  Believe me, people, we have plenty of strength,
  We cascade from a machine gun!
  In Russia, our business is modest,
  Fight for the children of the red flood...
  We will, of course, show the highest class -
  After all, Russians are invincible in battles!
  We will be able to finish the job menacingly,
  Finish what the wise Lenin started...
  Let the predator simply turn into game,
  To the glory of radiant generations!
  I believe we will soon fly to Mars,
  Let's build a heavenly paradise on Venus...
  Let's show the highest class in the world,
  Sadness and chimera cannot overcome us!
  In the Name of the Family we will create happiness,
  Let's build the cause of heaven, communism...
  The Lord Almighty among the Slavs is One,
  It is full of the heaven of humanism!
  Yes, our faith is in the Lord Christ,
  In the whole universe I know it will not fade away...
  After all, Lada will be with us until the end,
  Which will give me happiness!
  How good it is to live in Native Russia,
  In her is the boundless happiness of the past...
  No, life will not be interrupted, I believe the thread,
  And our tribe is simply groovy!
  How Jesus suffered for our Rus',
  How God Svarog gave steel swords....
  After all, the Gods of light are an ideal,
  In the name of our mother Russia!
  So why not pick a star,
  And rightfully subjugate the universe...
  I will come to Jesus with joy,
  After all, our business is work and creation!
  May the glorious victory come,
  Goddess Lada will help us with this...
  We will open an endless account soon,
  We must fight bravely for our Motherland!
  Lord Svarog will give happiness to all people,
  Will give consolation and glory...
  There will be a poem and a story about this,
  For Rus' and our White Power!
  The boy stamped his bare feet in the snow. And his footprints were small, but very elegant. And the samurai looked at them with very greedy eyes.
  But this is a boy. Half naked and in shorts, blue from the cold.
  They led him through the cold and took him to a warm hut.
  There, without further ado, they took him and strung him up on the rack. They twisted my arms from behind and pulled me up.
  And then the executioner from Japan brought a torch to the boy"s bare heels. There was a smell of burnt meat. The fire licked the child's bare soles. Seryozhka screamed in unbearable pain.
  The Japanese roared:
  - Speak up, puppy, what are your command"s plans?
  The boy answered bravely:
  - I will not say!
  In response, they began to beat the boy with barbed wire.
  And in the next room they tortured a naked Komsomol girl. They beat her with a steel chain, white from the heat.
  But the girl not only did not cry or moan, but even sang;
   Space is painted in a dark, gloomy light,
  And the icy stars dimmed in their orbits...
  I want love, but the answer I hear is no,
  The girls' hearts are broken to pieces!
  We love to fight very bravely,
  It is very savage to fight for the Motherland...
  Let's take the test of courage again,
  I am a knight of the world - not with the soul of a clown!
  When we crushed the Wehrmacht,
  The girls fought bravely near Moscow...
  They fought off the swarm of the brown horde,
  Although the enemy is related to Satan!
  We are barefoot girls on a snowdrift,
  Don"t be afraid of the adversary...
  And the fascist"s pitchfork right in the side,
  Collecting grenades in a pile from the leather of the backpack!
  But what about our courage in everything?
  When Mercury was measured with feet...
  Anyone who rushes to break us,
  Don't trample the land you love with boots!
  May the Russian Land be glorified,
  We showed people the way to the universe...
  the people of the world are all one family -
  We'll see communism soon!
  Yes, you can believe it, or at least don"t believe it,
  But man is born a strong creature...
  The beast will not overcome our friendship,
  After all, believe me, our enemies are powerless against us!
  In the name of our Holy Motherland,
  I will fight any evil spirits...
  A girl runs barefoot in the snow,
  there is not even a thought to cowardly give up!
  There are millions of us fierce fighters,
  Who are united in battle...
  Let us glorify the faith of our grandfathers and fathers,
  After all, girls are invincible in battles!
  Svarog gave us the sharpest in battle,
  He said the girls fight fiercely...
  Let God's ideal come true
  And when you win, you share with the orphan!
  May our Rus', I believe, be in glory,
  Which in battles without fear...
  Fight for your Motherland and don"t be afraid,
  The whole shirt is soaked with blood!
  Yes, there is no doubt - we will sweep away all enemies,
  We were born to be a tribe of giants...
  Under the banner with the three-colored red,
  Let people be united forever!
  A new era is coming,
  Spaces have opened up for the people of space...
  He dashes some insects,
  To hell with stupidity and talk!
  Yes, the man is not a louse at all,
  And the one who was born to win forever...
  Therefore, don"t touch the glorious coat of arms,
  Although the enemy simply went mad!
  Let's not give in to the adversary,
  Not on Earth, not even in the blue sky...
  You guys write it down in your notebook,
  That the spaceship will take off like a frisky swan!
  That we will very bravely defend the Earth,
  Know that we are brave girls...
  Here the cherub spreads its wings,
  A grenade was thrown at them!
  No, girls will never be swept away,
  They won't bring us to our knees...
  As it was before, Hitler is kaput,
  Thus will the joy of generations become in glory!
  In short, we will reach the star,
  And we will be in the world of Virgo, Orion...
  Great dreams come true
  We will build a glorious, new order!
  And I believe the time will come soon,
  When those killed in battle are resurrected...
  Victories will open an endless account,
  Whoever is the cleanest in the fight will receive a prize!
  I know we can reconcile people in the world,
  One: Arab, Hindu and Orthodox...
  The Almighty Lord will illuminate everyone,
  And our destiny will certainly be glorious!
  May happiness await all people ahead,
  And eternity in glorious joy forever...
  The gaps and zeros will end,
  And the weak and crippled are healed!
  Here will be happiness for people forever,
  Even if billions of years pass in glory...
  After all, the power of people's minds is strong,
  We were born in a space power!
  We will conquer the universe jokingly,
  We will build the galaxy route to the end...
  Let's walk through the vacuum in love, twisting,
  Let us glorify God Jesus Name!
  And we ourselves will begin to create the stars at once,
  Let's build cities parsecs long...
  The hunter will soon turn into game,
  And let people be above all!
  . CHAPTER No. 2.
  The battles with Japan continued. Soviet troops were able to break through the front line of defense. But the samurai stubbornly resisted. They did not want to give up and fought with great fanaticism. Even kamikaze mines took part in the battles.
  Alena on her IS-7 tank and her crew have already received many hits.
  But the girls' killer gun worked.
  Here's another howitzer overturned.
  Anyuta noted, moving her bare, chiseled legs:
  - This is our aggressive passage!
  Red Alla noted:
  - It"s good that our armor is thick and at large slopes. Otherwise it would be a mess!
  Maria gurgled:
  - Yes, samurai fight as they should! Tomorrow is March 1st, and we have made almost no progress. And this is annoying!
  Olympias hissed, singing:
  Here is the first thawed patch,
  In a dream I see Stalin...
  And littered with corpses,
  My dear Rus'!
  Alenka giggled and remarked:
  - Your song is without optimism! Let's sing something more fun and catchy!
  And the Komsomol girls on the tank began to sing in unison, while continuing to fire using their bare toes and not forgetting to also use the scarlet nipples of their breasts;
  I'm the strongest girl in the world
  Which was born in purity...
  There is no more beautiful me on the planet -
  We will be prosperous everywhere!
  May Russia be the most wonderful of all,
  The country that conquered the whole world...
  Let it immediately become more interesting to people,
  Any warrior is a true idol!
  I will defend the holy country,
  Where are our ancestors, believe me the most...
  Find out people the barefoot girl,
  She's an eagle, not a sparrow!
  In a past life I was a Komsomol member,
  The fascists fought so famously...
  And the girl"s voice was so clear,
  And a bright airy soul!
  I fought very bravely near Moscow,
  The girl was barefoot in the cold...
  And consider my pressure so shocking,
  She broke Fritz's face with her fist!
  For the glory of Jesus our banner,
  And also the greatest God Svarog...
  Forever the most holy Lada is with us,
  And the brightest White God in the world!
  We are people who were born into the light of the sun,
  Yarilo inspired us to heroism...
  And the girls' song flows wildly,
  Here the cherub spreads its wings!
  I shot accurately from the machine gun,
  She threw a present with her barefoot foot...
  I threw my net at the fascist,
  She looks like a little girl!
  I consider myself a warrior from God,
  She created a world in which beauty...
  In the name of the greatest Svarog,
  Beauty blooms in the soul of a beauty!
  We defended the Kremlin from the Nazis,
  We were able to kill everyone at once...
  No, the girl will not be discharged,
  And we hit the Krauts right in the eye!
  In the name of the eternal glory of communism,
  I was a Komsomol member who fought barefoot...
  We will destroy the flocks of fascism,
  So that steel does not succumb to the enemies of Rus'!
  The girls fought at Stalingrad,
  Their nipples are as red as rubies...
  We'll see communism soon,
  Without knowing sadness and melancholy!
  We are the best girls in the Fatherland,
  I'm a Komsomol member almost naked...
  But she destroyed the Reich with a machine gun,
  That the Germans didn"t get into our company!
  In the name of the most radiant Russia,
  I believe everything will be very good...
  Great Jesus believe the mission,
  Although the chisel shells are knocking!
  In the name of our great Motherland,
  We will run away the evil fascists...
  Let us stop the flocks of the wild horde,
  Even if the evil thief is in a furious attack!
  Let the name of Jesus shine like sunshine,
  May Mother Mary give great paradise...
  For Lada Almighty we are children,
  And you fight bravely and dare!
  In the name of our great Motherland,
  What communism gave everywhere...
  I see the faces of the saints shining from the icons,
  In one United Lord family!
  In the name of the almighty Svarog,
  Savior Most High Christ...
  We must be like the God of the Family,
  On all the Infinite Creator!
  May Rus' raise its banner above itself,
  We will become stronger and wiser...
  Even though Genghis Khan attacks steeply,
  But we girls are still smarter!
  So I tell you people, go for it,
  Serve the Russian Gods faithful to us...
  And save the souls of Russians in battle,
  Although it packs a hell of a punch!
  We will win, I know this for sure
  We will be able to defeat all fascists...
  Cain will not crush the fighters of the Fatherland,
  And with a menacing roar the bear will live!
  We will do everything very well,
  We will defeat all the Fritzes and Mongols....
  After all, fighting with girls is dangerous,
  The people of Russia know that they are invincible!
  Let us all show menacing grins,
  We will break Genghis Khan's horns...
  In the name of endless glory,
  May your destiny be very bright!
  Yes, we girls will fight beautifully,
  Let's show the highest class in the world...
  I am a warrior, and my soul is not a clown...
  And God will reward Christ for victories!
  We will break the tumens of Genghis Khan,
  There will be girls in battle on Kalka...
  Can't resist the hellish blow
  I love Jesus and Stalin!
  So I will chop up enemies, believe me, without counting,
  I can defeat them like midges...
  Believe me, our work is tough,
  Even though life is as fragile as a silk thread!
  In the Name of Lada, Most Holy Mary,
  What youth and love gave...
  We girls have completely bare feet,
  Let's trample the adversary into dirt and blood!
  Christ will come and the dead will rise,
  Perun, Yarilo, White God, Svarog...
  They are united, people know honestly,
  And above the universe is the Almighty Family!
  In short, our happiness will be eternal,
  Beautiful and wonderful for centuries...
  Both heaven and earth are in mighty power,
  And immortality and youth forever!
  After which a 150-mm howitzer hit the turret directly in the butt joint. The IS-7 jammed, and the warriors had to turn the tank around and leave for repairs.
  And then you'll see that he'll be completely torn apart. In general, Stalin"s bet on a blitzkrieg against Japan failed. The fighting became protracted and fierce.
  Meanwhile, the Japanese continued to steer and pedal.
  For example, one of the pioneers was caught. The boy is only twelve years old. And they began to use rubber hoses on his bare soles. The boy roared and moaned, but was silent.
  Then strips of red-hot iron were applied to his child's feet. Yes, it smelled like something was fried. And this smell was very appetizing.
  The child lost consciousness from painful shock.
  But the samurai executioners pricked him with a needle in the child"s neck. And the boy came to his senses again.
  And the monsters began to break his bare toes with red-hot tongs.
  And again the child passed out.
  Yes, what was there? The boy continued to be tortured. After they finished breaking the children's toes, the Japanese executioners began to work on the ribs.
  That's exactly what they did, breaking one rib after another. And literally the boy"s bones were turning out. And so it turned out to be painful.
  And then one rib cracked and broke under the hot tongs, and then the other.
  And the pain was such that the boy passed out again, from wild suffering.
  And the samurai sang and laughed. They had so much fun.
  And they began to torture the Komsomol girl. In this case, electrodes were attached to the womb of Venus, the anus, and the scarlet nipples of the breast.
  Then they took it and turned on the current. And electric discharges ran through the girl"s tender body.
  And how she suffered and shuddered. How incredibly painful it all was. And the beauty"s body literally shook. Then they put more electrodes in her mouth. And again they turned on a high voltage current. And the girl began to sparkle completely.
  This really was incredible, wild pain. And how the exhausted Komsomol member screamed.
  And they continued to torment her with wild fury. When they saw that the current was not taking the girl, they pulled her up on the rack.
  They clamped the girl's bare feet into an oak block and secured them well.
  Then they began to hang weights on hooks, stretching the naked, muscular beauty.
  The girls moaned, but still did not want to give away military secrets.
  Then the Japanese executioners smeared the bare soles of her feet with oil, so that they shone.
  And they lit a fire under them.
  The flame carnivorously licked the girl's bare, round, very seductive, pink heels.
  However, the beauty did not break. On the contrary, she stopped moaning. And she took it with great enthusiasm and began to sing with deep feeling;
  Praise be to the Goddess of Passion Lada,
  Who created the cover of heaven...
  There will be a generous reward for people,
  Because the holy God has risen!
  There are no more beautiful daughters of Svarog,
  That they run barefoot through the snow...
  We will be a boon for Rod,
  Don't trample girls with your boots!
  After all, in Russia there are formidable girls,
  Every boy is a warrior from the manger...
  The voice flows so loudly,
  The villain will be twisted into a goat's horn!
  We will fight for the Fatherland,
  My big motherland...
  Russians have always been able to fight,
  There is no way to resist them!
  They gave their hearts for Russia,
  I believe there will be a glorious life...
  We will soon open the door to space,
  And let's find our calling!
  No, let the storm rage now,
  But the Russian will not waver forever -
  Our fighter does not give in to battle,
  Let his dream come true!
  Our strength is with wisdom girls,
  You were truly born this way...
  We will scribble from a machine gun,
  So that only up and never down!
  Give the country new resources,
  So that it blooms like a lush bush of roses...
  and in the Name of God Jesus -
  So that the damn evil crunch is not heard!
  In war, all people are brothers,
  But at the same time, the servants of Satan...
  We are ready to open our arms to them,
  So that everyone is faithful to the God of peace!
  Didn't bring the Wehrmacht to its knees,
  We were able to survive the battles...
  Stalin and the great Lenin are with us,
  Write it down in your notebook, kid!
  We will make the Motherland like this,
  That she herself will build the world...
  Even though the thunderstorm came here with a scythe,
  Our Svarog is a great master!
  The enemy attacked suddenly and treacherously,
  It was a terrible year forty-one...
  But our grandfathers fought gloriously,
  Rod helps them in battle!
  We will give our hearts for Russia,
  Let's make our country stronger...
  Bravely opening the door to space,
  No big deal!
  This is my country, believe me, holy,
  We will defend the knights of Moscow...
  A girl runs barefoot into a snowdrift,
  Awakening an ancient dream!
  No, we girls didn"t break down in battle,
  And they fought with courage...
  And sometimes the girls fought so hard,
  There's a full penalty!
  Know that no one will strangle us Russians,
  We can level the mountains, jokingly...
  Dedicating your souls to God,
  You pass your exams with an A!
  God was born in troubled times,
  Near Moscow, when a thunderstorm thunders...
  Lada earned our miles,
  And let the tears fall!
  Russian girls are noble
  Each blessed virgin has the appearance...
  Believe me, such a clear voice,
  And the fist to the girls is monolithic!
  I believe everything in the country will be great,
  I know everything is flourishing...
  Although sometimes it is dangerous to fight,
  We will open a full account of the abuse!
  In 1941 we stood together,
  The knights held Moscow...
  Soon there will be communism,
  I will bring the banner of the Fatherland!
  Stalingrad has become a formidable path,
  Where two formidable ones came together...
  The girl fights barefoot
  Her husband is of course a communist!
  There the enemy threw "Tigers"
  But it didn't help him at all...
  Yes, in vain the Fuhrer mumbled games,
  You are a fragile glass planet!
  Don't give girls whims
  We dare not relax ourselves...
  The enemy left too much soot,
  You will still pass the exam with an A!
  The path to Stalingrad is certainly glorious,
  It's just the sun over the country...
  The evil Cain will be destroyed,
  He is in Gehenna with Satan!
  Rus' is always a holy country,
  It contains Perun and Jesus Christ...
  Even though sometimes the truth is evil,
  The man has not grown up to happiness!
  The share of Russians is to fight skillfully,
  And defeat the enemies of Russia...
  Even though the Krauts have the power of Lucifer,
  But our army has become mighty!
  There is salvation in the communism of the world,
  To overcome mountains of corpses...
  We will not ask our enemies for forgiveness,
  Even if the bear is raging in rage!
  God Perun He throws lightning,
  He loves to hit the evil ones...
  And we are stronger than our enemies,
  If an army is training for battle!
  Yes, Svarog is a great warrior of light,
  Will be able to do something that cannot be done by hand...
  Then you will be worthy of glory,
  Russians, believe me, are not fools!
  Everything remains in our glory,
  What is beautiful like the color of May...
  There will be a place for fallen people in heaven,
  What they shouted furiously - banzai!
  Know that they cannot endure humiliation,
  We can create a complete Eden...
  For Russia there will be vengeance on the Krauts,
  At least Sam even helps them!
  The Russians admired the sunset,
  That ruby lights the way...
  There will be a great retribution for the evil ones,
  Our Rus' cannot be bent with a jack!
  We will begin to admire loudly,
  The power of the great Motherland of elephants...
  Together with the radiant team,
  The best Lada of sons!
  Girls run barefoot in winter,
  This is their great star...
  Hares also run barefoot
  Lada will be with us forever!
  God created planets from an atom,
  He created space with a word only...
  Deeds of heroism are sung,
  And the enemy gets a blow!
  There will be a person's admiration,
  To always fight and dream...
  So from a moment until the end of time -
  May they fight hard in battle!
  The faces of the sun shine in the distance,
  And the rainbow sparkles, believe me...
  And the enemy is just very wild,
  Naturally, he is essentially a beast!
  There are beautiful girls in the country,
  That they know how to defeat enemies...
  They certainly have a clear voice,
  The best sons in the world!
  We Russians will not disappear,
  Our truth is believed in everything...
  After all, we will have such judges,
  Let's smash the terrorists to pieces!
  Our girls shine with their heels,
  With a bare rose-colored sole...
  And the snowdrifts melt under your feet,
  It's hot to see beauty barefoot!
  Coo nice girls,
  Having crushed the enemy effortlessly...
  Although the stream plays very loudly,
  The horde advances in flames!
  We can do everything very cool,
  And achieve fidelity in your dream...
  And the enemy attacks stupidly,
  Hit his beard with a sword!
  I know our knights of steel,
  Believe me, you won't find them stronger...
  They gave the fascists a hard slap on the horns,
  At least he looks no more than twenty!
  Girls who laugh
  They bare their teeth in their glory...
  And their eyes are like saucers,
  The voice is a radiant nightingale!
  The girls' workouts are cool,
  And they imagine the horror in the battle...
  The beauties are so groovy,
  At least sometimes it gets cloudy!
  Imagine a world like this, there will be people
  Communism is the birth of higher powers...
  And the beauty will not judge you,
  Even if a person is a moron!
  Now the war is coming from the east,
  The hellish horde is attacking...
  With us is the strength of the believe fighter Svarog,
  The girl destroyed the Khan in one gulp!
  I know everyone can be admired
  Know who fights for the Fatherland...
  And the warrior was born brave,
  Going to heaven after death!
  We will be able to make Rus' happy,
  Glorifying Rod for centuries...
  For the sake of Mother Saint Russia,
  With the power of a big fist!
  Believe me, my homeland is beautiful,
  Apple trees are blooming in the Arctic...
  Our people are great, Orthodox,
  Made my dream come true!
  We can make any cloud,
  And defeat the insane enemy...
  Our squad of fighters is so flying,
  Turns predatory reptiles into game!
  Everything is so cool in Russia,
  The Creator put his heart in it...
  The sadist Malyuta will be crushed,
  The dream will have plenty of strength!
  Christ will come and the world will rise again,
  There will be people in glory forever...
  We fight honestly for Russia,
  And know our steel hand!
  The girls are admired
  What can conquer space...
  They will tear apart any nets,
  A chain is just a thread of silk for them!
  Believe me, we will never give up,
  We will never fall under the enemy...
  If the Fuhrer simply went mad -
  We'll break off his horns!
  Man, you will become stronger than everyone else,
  Can you conquer the edge of the universe...
  Don't talk nonsense, weak one,
  Believe us Slavs cannot be broken!
  The strength of millions will be with us,
  We will finish off the enemy, believe me...
  Many maiden legions,
  They just hit the target!
  Victory is already coming,
  We entered Berlin in triumph...
  Who died in the pleasure of paradise,
  And the sacred cherub soars!
  The pocket Central Election Commission refused to register Alexander Lukashenko as a candidate for the presidency of Belarus. And Vyacheslav Kebich, the prime minister and de facto head of Belarus, won. History went differently. Including Russia, where Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky became president in 1996.
  . CHAPTER No. 1
  In Belarus, too, everything could have been different. Vyacheslav Kebich, the de facto ruler of Belarus at that time, ordered the registration of Alexander Lukashenko to be blocked. And this did not lead to mass unrest. Well, some candidates have more, others less. As a result, Zenon Poznyak entered the second round against Kebich. And in the second round, thanks to the support of Russia, the odious reputation of Zenon Poznyak, and his excessive radicalism, Kebich won and became the first president of Belarus.
  Lukashenko himself never climbed to the top. Belarus has entered the ruble zone. And Russian currency began to circulate in it. On the one hand, this is a plus, but on the other, just like in Russia, delays in the payment of pensions and salaries began to occur, which led to certain conflicts and unrest.
  Nevertheless, Kebich was able to maintain good relations with the West. And Yeltsin had a reliable ally, but not such a radical one. In Russia, the course of history has changed somewhat. Unlike the aggressive Lukashenko, Kebich advised Yeltsin not to fight in Chechnya. And Yeltsin did not send troops there. Instead, he relied on the pro-Russian opposition. However, the confrontation in Chechnya dragged on. And she became colorful. Where are the Dudayevites, where are the other forces?
  Oddly enough, the absence of war in the Caucasus benefited Vladimir Zhirinovsky. The LDPR remained the main and most popular opposition force in Russia. And the main struggle in the presidential elections unfolded between Zhirinovsky and Yeltsin. In principle, this could have happened in real history if Vladimir Volfovich had not supported the war in Chechnya and, thereby, losing a significant part of the protest electorate.
  And the media actively promoted the confrontation between Yeltsin and Zhirinovsky. There was a lot of PR, a lot of propaganda. However, unlike the real confrontation: the communists against Yeltsin, where the authorities had certain propaganda trump cards, with Zhirinovsky it turned out to be more difficult. Although they made him into a fascist.
  But in conditions of rampant crime, chaos, corruption and the mafia, many Russians did not consider fascism such a great evil. After all, the Great Patriotic War happened a long time ago, and these were not the same fascists. Then there were bad German fascists, but now there will probably be better Russians. But in economic terms, Adolf Hitler really did create a miracle in Germany.
  So Vladimir Volfovich was even somehow proud of being compared to Hitler, and tried to play on this.
  The communists also had a big disadvantage. People still remembered very well - empty shelves, total shortages, cards and coupons, especially from the time of Gorbachev. And Gorbachev"s times were like communist rule.
  People, especially women, who stood in line did not want to go back to the old communist times. And this played against Zyuganov. And under Hitler, especially before the war, there was capitalism, which means there were no empty shelves. And Zhirinovsky himself, although he made a lot of populist statements, did not promise a return to former times. And he promised, first of all, order, to strangle crime, and to end unemployment. But Hitler in Germany suppressed crime, put an end to unemployment, and brought order.
  And in just two months he conquered all of Europe. That is, by skillfully playing and campaigning, you can turn your comparison with Hitler to your advantage. So Yeltsin had a much harder time than with Zyuganov. If the latter caused antipathy in many already at the genetic level - shortages and empty shelves, and even Stalinist repressions. Even among war veterans, not everyone rejected fascism.
  Moreover, it was like our Russian fascism. The economy was not doing well. And even without Chechnya, Yeltsin had a low rating. And the country was dying out, and there was rampant banditry and crime. And even greater than in real history. So the war in Chechnya led to a number of restrictions on freedoms that reduced crime, but its absence in criminal terms only made it worse.
  So Zhirinovsky turned out to have much more trump cards than Zyuganov.
  It should be noted that in real history, Zhirinovsky failed miserably in the 1996 elections. But the main reason for his failure: there was a lack of inspiration and faith in final victory. And here is the whole confrontation between him and Yeltsin, the dim Zyuganov is in the shadows, and Zhirinovsky is on fire. And this politician, when he"s on a roll, is really capable of working miracles. Moreover, Zhirinovsky is still young and full of strength.
  And he doesn"t run away from TV debates, unlike Zyuganov, who was already afraid of sticking his head on the screen.
  In addition, Zhirinovsky even looked younger in appearance, and not bald like Zyuganov, and not gray-haired like Yeltsin. And this also worked to his advantage.
  Although Zyuganov was thirteen years younger than Yeltsin, outwardly she did not give the impression of a young and fresh leader. But Zhirinovsky, being fifteen years younger than Yeltsin and outwardly with his frantic energy, seemed much more energetic and stronger than this driven old man.
  And this influenced the course of the elections.
  However, it turned out that Zyuganov would be third. But who should he support in the second round? The confrontation with Yeltsin has gone too far. And Zhirinovsky, although not a communist, is a leftist, and not an anti-communist. And he promises the communists portfolios.
  But Swan is tongue-tied and stupid, and never got around to it. So the elections followed a different scenario. Zhirinovsky received more votes in the first round than Yeltsin, and in the second he received the support of Zyuganov. And as a result, Yeltsin blew the second round with a huge difference. Moreover, in the second round, fewer people voted for Yeltsin than in the first. And Vladimir Zhirinovsky became the new president of Russia. And this turned out to be a triumph for Vladimir Volfovich.
  However, contrary to expectations, Russia's course has not changed much. Zhirinovsky did not aggravate relations with the West. He continued the previous reforms with minor amendments. And even the communists in the government did not interfere with this too much.
  True, something did change. There were more police, which were renamed the police, and the fight against crime became tougher.
  Eventually, in 1999, militants launched an invasion of Dagestan, and Zhirinovsky was forced to start the Caucasus War. Although he didn't want it.
  Even with Yugoslavia, it was Zhirinovsky who convinced Milosevic not to go through with the bombing, but to accept the terms of the West.
  The economy began, albeit timidly, to grow, and the price of oil began to rise.
  The war in Chechnya was a chance to raise his rating and be elected again for a second term. Moreover, Vladimir Zhirinovsky also prepared a referendum abolishing the two-term limit. And this was his plan for authoritarian rule. And the war against Chechnya went brutally. Moreover, there were terrorist attacks in Moscow and Volgodonsk. Which Zhirinovsky took prudent and cynical advantage of.
  During the war, it was easier to get elected for a second term, and this happened in the first round. And at the referendum, two terms were canceled, leaving Zhirinovsky without restrictions. That's how it happened.
  In Belarus in 1999, the first five years of Vyacheslav Kebich also ended. The economic situation was not very good, but some timid growth began. Plus propaganda and administrative resources. And Lukashenko was not allowed to participate in the elections again - there is always something to complain about.
  And Kebich was re-elected, albeit with difficulty. And again Zenon Poznyak was against him in the second round. Kebich did not collect such interest as Lukashenko in real history. But he held his power firmly. In Belarus, a new, more authoritarian constitution was adopted in 2000, and the terms of President Kebich were reset.
  Zhirinovsky occupied Chechnya, but Russia had to fight a protracted war there with partisans.
  The problem was that the Chechens were already accustomed to de facto independence. Russian troops also suffered heavy losses during the assault on Grozny. True, Zhirinovsky controlled the media and managed to avoid a drop in ratings and mass anti-war sentiment. And this was also a plus of his reign.
  Rising oil and gas prices and economic growth generally strengthened the dictator's power. He did not extend his terms in office, but regularly won presidential elections. Which happened in the same year as the American ones. But without a two-term limit. Zhirinovsky's foreign policy was cautious. He was not a second Hitler, but much more restrained and tried to maintain a balance of power. But in 2014, Maidan happened, and he could not resist the temptation to return Crimea to Russia. However, unlike Putin, Zhirinovsky did not claim more, and his intelligence services did not organize a revolt in the Donbass.
  On the contrary, everything was done extremely carefully. And the matter ended with relatively minor sanctions and a mild cold war. Against the backdrop of economic growth, let"s say it"s not bad.
  But then the coronavirus broke out. Kebich, who again reset his deadlines, died. And new elections were held in Belarus. Lukashenko had already been forgotten by this time, and new figures appeared. The younger Prime Minister Kolbasco, who became president, gained power.
  And soon Russia was plunged into mourning after the death of Zhirinovsky from coronavirus. And this also turned out to be a blow to the country.
  Meanwhile, the Taliban began an attack on Tajikistan. They broke through the defenses and surrounded the Russian base. And a new Afghan war began.
  And of course, fighting and beautiful girls, as always, are ready to fight.
  Natasha fired a burst from her machine gun, cutting off Taliban fighters. Then she threw a lemon with her bare toes with deadly force. She tore the Mujahideen into pieces and sang:
  - We are peaceful people, but our armored train
  I managed to accelerate to the red limits!
  We will fight for a brighter tomorrow!
  Let's kiss!
  And the warrior laughed at the top of her lungs. She must be said to be so groovy.
  Zoya, who was scribbling from a machine gun and mowing down dozens of dushmans, also rumbled:
  - The future is our glory,
  We will show the highest class!
  And with his bare toes he will throw the murderous gift of annihilation. That"s what she"s like, let"s say there - a fighting and aggressive woman. In which there is so much energy and strength.
  Augustine chirped with great spirit, and her copper-red hair spread out as if it were a real comet blazing. The girl took it and tweeted aggressively:
  - Glory to our Motherland,
  You are higher than all countries...
  We are worthy of the order,
  Destroy the Taliban!
  And the girl, too, took and with her bare fingers, her graceful, tanned legs, threw the murderous gift of death. This is how we ended up here, very aggressive, tough and barefoot girls.
  And Svetlana is also in battle. And he builds them from machine guns with great, deadly force. She is a top notch warrior. Shoots accurately and accurately.
  And her hair is like white, fresh, snow. And bare toes throw gifts of annihilation with murderous force.
  Svetlana sang with a smile:
  - And he steers the boat,
  Through the rain and fog...
  Cruel and treacherous -
  Taliban fighter!
  These girls, I must say, are capable of moving mountains. And they are very beautifully capable of fighting. And they bare their teeth that sparkle like pearls.
  These are beauties. And so Natasha exposed the scarlet nipple of her breast and pressed it on the bazooka button, destroying and tearing the Taliban apart.
  This really was an aggressive and combative performance.
  And stormtroopers are fighting in the sky. There are very beautiful girls sitting on them.
  Albina pressed the joystick button with her bare toes, sending a murderous bolt of death, and cooed:
  - The girls fly like eagles,
  We will be able to capture the capital in battle!
  She's such a charming blonde, let's say.
  And Alvina, another blonde girl in a bikini, continues to fight. So she presses the strawberry nipple of her breast on the button, and a rocket of colossal destructive power flies out. And she will hit the Taliban troops like crazy.
  This is what the girls took and got started. They are very, let"s say, aggressive and warlike.
  However, of course, girls also fight on a tank. Representatives of the fair sex are at their best here too. And they, of course, are barefoot and in bikinis.
  These are, let's say, such remarkable thefts that no one can cope with them. Once they get started, they won"t stop.
  Elizabeth, fighting on a tank and sending deadly shells with the help of her bare toes, sang:
  It was such a wonderful country
  It was called the Empire of Soviets...
  The vile Satan destroyed it,
  It is high time to call upon his response!
  Lenin ruled it - just an ideal,
  Who made the Motherland great...
  And he handed over the reign to Stalin...
  He crushed the impulses of the wild horde!
  May our Motherland be in bloom,
  Birches, poplars, oaks, rowan trees...
  I will destroy the army of fascism -
  After all, Russians are invincible in battles!
  Russia will be the sun above the Earth,
  Its rays and stars and comets...
  You will become the best country
  In it, heroic deeds are glorified!
  The USSR, when it bloomed magnificently,
  And he led the country by the hand to communism...
  But the bald one ruined his donkey,
  Giving it up to vile fascism!
  But I believe our Rus' cannot be overcome,
  She shines like the sun above the Earth...
  Mighty Russian, White Bear God,
  And there will be a place in a noble paradise!
  You love Russia with all your heart,
  She is our great Motherland...
  Even though Sam opens his mouth to the ground,
  And the monster with a thousand faces attacks!
  Svetlana is our bright star,
  What promises happiness and freedom...
  Make a great dream come true -
  Let's build communism, believe the people!
  No one can crush the country
  Which name, believe me, is Russia...
  Remove Satan from power -
  Christ the great messiah will come!
  And Lada will be with us forever,
  And we will build practical communism...
  Centuries and minutes of years will pass,
  We will have the most just system!
  Our Motherland's big dream,
  Make the world the most stormy and beautiful...
  We have mountains, rivers and forests -
  Everything will be very clean and fair!
  The capital of our Motherland is Moscow,
  But Kyiv and Minsk will also be capitals...
  The Mongol horde was defeated,
  The Almighty God helped us win!
  No, believe me, the Russians cannot be broken,
  All Slavic brothers will become united...
  The hunter will soon turn into game,
  And we are fighters, believe me, we are always on the move!
  The girls in the tank sang in chorus and their voices were so radiant and literally shimmered like silver bells.
  These girls are just super.
  Elena sang with great aplomb:
  - Everything will be very cool with us girls,
  We can easily fly to Mars...
  Let those who have plenty of currency,
  And somewhere a bear is squealing and roaring wildly!
  And Elena, with her scarlet breast nipple, will take and press the joystick button, and a projectile of great lethal force will fly out.
  The girl will sing in response:
  - We will boldly go into battle for the power of the Soviets,
  And we will erase all enemies in the fight for this!
  And Ekaterina, too, will hit the button with a strawberry nipple and let"s pour lead rain on the opponents from machine guns. Specifically mowing them down.
  At the same time, the girl sings:
  Let's meet you in the evening,
  We will wet all the spirits...
  Let's meet you in the evening,
  Speak Chinese!
  And then the girl will take it and press her bare, round heel on the pedal. And something very destructive and lethal will work. And a landmine of colossal force will fall on the Taliban.
  This is where the girls tweet:
  - Glory, great glory,
  Tanks are rushing forward...
  It will be a great power
  When the people roared!
  And the warrior will laugh.
  And then Euphrosyne will take the ruby nipple of the breast as she presses the joystick button. And the huge, colossal destructive power of the needle projectile will work. This is when a shell, when exploding, scatters needles in different directions. Which is very effective and destructive.
  And then the girl will use her bare toes.
  Here she is fighting...
  Girls from Russia took on the Taliban thoroughly. Here is one beauty who also used a scarlet breast nipple - this is Veronica. And a bazooka shell fired with lethal force.
  And he scattered the Mujahideen in all directions.
  Veronica took it and sang:
  - Let there be a goal,
  Forward dynamo...
  On the verge of a foul -
  A complete wound!
  And the warrior launches a lemon with her bare toes. And it explodes and destroys the Mujahideen.
  Alice also fires from a sniper rifle. Kills dushmans, and at the same time sings:
  There is nothing stronger than military steel,
  There is no stronger army in the universe...
  The girls shed rivers of blood,
  And they have no other way!
  Angelica threw a grenade with her bare toes with deadly force. She tore up a dozen Mujahideen and squeaked:
  - We can do everything, dashing girls,
  And we walk barefoot in the cold!
  After which the warrior pressed the strawberry nipple of her breast on the button of the lethal bazooka.
  And released the gift of annihilation with deadly force. And she killed a lot of Taliban.
  Anastasia Vedmakova attacks the Mujahideen from the air. Sends murderous gifts of death from the stormtrooper. And rockets rain down on Taliban positions. Many Muslim soldiers die from this.
  At the same time, the girl sings;
  A country where you are free,
  In which every Lord is a proletarian.
  You turn into a ruble and a nickel,
  In winter there is a solarium in the snowdrifts.
  In it there is a bright, red flag of communism -
  Which promises us immortality!
  Let's express our love for the Fatherland in poetry -
  There will be happiness forever, believe it!
  Leaders are sometimes different...
  Not every leader is like the wise Stalin.
  But each of us is always a hero,
  When both the mind and the will became stronger!
  In the last month of the valiant spring,
  Soldiers of war took Prague.
  We are faithful to our Motherland like angels,
  The order has been given to us - the fighter doesn"t take a step back!
  If death has come, then cross yourself,
  And the Lord fly to paradise, where there are rowan trees...
  Our Spirit will forever ascend upward,
  We will conquer mighty peaks!
  After all, after death, life is a river again,
  In it we sail like a meteor boat!
  Invocations of the Holy Mother of God,
  Don't you dare tolerate defeat and shame!
  Empire, because it is God's light,
  The Almighty ordered Russia to rule!
  There will be no end to our happy years,
  There are no limits to service - tighten your backpack!
  Slavs together is our motto -
  Be a man submissive to the royal power!
  The theater of the world is full of actresses,
  We tear apart the jaws of hellish anger!
  Akulina Orlova, leading the battle on the other side on a combat attack aircraft, kicked the enemy with her bare toes and chirped:
  - The Tsar of Russia is not needed - he is an extra parasite!
  And bares his pearly teeth.
  Then he presses the ruby nipple on the button, sending out a rocket of colossal destructive power.
  And how to attack the Taliban on a lethal scale.
  Akulina took it and sang:
  Satan will not defeat us,
  My homeland is the most beautiful in the world,
  Be famous for the beautiful country...
  Adults and children will be happy in it!
  Let the lilies of the valley bloom magnificently in it,
  And the cherubs play a decent hymn...
  The Fuhrer will be kaput,
  Russians are invincible in battles!
  Komsomol members run barefoot,
  They stomp on the snow with their bare heels...
  Hitler you look just cool
  I'll run you over in a tank!
  Can we defeat the Nazis?
  As always, we are barefoot girls...
  Our most formidable knight is the bear,
  He will kill everyone with a machine gun!
  No, we girls are already very cool,
  We literally tear all enemies apart...
  Our claws, teeth, fists...
  We will build a place in a wonderful paradise!
  I believe there will be cool communism,
  The country is blooming in it, believe the advice...
  And woeful Nazism will disappear,
  I believe that your deeds will be glorified!
  The land will bloom wildly, I believe,
  From victory we are back to victory...
  Defeat the Japanese Nikolai,
  The samurai will answer for meanness!
  We will not allow ourselves to be tilted,
  Let's crush our enemies with one blow...
  Let the hunter turn into game,
  It was not for nothing that we crushed the Wehrmacht!
  Don't trust us to give up,
  Russians have always known how to fight...
  We sharpened our bayonets with steel,
  The Fuhrer will become the image of a clown!
  This is what my homeland is like,
  The Russian accordion plays in it...
  All nations are a friendly family,
  Abel triumphs, not Cain!
  Soon the USSR will be in glory,
  Even though our enemy is cruel and treacherous...
  We will set an example for valor,
  The Russian spirit will be glorified in battles!
  Margarita Magnetic will also take the colors of overripe strawberries and press the button on the button with her nipple. The killer missile hit the Taliban, destroying them literally in dozens.
  Then the girl sang:
  - We must respect us to be afraid,
  The girls' exploits are countless...
  We know how to fight very cool,
  Satan will be destroyed!
  In November 1941, Hitler unexpectedly offered peace to Stalin. A solution that seems unlikely to anyone familiar with the actual situation.
  The Germans, it seems, are about to take Moscow. And why offer peace in this situation?
  But Hitler, as you know, had a very developed intuition. And he felt that Moscow would not be taken. And if so, then it"s time, when Stalin is intimidated, to offer peace. Naturally, not all military men agreed with this, but Hitler had power and authority.
  Moreover, the peace conditions promised to be beneficial for the Germans. In fact, Ukraine passes over to Germany and with it black soils and agriculture, as well as Belarus, the Baltic states, and the Smolensk region.
  Stalin, in general, agreed to give up everything that the Germans had already captured.
  Sevastopol fell to the Germans. In response, the Krauts left the Moscow region. Leningrad remained behind the USSR and a corridor was drawn out for it. The Germans agreed to leave the Leningrad region in exchange for the Voroshilovograd region and Donetsk region, which the Germans had not yet occupied entirely.
  In general, the Nazis received the Donbass with its coal, metals and factories, bauxite deposits, and agricultural land, the entire Crimea, and even part of the southern Don. The Germans left the Leningrad region, Moscow, Tula, part of Rzhev, Kalinin regions. In exchange for part of the Donbass, part of the Don with its rich black soils and Sevastopol. The Finns got Petrozavodsk and what they managed to capture. We parted ways amicably.
  In addition, the USSR undertook to supply oil at lower than market prices, and to pay a large ransom for prisoners of war.
  Stalin, fearing to lose the war and Moscow, agreed to such conditions. At the very peak of the Wehrmacht's successes.
  Well, Hitler, who had a supernatural instinct, realized that this was the best option.
  The war with the USSR is over. The Nazis first began to transfer troops to Africa. Moreover, the British began an attack on Rommel. Well, what then? And the Fritz took and landed troops on Malta. Of course, first bombing the British there.
  Next, of course, is the assault on Gibraltar. Hitler personally met with Franco.
  Like, you saw how strong Germany is. Defeated the USSR. She captured four million Russians and many thousands of tanks. For us, Spain is like a stroke on a map. We will occupy if you don"t let the troops through. And if you miss it, you can get something in Africa. Moreover, Britain is doomed and will not go anywhere!
  Franco, realizing that Spain could be occupied and there was no chance, agreed.
  The assault on Gibraltar was successful, and quite quickly. The citadel has fallen. And then the Germans entered Equatorial Africa.
  The British suffered huge losses. They were captured like suckers.
  Rommel defeated Britain in Libya and launched an offensive in Egypt. Captured Alexandria.
  Then he went out and crossed the Suez Canal. Building on their success, the Germans captured Iraq, Kuwait, and the entire Middle East.
  The Wehrmacht did not lose too many soldiers and officers in the east. And his troops were more numerous and more seasoned and better trained than the British and especially the colonial forces.
  The British could contain this and, undoubtedly, lost. Without the USSR, the Fritz managed to fight Britain successfully.
  In general, Britain was doomed to lose its colonies. Its ground army was too weak and of little combat effectiveness to hold the colonies against the more numerous and disciplined troops of the Wehrmacht.
  But the focus on the fleet did not work. After the fall of Gibraltar and Malta, it became impossible to hold Africa. So Rommel blocked the Suez Canal. And even by land, the Germans beat the British with one goal. After the war with the USSR, the Wehrmacht became even stronger and more confident in its abilities, and gained extensive combat experience.
  This is how Africa was gradually conquered. And through Iran the Germans entered India. There, too, local sepoys did not want to die for Britain. In general, the Germans were hampered more by distances, lack of roads, stretched communications, and supply problems than by British troops.
  The US is gathering dust to avoid war. They even lifted all sanctions against Japan.
  But still the samurai attacked Peru Harbor. It was necessary to protect ourselves and seize British possessions in Asia. And the Japanese did it.
  In short, in the forty-second year and the first half of the forty-third, the Germans and the Japanese captured Africa, Australia, and all of Asia. And in September 1943 the landing in Britain followed. After, of course, massive bombings. The Germans used Yu-288, and Yu-188, and other machines.
  Having lost its colonies and exhausted by the submarine war, Britain could not resist.
  And the Germans had too many resources, and especially labor. They literally bombed all the cities and factories of England. And then, of course, the landing of troops and the use of Panthers, Tigers, Lions and even Mouses. Well, of course, also amphibious tanks and underwater vehicles.
  "Mouse" was completed before the start of the operation, and he even fought. But "Mouses" are too heavy.
  Gerda's crew on the Panther distinguished itself in battle. After the capture of Britain, the Germans still fought with the United States for some time. Knocked the Americans out of Iceland. But due to the extended communications, capturing America turned out to be a difficult task. Still, the Atlantic Ocean is no joke. Unless they bombed a friend and fought at sea.
  German submarines developed, including using hydrogen peroxide, and sank almost the entire American fleet.
  However, the United States is still extremely difficult to capture. The war dragged on, and the Germans eventually took over and made peace.
  Afterwards the Germans turned to the USSR.
  In 1945, the E-50 and E-75 went into production. Hitler banned the production of tanks lighter than fifty tons, except for a small series of reconnaissance vehicles.
  The Panther weighed forty-four and a half tons. "Panther" 2 is already fifty-two tons. The E-50 has already pulled almost sixty-five tons. The last tank had very decent frontal armor of 150 millimeters on the hull at an angle of 45 degrees, and 185 millimeters on the front of the turret, also at an angle. An 88 mm gun with a barrel length of 100 EL. And 82 mm of armor on the sides, also at slopes. In combination with the engine, which accelerated to 1200 horsepower when boosted, it is a very powerful medium tank.
  Plus twelve rounds per minute.
  An even heavier E-75 weighing more than ninety tons. This tank turned out to be not entirely successful. The 128mm gun had a slower rate of fire, had a lower muzzle velocity, and had no advantages at close range compared to the 88mm E-50.
  The frontal armor of the hull is little better than 160 millimeters at an angle of 45 degrees. However, no more is needed. Holds all American guns, and Soviet ones too. The turret's protection is excellent: 252 millimeters at the front, 160 millimeters at the sides and rear. It can be seen that at least there is more or less reliable protection for the tower, especially the side.
  The side of the case is 120 mm, which is acceptable, plus you can also hang screens. The engine, however, is rather weak at 900 horsepower. Overall, of course, the tank is unfinished and quite tall. Reminds me of a fairly overgrown Tiger-2 with similar problems.
  Both German cars are imperfect, but the E-50 is, of course, more practical.
  Well, and also E-100. But this car is even heavier and has worse driving characteristics than the E-75.
  E-100, due to its large mass, was produced in small quantities.
  And the military themselves generally approved of the E-50.
  In the spring of 1946, precisely on April 20, the Fuhrer"s birthday, the Germans moved towards the USSR.
  They had a large number of cars and equipment. Tens of thousands of tanks of different versions. The USSR also had the serial T-34-85 and IS-2 and IS-3 in service. The T-44 was not entirely successful. But the T-54 was not ready yet.
  The Germans produced the E-50 and E-75 in large quantities.
  After the loss of a significant part of the country, Stalin banned the development of vehicles heavier than forty-seven tons.
  In addition to a large number of T-34-85, and somewhat smaller IS-2 and IS-3, the SU-100, which was a relatively simple and effective self-propelled gun, was mass produced.
  It should be noted that the most massive tank, the T-34-85, could only penetrate the German E-50 series on the side, and the E-75, even from the side, was too tough, and only the SU-100 could do it, and even then close.
  So the forces are clearly unequal. The German tanks themselves penetrated the Soviet tanks from great distances. And only the IS-3 had more or less satisfactory protection for the forehead, and then the upper part.
  Here are the Germans pushing through the territory of the USSR.
  Gerda, Charlotte, Christina and Magda in E-50. They whistle songs to themselves and roar.
  We will crush everyone's ram's horn,
  God Almighty will be for us!
  And how they will take it and fire at the enemy.
  The thirty-four had its turret blown off. Yes, the combat crew, you can"t say anything.
  Charlotte remarked with displeasure:
  - Still, our armor is not very good. The enemy can even hook the board!
  Christina noted:
  - But the gun is accurate and lethal! So one compensates for the other!
  Gerda hissed:
  - We'll tear everyone apart!
  Meanwhile, Natasha on the SU-100 with her crew is fighting against the Fritz.
  Oleg Rybachenko turned out to be the fifth member of the SU-100 crew, along with Natasha, Zoya, Augustina and Svetlana.
  The girls nodded approvingly:
  - You are a fighter, which is great!
  Natasha fired at the enemy. The shell hit a German vehicle in the forehead and ricocheted. The girl stamped her bare foot angrily. And she checked:
  - And now you are a boy! You seem to be sharp, right?
  Oleg nodded. He is an immortal boy, which means he can do a lot. Here is a German E-75 moving ahead. How to break through it?
  The boy genius figured it out and whispered to the projectile:
  - We are metal, of the same blood - you and me!
  And with the help of his bare, childish feet he turned the sight and fired.
  Just as a German tank is not strong with frontal armor, but if you hit it exactly end-to-end or a combination of force lines, the tank gives in. And then the metal burst and the combat kit began to detonate.
  Oleg Rybachenko squeaked:
  - This is the highest class!
  Natasha tickled the boy"s bare heel and nodded:
  - Shoot!
  Oleg Rybachenko fired again from the SU-100. They fired from a long distance, and then the 100 mm Soviet cannon did not take the latest German tanks: E-50 and E-75. But the boy is phenomenal. And he manages to hit the enemy.
  Terminator boy shoots again. And it breaks through E-50. This tank is fast and must be hit. But the Germans are always pushing harder and harder.
  Zoya is shooting. And very accurately.
  Hit the enemy in the tower. Then Oleg Rybachenko fires again. A hundred millimeter gun works wonders.
  The boy genius roars:
  - I'll tear you apart! I'll tear you apart! It won't be to your liking!
  And again, like a boy, he"ll take it and hit it very accurately. And it will really tear the enemy apart.
  Then it will display:
  - I am a supersonic fighter!
  And again he will shoot with the help of his bare foot.
  The boy looks only twelve, but he is very fast and phenomenal.
  Here she shot with the help of her bare toes and Augustine.
  And the girl crashed the E-50.
  The Germans are suffering significant damage. But their avalanche of tanks is getting closer and closer. Here is the E-100 in motion. Also powerful armor, weapons, and shields.
  But his girls and boy also make it through.
  A German car is on fire and torn to pieces.
  Oleg Rybachenko sang:
  - Glory to the Holy Fatherland,
  With unearthly fury!
  Again the boy fired, smashed the fascist and winked at the girls. And again the boy shoots and destroys the enemy.
  Let's face it, he's a fighting boy. And he'll hit you with a shell. And the "Tiger"-2 tank, outdated but powerful, became a victim. The German Panther 2 is also suffering from defeat. But she almost conquered America itself.
  And now the USSR is pressing.
  Oleg Rybachenko shoots and hits accurately.
  And so they began to shoot in turns and sing...
  Natasha kicked her bare foot and roared:
  - This is from the taiga...
  Zoya also tapped her bare toes and squeaked:
  - To the British seas...
  Augustine also hit the shell and said:
  - Red Army!
  Svetlana fired missiles with her bare toes and said:
  - Strongest of all!
  Oleg Rybachenko fucked up and said:
  - And let Red...
  Natasha fired and squeaked:
  - Squeezes powerfully!
  Zoya also slapped and barked:
  - Your bayonet with a calloused hand!
  Augustine kicked and roared:
  - And we have to...
  Svetlana fired a lethal charge and blurted out:
  - Unstoppable!
  Oleg Rybachenko fired again, laughing:
  - Go to the last one...
  Natasha sent a shell and roared:
  - Mortal combat!
  And the girls dispersed, the cannon fired until the shells ran out.
  Yes, Oleg Rybachenko is at war again.
  But the Red Army is having a hard time. The Germans are advancing. They have more equipment and more infantry. And the Japanese are also coming from the east.
  Can't resist such power.
  Gerda and her crew fight on the E-50. The Germans are already storming Voronezh. The fighting is fierce.
  On the one hand, the German tank is very good as a fighter of its own kind. But the protection on board is rather weak. And this is its disadvantage, so girls should be vigilant.
  There are still a lot of T-34-85s being produced. This vehicle is still in mass production, and the German 88-mm cannon in the 100EL reaps a bountiful harvest from a long distance.
  The SU-100 is also increasingly being produced, which, being a self-propelled gun, is easier to produce than a tank, but is a stronger weapon.
  Now, pressing the joystick button with her bare toes, Gerda broke through the Soviet drying. At close range, such a car can be very dangerous.
  The blonde terminator took it and sang:
  - My nerves are not made of steel,
  You really got me!
  And then Charlotte fired a cannon and crushed the thirty-four.
  And a gun that fires twelve shots per minute reaches a long distance.
  Next, Christina fires. And he will also do this very accurately and accurately. She smashed a Red Army tank and squeaked:
  - Raging fire! Hooray for Stalin!
  Then Magda hit too. She did this very accurately using her bare toes.
  And she sang:
  - For the glory of the eternal Fatherland!
  After which the girl bursts out laughing...
  The German machine works flawlessly.
  Its victim was the IS-2, a rather powerful and dangerous tank, but poorly protected by the front of the turret.
  Only the IS-3 has relatively good frontal protection, but this tank is still being produced in small series. Its tower shape is too complex. Although the IS-3, as combat practice has shown, at least has a chance to approach E-series vehicles at close range.
  Heavier tanks are not yet produced in the USSR, and even their development has been suspended. This, of course, creates a problem. The Germans only have the E-25 light self-propelled gun in their series, but its production has almost been frozen. Although the machine is not bad.
  Only two crew members and one and a half meters in height. Small with a 75mm cannon from the Panther. Hunter of Soviet cars.
  But the Fuhrer prefers power. Even the E-50 is gradually inferior to the E-75, which is also covered with shields on the sides.
  E-75 is difficult to penetrate even into the side. And the Germans take advantage of this in breakthroughs...
  Two German pilots Alvina and Albina have already managed to exceed the number of downed aircraft by three hundred and received: the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with silver oak leaves, swords and diamonds.
  The girls are such cool warriors and the coolest in the world. Yes, even if Huffman has more planes shot down so far, they are much more beautiful.
  And, as a rule, they fight in only a bikini and barefoot.
  Alvina shot down three Soviet aircraft from her ME-262 X with 30-mm aircraft cannons and chirped:
  - I am the torch of annihilation!
  Albina, firing similar fire, confirmed:
  - And we are complete destruction:
  And she cut down four more Soviet planes...
  The warriors are very combative in mood, but they constantly smile.
  They love men and work with their tongues. And they like it. Such fighting beauties.
  They shot down a Soviet TU-3 and smashed it to pieces... This is their fiery greeting.
  The girls, in short, don't let you down. And the Red Army receives from them.
  But on the other hand, Anastasia and Mirabela are also fighting in just a bikini and barefoot - racking up their scores! They are very aggressive girls.
  And Anastasia shot down a German plane and said:
  - I'm a great pilot!
  Mirabela shot down a German car with a cannon and squeaked:
  - I'm a super warrior!
  Girls are really what we need...
  But they are fighting on outdated Yak-9 Ts, which naturally are not up to par with German jet aircraft. But the beauties manage to fight. And they avoid being shot down.
  And why? Because they are barefoot and in bikinis. So there is no way to cut them off.
  Warriors, as we see, understand what bare skin is.
  Anastasia shot down another German fighter and squeaked:
  - For the Motherland!
  Mirabela cut down HE-162 and roared:
  - For Stalin!
  The most dangerous German fighter is the ME-262 X, it has five air cannons, enormous speed, swept wings, and powerful armor.
  It is easier to shoot down a HE-162 vehicle that is light, cheap, but very maneuverable.
  The ME-1010 was not entirely successful for the Germans; it is undoubtedly an excellent aircraft in terms of flight characteristics, but its wings change sweep and require highly qualified pilots. TA-183 turned out to be more practical, and also goes to the front.
  But Hitler prefers the heavily protected ME-262 X, with powerful weapons.
  The Luftwaffe's propeller-driven vehicles have not yet been phased out of production. TA-152 is the most successful multi-purpose vehicle, and ME-309 is still in combat. They are superior to Soviet fighters in speed and armament. And although the Yu-488 is a propeller-driven vehicle, Soviet Yaks cannot even catch up with it. Yes, even the more advanced LA-7 is inferior to this car in speed.
  And what to do against jet bombers: Arado, Yu-287 and others.
  Soviet aviation, without jet aircraft, is weak.
  However, Anastasia and Mirabela still manage to score good scores even in such conditions.
  So they returned, refueled and went into battle again. They're being hit by German cars again. And they do it with great effect.
  No one in Soviet aviation can compare with their pair. In addition, girls have sex to be stronger. And usually they always have different men. And this gives girls such strength!
  This is one of the secrets of their phenomenal success.
  The girls have already received the gold star of the Hero of the USSR, and wink at each other.
  They flew around again and shot down someone.
  Anastasia cut down the Yu-288, a rather powerful bomber, with her 37 mm aircraft cannon.
  And Mirabela shot down a Yu-287 jet, also using the same 37-millimeter gun. Such guns made it possible, with the phenomenal accuracy of the girls, to hit enemy vehicles from a distance. Although the ammunition was limited, you risked dying.
  The girls spank their bare feet and sing:
  - Soar falcons like eagles,
  We are forward for Stalin!
  Our success is just around the corner
  Open your winning account!
  So the warriors, of course, will not let the fascists off the hook. And they will hit him so hard that it will hurt the Fuhrer.
  Anastasia Vedmakova, of course, maneuvers. The Yak-9 is more than six hundred kilometers, it won"t last, with a heavy gun it"s even shorter, but it tosses and turns more or less.
  Slightly better than the Yak-3, which, however, costs more and requires high-quality duralumin. And the USSR lost a lot of territory. And the Yak-9 can be produced in huge quantities.
  But there is no way to keep up with the Third Reich, together with Japan.
  Mirabela shot down ME-262 and sang:
  - For the glory of the Motherland of Russia,
  We will make the whole world happier!
  Anastasia cut off another German and squeaked:
  - This is the name of the most radiant love!
  And also how it will roar. And he hits the Fritz.
  The girls are, of course, very, very cool.
  Meanwhile, the Germans are moving deeper and deeper into the territory of the USSR.
  The Japanese are also indulging themselves. And there are many of them and they are driving the Chinese ahead of them.
  The yellow soldiers are trying to break through. And they literally litter all the approaches with corpses.
  But there are so many of them that they eventually break through.
  The Japanese and their yellow army are storming Khabarovsk. Losses are not taken into account at all.
  But they are met there by Soviet girls.
  Alenka and her team.
  Girls defend Khabarovsk. They throw grenades at the enemy with their bare feet.
  And they also sing with a chuckle:
  - We are nice girls,
  And the defeat of all the fighters...
  The voice is so loud
  In glory to mad fathers!
  And again the grenades thrown by the bare feet of the beauties fly.
  Alenka, as soon as she gives a turn, mows down the Chinese and squeaks:
  - Glory to our land!
  Anyuta will throw a grenade with her bare feet and roar:
  - In the name of higher powers!
  And he will also hit you with a lethal burst.
  Next, Angelica shoots. And he also throws a grenade with his bare foot.
  And squeals:
  - To new frontiers!
  And then Maria will hit you too. And she also cut off the yellow fighters with a burst, singing:
  - Tail by tail! Eye for an eye!
  And winks at her friends.
  And then the Olympics will throw a whole box of explosives at the samurai and the Chinese.
  And it will roar:
  - For the glory of the Fatherland!
  And again the five destroy the foreign army.
  But the Japanese have already gathered a lot of Chinese. They climb and climb. And whole mounds of corpses grow.
  Alenka shoots, throws with her bare heel and squeals:
  - For Stalin!
  Anyut will also throw a grenade with her bare foot and mutter:
  - Teachers!
  Angelica will throw away the line. He throws a gift with his bare foot and squeaks:
  - For Lenin!
  And then Maria hits the enemy. And with his bare toes he will launch destruction.
  Then the Chinese scatter in all directions...
  And then the Olympics will take and extinguish the barrel of nitroglycerin. And it will kill everyone.
  And the militarists fall...
  Oleg Rybachenko and his team are still fighting for Tula. The Germans are trying to surround Moscow. The city of Tula already repelled the onslaught of the Fritz in '41.
  But the enemy is much stronger now. And it is firing aggressively. And bombs are raining down on the Red Army, and other destructive forces.
  A very powerful enemy. And they throw too many black fighters, Arabs, and Indians into battle. And it seems unstoppable.
  Oleg Rybachenko fired at the E-75 and sang:
  A soldier is always healthy
  The soldier is ready for anything...
  And dust like from carpets,
  We're going off the roads,
  And it won't stop!
  And don't change your legs
  Our faces are shining
  Boots sparkle!
  And again the boy punches the Nazi from a distance. But the forces are truly unequal.
  Although Tula stands heroically. And in the south the Nazis are approaching Stalingrad.
  But what do they think they will win there?
  Oleg Rybachenko shoots at the Nazis again and sings:
  And such chaos
  filled the universe...
  Humanity's sad lot -
  Endure pain and suffering!
  And again the boy was killed, and the fascist Mouse-2, a very formidable machine, was burning.
  Natasha logically noted:
  - No forces can stand against us!
  And she winked at the boy.
  Then Zoya also hit. Also roared:
  - For my access to victory!
  The SU-100 works for itself and does not think about stopping the shelling.
  The Germans are gradually bypassing Tula. They have a lot of forces, a lot of infantry. And tanks of various brands are moving.
  Here, for example, is the same "Lev"-2, a very powerful machine: it weighs one hundred tons, and the frontal armor is 300 millimeters at an angle. Nothing seems to get through.
  But Oleg Rybachenko still shoots. Shows his highest class - sniper.
  And he hits himself, and he hits himself...
  Only fragments fly off from the Nazis. But they still don"t want to slow down.
  Oleg Rybachenko squeaks:
  - The future is ours,
  We are eagles - Jedi!
  And again the boy does conics. And again the fascists get a nickel.
  And Gerda"s tank crew is already in Stalingrad. There are such aggressive battles raging here.
  Gerda, shooting, yells:
  - My body is iron!
  Charlotte pressed the joystick buttons with her bare toes and chirped:
  - So useful for a fight!
  And she winked at her partner.
  Then she hit again and broke the thirty-four.
  Then Christina also fired. She smashed the dryer of the Red Army and rumbled:
  - I'm a crazy girl! I'll tear everyone apart!
  And then Magda started shooting with her bare foot.
  Girls from Germany are generally doing well. And they smear the enemy.
  . CHAPTER No. 2
  But their car was hit on the side. I had to stop and repair it.
  Gerda remarked capriciously:
  - We're wasting time again!
  Charlotte rubbed her bare foot along the surface of the armor and growled:
  - We will take revenge and win!
  And then she took it and showed her teeth. And she released sunbeams from her pearly teeth.
  Christina took it and squeaked:
  - For the Motherland without advice!
  And he will also slap his bare heel on the armor!
  Magda agreed:
  - And no nonsense!
  The girls decided to play chess for now. Couple for couple. And they began to build a strategy there.
  The game is interesting. But the girls argued over every move and butted heads.
  Gerda remarked with a bared teeth:
  - I will be the highest axiom!
  And how he will laugh...
  I imagined my namesake from Andersen"s fairy tale. So she was caught in the forest by robbers. They dismantled the carriage, and took away almost all of Gerda"s clothes and expensive boots. So Gerda is barefoot again, and in sackcloth. This is what she looked like, with her hands tied behind her back.
  He walks through the cold autumn forest. The bare sole feels every bump, every bump, every twig. Gerda is scared and hungry.
  She even managed to recover in the palace. And there is frost on the autumn grass, reminiscent of the cold that she had recently experienced.
  Gerda grinned... She thought that Andersen"s fairy tale was clearly lacking in toasted heels. And that would be great!
  The tank was repaired quickly. The damage is minor. Although a 100mm cannon shell hit the side. Which can be dangerous.
  Charlotte pressed the joystick buttons with her bare toes and sang:
  - I am a tank destroyer,
  Heart is burning...
  The gun is my abode!
  And the shell smashed another thirty-four. For now, it is the T-34-85 that dominates the battlefield. And heavy vehicles are relatively rare in the Red Army.
  But then the IS-3 appeared. It has a weak point: the lower part of the body. The forehead has a large angle of inclination. It has a shape: a pike snout. But if you hit the lower part of the forehead, there will be no mercy.
  Magda used her bare feet to point the gun at the enemy. And how it hit, and the projectile flew.
  And the Soviet machine got punched in the gut. The tower was torn off and shells began to explode.
  Gerda exclaimed:
  - And you are a well-aimed beauty!
  Magda squealed, shaking her magnificent breasts:
  - Nobody will stop me!
  Charlotte confidently confirmed:
  - And no one will win!
  Christina squeaked in response:
  - Evil wolves crush enemies!
  Gerda growled:
  - Evil wolves - salute to the heroes!
  The Nazis surrounded Tula and the children, together with four girls, had to break out of the ring.
  The boy, girl and girls run and throw grenades with their bare toes.
  But the Nazis suffer damage and cannot hit them.
  Oleg, firing, sang:
  - In the name of the sacred Motherland,
  We cannot be brought to our knees!
  Margarita threw the gift of death with her bare foot and squeaked:
  - No! Never deliver!
  Natasha, shooting and jumping, added:
  - Let no trouble come to our house!
  And he would also launch a lethal grenade with his bare foot.
  Then Zoya will dodge the shrapnel and also use her bare toes to let go of the crushing one...
  And it will roar:
  - It will be great!
  And then Angelica will fire at the enemy. Mows him down in wild rage. And it will roar again:
  - I'm a mad saw!
  And a grenade will fly from your bare heel.
  And then Svetlana will take it and hit you hard.
  These are, of course, girls - what death brings to enemies.
  Natasha, shooting at the enemy, squeaks:
  - No one will stop us, not even the devil can defeat us!
  And the grenade flies from her bare feet in an arc. And he will hit, and scatter everything, and far away.
  Girls, of course, are able to overcome the affected territory. In the south, fighting rages in Stalingrad, which the Red Army holds. After suffering colossal losses, the Japanese took Khabarovsk and were advancing on Vladivostok.
  Well, they will be met there by those who need it.
  Anna Witchakova experienced a not very pleasant farewell ceremony with her faithful flying horse. The fighter that became the mother of the Mig-4, which shot down so many German planes, simply burned down during the air strikes of the Japanese armada, as did a fair number of other vehicles and ships. After the vultures from the Land of the Rising Sun pecked the city, Vladivostok presented a sad sight. However, the funeral of the dead took place in a military manner, modestly and quite quickly. The pilot Vedmakova set her feet on fire, the girl"s feet were covered in blisters, and so she walked barefoot, carefully stepping on her toes. The Japanese have not yet repeated the raids; they have concentrated their efforts on supporting the advancing fronts. Vedmakova walked around the rubble, it was being energetically cleared, and among the workers there were a large number of children. Thin, barefoot, with faces reddened in the fresh spring sun, they raked up broken tiles, raised fallen telegraph poles, and simply swept the streets.
  The elder above the boys in a pioneer tie, but without a shirt (it hung separately, apparently the boys were taking care of their clothes), ran up to the pilot.
  - We are working at an accelerated pace, Comrade Major, everything will be ready soon! We will sweep the street clean, it will be as smooth as before the war!
  Witcher smiled and threw him some candy:
  - Here, take it! This is our Soviet made from natural chocolate, not American poison.
  The boy winked cheerfully:
  - And we came up with a new nickname for the Americans! Since now they are together with Hitler and Hirohito, then they are not Yankees, but Pindos!
  The girl major bowed before the boy:
  - Who did you say they are?
  The young pioneer repeated:
  - Pindos! So now we are like the Yankees who betrayed us!
  Witcherova stroked the boy"s head, then her large, strong hand walked over the boy"s thin, veiny shoulders. The boy smiled back: his teeth were white, and extended his calloused palm. The major shook the boy's hand and replied:
  - We must remember the name! But we are not at war with America yet, so it is premature to come up with nicknames!
  The boy objected:
  - Americans are worse than the Japanese and Germans, because they prefer to fight with someone else"s hands. No matter how cruel the fighters of the Empire of the Rising Sun are, their bravery is known to everyone!
  Witcher interrupted:
  - I will kill these brave men! And as quickly as possible!
  The new acting garrison Krotov unexpectedly signed a not entirely logical order and sent the warrior pilot with a group of sailors to Khabarovsk. The order came immediately; it was necessary to repel the advance of Japanese units. Witcherova, of course, expected that they would give her a fighter, but... But the front had no free planes at its disposal, and reinforcements from their center had not yet arrived. The trip from Vladivostok to Khabarovsk took little time and the major was literally thrown off the rails into a seething battle.
  The Japanese tried to bypass the well-fortified city and encircle it. The warrior barely had time to jump into the trench with her machine gun when the attack began.
  The Witcher asked Captain Sinitsin, who was lying down next to her:
  - So this means that the enemy is planning the tactics of Friedrich, or more precisely General Nogi, to bypass the fortifications and drive us into the rear.
  The captain muttered gloomily:
  - Let him try to set fire to the Russian horse"s tail! He'll be hit with his hooves so hard that it won't seem like much!
  The ace pilot joked:
  - The horse"s hooves are probably not made of Krupp steel, but our Soviet ones!
  Her words were interrupted by the howl of shells. Here she lies in a long-dug trench, there is generally a notable line of fortifications around Khabarovsk, the threat of a Japanese invasion has existed for several years. Shells are exploding in front and behind the trenches, and they make a lot of noise. In general, the famous Japanese shimosa creates a lot of noise and smoke. The warrior looks without fear, even with some indifference. Explosions of shells generate dirty fountains, one of them caused shaking of the soil. This means that a gun is firing, with a cannon caliber of a good three hundred millimeters. The groans of the wounded can be heard... Through the cannonade they seem like light vapors that not every ear can catch. Here the warrior pilot was covered with earth. The girl, however, sneezed and shook the dust off her red braids:
  - It"s always like this, if you lie down you get dirty! And if you get up, give me one or two left hands!
  The artillery preparation turned out to be short, perhaps the Japanese did not have so many shells. The attack has begun. There were several Japanese taks riding ahead. Small, with a slightly rounded body of the machine. The most popular tank of the Empire of the Rising Sun: Chichikha. Witcher remembered his characteristics. Frontal armor 30 mm, gun 47 mm, diesel engine 320 horsepower. Apart from the driving performance, in which this machine is not inferior to the T-34, then it is even worse than the German T-3 of the 1943 model. Even in the Far East they call him, sneeze! But by the way, the queen of the fields is not the tank, but the infantry. Try it, approach the minefields. As it is sung: Where an armored train cannot pass, a soldier with a rifle will crawl.
  The Japanese rifles were copied from the German Mauser. Submachine guns, ripped off from the famous "Schmeister" from the First World War. In general, narrow-eyed people have a desire to copy the best from the other side. Surely Japanese designers are already working on creating a hybrid of the Panther and T-34!
  There are no more than a dozen Japanese tanks and the Soviet artillery is in no hurry to meet them. The infantry runs after them at a jog, in a traditional thick chain. The soldiers of the Land of the Rising Sun themselves are dressed in uniforms that are slightly yellow, matching the color of the khaki steppe. Witcher looks at them, quickly assessing the number of attackers. To the eye there are five to six thousand of them, and there are at most a thousand Russians sitting in the trenches, covering this section of the front. And the weapons... The Far Eastern army is equipped on a residual basis, and only officers have submachine guns. Well, she"s a major, though, without a position, reduced to the level of a private.
  Captain Sinits (still a very young guy) asked Witcher.
  - Did you fight with the Germans?
  The girl replied:
  - No! I kissed them!
  The captain, suddenly turning pale, remarked:
  - Do you remember your first corpse!
  Witcher, smiling, shook her head:
  "I"m a pilot, and whoever I shot down, I killed him, I have no concept of corpses!" By the way, during the entire Great Patriotic War, my plane was never shot down!
  The captain whistled somewhat awkwardly:
  - You're just an ace! And how many smeared Germans do you have!
  Witcher smiled even wider:
  - After the twenty-fifth, they awarded the hero star! And only twenty-eight.
  Sinitsin exclaimed:
  - Uh-uh! You are simply a master of your craft!
  The girl modestly replied:
  - There is no need to make a hero someone who simply honestly fulfills his duty. Now the infantry will come closer, and we will meet them.
  The captain pulled the bolt of a heavy submachine gun, weighing a good ten kilograms. I touched the dog, the launch is very tight, the butt has recoil. It"s not a very convenient machine, but it hits... True, according to rumors, the Germans already have a more powerful machine gun, but who knows, whether Soviet designers will come up with something better. Sinits couldn"t resist asking:
  - Why were you such a great pilot transferred to the infantry?
  Witcherova answered half-jokingly, also clicking the jam of her submachine gun:
  -And I just wanted to know what it"s like to sit under fire! That would be cool!
  - And you must have lost your boots if you were in such a hurry to get to the front line!
  Witcherova, in fact, trying to make the blisters go away faster, walked around like a barefoot girl. Although during the war most women and children showed off their bare heels in the summer, this was not accepted among officers, especially in public places. But Witcher even liked to highlight people like that. She answered Sinitsin simply:
  - In order to save money, virtually the entire capitalist world is against us. After all, boots wear out, and this is the work of many people!
  The captain agreed with a playful wink:
  -You have very beautiful legs! Can I pet them?
  Witcher shook her finger:
  - Not now! Then, if you survive, I"ll warm you up for the night.
  Sinitsin widened his eyes:
  - Wow, you're fast! Women usually take a long time to break!
  Vedmakova wanted to answer, but an explosion was heard, a Japanese tank walking ahead hit a mine. The girl sang:
  - Hitler was driving a car, the bastard was blown up by a mine! It shattered into fragments - but it was of little use!
  Another Japanese tank exploded, stopped, turned its muzzle and opened fire on the Soviet trenches. The third one rushed after him. The Japanese, however, did not even think about stopping. The narrow-eyed ones snapped: their machine guns, located on semicircular, movable towers, started working.
  The captain muttered:
  - This is great! It's like they're walking in a parade! This is an army!
  Vedmakova picked up a rifle, fortunately the distance to the infantry allowed, and shot at the Japanese officer. Narrow-Eyed fell over, throwing his rifle away with such force that it was fumbling with its bayonet in the spring grass. The other Japanese continued to run, only slightly tilting their bodies, apparently hoping in this way to avoid defeat, or rather to reduce its likelihood. Vedmakova remembered that this is how they train soldiers in the Quantud army; whoever does not bend down in time is hit on the head with a bamboo stick. It seems that the Tsar-Father and Herod were given a good run! However, he is talking about Nicholas II. Now they are fighting Japan again, and not on one, but on several fronts. However, this also has its advantages. The girl sang:
  It is coming - the Wehrmacht has been thrown into dust,
  Napoleon is defeated, invincible!
  The enemy will not be able to trample on the Soviet flag,
  When the people and the party are united!
  One after another, the destroyed Japanese tanks stopped, but the infantry bristling with bayonets began to run even faster. The positions of the Soviet troops bristled with flashes, rifles clapped, occasionally interspersed with machine gun fire. Witcher also opened fire. The Japanese, reloading on the move, fired from rifles. They shouted at the top of their lungs:
  - Banzai! Rus give up!
  The bullets pierced their carcasses like a ramrod into mannequins. Bone dust mixed with blood fell. However, most of the bullets, as happens in battle, missed. The Japanese crossed the minefield, the little soldiers were too light for their running to detonate the gifts prepared for the tanks.
  Witcherova felt the cruel recoil of the machine gun on her shoulder, while the fighters of the Land of the Rising Sun seemed like real monsters. Their hysterical screams became stronger and closer, their yellow disgusting faces glistening with sweat. Witcher tries to kill as many enemy soldiers as possible at once. The girl is hot as always, and shoots like a nest. One clip ran out, inserted another. The magazine is too large, round, and not easy to wedge into the chamber. And again the fire, the Japs fly upside down.
  Vedmakova shot the second round of ammunition, leaving her without any ammunition. And the narrow-eyed ones are already attacking with grenades. They respond with throws, now there are much more screams and groans, and Soviet soldiers also fall. The fragment cut off a tiny strand of hair on Witcher's head. The girl"s nerves can"t stand it, and she jumps up and screams at the top of her lungs:
  - For motherland for Stalin!
  Following her, the rest of the fighters scream, jumping out of cover and shaking their bayonets. Soviet soldiers run to meet the Japanese, engaging in bayonet fighting.
  Vedmakova cuts the stomach of the nearest "samurai" with a swift blow. He screams and tries to answer and falls over like a slaughtered boar. The girl exclaims with pleasure:
  - Russian football: Russia - Japan, two-zero!
  And indeed another Japanese fell with his throat cut with a bayonet. Well, the warrior pilot kicked the third one in the groin. The narrow-eyed man stretched out, and the girl, moving by inertia, stabbed the tip into the adversary"s eye!
  -Get it Japanese! Why stand behind the barriers!
  The retaliatory blow of the bayonet tore open the major"s tunic, blood came out, but this not only did not bother the girl, but also gave her additional fury.
  - Death of Hirohito! - The girl barked, her shin crashed into the narrow-eyed temple, and the girl moved with such speed, as if she were the propellers of a new fighter.
  The Japanese retreated, and even backed away, and the inspired girl went on the attack, her machine gun was spinning like a club in the hands of a giant. Then came a hard blow to the back of the head with the butt of an overzealous officer. Anna exhaled:
  - Here's shahen-khash for you!
  But overall, the Russians had a hard time. The narrow-eyed side has a five-fold advantage, and the Japanese have a good level of physical fitness, and besides, they are not fighting against the best soldiers of the USSR. Naturally, during such a difficult war, conscripts of the third category, with worse characteristics, or soldiers who were seriously injured in the battle with the Nazis were sent to the Far East. The soldiers fell, sometimes a dozen bayonets were driven into one Russian, they were literally bleeding collectively, but they fought like heroes, and no one asked for mercy.
  Sinitsin stabbed a Japanese officer with a bayonet, but was also hit in the side with the tip. The young man knocked down the attacking Japanese with a blow to the chest with the butt of his gun, but the blood flowed from the side too abundantly. And four samurai rushed at the guy at once.
  The brave Vedmakova rushed to the rescue, stabbing the officer with a bayonet up to the shoulder blade, and knocking down another Jap under the knee.
  - Hold on Petrukha! - She said.
  He immediately reflected two bayonets aimed at the chest and replied:
  - I"m not Peter, but Arkady!
  The girl who killed another Japanese growled:
  - In war, every name is like the click of a cocked gun; you shouldn"t cock it without firing a shot!
  Arkady retreated slightly and the merciless bayonet ripped open his cheek. The young man whined from unbearable pain:
  - Mother of God!
  Witcher objected:
  - Maybe I"m a mother, but not God"s! In general, there is no God, and there never was!
  Arkady retreated with his back to Anna and muttered indistinctly:
  - And what non-existence awaits us after death?
  The girl shook her head negatively:
  - No! Communist science will resurrect the dead! And those who died in battles for their homeland will be the first to be returned to a new life.
  Sinitsin shook his head:
  - God forbid!
  Witcherova, having laid down another Japanese, squealed:
  - There is no god! If there is one, then we must admit that the supposed creator of the universe is a sadist! And he likes to torture his creation!
  At that moment, Arkady was cut open in the thigh with a bayonet, and in order not to fall, he leaned on the red-haired warrior:
  - And I"m so tormented! Simply unimaginable!
  The five to six times superiority of the soldiers of the rising sun took its toll. Fifty samurai rushed against them, waving their bayonets like an army of porcupines. Arkady received a couple of ulars with a bayonet in the stomach, and then his eye was knocked out. When the young man fell, they injected him twenty times, making him quiet forever. I wonder what his soul felt as he flew away: surprise or fear, or maybe incredible relief after leaving the prison of his body.
  The Witcher was as if under a spell. Of course, her tunic crumbled into shreds, slashed by bayonets. The warrior turned out to be completely naked, covered with many scratches, but the samurai could not inflict a single serious injury on her! She fought and her naked breasts with scarlet nipples shook like buoys in the sea. And bare ankles just flashed by. The girl was truly the embodiment of animal and erotic power. Her bare soles became red with blood, which created an association with the great goddess of destruction and evil: Kali! Almost all the Soviet soldiers had already been stabbed to death, the battle was over, and only in its sparkling beauty of Aphrodite, from time to time it struck the insolent narrow-eyed.
  The Japanese General Nugi looked at this miracle with surprise. Then a thought flashed through his head. An order followed, given in the thin voice of an underfed mosquito:
  - Throw a net over her, take her alive!
  The thrifty Japanese also had networks. Suddenly you need to take one of the Russians alive. And the network is ideal for this. Immediately a dozen catchers threw fetters on the girl
  Witcher fought back as best she could, she tried with all her might to free herself. But it was all in vain; the conscientious Japanese made the net with the expectation that it would support an elephant. The girl was completely swaddled and dragged in her arms. Apparently, tactical success was achieved, especially since this direction was not covered by either artillery or machine guns.
  The girl recalled the clean-shaven face of her beloved Arkady, and her catchphrase:
  - In war, every name is like the click of a cocked gun; you shouldn"t cock it without firing a shot!
  An alarming and disgusting thought arose, but it didn"t smooth it out! After all, this often happens: you just fell in love with a person and he died!
  The Japanese apparently occupied poorly covered trenches in this place, continuing to bypass the positions of Soviet troops around Khabarovsk. And they carried her Vedmakova into captivity, and although she was no longer being taken, she was loaded into a stained armored car to take her to the rear. The machine is antediluvian, probably from the First World War, so imperceptibly he minced behind the infantry. The speed is approximately 12 kilometers per hour. Brr! The world's first tank, Prokhorov's all-terrain vehicle, weighed no less, but had a speed of 40 kilometers per hour on the highway and 25 on the highway. Well, on the one hand, the USSR is attacking all of Europe, and on the other, a significant part of Asia. The girl turned on her side, apparently there was a threat to lie on her back. How dark it is in this part of the armored car, apparently it houses the landing section, or the transportation of soldiers. It would be nice, of course, to escape, first by getting rid of the rods and strong ropes. And how to do it? The girl, of course, has skills, although she will have to tinker, at the same time pull off the handcuffs, and saw through the chain to which she was tied by the leg. But ropes can also work quite well here. The work is tedious, but if they take her to the territory of Manchuria, she will have time. The girl removed the ropes from the wet skin, sawed the chain and at the same time thought. Hmm, it"s not a joke coalition that has formed against Soviet Russia: Moreover, the most serious monster is Germany. A country with advanced technology and strong troops. For example, she heard about the new ME-309 fighter. It seems like these are already flying. She doesn"t have exact information about the armament, but according to rumors this plane has as many as seven! Firing points. This is a very serious weapon, considering that the YAK=9 has only two of them, and there is no vehicle on Soviet fighters that had more than three points. Try to defeat such monsters! Well, the Fokken-Wulf is a very serious machine, superior in armament to Soviet aircraft, and even capable of carrying almost two tons of bombs. Already at the end of 1942, he was armed with two 20 mm cannons and 4 13 mm machine guns. But it seems that a new type of fighter-attack aircraft and bomber with two 30-mm and four 20-mm cannons has already appeared. It was already a monster, a monster to all monsters! And according to rumors, an aircraft fighter with eight 30-mm guns has already been put into production! Try to defeat such a ghoul! How do Soviet designers want to respond to this? Vedmakova heard that work was underway on the Yak-3. A curator from Beria"s department told her about this. It seems that the main highlight of the aircraft will be the lighter weight of the structure, without additional engines and weapons. Maneuverability is, of course, good, but I would like an increase in armament! After all, in boxing, of course, a light athlete in the weight of a feather is more maneuverable than a heavyweight, but he will still almost certainly lose to him. It"s not for nothing that there are weight categories, and among professional boxers, striking power is most valued. It is necessary to strengthen the armament of Soviet aircraft, and only then will the Wehrmacht be beaten... on an equal footing? From the second half of 1942, the superiority of the Luftwaffe in the air began to evaporate, even by March 1943 the USSR had an advantage, but... The betrayal of the Allies changed the balance of power. Wow, Hitler was killed on March 13, and now it"s only the end of April, and how seriously the balance of forces has changed. So quickly, from a strategically advantageous position to a strategically almost losing one. Almost because there is still hope that Germany will be defeated before it achieves strategic and technological superiority over the USSR. In particular, the Allies can supply the Nazis with large quantities of aircraft, but German pilots will need time to learn how to fly them. Still, there is a difference in technology and instrument panels. Tanks also require trained crews, and the Chevron"s performance in the Russian winter is not particularly good. Automatic rifle M-18... Not a bad thing, but in rate of fire it is inferior to the best Soviet models, although it is superior in accuracy! In short, the problem is the problem! There are also the truly famous "Churchills" with powerful armor and good driving performance... Of course, it looks like we"ll have to fight with them too. And the longer the war lasts, the more equipment the Nazis will receive. So the conclusion is simple, we must inflict a crushing defeat on Germany in the summer. As for Japan, it is best to limit yourself to active defense and launch counterattacks using qualitative superiority in tanks. But again, saving energy to the maximum. Without getting drawn into protracted battles, and building defenses on previously prepared lines. There is still a chance to use the Chinese Red Army, but the Chiang Ka-sha regime attacked it with all its might. So for now you can rely on your own strength. When to attack? The best time is at the end of May, when the roads are completely dry and reinforcements arrive for the troops. Vedmakova herself would have delivered her first blow in the Oryol direction, and then in the Kharkov region, in order to drive the Germans out of the industrial Donbass, and then with a forced march across Ukraine, immediately crossing the Dnieper, and further to Romania. However, it is possible to turn north to liberate Belarus and go behind the rear of the central group. The idea as a whole is good, although there are some shortcomings, the offensive in the Oryol direction is the most obvious and the fascists will be waiting for it there. The fortifications will have to be hacked.
  . CHAPTER No. 3
  Of course, guns and Katyushas will come in handy here. The latter system produces a strong, especially moral effect. In any case, you need a lot of guns and Katyushas to bombard enemy defenses with shells. In general, the experience of the First World War showed that it is easier to defend than to attack, and if the Kaiser"s Germany had not exhausted its forces with the spring offensive of 1918, the war could have lasted for several more years. But the Second World War proved the superiority of offensive tactics over defensive ones. For example, the rapid defeat of Poland, and especially striking the powerful Western coalition of allies. The Nazis defeated superior forces in a month and a half, simply bypassing the impregnable Maginot Line. Fighting in Africa, where at first the superior forces of Italy were defeated by a decisive blow from the British. And then Rommel defeated the much stronger British troops during a rapid offensive. But of course the most striking example of the USSR, in 1941, was the great disaster of a mighty army. And retaliatory offensive operations that knock out German units. So the main thing is to strike yourself without waiting for the pressure of new German tanks. A protracted war of attrition becomes almost hopeless, unless, of course, Soviet scientists create a miracle weapon! The latter is possible in principle; for example, she heard that it was theoretically possible to create a bomb capable of destroying a city. Moreover, such a bomb will weigh three or four tons. Looks like a fairy tale, but... We were born to make a fairy tale come true.
  An even more attractive way is the laser weapon described in the Hypreboloid of engineer Garin. Such a thing is quite capable of destroying an entire army of tanks, planes, and ships. Of course, create such a weapon and not only the Third Reich, but also the traitors Pindos, the entire capitalist world will end. And the bright banner of communism will shine over the planet. But for some reason such weapons have not been created. Mirrors are not the best way to collect combustion energy into a single stream. And it takes a lot more energy to cut ships. Although... if it is concentrated to a micron fineness, then it is quite possible to cut planes and battleships. A miracle weapon that will help save the USSR. And here is the laser effect, in a different form. Finally, the chain has given way and it is almost free, and there are pieces of rope lying around.
  Vedmakova expressed:
  - Patience and work, if with you, you are not a corpse!
  The girl stood up and tapped her bare foot on the covering. No reaction. She knocked harder. In response, there was swearing in Japanese and no reaction. Then Witcher began to sing in frustration. And she sang at the top of her voice, like a prima donna at an anniversary party:
  The Wehrmacht hordes are going wild
  The roar of guns and the clash of swords!
  Smoke rises for up to a month,
  Distortion of rays from heaven!
  For centuries to come the fatherland will be glorified,
  I will give my flesh for Russia!
  I love you, beautiful Rus',
  The Lord of all kings is with us!
  Oh, you curly groves of the country,
  The sound of golden aspens rustles!
  Orthodox falcon brothers,
  God inspired the army to heroic deeds!
  On days that are cold or warm,
  Maybe the cloud will bring in some darkness!
  We are fascist pigs like brooms,
  To shake the abomination from your face!
  Our party's cause is just,
  Fight for the Soviet people!
  We sing a brave song,
  The thought soared upward like an eagle!
  Stalin in Mudra - the ideal of a ruler,
  We are being led into a formidable mortal battle!
  Banner of the Motherland, pestle of the winner,
  I'm ready to argue with Pallas-fate!
  Lenin's deeds will be eternal,
  We will build holy communism!
  Believe the teaching of man,
  Fascism will be crushed into the abyss of darkness!
  The whole planet is like a free bird,
  Let's fly to the distant stars, to the worlds!
  Something bright and noble
  We will create like sculptors!
  And Russia under the red banner,
  It"s like heavenly Eden will bloom!
  Lenin's cause, Stalin's will,
  Lead us forward to achievements!
  Oleg Rybachenko and Margarita Korshunova, as well as four legendary girls, got out of Tula and reached Moscow.
  Now the situation in the capital was extremely difficult. The Germans had already completed their encirclement, and there remained a corridor of thirty to forty kilometers, which became narrower and narrower every day.
  Six warriors took up defensive positions on the outskirts of Moscow. There was a fierce assault.
  Oleg Rybachenko fired and sang to himself:
  - The future is ours!
  And the boy throws a grenade with his bare foot and continues:
  - And we will be great!
  Margarita Korshunova shoots and screams:
  - And I will become the coolest!
  And with his bare foot he would throw a lethal grenade.
  And scatters opponents in different directions.
  And then in battle Natasha will mow down the Germans with a machine gun and throw the gift of death with her bare foot.
  This is what this woman is like...
  In 1941, Natasha fled from the Brest Fortress. She was going east. The new shoes quickly chafed her feet, and the girl took them off and walked barefoot.
  There was nothing for a couple of hours, and then my bare soles began to itch. After another couple of hours they began to burn and were already exploding with pain.
  Natasha, being a Muscovite, was not used to walking barefoot. And of course, every now and then she dipped into the stream.
  Yes, it turned out to be torture for her legs. But the young girl quickly got used to it.
  Then she constantly walked barefoot, even in the snow, and only put on shoes in severe frost.
  Now Natasha fights like a legendary goddess.
  And here Zoya throws a grenade with her bare foot and roars:
  - This is actually a great date!
  And he will give a well-aimed turn.
  And the Germans and their mercenaries fall.
  And then Angelica fires... And she also shoots so wildly accurately.
  And a grenade is also flying from her bare leg.
  And scatters the mercenaries.
  Then Svetlana is firing. And her bare foot throws out such things that no one can resist.
  And scatters opponents very far.
  And he shoots himself, and crushes the enemies with a blast wave.
  These are the girls born in the USSR!
  Oleg Rybachenko fires accurately at enemy infantry, throwing grenades automatically with his child"s feet. And at the same time the boy composes for himself.
  Vitaliy Klitschko, having encountered a conflict with the new President of Ukraine Zelensky, decided to resign as mayor of Kyiv. In fact, why be stubborn and cling to the position. It's better to solve the problem yourself.
  And after leaving the post of mayor, Vitali Klitschko resumed his career. And immediately a sensation, he challenges Weider to fight. Without any intermediate battles! And this after more than eight years of break.
  Wider, of course, agrees. Challenge accepted!
  And the moment of truth comes. On the one hand, the multiple world champion has never been beaten for more than twelve years. And on the other hand, the forty-nine-year-old former mayor of Kyiv. A man who can beat Hopins' record, but whose fitness is highly questionable.
  In fact, many believed that after such a long break, going straight to Weider would be suicide.
  But Vitali Klitschko is like Rocky Balboa. I decided to go up against the most powerful knockout artist in the heavyweight division. Denotey Wider is a boxer who has seen all his opponents fall. Absolutely everyone - including Tyson Fury!
  So what if Vitali Klitschko has a chance?
  But Vitali Klitschko constantly trained, kept in shape, and rode a bicycle to work. And of course he wasn"t that bad physically. And besides, he had a steel chin.
  Well, Vitali Klitschko will take the fight, even if he is not the favorite.
  Oleg Rybachenko changed the clip of his machine gun. The supposed fights with boxers are fascinating.
  So, really, why doesn"t Vitali Klitschko return to the ring and try to break Hopins" record?
  This would be a very strong idea.
  The terminator boy fired a burst and mowed down several dozen more fascists.
  After which the boy laughed and stuck out his tongue, saying:
  - I am a super person!
  Margarita threw two lemons tied together with her bare foot and squeaked:
  - You are cooler than any person!
  Oleg, continuing to shoot, reasoned...
  Vitali Klitschko, at forty-nine years old, was really going to break Hopins' record. He even recalled at a press conference: "I said that I was not going to break Foreman"s record, but I didn"t say anything about Hopins! So I"ll take it and beat his record!"
  However, if a significant part of the public more or less believed that Hopins, at forty-eight years old, would be able to win the title of world champion, there was much less faith in Vitaliy Klitschko at forty-nine years old. Including due to the fact that his opponent is very strong.
  There has never been such a puncher in the history of the heavyweight division. True, Wider is no longer young, but thirty-five years old is not forty-nine.
  Vitali Klitschko, however, clearly does not lose optimism. He trains hard and gets in shape. And I"m very glad that I threw off the routine of being the mayor of Kyiv.
  Indeed, it is not a great happiness to be a mayor in Ukraine, where there are so many problems.
  But for the fight with Uyader, Vitali Klitschko was offered very good money. So, in any case, I didn"t make a mistake with the wallet. The name Vitali Klitschko is famous.
  Evil tongues even said that Weider would hit once, and Vitali Klitschko would fall down himself. And then he will receive money and write memoirs or fiction.
  Or maybe he'll act in a movie.
  By the way, Vladimir Klitschko also wanted to box. Only the cunning Vladimir chose a weaker opponent from among the regular world champion. But no matter how you look at it, he"s a champion and that"s cool!
  But Denotay Wider, no matter how you look at it, is still the best of the best!
  But Vitaly trains frantically. He is like a young man putting maximum stress on himself. And he had several sparring sessions, showing excellent form and good endurance. No, Vitaly is ready. And he doesn"t just enter the ring.
  And indeed, when the day of judgment came, the greatest knockout artist, Wider, the best heavyweight in this regard, and Vitaly came together. The former mayor of Kyiv, whom everyone has already written off as a boxer. But then two legendary personalities came together.
  Vitaly, who became world champion for the very first time back in 1999. Just think how long ago it was and more than twenty years have passed since this event.
  And Wider has already held his title for a very long time. And he is also close to breaking the record of Holmes, who held this title for the longest time since the division of the belts.
  And of course, if Wider is afraid of anyone, it"s not grandfather Vitaly. Indeed, not everyone can be a Hawkins. And Hawkins" opponents are not as powerful as Weider!
  But Vitaly, as a challenger, enters the ring. His body is still magnificent and muscular, although his hair is already grey. Grandfather Vitaly, as he is called with respect, or with ridicule. But the muscle definition is like that of a young man.
  Vitaly said that he was ready. And not even him, the rates have increased a little.
  Wider is also lean, sculpted, and thinner in bones, weighing less.
  Although he is a formidable puncher, he has some defensive issues and is not always good on his feet. But I already have a lot of fighting experience. In terms of the number of fights, he is already equal to Vitaly. And he hasn't been defeated yet.
  However, Vitali Klitschko lost his two fights only due to injuries and cuts. And one can also say that he was not beaten.
  But more than eight years gap, and almost fifty years of age. If Vitaly were young, of course, he would have chances. But can he beat Hopins' record? David Haye, already at the age of thirty-five, became a zero boxer.
  But there is a lot of talk and only the ring will tell. Will Vitali Klitschko break Hopins' record, or will he be carried away on a stretcher, as Weider promised.
  Here he comes out wearing a raven mask. Tall, very dry, even skinny like Koschey.
  A pair of boxers created serious problems for him in the ring. This is the Cuban Ostrix, who led on points and beat the knockout, and Tyson Fury, who also led on points and managed to bring the fight to a draw. So the greatest puncher of all time may go bust.
  But the odds are almost one in ten in Weider"s favor. Still, Vitaly is too old and has a long break in his career. Even his brother Vladimir advised to warm up with a couple of strong middle peasants. In fact, in Germany, Vitali Klitschko could get more money in a fight with a mediocre boxer, purely due to his big name.
  Vitaly is known throughout the world not only as a boxer, but also as a politician, the mayor of the capital, and a hero of the Maidan.
  No, in any case, Vitali Klitschko should have thought about whether it was worth rushing and fighting against such a mountain.
  But the choice has been made: Vitali Klitschko is not looking for easy ways!
  The fight takes place in America. The anthems of the USA and Ukraine are played. Service records are announced. Finally, the signal for battle sounds.
  Many want to see spectacle and blood.
  Wider started cautiously, although he may be wrong. What if Vitaly is rusty? Klitschko Sr. is also in no hurry. But you can immediately see that he is light on his feet, lean, muscular, and well balanced. In any case, what many expected: that it would float right away, did not happen.
  Klitschko confidently worked with his jab, held it a little higher than usual, and placed blocks.
  The first two rounds went smoothly. And then Wider, as expected, upped the tempo a lot. He began to attack and attack more actively. But Vitaly was not at a loss. Blocked the blow and met it with a left jab. And suddenly, during a sharp octopus attack, he hit him in the body with his right hand. Wider doubled over in pain.
  Vitaly pulled off a deuce, and for the second time in his career, the world champion and the best knockout artist of all time found himself on the floor.
  Vitaly smiled... And the audience roared with delight. This was not expected from old Vitaly. Wow! But it seems like fifty years is coming soon! And still move and hit! You need to be able to do this!
  Wider stood up, but began to back away. Vitaly slowly began to sting him with his jab. And again a deuce. And I hit it again. Knockout backs away.
  With difficulty, Weider survived until the end of the round. Then, in the next one, Vitaly worked as number one. But nothing, everything went according to plan. Weider backed away for several rounds and looked helpless. But in the ninth round he exploded again. And they began to throw blows and went forward. And again he missed a deuce and fell. Second knockdown.
  Vitaly smiles. Goes forward. Wider is unsteady on his feet. He misses the deuce again without finding an antidote. And from the next blow he falls.
  He gets up with difficulty, and the referee stops the fight!
  Victory! Vitali Klitschko, now world champion! And his belt again! True, he is not absolute yet, but he is already on horseback!
  He broke Hopins' record, and, of course, for heavyweight Foreman, he became the world champion for the fourth time, equaling Holyfield.
  Wider, of course, shouts that the fight was stopped too early and demands a rematch.
  Vitaly says that he will make a decision on whether to continue his career or have a few more fights later. But everyone tells him that he is very good, even better than in his youth, and he needs to continue.
  Moreover, there is nothing to do yet. There is another mayor in Kyiv, the parliamentary and presidential elections are still far away, why not fight there?
  For the next three fights, Vitaly is offered as much as one hundred million dollars, plus a percentage from broadcasts.
  Of course, the jackpot is big, and the former mayor of Kyiv says he will think about it.
  In fact, he showed that he is still capable of a lot. So why bury talent? And the main thing is that there is nothing more to do anyway!
  Maybe try to combine all the belts? That would be so cool!
  Vitaly accepts the offer and signs a contract for three more fights.
  And his next opponent... Well, of course Tyson Fury! Never beaten before, big heavyweight. True, he was knocked down by Uydar and someone smaller. And most importantly, he is also the offender of his younger brother. Well, how can you not fight something like that?
  Of course, a new fight, and a fabulous fee, and a great spectacle.
  Oleg Rybachenko is again shooting at Germans and foreign fighters. In general, there really are almost no Germans in the infantry. They are moving behind the E-50 and E-75 tanks. And they try not to take risks.
  Here somewhere further away you can see "Panther"-2. This tank, unlike the real story, appeared back in 1943. And the "Panther" itself was not too massive. Yes, and "Panther"-2 was produced, although a lot, but in 1945, preparing for the war with the USSR, the Germans filled the factories with E-50 and E-75 tanks.
  Despite all the practicality of light self-propelled guns: E-10 and E-25, the Fuhrer preferred heavier tanks. With difficulty, Guderian persuaded the high-speed E-50 to be made the most popular. The Fuhrer loved the E-75 more, which was not very successful and weighed ninety tons.
  But now a modification of the E-75 M has appeared, with a lower silhouette, lighter and with a powerful engine. Perhaps it will become the most widespread in the future.
  Oleg Rybachenko, for example, uses cunning tactics. He takes it and throws a grenade into the E-50 track with his bare foot. Because of this, the tank turns and collides with its colleague.
  And the result is two mastodons burning.
  Oleg, as we see, is very cunning.
  This is how he operates now, and the Germans are suffering heavy losses. The boy has nimble legs. It's good to be like him, barefoot and handsome.
  But in general, thoughts about boxers come into my head. For example, why not Denis Lebedev resume his career? Forty years is not that long. Moreover, the main competitors from the heavyweight division have left, and you can try to unify the belts.
  What you really shouldn"t do is be the authorities" six. It"s better to take up noble boxing yourself or join the opposition.
  This is like how Sergei Kovalev became the mayor of Moscow. Although this is only fantasy.
  And Denis Lebedev could do something more constructive. Moreover, it"s still too early to leave boxing unbeaten. A real athlete must go to the end.
  Wladimir Klitschko could also return. But some, like Alexander Ustinov, who have already been beaten three times in a row, do not retire!
  Indeed, heroes are not people, but straight out of steel!
  But let"s imagine this scenario: Putin crashed on a plane, and there are new presidential elections in Russia.
  And what do we see today! The communists do not have strong candidates. Grudin has disgraced himself and his credibility has been undermined. Zyuganov is too old and everyone is tired of him, and he doesn"t have enough charisma. Suraikin failed in the previous elections. Other little-known personalities. Zhirinovsky is also too old and everyone is tired of him. Others in the LDPR are little known. Who else from the opposition can you recommend? Andrei Navalny is strong, but he will not be allowed to participate in the elections. Ksenia Sobchak is not a serious candidate. Demushkin was in prison and not very well promoted. Udaltsov was also in prison, although perhaps he could have been supported by the communists and come out.
  In short, there are no serious competitors in the opposition. So Medvedev, the acting president, is still the main favorite. And if there is any intrigue: the second round or immediately in the first.
  Considering Medvedev"s low rating, and most likely the large number of presidential candidates, a second round is quite possible.
  However, Medvedev will have a very large advantage in the first round, and a not very good opponent in the second.
  Although at the very last moment his own Zelensky may appear and confuse all the cards!
  Oleg Rybachenko again threw a grenade, pushing the Nazi tanks. Lots of roars and shelling.
  And every now and then the earth takes off and burns right in the air. And the fragments turn over, melting.
  Oleg says:
  - Glory to our empire!
  Margarita, throwing the killer present with her bare foot, squeaked:
  -Great glory to the heroes!
  And again the girl will toss the lemon with her bare heel.
  The fascists are pouring in, oh and pouring in.
  There is no way to stop them or defeat them even with a vacuum bomb! There are such cool warriors here, it"s just creepy!
  Oleg roars:
  - Our victory in the holy war!
  Margarita confirmed:
  - With a one hundred percent guarantee!
  And again the girl threw a grenade with her bare foot.
  No, these kids clearly won't just give up.
  Oleg Rybachenko roared:
  - For the new Soviet order!
  Margarita actively fired a burst and confirmed:
  - Banzai!
  Oleg, meanwhile, tried to continue composing. Well, Vitaly is conducting a voluntary defense against Tyson Fury. Meanwhile, Vladimir has an equally interesting fight with Ruiz.
  In fact, Ruiz was a world champion in three versions. There, why can"t Vladimir fight him for a lot of money? An even more convenient opponent is that he is significantly shorter and fat. Vladimir can shoot him with long jabs.
  It"s a pity that Klitschko Jr. missed out on fighting him while he was the world champion. But it would be necessary to move.
  And how did you not think of this, Vladimir?
  And the world champion in three versions is now Usik. However, he quickly reached the throne.
  And a unification fight with Vitaly is possible. But these are just estimates for now.
  Vitaly needs to beat Tyson Fury, and a rematch with Weider is of interest. And there are many other interesting fighters. Same Anthony Joshua. It would also be extremely interesting to fight with him. And also avenge his brother.
  Vitaly created a sensation by defeating Weider. And what can you do to develop success?
  Why not become the first boxer in the world to win a championship fight after fifty years? No one has managed this before!
  Eh, Vitaly! It doesn"t matter what kind of mayor of Kyiv you were, but now you have been recognized without any doubt as a great world champion!
  But here is the first, voluntary defense of the title. Vitaly faces a larger and longer-armed opponent. Not as formidable a puncher as Weider, but technical and agile, with long arms. And also not yet broken, although it has been dropped.
  Most importantly, he defeated the still very young Wladimir Klitschko, which undoubtedly makes Tyson Fury a formidable competitor.
  The odds were about fifty-fifty. Of course, the knockout victory over Weider was impressive. But now it will not be a grunt against him, but a technical fighter, whom no one has yet been able to outbox. And most importantly, the winner of Vladimir himself is at the dawn of his strength.
  Will Vitaly, at fifty, be able to cope with such a technician? This is already a duel of intellects. However, Wider clearly underestimated Vitaly and tried to take him unceremoniously. But this won"t work anymore.
  Here are both boxers getting ready. Vitaly, as always, is serious and focused. He is confident and calm.
  Tyson Fury is also preparing. He is taller than Vitaly, has longer arms and will try to take advantage of this.
  But now the fight will take place in Britain, and there will be a paid broadcast.
  Now Tyson Fury is out first. He demonstrates outward confidence. Bald, awkward, and not very athletic. If Vitali Klitschko tinted his hair, you wouldn"t be able to tell which of them was older, even though there was a seventeen-year difference in age. This is not yet a record for championship fights, but it is already approaching the record.
  Well, maybe Vitaly will also fight with someone younger than Tyson Fury.
  Vitaly comes out to the sound of menacing music. They look at each other.
  Tyson is slouched and doesn't look taller. Vitaly is perhaps broader in the shoulders. And most importantly, his figure is much more beautiful, and his muscles are prominent.
  Well, what about the hymns? First British, and then Ukrainian.
  Then an exchange of glances.
  And then the bugle sounds, the first round.
  Vitaly throws a light jab and moves well. Tyson tries to leave. But Vitaly is very dexterous, and his blows move along a clumsy trajectory, reaching Tyson Fury"s head.
  Everything is going as experts predicted. Vitaly has excellent speed.
  And everything succeeds.
  He wins the first round... Then a minute of rest and the second round. Again Fury doesn't change tactics. He apparently hopes that Vitaly will get tired.
  . CHAPTER No. 4.
  And again Klitschko Sr. has a slight advantage. The brothers dominate the ring.
  Vladimir beat Ruiz Jr. by technical knockout a week ago.
  Well, the battle continues.
  The third round was again dictated by Vitaly. But in the fourth round, Tyson Fury suddenly explodes. He rushes forward... And hits the deuce. And he gets knocked down.
  What did he want? Vitaly is on alert.
  Somehow Tyson defended this round to the end. Then the one-sided battle began again with Vitaly dominating. Moreover, world champion Klitschko Sr. was clearly in no hurry.
  And after eight rounds, Tyson Fury suddenly withdraws. And victory is declared by technical knockout, due to refusal to continue the fight.
  Thus, Vitali Klitschko sets a new record: the first fighter in boxing history to defend the world title at fifty years old. And Hopins's next achievement hits.
  So now he really really has become a superman. And he avenged his brother.
  But the next fight is a rematch with Weider. They promise very large fees. Why can we have a fight with him, and then go up against Joshua?
  And then you can think about a unification fight with Usik. In general, Vitali Klitschko, in principle, would like to become the absolute world champion. And he has a very strong desire.
  Oleg Rybachenko grins at his thoughts. Yes, this is possible. The boy mows down a whole line of fascists and says:
  - People remember you Klitschko! People appreciate you Klitschko! People are hungry for you Klitschko! Come back soon Klitschko!
  The boy genius laughed at his cheerful song and again launched the most lethal of all grenades. And three Nazi tanks collide.
  Despite the heroic resistance of the Soviet troops, the Nazis were still able to take and cut the corridor connecting Moscow with other parts of the USSR.
  Thus, the capital of Russia is under complete blockade. Just like Leningrad is blocked.
  Stalingrad is still resisting. The Germans also storm the cities of Grozny and Ordzhonikidze in the Caucasus. The situation is critical. Especially when Moscow became completely surrounded.
  It has many troops, and hundreds of thousands of soldiers in the militia. But in battles, shells and ammunition are used up very quickly. Maybe there won't be enough ammunition. And then the capital will fall. And there are not so many food supplies. This too will end soon.
  And without Moscow, it will be another war. And Stalin understands this.
  Now he is in Kuibyshev. But after the Nazis broke through to the Volga, it wasn"t far from the front line either.
  Plus the samurai also put pressure on them. They bomb and attack with countless infantry. There may not be enough strength.
  Stalin understands this and is trying to negotiate a separate peace with Japan behind the scenes. They say they are even ready to give up the Far East and pay indemnity in gold.
  But Hirohito said: we need all of Siberia, right up to the Urals. Alas, it is impossible to give up so much.
  Vladivostok is already almost surrounded. And in general everything is very scary...
  But some heroic girls fight and do not succumb to the fascists and Japanese militarists.
  The armored prison car in which the singing Witcher was traveling stopped, and the creak of the door opening was heard. Two Japanese men, one big and fat, the other small and thin, leaned out of the light that momentarily blinded Anastasia. Then the girl, without hesitation, stabbed one in the temple with a shin, and another in the jaw with a fist wrapped in a chain. The vaunted warriors of the Land of the Rising Sun were comically knocked out.
  Witcher even sang:
  - I challenge the man for the twelfth round! After all, I am a super woman and a complete Atass, and I send the enemy into a deep knockout, demonstrating unbridled class in battle!
  The girl picked up a Japanese machine gun copied from the Schmeister and, clicking the bolt, rushed to the cockpit. Three more Japanese jumped out there, and Vedmakova sent a burst of fire at them, aiming for their heads and grinning ferociously.
  - What did the club-headed monsters get!
  The armored personnel carrier was captured by a naked lady warrior. The Witcher barked:
  Hovered over unfortunate Russia,
  Hellish monsters boiling darkness!
  The occupier has his stormy axe,
  Sharpen and cut the head!
  A communist in a cue ball is not a pawn,
  We are not yoked forever!
  Will turn the Third Reich into firebrands,
  Well, honesty will be rewarded with goodness!
  Despite the fact that she was disgusted, Vedmakova put on a Japanese military uniform taken from the dead. How unpleasant it was, these soldiers had not washed for a long time and the smell was terrible. The girl pilot howled:
  - It must become so brutalized! Asian though!
  The armored personnel carrier, however, started up easily and set off in a northerly direction. The vehicle had two 12-mm machine guns, so that, if necessary, it was possible to repel an infantry attack. Another thing is that 20 mm armor would not have withstood the caliber of 37 mm Japanese "cannons". Vedmakova thought: how the communists" coming to power changed Russia. If in tsarist times, the Japanese army was significantly superior to the Russian army in technical terms, now, on the contrary, it is lagging behind. Although it cannot be said that science is not encouraged in the Land of the Rising Sun. Compulsory secondary education was introduced at the end of the nineteenth century. True, the quality of education in Japan was not high. They copied it from the Prussian school, which was pedantic to the extreme, and simplified it slightly, so that one teacher would pass through as many students as possible, since there were not enough educated people. In general, the Japanese imitated the Europeans, for example the British in the appearance of khaki uniforms, the Germans in formation and military regulations, the Americans in the uniform and type of navy, and the system of operating financial institutions. True, they had their own, for example, the Bushido code, the famous shimosa explosive (though it was hardly better than the European one). Until the mid-nineteenth century, Japan was a backward medieval country that did not even have railways and was armed with cannonballs. It was even more archaic than Türkiye or Iran, and even more so Tsarist Russia. Oddly enough, it was America that helped the Land of the Rising Sun emerge as people and literally forced it to join the civilized world. The modern steam cruiser with explosive shells made a strong impression on backward Japan. Especially when he sank several sailing ships, showing the complete helplessness of cannonballs.
  Perhaps the Americans will regret more than once that they forced Japan to open itself to the world. That they had raised a competitor in Asia, but then it was hard to believe that in a few decades the Land of the Rising Sun would go the way that took centuries for the West.
  Vedmakova drove along the highway, allowing trucks with reinforcements to pass ahead, as well as transport, and reasoned. The tsarist government, even under Alexander the Second, or rather even under Nicholas the First, hatched plans for the annexation of China to Russia. But Nikolai chose the Turkish direction as an object of expansion. In principle, it was more convenient. But Britain, which hated Russia, and France, which was under its influence, stood up for the Ottomans. For the first time in a quarter of a millennium (since 1612), Russia lost a large-scale war (individual battles, of course, do not count, you mean that for almost a quarter of a millennium Russia did not lose a war as a whole, by the way, it was under Nicholas the First that it reached its maximum size in terms of area). There were several reasons, the most important being the superiority of the Western powers in the technological equipment of their troops. After Nicholas the first committed suicide, the throne was taken by Alexander II: perhaps the most educated and erudite tsar in the entire history of Russia. He began large-scale reforms, noted serfdom, and under him the rapid growth of industry, the construction of railways and power plants began! But at the same time, the abolition of serfdom occurred at the expense of the peasants, there was a lot of devastation, riots broke out, especially massive ones in Poland. Alexander managed to move Russia forward, but did not solve fundamental problems, and even sold Alaska to America for pennies and gave away the Hawaiian Islands for free. True, he managed to defeat Turkey, but the Ottoman Empire was very weak at that time and was shaken by uprisings. Yes, Russia"s losses in this war were disproportionately large, proving that the Russian army is still far from perfect, despite the reforms. However, even under Suvorov everything was not as clear as they say in books. Victories came at a considerable price, and Catherine the Second, for example, during the second Russian-Turkish war, limited herself to relatively modest territorial acquisitions, even abandoning claims to Moldova. Although these lands were inhabited by Orthodox Slavs, and at one time were part of Kievan Rus. In general, after the liberation of Russia from the Mongol-Tatar yoke, a course was set for the return of all the original Slavic lands. This took several centuries; for example, Galicia was only returned in 1939, after liberation from the Polish yoke. And the city of Przemysl with the surrounding lands remained with the Hungarians and Slovaks.
  Vedmakova looked at the highway: there weren"t that many different cars, but Japanese infantrymen were marching. Japan has a population of about one hundred million, even more than Germany, pre-conscription training takes up half of the school hours. The war with the USSR is a godsend for them, unlike the fight with the USA. You can churn out more and more divisions.
  It is very tempting to fire a burst from your two high-speed machine guns, fortunately this can be done by controlling them using a hydraulic drive from the cockpit. But the truth is that then she herself will have little chance to get out of here. No, it"s still better to do it closer to the front line or at night. Yes, it seems like it"s already getting dark... Then the wolves will be full and the sheep will be safe. Although no, she is not a sheep.
  So what about Japan? The first war of 1904-1905 was lost, and Russia lost more than two hundred and fifty thousand soldiers and officers alone as prisoners. Although the tsarist army had a numerical superiority. Japan lost less than two thousand prisoners; a bonus of one hundred gold rubles was even established for each captured yellow-faced soldier, and a thousand officers. This page of history is very unpleasant for Russia. What"s most annoying is that many inside the country wanted the Japanese to win. For example, students at Moscow University sent congratulations to the Mikado on the fall of Port Arthur. And how much was stolen: it"s impossible to list!
  Vedmakova slowed down the gas so as not to run into another marching column. The girl swore:
  - Well, they're like locusts! Narrow-eyed creatures!
  The ear could already discern the roar of cannonade; the front line was approaching. The pilot growled and then sang:
  The Russian warrior does not groan in pain,
  The Russian warrior is destroying the Japanese!
  And we have utter grief,
  The entire bent shield shook!
  The girl fell silent again. In that war, the USA and Britain helped Japan with money and weapons, but there was no front in the west. Indeed, the Land of the Rising Sun hoped that Germany would take advantage of the moment and attack Russia. In principle, this was real, and beneficial to Germany. The allied Austria-Hungary, with its interests in the Balkans, could also oppose Russia. Turkey, historically offended by Russia, and even being under the financial control of Germany, could also enter the war. It is also possible that Italy, which was part of the Triple Alliance and could lay claim to the rich Ukrainian lands, would enter the war. In any case, it would have been bad for Tsarist Russia. Even if she lost in an alliance with the Entente, then a war on two fronts would end in disaster. The chances of France joining the battle are slim, since at that time Britain was against Russia. In general, of course, this is a big miscalculation of the Kaiser, who missed such a chance. It is possible that even after the outbreak of the First World War, the main strategic miscalculation was the attack of the Fritz on Belgium and France. Perhaps if they had launched an all-out invasion of Russia, the situation with Poland in 1939 would have been repeated. Fortunately, the Germans turned out to be overconfident, choosing a war on two fronts.
  Witcher, unlike many of her compatriots, was lucky: she managed to read Mine Kaif, and in the original. Of course, Hitler was right when he said that it was either necessary to be together with Britain against Russia, or together with Russia against Britain. And quite logically, the future Fuhrer criticized those who tried to bring Bismarck"s corpse to light.
  Hitler indeed rejected any possibility of any alliance with Russia, especially when the Bolsheviks came to power in it and believed that Russian lands should become German colonies.
  This means that he was clearly an enemy of Russia, and any agreement for the Fuhrer was a simple piece of paper. Moreover, Stalin is an idiot for missing such a strong blow to his open chin, although he was obliged to prepare to repel the blow and bring his troops to combat readiness. Or better yet, plant it yourself! The German army was also not ready for the offensive impulse of the Soviet army. It would have been very difficult for them; we could have simply surrounded and destroyed the German troops in the cauldrons. What a war this is! And so the initiative passed to the Wehrmacht. And the front flowed from West to East. It is not clear what Stalin was counting on? And Beria is a son of a bitch. She knows him bald well. Why didn't he warn Stalin? Why didn"t he persuade you to take action? How did this happen? After all, the People's Commissar was a cunning man and did not trust anyone! After all, there really were serious intelligence data, the troops of the Third Reich were pulling up to the border, and every second grandmother prophesied war. In general, there was a feeling that something inexorable and terrible was approaching!
  And only Stalin and his entourage were kicking ass, as if deliberately wanting to lose and destroy millions of people. And in general, the mustachioed Georgian is not such a genius... He did not manage to finish the seminary, and, as Beria admitted to her, he often drinks. And when the war began, there was a general buzz... And now the whole world has taken up arms against Russia! And here, of course, Stalin"s inflexible policies are to blame. In particular, despite the fact that the front was suffocating from a lack of supplies, thousands of trains were recalled to deport Chechens to Kazakhstan. And this was done during the war, when every carriage counts! Because of this, by the way, Mainstein managed, despite the significant numerical superiority of the Soviet army, to carry out a counterattack to defeat the Red troops. Due to a lack of echelons, reinforcements were not deployed in time, the supply of Soviet troops was disrupted, and as a result the offensive fizzled out. And if our troops were now in Kyiv, and maybe in Romania, Britain and the USA might not have risked betraying the USSR!
  Besides, who almost killed Hitler? Thus pushing the Third Reich to new aggression?! Most likely, this was an operation led by Beria... After all, at one time he figured out how to finish off Trotsky. At that time, however, this was caused by the need to avoid a split in the International. Now this has led to the opposite effect, the enemies of Russia have united. Moreover, the enemies are historical! She must say that Vedmakov herself was very surprised that Churchill made a sensational speech on June 24, announcing support for the USSR. It is strange that the sheep came to the wolf for an alliance, if, of course, the British lion can be compared to a sheep. Stalin, however, is a typical wolf! Now everything is back to normal, capitalist democrats and capitalist fascists together! But the communists are united and honest, without compromise with conscience! Maybe this is exactly what Stalin wanted? In any case, the enemy's forces increased, and Japan showed its jaws in the east. But, in general, the move by the leadership of the countries of the Rising Sun is logical: it is necessary to silence the throats of the military dissatisfied with huge territorial concessions and actual surrender, promising new battles and lands. If the United States had not imposed sanctions, or rather a blockade, against Japan on July 24, then perhaps the samurai would have struck the USSR even in August, without waiting for winter! The Japanese are a brave people and they would hardly be stopped by the memory of Khalkhin Gol, where, by the way, secondary troops fought, including the puppet troops of the Manchurian Imperial Government!
  And this could jeopardize the fall of Moscow... Although Stalin would probably prefer to give up all of Siberia to the surrender of Moscow. I would simply leave cover there, hoping that the harsh taiga winter would not give the Japanese the opportunity to advance too far and link up with the Germans in the Urals or Volga region.
  And then, of course, there would be problems... Hitler failed near Moscow and made a miscalculation by declaring war on the United States, without obliging Japan to reciprocate in relation to the USSR. Hitler was not distinguished by logic at all, with his brutal anti-Semitism, turning the main financial elite and even the Vatican against himself. True, this increased his popularity among the Arabs, but they did not provide significant assistance to Rommel"s corps.
  The armored car drove up to the former Soviet border. There has already been some destruction here. Here the border pillar still sticks out.
  And Japanese infantry, as well as several light tankettes with 20-mm automatic cannons and two machine guns each. Against the Chinese infantry, this may be a good weapon, but against the T-34... True, there are few such tanks in the Far East, the main forces are pinned down in the west. In addition, a couple more armored vehicles and mortars transported in open-top vehicles are visible. I must say that these are not bad mortars, despite their small caliber...
  Witcherova hesitated: what should I do? There are a lot of Japanese, and apparently you need to turn onto a country road. Or maybe it will still give a turn to the narrow-eyed?
  It"s already getting dark, clouds have covered the sky, and rain is coming. Of course, you can take a risk, especially since the Japanese are crowded together, the infantry is standing, gathered in dense ranks. Yes, there"s a whole regiment of them, yellow-bellied soldiers, quite nasty, it"s not a pity to kill them.
  Witcher crossed herself, muttering:
  - God forbid there will be more samurai!
  Two large-caliber 12-millimeter machine guns lashed out in bursts at the narrow-eyed creatures. The total beating began. The girl even sang:
  We will fight the enemy to the end,
  The deeds of soldiers are countless!
  Russians have always been able to fight,
  Don't give up when trouble comes!
  12 mm is a large and sharp cartridge, it pierces through bodies, and sometimes several Japanese at a time. Vedmakova controlled the weapon using hydraulic drives, which the Japanese borrowed from aviation. In the first seconds, the fighters of the Empire of the Rising Sun did not even understand what was happening and where the attack came from. They simply fell, releasing streams of blood from their stomachs and chests. The coming of death in this seemingly serene world was so unexpected. Although no, the last statement looks more like mockery.
  Witcher managed to mow down several ranks before the enemy reacted and began to scatter. The pilot continued shooting, while simultaneously moving the armored car so as not to come under fire from the tankettes. Still, an aircraft cannon can penetrate even such armor. However, this also depends on the initial velocity of the projectile; on wedges it is still greater than that of fighter guns.
  While the pilot was lucky, the Japanese did not immediately figure out who was sending death to them, especially since the spring rain started dripping, as a result of which the flashes became difficult to distinguish. Probably the samurai thought that they were being attacked by a Russian detachment that had broken through to the rear, so the tankettes opened fire on the bushes. Witcher, crushed the Japanese and sang:
  From the far edges of the ocean,
  Where the vault of heaven shook!
  The hordes of the Sultan are rushing by,
  It's as if the Antichrist has risen!
  The war is merciless, evil,
  Like a kite descended on Rus'!
  My land is gray with wounds,
  Save your mother, I pray to God!
  How cruel the world is, it's terrible
  The child fell and was torn to pieces!
  They gave birth, pushing with pain,
  So the evil Thunderer decided!
  God knows no limits in anger,
  He has brought disaster upon the human race!
  And everyone living suffers,
  Only grief counts victories!
  Russia is all drenched in blood,
  How cruel are you Almighty!
  Where did your mission go?
  Is Christ really the third, superfluous!
  Why are you Ada and Eve,
  Banished them from paradise for wrongdoing!
  The hour has come for the cannibal,
  With a cooler raid Mamaia!
  The girls shed tears here,
  The Germans killed my parents!
  She's barefoot and it's freezing
  Severe, all the rivers are frozen!
  No one feels sorry for us people
  Either midges or snakes sting us!
  Sometimes an idea arises
  What a cup of suffering to the brim!
  It is futile to hope in God,
  Of course it doesn't hurt him!
  It"s better to live poorly and poorly,
  But here we said - enough!
  We have the banners of communism,
  Which means no reference to my uncle!
  I cannot tolerate fascism,
  Our ethos is simple: to hell with that!
  Hope on calloused hands,
  To the mind that is in the head!
  The will leads us to accomplishments,
  Skill, enthusiasm in the fist!
  And so, measuring in steps,
  Your path to freedom and happiness!
  We will become red gods,
  No one can bend us!
  Vedmakova sang and fired machine guns, shoot the narrow-eyed ones who had already managed to run away and lie down. But then her luck changed too; several Japanese officers apparently realized what was going on and threw several grenades at the armored car. Witcher felt her body shake. However, the Japanese grenades were fragmentation and did not penetrate the armor, apparently designed to withstand machine-gun bursts of up to 14 millimeters in caliber.
  Witcher giggled:
  - And then in a stubborn battle, a stray bullet - a fool! She became irritated, suddenly became wiser and hit the target more often!
  In an armored personnel carrier, machine guns are powered by belt feed. This gives a large supply of bullets, in addition, water cooling is supplied, which allows you to increase the duration of shooting. Therefore, the warrior without ceremony cut off the Japanese who were throwing grenades at her. But it seems that the other fighters noticed it. Grenades flew again. A crash was heard. It looks like one of the grenades was heavy, weighing about a kilogram, and was anti-tank. The Japanese were already supplied with similar blanks. It"s weak against Chevrons and T-34s, but you can penetrate an armored car! Through the broken side, Witcher was showered with dust. The girl swore:
  - Yes, Japan is small, but it causes big trouble!
  The armored car began to speed up, and a couple of fragmentation grenades flew inside, where they exploded.
  The fragments caught Witcher, tearing his uniform. To top it off, the broken gas tank caught fire. The girl cursed again:
  - Not a machine - a general! I'd throw shit at you!
  After mowing down a couple dozen more, I had to jump out of the cab. The girl did this unnoticed by the Japanese soldiers and crawled. He was not worried about himself; she wore the army uniform of the Land of the Rising Sun. And in the dark and in the rain you can"t really make out your face. Now you need to get off the highway and disappear into the bush.
  The girl crawled quite quickly and at the same time came across corpses a couple of times. She muttered contentedly:
  - It"s not bad that I gave the samurai a light! Now all you have to do is save it yourself!
  The warrior dived into the bushes and, rising, began to walk. Fool them, maybe they won't get caught. In fact, she put up a decent fight and thought that her feat would most likely not be believed, otherwise maybe, who knows, they would have given another hero star!
  In general, war is a strange thing, you kill people and it"s not just normal, but valor. As the Bible says, by the way, "Thou shalt not kill!" Nevertheless, God commanded not just to kill, but to completely exterminate the Amalekites, their wives, children, and even livestock! Although even during war, the extermination of civilians is considered immoral and vile.
  However, the Western allies bombed not only and not so much military targets as they bombed civilians. This was partly due to the low accuracy of high-altitude bombers, which made it difficult to hit purely military targets, but the main thing was revenge. Japan also received a boost from the US. But there was nothing to answer them with! They simply did not have planes with such a range to reach the Yankees!
  Apparently the Americans considered revenge for Peru Harbor sufficient, or rather, the top financial elite decided to act pragmatically, and at the same time put an end to Mao"s Red Army. Japan was left with Manchuria as a springboard for the war against the USSR, and was given a free hand against Mongolia, and the rest was the work of Chiang Kai Shek! Then it will be possible to sweep up the whole of China. And let the Land of the Rising Sun bleed in the war with the USSR. What"s most interesting here is probably that the Japanese, having defeated Russia, are counting on getting even with America again using the help of Germany and the USA, they are thinking of wresting Siberia and other lands from exhausted Japan.
  Each side thinks that they acted very cleverly, especially since America and Britain gained control of vast territories without firing a single shot. Otherwise, they would have had to take a long and tedious time to conquer them, which would have taken at least several years; these are islands after all!
  Vedmakova walked, hoping to cross the front line. It"s quite possible to slip into the gap and join your own people. Or maybe even take one of the samurai prisoner. Well, it's near the most advanced positions of the Soviet army. Otherwise it will be difficult to drag.
  . CHAPTER No. 5.
  So for the World Oligarchy: Germany and Europe under the USSR is considered a lost zone of influence, and even a threat to the strengthened communist empire and the further expansion of Bolshevism. And for Russia under Germany, this is the expansion of its spheres of influence and the possibility of sucking out all the juice from the rich Lands. But this is really what the French oligarchs lost by losing to Germany: they had to share a little with Hitler, but they retained most of the wealth, and it even became easier to exploit the workers - the Germans crushed the trade unions. What have the oligarchs lost in the Baltics? Count all your capital, and those who did not have time to escape, then freedom or life! The example is amazing! So there is nothing surprising about this! And if Hitler had not been such an ardent anti-Semite, no one would have helped the USSR!
  It must be said that one of the reasons why France broke down relatively easily was the significantly lower percentage of Jews both in the population as a whole and in the financial elite. In Poland, Britain, the USA: it was quite the opposite. Especially in the USA, which, by the way, explains why the Yankees, despite the fact that not a single bomb fell on America, were even more cruel towards the population of Germany than the British!
  Vishu became a puppet under the Wehrmacht, and the Germans drove around Paris playing harmonicas. Hitler began to prepare an invasion of England, without bothering to transfer the economy to a war footing and use the resources of conquered Europe. This cost him dearly, as did his unwillingness to negotiate with the English and renounce anti-Semitism. The latter, perhaps, would have allowed the Fuhrer to unleash all his forces for a war against the USSR and attack back in May. True, peace with Britain could have pushed Stalin to announce mobilization. It would be a signal that the enemy is already at the doorstep.
  Or not, in which case it might have affected the US position towards Japan. They would not provoke the Land of the Rising Sun, and the mighty empire could open a second front! That's what happened now. Only in an even worse situation, when the army of the USSR is almost destroyed, the production of weapons has not yet been established, and they have not yet learned how to fight!
  This is not the year forty-one - Soviet troops gained combat experience, learned to fight and win! So now they are not afraid of heavy tanks and planes with seven firing points on one vehicle!
  A lonely Japanese man stands near a tree. So an ordinary little yellow dummy.
  Witcher jumped up behind him. She jerked her head up and then twisted it... When you sharply jerk the enemy"s "pot" up, the neck muscles can no longer provide effective resistance and the "pot" easily curls up!
  Well, what about one less samurai! Vedmakova looks cheerful and pleased, she even bares her teeth:
  - Japan will never conquer us! Because there is a fighter like me!
  Indeed, in the entire history of Rus', only the Mongol-Tatars were able to conquer! Why this happened and why the great Slavic nation turned out to be helpless is, of course, a mystery for more than one generation!
  The most important reason is feudal fragmentation, when everyone took an allotment for themselves: they started chickens and sat in it, guarding their inheritance: out of work!
  Witcherova felt that the tight and uncomfortable Japanese boots were rubbing her feet. The pilot decided that in this case there was no point in enduring the torment. She simply took off the blunt-nosed shoes that were tight and put pressure on her fingers. I felt the coolness of my native land with my bare feet and felt much more energetic! She increased her pace and even began to jump a little!
  The fact that the Russians were divided became the greatest tragedy of the Slavs. In the west they were subjugated by Lithuania and Poland, and in the east by the cruel Tatars. The yoke, however, did not last forever: Moscow, a previously small town, began to grow and even turned into a kind of small empire. Ivan Kalita became the collector of Russian lands. He was the first and not the luckiest, but most importantly the first! And as it sounds in the Bolshevik song: it is better to be dead than second!
  Stalin is not Russian, this is his main drawback! Hence the mistrust of the titular nation, and massive unjustified repressions! Give the pig horns, and the chock a kingdom!
  Chuchmek on the throne and Rus' in the fold!
  For example, both Tukhachevsky and Egorov were quite capable marshals, what else can be said about the rest of the repressed commanders! Can't compare with a mustachioed monkey! That's why we got into trouble!
  However, how did it really happen that Stalin managed to become an absolute ruler? An illiterate Georgian was made God!
  The Russian people must be ruled by a Russian Tsar! By the way, the Romanovs had almost no Russian blood and perhaps that"s why they degenerated!
  Japan also had a unique form of government, where the shogun was essentially higher than the emperor, and therefore there were some advantages, since there was less chance of ruining the empire because of the heir of a fool. For centuries, the Japanese did not wage wars of conquest, but they actively fought with each other. This had some impact on the mentality of this nation. But in the twentieth century, the Land of the Rising Sun conquered more land than Alexander the Great! Now it"s Russia"s turn. Only these are not tsarist times, the great communist party rules, and the most advanced and perfect economic and political system in the world!
  Witcher, however, suddenly shook her head. Not everything is right in the political system and in the way of government! For example, the people do not elect the head of state as a result of an alternative expression of will, but what happens... It must be said that the creation of the headquarters and the endowment of emergency powers to it was not provided for either by law or by the constitution. And she personally had great doubts about the abilities of the half-educated seminarian! Just like Beria: a cunning man, but poorly educated with an extremely narrow outlook and erudition!
  But now the front line is even closer ahead, flashes are visible, and the roar has become even stronger. Well, it's time to find a language and... Vedmakova noticed a detachment of crawling Japanese. Now you need to carefully sit on their tail. Approximately in the same style as she attacked the Yu-188, a very fast bomber, which is not even easy to catch up with a fast MiG. By the way, lags in general are not particularly maneuverable and in this regard are no better than Fokken-Wulfs! Well, the samurai are approaching the trench, they look like battering rams crawling towards an oil puddle. There are a lot of Japanese, you need to act carefully here... Here is the captain of the army of the Land of the Rising Sun, his face is like that of a marmot. He screams something, vigorously waving his fists and dagger.
  Vedmakova waited patiently for the samurai to rise to attack and hit him in the back of the head with her butt. However, he calculated the blow so that the "Japanese" would not die right away. And then she fired a burst from a submachine gun at the Japanese running to attack! Proorav:
  - Cunning in war is like a sail on a ship, but only it inflates, not her!
  Boy Oleg and girl Margarita fight in Stalingrad. They will stand in this city like titans.
  Oleg Rybachenko looks about twelve years old. And the boy throws a grenade with his bare foot.
  He throws the fascists around and says:
  - Glory to the great Motherland!
  Margarita also gives a well-aimed turn. Mows down the fascists and sings:
  - Glory to Stalin and the sun of communism!
  Oleg Rybachenko fires and adds:
  - Glory to heroes!
  The girl shoots and mows down the Nazis. Throws a grenade with his bare foot and squeaks:
  - And glory to the great Motherland for centuries!
  Thus, the boy and girl really diverged in earnest. They shoot at the Nazis and throw grenades.
  The boy's bare foot throws a killer present. The boy says with wild fury:
  - We are tormenting everyone!
  Margarita, shooting and mowing down the enemy, squeaks:
  - And there will be haymaking for the devil!
  And the girl, with her bare foot, throws the gift of death. Such a warrior, capable of actually mowing down entire troops.
  A boy and a girl fight in Stalingrad. They are true heroes. And knights full of brave spirit.
  What did Hitler think, that after the disaster of 1941 the Russians learned nothing?
  Who cares! The Red Army is ready to confront the monsters from the "E" series, let them tell: E-75 tons for ninety, and E-100 tons for one hundred and forty. From the taiga to the British seas, the Red Army is the strongest.
  A boy and a girl fight, so that the Nazis get away from them like glass from a sledgehammer.
  Children are immortal and are not afraid of anything. What are these fascists to them? More rabbits to hunt!
  Oleg Rybachenko sang with a roar:
  - Eh, Hitler, eh Hitler, you Hitler is a goat,
  Why did you come to Russia as an ass...
  You will receive from us specifically in a nickel -
  You will come across a strong boy's fist!
  And then a muscular kid throws a grenade with his bare foot. And two German tanks E-50 and E-75 collide head-on and explode.
  Oleg Rybachenko says with delight:
  - I am a super young fighter!
  And again the boy gives a turn.
  And then the girl shoots too. She hits accurately and applies firmly. And at the same time he sings:
  - I will crush all the fascists, and I will trim Adolf"s fat!
  And again the girl is in full excitement of destruction. Everything shoots itself and shoots.
  And a grenade flies from the bare foot again. It hits the fascists. Scatters like pins when hit by a ball.
  Margarita sings:
  - The strong blow is exceptionally well-aimed,
  The coolest Povetkin flies into the ring!
  Oleg Rybachenko, firing, readily confirmed:
  - Povetkin is a worthy specimen, and does not run away from strong opponents!
  After which the boy again throws a grenade with his bare foot and smashes the fascists like bottles and cobblestones.
  And no matter how cleverly you do it, the Nazis collide. What did they want? There was no need to interfere with the USSR.
  Only one thing bothers Oleg Rybachenko. The United States has already gotten rid of the Germans, and Russia will take the rap for them.
  The boy, throwing a grenade again with his bare foot, sang:
  - Don't be a fool, America.
  Give us Alaska now...
  This is our land on two banks -
  It"s not for nothing that a bear is a fierce beast!
  And Oleg Rybachenko gave a burst again... He mowed down the fascists. And again the boy's bare toes squeeze the grenade and throw it at the enemy. They scatter it in different directions.
  The boy roars:
  - Glory to Russia!
  Margarita again threw a grenade with her bare foot and squeaked:
  - For Tsar Nicholas II!
  The boy corrected the girl:
  - Stalin rules here, not Nicholas II!
  Margarita readily agreed:
  - Yes Stalin! Who made peace with the cannibal!
  And the girl again threw a killer gift with her bare foot.
  Oleg Rybachenko logically noted:
  - The USSR needs a break! Although the Third Reich took better advantage of it!
  And the children started shooting again...
  The Germans at Stalingrad and in Stalingrad itself received terrible hell.
  But in fact, what they came with is what they leave with.
  More precisely, they die. The fight is so bloody and holy right.
  Oleg Rybachenko really thinks during the battle that people are sometimes too naive. Either they make a genius out of Stalin, or even out of Lukashenko. But for twenty-first century Belarus, making a cult of personality out of a collective farmer is quite creepy. It's time to wise up.
  And elect a new, young, progressive leader. And not demonstrate the level of intelligence of a baby in a sandbox.
  Lukashenko is best characterized by this anecdote:
  When everything becomes more expensive in Belarus, what is the cheapest?
  Promises from President Lukashenko!
  And why?
  Because they cost nothing!
  It's a shame for Belarusians who still vote for such a dictator. But it"s high time to wise up and show that they are the people of Europe. For example, in Russia, Putin at least managed to win respect for himself by annexing Crimea without firing a shot.
  But this is due to his phenomenal luck. Putin has a lot of luck. For example, we were lucky that during the visit of the Israeli Prime Minister, an unpleasant episode occurred with his wife in Kyiv. Yes, again a manifestation of phenomenal luck. But so little real return! What if Tsar Nicholas had such phenomenal luck? More precisely, he got it; by 1935, Russia had taken possession of half the world.
  And what next... Tsar Nicholas scheduled his flight into space on May 28, 1935, just on his birthday. The very first flight in the history of mankind by a Russian female cosmonaut.
  And in this world, while the USSR is engaged in survival.
  The battles in Stalingrad are approximately the same as in the real story of 1942. Only this time the enemy is much stronger. Both in quantity due to colonial troops and technologically.
  It is especially difficult in the skies of Soviet Russia. The Nazis have a lot of strong, jet aircraft. And somehow it"s not so easy to resist.
  Here are the German pilots Albina and Alvina collecting bills for themselves. They are great specialists in this matter.
  How, for example, can we stop such German girls in bikinis with bare legs?
  Oleg Rybachenko feels these girls.
  Throws another grenade with his bare toes. Throws the fascists in all directions and says:
  - Big heart of Russia!
  And the terminator boy fires very aggressively. Each bullet hits the target. And Arabs, blacks, and Indians go on the attack. A huge crowd gathers.
  The boy genius with his bare foot again throws a grenade, collides two large German tanks and flight:
  The samurai sword is with you,
  The heart and mind are pure...
  Boldly leads the attack -
  The path of beauty!
  Margarita, shooting at the enemy, fired at the Nazis with a bazooka and squeaked:
  - Extraordinary beauty!
  And the warrior threw with her bare toes a very destructive gift of death. Crushed opponents. Then again with the toes of her bare foot she hurled wild destruction again. And two fascist tanks collided. Even sparks and smoke fell and fell!
  Oleg exclaimed:
  - Well done, eternal girl!
  Margarita threw a new killer lemon with her bare foot and squeaked:
  - We are eternal children on the Milky Way!
  The terminator boy nodded and continued the battle himself. Everything goes according to plan. More precisely, it's fine for now. And the Nazis will not break through in their area.
  So no matter how hard the Nazis try, in reality they will only choke on their own blood.
  And their tanks will turn into scrap metal! And the Russian flag will shine over the planet!
  Oleg Rybachenko acts with great energy. He throws grenades with his bare feet and sings:
  - We will always have joy,
  There will be a bright dream...
  And beauty will come -
  The fuss will be gone!
  The boy genius acts with activity, which increases in proportion to the influx of Germans with rage.
  Margarita acts as number two. But the girl"s bare feet are throwing grenades more and more actively.
  And the fascists fall under its blows.
  Oleg Rybachenko also shoots... But his thoughts are racing, returning to the present. To what is in reality.
  In fact, Belarusians seem to have the largest brain mass in Europe, but they allow themselves to be put on a collar and tolerate the dictatorship of the individual.
  And at least the president would be some kind of superman! And so he is a collective farmer, and even without a legal father. And allowing them to push you around for so many years.
  And what"s more, there are also narrow-minded people who vote for him.
  Yes, Oleg Rybachenko even developed ditties.
  Tell me friends how long
  Votes for Father Kolya...
  It's time to elect Oleg for you -
  To get more money!
  Yes, of course, changes are needed and as soon as possible. In fact, stagnation is fraught with bad consequences.
  Moreover, Lukashenko himself does not know what he wants. Sometimes he is right, sometimes he is left. Either it goes to capitalism, or socialism. And he doesn"t have a normal team. And there is no party or ideology. Such is the cult of a very mediocre and talkative personality. At least Stalin and Lenin knew what they wanted! And this dictator? He doesn"t even know whether he"s right or left!
  No, without ideology and a stable party, there will be no stability in society.
  And moving forward too!
  Stalin, unfortunately, also became a symbol of terror and destruction, turning communism into a bogeyman.
  There was no optimal government. And under Brezhnev there was insanity - how could such a person be appointed head of the USSR. And in his youth, Brezhnev did not look like an intellectual, but in his old age he fell into insanity. And in general, it"s a shame that the head of state could not string together two words without a piece of paper. But you should have been able to do this!
  Oleg Rybachenko threw a lethal double grenade with his bare foot and sang:
  - But live as before,
  But live according to Brezhnev!
  I'm dumb, dumb, I can't!
  And don't let the snowstorm go!
  Margarita threw the explosive package with her bare toes. She scattered the Nazis like apples shaken from a branch.
  The girl sang:
  - Apple trees in bloom,
  Solovyov's tunes...
  I'll come to you -
  There will be rehashes!
  The girl smiled widely and dazzlingly. Her teeth are like pearls, they sparkle so much.
  Yes, this couple fights well.
  Oleg Rybachenko took it and sang:
  - Our fists with steel,
  Claws, teeth and fangs...
  They are so eager for a real fight!
  And again the terminator boy fires very accurately. And bloody drops rain down from the Nazis.
  No, there will be no mercy. Enemies will choke.
  Meanwhile, Natasha and her team are fighting in Sukhumi.
  The Nazis storm the coast. The fight is, of course, very unequal
  But girls. When they are almost naked, it's great!
  Natasha threw a grenade with her bare foot, mowed down a dozen fascists and sang:
  - The future of the world is ours,
  We girls are like Jedi!
  Zoya also launched a grenade with her bare foot. She scattered the Nazis and squeaked confidently:
  - I am what can bury everyone in the grave!
  Aurora fires next. Also a girl who, when she hits, it"s not a fly hit at all.
  The red-haired devil took it and buzzed:
  - I am the color of a fox, and of the greatest beauty!
  And again he will take it barefoot and throw away the gift of death! This is really the girl you need.
  And then Svetlana is going crazy! And she will scatter and crush everyone, as if devils from all over hell had moved into her.
  Yes, the girls here, of course, have such bared teeth that they can tear off any jaw without any problems.
  And if necessary, then half a head!
  Natasha shoots at the enemy and roars:
  - I am such a tough warrior that even a bull won"t trample against me! I'll break his head!
  Zoya confidently confirmed:
  - I"ll break the horns too!
  And the girl"s bare foot throws a grenade. And two Nazi tanks will collide.
  And then Aurora will hit you. And he will also launch a murderous thing with his bare foot.
  And it will roar:
  - Glory to Stalin, may he grow wiser!
  Aurora is truly evil. What is it like to fight on two fronts? After all, this actually means suicide.
  And why did Stalin bring Russia to this?
  The girl will again launch the killer gift of death with her bare toes and squeal:
  - Glory to the new leader!
  Well, that's right! Stalin even has a low forehead. And this is a sign of low intelligence.
  Svetlana shoots herself. And he throws a grenade with his bare feet. Scatters opponents. Destroys them and screams:
  - Glory to the Russian gods!
  And again the bare heel will throw something very destructive.
  The girls here are of such a caliber that the Krauts will not take them.
  Four girls are a tremendous force. And most importantly, they are wearing only panties.
  And this gives them a colossal ability to fight.
  Natasha is firing. African warriors, even Indians and Arabs, are moving like an avalanche.
  The Germans use them as cannon fodder. Using it in battles without any pity or regret. And of course, they take it in numbers.
  Sukhumi has already been cut off by land. And this is very bad. Soon we will run out of ammunition and will have to retreat.
  But so far the girls still don"t want to give in. They dream of victory. Even though the forces are unequal. And Moscow is surrounded.
  This worries Natasha. She throws a grenade with her bare foot. Tears apart enemies and sings:
  - If there is a capital!
  Zoya also threw an explosive package with her bare foot and squeaked:
  - The Russian river will not dry up!
  And she hit the enemy with all the guns, a homemade recoilless weapon, with ferocity.
  And destroyed a couple of tanks...
  But the attack aircraft are starting to press from above.
  So what if they are reactive?
  Aurora fired her rocket launcher. Hit a German car. Made her fall.
  After which the red-haired beast cooed:
  - Communism without borders!
  Then Svetlana began to fire. And mowed down the black fighters. And then he throws the lemon like a bare foot.
  And it will roar:
  - Glory to the new gods!
  Natasha fired at the enemy and squeaked:
  - To the Russian gods!
  And from the throw of her bare foot, the plane explodes.
  These are Terminator girls. If they fight, then no one can control them.
  Zoya also throws something at the enemy that kills any force. And something that destroys the enemy. And the warrior, baring her teeth, squeals:
  - Planes to the coffin!
  And bare fingers again throw the gift of death.
  And then Aurora will throw a lemon at the enemy. He will take it and roar:
  - The future is ours!
  Svetlana, baring her teeth, said:
  - For communism and new achievements!
  And again he threw a grenade with his bare foot. And he will kill everyone. Well, if not all, then some for sure.
  The Nazis reached into the jug. And that's their problem. Here you can see the Jagdtiger self-propelled gun. An outdated car, but very lethal. A pioneer boy crawls up to her. And he slips a mine.
  And the self-propelled gun explodes trivially.
  The boy sticks out his tongue and sings:
  - Let's drink to the Motherland, let's drink to Stalin!
  Let's drink and pour again!
  We pioneers will kill Hitler!
  The fascists get it. Although it is difficult for the Red Army. The city of Grozny is surrounded by the Nazis, but they are still fighting there. The girls are at their best here too.
  Here Tamara is fighting. She is in a bathing suit and barefoot. And the weather is hot and the girl is more agile this way. The beauty is firing. With his bare foot he launches explosive packages at the fascists and sings:
  - Hitler will soon receive nails in his coffin,
  It will be like a spider burning in fire...
  Demons will torment you in the underworld -
  Those who worshiped Satan!
  And again, a very deadly lemon flies from the beauty"s bare heel and smashes the Nazis.
  Maria says with a chuckle:
  - Grenades will kill!
  And pats Tamara on the shoulder. Two girls are fighting, and at the top there is a Red flag, riddled with bullets.
  The girls are barefoot and almost without clothes, but they do not intend to surrender the Soviet city.
  Maria sang a cheerful song. And at the same time she fired mercilessly and murderously;
   There are many great people,
  whose deeds live on for centuries, there are many great names, who are called immortal.
  Many fairy-tale heroes have retained the melody of epics, But the simplest of all heroes And dear to us all is one.
  He spent his childhood among the mountains, watched the flight of birds, received from the mountains as an inheritance the beauty of eagle wings.
  His name, with a thunderclap, swept across the ocean and became close and familiar to the proletarians of all countries.
  On the mainland of China, Dear to all hearts, This name announces Phanzam - peace, the end - to the palaces.
  Stalin is the banner of happiness, the dawn of humanity! May beloved Stalin live for many, many long years!
  The girls sang well. Veronica and Victoria joined Maria and Tamara.
  All four beauties are surrounded, but how they fight.
  Here Maria throws a grenade with her bare foot and shoots down a German attack aircraft. And the beauty squeaks:
  - Glory to our party!
  Veronica also sends a gift of death with her bare foot, and HE-162 is shot down. And the warrior roars:
  - Glory is higher than glory!
  . CHAPTER No. 6
  Victoria, shooting at opponents and firing, grins:
  - For the future expanses of communism!
  And four beauties, almost naked and barefoot, laugh.
  They are such eagle girls of the highest order.
  Mirabela and Anastasia are fighting in the sky. And they also brainwash the fascists.
  Mirabela tweets with a smile:
  Everything will be fine in the world,
  Love your homeland passionately!
  And again, with his bare toes, through the open window, he would throw a lemon. And he"ll give a damn about the fascists. Another hit car falls.
  This is the trick - you have to hit it like that.
  Anastasia says with a chuckle:
  - Lenin would have praised you!
  Mirabela shot down a couple of German cars with one burst, and remarked:
  - Stalin, without any doubt, too!
  Anastasia cut down three Nazi planes and confirmed:
  - Without any doubts!
  The girls are so cool. And most importantly beautiful. They have heat and at the same time cold calculation.
  Mirabela, shooting down another plane, remarked:
  - Everything in our world is relative...
  Anastasia giggled and muttered angrily:
  - Without unnecessary philosophy!
  And she also opened the window and threw a grenade with her bare foot. This time the ME-262 exploded.
  Mirabela nodded in agreement.
  - You did great!
  Anastasia, baring her teeth, added:
  - I did what I did!
  And both warriors burst out laughing. And they wink at each other.
  Yes, the heroism is impressive.
  In the summer of 1946, fierce battles broke out for the city on the Volga. The women's sniper battalion under the command of Captain Alena Ogurtsova took a defensive position in the ruins on Volodarsky Street. Girls with machine guns and shotguns, tied with bundles of grenades, were hiding behind the ruins.
  Alena herself is wearing a spotted tunic over her naked body, short pants, and barefoot. A beautiful and curvy girl, with strong hips, a thin waist, and a short bob haircut. The face is very expressive, with a masculine chin and wide-set blue eyes. Brown hair turned gray from dust, high chest, hard look. Captain Alena has been fighting for more than two years and despite her youth she has seen a lot. The girl's legs are covered in abrasions and bruises. It is easier for a girl to move around barefoot than in rough and clumsy boots.
  The bare sole senses the slightest vibration of the soil, warns of the proximity of a mine, and mother earth herself adds endurance. The girl"s feet, on the one hand, have become rough, and are not afraid of hot metal, or the sharp rubble of ruins, but on the other hand, they have not lost sensitivity and flexibility, warning through the roar of the movement of tanks.
  Sweet Alenka is holding a grenade with an explosion package attached in her hands. You have to crawl to the formidable German Lion tank, which is spraying the streets with machine guns.
  Maria crawls next to her. Also barefoot, like all the girls from the battalion, they turned out to be wearing boots, imitating their commander. Her dusty soles are sharpening as the girl crawls on all fours. Maria's yellow hair is dirty and long... Slightly curly. The girl herself is slender, thin, and short. She could even be mistaken for a girl, with narrow shoulders and a seemingly large head.
  But Maria has already experienced a lot. She managed to visit fascist captivity, surviving cruel torture, and the mines, from where, by some incomprehensible miracle, she managed to escape. But looking at her childish, tender face, you would never be able to tell that they beat her on the heels with rubber sticks and passed an electric current through her body.
  Maria shoots... A soldier of the Third Reich, in this case an Arab, falls dead, kicking up sand and rubble with his muzzle.
  Alenka slips a bunch of grenades under a pile of garbage. Now a ninety-ton "Lion" will crawl here and blow it up. The girl"s blue eyes sparkle like sapphires on a face dark from tan and dust.
  Experience suggests that a well-protected tank will now change position. "Lion" has 100 mm of side armor, and even at an angle. Thirty-fours cannot penetrate it; only heavy Keveshki have a chance. But caterpillars are the goal. The main thing is to deprive the car of mobility...
  Anyuta fires a burst from a machine gun... A soldier of unknown nationality falls. The Germans, having conquered most of the eastern hemisphere, cherish Aryan blood and throw colonial troops into battle: Arabs, Africans, Indians, various Asians, and Europeans. The number of Poles has also increased - who have been taught from the cradle to hate Bolshevik Russia. Ukrainian nationalists, Don Cossacks, Chechens, and the entire Caucasian Kaganate are fighting here. Hitler raised an entire international.
  There are many enemies...
  Anyuta deftly dodges the machine gun fire. The bullet almost split the girl"s round heel, blackened with dust. The beautiful captain even felt a tickle from how close the large-caliber gift flew. The girl crossed herself, whispering:
  "Not even a bullet can stop us!"
  Maria fires back... Another girl, Alla, is very red-haired, above average height, and muscular, despite her meager rations. She is also a very pretty girl, with luxurious hips, a taut waist, unwomanly wide shoulders, and high breasts.
  Alla is fighting in only her shorts, her tunic was torn to shreds and crumbled into dust, and new uniforms are not supplied across the Volga. May God grant that we transfer some more ammunition and a little food for the exhausted Soviet troops.
  So Alla is almost naked, her legs are scratched, especially her knees. A shrapnel hit the sole of my right foot, and it hurts and it"s hard to walk.
  Red-haired, dusty, almost naked Alla twists her pretty, but at the same time tough face. The girl, shooting, says:
  - The Lord is above us, Moscow and Stalin!
  And she cuts off the attacking Nazis, barely having time to roll back.
  The ruins and narrow streets make it difficult for the menacing German tanks to turn around. Almost two hundred ton "Mauses" cannot pass at all...
  As Anyuta expected, the "Lion" drove a little and ran into a pile of garbage. There was an explosion. The caterpillar burst and a pair of damaged rollers flew off.
  The wounded tank stopped and a shell flew out of its barrel...
  It rumbled somewhere in the distance, disappearing into ruins. Anyuta hissed like a snake:
  - This is my calculation! Opened an account...
  The girl captain is forced to crawl away again. The Germans and their satellites cannot use their technical superiority in the rubble. Thanks to the stubborn Hitler, the hordes of the Third Reich got bogged down in positional battles in a fairly large and well-fortified city.
  Maria throws a grenade. Forcing the hit Germans or Arabs to do somersaults, turning over. One of Hitler's fighters' hand is torn off, and an English watch with a compass hangs on it.
  Maria says with a smile:
  - What the compass shows you is the path to hell!
  And a beautiful girl shakes a piece of stuck ceramic from her dusty heel.
  Alla is also shaking off the dust from her firm, full chest. The nipples are almost black from dirt and itchy. Try to wash yourself. Again you have to bury yourself when the German submachine guns fire. And crawl on your bellies.
  The girls' battalion holds its position, although there is shelling. And heavy shells explode, and bombs fall from the sky... But nothing will break the courage of Soviet heroines.
  Anyuta sees the Panther crawling by. Well, this tank is not so scary anymore.
  You can punch it into the side. The girl sneezed and spat out the dust that was falling into her graceful mouth. She took a grenade in her hand, weighted with an explosion package. You need to creep up unnoticed. But there is so much smoke around.
  Anyuta began to crawl up, resting on the drain with her bare toes and elbows. She resembled a cat stalking a mouse. The girl remembered the war from that terrible summer of forty-one, when the Wehrmacht treacherously invaded the vast expanses of the USSR. Was the girl, almost the girl, scared? At first yes, but then you get used to it. And you already perceive the constant explosions of shells as an ordinary noise.
  And now it exploded very close. The girl slaps on her stomach. From above, fragments fly by like a flock of wild bees. Anyuta whispers with cracked lips:
  - In the name of justice, Lord!
  The girl accelerates her crawl and then, with a running start, throws a grenade with an attached explosive package. The gift flies in an arc. There is an explosion and the Panther's thinner side armor gives way. The German tank begins to burn and the combat kit detonates.
  Anyuta whispers with a smile:
  - Thank you, O Almighty Jesus! I trust you alone! I pray to you alone!
  The panther is destroyed. The torn off long trunk is buried in the rubble. The frontal armor, separated from the side armor, resembles a scoop.
  Anyuta, whose eyes sparkle like cornflowers on her face brown from dust and tan, says:
  - The more oak trees the enemy has, the stronger our defense!
  Alla is very sexy in her black panties and naked, dusty, strong body. The girl is very clever. She can throw glass shards with her bare toes.
  Now she threw a sharp object with her graceful foot covered with a layer of dust. And it stabbed straight into the fascist"s throat. Beautiful Alla babbled:
  - And I am a sex symbol, and a symbol of death!
  The girl then crawled again, shooting. Anyuta also fired.
  The beautiful captain, having cut down the fascist, tweeted:
  - Life is a chain, and little things are the links...
  Maria fired, cut open Fritz"s head and added:
  - It"s impossible not to attach importance to the link!
  Anyuta, again shooting accurately, rasped:
  - But you can"t dwell on little things...
  Maria added as if firing:
  - Otherwise the chain will envelop you!
  Another girl, Matryona, also very beautiful, together with the pioneer Seryozhka, prepared a mine on the wire. The two of them pushed it... An insidious booger crawled into the Tiger-2 caterpillar. And how this long-barreled German machine will explode.
  The blond boy Sergei exclaimed:
  - Our Russia, a parasha for you!
  And he barely had time to jump away, flashing his black, knocked-down heels, from the falling roof.
  Matryona stroked the boy"s neck and said:
  - You are very smart!
  The pioneer made his way to the front and joined the women's battalion. The boy is even very inventive. For example, he made airplanes to shoot down fascist attack aircraft. When the Focke-Wulfs, or TA-152s, rise, an incredibly deafening roar is heard.
  The Germans strike to the accompaniment of a Wagner symphony. Such a majestic melody.
  Matryona says with annoyance:
  - They are still trying to scare us!
  The pioneer boy sang with pathos:
  - The Russian warrior is not afraid of death,
  Death under the starry sky will not take us!
  He will fight hard for holy Rus',
  I loaded the mighty machine gun!
  Matryona, a tall, muscular girl, with wide hips and shoulders, is a typical peasant woman. The clothes were torn into rags during the battles, the strong legs were bare, the hair was braided into two braids and was very dusty.
  Seryozhka is only eleven years old, thin from malnutrition, a scratched and dirty boy, wearing only shorts. The boy's naturally white hair has turned gray, and his ribs are visible through his thin, tanned and dirty skin. My legs were terribly broken and covered in burns, bruises, and blisters. True, fate protected the child from serious injuries.
  Compared to him, Matryona seems big and fat, although the girl is not fat at all, but with strong, trained meat on her bones. Moreover, the hunger did not seem to affect her portly and large figure at all.
  A girl fires a heavy anti-tank rifle. You can"t penetrate German vehicles head-on, but there is a chance to hit the tracks.
  And the hefty "Lev", having received a heavy explosive in the chassis, began to blow smoke like a heavy smoker.
  Seryozhka sang sarcastically:
  - Stinky Fritz, without thinking, lit a cigarette at the entrance! He, of course, got into big trouble!
  Matryona, flashing her muscular, tanned calves, tap-danced with her bare, beautiful feet. The girl sang:
  - The faces of Russian saints flash from the icon... God forbid you kill at least a thousand Krauts! And if someone buzzes more than the fascists, no one, believe me, will judge you for that!
  Then she reloaded the anti-tank rifle and fired again. The German transporter again released a stream of smoke.
  The girls' battalion inflicted significant damage on the Krauts. But he himself suffered losses. One girl was torn in half, and her face became so pale, despite the dust.
  Most of Stalingrad has already been captured by the Nazis, but what is left of the city does not want to give in and surrender.
  Anyuta, meanwhile, is trying to break through the Tiger. A powerful German car was hit in the side by a grenade, but did not succumb. Turns around to fire the cannon. The girl has to bury herself in the ground and rubble so that the released gift is not crushed by the blast wave.
  Anyuta quietly whispers:
  - Mom, dad, I'm sorry!
  Maria threw a grenade at the Tiger, which exploded on its forehead. The girl hissed:
  - About the fact that light is the teaching in winter in spring... I repeat without exception that Hitler is a pestilent bastard!
  Alla, breaking the aim of the fascists and spraying them with a burst of fire, muttered:
  - In the coffin, I saw the Fuhrer now! And she kicked the wretched man right in the eye!
  The red-haired girl actually threw a grenade into the tank with her bare fingers. It hit the barrel... An explosion followed and the Tiger's barrel was distorted.
  The cowardly German took it and backed away.
  Anyuta whined through her nostrils:
  - Ours will not yield to yours!
  Maria cut down Hitler"s hireling with a bullet and sang:
  - But the villain is not joking! Hands, feet, he's twisting Russian ropes! It sinks its teeth into the very heart... It drinks the Fatherland to the dregs!
  Anyuta giggled and barked:
  - The Fuhrer is screaming wildly, straining himself!
  Maria fired and added:
  - Well, death puffs and grins!
  Now an even more dangerous "Shtumrtiger" has appeared. It destroys entire buildings and bunkers. Moreover, it does not approach the positions of Soviet troops. The car is kept under cover by German machine gunners.
  Anyuta sees that it is impossible to get close to the Kraut positions. But there are Focke-Wulfs in the sky. One of these vehicles flies closer to Soviet positions. The girls open fire on her.
  Alla throws a grenade and says furiously:
  - In deep death there is no forgiveness!
  After which the girl fires a burst from a machine gun. Rolls back quickly. A relatively new German tank "Panther"-2 with a small turret and a lower silhouette quickly approaches.
  Several girls throw grenades at a German car. She, having received the gifts, freezes and is unable to turn around.
  Alla whistled and hissed:
  - This is a new attack! We'll tear her jaws apart!
  Panther 2 snarled and fired its more powerful weapon.
  The column of fire split the air and instantly heated and electrified the atmosphere.
  Alla giggled, the shells flew past the half-naked girl. The shameless redhead shook her hips and wrote:
  - And Newton defeated his enemies, threw off the yoke from the throne! He decreed his Newton's law to the Fritz!
  Stalingrad was completely engulfed in fires, when tongues of fire seemed to be licking the sky and purple, orange, and scarlet sparks were crackling! And every spark is like a ghost escaping from a hellish castle.
  Anyuta, having knocked down a German fighter, flashed her blue eyes and sang:
  - Why are you whining, you stupid old lady? Believe me, it"s just a crazy person crying for you!
  Maria chanted as she fired at the Nazis:
  - How nice it is to lie down on the grass and hit the Krauts in the head! Give the Fuhrer a poultice and shoot bullets from a machine gun!
  The girl giggled wildly and rolled over from her stomach to her back. I made a bicycle with legs. A grenade flew up. The flying Focke-Wulf received shrapnel under its belly and quickly soared higher. Apparently sharp fragments injured him. The fascist creature caught fire and began to lose pieces of its broken wings.
  Anyuta, seeing how Focke was losing altitude, croaked:
  - This is a semaphore! There's an ax hanging on board!
  The German plane exploded, scattering debris into all the far corners of the sky. And where did the fascist ace go? Made my last turn. The executioner went to ruin, not the pilot!
  Maria sneezed, dispersing the dust and said:
  - To be or not to be? It's not a question!
  Alla again threw a piece of glass with her foot, so that it hit the Fritz in the eye and came out through the back of the head:
  - I am a tank armada! And you need treatment!
  The Germans and their satellites tried to advance, throwing grenades in front of them. Such tactics did not work against girls. So Seryozhka deployed the catapult, and how it hit the enemy in response.
  The pioneer boy roared:
  - Santa Claus tearing Hitler's jaws apart!
  The catapult charge, piercing the crowd of fascists, caused them to fly apart and at the same time turn over in the air. The Fritzes fell and were smashed against the rubble of the walls.
  The Tiger-2 tank, having lost its balance, collided with the Lion. Eh, Leva, where is your formidable name?
  Anyuta smiled and answered:
  - Well, Seryozhka is great!
  The boy barked aggressively:
  - The pioneer is always ready!
  The girl captain began nailing again. And Matryona tickled Seryozhka"s narrow foot, how hard it is! No wonder the boy is not afraid to run through fires.
  Maria chanted and said:
  - Youth is good - old age is bad!
  Alla, this cheerful redhead, agreed:
  - There is nothing worse than old age! This is truly the most disgusting state of all!
  And the girl did a flip jump. She imagined disgusting grandmothers for a moment. No, you can"t compare an old woman with a girl. And what beauty there is in slender bodies.
  Alla took it and sang:
  - Year after year flows like a caravan,
  An old woman grinds henna in a mortar...
  And what about my slender figure?
  I don"t understand how my youth disappeared!
  Anyuta flashed her eyes, knocked the German down with a hit in the groin and remarked:
  - No! Still, there is such a charm in war - to remain forever young! Always drunk!
  Matryona put a new charge into the catapult. This is something like a good mortar. The girl hissed:
  - Don't pass, but pass!
  Seryozhka shuffled with his thin but nimble leg and barked:
  - Fritsam face!
  And the grenade, along with the explosion package, flew at full speed into the Nazi positions.
  Yes, Stalingrad was not given to them. The assault has been going on for three months since the end of June, but the city has not been captured. The Nazis achieved success in other sectors of the front, but not in this one.
  Anyuta fired a pistol and growled:
  - Everything is impossible, it happens possible... There is no need to make the universe very complicated!
  And it hit the motorcycle's gas tank. The car exploded, and fiery whirlwinds illuminated the smoky landscape. And the German was torn apart by a fiery paw.
  The girl captain shouted:
  - I love killing evil! And this is the highest good!
  Maria hit the Germans with a burst of fire and hissed:
  - Let's play porcupine!
  Alla opened fire, more accurately. Several blacks were left lying on the spear-covered rubble:
  - Kill the enemy! - The girl whispered.
  Maria sang playfully:
  - Having painted Hitler with lipstick, Mainstein with hairspray, I will drag you into captivity of the princess, your faithful dog will gnaw you!
  Anyuta, firing, hissed:
  - Let's hang ourselves this evening, Adolf... Stop fooling around! Come on in the evening, fly like a gyrfalcon - so that you can beat the Nazis hard!
  Maria said in rage, knocking the helmet off the stormtrooper"s head:
  - We can! And we will!
  Girls from the Lenin battalion stopped the advance of the foreign army. The Fritz moved forward, literally littering the space with corpses. The Lion tank, on which hopes were pinned, also did not help. Here is a modification of the vehicle with a 150 mm cannon.
  Alla knocks over a stone stuck to her bare nipple. The girl has such beautiful and full breasts. The girl throws a grenade with her foot. The leg is stronger than the arm, and the throw travels further.
  "Lion" received a gap in the track and stopped. Shot from his powerful mouth. A crash and a collapse.
  Alla, spitting, says:
  - A Russian warrior does not groan in pain!
  And again the girl shoots. And he does it extremely accurately. The fascist leaning out of the tower falls back.
  A red-haired, almost naked girl says:
  - It"s in vain that the enemy believes that he managed to break the Russians! He who is brave will attack in battle, we will fiercely beat our enemies!
  And Alla rolls out her abdominal muscles, which she has very defined.
  Oh, how beautiful the girls are! I really don"t want any of them to die.
  Ekaterina ran by... A very beautiful girl, with fluffy, white hair. She somehow manages to smear them with some kind of potion so that they don"t get dirty.
  The girl is very beautiful, with the figure of Venus, only more toned and sculpted. She's wearing only a bra and panties. Everything else has already been torn apart. But how graceful the legs are! This is not a girl, but a seal of perfection, a crown of beauty.
  She moves in a special way, like a squirrel. And the bare feet just flicker, and the heels surprisingly remain clean. Catherine shoots, and the fascist gets an ulcer in his chest.
  The girl says:
  - Loyalty to the Motherland is the highest word!
  Alla remarked with a chuckle:
  - Take off your bra and stay in your panties like me!
  Catherine shook her head negatively:
  - This is not appropriate!
  Alla shook her hips, fired accurately and sang:
  - Somehow Komsomol members have become unusual! Walking around bare-chested like that is very indecent!
  Catherine giggled and remarked:
  - Why bring joy to the Krauts by looking at our beauty!
  Alla answered decisively:
  - Our beauty is deadly!
  Katya giggled and fired at the TA-200. The Nazis' car caught fire. And the beautiful blonde blurted out:
  - Death to evil!
  Alla giggled:
  - And life is good!
  Catherine, seeing that the German was falling, growled:
  - This is the highest value! Don't think, fascists, that you have won!
  How Allah will sing:
  - Victory awaits! Victory awaits... Those who want to break the shackles! Victory awaits! Victory awaits! We will be able to defeat the Nazis!
  A beautiful girl, and her naked breasts are shaking. It's good with a naked torso in the heat, which is intensified by the fire.
  Anyuta now looked much more determined. She fired at the Krauts with a submachine gun and barked:
  - I'll castrate you!
  And indeed the Nazis received deadly gifts and coffins! And the girl showed them the idea, let"s build bare toes. And she whistled like a robber nightingale. And through the fingers of the lower extremities.
  The girl captain is very smart. And sparkling. And not at all cruel. She, too, sometimes feels sorry for the enemy soldiers, who may have children who will cry for their murdered fathers.
  Anyuta, however, drives away such thoughts from herself, they make her want to cry. But it was not the Russians who came to the Germans to rob and kill. No, these are the Germans and a whole aggressive pack of foreigners from all over the world burst into Russian spaces.
  Anyuta crossed herself and shot at the Fritz, who was trying to quietly get close to the Russian positions... His eye and brain, knocked out by a bullet, leaked out.
  The girl captain smiled and said wittily:
  - Straight eye to eye, head to head!
  Anyuta fired accurately and hit a motorcycle with a sidecar. The car began to tear, and the machine gun flew off and turned over several times. Then his muzzle pierced the rubble.
  The girl rubbed her bare, dusty sole on the rubble. And she took aim again. Her cheerful, young face grinned contentedly. The girl sang:
  "No," we told the fascists, our people will not tolerate Russian fragrant bread being called "brod!"
  Maria made a very accurate shot, which set the Focke-Wulf on fire, and chirped:
  For a scoundrel, of course, the choice is clear,
  He is ready to betray Rus' for dollars...
  But the Russian man is so wonderful -
  I am ready to give my life for my Motherland!
  The girl did a somersault and showed the Nazis a cookie, and spun around, and the bullets did not hit the beauty.
  Alla appeared, this beauty, almost naked, and grimy like a devil, threw a grenade with both legs at once. And she checked:
  - What I have is... To the Fritz in the sharp side!
  Matryona corrected Alla:
  - Sharp, to the side, not to the sharp side!
  The girl giggled and shook her watermelon breasts, and launched a grenade using a grenade with an explosion package. "Tiger" was hit in the barrel, and this crooked work of art dodged.
  After which Hitler"s creature retreated. She began to crawl like a turtle caught in a fire.
  Anyuta sang, winking cheerfully:
  - And the Tiger is backing away and the Germans are hiding!
  The girls' battalion maneuvered under attacks from air and heavy guns. Then the rocket launchers hit, broken, hot cliffs rose into the sky. And the stones caught fire. Fortunately, none of the girls died, but the men went to the other world - who are not so sorry! And souls fly - some to heaven, and others to hell! Where the devils with pitchforks are already waiting for those who did not believe in Jesus.
  Alla, the sexiest of warriors, is furious: can the Nazis, with their Sturmtiger, fire at the positions of the Soviet troops and kill the Red warriors?
  . CHAPTER No. 7
  And the girl grabbed a grenade with her bare feet and spun in cascades of somersaults. And it spun more and more quickly. And then, with all her might, she threw the gift of death into the wide barrel of the Sturmtiger. The beauty's bare, tanned legs flashed, and a grenade flew into the wide barrel. And the powerful car first choked and then exploded. The two "Royal Tigers" that stood on the sides of the "Sturmtiger" were thrown up and scattered in different directions. The rollers were torn off from them, and they fell, flying like the queen"s broken necklace.
  The blast wave threw Alla up, and the girl flew upside down. And she was turned over, rocked and thrown. But the beauty still landed, sharp rubble, and crushed stones dug into her bare soles. The girl was in pain, and even through her calloused foot, a sharp point pierced.
  But Alla found the strength to stand up and yell:
  - You fascists will be in ashes!
  Anyuta and the other girls were thrown up by the blast wave and even slightly crushed. But not one of the beautiful warriors died. The girls met with hurricane and well-aimed fire. Suppressing the jumped-out Nazis and other aggressive insects besieging the USSR.
  Maria sang with great enthusiasm:
  - And when the trumpet of the Lord blows us into battle, we will be friends together with the Komsomol! And by the will of Jehovah I will be at the heavenly roll call!
  Alla, shaking off the dust from her bloody, broken soles, sang:
  - Lenin, party, Komsomol! We are sending the Fuhrer to the madhouse!
  The girls began to laugh deafeningly, and Seryozhka said with alarm and annoyance:
  - And my catapult is not as accurate - like these bare and strong legs of Alla!
  Matryona, flexing her arm muscles, said:
  - That is OK! You'll come up with something else. Something cooler!
  Witchakova returned from the front line and received an urgent call to Vladivostok. Having suffered huge losses and almost surrounded Khabarovsk (communication with this city was maintained through the Amur), the Japanese stopped their troops to regroup and replenish. At least a hundred million Japan with another seventy million Manchuria and Thailand could transfer infantry in abundance. In a certain sense, it is easier to fight with the USSR than with the USA, since a battle with the latter requires a lot of expensive ships and by no means cheap aircraft. But infantry with light and cheap rifles and machine guns copied from the Schmeisters can be supplied in large quantities! Every Japanese boy from the age of seven knows how to assemble and disassemble a machine gun! But of course it takes time to transfer troops from the island to the continent. And having received reinforcements, move deep into Soviet territory again!
  Having received the call, Witcherova hoped that she would finally receive a new fighter and fight in the sky. The girl was brought to Vladivostok in an Emka. The pilot felt like a terminator. The fellow traveler turned out to be a gray-haired old man, despite his advanced age, who wore only sergeant's stripes.
  He boastfully stated:
  - Oh, you young people! Do you know that I fought with the Japanese back in tsarist times!
  Witcher asked doubtfully:
  - Really? Or maybe you also received a cross?
  The grandfather, shaking his gray beard, swore:
  - There is no cross, no medals! So he fought as a private for a year and three months! What do you think, everyone can receive titles and medals? Especially under the tsar, when the privates were not very favored!
  Witcher agreed:
  - Yes, under the tsar there was class inequality! But these are different times. By the way, how do you like the Japs! I mean, was the enemy strong?
  The old man answered, flashing his iron teeth:
  - Not weak, although if our command were smarter, they would not have given up Port Arthur and Manchuria! They are not such a strong enemy.
  Emka drove slowly, the road was damaged by bombs and artillery. We could talk.
  Witcher asked a little more quietly:
  - Were ours stronger?
  The old man briskly, as if he were a wind-up toy, nodded a couple of times:
  - In some ways, yes! For example, the Japanese have twenty times more shooting ranges than we do. Before being sent to the front, I only took part in three shooting ranges. And then five shots each. However, in a firefight, we cannot say that we were worse than the Japanese. And this despite the fact that they were in khaki uniforms, and we were in white overcoats. Naturally after we gained some military experience. The Japanese have much less ability in military affairs than we do, despite their longer training. But their rifles hit much more accurately than our Mostina club.
  Vedmakova agreed without reservation:
  - Yes, sure! You're right about that! The Japanese, like the Germans, pay too much attention to drill training.
  The old man shook his head:
  - Vice versa! Far less than what we have in the tsarist army! Well, if even before the First World War, they began to train soldiers better, and at least changed their uniforms, then... Not an army, but a complete marching game!
  Witcherova remarked, not without malice:
  - Before the war, we also paid a lot of attention to marching in parades! Apparently, the smart one learns from other people"s mistakes, the foolish one learns from his own, who doesn"t learn at all, who?
  Grandfather remarked:
  - Training is a profitable business! But with supplies, we generally had a complete blockage. No guns, no cartridges! They often went hungry, the soldiers were sick - there was no medicine! More people died from typhus and other abominations than from Japanese bullets. It was such a bad war. Kuropatkin is an idiot! No flanking maneuvers, no camouflage, he directly threw people into trenches under machine guns. We were used as cannon fodder. It all ended very badly, in defeat. As they say, I barely dragged my feet. True, I can be quite proud of the fact that I escaped captivity! Like wounds too!
  The girl, curious, asked:
  - And the Japanese themselves have become better or worse! In terms of his fighting qualities.
  The old man first lit a rolled-up cigarette, and only then answered:
  - It is difficult to judge this objectively. Armies have changed, tanks, aircraft, and submachine guns have appeared. In terms of progress, the ships have not changed that much, nor have the guns. But the stupidity of the command remained the same, so screw up the attack on Vladivostok!
  The Witcher flashed her green eyes:
  - There is no excuse for this!
  The old man agreed:
  - And it can"t be! After all, they knew that the enemy was preparing a dirty trick, and there was no way to react to it! As if they had set me up. But the truce with the Pindos is a clear sign that a strong blow is about to follow.
  Witcher giggled:
  - With Pindos?
  Grandfather confirmed:
  - Yes, that"s what they call America and Britain now! The name comes from the word "to steal", that is, to steal. And these are parasitic countries, thieving countries that suck the blood of those who are stupider and weaker!
  The pilot nodded her red head:
  - I agree here!
  The old man insisted:
  - Agree that our command is idiots, and even traitors! This is how to set up our fleet, worse than the Pindos!
  Witcher objected:
  "Maybe they didn"t think the Japanese would strike so quickly." In general, the Far East was a place of rest, and cowards and lazy people settled here. After all, in the army you don"t have to work hard like a worker or collective farmer in the rear, but you get good rations and a salary. On the other hand, you don"t risk your life while serving in the Far East. Yes, a paradise for slackers and cowards.
  The old man objected:
  "Soldiers and officers don"t fight that bad." Here is Khabarovsk, they still haven"t surrendered.
  Witcher agreed:
  - Russian warrior, special warrior! But as Brusilov said: our soldiers are excellent, our officers are good, our generals are mediocre, and the tsar is completely bad!
  Grandfather grunted displeasedly:
  - If our commander was not Kuropatkin, but Brusilov: we would win! Alas, it was overwritten! It must be said that under the tsar, Russian generals became smaller: under Suvorov there was a whole galaxy of outstanding commanders! However, Stalin is a Georgian, and as they say, Georgians...
  The grandfather interrupted Witcher:
  - Be careful with such statements! So you can get into a special department! However, for me Stalin is by no means a genius! And for example, the missed line-punch in February confirms this! By the way, I heard that on May 1, the Soviet air defense in Moscow turned out to be helpless and many thousands of Soviet citizens died!
  The old man remarked:
  - Thanks to the USA and Britain! They gave the Wehrmacht new planes! Moreover, I heard that there was mass sabotage, because of which the Yaks fell apart in the air! Moreover, it"s the brand new Yaks!
  Witcher nodded her head:
  - I heard about it! Really disgraceful! But I hope the culprits are punished and the problem is corrected!
  Grandfather nodded, then suddenly said:
  - The main problem is in our heads! A kind of soviet mentality! An attempt to turn a person into a cog, into an ordinary slave!
  Witcher did not argue. She fell silent, staring blankly out the window. Now the threat of defeat of the USSR has become much more tangible. It turned out that even Moscow is not protected from air raids. At least it doesn't have enough protection to withstand a massive air raid!
  Well, the war is moving into a slightly different stage... True, in the battles of Stalingrad, the Germans also had air supremacy, but it did not bring the desired victory! However, the Krauts had an advantage that was not so overwhelming! After all, new Soviet aircraft regularly arrived at the front! But it must be said that the level of combat training among the pilots was very low. Most newbies had no more than 8 hours of flight experience. This is a big minus, especially since the Germans usually have up to 250 hours! However, after Stalingrad the Germans reduced the program to 150, but now the fuel supply has become much easier. However, the emergence of a large number of new aircraft will create a problem for the Krauts as well.
  By the way, it was reported that several US citizens were captured among the pilots of the downed bombers. The latter did not come as a surprise at all! The Luftwaffe doesn't have enough pilots for the new bombers, so they found volunteers!
  I wonder how the Soviet command will respond to this? After all, there is nothing to get to Berlin? Long-range strategic bombers were not developed in the USSR, with the exception of the P-8. The last aircraft, with a speed of just over 400 kilometers per hour and created in 1936, is clearly outdated. In addition, when attacking Berlin, it will move without air escort, and the Germans can intercept it with their planes. After all, they already have very good radars that will record the movement of the flying mass towards Berlin. Yes, and it takes time to produce enough of these machines to attack Germany. The Germans are not a weak nation and love technology! They themselves are probably the most disciplined and highly organized nation in Europe or even the world! It is very difficult to win alone, and also with a weak Japan on the second front.
  The best thing that can be done in this situation is to try to drive a wedge between the Allies and Germany. But how to do this? Beria had already instructed her to do something similar using a destroyer received from the Americans. It could have been a good provocation, but Anna didn"t have time.
  It seems that she is not to blame - what if it"s not fate, but an unpleasant aftertaste still gnaws at her. As if maybe if she had arrived a day earlier, everything would have been different!
  However, it"s not impossible! But she arrived as soon as she received orders from Beria!
  In general, Lavrenty Palych is a master of provocations. Japan attacked Peru Harbor, not without his participation!
  The fact is that, as if by chance, the intelligence of the Land of the Rising Sun came into possession of documents about US plans to launch a series of preventive strikes using aircraft carriers, including those based in Peru Harbor!
  In addition, the Americans are fools: they provoked Japan to war, together with Britain imposing an embargo on the supply of oil and other raw materials, but they themselves were not ready for war!
  Indeed, the United States in 1941 did not have sufficient forces, especially in tanks, for a war with Japan. In 1940 they had only 400 tanks, and information about 1941 is secret, but it is unlikely that there were more than a thousand of them even then! So America jumped into the war, being completely unprepared! Well, Japan is also not very armed. If it had about two and a half thousand tanks, and light ones, then, for example, there was no long-range aviation at all!
  So the valiant pilots of the Land of the Rising Sun did not bomb the USA! But they just got screwed! And now they have decided to take revenge on the USSR, relying primarily on their infantry, dreaming of repeating the success of the times of Tsar Nicholas II!
  The Witcher became bored and began to sing:
  How difficult life is, Lord, alas,
  You yourself put on the crown of thorns!
  No, don't blow my head off
  A new day promises problems for us!
  Dreams immediately scattered to dust,
  The cruel worm gnaws with passion!
  And pain and sorrow in your eyes,
  What to curb, no one has the power!
  But what, God, can you
  Since he himself ascended the cross of Golgotha!
  Dreams about happiness are illusory,
  Widows roar and groan!
  There is no earth more terrible than the world,
  Sketch of war, the brush is covered in blood!
  The hysterical foam of ether,
  Break the web right away!
  And if you want my life,
  Then God throw me into Gehenna!
  I still love you,
  In progress I believe in change!
  I believe that a person
  Capable of becoming cleaner and higher!
  That the suffering of centuries will end,
  We will become like brother Almighty!
  What will we command?
  In the vastness of star ships!
  That our valiant army,
  It will shine stronger than the Quasar!
  Life will never go out
  And everyone will be human!
  Like an endless ray of the year,
  With a boundless and blissful age!
  Communism will become real
  Believe it will be better than you dreamed!
  Progress forward, up, not down,
  Let there be joy - no sadness!
  Vedmakova finished the song and "Emka" finally entered Vladivostok. The pilot looked at the city with curiosity. There was a noticeable increase in destruction in Vladivostok, some buildings were smoking, extinguishing teams were working on the streets, there were many teenagers with shovels, picks, and other equipment for extinguishing fires.
  Grandfather remarked:
  - Under the tsar, young people also worked hard, but without smiles and enthusiasm! Although you won"t get far with sheer enthusiasm!
  Witcher objected:
  - If industry is the engine of the economy, then enthusiasm is the fuel with a high octane number!
  The old man nodded happily:
  - You speak well, girl!
  "Emka" stopped near the commandant's office building and Vedmakova almost ran out of it. She really wanted to be back on her winged horse.
  The girl knocked on the office where she was sent on the summons. A sleepy voice followed:
  - Come in!
  Witcher walked in, straightening her shoulders proudly. A man in the uniform of an NKVD colonel sat in a chair. Such a bald and unpleasant guy. He gloomily asked the pilot:
  - Full name!
  The girl quickly answered:
  -Anna Petrova Witcher!
  The Colonel added:
  - Military rank?
  - Air Force Major and Hero of the Soviet Union! - The pilot said proudly.
  The colonel picked up the phone and said briefly:
  - Air Force Major Witcher has already arrived!
  Then he turned to the girl.
  - How do you feel? I hope you are healthy?
  The pilot bared her teeth:
  - I feel good! Ready to fight like a lioness!
  The colonel nodded:
  - Great! I think the Japanese will appreciate it!
  There was a noise, the clatter of boots, and six ordinary employees of the special department, accompanied by a man in a special uniform, burst into the office. He ordered:
  - Put handcuffs on this thief!
  Witcher was confused:
  - What else is this?
  The colonel barked:
  - And that one! You are under arrest, citizen Witcher! And you will be sent to prison!
  A man in a special uniform warned:
  - This woman knows how to fight very well! So be careful!
  Witcher smiled:
  - I will not be representatives of our valiant law enforcement agencies! Call Beria and clear up this misunderstanding at once!
  The colonel snorted contemptuously:
  - Here's another way to distract Beria! Send her to prison, and the investigation will sort it out!
  The witch nodded:
  - I am a hero of the Soviet Union and the investigation, of course, will sort it out, but with Beria it would be faster! I want to be at the controls of an airplane as quickly as possible!
  The colonel consoled:
  - During the war, no one will delay for long! Take her away!
  Vedmakova walked without resisting and was only slightly pushed by the muzzles of the shortened model machine guns that began to be equipped with scouts. Then they stuffed me into a black funnel and drove away. Anna Petrovna was calm, she did not feel guilty about herself, and the NKVD probably knew about her special relationship with Beria, so they would sort it out. It's even interesting to visit prison. A real man must raise a son, serve in the army, and serve time in prison! So, probably, the warrior! Many famous people were in prison: Stalin, Lenin, and Hitler!
  The prison was not located particularly far from the commandant"s office, so Vedmakova was pulled out and led into the courtyard. There dogs growled angrily, the stone walls of the dungeon, built in the eighteenth century, were dull and gray. The girl felt an involuntary excitement when she was brought inside and led along the corridors. Here is the registration window: routine questions:
  - First name, last name, patronymic, gender!
  Then turn right into a tiled room. There, at the table, sat an officer in an NKVD uniform and a leather apron, and with him a doctor in a white coat and two middle-aged women pulling thin rubber gloves on their hands.
  The guard accompanying Vedmakova quickly, with a practiced movement, removed the handcuffs from her. The officer commanded:
  - Take off your clothes!
  Witcher was surprised:
  - What?
  The officer calmly repeated:
  - I said, take off your clothes! Search and personal search are mandatory!
  The girl blushed:
  - But there are men here!
  The officer with the apron barked:
  - Can I help you! Come on, take off your rags, whore!
  Vedmakova trembled, she remembered that when placed in prison, a personal search is mandatory and began to take off her clothes. The women accepted it and carefully felt every seam. Left in only her panties, Witcher became embarrassed, but the officer barked:
  -And take off your panties, bitch! The search will be complete!
  Left in front of several men completely naked (the convoy that brought her stood still, ready to enter into battle at any moment), the girl became embarrassed and tried to cover her with her hands.
  They hit her hard on the buttocks with a baton:
  - Hands down, bitch!
  Witcher croaked, but endured it. When her clothes were finished being probed and her boots were torn open, the officer commanded:
  - Now check it out for yourself!
  The female jailers started from the head. They tousled the hair with gloved fingers, then looked into the ears, even using some kind of tube with a flashlight. The ears were pulled back several times, bent and unbent. Then they looked into the nostrils:
  - Cough, please! That's it, stronger!
  The girl's nose was crushed. This was followed by an examination of the mouth. It was completely unpleasant, rough hands pressed on the tongue, every now and then they pulled it back, then pulled it harder, even almost tearing it off.
  The officer said:
  - We need to be more careful! She could be a spy!
  The jailers began to press their fingers on the teeth, checking for fillings in which important information could be hidden. Witchakova felt humiliated and spat upon; her hero, the USSR, was searched like a whore, without missing anything. Then the women's gloved hands began to feel the girl's bare breasts. They kneaded it, felt literally every millimeter, and showed it with a flashlight. The girl"s breasts swelled treacherously, and the jailers pressed harder and harder, then croaked:
  - No! Here it is clean!
  Next, the navel and fingers were examined. The navel was pulled back, also twisted, and then pierced with a needle. The fingers were examined no less carefully.
  - And now a gynecological search! - The officer ordered.
  The jailers ordered:
  - Bend over and spread your legs, please!
  What followed was the most humiliating thing, when the jailer"s gloved hand entered the girl"s bosom rather roughly. Witcher groaned in pain and humiliation. And the hand roughly dug into the cave where the woman kept her most valuable treasure, which was both painful and ticklish. The girl twitched somewhat, and the officer muttered sarcastically:
  - Check it as thoroughly as possible! After all, it is in intimate places that spies usually hide documents, and sometimes a small note is enough to find out important information.
  One jailer was replaced by another, after which the search became even more painful and rude. Witchakova realized that they simply wanted to humiliate her by turning the search into torture.
  The examination of the anus was no less rough, and an intestine and a large enema were also used. Apparently the pilot was indeed seriously suspected. After that, checking fingers, legs and feet seemed like a small thing.
  However, this did not end there; the officer ordered:
  - Now for an x-ray of the stomach! There wasn't much she could swallow!
  Well, it doesn't hurt that much. A doctor was present here, he carefully examined everything, even the heart and lungs. Finally he gave the go-ahead:
  - She is clean and completely healthy!
  The officer muttered angrily:
  - It"s a pity we"ll shoot her anyway! However, let him play the piano for now!
  The pilot, stunned by humiliation, walked obediently like an automaton. Witcher's hands were smeared with paint and carefully squeezed onto paper. Then followed all sorts of measurements, photographing in profile, full face. They forced me to stand naked for quite a long time, rewriting all the signs, scars and moles on my body. After which she was rinsed off in a cold shower, which, however, was customary in the USSR, not only for prisoners who were given prison uniforms.
  - Get dressed, bitch!
  The robe was actually a sackcloth made of burlap and embroidered with a prison number. The girl was not given shoes, apparently considering them an unnecessary luxury for the enemies of the people, and so they took her, barely covered, to a cell.
  Mass arrests had just taken place, the prison was overcrowded and buzzing. Vitchakova was thrown into a cramped cage, where there were already more than a hundred women, mostly young girls from among the military and servants. When the pilot was brought into the cell, she could not take a single step; the prisoner cluttered the entire floor. It was very dark in the cell, the window was boarded up, it was stuffy and smelled strongly, apparently the bucket had not been taken out for a long time.
  The girls were half naked, and some were completely naked; they took away their clothes. Several of them were delirious and asked for water. Witcher stopped and asked:
  - I can"t take a single step! Where should I go!
  - Where they brought you there and stay there! - She ordered from the darkness, probably the eldest in the cell. - There is no place for us here.
  Witcherova, realizing that this was stupid, still asked:
  - What are you girls for?
  Voices followed:
  - Yes, here"s Article 58, or even without charges at all! What are you for?
  Witcher joked:
  - Yes, she raped Beria!
  The girls' friendly laughter and exclamations were heard:
  - Yes, she is ours!
  Who squeaked from the darkness:
  - It"s not enough to hang Beria!
  A menacing voice interrupted:
  -Enough! And so already more than half a thousand men in the yard were shot! We can also be taken out with the whole cell for a walk!
  The Witcher barked:
  - Well, no, if they take me to execution, I won"t give in!
  . CHAPTER No. 8
  Oleg Rybachenko continued to fight for a brighter tomorrow together with the girl Margarita Korshunova.
  They fought in Stalingrad. They fought with colossal courage. And the eternal children did not think of retreating and giving in to the enemy.
  But the forces were unequal and the Nazis gradually moved forward. But very slow and littering the approaches to houses and streets with corpses of mercenaries.
  Moscow was surrounded, but still fighting. And it also had its own beautiful girls. Who are truly heroes.
  Oleg Rybachenko and Margarita exchanged fire in Stalingrad. At the same time, the boy tried to compose something using AI.
  Belarusian presidential candidate Alexander Lukashenko was not allowed to participate in the elections. They found fault with the fact that the Slavic Cathedral withdrew the signatures. As a result, there were not six candidates, but five. And the main struggle unfolded between Zenon Pozdnyak and Kebich. The pro-Russian and more moderate Kebich advanced to the second round with a slight advantage. And then he defeated the anti-Russian Poznyak with a big difference.
  Lukashenko protested that he was removed illegally. But in general there was nothing except noise.
  Kebich won very confidently. And he became the first Belarusian president.
  Soon Belarus entered the ruble zone. The economic situation remained in crisis. There wasn't enough money. But the country was in the ruble zone.
  Kebich proposed a process of integration with Russia. Laws began to converge, borders opened, and the economy unified. Supranational bodies were created.
  In 1999, new presidential elections in Belarus took place. The economy was in deep crisis after the Russian default. But the influence of the communists has grown greatly. Lukashenko had a fight with everyone and did not create his own party, and was pushed aside by other forces. The main struggle took place between Kalyakin and Kebich. Zenon Poznyak had lost popularity by this time. Just like the Belarusian Popular Front as a whole.
  The communists became stronger.
  In Russia, history has also changed a little. Zyuganov gained slightly more votes for the president, although he failed to win. Lebed served as Secretary of the Security Council for a couple of months longer. But, in general, this is not so significant. The most important difference is that Chernomyrdin was not dismissed. And as a result, he remained prime minister even after the default. Kebich, however, despite Chernomyrdin"s help, still lost in the second round, and Kalyakin became the president of Belarus.
  And in Russia, after Yeltsin left, Chernomyrdin became president. The Russian economy has already started to grow and Viktor Stepanovich, although with great difficulty, with the help of Zhirinovsky, who took third place, defeated Zyuganov.
  Thus, in Russia Chernomyrdin became president, Zhirinovsky became secretary of the Security Council and first assistant to the president. Putin has so far remained on the sidelines. Zyuganov is the head of the opposition. Primakov is still Minister of Foreign Affairs.
  So everything went according to plan. Kalyakin continued the process of integration, but not yet uniting. Economies began to grow. Chernomyrdin led the war in Chechnya. I talked with Maskhadov. And ultimately achieved stability there.
  Chernomyrdin already won the next elections easily against Zyuganov. Kalyakin was also easily elected to a second term. Everything went more or less smoothly. The Belarusian economy was growing.
  But Kalyakin did not run for a third term. His successor was his colleague Novikov.
  Chernomyrdin did not run for a third term either. Chernomyrdin was succeeded by Zhirinovsky. The latter, of course, became much more moderate, but increased pressure on Belarus - demanding accession to Russia.
  Novik resisted. Which is why he came under sanctions.
  Zhirinovsky was more rigid and pressed harder... As a result, pro-Russian forces held a referendum in Belarus, which coincided with a severe economic crisis. And Belarus became part of Russia. Which strengthened anti-Western sentiments.
  In 2014, Zhirinovsky, taking advantage of the occasion of the Maidan in Ukraine and the overthrow of Yanukovych, sent in troops. The Ukrainian army was incapable of combat and the Russians disarmed it. Yanukovych and the Rada at gunpoint announced a referendum. Russia annexed this republic as well.
  In order for Ukrainians to rebel less, Zhirinovsky moved the capital of Russia to Kyiv. And this influenced the results of the referendum. Vladimir Volfovich himself, in the next presidential elections, was triumphantly elected to a third term, having abolished all restrictions in a referendum.
  Alexander Lukashenko retired and sank into oblivion. Putin served as chairman of the FSB until 2012, when he was sixty years old. And Zhirinovsky, who loved to rejuvenate the team, did not replace him with a forty-year-old capable officer. The governor of Belarus, who replaced Novik, also became younger.
  Russia, however, came under Western sanctions, but they were not too significant. Zhirinovsky fought in Syria and Iraq. He created his own state for the Kurds and generally acted more decisively than Vladimir Putin. Moreover, Russia launched a missile attack on Saudi Arabia and sharply increased oil prices.
  Then a big war began between Iran and the United States. Which further inflated oil prices. Meanwhile, Russia took and annexed the Baltic states and Moldova. And then, taking advantage of the turmoil in Kazakhstan after the departure of Nazarbayev, she included this republic in her circulation.
  A referendum was also held, and Russia acquired another province.
  The restoration of the USSR gradually proceeded.
  In 2020, Zhirinovsky updated his record for the fourth term as president of Russia. He had no intention of leaving yet.
  And Russia was moving across Central Asia. In Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Russian troops appeared and referendums on joining Russia were held.
  So the country was restored within the former borders of the USSR.
  But this was not enough for Zhirinovsky. And he, without unnecessary prejudices, occupied Finland with troops. And there, of course, with an almost one hundred percent result, having held a referendum. And joining her to himself.
  Thus, Russia was returning its own. Relations with China have deteriorated somewhat due to claims on Port Arthur and the eviction of the Yellows from Siberia.
  But for now, China was afraid to blather against Russia.
  But in Alaska there was a military coup, and Russian troops occupied it. And they held a referendum on returning to Russia. At the same time, America was forced to recognize the invalidity of the deal on the sale of Alaska to Russia.
  Oleg Rybachenko paused and began shooting again.
  The boy fired a burst and then threw the grenade with his bare foot. He scattered the fascists and tweeted:
  - We are invincible!
  Margarita also fired a burst, threw a grenade with her bare foot, crushed the Fritz and shouted:
  - And always united!
  The children fought very bravely.
  The boy again slashed at the enemies with a burst. He threw a grenade at the track with his bare toes. As a result, two tanks collided. Oleg Rybachenko sang:
  - Glory to you, our Russian land,
  In the name of sacred Russia,
  Dear advice family!
  The girl again threw the grenade with her bare foot. She shot down a dozen fascists and sang:
  - There is a cow on the mountain,
  Be healthy children!
  The boy fired a burst, mowed down the Krauts and chirped:
  - Homeland in my heart,
  Luckily we will open the door!
  And then his child"s foot threw a grenade. He is a guy who is truly a deadly carrier of destruction.
  Margarita is also an arrow with colossal accuracy.
  The girl took it and sang:
  - No, the vigilant one will not fade,
  The look of a falcon, an eagle -
  The voice of the people is clear -
  The whisper will be crushed by the snake!
  The girl, throwing grenades with her bare foot, took it and chirped further;
  Stalin lives in my heart
  So that we do not know sadness -
  The door to space was opened -
  The stars sparkled above us!
  And the girl laughed. She fired a burst at the fascists. She knocked out their ranks and squeaked:
  I believe the whole world will wake up -
  There will be an end to fascism...
  The sun will shine brightly,
  The path illuminating communism!
  And again the girl deftly throws a grenade with her bare foot. Pushing Hitler's tanks against each other.
  Natasha is also fighting. In Stalingrad, girls are simply heroes.
  And they sing to themselves with courage:
  - My homeland is the darkness of the universe,
  I can crush the onslaught of evil enemies...
  I can"t go a day without you love,
  I"m ready to give my life for you!
  And Natasha throws a grenade with her bare foot.
  Next, Zoya fires. Beautiful girl in a bikini. He will give a burst and mow down the fascists.
  And then a killer gift will fly from her bare feet.
  Zoya sang, baring her teeth:
  - I love destroying enemies! Such a girl!
  And again the beauty will start destruction with her bare toes.
  And then Aurora fires too. The red-haired devil will also hit the fascists.
  And a grenade launched by her bare foot will smear the Wehrmacht soldiers across the gravel.
  The girl squeaks:
  - Tili, tili, trawled, trolled...
  I have the strength to beat the fascists,
  I can hardly refuse now!
  And again the warrior shoots accurately.
  Next, Svetlana fires. And she also threw an explosion package with her bare toes.
  Well, the Krauts got it.
  The girl, to put it bluntly, is a rock warrior.
  And how he sings:
  - Rus' shall be glorified over the Earth,
  We will always have a dream!
  And four girls hit the fascists and how they will hit you. In general, they are like saints from the battalion of angels of death. And the Nazis in Stalingrad get it.
  But it gets harder and harder and harder.
  Stalingrad is holding out for now, but the Nazis were able to take Sukhoi. The Nazis also have a strong naval fleet. Including captured British ships.
  They literally scarred the entire coast. And the Turks are advancing from the south. It's getting very scary.
  Natasha and her girls from Sukhimi were able to fly to Stalingrad, capturing a German plywood plane.
  And now also in Stalingrad. Like, no matter how hard you try not to take this city, the Nazis don"t take it.
  Natasha throws with her bare foot a murderous present, tearing the Nazis into torn meat and sings:
  - Our life will be wonderful!
  Zoya, throwing a grenade with her bare foot, added, baring her teeth:
  - If, of course, we win!
  And the girl shook her scarlet nipples.
  Aurora, firing, roared:
  - And let our Fatherland be glorified!
  And he will also throw a killer present with his bare toes. It will crush opponents and squeak:
  - Glory to Great Rus'!
  And then Svetlana took the line and fucked it up. I cut out a hundred Nazis. Then she launched a grenade with her bare foot and squeaked:
  - For a new light of science and prosperity!
  And the four girls fight again, and are not going to lower their noses.
  Natasha picked up the explosive package with two bare feet. And with all her strength she threw it into a Nazi tank.
  The E-75, having received damage, stopped and started smoking.
  Natasha sang:
  - Rus' laughed and cried and sang,
  In all ages, that"s why it"s Rus'!
  Next, Zoya took and launched the killer present with her bare toes. And another Nazi tank stopped, knocked out.
  Zoya tweeted:
  - Yes, the future is ours!
  Glory to great Russia!
  Aurora fired a machine gun. She mowed down a lot of fascists. And then she said aggressively:
  - Glory to the heroes of the USSR!
  And the throw of her bare foot sends the grenade flying again. This is the red-haired girl. Simply an invincible terminator.
  And Svetlana took it upon herself and crushed the Nazis. And she cut them down like a sharp haymaker.
  Then she tweeted:
  - Glory to the land of Russia!
  And from the throw of her bare foot such a deadly fragmentation grenade flies.
  The warrior squeaked:
  - For the Soviet Empire!
  Natasha, shooting, says:
  - For the greatest of empires!
  And again from her bare feet flies something that kills fascists with an enormous guarantee.
  And the girl sings:
  - Glory to my Motherland -
  Glory to Russia!
  Zoya also threw a grenade with her bare foot. She cut off a mass of Nazis and squeaked:
  - Great Russia - great glory!
  And she winked at her partners.
  The girls are, of course, almost naked. In bikinis, tanned, muscular, beautiful, and curvy.
  How charming girls look when they are almost naked! And why else are there clothes?
  Next, Aurora actively shoots. And with his bare feet he would throw away what was killing the Nazis.
  Then he will sing:
  - For the great Fatherland!
  Svetlana continued to fire. She cut down the fascists and tweeted:
  - For great achievements!
  And he could launch a grenade with his bare foot. And again the Nazis are scared.
  Well done Russian girls. They are people of the highest aerobatics.
  And then there are the pilots: Mirabela and Anastasia. Just like they'll slap the Krauts.
  Yes, Hitler"s hordes are running away from such girls.
  Female warriors fight on the Yak-9. The car seems to be outdated. But quite effective. Although it is inferior to the Luftwaffe in speed and armament.
  The girls have only one 20mm cannon and a machine gun, versus the ME-262 with five 30mm cannons.
  But Mirabela deftly maneuvers and gets behind the winged fascist vulture. And shoots him. Knocks out metal, burns the enemy completely.
  Then Mirabela sang:
  - Higher and higher and higher,
  Airplanes flying like birds...
  We are tearing down fascist roofs,
  And the valor of the soldiers is beyond borders!
  And here Anastasia will go and kick the Nazis. She's a Terminator girl.
  It will crumble the faces of Hitler's bandits and squeak:
  - Great glory will come for Rus'!
  And he also presses on the pedals with his bare feet. And another Messerschmitt falls.
  Girls fight in only their panties. And they feel very good. They flutter rapidly on weaker engines. And they escape from the enemy's shots.
  Mirabela, cutting off the Fritz, squeaks:
  - No crow, you can"t defeat us!
  And again the warrior crawls out to a killing distance.
  And a new Hitler machine falls.
  The barefoot girl knows what she's doing. And she's doing great.
  Here is a fascist trying to cover a warrior from a distance. And she leaves. And by some miracle, again at the enemy"s tail.
  And he knocks down the Fritz, squeaking:
  - Nothing is impossible for Russians!
  And again the warrior makes a desperate turn. And another car falls, impaled.
  Mirabela tweeted:
  - Truly peace has been created for Russia!
  And again how it turns out. And how he will give in to the enemy!
  Anastasia also hits a German car and screams:
  - Let all our land be glorified, let there be no trick for us!
  And the girls are becoming more and more separated!
  What can deal with them? Unless it's an aggressive hurricane!
  More precisely, even a hurricane cannot defeat them!
  Natasha, meanwhile, fights and sings:
  - We will fight for Russia!
  And also with his bare foot he will launch a grenade of a lethal caliber.
  And he will grind the Nazis into pieces of metal and bloody meat.
  Zoya will also throw a murderous and red-hot one with her bare foot and, jumping up, will say:
  - And for the new order of communism throughout the world!
  And bares his teeth.
  Next, Aurora fires hard. He shoots himself, mows down the fascists and squeaks, baring his teeth:
  - For achieving progress!
  And from her bare feet comes something that can smash any obstacle.
  And then in the battle Svetlana. This is such a killer girl.
  And she's also blonde. How she slashes at the fascists... And then a murderous present flies from her bare feet. He will crush the Nazis and turn them into devilish flames.
  Terminator girls will hiss:
  - Glory to my word of honor!
  Komsomol word!
  The warriors will shoot at the fascists. And let's shoot them like rabid dogs.
  These are Terminator girls! And they destroy the Nazis - what devils!
  Natasha said with pathos:
  - We will fight for socialism,
  For our Soviet Russia,
  For a new great order!
  And again a deadly present flies from her bare foot.
  Zoya also acts quite energetically. Destroys the fascists. And he doesn"t let them down. And her bare feet flicker like a propeller.
  The warrior says passionately:
  - In the name of sacred Rus',
  Russia will be glorified!
  And again the warrior fights with full passion.
  Next, Aurora throws the gift of death with her bare foot. How the fascists are scattered in all directions. And he says with rage:
  - I am the world boxing champion!
  And then Svetlana will launch something murderous and destructive. And her bare foot is so nimble.
  And the warrior chirped:
  - I"m the strongest in the world,
  we"ll soak the Nazis in the toilet -
  The Motherland does not believe the tear,
  And we'll give the evil oligarchs their brains!
  . CHAPTER No. 9
  Having participated in heavy battles, Vedmakova hardly slept for several days, and therefore, despite the extreme cramped conditions in the prison cell, the stuffiness and stench, she fell asleep almost immediately.
  She dreamed that she found herself in the Middle Ages and led a slave uprising, becoming a kind of Spartacus in a skirt! After the first success, the brave warrior, the muscular girl, gathered the rebels and offered to choose their leaders.
  Witcher, as expected, became the head of a rather large detachment, and proposed the mighty hero Turan as her first deputy.
  And here the slaves were unanimous. Then the foremen were chosen. The decimal system is the simplest and Witcher decided that nothing should be complicated.
  Armed with trophies and taking cockroach snails (in a heavy sleep, Vedmakova"s subconscious played out), they moved on.
  To strengthen her authority and stretch her legs, Witcher walked on foot, moving like a cat. Then the girl started running, feeling the small, sharp pebbles of the rocky road with the soles of her bare feet. But the warrior did not pay attention to the pain; moreover, she was ahead of everyone. As it turned out, it was not in vain. Three enemy fighters were lying in ambush, and they could raise a premature alarm. The leader of the uprising climbed a tree and jumped on top of her enemies. Her movements were like the dance of a hybrid of tigers and cobras, a slight cry and then fell silent with the severed heads.
  - This is how I break resistance!
  Vedmakova could not resist playing for the public, showing severed heads to slaves. There was a roar of approval in response.
  Soon estates with plantations appeared. The carved houses are real palaces with decorations and statues. Fountains were visible here and there. From one statue in the form of Zeus with butterfly wings and mouths on his stomach, legs and chest: seven jets were beating. The fields are rich, fat, with a semblance of golden cotton, grain with large spikes, chickpeas and other things. Many slaves worked for them. There were both men and women, as well as many children. Of course, overseers, guards. But in general, of course, there are many more slaves, and with shovels and hoes.
  Witcher raised a homemade banner hastily sewn by the slave girls: With the image of a Sword and a Hoe! Other slaves rushed to attack.
  Meanwhile, several male and female slaves were hanging from the poles, their hands and feet pierced with nails. It seems that these children of injustice were doomed to torment. Seeing the approaching liberators, the crucified girl shouted in an unexpectedly strong voice:
  - Retribution has come, beat the owners!
  The leader of the Witcher, as always, is ahead. Her cockroach snail reared up and knocked down two guards at once. The rest retreated back, one of them out of fear, even running into his own spear. Intestines came out of the broken belly. The girl grinned:
  - You are weak warriors if you are afraid of the horse!
  Miloslava, who became her squire, fought on her right hand, the axes in the girl"s hands, like the razor of a deft barber. So famously cuts down fighters.
  Turan did not yield either. He launched a stone that broke the guard's chest and entered the fray. It was clear that the hard work did him good, not the muscles of the millstone. True, Witcher moved faster.
  The slaves had stopped working, but had not yet entered the fray. Apparently they were confused. True, the same restless boy, jumping up to the working boys, shouted:
  - You cowards! Whoever is behind me is a hero, whoever is without me is a lousy pig!
  The boys were the first to respond. They rushed at the overseers. Here is one guy of about fourteen who hit his "guardian" with a hoe so hard that his head exploded like a pumpkin. It worked, and the other slaves, even the usually modest and patient girls, rushed into battle.
  The battle now became chaotic, but the numerical superiority, as well as desperation, was on the side of the slaves. And they, of course, took over.
  Pass is what is hard to expect from a girl who learned right before her eyes. She grappled with the guard, who began to press her. So she deceived him, pulled back the sword and hit him right in the neck.
  - Now that's what I call a snack! - The girl joked. - Be careful not to get drunk!
  The first estate was liberated quickly, the detachment grew right before our eyes. The uprising spread, engulfing the fields like a fire. The Witcher galloped, rushing forward. Riders rushed towards him; as a rule, they got it right to the top of the head. But the guards did not give up. The battle was especially stubborn near the seven-string fountain. Here the planters sent their cavalry reserve into battle.
  The brave Witcher was surrounded on all sides. She was saved only by the extraordinary agility of a specially fattened cockroach snail. Here is an accurate attack and the chopped opponent falls. However, the girl was first wounded in the shoulder, then in the stomach, and then her leg was almost cut off. Then Witcher began throwing tiny daggers. Razor-sharp, they got into the eyes and sometimes into the mouth. However, most of the soldiers were half naked due to the heat, and for such soldiers it was enough to pierce the chest. Several horsemen fell, but the rest increased the pressure. There were so many swords that in movement they resembled a comb. So they pour in from all sides.
  But Miloslava, Passa, Turan, and other slaves arrived in time. Having cut into the ranks, they walked like a skating rink, you could see how corpses flew off, and armed slaves hurried to their aid with all their might.
  The infantry attacked the horsemen, the exhausted slaves avenged their pain and humiliation.
  - Encircle the enemy and don"t let him escape! - Commanded by Witcher.
  Before her eyes, a slave fell with a cut head, but a dozen guards fell after him.
  - Take it in numbers! - The young leader of the uprising ordered.
  More and more slaves entered the battle. It was seen how the boys climbed onto the horses with a running start, rushed at the riders, and used their teeth and sharpened stones.
  The slaves seemed to know no fear; they were taking revenge for many years of humiliation, when no one considered them to be people. In addition, many of them were born free and have not yet forgotten the heady aroma of will.
  Having finished with the "mounted" detachment, Witcher moved on. The last serious obstacle on his way was a child cut down from large trees. Quite a large number of guards were stationed there.
  - Search the estates and grab the ladders. - She shouted. - If this is not enough, make them yourself.
  The slaves hastily constructed assault devices.
  - The stairs should be wide, so that many warriors could walk along them at a time. - Witcher pointed out.
  In other estates the massacre was still raging. In some places the servants went over to the side of the rebels, but in some cases they resisted out of habit. The overseers were killed quickly - these were far from the toughest warriors. Detinets became the last stronghold of enemy resistance. Witcher, as always, was the first to climb the wall. He was hit with an arrow several times, but fought off the deadly gifts with a shield. The nearest warrior received such a strong blow that, although he managed to parry, he fell head over heels from the wall.
  Miloslava managed to hook the guard, also throwing off the enemy. The Snow-White Pass already fascinated the enemy soldiers with its very appearance. While they looked at her rapidly heaving chest, with seductive breasts, the girl slammed her legs into the groin, and then slashed. Witcher, having climbed the walls, chopped down without pity. The enemy had already lost their fighting spirit, and more and more slaves were climbing the wall. They broke through, there were many stairs, and the guards did not have time to repel them all. At the bottom, however, there were dead and wounded slaves lying around; the assault was not complete without losses. So the slave and the guard grappled together and fell from a decent height. They were hurt, but they remained alive and continued to choke each other.
  The restless boy, Witcher forgot to ask his last name, was also on the wall. Taking advantage of his small stature, he jumped between the officer"s legs, then kicked him in the ass with both feet, simultaneously hitting him under the knees. He flew forward, bumping into a pitchfork held by an adult slave...
  - I got caught in such a way that I bit painfully! - The boy stuck out his thin tongue, teasing the guards.
  - Oh, you little barefoot snake! - The fighter standing on the right cursed and slashed the boy with his sword.
  The boy deviated here too and spat from the pipe into his eye. How desperately the enemy screamed, breaking ranks. The boy did not stand on ceremony and finished him off with a sword. The child's hands, although thin, were sinewy and strong - tempered by hard work.
  The other boys also showed pressure, fighting like hell, squealing and swearing, choosing cooler expressions!
  They managed to clear the wall quickly, but inside the battle dragged on a little, fearing the revenge of the slaves, the owners fought desperately. True, overgrown bellies are bad helpers in a fight with rabid slaves.
  The main owner, Sheikh Samuma, tried to escape through an underground passage. He took with him a bag of stones and gold. Maybe he had a chance, but greed let him down. A beautiful girl, Rakhita, and even with a copper skin color, it"s too much of a temptation.
  - And follow me bitch! - The sheikh grabbed her by the fluffy hair.
  - No need, I"ll go myself, sir! - She begged.
  - Not a whore! I like to carry you! - The sadistic dignitary grinned.
  - But it hurts! - The slave began to shake her bare legs.
  - When we wash off, I will order you to be hanged by your hair and set on fire. - The Sheikh licked his lips carnivorously.
  - You're a beast! But I love you, believe me!
  The girl pressed herself close to her owner, who stuck his dirty snout to her clean face and began to lick her. Then Rakhita"s hand found a dagger on the sheikh"s belt and, with all its might, plunged it into his swollen stomach.
  - Here's a spawn of darkness for you.
  The Sheikh dropped the bag and let go of his hair. His hands tried to close the deep hole; intestines fell out.
  - Creature! Echidna! - He growled.
  - No! I did what was fair! How many girls and men have you tortured? He even impaled children and nailed them to posts. This is just revenge! - The girl exclaimed.
  - Damn!
  - Goddess! You flogged me! - The slave slammed her foot into the sheikh"s plump, bleeding belly.
  - He beat me a little! - He wheezed.
  - But noble blood flows in me! - The barefoot slave flashed her teeth.
  - Nothing, whore! The troops will suppress the rebellion, and you will be tortured so much that I will seem like an angel to you! - The sheikh found the strength to growl.
  - Why do they have a richer imagination than yours? - The girl stuck out her tongue.
  - Enough for you! "The rich man twitched and groaned. - Hurt! Bring me facifi ointment.
  - Why on earth? - The girl inquired sarcastically.
  - I'll give you this bag of gold. - The sheikh begged.
  - He"s already mine! Okay, just out of charity, where is the facifi ointment? - The girl smiled slyly.
  - Do you know the wardrobe in the shape of a flying cow? - The rich man stammered and wheezed.
  - Yes! I saw it so beautiful with pebbles.
  - So you need to put your hand in your head, and you can easily take out the box with ointment. Come over me and lubricate me. - The sheikh muttered, almost losing consciousness.
  - Even a scoundrel deserves medical attention. Wait for me!
  The girl ran into the room. She didn"t care about the rich man, but such a valuable ointment is very rare and would be useful to the rebels. And then she will hand over the hated freak to the rebels.
  The slaves had already fled to their rooms. Two of them saw a beautiful half-naked girl. Healthy guys, hungry for female affection, rushed to her. The girl worked hard, was muscular, and therefore easily pushed the attacker away with her strong legs and shouted:
  - If you want to get money. Just know that there is an aggressive guy in the basement with a bag of gold.
  - We don't like aggression! - The guys objected ironically.
  - But he is also rich! - The girl teased me.
  - Then it"s better, let"s fight! Where's the basement? - The rebel slaves chattered.
  - Follow my hand there! - The slave waved her right hand.
  Young, black slaves rushed to where her pestle pointed. The girl grinned and ran into the room. The furnishings were quite rich, but chaotic. And here is the cabinet itself, cast from gold. Rakhita, without thinking twice, put her hand in. She slid inside and at that moment the jaw closed.
  The beauty screamed, her razor-sharp teeth cutting off her brush.
  - Oh, how painful it is! - She screamed, then squeezed out. - This is so mean!
  Despite the wild pain, the girl feverishly tried to bandage her hand. Vitchakova, hearing the women"s screams, decided that someone was being raped and quickly burst into the room. Seeing the beauty drenched in blood, she screamed:
  - Who dared to do this?! I'll pull his dignity up his ass! - In a fit of anger, the warrior could be a rude person.
  Tears flowed from Rakhita"s eyes, not so much from the pain she felt, the slave was no stranger to being whipped many times, but from the realization that she was now a cripple.
  - It is he! - The girl pointed to the closet.
  - If so, then it"s terrible! - Witcher slashed the grinning insect with force on the head. The impact bent the structure, and the softer gold was chipped. The warrior continued to beat until she ground the locker into pieces.
  The girl noticeably turned pale, and the snow-white Passa jumped up to her. She deftly applied a tourniquet, stopping the bleeding. Witcherova took out the severed hand, the limb turned pale, but was still warm.
  - Great! - We need to call Khirov. Maybe he will grow it. - The warrior whistled loudly.
  Passa asked:
  -Who gave you the idea to stick your hand here?
  - Samma!
  - What did you put in yourself? - Witcher was surprised.
  - No, this freak's name is Samuma. - Corrected the girl.
  - If so, then he needs to be quartered. - The warrior flashed her eyes.
  - He's in the basement and seriously wounded. You will have time to catch him. If he doesn't die.
  Witcher tried to hold the brush, when suddenly it turned into a slippery lizard that tried to sneak away. If the warrior had not been so dexterous from birth, perhaps she would have succeeded. Moreover, she grabbed not the tail, but the neck.
  - Wow, unusual magic. We need to show it to Khirov.
  The wounded girl"s face became matte and she lost consciousness.
  Passa caught her in time:
  - A nervous girl, but beautiful! It would be a shame if she remained crippled.
  - Well, I hope this can be fixed. Only Khirov missed somewhere, he promised to be next to me. - Witcher shrugged her shoulder displeasedly.
  - I am here! - The sorcerer jumped out from behind the door. - I feel magic.
  - And I hold it in my hands! - Witcher snapped.
  - Well, that"s not bad either! This is a mixture of a jellyfish and a lizard, you see it is translucent, you can see three hearts beating. - The warlock grinned.
  - Why is this impressive? The girl lost her arm and was replaced by a lizard jellyfish. I think, despite all the dexterity of such a creature, this is not quite an equivalent replacement! - The warrior was by no means inclined to joke.
  - But one of the body parts can float, and this is not bad at all. A kind of superpower! - The sorcerer winked slyly.
  - What does it consist of, because it"s a disability? - I didn"t understand Witcher.
  - How to say! After all, it is no longer just an animal, but a part of the female body. But managing an animal is difficult. Now this tiny lizard is able to shrink and slip through any crack or crawl through a wall. In addition, it is practically invisible, this species is like a chameleon. - The sorcerer began to explain.
  - Pulsar! - She said, demonstrating Pass"s enthusiasm. - I didn"t think this was possible. Cut off the brush and make it spy.
  - It happens that defeat promises big troubles, but this is only a reflection of a future victory. - The sorcerer noticed.
  - So you won"t disenchant her? - Vedmakova clarified.
  - No! In war, valor and good intelligence bring victory. To hit, you must first see the target, otherwise you will dislocate your fist. But to prevent trouble from happening, the wound must be healed. - Hirovo answered softly.
  - It"s not good for a girl to be crippled. After all, this will disfigure her! Can you make her a human hand that looks like a real limb? - Witcher asked.
  - I will think! Maybe I can fix it. In general, most magicians are much better at killing than healing. - Khirovo emphasized with emphasis.
  - I agree with that! Any fool can cripple, not every smart person can heal. - Witcher, to be convincing, even twisted her finger at her temples.
  - Many rude executioners - few treating doctors!
  The slaves dragged the owner of Samum, it looks like he died. Rakhita came to her senses, her face twisted with annoyance.
  - He deceived everyone again! He left without paying his bills.
  - I'll have him hanged! - Said Witcher. - Let his corpse be a warning to everyone who is mean and greedy. A greedy person is always generous with tears of disappointment!
  - It is reasonable! But who will return my hand? - The girl was ready to cry.
  - Here he is! - The leader of the uprising indicated.
  Khirov bowed, the cord lit up in his hands.
  - Do not worry! You can't be crippled. So Rakhita you will have to become a great spy. You want to take revenge on all the rich and powerful in this empire.
  - Of course. Don't be a slave, humiliated in the dust! - The girl exclaimed.
  - So you can help us! This empire is poorly governed, so the grave will correct the hunchbacked system! - The sorcerer released a beam of energy from his index finger.
  - Strange! I see a lot of energy in you. And wisdom! I'm ready to join you! - The slave exclaimed.
  - It will hurt you, but you will be able to prevail! Without pain there is no valor, without valor there is no victory! - The sorcerer stated, demonstrating a philosophical mindset.
  "I"m a woman, which means I"m used to enduring." - Rakhita nodded.
  - When you don"t have enough patience, singing will help! - Khirov joked.
  Everyone laughed. Witcher was in a good mood. The start was victorious, which means there is no time to waste. First of all, it is necessary to form an army of slaves before they run away. So people are like iron, before it cools down, give it the desired shape. The warrior girl came out onto the wall, climbed onto the dais and ordered in a thunderous voice:
  - Blow the muster to gather everyone!
  Passa asked:
  - Women too?!
  - Yes! We'll need every sword. Hurry up, but know that there will be no robberies, we will divide everything equally.
  Collecting the slaves took some time; we even had to use whips. Witcher herself was forced to help the few who did not lose their heads and curb the robberies. The girl gave five of the most zealous bandits a good slap on the ears, and even cut off the head of one. Droplets of blood fell on her face, Witcher greedily licked them off. It worked. The general gathering was held in the dark under the light of torches. There were thousands of freed slaves; Witcher even estimated by eye that there were at least twelve thousand, although many of them included children and women.
  She performed from the highest tower in Detinets. The sorcerer stood on the opposite side, he controlled the entire gathering. Slaves were brutally exploited, and the weak were executed or slaughtered. So in general, if we take physical parameters, they looked like good fighters. They just need training. Vedmakova gave an incendiary speech. She especially persistently explained the need to create a large liberation army.
  - Unity, courage, selflessness are the keys to victory, freedom, happiness! Without discipline there is no army, and without an army you cannot gain freedom! Work has made us stronger, multiplied by intelligence will give us freedom, and together with luck will bring happiness!
  So let's become one and throw off the chains! - The warrior spoke.
  The slaves expressed their approval with loud shouts! Only one slave, with many scars and a proud look, was silent. His gaze expressed the most extreme degree of contempt.
  Witcher again proposed choosing a single leader of the uprising!
  - The commander is like the top of the pyramid - there must be only one, otherwise even such a strong structure will collapse!
  The slaves screamed:
  -Right! Lead us.
  -You are a great warrior and will be our leader! - Unexpectedly, the boy managed to shout out everyone.
  This surprised Vedmakova: how is this even possible. She looked more closely; in the child"s hands there was something similar to a blowpipe, only thicker. And with the help of this device he rumbled.
  - The boy will go far! What's his name? - The warrior inquired.
  - Dick! I specifically found out. - Passa suggested.
  - Simple name! - Witcher was clearly expecting something more exotic.
  - Why complexity!
  -We announce a vote! - The sorcerer announced. His voice was so thunderous that the palm trees shook. - Whoever is in favor of the warrior Witcher being the leader, raise your right hand! Vote for truth, freedom and honor! And your life will become such that the gods will envy! -
  The slaves, overcome with enthusiasm, almost unanimously raised their hands in the air. They looked like a warrior, and their unanimity suggested that perhaps Khirov had used his magic here.
  Isn"t it true that his arrival gave them freedom and the opportunity to feel like real people. This means that it is natural to greet Witcher like rain in a drought. Joy was visible on the faces of the former slaves. It was like waking up.
  Here, amid general rejoicing, a mighty slave, richly decorated with scars, stepped forward. He said in his deep voice.
  - There have been and will be many who want to lead to happiness. But do you have a moral right to this!
  - Which!? - The Witcher bared her mouth full of teeth. The biceps on his bare arms bulged.
  - Who are you?! A descendant of a noble family, or a commoner. Or maybe even a runaway slave like Zhissor. He also promised a lot, but ended his life on a stake. And with him twenty thousand slaves. - The mighty slave cut him off.
  - Here a lot will depend on ourselves. I see scars on you, you most likely were not born a slave, I can distinguish wounds caused by a whip or a sword with spears! - Vedmakova stated.
  - You guessed the warrior unknown to me! I am Count de Force, descendant of formidable kings. But do you know your father"s name? - Asked the noble slave.
  - Nobility of the family has the same relation to courage as the length of hair to intelligence! - Vedmakova retorted and immediately added. -No valor of our ancestors will help a coward!
  - You speak beautifully. Like a fairground jester, how brave is your heart? - The slave frowned menacingly.
  - Well, what a hero you are! Count, but you were measured against a slave fate, where was your pride and courage! - The Witcher has already started to wind up.
  - I had my reasons for this. And which ones, you don"t need to know, less knowledge means it"s easier to die! I challenge you to mortal combat, and if you are brave not only in words, then you will accept the challenge! - Count de Force roared.
  - You can be sure of that! - The warrior snapped.
  The slaves cleared the arena. Witcher came down and checked the sword. Her opponent stood opposite her. He had his own weapon, two sharply sharpened swords. Just in case, the warrior pulled out another sword from her bosom.
  Count de Forsa was much taller than Witcher, much broader in the shoulders, although he did not seem so muscular and sculpted, a girl worthy of becoming a world champion in fitness. However, there was no fat, and the tendon ligaments were tight and swollen. In addition, there was a sense of great experience in every movement, and the jumping gait spoke volumes. A grin appeared on their faces; it was no longer contemptuous, but rather sympathetic.
  - Well, you"re in trouble, girl! You won't be envied. - The Count showed her his fist.
  - Why are you so self-confident? - The Witcher"s irritation intensified.
  - I won many fights and tournaments. In my kingdom, I was considered one of the best fighters, many considered me even the best. - Forsa, shook his chest muscles, which looked like two shields standing next to each other.
  - This is because you fought only with the nobility, and they degenerated and grew fat. Now, if you got along with a talented commoner, you would have little left of fame! - Witcher answered confidently.
  - Barking dog, bye, a stick, or rather my sword, has not walked down my back! - All the fullness of arrogance returned to the count.
  - This is very interesting! A blade made of the strongest steel rusts in the hands of a chatterbox and a coward! "Vedmakova never ceased to shine with her eloquence.
  - Well, this most likely applies to you, female bastard! - Forsa growled.
  - Maybe we"ll stop fencing in tongues, and let"s use something stronger! - Witcher played an elegant figure eight.
  - Mutually!
  The count and the leader of the rebels came face to face. The swords moved quickly and struck with full force. Sparks fell from the blows and a ringing sound was heard.
  The Count attacked several times. He tried the double barrel technique, but Witcher fought off the attacks, noting that her noble opponent had decent speed.
  - What are you playing!
  - On the strings of death!
  The Count again unleashed a series of blows, he tried complex combinations. Vedmakova retreated slightly and carried out a counter-attack, slightly catching her opponent in the chest.
  She studied the movements of the experienced warrior, taking her time to put him down. The Count grinned and his eyes sparkled:
  - You are not so simple at all! Maybe not even a complete slave, although you go barefoot.
  - I was born free and lived in the forest! My neck has never known a yoke. It is unthinkable to submit to force. A truly free person submits to three things - reason, love, God. The slave in his soul is submissive - to passions, lust, God's servants! - Witcher answered beautifully.
  - You're right about the last one! You are the one who is truly right, these priests and priests set me up! - The Count did a double fan, then a "clamshell" technique, but was not successful. - I will be pleased to talk with you over a glass of wine, unless of course I kill you.
  - A mug of wine is like an ocean - if you get carried away, you lose ground under your feet! - Said the warrior.
  - But you feel freer. How about this technique?
  He held the trident, then the butterfly. In response, Witcher hit the meeting harder. The Count staggered and retreated. Then the competition continued again, Forsa moved as if wound up, he realized that his opponent was too strong to take her unceremoniously. Then, having accustomed Witcher to a certain sequence of movements, the count unexpectedly changed the trajectory of the sword and hit the girl on the muscular, but also feminine, chest. Blood flowed, the scratch was deep. The wound did not break Witcher, but on the contrary, gave her strength. The girl went on the offensive, swords flashed, performing a bizarre dance. And although from the outside it seemed that the warrior had completely lost her head and was in a rage, life in the forest and hunting from infancy taught her to maintain her sanity in the most fierce battle. It was difficult for the Count to restrain such pressure; he retreated, with difficulty parrying. Vedmakova caught the moment when the slave dignitary recoiled, as if she had punched him under the knee. The blow hit the tendon and the count gave way, his speed dropped. Then the girl held her own technique, she came up with it herself, calling it a nine-headed dragon. Only a well-trained fighter could pull off something like this. Moreover, the last ninth attack was almost irresistible. Here it was a matter of mechanics, reflecting the attack, the hand was too weakened, parrying the attacks, and therefore the last attack finished off. For the first time, the warrior performed the technique on a fairly skilled and fast partner, and when he gasped, dropping his sword, it became clear that the novelty was a success.
  The Count turned pale, he lost his strength.
  - You lucky bitch!
  - Not really! Luck is unsteady like sand - only hard work will bind it with cement.
  Witcher again wounded her enemy, but not deeply - she did not want to kill or maim. Hitting again, she lunged, the count mechanically parried and the warrior knocked out the sword with her club foot. The slave dignitary turned out to be completely unarmed. Witcher, throwing away her swords, rushed at the enemy, and tripped the count. Her hands clamped his limb into a lock.
  -Are you giving up? - The panther's eyes sparkled.
  - I count surrender to a barefoot slave!
  Witcher objected heatedly:
  - Not a slave, but a fighter for a just cause! You yourself were a slave and understood what humiliation is, but they are other people, no worse than us. So ask your conscience!
  . CHAPTER No. 10.
  Oleg Rybachenko and Margarita Korshunova fought on the front line. The boy and girl were already pretty bored from the protracted war. Constantly killing and shooting also gets boring.
  It's like a game. The same shooting game will sooner or later get boring.
  The children were tired of firing and constantly throwing grenades with their bare feet.
  The boy gave a turn. Mowed down the fascists.
  And said:
  - Maeta!
  The girl threw a grenade with her bare feet. She scattered the Fritzes and cooed with delight:
  - We will have new, very big victories!
  But this is getting boring. Even the fact that from the throw of the boy"s bare feet, Hitler"s tanks are pushed on their sides.
  Oleg then began to compose.
  Another alternative history. Zyuganov did not vote for Stepashin"s candidacy and neither did the three communist factions.
  This ended with the dissolution of the State Duma and early elections in September 1999.
  Of course, the communists were stronger than ever. And they went to the elections, relying on the achievements of the Primakov government, where they played a noticeable role. The Unity block has not yet been created. Putin did not appear as prime minister. And the invasion of militants in Dagestan only added more votes to the left and killed the power of the authorities.
  In general, the government turned out to be disorganized. The NDR weakened and collapsed, and there was no new ready-made party. And Stepashin, being appointed prime minister, did not lead the party in power. And then Yeltsin fired him completely.
  In short, the parliamentary elections resulted in a landslide victory for the left.
  The communist triumph was impressive. In addition, the Primakov-Luzhkov bloc did not have time to unwind. But he still managed to register together with the farmers. And he took second place. The third was "Yabloko", which had good PR. The LDPR took fourth place. But largely due to the fact that pro-presidential channels actively promoted this party.
  And Yeltsin even gave, or rather, awarded Zhirinovsky the rank of general.
  So everything happened according to a special scenario.
  The opposition seized power in the State Duma. And Yeltsin agreed to leave voluntarily, officially appointing Primakov as his successor. Zyuganov became prime minister and right-hand man.
  This, in general, suited the communists. And a compromise was reached. Basayev and Khattab were forced out of Dagestan. But they did not send troops into Chechnya itself.
  Civil war and division into several factions soon broke out there.
  Russia helped Maskhadov and Kadyrov. Primakov easily won the Russian presidential election. The second unexpectedly became Zhirinovsky - who had no other competitors in his electorate, and the liberal Yavlinsky was not his rival.
  Oleg Rybachenko interrupted his essay. No, it's not interesting. Again, an already covered topic, after Primakov, Zyuganov, and the restoration of the USSR. Tired of it!
  Something might be more interesting to compose. For example, about space.
  The boy began to come up with ideas.
  The new capital of the Great Russian Empire was called Petrograd-Galaktik. It was founded in the constellation Sagittarius, almost in the very center of the galaxy. Both the stars and planets were much denser here than on the outskirts of the Milky Way, where old Earth found shelter. The Western Confederate forces were completely driven out of the core. However, the war did not pass without a trace: thousands of planets were destroyed, and only memories remained of the Earth. This was the main reason for moving the capital to the richest and most peaceful place in the galaxy. It is very difficult to break through here, therefore, even in the conditions of a total space war, where the front line is an abstract concept and the rear is a convention, the core has become the main Russian base and industrial stronghold. The capital grew and completely swallowed up the planet Kishish, turning into a gigantic metropolis. A giant city capable of impressing any reasonable individual. Numerous aircraft cut through the purple sky.
  Marshal Maxim Troshev was summoned to the Minister of Defense, Super Marshal Igor Roerich. The upcoming meeting was a sign of sharply increased enemy activity. The war, tired of everyone, devoured resources like a predatory funnel, trillions of people died in it, and no one could achieve the desired success. Militarization left its mark on the architecture of Petrograd-Galaktik. Huge skyscrapers stand in neat rows, they represent squares on a city chessboard. This involuntarily reminded the marshal of the formation of space armadas. During the last battle, large Russian starships also took their positions, then suddenly broke formation, hitting the enemy flagship. A well-thought-out battle turned into a melee, some ships collided, exploding in monstrously bright flashes. The vacuum became colored as if gigantic volcanoes had erupted and rivers of fire had flowed at once, streams of hellish flames had burst their banks, covering them with a destructive wave. In a chaotic battle, success accompanied the army of Great Russia, but victory came at an extremely high price. Several thousand starships turned into streams of elementary particles. True, the enemy suffered even greater losses. The Russians knew how to fight, but the confederation, which included many races, snapped furiously, putting up stubborn resistance.
  The main problem was that the center of the confederation, located in the Thom galaxy, was very difficult to destroy. The ancient civilization of the maple-shaped dags, which lived in this cluster of stars for millions of years, erected an impregnable fortress and surrounded itself with a powerful line of defense, full of traps.
  To break into this space "Mannerheim", the entire Russian army will not be enough. It was not possible to end the war. Planets and systems changed hands many times. The marshal looked around the capital with a feeling of nostalgia. The scurrying graviolets and flanneurs were painted in khaki colors, and the dual purpose of the aircraft was felt everywhere. Some buildings were shaped like gigantic tanks or infantry fighting vehicles with tracks instead of entrances. It was funny to watch how a waterfall erupted from the barrel of such a winged tank, the blue and emerald water reflected the four "suns", playing with dozens of shades, and exotic trees and huge flowers grew on the trunk and wings, forming outlandish hanging gardens. Modern, only gigantic skyscraper tanks, usually streamlined in shape, armed with many guns. Living in such houses is convenient and cozy, although in the event of an attack on the capital, a similar building would turn into a powerful combat unit in five minutes. Passersby of all classes, and even small children, were in army uniforms or in the clothes of various paramilitary organizations. Homing cyber mines hovered high in the stratosphere; in appearance they resembled colorful balls. The luminaries illuminated the vault of heaven, flooding the smooth mirrored boulevards with dazzling rays. Maxim Troshev was not accustomed to such excesses.
  "The stars are too dense here. And it"s too hot for me."
  The marshal wiped the sweat from his forehead and turned on the ventilation. The further flight went without problems, and soon the Ministry of Defense building appeared. There were four combat vehicles at the entrance. The spiky luchiars with their suckers - animals with a sense of smell fifteen times stronger than a dog's - surrounded Troshev. The supermarshal's cyclopean palace went deep underground, its thick walls housing plasma cannons and cascading lasers. The interior of the deep bunker was simple - luxury was not encouraged. Before this, Troshev saw his boss only in a three-dimensional projection. The supermarshal was an elderly, experienced warrior of one hundred and twenty years old. I had to go down in a high-speed elevator, penetrating a good ten kilometers underground.
  Having passed the cordon of elite guards and combat robots, the marshal entered the office, where the plasma computer simulated an expanded hologram of the galaxy with marks of the concentration of Russian troops and the places of supposed enemy strikes. Smaller holograms hung nearby; images of other galaxies were visible. Control over them was not continuous; interspersed among the stars were glimpses of independent states inhabited by intelligent, sometimes very strange, races. Troshev did not peer at this splendor for long; he had to make another report. Igor Roerich looked young, his face was almost wrinkle-free, and he had thick blond hair. It seemed that he could live and live, but Russian medicine in wartime conditions was not too interested in prolonging human life. On the contrary, the rapid change of generations spurred evolution and was to the benefit of the ruthless war selector. Lifespan was limited to one hundred and fifty years. Even for the elite. Well, the birth rate remained very high, abortions were only for defective children, and contraceptives were prohibited. The supermarshal turned his gaze to Troshev as he entered.
  - And here you are, Maxim. Dump all the data onto the computer, it will process it and provide a solution. What can you say about recent events?
  - The Confederates and their allies learned a good lesson. The scales are tipping in our direction. Over the last ten, the vast majority of battles have been won.
  Roerich nodded.
  - I know it. But the allies of the Confederates, the Dugs, became noticeably more active. They are beginning to pose a serious threat.
  - Agree.
  Roerich clicked the image on the hologram and slightly enlarged it.
  - Before you is the Smoor galaxy. Here is the second largest Dug stronghold. This is where we will strike the main blow. If successful, we will be able to win the war within seventy, maximum one hundred years. And if we fail, the war will drag on for many centuries. You have proven yourself to be a competent commander, and therefore I propose that you lead Operation Steel Hammer. It's clear?
  - That's right, Your Excellency.
  Igor frowned.
  -Why such titles? Simply contact us: Comrade Super-Marshal. Where did you pick this up?
  Maxim felt ashamed.
  -I, Comrade Supermarshal, studied with Bing. They preached the old imperial style.
  - Clear. But now the empire is different, the chairman has simplified the previous customs and procedures. Moreover, a change of power is coming soon, and we will have a new elder brother and supreme commander. Perhaps I will be dismissed, and if Operation Steel Hammer is successful, you will be appointed in my place. We must study in advance, this is a huge responsibility.
  The marshal was more than three times younger than Roerich, and therefore the patronizing tone was very appropriate and did not cause offense. Although a change of leader is about to happen, and their new leader will be younger than both of them. Naturally, this will be the best.
  - I'm ready. I serve great Russia!
  - So go. My generals will fill you in on the details.
  After saluting, the marshal left.
  The bunker corridors were painted khaki. The operational headquarters was located below. Numerous photonic and plasma computers at an accelerated pace processed information flowing from various points of the metagalaxy. There was a lot of routine work ahead, and the marshal was released only after an hour and a half. Now a long hyperjump to a neighboring galaxy awaited him. Huge forces must gather there, almost a sixth of the entire Russian space fleet. Several million starships. After the minor details were settled, the marshal rose to the surface. The deep coolness gave way to intense heat. Four luminaries gathered at the zenith and, bristling with crowns mercilessly licking the sky, poured streams of particles onto the planet. Cascades of light streamed down the mirrored streets. Maxim jumped into the gravity plane, it was comfortable and cool inside, and rushed to the outskirts. He had never been to Petrograd-Galaktika before, and he wanted to see with his own eyes the capital, populated by three hundred billion inhabitants. He left the military sector, and everything changed and became more cheerful. Buildings with an original composition appeared; he would probably call them luxurious - representatives of the privileged class settled in them. During the total war, the layer of oligarchs decreased, but was not completely destroyed. The palaces were real works of art. One of them resembled a medieval castle, where instead of the teeth of a parapet there were palm trees. Another stood on thin legs, and the freeway stretched below him; he looked like a brightly colored spider, covered in stars. Many of the buildings where poorer people lived also did not evoke associations with barracks; on the contrary, impressive facades sparkled, decorated with statues of leaders and commanders of past centuries. Not everything should be painted khaki, Troshev thought. In addition, perhaps the most populous city in the universe should have beautiful architecture. The tourist sector was especially colorful with moving walkways, with buildings made in the shape of gigantic roses, as well as blossoming and intertwined tulips, strung daisies and intricately mixed exotic animals. Apparently, it"s interesting to live in a bear or a saber-toothed tiger, it makes children happy. However, adults are also amazed when such a structure moves or plays. The twelve-headed rotating dragon made an indelible impression on the marshal; multi-colored fountains, illuminated by neon, erupted from each mouth. In general, there were a great many fountains of the most bizarre shapes, throwing multi-colored jets hundreds of meters into the air. And how beautiful they are, in the light of the four suns, intertwining into a water pattern, a fabulous, unique play of colors. The children here were cheerful and beautiful: their colorful clothes gave them a resemblance to fairy-tale elves. There were not only people here, half of the audience were aliens. Nevertheless, the children of strangers happily played with the human children. Troshev also encountered intelligent plants. Lush golden-headed dandelions with four legs and two thin arms. Their babies had only two legs, and their golden heads were densely strewn with emerald spots. Maxim knew this race well - Gapi, three-sexual plant creatures, peace-loving, but by the will of fate they were drawn into an all-out interstellar war and became natural allies of Great Russia.
  There were enough representatives of other races - mostly neutral states and planets. They wanted to look at the incredible capital of the empire. Here the war seems distant and unreal, it is thousands of parsecs away, and yet, an uneasy feeling did not leave the marshal. The thought arose in my head that on those planets that they would have to attack, intelligent beings also lived and entire billions of thinking creatures would die. Streams of blood will be shed, thousands of cities and villages will be destroyed. But he is the marshal of the empire, and must fulfill his duty.
  After admiring the tourist center, the marshal ordered the gravity plane to be deployed and headed for the industrial areas. The houses here were slightly lower, with a simple layout. The factories were located deep underground.
  As soon as the gravity plane landed, a flock of barefoot guys with rags and cleaning products immediately rushed towards it. Thin ragamuffins in rags of already tired, faded khaki, with large torn holes. Deeply tanned, almost black. It seems that the protracted war forced them to tighten their belts. Troshev began to feel sympathy. The driver, Captain Fox, did not share such sentiments.
  - Come on, little rats, get out of here! Marshall is coming! - he barked.
  The homeless children rushed in all directions, all they could see was their dirty heels. It"s hard to walk barefoot on a surface that"s hot from four "suns" at once, and the poor children didn"t know what shoes were. One of the boys, however, turned out to be bolder than the others and turned around and showed his middle finger. The captain pulled out a blaster and shot at the impudent boy; he would have killed him, but the marshal managed to push the captain"s arm at the last moment. The charge flew past, making a crater in the pavement, fragments of molten stone fell on the boy"s bare legs, and he collapsed on the asphalt. By an effort of will, the future warrior managed to hold back his scream and, enduring the pain, stood up. Maxim gave the captain a hard slap in the face.
  - Three days in the guardhouse. Attention, hands at your sides! - The marshal commanded in a menacing tone - Children are our property, and we must take care of them, and not kill them. Got it, monster?
  The fox stretched his arms out at his sides. He nodded curtly.
  - Answer according to the regulations.
  - Yes sir.
  Maxim turned his gaze to the boy. He was fair-haired with a handsome, sly face, and muscular. Under a torn T-shirt, you can see his strong abs lined with chocolate bars.
  -What is your name?
  - Yanesh Kowalski! - The ragged man barked at the top of his lungs.
  - I see in you the makings of a strong warrior. Do you want to enter the Zhukov School?
  The boy became depressed.
  - I would be glad, but my parents are ordinary workers and will not be able to pay for my education.
  Marshall smiled.
  - You will be enrolled for free. You, as I see, are physically strong, and your eyes speak of mental abilities. The main thing is to study well. These are difficult times, but when the war ends, even the workers will live in good conditions.
  - The enemy will be defeated! We will win! - Yanesh shouted at the top of his lungs again.
  "Then take your place in the ranks, soldier." And for starters - in my car.
  Lisa winced. The boy was a bit dirty, and the interior would have to be washed after him.
  Having risen, the gravity plane rushed into government quarters.
  Janesh, with bated breath, studied the huge, luxuriously decorated houses.
  - We are not allowed into the central sector, and this is so interesting.
  - You'll see enough more.
  And yet, the marshal, driven by a feeling of compassion, ordered to fly up to the tourist center. The boy looked with all his eyes, literally devouring what he saw. It was noticeable that he wanted to jump out of the car, run along the moving sidewalk, climb onto one of the mind-blowing rides.
  The usually stern Maxim was as kind and gentle as ever that day.
  - If you want, take a ride on the "mountain of joy", and after that come straight to me. Take the money, otherwise they won"t let you in.
  The marshal handed over the piece of paper.
  Yanesh rushed towards the rides, but his appearance was too conspicuous.
  At the entrance to the space-ninja hall, he was stopped by massive robots.
  -Guy, you are poorly dressed, clearly from poor neighborhoods. You should be detained and taken to the station.
  The boy tried to escape, but they hit him with a stun gun, throwing him onto the asphalt. Troshev had to jump out of the car and go investigate.
  - Wait, this cadet is with me.
  The policemen who pulled up stopped, staring at the marshal. Maxim was in field uniform, but the military commander"s epaulettes sparkled brightly in gold against the four suns.
  The senior patrolman, a police lieutenant, saluted.
  - Sorry, Marshal, but the instructions prohibit allowing beggars into the center where we receive guests from all over the galaxy.
  Maxim himself understood that he had made a mistake by releasing a ragamuffin in such a respectable area. But he had no intention of demonstrating his mistake.
  -This boy is a scout. He was carrying out an assignment from the high command.
  The lieutenant nodded and pressed the button on his pistol. Janesh Kowalski jerked and came to his senses. The marshal smiled and extended his hand. At this moment, the four alien galacts suddenly bristled with beam throwers. Outwardly, the aliens resembled rough-hewn tree stumps with blue-brown bark; their limbs were knotted and crooked. Before the monsters had time to open fire, Maxim fell onto the cover, pulling out a blaster. The fiery trails passed along the top, crashed into the colorful statue, spraying the picturesque pedestal into photons. Troshev cut off two attackers with a laser beam, the two surviving inogalacts moved to the sides. One of them was also caught by the inexorable beam, but the second managed to hide behind the ledge of the facade. The monster fired from three hands at once and, although Maxim moved quickly, he was slightly hit - his side was burned and his right hand was damaged. The enemy's rays tangentially hit the "mad water lily" attraction. An explosion followed.
  The marshal"s vision was swimming, but he was surprised to see how Yanesh tore out a piece of the slab and threw it at the enemy. Maxim was amazed at the inhuman power hidden in this frail-looking teenager... The throw turned out to be accurate, right in the row of five eyes. The creature jerked and stepped forward, staggering. This was enough for Maxim"s well-aimed shot to end the monster"s life.
  The fight ended quickly. During it, the police did not even try to open fire. The marshal immediately noticed this.
  "All the best are fighting at the front, and in the rear, on the city streets, cowards are sitting out.
  The well-fed lieutenant turned pale. I approached Maxim.
  - Comrade Marshal, I apologize, but they had heavy beam throwers, and we...
  - And what's that! - Maxim pointed to the blaster at the patrolman"s belt. - Fly swatter? It"s a pity, apparently, there is no work for you in the capital. You won"t sit idle, I will try to get you sent to the front.
  Having beckoned the boy, Maxim helped him jump on board the gravity plane, and then firmly shook his hand.
  -Well, you're an eagle. I'm glad I wasn't mistaken about you.
  Kowalski winked in a friendly manner, his voice sounding quite loud and joyful.
  - I only made one successful throw. I could...
  - You will have the opportunity. You graduate from college and go straight into battle. You have your whole life ahead of you, you still have to fight to the brim.
  - War is great! - The boy exclaimed enthusiastically. - I want to go to the front immediately, pick up a beam gun...
  - You can"t do it right away, you"ll be killed in the first battle. Get a specialty first.
  Yanesh sniffed offendedly. He was confident in his abilities, he thought that he already knew how to do a lot, including shooting. Meanwhile, the gravity plane was flying over the huge Michurinsky Park. Gigantic trees grew there, some of them reaching a height of several hundred meters. And the fruits were so huge that, having eaten the middle, you could live inside. The genetically modified pineapples with golden skin looked appetizing. True, contrary to expectations, they did not evoke much admiration from the boy.
  - I have already been to such forests. - Yanesh explained. - Unlike the central districts, everyone is allowed there. Although it takes a long time to get there on foot.
  - Maybe! - Said Maxim. - And yet, admire the plants here... There"s a mushroom, a whole platoon can fit under it.
  - Just a semblance of a big fly agaric. It is inedible. I remember I collected a whole bag of cut pieces of fruit. I love pavarara - the skin is thin and the taste is absolutely delicious. Figs are nothing compared to it. You have to be careful when you cut. It might burst, and then the stream would be like a waterfall - it would carry you away before you even had time to utter a word. The fruit here is too big. You have to carry them in parts in a plastic bag, and this is very inconvenient.
  Maxim patted Janesh on the shoulder.
  - Not everything is measured by food. Let's go down and pick some flowers.
  - A gift for the girl! Why not!
  The boy's hands reached for the steering wheel. Captain Fox struck his fingers angrily.
  - Don't touch the steering wheel, puppy.
  And immediately in response he received another reprimand from the marshal.
  "You only have the courage to fight a child."
  - I'm sorry, Your Excellency!
  Yanesh couldn't help but laugh.
  - If you want, try it. - Maxim allowed.
  "I have experience in simulators," said Yanesh.
  Without a shadow of doubt or fear, Kowalski put his hands on the steering wheel and directed the car down. Apparently, he really did have remarkable abilities. The gravity plane rushed past the tops of gigantic trees.
  Maxim did not interfere, allowing the boy to control the aircraft. It must be said that he coped with his task very successfully, maneuvering between gigantic trunks, he never crashed, demonstrating virtuoso technique beyond his years. However, even if it crashed, it wouldn"t be a big deal; the gravity plane has a perfect safety system. Finally, they sat down in a clearing strewn with small but fabulously beautiful flowers. It seemed that the good wizard had generously scattered the jewelry. The complex range of colors dazzled in the eyes, and the intoxicating smell evoked indescribable delight.
  Yanesh even whistled in admiration. When they landed, the boy jumped out and began picking flowers, picking up a whole armful. Maxim was cold-blooded, he liked the landscape and, nevertheless, something was alarming. Feeling threatened. Having gone through fire and water, the marshal was accustomed to trusting his intuition; it rarely let him down. In principle, the capital of a great empire should not harbor life forms dangerous to humans. There's something different here. Maxim beckoned the boy and whispered quietly in his ear:
  - There are enemies near us. Hide the flowers and come with me.
  Janesh's eyes sparkled.
  - I'm ready.
  Leaving the bouquet in the car under the supervision of Captain Fox, Maxim and Yanesh moved deeper into the forest. Of course, the troops should have been called in and combed the area. But Maxim was captured by excitement. Janesh, of course, was possessed by romantic aspirations; he imagined himself as a military intelligence officer and rejoiced at it. They made their way through the jungle, trying not to make noise. Yanesh managed to burn his bare legs on purple nettles, but restrained himself, although the skin up to his knees was covered with large blisters.
  "Be careful," Maxim whispered. - In the forest, danger is hidden in every blade of grass.
  "We need protective camouflage here," Yanesh whispered. The rags barely hid the body; something was crawling along the legs. Large insects, as Yaneš learned in school, do not eat people on this planet. The most dangerous species of arthropods were destroyed at the genetic level; it was not enough for the center of the capital to become a source of infection or epidemic. They walked on in silence. Suddenly Maxim froze. The small living creatures behaved restlessly, as if someone had scared them. The marshal took the boy by the hand and whispered in his ear:
  - There's an ambush ahead!
  Maxim took a sound detector out of his pocket and carefully listened to the surrounding area. That"s right, five human fighters and about the same number of aliens were lying nearby. Well, with such a balance of forces, it is better not to engage in battle, but to bypass the enemy.
  That's what they did.
  The experienced soldier and the green boy moved in sync. We had to walk through dense thickets of bushes, drowning ankle-deep in moss. With great difficulty, the marshal figured out the break in the human chain and managed to slip through in this place. THEY were lucky; none of the aliens had animal senses or phenomenal hearing. The sound detector could already distinguish softly spoken words.
  - Mister Resident, you are asking the impossible from me.
  In response, a voice similar to croaking.
  - And you, general, are used to only taking money without working for it in full.
  Judging by the timbre, he belonged to a non-humanoid race.
  - They paid you half a million, so what? Outdated information about spy satellites.
  "It"s not my fault," the human voice continued to lazily justify itself. - Information of this kind, in principle, becomes outdated very quickly. I'm not omnipotent.
  - We immediately understood this, it"s easier to say that you are weak. When it comes to attacking the Kremlin system, you and your accomplices will be of little use.
  Maxim shuddered. Will it really come to an attack on the most powerful line of defense covering the capital and the entire center of the galaxy? The Kremlin system, as its creators claim, is impregnable and, nevertheless, if enemies have become active in the very heart of the empire, this leads to sad reflections.
  - Know, man, soon we will use a fundamentally new weapon, and with its help Russian starships will turn to dust before they reach striking distance. Then our army, like an all-penetrating gravitational wave, will flood Russian spaces and subjugate the imperial worlds.
  Maxim caught a depressed sigh; apparently, the traitor was not particularly happy with such a prospect. However, he replied:
  - The fifth column is more active than ever, and your invasion will go according to plan.
  - Your task for the near future is to create a dozen strongholds in the capital for our strike forces. Mercenaries will infiltrate here under the guise of tourists, hide in the forests, and then play their role in the general attack.
  - So it will be.
  - And look, man, if the attack of our starships fails, it will be worse for you. Your own counterintelligence will tear you to pieces, and your execution will be slow and painful.
  Although Maxim did not see who was talking, he was sure that SMERSH would be able to identify the traitor by his voice.
  - We need information about all the latest appointments in the enemy leadership. Everything you know.
  - According to my information, young Marshal Maxim Troshev was appointed to command the star fleet in the Smur galaxy. There is no exact information about him, but...
  - Everything is clear, the Russians are preparing a major offensive there. As always. The new commander is a sudden attack by large forces.
  Maxim shuddered, he wanted to rush forward and strangle the geek. The operation is in jeopardy.
  - I think so it is. As for other appointments...
  The traitor listed for a long time and tediously, but Maxim already had a plan in his head. Firstly, you need to quietly leave this place, and secondly, urgently contact SMERSH. There they will decide whether to immediately neutralize the spy network or wait. After all, identified traitors are not dangerous, and disinformation can be leaked through them. The main thing is no amateur performance. However, the boy, who had been sitting calmly until now, moved, and it was noticeable that youthful energy was in full swing.
  - Maybe we can hit them with a laser, Mister Marshal?
  "No, under no circumstances," whispered Maxim. - That"s what intelligence is for, to collect information and report it to the right people. If you violate the order, I will personally shoot you.
  The Marshal raised his beam gun threateningly.
  Yanesh nodded.
  - Orders are not discussed.
  Maxim regretted taking the boy with him. What if their whispers are heard... Meanwhile, a squeak was heard in the sound detector, and the alien spoke again.
  - Tell "Jupiter" that if he does not help us, we can give him away by sacrificing this pawn. Then your Supreme will be furious, and mercy is not one of his shortcomings.
  "Yes," thought Maxim, "a leader must be tough." Once upon a time he was one of the chosen thousand, however, he had a chance to become a leader only in the event of the sudden death of the ruling dictator. A thousand are selected every year, and the rotation of supreme power occurs every thirty years. But this chance was missed too. Firstly, Maxim"s character was too soft, and secondly, his paranormal abilities, so strong in childhood, began to weaken with age. However, becoming a marshal when you are not even forty... that says something.
  - Don't touch Jupiter. He is your best hope. Without it, the chances of winning the war are negligible.
  Inogalakt cackled something inaudibly in response. Then he said articulately:
  - "Jupiter" is valuable when active. Because of his inaction, our troops are suffering too many losses. Be that as it may, you will convey our instructions to him. For now you can go.
  "That"s it, you can leave," Maxim sighed with relief. At that moment, refuting his words, an explosion occurred. A shootout ensued.
  - Damn it! Rework again...
  The marshal bent down, and only joyful sparkles flashed in Yanesh"s eyes.
  . CHAPTER No. 11
  - You speak conscience! - The arrogant slave growled.
  - So that happiness belongs to everyone, and not to a select few. For this holy cause I raised my sword! - The Witcher exclaimed.
  The Count was skeptical:
  - No! I believe you are driven either by resentment or by a lust for power! There were slave uprisings, but they only ended in massacres. These are the consequences of any rebellion.
  - This will not be a riot, but a revolution. The most important thing will happen later, after the victory! - The warrior said with great enthusiasm.
  - Revolution? Strange word, did you come up with it yourself? - Forsa was surprised.
  - Not really! This term was given to me by an angel in a dream. - Witcher switched on with inspiration.
  - An angel or one of the black gods! Prophetic dreams are deceitful. - The count doubted.
  - In any case, you will have a chance to change people's lives for the better and become a better person yourself! All troubles come from selfishness, prosperity is possible only through common efforts. A person without a team is like a coal, without a fire, gives little light and quickly goes out! - She spewed out a stream of Witcher"s eloquence.
  - You say a person should be in a team. But do you know what animal nature is? - Forsa inquired sarcastically.
  - And the animal is better off in the herd! And in general, since you are a slave and were not ransomed, then the nobility turned away from you, in words your faithful friends showed their true colors. This means it"s time to look for comrades in a different environment. - Witcher suggested more calmly.
  Count de Bor was silent for a few seconds, and then extended his hand:
  "Even though I don"t believe in ultimate success, at least my blade will drink blood."
  - Logic should not serve instincts - the mind of lust! - Said Witcher.
  - Well, okay, enough, lecture me! There will be a war - there will be a feat! - The Count began to wipe off the blood from himself.
  - You are an experienced and brave warrior, you should be chosen as a squad leader! - The warrior suggested.
  - Not bad, but you don"t need to elect every military leader. There must be a stricter principle of unity of command. You have been chosen, so you appoint! -The Count began to put on his chain mail. A couple of boys rushed to his aid.
  - What about free competition? - Witcher doubted.
  - It is destructive for the army! - Force cut off. - The economy is a rhizome of many shoots, the army is a single trunk!
  Witcher joked:
  - But more often it"s oak, and not in terms of power and stability, but in the level of control!
  The half-naked boy handed the count a sword. He responded by slapping him on his bony back, which had been beaten more than once. The boy groaned and jumped back, twitching his brown legs.
  Witcher said decisively:
  - I am forming five legions of truncated composition, two and a half soldiers each. You are appointed to command the third! And let the slaves choose the rest!
  The last proposal caused controversy, almost turning into brawls. Then a fight actually broke out, several slaves were wounded, and Witcher had to intervene. Having knocked down the quickest ones, she yelled:
  - Stop using the baton! Let's move on to the direct appointment of commanders.
  The slaves were not content with grumbling, but when the warrior put such a proposal to a vote, they unanimously raised their hands.
  Here Witcher, who led the uprising, had to work hard. In fact, it is difficult to identify a worthy one by eye, and he kept asking the prospective candidates questions. Finally, appointments were made to the legions, and temporary commanders were appointed to smaller branches.
  - When the battles are over, we will look at the valor and ingenuity shown by the soldiers! - The girl explained.
  One of the legions consisted entirely of children and teenagers. Witcher put the boy Bik in command over them. The guys cried out in displeasure:
  - He's still too small! We don't need the little one. Put the biggest and the strongest over us.
  - And who do you want?
  - I miss you! He is the most worthy!
  An athletic young man stepped forward; he was still a boy, but already tall as an oak tree. True, his face seemed dull. Vedmakova, knowing full well how important intelligence is for a commander, asked:
  - What is seven eight?
  The young man looked at her and muttered:
  - I don't know! The main thing is muscles and strength.
  Bik barked into the loudspeaker:
  - Muscles without brains are a handful of meat - for which the frying pan is crying!
  - Shut up, you bug! I'll blow your jaw off! - The young hero roared.
  - Anyone who doesn"t know that seven eight is fifty-six is unlikely to be able to hit his fist further than his nose! - The boy stuck his tongue out at him.
  The young thug barked at the top of his lungs:
  - I challenge you, we will fight to the death!
  - You imitate me like a rat-monkey! - Count de Force noted. - However, this is the only decent way out.
  - Of the two duelists, one is a fool, the other is a scoundrel! - I noticed Witcher. "Although it"s good for boys to warm up."
  Bik stood opposite his enemy, the difference in height was great, his opponent was five times heavier. The child, however, peered with contempt at his prominent muscles; the boy was thin, but wiry. His round face made faces, his sword rotated in his hands.
  - Well, how will we fight or make peace! "Mockingly," he asked.
  - Yes, I love you! - The athlete attacked the boy. He struck with a backhand, his sword was long and heavy, apparently it was a two-handed one. Bik dodged the blow without even trying to parry, but simply jumped above the trajectory and thrust his sword into the bridge of his nose. The boy hit only based on the calculation - to scratch, but not to kill.
  The brute became even more furious and began to swing his second sword. Here even Buk had to push harder as he ran away. The boy's bare heels grew smaller, and the blades rushed after them. Suddenly Bik stopped, a pipe appeared in his teeth. The enemy swung harder and rushed with a horse's gallop, spreading his thick arms wide. Grinning crookedly, the boy spat, and something small hit the athlete"s face. Bik walked sideways past the blades, and even hit his opponent"s chest with his bare heel.
  Staggering, the mighty guy screamed wildly, then his legs weakened and began to collapse.
  A friendly sigh swept through the army; few expected the little boy to defeat the giant. Then the children screamed joyfully, first of all, of course, the smallest of the slaves. Those who are smaller and weaker are pleased to see that your main boss is not great either. So even a child can do something for the uprising.
  Slaves ran up to the defeated athlete, including a couple of local doctors. A purple spot spread across the rough, sparsely haired face of the young hero. The doctor said with surprise:
  - Basilica! A needle containing poison was stabbed into him, paralyzing his limbs.
  - Temporarily! - Said Bik. - Then he comes to his senses. He won"t remember anything, he simply won"t notice his shame.
  Witcher approached the boy:
  -Where did you learn to make poisons?
  - Nowhere! Found it in one of the estates. The rich are also not happy with their position in society. So they make all sorts of poisons. If the potion is sealed, no problem, I know how to open locks! - Bik winked slyly at Witcher.
  - Where? - Asked the warrior.
  - One thief taught me! He temporarily turned out to be a slave, I was in the same pair with him, we worked hard, cut down the forest. He told me how to open locks, even showed me something. He marveled at my memory and then ran away. - The boy winked slyly.
  - And you didn"t follow him? - Witcher was surprised.
  - No! We were all flogged for this escape anyway, and if I had also escaped, then every fifth one would have been crucified on pillars. Two people are already a conspiracy. - The wiry boy explained.
  - Barbarians! Well, okay, if you are so memorable, perhaps meeting Khirov will be useful to you. - Witcher suggested.
  - It"s possible! I have long wanted to become the strongest and smartest! - The boy showed a biceps ball.
  - Stronger and smarter than me? - The warrior said playfully.
  - No! After all, you are the leader! But with your right hand, why not! - Bik stood up on his hands for greater persuasiveness.
  - The higher a person flies, the more dissatisfied he is with his position! - I noticed Witcher.
  - People don't fly! Only those whose minds are not used to groveling have wings! - The boy showed a precocious understanding.
  - There will be wings in our army! I promise I'll think of something. - Witcher promised.
  - And I believe you, big sister! After all, you are not only a leader, but also a sister or even a mother to us. We will live as one family! - Bik said.
  - The leader of the country should be a brother to people, not a bro! - The leader of the nation is first and foremost a servant of the people. However, let's leave the exchange of compliments; the weapon that you adopted should be used by others. Let's make some pipes! - Witcher ordered.
  - They are not long-range enough! - Passa noticed. - Needs improvement.
  - I"m already thinking about it, after all, lips and cheeks make it possible to hit at a short distance. But if there is something that expands itself and hits with force. Some mineral and herb. - Witcher felt a strong mental tension.
  The boy apparently heard her words:
  - Let's do it, select the elements! We still have time; many slaves need to be shown the basic techniques of war.
  "You"re right, my younger brother, the sorcerer will help us with something." However, until large forces are thrown at us, we must attack. However, we must prepare carefully. It's easier to find a dry rock in the ocean than an invention that hasn't been used for military purposes! - Vedmakova summed up.
  After all, the rebels spent the day in exercises, and at the same time, Bik sent reconnaissance.
  An army set out from the city. Not very big, but well armed. A scout boy, riding a smaller crustacean cockroach, even drew attention to one absurdity:
  - The warriors have five swords, and they can barely move!
  - That's good! - Said Bik. - Or rather, it"s even wonderful, before they come to us, they"ll be exhausted from excess weight.
  Witcher slyly noted:
  - Experienced warriors said, do not take weapons larger than five fingers on your right hand. Well, of course not bad, their stupidity will help them win faster. In the meantime, let the slaves sleep for a couple of hours. They had had a hard day, and the battle would not be easy. Exactly how many soldiers do the enemies have?
  - Five and a half thousand. - Bik said confidently. - This means that if we squeeze them all, then no more than five hundred people will remain in the city.
  - This is quite reasonable, it will be necessary to approach from all sides. At night they won"t dare attack us; they"ll cut their own. This means that they will set up a camp so that they can hack at dawn with all their might. Maybe they will even divide the troops for the purpose of encirclement. - Witcher suggested.
  Count de Forza objected:
  - I know well the habits that reign in the Sultanate; we have fought with them more than once. At night they will send several spies with golden bags to our camp. They will try to bribe the slaves and then impale them or, at best, rip out their nostrils.
  - Sending in spies is an ancient tactic. - I noticed, stretching Witcher"s toes. - But they don"t have invisibility caps, the guard boys are so observant and cunning, they"ll catch them all. Besides, we'll hit them a little closer to dawn. And the slaves will sleep better and the enemy will fall deeper into sleep.
  - Logical! I'll be the first to attack! - Said Bik.
  - It will be necessary to remove the guards, and this can be done with the help of shooting tubes. - Witcher showed the device. - There is a kind of piston attached here, three types of herbs, and oil with carbide. You just need to act carefully, otherwise the recoil will knock out the boys' teeth. You will take the smartest boys with you.
  - Many have experience of raiding gardens and stealing. Those who were born free, and those who were not, especially domestic slaves, stole from their owners. - Bik calmed everyone down. - So we went through the school of survival.
  - All the better! In general, I think there won"t be too many guards. After all, who are we to them? Slaves are stupid! Stupidity is closer to humility - quickness of mind is closer to villainy.
  The sorcerer Khirov entered the conversation:
  - We have approximately double or slightly more superiority, but the enemy is better trained and armed. And in the army of the Sultanate, women serve only in the personal legion of immortals. There are six thousand of them mercenaries from different countries. We will have many women in our army, and with rare exceptions they are weaker warriors than men.
  So every battle needs to be carefully planned. Moreover, at the first defeat, the slaves will begin to run away from us.
  - Victory as a woman attracts with its brilliance, but repels with its price! - Witcher"s wit flashed again.
  - Great! Now I see that the operation plan is completely agreed upon. All that remains is to clarify the details. During the battle, panic will begin in the ranks of the enemy, and most of the soldiers will run to the city of Zhit. - Suggested by Khirov
  - It's clear! The strongest detachment of slaves will strike from the rear, just from the direction of the city. Perhaps I will lead him. - Suggested by Count Forsa.
  - It"s not possible, and you! - The sorcerer clarified.
  "Besides, we have pots of oil, and I ordered wicks to be attached to them." We'll throw them into the camp and increase the panic. - Witcher suggested.
  - And this is also reasonable. - The sorcerer agreed. - Only you haven"t prepared enough of these charges yet.
  - Right! Fire is the god of war and, like other gods, requires attention and sacrifice! But we didn"t have enough time to prepare everything. - Witcher herself felt ashamed of her roteness.
  - Next time you will be more sophisticated. In the meantime, it didn"t bother us to sleep. - Khirov yawned without any pretense.
  Witcher nodded:
  - I have a beastly habit of sleeping little and lightly, but our brothers deserve rest.
  - Sleep is a strategic weapon, its lack is the cause of fatigue, which in turn is the germ of defeat. - Passa noticed.
  The slaves, after exercising in the fresh air, slept like the dead. Only the guards sat in ambush, ready to raise the alarm. You never know that suddenly the enemy commander will be more far-sighted. However, everything worked out, apparently the commander of the government legion, Temnik Etirimon, did not want an unpredictable night battle. In addition, in the dark it is easier for a slave to hide, and then catch them. Or maybe they will just give up, after which there will be torture and executions. Temnik Ethyrimon licked his lips, it is especially pleasant to mock young women, break toes, set fire to hair - very tempting.
  Having hastily pitched their tents, the soldiers fell asleep. No more than two dozen sentries were left. Before going to bed, Ethrimon, together with the thousands, arranged a feast, naked dancers shook their charms in front of them. It was beautiful and fun. The millenarians threw bones at them and forced them to take seductive poses. Then, without any hesitation, they took possession of them and, having satisfied their animal lust, fell into a drunken sleep.
  Their death crept up unnoticed. The rebels passed through the woods, with a flock of boys moving ahead. Bik, pressed against a tree, hiding in the foliage, saw the first guard.
  - Here he is, deliciously, missing.
  The poison was slightly improved and caused instant paralysis. A hit in the face is not necessary, because the warriors of the Sultanate, as a rule, walk light and only the chest is covered with armor and the sentry is lying around.
  - There is one!
  Witcher herself is moving from the rear. She removes the guard without any shooting tube. He just comes in from behind and breaks his neck.
  - Movement is life! Just don't sing - for peace! And so sad - my stomach is empty!
  The warrior felt a little funnier. The trees around are tall and vines are visible. The beloved and the smartest slave boys are crawling nearby. Adult warriors are heavier and therefore fall behind. A heavier animal always makes more noise.
  Witcher killed another guard along the way, who was just sucking coconut beer from a flask. The camp opened up before them.
  It was not a particularly large camp; the soldiers slept, sometimes in tents, sometimes just on thick grass. The night is warm, not many sentries yawn, they look inattentively.
  The main thing here is to remove them at once so that they don"t have time to raise the alarm. The swan cuckoo, with its pleasant voice, is better suited for this. She does not arouse any suspicion; on the contrary, her cooing can be heard almost continuously, but if you change the tone, you can catch the information.
  Vedmakova does just that. They answer him. The sentries do not react; they were "lucky"; death turned out to be easy.
  - One sword is like a drop of rain, it will fall and scatter, and when there are many of them, victory will be born!
  The Witcher began to cut up the sleeping people. On the one hand, it was not chivalrous, but on the other hand, victory is worth honor! Honor is a relative concept and should be applied primarily to your soldiers!
  First of all, finish off those who are richer dressed, the commanders. Swords were usually placed in a separate pile.
  However, the pangs of conscience did not last long; the slaves also began the massacre and as a result of this, alarm was raised. When you are attacked at night, panic is inevitable, especially if it is cloudy or cloudy. The slaves are all half-naked and can easily distinguish each other, and the warriors butt heads and often fight with each other. And someone shouts:
  - Save yourself!
  - Guard! Demons are attacking!
  In times of panic, the role of the commander is more important than ever. Witcher knows this, and rushed to the main tent itself.
  Ethyrimon, still half-drunk, barely opened his eyes. In general, anyone who drinks before a fight will end up with a hangover in hell.
  - What's happened! Why are the pipes silent? - He yelled.
  - The pipes are silent because the blades sing - steel is stronger than copper! - Witcher shouted. She jumped on Ethyrimon. Temnik, of course, skillfully wielded the blade, but was not yet fully composed, and the Witcher"s muscles were perfectly warmed up. She swung wildly, her henna-painted blade barely visible in the darkness. The head of the unlucky nobleman flew off.
  Witcherova knocked down the thousand-man rushing at her with a kick. Another commander was removed by spitting from a tube.
  - Why, the ghouls haven"t woken up!
  Again a clear blow of the sword, the pierced enemy falls! Two thousand officers try to come at him from behind, but run into a dancer. She squeals and kicks. Witcher does not miss the moment, he cuts down one, finishes off the other. Well, an army without commanders is like a flock of sheep without a shepherd; one wolf, if it doesn"t eat it, will scare it!
  Now the rebel slaves, many armed with a club, or at best a horn, took inspiration. The tactic of throwing five at one was very effective. It was easier to fall over and trample underfoot.
  - Don't let them get away! Cut your legs! - Vedmakova shouted through a voice amplifier.
  Solntslava hacked along with everyone else. How the muscles of this diva played. It"s not for nothing that many people think that an angry woman is worse than a demon. So she cut one of the warriors in half, and her blade, by inertia, cut the throat of the officer standing behind him. The centurions tried to restore some semblance of order, but quickly died. In addition, the Sultanate did everything to ensure that the soldier forgot what initiative was. The rebels, in turn, quite cleverly pushed the Sultanate troops away from the cockroach snails.
  - Don't let them sit on the saddle! - Solntslava shouted.
  Passa added:
  - Fire control the horses.
  This helped, cockroach snails burst into the ranks and caused additional panic. As a result, not knowing what to do, many fighters began to flee. But this is exactly what Witcher and the slaves were waiting for. The fight escalated into extermination and persecution.
  The warrior narrowed her right eye and threw three daggers:
  - We won't let them leave!
  Running away is more stupidity than cowardice! After all, most soldiers die not in battle, but during pursuit!
  Bik, like a very fast boy, jumped on the neck of one of the officers and rode him:
  - Faster cockroach!
  The dagger served instead of spurs, and the poor guy didn"t even try to throw it off.
  Witcher, noticing this, shouted:
  - War is like a game of dominoes, only broken dominoes can no longer be collected - the earth holds!
  - Nothing, my bones are young and strong! - The boy jumped off and slashed at the neck. After which he even sped up.
  Witcher stumbled over a corpse; there were several bodies lying around, but the diva did not fall, but jumped over them. Then she slashed with swords. The morale of the troops fighting against them evaporated, and now the warrior turned into an executioner. There was even an aversion to blood. Witcher screamed:
  - In the name of honor! Whoever throws down his weapon will live! Surrender, warriors of the Sultanate.
  There were those who obeyed the order, but many continued to flee in despair, and some fell to their knees.
  For example, ten powerful fighters surrendered to Bik at once. Maybe they thought it was safer to entrust their fate to a child. The boy shouted:
  - Fall on your face!
  The warriors fell down. Bik walked barefoot along their backs, despite the child"s light weight, the soldiers groaned in fear. Then the boy came up with the idea of whether he should relieve himself of his defeated enemies. But then he drove away the vile temptation, because slaves want to build a better society, and not repeat the path of their own masters.
  - Okay, live - smoke the sky!
  Gradually the battle faded away! Although it seems that the massacre is long. The Witcher came across a rather skilled warrior. After a brutal exchange of attacks, she finally disarmed him, then stunned him.
  - We need these!
  They threw nets on some of them, but some did not resist. The battle was almost over, only the flight and pursuit dragged on. Witcherova personally led the chase and killed many, but she could not destroy the entire army down to the last soldier.
  Nevertheless, the young warrior, with several hundred slaves on horses, decided on a daring adventure, namely, to immediately capture the city, which was not ready for defense.
  - This will be a strong move. We won"t let the wealth be taken away, and most importantly, we"ll rush in on our shoulders.
  Several dozen soldiers of the defeated army still managed to jump on the cockroach snails and galloped to the gate.
  They didn"t open right away, there was a squabble. When the gates lowered, the Witcher and her horsemen jumped out from behind the forest. She screamed using the boy's device:
  - In the name of the great Sultan Erifef! Powerful reinforcements are rushing towards you! If you want to protect the city, let the warriors take their place on the walls.
  The sleepy guards did not realize it right away, especially since Witcher had thrown on herself a rich robe that she had stolen from the corpses. The helmet alone is worth it, it sparkles like an icicle in the sun, well, who can refuse such a noble commander.
  And the gentlemen, the burgomaster, and other nobles, of course, did not sleep, they "took care" of their people!
  On a small hill there was a beautiful palace with columns and statues, made in a mixture of ancient Roman and ancient Eastern styles. In front of him, as is customary in this country, is a huge statue of Sultan Erifef, with a fountain spouting from behind his mouth. In the largest hall it was noisy and fun, music was playing - a feast was a mountain. Noble nobles of the sultanate staged a Sabantuy. Wearing expensive togas embroidered with gold, they lay on lush pillows; on low tables there were piles of dishes, wines and liqueurs. Hundreds of lamps glittered on the tables and walls. Throughout the estate and in the colonnades, countless slaves, slave girls, slave boys and bodyguard soldiers guarding the palace flashed. The dignitaries sipped toasts. The chief nobleman, Sheikh du Pustemorov, froze in the arms of two naked hetaeras. He twitched and moaned like a man possessed, finally freed himself and screamed.
  -And now it"s time to have gladiator fights. And so boring, there is no blood, and the wine is not to the soul.
  The bugle sounded and fighters were called into the arena. According to custom, the lightest and youngest warriors should fight first. But the sheikh had just received a batch of trained slaves, and wanted to combine two types of entertainment: erotic and bloody.
  A fire was burning in the center of the miniature Colosseum, glass-enhanced torches gave off a rather bright light with a purple tint, the white gravel glittered, giving the podium a cheerful look. The first to run onto the stage was a muscular and slender girl in a leather belt. Like a first-class gymnast, she did two somersaults and walked on her hands. Then she stood opposite the prince, froze, crossing a sword and a dagger in such weapons they called him a mirmillon. Despite the fact that the girl could compete in a beauty contest, how soft, velvety her skin and blond hair are, she already had a wide scar on her face. The next jumper also walked on his hands. His weapons were a trident and a short net - a retiary. Having done a stretch, he stood opposite the enemy. He was a young man, almost a boy, still beardless with a gentle girlish face; the presence of mixed couples gave a special eroticism to the action. It seems that the partners have known each other for a long time and winked.
  - What Caisca! I didn't think we'd meet like this! - The boy said sadly.
  "You were a nice guy, but now your soul will be taken to the primordial flame!" - The girl answered rudely.
  - Why are you so cruel! We are still virgins, we must live! - The young man said with timid hope.
  - This won't help us! Even the gods despise slaves!
  The training at the gladiator school was tough and the scars were visible on the naked shiny bodies of the young fighters.
  The crowd became animated, bets were made, wild shouts encouraged the young gladiators, who clearly did not want to fight.
  The sheikh's wife took out a leather bag.
  - Fifty gold for Kaiska! "She flashed her large teeth.
  - Let's start! The sheikh gave the signal.
  So different and at the same time having much in common, the warriors came together, their movements were fast and chaotic. First, the warrior with the trident tried to throw a net, but missed and his opponent, jumping wildly at him, managed to slash him in the stomach with a dagger. The young man jumped back and hit the trident in the chest, but only slightly scratched the skin. However, his maneuver forced the enemy to retreat. He walked away and leaned against the net, not allowing the once beloved gladiator to approach.
  - You men are stupid! This means they are doomed to defeat! - The girl said arrogantly.
  - How was he born? - The young man looked embarrassed.
  Suddenly the retiarius with the trident grabbed the gravel with his hand and threw it in his face. The maneuver had an effect, the girl closed her eyes, and at that very second the trident pierced her abs.
  Crying out in pain, the young gladiator writhed, but, nevertheless, managed to plunge the blade into the shoulder. Retiarius screamed and pulled out his weapon. The sword flashed like lightning, almost piercing his neck. The gladiator retreated, his chest was cut. The young man groaned in pain and dropped his trident. Then the opponent jumped on him and threw a dagger. The swing was rather weak, and the tip pierced the flesh of the leg. Retiarius screamed and fell, then picked up the dagger and tried to get up, at that moment the sword struck him in the neck. Already losing consciousness, he struck the myrmillon blade into the solar plexus. The once loving couple (like Romeo and Juliet) fell to the gravel dead. The drunken audience laughed and hooted. Three gloomy slaves with low foreheads and protruding jaws ran into the arena; they burned the bodies of those who lost, but received spiritual freedom, with a hot iron. Having made sure that they were dead, they hooked them with their ribs and dragged them off the stage. The place where there was blood was covered with coals.
  -They will go to feed on insects. - Sheikh"s wife Demeter bared her horse teeth. - It"s a pity that the bones are too small, the animals will remain hungry.
  - There will be no meat and cookery. It"s a pity, really, a couple of them could have turned out to be quite promising athletes! - The sheikh growled.
  - In your bed? - The diva inquired sarcastically.
  - Why not! The girl is pretty, and the boy could be yours. "The sheikh had quite progressive views, believing that a wife could well amuse her plump body with a young slave.
  - Smallish and fragile! Don't we have another pair like this? - Demeter inquired.
  - Unfortunately, there is no! Let's look at the young shift that was sent to us from the neighboring school. - The sheikh grinned.
  - Maybe it"s better to let them grow up! Otherwise we will kill all our prisoners. - Unexpectedly, the nobleman"s wife showed compassion.
  - The news about the slave revolt is too joyful and I want to celebrate it to the fullest. - The nobleman shook his stomach.
  - Unless, of course, Etymon gets ahead of you! - The fat girl teased.
  - Such a nonentity! All the better, let"s finish off all the gladiators now and deprive the fool of the spectacle. Come on newbies! - The sheikh growled.
  - These are not exactly newbies. - Demeter licked her lips
  The gong sounds again and the warrior boys run into the arena. They look about fourteen to fifteen years old, with fairly broad shoulders and chests. Like previous fighters, he does somersaults and runs on his hands. Having already run out onto the podium, they put on weapons, helmets, chest armor, shields and swords. One has a straight blade, while the other has a curved blade like a saber. The sculpted abs are open and scars are visible on it. The boy standing on the right has healed cuts running across his chest in three lines.
  The skin is generously oiled and shiny.
  The manager announces.
  -The famous fighters Fudoros with a curved saber and Saflorov with a straight sword perform in the ring. Fudoros has six fights and Saflorov has seven. All their rivals were either killed on the spot or stabbed to death by decision of the people. The manager pointed his finger at the crowd. Those who want to bet have appeared again. The Sheikh barked.
  - One hundred gold coins for Saflorov.
  Bets were quickly concluded, the nobles swore. The two even got into a fight. One splashed a glass of wine, the other hit him in the face with a fat leg. The hetaeras and guards rushed to calm the raging public. The sheikh's wife, imperious, impudent, fat, barked:
  -Forward! Kill!
  The gladiators converged. This time, they took their time, testing each other with careful blows. Colliding, the swords sparkled slightly, the shields trembled. The public did not really like this caution; it howled with displeasure and bones flew towards the fighters. The sheikh overturned the tray and became covered in wine and jam. Then he spat and squealed angrily.
  -If you don't fight, I'll have you hanged upside down. Several pressing savage "janissaries" ran onto the podium, they brandished spears, demonstrating pokes into the open back. Saflorov went on the offensive, attacking furiously, he kicked his counterpart in the knee. The teenager stepped back, moving his sword slightly to the side, his opponent slashed across the chest. A poorly screwed plate fell to the bottom. The next attack left a deep mark on the skin and thick blood flowed. Fudoros retreated, one of the hairy fighters hit him in the legs. And when the boy hesitated, Saflorov hit his helmet with such fury that he staggered and collapsed. The shock caused the "helmet" to fly off, revealing a white head with a swollen bump on its forehead. Saflorov put the blade to his nervously heaving chest. He glanced sideways at the "audience".
  I was waiting for a sign. When the majority runs through their hair, it means to kill, and when they press their palms into a lock, it means to have mercy.
  However, mercy was not read in the fierce faces. Almost everyone, even women and teenagers, ran their palm over their throat.
  -Death! Finish him off!
  The sheikh's wife barked mockingly.
  - He got off too cheaply. Give it to me for one night.
  Saflorov hesitated, lightly pressed on the naked chest of the defeated teenager, and a drop of blood appeared. Then, in despair, he threw away the sword:
  -I can't! He is my friend.
  The noise suddenly stopped and there was deathly silence.
  -What! - The sheikh became furious. -You refuse to kill the vanquished. Cage them both, after which there will be terrible torture in front of the entire gladiator school.
  The warriors ran up to Fudoros, splashed water on his face, and then, to help him come to his senses faster, they burned his bare heel with a hot iron. The boy screamed, jumped up and two lassoes were immediately thrown around his neck. Saflorov tried to resist, he fought off a dozen swords at once, fear gave him strength. But one of the shooters hit his leg with an arrow. The poison paralyzed the young man, but did not kill him. Having tied them both up, they were locked in a cage. Saflorov was hit in the ribs with a hot rod, her skin began to smoke, and the seasoned boy bravely endured the injections. But apparently the torture of two disobedient boys was postponed for dessert.
  The sheikh's wife sparkled:
  - They should be my hubby. You know that I am inventive.
  - I know, but just look, I might get jealous. The guys are beautiful and can already get married. - The sheikh bared his teeth.
  - Most likely, they are even married! After all, these are the strongest and healthiest slaves who should multiply! - The fat girl winked.
  - Gladiators are the color of bondage! I wish I could get them and torture their wives. - The sheikh grinned.
  - We'll make it! By the way, girls again.
  Now the women had to fight. Two half-naked divas wearing only loincloths entered the arena. They were chained by the necks and could not be separated from each other. Weapons: two daggers in each hand. Clearly the fight will be brutal and not too long. One girl was fair, the other black-haired, both with rather long manes.
  -To battle! - thundered the thug.
  -I won't bet! - The sheikh's wife barked. - This has already become a bad omen.
  The poor women came together. It was scary, one of them almost immediately had her stomach torn open, the other was wounded in the chest. Continuing to cut themselves, the girls kicked out with their feet, tearing at their flesh. There was a lot of blood flowing and they could not leave and run away. Finally, one of them, completely cut up, fell to her knees. The black-haired woman laughed, trying to finish her off, but then ran into an insidious blow from the bottom to the rib. Groaning, she was still able to hit the offender on the back of the head. Both beautiful, mutilated women collapsed on the gravel, fluttered several times, and froze. The shaggy "janissaries" ran up to them and poked them with a hot iron. The warrior girls did not move.
  -Again, more than one bet didn"t work out. Both are dead.
  The public was disappointed, although witnessing the murder in itself is very pleasant. But no one has won yet.
  In this situation, only a new battle could save the matter. The easy warm-up is over and it"s time for serious business.
  Fifteen gladiators in perforated orange tunics, with three black feathers on their slimes, rushed into the arena. They were armed with short, curved swords; in their hands they held small square shields with a convex surface, their heads were protected by helmets without a visor. Behind this group ran out fighters in bright red tunics, also with short but straight swords, with a small round shield and an iron handcuff covering the right hand, not protected by a shield, and a knee pad protecting the left leg. Green feathers on the slippery helmets completed the picture.
  Standing opposite each other, they bowed. This time the bets were for much larger sums, and gold flowed from hand to hand.
  -It can"t be that they were all killed! - Said the sheikh"s wife. Someone will definitely win!
  - So place your bet, this is the last battle. See, it"s already dawn! - The tired sheikh said with irritation.
  - Then it will be serious! A thousand gold drachmas on red ones. - The fat woman wheezed.
  - Why on them? - Why them? - The nobleman repeated twice, surprised.
  - Because the eyes are meaner!
  The manager shouted something. The hysterical sound of a trumpet sounded. Even the torches blinked, as if something had gotten into the monsters" eyes.
  Conversations, noise, laughter, and chomping stopped: all eyes were fixed on the fighters. The first clash was terrible: amid the deafening silence that reigned, the blows of swords on shields were heard sharply. Feathers, fragments of helmets, pieces of broken shields flew across the arena, and excited, panting gladiators struck each other blow after blow. Less than three minutes had passed since the start of the battle, and blood had already been shed: four gladiators writhed in agony, and the combatants trampled them underfoot. One of those lying around grabbed his partner"s leg and turned his foot. He flew down, cutting his arm.
  The prince's insatiable wife, Demeter, threw a gnawed bone into the ring.
  - Reds, if you win, I'll give you a glass of wine!
  As often happens, the opposite happened: the biggest fighter from the team that Demeter was rooting for was defeated. Three swords pierced the broad chest at once, and an ill-timed bone was left in the hand of the unlucky leader.
  The spectators followed the bloody vicissitudes of the battle with delight and tension. They screamed like a herd of wounded bulls. The local elite frantically, raged, encouraged the fighters. The ranks of the gladiators thinned out, the battle broke up into separate skirmishes.
  At this moment, when the dignitary public was enjoying and openly "goofed" lapping up the blood, the brave rebels killed the sleepy guards. Pobedonostsev, together with a handful of brave men, crushed the bodyguards and was the first to break into the palace.
  The noise from the approach of the rebels forced the fight to be interrupted. The nobles, staggering, tried to pick up their swords. The young rebel leader shouted loudly:
  - What I see! You kill each other for the amusement of the scoundrels! The revived reptiles are not even able to lift a sword, their stomachs are too much of a hindrance. If you have even a particle of pride left in you, chop off this abomination.
  The gladiators seemed to be waiting for exactly this: they rushed towards the obese herd.
  The servant slaves jumped aside, not wanting to die for their hated masters, and the boys even began throwing trays and food at the dignitaries.
  Demeter screamed:
  - Kill them all!
  Then a crystal wine glass fell on her head, knocking out the bitch.
  Witcher was angry. He chopped down the rich citizens of the city, shredding their meat.
  It wasn't difficult, but it was disgusting. Pass's constant companion fought next to him. Bik did not lag behind, and the gladiators took revenge on their jailers.
  The gloomy slaves lifted the manager onto the hook, they shouted:
  - We are our own! They are slaves just like you!
  - So prove it with a sword! - She screamed, and the candles on the Witcher"s chandeliers began to shake.
  The sheikh tried to run away, but Bik tripped him up and poured honey down his collar:
  - Well, where are you needed? No seasoning.
  Solntslava cut off the heads of two nobles at once in one fell swoop, and crushed the jaw of a third with her knee. However, there was no longer even the semblance of a fight, the slaves were simply taking revenge. The remnants of the guards fled, and the feasters, even in the best shape, did not represent a serious military force. They were all killed before Witcher cooled down. Only the chief sheikh was still alive, Bik was pulling his hair. Vedmakov drove away the impudent boy:
  - This is a noble person. It might come in handy for us!
  . CHAPTER No. 12.
  The Germans continued their assault on Stalingrad. There seemed to be very little left, but it was incredibly difficult to get through the last one. Even the massive use of Sturmtigers did not help. Although the destruction the jet bombs caused was enormous. Another means was napalm bombs.
  The battalion of girls had thinned out, but the beauties were still fighting. On October 20, snow began to fall, and the beauties were all barefoot. They leave graceful marks on the white bedspread.
  Beautiful girls rolled around in the snow a little and became cleaner. Matryona, after Seryozhka was captured, could not find a place for herself. It would be nice to lose such a smart and handsome boy. And what awaited him in fascist captivity? First torture, and then the death penalty!
  The boy was indeed close to being shot, but ended up in the mines. Working sixteen hours a day, with meager rations, the overseer's whip awaited Seryozhka.
  More precisely, the boy is already in the quarry, and works there like a donkey. But it"s much warmer underground than on the surface. And the warriors, in order not to freeze, are forced to jump and run. And the girls fight. Here comes the mighty Lion tank. Its gun is 150 mm, more effective and practical for battles in the city. The Fritz love this tank, it is so well protected from different sides.
  "Mouse" crawls a little behind. A German vehicle weighing two hundred tons was also armed with a 150-mm cannon and a seventy-five. So much more practical. The number of machine guns has increased to four, and it is not easy to get close to the tank.
  Anyuta, Maria and Alla are trying to gouge the mastodon together. They approach him carefully.
  Anyuta sang with enthusiasm:
  - How we lived, fighting, and not fearing death... So from now on, you and I will live! And in the starry heights, and mountain silence, in sea war and fierce fire! And in furious and furious fire!
  "Mouse" was the latest modification, with six machine guns, two coaxial with barrels, and four rotating on hinges.
  Maria, crawling through the snow, hissed:
  - We will never give up! After all, Jesus the Most High God is with us!
  The girl, getting closer, threw the explosive package at the Mouse's caterpillar. There was a loud noise under the shield and the roller burst.
  The girls shouted with joy:
  - Get a fascist!
  Alla swung her hand and threw a fragmentation grenade at the Fritz. The fascist was thrown up by the blast wave, and along with him, the heads of two black soldiers from the colonial troops were torn off.
  The red-haired beauty whistled:
  - For the Motherland and Stalin!
  Anyuta threw the explosive package again... This time it was not so successful, it hit the armor and exploded on the surface of the steel shell.
  The girl said in annoyance:
  - Eh, I messed up!
  And she crawled for a new portion of homemade explosives. Her round heels, red from the cold, flashed. An almost naked girl crawled in the snow, a little uncomfortable. But we can bear it. Moreover, when shelling takes place, the snow melts.
  Anyuta even sang:
  - I know that the cold will soon disappear,
  The stream will rush by loudly...
  And they are already running through the puddles -
  Barefoot girls!
  The girl shoots, and the Arab from the colonial troops collapses. Enemy attempts to operate in small groups lead to serious losses.
  The Mouse's short cannon fires fragmentation again. Shells are exploding somewhere in the smoke. And a lot of breaks...
  The Germans have almost captured Stalingrad... There is very little left. But this is precisely what prevents the Wehrmacht from using large bombs and heavy artillery. The Fritz let foreigners go ahead, whom they did not feel sorry for.
  Maria fired her rifle. The fascist mercenary fell and rolled over the stones of the ruins.
  The girl rubbed her bare breasts with scarlet nipples. They're all warrior warriors - they're jumping around in their underpants. But there are almost no hits on them. Apparently nudity somehow especially protects beauties. Since they are able to survive in such hell!
  Alla shakes off the mixture of snow and dirt and shoots again. It hit a black fighter right in the eye. A smart bitch, you can't say anything.
  The three girls approach Mouse again. It is difficult to penetrate a vehicle that has such thick armor from all sides. But the warriors are full of optimism. If you can"t pierce the shell itself, then why not tear off the barrel.
  Alla, kicking away dirty clods with her bare feet, sang:
  - Our truth, our truth... Like the rays of the sun! Our tomorrow will be bright, streams will flow from the mountains!
  Female warriors have long been armed with captured MP-44s. These machine guns have a long combat range. The beauties confidently fire. The blacks are falling again. They let out fountains of scarlet blood.
  Maria, shooting, with both a rifle and a captured machine gun on her shoulders, sang:
  - The insidious spider sharpened its sting,
  And he drinks sacred, Russian blood from Russia!
  For his adversary, everything is not enough and he will kill,
  Who has love for Russia!
  Love for Russia!
  The girl sent a bullet at the assorted "guard" that was crawling out of the cracks. The beauty smiled, her face, although emaciated, retained its beauty and charm.
  In general, all the girls in their battalion are beautiful. Here, for example, is the Tatar Seraphim. Her father is Tatar, but her mother is from Belarus, and from her Seraphima inherited hair the color of ripe wheat. Also a beautiful girl, barefoot and almost naked. And he fires from a captured machine gun in short bursts. And fascists from other troops are creeping towards her.
  Serafima shoots quite accurately. Golden-haired Maria lay down next to her. Both girls fire and sing.
  - Motherland! - Maria started...
  - And the army! - She continued, shooting Seraphim.
  Maria tweeted:
  - This...
  Firing and hitting the colored people, Seraphima reported:
  - Two pillars!
  Maria, grinning, tweeted:
  - On the...
  Seraphima fired and added:
  - Which...
  Maria, having cut down five, continued:
  - It"s holding on!
  Seraphima, firing, saluted:
  - Planet!
  Maria, shooting, tweeted:
  - Chest...
  Seraphima, shooting, purred:
  - We'll protect...
  Maria smashed the fascist"s head and said:
  - We you....
  Seraphim cut the Nazis with bullets and hissed:
  - A country!
  Maria, sending well-aimed bullets, tweeted:
  - Everyone....
  Seraphima, shooting more and more accurately, added:
  - People!
  Maria, throwing her dirty golden hair from her forehead, sang:
  - Rath...
  Seraphim bullet, and sending shots, issued:
  - Yours...
  Maria, hitting the fascist in the throat, continued:
  - Warm!
  The blonde Tatar woman, sending shots, continued:
  - Clouds...
  Maria, shooting accurately, added:
  - Cool!
  Seraphima grinned and chirped:
  - Well and...
  Maria shot accurately and roared:
  - Sun!
  Seraphima, firing in bursts, hissed:
  - It's hot!
  Maria continued with a chuckle:
  - Automatic...
  Seraphima, as if directing fire, barked:
  - Nater...
  Maria added well-aimed shots:
  - Shoulder...
  Seraphima added with a chuckle:
  - To the soldier!
  Maria sang enthusiastically, shooting:
  - I'll dig...
  Serafima, conducting fighter fire, added:
  - The grave....
  Maria, having knocked down the African, continued:
  - To the adversary!
  The girls ran out of ammunition. And she was forced to quickly run for cover. Supply across the Volga is very difficult. Constant bombing and shelling. Here is a reinforcement company sailing from the other side.
  Fountains of spray and debris erupt around the boats. Stormtroopers roar in the sky. The Focke-Wulfs are flying in. And bombs are dropped on them.
  Several boats broke apart. Soviet soldiers drown and die.
  The enemy artillery fire is already too dense.
  Even at night the Fritzes keep everything under fire. And their dive bombers are rushing around. Including grandfather Yu-87. Although jet aircraft have already entered production.
  Here is the legendary Soviet Yak-9. He fights with the German ME-309. Agility, speed and weapons came together. The German is trying to defeat the Soviet machine on the first pass. But he fails. The yak, in turn, strives to get behind, but the Nazi escapes due to its high speed.
  A faster German, with stronger weapons, against a more maneuverable Russian. But the rapid flight continues. The fascist uses seven firing points against seven, and hits the Soviet vehicle. She loses speed and begins to fall.
  Streams of smoke come out of it. And the engine burns...
  What is this war! It is difficult to oppose a vehicle as powerful in armament as the ME-309, in which seven firing points compensate for the excess weight and poorer maneuverability.
  The high speed allows the fascist to escape in a dive, and the front of the German fighter is well armored.
  Anyuta is again trying to undermine Mouse. The girl is risking her life. She is already all scratched up, crawling naked along the fortifications. All the beauty is covered in scratches and scratches. But then he throws a grenade with an explosive package attached. She is even hit by a burst from a machine gun. Scratching the beauty's shoulder.
  But the explosive package hit the barrel of a 150-mm cannon. And the German has already received significant damage. With great difficulty, the vehicle moves from its place and crawls back to the location of its troops to lick its wounds.
  Focke-Wulfs and several TA-152s appear in the sky. They begin shelling Soviet positions. A pair of the newest HE-183, attack jet vehicles, also appeared. These vultures reached speeds of up to eight hundred kilometers per hour and were almost impossible to hit.
  The girls shoot back at the Germans. There is always a chance to catch the enemy, despite the powerful protection of attack aircraft from ground fire.
  Anyuta and Alla retrieved the captured Luftfaust. This is a weapon consisting of nine interconnected twenty-millimeter recoilless rifles.
  You can shoot as if from a small anti-aircraft gun.
  And the warriors point at the enemy. They smoothly press the start... Both beauties rested their bare feet on the rubble, feeling the smooth recoil.
  A Focke-Wulf with six air cannons begins to smoke - its belly is torn open.
  The girls roar enthusiastically:
  - Puck! Puck! Goal!
  Other German planes begin to circle over the girls' heads. The beauties dart into underground passages, dodging Focke-Wulf rockets.
  Anyuta felt a twinkle in her coarsened heel. The girl purred:
  - Oh hellish fire!
  The girl's soles were covered in blisters and ached painfully. I wanted to poke something cold.
  And on the surface the ruptures continue. The snow hisses from the flames, the ruins are torn apart. The Germans flood the positions with fire, but this does little good. The warriors hid like mice in holes. Let them iron themselves.
  Alla whispered in Anyuta"s ear:
  - I think that soon the Nazis will finally run out of steam. They have a lot of strength, but in Stalingrad they have no opportunity to turn around!
  The blonde girl answered proudly:
  - We are here like three hundred Spartans! We repel superior enemy forces!
  Red-haired Alla giggled and winked at her partner girl:
  - And you can"t bypass us!
  When the girls got to the surface, the raid was over. New black foot soldiers appeared. They climbed forward, and the girls had to open fire, forcing the enemy to dig his nose into the ground.
  The Lions and Tigers went into battle again. The Germans tried to press the Soviet army with heavy tanks. Every now and then shells rained down. The more vulnerable "Tiger" tried not to break away from its formations. Mortars also thundered.
  The girls fired at the Germans and their mercenaries. Knocked out opponents. Alla and Anyuta fired in pairs. Enemy faces appeared and settled. Then a new layer of advancing enemies.
  The girls sang during the battle.
  Alla began, firing:
  - Before...
  Anyuta, shooting, continued:
  - By you...
  Alla struck and added:
  - Legion...
  Anyuta, having cut off three of them, hissed:
  - Enemies...
  Allah nailed the opponents, blurted out:
  - They....
  Anyuta, having blown off half the Arab"s skull, continued:
  - They want...
  Alla, crushing the enemy, continued:
  - You...
  Anyuta, shooting, hissed in rage:
  - Humble...
  Alla, having pierced the Arab's skull, growled:
  - Destroy...
  Anyuta, continuing to nail, hissed:
  - Notes...
  Alla, as if shooting, whistled:
  - Don't be afraid...
  Anyuta, having fired an accurate shot, growled:
  - Enemy...
  Alla, shooting like a sniper, continued:
  - Bayonet...
  Anyuta, firing further, barked:
  - Capable...
  Alla, without stopping firing, hissed:
  - Force...
  Anyuta, firing in a rage, growled, correcting her friend:
  - Courage...
  Alla, in severe ecstasy, having shot the heads of the Africans, barked:
  - Strength...
  Anyuta, jumping with gunfire, hissed:
  - Increase...
  Alla, shaking her red curls, continued:
  - And adversaries...
  Anyuta, hitting the Arab in the stomach, said:
  - Straightaway...
  Alla, firing with all calibers, barked:
  - Destroy...
  The girls took a breath. And after shooting a little more, they shouted:
  - We are the knights of the sniper rifle, the voice of murder is clear!
  The wave of advancing colonial troops subsided somewhat. The Nazis again moved their tanks forward. "Tigers"-2 appeared with their long muzzles and fired shells at everything they managed to notice.
  "Tiger"-2 had an original turret shape and sloped armor plates on the sides. This made him somewhat more tenacious. The warriors again chose the tank tracks as their target. The fascist had to live like a fish in a frying pan.
  Anyuta threw an explosive package, crushing the front roller of the Tiger-2 and sang:
  - I met you with a gift... Of course I outlined a place in the coffin!
  Alla hissed, happily throwing a large, explosive package at the fascist:
  - But Pasaran!
  And from the explosion, the long muzzle of the German tank twisted. And the Royal Tiger began to turn back. Again the fascist was seriously wounded. Alla took it and barked, throwing a piece of glass with her bare toes:
  - You will be in an oak coffin!
  The glass flew right into the throat of an Indian, one of the colonial German troops.
  Anyuta winked at her partner and sang:
  - I"ll dip my head into this barrel! I'll dip everyone!
  Alla fired a burst from a machine gun. The Germans were again under attack. The girl hissed:
  - We can do everything! And we will win!
  Anyuta fired her rifle and said:
  - A big victory awaits! May our grandfathers be in glory!
  Alla did a somersault and rolled around, spinning like a Christmas tree. The girl sang with a wink:
  - Mister success, where are you going... Mister success - the fascists laugh...
  German tanks, without saving shells, intensified their fire. They poured out their explosive gifts. And they approached the Soviet positions, trying to avoid gaps.
  Anyuta, using wire, as the captive Seryozhka taught them, pulled up a heavy mine. "Lion" slowly crawled towards the Soviet positions. Its 150mm gun spat out shells every now and then. The girls hissed and winked.
  Anyuta sang:
  - Germans-peppers, fascists-Nazis... The end of a pacifist awaits you!
  Alla noted with a grin:
  - Pacifism... It"s even stupid to talk about pacifism when we are talking about the Nazis!
  Anyuta hit an Arab from the colonial guard in the bridge of the nose with a well-aimed shot and chirped:
  - And they are cripples in thinking... And in military affairs they are not so strong! Soon we will completely erase them from the face of planet Earth!
  Alla gave another burst, rubbed her bare chest on the gravel and sang:
  - I am a Russian knight on the knees of savages... I will sweep away the enemies of the Fatherland from the face of the Earth!
  The red-haired beauty winked, glancing at the sky. "Frames", German gunner planes, were spinning there.
  The German "Lion" crawled up every now and then, getting stuck in the windfall. And his gun was constantly spitting.
  Anyuta, moving a mine under the caterpillar of a German tank, hissed:
  - For Seryozhka....
  The German stopped and fired again. The shell exploded behind the girls.
  Anyuta checked:
  - Milk shells, whoever has the brains of a baby!
  "Lion" stood for some time. Perhaps the German experienced crew sensed danger ahead, or perhaps they wanted to use up their combat kit. But the "Lion" stood for some time and spat lethal shells.
  Anyuta noted that the German tank has a more advanced gun and fires more often than the KV-2. And this, of course, makes this car much more dangerous. Anyuta crossed herself and hissed:
  - May the wicked go to hell!
  Alla shot the fascist in the solar plexus and barked:
  - Our victory is inevitable! And everything will end well!
  Anyuta also cut off the Turk and sang:
  - Although, it seems that life will soon be interrupted when trouble knocks on its black horn... The horses neigh and blood flows like a river, and again the earth disappears from under your feet!
  Alla, having killed the Iranian, added:
  - But the earth also has its own guardian... And between the stars are stretched to him... Invisible saving threads to exile Hitler to Kolyma!
  The girls, firing, sang in unison:
  - Let's break Adolf, it will hurt him! I believe we will defeat fascism! And in our Russia, the Messiah will appear, Lord of the peoples of all countries!
  And the warriors continued shooting. But the enemy infantry lay down and began shooting and throwing grenades. The fascist hordes tried to smoke out the girls with mortar fire. And throwing a lot of grenades.
  Alla philosophically remarked:
  - With numbers you can win elections, with skill you can win elections without war!
  Anyuta giggled and noted:
  - War is an area where quality beats quantity, elections, as a rule, are the opposite and this is an anecdote!
  The warriors retreated slightly; grenades and their fragments were falling too thickly. Alla even grabbed the thrown gift with her foot and threw it back. The grenade flew and hit the Nazis on their helmets. And how it explodes...
  It was as if another bundle had detonated somewhere.
  Alla noted philosophically:
  - Luck is the second happiness, success is the third, but the first skill!
  Anyuta giggled and interjected:
  - Luck is a reward for courage, but not for recklessness!
  Alla knocked out the eye of a Hindu from the colonial army and hissed:
  - Whoever is lucky, his soul sings!
  Anyuta smiled and said:
  - It"s good when you"re lucky, it means God will save you!
  The girls got a little more witty. Then the German "Lion" nevertheless moved forward and was blown up by a mine. The caterpillar ran over an explosive device and was torn.
  The wounded "Lion" spun around and stood up... The warriors were delighted and sang at the top of their lungs:
  - A lion is a cripple in thinking, a tiger is the source of all sorts of troubles... There is nothing more interesting in the world than a person!
  Anyuta fired a long line, just as the foreign army rose to storm and sang:
  We have rockets and planes,
  The strongest Russian spirit in the world...
  The best pilots are at the helm -
  The enemy will be crushed to dust and smithereens!
  "Lion" seems to be badly damaged. She froze, spitting out a couple more shells.
  A nimble "Panther" appeared. However, she was afraid to go deeper into the positions of the Soviet troops, and began to shoot. Shells whistled over the girls' heads. And they broke rubble and fires.
  Anyuta prepared a grenade to throw, ready to catch the moment when the fascist tank approached within an accessible distance. But "Panther" isn"t stupid either. The Germans fired, placing the shells in a checkerboard pattern, trying not to miss a single piece of ground. And they literally raked out every pebble.
  Alla, patting herself on her bare chest, remarked:
  - The Krauts" tactics are flawed... Will they achieve much this way?
  Anyuta wittily remarked:
  - A chicken pecks a grain at a time, but gains weight much faster than a pig, which swallows large pieces!
  The Panther fired more than eighty rounds and, having expended its ammunition, turned around and headed back to its lair. In its place a new mastodon, the Sturmtiger, appeared. The machine covered its wide barrel with a cap. Apparently, in this way, they are counting on saving themselves.
  "Sturmtiger" fired at the positions of the Soviet troops from a distance. A rocket thundered. The earth rose up, and a fiery fountain poured out jets of flame.
  The girls barely survived; they were pretty much covered in dust. Anyuta was even slightly stunned. The girl suddenly saw herself riding a horse. And that she commands a squad that attacked the Tatar army. And with her warriors ride on horses. The Mongol-Tatars, unable to withstand the blow, retreat and die in thousands under the hooves.
  Anyuta waves two swords and chops down her enemies. But the vision was suddenly interrupted.
  Alla slapped her partner on the cheeks, shook her, saying:
  - Well, that's it! Now stop lying around!
  Anyuta answered angrily:
  - I didn"t rest, but fought!
  The girl jumped up in rage and threw a grenade. The gift flew over and hit the barrel of a Lev tank. Having received damage, the car wrinkled its weighty trunk.
  Anyuta exclaimed at the top of her lungs:
  - I am a knight of Rus'!
  Alla fired a burst from her machine gun and growled:
  - The boy answered, frowning,
  I want to serve Holy Rus'...
  Let a sea of blood spill,
  But God will be able to save us!
  Anyuta fell onto the rubble with her bare stomach and chest. Just in time, as hundreds of machine gun bursts flashed over her head. The girl stuck out her tongue and said:
  - The madness of brave soldiers is a lifesaver for abstruse generals!
  Alla agreed:
  - The soldier is brave, the general is calculating, the enemy is cunning, success only comes with wise courage!
  The girls opened fire again and chirped in solidarity:
  Squadrons above him
  Roar in unison
  Adolf is a strong fool -
  Plants Sodom!
  Another armored "Lion" appeared. Two soldiers ran away from him; judging by their dark faces, they were Arabs. They tried to put a chain on the hook to pull the advanced tank from the battlefield.
  Alla and Anyuta fired, simultaneously killing the technicians. The warriors sang:
  - Don"t destroy yourself and help your comrade, help others get out of the fire!
  Three black people appeared. They rushed with the chain as fast as they could, but were also shot by the girls. Moreover, Anyuta fired the gun, pressing on the dog with her bare toes.
  And she managed to hit her opponents with extraordinary precision, like Robin Hood"s precision.
  Alla noted:
  - The mark is not the one who hits successfully, but the one who misses with failure!
  Anyuta threw a grenade with her bare foot and hissed:
  - The most accurate person with the vision of a dagger can miss, but it is unforgivable for a sharp mind to miss the target!
  The grenade hit the mortar and began to explode, detonating the mines.
  Yes, Stalingrad was not easy for the Germans. They got a terrible citadel of death in it!
  . CHAPTER No. 13.
  On November 3, the Germans surrounded Tikhvin, and fighting broke out in the city itself. The Red Army slowly retreated. Most of the city of Baku has already been captured, Soviet troops are retreating to the peninsula. Yerevan is still barely holding on. Stalingrad is on the verge of destruction.
  But still, Stalin ordered this city not to be surrendered. Fighting also broke out for Astrakhan. The Krauts are also trying to advance in this city. All approaches are being heavily bombed and the infrastructure is being destroyed.
  Winter is approaching... And the course of the war is becoming less and less predictable. But it seems that Stalingrad cannot be held. Supply across the Volga is hampered by ice formation and massive bombing.
  On November 4, ninety percent of Tikhvin was already taken. And the Germans approached Finnish territory. The Soviet troops, having suffered significant damage, could not muster enough forces to stop the enemy.
  The Finns and puppet Swedish troops also attacked the meeting. They used significant forces.
  On November 5, the German coalition and Finnish-Scandinavian troops united. Thus a double ring was closed around Leningrad. A new, major victory for the Third Reich.
  On November 6, fighting was still ongoing in the northern sector. The Nazis expanded the corridor. The situation has become extremely difficult. In Tikhvin, the last remnants of resistance were burning out. The Germans fired ballistic missiles at Yerevan. Three presentations were released. Caused significant destruction and casualties. But nothing was finally broken.
  The city of Astrakhan was cut off by land from the rest of Soviet territory. The situation has escalated. New German and English battleships fired at Murmansk. The garrison commandant and many officers were killed during the shelling.
  It got even worse.
  And on November 7, the Nazis broke into Volkhov and finally suppressed the resistance of Soviet troops in Tikhvin. Thus, the gap with Leningrad grew sharply. It became clear that the city would hardly survive under siege.
  On November 8, the long-awaited tests of the Lev-2 tank finally took place. The vehicle had a modified layout. The engine, transmission and gearbox were located in one place at the front, and the fighting compartment was located at the rear.
  With energetic efforts, the Germans, under the leadership of Porsche, made the car for the anniversary of the putsch.
  Indeed, thanks to the lower silhouette, while maintaining the Lion's armament and armor, the weight of the vehicle was reduced to sixty tons, with an engine of 1200 horsepower. Combat tests showed that the result was a completely acceptable tank. Exactly what you need!
  A combination of good driving and armor qualities.
  The Fuhrer, however, was not satisfied with this. He demanded that the armor of the sides and stern be strengthened, as well as the installation of an 88-mm cannon with a barrel length of 100 EL.
  Another vehicle tested was the E-100. This tank, however, turned out to be too heavy: 140 tons, but it had excellent protection from all angles and Mouse weapons. In general, the "E" series promised to become extremely promising. The Germans apparently did not waste any time.
  The Bars tank with a 1000 horsepower engine was also demonstrated; however, the vehicle did not seem sufficiently protected to Hitler.
  Various types of aircraft were also shown on the anniversary. In particular, attack aircraft and modifications of the ME-262. And also TA-183. A whole parade of technology.
  Including powerful gas launchers, they are capable of demolishing entire cities and villages.
  Here, in fact, very strong destruction systems were demonstrated.
  "Panther"-2 also passed tests, weighing fifty tons; it had frontal armor of 150 millimeters at an angle, and a "Royal Tiger" cannon. The side armor was 82 millimeters, sloped. Such a tank more or less suited Hitler, as it was able to withstand thirty-fours in close combat.
  In general, the Nazis cleaned up the menagerie.
  Tests of Gotha fighters capable of reaching speeds of one thousand one hundred kilometers per hour were also carried out.
  In short, they let their belts go.
  On November 9, Volkhov fell. The situation has reached its climax. And again Soviet tanks tried to counterattack.
  Gringeta froze near the gun. Churchill 2 stood opposite the Soviet vehicles and spat out ammunition.
  Lord Jane's daughter was counting the hits. Soviet tanks slowed down when they entered the ditch. And the German menagerie took advantage of this.
  Nicoletta took it and sang:
  - The English warrior is not afraid of death,
  Under the starry sky, death will not take us!
  He will fight bravely for the lion with the crown,
  I'll load the mighty machine gun!
  Malanya nodded approvingly:
  - This is gorgeous! And we will charge too!
  The gun worked very actively. The shells flashed like matches leaving outlines through the air. Yes, there were some energetic girls. And most importantly accurate.
  Gringeta nodded her head and sent a shell at the base of the thirty-four turret. She muttered:
  - This is death! She will come to my enemies! And I know from now on, she is waiting for mustachioed enemies!
  Nicoletta said with a smile:
  - All the animals bowed to the mustachioed one... So that the damned one would fail!
  Gringeta laughed again and fired, hissing:
  - My projectile is the most accurate. We will definitely get there!
  Nicoletta raised her index finger and said:
  - Bang, bang - didn't hit! The gray bunny galloped away!
  Gringeta, firing, sang:
  Everyone chooses for themselves
  A woman, religion, a road...
  To serve the devil or the prophet,
  Everyone chooses for themselves!
  Jane shook her head and objected:
  - Not certainly in that way! Ninety-nine percent of a person's faith is determined by birth, not knowledge. Here we belong to the Anglican Church... But if you look at it, on what basis? Is this our choice?
  Gringeta giggled and remarked:
  - I personally was in a believing family, but now I am more and more inclined towards atheism!
  Nicoletta giggled and stuck out her tongue.
  - Atheism... This is interesting!
  Malanya noted philosophically:
  - And equally remote from everything! When there is no God and no supernatural powers, then any religion is false!
  Gringeta nodded her head, willingly confirming:
  - It's like the communists! They came up with the idea that all religions are just people's fantasies. And they built a doctrine on this!
  Malanya curled her lips skeptically:
  - And what awaits them after death?
  Gringeta grinned carnivorously. She fired a shell, cutting open the hull of another Soviet tank and answered:
  - You can come up with a lot here... Even the resurrection of the dead by the powers of science!
  Malanya reminded, grinning:
  - I read a book about the world of the future. There is already a space empire there. There is no death, old age, disease. And of course hunger... True, most of the population does not have work, but there is enough for everyone.
  For example, cars are given away for free. And there are electronic machines with the help of which they communicate with the whole world.
  Nicoletta remarked quite seriously:
  - Progress is developing quickly. Look at these tanks... How they have advanced and become more advanced. Still, Churchill-2 cannot be compared with Matilda.
  Malanya agreed:
  - Yes, the tanks have advanced... This is chic!
  Another attack by Soviet tanks fizzled out, and there was a break.
  On November 10 and 11, the Germans carried out small offensive operations, cutting corners in the north.
  Soviet troops attempted a counterattack north of Stalingrad, but had little success. The last houses in the city were already holding out. Destroyed at the same time, to the ground. But for now Stalin ordered to hold on until the end.
  The city of Baku is almost captured. But the oil wells are burning and fighting has broken out among them. The Germans are bombing continuously.
  Battles in Astrakhan are at their peak...
  On November 12, the Turks launched an attack on Yerevan. The onslaught was repulsed. The Ottomans suffered losses. But they fired again. On November 13, the Germans occupied the last quarters of Baku - announcing the capture of the city. Only on the peninsula, the fighting was still going on, and the sky was black with flaming wells.
  On November 14, the Nazis began the assault on Murmansk. They used artillery and aviation...
  Stalingrad was on fire, but the transferred Soviet reinforcements made it possible to still hold out. Although only to the edge of the city, and at the cost of colossal losses.
  During the assault on Murmansk, a large armada of battleships gathered, and aircraft carriers also arrived. The city was pressed like a plasma roller. And they bombed and shelled.
  On November 15, fascist troops began to move, attacking the city, the only ice-free port in the Arctic Ocean. "Mouses" took part in the battles, and even the "Rat" tank, which the Nazis wanted to try in practice.
  However, "Rat" was somewhat disappointing. She moved forward at first, and then got stuck in the snowdrifts. And she stopped on the outskirts of the city. The Germans were not quite ready for the offensive. But the shelling did not stop. On November 16, the Nazis practically completed the cleanup of the burning oil wells. But part of the peninsula was inaccessible to them, due to fires that had grown to the point of seventh heaven.
  On November 17, the Nazis captured the last branch of the Volga delta, and thereby blocked Astrakhan more thoroughly. Baku has long been cut off.
  Yerevan was also stormed. The city is on a hill, very convenient for defense, but it is difficult to storm it, especially with tanks.
  On November 18, Soviet troops again tested the strength of the Nazi defense north of Stalingrad. This weakened the pressure on what was left of the year on the Volga, but it cost significant losses.
  On November 19, the Germans stopped the assault on Murmansk due to heavy losses.
  Thus, the possessed Fuhrer could not tear out the numerous splinters from his position. The Nazis' plans to end the USSR before winter failed.
  Worst of all, Japan suspended its offensive due to cold weather and huge losses in manpower. The only thing is that the samurai increased the production of their own thirty-fours and licensed Panthers. And they could cause trouble next summer.
  On November 20, the Germans partially extinguished the fires and cleared most of the peninsula.
  On November 21, Soviet troops again attacked the Germans and even penetrated several kilometers north of Stalingrad. The Nazis had to weaken their onslaught and try to restore positions.
  The fights, as they say in such cases, are simply at the frack level!
  On November 22, the Nazis tried to advance in the region of Turkmenistan. And after walking ten kilometers, they were stopped. But on November 23, having brought the Shah"s brigades into battle, they advanced again. The situation has become extremely aggravated in the Central Asia region.
  On November 24, there were no significant changes on the fronts...
  On November 25, the Nazis resumed their assault on Murmansk. New units were thrown into battle. But there is little sense yet.
  November 26 has arrived - eleven years since the elections to the Reichstag, after which Hitler was appointed Reich Chancellor.
  For the first time, the newest E-100 tank was deployed to the front.
  This was combat practice for such a machine.
  The tank looked quite long, almost flattened. The long muzzle of a 128 mm cannon protruded from it. And the frontal armor is at an angle of forty-five degrees. And he himself is tilted from the sides.
  The E-100 tank moved thanks to the latest 1,500-horsepower engine, more quickly than the Mouse. And the shells bounced off him.
  And inside the car appeared the cheerful foursome Magda, Christina, Gerda and Charlotte.
  The girls gave birth to children for the Fuhrer, and left them under the supervision of special nannies from the SS.
  And they had just arrived at the front. The girls are very funny. They missed battles. And here is just the opportunity to prove yourself. Take, finally, this northern Sevastopol.
  And establish the dominance of the Third Reich in the Arctic Ocean. How much longer can the war really be dragged out? And the four think: maybe together with them at least something can change?
  It"s not too frosty near Murmansk - the Gulf Stream provides insulation. The girls are in a fighting mood. Each gave birth to a couple - a boy and a girl! So you can rejoice.
  Magda and Christina were hanging around the guns. The tank is new and controlled quite simply. It is protected from the sides by 120 mm of inclined armor, plus another 50 mm of shield. So you can"t hit the car from all angles.
  The girls whistled a song. They feel great at heart.
  Gerda remarked with a smile on her amber lips:
  - Now Hitler and I have common offspring. We are members of the royal family!
  Charlotte giggled as she remarked:
  - And there are only zeros ahead!
  Tank "E"-100 approached Soviet positions. Everything around was destroyed so much that shots from the Soviets are rare, and usually from light guns.
  Magda aimed the 128mm cannon and fired at the Soviet magpie. The honey blonde girl sang:
  - I am a tigress, and I have a grin... And the evil tiger tore everyone apart!
  The Soviet forty-five rolled back, several Russian soldiers were killed.
  Magda purred like a cat:
  - I am a superman, my method is simple... I will bite off the tail of those who are made of wool! And then the girl started laughing. Well, just like a crazy goddess.
  Hitler's prostitute girls rocked the tank. And they themselves jumped up in a car with sloping armor.
  But then the warriors turned their car around. Charlotte, this beauty with copper-colored hair, will sing:
  - Clack, click, click... The stream rolls! The Nazi cavalry ate all the sand!
  And after that, Charlotte would laugh so hard... She even began to chatter her teeth. And again the tank spun. The Germans tore down the barbed wire fence. The machine, the size of a Tyrannosaurus rex, growled vilely. And the warriors grinned at their cute and carnivorous faces.
  The girls carried and gave birth to children from Adolf Hitler. And this already says something. Beautiful vixens, but at the same time moral monsters. Here they crushed a Soviet soldier who fell under the wheels. And they pressed a 76-mm cannon into the ground. We drove along it. The steel was flattened. The warriors showed figure aerobatics. The shells seemed more harmless than peas being shaken by a child in a rattle. The next gun that the E-100 flattened was an 85 mm one.
  Magda giggled:
  - And we crush the Russians like bedbugs!
  Christina corrected her friend:
  - More like bears! And the bear is a large animal!
  Red Charlotte added, baring her fangs:
  - And toothy!
  German tanks made their way through the city's defense lines. The Soviet troops fought very stubbornly. Everyone took up arms. Even ten-year-old boys fought in the militia. There were a lot of girls too. All the residents gathered, but there were not enough weapons. Mass heroism was evident in everything. The pioneers, using homemade explosives or bunches of grenades, approached Nazi tanks and threw themselves under the tracks - dying for their Motherland.
  The E-100 tank received several damages. One of the boys managed to push through a heavy mine. He died himself, but damaged a German car. The roller burst and part of the caterpillar flew off. The large vehicle slowed down. Then a couple of warriors threw bunches of grenades, smashing the thick tracks.
  The E-100, having passed the front line, lost its mobility.
  Gerda aimed six machine guns and turned them on when the Soviet soldiers tried to counterattack. Dozens of Russians and representatives of other peoples of Russia fell, pierced by machine-gun bullets. The Soviet soldiers, however, ran forward. They threw grenades and died. Some of the fragments reached the E-100, but the machine guns worked properly. And damn Gerda is so accurate. And her bullets almost never go in vain.
  And Russian soldiers are dying...
  Christina fired from a rapid-fire 75-mm cannon, fragmentation shells, and fired from a coaxial machine gun. The red-haired beast, tearing apart Soviet soldiers with bullets, hissed:
  - I am the bearer of death... Satan himself is my red-haired relative!
  Magda timidly remarked:
  - Well, don"t do that. Satan is the enemy of God and is doomed to the lake of fire!
  Christina slapped her bare foot on the metal and roared:
  - What about the lake of fire? My hair is like fire!
  Gerda noted with a grin:
  - The Fuhrer himself will forgive us any sins... More precisely, the very concept of sin is essentially outdated?
  Magda shrugged:
  - Do you want to say that the concept of sin is outdated...
  Gerda turned on the machine guns again, suppressing the desperate counterattack of the Russian soldiers. The bullets killed them like gifts from hell. The E-100 in this modification is very strongly protected. As many as eight machine guns, two coaxial with cannons, and the rest were controlled on hinges. And they hit quite hard.
  Gerda roared with a grin:
  - Sin, this is the basis of the existence of the Third Reich! Our religion is truly the faith of animals!
  Red-haired Christina, firing from a cannon and killing Russian soldiers, sang:
  - My affectionate and gentle animal... I love your fangs, believe me! My hellish and fanged beast!
  One of the Soviet anti-aircraft guns again managed to hit the rollers and break them. The E-100 finally stopped. Magda, however, punished the annoying anti-aircraft gun by covering it with a heavy charge. Well, the tracks were broken.
  Gerda winced, called a tug and asked:
  - Pull us out, please! We are dying! The tracks are broken!
  The answer came immediately:
  - There will be a tug!
  Christina sang with a smile:
  - This is the move! Enemies out!
  Magda fired at the gun, which the Russian soldiers were trying to pull out for direct fire. It smashed the barrel and scattered Soviet soldiers in different directions. One of the soldiers was torn in half and was struggling in agony.
  The blonde Christian crossed herself and raised her eyes to the sky and prayed:
  - Forgive me, Lord! For involuntary sin and murder!
  Christina giggled and remarked:
  - No, you can"t do that! You must be solid as a rock! Be a rock for us!
  Magda answered confidently:
  - There is only one rock - Jesus Christ!
  The red-haired devil barked:
  - Jesus was a pacifist! And our faith and profession is war!
  The E-100 tank was picked up in tow and dragged towards the German positions. Gerda remarked with the smile of the snow queen:
  - The rollers are the most vulnerable part of the tank. And we need to fight this!
  Charlotte shook her head.
  - The entire rollers cannot be covered with shields. This is not possible, as some of the tracks will still be open!
  Magda suggested:
  - What if we make the rollers small and without a pallet?
  The red-haired devil giggled and showed pearly teeth:
  - How to give them more speed?
  Magda rubbed her bare sole against the metal and suggested:
  - What if we use electric motors?
  Charlotte pulled her stomach and twisted her neck:
  - A possible option... And the tanks will burn less!
  Magda said tearfully:
  - When we get to hell, it will burn and blaze like torches!
  The red-haired devil growled:
  - Well, so... And angels are created from bright flames! Let's be angels!
  Christina took it and sang deafeningly:
  - I am not an angel, but just a devil, but for people I have become a saint.... The enemies will get their reckoning, under the torture of such unearthly pain!
  The girls fell silent... Stormtroopers were spinning in the sky, and the cannonade roared. And the bombs kept falling and falling... Like a real hail of destruction and devastation.
  Murmansk was burning and people were dying. The Germans even launched a ballistic missile. Not a very effective weapon. It would be easier to drop a five-ton bomb from the Yu-488; it would be both more accurate and cheaper.
  Christina was the first to jump out barefoot into the snow when the tank was taken to an alternate parking lot. There, specialists began to carry out repairs. The girls moved to a warm house. We lay down on the mattresses. Gerda and Charlotte began to play pocket chess.
  Magda and Christina began doing abs so that their bellies would be prominent and would not sag during pregnancy. Beautiful warriors who tremble in the loins. Still fresh, but these are women who have given birth to children. And dying is not so scary now - there is someone to continue the family line! Even with the seed of such a scumbag as Hitler.
  But the girls from the SS Tigress battalion, the Fuhrer is really something like God. And no longer a pagan god, but something Almighty and incomprehensible in its genius.
  Gerda played the King's Gambit and developed a strong attack. Charlotte stubbornly defended herself. There was an exchange of blows. But it all ended in mutual destruction and a draw. Then Magda and Christina began to play chess. And Charlotte and Gerda began to do abs and push-ups. The girl actively kept in shape.
  Magda, playing and pushing her opponent, philosophically remarked:
  - But it"s still strange...
  Christina asked with an innocent smile on her lips:
  - What's strange?
  The blonde superman replied:
  - The fact that whites are the colors of goodness, but they are the ones who start the war first!
  The red-haired devil rationally remarked:
  - But we also bring good... But the Bolsheviks attacked Russia first!
  Magda sang in response with a sad tone:
  - But everything is blooming before us, everything is burning behind us...
  Christina added in a ringing voice:
  - No need to whine! With us is the one who will decide everything for us!
  Gerda continued singing:
  - Cheerful, not gloomy, let's return home - blond athletes will be our reward!
  After which the whole four burst out laughing... A teenage servant appeared and handed out sandwiches with butter, cheese, sausage, and dried fruits to the girls. The girls ate and were exhausted in the warmth. The beauties dozed off. It's good when you're young and healthy - you can easily fall asleep.
  The next day, November 27, E-100 was only partially restored. The girls did not take part in the offensive. But in just a bikini, we went jogging barefoot through the snowdrifts. They looked at them as if they were crazy, running around in the cold almost naked. But girls are generally aerobatics. They are special people of the future!
  Gerda took the lead. And not the barefoot girl Gerda that was in Andersen"s fairy tale. But also courageous and seasoned. And at the same time she became a born killer. A fast girl with strong muscles.
  However, all four girls are good. They ran at a fast pace for fifty kilometers and returned back. Then we did a series of exercises, sang, and swayed. We practiced shooting a little.
  Only the next day the E-100 tank was repaired. Well, that's not so bad. Moreover, this super-heavy car had an original arrangement of rollers, different from a checkerboard arrangement, which increased driving performance in the snow, but created certain problems for repairmen out of habit. Although it is just easier to mount the E-100 than the Tiger or Panther.
  On November 28, the Nazis were able to break through a little deeper in Murmansk. But the resistance of the Soviet troops is simply incomprehensible. And even sixteen-inch shells from the battleships of Britain and Germany could not break the will of the defense.
  But the Nazis still advanced. The E-100 tank covered a couple of blocks during the day, but again damaged the tracks. But this time the repair took only a few hours. On November 29, Terminator girls collided with a KV-3 tank. The Soviet vehicle hit the frontal armor a couple of times, but the shells bounced off the slope. Magda hit back at the Russian tank, causing it to burn like a pile of stacked torches.
  Christina asked her partner with a mocking grin:
  - Don"t you feel sorry for those Russians at all?
  Magda answered sincerely:
  - I feel sorry for everyone, even those who are not worthy of pity!
  And the girl sighed heavily, turning her eyes to the sky. The warriors tried to act more and more carefully. So as not to be distracted by repairs. The 128mm and 75mm guns worked like donkeys. But the tank still received damage.
  One of the walls exploded and fell on the car. The armor was scratched and slightly dented.
  On November 30, the Nazis advanced even further. In some places they even reached the city center. But on the same day, a well-aimed shot from a forty-five damaged the muzzle of a 128-mm cannon, and the girls were forced to start repairs again. And, apparently, longer.
  Then the four decided to fight like simple infantry instead of a tank. The beauties tried to fight, fighting in only a bikini. But in the cold, the girls could only stand for a few hours in this half-naked state, and then they ran to warm up.
  Gerda buried herself in the snow, fired from the latest MP-44 assault rifle, and killed Russian soldiers quite actively. Here she is, a barefoot girl with white hair, who hit a Red Army colonel in the head. And she said:
  - No, I"m still Aryan!
  Charlotte, who was advancing from the other side, giggled:
  - You are a warrior who brings death to your enemies. - Then the red-haired, bare-legged girl fired at the major and hit him right under the eye. She bared her teeth quite a bit. - You see, I shoot no worse!
  Gerda gave a burst, finishing off the Komsomol member and the captain of the Russian troops, the bitch showed her teeth:
  - Yes, you shoot, but I saw! Like a chainsaw!
  Charlotte threw a shard of glass with her bare toes. He hit the lieutenant of the Russian army in the neck, and chirped:
  - And here I am, playing around with glass!
  Gerda ran through the snow, leaving barefoot, graceful footprints. She rushed bending down. Then the tiger girl turned over and did a somersault. She twisted and moved her head towards the chin of the Soviet soldier. He spat out blood. Gerda squeezed the throat with her bare feet and strangled the Russian.
  The red-haired devil Charlotte strangled the pioneer. That's how nasty and evil the girls turned out to be.
  Magda also killed Russian soldiers, but did not harm the children. No, she will never raise her hand to a child. And in general, shedding blood did not give her pleasure. But still, she is a tigress from an SS battalion, and must follow orders.
  So Christina threw a dagger at a boy who looked about twelve years old. Really cruel. No, adults should not kill children!
  Magda crossed herself and whispered:
  - Lord forgive me! You disgust me, but war is war!
  And the blonde shot at the Russian sniper, who fell, struck by a precise hit to the bridge of his nose. Alas, the famous four appeared. The girls first killed the British and partly the Americans, but now they have taken up
  Russians. Such are the rattling grins of the Second World War. Grins that show the most real, and sharp fangs!
  Christina rubbed her bare foot against the wood, still feeling chilly, and remarked:
  - Is it disgusting? What do you want from red-haired witches!
  . CHAPTER No. 14.
  The Germans gradually froze activity. Including aviation - and forcedly due to deteriorating weather conditions. It was not possible to completely complete the tasks set the day before the offensive. True, the Caucasus is practically captured. The Baku oil field is under control. The USSR lost its largest source of oil. True, the Germans themselves still have to spend time restoring the wells. Karelia, Arkhangelsk, and part of the northern coast were also captured. Leningrad is completely cut off from communication with the rest of Russia. Some other territories are captured in the center. Half of Turkmenistan is also occupied. Japan captured the entirety of Mongolia, and also wedged itself into Central Asia and partially created bridgeheads beyond the Amur, in the Usuri region. True, the samurai succeeded somewhat less. Vladivostok is completely blocked and is under fire.
  There are two hundred kilometers left to Moscow. And the Germans can now fire at the capital with ballistic missiles and bomb with jet aircraft. But in winter and cold, the Wehrmacht lost the ability to carry out a further offensive. Moreover, the colonial troops: Indians, Africans, Arabs are very cold. And they lost most of their combat effectiveness. It would be a sin not to take advantage of such a situation. Although the Red Army suffered huge losses and was also greatly exhausted.
  Indeed, the General Staff decided, despite all the difficulties with supplies and the loss of the Caucasus, to conduct several large offensive operations in the winter. Even if the fascists don"t dare stick their noses out in the winter, we will pin them down and crush them.
  Or, in any case, we will force you to fight in the worst weather conditions.
  Vasilevsky, the head of the general staff and deputy minister of defense, quite logically, assumed that the USSR would not be able to win the technological race against all of Europe and Africa with Asia in addition.
  In this regard, the enemy"s advantage, especially in aviation, will only grow over the winter. Yes, of course, Soviet designers have already developed and continue to develop new, more advanced tanks. In particular, the T-34-85 with a larger turret and a powerful gun. Well, the IS-2 with a 122-millimeter gun is on the way. But the Germans will not stand still. Besides, even the new cars are not good enough to beat the Lion or any heavy car.
  And it is unlikely that it will now be possible to achieve numerical superiority.
  Voznesensky also spoke. He also spoke out for a speedy offensive:
  - After the loss of the Caucasus, our army will experience a severe shortage of fuel. More precisely, we are already experiencing it to the fullest. However, in winter, the daytime period is much shorter, the weather is often bad and fuel consumption will also be reduced.
  People's Commissar Zhdanov also hastened to add:
  - In addition, our soldiers and sappers blew up all the oil wells in the Caucasus. This means that the Krauts cannot yet use our oil. But considering how quickly the cruel fascists know how to build and restore everything, then in the spring Baku oil will flow into the arteries of the economy of the Third Reich.
  Stalin summed up the discussion:
  - At the end of December we will strike the first winter blow. The only question is where?
  Here the military no longer had unity. Zhukov proposed striking in the center and driving the enemy away from Moscow. Vasilevsky assumed that it was better to find a weak point in Tikhvin. At the same time, help Leningrad, which may not survive the double blockade.
  Rokossovsky spoke in favor of an offensive in the direction of Voronezh. There were ideas to attack the Nazis in Astrakhan, or even near Arkhangelsk. Stalin listened to all the comments, scribbled something and thought.
  The idea of pushing the enemy away from Moscow looked tempting and tempting. However, it is in the center that the fascists are now strongest and well entrenched.
  It seemed illogical to attack by crossing the Volga; the river was large and deep, and the very first phase of the operation would be protracted.
  An attack between the Don and the Volga is possible, but ours have already beaten there, and the Germans are also well fortified.
  Vasilevsky"s idea seems the most logical. In the north, the Germans are weaker, and their troops somehow have less combat experience. Moreover, Tikhvin was recently occupied; German troops were stationed on the ledge. But it is quite possible that the Krauts also think this way.
  Give all your might in the direction of Voronezh? In the configuration of the front, a balcony was formed, which it would be very rational to try to cut down, like an oblique sow thistle.
  Some more interesting thoughts are to fuck around Arkhangelsk. Considering that the Krauts will have to transport reinforcements across the seas, it is rational that there is grain in this direction.
  Although it is difficult to supply your own troops, especially since the Nazis" submarine fleet completely dominates the sea. And the Nazis" new cruisers are entering service. It seems that they even almost built the previously sunken battleship Bismarck. Moreover, the new ship should break the record size and armament of the Yamato.
  Although on the other hand, why do the Krauts need battleships? Throw dust in the eyes of the whole world? More worrying is the data on new types of weapons that are being developed in the Third Reich. Especially about missiles and jet aircraft, and this is serious.
  After hesitating a little, Stalin approved the plan: to launch an attack on the Tikhvin region at the end of December, and in early January to feel the enemy near Voronezh.
  In general, this seemed logical... Meanwhile, the already half-forgotten four girls continued their heroism on the Eastern Front. Gerda and Charlotte and Christina and Magda von Singer - after a pause caused by the fact that they all became pregnant almost simultaneously; then they gave birth to healthy children and returned to the front.
  The weather was cold and the beauties arrived on the twenty-fifth of December. It's snowing and the wind is blowing your curls. And they chose not the warmest place for themselves - right near Leningrad.
  Upon arrival, the bikini-clad girls went for a run through the snowdrifts. In fact, true Aryans must show that they are not afraid of any, even the most severe cold. A ninja boy who arrived from Japan, whom everyone called Karas, ran with them.
  This kid became famous for his participation in special operations. Pleasant oriental features, together with blond hair inherited from an unknown father, made the boy very handsome.
  The girls even made eyes at him in response, although Karas is probably not a match for them yet. But the relief of the muscles runs like a wire, so that even these seasoned tigresses, who have experienced everything, cannot keep up with it.
  The girls completely regained their shape after giving birth at the training base, but not every superman can withstand such a glacial pace.
  Christina, who, like Magda, von Singer, managed to fight with the Russians, remarked:
  - Frost and snow are their main ally. And it"s no cooler than the British!
  Magda rightly noted:
  - I wouldn't say that. The Russians are much stronger and units almost never retreat!
  Charlotte, doing a somersault while jogging, giggled and remarked:
  - But this is more of a weakness than a plus.... I generally don"t understand such methods of command and control as the creation of barrage detachments and executions of commanders of retreating units.
  Barefoot Gerda herself, turning over while running and doing a stretch, agreed:
  - Of course - under the stick you won"t get good warriors. - Here the blonde girl, however, was forced to admit, with a creaking heart. - But the Russians fight well if they have already held out for two and a half years. We would like their survivability!
  Christina snorted contemptuously:
  - Are you telling us?
  Gerda giggled as she remarked:
  - We are the elite! Especially Marcel!
  The best ace of all times and peoples, despite the categorical prohibition of Hitler, who wanted this symbol of invincibility to focus exclusively on teaching - after all, he was a lieutenant general, nevertheless rushed to the front.
  Or rather, the Fuhrer graciously allowed him to return if the Germans felt bad somewhere.
  The Nazis, of course, just in case, strengthened their defenses and prepared for winter, but they strongly doubted that the Russians would have the resources for large-scale offensive actions.
  However, the intelligence worked. That is, information about the impending offensive to liberate Tikhvin did leak out. Moreover, the Soviet troops began a powerful artillery barrage, just in time for Christmas.
  They hit "Katyushas" and even a couple of the first high-power rocket launchers "Andryusha". And the roar from the explosions was such that the barefoot, half-frozen girls caught it.
  Fortunately, their hearing is excellent and their eyes sparkle.
  The girls looked at each other and came to the conclusion:
  - Now let"s fight properly!
  And the ninja boy Karas said:
  - My task will be to enter Leningrad and reconnoiter there. You are too beautiful to be a scout!
  Magda languidly tilted her eyelashes as she answered:
  - And you too... And if the Russians find your accent strange?
  Karas logically remarked:
  - When you speak Russian too correctly, it reveals you as a foreigner much more strongly. In any case, I ran, and put a good squeeze on the adversary on the flank...
  The girls rushed to their tank. They are test tankers, after all. And we chose something new for ourselves. More precisely, even two new tanks at once, which must be tested at the front.
  Namely "Laski", cars with two crew members with a very low silhouette. The very first models of a new generation of tanks, where the Germans really got serious about compacting the layout. And some interesting management know-how. In particular, the electric transmission and the location of the gearbox mounted in the engine. And a couple of tankers themselves were actually lying down. In this case, the transmission and engine were placed at the back, and the girls sat comfortably on their stomachs. And their legs pressed the gears and buttons from behind, and their hands, on the contrary, moved comfortably when shifting. The most reclining seat is made to order and copies the shape of their bodies. There really is no tower - it turned out to be a self-propelled gun, and so low that the rollers are located outward.
  Of course, the gun cannot turn, but it can rotate a little. Well, the fighter itself quickly turns around its axis, thereby compensating for the lack of a turret.
  Magda explained to her partner girls:
  - There, tanks without a turret are cheaper and lower. Here we can adjust the height, lowering it to 1.2 meters and raising it to 1.5... Almost like partisans, we crawl on our bellies.
  Weighing 12 tons, the vehicle had excellent frontal armor of 82 millimeters at an inclination angle of 40 degrees from the horizontal at the top. And the bottom one is very small. The sides are less protected at 60 millimeters, but they still cover the rollers themselves. The 400 horsepower engine provides excellent driving performance. Plus, the location of the rollers and the suspension make it possible not only to reduce the silhouette, but also provide excellent maneuverability through snowdrifts.
  Whatever one may say, the heavier menagerie, starting with the Panther, is much more bulky and clumsy. And on the snowdrifts it"s completely death-like.
  Gerda, who settled down with her long-time partner Charlotte, and involuntarily she felt discomfort in the cramped, compact and oblong box of the tank. Although, of course, we must pay tribute that the vehicle with T-4 armament and the best armor kept the weight of 12 tons. The blonde terminator remarked:
  - The most comfortable tanks were the Tiger and Lion. In this car, even us girls have a hard time turning around.
  Charlotte responded:
  - But the protection... Like the newest "Panther", which only in November began to enter the army with a 60-millimeter hull.... True, the forehead is closed better than ours with 120-millimeter, but you still have to hit it. In an angle like ours, an 85 mm cannon will ricochet even when fired at point-blank range.
  Gerda scratched her foot behind her ear, but this movement still made her toe rest against the sloping roof and remarked:
  - The Russians warned us that tanks with a caliber of 122 millimeters may appear. Intelligence does not sleep!
  Charlotte said confidently, puffing out her cheeks and twisting her mouth in anger:
  - Our intelligence is at its best as always. Only we were locked in a cramped box.
  The new engine of 400 horsepower, as the instructions stated, could be boosted for a short time with a water-methalone or nitrogen mixture. In this case, the tank could rush for several minutes at a speed of over 100 kilometers.
  Soviet troops made a breakthrough, having previously riddled all the trenches and bunkers of the fascists. But the Nazis withdrew most of the troops to the second and third lines. After which they tried to meet the infantry with artillery fire and machine-gun rows.
  Ahead, of course, were moving tanks. Since the more powerful T-34-85 had not yet entered mass production, the smaller and more mobile T-34-76 were attacked. They, regardless of losses, climbed onto the trench line and took advantage of their excellent driving performance in the snow.
  And here are the German cars trying to respond. The T-4 has already been discontinued, but several of these are still in service. Oddly enough, they move better through snowdrifts than the newer monsters. Moreover, you still need to start it to clear the snow that has accumulated between the rollers. It"s even funny how the Krauts boil water in cauldrons and then pour it on the tracks so that this vile crust comes off.
  Even the best German tank "Lion" suffers from such rollers. True, in the very modifications the French have already taken this into account, and their car itself is capable of outperforming a thirty-four... But this is only conditionally speaking so simply.
  But a couple of German tanks did move... But the rest, how can I say... At the top! True, from the "Lion" tough tankers try to hit the T-34-76 from a long distance. It should be noted that, given the fragility of the armor of the cast turret of the Soviet design, there is, unfortunately, a chance to hit.
  The shortage of alloying elements is so acute that even the 50 mm Kraut guns are dangerous. However, hits from a small 37-mm cannon also cause collapses and shedding of armor, or cracks in the hull and turret.
  The relative vulnerability of the "thirty-four" led to the fact that the idea of re-equipping the "Panthers" with a more powerful gun was postponed until better times. Or, more precisely, the worst - if IPs go into series. But so far the IS-1 has not become a mass series. But information about the IS-2 has already leaked. Since many generals already understood that the USSR was almost doomed, and did not find it shameful to betray the Motherland for money. So the number of spies, including those on the General Staff, has increased significantly.
  Here is a heavy modification of the "Lion" with a 128 mm cannon. He tries to reach the thirty-four with his long paw... But try to hit it.
  However, the Soviet tankers decide to attack the Fritz themselves. Even if taking into account the rate of fire of the Wehrmacht guns, this is suicidal.
  So the "Lion" managed to tear off the turret and four friends flew away like pigeons to the next world... But other tanks are pushing even harder... Now the craftsmen have become alert to somehow boost diesel engines, so that they can accelerate the tank even for a short time, but without any mixtures up to 70 kilometers. Let the engine break down after that. But then desperate guys come on the attack, for whom return is not envisaged. Well, what then? If you can"t live otherwise, then forget about survival.
  And now, like a demon from the snowy world, a Soviet tank, having chosen the most expensive victim for itself, rams the heavy and lethal "Lion". The German car had just begun to leave the hangar.
  The blow is strong, the barrel of the Soviet car bends. The Lion is quite low and the bodies of both cars are flattened. And then the German engine located in front explodes. And the fire begins, and the Nazis flee through the lower hatch.
  Not all, of course, Soviet tanks were able to break through to the ramming range. The Fritz's guns are working and grinding. But whoever succeeds will hit it hard!
  Gerda and Charlotte were a little ahead of their friends and found themselves within the range when the Soviet cars were already visible. Well, you can shoot, but it"s better to get closer. From five kilometers away, even the fragile armor of a thirty-four is difficult to take.
  Fiery Charlotte remarked philosophically:
  - It's always like this. You can't hit from a distance!
  Gerda objected:
  - You can if you are careful enough!
  But so far the situation has not forced us to open fire from long distances. And hardly anyone will notice their white-painted tank. And the car runs so well. No one can fault the chassis.
  And the ride is smooth. Soviet vehicles are also quite good and have already broken through the first line of German defense and are breaking through the second. And the weather was bad, a snowstorm arose, and numerous Wehrmacht aircraft were knocked out.
  Considering the numerical weakness of red aviation, and the acute shortage of fuel, the weather cannot be better.
  Let the Krauts hide. Some of them have even started waving white rags. Hitler will be kaput...
  Gerda fired from two kilometers away. In principle, this defeat is still not certain, but seeing how many Germans the Russians managed to cripple, then what to expect. Moreover, thirty-fours are even less tenacious than at the beginning of the war, and they have not yet had time to develop new deposits. So...
  The blonde terminator was very worried when she pulled the trigger of the gun. She had already lost the habit of combat shooting - except for the assault on Murmansk, although she continued to practice at shooting ranges and training grounds during her pregnancy, as well as the first months of her reign. But apparently it"s easier to fight in a bikini and barefoot, you become one with the machine... The shell hit and warped the turret... No, it didn"t catch fire, but my friend was forced to stop anyway. And now another victim...
  Charlotte whispers:
  - Who is used to fighting for victory. He will go to the grave with us... - Gerda fired, and the red-haired warrior corrected her. - Or rather, we will all bring our enemies to the grave together.
  Snow White the Terminator interrupted angrily:
  - Yes, no inspiration, don"t be distracted by the song!
  Charlotte pleaded:
  - Sing it yourself! You're so capable!
  And Gerda, leading the fire, began to sing;
  The homeland and the army are two pillars,
  On which the planet rests!
  Our country will protect you with our breasts,
  Your army is warmed by all the people!
  The clouds are cool, and the light is hot,
  The machine gun rubbed the soldier"s shoulder!
  We are with you forever, our homeland,
  Let's dig a grave for the adversary!
  Yes, sometimes the face of fortune is cruel,
  The bullet tries to pierce our heart!
  He retreated a little and the fighter died,
  Lord open the door to the hero!
  In the bottomless skies we have peace,
  Paradise, the blessed warrior does not shine!
  I carry peace with me in my fatherland,
  Our children will taste the fruit of victory!
  While Gerda was singing, she beat nine more tanks, significantly improving her score.
  Then Charlotte began to sing:
  Alluring starry heights,
  They take you to endless distances!
  And our people of the world of thought,
  Dream of flying Icarus!
  My gaze is fixed on the sky,
  The sphere is difficult to touch..
  From the first Archimedes screws -
  Planing them was long and tedious!
  Here the girl could not resist and began to aim and fire herself... The Soviet tank crews did not pay attention to the shots, although Magda"s self-propelled gun also joined in. Still, in a snowstorm you can"t really see where, what and how it"s hitting. Plus, both tanks sank and became almost indistinguishable from the snowdrift. And the new gun was more invisible, and at the end there was a silencer with a light outlet. This is the most insidious machine the Fritz turned out to have.
  The crucian carp, who was hanging on the side at that moment, sang with excitement:
  - If women fight, it"s better not to get into a fight!
  It seemed like how much damage two cars of only twelve tons each could cause? However, in this case, personnel decides everything. The girls practically never missed, although not all hits were fatal. Three or four inclined armor of thirty-fours gave a ricochet, about a dozen impactions led to varying degrees of damage to the vehicles, but of the kind that can be easily fixed in the field. But about fifty Soviet vehicles of poor quality armor were seriously damaged.
  For example, the commander"s thirty-four began to vomit when the ammunition detonated. The turret was thrown far away, and the barrel turned like a steering wheel. People died too.
  The Soviet tank crews belatedly realized that they were being stung and tried to counter-attack.
  Tiger girls are very cramped, but the ammunition load of 82 rounds is quite comparable to the Panther. Although the ammunition rests on the nose and the girls scrape their elbows on them. But for now there is still something to shoot, and when approaching, it is easier to hit the Russians.
  Gerda very quickly crosses herself and, sending another tank for scrap, whispers:
  - God forgive me! These are brave guys, but one of their commanders is completely crazy!
  Charlotte noticed, whispering hysterically:
  - If they come aboard us, then it"s the end!
  Indeed, the thirty-fours fired on the move, were enveloped in smoke, shuddering from the shock. Of course, their hits are rare, the shots are inaccurate, but the tank is humming.
  The forehead is still perfectly protected and the armor, whatever one may say, is of high quality, cemented. This means that the surface of increased hardness gives an excellent ricochet, just like a rabbit jumping.
  But it"s still scary inside, it"s like climbing into a drum and being hit with heavy batons.
  True, the cabin got very hot from the hits, but when you"re in a bikini, it"s even nice after diving into the snowdrifts. But what"s much more unpleasant is that the Soviet shell hit the right apron of the roller. This is for the driving performance of the car, like a crowbar under the eye. Although, if you consider that the rollers are not staggered, but a separate cart, then the tank can still move. Turn around and leave yourself. This should have been done earlier. And so the stern protection is weaker. And the angle of inclination is smaller. If it hits, it might break through. The Russians' guns aren't that weak.
  Gerda whispered, again releasing the gift of the underworld from their semi-automatic gun:
  - But Pasaran!
  Although this word, or rather the motto of the Spanish communists, looks completely inappropriate for German tiger warriors. After all, the Nazis fought on Franco"s side. Although sometimes soldiers willingly adopt other people's techniques.
  When firing, Charlotte turned the Laska self-propelled gun slightly, and the destruction of the right roller by the shell created a problem for them in this regard.
  Soviet tanks did not rush through the snowdrifts as fast as along the highway, but still their rapid jumps interfered with their aim and were fast.
  Here the shells are being fired at point-blank range.
  And Gerda fires at top speed, sweating profusely. Slanted armor
  it gives a ricochet in the forehead, but if they hit them point-blank on the sides...
  Charlotte yelled:
  - And even if I end up in the depths of hell, I will not return to the cradle!
  Girls, I shoot to the end, but the shells rush from the sides and pierce, breaking the rollers. The armor cracks and the car catches fire.
  Gerda makes a decision:
  - We blow up the cars and leave!
  Charlotte exclaims with anguish:
  - Do you want to throw iron?
  Gerda says decisively:
  - There are things more important than metal, for example frames!
  Charlotte rips off a small movie camera and shouts:
  - But our exploits will be recorded forever!
  Gerda, with her bare fingers, turned the lever that set off explosives capable of blowing apart an experimental tank. The tiger girl was very sorry to destroy such a work of art, but where could she go if otherwise the Soviet soldiers, who are not to be denied courage, would capture unique technologies.
  So they blew up the Laska and dived into a snowdrift to save their unique lives.
  Magda von Singer and Christina also did not want to retreat and their car was torn apart by accurate shell hits. This is fate - the merciless Pallas of any war. When you have to retreat, leaving your heart. But the girls fought skillfully, and managed to use up almost all their ammunition. But now they had to bury themselves, like snakes in a snowdrift, and there try to sit out from the inexorable Soviet guns.
  When you're sweaty and in a bikini, climbing into the depths of snow isn't the most pleasant idea. But how often in our world do you do what pleases you? In any case, for example, the light seriously managed to singe the soles of Christina"s divine feet, who was shooting to the end. But this made the girl even angrier and yelled:
  - Honor and courage are not sold by weight!
  Magda, who was also scorched, and even her tanned skin was covered in blisters, exclaimed:
  - Fire is heat, not fire!
  Soviet tanks, however, made the task easier. In a rage, they shot at the abandoned "Weasels" without any pity, plunging dozens of shells into the broken metal. At the same time, some of the tankers leaned out of the hatches and, like a cascade of a waterfall, covered the German vehicles themselves and those who were driving obscenities.
  Magda winced when she noticed:
  - They, the Bolsheviks, are, of course, brave, but extremely uncultured!
  Christina, spitting out the snow that was falling into her mouth, unexpectedly showed stern justice:
  - Do you think our warriors are better?
  Magda remarked jokingly:
  - Of course, it"s better since we win. The Caucasus is already ours, then Moscow is only a couple of hundred kilometers away... - And the honey blonde sternly bared her long fangs. - Or do you want to carry speeches of treason?
  Christina, who had already seen enough of everything, just raised a fountain of snow dust with her foot and giggled, noting:
  - Sometimes silence is the most terrible kind of betrayal.
  Night, blizzard and snowdrifts gave the four girls a good chance of survival.
  . CHAPTER No. 15.
  Moreover, it did not occur to the opponents to comb the snow and look for bare-legged devils in the snowdrifts. So the warriors, buried in the snow, sat back, and the Soviet tanks moved on, developing a breakthrough. Although more than a hundred cars were left lying broken, distorted,
  resulting in the action of tigress girls.
  In general, Soviet troops achieved some successes in the first few days and managed to significantly penetrate enemy formations.
  The Fritz retreated to Tikhvin itself and tried to gain a foothold in the city. Naturally, houses and residential areas are in themselves quite serious protection from the advancing Soviet troops.
  The brave four tigress girls managed to retreat to Tikhvin. But they had to take up submachine guns to defend the city. But for tankers this is not the most pleasant pastime.
  Charlotte, firing back from the advancing infantry, sending another red soldier to the next world, expressed:
  - Well, aren"t we monsters... And we also want to get the treasure!
  Tikhvin suffered serious damage even when the city was captured by the Germans.
  Now the Krauts mounted the barricades and hoped to build an impregnable line of defense.
  Gerda opened fire with single shots - she should have taken care of her cartridges. The Soviet troops lost too many tanks and so the infantry went on the attack.
  Of course, there were not enough armored personnel carriers of Soviet models. That's why the soldiers were sent to slaughter. And they were met by machine guns and machine guns. The four shot well and cleverly hid in the barricades.
  Gerda, having laid down another Soviet soldier, sang:
  - We need to accomplish a feat of war - otherwise we won"t get any sense in living!
  The battle raged throughout the city. And bombs were already falling from above, especially since the weather had noticeably improved, and the Krauts got a head start.
  Gerda, in a rage, threw a dagger with her graceful bare fingers and shouted:
  - Our battle will be victorious, otherwise it cannot be!
  Charlotte, firing back just as well, added:
  - There is only one victory, but a big one!
  Gerda cut off several fighters with a short burst and added:
  - But defeat is never small!
  Soviet self-propelled guns fired at Tikhvin, field and siege artillery arrived a little later. The Fritz strengthened their defense and air pressure. Soviet troops assembled new aircraft.
  The appearance of the legendary Marseille dramatically changed the balance of power.
  The great ace flew the ME-309, a very powerful weapon. And he literally swept away everyone in his path. Even the Soviet army specifically warned that such a monster had appeared in the air.
  Marcel himself in no way considered himself an evil, much less a cruel person. He believed that by fighting the Red Army, he was only fulfilling his sacred duty to the Motherland. Moreover, many facts about the atrocities of the Nazis were not known to him. And too much was attributed to the war.
  But here is the first super-ass fight after his return. Soviet bombers, attack aircraft and fighters are flying. They clearly want to give a fierce battle to the ground units of the Wehrmacht. But Marcel sees all this and from a distance of five or six kilometers opens fire, and even whistling through his nose.
  Soviet machines and brave aces had not yet really seen the enemy when their planes began to explode and their wings began to crumble. Marcel shot without aiming, but intuitively. It was as if he knew in advance where each pilot would fly and direct his winged monster. So it turned out that a young man with a baby face was sweeping away winged armadas.
  The New Year, although frosty, turned out to be hot. Soviet troops desperately and persistently attacked tried to take Tikhvin. The Fritz stubbornly defended themselves, trying to stay in the city, where the artery feeding impregnable Leningrad lay. In addition, we were talking about the prestige of the German troops, who found it difficult and shameful to give up large cities.
  As luck would have it, the weather improved and numerous enemy bombers, especially the massive Yu-288, stung the positions of the Soviet troops and bombed communications.
  The Soviet aircraft Yak-9 and Lagg-5 were greatly inferior to the enemy in armament and speed. In particular, the ME-309, like a dragon, knocked out weaker Soviet vehicles. In addition, the Germans developed a double-slave tactic, which made it possible to effectively use their numerical advantage and reduced some of the maneuverability problems of the tenacious, heavily armed, but heavy German vehicles of the latest Focke and ME. In addition, ME-262 jets began to appear on the fronts, although this machine is not yet completely technically reliable, as well as a lighter, more maneuverable and cheaper modification of the HE-162. The latter machine was easier to manufacture and technically more reliable than jet Messerschmitts. But to operate it, fairly highly qualified pilots were required. Which somewhat devalued such positive qualities of this development as the low weight of the aircraft - only 1.6 tons when empty, low cost and manufacturability of production, and the best maneuverability in the world.
  But those German aces who mastered this machine lavished praise on it. Huffman, the number two pilot after Marseille, who remained unattainable, was especially successful. Having surpassed the result of 300 downed cars, Huffman received the high award of the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross, with oak leaves, swords and diamonds. His tactic of getting as close as possible, and then hitting and flying back is most convenient on the HE-162. So Huffman showed himself to be an outstanding master of close combat. Although Marseille's result of 3117 aircraft shot down is still unattainable.
  Moreover, on January 2, 1944, this legendary pilot appeared in the sky and nevertheless persuaded Hitler, reminding him that the German troops were in bad shape, and the more powerful German equipment was clearly giving in in the snow. So it is necessary to provide air supply to the surrounded Tikhvin, where German troops settled, and to bomb all approaches to the city.
  The tigress girls were shooting on the ground, and the super ace was scoring in the sky.
  On the first day, Marseille made six sorties and shot down more than a hundred Soviet aircraft. True, on January 4 the weather suddenly deteriorated... A snowstorm arose, and Soviet troops stormed the city.
  The magnificent four Terminator girls preferred to fight together - shoulder to shoulder. So uniquely beautiful and deadly. Because of the cold, they were forced to put on camouflage and fight in white.
  The ninja boy Karas also arrived to help. A fearless child terminator, he was not afraid of the cold and fought in only shorts. His only means of keeping warm was camouflage cream, which turned his chocolate-skinned skin white under the snow that continued to fall, covering all the streets. Moreover, he used throwing very thin metal discs and a katana sword in battle. But, of course, he shot excellently, and from captured weapons. However, the girls also did not miss using automatic rifles.
  Such weapons are more powerful than submachine guns, and most importantly more reliable. However, the MH-44 assault rifles, as a rule, did not let the Germans down. By the third winter, the well-oiled German war machine was ready. In particular, even in a snowstorm, Focke-Wulf and ME, using heating, managed to inflict painful, albeit limited, injections on Soviet troops.
  Gerda shot offhand, trying not to look in the direction where the Soviet soldiers were falling. Many of the fighters were very young, seventeen or sixteen years old. The infantry was recruited in landslides, raking up all resources. Indeed, a lot was lost.
  But among the Krauts there are a lot of foreigners. In particular, Sweden, in which the Nazis won the recent elections, and this puppet territory is under the control of the Third Reich. Well, two divisions and four brigades from Sweden have already arrived as volunteers. In the country itself there are rallies and mass marches demanding war. And they wear portraits of Hitler and Charles XII.
  So Sweden"s entry into direct war is a matter of time. Spain and Portugal are already at war, but they are sending troops much further south. And now in winter they generally try to climb somewhere beyond the Caucasus ridge. The Brazilian corps is apparently ready to make the leap to Central Asia, where the Basmachi movement is flaring up with renewed vigor.
  But these are all details; Vlasov divisions are also fighting in Tikhvin. These guys fight angrily, realizing that terrible torture and an inevitable noose await them in captivity. What about the Germans? However, not sugar! They will also have a hard time, many will die in Siberia, but still they will not hang them indiscriminately.
  Gerda, having changed the clip and mowed down the soldiers dressed in gray overcoats - the Russians don"t have enough camouflage robes for all of them, imagined what might await them if they were captured... And she smiled at the possible sexy, cool adventure. True, it will be worse later in Siberia. As this frost gets to you - flamethrower heat is even better. In the desert, they quickly got used to the hot sand and ran around barefoot, but here it didn"t work out that way. After a couple of hours in a bikini in the cold, it began to shake and I had to warm up in the bathhouse. There, their young men from the elite SS battalion warmed up their bodies with blows of a spruce broom. Well, and not only with a broom, of course - there are selected, handsome Aryan guys, that"s what you need!
  They have completely lost their former shyness, or maybe, on the contrary, they have acquired the relaxedness of a female macho. But now they have to retreat a little - the Soviet infantrymen, filling the approaches with corpses, came too dangerously close and began throwing grenades.
  It was necessary to break the distance so as not to fall under the hail of fragments.
  Magda received a small cut from a shrapnel and, in response, fired eight bullets in three seconds. The Soviet soldiers ran almost without breaking, only bending down slightly and the clip found victims. Christina also discharged eight rounds. The aggressive red devil expressed herself:
  - To the madness of the brave, we sing a song!
  But the Soviet soldiers apparently decided to prove that this is the wisdom of life. The German assault machine gun hits with all its might, and its shots seem to be ignored. Although the soldiers fall, those who survived continue to run and even throw grenades almost point-blank, although this can be done earlier.
  The crucian carp throws discs very deftly, cutting off two or three soldiers with one. Then he attacks with his sword, which cuts machine guns and rifles - as easily as matches!
  The ninja boy is still very small, he looks eleven or twelve years old, but he is so fast... They don"t have time to hit him or defend themselves. The child was raised and trained from birth, throwing swords at the baby, forcing him to untangle and cut ribbons, dipping him into an ice hole, setting specially trained cats. Well, and much more, turning a genetically gifted boy into a real death machine. His mother is a twenty-fifth generation ninja, his father is a powerful Siberian sorcerer, and an ideological enemy of the Soviet, "Soviet" government. Excellent genetics and training with magic made the boy the best among ninjas. And naturally, Emperor Hirohito, in order to show the Germans that they are not the coolest supermen, but that there are cool guys in Japan, sent the boy to the German-Soviet front.
  And Crucian carp (crucian fish symbolizes the pride and vitality of a samurai!) turned out to be a worthy warrior.
  For example, with his bare feet, slightly reddened from many hours in the bitter cold, he throws a steel disk thinner than a hair. And in his hands there are two swords at once, to make it easier to cut down dense ranks of enemies. How scary is this child terminator, that for the first time Soviet soldiers, being defenseless under the blows of swords and launches of discs, backed away having experienced real fear.
  The girls, having changed clips, began to shoot even faster, or rather, even faster.
  The corpses of infantrymen were piled up in mounds. They almost immediately froze in the cold, and new soldiers climbed up them. This is how they climbed and reckoned with losses. But the ninja entered the battle and again, as if waves of fear were emitted.
  A desperate attack raged for almost the whole day. At the cost of great losses, Soviet troops occupied a couple of blocks, pushing back the Germans on a number of lines. But weak artillery support - German aviation bombed the railway lines in previous days, depriving them of supplies and a lot of casualties among the advancing units, forced the infantry movement to temporarily stop.
  Despite the risk of such tactics, tanks were thrown into battle. It was necessary to break the enemy near Tikhvin until the Fritz, using their advantage in technology, released the city.
  And in this assault, a rather risky decision was made - to use the IS-2 tank. A vehicle specifically designed as a breakthrough tank. Since a powerful weapon, due to its low rate of fire and relatively poor accuracy of fire, is poorly suited for fighting other people"s tanks, but it can successfully destroy unarmored targets.
  So, even though tanks in urban conditions are suicide bombers, you still need to break through positions, even with your forehead.
  The thirty-fours will be the first to move. Relatively light and not large cars raced along a narrow track... Grenades and Molotov cocktails rained down on them from the roofs. Then camouflaged tanks containing gasoline and napalm exploded. But heavy losses did not stop the USSR tank crews. They, losing hundreds of cars, broke into the city center, and there they entered into a stubborn exchange of blows. Even the effective Faust cartridges, which destroyed the weak side armor of the thirty-fours, did not frighten the Soviet soldier.
  Three tank armies were thrown into battle at once. Stalin even decided to abandon the second strike in the direction of Voronezh, for the sake of a decisive victory over Tikhvin and saving the "Cradle of the Revolution". Even if fuel is issued according to a strict limit, for a couple of hours of driving per day, the Caucasian oil is lost, and the development of new fields requires time and money, the human resources of which are sorely lacking in the Soviet empire bound by a war on two fronts.
  But Tikhvin is the artery of Leningrad and the road of life, and most importantly, it is a symbol of the fact that Soviet troops can and are able to defeat numerous and well-armed fascists. So, we won"t stand at the price...
  The IS-2 tank looks impressive - it is also similar to the thirty-four, only the turret is moved forward even more. Of course, the barrel itself is thick and long, cannot be compared with the T-34-76, which still dominates the battlefield. During the whole of January, no more than a hundred T-34-85s will be produced through the titanic efforts.
  The truth is that the vulnerability of the turret's forehead is striking - it is flat and not too thickly armored.
  Crucian carp, who was throwing small but very powerful explosive grenades at the tanks, ran up to the girls and suggested:
  - Let's grab the IS-2 and ride it?
  Magda supported the idea:
  - Of course, let's go for a ride! We missed the chopping block.
  Gerda warned the boy:
  - This tank has four machine guns!
  Karas winked at the girls, noticing:
  - That's good. Soon the infantry will attack again, and you will mow them down!
  Magda nudged the ninja boy:
  - Hurry up, terminator!
  The pink heels flashed like the wings of a mosquito, the karate kid ran faster than the Olympic sprint champion. To begin with, he threw a small lump with a smoke package at the formidable IS. A reaction flared up and thick smoke poured out. At the same time, the black jets dispersed in different directions, blinding the machine gunners.
  Having cut down several infantrymen, Karas flew like a cobblestone fired from a ballista and climbed up the tower. I used a special hook to pry open the hatch and pull back the heavy lid. Then everything is simple - a couple of swings of two swords and five members of the crew of a heavy tank parted heads. The girls also jumped in after him, having thrown off their fur camouflage and again found themselves in bikinis. Why is it warm in the tank while driving? The 520 horsepower diesel engine warms up metal quite well. Yes, the girl"s bare feet feel the car itself much better than through special winter boots with ribbed synthetic rubber soles. The German quartermaster service took into account the experience of harsh winters and created new equipment in which the feet do not freeze so much in the cold. It"s really a shame that the Krauts took felt boots from the local population and pulled them on themselves. Or they wrapped themselves in fur scarves.
  Karas kissed Magda on the lips goodbye and said:
  - Well, this is the tank for you! I will fight where I know how to kill much better.
  Gerda, in admiration, kissed the boy"s slippery, elastic heel and said:
  - You are a miracle!
  Christina added:
  - The standard of the Aryan!
  - I know! - Said the tomboy and jumped out into the cold with one jump from the half-open hatch... Then the lid fell with a roar... And the girls got the opportunity to fight with the enemy"s weapons. And the gun is really powerful. Only the more recently appeared Lev-3, or as it was also called the "Royal Lion" with a 128 mm cannon, is stronger. But this tank is still on the front in single copies. It was shown during the celebration of November 8th to the possessed Fuhrer. Of course, it's not in the series yet. By the way, the IS-2 is undergoing its first run-in.
  So far, even the Soviet tank crews have not fired a single shot, apparently choosing their target for sure.
  Christina remarked sarcastically, turning the mechanism:
  - Eh, old stuff... There is no automation here and everything has to be done manually...
  Gerda, who ate the dog while pointing, remarked:
  - And the sight is crap and visibility is unimportant. They are not very good at aiming at the target.
  Magda, touching the transmission with her bare foot and turning the box, remarked:
  - And yet, compared to the thirty-four, there is some progress. In particular, changing gears is easier. The cabin is a bit cramped, but you can move more or less. The ammunition is really not enough. Twenty-eight shells...
  Gerda logically noted:
  - For shooting at a limited number of bunkers, it may be enough, but for a full-fledged tank battle it is clearly not enough.
  Charlotte also found some good things in the tank:
  - But the machine gun armament is top notch! Four machine guns can provide good protection. And then I looked at this "Mouse" - it only has two "spitters" for such a car...
  Christina, revving up the engine, confirmed:
  - That's it! Is this a weapon for such a heavy tank of one hundred and eighty tons?
  Magda, like a panther that had killed a buffalo, growled:
  - The chickens laugh!
  The diesel engine has a hard time accelerating the tank. It can be seen that the IS-2 still drives on the highway, but when off-road its center of gravity shifted forward will have an effect. But nothing, as long as you can relax and choose a worthy goal...
  Magda opened the tank's turret to get a better view around her.
  But here"s another IS-2, it"s a good idea to use such tanks more massively. Behind him are three more ISs, but one with a lighter 85 mm cannon. By the way, the most dangerous, he is able to take a car head-on, and hits faster...
  Magda decided to shoot from a distance of two kilometers. She ordered in a minor tone:
  - Shoot directly at the forehead of the tower... And... You understand!
  The car stopped, there was no smooth running, and Gerda, complaining about the poor quality of the optics, which were probably polished by untrained teenagers, aimed the barrel. The girls helped load the projectile weighing one and a half pounds. The blonde warrior put her cheek to the breech and tried to feel the alien car. After all, she had never fired from this gun, model 1931, before. Powerful, but obsolete, with a pointed projectile that is sensitive to ricochet. In general, the gun, of course, was not planned for tanks. But apparently the anti-tank modification of the 107 mm gun, developed in 1940, turned out to be too unreliable and was forced to be abandoned. And here you need to hit the target in conditions of poor visibility from a distance of 2000 meters. Yes, and it will be difficult for the enemy to respond and hit, but...
  Gerda kissed the breech of the gun, quickly looked out of the hatch, picked up a handful of snow with her tongue, swallowed it, rested her bare heels on the levers and... fired!
  It gave off until my wrists and calves tingled, and I smelled smoke.
  The present flew in a long arc and... The IS-2 in front stopped, started smoking, and then the ammunition began to explode...
  Magda answered joyfully:
  - So we gave it to them! - And logically, or rather illogically, confusing the concepts, she added. - It is not man who paints weapons, but man"s weapons!
  Gerda growled:
  - Reload!
  And the girls tensed up... Of course, this is not a "Tiger" for them, they have to sweat, but it"s more fun this way, especially since a standing tank quickly cools down. Iron is a good conductor.
  The second time Gerda shot faster and more confidently. The ISs continued to move, and apparently they had not yet figured out where the guns were firing from. And stopping is not a Russian custom. Once there is an order... And the second shell is already confidently hitting the target...
  Gerda licks her lips and commands:
  - And the third one here...
  Much too late, the fourth IS-1 opened fire on the move... And, strangely enough, it hit, although from such a distance from a moving vehicle it is almost impossible, but personnel decides everything! However, the distance for an 85mm gun is too long, beyond the penetration limit. But there was a major thunder in the turret and the frontal armor bent. Gerda sent in response the fourth "letter-parcel" weighing one and a half pounds... The forehead of the IS-1 tank split and orange tongues soared high into the sky.
  The girls fight beautifully... That day was lucky for them. But the capabilities of the Soviet army are not comparable.
  Despite all the efforts of the Fritz, on January 13, at the cost of great efforts and colossal losses, Tikhvin was taken... Individual German units tried to break out of the encirclement, a corridor was punched towards them - six German divisions at once with selected Lev tanks, trying to save the heroic defense.
  The ninja boy and four girls made their way in a separate squad in the style of the three musketeers. Namely, where it was not possible to quietly bypass with battle and over the corpses. Naturally, the IS-2 had to be abandoned, but along the way, quite unexpectedly, we also came across a rare T-34-85 tank, a vehicle that was supposed to replace the outdated and insufficiently powerful T-34-76 gun.
  The vehicle had a similar hull and chassis, but a larger turret with a long-barreled and thickish cannon. The gun was slightly inferior in penetrating power to the Panther, both due to the lower initial velocity of the projectile and the quality of the ammunition. But still the difference did not look overwhelming like 76 graph paper.
  For an ordinary "Tiger" it is already dangerous, for a "Lion" it is not yet - so 100 millimeters of it are inclined. Although from a certain angle a chance appeared. Or in the lower part of the body, but also track guards.
  The tank was boarded and cleared of its crew. Of course there was blood splattered inside. The vehicle itself is completely new, but the ammunition load is modest - only 35 rounds. The cabin is not very spacious, but it is better than the old thirty-four.
  Gerda noted:
  - And here there is a commander"s tower. This means we have a strong competitor. Now the Russians will not be so blind.
  Magda grinned maliciously and noted:
  - And the Russians were already shooting well, albeit with worse visibility. In addition, the tower has become larger and easier to get into!
  Gerda laughed loudly at this:
  - Well, yes! This is the biggest problem for our tankers and, probably, the crowning advantage of this tank! Try it, get it!
  Charlotte sang:
  - One, two, five! "Tiger" came out to shoot!
  Christina picked up:
  - To meet T-4, legs higher, arms wider!
  And so they rushed off on a tank that moved more easily than the IS... Gerda remembered how they hit the Soviet infantry with four machine guns. They mowed down decently, but the Russians didn"t even realize where such a misfortune had fallen on them. But, having set off, they went on the attack, throwing grenades... A couple of them, despite a decent distance, flew up and exploded on the tower. Of course, for armor of 100 and 90 millimeters the IS is like a pellet to an elephant, but it buzzes unpleasantly. Yes, and the caterpillars can be cut.
  So I had to start the engine and retreat. And then the cartridges ran out. They mowed down more than one hundred Red soldiers.
  Gerda was amazed at the contempt for death among Soviet people. The Arabs, with their promises of harems and pearl palaces, had nowhere near such dedication. But these are atheists - people who do not believe in the afterlife and fairy tales about the Gardens of Eden. And what motivates them to fight so stubbornly when the outcome of the war is already predetermined and this is nothing more than the rage of the doomed?
  This is incredibly difficult to understand and comprehend.
  Although, of course, there are many among Russian traitors. Over the six months of its existence, Vlasov"s "Liberation Army" formed six divisions and nine separate brigades. Although, of course, it is clear that being a Wehrmacht soldier is easier than working for fifteen to sixteen hours at a machine for much worse rations, but still... For some reason, German divisions made up of former prisoners of war are not visible on the fronts...
  Although, however, there are few Germans in captivity, and Soviets... It seems there are already more than six and a half million. There may not be so many Vlasovites, although many prisoners were dispersed to national divisions and legions controlled by the SS. In addition, some Russians were sent to the formations of nobles and monarchists.
  But in any case, they managed to take Tikhvin, despite the improving weather and massive bombing. Although they paid an incredible price.
  Gerda received the order and shot at thirty-four from the lighter weight category. The gun's rate of fire is higher, so you can feel more confident. Once, then a second, and finally a third tank to the dump...
  So you need to be more careful. Otherwise, they will be slammed here at the car; only the frontal armor of the turret has become stronger and thicker, and the format is almost the same. The hull is especially vulnerable. And among Russian tankers there are craftsmen. However, a weakling will not be jailed for such a rare tank as the IS-2 or IS-1. And thirty-fours of the usual format can be with ordinary fighters. Through the slot in the commander's tower, they look like the muzzles of horses, with an antennae at the muzzle. It"s even somehow inconvenient to fire a targeted shot at such beauties.
  This time the crucian carp is in the tower with the girls, he chose to serve as their guide and cannot leave the girls in the cauldron. True, Magda logically noted:
  - We can leave without shooting or provoking...
  Crucian carp, twisting his face like a child, said tearfully:
  - No - without shooting, it won"t be interesting!
  Magda nevertheless warned the girls:
  - Open fire only when there are no more than three or four vehicles. We must definitely bring this new tank intact to our units.
  Gerda agreed:
  - So far this new item is not among the trophies, which means it will still be useful to us.
  The tigress girls continued their hunt with moderate enthusiasm. They were not very successful, but they added seven more tanks and five trucks to their assets. Once we had to fight outside the car to grab fuel for refueling.
  In short, four mischievous pranksters got out of the cauldron and almost died from the fire of their artillery. Only a timely raised flag with a swastika-spider came to the rescue.
  Now they are crossing the trench and there are even a couple of bouquets with paper flowers that are given to the heroine warriors.
  Oleg Rybachenko, who was tired of watching this mocking movie, yelled:
  - Why are you showing me all the damn bitches! How many times can you watch the murder of Russian people!
  . CHAPTER No. 16.
  The war is what gave Jane and her team a chance to find themselves in life. Therefore, the girls willingly took part in the campaign to the east. Why not? This is both money and fame.
  The Soviet tank arsenal hasn't changed much. The main tank is still T-34-85. The chassis and hull armor remained from the forties. The same diesel engine of five hundred horsepower, the same 45 millimeters of frontal armor at an angle. Weaker protection for the sides of the hull, vulnerable to German Faust cartridges.
  Only a larger turret was installed, with 90 mm frontal armor and an 85 mm cannon. The tank, of course, is outdated, and not at all dangerous for the Germans!
  The girls are driving a Goering-5 car, a later modification. The side armor was increased to 178 millimeters, and the frontal armor to 250 at an angle. The tank itself is equipped with a gas turbine engine and accelerates the British to 60 kilometers per hour.
  Jane asked Gunner Gringeta:
  -Can you see well?
  The peasant warrior answered confidently:
  - The visibility here is excellent! I see everything!
  Malanya giggled and barked:
  - We will crush the Russians!
  Matilda confidently confirmed:
  - Yes, we will!
  Goering-5 turns, the gun spits out a shell. The tower is torn off the Soviet thirty-four. The girls scream with delight. They really think this is all great. And it"s even encouraging that Soviet tank crews are dying.
  Jane chirped in a gentle voice:
  - We will erase everyone into ashes... And Moscow will be under us!
  However, having stumbled upon minefields, the German tank has to stop. The Russians fortified themselves very tightly. And a lot of anti-tank hedgehogs. The artillery is actively shelling.
  Gringeta says in frustration:
  - This is how it turns out... We came across a hard block!
  Jane answers with apparent confidence:
  - No, it doesn"t happen until the morning... Let"s break through the opera!
  The German combat vehicle stalled somewhat. Jet attack aircraft appeared in the sky, and teletanks were used. Apparently they were trying to destroy the minefields.
  They controlled cars with explosives by radio. Mobile gas launchers were also used. They literally bombarded the positions of the Red Army with fire and flame.
  Gringeta noted with displeasure:
  - In war there is more and more dirt, and less and less valor!
  Jane had to agree with this:
  - Selyavi! Alas, we somehow lose!
  Gringeta corrected the commander:
  - Rather, not us, but our opponents! We"ll get out of the deadlock now, and there will be a fight...
  The German tank was firing, although nothing was really visible. Jane rubbed her bare feet together and sang:
  - We shouldn"t think badly - we"ll definitely disappear! There is a way out of the labyrinth, from any dead end!
  Gringeta chirped with a smile:
  - He who is cheerful laughs...
  Whoever wants it will achieve it...
  Who seeks will always find!
  Malanya, singing and sparkling her teeth, added:
  - Let those who are accustomed to fight for victory sing with us!
  The cannonade lasted for several hours, and then the German tanks finally moved on. They were met by Soviet artillery and anti-tank guns of various calibers. However, it was felt that the penetration power was clearly not enough. The Germans advanced... Only when the 203-mm cannons began to fire did the first damaged Nazi vehicles appear.
  Jane whispered uncertainly:
  - Lord... Let this cup pass from me!
  Gringueta said confidently:
  - You can"t have two deaths, you can"t avoid one! So if anything we will live in the next world!
  Malanya asked in a whisper:
  - What is that world like?
  Gringeta said not too confidently:
  - I think it"s better than ours!
  Malanya whispered in response:
  - May God grant the blind to open their eyes and straighten the backs of the hunchbacks!
  Indeed, Jane began to wonder what that world might be like. Maybe this world is even more irrational and less safe. Jane twirled her waist and moved her hips and chirped:
  - This is a very interesting option - to die and go to the next world! So what awaits us there? Will we meet there those who were dear to us on Earth or will we have to make new friends?
  Gringeta moved the dog with her bare foot and hissed:
  - There will be new centuries, there will be a change of generations... But no one will ever forget the name Lenin!
  And she burst out laughing, her slightly crazy laugh. She was a warrior-peasant actively moving her bare, graceful legs, and her fingers were playing.
  I caught an IS-3 in my sights... That's far from true. Not everyone will hit, and if they do, the shell, crashing into the pike"s snout, can ricochet. But the girl knew what she was doing. She fired and purred:
  - Shore of fogs, let's destroy with bait!
  Matilda additionally sang:
  - And this "Agdam", let"s drink to the ladies! Super madam!
  Gringueta's shot was accurate. The shell hit the lower part of the frontal armor of the turret, right into the gap. And it produced a destructive impact without ricocheting. This is the situation that has arisen. More precisely, five Soviet tank crews died almost immediately. And the English women added crimes to their list.
  Malanya roared, activating her machine guns. Several boy soldiers wanted to crawl up to Hitler"s tank.
  - But pasaran, don"t come near, boy! - A pretty girl shouted and sprayed machine-gun fire at the brave pioneers.
  Jane chirped, tapping her bare heel on the armor:
  - Oh, boys, boys, boys... You suddenly became unwanted! Apparently for this damned land, you are too noble!
  And the girl, the lord"s daughter, felt sorry for these barefoot, scratched, grimy boys who were pierced by merciless bullets. How sad and difficult it all is.
  Gringeta fired again, penetrated the SU-100 self-propelled gun, and chirped:
  - And the grasshopper will run to hand over the bottles!
  Malanya licked her lips with her scarlet tongue and sipped Coca-Cola from a plastic bottle, saying:
  - Of course not! Give me some wine and a pack of cigarettes!
  Matilda, carefully advancing the tank, hissed:
  - Cigarettes are poison...
  Jane picked up the rhythm and continued:
  - That's right, people say!
  Gringeta responds by firing and hissing:
  - There is nothing worse than nicotine!
  Malanya giggled and growled:
  - Put a pack of cigarettes in the firebox!
  Matilda added in response, scratching the scarlet nipple of her breast:
  - That's right, people say...
  Jane finished with a grin, sticking her tongue out.
  - But I smoke...
  Malanya finished with aplomb:
  - And I"m very glad!
  The girls laughed, showing their long, cherry-colored tongues. Jane remarked with a smile:
  - The cigarette is the most effective killer, especially against the customer!
  Malanya added:
  - A cigarette is like a silent rifle, but it is deadly even in the hands of an amateur!
  Gringeta fired the gun and remarked with a smile:
  - The cigarette is the most reliable sniper, it always kills!
  Matilda slowed down the tank slightly on the hill and hissed:
  - The cigarette tastes bitter, but it attracts more than sweets!
  Jane sighed heavily and muttered:
  - A cigarette is like a bad girl, but parting with it is much more painful!
  Gringeta giggled, fired, and roared:
  - A cigarette, unlike a grenade, when thrown, prolongs life!
  The girls fell silent. Their tank skidded again, ending up in a ditch. I had to get out. The warriors were a little nervous. The Soviet defense is very strong.
  Jane remarked philosophizing:
  - In war, the shortest path to the goal is a roundabout maneuver, and the pure truth is a vile deception!
  Gringeta, having smashed a Soviet cannon with a well-aimed shot, remarked:
  - With a roundabout maneuver you are most likely to shorten the path to your goal!
  Malanya fired the machine gun and chirped:
  - Life is red, but it leaves with scarlet blood!
  Matilda summed it up:
  - In war, life loses its value, but acquires meaning!
  The girls continued the war. They shot, and at the same time composed aphorisms as they went.
  Jane kicked with her bare foot and said:
  - War is like a groom, susceptible to betrayal, but does not allow it to lie dormant!
  Gringeta fired and wittily said:
  - War is a lustful woman in devouring men's bodies!
  Malanya hissed in response:
  - All ages are submissive to war, like love, but it"s not a pleasant pastime!
  Matilda found it necessary to add:
  - War, like a courtesan, is expensive and changeable, but it always leaves a heroic memory!
  Jane turned the dog with her graceful, bare fingers and cooed:
  - In war it"s not like in a dream, you can"t do without strong emotions!
  Gringeta fired with a grin and replied:
  - The world is boring and relaxing, war is interesting and exciting!
  Matilda, happily sipping Coke, continued:
  - War is blood and sweat, it fertilizes the seedlings that give birth to courage!
  Malanya giggled and remarked:
  - No matter how interesting the process of war is, everyone wants the end!
  Jane ran her bare toes over the breech of the gun again and sang:
  - War is not a book, you can"t slam it shut, you can"t hide it under your pillow, you can just get it dirty too!
  Gringueta chirped with aplomb:
  - War is a religion: it requires fanaticism, discipline, unquestioning submission, but its gods are always mortal!
  Malanya giggled quietly and remarked:
  - In war, like in a casino, the risk is high, but the winnings are short-lived!
  Matilda bared her teeth and barked:
  - The soldier is mortal, glory is forgotten, trophies wear out, and only the reasons to start a new massacre are irremovable!
  Jane subtly checked:
  "We despise a murderer unless he is a soldier at the front, and we despise a thief even more if he is a marauder on the battlefield!"
  Gringeta cackled again and hissed:
  - A soldier is a knight whose armor is courage and honor! General Baron, whose crown is prudence and intelligence!
  Malanya said with a smile:
  - The soldier sounds proud, the private sounds derogatory!
  Matilda replied wittily:
  - The first to attack may die, but the last will not be remembered!
  Jane cooed breathily:
  - It"s better to be first in dividing the spoils than in attacking!
  Gringueta added with a smile:
  - War is like a woman, she only lays down men without breaking!
  Malanya answered with dignity:
  - A woman, unlike a war, is in no hurry to put a man to death!
  Matilda said with a chuckle:
  - War, unlike women, is never satisfied with the number of men assigned!
  Jane turned the lever again with her bare fingers and said:
  -War is the most insatiable female, men are never enough for her, and she won"t refuse a woman!
  In response to this, Gringetta considered it necessary to reproduce a witty aphorism:
  "Women don"t like to fight, but the urge to kill a man is not much worse than a bullet!"
  Malanya hissed like a cobra, spewing out her pink tongue:
  - A small bullet can kill a man, make him happy, a woman with a big heart!
  Matilda added with a sarcastic grin:
  - A big heart often leads in small self-interest!
  The girls finished exchanging witty remarks and began to look intently at the battlefield. TA-311 attack aircraft were flying in the sky, firing at the positions of Soviet troops. Although slowly, the coalition of the Third Reich was moving forward. And she managed to refresh herself a little by swallowing the corpses.
  The girls, bored, began to make jokes again with aphorisms:
  Jane cooed:
  "War doesn"t have a woman"s face, but it bleeds men better than a wife!"
  Gringeta fired and rasped:
  - War does not bring joy, but it satisfies aggressive instincts!
  Malanya whistled in response:
  - Joy in war, the corpses of enemies are only in price!
  Matilda, scrolling through the caterpillars, added:
  - War is the plowing of a field: it is fertilized with corpses, it is irrigated with blood, but it emerges in victory!
  Jane fired and purred in response:
  - Victory grows on corpses and blood, but it bears fruit from the weak!
  Gringeta fired, breaking the thirty-four like a glass, and hissed:
  - War is like a man-eating flower, bright, carnivorous and with a bad smell!
  Malanya rubbed the pedal with her bare foot and blurted out:
  - War is the mother of progress and the stepmother of laziness!
  Matilda will take it and roar:
  - And in war, the life of a soldier is not valuable, but the generals are even a loss!
  Jane ran the edge of her hand across her chest and chirped:
  - If you want peace, instill fear; if you want war, induce laughter!
  Gringeta took it and fired, pointing the weapon with her bare foot, singing:
  - Laughter is not a sin if you are not a laughing stock in military affairs!
  Malanya giggled and growled with success:
  - War is like a circus, only the winner has the last laugh!
  Matilda drove the tank, crushing a couple of pioneers, and rasped:
  - In war it"s like in a circus, only an insidious, serious killer!
  The girls fell silent again. They're tired of making jokes. In general, war is not very beautiful.
  Jane thought in annoyance: Britain had lost to the Germans. Although how many lands the British conquered. And how much of that Germany! Britain became a colossal empire. But she couldn"t digest her colonies. The Third Reich surpassed the English in power and even the commanders turned out to be much stronger and more capable.
  And when the Nazis came to London, history ended for England. A new empire arose, with unprecedented power. Many peoples and countries serve in its troops. And what can we say: the Third Reich, spreading its wings, drowned out Britain.
  But in 1940, having conquered France, Hitler generously offered peace to Churchill. And it was necessary to accept it: common sense dictated that Britain could not gain anything from the war, even theoretically, but could lose. Hitler fought the air battle with England at half strength. With great delay, he transferred troops to Africa. He went to the Soviet Union. But all this only delayed the catastrophe.
  The Germans, using the occupied territories, found the strength to fight on two fronts; Japan confidently beat the Americans. And then Stalin betrayed him by concluding a truce. Britain fell to its knees and became part of the Third Reich.
  Many victories earned the Wehrmacht the glory of invincibility. Jane and her friends willingly joined Hitler"s army to seek happiness and rank. And they partially succeeded there.
  So what? Now they have two Homelands: Greater Germany, Little Britain.
  Jane took a sip of Coca-Cola and chirped:
  - Love and death, good and evil... What is holy, what is sinful, the murderers don"t care!
  Gringeta sang in response, sending another projectile:
  - Love and dare, let evil rule, but we are given only one to choose!
  The girls cheered up a little. Well, in fact, as much as you can tune yourself in a minor key. They are young, cheerful, energetic, and quite lucky. They fight so much and not a single scratch. Unless you consider that they will get scratched on the tank.
  Malanya remarked harshly:
  - Eh, Churchill should have accepted Hess"s offer and entered the war with the USSR. Then we would rule the entire planet, and in the end we would crush Germany too!
  Matilda sang with delight:
  - Germany is good in battle, the British lion is the best!
  Malanya confirmed:
  - Yes, our lion from Britain is the best!
  Jane said with a smile:
  - We still have a chance! Hitler will die and the German Empire will fall apart!
  Gringeta fired a projectile and partially agreed:
  - Yes, it will fall apart! They are carnivorous predators, but will this make us any better?
  Malanya remarked philosophically:
  - Unity under a hard regime is better than chaos and sloppiness under a soft one!
  Matilda pressed her bare soles on the pedals and barked:
  - We will be on Mars too! And beyond the solar system!
  Jane answered with a Gioconda smile:
  - First we need to establish a unified regime on planet Earth!
  Gringet, took it and sang fervently:
  - And we won"t allow this regime to change!
  Malanya remarked wittily:
  - But in order to leave you with your nose, I have to change my nose!
  The girls are lucky as always. Now their tank reaches the first line of trenches. And tears up the ground with its caterpillars. The warriors laugh.
  - We will crush them all!
  One of the guns got stuck between the rollers, and the tank stopped. The girls got out of the car; it was still too cramped and too hot in the tank. But it"s risky outside, you could get burned.
  The warriors rushed, flashing their bare heels, and chanting:
  - We are playful girls, good friends, well, let them whip our bare feet, the playful cougars!
  Jane, running, noticed:
  - Here we are, the Space Marines!
  Malanya confirmed with a grin:
  - Both into space and into the landing force!
  And Gringeta took it and walked around in her arms, howling:
  - I'm a super warrior! I'll kill everyone!
  Matilda took it in response and hissed:
  - Poison drop by drop into the Fuhrer!
  Jane giggled and sang:
  - The blow is strong, and the Fuhrer is omnipotent!
  The warriors ran, stepping barefoot, over rubble, crushed, highly heated iron, various kinds of beams, and broken skulls.
  Jane sang:
  -You will understand me... You will understand me... You will understand me, and you won"t find a better country!
  It is pleasant for the girl to run, with her not too rough legs, along the prickly path and debris. It really is great fun.
  Gringeta sang:
  - Summer, the sun is shining high...
  Malanya supported the song:
  - High... High!
  Matilda added:
  - Summer, we are far from death! Far!
  The warriors noticeably cheered up. Indeed, what a pleasure it is to move and jump so energetically.
  Jane chuckled and remarked:
  - Death is a convention, disgrace is an absolute!
  Gringeta rubbed one bare foot against the other and hissed:
  - We will have a holiday too! And with it victory!
  Malanya said skeptically:
  - Ours or the Germans?
  Matilda grinned and sang:
  - A deadly fire awaits us...
  Jane responded:
  - But he is powerless...
  Gringeta howled like a panther:
  - Everyone has a separate coffin...
  Malanya took it and, shooting, hissed:
  - The Boche battalion has gone to its grave!
  Matilda roared back:
  - A whole legion has gone to the grave!
  And the girls took it and meowed... They are like slender horses. And so cute, bare and tanned legs.
  Jane took it and hissed with pleasure:
  - And I'm a cobra! And I'm a cobra! Not a bear at all!
  Gringeta squealed in response:
  - It"s nice for a cobra to fly up to the clouds!
  And the girls will just bump heads. Sparks fly from the eyes as if the hour is coming!
  Malanya took it and hissed:
  - Hitler is kaput!
  Matilda supported her:
  - And Stalin is kaput!
  Jane shook her hips and chirped:
  - I am a warrior of light, on your knees savages... I will sweep away everyone who slanders from the face of the Earth!
  Malanya took it and roared:
  - And Hitler is a fool, he smokes tobacco! He steals matches and doesn"t spend the night at home!
  Matilda grinned sarcastically and asked:
  - What do you think, does the Fuhrer have it?
  Gringeta kicked the ash with her bare foot and growled:
  - Of course not! The four of us will give him a blowjob!
  Malanya rolled her eyes and whispered:
  - Oh, it"s very nice to hold a pulsating jade rod in your mouth and feel it with your tongue!
  Matilda whispered with a breath:
  - How great it is! And everything will be just great!
  The girls jumped higher and higher. But their tank was repaired and they had to return. The warriors climbed back and hissed:
  - This is our tank! He will be just great!
  Jane suddenly remembered the fairy tale about Robin Hood. There is little Joe, the boy was captured by the sheriff. The boy was tortured: they pulled him up on the rack and fried his heels.
  When the flames licked the bare, rough soles of the boy's feet... Jane felt arousal here, and she really wanted sex. Here they entered it. Especially the Japanese ninja Crucian carp. This blond boy is so handsome, and he has very large masculine perfection. And it"s so nice to touch such clean and smooth skin with your breasts.
  Jane wanted to put her finger between her legs, but she was embarrassed and changed her mind. Although, indeed, such an action is extremely pleasant!
  The Lord's Daughter said:
  - In the sea wave and furious fire! And fierce, and furious fire!
  The girls again moved their Goering-5 towards the positions of the Soviet troops. Stalin himself probably freaked out pretty much when he learned about the advance of the Nazis. Really, how can you not get nervous here? A huge machine is rushing at you, but there is nothing to answer. Thirty-fours, you can"t fight off the E series. And even more so from pyramidal AGs.
  And Stalin is apparently in shock. At least call a cockroach to be your advisor. No sound, no meaning, no splash of water! Looks like you'll get screwed!
  Jane remarked with a smile:
  - And Stalin, unlike Churchill, always willingly accepted handouts from Hitler and went for peace!
  Gringeta sang with enthusiasm:
  - Tell me what the world is! They will answer you - the sun and the wind!
  Malanya remarked with enthusiasm:
  - And we will have strong, healthy children!
  Matilda giggled and whispered:
  - The world is not a chessboard, and Hitler is not a king!
  Jane corrected her friend:
  - He is taller than the king! And we will sweep it off the face of the planet!
  Gringeta took it and roared:
  - The greatness of the Britons, recognized by the planet! Fascism was crushed with a blow of the sword!
  Malanya added enthusiastically:
  - We are loved and appreciated by all nations of the world!
  Matilda, with the enthusiasm of a girl who has found her first love, added:
  - I believe, let's build holy communism!
  Jane laughed and remarked:
  - And under the leadership of the Germans, communism can indeed be built!
  Gringeta hit her forehead on the breech of the gun and sang:
  - We're joking, we'll build communism now! And Stalin will be our super and hero!
  Malanya added, clarifying:
  - In a coffin, of course!
  Gringueta readily confirmed:
  - Of course, in a coffin!
  Jane said philosophically:
  - No matter how great the king is, he will go to the grave, just like the huntsman!
  Gringeta added with a malicious grin:
  - A politician always lies, only he dies for real!
  Malanya clicked her bare toes and said:
  - Immortality is real, but death is illusory!
  Matilda also gave out an aphorism:
  - Kings can do anything, but not one, not one king can escape from the grave into the earth!
  Jane chirped:
  - Life will end soon...
  Gringetta supported with aplomb:
  - The dot will strike soon!
  Malanya fires machine guns at the Soviet infantry, and hisses:
  - Oh, mommy, mommy, have pity on your son!
  Matilda, having difficulty holding back her laughter, added:
  - After all, he has not a day left to live!
  Jane thought philosophically:
  - Everyone wants to live beautifully, but only a few die with dignity!
  Gringueta answered with a smile:
  - Death promises trouble, unless it sparkles with the rays of achievement!
  Malanya hissed with a furious baring of her teeth:
  - A good death is better than a crappy life!
  Matilda challenged:
  - It"s good to be God in freedom, but it"s bad to be a devil in prison!
  Gringeta remarked with a venomous grin:
  - And we have run out of shells... Agree, this is a huge tragedy! Not a single present of annihilation!
  Jane snorted disdainfully.
  - There will be new presents and other presidents!
  . CHAPTER No. 17.
  On this day, October 10, 1947, Friedrich, as always, a greyhound and tireless, quickly raced on the air horse Me-362. The boy did not feel even a shadow of fatigue, he was too excited, and still shot without missing a beat. At night, repair teams, primarily American ones, put some of the damaged equipment into operation. In particular, the "Pattons" were again spun on tracks, in addition, a couple of hundred of these vehicles entered service after being transferred from overseas, along already established railways. The partisans, of course, tried, but they did much worse than usual. In the elections of the Ukrainian Father, Bandera defeated, and betrayal and desertion increased in the partisan ranks. Plus, the commander of the partisan movement, Voroshilov, fell ill... And a replacement for him was not found in time... Thus, the supply of the international strike group of fascists was quite satisfactory. Yes, brave underground fighters and heroic saboteurs sometimes achieved success, but not above the tactical level. In addition, the emergence of new capitulated allies caused a sharp drop in faith in the victory of the USSR, and this led to the fact that wavering elements, openly or otherwise secretly, went over to the side of the fascists.
  The number of deserters especially increased among the Kraikov Red Army and the Polish Army. The Poles, having believed the promises of the Nazis and especially Western capitalists, seriously counted on creating a great empire in the east, at the expense of Russia! Not all, of course, Polish communists remained faithful to the Soviets, but the rest of the political shades... Liberals are especially unreliable... So the Polish units began to surrender on the Moscow Bulge almost immediately from the beginning of the offensive... Fortunately, there were few of them and this did not yet have a decisive influence on the course of the war .
  Friedrich made the first couple of flights himself, breaking away from the other pilots. He saw that the enemy was no longer so densely meeting the Nazi hordes with fire, and there were almost no minefields left in the path of the tank wedges. But the Soviet soldiers fought stubbornly. The infantry did not open fire and tried, by letting the tanks close, to blow up their tracks or a bunch of grenades, or to set them on fire with combustible bottles.
  The Terminator boy mainly increased the score at the expense of Soviet guns. Moreover, shooting from a horizontal plane, avoiding wasting time on a dive. True, several tanks located in ambush were also destroyed. USSR aviation was inactive. In the morning, only seven U-2 aircraft appeared, then four Laggs. In general, Friedrich had a short conversation with them, lightly pressing the trigger... And then, as always!
  Having suppressed the already weakened combat points, Nazi tanks rushed further across the field and into the trenches... Anti-tank ditches and hedgehogs, however, were also encountered on this already sixth and partly fifth line of defense (there were eight of them in total). The Soviet artillerymen were nervous and began to shoot from afar. The fascist artillery was merciless, and the aviation... So far, like a skating rink, everything was shredded. Well, Friedrich, as always, is ahead of everyone, more spirited and cooler. Changes took place in the formation of the troops; the Pattons, armed with powerful machine guns, took the lead. A forced decision to reduce losses from kamikaze infantrymen who sacrifice themselves but do not want to give up...
  Friedrich made his third flight with his friend Helga. Here they met for the first time a more or less large batch of Soviet aircraft. Among them were even five Br-3s (from where they were dug up). Oddly enough, the USSR bombers immediately turned back at the sight of the German aces, and the fighters rushed towards them.
  Friedrich calmly shot the cars trying to get closer. Including an ace with a star of the hero of the USSR on the fuselage. The experienced warrior, however, tried to go into the clouds, but against such a monster as Friedrich Bismarck, it only turned out worse. The terminator boy, without missing a beat, shot down thirty-six fighters and four attack aircraft at once, turned on the speed, and rushed after the bombers.
  Here, however, Friedrich discovered that his car did not rush so much, and did not reach 740 estimated kilometers even with a forced engine. The reason is clear, Friedrich replaced the 30-mm Mr-108 guns with the Mr-103, which, with an initial projectile speed of 960 meters per second, are much more effective at penetrating the roofs of tanks and enemy fighters from a very long distance, but almost one and a half times heavier and lower with a rate of fire of 420 rounds per minute (however, Friedrich generally preferred to fire single shells while falling into a trance!). And the ammunition for the guns was increased especially for Frederick. So, catching up with the bombers was not an easy task. Several nimble He-362s were ahead of the brave young ace. They fell like hail on the crops, crushing and tormenting Soviet vehicles. Moreover, the Br-3, being slower and poorly armed, became easy prey for terrorist pilots. Friedrich arrived at the end of the feast, but still finished off a dozen, knocking out fifty. However, the boy failed to beat his previous record of two hundred and fifty-three cars.
  Friedrich returned back with great enthusiasm in his soul. He won and is winning! And thoughts about my betrayal completely disappeared. The young man even said to himself:
  - Why these prejudices! Homeland is where your friends and children grow up! And the USSR is not the Motherland, but a prison of nations!
  Helga heard these words, but, not understanding their true essence, confirmed:
  - You are right! And we will soon have children! Although, I don"t want to get belly fat while this war is still going on!
  Friedrich chuckled:
  - It depends on the will of the Almighty God. However, the Pope and a number of metropolitans are on our side!
  The fourth flight on assault, jet Fokken-Wulf-5s turned into a hunt for guns, since only a couple of tanks were caught. But the real test was yet to come.
  Rotmistrov's Fifth Guards Tank Army completed the undercutting transfer to the Krasnogvardeisky area. However, it was not possible to achieve complete surprise. Fascist reconnaissance aircraft recorded the movement of a large mass of tanks, and the Nazis hastened to take countermeasures. About five hundred SS units of the 2nd SS Panzer Army, as well as two hundred vehicles from the strategic reserve, came out to meet nine hundred and fifty tanks and self-propelled guns reinforced by the reserves of Rotmistrov"s armored fist. In particular, the battle took place on a field near the Pervomaisky collective farm, where German grenadiers and guns were located on the captured line.
  Friedrich and the best German aces were called in to fend off a massive attack from land and air.
  Lieutenant General Rotmistrov, the hero of the Battle of Stalingrad, carried out the order coming from the Supreme Commander-in-Chief himself, and sincerely believed that the battle near Moscow had not yet been lost. He had power in his hands, and there was a glimmer of hope that the USSR would regain what it had previously lost. However, the column, moving under its own power, became quite stretched. This was partly due to the desire to avoid Third Reich reconnaissance aircraft, with the other duration of the march being caused by damage to railway lines due to exposure to enemy aircraft.
  Heavy bomber strikes forced large tank forces to march hundreds of kilometers under their own power. Moreover, at the maximum speed march... This is taking into account some heterogeneity of the tank fleet; some vehicles had filters replaced, others, on the contrary, old types, including imperfect transmissions, slowed down diesel engines.
  Due to the brutal and massive impact of enemy aviation, the fifth shock army was located quite far from the front line and this forced this steel roller to march from evening to morning.
  A more compact group of fascists was already waiting for Rotmistrov. While inferior in the total number of tanks, the Nazis were superior in quality: having approximately almost one and a half hundred "Panthers"-5 and "Tigers"-5, as well as one and a half dozen "Goering" L (English vehicles with 17-foot guns, approximately equal in penetrating power to a gun "Panthers"), E-50, AG-50 and "Patton". The Super Ferdinand tank destroyers were still on their way.
  Of course, it would have been better to attack the Nazis en masse, but the formidable Zhukov was in too much of a hurry for Rotmistrov, rightly fearing that the Nazis would take energetic countermeasures. However, they have already done so...
  But here the Soviet army had one trump card - this was serious air cover... The planes were removed from the Ural direction and from the headquarters reserve, and they even threw training vehicles into battle, as well as equipment straight from the assembly line. This was the chance to break through the right flank and rear, which had moved far ahead of the fascist wedge.
  General Gotha, and other commanders, already during preliminary discussions of the plan for the Moscow operation, assumed that Krasnogvardeysk would certainly become the site of a tank battle with the combat reserve of the Soviet armies, which means it was necessary to have a cover plan.
  Special German aircraft, especially the Xe-362, monitored the airspace, so that the battle on Krasnogvardeysky was to become the largest not only tank, but also air battle of the Second World War!
  Friedrich was called to fight the enemy, he is the best ace of the Luftwaffe, the king of air battles was a symbol of the victory of the Third Reich. And next to him, or almost next to him on his right hand, on an assault, and therefore especially powerful modification of the Fokken-Wulf-5, raced Helga.
  The boy even sang:
  - We're racing through the waves on starships! Quarks foam in the ether vortices!
  Helga confirmed:
  - Red creatures, you will be hit! Children of the underground hellish world!
  Friedrich laughed and said his favorite:
  - Come on, away from the screw! Angel of death, just whistle for him to appear! He will rip all the scum into pieces of their asses!
  Helga giggled in response.
  - Well, you're witty!
  Friedrich was somewhat concerned about the increasing weight of his aircraft, the connection with the installation of long-range weapons and the increase in ammunition. After all, the projectile of a 30-mm cannon is three times heavier than that of a 20-millimeter cannon, and in terms of destructive power, perhaps four times more powerful, it is a universal weapon capable of destroying armor both on the surface of the planet and in the air! The young ace even wanted to give up the machine guns and remove their four large-caliber ones, but... Helga objected before departure:
  - After all, it may come down to close combat. It"s better to save this trump card...
  - Enough for Force Majeure and two shooters! - Friedrich cut off briefly. For me, shooting down close is enough. In general, I think the machine gun armament here is excessive.
  Helga giggled cheerfully and slapped the boy on the back.
  - Unfortunately, not everyone is such an invincible knight like you! Many aces are still beginners, they need denser fire to be sure to hit...
  Frederick quite reasonably objected:
  - Such an expensive car as the ME-362 U will not be given to a novice pilot. This fighter is for aces.
  Instead of answering, Helga ran into her fighter-attack aircraft, flashing her bare, pink heels. What else to do, the emergency call sounded.
  Friedrich was generally pleased that he had removed the two outer machine guns, the massive vehicle took off easier, and the speed increased, and the lighter wings improved maneuverability. Although the fire points themselves were covered by fairings, their reduction noticeably added to the aerodynamics of the car. Although the Me-362 in terms of aerodynamic qualities still has no equal among piston vehicles, it is such a universal horse of war.
  Rare trees and fields flash below... The day is hot and it looks like it won"t be easy to fight. Especially the Russians, who are losing this enormous battle. Here on the left and a little below is a flock of crows flying... A large flock, some of the crows are very large... An ominous sign, crows accompany all the wars of this cruel, devoid of sentimentality world. As Boyarsky sang in the famous musical:
  - But why! It is impossible to live by your mind! But why - life doesn"t teach us anything!
  Here it is violence, violence and more violence! Cruelty, cruelty and once again cruelty cementing the nation!
  The flock of crows seems endless, there are tens, hundreds of thousands of them, and they caw so that you can hear them even in a hermetically sealed cabin. Friedrich asked Helga on the radio:
  - Maybe we can hit them with machine guns?
  The ace girl objected:
  - It"s not worth it! Every bullet can count here!
  Friedrich chuckled:
  - Which is quite possible! The king has cartridges in a bag under his throne.
  The first batch of Soviet aircraft suddenly jumped out from behind a flock of vultures. They were first met by the Salamanders. There were losses on both sides, more Russians were killed. Friedrich opened fire late and shot down only eight cars. But it's still a rough start. But a couple of German "Salamanders"-3 were shot down, and it"s unclear how the Me-262 managed to get ahead of everyone.
  But the main thing was yet to come. The flock of crows ended, the German pilots jumped out into the space above the Krasnogvardeisky field and it began.
  An entire army rushed towards the German squadron, and here, in fact, there was aviation from several air armies of the USSR. A huge armada of aircraft of all types, but most of all the Yakov and a few less Laggs.
  Friedrich opened fire from a distance of more than six kilometers. He again plunged into streams of wild trance, when you don"t aim, but your fingers keep pressing automatically. When there are no longer considerations, thoughts, the body seems to be yours, but you are already like a puppet of unknown forces... And that means the flesh is not yours, but the spirit of the underworld - unclean, evil forces...
  Well, and in the head of the terminator boy, the song began to sound several times:
  Among friends, but at the same time secluded,
  Captured by suffering, sorrowful worries!
  Our world is so tired of abuse,
  Neither expanse nor beauty is visible!
  Where have you brought us - evil evil devil?
  When an evil demon controls an army!
  We certainly want military glory,
  Although at heart I am a vile parasite!
  Such emptiness in the extinguished spirit,
  There's no way around the quagmire!
  And death, this stake to the ruthless old woman,
  What collects tribute in Holy Rus'!
  Simple understanding does not shine,
  Everything is in the web, limitless power!
  The desire to live in the earthly abode,
  Tasting sweetness, joy, happiness with your sweetheart!
  But fate sent his son to war,
  Where we had to forget about peace!
  No need to curse Satan for this,
  We ourselves didn"t want anything else!
  I'm cutting through the whirlwind onto the plane,
  Having performed a twist, and the signature move!
  Believe me, the fighter of the Fatherland did not die,
  Let's play a funeral march for the scum!
  The enemy is numerous, strong,
  Cars, fighters, missiles!
  We will smash the hellish Wehrmacht to pieces,
  Russia's exploits will be glorified!
  Communism will come to Earth, I believe,
  We will live happily - I know for sure!
  The executioner of people - fascism, will crumble,
  Victory will be in kindness, the light of May!
  Fatherland, swift flight,
  It gave us a holy life!
  The anthem of the Motherland sings in our hearts,
  After all, I fight fiercely for her!
  And I believe a bright time will come,
  There will be no murders, old age will disappear into the abyss!
  The race will develop without edge,
  The top will rush to the achievements of the lines!
  And so that we can bring the time closer;
  Then you need to fight like a soldier of Rus'!
  So that it reaches everyone who is not a moron,
  That Russians always know how to fight!
  A good patriotic song sounded in Friedrich"s head, but his treacherous hands and feet did the exact opposite. Namely, they sent shells to Soviet aircraft of all types and brands. The Soviet pilots tried to get closer and start a fight... Volka, having shot more than fifty vehicles on the move, made a turn and avoided the shots and the ramming attempt (he cut off this kamikaze with short machine-gun bursts). Then the young ace"s plane shifted, and being in a combat trance, the boy fired a lot of air cannons. It greatly mowed down a number of Soviet fighters emerging from the rear.
  Here Friedrich himself almost got rammed, but managed to slide into the line of fire and continue to exterminate his opponents. This time, the twin-engine "Pawns" became his victims. An aphorism flashed through the boys" heads (pawns are also not nuts, future queens!). Helga squeaked into the radio:
  - Oh, dear mommy! How they press!
  Friedrich, performing an incomplete loop, cut off Soviet fighters from a great distance trying to get behind Helga. One of them was "Shopkeeper" (Lagg-5), had a big red star on the fuselage... This means a hero of the USSR. The girl herself, on an assault modification of the Fokken-Wulf, fired at the tanks of Rotmistrov"s army approaching the German positions. And at the same time she hit quite accurately, diving successfully.
  Friedrich was still fighting with enemy planes, mentally thanking the supplies for the increase in ammunition. He even managed to plant a traitor terminator into a T-34-85 tank, choosing the commander"s one (this can be seen from the antennas, which, despite the dust and distance, Friedrich"s sharp eyes easily saw!).
  The hatch cover was hit by three shells at once and the tank stopped...
  It was also hot below, the vanguard of the Fifth Guards Tank Army had already rolled towards the SS grenadiers and parts of the Second Corps.
  The first Soviet vehicles rolled into the anti-tank ditch, and their speed slowed down. The rapid-fire cannons of the Tigers-5 and Panthers-5 rained down on them. This is where the new Germans are strong: fighting at a distance; in order to gain an advantage over them, Soviet tanks had to engage in close combat. Set up a landfill... But the tactical decision was inaccurate, to tear through the open field where ditches had been dug, to meet the machines waiting for the "prey". Yes, and not to fall en masse at the same time?
  True, the Soviet Ils, despite significant losses, still broke through, like a small boxer diving under a giant"s jam, towards enemy tanks, causing damage, including with small bombs. True, on some "Tigers"-5 they stood on top of the net, but for many vehicles, the German infantry was forced to install protection literally on the move.
  Frederick thought that if the Russians had delivered a more concentrated attack, they would have had a much higher chance of getting a "lot of money" and an advantageous close fight.
  The ramming by the red pilots continued, but for example against the very nimble Salamander-3, this tactic did not bear the expected fruit. The losses of German aviation increased, as, indeed, to an even greater extent of Soviet ones. But this was no longer an unrequited battle. Many Soviet pilots had decent experience, it was not for nothing that they covered Moscow, so the Nazis suffered a lot.
  Friedrich, whose instincts were incredibly sharp, always avoided hits and intuitively hit the most dangerous Soviet fighters. Trying to knock out the leaders. He did it, and it worked without misfires. By the way, there was an emptiness in my head, and a lack of perception of the battle as such. The body reacted, the targets were caught, there were no misses. Several times it even got to the tanks.
  And many hundreds, if not thousands of aircraft of all types flashed and flickered before our eyes. For example, Huffman on his He-362... He fights in a special way, speed, the jerk of a jet car, and debris is flying in all directions... And the Russians are not bad either... But where is Kozhedub, it"s time to cut off the power... Friedrich is moving at a minimum, now there is no need to turn, hit sparingly, but only, moving slightly from defeat..
  The ammunition is running out, as is the fuel in the tanks, and impressive reinforcements are arriving from the German positions. The Salamanders, and even a few formidable Me-362s, are the first to enter the battle, followed by the rest of Hitler"s gang. Again, rolling forward... Soviet planes also begin to retreat. They are running out of fuel, and their losses have exceeded all conceivable and inconceivable limits. Friedrich returns and asks Helga:
  - Everything is fine?
  The girl answers:
  - The plane is on the move! I knocked out six tanks and one fighter...
  Friedrich whistled:
  - Yes, you surpassed even me in the number of destroyed tanks. I personally destroyed only five cars with muzzles!
  Helga giggled.
  - How many planes?
  - Airplanes? - Numbers flashed in Friedrich"s head... - Exactly three hundred and one! New world record. What an achievement...
  Helga exclaimed:
  - You're just a knight! No, soon the god of destruction. The great Kali himself... Universal fighter!
  Friedrich politely corrected:
  - Actually, Kali is not a god, but a goddess of evil. That is, a woman, although a very revered and popular deity in Hinduism. Many temples have been built for her and prayers are offered to her.
  The boy suddenly noticed that he had severely scratched his knee on the lever. And he swore:
  - Damn it! It was not worth making a turn in such a heavily armed vehicle.
  Helga said with concern:
  - And your next flight is without me?
  Friedrich readily confirmed:
  - Yes, your Fokken will still be refueled and charged, but mine is already standing ready. Just don"t say it, just take care of yourself!
  Helga stated decisively:
  - No! My advice to you is to fight and fight as best you can... If at all possible.
  The planes landed and Friedrich ran to the next car. The selected combination of the Me-362 and the assault F -490 was optimal for the superass of all times.
  Friedrich, feeling the sharp, rough pedals of the Fokken-Wulf-4 with his bare feet, began to push the speed and sing along:
  - I'm flying to battle! I will trample the creature into dust!
  The battle at Krasnogvardeysk continued. In addition to the tanks of Rotmistrov"s army itself, one hundred and fifty Soviet vehicles, taken from the southern flank and the Kashirnsky region of the Soviet front, also arrived at the battlefield. True, only the first batch of cars has arrived so far. Soviet aviation also did not think of giving up, but was not yet particularly active.
  Frederick set to work on the tanks, using his guns specially created for this purpose. In his opinion, the caliber 37 millimeters was still optimally suited for this purpose. For example, Rudel, with such guns, without any combat trance, destroyed, or rather, what is more fair, knocked out 534 tanks throughout the war. But there was an ordinary person, not Friedrich. The boy remembered how his father told his mother that the combined effect on the child carried in the womb, in addition to the manifestation of phenomenal abilities as puberty progresses, can turn the offspring into a psychopath...
  Maybe his combat trance, and this warrior"s superpower, is also a consequence of an influence, the nature of which is unknown to him.
  But here come the tanks, for the pilot their movements seem slow, and even more so for Friedrich. The young ace began to hit offhand from a horizontal plane. It just shoots and hits. Flashes of light from small explosions, hatches broken through. Many cars catch fire in this case, since the gas tanks are located in the fighting compartment. And destruction, the barrel of the T-34 flew off like the tongue of a slingshot.
  Often the shells hit caused the detonation of the ammunition. And this in turn...
  Friedrich did not think about such trifles, he watched the picture when, having suffered heavy losses and realizing the futility of attempts to break through, the guards tanks moved around the ditches dug by the Soviet people.
  But even here an unpleasant surprise awaited them. Two dozen "Super Ferdinands" managed to approach. They, unfortunately, had stronger driving characteristics, thanks to the use of American engines.
  Soviet vehicles were walking across an open field, which meant that the legendary fighters could strike from just three kilometers away. Of course, the "Superferdinands" missed, but the high rate of fire of the anti-aircraft guns allowed them to hit quite often. In addition, the field was heavily dug up and plowed with shells, and the T-34-85 could not gain speed. But they still moved like a shaft during an eruption. And the Panthers-5 and nimble American Witches-5, high-speed tank destroyers, rushed to the aid of the Ferdinand-4.
  Friedrich tried to knock out (purely subconsciously) the commanders. Even my fingers were cramped from tension. And there were fruits! The young terminator, from a horizontal projection, knocked out forty-two T-34 tanks, three KV-s, and two Su-122. There could have been three more cars, but they were distracted by a raid by Soviet fighters, and most importantly attack aircraft. Friedrich began to fire a 37-millimeter air cannon and two 20-millimeter cannons (also quite devastating if you hit a light or a gas tank or an engine) using them.
  There are twenty-seven aircraft in total, and there are eighteen Ilovs... Not bad, considering the importance of each tank, even those damaged in this stubborn battle... Several T-34-85s accelerated and finally broke through to close range. Now the lightly armored American "Witches"-5 burst into flames.
  Friedrich saw Hans-Ulrich Rudel's attack aircraft. This long-famous ace, it seems, also decided to replace the Stuka with the stronger and faster Fokken-Wulf-5. His torch emblem is known to everyone. He asked Frederick:
  - How are you doing, Angel of Death!
  Terminator Boy replied:
  - Things are in the Gestapo, but I have accomplishments!
  Rudel assured:
  - And I"m doing well! But how do you manage to shoot so accurately and quickly, and even from a horizontal plane?
  The ace boy, laughing, answered or even sang:
  - I know for sure that everything impossible is possible! Find the diamond of the kings of the Earth in running water!
  - It"s okay, I"ll catch up to thirty by the end of the day! - Rudel promised.
  Return, replacement of the aircraft, and again the original Me-362, an aircraft that, apart from bullet holes on the wings, received no damage under Volka"s leadership. And of course the tank battle...
  It was hot on Krasgvardeisky. Columns of the Fifth Guards Army and brigades removed from other fronts pulled up. Reinforcements also crawled up to the Germans, including a dozen American tank destroyers, the latest M-18s with 110-mm cannons. These vehicles were not inferior in destructive power to the Tiger-5 cannons, caliber 105, and even beat the T-34 better, since they were less prone to ricochet. The gun itself is also made from a converted American anti-aircraft gun, which means it is fast-firing. Only the armor is weaker than the German ones, but still 186 millimeters is enough to hold a projectile in the forehead. Moreover, the T-34-85 is often smeared while on the move.
  Friedrich, still at a distance, felt the approaching tsunami of a new wave of Red Army aircraft. This means that while there is no time for the tanks, which are almost locked together tightly, it is better to let the attack aircraft take care of them. Among them, by the way, you can see very heavily armed and armored Non-329s. Both attack aircraft and tank destroyers are strong. Especially with 88-mm Ra-44 cannons, which penetrate not only the roof of the tank, but also the forehead. Only in aerial combat, this machine, to put it mildly, is not as versatile as the "work mare" Fokken-Wulf.
  Among the attack aircraft, Friedrich noticed Helga's plane. Well, of course, back in action.
  The terminator boy, descending slightly along the way, we will cut three tanks and a self-propelled gun-76, sang:
  - We'll have a show! Simply the highest super class!
  . CHAPTER No. 18.
  Helga answered readily:
  - Of course I believe you! I didn"t give my heart to the beast! The answer will be given to you - do you believe it or not?
  Instead of answering, Friedrich began firing from a long distance from below... And then gaining altitude.
  There were quite a lot of Soviet aircraft, but still fewer than the first time. The Luftwaffe pilots felt quite confident, like a first-grader who beat an annoying peer in an unfamiliar school and was literally overwhelmed with strength.
  The Soviet pilots became more cunning, and having come under attack, they immediately split into groups, trying to pull the Germans towards themselves. Frederick attacked them, climbing the hill. For him, however, the enemy"s refusal to launch a direct attack only made the tactics easier. But other German fighters went into battle.
  Friedrich noted in annoyance that the Non-362s were usually ahead of him. But it"s okay, from a long distance of several kilometers, no one knows how to cut down anyway.
  And "Salamanders"-3, just like children"s paper airplanes, jump, jump like a shark on the waves, and they themselves get...
  Friedrich chose his victim, the command plane, and did not have time to think about how this plane was shot down. The boy drew a moral:
  - You can lose in a war, unlike in sports, once, but you can win in a war, unlike in a game, endlessly! However, only the loser"s pieces fly off the board; the winner places even previously downed combat units on the board!
  However, the fight was also felt in the field. For example, Wittmann is already quite a seasoned tank ace, he fought on the Tiger. He and the gunner also missed quite often, although the tank turned around easily. Gunner Schleich barely had time to wipe the sweat from his face. This steel monster has already been hit in the forehead several times, but so far it has been a ricochet. Wittmann screamed at the top of his lungs:
  - Let them closer, don"t be nervous, or...
  The impressions of a participant in the battle, Deputy Chief of Staff of the 31st Tank Brigade, who recently became a Hero of the Soviet Union, Grigory Penezhko, also spoke about the human condition in those terrible conditions. ... Heavy images remained in front of my mental images... There was such a roar that the eardrums were pressed, blood flowed from the ears. The continuous roar of engines, the clanging of metal, the roar, the explosions of shells, the wild rattle of torn iron... From point-blank shots, turrets collapsed, guns twisted, armor burst, tanks exploded.
  The impenetrable heavy Patton-3, they tried to take the Soviet T-34-85 almost point-blank. He snarled, the shielded armor bulged. "Witches"-4 slipped through and tried to use the maneuver themselves. As if it were a horse army of ancient knights that were about to defeat each other. Often both tanks fired point blank and blew each other up.
  Shots into the gas tanks instantly set the tanks on fire. The hatches opened and the tank crews tried to get out. Grigory saw a young lieutenant, half burned, hanging on the armor. Wounded, he could not get out of the hatch. And so he died. There was no one around to help him. The soldiers lost the sense of time, did not feel thirst, heat, or even blows in the cramped cabin of the tank. One thought, one desire - while you are alive, beat the enemy. Soviet tank crews, who got out of their wrecked vehicles, searched the field for enemy crews, who were also left without equipment, and beat them with pistols, grappling hand-to-hand.
  An image in the style of surrealism of a captain who, in some kind of frenzy, climbed onto the armor of a damaged German Tiger-5 and hit the hatch with a machine gun in order to "smoke out" the Nazis from there. The commander of the tank company, Chertorizhsky, acted very bravely. He knocked out, through the whirlwind of shells, breaking into the side of the enemy "Tiger"-5, but he himself was hit. Jumping out of the car, the tankers put out the fire. And they went into battle again.
  Helga's last shell pierced the roof of Grigory Penezhko's tank. The shell hit the gas tank and everything burst into flames. The flames scorched the Soviet tank crews, forcing them to jump out of the hatches. But Grigory himself, who was wounded, did not have time to jump out... He burned alive, understanding in nature what the underworld is...
  Friedrich, seeing that the enemy aircraft had already wised up and was trying to fly away using a combined action, attacked the tanks himself... Indeed, the Germans had a hard time, although the most heavily armed British Challenger tanks entered the battle (the crews are also from the sons of Britain and shoot extremely accurately!) .
  Friedrich is full of demonic energy and excitement, he is ready to single-handedly sweep away everything and everyone, even if he has to fight an entire tank army, and even more so an air army. But we have to return, fuel and ammunition are running out, for this, we take off, shooting down fifty-seven aircraft and knocking out thirty-one tanks and six self-propelled guns, plus two more armored personnel carriers, three Katyushas, four Andryushas, cars that tried to go to the rear .
  Helga remarked:
  - The Russians have a song about women in our villages! And we have not only fighting women, but men, what we need!
  Friedrich agreed:
  - Our men are all right, but women are better!
  Helga said slyly:
  - A woman wins by shedding tears, a man wins by making them shed!
  Friedrich, baring his teeth, remarked:
  - Since we are making jokes, it means everything is not so bad today!
  On the next flight you have to fly alone... Well, if that"s the case, then there"s no point in being discouraged... It"s really hot in the Fokken-Wulf with an air-cooled engine. It"s very hot, the engine, plus the sun, plus little time to cool down. Friedrich himself was even surprised how he had not yet collapsed under such a savage load. After all, it"s elementary... all the insides are eaten away...
  The Soviet tanks were completely depleted... Nevertheless, reinforcements arrived to the Germans again, and almost all the attack aircraft were thrown into battle... But Rotmistrov also received reinforcements... The same tanks from another front.
  But the air is much calmer, although separate batches of fighters or attack aircraft appear.
  Friedrich repeats his previous proven tactics; he already knows that it will not let him down. And the Germans...
  A regrouping is also taking place, since most of the Soviet tanks have already been destroyed, then we can try to attack ourselves... Wittmann gloomily remarked:
  - Eight tanks were knocked out... Good for one day, but bad for such a day...
  The gunner corrected:
  - Actually twelve...
  Wittman interrupted:
  - Four destroyed vehicles when the Russians climbed through a deep anti-tank ditch don"t count! It was elementary. And the ammunition needs to be replenished...
  But the Soviet tanks rushed forward again when the attack aircraft especially began to get at them. In particular, Friedrich, who fired fifty-five shells, of which forty-nine T-34 tanks and six self-propelled guns. And it took him five and a half minutes... That"s how the battle was... Of course, it could have been longer... Friedrich thought, why would he fire from two cannons at the same time? And One is enough... In the meantime...
  Helga met him at the airport, kissed him so hotly on his lips and whispered:
  - This is the embodiment of chivalry - Don Quixote!
  - What did you say? - Friedrich lost his temper.
  The girl immediately corrected herself:
  - Sorry little wolf... I wanted to say Lancelot!
  The ace boy snapped:
  - Then that"s another matter! After all, Don Quixote is a parody of a knight. A kind of ridicule of stupid chivalry and selfless nobility!
  Helga agreed:
  - In general, I understand this! But...
  Friedrich interrupted the girl:
  - On planes quickly!
  Soviet tank crews and pilots seem to have made a last attempt to turn the tide of an extremely unsuccessful battle. General Gotha, as an experienced commander who had already thoroughly studied Russian tactics, was in no hurry to attack, but even leaned back slightly in order to fully exploit the advantage in firepower. And of course, in booking. This is the tactic of a tall boxer who retreats in front of a short one, works as number two, but does not allow the short pinscher to close the distance and gain an advantage. Well, Rotmistrov has no other choice! Either attack or die! The latter is better, although both can easily be combined!
  Well, Friedrich also has to fight with aviation... It"s also a battle, and the enemy is brave...
  But first, the terminator boy shot fifteen attacking T-34-85 tanks. So ethereal in one burst...
  Helga exclaimed:
  - You are the emperor of the air! This is how the Third Reich may be glorified!
  Frederick answered her:
  - And he is already famous! And there is no need to praise!
  Helga yelled:
  - And you glorify him even more!
  - Will try! - Friedrich growled.
  He fell back into an ultra-combat trance. Strange thoughts were spinning in the boy's head. For example, what will happen to him after the victory of the Third Reich? Of course, the patronage of the emperor's wife will provide him with the highest position, and his son will become the heir to the Great Empire. Exciting prospects! And the Russians, finally, learned order and discipline to which even the bloody Georgian Stalin could not teach them.
  Although, of course, victory is still far away... Or maybe the fighter can take it and turn it, crashing into the Fritz. Kill several dozen fascist vehicles like this and return to the USSR as a hero?
  But will this help him if the war heroes who escaped from captivity are shot, and... Stalin doesn"t trust anyone at all, he said that he doesn"t have a son, Yakovlev! So he, Friedrich, can no longer go back... Especially after what he did... He could have fled to the USSR right away, when he was just given the Stuka. They would have forgiven the boy... Well, maybe they would have sent him to penal battalions, and if he had also shot down some of the Nazis... Yes, he had a chance to return... But now, in the USSR, they will not spare him, he has become too bloody...
  Friedrich thought, why didn"t he go over to the side of the Soviets? Well, okay, he joined the Hitler Jugent when he found himself in the center of Berlin; at that time he had no other opportunity for survival. But why did he kill the commissars? He could have simply turned it off... Why did a wild beast suddenly awaken in him... Not even a beast, because animals usually kill to eat or because of hunger. Man turned murder into fun, becoming worse than a tiger...
  What happened to him that murder began to bring joy, and the desire to rise in the Third Reich and make a career consumed his entire being? Who did he become? Why did he lose his sense of patriotism and affection for his people?
  However, does he really have one? Here is the same General Vlasov or Boris Alekseevich Smyslovsky. Here, too, was a strange personality, who seemed to be an exemplary representative of the noble corps of Tsarist Russia. And he had to go over to the side of Hitler and other fascists. Officer of the Russian Imperial Army, captain. After the Civil War he was interned in Poland, then emigrated to Germany. Entered service in the German army. From 1928 to 1932 he studied at the Higher Courses at the Military Department (General Staff Academy) of the Reichswehr. During World War II he took an active part in the formation of Russian volunteer units. He believed that the Germans could contribute to the restoration of Russia: "The victory of the German armies should lead us to Moscow and gradually transfer power into our hands. The Germans, even after the partial defeat of Soviet Russia, will have to fight against the Anglo- Saxon world for a long time. Time will work in our favor, and they will have no time for us. Our importance as an ally will increase, and we will have complete freedom of political action."
  The boy"s head was filled with what he had read earlier on the Internet... Quite by accident, his gaze glanced over the page of the reference book - "collaborators of Nazism are a disgrace to the nation!"
  True, at the same time I never collaborated with General A. A. Vlasov, since I did not share either his views or his plan of action, but I personally met with him three times, mainly on instructions from the German General Staff.
  Friedrich interrupted his thoughts... Eighty-three Soviet planes were shot down, and the last shells are already being planted in the tanks, and it is already possible to return... What a bastard he is... How he has sunk... Bloody whore! The eyes immediately became wet... Salty droplets of tears flowed down the smooth boyish cheeks... How bitter, at least shoot yourself!
  Upon his return, the sight of a tired but cheerful Helga immediately lifted his spirits, and he again rushed into battle... He is a warrior, after all! This means he was born to win, and whose nation is weaker, he is not friends with it!
  Helga suddenly remarked:
  - Why were you crying?
  Friedrich shook his head:
  - My eyes are already watering from fatigue! What a battle! I haven"t closed my eyes for six days now! And before that I hardly slept!
  Helga consoled:
  - The boiler will close and we"ll sleep a little... There"s only a little time left. Just a little before victory!
  Flight on Fokken-Wulfach-4, enemy aircraft are not visible, and there is little left of the tanks. But even those that exist need to be finished off.
  Helga whispers into the radio:
  - Well, give them! Just like that, twisting the figure eight!
  Friedrich chuckles:
  - Spinning eight is better than getting six on your shoulder straps!
  The girl, having hit the car in a dive, barked:
  - No, it"s impossible to imagine you as a six. You show the breed of a king.
  All that was left of the Fifth Guards Army were horns and legs. Now Gotha also gave the order to advance, especially since it was already evening, the time had passed well after dinner and darkness began to approach.
  More than one thousand one hundred damaged and destroyed Soviet tanks remained on the battlefield, and about three hundred German tanks received some damage. Of these, approximately sixty-five cars were in no case subject to restoration.
  And Friedrich, leaving his girlfriend to sleep on a cot, was still flying. This time it was redirected to suppress artillery. Rotmistov"s desperate march distracted part of the forces of Mainshein"s army, and they advanced no more than twelve kilometers during the day and evening. Night fell, but the stormtroopers were still working. The pilots just changed.
  Once again Friedrich encountered U-2 night bombers. The cars flew almost close to the ground - low level flight. They would have had a chance to get through with such a disguise, but in this situation the devilish instinct of the young terminator came into play.
  In addition, Friedrich suddenly became very ashamed of his tears, and he became furious... Even the boy"s look changed. And completely different words, a different song rushed through my head;
  Anger spreads through the body like a fiery wave,
  It"s impossible to understand this matter and what"s wrong with me now!
  Now the underworld has revealed all the darkness in the soul,
  I want palaces - my sweetheart and paradise in a hut are not enough for me!
  And how it all happened, even God doesn"t know,
  I became a traitorous scumbag, but for now I"m dead!
  Where is this revelation from, who gave birth to it,
  I draw inspiration from the cup - powerful forces!
  The Devil dragged us into a net, throwing us into a vicious circle,
  It just so happened that I got caught in the net!
  But I will tear off the web, and I will accept God in my heart,
  Just don"t curse the heavenly moon!
  And I know this for sure: brothers in arms!
  Oh give me a chance holy Lord,
  My nature, you are treason and vileness!
  I wanted flesh, to save only flesh,
  And he ended up in the abyss, where wisdom fell asleep!
  The fascist said: you serve us -
  You will receive land, money, titles and recognition!
  But if you give up your soul,
  And this is the worst punishment in the world!
  But I'm a weakling, I'm in trouble,
  And he destroyed the living things in himself, his honor and conscience!
  So be it, it's a hard fact
  After all, it"s not a novel, just a story!
  What should I do, way back;
  There"s nothing left and now it"s at least your neck in a noose!
  But the demon said, stop the mess,
  Believe us, I do not accept such cowardice!
  Friedrich finished this "vocal", knocking down the "ears" and then he felt extreme fatigue... And what has already blossomed, which means a new day has come, July 11th. And he"s been on his feet for seven days...
  After landing, the boy barely managed to run to the bed and immediately fell off;
  The dream turned out to be very tense... Friedrich dreamed that he was a student and was listening to a lecture. Moreover, the gigantic teacher tells it with such enthusiasm and fervor that you involuntarily listen. There we are talking about Russia's long-time historical enemy, the United States. It seems that his homeland has finally come up with a worthy weapon of retribution;
  -You should know that the Pentagon army has deployed its best strike forces in the fight against our desire to break the path to other worlds. I sent a telegram to the NATO military, where I stated that I was not going to seize land, that I was conducting peaceful research aimed at the benefit of all mankind. They did not heed my message, they measure everyone according to their dubious and selfish scale of values. These megalomaniac scum think they can control all of humanity. They think that if they have a manic passion for capture and destruction, then other representatives of other worlds should have the same animal passion.
  The speaker paused and listened to a generous wave of applause. And Volka also clapped vigorously for him, although he did not like to acknowledge authority. Well, the mighty giant continued:
  - I am not an animal or a predator, but I am capable and intend to defend myself, the good of my civilization depends on my struggle, and if my enemies and the enemies of my civilization intend to attack, then I intend to defend myself. I will destroy those who stand between me and freedom. Those who have almost enslaved humanity, considering themselves a higher nation, not under the jurisdiction of people, will face retribution. I have already given a nickel to a group of oligarchs, I will show them an example of a person capable of fighting, and not going under the ax like a submissive sheep. We all must unite, because this is our common cause, because on Earth, soon there will be nothing to breathe. Now to the point. To defeat the American and NATO fleets, we need large, unlimited energy reserves, fundamentally new weapons, and we have them. To many, even the best of you, the hydrogen bomb seems like the ultimate in perfection. Many, even the best of you, assume that there are no other more powerful ways to obtain energy, with the possible exception of annihilation, which may be difficult to implement. You all know thermonuclear reactions, the fusion of hydrogen atoms and the formation of helium. Well, and other elements, including iron. Nuclear fusion has been providing light to stars for billions of years. And to many of you it seems unlikely that it is possible to carry out fundamentally new synthesis reactions: practically non-existent in nature. Many of you are full of stereotypical thoughts that if a reaction does not exist in nature, then it cannot exist in principle. What an absurd delusion, the science of supercivilizations provides a way to obtain gigantic masses of energy on a scale and in reactions that do not exist in nature. You already know the existence of quarks: mini-particles that make up elementary particles. Even your science has discovered hundreds of elementary particles. Besides them, which your science has also recorded, there are particles of various types, many of which seem strange to you, or even superfluous. You are amazed by the diversity of quarks, which is difficult to explain in the usual logical way. Just recently, your scientists discovered particles called preons, the particles that make up quarks, and you were not able to get to them and study them properly. Well, you haven"t managed to extract even quarks from the nucleus yet. Well, what kind of energy can be obtained through their fusion or fission: immeasurable even in comparison with a thermonuclear reaction. Even with the modern, rather low level of earthly science, there are theoretical calculations that show that the smaller the particle, the more energy it extracts. This suggests that if one were able to master such energy, then one would be able to obtain an almost unlimited source of energy resources. However, not a single earthly scientist has been able to not only recreate the reaction of the fusion of microparticles, but even extract a free quark from the nucleus.
  Even getting a free, unbound quark is not yet possible. What is the reason that reactions involving the rupture or fusion of ultralight particles have not yet been possible, not only to be repeated, but even to be recorded in nature. The reason lies in this: this is why the thermonuclear reaction is so difficult that it is figuratively even called a hero with very short arms. In order to cause a thermonuclear reaction, you need the energy of an atomic bomb; to explode an atomic bomb, you need ordinary explosives. In order to cause a quark fusion reaction, the reaction of an explosion of a thermonuclear charge is not enough; its power is not enough for the reaction, which is why superheavy quarks are not found in nature. There is no intermediate step, a step that separates and classifies the reactions within atomic synthesis. In thermonuclear fusion there are steps one after another, which increase in terms of energy released. A reaction that releases much more energy than a thermonuclear explosion, and which is extremely rare: the annihilation reaction. It comes from the contact of matter and antimatter. It is rare in nature, extremely rare, because there is almost no antimatter in the real world. The annihilation reaction is rare in nature; there is no intermediate step between the fusion reaction of elements and the thermonuclear reaction. The crux of the problem is that antimatter itself is not made from simple matter. Within our visible system, we cannot observe it. But if you moved in space and found yourself at the junction of universes, on the border of the world and the anti-world, then you would see how the process of annihilation proceeds on a large scale. The crux of the problem turned out to be obtaining a sufficient amount of antimatter, that is, matter that could not exist in the real world. It would constantly come into contact with real ordinary matter, it would have to annihilate or explode, just as two separately safe chemical elements explode upon contact. Protons, neutrons, electrons, in contact with positrons, antineutrons, antielectrons, would turn into photons and other particles rushing in different directions. Their expansion speed is colossal and exceeds the speed of light. Yes, during large-scale annihilation, particles go above light speed, moving away from each other. Anti matter is difficult to obtain in a simple way, by accelerating particles in accelerators. The result obtained in this way will never justify the costs. And yet, experimentally, an effective way to produce antimatter on a large scale was found. Its essence is that the probability of obtaining antimatter, like matter, is approximately the same, which means that the difference between antimatter and ordinary matter is not great and not much energy is required to change the polarity of matter. This can be done using not so strong radiation from a special field and a wave of a special nature. In addition to quarks, preons, there are creons, resons, forcons, ryumons, chorodons, romons, etc. Radiation at a special telepathic level changes the structure of matter at the creon-reson level, only slightly changing, shifting the structure of the arrangement of microparticles. The discovery of special waves revolutionized science and society. But whose radiation, what level could change the type of matter, transferring it to a qualitatively new level, changing the characteristics of the substance. A new type of radiation was discovered during the study of human abilities, his extraordinary abilities. We Hitlernators mastered extra abilities before other nations and peoples. New telepathic radiation penetrated through lead and even denser solid supermaterials, which in itself indicated a different system and a different range of radiation. Even with your level of science and civilization, radiation exists and has been created that exceeds the speed of light. From radioactive radiation, Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Beta rays move slightly faster than the speed of light, and with Gamma-AS radiation, the speed of light is almost one and a half times higher. On planet Earth, the radiation of Klekon and Dare waves has already been experimentally discovered, which exceeds the speed of light twice as much. True, for now they are generated in microdoses, without even knowing about the prospects. I will say more that there is a direct connection between the speed of radiation and its ability to penetrate matter. The shorter the wavelength, the higher the penetrating power, the higher the speed of the radiation. Gamma rays only pass a centimeter of lead and are attenuated by half. For Klekon and Dare radiations, the penetrating power is even higher. Extra-range radiations, be it aura, teleportation, telekinesis, telepathy, cyberkinesis, tormokinesis, plasmakinesis, have the highest speed and all-penetrating range. That is, it is in the so-called spiritual superstructure that lies the key to controlling the worlds, to mastering unprecedented forms of energy. The newest forms of energy open the way to the newest forms of measurements, measurements of the microworld that are able to penetrate and be realized in the macroworld, transferring measurements between micro-fundamental particles into the real world, the so-called rolling of space. A new type of energy will give a new weapon, emit Zet-56 rays and crush the aggressor"s armada into powder. Now I could explain in more detail the essence of the new energy and describe in detail how it arises, as well as the effect of the merger, but we have already been given an ultimatum. These gorillas are trying to frighten us, but even if we capitulate, they are not able to refuse the temptation to plow the island and iron it with bombs and volleys of heavy guns. If there is no military action, then why did the Yankees assemble such an armada? They need an act of intimidation, an example for the whole world. Your lives depend on me too. I will teach the aggressor a lesson that he will remember for the rest of his life, and whoever remains alive will envy the dead!
  At this phrase, Friedrich"s sleep was interrupted. He opened his eyes frantically. Helga stood in front of him and held a bouquet of flowers in her hands, and in the toes of her bare, girlish feet was clutched a rose, with which she tenderly tickled the boy"s bare, pink heel.
  - Well, then sprinkle yourself. It's time for lunch!
  Friedrich jumped up and immediately sucked in his stomach... Bah, he had eaten almost nothing for a week. I only drank fortified chocolate diluted with water. The boy looked at the sun and was surprised:
  - It"s strange, I lay there for about five hours, but it seems much less. I didn"t even have time to finish listening to the most interesting lecture about new weapons!
  Helga giggled.
  - About new weapons? Yes, when great warriors fight, the oldest technology allows them to defeat everyone. But first, eat some fish soup. A couple of girls, your fans, were prepared especially for you. Eat and new strength will come.
  Friedrich happily began to eat the fish soup, which seemed to him the most delicious dish on planet Earth. The boy emptied the pot and felt a heaviness in his stomach. But despite this, he cheerfully jumped up and rushed to the car.
  - Well, Helga, let's fight again!
  The girl playfully replied:
  - Yes, how!
  And now the reliable horse Me-362, together with the inseparable satellite Fokken-Wulf-4, is again tormenting the atmosphere with its propellers. And what about war is like war. Frederick asked Helga:
  - What is your favorite pastime, other than fighting?
  The girl chuckled subtly and replied:
  - It"s hard to even say! Although you know. I was interested in wood carving. Such beautiful patterns turned out... And I also tried to write fantastic stories. Only when I wrote a couple, everyone started laughing at me. And I felt so ashamed that I stopped composing them. Do you know how unpleasant it is when they laugh at you!
  Friedrich agreed:
  - Yes, I understand! Although now I am at the pinnacle of fame! But as soon as I die, I almost...
  Helga interrupted:
  - No! Believe me, they won"t forget! I think the air army, or one of the conquered eastern cities, will be named after you. Or maybe a street in Berlin!
  Friedrich laughed:
  - Yes, you consoled me!
  Helga added quite seriously:
  - Maybe they will even approve an order in aviation with your portrait. Firstly, you have such a sweet face, and secondly, your result, already more than twenty thousand five hundred enemy aircraft, is unlikely to be surpassed by anyone!
  Frederick also objected quite seriously:
  - No, they can surpass it if the war with the USSR drags on for a very long time, or if they still have to deal with yesterday"s allies. So everything is possible... But in principle, it is possible to reach a thousand planes! And what can I do even this!
  The conversation was interrupted, a small squadron of enemy fighters flew ahead, and then we had to take up the guns in earnest.
  Despite the extreme fatigue and exhaustion of Hitler"s army, the victory at Krasnogvardeisky inspired the Krauts and the multi-tribal pack to new exploits.
  The Nazis did not dare to attack Moscow, and launched an attack on the city of Pavlovsky Posad, located to the east, and the fortified areas adjacent to it.
  Soviet soldiers, otherwise it could not have fought courageously, but by evening the corridor between the German wedges had narrowed so much that it was already shot right through.
  Friedrich and Helga again had to take on the tanks, which were trying to counterattack and plug the gap. And then they showed themselves and it was great. The young man managed to exceed five hundred in tanks! And this is generally an ultra-class achievement!
  Friedrich really felt joy that he was so cool! That he is the best warrior of all time means the class of classes! And what does it feel like for him to be taller and cooler than everyone else! Friedrich is Wolf, which means a wolf!
  It was already dark, and the battle still had not died down. German columns both from the north, where the hordes of the famous Rommel were rushing, and from the south, where Mainstein Lane, besieged the city of Pavlovsky Posad. Already at midnight, Gotha tanks and, first of all, several Ferdinand-4s, burst into the outskirts of this village... But they were forced to stop. Then Gotha gave the order to bypass the most stubborn defense units. At two o'clock in the morning, east of Pavlovsky Posad, parts of the second SS corps and the first tank corps, also from the USSR, came out to meet each other. So on the night of October 12, 1947, a blockade ring closed around the Moscow military group!
  . CHAPTER No. 19.
  On the morning of October 13, 1947, Friedrich fought, as always, selflessly and skillfully. His faithful flying steed was rushing for heights, and the engine, despite the fact that the boy forced it more than once, worked without failures...
  The resistance of the Soviet troops noticeably weakened... The Nazis did not yet dare to attack Moscow, which had been turned into an impregnable fortress, but were moving towards the east. In Pavlovsky Posad, fighting was still in full swing; the fascist commanders quite reasonably refused to use tanks within the city limits, throwing Romanians, Italians, Arabs, Indians and other foreign units into the assault.
  Friedrich took part in two or three small air skirmishes, and without difficulty, cut down about a dozen aircraft. Other targets were ground: guns, howitzers, mortars, Katyushas and, if lucky, tanks.
  The latter, in other respects, did not occur often. It looks like the councils are running out of steam. By noon, when the steaminess of October became unbearable, there was a brief lull and Frederick, or as he was officially called Frederick the Great, Bismarck, was summoned to Smolensk.
  The young Terminator ace looked very happy and cheerful. Although Friedrich was very bitter and ashamed of his betrayal, the prospect of receiving fascist awards made the boy happy.
  Helga was called along with him. The girl was also excited and her pearly teeth sparkled with a charming panther smile. She said:
  - You see, wolf boy, we defeated the Russians!
  In this case, Frederick did not share the optimism at all:
  - For now, this is only an intermediate success and struggle... Battles and battles are only gaining momentum. But the beginning was indeed successful...
  The buildings of the regional committee of the All-Union Communist Party were chosen for the award. The huge parking lot was filled with luxury cars, mostly American made.
  Indeed, puppet generals from the US Army, the British Empire, and the Canadian Dominion were present in the assembly hall. There was even one of the English princes... And of course, Hermann Goering himself and Adolf Hitler... Only this surprised Friedrich, Margaret was not with him. It"s strange, maybe it"s just that, being pregnant, this outstanding, unique woman doesn"t want to endanger her child and the child she received from the ace... After all, war is not a joke at all!
  Or maybe she doesn"t want to communicate with Hitler"s new favorite in front of her husband? Here, in general, everything is possible and it is almost impossible to read what is on the mind of a woman as beautiful as Aphrodite and cunning as Hera...
  However, Friedrich is even happy about this. It was not enough in the presence of the Fuhrer to expose himself and her to the risk of betraying their emotions, with an involuntary gesture, or an unthought-out word. After all, horned husbands, especially in the person of the ruler of half the world, are very dangerous. Even for such a tough guy like He is the number one soldier of the Third Reich!
  Most of those who arrived at the awards ceremony were pilots - Goering himself was an ace, an ardent admirer of the theory of General Dua - aviation, the god of wars, of course, first of all highlighted the air force. But there were also tankers, among them the famous Wittmann. And the award ceremony began with knight's crosses.
  When Helga was called, the girl literally galloped like a horse, tapping her heels. She was presented with a knight's cross and a special fighter badge, tanks... In addition, the Fuhrer Adolf himself presented the girl with a personalized saber with diamonds, as the best woman who distinguished herself as a result of fighting in the Battle of Moscow.
  Wittman received a cross with oak leaves, swords and diamonds, and the Star Knight's Cross with golden oak leaves, swords and diamonds was given to "baby" Huffman. The American ace also received an award in his usual cowboy shorts.
  Friedrich was awarded last... This was quite logical, since he was the best of the best. The high award, the Great Star of the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross, and oak leaves, swords and diamonds, was presented to the menacing sounds of the Nazi anthem. In addition, four badges were awarded, for four hundred, five hundred aircraft, and for four hundred, five hundred tanks. These badges were also gold, and the five hundred ones even had tiny diamonds.
  Hitler shook Friedrich"s hand for a long time and said something enthusiastically... The boy devoured the famous cross with his eyes. Diamonds adorned platinum oak leaves and sword hilts. The figure flashed in my memory that even the usual knight's crosses with diamonds, such orders, were awarded only twenty-seven during the entire war. Well, at this point there is less... A higher degree of award, the Knight's Cross, where silver leaves are replaced with gold ones, has not yet been established.
  However, the awards did not stop there. Hitler announced that Friedrich was awarded the rank of Major Field Marshal of the Air Force and SS Guards, with a personalized weapon and a bonus of one million five hundred thousand marks (the cost of fifteen of the newest "Panthers").
  The signature weapon was the same as the saber given to Helga, made of Damascus steel, with a hilt beautifully decorated with diamonds and emeralds.
  Frederick could not resist the temptation and swung a weapon worthy of a Sultan several times. The handle was comfortable, and the saber was perfectly balanced, and seemed light for a strong boy"s hand.
  Next came the speech of the American General Mankurt, who went down in history as the author of the popular expression: my country may be wrong, but this is my country!
  In addition, this commander became famous for his monstrous cruelty, including towards prisoners of war.
  Mankurt said harshly:
  - Russian barbarians seized a lot of land, creating one huge barracks in which eternal chaos reigns. How long will their terrorist regime torment a sixth of humanity? The peoples of Russia are waiting for liberation and the arrival of the army of free Europe and the United States on their land. Therefore, America will make every effort to defeat the USSR. The flow of our equipment and volunteers from all over the world will intensify and increase! (stormy applause). All countries of the world united against the Bolshevik infection. The Lord God and the heavenly army are with us. Forward for victory!
  Following him, the Englishman spoke and after which the Fuhrer interrupted the official part of the ceremony, announcing the start of the ball. Immediately a lot of girls and women appeared ready to pair up with the famous heroes.
  Friedrich wanted to choose Helga as a partner, but she unexpectedly refused - saying that custom does not dictate dancing with partners, or partners in combat weapons. Well, the boy chose another lady, especially since all the women here are beautiful - apparently they chose him on purpose. Friedrich smiled and danced lightly, but the boy"s thoughts were about something else.
  So he received a high order and is already a major field marshal... His career is on the rise, and in terms of the number of downed planes and damaged tanks he has no equal in the world! Everything seems to be fine, but for some reason cats are scratching at my soul... But if you take famous figures, for example Robert Artrois, a prince of the blood from the royal branch of the Capetians. After all, he fought against his homeland France and did not suffer much, although he had the blood of his compatriots on his hands.
  And hundreds of thousands of Russians are fighting on the side of the Nazis. Even Grand Duke Kirill Romanov officially declared his support for the eastern campaign and the liberation of his homeland from the Bolsheviks. The Romanovs are for the Nazis and the Western countries behind them.
  Well, if the famous princes, and the Third Reich, are against Stalin, then why should Friedrich suffer? Moreover, it is possible that it is not his ancestors who live in the USSR. Well, let's think logically... After all, the course of history has already changed dramatically. Now the world will never become different, so the Moscow battle was lost by the Soviets... What does this mean? And the fact is that, firstly, in a world that has changed significantly, the likelihood that his parents (by the way, born in different cities) will meet and start a family drops sharply. But mom and dad weren"t even born in 1947... This means that the likelihood of two grandfathers and two grandmothers meeting will be even less!
  Plus, from the point of view of a set of genes, each child is unique and purely individual. This means that if the moment of conception changes by at least an hour, or even ten minutes, then it will no longer be him... Not Friedrich with a unique personality and set of genes, but a completely different, perhaps even outwardly dissimilar boy.
  That is, the intervention of a person who finds himself in the past, according to the logic of things, should lead to the disappearance of the violator of the inviolable laws of time... That is, Friedrich, having become Hitler"s favorite, should have simply disappeared! And he, and his brother, and possibly his parents and others.
  But since the young ace is alive, and strong, and healthy like no one else on this unfortunate planet, then maybe this past is not his world at all! Maybe this is not even his universe, some kind of parallel universe, and even with a time lag. That is, he, Friedrich, does not kill his ancestors, not his own compatriots, but alien individuals who have only a general resemblance to the abstract past of the terminator boy.
  This means that he, in fact, is not a traitor - just a person, like those from various science fiction series, who in the past uses the knowledge of the present, and is also endowed with incredible power by providence. Well, if he is destined to have superpowers, then it"s simply a sin not to use them! Well, since fate, the right hand of heaven itself, sent him first to the Hitler Jugent, then to the Third Reich, he must make every effort to make a career. It"s good to be a major field marshal at fourteen, boyish years old, but at twenty it"s better to be a full-fledged general, or even a field marshal. And who knows, maybe the Third Reich will finally digest America, and then his son will become the first World Dictator!
  Then suddenly someone the young man least expected to see appeared: Evgenia Porsche... Tall, beautiful, strong, even somewhat rustic and surprisingly non-aristocratic for the daughter of one of the largest magnates of the Third Reich.
  True, unlike the previous meeting, the girl put on very expensive ones, with diamonds, but at the same time transparent and not hiding the charms of her graceful, although not small, legs.
  Because of the high heels, the already tall girl seemed almost like a giantess. Friedrich himself, an ordinary and even smaller teenager for his age, was shorter than her, about twenty-three, twenty-five centimeters, and taking into account the heels, even more...
  Friedrich was even embarrassed, what if he never grew bigger than this six-pound girl (whom her father, Porsche, was like, he"s not a giant, although it"s not known what kind of mother she was, and who climbed under her skirt!), would be taller always rise above him. Yes, it"s better that she walked barefoot, like last time...
  Evgenia, however, looked at the young ace with admiration, and stretched out her hands and kissed him on the lips:
  - You are my knight! The light is not earthly!
  Friedrich was confused:
  - Yes I....
  Evgenia interrupted:
  - No words needed! You deserve the praise. And not only as a pilot... - The tycoon"s daughter shook her hair. - Just think, you have a fantastic gift as an engineer and designer. Offer such ideas... Genius! Above is Leonardo Davinci.
  Friedrich joked:
  - Well, yes! I agree, this artist has not won a single war. Although his masterpieces conquered the whole world!
  They started dancing. Evgenia was just as beautiful, a figure skater, but she looked too big for Volka... And the perfume smelled intoxicating... Looking at the neckline of her luxurious breasts, he felt a desire that was quite natural for a physically strong and developed teenager. Moreover, Helga defiantly pretended not to notice anything. However, the younger generation of Germans was taught that it is indecent for a woman to feel, let alone demonstrate, jealousy, and that a man, if he is a war hero, is even obliged to cheat. What to improve the breed! As Hitler said: it is not a sin for a married woman to give birth to a child from another man, provided he has better physical characteristics than her husband. Evgenia, however, quite seriously asked the boy:
  - Where did you study that you know so well the principles of controlling tanks and self-propelled guns, inventing such Know-How?
  Friedrich could not and did not want to tell the truth, and to an unfamiliar girl, even if her father was a tycoon, one of the top ten richest people of the Third Reich and a favorite of Hitler and Goering. He answered evasively:
  - Hobbies from childhood play a role here... Various scientific literature, the desire to invent! You don"t have to sit at your desk to create something useful...
  Evgeniya nodded:
  - Yes, I, too, am fond of sports, and at the same time I gnaw, or even chew, the granite of science... Nevertheless, does Mrs. Piston look like an office rat?
  Friedrich, baring his wolf teeth, confirmed:
  - Yes, you don"t look like a rat at all, and not just a rat! Most likely, even you can be compared...
  Evgenia warned:
  - Just don"t compare it to a cow! This is a rather vile hint!
  Frederick remarked philosophically:
  - Whoever bullies something that is irrelevant gets the rank of a goat! So... Our market is stupid.
  - Is bazaar slang? - Evgenia guessed. - In general, German speech seems to be correct, but somehow... Too correct, precisely placed accents, clear words, tension in speech... And there is no accent, but you feel something not quite native in this correctness...
  Friedrich did not show that he was worried:
  - So what of this? Maybe you suspect that I am a Soviet spy, and that the Russians sacrificed twenty thousand, along with the American ones and half a thousand of their countless aircraft, to infiltrate me into the top of the Third Reich?
  Evgenia shook her head:
  - No, I do not think so! This was too much, even for the Russians. Although there is a well-known saying: you cannot understand Russia with your mind. But it seems different to me, maybe you are, how can I say... A product of SS genetic engineering. Some kind of man of the future? I"ve read scientific works on genetics and I know that human nature can be changed, improved or worsened by artificial intervention. And your superhuman qualities as a warrior... This is so...
  Instead of answering, Friedrich bowed his head to his tall girlfriend and kissed her passionately on her lush lips. Then he said:
  - Don't worry about your beautiful head. If you are afraid that you will get defective children from me, then believe me, this is not so! Actually, maybe we'll change the topic of conversation.
  Evgenia agreed:
  -Yes, it"s better to change! Let's talk about tanks... In particular, the main operational headquarters, headed by Guderian, issued a competition task: two types of tanks... Like a medium "Imperial Panther" with a cannon of 88 mm El 100 or shorter but armor-piercing, and frontal sloping armor of at least 250 mm and a heavy "Royal Tiger" with a 105 mm El100 caliber gun, with frontal armor of at least 300... Moreover, the weight of the first tank is no more than fifty tons, and the second 65.
  Friedrich snorted contemptuously, like a lion before a gopher:
  - Isn"t something like this real? Especially considering that it has become much easier for you with scarce materials, and Allied bombers do not devastate the lands of the Third Reich!
  Evgenia answered with a sigh:
  - In principle, it"s possible, but we didn"t have time, or rather we don"t have time to make a prototype in metal in the required time. You somehow gave us your brilliant Know-How too late. And Hitler wants the latest tanks to begin entering service with the armies of the Third Reich this year.
  The young ace was surprised:
  - Why does it take so much time to make a prototype?
  The girl nodded:
  - Quite a bit, especially if the model is fundamentally new... It"s like the popular saying: if you drive, you"ll end up in a ravine!
  Friedrich thought: of course there are problems here... For example, Soviet designers struggled for so many years with the creation of the IS-10 tank, or for two whole years they tinkered with the T-54. Moreover, this tank was designed after the war, and having experience in the battles of World War II. In addition, it was not a fundamentally new model, but only a further evolution of the T-34. For example, the T-44 turned out to be not entirely successful and was practically not used in combat... So you shouldn"t expect any special miracles.
  The Tiger tank, given the Germans" lack of experience in creating vehicles of this type (unless, of course, you count the chassis, for example there was already a 150-ton "Colossal" created during the First World War).
  Friedrich remarked:
  - It is necessary to design on the basis of the already created "Panther"-5, or AG. Its chassis allows it to carry not only a 88-mm cannon, but even a 128-mm one, or a 150-mm howitzer...
  Evgenia giggled:
  - But that"s exactly what we do! However, Porsche already has its own "Royal Tiger", albeit with 88-mm caliber guns. But maybe this one will do as an intermediate model. The initial requirement for armor of 250 millimeters was fulfilled in it, although the weight is quite large - 63 tons. But the turret with a very large angle of rational inclination of the armor, elegant and streamlined... It may be possible to win the intermediate competition, but problems will arise in the future. But according to your Know-How, it is possible to create a tank that is impenetrable from all sides, destroying any defense. After all, for a breakthrough vehicle, it is very important to have good side protection, which, unfortunately, the Panther could not boast of for a very long time.
  Friedrich remarked:
  - Maybe we won"t touch the topic of tanks for now... Or rather, let"s finish discussing it. We are like old professors or young guys and girls.
  Evgenia agreed:
  - You're right, as always, let's talk about something more secular. For example, about the British royal house.
  Friedrich winced:
  - What a topic! Let the time come, there will be nothing left of the Winsors. Or do you think, having captured Moscow, our tanks will not be able to crush London, which has already been captured?
  Evgenia flashed her teeth:
  - Well, of course they can!
  After the ball, there followed a noble dinner with luxurious dishes, but without strong alcoholic drinks. Nothing stronger than six degrees. Well, then Friedrich and Evgenia, as befits a guy and a girl, retired to a separate room.
  Although it is generally accepted that tall blondes do not differ in temperament, Evgenia extremely convincingly proved the opposite for several hours. Well, Friedrich, of course, didn"t lose face either. So they fell asleep, hugging tightly.
  The boy dreamed that he was a Japanese ninja who received an order from the Russian Tsar Nicholas II to kill the Mikado, that is, the emperor.
  Friedrich dreamed of how he climbed rough walls, clinging to the slightest crack or gap with his fingers and toes. The boy entered the palace, where a fierce battle began...
  The young ninja, as usual, chopped, stabbed, and blew the heads off his enemies... The dream was too chaotic, too much blood, chopping, and little meaning. Plus there are bare-legged girls with swords jumping everywhere... In short...
  I managed to sleep no more than three or four hours... Friedrich was woken up by the messenger girl saying:
  - The battle is in full swing! There are no irreplaceable people, except for people like you, Friedrich Bismarck.
  The boy jumped up and, without even saying goodbye, hurried to the nearest runway.
  And as it turned out, he was not called in vain... Army General Rokossovsky received an order from Stalin, without waiting for the full concentration of forces, to deliver an undermining blow to Rommel"s army group. In this case, the calculation was based on the fact that the Germans had not yet had time to deploy their troops to attack Voronezh. So there was a chance to perform a low kick on the extended flank of the German troops, exhausted from previous battles.
  Friedrich was forced to board a Fokken-Wulf, not an assault modification, but a regular model, with four twenty-millimeter cannons and two machine guns. So, due to excessive haste, the boy found himself without the weapon that had proven so effective in fighting tanks. True, he still had ten bombs in the fuselage...
  It was also hot in the sky, Soviet attack aircraft and Yaki-9 fighters appeared. The latter vehicles, however, due to their weak protection and survivability, were also vulnerable at long range to 20-mm caliber guns. Friedrich first hit the fighters on the horns, which, of course, got ahead of the slower Ilas. Four aircraft cannons, that"s strength... The first two dozen yaks scattered, even without any cunning approaches to the tail.
  Friedrich did not spin, did not maneuver, he simply slightly shifted the air cannons and vibrated the body of his massive machine.
  Twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven... Without a miss, on the daring Yaks, which, while suffering losses, nevertheless do not turn off, but even try to gain speed... Friedrich was even somewhat surprised at why, in Soviet military literature, this glorious Fokken machine was so belittled -Wulf. Yes, it performs a full turn in 22 seconds versus 19 for the Yak (and in the lightweight version, the Yak can even do it in 17 seconds!). But Friedrich doesn"t need to maneuver; he simply slows down and flies towards them. In one second you can actually hit seven or eight cars.
  Time flowed terribly slowly for Friedrich in a state of combat trance, and he had time to think and unload his ammunition. In principle, it is generally accepted that even the most skilled ace, including even such phenomena as Rudel, is not able to seriously influence the course of the war. In real history, six of the best German aces destroyed an entire air army, but the Nazis hopelessly lost the battle for dominance in the atmosphere.
  But in this case, throwing so many yaks in one place against more than a person is fraught with danger... Sixty-one fighters were shot down in less than one minute. Just like that, the wings fall off, or the armored glass of the cabins breaks. The latter is even worse, since in this case the pilot cannot be saved. And there are already few experienced aces left in the Red Army.
  Among the downed vehicles, four belonged to guardsmen who shot down more than five planes... Only again this did not help, because Volka knew where to hit and how... Like a hunter using a machine gun to shoot down a flock of geese. That"s exactly the flock, in one burst, intuitively, by instinct, determining and directing the movements of the barrel to the desired target, when not a single bullet flies past. The geese, and in this case Soviet planes, are shot down, and where the cockpits are broken, and the pilots are shot down, they fly straight for some time. But some of their wings are losing...
  Friedrich remembered here films about sharp-shooting American cowboys, and the famous film starring DiCaprio - "Fast but Dead!" But in those days, US cowboys did not know automatic machine guns or rapid-fire air cannons. Otherwise, they would have realized what a weapon this is simply monstrous in terms of destructive power.
  The yaks in the near future ended and Friedrich moved to Ily. Here it is best to attack them from above, or from the rear hemisphere. Moreover, it would be optimal, too, without shortening the distance.
  Another way is to shoot off the more fragile wings; you can"t hang armor on them.
  IL-2 is nicknamed humpbacked. After a second seat was installed in it, it became more difficult for the shooter defending the rear hemisphere to shoot down such a machine for a novice, but then... Of course, the aerodynamics of this aircraft worsened. This means it will be even easier with them...
  It would have been more logical for Ilam to scatter in different directions, but the system... In short, it began with the beating of the legendary stormtroopers. However, the nimble Salamander-3 had already arrived. They also took up the mud...
  Friedrich even thought that they could get ahead of him, having met the Yaks while still approaching... Although, who knows... Luftwaffe pilots are not brave Russian warriors, and usually they do not enter battle outnumbered, but maybe except in cases where too serious a threat is created to the ground forces .
  Friedrich, however, also has no problems... Hit the rear armored hemisphere with cannons, or cover the wings - the result is the same. And how these cars then fall down, they even leave a mark in the air... Like stripes on the back of a beaten slave.
  Friedrich knocked down thirty-seven silts and also grabbed two "Pawns". One hundred again, although the previous record of one hundred and one has not been broken. The enemy just has some planes left. Now all they have to do is drop the bombs and they will return.
  Soviet tanks were now going on the attack, without the support of aviation, and especially artillery. Attack aircraft and bombers attacked them. Fortunately for the Soviet tank crews, they could use the driving characteristics of the vehicles. But the number of aircraft of all types was increasing.
  Friedrich dropped all his bombs and turned towards the airfield. However, he managed to see Rudel's Fokken-Wulf-4, the famous tank destroyer.
  The young ace returned to his "home" airfield, where the Pegasus Terminator Me-362 was waiting for him.
  Friedrich, having landed the Fokken-Wulf, shouted to the neighboring pilot:
  - Anyone who has the audacity to claim that the F -490 is a bad fighter is lying. There are no bad planes, only bad pilots.
  The next sortie was reduced solely to fighting tanks. While the Germans had not yet managed to bring out a powerful armored fist to meet them, they attacked with planes.
  The valiant Soviet tank crews had already crossed the ragged front line and attacked the infantry unit consisting of Arab volunteers.
  The Muslims, contrary to expectations, fought bravely and did not think of running away, but at the same time they acted extremely ineptly. In particular, the American bazooka was used in a somewhat inhuman way, and grenades even more so.
  But the attack of the Soviet units was running out of steam. Fascist attack aircraft in particular used numerous small bombs with shaped charges, an idea copied from Soviet designers, but with more skillful implementation. But the Soviet tank crews did not receive the order to hang the net from above.
  And Friedrich simply fired air cannons at the roofs. This is the simplest tactic. Break through the tower hatch and your victory. And how many cars can you knock over like this if you hit them from a horizontal plane...
  But a tank"s speed doesn"t help if a fighter hits intuitively, without aiming, on a whim...
  It"s like a simulator with tanks, only you have god mode, and every shot is accurate, and you shoot often, often...
  Now the number of destroyed tanks has exceeded fifty, so that Rudel is resting... But I had to digress. "Ears" appeared on the side. Six of them were shot down, and let the rest destroy the Salamanders. In general, letting these corn workers go into battle during the day is pure suicide.
  Tanks are more important...
  Return... Flight on Fokken-Wulf 4, and Helga next to him.
  The girl asked him:
  - Well, what did you like about Evgenia?
  Friedrich snorted contemptuously into the radio:
  - Why were you jealous?
  The girl giggled:
  - Of course not! We are free, and not married. Just wondering who is better in bed, me or her!
  Frederick answered warmly:
  - Of course, you! You are not so big, and much more nimble!
  Helga laughed cheerfully.
  - I didn"t expect anything else from you! But of course the best... Ugh, she's a design rat, and one of the very few women awarded the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross!
  Friedrich remarked:
  - I think oak leaves are just around the corner for you!
  The fight showed that the boy was probably right. Helga confidently hammered at the tanks. Apparently she wanted to prove that a warrior can be tougher than a warrior. Although, of course, she cannot compare with Friedrich.
  Soon large tank columns of German and American vehicles appeared. Especially nimble and playful American tank destroyers "Witches"-3. This was serious, especially since the Soviet vehicles had already been largely destroyed by air strikes. "Panther"-5 also turned out to be problematic... Its long-barreled rapid-fire gun and impenetrable frontal armor... It seems that endurance began to fail the crews of Soviet tanks. Some, not listening to the commanders, turned back, trying to escape from this technotronic hell.
  And again the return and departure, the attack on the tanks...
  It"s already past noon, it"s getting dark... The counterattack of the Red Army has fizzled out. He and Helga were redirected to support a group of German armies moving towards Ryazan. At the same time, they tried to squeeze Vatutin"s soldiers in the cauldron...
  The Germans are still advancing slowly to the east. Here they are hampered by the resilience of the Soviet troops and the defensive lines of the Steppe Front, even if not as dense as on the approaches to Moscow.
  However, Hitler"s troops received more room for maneuver, and Hoth tried to bypass the main defense nodes in such columns. In some places the advance of German units accelerated...
  Frederick asked Helga:
  - Aren"t you tired, girl of my dreams?
  The blonde warrior replied:
  - A joyful mood drives away fatigue, better than whipping cows! Although fatigue comes out with bloody pus instead of milk!
  Friedrich agreed:
  - You can"t argue against the truth here!
  At night, the young man continued to fly, despite the fact that clouds rolled into the sky and rain poured down. According to German military doctrine, aviation was used to suppress defenses at the front line... And unlike in 1941, the Luftwaffe had plenty of aircraft thanks to the help of Pindostan.
  Friedrich was now attacking bunkers, or even smaller targets... At night, the battle did not subside, and the Soviet troops launched counterattacks. Even though they are small and rather chaotic, they are no less valiant...
  At night, apart from the U-2 squadron, no air targets were encountered. And the bunkers were bombed... Lightly.
  By the morning of October 15, 1947, a battle broke out for the town and at the same time the railway junction: Elektrostal. It was very hot there and, most importantly, Friedrich was joined by his inseparable friend Helga.
  - Well, great knight, are we pressing on the enemies?
  Friedrich answered cheerfully:
  - The homeless people are pushing at the beer stall, and we are winning. And how we win...
  The town of Elektrostal itself was fairly fortified. In addition to army units, two fresh divisions of the NKVD also took part in its defense. Although they, in general, were not such an elite military guard as the SS, they were armed with both artillery and light tanks.
  The Nazis, in turn, tried to create their own cauldron... Bypass the citadel, envelop them in pincers...
  Here, of course, air support plays a significant role, especially if the neck stretches.
  Helga, as typical of a girl, assured:
  - Victory will be ours! Get your sleigh ready for summer!
  Friedrich agreed:
  - And not only in summer! We will use heavy tanks and air shells.
  The boy thought that they were again in Mainstein"s army, but in the West the most popular Rommel is better known. Since during the battle the young man acted more in a trance, led by a hellish spirit, why shouldn"t he remember the glorious exploits of this commander. Moreover, it is much more pleasant to remember the beaten Englishmen than the defeated Russians!
  Rommel, having reached the Marret Line, realized that he was in Napoleonic "central position" between two enemy armies and could now, having delivered a decisive blow, defeat one of them and only then turn around and face the second.
  Friedrich chuckled to himself: Napoleon, although Leo Tolstoy doubted it, was undoubtedly a great commander and ruler. Especially if you look at the achievements. Only he didn"t hold them back. Hitler in this regard is even worse... But in principle it is possible to compare the Fuhrer with Napoleon!
  The talented commander Rommel also realized something else: the Americans and French had marched far east into central Tunisia and held the Eastern Dorsal Gorges at Fondouk, Faid and Gafsa, covering the Western Dorsal Gorges 60-70 miles to the west.
  It turned out that if the Italo-German forces captured Faid and Gafsa and then moved west past Feriana and Kasserine, they could go straight to the huge American supply base and their headquarters at Tebessa. In Tebessa, the Italo-German troops found themselves far to the west of the Allied line in Tunisia and almost at their very communications. If Rommel had then turned his tanks and pointed them north towards the sea, a hundred miles away, the Germans could have cut off the entire Allied army in Tunisia or forced it to Algeria.
  Friedrich"s thoughts were interrupted by the appearance of two Laggs bursting out from behind the clouds... These were consumed... And then well-aimed shots at the guns... Only he can shoot like that... Four more Yaks... and there are them right there... And now fire at the Katyusha... So that fragments fly in all directions... Another rocket launcher... So Helga is trying from the side. Shouts to him:
  - Hero, let"s thrust it harder!
  . CHAPTER No. 20.
  The mission of Oleg Rybachenko and Margarita Korshunova in a parallel world is not over yet.
  The Germans were advancing in the direction of the city of Gorky. They surrounded him completely. A boy and a girl defended this big city.
  Completely surrounded, Moscow was gasping for breath. The Nazis have already broken through to the Kremlin in some places. The position of the capital of the USSR was almost hopeless. The shells of the Moscow garrison were coming to an end. And with the fall of the capital, it would have been a different war.
  Oleg Rybachenko and Margarita Korshunova fought for the city on the Volga.
  The boy and girl are in a fighting mood as always.
  They fire and sing:
  Pioneers don't give up
  They are not afraid of torture...
  They fight like eagles
  Sending the Krauts to hell!
  There are many heroes among them,
  Lots of crazy guys...
  If necessary, walk in formation -
  Charging the machine!
  And so a boy who looked about twelve years old, but in fact a seasoned veteran who had been around for many years, Oleg Rybachenko gave a burst, mowing down the fascists.
  And then he throws a grenade at the enemy with his bare foot.
  And he will scatter the Krauts in all directions.
  After which the boy will sing:
  - I am a Russian warrior on the knees of savages,
  I will sweep away the enemies of Russia from the face of the earth!
  Margarita, this girl-hero, also throws a killer gift of death with her bare foot. He will knock out a lot of Nazis and tweet:
  - For Great Rus'!
  And he burst out laughing again.
  A boy and a girl fight heroically. Although the war is almost lost. The Germans had already besieged Orenburg, and squeezed the Red Army everywhere they could.
  More precisely, Orenburg has long been taken. There is only one castle still standing there. The Nazis had already surrounded Ufa.
  Moreover, their troops from the south are already approaching Kazan. The situation is more than critical.
  And the situation is further aggravated by the fact that samurai are coming from the east and in Central Asia they have already united with the Germans.
  But the brave child victims fight. They believe in their victory. Or at least they are ready to die with their heads held high. However, how is this death? They are immortal!
  And they remain children for many years. And somewhere there are other worlds and missions.
  Oleg fires another shot. Then he throws a grenade with his bare toes and sings:
  - Stalin will be with us forever!
  Margarita glanced at the Fritzes and squeaked:
  - God forbid! This cannibal is coming to us!
  And the girl, in anger, threw a grenade with her bare foot.
  Oleg Rybachenko noted quite logically:
  - We are all cannibals to some extent!
  And the boy threw the gift of death with his bare toes.
  Margarita agreed with this:
  - To some extent, yes!
  And she also launched a killer weapon with her bare foot, causing two German cars to collide together.
  Oleg Rybachenko fired and thought that the situation of the USSR was, perhaps, already hopeless and there was no particular point in waging war. This is why they kill people in vain.
  The boy threw two grenades with his bare foot. Hit the caterpillar, German tanks of the "E" series collided together.
  The Terminator child sang:
  - When the time comes,
  We will fight bravely!
  Rising fighters in the morning -
  And fight valiantly!
  The boy was actually ready to destroy any army in a couple of minutes.
  Margarita also threw the barefoot gift of death and squeaked:
  - For Great Rus'!
  Children are such brave warriors that no one can trample against them. They are such tough fighters.
  The boy and girl are in wild excitement as always. And with them courage, honor and courage. They fight against the fascists like titans. And it"s clear that the enemy will not pass where they stand like a rock. Maybe even something stronger than rock and monolith.
  Margarita, firing, said:
  -We will be champions of the planet,
  We are giants of high school!
  And the girl will again launch the gift of death with her barefoot, chiseled foot. And she crushed the enemy.
  This girl is so cool, you won"t be able to use anything against her.
  Since there is no method against scrap. Although, this is not a crowbar, but something even more lethal and cool.
  Oleg Rybachenko, firing, croaked:
  - I"m not a boy, I"m a super boy and I"ll be taller than everyone else in the world!
  And again, as if he were throwing a destructive bolt of explosives with his bare foot. And again two German tanks collide together.
  The young warrior is very militant. But he feels that he can"t break the butt here with a whip. Although there are no hopeless situations, just like there are no invincible opponents.
  The boy remembered how he came up with ditties for the presidential elections in Belarus:
  It"s not interesting to listen to nonsense for the sixth time,
  And I don"t understand how much to believe the "father"!
  Lukashenko promised to build paradise -
  But together with light, we go into darkness!
  Yes, it was a challenge to the system and the cult of personality. Indeed, why should a European country tolerate a dictator, as if in the Middle Ages?
  And Stalin is also a dictator and in this universe he is gradually starting a war to defeat...
  The heroic children fought for another three days. Meanwhile, the Nazis surrounded Kazan and took Ufa.
  Fighting already took place in the Kremlin itself. Four witch girls fought with the Nazis using swords and thin discs for throwing, with bare feet.
  The Kremlin was badly damaged by shelling from Sturmlevs, Sturmtigers, bombings and huge cannons.
  Stalin himself, of course, is still in Sverdlovsk. And the situation of the USSR looks almost hopeless. But the Red Banner is still flying over the capital of Russia, which means not all is lost!
  People believe that a turning point is about to come!
  Natasha chops the Arab in half. He throws a disc with his bare foot and squeaks:
  - Glory to the immortal Fatherland! Hitler can't break us!
  Zoya also slashed at the fascist with two sabers and chirped:
  - No, don't break us!
  After which her bare foot threw a murderous disk at the Nazis.
  And a couple of black fighters fell from the destroyed Kremlin wall.
  Next, Aurora fired. She shot rarely, but accurately. And then she used her sabers. And stars and sharp thin swastikas flew from her bare toes.
  And here Svetlana will throw a sharp disc with her bare leg and rip the Fritz into pieces. Then he will sing:
  - Kolovrat, Evpatiy Kolovrat - defender of the Fatherland, Perun"s soldier!
  Kolovrat! Evpatiy Kolovrat! The Heroes of Rus' are ringing the alarm!
  All four of us are fighting here. Almost all of Moscow has already been taken, and ammunition supplies have come to an end. Both Russian boys and girls are dying. But they don't give up. Although how long has the siege lasted?
  The girls on the Kremlin wall fight. Like heroes. And despite December they are barefoot and wearing only a bikini. But they don't feel the cold. On the contrary, their energy only increases.
  And sharp, very flat discs fly off from my bare toes. Which are tearing apart the foreign troops of the Wehrmacht.
  The warriors fight like heroes of war. And with a minimum of clothing. Such beauties are not embarrassed by either the huge tanks of the E and AG series, or other terrible inventions of the Nazis.
  No girl is something that can defeat any form of fascism. Even if it is as perfect as in this world.
  Natasha slashed with her sword, threw a disk with her bare foot, cutting off the Nazis and sang:
  - How good it is to live in the Soviet country,
  And how wonderful it is to crush the Wehrmacht!
  Zoya, running the mill with sabers, remarked:
  - The Wehrmacht has become painfully strong! Now we are already defending the Kremlin!
  And the girl threw a star with her bare toes, striking the Krauts.
  Then she sang:
  - This is a wild hunt for enemies!
  And then there"s Aurora in battle. What a red-haired and cool girl. In the winter wind, her copper-red hair flutters like a battle flag. No, such a girl will not bend to anyone.
  And from the throw of her bare foot, a sharp disk cutting flesh and blood flies.
  He cuts the bodies of opponents. And Aurora shouts:
  - I'm a super class girl!
  How does Svetlana look in battle?
  This blonde terminator is simply a diabolical fire and a tornado of annihilation.
  And also a murderous surprise flies from her bare feet. And the girl is at full throttle in the fight.
  All four are in battle. And she should neither retreat nor give up.
  They are four witches - just super! A real quartet of destruction of everything and everyone!
  The warriors hold the defense area. But the Kremlin is big and it cannot resist everywhere. The forces are very unequal.
  Natasha remarked with annoyance:
  - We kill, not win!
  And the girl again threw a killer charge with her bare foot.
  Zoya logically remarked as she cut down her enemy:
  - You can"t win everything... Unless in a computer game!
  And the girl with golden hair threw the death disk again.
  Aurora, cutting her opponents with sabers, chirped:
  - Victory, I believe, will be ours! In the name of Holy Russia!
  And from the throw of her bare feet, a gift of destruction flies.
  And the cut up Nazis fall.
  And then Svetlana in battle. Cuts the fascists with his throws. And he acts with extreme, or even infinite dexterity. Her bare feet are so nimble. And they demonstrate terrible destruction.
  And then the girl sings:
  - Glory to the Fatherland and new worlds!
  And again the surprise of death flies from her bare feet.
  And here Natasha is in battle again. And he chops down the Krauts, rushing like a comet. And screams at the top of his lungs:
  - Glory to the greatest Fatherland!
  And her swords fly up like a lawnmower.
  And the girl even starts singing:
  - Glory to Russia forever,
  Our dream will come true!
  And the girl gave a sharp boomerang with her bare heel. And he twisted around and cut off a dozen black and dark heads.
  Of course, it was not the Germans who killed the girls, but the colonial units that were used against them. But even this makes it even cooler for the warriors.
  They are sparkling and playful.
  Natasha cuts down her enemies again. And she throws something like that with her bare feet.
  And it will roar:
  - Stalin and glory!
  And then Zoya. The same as releasing something murderous. And her bare toes spit out the message of death.
  And the warrior roars:
  - It"s not scary to die for a Motherland like ours!
  And then Aurora will also take it and enter the battle. And he will also launch a boomerang with his bare feet. And will reshape the enemies.
  After which he sings:
  - For Soviet Rus'! What will rule over the universe!
  And then in the battle Svetlana. Also a girl who cannot be stopped or slowed down. This is how it beats. I just can"t save you from such a warrior!
  And with her bare feet she throws murderous packages. And she kills her enemies without any pity.
  Although later Yarila can pray for them. Or maybe Perun. The kingdom of Chernobog awaits them after death for sinners! But it"s even interesting in its own way - wars go on all the time! And so many fights! So maybe we shouldn"t mourn the fate of sinners too bitterly?
  Svetlana even felt a little funny: you can"t envy Christians - they will be deprived of many joys in eternity. Even what they had on planet Earth.
  Eh, miserable sinners! And even more unfortunate righteous people!
  And the girl again throws the gift of death with her chiseled, bare foot. Then he says:
  - The world will be ours! Glory to Russia!
  Natasha made a triple butterfly with her swords and chirped:
  - May there be eternal glory to great Russia!
  And her bare feet will throw something murderous and unique. After which the girl"s bare heel hit the black man"s forehead, knocking him and five other Arabs off the wall.
  Next in the battle is Zoya. Nothing can stop her. She fights Hitler's hordes. And runs a triple mill. The soldiers cut down by her fall.
  After which the girl says:
  - Eternal Rus' will be with Svarog!
  And winks at his partners.
  Next in the battle is Aurora. She rushed like a panther. She cut everyone off. And with her bare feet she launched the gift of death. She cut down a lot of fascists and sang:
  - For the highest form of the Fatherland!
  And then Svetlana entered the battle. How she cuts down her enemies. And he acts very dashingly.
  After which the gift of death flies from her bare feet. And he cuts off the Nazis thoroughly, like a barber"s razor.
  And the girl squeals:
  - My century and my truth! Glory to Great Russia!
  Yes, this four fights truly heroically. But four barefoot and almost naked beauties are unable to win the Second World War. And so Moscow fell.
  The girls broke out of the captured capital, using both their swords and the cloak of invisibility.
  They are generally capable of a lot. Girls of the highest rank, you won't find them taller or more beautiful.
  And Oleg Rybachenko and Margarita Korshunova left the captured city of Gorky.
  The Nazis, alas, achieved success almost everywhere.
  The boy and girl walked away and threw needles with their bare feet, exterminating the Krauts.
  Oleg Rybachenko sang:
  - No, the vigilant one will not fade,
  The look of a falcon, an eagle...
  The voice of the people is clear -
  The whisper will be crushed by the snake!
  I believe the whole world will wake up -
  There will be an end to fascism...
  And the Sun will shine -
  The path illuminating communism!
  Margarita threw several needles with the toes of her bare feet and confirmed:
  - No, it won"t fade!
  And she fired a burst from a machine gun, mowing down two dozen fascists.
  These are the kind of children. Cool, unshakable. Although really, this is not that kind of war. And they have to run away.
  Moscow fell, the city of Gorky fell. The Nazis storm Kazan. This is already the last Soviet city on the Volga. The resistance is heroic, but there is an increasing feeling of hopelessness.
  The Nazis had more advanced pyramidal tanks from the AG series, which no Soviet weapon could penetrate. And this, I must say, is very bad.
  Only when the bare feet of a boy and girls throw grenades on the tracks do the German monsters collide. But what can just one couple do when almost the whole world is against the USSR!
  Oleg Rybachenko threw a grenade with his bare foot, pushed the AG-50 and AG-75 heads together, and then said:
  - If the fortress is on the way,
  The enemy has built...
  We need to go around from the rear -
  Take her without shooting!
  Margarita agreed with this:
  - Deception in war is a big deal! Especially if the forces are unequal!
  Oleg Rybachenko noted:
  - And I played the Entente strategy. With equal weapons, he destroyed one hundred and fourteen million enemy soldiers, and he himself lost only zero. This means that through tactics you can actually fight against the whole world!
  Margarita agreed with this:
  - Quite possible! And fight and win!
  Oleg Rybachenko threw the needle legs with his bare fingers. He killed three dozen fascists and said:
  - We will win in the name of Holy Russia!
  The boy and girl continued their run... Alas, the forces are really too unequal.
  Kazan was destroyed by all types of weapons. Stalin ordered her to be held until the last drop of blood. But in reality, the fighting spirit of the Red Army after the fall of Moscow was too broken. Everyone wanted to die less and less. And the Nazis are too superior in numbers and weapons.
  And their jet aircraft are bombing all the cities and villages that the Nazis have not yet managed to occupy.
  Before Oleg Rybachenko and Margarita Korshunova reached Kazan, this city fell.
  Ufa was also taken. So, despite the harsh winter, the Nazis moved towards Sverdlovsk.
  Stalin's headquarters was located there. And samurai came from the east. The Japanese are also strong.
  Their warriors are especially dangerous - ninja girls. Despite the Siberian winter, they rush through the snow barefoot, while they themselves are wearing only swimsuits. It"s scary to even imagine such warriors. Although they are very beautiful.
  Here is one of them with blue hair, another with yellow hair, a third with red hair, a fourth with white hair.
  These are the most beautiful killers. They work with one sword and throw thin disks or chakras at the infantry. And ninjas throw explosives against the tanks - they are only the size of a pea, but the heaviest Soviet tanks fly high into the air and tear them to pieces.
  Even the formidable IS-7 is no obstacle for ninja girls. They are warriors of such a high order that even the guards are powerless against them.
  Here is a ninja girl with blue hair, with her bare toes she threw a pea and three Soviet tanks at once, flew high up, and exploded into parts.
  And then there"s a girl with yellow hair and her bare foot, throwing a pea. And again, Soviet cars fly in different directions and are smashed to pieces. Let"s face it, these are the kind of warriors here - even the bravest knight would be intimidated in front of them.
  And here is a ninja girl with red hair in battle. Just like throwing a killer pea with your bare feet. And from its hit, the armor of the huge IS-12 burst.
  This is the Terminator girl.
  And then a ninja girl with white hair. The same way he will take it, and with all his might he will thrust his swords into the soldiers of the Red Army. He will cut them apart and sing:
  - I'm not a pathetic bug, a ninja, but not a turtle!
  Once again, all four girls are killers in battle.
  The Red Army is losing the war on all fronts. But he still tries to fight.
  Oleg Rybachenko and Margarita Korshunova wander through the winter snow. They are poor barefoot children. For immortal bodies, frost is not so bad. These supermen cannot get sick or catch a cold or frostbite. But still, when you approach the Urals, the frost is unpleasant and bites the bare heels of children.
  Oleg sadly remarked:
  - You don"t know what"s worse - cold and hunger, or the realization that your sacred Motherland is losing!
  Margarita quite logically remarked:
  - For us, cold and hunger are nothing... But the fact that we lost to the Nazis is actually bad!
  Oleg agreed with this:
  - It can"t get any worse! In general, why is the Third Reich usually more successful in parallel universes than in ours?
  Margarita made a logical assumption:
  - Because the fascists are very strong and organized. And we were lucky many times. Especially with Stalingrad!
  Oleg Rybachenko kicked a snowball with his bare foot and remarked:
  - Yes, we were very lucky with Stalingrad! The Fritz themselves stupidly got into the trap!
  Margarita cooed:
  - Trying not to get into trouble,
  In order not to get confused and get lost...
  It would be necessary to collect a nickel for a penny,
  And rather, be born again!
  The children along the way attacked a detachment of fascists. More than a hundred soldiers were killed. One was left captive. Margarita forced the young man to kiss her very elastic soles, red from the cold. He did it obediently. And he said that the Germans were already approaching Sverdlovsk and were surrounding it.
  Oleg noted:
  - It"s strange that you and I, Margot, are faster, but somehow we move like ordinary people or even slower!
  Margarita agreed:
  - Caught in a wave of defeat! Apparently in this universe everyone is against the USSR. Even nature and space!
  Oleg then suggested:
  - What if it"s trivial for us to kill Hitler?
  Margarita shook her head negatively:
  - The hyperwitch did not give us such an order! So let's do without amateur performances. Besides, what will this do?
  Oleg Rybachenko confidently answered:
  - Quite a lot! Moreover, Fuhrer, this is the Fuhrer in Africa too!
  Margarita suggested:
  - Let's fight at the front for now, and then we'll see about Hitler! As they say - hurry up without rushing!
  Oleg sang:
  - Speed is good, don"t break the chisel... The man is not a woodpecker, and hastily gone crazy!
  The boy and girl ran with all their might. And we managed to reach Sverdlovsk. And they began to defend the city stormed by the Nazis.
  The attacks followed one after another.
  The children were barefoot. Margarita is in a tunic, and Oleg Rybachenko is just a boy in shorts. But they fought like real and unbending heroes.
  Oleg threw the needle with his bare toes, pierced the Fritz in the throat and chirped:
  - We will not give up an inch of land!
  Margarita threw a grenade with her bare foot and squeaked:
  -Not a drop, not an inch, not a centimeter!
  A boy and a girl fought in the cold. And there were other pioneers with them. And many are also barefoot, despite the wild cold. And if the immortal children are not afraid of the wild frost, at least they cannot harm them, then it is quite dangerous for ordinary children.
  Here is one barefoot pioneer, whose even his fingers were blue from the cold, his teeth caught a cold, and his jaw was swollen. The boy is in a lot of pain. But despite this, he furiously takes a bunch of grenades and throws them under a Nazi tank, and he himself falls, hit by a machine-gun burst.
  This is a brave boy...
  Or a girl, whose bare feet glow like scarlet poppies, pushes a mine under the tracks of German mastodons. She dies herself, screaming:
  - For the Motherland and Stalin!
  It is very painful to be barefoot in winter, in Siberia, when you are not protected by immortal flesh.
  Even Oleg and Margarita are not so pleased to be half naked in severe frosts. But they smile and sing, wanting to cheer up the guys:
  - Eh, frost, frost, don"t freeze me,
  Don"t freeze me! My horse! My horse!
  The boys and girls, shaking their red and blue legs from the bitter cold, sang:
  - Snow won't stop us! The frost will not defeat us! We are the pioneers of the Krauts! The fascist will be beaten hard!
  Children fight well! But the forces are too unequal. Stalin fled from surrounded Sverdlovsk to Novosibirsk. However, the Japanese are already approaching this city from the east. They are somehow not afraid even of the frost of Siberia.
  May the war come to an end.
  But the pioneers do not give up. And even in difficult times, children sing bravely;
  We are pioneers, children of communism -
  A fire, a tent and a ringing horn!
  The invasion of damned fascism -
  Which awaits a furious defeat!
  What did we lose in these battles?
  Or did you acquire it in battles with the enemy?
  We used to be just children of the world -
  And now the warriors of the Motherland!
  But Hitler took a step towards our capital,
  The waterfall dropped countless bombs!
  We are the Fatherland, even more beautiful than the sky -
  Now the bloody sunset has come!
  We will respond to aggression harshly -
  Although they themselves are, alas, small in stature!
  But the sword is in the hands of a fragile teenager -
  Stronger than the legions of Satan!
  Let the tanks rush avalanche after avalanche,
  And we divide the rifle between three!
  Let the police meanly aim at the back,
  But the Holy God will punish them fiercely!
  What we decided? do the work of peace -
  And for that, alas, I had to shoot!
  The calm is already hateful.
  There is also violence and grace!
  The girl and I are running barefoot together -
  Even though snow has fallen, it burns a snowdrift like coal!
  But they have no fear, children know -
  The fascist will be driven into the coffin with a bullet!
  So they killed a vile company of Krauts,
  And the rest of the cowards are running!
  We destroy infantry like a scythe in battle -
  Young summers are not a hindrance for us!
  Victory is an achievement, will be in May,
  Now the snowstorm is prickly, hard snow!
  The boy is barefoot, his sister is barefoot,
  Children celebrated their prime in rags!
  Where do these forces come from in us -
  To endure the pain, the cold, that need!
  When a friend measured the bottom of the grave,
  When a friend moans, I die!
  Christ blessed us pioneers,
  He said, the Fatherland has been given to you by God!
  This is the first faith of all,
  Soviet, sacred country!
  And they die with smiles on their lips. Children do not know weakness... Oleg Rybachenko and Margarita Korshunova fought for a whole week. But Sverdlovsk fell. Part of the garrison surrendered - feeling the situation was hopeless. Only the pioneers refused to capitulate.
  And a handful of brave, barefoot guys made a desperate breakthrough. They ran through the snowdrifts, literally blue from the terrible cold. And they died under machine guns and cannons.
  Oleg Rybachenko and Margarita were also pretty scratched, but still escaped from Sverdlovsk. After which we moved to Novosibirsk. Frost, winter, long nights.
  A boy and a girl are running, they are sad and very angry.
  Margarita noted:
  - A hyperwitch could help this world! Otherwise the Nazis win! This is truly universal injustice!
  Oleg Rybachenko jumped higher, twisted in a sevenfold somersault, and quite logically remarked:
  - There is little justice in the world at all! For example, why do old people suffer? Moreover, almost everyone without exception! And when a person is young, he smokes, drinks, and even does worse, and is healthy! Where is the justice that the elderly suffer?
  Margarita readily agreed with this:
  - There is no justice in the universe!
  Oleg Rybachenko asked somewhat naively:
  - And where is God looking?
  Margarita, this barefoot girl in a holey tunic, suggested:
  "Perhaps we ourselves must become like gods so that justice reigns in the world!" This is the wisdom of the Creator!
  Oleg Rybachenko confidently confirmed:
  - I believe that we will resurrect the dead!
  The terminator girl confirmed:
  - Yes, I believe in this, of course!
  The children ran to Novosibirsk and took part in the defense of this city.
  They fought in almost the last major city under the control of the Red Army.
  Stalin was already negotiating with Hitler, agreeing to surrender if his personal safety was guaranteed. The Fuhrer was ready for this, especially if the partisans calmed down.
  The Japanese had already stormed Novosibirsk from the east. So there was practically no chance of escape. The USSR was dying.
  Oleg Rybachenko and Margarita Korshunova shot at the Nazis and threw grenades with their bare feet. And they were still hoping for something.
  Next to them were the pioneers. In the severe frost in Siberia, all the children were barefoot and in summer pioneer uniforms with ties. They died like heroes.
  Their legs were as red as the feet of geese, and their fingers turned blue.
  But the pioneers did not give up.
  They will succumb to fascism!
  Oleg Rybachenko threw a grenade with his bare boy's foot. He pushed three German tanks head on at once and whispered:
  - I believe in victory!
  Margarita also threw a killer present with her bare fingers and chirped:
  - I believed too, and I will believe until the end!
  And they fought for the last Soviet city with the fury of despair. And yet they were not going to bend.
  Oleg Rybachenko, in order to cheer up the almost mortally frozen pioneer children, sang with great enthusiasm;
  I am a young warrior of Mother Russia,
  The mighty country, the homeland of all countries...
  There is no more beautiful homeland in the universe,
  Stalin tied a tie under the forge!
  Being a pioneer is a joy and a calling,
  After all, this means you are a servant of the country.
  And you can increase the universe -
  Destroying the machinations of the devil-Satan.
  When summer came in '41,
  The June thunderstorm is thundering for us...
  We don't want the region to become poor,
  For happiness, believe - the Fatherland was created!
  The girl and I are waiting for the Nazis in ambush,
  Before this we got a machine gun.
  And to Hitler's mad annoyance,
  Our squad successfully defeats the Nazis!
  Girlfriends bare feet have become rough,
  The snow is already pricking under the bare soles.
  The cold and lips turned blue,
  But the holy fire warms our souls!
  We strike without knowing the measures of our adversaries,
  We don't give you peace day or night!
  Grenades fly onto the echelons into a swarm,
  And the officers with a sniper rifle.
  The fascists cannot find support anywhere,
  Our pioneer, valiant detachment...
  Capable, if you need to cut mountains,
  Here are Hitler's tanks burning like candles.
  The people rallied in a fit of fury -
  For justice, courage and honor.
  And there is no reef in the sea of storms -
  Which would make us sit down!
  We entered Berlin, we joined the Komsomol,
  From stomping barefoot with girls the whole world!
  We inhale the victorious honey in heavenly May,
  Now our bright success has become eternal!
  The tsar also strengthened the empire economically. There were no riots or revolutions, so the economy was constantly growing. And Russia had a larger population by the First World War due to lower mortality and the annexation of the northern regions of China and Korea. And the army was larger. And the first light tanks in the series appeared, and many aircraft of different brands.
  Alas, Alexander the Third did not live to see the triumph in the First World War, but this already went to Nicholas the Second.
  The new king had a strong throne, another wife, a healthy heir, two hundred and eighty million people, and two and a half million soldiers in peacetime states.
  So you can fight boldly and skillfully! In addition, the Russians also have light tanks with machine guns, but heavy ones have just appeared. It was developed by Mendeleev's son.
  So you can't stop the royal army!
  Nicholas II entered the war with the Germans and Austrians... Russian troops captured Galicia, Bukovina, and inflicted a series of defeats on the Austrians. At first there were battles in East Prussia, but then they took revenge and cut off Koenigsberg. The Allies pushed the Germans away from Paris... Russian troops took Krakow, and having a numerical superiority, despite the winter, continued the offensive, approaching Budapest. Germany proposed, seeing that the matter smelt of defeat, peace on moderate terms.
  The Germans agreed to give Klaipeda and part of the lands in Poland to Russia, as well as to pay an indemnity. France was returned to part of the territory previously captured under Bismarck, and a little to Denmark.
  Austria-Hungary ceded Galicia, part of Bukovina and Krakow. But the empire did not collapse. Russia regained the lands of the Slavs, everything that was once part of Kievan Rus, and expanded the Kingdom of Poland.
  Türkiye and Japan did not have time to enter the war, as did Italy. That is, the First World War, in fact, did not happen. So a little skirmish. Nicholas II strengthened his authority and then ruled peacefully for quite a long time.
  Russia, however, spent the war in Afghanistan - finally dividing it with the British. Then Iran was divided with Britain.
  Russia thus expanded its possessions. But the economic crisis and the Great Depression of 1929 came... In 1931, Japan, in alliance with Turkey, began a war against Tsarist Russia. But in reality it was suicide. The Tsarist fleet in the Pacific under the command of Kolchak defeated the Japanese. And the ground army in general was many times stronger.
  The same can be said about the Turks. They obviously climbed against the wrong enemy.
  Tsarist Russia was able to land troops and capture Japan. And then Russian troops finally occupied Turkey. Thus ended the era of the Ottoman Empire.
  And Tsar Nicholas II increased his glory and the power of Russia. This glorious emperor ruled until 1936 and also died at the age of sixty-eight.
  He was succeeded by Alexey II. In general, a completely healthy man of thirty-two years of age. His mother was different, so Alexander the Third did not allow the fatal marriage.
  Alexei II completed the conquest of Saudi Arabia by dividing it with Britain.
  Wilhelm II reigned on the throne of Germany until 1941. This monarch was in power for fifty-one years! Quite a long time!
  But now his son Ferdinand is on the throne. Doesn't even smell like Hitler. Other story.
  There is still peace. All colonies were divided. Mussolini conquered Ethiopia.
  There is nothing more to divide... Britain, however, is going through hard times. And it is in an economic crisis.
  And so Ferdinand proposed to Alexei the Second to divide the colonial possessions of France and Britain. Like, really, how much you can look at these lands.
  Thus, Mussolini, Ferdinand and Alexei II put together their pact.
  But of course, Russia, by this time, had already managed to conquer almost all of China and become many times stronger than anyone else in the economy, in the military sphere, and in population.
  Tsar Alexei approved, in general, this proposal and decided that they would start together.
  Ferdinand was no longer young. And he was careful.
  However, on May 15, 1945, war began. The Germans moved again
  Against Belgium...
  And the tsarist army went through the British colonies and rushed through Egypt.
  Russia had ten million soldiers and five hundred divisions, and confidently
  She won. It seemed like no one could stop her.
  In two months, the tsarist army captured India, southern Iran, British possessions in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Sudan, and most of Indochina.
  But the Germans were only able to occupy Belgium, and were stopped on the approaches to Paris. Holland also entered the war.
  Tsarist Russia for another two months seized Britain's possessions in Asia and finished off Indonesia. Then she landed in Australia and moved through Africa.
  The Germans tried to take Paris, but their assault was repulsed. However, the war was being lost. Italy also grabbed the African possessions of Britain and France.
  Only in the fifth month did the tsarist troops begin to arrive in Europe. The fighting was still raging in Africa and Australia, but it was already finishing off. Austria-Hungary, greatly weakened by the loss of land, also entered the war on the side of the coalition.
  The Germans were able to capture Holland. And they improved their position.
  For another two months, Tsarist Russia completed the capture of Australia and Africa. And only at the end of November, just in the frost, a new offensive of German-Russian troops began, bypassing Paris.
  In this case, the forces were already too unequal. The French-English troops were defeated. And Paris is surrounded.
  And on New Year"s Day the garrison capitulated... Then the tsarist and German troops captured all of France in three weeks. Then the bombing of Britain began... And all the colonies were captured by the coalition.
  Britain in May 1946, already bloodless and knocked out by bombs
  Thus ended another great war. Russia took almost all the colonies for itself. Germany received relatively little, Italy grabbed something, and Austria-Hungary got a symbolic piece.
  Despite the fact that the Germans expected large colonies, and received much less, only Morocco, but Germany included in its composition: Belgium, Holland, and France to Port de Calais.
  In addition, tsarist Russia returned the Germans to Namibia and what previously belonged to them.
  In short, we somehow sorted it out and made peace...
  Peace came... In 1953, Russia got an atomic bomb, and a year later Germany got it too. The US acquired nuclear weapons in 1960.
  Thus, a balance of fear arose.
  And in 1955, the first Russian cosmonaut flew into space, orbiting a ball. And in 1961, the Russians set foot on the moon.
  And in 1983 to Mars! The Americans flew to the moon in 1971, and the Germans in 1984. Austria-Hungary and Germany merged into one state. Sweden and Norway became part of Russia with autonomy and self-government.
  Other countries gradually lost their independence.
  In 1987, Russian cosmonauts flew to Venus. In 1992 to Mercury. And in 1999 to Pluto.
  The solar system has been mastered.
  Three nuclear empires emerged: Great Germany, the USA and Great Russia.
  Alexey II also died at sixty-eight years old in 1972. He was succeeded by his son Alexander the fourth. This king was forty-one years old at the time of his ascension to the throne. Oddly enough, Alexander the Fourth lived for sixty-eight years and died in 1999. And his son Vladimir the Third ascended the throne. In 2013, four hundred years of the Romanov dynasty were celebrated.
  For now, Russia is firmly on its feet. But there are still Germany and the USA as its competitors in the world. The Tsarist Empire, together with its colonies, comprised slightly more than half of the world's territory and more than two-thirds of the world's population. Russia is strong, but not the only one yet.
  Rules Russia, Vladimir the third; in 2019 he turned sixty-seven years old. Many are wondering whether he will live, like the previous kings, for sixty-eight years or will he interrupt these strange coincidences?!
  In the meantime, anti-nuclear weapons are being developed in Russia. It is clear that there will be no nuclear weapons, and Russia will be able to cope quite well with Germany and the United States. It has more people and more soldiers. And the quality of weapons is better!
  But for now there are nuclear weapons, and everything has not yet been conquered. But anti-nuclear weapons are being developed very actively, so there are certain chances of victory.
  The Spanish dictator Franco, unlike real history, agreed to German troops to attack the English fortress of Gibraltar. In exchange, Spain received some British and French lands in Africa.
  The assault under the command of Mainstein took place at night from November 25, 1940 to November 26. As it turned out, the British were not quite ready for such a military move and the Nazis managed to capture such a powerful fortress from a swoop.
  Its fall had significant changes on the course of the war. The Wehrmacht was able to transfer forces over the shortest distance to Africa, and the British were blocked from entering the Mediterranean Sea from the East.
  The German command sent several divisions into equatorial Africa. In addition, Rommel's corps was transferred to Libya, several months earlier than reality.
  The British, in turn, abandoned the offensive against the Italians in Ethiopia and began to strengthen their positions in Egypt. However, Rommel managed to get ahead of them, and as a result of a preemptive strike, he defeated the colonial troops, capturing Alexandria and Cairo. Britain's position in Africa became more complicated. The Germans had already reached the Suez Canal and threatened further advance into the Middle East. In addition, there was an opportunity to move towards Sudan.
  True, things were not going well for the Italians in Greece, but the arrival of additional forces from Germany saved the situation.
  Hitler had a dilemma: attack the USSR or finish off Britain? The successes of the Wehrmacht in Africa prompted the second decision - to give itself a free hand in the West. Although the military preparations of the USSR filled the Fuhrer with fear.
  The Red Army was strengthening, but the Germans were not sitting idly by either. The production of tanks in 1941 doubled compared to 1940, and the production of aircraft increased by almost two and a half times.
  The Nazis carried out a bombing and landing on Malta. Rommel then broke through the defenses both at the Suez Canal and into Iraq, which had rebelled against British rule. The Germans conquered Kuwait and the entire Middle East with relative ease. Stalin adhered to a wait-and-see tactic. But Churchill stubbornly continued the war. The Wehrmacht, having reached Iran, turned to southern Africa.
  The year 1941 was coming to an end. The production of submarines increased, and Britain lost its colonies. The US behaved passively. But Japan could not sit idly by and struck Peru Harbor on December 7. A new war has begun in the Pacific. And Hitler had to again abandon plans for an attack on the USSR.
  We need to help the Japanese, capture Iran and India, as well as South Africa. And most importantly, Britain itself. Moreover, American bombers are not a toy. They can cause the Third Reich a lot of trouble. And it is most convenient to carry out bombing strikes from British territory.
  So the Fuhrer was forced in 1942 to abandon the ideas of invading the East.
  There was a risk that Stalin himself would open the front, but... You need to know Stalin"s character. He is very restrained in foreign policy. The war with Finland made the Red Dictator even more cautious.
  While the USSR is accumulating strength. The number of aviation on January 1, 1942 reached thirty-two thousand vehicles, and tanks, more than twenty-five thousand, plus another three thousand tankettes. In total, Stalin planned to complete the recruitment of 20 mechanized corps, with a total number of tanks of 32 thousand vehicles, of which 16.5 thousand were the latest KVs of various brands and T-34s. Plus, the T-50 tanks were still being developed, although the vehicle turned out to be light.
  The Germans, faced with the Matilda and some cruiser tanks, and also having information that the British were developing heavy tanks, also began to make their own mastodons. First of all, the "Tiger" with an 88-mm cannon, and armored with an impenetrable 75-mm cannon with a long barrel.
  There was also information about Soviet tank building. The KV-2 tank marched at the May Day parade on Red Square, and the thirty-four had some data.
  In any case, when Speer headed the Imperial Ministry of Arms and Ammunition, developments in technology went faster. Hitler wanted to have the best tanks in the world, and heavier ones. But so far Germany was clearly inferior to the USSR. Both the number of cars and their quality. In August 1941, production of the KV-3 tank began. The vehicle turned out to be quite heavy at 68 tons, but armed with a 107 mm cannon with an initial projectile speed of 800 meters per second. This provided her with an advantage over the "Tiger", which, by the way, had not yet been put into production.
  The KV-5 turned out to be even more powerful, weighing 125 tons and having two cannons. True, such a heavy vehicle created more problems for the Soviet army than it was worth. And in 1942, the KV-4 variant weighing 107 tons was adopted for service. The USSR could rightfully be proud of its heaviest tanks in the world, and also the most powerful.
  But Germany has developed well in aviation. The Yu-188, when it went into production, developed a speed comparable to fighters. DO-217 also looked decent. Jet aircraft were also actively developed. Since Britain was the main target, much more attention was paid to jet bombers than in real history.
  The Germans actively used slave labor. A huge number of blacks were imported from Africa. Black workers were obedient, hardy, but unskilled. They were used for auxiliary work.
  But by controlling Europe, the Germans could recruit enough qualified labor.
  Speer even managed to persuade Hitler not to pursue a program of exterminating Jews, but to use them in the production of aircraft and equipment.
  The bet was on an air offensive against Britain and a massive submarine war.
  However, America's entry into the conflict added headaches to the Krauts and forced them to sharply increase the number of wolf packs.
  Germany was forced to belatedly promote the production of bombers and strategic aircraft. First of all, Yu-288 and Yu-488 - with four engines. But their development and completion took time. The ME-109 modification "F" was generally a worthy opponent for British vehicles. But the development of the ME-209 failed, as did the ME-210.
  The XE-177 dive bomber was also unsuccessful. But Speer won back with numbers. In addition, the Focke-Wulf became the most powerful fighter in terms of armament, compensating for some of the weaknesses of the ME-109. And the Germans" flight school turned out to be better than the English, and even more so the American. In May 1942, the Nazis captured South Africa. And an American squadron arrived in Madagascar. The Battle of Midway was lost by the Americans: the captain of the third rank, who played a decisive role in this battle, ended up, ironically, in Madagascar. The USA wanted to maintain a base in Africa and not let the Nazis relax. But this significantly worsened their position in the Pacific.
  True, the Japanese did not act quite at their best. The battle for the Hawaiian archipelago dragged on.
  The Nazis gained control of Africa and huge reserves of strategic raw materials, and also captured India and Iran. The resources under the control of the Third Reich are enormous, but they still need to be digested.
  The air battle for Britain is not so clear cut. Constantly increasing the production of aircraft, the Germans put pressure on them, but there was no total dominance. The lack of strategic aviation power and US assistance also had an impact, and even then there were not enough submarines. And the miracle torpedo with which so many hopes were pinned let us down.
  The Fuhrer did not dare to land in Britain in 1942. The emphasis was placed on strengthening sea power and the submarine fleet. At the same time, aircraft carriers and battleships were built. There was enough production capacity, but everything took time.
  Class A ballistic missiles also required fine-tuning. But the V-1 robotic projectiles began to be produced en masse. Relatively cheap cars, running on simple fuel, had the undoubted advantage that they did not need pilots.
  Hitler, having gained access to unlimited natural resources and labor reserves, wanted to save the lives of German pilots. The V-1, being easy to manufacture and unmanned, seemed to be the optimal solution. And thousands of such robotic projectiles have rained down on London since the fall of 1942.
  At the same time, the Germans accelerated the development of the Arado jet bomber and ballistic missiles.
  Stalin continued to wait and accumulate strength. In 1942, the USSR produced five and a half thousand new KV and T-34 tanks, and about a thousand old brands, about five hundred new light T-50 and T-60 and two hundred amphibious tanks. The aircraft fleet has also increased - about fifteen thousand new and old aircraft have entered service. There was even a shortage of pilots. Production of Katyushas increased slowly.
  Nazi Germany produced more than thirty thousand aircraft, but suffered significant losses in battles. The Germans produced about six and a half thousand tanks. Most of all the T-3 and the new modification T-4 with a long-barreled 75-mm cannon. A little more than a hundred of the newest "Tigers" have been produced, and the "Panthers" are still only prototypes.
  But the MP-44 assault rifle designed by Schmeister began to enter the series. Unlike the real story, the machine did not have to be developed taking into account the shortage of non-ferrous metals. And this accelerated the development of a simpler assault rifle, with alloy steel.
  So the Germans began to gain an advantage in small arms. But they also needed time for the machine gun to rearm all the troops.
  But in the submarine fleet, where production reached forty to fifty submarines per month, the Germans really have no equal.
  Very high-speed submarines powered by hydrogen peroxide have appeared. Work in the nuclear program has also accelerated. Fortunately, there are a lot of resources. And even the mistake of German physicists that graphite was not suitable as a moderator did not turn out to be catastrophic. Several factories for the production of heavy water were built, including in Africa.
  So let's face it, but the Nazis' nuclear reactor started working in December 1942. Even a little earlier than the Americans. After the defeats in the Pacific Ocean, serious clashes began between them. And funding for the nuclear program was noticeably cut.
  The beginning of 1943 was marked by Hitler's declaration of Total War and the introduction of universal labor service in the occupied territories. The massive V-1 strikes on London did not fully justify themselves. The British learned to partially repel such attacks, but the Germans prevailed in numbers.
  But the submarine war turned out to be truly disastrous for Britain. The production of weapons on the island fell sharply due to a lack of raw materials. The metropolis was on the verge of collapse. In addition, the Nazis captured Madagascar, and the Japanese, together with the Nazis, invaded Australia and relatively quickly achieved its surrender.
  Although Stalin understood the danger of wait-and-see tactics, he remained true to himself and did not get into a fight. It"s better to let the capitalists exterminate themselves to the end. And we will watch...
  But this tactic also had its drawbacks. Using enormous resources, the Third Reich was already preparing a war against the USSR. The production of tanks in the Third Reich reached an average of 1,200 vehicles per day in 1943, plus three hundred and fifty self-propelled guns. Moreover, self-propelled guns are not at all weak. "Ferdinands", "Bumblebees", "Jagdpanther". Considering that the Germans suffered almost no losses in tanks, their tanks were replenished twice as fast as the Red Army. And the quantitative gap in technology in favor of the USSR began to narrow.
  In terms of quality, the Fritz acquired the "Royal Tiger", similar in weight to the KV-3, and even slightly superior in penetrating power due to the quality of the projectile and stronger frontal armor. Well, the super-heavy Soviet KV-5 and KV-4 turned out to be very technically unreliable, especially their chassis. So the combat use of such monsters was in doubt.
  And Stalin also ordered the creation of the KV-6 with seven guns and two rocket launchers. They made the car. But it turned out to be so heavy and long that you couldn"t carry it on a train or deploy it in battle. The T-34-76 is a quite successful vehicle, but weaker in frontal combat than the Panther or Tiger. And the KV-1 and KV-2 are comparable to the Germans in weight, but are inferior to the Panthers and Tigers in head-to-head combat. The German T-4 was equal to the thirty-four in armor and superior in armament, visibility and optics, and this with equal weight, or even less when comparing heavier modifications.
  In short, the Fritz has been improved and the quality is up to par. And the appearance of ME-309 and ME-262 gave an advantage in the quality of aviation. Like the Yu-488, the best four-engine bomber. And behind them are jet models. Such as Yu-287 and Arado.
  In September 1943, the Nazis finally made a successful landing in Britain. After two weeks of fighting, England capitulated. And although Churchill fled to Canada, the outcome of the war in the West seemed a foregone conclusion.
  Roosevelt, having lost his main ally and fearing the growing power of the Third Reich, asked for peace.
  Hitler, after discussions with his entourage, set a condition for the United States: abandonment of the nuclear program and recognition of all the conquests of Japan and the Third Reich. And also the withdrawal of troops from Iceland, which the Krauts had already actually surrounded with a submarine fleet. Control of the Land of the Rising Sun over Gai, where the fighting had not yet stopped. In addition, Hitler demanded material compensation for the Third Reich and Japan for all the destruction and military expenses caused by the United States and Britain.
  Although the terms of the peace turned out to be extremely difficult, Roosevelt managed to push through their adoption in Congress and the Senate with great difficulty.
  Stalin"s hints that he was not against joining the coalition of the Axis powers, and was at least ready to recapture Alaska, played a big role in the US"s compliance.
  American pragmatism won, which turned out to be higher than enthusiasm and emotions. In addition, the Germans" nuclear program developed faster than the American one, and this was fraught with disaster in the future.
  The first phase of the Second World War has ended. But the Fuhrer now wanted to end the USSR.
  Unexpectedly, Stalin's wait-and-see tactics and his dedication to the cause of world peace played a sinister joke. Opposed to Joseph were the Third Reich and Japan with all the resources of the Eastern Hemisphere, including Australia, and some bridgeheads in the Western world.
  The Land of the Rising Sun, however, had not yet finished off China, but it could well have opened a second front. Hitler actively formed colonial troops and foreign legions. At the same time, the production of weapons increased.
  In the first half of 1944, the production of tanks and self-propelled guns in the Third Reich reached and exceeded one hundred vehicles per day. Panther-2 surpassed all Soviet vehicles in terms of its level. A more advanced German tank, the Lion, appeared, and soon the Royal Lion.
  And most importantly, jet aviation has developed serially. In response, the T-34-85 and IS-1 and IS-2 tanks went into production in the USSR; no one discontinued the KV series either. The most popular production tank of the Third Reich in 1944 was the Panther-2, and the USSR T-34-85. Heavier models were produced in significantly - about ten times smaller quantities. And the Germans did not want to push the weight too much on Soviet roads, and Stalin began to distrust the KV series, and the ISs turned out to be too crude.
  However, the German "Panther"-2 with an 88-mm 71 L caliber gun was superior to the T-34-85 in the armor-piercing power of the gun, in frontal armor and slightly in side armor, and was also not inferior in driving performance with an engine of 900 horsepower and weight at 47 tons. Even when the weight of the German tank increased to 50.2 tons, it turned out to be not fatal.
  And German jet aviation did not have a worthy opponent at all.
  Hitler decided that it was better not to drag his feet and started the war on June 22, 1944. Throwing three hundred and fifty of our own and foreign divisions, and one hundred and twenty satellite divisions at the USSR. On the side of the Third Reich were: Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, Croatia, Finland, Sweden, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Bulgaria, Argentina, Turkey.
  The Germans also used a huge number of foreigners and Hiwis in the Wehrmacht. In total, the Third Reich, in the first echelon alone, threw twelve and a half million soldiers into battle, of which no more than forty percent were Germans by nationality. Satellites added another three million. In total, the first echelon contains almost sixteen million infantry, about thirty-three thousand tanks, more than fifty-five thousand aircraft, about two hundred and fifty guns and mortars.
  After mobilization, the USSR deployed thirteen and a half million soldiers, but some of the forces had to be kept in the Far East and internal districts. In the first echelon there were eight million soldiers, about thirty thousand tanks, almost forty thousand aircraft, about two hundred thousand guns and mortars.
  Thus, the Third Reich has a double superiority in infantry, and a fivefold superiority in mobility of force, with a better machine gun. True, the USSR has a lot of machine guns, almost parity.
  The difference in tanks is not great, but the percentage of obsolete vehicles in the USSR is higher, as well as tanks of earlier releases.
  German jet aviation has no opponent, and the propeller-driven aircraft of the Third Reich are faster and better armed. True, Soviet vehicles are superior in horizontal maneuverability.
  In artillery and mortars the balance of forces is closest to equality. Both quantity and quality.
  True, the Third Reich's fleet is especially submarine, many times stronger than the Soviet one. Just like Japan, by the way.
  In addition, the Nazis already have class A ballistic missiles in mass production, and the first discos have taken off.
  In general, the fascists will be stronger, and Stalin quite reasonably prepared a defense, albeit belatedly. But we didn"t have time to do much. Stalin's line turned out to be not completely restored, and most importantly, the troops were not sufficiently trained to hold the defense. Although they were desperately retrained.
  The Molotov border line, after three years of advance, was generally completed, but was located too close to the border and did not have sufficient depth. In addition, Stalin ordered the construction of a third echelon beyond the Dnieper, but this was started only after the US surrender.
  True, in addition to the Soviet troops, you can count on the NKVD units, whose number has been increased to a million soldiers and the militia. That's about four million people, just in Western cities. Although, of course, their combat effectiveness is much worse than that of regular units.
  The Germans, as in real history, delivered the main blow in the center, cutting off the Bialystok ledge and the Lviv fist. The very first days of the fighting showed that the Germans, despite the large number of foreign units, were conducting the offensive more or less coherently. But Soviet troops are often lost.
  In addition, the combat effectiveness of the Ukrainian units turned out to be questionable. There were many deserters and those who surrendered in the very first days of the war.
  It was not possible to contain the enemy in border battles. And then Stalin made a mistake, prohibiting the withdrawal of units to the main line and demanding that the front be straightened. The error, however, was corrected, but with a delay. The Germans were able to capture Minsk on June 28, breaking Stalin"s line in the center.
  The confusion only intensified. On June 30, the expected entry into the war of Japan and its satellites took place. So we had to forget about the transfer of troops from the Far East for now.
  The German breakthrough in the center was expanding. A huge gap arose that they desperately tried to plug. But the Nazis advanced and on July 16 broke into Smolensk.
  By throwing all available reserves into battle and putting the militias under arms, Stalin and Zhukov were able to stop the Fritz offensive in the center. But Hitler turned his troops to the south. The Nazis created a huge cauldron in Kyiv and captured almost all of Ukraine.
  They blocked Leningrad and invaded Crimea. The course of hostilities very much resembled 1941, like persistent karma. But the differences were also quite significant. The USSR in 1941 had some free reserves, but now everything was already mobilized. And when the assault took place in October, it turned out that there was almost nothing to hold the defense.
  By the beginning of November 1944, the Nazis surrounded Moscow, forcing Stalin to flee to Kuibyshev.
  The Nazis, unlike real history, had a significant numerical superiority. They had enough divisions to bypass Moscow from the North and South. But for the Soviet units, everything was too spread out on different fronts.
  In reality, in 1941, after the mobilizations, Stalin received an advantage over the Wehrmacht in the number of personnel, and he had four times more planes and tanks than the Third Reich had from the very beginning of the war. And in the first five months of the war, more USSR equipment was produced in real history.
  But now the Nazis have all the trump cards, the quantity and quality of weapons and personnel are on their side. And the Red Army has the same problems as in 1941. Including the unwillingness of Ukrainians, Balts, and many small nations to die for the Soviet system. Mass betrayals and defections of victims of repression, dispossessed kulaks and other offended people of all stripes. Including ideological enemies of the Soviet regime.
  And the fact that the Germans also defeated the West only increases the number of traitors.
  Therefore, it is not surprising that Moscow is surrounded, and the Germans have captured Donbass, Voronezh and are moving towards Stalingrad.
  Winter in 1944, unfortunately, was not as frosty and snowy as in 1941. Moscow, however, heroically held out until the end of December 1944. Stalingrad fell in January 1945, and the fighting for it did not last too long. In February and early March, the Germans and their satellites completely captured the Caucasus and the Baku oil wells.
  The offensive then proceeded along the Volga. To Saratov, to Kuibyshev, and then Orenburg and Kazan.
  Stalin fled to Sverdlovsk. Kazan fell in May. In the summer, the Germans and Japanese continued to move deeper into Russia. The resistance of the Soviet troops was falling. On August 5, 1945, Sverdlovsk was captured. And on September 3, 1945, Stalin finally agreed to surrender. In exchange for your own life and freedom.
  The Second World War is over. But peace did not reign for long. Having tested nuclear weapons, Hitler became convinced of their phenomenal destructive power.
  Now it turned out that Japan and the USA were still on the path to world domination of the Third Reich. And although the Fuhrer conquered more land than Genghis Khan, Alexander the Great, Napoleon, Emperor Trojan, and Suleiman the Magnificent combined, he decided to defeat Japan as well.
  Exactly three years after the end of the Second World War, one hundred ballistic, intercontinental missiles with powerful nuclear charges covered the Land of the Rising Sun at once.
  And then the offensive of the Wehrmacht ground units and the navy began. The Germans relatively quickly seized Japan's possessions in Asia, and razed the metropolis itself to the ground with atomic bombs.
  The Pacific possessions of the Land of the Rising Sun offered more or less long-term resistance. But by June 1949 it was all over. Now all that remained was to defeat the United States. Moreover, there was a reason. The Americans, contrary to the agreement, still developed nuclear weapons and conducted their secret tests.
  Hitler started the war on January 1, 1950, dropping three hundred nuclear missiles on New Year's Day.
  A devastating nuclear attack destroyed one hundred of America's largest cities and killed tens of millions of people. Another greatest crime of Adolf Hitler has been added to the long list of the most odious atrocities.
  Then the invasion of Canada began, and from the south along with the Latin American dictatorships. The Americans were weakened and shocked, but they fought desperately. They understood that defeat for them meant only slavery and a slow, painful death.
  Therefore, it was the most desperate of all wars. And it lasted for more than a year, forcing the Third Reich to drop about two hundred more nuclear charges and turn many fertile lands into a radioactive desert.
  But the goal was nevertheless achieved and the last enemy of the Third Reich was defeated. And after this, the process of so-called world globalization began. The German mark became the only world currency. Even formally independent countries were reduced to the level of colonies of the Third Reich, with only limited local self-government retained.
  Jews and Gypsies were outlawed: they were sought out and destroyed. The SS carried out massive purges and went on a rampage. The real nightmare has come - the hour of the dragon. Or even more precisely, the era. The Fuhrer was building a real worldwide totalitarian empire with a claim to space expansion.
  In 1959, during the celebration of the Fuhrer's seventieth birthday, an official coronation took place, a worldwide plebiscite - which legitimized the title of super-emperor. And when Adolf Hitler died in 1967, his son inherited his title and power.
  By this time, Planet Earth had already founded settlements on the Moon and Mars with Venus, and was actively preparing for expansion into the outer star worlds... The Nazis wanted a universal empire - the construction of a Star Reich in order to plunge the entire universe into a nightmare.
  Dimka smashed his sword into pieces and stood stunned, blinking his eyes, on the street. His hands were covered in blood and what was left of the sword was bloody. The siren sounded. Street of the summer city. And the police running up. Followed by a blow to the back with a baton. Dimka barely audibly says:
  - I give up!
  They pull his hands back and lock the handcuffs. The boy feels pain from the metal inserted into his wrists. He is taken to a van - a black raven.
  Dimka feels a mixture of anger and fear. Remembers the past. An island where children fought for their existence with swords. Wooden, but when the boy is seized with rage, they turn into sharply sharpened steel. Dimka stayed there for more than a couple of months. He fought, fought, was wounded and wounded himself. He even personally killed the traitor. Everything was. And in the end they won.
  It's a pity that the children were left on the destroyed ship. And he managed to escape only with his girl. After such adventures, prison no longer seemed too strange.
  He hit the hooligan boy with his sword, and saw him lying, and a pool of blood flowed out.
  Was the blow fatal? Dimka was so unlucky, as if he had not had enough adventures before this. And if he killed, then what? Jail? Will they take him to a dirty, smelly cell with criminals?
  And how far will it sit? He is only fourteen years old. According to the law, they have no right to give more than ten. Maybe everything will work out!?
  It's ninety-two. A time when there is so much talk about democracy and freedom, but banditry is gaining strength.
  Voronok stopped and Dimka was taken out. A handsome, tanned boy with black hair, he does not look like a bandit, but rather a victim with handcuffs.
  Dimka was taken almost immediately to the investigator and prosecutor.
  They put me in a chair.
  The investigator asked several routine questions and said with a grin:
  - The boy you wounded is dying! So pray to God that he doesn't die!
  Dimka answered with a sigh:
  - I did not want...
  The prosecutor handed over the paper:
  - This is a confession. If you sign, you will be released on your own recognizance until trial. And then, given your young age and lack of police records, you will receive a suspended sentence!
  Dimka looked at the paper and quickly read it, and shook his head negatively:
  - It says here that the teenager himself attacked the company. And they were just pressing on me!
  The investigator had a mouse-like face and thick eyebrows; he gurgled:
  - Sign as we advise you! Otherwise you will end up in a pre-trial detention center. Now we are literally full of cases, and you will have to sit until the trial for a very long time. And there in a cell with three rows of bunks on planks, a bucket in the corner and fifty nervous, hungry boys just like you. Various types of criminals. And even if the boy you wounded remains alive, the investigation will last three years, and then there will be another year and a trial! You will spend the best years of your life in hell!
  The prosecutor nodded in agreement and confirmed:
  - A preventive measure for you is either detention, or a written undertaking not to leave the place and your mom and dad will pick you up. The choice is yours! And believe me, the colonies for juveniles are already overcrowded, and they will be happy to give you probation. But if you quarrel with us, then there will certainly be a place!
  Dimka felt that the investigator and the prosecutor were not joking. And in fact, they can rot in prison. Although, on the other hand, it is not a fact that they will be released if he signs. Are there many examples of cops cheating? But the main thing in Dimka was stubbornness and obstinacy, which clearly manifested itself after his stay on the islands of death. And the boy decisively declared:
  - No!
  The investigator growled harshly:
  - What's wrong?
  Dimka said harshly:
  - I won't sign! They attacked me, they wanted to wound me with a chain and it was self-defense!
  The investigator growled:
  - OK then! He"s in a pre-trial detention center, after you spend a week you"ll become wiser!
  The prosecutor nodded and signed:
  - For now, two months in custody. But of course you can release earlier!
  The investigator growled:
  "I think detention will be good for the boy!"
  Dimka was taken out of the office and taken to prison. The handcuffs clinked and the chain. The boy only had to cross the road. He was supposed to be accepted there.
  Dimka walked clankingly chained to two policemen. I felt pretty bad. Prison, cell, evil prisoners. And he got himself into trouble by refusing to sign a confession. Although, on the other hand, after this you won"t be able to get rid of it.
  Dimka was taken to the duty room. First name, last name, patronymic, valuables with you.
  Then the riot. A police officer and two women in white coats took the boy into the room from the mirror and turned on additional lamps. The command followed:
  - Take off your clothes!
  Dimka sighed - trouble! Just wondering, why women? The boy took off his jeans, T-shirt, sneakers, and jacket. I was left in only my shorts.
  A young woman in a white coat remarked:
  - He's built well!
  The officer shouted:
  - And take off your panties! Alive!
  Dimka, burning with embarrassment, took them off too. He involuntarily blushed and covered himself. The police officer shouted:
  - Attention! Hands down! Take a closer look - it's a killer!
  A woman in a white coat who looked like a nurse smiled and, putting on thin medical gloves, cooed:
  - We haven"t seen anything like them! Relax boy, aunty will touch you!
  She began examining Dimka's body. I walked through the boy's hair, which had grown during his stay on the islands. She carefully combed each strand, looking for something hidden. Maybe even money. Then she shone the light into the boy"s ears and nostrils. She did it carefully, as if she was hoping to find something.
  Then she ordered me to put my head on the doorway, and grabbed my chin with my hands. She put her hand in her mouth. Dimka felt the smell and taste of rubber with his tongue. The woman felt behind her gums, her teeth, her cheeks. When she pressed on the root of the tongue, the boy felt a bout of vomiting. Yes, how unpleasant. The hand reached all the way to the tonsils, and it became difficult to breathe.
  Then, finally, the woman sent her and grinned:
  - There is nothing!
  The officer commanded:
  - Continue Olga! Due to the special danger of the subject, personal search must be the most thorough!
  The woman in white began to feel Dimka"s chest. She raised her hands and looked at her armpits. And with unexpected force she pressed on the navel. Dimka gasped...
  Then the woman stopped and asked:
  - Well, now let him squat!
  The police officer growled:
  - This is not entirely reliable! Look at his anus too!
  The woman in the white robe shook her head:
  - You need special permission for this! In the same way to check the boy"s private parts!
  The officer weakly commanded:
  - Squat, little devil...
  Dimka answered with dignity:
  - I'm a boy!
  And he began to squat easily. I sat down ten times. After which the women examined his soles, and passed between his toes.
  After which Dimka found himself in the next room. There another guy, in a prison uniform with a short haircut and a typewriter in his hands, said:
  - What's new?
  The police officer replied:
  - Yes, and quite a greyhound!
  The boy giggled and remarked:
  - But he"s not that scary! Well, sit in the chair and I"ll cut your hair!
  Dimka sat down. It's still unpleasant to be naked. And then you get your hair shaved like a criminal. To top it all off, the clipper was a bit dull and it was painful to cut my hair. Thick, black hair fell to the floor. The young convict's knocked-off boots stomped on them. It seemed that with every strand of hair a piece of the immortal soul leaves, and you become less and less free. Dimka was in a depressed mood. Ahead of him was a prison cell and a meeting with juvenile criminals.
  However, Dimka was never afraid of his peers. And after hardening "Forty Islands", it"s no longer scary. If anything he will fight. What about prison?
  What about another test? He is only fourteen years old and has his whole life ahead of him.
  It shows that arrogance is the second happiness. And the Fuhrer managed to capture not only Britain in 1940, but also the USA a few years later. And this suggests that determination gives victory. However, beautiful Russian girls can defeat Hitler's hordes!
  In another universe, Hitler turned out to be more decisive, and gave the order to capture Britain immediately after the surrender of France. At the same time, the Fuhrer introduced universal military and labor conscription, including in the occupied territories. The Germans produced significantly more aircraft than in real history and were able to suppress British air power. Then, using not only the military, but also the merchant fleet, the Nazis landed in the metropolis. They acted quite successfully and captured London on the move.
  Britain fell, a pro-German government and a completely legal, but Hitler-sympathizing king were installed.
  After which, of course, the Germans swept up all the colonies of the lion empire and took control of them.
  The attack on the USSR took place a year later, but with more powerful tanks and the enormous strength of the colonies.
  The Red Army stubbornly resisted, but still gradually succumbed and retreated. It was difficult for her to contain such an onslaught. Moreover, Stalin again did not mobilize the army and came under attack. They broke it like a blotter.
  And the new German "Tigers" went into battle. How they put pressure on the Soviet positions, how they gave... The Red Army gave in, but fought stubbornly. The Germans were much stronger.
  But Moscow was still held. After which the Fritz turned south. Stalingrad became a real nightmare for them.
  The city on the Volga held out stubbornly. Soviet troops continually launched counterattacks. They themselves suffered losses, but they also sent enemies to the next world.
  The enemy, however, took the number of equipment and infantry. Threw colonial troops into battle. The Panthers were literally overwhelmed in numbers. The powerful Lev tank also appeared. This car did not penetrate thirty-fours from all angles and angles.
  Combat testing showed the effectiveness of the Lev vehicle in all battles, although the gun was overpowered and its rate of fire left much to be desired. As well as driving performance.
  But this tank, well protected from the sides of the stern in conditions of a lack of Soviet guns with high armor-piercing power, showed itself to be strong in the breakthrough.
  The Germans nevertheless took Stalingrad, and were able to capture the Caucasus. In fact, the forces are very unequal. There are many divisions of Arabs, Africans, and Indians.
  They rush towards the enemy like an avalanche. Soviet troops do not have time to fight back.
  In addition, the Germans have great superiority in the air. A lot of planes. And very strong fighters.
  In particular, the Focke-Wulf was overwhelming with its weapons and frontal armor - a tenacious vehicle with a strong engine.
  Against her, the USSR had no opponent equal in armament and speed.
  The ME-309 also turned out to be a very serious warhorse. Also high speed. Three 30 mm cannons and four machine guns. Can't resist such power.
  And the Germans with foreign regiments kept moving and moving east.
  In the second half of May, fierce battles broke out in Orenburg.
  The battalion of girls, thinned during the battles for Stalingrad, entered the battle with the Nazis in this city, better known for the famous siege of Emelyan Pugachev.
  Alenka, the battalion commander, took her place in the trench. The captain girl is very beautiful. According to tradition, the girls in this battalion fight barefoot in just a bikini. So they use earth magic, which gives special protection. And indeed the girls suffer much less losses than the rest of the units.
  Not everyone can survive six months in Stalingrad.
  Next to her is curvy Maria with golden hair. It also went through fire, water and copper pipes. A tough test awaited the girls in the very heat of the Stalingrad hell. They fought to the end and survived. And the magic of their native land helped them.
  Apparently, when you fight almost naked, bullets and shrapnel practically don"t hurt you.
  Maria shoots at the Nazis. Ahead, the Germans, in order to save Aryan blood, traditionally abandon blacks, Arabs, Hindus and other foreigners. The number of foreigners in the Wehrmacht is constantly growing, and they are thrown into the thick of things without pity.
  Here the African killed by Maria falls. The girl blows him a kiss and says:
  - I feel sorry for you! You are not dying because you want to!
  And again the girl hits the Arab with a rifle. Colonial Wehrmacht troops break through. Already warm and comfortable. The fascists are trying to catch the time of year when everything is in bloom and sunny. Stormtroopers roar in the sky. Like the newest jets, their number is constantly increasing, so too are the TA-152s, which replaced the outdated Focke-Wulfs. However, the latter are still fighting.
  Golden-haired Maria pushed away a piece of ceramic with her bare, graceful foot and chirped:
  - My earth is torn apart by a groan, the fields are blood-fed... It"s a pity there is no place for the fallen in paradise, only in the ashes, the poplars are circling.
  And again the Indian fell from her shot. Yes, you have to kill foreigners who have been rounded up like cannon fodder. How else? Otherwise, they will kill you.
  Red Alla. A fiery girl, with long copper-red hair that flutters like a fighting, proletarian banner. The girl performs not only in a bikini, but even without a bra. She's like, she's cool. And it also shoots surprisingly accurately. Every now and then soldiers fall from her shots with their heads pierced.
  Then Alla throws a grenade with her bare toes. The gift flies along a broken trajectory and ends up in a crowd of Arabs. An explosion is heard... Several mutilated bodies are thrown into the air!
  Alla shouts at the top of her lungs:
  - I wanted to make an iron - suddenly it turned out to be an elephant!
  Anyuta, a charming blonde, tanned, and very slender, curvy, of average height, but perfectly built, also fired. She hit the infidel on the bridge of his nose and sang:
  - Wings like a bee - flowers instead of ears!
  The girls fire very accurately and are constantly moving.
  Large and fleshy Matryona gained a little weight after Stalingrad. She is also a beautiful girl, with wide hips, but a relatively narrow waist. She went through this hell and lost Seryozhka. A brave pioneer who invents traps for the Germans was captured. It didn't work out too well.
  But then Matryona failed the mechanism and a mine slid under the German tank. Panther 2 was damaged and stopped, having been seriously stung.
  "Mouses" still take part in battles. This tank is distinguished by its heavy weight and survivability. But "E"-100 also appeared. These machines are no less protected and more nimble. Lev-2 is also fighting, also a machine, well protected and lighter than its predecessors. For the "Lion", the Germans often use a 150-mm cannon, which is more convenient for storming cities. Some "Lions" are also equipped with bomb launchers.
  But the Germans advance the tanks carefully and throw the infantry forward.
  Colonial soldiers move forward. Crazy drift music is playing!
  Alla fires a burst from a machine gun... The soldiers fall and splashes like blood from a watermelon broken with a shovel.
  The redhead says:
  - For the Motherland, for Stalin, there is no stronger army! We fight fiercely for happiness for people! And our Leader has falcon wings... He gives light to hope! The blow of the steel hammer brought dawn to us!
  Alla sings and shoots. She is truly beautiful. She has tanned, golden-olive breasts, with ripe strawberry nipples. How delicious this girl is! It's hard to imagine something more impressive and attractive. Guys look at this Amazon in only thin panties.
  The red-haired girl knocked down five Indians and sang:
  - When time comes, astronautics will develop... And for us, war is high romance!
  And the girl laughed again... And again she opened her surprisingly and amazingly accurate fire.
  Having stumbled upon a strong defense, the Germans again throw attack aircraft and bombers into battle. The infantry has withdrawn, and shells and bombs are raining down on the girls' positions.
  And tanks work from a distance. Alena gives the order:
  - Everyone hide in the dugouts!
  And she herself remains to observe on the surface. The Nazis' artillery preparation is powerful. And even more dangerous bombs. Some of them are dropped by such monsters as the Yu-488 and the newest TA-400. Bombs weighing nine tons fall and are capable of destroying dugouts and fortifications. Alenka was thrown up by the blast wave, and her bare heels hit a pile of stones painfully.
  My soles were burned. But otherwise, the girl captain was not injured. And a very powerful bomb was dropped, even the roar of it blocked my ears. No, there"s nothing that can happen in the world.
  But the girls really have an enviable survival rate. While men are dying and dying!
  Alenka remembered how the young man Julius caressed her. How he kissed her stomach, legs, knees, thighs, and breasts. How pleasant it is to be pawed by a young and handsome man who has just recently begun to develop a mustache. But then Julius died in the dugout, crushed by a direct hit from a bomb. And there wasn"t even a wet spot left from it.
  The young man went to... where? To heaven, to hell, to oblivion? But the main thing is that he is not on earth now. And Alenka is very bitter about this.
  If only she would take this Hitler head on a tree stump. The war will soon have lasted three years. The Nazis are already storming Orenburg. Their pincers broke through far away.
  Alenka was distinguished by her great amorousness and temperament. She usually preferred younger and even young soldiers. And at the first opportunity she started an affair. Alena loved when her strong, trained body was caressed and touched by handsome men. During the war, morals became simpler, and no one looked particularly askance at the fact that a Red Army officer was making out with men.
  Alenka, like a cat, loved stroking and affection. And for her this is the highest pleasure. The chest, legs, womb, and neck are especially sensitive.
  But how many of her lovers have already passed into the next world! What an insidious and evil thing war is. Although the men stuck to Alenka. If only she were such a beauty, she came out with all her face, figure and voice.
  And in general, when a woman is young, she is most often beautiful. Here are five of them, howling almost since the beginning of the war - very cute... Four girls are fair-haired and one is red-haired. Like a five-pointed star. They've been through a lot of hell, but they've never been seriously injured. Unless there were scratches.
  Usually everything on Alenka healed like on a dog, and there were no scars left.
  And now: bombs are falling, shells are exploding, but she doesn"t even care! It's all so funny!
  Although no... There is no time for fun in war. And sometimes girls in her battalion also die. Even bare feet for a girl are not a guarantee of immortality. And in Stalingrad, in the men's battalions, literally everyone was often killed.
  The city on the Volga covered itself with glory. For six months they held back the onslaught of Hitler's hordes. The Germans and their satellites lost about a million killed and wounded in the battles for Stalingrad. True, most of the dead were foreigners!
  The Fuhrer brought troops from all over the Earth to Rus'! There were even American mercenaries, mostly of German origin. Lots of Indians. India is a densely populated country, and the Fuhrer ordered more active use of men as cannon fodder. And take Indian women into harems. In fact, it was allowed to have several wives in the Third Reich. The Pope gave permission for this at gunpoint. And other churches approved. The Fuhrer himself revised his views on Aryan blood. The Germans were allowed, after additional selection, to have Slavic, European, Arab, Indian wives - provided that they had no physical defects and were absolutely healthy. Marriages with black women were prohibited, but it was not forbidden to use African women in brothels, but only with contraception. After selection, marriages with Japanese, Thai, and Korean women were allowed.
  But again, the requirements were for beauty, external data, health, and the absence of physical defects. Now the role of pedigree was declining. There are many more foreign divisions in the SS than there are German ones. And the Wehrmacht was replenished with foreigners. The colonial troops consisted entirely of aborigines and were commanded by the Germans.
  The Fuhrer took over the organization of the army from Genghis Khan, mixing peoples and forming a motley army.
  Of course, in such conditions, the USSR gradually lost the war of attrition. This strategic doom forced us to be especially inventive. But there was an unexpected chance: the United States, where it had already managed to suppress the rebellion of Africans and representatives of Latin nationality, intensified work on the atomic bomb. And if we hold out for some more time, a truce with the Third Reich is possible while the war with the United States continues.
  And there maybe the Nazis will fight to such an extent that they no longer want to fight. And then Soviet Russia will survive.
  The bombing and massive artillery shelling ended. And the assault begins again. The city has already been turned into ruins; not a single intact house remains. Alas, the enemy is very cruel and strong.
  The girls get to the surface and meet the oncoming infantrymen with fire. Tanks are creeping in...
  Alyonushka, having shot the Indian, whispered:
  - May God grant the blind to open their eyes and straighten the backs of the hunchbacked!
  After which the beauty clicked the shutter. She took aim again and nailed. She hit the Arab and flashed her sapphire eyes. She ran her barefoot, curved, dusty sole over the gravel. The girl felt a little ticklish. She laughed. It became more fun. The beauty shot again.
  Alyonushka fired and grinned... And hit. Forcing opponents to stop and freeze. The enemy returned fire. He threw grenades and roared...
  Then the stormtroopers appeared again. There were few of them, but there were jet cars flying that threw out rockets. The Nazis threw grenades at the girls" positions. But bare, feminine legs seemed to protect from defeat. And the warriors, immersed in shelling, survived the fire.
  The movement of the enemy infantry stopped. The Nazis tried to smoke out the Reds by throwing rockets.
  Alenka hid in the gap and chirped:
  - But from the taiga to the British seas... The Red Army is the strongest of all!
  Red-haired Alla also squeezed into the gap and avoided being hit by fragments. The beautiful girl remembered how she, as an angular teenager, was arrested following a denunciation.
  I remember the search. They forced the young arrested woman to undress. Two women wearing gloves carefully felt the girl"s nose, snakes, mouth, and looked into her private parts. How humiliating, embarrassing, scary, scary it was. Alla was very afraid when she was brought to the cell to find herself in the company of other criminals. But in the cell there were girls just like her, almost all children of repressed people. And the worst thing did not come true.
  But it was hard to sit in the cell: it was cramped, and guards often barged in. They beat me for the slightest reason and for no reason. The guards especially liked to hit the girls' heels with batons. Despite the cold in the cells, the girls were kept barefoot, and their feet were swollen from constant blows.
  Searches became another misfortune. They were carried out several times a day and it was very painful, unpleasant and humiliating.
  They fed me sparsely and whipped me on walks. Alla spent six months behind bars, in constant humiliation, bullying, beatings, and humiliating searches. And then, under Beria, she was sent to a children"s labor colony. Even without a trial.
  Alla worked there from five in the morning until late in the evening with other girls. Until the war began... And the red-haired grown-up girl ran away to the front. I managed to do it with a dozen other girls.
  Her military routine began. But during the war, the red-haired devil felt much better than in the labor colony. A prison sentence and punishment for victories still hung over her. But Alla, who had already been awarded two orders, was not touched.
  The girl experienced a lot in the colony. Including love - the boys lived in the next barracks, and despite the formal prohibition, they made their way to the girls. And they, in turn, wanted to know the forbidden. Alla, in any case, immediately liked it. The hot red-haired girl felt sinful pleasure.
  However, she was also unlucky in the war. Always after having sex, a man or young man died in battle. It was as if there was some kind of curse on the redhead. Moreover, without any exceptions. Therefore, despite her beauty, Alla gained notoriety and men began to avoid her.
  The red-haired devil suffered from a lack of male attention. And she found delight in killing men. And she again fired at the enemy, and grinned like a tigress.
  Alla shot the black man and mentally imagined him in captivity. It was interesting to have fun with such a tall and handsome man. In general, playing an active role with a man is common for a redhead. She is a strong and determined woman. What about the fact that the man will be killed later? Well, she loves variety!
  In peacetime, Komsomol girls would have been severely punished for promiscuity, but during the war, morals became much more free. This is apparently a consequence of the proximity of death, when the special department turns a blind eye to debauchery.
  Sometimes Alla felt ashamed of her promiscuity. When she doesn"t even pointedly wear a bra and shakes her bare breasts. I remembered Mary, the religious girl who was still a virgin. Although, she is probably the most feminine and sexy of the five. More precisely, attractive, with her angelic innocence.
  However, Maria is very accurate, maybe even phenomenal in her shooting. This is how she accurately hit two Arabs with one bullet. And smiling innocently, he says:
  - Lord forgive me, but I serve my Motherland!
  Maria is very beautiful... She is a little embarrassed that she has to fight in only a bikini. But it protects against defeat. This has been proven by practice. Maria started the war while still a girl. She has grown up in three years, but she still seems slender, virginal, and of normal height for a girl. The other members of the four are longer, more muscular, and Matryona is actually a cow - albeit a very strong one.
  Maria shoots and remembers Seryozhka. Poor boy. I was captured. And this is worse than death. So first he faced torture, then execution. And it is unknown how others will react to this.
  Maria fired, got up on her knees, and fired. The murdered Hindu stretched out and released a puddle of blood. The golden-haired beauty says:
  - Eh... you have many gods, but no heaven!
  Maria nailed again, hit and sang:
  - Thank you for the lost paradise... Neither for us, nor for our children, nor for our grandchildren... But they will just get used to the deceptive sounds!
  Maria fired, killing the advancing Nazi accomplices and sang:
  - We drove, drove, drove - for a long time we... The path from trouble to trouble, from war to war! We drove, we drove, we drove - for a long time... The streams of the horde, the bloody war, are breaking! Bloody war!
  And the girl presses herself tighter into the ground. And the Lions are already creeping ahead. German tanks roar and their barrels shake.
  Maria cried and remarked:
  - Here she comes, death!
  A girl with golden hair fired at a soldier crawling towards the positions of the Red Army with a rifle to which an optical sight was attached.
  I watched as a fountain of blood sprayed from the head of the mortally wounded enemy.
  Maria tweeted:
  - Sniper... You're wrong!
  Alla said loudly:
  -Don"t judge by your clothes if you don"t want to stretch your legs!
  Maria shook her graceful, bare, tanned legs. I imagined that the young man with the face of an elf was running his palm along the sole. How nice that would probably be.
  But then she snorted angrily:
  - I will defeat everyone!
  Alla, who herself was an unbeliever and dissolute, mockingly said:
  - And without God's help?
  Maria fired and answered squeaky:
  - No, with God's help!
  Alla flashed her pearly teeth and remarked:
  - But your God taught: if you hit your right cheek, turn your left!
  Maria did not answer immediately. She fired a couple more shots, cutting down the fascist puppets. And she said quietly:
  - But what to do after you have been hit on the left cheek - God Jesus does not say. And the Nazis dealt many blows to our people!
  Alla jumped up. She threw a grenade with her bare foot, raising a whole column of dust, and roared:
  - Berlin is almost in our power... Through binoculars we see the damned Reichstag! There will be peace and happiness on the entire planet... I"ll tell you about this in my poems!
  And the redhead gave a burst, cutting off a whole line of Nazis. Then she kicked the grenade again.
  She's a strong girl. In the camp she was forced to move stones from dawn to dusk, and Alla became a real superman. She threw the grenade much further with her feet than with her hands.
  The redhead loved to run with her bare soles over the coals or over the snow. She enjoyed it...
  Allah took it and broke through:
  - But I have another passion... This is power, only power!
  The red-haired devil fired a burst, shooting the Krauts and their henchmen, and roared:
  - No need for gold and money! And it is necessary that in front of me... People were on their knees, people were on their knees, all over the surface of the earth!
  The enemy infantry stopped. The tanks moved further. Heavy vehicles "Lev", "Mouse", "E"-100, "Tiger"-2 - fired shells. Panther 2 was also rampant. The positions burned and crumbled, snakes of smoke rose into the sky.
  One of the girls had her legs singed. She screamed and opened fire in long bursts. Another beauty had her bra cut off by a piece of shrapnel. The warrior's breasts were exposed and she blushed. The girl's face turned scarlet.
  The Maus, the heaviest German tank, was pounding from its guns. And he destroyed everything in his path.
  But the warriors jumped back in time. They're so agile. Alla threw a grenade at Mouse. Silenced one of the German machine guns.
  The redhead took it and sang fervently:
  - Let them run clumsily - armored tanks through puddles...
  After which the girl again threw a grenade with her bare foot and hit another Mouse machine gun, breaking its barrel. After which Allah screams:
  - I am the goddess of death, whom Hitler fears!
  The German tank stopped. Along with the loss of machine guns, the tankers lost the lion's share of their confidence. And the "Mouse" began to shoot from a short barrel, and began to process the ruins. One of the fragments hit Alla on the heel, burning the graceful curve of the girl"s sole.
  The beauty took it and sang:
  - The executioner is burning my heels, and I can hear crying!
  With a well-aimed shot, Maria broke the optical sight of the Mouse. And the massive tank trotted out and began to turn around. It"s clear where almost two hundred tons of steel will be trampled blindly. Only back to escape more trouble.
  Then "Lev"-2 came into play. A more advanced machine is trying to knock out the entire space in front of itself with the fire of a 150-mm cannon. The girls turn their noses up at the fascist in response.
  Maria throws a grenade with her chiseled leg. The present does not reach the tank, but it knocks out the infantry. One African even had his head torn off. She was wearing a helmet, spun around, and crashed straight onto a brick.
  The golden-haired girl said:
  - Everything is according to the will of God... Even mistakes!
  Alla sang enthusiastically in response:
  - Everything in the world depends on the heights of heaven... But the accuracy of the eyes, but the accuracy of the eyes - depends on us alone!
  Maria fired again. She broke the optical sight of "Lev" and rationally remarked:
  - And God gives accuracy!
  Alla bared her teeth and slapped her bare foot on the broken glass. I felt how pleasant it was when something sharp pierced my bare sole. And she roared:
  - In everything you need dexterity, hardening, training - otherwise there will be no grace!
  Maria fired at the fascist with the degenerate face in the stomach and sang:
  - And for the Krauts, grace is to rip the skin off the skull! And chew, chew, chew - wash it down with warm pus!
  Alla made a face, fired... She split her head and whispered:
  - What an unpious speech you have!
  Maria's face turned pale and whispered:
  - God forgive me, a sinner!
  Alla laughed. She was a cynical girl. And in the children's labor colony she beat those who were weaker than her. And that redhead is shameless. And Alla wanted to pull Maria by her golden hair. And not with hands, feet.
  And Alla extended her bare limb to the leafy hair of the Christian girl, and as soon as she grabbed the strands with her fingers, she pulled.
  Maria screams and turns around and says:
  -Are you crazy?
  Alla mockingly said:
  - So God endured and commanded you!
  Maria shook her fist:
  - Don't blaspheme, bitch!
  Alla answered and sang:
  - And God is again torn by laughter - what do I care about everyone, and what do you care about me!
  Maria shook her head and remarked:
  - You take risks every day! And at the same time, having the opportunity to go to hell in a minute, you are insolent and utter bad speeches!
  The redhead grimaced. She grabbed a piece of glass with her bare toes and threw it into her mouth. I caught it with my tongue. She chewed the glass, and without thinking twice took a sip, saying:
  - Hell won't catch us!
  Maria, rolling her eyes fiercely, growled:
  - You won"t go anywhere! Fire louse!
  Alla only flashed her emerald eyes in response. And she threw a grenade at the Nazis, saying:
  - While the war is going on, let's forget about our differences!
  Maria said out of place:
  - God"s is God"s, and Caesar"s is Caesar"s!
  Alla gave a long turn and added:
  - And Hitler is diabolical!
  Maria opened fire, knocked down several more people and thought. How can one reach such a decline in morals as Hitler reached? What kind of beast is in human form? That bloody tyrant whom humanity has not known since the time of Adam and Eve. And at the same time extremely lucky. Maybe even the luckiest and most successful conqueror in the entire history of mankind.
  But Russia turned out to be a tough nut to crack for fascism. The war in the east will soon enter its fourth year. Yes, the Nazis are advancing. Not too fast, but confident. Only in winter was the Red Army able to squeeze the Krauts a little. And now the enemy is attacking again.
  The girl shot accurately and very well. Having lost its optical sights, the Lev tank turned around again and began to flee. And "Panther"-2... A tank with a long and thick barrel and a relatively small turret.
  An efficient machine. Which knocked out almost any mastodon. Here Alla distinguished herself by throwing grenades with her seductive legs and damaged the barrel.
  The red-haired devil flashed her eyes the color of the sea and hissed:
  - I break their noses!
  A German with a broken muzzle turns around. The tracks are shaking like a nimble machine. Yes, girls invented a convenient and effective tactic. Hit the barrels, breaking the barrel with grenades when the armor is inaccessible.
  And the well-aimed Maria shoots accurately, as if she really was the great-granddaughter of Robin Hood. And the golden-haired beauty exclaims:
  - Under the pretext of the goals of humanism,
  To build heaven on Earth...
  Hitler switched to the path of fascism -
  The temple was erected by the scumbag Satan!
  And she shoots like a true saint of extermination. Her bare, chiseled leg throws a shard of glass, hitting the Arab right in the center of his forehead. And the son of the desert, reflexively pulling the trigger of the machine gun, cuts off a dozen of his accomplices.
  Alla remarked approvingly:
  - And you learn quickly! And you progress right before your eyes!
  The red-haired warrior also threw a piece of glass with her bare fingers and hit the African in the eye. It exploded, falling on a bunch of grenades. And a dozen other fighters flew into the sky, or hell - how to decide on business!
  Alla tweeted:
  - Hell will be an evil place, who tore off the cover... And the sacred virgin sword - chopped down the enemies!
  And the red-haired devil gave a turn again and hissed:
  - There will be a coffin for you, only made of ashes, and music in mourning!
  Maria immediately threw a grenade at both legs, crippling the barrel of the formidable E-100 tank, ringing:
  - For the glory of the Lord Christ!
  In the parallel universe, the USSR had a very difficult time. But Hitler did not finish off Russia. He was too alarmed by rumors that the United States was trying to create an atomic bomb. More precisely, not even rumors, but intelligence reports, which were impossible to hide from powerful German intelligence. And the atomic bomb is a terrible thing, even though it"s not easy to get the Third Reich from overseas.
  Hitler proposed a truce to Stalin, which was gladly accepted by the dictator who almost lost the war. The troops of the Third Reich attacked America from both sides. Both from Argentina and from Canada. The Germans had a lot of troops and they were also helped by the Japanese, who were pressing the Americans from the east. A fierce battle raged.
  Five girls Alenka, Maria, Alla, Anyuta, Matryona arrived in America to fight as volunteers against the hordes of the Third Reich. All five girls are very beautiful and speak English. Stalin refused to send the entire women's battalion, as this would contradict the terms of the peace concluded with the fascist empire. The USSR needed to gain time at any cost while the Nazis attacked the USA.
  The five girls are volunteers: they went through almost the entire war, from Brest and Bug to Orenburg. And they are fighting the Nazis on the other side of the Earth in the capital of Honduras.
  Tegucigalpa is one of the main strongholds of the defense, in confrontation with a motley horde. Both the Japanese and the Asian hordes got into trouble. The Germans themselves fought only with tanks, and the infantry was entirely from non-Aryan peoples. They drove Asians, blacks, and Arabs forward.
  Alenka fired, cutting off two Africans and chirped:
  - Just a horde of Genghis Khan!
  Golden-haired Maria, having cut down three Indians with a machine gun burst, raised her bare, tanned legs to the top. And she said:
  - We're grinding cannon fodder!
  A fragment from a grenade flew and slapped Maria on her bare, round heel. Girls traditionally fight in bikinis and barefoot. And when it hits the rough, girlish sole with a sharp one, it hurts a little.
  The beauty winked and fired again... Maria is very slender, of average height with a perfect figure.
  Alenka is taller, with the rank of major, and even a hero of the Soviet Union. But also almost naked, barely covered by a bikini. Very tanned, but her hair is white. And Alenka shoots very accurately. And he loves to throw grenades with his bare feet.
  The beautiful Alla shoots and knocks down four Arabs with a burst of fire. Her hair is red, or rather copper-red, like a proletarian banner. And when the winds blow, it's like a flag of revolution. The girl sparkles with her emerald eyes, like stars. And brutally sweeps away enemies.
  Anyuta is also blonde. And he fires from a machine gun. The girl planted her bare feet and gave a burst. Five assorted fighters were thrown up, and crimson fountains of blood flew out of the chests and bellies of their adversaries.
  Anyuta, licking her full lips, chirped:
  - War is air for the lungs...
  The girl is lying down, throwing a grenade with her bare foot. Explosions are heard. Several militants fly off in different directions.
  Matryona is a larger and fleshier girl. Her hair is light brown. A typical village, young, blood-and-milk woman. She is very strong physically and shoots well.
  Here comes the turn again. And the killed fascist mercenaries fall.
  Matryona, shooting, says:
  - Okay, okay, where have you been? By Grandma! - The girl fired, killing three bearded Nazi fighters and added. - What did you eat - porridge! What did you drink? Mash!
  The girls are holding the line. They do not let the fascists forward. And friendly songs roar:
  - We will destroy the whole world of violence,
  To the core and then...
  We will build a new, heavenly world -
  Who was nobody will become everything!
  Alenka again throws a grenade with her bare foot. Blasts advancing infantrymen. It's definitely getting hotter. Here comes the notorious "Lion"-2. And next to it is the more advanced E-50. Projectiles are ejected. A black American's head was torn off and it rolled away.
  Maria stepped on a burning board, and her hardened legs almost did not feel the heat of the flame.
  The golden-haired beauty shot and purred:
  - And who will stop the flow of bloody, enraged rivers...
  Maria fired again, knocking the African off the E-50's armor and chirped.
  - A beam from a blaster will hit your temple, in an evil flash the man disappeared!
  The girl shot again. She flashed her barefoot, tanned, graceful foot through the air. A grenade flew towards her. The beauty with golden hair deftly beat off the gift with her bare, almost dust-free sole. The grenade flew back. She rushed into the ranks of the militants of the Third Reich. It looked like watermelons were falling out of the truck, breaking. There was so much blood spilling out.
  Maria tweeted:
  - The girl failed the exam, and the damned Reich came. Hitler was apparently tired of living, and his beauty famously ate him!
  Alla is also a no-nonsense warrior. He shoots at himself with machine guns and says, scattering the corpses:
  - For mommy"s spoon! For daddy's spoon! And for Koba, a ladle! And on your side in bed!
  A beauty with copper-red hair launches a wooden airplane with her bare foot. He flies straight towards the massive German Lion tank. Land on the muzzle of a 105mm cannon and it explodes. The weapon fails.
  The German turns around and is forced to flee shamefully. Alla, rubbing her leg on a piece of the building, says:
  - If you don"t have strength, you need intelligence! You'll have to make some noise!
  And again the girl shoots very accurately. Her red hair is like the flame of the Olympic torch. Attractive girl. She has already distinguished herself in the American army by demonstrating a furious temperament. He was especially good at making mischief with African-Americans. It"s so unusual and beautiful with them.
  However, Allah also destroys blacks fighting in the army of the Third Reich. Why did Germany conquer all of Africa? Try to stop such power.
  The E-50 is the newest tank, with a gas turbine engine and thick side and frontal armor. It cannot be taken with a grenade. Alla threw the gift with her bare leg, knocked down several infantrymen and chirped:
  - Oh, your tank armor is reliable, from someone who intends to bite... Just know the power you have... nya, you can only kick a steel horse!
  Anyuta also shot very accurately. And she preferred to throw grenades with her feet. Her bare fingers also twirled the steel disk. The tip flew over and cut the throats of two fascist militants. They dropped the machine gun, and now a thick burst of large caliber slashed through the chains of the horde. A whole line of foreign fighters recruited through raids into the army of the Third Reich.
  Anyuta tweeted:
  - Luck is the reward for courage! One song is enough! Let them sing only about home!
  But the beauty has not yet had time to miss home. Although there are very few Soviet volunteers in the American army. Stalin did not want to shine, so as not to later give Hitler a reason to accuse Russia of violating the terms of the "Straw Peace".
  Five girls, the best in the women's battalion, were warned that if they were captured, the Motherland would have to disown them. And in this case, girls should mow about trivial mercenaries who were hired for money.
  And Anyuta, and Alena, and the other girls understand that if they are captured, terrible torture awaits them. So they decided, in any case, not to be killed by the Nazis alive.
  German attack aircraft fly over the positions of American troops. Not expecting that they would be met with such stubborn resistance in the capital of Honduras, the Nazis were somewhat annoyed.
  Jet and attack aircraft are strong. Rockets are flying, guns are firing.
  American soldiers are dying. Matryona was also hit by shrapnel in her fleshy shoulder. Blood came out. The heroic girl extracted a piece of steel with her teeth and spat out blood. And then she hit me again with a bulky submachine gun. Foreign mercenaries are falling. Almost everyone here is native, only their commanders are Germans, and even then not always. True, the crews on the most modern E-50 tank are entirely German. The car has decent speed and maneuverability. Well, this is not yet the most advanced modification - it weighs seventy-five tons. The walls are crumbling under the tracks. This one is usually manufactured in three versions with a 105-mm cannon, a 180-mm assault gun, and a 400-mm rocket launcher.
  And each modification has its own task. Here is this tank with an assault gun, more suitable for attacking cities. And it is not so easy to destroy it. Matryona crosses herself and grabs an anti-tank grenade with her bare fingers, her large but graceful, beautifully shaped leg. Now you need to throw the present right at the barrel to disable the mastodon"s weapon. Five machine guns cover a German, modern tank, and it"s not so easy to get close to it.
  Matryona is very strong, and her horse-like legs throw a grenade far. But it"s not always accurate. In any case, to hit such a target as the barrel of a 180-mm cannon. The hero girl has doubts. What if he misses?
  Oh, if their longtime partner Oleg Rybachenko had been with them, this brave pioneer would have come up with something.
  But the boy died in the battles for Stalingrad. The girls did not know his further fate. But the fate of the pioneer inventor was indeed unenviable. At first, Oleg Rybachenko was brutally tortured, trying to snatch secrets. After torture, the eleven-year-old boy ended up in the mines. The work is scary and extremely hard. But the Soviet pioneer, small but wiry, turned out to be tenacious.
  He managed to survive, and even through the labyrinths of the mines he decided to escape. And Oleg Rybachenko managed to get out. The boy wandered around the Balkans for some time until he joined a local partisan detachment. There he became a liaison and saboteur.
  There was still a fairly developed partisan movement in the Balkans. Partly also because the occupation service was carried out by Italians, Romanians, Bulgarians, Albanians - who were not as combat-ready as the regular units of the Wehrmacht.
  But many partisans still died. Especially from air strikes. And the patriots of Yugoslavia are forced to hide in the mountains, forests, or, at best, small villages. A large number of commanders have already died. The situation was worsened by the peace signed with the USSR. Now new punitive divisions began to arrive in the Balkans, organizing massive raids and clearing the area.
  Oleg Rybachenko had to climb deeper and deeper into the mountains together with the partisans.
  Matryona, although she did not know the fate of their universal favorite, sighed heavily. Then she squeezed the grenade tighter with the fingers of her bare, girlish feet and, with all her strength, threw it at the enemy tank. The E-50 just fired, releasing a killer shell.
  Matryona even shook and she fell to her knees. He was hit on the head by a cobblestone torn from the pavement, and his bare heel was burned by hot metal. The girl rubbed her stunned head with dusty hair.
  The grenade flew, almost touching the barrel, and hit the inclined forehead of the car. An explosion thundered... But of course, 250 mm of frontal armor, and even at an angle, is not able to penetrate a grenade.
  Matryona slammed her fist into the dust, raising a whole cloud of sand. Then she roared:
  - Kill it, kill it! Score a goal into the goal!
  The girl tapped her shin on the cracked asphalt. A splinter was stuck in the calluses of the heel. The skin on the girl"s soles was thick like that of a hippopotamus. She lived in a poor family and almost never wore shoes since birth. However, this did not make her legs seem at all rough in shape, but were tanned, graceful, seductive.
  Matryona, however, slightly intimidated men with her tall height, strong muscles, and fists with protruding knuckles. But the heroic girl has the kindest character, and wide hips were combined with a relatively thin waist and sculpted abs. Only in clothes could Matryona seem overweight because of her large breasts. In a bikini, she looks like a busty athlete.
  The girl, in frustration, threw a grenade again, this time aiming at the tracks. But the deadly gift hit the thick, armored shield covering the rollers.
  Matryona punched herself in the chin in annoyance. It made her jaw ache. And the hero girl cursed:
  - I cut like a scythe!
  Anyuta also tried to hit the dangerous tank, but the grenade thrown by the girl"s foot missed the mark slightly. And the blonde began to get closer to the car. But then two more tanks appeared - "Lion" and "Panther"-2, they fired at all the approaches with machine guns. We had to be extremely careful.
  The American Sherman hitch a ride to get close to the German vehicles. He had a chance to hit Panther 2, but only on the side. But a German is not so easy to deceive. Moreover, the taller silhouette of the Sherman makes it noticeable from a great distance.
  "Panther" 2 spat out a shell and hit the American directly in the forehead. The tall car broke in half. And it burned like a Christmas candle.
  Anyuta said in annoyance:
  - Oh, how weak your tanks are... Better technically, you will become a Yankee!
  But Alenka, an experienced warrior, was able to get close to the Panther. She threw a grenade... And the long barrel of the German car curled into a ram's horn.
  "Panther" 2 tank, launched into production in 1943. In the latest most widespread modification, it has frontal armor of 150 mm, side armor of 82 mm at an angle, and an 88 mm cannon with a barrel length of 71EL. Starting in 1945, it was discontinued in favor of the more advanced and better protected E-50 model. But for now this tank is fighting. Weighing 51 tons, the car has a 900 horsepower engine, which provides it with good driving performance.
  And now, having received damage, Panther-2 turns around and leaves. Alenka manages to throw another grenade with her bare foot. I broke the rollers. And the speed of the German car slowed down noticeably.
  Alenka says with a joyful look:
  - What a blow! My blow is a gift from God!
  And the girl showed her nose to the Germans. But machine gun fire started pouring out of the E-50. And the bullets whistled over Alena"s white, somewhat stained hair. One of the bullets even cut off a strand of hair. The major girl even felt a little ticklish.
  Alenka tweeted:
  - If you want to be like an elephant, go to the madhouse as a bandit!
  The girl lifted her cut strand with her toes. Alenka's hair is silky, pearl-colored, but slightly dusty. And yet so soft. The girl ran them along her soles. A little ticklish and pleasant.
  Alenka remembered how the guy caressed her. His hands also started from the soles, rising higher to the thighs and the most sensitive place. When a handsome young man strokes you, it is very pleasant. Alenka almost loved him. She liked love play, and was aroused by the touch of a muscular male body. But Alenka didn"t have real, romantic love, when you go crazy about a man. She's already changed a lot of guys. Many of its men died in battle.
  Even this was the curse of war. And here in America, there are muscular, black guys. And everything is so unusual with them.
  Alenka shot and took down the black man. I felt a little sorry for the African boy. She killed a man fighting for interests alien to him. After all, the Germans are racists. They look at blacks as slaves. But at the same time, Africans are being enrolled in the foreign divisions of the swollen Wehrmacht.
  Alenka made something like a fig with her bare toes and showed it to the Nazis. Yes, the German nation itself does not suffer any damage here. Tanks have armor that is too thick to be penetrated by a grenade or bazooka. But the native units are dying.
  Alenka throws a grenade at E-50. She swung her bare, tanned leg and threw, twisting her hips. And the grenade flew in a high arc. My bare toes left me feeling the touch of metal. And then the grenade went off.
  Alenka whispers:
  - God bless us!
  A hot wind blew on the girl, as if touched by a handsome man. Alenka was reading a book about Tarzan, and she really wanted this man to play with her. I would stroke my chest with strong hands.
  The grenade hit the barrel, but exploded too late, flying off the metal. The fragments clattered like peas on armor. Only scratches remain!
  Alenka took out another grenade. But I saw that it was anti-personnel. And the anti-tank weapons are gone.
  The girl growled in frustration. But in order not to waste time, I put it in my bare fingers. She turned her leg, bent her torso, then straightened it and threw it at the infantry.
  Half a dozen fighters flew up like ping-pong balls. One of them"s glasses flew off, and the fragments flew a couple of hundred meters and ran across Alenka"s back. The bra burst, and the major girl's beautiful breasts were exposed.
  The girl automatically covered her nipples. But then she realized who she should be afraid of. And she shook the machine gun again. She gave a turn and stepped back slightly.
  An American infantryman fired a bazooka. The shell hit the German tank on its inclined side, but the 160 mm of armor withstood it, repelling the destructive energy. The German fired back. His large-caliber weapon split the wall.
  Alenka tried to tie her bra straps. The girl thought that Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya was probably driven around in the cold in her shorts. It was in a Soviet film that she was depicted wearing a shirt or even some kind of dress. This alone is just a tribute to hypocrisy. In fact, the Nazis, in order to further humiliate the captured girl, probably stripped her naked. And the hungry German soldiers probably wanted to see a pretty and curvy girl naked.
  So in the real story, the girl heroine could not cover her breasts, so her hands were tied behind her back. But she was not ashamed and looked proudly. Alenka knew well what it was like to walk barefoot in the snow. She was hardy and loved to touch the snow with her bare soles. Alenka liked it and enjoyed it. But this is for her, already hardened by years of war. And for young and urban Zoya, this is apparently painful. The soles feel like they are burning coals.
  Alenka threw away her bra in frustration and shouted:
  - Shame is a bourgeois concept! The Soviet woman is not afraid of anything and is not ashamed!
  The girl again began to nail with a machine gun, or rather a submachine gun. The metal got hot, after all, Honduras is the tropics, it can be very hot there in February. Alenka"s fingers are getting hot. We have to give it our all. Today is February 23rd. It is the day of the Soviet army and this requires fighting with all calm and reasonable fury.
  Alenka cut down five more with bullets, and accidentally burned her cheek on the hot breech of the machine gun. Of course it"s unpleasant, the blister is swollen.
  Alenka swore:
  - Well, God, why did you create so many problems for me and my country!
  The blister itched... The girl"s cheek is a very sensitive place. The girl tried to find something cold to apply to the swollen ball. But try to find something cool. In this hot city. Moreover, the weather was clear and the wind was blowing from the south.
  Alenka is clearly not at ease. Matryona throws a grenade from a long distance, but again unsuccessfully. And stormtroopers are already flying in the sky. German vehicles have strong armor and high speed.
  Jet planes come in waves, and seem to cut down strips of flax.
  Alenka hid in the gap. Fragmentation rockets blazed from above. The girl felt pieces of crushed stone falling from above with needles. It tickled my bare neck. The beauty's nipples were also pricked.
  Alenka whispered:
  - This is a massage... But not a corsage!
  The girl felt her body almost starting to itch painfully. It"s already hot, and exploding rockets add to the heat. And is this a bathhouse?
  Alenka remembered a natural Russian bathhouse, with spruce brooms. How the girl was thrashed then.
  These were such exotic sensations.
  Alenka sang to cheer herself up:
  - Love and death! Good and evil! What is holy, what is sinful! We are destined to understand!
  The girl stood up, shook off all this stuck dirt and debris.
  Alenka growled:
  - Oh, you'll get Hitler on the horns!
  And the girl major fired a burst at the infantrymen who were trying to rise to attack. Several militants recruited through the raid fell. Alenka wiped her dirty face, it stung her eyes. The warrior spat and crossed herself.
  She opened fire from machine guns again, and the militants were creeping in. Red-haired Alla also threw a grenade with her bare foot. The present jumped up and hit the fascists. A dozen people were killed.
  The redhead sang:
  - There is a lot of good in the world, but it"s covered in snow!
  And the girl opened fire with a submachine gun, only using not her hands, but her dexterous fingers and bare feet.
  Alla shot accurately and howled:
  -Hit! Hit! Another blow! Another blow and then... The mighty demon, God's gift, delivers an uppercut!
  And with her hands the girl threw shards of glass. She amazed the fascists and tweeted:
  - And for those who do not want to live in peace... We do hara-kiri to them!
  The Japanese really showed up. These narrow-eyed fighters. Well, how can you not do hara-kiri like that?
  Having unloaded the clip of the machine gun, Alla picked up the grenade with her bare fingers and threw it at the samurai. They received a present, several mutilated Japanese, and flew off in different directions.
  Alla stuck out her tongue and mumbled:
  - I'm a super warrior! And the enemy killed the hyper!
  The Chinese, recruited by the Japanese from the captured areas of the Celestial Empire, went into battle. The Chinese warriors walked fearlessly, and the girls, having discharged their submachine guns, were forced to back away.
  Maria metal bare feet fragments of plasterer and glass. The other girls did the same. It became very difficult.
  The Shturmlev appeared, a powerful machine with a rocket launcher. Here's one who's going to screw you up - it doesn't seem like much.
  The first shot thundered... Anyuta, Alla and Matryona were thrown up by the blast wave, like the fountain of a gigantic whale. The girls flew several tens of meters and plopped with their bare feet right into the fire.
  The girls jumped out of there, scalded and singed. They splashed their bare soles on the coals.
  Alla hissed with annoyance:
  - The bull is first put under the ax, and then roasted! And we were first fried, and then under the ax!
  And the Komsomol girl laughed! But then she felt sad. I remembered that her friend was captured. The Germans undressed the young girl and began to bring fire to her bare chest. Such terrible pain. The girl was screaming, and her tender skin was charred. These are the fascists who turned out to be fanatics. They didn"t even ask questions, and before that they also lit a fire, under the bare feet of the captive. The Komsomol member, in the end, could not bear the torture and died from painful shock.
  Alla, remembering this, slapped on the hot coals. Matryona rushed ahead of her. This village girl has tanned skin, and you can"t take it with a blowtorch. Why not a superman girl? Matryona sees a bazooka with a shell dropped by a killed American soldier. He picks her up with his foot and throws her into his arms. And he thrusts in with all his might.
  The shell flies and hits the forced Chinese. Lots of screams and moans. Mass of corpses. And severed limbs.
  Matryona sang an ancient song:
  - And the samurai flew to the ground! Under the pressure of steel and fire!
  The girls finally ran out from the coals. Their graceful, bare feet got it.
  Anyuta, like the most tender of them, twitched and rubbed her bare soles, trying to relieve the itching.
  Matryona, who had been running barefoot in the snow since early childhood, did not pay attention to such a trifle.
  The hero girl sang:
  - Just imagine that we plunged into fresh milk... The reward is a real thing!
  And the warrior took with her foot a broken off, and quite heavy, piece of tile. Holding it tightly with bare, girlish fingers, she spun it and launched it towards the enemy. Three Chinese were victims of the present of death; their heads were crushed.
  Alla said with a satisfied look, shooting at the enemy:
  - We are cool women!
  Anyuta sang to relieve the itching in her burnt, or rather scorched, legs:
  - There are women in our Fatherland,
  Why are they driving a plane as a joke?...
  For them, honor is more valuable than life,
  He can easily kill his adversary!
  They were born to win
  To glorify Rus' for centuries!
  After all, our great grandfathers -
  I immediately assembled an army for them!
  And Anyuta started scribbling from the machine gun. And she did it very masterfully. So that everyone can feel that this is a warrior from God! If not from the Almighty, then from Mars for sure!
  Alenka also shot. Together with Maria, they were forced to retreat, picking up clips from dead American soldiers. The girls fell on their backs and shot back with their feet - they did it better that way. And they did it accurately. A mixture of Chinese and African troops advanced on the girls. And the warriors beat.
  Alenka sang:
  - The world is not a chessboard...
  Maria picked up this passage, exterminating the yellow and black mercenaries.
  - And the figures are not a round zero!
  Alenka added to the cut row of yellow and black ones:
  - Melancholy is attacking us!
  Maria fired with the accuracy of Robin Hood and chirped:
  - And the horse rushes into the fire!
  The girls, firing back, retreated behind the minefield. Chinese and African fighters ran into goodies. They began to explode, they jumped up, tearing them apart, and it became a bloody mess.
  Several Panther-2 tanks appeared in the distance. They are shooting, and they are afraid to poke their noses in. "Lion"-2 moves forward and also spits fire. And here is the Rhino flamethrower tank, drooling, with bundles of flame.
  But the most formidable is "Sturmlev". His rocket launcher isn't particularly fast-firing, but it's hellishly destructive.
  Alenka whispers:
  - Russians, Russians - not a calm fate! Well, why do we need trouble to be stronger?
  Indeed, they are fighting far from Russia. But it is clear that the Wehrmacht, having conquered the USA, will return to put the squeeze on the USSR. And Americans are so sweet and dear to girls.
  Alenka nails again, her hits seem to make pumpkins and heads burst under the shovels. The girl gets hit in the leg by a shrapnel. A cut swells on my shin. The beauty crunched a bone and chirped:
  - No, the vigilant one will not fade,
  The look of a falcon, an eagle...
  The voice of the people is clear -
  The whisper will crush the snake!
  I believe the whole world will wake up,
  There will be an end to fascism...
  And the Sun will shine -
  The path illuminating communism!
  At that moment, Matryona, with all her strength, threw a grenade at the Shturmlev. And the Soviet girls were finally lucky. The armored cap fell back, the Soviet gift flew straight into the wide barrel. For a second everything froze. And then it exploded. It was as if an atomic bomb had been dropped. And the German tanks scattered in different directions.
  The Nazis pressed. There was a massive attack on literally all fronts. Yes, red clouds have gathered over America. And it literally rumbled and stormed.
  American troops were driven out of Honduras in late February and early March. The fighting moved to southern Mexico. The famous four girls replaced the tank with the latest modification of the E-50. The machine is indeed ultra-modern, controlled by joysticks, relatively light at 65 tons with an engine of 1550 horsepower.
  The frontal armor is 250 mm, the side armor is 170, and even at a significant angle. But because of this, it"s a little cramped for the girls in the tank. It"s not as comfortable here as in the "Tiger"-2, but the car has become more compact, especially the layout. But now American tanks cannot penetrate the tank, even when shooting at the side at point-blank range. Such protection can withstand an IS-2 shot.
  The girls are happy and the car goes quite quickly. Gerda, pressing the joystick buttons, says:
  - This is a machine! Truly a masterpiece!
  Charlotte responds by saying:
  - The sides are very sloping and the hatch is narrow, there is almost no top. You can"t break through such a machine, but it"s not comfortable!
  Gerda remarked with enthusiasm:
  - But it"s effective! And completely impenetrable!
  Magda answered with a smile:
  - As we see, God protects Germany!
  Christina giggled and replied:
  - We win victories ourselves! And this is the essence of our strategy!
  Gerda remarked enthusiastically:
  - Until recently, the Lion tank seemed to us the limit of perfection. And now the car is twenty-five tons lighter, superior to the Lion in armament, armor, and especially in driving performance. So America can't break us!
  Charlotte burst out laughing and said:
  - Don't break it! We will break everyone ourselves!
  A Sherman appeared in Magda"s sights. The girl sent the projectile straight to the target. Split the car.
  Still, we must admit that the Americans are noticeably behind in tank building. The Sherman is clearly not up to par in combat, and the Pershing is only slightly better. Moreover, the Pershings appeared in the series only at the beginning of 1945, and their parameters are similar to the early Panther model. The E-50 penetrates Americans at a distance of over five kilometers.
  The girls are very proud of such superiority of their weapon. And they whistle songs.
  Magda shoots again, penetrates, this time the shielded Sherman and tweets:
  - We kicked the ball and ran at a gallop!
  Even the Sherman's screens didn't help. And the German tank is on its way. Crushes infantrymen with caterpillar tracks. Girls whistle songs on harmonicas. Blood splashes under the rollers. The tank moves quite quickly, its tracks are more advanced and passable, while being relatively light.
  The girls whistle... Gerda remarks:
  - Mexico is the last country on the way to the USA. We have already taken so many different capitals. And they conquered so many countries! We started, the first conquest from Austria and now we are moving to Mexico City! Our military company is a glorious company!
  Christina answered logically:
  - First of all, we are superior to our opponents in organization. A small country is Germany. The Germans are the most disciplined and highly organized people in the world. Plus the totalitarian National Socialist regime. Which also added strength and structure to us. - The girl ran her bare foot along the alloyed side armor of the hull and continued. - Then the brilliant talents of our commanders and, first of all, Hitler. We defeated our opponents piece by piece. And then we acquired the best technology in the world. So now triumph awaits us! And the Third Reich opens its wings over the world!
  Charlotte rationally remarked:
  - The worst thing was in the winter of '42. We were defeated in Africa and near Moscow. They left Tikhvin and Rostov-on-Don. And even Kharkov was captured by the Soviets. And the United States entered the war against us. It seemed then that the scales had swung not in our favor and an abyss loomed ahead. But spring brought us new victories. And since then, everything has gone in our favor!
  Magda fired. Shot down an American gun and chirped:
  - But still, without the intervention of higher powers, our army would not have been able to achieve such success! Defeating superior enemies! This is the right hand of God!
  Gerda laughed and replied:
  - I agree that it"s God"s! But not God: Abraham, Isaac and Jacob! And apparently the Aryan, one and Almighty God! The one who created the universe and chose the Germans as his people!
  Charlotte nodded and confirmed:
  - Certainly! The God of Isaac is not our God! And if the Jews were truly the people of God, we would not have won! If so, then your Bible Magda is a lie! And it"s time for you to abandon Christianity in favor of Aryan monotheism!
  Charlotte's words sounded like machine gun fire.
  Christina added:
  - And it smacks of treason to be a Christian. After all, it turns out that you are for pacifism - they hit you on your right cheek, turn your left!
  Gerda found it necessary to add:
  -And you think that salvation comes from the Jews! And this is generally akin to betrayal!
  Magda timidly replied:
  - I do not think so! My opinion: God is alone! Neither Jewish nor Aryan!
  Charlotte barked back:
  -How is this not Aryan! Only Aryan and nothing less!
  Gerda added conciliatoryly:
  - And also technology! This is where we started? In September 1939 they had only six tank divisions. And almost all tanks are light, less than twenty tons. Now I don"t know how many divisions we have, but we are driving the best tank in the world. Our vehicle has no equal in armament, armor, driving performance, and at the same time is not prohibitive in weight.
  I remember the tests of the first "Tiger", then on Hitler's birthday on April 20, 1042.
  The girl paused and, taking a breath, continued.
  - Then the Tiger was already the best tank in the world. But its driving performance cannot be considered satisfactory. But the gun gave a good fight, and the armor was quite suitable for that moment. And the tank itself turned well, which compensated for the low rotation speed of the turret!
  And in 1940 we were inferior to France and Britain in the quality of tanks and their quantity. But we won! In 1941, the USSR had better T-34 and KV tanks than ours, and several times more vehicles! But we still won! And morality is technology and reason! And the spirit is important!
  Christina noted, rubbing her bare heel on the pedal:
  - If we won with the worst tanks, then we will win now! Of course, at first there were fewer of us than enemies. Now we have gathered a horde! What can stop us from winning?
  Gerda answered with a smile:
  - I think the main difficulties are behind us! We even have numbers now
  Overweight. I don't think the company will face any problems against the US.
  Charlotte logically noted:
  - I don"t believe that America will have anything against us! Her Sherman is just cannon fodder, and her Pershing is only slightly better. While they are against our tank, they have no guns!
  Gerda found it necessary to add:
  - And in jet aviation they have nothing to cover our falcons with. Moreover, having so many slaves, we are not inferior in number to the Yankees!
  Christina agreed with this:
  - We have equipment from all over Europe and part of the USSR. And workers make up half the world! We have switched our factories to three-shift operation and are building new factories! The Americans will not be able to give us an asymmetrical answer due to quantity. They don"t trivially have such a large number of workers!
  Charlotte giggled and moved her knee into the chair, purring:
  - They will not have symmetry! - The girl shot at Grant and added. - And if equipment begins to be produced, it will only be for us to gain combat accounts!
  Magda timidly remarked:
  - But when life... That is, life teaches you that you shouldn"t relax at the decisive moment!
  Gerda agreed with this, and turning the lever with her bare fingers, purred:
  - And we remain vigilant to the end!
  Charlotte pulled in her sculpted abs and reminded:
  - We have come a long way... From the modest T-1 to the giant E-200. And these, of course, are the milestones of the heroic campaign! In the same way, our tank will never go to waste!
  Finally, the girls came across a whole dozen American tanks. Eight Shermans, two Grants and two Pershings. The latter car had a lower silhouette and was not as noticeable. It's easier to hit a tall tank. The girls took turns shooting. They are all accurate and have excellent reactions. Seasoned and trained. Having gone through a significant part of the Second World War and visited different countries of the world. These are truly top class girls.
  And the Shermans began to explode first. And the distance is more than five kilometers. The Americans still can"t get their car.
  While shooting, Gerda noted:
  - Our gun is optimal! It penetrates everything from a real combat distance, and has a fairly large supply of shells. The 128mm one will be worse.
  Magda agreed with this. Having shot and smashed the Sherman, the girl said:
  - The supply of shells for this caliber is lower. But in principle, 88 mm weapons are not bad at all!
  Charlotte fired and interjected:
  - It depends on what!
  Gerda barked harshly:
  - And this "Sherman" and "Panther" will take it. I think a 75mm cannon with a long trunk could have cut them down!
  Christina fired using her bare leg and growled:
  - Yes, and the supply of shells would be higher!
  Magda also fired, pressing the joystick with her bare fingers. The last Sherman is a donkey. The next kick was transferred to the Grandees. This tank is already so outdated, and even worse armored than the Sherman. However, America initially had a much worse situation with tanks than Germany. In 1940, the United States had only 502 tanks, and many of them were outdated. But already in 1941, the Americans produced more than three thousand tanks. And the Sherman appeared. What can you say about this car? In terms of frontal armor, it was even slightly superior to the T-34-76, and was slightly inferior in the destructive power of the gun. Yes, and in driving performance. But the optics and visibility are much better than Soviet ones.
  Then the Sherman M 4 appeared in 1944. The tank was comparable in armor and armament to the T-34-85 and somewhat inferior to the simple Panther and very significantly to the Panther 2. Even later, the Sherman Firefly appeared, with a longer-barreled 17-pounder gun. This tank was superior to the Soviet T-34-85 in armament, but was not very popular.
  There was also a shielded modification of the Sherman with worse driving performance, heavier, but with 152 mm of armor. But it"s also not the most widespread. So far, German women have only come across standard M4s.
  But the Grands are finished, and now there is a relatively new Pershing tank.
  Gerda suggested:
  - Let's come a little closer. This monster's armor could be thicker!
  Charlotte made a face of contempt:
  - Don't worry! It is only 102 millimeters. The car weighs forty-two tons, but it left the Sherman strong!
  Gerda giggled and suggested:
  - Then let's shoot!
  Magda extended her chiseled, bare foot. How many different sharp, prickly stones, hot desert sand, jungle thorns, and snows of Russia have known her bare, elastic, graceful soles. With long, even fingers with pearly nails, she pressed the joystick button.
  And fired an armor-piercing projectile with a uranium core. And she chirped with a smile:
  - May there be light for you!
  The 105mm cannon has enormous destructive power. And the Pershing lost half its turret.
  Gerda shook her high, firm breasts and remarked:
  - Alas, "Tiger" could not do this! He didn't have enough punching power! But still, it's better than the Sherman.
  Magda said skeptically:
  - It depends. If you put screens on the Firefly, it will be no worse than the Tiger, and even better protected from the forehead!
  Gerda angrily shook her head with her leg. Shot at the tank. And having finished off the last Pershing she added:
  - Our "Tiger" is still more expensive than all these Western exotics and Russian perversions. I believe in our victory, even with T-4 tanks, so be it!
  The girls clicked twelve cars like seeds. They didn't even fire at them. The distance is too long for American guns.
  The girls drive and laugh. Good for them.
  Charlotte starts the familiar organ again:
  - No, Magda! You should renounce Christianity once and for all. Otherwise you will be a potential traitor!
  The girl with golden hair objected:
  - No! I am devoted to the Third Reich, but I will not renounce Jesus Christ either!
  Gerda slapped her beautiful, muscular leg against the armor with her bare sole and remarked:
  - But one should not renounce Christ! You just have to admit that he was a German in the flesh, and not a Jew, and everything will be fine!
  Magda answered with a smile:
  - German... But what about the testimony of the Bible?
  Gerda said harshly:
  - Then you get the Bible! If there is Mine Cafe!
  Magda shook her head negatively:
  - Main Kaf is not a Divine revelation. And the work of one person, even an outstanding one! I believe in what comes from God!
  Then all the warriors shouted in unison:
  - Our God is Adolf Hitler!
  Magda answered bravely:
  - But it wasn"t Hitler who conquered and created the universe!
  Gerda angrily hit the armor with her round heel and said:
  - And this is no longer discussed by us! Time will tell who created the universe!
  Charlotte suggested:
  - Let"s girls better ask ourselves the question - what will we do after the war?
  Christina grinned and suggested:
  - Let's go into business! This is the best we can do!
  Gerda nodded in agreement with her snow-white head:
  - Of course, into business! Or maybe we'll act in a movie?
  Magda smiled and suggested:
  - And what? This is a good career continuation! After all, movies are great!
  Gerda grinned, ran her hand over her sculpted abs and remarked:
  - Who would you play? Angela or what?
  Magda said with a languid look:
  - Why not? After all, I have the right appearance. I would tell all believers about Jesus Christ! This would be a lifesaver!
  Gerda shook her head negatively and explained:
  - In the new Aryan religion there is no such thing as salvation. In fact, the essence of the command to the Aryan is to serve the Reich. And the rest - obey the Aryans! So we are not saved, but we conquer!
  Christina is a girl with copper hair, but with a hint of yellow, confirmed:
  - Yes, we rule and conquer! In this world we are in the troops of the Third Reich. In that we will have our own army. And we will conquer other universes. Everything in this world is relative... I think there will be war, and feasts, and estates! A combination of enjoying the world and an exciting game of war!
  Charlotte, a girl with copper-red hair, nodded in agreement:
  - Certainly! Because a truly peaceful life is rather boring... We are so used to fighting that it has become bread for us!
  Gerda corrected her partner:
  - More like air! Or water mixed with sweet wine!
  Magda said sadly:
  - It's a pity... Sometimes a wave of regret comes over me. After all, killing others is bad. We cause pain and suffering! What, children without a father!
  Gerda shook her head, remarking:
  - We all take risks! But comfort yourself! Man is still mortal! And if you think about it, is thirty to forty years really that significant on the scale of eternity? And eternal life!
  Magda answered with a sigh:
  - Well, if you look at it philosophically, then it is so... But in reality, this doesn"t make it any easier for young children!
  Charlotte shook her copper-red hair and hissed:
  - Imagine that they are subhuman! Just animals and you will feel better!
  Magda, shaking a tear from her eyelashes, answered:
  - But you feel sorry for the animals too! Eh...what a world we live in! Everything is simply merciless! And death rules the roost!
  Charlotte said with emphasis, writing as she went:
  Let rivers of blood
  Flow across the Earth
  Let them groan in pain -
  Fires everywhere!
  And let the evil death
  A furious ball rules,
  You all have to die
  Satan has called you to account!
  Let the whirlwind devour
  The flow of human bodies...
  The planet is suffering -
  Mayhem reigns!
  Gerda interrupted his partner, covering her scarlet mouth with his bare leg. The blonde terminator exclaimed:
  - Well, why be so pessimistic! The war will end and the planet will bloom like a garden. I think there's already a little left. America means another six months, or at most a year. Then we will crush Russia, and only Japan will remain. But this is a short-lived matter for us. At most, in three years all wars will stop... And people will never kill each other again!
  Christina clarified:
  - At least in war... I think the time will come, very soon, when there will be only one empire left in the world. And then, in any case, there will be no wars. And I think thanks to the development of agriculture and the ideal German organization, hunger will disappear in a few years. Then housing will be built for everyone. - The girl with copper-yellow hair and a muscular, slender and perfectly proportioned figure spoke with enthusiasm. "Then medicine will develop and disease will be eliminated." We will fly into space, we will settle in different worlds. Let's defeat old age. All people will be young and beautiful, like fairy-tale elves. Or maybe new wars await us in space. So starry with three-armed aliens. And we will boldly fight for the ideas of fascism throughout the universe!
  Charlotte sang with a radiant smile on her lips:
  - We will fight for a bright tomorrow... Let's kiss!
  Magda said more optimistically:
  - But it"s better this way! Not eternal wars, but peaceful creation!
  At that moment the car ran over a mine. The tank shook. The roller burst and the car slowed down a little. Gerda called the repair team on the radio. The damage did not deprive the tank of its driving characteristics, but somewhat reduced its speed. Therefore, the roller must be replaced quickly. Here the suspension arrangement is different - more convenient for repairs than the checkerboard arrangement typical of the Tigers and Panthers.
  Moreover, the girls enjoyed stretching their legs in the jungle. Why not swim in the river. The tank, of course, is a hot place, even the air conditioner can"t cope. It's still the south of Mexico - the tropics, and it's quite hot in March. But overall the weather is heavenly.
  The river was nearby and the girls plunged into it. There is no need to be afraid of crocodiles. There is a war going on here, and all the living creatures have fled long ago. The water is warm and pleasant to swim in. The girls swam and, while Gerda admired the shores of the jungle, she remarked:
  -Still, our world is not without its charms! It would probably be good to become immortal like a highlander, and live together with humanity, observing its development. And fly through space!
  Christina nodded, saying seriously:
  - Paradise without sin, extremely boring... You can"t lose a fortune in a casino, or even better yet, win, or hunt. And war is fascinating...
  Charlotte suggested:
  - I think they will soon invent games that can be depicted on the screen - such are the military!
  Magda remarked with a smile:
  - You should destroy everything!
  Christina took it and sang:
  - Destruction is a passion... It doesn"t matter what kind of power!
  Gerda, wheezing and snorting, sang:
  - I want to see emptiness in front of me! In it I will build my castle, my dream!
  Charlotte giggled and suggested:
  - No, it"s certainly great to fight! But it's even better to win!
  Christina exclaimed at the top of her lungs:
  - The right hand of heaven itself helps Germany. Our Aryan faith, our unique monotheism! And what doesn"t kill us makes us stronger!
  Gerda splashed water and answered:
  - Yes, we have become stronger! It's a shame we came across an anti-tank mine.
  Christina said thoughtfully:
  - How to protect the caterpillars?
  Gerda shrugged her muscular shoulders:
  - Don't know...
  Charlotte rationally remarked:
  - They are protected from shells with shields, and from mines... Unless they are made of thicker ones so that they don"t tear!
  Gerda shook her head:
  - Then the driving performance will decrease due to the increase in weight. If only we could make the tank fly!
  Magda confirmed:
  - That's it! So that the tank floats in the air and does not fall! And reached speeds of five hundred miles per hour!
  Charlotte, splashing, reported the information:
  - I heard that our fleet has special ships that fly just a little without touching the water! And they develop the speed of a propeller-driven fighter, and can transport troops, as well as gain supremacy at sea! This kind of aviation at sea will make us invincible!
  Gerda corrected her partner:
  - And we are already invincible! This will make us super invincible!
  Charlotte turned on her back, kicked her bare, chiseled legs in the air and cooed:
  - When we are united, we are invincible! We are Aryan girls, killers in our hearts!
  And the beauty dived deeper into the water. I swam a little in the thickness. She slapped her friends' bare heels and emerged. She started a fountain of water and cooed:
  - It's a good spring in the tropics! The water is like fresh milk!
  Gerda sang jokingly:
  - Africa is terrible, yes, yes, yes... Africa is dangerous yes, yes, yes! Don't go girls, go for a walk in Africa!
  The beauties burst out laughing. The skating rink has already been replaced - the repair crews are at their best. And the girls jumped into the tank with all their might. The silhouette of the E-50 is quite low and the car itself is not too noticeable. The warriors turned on the gas turbine engine and picked up speed in a few seconds.
  Charlotte, an experienced tanker, remarked:
  - Still, a gas turbine engine is much better than a diesel engine. It is more compact and accelerates the tank faster. Our car has amazing maneuverability!
  Gerda sang jokingly:
  - He was careless and naive, the girls had a barefoot youthful look... Everything around seemed marvelous - three hundred years ago!
  Christina remarked with enthusiasm:
  - No! Our commander amazes with his sense of humor... Although it really seems like centuries have passed since the beginning of the war... - The girl ran her palm over her high, elastic chest and continued. - At the same time, sometimes you catch yourself feeling like it was yesterday! Eh, after all, people"s lives are short and somehow pass unnoticed!
  Gerda remarked fiercely:
  - But we"re not old, are we? We are full of strength and energy! And our path from victory to
  Magda lined the machine gun tower, demolished the American cell, and cooed:
  - Yes, I believe in our victory... Especially now, when we have all the trump cards. But let's not put the cart before the horse!
  Gerda recalled with a sigh:
  - Albert... I miss this boy... It"s strange to fall in love with a brat, even a tall one with the physique of Apollo!
  Charlotte logically noted:
  - And I liked Albert. There is some special beauty in it. And in general, teenagers, when their faces have not yet become covered with a beard, and their facial features have not yet completed their formation, are particularly charming. And most importantly, they are not so mercantile, they love you, not your money!
  Christina rationally noted:
  - All four of us are so beautiful that men love our bodies first of all. And how much we have is already our income!
  Gerda said logically:
  - It"s easier to be a woman! Lure the male dog, and he will jump into bed himself. At least while you're young. You will never be left without a man. It's easy to attract them. But a man, in order to put a woman into bed, should try...
  Charlotte replied sarcastically:
  - Not you... We're not too picky!
  Gerda shook her bright head negatively:
  - Not certainly in that way! I love young, handsome, curvy men. And I don"t lie down with just anyone. As a rule, I choose athletic people. Even a general with a belly doesn"t attract me. And we can choose!
  Charlotte giggled and remarked:
  - For the prostitute on the panel, you don"t have to choose. She will serve the pot-bellied one, the bald one, and the old one... This is of course a minus of her profession!
  Gerda answered seriously:
  - You can go to a soldier"s brothel... Then all your clients will be young and slender. And variety and more or less attractive... For example, I never refuse a handsome man!
  Christina giggled and cooed:
  - Yes... Variety is great! Sex requires different dishes and spices. We are young women and we love young women... We want athletic partners with muscular bodies. And some people have to deal with not-so-handsome men. One can only sympathize with these women!
  Charlotte sang with anguish:
  - Beauty turns a man into a slave... And after death, believe me, I will not find peace, I will give my soul to the devil for a night with you!
  Magda fired at the American Witch self-propelled gun and chirped:
  - It"s a sin, what kind of sex is this outside of marriage... It"s better to leave lustful thoughts!
  Charlotte replied angrily:
  - And you moaned from orgasms no worse than us... So it"s not worth nagging to make a prude.
  The Germans are fighting against the USA. Fortunately, their hands are untied in the war with the USSR and no one is stopping them from attacking and winning. And they have many great heroes.
  The Third Reich turned out to be so great.
  The Wehrmacht war machine advanced through Mexico. Fierce battles, a lot of blood and broken metal. Foreign units of the Third Reich also suffered a lot of losses. The Nazis tried to protect the Aryans whenever possible. They threw Africans, Arabs, Indians, and Chinese into battle. The Japanese also used more colored troops. This somewhat slowed down the pace of progress. The Germans themselves were sitting in heavy tanks. The Fuhrer ordered to discontinue production of all tanks lighter than fifty tons and switch to the newest model, the E-50. And also use exclusively heavy armored vehicles in battles with the Americans.
  This somewhat slowed down the German advance across Mexico. The Fritz deployed the latest tanks, fired and used jet attack aircraft with reinforced armor. The Americans were rolling back. March was busy.
  Pilot and super ace Friedrich was gaining points. The boy fought on the latest modification of the ME-262 "X" and very confidently improved his scores. At the same time, knocking out both air and ground targets. Running next to him on his right hand was Helga. Also a promising warrior. Friedrich has already become a real legend, like a fantastic superman.
  And now the boy fires a burst of five air cannons. Immediately fifty American planes explode. They are blown apart by one air projectile. The rest of the cars froze in a stupor. They've never seen anything like this. And Friedrich fires again. And another fifty American vultures were blown up. This is truly a miracle. Helga shoots, shoots down four planes, and whispers to the ace boy:
  - You are a superman of the highest level!
  American planes are trying to run away, but the third line licks up another half a hundred. Friedrich's accuracy is incredible. He is truly both a superman and a child. And one hundred and fifty American planes were destroyed. Helga managed to shoot down five cars, the rest of the German fighters were even smaller.
  The boy says:
  - A chicken pecks a grain at a time and gains more weight than a pig that swallows large pieces.
  And now Friedrich took up ground targets. Gertrude, pressing the pedals with her bare feet, can barely keep up with the boy. Friedrich fires at a tank column. One burst from a vertical dive destroys: seventeen Sherman tanks, eight Grands, four Pershings, nine Witch self-propelled guns, three Big Toms, and eighteen transporters. All these cars are damaged and on fire. The combat kit inside them begins to tear. And the destruction of the entire column follows, literally in a few seconds.
  Helga, this blonde beauty spanks with her bare feet, exclaims:
  - Friedrich is the coolest ace we have, it"s just top class!
  The boy shows her nose and giggles... He turns around his ME-262 and again looks for prey. He has developed intuition. Seven Mustangs flashed in the clouds. And then they were shot down. Then the boy attacked the columns. He began to take revenge on everyone, smashing both motorcycles and transporters. And no one objects! The Americans are simply being exterminated.
  Helga also manages to grab something.
  The girl fights in only a bikini. This is her credo, many female pilots do this. And why is it noted that for women, when they wear a minimum of clothing, death does not come. Somehow girls who fight barefoot are luckier and invulnerable. And this phenomenon forces female pilots to undress as much as possible.
  And in the heat it"s more pleasant naked. It"s already the end of March, and it"s very hot over Mexico, and in the plane itself the engine also adds to the temperature.
  Helga admires the boy's turns. Here he destroys, in one go, another twenty-four Shermans, six of them shielded.
  The boy looks like the most ordinary kid, about thirteen or fourteen years old, but he has such phenomenal accuracy and strength. And women stick to the blond boy like needles to a magnet. Moreover, Friedrich is already a colonel general of aviation.
  And was awarded many orders. Including such orders as the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with platinum oak leaves, swords and diamonds. Also the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with platinum oak leaf swords and black diamonds. Star of the Knight's Cross with golden oak leaves, swords and diamonds. A dozen ordinary Knight's Crosses of the Iron Cross with swords and diamonds. And also the Grand Cross of the Iron Cross. Luftwaffe gold and diamond cup. Diamond Tank Destroyer Star, Diamond Artillery Destroyer Star, and many more.
  As soon as they did not reward Frederick. His tally of destroyed aircraft approaches ten thousand. Upon reaching ten thousand, a new award has already been prepared: the Star of the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross, with platinum leaves, swords and diamonds. And also a platinum Luftwaffe cup in diamonds.
  Now Friedrich is destroying another column of tanks. Then, with a careless movement of his bare, boyish foot, he shoots down nineteen American planes, including two B-29s. Yes, he really is an incredibly cool boy.
  Friedrich utters the not indisputable phrase:
  - Capable boys make more discoveries than brilliant old men!
  Indeed, the teenager is the coolest warrior in the world! And he started fighting when he was not yet eleven years old! But time passes and the boy grows up. He is the greatest phenomenon. And there is something about him, especially at the genetic level, although he is of completely normal height for his age, only very muscular.
  Here he fires another burst... He shoots down eight Airacobras and six P-51s. Cool kid, you can't say anything. Then he knocks out several batteries, destroying more than seventy cannons. Well, it"s time to go back, replenish the fuel in the tanks and the combat kit!
  Helga also knocked out two cannons and seemed pleased. Frederick returns with a colossal acquisition. Such a joyful boy. He would also noticeably improve his scores. Almost immediately, the young ace transfers to another jet fighter, without waiting for his car to be refueled. And Gertrude is already flying with him. Also a gorgeous blonde in a bikini.
  Friedrich waves to her and takes off his fast car. This ME-262 is capable of accelerating to 1200 kilometers per hour.
  Crazy speed and at the same time strong maneuverability are characteristic of these machines. Friedrich shoots at the Mustangs from a distance - he knocks down eight of them and speeds up.
  Gertrude laughs:
  - Well, you are a knight! I'm rooting for you!
  Friedrich laughs and sticks out his tongue and roars:
  - And Mister Superstar! And the mountains obey me!
  And he shoots again, knocking down a dozen cars. And he giggles again... Gertrude remarks with a chuckle:
  - You, what even Russians are afraid of!
  Friedrich winked at the girl, although she hardly saw him clearly:
  - I think the Americans are the coolest!
  Gertrude howls in response:
  - You're macho! You're macho!
  The boy giggled and chirped:
  - I'm super macho!
  Gertrude hissed, her voice laced with silver bells:
  - Hero, you are a superhero of all comics and all eras!
  Friedrich gave a turn. He shot down about thirty aircraft, including five bombers. Cars scattered in the air like scorched confetti. The boy grinned and said:
  - But the flower of love does not grow without fame and success!
  Gertrude pressed the lever with her bare foot and chirped:
  - Love and war, gentlemen, I was caught in a net! War, imagine nonsense, if there was no love in the world!
  The girl shot down a US Air Force plane by pressing the trigger with her bare fingers and continued.
  - Sometimes it helps in everything, sometimes it harms skillfully... And we call war holy, and we call it vile!
  Gertrude chirped and shot down another plane. And the Terminator boy is fifteen at once!
  Frederick sang with enthusiasm:
  - We swear to the great Fuhrer,
  Honor to keep and fight to the end...
  Because his power is like the sun,
  Because the country sharpens the sword!
  The girl threw up her bare legs, then pulled her knees up to her full chest. Then she sang:
  - I love sex and heroes... The Fuhrer has risen - he will kill everyone!
  Friedrich once again nailed from a distance. Shot down forty planes with a friendly salvo of air cannons.
  The boy chirped:
  - And I am Zeus and Poseidon in one bottle!
  Gertrude shot down the plane the super ace had mercifully left for her and sang:
  - And now Ares and Mars look at us with delight... And it"s clear to them that they like what"s happening in general!
  Young Superman screeched as he shot down a dozen more American planes:
  - I jump, but I jump differently, over stones, through puddles, through dew...
  Gertrude stabbed the American stormtrooper using her bare, graceful foot, hissing:
  - This is Love! Of course love!
  The girl shook her high, very seductive breasts. Not everything worked out for the beauty, but the attack aircraft caught fire and began to fall apart.
  Gertrude chirped affectionately:
  - There is a nightmare in my pupils... One jump - one blow!
  But there are planes in the sky again. Blonde, handsome Friedrich sends a line. Knocks out a couple of dozen cars and chirps:
  - My ramming blow! We will defeat all enemies and tear them to pieces!
  Gertrude shot down the fighter left for her as a consolation prize and chirped:
  - The legs were cut off, the corpse was dismembered, the vile Yankees killed the soldier!
  Friedrich chuckled, remembering Gertrude's strong, graceful body, the girl did not have a drop of fat.
  How nice it is to hug someone like that. The boy growled:
  - My fight, this is my fight!
  And so the young warrior switched to land targets. Tanks are moving. Self-propelled rod. The boy opens a fan-fire from a distance and sings along:
  - We look like falcons, we soar like eagles... We don"t drown in fire, we don"t burn in water!
  Although, probably, the last phrase should have been sung just the opposite. But even in fire, in principle, you can drown, and water can burn.
  Friedrich remembered turkey for breakfast. Like this, baked in gold foil. And the legs resemble women's ones. There are many female pilots in the Luftwaffe. They are more survivable than men and are excellent shooters. And women"s legs are trained, strong, fleshy. You want to stroke them, touch them, pinch them.
  He is Friedrich already a colonel general. A warrior who has made an incredible, fabulous career. Phenomenon and genetic mutant. In short - superman!
  Frederick himself was aware of his own importance. He rose to the occasion at such a young age to prove once and for all that there is no power beyond the control of the Aryan genius.
  Now the boy has burned down an entire column. And he flew on. He's a real eagle.
  Gertrude rubbed her smooth, rosy cheek. She imagined Friedrich kissing her chest. And the scarlet nipple immediately hardened. Eh, this is the number one warrior of the Third Reich. It"s like a whole army is fighting. And it doesn"t miss a single air projectile. Which even looks supernatural. Although why does it just look - it is supernatural!
  The boy first shot down two dozen covering fighters, then attacked another column of tanks and self-propelled guns. One of the American tanks did not look quite standard. You need to remember what kind of car it is. Then trucks with Yankee soldiers appeared. Well, they will get it.
  Frederick sang:
  - I sow death... You can only look at it with fear... And die!
  Gertrude stroked the pedal with her bare foot. She really wanted to run barefoot through the ant grass. And then fall into the arms of the guys. And to be kissed and caressed.
  Interesting... Gertrude was an ideological fascist. She started fighting only six months ago, and before that she was in Hitler"s youth organization and managed to work as a supervisor at a military factory. Foreign workers had to be monitored and at the same time urged on with a whip.
  The girl found pleasure in beatings. She especially loved to hit teenage boys on their bare feet.
  And now she imagined how nice and witty it would be to roast Friedrich"s bare, round heels. The ace boy is very handsome, and his legs, always so clean, are only tanned like bronze. But they don"t get dirty, neither on dirt nor on grass. It would be interesting for Friedrich to feel it. Would the superhero scream in pain, or pretend it was nothing?
  Gertrude enjoyed torturing slave boys. She also loved to mock prisoners. At flight school, the girls weren't too picky about their relationships. But Gertrude turned out to be a very capable pilot. In just six months, she earned herself the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves, and received the right to fly with General Friedrich.
  The boy is still too young to command, and he is such a purely formal general. But he fights like a dozen divisions of selected aces.
  Gertrude felt clumsy compared to Friedrich. Eh, I wish I could fry this boy's heels! And bring the torch to the bare feet of the handsome young man. Heat up the tongs and pluck the fingers, starting with the little finger.
  Gertrude loved to amuse herself by throwing coals at the feet of the slave boys. It was warm in the workshop, and the young slaves always worked barefoot.
  And how, when burned, they jumped funny or screamed. It was so great. And funny...
  And beat the rough soles of slave boys with a twig. She is a wonderful warden, cruel, with sadistic tendencies. She also wanted to torture her cute idol. Moreover, he leaves her nothing, the blond terminator.
  Gertrude took it and roared:
  "I"m so tired of beating you, I can"t catch a mosquito in a net!"
  Friedrich is done with trucks. He turned fire to the escort planes and P-51 attack aircraft. The last vehicle is quite formidable, it has as many as eight machine guns and rockets. But of course it is not comparable to the ME-262 jet. Or even with XE-162, or even more so XE-262.
  The boy fired while in a state of trance.
  Swept away more than eighty planes, leaving the couple to divorce Gertrude. The girl really loves to fire with her seductive, tanned and muscular legs. She has them special - graceful in shape, light chocolate.
  Girls in general are a passion. Especially in the military, where they have athletic grace and a charisma of strength. They girls are certainly visually pleasing to look at, and you just feel bliss when you touch them with your elastic skin.
  Frederick again turned his fire to the fortified US defense lines. We must quickly put an end to the Yankees and finally put the squeeze on the USSR. It is clear that the resilience of Russians is an order of magnitude higher than that of Americans. In addition, in 1941, the best tanks had councils. Strange, but Russia under the rule of the Bolsheviks did not degrade and was not thrown back into the Middle Ages.
  On the contrary, the Russians have made a significant leap forward. And if the Germans had not had such strong and perfect organization, they would hardly have been able to achieve success.
  Friedrich himself was indeed the product of genetic experiments by the Nazis. But the boy doesn"t know the details. It is only clear that Himmler"s department, even before the Nazis came to power, conducted secret experiments involving occult forces. And judging by the phenomenon of Friedrich, something was achieved.
  The boy, shooting at another battery, sang:
  - I"m not the devil, but for me, but for me, the goal has become sacred! I am an angel, but Satan opened the way for me - to earthly glory!
  After which his plane turned around. The air shells had run out, and the fuel needed to be replenished. Friedrich was not afraid of persecution, since his plane was at least five hundred kilometers per hour superior to American aircraft.
  And what can the Yankees oppose them with?
  Gertrude knocked out a couple of trucks and a cannon, as well as a fuel tank. The red flame burns beautifully. The girl became happier. I imagined the fire licking the boy"s round, pink heel, and the smell of burnt meat wafting through.
  It's tempting. Even the warrior herself wanted to eat. Gertrude chirped:
  - One, two - we want to eat! Open the doors wider, otherwise we'll eat the cook! - The cool warrior sang a children's song with enthusiasm. "We"ll give the cooks a snack, and the duty officers will drink, we"ll destroy the entire dining room and break the dishes!"
  This makes Gertrude very funny. Their jet fighters have landed.
  Friedrich runs from one plane to another. And Helga replaces Gertrude.
  Again the boy flies into battle. How are Helga and Gertrude different? Both warriors are natural blondes. Both are athletic, strong and curvy. But Helga"s facial features seem softer and more feminine. But this girl also loves to shoot with her feet.
  Frederick sang, feeling elated:
  - My beautiful girls, why do you like zeros? I"m quite efficient, and in many ways an all-powerful cherub!
  Helga barked in response:
  - No, you are not zero! You are infinity!
  The boy shoots down a dozen American planes and growls:
  - Such pain, such pain! Germany vs America fifteen zero!
  Helga brought the American Mustang closer, fired, knocked it down and licked her lips, saying:
  - Two pieces of sausage were lying on the table!
  Friedrich struck from a long distance, picked up eleven planes and chirped:
  - You told fairy tales, like Faust himself in hell to Satan!
  Helga seemed offended:
  - And you didn"t leave me anything! - The girl squealed capriciously. - I gobbled it all up myself!
  Frederick replied mockingly:
  - That's how we are all men!
  The girl objected in a whiny tone:
  - But you"re still a boy!
  The ace boy chuckled:
  - A colonel general cannot be a boy!
  Helga took it and sang:
  - Oh, what a man you are - general and colonel!
  Friedrich continued firing at air targets. Yes, such an ace could bring a lot to the battle for air superiority in England. But this is not the year forty, but forty-fifth. And Britain has already been miraculously defeated. How did this happen?
  Why, the lion could not resist the German wolf. What forces have awakened in this world? A little more luck on the part of the Japanese and Germans changed the course of the war. And this fact is that the Wehrmacht had a very strong organization. And Hitler unexpectedly turned out to be an outstanding organizer and strategist. What can be opposed to this?
  Now in 1945, America's hope is its economy and its fairly large population.
  Friedrich also remembered his boxing career. How from childhood I learned the difficult art of survival. And he had to grow up in the barracks. At first he was underestimated. But the boy became a strong and most importantly a very smart boxer. Yes, and studying was easy for him - he grasped everything literally on the fly!
  The boy learned several languages, including Russian. And although Frederick fought with the Red Army, and even demonstrated phenomenal abilities, he respected the Russians. They were brave and persistent, skilled fighters, and heroically endured torture.
  Friedrich himself was more than once amazed at the courage of Soviet soldiers. But he performed his duty even too well. The boy became some kind of machine of destruction. And for him it"s like an exciting game. Only sometimes my heart began to ache with unbearable melancholy. And this melancholy literally consumed the terminator boy at certain moments, but then receded. Frederick himself sometimes did not know what he wanted. His blood was not entirely flawless, and he had Russian genes. This confused the boy. But on the other hand, he is a famous ace of Germany, and a winner! And it can go very far!
  And he has already gone to the heights of the stars.
  Now Friedrich opens fire again. He shoots down thirty-five planes and says with enthusiasm:
  - I love splashing in the warm sea, sitting on the fence as a boy! Even if I don"t have a ruble in my pocket, my youth is priceless!
  Helga responded enthusiastically:
  - But at the same time, your experience is unique!
  The girl finished off the US Air Force plane that had been graciously provided to her, and chirped:
  - What a fight... Soon it will be one hundred and zero!
  Friedrich replied with a radiant smile:
  - Yes, this is a real fight. And soon there will be a thousand - zero!
  Helga twirled her bare legs. She wanted to become a dolphin or killer whale. The warrior growled:
  - I am for twists and new opportunities! And I want to become a goddess!
  Friedrich, having shot down four planes from a great distance and adding speed, asked:
  - Why exactly a goddess? Could she still be a queen?
  Helga grinned and answered seriously:
  - The goddess can do whatever she wants, but queens have a lot of restrictions. For example, you can"t fly barefoot and in a bikini!
  Friedrich recalled:
  - The prince also wanted to run barefoot. But in the British winter it's cold. And how come he didn"t get a sore throat!
  Helga replied with a grin:
  - But kings don"t get sick... And you also look like a boy king!
  Friedrich said with enthusiasm:
  - I am the king of heaven first and foremost, and not just of Britain!
  Helga sang:
  - Our king is the chosen one of heaven, our king has risen from the ashes! Our king is the messenger of fate, our king is only you!
  Friedrich shook his finger at the girl and answered through the walkie-talkie:
  - You can really go crazy with you!
  Helga wanted to insert something caustic, but it didn"t come to her mind. In general, Friedrich is a very funny and cultured boy. A born warrior and at the same time with great erudition. You're just amazed how much this
  The cute teenager knows. And it never ceases to amaze.
  And the boy again scribbled at flying objects. He shot down eighteen planes and crowed:
  - Ku-ka-re-ku! I'll hit all the Yankees with my spurs!
  Helga pleaded:
  - Leave me, O Emperor of the Aesir!
  Friedrich said complacently:
  - Take it! It's yours!
  Helga, very nervous, shot down two planes in three bursts. And she licked her full lips. She was never hit. The Germans had more advanced guns, capable of hitting at long ranges. And even hit ground targets.
  Friedrich approved of the girl"s success:
  - From such a distance you hit very accurately. But you know, in order to save air shells, it"s better to let the enemy get closer.
  Helga answered with annoyance:
  - But you can do it!
  The boy said seriously:
  - But it"s a phenomenon... And you"re just a beautiful girl!
  Helga exclaimed offended:
  - No! I'm sharp!
  Friedrich agreed with her:
  - For a person, accurate!
  The girl giggled and asked:
  - Aren"t you human?
  The boy fired, shot down five US planes and answered seriously:
  - No, not a man!
  Helga feigned surprise:
  - And who are you?
  Frederick answered seriously:
  - I am a superman!
  The blonde girl hastened to agree:
  - You don"t even need to ask about this! Every gesture you make speaks of this!
  The boy answered with a sigh:
  - To be unique means to impose a huge burden on yourself!
  Helga responded to this:
  - But I would like to be unique! Become the world's first beauty!
  Frederick stated quite sincerely:
  -And you are so lovely!
  The girl said coquettishly:
  - How's my nose?
  The boy answered honestly:
  - Nice nose. Not big, not small, just right, slightly upturned and graceful!
  Helga raised her bare feet to her face and asked:
  - How am I doing?
  Friedrich said with a smile:
  - Lovely! Blonde in chocolate! I love you!
  Helga said doubtfully:
  - And Gertrude?
  The boy blurted out:
  - What about Gertrude?
  Helga said tearfully:
  - By any chance, isn"t she prettier than me?
  Frederick said diplomatically:
  - You are both beautiful and both worthy!
  Helga logically responded:
  - But there are no absolutely identical faces!
  Friedrich fired, shot down thirty more planes and sang:
  - Everything impossible is possible in our world... Such miracles sometimes shine on the air!
  Helga calmed down a little and chirped:
  - Perhaps in our world. But I would like only good things!
  Friedrich said with enthusiasm:
  - Let it be so!
  And switched to ground targets. It is necessary to suppress the artillery, and the young ace will do it. And he fires extremely accurately. Or maybe even infinitely accurate.
  Helga watching this exclaims:
  - Well, you and Superman are a real macho!
  Friedrich felt it necessary to correct the girl:
  - A macho is most likely the embodiment of animal strength... But I am characterized by a lively and calculating mind!
  Helga suddenly asked:
  -Have you talked to the Russians?
  Frederick immediately replied:
  - Certainly!
  Helga asked with interest:
  - And what are they?
  The boy fired a burst, destroying more than fifty guns. And then he answered:
  - How to say... Not stupid at all. In many ways they are similar to us Germans. And almost all of their children can write and read and know history.
  Helga giggled and clarified:
  - So they can"t be called subhumans?
  Frederick stated decisively:
  - No! And outwardly, Russians are not so scary. Many of their women are fair-haired, as are their children. And they can behave culturally. In addition, Russians are hardy and know their literature and history well.
  Helga recalled:
  - In the neighboring air regiment there are Russian pilots.
  The war is on, and the Krauts are tightening the ring around America.
  Fierce battles broke out for the capital of Mexico - Mexico City. Five Soviet girls, as always, are at their best. And they fight with indescribable heroism.
  Alenka fires from a submachine gun and sings:
  - Come on, sing us a song, merry wind, merry wind...
  The foreign fighters mowed down by it fall, and it sounds brave and perky.
  Beautiful girl Alena. That night she made love to a tall, black American man. And I felt a lot of pleasure. In general, African Americans are quite funny. They love to tell jokes about their presidents. In particular, Alena had a good laugh with an anecdote about Coolidge.
  The President of the United States and his wife are walking through a poultry farm. They approach the room with roosters. And the president's wife asks:
  - How many times does a rooster serve females?
  The caretaker answers:
  - Nine times, or even fourteen!
  Mrs. Coolidge turns to her husband and says:
  - Look how... But you can"t do that!
  The offended president asks the caretaker:
  - Is he doing this with one female or different ones?
  He readily answers:
  - Of course with different ones!
  The President says with pleasure:
  - Well, with different ones, and I can do it too!
  Alenka laughed for a long time at such an anecdote, and then the temperamental blonde appreciated it in bed. Large male perfection brings a lot of pleasure to the major girl. After which you feel cheerful and strong.
  You throw a grenade with your bare feet. And you see how the bodies of the fascists are scattered. And Alenka"s toes are so graceful and chiseled. No wonder the man and the boys love to look at her lower limbs.
  Alenka chirps:
  - The music is playing! Music, music, music... Sometimes with sadness, sometimes with poison! Music flows, music, music that brightens the soul!
  And again the girl throws a grenade with her foot. He does this with both skill and grace.
  But Maria is firing from a machine gun. The girl is also very beautiful and met local guys. But Maria is not one of those who is in a hurry to get into bed. You can just communicate and talk.
  Or watch a movie... Maria saw the picture for the first time: "Gone with the Wind," and even in color. The film lasted three hours and was quite impressive. After all, Americans know how to shoot.
  The girl remarked to her new friend John Fraser.
  - You also have strong films!
  John smiled with satisfaction.
  - Why does this surprise you?
  Maria answered honestly, slapping her bare soles on the sand:
  - Actually, yes... I thought capitalists were not capable of making such films.
  John winked at the girl and replied:
  - And I thought that your films were all propaganda!
  Maria confirmed this with a smile:
  - Yes, propaganda! But propaganda of truth!
  John replied with a smile:
  - What kind of truth?
  Maria answered with pathos:
  - The fact that in the country of Soviets there is the best life for the people!
  John, this light-red guy remarked:
  - This is the best life for the people in America. And you are half captured by the Wehrmacht!
  After these words, Maria felt anger in herself. And she tried to object somewhat awkwardly:
  - Not half, but less!
  John responded logically:
  - If they cut off not the whole leg, but half, then this is already grief. And you actually capitulated and are paying the Third Reich a shameful tribute!
  Maria corrected:
  - Not tribute, but reparations...
  John rationally remarked:
  - Either in the forehead or in the forehead!
  Maria remarked in annoyance:
  - And you are losing the war to the Wehrmacht!
  John said not too confidently:
  - But for now we are not fighting on our own territory!
  Maria stuck out her tongue...
  Then we moved on to another topic. The American asked:
  - Do you like the Sherman tank?
  Maria answered honestly:
  - Not good. He's too tall. And the gun is rather weak.
  John agreed:
  - Perhaps our more advanced Pershing is. We have certain hopes for the new tank!
  Maria waved it off:
  - Our IS-2 is probably better. And the German E-50 is generally superior to this American design. I don't think you can whip up anything better.
  John was offended:
  - Our engineering is strong. You Russians have nothing like the B-29.
  Maria answered confidently:
  - Not yet, but it will be soon! And in general, our technology will become the most powerful in the world. And it's only a matter of time!
  John was skeptical:
  - The USSR has lost too much. You do not have the strength to revive heavy industry. Or develop technology. So the gap with the Germans cannot be overcome!
  Maria did not agree with this:
  - The people, under the leadership of the party, will cope with this. I'm sure! And we will still achieve victory!
  John said indifferently:
  - Blessed is he who believes!
  Maria confidently stated:
  - Faith must be based on reasonable arguments!
  John asked with visible surprise:
  -You don't believe in God?
  Maria shrugged:
  - Previously, as a child, I didn"t believe it and was a pioneer. And now... I don"t know!
  John responded to this, raking the sand with his boot:
  - I believed as a child, but now I don"t.
  And the young man looked around. They talked in the dugout. It was warm and the light was dim. Indeed, the American"s mood is not positive. The Germans advance and win. Apparently, they will soon come to the United States. The tanks of the Third Reich are clearly stronger than the American ones. And this is of course a huge problem. And German machine guns are better. There are just a lot of foreigners in the Wehrmacht. Their combat effectiveness will be lower than the German one.
  But they are pressing with numbers. What to oppose to Germany?
  Will it not work out, will we have to fight on our own land?
  John asked Mary:
  - Why did you come to us? Aren't you tired of the war?
  The girl answered sincerely:
  - And I! And my people are tired of war! And that is why I want the fascists not to come to us again!
  John said not too confidently:
  - We will stop them! At least they should stop it! Our America is strong, and we will not be brought to our knees!
  Mary liked John. But unlike her friends, she was in no hurry to make love as soon as she met a man. Of these, Alla is perhaps the most temperamental and does not tolerate constancy. She took several lovers. She has such a hot character.
  Of course, a Komsomol member could not stop being like this, but when there is a war, it is very difficult to contain lust. The risk in fights really affects hormones.
  However, Alla fights well. And he also likes to shoot with his feet.
  Maria is more modest. She fears for John - he might die.
  Powerful, jet attack aircraft of the Germans cause serious damage to the defending troops.
  Mexico City is a big, mountainous city, and here you can hold your own. The Germans also understand this, and by exposing the capital to bombing and artillery shelling, they are trying to bypass it.
  Anyuta is a lovely blonde, she did a good deed. She treated local children. They are also different. Mostly black-headed, but there are also light ones. They run around in rags, barefoot. If they put on shoes, it is only when they enter school. Thin, but cheerful.
  Anyuta, looking at them, thought that childhood was a happy time, including her perception of the world. When you seem to yourself to be immortal, and the sea is knee-deep. Even children fight in a special way. They spanked each other and went away smiling. Not like adults who hold grudges for a long time. No, everything is different in childhood. And even the sun shines brighter and the air is softer.
  Anyuta liked summer. And here it is almost always sunny and warm. Oh Mexico... What will await you under Hitler's occupation? Will they force children to march in formation and sing fascist anthems?
  It is true that in the USSR, children, first of all, pioneers, walk in formation and sing songs.
  This is not the worst thing at all. But won't fascist monsters exterminate children in the camps?
  The Nazis did not disdain torture and did not make allowances for age. One eleven-year-old boy was burned with a blowtorch, hot nails were driven into his feet, and his fingers and toes were broken. Girls were hung from the ceiling by their hair and their heels were burned with fire. What did the monsters do? Anyuta represented the whole world under the control of the fascists. And she became scared.
  But for now, the truly barbaric machine of the Third Reich is advancing and seizing more and more new lands. And not to stop, and not to change legs... Our faces shine, our boots sparkle!
  The new E-50 tank is especially dangerous, which American guns cannot take, even at point-blank range.
  Anyuta just pushes a mine along the wire. A local boy, Alberto, helps her. Such a fair-haired guy in shorts, very cute and agile. He resembles his former favorite Seryozha. He was also so agile. True, Alberto is slightly darker in skin, and has longer, but tow-light hair. And when he smiles, his face becomes so cute.
  Right now there is a mine stuck through the wheels of a German E-50. The caterpillar bursts from the explosion. The German gets wounded. Anyuta chirps:
  - We will twist the hands of the fascists!
  The girl leans back and crawls away. The German begins to back away. Still it scratched him.
  Anyuta recalls how she found herself under occupation. The start of the war was greeted with great concern. Although many, especially the young, counted on a quick victory and the liberation of Europe. The girl Anyuta was still a teenager at that time, and together with other children was subject to evacuation.
  But Anyuta was lost. More precisely, the girl took too long to get ready and was late for the truck. And she waited for the Nazis to arrive. Then the beautiful Komsomol member experienced fear. And she walked east. The shoes were new. The girl rubbed her feet and was forced to take off her shoes. I went barefoot. The skin on the sole is still tender and not roughened. At first it only tingled a little. Then it started to get hot, and in the end, my feet were bunched up and burning.
  Anyuta never thought that walking barefoot could become such a torment. Even walking on the grass began to hurt, and the girl"s insides literally exploded.
  Somehow she crawled to the village hut, her legs were bloody. The good-natured hostess washed the teenage Komsomol member"s limbs. The pain has subsided slightly. But Anyuta now walked with great difficulty. When my legs got better, I set off on the journey in bast shoes. But at the same time, I tried to walk without shoes for some time in order to accustom my soles.
  The young girl"s feet quickly became rough, and soon she was not afraid of either branches or cones in the forest.
  But the path to the front line was long. The girl"s feet became so rough that her heels began to itch and crack. And this is also painful. Yes, and I was a little hungry. My calves ached and my knees hurt from the strain.
  Not the most pleasant memories. But in general, what can be pleasant in war? Alas, for some reason, from the first days the Red Army retreated. And even many soldiers fled. And this process could not be stopped.
  So far, only near Moscow the Wehrmacht has turned to dust.
  Then Anyuta composed poems:
  Once upon a time the Wehrmacht was defeated,
  Napoleon is defeated, invincible...
  The enemy cannot trample on the Russian flag,
  When the people and the party are united!
  It"s more fun to walk with a song, even when your legs fall off. Among other things, the teenage girl passed on letters to the underground. Which I was very proud of.
  But now Anyuta shoots at the Chinese, and hits exactly. He kills the narrow-eyed ones and chuckles:
  - I am a Yak fighter, my engine is burning... The sky is my abode!
  And he shoots again. Cool girl. He throws a piece of glass with his bare foot. It hits the fighter right in the eye. He falls and dies.
  And Anyuta chirps:
  - This is not cool, but very cool!
  The girl has fun, because everything works out...
  The strongest and largest in their team, Matryona, loves to throw grenades with her bare feet. And she manages to hit the infantrymen. And even successfully damage the barrel of the tank. Now the German has to leave.
  Matryona says with a smile:
  - And I milked not only a cow, but also a horse! Thus showing that I am a superman!
  And the girl fired again, and accurately. She knocked down three narrow-eyed ones and hissed:
  - I am a super class warrior!
  And what fleshy thighs Matryona has. The girl chose a lover to match a two-meter African-American man. And she made love to him with pleasure. It"s good when male perfection is as thick as an adult man"s arm... A big girl like Matryona appreciated large sizes. And the girl roared from orgasm so much that the whole regiment came running to listen. What a buffalo!
  But now the main thing is war. And the girl throws grenades with her strong legs. And even cobblestones and fragments. Matryona is happy about this. Although not everything in life was so rosy.
  At one time, the girl ended up in a colony for stealing five ears of corn. She was too hungry. For which she was sent to the camp. Shaved my head. And the search procedure was a complete shock for the child. She was forced to work there. Matryona did not shy away from work, and cut down the forest, fortunately she was in good health. But the meager prison rations were not enough, and the girl threw everything into her mouth. And worms, and insects, and tree leaves. Wooden camp shoes were too uncomfortable, and Matryona preferred to work barefoot, even in the cold and in the snow. The girl spent three years in a colony, but then she was released, which is how partial liberalization took place under Beria. In addition, Matryona constantly exceeded the norm, which was also taken into account.
  First of all, after the juvenile colony, the girl, having arrived, rushed to the kitchen and for the first time in many years ate to her fill. And in the colony, even intensive shock soldering for large girls was not enough. Nobody particularly offended Matryona in the colony. Her peers were afraid of her extraordinary physical strength and large fists. Matryona is the kindest soul, but if you touch her, she will move so much that it won"t seem like much.
  The girl was in good standing with the authorities, obedient, a leader in production, and did not refuse any, even the most difficult work. I've never been sick. She worked barefoot in the bitter cold and didn"t even catch a runny nose. Only the large, graceful legs turned red, like the feet of a goose, but remained warm.
  Matryona even flaunted that she sniffed the zone, and spent a little more than three years on the bunk. Like, she has been there and has a criminal record. The judge gave the child about ten years old for some ears of corn. But if you fulfill the triple norm, then the day goes by in three. And Matryona left early. So she walked back in a government prison dress, barefoot, tanned, with a short cut, blond, cropped hair. Pretty, with a slender figure and a pretty face.
  People looked at her. Matryona, in a gray prison dress, thinner, and with a haircut, looked very much like a nun. The similarity grew even more when Matryona walked the remaining five hundred kilometers to home. She really wanted to trample her native land with her bare feet. And then in Siberia, where she was, everything was a little different.
  After the scorching snow, walking barefoot on the grass is an experience of bliss. Upon arrival at home, Matryona learned that she was pregnant. This was not surprising. The girl enjoyed having affairs with the guards. Her maturing, heroic body wanted sex. But since there were several security guys with her, Matryona didn"t know who the child"s father was.
  But the boy grew up large, healthy, fair-haired and strong. Now he may already be a pioneer. Possibly at the front.
  Matryona did not know the fate of her child. During the war, the girl tried not to get pregnant so as not to miss the battles. There is a special tincture for this. Matryona herself considered herself an Orthodox Rodnover. A sort of mixture of ancient Russian paganism and Orthodoxy. Matryona communicated with witches and sorcerers. She also had strength.
  Why are the Germans winning? The elder witch told her that the occult forces who are in the service of the Third Reich managed to slip the Moiras, the golden life thread of rare, and perhaps even unique, luck to Hitler. And that now the Fuhrer has found phenomenal happiness. Even Genghis Khan did not have this, which gave the Wehrmacht extraordinary strength. And the German designers invented successfully, and the field marshals commanded at the top, but their opponents did not do well.
  Luck certainly matters. That Hitler was able to defeat superior forces was largely the result of luck. Partly natural, since the Western, and partly the Soviet command did not quite understand how modern wars should be waged correctly. But the chain of favorable coincidences also had an impact on the Third Reich.
  In real history, just from the moment on the contrary, luck left the Wehrmacht, and a number of little things began to play against the Nazis. It began with the famous Battle of Midway. Then a whole chain of accidents led to the defeat of the Japanese. Although Japan was stronger in this battle and had more experienced and better trained troops.
  America is beyond words - economically strong. But its army and navy are not very combat-ready, not very well trained and disciplined. Quality and experience were on Japan's side. Piece by piece, the Land of the Rising Sun crushed the American fleet. And she won. Until a chain of accidents led to Midway. After which luck completely abandoned Japan. And America went on the offensive, gradually gaining the upper hand.
  And then, as the eldest (still very good looking!) witch explained, the fact that Japan was an ally of the Third Reich led by Hitler played a role. And part of the Fuhrer's luck went to the samurai.
  In addition, with a ninety percent probability, the Japanese should have won this battle anyway.
  It was evident that the Yankees were more capable of trading than fighting. The Germans, in turn, are a born nation of warriors who also had a powerful economy. And gradually the Wehrmacht, absorbing foreigners and natives of all stripes, replenished with tanks and aircraft, became stronger. And he won with increasing ease. Other nations could not do anything to oppose this.
  Matryona asked a question:
  - How to defeat Hitler?
  The witch shrugged her shoulders and answered honestly:
  - If they could, they would have done it themselves long ago... But here you have to argue with fate itself...
  Matryona sighed heavily. And she asked again:
  "Won"t they kill me if I go to fight for America?"
  The witch confidently answered:
  - All of your five are in the hands of the heavenly right hand. And the Nazis cannot destroy it so easily. Fight and believe in your destiny!
  Matryona smiled and confidently answered:
  - I believe that I can fight with dignity!
  And indeed the heroic girl fought like a real lioness. The Germans, or rather their foreign warrior-slaves, received the very first number. And even with a hook.
  The girl sang:
  - As a failure, I promised to save the blue handkerchief!
  And again fire, accurate and incredibly heroic. Matryona shoots and hits. Foreign slaves are falling. It"s worse, of course, when tanks are moving. German technology has no equal. So what! Russians are used to being content with little!
  Matryona sang:
  - We are pioneers - children of communism!
  And again she fired accurately. The five girls worked and acted more and more energetically. And the shells didn"t hit them.
  But American boys died. Stormtroopers fell from the sky. They literally showered American positions with rockets. The guns were also working. They responded with ground fire somewhat sluggishly.
  And when the shelling from gas launchers began, it became completely scary. And the sky seemed to be licked by red tongues of flame.
  The girls were slightly scorched, and they hid in the crack. The shelling intensified. German self-propelled howitzers also hit. Bombs and rockets rained down.
  To cheer up her friends, Alena sang:
  - Without a doubt, new generations are fighting for love! Although the dragon"s hour is cruel, time has chosen us for a feat!
  And Alenka fired, pinning the scout, and again jumped into the gap. And from above there is a whole ocean of fire, and needle fragments fly away.
  The Germans use a very powerful TA-400 aircraft with six engines for bombing. Such a machine is significantly superior to American models, including in flight range. A very formidable weapon. And it drops bombs, heavy ones with ball filling. Which scatter over many hundreds of meters.
  The TA-400 is an almost invulnerable machine. She is powerful with powerful defensive weapons. The B-29 can't compare to it. And how the superbomb crashes. The whole block shakes like this, collapsing. And such power is demonstrated here.
  But Alenka boldly says:
  -Papuans don"t have winter, Russians have hopeless situations!
  And indeed, perhaps the girl is right. Here are five of them in the heat, and only receive minor burns.
  Maria says:
  - Nadezhda is my earthly complex....
  And then he corrects himself, moving his fist to his chin:
  - Not a complex, but a compass!
  The girls, despite the dense fire, are still alive. Allah even chants:
  - I don"t want to walk by a thread, by a thread! From now on, the Red War is alive!
  But how many American soldiers died from Nazi artillery fire? It is not for nothing that in real history the Allies did not dare to open the front before forty-four.
  Most military experts believe that in this case, the US and British troops would have been thrown into the sea. Moreover, perhaps this would have virtually no effect on the course of hostilities in the east.
  But now the Americans are probably annoyed that they behaved too passively. That they allowed to conquer all the English colonies, and Britain itself. That they gave the fascists the opportunity to destroy the USSR, and now they are forced to fight almost alone.
  And now the question is: will Stalin violate the terms of the straw peace? From a moral point of view, attacking the Third Reich is not a sin at all. After all, Hitler himself treacherously violated the non-aggression pact. But on the other hand, there is still the question of expediency. Perhaps the Germans, having grabbed territory and fought for many years, will not go any further. Now is it worth provoking them?
  Moreover, America itself can get out of the war by insidiously signing a truce. And Truman is an even darker and more insidious person than Roosevelt.
  High-power rockets are loosening the earth... Mexico City is being bombed. But that is not all. The Germans are also attacking American cities. And first of all, for military factories. It is not very active yet, this is due to the extended communications and remoteness of the US territory. And it is more important to support the advance of our own troops.
  But, for example, four radio-controlled A-10 missiles were fired at Toronto. Quite a costly attack, but in any case the Germans showed that they were capable of firing from a long distance, and accurately. However, of course, a TA-400 launch costs less than sending such a missile from a distance of a thousand kilometers.
  But there are devices capable of launching into low-Earth orbit - spy satellites. For the Fuhrer's birthday, they promise to launch a satellite capable of filming US territory.
  Maria burned her bare, graceful foot. The blisters even swelled. It's unpleasant to admit. It"s hot all around, and there"s nothing to relieve the itching.
  The girl tried to imagine those pioneers whose soles were fried by German executioners using a brazier.
  They were probably in even more pain. But they endured and did not show the pain by screaming or moaning. And if they moaned, it was through gnashing of teeth.
  This is the heroism of the pioneers, and she should not moan. The girl imagined that she was being interrogated by the Nazis. They hung him on a rack and burned his bare heel with a hot iron. And instead of moaning or screaming, she laughs in your face.
  Maria remembered a book she read as a child: "St. John"s Wort." There, when the main character was supposed to be tortured, he admitted that he was unlikely to be able to sing on a rack like the Indians. But when you sing, it really does feel better.
  And Mary sang loudly;
  You are my wonderful Motherland,
  The whole planet is proud of you...
  Russia is like a single family,
  May you be sung in heaven in the choir!
  We preserve the anthem of the Fatherland without bitterness,
  Having proudly thrown doubts into the inferno...
  Above us is a golden-winged cherub,
  Peace will return and it will be very bright!
  Creator Almighty our Lord,
  The open spaces of the Fatherland are so spread out...
  Although the flesh often suffers in agony,
  But Russia and I are united for centuries!
  Our Motherland is so holy,
  No, stronger in spirit than a Russian soldier!
  A bright star is burning above us -
  We will crush the adversary in battle!
  Let's reach the most radiant peaks,
  Let's raise a red flag over Mars, jokingly...
  After all, Jesus the giant God is with us,
  There are sixteen coats of arms - there will be others!
  A girl near Moscow fought with the enemy,
  Confidently defeated the fascists...
  But the god capricious Mars turned away,
  And the unfortunate thing was that she was captured!
  They led a barefoot girl through the snow,
  Fire burned furiously at her heels...
  They broke their bare leg in pincers,
  And they beat me hard with a red-hot chain!
  But the beauty endured the pressure,
  They tortured a girl in a dungeon...
  The fascist didn"t even let out a quiet groan,
  Posthumously a Komsomol member with an award!
  There are fierce battles, and the Germans and their coalition are destroying the Americans from all sides.
  The fighting in Mexico City dragged on a bit. The big city is one of the largest in the world, located in the mountains and is too difficult a target to capture. Moreover, the Americans fortified themselves in Mexico City, and in advance created a base there and ammunition depots in deep bunkers. And this allowed them to hold Mexico City even after the capital was surrounded. Americans are not so simple either.
  They believed that the Germans would not risk moving north with such a large stronghold city in their rear, and would get stuck trying to pry such a thorn out of their mouths.
  The Fuhrer was really afraid of leaving a cauldron behind his troops. In addition, the Germans were replenished with more advanced tanks from the E series, and wanted to replace their once most popular tank, the Panther-2, with one that was more protected and armed and was not inferior in driving performance.
  Under these conditions, the leadership of the Third Reich was faced with the question of using disc planes.
  But the problem was that the laminar jet, while making the aircraft invulnerable, did not make it possible to fire from them themselves. Unless, in reality, disc planes could ram planes using their fantastic speed and invulnerability. But with their help it is very difficult to bomb or fire or launch missiles. True, you can turn off the laminar field, release the charges and then turn it on again.
  Another idea was to arm the discs with cannons that spew thermal radiation or lasers. But this also took time.
  In any case, flying saucers need to be used practically.
  On April 13, two disc planes were tested in combat for the first time. The flying saucers took off almost silently. But there was a glow. Then they raced across the Atlantic Ocean to Mexico. As it turned out, this weapon also had a colossal power reserve.
  But they were ordered to fight only over the territory controlled by the Wehrmacht. Because under no circumstances should we give other countries the technology of weapons that are so ahead of their time.
  Margaret and Albina controlled the first discus using a joystick. Their task was for now only to ram American planes, and a large number of crew members were not required.
  Why were the discos entrusted to girls? Because the weaker sex is more successful in such battles. The percentage of losses among female pilots is several times less than that of men.
  Although in general the Luftwaffe has a very favorable ratio in damage. Superiority also affects combat training, and especially jet aviation, which has no equal opponent.
  Margaret and Albina are flying from Europe to Mexico at a speed of approximately two sound speeds, but this is not felt at all in the discus itself: how smooth the ride is. It's like you're on a train.
  Margaret said with enthusiasm:
  - This is such a wonderful discus we have. Like a fairytale weapon - it doesn"t take either a sword or a cannon!
  Albina logically clarified:
  - More like a space weapon, like the aliens.
  Margaret, stamping her bare, muscular legs, sang:
  - I wish I could fork out some money and feed the alien! I wish I could fork out some money, but he doesn"t moo, don"t calve!
  Albina clapped her hands and said:
  - This is a really witty song. I thought you only knew how to compose military marches!
  Margaret responded by leaning back on the floor. Did a few push-ups. According to unspoken tradition, she was wearing a bikini. In general, in the Luftwaffe, almost all young women and girls switched to bikini uniforms. In any case, if weather conditions allowed and it was not too cold. It was believed that a body with a minimum of clothing would have better contact with the aircraft. And the pilots fly masterfully in this case.
  Practice has confirmed this. Even in the cold, the girls tried to bare as much as possible. Bikinis have become very fashionable.
  So it"s no surprise that the girls were almost naked. And with their figures, bikinis go well. Of course, in the army all women keep themselves in shape, and they have good figures. When a young woman gives herself physical activity, she will look attractive in a revealing way. In addition, when you wear a bikini, the fresh air helps burn fat. And the girls are so slim and curvy with sculpted abs.
  Of course this is beauty, the bodies of young women. Your feet, of course, are bare, and with bare soles you feel the car much better, and you even become one with it.
  Maybe that"s why young pilots are so good, and they rack up scores without almost dying.
  Who knows if Hitler failed in real history because he neglected women in the army. But a girl in a bikini is a special fighter. Fortune loves them, and they very rarely die.
  Albina also began to do push-ups, noticing:
  - When you move, you feel much better.
  Margaret agreed:
  - Movement is life!
  Both warriors were blondes. And very beautiful too. Well, of course, they wouldn"t trust one of the first discos in a combat modification to women without beautiful features.
  Everything about them is good: their figures are full of athletic grace and erotic power. And faces, young, fresh, without a single fold or wrinkle. And lush, slightly curly hair.
  Boys fix their gaze on such girls and can stare for hours without stopping.
  Truly unique, Aryan, athletic beauty.
  Albina stood on her hands and crossed her slender, tanned legs over her head. The disc plane was on autopilot. It was impossible to knock him down, so the girls could easily frolic and warm up.
  The floor of the marvelous car was covered with soft, non-flammable plastic and rough.
  Margaret followed, both girls standing on their hands. And they pulled from above with their feet. It was like spinning a bicycle. So charming and unique.
  Albina said with a smile:
  - I am a true Aryan, merciless to the enemies of the Reich... My character is Nordic!
  Margaret giggled and remarked:
  - But I like to play pranks. At least she"s also a true Aryan! Oh, what a funny thing war is!
  Albina, lowering her voice to a whisper, remarked:
  "And yet I think we shouldn"t have left the Russians in our rear." Stalin can go from defeat and strike!
  Margaret answered confidently:
  - We have enough strength for a war on two fronts! You know, the Wehrmacht already has more than thirty-five million soldiers. Mostly foreigners. It is unlikely that the exhausted Russians will be able to collect more than ten million. But there is also Japan.
  Albina nodded in agreement, her head white as a fresh snowball:
  - Yes, it is true! We are strong! The E-50 tank, which is mass-produced, has finally satisfied our military in all respects!
  Margaret giggled and interjected:
  - Tank? There are rumors that they want to make a similar machine out of plastic!
  Albina shook her head skeptically:
  - The armor will be weak... Although an interesting idea for landing operations!
  Margaret remarked with a grin:
  - And our discus is made of titanium. And it is strong enough to handle all possible collisions.
  Albina noted with a sigh:
  - Titanium is quite an expensive metal. But I think that soon our designers will create much stronger steel!
  Margaret slapped her bare feet together:
  - My thoughts are a herd of horses!
  Albina giggled and said:
  - An elephant is better! He's bigger!
  Margaret jumped up in her arms and roared:
  - The giraffe is big! He knows better!
  After which the girls took it and spanked it with their soles. So there was even a rumble. And they smiled at each other.
  Albina said:
  - No, with warriors like us, even a hundred Stalins are not afraid of us!
  Margaret spun on her hands and chirped:
  - Why a hundred? Maybe a thousand at once?
  Albina yelled:
  - No million!
  Margaret said:
  - Or a billion and a half!
  Albina growled:
  - Or a trillion and a quarter!
  Such a competition looked ridiculous and absurd. But at the same time extremely funny. The girls stopped their harmless chatter and began doing push-ups.
  Margaret thought about her past. A girl from a rather noble family. She was sent at a very tender age to a special school. I went through some pretty tough training there. She was taught and trained physically. On the one hand, this made the girl stronger, but on the other, it deprived her of her childhood.
  Margaret, however, quickly got involved. In addition, the school had clubs and entertainment. The beauties swam in the pool, did gymnastics, and did the splits.
  And we learned, including different languages. Of course, they were taught mathematics, physics, and various classics. In her free time, Margaret loved to read science fiction. She especially liked Jules Verne. His scientific discoveries were combined with interesting adventures. Some types of inventions have still not been surpassed.
  Particularly impressive were the shells capable of destroying an entire fort with one shot. This weapon could be useful in a real war.
  Margaret, when she heard about the German attack on Poland, was inspired. The Germans won one victory after another and everyone simply adored Hitler. Although at first the attitude of many was restrained. But the Fuhrer succeeded in everything. Including in the economy. Rapid economic growth, revival of the army, return of the Rhineland and coalfields. Then the bloodless Anschluss of Austria. The Germans were a little shaken by the conflict around Czechoslovakia. But then Munich followed.
  After which it seemed that Germany had achieved everything peacefully. She even returned the Klaipeda region. But then the war with Poland began, and two days later the Second World War. Many, even the girls, became scared. What if there is another defeat? But within three weeks Poland collapsed, the offensive against western Germany did not begin, and calm set in. Many thought that now there would be peace.
  Then a rapid attack on France. And the propaganda declared enthusiastically: we won!
  And Margaret was annoyed that she did not take part in such a triumph. But it's not that simple. The war dragged on, Germany, fighting, absorbed one country after another. And like a fairy-tale hero she cut off the heads of her enemies. And so Margaret went to the front. As a pilot. She went through flight school and ended up in the sky.
  The girl immediately began to score more. Fought with Russian pilots. I immediately noticed a certain weakness of the Soviet aces - their reluctance to retreat. But this is suicidal when you are fighting against such a powerfully armed aircraft as the ME-262.
  Margaret destroyed Soviet planes, quite successfully. She did not know pity, although she did not consider herself cruel. And the girl fought in a bikini, even when it was a little cold.
  And this helped in battle. Not once was her plane shot down, or even seriously damaged. Although the ME-262 is generally a very durable machine.
  Margaret earned herself the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross. And of course, she was proud of this. And now she has been entrusted with the most advanced machine of destruction.
  Albina was also a pilot, from a military family. Also a muscular blonde, awarded the Knight's Cross for various exploits, primarily in the sky. But Albina managed to fight a little in the infantry. She showed her class as a sniper too.
  Both girls are similar, but also different, of course, in their faces. But they have prominent muscles, very strong physically. Now they did push-ups, made an angle and chirped:
  - We are great warriors, a mighty country... And in some ways we are very wild and servants of Satan!
  After which Albina giggled and objected:
  - Why Satan? Or maybe an almighty God?
  Margaret nodded.
  - Yes, if our army is lucky, then without God it cannot be otherwise!
  Albina corrected her friend:
  - Not without God, but with God! The Almighty loves the strong and merciless! The Aryans will crush everyone!
  Margaret exclaimed with admiration:
  - And we have such technology! Disc planes are a miracle!
  Albina, energetically making a corner, agreed:
  - Yes... We can if we want!
  Margaret explained logically:
  - And when we don"t want to, we can do it too! Forced scientists from half the world are plowing on us!
  The girls began to make the corner much more energetically. And their car was gliding through the air. It resembled a UFO. Such a wonderful creation of engineering. Something that was created beyond the technological level that is typical for planet Earth. Among other things, the disc plane is equipped with several cutting-edge radars. I heard beep beep...alarm!
  The girls jumped up and ran to the viewing screens... They enlarged the image... So it is, a dozen American Mustangs and four Airacobras were flying ahead. US planes burst out of the clouds. Apparently they noticed a rather large diskette, or scanned it with radar. Although such flying saucers are practically invisible on radar. But in the sky they are visible from a great distance.
  Two squadrons attempted to attack the discus. Margaret pressed the joystick buttons to speed up. And she went to ram. As sharply as a boxer's fist in the weight of a feather, a flying saucer flashed by. And hit an American fighter. It was as if a diamond cutter had hit iron. Sparks rained down, and the laminar flow crumbled the plane into shiny shavings.
  Albina, holding the joystick with her bare fingers, deftly turned the discus around and again rammed the US Air Force fighter. He fell to pieces. And the blonde terminator, continuing to move, crushed one aircraft after another.
  Margaret remarked:
  - We erase them... Like chalk with an eraser!
  Albina giggled and said:
  - They have no chance!
  The diskette moved several times faster than American aircraft. And there really was no chance of leaving him. Moreover, the maneuverability of the German car is simply phenomenal. But faced with a new weapon, the Americans acted wisely: they scattered. And the girls had to sharply speed up the pursuit.
  When hit by a disk, it began to buzz, as if chips were being removed. The famous disc of Belonzi crushed and mangled everyone. And yet he didn"t even shudder.
  The girls laughed as they chased the enemy. They overtook and flattened, cut. It was reminiscent of a kite chasing chickens, and maybe even faster. And such a cutter was simply similar to the treasure sword of Ilya Muromets. Who cut everything down... And managed to catch up with almost everything and slam it down.
  The girls dug in and almost jumped out of their chairs, holding onto the clamps with their hands and feet. And somehow they still held on. And they could continue to fight.
  But the last American fighter is overtaken. The girls shook beads of sweat from their foreheads. And again we switched the diskette to autopilot. Albina, sucking in her sculpted belly, suggested:
  - Maybe we can eat?
  Margaret agreed:
  - That's a good idea!
  The warriors reached into the refrigerator. Albina pressed the button with her toe. Two tubes of nutritional mixture came out. The girls carefully took them in their hands. Finely chopped pork with peas and tomato sauce. On the label of each tube there is a funny pig and a tomato with a pea stalk.
  The girls began to suck carefully, lightly pressing on the tube. Margaret remarked:
  - Soon we will go to the cosmic worlds. Then maybe such food will be given to astronauts.
  Albina nodded in agreement:
  - Yes, that would be great! Fly to other worlds, look at neighboring planets.
  Margaret whistled and said dreamily:
  - Yes. This is very interesting. And what do these aliens look like? They probably look like people. Or maybe they have differences?
  Albina shrugged and suggested:
  - Perhaps we can meet elves. They are similar in appearance to humans, but originated not from monkeys, but from cats. That's why they have pointy ears and a very cute appearance.
  Margaret remarked with a sweet smile:
  - They say elves don"t age at all!
  Albina nodded in agreement:
  - Perhaps... But it would be better for people to have such happiness!
  Margaret sucked from the tube. She swallowed and spoke:
  - Yes... There is nothing worse than old age! In this regard, this is simply the scourge of God!
  Albina stroked her bare leg. I imagined a guy next to me. So tall, muscular, like Apollo. Or maybe Hercules. Then she imagined him stroking her. Yes, that would be great.
  To then move on to something more serious. To experience strong caresses and stroking, hot kisses of the chest. Like strong male lips I caress the crimson nipple. And how I would like to remain young and attractive forever.
  Never grow old, be forever young, slim, athletic!
  Albina suggested with timid hope:
  - Maybe people will invent something so as not to grow old?
  Margaret answered confidently:
  - Sooner or later, of course, old age will be defeated... But the question is, will we live to see that?
  Albina tried to console her friend:
  - If Aryan science can do everything, then time will pass and they will be able to resurrect the dead. And then it won't matter when we die!
  Margaret said with a smile:
  Let us enjoy a world without evil,
  Although sometimes it"s hard to believe...
  Children will play and laugh,
  And we will achieve immortality... perhaps!
  The girls sipped from the tubes. Sliced meat, peas and tomatoes, a very tasty and nutritious combination. Margaret also imagined her future husband. So pumped up and smart, with a high forehead. She really liked Spartak. A man born to be a ruler, or a great commander, turned out to be a slave. Regarding Spartacus, Margaret read a novel by an Italian writer. An excellent work of art, you won't be able to put it down.
  True, the fact that Spartak was a noble Thracian leader is most likely an invention of the author. It is not even known whether Spartacus was a Thracian. He was only a member of the Thracian section. There is scant information about the real history of Spartak. It seems that he was freeborn. And they even say he served as a legionnaire in the Roman army. Then, when the war moved to Thrace, he even deserted and fought against the Romans. He was captured again and sold to the gladiators.
  Then glory came to Spartak in the arena. But Spartak could well have been German. Margaret imagined herself in bed with this hero.
  This is great - such a man! Women love jocks. Margaret thought that Spartak was also unusually smart. He won victories over the Romans with a rather poorly organized army of slaves and the poor. Although no, the leader of the gladiators established strict discipline.
  It was in vain that the consuls rushed at Spartacus. He inflicted one defeat on them after another. But in the end, betrayal took its toll. And they defeated Spartak.
  The slave war did not end in victory. Which could be for the better. Having won, the slaves would have destroyed the Roman Empire, but would they have been able to offer something in return? Outright barbarism could arise in this part of the planets. Then Christianity would not have gained such mass popularity. So it would not have been for Emperor Constantine, who introduced such a religion from above. And time was objectively against Christianity. So a completely logical question arose: can you prove that the resurrection of Christ is not a fairy tale?
  All the witnesses to the resurrection and the apostles died or were executed, and then the disciples of the apostles. Of course, over time, faith eroded. And the promise of immortality alone was not enough. Moreover, other peoples had their own idea of paradise. Take the same Egyptians. They have a whole science about the existence of the dead.
  And when asked about evidence, over time it became more and more a matter of faith. And did Constantine himself believe in peace-loving Christianity, having spent almost his entire life in wars? Or maybe, after all, he was frightened by non-existence, and he wanted at least some kind of posthumous hope? It is not known... But do not officially accept the authority of Christ, was this all... Have Christians survived two thousand years later?
  However, this is a subjunctive story. So the Japanese won in this world at Midway, and Hitler made a number of strong decisions, including much earlier declaring a total war and began to fight with all his might. And the result: the Germans are advancing on all fronts. And they achieved success on many fronts.
  Margaret said thoughtfully:
  - Accidents are like links in the chain of history, one failure and a complete reversal!
  Albina added:
  - Everything in the world is random, especially luck, but you naturally end up with a lot of trouble!
  Margaret took the tube with her bare fingers, twisted the stem and pressed. She sucked the meat a little and noticed:
  - But we don"t get into trouble, we win! So there is no need for pessimism.
  Albina did not object:
  - It's good to have lunch, it's bad to be defeated, it's even worse to lose to yourself!
  The girls fell silent. After eating, they were drawn to sleep... And why not sleep for a couple of hours. Then there will be no more time. The Americans have a lot of planes and they will constantly get them.
  The girls leaned back in their chairs and quickly, as if on command, fell asleep. They dreamed something interesting... They found themselves in some new world. They go their own way. There are bushes and jungle all around.
  And suddenly a boy runs out to the meeting. So blond, muscular, wearing only shorts. And a huge wolf, like a bull, rushes after him. The girls took the machine guns off their shoulders and hit them with bursts of fire. The wolf was hurt. He fell, choking in his own blood. The roar of the beast was so incredibly creepy. It sounded like it was coming from behind a gravestone and resembled a mixture of the call signs of a buffalo and a spider.
  The boy stopped. He looked straight ahead with some amazement. The boy looked to be thirteen or fourteen. A very cute face with a manly chin, beautiful sculpted muscles, slab abs. Her hair is white as snow, lightly sprinkled with yellow, and her skin is dark with tan.
  A very pretty teenager who can be hung on a poster - a true Aryan. Except that blue eyes are too kind. And the smile is pearly. Margaret and Albina approached the boy and asked in unison:
  - Hello! Who are you?
  The boy answered with a smile:
  - I am King Matt! Land of Pink Mists.
  Albina giggled and remarked:
  - King... Why barefoot?
  The boy answered with a sigh:
  - I became a victim of a coup. Marshal Korshunov seized power in the kingdom. And they tore off my royal dress and threw me half naked by helicopter into a jungle infested with wild animals!
  Margaret giggled and extended her hand.
  - That"s how Your Majesty... Well, what, can we help you?
  King Matt shrugged his shoulders in confusion.
  - I doubt it... There are only two of you, and there is a whole army with guns and helicopters!
  Albina, decisively stamping her bare foot, answered:
  -We also had to fight armies! No, we are ready to fight for a just cause!
  Margaret flicked her fingers on the young king's nose:
  - Don't be afraid, we are with you!
  - I'm not afraid! - The boy proudly straightened his not too wide, tufted shoulders. And he added. - Well, I think we should go to my subjects, they will support the king.
  Albina looked around and asked:
  - Where to go...
  Margaret looked around... There was a jungle all around. Somewhat reminiscent of the Amazon. Huge ferns grew. There were many trees with flowers. The buds looked like roses, and petunias - with bright colors, like children's markers. The leaves on the trees were large and complex in shape.
  Large dragonflies, like albatrosses, flew, and butterflies with meter-long wings fluttered.
  Albina glanced at the sky and exclaimed:
  - There are three suns here!
  Margaret raised her head and cooed:
  - Wow! Is this another planet?!
  Boy King Matt raised his eyebrows in surprise:
  -What other planet?
  Margaret shrugged and asked:
  - But this is clearly not Earth.
  The boy giggled and replied:
  - So you are from Earth? From this harsh planet, where all the same light shone!
  Margaret grinned and asked again:
  - Do you know the Earth?
  The young king nodded:
  - Certainly! Our civilization comes from there!
  Albina looked at the boy more carefully and said:
  - Well, yes... You are just like a person, only beautiful!
  King Matt nodded with a bright head:
  - And you are very beautiful too! Help me return the crown, and I will make my wives myself!
  The girls laughed. Margaret remarked:
  - Isn"t it too early for you to get married?
  The boy shook his head negatively:
  - Kings get married early! I already have four wives, there will be six with you, not counting the harem!
  Margaret laughed even louder.
  - So you have a harem! Wow!
  Matt puffed out his chest and replied:
  - What about a king without a harem? It wouldn't be prestigious! I am the monarch of a great country, we have already launched a satellite into space!
  Albina hugged the boy by the shoulders and cooed:
  - My sweetie... I still don"t mind becoming your wife!
  The young king kissed the girl on the cheek, then on the lips and cooed:
  - You smell so delicious... You are so wonderful...
  Oleg Rybachenko, in addition to being in this world where the Nazis fought, distinguished himself in another universe. Where there was a truly brutal and aggressive space war. There the boy also got into a kind of scrape.
  Why did you have to work off immortality? Nothing comes for free. And work hard, boy. And be truly without death and any extremes.
  And the Second World War is different in different universes. And often even worse than it was in real history, since the Third Reich is very strong. And he was defeated literally by a miracle.
  So Oleg Rybachenko accomplishes feats in a parallel world.
  The assault on Moscow and the battle for Rzhev continued. Using bomb launchers and receiving blows from Soviet rocket artillery in response, the enemy advanced. The Germans tried to take it with their innumerable equipment and bombings, as well as rocket salvos.
  Progress was slow, across scorched earth. Soviet people fought like knights... Rzhev became a second Stalingrad for the Nazis. All residents took part in the battles for him.
  A small group of pioneers held house number thirteen on Lenin Street. Boys and girls let the Nazis get closer and fired rifles straight into their grinning mouths. Or they threw grenades with homemade explosives at the enemy. And thus they contributed to the victory.
  Eleven-year-old Mishka fell silent, his head was smashed by a shrapnel, and the girl Masha was killed by a sniper"s bullet. But the rest of the guys fight with unflagging tenacity. Pashka, for example, threw a package under the transport using all his strength, forcing the car with enemy infantrymen to turn over. But the Sturmtigers and Strummamonts are approaching, dangerous weapons for attacks in large cities. Pashka and two other boys with him, risking their lives, drag a barrel with a mixture of two liquid reagents that, when combined, form a powerful explosive. The half-naked guys are so stained with soot that they are almost invisible against the faded background.
  Pashka pulls with difficulty. He is very thin, looking like a dried-up mummy with ribs sticking out like twigs. It"s hard to drag a barrel, but, alas, simple grenades are powerless against a Sturmmamont weighing one hundred and fifty-five tons, and without a combat kit. The other two boys are even thinner. Although they are only nine years old, their bare soles are so horny that they rustle on the rubble like sandpaper. At some point, the cannonade became a little quieter and the grinding of calloused feet strained my ears. The guys basically walked barefoot all year round, and endured the cold when their toes literally turned blue. But oddly enough, such extreme training in the Spartan style led to the fact that none of the boys and girls got sick.
  And given the sharp shortage of medicines and antibiotics, health is extremely important. But indeed, if you wear a beacon and shorts all year round from early childhood, then you definitely won"t catch a cold or get a sore throat.
  Another thing is that you can"t get used to hunger as opposed to frost. And what kind of food can there be in an almost completely besieged city? Where the only thin road is shot almost right through.
  Pashka received a bullet from the shoulder, and clenched his teeth, biting his lip until it bled, so as not to groan. No, he will not give the fascists such joy. The Russian warrior does not groan in pain. The boy pulled the barrel and yelled at the guys:
  - Break your claws, you still have to live!
  The boys, realizing that they are no longer needed here, quickly crawl away. Their knees and elbows are already horny from crawling on the rubble, and they also rustle. It"s good that you can"t hear it in the deafening noise.
  Pashka crosses himself and shouts:
  - I serve the USSR!
  Pushes a barrel under the tracks of the Sturmmamont. A roar is heard, knocking out blood along with blood, and the boy is torn into pieces. But Hitler"s machine cannot withstand the rupture, splitting into pieces. And a wide barrel of a bomb launcher flies through a collapsed piece of wall.
  Pashka died, but his soul rushed to another universe. Chernobog himself escorted the boy to another universe. There is such a gigantic ring of the Father, the souls of the dead move there. And these universes are no longer part of the Hyperveer system, but are an independent system. A person"s personality is preserved and so is his memory, and then he can apply his life experiences in the next universe, where the rest of the dead live only once. If the body dies again, the soul will be transferred to the next universe, and the person will live a third time... If he dies again, then the transfer will occur to the fourth. For God and the Supergod of the Gods, the Generator, is great above the innumerable multitude of creations. And there will be no end to the wanderings of the soul until a person develops to such a level that he himself becomes a demiurge God.
  This is the Hyperevolution of the spirit. And people are still at the lowest level at the very foot of the throne leading to omnipotence and the satisfaction of all desires. Sooner or later, every person will achieve his goal, having gone through many births and deaths and accumulated experience. Alas, the hopes of those, especially monks and martyrs, that after suffering in this life they will receive a paradise full of sweet fruits and fragrant flowers are in vain. Therefore, the Infinite, in his Hyper-omnipotence, the Over-Creator, has prepared something better for people than just paradise. At least for active individuals. And those who are weak and less energetic can count on the fulfillment of a more modest dream. Meet your family and friends who were dear to you on Earth or in other worlds. And live with them happily in a good world: without wars, hunger, disease, old age and other misfortunes. Only to such a paradise will not one life and not one incarnation have to walk.
  And that in fact, after a series of rebirths, a person may have such power under his control that he will be able to choose his own form of happiness. Or activity and enjoyment in relative peace. And so maybe even the Mohammedan paradise with a harem, dishes and dancers can become so boring that a person will choose something simpler for himself that is much more active!
  For God has laid Eternity in their hearts! And man became a living soul, and the body went to the dust (to the elements of the earth!) from which it was created, and the spirit to God who gave it! The human spirit is the breath of the God of the Gods, the Father. And the soul is immortal, because it contains a particle of the Almighty Creator of the universe. And we are not just clay. We are the grandchildren of the Demiurge Gods and their relatives, and not just a creation. And the Lord laid eternity in their hearts. Because the Almighty Super-God, the Parent, is eternity. And in every person there is a particle of the Hyper-omnipotent Divinity that should be developed in oneself, including by learning to endure suffering, pain, death and perform feats.
  The pioneer boy died to become a prince in a new universe.
  Chernobog showed the girl rangers this too... After all, this is a rare sight of the other world, what happens later in the Endless Kingdom of the Dead.
  Pashka woke up in a new body... The last thing the boy of about eleven remembered was a strong pain tearing his veins, muscles, bony body, and then the lightness and bliss that followed. And the earth instantly floated away from under the boy"s bare feet, which turned into a small silver coin and disappeared behind the radiance of the brightest stars. And then the symphony began to play, something incredibly majestic.
  And now she is back in her body, full of strength and vigor from a healthy appetite. Pashka is still a boy, but no longer the thin, camp look he used to be, but muscular, strong, and the tan on his skin is not quite human, dark golden. The boy felt his face, no, it seemed completely human, with smooth and clean skin, and the hair on his head felt soft and silky to the touch. Only there are some strange bracelets on his wrists.
  The boy poked the gem and a hologram flashed. A three-dimensional color image of an unimaginably beautiful girl appeared. Her silvery voice chirped shimmeringly:
  - Oh your highness! Your birth has taken place and therefore there will be a celebration in the kingdom!
  And almost immediately after her words, bright, colorful lights flared up in the throne room, where the newborn dead boy was, and sheaves of spotlights began to shine. Pashka found himself suddenly carried out, as if by a wave, into a huge stadium, where he was greeted with jubilation by a motley crowd. The boy looked around him and blinked his eyes. In the gigantic throne room, there were statues and spinning at the top, very ornate and colorful chandeliers. And multi-colored jets of fountains beat.
  And in general, the palace itself was both futuristic and ancient at the same time.
  The overwhelming majority of the audience were beautiful boys and girls, and there were three times as many girls. Besides them, there were a small number of creatures of two types. Very large, two meters tall, similar to gorillas, only with ears like the wings of bats, gray and brown creatures. And slightly smaller orange and yellow colored individuals similar to foxes, but there were few of them.
  In addition to them, mechanical little men were also spinning in the hall, on wheels carrying regal food and luxurious drinks in colorful wrappers.
  Pashka noticed that there were practically no elderly people in the hall, and so the creatures, although they looked like people, were somehow too bright with golden skin, and their hair was like flower petals. Nice crowd, but too much. And their ears, not quite human, look like a rosebud cut in half.
  Where is he? Could it be heaven? Recently, Orthodoxy and the pioneers have become closer, and the priests promise a generous paradise to those who died for the Fatherland.
  Maybe the priests aren't lying? Now he is no longer a barefoot, soot-stained and scratched boy in the battles for Rzhev. No, the prince is standing in front of them. Also still a boy, but in sparkling scarlet boots decorated with precious stones, in a very luxurious, albeit somewhat old-fashioned suit. A sword sparkles on the belt, with a hilt richly decorated with gems. It"s even strange: robots, television, and at the same time a castle setting.
  True, the audience is also dressed in its own way. The boys are in medieval camisoles and luxurious boots, and the girls are in high-heeled glass slippers and transparent dresses that do not hide the beauty of their bodies.
  Two girls, probably maids, ran out in front of the princes: they were barefoot in short white dresses, and naked, with a thin strip of shiny fabric barely covering their magnificent breasts. They scattered pink petals liberally, under the heels of the new fresh born prince.
  Pashka is now a royal person, but he was a hungry, thin, shamelessly dirty pioneer. And a feeling of pride fills his soul. Honest pioneer - there is justice.
  A girl in royal robes and a young man of about twenty or more human-like appeared on the radiant throne. They greeted Pashka, who gave them the pioneer salute.
  The young man was wearing a crown and said in a solemn tone:
  - You are the heroically killed knight whom the Gods determined to be my heir and right hand!
  Pashka answered this modestly:
  - I don"t know, Your Majesty. Hundreds and thousands of Soviet people fell no less heroically than I did! And I think they deserve no less a reward in heaven!
  The king of this world said in an important tone:
  - Here we are all who have lived one life and received another. The reward is not always fair. I, too, was not one of the best officers in the tsarist army, but received the title of king. But one of the barefoot girls is Father Makhno himself!
  The servant girl snapped at these words and blurted out:
  -But I learned pleasures that are inaccessible to you men!
  The king answered harshly:
  - You, slave Makhno, were not given a word! Tie her to the goblin post so she can get her share of the lashes.
  The girl was grabbed by a gorilla with membranous ears in five phalanges and dragged to a pillar. The girl unsuccessfully tried to resist, but she was harshly hit on the thighs with a whip. After which she bit the goblin on the paw, but was punched in the chin and sagged, losing consciousness.
  The king would be pleased, but Pashke not at all. It"s not good when I beat a woman, even if it"s the bloody despot and bandit Makhno himself. Sometimes fate likes to play a trick on a person. Or more precisely, the Demiurge Gods. Scoundrels sometimes receive posthumous retribution, but not always directly. Some can incarnate as a cripple, some as a slave or slave. But His Majesty himself is not an angel at all, but a reveling officer, Shwinder. Not worse than other officers, but not better either. And I was lucky, as in Vysotsky"s song, to grow into a monarch, already in my second life. True, not immediately, but when the former king was killed. Here previously dormant abilities appeared.
  Pashka looked and was silent. He no longer felt entirely happy. And the not-so-pleasant voice of the monarch announced:
  - And now you have to take part in the traditional ritual during the coronation of princes! Now the punishment of a major, especially dangerous criminal of a previous life will take place! For I believe that sins must receive retribution!
  A grinding sound was heard, and the floor in front of the throne began to move apart. The sound was soft, the robots were sweeping away dust, and the rod was rising into the sky. Something similar to a steel horizontal bar appeared. The boy was only chained by his hands to a thick crossbar, and a barbell was chained to his legs. The arms were twisted from the muscular shoulders and it was clear that the load was causing terrible pain to the boy.
  Zoya and Victoria immediately recognized this muscular boy as Oleg Rybachenko, and with a howl they turned to Chernobog:
  - What are you doing, dark one?
  The Overlord of Hyperuniversal Evil replied softly:
  - Due to the fault of this boy, you cannot continue to fight in this universe and ensure the victory of the USSR! - Chernobog"s eye became stricter. - Agree, this is a serious enough crime that even cooking it in oil is not enough!
  Zoya said in a pleading tone:
  - But this is the greatest involuntary sin!
  Chernobog answered in a brave tone:
  - They beat you desperately if you accidentally! Believe me, they treated this kid extremely gently!
  The goblins stood at the edges of the tied Oleg. The boy was completely naked and his muscles were swollen from the weight of the barbell chained to his legs. Pashka doubted and asked:
  - What is his fault?
  The king replied arrogantly:
  - The fact is that because of him, Soviet Russia missed its major chance of salvation!
  Pashka quietly asked Oleg Rybachenko:
  - This is true!
  The boy, being torn apart by the rack, gnashed his teeth:
  - Yes! It's my fault!
  A laconic order from the monarch followed:
  - Beat!
  And the goblins hit the boy"s bare back with chains as hard as they could. The skin burst, and Oleg Rybachenko"s face turned scarlet. But the boy, clenching his jaw and shuddering, held out and did not let out a cry. And the goblins continued the regiment with cold fury. They hit with all their might and confidently cut through the boy"s skin.
  Pashka paid tribute, despite the wild pain, Oleg Rybachenko did not scream, but only breathed heavily. Although the torture intensified. The chains on the plastic handle began to heat up and turn red. So now each new blow not only cut the skin, but burned it in place with meat.
  A strong smell of fried meat wafted through the room. The pain was terrible. Oleg"s eyes were bulging out of their sockets, his face turned blue, blood was flowing from his throat, but still, with a titanic effort of will, he restrained the roar that was ready to escape from his throat. It was felt that this boy had gone through a brutal experience. school, including in the world of star and space wars. Oleg imagined that I was whipping him with a broom in a hot bath and it became much easier.
  The white-hot chains beat and burned Rybachenko from the neck to the very heels, which the goblins struck with the go-ahead, but the burned and wounded boy still did not want to lose consciousness. Pashka looked at this as if spellbound. He felt sorry for his peer, almost the same age, but on the other hand, it was his fault that the USSR, which was already barely holding on, found itself on the very brink of destruction. Well, can something like this really be forgiven? After all, Stalin himself called for showing ruthlessness towards enemies. Moreover, the boy is very muscular and not at all emaciated, although he does not have a drop of excess fat.
  This means that I have not experienced real hunger, and this also does not evoke sympathy...
  A sudden roar that popped out of the eardrums shook the palace. The wall collapsed, and the passing blast wave scattered people like empty bottles, threw up the throne like a tornado... Everything happened as if during a strong earthquake, at a hurricane pace. And a moment later the thugs appeared. Very similar to goblins, only not naked in fur, but in uniforms.
  The horizontal bar collapsed from the shock and the crossbar broke. Brutally beaten and covered in burns, Oleg Rybachenko fell on Pashka. His entire back and chest, which collapsed on the slave boy prince, was burned and broken. Nevertheless, the boy still held on to his consciousness and whispered to the pioneer:
  - This is our chance!
  And from Pashka"s belt he pulled out a pistol studded with diamonds. He fired once into his handcuffs. They burst, followed by two shots at the shackles holding his legs. Despite the full force of the torment, Oleg Rybachenko retained the ability to move, and his mental perception was stronger than ever. The prince had some of the most advanced wizards in the kingdom hanging from his belt.
  And the goblins who burst in did not hide their feelings and animal instincts. They wanted to destroy as many living beings as possible and fired everywhere.
  Oleg Rybachenko barely had time to push Pashka away, and in the place where the boy-prince had just been lying, there was only a crater half a meter wide and a meter deep, and its edges were smoking and sparkling. Rybachenko Jr. himself opened confident fire on the enemy. The first five goblin invaders were cut off by the first burst.
  The boy turned around and picked up the wizard the king had dropped with his feet, and pressed the buttons with his bare fingers. In space worlds, Oleg Rybachenko had already dealt with similar types of weapons and therefore acted very confidently. A dozen more goblins rushed their souls to the transcendental worlds from the boy"s shooting from his hands and feet.
  And in general, no joke battle broke out. Significant forces were ready to fight. When former people fought with each other... Only in slightly different bodies.
  Oleg, shooting and dodging the enemy's nail pullers, thought: who are these goblins? Are they people and, if so, what crimes have they committed on planet Earth? Goblins were usually used in fairy tales to represent evil and something stupid.
  The boy ranger picked up and dropped the dead elves, into which the beam-throwing man, who had now become a dead man, was embodied. And now he began to shoot with both hands.
  The experienced Pashka pulled out another magic blaster from his belt and began firing at more and more running and attacking aggressors.
  Then a huge flying saucer appeared, like a battleship, and more and more goblins and rarely seen foxes jumped out of it. However, the wing-eared (goblins) that belonged to the kingdom of the elves did not hesitate to fire back at their relatives. So the exchange of blows was in full swing.
  Oleg Rybachenko was on a roll now. He unleashed bursts of wizard blasters, laying down line after line of gathering monsters. Some goblins were charred from the damaging injections of magoplasma, while others, falling under the gravity emitter, let out green and blue fountains of blood. But this only made it hotter, and fear-like winged daggers were approaching.
  They, in turn, were hit by anti-aircraft guns from the palace. All the skies were colored until the eyeballs hurt with a magnificent fireworks display.
  Oleg Rybachenko spoke aggressively:
  A sinful man will get his
  It will be like a spider burning in fire,
  Believe me, this is a difficult case -
  The sinner worshiped Satan!
  However, the concept of Satan and Chernobog is not at all identical. Satan is a rebellious angel - creation, Chernobog is the eternally existing hypostasis of the Generator. And this is the colossal difference between them. Because Chernobog is a Son and Part of the Family, and not at all his enemy! The word Satan is translated as adversary.
  Pashka hit the goblin. All that was left was hairy lower limbs. In general, the elves fired much more efficiently. Who is this wing-eared guy? There is a gorilla!
  Pashka barely avoided defeat, but managed to jump back, only feeling the heat on his shoulders. The expensive cloth of the camisole was slightly charred.
  Incarnated as a girl, Old Man Makhno also fights, and fires very accurately. Still, it"s not for nothing that he is considered a dashing chieftain. As the song says. You and I have always crushed the infidel together, and led the crests and Russians - a single ataman. But then I was a little unlucky with the atamans! But we will be united - to spite everyone!
  Oleg Rybachenko mowed down a hundred goblins with a burst of fire and said:
  -In war, everything is permitted, and everything is due to the one who can kill anyone!
  Pashka agreed with this and began to fire even more often and, trying to show the same accuracy as this mutilated but not broken guy.
  The elves gradually consolidated and brought up their reserves. The battle unfolded throughout the completely destroyed and charred palace.
  And again the picture of the battles for Rzhev arose. The city, turned into a pile of ruins, did not give up. Natasha, a Komsomol girl, clutching a machine gun in her hands, fired at the Krauts. A beautiful girl, she was very dirty and thin: skin and bones. But the face with a manly chin and large blue eyes retained its prettiness. Natalya had been wounded more than once, but she endured "scratching" on her legs. Her chintz dress, often torn and hastily sewn up, looked like a beggar's rags. Adding to the resemblance to a beggar were the barefoot, all covered in abrasions and bruises, although the beautiful, harmonious shape of the legs of a Komsomol warrior, and the canvas bag where the girl hid grenades with an incendiary mixture.
  Natasha gave a burst, discharging another horn. This is only in the movies, there are such supermen that they cut down a dozen soldiers with one burst. In a real battle, God forbid that out of hundreds of bullets there would be at least one accurate hit. The boy terminator Ole Rybachenko and the girl rangers are a fabulous exception in this case.
  But Natalya leaned against the collapsed wall and cautiously looked out from behind a pile of broken bricks. There are so many rubble and barricades in the city that the Nazis cannot use their strong tanks to break through, and are forced to be drawn into an unfavorable infantry battle in small groups.
  It"s hot and almost all the warriors from the women"s battalion are fighting barefoot, and they"re dirty like pigs. But there is no time to wash, and the dirt helps to camouflage in the charred and burning Rzhev, and therefore to survive. Yet it was not until January 1, 1943, that the allies of the Third Reich were cut off. And the Germans were forced to leave this legendary ledge. How much this helped the Red Army in the battles for Moscow.
  Natasha knows this as well as anyone else. And so she sings a song to cheer up all the other warriors, many of whom are suffering from severe wounds;
  The world is full of struggle and suffering
  This is how it has been since the dawn of time,
  When Abel fell and Cain rose,
  The villain is getting an armada of wreaths!
  Such is the need of man,
  To grieve cruelly for many years...
  And so it went until the end of time,
  That the brave are rewarded only with chains and a pole!
  But believe in courage, the soldier will not leave,
  The Almighty Rod will not give us away -
  Like sacred Russian books,
  Svarog the Almighty will come to Earth!
  An era will come - where people are happy,
  Where there is no suffering and the sum is high!
  Where there will always be dates and plums in honey -
  And everyone will receive a reward like crazy!
  The people of our dear boundless Russia,
  I command that as if a wreath will bloom on a summer day...
  And then humanity will become strong,
  Let's go to the distant stars!
  It is impossible to remain on the Earth of the cradle,
  We are pulled by a magnet and space is calling...
  No wonder, checking the drawing, we mourned -
  And let's set a tough reckoning on fortune!
  How wonderful is the Native teaching,
  What did the Almighty give us through his Vedas...
  And our Motherland has a golden ring,
  Break the shackles of anger, break the needs!
  The Fatherland will build the dream of communism,
  Everything will be free in it - greed will go away!
  For distant quasars, tourism is dearer,
  And a walk-flight for the kids to the blue star!
  After singing her portion of poetry, Natasha threw an incendiary mixture at an Infantry Fighting Vehicle trying to get close to her. And the German transport completely caught fire and began to emit clouds of black, ragged flame. The girl was lucky that the hatch cover was open. And the Krauts, who were also languishing from the heat, showed weakness. And a large incendiary bottle enveloped them.
  Detonation did not happen, since the boxes themselves were protected, but the belt of shells loaded into the cannon jammed and began to tear aggressively. And the torn corpse of an SS Haupman flew out of the hatch.
  But then another infantry fighting vehicle hit with heavy machine guns. The Komsomol girl managed to jump away, but her friend and the five-year-old boy Kolya, who was bringing supplies, were hit. Poor child, what was he doing in this battle? He helped the adults with all his might, tried to lead the Red Army together with everyone else to victory! And now a foolish bullet has torn apart his bright head.
  The only consolation was that he did not have time to experience pain.
  But Ekaterina Yarova died much more painfully. Large-caliber bullets tore her chest and back. And you die from the deafening phases of suffering. It was as if two snakes were wrapped around you. One is hot as fire, the other is colder than deadly ice. And they strangle the girl in hellish convulsions. Catherine moaned and suffered. Her bare, dusty, blood-stained legs twitched convulsively, and her bare fingers tossed up rubble with charred napalm.
  Natasha crawled up to her friend and whispered to her:
  - Hold on! There will be another one soon! Much better life!
  Here the girl imagined communism for a moment. A kingdom where absolutely everything is. And all dreams come true like in a fairy tale. And she could meet her parents there who died under the bombs. But, alas, the fairy tale is a lie...
  Rubble knocked off by shots from a large-caliber machine gun is falling onto Natasha's dirty and gray mane. Nightmarish and creepy. But the girl still whispers:
  - I believe! Hope! I love!
  And the warrior suddenly jumps up and throws a Molotov cocktail, putting all her hatred into this impulse. The bottle reaches the BMP and breaks on it. But when the hatch is closed, the car will burn inside or not, the chances are debatable. The machine-gun fire arrives late, and Natalya manages to hit the ground and cling to the broken concrete. And all sorts of rubbish rains down on her scratched, almost bare back.
  Suddenly a rumble is heard and the machine gun shots fall silent. It was the pioneer Leshka who managed to get close with the "Strela" installation - something like a faustpatron improved by Soviet designers. A disposable weapon, but quite effective. And armed with two air cannons and four large-caliber machine guns, the fascist transport was destroyed. And the pioneer, although small in stature, is quick and can carry the Strela-2. Now he is returning back for a new, simple, recoilless weapon, which is quite possible to produce using a homemade method.
  And in the world of the Second World War, cool events took place.
  Jane, Gringueta, Malanya and newcomer Matilda took part in the landing in Cuba. The girls rode on a Goering-4 tank. This is a new car, created on the basis of the evolution of the Churchill. This tank was slightly lightened to improve driving performance. The result was a vehicle weighing fifty-seven tons with an 88-mm cannon and 152-mm armor at the forehead angle, and 102 mm at the armor and rear angle. In protection and armament, this tank was inferior to the E-50, but had an engine with a boost of up to 1200 horsepower. There weren"t enough gas turbines for all the cars yet. Still, the tank turned out to be good. In terms of protection level, it was not inferior to the Tiger-2 in the front, and even superior to the side.
  The quality of cemented armor is excellent. Although the tank itself is imperfect. But having the weight of the Tiger, it has better protection. And in any case, at a good speed.
  Jane whistles a song.
  Gringueta presses his bare feet on the pedals. Malanya notes:
  - The Cubans don"t seem to want to fight against us at all!
  Gringeta chuckled and replied:
  - Rather, even they consider us to be their liberators. What is America for Cuba? Rather, they look at it as an occupier.
  Jane stretched out her bare, graceful feet. The tank had large slopes on the sides, which created some problems for the crew, but at the same time increased the survivability of the vehicle. The frontal armor is at an angle of 45 degrees, which gives a large ricochet. Now there are two Pershings against them. They opened fire.
  Gringeta pressed her bare, tanned feet against the metal and aimed the weapon.
  One of the American shells hit the tank's forehead. This is not fatal, the present of death went into a ricochet.
  Gringeta fired, aiming for the forehead of the turret. The Pershing's frontal armor is the same thickness as that of the Goering-4, and the rational angle of inclination is even less. So the more powerful 88mm gun penetrates metal.
  Gringueta says, licking his lips:
  - And to be arrogant with dreams - who could compete... Why should a schoolboy fight with the supporting punks!
  The Pershing caught fire. The combat kit began to tear. Then it thundered, finally tearing off the tower.
  Gringeta moved the gun to another tank. She was not at all embarrassed that her car was moving and she had to shoot while moving. The warrior already has considerable experience. I got into the thirty-four. And they have smaller turrets than the Pershings.
  The village girl purred:
  - I am the most beautiful and strong!
  She already had experience. In addition, the Pershings are stationary, which means they are much easier to hit. The broken tower crumbles like glass.
  Malanya intones:
  - It will shatter into fragments - try to find them!
  Matilda said:
  - Only the sky, only the wind, only joy ahead!
  The Pershings are destroyed, and the German tank rushes into battle again. The warriors even start singing.
  There's a battery ahead... They turn their tank to take shells head-on and shoot.
  Gringeta says, slapping his bare, graceful feet on the armor:
  - I only hit once... So brave!
  Malanya adds:
  - And skillful! Top class gunner!
  Gringueta adds:
  - Not in the eyebrow, but straight in the eye!
  And opens fire to kill. She is not afraid of enemy guns. Shoots surprisingly accurately. Overall this four is great. Girls from Britain, which has now become part of the Third Reich with very conditional autonomy.
  Now comes the conquest of Cuba. Gringet's very accurate shots silence one gun after another. The battery spits desperately, but the eruption of the guns gradually fades.
  Jane strokes Gringet's light head with her bare foot and says:
  - So you have to hold it!
  And the lord's daughter giggles. Her bare sole is very ticklish, and surprisingly pleasant from such touches. It"s like walking on a fibrous canvas. And the girl"s heel is so round and seductive.
  Gringeta tickles the sole with his index finger and says tenderly:
  - You are very beautiful, right... But please don"t distract me from shooting.
  Jane laughs back. And playfully tweets:
  - And I like you, like you, like you, and for me there is no more friend in the world!
  Gringeta answered with a sigh:
  - I love guys... Although you are certainly lovely. I wonder what your son would look like?
  Jane replied with a harpy smile:
  - I think he would be very handsome and you would love him!
  Gringeta rolled her hips, she imagined that a powerful man with great dignity was entering her. What a delight this is. How nice it is to feel the weight of Hercules, or even better, to ride on it yourself. Oh, I should wait for a pause in the fighting and jump up to the men. Better from the SS, the guys are big.
  Jane also dreamed of caresses. With a man or with a beautiful girl, it doesn"t matter. Both are pleasant in their own way. This is what many people don"t understand. How can you love both of them? However, Jane is certainly not one of those ladies who are called whores. She loves the caresses and touches of strong bodies.
  But the battery was destroyed. Tanks of the Third Reich are rushing forward. The aspiring warrior Matilda says with surprise in her voice:
  - And the war is easier than I thought... And I was also afraid!
  Malanya remarked with a chuckle:
  - The most difficult thing is that the battle is going on, and you need to go big... This is really a problem.
  Matilda, who had not yet had time to get used to the rude soldier"s humor, barked:
  - Don't you think it's too vulgar?
  Gringeta sang in response:
  - We are building a new world and denying the past... Enabling the absurd and vulgar to the throne!
  Matilda remarked joyfully:
  - This is correctly noted... Well, who is Hitler? The son of a drunkard and a peasant woman, and we are forced to obey him!
  Jane felt it necessary to remind:
  - Genghis Khan was also a slave in his youth, and did not know how to read and write, but how much he conquered... Sometimes fortune likes to joke!
  Matilda recalled with a sigh:
  - I used to believe in God... But now I have lost all desire to believe in him. If God allows this, then what kind of God is he?
  Gringueta suggested:
  - Maybe there is a God, but I am evil? - The peasant girl rubbed the tip of her nose with her bare toes. - Looking at our world, you can easily believe this. That something evil and cruel is ruling over us!
  Matilda nodded in agreement and reminded:
  - The most successful commanders: Genghis Khan, Tamerlane, Hitler - were also the most cruel. This is a certain paradox!
  Gringueta noted:
  - The people are a mass, and the mass must be treated like a woman, and a woman willingly submits to force. Apparently what is cruel is actually the most effective!
  Jane also found it necessary to remind:
  - The most cruel Turkish sultan, and was the most ferocious ruler and successful conqueror. The Ottoman Empire was not inferior in size to the Roman Empire, and was distinguished by its bloodthirstiness.
  Malanya tapped her bare foot on the armor and growled:
  - Cruelty, cruelty, and once again cruelty - cementing the nation!
  Gringeta giggled and cooed.
  - We will fight on earth, in heaven, even in September... It"s funny!
  The Cuban units offered no resistance and surrendered. And there weren"t many Americans along the way.
  The girls started talking a little in the tank.
  Matilda recalled with a sad look:
  - We defeated the Germans in the First World War. And now we suffer defeat after defeat.
  Malanya corrected Matilda:
  - It is no longer we who endure, but the Americans.
  Gringeta chuckled and added:
  - Who are the Americans - our former colony!
  Jane laughed and remarked:
  - But a very strong colony that was able to separate from the empire. It"s a pity, of course, but after the World War, having formally won, the British Lion did not become stronger. Germany was experiencing rapid industrial growth even before the First World War. And Hitler combined the power of capitalism with the power of a totalitarian fascist state. And it gave results!
  Gringueta noted philosophically:
  - Democracy lost to totalitarian dictatorship!
  Jane clarified:
  - Not only a totalitarian, but also a popular dictatorship. Hitler managed to achieve real support, both through deeds and propaganda. We, of course, have not reached the same level of national cohesion and unity as the Germans. And ultimately, they were unable to hold on to the colonies, especially when Stalin betrayed us.
  Malanya suggested:
  - For Churchill, the best result, or rather the most rational decision, would have been to make peace with the Third Reich back in July of 1940. In this case, we would have saved all the colonies and hundreds of thousands of lives. And continuing the war was madness.
  Jane rationally clarified:
  - Madness in any case! If the USSR itself had entered the war, the success of the Russians would have created a red empire in Europe and a mortal threat to Britain. It is clear that the communists would not have stopped there. - The girl touched her chest and rubbed her bare heel against her abs, which had become sharper from training, and continued the educational program. - Stalin and his communism are inclined towards outright world domination. And they attacked us and fortified themselves. And if Hitler had won, then the Third Reich would have had the resources to fight us. One way or another, it was stupid to fight.
  Perhaps the Germans, after peace, would generally begin to digest what they had captured earlier, and would not go anywhere. And Churchill acted like an outright idiot!
  Matilda slammed her bare foot hard on the armor, growling:
  -Churchill is truly an idiot! And it"s good that he didn"t have time to escape to Canada. Let him suffer in prison!
  Jane glared fiercely.
  - Let him suffer! He set up the whole of Britain!
  Malanya remarked after a short pause:
  - Although peace with Germany could also create some problems. Having received the resources of the French and Dutch colonies and the industrial potential of Europe, the Germans had every chance to crush our economy. Although this is still a long-term perspective. However, the Third Reich developed rapidly even without the war, and its potential grew rapidly.
  Jane nodded with a sad smile.
  - Tough German regime. Order incarnate... A totalitarian, ruthless state. Without unnecessary democracy, it gives miracles! And in the economy too!
  Malanya objected to this:
  - Our ancient democracy did not prevent the country from developing and becoming great. We had territories with the colonies that were larger than the empire of Genghis Khan. And at the same time, parliament has been operating for centuries, making laws instead of the king.
  Jane chuckled and remarked:
  - And the Fuhrer arrogated to himself the right to make laws! He's like their emperor!
  Malanya corrected her friend:
  - Now here too! And we are under the Fuhrer!
  The girls were despondent... Jane tried to imagine what it would have been like if Churchill had made peace with Hitler in July 1940. Germany agrees to the inviolability of the British Empire, and does not even demand the return of its former colonies. The only condition is to rent diamond copies in Namibia. Well, this is not so humiliating for the British. But what the Germans have already captured becomes theirs by right. The French possessions in Africa and Indochina, almost all of continental Europe are included in the sphere of influence of the Third Reich. And the Dutch colonies too. Hitler received enough of everything not to fight further, but to digest his possessions. It now has colonies almost like Britain. And the overall level of economic development is even higher. Germany is in second place, followed by the USA, of course. And the USSR, thanks to Stalin"s brutal industrialization, came to third place in the world. The military potential of the Russian Empire increased. It should be noted that Stalin expanded the territory to include lands in the west, and now its population was approaching two hundred million.
  Hitler, who now had a free hand, was faced with a choice: to start a war in 1941: in order to prevent the Russians from preparing. Postpone the attack on the USSR and better prepare yourself. Here, of course, the Krauts had a choice. Much depended on the work of intelligence agencies. Stalin was given data that overestimated German potential. Hitler had an understated view of Russia's forces.
  But it was obvious: Stalin was rearming the army. Tanks of the KV and T-34 series appeared, which could become widespread. The latest aircraft are being mass-produced and are almost as good as German models. Calculation and number of infantry, due to universal conscription.
  Germany also rearmed its T-3 tanks with a more powerful gun. It increased the production of the Yu-88, launched a series of the latest modifications of the ME-109 F. In USSR aviation, it is superior in number, but inferior in quality. The Russians have two thousand tanks stronger than the Germans, and the rest are light, but some will be faster. The enemy is also stronger. And Stalin can get infantry. In reality, the USSR is not inferior to the Wehrmacht in potential, and even stronger in tanks. The Germans have more infantry, only due to mobilization. If the USSR mobilizes troops, it will have more.
  If Hitler had known the truth, he would have thought three times - is it worth starting? Maybe it would be better for the Germans to put the economy on a war footing and use the potential of the occupied countries to gain an advantage over the enemy? Especially in tanks?
  The Fuhrer, having territories, including colonies, no smaller than the USSR and in a warmer climate, and an even larger population, if you count who he occupied...
  There was a choice - getting ready. Form divisions from foreigners. Put blacks and Europeans at the machines.
  Well, if Hitler had been a wise politician with good intelligence, he would have tried, by maximizing the production of weapons, to thoroughly prepare.
  But the Fuhrer most likely would have attacked the USSR in 1941. He had three or four thousand more aircraft lost in the battle with Britain. And thanks to the African division, there are five hundred, six hundred more tanks.
  Well, Rommel would have been fighting in the east. The Nazis would have had a couple of extra tank divisions. Well, maybe a couple more motorized ones and a dozen infantry ones. It is unlikely that the self-confident Fuhrer would have gathered more forces.
  And Stalin? I would have had as much as I had before. He doesn't care about Britain at all. The real question is, would it have been a surprise attack?
  If, as in reality, a tactical strike still took place against troops unprepared for defense, then everything could have turned out worse for Russia. Especially if the offensive had begun on May 15, 1941.
  Then Moscow would have been taken before the autumn thaw. Japan would have struck from the east... The USSR would have had little chance. Most likely, in 1942 the war would have ended with the capture of the main regions of the USSR. Or it would have been conducted using semi-guerrilla methods for some time.
  The option of a separate peace is also possible. Like Moscow remains, but the Germans get the Caucasus in exchange. But even this might not suit Hitler. Knowing the character of dictator number one, he would most likely wage a war all the way to the Urals, if not further.
  However, the occupation of the USSR would have distracted significant forces of the Third Reich. But this would be partially compensated by local police and foreign divisions. What then?
  Would Hitler even digest the USSR? He might have to do this for a while. Until the guerrilla movement was reduced to a safe minimum, balanced by local police forces.
  And then? Wouldn't Hitler attack Britain? You can ask a question, does he need it?
  There is already more land than Britain, even taking into account the colonies, but why not take it all for yourself? And then fail to conquer the whole world. Britain first. Then, together with Japan, we smash the USA. And then it"s the turn of the Land of the Rising Sun itself.
  The temptation to become a world dictator is very great. Although, of course, perhaps Hitler would have stopped. But it's hard to stop when you're winning. And it is difficult to resist attacking Russia, which does not think about defense, but is straightforwardly preparing for an offensive war.
  Well, how can you trust Stalin if he trains the army not to defend itself, but to attack and beat the enemy on its territory. Anyone would think about this.
  In fact, why did the USSR think only about an offensive? Did you prepare aggression yourself?
  There was something to think about for Hitler, too. Only an atomic bomb together with ballistic missiles as a delivery vehicle could guarantee the security of Germany. The Germans could create ballistic missiles. But nuclear weapons required several more years. And who will guarantee that Stalin will wait? Moreover, controlling Europe and having colonies, Germany is economically stronger than the USSR.
  And it is clear that Stalin will not gain anything from delay, since technical competition against scientists from all over Europe, welded together by iron German discipline, is not very promising.
  So the likelihood that Stalin will start first is high. Although, of course, an attack on the Third Reich is too important a decision. Moreover, Japan could open a second front in the Far East. It turned out from all points of view that it was unprofitable for Stalin to attack the Third Reich. But waiting didn"t bode well either. Since the Nazis, relying on the resources of Europe and the colonies, could eliminate Russia"s main trump card - its advantage in tanks.
  And on airplanes too. And then develop jet aviation and gain a decisive qualitative advantage in the air. So Stalin had no reason to delay too much. But to decide to fight alone with all of Europe, plus the colonies, and probably also Japan... It"s almost suicidal. Since the enemy"s total superiority in human resources and potential is obvious.
  Character traits already play a role here. But knowing Hitler"s ambitions, the most logical thing is that he would attack Russia himself, and even in 1941, without waiting for a long time. And everyone knows the Fuhrer"s self-confidence. Without any doubt, he will attack Russia like a mad bull. And it will not take into account the real balance of power. Or maybe even the Germans don"t know, have no idea what they will have to face.
  However, the probability of victory for the Third Reich, especially in alliance with Japan, is very high. Moreover, it is much easier for the Land of the Rising Sun to decide to take over the Far East together with the Nazis than to fight with the mighty Britain and the economically developed United States for the Pacific colonies.
  It is clear that America and England are so superior to the samurai that a war against them is suicidal. But the Third Reich will not help. What about the USSR? The Germans and their satellites will crush him. In addition, Turkey will also enter the war, and Italy, which is not involved in the war with Britain. Such forces will fall on Stalin.
  Here the chances of standing are slippery, even if Russia manages to put its troops on combat readiness before the German attack. In addition, in real history, it seems that the Red Army managed to enter a combat state. And the suddenness of the blow was felt only by those forces that were close to the border. And this, of course, is a smaller part of the Red Army.
  And if you consider that in any case Russia is not ready for a defensive war...
  Stalin's prospects were not rosy. Unless you launch a preemptive strike yourself. Counting on the fact that Germany is no longer ready for defense. In this case, the calculation could be partly justified. But it"s clear to anyone that Britain received a reprieve. Maybe the USSR, by attacking the Third Reich first, achieved something due to surprise. And then the war would drag on. The best option: mutual annihilation of two tyrants. And even Japan, so that it gets bogged down even more. This is what we can base our calculations on.
  As the Russians say: two fools fight, the smart one watches. Indeed, why should the British interfere? Let both sides wear themselves out thoroughly. They will fight until they are completely exhausted.
  The girls' thoughts and silence were broken by the appearance of three Shermans in front of them. Tall American tanks were moving towards Goering-4. It is clear that the Yankees are not bad and understood that it was very important to get close to the German tank, or even get on board it. And they accelerated their cars to the maximum. But the Goering-4 cannon has a barrel length of 100 EL, and can hit from a long distance.
  Gringueta planted her bare foot and fired. It's good to hit the Sherman. He is so tall and noticeable. The first shot is a sighting shot. But the second one hit the target... The turret was torn off the Sherman, and the vehicle, moving by inertia, stopped and began to burn.
  Jane said approvingly:
  - Our accuracy is not inferior to the Aryans!
  Gringeta snorted contemptuously:
  - And I think it"s even superior! You haven't seen anything like this yet!
  Matilda, pressing the pedals with her bare legs, squeaked:
  - You can"t get much out of nothing!
  Malanya corrected more wittily:
  - No matter how strong the hero is, he will not squeeze the sea out of a stone!
  The girls laughed together. And they hit each other with soles and soles.
  The rough calluses even gave off a little spark. The warriors were in a very positive mood.
  Gringeta fired at the second tank, split the car into two parts and said:
  - Hammer on a walnut!
  Matilda giggled and said:
  - We have a hammer shell, but the Russians have Hammers...
  Malanya ran Gringethe's palm along the sole. I felt its hardness and elasticity, noticing:
  -Did you run across the coals?
  The village warrior answered joyfully:
  - Yes, sure!
  Malanya narrowed her eyes and asked:
  - And how is that?
  Gringueta answered honestly:
  - It"s very nice!
  The girls on the tank laughed in unison. Yes, having your heels roasted is quite exotic.
  Jane said:
  - God forbid us from Churchill"s stubbornness!
  Gringeta knocked out the third tank, slammed her fist on the breech of the gun, and said:
  - Dead Truman, that's enough!
  Indeed, after Roosevelt's death, power was given to the vice president under the constitution. But this has not stopped the war yet. Although the Americans could not yet oppose anything to the combat training of the Krauts and the quality of their equipment.
  For example, the Shermans didn"t even fire, realizing that it was hopeless and would not penetrate the armor.
  Malanya sang cheerfully, accelerating her tank:
  - We're going, we're going, we're going to distant lands! Good neighbors, cheerful friends!
  Matilda picked it up, the girls were really in a cheerful mood:
  - Tra, ta-ta-ta! Tra, ta-ta-ta! We are bringing a cat with us! Chizhik, dog, Petka the bully, monkey, parrot, such a company!
  Jane covered Matilda's mouth with her bare, graceful foot. And she squeaked with laughter.
  Yes, laughter actually prolongs life. The Americans created the Sherman tank, comparable in frontal armor and armament to the thirty-fours and even better in visibility and optics, as well as more comfortable for the crew. But at the same time, the tank actually turned into an excellent target due to its height. And the British greedily took advantage of this. And the driving performance of the Goering turned out to be better.
  Jane again imagined how the guy was stroking her... And she purred...
  German jet attack aircraft rushed through the air... The day was already approaching evening. The sun was slowly dying in the pink sunset. And tomorrow is May 9th. The day when Nazi Germany capitulated in real history. But now the Nazis are on the rise!
  Not only the Cubans, but also the Americans are surrendering in their path. An entire brigade of blacks and mulattoes threw out the white flag almost without a fight.
  The girls got out of the car. Moreover, you need to refuel.
  Jane, following the example of the German women, suggested:
  - Let these colored people kiss our feet!
  Matilda frowned and remarked:
  - Don"t you think it"s ugly to humiliate people like that?
  The lord's daughter brazenly remarked:
  - But we will be pleased!
  Matilda snorted contemptuously:
  - From drooling mouths? God forbid me!
  Gringeta, on the contrary, nodded approvingly:
  - Let it go! I will like!
  And the village girl shouted:
  - Get on your knees and lick my heels!
  The black officer fell on his face and kissed Gringuette's bare foot. Other warriors fell behind him, obediently smacking the girls" heels and soles. Jane giggled happily. She clearly enjoyed this adventure. And even more so when girls kiss their feet with enthusiasm.
  Only Matilda stood aside and looked angrily with her blue eyes. She was truly indignant. The Germans not only deprived Britain of its independence, but also imposed barbaric customs. More precisely, the British themselves enthusiastically adopt them.
  It seems to them that now they have become so cool and strong. But in fact, this is baseness!
  Although, of course, Matilda understood that there was a special relish in this. When the Second World War was just beginning, the mood reigned in Britain: we will throw hats at the Germans. The idea was instilled that Germany was not at all such a dangerous rival as in the First World War, and that Hitler was just a blabbermouth.
  The defeat of France and the English expeditionary force was a real shock. And excessive self-confidence was replaced by fear. Perhaps if Churchill made a decision about peace, without territorial concessions, the people of Britain breathed a sigh of relief. A war began, and from the very beginning it was unequal.
  The Fuhrer's sudden decision to throw the hordes east raised new hopes. Then the majority of the British were rooting for Russia, and everyone was in awe when the Nazis came close to Moscow. The end of autumn and the beginning of winter gave rise to new hopes in Britain. Rommel's corps was defeated, the Germans were beaten and driven back from Moscow. The US finally entered the war.
  But already in the winter the Japanese won a number of victories, and in the spring it got even worse. The Russians also began to lose in a new way. Rommel launched a counteroffensive. The fall of Tolbuk became a real national tragedy for everyone . Where, in the spring of '42, the Germans grabbed the bird of luck by the tail.
  Britain quickly lost its colonies, and when the landing took place on the metropolis itself, it offered almost no resistance. So the English star set and the German one rose. Matilda joined the army. She had no choice but to realize herself. But I didn"t want to stand at the worker"s machine!
  Jane got tired of feeling her feet being kissed and started beating the prisoners of war. The stronger Gringeta punched so hard that she broke the nose of one of the officers. The red-haired Malanya poked the gun into the black man's stomach, causing him to bend over. After which the girls barked in unison, at the top of their lungs:
  - We are super warriors! And let's beat the prisoners again, with our feet and rifle butts.
  On May 9, 1945, the garrison of the capital of Mexico capitulated. The Americans could not withstand the harsh pressure and bombing. And the ammunition was consumed quickly, and attempts to establish supplies by air failed.
  The Wehrmacht added another capital to its assets. Their number of captured main cities kept growing...
  The brave four girls on the E-50 moved north to the US borders.
  The beauties were in a positive mood. They were eager to fight and to the heights of the transcendental worlds.
  While the tank was driving through territory already captured by the Germans, the four got out of the car and ran. And the teenager Hans was put at the helm.
  Let him ride. And these warrior girls will keep in shape.
  Gerda, jumping over the hummocks and vines, felt pleasure, clinging to the uneven ground with her rough soles.
  The blonde girl remarked with a grin:
  - It"s so good to be a savage... This is our signature style - running barefoot and in a bikini!
  Charlotte agreed:
  - Yes, a minimum of clothing gives the body a feeling of complete freedom. In general, it's good to be a girl. Such strength and ease of movement. You are becoming more and more resilient!
  Magda remarked:
  - The main thing is not to lose shape! Jogging is very useful for us!
  Christina giggled and said:
  - And I"m running along a path with puddles. I can"t eat, I can"t sleep even a bit!
  Charlotte giggled and replied:
  - This is a good thing you write... Eh, Magda doesn"t want to talk to us about religion again?
  The girl with golden hair shook her head.
  - No! Don't throw your pearls before...
  Here Magda hesitated, since her friend"s continuation could quite naturally be considered an insult.
  Charlotte, however, giggled again and barked:
  - I thought that you had reformed and recognized Aryan monotheism!
  Magda shrugged and asked again:
  - Is it like Aryan?
  Charlotte spread her hands:
  - And so... Without the Trinity, with One God!
  Gerda confirmed this:
  - That's it... God is One! Jesus is not God, but just one of the Aryan prophets. Moreover, the Gospel is generally a Jewish invention. The Bible is also just a Jewish deception. And so there is no Trinity. There is One Almighty Creator God. Hitler is his viceroy on Earth and his Son, lover and messenger. The most important and above all the prophets. God also has various kinds of servants and angels, who are called, as it were, small gods. Like Thor, Ovdi, and others. These are like archangels in subordination to the Almighty. - The girl jumped up, did a somersault and continued. - Everything is generally simple. Aryan monotheism is not complicated. The Germans are God's chosen people, and they must conquer and rule first the world, and then the universe.
  Charlotte confirmed:
  - You see Magda. How simple and clear!
  Christina noted:
  - Do I need to clarify something?
  Charlotte grinned.
  - What exactly?
  Christina blurted out:
  - What about salvation from sin?
  Gerda then took the floor and explained:
  - And in the Aryan religion there is no concept of salvation. We are all Germans, if we remain faithful to the Fuhrer and the Third Reich, we will be saved in the next world by our masters. And other nations are our slaves. If a German betrays the Fuhrer, then after death he will become a slave of other Aryans. Non-German peoples can receive German citizenship for special merits. And they will also have slaves for themselves. Everything is simple and logical!
  Christina added:
  - And it"s not a sin for an Aryan to have sex. And the Aryan too. The Fuhrer said - it is better to become pregnant from a hero-soldier than from a husband, if he is not a hero!
  Magda blurted out:
  - If Japan had attacked the USSR in 1941, we would have taken Moscow before the fall!
  Gerda shook her finger at Magda as she ran:
  - Don"t prevaricate... Isn"t our Aryan religion better than Christian fairy tales?
  Christina added:
  - And there will be no sex in Christian heaven! Think about it!
  Gerda added:
  - And there will be no sin at all... And this is so boring! Even a wolf howls!
  Magda grinned and remarked:
  - It depends on what is considered a sin. There were ten commandments in the Bible. But do not kill, it was constantly violated. And by order of God. In general, killing children is a great evil... But Elisha did it, and with God"s approval. So... We get a paradox - sin and evil are not the same thing. And sin is disobedience to God!
  Christina shrugged her muscular shoulders and replied:
  - So, it turns out that evil will exist in the Christian paradise? Will there simply be no disobedience to God? And that means we can participate in gladiatorial games and sexual orgies? Only by verbally confessing love for the Lord?
  Magda shook her head:
  - I don"t think so... Although, of course, Elisha is embarrassed by killing the children who teased him for his baldness. Obviously this does not fit with the principle: love your enemy!
  Christina logically noted:
  - And who in their right mind follows the principle of love your enemy? In general, Christianity is a mixture of pacifism and Judaism. We are not on the same path with such a religion!
  Gerda slammed her bare foot into the bushes and added:
  - And under no circumstances will we be together with the Jews! And the Hebrew Bible is not needed!
  Charlotte logically added:
  - There is no point in us believing in the Bible. Not of any kind - neither with heart, nor with mind! Because we are Aryans, and not the seed of Abraham according to the promise. We are certainly strangers to Abraham, and to everything that the Bible gave birth to. Our monotheism is Aryan, and denies Abrahamism! The only thing in common: this is faith in the Eternal, Omnipresent, Almighty God. But that's where it all ends!
  Magda said ironically:
  - Amen...
  Gerda added with a smile:
  - It is necessary to introduce Aryan monotheism everywhere. And do something like a baptismal ceremony when accepting a new religion. So that if you are baptized, you become a true Hitlerite!
  Charlotte suggested:
  - Maybe this should become some kind of symbol. When will you tattoo a swastika on your forehead?
  Christina took it and sang:
  - Shadow, shadow, shadow Lucifer's shadow, flickering brightly in the darkness... Hitler's swastika on his stomach, Hitler's swastika on his stomach!
  Gerda angrily poked her partner in the thigh:
  - Don't laugh at our symbols. Moreover, the swastika is a runic sign!
  Christina responded by grabbing Gerda"s bare foot and tickling her heel, saying:
  - Oh, how serious we are! You better laugh!
  The girl deftly twisted her graceful, tanned leg and grabbed the red-haired vixen"s nose with her bare fingers. She groaned and bared her teeth. She began to tickle Gerde"s round heel.
  The blonde terminator barked:
  - Don't put your fingers in...
  Christina tore off her partner"s leg and croaked:
  - You'll break my nose like that!
  Gerda giggled and chirped:
  - If you want a plum? Or a horse's mane!
  And the warriors, who stopped for a moment, rushed off again, flashing, their little dusty heels stained with grass. Needless to say, without any doubt, the cheerful four gathered together.
  Christina suggested as she ran:
  - How about playing cities?
  Gerda shook her head negatively:
  - Not too interesting! If only we could invent real electronic games!
  Charlotte spread her arms as she ran and said:
  - What... That would be great! To create something so electronic and playing to the fullest.
  Magda winked at her friends and said with a smile:
  - Man received the gift of creation from the Creator. And we people have learned to invent a lot. There, maybe we should be at least a little grateful to the Creator!
  Charlotte snorted contemptuously and remarked:
  - And we are already grateful! We are Aryan monotheists, and we recognize God as the Father of the German people!
  Gerda, jumping up like a cat, found it necessary to add:
  - But we do not recognize the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob under any circumstances! So there is no need to impose on us what is alien and non-Aryan!
  Magda desperately shouted:
  - I am for God, not for the Jews!
  Gerda confidently confirmed:
  - And I am for God too! But not according to the Bible, but according to "My Struggle". And not for the Jews, but for the Aryans! And an Aryan is not just someone who is of German origin. Aryan is a recognition of the spirit!
  Magda sang:
  - Bravely, comrades, keep up,
  Let us strengthen our spirit in the fight...
  The road to distant happiness -
  Let's pierce our chests!
  Charlotte said mockingly:
  - Suck such a breast, forget about the cow!
  And the girls laughed in unison. They really wanted to make love. And so that the guys" lips would shower the scarlet nipples with kisses. And the chest will swell and begin to ache painfully and pleasantly. And that makes it so amazing.
  Gerda wittily stated:
  - Sex moves mountains and breaks ships...
  Christina will answer and sing:
  - Ships go to the bottom with anchors and sails... And then the golden chests will be yours. Golden chests! The ships lie broken! Chests stand open... Emeralds and rubies flow like rain...
  And the warriors sang in chorus:
  - If you want to be rich, if you want to be happy... Stay with us, Fuhrer! You will be our king! You will be our king!
  And the girls, accelerating at full speed, hit the thick vine growing in their path. The wood cracked and split with a creak. The warriors shouted:
  - One mistake in the brain and a blow is inevitable!
  After which the girls spun in a cascade of somersaults. They are so fast. Like lightning. And their emerald eyes sparkle. And their eyes really look like sparkling stars. And of course, absolutely no one can resist such servants of the Fuhrer. And these are vixen girls. And they killed not only Americans, but also Russians, or rather Soviets.
  Gerda recalled her adventure in the USSR... More precisely, how they frolicked with their friends.
  Four German girls in bikinis fought on a Tiger. All four girls are very beautiful: three blondes and a redhead. Usually women did not fight in tank crews in the Panzvala, but this is a crazy story.
  Here you are either master or bust...
  Any outside observer saw how deftly the girls controlled the "Tiger" and how seductive their bare feet were as they pressed the levers.
  One of these non-trivial episodes of the Second World War.
  The German "Tiger"-2, its engine rumbling quietly, approached the Soviet positions. The Red Army guns were silent for now, letting the car get closer. But the Germans are not so simple either. They opened fire first on the move. Fortunately, the staggered arrangement of the rollers allows the Germans to take advantage of the smoothness of the ride and shoot while moving.
  And the 88-mm cannon hits the Soviet gun. Red-haired Charlotte has very sharp eyesight, plus excellent Tiger optics and flair.
  German tanks are shooting at Soviet positions and trying to provoke return fire.
  Here they have their own mercantile and insidious calculations.
  But the Red Army does not swallow unrequited gifts. And the Soviet guns open fire back. A real duel ensues, and shells are showered. The Germans shoot quite accurately, but the Soviet guns can reach them too. The shells knock on the Tiger's armor... The girls' ears are blocked when they hit. Fortunately, in their modification, the steel sheets are already inclined and send projectiles into a ricochet.
  Although of course it cannot be compared with the E-50. The technology is improving.
  And its own cannon shoots accurately at flashes. And most importantly, attack aircraft take to the skies: German, English, and American purchased at half price. They are covering Soviet positions. On the USSR side, the main aircraft is the Yak-9. The machine is not bad, but it lacks armament, and in addition, a significant number of these fighters have a mass heavier than the standard one. This means worse flight characteristics.
  And the Germans already have jet cars.
  Several Soviet tanks are buried in the ground, but their shooting power is not enough to penetrate the German armor.
  Such dangerous Krauts existed even then.
  The redhead grins, and the blonde commander roars:
  - Give the Russians some heat!
  The Tiger-2 tank was manufactured in modification F - with an inclined arrangement of armor plates. This allows him to handle shells from 76 and 85 mm Soviet guns without causing serious damage to himself. High quality armor - cemented.
  The Krauts already had dangerous cars back then.
  And the girls inside the tank are even higher in character. Especially the red-haired gunner.
  However, Magda is a super fighter.
  And there is a battle in the sky. The Germans and the corrupt allies have a large numerical and, perhaps, qualitative advantage on their side. There is more despair and rage on the Russian side. Lots of air rams. And this speaks of exceptional courage. And even impudence bordering on madness.
  But alas, crazy courage alone is not enough.
  The Germans are moving forward. Their tanks are different. There are also "Shermans" with heavily modified screens, "Churchills" with 152 mm armor and "Challengers" with a classic layout. And the American M-16 is a heavy machine. This cavalcade is climbing towards Soviet positions.
  All the riffraff that had stuck together after Britain's conquest to the Nazis gathered.
  But Russia also has a lot of guns, and the resistance is stubborn.
  Both the gunners and gunners are trained and full of heroism.
  German losses grow as they approach the trenches. And the Krauts wash themselves with blood.
  Every step they take costs serious losses.
  And the girls even slap one bare foot against the other and sing while shooting:
  - The Third Reich says, don't drift!
  - We are eagles-devils and we feel very good...
  Raising the shipyard higher!
  - We fly like birds and enemies in a bag!
  The songs are not very intelligible, but quite funny. And they lift the spirits of the fascists washing their face with blood.
  The Germans overcome the first line of defense, but come across mines. And they cause significant damage. Mainly the chassis suffers from mines. Less loss of weapon series.
  Needless to say, the tanks of the Nazi menagerie have fundamental protection.
  The blonde girl, who is the commander, remarks:
  - Still, these Russians are pretty poisonous!
  Charlotte waves her head in response.
  - Vipers... But brave!
  Blonde Magda, who is the driver, reports:
  - There are no explosions! We can keep moving forward!
  Well, to a certain extent this is good news.
  The "tiger" crawls slowly. It is greatly slowed down by various kinds of anti-tank ditches and hedgehogs. They do a caterpillar crawl style promotion.
  And this gives the Russians a certain respite. And so the losses of the Red Army are very great.
  And girls in bikinis can't wait. It's hot in the tank, and their half-naked bodies are sweating. Then the blonde commander Gerda remembered winter. Then the Krauts tortured two pioneers and a Komsomol member.
  The memories for playful, barefoot Gerda are very interesting, exciting and pleasant. Although others would consider it squeamish.
  She personally tore the clothes off the boys, who were in no hurry to undress. Which in itself is a pleasure. Then the pioneers were driven out into the cold in their shorts. The girl commander Magda urged the Soviet boys on with a whip. One of the pioneers was already a tall boy, about thirteen years old.
  A handsome, fair-haired boy, with sculpted muscles, of course handsome. Quite worthy to be depicted on a poster with the inscription: "A true, young Aryan."
  When he saw a half-naked Komsomol member, who was also kicked out into the cold in her panties, his manhood stood up and turned out to be quite large.
  The pioneer boy even blushed with embarrassment, but the teenager"s body is stronger than his mind.
  Gerd's voluptuous languor disappeared. And she really wanted to copulate with a young man, and even an enemy.
  Especially so handsome and muscular.
  After chasing the pioneers for about fifteen minutes in the cold, so that the boys" bare feet turned blue, she drove them back into the hut.
  Despite the torment, the boys behaved courageously and looked proudly.
  There she grabbed the older and tall pioneer by the bare foot and began to rub it. Then she raised her hands higher and higher and pulled off her white panties.
  Although she is blonde, she is very temperamental.
  And his perfection ended up in her mouth. And what a pleasure it is to suck off such a young man, and even if he is your enemy. Pioneer Kolya groaned with excitement. The young virgin was with a woman for the first time. A couple of young German soldiers were peeping through the window, but Gerda didn"t care. A tall, fair-haired boy now occupied her. And his fingers and nails scratched the boy"s dry, sinewy body.
  How clean, smooth his skin is, and how the jade rod pulsates in his mouth. This is the highest taste for a woman.
  When he finished, Magda happily swallowed the sweet semolina. Then she pulled the boy"s underpants on and ordered:
  - Go, they say, the basket! Let's go outside, you're already warm!
  And that duty is above all, the true Aryan needs to complete the torture to the end. But she knows no pity.
  And again the boys were taken out into the cold. Kolya left barefoot footprints behind him, and Magda followed him and sighed voluptuously. Her slit was burning with excitement, and she really wanted male caress.
  And how seductive the boy"s legs are. They turned red in the cold, like crow's feet.
  Without finishing the allotted time, she returned the boys back. She kissed Kolya on his cold lips and threw the boy down. She tore off his underwear, then began to knead the perfection with her hot hand. The pioneer became aroused again, from the passionate pressure.
  Gerda kissed the boy"s legs, red from the frost, and bare feet. He turned crimson from embarrassment.
  And then the beauty straddled the boy. His jade rod entered the moistened grotto of Venus, delivering untold pleasure.
  Gerda moaned as she moved, she felt so good. The realization that she was having sex with a boy, and even an enemy of the Third Reich, caused extreme excitement. And then Gerda began to thrash in a steep orgasm.
  Without hesitation, she roared like a buffalo.
  She never felt so good with anyone! She got a whole wave of pleasure...
  She had never experienced anything like this with normal men.
  The story of easy flirting for boys ended tragically. They were eventually tortured to death. And she lost her lover Kolya. Which I really regretted. But debt is debt. A couple of months later, SS Colonel Kluge asked her:
  - Did you have a good time with the pioneer?
  The question, of course, could be dangerous.
  Gerda answered honestly:
  - Very!
  And the girl even added:
  - I"m ready to do anything to repeat the sensations.
  Kluge smiled unkindly and replied:
  - Well, there are still many pioneers!
  Well, he's a blockhead and he can't understand a woman's heart.
  Magda objected heatedly:
  - But there"s only one like Kolya!
  The sincerity was genuine.
  And she remembered her lover"s sinewy body, having sex with him in her sleep.
  Maybe the most exciting thing is that you are making love to a suicide bomber.
  But now the Germans have already overcome the first line of defense, leaving behind broken tanks and broken Soviet guns.
  Although the Nazis' tanks got bogged down.
  Someone planted a flag with a swastika over the destroyed bunker.
  The spider, hated by the whole world, spread its paws over the globe.
  And in the sky, a Wagner symphony sounded, German, English and American attack aircraft entered the next circle.
  The Americans put their weapons on a long-term interest-free loan. In this way, they hoped to appease Hitler and his entourage. But by doing so they were gathering the storm upon themselves. It was not possible to capture the USSR, but the Krauts advanced and inflicted colossal damage on the Red Army.
  Of course, things have become much worse for Russia. But now the Americans were seeing their compliance backfire.
  Evening came... And then night. The girls ran up and fell asleep right under the open May sky. Four beauties. Girls who make you shiver with just their appearance.
  Gerda, after jogging, I had a nightmare. It was as if she had become a little girl again. And plunged into terrible adventures.
  I thought of a fairy tale I had read about Gerda. The poor girl has left the blooming garden with eternal summer and is walking along the cold autumn road.
  Her bare feet step on the rocky ridge. The bare soles, however, had already become rough in the garden and are not so painful. But the path is long, the legs get lost, after a few dozen miles the soles begin to burn and the calves begin to ache. The girl asks for alms so that she can be given at least a little food and ask for a place to stay for the night. Who feeds the child and who doesn"t. But we were lucky: we were allowed to spend the night. The girl fell asleep in the hay. And he sleeps very soundly, after a long journey. But in the morning you have to again, taking a crust of bread as your kind-hearted hosts, and hit the road. But my legs still ache after a long trek, and it"s cold to walk barefoot.
  But the quick passage warms the girl. My bare feet turn red, and the soles, scratched on the cobblestones, sting a little. The girl endures and overcomes fatigue, in order to distract herself from the aching in her legs, she carefully examines her surroundings. He is moving along the roads of Germany, towards France. You can see a lot of interesting things in these densely populated lands. Sometimes a light autumn rain begins to drizzle. Gerda is very afraid of catching a cold.
  She is wearing only a light summer dress.
  But during the next night"s stay, the compassionate hostess took pity on her and gave her a warm fur scarf for the road. And Gerda goes again the next day. The legs become numb at first, but then warm up. They just ring in every vein. It"s painful to walk like this, but the girl copes, she has a goal, and she will definitely achieve it.
  And the legs become rougher every day and become overgrown with calluses. It's hard to go like this. A couple of times the girl spent the night in a haystack, froze at night, then got up with broken bones. But Gerda stubbornly moved on, her body warmed up and became lighter. The girl lived on alms. This helped, even if not regularly, to eat food and maintain strength.
  The muscles ached tiredly every day, but the pain was dulled. The child"s body quickly adapted to the load, and now the girl walked an average of about sixty miles per day, and did not fall from fatigue. Her bare, bruised feet were covered with a hard crust, and they almost did not feel the sting of the stones and the cold. The girl walked, overcoming suffering. Winters in Europe are mild. Sometimes there was wet snow. Gerda left barefoot footprints on him without stopping her step.
  She moved as if wound up and until she got into the palace with the help of a raven. There she asked the princess and prince for a pair of shoes and a carriage so that she could continue to search for Kai. But the princess remarked with a laugh
  - You"re already used to walking barefoot! Why do you need shoes? They will only make your legs heavier! It"s better to go as before and you"ll soon go around half the world.
  And Gerda had to stomp barefoot again, so she did not meet any sympathy. But the girl"s bare feet actually became rougher, and the leather on the soles became stronger than that of boots. And she walked, demonstrating unbending courage. So she walked barefoot through Germany and ended up in France. Wet snow compacted under his chiseled feet.
  The girl approached Paris. There she met street children. Just as ragged and barefoot as she was. The girl shook their hands and exchanged news. Children from all countries speak an international language and understand each other. And Gerda quickly became friends with them.
  But the children are hungry, and the girl along with them raids the landowner's barn. But the police show up with a couple of trained dogs. One dog overtakes Gerda and knocks her down. The policeman puts shackles on the girl and takes her to prison.
  Poor Gerda, clanking with heavy shackles that chafe her legs, wanders into a Parisian prison. They also put them in the Chatelet, in a cold, smelly cell, where little girls caught in thefts and older women, but almost all of them, are sitting together.
  They feed us disgusting mud and stale bread. You can spend more than one year in such inhumane conditions.
  But Gerda is called in for questioning. They smear oil on their heels and bring a flaming brazier to their bare feet. The girl screams in pain and loses consciousness. And she is forced to take the blame for the murder of a nobleman.
  The torture continues for several days, the child is flogged and hung on a rack, but Gerda shows incredible courage. Doesn't admit to anything. And then I use Spanish boots on her.
  The boards squeeze the children's legs, and the executioner drives in wedges. After the first blows, the girl loses consciousness. But they pour cold water on her, forcing her to come to her senses. Then they hit the boards again. The pain is simply terrifying. Gerda wheezes and screams wildly.
  The drunken executioner grins.
  The interrogator repeats the question:
  "Did you kill the Viscount de Juzac?"
  Gerda answers with a groan:
  - No!
  The interrogator shouts:
  - Executioner, one more wedge for her! Thicker!
  And again there is a blow, from which the girl"s whole body shudders. Tears run from Gerda's eyes, Andersen's heroine is in great pain, but she does not confess.
  The interrogator yells:
  - Yes, admit it to us! These are just words!
  Gerda suddenly finds the strength to answer clearly:
  -Words are like the wind, turning the mill that gives flour to the wise and flour to the fools!
  The interrogator shouts:
  - Two more wedges!
  And again the hammer flies...the bones of the children's legs crunch, and the child again loses consciousness from the shock of pain. Gerda is brought to her senses with a bucket of ice-cold water from the basement. And they continue the sophisticated and at the same time clumsy torture. Here, in a vice, they simultaneously clamp the girl"s fingers. They squeeze with a vice. Gerda loses consciousness again. This time for a long time. Even a bucket of water cannot bring her to her senses.
  The girl lies in a torture chair, pale and bloody.
  The Second World War continued, following its well-worn rut. The Germans were advancing towards the US borders. The Americans were leaving. But the main operation of the Third Reich was the landing on May 15 in Canada. This marked the opening of a second northern front against the United States. The first experimental ekranoplan took part in the landing, transporting a company of the SS Tigress women's battalion. The well-worn girls, who had gone through all the hot spots, secured a foothold on the strip. The Americans and Canadians tried to attack the girls. Madeleine, the commander of the battalion of tigresses, Frouda, and some other girls already had many awards. Christina and Magda served in this battalion and covered half the world barefoot. From hot deserts to icy mountain peaks.
  But now these girls are supporting America from the other side. And Madeleine and her girls entrenched themselves on a defensive ledge and repelled the attack.
  The most popular and not yet discontinued Shermans are moving forward.
  Tall American tanks somewhat resemble irons placed vertically. They move almost silently, with their trunks extended, and even swaying slightly.
  A large, muscular woman, Madeleine, says:
  - We will not be afraid... We will always fight!
  The warriors deployed Faustpatrons, an improved modification. Capable of hitting at distances of up to a kilometer, and less bulky.
  Madeleine squeezes her bicep. She has a very large and embossed one. A real female athlete. Her neck is like that of a bull, her arms are like the legs of an adult man, only her skin is clean and smooth, and her legs are like the haunches of horses. Madeleine really loves sex with large men. Loves when perfection is of impressive size. This woman is very temperamental, with a pleasant face and a magnificent bust. The hips are luxurious, and the waist is relatively narrow.
  All the warrior-hero's clothes are bikinis. The narrow strip of fabric practically does not hide the watermelon, tanned breasts, and the thin panties are rump.
  Madeleine has a lot of tough meat, but virtually no fat. She looks ahead with her sapphire eyes. The hair is white, mixed with red. But she is still closer to the blonde. He holds a bazooka in his hands and smoothly presses the trigger.
  The nearest "Sherman" receives a deadly present right end-to-end, between the hull and the turret. Its barrel flies off by inertia and turns over.
  Madeleine whispers:
  - Perfect hit!
  Frouda aims his. He lifts up his bare, large, but graceful leg. And he also pulls the trigger.
  And the Sherman, which had been mortally wounded, began to spin around like a knocked out boxer.
  A sigh of approval ran through the battalion of tigresses. The girls used their weapons. The Shermans returned fire. Particularly dangerous are those vehicles that are armed with short-barreled howitzers. They send projectiles with high, fragmentation force.
  Madeleine roars at the top of her lungs:
  - Don"t be afraid, girl, beautiful eagles, let the country sing about you!
  And the warriors answered in unison:
  - And he will sing like a hippopotamus! And we will take icicles in our mouths!
  The girls' sense of humor is clearly Prussian. And they sang while shooting.
  The Shermans caught fire and overturned. The shells exploded, detonating, and the barrels came off. The broken rollers rolled out. The technique turned into a chop. The tanks were followed by infantry. The tigress girls greeted her with fire.
  And Madeleine picked up the grenade with her bare foot and launched it straight into the tank. Damaged the caterpillar and cut the infantrymen. She is a beautiful woman and very healthy. As it throws, there are mountains of corpses.
  Frouda also threw the grenade with her foot, so it flies further than with her hands and noticed:
  - Genghis Khan didn"t reach America after all!
  Madeleine barked savagely:
  - We Germans discovered America. And she will belong to us forever!
  US tanks stopped, allowing infantry to move forward. The American soldiers apparently took a fair amount of whiskey, and were not afraid of death, they went straight ahead. What about death? Drunk and the sea is knee-deep!
  Madeleine will take it and yell:
  - But Pasaran!
  Frouda risked correcting the commander:
  - It"s not worth it! That's how the damned Spanish communists shouted!
  Madeleine threw a grenade with her bare foot, and, laughing, growled:
  - And I like communists! They have a backbone!
  Madeleine shrugged, remarking:
  - Stupid fanatics...
  Madeleine shook her head negatively.
  - No, they are pragmatic!
  The large German commander again threw a grenade with her bare fingers and continued:
  - They decided that there is no God!
  Frouda kicked the gift of death, remarking:
  - Brave guys!
  Madeleine fired her Faustpatron and growled:
  - Or maybe pragmatists!
  Frouda was silent for a while. The girls fired bazookas and their fausts at tanks and threw grenades. The entire field in front of them was literally cluttered with broken American equipment. Madeleine threw grenades very hard with her bare legs. And they described a large arc. And under the tanned, almost black skin of the German woman, balls of muscles rolled.
  And it was not for nothing that her legs threw grenades so far. The war fascinated Madeleine. It was akin to a Russian bathhouse. This is truly a real thrill. When you walk in with two powerful, muscular men. And they hit you as hard as they can with spruce branches. When strong guys kick and throw punches, it takes you to the Everest of bliss.
  And the steam spins, like golden curls, flowing through the air. Or invisible snakes curling around.
  Madeline liked it. And it"s even more pleasant when there"s a brazier with coals under your bare feet. Then you're really having fun. They pour alcohol on you, and then set this fiery water on fire.
  And now Madeleine is excited... And again she throws a grenade with her bare feet. The enemy infantry is choked in the attack. Black warriors especially die a lot . They literally fill up all the approaches with mounds of corpses. Seriously wounded US Army soldiers groan. A mass of dead with distorted faces.
  Madeleine whispered:
  - It"s a shame you Americans helped Britain.
  And the hero girl smiled carnivorously. Indeed, America chose the wrong bet. Although France and Britain declared war on the Third Reich. And Hitler himself declared war on the United States. But the Fuhrer's decision did not lead to the defeat of Germany and its satellites. Japan defeated America in naval battles. And thereby showing that economic power is not everything.
  There is a fierce battle in the sky. Both Marcel and Huffman are cut down. And the most legendary pilot of the Third Reich, Friedrich. And with him is his partner Helga. How beautifully and effectively women can fight. At the same time, the bills are dialed automatically.
  Helga has already hit her fourth hundred cars. This means she is entitled to the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with diamonds. And this is very honorable for a half-naked girl in a bikini.
  Helga remembered how she made love to Friedrich. The boy is just adorable. Affectionate as a kitten. And it"s very pleasant to be with him. And I want to caress for hours. The teenager really loves to caress girls, which is the most pleasant thing.
  But then Helga shoots down the Mustang, then also the Airacobra. The latter vehicle with its 37mm cannon can be dangerous. And what about the Mustang, the most popular fighter of the US Air Force - with its machine guns. She is against ME-362, what a blotter is against titanium. Machine guns are absolutely not dangerous.
  But the Airacobra can sting. Helga chirps as she knocks another Mustang out of range.
  - I am a horse, very sweet... And the mustang will enjoy it!
  And he presses the trigger with his bare feet, chiseled like those of an antique statue.
  Friedrich shoots down a hundred cars in one battle. He doesn't stand on ceremony. Not a single miss. A real death machine. Here the most important stage of the operation and the super ace was recalled from the south. Having destroyed a hundred machines, the terminator boy transfers the fire to land. There he demonstrates his supernatural abilities.
  Friedrich says:
  - The score is one hundred zero in airplanes, and one hundred twenty zero in tanks!
  Most American cars: Shermans. The obsolete tank is produced in huge quantities. The Pershing has not yet been replaced, and this tank is also hopelessly inferior to the German E-50.
  And then flying saucers appeared in the sky.
  This is completely hopeless. The disc planes are invulnerable and fast, cutting up American cars in flight. The Yankees can't stand it and run away. The landing sites are expanding.
  Madeleine and her girls hold on. They are supported by jet attack aircraft with 88mm cannons, which knock the morale out of the Americans. Powerful shells split the hulls of US Army tanks. Even whiskey cannot eclipse the feeling of fear. And America"s warriors, or rather what"s left of them, turn around.
  Madeleine laughs, saying:
  - Sometimes you experience pain in the world, but it"s better to experience someone else"s pain.
  A shell fragment hit the heroic girl in the heel. But the warrior"s strong calluses sent the piece of metal ricocheting. This is what a genuine Aryan fortress means. Madeleine even purred with pleasure. She was so pleased.
  It"s also good when you hit your soles with nettles. More precisely, when strong men hit you on the heels. This turned Madeleine on. It"s also good when your rough feet are hit with rubber truncheons. Also great. The warrior threw the grenade with her foot again. She bared her horse teeth. She's good. He also loves to eat!
  Take, for example, and devour a whole sheep at once. Despite her outward rudeness, Madeleine sometimes read something. For example, Dumas. So she really liked Porthos. He also ate a whole sheep at a time. This really was a man anywhere. And the appetite of a noble nobleman. And the lamb is also stuffed with sausages.
  Madeleine could also drink a whole bucket of beer. Strong girl. The warrior-hero imagined herself. She takes a silver bucket. And it contains selected Bavarian. And she begins to drink greedily. Swallowing eagerly. The beer is delicious. It is also good to drink tomato juice with milk. And also with buckets and whole barrels.
  Madeleine, however, had to be malnourished when she fought in the desert or in the mountains. And this is painful for the stomach of a female hero. She's so gluttonous. And he really likes meat with blood.
  Madeleine again throws the grenade with her foot and plunges into voluptuous dreams. How she devours fatty meat and drinks beer. So in volleys. It"s also good to eat pork shish kebab with red wine. And smack it all...
  Madeleine also loved torture. She especially enjoyed torturing boys. This is her true passion. Beat the pioneers on the heels with sticks and set their bodies on fire.
  Or even wipe the delicate, baby skin with acid. Of course, the most enjoyable thing is torturing boys. But girls are also allowed. And grown men. It "s unpleasant to torture old people, they are so disgusting and unaesthetic. How old age spoils people, disfiguring them. No, it"s better to torture young people.
  Madeleine remembered how three pioneers were led out in the cold. They urged them on with whips. The boys were completely naked, so it was even more humiliating for them. Madeleine is also in only one bikini. So funny. The heroic woman chased the boys and hardened herself. I looked at their barefoot footprints and became excited myself.
  Then, when the pioneers turned blue from the cold, she took them back to a warm hut and warmed them up, quickly passing a torch over their frozen bodies.
  Madeleine did this masterfully, leaving only small, pink blisters on the skin, and making the boys scream in pain. And it makes her happy!
  It is especially interesting to pass the tongue of flame along the sensitive heel of the pioneer. She has cooled down most of all, and after the frosty snowdrifts, she doesn"t even feel the fiery caresses at first. But then the boy starts screaming, the pain from the temperature changes is hellish, and the suffering is unbearable.
  This is much more painful than simply burning your heel with a hot iron. And the pioneers, stunned by unbearable pain, are ready to do anything to make things a little easier.
  Madeleine knew how to split the tortured. One of her favorite methods is to firmly squeeze the testicles with her pincer paws. And then the strongest men lost consciousness from shock.
  And, of course, electric shock. Here you take a pioneer and attach electrodes to it... It"s just disgusting, the way a woman behaves like an executioner. And he tortures you as if there was a stone in your soul. More precisely, the soul is made of titanium, and the heart is stone.
  However, Madeleine really liked the torture process itself. She loved doing this. After all, causing pain to others is sweet.
  This is fascist morality - ruthless and sadistic!
  The Americans, having suffered losses, rolled back under the attacks of the attack aircraft. Additional forces are now landing. In particular, the newest E-5 tank. The lightest self-propelled gun in the series. Only one crew member. A 75mm cannon and two machine guns. At the same time, the height is only one meter, and the thickness of the frontal armor is 80 millimeters at a large angle of inclination.
  A tank capable of piercing a Sherman or Pershing head-on, but itself resisting the ricochet of a projectile.
  A self-propelled gun that is perfect in its own way. And most importantly, it"s fast, accelerating up to one hundred kilometers per hour. It is powered by a 400 horsepower gas turbine engine.
  A girl, Agna, is riding in one of the cars. Her name means chaste. And the girl takes part in her first combat operation. She, of course, is well trained, but has not yet smelled gunpowder. He's terribly worried.
  Controls the tank using a joystick. Now their cars are turning around and moving west. It"s good when a self-propelled gun is so light. It is dropped using modules or parachutes.
  It even gets a little scary in flight. Your body seems to become weightless. You are lying on your stomach on leatherette. The tank is cramped, like a coffin. Only seven tons, the gun is superior in armor-piercing power to the Sherman, and the front due to its tilt reflects shells more effectively. It should be noted that the quality of German cemented steel is twenty percent higher than American steel.
  This calms down Agna. They won't break through it on the first try. Here lies the workhorse of the US Army. This Sherman, a World War II tank, is one of the most popular. In America, the technology for producing Shermans has been streamlined. This tank is produced at the rate of hundreds of vehicles per day. "Pershing", not so massive. And this is understandable, since the Sherman has a traditional layout for American tank building. When the transmission is in the front and the engine is in the rear. And the tank turned out to be tall. In the "E" series, the Germans tightened the layout, resulting in a more advanced tank with a low silhouette.
  Agna is driving the latest model. And she has a strong gun, with a special projectile that fires with acceleration, and also with a uranium core. So you can shoot from a long distance. Two kilometers is enough.
  In order not to take risks while moving, Agna hits the stopped Sherman. The first shot is a sighting shot. She is not yet experienced enough to hit it the first time. And the second one is right in the center of the tank!
  Agna rested her bare feet against the walls and pressed the joystick. The Americans opened fire in response. But getting into a tank with such a low silhouette is not easy.
  The young girl says:
  - O German God, God of gods, protect me!
  And it shoots again... Her tank moves smoothly, and besides, the gun has a hydraulic stabilizer and fires accurately. Yes, this Sherman is not very successful. It sticks out that you can see it a hundred miles away. No wonder Agna gets hit again. And it gets closer.
  The most difficult thing in war is probably not to lose your cool. They train female warriors very well. But when they shoot at you, you involuntarily freak out. What if they get hit and the armor can"t stand it?
  But then Agna fires again and hits. Her face breaks into a smile. Collecting accounts turns out to be not so difficult and, most importantly, it is a very pleasant process.
  A girl with the face of an innocent lamb presses the joystick button and fires a shot. He grins his face. He chants:
  - Bang! Pow! I got! How the little bunny jumped!
  At that moment there was a thunder... A shell slid across the German armor. And went into a ricochet. An inclination from the horizontal of forty degrees is quite large, and the armor itself is very durable.
  Agna slapped her bare soles and chirped:
  - How did we once live... Only a patch for a bun!
  The girl fired again. She thought that for each tank she would get a good amount of money. All hits are recorded by equipment, and you can see in tiny frames whether it hit or not. Of course, not always; hitting a target accurately means destroying it! But in this case it completely justifies itself!
  Agna nailed again. Increased the score with a hit. Armor-piercing German shells hit very hard. In the USA, however, there are also developments, but they are not very effective yet.
  The Americans' sub-caliber projectile is too sensitive to ricochet. And slides off the armor.
  Agna fires again. And she regrets that she didn"t get a heavier tank. There would be other girls there, it would be more fun to sing in chorus. Or maybe even give a couple to a young man of about sixteen so that he doesn"t get stubbled with his stubble. Eh, she has already known carnal love - despite her youth.
  Morality in the Third Reich is quite loose. Monotheism is already being introduced, without hypocrisy. True, people are sent to a concentration camp for homosexuality. But heterosexuality is encouraged.
  Even in the women's divisions it is almost obligatory to go to the gigolo. Otherwise they will wonder: are you a lesbian? Or maybe, even worse, a Christian?
  Christianity is gradually being squeezed out of the Third Reich. And the new morality says: a woman should want a man, and a man should want a woman. And not necessarily in marriage!
  A kind of encouragement of debauchery!
  Agna is still too young, she didn"t know any other power except Hitler"s. But even this is a little shocking to her.
  The girl shoots, and she already has ten destroyed Shermans and one Witch.
  The warrior grins and says:
  - He who is not relevant is not moral!
  Things went well for them... And the E-5 tanks, or rather not tanks, but self-propelled guns, move on.
  Agna did not have time to fight in Russia. And of course she regretted that she was born late. She already got to the front ahead of time, she was in a hurry to have time to fight. There was confidence among the Germans that this year of the war would be the last. Or, at least, the USA will be dealt with in a year. Whether they will attack Russia or not is still a question.
  Agna wanted to fight... As the wise say: war is the air for the lungs...
  But now she has completed her first battle. And apparently she deserved the iron cross. And how capable she turned out to be.
  He will make a military career and get himself an estate with slaves! He will beat them with a whip.
  Agna giggled and sang:
  - Everything impossible is possible in our world... You can only shoot on a count, two by four!
  The warrior winked at herself and chirped:
  - So I became an ace in the first battle... I suppress with class - I love the Fuhrer!
  Their nimble tanks move on. There's infantry ahead. This means you need to shoot with a machine gun and high-explosive fragmentation shells. Well, it"s effective too.
  Agna presses the joystick with her toes. And both machine guns begin to mow down the infantrymen. Black fighters are visible. Their faces were stained with blood.
  The girl happily says:
  - You can see your sad faces... But because I am a murderer!
  And the machine guns work. They mow down everyone. Several motorcycles explode at once. And they turn over in the air. Wheels and iron parts fly off in all directions. And the metal literally breaks.
  And when steel burns, it is a truly terrible flame.
  The machine guns are assault and very mobile, much more advanced than before.
  Agna tweets:
  - On Earth and underground, we will rule with Satan!
  And again it hits... And the conveyor caught fire, as if it had been turned into a torch. And a lot of dead, whole piles of corpses. The Americans are fleeing. They throw away submachine guns and equipment.
  Agna combs her blond hair with her fingers and says:
  - A coward will lose at hockey! And the jockey is already waiting for him!
  Agne really feels good now. Feeling a sadistic gusto in herself, the terminator girl crushes the fleeing infantrymen. She is the kind of lady who always manages to win... Even if she has no experience yet.
  The warrior shoots from a cannon. I just came across a Sherman dug into the ground. So what of this? She took it and trivially tore off his tower. The uranium core is no joke. Plus, on top of everything else, uranium sets metal on fire.
  After the capture of Africa, the Nazis now had a lot of uranium mines. And the Fuhrer is not even in a hurry to create an atomic bomb. His troops are already the best in the world.
  This is how dashingly and quickly the E-5 rushes. It crushes entire clearings of infantrymen. But what kind of tank does it seem? From the pot - two inches!
  Agna says with a chuckle in her voice:
  - There are two problems in the world: fools and roads... Germany has the best roads in the world, but what about fools?
  And the girl laughs... She fulfills her goal...
  Friedrich is circling again in his jet car. Five air cannons fire sixteen shots each. Eighty American planes attempting to attack the landing German troops explode.
  The ace boy says:
  - I am what they call me - don"t tell me at night!
  After which the boy fires another burst and destroys another thirty cars. Doing it all with a cute grin. And so carelessly... Deadly child.
  Helga says admiringly:
  - You are super! A poet's dream!
  Friedrich modestly says:
  - It"s more appropriate to talk about a girl! Although I'm not bad!
  Helga sings:
  - You are Friedrich my idol! You are the coolest in the entire universe and conquer the world!
  The boy gives a turn. He shoots down sixteen more enemy aircraft and says:
  - There is heat and snow in the world,
  The honest one is poor - the evil one is rich!
  In the universe, chance rules -
  Charge the machine!
  After which the terminator boy moves on to ground targets. Its air cannons are excellent at both aerial targets and penetrating tank hatches.
  Canadian Shermans. One of the American modifications. The battle is raging harshly. Friedrich says enthusiastically:
  - I'm an amazing person!
  And a dozen Shermans are broken and burning like Christmas candles. Then the boy makes his approach again. It comes from three large "Big Tom" self-propelled guns. This is probably the most powerful of the serial self-propelled guns. Only the T-93 is larger.
  Friedrich says, looking at how the wrecked cars are torn apart:
  - The boy sees a machine gun in his dreams,
  He prefers a tank to a limousine...
  From birth, the understanding is that
  Roughness and force rule the universe!
  "Witch" is a relatively light American self-propelled gun. It's much easier to destroy. The ace boy fired a burst, and as many as twenty-five self-propelled guns exploded from the detonation of shells.
  Helga hit only three cars, and exclaimed:
  - Oh knight! How cool you are!
  Frederick puffed himself up and said:
  - Only eggs are cooler than me!
  Helga added with delight:
  - And higher than the stars!
  Friedrich suddenly became embarrassed and blushed. He shot down six more fighters and said:
  - Modesty is a man's adornment!
  Helga answered harshly:
  - But you are really the second German!
  Friedrich grinned and asked:
  - Second? Who's first?
  Helga responded enthusiastically:
  - The Fuhrer himself!
  Friedrich could hardly resist irony and instead of wit he said:
  - I take off my cap to the Fuhrer!
  And again he fired at American planes. An extremely, or rather uniquely accurate boy.
  Helga chirped, pressing the pedals with her bare legs:
  - You are what they call - born of the gods!
  Frederick, puffed up, replied:
  - Although I"m not as big as Hercules, I"m very strong!
  Helga readily confirmed:
  - All of Germany is proud of you, and that"s more than half the world!
  The boy shot down five more planes and attacked the Pershings. The four American cars were similar to the early Panther model. With rather long muzzles and movable turrets, they could pose some danger to light German tanks. Then the guy hit the trucks. Destroyed eight targets, and slapped his bare foot on the pedal, diving.
  Well, this is just recklessness... I almost went into a tailspin. But he leveled the car close to the ground.
  Helga exclaimed in fear:
  - Oh! Is that really possible?
  Frederick answered boldly:
  - Anything is possible if you are careful!
  Helga shot the transporter from above and barked:
  - Your life is priceless! Don't make us grab our hearts!
  The boy answered seriously:
  - And I am charmed - they won"t take me, not a bullet, not a bayonet! So girl, don"t be afraid for my skin! It's better to take care of collecting more trophies.
  The boy got distracted. A new column of tanks appeared. These were obsolete American M-16s. Heavy vehicles weighing 55 tons, armed with two cannons. The goal is clearly not very valuable. Probably, the Americans managed to improve even what was only suitable for metal.
  Friedrich wanted to give a turn, but Helga screamed:
  - These seventy-five millimeter guns are not at all dangerous for our tanks. Let at least one of our land aces add heavy vehicles to their accounts.
  Frederick reluctantly agreed:
  - OK! I won't be selfish! Let them live!
  Helga grinned and purred:
  - As a consolation, I will tell you that this will not last long!
  And indeed, a few hours later, Agna added two more heavy tanks to her account. Despite its weight, the American vehicle had almost no advantage in armor over the Sherman. Well, maybe in the sides and stern. But the Germans hit me right in the forehead without any ceremony.
  Friedrich shot down another two dozen planes and returned back to transfer to a new fighter, already refueled and charged. There is not a second of rest for the young terminator. All in work and in motion. Exterminates everyone without exception.
  Little death machine.
  The offensive operation in Canada developed quite successfully. The Germans captured several bridgeheads. Then we combined them into one large one.
  Further, the offensive developed more and more rapidly. The fighting unfolded with incredible force. The Americans tried to throw the Germans into the sea. But in the air, due to quality, the Luftwaffe dominated, and discos simply brought panic to aviation. The Yankees' morale is really not very good. Many thousands of prisoners appeared in the very first days. It should be noted that the command is not up to par.
  The interaction between the troops is very poorly organized.
  Often American artillery covers its own. There are a lot of disagreements with Canadians.
  The situation is also aggravated by betrayals among the American command. Especially people of German origin. It"s not too much for the Yankees to fight for foreign lands.
  It should be noted that when the E-50 went into production, the Sherman was completely outdated. It is not capable of penetrating a German tank from any angle. But few Pershings are being produced so far. Yes, and they are only dangerous when fired at point-blank range and with a sub-caliber projectile. But in reality, a German tank is guaranteed to penetrate both Pershing and Sherman from five kilometers away. He just crushes it from a distance.
  And there is no chance. The Americans were noticeably behind in tanks. Aviation does not yet have strong and combat-ready fighter jets.
  The most popular fighter, the Mustang, is just a coffin with wings. Only the Airacobra has a chance to sting with its 37mm cannon. Jet bombers are still being developed. What else does Hitler have? Of course, discos, of which there are still few, but they are invulnerable. This is of course a huge problem for the United States. Especially moral, since the invulnerability of such machines gives rise to capitulant sentiments.
  Well, who wants to die after being subjected to a total beating. The Germans already inspire fear in everyone.
  But the war continues. The main difficulty is supplying troops across the ocean. It's good that there is a chain of islands. But it"s still not easy for the Germans to transfer forces. Supply ammunition. This slows progress in Canada. The Americans are also strong, quite numerous, and they have a lot of equipment. If there had been more fighting spirit and organization, they could have thrown the hordes of the Third Reich into the sea.
  But luck favors the brave, and happiness favors the strong. The bridgehead is expanding.
  On May 30, 1945, the first Monster tank created for combat use was launched. The vehicle had a very powerful bomb launcher and four howitzers. However, military experts were skeptical about such a bandura. It is possible to simply drop a bomb weighing twenty tons, such bombers are better than driving a supertank across the ocean. Moreover, the mass is so large, and the car is expensive.
  But the Fuhrer personally insisted on putting "Monster" into production. The advantage of this design can be considered a fairly long firing range - up to one hundred kilometers, relatively satisfactory cross-country ability, and thick armor. But in general, only one copy has been made so far.
  The "Rat" was completely abandoned. It"s easier to use a trivial battery of heavy guns than to mess around with a tank so much. "Monster" in any case solved the problem of moving a huge 1250-mm bomb launcher. Some military men believed that four howitzers were not needed, and it would be better to make the tank lighter, with one, but larger gun.
  But Hitler was drawn to large sizes. They managed to produce the "Monster" on time. But so far this car has not shown itself to be very confident. I almost got stuck during the disembarkation, but everything turned out okay.
  This supertank, or rather a self-propelled gun, and partly a battery, could be attacked from the air. Therefore, special anti-aircraft self-propelled guns drove around him, and jet planes circled.
  The car was moving quite slowly at only 20 kilometers per hour. And then on level ground. Compared to her, the E-300 seemed almost like an agile fox.
  Caterpillars clank and diesel engines roar. Gas turbine engines are not yet ready for such a colossus. But in any case, the Germans can be proud of their masterpiece - the heaviest tank in the world. Initially they wanted to install "Dora" on "Monster". But then military experts logically decided that a rocket launcher would be much more destructive in impact.
  And what? All expectations were met! The bomb's blows are truly devastating.
  The main gunner was traditionally a girl. That's how it happened. And of course almost naked in just a bikini. It"s already warm, plus there"s heat from the engines in the supertank itself. And a team made up of girls. Bare-legged beauties, no older than thirty. How quickly they rush around the mastodon.
  Bare, girlish feet knock dully on the metal. It's very erotic. The serving teenager Peter is staring at the girls. The imagination draws all kinds of fantasies. For example, kissing girls and young women on the chest. I so want to run my tongue over the scarlet nipples, like rosebuds.
  Peter feels his perfection swell, so much so that it shows. The young man blushes. Tries to think about something else. For example, what a wonderful tank they have. The largest tracked and indeed vehicle in the world. It hits like a ballistic missile, only the shot costs less.
  The boy, unable to resist, carefully touched the woman"s heel. The girl looked at the teenager with a condescending smile. The young man was handsome, he looked about fifteen years old, and of course it"s even nice when a handsome young man touches you.
  And it"s a little ticklish... The girl purrs:
  - Stroke it a little!
  Peter is very happy about this. What a leg. Chiseled, tanned, perfectly clean skin, smooth fingers, shiny nails. Smooth curve of the heel with elastic leather. It seems slightly rough. Peter feels very excited. He really really wants to. Alas, teenage hormones dominate the mind.
  The boy pulls the girl"s leg to his lips and begins to kiss. Women's skin tastes very pleasant, the smell of a beauty's healthy flesh is delightful and exciting. You kiss greedily, covering the sole from the toes to the curve of the heel. And it feels sweet. And perfection has swollen so much that it"s about to burst!
  Peter really wants to stick his hand in and relieve himself, but it"s embarrassing, uncomfortable. Oh women, how desirable and unavailable you are.
  An aggressive shout is heard:
  - Elviza, you are not in a brothel! Let's get to work!
  The girl carefully pulls the leg out of the boy"s hands and whispers:
  - We'll meet tonight!
  Peter nods gratefully. Wow, how hard it will be to wait until evening. And the gigantic supertank had already reached the plain and moved further towards the front line. The car had many tracks covering the entire bottom. The cross-country ability is truly satisfactory, not inferior to heavy German tanks. The speed is somewhat lacking. But in the future, when diesel engines are replaced by gas turbines, the speed will increase sharply.
  But still, such a colossus, even outwardly, seems like a real turtle, and looks inactive.
  Several girls even jumped off and ran after the tank. Jumping up, the warriors bared their teeth and sang:
  - We are frisky and fast, the girls are beautiful! And our legs are playful and our teeth are so sharp!
  The girls jumped up and twirled. Some of them spun in a special somersault. They flew by like birds.
  Peter sat on the steel for a while. And then he jumped off and ran. The boy was also barefoot and wearing shorts. It is certainly more pleasant to run without boots. Especially when there are girls nearby. And what kind of backs, and hips, and chests, and legs they have.
  Peter shouted:
  - Glory to the Third Reich!
  The girls roared in unison:
  - Glory to heroes!
  The giant tank crossed a small ditch. The girls and the boy just skipped over it. And they galloped briskly. The "Monster"s" tracks were amazingly thick, and there was no way to damage them.
  Several of the newest Xe-262s flew overhead. Very fast cars. They rush like kites, even blowing warm air a little. The warriors are nimble and seductive.
  Peter hit the cobblestones a little awkwardly with his bare foot. It started to hurt. The boy limped and hurried to climb onto the platform. He began to rub his bruised fingers. Not too nice.
  But in general, life in Germany is not so easy. Since 1942, the economy has truly switched to a war footing. And everything began to work towards the front. The production of summer children's shoes has practically ceased. Things were getting pretty tight for the boy, and it was, of course, more satisfying in the army. And so the children ran barefoot to school from frost to frost.
  This is generally tolerable, and even pleasant. But in the fall or early spring, of course, there is less pleasure. I literally had to run to school. And the soles burned as if on fire. Especially when it snowed.
  Peter remembered this... Then you warm up your limbs by squeezing your legs. Then eat strictly according to the norm. Although the soldering is not bad for the Germans. Especially recently, when rich harvests came from Ukraine. And bananas and other fruits come from Africa.
  I was hungry only for a couple of years. Then Germany fed itself from the captured territories. But in recent years, everything has improved and there was enough rations for families in abundance.
  Berlin generally gave the impression of a well-fed and wealthy city. There have already been quite a few new construction projects.
  The war was going on, turning in a successful direction, and there was a surplus of labor. Every German could buy a slave on credit. And this is great, according to the fascists. Peter also had a personal slave. You can do whatever you want with it. And what can you do with her...
  Peter smiled carnivorously. I really want to carve a girl"s body. The boy became thoughtful. Why not get him a harem? Already in the Third Reich this can be done almost legally. Slaves are sold at auctions, or you can purchase them on credit.
  Peter's mother brought two boys for almost nothing. The boys were Indians. And they were very cold when they had to work barefoot. And the mother urged them on with a whip. One of the boys then fell ill and died. Instead, his mother took a Russian boy. They are more hardy and can withstand the relatively mild German winter without the expense of shoes and warm clothing.
  Another Indian was from a mountain village and managed to get used to it. Peter's father died at the front. The mother was left alone. The boys gradually became almost members of the family.
  Peter even played with them... Until he joined the army. This is a good opportunity to earn money. And I was lucky to be in the company of the girls who service the "Monster" supertank. Of course it's prestigious!
  Here they are driving a column of prisoners ahead. The Americans walk with their heads down. They are in no mood. They are losers. The guards push with rifle butts and whistle with whips.
  Among those who surrendered there are still very young boys. As is typical for teenagers, they smile a lot, especially when they see almost naked, tanned girls running. The warriors boo the prisoners and throw stones at them. The boys whistle back. Such is the mutual exchange of pleasantries.
  Peter pulled a pistol from his belt. He really wanted to shoot at the prisoners.
  A truly colossal temptation. Oh, the devil's temptation. Shouldn't you find yourself some not-so-valuable sacrifice?
  Peter takes aim at an old man, and a black one at that. This is not a pity. The boy wants to commit the first murder in his life. He's almost fifteen years old, and he hasn't killed anyone yet. For example, Friedrich has so many victims, and yet he is no older than Peter.
  Peter took it and sang:
  - Woe to the one who fights,
  With a German of steel in battle...
  If the enemy is furious -
  I'll kill the bastard!
  And the boy shoots... The distance for a pistol is quite long. The boy was very afraid that he would miss. And it will be a shame. But the gray-haired black man falls. The African American has blood on his face.
  Peter growled:
  - I will kill you Africa!
  And he bared his teeth...
  The killing of an unarmed prisoner of war does not bother anyone. It was like crushing a cockroach. The Germans continue to drive away prisoners and whistle songs that are quite vulgar.
  Peter felt very pleased with himself. He shot very accurately and did not miss. Why not a shooter?! It hits extremely accurately! And he also had the courage to shoot an unarmed man. And this is what inspires me the most. Not everyone is capable of this!
  The boy jumped off the super tank and ran after the girls shouting:
  - We saw him! And very accurately!
  The main gunner says affectionately:
  - Well done! You are growing up like a true Aryan! But learn to kill not only prisoners, but also in battle!
  Peter yelled back:
  - Storm and Viking and Steel Sword!
  Yes, he did it great. The pain in his stubbed toes had dulled and Peter was now running after the girls. Still, war is like a mother. There's so much fun in it.
  For example, Peter loved to have fun at home. Particularly by lighting matches and holding them to the bare heels of slave boys. They screamed wildly and jumped up, frantically rolling their eyes. An Indian has brown eyes, and a Russian has blue eyes. It's funny... It's also good to insert pieces of newspaper between your toes and set them on fire. And it's quite painful. Or whip the young slaves, exhausted by hard work, with a whip at night.
  Peter absorbed the animal instincts of a true fascist. And he himself became a beast.
  Hitler said: The Earth was in danger of being resettled. We need as many people as are necessary to serve the German masters. This formed a merciless morality. And the attitude towards other peoples is as if they were subhuman.
  However, on the other hand, the totalitarian regime and the vaunted German order had an effect. Production grew, and not only military production. Not only did the production of weapons increase, but roads were also built, bridges, steep airfields, and cities were erected. So it is not yet possible to judge this regime unambiguously. A certain effect was achieved through slave labor and a totalitarian regime.
  The war went on, and the empire developed and grew. Both power and economy.
  Peter ran for quite a long time... Until he felt tired... Then he got his second wind.
  Time passed, and the sun began to set. Peter is already thoroughly tired. He looked at the red sun and thought when this day would finally end and he could go into a woman"s arms. And so on flutter...
  To distract himself a little, Peter tried to remember his father"s stories from the Eastern Front. And from the West too. My father managed to fight in Poland, Belgium, France and Russia... And the war began quite successfully. Many Germans were afraid that it would be like in the First World War. But Hitler turned out to be wiser and luckier than Wilhelm. Smashed the enemies piece by piece. The Germans, losing a few soldiers, captured Poland, and then won and destroyed in France, Belgium, and Holland.
  The war in the east did not cause much fear in anyone. Victory followed victory. But the Germans still advanced as quickly as planned. All the deadlines have already passed, and Russia is fighting. And then the winter disaster. Peter's father died in the Soviet snowdrifts. They didn't even find the body. Peter vaguely hoped that his dad might be in captivity, and remained alive. But prisoners were exchanged twice. We were returning from Russia. Many became disabled. True, there were relatively few prisoners. The father was not among them.
  Peter was then still too young to get to the eastern front. But he wanted to take revenge on the Russians. But by the end of the eastern company the boy did not have time. The Germans did not consider its results victorious, although the gains turned out to be significant.
  It got completely dark... The supertank stopped. The girls had to have a snack and go to bed. Dinner was quick, standard rations, chocolate, dried bananas, dried meat.
  Peter sat down next to his friend. She winked at the boy. Why not have fun with a beardless young man? Peter sat in only his shorts. Sculpted, lean, with clear and tanned skin. It's nice to feel something like this . The girl stroked Peter's muscular chest. The boy began to stroke her in response.
  They entwined themselves in hugs and showered each other with kisses. Peter wasn't a virgin. While still at school, he will receive a love lesson from a professional prostitute. Typically, teenagers were raised heterosexually. Given their hypersexuality, women were instructed to teach love when desire arose. Peter already knew how to give pleasure, and the girl soon began to moan lasciviously.
  But they did not enjoy love for long. A signal sounded. The gun must finally fire. And then the powerful cannon began to move. The girls rushed around, dragging the projectile with a winch.
  The Monster supertank was loaded with a bomb weighing twenty tons. And prepared to spit it out at the target. The gun was aimed using the radio, and from above "Rama"-5 carried out fire correction.
  The gunner girl switched data on the display. The gun froze... The gun resembled a mound with a wide muzzle. And this is how the crackling shot hits. It shook from the recoil, and a pillar of fire rushed into the sky. The girls even fell down from the recoil, but immediately jumped up.
  The striking present flew in a high arc beyond the horizon. So the supertank's cannon fired its first shot.
  The main gunner said:
  - In this case, there is no peace without war and no cloud without good! We took our chance.
  The projectile flew about a hundred kilometers in a straight line, and more than two hundred and fifty in a high arc. His parabola broke into the stratosphere. And she went down at an extreme angle. The flight took several minutes, and a real fire tornado fell on the fortified positions of the Americans. For hundreds of meters, everything was compressed and destroyed. It was as if there was a fiery tsunami. And for a couple of battalions of American infantry, the last day truly came.
  The girl was sipping another rocket from the most powerful bomb launcher on planet Earth. And they were preparing to bring down this multi-ton fist on the enemy.
  The chief gunner rubbed her bare fingers on the metal hoop and chirped:
  - But don"t give in to him, and you will return the monster to darkness!
  It took three minutes to charge. Quite a lot, but the shot is many times stronger than any weapon in the world. And if it hits, it won"t seem like it"s not enough, it won"t even seem average.
  The girls are very active. The aim follows, and the barrel turns. Peter imagines for a moment what could really happen to those who fall under such a club of Thor. And he gets scared. This is the coming blow. That literally the planet will shake.
  And even when a missile is flying it"s scary! And it seems like a harbinger of death.
  Peter, even inspired, sang:
  - The death machine has gone crazy! She flies without knowing the target!
  The girl who had just slept with the boy continued:
  - We smiled, this time! We walked along the white stripe!
  And the second present reached its goal. He hit his opponents with such explosive force that limbs and fragments flew far in all directions. Damaging elements scattered across US positions over many hundreds of kilometers.
  The defensive line was being shelled. The Americans had it like sinners in hell, if not worse.
  The sky and earth were mixed, everything was burning and cracking. The sky was splitting apart from explosions. Lightning flashed across the sky.
  And the girls pulled the third rocket. Like, there will be an extra dish for you. Peter remembered Frederick the Great. His signature slash attacks. The king was hard on both the Russians and the Austrians. Of course, they were taught to a limited extent, but it was not hidden that the Russians defeated the Prussians. On the contrary, it was emphasized: since Frederick the Great himself lost to the Russians, then how cool was Hitler, who reached and took Orenburg. The truth is that Moscow has not yet succumbed.
  The boy pulled up the winch, stepped on the bolt with his bare heel and felt pain. It would be nice to wear sneakers, Peter thought. That night in late May and it's already pretty chilly in Canada. It's already hot in Mexico. However, you can sunbathe there even in winter. And so the barefoot teenager knocked down his feet.
  Peter, seizing the moment, put his hands on the girl"s hips. She purred loudly and said:
  - Not now, handsome!
  The other girl wrapped her arms around Peter's torso. I stroked his muscles. I felt the hairless, muscular body. And she kissed the sharp shoulder blade, feeling the skin with her lips. I taste tested it. The boy smelled of youth.
  In the Third Reich it is not customary to hide instincts. Somehow, on the contrary, modest women evoke contempt. What Nazism supposedly teaches is that one must be more natural, closer to nature. This means that a woman must love men, and most importantly different ones. Look for someone worthy, strong, smart, beautiful. And Peter is really handsome and has ripped muscles. You want to hug and hold him close, stroke and kiss him, or maybe do something more serious.
  Another rocket projectile rushed towards the positions of the US Army. She flew in a high arc, as if a panther made of flame was arching. And she carried with her many gravestones in the fire version.
  Peter barked:
  - This is really a coffin gambit!
  And the boy laughed deafeningly loudly. The girls turned to the boy and began to tickle his heels. It all looked like five or six girls were mocking a young man. And Peter kept laughing and grinning at himself. One of the beauties put her scarlet nipple in his mouth. The young man began to kiss and suck him.
  Peter knew what a taste it was. Like ice cream. Like chocolate covered strawberries. How pleasant a woman"s skin tastes, like a honey bagel. And you lick her so greedily...
  But the girls also tickle and pinch. Which is not so nice anymore. However, a menacing shout from the commander follows and the beauties run away. Their pink soles flash. And bare legs jump.
  And what"s going on on the American side is a typical nightmare on the Street of Burning Elms.
  The fourth rocket is also loaded into the bomb launcher. This is the game with the dominoes of death. The warriors are determined to win until the great end. And the desire for success is in the heart of every true Aryan woman.
  Wagner's music started playing to make it more fun for the girls to move. This is such a fun thing to do with a symphony. And the fourth missile has been installed. Ready to fly to great heights.
  And from above howls the TA-500 - a bomber with eight engines. Something that seems so scary and unsurpassed. Perhaps only the discus makes a more eerie impression.
  And irresistible...
  And just then a flying saucer appeared. She slid across the sky like a sunbeam. This is speed. And it rushes as if it were something terribly cool and cosmic.
  Peter even sang, composing as he went:
  Under the pretext of goals, humanism,
  To build heaven on Earth...
  The Fuhrer switched to the path of fascism,
  A terrible temple was erected to Satan!
  And after shouting, the boy pulled out the wire. The fourth rocket flew into the air. It cut through the atmosphere, and there was a distinct smell of ozone in the air.
  And somewhere in the sky a discus was ramming an American B-29. A large machine with wings was incinerated by a nightmare flying mastodon.
  Peter sang:
  - A strange feeling of peace - you are no longer in the past... In the future, you are transformed into endless light!
  And there really is a lot of light... And everything burns with such a blue flame. The disc plane rammed a dozen aircraft and disappeared beyond the horizon.
  Peter ran to unwind another wire. No, war is really cool. Although the boy imagined her somewhat differently.
  And then after the victory they will be given land and slaves. Depending on the military contribution. Peter licked his lips. If only I could get a whole harem. He would have fun with them. Although there are so many girls here. Just a whole seraglio.
  He and his mother also have a sister. She urges the slaves on with a whip.
  The Germans are taught that they are the highest nation. But in reality, of course, not everything is so simple. Russian boys are very similar to German guys and are not stupid at all.
  Do you think what role to give them? They don't want to be a pet. But we shouldn"t consider ourselves equal either. Peter thought that Russians could be treated like younger brothers. They fought well against Hitler's army and showed courage.
  But Americans are persistent. Now the fifth shell is being launched at the Yankees. This means that they have a fairly strong defense that has to be broken.
  Peter waved his fist in the air in frustration. He personally would like to pick up a machine gun and shoot. Or maybe even better, like cutting down antiquity with a sword. It's quite romantic to fight with cold steel.
  The boy took it and sang:
  I remembered ancient times - immediately on horseback,
  The impatient beast rushes into pace...
  I couldn"t live without my Fatherland for even a day,
  May my homeland be happier than all countries!
  And in the future, galaxies await us,
  The endless expanses of the universe...
  The Nazi fighter is very cool,
  And all creatures will submit to the Reich!
  The girls heard the song and shouted in unison:
  - What a warrior! A real macho!
  Gerda's tank crew entered US territory. To the famous state of Texas. The place is famous for its tough cowboys and gangsters. Here the American resistance increased sharply, and fierce battles broke out. The Yankees, once on their own territory, fought desperately. America's situation is quite dire. German tanks and aircraft are superior in quality, and are produced in huge quantities. And the motley army fights very well.
  The girls fired at the battery. The main American cannon of 76 mm caliber is not at all dangerous for the E-50. The caliber is 90 mm for an inclined forehead too. Only the caterpillars could be damaged. The warriors fired, as usual, without missing. And the battery went silent.
  Gerda wiped the glass of the rangefinder and said:
  - We did a very good job. Now head north!
  Magda remarked with sadness in her voice:
  - This is how we make one mistake after another. And this became our kind of curse.
  Gerda rounded her eyes with a triangle and asked in surprise:
  - Where are we mistaken... Everything is going almost according to plan. Mexico is behind us and now we are in the USA. And for that matter, such an enemy as America cannot be left in the rear!
  Magda hastened to clarify:
  - I mean mistakes in the spiritual sense of the word. We are blind and poor in spirit!
  Charlotte growled angrily:
  - It seems we have already agreed that we will follow Aryan monotheism. And you are again updating a discussion that no one needs.
  Christina suggested:
  - Let's better discuss the work of Dumas. For example, is Count Montecristo a positive or negative personality?
  Magda answered in a firm voice:
  - Definitely negative!
  Christina flushed and objected:
  - Why is this still happening?
  Magda logically noted:
  - He doesn"t know how to forgive!
  Charlotte growled:
  - What should we forgive our enemies?
  Magda shook her golden hair and remarked:
  - If you don"t know how to forgive, then violence cannot be stopped!
  Gerda nodded in agreement:
  - There is something in this... But is it necessary to stop the violence?
  Charlotte said confidently:
  - The world rests on violence... The volcano of rage soars in scope...
  Christina echoed with enthusiasm:
  - Tension of the highest strength... It is experienced with both pain and fear!
  Gerda finished singing with delight:
  -Only fear gives us friends,
  Only pain motivates you to work!
  That's why I want it more and more
  The mortar will burst into the horde!
  The girls fell silent. The Sherman's movement distracted them. One shot and the US tank shattered. In general, this car is not at all dangerous for the Germans.
  And here comes the "Witch", she tried to get closer, and was also destroyed. Gerda fired by pressing the joystick with her bare toes.
  She became such a cool Terminator girl. A German tank drove by, crushed several blacks, and released streams of blood.
  Magda remarked with a sigh:
  - We always show cruelty... And when will mercy enter our hearts?
  Charlotte responded:
  - And then when we take over the whole world! This will be a true triumph of will!
  Christina sang with delight:
  - An eye for an eye, blood for blood... We rush in a circle - killing again!
  Gerda bared her large, bright teeth like pearls and hissed:
  - We don"t know pity! And we don"t want to know!
  Magda shrugged and remarked:
  - You can"t argue with me... But God will judge you!
  Charlotte calmly remarked:
  - And in the Bible, Jews, by command of God, killed. That is, the Almighty was not a pacifist. But still, much more, I like the teaching - the Germans are the people of God. This is much more reasonable sound teaching than the Bible!
  Magda shook her head negatively:
  -You don"t understand anything...
  Christina logically noted:
  - He who is strong is right! Have we entered Texas? Then we'll be in New York!
  Gerda giggled and cooed:
  - Success accompanies us... As the song says, with every failure, know how to fight back... Otherwise, you will not see success!
  The girls were distracted. An American P-51 attack aircraft tried to attack them from the sky. This is quite dangerous, since this vulture has rockets. Magda maneuvered deftly. The girls - each of them could drive a tank and shoot, and hit it accurately. The missiles passed by, although dangerously close to the car. The attack aircraft dived, but were hit by anti-aircraft machine guns. The American vulture received holes and began to lose altitude.
  The tail began to smoke, whole pieces of metal, wood, and other things broke off.
  Gerda hissed:
  - Like this! This once again proves who is right and just a weakling!
  Magda noted:
  - And still our luck depends on God!
  Gerda shouted:
  - From the Aryan God!
  Christina added:
  - And from our dexterity... Or awkwardness!
  Charlotte hissed:
  - And also by the power of the flag, and the sharp fangs of cosmic power!
  The tank moved again and was forced to fire. "Grands"-2 appeared. In general, the tank is similar to the Sherman, but somewhat lighter and slightly taller. Not the most advanced weapon, but relatively cheap. Of course, for the Germans it"s a harmless car.
  The girls took turns shooting, smashing the hulls of the Grands. They snapped, but their shells slipped off the German"s armor. The E-50 performed like a robot, demonstrating overwhelming combat capabilities.
  Charlotte roared:
  - The blow of the steel hammer, the dawn dawned on us!
  Gerda fired automatically. And at the same time I remembered handsome Hans. They made love with him, and everything was great! Hans is also a smart guy, he could tell a lot of interesting things. For example, about various adventures of pirates.
  Gerda liked the story of the princess who became a cabin boy for pirates. And then she found treasures, but did not spend them on herself, but gathered an army and began to conquer the world.
  Of course, the image of the warrior-commander is very impressive. How not to replicate it. And you wouldn"t buy such a book if it were printed. Space battles are also interesting. Here, for example, is a fantasy about conquering various star worlds. Valiant Aryans fight against the centaurs...
  While Gerda was remembering, the centaurs, that is, the "Grands," were destroyed. And the German tank advanced further. But slowly. The caterpillar came across a rather powerful radio-controlled mine, and the roller, or rather several rollers, exploded. The metal literally burst and hot water sprayed out. Gerda swore and even kicked Magda:
  - This is your God, what is he doing to us!
  Goldilocks replied:
  - Don't blaspheme...
  The girls had hardly slept for several days, and while they were changing the skating rinks, they went and fell asleep.
  Then Gerda dreamed about this again...
  Gerda appeared in a vision again. The girl was made a servant of a noble prince. She became a maid of honor and was dressed in silk and velvet. History repeated itself according to Andersen, only in a slightly different version. On the very first day, Gerda greatly rubbed her feet in her new boots, and realized that wealth is not only sweetness. And silks are a bit hot in the Italian summer. And the most delicious dishes are not so good when you have a full stomach.
  You cannot compare the sweetness of stale bread with spring water if you eat it hungry.
  In addition, Gerda had to learn foreign languages, good manners, various kinds of etiquette and science. And this is not at all as interesting as leading the life of a tramp.
  You can remember how the prince dreamed of the role of a beggar.
  Gerda tried to get used to it and suffered for a long time. A year has passed. And it already seemed that she was drawn into this exhausting rhythm of life as a maid of honor.
  With cakes every day and expensive clothes.
  But in the mirror in front of which she performed the ceremony, her sworn brother Kai suddenly appeared. The boy had not grown at all, and had not changed over the long years of separation, only he had become too pale with an unhealthy blue color. In the Snow Queen's castle, he seemed to be frozen, and was still trying to form the word "Eternity" from the ice floes.
  Something that could give him freedom.
  But it seems he didn't succeed. What is it like to sit in an ice castle for many years, even if you don"t feel the cold?
  And all around you are polar bears and ice statues?
  Gerda felt that her named brother was deeply unhappy. There is only ice and polar bears around, you are sorting through the pieces of ice sparkling like diamonds. Even taking into account that the said brother"s heart has frozen, it is still clear that he is deeply unhappy.
  Maybe even this misfortune is a thousand times worse when you have frozen water in your chest?
  Gerda screamed and decided to run. She went to her room. Honestly, I left behind my boots, an expensive dress and thin underwear. She put on her old dress, which had turned into rags, but was carefully kept. It became tight and exposed the legs above the knees. The girl has grown up, and she looks about thirteen years old, but in reality she is ten years older. How long has it been since she went looking for her adopted brother? For thirteen years now, if not more.
  Gerda hesitated a little. Maybe take at least some shoes... Or leave dressed up. But it's not fair! And for a tramp, rags are just right.
  The girl kissed the crucifix and so, barefooted, went in search of her adopted brother. At least she now knew that he was far to the north. On the way she was met by guards. Seeing Gerda barefoot and in rags, they were surprised:
  - Are you the maid of honor? What kind of look do you have?
  Gerda lied:
  "I angered my prince, and he ordered me to go to all four directions, in the same rags that I went to serve."
  The guard remarked pitifully:
  "You"ll break all your legs, I"ll give you at least a pair of shoes." My daughter has grown out of them, and they will be just the right time for you!
  The girl"s legs are really so chiseled, beautiful, and defenseless that imagining them on sharp stones you involuntarily feel a feeling of pity.
  Gerda modestly replied:
  - I didn"t deserve this... Keep it for yourself or sell it!
  The bearded man shook his head:
  - Well, I do not! The roads of Italy are too harsh and rocky for the girl's bare feet. Moreover, you are already unaccustomed to the harsh surface. It"s still May, and it won"t get cold soon, but at night I"ll give you a downy scarf to cover yourself with... Until you find new good owners!
  It"s inconvenient for the girl to refuse.
  - Thank you! - Gerda answered.
  She took with her leather shoes that were almost unworn - apparently her daughter only wore them on holidays, and a downy scarf, also practically new. She thanked the gentle-hearted guard. The shoes were indeed comfortable, a little oversized, but normal. It was comfortable to walk in them.
  The guard gave him another crust of bread for the road, smiled and said:
  - Take care of your shoes, and try to find yourself a decent home.
  But as soon as she turned the corner, the girl took off her shoes and hung them on her shoulder. She really wanted to walk barefoot, to take a break from the palace shoes. At first it was pleasant to walk, the road dust tickled my bare heels. But then the long absence of habit began to take its toll. The girl"s soles became softer and softer, and she soon felt the sting of the pebbles and the burning.
  Soon, every step felt like hitting bare heels with sticks.
  But Gerda, who had managed to hang on a rack in her not-so-short life, was not embarrassed by this. After all, walking barefoot on a rocky road is less painful than having your heels roasted by a brazier. Even if over the course of a year she, the maid of honor, has become pampered. She won't be able to stand it.
  Gerda clenched her teeth tighter and added a step.
  By the end of the day, the girl"s bare feet were bleeding, but she did not give up and fell asleep in a haystack. And the next day I set off again along the rocky road.
  And the torn soles dug into sharp stones, causing the girl suffering. From time to time the girl dipped her broken feet into the water and cooled her cut feet.
  Gerda did not take food with her, and she had to eat alms. They eagerly served it to a pretty girl in rags.
  At first Gerda wanted to sell her leather shoes or exchange them for food, and put on shoes herself, which was easier, but then she changed her mind. Her feet very quickly became rough, the soles were overgrown with calluses, and she did not need shoes, especially in the warm season. But she met two little boys who were literally dying of hunger.
  Very thin boys, skin and bones, bodies barely covered with rags, bare feet knocked down.
  The girl fed them what she had collected in a bag, then sold them in a merchant"s shop, of course at a big discount, almost new shoes. We bought some food and left it for the boys, along with a down scarf.
  They ate for the first time in many years.
  Of course, Gerda behaved in a Christian generous way. Moreover, it was summer, and at night there was no need to cover with a scarf. But when the generous fields of Italy ended, the girl walking north ended up in the Alps. And there it is still warm during the day, but cold at night. And villages are much less common, you have to go hungry.
  The hungry girl is literally twisting her guts.
  One day there was a summer frost and the rags froze. The girl jerked and completely tore her dress. She found herself naked and defenseless. I had to carry my rags and walk quickly. You can't sleep naked at night - it's a real hell. Gerda did not sleep all day and night, but in the morning she went down a little lower and warmed up and slept. Then she walked all night again, and by lunchtime the next day she reached a mountain farm.
  The girl screamed with joy and began waving her arms. Her figure was already taking shape, and when a man appeared, Gerda hurried to cover herself with her hands.
  The answer was:
  - Wow, you're a savage!
  The owner agreed to give Gerda simple and old clothes, but in return he forced her to chop wood for two whole weeks and carry water in buckets with a rocker.
  Plus, you can also fill up the hole in the fence by placing stones.
  The girl worked until exhaustion and ate only stale bread and sour milk. The owner invited her to stay, but Gerda lied, saying that she was on a pilgrimage. Reluctantly, the mountain fist gave her some kind of holey sackcloth, but at least you"re not naked. And he didn"t even throw a piece of bread on the road.
  And this is for a girl whose hands were covered with calluses from labor, and who worked on the geek until exhaustion.
  Gerda had to go with an empty stomach. And in the mountains, villages are rare, and the Alps themselves are large, on the tops of the mountains, even in summer there is snow. The hungry girl tore up grass, clover, and chewed on fir cones. In ten days, she grew so thin that she was nothing but skin and bones. I couldn"t even resist eating the squirrel raw.
  She didn"t disdain to suck icicles, risking catching a sore throat.
  Then I came across the farm again. She worked hard there for three days, but she ate enough, and they gave her some for the road. But the worst thing in the highlands was the night cold. The girl slept during the day and stomped on sharp stones with her bare, calloused feet at night. Sometimes wolves howled, several times Gerda fell into the abyss and almost fell, but fate protected her. Although there is considerable fear of walking through the mountains at night. And hungry...
  Something like an icy hell.
  When Hannibal crossed the Alps to Italy, half of his army and all his elephants died. And here the transition is made by a small, well, even an adult girl for years.
  Her legs experienced sharp stones, broke the crust of ice, and her body was exhausted, but still carried the courageous heroine over the peaks.
  When Gerda was already on the verge, she came across another farm on her way, and again there was food. The owner turned out to be kinder and offered the girl a short fur coat and shoes, but Gerda refused, saying that she was already accustomed to the stones and cold, and bare feet walked much easier than those loaded with shoes. The owner gave us a whole bag of food for the journey.
  Gerda hesitated a little, stepping on the sharp stones with her bare soles, but the calluses on the edge were even pleasant.
  Of course, this made the girl heavier, but it allowed her to walk for another couple of weeks without stopping. The highlands were coming to an end, the mountains were getting lower and lower. And Gerda crossed the most difficult part of the path: the top of the Alps.
  To do something like this barefoot and in light clothing is akin to the feat of Hercules. And the child did everything.
  Now she finds herself in Switzerland, where things are a little milder and farmsteads are more common. The transition strengthened Gerda, and she did not catch a cold in the mountains, and did not even catch a runny nose. Why do the Gods not like the weak in spirit, but reward the strong?
  And this speaks of heroism and courage capable of grinding stones.
  Gerda kept walking and walking, stopping in farmsteads, working, and sometimes singing. A wandering life is pleasant and familiar to her. The days began to go faster and harder. Fate has so far protected the girl from evil people, robbers and rapists. Still, Gerda is no longer so small, and could attract rapists. But so far everything has worked out well.
  Once, however, she was attacked by a robber. He knocked him down, the girl hit him on the head with a stone. And then, in a frenzy, she beat her to death.
  So the girl passed through Switzerland, entering Bavaria. Summer has already passed the peak, but on the plain it is still very warm, even at night. And the roads are not so rocky. It was a real pleasure to go. We came across settlements often, and there were no problems with food. Gerda, working part-time, saved herself some money and updated her dress with a more elegant and new one. But she preferred to walk barefoot, especially since the soles became harder than those of boots.
  And without shoes, your feet are much lighter and more walkable.
  But time passed. The girl moved north. Summer is over and autumn has arrived. Cold rains poured down, and Gerda found herself in northern Germany. She splashed her bare feet through the icy puddles, feeling a slight chill. But Gerda is already so familiar that she decided not to acquire shoes and a fur coat, limiting herself to only one woolen scarf. She again preferred to spend the night, only during the day, and stomp at night.
  Her bare feet broke the crust of ice, and the calluses on the soles felt almost bliss.
  So it passed the fairly densely populated north of Germany and reached the sea.
  I looked at the waves that splashed and hit the shore. She dipped her tired feet into salt water. She splashed around in the water, which seemed almost warm.
  There is nowhere to go further by land, and it is impossible to cross the sea. His native Denmark was relatively close. The girl suddenly wanted to return to her native Copenhagen. Maybe her own grandmother is still alive. Moreover, it is not clear how to proceed further.
  But Gerda sat down on a pebble by the sea and, after thinking, rejected the idea of returning. If there is no other way out, then you should find a ship going north, reach the ice and then move to the North Pole. Because, most likely, the snow queen"s castle is located there.
  Well, if necessary, she will find such a ship, but for now, go to the port.
  Then the real Gerda woke up. Charlotte shook her shoulder, reminding her:
  "They repaired the caterpillar a long time ago, but they didn"t want to wake us up." Who will finish off the Americans?
  Gerda noted, half asleep:
  - Not to hit, but to finish? This is self-confidence!
  Christina squealed:
  - Why do you still doubt it?
  Gerda shook her snow-white hair:
  - No! What doubts can there be in principle! That we haven"t fought through most of the world?
  Christina giggled:
  - Most of the world... And when will it be all!
  Magda angrily noted:
  - Without God we will achieve nothing!
  The girls shouted in unison:
  - Enough! Not a word about religion! We want to be worldly!
  And the tank began to move, catching up with its comrades. The car glided smoothly. The gas turbine engine pushed easily, and the tank accelerated on the highway at seventy kilometers.
  But here, of course, they walked slower along the road. Gerda asked her friends with a smile:
  - I wonder, do you think Washington will have to be taken by storm or will America capitulate first?
  Charlotte suggested:
  - It will be like in a fairy tale!
  Gerda grinned:
  - Is this like in a fairy tale?
  Charlotte said pompously:
  - The further you go, the worse it gets!
  Gerda suddenly said:
  - And I dreamed that I became a little girl. Almost like Andersen"s heroine, only even more dramatic!
  Christina remarked affectionately:
  - More dramatic... Hmm, what if Andersen wrote about our tank?
  Charlotte confirmed energetically:
  - That's it! It"s like our tank fell in love with a self-propelled gun, and they argued which one was cooler. Then the self-propelled gun was sent to metal...
  Christina corrected:
  - Or maybe not only a self-propelled gun, but also a tank... And they became robotic terminators in the future. And instead of cannons and machine guns they carried combat blasters.
  Gerda sang:
  - Previously, they froze in the trenches, the grandfathers moaned... And now hyperplasma is the arbiter of fate!
  Christina raised her bare, very beautiful legs and remarked:
  - I would create a sensation in the princes" palace... And you too!
  Gerda agreed with this:
  - We have a charming four!
  Magda stroked Christina's leg and muttered:
  - Yes, the female body is beautiful!
  Gerda looked at Magda with suspicion:
  - When was the last time you had a man?
  The girl answered angrily:
  - You know that yourself!
  Charlotte suggested:
  - Maybe we can make fun of the prisoners?
  Gerda rationally remarked:
  - First we need to capture them! And then we will have a decisive victory! With torture and blood!
  Charlotte, that red-haired devil bared her teeth and hissed:
  - And I love blood!
  The tank on which the beauties were riding entered the battle. This time, four Pershings stood in the way. Slightly more dangerous tanks fired more often. The warriors took turns firing. Only one shell hit the E-50, and the American tanks fell silent. The fight was short, half a minute. There was no chance to resist the German gun.
  Then the Shermans appeared. The girls hit them from a distance. We hit several. The neighbors finished off the rest.
  Then the Germans moved on. We found a battery with abandoned guns. But as it turned out, not everything is so simple. The guns that were thrown turned out to be camouflage, and from behind the ambush they opened accurate and destructive fire.
  The girls answered. The Americans were silenced. But the armor of their tank was scratched several times.
  Gerda noted:
  - If we had more self-confidence and weaker armor, we would have to hold a funeral!
  Magda remarked angrily:
  - But then you would definitely know what kind of God we have!
  Gerda answered harshly:
  - In my next life, I would become a general and take command of the army.
  Charlotte growled:
  - I would have received two armies at once!
  Christina giggled and added:
  - And you are petty! Why not four at once!
  Gerda, laughing, remarked:
  - No, it"s better to immediately have a billion, or a trillion!
  The girls burst out laughing and even bumped their foreheads. Then, their tank drove on. We had to shoot with machine guns. Having mowed down several dozen Yankees. Here the Americans fought more stubbornly. And the white flag was not thrown away.
  "Witches" appeared, self-propelled guns that are not powerful, but nimble. Their girls were shot, although they received a couple of hits in themselves.
  One of the "Witches" even turned over after an accurate hit. Girls
  - We are super!
  And again they sent shells. They laid it extremely accurately.
  While the warriors fought without fear. But along the way they came across a battery of heavy 120-mm guns. Here we already had to maneuver. So that God forbid, they do not kiss their deadly embrace.
  The shells flew almost nearby.
  Gerda opened fire from a distance. The first American gun fell silent.
  Then a blow to the second, and then to the third.
  Magda whispered:
  - God bless us!
  The projectile hit the upper frontal plate of the E-50, but the 250 mm at an angle deflected the gift. But against the German gun the Americans had no salvation. War is boxing, but in this case, the Nazis turned out to have too long arms.
  Charlotte remarked with a chuckle:
  - Such weapons... And how they turned into soft-boiled meat!
  Gerda objected with alarm in her voice:
  - Such large guns might have been noticed by our attack aircraft. After all, this caliber can be dangerous for us, especially if it hits the side!
  Christina whined:
  - I have a noble figure, but our pilots are hacks!
  The 155-mm howitzer also fired. True, its accuracy is not enough for a German tank. Such a thug, lacking coordination. The enemy is not a fly, however! And the height of the E-50 is about two meters - the tank turned out to be quite squat.
  Charlotte covered the howitzer, aiming the guns using the joystick with her bare toes, and growled:
  - I'm really great!
  Christina faked a yawn:
  - Your compliments are monotonous!
  Charlotte nodded in agreement.
  - Yes! We showed you the routine technique! It's time to switch to uppercuts!
  Magda couldn"t resist blurting out:
  - With God's help, naturally!
  In the first half of June, the troops of the Third Reich approached Toronto and surrounded Canada's largest city. The Americans tried to cling to a large populated area. And they brought troops there. The Germans, according to tradition, surrounded the city, trying to strike at more vulnerable points. The largest battles unfolded with the participation of more than one and a half million soldiers on each side. The American submachine gun was inferior to the German assault rifle, especially the latest MP-54 models, and the rest of the equipment even more so.
  Americans are not very resilient in battles. Many of them preferred to hide during artillery shelling or even surrender - especially if they got into the cauldron.
  If you fight the Germans, you shouldn"t be afraid! And the Soviet soldiers are not afraid of this, but great doubts have arisen about the American ones. Nevertheless, the Yankees fight, and the advance comes at a cost to the Germans.
  The Monster supertank was advancing towards Toronto. He now had to bombard the fortified fortress city. The main gunner Adala was somewhat upset about this. Because too many civilians should die during the shelling.
  This young woman was not evil at all. But she is ready to fulfill her duty to the Third Reich.
  Life is a complicated thing. Adala was not a purebred German. She had a Russian father, which, of course, spoiled her image. But her mother officially claimed that she carried Adala from a German. The girl herself was very complex from these hints. She went to the eastern front in 1942, when the Fuhrer allowed the use of women in combat.
  She fought as a sniper for some time. She was distinguished by her accuracy and good scores. Received iron crosses of the first and second class. Then the cross of military merit in silver and gold. And also the sniper's cross, first in silver, then in gold. She took part in the storming of London. Then she found herself on the eastern front again. She won the title of one of the best snipers of the Third Reich. She received the sniper cross in gold and with diamonds, as well as the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross.
  She was assigned as the main gunner and commander of the Monster supertank. Which is very prestigious.
  Adala is, of course, a top-class gunner. And she was a skilled and cunning sniper. And she has four Soviet generals and more than forty officers. Adala treated Russians with respect. They really resisted stubbornly. The girl, for example, took part in the assault on Sevastopol. I saw the massive heroism of the Soviet troops. Then she fought both on the outskirts of Stalingrad and in Stalingrad itself. She also fought with the British - also serious, although not as good fighters as the Russians.
  Adala escaped serious injury, but was slightly scratched several times by bullets and shrapnel. So there was a risk to life. The girl was hardened in battles, and now she felt almost like a rear rat. Truly a "Monster" weapon from a long distance and another four hundred millimeters of alloy armor.
  You don"t feel very valiant in such a tank. And then shoot around the city. The sniper, after all, only kills military personnel. And here...
  Adala, giving the order to shoot, whispered:
  - May God keep our hearts pure!
  Here is Peter running around. A cute boy wearing only shorts that suit him - ripped, tanned, with a good figure. The boy is handsome and many girls look at him eagerly, or even try to touch him. Adala sternly shouts at them not to do it too openly. Yes, and they can drag a teenager around. The body has not yet matured, there are fifteen healthy, fully mature girls. It's better to look for grown men.
  Peter is from a poor family; of course, he will have great luck getting a job on a supertank. Here they pay more and are relatively safe.
  But when the teenager shot and killed his captive, an old black man, it left Adala with a bad taste.
  You really can"t kill an unarmed person, it"s ugly. Maybe it"s true that shooting an old man is personally a smaller loss - it"s not such a pity. But it's still unpleasant.
  Adala didn"t say anything to Peter, but decided that if necessary, she would play some trick on the boy. In the meantime, let him work... Adala imagined how the boy was being spanked. I wonder if he will scream?
  A girl once read a book about Stenka Razin"s son.
  A boy of about thirteen was arrested along with his father. Old Man is understandably a well-known rebel who has shed streams of blood. But the son is still just a child. Ask him which one.
  But Cornil"s assistant assessed the former military chieftain differently. And he suggested that the boy be interrogated with passion - what if he knew where his father"s treasures were located.
  Stenka Razin's son was taken to a torture cellar. The boy tried to look straight and hold himself proud. Although it was scary inside. Torture instruments are hung up, the fireplace is blazing. Executioners in red helmets.
  Samosa approached the boy, extended his hand, shook him by the collar and asked menacingly:
  - If you tell me where the guy hid the treasure, we"ll set him free. No - we will torture!
  Stenka Razin"s son Grishka bravely answered:
  - I won't tell you anything! And even more so for you!
  Samosa barked:
  - Torture the tomboy!
  And he personally pulled at the collar, tearing off the boy"s caftan. They stripped Grishka and dragged him on the rack. The boy desperately tried to kick back. But the experienced executioners immobilized Grishka with a blow to the neck. Then they secured his hands behind him and began to lift him by the rope. The boy gnashed his teeth. The executioner grabbed the boy by the torso and shook him, twisting him in the joints. Grishka began to breathe heavily, but held back a cry.
  The clerk dictating to the scribes said in a deep voice:
  - Tell me, thief, where your brother hid the treasure.
  The boy answered with contempt in his voice:
  - Even if I knew, I wouldn"t say!
  Samosa ordered the executioner:
  - Hit! Ten strikes with care!
  The executioner struck steadily. Grishka's body shook. On the tenth blow the torturer froze. And looked at Samosa. During the execution, the boy was silent, biting his lip.
  The clerk said in a deep voice:
  - Tell me, thief, where did the guy hide the treasure?
  Grishka shouted:
  - I will not say!
  Samosa growled:
  - Five strikes without saving!
  The executioner struck the boy with a sweeping blow, shaking his entire body. Grishka screamed, but bit his lip. A second blow followed. Also sweeping and strong. Grishka continued to be silent. And again the third blow, blood dripped from the cut skin.
  Samosa frowned as the boy was being spanked. Of course, the son might not have known where Stenka hid the treasure. And even, perhaps, real treasures. But the boy should be questioned. And take the secrets out of him.
  After the fifth blow, the blood started dripping actively.
  The clerk repeated the question. Grishka was silent.
  Samosa ordered:
  - Burn his heel.
  The executioner took out a piece of hot iron and brought it to the boy"s bare sole. He shuddered, twisted, and... lost consciousness.
  Adala thought that it would be a good idea to put Peter through this so that he would not kill the unarmed and the old. Peter did something wrong. What would it be like in a real, contact battle? Wouldn't you be shy?
  Stenka Razin"s son Grishka, by the way, knew where one of his father"s treasures was hidden, but remained silent. He was brought to his senses by pouring a bucket of ice water. Then Samosa ordered:
  - Burn the other heel with iron too!
  This time the boy didn"t pass out, he tried to twitch, but Grishka"s bare feet were clamped in the stocks.
  Samosa hissed:
  - Five more lashes, without any care!
  After the fifth blow, the boy"s bright head shook, and Grishka lost consciousness.
  An experienced clerk in torture advised:
  - Let him go! The child will still lay back!
  Samosa said sternly:
  - Remove the puppy! Wipe it with vodka and put it on the bed... Let it go! Tomorrow we will continue the torture!
  Grishka was removed from the rack and the cuts were wiped with a mixture of alcohol and water. The boy twitched: the vodka stung. Then Grishka was given hot broth and locked in a heated cell. But just in case, they chained the boy by the neck and let him fall asleep. The boy slept on his stomach, the bed was soft. Victims often die during torture by executioners, and Samosa wanted to know where Stenka hid his treasures.
  After allowing Grishka to go away and sleep, the next day the boy was again dragged into the torture room. They pulled him up on the rack again. Grishka's already stretched joints became more painful. Weights were hung at the boy's feet. To stretch the muscles more. Then the executioner, smiling, brought a red-hot iron and pressed it to Grishka"s chest. The boy gnashed his teeth in wild pain.
  Samosa bellowed:
  - Speak thief!
  It smelled burnt. The smell of roasting meat intensified. Grishka's eyes squinted from the shock of pain, and the boy lost consciousness again. The executioner took the iron from his chest and said:
  - Strong boy...
  Samosa growled:
  - We need to split it... The brazier is at your feet!
  The executioner smeared the boy's soles with oil and lit a brazier from a distance. The already scorched heels were in great pain. The boy was breathing heavily. He dropped a mixture of sweat and blood, gnashed his teeth, but was silent. Although it cost him dearly. The efforts were desperate.
  Samosa growled fiercely:
  - You will talk! Hey, hit me on the back!
  The executioner rained blows on Grishka. On the tenth blow, the boy's head shook sluggishly and fell over. The boy did not immediately come to his senses, even after a bucket of water was poured on him. Samosa hit Grishka in the face and ordered:
  - Hit again!
  Deak remarked:
  - The naked man will die...
  Samosa growled:
  - Crap! Get him off the rack! Continue tomorrow!
  Grishka was again removed from the torture device and taken to the room. The boy thrashed and twitched. He fell into a heavy, delusional sleep. Then he woke up and cried. But as soon as the jailer appeared, he fell silent and looked at him angrily. He threw the boy some bread and kvass. The boy had no chance to escape, especially since he was chained by the neck.
  The next day Grishka was tortured a little differently. They lifted me up to the ceiling, raising their arms on the rack, and then let go. Such wild pain that
  interrupts breathing. The boy was lifted three times until he lost consciousness.
  After which the executioner beat him with a whip again and burned his stomach with a hot iron. After thoroughly torturing the boy, they released him and took him to his cell. The executioners failed to achieve anything.
  The next day, Grishka was strung up on a rack, a brazier was lit under his bare feet, and hot wire was applied to his back and buttocks. The boy lost consciousness several times during the torture, but came to his senses. Until the executioners themselves got tired and stopped the torture.
  The next day the boy was stretched out, and the executioner began to break his toes with red-hot tongs and also press on his ribs. Grishka screamed several times, but responded to demands to say something with a moo.
  And again he received the whip.
  Two weeks passed. Grishka's childish body is already exhausted by torture. Pain is everywhere. There was not a blood or vein left untouched by pain. At first, when they beat him and burned him, he wanted to rush in and muffle the explosions in his body. But when the pain engulfed the entire being, it became dull.
  Samosa himself saw that the chances of wresting something from Grishka were fading before his eyes. The executioners tried a new remedy. We found flour. Grishka's hair was shaved off and cold water began to drip onto his crown. The torture is cruel and effective. After a few hours, it feels like bombs are exploding in the brain. Grishka was almost blind and deaf. He no longer heard the words spoken by the executioner and Samosa.
  They gave up and dragged him on the rack again. Not realizing that any pain for the boy was only a consolation - a distraction from a more terrible ulcer in the brain.
  The fire and the lash made his eyes brighten.
  Grishka came to his senses and was able to see the executioners. Here the torturer places weights on the block in which the boy"s legs are clamped. The pain in my arms and shoulders gets worse, but it distracts me from the hell in my brain.
  The samosa roars at the top of its lungs. He himself is red-haired, with a beard:
  - Tell me, puppy, where father hid the treasures!
  Grishka shakes his head. In response there follows a blow that shakes the body, and they hit him hard. Another executioner, under the boy's bare feet, is raking the heat under the rack. It's creepy, but not that scary.
  Here stands Cornila, the godfather of Stenka Razin and a former military chieftain. Aged, with a gray beard. In his gaze there is even a semblance of sympathy for a tortured child. A boyar in a beaver hat stands nearby. He is clearly hot in the torture room. And there is obvious interest in the boy"s torture on his face. The torture continues. Grishka suddenly felt a surge of strength and sang:
  You are Razin, my king and father,
  He once again raised the people against the yoke...
  I believe there will be an end to suffering
  There will be only whips and nothing for the boyars!
  The peasant, the worker is now under the yoke,
  The simple proletarian is crushed by the boyars...
  But I believe that we will sweep away all the bloodsuckers,
  Let's sing a thousand arias to our Motherland!
  After all, in every yard the victim of the boyars groans,
  There are stakes and racks everywhere...
  They are even worse, consider the infidel,
  They torture you, jerk in agony!
  But Razin went through battles,
  All the necessary hands and paths...
  With victory our free Cossack came,
  To tear all the boyar priests!
  No, know that we have doubts,
  After all, we are for the people, without a doubt...
  Now comes the hour of insight,
  For the glory of other generations...
  You are Razin of freedom and honor - the leader,
  Walked around our Russia...
  I want you to become our sovereign,
  Or better yet, a universal messiah!
  Let there be justice, then believe me,
  There will be a ray of light forever...
  And the beast will be torn to pieces by the despot,
  We can wait for dawn!
  The battle is going on near Simbirsk - a struggle,
  We are furious, violent warriors, you know!
  And I believe it"s destiny to become a winner,
  Please give the bars some brains!
  Although Razin died heroically in battle,
  But in eternity his face is holy...
  He is, without a doubt, a knight, a horseman,
  And it will happen, believe the Kremlin in a moment!
  Slavery and the yoke of the boyars will end,
  And the sun will rise over the planet...
  Suffering and deception will disappear forever,
  And Razin is glorified in poems!
  While the boy was singing, everyone, both the executioners and the "audience," stood frozen and listened. But at the last words Samosa exploded and screamed at the top of his lungs:
  - Hit! Kill him!
  The executioner rained furious blows on the boy. Already losing consciousness, Grishka whispered:
  - The people of Russia will be free!
  The bloodied boy was taken off the rack and carried away. Samosa wiped the sweat from his forehead and hissed:
  - Enough! We've had enough! Quarter the bastard and be done with it!
  Cornila said hesitantly:
  - Is it right to quarter a child? And even publicly? Maybe strangle him in the cell?
  Samosa growled, clicking his heels on the floor.
  - No! Execute! And publicly - quartering!
  The boyar confirmed, clenching his fist:
  - Let it be so! I confirm the death sentence!
  Samosa grinned maliciously:
  - Grishka is being quartered! We will bring out all the Razin seed!
  Here Adala got distracted. She is forced to give the command to shoot. And a bomb rocket weighing twenty tons hits Toronto. Brings death and horror to himself. Adala follows the fiery tail with her confused gaze.
  Oh, it would be better if she were a pilot. How cool and romantic this is. Here is such a pilot-raider.
  It"s very cool in the sky.. The girl bowed her head and began to remember at least something good. But nothing came to mind. In addition to the story about the son of Stenka Razin.
  The boy lay on the bed, spinning and delirious in his sleep. It"s hard to sleep when your whole body is wounded, and the ulcers are also corroded by salt and vodka. The last fifteen days have been pure torture. Torture at night and severe delirium during the day.
  The boy dreamed of his father. Mighty and strong Stepan encouraged his son:
  - Hold on kid! The people will remember you as you accepted death!
  Grishka, delirious, replied:
  - What death awaits me?
  Stepan stated confidently:
  - Our future is foggy. And it is not known what lies ahead. But your last moments in life will be the most important. Don't be shy! Keep your courage!
  Grishka answered not quite confidently:
  - I will be firm... But you, dad... Is our just cause really lost?
  Stepan said in a thunderous voice:
  - Well, I do not! I may be executed, but another Razin will come, and after him another Razin, and our enemies will not be able to do anything about it! There will be new centuries, there will be a change of generations... But Lenin, the lord of the storm, will come for Razin!
  Grishka, also gaining confidence, said:
  - I believe you will come back!
  The boy woke up. The body ached dully and the skin was raw. A grinding sound was heard at the door and the executioner entered the cell.
  The large torturer said in a gentle tone:
  - Hello Grishka!
  The boy, suddenly feeling strong, answered:
  - The executioner is not in good health, so you die!
  The torturer nodded good-naturedly:
  - And you are a brave puppy. I"ve seen and tormented different ones... But I"ve never seen anyone like you! So small, but a real flint!
  Grishka modestly replied:
  - I have the spirit of my father!
  The executioner suggested with a grin:
  - Let's make a deal...
  The boy clinked his chain and found the strength to get out of bed and sit down. Grishka asked with interest:
  - What deal?
  The executioner suggested in a whisper:
  - Let you tell me where your father"s treasure is, and I... I"ll take off the collar and take you out in a bag.
  Grishka hesitated for a moment. Indeed, what if you deceive the executioner. Tell him the wrong place, and take advantage of the moment and run away. Save your life and leave your enemies hanging? The temptation was great. But the boy remembered his father. Buy your life with cunning and deceit? No, he must die with dignity on the scaffold!
  Grishka shook his shaved, bruised and bumpy head:
  - No!
  The torturer grinned and remarked:
  - Tomorrow you will be executed! That's for sure... There will be no more torture, but there are no others ready for execution!
  Grishka shuddered, but answered bravely:
  - Well, they will execute... We are all mortals!
  The executioner added with a grin:
  - You won't just be beheaded! And they will throw it on the wheel! First the arms will be cut off, then the legs, and only then the head. Do you want this?
  The boy shuddered, became paler, and muttered:
  - Since fate is like this... I"ll just try to accept death with dignity!
  The executioner grinned and remarked:
  - Your father has already been taken to Moscow. They torture you even worse there. And then a quartering wheel also awaits. And you... It"s a pity that they"ll execute you! You are a strong boy, and it would be nice to torture you some more!
  Grishka answered harshly:
  - In the next world, you will be tortured!
  The executioner left the cell. And Grishka turned around and hit his chin with his fist. Pain reverberated through the veins stretched on the rack. Maybe he shouldn't do that? It was necessary to show prudence and deceive the executioner. And ahead, waiting for him...
  The boy hardly raised and looked at his hand, covered with pissing marks and burns? Will she really be cut off? Grishka looked at his leg. She was also all beaten up, her soles were burned, her toes were broken. But he will probably still be able to climb the scaffold. And his legs and arms and finally his head will be cut off. And then the soul will fly to heaven...
  He is still a child and has not had time to sin. Passed the test of fire and whip. Most likely, a well-deserved paradise awaits ahead, or, in the worst case, a short stay in purgatory. I wonder if they will invite him to confess to a priest? However, this is no longer important. Grishka did not feel his sins and was no longer afraid of the inevitable meeting with God. And in paradise it is good, a wonderful garden, where there is eternal summer, and angels play harps. Why not a place deserved for a boy who suffered severe torture?
  This is better than hanging on the rack, having your skin torn by a whip and your fingers broken with a hot iron. There you will forever remain a boy, and you will be forever young and healthy.
  The door jingling was heard. A girl appeared with a tray, and two guards, as well as Samosa. The monster grinned and said:
  - For the last time in your life, eat well, puppy! Kornila is generous! And there they will cut off your arms and legs!
  Grishka answered harshly:
  - And you will be punished... Not on Earth, but in heaven!
  Samosa growled:
  - Puppy! Let's see how you scream on the wheel!
  Grishka said courageously:
  - Death sometimes gives immortality, and betrayal gives oblivion!
  Samosa angrily slammed the door and left. Only the executioner remained. Grishka nodded almost friendly to him:
  - These are the feasts we celebrate! And you don't want to die!
  The executioner with a sly look asked the boy:
  - Haven"t you thought about your soul?
  Grishka answered honestly:
  - I don"t feel I have any sins to repent of.
  The executioner nodded at this:
  - Well, rejoice, bastard. At the same time, have a glass of wine. Probably the first in my life.
  Grishka began to eat the goose. After the prison gruel, the food seemed extremely tasty. It was a little painful for the boy to chew, but the meat seemed sweet. And it was actively swallowed.
  The executioner remarked:
  - If not for your godfather Cornila, you would not have received such feasts.
  Grishka asked with a serious look:
  - What does he want?
  The torturer answered honestly:
  - Get Stepan's treasures. Otherwise he would not have moved.
  Grishka answered in an indifferent tone:
  - Let the treasures lie in the ground. And will serve future uprisings!
  The executioner said admiringly:
  - Well, you are an eagle! A real warrior! Well, I wish you success!
  And the torturer left the boy. Grishka felt heavy after eating and drinking a glass of strong wine. The eyes closed and the boy fell asleep. He dreamed of battles and various kinds of incidents. It"s like he"s a fairy-tale knight who cuts down thousands of fighters.
  Sign to the right - street, left lane!
  And then he flies on a dragon. Like a fairy tale hero...
  The next morning Grushka was woken up. For the first time, the boy had a good night's sleep and felt more energetic. The executioners raised him up. They put sackcloth on the wounded body. And they lifted me up and led me to execution. Grishka saw paint and sharp spears at dawn.
  The boy walked in irons, which was inconvenient. He was taken out into the yard. The boy's bare, crippled feet found it difficult to step on the cobblestones. But Grishka endured it, gritting his teeth, and tried to stay upright. Although every step of the burned feet was painful. He went out into the square.
  People saw the boy. Shaven, covered in abrasions and bruises, with bare burnt feet, emaciated.
  Grishka inspired pity rather than hatred. Many, especially women, sighed sympathetically.
  The boy winked at them and said:
  - Like, where is ours, it didn"t disappear!
  And he moved on. There was no particular fear. Grishka was sure that he did not deserve hell for himself. And heaven is much better than earthly, cruel existence.
  The place of execution was surrounded by selected Moscow archers. There are a lot of guards and homely Cossacks. It seemed that it was not a child who was being executed, but a state criminal of cosmic proportions.
  The boy unsteadily, staggering, climbed up the ladder, stepping with his burnt feet on the oak boards.
  On the block glittered a huge, sharpened ax. A massive executioner in a red robe walked around. There was also a wheel intended for quartering.
  Grishka crossed himself. It really hurts to move your arms.
  The herald began to read the accusation:
  - This son of Stenka Razin, Grishka, is guilty: of concealing treasures, organizing rebel detachments, of executions and robberies of boyars, of violence against women, and so on. Therefore he is sentenced to quartering on the wheel and eternal anathema. May the sentence be carried out.
  Grishka shuddered, but remained standing in place and standing straight. The clerk hissed:
  - Well, is the thief ready to repent before the people?
  Grishka thought. Yes, he has something to repent of. The boy bowed and said:
  - Sorry, Don Cossacks. I am guilty before you for not freeing you from the boyar yoke.
  Samosa screamed desperately:
  - Execute him quickly!
  The executioner's assistants rushed to the boy. Grishka, overcoming the pain in his hands, tore off the sackcloth himself. The people were exposed to ulcers and wounds caused by the executioners. Then they twisted Grishka"s hands and threw him onto the wheel.
  The executioner raised an ax over the boy. "Now it will begin": thought Grishka.
  But at that moment the bugle sounded and the herald announced:
  - Royal mercy! Due to Gregory's youth, the death penalty is replaced by sale into slavery! Let it be so!
  The boy was lifted from the scaffold and answered into the room. A new life began for Grishka.
  Toronto turned out to be a pretty tough nut to crack. The Nazis, having surrounded the city and avoiding unnecessary losses, methodically destroyed it with artillery and aircraft. Great hopes were also placed on the fifth column within the United States. The assault on Octave turned out to be faster and more successful. Canada's capital fell after three days of fighting. On June 22, 1945, the Nazis approached the northern border of the United States.
  Thus, America found itself in a position of complete strategic constraint. And it is extremely difficult to get out of it. The Nazis celebrated the fifth anniversary of the surrender of France, four years after the attack on the USSR, and two years after the resumption of the eastern operation.
  Thus, the Fuhrer again celebrated with his menagerie with a holiday and gladiatorial fights.
  The Colosseum with five hundred thousand seats was built in Berlin. And a lot of people gathered. The stadium is truly overcrowded. And it could also be closed for the winter with a glass, retractable dome. The Fuhrer and his retinue were sitting in armchairs, and tables with dishes were laid in front of them. And the menagerie feasted.
  Hitler was shown a new tank "E"-400, weighing about five hundred tons. The vehicle was armed with two 105-mm caliber cannons, a 650-mm bomb launcher, and twelve machine guns. A powerful vehicle with sloping armor of 300 mm on the forehead and 250 mm on the sides made a strong impression on the generals. Tank was truly a jack of all trades.
  A gas turbine engine with a record 3,000 horsepower was installed on it. And everyone who saw this squat tank became scared. Although the car looked a lot like a turtle. But with barrels - long anti-tank guns, and a wide and shorter bomb launcher.
  The car was fired upon by guns, showing strong defense. However, it is difficult to transport such a heavy, wide and long bandura by rail.
  Guderian pointed this out. The largest tank strategist suggested:
  - I think it"s better to ban the development of machines heavier than two hundred tons. Otherwise, it will be almost impossible to transfer them even in special carriages.
  Mainstein agreed with Guderian:
  - The tank is too heavy, a big burden. In general, the E-50 suits the military quite well. It is better to produce this vehicle in an assault modification than to invent such giant hybrids.
  The Fuhrer muttered something not very intelligible. In general, Hitler did not like it when his genius was questioned. Lately, however, the praises have become boring. But in this case, the fascist dictator loved big tanks. And I didn"t want to back down.
  Adolf said firmly:
  - It will be in the E-400 series, and our engineers will solve the transportation problem!
  Then there was an inspection of the MP0-55 assault carbine with an increased penetrating bullet. Which also pleased Hitler. As well as high-speed armored personnel carriers. It was generally planned to transfer all the infantry to them.
  The Fuhrer, however, loved tank breakthroughs. There was also some discussion of computers. The project of a new electronic machine using transistors promised to become more efficient and compact.
  The designer promised that soon the computer would be able to play chess.
  Hitler liked this idea. The Fuhrer himself became interested in this game in his free time, and he did a good job. Napoleon also loved chess, and compared real battles to chess. Now the Fuhrer hoped to drive the Americans into Zugzwang. And so far it has worked. The most powerful economy in the world could not resist a united Europe and the resources of the colonies.
  The quantitative indicator of the equipment produced was also high.
  The possessed Fuhrer, however, was distracted by the arena. Beautiful girls came out to fight. And how can you not look at them?
  Hitler admired the half-naked, muscular bodies of the girls, and imagined himself as an elf in his fantasy. It"s good to be a representative of this people - elves do not age and live for thousands of years. They are much stronger and faster than people, and are distinguished by their loving nature. What a race!
  The Fuhrer clapped his hands and said:
  - And neither friend nor enemy, but an elf!
  Meanwhile, the girls got together and began to fight with sabers and swords. A sight already familiar to the Fuhrer.
  And Hitler wants to fight the dragon. To fight a twelve-headed lizard. And cut off his heads using a laser...
  The Fuhrer was clearly interested in laser weapons. And not without reason. After all, heat rays can be used to shoot from flying saucers. And there will be no salvation from them.
  The Fuhrer remembered a film where Stella and Albina flew on a discus using death rays. Everything turned out really great there. One shot and two hundred American planes are immediately engulfed in flames. Then there was more shooting. A marvelous opportunity for combat prowess. And the girl pilots are so beautiful... I just want to touch one of her legs or breasts.
  And in the arena, the girls fall and break, pierced by swords. How cruel this is!
  The Fuhrer himself felt a little nervous. Beauty is dying. But it"s nicer to torture and rape a woman than to kill her.
  One of the girls had her hand cut off and she fell bleeding. She is finished off with a blow from a sharp sword. Hitler even jumps with delight. And purrs:
  - This is acceleration! Let there be a goal!
  Himmler picks up:
  - Let there be a goal!
  The Fuhrer turned to the chief executioner of the Third Reich and asked:
  -What about the Jews?
  Himmler, looking joyful, replied:
  - They work for us, my Fuhrer! Including sharashkas! We forced Jews into our economy!
  The Fuhrer roared at this:
  - Make sure they don't reproduce! And did not mix with other nations!
  Himmler said obsequiously:
  - Yes my Fuhrer!
  Hitler waved it off. He remembered his last night's dream. Somewhat nightmarish and fantastic.
  It was as if he was flying on a starship, and... They were being pursued by space pirates. A whole pack. Next to the Fuhrer were four girls in bikinis. And another whole team along with the elf.
  The enemy was inexorably approaching. He resembled a ghost, from the world of nightmares.
  In his dream, Hitler was a sorcerer, or rather a magician. He prepared an improvised potion, being ready to meet his adversary with hostility. His magic wand vibrated in his hands: a thin voice seemed to beeping: danger, danger, danger!
  Adolf was overcome with inspiration, improvising to win. The young Fuhrer quickly mixed the potion with a previously unknown composition. Blowed on him.
  Almost immediately, images of three ships appeared next to them. They came almost close.
  The elf commanded:
  - On the largest scale, plasma eruption!
  The counter-destroyer fired all guns. A raging whirlwind of destruction flew out. The distance was almost extreme; the main starship should have had a hard time. But the sorcerer Jarran managed to put up a kind of defense. As a result, the full power of the salvo hit the brigantine rushing from the right.
  The powerful blow warped the spaceship, it crumpled and tossed like a rubber ball crushed by a truck wheel. Only the debris scattered further away, showering the ashes with burning coals.
  The Fuhrer whistled:
  - Wow! The power of the striking force, but in the wrong jaw!
  The beautiful girls around the possessed Adov giggled.
  Christina replied:
  "Now we can"t avoid a fight."
  The girl rushed barefoot along the uncomfortable passage towards the airlocks, two "winfers" dangling from side to side. When Christina struck, one of the weapons squeaked:
  - My strength is used by three and two hundredths percent.
  - Shut up, machine gun! - The terminator girl shouted at him. - It won"t be like that yet.
  The beauty flew by, turning over several times. The movement slowed down, the elf switched the gravionics to an enhanced mode, used when landing on giant planets, neutron stars, and, insufficiently powerful, black holes.
  Now the environment around her had become viscous and, overcoming such jelly, she squeezed to the desired place near the fittings.
  - A fight is a fight, and nothing can be done about it.
  Three groups of girls took their places along the wall, preparing for a fierce clash. What are they thinking? After all, most of them are living their last minutes; there is a bloody battle ahead with a ruthless and skillful enemy.
  Pirates give no quarter!
  Christina mentally prayed to the Absolute, which gave birth to an innumerable number of gods and religions. The girl jumped to the floor, and before she had time to rest her feet on the fastening, a shock followed, the huge spaceship was completely sucked into collapse. It was an instantaneous process where every molecule of the body shifted.
  Those flying behind her, Charlotte and Gerda, hit the side with such a crash that without protection, the girls would have been smeared across the armor. And so, they flew back, jumping four times like ping-pong balls. Christina easily picked them up and, stopping the movement, said:
  - Don"t even try to sleep, friends! The serious business is just about to begin!
  The girls answered in unison:
  - There is a commander!
  The elf's command sounded:
  - Start moving forward.
  The enemy was nearby, a moment later, a cut square flew out to the right of Christina with a chilling screech and, for a moment, the stamp that appeared sparkled with a melted edge.
  - Throw into the lion's mouth! - Christina commanded and jumped through the opening, as if she had dived into hellish flames.
  Despite the darkness, the instruments in the helmets made it possible to clearly see the crowded pirates. Pieces of plasma flew out of the winfer, the weapon itself selected targets, picking off enemies. Christina, as an experienced fighter, did not experience the slightest hesitation. One of the pirates fell under the blow of her hard foot, the monkey"s body crunched, and bones scattered.
  Two winfers spewed out lush, long torches, and also slashed with impulses, piercing through the armor with lice. Magda and Charlotte flew after her, they, as if from watering cans, poured pieces of matter heated to billions of degrees.
  Outwardly gentle beauties, in battle they were completely transformed, resembling a fiend of hell.
  - Beware, monsters! - The girls screamed.
  Christina flew through the air, leaving a mountain of corpses behind her, passed the corridor, and immediately ran into a boarding tank. The armored beetle met the girl with dense fire. The instant it took for the car to identify the stranger and aim its guns saved Christina"s life. The girl moved to the side, and Magda also managed to turn away. But Charlotte was not so lucky. A powerful plasma discharge crushed the girl along with her combat suit. Several friends flying behind her were also injured.
  The girls fell, one had a burned hand, and the other had a leg.
  However, the beauties worked automatically, thrusting from Weidemeester. The homing charge chose a place at the junction, penetrating the moving armor of the tank.
  The massive beetle was swollen, the muzzles of the guns curled.
  Christina confirmed:
  - Great, girls.
  An arthropod assault robot advanced towards her, firing gravionic lasers.
  The count was literally in seconds. Diving under the destructive wave of cutting space, Christina delivered a discharge into the knee joint of the robot, breaking three limbs. The combat vehicle collapsed, shooting into the ceiling, biting into the armored walls.
  - Golden-haired one, be careful. - One of the girls screamed.
  The girls behind fired from a Weidemeester, forcing the tank that had advanced from the anus to stop. It began to smoke, but did not stop firing, Christina turned around and immediately came under fire, the beam hit her in the back and knocked her down, almost breaking her bones.
  The terminator girl did a somersault, knocking down a panel as she went, and flying over, she hit her opponent in the chest with a hyperplasma sword, destroying the instruments.
  The robot twitched sharply and convulsed, the beams of the disintegrated weapon struck its own pirates who were trying to break through from the side corridor. Another robot was thrown onto its side, tilted, liquid flowing out of it like blood, through which flames passed, melting the metal.
  Adolf Hitler was breaking through from the next cell. He boldly attacked the tank with a spell. The car jerked, the circuits heated up, and it turned back, unleashing a violent tornado on the pirates. In general, this technique was designed for enraged animals, not cyborgs, but this time it worked. Perhaps this is because the scheme was too simple, or perhaps Henry's magical powers grew under stress.
  Elf Buckingham commanded:
  - Krasnova, pick up the enemy from the rear, the density of fire is too high, we didn"t break through from the third level.
  - I obey! - Christina realized that there was a hitch. - I"ll break through now.
  The girl threw a grenade, which, controlled by a chip, bounced off the walls a couple of times, jerked, and knocked out four more pirates. - It's swept away! - The delighted girl shouted, licking the blood from her broken lips.
  She was met with fire from around the corner of the side gallery. She had to lie down, and then grenades jumped in her direction. The girl barely had time to shoot them down, shooting at a glance, guided by instinct.
  The grenades exploded, showering their own with plasma fragments. Even Christina felt the blazing heat.
  Someone fired a volley of fitegrob. Shimmering hyperplasmic bubbles swept down the corridor, frying the enemy soldiers. Another assault robot was destroyed and a tank collapsed.
  Meanwhile, Magda and Gertrude cut the air purification columns, as a result of which fluorine flared and exploded strongly, collapsing the corsairs.
  The girls even squealed.
  Together with her comrades, Christina rushed forward, turned over, and kicked down a turtle with a peeling shell. Several more pirates were burned out by a tank subordinate to the possessed Fuhrer.
  Christina cut the corsair with her beam and jumped further, flying, shooting the confused robots.
  - What, metalheads, isn"t it sweet for you?
  The Elf General stated:
  - Operate with a tackle using a spinner.
  A spinning installation flew into the chamber, explosions followed, mica and meat scattered.
  Christina shook off the debris from her combat suit, Adolf flew up to her from behind, and instead of a weapon, he twirled his magic wand, producing waves.
  - What, are you playing? - The girl asked him.
  The Fuhrer gurgled:
  - I think we need to go up to the technology room.
  Christina snorted contemptuously:
  - Well, your only logical proposal lately.
  They continued moving, shooting everyone in their path.
  The Weidemeesters that the girls used demolished the enemy along with partitions, technological units, generators, captured statues that did not have time to find a market, statues, golden baths, behind which the pirates tried to hide.
  At this point Christina, unexpectedly, fought hand-to-hand with the goddess Astarte.
  The formidable warrior threw a grenade, it was shot down, broke through close, waving her sword. A fight between two very experienced fencers began.
  - Don't interfere, Adolf. - The girl shouted to the young man. "I"ll try to deal with it myself!"
  - And you too! - Said the major goddess of filibusters.
  When two skilled men fight, it's a storm, but when skilled women fight, it's a tornado!
  Christina immediately realized that her opponent was trained in all the basic techniques, and it would not be easy to defeat her. Astarte, initially, tried to take it on the run, but failure did not cool the ardor. The girl suddenly pretended to back down and offered her right side. Svetlana didn't buy it! She only indicated a lunge and sharply hit her opponent to the left. At that moment, she reflexively tried to catch her counterpart and left her side unprotected. A sharp prick tore out a piece of meat from her, the girl lost speed, and her legs buckled.
  The wound reduced Astarte's fighting qualities, and her movements became slower. Here Christina made a lateral maneuver, and then easily cut off the brush. In response, Astarte managed to hit her with her head, but this was the last success. With the next swing, Svetlana blew off her head.
  - Bravo! - Said the Fuhrer. - Top class.
  - You haven't seen everything yet.
  Hand-to-hand fighting broke out several times. Sometimes they even used their teeth. The girls, well trained, acted, as a rule, in a single team and fought in hand-to-hand combat in pairs or threes. This gave them an advantage in the battle with a motley pack. In addition, bioengineering and artificial selection of genes in incubators had an effect.
  And what"s also important is that the pirates clearly got cold feet. Never before have they had to fight a strong, advancing enemy who is not afraid of boarding tanks, robots, or the curses of sorcerers. And when you encounter something for the first time, confusion sets in.
  The pirates retreated, backed away, some screamed like people possessed, others suddenly began to freak out and shoot at their robots. Apparently the magical experiments of the possessed Adolf finished them off.
  The soldiers of space Germany brought down heavy fire and used swords over and over again.
  Even the hedgehog acted well. Small and nimble, he is quite deft at metal grenades. And he didn"t shoot badly.
  The girls pulled themselves up, in a real fight, the reaction escalated. They fought better than in numerous virtual games, where they were trained from infancy. However, the desire to survive at any cost, in order to reproduce later, dominated. In addition, the entire diverse arsenal, including spatial Velcro, was used one hundred percent. Even Adolf, which was not entirely customary for him, used them. He rolled three pirates into toothpaste, then used his magic wand again. At one point, a fragment hit the weapon of witchcraft, breaking it in half. But Adolf restored the wand with one spell:
  - No! Any magic is then worth something if it knows how to defend itself. The hardest thing is to protect your soul from the meanness in yourself! - Added the young Fuhrer.
  Again a stream of magic flew out of the wand and fell on the electronic brains. In particular, he disabled several subdimensional traps.
  Stella badly injured her leg, but continued to fight.
  The losses on both sides, especially for the pirates, were enormous. The girls also died, Christina met almost all of them only yesterday, but every loss was painful. Many girls fought, even getting injured. It was not without reason that pirates terrified the entire galaxy; it was difficult to fight boarding tanks.
  One of them, the most powerful and modern, drove to the rear and killed five girls at once, and cut the hedgehog in half. Adolf stopped him with a desperate spell, then turned against the enemy. His soul was torn from suffering; one of the girls, at one time, made him laugh with a series of cutting-edge jokes from the world of robots. Now, the poor thing is dead, and he still hasn't learned how to raise the dead. At this moment, the young wizard Fuhrer faced his biggest problem.
  The sorcerer Jarran with a fiery saber stood in his way.
  - You have a baby, I see, some kind of special, unique magic. Maybe you'll come over to our side? The League of Underworlds will generously reward you with money, and maybe even give you a whole world populated by obedient slaves.
  - Why not the galaxy right away? - Adolf asked jokingly.
  The sorcerer did not understand the humor:
  - I'm sure that with your abilities, creating your own empire is only a matter of time. So it"s possible, even a galaxy.
  - But apparently without you! - The Fuhrer sent a beam at the wizard.
  He easily fought him off and hit him himself, so much so that Hitler"s clothes caught fire, although he managed to jump back. Turning over, the Fuhrer, not at all magically, knocked out the flames.
  - What did you get? Don't be so self-confident, Adolf.
  The Fuhrer was surprised:
  - How do you know my name?
  In response, a chuckle:
  - Powerful sorcerers like me know everything!
  He again rushed at the young Fuhrer. He dodged the thrown pulsar, released a beam, and a snake flew out of the stick. She hovered in the air and, to the laughter of the sorcerer, crumbled:
  "You"re not familiar with hyperwave magic, weakling." That's why you can be dealt with so easily. Well, what else can I please you with?
  Adolf jumped on the troll, trying to perform the sweep as he had been taught, and was thrown back. Then the young Fuhrer read a spell: several icicles fell from above, which caused a contemptuous grin from the sorcerer.
  - Is this all you can do? How about this? - The sorcerer muttered a spell and sent a green wave.
  Smoke rose around Adolf and rings appeared. The young Fuhrer tried to jump away, but he was crushed by the arms of the spotted pythons. They tied the guy like chains and began to choke him. The young Fuhrer groaned:
  - Murderer!
  The sorcerer chuckled:
  - Yes, I am a hurricane of annihilation. Swear that you will become my student and I will let you go.
  - Never! - Answered the possessed Hitler, contrary to the instinct of self-preservation.
  - Then get it! - The sorcerer hissed.
  A stream of demonic energy fell upon the Fuhrer, it tormented and tore every cell of his body. It was very painful, so painful that I wanted to howl like a wolf. It"s as if your skin is being peeled off layer by layer and poured with hot iron.
  - Well, now will you listen to me? - Jarran asked in a terrifying voice. - Or!
  - No never! - The Fuhrer said with the last of his strength. - Serving evil will destroy the soul, which is more important than the body.
  The evil troll laughed:
  - Fool, serving me is the only way to save the unfortunate soul. Now I am casting her into Gehenna. After your flesh is burned, I will send you to a place where all people's tales of hell will seem like sweet dreams. Tremble, unfortunate one.
  Adolf spat out:
  - Stupid threats!
  A deafening roar followed:
  - Then burn!
  The flames engulfed Hitler, and his skin even began to peel off. He already wanted to beg for mercy, no, I"m not ready to die. Or maybe, the thought subconsciously crossed my mind, I might be able to outplay my ruthless enemy in the future.
  The flow of water extinguished the flames, and the Fuhrer was freed, left in rags that barely covered his thickly blistered body. Elf Buckingham appeared in front of him. A light sparkled around the general of space Germany, and he smiled.
  In a condescending tone he said:
  - It"s you Jarran, you apparently want to offend the child?
  The answer was a rusty wheeze:
  - Don't get involved in our dispute, elf! Otherwise you will have a very bad time.
  The representative of the glamorous people, baring his pearly teeth, replied:
  - I see, you can"t even swear in a sophisticated way. Some pathetic babbling of a baby instead of threats.
  The troll flashed his fangs:
  "I"ll disperse you into atoms throughout the galaxy, and compress your soul into a black hole, and stretch your skin over a quasar."
  - A little better! - The elf slashed with a pulsar. The troll, staggering, parried it with difficulty, a burn appeared on his cheek.
  - And you are strong! - The troll"s face twisted like a mask of the spawn of darkness. - But I"m not weak either. Here you go!
  The sorcerer sent a gift, which the elf threw up with his knee, and sent back with a twist.
  - No, you didn"t impress me! - Buckingham answered. He glanced at Smith, who picked up his wand and tried to hit it. - No need, my friend, go help my comrades. This guy has already spent too much energy, and I can handle him myself.
  -You are too self-confident, but what about this! - The troll"s fingers grew, and huge phantoms began to grow from them. These were various types of freaks, powerful dinosaurs and fighting machines.
  - Great, let's have a fight! - The elf"s hand stood up like a fan, and cascades of powerful thugs began to erupt from under it. The phantoms came together, and the battle of the titans began, which demonstrated unprecedented power.
  The scales in the magical battle swayed from side to side, howls and heartbreaking screams were heard.
  Half-naked Adolf moved like a somnambulist, he saw numerous corpses and fragments of bodies, as well as crumpled mechanisms. This gave him strength, and he made his way deep into the technical floors.
  Let the nightmare scorch me with its breath
  I swear, I will not betray your fatherland!
  The flesh is torn, filled with suffering
  But the spirit of a soldier will not tolerate shame!
  A short verse formed in the head of the possessed Fuhrer. Christina fought ahead, who became truly tender and beloved for him.
  She would also bear a child for him, one of those who has a chance to become the heir to the Third Reich.
  The girl walked further and further, shooting left and right. She made full use of the captured weapons, even using her legs. On the shoes, there was a device that activated the tentacles when the toes moved.
  And this was convenient when using captured weapons. The hardest thing was when her companions died, Christina shed a tear over each corpse, often over barely noticeable remains.
  The mischievous, always alive Gertrude died. All that was left of her were her legs. Gerda was a little luckier; she only had a large hole in her stomach, and one of her hearts was cut by shrapnel, therefore, there was still a chance of survival.
  The eccentric Christian storyteller Magda had her head blown off, as well as her shoulder joint. True, some lost only part of their body, and there was hope for their recovery.
  Really, it was impossible to detect the squadron earlier and destroy it with one thermopreon bomb. How many girls would still be alive in this case? Couldn't an elf really do that? And to the Fuhrer, it seems that she Christina is ready to hate this guy.
  Fighting on US soil continued. The famous four: Gerda, Charlotte, Christina and Magda have already passed Texas and entered Louisiana. June 30 is quite a hot day. The Americans resisted very stubbornly and even tried to counterattack.
  The girls stopped their tank and took turns taking aim. They were so lovely. And ahead were the Shermans and Pershings.
  Gerda took it and sang, shooting:
  - Black...
  Charlotte fired and continued:
  - Terror!
  Christina hit with a shell, cut off the Sherman's turret and continued:
  - Black...
  Magda demolished the Pershing's turret and roared:
  - Terror!
  Gerda again thrust the projectile and sawed:
  - In battle...
  Charlotte slapped and purred:
  - For Armageddon!
  Christina will fire a projectile and yell:
  - At the bell tower...
  Magda fired accurately and added:
  - Enemies!
  Gerda thumped again and hissed:
  - Cross...
  Charlotte fired a shell and barked:
  - Turn it over!
  And the girls laughed in unison at their joke. They are truly top class singers.
  And the grandmaster shooters! And how accurately they shoot. And so accurately, like top-class snipers.
  Gerda, as she shoots, begins to sing:
  - I want to...
  Charlotte, firing, continues:
  - Guys...
  Christina hits, exclaims:
  - Girls!
  Magda, shooting and mowing down the Sherman, continues:
  - Just...
  Gerda, firing, thrusts with the words:
  - When you hug...
  Charlotte fired a shell and purred:
  - Caress!
  Christina, also firing, tweeted:
  - New...
  Magda fired and added:
  - Movie....
  Gerda, shooting, continued:
  - Look...
  Charlotte, firing, added:
  - Into the space...
  Christina said wittily:
  - On the carpet...
  Magda, having fired a shell, liked:
  - Fly!
  Gerda fired and roared:
  - Jackets...
  Charlotte fired and added:
  - Striped...
  Christina slashed with a projectile and hissed:
  - In the box...
  Magda released the gift and liked:
  - Trousers!
  Gerda roared, firing projectiles:
  - Before....
  Charlotte, pressing the joystick, purred:
  - Morning...
  Christina, hitting with a projectile, barked:
  - With the girls...
  Magda energetically confirmed:
  - They're walking...
  Gerda hissed, shooting:
  - Guys!
  Charlotte sang again6
  - Until morning...
  Christina continued:
  - With the girls...
  Magda yelled:
  - They're walking...
  Gerda barks:
  - Guys!
  The Sherman attack was over, almost all the tanks were destroyed, and the rest began to flee. And the Germans roar with joy.
  Gerda rationally remarked:
  - It turns out that... We fried the tails of the Yankees!
  Charlotte said with some annoyance in her voice:
  - And the Russians, I suppose, are happy that we are fighting the Americans not for life but for death.
  Christina remarked with a grin:
  - Stalin may well stab us in the back!
  Magda confirmed with a sigh:
  - Seriously though, there is a chance!
  Gerda shrugged her muscular shoulders and remarked:
  - As for me, I don"t think at all that Stalin was so brave as to get into a fight with us. And for us, it would be much better to first conquer America and Britain than to attack the USSR.
  Charlotte agreed:
  - Indeed, it is much better not to wage a war on two fronts. As for Britain, it would have been slammed.
  Gerda said seriously:
  - Oh, girls, I even wrote an AI story on this topic.
  Charlotte seriously suggested to her partner:
  - Well, read it!
  And Gerda moved on to exposition;
  . There are many parallel, folded like a fan of universes-universes. Here in one of them, Hitler decided not to start a war with the USSR in 1941 . In fact, you cannot start a war with the huge Soviet empire with Britain in the rear. Moreover, in "Main Kaf" the future Fuhrer wrote that the main reason for Germany"s defeat in the First World War was that it had to fight on two fronts.
  In addition, Hitler remembered in time the prophecy of Wolf Messing that the Fuhrer was destined to lose and break his back in the east.
  There was, and I concluded: to wage war until the complete conquest of Britain. Moreover, the anti-German rebellion in Yugoslavia led to the fact that the Barbarossa plan had to be postponed until the end of June. This means that there might not have been enough time to capture Moscow and the main regions of the USSR before winter. And in winter, the Germans, which is obvious even to the self-confident Fuhrer, are completely unprepared to fight.
  In addition, the capture of Crete cost the Germans large losses in the landing forces, and the Fuhrer was inflamed with great hatred of Britain, deciding to end it first.
  The report of the military attaché, who saw the latest Soviet tanks at the May Day parade: T-34 and KV-2, also had an impact. The last tank with a 152 mm gun made a strong impression on all the Germans present. Hitler, after thinking a little, ordered to speed up work on the creation of heavy tanks. A whole series of projects for large machines appeared. And until the creation of a massive tank cavalcade, it is better not to start a war with the USSR. Already in May, the Germans transferred three more tank divisions to Libya. In early June, Rommel launched an assault on Tolbuk and, after three days of fighting, captured this stronghold.
  After which the Germans went on the offensive in Egypt. The British could not resist the superior forces of the Wehrmacht. The Germans were stronger both in numbers and organization. In addition, the British colonial troops did not really want to fight. Their morale was low and falling further and further.
  Already in July, the Germans captured Egypt. They crossed the Suez Canal and entered Palestine. The British fled... An uprising broke out in Iraq, and the Germans entered there almost without a fight. Soon the entire Middle East fell... In August and September, the Germans occupied cities and squares. And they were opposed not by the Soviet fighting machine, but by small British troops, colonial forces that were not too disciplined and inclined to fight, and primitive units of the Arabs.
  Hitler captured large territories. At the end of September, Gibraltar was also captured. Franco, seeing that the British were pouring out, and fearing occupation by the Nazis, agreed to allow the passage of German troops. The assault turned out to be fleeting. The Germans carried it out skillfully and organizedly, but the fortress itself was not very ready.
  After which the Germans occupied French possessions in Africa almost without resistance. Fortunately, troops can now be transferred over the shortest distance.
  In the winter, Hitler launched a major offensive in Sudan and Ethiopia, and also began to advance into southern Africa. After some hesitation, the Fuhrer decided: if we take the black continent, then take it as a whole. Moreover, the British do not have the strength to retain their possessions. The main difficulty for the Germans is not the British troops, which are inferior to the Nazis in both numbers and combat effectiveness, but the stretched communications, difficulties with supplies, and the lack of necessary roads in Africa.
  But the Germans, with their rigid totalitarian system, showed excellent organization and the ability to move over vast distances. So in the USSR, the fascists were let down not by the vast expanses - Africa is even larger in territory and population than Russia, but by the stubborn and fanatical resistance of the Red Army.
  And of course there is no winter in Africa.
  In December, Japan finally attacked Peru Harbor. It was clear that the United States still would not allow the samurai to swallow the British colonies in Asia and the Pacific. And so Japan was forced to weaken America with a surprise attack. And they succeeded. A series of successful operations in Asia followed. In March, Hitler, fearing that Japan would get ahead of him, invaded Iran, and from there the Germans broke through to India. It is clear that two hundred and fifty German divisions are more than enough to capture almost defenseless India, and technically backward Iran.
  Hitler, of course, by transferring more and more forces to Africa and India, took a great risk - Stalin could begin a liberation campaign against Europe.
  But the Red Army was in no hurry yet. The leader of all times and peoples accumulated strength, but did not strive to be the first to join the fight. Perhaps Stalin did not want to take responsibility for the big war. And the Finnish company did not inspire optimism.
  Therefore, although German troops were spreading out from Europe, across Asia and Africa, Stalin was in no hurry to take advantage of this. It should also be noted that the strength of the Wehrmacht was constantly increasing. German losses during the extensive conquests were small, and industrial production grew due to foreign workers. In addition, the Wehrmacht was replenished by Khiwis and various colonial formations.
  The Germans replaced their construction battalions, drivers, rear units, convoys, etc. with foreigners. Younger soldiers were being drafted into the army. They even put seventeen-year-olds and older soldiers under arms.
  The Wehrmacht increased the number of divisions, and the percentage of foreigners in it grew rapidly. The production of weapons also increased rapidly. The new Tiger tank went into production as the earliest heavy vehicle to be developed.
  In May 1942, the Wehrmacht entered South Africa, having previously fought thousands of kilometers. Madagascar fell in June... The Americans were unlucky, losing the Battle of Midway in this universe. Dominance in the Pacific Ocean passed to Japan. And the Third Reich, having reinforced itself with colonies from Burma, India, to South Africa and beyond, increased the production of aircraft several times, conducting an air attack on Britain. The Germans had new powerful bombers Yu-188 and DO-217. And they pressed Britain, pressing with both numbers and quality.
  The British, on the contrary, having lost their colonies and faced with a submarine war, reduced the production of aircraft and other equipment. The Nazis pressed. And at the end of August the landing took place. New German Tiger tanks took part in the battles. The battles in England lasted just over two weeks and ended with surrender.
  After which the Germans installed their puppet government, and a new, completely legitimate king of England. Britain itself became a protectorate of the Third Reich. Its fleet almost entirely went over to the German side.
  Stalin did not dare to strike the enemy during the landing. And there was a non-aggression pact between Germany and the USSR. In addition, the fascist state became very strong.
  Churchill fled to Canada and tried to continue the fight with the help of the United States. But Hitler was determined. Operation Icarus followed, with landings in Iceland. The last point from which American planes can reach the Third Reich has been captured.
  After which the transfer of forces to Greenland began. 1943 was spent in naval battles. The Third Reich had hydrogen peroxide submarines that moved at speeds of up to 35 knots per hour and overtook American ships.
  Argentina declared war on the United States, and the Germans began to accumulate their troops there.
  The Nazis occupied Switzerland in two days, and Sweden in seven days, completely taking control of Europe.
  Australia was also captured, although the invasion was carried out together with Japan.
  In the spring of 1944, Germany, having accumulated a large number of landing craft, landed in Canada. At the same time, German and Japanese troops entered Mexico. Brazil, Venezuela, Chile and other states declared war on the United States. The attack on America began on both sides. The Germans acquired the main tank "Panther"-2, which was significantly superior to the "Sherman" in armament, armor and performance. And German jet aviation simply had no equal.
  The qualitative superiority of German jet fighters: ME-262, HE-162, ME-163 over the Americans was overwhelming. Not to mention the fact that the German Arado jet bombers, the best propeller-driven Yu-488, and the formidable TA-400 with six engines appeared. The Germans had an advantage over the United States in armored vehicles, which increased with the advent of the E series tanks. The "E"-25 turned out to be especially successful, a vehicle with armor combat qualities comparable to the "Panther"-2, but much lighter and nimble with a lower silhouette and sloping armor.
  The United States was armed with tall Shermans and even more archaic Grands. They could not penetrate the main German Panther-2 tank in the forehead, even close. And the side armor of the Panther-2 was 82 millimeters at an angle, and gave a ricochet, three-quarters of the hit.
  The German MP-44 assault rifle was also superior to American submachine guns and automatic rifles.
  During the battles, the Germans used stormed colonial troops and foreign divisions. The strength of the Wehrmacht exceeded six hundred divisions. Heavy tanks "Tiger"-2, the more advanced "Tiger"-3, "Lion", and the more compact "Lion"-2, the formidable "E"-100, and "Mouse"-2 took part in the offensive.
  By the end of the forty-fourth year, the "E"-50 machine appeared, noticeably superior in armor to the "Panther"-2 and with a more powerful engine.
  The series also included underground tanks that were used by earth-moving machines.
  This weapon had a strong moral impact on the Americans. The Yu-287, a more powerful and dangerous jet bomber, and the latest modifications of the ME-262 with swept wings appeared in the air. As well as the latest ME-1010 and TA-183, they destroyed the new generation.
  A more advanced MP-54 assault rifle has also appeared with greater accuracy and firing range and is lighter.
  The qualitative superiority of Hitler's forces took its toll, and the American front collapsed. The Nazis advanced in all directions. The Americans were unable to do anything to counter this. Their F -2 jet fighter was unsuccessful and had performance characteristics even worse than the Mustang.
  And the US propeller-driven fighters, even in principle, could not compare with the German jet vultures. And the Luftwaffe aces turned out to be better prepared. Many of them were racking up bills.
  The tankers also succeeded. Especially Wittmann, he fought on different tanks at the end of the war on the more advanced Tiger-3. Towards the end of 1944, the Germans had a 100-ton "Royal Lion", with an 1800 horsepower engine and a 410-mm rocket launcher.
  An effective weapon against long-term fortifications and buildings. And most importantly, it is practically impenetrable for all US anti-tank weapons.
  The Germans constantly improved their technology. "E"-50 has reached a level of protection that is impenetrable for the American 90-mm cannon from all angles.
  German armored personnel carriers also improved, especially in armor. The Fritz created the Luftfaust, and a more advanced Faustpatron capable of penetrating tanks from a distance of more than a kilometer.
  And the Pershing appeared only in 1945, when German troops had already captured Mexico, Canada and most of America.
  On February 2, 1945, the United States surrendered to Germany and Japan. The troops of the Axis powers approached New York and Washington - there was no longer a chance.
  The surrender led to the occupation of America and the seizure of its resources. Now the whole world consisted exclusively of the Third Reich with its colonies and its allies. The USSR had only one satellite left: Mongolia. Thus, an extremely dangerous situation has arisen.
  It became obvious that, despite outwardly friendly relations, the Third Reich and Russia were about to engage in mortal combat.
  Stalin never decided to attack Germany when it was fighting Britain and the USA. Friendly neutrality helped Hitler defeat and conquer the West. But now it has become clear that the Third Reich also has plans for Russia. And the USSR, with its communist ideology, posed a potential threat to National Socialism.
  Hitler was gathering forces for a crushing blow. The Wehrmacht became numerous, numbering up to a thousand full-blooded divisions, about thirty million soldiers, of which less than a third were ethnic Germans. It was a huge force, well-equipped with technology, with the latest "E" series tanks, which were actively produced instead of the less advanced "Panthers" and "Tigers". And the Panther 2 remained a formidable machine.
  However, the main German tank was the modification "E"-50, weighing sixty-five tons, with thicker side and rear armor and equipped with a 105-mm cannon, with a barrel length of 100 EL. This machine was supposed to be a counterweight to the Soviet KV series...
  Stalin also became interested in heavy machines. In August 1941, serial production of the KV-3 vehicle with a 107 mm long-barreled gun began. A couple of months later, the KV-5 tank went into production with two 107 mm and 76 mm guns weighing 100 tons and frontal armor of 170 mm. Already in the forty-second year, the KV-4 went into production, weighing 107 tons and having 180 mm frontal armor and similar weapons.
  Stalin was fond of large structures. The KV-6 became a vehicle with two guns: a 152-mm howitzer, and a 107-mm anti-tank gun. The car weighed more than 150 tons. It was equipped with two 600 horsepower engines at once. The KV-7 had similar weapons, but even thicker armor of 200 millimeters and weighed up to 180 tons. In 1943, the KV-8 with 152 and 122 mm guns weighing two hundred tons also entered production.
  But super-heavy tanks turned out to be not the best. Too much weight created problems with transportation and driving performance. Especially with cross-country vehicles. In addition, the KV series was characterized by such a disadvantage as the location of the armor, without rational angles of inclination, which somewhat devalued the excellent protection of the tank.
  But the USSR, unlike the Third Reich, did not wage wars. The war with Finland was the last. And there was no opportunity to test the equipment in practice. And Stalin, having enormous power, made unilateral decisions about what equipment to put into service. And the leader really liked heavy cars.
  The Germans used large tanks in practice. Combat experience has shown that a tank heavier than seventy tons is too large to become hemorrhoids, especially during transportation, to be mass-produced for combat operations.
  The best designers from around the world finally created a vehicle that satisfied the military's requirements for protection, and at the same time it could be transported and used. The "E"-50 became such a machine. Its frontal armor has been increased to 250 millimeters at a rational slope, and the sides and stern to 160 millimeters.
  The tank turned out to be squat and had a very long barrel. Finally, the Germans and their slaves created a more or less satisfactory machine. And the USSR had some problems. Especially with the main tank.
  The KV series was developed in an extensive way: more weight, more weapons, more caliber. And she, of course, could not become the main tank.
  The T-34 claimed the role of the most popular tank. Relatively simple to produce, it could be taken in quantity. The machine, with minor upgrades, launched mass production. But in 1943, when the Germans had a serial main tank, the Panther, which had successfully proven itself in battle, the Krauts turned out to be a massive tank that was stronger. And soon the "Panther"-2 with strong armor and a long-barreled 88-mm cannon, it became clear that the T-34 was too small.
  There were different ideas... Including the creation of a fundamentally new tank, the T-44, and the modernization of the previous one. Stalin was passionate about the development of heavy machines and was somewhat cool about medium and light ones. But the T-34 was good because of its mass production. It became clear that the KV series could not resist the Third Reich, which had swallowed so many countries in quantity. And a compromise option was born: the T-34-85, when only the turret was replaced in the main tank.
  This made it possible to maintain mass production, but the 85-mm caliber was still insufficient to pierce the most popular German Panther-2 tank head-on.
  There is nothing to say about the later E-50. At the end of forty-four, the SU-100 appeared as a tank destroyer. But it was also inferior to "Panther"-2. At the beginning of 1945, the Germans removed the Panthers and Tigers, opting for the heavier version of the E-50, as a tank superior to all its opponents. This vehicle could penetrate both heavy KVs and all other Soviet vehicles head-on. Only "Lion"-2 and "Royal Lion" remained in the series, but they were also supposed to be replaced by the unified "E" series.
  The Germans had superiority over the USSR in numbers and quality. In addition, Japan was preparing to strike from the east.
  Stalin did not have complete information about the enemy's tank potential. But the USSR had 60 thousand tanks in one hundred and twenty divisions, not counting armored vehicles with the infantry. Of these, forty thousand are the newest 35 thousand thirty-fours, and five thousand different KV vehicles. Plus a relatively small number of self-propelled guns, only a couple of thousand. Mainly SU-100 and SU-152.
  The forces are, of course, considerable. But the Nazis, relying on the potential of half the world, churned out many tanks. They employed factories throughout Europe, as well as in Africa, Asia, Canada, the USA, Australia... Consider the whole world...
  The size of the German tank fleet grew at a frantic pace. Especially after America's surrender. At the same time, the Nazis primarily focused on the "E" series, especially the "E"-50. These machines were more technologically advanced than the Panthers and more efficient.
  In the spring of '45, the production of tanks reached five thousand per month, and most of the vehicles can be classified as heavy. By June 1, 1945, the Nazis had about ninety thousand tanks. Of these, seventy-five thousand were deployed against the USSR. More than ten thousand more vehicles were deployed by German satellites: Turkey, Romania, Croatia, Slovenia, Italy, Hungary, Finland, Spain, Portugal, and Latin American countries.
  The USSR deployed forty-five thousand tanks and self-propelled guns against them in the European part. The balance of forces was almost twice as bad for Russia, and in heavy tanks it was eight times worse. True, the machines of the satellites were weaker, and the crews were less trained, but they did not make a difference.
  Some of the Soviet tanks were in Siberia and the Far East and they were opposed by Japan with its satellites and colonies. The Land of the Rising Sun has deployed more than thirty thousand tanks, although mostly medium ones.
  Partially also licensed from German Panther-2 models.
  In aviation, the balance of forces for the USSR is even worse. The Third Reich developed a jet swarm. Seventy thousand Soviet aircraft are opposed by more than two hundred thousand German and one hundred thousand Japanese aircraft. If we add combat experience, then the balance of forces is simply catastrophic. The USSR, however, had good fighters and bombers, but it did not have jet aircraft.
  But a propeller-driven aircraft cannot compare with a vulture jet in flight characteristics, even theoretically.
  In the infantry, the Wehrmacht deployed fifteen million of its soldiers and five million satellites in the first echelon against the USSR. Only twenty million. And that's not all the troops. Japan deployed fifteen million in the first echelon alone.
  The USSR had eleven million soldiers, losing to the coalition more than three times. It was not possible to increase the number of troops any further, as the economy could collapse. And so Stalin increased the Red Army five and a half times from September 1, 1939. The worst thing was that the Axis powers had not reached their maximum numbers and could continue to increase their potential.
  The USSR's artillery is very powerful, especially anti-tank and mortar, but... Still, the most popular caliber of 76 millimeters is already hopelessly outdated, and 45 millimeters even more so. There are too many small things, and there will not be enough real heavy-caliber anti-tank barrels. If we take heavy artillery, then the Germans have an overwhelming superiority in numbers.
  Rocket artillery in the USSR, due to the lack of combat use, is not very well developed. The Fritz in practice developed gas launchers and rocket launchers. The Nazis' machine guns are more advanced. Many units gained rich combat experience. Troops marched all over the world.
  After Finland, the Red Army had no practice in real battles. Of course, this is a significant disadvantage.
  In short, Stalin has no illusions, despite all the efforts of the party and the totalitarian regime, the enemy is much stronger. And in the navy, of course, the balance of forces is even worse for the USSR than in the rest. After all, if something happens, you have to fight, take into account the rest of the world. And with the resources of the rest of the world, having a sixth of the landmass, and two hundred million people.
  It just so happened... Stalin did not get into the fight in 1939, when the Germans used up their ammunition after crossing Poland. Not in the forties, when the Nazis rushed to Paris, exposing their rear. And the forty-first year did not become a sign of the liberation campaign, although the Krauts climbed into Africa and Asia. And besides, there were so many opportunities to deal a crushing blow to fascism.
  And now... Now the Nazis themselves are ready for the invasion. And an ax of hellish powers hung over the country. We should have found a way out. But which one?
  Stalin could not find an answer for himself. To avoid war, he was ready to make any concessions to the Axis countries. He sent trains with raw materials and grain for almost nothing, reduced prices, offered leases of oil wells, or gifts of gold.
  But Hitler was silent... He demanded almost nothing, but only increased his forces on the borders. He completed tank armadas and increased the number of air divisions. I was preparing for a sudden blow... Maybe not completely sudden.
  It is clear that the Fuhrer was afraid of the USSR, and wanted to wipe Bolshevism off the face of the Earth. But what can be opposed to him? Fascism has become dangerously stronger. It was necessary to come up with something special and strong. Stalin was counting on the atomic bomb, but this required at least a few more years. Not to mention the need for delivery vehicles to overcome Luftwaffe jets.
  More and more often, German planes violated USSR airspace. They were forbidden to shoot down, so as not to provoke the Nazis into an invasion. And recently there have been reports of mysterious flying saucers moving at incredible speed and capable of suddenly disappearing.
  Stalin issued a secret order to deal with this, but under no circumstances to give the Nazis a reason to strike.
  While Gerda was weaving her story, a German tank was walking along the road. From time to time Magda opened fire. Then I had to pause and replenish my combat kit. The German machine was distinguished by its great survivability. Several hit her, but the shells bounced off like peas. And nothing significant except light scratches could be caused to the armor.
  When Gerda finished her work, Charlotte remarked:
  - Well, what then? It's not bad! But now the most important thing to write is the war with the USSR!
  Gerda solemnly promised:
  - And it will be! Although with such a balance of forces, it"s probably already clear who will win!
  Charlotte said doubtfully:
  - It depends on the writer! A good scribbler can write something that is considered incredibly plausible.
  Christina logically added:
  - And most importantly, it"s fantasy... Especially if you write about space!
  Gerda sang with a grin:
  - Africa is dangerous, yes, yes, yes... But the Entente troops are nonsense! Don't go, children, under attack from the USA!
  Magda whined again:
  - And you forgot about the most important thing - the Almighty!
  Gerda growled in response:
  - Well, no, we know that!
  Magda sang beautifully:
  Quickly repent before the Almighty,
  Otherwise, Beelzebub will devour...
  Kneel before the Supreme God,
  Let Jesus come into your heart!
  Gerda also answered this melodiously:
  The Fuhrer lives in my heart
  So that we do not know sadness...
  The door to space was opened,
  The stars sparkled above us!
  Magda clenched her fists and said decisively:
  - All the same, My Jesus is more important than your Fuhrer. Because Jesus is God, and the Fuhrer is just a man!
  The garrison of Toronto, or rather what was left of it, capitulated. The huge supertank "Monster" moved under its own power to the south. The troops of the Third Reich became more and more numerous. They overtook Canada and were already entering the northern states of America.
  The Yankees, suffering damage, retreated. Some of them, especially Africans, deserted at the first opportunity.
  Adala, along with the other girls, got down from the super tank and started running. Peter ran with them. The boy was cheerful, he liked being in a team with girls.
  They are all so beautiful, young and in bikinis. Bare heels sparkle. Flashing muscular, tanned calves. Wonderful beauties.
  The boy remembered the song and he sang:
  - Beauties, beauties, beauties - cabaret... You were created only for entertainment... Loved to the grave in your holy country, and torment is not subject to you!
  The girls also admire the handsome, muscular teenager. They want to pet the boy, caress him, kiss him. It"s a completely natural desire when you see a handsome young man. Young girls feel good, they are playful and jump up. They try to step with their bare feet where it is prickly so that there is a massage.
  They are leading a column of prisoners. The girls giggle and throw stones at the slaves. Peter stuck his tongue out at the prisoners of war and shouted:
  - Woe to the vanquished!
  They just bow their heads dejectedly. Woe indeed. Who would have thought that the Nazis would come to the USA. Roosevelt, if he wanted, could have stopped Hitler by preventing Munich. But the Yankees thought differently. In general, America was characterized by a restrained policy and no desire to enter into war. And now the fascists are crushing her.
  Panther 2 drove past the girls. This tank is already outdated, but still much stronger than the Shermans and Pershings. Yes, at the top of the tower sat a girl in a bikini, holding a flag with a swastika above her head. This is a red banner with a white circle and a black spider inside.
  The car rushed by, its tracks clanging. Peter chirped:
  - One, two, three... Mad enemy, die!
  The boy is having fun... But at the same time he is worried. For example, yesterday he saw Stalin in a dream.
  The graying and aged Supreme Commander-in-Chief was discussing an important report at headquarters. Vasilevsky informed the Chairman of the State Defense Committee.
  thirty thousand aircraft within a week . Plus one hundred thousand guns and mortars, these are colossal forces.
  Zhukov remarked somewhat skeptically:
  - Basically this is a T-34-85 tank. A car noticeably inferior to German models. In addition, with the worst quality of armor. In terms of aviation, we are dominated by the Yak-9, which is an order of magnitude inferior to German jet aircraft. - The legendary marshal spread his hands. - To be honest, without qualitative superiority in technology, you can"t win with quantity!
  Stalin demanded from Abakumov:
  - How long will the Germans keep forces against us in the east?
  The head of SMERSH reluctantly answered:
  - The Wehrmacht itself is three and a half million, plus about another one and a half million local police units, and a million satellites. There are about ten thousand tanks, but they are superior to ours in combat qualities. And the Third Reich has plenty of aviation. Disc planes take part in the battles, which cannot be shot down by anything. - Abakumov spread his hands and added. - The chances of defeating an enemy who is heavily entrenched in the shortest possible time are low, and he can quickly transfer reinforcements. The size of the Wehrmacht is constantly increasing and already exceeds thirty-five million people. But there is also Japan with its colonies.
  Stalin took a few steps around the spacious office and remarked a little confused:
  - But maybe an attack is our only chance... While the enemy is bound by America.
  Molotov cautiously suggested:
  - If America falls, then we will have no chance at all...
  The leader agreed with this:
  - Right! But... There is a possibility that Hitler will not attack us! In this case, the chances of survival remain!
  Voznesensky recalled:
  - We are working on the T-54, Comrade Stalin. This could be a very promising tank.
  The leader shook his head:
  - The calculated parameters say that a vehicle weighing thirty-six tons cannot have frontal armor thicker than two hundred millimeters. But the German 105 will still penetrate it. And a 100-mm cannon is not sufficient in any case...
  Voznesensky answered with a smile:
  - There are different proposals. For example, create a heavy tank. Or increase the thickness of the frontal armor at the expense of the side armor. But we are working, Comrade Stalin. And to be honest, our designers have already achieved a lot. In particular, the IS-4 with 250 mm of frontal armor promises to become a masterpiece of our tank building.
  The Supreme Commander angrily remarked:
  - We need serious weapons now, not in the future! Do you understand this?
  Voznesensky boldly replied:
  - We do everything that our capabilities allow us to do. But with only half of Russia, it is extremely difficult to resist almost the entire world.
  Molotov quite boldly confirmed:
  - Yes! Very unequal forces, Comrade Stalin. And we are still creating miracles!
  The leader softened slightly and suggested:
  - Let's relax and have a drink... Why are you all so sad!
  Two girls appeared in short skirts and bare legs. They put down bottles of red wine and bowed to the powers that be.
  Beria smacked his lips and barked:
  - Aren't they lovely, Comrade Stalin?
  The leader nodded in agreement:
  - Of course, it"s lovely... Bare feet suit girls, especially in summer.
  Stalin poured himself some wine. He drank and said with a good-natured smile:
  - If there were more women in the army, we would not have retreated so much!
  Beria nodded and muttered:
  - So let's drink to the Motherland! Let's drink to Stalin! Let's drink and pour again!
  The leader sat down in a chair and said thoughtfully:
  - And if fascism nevertheless wins, on a planetary scale... What awaits humanity.
  Molotov answered obsequiously:
  - I think something terrible!
  Zhukov judiciously noted:
  - Some are scared, and some will be fine!
  Stalin nodded in agreement:
  - Yes... This is a world government. What the communists dreamed of. But Hitler will do everything his way. There will be an era of fascism. - The leader nodded, the tall blond girl poured wine into his glass. Stalin continued. "Then a new order will be established in the world." There will indeed be a tough totalitarian regime, but wars, crime, hunger, unrest, terrorism will disappear... Everything will be the same as under us, only the Germans will be in a privileged position. And will be...
  Stalin clapped his hands...
  Beria noted:
  - But for us it will be death, Comrade Stalin. Or do you think the Fuhrer will make us governors in Russia?
  The leader answered seriously:
  - And this cannot be ruled out! It seems that our intelligence reported that Hitler said that the best governor of Russia is Stalin!
  Those around him applauded... But no one expressed true delight. It would be nice to hang Hitler and Stalin around the people"s necks. Or Napoleon.
  The chairman of the State Defense Committee himself treated Napoleon with respect. There were some similarities between the man with the cocked hat and Hitler. But the possessed Fuhrer turned out to be luckier.
  Stalin, of course, punished himself more than once for missing a surprise attack by Germany, which led to dire consequences. Although information did indeed arrive. And the Supreme Commander himself had some plans for Europe and was preparing for war.
  The USSR in June of forty-one had twenty-five thousand tanks and wedges, and about the same number of aircraft. Hitler did not have such power. In any case, as Soviet intelligence later established. Yes, Stalin actually prepared very actively. The size of the Red Army reached five and a half million and continued to grow. The USSR had approximately four times more tanks and aircraft than the Wehrmacht, and twice as much artillery.
  Only in mobility did the German troops have superiority. And the Mauser rifle fired more accurately than the Mosin.
  Stalin, of course, had exaggerated data on the strength of the Wehrmacht. And I believed them, because the Nazis took over Europe too easily and quickly. If Stalin had known that Hitler was so weak, he would have attacked first. But it turned out to be excessive caution.
  In addition, the Red Army is almost completely untrained in defense. This is truly idiotic - don"t attack yourself, but teach the army to attack exclusively. Stalin himself later scolded himself and his circle. But apparently the mass purges discouraged the military, and civilians as well, from any initiative. Nobody wanted to take responsibility and argue with the leader.
  Since they only teach attack, that"s how it should be! Otherwise, Stalin himself was not in too much of a hurry to attack; this was not taken into account.
  Yes, the leader indulged in dreams of world domination, and mentally imagined a campaign against Europe. But to hit such a strong enemy as the Wehrmacht... He is not suicidal! Asking himself, Stalin answered: that, most likely, he would not have attacked first.
  No, if at least the war with France had dragged on, and Germany had been weakened, then it is possible that Stalin would have decided to strike. But after all of Europe fell under the Nazis. But then it is all the more unforgivable that Stalin did not give the order to prepare the army for defense. This was worth the loss of the regular army in 1941. And then, the USSR did not have time to deploy its forces.
  The leader sometimes even found himself wondering whether he should shoot a bullet in the forehead? But this is scary, because pure hell could await ahead. The leader's relationship with God is complex. On the one hand, Stalin did not speak out in public vehemently in an atheistic vein. But he allowed others to do it. A union of militant atheists was created in the thirties, temples were destroyed, churches were blown up. Personally, Stalin himself gave instructions - to squeeze the priests. And they were pressed, crushed, persecuted.
  Stalin, in any case, did not interfere with the rampant atheism, and even encouraged it.
  But when the war began, or rather, when the Red Army began to suffer defeat after defeat, Stalin began to pray furiously on his knees. And bow down. The Union of Militant Atheists was dissolved, and the persecution of the church temporarily ceased. Even icons began to be used to protect Moscow from air raids.
  However, Stalin preferred to remain silent in public. I didn"t tell anyone whether he believed it or not. I didn"t visit churches, I wasn"t baptized in public. So... The murderer is still Comrade Stalin. He killed a lot of people, shot a lot of people and rotted in camps. And he should make peace with God.
  Stalin still wanted his leader of all nations to be revered as a Divinity. And he erected monuments to himself everywhere, hung portraits, or, in any case, allowed his cult of personality to be encouraged. Although why be a hypocrite to yourself. Stalin liked this and deserved approval. And how will God look at the fact that the leader has made his beloved himself an object of worship.
  What about the second commandment - do not make yourself an idol? After all, Stalin created a cult of himself!
  Maybe that"s why Russia is suffering punishment from God? And can't win the war, or even move it onto a more successful path?
  Stalin decided to himself that he was, after all, secretly confessing his sins to the priest.
  In the meantime I ordered:
  - Let's save up strength! And you all have to work twice as hard as before!
  After which the leader released his satraps... Thought...
  The T-34 tank was undoubtedly a successful vehicle. Oddly enough, it was the executed army general Pavlov who was actually the godfather of this machine, who did a lot for its implementation. Stalin himself was inclined to develop the BT series, a wheeled and tracked tank. His high speed captivated the leader. But the fighting in Manchuria and Finland showed the helplessness of this series in off-road situations.
  And a tank was created with good maneuverability, a relatively powerful gun, and for its time, well protected. True, the visibility of the thirty-four left much to be desired. But the tank showed its effectiveness and superiority over German vehicles. Until the Panther appeared.
  It is extremely difficult to create a new car in wartime conditions, and thirty-fours are too small against big cats. Now we are talking about the T-54 tank, but the E-50 with such a low weight cannot be surpassed.
  Stalin sighed heavily. He was born into a poor family of a drunken shoemaker. And no one thought that they could rise so high. But luckily, a priest found one who appreciated Dzhugashvili"s abilities and took him to a theological school, and then to a seminary. But it wasn't easy. Stalin had a gloomy character, was not a companion in spirit, and was distinguished by his isolation. And the seminarians did not like him, they often beat him. Stalin tried to fight back, but was not in good health, and his left hand did not function well.
  Stalin did not love God very much, considering himself deprived and offended. But he dreamed of a career as a priest and studied diligently. And since he found it difficult to play with the guys, he devoted all his time to studying and began to improve. First the eighth student, then the fifth... The Russian Orthodox Church under the Tsar had enormous power and authority - why not a career?
  But then Stalin was carried away by the revolutionaries. This may be one of the actions of the heart, not the mind. And Stalin"s heart grew increasingly cold towards religion. It was sin that he liked. I wanted women, and a drink, and a smoke! And during Lent, eat fatty pork, washed down with red wine. Stalin also did not experience love for God, since he felt offended by people. Well, why Joseph, since everyone doesn"t like him? Especially peers?
  Stalin was an outcast, revolutionaries are also outcasts. Fighters against the powers that be... And Joseph"s heart pulled towards them. Although my mind said: stay in the seminary, a wonderful church career awaits you. Moreover, Stalin still knew how to speak beautifully if he wanted. But the heart, the resentment towards God and the powers that be, turned out to be more important.
  So Stalin, without finishing the seminary, went into the revolutionary struggle. Although what kind of successful revolution can there be in Russia? But he got busy at work. He began to gain authority. But seeing that the arrest process was going slowly, he decided to accept the offer to become an informant for the Tsarist secret police. In principle, Koba had no other choice then. They put him in prison and promised to keep him there for a long time, and then so many of these informants got divorced.
  Stalin agreed, and his career took off. Met Lenin. He didn"t like this bald intellectual too much, but his intuition told him that the future belonged to Lenin. So Stalin became a man of action. He was engaged in robberies in favor of the party, organized uprisings and strikes. And he got away with it - he was an informant. They exiled him to Vologda and from there Stalin constantly escaped. Until, finally, the leader was completely fed up, and he was exiled for four years to harsher places. There was a small revolution in Russia, which led to the creation of the Duma. Stalin even then began to think about a legal political career: becoming a deputy or minister.
  The beginning of the First World War was perceived by the Bolsheviks with the hope that it would soon be shaken. And it worked! The war went on with varying degrees of success, but after the Brusilov breakthrough, it seemed that Russia would soon win. This means that autocracy will strengthen. But in February there was a coup, the monarchy fell, and the golden time came for the Bolsheviks.
  Lenin turned out to be a much more capable organizer than they thought, plus he also managed to attract Trotsky. Stalin almost immediately hated the latter. But Trotsky was useful... The revolution passed very quickly. Although Zinoviev and Kamenev almost tore it down. But fortunately Kerensky was not distinguished by his determination and intelligence.
  The revolution took place very quickly and successfully, with almost no losses. The Bolsheviks were favored by success. And Stalin almost immediately became one of the first.
  Next came the civil war. Successes and defeats. Trotsky played a huge role in the victory of the Bolsheviks. And after the assassination attempt and being wounded in the neck, Lenin became seriously ill and gradually began to lose power. Sverdlov died under suspicious circumstances. Trotsky developed Napoleonic ambitions. At this point Stalin had to push himself harder. The campaign against Poland failed and the world revolution did not work out.
  Stalin stopped thinking and remembering. How he managed to defeat Trotsky and the others has long been known and described by various authors in the West.
  More interested in how to get out of the current situation, at the moment.
  Still, the most rational thing was to take a risk and start a war against Germany while it was shackled by America. But deciding to do this is extremely difficult. Stalin had long noticed this certain constraint in himself. Really attack the dragon? To do this you need to be Lancelot. But Stalin preferred caution.
  And there was hope, but what did Hitler need? Maybe everything will really work out?
  Still, Germany has acquired so much territory that it is difficult to both digest and develop it. What do they need from Russia when the fattest pieces have been captured and will soon be developed. There is Ukraine and the Caucasus, and Belarus, and much more, including Turkmenistan and most of Uzbekistan.
  The leader, in order to distract himself from extremely disturbing thoughts, began to write down aphorisms;
   The ringing of coins is more harmonious than the empty ringing of sophistry, however, the latter is usually bred to hear the former!
  A blonde is always a bright head, but, as a rule, only in the literal sense of the word!
  If dark hair is not a sign of intelligence, then light hair certainly cannot become a criterion of stupidity!
  Good wine is not stored in a crappy vessel, and great intelligence is not hidden under an ugly appearance!
  Those who have oak heads and selfish egoism allow their skins to be tanned!
  He who does not take into account all realities, counts trophies only in dreams!
  He who sits a lot gets stuck in the swamp of verbiage!
  He who waffles his tongue a lot will be battered by a hurricane generated by a storm of missed opportunities!
  There are always opportunities, but it"s impossible to realize them if you have unrealistic ambitions!
  A prominent appearance is good in a parade, but in battle the best appearance is complete invisibility!
  Literary pianos are easiest to repair when they are pulled out of the bushes of ignorance, onto the solid ground of common sense, and reliable tools of resourcefulness, invention, and fantasy are at hand!
  Everything that leads to victory is wonderful - to take over the enemy, but pianos don"t count!
  Nature does not have bad weather, she only has children who want to improve the climate and stepchildren, for whom there is nothing good in the world at all!
  Nature's stepchild is the one who does not recognize kinship with the creator of the universe, but prefers to consider himself an alien slave!
  So let"s drink so that our relatives can do everything, and our enemies can only do harm to themselves!
  You can't intimidate everyone at once, but you can drive everyone individually to insane horror!
  What creates new problems most of all is not the desire to create something new that solves the problems of the old!
  The large weight of this or that type of weapon indicates the lightness of judgment of those who ordered it!
  It is not the weapon that kills, but the one who shoots from it, but it misfires, most often the instrument of death itself, since refusing to kill is always the right decision for the shooter!
  When man is a wolf to man, it"s not as scary as when we are each other"s jackals!
  Those who are in a hurry are always late, and those who are in no hurry never reach their goal!
  Although speed alone does not give victory, in its absence, enemies snatch success from you!
  Why do many cooks spoil the porridge, because the herd can only trample a masterpiece with their scanty creative independence!
  When you surprise your enemy, you always gain an advantage over him, with the exception of amazing stupidity and amazing stupidity!
  When you surprise your enemy, you always gain an advantage over him, with the exception of amazing stupidity and amazing stupidity!
  The impoverishment of the hand of the giver may well take place if the taker is not stingy with cunning!
  The easier the victory, the more difficult it is to understand why it happened so easily and it is generally impossible to understand what misfortune prevented you from gaining the upper hand much earlier!
  The point of Morality is that without it it is easy to win, but it is even easier to ruin the fruits of victory!
  Those who have short hands for good deeds usually have long and evil tongues!
  The property of a short mind is to create long discussions and feeble-minded demagoguery!
  Satan always wins, because there is no good without evil consequences of its use!
  Those who are late for battle can only skip the victory parade!
  Yes, the easiest way to get into trouble is to scatter opportunities for your enemies like millet!
  A drop in spirit, like a drop in the barometer, leads to a storm, but only exclusively on our lands!
  And the elation of the soul repels a hurricane invasion, worse than any anticyclone!
  Whoever swears will feel very bad when he is responsible for his vile words!
  The first pancake may become lumpy due to haste, but the rest do not go down the throat precisely because of excessive slowness at the table!
  To prevent a mosquito from eroding your nose, you must not lose the sharpness of your reaction and intelligence from blood!
  A sharp mind, unlike a sharp bayonet, does not stab the one who sits on the throne with its help!
  The more enemies as stupid as oak trees, the more oak coffins there will be!
  Turning your cheek is a shame, but the one who refused to turn a shoulder to a comrade in trouble deserves even greater condemnation!
  There are not so many smart people, but the abstruse government manages to arrange them in such a way that they only interfere with each other!
  Anyone who barks a lot but runs slowly will reach the life of a dog very quickly!
  A dog's life is a guarantee only of a chain and a collar, and a kennel and rations, only for those who have managed to profitably sell the wolf's ticket and refresh the dog's smell!
  Strength must be combined with morality, morality with kindness, kindness with wisdom, and wisdom with foresight!
  The first to give out promises finishes last!
  Who does not burn in fire, who does not drown in shit, even with the weight of an intellectual nugget!
  You can quickly solve the problem only without haste!
  Genius is compatible with villainy, only committed with good goals and good consequences!
  They underestimate friends much more often than enemies, but they also have to repent of this no less often!
  Those who think backwards always remain with their noses in!
  Tears of joy are always mixed with bitterness, only there is always more of the latter among those who giggled at hard work!
  There are crocodile tears, but laughing with happiness is not given to a crocodile"s heart!
  Having put earthly riches under the hammer, you will not collect treasures in heaven, so the Master-God will not elevate servants with low practical ingenuity!
  The meeting place cannot be changed with death, but you can choose a much more decent landscape for the last meeting of the sublunary world!
  The spontaneity of the mind is judged not by the means of achieving the goal, but by the means that remain after the achievement!
  You can fill your belly with something that is too tough, but you can"t get enough!
  Those who don't have fangs most often get punched in the teeth!
  A toothless army can avoid a furious thrashing, but a brainless politician will get punched in the teeth, even with the most fanged armada!
  You can be considered smart by remaining silent, only except in the case when you need to give an answer, he starts talking in the language of guns!
  By playing the silent game you can save your life, but you can make it more than a miserable existence only by intelligently sharing your opinion!
  Silence is considered gold only by those who have been ill with the scrofulous satiety of the canary tongue!
  All endings are desirable for us, except for the end of the good, but the problem is that it is almost impossible to come to a good end, and the end of the good is almost inevitable!
  Nothing can resist innocent beauty except the ugly desire to sit on the throne of debauchery!
  You can earn grace with beauty, but you cannot pay for sins!
  Only those who can"t wait to be left with their noses show their backs!
  A warm heart can melt any glacier of indifference, but without a cold mind it is impossible to turn the emerging flow into a constructive channel!
  Revolution is like boiling water, you reach for it after a cold reaction, and then scream from the burns!
  People do weird things all the time, but miracles don"t happen!
  Miracles in a sieve come out sideways if you only have second thoughts!
  Surprise in war is like a sail on a yacht, only not as noticeable!
  If you take a soldier by surprise, it means the soldier is bad at observation!
  The precision of politeness is not of kings, but of those soldiers who support their throne with the barrels of muskets!
  When peace reigns, you can decorate your heart with forget-me-nots of mercy, but when the chaos of war rages, only the thorny roses of mercilessness will protect your soul from being devoured!
  It is better to dig a trench than to dig your own grave, but if you bury your talent and ingenuity, you will be buried in the deepest trench!
  Having given in to alcohol makes it easier to rush into the attack, but running at an angle of forty can only lead to a grave pit!
  A drunk is worse than a stupid log, the last one can prop up the door, seal up the holes, but the drunkard himself is a through hole, a door breaker, and even rebuilds the stupid logs with splinters!
  Boasting differs from flattery in that one does not expect to receive a flattering reward for the former, but praise for the latter!
  Humanity grows with intelligence, fertilizing itself with vices, like a rose with manure!
  Laziness stimulates the development of technology, bad habits - medicine and bioengineering, debauchery and lust of computer science, and aggressiveness, taken together, brings it to a level many times higher than natural needs!
  Laziness only gives an incentive to progress, but to really lead it you need work that will cover the natural needs of not only the lazy!
  Laziness is not an excuse for idleness, but it creates such problems that you will never be able to rest for the holiday!
  Laziness only gives an incentive to progress, but to really lead it you need work that will cover the natural needs of not only the lazy!
  Laziness is not an excuse for idleness, but it creates such problems that you will never be able to rest for the holiday!
  Whoever moves back - thinking to save his life - will stain himself with mortal shame!
  By running away you can save existence, but you cannot save life!
  Heroically attacking sometimes you lose existence, but you gain immortality!
  Nobility is not always innate, but always acquired through loss!
  A traitor, a slave and in a prince's attire, a servant of the Fatherland, a prince and in a serf's rank!
  Whoever feasts a lot in peace before the war will have little reason to feast on military successes!
  Patience will wear out everything except ambitious thoughts and indestructible ambitions!
  An exalted spirit will never fall to his knees - an exalted spirit will never descend into the underworld, and a lofty mind is always alien to base passions!
  You can fight with numbers, win with numbers, but only with the ability to maintain victory and the art of taking advantage of its fruits!
  It"s better for a strong kid to be the way he is, and to seem like a strong adult is always better to seem different from the way he is!
  But in any case, it is better for a ruler never to appear weak - even if his main strength is deception!
  Madly heroic, the soldier does not commit stupidity - the commander does stupidity, sending soldiers to where heroism becomes insane!
  You can overtake a whole circle in a competition, you can round up your capital in a business transaction, but you cannot achieve success when your belly is rounded and your ingenuity has become flat!
  Every warrior should have this, have a big heart, but little fear and a huge sense of responsibility!
  Two bears do not live in the same den, but two moralities coexist perfectly in one person with the mindset of a predator!
  A tiger in an ambush is dangerous until it loses its fangs, and a man is helpless until he flashes a bright invention!
  Everyone gets tired, only lazy people succumb to fatigue, only the dead do not shed drops of sweat!
  You can be considered a winning barbarian, but that"s better than being a losing chatterbox barbarian!
  Courage is like the leg of a chair; It"s good when combined with skill and calculation, and if you add luck to it, then victory will be consolidated on a solid foundation!
  Courage is good - sodomy is bad!
  Victory requires preparation, but you can prepare not for Victoria herself, but for the plan that gives hope of securing it!
  You can fix a crooked house or damaged health, but a shaken reputation is restored not by edits, but by a radical restructuring of your lifestyle!
  They tried to rebuild the USSR without causing inconvenience to the residents, but as a result, all the amenities were destroyed for no reason!
  Christianity by faith is against wars, but most of all they howl under the banners of the Christian faith!
  The world is unpredictable to the point of banality, but trivially calculated!
  Human blood is not water - it does not fade with time, watering burns out the crops, it only inflames thirst, but it still sheds the human race!
  It"s hard to wait for success, but in reality you can only wait for problems!
  If you wait for weather from the sea, you will expect a hurricane of troubles and a tornado of failures!
  The tongue is a small muscle, but it does great things with a small number of words spoken by great people!
  The propeller can be tightened on an airplane even without fuel with ignition, but a person without combat fuses can only twist!
  One born as an eagle always flies, but one born without wings only flies!
  You can cultivate a lion within yourself by willpower, but the soul of a hare, it turns out, is due to weak-willed promiscuity, it cannot be corrected without personal desire!
  When the people's forces cannot be tied into a strong broom, the result is a dilapidated coffin and a holey slave's bedding!
  It"s safer to kiss a shark on the forehead a thousand times than to show a Russian warrior your rear once!
  If the rear is useless, military fervor will not help! Well, if there is no ardor, the rear will be the enemy"s lunch!
  The eloquence of a commander is worth nothing without the gray greatcoats of the soldiers listening to him! But without the strong seasoning of red and juicy words, you cannot cook the soup of a victorious feast!
  For a fool, silence is truly like the philosopher's stone, giving the value of gold to a lead-filled tongue!
  War is like a weightlifting competition; if the weight is not reached, the prize is not awarded; if the enemy is not finished off, the victory anthem is not played!
  If the ruler does not have lofty thoughts, then his empire will explode into thin air!
  A ruler should always look to the top, but too much head in the clouds throws earthly prosperity to the wind!
  Unfortunately, the scavengers always arrive on time, but the pigeons fly to the wrong place!
  The cutlet is made from someone who cannot mince his enemies! And only someone who doesn"t have a brain like a cutlet can knead minced meat!
  A black eye will not add light to the room, but it can provide light in the darkness of stubborn dullness!
  When they say, come on, let's light a cigarette, comrade, from the expression let's hang ourselves - there is only one difference - the method of suicide is much more painful and dangerous for others!
  You can serve time until freedom, but you cannot serve time for freedom!
  Good wine cannot be stored in a crappy vessel, and rational thoughts cannot exist in a dirty body!
  Imitation is considered a monkey reflex, but in reality it is people who are more inclined to lose individuality and follow the principle - like everyone else!
  Real geniuses are like grains of gold in the sand, they shine brightly, but they end up in the wash in the first place!
  Most often, tyrants wash the people's sand with golden grains of geniuses in order to remove and wash everything that is more valuable than cobblestone dust!
  Our personal point of view is like binoculars - we look at our own shortcomings in reverse, we exaggerate others as much as possible, and if we need to analyze the glass, they always manage to fog up from stupidity and heaviness on the rise!
  It is more common for people not to sow what is not good and eternal, but to sow good and eternal!
  Finding fun adventures is indeed akin to the labors of Hercules; adventures come to your ass even when you are trying with all your might to get away from them!
  At the last phrase, Stalin was completely exhausted, both mentally and physically. He plopped down in a chair and began to snore.
  This is such an amazing dream that Peter managed to have. And it seemed scary and curious.
  And the "Monster" supertank has already crossed the northern border of the United States, walking through the territory of the land of freedom. Many caterpillars dug into the ground, leaving deep furrows. It was a symbol of the fascist clutch at the throat of American freedom. But the worst thing happened when the "Monster" stopped and the barrel mechanisms began to jingle. The terrible weapon began to aim at the target. The girls rushed, flashing their tanned, muscular, bare feet. And the trunk turned around.
  Adala sat down and pressed the joystick button.
  And a heavy, twenty-ton shell spat out. He flew towards one of the American cities.
  Peter growled:
  - The time has come, the period is now healthy! Destroy false leaders and real thieves!
  And discos fly in the sky, attacking US planes. The Americans really couldn"t be worse, such a force is rushing at them. And most importantly, you can only resist pressure with your own courage. Some Americans fight heroically, but the blacks and some yellows simply run away. Or they give up, falling to their knees.
  Peter saw captive women in the crowd and could not resist. Threatening a machine gun, he ordered them to kiss their boyish, bare feet.
  The women smacked their lips reluctantly and winced. The teenager"s leg is still hairless, beautiful, tanned, but dusty. And it"s humiliating to do it on your knees like that. But you have to, otherwise you can see in your eyes that they will shoot you. And Peter looks very angry. I wanted to attack them completely, but strangers were ashamed. Well, he humiliated them enough. And why are they dissatisfied and frowning? Isn't he a handsome boy? Why are they looking so stern? Maybe he should put his already considerable perfection in their mouth? It's just a pity there are a lot of people around.
  They shout at the guy and force him to pull the wire. The Monster supertank fires again. It spits up such a powerful rocket charge. And it flies across the sky, bringing death and destruction to an entire neighborhood.
  An E-100, a tank with two guns, powerful and quite fast, creeps past. Try something like this. The German car also shoots, noticing the Sherman slipping by. It's not very easy to hit from a distance. But the 128-mm anti-aircraft gun is fast-firing and hits well.
  And how the top of the Sherman was blown away. How was this tank left without its half? And the Germans are literally roaring with delight. Here is an American city ahead.
  Local police bow from the waist and fall to their knees begging for mercy.
  Most of the local residents ran away and hid. And only curious boys look at German tanks without fear. And even with some curiosity.
  One of the German women took out a whip and began to beat the American boys on their bare legs. They squeal and jump away. But they still look and don"t run away. Some even sing something.
  Peter, feeling the enthusiasm in himself, sang lines that strongly resembled the words of the future Soviet bard:
  - I don"t like myself when I"m afraid...
  It annoys me when innocent people are beaten!
  I don't like it when they get into my soul,
  Especially when they spit on her!
  A strong song to say the least! Meanwhile, five Soviet girls took up positions in the American defense. The girls were ready to either win or die. That's why they sang with great enthusiasm, composing as they went;
  My sacred, great Russia,
  Fields of gold, meadows of silver...
  Here diamonds have sprinkled the earth,
  Selected Russian snow pearls!
  You are my Motherland more than anything else,
  The nightingale rings, shooting a trill...
  There is no need for soldiers to rest on their beds,
  When the rabid villain burst in!
  Here the Wehrmacht advances in a wild roar,
  The Russian Earth is burning with fire...
  Russian troops are melting very quickly,
  And the family was destroyed by a bomb!
  But the Motherland, even if the hand of the enemy is cruel,
  He doesn"t want to give in to his adversary...
  The Fuhrer will get it, I believe in an eye soon,
  Because the army has been tempered into steel!
  Here we have closed redoubts near Moscow,
  And gritting our teeth, we fight for the country...
  I know the successes of the Krauts, they are just exaggerated,
  At least Hitler calls on Satan!
  We will defeat the fascists dashingly,
  Although the Nazis have great power...
  But then a Soviet tank rushes quietly,
  And kicks the Fuhrer's sides!
  We thresh the Krauts, cutting them down near Moscow,
  Heads and turrets are like oats to tanks...
  And I believe that the time of May will come,
  When did a soldier bring his flag to Berlin?
  Then the world will be in the happiness of communism,
  In it, every warrior is simply from the manger...
  We will throw the warriors of fascism into the abyss,
  Break any horde, our knight!
  The cuckoo told us how long we will live,
  This is not a very relevant question...
  Because it"s a pity that life is always so short,
  Hope Christ will resurrect people!
  But I believe in the science of communism,
  Let us conquer the vastness of the universe!
  Let's throw a bunch of superstitions into the abyss,
  Resurrect people and other creatures!
  July 1945. Five girls Alenka, Maria, Alla, Anyuta, Matryona are fighting in Philadelphia. This largest city in the northern United States is a kind of key hub of American defense. The troops of the Third Reich are advancing, threatening to capture the richest power in the world. And then they will inevitably fall on the USSR. And then it will be very bad.
  Battalion commander Alenka, in her usual uniform: barefoot and wearing only a bikini.
  A girl fires a bazooka at a German E-25 tank. This is a lighter and more maneuverable machine, and you can find a weak spot in it. And it hits the side, forcing the German to spin. After which Alenka fires a burst from a machine gun and mows down five Indians from the army of the Third Reich. He says with a grin:
  - They won't pass!
  And he throws a grenade with his feet. Again, fragments fly apart, a lot of losses, and severed heads. This is not the first time Alenka has fought. She has a track record from Brest itself. And the warrior is full of strength and determination to survive to the end. Nearby, an African American man dies with a torn stomach. This is a truly creepy sight. The black man writhes and the spirit comes out of him.
  Alenka says enthusiastically:
  - Don't die twice! Nothing in life can knock us out of the saddle!
  And again he throws a grenade with his bare feet.
  Golden-haired Maria is also right there. And throws grenades with his feet. She is a very beautiful girl and outwardly fragile, but very dexterous. Killed Arabs from the colonial troops of the Third Reich are falling. A scarlet stain spreads across the bearded face of one of them.
  Maria sang with delight:
  - There is a flower in the world, scarlet, scarlet... Goodbye to the Olympic fairy tale!
  And again her graceful, bare feet are in motion. Throw a grenade and hit opponents. It"s like a scythe cutting off nettles. And the girl throws. She's sparkling.
  Maria had to endure a lot of things during the war. And she will never forget this. And how in captivity they whipped her with a bare wire on her back and heels. And how they burned the sole with a lighter. And the worst thing was when Maria, exhausted by torture, was led to execution. With her burnt feet, the girl, almost a girl, stepped on the frozen clods of earth. Her bare, blistered feet were in great pain. Some German artists asked to detain Maria. Apparently he really wanted to paint a picture: "a barefoot girl is being led to execution." Poor Maria was driven in a circle, forced to freeze in a picturesque pose. And she"s only wearing a light, torn dress, covered in blood stains. The German leaned over her, grabbed her leg with his hand and forced her to bend her burnt fingers - to make it look more picturesque. And Maria was forced to stand motionless, chattering her teeth. And they even tried on the soles. Then they whipped her up with a whip and again drove her to the ditch. Then Maria mentally prayed to the Almighty and said goodbye to her family. She is a flock of teeth chattering from the cold of fear. The icy autumn wind blew her golden hair. The dress was very short, revealing her broken, burnt knees, covered with blisters, and wire marks on her legs. The whole girl was covered in abrasions, bruises, and bruises. They beat her with a rubber baton both on the head and on the heels! The whole back is striped with whips and wire. The dress is torn, a beaten body is visible through the rags. But Maria tries to stay upright.
  She will accept death and ask for no mercy!
  Gathering her strength, the girl shouts:
  - Long live the Motherland!
  And they shoot at her. The girl falls... She didn"t know it was a false execution. And she fell onto a snowdrift, losing consciousness from nervous tension. Then more torture followed. But one of the executioner policemen wanted to have fun, or rather rape her, and in her exhausted form Maria remained a beauty. The thug was not afraid that after severe torture the victim would resist, and took her to a secluded place. There he was about to take possession of her, but rage gave Maria strength. Not sparing her burnt heel, she struck him in the groin with such fury, and landed accurately that the policeman passed out from the shock of pain.
  Emotional excitement gave Maria strength. Having taken two pistols from the policeman, the almost naked, wounded girl went to break through. She managed, taking advantage of the surprise, to shoot four guards and escape through the prison gates.
  Then she ran away barefoot and through the snow. My legs were frozen and I couldn"t feel anything. Fortunately, the owner let the girl into the house and let her warm up. Maria's legs turned red like crow's feet and hurt terribly. But fortunately there were no frostbites.
  The girl received warm clothes and went to the partisans. And then she crossed the front line. But remembering her escape, she now tried to spend as much time as possible barefoot, and to do without shoes even in winter.
  In the summer, being almost naked is pleasant, especially since in America this time of year is warmer than in Russia.
  And Maria also learned to throw grenades very far with her legs. This is one of the advantages of a girl walking barefoot. You can use your toes to throw knives, grenades, sharp fragments, and pieces of ceramics and metal. That is, you can do a lot with your graceful legs. Even shoot from a machine gun. In their battalion, the girls all fight exclusively barefoot.
  Only in severe frost can beauties wrap their legs in cellophane, or lubricate them with fat and alcohol.
  Maria shoots and shines.
  Red Alla. She is also very accurate and a strong warrior. She has such copper-red hair that, fluttering in the wind, it resembles the banner of the revolution. A beautiful girl and very temperamental. Even too much. Already had sex with many men. I even made love to three, four at the same time. She really liked it that way.
  And who will judge Alla? She is an excellent fighter, and does not tolerate constancy in love. This is her credo. Now the girl is throwing a piece of glass with her bare toes. It flies and hits an African from the Reich army in the throat and pierces the Arab in the back of the head. There are a lot of soldiers from the Third Reich, recruited by raids. Colonial parts are very numerous. They are sweeping America.
  Alla giggles. She has a tough character and was in a juvenile prison. And cruelty and greyhounds arose there. At the same time, even in prison, the girl never stooped to offending the weak. However, who did not sit under Stalin? And Alenka also visited, albeit briefly, a children"s labor colony. But that didn"t stop her from rising to the rank of major and receiving the star of the Hero of the USSR.
  Alla shoots again. Then he launches a grenade with his bare foot. So it flies along a broken trajectory and ends up in the barrel of a tank. The red-haired warrior giggles:
  - I"m actually a super girl! Both in war and in bed!
  After which the fiery devil set fire to a piece of rubber with matches and crawled towards the German E-50 tank. And the red-haired devil had a crazy idea: to capture Hitler"s tank.
  She picked up a piece of rubber with the toes of her bare foot and threw it straight into the open barrel. And half a minute later the hatch of the E-50 tank opened, and the fleeing Germans appeared.
  Alla shot the Krauts with a pistol, and finished off one with a piece of ceramic, also thrown with her chiseled, seductive leg. Then she whistled to her friends:
  - Maria and Anyuta follow me!
  And three bare-legged girls in only a bikini, flashing their round, dusty heels, rushed into the tank. Its height is no more than two meters and the beauties easily jumped inside. They dug in the car. And they whistled.
  Anyuta, this charming blonde, remarked:
  - Cool car, it has such excellent optics and visibility!
  Maria also noted:
  - And this is how they control the tank.
  The girl picked up the joystick. She pressed the button. The machine's turret began to spin.
  Alla, baring her teeth, nodded:
  - Yes, it"s a comfortable car, unfortunately our thirty-four is far from it!
  Maria said with the air of an expert:
  - Of course... This gun has a caliber of 105 mm, and our IS-2 has a larger one.
  Alla nodded and remarked:
  - But the Germans have a longer barrel. And the initial velocity of the projectile is much higher than ours.
  Maria, sniffing the smell of burning rubber, giggled:
  - You deftly smoked them... Like cockroaches!
  Alla roared with a smile:
  - You need to know the tricks! But did you like it?
  Anyuta nodded and slammed her foot on the metal:
  - Without any doubt!
  And the girls burst out laughing. We checked the joystick a little. Maria took the driver's seat, Alla became the gunner, and Anyuta rode the machine guns. After which the German tank captured by the Russian girls began to move. Its trunk was ready to eject a mass of death.
  Alla, this red-haired devil sang fervently:
  - The death machine has gone crazy! She flies, breaking her target! We smiled this time and walked along the white line!
  And the fiery warrior caught the Panther-2 in her sights. She took it and shot. A lethal projectile with a depleted uranium core pierced almost right through the Panther and caused the detonation of the projectiles. The girls howled in unison, roaring:
  - We are great and super warriors! We'll erase everyone!
  And Alla fired at the Lev tank again. She bared her teeth. I remembered how she was flogged in a children's labor colony. Yes, there they flogged for the slightest offense. And it hurts! Girls are whipped, and you have to count the blows yourself. If you make a mistake, spank again until you lose consciousness. Girls are often lashed with nettles on their heels, especially in summer. Then it"s hard to step on the burned soles. The blisters on the girls' feet cause pain.
  Feeling angry, Alla shoots at Tiger-3. Pierces armor and bares its teeth. She is a successful warrior. And he knows what's worth. The most dangerous tank is, of course, the E-50. Here the machine is trying to recognize where the Germans are being hit from. Alla targets the most vulnerable spot at the junction of the tower. She points accurately and tickles her own heel on a sharp corner. Then he shoots. The projectile is ejected at a speed of over 1300 meters per second. And it hits right butt.
  Alla jumps up, exclaiming:
  - Ready!
  Anyuta confirms:
  - Dinner is served!
  The German tank begins to burn and its shells detonate. Shards are scattered all over the field.
  Maria sings:
  - The night scattered star fragments across the sky. Prepared by the Third Reich, a gloomy, boring coffin. Someone apparently made a buck at a flea market... And someone got hit right in the forehead by a bullet!
  Alla began pointing the barrel at the Lev-2 tank and howled:
  - Forehead and coffin!
  And she fired at a massive, but obsolete German car. The Lion's armor burst like glass under a stone. And the German machine began to tear up its combat kit again.
  Anyuta slapped her bare feet and shouted:
  - This is ours, the power of Russia!
  The girl with golden hair chirped, crushing the Germans and their foreign lackeys with her caterpillars:
  - Simply Maria! And I am the messiah!
  Alla fired again, this time at the E-25 and hissed:
  - No, the mountains will not be golden, they were silvered by the Aurora shell!
  Anyuta opened fire with machine guns. The E-50 has five of them, one welded to the barrel. And they hit hard. The native troops of the Third Reich are mowing down like a sickle.
  The blonde girl says:
  - Although I"m not a boy, I"m a bear girl!
  And it fires again and extremely accurately. So many corpses of Hitler's trash. Although not everyone here is trash. There are many Indians in particular. Hitler recruits colonial troops, sending them to slaughter. There are a lot of people in India, but there is no work for everyone. So let's transfer all the men to cannon fodder. There are many Africans and Arabs.
  There are also former Soviet citizens among those fighting. They were also sent to the slaughterhouse. Some were forced, and some went voluntarily. And the Soviets are always happy to fight against America.
  Alla shoots, breaks through another fascist tank and says:
  - I am what comes to Hitler in his nightmares.
  Maria is so gentle and outwardly fragile, she crushes the Nazis with caterpillars. She has no pity. Remember the girl, like a Nazi, ran a tongue of flame over her bare, graceful soles, sniffing the smell of burnt meat. And then, on the burns, they beat me with rubber batons. Such fascists must be crushed, given, and crushed some more.
  The E-50 tank is nimble, with wide tracks, and it is much more convenient for them to crush Russia"s enemies. It's a pity that their entire battalion is not there. The Germans must not get wind of Soviet volunteers. So the girls are just five of them fighting.
  Alena again from the bazooka, choosing easier German tanks. And Matryona, together with her partner Henry Smith, a simple but savvy American boy, slips mines under the tracks.
  The Germans have a lot of tanks, and as a rule they do not launch an attack without them.
  So Alla knocked out, or rather mortally wounded, another E-50. The girls are working successfully. But you should be careful. Here comes the "Royal Lion". This vehicle has three hundred millimeters of frontal armor, and a 210-mm cannon, which can be fired at tanks and unarmored targets. Such an E-50 gun will blow through.
  At this point Maria lets the tank go around in order to get on board, where the armor is two hundred millimeters thick and is easier to penetrate.
  Along the way, the girl crushes various kinds of fascists, and Anyuta fires machine guns.
  Maria whispers:
  - Forgive us, Mother of God, if anything happens!
  And Alla, without waiting to get on board, when approaching, shoots end-to-end, and the tip of the corner. And it hits right. It pierces through the metal, and the "Royal Lion" begins to smoke and detonate like the other tanks previously hit by the girls.
  Alla sang with a smile:
  - Either way, brothers! Love to live, brothers! You don"t have to bother with Stalin"s General Secretary!
  A shell will hit the frontal armor. It stings with its 88mm E-25 cannon. But the present slid across the armor.
  Alla responds by piercing the enemy machine like a needle through butter. After which the fiery devil says:
  - Storm, and the Viking sword!
  Anyuta fires a machine gun, adds:
  - Thunder and lightning!
  Maria crushed the colonel under the caterpillars and growled:
  - Bones, stars - falling in a row!
  Their tank fires again. This time along E-50. It certainly requires skill to penetrate 250 millimeters of frontal armor at an angle of 45 degrees.
  And here is the E-100, a formidable machine, but an outdated model. But its 128mm cannon is still dangerous. And the frontal armor is slightly weaker than that of the E-50.
  Alla remarks philosophically:
  - That's what the old model means!
  Maria interrupts angrily:
  - You still have to maneuver to avoid getting hit! After all, one hundred twenty-eight millimeters...
  And the girl rushed, dodging projectiles weighing twenty-eight kilograms. And so Alla again fired at the E-100 in an outdated modification. The German car began to be torn into pieces. And tear into steel fragments.
  And how the shells detonate.
  Anyuta, firing from machine guns, said:
  - He put all the power of his rage into the blow... He straightened the sky, shook the stars!
  Maria crushed a dozen fascists at once and tweeted:
  - Step on the gas! Come on my boy - step on the gas!
  Alla giggled and remarked:
  - Yes, it must be nice to crash with the boy. And suck him...
  Maria flared up in anger:
  -How vulgar you are, Alla!
  The fire devil giggled:
  - I like to make jokes! Do not take to heart!
  Maria, continuing to crush the hated fascists, sang:
  - My heart... Kind girl"s heart! My heart, I so want to live in the world!
  And the warrior suppressed more than a dozen more. And Alla fired at another E-50, singing:
  - And I measured his figure with my eye, and when he announced check to me...
  Anyuta fired machine guns and added:
  - I accidentally exposed my biceps! I'm a girl, not a weakling at all!
  Alla fired a shell at the Panther-2, easily breaking its side and chirped:
  - And instantly the tank became quieter!
  Anyuta continued growling:
  - The Fritz will soon not be in heaven!
  Alla hit the Lev tank and roared:
  - Apparently the adversaries have no time for chips!
  Anyuta, having mowed down the whole line, hissed:
  - And the vaunted notorious Hitler...
  After this, Allah will hit the E-25 and issue:
  - Now I"m not in paradise!
  Anyuta logically remarked:
  - We repeated it twice, not in heaven! This is called a tautology in the song!
  Allah will answer and roar:
  - What is people's democracy? This is when Hitler gets a nickel!
  Anyuta said sincerely:
  - Yes, and Stalin is not very good! Missed the German blow! And after the disaster of 1941, we were never able to withdraw!
  Alla, hitting with a gun, agreed with this:
  - Yes, in 1941 we lost almost our entire personnel army. It is almost impossible to escape from such damage. And Hitler managed to mobilize all the resources of occupied Europe and part of the USSR. And the British turned out to be extremely weak!
  Anyuta fired their five machine guns. Fifty foreigners were mowed down. And she chirped:
  - We are the most beautiful in the universe!
  Alla nodded in agreement and after the shot remarked:
  - The female body is beautiful and aesthetically pleasing! In this regard, we are the crown of beauty!
  Anyuta took it and sang with great enthusiasm:
  - I can see Your brush everywhere,
  Who created the edges of the universe,
  You gave life to the whole universe,
  Making holy wishes come true!
  God Almighty is the crown of beauty,
  Kindles my heart in dreams...
  These are my thoughts and dreams -
  An angel opened the door to heaven!
  I love you Holy Father,
  You gave your Faithful Son for me!
  Radiant diamond crown -
  And God"s love for you has not cooled down!
  You, the Boundless One, give us friends,
  Encourages you to work without laziness...
  That's why I want it more and more
  Pray to Almighty God!
  Everything in the Universe comes from the Father,
  And his Almighty Son...
  You are the Supreme Lord of beauty,
  The universe, the center and the top!
  There is in you the Almighty to become,
  And love that knows no boundaries...
  Read a psalm on your knees,
  We will soon take wing like birds!
  The whole universe will become like heaven,
  Interplanetary happiness will bloom...
  And dare you, boy, boldly -
  Dedicating your work to Jesus!
  And when the Almighty comes,
  Eden will be better on Earth...
  God Christ leads us to salvation,
  The atmosphere will be a rainbow of the day!
  Therefore God teaches - do not sin,
  If you are weak, the Almighty will help...
  And hurry up and repent,
  Preach - don't worry about bed!
  A good song, especially if you shoot at German tanks while listening to it. Alla sang along and shot. The fiery devil, in her beliefs, leaned towards paganism. She was attracted to magic, various witchcraft. And she didn"t like monotheism too much.
  But the red harpy still sang along and shot. What about Jesus? Also a strong God!
  But before the war, they taught that there is no God! Alla fired, struck another, obsolete "Panther"-2, and chirped:
  - Yes, there was a time when they told us in all seriousness that God is just an illusion!
  Maria shook her head vigorously, and after crushing several more fascists, she answered:
  - No, the Almighty, it cannot be an illusion, especially since there is a question - where did the universe come from!?
  Anyuta, shooting, showering the Nazis with bullets, considered it necessary to add:
  - Besides, physicists have already established that the universe consists of almost nothing. And that our entire Earth can be squeezed like an apple!
  Maria considered it necessary, while continuing to put pressure on the fascists, to add:
  - And it has also been established that the Universe is expanding. So, most likely, it was once the size of a hydrogen atom! Can you imagine where it all came from!
  Alla, continuing to smash the tanks, rationally objected:
  - If you think that the Universe arose from an explosion, then... Then you are saying an extremely absurd thing!
  Anyuta rationally and judiciously noted, aiming the machine guns with her bare, graceful feet:
  - That"s exactly why I say that God exists! The T-34 tank could not have arisen from an explosion at a scrap metal warehouse, and stars would not have formed from quark explosions. Just human existence...
  Maria, having crushed another pack of Nazis, added:
  - Refutes the existence of the second law of thermodynamics. In practice, we see constant complication, and the second law of thermodynamics leads to death! And simplification!
  Anyuta, operating the machine guns with her bare toes, added:
  - This is the law of decreasing entropy. That is, general heat death! So we must admit that either the second law of thermodynamics does not exist, or that there is a Supreme God who maintains order!
  Alla, who is also no stranger to science, rationally remarked:
  - What about the theory of nonequilibrium thermodynamics? It explains why the second law of thermodynamics is not straightforward!
  Anyuta giggled and remarked with a chuckle, nailing the fascists:
  - Isn"t this an empty mind game?
  Maria also giggled, but considered it necessary to note:
  - But how, for example, can we explain the existence of God? How did He appear?
  Alla growled and, baring her teeth, confirmed:
  - That's it! How do you explain this?
  Anyuta slowly suggested:
  - But atheism also requires faith without explanation? Where, for example, did matter come from?
  Alla knocked out another Lev tank and suggested:
  - Matter is eternal and has always existed!
  Anyuta said with emphasis in her voice:
  - How could she always exist? This also requires faith!
  Alla logically retorted:
  - Just as the existence of the eternally Almighty requires faith!
  Anyuta logically remarked:
  - But the Almighty could give birth to man and the universe. And how could impersonal matter give rise to the intelligent!
  Alla knocked out another tank, this time an E-50, and spoke out:
  - The theory of evolution could explain the transition from simple to complex. And the simple could evolutionarily give rise to the complex. And as an absolute non-existence, it immediately gave birth to an infinitely omnipotent mind.
  Anyuta, shooting at the fascists, confidently answered:
  - But nothing gave birth to God! The Almighty has always existed! And this is an axiom! Yes, I agree. "The girl mowed down a couple of dozen Nazis and continued. - And the alternative requires even more faith! Imagine the existence of always impersonal energy and matter and space arising from what? Also from non-existence! And again you need faith to understand such absurdity! That is, atheists are in complete trouble! Everything has a root cause. But where must the root cause end? - The girl pressed her bare toes on the joystick buttons, shooting the fascist evil spirits. And she continued. - If we search for the root causes from the beginning, then according to atheism we will ultimately end up in non-existence. But could non-existence or absolute emptiness give rise to anything? And if the original root cause is seen in the Almighty God, then all problems are resolved by themselves. And the existence of human civilization, and intelligence, and biological life and planets with stars. But atheistic ideas, in the search for the root cause, still rely on the need to accept by faith. But further explanation that life on Earth, and human civilization is the result of chance, requires much more faith and assumptions than faith in the Almighty God.
  Alla fired again, smashed the E-50 and asked sarcastically:
  - Well, let"s say you convinced me... But why should I believe in the Biblical God, and not Rod? Into the Slavic version of the Almighty!
  Anyuta whistled, fired, and after thinking a little, answered:
  - Because the Bible, even if many of them don"t like the fact that it was written by Jews, has at least some justification for its Divinity. At least take the prophecies. And Rodnoverie... Are there many of these Rodnoverie people? If they have their own ancient Bible? And I would like with my heart that God"s chosen people would be Russians, and not Jews, that Russia, and not Israel, would be the kingdom of the Lord. - The girl spread her arms and pressed her seductive, tanned legs on the joystick buttons with her bare fingers. - But you see, we don"t have such a book as the Bible. And there are not even reliable sources about what our ancestors believed before the adoption of Christianity. This is the problem, that with all the shortcomings of the Bible, other alternatives require even more faith, and are doubtful in terms of God"s spirituality.
  Alla, having smashed an accurate hit from the Jagdtiger-2, suggested:
  - And if the Almighty did not consider it necessary to give a revelation about yourself at all. And all books about God are in equally equal conditions... - The red-haired devil grinned and, winking at her friends, added. - That is, all this is purely human.
  Anyuta paused in the shooting to let the machine guns cool down and asked doubtfully:
  - Do you think the Almighty could hide knowledge about himself and let the world take its course?
  Alla quite rationally remarked:
  - Look at our world! The Nazis took Orenburg, stormed Philadelphia, stood near Moscow and surrounded Leningrad. Looking at this, I think it is not difficult to believe that the Almighty God allowed our world to take its course. Like, flounder on your own, and I"ll take a look!
  Anyuta sighed heavily and agreed:
  - Yes, the fact that the Nazis captured more than half of the world... This is horror! But maybe this is a punishment for the world for sins and unbelief!
  Alla flashed her eyes, fired another shell and remarked:
  - But this once again shows that... That in God who answers our prayers we can only believe in faith!
  Anyuta angrily objected:
  - But we are alive and not crippled... So don"t sin against God, Allah.
  In the south, German troops stormed the largest US base in Miami.
  The most legendary four beauties fought on the E-50 tank. So they smashed a battery of anti-aircraft guns to pieces into steel fragments.
  Gerda, licking her lips carnivorously, said:
  -For the sake of art, performers make voluntary sacrifices, for the sake of military art, listeners are forced to sacrifice!
  Charlotte, combing her copper-red hair with her bare foot, remarked:
  - War is a fascinating process! We continue to take city after city, town after town, until we destroy all of America.
  Christina said dreamily:
  - I wish I could have a pig with pineapples now... I'm tired of dry soldering!
  Magda remarked judiciously:
  - So this is our post! Don't be upset!
  Christina giggled. She really wanted two or three guys to touch and stroke her at once. And she would be red-haired and muscular, and would squeal like a pig. It"s so nice when a man"s hands run over your fingers, shins and ankles. When young men tickle your heel and shower your graceful legs with kisses.
  Christina even rubbed between her legs. How exciting such thoughts are. How I want sex.
  Magda, looking at her red-haired partner, chirped:
  - Drive away lustful thoughts! Be strict with yourself!
  Christina rubbed her bare sole on the metal and said, rumbling:
  - Oh, you Christian hypocrite! How do you not understand the voice of the flesh!
  Christina imagined men. A lot of young, beautiful, muscular people who grab her with their hands, and then it starts... What"s wrong with that? Do men dream of harems? Why doesn't she start her own male harem? And have an orgy.
  Gerda fired at a 240-mm American howitzer and, with flashing eyes, barked:
  - Be careful! Such a large projectile is dangerous for us!
  Christina twitchingly said:
  - Eh, it would be nice to change to Shurmlev. This tank, or rather a mastodon, if it hits, it hits!
  Gerda ran her bare foot, covered only by a narrow strip of fabric, over Christina"s chest. Her nipples immediately hardened, and the girl moaned voluptuously.
  Gerda giggled and replied:
  - All four of us will need to go to the men! Let's relax and have a massive orgy!
  Christina giggled and remarked:
  - Yes, I really want sex! Although just recently I was with three guys at once... The flesh is becoming more and more insatiable!
  Gerda giggled and fired, chirping:
  - Girls need guys, it"s so nice to be with them! Especially when you work your mouth with large male perfection.
  And the snow-white warrior burst out laughing. She licked her scarlet lips with her pink tongue. I imagined a lollipop as big as a banana. How her nimble tongue licks the sweet, tasty, excitingly smelling flesh.
  Gerda shook her head. During the fight, you should not indulge in erotic fantasies. Better to shoot and nail.
  Magda spoils the mood:
  - If you indulge in the lusts of the flesh, you will go straight to hell. And then there will be such torture...
  Charlotte moaned lasciviously, arching her muscular body with high breasts:
  - Torture! Wow, when you are whipped with a whip or nettle, it is very pleasant!
  Gerda giggled and said:
  - For you, torture is torture, but the whipping is serious!
  Magda aimed the gun with the joystick. I caught a Sherman buried in the ground with an extended gun. The beauty fired. It's like breaking a chocolate bar. An American tank is on fire. And then a new target: Pershing. And you point at him and shoot for sure. And you literally tear down the tower.
  Magda says after hitting an American tank:
  - Don't think about guys. We should fight... And let the voice of lust drown out the explosion of a shell!
  Gerda nodded in agreement. She stroked her leg and imagined that Hans was caressing her. This is a tall and muscular boy, so similar to the poster Aryan. That would be so good!
  After which the girl fired at the "Witch". And she crushed the side. And it split the car almost in half. After which the beauty also hit the bunker and broke it. Even marble chips fell off.
  After which the girl chirped:
  - The ax handle was cut in half, but there was a scar on the forehead!
  And how he laughs... Shows his tongue, so pink and nimble.
  And then Christina presses the joystick buttons with her bare fingers, smashing "Big Tom" into rubble.
  And this fiery, temperamental devil shoots so accurately. Accurate shots combined with ecstatic grace.
  Charlotte says with a grin:
  - This is how women hold a man: an Italian with her body, an American with her deeds, a Frenchwoman with grace, and a Russian with her party organization!
  Christina confidently stated:
  - It"s better when men are different... It"s much nicer and more interesting. And change lovers like gloves!
  Gerda will take it and sing:
  - The husband is in the dungeon, and the wife is in the madhouse, the husband has eaten too many pears, and the wife is Satan!
  And again the girls laugh. Then they began to clash with their bare feet, so much so that sparks fell from under the soles. And the beauties giggle. Charlotte also fired, pressing her toes from the joystick, and chirped.
  - Gerda, Gerda, Gerda! Devilry! And where did you come from, Gerda? Gerda, Gerda - must become beautiful! Satan himself is at this beauty!
  And both girls smashed their heads together with all their might. And how sparks will fly.
  After which the girls shouted in unison:
  - Above us the squadrons are roaring in unison! One strong fool is planting Sodom!
  And the warriors again hit their heads with all their might. They really are having a lot of fun. And the beauties roar with delight! And they sing like robbers:
  - It"s a pleasure for sisters, it"s a pleasure for sisters to live... You don"t have to bother with the Nazi Fuhrer! Any sisters, any, any sisters... Near Miami we will dashingly destroy the Yankees!
  It's fun for the girls, you can't say anything. Several states are already under Wehrmacht control. And the Nazis are advancing, the Fritz"s tanks are of course of the highest class!
  And the warriors sing at the top of their lungs:
  - All those who are against us are dead... And all the robbers will go for us!
  The beauties exclaimed in unison:
  - It's scary - kaput!
  The warriors seemed to really like it all. They are so beautiful, muscular, and at the end of July it is hot, and the strong girls" bodies glisten with sweat. Christina crushes the Americans with her caterpillars and whistles a song to herself. With an enthusiastic tone:
  - Write it down in your notebook, on every page... Don"t lose your head, just drive the Yankees away!
  And the girl giggles to herself, bares her teeth, and winks. To whom - probably the Devil.
  Gerda, while shooting, remembered one of the science fiction novels she had read. In it, Satan appeared at the professor's house in the guise of a beautiful young man. And a story about the problems that arose in hell. Yes, because of the little men devouring positive entropy, a violation of the order of chance arose and hell, in fact, began to resemble a nightmare. And it was a pretty good place. There the sinners celebrated feasts for themselves, being young and beautiful.
  And the gentle, red sun shone forever. And then this began... No wonder they compared the underworld to a sewer. But in fact there were pure pleasures and entertainment there.
  Gerda took it and sang fervently:
  - Fill the glass with fire water,
  Together with Satan - let's drink to metal!
  And the beautiful blonde hits like a cannon. And it hit a low-flying American P-51 attack aircraft. Well, you clever little devil!
  Gerda grinned carnivorously. But the Americans had a chance to divide Russia together with the Germans. And now they themselves will have to lie under Hitler. And for them it is unpleasant. Then the practical American will know what German discipline is. And it will only benefit him.
  Gerda sang:
  Hovering menacingly over the planet,
  Third Reich eagle...
  Sung in the songs of the people,
  He has regained his greatness!
  And this made it much easier and funnier for the girls. And there were warriors of the highest class. However, it is actually very easy for them to fight. And they are capable of winning without any problems. Now the battery is literally gouged.
  Then they crushed the US soldiers with caterpillars and giggled excitedly and showed their tongues. And they spanked each other with their bare feet. They twisted their heads on strong necks. We laughed...
  Magda, only in a slightly minor tone, remarked:
  - What to do in hell? Just twist the devils tails!
  After which the girls burst out laughing, so that you could hear it outside the tank. They are so mischievous and cheerful. These are warriors who don't take a damn.
  The Wehrmacht entered deeper and deeper into Miami. A real skating rink made of steel flames was moving forward. And the equipment rattled, the tracks clanged. Germany's tanks are strong and have no equal in terms of vehicle level. And the Krauts are extremely proud of this. There are even very inflated field marshals walking around. The E-50 is not only well protected by the thickness of its armor, but it also has sloping plates.
  Try this one. And the Americans, who are opponents of the Germans, cannot do anything about the Nazis.
  Black soldiers give up and desert first. They don't really want to fight for the United States. Americans of German origin go over to the side of the Wehrmacht. Only the Jews, realizing that they will have no mercy, fight to the end. Both Chinese and English-Americans are showing resilience. Latinos behave differently. Some do not want to fight with the allies, Germany: Brazil, Argentina and others, but some are quite stubborn. In general, the Americans demonstrate relative resilience, and they have to fight their way forward. Although there were many prisoners, the number ran into millions.
  It should be noted that the Americans have a very large number of Shermans. This tank is relatively easy to manufacture and is in many ways similar to the Soviet T-34, only taller, and somewhat worse with side armor. Which, however, is not significant considering how strong the German guns are.
  But the Krauts are actively collecting accounts. A whole galaxy of German tankers accumulated a huge number of damaged vehicles. Aces also work superbly. Apart from Friedrich Bismarck, who is out of competition, Marseille comes second. Huffman is not bad either. But they love him less because this ace often damages German planes. Huffman's fighting style of attacking at close range, of course, increases the risk of being hit by shrapnel from downed aircraft. Marcel and Friedrich prefer to act at a distance.
  They were snipers, very efficient and effective.
  Rudel is also a very honorable ace, the second tank destroyer after Friedrich. This Rudel is a very courageous man. He was shot down and wounded more than once, but remained in service.
  In general, it should be recognized that the Luftwaffe's skill is at an enormous level. And that the Americans are clearly losing to the Germans in the air. And the most popular American fighter, the Mustang, is completely helpless in the air.
  Gerda took the lollipop stick with her bare toes and, sucking on it, said thoughtfully:
  - That"s interesting... We will defeat America without any doubt. But will Japan really get that much land?
  Charlotte said with rage in her voice:
  - No! This should not happen! We will not give up half the world to the narrow-eyed!
  Christina giggled, hit the armor with her round heel and growled:
  - Let's smash them like Russians and Americans!
  Magda said in a softer tone:
  - But they helped us a lot in the war with the Russians and Americans. We shouldn't speak disparagingly about Japan!
  Charlotte's eyes flashed and hissed:
  - We treat others the way they deserve! And Japan is no exception!
  Gerda remarked conciliatoryly:
  - No, of course, we must pay tribute to Japan"s contribution to the Second World War. Especially in the battle against the USA. They killed many Americans and sank most of the fleet. Thus protecting us too!
  Christina snorted contemptuously:
  - If Japan had attacked the USSR in 1941, Moscow would have been taken long ago. And so the war dragged on beyond any real duration.
  Charlotte, this red-haired devil nodded in agreement:
  - Yes, the sixth year of the war is coming to an end. And there is no end or edge in sight to this carnage! And we have to admit it"s getting a little hard.
  Gerda rolled over on her stomach, pressed the joystick button with her foot, knocking out another Sherman, and cooed:
  - But we don"t know any other life... So is it worth wishing for anything else!
  Magda said judiciously:
  - The number of countries in the world is exhaustive. This means that sooner or later there will be peace, and with it comes happiness for people.
  Charlotte, this red-haired devil snorted contemptuously:
  - Isn"t there happiness in war?
  Magda shook her head:
  - What happiness can there be in killing people? In destruction, violence and grief?
  Charlotte shrugged and noted:
  - When I was a little girl, I really loved playing war and hitting nettles with a stick. There is something in all of us people that is drawn to destruction. And the destruction of bad things!
  Christina sang, jumping up and down the tank:
  - The underworld is very terrible... Hell is more nightmarish than the most terrible dreams... But we love to sin very passionately, this is the credo of all the fate of our sons!
  Charlotte added at length:
  - And daughters too... You need to know moderation in everything, including sin!
  Gerda said judiciously:
  - Sin is like pepper in soup. Too much is bad - it burns your mouth, but without it it"s bland and tasteless!
  Magda remarked with a sigh:
  - But sin makes you tired! Is not it?
  Gerda grinned and replied:
  - Running is also tiring, but it is good for health... We need to heal the body.
  Charlotte was distracted and sent a shell into the Pershing. She is a very accurate warrior. And she has something to show others. She knocked out an American tank and tweeted:
  - I am a super warrior and three times hyper!
  After which the beauty threw the trophy chewing gum into her mouth and blew a whole bubble.
  Gerda sarcastically remarked:
  - The US has much better chewing gum than tanks!
  Christina took it and sang:
  - Violence destroys steel, but evil"s power does not last forever! And you become stronger in soul! When the hand is firm and the goals are humane! You can crush violence!
  Magda sang in response:
  God's light illuminated us,
  Faith in the Lord Christ...
  And in repentance she opened -
  Our stormy hearts!
  And the girl with golden hair shot accurately. The shell she sent crashed the American car.
  But the Yankees are already crawling out from under the ruins. They give up. They put their hands on their necks and are shaking with fear. White flags are hanging. One of the batteries, however, is in no hurry to raise his hands.
  Gerda aims the gun and shoots. Precisely sending shell after shell. A very sharp girl. Magda also shoots in turn. No matter what - natural blonde... Thin waist, high chest. She knows where to find her husband"s stash... But I wanted a change - I bought a pack of paints!
  And it"s funny for the girls, they"ve become so cool now.
  Gerda took it and sang:
  - And they leave in tanks - the girls are dashing...
  Steel element, steel element!
  Charlotte fired at the "Witch" and sang:
  - If you want to be healthy, toughen up... If you need a tank without brakes, don"t be shy!
  And all four girls will burst into tears and roar. Christina smiled and said:
  - A woman with four men, that's great!
  Gerda confirmed:
  - The more lovers, the better! We are Hitlerites, which means we are outside bourgeois morality!
  Charlotte said angrily:
  - Moral, from the word dirty!
  Christina giggled and remarked:
  - We are wild girls! Just savages!
  Gerda said with a proud look:
  - But each of us bore a child under the heart of the Fuhrer!
  Magda responded furiously:
  - You shouldn"t stoop like that to the level of animals!
  Charlotte giggled and remarked:
  - We are not just animals, but lionesses!
  Christina clarified, shaking her hips:
  - And even devils! So our Nazi morality is truly diabolical and cruel!
  Gerda took it with a smile and sang:
  The night before the battle, even for heroes,
  Scary in the dark...
  A pentogram from an ancient temple is burning,
  God give me strength... So as not to end up in the graves!
  Christina remarked with a Gioconda smile:
  - And I would like to become immortal like the highlander in the movie... Try a billion men, and a trillion goblins, and a sextillion elves!
  Gerda purred and said:
  - Elves... They are so beautiful and smelled of flowers and honey. How I would like to make love with them. It's such wild fun.
  Christina giggled and muttered:
  - Elves are a sweet dream... Beauty turns a man into a slave! And after death they will not find peace... Because in the underworld the girls are with Satan!
  Charlotte took it and sang enthusiastically:
  - Fill the glass with fire water... The flame will burn and chop metal!
  And the girls will laugh at once... They are not weak at all! Beautiful and cool girls!
  Gerda took it and sang with delight:
  - Don"t be afraid of death, don"t hold on to fear... After all, without righteousness there is no point in living!
  In response, Magda fired, sending a shell straight to the center and sang:
  - At the heavenly roll call, at the heavenly roll call... There, by the will of Jehovah, I will be! And I hope my dear friends!
  Christina, this golden-red devil chirped:
  - And in heaven, will I have a sextillion elf lovers?
  Magda answered with a smile:
  - And on Sunday they do not marry or get married, but remain like angels in heaven. And you devils will apparently mate with demons for eternity!
  Christina laughed and remarked:
  - But this is very cool! Can you imagine how big their dicks are! And in general...
  Gerda sang in response:
  - The Reich is building a new world,
  And denies the past...
  Putting on the throne -
  Ridiculous and vulgar!
  And the beauties with bare legs and almost naked, muscular, tanned bodies burst out laughing.
  Charlotte cracked her fists and hissed:
  Explosions rumbled...
  The grace is over -
  Stop showing your backs
  Time to kill enemies!
  But at the moment it turned out to be not quite the time. The Americans continued to surrender, apparently Miami was the next city to be taken.
  White flags were thrown. The prisoners came out. When Gerda jumped out of the tank, she deliberately dipped her bare foot into puddles of machine oil. Immediately, dirt, sand, and dust stuck to the blonde beauty"s feet. Further, by tradition, the prisoners were forced to kiss the girl"s dirty and stinking soles.
  The rest of the beauties did the same. They say, let the prisoners not enjoy kissing bare feet. Let them crawl and sniff. And they lick off dirt and dust with their tongues.
  Charlotte grabbed the black-eyed American's nose with her bare toes. She squeezed hard. Made the prisoner scream. And then she hit her forehead with her heel, causing a bump. The prisoner of war fell and lost consciousness.
  Charlotte sang sarcastically:
  - I am a real cobra girl, and you will not be well under us!
  After which Gerda followed suit. She also squeezed her noses with her bare fingers and pulled, almost tearing off her nose and pushing her heels into her chin. Breaking my jaw.
  Then Christina did the same. She grabbed her counterpart's nose very tightly and even drew blood, tearing her nostrils.
  Magda, in excitement, also forced the prisoners to kiss her dusty feet, covered in machine oil, but then she walked a little and noticed:
  - This is vulgar and cruel!
  Charlotte added sarcastically:
  - And still not in a Christian way!
  Magda nodded in agreement:
  - Truly so! We are not behaving like Christians!
  The red-haired devil growled in response:
  - And you too! So don't contradict us!
  Among the prisoners were teenage scouts. Christina approached them and mockingly said:
  - Do you want to taste a woman's body?
  The boys cast hungry and embarrassed glances at the almost naked, very beautiful girl. Many of them fought in the heat in only shorts, and were covered with a chocolate tan. Gerda jumped up to the brats and, shaking her machine gun, roared:
  - On knees!
  They fell down at once. After which the girls again, this time the scouts were forced to kiss their feet. The boys even creaked sand in their teeth, but they endured and did not dare to object.
  Gerda roars at the top of her lungs:
  - I'm King Kong.
  And Christina took off her bra and completely exposed her high breasts with scarlet nipples. And she started thrusting it at all the boys in a row. Like, kiss.
  The boys blushed with embarrassment, but obediently, they kissed. What were they experiencing? A mixture of fear and desire. Young men were excited by the sight of half-naked girls and their touches. Christina liked this too.
  Gerda also exposed her breasts. She is also tall, plump, with scarlet nipples, like strawberries.
  Charlotte followed them, showing off her curvy body. Only Magda turned away. It seemed shameful and vulgar to her.
  In general, you lose so much humanity in war. And Nazi morality in general turns people into animals. Some are like wolves, others are like sheep.
  But on the other hand, iron discipline, organization, ruthlessness in achieving goals work wonders!
  That's how quickly the E-50 tank became mass-produced. For example, is it possible for the Americans, who are still churning out Shermans, which were weak against the T-4?
  But what girls are wild. They, awarded many orders for their military services, behave like this. They force the boys to kiss their chests, legs, and thighs. Well, is that really possible? What moral is this? Moreover, German and foreign soldiers look at this and twist their fingers at their temples. Like, look what kind of women we have!
  They're about to start mating right in front of everyone!
  Magda screamed at the top of her lungs:
  - No! Don't you dare do that! Be human!
  Gerda shouted in response:
  - Don"t bother us teaching the boys!
  Magda jumped up to her, threw away several teenagers and barked:
  - Have you gone mad?! Stop exposing the army of the Third Reich to ridicule!
  Charlotte suddenly became embarrassed and remarked:
  - Maybe we really are going too far? You need to exercise moderation and accuracy!
  Christina waved it off and squealed:
  - Don't bother me, don't touch me, it's good to enjoy. They are such beautiful boys, and they smell of sweet youth!
  Gerda looked back and hissed:
  - Let's go with them, then we'll frolic. You can"t do this in front of the entire army! And we will still have time for games!
  Christina muttered in frustration:
  - After? Then it"s not the same thrill as in front of everyone! And this is cool!
  The famous four, who became living legends: Gerda, Charlotte, Christina and Magda, continued to advance north in their so far best tank in the world, the E-50. The Wehrmacht was already surrounding Atlanta. America's situation was rapidly deteriorating.
  Nevertheless, tank battles continued. The girls repelled another stubborn attack by Shermans and Pershings. A new Washington tank has also been added, only a couple of them for now. But this car was somewhat more dangerous. The barrel length of the 90-mm cannon increased to 73 EL, exceeding the power of the Tiger-2, which, with a more advanced projectile, made it possible to penetrate the E-50 into the side. True, the engine for the new tank was not ready for the same 500 horsepower with a weight of fifty-seven tons and frontal armor of 152 millimeters.
  Magda hit such a car from a distance of two kilometers and remarked:
  - The enemy is improving with a clear delay! And he made such a clumsy tank!
  Gerda giggled and ran her bare foot along the pedal of the car, cooing:
  - Well, this is lucky for us! And in general, we have already gone so deep into this empire of capitalism. The USA will fall soon!
  Charlotte, this red-haired devil hissed:
  - And there will be power over the world!
  Christina cooled her friend's ardor:
  - Don't flatter yourself too much! There is also the USSR. And this is a country with great opportunities!
  Gerda whistled. She pressed the joystick and, having destroyed the Sherman, noticed:
  - The Russians will never have such powerful equipment as ours. And most importantly, they can no longer match the number! So keep your nose up and your host up to snuff! Know that the Third Reich is always with you!
  Magda smiled and said barely audibly:
  - And Jesus is always with me!
  Gerda corrected her friend:
  - Aryan Jesus!
  Magda agreed with this:
  - He may be Aryan, but he is the almighty Son of God!
  Christina cooed with a smile:
  - May the Aryan force be with us! We will defeat everyone and achieve immortality!
  Magda fired again. She fired amazingly accurately. The Sherman has not yet been discontinued in the United States, and despite August 1945, it has not acquired an atomic bomb. So the American situation was somewhere between, extremely difficult and absolutely hopeless. Or maybe even closer to absolutely hopeless.
  Gerda also recalled how they fought on a ninety-ton tank, the "Lion," which was inferior to the E-50 in both armament and armor. Germany's technology has developed. And it has no equal. Only sixty-five tons, and what protection. Eh, what else could the Krauts dream of? Except that it"s impossible to break through from any angle!
  Gerda asked Magda:
  - Tell me better, what shape should a tank be so that it cannot be penetrated from any angle?
  The Christian girl answered with a smile:
  - In the shape of an Egyptian pyramid, only more elongated and flattened.
  Gerda took the pencil in her hands and threw it, catching it with her bare toes. She carefully sketched a drawing on the wall and noticed:
  - Is this what it is?
  Magda nodded in agreement:
  - Yes! Like this!
  Charlotte whistled and remarked:
  - It"s simple! But the projectile actually ricochets from any angle!
  Gerda said seriously:
  - We need to share this idea with our designers. Then you will get an extremely strong tank. With perfect protection!
  Magda shrugged, remarking:
  - This is not really our business!
  Gerda shook her head in response:
  - Woe to those who are indifferent to their country!
  Christina noted:
  - Yes, we will send it ourselves! Collectively from all four! Let Porsche or whoever else finalize our idea!
  Gerda, with a smile sparkling brighter than pearls, agreed:
  - So it will be! Let's share the glory, as it should be for everyone!
  Magda answered quietly:
  - Do as you want! I personally am not greedy!
  Gerda said with enthusiasm:
  - After all, greed is a feeling of inferior people! They are weak in mind, even the poor people feel sorry for them!
  And the warrior tore off the Pershing turret with a shot. In general, the American counterattack floundered. The battle ended quite successfully for the Wehrmacht. The Fritz suffered almost nothing. Losses... It was getting dark. And the sun was setting towards a ruby sunset. Atlanta promised to be a tough nut to crack because it was a big city.
  It is clear that large populated areas are the most difficult to take. True, the fascists, as a rule, preferred to surround and rely on attrition.
  On the way, the girls saw the Big Tom self-propelled gun. Powerful enough to be dangerous. They knocked her out... Without any particular problems for ourselves.
  Then, when it was completely dark, we stopped and had a snack. We also tried American Coca-Cola and a sandwich. Gerda drank two whole liters and remarked:
  - It lifts your spirits as well as schnapps!
  Charlotte asked:
  - Who is she?
  Gerda grinned and replied:
  - "Coca Cola"!
  The red-haired devil grinned:
  - ABOUT! This is the drink of the gods! Kind of like lemonade, only better!
  Christina giggled and objected:
  - Ay! Natural coffee is best! But not before bedtime!
  Magda noted:
  - It"s a sin to drink vodka!
  Gerda waved it off with her bare foot:
  - I know! Woe to him who prepares strong drink!
  The girls spent the night near the tank's caterpillars, picking some burdocks as bedding. And so they didn"t get enough sleep for several nights. The pace of progress was high. And the resistance is quite strong.
  Gerda apparently had too much Coca-Cola; it"s unlikely that she should pour such a large dose of the fizzy drink into herself. So the girl with hair the color of white snow had the most natural nightmare. You shouldn't drink so much fizzy drink.
  Gerda was shackled in heavy shackles and thrown into the darkest and harshest dungeon of the Chatelet. Disgusting creatures crawled around, and the girl was attacked by rats. She was forced to fight back with chains and shackles, and could not sleep.
  Large rats were constantly biting her bare heels, and it was very disgusting and painful.
  The death penalty was imposed for the murder of a prison officer. But the chief of the Chatelet, having lost his beloved officer, ordered Gerda to be subjected to the most cruel tortures.
  - This impudent girl will answer for everything!
  And so the executioners entered the dungeon and dragged the girl into the basement for torture. Gerda hardly resisted. She understood that she was doomed to death. All she wanted was to maintain courage and dignity during the execution and previous torture. Gerda's clothes were torn off and she was strung naked on the rack. And the girl"s bare feet were pressed into stocks.
  The executioner hit her with a whip on her bare back with all his might. The girl clenched her jaw and withstood the blow, and although her skin burst, she did not even scream. Then the torturer hung heavy weights at the girl"s feet. The joints that were being twisted out of the shoulders began to crack. Gerda's naked body was covered in sweat, and the girl gritted her teeth until she bit her lip until it bled.
  She is a true Aryan and must endure the torture as courageously as possible.
  Another executioner took a red-hot bundle of wire from the fireplace and began to whip the girl on the back. The third torturer lit a fire under the girl"s bare feet. The flame began to tickle the girl"s bare sole, which did not suffer from flat feet. Packed from years of walking barefoot, the calluses crackled.
  The girl's feet were hot, but stubbornly resisted. The calluses on the well-worn sole were bubbling.
  One executioner raked the heat under the rack, another beat him with a red-hot wire, the third hung weights on the block that bound Gerda"s bare legs. The torture was multifaceted. And the pain was so strong that the wiry girl screamed. And then she fainted. Ice water was poured on her, and the interrogation began again. The fourth executioner began to shoot the girls' breasts with red-hot pincers.
  He twisted the scarlet nipple with a hot iron.
  Gerda, with an extraordinary effort of will, was able to hold back her screams and even squeezed out a tortured smile. She was tortured from four sides at once. They didn"t ask questions, didn"t demand a confession, they simply took revenge for the murder of the officer.
  They also beat the girl's womb with a whip.
  One of the torturers remarked:
  "She should still have the strength to climb the scaffold!" After all, there is such a custom!
  The doctor came up, felt the tortured girl"s pulse and said:
  - Enough!
  The executioner grinned and remarked:
  - And I"ve only just gotten the hang of it!
  Gerda, who had once again lost consciousness, was taken off the rack and the torn body was wiped with alcohol. Then they took her to the common area of the Chatelet. So that captured girls and women can observe what happens to the killers of officers. Gerda was chained to a cross and left standing for all to see.
  However, none of the prisoners said even a swear word. They loved Gerda. And the officer she killed was a fiend from hell.
  The next day the torture continued. The girl was flogged with a hot chain, and all her toes were broken with red tongs. They tucked their heels and arched their arms and legs on the rack. Gerda lost consciousness several times. The executioners were professionals, and the girl was naturally strong, and they skillfully distributed their forces.
  They broke their toes, very slowly, with gusto and reveling in their cruelty.
  Gerda was tortured every day for two weeks, leaving not a single intact patch of skin on her body. Then they found a new torture. The hair was shaved and cold water was dripped drop by drop onto the shorn skull. A few hours later, it was as if bombs were exploding in Gerda"s head. They put the girl on the saddle, tearing Venus"s womb with thorns and setting her pubic hair on fire.
  They drove a drill into the anus, so that blood even dripped.
  Gerda was thoroughly exhausted and was already on the verge of madness. Suddenly an order arrived to take her to court.
  This is at least some kind of release.
  The girl appeared before the judges, shaven-headed, covered in abrasions, bruises and burns. But she had the strength to stand and try to stay upright. The former beauty seemed scary, terrible after torture, but not broken.
  The judge yelled:
  - On knees!
  The trial passed quickly, without unnecessary ceremony. We heard the testimony of the soldiers and interviewed witnesses. We remembered the previous case of the murder of the Viscount, to which Gerda did not testify. And they were sentenced as a witch and a double murderer to be burned at the stake!
  Moreover, they must fire it slowly in parts!
  Gerda listened to the verdict in silence, and then fainted. So it seemed to her that her life was over.
  A sigh of sympathy was heard throughout the hall.
  The girl was taken to death row and left shackled in the stocks. There she was supposed to spend the last hours of her life.
  In solitary confinement, the girl was deprived of even the consolation that came from the words of sympathy from her fellow inmates.
  But then the executioner"s daughter appeared. She was in a modest gray dress and brought a large basket of apples. She looked sympathetically at the studied Gerda and said:
  - Do you want to be saved from execution?
  The girl nodded, her head cropped. And the executioner's daughter answered:
  - Here is one of these rejuvenating apples! "She pointed out a fruit distinguished by its extraordinary brightness and juiciness, like a large ruby. - Eat it and you will become a little girl again. I will take you out of the basket, and we will escape from this kingdom.
  This chance has appeared!
  Gerda nodded wearily. With difficulty, most of the teeth were knocked out as a result of torture, she chewed an apple. And she really began to shrink, appearing to be a girl of six or seven years old. Her arms, legs and head easily came out of the stocks. The executioner's daughter hid Gerda in a basket and took her out of the cell. She was in a hurry to leave the Chatelet before the captives were missed. And the girl ran away with her luggage.
  A big sacrifice on her part.
  The executioner's daughter set off with Gerda on a journey to the south of France, hoping to get lost there. She walked in leather shoes, Gerda stomped barefoot next to her. But then, due to the rocky road, the girl"s shoes fell apart and she could hardly walk with bloody feet. It was a little easier for Gerda, since she initially had coarsened soles; apparently, despite the strong rejuvenation, the girl"s body retained memories of the past trials.
  How she wandered barefoot along the rocky roads of Europe, walking from Copenhagen to Paris. Having visited both Berlin and Vienna at the same time.
  The executioner's daughter was considered to be from a wealthy family and usually wore shoes, as is customary among non-poor Parisian families. And her girlish soles were not accustomed to stones, pebbles, or rocky French roads. But the girl, having broken her legs bloody, showed courage and did not complain. At a rest stop, Gerda kissed her bloody feet, and the pain subsided, the executioner"s daughter fell asleep.
  Gerda herself was very grateful to her for her salvation.
  Gradually her legs healed and became covered with a hard crust. The executioner's daughter wore herself out and lived on alms, and Gerda, too, was left with only rags. For the winter, the girl and the girl moved to Italy. There is no frost there, and it is more or less tolerable. But their life became the life of vagabonds. That is, very heavy and hungry. And there was no bright spot in this life. The executioner's daughter was pretty, but not at all beautiful, and she became completely thin and became a reed.
  Typical, dirty rags.
  But Gerda, growing up, became a very beautiful girl, and her beauty blossomed every year. And then one of the noble boys noticed her and ordered to take the barefoot beggar with hair whiter than snow into his service.
  But that is another story. Gerda suddenly felt inspired and sketched out a poem;
  Gerda was looking for Kai barefoot,
  I wandered through the harsh snowdrifts...
  After all, her soul is golden,
  Like a radiant white snowball!
  I couldn"t find my groom,
  And she ended up with the Nazis in full...
  Oh, unfortunate girl Gerda,
  Why endure such a shame!
  The executioners have prepared the rack,
  Having built a fire under our feet...
  They're frying a girl like she's frying a fish
  But know that in spirit she is like an eagle!
  And endured great suffering,
  Tortures and tortures are countless...
  They imposed an unfortunate tribute,
  To make a girl cry!
  Bare feet lick with flames,
  The girl is being furiously beaten with a whip!
  Here under the dome in strict Paris,
  They lead Gerda to the fire in a robe!
  The girl endures severe torture,
  And laughs in the face of the executioners...
  No, she won't ask for death -
  The test is up to her!
  Can withstand fierce torture,
  You are ideal in patience...
  Our Gerda was born in Russia,
  Having accepted Orthodoxy with your heart!
  Even if they break her bones with pincers,
  The point pricks the white breast...
  And bare feet on the coal,
  They put Gerda in such pain that she can"t breathe!
  The girl proudly goes to the fire,
  Even though your face is covered in blood and bruises...
  Laughed loudly with joy,
  Even though your hands and feet are in chains!
  And it seemed there was no salvation,
  The executioner's paw lights the fire...
  I asked God for forgiveness -
  At least he stretched out his tongues of fire towards her!
  The flame licks the body furiously,
  And Gerda groans in pain, screams...
  But the banner still flies in my soul,
  And on the heart there is a redoubt-monolith!
  There will be a monument to the girl of light,
  And Russia will remember its daughter...
  Gerda the brave will be praised,
  The day will come and the night will fade away!
  Then Gerda actually woke up, hitting her head on the caterpillar. She roared in frustration:
  - Oh my God! What nonsense did I sleep on! And I wasn"t born in Russia at all!
  Magda, who was no longer sleeping, answered:
  - And I"ll have nightmares too! It"s like I was thrown into a cauldron, and the devils were throwing firewood under it... - The blonde with golden hair took a deep breath and noticed. - Maybe this Cola has an effect?
  Gerda shook her head negatively:
  - No! We killed too many people, that"s what our conscience is tormenting us with! In fact, you shouldn"t be such executioners!
  Magda tweeted:
  - Peace... Eh, I don"t know about you, but I"m bored with the war!
  Gerda shook her head negatively and sang:
  -A soldier is always healthy,
  The soldier is ready for anything...
  Squash like mosquitoes
  From all the corners...
  And it won't stop
  And don"t change your legs...
  Our faces are shining -
  Boots sparkle!
  Magda giggled and ran her palm over her sole, remarking:
  - But we are so barefoot... Without boots!
  Both redheads woke up. Copper-red Charlotte, and golden-copper Christina. The warriors did exercises and cheered up a little. Atlanta was surrounded. And now the tank moved on.
  The American city was fired upon by Sturmlevs and various modifications of the E tank. Gas launchers also worked. Hitler's machine operated as smoothly as always, and without noticeable failures.
  Charlotte brushed her teeth as she walked and squealed:
  - We Germans are still the most gifted people on Earth. Such are our technological developments. And who can compare with us!
  Christina replied:
  - America will already have passed the stage! And ahead of us are Moscow and Tokyo!
  Gerda threw chewing gum into her mouth and asked her friends:
  - When will the US capitulate?
  Magda answered immediately:
  - When God willing!
  Christina suggested:
  - I think in September! For the Yankees, the continuation of the war will be unbearable!
  Charlotte giggled and, kicking the side of the tank, said:
  - There will be a city on Venus, and a village on Mars! In the meantime, we should conquer our unfortunate planet!
  Christina responded to this:
  - Soon our planet will become the happiest in the universe!
  Magda agreed with this:
  - Let it be so!
  And all four girls hit their foreheads together. It all looked funny as hell. Although it is comical. The warriors opened fire again. This time on an American battery. They shot without much excitement, just doing the job.
  Gerda allowed Magda to fire on her own. And she was still blinking her eyes. Wow, what a dream she had, such a strong impression of torture. And they actually gave her a name. It immediately evokes an association with Andersen"s fairy tale. And Gerda just didn"t really like the heroine of the snow queen. She's too stupid and impractical. Would a true Aryan woman be so mortified over a nasty boy?
  Magda rather dreamed of world domination than of any nonsense. And she herself wanted to flog the boy rather than save him.
  Then the girl remembered Atlanta, from one of the American films. Moreover, it even seems that the film was in color. This city was besieged there, and there was a civil war in the United States. Yes, dramatic events unfolded. But now, of course, it"s clear that these are still flowers for America. Berries ahead.
  That's how they shoot down a Yankee battery.
  Gerda remarked with a tigress smile:
  - This is how we deal with the enemies of the Third Reich! And no one will be able to resist the will of the Fuhrer!
  Magda wanted to talk about God, but changed her mind. Who is she kidding? Having become a murderer and a whore, she is no longer a Christian. But in her heart she feels unpleasant. What will happen? If she dies and stands before God. How will it be justified?
  Although, of course, you can tell yourself that the real God is not the biblical one, but the Aryan one. And be consoled by this. That, they say, the Aryan God will forgive them for their faithful service and fornication, and disobedience to the laws of honor. And there will also be a reward waiting for them.
  Magda sighed and felt empty. Who is she? Serial killer!
  Gerda, on the contrary, felt extremely confident. They say she will win... And the Third Reich wins...
  The American battery is destroyed, and the E-50 continues to pass further.
  Charlotte says with a smile:
  - Yes, okay, we"re going... But it"s not clear what people should expect. There is so much chaos and chaos in the world. And we bring order. But where will the Americans end up?
  Christina answered with a smile:
  - It depends on their European roots. Those from the Germans will be higher, and those from the rest will be lower. Blacks, of course, will be the lowest echelon. So here is the approximate layout. And what do you think is unfair?
  Charlotte shook her head and remarked:
  - Such an empire will be full of dissatisfied people. Inequality will begin to undermine from within!
  Gerda objected harshly:
  - It"s impossible otherwise! What's the point of fighting then?
  Charlotte nodded in agreement.
  - Not guns instead of butter, but guns for the sake of butter!
  Magda remarked with a smile:
  - The best thing is unity in Christ Jesus. This is something that can unite and unite everyone under kindness.
  Christina shook her head negatively:
  - Kindness won't get you far! You need to be tough! And in management first of all.
  Gerda agreed with this:
  - Hitler is a tough ruler and at the same time an effective one! His toughness greatly contributed to achievements in the economy and military sphere!
  Magda logically noted:
  - Likewise, the Almighty God in the Bible is very tough. You can't say he's soft!
  Gerda giggled. And Christina remarked:
  - Yes, God is tough in the Bible, but... Not on the side of the Aryans!
  Charlotte remarked with a smile:
  - And whoever seizes power over the world... That will be the truth for centuries!
  Christina sang with a smile:
  One sun shines in the sky,
  The planet is ruled by a single godfather!
  After all, power always wins on earth,
  The peoples of all countries are in the Aryan stranglehold!
  And the maiden menagerie giggled...
  And the formidable E-50 tank began to destroy the pillbox with shells. So the Sherman, littered with sandbags, came under attack. And his body was broken with one shell.
  Gerda took it and sang:
  - Be with me, sing a song, have fun Coca-Cola!
  And the girl started to laugh... And she pulled the plastic bottle of Coke, holding it with her toes, and pouring the bubbly liquid into her throat.
  The warriors are very pleased with their trophies, and still roar at the top of their lungs:
  - We are super knights! We will erase everyone!
  And let's clap our bare feet. Such wonderful girls. And funny.
  Charlotte sang cheerfully:
  - But to be honest! We exterminate everyone completely!
  Gerda tweeted in response:
  -It can"t be, it can"t be!
  Christina blurted out:
  - Adolf tell me!
  Magda added to the rhyme:
  - Yes, definitely!
  And the warriors finished destroying the bunker. Then their tank moved on. And the beauties tapped their feet and roared:
  - Heil Fuhrer, lead us into battle... The stormtrooper puts on his helmet, our revolution - the night of long knives - will paint the world brown!
  And the girls bang their heads again, and sparks fly from their eyes, a new hour comes.
  Gerda took it and sang:
  - Take away the ready-made one, gop-stop, gop-stop, who's going to the new one? Who's new? Who's new?
  Magda answered with a smile:
  - Our victories are just a consequence of the fact that God loves us!
  Charlotte barked back:
  - Don't be so naive... The Wehrmacht gods are very strong, but they do not help the weak. If you are faithful to the cause of the Reich, create a world power!
  The girl with red hair took it and stuck her bare foot into the breech. The bare, rough soles itched. And then the beauty took it and tweeted:
  - Fight is a moment between the past and the future, it is called life!
  Five brave girls fought in Chicago. Alenka, Maria, Anyuta, Alla and Matryona. Russian warriors, enchanted and indestructible, fought.
  They shot at the German mercenaries and talked at the same time.
  Alenka remarked with a sad smile:
  - America is losing the war.
  Maria knocked down a representative of the colonial troops and remarked:
  "I didn"t even count on the Yankees" resilience." This could create problems for us later.
  Anyuta giggled and remarked:
  - We"ve already had problems... We wouldn"t want them to happen again. And the girl rubbed her bare foot against the broken rubble and discarded fragments of stones.
  Alla expressed her opinion:
  - The Germans spent their gunpowder in the war with us. "The girl fired, cutting off a Third Reich soldier with a bullet and continued. "Our army doesn"t smile too much about breaking their fangs on granite again."
  Matryona suggested with a smile:
  "Then let"s shoot so many Germans that they won"t bother meddling with us!"
  Alenka shook her head negatively:
  - These are not Germans, but natives, gathered from half the world. There is generally something phasmogoric against us.
  Anyuta giggled and sang:
  - Oh, tail and scales! I didn't catch anything!
  Red-haired Alla fiercely remarked:
  - Why do you refer to yourself in the masculine gender? So stupid and terribly ugly!
  Anyuta fired again and said with a smile:
  - There was such a king Matt... So a girl played him in a Soviet film!
  Alla remarked fiercely:
  - Either in the forehead or in the forehead!
  Matyusha took it and sang:
  -Oh, boys, you are raiders, purses, roll-ups and just purse-women. We loved dollars, gold teeth! Previously there were fraers, but now they are thieves!
  Red-haired Alla giggled and said:
  - I was in prison and I know what it"s all about!
  Matyusha straightened her shoulders proudly and growled:
  - And I trampled the zone! With these bare and strong feet!
  Alla sang with delight:
  - Somewhere on the Kama, where we know ourselves... Somewhere on the Kama is the Mother River! You can"t reach it with your hands, you can"t reach it with your feet, bare girlish feet!
  And the warriors opened fire from machine guns. They mowed down a fair number of colonial fighters.
  The beauties knew their stuff. And if they hit, it was with great enthusiasm.
  Alenka sang:
  - On the distant approaches of the Fatherland,
  nightingales chirp loudly...
  The maiden will not regret her life,
  Point the gun with your foot!
  And the warrior officer giggled. And she pointed the bazooka with her bare foot. And a well-aimed shot. The wounded E-50, however, did not lose mobility, but continued to crawl.
  Alla sang with delight:
  - You serve as table decoration... Chicago...
  Believe me, they beat you like a first-grader...
  And soon the Fuhrer will be broken like a vase,
  And there will be a shelter for the Krauts in the bullpen!
  Anyuta giggled and sang:
  - Chicago, Chicago, Chicago... Become a prostitute and smile at the panel! Chicago, Chicago, Chicago, fortunately, we will open with a machine-gun trill at the door!
  Maria took it and sang:
  - I am a super warrior! Well, yes, I am a heavyweight! And they will kill everyone!
  Although such a peaceful and fragile girl.
  And the five shoots excellently. He cuts everyone's hair. And lays it down like haymaking. And the girls squeal and shout:
  - Red Army hurray! Fuhrer out of the yard!
  And again there was shooting, and a mass of corpses!
  Maria licked her lips and remarked:
  - And how wild I have become! Just awful! Where has my Christian charity gone!
  Alla giggled and answered:
  - Where are our Bolshevik values!
  Alenka took it and sang with delight. Before that, she cut down ten people with one burst and tweeted:
  - There is no pity in me and not without reason!
  I don't like violence and powerlessness!
  I want to kill those who crucified Christ!
  The girl pronounced with great aplomb and splashed her bare foot on the ruins. The warriors were beating. As always, they were almost naked, wearing just a bikini and terribly sexy.
  Alla generally preferred to make love with three or four men at the same time, and this was her style. In general, all people are shit, so why not act like an animal?
  Alla tweeted, firing:
  - I am a witch and there is no more beautiful profession!
  The red-haired warrior twisted her waist. And she rocked her curvy hips. She truly is a picture of charm and strength. The kind of girl who can erase fascists with divisions, like a pencil with an eraser.
  Alla, a girl seasoned by life. And she has nothing particularly to fear. Philadelphia has fallen. And they got out of the encirclement and almost died. But magic protects the girls from death and wounds.
  And no one will stop them, and nothing will win! Allah roars at the top of his lungs:
  - A cry of retribution, a battle is fought over swords,
  A celebration of death with executioners and a bloody surf!
  Anyuta supported her friend, singing along:
  - North wind to board, Viking by the sea, devilish guard! We will destroy all fascists! And we will kill Adolf!
  Alenka kicked the grenade into the tank with her bare foot, leaned back and sang:
  - We"ll kill and tear everyone up!
  Matryona roared like a bear:
  - We will take revenge for Seryozha!
  And all the girls exclaimed in unison:
  - For Seryozhka, we"ll rip out the Nazis" balls!
  After which the warriors bared their teeth. And they continued to fire as if nothing had happened. They have the composure of pythons, or toothed snakes.
  Warriors with bare legs looked deadly sexy.
  Matryona remembered how in the camp boys would come running to them in the barracks. And these are pleasant memories. Eh, the girls had some fun. It's nice when young men feel their bodies and stroke their breasts.
  The worst thing about camp is that you have to get up early. And if you have a lot of fun at night, then in the morning and during the day you have no energy at all. Sometimes girls who were too loving fell asleep right in the field. And sometimes he got away with it too.
  The girls held the line. But the Americans who fought around them gradually sagged and retreated.
  Alena noted with alarm:
  - Soon we will be surrounded.
  Anyuta giggled with a smile:
  - But then we definitely won"t have to retreat!
  Alla bared her teeth, cut off three Indians and hissed:
  - May my friend forever cover my back, like in this last battle!
  Maria smoothed her golden but dusty hair, cooing:
  - There are many different doors! But we are people who are more faithful to rock!
  The girls took turns throwing grenades with their bare feet. Alena thought. Eh, there weren"t many people like her in 1941, and so we had to retreat to Moscow. But the time will come and the Red Army will take Berlin.
  With or without America, there will be a victory for communism. It cannot be that fascism triumphs.
  The warriors continued to fight bravely, determination and a thirst for victory burning in their eyes.
  Anyuta said confidently:
  - Our Russian spirit is the strongest in the world!
  Matryona readily confirmed:
  - Yes, it will be exactly like that!
  Maria tweeted:
  - May the protection of the Mother of God help us!
  And all five girls exclaimed in unison:
  - There is sakura in every apartment, and the Krauts use a hara-kiri sword!
  And after that the warriors began throwing grenades with their bare feet even more intensely.
  Alena asked Maria with a smile:
  - Do you believe in God?
  The golden-haired warrior answered sincerely:
  - Imagine yes!
  Alena shook her head:
  - It was impossible for a Komsomol member and a communist to believe in this!
  Maria said with a smile:
  - Why then did Stalin order to fly around Moscow with the icon, if he didn"t believe it?
  Alena shrugged and remarked:
  - Maybe this is purely psychological, to support those who believe?
  Maria crossed herself and remarked:
  - We are also protected from bullets by higher powers! So many people around us are dying, but we are still alive!
  Alena burst out laughing and replied:
  - There really is something...
  Red-haired Alla noted with suspicion:
  - Aren"t the Soviet secret services involved in the fact that Hitler finally turned to the USA?
  Alena threw a grenade at the Nazis with her bare toes and objected:
  - I think not... Although...
  Maria logically noted:
  - The fascist octopus threatens to take away America"s resources as well. What do we need?
  Alla took it and mockingly sang:
  - Just tell me, tell me what you need, what you need! Maybe I"ll give you, maybe I"ll give you whatever you want!
  Alena giggled and chirped:
  - We will fight here... And we will see there!
  The girls were still fighting. And Seryozhka has been playing with them more than once a year in the quarries. The boy survived and even grew up. His body became dry, sinewy, hardy. In two years of quarrying, the boy went from a child to a teenager. And it became much stronger.
  One of the German supervisors began to take a closer look at him. And she even started an affair with a cute boy. She began to feed her and teach her how to please a lady.
  Thus, Seryozhka had a chance to escape. In the meantime, the boy, on enhanced nutrition and with great physical activity, gained muscle mass.
  And he knew the love of an adult, rather pretty woman. He didn't feel so bad now. My body was used to it, it almost didn"t get tired from the backbreaking work, and I almost didn"t get whipped anymore.
  Matryona grieved more than anyone else for the boy captured in Stalingrad. A truly great loss. To lose such a talented child. And it is not known what is better: death or similar torture!
  Matryona recalled how she herself was beaten on her bare heels with rubber truncheons in the NKVD. Needless to say, it"s not very pleasant. And these security officers are monsters. They beat the girl's bare heels with sticks for their own pleasure. They don"t really need any recognition, since they caught the peasant woman with the ears of corn red-handed.
  And one of them brought a lighter to the girl"s sole, and the red flame licked the rough heel. It hurts, of course.
  But Seryozhka was interrogated by the Nazis much more cruelly. They needed to extract information. And they tried everything. True, they weren"t crippled.
  Seryozhka is still alive and dreams of escape. The mood is spoiled by messages about more and more victories of the fascists. This time in the West. And the USA is already on the verge of destruction.
  Seryozhka understands that having broken the USA, the Nazis will turn to Moscow, which has not yet been taken. And this is fraught with disaster for Russia.
  Seryozhka thought that it would be better for his heels to be roasted with a brazier than to listen constantly about the victories of the Third Reich.
  Eh, the fascists are lucky. Apparently all the dark forces are on their side.
  Seryozhka tweeted:
  -Know, Motherland, I love you so much,
  In the whole universe there is no one more beautiful than you...
  Russia will not be stripped of its ruble,
  There will be peace and happiness for all generations!
  Seryozhka remembered how he struggled in the very first days and weeks. Every blood and every vein ached brutally until the boy pulled himself together. It turns out that the child"s body is very resilient, and can carry more weight than itself.
  Seryozhka swore that he would survive in order to take revenge on the Nazis. And that their notorious New Order will be overthrown!
  The boy, while working, remembered Kuprin"s story: "The White Poodle." There was a boy there, his namesake. Also half-starved, he walked barefoot along the rocky paths. But if it"s easy for a healthy boy to walk barefoot along the mountain steeps, then it was probably much harder for the grandfather who walked with him.
  Seryozhka once had a dream. What happened a little after the moment when the circus boy returned the kidnapped poodle.
  Of course, they didn't get away with it. A rich lady brought the police to their feet. And the circus performers were caught. They imprisoned me in prison. The commandant ordered:
  - Give this couple a good beating!
  The earring and the grandfather stripped it and put it on the trestle. They began to beat with whips. Grandfather groaned and was silent. Seryozhka, gritting his teeth, tried to hold back his screams. But it was very painful.
  Finally, when his back turned into a bloody mess, the grandfather and the boy lost consciousness.
  Seryozhka came to his senses from a bucket of cold water. His back was on fire. It was difficult to move. And the paramedic bent over the grandfather. The man in the gray robe said indifferently:
  - The old man leaned back!
  The fierce officer ordered harshly:
  - So bury him in the prison cemetery. And put the puppy in the basement, keep him in shackles until the trial!
  They lifted Seryozhka by the hair, and so, naked and beaten, they led him into the yard to the blacksmith. The boy was very ashamed and hurt. He was encased in metal. They even burned me with a hot iron. Seryozhka struggled to drag the heavy shackles. He was locked naked, with stripes on his back, in a cold basement. There were rats squeaking and vile creatures crawling around. So the boy"s torment continued.
  Sergei was chilled, a rat ran over him a couple of times. It was completely impossible to sleep. Moreover, the boy was not fed, not even given water. Apparently the officer received a special bribe from the hostess in order to teach the circus performers a lesson as cruelly as possible.
  Seryozhka was very thirsty, and the boy, to make it easier, touched the damp walls with his tongue. The boy suffered for several hours, from the cold and being bitten by bloodsuckers, but then he lost consciousness, lost in a heavy sleep.
  The boy was woken up with a blow of the whip, and he was dragged straight into the irons to court.
  Once in the yard, after the cold basement, Sergei felt some semblance of bliss. A couple of buckets of water were poured on him, washing away the dirt and bloodsuckers. Then they gave me some short pants to cover my shame and took me to court.
  Sergei moved heavily and had a strong limp. Blood dripped from his striped back.
  The judge turned out to be an elderly man. He cast a contemptuous glance at the boy and inquired about his fault.
  The officer replied obsequiously:
  - He stole a very expensive and purebred dog from the counts, plus he also attacked the janitor!
  The judge asked lazily:
  - Do you have a passport?
  The officer shook his head negatively:
  - No way!
  The judge said monotonously:
  - I sentence the boy, what"s his name...
  The officer prompted:
  - Sergei, Your Majesty!
  The judge continued:
  - The boy Seryozhka, to be imprisoned in a prison-type shelter until he reaches adulthood. And also to a hundred blows of the whip! Publicly, in the presence of people! Let it be so!
  And the judge hit with a wooden gavel!
  The officer grinned and remarked:
  - We"ve already spanked him... However, to the boy"s spur, before the spanking?
  The judge nodded:
  - Yes, there will be a spanking tomorrow! In the meantime, let him sit in the cell!
  They poked the boy in the back of the head with a bayonet and the guard shouted:
  - Go!
  Seryozhka had to drag himself in shackles. And several miles. The heavy chains chafed his arms and legs; it was hard for a boy weakened by the flogging. And the boy could barely drag himself. And they urged him on and pierced him with bayonets between his shoulder blades.
  Somehow, the hungry, exhausted, thirsty boy made it to the city prison. There he was met somewhat more complacently. They removed the shackles, then removed the water again, and sent me off to shave my head. The boy felt very bad. The hair was shaved with a sharp razor. This is unpleasant, the skin on my head is scratched. We shaved without soap, under cold water. Painful procedure. Then the boy was taken to prison. It stank inside. But still not in the dungeon, a little warmer. The warden ordered: - Take him to the nursery!
  Sergei felt relief. And it"s a little more fun without shackles. He was pushed into a cell. There were a whole dozen boys from ten to fifteen years old. Everyone had their hair cut, in rags, almost all were barefoot, except for the eldest, who was wearing broken boots.
  The elder looked at Sergei. A thin but wiry boy, with a freshly shaved head and a cut back. In only shorts. Calloused feet from walking barefoot for a long time, tanned skin, fresh marks from shackles.
  The boy said:
  - You're a thief?
  Seryozhka answered honestly:
  - No! I'm a circus performer!
  The older boy, who looked somewhat like a gypsy, hissed:
  - You can walk on your hands!
  Seryozha simply answered:
  - Can!
  The elder one gurgled:
  - So go for a walk!
  Seryozhka sighed heavily:
  - I'm tired and can only take a few steps!
  The gypsy barked:
  - Do it!
  The boy took it and stood up in his arms. My head was a little dizzy from hunger, thirst, beatings, and fatigue.
  But Sergei found the strength to shake hands and furiously did a somersault.
  The gypsy nodded approvingly and said:
  - Sit down with me!
  Seryozhka sat down. His legs were falling off after traveling in heavy shackles. The gypsy smiled welcomingly and took out a piece of bread and lard with onions.
  - Eat!
  Sergei licked his lips and asked:
  - And more water!
  The gypsy grinned:
  - There is water! Drink, eat!
  Sergei picked up the jug and drank some water. It was warm and not too fresh. But the boy greedily drank almost the entire jug. Then he ate lard, onions and bread.
  Felt better. Gypsy asked:
  - Why did you come here?
  The rest of the boys began to shout:
  - Yes, tell us!
  Seryozhka began to tell everything as it is. The boys listened attentively and asked questions. Then, when Seryozhka finished, the gypsy remarked:
  - Yes, they are cruel people... But you can escape from the prison shelter.
  Seryozhka shrugged his thin shoulders and asked:
  - How is it there?
  The gypsy answered readily:
  - Bad! They feed them so that they don"t die from the age of one year: bread, water, disgusting porridge. You work fourteen hours a day. They beat you even if you look askance, they flog you every week. No, it's better not to go there. The only thing worse is hard labor, and not everywhere!
  Seryozhka sighed heavily and remarked:
  - Run away? It's possible! Is it really possible to escape?
  The gypsy looked around and answered:
  - This is a prison... It"s a city prison and it"s difficult to escape here unless a lucky chance comes along. It will be easier to escape from the shelter.
  There was a knock; food was being distributed in the prison. It was undercooked porridge and stale bread. Sergei had not yet lost his appetite and ate the tasteless prison rations. We ate at a common table.
  Then the guys sat in the corners. The older ones climbed onto the straw and played cards for schelbans and fofans. Then Seryozhka showed several tricks with cards, which amused the children. After which the young prisoners went to bed.
  Ahead, all that awaited Seryozhka was a spanking. It was almost comfortable to sleep on the straw, considering that the boy often spent the night in the open air, and in the cold, then it was almost comfortable in the cell. The guys lived together and there were no people being bullied.
  And what awaited Sergei in the morning was not a joyful awakening. A hundred lashes of whips are no joke, especially in public.
  The boy was chained again. And they took me to the square. They flogged not only him, but also three boys.
  People gathered. Who was brought in, who wanted to look at the amusing spectacle.
  The first to be spanked was a boy of about fourteen. They tore off his rags and laid them out on a trestle. Arms and legs secured. And the executioner in military uniform took out a circle soaked in water and flicked it in the air. The boy laid out on the box trembled.
  The executioner kissed himself, and the herald announced:
  - Twenty-five blows of the whip!
  A blow fell on the boy's tanned back. From the very first whip, the skin burst and blood flowed. They flog the boy to his conscience. Red stripes appear on the skin and then become solid. The boy could not stand it and screamed, screamed obscenities and twitched. At the last blow the boy lost consciousness.
  The crowd cheered and people pointed. And they threatened to add more.
  Then it was Seryozha"s turn. The boy was only wearing shorts, and they tore them off as well. It"s embarrassing to be completely naked; there are a lot of women and girls in the crowd.
  They point with their fingers. And they make noise.
  Seryozhka's bare feet were attached to the loops, and his hands were tied with ropes so that the boy would not jump off and run away.
  The executioner took the whip in his hands and flicked the air again. The herald announced:
  - Prisoner Sergei gets a hundred blows on the back with a whip! And another twenty-five blows with a stick on the heels.
  The torturer picked up a heavy stick, weighed it in his hand and said:
  - First on the heels, otherwise after the spanking he won"t feel anything.
  Seryozhka gritted his teeth courageously, he was ready to endure everything stoically.
  The executioner struck his first blow. The boy felt that a shaft of fire seemed to pass from his bare heel to the back of his head. A scream escaped his throat, but the boy managed to restrain himself.
  The second blow to the boy's rough, calloused foot was even more painful. Sergei exhaled heavily, tears involuntarily came out of his eyes.
  The executioner struck a third time, as if beating off internal organs.
  The boy was breathing heavily. He was dripping with sweat. And again the blow came. The executioner struck professionally, without anger or rage, and prudently. Sergei decided to endure with all his might. You need to hold on and he will hold on. No moaning, no screaming.
  The boy had to walk barefoot in the snow, sleep in the cold, and do very painful gymnastic exercises. And he could endure savage blows, holding back his screams.
  The executioner beat carefully so that the victim would not pass out. When he finished, the boy's soles were swollen and blue.
  Then the most important thing began, the spanking of the back. In order not to flog the boy to death, the torturer beat him calculatedly, measuredly, distributing the blows over the entire skin of the boy"s back and buttocks.
  After the heels, the pain was already perceived as muffled. The blows followed old cuts.
  To take his mind off the pain, Seryozhka remembered. As a circus performer, Natasha taught him various tricks. This was a young woman, a professional. For some time, having lost her job, she hung out with the organ grinder and the boy. But then one of the rich men fell in love with a beautiful and slender woman. He took her as his maid, and the boy and his grandfather were left alone. And that made it worse. The two of them were given much less, and they were reluctant to let them in. Natasha was pretty, with a girl's waist and a pleasant face. She walked like Seryozhka, barefoot until the frost, and sat on the horizontal splits.
  She taught the boy many tricks.
  It's a pity that I had to part with her. But she has her own life, and she and her grandfather have theirs.
  And now he has lost both his grandfather and his poodle. And ahead lies a prison shelter. Where it's very scary.
  The boy involuntarily cried... And on the last, hundredth blow he passed out...
  This is the vision Seryozha had. Not too fun. Yes, a sad fate awaited the boy and his grandfather. No wonder Kuprin"s story turned out to be short.
  Well, the boy freed the poodle and what next? And then what about escape?!
  Seryozhka heard the German warden calling him. She is large and still young. And now it will begin... The boy feels within himself that he is both disgusted and wants it. The instinct of a young man, and the honor of a Soviet pioneer. All this is fighting within him.
  And the five continue to fight in Chicago. They are beautiful, and very cheerful and cheerful. Alas, hearts grow rough in war. How many lovers have the four already died?
  But the girls do not lose heart and laugh when their next opponent goes to their forefathers.
  Alenka says with a smile:
  - Oh, war... you are just our own mother! We defeated everyone and will continue to win, I believe in it!
  Alla sang with rage:
  - And the battle continues again,
  And my heart feels anxious in my chest...
  And Lenin is so young,
  And young October is ahead!
  Maria sang differently:
  - We must undertake to merge into a single stream,
  Direct your heart, mind and feelings to Jesus...
  So that the great God will help us to be saved,
  And forever and ever, let us praise the Lord!
  The girl with dandelion-colored hair gave a turn. And she grinned, she felt happy. Why don"t they manage to compose. And shoot down Russia's opponents.
  Even if it"s on US territory. And the girls are having a lot of fun.
  Alyonushka exhaled and said:
  - There will be a holiday on our street - Victory Day!
  Alla confirmed:
  - Yes, it will certainly be!
  Meanwhile, the English tank crew fought on Goering 4. Jane, Gringeta, Matilda, Malanya - a beautiful four, girls from Foggy Albion fought with the Americans. After the fall of Atlanta, a significant part of the United States was already under German occupation. The Americans tried to snap back, but they didn"t do the best job.
  The Fritz war machine was moving from south to north. Four English girls fought in just a bikini, sitting in a powerful armored tank.
  Gringeta, having penetrated the Sherman's armor, chirped with a wide smile on her lips:
  - There are a lot of lies all over the world! But warriors do the truth!
  Jane muttered with a wide smile:
  - A strong politician is born for battle,
  Fear is weakness and therefore whoever is afraid is already defeated!
  Malanya noted:
  - We"ll crush the Yankees now! For the power is behind us!
  Matilda sang with delight:
  - Witch, witch, witch - evil spirits! And where did the witch come from!
  Gringeta responded with support for the impulse:
  - Witch, witch, witch - you must be beautiful! And I am captivated by this beauty!
  Jane shook her bare foot at her partner:
  - Lesbianism is also a sin!
  Gringeta remarked with a sigh:
  - But a clean, smooth, female body is much nicer than hairy, smelly men!
  Malanya giggled and remarked:
  - Indeed, a woman"s body is much more pleasant! This is an undeniable fact! And in general we are like chocolate!
  Gringeta smashed the Pershing with a well-aimed shot and sang with pleasure:
  - I am a chocolate bunny, I am an affectionate bastard and one hundred percent sweet... Ho, ho, ho! I love handsome men, and I don"t like assholes, I put them in the wheel... Ho, ho, ho!
  Tapping her bare, chiseled feet, Malanya sang:
  - Girls are different... Blue, white, red... And everyone wants to spin around on a stick the same way!
  Jane giggled and nodded approvingly.
  - Yes, sex is great! Let's have more of it, and cooler!
  Gringeta fired again at the Sherman and remarked:
  - Churchill, whatever one may say, set us up... And now we are under Germany!
  Jane hissed aggressively in response, knocking one of her bare, tanned knees against the other:
  - Let him grin his crown,
  The British lion will howl!
  The Fatherland should not be conquered,
  Our Churchill is the coolest!
  And the girls hit their heads together, and sparks fell from their eyes. They girls are so cool and cute...
  An English and at the same time a German tank, it is somewhat inferior in armor to the E-50, and is a little heavier, but the gun is the same. The warriors are not particularly complex about this. They are so beautiful and loving!
  Jane is a witty girl to the extreme. And this is how aggressive expression is expressed.
  Gringeta even sang with a grin:
  - We are warriors and daughters of our native land!
  The girls were extremely pleased. The bills were piling up. It's nice here, not as hot as in Cuba. The Nazis conquered an unsinkable aircraft carrier off the coast of the United States. Once again, the military machine of the Third Reich turned out to be ideal and processed to the highest standard.
  And its gears turned very efficiently.
  The combination of ferocity, cruelty, advanced technology, totalitarianism, discipline and the best scientists in the world gave excellent results.
  Having knocked down Gringet and smashed the "Witch", she remarked:
  - Still, we do not have the same level of organization as the Germans. And rotten democracy interferes with effective governance!
  Jane scraped her bare heel on the pedal and agreed:
  - Democracy is indeed more of a weakness than a strength! Alas, we definitely suffer from this!
  Gringueta remarked furiously:
  - Well, to hell with sobbing! The greater the suffering, the greater the gift!
  And the peasant warrior sent a shell into the very center of the formidable Washington tank. And rammed a dangerous car.
  The English women felt confident. Jane made love to a large German and had a lot of fun. Yes sex is great. And I want him again and again and with different men. This is such a turn on.
  But Gringueta made love with one boy. Moreover, it seems he is Japanese, but blond and very muscular.
  Such a handsome boy. His name is unknown, but his nickname is Karas. And he belongs to the ninja caste. An elite warrior who played an important role during the Battle of Midway. And a real Spartan.
  Jane envied Gringeta, who managed to pick up such a hero. The crucian carp also proved itself in battles with the Americans and Russians. Dangerous guy. But he"s terribly handsome, and his muscles are so prominent, like ripples on water.
  Eh, it would be nice to touch such a body with your crimson nipples and rub.
  And Karas actually was noted for many feats, here is one of the episodes;
  But the Japanese were advancing, however, the samurai managed to get a head start, also thanks to tactical surprise. Perhaps the Soviet commanders turned out to be too self-confident, apparently underestimating the enemy. But the enemy is not at all simple. And numerous in infantry.
  But the most dangerous weapon of the Japanese: the ninja. And so a detachment of warrior girls, charming Japanese women, together with the boy Karas, entered the Russian expanses. The first daring act of the ninjas was the attack on the Trans-Siberian Railway. They managed to destroy a significant part of the railway track and blow up several trains carrying Soviet troops. These ninjas are very daring, they are able to crawl along walls, have hypnosis, jump from great heights, and move much faster than ordinary mortals.
  Well, who would suspect in a harmless gypsy camp: a detachment of the best warriors in the world. And ninjas are able to transform at once. And create real miracles.
  But two girls, one of them, despite her Japanese origin, is a natural blonde, the other is a redhead, were tasked with kidnapping Zhukov.
  Stalin quite logically appointed an army general with Khalkhin Gol experience as commander-in-chief of the eastern front. But the ninja, as always, is on the alert and strives to seize the initiative.
  The girls paddled along the rocky road, wearing modest peasant dresses, without burdening their feet with shoes. They are beautiful, and no one will suspect them to be Japanese, since the girls" facial features are almost European. And her facial features are gentle, sweet and even almost childishly naive. Under the calico dresses, muscles that are too developed for women are not visible, and slightly broad shoulders are typical of peasant women accustomed to hard work, as are somewhat coarse arms with a strong neck. The girls carry sacks of grain and sing in pure Russian;
  Fields, seas, all Russian land,
  I love the wonderful expanses of the Fatherland...
  The peoples of the Motherland are one family,
  How the mountains shine with silver!
  I'm a girl walking barefoot
  Since the warm land of Russia...
  And if necessary, I"ll hit you with my fist,
  The grass was sprinkled with light like pearls!
  I work hard in the field, you know,
  Movement is a joy for me now...
  I know Lada is close relatives,
  And we must fight bravely for the gods!
  How good it is to step on pebbles,
  The sharp sole tickles pleasantly...
  Nature gives the pop-eyed a high five,
  And imagine everything in the world is immense!
  We'll get there, we'll soon reach Moscow, I believe.
  We will also see the buildings of Leningrad...
  And if you don"t even have a ruble, alas,
  Then you have to earn it in the sweat!
  The girls sang so well that the boy Troshka, who was running after them, listened and jumped up to them.
  Clapping his hands, the young pioneer said:
  - You sing so wonderfully... Can you sing internationally?
  The ninja girls sang in unison:
  - Get up, branded with a curse...
  The whole world is hungry and slaves!
  Our indignant mind is boiling,
  Ready to fight to the death!
  The boy began to sing along with them, jumping up and down a little. The red-haired ninja girl couldn"t resist and deftly caught the gadfly"s legs with her fingers. She looked at the boy suspiciously, but he didn"t seem to notice anything. An ordinary pioneer in short pants, dark from a tan, hair bleached like wheat. It is unlikely that this is a Russian intelligence officer. Truth behaves suspiciously carelessly. But the war and the Japanese are advancing. Isn't his cheerful pretense?
  And the red-haired beast, with a subtle movement of her hand, touched the pioneer"s cropped head. The boy fell, raising his heels, gray with dust, to the top, twitched a couple of times and fell silent. There were no traces of the impact left. It was as if the pioneer had simply lost consciousness.
  The white ninja girl doubtfully, she was a little softer in character, asked:
  - Why are you doing this? Poor boy might be clean.
  The redhead answered harshly:
  - You can't take risks! Remember our ninja code: everything that leads to victory is wonderful, to take over the enemy, but the means don"t count!
  The blonde nodded:
  "And Hirohito said, don"t hesitate to use violence."
  The red devil added:
  - Moreover, no matter who is in front of you: a girl or a boy! So cruelty, cruelty, and once again cruelty - cementing the nation!
  And the warrior jumped, knocking down the crow. This sorceress twirls her legs dashingly.
  Ninjas learn a lot. In infancy, balls are thrown or pushed at them to teach her how to fight back and maintain balance. Girls are able to rush at high speed through the swamp, and scatter coals with their graceful legs or dance on a hot iron. The warriors, in fact, are the embodiment of beautiful strength, but they acted very vilely. Indeed, what could be more disgusting than killing a defenseless child, only on the basis of a vague suspicion that it might inform the Soviet command.
  But a ninja in its mentality: it is first and foremost a killer. While still a boy or girl, a ninja fighter must kill a tiger or wolf with his bare hands. And at the moment of initiation, the ninja goes through a whole labyrinth with traps, simulators, spears, pouring molten lead, and many creatures. Even as small children, these girls fought with boys tooth and nail. And not only with fists, but also with weapons.
  With the help of special secret potions, ninjas were able to heal wounds so that there were not even scars left. Therefore, you can never tell by looking that these girls had half their faces cut open during sparring, or their fingers or even their hands were cut off. Ninjas possessed wonderful recovery techniques. It was thanks to them that the first Russo-Japanese War ended in Japanese victory.
  And now the beautiful Terminators were already approaching the special-purpose regiment, surrounded by which the headquarters of the Far Eastern Special District was located.
  The soldiers greeted the girls with greetings. In response, they made them smile. The warriors also possessed strong suggestion. Wolf Messing would have strangled himself with envy if he had known what ninjas were capable of.
  The blonde warrior, whose name was Ni San, jumped up to the special department officer who was suspiciously examining them. And eagerly kissed the guard colonel on the lips.
  He relaxed and broke into a smile, cooing:
  - What do you want?
  The blonde terminator replied:
  - We have an urgent report to Georgy Konstantinovich... You want to deliver us to him immediately.
  Ni San pressed on the carotid artery during the kiss, weakening her will. Now a report zone has instantly formed in the brain. The colonel said, breaking into a smile:
  - They have an urgent report to the general. I will deliver them to Zhukov.
  The red-haired devil Nu San (Both girls are sisters, but with different fathers!), cooed:
  -You serve your general well. A reward awaits you for this!
  The girls followed the colonel. He walked forward like a puppet led by a puppeteer. Ni Sana made a gesture and the young soldier fell to his knees in front of her. It's good to enjoy power. Nyu Sam repeated the movement of her sister and the young man kissed her foot, which was clean despite walking twenty miles barefoot along the rocky road.
  However, this is what he wanted, ninja girls are very beautiful. Their secret organization even had the secret to improving their appearance and changing their facial features. That is why Japanese women are so similar to very beautiful Slavic women with innocent faces.
  The building in which Zhukov was located: an ancient fortress built by the Mongols with very thick walls. Naturally, Georgy Konstantinovich took care of his security.
  Only when monster girls walk along the path, and soldiers stand guard in front of them, is there any sense, unfortunately, from such protection. The fortress itself as an architectural monument is of certain interest. And it will not be easy to dislodge the entrenched troops from it.
  The colonel takes the girls straight to the army general. And somehow everyone lets him pass without much discussion. Only at the very entrance to the office, the secretary and two big guys blocked the road and demanded documents. Both warriors, looking with their naive and suddenly oily eyes, chirped:
  - You are very beautiful guys, but you lack feminine affection!
  Large guys in general, as a rule, are sexually anxious, and the stronger the muscles, the more desire they have to make love and the level of testosterone in the blood. And the girls instantly settled into their consciousness and introduced fixed ideas into their heads. In addition, if you put pressure on the neck, then even the most resistant to hypnosis person will lose willpower and succumb to the influence of suggestion.
  The big guys softened, I, the secretary, got a heel in the chin from the redhead, and sat down with a broken neck. Apparently Nu San decided not to stand on ceremony, but to solve the problem as simply as possible.
  In the cockpit was Zhukov and his staff of eight generals. We discussed the current situation. But it turned out to be heavy. In the first echelon alone, four million well-trained and brave Japanese infantrymen advanced. And the Japanese skillfully used their numerical superiority. The tank fleet of the Land of the Rising Sun is rather weak, but the USSR also has the best tanks in the West, in particular the KV and T-34, but here mostly rubbish remains.
  Stalin had already removed some of the most combat-ready units from the Far East, transferring them to the West. And the neutrality agreement with Japan dulled the vigilance of the command. For some reason, Stalin ignored all reports of impending aggression from Japan. And the result was the collapse of the front in the very first days of the fighting. Vladivostok is already surrounded, and Primorye is lost, Khabarovsk and Ulaanbaatar are taken on the move.
  Fortunately, the deep Amur River slowed down the advance of the samurai units. But the Japanese developed an offensive bypassing the Amur through Mongolia. They managed to strike from the side of the city of Manchuria, capturing a border village, also bypassing the Amur and this time Mongolia. Thus, a critical situation was created. In order to rectify the situation, it was now necessary to remove part of the forces from the western direction and hastily transfer them to the Far East. And this took time.
  Apparently the Japanese were counting on the extent of Soviet communications and their ability to use the ground army. After all, the population of Japan itself exceeded one hundred million people, not counting the colonies in China and Korea. So they could field a ground army comparable to the USSR, or to the capabilities of the Third Reich.
  The thirst for revenge at Khalkhin Gol dominated the mood of the Land of the Rising Sun. And nothing wanted a compromise in matters of relations between the USSR.
  In addition, Hirohito hoped that Hitler would take advantage of the moment and resume his anti-Bolshevik campaign, interrupted by the war with Britain. And what will the USSR achieve?
  The Fuhrer, of course, hated the communists, but in this situation he considered it more important for himself to untie himself from Britain and avoid a war on two fronts. The successes of the Germans in Libya, where Tolbuk fell, the destruction of the base in Malta and the offensive in Egypt gave a chance that Britain would be quickly finished off, and Leo would be tamed to peace. And then powerful armored hordes of the Wehrmacht will move from the west.
  The samurai are counting on this, as well as on their own courage and strong aviation, a large and experienced fleet.
  Now both Zhukov and Stalin are in difficulty. Isn't it dangerous to withdraw troops from the west and transfer them to the east? Maybe hold off on this. Wouldn't such a weakening of Hitler's forces provoke? On the other hand, Japan's successes can become an even greater temptation and provocation for the Krauts.
  Ninja girls are, in any case, a strong argument in any war. And now, with a polite bow, they enter the office where the generals sit and affectionately say:
  - Which one of you needs fresh milk?
  Zhukov hatched in surprise and said:
  -Where did you get such beauties?
  The red-haired devil sang melodiously with a local Siberian accent:
  - The kind, wise Stalin will call us into battle, and instead of a heart there will be a fiery engine!
  The blonde terminator confirmed:
  - Higher and higher and higher... Strive for the flight of our birds! And every propeller breathes - the calm of our borders!
  The red-haired beauty moved gracefully and swiftly, her movements difficult to catch for a mere mortal. The traditional kiss of death followed. And Zhukov swam in voluptuous dreams. An order from the formidable army general followed:
  - And now, gentlemen, all in the jeep, and we will discuss military plans in the lap of nature.
  Colonel General Stern, whose merits in the victory over the Japanese in Manchuria were no less than Zhukov"s, tried to object:
  - But it"s not that convenient...
  The blonde devil kissed Stern on the lips, pressing on the nerve ending, saying:
  - No, my dear... You want to make love to me, right?
  Stern squeezed out:
  - Yes, of course, yes!
  The red-haired devil winked at the others:
  - And you guys? After all, admit it, most of all you want to go to the bosom of nature with girls and barbecue. So let's hurry up while it's bright and clear!
  Of course, not a single man could resist such a tempting offer. Not to mention hypnosis. And ninja hypnosis is very strong, just like a hydrogen bomb. He even happens without words. When you are put to sleep by entering the cage of a mighty Ussuri tiger or a wild polar bear without a weapon. And of course a person.
  Ninjas are very strong and they have equal rights: there are even slightly more women than men, so that there is no massacre between males.
  The generals do not at all look like inhibited zombies. They smile widely and are very pleased with the upcoming revelry. After all, the caresses of the best women in the world await them ahead.
  And they even brought an orchestra to the bosom of nature to make it more fun. So for some there is war, and for others there is joy. Only joy in war is, as a rule, illusory. Zhukov, who went through both the civil war and the First World War, understood this like no one else. This is a kind of false idea of the frantic joy of looting and regimental whores. But how attractive it all is.
  And the Red Beast caresses Zhukov. She is generally lustful by nature, and loves men very much. Well, how can you refuse to make love with the most famous Russian commander at that time. No, she will never forgive herself for this. And the blonde terminator straddled Stern. There is a very high reward on this general"s head, so you shouldn"t miss the opportunity to have at least a little fun with him. After all, it is so exciting to engage in Eros with a monster.
  And the fact that they are accompanied by a whole company of convoy is a trifle. The soldiers will drink poisoned wine from a barrel and never wake up.
  The redhead, together with Zhukov, has already taken the glass and sings:
  - And the battle continues again,
  And my heart feels anxious in my chest!
  And Lenin is so young,
  And young October is ahead!
  And Leni is so young,
  And young October is ahead!
  The red-haired girl very theatrically lit a match with her bare fingers and began to light a cigarette using her bare and tanned leg. It looked beautiful and unusual. The generals quacked in unison and stared with all their eyes. And the warriors swayed and tossed a lit cigar from bare foot to foot. Like all real athletes, they couldn't stand tobacco.
  But it"s easy to play with a cigarette...
  And place a lit cigar on your bare, round heel, which is not afraid of hot coals.
  The picnic spot was chosen with love. Beautiful views from the mountains, nice and sunny, next to a clean stream. So we took a couple of pigs with us, so we can enjoy some pork. Frankly speaking, girls feel good; they allow themselves to be touched by men"s hands and even find pleasure in it. In general, warriors are characterized by aggressiveness in sex and life.
  They even began to hum little romances.
  There is nothing more beautiful than love
  She is like the Sun, shining brightly for people...
  Sometimes they base ratings on blood,
  And they die in agony, even children!
  Fate rules so cruelly at times,
  When the evil monster fiercely wins...
  May the fierce God be merciful,
  Know that he saves those who love from hell!
  I believe everything will be good in the world,
  And people will fly like an arrow to Mars...
  Although the universe is very difficult,
  But learn to chat, believe me, it"s great!
  I believe this is how our world will be,
  We will build communism, jokingly and lovingly!
  After all, Stalin is my idol, believe me,
  It will force you to march in friendly formation!
  In Russia, every knight is a giant,
  Even if he wears a pioneer tie...
  For us, believe me, the Lord is always one,
  And Satan"s grin is terribly brutal!
  O my sacred homeland,
  I love you with my soul very much!
  People are all wonderful family to me,
  May the Almighty make us omnipotent!
  Let beauty zealously rule the world,
  And the girl will love the soldier...
  Where Jesus sparkles with purity,
  And the devil will come, believe me, retribution!
  Berlin will be free from enemies,
  Japan will fly the red flag...
  The poem will be from my poems -
  Let this work not be in vain!
  Your son died, don"t cry, dear mother,
  The time will come, he will rise as a handsome man...
  It's time for some to die,
  Others in heaven are singing a song!
  Be true to Stalin's commandments,
  Then life will become eternal and happy...
  Dreams will come true in reality -
  Carried on wings into eternity by cherubs!
  And several ninjas: both men and women, and the boy Karas, are already getting ready for a picnic. Now they have very little left to carry out the capture and then it will be...
  But apparently someone from the special department sensed something was wrong and sent an entire special-purpose regiment after Zhukov. Tanks are coming, including the T-34, as well as transporters. There are no helicopters yet - this type of equipment was not created in 1942.
  Well, if there is a fight, there will be ninjas in it.
  The leader raises his crossbow and fires an explosive arrow. At first glance, it looks like a small crossbow bolt, with only one kilogram of explosive. But it contains great power of destruction. So only one pea per gram of the mixture invented by the ninja is capable of overturning a tank or conveyor. And then it explodes, and even in the gorge itself.
  There was a crash, an explosion, and several tanks were buried under the rubble. Furious shooting began and the ninjas went on the attack. It was not possible to drug the Soviet soldiers, and the barefoot Terminator girls use more traditional weapons. Here are sharp needles with poison flying. The beauties fanned them out, and from one swing a whole dozen soldiers were killed.
  Then the warriors throw daggers and spoons, using their bare legs to throw.
  The whirlwind began. Cute barefoot warriors became harpies of death. They staged a dance that pirates perform on the gallows.
  The redhead kicked the officer's forehead with her heel, broke his skull and sang:
  - I'm not a pathetic bug...
  The little white creature took off her head with a blow to her shin and continued:
  - Superninja is not stupid!
  And the warriors charged their feet in unison, throwing three soldiers higher at once and roaring:
  - Hidden talents - woof, woof!
  And then their eyes sparkled. And the ninjas fired at the Soviet troops from crossbows. They couldn't even lean out. The tanks were knocked out and burned, but the IL-2 that appeared immediately exploded, receiving a light arrow.
  Yes, this is Japan, its terrible secret army, which has no equal. So the warriors destroy the soldiers, throwing sharp needles with their bare, graceful legs, and forcing the soldiers to fall and die in agony.
  The battle is going downhill. The surviving soldiers from the convoy company experience such fear that they flee, and the generals, along with Zhukov, obediently follow the bare-legged, muscular girls.
  The special purpose regiment, having suffered significant damage, called for reinforcements. But by the time they get there, the ninja squad will have time to escape. A dozen IL-2s actually try to attack from the sky, but they are met with a shower of crossbow bolts and arrows. The first six IL-2s were shot down in a second, after another one and a half the rest exploded. These ninjas are very fast-firing and accurate shooters. Their secret skills have existed for thousands of years and have been perfected.
  They can do a lot of things. And their abilities in military affairs are simply fantastic. Here the ninja leader Nakasone sends a crossbow bolt along a high trajectory. He cannot see the target, but a small charge hits the KV-2 hatch exactly, and breaking through it causes the combat kit to tear. That is, the abilities of ninjas are more than fantastic.
  And it"s no wonder that a dozen such warriors are capable of putting entire armies to flight. Another Soviet tank regiment came under fire and stopped. The tanks didn't fight against the arrows. The armor burst under the blows, and the Japanese warriors just laughed. After all, these are ninjas - warriors of the future, for whom nothing is impossible.
  And both cute warriors had already tied the generals to the saddles of their horses. They will be delivered to Japan. However, the ninjas themselves will conduct a short interrogation during the trip, and they will find out everyone without exception.
  Or, in any case, everything that is necessary and not too necessary!
  Ninjas have special horses; they develop speeds higher than those of cheetahs. So try to catch up with them. However, a new attempt to attack IL-2 and PE-2 only leads to losses among Soviet troops. These Japanese are very strong. As they say, they have a sense of distance. They don"t miss, and crossbows can hit up to ten miles. There they have a slightly different principle at work than trivial tension. And also the great secret of ninja warriors.
  However, there are certain rules... Ninjas were not part of the Japanese power system. That"s why they didn"t come to Khalkhin Gol. And as a rule, they fight either for money, or when personal honor is affected. So the capture of Zhukov and his headquarters is paid for, and it is not a fact that the invisible warriors will agree to take part in the next operation. There is a code of honor that prohibits doing services to the Japanese authorities unselfishly. Otherwise, there would be nothing left of America.
  However, the red-haired warrior and her fair-haired friend really enjoyed fighting. And she wants the banquet to continue. How many ninjas are there in total? No more than two hundred, this society is secret and selects only the most capable and not always Japanese as students. True, in any case, there must be some admixture of Japanese blood in each version, and special merit is required.
  Their organization helped take Port Arthur, capturing Mount Vysokaya, thereby destroying the Russian fleet. But now the floor is up to Hirohito. He must bestow orders and gold on the ninjas.
  And in Russia, especially in Siberia, there is a lot of gold and diamonds. So, if successful, there will be something to give in the future.
  But Ni San and Nu San decided to fight for free, for the sake of Great Japan.
  Stalin, having learned about the kidnapping of Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov and his entire staff, became furious and threw a tantrum. Ashes from the pipe even fell on Beria - they say you didn"t overlook the bald devil.
  Lavrentiy justified himself:
  - This is the greatest ninja. Their abilities are far superior to humans!
  Stalin lashed out at the head of the secret police:
  - So? It turns out that they can kidnap me too?
  Beria stretched out obsequiously and croaked:
  - No way, Your Majesty! We are always on guard!
  Stalin shook his fist at the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs.
  - Look Lavrenty... What happens to me, I"ll rip your head off!
  The head of the secret police joyfully sang a Russian folk song:
  - I was born desperate. And I will die desperate! If I break my head, I'll tie it to a lamb's head!
  The Supreme Commander-in-Chief supported Beria:
  - Oops, oops... It hurts sweet words, we'll get out of the madhouse soon - everything will be all right!
  The loss of Zhukov is a great loss. And with his capture, disintegration arose on the fronts. Stalin appointed his favorite Voroshilov as the new commander of the Far Eastern troops. We need to let him rehabilitate himself for the Finnish company.
  But such an appointment turned out to be unsatisfactory. Voroshilov shouted a lot, stomped his feet, but acted chaotically and unprofessionally. In particular, he brought troops into battle in parts, and allowed the Japanese to use their numerical superiority quite effectively. In addition, the samurai tanks, with all their lightness, turned out to be mobile and passable, which cannot be said about the KV and wheeled-tracked Soviet vehicles.
  As it turned out, the tank named after Klim Voroshilov had no fewer shortcomings than the charismatic, but too old-fashioned and operationally-tactically incompetent marshal.
  Often Stalin did not make the most informed decisions, relying more on his instincts than on the advice of specialists. The Japanese were able to land troops and capture almost all of Kamchatka. Except for Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, of course. But this city, like Vladivostok, is under complete blockade. Moreover, the samurai, moving north, were already approaching Magadan.
  Thus, the eastern front, contrary to calculations and the excessive self-confidence of the Soviet command, continued to sag.
  Things weren't looking good for the allies either. More precisely, Britain"s main ally, the United States, did not want to enter the war yet, and as the Wehrmacht"s successes grew, their desire only weakened.
  Schellenberg hosted Dulles. The head of the US secret police department looked like a beaten dog. No shine or former confidence.
  Of course, America had already lost more than half of its territory and was sliding into the abyss. In fact, neither the economic potential, nor the distance from Europe, nor the oceans of the United States saved it. And everything, as they say, went to hell.
  Dulles, bending over, muttered:
  - We agree to any terms of peace, if they do not contain the word: surrender!
  Schellenberg chuckled and remarked capriciously:
  - And for the sake of false pride, are you ready to continue subjecting the United States to monstrous suffering?
  Dulles sighed heavily. There was an oppressive pause. Then the American representative tried to say in a softer tone:
  - We are ready for any peace conditions with actual surrender, only without its formalization!
  Schellenberg smiled wryly and remarked:
  - The Fuhrer insists on surrender! This is his indispensable condition! And Adolf Hitler, as a rule, is extremely reluctant to change his decisions!
  Dulles shrugged his shoulders and asked quietly:
  - Do you guarantee personal security for the oligarchs and Truman?
  Schellenberg grinned and reminded:
  - At one time, Truman said: if Germany wins, we will help Russia, if Russia wins, we will help Germany... And let them kill each other as long as possible! That is, Truman is a pretty scoundrel! And we need it, you bastards!
  Dulles nodded in agreement.
  - I will try to persuade Truman and the others to surrender to the mercy of the winner! As for the rest... That's how it will work out! That is, I want to say that we are ready to accept German citizenship!
  Schellenberg remarked sternly:
  - Allegiance to the great Germany must still be earned!
  Dulles shuddered and asked:
  - Isn"t there a place for US business people in the new world order?
  Schellenberg stated quite frankly:
  - Why? There will be! You will become an appendage of the economy of the Third Reich.
  And you will be something like a colonial bourgeoisie.
  Dulles logically noted:
  - If the wealth is preserved, then the capitalists will willingly sign for you!
  Schellenberg chuckled and added:
  - You will be able to extend the working day and exploit workers more harshly.
  There was a pause. Two Slavic girls entered. They were only wearing transparent blouses and short skirts, barefoot. They brought a large silver vessel with wine, roast goose, sliced pork with a side dish.
  Schellenberg offered to have a snack. And at the same time he put his hand on the maid"s bare, tanned knee. Yes, I was a little embarrassed, but did not resist.
  Another girl, obeying a sign from Schellenberg, sat down with Dulles. The American pretended not to notice. The chief of German intelligence stroked the girl"s bare, tanned, muscular leg, and purred:
  - And prostitution will become legal in your country, you won"t have to fear the morality police. And with the girls it will be possible without fear... But the blue ones will have a hard time!
  Dulles responded succinctly:
  - I'm not blue!
  Schellenberg grinned and suggested:
  - So feel it! She is a slave and has no right to refuse!
  Dulles shook hands and remarked:
  - This may sound old-fashioned, but I"m not a womanizer!
  Schellenberg shook his head:
  - But in vain... You are depriving yourself of such pleasure! Being a womanizer is a great happiness!
  Dulles looked at the girl. Blonde, slim, curvy. The blouse did not hide the outlines of her breasts and seductive body. The legs are bare, thoroughly washed, the soles are a little dusty, but very elegant. A girl you really want to caress and touch.
  But Dulles was a professional intelligence officer and knew how to control himself. Moreover, it is not a fact that he will not be photographed.
  Schellenberg put his hands on the servant girl's chest. She purred with pleasure. She apparently liked it when a young and rather handsome man touched her bust. Or she was cleverly pretending. But Schellenberg was not at all shy.
  Dulles said briefly:
  - More than two hundred American divisions were defeated and captured. But we also have another hundred and fifty divisions and militias. While America will still fight... In New York, the influence of Jews is strong. It is the Jews and those dependent on them who want to fight to the end. So... Well, also the communists, they want a fight!
  Schellenberg winked slyly:
  - I heard that five of your girls showed up from Russia. Who fight very well. Legends are made about them.
  Dulles replied with a smile:
  - And legends are made about your Friedrich, as well as the famous four. In fact, reality and dreams often diverge!
  Schellenberg nodded in agreement:
  - Try to get these girls captured alive!
  Dulles nodded:
  - We will give you this pleasure!
  After which Schellenberg and Dulles separated. There was nothing more to say.
  Schellenberg pounced on the girls, satisfying animal passion with the delicacy of a boar in heat. They squealed like pigs...
  Hitler himself, meanwhile, was having fun with another gladiator fight.
  The girls were fighting, four on each side. The warriors were wearing only panties, oiled and tanned.
  The girls exchanged blows, and coals were thrown under their bare feet. The Fuhrer watched this together with three whores, whom he reflexively caressed. Not very capable of being a man, the Fuhrer found pleasure in blood and torture. He especially liked to torture beautiful women.
  And Hitler did this, with sadistic self-forgetfulness. And then one of the girls fell, pierced by swords. The black warriors burned her heel with a torch. The girl twitched and fell silent forever. Thus, for the fascists it was entertainment.
  The Fuhrer was somewhat distracted from the battle. He became thoughtful.
  When Nazi number one wrote "My Struggle," he realized that the most serious enemy for Germany would be the United States. And I wanted to avoid such a war. At first, Hitler was inclined to think of attacking the USSR with a coalition. Germany, naturally Poland, Italy, preferably Britain, Japan would be nice. Perhaps even connecting France, Hungary, Romania, and other countries.
  The Fuhrer himself still did not really believe in German strength, that Germany was destined to become a hegemon. So his plans were more modest: to profit from the relatively weak USSR in the twenties, and to get part of the lands there.
  Although first it was necessary to seize power in Germany. The elections of 1928 did not give the fascists even three percent of the votes. It seemed that power was just a dream. But then the miracles of the Nazis" organization, the help of sponsors, and Hitler"s oratorical abilities led to an almost logical result. Hitler won... Although he was on the verge of failure.
  And he exceeded voters' expectations. The Fuhrer did not even promise what he later managed to fulfill. And the elite believed that world domination was unrealistic.
  The Fuhrer had successes, which were partly explained by fear of communism and the USSR. They wanted to use Germany against Bolshevism. There were apparently other considerations. The Germans will pull chestnuts out of the fire, and the rest, strange, will divide the spoils. The Fuhrer managed to instill this idea in the others. That is why he was able to occupy the demilitarized zone and even carry out the Anschluss of Austria. And then there was a triumph in Munich. The Sudetenland became German, and a little later Klaipeda returned.
  The Fuhrer fell somewhat into euphoria; probably, with more sound reasoning, there should have been no rush to occupy the Czech Republic. Why humiliate your allies like that? But I miscalculated. Then things didn"t work out with Poland either. Here, first of all, the Jews took up arms, they demanded to stop tightening the screws in Germany. And again the Fuhrer miscalculated by organizing the night of crystal knives.
  The prospects for Germany were not good. With only ninety divisions, of which only six were light armored, it would go to war with most of the world.
  Even against Poland the Germans looked somewhat weak. There was not enough ammunition and bombs. Germany is not very ready for war. Therefore, the Fuhrer decided to accept Stalin's proposal for a pact. Although initially he had completely different plans.
  In general, maybe the Fuhrer is not so much a genius as he is lucky. The decision to attack Poland contained a colossal risk. One hundred and ten French and English divisions would simply crush twenty-three German divisions in the West.
  But this did not happen. A lucky star was shining on Germany. A miracle happened, the allies missed the moment. Poland was defeated just as quickly as the Germans had enough ammunition. Then the Allies gave Germany several months to prepare.
  The Germans were lucky when the war with Finland began. Stalin failed to achieve quick success and got stuck. Hopes for peace arose. Many put pressure on Hitler and suggested limiting himself to little. Namely, to restore the borders of the fourteenth year in the east, and give Poland the appearance of independence.
  Even the Allies hinted that they might return to the issue of colonies.
  But the Fuhrer ultimately rejected everything and began to wage a decisive war. Denmark resisted for one day, Norway was captured quickly and with a minimum of losses.
  And then the coolest thing, the miraculous defeat of the superior coalition forces. Four million prisoners, the spoils of one hundred and fifty divisions. The brilliant plan of Mainstein and Hitler. And in a rare stroke of luck, the Germans really could have lost. The Allies had twice as many tanks, more infantry and more artillery.
  But the star high in the sky patronized the Third Reich... True, things didn"t work out with Britain. No peace, no victory! The air offensive failed. Hitler himself understood his personal responsibility. It was necessary to increase the production of aircraft, not to bomb peaceful cities, and to command more rationally.
  Not everything was done to organize the landing. And there was a chance to win. The English Channel is not a very big strait; even a raft can overcome it. If the Fuhrer had shown full energy and organization then, Britain would have fallen back in 1940. And this would hasten the end of the Second World War.
  But the Fuhrer, alas, was not up to the task then. He lost the inspiration of brilliant insights, and his lucky star dimmed.
  Then Hitler began to worry greatly about the USSR. Stalin's obvious military preparations could not but cause alarm. So many tanks, other equipment, guns, planes. All this worried the Fuhrer.
  Therefore, instead of a decisive war with Britain and an offensive in Africa, half-hearted measures followed. And here the Fuhrer made mistakes. It was necessary to promote the production of weapons to the maximum. The OKW accurately reported that thirty-six tank divisions were needed to capture the USSR. But only sixteen were allocated. Plan "Barbarossa" is a pure gamble: attacking with four times fewer tanks and aircraft is mortally dangerous.
  But Hitler took into account the fact that the Red Army was practically not trained to defend itself. And she was taught only to beat the enemy on his territory. And what? The calculation was justified! Unprepared for defense, Soviet troops fell into cauldrons, and they were crushed and broken. They drove away the prisoners. But the Germans had little strength. There weren't even enough stormtroopers. Biplanes were even thrown into battle.
  We reached Moscow, captured Donbass, and blocked Leningrad. But they didn"t have enough strength to take the capital, and the damned winter got in the way. Gasoline on coal, due to frost, decomposed into non-combustible fractions. And the Germans got it in the teeth!
  And then Japan entered the war with the United States. I had to support her. And Rommel"s tail was pinched in Africa. The winter of forty-one and forty-two turned out to be such an unfortunate one. But... But the Japanese achieved a number of major successes. And spring brought new victories to the Wehrmacht. And most importantly, Hitler felt new inspiration in himself, and became an excellent organizer. He managed to mobilize Germany and the occupied territories to the limit, and increase the production of weapons.
  And since then everything began to improve. Now America is falling at the feet of the Third Reich.
  Hitler gave a sign... Now the boys were fighting. Also wearing only loincloths. And such a bloody fight.
  The Fuhrer did not like to talk for too long. He will soon become the ruler of the world. Neither Napoleon, nor Genghis Khan, nor Tamerlane achieved such success. This did not happen before Hitler, and is unlikely to happen after him! A real miracle happened.
  Coals were poured under the boys' bare feet. To make it more painful for them. The boys suffered, and Hitler enjoyed the suffering. It's very nice when you can whip boys. And the Fuhrer chuckled and bared his vampire fangs. He tortured a lot of people and transplanted them. And how many were burned alive?
  Hitler personally burned boys and girls with fire. He loved to hold a lit torch to the naked breasts of girls. Pass the flame over the round female heels.
  Use the most savage torture. And what Hitler didn"t use... And fire and hot, barbed wire, and chains red from the heat.
  The most savage torture... When beautiful girls are burned alive... And the maniac with a short mustache liked all this.
  Hitler loved the process of torture... He extremely enjoyed driving hot needles under the girls" nails, especially their toes. And break your fingers with hot tongs.
  Hitler was mocked in Germany, and the future Fuhrer had to endure a lot of humiliation during his vagabond life in Vienna. This made him very cold and cruel. More precisely, not cold, but aggressively cruel. There was so much anger in Hitler that it literally went off scale with hatred.
  This allowed the Fuhrer to control the militants. The most cheeky stormtroopers obeyed Hitler, so they felt his magnetism and amazing hatred.
  Hitler suppressed with his hellish energy. No wonder even Stalin was afraid of the Fuhrer. I feared and respected him.
  Hitler actually communicated with hellish spirits, who gave him incredible power. The people obeyed the Fuhrer. Both the troops and the wings of fortune obeyed. Victories followed one after another. Triumphs that even Genghis Khan did not know. Even Australia became a German colony. And a lot of provinces.
  Hitler shrugged his shoulders - where to go after the USA? Finish off the USSR? Or hit Japan? The Land of the Rising Sun has captured too many lands. But on the other hand, it was impossible to do without the help of Japan for now. And so the Fuhrer allowed his narrow-eyed ally to grow too big. Hitler even grunted with frustration: why did he go so crazy? Allowed Japan to take over so much land? On the other hand, it was the opening of a second front with Japan that forced Stalin to agree to a truce, which made it possible to crush Britain.
  Thus, instead of a war on two fronts, the Fuhrer switched exclusively to Britain. And he managed to conquer her in the shortest possible time. So Stalin didn"t even have the temptation to take advantage of the moment and hit him in the back.
  However, less than one hundred and twenty selected divisions of the Third Reich are still standing in the east, ready to hold back the Stalinist attack.
  The Fuhrer allowed one of the girls to take the jade, pulsating rod into her mouth. And I felt bliss. How beautiful and pure the female body is. It"s so nice to caress, touch, stroke him. And kiss right on the crimson nipples.
  The Fuhrer kisses the girl directly on the chest and licks her bust with his tongue. How sweet it is. And the girls turned out delicious. How pleasant the skin of young women tastes.
  And when they are fried, it actually smells like fried lamb or pork. Although the Fuhrer was a vegetarian, he sometimes allowed himself to eat women"s brisket. Or they would crumble human meat into his salad. It's not bad to eat a woman's body, or muscular boys. But Hitler allowed himself such delicacies only on holidays: since meat is harmful.
  The Fuhrer also loved bananas and pineapples. All this is extremely tasty.
  And also, of course, torturing women with stretch marks. Hang beauties on a rack, secure their bare feet in stocks, and then attach weights. Until the bodies break. It"s cruel, of course, but also effective. This way you can torture all the beauties.
  Another interesting thing is chasing girls naked in the snow. In general, the favorite German torture is cold! It"s so interesting to watch how girls" fingers turn blue from the cold. And how painful it is for them. Torture in general was the highest pleasure for Hitler.
  It"s especially funny when barefoot girls first run in the snow, and then the SS men push them over the coals with hot wire. And the girls bare their feet from the cold to the hot oven!
  The Fuhrer chuckled and said:
  - I love to torture and torment! I love to cause pain! And therefore, long live torture!
  Hitler also loved to torture boys. Especially captured pioneers. There was intrigue here, whether the boy would scream in pain or not. The pioneers usually tried to hold back their screams by gritting their teeth. The Fuhrer loved to hold the torch to his chest, singe the armpits, and fry the boys' heels. Or bring the flame to your face. Fire is a very burning and painful thing, so usually the boys couldn"t stand it and started screaming. But there were also stubborn pioneers who lost consciousness from painful shock, but continued to remain silent.
  Here the Fuhrer really wanted to torture such a pioneer. And Hitler ordered:
  - Deliver one of the captured Russian partisans here!
  Despite the fact that Stalin gave the order not to wage a guerrilla war, some fanatics continued to resist, albeit not in large numbers as before. And the pioneers were there.
  Knowing the Fuhrer's tastes, they brought him a boy of about thirteen. Blond, already beaten during interrogations.
  They stripped the boy, and two tall ladies twisted his arms, threw a fan over him and pulled him up onto the rack. One of them sang with pleasure along the pioneer"s striped back with her palm, and smacking her lips answered:
  - And the boy could warm my bed!
  Hitler chuckled and replied:
  - If he remains alive, I will give it to you! However, the latter is unlikely.
  The pioneer clenched his jaw tighter and looked with hatred at the Fuhrer and his whores.
  The boy had already managed to hang on the rack. They beat him with a whip and a rubber club on his bare heels. True, I haven"t tried fire yet. The Fuhrer started small. He turned on the lighter and ran the flame over the boy's smooth chest.
  He clenched his teeth harder and jerked. Blisters swelled on his tanned body.
  The Fuhrer said emphatically affectionately in Russian:
  - Say that Stalin is shit, and I won"t torture you!
  The pioneer said decisively:
  - No!
  Hitler smiled and picked up the torch. He brought it to the boy"s bare feet. The pioneer twitched harder, a scream bursting from his chest. How painful it is. But with a titanic effort the boy restrained himself.
  The Fuhrer got tired of roasting the boy"s heels, and carried the torch to his groin. At this point the pain exceeded all limits, and the pioneer lost consciousness from painful shock.
  Hitler put down the torch and said in a disappointed tone:
  - How persistent they are, Russians! I'm simply amazed!
  The executioner girls asked the Fuhrer:
  - Bring him to his senses!?
  Hitler nodded and remarked:
  - Now we will dissolve him alive in acid! I will take revenge on the pioneers for their obstinacy!
  They brought the naked boy to his senses, hung him on a chain, and began to slowly dip him into acid. The pioneer felt a wild pain from the dissolving flesh, but instead of begging for mercy, the boy began to sing;
  My Motherland will be holy,
  It is a sacred land for the pioneer...
  The squad is my beloved family,
  May this be an example to all people!
  For the glory of our holy Motherland,
  We pioneers took an oath...
  Even if Hitler is in league with Satan,
  But near Moscow we gave him a hard time!
  We are pioneers, sons of the Motherland,
  Our great Mother Fatherland...
  And we will be faithful to the country to the end,
  In the great work of building communism!
  I'm a boy, half naked and barefoot,
  I went on reconnaissance through the harsh snow...
  And death with a scythe flies in front of me,
  Threatens to bind you in iron shackles!
  But I blew up the bridge to the Nazis, you know,
  Sent their trains down...
  And I believe there will be heaven in the universe,
  Let's build a new castle of communism!
  But then it happened, I was taken into terrible captivity,
  The Krauts were hitting me hard on my heels...
  The executioner poured napalm onto his back,
  They hit me in the stomach with sticks!
  The insidious fascist used fire,
  He brutally burned his entire thin body...
  The pioneer held on with his last strength,
  The executioners tortured him skillfully!
  But the boy didn't say anything,
  He did not reveal Russian secrets to the fascists...
  And no matter how much the Fuhrer tortured him,
  He showed extraordinary emphasis!
  Then they threw the guy into acid,
  And piece by piece the boy was dissolved...
  But the boy spoke frankly,
  That communism will soon be given!
  That soon our soldier will come to Berlin,
  He will give the Krauts a very strong point...
  And God will beat the Fuhrer to death,
  And the whole menagerie, wholesale alone!
  And I will die in torture, pioneer,
  Fate left me no other choice...
  But I'll show everyone else an example,
  And I can stand it without a groan, I believe the rack!
  Then the Almighty Jesus will come,
  Everything will be resurrected to the utmost...
  Both Kazakh and Russian will become united,
  Great changes are coming!
  At the last word, the half-dissolved boy lost consciousness again...
  The Fuhrer grinned and winked at his friend:
  - It looks like he won"t have to warm your bed... Dissolved!
  She answered indifferently:
  - We"ll find another... And what"s left of this we"ll use for soap!
  The Fuhrer ordered:
  - Make a magnificent goblet out of the boy's skull! In the meantime, I'll go and have a little feast with my friends!
  The Fuhrer was accompanied by several people. Including the designer Porsche. This outstanding master told the Fuhrer:
  - The legendary girls gave us a wonderful idea, which the best design minds of the Third Reich are now working on.
  The Fuhrer perked up:
  - What idea?
  Porsche said with a smile:
  - A tank that will be invulnerable when fired from all angles. It will be something like a miracle, or the pyramid of Cheops!
  The Fuhrer answered harshly:
  - I hope the embodiment in metal will not take long! Well, we are strong now even without pyramidal tanks!
  Porsche agreed:
  - Yes, we are strong, my Fuhrer!
  Himmler noted:
  - The production of weapons has increased so much that it will apparently have to be reduced soon. America will soon die, and we won"t need so many planes and especially ships for Russia!
  The Fuhrer whistled and said:
  - Beauties, beauties, cabaret beauties... You are created only for entertainment!
  After which, Hitler threw a banana skin at the half-naked girl dancing in front of them. The peel hit the stripper in the ass, and she purred in response.
  The Fuhrer hissed through his teeth:
  - No, I"m still far from controlling the whole world. There is also Japan. And to fight her you will need ships! And we must be ready for this!
  Guderian remarked with a grin:
  - Japan is already doing a good job of copying our tanks, especially the Panther 2. This is certainly not an E-50, but it is also a serious tank. So we will need new generation machines!
  The Fuhrer roared at the top of his lungs:
  - We need a new tank! We will fight, and we must fight!
  Mainstein roared in response:
  - We will fight very brutally... Until we conquer the whole world!
  Hitler burst into a lengthy monologue:
  - This is where we started... We came to power in a destroyed country. Which was cut, and Germany literally died out. But starting small, we were able to increase the territory of the Third Reich thirty times. We have become very strong. In '33 we didn't have a single tank. And now we have tens of thousands of the best tanks in the world. We didn't have a single combat aircraft, and now our armadas are blocking the sun. And they have no equal.
  We started from scratch, and in an arms race, we conquered most of the world. And they did what seems like a fairy tale and a miracle. And what cannot be repeated after, and what did not happen before us... And what did not happen in the history of Germany. But there has never been such honor and glory!
  And in the future, when the whole world will be under us, the era of star wars and our victories in space will come. And there will be an innumerable number of these victories! We won yesterday, we win today and we will win tomorrow!
  There are still many fights ahead! There will be battles so tough that only the Germans can overcome them! And there will be victories that will eclipse the sun! So be it... In the USA we are faced with the most powerful economy. With a country that claimed to be the workshop of the world. And they were able to defeat her! Our power is so great that it is enough to conquer this planet. But our scientists continue to create new and more dangerous weapons. We will conquer the whole world... And so it will be! The whole world will be conquered by us, and no one will ever stop us!
  Four warriors Gerda, Charlotte, Christina and Magda, advanced from the south to Washington.
  On the way to the American capital, increasingly fierce resistance was encountered.
  The German E-50 had already received a great many hits and was covered in scars and scratches. The car had fought its way a long way. The girls were also pretty exhausted.
  But the proximity of victory attracted the beauties.
  Gerda remarked with a sweet smile from the blonde warrior:
  - We have already experienced so much in this life! Will there be anything else like this?
  Magda, modestly lowering her eyes, answered:
  - Everything is the will of the Almighty! The time will come and we will remember our previous exploits. Maybe with sadness, or maybe with pride!
  Charlotte stated decisively:
  - Well, I won"t be sad in any case! Our exploits are very glorious!
  Christina sang:
  - Glorious Motherland, inglorious ugly thing!
  Gerda tweeted:
  - I believe we will have another holiday!
  Charlotte snorted contemptuously and remarked:
  - And in our war, every day is a holiday!
  Magda fired... Sherman broke in half and burst into flames. The girl chirped:
  - War is light air... But it"s better to fill it with prayer!
  Gerda answered fiercely:
  - O my beauty, you have lustful flesh! Only the Lord taught you not to pray, but only to bark!
  The girls laughed, their laughter was quite cheerful. Magda shot the Pershing and became cheerful. The Americans were clearly giving up. There were only two hundred kilometers left to Washington. Their tank could travel along the highway in three hours. But tanks should not break away from the infantry. Although the infantry was motorized. But they drove in many millions of mercenaries, who were used like cannon fodder.
  Gerda fired and chirped:
  - But I respond to the voices, and I"m eager to fight fiercely!
  The girls fired... Charlotte, saw, held the Coke with her toes, and hissed:
  - We will all do the laundry and pass the exam with an A!
  The girls broke away a little from their team and came under fire from 105-mm anti-aircraft guns. They were fired upon, and shells fell on the frontal, sloping armor.
  Gerda answered and sang:
  - Here we have fogs and rains! We have cold blooms here! And when you shoot the rod zeros, the girlish exploits are sung!
  And the warriors whined with anguish:
  - Hope, our earthly compass,
  Good luck, rewards for courage...
  And one song is enough,
  So that it only sings about the house!
  Charlotte licked her scarlet lips and said:
  - And I"ll build such an estate for myself! It will have palaces with columns! And fountains shoot into the air!
  Christina giggled and remarked:
  - Oh, fountains, fountains, fountains! Give them your heart, jokingly! Ah, fountains, fountains, fountains! The land will bloom in white apples!
  A German tank was steadily shooting at an American anti-aircraft battery. The girls took their time and confidently took the blows. Warriors are like scoops of chocolate ice cream. Everyone does it, and everyone succeeds. And they beat, beat, beat...
  Gerda even began to sing, lifting her throat high;
  The princess dreamed of marriage,
  But the demands were high...
  This front has reached the ideal,
  Why did the princes get all the kicks?
  Nobody liked this princess,
  No one became her ideal...
  And these princes went into mourning,
  Know the princess's heart is solid metal!
  But there was one invader,
  He went to war with the princess...
  And he fought fiercely with her regiments,
  Probably calling Satan into the alliance!
  The princess lost this battle
  And I ended up in a very sad captivity...
  This is the palette fate received,
  The desire for very rapid changes!
  The girls were then taken to prison,
  I put a steel chain around my neck...
  And they began to flog the beautiful young woman,
  The princess began to cry and roar!
  She was in silks, now in rags,
  The shoes were torn off - the girl was barefoot...
  They are chasing her - she is exhausted by the flesh,
  The eagle was lured into a cage by force!
  About how much suffering you need to endure,
  A girl must endure such torment...
  For luxury, satiety is a reward,
  The she-wolf howls and the bear roars!
  The princess in the mines is now suffering,
  Almost naked, barefoot in winter...
  Alas, the evil one triumphs in the world of Cain,
  And the devil violated the soul!
  The world is like hell, dull and pitch-black,
  In the mines you drag stones...
  Measured order and unhurried,
  You're carrying slabs and bricks!
  In despair, she gave herself to the overseer,
  And managed to escape from the mine...
  There was only a little time before death,
  But God's grace awakened!
  That princess started the rebellion
  Slaves, peasants at once for her...
  And it became very interesting,
  Everyone is tired of their miserable existence!
  Many thousands of indignant people gathered,
  And they crushed the army of the horde...
  Become a people branded with a curse,
  So that no worse happens, know the troubles!
  We launched an assault, took the monarch's palace,
  And the former monster was now in captivity!
  Such rocks jump, you can see the edges,
  The princess will make her dream come true!
  The tyrant is now sent to the mines,
  And the former slave in the palace...
  Don't step on this rake again,
  The queen dreams of a crown!
  She chose her husband from among the people,
  I got married to him, illuminating the marriage...
  It doesn't matter the pedigree of the breed,
  A sense of teamwork is more important!
  They had children and were happy,
  This couple ended up getting married...
  The descendants are strong and quite beautiful,
  We wish others to do the same!
  Justice reigned in the empire
  Every rich man shared gold there...
  You too show people mercy,
  So as not to hear the bitter, childish cry!
  The girls sang wonderfully, and their voices were so piercing and ringing, like the trill of a bell. And a truly Divine composition was heard.
  And thousands of surrendered Americans marched with their hands raised. They fell to their knees in front of the girls and smiled stupidly, confusedly.
  The warriors got out of the tank. The girls traditionally offered their bare feet for kisses and grinned dazzlingly. These are tigresses.
  Charlotte sang, growling a little:
  Blood type on a sleeve,
  My serial number is on my sleeve!
  Wish me luck in battle
  Wish me luck!
  Christina confirmed the singing, stamping her bare feet, pinching the soldiers" noses with her fingers:
  - With every failure, know how to fight back! Otherwise you won't have any luck!
  And the girls laughed so deafeningly that their mouths were literally twisted, and the soldiers" skulls were blown off.
  Sometimes the beauties exposed their breasts and invited the soldiers to kiss them. And they smacked the warriors.
  Among those who surrendered were boys in juvenile detention. They literally devoured with their eyes the almost naked warrior girls. Gerda responded by ordering the boys to lie on their backs and raise their legs. And then she began to hit them on their bare heels with sticks.
  The boys screamed in pain. Charlotte, Christina and even Magda joined the execution. The girls worked conscientiously with rubber batons. They made the boys scream, and they twitched desperately. Hitting boys' bare heels with sticks is pleasant for tigresses.
  But apparently this was not enough for Gerda, and she picked up the torch. Like, woe to the vanquished. And the smell of burnt meat filled the air. However, the girls tried to shoot the boys" legs so as not to injure them.
  Music was playing and drums were beating.
  Magda refused to pick up the torch and, blushing, replied:
  - No! It's still very mean!
  Gerda giggled and muttered in a melodious voice:
  - Who isn"t mean? Who isn't mean? Yes, the one who has never seen a woman!
  Charlotte, toasting the heels of the juvenile prisoners, remarked:
  - These are all criminals! It"s not so bad to feel sorry for them!
  The warriors giggled at once... And continued to fry the boys" feet.
  Meanwhile, Frederick fought in the sky. A pair of the latest American fighters with 50-mm cannons came out against him. But of course, this did not bother the terminator boy. And the killer boy closed the distance with the Americans, showing that their guns were completely up to him.
  Frederick generally enjoyed the battle.
  The boy general roared into the radio:
  - I'm going out for total destruction!
  A short burst, and fifty American planes exploded. It was as if someone had scattered firecrackers across the sky. And the boy took it and chirped:
  - I'm a real ninja! And I'll chop them all up!
  And again he fired a salvo, this time shooting down seventy aircraft. And he bared his pearly teeth.
  Helga flew to the boy"s right hand and said, laughing:
  - You are a real demon of abuse! I'm rooting for you!
  Friedrich burst out laughing. The terminator kid turned on the air cannons, shooting down twenty-four more planes, and then switched fire to ground targets.
  The main tank power was still the Sherman; it was probably the most popular tank in the world. The Americans desperately, without much hope, tried to take it in numbers.
  Frederick sang:
  - On starships and airplanes! Our army is invincible!
  Shermans splintered and exploded. In addition to them, a self-propelled gun with a 155-mm cannon appeared, capable of creating certain problems for German tanks.
  Friedrich broke through the top cover of the tank and sang:
  - I will still be a great champion!
  Helga answered sincerely:
  - And you are already a great champion! And no one has any doubts about you!
  The boy whistled and answered:
  - Yes, no one... Are you sure of this?
  Helga hissed in response:
  - On another galaxy, on a ripe continent!
  Friedrich destroyed eighteen vehicles in a burst. He made American tanks burn and asked Helga with a smile:
  - What did you want to say by this?
  The blonde warrior replied:
  - That you are a real superman!
  Friedrich straightened his bangs and replied:
  - I am Superman and there are no other problems!
  Helga giggled, shot up the Sherman, and chirped:
  - No other problems!
  Frederick switched to the column of Pershings, singing:
  - It"s not your legs that can save you! Not dashing horses!
  Helga hit the Witch self-propelled gun and whispered:
  - Be careful! Beware! Beware!
  Friedrich hit the Mongoose self-propelled gun and barked:
  - We won"t joke!
  Helga continued to fire, chanting:
  - We'll find you underground!
  Friedrich, having shot another fifteen cars with one burst, added:
  - We'll get it out of the water!
  Helga continued to thrash and blathered:
  - We'll tear you apart!
  Friedrich, continuing to nail, confirmed:
  - We'll tear you apart!
  Helga even began jumping up in her chair, roaring:
  - We'll tear you apart!
  The ammunition ran out and the jets flew back. You need to refuel and replenish your kit.
  The army of the Third Reich was getting closer and closer to Washington. At the same time, the Japanese were also breaking through.
  Ninja knight Karas preferred to work with a sword. He sneaked up silently to the American positions and set up a cutting operation. The ninja boy became a formidable warrior. And he exterminated everyone without exception. His katana easily cut through metal.
  The crucian carp acted aggressively and persistently as always. His attacks are, without exception, deadly. In addition to the sword, the boy also used poisonous needles and threw sharply sharpened discs.
  A couple of ninja girls acted with him and helped the boy exterminate the Americans.
  Here is their triad, burst into the fort and moved along the corridors. There they exterminated American soldiers.
  The crucian carp, having cut down the officer, hissed:
  - I am a knight and a candidate for God!
  The Japanese ninja replied:
  - You are perfection! But we are cool too!
  And the girl cut down two American soldiers with one swing!
  The crucian carp continued moving, ran the mill, and cut off five at once, chirping:
  - This is class!
  Another Japanese ninja cut down the three, remarking:
  - These are our achievements!
  The crucian carp continued to chop, splash blood, and roar:
  - I am a wild horror, flying on the wings of the night!
  The Japanese woman, having cut off two of them, hissed:
  - We are simply invisible!
  The crucian carp took it, threw the bare toes of the boy"s feet, sharply sharpened discs, cutting down seven, and sang:
  - Turn off your consciousness!
  The ninja girl slashed and confirmed:
  - I don"t want understanding!
  Crucian carp cut down six with swords, performing a triple butterfly, and added:
  - How many times have we been convinced...
  Another ninja girl did a spin and added:
  - We fell, but got up!
  Crucian carp, chopping the Americans like cabbage, sang:
  - For love without a doubt!
  The ninja girl chirped:
  - New ones are fighting...
  Another barefoot beauty confirmed:
  - Generations!
  The crucian carp cut off several people and hissed:
  - Crush, crush now!
  The ninja girl threw discs with her bare toes and sang:
  - You're not alone! This is a glorious hour!
  The crucian carp began to move even faster. And he growled like a tiger cub:
  - It"s a glorious hour! Hit it right in the eye!
  The ninja girl dipped her bare feet in the blood and left graceful footprints on the concrete. The warriors were beautiful and slender.
  And they sang with anguish:
  - My generation eats express!
  Crucian carp cut down five, and continued:
  - And also creates progress!
  The ninja girls finished off a few more Yankees and chirped:
  - I have a choice!
  Another beauty, chopping, added:
  - My flashlight, dreams are the joy of every day!
  The crucian carp giggled and the ruin of the adversaries said:
  - I will be something that cannot be known by mere mortals!
  So the triad cleared the fort... It left behind a mass of corpses. And the girls also have seductive traces.
  The Japanese ninja sang:
  - Rough and strong...
  Another beauty confirmed:
  - Someone omnipotent!
  And the girls burst out laughing again...
  The crucian carp, releasing its needles, piercing a dozen American soldiers at once, hissed:
  - The explosions started!
  The ninja girl confirmed with a chuckle:
  - The grace is over!
  Another beauty added laughing:
  - Stop showing your backs!
  Crucian carp, cutting down in droves, confirmed with a roar:
  - Time to kill enemies!
  The ninja girls exclaimed in unison:
  - Time to kill enemies!
  And how they will laugh at the top of their lungs! They are so radiant and unique. Each of them has something special and unique...
  The crucian carp growled at the top of his lungs:
  - When we are united, we are invincible!
  And again the ninjas break through. They leave behind heaps of corpses. Such a harsh school they have. And invisible warriors can do a lot. This is Japan, a country of great culture.
  The ninja boy sang:
  - Harakiri... This is waiting for you! To take over the enemy, but the means don"t count!
  And again the boy laughs! He really is having a lot of fun. And I want to fight and win!
  Two girls and a boy entered the command post. Without further ado, they finished off two generals. The third fell to his knees and rushed to kiss the girls" bare feet. They briefly interrogated him. He swore that he would give the order to surrender to the fort.
  But Karas shook her head:
  - We already have too many prisoners! You need to reduce your numbers a little.
  And the triad again moved along the corridors. They cut down everyone without any pity and with the passion of hunters.
  The crucian carp took, cut down about nine people, and sang:
  - Black snow, red ice...
  The ninja girl confirmed:
  - On the burning ground...
  Another beauty confirmed:
  - We give everything to Satan!
  The crucian carp will take it and yell:
  - Ha-ha-ha! Bloody Fuhrer! Any burgher will be cut!
  The ninja girl cut down several soldiers and sang:
  - Let those burghers get fat... Let them not even fit into their pants!
  Another beauty supported the passage:
  - Let them register as Jews!
  The crucian carp released his needles and chirped:
  - If only there was no war!
  And the girls will take it and laugh. They are so funny in a black kimono, and with bare legs up to the knees!
  The triumvirate moved along the corridors. Girls sometimes intercepted thrown grenades and threw them back with their bare toes.
  The movements of the troika are incredibly fast. And at the same time there are a lot of corpses. And it won't stop.
  The crucian carp hissed with a grin:
  - I walk wherever I want...
  The ninja girl, chopping human meat, added:
  - But I don"t allow others!
  Another beauty tweeted:
  - And they sing in the light of day...
  Crucian carp, cutting down everything, barked:
  -Birds just for me!
  The ninja girl, cutting down the Americans who unsuccessfully fell under the blade, growled:
  - I adore beauty!
  Another ninja beauty hissed:
  - I surround the throne with flowers!
  The crucian carp hissed sarcastically, shooting out sharp blades:
  - I love dear Yankees!
  The girls answered in unison:
  - And that"s why I press!
  The triumvirate continued to move. The beauties hummed and growled in low voices. Their movements became more and more rapid. They moved like spirits escaped from Tartarus.
  The crucian carp roared at the top of his lungs:
  - Cheers cheers! I'll beat everyone!
  The ninja girl sang:
  - If you engage in robbery, you will have to run away naked!
  And in confirmation of these words, the girl exposed her breasts. She really is extremely beautiful. And I want to smack the scarlet nipple.
  The girls moved and threw sharpened discs with their bare feet. Many were cut down and cut with swords. And they marched in extreme triumph. Severed heads lay along the way, and the girls tossed them up with their graceful, bare legs.
  The crucian carp sang fervently:
  - I am a black knight, and a real ninja!
  After which the boy cut down five more US Army soldiers and swung his swords more abruptly.
  The girls roared deafeningly:
  - We are with you! Sing a song, we are mighty girls!
  And the cutting went on more and more intensely! Really, don't put your finger in these girls' mouths! And they will bite and suck!
  The boy from among the drummers became afraid and knelt down. The ninja girl let him kiss her bare sole, and then she took it and cut off her head anyway. She tossed it with her bare foot and squealed:
  - I am a super class warrior... And I will be cooler than Mars himself!
  The crucian carp jumped up, cut down eight American soldiers and roared:
  - And I"ll be cooler than Mickey Mouse!
  The ninja girl giggled, throwing off her helmet with her bare leg, and sang:
  - Football! Football! Long live football!
  Another ninja girl slashed and remarked:
  - And I prefer volleyball!
  And the warriors burst out laughing at once... Showing their teeth and fangs. A very witty triumvirate. How can one not acquire a sense of humor if ninjas are brought into a cage with tigers as children, and are not given weapons. And there you use the power of thought to force the animal to give up aggression.
  The crucian carp chirped, chopping bones and meat:
  - I"m a tiger, not a cat, there"s a stomach in me now, what does an uppercut do to murder!
  The ninja girl chirped:
  - With murder, an uppercut, or vice versa!
  The warriors slammed their heels into the steel door with all their might. The metal burst, opening the way for them. The beauties whistled through their nostrils:
  - Well, let's go to Mars!
  And again progress, through flesh and blood... A mass of corpses and maimed. And nothing will stop the girls...
  The crucian carp with a smile, having cut the major in half, whispered:
  - We will whisper to fate more than once...
  The ninja girl, chopping in her own way, confirmed:
  - Let's whisper to fate...
  Karas laughed and added:
  - Mercy Boku! Dagger in the side!
  And to confirm his words, the music played... And a combat robot jumped out. One of the American novelties, a vehicle made on tracks with four machine guns. The ninja barely had time to jump onto the ceiling before bursts of fire began, and literally the entire space was blown through.
  The crucian carp hissed in annoyance:
  - I swear by the emperor... This is some kind of savagery!
  The ninja girl sang softly:
  - There was a time of painfully tearful era... When the ancestors of people could not count the stars in the sky!
  After which the girls and the boy threw sharp disks at the robot with their bare feet. The car stopped and smoke poured out of it. Crawling along the ceiling, the triumvirate threw peas with explosives a thousand times greater in explosive power than TNT, and smashed a dozen camouflaged machine guns.
  The crucian carp sang with a smile:
  - I see that we are worthy sons! And the servants of Satan!
  After which the triumvirate actually completed the cleansing of the fort. The girls and the boy uncorked a barrel of kvass and took a sip of it. They took a sip and roared...
  - We are ninjas and there is no more beautiful calling!
  The girl with red and black hair remarked:
  - In war, anything can happen... But in peace, sometimes you need to know when to stop!
  Karas grinned and suddenly asked:
  - And if we are still destined to collide with Germany, then what will we do?
  The girls answered in unison:
  - According to the laws of karma! As she orders, so we will fight! And if anything happens, it will determine which way to go!
  The Fab Four Gerda, Charlotte, Christina and Magda took part in the assault on Washington. These are girls in bikinis and beauties. Their tank was dismantling one battery after another. Magnificent design of the most prestigious weapons.
  Gerda, shooting at the Yankees, sang:
  - Maybe...
  Charlotte fired and continued:
  - We...
  Christina nailed and said:
  - Offended...
  Magda sent a missile, chirping:
  - Someone...
  Gerda smashed a 240 mm howitzer and issued:
  - In vain!
  Charlotte Lupanuv continued into the chant:
  - Dropped...
  Christina, pressing the trigger, squeaked:
  - Sixteen....
  Magda added, giggling:
  - Megaton...
  Gerda squeaked at the top of her lungs in response:
  - Here...
  Charlotte fired and said:
  - It's coming...
  Christina sent a projectile and continued:
  - Smoke..
  Magda fired the projectile and squeaked:
  - It"s burning...
  Gerda released a present, smashing the Werewolf self-propelled gun and buzzed:
  - Earth!
  Charlotte fired the shell again and blurted out:
  - Where...
  Christina snapped back at the projectile, squeaking:
  - I stood...
  Magda added a shell and shushed:
  - White...
  Gerda pointed the gun with her bare foot, kicked it, and squealed:
  - House!
  And the warriors burst out laughing... Charlotte decided to sing again, in her cheerful style:
  - Here...
  Christina fired and continued:
  - Oh...
  Magda nailed and said, pearl:
  - It's coming...
  Gerda released the gift of death and chirped:
  - Smoke...
  Charlotte released something that brings destruction and hissed:
  - It"s burning...
  Christina hit the projectile and sang:
  - Earth...
  Magda sent the tip of the projectile and blurted:
  - Where...
  Gerda fired a shell and added:
  - I stood...
  Charlotte stung with a projectile:
  - Once upon a time...
  And Christina, sending a projectile with her heel, finished aggressively:
  - Washington!
  Magda added while shooting:
  - Washington!
  Gerda, having sent a gift of death, sang along:
  - Washington!
  Charlotte fired a shell at the Meduza self-propelled gun and added:
  - Poor...
  Christina hit the projectile and added:
  - My...
  Magda also sent a shell, adding:
  - Hero...
  Gerda fired again, growling:
  - Washington!
  Christina, shooting, continued singing:
  - Washington...
  Magda added, throwing fiery gifts:
  - Poor...
  Gerda, hitting her opponent, growled:
  - My...
  Charlotte, firing, continued:
  - Hero...
  Christina said with a laugh:
  - Washington!
  And the girls laughed synchronously, like jellyfish during a hunt.
  After which the warriors began to fire at the bunker. The Americans snapped, demonstrating their unbending courage. They fought hard for the capital. There were formations with only Jews as commanders. And this increased the resistance.
  The German tank received many hits from enemy guns. Even several rollers burst. The girls had to take the car away and get it repaired. The stubborn resistance in the American capital was not unexpected.
  It was assumed that the United States would offer the greatest resistance here. Moreover, Jews flocked from all over America to New York and Washington, arming both women and children.
  Prone to capitulation, Truman was forced to flee and lie low. The Germans were still shelling and bombing the US capital, trying to crack this nut too.
  Autumn was coming and it was getting cooler. Girls, however, are not cold even in bikinis.
  During the break, they picked up young men of about sixteen, and lay down with them, caressing each other and drinking Coke. Gerda took off her bra and allowed the two young men to kiss her on the scarlet buds of her nipples. More precisely, she encouraged them herself, since this is very pleasant for a strong girl. The rest did the same, taking a pair for themselves. Even the religious Magda softened. It's nice to be touched by young, naked bodies of muscular warriors.
  Gerda grinned and winked at the blonde with golden hair:
  - And I see you like it when boys run their tongues over your nipples. How does this fit with your religious morals?
  Magda answered with deliberate gaiety:
  - If you don"t sin, you won"t repent... If you don"t repent, you won"t be saved!
  Charlotte giggled and sang:
  - Sin and repent! Repent and sin again! Repentance for sin, for the salvation of the soul!
  And poured Coca-Cola on her nipples. The boys began to lick the breasts more intensely. Charlotte let out a voluptuous sigh. She apparently liked it extremely.
  Christina logically noted:
  - Washington will fall... And after that, won"t the United States capitulate?
  Gerda, feeling the kisses on her chest, suggested:
  - Of course they will capitulate... But we need to grind down the Jewish units that will fight fanatically. And after that we will take on the USSR.
  Magda, wincing, remarked:
  "We won"t have time to launch an offensive in Russia before winter!" It's a pity... Maybe we'll have to wait until May?
  Charlotte showed the cookie and remarked:
  - So what? Let us present the affairs on our estates during this time. You can"t fight all the time, you need to take care of the housekeeping at the same time!
  Gerda agreed with this:
  - Yes, it"s worth thinking about peacetime... We have money now - the chickens don"t peck. We will also get land in America. So there is no end to work and peace!
  Christina bared her teeth, it"s good when the young man"s tongue fidgets on the nipple and hissed:
  - And I"ll sow my own plantations with genetically modified products!
  There will be watermelons the size of barrels, and apples the size of watermelons!
  Magda giggled and, sticking out her tongue, chirped:
  - We are deadly jellyfish, so similar to watermelons!
  Christina grinned and kissed the young man on the cheek. Then she purred:
  - Economy and politics are moving towards globalization. Just according to Kautsky: unified hegemony and control of the world! When a new order is formed!
  Gerda suggested:
  - It will be possible to trade cotton. There are good cotton plantations here in the USA.
  Charlotte imagined it and laughed:
  - This is at Uncle Tom's hut... Yes, in this book, blacks actively worked. They attacked the planters. It"s a pity that the ending turned out to be bad... - The girls sighed heavily and noticed. - I feel sorry for Eva. She was a good, bright girl. She could have made a good warrior.
  Christina shook her head and objected:
  "She"s too soft to be a good warrior." A real girl should be tough and aggressive!
  Gerda sang in response:
  Cherubs sparkle in the sky,
  Another one has come in the sky, I see power...
  Gerda sobs bitterly from resentment -
  Why was I born a girl?
  Christina shook her golden-red hair and remarked:
  - But it"s better to be a woman than a man. For example, the female orgasm is much longer and stronger!
  Gerda nodded with the smile of the Gorgon Medusa:
  - Yes, stronger! Let the boys do something more serious! Alas, such a desire has awakened.
  And voluptuous oohs and sighs were heard... turning into the squeals of lustful females.
  But the girls are not destined to enjoy the cascade of orgasms for long. I had to go to war again. More precisely, ride a tank. His armor was already adorned with numerous scars.
  Washington didn't give up. The battle went on for every block, and even for every house. The resistance turned out to be stubborn and viscous.
  Gerda, shooting at the battery, sang:
  - America...
  Charlotte fired and continued:
  Christina fired the projectile and said:
  -I realized...
  Magda kicked her bare foot and added:
  - Her...
  Gerda sent a gift and slashed:
  - Progress!
  Charlotte let out her words, sharp as projectiles:
  - Where...
  Christina released the ammunition and issued:
  - Not...
  Magda hit the projectile and hissed:
  - Throw...
  Gerda cut the artillery with an ax:
  - Look...
  Charlotte sent the gift and snapped:
  - Workers...
  Christina, sending a shell, added:
  - No...
  Magda, throwing away the ammunition, continued:
  - Place...
  Gerda sent a shell again and hissed:
  - Services...
  Charlotte sent a gift, fortunately the ammunition was replenished:
  - Prostitution.
  Christina sent out a shell and pressed down with the words:
  - Public...
  Magda roars at the top of her lungs:
  - House...
  Gerda hissed like a snake:
  - House...
  Charlotte, having fired the fatal shot, said:
  - Stuffed...
  Christina, having sent a steel blank, added:
  - A...
  Magda squeaked in response:
  - Before...
  Gerda fired a shell and hissed:
  - Nim...
  Charlotte fired and said:
  - On the...
  Christina spewed out a projectile, hooked:
  - The street...
  Gerda chirped, shooting:
  - All...
  Charlotte hissed, croaking like a crow:
  - Queue...
  Christina said passionately:
  - Costs...
  Magda pierced the Sherman like a needle and continued:
  - But...
  Gerda, shooting, gave out a pearl:
  - Finally...
  Charlotte, firing, continued:
  - He...
  Christina, continuing to shoot, said:
  - In the house...
  Magda thumped and hissed:
  - On the...
  Gerda released a lump of death and growled:
  - A woman...
  Charlotte fired and gave out a pearl:
  - Looks...
  Christina groaned and squeaked:
  - A...
  Magda slashed with a projectile and said:
  - Woman...
  Gerda hit her with a shell, hissing:
  - IN...
  Charlotte launched a high-explosive scythe, barking:
  - Beds...
  Christina hissed, shooting:
  - Oh...
  Magda sent a shell and bashfully squeaked:
  - Naked...
  Christina sent another killer piece of art, barking:
  - Lying...
  The girls burst out laughing; they really had fun writing something like that.
  Then, while shooting, they began to compose something more decent and heroic. And the quartet of girls, it worked out well:
  Let the union of hearts forge, stronger than steel,
  Let's shake off the influx of bloody dust from the blades!
  And the eyes in tears sparkled like stars,
  Be with me forever: they said passionately!
  We are with you forever, golden dream -
  Maiden of the moonlight and wide tides...
  Under the banner of Saint Jesus Christ -
  A formidable choir of cherubs will ascend into the sky!
  Let us drink the radiant wine of passion,
  And the artist will give you a sketch of the universe...
  How thin you are - a flimsy thread of life -
  The Devil wants to completely destroy love!
  The knight drew his sword - calling on Christ:
  So that a harmonious connection reigns in the world...
  And Mary brings - Divine purity -
  Believe that the Lord will not let us fall into the abyss of hell!
  But you carry your hopes within yourself...
  After all, a person cannot be cherished for God!
  Each of us will be covered in silver to our ears,
  Pearls and velvet swan will fly into the sky!
  Only if you fell in battle,
  For your Fatherland, which is more valuable than the universe...
  And then we are not afraid of the poured napalm -
  The weakness of the knights of light will be incorruptible!
  It"s good to live in the world, but sometimes it"s boring,
  And evil hunger and cold drive people away...
  We have to be under Mount Satan,
  And you will be lucky if you are young at heart!
  Having entered the universe as a friend after death:
  You will see something that will make you gasp and smile!
  Even though in the flesh you will become like a child -
  But you will understand without any problems that it was a mistake!
  The experience of previous battles will come in handy, believe me,
  In them you will know the joy of paradise made of blood...
  You will humiliate the order where the wild beast howled -
  And you will receive the princess as a wife!
  And then for the throne and further paths,
  You will have to spin around the ring of the universe!
  I will then convey the news to my descendants -
  Believe me, you better study for success!
  Is it possible to become God - this is a cool question,
  Man was created in the likeness of God...
  And although he has not yet reached the level of Godhead...
  Below us we have stars jumping briskly!
  Science will give, believe me - powerful forces for us,
  Because from knowledge, we will weave ropes...
  And even if he sinned, it"s a thing of the past Ham,
  But the atom made grenades for our enemies!
  The universe has outlined the line - know,
  And the universe will follow her in a cascade...
  And accomplishments without counting - there is a true paradise,
  For which knights must fight!
  The girls actually sang well, and at the same time destroyed a number of batteries and bunkers. We got scratches and hits ourselves...
  We had to take a short pause to replenish our ammunition. As some wise men say, they make chops out of disgusting girls.
  Kristina and Magda played chess again. The red-haired girl with a golden tint all wanted to win against the honey blonde. The game was played in a sharp attacking manner. Magda again managed to seize the initiative and gain a material advantage.
  We didn"t have time to finish the game, there was another battle, and a hot battle. However, rain just started pouring from the sky. Visibility has deteriorated. The Nazis clearly felt uncomfortable.
  Gerda fired with a smile, took it and sang:
  - Rain...
  Charlotte, supporting the warrior, fired along:
  - Barefoot...
  Christina, slapping the projectile, continued:
  - By...
  Magda cut in and cooed:
  - Earth...
  Gerda hissed, her eyes sparkling, and said:
  - Passed...
  Charlotte hit the shell and growled:
  - Got wet...
  Christina released death and hissed:
  - Girls...
  Magda fired a red-hot one and said:
  - Eye...
  Gerda, shooting without interruption, continued:
  - If...
  Charlotte launched the projectile and hissed:
  - Clear...
  Christina fired and continued, baring her teeth:
  - Day...
  Magda thumped and creaked:
  - This...
  Gerda hit with a projectile and squealed:
  - Fine...
  Charlotte, releasing the gift of death, growled:
  - A...
  Christina snapped at the projectile and squealed:
  - When...
  Magda squealed like a top, roaring:
  - Vice versa....
  Gerda buzzed as she fired projectiles:
  - Badly...
  Charlotte, releasing the gifts of annihilation, sang:
  - If...
  Christina, sending death, hissed:
  - Songs...
  Magda, baring her teeth fiercely, blurted out:
  - Sing...
  Gerda hissed and jumped up, shooting and thumped:
  - This...
  Charlotte, spitting out shells, squeezed out:
  - Fine...
  Christina took it and hissed:
  - A...
  Magda squealed, sending out projectiles:
  - When...
  Gerda said with a bared fang:
  - Vice versa...
  Charlotte spat out another shell and blurted out:
  - Sad...
  Gerda fired again and said:
  - If...
  Charlotte is the answer, roared:
  - Evil...
  Christina, in a barking tone and firing, said:
  - You...
  Magda siphoned with a grin and fired:
  - That...
  Gerda spat out a portion of death and blurted out:
  - Always...
  Charlotte, launching a stream of shells, choked:
  - Easily...
  Christina, singing along, continued:
  - A...
  Magda, hissing and shooting, said:
  - Vice versa...
  Gerda roared at the top of her lungs:
  - Difficult...
  And again the insidious chorus passed.
  Charlotte, shooting, squealed:
  - If...
  Christina, firing, said:
  - Evil...
  Magda, baring her teeth, continued:
  - You...
  Gerda hissed from her throat:
  - That...
  Charlotte continued with great fury:
  - Always...
  Christina, firing, said:
  - Easily...
  Magda straightened her charm, giggling:
  - A...
  Charlotte released death and blathered:
  - When...
  Gerda muttered fiercely:
  - Vice versa...
  Christina, releasing death, roared:
  - Difficult...
  Magda briefly raised her bare foot and squealed:
  - AND...
  Gerda hums at the top of her lungs:
  - Boring!
  After which the girls paused... They replenished their ammunition again. And that their gun is fast-firing, and the battle is very intense.
  The girls were having fun and showing their bright teeth. How beautiful this earth is and looks like paradise. You just go with it. Or wear some cologne.
  Gerda and Charlotte began to play fools. They very deftly held the cards with their bare fingers and shuffled with their bare feet. It looked like a huge masterpiece.
  Christina is very cunning, she did not finish the already lost game, but immediately offered a new one. Magda did not argue with her partner. She is also not one of the last warriors... But she is not obstinate.
  Christina diversified her opening repertoire somewhat and went with D2-D4. Magda responded with the King's Indian Defense. And Christina is a variant of four pawns. A very fierce struggle ensued. And White most likely had some kind of advantage. Already Magda began to think and look for a way out of the delicate situation.
  The game was postponed, and again the battle... It was already hot here. A battery of the latest 120-mm anti-tank guns, capable of penetrating an E-50 head-on at close range.
  The initial speed of projectiles is 1050 meters per second. So, with a great delay, the Yankees acquired more or less satisfactory guns. True, the tank itself has not yet entered production; only the guns were operational.
  Without approaching, the girls began to shoot them...
  Gerda, shooting from a distance, nevertheless noticed:
  - The Americans are clearly progressing. This is their trademark: doing everything late. But with such potential, they could have forged plowshares into swords long ago.
  Charlotte sang, wriggling her torso and shaking her red curls:
  - Devil! Devil! Save the devil! Someone, someone punished us! Give us, give us swords in our hands, against the Yankees, the Yankee hordes!
  Magda, having crushed the American gun, said with a princess"s smile:
  - It"s okay... Our superior class will have an impact in any battle... We have always won, we will win now!
  Christina slapped her bare foot on the armor and sang:
  - Akhtun, Akhtun... Foeir, Foeir!
  The magnificent English four: Jane, Gringeta, Malanya, Matilda stormed New York. The warriors fought on a squat Goering-4 tank. The car was an evolution of the Churchill. Slightly inferior in armor and slightly heavier than the E-50, but with similar weapons.
  The tank was produced at English factories, in Britain which became a protectorate of the Third Reich.
  Jane fired at the American cannon and chirped:
  - We are a large electorate... Let's break up the protectorate!
  Gringeta corrected her partner:
  - We will not break, but develop... We will become stronger!
  Gringeta fired, smashed the American gun and philosophically remarked:
  - Everything that doesn"t kill us makes us stronger!
  Malanya giggled and shouted:
  - It"s a banal truth, but it"s hard to believe!
  Matilda, having crushed a couple of soldiers with her caterpillars, remarked:
  - It is possible that the truth should be banal. For example, the Sun is yellow, as you can see by looking at the sky.
  Jane stretched her lips very wide, revealing her teeth.
  She let Gringethe shoot and chirped:
  - And the Sun is rather even white. The sky simply blocks the blue rays and produces a yellow tint.
  Matilda giggled and remarked:
  - And you are so smart... She deftly noticed that this is just a yellow illusion!
  Gringeta fired again, smashed the bunker and chirped:
  - Everything in our world is illusory... Only they kill for real!
  They hit Malanya with machine guns, and jokingly, or maybe not jokingly, squealed:
  - Or maybe death is an illusion! After all, the soul is immortal, and perhaps in terms of personality formation, it is primary!
  Gringeta fired again and sang:
  - Although a body without a soul is not a body, how weak is the soul without a body!
  Jane felt a lyrical rise in herself and burst into song. And her friends began to sing along with her.
  The warrior-aristocrat began:
  - Mighty...
  Gringeta continued, slamming a projectile:
  Malanya, shooting, said:
  - Leads...
  Matilda released the deadly present and tweeted:
  - Fire!
  Jane, shooting and baring her teeth like large pearls, barked:
  Gringeta hissed, waving her arms:
  - It"s crushing...
  Malanya fired and said:
  - Everyone...
  Matilda, crushing the fighters with her tracks, hissed:
  - In a row!
  Jane chirped and continued:
  - On the...
  Gringeta fired, hissing like a cobra:
  - View...
  Malanya, firing, continued:
  - Fighter...
  Matilda tapped her bare feet with her toes and said:
  - Quite...
  Jane giggled and lit a cigarette:
  - Steep...
  Gringeta fired again and hissed:
  - Let be...
  Malanya planted the projectile, saying:
  - Will...
  Matilda rammed the projectile into the metal and said:
  - Result!
  Jane, continuing to fire, chirped:
  - A...
  Gringet fired and supported:
  - If...
  Malanya fired the projectile and pulled out the word:
  - "Tiger"...
  Matilda said with a hiss:
  - IN...
  Jane finished aggressively:
  - It will go...
  Gringeta fell, continued:
  - AND...
  Malanya aggressively fired:
  - Will...
  Matilda added forcefully:
  - IN...
  Jane giggled, baring her teeth.
  - Us...
  Gringeta shot lightning from her eyes and said:
  - Fire...
  Malanya continued:
  - His...
  Matilda roared:
  - Our...
  Jane gave in with the words:
  - Churchill...
  Gringeta whined as she fired:
  - It will break!
  Malanya hissed aggressively:
  Matilda, crushing her caterpillars, said:
  - Will rent...
  Jane bared her teeth and said:
  - On the....
  Gringeta screamed at the top of her lungs, sending out a projectile:
  - Five!
  And the girls laughed in unison... The battle was quite hot. American anti-aircraft guns were working. The frontal armor of 230 millimeters still withstood hits.
  But there was a certain risk. Moreover, at the very end of the war, the United States began to produce very armor-piercing sub-caliber projectiles with a tungsten core. And this is dangerous.
  Jane poked Gringeta's shoulder with her bare foot and whispered:
  - Please don't miss!
  She muttered:
  -Whose blaster would squeal, but yours would be silent!
  And she fired, destroying the battery...
  Matilda, who was the driver, noted:
  - By maneuvering you can reduce the likelihood of a hit.
  The girl handed out three US police officers, red streams sprayed in all directions, and bones fell down. Then she continued:
  - It"s like being in a death attraction here!
  Gringeta smashed another anti-aircraft gun and sang:
  - The Wehrmacht hordes are furiously furious, and we are the children of the steel month!
  Jane extended her bare leg, turned off the radio and suggested to the girls:
  - Let's sing something funny...
  Gringeta grinned venomously and suggested:
  - About the Fuhrer?
  Jane nodded vigorously.
  - Yes!
  Matilda supported the idea:
  - Right! Nobody can hear us!
  Jane sang happily as she fired:
  - Ah...
  Gringeta picked it up, shooting enthusiastically:
  - Fuhrer...
  Malanya answered harshly, growling:
  - You...
  Matilda, crushing the soldiers, continued:
  - Fuhrer...
  Jane let out a burst of enthusiasm:
  - Goat!
  Gringeta, firing, continued:
  - For what....
  Malanya, shooting, said:
  Matilda crushed her caterpillars and wheezed:
  - Anglov...
  Jane continued enthusiastically:
  - I climbed...
  Gringeta hissed and roared:
  - You....
  Malanya bared her fangs and barked:
  - Donkey...
  Matilda then began to roar:
  - You will receive...
  Jane continued with a laugh, almost choking:
  - From...
  Gringeta fired and said:
  - You...
  Malanya echoed the enthusiasm:
  - Specifically...
  Matilda whispered the words:
  - IN...
  Jane, furiously firing a burst, barked:
  - Pyatak!
  Gringeta, firing, continued:
  - You'll run into...
  Malanya aggressively picked up:
  - On the...
  Matilda said loudly in response:
  - Strong...
  Jane supported enthusiastically:
  - English...
  Gringeta sent a deadly gift and said:
  - Fist!
  Malanya continued singing:
  - U...
  Matilda said, crushing the anti-aircraft gun with its tracks:
  - Us...
  Jane hummed and continued:
  - Machine guns...
  Gringeta hissed, nailing:
  - AND...
  Malanya continued with a creak:
  - Tanks...
  Matilda howled:
  - U...
  Jane growled:
  Gringeta hissed at the top of her lungs:
  Malanya continued enthusiastically:
  - You...
  Matilda roared like a buffalo:
  - WITH...
  Jane squeaked:
  - Automatic...
  Gringeta purred, baring her teeth:
  - You"re shaking...
  Malanya angrily said:
  - Bugger!
  Matilda continued singing:
  - We"ll kill...
  Jane chirped, stamping her bare feet:
  - You...
  Gringeta chirped, shooting enthusiastically:
  - Like...
  Malanya shushed and showed sparks from her teeth:
  - Goat...
  Matilda buzzed, crushing the others:
  - AND...
  Jane echoed the enthusiasm:
  - They'll burn...
  Gringet said angrily:
  - Blue...
  Malanya hissed like a nasty cobra:
  - Before...
  Matilda added furiously:
  - Tla...
  And the girls sang in unison:
  - Fire, fire, fire... Agony!
  We ran out of ammunition, but it didn"t hurt to refuel. I had to pull the tank back slightly. And call the supply team by radio. The girls took a break for a bit.
  Jane rubbed her bare foot against the armor of the tank. A beautiful girl with blond, slightly golden hair. So seductive and aristocratic at the same time.
  Her beauty is that of a physically toughened princess. Jane shot and introduced the guy. Such a sculpted, handsome, muscular, natural blond with tanned skin. So that he caresses her... with his tongue! Jane grinned, oh, it"s good when you love sex. And there are women who don't like it. They are probably very unhappy in their marriage. Although making love with one man gets boring. I want variety. I want new impressions and adventures. And look for new men so that one can be more beautiful than the other! In addition, Jane really liked black lovers. It's romantic to make love to a person of color. And it"s very nice when the skin is black, and you rub your scarlet nipples against it. And the nipples swell and become harder. And already a voluptuous wave begins to shake you. Jane almost put her hand between her legs, as she wanted a man. But I was embarrassed in front of my friends.
  And how I wanted the pulsating jade rod to enter the moistened grotto of Venus.
  But her head began to fall asleep, and the girl dozed off and dreamed about this;
  Here we are!
  Jover Hermes grinned idiotically again and found himself in a luxurious spacesuit. Inside the building, three-dimensional holograms flickered, where various individuals, from stelzans to mind-bogglingly diverse creatures, performed the ritual of intercourse in all sorts of ways, sometimes the most wild and perverted in the human eye. The 3D projections moved and seemed alive and vibrant. There were likenesses of a female centaur and radioactive jellyfish. The insides of their bodies erupted into miniature nuclear explosions during mating. Some individuals, similar to the narcotic hallucinations of an avant-garde artist, depicted in the form of huge holograms intercourse with the eruption of cascades of lightning or splashes of hyperplasmic lava changing shape on the fly and radiation of a limitless spectrum of diversity. Either splashes of hyperplasm in the form of three-headed eagles, then instantly, like plasticine figures, transform into butterflies with many wings, then this is a mixture of fish and flower buds waving their petals... And this is completely incredible, creatures indescribable in shape, performing an act of reproduction, devoured from the environment energy, forced the atmosphere to condense and it flowed down in streams of rain, which, upon falling to the surface, immediately began to hiss and smoke.
  Lev looked dumbfounded and blinked in confusion... This was beyond his imagination, something that is in principle impossible for a sane person to imagine. The saying came from the young man"s lips:
  - A person can mentally imagine everything - except for the line beyond which limitless human stupidity ends!
  Hermes did not react to this, he eagerly peered into the projections, the stelzan"s breathing quickened and became heavier.
  A naked, tall diva with a seven-colored hairstyle and a twelve-tailed neutron whip floated out from behind the hologram. At first, the stelzanka seemed huge, but with each step it decreased until it became almost standard, just over two meters in size. She walked, energetically rotating her gorgeous hips with a thin thread dazzlingly sparkling with radio stones hanging on them. Shoes with high heels, gold-plated with stones, clattered loudly on the semi-precious coating.
  Moving behind her was a creature consisting of seven faceted balls with frog-shaped legs, but on soft pads. The balls shimmered like precious stones under the streams of several luminaries, and the face... Well, just Mickey Mouse in ancient times, an iconic children's cartoon. Stelzanka stopped and bared her large, tricolored teeth like a predatory panther. Her gorgeous eyes, with the image of a seven-pointed star on the iris, froze on the handsome Leo Eraskander.
  - What a quasar juling! Which quark did you extract it from?
  Hermes squinted slyly, winking (that"s the bad habit of a huckster!) with his right, poisonous purple eye:
  - Trade secret! I'll tell you for a fee!
  A huge woman with a muscular arm pulled the tall guy, woven from cast muscles, towards her. Her long nails sparkled with a mixture of sprayed sapphires, emeralds and ultra-plutonium.
  - I will pay you a percentage, as agreed. I suppose it is absolutely logical to raise the fee for the young man. More than one thousand three hundred females have already scanned the image of this lion cub. They will simply tear him to pieces!
  Hermes licked his full lips with his tongue carnivorously:
  - He's stronger than you think! It will hold up! Is there anything for me so that I don"t get bored here?
  The hostess of the brothel knocked out a sheaf of orange light from her fingers and asked, drawing in the flames of the dope with her graceful little nose:
  - Do you want female privates, officers or from among the aliens? But sex with non-protein representatives of other worlds is illegal (and can be dangerous!), it is only possible for an additional fee. There is a choice from hermaphrodites to magpies...
  Hermes waved it off casually:
  - It"s better with females from other galaxies and bodily structures; they"re already tired of their eternal sparring partners.
  The cartoonish face of an animal that looked like a piece of beads from the queen"s dress buried itself in the young man"s shin. The nose extended with a spatula and rubbed the gracefully protruding veins under the boy"s dark chocolate skin. Eraskander purred from the pleasant tickling, and the rough spatula moved to the pink heels, covered with a fragrant ointment that repels dust and dirt. The color of the sparkling balls, a wonderful creature, began to change towards the emerald blue part of the spectrum.
  - The client's desire is the law. - The head of the house of passion shouted to her funny pet. - Back Alavaleta, you are wrong to think that this boy is the kindest soul. In front of you, in fact, is a monstrous little animal, capable of becoming one of the best warriors of the Boundless Empire in the future. - Then the diva"s tone changed from pathetic and sublime to the most ordinary and even bored. - And you, Lion Cub, follow me!
  "If everything is in order, I will show you the imperial palace in the galactic capital Greyzinar," Hermes whispered barely audibly.
  Hand in hand, Eraskander and the owner of the brothel walked behind the mosaic wall. From there came the sound of a woman's laughter, and the rustling of clothes being taken off. The appearance of the young man caused a roar. Several naked maidens rushed at him, drinking in with the greed of hungry leeches. Bodies; The man"s bronze-brown skin and the lighter stelzanok were intertwined into a ball, he felt how, in a fit of passion, he was strongly bitten on the shoulder, and at once three piquantly fragrant girlish lips were trying to catch the slave"s mouth. Hands grabbed the boy's blond hair, they straddled him, causing pain, long nails dug into his shoulder blades. The lion worked furiously, like a living machine, but his mind was far away...
  Jane woke up to a spanking of her bare sole with her palm.
  Gringeta hissed to her partner, or rather to the commander:
  - Well, now back to battle!
  Jane giggled and remarked:
  - I"m on you like in a war, and in a war like on you...
  This machine gunner supported Malanya:
  - The battle is over, and I"m happy to go home!
  Matilda said dreamily:
  - I wish I could have an estate for myself! And there are slaves on it!
  Gringeta giggled and said slyly:
  - Why only one estate? Maybe it's better to have a whole universe with slaves?
  Jane giggled. She wanted a black body. To be squeezed and caressed. Eh, not everyone understands women. Why are they so drawn to Africans?
  Malanya began to fire machine guns - fortunately the ammunition had been replenished, and chirped:
  - Lightweight "Bummer", cool "Bummer" - emerald lights... This "Bummer", son of Fortune, if you can catch up!
  Matilda increased her speed... The girls began to destroy yet another bunker.
  Jane chirped:
  - You...
  Gringeta echoed enthusiastically:
  - Well...
  Malanya growled, baring her teeth:
  - You know...
  Matilda continued furiously:
  - Our...
  Jane whistled, sending a projectile with her bare finger on the joystick:
  - People!
  Gringueta sang with aplomb:
  - Loves...
  Malanya will shout out:
  - Hydrogen!
  Matilda squealed:
  - Give me a hydrogen bomb!
  Jane shook her golden head and sang:
  - Oh, I don"t believe it myself... In these superstitions!
  Gringeta began methodically shooting at the battery with howitzers. She did this calmly, but singing:
  - I hammer like a woodpecker... And I"m even a little crazy!
  Malanya cut down a couple of dozen infantrymen with machine guns and roared:
  - Skeleton Magic!
  Matilda, pushing the tank, took it and sang:
  - Having no honor, a bright country! There is no creature more devoted to Koshchei!
  The warriors giggled, and Jane began to sing again:
  = Germany...
  Gringeta echoed enthusiastically:
  - This...
  Malanya added aggressively:
  - Total...
  Matilda corrected the word:
  - Only...
  Jane finished harshly:
  - Smear...
  Gringeta, firing, chirped:
  - End...
  Malanya hissed with rage:
  - He will come...
  Matilda cackled:
  - Sveta...
  Jane verified with aplomb:
  - To you...
  Gringeta blurted out aggressively:
  Malanya hissed like a deflated tire:
  - IN...
  Crushing everyone, Matilda blurted out:
  - Temple!
  And the girls crossed their bare legs. They looked so amazing and seductive.
  Jane chirped:
  - Will...
  Gringeta willingly continued to nail her:
  - To the Fuhrer...
  Malanya hissed with the fury of a panther:
  - A loop...
  Matilda continued with a laugh:
  - Stalin...
  Jane snapped in the voice of an oriole:
  - Crap...
  Gringeta hissed with wit, and even smashed a heavy howitzer:
  - On the...
  Malanya eagerly accepted the situation:
  - Two...
  Matilda hissed like a panther:
  - Ruble!
  After which the last gun fell silent. Ninety percent of New York has already been captured by the Nazis. And who said that there are too few Germans to rule the world? In any case, they can swallow the world. Thousands of Yankees surrender again. And only parts consisting of Jews prefer death to capitulation.
  After the fall of New York and Washington, on October 25, 1945, the United States surrendered. Thus, another page of the Second World War was turned.
  The American army was disarming, and millions of soldiers and militias were heading into camps.
  Hitler rejoiced... On October 30, 1945, the Fuhrer visited Washington and spoke at the ruins of the White House.
  The speech of dictator number one was, as always, bright and memorable. The Germans applauded and the Americans knelt. The richest power in the world has fallen. Great Triumph.
  Hitler ordered to prepare a holiday in Cyprus and organize a whole series of gladiatorial fights.
  At the same time, the Germans began to herd Jews into ghettos and establish a new order. The Third Reich began to digest America.
  At the same time, awards were given to those who distinguished themselves. And there were a lot of them.
  Super ace, and a real star, Friedrich received a specially created order for him: the Great Star, Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with golden oak leaves, swords and Diamonds. Only one award was established above: the Great Star, the Knight's Cross, the Iron Cross, with platinum oak leaves, swords and Diamonds.
  Others were also awarded. Jane received the Knight's Cross with oak leaves, and her friends simply received the Knight's Cross. The magnificent four received as a reward: Knight's Crosses, with oak leaves, swords and diamonds, and they already had such awards. Plus gold and diamond crosses of tank destroyers.
  Hans Feuer, received the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords.
  Not bad for a man whose mother is Jewish and his father is Norwegian. And he declared himself a German of the tenth generation. Hans is the lover of Gerd and several other girls. A very handsome, fair-haired young man. He doesn"t look like a Jew at all, but rather a poster Aryan.
  Gertrude and Stella, these warriors who fought on a discus, also received a golden cross of military merit. And on the knight's cross of the iron cross with oak leaves. But they were rewarded more for lists of destroyed aircraft. The disc planes were invulnerable, but they couldn"t fire them themselves. They only rammed the planes, since the speed was five to six times greater than the sound speed. Well, they could also fire a radio-controlled missile at ground targets.
  Until the discus became a formidable weapon, although its invulnerability had a strong moral impact on its enemies. But it's an expensive thing.
  Pilots Margaret and Helga received the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross, with oak leaves, swords and diamonds. This is for the magnificent accounts of downed planes and the beauty of charming blondes.
  Received an award: Knight's Cross, and Dan, and also Wolf oak leaves.
  The crucian carp was awarded by both the Japanese and the Germans. He was awarded the Iron Cross, First Class, and a personalized watch from Mainstein. The ninja boy received his main awards from Emperor Hirohito. Of course, other ninja warriors were also gifted. Japan contributed to the conquest of America.
  Many received awards and money. Joy and jubilation gripped the entire Third Reich.
  The E-50 tank showed excellent combat qualities and was recognized as the best in the world. The Germans again betrayed their mentality.
  And on November 8, 1945, the first artificial satellite with a video camera was launched into low-Earth orbit.
  The Fuhrer himself was still celebrating the anniversary of the Munich Putsch in Cyprus at the Colosseum.
  Blood flowed like a river in gladiator fights. As always there were a lot of orgies and gluttony. The Germans were literally going crazy.
  Meanwhile, Stalin, celebrating the holiday of the revolution on November 7, collected the State Defense Committee.
  It was necessary to discuss current problems. Now Hitler's hands are free. And won"t it go further towards Russia? To finish off the Bolshevik empire.
  Molotov, speaking, remarked:
  - Now the Third Reich has become stronger than ever! Its capabilities are amazing! Indeed, the German E-50 tank showed itself to be inaccessible to the Americans. And the jet aviation of the Third Reich has no equal!
  Stalin interrupted Molotov:
  - In short, are we doomed?
  The People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs objected:
  - I think not, Comrade Stalin. Your genius and the unbending will of the Soviet people will definitely lead us to victory!
  Stalin clapped his hands several times. And he remarked with a grin:
  - Do you think my genius compensates for your sluggishness?
  Voznesensky, with resentment in his voice, said:
  - We are trying with all our might, Comrade Stalin. But there are limits to human capabilities! So many T-34-85 tanks have already been produced that there are not enough crews for them!
  Zhukov angrily remarked:
  - The main thing is not quantity, but quality! The T-34-85 is vulnerable even to light E-5s, and its gun will not penetrate the E-50 even at point-blank range! In fact, the thirty-four is morally and actually outdated. But the new shift of T-54 is not ready... And to be honest, it is also not enough to penetrate the enemy!
  Voznesensky said in a confident tone:
  - We are doing everything to ensure that the T-54 enters production as quickly as possible. But the tank should be made relatively light, well protected and decently armed. It is difficult to achieve everything at once. We are trying and the designers are working three shifts!
  Stalin harshly remarked:
  - How many such miners feed lice in the camps! And in general I'm disappointed with you. A satisfactory jet fighter has not yet been created, and the Yak-9 is still in mass production!
  Designer Yakovlev, embarrassed, said:
  - This car is not bad at all, Comrade Stalin...
  The Supreme Commander interrupted:
  - You say not bad? Yes, German fighters are twice as fast! And the armament is one air cannon... Such a fighter is simply a laughing stock. It's just a horse with broken hooves!
  Yakovlev found the courage to object:
  - You are wrong, Comrade Stalin. The Yak-9 is a very maneuverable vehicle and is effective in practice. And it"s easy to manufacture and cheap. We would be quite surprised if a better one were found.
  Stalin waved his fist and remarked:
  - You can"t beat the fascists here in numbers! They now have the whole world under their heel. We still won't be able to beat them in a competition of numbers. So all that remains is to achieve qualitative superiority. And here we need a cheap and practical fighter jet that is superior to its German counterparts. And you must achieve this, otherwise I will shoot you!
  At the last words, Stalin turned into a scream. And he slammed his fist on the table. There was a heavy pause.
  Stalin's office was furnished with paintings where portraits of various commanders and kings were painted on canvas in colored oil.
  Here are Suvorov, Kutuzov, and Brusilov. Also Peter the Great, Ivan the Terrible, Dmitry Donskoy, Ivan Kalita, Frunze, Bagration. Quite an interesting selection. A new portrait also appeared: Grand Duke Vasily the Third. This ruler was the father of Ivan the Terrible. Although not as famous as his famous son.
  Stalin was rarely in a good mood. Having lost a significant part of the Soviet empire during the war with the Third Reich, he feared that the Nazis would come again. The war with the United States was not too protracted to provide a reprieve and an opportunity... Well, for example, to create an atomic bomb and defend against the Nazis.
  How can you agree not to freak out? Probably, the Nazis won"t show up in winter, but next summer: expect uninvited guests! And this, of course, is not at all pleasing. But it"s disturbing... Stalin is already old, his strength and health are not the same. It will be extremely difficult, and even more likely impossible, to resist the fascists. How to respond to the power of the Nazis.
  Voznesensky, as the bravest, broke the pause and said:
  - At the parade, Comrade Stalin, you saw our prototype IS-4. We managed it and made a new tank just in time for the holiday. The vehicle has 250 mm of frontal armor. And 170 mm sides. Weighing 60 tons, the resulting vehicle is capable of withstanding the blows of an 88-mm German cannon. We managed to make the tank that you wanted, Comrade Stalin.
  The leader remarked gloomily:
  - But the German 105-mm E-50 cannon will still penetrate the IS-2 in the forehead. While the 122-mm cannon of this tank will not ram a German into the frontal armor! You never did, a car superior to German parameters.
  Voznesensky solemnly promised:
  - The IS-7 will be ready soon; this tank with a 130-mm cannon will surpass the IS-4 in armament and frontal armor. And then we can achieve a lot. Pierce the frontal armor of the fascist mastodon!
  Stalin softened slightly and asked:
  - How much will this tank weigh?
  Voznesensky answered confidently:
  - Sixty-eight tons. Relatively little, like Tiger-2. We do not know exactly how much a German cannon with a 105 mm long barrel penetrates into 100 EL. But approximately, if the projectile has characteristics similar to the sub-caliber, then... A speed of 1300 meters will provide armor penetration of 300 millimeters at an angle of sixty degrees from a distance of 1000 meters...
  Voznesensky hesitated and five minutes later replied:
  - No, probably, the IS-7 will still be inferior to the German tank in the armor-piercing power of the gun, and will not be able to surpass it in a butt.
  Stalin asked a question:
  - And why? Such a large caliber, but less armor-piercing than German?
  Voznesensky answered with a sigh:
  - The quality of the German projectile is better, as is the initial speed. In this regard, even the German 88-mm cannon is somewhat stronger in armor-piercing at short range than our 130-mm.
  Stalin cracked his knuckles and said:
  - We need to improve the quality of the projectile! You will work on it! How long can you push the caliber...
  Beria flatteringly suggested:
  - You can put a 203-mm caliber cannon on the tank. And she will literally sweep away her enemies!
  Stalin responded skeptically:
  - The weight will increase, the rate of fire will decrease, the approach will not be constructive!
  Beria spread his hands and remarked:
  - But otherwise we won"t be able to penetrate the Germans head-on... Moreover, the IS-7 is a rather heavy tank, and expensive. And we don"t have many resources to waste machines.
  Stalin slammed his fist on the table and growled:
  - The IS-11 should become a tank with a 203 mm gun. But I need an IS-10 that will become universal. And whose weight will not exceed fifty tons. It's clear?
  Voznesensky spread his hands helplessly:
  - Less weight will worsen the protection, Comrade Stalin...
  The leader suggested:
  - And you make the forehead three hundred millimeters, and at an angle like the IS-3, and the side armor is much weaker... And think about the gun.
  Voznesensky noted:
  - Can we try... To create a machine that is only protected from the front? Well, that"s also a reason!
  Beria suddenly suggested:
  - Let's send all the designers to camps. Maybe then they will create something useful?
  Stalin laughed and cheerfully noted:
  - What... Great idea! There will be fewer temptations for them in the camps!
  But you must make new tanks! Such that the Third Reich would not stand even close to them!
  Voznesensky answered dutifully:
  - We'll do our best!
  Beria readily said:
  - We will arrest all scientists! Let them work under the clubs of the guard!
  Stalin roared:
  - And we should have the best planes in the world, as well as rockets! So be it, because I said so!
  The People's Commissar of Internal Affairs picked up:
  - The word of a genius is law!
  Stalin remarked somewhat self-critically:
  - Still, it was in vain that I did not attack Germany while they were busy with the USA and Canada. This is a big mistake!
  Zhukov immediately suggested:
  - Can I strike now? While the enemy troops have not been transferred?
  Stalin shook his gray head negatively:
  - I will not take on such responsibility! And our people won"t take it either! We are not aggressors! We stand for peace and fight for the cause of peace! Give me a disarmament league!
  Vasilevsky noted alarmingly:
  - If they attack us, it will be too late... And the concept of preventive war has not been canceled.
  Stalin sighed heavily. He poured himself a bottle of wine, drank a whole glass, and said:
  - Preventive war... Well, maybe we"ll advance a couple of hundred kilometers and be stopped. You should have hit me earlier! And now, we will count on the Germans and Japanese to quench their appetites a little.
  Beria raised his voice here, whispering:
  - What if Comrade Stalin... Push Japan and the Third Reich together?
  The leader grinned and remarked:
  - This would be a great option... But how to achieve it?
  The People's Commissar of Internal Affairs reported:
  - We have five girls who went through the entire war and fought in America. Maybe they can entrust the operation?
  Stalin grinned into his mustache and croaked:
  - Do you mean these? Alenka and her team?
  Beria nodded his head energetically:
  - Yes, exactly them!
  Stalin narrowed his eyes and asked:
  -What do you think they can do?
  The People's Commissar of Internal Affairs scratched his head and suggested:
  - Well, dress up as ninjas and attack the German base! Maybe it will work!
  Stalin scratched his head and answered after thinking:
  - Don't rush yet! If the Germans do not attack us, then such a provocation is risky. Moreover, the girls are completely different from the Japanese. You can bring war on us too. But if Hitler attacks, then... I think there will be nothing to lose!
  Beria nodded in agreement:
  - That"s right, Comrade Stalin! Girls, this is our armored train on the siding!
  The leader of all times and peoples nodded wearily:
  - OK! We have already discussed the main thing! The main thing is that there is peace! Everyone is tired of the war!
  The entourage left the tyrant's office without much enthusiasm. The leader of all times and peoples was not in good spirits. Although my soul became a little lighter. Indeed, if the Third Reich and Japan were to clash heads, it would be great! This gave me a chance. Maybe in this case there would be enough time to acquire an atomic bomb. Although the idea itself looked like an adventure and required at least another five years.
  Then Stalin suddenly felt inspired and called his secretary. A young, slender girl came in, with black hair tied up in a pigtail. She bowed to the leader.
  Stalin ordered in a stern voice:
  - Let's print! I will dictate, and you will type my wise thoughts.
  The girl sat down and began to rattle under the leader"s dictation;
   Honesty in war is good when you are not slacking in training, but when battle comes, feel free to use cunning!
  Anyone can urinate in a toilet; only those who never allow themselves to be imprisoned in a bucket can soak a villain!
  The storm of invasion of the Fatherland comes to the ruler who waits too long for weather from the sea!
  The personal should not contradict the public, except when it comes to the delusions of the crowd, which cannot be ignored by society!
  Whoever quietly puts society over the personal will put the jingle of cash in his wallet!
  And it"s sweeter for a snowman in the desert than for someone who takes on a wet job without ardent confidence in his own composure!
  Rare luck due to the stupidity of the enemy will not replace the systematic use of a trained mind!
  You can miss more than once in battle, but only when your only desire does not rush past your target, to accurately hit a peaceful place!
  Those who overstay the time for making decisions get into trouble and make decisions without thinking through their moves, when even the sickle goes past the millet!
  Labor made a man out of a monkey, and struggle, labor and knowledge will make a demiurge out of a man!
  Evil is the other side of the coin of good, without which the reward loses volume and weight!
  Pushing with those who are nearby is typical of stupid people, but in order to push strangers you must have the sharpest ingenuity!
  If you want to make ends meet, fight those who are trying to settle scores with you!
  A large spoon makes your mouth ache, a small spoon makes your belly swell from hunger, and just in case you can"t avoid the hassle of fighting excess weight!
  It"s hard to part with everything, except extra pounds of weight, and getting rid of them is not easy!
  How easy it is to fly up, and how difficult it is to rise up!
  Vultures also have wings to take off, but in order to rise in spirit, one should not be inspired by the thoughts of scavengers!
  If you flutter in cold blood just to survive, you will become a butterfly in the snow!
  Friends know in trouble, and enemies, unfortunately, always bring it to it!
  Heroism can correct a mistake, but it will never justify sloppiness!
  The eloquence of the ruler, like the delirium tremens of a drunk, pursues one goal: to become stupefied and take him away from reality!
  The bullet is an excellent educational method, but the effectiveness of the impact decreases depending on the frequency of use! Often you will lose your authority, but if you get caught, you will have to raise zombies!
  Religion lowers a proud person to the level of an animal - giving a choice between a sheep and a goat! And the strong side of any religion is that, unlike atheism, you have at least an animal choice!
  Lead aids digestion, especially if the pill is in cartridge form! And why? You will never complain about lack of appetite!
  Turtle psychology does not contribute to long life, since at a snail"s pace you cannot keep up with the speed that gives longevity!
  Not everything that glitters is gold, but everything that blinds the enemy is priceless!
  The monkey is the ancestor of man, whose behavior cannot be used as an example for descendants!
  Whoever can live with wolves will not howl sadly!
  The lion is the king of beasts, but the human slave is skinning him!
  War is cinema, collective directing, individual performance, mass distribution and garnished box office receipts!
  A good commander is an alchemist, transfusing the lead bullets of war into gold coins of reparations!
  Only those who have already died for a worthy life in their soul die shamefully! And if death is worthy, then this is already immortality, which means real life!
  Those who fail in matters that are not of the devilish difficulty and devilish complexity rely on God!
  Only those who know how to curb racing thoughts are capable of making a big leap of intellect!
  In war, everything is as old as the hills, only troubles are always new, and the technology is outdated!
  You can only stun someone who has frozen balls in his head!
  Even the beggars in the hallways can shoot, and the rich with military valor are capable of hitting the target!
  Even a fool can hit him with his fist, but only a real genius can force him to lose what a smart enemy holds in his fist!
  Missing volleys at the enemy is not yet a reason to fly off the lid of the pot with a boiling mind!
  A loss always turns into a win if you learn a lesson from it, and throw it away when you have a defeat that cannot be reversed!
  Losing to a strong man is sometimes excusable; losing from the powerlessness of your own will is always a shame!
  The most serious thing in everyday life is the lack of the most frivolous things for life!
  A person"s imagination has no limits, possibilities, in fact, too, but there will still be no satisfaction, due to the limitlessness of ambitions and the limitations of modesty of claims!
  Progress for humanity is of course good, but if at the same time it serves you personally, then even better!
  The biggest crime is the absence of crimes, because without crossing the line, you will always remain in one not-so-best place!
  Science is strong and can do anything, but its power is powerless against the weak will of the user!
  Whoever comes to glorious Rus' with a sword, if he does not lie down in the ground, will run away marked with shame!
  Sometimes colossal ambitions are hidden in small compliance, just as powerful muscles hide relief during a relaxing holiday!
  In life there is always room for heroism, but not always for heroism!
  I love to fight, I hate war, I don"t value peace, but I want to conquer it!
  Large muscles are not always a sign of a small mind, but large equipment always indicates gigantic arrogance!
  You can become Superman without leaving the screen, but only in a dying glitch, without leaving the couch!
  Cruelty to others is bitter mustard, cruelty to oneself is also not sugar, but a soft attitude towards one"s own weaknesses turns even a river of honey into a natural disaster!
  The point of battle is tobacco, if you take smoke breaks during the battle, and with the tongue of a squabble, forgetting that you are not in a fairy tale!
  Troubles come on their own, only they are not cats, but rabid dogs!
  Any fool can go berserk, but only those who are smart enough to achieve the satisfaction of their ambitions can go berserk!
  Not every apartment has money, but the owner of the poorest shack can get a master key to the estate!
  The fire in hearts never goes out, but the one who has a star in his soul!
  Seduced by a bitter bottle, you yourself will climb into the bottle where it is bitter!
  You can feed a wolf on a leash for a long time, but you cannot feed it if the leash allows you to be grabbed!
  It is possible to twirl as a man, although someone who is only twirled and not twirled cannot be called a man!
  Only those who are rotten in soul and butcher in morals allow themselves to be gutted!
  The raven is a symbol of wisdom, but not at all the one whose corpse it flew to peck!
  The one who falls with courage is not subject to decay, the coward who survives stinks worse than a corpse!
  Beautiful roses grow out of the mud when the Sun of aspiration of light shines, and in greenhouse conditions, without shaking, even worms appear in honey!
  Everyone is lazy, but laziness comes out sideways, for those who lie down, not wanting to toss and turn!
  Laziness is the engine of progress, but not for those who have become lazy to the point of losing their ambitions!
  There are no big problems, there are only small people who take on their solutions!
  A big man does not create small problems for his enemies!
  True greatness is content with little, but only in boasting, not in pretensions!
  -The light of military science leads people into the darkness of the grave, under the dazzling explosions of shells!
  War is not for the faint of heart, but it gives any psychopath a chance to calm down forever!
  Devoted servant, not God - Satan!
  The wolf is a forest orderly with people who have sunk to the level of animals, but without the head doctor, the wolfhound, the ambulance will always come to the wrong people!
  Forget about bad "milk" in shooting, if you want not to forget about fresh milk for your kids!
  Whoever does not know how to creep and looks up, his visor will not blind his eyes!
  For those who find the army too expensive, they will be cheap with their role under occupation!
  A genius is on a promise, like a king on a chair!
  Just like a king on a chair, not a throne, because a promise, without implementation, is just a chair - a sewer!
  A person can be gifted in everything, but only one thing is given to us not by nature, but by upbringing - the ability to sacrifice our egoism to people!
  A sharp bayonet is better than a sharp word; the last sting, as a rule, leaves only invisible scars!
  Progress is, of course, hard work, but it"s hardest of all for those who do not want to burden themselves with scientific and technological development!
  A wise raven can give advice, but not to the one it is already pecking!
  The snake is struck in the head, and the army suffers defeat, having lost its commander, or, what happens much more often, without having one at all!
  The head is a thing that is often lost, but not by those who hold it on their mighty shoulders!
  Wolves don"t bark, donkeys don"t fly, but a person can act like a dog and act crazy, without effort!
  Whoever, standing idle, waits until the crab hangs on the mountain, will kneel down and crab himself!
  Every soldier can die, but only an oak soldier can give!
  It is, of course, a temptation to attack, but those tempted by excessive take-off have to fall away!
  During life, we walk with our heels on the blade of a knife, but the cutting dagger, unfortunately, ends only with a breakdown into the abyss of oblivion!
  Anyone who offends the weak has already weakened his mind and increased his worthlessness!
  Often people say stupid things when there is nothing to say, but even more often they do them when smarter actions, although available, are deprived of the ease of stupid embodiment!
  A good move, always bad on time - a great move late is always a defeat!
  You can fight with a good country, trade with anyone, but, alas, no
  The opportunity to show mercy even to the worthy has not yet been won!
  Many enemies equal many coffins, only if you have the strength of an oak tree and the wit of a fox!
  Even a donkey can give orders; only a lion can command!
  The enemy has game for lunch, you need to reach the level! But if it"s lunch itself, that means there"s no class at all!
  The precision of politeness of kings, and the instrument of courtliness, those who claim the role of king!
  Life without adventures is worth nothing, and without the opportunity to accomplish them, life becomes completely negative ballast!
  How easily people learn cruelty, and how painfully difficult it is to raise them to that level of training so that they can avoid cruelty towards themselves and protect them from the cruelty of others!
  Pity is a feeling that dies out in the process of evolution and is instilled in the process of education, but it is impossible to educate the denial of what helps to survive!
  Great ignorance looks scary, but it's not dangerous unless it's yours!
  Miracles in our lives come to those who do not sleepily nod off, but keep their nose to the wind and do not expect a miracle!
  Nothing is impossible for a person; if something does not work out, it is only because a particle of the animal has not yet completely pushed aside the humanity of knowledge and skill!
  Whoever decides that he has finished the matter and can leave risks forever remaining at the level of the Moor and not finding Desdemona!
  You can be a Moor in the flesh, but you cannot evade responsibility while remaining with a white reputation!
  Life is not a movie, but it charges for each session!
  Cinema is not life, but the scenario of real life always carries more intrigue!
  - Everyone"s scenario assumes an unexpected ending, but unlike real life, it only assumes!
  The ending in life is always unexpected, even if you've been waiting for it, but in the movies it's predictable, even if you're looking forward to it!
  The finish in a movie always leads to you getting up and leaving your chair, but in life, when others stand up respectfully because you have already left your place in the sun!
  Our world is full of fire, but unfortunately not love passion!
  It is easy for a person to ignite anger, but good impulses in the soul only smolder!
  It is good when righteous anger burns; it is bad when righteousness burns out in anger!
  Those who eat crumpets without the norm get the cones!
  War is always dirty, but it does a great job of laundering income that stinks of meanness!
  Whoever jumps from the mountain without fear will go up the mountain, but will not find injury, and will avoid bruises!
  It can"t end badly for those who never run out of optimism and good mood!
  Those who have cleared themselves of foam in the soul will be able to celebrate a clear victory with foamy champagne!
  The shine is often empty, except when the adversary you blew up is blazing!
  Courage is always beneficial to the cause, only if it is insane only in the perception of the enemy!
  However, what does not happen in the world, but no one wears an ax, but instead of Stolypin"s tie, he is always in demand!
  Not everyone is born feathered, but everyone is capable of raising a bird of great flight within themselves!
  There is a lot of foam in the world, but little opportunity to wash your conscience!
  A well-fed writer is like a lazy donkey, his work reeks of the rottenness of stale straw!
  Fortresses are taken by the brave, but what is firmly won is retained only with skillful intellect!
  The tears of your horror are like gasoline poured into the combustion engine of the adversary"s arrogance, but if they blaze with the fire of rage, all that will remain from the engines of the invaders is a hysterical roar!
  Don't bite your nose during a fight, you'll only have one nose left for plowing the earth!
  A whirlwind in muscle movements and movement techniques leads to victory, but the brains have gone into a whirlwind; even effort from the adversary is not needed to defeat!
  The barber of war, pruning the shoots of life, unlike an ordinary barber, will never be left without work and with an empty mammon!
  A person, unlike a member, should not stand, otherwise he ceases to be a member of the winning team!
  Dogs bark well when gnawing, but are very bad when you need to claim your piece of prey!
  In the battle of life, like in a movie, your eyes are dazzled by the frames, only these frames, fortunately, have only black and white intelligence!
  Millions experience fear, it is unknown to a few, but horror reduces millions to zero, and one true brave man will conquer infinity!
  How often, before salvation when there is no time for fun, the moment that was wasted in destructive entertainment is not enough!
  You can be a good person from all sides, but a small spot on one side is enough for the reputation of a scoundrel!
  And the dead will not rest, because there is no peace in a universe full of movement!
  Pain is beautiful when it is useful and terrible when it is harmful!
  There is no chance of being handed over to someone who is cowardly and stupid to boot!
  That's why a poultice is given to the dead, so that hell doesn't get too hot!
  Even a man with a lion's heart can fold his wings forever if his indecision is locked in a wingless shell!
  The Word was in the beginning, but this beginning is so distant that sometimes things don"t come to fruition at all!
  Peasants are the bone of the Fatherland, workers are the blood, businessmen are the brain! One cannot exist without the other!
  War is something that happens in heavy and adult films, but the lightness lies only in the fact that it is accessible for viewing by children, too!
  Oleg Rybachenko and Margarita Korshunova, however, soon moved to a different story.
  The army of Vasily the Third besieged Kazan. The commander, however, was not the Tsar himself, but his brother Dmitry.
  The year was 1506, the first full year of the reign of Vasily the Third, who significantly strengthened Muscovy and strengthened the centralization of the ruler. True, he has not conquered too much, but he has enormous ambitions!
  And so Oleg Rybachenko and Margarita Korshunova decided to help the Russian Grand Duke, and even to some extent the emperor, to take the city and capital of the Khanate.
  The immortal boy and girl stormed Kazan, waving sabers. They fought like heroes. Being immortal, children moved faster than cheetahs. And with their bare toes they launched pre-prepared, sharpened discs that hit the Tatars directly in the throat.
  Oleg and Margarita rushed quickly, and flying up the wall they carried out mills, cutting down five or six Tatar fighters.
  Then they began to cut down the opponents and launch them, knocking down a dozen nukers at a time.
  And they fell and collapsed.
  The boy and girl fought like titans. They were distinguished by their agility, and their swords made fifteen swings in a second. And so they cut down the enemy. Both the children and the weapons were special: swords and sabers at the same time, and they cut almost any metal and flesh.
  Oleg swung a large butterfly, cut off a dozen opponents at once and roared:
  - I'm a huge motor scooter!
  And again the boy is on a frantic attack.
  And here is the girl throwing a grenade with her bare toes and squeaking:
  - Our Fatherland is glorious, Native Faithful, Orthodox! And we will be able to beat the Tatars, and Kazan will be under Russia!
  And again the young, immortal warriors attack. And they fight with furious frenzy. They contain a wild cascade of ideas and frantic energy.
  Young couple on the attack. And the Tatar warriors fall under their blows. And the fighters who received immortality and are working out their eternal life have a lot of fun.
  Oleg, cutting off the Tatar, roared:
  - Hundred, after hundred, regiment after regiment! Russian knights cut with a sword! I believe victory will come soon! We are opening a nice account!
  Margarita threw a sharpened disc with her bare toes and sang:
  - Kolovrat! Evpatiy Kolovrat!
  Oleg Rybachenko, this eternal boy, also threw a discus with his bare, childish, but very strong foot and sang:
  - Defender of the Fatherland! Perunov soldier!
  Margarita, continuing to chop, sang:
  - Kolovrat! Evpatiy Kolovrat!
  The boy, cutting down his enemies, hissed:
  - The Heroes of Rus' are ringing the alarm!
  This is how heroic children fight - great heroes! They have passion and strength for a whole legion.
  Or maybe ten legions! Looking at them, the rest of the warriors were encouraged and began to rush over the walls of Kazan.
  Oleg, cutting apart the Tatars, roared:
  - For Tsar Vasily the Third!
  And how he will throw a sharply sharpened disc, how he will cut off a dozen opponents of Rus'.
  And again the butterfly will spin, followed by the mill. Cutting down a dozen at a time. And then the boy takes it as he will and with his bare heel pushes the khan on the chin.
  He will fly and plop right into a cauldron of boiling resin.
  Oleg Rybachenko yelled:
  - Well, to hell with you!
  Margarita took a boomerang with her bare toes, cut off five nukers and roared:
  - Glory to the Fatherland of Tsar Vasily!
  Oleg Rybachenko enthusiastically confirmed:
  - Glory to Holy Russia!
  Margarita, chopping the Tatars, hissed:
  - This is not Russia yet, but Muscovy!
  A significant part of the wall has already been captured by Russian soldiers. They are already penetrating the city itself.
  Grand Duke Vasily found himself somewhat in the shadow because of his great son Ivan the Terrible.
  But in real history, Kazan did not submit to him. And now the children are rewriting and adding what their Russian ancestors failed to do.
  Oleg Rybachenko cut off four heads with one blow. The boy then threw the boomerang with his bare toes. He cut down seven more fighters and screamed:
  - They somehow drove into the coffin, and the strongest ghoul,
  He wanted to bite my neck, but he turned out to be game!
  And the young warrior gets angry...
  Margarita turned the screw and squeaked:
  - I am a cobra ready to jump!
  And again he will launch a killer boomerang with his bare toes. The girl, needless to say, is like the coolest goddess.
  Most of Kazan has already been captured. Brave children storm the palace of the Supreme Khan. They are full of rage and wild excitement. Oleg Rybachenko and Margarita Korshunova are Terminator children. And each of their swings, and they swing very often, are new corpses!
  Oleg Rybachenko, while fighting, remarked:
  - But this battle can change a lot!
  Margarita agreed:
  - Ivan the Terrible conquered Kazan! And now his uncle Dmitry will conquer her too!
  The boy threw a boomerang with his bare toes. He cut the throats of five Tatars and barked:
  - For Great Rus' and the sky of the Slavs!
  Margarita confidently confirmed:
  - For the Greatest Empire!
  And the girl also threw a sharpened blade with her bare toes.
  And she cut a lot of nukers, and chopped some of them. He is such a fighting beauty.
  Margarita is really cool. For the sake of immortality, she agreed to become a girl, abandoning her adult body, and be sold into slavery. But she gained such superhuman strength! And believe me, of course it"s great for her too!
  The girl fights and the boy fights and the enemies fall. They are chopped up and weakened.
  So the brave children break into the throne room, where the Kazan Khan is located.
  He tries to leave, but the boy throws a star with his bare foot and pierces the back of the khan"s head. The one who is pierced falls and dies...
  Then the child rangers exterminate the rest of the Tatars. However, the latter, having lost their master, throw down their weapons and surrender.
  So Kazan fell. Now Russia has entered these lands. The Grand Duke of Muscovy Vasily settled some of the Tatars in Russia, and settled some of the Russians in Kazan.
  Then it got better altogether. The new Russian Grand Duke was also elected Grand Duke of Lithuania. Ascended to the throne...
  It"s clear why - the victory over Kazan impressed everyone very much. And they realized that Rus' is very strong!
  And the ranger children did their best here. They captured and defeated the army of the main competitor of Grand Duke Vasily the Third. And the immortal boy and girl took the applicant"s head and cut it off.
  And they did this by throwing disks together with their bare feet, while yelling:
  - The Slavs must be united! We will all be invincible!
  And jumping up and hacking the hetman to death, the children exclaimed:
  - We are warriors of a new era and a cool formation!
  After which the prisoners kissed the children"s bare footprints left by them in the fresh snow. And you will agree that this is very cool!
  And then a trip to Astrakhan. This is how one victory leads to others.
  Oleg Rybachenko and Margarita Korshunova, together with this Grand Duke, moved to Astrakhan.
  A boy and a girl stormed this large city. They fought, once again the Russian army arrived through the time corridor.
  And again they chopped and threw the boomerang with their bare toes. Everything went much easier here. And the army was commanded by Vasily the Third himself. And his power was great. The troops of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania also arrived. They stormed this city.
  And the Terminator children fought and threw boomerangs, discs, and stars. Oleg Rybachenko even threw a couple of grenades.
  With their bare feet, the children also threw sharp stars and thin, but capable of cutting several throats at a time.
  And their legs are truly the embodiment of agility, and swift and very wild strength.
  And when a girl throws a boomerang with her bare fingers, it won"t be honey at all to the enemies of holy Moscow Rus'!
  The Terminator children shouted in unison:
  - Glory to Vasily the Third, the greatest of the Russian tsars!
  And again a great victory for the Russian kingdom.
  Vasily the Third was crowned with the title of Tsar, and was officially recognized as Emperor. His empire became huge. The Russians also began to penetrate into Siberia. And the Crimean Khanate even recognized itself as a vassal of Russia.
  After the expulsion of the metropolitan, Vasily the Third obliged the new ruler of the church to change dogmas and allow polygamy. This was partly caused by the annexation of Kazan, Astrakhan and other Islamic lands.
  Vasily the Third himself immediately married the Lithuanian princess Glinskaya and the Tatar Tamara. And then also on the fourth girl.
  The Synod allowed Russians to have four wives. And many princes took advantage of this.
  The war with Poland ended with conquest... The Russian army was strong, and much more numerous. Yes, Oleg and Margarita helped. And with these Terminator children, no opponent is afraid.
  And Vasily the Third became King of Poland. The empire strengthened. But then Suleiman the Magnificent came to the presidency of the Ottoman Empire. And this ruler conquered Hungary. He also besieged Vienna.
  But the Crimean Khanate broke with Russia. And a new campaign followed. Oleg Rybachenko and Margarita Korshunova, too, at the behest of the hyper-omnipotent witch-goddess, distinguished themselves here too. Of course, during the assault on Perekop. This is the strongest part of the Crimean Tatars" defense. But so are the children: Oleg and Margarita are very cool!
  And how they will rush, and how they will rush! And how they will cut down the Tatars. And with what wild enthusiasm they will take on this.
  And the boy threw a star with his bare toes, and it cut off six Tatars at once.
  And the girl threw down five of them with a star throw. These are the fighting children who turned out to be.
  Oleg and Margarita cleared part of the wall. In addition, artillery also worked. A lot of destruction was caused to the Tatars. So the Crimean Khanate fell.
  Then there was a battle with the army of Suleiman the Magnificent. This time this great sultan was unlucky in real history. Oleg Rybachenko and Margarita Korshunova not only killed a lot of Turks, but also took the Sultan prisoner.
  Russia forced the Turks to leave the Balkans. And she herself founded her fortresses there. And Istanbul was also taken away. Constantinople arose again.
  Vasily the Third stopped temporarily. It was necessary to digest the conquests. Livonia agreed to pay tribute to the Russians, and without war ceded the possession of Narva.
  Even in 1535, Vasily the Third ordered the construction of a port city at the mouth of the Neva. Something like Peter the Great's Petersburg. True, Vasily moved the capital to Constantinople.
  In 1537 the Russians captured Vyborg and fortified themselves to the north from the Swedes, defeating them completely.
  During the assault on Vyborg, Oleg Rybachenko and Margarita Korshunova again distinguished themselves.
  The boy and girl naturally jumped over the time threshold and took part in the assault.
  So Oleg threw a boomerang with his bare feet, knocked out a dozen opponents and sang:
  - Glory to Russia and its Tsar Vasily the Third!
  Margarita also threw something lethal with her bare toes and boldly said:
  - For holy Rus' and the unearthly queen!
  After which the boy and girl got so separated that they cut a whole clearing out of the Swedes" corpses.
  In 1540-1541, Russian troops also captured Asia Minor from the Turks. And in 1545 and also Mesopotamia and Palestine. In March 1547, the king, barely sixty-eight years old, died. His reign of forty-two years turned out to be both long and very happy with many conquests for Russia.
  Basil the Third was called Basil the Great. And on the throne was a young, but already adult by the standards of Rus', Ivan Vasilyevich.
  And since Vasily the Third lived longer than in real history, the boyar unrest was avoided.
  Ivan Vasilyevich first decided to completely subjugate Livonia, the war in 1550 was successful. Powerful Russian artillery swept away everyone, and almost all the cities were quickly captured.
  Of course, the Terminator children Oleg Rybachenko and Margarita Korshunova took part in the battles.
  With their bare, childish feet they threw everything sharp and piercing so zealously that the Livonian troops died in huge numbers.
  Moreover, the children also shoot accurately from cannons.
  Oleg the terminator boy fired and threw a killer present with his bare feet.
  Scattered the opponents and squeaked:
  - I am the embodiment of destruction!
  And the boy will get excited and roar:
  - I am the son of the great revival!
  Margarita, this cool girl, will also launch the killer with her bare toes, and squeak:
  - I am the daughter of the great goddesses of annihilation!
  And again the children laugh and bare their teeth. And then they will fly up to the fortress. And so everyone will be chopped up. They don't have swords, they just have propellers. And they exterminate the Livonians and other soldiers of the mercenary army without pity.
  The boy and girl are all barefoot, even in the snow. And they immortal children even like this!
  Why not? Why do those children who have bodies faster than any animal, and of course cannot forgive or get sick, need shoes?
  Then Ivan the Terrible fought in Egypt. Having conquered the entire north of Africa, including Morocco, in a few years. Then the Arabian Peninsula was captured.
  Germany was fragmented, Austria was weak, Spain and other countries were busy with wars.
  Tsarist Russia was moving through Iran towards India. By 1590, India was conquered. Ivan the Terrible lived to the age of sixty-eight and died in 1598. And he was succeeded by Ivan the Fifth. Russia continued its eastward expansion and takeover of China. Although the war turned out to be long, protracted and difficult.
  It took three wars to conquer China.
  Even the participation of Oleg Rybachenko and Margarita Korshunova in the battles did not immediately ensure victory.
  And the children fought in episodes. They will run in, chop up the Chinese and run away again.
  Of course, the boy and girl acted very actively and effectively. And with their bare toes they actively threw sharp stars, disks, and boomerangs.
  Oleg Rybachenko personally hacked to death the Chinese Minister of Defense. And then he throws a grenade with a boy"s foot. So immediately two dozen yellow warriors went to the next world, saying:
  - Glory to Rus', which forever throughout the centuries shows the path of the universe!
  And the girl Margarita will launch a boomerang with her bare foot, which is killer, which couldn"t be cooler.
  And having defeated the opponents, the girl squeaks:
  - For such a Rus', you fight and don"t be afraid!
  And the boy and girl began to wave even more intensely.
  Ivan the fifth died in 1620, and his work was continued by his son Ivan the sixth. After persistent wars, China was finally conquered in 1640.
  Oleg Rybachenko and Margarita Korshunova began to appear more actively in different places of battles and battles.
  And then the boy Oleg threw a boomerang and blew off the head of the Chinese emperor. And he himself became a hero!
  And the girl Margarita threw a grenade with her bare foot and knocked out the entire enemy headquarters.
  And of course, thanks to these immortal children, the greatest of the victories of the Russian Empire was won!
  And after the victory over China, Muscovite Rus' is no longer afraid of anyone! And no one will stop or defeat the Russians! They have already passed the point of no return!
  And Russia strengthened itself as a great empire. Ivan the Sixth ruled for another ten years until he captured Korea and most of Indochina.
  After him, Alexander the First ascended to the throne. The new king continued his previous course of conquest. Indochina was completely conquered, and Russian ships landed in Australia and began to explore this continent. In addition, the Russians had entered Alaska even earlier and were moving across Canada... Here they were already faced with France, which finally gained stability and prosperity under Louis XIV, and England, which was rapidly gaining momentum.
  In addition, Russia continued to explore Africa and faced opposition from Britain there too. Sweden also strengthened and tried to attack Russia.
  But Russian troops were on alert, and Britain and France did not move together. And the troops of Alexander the first conquered this state.
  Of course, both Oleg Rybachenko and Margarita Korshunova took part in this.
  Barefoot children threw discs and chopped with long, specially hardened swords.
  They are so cool and irresistible.
  Oleg Rybachenko threw a sharp star with the bare toes of his boyish feet, knocked down a dozen Swedes and sang:
  - For the glory of sacred Rus'!
  The girl Margarita also threw the deadly object with her bare feet and hissed:
  - For the greatness of the invincible Family!
  And the children will jump together and hit the Swedish governor in the chest with their bare heels.
  He flew over and shot down another dozen enemy soldiers.
  After the death of Alexander the First in 1675, Tsar Alexei the First son of Alexander ascended the throne. Typically, succession to the throne went according to the seniority of the sons, and then the grandchildren from the eldest son. Vasily the Third established this so that there would be no later struggle for the throne. With strong centralization.
  Alexei was the first to encounter France in America, and Britain in Africa.
  Meanwhile, Russian troops entered German lands. The capture was quite successful, since the principalities were fragmented. Outnumbered Russian regiments also captured Italy. This was followed by a campaign against France. The reign of Louis the Sun King ended ingloriously. Russian and foreign regiments took France.
  Oleg Rybachenko and Margarita Korshunova distinguished themselves again.
  Children fought with swords and threw discs at enemy soldiers. They killed a lot of soldiers.
  The boy threw a star at the enemy with his bare foot and roared:
  - I am a superman warrior!
  The girl also threw the killer disc with her bare toes and whistled:
  - And I am the embodiment of marvelous space!
  And how his long tongue will show! And then he"ll hit the French count in the nose with his bare heel. His forehead is cracked.
  And Oleg Rybachenko rushed by like a hellish meteor, and a couple of dozen Frenchmen just died. And then the boy blasts him with buckshot from the captured cannon.
  And it will put down a lot of fighters. They writhe in pain and die!
  And the Terminator children rush at themselves and cut everyone down, as if they themselves were the angels of death and faster than cheetahs.
  Britain somehow fought back at sea and asked for peace. Russia continued its expansion in America. Her troops captured all the English and French colonies and reached Mexico.
  The conquest of Africa and Australia was completed.
  Now only Spain and its colonies, and Portugal with its colonies, remained unoccupied.
  But this war already happened for Peter the Great, who gained power in 1700. The new Tsar, not Romanov, but Rurikovich, took advantage of the occasion as an attack on Russian merchants, and sent troops into Spain and Portugal.
  These countries were already in decline and were quickly defeated. Russian troops also began to conquer the colonies. They were both more numerous and better equipped and armed. The Russian army already had smokeless gunpowder and high-explosive shells, and combat airships. Even tanks appeared. And the first armored trains. Which made an impression on opponents.
  The first machine guns also appeared in the Russian army.
  But even here Oleg Rybachenko and Margarita Korshunova could not help but make their mark. They need to fight and earn their immortality.
  Now the boy will throw a grenade again with his bare foot. And will tear opponents to shreds. After which it will be sung:
  - In the name of that Russia that conquers the whole world and the hearts of people!
  The girl, too, would throw a small bomb with her bare foot, but with strong explosive power. He will tear the Spaniards and squeak:
  - For such that there will always be happiness for all people!
  And the children, throwing presents of death with their bare feet, sang:
  - May they be forever young and, our bright years!
  And after that it"s like a charge of something pretty lethal. And they wave their sabers like that.
  That blood is flowing like a river, and the whole earth is disappearing from under your feet!
  These are the children! Well, just supermen with bare feet that are almost naked in both heat and cold.
  But such outstanding fighters! The highest brand and class! Here they cut themselves and destroy their opponents!
  The boy and girl are like the Archangels of the wildest annihilation, for whom there are no barriers or obstacles on the path to new victories and achievements.
  Along their way, cities surrender, and the inhabitants come out, and kiss the prints of the bare feet of the immortal and great children.
  Spain and Portugal, along with their colonies, were conquered quite quickly. And there was only one Britain left.
  But in 1725, the troops of Peter the Great landed on it.
  Oleg Rybachenko and Margarita Korshunova are ahead of everyone, as always. Children are immortal and skip through time.
  They fire from machine guns and throw lethal grenades with their bare toes.
  They tear apart the British and other warriors.
  Oleg roars, shooting and mowing down:
  - We are warriors of the cosmic brotherhood!
  The girl Margarita threw a grenade with her bare toes and squealed:
  - And we will defeat everyone without a doubt!
  After which the girl hit the Duke of Buckingham so hard with her bare heel that she broke his neck!
  They captured London and finally completed the conquest of the world.
  This is how a united empire arose. Peter the Great died in 1735, and his grandson Peter the Second ascended the throne. Still young, but smart and tough ruler. Russia increased centralization, factories and roads were built. Airplanes appeared, and railways were extended more and more actively.
  Peter the Second ruled for quite a long time and stably. In 1790 he was succeeded by Peter the Third. The country was prosperous and everything was peaceful. There is already talk about space expansion.
  And in 1817, the first manned flight into space took place. In 1820, Alexander II became Tsar. The new king wanted more rapid development of space and space exploration.
  In 1825, the first flight to the moon took place. And in 1845, Russian ships flew to Mars. And in 1847 to Venus. In 1850 to Mercury, and the next to the satellites of Jupiter. Russian cosmonauts set foot on the farthest planet Pluto in 1860.
  This is how the exploration of the solar system proceeded. And in 1917, the first flight outside the solar system took place. Several large starships went to Alpha Centauri.
  And in 1921, to Sirius... By the way, several relatively normal planets were discovered there. Forty years later, the first ships flying at superluminal speed appeared.
  And in 2017, for the first time, a Russian cosmonaut flew to the edge of the galaxy.
  It was absolutely wonderful.
  In 2030, a time machine was invented... And humanity moved to a different, higher stage of development. Even if they are not on the throne, the Rurikovichs are still sitting, and an absolute monarchy rules the human empire.
  Ivan the Terrible was not poisoned in 1584, and still married an English princess. Russia and Britain entered into a treaty and received Russian help and alliance.
  There was a war in Siberia, and new Russian cities were founded, including Tobolsk.
  In 1590, Ivan the Terrible and an Englishwoman had a son, Alexander.
  And then in 1591 the war with Sweden began, which Russia fought together with Poland. Yes, this was a convenient situation.
  And the Russian army, led by governor Skopin-Shuisky, besieged Narva.
  Here Oleg Rybachenko and Margarita Korshunova, the immortal boy and girl, decided to help the Russian army. In real history there was such a siege, but under Tsar Feodor. And the Russians were only able to take Ivan-city. And here Ivan Vasilyevich still rules. Well, the boys and girls in AI are ready to show themselves. If, let"s say, in some universe, Ivan the Terrible lived longer. So what? Another mission!
  A boy and a girl took part in the assault. They run ahead of the entire army. Race faster than cheetahs. And behind them are backpacks with sharply sharpened discs.
  Terminator children attack. They throw discs from a distance with their bare feet and sing to themselves:
  - The greatness of Mother Russia,
  It is in the hearts and simply the soul...
  We asked the Almighty Rod,
  Have heaven with your loved one in a hut!
  Margarita threw the disc, knocked down six Swedes and purred:
  - I'm a super girl!
  In fact, Margarita was already forty years old at the time of her reincarnation. And she was very afraid of becoming old, ugly and clumsy. And immediately agree, for the sake of eternal youth, to become a girl of about twelve years old and go into slavery for an unknown period of time. And also work off your immortality by participating in various messiahs.
  But she, like Oleg Rybachenko, has a special body, with superhuman abilities. And at exorbitant speeds.
  They seem to be still children, but they are extremely strong and fast, and already experienced fighters.
  As the discs are thrown, the opponents fall. And neither a bullet nor a cannonball can take them!
  The Terminator children ran to the wall, easily climbed up, and began cutting down their opponents with their long swords. And they chop like fifteen, twenty strokes per minute.
  Oleg Rybachenko, throwing a disk with his boyish foot, roared:
  - Over the hill they are forging axes!
  Margarita also launched discs with the girl"s bare foot, cutting off a dozen enemies and sang:
  - Whipping the violent heads!
  The boy threw the disk with his bare fingers, cut down the crowd with swords and whined with excitement:
  - But the chain mail rings for foreigners!
  Margarita muttered the words:
  - Russian speech!
  Oleg Rybachenko, chopping the Swedes and throwing discs with his bare feet, sang:
  - We are being trampled by the tribe of the horde!
  Margarita, also cutting up the Swedes and throwing deadly weapons with her bare feet, sang:
  - We are oppressed by the yoke of the infidel!
  Oleg Rybachenko, continuing to chop, said:
  - But it"s boiling in our veins...
  Margarita, chopping and throwing disks with her bare feet, confirmed:
  - Heaven of the Slavs!
  The boy, throwing discs and roaring, yelled:
  - And from the shores of the Chud!
  The girl, continuing to throw discs with her bare feet, roared:
  - To the icy Kolyma!
  Oleg, throwing his bare boyish foot, hissed:
  - All this is our land!
  Margarita, also launching a boomerang, said:
  - It's all us!
  The boy and girl exterminated hundreds of enemies, and other Russian warriors followed them, spilling over the walls. Narva was shaking. And her fall was now becoming inevitable.
  Terminator children are not a joke at all. This is something that is incomprehensible to the average mind.
  These are immortal warriors. They go ahead and destroy the enemy, either with blows of swords or with swings of their bare feet, from which sharp discs fly. And they knock out opponents like cockroaches.
  Oleg continues to advance with all his wild swiftness.
  In Russian history, the reign of Ivan the Terrible was the longest, and it was one of the most glorious and at the same time bloody.
  The king lost the last and most important war in Livonia. And now I wanted to get even.
  Moreover, Russia and Poland are at war at the same time, which is much more convenient.
  And the Terminator children are at work... Most of the walls have already been captured by Russian soldiers.
  And the guys break through to the central castle, pelting the enemy with blades using their bare feet...
  Oleg, knocking down dozens of Swedes, shouts:
  - Glory to Tsar Ivan!
  Margarita, cutting down enemies, squeaks:
  - Great glory to Great Russia!
  The boy and girl are such tough and greyhound warriors. They crush everyone and drive their enemies into hell. They chop at themselves, and they chop so desperately and frantically. No one will stop them, and no one will win!
  A boy and a girl crush the enemy, a boy and a girl - a salute to the heroes!
  Oleg Rybachenko, throwing a disk with his bare, childish foot, finished off the chief governor, after which the Swedes began to throw down their weapons.
  Narva fell, and the Russians strengthened the sea... And the Poles besieged Revel.
  Russian troops moved towards Vyborg.
  Ivan the Terrible is still on the throne, and the Russian army, welded together with iron discipline, is strong and richly equipped. On the way, Oleg and Margarita took part in the assault on several cities.
  The boy and girl, as always, threw discs, primarily with their feet and chopped with swords.
  Oleg cut down the main Swedish mercenary and a bunch of other soldiers, after which he said:
  - The enemies will not achieve victory over us!
  Margarita confirmed:
  - We will not kneel!
  The Russian army approached Vyborg. This is a key fortress. Voivode Skopin-Shuisky launched an assault after a short artillery barrage.
  Oleg Rybachenko and Margarita Korshunova are ahead as always and fighting desperately.
  They cover the road with corpses.
  Oleg Rybachenko threw a bomb with his bare foot and roared:
  - Nobody will stop us!
  Margarita, having launched the killer, issued:
  - And no one will win!
  The monster children exclaimed in unison:
  - Terrible wolves destroy enemies! And no need for unnecessary words!
  The boy and girl chopped at incredible speed. They easily climbed any walls and cut through any columns. The guys acted quickly and with great pressure.
  Oleg, cutting up his opponents, sang:
  - We are the knights of the big sun!
  Margarita, with wild activity, crushing enemies, issued:
  - And the great starry sky!
  And the children will use grenades again... And then disks and stars. This is how they cut down the enemy. With such mad pressure and passion.
  Oleg knocked the Swedish count off the wall and roared:
  - Ours will be victory!
  Margarita, chopping the enemy, confirmed:
  - Glory to the fallen heroes!
  The boy and girl accelerated again and crushed the enemy with great intensity. And their swords are like the wings of mosquitoes.
  The children acted in a way that was not childishly cool. And most importantly, quickly, and without any pauses.
  What is not a swing is an accurate strike and defeats the enemy.
  Oleg, chopping the Swedes, sang:
  - Bang! Bang! Bang!
  Margarita, chopping down the mercenaries, finished singing:
  - We are not stokers, not carpenters, but we have no bitter regrets!
  The terminator boy, chopping the enemy, added:
  - And we are high-altitude installers and from above, greetings to you!
  And the young warriors dispersed and began to move like bouncing ping-pong balls.
  So Oleg hacked to death the commandant of Vyborg. And Margarita finished off two opponents in the baronial title.
  Another fortress fell... The Swedes, of course, did not ask for mercy yet. A decisive battle took place.
  There were a little fewer Russians, but they took a comfortable position. And Margarita and Oleg attacked their enemies with wild frenzy. And letting them chop them up and break them into cutlets. And the guys acted, of course, more than successfully.
  These Swedes were chopped up so much that only bloody bits of meat flew away from them.
  Oleg Rybachenko sang, throwing a boomerang with his bare toes, which cut the throats of a dozen Swedes:
  - And I see someone serious! In the dream of Ivan the Terrible!
  Margarita, also cutting down and threshing everyone, confirmed:
  - The land in Siberia has been distributed - your native Rus'!
  And with his bare foot he launches a boomerang... And the corpses of enemies fly off in different directions.
  Oleg Rybachenko sang:
  - Oh, tail, scales!
  And throwing a grenade with his bare foot, he added:
  - I"ll kill a hundred thousand!
  Margarita, also chopping up her opponents, said:
  -I chopped up many adversaries!
  And also with bare feet he will take and launch the most lethal thing. And he will still jump with delight.
  And with his bare heel he will hit the Swedish Marquis in the chin. He will fly by and sweep a couple of dozen off their horses.
  A boy and a girl, very active and aggressive individuals. They destroy the enemy with wild frenzy. Not intending to slow down and somehow rein in the enemy.
  And the Swedes are suffering enormous losses. Their army has already wavered. And unable to withstand the wild pressure, she gave in and fled.
  The pursuit began.
  Yes, it"s such that no one can stop him.
  A boy and a girl rush to themselves and shout:
  - Glory to the heroes who break down walls!
  Oleg will spin the mill and output:
  - Glory to the heroes!
  Margarita produced a butterfly, also killing a lot of enemies, and issued:
  - And glory to us!
  A boy and a girl are fighting so furiously. And they are not going to stop for a second.
  No, they are moving faster and faster. Their thoughts also jump like bunnies.
  Here is the main Swedish governor. Oleg Rybachenko throws a grenade with his bare foot and blows the commander to pieces. The Swedes cannot be stopped now.
  Russian troops are chasing them and pursuing them. But that's not all. Now Ivan the Terrible decided to conquer all of Sweden. Since he has such brave youths.
  Margarita and Oleg received titles of nobility and now moved on to Stockholm.
  A boy and a girl run ahead, cut down their opponents and roar:
  - Glory to our Fatherland, Glory to Tsar Ivan!
  And these guys are so passionate. And so unpredictable and cool.
  One after another they come across fortresses. And the children take them at a glance. Of course, as always, throwing boomerangs and discs with my bare toes. And cutting down the Swedes in a row. Like sauerkraut. And another empire falls.
  Here are the Terminator children already in Stockholm. And the torn Swedish flag falls. And the king himself was caught with a lasso and his retinue was killed. Russian troops take Stockholm to attack. Although the boy and girl have already done the main work.
  Yes, in such a cool way, the ranger children completed their next mission. At least against Sweden. Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich also became the King of Sweden.
  The Poles took Revel and also strengthened their strength. There was a temporary truce... Russia gained access to the seas. A city even began to be built at the mouth of the Neva.
  At the same time, Russian troops increasingly penetrated into Siberia. The already middle-aged Ivan the Terrible had so far refrained from a major war with Poland. Although the situation was heating up.
  In addition, the Crimean Tatars were still active. In 1591, Tsarevich Dmitry was killed. And in 1598, both the heir Fedot and Ivan the Terrible died almost simultaneously. And the eight-year-old son of Ivan the Terrible, Alexander the First, became king. Boris Godunov turned out to be his regent.
  In 1601, a war broke out between Russia and Poland, which took place against the backdrop of large crop failures. The Poles besieged Smolensk.
  Oleg Rybachenko and Margarita Korshunova took part in repelling the assault. The Poles suffered heavy losses and retreated. The Russian army led by Basmanov besieged Polotsk in 1602 and took it. Oleg and Margarita distinguished themselves during the assault. The boy and girl, as always, acted effectively with both swords and bare feet. Then the Russian army also took Vitebsk and Orsha, and fought with the army of the Polish king.
  Oleg Rybachenko and Margarita Korshunova were the very first to understand the army of the Poles. And they fought with colossal frenzy.
  The boy threw the disk, cut off the heads of the Poles and shouted:
  - I am a super class fighter!
  And how it cuts like a mill.
  Margarita is also spinning. It will smash the enemy with swords and give out:
  - I'm still a class higher!
  And with his bare foot he will launch a boomerang and cut down his enemies.
  These girls are so cool. They have the real grin of tigresses. But boys are even more dangerous and stronger.
  They cut down their enemies. And they sing:
  - Blue nights flutter like fires,
  We are pioneers, children of workers...
  The era of bright years is approaching -
  The cry of the pioneers is always be prepared!
  The cry of the pioneers is always be prepared!
  Yes, it"s good to be in eternal childhood. When you are forever young and forever barefoot. And no one is able to stop the pressure and onslaught of rabid children. Who were born to make a fairy tale come true.
  And they fight like... True heroes.
  And so young warriors with immortal bodies break through to the Polish king. Three hetmans were cut down, and the boomerang launched by Oleg Rybachenko flies. And Sigismund falls killed.
  At the same time, Margarita crushed the son of King Vladislav with a powerful blow.
  Thus, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was beheaded. But Russian troops continue to move.
  The Poles are losing. Basmanov's army takes one city after another. Minsk, Slutsk, and Vilna were taken. In all these cities, brave children are leading the fight.
  Who know neither pity nor mercy. And if they win, they win confidently.
  Oleg Rybachenko adversaries said:
  - We are children, not chimeras!
  Margarita threw a bomb with her bare foot, tearing apart the enemies, and added:
  - Apostles of the new era!
  In short, the Sejm met and, by a majority vote, they recognized Alexander the first Tsar of Russia as the King of Poland and the Grand Duke of Lithuania.
  So the son of Ivan the Terrible and the English queen became great.
  Then came a campaign with the Austrians against the Turks. So victorious and with great conquests. The Russians took Istanbul and wanted to move on.
  During the storming of Istanbul, of course, the Terminator children distinguished themselves and were able to capture the Sultan. The Ottoman Empire collapsed and for another ten years Russian troops conquered its outskirts. Oleg Rybachenko and Margarita Korshunova jumped around in time, and only took part in decisive battles.
  After the conquest of the Ottoman Empire, Sudan and Morocco were also captured. And then Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan.
  Alexander the First introduced polygamy. In order to thus bring Christianity and Islam closer together, he abolished the dogma of the Trinity, which was incomprehensible to people. Russians received the right to have four wives.
  Orthodoxy has changed somewhat, recognizing Mohammed as the messenger of Allah and a prophet.
  At the same time, most of the fasts were abolished, and religion became less burdensome.
  Everything was going well. Russia soon conquered India in 1640... The Russians entered Alaska and climbed into the Pacific Ocean. We moved across Africa.
  The empire of Alexander the First became extensive. And the war with China began in 1650. The Manchus tried to hold the territory.
  Oleg Rybachenko and Margarita Korshunova are in battle again. And how they cut down - like great terminators.
  The war with China was going to be serious. And the eternal children understood this.
  Here comes the battle. China's army is huge. But the Russian one, drawn from many nations, is not small.
  There is a fight and a tough exchange of blows. Monster children are mowing down the Chinese.
  They throw needles and discs with their bare toes.
  And they knock out the yellow fighters by the hundreds.
  And they cut themselves and knock down opponents with sabers. At the same time, they act extremely aggressively.
  Not external children, but simply macho. Simply crushing blows for immortals. They destroy everyone and send their enemies to hell.
  Oleg, chopping up his adversaries, sings:
  - We are not afraid of attacks!
  Margarita, throwing sharp disks, squeaks:
  - We"ll kill all the evil ones!
  Both the boy and girl"s rage is groovy.
  They mow down their opponents and sing to themselves...
  A song from one military theater - the Second World War, but quite appropriate;
  Great Russia is famous,
  The most beautiful country...
  The stars watered black velvet,
  The homeland is illuminated with a ray!
  How many heroes are there in Patronymic?
  Every knight is a giant warrior...
  The army marches in friendly formation,
  After all, our people are always united!
  We swear to the great Stalin,
  Honor to keep and fight to the end,
  Because his power is like the Sun,
  Because God's light is the country!
  Our Motherland will become beautiful,
  With a gigantic spirit, our people...
  We fight simply, even coolly,
  And the fascist Wehrmacht will be defeated!
  Komsomol members fight barefoot,
  Even though the frost bites their heels...
  And our eyes are like saucers,
  The girl's nose turned red from the cold!
  We love to frolic with the boys,
  Our bodies are very hot...
  And such perfect faces,
  Our mother gave birth to us in glory!
  For Russia we are fighting with the Fritz,
  Defeating rabid enemies...
  I'm such a craftswoman
  You probably can"t even find the words!
  Let's become cool those girls
  Let's assemble a dashing machine gun...
  Such a ringing voice stole from me,
  The wildest swear words are not acceptable!
  There is a dashing rage in girls,
  That there is no way to count it...
  We will see a place in a wonderful paradise,
  And the bear of Rus' will torment you!
  We are such beautiful girls
  There is nothing better in the universe...
  For the glory of our Motherland-Russia,
  Even though we look no more than twenty!
  Know that girls get younger in war,
  They run barefoot through the snow...
  And the flags flutter red over the Fatherland,
  And the Komsomol member will move his fist!
  The evil fascist will not be able to defeat
  No matter how cool he may be...
  We are girls in the grandeur of the main glory,
  Under these bright, blue skies!
  We will make the empire happier
  Her greatness is the defeat of countries...
  Greatness without the shores of Russia,
  Let's cross the endless ocean!
  Yes, we girls are a striking flamethrower,
  The Wehrmacht hordes are capable of burning...
  Believe me, we have real pressure,
  We will beat the fascists very hard!
  When we come to Berlin we are Komsomol members,
  Let's make the Krauts kiss their feet...
  And even the orcs won"t help the Nazis,
  You write down we are cool in your notebook!
  And now the defeated Chinese are fleeing. And they are being pursued by the Russian army.
  Alexander the First managed to conquer China, but also died at sixty-eight years old in 1658, like his father Ivan the Terrible. Such a strange coincidence: Tamerlane"s age. Also, by the way, a great commander and conqueror.
  After the reign of two such great kings who conquered so much, the new ruler, Ivan the Fifth, is also no weakling. He is the son of Alexander and became king at the age of forty. Continued the war in the east. Under him, the Russians conquered Indochina and Korea, reached Singapore... They moved further across Africa and to Australia... Also a successful king... And, strangely enough, he also died at the age of sixty-eight in 1686. He was succeeded by his son Alexander II.
  The new tsar was about thirty-five years old... Under him, the Russians reached the Cape of Good Hope and landed in Australia and New Zealand. They occupied Canada and clashed with the French. Alexander II also conquered Italy and Germany, while England and France, and Spain and Portugal squabbled with each other.
  The highly successful king died in 1714. He reigned for twenty-eight years and was all fruitful.
  His son Peter the Great came to power at the age of twenty-four.
  The new king conquered France, Spain, Portugal, and squeezed Britain. The Russians also conquered all of America under him.
  Oleg Rybachenko and Margarita Korshunova. They helped Peter during the battle with France. During the storming of Paris.
  As always, these children carried swords and threw needles and disks with their bare fingers. They fought very well.
  They helped storm Madrid and Lisbon. They also seized these lands. And they were extremely successful. And they also cut down a lot of enemies.
  In short, the whole world submitted to Russia, except Britain. Peter the Great ruled until 1758, and also died at sixty-eight, such a strange coincidence. Or a series of coincidences.
  He was succeeded by his grandson Peter the Second, a young man of about eighteen. He completed his conquests in 1770 and attacked Britain.
  Oleg Rybachenko and Margarita Korshunova took part in battles in this parallel universe for the last time.
  A lot of Englishmen were chopped up, many were mowed down with stars. And they captured the British monarch.
  The war is over... And the Terminator children completed their mission. Which was very fun and interesting.
  Hitler did not stop the German tank divisions near Dyuker, and as a result the following happened - the British were completely defeated and several hundred thousand soldiers of the Leo Empire were captured.
  Under these conditions, both Chamberlain and Churchill resigned together.
  The new prime minister, in shock, agreed after the surrender of France to a peace quite beneficial for beaten Britain.
  The British simply returned Namibia, which was their colony, to Germany, and Iraq and Palestine to Turkey. Only by returning what was captured during the First World War. Otherwise they parted ways amicably. They exchanged prisoners - all for all, and Britain gave the Germans a free hand in the east, and recognized what the Third Reich had already conquered.
  Well, of course, Hitler, having given himself a free hand with Britain, began preparing a campaign to the east.
  The Germans were able to collect a little more tanks, at the expense of divisions in France, which Rommel did not send there in Africa. In addition, due to the lack of bombing of Britain, one more division was produced with more tanks. In general, the Germans received significantly more aircraft. In particular, saving immediately three thousand vehicles that in real history were shot down over Britain, plus also vehicles from the Mediterranean, and cover in the West and Norway. Thus, the Wehrmacht collected about a thousand more tanks than real history, and five thousand more aircraft - doubling their number compared to real history. The Germans, of course, had more infantry at the expense of Africa, France, Norway and other lands. About half a million of our own and half a million of satellites.
  The fleet is much stronger, especially the Italian one. Yes, Mussolini could have allocated much more troops for the war with Russia. Although of course the quality of the Italian parts is not very good.
  But still, an extra million soldiers, a thousand tanks, five thousand planes, ten thousand guns and mortars are, of course, strength.
  Plus, the Germans also counted on Turkey and Japan. Which in general confirmed that they want to strike.
  In Greece, Italy was victorious because it was able to use more troops against the Hellenes without having to fight the British in Africa. And the Germans helped with aviation, which was not diverted. Plus bribery of Greek commanders.
  There was no rebellion in Yugoslavia. And the Germans attacked the USSR a little earlier, on May 30th. They wanted to attack even earlier on May 15, but the spring turned out to be too rainy, plus the tank divisions were still understaffed.
  But the USSR turned out to be unprepared, as always. Stalin really didn"t want to fight the Third Reich, and in alternative history even more than in real history, the Germans had a free hand. Stalin did not want war so much that he ended up with an army that was not mobilized and not put on combat readiness.
  And the Germans, as in real history, rushed forward. And even more successfully, they have much more strength, especially in the air. And this affected the course of the war.
  Japan also brought up troops to Manchuria, and somewhat cooled down to the idea of war with Britain and the United States. All of these are strangely strong and are still at peace with the Third Reich. But the USSR seemed much weaker.
  After the fall of Smolensk and especially the disaster near Kiev, where Soviet troops were surrounded, the Japanese still struck at the Soviet troops.
  And the attack on Moscow began almost a month and a half earlier than in real history. The Germans were able to quickly turn their troops south and defeat the southern part of the Red Army.
  As a result, the capital was able to be surrounded at the end of September. Stalin, of course, fled to Kuibyshev. And the Germans were advancing in the Donbass and were able to break into Stalingrad, and before that capture Kursk and Voronezh. And then Türkiye entered the war.
  It became completely tight. And there is much more betrayal. So Vlasov surrendered Ryazan and went over to the side of the Germans.
  Moscow held out until the end of December, but eventually fell. By the end of the year, the Germans were able to capture almost the entire Caucasus, and only Sevastopol held out in Crimea.
  Leningrad found itself in a total blockade and was dying of hunger. The Germans closed the double ring.
  Stalin tried to start peace negotiations. But Hitler refused and declared that he would only accept unconditional surrender.
  The Soviet leadership tried to establish at least something in Kuibyshev. But the Red Army fled. Having rested a little, the Germans in March 1942 moved along the Volga, the Ural River, and further to the Urals.
  Soviet troops resisted rather weakly. Morale dropped greatly. And even draconian measures, mass executions, did not help. And soldiers and officers kill special officers. And there"s not much of a rise in sight. More and more often they give up.
  In general, when Moscow fell, of course, many believed that the war was already lost, and they didn"t really want to die. People were depressed.
  And by the end of April, the Germans reached Kazan and took Uralsk, storming Orenburg.
  And the Germans also made their way through Central Asia, and here they put heavy pressure on them.
  In May, fierce battles broke out for Dushanbe. The Germans tried to gain a foothold in Central Asia.
  Alenka and her team found themselves in the harshest area. And they defended the Soviet city. Despite May, it was a little cooler here because of the mountains and a fresh wind was blowing from the north. However, even in winter, there was no snow cover here.
  The girls shot back from the advancing fascists and their foreign mercenaries.
  Alenka fired from a PPSh and whistled a song.
  - Over the mountains, over the valleys, a fur coat and a caftan walk!
  Barefoot redhead Alla added:
  - And tara-ram!
  The girl threw a grenade with her bare foot and shook her copper-red curls. This warrior is beautiful.
  But others are no worse. Anyuta threw the gift with her bare fingers and hissed:
  - And the girl is super!
  Golden-haired Maria also fired, knocking down the German. The girl is also very good and beautiful. And again she threw a grenade with her graceful, bare foot.
  The large, curvy, charming Matryona does not retreat either. She is capable of throwing grenades far with her legs. And they fly and rush along a complex trajectory.
  Alenka sang, throwing a small but destructive grenade with her chiseled bare leg:
  - But we make rockets...
  Anyuta held it with enthusiasm:
  - And they blocked the Yenisei!
  Alla threw a grenade with her bare foot and squealed:
  - And in the field of big ballet...
  Maria launched the present again, using her bare lower limb, singing:
  - We are ahead of the rest!
  Matryona launched a grenade with her large, but very beautiful and harmonious leg and growled:
  - Sun...
  Alenka also fired at the Hindu mercenary and hissed:
  -It sparkles....
  Anyuta fired, knocked down the Arab and hissed:
  - River....
  Maria hit the bullet and said:
  - To turn silver...
  Marusya knocked down a black fighter and said:
  - Came out...
  Alenka nailed and sang:
  - From...
  Anyuta threw the grenade with her bare, graceful foot and continued:
  - Temple...
  Alla gave a burst, cutting off several people, and croaked:
  - People!
  Maria fired and said:
  - Holiday...
  Marusya took a breather with pleasure, threw a grenade with her foot, which had not seen shoes for a long time, and said:
  - Throne...
  Alenka took it and hissed:
  - In the Cossack...
  Anyuta, firing with a roar, added:
  - Stanitsa...
  Alla, with the hiss of a cobra, shooting, said:
  - Peaceful...
  Maria fired and said:
  - Thirteenth...
  Marusya threw a grenade at a great distance and bared her teeth:
  - Year!
  Alenka sang with delight, cutting down three Arabs:
  - Swallows...
  Anyuta fired, killing the Nazis:
  - They're circling...
  Alla fired, hissing:
  - Sun...
  Maria nailed, singing:
  - It's shining...
  Marusya again threw a grenade with her bare feet and added:
  - In white...
  Alenka put a bullet in and said:
  - Gardens...
  Anyuta hissed with a roar:
  - How...
  Alla put a bullet in and hissed:
  - Snow!
  Maria fired and said:
  - AND...
  Marusya sent a bullet, hissing:
  - They're having fun...
  Alenka fired, chirping:
  - How...
  Anyuta groaned, saying:
  - Small...
  Alla continued with delight:
  - Children!
  Maria sent a bullet and continued:
  - They're dancing...
  Marusya gave a short burst, saying:
  - Cossacks...
  Alenka kicked, threw a grenade with her bare foot, and growled:
  - In a circle!
  Anyuta fired and chirped:
  - Eh-ma!
  The fiery Alla sent a bullet and roared:
  Maria threw the grenade with her bare foot and barked:
  - not winter!
  Marusya fired and squealed again:
  Alenka nailed and roared:
  -If only...
  Alla threw a grenade with her bare foot and said:
  Maria hissed with delight and fell from the machine gun:
  Marusya launched a shard of glass with her bare fingers, cut several throats and hissed:
  -Kuban River
  Alla sang along, shooting:
  - and the Don River,
  Maria took it and sang, shooting:
  - Go for a walk...
  Marusya, throwing the nail with her bare fingers with a roar, continued:
  - Cossack...
  Alenka fired and barked:
  - take a walk...
  Anyuta thumped and continued:
  - Bye...
  The fiery Alla fired and hissed:
  Maria thumped and blurted:
  Marusya took it and hissed with delight, firing:
  - not winter...
  Alenka fired and blurted out:
  - Eh-ma!
  Anyuta fucked up and said:
  - Woe...
  Alla shot and hissed:
  - From the mind,
  Maria sent a bullet straight to the forehead and took a step:
  Marusya again launched a grenade with her bare foot and blurted out:
  - they will take it away...
  Alenka said with rage:
  - from the Cossack...
  Anyuta, shooting wildly, hissed:
  - Well...
  The fiery Alla threw a grenade with her bare fingers, saying:
  Maria cackled and roared:
  Marusya threw the gift again, squealing:
  - Go for a walk...
  Alenka, firing with a roar, answered:
  - Bye...
  Alenka, cutting off the mercenaries, sang:
  Anyuta, cutting down the fascists, said:
  Fire Alla hissed:
  Maria just nailed it and blurted out:
  - A!
  Marusya threw down a piece of ceramic with her bare fingers and blurted out:
  Alenka also threw the gift with her bare foot:
  - Cossacks...
  Anyuta took it and chirped, shooting:
  The fiery Alla of the black man's log house blathered:
  Maria, firing, continued:
  - Quite...
  Marusya responded with fury, sending a cascade of fire with his foot:
  - standing...
  Alenka Nail continued with delight:
  -old men...
  Anyuta, shooting in rage, chirped:
  Alla threw a grenade with her bare foot and squealed:
  - unaware...
  Maria sent a grenade with a grin, saying:
  Marusya hissed with rage, throwing a grenade with her bare foot:
  Alenka, throwing presents with her bare feet, said:
  -will end...
  Anyuta fired and hit very accurately:
  Alla, with a poisonous grin, threw the burden of death and blathered:
  Maria threw a grenade and squealed:
  Marusya twirled the glass shard with her bare fingers, barking:
  - days...
  Alenka, slapping her bare feet, tutted in rage:
  Anyuta, firing, blurted out:
  -they will call...
  Alla hissed desperately, shooting:
  Maria, shooting, growled:
  Marusya barked, throwing a grenade:
  Alenka sent a gift to death:
  Anyuta hissed with great rage, mowing down a couple of Indians recruited by the Germans:
  Alla, with a roar and twisting her weapon, continued:
  -they will say...
  Maria threw a grenade with her bare fingers and said:
  Matryona blathered, nailing:
  -for scrap...
  Alenka took it and chirped, shooting:
  - AND...
  Anyuta squealed as she fired:
  The fiery Alla threw a grenade, growling:
  Maria launched a boomerang with her bare fingers and said:
  -they will...
  Matryona hit the grenade with her bare heel and sang at the top of her lungs:
  Alenka hissed with pressure, like a nail:
  Anyuta, furiously throwing the gift, said:
  - two-headed...
  The fiery Alla, having planted a message of death, killing a dozen Arabs, confirmed with delight:
  Maria threw the grenade again and sang in ecstasy:
  Matryona, throwing a gift of death on her rough heel, continued in a frenzy:
  Alenka, furiously launching the present of destruction, said:
  The fiery Alla, hissing, conveyed:
  - rolls...
  Maria, in ecstasy, launched a grenade and said:
  Matryona, with a present of annihilation, crushed a dozen fighters, and cackled: - prosperous...
  Alenka sent a puncher's like, with her bare, seductive leg, and said:
  Anyuta hissed in rage, sending a message of annihilation:
  Alla, firing furiously, said:
  -on the...
  Maria sent another bullet and buzzed:
  Matryona nailed, sent with her bare foot, the gift of death, roaring:
  -is sitting...
  Alenka, firing a bullet in rage, hissed:
  Anyuta threw a grenade with her bare foot and blurted out:
  - St. Petersburg...
  Alla hissed at the top of her lungs:
  Maria sent a small explosion-packet with her bare heel, saying:
  Matryona, shooting, readily confirmed:
  Alenka began to hiss like a cobra, shooting and screeching:
  Anyuta threw a grenade with her bare, tanned leg and blurted out:
  Maria fired and said:
  Matryona made a nail, then tossed the gift with her bare heel, squealing:
  Alenka said, shooting with the fury of a lioness:
  - will dance
  Anyuta mashed:
  Fire Alla harshly said:
  - seventeenth...
  Maria, with delight and gaining momentum in shooting, continued:
  Matryona again threw a grenade with her bare foot and blurted out:
  - They know...
  Alenka hissed with rapturous ecstasy:
  Anyuta, in a wild frenzy, threw a grenade with her bare foot and squeaked:
  -on the...
  Fiery Alla chirped, tossing the gift of annihilation:
  Maria, with the enthusiasm of a terminator harpy, said:
  Matryona, kicking the greatness of death with her bare foot, hissed:
  - yours...
  Alenka launched a grenade with her bare lower limb and said:
  Anyuta butted her with the gift of annihilation again and cackled:
  Alla the red devil sang:
  - villagers...
  Marusya said with aplomb, throwing a grenade with her bare foot:
  - waiting...
  Alenka launched the grenade again and, defending Dushanbe, sang:
  Anyuta aggressively supported, threw a dagger with her bare leg and graceful fingers, roaring:
  The fiery devil clucked with excitement and answered:
  - not winter,
  Maria, having fired the bullet, said with rage:
  Matryona handed the grenade with her bare foot and hissed:
  -If only...
  Alenka shot again, knocked down the Chinese, and squealed:
  Anyuta aggressively unloaded her machine gun and fired at the enemies, hissing:
  Maria threw a grenade with her bare foot and hissed:
  - Kuban River...
  Matryona hissed, and throwing the gift of death, said:
  - AND...
  Alenka took it and cackled forcefully:
  -Don River...
  Anyuta squealed at the top of her lungs:
  -Go for a walk...
  Maria threw a grenade with her bare foot and blurted out:
  Matryona fired again, knocked down two black men, and rasped:
  - take a walk...
  Alenka fired the bullet and came out saying with delight:
  - Bye...
  Anyuta roared like a beluga and said:
  - Eh-ma!
  Red-haired Alla, shooting, continued:
  Maria, with rapturous ecstasy, remarked:
  - not winter...
  Matryona barks at the top of her lungs, launching a large explosion into the package with her bare leg:
  - Eh-ma!
  Alenka said with admiration, throwing a grenade using her bare heel:
  - Woe...
  Anyuta, shooting and mowing down, growled:
  - from...
  Fire Alla continued:
  - crazy...
  Maria, shooting, took it and said:
  Matryona, firing, hissed like a cobra, hitting:
  - they will take it away...
  Alenka squealed with intensity, hitting:
  - u...
  Anyuta, shooting, said with rage:
  - Cossack...
  The fiery Alla threw another grenade and squealed:
  Maria blurted out harshly:
  Matryona threw a grenade with her bare foot and growled:
  Alenka, again using her bare fingers, threw the lemon, shouting:
  - take a walk...
  Anyuta buzzed like a wasp, and throwing a grenade with her bare foot, said:
  Maria with pressure, firing a burst, barked:
  - Well...
  Matryona, throwing the grenade away, cackled and roared:
  - A...
  Alenka answered harshly, kicking the gift that the mercenaries threw at her with a kick:
  - Bye...
  Anyuta blathered, jumping up on a grenade with her bare foot:
  - Go for a walk...
  Alla threw the gift away with her bare leg and blurted out:
  - Bye!
  And the girls burst out laughing in unison... No, Dushanbe is not easy for the Germans. Although significant forces of foreign infantry were deployed. It is difficult for Hindus, Africans, and Arabs to fight in winter, and therefore the Nazis sent them to Central Asia. Here they are used like cannon fodder. And they are sent to slaughter. A new city has emerged, offering fierce resistance: Dushanbe.
  The Germans bombed Soviet positions using heavy bombs and napalm. They fired from self-propelled guns and howitzers, and brought up gas launchers. And they even used bombs weighing up to ten tons. They broke Russia at the knees.
  Dushanbe turned into ruins that were literally shot at point blank range.
  Alenka, barefoot, wearing only panties, composing as she went, began to sing;
  I am a warrior of our Mother Russia,
  A simple girl, always barefoot...
  Sometimes the crows cried vilely,
  But I believe that the dream will come true!
  I joined the Komsomol hungry,
  Almost naked pearl in the cold...
  But I will throw the fascist off his pedestal,
  Give Adolf his long nose!
  Don't trust the Komsomol girl,
  Will not be able to curb the universe...
  And a clear voice is heard here,
  Our army has risen to the top of our Fatherland!
  For the Motherland Great Russia,
  Fight, please, pioneer without fear...
  Although you know the fields are watered with blood,
  But show me, you are an example of valor!
  For Komsomol members, heaven is happiness,
  There are no worries for the girl...
  Everything will be in her proud, glorious power,
  And the Fuhrer will come to the fate of abortion!
  But time is tough - Hitler is coming,
  He can even defeat the terrible one...
  He throws rockets as generously as bombs,
  Capable of turning all soldiers into game!
  But believe me, girls don"t know fear,
  Throwing a grenade with your bare foot...
  She is naked - her shirt is burned,
  Fighting against an unaware horde!
  There are no Komsomol members - enough words,
  She doesn't know the word - I can't!
  And the Krauts will run away like thieves,
  When the girl straightens her leg!
  Yes, fight half naked in the cold,
  Believe me, such a girl is destined...
  She is the color of a lush rose in battles,
  And he will kill the Krauts, just as he wanted!
  The Tiger warrior, jokingly, knocked
  It was burned to ashes like napalm...
  And the fascist Adolf got it in the snout,
  It was in vain that the Fritz attacked Russia!
  The soldiers don"t know what we"ll do,
  When will the time of peace come to the Earth...
  But the barefoot Komsomol members nod,
  And they open an account for all the accomplishments!
  They want to achieve everything themselves
  There are no thickets of heaven for Komsomol members...
  Although the faces will be blessed from the icon,
  We're not going to have Lucifer's lunch!
  They recaptured a set of bandits from Moscow,
  Although the Third Reich is powerful without any words...
  We will kill the parasites with tanks,
  And the darkness will be cut by a bright ray of the Sun!
  And run through the snowdrifts barefoot,
  It"s not hard for a girl at all...
  We are not afraid of glossy flames,
  Although we know this, it"s easy!
  Union of Soviets - The Motherland is Great,
  In it, every warrior is a knight from the manger...
  Roars can be heard from the boy's diapers,
  And you beat the horde and the adversaries!
  After the Nazis occupied the Urals in the summer, uniting with the Japanese. Stalin and his team went into the forests and declared a partisan war. And the Fuhrer began to form divisions from local forces. In particular, the Russian Liberation Army of Vlasov was used against the partisans. And some monarchical formations. In addition, Emperor Vladimir III was invited to play the role of prince, nominal co-ruler of the Fuhrer.
  But it"s purely nominal.
  For now, Germany has calmed down outwardly. The Germans captured the colonies of France, Holland and Russian lands. There was an honorable peace with Britain, the USA has not yet stuck its head out and has problems within the country and with the economy.
  However, relations with Japan became noticeably more complicated. She occupied Indochina, which the Germans considered their colony. And the Nazis also recalled the German possessions captured by the Japanese in the First World War. Like, isn't it time to bring them back? Still, you acted dishonestly.
  While the essence and the matter of the relationship were heating up. Moreover, the Japanese were increasingly fighting in China. And they moved along the yellow territory.
  The Germans saved up their strength by forming foreign divisions under the command of the Aryans.
  We acquired new tanks: "Tiger", "Panther", "Lion" and "Mouse". The last tank, however, turned out to be too heavy, and military experts rejected it.
  The Germans began to put pressure on Japan demanding territorial concessions. The samurai resisted. As a result, a new war broke out on April 20, 1944. The Germans attacked the Japanese and began to push them back.
  The battles showed the weakness of the Japanese ground forces, but at the same time that the Panther was a completely practical tank and quite effective. And even better is the Panther-2 with enhanced side protection.
  The Japanese suffered defeat after defeat and retreated. Soviet girls took part in the battles. They fought confidently.
  And here are five Komsomol girls at their best in the battle with the Japanese.
  Alenka, Anyuta, Alla, Maria, and Matryona fight like lionesses. They shoot, throw grenades with their bare, chiseled legs, and shake their bare breasts.
  And at the same time they also sing;
  There is no more beautiful Motherland of Russia,
  There is no more beautiful power in the world...
  The stars watered black velvet,
  Send greetings to the knights!
  Komsomol members also love to fight,
  And run barefoot in a bikini,
  Rush through the snowdrifts with bare heels,
  To hit the Krauts with your fist!
  There is no country more expensive in the universe,
  What is my bright Fatherland...
  With its unchanging strength in battles,
  Our Russian family is growing stronger!
  We fought with the Orthodox sword,
  And now communism is behind us...
  Our people have become glorious in the universe,
  And evil fascism will be cast into the abyss!
  How many heroes are there in the Fatherland?
  In battle, both a baby and an old man...
  We will walk through Berlin in formation,
  Our faith is a strong monolith!
  Know Jesus controls us,
  He is a great, Russian, white God!
  The evil Cain will be destroyed,
  Pray for the Holy Family to help!
  We all can, we can do a lot,
  We can handle any task...
  Don't talk Nazi nonsense,
  I'll fly to the sky like a bird!
  The power of the powerful Svarog is with us,
  And the holy Lord Christ...
  Ask God for eternity
  Be faithful to Rod to the end!
  Our beautiful God, Holy, Almighty,
  That he chose Russia as his crown...
  We'll tear it down for him if we need the roofs,
  Forever in our hearts You are the Father Rod!
  Ask Lada for good luck,
  Let him give the young man love...
  If we need to give back, we can fight back,
  After all, we have hot blood!
  Let's create the expanses of the universe,
  We Russians will fly higher than the stars...
  Let suffering disappear forever,
  After all, we have one Almighty God!
  We will all stand up for Rod,
  And in the Name of the bright Christ...
  Fuhrer furry uroyu,
  Our faith is strong and pure!
  This is how we build the cause of communism,
  We will be above everyone else in the Fatherland, know...
  Let's break the yoke of fascism, believe me,
  And paradise will come in the universe!
  God grant us to become stronger muscles,
  And get stronger in body and soul...
  There are no more powerful warriors in the world,
  Let us crush the enemy with a steel hand!
  The White God will resurrect everyone, believe me,
  Therefore, it"s not scary to die...
  All the devils will scatter in the corners,
  Believe me, communism will not be trampled!
  And in the Name of the Family, we fought,
  The giant Stalin led us into battle,
  We see communism soon,
  And Russian and Georgian are united!
  Together we will become stronger than all demons,
  The family will give us strength and happiness...
  And fortunately it won"t be longer,
  The fact that I opened the way for you to poetry!
  In short, Japan really sucks. She loses wars without any chance.
  "Panther"-2 scores points for itself without any problems. She is a super class tank. Combat tests have shown that this vehicle is capable of withstanding hits from Japanese guns from all angles.
  And in this tank, of course, there are Gerda, Charlotte, Christina and Magda. Fighting four girls.
  And they are actively shooting at the Japanese. The hits occur with the monotony of hammering nails.
  Gerda, pressing the joystick buttons with her bare toes, chirps:
  - I am a warrior from a new paradise!
  Charlotte, firing, bared her teeth and roared:
  - And I"m from the depths of space!
  Christina, continuing to shoot, grinning, answered:
  - And there is no one who would stop me!
  Magda fired and said aggressively:
  - I am a warrior from the hellish spectrum!
  And the girls were exterminated by the Japanese without any pity. They acted with increased aggressiveness. Their movements and swiftness are amazing.
  And they themselves are barefoot and in a bikini. These are the ranger girls. Even the Japanese are starting to give up.
  And the Krauts began to land in the metropolis itself. They acted with extreme efficiency. The multi-purpose TA-152 also took part in the battles, which proved to be stronger than the Focke-Wulf.
  Two girls are fighting: Albina and Alvina.
  Charming German women, both blondes. And how they will hit the Japanese from planes.
  Albina fired a burst, shot down a dozen planes and roared:
  - I'm such a cool girl!
  Alvina also fired, killed a dozen opponents and squeaked:
  - Simply a lioness!
  And both girls are in total shock!
  Oleg Rybachenko and Margarita Korshunova help the Wehrmacht take Tokyo. They follow the orders of the super witch. And what else is there to do? You will not sit idly by and watch the progress of the war.
  The boy and girl could not turn the tide of the war. So it turned out that now they just wave their swords.
  They chop down samurai and throw grenades with their bare feet.
  Oleg Rybachenko cut down a dozen Japanese and said:
  - There are gloomy clouds at the border...
  Margarita, crushing enemies with swords, continued:
  - The harsh land is enveloped in silence!
  And she threw a grenade with her bare foot.
  Oleg continued to attack the enemy, threw a killer present with his bare toes, and roared:
  - On the high banks of the Amur!
  Margarita, continuing to fire and throwing her bare, tanned legs, wrote:
  - Plutocrats with scythes are standing!
  And how the girl bursts out laughing. And he"ll take it and hit the samurai...
  The Terminator children went wild. In the end they even captured the Mikado himself.
  The young warriors fought furiously. They threw grenades with their bare feet and fired from machine guns.
  And when the ninjas appeared, the boy threw a star at them with his toes and knocked down five of them.
  And the girl, too, with her bare foot threw the killer and knocked down six and sang:
  - For the greatness of the Motherland.
  And then the monster children cut down literally all the guards.
  And they received awards for this from the hands of the Fuhrer. Moreover, it was possible to give higher ones, considering that the Emperor of Japan himself was in captivity.
  The boys received the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves. Which in itself is quite an honor.
  The Fuhrer kissed Margarita on the cheek goodbye and said:
  -You are true Aryans! You can serve in my army!
  The monster children exclaimed:
  - We are glad to try to serve the cause of peace and prosperity of mankind!
  And they themselves could hardly resist the temptation, strangling the Fuhrer with their bare toes. But the witch gave them instructions: since the USSR was captured, then let the Germans unite the world.
  Indeed, the Fuhrer decided that there was no need to stop. And declared war on Britain.
  By this time, 1945, the Germans had acquired strong jet aircraft and they had E-series tanks. The new vehicles were more advanced and more compact than the previous ones. The E-75 turned out to be especially successful, developed according to the latest design for German tank building - an engine and transmission along with a transverse arrangement.
  The E-75 turned out to be well protected in the forehead: 200 mm on the top of the hull and 160 mm on the bottom, at angles of 45 degrees. The sides of the hull are 120 mm at slopes, plus additional shields of 50 mm, and the turret is 252 mm in front at a slope of sixty degrees, and 165 mm sides are at double-level slopes as in the "Tiger"-2, only even larger, since the turret noticeably lower.
  The E-75, compared to the Tiger 2, was almost a meter lower, but longer and wider, and the armor was much thicker and more sloped. At the same time, the weight increased to only seventy-five tons, which, with an engine of 1250 horsepower, provided better driving performance than that of the Tiger-2. The new German vehicle was better camouflaged, had a more reliable and lighter transmission, and a more powerful gun of two, or rather even four, types.
  The first is the easiest to destroy tanks: 88 mm 100EL, an ideal gun for target shooting, a thunderstorm for English vehicles. More powerful, but also capable of destroying 105 mm 100 EL tanks, hitting even Churchills from a long distance and capable of penetrating a Tortilla head-on. And the 128-mm 55 EL caliber anti-aircraft gun is more convenient and effective for firing at both unarmored targets and tanks. And an even larger caliber, closer to an assault gun, a 150-mm cannon, however, capable of firing at tanks.
  The E-75 is a superior vehicle to all British and American models, and only the rare Tortilla tank has a chance to hit a German at close range.
  But the eighty-ton "Tortilla" is not a mass-produced vehicle, and besides, a self-propelled gun weighs eighty tons with an engine of 600 horsepower. So only twenty of them were produced.
  Thus, the E-75, which received priority and became the most produced in 1945, is actually almost invulnerable. But the Germans didn"t need too many tanks. So the British tank forces are weak. The E-10 and E-25, light and high-speed self-propelled guns, fought well in the jungle. So... The Germans launched an offensive into India and beat the colonial troops of the British and Americans without much effort.
  In real history, they were easily defeated by weaker ones, but here the Wehrmacht is nowhere near them.
  The United States did not create a bomb in 1945. In general, in almost all universes, the Americans created this weapon much later. It"s just that the USSR was very unlucky in real history that the USA did this.
  In general, there is clearly some special force that collapses all empires that achieve power.
  Just as it was with Tsarist Russia, which missed its chance for world hegemony, so it was with the USSR, and so it has been recently with the USA. Yes, apparently, troubles will await China when it becomes too strong. But it"s clear that the super-witch is trying to unite humanity in different universes.
  The Germans are now seizing India and moving along with the Turks through Egypt. They win without much difficulty. And their main problem is the extension of communications, supplies, and the lack of roads in many places.
  German girls, of course, fight wherever they can and cannot.
  Shella and Margaret defeated the British in Alexandria, knocking out more than ten tanks. And now they are racing along the Nile River in their E-50 and are already fighting in Sudan.
  Their tank is an improved "Panther", with armor as thick as that of the "Tiger"-2 only with greater slopes. The vehicle itself is significantly lower than the Panther with a small turret, and the layout is very dense. Shella, Margaret and Ellie are in this car - the crew has been reduced to three people. This is also a significant space saving. The weight of the vehicle, therefore, did not exceed 50 tons, and it was armed with an 88-mm cannon with a 100 EL barrel length. The gun is very accurate and fires twelve shots per minute. In addition, compared to the Tiger-2, there are still 50 millimeters of shields hanging on the sides, so you can"t easily break through a German car. And its 1200 horsepower engine is boosted.
  Three girls are driving along and, seeing the Churchill, shoot accurately. Yes, the English tank has one advantage - good frontal armor. But the gun is rather weak and not dangerous for a German vehicle. Even for the E-50, which due to its shields is much better protected than the Tiger-2, or even more so the previous Panther.
  Shella, firing, having destroyed the Sherman from a distance, remarked:
  - Here we are firing at ourselves... And what awaits us all next?
  Margaret replied:
  - Power over the world!
  Ellie fired at the Churchill and sang:
  - But I have another passion, this is power, only power!
  And the girls in bikinis destroyed another English tank, singing:
  - No need for gold and money! And I need people to kneel in front of me!
  And Shella again pressed the joystick buttons with her bare feet, striking the enemy and roaring:
  - People were on their knees! Over the entire surface of the earth!
  The warriors continued to fire. But the British tanks ran out, and the colonial troops began to surrender.
  Meanwhile, the Fuhrer, on the advice of Mainstein, decided to carry out a daring adventure: in December 1945, the Germans daringly landed in Britain. Frankly, no one expected this! In this case, such a decision turned out to be dictated by the calculation that it was even better to survive at night.
  But cold water is not a barrier.
  And how hard the Germans fucked.
  Gerda's tank crew returned from India. Despite the cold of winter, the girls fought barefoot and in bikinis.
  But their E-75 tank works. The girls have just landed and are fighting at the most difficult moment, repelling the attack of tanks that want to throw them into the sea.
  Gerda chose an 88 mm 100 EL gun. It is quite armor-piercing and has a large number of shells. The girls work by pressing the joystick buttons with their bare toes and exterminating the British. And at the same time they sing:
  - And the great Reich told you - don"t drift,
  We will crush everyone, we will move mountains in one go!
  Gerda fired, pressing the joystick button with her bare foot and squealed with a grin:
  - Glory to the Third Reich!
  Charlotte also fired, using her bare toes and squeaked, baring her teeth, smashing the Churchill:
  - And glory to our army!
  Christina pressed the joystick buttons with her bare toes, hit the English car and roared:
  - Glory to us too!
  Then Magda pressed with her bare feet. She crushed the enemy, destroyed the Sherman and issued:
  - And glory to our spirit!
  The girls worked and destroyed British tanks.
  Oleg Rybachenko and Margarita Korshunova also fought. The hyper-omnipotent witch ordered, so it must be carried out. Plow for your immortality.
  A boy and a girl threw grenades with their bare feet and mowed down infantry with machine guns.
  The boy Oleg threw it like a grenade and broke the tracks of an English car. She turned and ran into her neighbor. And both tanks exploded.
  The boy yelled:
  - Glory to our homeland!
  Margarita Korshunova also threw a grenade with her bare toes and broke the tracks of the Churchill. He made a U-turn and collided with the Sherman. Both tanks caught fire and glowed like candles.
  The girl barked:
  - Glory to the Fatherland and death to the enemies!
  Oleg Rybachenko again threw two grenades at once with his bare feet. They hit the tracks, and four tanks collided at once. One of them turned out to be "Tortilla". And even such a mastodon began to be torn to pieces.
  The boy squeaked:
  - For changes in the world!
  Margarita Korshunova also gave a turn. Mowed down the British. She threw grenades with her bare toes and roared:
  - For a new fair order!
  As a result of her throw, two cars collided at once and the girl laughed.
  Oleg also threw killer presents with his bare foot and wittily remarked:
  - What order do you mean?
  The throw of the fry caused two British cars to collide.
  Margarita launched the gift of death with her bare fingers, pushed two cars and answered honestly:
  - Definitely not for German! But, alas, it"s good that the witch didn"t force us to fight against our own people!
  Oleg Rybachenko took the grenade and threw it with his bare foot, pushed it into the tracks of the Pershing and Churchill, and then roared:
  - I am a super terminator!
  And how the boy will laugh!
  The monster children also mowed down the infantry and gave them bursts of fire. And every bullet hit the target.
  The British were clearly exhausted. And beautiful and immortal children sent parcels of destruction with their bare legs. And they destroyed Britain.
  And in the sky, very beautiful, bare-legged and bikini-clad girls fought: Albina and Alvina. In a short time, the girls had already shot down more than three hundred aircraft each, receiving the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with silver oak leaves, swords and diamonds.
  But now both beauties are already close to the figure of four hundred cars. And then an even higher reward awaits them: the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with golden oak leaves, swords and diamonds.
  Albina knocks over an English car, spins it around and sings:
  - In the sea wave and furious fire!
  After which, one burst of 30-mm cannons from its Me-262 "X" shot down five more aircraft and hissed:
  - And in furious, and in furious fire!
  Alvina pressed the joystick buttons with her bare toes. She cut down the British planes with her air cannons and roared in a frenzy:
  - And accomplish a feat!
  And seven planes were shattered and torn into fragments.
  Albina turned around again, and again, like a blow, cut off four enemy planes and squealed:
  - This is what you should live for!
  And again he presses the joystick button with his bare feet.
  Alvina also slapped her opponent. Shredded the planes and roared:
  - For a new faith of millennia!
  After which she shot down three more British Air Force aircraft.
  The girls in this battle exceeded the result of four hundred downed cars. And they reached a new level.
  They were awarded: Knight's Crosses of the Iron Cross with golden oak leaves, swords and diamonds.
  And London itself was under attack. The Germans did not allow themselves to be overthrown and surrounded the English capital.
  And in Africa, Shella, Margaret and Ellie fought in the heat. Three girls captured an English general. And they forced him to kiss his bare feet, slightly green with grass.
  Shella, Margaret and Ellie then began to rape the prisoners. They simply stripped them and then rode them on pulsating jade rods. And they really liked it.
  Then the girls started a hunt and happily ate wildebeest. And then they jumped around like savages.
  And Oleg Rybachenko and Margarita Korshunova raced around Buckingham Palace. They exterminated the enemy with machine gun fire and throwing grenades using their bare feet.
  And both warriors chanted to themselves:
  - We fight in the style of supermen!
  At the same time, the children also threw out stars with their bare fingers, which hit the palace guards and guards. Oleg cut off a dozen and a half guardsmen with a boomerang throw and roared:
  - For the army of the space age!
  Margarita also launched a boomerang with the girl"s bare foot, cut down a dozen opponents and barked:
  - Here's to new cool things!
  Both the boy and the girl made their way to the throne room. There, these Terminator children scattered Churchill's bodyguards. And this figure was elected prime minister again after the shameful peace with Germany.
  After which the children kicked Churchill in the chin with their bare heels. He fell over dead.
  Thus, the British Prime Minister and Supreme Commander was captured.
  Oleg Rybachenko threw a sharply sharpened disc with his bare foot, cut off eight guards and remarked:
  - We don"t do just any job!
  Margarita also launched a boomerang with her bare toes and roared:
  - But we do it well!
  The capital of Britain fell, and England itself capitulated. Thus, another page of the third world war was turned. True, the United States was still ahead, and it was necessary to jump across the ocean. Well, okay, the guys will still help.
  The Germans landed in Iceland already in January 1946. Oleg Rybachenko and Margarita Korshunova were awarded the Order of the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with silver leaves, swords and diamonds for the capture of Hitler's personal enemy Wilson Churchill. And plus a gold cross of military merit with diamonds. Why were the children generously celebrated?
  But now they are in Iceland. Oleg Rybachenko is wearing only shorts, and Margarita Korshunova is wearing a new tunic. And the children, of course, are barefoot. And they throw stars and grenades at themselves.
  And the January frosts do not bother the immortal guys. A boy and a girl destroy their opponents. And they mow them down with machine guns.
  And again boomerangs are thrown with bare feet.
  Oleg says:
  - Our party is strong!
  Margarita, throwing a disk with her bare foot, squeaks:
  - It may not be ours, but it is strong!
  And the girl is hitting her with a machine gun... And then he will give in to the grenade with his bare heel.
  After which the children exterminate the Americans even more.
  Iceland has fallen.
  Then the Germans occupied Greenland and moved on to Canada. There they were already much more active.
  In Canada, Oleg and Margarita fought on the coast and repelled an American attack. We were able to repel the onslaught. And again on the offensive. The US Army is retreating. And you can"t stop the march of the fighting guys.
  Gerda is also moving forward with her crew. Its E-75 tank was slightly modernized by installing a gas turbine engine of 1,500 horsepower. The tank has now become faster... The quality of the armor has also improved somewhat.
  But the Americans have nothing worthwhile. Only the tall, hopelessly outdated Sherman and the slightly better Pershing. And these tanks are not rivals to the Germans.
  True, they tried to put into mass production the T-93, weighing just ninety-three tons, and with frontal armor of 305 millimeters, the only one with protection, not even a tank, but a self-propelled gun. But it didn't work out very well. However, a German machine with a uranium core also penetrated it with a 105 mm 100 EL cannon from a short distance.
  Gerda punched the Sherman and whined:
  - It's even a little boring!
  Charlotte pressed the joystick button with her bare toes and roared:
  - And it will be all and very cool!
  The girl broke the Pershing.
  And then Christina shot too. The American Grant struck and roared:
  - For a new order in the world!
  Then Magda fired. Also barefoot, she said:
  - For changes for the better!
  And another American tank is on fire.
  The Yankees are already giving up. They are putting together weapons. And the girl kisses her bare, dusty soles.
  Toronto taken. Developing the success of the girls and the Wehrmacht are already entering the territory of the United States.
  Some troops also passed through Alaska. They captured Canada and enemy territory from the east.
  So a critical situation has arisen. The Germans and their foreign hordes are moving across America. Everything is very tough and dangerous.
  Five girls Alenka, Maria, Alla, Anyuta, Matryona arrived in America to fight as volunteers against the hordes of the Third Reich. All five girls are very beautiful and speak English. Stalin refused to send the entire women's battalion, as this would contradict the terms of the peace concluded with the fascist empire. The USSR needed to gain time at any cost while the Nazis attacked the USA.
  The five girls are volunteers: they went through almost the entire war, from Brest and Bug to Orenburg. And they are fighting the Nazis on the other side of the Earth in the capital of Honduras.
  Tegucigalpa is one of the main strongholds of the defense, in confrontation with a motley horde. Both the Japanese and the Asian hordes got into trouble. The Germans themselves fought only with tanks, and the infantry was entirely from non-Aryan peoples. They drove Asians, blacks, and Arabs forward.
  Alenka fired, cutting off two Africans and chirped:
  - Just a horde of Genghis Khan!
  Golden-haired Maria, having cut down three Indians with a machine gun burst, raised her bare, tanned legs to the top. And she said:
  - We're grinding cannon fodder!
  A fragment from a grenade flew and slapped Maria on her bare, round heel. Girls traditionally fight in bikinis and barefoot. And when it hits the rough, girlish sole with a sharp one, it hurts a little.
  The beauty winked and fired again... Maria is very slender, of average height with a perfect figure.
  Alenka is taller, with the rank of major, and even a hero of the Soviet Union. But also almost naked, barely covered by a bikini. Very tanned, but her hair is white. And Alenka shoots very accurately. And he loves to throw grenades with his bare feet.
  The beautiful Alla shoots and knocks down four Arabs with a burst of fire. Her hair is red, or rather copper-red, like a proletarian banner. And when the winds blow, it's like a flag of revolution. The girl sparkles with her emerald eyes, like stars. And brutally sweeps away enemies.
  Anyuta is also blonde. And he fires from a machine gun. The girl planted her bare feet and gave a burst. Five assorted fighters were thrown up, and crimson fountains of blood flew out of the chests and bellies of their adversaries.
  Anyuta, licking her full lips, chirped:
  - War is air for the lungs...
  The girl is lying down, throwing a grenade with her bare foot. Explosions are heard. Several militants fly off in different directions.
  Matryona is a larger and fleshier girl. Her hair is light brown. A typical village, young, blood-and-milk woman. She is very strong physically and shoots well.
  Here comes the turn again. And the killed fascist mercenaries fall.
  Matryona, shooting, says:
  - Okay, okay, where have you been? By Grandma! - The girl fired, killing three bearded Nazi fighters and added. - What did you eat - porridge! What did you drink? Mash!
  The girls are holding the line. They do not let the fascists forward. And friendly songs roar:
  - We will destroy the whole world of violence,
  To the core and then...
  We will build a new, heavenly world -
  Who was nobody will become everything!
  Alenka again throws a grenade with her bare foot. Blasts advancing infantrymen. It's definitely getting hotter. Here comes the notorious "Lion"-2. And next to it is the more advanced E-50. Projectiles are ejected. A black American's head was torn off and it rolled away.
  Maria stepped on a burning board, and her hardened legs almost did not feel the heat of the flame.
  The golden-haired beauty shot and purred:
  - And who will stop the flow of bloody, enraged rivers...
  Maria fired again, knocking the African off the E-50's armor and chirped.
  - A beam from a blaster will hit your temple, in an evil flash the man disappeared!
  The girl shot again. She flashed her barefoot, tanned, graceful foot through the air. A grenade flew towards her. The beauty with golden hair deftly beat off the gift with her bare, almost dust-free sole. The grenade flew back. She rushed into the ranks of the militants of the Third Reich. It looked like watermelons were falling out of the truck, breaking. There was so much blood spilling out.
  Maria tweeted:
  - The girl failed the exam, and the damned Reich came. Hitler was apparently tired of living, and his beauty famously ate him!
  Alla is also a no-nonsense warrior. He shoots at himself with machine guns and says, scattering the corpses:
  - For mommy"s spoon! For daddy's spoon! And for Koba, a ladle! And on your side in bed!
  A beauty with copper-red hair launches a wooden airplane with her bare foot. He flies straight towards the massive German Lion tank. Land on the muzzle of a 105mm cannon and it explodes. The weapon fails.
  The German turns around and is forced to flee shamefully. Alla, rubbing her leg on a piece of the building, says:
  - If you don"t have strength, you need intelligence! You'll have to make some noise!
  And again the girl shoots very accurately. Her red hair is like the flame of the Olympic torch. Attractive girl. She has already distinguished herself in the American army by demonstrating a furious temperament. He was especially good at making mischief with African-Americans. It"s so unusual and beautiful with them.
  However, Allah also destroys blacks fighting in the army of the Third Reich. Why did Germany conquer all of Africa? Try to stop such power.
  The E-50 is the newest tank, with a gas turbine engine and thick side and frontal armor. It cannot be taken with a grenade. Alla threw the gift with her bare leg, knocked down several infantrymen and chirped:
  - Oh, your tank armor is reliable, from someone who intends to bite... Just know the power you have... nya, you can only kick a steel horse!
  Anyuta also shot very accurately. And she preferred to throw grenades with her feet. Her bare fingers also twirled the steel disk. The tip flew over and cut the throats of two fascist militants. They dropped the machine gun, and now a thick burst of large caliber slashed through the chains of the horde. A whole line of foreign fighters recruited through raids into the army of the Third Reich.
  Anyuta tweeted:
  - Luck is the reward for courage! One song is enough! Let them sing only about home!
  But the beauty has not yet had time to miss home. Although there are very few Soviet volunteers in the American army. Stalin did not want to shine, so as not to later give Hitler a reason to accuse Russia of violating the terms of the "Straw Peace".
  Five girls, the best in the women's battalion, were warned that if they were captured, the Motherland would have to disown them. And in this case, girls should mow about trivial mercenaries who were hired for money.
  And Anyuta, and Alena, and the other girls understand that if they are captured, terrible torture awaits them. So they decided, in any case, not to be killed by the Nazis alive.
  German attack aircraft fly over the positions of American troops. Not expecting that they would be met with such stubborn resistance in the capital of Honduras, the Nazis were somewhat annoyed.
  Jet and attack aircraft are strong. Rockets are flying, guns are firing.
  American soldiers are dying. Matryona was also hit by shrapnel in her fleshy shoulder. Blood came out. The heroic girl extracted a piece of steel with her teeth and spat out blood. And then she hit me again with a bulky submachine gun. Foreign mercenaries are falling. Almost everyone here is native, only their commanders are Germans, and even then not always. True, the crews on the most modern E-50 tank are entirely German. The car has decent speed and maneuverability. Well, this is not yet the most advanced modification - it weighs seventy-five tons. The walls are crumbling under the tracks. This one is usually manufactured in three versions with a 105-mm cannon, a 180-mm assault gun, and a 400-mm rocket launcher.
  And each modification has its own task. Here is this tank with an assault gun, more suitable for attacking cities. And it is not so easy to destroy it. Matryona crosses herself and grabs an anti-tank grenade with her bare fingers, her large but graceful, beautifully shaped leg. Now you need to throw the present right at the barrel to disable the mastodon"s weapon. Five machine guns cover a German, modern tank, and it"s not so easy to get close to it.
  Matryona is very strong, and her horse-like legs throw a grenade far. But it"s not always accurate. In any case, to hit such a target as the barrel of a 180-mm cannon. The hero girl has doubts. What if he misses?
  Oh, if their longtime partner Seryozhka had been with them, this brave pioneer would have come up with something.
  But the boy died in the battles for Stalingrad. The girls did not know his further fate. But the fate of the pioneer inventor was indeed unenviable. At first, Seryozhka was brutally tortured, trying to extract secrets. After torture, the eleven-year-old boy ended up in the mines. The work is scary and extremely hard. But the Soviet pioneer, small but wiry, turned out to be tenacious.
  He managed to survive, and even through the labyrinths of the mines he decided to escape. And Seryozhka managed to get out. The boy wandered around the Balkans for some time until he joined a local partisan detachment. There he became a liaison and saboteur.
  There was still a fairly developed partisan movement in the Balkans. Partly also because the occupation service was carried out by Italians, Romanians, Bulgarians, Albanians - who were not as combat-ready as the regular units of the Wehrmacht.
  But many partisans still died. Especially from air strikes. And the patriots of Yugoslavia are forced to hide in the mountains, forests, or, at best, small villages. A large number of commanders have already died. The situation was worsened by the peace signed with the USSR. Now new punitive divisions began to arrive in the Balkans, organizing massive raids and clearing the area.
  Sergei had to climb deeper and deeper into the mountains with the partisans.
  Matryona, although she did not know the fate of their universal favorite, sighed heavily. Then she squeezed the grenade tighter with the fingers of her bare, girlish feet and, with all her strength, threw it at the enemy tank. The E-50 just fired, releasing a killer shell.
  Matryona even shook and she fell to her knees. He was hit on the head by a cobblestone torn from the pavement, and his bare heel was burned by hot metal. The girl rubbed her stunned head with dusty hair.
  The grenade flew, almost touching the barrel, and hit the inclined forehead of the car. An explosion thundered... But of course, 250 mm of frontal armor, and even at an angle, is not able to penetrate a grenade.
  Matryona slammed her fist into the dust, raising a whole cloud of sand. Then she roared:
  - Kill it, kill it! Score a goal into the goal!
  The girl tapped her shin on the cracked asphalt. A splinter was stuck in the calluses of the heel. The skin on the girl"s soles was thick like that of a hippopotamus. She lived in a poor family and almost never wore shoes since birth. However, this did not make her legs seem at all rough in shape, but were tanned, graceful, seductive.
  Matryona, however, slightly intimidated men with her tall height, strong muscles, and fists with protruding knuckles. But the heroic girl has the kindest character, and wide hips were combined with a relatively thin waist and sculpted abs. Only in clothes could Matryona seem overweight because of her large breasts. In a bikini, she looks like a busty athlete.
  The girl, in frustration, threw a grenade again, this time aiming at the tracks. But the deadly gift hit the thick, armored shield covering the rollers.
  Matryona punched herself in the chin in annoyance. It made her jaw ache. And the hero girl cursed:
  - I cut like a scythe!
  Anyuta also tried to hit the dangerous tank, but the grenade thrown by the girl"s foot missed the mark slightly. And the blonde began to get closer to the car. But then two more tanks appeared - "Lion" and "Panther"-2, they fired at all the approaches with machine guns. We had to be extremely careful.
  The American Sherman made an attempt to get close to the German vehicles. He had a chance to hit Panther 2, but only on the side. But a German is not so easy to deceive. Moreover, the taller silhouette of the Sherman makes it noticeable from a great distance.
  "Panther" 2 spat out a shell and hit the American directly in the forehead. The tall car broke in half. And it burned like a Christmas candle.
  Anyuta said in annoyance:
  - Oh, how weak your tanks are... Better technically, you will become a Yankee!
  But Alenka, an experienced warrior, was able to get close to the Panther. She threw a grenade... And the long barrel of the German car curled into a ram's horn.
  "Panther" 2 tank, launched into production in 1943. In the latest most widespread modification, it has frontal armor of 150 mm, side armor of 82 mm at an angle, and an 88 mm cannon with a barrel length of 71EL. Starting in 1945, it was discontinued in favor of the more advanced and better protected E-50 model. But for now this tank is fighting. Weighing 51 tons, the car has a 900 horsepower engine, which provides it with good driving performance.
  And now, having received damage, Panther-2 turns around and leaves. Alenka manages to throw another grenade with her bare foot. I broke the rollers. And the speed of the German car slowed down noticeably.
  Alenka says with a joyful look:
  - What a blow! My blow is a gift from God!
  And the girl showed her nose to the Germans. But machine gun fire started pouring out of the E-50. And the bullets whistled over Alena"s white, somewhat stained hair. One of the bullets even cut off a strand of hair. The major girl even felt a little ticklish.
  Alenka tweeted:
  - If you want to be like an elephant, go to the madhouse as a bandit!
  The girl lifted her cut strand with her toes. Alenka's hair is silky, pearl-colored, but slightly dusty. And yet so soft. The girl ran them along her soles. A little ticklish and pleasant.
  Alenka remembered how the guy caressed her. His hands also started from the soles, rising higher to the thighs and the most sensitive place. When a handsome young man strokes you, it is very pleasant. Alenka almost loved him. She liked love play, and was aroused by the touch of a muscular male body. But Alenka didn"t have real, romantic love, when you go crazy about a man. She's already changed a lot of guys. Many of its men died in battle.
  Even this was the curse of war. And here in America, there are muscular, black guys. And everything is so unusual with them.
  Alenka shot and took down the black man. I felt a little sorry for the African boy. She killed a man fighting for interests alien to him. After all, the Germans are racists. They look at blacks as slaves. But at the same time, Africans are being enrolled in the foreign divisions of the swollen Wehrmacht.
  Alenka made something like a fig with her bare toes and showed it to the Nazis. Yes, the German nation itself does not suffer any damage here. Tanks have armor that is too thick to be penetrated by a grenade or bazooka. But the native units are dying.
  Alenka throws a grenade at E-50. She swung her bare, tanned leg and threw, twisting her hips. And the grenade flew in a high arc. My bare toes left me feeling the touch of metal. And then the grenade went off.
  Alenka whispers:
  - God bless us!
  A hot wind blew on the girl, as if touched by a handsome man. Alenka was reading a book about Tarzan, and she really wanted this man to play with her. I would stroke my chest with strong hands.
  The grenade hit the barrel, but exploded too late, flying off the metal. The fragments clattered like peas on armor. Only scratches remain!
  Alenka took out another grenade. But I saw that it was anti-personnel. And the anti-tank weapons are gone.
  The girl growled in frustration. But in order not to waste time, I put it in my bare fingers. She turned her leg, bent her torso, then straightened it and threw it at the infantry.
  Half a dozen fighters flew up like ping-pong balls. One of them"s glasses flew off, and the fragments flew a couple of hundred meters and ran across Alenka"s back. The bra burst, and the major girl's beautiful breasts were exposed.
  The girl automatically covered her nipples. But then she realized who she should be afraid of. And she shook the machine gun again. She gave a turn and stepped back slightly.
  An American infantryman fired a bazooka. The shell hit the German tank on its inclined side, but the 160 mm of armor withstood it, repelling the destructive energy. The German fired back. His large-caliber weapon split the wall.
  Alenka tried to tie her bra straps. The girl thought that Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya was probably driven around in the cold in her shorts. It was in a Soviet film that she was depicted wearing a shirt or even some kind of dress. This alone is just a tribute to hypocrisy. In fact, the Nazis, in order to further humiliate the captured girl, probably stripped her naked. And the hungry German soldiers probably wanted to see a pretty and curvy girl naked.
  So in the real story, the girl heroine could not cover her breasts, so her hands were tied behind her back. But she was not ashamed and looked proudly. Alenka knew well what it was like to walk barefoot in the snow. She was hardy and loved to touch the snow with her bare soles. Alenka liked it and enjoyed it. But this is for her, already hardened by years of war. And for young and urban Zoya, this is apparently painful. The soles feel like they are burning coals.
  Alenka threw away her bra in frustration and shouted:
  - Shame is a bourgeois concept! The Soviet woman is not afraid of anything and is not ashamed!
  The girl again began to nail with a machine gun, or rather a submachine gun. The metal got hot, after all, Honduras is the tropics, it can be very hot there in February. Alenka"s fingers are getting hot. We have to give it our all. Today is February 23rd. It is the day of the Soviet army and this requires fighting with all calm and reasonable fury.
  Alenka cut down five more with bullets, and accidentally burned her cheek on the hot breech of the machine gun. Of course it"s unpleasant, the blister is swollen.
  Alenka swore:
  - Well, God, why did you create so many problems for me and my country!
  The blister itched... The girl"s cheek is a very sensitive place. The girl tried to find something cold to apply to the swollen ball. But try to find something cool. In this hot city. Moreover, the weather was clear and the wind was blowing from the south.
  Alenka is clearly not at ease. Matryona throws a grenade from a long distance, but again unsuccessfully. And stormtroopers are already flying in the sky. German vehicles have strong armor and high speed.
  Jet planes come in waves, and seem to cut down strips of flax.
  Alenka hid in the gap. Fragmentation rockets blazed from above. The girl felt pieces of crushed stone falling from above with needles. It tickled my bare neck. The beauty's nipples were also pricked.
  Alenka whispered:
  - This is a massage... But not a corsage!
  The girl felt her body almost starting to itch painfully. It"s already hot, and exploding rockets add to the heat. And is this a bathhouse?
  Alenka remembered a natural Russian bathhouse, with spruce brooms. How the girl was thrashed then.
  These were such exotic sensations.
  Alenka sang to cheer herself up:
  - Love and death! Good and evil! What is holy, what is sinful! We are destined to understand!
  The girl stood up, shook off all this stuck dirt and debris.
  Alenka growled:
  - Oh, you'll get Hitler on the horns!
  And the girl major fired a burst at the infantrymen who were trying to rise to attack. Several militants recruited through the raid fell. Alenka wiped her dirty face, it stung her eyes. The warrior spat and crossed herself.
  She opened fire from machine guns again, and the militants were creeping in. Red-haired Alla also threw a grenade with her bare foot. The present jumped up and hit the fascists. A dozen people were killed.
  The redhead sang:
  - There is a lot of good in the world, but it"s covered in snow!
  And the girl opened fire with a submachine gun, only using not her hands, but her dexterous fingers and bare feet.
  Alla shot accurately and howled:
  -Hit! Hit! Another blow! Another blow and then... The mighty demon, God's gift, delivers an uppercut!
  And with her hands the girl threw shards of glass. She amazed the fascists and tweeted:
  - And for those who do not want to live in peace... We do hara-kiri to them!
  The Japanese really showed up. These narrow-eyed fighters. Well, how can you not do hara-kiri like that?
  Having unloaded the clip of the machine gun, Alla picked up the grenade with her bare fingers and threw it at the samurai. They received a present, several mutilated Japanese, and flew off in different directions.
  Alla stuck out her tongue and mumbled:
  - I'm a super warrior! And the enemy killed the hyper!
  The Chinese, recruited by the Japanese from the captured areas of the Celestial Empire, went into battle. The Chinese warriors walked fearlessly, and the girls, having discharged their submachine guns, were forced to back away.
  Maria metal bare feet fragments of plasterer and glass. The other girls did the same. It became very difficult.
  The Shturmlev appeared, a powerful machine with a rocket launcher. Here's one who's going to screw you up - it doesn't seem like much.
  The first shot thundered... Anyuta, Alla and Matryona were thrown up by the blast wave, like the fountain of a gigantic whale. The girls flew several tens of meters and plopped with their bare feet right into the fire.
  The girls jumped out of there, scalded and singed. They splashed their bare soles on the coals.
  Alla hissed with annoyance:
  - The bull is first put under the ax, and then roasted! And we were first fried, and then under the ax!
  And the Komsomol girl laughed! But then she felt sad. I remembered that her friend was captured. The Germans undressed the young girl and began to bring fire to her bare chest. Such terrible pain. The girl was screaming, and her tender skin was charred. These are the fascists who turned out to be fanatics. They didn"t even ask questions, and before that they also lit a fire, under the bare feet of the captive. The Komsomol member, in the end, could not bear the torture and died from painful shock.
  Alla, remembering this, slapped on the hot coals. Matryona rushed ahead of her. This village girl has tanned skin, and you can"t take it with a blowtorch. Why not a superman girl? Matryona sees a bazooka with a shell dropped by a killed American soldier. He picks her up with his foot and throws her into his arms. And he thrusts in with all his might.
  The shell flies and hits the forced Chinese. Lots of screams and moans. Mass of corpses. And severed limbs.
  Matryona sang an ancient song:
  - And the samurai flew to the ground! Under the pressure of steel and fire!
  The girls finally ran out from the coals. Their graceful, bare feet got it.
  Anyuta, like the most tender of them, twitched and rubbed her bare soles, trying to relieve the itching.
  Matryona, who had been running barefoot in the snow since early childhood, did not pay attention to such a trifle.
  The hero girl sang:
  - Just imagine that we plunged into fresh milk... The reward is a real thing!
  And the warrior took with her foot a broken off, and quite heavy, piece of tile. Holding it tightly with bare, girlish fingers, she spun it and launched it towards the enemy. Three Chinese were victims of the present of death; their heads were crushed.
  Alla said with a satisfied look, shooting at the enemy:
  - We are cool women!
  Anyuta sang to relieve the itching in her burnt, or rather scorched, legs:
  - There are women in our Fatherland,
  Why are they driving a plane as a joke?...
  For them, honor is more valuable than life,
  He can easily kill his adversary!
  They were born to win
  To glorify Rus' for centuries!
  After all, our great grandfathers -
  I immediately assembled an army for them!
  And Anyuta started scribbling from the machine gun. And she did it very masterfully. So that everyone can feel that this is a warrior from God! If not from the Almighty, then from Mars for sure!
  Alenka also shot. Together with Maria, they were forced to retreat, picking up clips from dead American soldiers. The girls fell on their backs and shot back with their feet - they did it better that way. And they did it accurately. A mixture of Chinese and African troops advanced on the girls. And the warriors beat.
  Alenka sang:
  - The world is not a chessboard...
  Maria picked up this passage, exterminating the yellow and black mercenaries.
  - And the figures are not a round zero!
  Alenka added to the cut row of yellow and black ones:
  - Melancholy is attacking us!
  Maria fired with the accuracy of Robin Hood and chirped:
  - And the horse rushes into the fire!
  The girls, firing back, retreated behind the minefield. Chinese and African fighters ran into goodies. They began to explode, they jumped up, tearing them apart, and it became a bloody mess.
  Several Panther-2 tanks appeared in the distance. They are shooting, and they are afraid to poke their noses in. "Lion"-2 moves forward and also spits fire. And here is the Rhino flamethrower tank, drooling, with bundles of flame.
  But the most formidable is "Sturmlev". His rocket launcher isn't particularly fast-firing, but it's hellishly destructive.
  Alenka whispers:
  - Russians, Russians - not a calm fate! Well, why do we need trouble to be stronger?
  Indeed, they are fighting far from Russia. But it is clear that the Wehrmacht, having conquered the USA, will return to put the squeeze on the USSR. And Americans are so sweet and dear to girls.
  Alenka nails again, her hits seem to make pumpkins and heads burst under the shovels. The girl gets hit in the leg by a shrapnel. A cut swells on my shin. The beauty crunched a bone and chirped:
  - No, the vigilant one will not fade,
  The look of a falcon, an eagle...
  The voice of the people is clear -
  The whisper will crush the snake!
  I believe the whole world will wake up,
  There will be an end to fascism...
  And the Sun will shine -
  The path illuminating communism!
  At that moment, Matryona, with all her strength, threw a grenade at the Shturmlev. And the Soviet girls were finally lucky. The armored cap fell back, the Soviet gift flew straight into the wide barrel. For a second everything froze. And then it exploded. It was as if an atomic bomb had been dropped. And the German tanks scattered in different directions.
  And in the sky Albina and Alvina are typing up accounts.
  They have already shot down more than five hundred aircraft. For which they received an award - the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with platinum oak leaves, swords and diamonds. And the girls of the best US aces won.
  And here they are again in the sky and shoot down very dashingly.
  And the Americans raise their paws to the top. This is their weak, inert resistance.
  Albina took it and sang with aplomb:
  - I don"t sleep and see miracles!
  And with her bare toes, pressing the joystick button, the girl shoots down a dozen enemy planes.
  Alvina also shoots accurately. Crushes a dozen enemies and squeaks aggressively, baring his teeth:
  - I am so frantic with rage!
  And he also uses his bare toes. What a girl...
  And again, downed American planes are falling again. Yes, there is such an onslaught that you can"t leave...
  And Oleg Rybachenko and Margarita Korshunova run away and exterminate the enemy. The boy and girl act harmoniously and energetically. And bare feet throw stars and grenades.
  These are the kids... It"s amazing that America can"t resist them. Where are they and victory.
  Here are Hitler's troops storming New York and Washington. Yes, the battles are very aggressive.
  Shella, Margaret, Ellie are fighting on the new AG-50 tank, which has just entered production. It is a pyramid-shaped machine and practically impenetrable from all angles.
  Shella, using her bare toes, aims her gun and shoots. He breaks the fascist"s armor and squeaks to himself like a baboon:
  - I am a girl whose armor is stronger than titanium!
  Margaret also fires, punches through the enemy and shouts at the top of her lungs:
  - I was born this way, the kind of lady who crushes all enemies into a box!
  And Ellie will take it and hit it, aiming it with her bare toes, smashing the Sherman and squeaking:
  - I am a super-large class warrior!
  The girls are great here. And their actions are very aggressive.
  Oleg Rybachenko and Margarita Korshunova captured American President Truman.
  They killed a lot of the leader's guards. And of course they threw stars with their bare, childish feet. And then they dragged me along on a rope. Margarita even forced the American president to kiss her bare, dusty, round heels. The President kissed me obediently.
  With his capture, the United States capitulated.
  Thus ended the great war. Then the Germans actually launched an attack on Latin America and Australia, collecting all the lands. But this was no longer so significant.
  But Alenka and her team still sang a catchy song so as not to lose optimism;
  We have one homeland, Russia,
  The best countries in the world...
  Stalin is the highest messiah
  And truly there is an ideal!
  Although at times he suffered defeat,
  And more than once I was beaten hard...
  No, the Fuhrer will not be forgiven,
  Become, crushed vile parasite!
  How many heroes does Patronymic have?
  Every warrior is simply a giant...
  The army marches in menacing formation,
  After all, our people and our king are one!
  There is a world where Russia is happier,
  Where Nikolai stayed...
  Believe me, our women are more beautiful,
  Fight for the country and dare!
  Brothers, we cannot endure humiliation,
  We will all stand up against the Krauts...
  We will not tolerate any more insults -
  Let us crush the enemy with a steel hand!
  We will fight for Russia,
  We will fight very nicely...
  Let the grenades burst into the backpacks,
  Know that the Russian army is invincible!
  In the Motherland, any business is sacred,
  Love seems limitless...
  The girls are walking under the machine gun,
  Crushing flesh with fiery fire!
  So guys serve the Motherland,
  Making your dream come true in the world of love...
  Life is woven from a very thin thread,
  If I have to, I"ll move mountains!
  Oleg Rybachenko finally received the task. Together with Margarita, he was sent to the Second World War.
  Hitler was killed in March 1943 when a bomb planted on his plane exploded. By the way, in real history this bomb never exploded.
  But in the alternative it worked... The Fuhrer died. Rommel became the new supreme commander. He is the most popular among field marshals. In addition, Goering was forced to share power with Himmler, Goebbels, and Speer.
  Rommel, as an equally distant figure, settled everyone in the post of supreme commander and strategist. The war with the Allies continued. Rommel hastily evacuated troops from Africa, and he managed to do it quite successfully. And gathered forces in Sicily.
  The Germans also took up defensive positions on the Kursk Bulge and thoroughly strengthened the Oryol direction.
  Rommel, as a brilliant strategist, foresaw that the main blow would follow in Sicily, and reinforced the German troops there. Moreover, there was calm on the eastern front.
  An attempted landing followed in Sicily on July 5. But it turned out to be unsuccessful. The Germans were ready and they had more forces than in real history. Including, by the way, the divisions evacuated from Africa.
  The Allies suffered huge losses and were thrown into the sea. More than fifty thousand British and American soldiers were captured.
  Stalin launched the offensive on August 5. In two directions at once: Oryol and Kharkov. But the Germans were quite ready.
  The battles showed the advantage of the Panther in defense - a fast-firing, accurate and armor-piercing gun, with good frontal protection. And an unreliable transmission is not so scary when a tank shoots from behind an ambush.
  Both the Tigers and Ferdinands performed well. They are also stronger in defense than in attack. By the way, in real history, 37 Ferdinands out of 89 were lost in minefields. And in defense, the Germans could use them more effectively. Especially with 200 mm of frontal armor.
  Rommel proved himself to be an outstanding strategist. Who correctly foresaw and guessed where the enemy would strike.
  And the "Panther" showed that when the front is reliably covered and inactive, it is an ideal tank destroyer, firing 15 rounds per minute, and penetrating thirty-fours at 2000 meters. Of course, the Germans turned out to be quite strong in defense.
  And they were able to hold their positions.
  And then Gerda"s tank crew showed itself excellently. For the first time, the girls on the Panther took part in battles and showed themselves well.
  Gerda hit a Soviet car and squeaked:
  - I am the terminator of death!
  Then Charlotte fired, knocked down the thirty-four and squeaked:
  - I also bring destruction!
  Christina fired next. She cut open the enemy and blathered:
  - We will never reconcile!
  The next shot, Magda's turn, and this girl squeaked:
  - Our mad pressure!
  The girls already had experience testing equipment. So nothing really bothers them. They are from the "Panther"; during tests, from a distance of a kilometer, they hit a saucer directly with a projectile.
  Yes, sometimes a woman"s accuracy can be more phenomenal than a man"s.
  Now their tank is just standing there and firing at Russian vehicles. And it knocks them out like a rug with a fly swatter.
  Gerda again knocked out the Soviet thirty-four and squeaked:
  - I am the she-wolf of the Third Reich!
  Charlotte also fired, knocking down a Red Army tank and said:
  - I don"t slurp cabbage soup either!
  Next, Christina cut off the Soviet car and squeaked:
  - I'm a delightful girl!
  And then the golden-haired Magda will shoot. The Russian tank will open up and roar:
  - I'm a terminator, I'm funny!
  Four girls repel the attack. Gerda hit the Soviet car again and squeaked:
  - Ace of hearts!
  Charlotte again fired at the enemy, hit the thirty-four and issued:
  - The head is like a watermelon!
  Christina was also hit. She mowed down a Russian tank and squeaked:
  - True terror!
  Magda, firing, hit a Red Army car and said:
  - There is a thief in the underworld!
  The girls knocked out thirty-two Soviet tanks in one battle, breaking all previous records. Why do they have eighty shells? And the Soviet tank crews bravely rushed ahead.
  But with such a rate of fire - 15 rounds per minute, and the range of destruction, the Panthers managed to repel suicidal attacks, giving no chance to board or ram.
  The Germans were able to hold out on the defensive. Only in some places did Soviet troops slightly wedge themselves. The fighting dragged on until late autumn and, at the cost of huge losses, the Red Army was able to advance no more than fifteen kilometers in depth.
  Rommel's genius showed that the Germans were quite capable of conducting active defense and trench warfare.
  The Allies, beaten in Sicily, have so far only bombed. But to this, Rommel and Speer found a wonderful answer: the He-162 jet fighter. The aircraft was superior in flight characteristics to the ME-262 and was four times lighter, many times cheaper and easier to manufacture. It"s not for nothing that they called her the people"s fighter.
  The machine, constructed in three months, took off on October 6, 1943. And dark days came for Germany's opponents in the air.
  The Non-162 was easy to control, maneuverable, and did not require highly qualified pilots.
  And Rommel was still on the defensive. The Germans strengthened their troops near Leningrad in time and repelled the winter offensive there. Again they repulsed attacks near Orel and Kharkov. They also held out in the center, preventing Smolensk from being taken.
  This time the Fritz were able to get through the winter without serious damage to themselves. And then in the spring they took it and moved to where they were least expected - in Karelia. And she began to walk around Murmansk. At the same time, the Nazis took over and began preparing to repel the Allied attack in France. The situation was heating up.
  And indeed, almost all of Karelia was captured by the Nazis. And then the landing in Normandy began, and Oleg Rybachenko, meanwhile.
   Already became at all dark and _ stood warm , judging By climate Ukrainian night .
  Margarita awoke a little earlier And sat on squatting _ Summer rain intensified , and children hurried hide under tree .
  Heads already stopped spin around And Oleg vague said :
  - Well how ?
  Margarita admiringly replied :
  - You Just genius !
  Rybachenko cheated to myself wide breast And proudly said :
  - A What You I thought ! My machine works !
  Girl indignantly exclaimed :
  - Yes better would she at all ... not existed ! What We Now will do ?
  Oleg shook it off With hair water And sincerely replied :
  - A What usually V such situations misfits do ? We will commit feats !
  boy fumbled at myself behind pocket And indignantly exclaimed :
  - Yes I gun dropped ... But Nothing I'll do it to myself new !
  Margarita indignantly said :
  - Yes you will do ... here you Not twenty first century ! Try from tree grind starship !
  Oleg hard growled V answer :
  - Now Not average centuries ! What necessary do then _ And I'll do it ! AND at all We Now misfits , and This sounds proudly !
  Girl With admiration replied :
  - Yes of course assholes ! Only V differences from fairy tales All more severe And Where more prosaic !
  Boy is a prodigy confident stated V ironic form :
  - Oh volume What light teaching , winter And in the spring ... I say without exceptions all evil spirits forest !
  Margarita approvingly confirmed :
  - Yes feeling humor you Not left ! AND This Maybe be And There is the main thing !
  Oleg Rybachenko answered V poster style :
  - A main authors affairs like this ! Communist Party , Lenin , Soviet power !
  Girl burst out laughing ... A summer rain intensified . Tree covered from jets Very bad . Guys soon got wet before threads _ A dry That where .
  Rain however , suddenly stopped , blew cool the breeze To get warm children let's move By forest . Expensive sneakers squished , and Oleg stripped off them , and Also socks staying barefoot _
  Margarita scared noticed :
  - You So you'll catch a cold !
  boy confident stated :
  - I never Not caught a cold ! AND at all barefoot walk one pleasure . Take a walk And you ! Here Not Moscow , no one finger at temple twist Not will become !
  Girl negative shook it head :
  - Legs V dark you'll beat me ! I really somehow _ _ I'll get over it !
  Guys let's move By night forest . Oleg walked in front : barefoot legs easy . A what _ _ naked sole feels every tubercle , bump , twig , even delivers pleasure . girl this Not understands and _ lagging behind V their squelching sneakers .
  Here Margarita is a little different, and much more pampered than the girl who worked in the quarries. Well, it happens. Certain chronometric shifts probably play a role.
   boy returns And tries cheer up :
  - Give it Not push ! Soon let's go out To people !
  Margarita capriciously exclaims :
  - Yes really And soon !
  Girl some a bit thick , perhaps plump , and gets tired Where faster , sportier boy . But sneakers take off categorically refuses .
  - No ! IN forest barefoot Not go ! You'll get screwed legs !
  Boy negative shook head :
  - Nonsense ! I How many Not tramped neither once Not cut myself ! AND even in autumn This Great wind up V forest miles _ Reset pads And you will become easier !
  Girl hard objected :
  - No ! I Not beggar and _ noble sort of ! You run as if torn once So you like .
  Boy frowned And growled :
  - U sissy ! AND spank How lady !
  Margarita remained silent ... Passed some hours And already at all blossomed . Even became bake sun . Plump And Not like this sports like _ Oleg girl finally ran out of steam And sat down rest . More habitual To loads boy sat down near With her reluctantly _ Scratched itchy heel O bark _ Whistled :
  - Yes You Not Gerda !
  Margarita V answer whined :
  - I I 'm tired There is I want ! A at you though some kind of sausage left ?
  boy fumbled By pockets _ Extracted banknote V five hundred rubles , and fifty dollars and _ Also a penny trifle And cell phone telephone With miniature video camera . Frowned ...
  IN friend pocket turned out to be only pack chewing gum kid took a slice to myself And offered Margarita . Girl refused :
  - U me its yes !
  AND Same gave up a piece V mouth _ But gum hunger Not quenches . Only kindles appetite _ Children sat some time , silently . A then Margarita asked :
  - Well , genius , how You you think us feed ?
   kid confident replied :
  - Summer after all . _ We'll find mushrooms , berries , fish let 's light the fish fire ...
  Girl grimaced And asked :
  - A at you lighter is there ?
  Oleg confused replied :
  - No , I or Not I smoke !
  Margarita giggled , noticing :
  - I too ... But Sometimes there are circumstances when _ And bad habits useful .
  Boy nodded And remarked :
  - At home at me lighter there is ... But V Moscow from her no use ...
  kid twitched And decisively said :
  - We rested And went next !
  Girl reluctantly rose And sniffled spout :
  - Let's go !
  Young misfits again let's move By forest . Oleg To to his shame Not Very knew how _ need to navigate . A compass at children Not was . So What They specifically got lost . It 's good that more summer And heat _ AND So Not too much scary . At the same time came across on clearing blueberries _ Got up on all fours And started feast on sweet berry _
  Margarita , having quenched elementary hunger , laughed :
  - Here you see at you black mouth ! You as if thoroughbred dog With character !
  Oleg confident replied :
  - No let's get lost ! U us I hope they are strong stomachs , and diarrhea Not will get it !
  Children stuffed up berries And again went V way . Sun has passed zenith And became Very hot . IN sneakers legs preli , and Margarita finally made up her mind their remove . But With unusual habits barefoot go Very prickly _ Girl has arrived on branch , groaned And sat down on tree stump Got it on shoes back And roared :
  - Well And the forest is full surprises !
  Boy reluctantly confirmed :
  - Of course ... Here Not resort ! But And lovely some kind of there is ...
  Walking By forest , girl asked Oleg :
  - A How would You helped would Red Army ?
  boy scratched crown And rational replied :
  - I would ... Suggested would them For started technology T -54. Such tank could would speed up ending second world wars .
  Girl Not at all agreed :
  - Do you think you know device tank only V general features smog would them help ?
  Oleg Rybachenko offended on this is :
  - No V general , i at all about tanks much I know in volume number And about active armor !
  Girl giggled V answer :
  - Well , then , come on better straightaway technology T -90, and Then we'll capture all peace !
  kid scratched back of the head And admitted :
  - I read I about one series , about victims V fourty second year from twenty first century . So They And built simplified model T -54, having launched his V production more before battles under Stalingrad . AND V result what USSR won Where faster than _ V reality And With big effect . On check others ideas then ... You can try And something _ _ more complex - for example system salvo fire " Smerch ". But too much far technologically run away Not necessary !
  Margarita With this willingly agreed :
  - No get carried away ... Ah That more And laser weapon do they will demand !
  Through some time girl again sat down rest . Time flew somehow _ _ unnoticed . Again it got dark and had to spend the night under open sky . But nights V end June short And warm . AND judging By breeds trees , this somewhere _ _ on Ukraine , with more warm climate . So sleep Can quite .
  Oleg Rybachenko I dreamed that He one such boy - cabin boy on girlish ship _ AND girls are driving his back and forth . Neither minutes peace _ Yes more want touch muscular body boys , pinch . Not great joy .
  Get some sleep Not give , raise V early , and V hands mop - dry And without Togo brilliant deck _
  A Then more thought of it girls send take away smoke With pipes _ Yes what ? Tarpaulin ! This And at all Seems like on mockery _ But boy rushed fulfill given order . Tarpaulin from smoke pouted , and Oleg suffered above sea waves V side Australia .
  boy V despair began to sing ;
  I was simple child V country royal ,
  Father my land master plowed ...
  But lived V dreams O knighthood hussar ,
  AND stick boldly V fight son waved !
  After on fleet ran away I a teenager ,
  To me on ship pass gave out prince ...
  Not sugar service , you believe me kids ,
  There need to tightly undertake Not fall !
  Fed meager , but but flogged ,
  By heels stick - boy For beating !
  No , not wished such child shares ,
  wanted freedom , young man Ilya !
  I dreamed _ Also believe O wealth ,
  wanted barefoot barefoot boots ...
  But No on sea , you believe me bros ,
  All What I have - they will let me down behind debts !
  But Here happened to us got caught privateer ,
  Was the battle unequal , suffered we ...
  AND turned out to be I V pirate paw ,
  A This as if V baked hell Satan !
  Flogged long , like a cat of seven tails ,
  After barefoot legs came fire ...
  Pirates beat cabin boy Very hard ,
  I wanted them stronger do pain !
  Boy tightly V torture this held on
  Neither moaning , crying , even Not sighed ...
  He real knight turned out to be
  Pulled , you know strap How stubborn mule !
  AND captain pirates surprised _
  You man I seem to see our ...
  AND shined the light filibusters faces ,
  Such at yoongi appeared chance !
  He became pirate By seas harsh ,
  AND Same V battles drowns ships ...
  Now initiative There is at boys new ,
  Study , try - so that Not swept it away !
  Pirate Certainly boy thievish ,
  But honors laws fraternities How canon ...
  For idle talk even dryish ,
  But will suit With screams acceleration !
  boy grew up and overgrown wealth ,
  Managed find to myself bride at once ...
  Authority enjoys at fraternities ,
  IN some kind _ least He And God And prince !
  But Here luck turned away wildly _
  Got it pirate seasoned V creepy captivity ...
  Got to know on skin that _ such dashingly ,
  He realized that _ such chaos !
  On on the rack firmly hero held on
  AND no one Not issued , not said ...
  Although to him promised even kingdom ,
  AND promises endless shaft !
  Veli Then V chains before scaffold ,
  There prepared sword big executioner ...
  Such it is seen at him work ,
  One blow heads cut down !
  Everyone on farewell knight bowed ,
  Said : sorry if _ guilty ...
  Swing ax - stump rolled ,
  Soul pirate flew V hell !
  Sun already light high And boy cheerfully jumped up . Girl rose reluctantly _ Hungry children let's move By forest . Margarita limped , rubbed legs , painful whined And caviar , in which accumulated dairy acid _ Very I wanted is .
  boy felt myself more cheerful , and confident spanked barefoot legs By grass then _ And case , breaking out forward then _ returning To girl .
  But hunger pestered And him . Here Guys again turned out to be on blueberry clearing _ Ate without all sorts of things enthusiasm . Without of bread And meat blueberry Not could to satisfy hungry stomachs . Then again let's move ...
  Although sneakers And soft but _ for a long time you walk V them you rub it legs . Girl took off shoes And I tried it go barefoot _ Boy walked ahead , and reclined stick cones , twigs , branches . A Margarita tried step By soft grass _ But All equals soles later some time become glow .
  Girl sat down and Then Oleg suggested :
  - Sit down to me on back ! I'll carry it !
  Margarita doubted :
  - A for a long time whether at you enough strength , bear fatty ?
  Oleg Honestly replied :
  - No I know ... But You you're losing weight directly on eyes !
  Really from absence food girl became lose weight Yes And strong muscular boy , gradually dried up . Carry cargo behind with your back Not simple , but He after all _ athlete _ AND must endure burden .
  Through a couple hours riding Oleg gave up And sat down . Then driven conscience Margarita went herself _ Her soles were red And scratched . But girl some time held on on strength will .
  After Guys came across on bushes blackberries _ A little crawled And ate .
  Devouring blackberry , margarita noticed :
  - Really? This endless forest ?
  boy negative shook head :
  - I So Not I think ... Rather Total We Just turned out to be Not V himself the best place .
  Margarita contemptuously snorted :
  - And simply got lost ... Here she yours genius !
  Oleg rational remarked :
  - A know All V principle impossible !
  After what boy decisively became And replied :
  - Let's go ! Maybe we 'll run into on partisans !
  Girl sad giggled :
  - Fresh legend , but believe With labor ...
  Go And V himself in fact Can before infinity V forest stray By those or the most roads _ When It's dark , kids again climbed up on burdocks . Rain Not was And nights Ukrainian warm .
  Oleg Rybachenko dreamed to myself continuation ... Here He cabin boy hits on American ship ... His catch And ask :
  - You Russian !
  Oleg proudly answers :
  - I Russian cabin boy !
  Americans laughing And For started decide flog boy seven - tailed cat . In dream blows Not so painful And boy endures _
  After to him cauterized cigarettes To breasts And require tell O plans command , as if would boy , capable something _ _ know .
  Then insert fingers V door opening And squeeze vice . But none torture Not help . Oleg Rybachenko is silent How partisan _ AND Then his causes myself admiral _
  Looks With suspicion on chained handcuffed boy _ With striped back , with covered blisters palms , and soles legs , but myself tries seem affectionate And ingratiatingly pronounces :
  - Do you want bike , huh ?
  Oleg Rybachenko looks With deliberate indifference .
  Admiral adds With with a grin :
  - A scooter ?
  boy contemptuously snorted :
  - Yes not enough !
  Admiral indignantly raised brows And asked :
  - Well , well Ford car ... Imagine _ You such small and _ at you a whole Ford .
  Oleg Rybachenko without shadows irony suggested :
  - A Maybe Then immediately " Cadillac "? What to waste time on trifles ?
  Admiral did kind of like that Not Understood irony And said :
  - Two Cadillacs and a Ford _ _ _ _ in addition !
  boy ironic added :
  - A Also key from apartments where _ money lie !
  Admiral confirmed With with aplomb :
  - Two key from _ three apartments where _ Very big money lie !
  Oleg Rybachenko giggled And remarked :
  - Yes promises at you ... Well ok , I I'll show you you where _ And V which place Can Attack Russian fleet And achieve victory !
  Admiral delighted splashed up hands And ordered :
  - Carry noble dinner ! Boy All told !
  After hunger Fine eat exquisite food _ boy I'm full before dump , and Then told in _ which place better Total pass the American squadron _
  - Then You you will find yourself V rear admiral Trosheva And flatten his How coin _
  American enough rubbed hands ...
  boy or asked magazine And did some sketches like _ go And move further .
  What or American fleet on everyone in pairs jerked To in advance cooked trapped _ A Oleg Rybachenko sat down on bed ... K him came up wobbling hips woman _ She shamelessly attacked on boy .
  Probably like this way , admiral wanted express cabin boy gratitude . Or vice versa more get dirty !
  Time in dream coming quickly , and Here American squadron V square Devil . What or wanted Yankees there log in , yes And will receive By merit ! Here she starting point accurate planned brave boy _
  Suddenly sea foamed ... rose up huge waves , absorbing American cruisers And battleships _ Moreover It happened This V some seconds _ All flooded like _ V bank With beer _ After what And it's over time V eternity For squadrons Mad Dick .
  AND ships gone V kingdom Neptune ...
  Here rendered Oleg before sea king _ That monarch was huge With fishy tail And gold scales _ shook trident And roared :
  - You Who like this ?
  Oleg jumped up , slapping burned V brazier foot and , answered :
  - I cabin boy Russian fleet !
   Neptune growled And asked :
  - Pearl extract can you ?
  Boy grinned And boldly replied :
  - I can , but For you Not I will !
  Neptune knocked trident And screamed in all throat :
  - Sharks faithful servants my ... break impudent Olezhka !
  Boy squeezed fists And became fight back from pressing barracuda . Those climbed as if hungry dogs _ But boy their met strong blows , sending V knockout _ But sharks All more And more ... Boy - cabin boy exhausted ...
  Already blossomed . Margarita sleeps and _ it's a pity wake up beautiful girl _ She And V himself in fact lost weight and from what face became more cute , red from fresh tanning _ kid felt V to myself similarity love _ Maybe Bye approximately such as _ Tom Sawyer To Becky .
  Poor girl starving . A her legs like this scratched , tender , not familiar To rough surfaces _ Something _ _ she reminded Gerda , isn't it? What more spoiled _ A Now caught in times where _ life Not raspberry _
  Great Domestic War most severe period life behind USSR . A He child prodigy stuck V forest , and Not Maybe nothing help Red army _ Stupid This everything ... Until what or stupid !
  boy A little sat and waited until _ Margarita will wake up And holding out to her hand asked :
  - And what you do you want ?
  Girl Honestly replied :
  - There are ... And more sleep !
  Oleg Rybachenko decisively shook fist :
  - Enough ! Necessary go ! Maybe Today us lucky !
  Margarita did some unsure steps barefoot legs By grass _ I looked on sneakers , then on blisters And stated :
  - I'll try , I A little So walk ! U me enough will !
  Boy warned :
  - I will watch to _ You Not I pricked myself !
  Girl With smile on _ red from fresh tanning face , answered :
  - I I'll try to go quickly !
  Children headed By forest ... At first go Margarita was Very hard . But girl Very proud And held on on self-esteem . After When muscles warmed up , pain V feet And back calmed down , it became easier . But hunger got me All stronger . True again _ got caught blueberry _ But berries hunger already Not satisfied . boy suggested :
  - It is necessary find river And catch fish !
  Margarita hard sighed :
  - Good This idea !
  But on river go out no way Not only succeeded _ came across on ways streams . Girl soon ran out of steam and boy again had to carry her on back _ After wash wounded legs to the girl V cold water ...
  Margarita to get distracted asked boy :
  - A How You do you think ours Red army will advance against Krauts , or no ?
  Oleg Rybachenko indignant :
  - How This no ? IN volume And consists of credo Soviet armed strength to _ beat enemy on his territories . We born , come And will advance what would This Not it was worth it . - Boy V annoyance moved myself fist By cheekbone .
  - Here I , for example , just sucker _ Not Can no way withdraw you from forests _
  Margarita clarified , splashed water leg :
  - And myself too ... We So With hunger we 'll die if we will crawl !
  Boy hard sighed And blurted out :
  - Our bones will find through some centuries ...
  After what They again let's move By forest ... Time was going on All faster and _ Here again it got dark ... Oleg surprised that _ more Not audible howling wolves _ But it is seen This was calm forest _ Only a couple once was heard V in the distance roar motors screw aircraft _ But even hail their was of little use .
  Well, the girl was lucky. However, she moved slowly. My legs and back ached very badly... Acids had accumulated.
  Seeing her condition, Oleg suggested:
  - Maybe I should go alone? And you will have a rest!
  The girl shook her head decisively:
  - No, let's go together! I'm strong!
  And despite the severe pain, Margarita moved on. To keep his spirits up, Oleg began to sing;
  I'm walking along the edge of the forest with my girl,
  I"m wearing a red tie - everything around is beautiful...
  The stream chirps with a silver trill,
  Let everything in the world become - love is fair!
  But the bombs fell, the forest exploded,
  The fascist is advancing, all the trees are burning...
  Where the river gurgled, the sand burned,
  And the unfortunate children became targets!
  The occupiers have arrived and it"s hard for us,
  It"s so difficult guys, without a crust of bread...
  All that was left of the boat was a fragment, an oar,
  And how many vultures there are - not even the sky!
  The underground fighters have now become friends with each other,
  We walk barefoot on cold roads...
  The adversary threatens like a furious beast,
  But I believe the people around me are family too!
  Let the pioneer train derail,
  And the Tigers burned out like a torch in a nightmare...
  Believe me, fascism is doomed to destruction,
  Together with the girl we fight bravely!
  We gave the police a valiant fight,
  Trust the machine gun on your shoulder, it"s not heavy...
  Forever girl I will be with you
  We will build a world - radiant and new!
  It will be wonderful for all people, believe me,
  Children, we fall to Christ in prayer...
  Our temple is replaced by a huge spruce tree,
  It feels good under it, as if you are now in heaven!
  Deliverance has come and the Russian soldier,
  The fascist hit him very hard with a bayonet...
  My friend and I picked up a machine gun,
  And they began to hit the Germans very accurately!
  Now, with a menacing song, we head to Berlin,
  Freedom will come in Germany too...
  We are flying quickly with a parachute,
  Warriors are children of the holy people!
  Oleg and Margarita, slightly invigorated by the song, walked through the forest. As luck would have it, no one came across them. As if all the inhabitants had died long ago. And the weather changed, a cloud rolled in and it began to rain.
  The guys splashed through the puddles. The mood finally deteriorated. So much time in the forest, but there is no end in sight. So you wander around like a blind kitten.
  Margarita finally couldn"t stand it, her legs gave way and the girl muttered:
  - I'm desperate! How long can you wander like this!
  The boy answered with a deep sigh:
  - Probably a very long time. This is a cruel and desolate place, no matter how you look at it.
  Margarita whined:
  - It"s cruel for us... To set yourself up like that and get knocked up... And you couldn"t set up your time machine!
  The boy sighed heavily and reluctantly answered:
  "I myself didn"t expect it to explode." But that"s how it happened...
  The girl said angrily:
  - So that you die!
  The guys didn't speak for several hours after that. We ate a few berries. The feeling of hunger was slightly dulled by fatigue. Margarita"s feet began to become covered with slowly forming calluses. This made it easier to navigate the road. But the soles were very itchy. The berries were already making my stomach ache. Obviously the stomach demanded bread and something else.
  And it"s boring without computers and other things. For some time, the children were still able to watch movies on their cell phones, but the batteries ran out. After that it became really lonely.
  Despite the summer and the absence of predators, the landscape around seemed sad and dull. And in general it somehow became scary.
  Oleg tried to sing again, but the words didn"t come to mind... And time passes.
  It's getting dark. Apparently we will have to sleep hungry in the open air again. And this is creepy. The boy wants something different. But the girl had already passed out. And you have to lie down yourself, falling asleep.
  While they were hanging around uselessly, the landings in Normandy began. The Germans had a more practical and cheaper self-propelled gun E-10, which had half the weight and height of the T-4, but with equal armament, better protection, and much greater mobility. The small E-10 could perfectly penetrate Shermans from a short distance, and was itself inconspicuous, which is very important in conditions when the enemy has so many bombers.
  The E-10 has proven itself in practice to be an excellent self-propelled gun and, most importantly, cheap and easy to manufacture. Its silhouette was so low that the tracks completely covered the sides, giving additional protection. The large angle of rational inclination of the armor with a thickness of 80 millimeters gave a ricochet against most guns. Even the IS-2 did not always penetrate such a vehicle head-on.
  In practical terms, the E-10 self-propelled gun proved to be effective at high altitudes due to its low altitude. And of course she contributed to the victory in Norway. Along with the He-162 light fighter and the Arado bomber. The T-4 tank was discontinued as outdated and inferior in all respects to the E-10. The battles also showed the good potential of the Panther. "Tiger"-2 did not go into production, like "Mouse", but "Panther"-2 appeared. Lighter than the Tiger-2, it was equal in armament and slightly inferior in armor. However, this tank was also replaced by the E-25 self-propelled gun, equal in armament, but lighter, more mobile and easier to manufacture. And, perhaps, better protected.
  In Normandy, the Allies were defeated, losing more than half a million prisoners alone.
  In the summer, Soviet troops attacked in the center, but were only able to advance twenty kilometers. The Germans made their third line of defense the strongest, and the first two withdrew their forces, allowing hundreds of thousands of shells to fall in vain.
  There they managed to hold back the Red Army and inflict enormous damage on it.
  In the fall, the Germans were finally able to take Gibraltar by storm. Franco nevertheless yielded to pressure from Rommel, who threatened to attack. In addition, the German submarine fleet has strengthened. Submarines powered by hydrogen peroxide have appeared. And instead of the too expensive missile program - jet bombers and self-propelled guns E. "Panther"-2 never went into production, like "Tiger"-2 and "Mouse", buried in embryo. The E-25 became a self-propelled gun with frontal armor of 120 mm at an angle of 45 degrees, sides of 82 mm, plus tracks. An 850 horsepower engine mounted transversely to the transmission, and weighing thirty tons. When armed with 88 mm, the barrel length is 71EL.
  Such a machine, one and a half meters high, performed all tasks perfectly and turned quickly. Of course, other tanks became unnecessary, including Hitler's stupid fantasy: the Maus.
  The E-25 defeated the IS-2 and all other models in battles, and proved to be almost the ideal self-propelled gun of all times. The powerful engine and comparatively low weight made it possible to hang 90-mm shields on the sides, which made the vehicle impenetrable even from the side for the SU-100, IS-2, not to mention lighter vehicles.
  The Germans confidently fought against superior tank forces and held the front in the east. And in the West, the fascists penetrated into Morocco and moved across Africa.
  Rommel rationally decided that it was better not to attack in the east for now, but to grab Africa and the Persian Gulf. Moreover, there was hope for a truce with Stalin.
  Indeed, after the January attempt to attack in the center. And after the great losses of the Red Army and near Leningrad, Stalin began to test the ground for peace. But he only agreed to the zero option. Rommel proposed a truce for three years.
  The cunning Stalin, after hesitation, nevertheless decided to give consent. Let the capitalists destroy each other. And he will rest and gain strength.
  Rommel also hoped that in three years he would be able to defeat the enemy in the west, and then conquer the USSR.
  So both foxes are cunning and calculating.
  Oleg Rybachenko, meanwhile, together with Margarita, took up partisan warfare.
  A boy and a girl attacked the German garrison at night. And they gave him a fight. We shot a couple of dozen fascists and returned to the forest. Then they wandered and turned for a long time, confusing their tracks.
  But overall, their action was not entirely successful. The Nazis responded by burning the village and shooting the local residents.
  Here you inevitably think: is it worth being a partisan?
  Oleg Rybachenko and Margarita picked mushrooms and berries in the forest for some time after that and kept their heads down.
  Then they attacked the convoy further away from populated areas. They knocked out a gasoline tank and killed a dozen Krauts. In response, the Germans hanged people again.
  The Nazis responded to all partisan actions with executions, gallows and torture. Specially warning that the local population will be responsible for sabotage and attacks.
  This, of course, restrained the impulse. Both Oleg Rybachenko and Margarita Korshunova lost their desire to become partisans.
  Both the boy and the girl were simply bored.
  The boy even composed a humoresque;
  A monstrous roar shook the planet Tuhanai - one of the richest in the Great Colonial Empire, the main one of humanity. An endless series of skyscrapers turned into radioactive ash from the fall of a terrible rocket. The sky was cut by a fiery, broken line consisting of monstrous starships.
  -Earthlings, give up!
  A single demand was made, followed by another shot. This time, there was no explosion, the surface of the planet swelled and passed in waves. All living things instantly turned into dust from elementary particles. Thus a new page was opened in human history - the Age of Space Wars!
  The ravenous flames of all-out interstellar war
  The thinnest thread of the world is scorched by a hellish fire!
  And Satan's evil ax hovered over the planet
  Forge protection, otherwise you won"t be able to live in the world!
  The solar system turned out to be jam-packed with numerous starships, extremely loaded with unfortunate refugees who had fallen into prostration. The new inhuman aggressors knew no pity, using the tactics of an annihilated vacuum. Until now, no one had seen the aggressors up close, even their bodily structure was not known, and all this gave rise to terrifying rumors. They said that the aliens were eating children alive, sprinkling them with radioactive isotopes, and also pouring molten lead into women"s wombs, bringing the steamed meat to the desired condition. Under these conditions, the only possible decision was made: to declare total mobilization, introduce a card system, transferring the entire human economy to a war footing. Factories producing the latest weapons worked around the clock, the blue sky was covered with smog, and there was no time for the environment. The Emergency Security Council of the LOX - League of United Space Systems met over and over again, closely monitoring the progress of defensive work. The last meeting was the most alarming, star scouts reported that countless armadas of the enemy had surrounded the solar system and were apparently waiting for the last signal for the decisive throw.
  Ultra-Marshal Dick Phoenix was terribly nervous, there were hysterical notes in his speech. His sharp chin shook on his aquiline face, and a lit stub broke off from a Havana cigar, leaving an insidious smoldering stain on his uniform.
  -The hour of judgment has come! The most ancient prophecies about the end of the world are coming true. Thousands of nuclear submarines bristling with ultra-modern weapons surrounded our system. All we have to do is pray and accept a dignified death!
  -I don't agree with Phoenix!
  The outwardly calm voice of the Supreme Cosmic Coordinator sounded.
  "We shouldn"t, giving in to a moment of weakness like this, admit our death is absolutely inevitable."
  Despite the fact that this was a blatant insubordination, the ultra-marshal interrupted the Coordinator.
  "I, as a professional military man, declare that we don"t have the slightest chance, Arnold, face the facts." There are billions of enemy starships! And many of them are larger than the Moon, not to mention weapons, practice clearly shows: in the military space sphere they have surpassed us many times over.
  A muted roar of approval swept through the hall. I didn"t want to believe it, but it seemed like Phoenix was right. The overweight leader rose with difficulty, straightening his broad shoulders; Arnold Schwarkaneger was staggering from sleepless nights, his eyelids were swollen, but his low voice was firm and inspired confidence.
  -Let's listen to the Supreme Economic Coordinator. He promised to demonstrate the latest weapons created by the best scientists on our planet.
  This time the chorus of heads was livelier.
  -Let him demonstrate! We'll show them the bastards!
  A boy in shorts, Oleg Rybachenko, who was recently appointed to the role of head of the military-industrial complex, took off onto the floating podium. His voice was joyful, his eyes sparkled, it seemed that he was attending a wedding, and not at perhaps the last meeting of the LOX council.
  - These unpredictable Russians, he rejoices during universal grief!
  The ultra-marshal's angry whisper was heard, and his narrow eyes turned angrily.
  On the other side of the solar system, the Russian was stared at by no less wary matter recognition devices installed by strange creatures shining ominously in the void.
  -An earthling has an elevated, positively charged emotional background! - a voice squeaked in the gamma range.
  In response, there was a screeching sound in which there was a slight concern:
  -Perhaps, insignificant people managed to create dangerous weapons, there is no other way to explain that he, this barefoot guy, is so actively positively charged.
  A response transmission of information followed, but in beta waves.
  -I think it"s better to include all our fighters in watching this program. Let them know what to expect from unpredictably dangerous life forms.
  Gamma rays transmitted another piece of information. Constantly shimmering translucent creatures hung right in the vacuum, they constantly sparkled from the processes of stable thermonuclear fusion, their bodies constantly changed shape. Sometimes they glowed with stars, sometimes with water lilies, sometimes with jellyfish, resembling living plasticine.
  -The protein form of life is too weak and imperfect. The cute monster squeaked. Therefore, she should not be the bearer of intelligence. By exterminating non-viable carriers of intelligence, we restore the harmony of the universe, disturbed by the blind flow of chaotic evolution.
  To give this information more weight, it was released in the Alpha wave range.
  A barefoot boy in shorts, Oleg Rybachenko, continued his emotional speech, pointing with his hands at a three-dimensional projection, where new aircraft were reproduced using computer graphics.
  His voice was childish and sonorous, his white teeth grinned:
  -These launchers emit thermo-rumen missiles capable of incinerating several solar systems in one gulp. And from these radio muzzles emanate hyperwaves that allow you to bend space, using them you can simply take and twist enemy submarines into a kind of accordion, then dispel them into dust. This spherical branch creates super-powerful force fields, impenetrable to any weapon, even thermo-ryumon bombs.
  The economic coordinator of the little boy Olezhka was already pouring sweat; listing new types of miracle weapons took an hour.
  -But these are my favorite ones, throws over time. Miraculously, time shifted into the past and the broken starships were immediately restored. Well, if the enemy is moved into the past, then his soldiers will sit on kindergarten potties, and the ships will turn into the elements from which they were built.
  The last phrase was met with restrained laughter and timid applause. Phoenix maintained a skeptical expression on his eagle face.
  -And when did you manage to make so many discoveries? This defies logic and is absolutely impossible.
  The boy in shorts stamped his bare foot:
  -For human science - everything is possible and you will see it soon!
  This time the applause was louder. The ultra-marshal was slightly embarrassed, his instinct told him that he was being duped. Peering carefully at the starships hung with trinkets, Dick Phoenix suddenly extended a clawed finger, kicking its elaborate design.
  A perplexed roar was heard:
  -And what kind of bolts and huge fastenings do you have - also superweapons?
  In response, the clear voice of the boy-coordinator chirped:
  -This time, no! But judge for yourself, when a grandiose space battle begins, billions of super-powerful charges will explode and what will happen as a result of this?
  A puzzled sound was heard:
  -Well I do not know?
  The boy genius yelled:
  -The sky will shake violently. And in order to prevent our spaceships from falling down, we will carefully bolt them to the vault of heaven.
  This time, such a statement was met with thunderous laughter. Only the ultra-marshal frowned even more.
  -And that's all you could come up with?
  The boy continued to purr energetically:
  -No, don"t be afraid, not everyone. We have prepared excellent skates and titanium sticks to make it easier to skate across the sky, the surface of the skates is made of artificial diamonds.
  The laughter became much louder, the chandeliers swayed - shaped like the coats of arms of the main states.
  -What unusual information comes from an earthling! My positive charge increases sharply. - Gamma waves floated through space.
  -Mine too! It is so sweet!
  The creature was filled with pink-pearl paint. The brightness of the colors increased.
  -But you ruined the whole sky with pipes, skates don"t ride well in the mud.
  Phoenix got involved in a bad discussion. The Russian boy in shorts smiled a polished smile:
  -We have already prepared several interstellar tankers with liquid soap and tooth powder. Look at my teeth, you will soon see the sky in diamonds.
  The Supreme Coordinator, unable to resist, cackled at the top of his lungs. One of the chandeliers could not stand it and collapsed into a lush carpet embroidered with pearls and gold.
  -What did I tell you! This is what unreliable fastening means, but in addition to bolts and tripods, we provided cool Velcro.
  -The laughter turned into wild cackling, even the ultra-marshal demonstrated considerable lung strength.
  Alien creatures, meanwhile, sparkled brighter than the stars; human eyes would immediately go blind if they looked at these fiery cascades. Alpha-Beta-Gamma - and other types of radiation filled the entire vacuum. Inside the hostile submarines, it was no longer possible to make out a single meaningful thought. Only one emotion dominated - a feeling of wild delight and crazy high.
  Having calmed down slightly, the Ultra Marshal asked.
  -And if hostile ships fall on us from above, they don"t have screws and Velcro.
  The radiant boy Oleg Rybachenko widened his smile even more.
  -I have this for that.
  And he took out a tennis racket and shook it with the bare toes of his childish feet:
  -And I have.
  The ultra-marshal crawled into the diplomat with trembling hands, and with no little difficulty pulled out a folding net for catching butterflies.
  -I think I have more!
  The hurricane of laughter crossed all limits, people simply fell to the floor, writhing in voluptuous convulsions.
  In outer space, meanwhile, a real madhouse was observed, the streams of bright radiation became so intense that the warships were visible from the inside.
  -Put your helmets on your heads! Then a plate with aliens will fall on you - you will laugh and run away!
  Arnold choked up and added his word. Fingering with his hands like a stricken beetle, he still managed to crawl to the display case and pull out a museum relic - the first cast SS helmet on Earth.
  The last phrase finished everyone off; perception simply turned off for a while. When the authorities finally came to their senses, a real performance took place in the night sky, the most grandiose fireworks display in the entire history of the planet, filling the night sky with a frantic glow.
  -Explain what it is!
  The Supreme Coordinator pointed his finger upward in a childish manner.
  "Nothing special," answered Oleg Rybachenko.
  -Space is laughing!
  -The heavens are rejoicing! - Dick Phoenix continued.
  "The vacuum is rocking," finished Arnold Schwarkaneger.
  A lone translucent creature hovered on the shimmering debris floating in the vacuum. Judging by its size, it was a recently born child and shone with all the colors of the rainbow.
  -What cool creatures these protein ones are! They brought us unforgettable joy and for this reason they deserve to exist! - it squeaked. The good news spread in all ranges across the vastness of the endless universe!
  After such an essay, Oleg Rybachenko and Margarita Korshunova were thrown forward for a while. So that they don"t waste any moments.
  Even if these guys are immortal.
  Meanwhile, Rommel led another victorious offensive in the west. In the summer and autumn of 1945, the Germans captured the entire north of Africa and the Middle East. They had more advanced equipment, and much higher quality battle-hardened troops. Both the British and the Americans were hopelessly losing to the Wehrmacht. And in December 1945, despite the winter, Rommel carried out a daring landing in Britain, and in ten days conquered the metropolis with a sudden blow. And then over the winter, all of Africa and India were captured.
  The Japanese fought more successfully in the Pacific Ocean, being able to intercept the American landing in the Philippines. And sink their aircraft carriers and battleships.
  After which Germany and Japan united. In Britain, a pro-German government was formed, headed by Prime Minister Mosley, and a king sympathetic to Hitler was installed. Most of the English fleet was taken under control by the Germans. And in the spring, the Nazis and Japanese also captured Australia, and in the summer of 1946 the Hawaiian archipelago. American attempts to create an atomic bomb failed. And the Germans completely took control of the sea, occupying both Iceland and Greenland, approaching Canada. And in the fall of 1946, the landing on Canada began. What did the Americans want?
  Without the USSR, which is in a truce with Germany, it is impossible to wage a victorious war!
  The Germans also landed in Cuba in the winter. They have a new formidable weapon - diskettes - which reach speeds of up to five or six sonic speeds and are invulnerable to small arms fire.
  So America was actively conquered. And this only made it more fun and more exciting.
  The Germans, under the command of the brilliant Rommel, won one victory after another!
  In the winter they captured the whole of Canada, and in the spring of 1947 they launched an attack on the United States. And it was impossible to stop the Nazis. The Americans fought until August 7 and Washington did not fall. And on August 9, the United States took and capitulated.
  Thus the battle ended ingloriously. During the war, the Germans acquired pyramidal tanks that had no equal and were impenetrable from all angles.
  But the Americans didn"t have anything better than the Pershing. And they hopelessly lost the war, never receiving an atomic bomb.
  Now Rommel had a free hand for the war against the USSR. For some time, the Germans and Japanese, however, digested what they had already conquered.
  Stalin got the MIG-15 and T-54 fighter. But it was never possible to create a successful heavy tank. The IS-4 was produced in small series, and was certainly inferior to the German pyramidal RE series. The most popular was the RE-50, which weighed only fifty tons, had two crew members and 250 mm armor from all angles at large angles, and a 105 mm high-pressure cannon.
  This tank, especially in its side and rear protection, was significantly superior to the Soviet T-54, and penetrated it head-on from a long distance. The Russian car could not penetrate the German from any angle. Like the IS-4. Only the IS-7 could still create problems, but this tank never went into production.
  The failures with heavy vehicles greatly disappointed Stalin. In any case, the German fifty-ton vehicle, with a gas turbine engine of 1800 horsepower and a lethal cannon of 1700 meters with an initial projectile speed, remained impenetrable and invulnerable. The IS-10 also turned out to be under-armed. Then Stalin ordered the development of a super-heavy IS-11 with 203 mm caliber guns. Such a weapon with a long barrel could penetrate German tanks. But... The weight of the tank exceeded one hundred tons, which is no longer acceptable.
  So this car did not go into production either. In short, apart from the IS-10, there were no mass-produced heavy tanks. And they produced a lot of T-54s, cars that, however, are not a hindrance to the Germans.
  After Stalin's death on March 5, 1953, Rommel decided to take advantage of the turmoil in the Soviet leadership and the inevitable struggle for power to attack Russia. And so on May 1, 1953, the Wehrmacht crossed the borders of the USSR. And a new war began.
  But in the USSR there really is no unity. Chairman of the Council of Ministers Malenkov, People's Commissar of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of State Security Beria, Minister of Foreign Affairs Molotov, Secretary of the Central Committee Nikita Khrushchev, Minister of Defense Vasilevsky. Such a motley bunch. Collective leadership.
  And no one is in charge... And the German RE-50 tanks are very fast and impenetrable. They are optimal in their characteristics. And it"s not necessary to be heavier, and if it"s lighter, then only for reconnaissance.
  And the T-54, alas, is insufficient from all points of view. And protection, and weapons and driving performance.
  In any case, the Germans are much stronger both in the air and on land. Within a few days the Germans had already reached Tula.
  Oleg Rybachenko and Margarita Korshunova: held the defense in this city, again transferred there by the witch.
  A boy and a girl fought in defense.
  The boy Oleg threw a grenade with his bare foot and sang:
  - Who is used to fighting for the Fatherland...
  Margarita, this girl, also threw her bare toes, a killer present and roared:
  - Let him sing with us!
  Oleg Rybachenko, leading, firing and throwing, said with his bare feet:
  - He who is cheerful laughs!
  Margarita, shooting, throwing lemons with her bare toes, and baring her teeth, confirmed:
  - Whoever wants will achieve it!
  The boy and girl exclaimed in unison:
  - Who seeks will always find!
  The guys fought the Wehrmacht very bravely. And they threw lethal grenades with their bare feet.
  Oleg Rybachenko cut off his opponent and squeaked:
  - For a new Rus'!
  Margarita threw the gift of death with her bare toes and confirmed, grinning:
  - Fight and don"t be afraid!
  Children are truly the embodiment of aggressiveness and rage. This is how the knights of war fight.
  Oleg Rybachenko thought: now they are fighting for Tula. But will Russia resist such colossal power? And samurai are advancing from the east.
  And Rommel"s troops are full of mercenaries from all over the world. More precisely, foreigners recruited through raids.
  Here is Oleg Rybachenko cutting down black fighters. And he bares his teeth and roars:
  - I have a personality, which is really great!
  And again he hits... And a grenade thrown by the boy"s bare foot tears up the fascists.
  Margarita also shoots and screams:
  - There will be victory!
  And with his bare toes he also throws a killer gift of death, scattering his enemies.
  The boy and girl are completely excited and very victorious. They scribble at the enemy. And they mow down whole ranks of enemies.
  Oleg Rybachenko shouts:
  - The enemy will not pass!
  And he throws a grenade with his bare foot.
  Margarita confirms this. He fires and roars:
  - Death to the enemy!
  And again this whole couple shoots and sends murderous presents. She crushed the enemy and showed her teeth. And he fires at himself, extremely accurately.
  Not a single bullet goes to waste. Young-looking warriors destroy the enemy. And they mow down opponents like a killer scythe.
  The boy, throwing a grenade with his bare foot, squeaks:
  - For Russia and freedom to the end!
  Margarita confirms:
  - For Mother Rus'!
  And he would also launch a grenade with his bare foot. And scatters opponents.
  After which the boy and girl began to compose various aphorisms while firing and throwing grenades with their bare feet;
  The politician"s sweet speech flows even under the lying stone of bitter problems!
  It"s not just the tongue that gets bitter from the sweet speeches of a politician!
  Don't be too smart, you'll blow away!
  Good propaganda will fool you, not only with the brain of a fool!
  A man is a wolf in politics, a fox in business, but still he is treated like a deer!
  A politician usually imitates a fox, but washes away the fluff from his face with the trill of a nightingale!
  In war it"s like in opera, only the dead don"t fake it!
  An oak head will not provide a strong position!
  A politician loves metal in his voice and rust in his actions!
  Politician and prostitute and pimp in one bottle!
  Voters don't trust politicians, but they still cast their votes on faith!
  Religion is a business in which there is no trust, but there is faith!
  Why does a politician cross himself so much? This makes it easier for him to find your wallet!
  A politician is a pickpocket who writes laws for himself!
  The most honest politician is the one who lies only out of necessity!
  For a politician, language is a tool of production, only labor efficiency is in your pocket!
  He has a small tongue, but he talks a lot!
  A thousand words cost less than one blow, and a million promises cost one fulfillment!
  Cancer whistles more often than a politician fulfills his election promises!
  What can't Almighty God do? Promise more than a politician!
  Man is given a mouth to eat, but politics is given to earn food!
  The politician is cunning as hell and puts on the guise of an angel!
  Why does a person need hands - to work! And politics are given paws to grab!
  No matter how sweet a politician"s speech is, life is only more bitter from its outpouring!
  God has many days, but a politician has seven Fridays a week!
  The executioner always has a lot of work, and the politics of words!
  A politician dreams of power like a whore dreams of sex and also twirls her butt!
  In politics there are no friends, there are no sisters and brothers, but there are brothers!
  What a politician wants most of all: to die as a president and live as a god!
  Don't trust wolves in sheep's clothing - you'll go for a sheepskin coat!
  There are a lot of cats in the poke in elections, but even more wolves in sheep's clothing!
  The politician has a sweet speech, which causes diabetes to be disappointed!
  If you don't want to plow like a mule, don't be a donkey!
  There is no greater stupidity than believing a politician, but ignoring elections cannot be called a smart idea!
  Unlike the betting, those who cast their vote for the favorite will always be disappointed!
  There is no more scoundrel in politics than one in whose honesty they believed!
  Anyone who likes to go to the polls loves noodles on their ears!
  Politicians can't hide their hunger like a fool's errand!
  Don't believe in promises, but go to the polls!
  Anyone who doesn't believe in God won't believe in Harry Potter!
  A politician is like a fairytale Santa Claus, so in reality it"s cold in apartments!
  Don't like ear noodles - you'll eat better!
  The politician growls like a wolf, imitating a fox!
  The most cunning fox wags his tail on the throne!
  There are many cunning foxes in the world, and even more stupid crows!
  Don't make a God out of a devil, and an honest man out of a politician!
  The higher a politician's mountain of promises, the lower he considers your mind!
  Don't be fooled by politics, vote for someone who is not your favorite!
  In elections, people cast votes, and there is money in the bank, but in the latter case at least there is a chance of profit!
  Don't be a hare in politics - the fox will shed its skin!
  The fox is not the strongest animal, but it is the best at tearing off three skins!
  When going to the polls, remember that there are no honest politicians, but only your own honor!
  A politician can promise a lot, but his ears need to be on top!
  Most often, those who have a lot of noodles on their ears go hungry!
  A politician is eager for the throne like a fly to honey, and also brings infection!
  Don't be a donkey, don't vote for the fox!
  The fox is the smartest animal, but in the arithmetic of life it can only take away and divide!
  The flamboyant politician looks like a fox, but pretends to be a lion!
  The fox may roar like a lion and bleat like a sheep, but his habits are wolfish!
  There are black sheep, but there are no pure politicians!
  Why does a politician need a head? To eat it!
  Why does a cow need an accordion? Why does a politician need a conscience?
  All politicians have a voracious appetite, but there is no desire to plow like a bull!
  A real fox always aims for the lion's place!
  Ear noodles are inedible, but free!
  Free cheese is only in the mousetrap, and free noodles are only on the ears!
  A good politician inflates a fly to an elephant, a mediocre one only inflates it!
  The police fight, but the politician deceives!
  The tyrant hangs noodles on his ears, along with a rope around his neck!
  Diplomacy is the art of non-agreements, for the sake of an agreement!
  Have a club, but not stupid brains!
  The head is cast iron and often gives way!
  A strong man is always a good diplomat, but he is better off without diplomacy!
  The politician agreed, if not agreed!
  Even foxes are skinned, with the eyes of an eagle and the heart of a lion!
  A person is always dissatisfied with life, but dying will not say that enough is enough!
  Whoever promises voters paradise is more likely to send them to the grave!
  Don"t make a molehill out of a molehill, but make an honest man out of a politician!
  If you want to succeed in politics, forget about conscience and honor, but do not forget about meanness and flattery!
  The politician builds himself a reliable fortress, from those who have an oak head!
  Voter, don"t believe it, any politician is a beast!
  A politician is like vodka, although it is sweet, it will definitely give you a headache!
  The Germans nevertheless surrounded and took Tula. On the southern front they broke through to Stalingrad, but this time they were able to capture the city of Stalin on the move. The tanks of Rommel's fighters were too fast. And Moscow found itself in a tight ring.
  The Germans and their motley hordes immediately took Ryazan. And they closed the blockade.
  Oleg Rybachenko and Margarita found themselves in the surrounded capital of the USSR.
  It's not fun for eternal children. Fight for yourself, while Moscow is bombed and destroyed.
  The boy threw a grenade with his bare foot, knocked down several Arabs and remarked:
  - My native country is wide!
  The girl also threw the gift of death with her bare fingers, scattered the opponents and squealed, summing up:
  - There"s nowhere to retreat!
  The children fought like tiger cubs. And they actively knocked out the Germans and their mercenaries. But all the same, what can a boy and a girl do against such unequal forces?
  But the battle continued... The boy and girl fought for some time.
  But then they moved again... Apparently, so as not to prolong the senseless agony. They found themselves near Julius Caesar. And they saved him from assassination attempt in the Senate. And that children are cool and immortal. They chopped the senators into cabbage. And they cut off their heads. And they threw a grenade at someone, tearing off their limbs.
  In short, Caesar survived. And he ruled for another twenty years. And then his and Cleopatra"s son ascended the throne.
  In short, a stable Caesar dynasty was established. And Ancient Rome continued to grow and expand steadily. Until it reached China, swallowing it too. A worldwide empire arose that also crossed the ocean. Progress developed faster than real history, but Christianity and Islam remained tiny sects. The Romans went into space and conquered the Solar System.
  And then they flew to the stars. Scientific atheism and the cult of Caesar and his descendants became a single religion.
  To do this, the boy and girl just fired a couple of bursts from a machine gun, threw four grenades and worked with swords. All five minutes of shooting, and the entire history of mankind changed completely. This is how it happens.
  And on the fronts of the Second World War, the Germans took Moscow and reached the Urals. And Siberia was captured by Japan.
  So Rommel conquered most of the world, capturing the USSR in a couple and a half months.
  But this history of wars is not over yet. On May 1, 1957, Rommel also attacked Japan. The last war in human history followed. The samurai were significantly inferior to the Third Reich in the quality of technology and were hopelessly losing. But the war lasted more than a year until, finally, after nuclear attacks on the mother country, Japan fell.
  The era of a divided world ended, and Rommel became a world dictator.
  A referendum was held on May 1, 1959, and a monarchy was established. Rommel succeeded
  his son, and a dynasty was founded. World dynasty, and space expansion.
  A single empire has brought order to planet Earth. Even in Africa, a road was built to every village and neat, decent houses were built. Agriculture developed and hunger ended forever. And the birth rate is under control. Everything is as they say, order by order.
  The solar system is being developed, and people are already flying to other stars. And Rommel went down in history as the greatest personality and legend! And the question is, why wasn"t Hitler killed earlier? It would be much better!
  Emelyan Pugachev besieged Orenburg. Things didn't go too well for the rebels. The royal regiments were approaching. The self-proclaimed tsar did not want to lift the siege from Orenburg, but it was also risky to separate the troops. In real history, the rebels nevertheless split up and were beaten piece by piece. First near Tatishchevo, and then near Beloozersk. This decision turned out to be wrong.
  But then the boy Oleg Rybachenko arrived in the camp of Emelyan Pugachev. Despite this, there was still snow, and it was the end of February - the boy was barefoot and in shorts.
  He was brought to Emelyan Pugachev. The boy walked confidently. Running barefoot in the snow is more pleasure than torture. Especially in an immortal body.
  The boy proposed a plan to Emelyan Pugachev:
  - Let's take the uniform of the tsarist soldiers, and we have a lot of such uniforms, and dress up the rebels and Cossacks. Let's play out a battle - like shooting. And then we"ll drive the captured Pugachevites into the city. They will think that these are royal troops and will let us into the fortification, and there we will attack them!
  Emelyan Pugachev approved:
  - Well, you're giving away! What a head! I grant you the title of captain!
  Oleg bowed and answered, humming with a grin:
  - Yesaul, Yesaul, why did you abandon your horse! The hand didn"t rise to shoot!
  The Cossack Tsar nodded and answered:
  - You will be my adjutant! They'll fix your uniform and boots!
  Oleg modestly remarked:
  - And barefoot is more dexterous! And I'm not too cold with a naked torso!
  Emelyan Pugachev became. He was of average height, broad in the shoulders, and although Oleg was the height of a standard boy of twelve in the twenty-first century, that is, one and a half meters, the king of the Cossacks was not much taller. For this time, Oleg was already a teenager, and could fight on equal terms with adults and be an officer.
  Emelyan ordered...
  - Well, prepare this provocation very secretly!
  And how cleverly he used the scientific word.
  The Cossacks were preparing... They set up guards so that not a single living soul would know. And a cunning trap was being prepared.
  But the enemy was still approaching, but there was still some time, small detachments of rebels attacked him. More precisely, quite numerous, but not very organized crowds.
  Emelyan Pugacheva had almost twenty thousand combat-ready troops near Orenburg. In real history it was divided. Ten thousand Pugachevites fought against seven thousand tsarist troops near Tatishchi. The enemy was superior to Pugachev's army in cannons and the number of rifles, as well as in organization. But the victory came at a high price! In addition, Pugachev himself did not act very bravely, leaving the battlefield even before the end of the battle.
  Now the Pugachevites had a historic chance for a resounding victory.
  So they dressed more than two thousand selected fighters in uniform. They made them shave. And the fact that the uniforms are worn is natural. And much more. The Pugachevites also had flags from previously captured battles, and drums, and so on.
  The performance was planned to be performed as if by notes. Emelyan had almost a hundred cannons in Berd, although half of them were not important. But there is something to fire at.
  To have the appearance of a real battle. So far, things are not so bad for Pugachev. Half of the Ural factories are under his control. Chelyabinsk is still scary, Chika sits firmly near Ufa. It is still the end of February, and the outcome of the war is not clear, and Golitsyn"s forces are far from Orenburg. But in real history, in a month there will be a battle near Tatishchevo, and in it the defeat of the peasant army. Which will lead to mass desertion of the rebels.
  Oleg is still barefoot and in shorts, giving orders and giving advice. His almost black from tanning, but blond boy is obeyed by bearded men.
  The rebels are already starting to fire. Guns roar, gifts of death are spat out... Real destruction is afoot.
  Oleg bares his teeth and roars:
  - Glory to our holy Motherland! There will be a generation of poets! Great Emelyan, dear - your exploits will be sung!
  And clouds of smoke rise up. The imitation is a serious battle. Here, of course, you need to show everything convincingly. Moreover, under siege, of course, they are waiting for liberation!
  Of course, they fire at idle to save cannonballs and buckshot. And they use worse gunpowder.
  Emelyan Pugachev is still strong enough to take Orenburg - but the fortress is strong! And here you need cunning.
  The warriors and Cossacks are generally ready... More than two thousand disguised infantrymen and cavalry, and over three thousand supposedly prisoners. Enough to suddenly take over a city.
  Oleg walked ahead of the prisoners. From running barefoot for a long time in the February snow, his boyish legs were slightly numb. Moreover, he is already accustomed to the heat. But it"s okay, the immortal boy"s fingers won"t freeze.
  And it turned out really great.
  Oleg smiles, leaves barefoot footprints on a white background. It looks touching. Several boys from peasant families also ran barefoot. They are quite hardened, although they usually wear bast shoes in the snow.
  So this army is coming, having defeated the Pugachevites, towards Orenburg. And they even hum the march.
  Indeed, the deception is simple but effective. The gates are opened in front of them, and the armada of Pugachevites enters the main city of this region. Apparently they are too sure that the stupid man doesn"t understand anything, and he was defeated.
  Now the rebels are completely involved. The signal follows, and they rush at the defenders.
  Oleg cuts down two officers at once with his saber. And the boy desperately screams:
  - Give up! The rightful king is with us!
  The defenders are confused. The soldiers offer almost no resistance. Mostly officers, merchant militia, and rich Cossacks fight.
  The battle is tough, but focal. More and more regiments are rushing into the city. And Cossacks, and men with stakes, and Tatars with Bashkirs. The battle is tough.
  Oleg Rybachenko also chops and shouts:
  - Give up! There will be mercy, a lot of money and freedom for you all!
  It is clear that the strength of the defenders is quickly diminishing, as is the desire to fight. Even the officers give up. The Cossacks don"t even want to die.
  To Matyusha Boron, Oleg cut the throat, throwing the dagger with his bare toes.
  The battle died down almost immediately. The merchants fell to their knees and begged for mercy. They dragged both the German governor and the commandant of the fortress. Emelyan Pugachev ordered them to be hanged.
  The captured soldiers were sworn in, and the officers were offered a choice: either service to Tsar Peter the Third or the death penalty. Divided approximately in half. Some were executed. Some swore allegiance to Emelyan.
  In the city itself, a rich treasury was captured, and a lot of valuables, as well as almost ninety cannons, and large reserves of gunpowder, bombs, and cannonballs.
  The colossal fortress finally fell after a long siege. Pugachev's army was noticeably replenished. And now it was possible to go to Tatishchevo and give battle to Golitsyn with superior forces.
  And Oleg himself went to Chika to help. Mikhelson should have been hacked to death to prevent him from defeating the rebels near Ufa.
  The boy ran barefoot in shorts in the snow. Margarita also joined him. The girl wore only a tunic, and of course, no shoes either. Beautiful, with golden curly hair, though dusty from working in the quarries.
  Margarita is beautiful, but still a child.
  Oleg asked her:
  - You were not yet an old woman... You don"t regret becoming a girl for a long time!
  Margarita answered with a smile:
  - And you were not old, but you became a boy almost forever! You have to pay for immortality, and this payment is not excessive!
  Oleg agreed with this:
  - Slavery is temporary, but eternal life is forever! Besides, we are so fast that we don't need horses!
  Margarita laughed and remarked:
  - Certainly! We run faster than the most thoroughbred stallions. The immortal body is special, and it is more comfortable in the quarries, under the overseer"s whip, than in a normal body on a feather bed!
  Oleg Rybachenko nodded in agreement:
  - You can't argue with that! So we will live forever!
  And the Terminator children sped up. Oleg, of course, was very pleased. He's a great kid.
  Although sometimes doubts crept into my soul: is it possible to kill officers of the Russian army? This is most likely wrong! But the witch's task must be completed. She changed the history of Russia, and gave her an eternal, immortal body, even if it was a child"s body, but extremely strong and fast. And for this you should pay and serve.
  And who knows, maybe if Pugachev wins, Russia will only benefit?
  The boy and girl knew approximately where the detachment of the royal troops was located, to which Mikhelson was supposed to arrive.
  Chika has twelve thousand organized troops near Ufa. And he was close to taking this city, but twice he lacked a little luck and discipline.
  Of course, Mikhelson has several times less strength, but in real history, he still won. So... This very talented commander needs to be captured or killed.
  And then we will see. Without Mikhelson, the troops probably won"t move to Chika. And there, Oleg Rybachenko came up with a plan. Defeat Golitsyn and go to Ufa. Take this city, send reinforcements to the Urals and Siberia, and move to Kazan yourself. Then the rebels will have an advantage.
  And the queen"s troops will be beaten piece by piece. In addition, in any revolution, there are such effects: the more victories, the more supporters, and the weaker the enemy"s resistance.
  So with every step the uprising will only get stronger. Oleg was sure of this.
  And Margarita, the girl who runs faster than a racehorse, is with him, and together they will chop down their enemies.
  The young warriors took a place in the ambush. Mikhelson with a small escort detachment was supposed to arrive at his regiment. Here the Terminator children were already waiting for him.
  Oleg and Margarita, waving sabers, attacked the escort. They cut down several hussars right away. The others tried to shoot, but the bullets did not hit the immortal children. And they chopped down their enemies with frenzied rage. And Oleg Rybachenko even threw sharp disks with his toes. And Margarita tried this with her bare feet and it worked.
  The boy and girl killed the enemy without further ado. Mikhelson tried to gallop away, but Oleg and Margarita caught up with him. They knocked Mikhelson down and tied him up.
  Oleg put the lieutenant colonel on his shoulders and carried him to Chika for trial.
  The immortal children scattered and killed fifty hussars, showing that in exchange for eternal childhood they received very cool abilities.
  Oleg, dragging Mikhelson on his shoulders, remarked:
  - However, how strong I have become!
  Margarita noted:
  - Yes, this once again confirms that we made the right choice! And immortality is worth working out!
  Oleg agreed with this:
  - Fighting is much more interesting than playing donkeys in quarries. It"s not hard in this body, but it"s boring!
  Margarita agreed:
  - Routine kills!
  In Chiki's camp, two barefoot children, or rather by the standards of this time, when smaller people were a bit teenagers, did not arouse much suspicion. If you are barefoot in the snow, it means you are poor, and on the side of the peasant king.
  Chika rewarded Mikhelson for the prisoner, giving the children an imperial amount - fifteen gold rubles.
  Mikhelson himself was offered: either serve the Tsar or be hanged!
  Mikhelson preferred the loop. But Oleg suggested letting this commander think. After all, they will always have time to hang it. And Mikhelson can be very useful.
  Chika agreed:
  - Time is running out!
  Oleg also suggested:
  - We must capture the Tsar"s regiment without a commander for now! To protect yourself.
  Chika agreed:
  - Strike while the iron is hot!
  And the rebels attacked the royal troops. They attacked at night, Oleg and Margarita carefully removed the sentries.
  The battle was relatively short-lived. Oleg, throwing a homemade disk from a broken scythe, killed the colonel, who was acting as commander, and without him morale dropped. In addition, there were too many rebels, and this put pressure on the psyche of the soldiers, and many officers.
  And who knows, maybe this is the real Tsar Peter the Third. And he has legitimacy higher than Catherine II.
  Most of the regiment was captured. Cannons and rifles were captured.
  Complete victory for an army unprepared to repel an attack.
  And of course Chica's triumph.
  But naturally the children run back to Pugachev. He will have to fight against seven thousand troops, including two thousand horsemen of Prince Golitsyn. Pugachev is, of course, more numerous, but his army is motley. There are many former soldiers who are unreliable, poorly armed and trained peasants, Tatars and Bashkirs and Kalmyks.
  The strongest core is the Yaik Cossacks. But these Cossacks are not the most numerous. There are also Iletsk Cossacks, and Orenburg and others.
  They are already running up to the Tatishchevo fortress, where a considerable army of the peasant king has gathered.
  Emelyan Pugachev himself rides around the positions on a white horse. Oleg Rybachenko looks attentively at this leader. Emelyan Pugachev has the appearance of a ruler. He is approximately average in height, but on horseback he appears taller due to his short legs and broad shoulders. Physically, the rebel leader is strong. You could see how he cut and the power of the blow in battle.
  In general, he is quite suitable for the role of chieftain. And for the role of the king? It is possible that too.
  Pugachev's army is large. He arrived from the Iletsk defense, still a convict Khlopusha, gathering another fifteen hundred people. Now Emelyan has more than twenty thousand fighters. It is difficult for them to fit even in a fortress. Count three times more troops than Golitsyn, and more continue to arrive.
  And Pugachev has twice as many guns. There are quite a lot of reserves of gunpowder and cannonballs.
  You can fight... But the army is motley. There are men with spears, and Bashkirs, and Tatars, and Kalmyks, and Kyrgyz and Kazakhs. And also many former soldiers from different garrisons who are not entirely reliable. There are also Ural workers and Siberian riflemen. Cossacks are the most important core of the army.
  A large army, but too motley. Some soldiers and officers were captured quite recently in Orenburg.
  Some parts are from men's equipment, which can only be used in hand-to-hand combat. And a horde of Asians, not very disciplined, and often not knowing the Russian language.
  So, formally having much more troops and even guns, Emelyan Pugachev is inferior to the enemy in the quality of combat force. So the outcome of the battle is not at all as clear as it seems, based on a purely formal balance of forces.
  Oleg Rybachenko understands this. Probably, this is also clear to Pugachev. Chika won because he took the enemy by surprise. And in the real story, it was Mikhelson who won, who was able to attack Chika"s larger army ahead of the curve.
  What should I do now? The fortress was well strengthened and doused with water, making the slopes icy and slippery. But you can"t stay on the defensive for long.
  Oleg suggested to Emelyan:
  - Let's attack the enemies ourselves, Tsar-Father!
  Emelyan logically noted:
  - Won"t they cover us with guns?
  Oleg suggested:
  - I will reconnoiter the enemy with Margarita, and we will strike exactly where he least expects it!
  The peasant king approved:
  - That's a good idea!
  And Oleg, with Margarita, grabbed a backpack with grenades, and a pair of sharp sabers each rushed towards the enemy.
  The children ran almost naked, the boy in shorts and the girl in a tunic. Oleg remembered Ian"s "Spartak". The boy Gita was also there. And a woman in a torn tunic, a dancer, sunburned. The boy was very obstinate. Probably not a hereditary slave. Maybe he was captured . Then they drove him to Italy, stripped him and put him up for auction. Although Gita is incorrect, since he was bronzed from the tan, then most likely they drove him to the auction undressed. And he walked so naked, walking barefoot along the rocky roads of Italy. His bare soles were burning, his calves were aching. But the boy did not lower his head.
  And the buyer began to feel the boy, his naturally developed muscles, apparently crazy about his smooth skin. And then he put his dirty fingers into his mouth. And Gita could not stand it and bit him.
  Then a fight broke out. Yes, Gita, it was a boy whom Oleg himself mistook for Spartak in childhood. But no, still a minor character.
  I wonder, what if the Romans would have decided to torture Gita? After all, captured slaves are interrogated under torture?
  And the red-hot iron would touch the bare heel of the slave boy. Gita howled and repeated the same thing:
  - The slaves run away and don"t want to fight!
  They burned his second heel for symmetry and released him. The boy is forced to step on his toes, and it hurts him quite a bit. But Gita still managed to escape during the chaos.
  Perhaps the boy had previously worked in the quarries. He was carrying heavy stones, sweating profusely, breathing heavily. The overseer's whip lashed him. It"s very difficult in the very first days of work, when you don"t like the light. And then you get used to it. The difficult becomes familiar, and the familiar becomes easy. But still many slaves die. And Gita turned into a little wolf cub.
  Oleg thought that perhaps the boy in the book "Spartacus" was captured after the defeat of the rebels. And since he was still a child, he was sent chained to the mines. So that he would die there slowly. Or they were tortured, burning the boy"s muscular body with a red-hot rod. Then they poured salt on the burns and broke the toes on the young slave"s bare feet. They twisted their joints. Everyone was wondering where Spartak hid the gold. Gita is silent, gritting her teeth. He is lifted up and lowered by sharply pulling the rope.
  And the veins crackle with wild pain. And the boy loses consciousness. They pour ice water over him and revive him. And the doctor feels the pulse to determine whether it is possible to continue the torture, or whether it is necessary to give the tortured person a rest, in order to then torment the young body again.
  Gita is tortured cruelly and for a long time. They pour pepper on the wounds, beat them with hot wire, prick the nerve endings with needles, and a fire burns under the boy"s bare feet. And the executioner draws heat under the rack. And a strong smell of burning, and they pull out every vein.
  And then the red-hot iron touches the boy"s bare chest, and he loses consciousness from wild pain. He is doused with water again and taken inside. The executioner squeezes the testicles with forceps, the boy is altered from wild suffering, and passes out again.
  Gita under torture... Someone reported that this was Spartak's favorite, and knew where he buried the treasure. And the Romans torture... The boy did not have a single intact area of skin that was not burnt or striped. But he is silent. And the Romans are amazed at his tenacity.
  Crassus's wife is present during the torture. She eagerly watches how the handsome and fair-haired boy is tortured. It's exciting. And so she ordered, after another torture, to bring Gita to her and put her on the bed. She really wants to do it herself.
  Still quite young and strong, the woman rode on the male perfection of the young slave. Gita became a man for the first time. Then he had to lick her pussy with his tongue. Which is a little disgusting, but also unusual.
  And so Crassus"s wife ordered the torture to stop, and the boy, who had already grown somewhat during the uprising, began to be fed better. And she made love to him.
  The wounds and burns on Gita healed like on a dog. And having grown stronger, the boy married the lustful wife of Crassus and fled from her estate. After which he hid in the mountains and formed his own gang of runaway slaves there. In the end, everything ended well. Crassus died during the war. And Gita attached himself to Julius Caesar, and made a good career, got married and had a bunch of children. And the fate of Spartak is unknown. The body was not found. And whether he died or was saved, the slaves did not know.
  But they believed that, of course, their redeemer was alive.
  Oleg Rybachenko and Margarita Korshunova: who were once adults, and now are eternal, immortal children, approached Golitsyn"s camp. There are three generals here. And the troops were withdrawn from the Russian-Swedish border.
  While Tsarist Russia is at war with Turkey, the rebels are calmer. If Golitsyn is defeated, the Pugachevites will be able to finally seize the initiative. And even occupy Samara.
  Oleg and Margarita walked around the sentries... It"s snowing, and you can"t see too well.
  The boy thought that maybe they could finish off three generals and Colonel Bibikov, beheading the tsarist army. But this is difficult to do.
  A boy and a girl step carefully in the snow. They try not to leave traces. They are still children. Carefully approach the convoys. The gun was located separately somewhere. The army is on the march. There are no longer any strong frosts - it"s March. But there is still snow lying around. The bare feet of young warriors hardly feel the cold, especially when moving. They quickly get used to the cold.
  However, many children, even without superpowers, run barefoot in the snow, especially in these harsh times.
  Oleg thought that he had not watched TV or played on the computer for a long time. And that without games it"s somehow dumb.
  The guys approached the convoy, and Margarita suggested:
  - What if we set fire to gunpowder warehouses?
  Oleg frowned and asked:
  - Do you think this is a good idea?
  The girl logically remarked:
  - Without gunpowder, an army is not an army!
  Oleg nodded in agreement:
  - Let's try!
  And the boy in shorts rushed towards the carts. They, together with the girl, killed three sentries with saber blows and, using flint and adding hay, set fire to the convoy with gunpowder.
  It began to glow and a black cloud began to rise into the sky. The gunpowder began to burst...
  A boy and a girl hid in the camp. Panic set in. Golitsyn also jumped out with two generals. This prince screamed heart-rendingly and pointed his fingers.
  Oleg threw the disk with his bare toes, and it whistled and pierced straight into Golitsyn"s neck. The prince, spreading his arms, fell. General Mansurov rushed to him. But using her bare toes, Margarita used the weapon. And the second commander collapsed.
  The third was Fairman, who fought with the rebels along with General Kar. With them is Colonel Bibikov, a relative of Chief General Bibikov. They can be seen by their shoulder straps with the sharp vision of immortal children, despite the snowfall.
  Oleg and Margarita again threw discs with their bare toes - their immortal bodies had such an ability, like comic book heroes.
  And both bosses were killed, their heads were blown off.
  After which the terminator boy and the ranger girl began throwing discs at the officers. Fortunately, after the death of the commanders, panic began; it seemed to everyone that the Pugachevites had attacked the camp.
  However, two children are also colossal strength. And they kill officers by throwing sharply sharpened discs. And they break their throats, their arteries and veins burst.
  Children are difficult to recognize in snowfall, and they are perfectly camouflaged in snowdrifts.
  But the tsarist troops have a hard time. Oleg Rybachenko, throwing discs, says:
  - Glory to great Russia!
  And again the disk thrown by the boy"s bare toes flies.
  Margarit does the same, throws a sharpened device with her bare fingers and howls aggressively:
  - For Emelyan Pugachev!
  And these children work very actively and effectively. They also cut with sabers. And officers are chosen.
  Oleg Rybachenko sings:
  - White wolves are flocking!
  Margarita, throwing discs at her opponents with her bare toes, sings:
  - Only then will the race survive!
  The boy, continuing to wind up, mows down the enemy:
  - The weak die, they are killed!
  The girl, throwing discs and killing officers, hisses:
  - Purifying the sacred blood!
  Young warriors act in a very varied way, throwing grenades at enemies.
  At this moment, rebel cavalry raids the camp. It turns out Emelyan Pugachev decided to attack first and moved his numerous cavalry after the children.
  And the blow turned out to be sudden and at just the right time. The steppe inhabitants showered the soldiers with arrows, the Cossacks chopped them down with sabers, and the mounted men put them on spears.
  The will of the tsarist army was undermined, and the commanders were killed. Here Emelyan Pugachev personally cuts the last colonel with a saber and shouts:
  - My children, do you recognize the legitimate sovereign?
  Hundreds of soldiers and even many officers fall to their knees and scream:
  - Let's admit it! Let"s admit it!
  Resistance drops. The infantry surrenders almost entirely, except for some officers. The cavalry resists somewhat longer. There are many nobles in it. But cavalrymen from ordinary people also throw down their weapons.
  Oleg and Margarita cut the riders with sabers, and throw sharp disks with their bare toes, and squeal:
  - Great people at all times,
  Great people - in the glory of Peter!
  Both the boy and the girl are more active in chopping and throwing. The artillery has already been captured. And they hit the riders with buckshot. There are dozens of them lying around. There is a total beating going on.
  Oleg sang with a grin:
  - Great Tsar Peter the First, always be an example for us!
  And he will also take it and slash with two sabers, immediately cutting off the heads of five.
  Margarit, cutting off her opponents, chirped:
  - My voices, and I am beautiful!
  And the same way he will take it and cut it.
  The boy and girl are simply the embodiment of annihilation. And they work like electric scythes.
  Another officer falls... The loud voice of Emelyan Pugachev sounds:
  "Whoever serves me will receive a reward, and the rest will perish."
  The men with braids have already arrived. And they fight well against cavalry. And the streams of horses thin out...
  The surviving horsemen also surrender. The battle is won again... Pugachev triumphs!
  The prisoners are already being led and sworn in. Soldiers, as a rule, bow to the impostor. Officers are different. Who chooses the noose and who swears allegiance to the new king. Moreover, who knows, maybe a real monarch.
  Emelyan Pugachev looks very commanding. It is clear that this is a fellow who is used to commanding. And literally everyone bows before him.
  After amusing those who refused to take the oath, Emelyan made an audit.
  Seventy-five guns were captured, which was a lot at that time. And Golitsyn"s troops gathered so many in the fortresses. The cannonballs and buckshot are also in place, but most of the gunpowder was burned. But it doesn't matter.
  There are more than five and a half thousand prisoners. The army has grown.
  The king of the peasants awarded Oleg the rank of colonel for his exploits, and the rank of colonel to Margarita.
  And he also gave three hundred rubles.
  Yes, the boy continued his good career. You can still rise to the rank of field marshal.
  And Emelyan first gave a feast...
  And at the feast they discussed the question of what to do next. In general, it was necessary to strengthen our rear. Be sure to take Ufa, and before that the Verkhoyaitskaya fortress which still held out. Also send reinforcements to Kungur and Beloborodova. And occupy all the Ural factories. Having acquired artillery and supplies, as well as guns.
  In general, the atamans agreed with this. And after taking Ufa, go to Kazan.
  Another question is what to do with the Yaik city? Take it by storm, or leave it under blockade for now?
  Emelyan Pugachev wanted to spend a little time with his young wife Ustinya, and taking part of the cavalry they set off for the city. And Ataman Ovchinnikov remained temporarily in command. He had to go to the Vernekhneyaitsky fortress, at the same time gathering the forces of the steppe inhabitants. Reinforcements were sent to the Urals. It was even planned to take Tobolsk. Significant forces were gathering.
  The Cossack king and his cavalry galloped towards Yaitsk. Whatever one may say, this city is symbolic. But most of all, Emelyan wanted to make himself an heir to the throne. After all, war is war. And if they kill, then at least there will be someone to continue the family line.
  Oleg and Margarita together with the main army, which is moving towards the Verkhneyaitsk fortress.
  A boy and a girl are running and are very cheerful...
  They even make wisecracks along the way.
  They exchange aphorisms;
  Oleg says, jumping up, and Margarita in response:
  The king is strong not with his crown, but with the coronation of success!
  Man is not a wolf, but he needs a pack even more!
  Drink, but don't get drunk, and if you get drunk, don't get caught!
  The tyrant's speech is honeyed, like Velcro for flies!
  He who falls for sweet words is as smart as a fly!
  The tyrant is bitter in deeds, but sweet in speech!
  He who does not want peace will not see the feast!
  A person is only great if he does not exchange himself for little!
  Be patient, but don't be impatient!
  If you want to get trumps, don't be a jack!
  One blow is better than a thousand curses, and one slap is better than a hundred strokes!
  The king who undresses his subjects is always naked!
  They usually put on shoes to undress!
  By stealing, you fill your pockets, but you empty your soul!
  A tyrant loves power, but hates the one he rules over!
  An executioner is sometimes a necessary profession, but a person with a head is unloved!
  A tyrant can be killed, but cannot be whitewashed!
  A person loves the red word, but sometimes he regurgitates blood!
  He who looks into the past is always late!
  The future is in the fog, but not far off!
  Don't spit in the past, they will spit in the future!
  The tyrant is, in fact, a vampire, and his speech is fluent!
  If you abuse sweet dreams, then life will not be honey!
  Sweet dreams lead to bitter awakenings!
  By pouring honey out of your mouth too often, you attract bears!
  The tyrant loves blood and red speeches, but always strives for whitewashing!
  People are afraid of change, but they are never happy with the status quo!
  If you want to become God, do not choose a primate as your mentor!
  Sheep need a wise shepherd, not a stupid ram!
  A holy place is never empty, but holiness can be empty!
  Man, like God, is a creator, and like the devil, he creates problems for himself!
  The tyrant, like a wasp, has a sting, but cannot even give wings to himself!
  A politician is a fox, don"t be voters like crows losing their daily bread!
  Even if a man is of seven spans in his forehead, stubbornness will turn him into a monkey!
  God has everything, man has no sense of proportion!
  It's easy to pray, hard to beg!
  Having imagination is good - being a dreamer is bad!
  Having the power of God, do not stoop to the ambitions of a primate!
  The monkey imitates, man creatively adopts!
  The future is not about high mountains, but about big things!
  Youth in the heart is eternal, but old age is boring!
  Don"t twist your tail like a fox, it"s better to hold your chest like a wheel!
  Men mature in war, but you can't kill without a reason!
  War will reduce health, but increase intelligence!
  Gold coins have the yellowness of treason!
  The executioner also has a heart, but with the hardness of an ax sharpener!
  Fight, don't die, you can wait a century!
  God is in every heart, but not in every head!
  Big ambitions reduce happiness!
  He who wants too much has the strength of a bubble!
  An empire is like a house; construction requires love and calculation, otherwise the roof will bleed!
  Good things are never enough, but it"s still not worth overeating!
  It's profitable to be rich, it's only unpleasant when everyone milks you!
  If you want to be strong, don't weaken your mind!
  The muscles become stronger from contraction, and the bureaucratic apparatus becomes more efficient!
  Politicians love to work with their tongues, especially at the table!
  There is no greater liar than a politician who is fanatically convinced of his own rightness!
  God created a woman for a man, but Satan added a mother-in-law!
  The thief should be in prison, but the biggest thief gets the throne!
  Who stole a penny was a criminal, who stole a billion, a great financier!
  With a callous soul you cannot feed the hungry with fresh bread!
  The more you steal, the less the punishment, but not in the next world!
  Not letting it go by itself does not mean keeping it in a stranglehold!
  The bank can support, but it"s like a hanged man"s noose!
  Those who have no support are pushed against the wall!
  Accuracy is the politeness of kings, but royal jesters are especially accurate!
  A politician is often a joker, but rarely one who tells the truth!
  The jester loves to cut the truth, but often risks being stabbed to death!
  Anyone who loves vodka hates their health and sanity!
  Vodka is clear, but it fogs your brain!
  The drunken sea is knee-deep, but he himself is always on his knees!
  Choose soberly, without getting drunk from sweet wine from the lips of politicians!
  When you vote for the winner in an election, you will always be disappointed; when you vote for the loser, you will always be annoyed!
  Whoever is not chosen will always have a feeling of mistake and disappointment!
  Voting for the same politician is like a violinist strumming on one string!
  The politicians on the throne need to be changed, it"s not a fact that the new dish is better, but in any case it"s fresh!
  Vote for the young, you yourself will become younger, if not in body, then in a new way!
  Whoever sits on the throne for a long time becomes a hemorrhoid for his subjects!
  No matter how barbed bayonets are, the tyrant manages to sit on them the longest!
  A wise tyrant will not imprison his enemies any more than he will fool his friends!
  He who salutes the tyrant will march forever!
  Democracy is good for the smart, average for the stupid, but tyranny is good only for the tyrant!
  The children composed a few aphorisms. Then a small detachment of hussars attacked. Some were chopped up and then captured.
  Verkhneyaitskaya fortress. A very powerful citadel and, despite being surrounded by rebels, it was never taken.
  The children run up to her, making up a few more aphorisms on the way.
  A tyrant is always weak in command: the wolf loves sheep and trembles before lions!
  A priest lies for the sake of the truth, a politician for the sake of profit, and a drunkard for the sake of a glass!
  Luck does not always come through justice and diligence, but always goes away due to negligence and laziness!
  It is good to have the strength of an elephant, worse is its agility, even worse is its wisdom, and very bad is obesity!
  Everything in the world is relative, except that man is the navel of the world!
  The desire to achieve the power of God should not be combined with gorilla morality!
  Scientists develop progress, but stimulate laziness!
  If you want to be healthy, run, if you don"t want to get hurt, run away!
  A person's strength is in his mind, but his weakness is in his tongue!
  A politician is like a fruit, the brighter it is, the more poisonous it is!
  A politician is akin to a boa constrictor, only he opens his mouth and swallows much more often!
  The tyrant has a lot of cunning, but little decency!
  If you want to become higher than God, you will fall lower than a booger!
  No one is eternal, even the gods live only as long as humanity exists!
  Politicians want to rule forever, but they don"t want to smell even a couple of minutes!
  Don't trust politicians, and check the strength of the door!
  However, not all that glitters is gold, but everything that glitters can be wrapped in a stream of gold in your pocket!
  And there is only one warrior in the field when he has a lot of courage!
  The endurance of the strong best restrains the excitement of the enemy's impotent rage!
  You can screw up everything in life, you just can"t live like a toadstool!
  Cunning is the mother of victory, if it also brings with it the gentleman of a happy occasion!
  War is an eternal virgin - she cannot cum without blood!
  War with the greedy grasp of the harlot - never gives victory for nothing!
  Each person is like a grain of sand in the desert, but unlike the vastest desert that has edges, this grain of sand has no limits to self-improvement!
  When the gods laugh, mortals cry, when the laughter of the gods becomes thunderous, the end of weak people is grave!
  The most advanced technology is powerless with its primitive use and sophisticated inaction!
  What can tear the starry carpet off its hinges? An asteroid of human stupidity!
  Without the whip of repression, a leap to achievements that bring liberation to all humanity is impossible!
  The steeper the "twist" of the brain, the more force majeure twists it!
  A poor person is not one who is barefoot in body, but one who is not boss in spirit!
  Dislike for sex gives rise to unhealthy morality!
  Humor is as appropriate at a funeral as a ballgown in a trench!
  Those who play dumb will not achieve success; those who break illusions achieve the truth! The winner is always right, even if success is achieved using the wrong methods!
  The best gift from an enemy is when he gives power to an idiot!
  Whoever endures the collar will never become a stallion loved by women!
  Freedom is doubly attractive to those who have managed to enslave their own feelings of laziness and irresponsibility!
  Who often underestimates the enemy's ability to fight back, and will rarely receive the opportunity to reap a valuable victory!
  He who likes to spit, it"s a trifle to make him shit himself!
  You can talk a lot of fruitless phrases about God, but useful deeds will come from this with a gugulkin nose, which will not grow from watering a river of verbiage!
  Winners are judged by their achievements and trophies...losers are simply judged! The winner has a magistrate judge, the loser has a criminal judge! One can question the value and necessity of victory, but defeat always and undoubtedly does no one any good!
  The only benefit of defeat is that it teaches you to learn lessons and grow sowing success from the shed tears of bitter mistakes!
  If you want to deceive your enemy, be a mystery to your friends too!
  If the enemy commander"s plan is like an open book, then its pages will inevitably be stained with the blood of your comrades!
  The boy and girl still continued to make jokes, while inspecting the strong fortress.
  The winners judge themselves, combining both the prosecutor and the lawyer, but the verdict is still passed not by them, but by history!
  The simpler the trick, the more difficult it is for the enemy to extricate himself from the consequences of its use!
  The moment of impact, like a note in a melody, will ring a little earlier or later, and it will be false! But you can"t even hear the whistle of a disappointed audience from the grave!
  When you know who your enemy is, then you won"t have to know your friends in trouble!
  Don"t lose the initiative, you will lose the sweet honey of victory, and you will gain the bitterness of loss! When a boxer staggers, he must be hit even harder, otherwise his limbs will give way!
  The enemy is sailing, the wind of annihilation is in his sail!
  Who, having swam in battle, will drown in a puddle and burn to death!
  Dirty magic, like soap suds, stings the eyes, but not the enemy!
  Weeds grow well when they grow poorly with a reduction in the stupid prejudices of gardeners!
  The most enjoyable learning process is sex! And most importantly, no one will refuse to retake it!
  Sex is the only subject where everyone strives to put more stakes!
  What sex and studies have in common is that a C is better than a D!
  But only a solid number is the most satisfactory assessment!
  Whoever stands when it is necessary to attack will not be able to resist even sleeping in the grave!
  The one who is always in a stalemate in life is spewing swear words!
  He goes first with trump cards, he is just a laughingstock of people!
  Anyone who wants to be in time for the distribution of awards must generously send out gifts in the form of cuffs!
  The vacuum won't burst, the sun won't fart!
  The bullet is not a fool, but the fool that shoots misses!
  Whoever refuses to help people is wasting the time allotted by the Lord for the atonement of sins and repentance!
  Death never forgets, even if it is occasionally forgetful!
  A strong warrior, even one, brings more benefit than a pack of weaklings, just as one sharp sickle cuts off an entire field of spikelets!
  But sometimes, even among the spikelets of a weak army, the sickle-batyr can come across a cobblestone of an unpleasant exception!
  If there is peace, then a generous feast; if there is war, then let there be a victorious cup of wine!
  He who is clumsy in military affairs is a clumsy corpse in bed!
  - A good warrior is only as good a spy as it helps to embroider and win! A good spy is such a warrior, it doesn"t stop him from killing and avoiding loss!
  It"s easy to fall apart in the heat of battle when you lose your cool during training!
  You can win with brute force, but without subtle diplomacy you cannot retain the fruits of victory!
  There are two problems in war: finding the hidden enemy and avoiding the temptation to bury your head in the sand!
  Don"t you beggar sit in the royal carriage, you won"t have to answer for thousands!
  Cruelty is necessary for there to be a result - do not spare the enemy, no matter how weak he is!
  It"s better to survive without learning too much than to die after learning something that won"t be necessary for you anyway!
  A person likes to put everything in a pile, except for those troubles that he is ready to forget about! However, most often, troubles pile up on the forgetful!
  When they say you like it, you don"t need to rush, decide right away, otherwise your throat might choke!
  You also need to be able to lose, but it"s especially important not to be able to lose!
  An attack is like a tailwind in a sail, only intensifying and breaking other people's masts!
  Surrender cannot buy life, but a shameful existence will be given to you for nothing!
  Whoever is cruel to people will himself become jelly devoured by devils in hell!
  An accurate sniper pilot, most often misses when landing on the widest airfield of the underworld!
  Attack is always more effective than defense, because the face of a fist is a bad block!
  He who does not hesitate to fight back quickly goes to success!
  Entertainment is the most pointless and wasteful time-consuming activity, but if there is no time for it, the payment for useful deeds already exceeds reasonable limits!
  The most meaningless thing in life is entertainment, but without entertainment, life has no meaning!
  The shepherd must understand the sheep, but not think like a sheep!
  The ruler must be his own for the good of his subjects, but alien to the weaknesses and superstitions of the crowd!
  Everyone falls - only the spiritually exalted rise!
  Those who don't count shells fly into battle!
  Every shot counts, fortune holds you in high esteem!
  Childhood, like an opening in a chess game, shapes the game as a whole, but unlike chess, everyone wants to return and never leave the opening again!
  The cold is not terrible if your heart is on fire and icy calm reigns in your head!
  You can survive by freezing problems or emotions, but you cannot live if your feelings have cooled down!
  A jackal can defeat a tiger if it is jackal in battle, and tiger in choosing an opponent!
  The boy and girl finished spouting aphorisms.
  They, however, received a command from the witch to do something and temporarily left this time.
  During the battle with the Nazis, Oleg Rybachenko found himself in a parallel world, where it is hardest for Russians.
  Margarita is next to him, also a girl ready to fight the Nazis.
  The children spend some time preparing for battle. They are both a pioneer and a pioneer.
  How does it feel to have red ties around your neck?
  And being barefoot is already familiar and even accepted... We must prepare to repel the attack of the fascists and their accomplices.
  Including Americans. What do you need to be prepared for? Know that the forces are unequal and you need ingenuity.
  The children are getting ready, and digging traps, and hastily inventing something.
  Oleg and Margarita are in the natural world, and they are perceived as one of their own.
  The boy is preparing various surprises for the Nazis. It's fun with other kids.
  Together with Margarita, they feel quite free in the company of women and boys.
  Oleg even wittily remarked:
  Heroism has no age, but feat gives youth to the soul!
  Margarita agreed:
  "Years are never enough for a feat, but there are always many centuries of memories!"
  The boy helped, the girl is preparing to repel the defense. We need to fight.
  The Nazis are about to attack. True, Margarita unexpectedly left her position. Since she is a girl, she was sent behind the front line as a liaison officer.
  Girls still arouse less suspicion than boys. Moreover, Margarita is fair-haired and her face inspires increased confidence.
  There are mostly warrior girls here. The pioneers lend a helping hand to them, while there is a calm in the fields and the guys with the pointy-nosed girls themselves beg to help their older brothers. They work even too zealously, trying to do more, without calculating their children's strength. That"s how terribly their veins swelled and how sharply, like copper wire, the veins came out on their tanned, calloused hands and barefoot, so cruelly that you want to cry, broken feet of the child heroes. At the same time, they still manage to sing;
  My homeland is Stalingrad,
  It contains flowers of dope - a diamond of dew!
  There will be, I believe, a joyful parade,
  In a world without war - heavenly beauty!
  Man will become man's brother,
  Everyone's dream girl will come...
  If it's hard, it's your fault,
  The sweet river will be full of water!
  The Fritz stuck his snout in and bared his grin,
  He is a fascist roaring - I will kill you all!
  But in response he was met with a blow -
  We know how to hit without much embellishment!
  The pioneer gave us a big salute -
  Showed that he is a real tiger!
  And now the Kraut fighters are hitting hard,
  The time for children's games is over for us!
  The Lord Christ Himself commanded jokingly -
  Your destiny will be the embodiment of your dreams!
  A man in hearts is just a child,
  Sorrow in his soul is like a wreath of roses!
  Raindrops are pearls of the sea,
  The reflection in them of the stars in the heavens!
  Death threatens us with a sharp scythe,
  And the treacherous wolf is with bones in the forests!
  But know the pioneer - a tie is blood,
  Only red color is sacred for centuries!
  Svarog will bring it - trust us love,
  The grace of heaven - know it is great!
  We walk barefoot through Berlin,
  The pioneer leads thousands of fighters!
  And the enemy stood - a donkey under the yoke,
  Light to the entire Universe - our fellows!
  The girl Alena added a short phrase:
  They are burning alarmingly in the sky,
  Evil Luftwaffe eyes!
  As if they were saying -
  There's a storm over the world again!
  And the thunderstorm is really approaching, even the sun descending to the horizon is obscured by a mixture of clouds and acrid, eye-biting smoke.
  The distant rumble of approaching tanks can be heard, and planes buzz in the sky. First the famous frames hover, followed by the Arado-8 jet vultures. Dangerous multi-purpose bombers. Or the very maneuverable Yu-287 with forward-swept wings. And already the mighty siege weapons are thundering. When hit by high-explosive shells, clods of earth and melted turf are thrown high into the sky. And even more terrible are the powerful unguided missiles fired from the Arado-Super that tear apart the trenches... And then Focke-Wulf attack aircraft appear, capable of smoothing out any defense. This is where the battle begins. Major, sophisticated despite his youth, Andrei Matrosov holds trophy binoculars with cool optics in his hands, watching the approaching fascist steel avalanche. There are many Nazis and they are unusually strong. Even the infantry is on wheels and armored vehicles, avoiding small arms fire. They try to drive the hard-working pioneers to the rear, but they don"t want to leave and ask for rifles to fight.
  There are not enough weapons for everyone, although the local dashing and greyhound children brought hunting rifles and even sports bows. Blue-eyed and fair-haired boy Oleg Rybachenko even made a sling filled with homemade grenades with an original filling. He's a strong inventor. And the sling itself is not simple, but from many trunks - a real "Katyusha" made of wood by pioneer hands. The innovative guys made explosives using a homemade method, and even made anti-aircraft devices. Everyone wants to fight bravely and win. But you won"t be able to die with the last thought of the Sacred and Irreplaceable Motherland.
  Major Andrei Matrosov gives the order:
  - Do not open fire without a command!
  Indeed, for the entire battalion they have only three pre-war production of the "forty-five" (All the newest weapons are urgently transferred to the Moscow direction, here only what they managed to carve out on a residual basis), which means the only chance is to let the Krauts get closer.
  In front, as is customary among the Nazis, are the most protected vehicles; tanks "Royal Tiger", "Lion" and self-propelled gun "Ferdinand"-2 with a 128 mm cannon. A typical tactic since the Middle Ages is to use the strongest and most textured knights at the tip of the wedge. And it cannot be said that the Germans were bad warriors. It is even somehow generally accepted to consider the Germans as born warriors. And unrivaled technicians of destruction. These are their brainchildren - cars that can only be penetrated into the side by a caliber of at least 85 mm. The new acting Fuhrer Goering liked the Ferdinand-128, and production of this machine was put into production. And not only in the modification of a tank destroyer, but with an assault gun. True, the production of breakthrough tanks is still just getting going. They should give way to lighter vehicles and a little of the lagging infantry from the main body.
  Nazi cars and motorcycles slow down every now and then, for fear of getting ahead...
  But the barefoot pioneer boy Oleg Rybachenko proves that they stayed here for a reason. First, the sling made by fellow pioneers according to the drawings of a brilliant child was hit. It turned out to be quite long-range in this case, the cumulative explosive packages, like ice skates, split the armor and squeezed out the broken bodies of the Nazis with flattened helmets and twisted machine guns. And for heavier vehicles there are even cooler weapons! A scarce anti-tank mine, coated with homemade glue, and on top the turf that makes it invisible is moved between the stumps with the help of a wire, right under the Royal Lion"s track. This tank even looks very scary, such a large 128 mm gun, and predatory, angry faces are painted on both sides of the turret. Apparently the Germans are counting on intimidating Soviet soldiers.
  The steel plates of the caterpillars lay down on the deadly present with a grinding sound. The explosion does not seem too strong, but the caterpillar is torn off, and Hitler"s tank begins to smoke like a chimney and, with a speed unexpected for such a monster, spin around like a huge tower with a log trunk.
  Other pioneer boys use similar devices, as well as explosives of their own origin, welded according to Oleg Rybachenko"s innovative recipe. Since the German infantry is cowardly, and the tanks and self-propelled guns are defenseless ahead, then they will be punished for this.
  For example, it is best to cover a heavy Ferdinand-128 with a catapult, since nothing can penetrate 200 mm armor. And he will take a weaker roof with a guarantee. Moreover, the brilliant Rybachenko figured out how to make the explosion directed. To do this, it is enough to use a device from a regular incandescent light bulb. Then the vacuum will suck in the blast wave, and all the energy will go to one point. This innovation, along with a special explosive brewed with an admixture of herbs and dried mushrooms, allows even a small explosive package to produce serious destruction. And boys and girls use the most ordinary bows and slingshots with only three strings to shoot at the steel creatures of the Wehrmacht. So the "Royal Tiger" was smashed by its tracks and it, a predator, having been wounded, hysterically crackled its engine and threw out a projectile almost blindly.
  The famous "Werewolf", with a low silhouette and strong armor, looks like a flattened turtle. This self-propelled gun appeared quite recently on the Soviet-German front. Due to its good driving characteristics, the howitzer-cannon's penetrability over a decent distance, and its survivability in battle, the "Werewolf" immediately became the talk of the town.
  But its tracks are still ordinary, albeit wide... However, it would be even better to blow up the bottom of the car and make it spit out its insides with spare parts.
  Then it is already a turtle, which was thrown from the top of the mountain by a mighty Russian eagle. From which the broken intestines crawl out and the ground bones of the murdered members of the Nazi crew crawl out.
  Lyubov Markovna prefers to hit the "Royal Tiger" with an under-barrel grenade launcher - the target is the caterpillar, and in order for the tank to lose the ability to move, the roller drive must be broken. A blonde Komsomol member with slightly blue hair, wriggling curls, twisted the weapon in her hands and growled:
  - You"ll bake yourself into a loaf for lunch!
  Here is another damaged Werewolf, like a pirate frigate with a broken rudder, already sliding to the side. Pokes the armor and collides with the "Royal Tiger". And both steel coffins on tracks begin to glow, and a few moments later explode due to detonating ammunition. A couple of light transports turn over due to the explosion, and the machine guns choke, falling asleep with cartridges and casings themselves. These riddled corpses then turn over.
  Alesya Muravyova, who had just forced the "Panther" that jumped forward to roll over, also deftly cutting out the skating rink, put it beautifully:
  - Strength is not in the lying muscles, but in the brains where there are no rustling mice!
  Lyubov Markovna, reloading the grenade launcher and weighing it in her hands, is alarmed. The ammunition is small, and the enemy is strong, but still, without losing optimism, he says:
  - An oak head and a cast-iron figure are a sign of a rotten stump cut down in battle!
  And he adds:
  -Even with an oak body, with a shortened understanding, it"s just a stump, under someone else"s seat!
  A damn dozen heavy vehicles have already stopped. Broken and helpless tanks smoking like elderly volcanoes are not scary at all. The dragon has lost its heads and its armored skin will be sold as souvenirs.
  But the rest are following them, especially the numerous armored warriors. The pioneer heroes are delighted, they will not run away... Here the self-propelled gun "Ferdinand"-128 picks up speed and... It falls with a big crash into a camouflaged hole. The trunk trunk is broken, and only the wide caterpillars on top stick out and move helplessly. And the nimble "Panther" took off after him. Its ugly, excessively long muzzle has bent and inside it is like an armor-piercing shell exploding. And then the tower itself was torn down... Like an invisible female leg, it aggressively hit the ball. One of the huge German tank crews was torn in half... A boot with a monogram of two silver lightning bolts, characteristic of the SS, flew off. He fell a meter from Oleg Rybachenko. The pioneer boy picked him up and remarked:
  - It will be useful for a samovar, but for us, seasoned young Leninists, there is no need to tear our shoes. - And with a roar, imitating an adult, he added. - Let's better tear up tanks!
  Here"s another surprise, and a cast-iron pot pushed by steam broke off an ordinary rail in blazing arrogance and exploded, setting fire to three entire vehicles at once.
  Alesya Muravyova, whose golden hair does not fade from dust, shouted:
  - But passaran (the slogan of the Spanish communists that has become legendary - they will not pass!)!
  The pioneer women rejoice and, despite the tragedy of the situation, laugh. In some places, homemade explosives are hidden in dug holes. It is made in an old-fashioned, artisanal way. Of course, it"s a little weaker than dynamite, but it"s enough to disable the chassis. And besides this, the barefoot boy genius Oleg Rybachenko came up with a way to make a destructive mixture from ordinary sawdust, manure and hay. It's cheap and cheerful! And when it explodes, Nobel"s eyes would roll out of his head in surprise!
  The Fritz suffer heavy losses, armored personnel carriers fail, some pass through dangerous zones, but they are met by throwing grenades and explosives.
  Here even pioneers are more dangerous than adults. Because quick-witted, young soldiers built small steam ballistas that hurl deadly "presents" at a speed close to machine gun speed. The principle itself is piston, but the engine rotates the blades of the catapults, which throw out gifts of death with a high initial speed. They throw out special bags of distilled wood alcohol mixed with homemade explosive elements - almost equal in destructive power to nitroglycerin.
  When hit, the thinner armor of Hitler's transports gives way, causing the crews to blaze with blue flames. Maddened by pain, the Krauts scream heart-rendingly and run away with their faces distorted in horror.
  Some of them are even giving up technology...
  The only pity is that there are a lot of enemies, it seems that von Bock decided to deliver the main blow here. Suffering significant losses - some of the vehicles were mainly American or French - pouring machine-gun fire into everything, they approached the trenches.
  And they come across hedgehogs... Meanwhile, Alena easily points the forty-five. Of course, you can"t take the "Royal Tiger" and even the improved "Panther", and especially the "Royal Panther" in the forehead, but you can try the sides. Moreover, the "Panther" on board is weak, but due to its speed it tries to break through faster... This is how German machine guns hit, trying to frighten. There is nothing to say about armored personnel carriers. All the freaks will be knocked out and forced to spit out blood on hot metal floors!
  Lyubov Markovna, throwing a grenade at the caterpillar, shouts:
  - We will peck hyenas with falcons!
  A small caliber gun has many advantages over a large one - rate of fire, ease of camouflage. And they know how to choose goals.
  Even the much-vaunted Royal Lion, which seemed reliably protected from small-caliber guns, a vehicle that became a nightmare for the Russians on the Saratov Bulge, can be hit if the turret and hull are precisely slammed from the side. That's where his weakest point is. And if it gets into combat mode then... It will be bad for the Krauts!
  Alesya Muravyova shouts to them:
  - You will still have Stalingrad! And a hundred times worse than Stalingrad!
  The Nazis snarl, fiercely like hyenas. And among the Soviet guys there are killed and wounded. It is especially tragic when young soldiers who have just begun to live die. Here is a very small but brave pioneer girl, with difficulty lifting the explosive package, throwing herself under the tracks of the T-4 "L" medium tank (this freak is still in service! So with increased weight and a stronger engine). I feel sorry for the girl, but she hates fascism more than she loves life. The pioneer firmly knows that her act is heroic and the Lord Jesus will joyfully open the doors of heaven to those who died for their Motherland. An ugly box with a long, but seemingly thin trunk from a huge mask jumps up and rips off a square tower.
  And the soldiers again threw grenades, and skillfully camouflaged machine guns began to fire at the motorcycles crawling towards reprisals. And the heads of Hitler"s soldiers burst, like ripe cherries knocked down by hail. And the blood spreads even more than the juice from crushed juicy berries.
  The half-naked Oleg Rybachenko boy inventor whistled through his nostrils...
  - Time to collect stones from someone who doesn"t throw even a second to the wind!
  This was not the first time he tested his tricks on the Nazis. For example, car engines suck in air for the engines, but what about a mixture of graded coal and several mixed very caustic and prickly herbs with a powder detonator?
  And the gas tanks of large motorcycles explode, throwing out streams of furious fire. It feels like there is a riot of hellish genies going on. Here are a few armored personnel carriers also joining their hapless colleagues. And from them, fragments of armor fly hundreds of meters away, finding themselves more and more victims.
  Alyonushka, pointing at the "Werewolf," aims at the lower part of the body. It's hard to get there, but this is the only chance to penetrate the ruthless self-propelled gun. Smooth movement of the finger, and then a turn.
  The gun gives a soft recoil, and the fascist machine splits in half. And the torn red flag with a black swastika against a white background falls into the bloody mud.
  Alyonushka whispers wise thoughts:
  - Justice requires sacrifice, charity requires donations, and the success of a just cause requires sacrifice!
  Alesya Muravyova adds a heavy grenade to the side of the Panther:
  - Only inevitable sacrifices in war will help avoid the inexorable sacrifices of surrender!
  Oleg Rybachenko, releasing another dust cloud from the ballista, which made him cough hysterically, and then the same cough caused the engines to explode and burst, and yelled:
  - You must give change to the adversary, but you cannot give in to the enemy with change!
  U-turn, the artillery girl rests her bare, pretty legs in order to better feel the biorhythms of the Earth, and the breath of the grass with her soles, and shoots again, hitting the insidious T-4 exactly butt-on.
  The beautiful Komsomol member smiles and shouts:
  - Go to hell, old man!
  And just then two Soviet gray-haired grandfathers were cut off by a machine-gun burst. And they fell into the hollow, bloody. Another old man wrapped in a bunch of grenades fell under the tracks of the Panther tank. In parting he shouted:
  - Glory to Stalin!
  Alyosha Muravyova continued with emphasis:
  - Glory to heroes!
  Lyubov Markova, throwing a grenade with her very flexible leg, shouted deafeningly:
  - Honor the dead!
  Oleg Rybachenko, grinning his white teeth, added:
  - And the smart ones will be honored during their lifetime!
  Really try to resist such a force. For example, there is perhaps no "Royal Mouse" here yet - a relatively new tank, but of course there is also a "Leopard" at the E-25 ball. But the Sherman is rushing... In this case, for some reason, there are few American and British tanks, although it was von Bock who received large quantities of foreign equipment... The resourceful boy Oleshka thought that there were probably problems with the development of crews or with supplies.
  But it"s much easier to turn the Sherman over... A tall rambler runs over a clay pot with an explosive mixture and... Just a powerful shock knocks over the well-armored bastard.
  And behind it, the second American tank is mowed down, the word leading to hellish temptation is hemp under the blow of a sickle. In the third, due to inertia, it hits the damaged colleagues and the also defeated caterpillar blower lifts up.
  The boy genius Oleg shouts:
  - Keep it up, and keep pushing!
  This is truly Russian heroic power!
  Upon return, you need to justify your long absence.
  And to begin with, they took the language. They caught one of the fortress officers with a lasso and tied him up and dragged him to headquarters.
  The peasant king apparently knew a certain secret of how to make a child for a young woman and his wife quickly, and managed to return on a very fast horse. The artillery was stuck in the melting spring snow, and while the army was in no hurry to storm the considerable fortress without a fiery battle.
  Emelyan Pugachev asked the prisoner menacingly:
  - Who am I? Who does he honor?
  The prisoner answered boldly:
  - You are a thief and an impostor!
  The Cossack Tsar said dryly:
  - Hang!
  Shcherbatov suggested:
  - Or maybe question him with passion?
  Pugachev muttered:
  - Take action!
  The captured officer was dragged into a torture hut. However, what could he know? Unless where the army treasury is hidden. Or maybe indicate an underground passage!
  However, the torture is so-so...
  Pugachev has more than two hundred good guns, and she, of course, wants to solve the matter by shelling, and not just launch an assault. And then Ufa and a trip to Kazan.
  Former convict Khlopusha was sent with a crowd and guns to the Urals. The king still has a lot to do.
  Having brought up artillery, Pugachev"s army began shelling. Heavy guns roared. The cannonballs struck and the power of the cannon spewed out.
  Two walls have already collapsed... And the Pugachevites launched an assault. The forces were unequal and the garrison offered almost no resistance. Only the officers did not all try to shoot and cut in. Oleg Rybachenko blew off the colonel and captain's heads. The soldiers threw down their weapons in front of the superior enemy and fell to their knees.
  Pugachev won another, relatively simple victory and moved on. His army grew quickly, although there was a lot of dirt when the snow melted. In general, the delay near Orenburg had its effect.
  However, the fall of this provincial center raised Pugachev"s authority, and people now joined him even more willingly. Especially a lot of steppe people came running.
  And a huge horde, and countless cavalry. There are many thousands of fighters, Emelyan Ivanovich himself alone has more than thirty thousand, plus another fifteen thousand from Chika and other commanders of the peasant king.
  Pugachev himself visited the Yaitsky town, in the sweet embrace of his young wife Ustinia. He made her a child, preferably a son. Since an heir is needed, you never know what can happen in a war. No one is guaranteed against a stray bullet or cannonball. And so there is someone to prolong the family line. However, Pugachev already has children from his former wife Sofia.
  In the Yaitsky town itself, the Cossacks are firmly in place. The enemy's attempt to escape was repulsed. Several soldiers were captured, who confirmed that there was famine in the fortress, and it would soon surrender or die out. So there is no point in storming.
  And Emelyan, without much regret, left the city on his frisky, thoroughbred stallion.
  The rebels were firmly in Chelyabinsk. The commander of the Siberian corps, Delong, learned about the fall of Orenburg and hastily retreated from the city. He was generally a coward, leaving this center when he was surrounded by rebels.
  Although at the same time it was Delong who inflicted defeat on Pugachev in real history, and even took him by surprise. The army of the peasant king then lost four thousand killed and the same number captured. But now Delong is retreating, and his soldiers are deserting more and more often.
  But for now Kungur is defending strongly, and in order to quickly take this city, which is of great strategic importance, Emelyan Pugachev sent Colonel Oleg Rybachenko and Captain Margarita Korshunova to him.
  A boy and a girl, as always, are running through the melting spring snow barefoot and almost naked.
  They are faster than the fastest galloping horses, and most importantly, more resilient. They can run for many hours without slowing down, and without a hint of fatigue - their bodies are immortal, and therefore invulnerable.
  Oleg Rybachenko, of course, doubted whether it was right to help Pugachev, but he needed to work on his eternal, invulnerable body. Even if Catherine the Second was a good queen.
  She conquered a lot, including Crimea and Belarus with part of Ukraine.
  But who knows, maybe if Emelyan wins, Russia will achieve even more.
  Although this is a shock for the empire comparable to Lenin"s October coup and the subsequent civil war. Why haven"t they already chopped up enough of the Russian people? Alas, the grins of the civil war.
  Oleg Rybachenko runs to Kungur with Margarita and thinks to himself.
  Still, of course, a lot depends on luck, and luck can make even an average ruler great.
  And that Nicholas II was clearly superior to Vladimir Putin in his abilities and talent. But the latter had phenomenal luck, not inferior to Genghis Khan.
  One piece of luck leads to another and vice versa. The terminator boy ran and thought.
  For example, the capture of Salman Raduev, and even on the eve of the Russian presidential elections, is a very unlikely event. Well, really, what are the chances of this, especially since we are talking about a rare scumbag. Not a single famous militant leader was subsequently captured alive. Everyone died. Moreover, Shamil Basayev was most likely accidental. In fact, if the route of terrorist number one was known so well that a mine was planted under him, then what was stopping him from simply being hit with an air strike? It would be much more reliable! Or even turn off the gas and then make a big show out of the Basayev trial?
  No, most likely, Putin was lucky in this case too, so Shamil Basayev died completely by accident.
  But let"s say Salman Raduev dies during detention, or avoids the trap altogether. Putin misses a few percent of the votes, and the elections are held in two rounds. This is already a defeat for the undisputed favorite and a triumph for Zyuganov.
  And it is still unknown how the second round would have turned out. In any case, the protest electorates would have formed, and Putin would hardly have won too convincingly. But the main thing is that the inauguration would have taken place a month later. And Putin would not have had time to propose reform of the Federation Council at the spring session. And in the fall a serious coalition of opposition forces would have formed against him.
  The communists, the agrarians, the Union of Right Forces, the OVR, and Yabloko would have a majority and would block the reform of the Federation Council. They would also oppose the nationalization of NTV.
  The tough confrontation between the Duma and the current president would be repeated, as with Yeltsin. And in such conditions, Putin might not have the determination to arrest Khodorkovsky and deal a strong blow to the communists and SPS and Yabloko. Moreover, the shift in history affects a lot. And if the situation had changed just a little, then the September 11 terrorist attack would not have happened. And then Putin would have gotten involved in the war in Afghanistan, and it is possible that he would have lasted only one term.
  And the vaunted dictator would have left, spat upon and with a zero rating, just like Yeltsin.
  This is how it happens, sometimes from a small accident. But for the same Nicholas II, if Admiral Makarov had not died, he would have had a victory over Japan. And then all of China would, of course, become Russian! And then Germany and Austria-Hungary would have been defeated.
  Yes, you can see how one failure leads to another.
  The Terminator children ran, their bare feet splashing in the snow. And Oleg Rybachenko, feeling inspired, began to sing with enthusiasm, composing as he went;
  We are fighting for a better destiny
  To make life easier for people...
  And we will crush the damned horde,
  So that there are fewer evil adversaries!
  Above us is a golden-winged cherub,
  For the glory of our mother Russia...
  Believe me, the people of Rus' are invincible,
  And will make everyone on Earth more beautiful!
  We are given the opportunity to fight for our Motherland,
  Defending the greatness of the Fatherland...
  And sometimes life is just a movie,
  Although it should be a reflection of heaven!
  Everyone needs to achieve their dreams,
  Believe me wisely, communism...
  So that there is more happiness on Earth,
  And the fires of revanchism did not come!
  Our king is the great genius Pugachev,
  He raised the peasants to a holy struggle...
  Any business will be up to the shoulder,
  And love the girl barefoot boy!
  We will become even the devil stronger,
  When we shift the horizons of science...
  The villain is crushed under the hooves,
  Even though blood is gushing from the torn aorta!
  Yes, our cause is just, friends,
  We can make our homeland happier...
  Believe the peoples are all one family,
  Great, most radiant Russia!
  People look bravely into the horizon,
  Let the evil clouds not cover the sky...
  We will give the enemy a winning score,
  And you will be, lucky knight in battle!
  I don't know the word coward
  We Russians are not inferior at all...
  We have Svarog, the White Jesus,
  And will forever enjoy May!
  Girls and boys in a round dance,
  We barefoot girls are entering...
  After all, the almighty God Rod is for us,
  Don't be a brainless parrot, boy!
  And Lenin inspired us to fight,
  The wise Stalin blessed the feat...
  The powerful cherub will spread its wings,
  And our muscles are simply made of steel!
  The Majesty of the Fatherland will be
  That we are such warriors for God...
  Let us confirm our glory with a steel sword,
  Which shield was forged at Svarog!
  In short, be faithful to the Lord,
  To the glory of the most radiant Russia...
  We just know the knights eagles,
  The White God Christ the Messiah is behind us!
  The children sang beautifully, their voices were so full and clear. And at the same time strong, magnificent like opera. Several wolves tried to chase the guys, but they quickly fell behind. The immortal guys are rushing too fast. They don't know weakness or doubt. Although no, the latter is probably known. Oleg Rybachenko himself strongly doubted whether it was worth changing Catherine, a capable but illiterate Cossack. However, the joke is on him. The children, in order to distract themselves from the long journey, began to compose popular aphorisms. And they did it very wisely and beautifully.
  These are the children;
  War is like a game of dominoes, only broken dominoes can no longer be collected - the earth holds!
   Luck is the reward for courage, and the punishment for rashness!
  The bull is strong, the donkey is stubborn, the lion is noble, and the fox is cunning, but people are jacks of all trades!
  The tyrant loves to intrigue, but does not like intrigue in elections!
  A politician loves to rule, but loves to work correctly!
  To take the lion's place you have to be a fox in the right place!
  Don't be an ass - your ears will be pulled!
  The man is not a fly, but he is also susceptible to sweet speech!
  It's good to have cast iron fists - worse than an oak head!
  The most immoral politician loves to read morals!
  Honey from a politician's mouth corrodes a steel plow!
  It's not war that's bad, it's defeat that's bad!
  War brings no joy, but victory brings trophies!
  The tyrant is often sweet-sounding, but life with him is not honey!
  They climb to the high throne using base techniques!
  The higher the post, the lower the method of receiving!
  The sweet speech of a politician exudes the bitterness of disappointment!
  The commander's straightforwardness backfires!
  The most fragile position is the one with an oak head!
  Shoe to leave naked!
  The politician talks too much, but great things are done in silence!
  A fox can outwit a lion, but he can't feed a mouse!
  The dictator wants to be an eagle, wingless in dreams!
  For a man, money, like milk from a cow, turns sour from stinginess and disappears from generosity!
  He promises without difficulty, it"s true, yes! But then, with what difficulty he does everything afterwards!
  The oak-headed politician faces the same fate as the log!
  The bigger the thief, the less the punishment!
  The politician does not disdain anything other than living according to his conscience!
  The politician has a small conscience, but gigantic ambitions!
  Persecution turns a warrior into an executioner, a coward into a brave man, a modest one into an insolent one!
  Science fiction is a competition of absurdities and absurdities! At the same time, there is no more scientific and logical genre!
  In war it"s like in an opera - everyone sings his own, only the prompter can be a spy!
  Modern women forgive a man everything - except poverty!
  Do you know how spies differ from intelligence officers?
  I know! We have only intelligence officers - the foreigners are all spies!
  What is better with an empty head or an empty wallet? Of course, with an empty head - it"s not so noticeable!
  The mind is the best collector of wealth!
  Intelligence and luck: a couple in love - they give birth to success, wealth, position, but quickly separate!
  Proud men find it easier to listen to advice when it's given by a woman - unless it's his wife!
  A wise wife is worth a fortune! And an enterprising wife can sue him!
  Who values personality in a person, and who values cash!
  Humanity can be destroyed by two things - computers and computer scientists. The former will atrophy the mind, the latter will not be able to take advantage of it!
  In war, a grenade is a comrade!
  In general, a pomegranate that tells jokes is like a Faberge egg used to crack nuts!
  Talent is like the soul: it cannot be taken away, but it can be destroyed!
  Revenge is not worth honor - the retribution of decency!
  Envy is the germ of crime, selfishness is watering, idleness is feeding!
  Laziness is the worst of all crimes!
  It"s better to die with dignity with a sword than to live as an ox driven into a stall by a whip!
  In war, courage can beat cunning, but cunning can never beat courage!
  War makes life terrible, and death worthy and beautiful!
  Modesty is a rare quality for a commander, but this makes it even more valuable!
  - Jackal is consonant with the word kal!
  The lion has only one advantage over the jackal - the opportunity to die with dignity!
  Technology is the executioner of valor!
  - But it"s not true! In fact, the higher the level of technology, the more intelligence and resourcefulness required on the battlefield!
  Where the interests of the Motherland begin, personal well-being ends!
  Freedom must be combined with discipline. Anarchy is the antithesis of freedom!
  Tenacious memory is the best mentor! In general, freedom can be won with the sword, but only with the help of reason can it be maintained!
  - When a strong warrior saves another, no special honor is needed for this!
  After all, when valor burns in your heart, you will raise your shield in defense of your slaves!
  The meanness of a bastard is not an excuse for an honest person, since the presence of dirt does not justify a dirty person!
  Love is never cheap - especially if you pay not with your wallet, but with your soul!
  The only thing that can justify shedding blood is if as a result the tears stop flowing!
  Those who serve for money will never be able to compare in battle with those who are driven by a brave heart and the desire for freedom!
  A child"s tear is dangerous because it turns into a raging torrent that washes away civilizations!
  The position of commander is not an extra ration, but an additional responsibility and a heavy burden!
  It is not known what is more important - feeding all the hungry or wiping away the tears of one child!
  Gold is softer than steel, but rather strikes the heart!
  It is not the weapon that makes the soldier strong, but the soldier's weapon!
  A really long conversation with a machine gun leads to shooting in the ear!
  Sex is the most destructive weapon, especially dangerous due to its accessibility!
  The effectiveness of any weapon depends on the chosen victim, and even more so in sex!
  Sex is the most humane weapon, unlike other deadly weapons, it gives life!
  Love rarely kills, but often hurts!
  Whoever looks at a bare chest for a long time forgets the outlines of the coat of arms!
  A bicycle with pedals is better than a Mercedes without a motor!
  The old weapon is like a crutch, reliable, but no maneuver!
  Walking isn't faster, but it's cheaper - you'll especially save on doctors!
  Money is like a laxative - with it, honesty and courage leave a person!
  It's better to lose a day on exploration than to die in a second!
  In war there is a rush - a run to the grave!
  Most prisoners are much brighter in soul and purer in heart than those who guard them! A chain cannot be more moral than a prisoner!
  The small body is like a sharp knife, but it cannot be sharpened!
  A woman's tears are better than pearls, every drop is a gold coin!
  A stone ax and atomic energy should be applied to a kind heart!
  There is no need to be ashamed of poverty if you have a rich soul and a heart of gold!
  Progress covers up superstition!
  The precision of the politeness of a killer and the impudence of a creditor!
  One sentry costs no more than a garden scarecrow!
  In war, defeating a commander is tantamount to winning!
  An unfinished enemy is like an untreated disease - expect complications!
  Noble wisdom is like expensive wine - it is better to hide it from the lower ones!
  If you drop two coins, first pick up not the one that is larger, but the one that is more expensive! And give the rest to the poor!
  Defeat is always a disaster, unless you give a lot of money in return!
  Only an incorrigible romantic would be pleased to die at the hands of a lovely lady!
  The pragmatist prefers to give birth to a new life!
  Courage can compensate for insufficient training, but training never compensates for courage!
  Talent can replace education, but education will never replace talent!
  Excitement and rage are just prosthetics of valor and courage!
  Luck, like a bee, will definitely fly to where the nectar of wisdom and hard work ripens!
  The worm, unlike the eagle, disappears easily. The low is always hidden, but the sublime is vulnerable!
  It is not so much the chain that holds one in slavery as fear-the weakness of at least one link gives courage!
  It is honorable to die for the Motherland, Woman, Parents, but it is even better to live for it!
  In war it is easier to gain an advantage than to realize it! The latter is akin to hunting flies around a defeated lion!
  The tongue, despite its small size, is the strongest member of the body. He moves armies of millions and calms the baby. Capable of destroying and saving.
  A fighter without a wound is like a rich man without a pocket!
  A man needs strength to live, and a woman needs it to survive!
  Even a ram can rise to the top among sheep, but try to become a leader among lionesses!
  Life is too valuable to trade!
  Steel is sharp, but a woman's tongue is much sharper!
  Act boldly if you cannot skillfully!
  Adding one civilian to the squad means taking away two soldiers!
  One amateur with his stupidity will cover the benefit of ten specialists!
  A large family is heaven for the heart, purgatory for the wallet, hell for the enemies!
  Disassembling a cage is sometimes more difficult than driving away a cruel owner!
  For the Russian people, vodka is worse than a dozen Hitlers!
  Dream is a traitor to reality!
  There would be a reason to kill, but there would always be a gun!
  Vodka is a legal terrorist!
  Alcohol is the biggest serial killer! So let's drink, but let them kill us only with alcohol!
  No matter how small the electronic chip is, the preacher climbed into it with an outstretched hand!
  The machine gun is the best argument for repentance!
  A real man should be brave in a fight, assertive in love, witty in an argument!
  Unfinished vodka is like an unsatisfied wife, you can"t avoid a headache, it"s better to give in!
  War is the most exciting game, the number of participants is unlimited, but is constantly decreasing!
  In war, unlike boxing, winning on points is akin to betrayal, but the judge is not bribed!
  Chess is logic and poetry embodied in simple figures!
  Freedom is like a corrupt girl, only they pay for it not with money, but with blood!
  Youth is the sister of arrogance, arrogance is the sister of courage, but only by becoming related to the experience of an old man can victory be born!
  When a commander has a bright head, it becomes dark in the eyes of the enemy!
  A sense of time is an irreplaceable quality of a commander; it"s not for nothing that the minute hand has a sharp end, it hits harder than a sharpened damask steel!
  Pleasure and pain are antipodes, but for some, inflicting pain is the highest pleasure!
  War and sex give pleasure, but not in a mixture, it"s too lethal a brush!
  The fattier the piece in the trap, the sharper the gripping teeth should be!
  It's harder to catch a hare than to kill a mammoth!
  By killing beautifully, you create bloody still lifes, but connoisseurs go to their graves too quickly!
  Moderation is a good quality if it does not apply to income! A heavy wallet is always light!
  When a woman tells the truth, passion begins to fade, and when she lies, betrayal blossoms!
  Tender hugs are more suffocating, there is nothing more inexorable than an affectionate noose!
  Debt is a heavy burden, especially if you have nothing to pay with except your life. In turn, you cannot borrow it!
  The sleep of death is the deepest, but not the sweetest, especially for those who have sinned!
  The chase is the crown of victory, and without a crown there is no victorious end!
  Whoever lags behind will have to catch up for the rest of his life by one heartbeat!
  An unfired soldier, like green wine, will gain strength with battles, but a commander who does not want to learn is like manure - he will not ripen, but will only rot!
  A bad commander succeeds in saving his own skin, a good commander saves his soldiers from death!
  A debut in a battle is important because if you lose, you won"t get an encore!
  If a comrade dies, don"t be upset, heaven has been enriched with a good person!
  What if it"s bad? Then it became easier for those living on the earth.
  There is one truth, but there are many religions, which means that a believer has a greater chance of making a mistake than an atheist!
  Even if an atheist is right, then his truth will not give him profit, but a believer, even if he is mistaken, will receive a happy life and a dignified death!
  Becoming an atheist is like stealing your soul!
  Faith is like clothing, it"s hard to wear and cannot be worn naked! You can change it only by washing yourself and choosing a modern style! In general, religion is like a wife, it gets boring, and it"s scary to change!
  Faith, like a pointing pestle, is only one and only fools laugh at it!
  Happiness is a picky groom who only goes with freedom!
  Why do you want to put a snake to your heart - open the door to the underworld!
  This is because a pickaxe and muscular arms require a head!
  A commander is akin to an actor, only the encore repetitions are not met with applause, but with slaps in the face that drive you into the ground!
  Love is like a cloud, subject to whims and shedding tears!
  Mercy is a trait of the strong, cruelty is born of uncertainty, and uncertainty is weakness!
  Punishment of evil is the most valuable type of good; it requires spiritual purity and fortitude!
  Determination is an irreplaceable quality of a ruler, timidity destroys states and leaves people orphans!
  Whose blaster would squeal, but yours would be silent!
  Love requires sacrifice, no less than hatred!
  - Religion must first of all be moral, teach goodness and obedience! Just don"t turn people into a herd and stop them from thinking!
  The revolution should not change the type of slavery, its goal is spiritual freedom with a single attitude - to do good!
  Nothing unites humanity like true religion, based on kindness and common sense!
  - Only the final victory of the highest truth can justify a lie! Just as the cause of peace requires violence, it is easier to repel a sword with a sword than with a shield!
  - Truth is always in the minority, and the minority can only win with the help of intelligence and cunning! This means cunning and intelligence, faithful companions of truth!
  A slave is first and foremost a coward, he is afraid of losing his chain!
  The tyrant has three qualities of insects: the sting of a scorpion, the paws of a sticky fly, the web of a bloodsucker, but he is not destined to become winged!
  The beauty of the soul, the purity of hearts, the power of love - should not be desecrated by excessive retribution!
  If you're right, justice justifies cruelty, but only to the extent that it does not turn the victim into an executioner!
  The most valuable quality of a commander is to accept defeat with dignity and learn from it!
  In modern warfare, whoever flies wins, and whoever crawls, the enemy hits!
  Insult is the weapon of a scoundrel and a coward; in an effort to humiliate others, he lowers himself!
  Only the dead make no mistakes, unless of course you count the location of heaven!
  Practice is the mother of skill, in alliance with talent!
  He who is willing to learn will benefit more from defeat - than the self-satisfied arrogant from victory!
  It is better to die beautifully than to live ugly!
  For a lazy person, all times are bad, except sleep!
  In war, premature joy is the sister of betrayal!
  The most perfect blade is ruined by slanting hands!
  Time in war is like water, wearing away kindness and humanity!
  A warrior sitting in ambush is like a robber, only he wants to get his life, and not his wallet.
  For a good commander, saving his own is more important than killing strangers!
  Great numbers of gravedigger skill and valor! If you want to become a hero, don"t march obediently!
  A lie is like a snake in the place of a watchdog - once it bites the enemy, another will definitely bite you in your weak spot!
  The knight can concede everything to the lady, except the right to be the first to die!
  A Russian soldier can be killed, but cannot be defeated!
  A giant is not one who is great in stature, but one who has a scope of thought that reaches to the skies!
  Violence generates external submission and ignites rebellion in the soul!
  Captivity is like a red-hot forge, it hardens you if after it you dive into the icy stream of liberation!
  Justice is sometimes harsh, but always softer than arbitrariness!
  Now the barefoot children are running up to Kungur, a powerful fortress in which there are six hundred soldiers and even a militia. Frightened by the approach of Major Vereshchagin with two hundred career soldiers, a crowd of two thousand Pugachevites lifted the siege and retreated.
  Oleg Rybachenko and Margarita Korshunova arrived to the rebels. At first they were skeptical about the boy in shorts and the girl in a tunic. But the decree with the sovereign"s seal convinced them to obey the colonel. But it became even more reliable when Oleg, tying nails with his bare toes, threw them at the chieftain who began to appear, and nailed him to the door by his forelock.
  In addition, rumors have already reached about a boy who is not afraid of the cold and runs faster than the greyhound itself.
  The boy was accepted as commander. And then he proposed a plan. They, together with Margarita, penetrate into Kungur, kill all the officers, and then the horde breaks in and finishes off the garrison.
  Which was gladly accepted.
  And the boy and the girl, these Terminator children rushed to Kungur. And a large detachment of rebels moved after them.
  Oleg and Margarita moved towards the wall without further ado. Several sentries were cut down. And let's chop down the officers. The panic began. Major Vereshchagin rushed into battle and was one of the first to be killed. Three captains were also killed.
  Children threw sharply sharpened discs and chopped with sabers made of hardened steel. They also threw homemade, but very powerful grenades. From which the enemy flew higher and was torn to pieces. And I got it from these terminator children.
  And then the rebels went into battle. And also how they began to chop and destroy. And the already confused and headless garrison surrenders to the army of Pugachev"s envoys.
  The children completed the task. And having taken Kungur, they rushed back, near Ufa, where the huge army of Emelyan Pugachev was approaching.
  The boy and girl ran and sang;
  In the Fatherland, nightingales sing a psalm;
  In it, the radiant sun dawns...
  Brings grace - peace, comfort,
  And it opens your eyes - the Lord's light!
  Where are the lilies of the valley, and where are the swarms of daisies,
  And the haystacks flow with honey...
  You will become real - know the hero -
  Break off the sharp horns of the demons!
  Now you are running through the fields barefoot,
  Just a little boy - the machine gun is heavy!
  And your heels get cold under the dew -
  Ready to checkmate the adversary!
  The demiurge will sculpt nature,
  Create patterns in stormy brilliance...
  Alas, the slightly strict God is a surgeon -
  Who won't just give you five!
  We people are also formidable creators -
  Capable of embracing your new world!
  There is no need to show sheep shame -
  Then the army will immediately gather for battle!
  The pioneer boy is now in captivity,
  The executioner pulled him up on the rack and gave him a whip...
  But people don"t curse Satan -
  Because trials are also a gift!
  For space - the roads are all in flowers,
  They have the rapture of a pure stream...
  And we need to overcome the vile fear -
  Without hiding in a box with the agility of an eel!
  Unfortunately, the whole Earth is full of coffins.
  Even if it"s a fetish show for them in the dungeon...
  We will see it in Eden -
  After all, before God there is a little hero!
  But man is essentially God too,
  Intellectually, he is a nimble giant...
  The ship leaves the lush grotto,
  The people and the leader are one without horror!
  Charisma is also capital,
  Let it not be easy to put it into circulation...
  And if anyone had illusions,
  The thief has already pinched him with a crowbar!
  When our mind reaches its peak,
  And the dead will be resurrected by scientific progress...
  Will cover the ice with a carpet of flowers,
  And we are on a march to other universes!
  Oleg Rybachenko and Margarita caught up with the boar along the way. They killed him and ate the meat raw. But what did Tarzan eat, and why are they worse?
  And they took the meat with them.
  Oleg ran and thought:
  That the series about Tarzan was still cool. But he also composed cooler things. This is an interesting piece about the jungle and wild monkeys. But let's say with a girl?
  This is even more amazing...
  Next, he and Margarita composed a few aphorisms to make it more fun;
  For a politician, all paths are crooked, but they lead straight to the goal!
  Gold is soft, but has crushing power!
  The heavy metal is gold, but the gold load is light!
  Although gold is a heavy metal, in large quantities it makes you unsinkable!
  The executioner works with his hands, but the product is carried forward with his feet!
  If you want to seize the throne, have a king in your head!
  If you want, he will get the place of a lion, be a fox in cunning, and a hyena in meanness!
  The most successful politician is a cunning fox and a predatory tiger, as well as a monkey in using other people's tricks!
  Whoever is not a fox in politics is an ass in life!
  The flattering fox has the habits of a wolf!
  Military cunning is not contrary to honor, except when it turns against you!
  In war, negligence is like resin in honey, it only results in blood!
  The workaround maneuver resembles a hook, not only in form, but also in result!
  No matter how strong the arms are, without a head they are no more than a mannequin!
  Ingenuity can be compared to the third hand, only with a much larger swing!
  The revolution bleeds, which leads to the improvement of the people, burns off fat, which renews the elite!
  The biggest dividends on investments will be received by those who do not spare breast milk for their children!
  A white lie is the truth told in a new way!
  A woman is a treasure that can bribe the richest and a weapon that can bring down the strongest!
  Problems are an eternal concept, even death only shifts them onto the loved ones of the deceased!
  Happiness is a flower that is fertilized with bones and watered with blood!
  - The foundation mixed with blood is very shaky, so only in a living body does blood have power!
  Everything is subject to change, except the sense of responsibility and duty!
  It's bad to lose your life, but it's much worse to lose your immortality!
  It's better to fly for one hour than to crawl for a hundred years!
  Strength is synonymous with freedom, freedom is synonymous with duty, duty requires self-sacrifice and renunciation!
  A hero with a weak head differs from a mannequin in that he cripples himself!
  Psychology is the key to victory, you just need to be able to choose the right lock!
  They don"t send their hearts into reconnaissance, but they don"t chop off their heads!
  Swiftness gives birth to victory, speed brings luck, speed is the second happiness!
  Swiftness gives birth to victory, speed brings luck, speed is the second happiness!
  The icy breath of death makes the heart tremble and wrenches the guts of a coward. But the brave from the proximity of a bony old woman with a sharpened scythe: gains sharpness of reaction, composure in battle, getting rid of excess fat!
  Temperament in women often coexists with modesty - as does courage in men!
  Technology is a double-edged concept - it does not tolerate stupidity!
  The sweetest fruit is the one that is hardest to pick!
  Recklessness is the opposite of courage, courage and calculation only in pairs will give birth to victory! A glass of victory, like a bottle of vodka, to avoid troubles, requires three things: Luck, intelligence and courage!
  Death is never temporary, but life is permanent!
  There is no such religion that logically explains the existing state of affairs and the presence of reason!
  Here you are right, but the human mind itself is not the most logical thing in our world. Sometimes it even seems that nothing is more irrational than logic!
  War without blood is like life without pain!
  The ability to survive on one"s own is more important for a warrior than to kill the enemy! Any war ends in peace, and life ends in a funeral!
  A teenager's love is like glass: too fragile, breaks easily and hurts!
  The slave and the king come out of the same womb, if they are the same before birth, then why not be equal after!
  Scientific progress without the development of morality is tantamount to trying to smoke from a nuclear explosion!
  Carelessness in war is the mother of crime and the sister of treason!
  ,The bread of war is the most bitter: soaked in the blood of brothers and the tears of mothers!
  Giving birth to children is much more pleasant than giving birth to corpses - although both require skill and passion!
  Enslavement begins without the desire to learn and think!
  Wise words are good - good deeds are better!
  Life is always brilliant, but death is mediocre!
  Science is not everything, the most advanced weapons require skillful hands and a flexible mind! Spirit conquers matter!
  Any moment ceases to be delightful as soon as it freezes, freezes like a piece of ice!
  Movement is true happiness!
  Homeland is the most precious thing a person has; without it, life has no meaning!
  A man without a homeland is like a body without a soul!
  Religion is a consolation for the weak - any misfortunes seem insignificant if they are temporary!
  If technology is the guardian angel, then fighting spirit is the God of War!
  It's easier to scoop up the ocean with a tablespoon than to argue with an atheist!
  The computer, like a girl, loves the young and persistent!
  Death differs from a beloved in that they always try to postpone meeting her!
  Death differs from a lover in that it always comes at the wrong time, but no one blames it for being late!
  Those who skimp on safety will go broke on a funeral!
  A well-fed army is the key to prosperity!
  In war, good preparation is like air for the lungs; a bad mixture of gases cripples and kills!
  When a person artificially gives himself a formidable appearance, this is a sure sign of spiritual weakness.
  Scary is a wolf in sheep's clothing, not a sheep in wolf's clothing!
  There is nothing more important for a man; the art of war is synonymous with a worthy existence! The death of a tiger is better than the life of a dog!
  Death in war is justified only when the enemy buys it at an excessive price, and giving gifts to the enemy is tantamount to treason.
  The scouted enemy is almost defeated, you just need to not let your chances go to waste!
  The corpse of an enemy is expensive, but a living enemy will still cost more!
  Stealth is a winning quality!
  In general, life without difficulties is like soup without seasoning: too much - it tastes bitter, but not enough - it doesn"t go down your throat!
  A man must kill and save someone at least once in his life! Moreover, if the first is lucky, then the second is an indispensable test of courage!
  A computer is better than an atomic bomb, it is the surest way to conquer peoples and make them work for the winner! Besides, I'm not afraid of temptation! Any faith is then worth something if it knows how to defend itself!
  In youth, the blood flows faster and the "kettle" cooks hotter!
  A slow donkey, worse than a pig, also stinks, but does not give meat!
  Automatic fire and the roar of a shell are the best things to remember!
  Faith without proof: that a falcon, without wings, can scratch, but will not let it soar!
  Religious discussion is the most fruitless - since both those arguing have no idea about the subject they are arguing about!
  In the race between scientific and technological progress and morality, the latter is doomed to the role of an outsider! Although humanity risks falling into the abyss between science and morality!
  Whoever saves on science robs his descendants, and whoever robs his descendants will forever remain poor!
  By robbing descendants you can make capital, but you cannot get rich!
  ! Politics is a dirty business done in clean suits!
  Truth is always multifaceted, but error is uniform!
  Beauty is a dialectical concept - only ugliness is universal!
  Modern weapons, unlike wine, love youth!
  To spare an enemy is like sitting on a dagger - steel does not know the feeling of empathy!
  The best weapon is ingenuity, it does not require expenses, but it is expensive!
  When the number of corpses is more than one, they turn from a tragedy into a statistic!
  Murder is like losing your virginity for the first time and it hurts, then with each new act there is more and more pleasure!
  A bad scout is one who cannot foresee a way out in case of failure!
  In any other area, a mistake can cost life and health, and only when you are mistaken in religion do you risk losing your immortality!
  The beast has fangs, the man has a gun, the animal relies on muscles, and the man on the mind! Trials dull the teeth, but sharpen the mind - therefore the mind is immortal, progress, like a perpetual motion machine, will lead to prosperity!
  Even the most terrible news becomes commonplace from repeated repetition!
  When an agent works for two intelligence agencies, assigning a child who is trying to stuff two pacifiers into his mouth, he risks tearing his mouth!
  Movement is the rain under which the flowers of health grow, and the hoe that uproots the weeds of disease!
  The blind cannot see the blind - they go wherever they want!
  The blind man cannot lead out - through the road of the faithful passer-by!
  But don"t wait for a sighted traveler - help the poor blind!
  A person breaks easily, subjugates with difficulty, and very rarely achieves love from nature!
  In cards, luck comes to a bright head, nimble fingers, and a calm heart!
  In general, crime is not chocolate; if you get dirty, you won"t live a sweet life, but you will definitely get obesity of the heart!
  A lack of strength can compensate for an excess of intelligence, but no excess of strength can compensate for a lack of intelligence!
  Talent can replace a lack of education, but no education can replace a lack of talent!
  A diamond is a jewel without polishing, but no amount of polishing will turn coal into a diamond!
  Someone else's death is fun, but your own death makes your heart burst and your soul sink into your boots!
  Money is like dirt, sticking to bloody hands and slippery souls!
  Of all forms of fanaticism, religious is the most irrational and selfish, so it is aimed primarily at achieving personal immortality!
  Love differs from rape only in the form of payment - payment in kind for the latter action!
  It is better to lose in righteousness than to gain in sin!
  The loss of the righteous is gain in heaven, the gain of the sinner is robbery of the soul!
  By denying God, the communists placed an exorbitant burden on man's shoulders! Wanting to take the place of the Almighty, man could not withstand the pain of Golgotha and the temptations of the devil!
  Without the power of Jesus, people, instead of building a kingdom of goodness and justice, fell into the pool of vice!
  The countless treasures in the human soul, only if you start plundering them, will quickly dry up without bringing any wealth!
  Every sexual act, a treasure that you share between two and not a single thief will steal it from your heart!
  Every man has something in common with a primate, it"s good if potency, but more often intelligence!
  It would be funny if it weren't true!
  Unfortunately, we have more than decent men and honest politicians!
  Whoever betrays his soul always remains at a loss - he gives immortality for mortal!
  Victory over a strong opponent usually costs more, but you won"t give it away for nothing!
  Murder cannot be justified by self-interest and profit - only honor, freedom and the Motherland are the advocates of violence!
  Good should be with a machine gun,
  Strike like furious steel!
  So that blood flows like a waterfall,
  Evil has no mercy, kill everyone!
  Of all works of art, it is military masterpieces that are most firmly entrenched in people's memory and evoke the most tears!
  - A painting painted in blood: brighter than an oil painting and fades much more slowly!
  A decent person puts justice above family and friendships! There must be one law for enemies and friends, just as a husband has for his wife!
  The presence of different laws turns justice into a prostitute!
  A strong opponent strengthens your body and will, makes you stronger - a weak one corrupts your soul and weakens your body, making you weaker!
  So the difficult path gives much more easy victory!
  A soldier is given hands to shoot, and brains to stop in time!
  Killing a fool: it"s the same as stabbing him with a needle, shooting a smart guy is like hitting him with a shell!
  Nature is the mother of man, and the mother of a great inventor cannot be a complete fool! Although she lacks practical ingenuity!
  The bullet is the most effective educational method in communicating with young people, as well as with old people!
  Only the effectiveness of the impact decreases! Often you will lose your authority, but if you get caught, you will have to raise zombies!
  Religion lowers a proud person to the level of an animal - giving a choice between a sheep and a goat!
  It"s better to give your skin to people like a sheep than to hiss forever like a snake!
  In general, the concept of working with your head involves not only a literal interpretation, even when it comes to martial arts!
  If you want to get rich, be baptized as a Jew; if you want to go broke, borrow from a Jew!
  Lead aids digestion, especially if the pill is in cartridge form!
  An official who does not take bribes is like a virgin prostitute!
  Usually, to save one you have to kill the other! This is undoubtedly a cruel law, but it restores the natural balance of species!
  There is no better fighter in the world than a Russian soldier, and no greater tyrant than a Russian general!
  Excessive luxury is a sign of frivolity, frivolity is a harbinger of imminent ruin!
  Wise words from the mouth of a bastard, like a fountain from a garbage dump!
  You have the advantage in length, but I have the advantage in the mind!
  Sometimes you can kill, but you can never take away hope!
  In war, if you miss a second, you can lose an eternity!
  An ordinary tower is pitiful among skyscrapers, but majestic among huts!
  Man submits to force, respects cruelty, despises gentleness and does not value kindness!
  Sex is the best cure for all mental illnesses, but unfortunately it is expensive and difficult to obtain!
  He who does not love sex does not love life and does not appreciate the joys of the flesh!
  Poetry has in common with wine that its value grows with time, but even centuries do not allow the lines to fade or the sparks to go out!
  A soldier is like a computer - it counts one or zero, but a warrior is a friend and an enemy!
  Man differs from animals in humanism, and the ability to act contrary to instincts!
  Violence against women sometimes produces healthy children, but violence against nature only produces monsters!
  If a mother is cruel, so are the children! As nature is, so is its offspring - man!
  Friendship is sought from the strong, nourishment from the rich, and devotion is shown to the undaunted!
  Attacking is the best way to neutralize the enemy's numerical advantage - forcing them to fight back is like cutting off half their arms!
  .For a woman, love is pleasure and income, for men it is pleasure and expense!
  Inventing a new weapon for an immoral person is like sawing off the legs of a chair when a rope is wrapped around your neck!
  Upon arrival near Ufa, the guys reported on the completion of the task to Pugachev.
  The peasant king was surprised that the children worked so quickly. And of course he rewarded them. He presented each with a silver cross. And two hundred rubles each.
  Then came the assault on Ufa. Margarita and Oleg, as always, are in the forefront and are rapidly attacking.
  They chop enemies with sabers and throw bombs.
  The garrison of Ufa was already weak from hunger, and the victories of the rebels broke their spirit.
  In addition, the Cossack king has almost fifty thousand troops - a huge force...
  After Oleg Rybachenko hacked to death the commandant, the remaining fighters surrendered.
  They were sworn in, their braids were cut off, and they were given Cossack haircuts. Some officers chose to join Pugachev. Is a noose better?
  In short, Ufa was taken easily. And even the Cossack Tsar regretted that he did not storm the Yaitsky town.
  In general, things went better for Pugachev. Now more troops can be sent to the Ural factories. And Beloborodov is instructed to take all the cities and Tobolsk.
  The decision was definitely made to go to Kazan, and then to Moscow. Emelyan Pugachev even reported that his son Tsarevich Pavel himself had joined the campaign and would hand over the throne to his father. In any case, many believed this.
  Pugachev's army continued to grow. News arrived about the capture of several more Ural factories, and new guns, supplies and gunpowder.
  After which a huge army set out on a campaign. She moved along the river, along both banks towards the Volga.
  Tsar Emelyan Pugachev was cheerful and pleased. So far things are going very well for him. In general, the rebels have never been seriously beaten. And the reputation of the new Russian Tsar is rising. And every day new warriors by the thousands join him.
  The self-proclaimed king also has a lot of cavalry troops. And everything smells like real victory.
  The child rangers run ahead of the rest of the army. They are cheerful and laugh a lot.
  Here the young warriors are attacking the hussars' patrol. A short cut, a couple of grenades tossed with bare toes. And the fighters were destroyed.
  Next lies the Osa fortress. In the real story, she gave in without a fight. So the guys haven"t stormed or killed anyone yet.
  They even became a little bored... The guys sang;
  Spartak raised slaves to heroic deeds,
  To throw off the yoke of the hated princes...
  He turned the unfortunate into a swarm of eagles -
  The call is simple - expand your dreams!
  Draw the sword by fighting,
  And mercilessly chop down your evil enemies...
  Fortunately, you will quickly open the path as a fighter,
  The deceased will live forever in granite!
  Let's get the moon from the sky, no need,
  We will open the expanses of Mars like gates,
  And believe in Venus, I will come...
  The entire Milky Way will fall under the sword of the hero!
  There are stars in the sky and the eyes of girls -
  They sparkle with sapphires and rubies...
  And my wild thoughts fly -
  When our ancestor kneaded Mamaia's side!
  The mortal Chelubey exclaimed in the crowd -
  That Rus' will perish under the hoof of the whirlwind...
  The crazy cry is strange - kill everyone:
  That the laughter and sonorous songs have died down!
  The answer from Peresvet was given loudly,
  The blow of a spear and the enemy in a nightmare hell...
  Zindan will not wait for the warrior -
  We will win, you people believe in it!
  Rock is insidious - there are days in the clouds,
  Not every time there is luck and trophies...
  And our cities are fire, lights,
  Apparently we didn"t keep up with the battle either!
  But know the Russian"s place in triumph,
  Our ancestor Caesar, the formidable Macedonian...
  The planets will soon turn into paradise,
  Cheese with tea is very tasty Poshekhonsky!
  The Osa fortress, as in real history, surrendered without a fight. The garrison and its commanders swore allegiance to the Cossack king. And after which Pugachev"s army moved on. Marching victoriously and joining thousands of peasants. A huge army that is growing quickly. In the east, the Pugachevites took several more cities and approached Tobolsk, where Delong"s corps took refuge.
  Almost all the Ural factories were taken under control by the rebels, and there is a new administration there. In the west they took Samara and fortified themselves there. More and more people are following the rebels.
  And behind the peasant king there are great forces. There are many of his supporters in Kazan itself. Governor Kant, this German is literally shaking with fear. A small detachment sent to meet Pugachev"s army was captured. Potemkin, who is in the Kazan Kremlin, is also shaking with fear.
  What can he do against such an army...
  And Oleg Rybachenko and Margarita again perform feats. This time, they moved to the time of Elizabeth Petrovna. And they catch Friedrich. But that is another story. There he and Margarita tried, and the great king of Germany, after the defeat, was captured. And his guards were killed.
  The boy and girl flew by like a hurricane, especially since Friedrich was left with a very small retinue. But these children chopped everyone up and brought them on the commander"s shoulders to the Russian camp. So Germany capitulated.
  And Russia annexed East Prussia.
  And Elizabeth the Second lived longer in joy. And the heir Peter died of hemorrhoidal colic. So Russia was able to preserve its gains. But Germany never united!
  And then the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth completely became part of Russia...
  Well, Oleg Rybachenko and Margarita Korshunova stayed there for a very short time. And they have a new harsh mission!
  But for now Pugachev can do without them. There are more important things to do.
   Here he is Oleg Rybachenko, supposedly a great, albeit relatively young, athlete participating for Russia in medieval competitions. One against a hundred selected knights. And they even chained weights to his feet, to make it more honest. What about Oleg Rybachenko? The powers of fantasy Superman have always lived within him, because this is both a dream and not a dream, but something phasmogoric, where all hidden dreams come true.
  There were even seven lights in the sky. And each one is the color of the rainbow.
  Before him is the British Prince Charles, gifted with a special gift: to forgive and have mercy on those who stand in front of the mortal tunnel, through which the path to another world opens.
  And you are just a boy who is in a place where the posthumous fate of a great man is being decided.
  Oleg Rybachenko was hit in the leg very painfully when additional shackles were being hung up. The young colonel could hardly restrain the exclamation escaping from his chest.
  His body became even more youthful, just like a junior high school boy, and not as muscular as before.
  And the prince, pretending that nothing had happened, shouted deafeningly, with a slight hoarseness in his voice:
  -So, now you are on equal terms... Subjects of the movement of fast horses, march!
  The audience sitting in the stands began to whistle loudly.
  Oleg Rybachenko, at least in a parallel vision, is a superman of the highest class. Here I slightly regretted that I allowed the irons to be attached to myself. At first glance, twenty pounds or nine kilograms is nothing; rivals have armor of no less weight. But if they are tied specifically to the legs, and the limbs are shackled, then this will not seem like nonsense to anyone.
  You can hardly move with your diminished body.
  The first round, all the opponents of Oleg Rybachenko, who had become a newcomer to the new world, raced in virtually a united column studded with spikes. Even during the practical test, in the style of a fantasy race, the fighters behaved almost naturally to people.
  The boy writer did not feel quite at ease. And the strength is not at all the same as before... Something does not overwhelm him with energy. And your body looks no more than ten years old, but it was twelve. And the opponents are much larger than you and run.
  Jumping and sucking in our stomachs, adjusting to the strange
  uniforms, weapons and warming up. The large, outer circle of the lists measured eight hundred and fifty meters and was laid out with three different alternating coverings: smooth stone slabs, sharp pebbles (sometimes guilty barefoot women and teenagers were forced to run over them as a punishment), and neatly laid, compacted round gravel.
  Oleg Rybachenko thought with alarm that maybe he would continue to shrink like this until he turned into an embryo and finally disappeared.
  Or maybe this is just for the duration of the test?
  Each covering was encountered four times, the greater length was found on sharp stones, so it was impossible to maintain a uniform running rhythm in an ordinary way.
  Oleg Rybachenko, who finally became a boy, was the only one who ran barefoot and felt the pricks of his bare sole. Yes, the conditions are clearly unequal.
  But with all this, each participant in the deadly race, the sacred battle for the future of the empire, considered himself, if not the strongest fighter in the universe, then much higher than the level of stupid average peasants. Well, some Russian bastard is no rival to them.
  And it"s even humiliating that so many of them gathered against the ragged boy.
  Oleg Rybachenko, of course, had a lot of pain in his lower leg, which had been bruised by a crushing blow from a sledgehammer. After undergoing a merciless "baptism," she even became swollen and turned blue. Ooh, executioner-blacksmith, I would like to hit you with the knuckles of my fist in your blunt temple. To knock him down like that, or even better with the same heavy, diamond-shaped sledgehammer! However, it's never too late! In this universe, the boy ran barefoot, a rare pleasure for a native Muscovite and a prince, especially with their overly caring and prim etiquette. True, now Oleg Rybachenko began to look even younger - no older than ten, maximum eleven years old, and his boyish barefootedness no longer seemed unnatural.
  The boy colonel cheered up and sang:
  - He who is cheerful laughs! Whoever wants it will achieve it! Who seeks will always find!
  The sensations of the sharpness of the stones now seemed pleasant and harshly piercing at the same time. But this only turned on the eternal teenager, or rather the boy.
  And the energy that had receded began to return to the young muscles.
  After the third circle, several medieval and very strong warriors made an almost hysterical attempt, with the help of horse impudence, to get ahead. They scolded as they walked and even began to gradually catch up with Oleg Rybachenko, who had no special complexes and was still walking at the tail of the column.
  The boy colonel decided not to force things yet and to wait.
  The formation began to stretch little by little, like the belly of a boa constrictor, and already on the fifth circle all the warriors ran differently. Not as before in the massive back of each other"s heads, but with an impressive gap.
  The metal clinked, it creaked under the forged boots...
  The sharp-eyed and experienced Oleg Rybachenko saw that the soldiers in armor were sweating and breathing more and more heavily. It"s understandable why they hung chains on the barefoot boy. A light-bodied boy, he could easily drive down a whole horde of older, heavier fighters.
   Now one of them, with a desperate effort, reached, on the other side, the nimble boy colonel. Oleg Rybachenko avoided the attempt to cut it down obliquely and thrust his sword into the horned head. The body-turning blow was so strong that the enemy"s helmet burst and he fell into the gravel with a bloody head. Several girls, orderlies in white coats and black slippers, grabbed the unlucky warrior.
  Nothing could help him!
  Oleg Rybachenko, hearing their surprised exclamation, noted philosophically:
  - It"s better for a strong kid to be the way he is, and to seem like a strong adult is always better to seem different from the way he is! But in any case, it is better for a ruler never to appear weak - even if his main strength is deception!
  Isn't it time to work more energetically?
  Oleg Rybachenko, turning on the sharp stones that gave support to his heels, cut into the armor of the second. He fell, but immediately jumped up, and the terminator prince used a spinner, hitting his bruised foot in the head, which had already healed during the run. The enemy did not expect such a swift attack, and, having missed his temple covered by his helmet, like a calf killed by a butcher"s club, he fell over.
  There was something to be proud of! Although it hurts a little.
  A deadly poke, especially since the piece of iron increased the weight of the blow. After which Oleg Rybachenko played to the audience for some more time and allowed himself to be caught up by the third - Comte de Lacafer. He hit too high with his swords and got tripped, which actually broke his leg. Of course, the pieces of iron prevented you from running, but with them you felt like you were hitting with an axe.
  The boy colonel stuck out his tongue and jumped higher, feeling more and more energy in himself.
  So, in fact, he, like Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, Steven Seagal, and maybe even better than all of them combined, has more time to develop his skills.
  Unless, of course, merciless time discards oblivion. But there is hope that Margarita will save him.
  And only on the ninth lap the young terminator-warrior, bouncing defiantly, increased his speed. At first, one by one, like a buoy motor boat, he overtook everyone who was a little behind, mercifully not striking them. True, a couple of them, not appreciating the boy"s nobility, rushed from both sides, but the dashing mill cut them down, so that their heads flew off. It's already death without any chance.
  Oleg Rybachenko hissed:
  - War, there is war!
  Something happened to the descendants of the Vikings and warlike Saxons; they did not dare to rush in en masse, but continued to run. Maybe their numerical superiority dictated such tactics. Or the unwritten rules of a deadly game? Oleg Rybachenko , without rushing at anyone, began to catch up with the so-called leaders. Of course, a dozen other crown warriors, and even those who owned one or another, undoubtedly could not like this state of affairs. But having lost five, for some reason no one rushed into revenge. Apparently the Russians understood that they would not send a weakling to the Skopin-Shuisky tournament that would save him.
  Even if he is just a boy in the flesh, he has the experience of a seasoned veteran of different centuries.
  And not only in the army of Emelyan Pugachev.
  And when Oleg Rybachenko stuck out his tongue and they increased the pace even more in frustration. But the heavy breathing said all this for a short time. Where should they go? But the Vikings and Saxons are strong and stubborn. They will lay down bones, but they will not give up theirs. For twenty-one years, Sweden held out against the Russian troops of Peter the Great, eventually forcing the peace treaty to be formalized not as a conquest, but as a purchase. They exhausted the Russian state, reducing the population by a fifth during the war!
  The boy colonel jumped up, dodging the throw.
  And this was when women gave birth to ten children per family!
  That healthy offspring is the key to the success of any power.
  And Britain actually managed to win its only war with Russia, having occupied most of Crimea. The British turned out to be strong then, for the first time in a quarter of a millennium, managing to bite off part of the territory from Russia.
  The boy slashed at the lagging warrior, and the headless body collapsed onto the stones. The others began to breathe even harder, trying to increase their pace.
  But this time, Oleg Rybachenko will wear them down to the point of exhaustion. They can't compete with him. The rigmarole of exhausting a non-contact striker at almost equal speeds.
  I remembered the intense firefight with snipers in Chechnya. This is truly a war of nerves. It's much easier here. And the enemy will come to his certain end.
  So the boy colonel kept his "bunnies" tense for four whole circles. Then they simply had to slow down this savage pace in order to relieve the unbearable tension. We need to make a calculation of strength, God grant, at least a slight respite. Oleg Rybachenko, being in shock, even threw out a number, threw up his swords, did a somersault and caught it again. Then he repeated a similar acrobatic move again, saying:
  - The Russians are persecuting the Germans, experience won"t help! Go to hell you cowards - human mincemeat!
  Oh, how much energy and wild strength there is in a boy"s body.
  When the Duc de Delonge's patience was filled to the brim, the chief commander shouted furiously:
  - Fight, you sons of wet hares!
  Although the fighters reacted poorly to this.
  - To a bloody battle! - The prince barked loudly, almost tearing his vocal cords.
  Indeed, what a shame it is to run away from a boy.
  Oleg Rybachenko smiled slyly:
  - Finally there is something to do!
  Well, his experience is already so extensive that it doesn"t bother him that his opponents are much larger.
  The out of breath, exhausted warriors from among the ordinary guards abruptly stopped and quickly raised their weapons. The nobles running after Oleg Rybachenko immediately perked up: a duel with an enemy, even a "saint" (yes, he"s a saint, the blond devil!) will undoubtedly have to waste precious time. Here, after all, a dozen not the worst fighters are rushing at once. Or they might wait for a very long time, maybe even until they bury him in a grave. And if something happens, the "little devil" piles up at once and digs into the stone. They added their vanity and pride.
  Let the swiftness be steeper and they immediately growled in disappointment: a double, brief clang of metal was heard, and the new victims of the sacred battle, dripping wet, fell, writhing desperately on the ground.
  The boy is very fast, and his reaction is faster than that of a cobra.
  The experienced Oleg Rybachenko killed his first opponent with a simple kick to the groin. Trite, but effective. I feel sorry for the guy, will he be able to reproduce after this? But not so dramatic. It did, however, and fortunately not a guy, a victim of "castration" in his fifties. A noble person at that, a family coat of arms with ruby roses. The second one received a jumping elbow on the nose. There is a lot of blood and it looks like a knockout... That's what additional body movement means. And then attack the rest.
  You are as fast as a mongoose. Your opponents can't keep up.
  One was immediately kicked in the body with both legs by the boy colonel. The armor bent, a clot of blood spat out from behind the mouth, and the other was stunned by the banal blow of a sword on a blunt helmet with crooked horns. And the next opponent was hit in the chin with a steel handle. It cuts out well if you hit the very edge. The rest rushed at the boy colonel.
  It seems that a pack of bears attacked the brave wolf cub.
  But Oleg Rybachenko calculated everything correctly, they will get tired and run out of steam. And the movements are not the same and the reaction is not the same. Warriors who are very physically strong can run so much in armor, but those who are accustomed to fighting on horseback are not able to do so. They held on only due to their strong-willed qualities. Well done of course.
  The boy, however, is not covered at all, but due to his phenomenal reaction, he easily escapes.
  Oleg Rybachenko , as if talking with someone, noted, like a young Socrates:
  - While madly heroic, a soldier does not commit stupidity - the commander does stupidity, sending soldiers to where heroism becomes insane!
  Enemies try to cheer themselves up with heart-rending screams and bull roars.
  But you can't fool your muscles. And the fighters now wandered like sleepy flies, interfering with each other. In addition, the tactic of kicking is unusual for European peoples. There are no defense systems developed for it, it"s like the Chinese alphabet.
  And guess what - they haven"t even heard of martial arts!
  And the fast and always fresh Oleg Rybachenko takes advantage of this. Then the show began: kicks, swords, knees, elbows, at crazy speed. Even the simplest thing - beating up little ones in armor. Ten powerful men were left lying, writhing, like loaches thrown out by the surf, on the surfaces of the lists, where girls and boys were running up, they were immediately given simple medical care. And someone didn"t even have to do it; their soul flew to heaven. Or in hell, depending on your luck. For some reason, Oleg Rybachenko remembered Vysotsky"s famous hit - your soul aspired upward! You will be born again with a dream...
  But if you lived like a pig, you will remain a pig!
  But then a second dozen rabid cockroaches with swords instead of jaws came upon Oleg Rybachenko. Of these, only three titled persons, under their leadership the others, almost put up a well-coordinated resistance formed according to the rules. They made an attempt to stand in a single line and tried, despite their fatigue, to move as quickly and as much as possible. Not allowing the attacking little colonel to immediately crowd them onto the stadium's surface.
  The fighters here are experienced, much larger than the half-naked, tanned boy in shackles, with noticeably broken legs.
  But Oleg Rybachenko flew in such a way that he didn"t even allow them to line up; the first two fell for a simple trick, parrying a swing to the head, they received hits to the body.
  Oleg Rybachenko practiced fencing back in the twentieth century, and he was no stranger to it.
  And the armor and ribs crunch. And blood sprayed out like a fountain from the broken liver.
  It fell on the stones and hissed like acid.
  Then the merciless, bare heel found another temple at Baron de Mugasak. The boy colonel slipped between the knights, like a hamster into a hole, and elbows and jaws once, twice. In computer games, in a variety of martial arts, even a slight blow to the end of the chin, from the right point of the tip to the left side, is capable of completely disabling the most persistent fighter.
  Well, looking like a boy doesn"t mean being a sucker.
  Five more remain, but Oleg Rybachenko doesn"t even think about stopping. An eternal boy, doing somersaults, standing on his hands and kicking the cartilage in the muzzle.
  Bones and skin burst, blood sprays.
  Beautiful, even Jackie Chan couldn't do better. By the way, one of the blades scratched everything on my bare ribs. But this is nonsense. So the boy-prince will be even angrier. You grab swords at your legs, just so as not to cripple yourself. The more you warm up, the more vigorously the power bubbles up in you. Sideways, and a strong, bare foot in the neck of the last count... Damn it, the wolf's son hit the press with a dagger, droplets of blood appeared on Oleg Rybachenko's stomach.
  It was unpleasant, of course, but the strong muscles did not miss the edge.
  The boy colonel says:
  -War, unlike chess, is not without victims, and a chess game, unlike war, is without results!
  The boy shook off the crumbled droplets of sweat mixed with the scarlet liquid.
  All these wounds were such a small thing, so the bleeding stopped when four more rushed in. Swords flashed, the first two fighters parried mechanically, and the blades turned out and fell flat into the carotid arteries.
  Oleg Rybachenko grinned like a tiger cub catching an antelope for the first time.
  And the other two feet in one most sensual place. Not aesthetically pleasing, but effective due to the lack of blocking skill.
  It's going well and you're full of inspiration.
  Five more opponents. They all seem like sleepy flies to Oleg Rybachenko. Well, in wrestling, the "crab" "twist" technique and a bunch of, small, dumped soldiers appear. And a finishing jump to the heaviest fighter on the back of the head. He, falling, knocks out the others. Great job!
  The boy smacked his foot into the pool of blood.
  They can't even get up to the count of twenty!
  Oleg Rybachenko, swaying his sculpted torso and clanking his chains, sang:
  - Everything is impossible, I know for sure!
  During this time, a dozen of the toughest warriors passed the scene of the skirmish like a stone thrown from a catapult and galloped forward almost half a circle. Oleg Rybachenko, moving nimbly, had to knock off a dozen more trained fighters. But it"s even better not to rest from the fight. The muscles warmed up, the cut disappeared right at the gait of the fighting stallion. That's it, they are tired, and they should be in the dirt. Oleg Rybachenko rushes in and screws in like a corkscrew, spinning on his toe, fortunately he glides perfectly on the marble slab, and without immediately lowering his leg, he hits four people with a piece of iron in their heads.
  Like a corkscrew - a deadly leaven.
  Well, let one still manage to hit him in the chest with a dagger. The skin broke through, getting stuck in the muscles. You pick up this dagger with your bare fingers and throw it like a boomerang. Two of them had their throats cut. Blood splashes out. Two more were cut down with swords, and the rest with hilts (how many can be killed!). You can't attach a diploma to that. But fight without retreating.
  Blood drips from the boy's muscular body. Streams stream across the cast relief.
  Oleg Rybachenko roars like a leopard and again breaks through the attackers. As they say; Let the wife fear her husband, and the husband an angel!
  He is a Russian knight - the favorite of the gods!
  But in this case, let Aunt Death fear her nephew Life! The boy colonel liked to throw daggers with his inhumanly flexible toes. He turns around again, taking out his rude opponents, and now another counterpart is defeated.
  As he got younger, he just added a mobility terminator to the boy.
  That's right, he had to defeat the evil old woman with a scythe, and she was already defeated. Now the main thing is to bypass the swords of destruction. In war there are no half-friends and half-strangers. There are only one hundred percent insiders and outsiders. There are many partners-allies and even more enemies.
  The boy sat down in a horizontal split and immediately stood up.
  You can overtake a whole circle, overtake in a competition, you can round up your capital in a business transaction, but you cannot achieve success when your belly is rounded and your ingenuity has become flat! The enemy has no deliberate tactics. So a dozen fighters decided to throw darts at him, and six made an attempt, bumping back to back. They think it"s a cunning trap, if he himself wanted to attack them.
  The boy colonel intercepted the dart and himself threw the striking weapon with his bare toes. The fighter with a hole in his stomach collapsed, choking on blood.
  Oleg Rybachenko smiled and began to sing, because this is his competition - the decisive future of Russia, where time passes in discontinuities and in incomprehensible twists or chronological twists;
  Golden ears of corn -
  Like a wave the rustle of the lips of the breeze...
  We will fill the glasses with playful
  Let the river flow with champagne!
  Our Motherland, generous Russia,
  Where the autumn cover is golden,
  No, believe me, the Fatherland is more beautiful,
  Ripe apple nectar poured!
  And in winter the marvelous silvery snow,
  The lakes were crystal clear under the skates!
  How delicious is our fragrant bread,
  And the blade of the Russian saber is sharp!
  Each leaf has an emerald thread,
  Coral sparkles in every bud...
  Solovyov pours a wonderful song,
  And on the field it"s like a velvet halt.
  Diamonds of dewdrops on grass,
  Dandelion burns like a star!
  You are the Orthodox Fatherland,
  Live forever to eternal glory!
  The world is beautiful, even though sometimes it grins,
  And fate can be cruel,
  But sacred Rus' is beautiful,
  We have opened the door for all guests!
  Oleg Rybachenko knocked down three darts with his swords, and jumped up two more, picked them up with his bare legs and threw them at the shooting knights, and the swords fell on the knights trying to reach them. A sword hit him in the ribs, but then four were hit on the head at once, and two more were hit in the eyes with darts. One to the right, and the other to the left. The boy colonel attacked the hiding six, continuing to sing;
  The scientist cleverly invented a bomb,
  What was he thinking with the nominee's head?
  After all, without morality, even a wise man is an ass,
  At least he gets grants for his insanity!
  Others were given a patent for the gun,
  What does a satellite send in orbit?
  The scientist is not a military impotent,
  Don't lie to the completeness, gentlemen!
  People need to work for the war,
  They have a bad attitude towards each other.
  I don"t understand why this is happening,
  Is anyone doing anything good?
  One paints a tank in watercolors,
  Another Katyusha will make a sketch.
  He's been collecting a machine gun since kindergarten,
  And our teenager loves marching in parade formation!
  The shields cannot cover the entire body, and only maneuver themselves; the guards only made it easier for the enemy to cut off the weakly covered legs, and with one instant "scissors" technique. Also, by the way, from computer games. Next, turn around and attack the rest. As they say, speed. Several fighters are still trying to take it by throwing, but the boy colonel is too lightning fast. Inhuman speed.
  It"s like a cheetah rushing through the spikelets.
  And the result was lucky for the one who was not mutilated, but only stunned
  Oleg Rybachenko moved the enemy with a chain - brains splashed out.
  They say that one in the field is not a warrior. However, a loner, on the contrary, has a number of advantages in battle. For example, maneuverability, small size, difficult to hit and inconspicuous. The enemies hoped to trample Oleg Rybachenko, but it was not noticeable that the boy colonel began to slow down the pace even a little.
  Neither the wounds nor the intensity of the battle slowed the boy down.
  On the contrary, he fought more and more confidently and increased his advantage over his exhausted opponent. Moreover, he also sang.
  After all, epaulettes are bright in a dream,
  For us, sometimes rays are more valuable than the sun.
  After all, there is no place on the woeful Earth,
  Where someone's blood doesn't flow crimson!
  After all, a man is a wolf to a man,
  Well, sometimes a lousy dog stinks!
  He won"t even lend you a piece of bread,
  Lives alone - the cruel present!
  What kind of people did the Lord the Father raise?
  How is it that evil rules the world?
  The fierce king is a daredevil among the people,
  And my main friend is the aggressive brother Cain!
  The Lord answered: it is your choice,
  Free, difficult, but necessary...
  Sharper thoughts if you punch them in the eye,
  People become dumb if the world is united!
  Therefore, battle is your destiny,
  I won't change anything for you here.
  Although hellish chaos reigns in battle,
  There is no hope for easy bread and a miracle!
  But my goal is to strengthen you firmly,
  To build dreams with a mighty mind,
  So that the thread becomes stronger than the chain,
  So that anyone can be known as a hero in battle!
  The knight boy scattered another bunch of knight dogs along the way. If it's war, act like it's war.
  Be like a wolf in a battle with elephants and you will have a chance to defeat the pack.
  They throw daggers at him, blows with swords pass, but the wounds disappear almost immediately, which greatly encouraged the brilliant writer and Colonel Oleg Rybachenko. After all, he really became a superman, even in the flesh. Or something like Clone Knight. How he trims iron bushes, if he didn"t have such marvelous treasures, the swords would not have withstood such a pace. Even Margarita became annoyed; she was losing her leading role in the couple. Which, however, she didn"t have! After all, Oleg Rybachenko is now the undoubted leader among the victims. How good he is, especially when he kicks. This is the inch of the leg that is thrown out with the right leg in the flight of three, and when landing with the left it kicks. The most powerful are the four, consisting of Stiff One-Eyed, Anders Chirac, Balu Borka and one of the most powerful druid sorcerers in Scandinavia.
  The latter, even before the battle, even those chosen to drink a battle decoction that increases speed and endurance. Reaction speed too. Although it is dangerous to drink such a potion too often, after it you sleep like a dead man for three or four days. Yes, and you need to hurry before the drug stops working. Surely the seven-strong Viking warriors had already figured out this plan that the four of them could easily defeat their supernatural opponent.
  However, this did not bother the boy colonel.
  Oleg Rybachenko, however, rushed further, deafening the enemy with his singing;
  Even though it seems that they have pressed us to a ravine,
  A terrible nightmare has come.
  I can sing a saga to my friend -
  In which the hellish demon is resurrected!
  A menacing alarm sounds like a siren,
  It's like there's a fire burning here...
  Not everyone can live, believe me, without God,
  But really build up the blow!
  The boy is also a warrior from birth,
  Because steel and lava splashes in it.
  But I just want to ask for forgiveness,
  That my fist is not a crowbar for the adversary!
  Although it's more likely just valor,
  Sometimes fighting is necessary.
  But don't throw it in the trash like your conscience,
  Don't get carried away with this hellish game!
  Who knows if life in this world
  Everything in our world is true: a shadow, a mirage.
  We will bring criminals to justice
  When will we be able to instantly catch the courage!
  And if you lost something in the battle,
  And you couldn"t defeat the scum...
  We"ll open it anyway, believe me,
  And let's cross out the missing zeros!
  Everyone can definitely achieve in battle,
  When there is strength and full of mind!
  And even a copper penny will rain down evil,
  The country will glorify the brave man in the anthems!
  In a dream, or more precisely in a parallel universe, Oleg Rybachenko was already so furious that he completely saddled a white horse.
  A boy with the mind of a seasoned veteran is scary and fantastic!
  But the enemy is constantly attacking him. Cheering themselves and their comrades, they seemed not to notice how mercilessly they were struck by swords, or the swift legs of the boy colonel. How could it be otherwise? After all, cowards or the weak are not allowed to compete at this level. This is exactly the color of chivalry. Here one howl managed to put his sword down, parrying a kick. He cut the skin of the boy colonel. And what?
  Do you think this stopped Oleg Rybachenko?
  He didn"t even feel the pain, he was already so used to the wounds. I pushed it again and it was a complete blackout. So you have to respond with growls and sniffles. This makes it even funny to the point of mind-blowing! Are there any enemies on the board? But now, they have sped up their run and are only getting better at running into swords. The two giants barked like wounded bears and closed the distance to the warrior boy.
  It was as if the waves hit the pier... The boy flashed his pearly teeth.
  Then I kind of felt sorry for them. He stepped under their feet so that both of them collided with their foreheads, sparks literally fell, though not from their eyes, but from their helmets. But the boobies twitched and fell silent. How saturated with blood the distance was about one hundred and forty meters. Every warrior should have this, have a big heart, but little fear and a huge sense of responsibility! Yes, it"s a little dishonest to fight while being immortal, but, alas, honor is a relative concept in war. It is logical: after all, two bears do not live in the same den, but two moralities coexist perfectly in one person with the mindset of a predator! The best of the remaining ten now almost deliberately lagged behind, counting on wearing out the enemy. Yes, in reality they could offer strong resistance in a skirmish. It was at this moment that the four "kings of the lists", enhanced by a potion of magical power, clearly wanted to plan their attack.
  Like large jackals, they decided to trap the tiger cub.
  Oleg Rybachenko, of course, understood this, but was not afraid. No matter what the child amuses himself with, as long as he doesn"t hang himself. But also what kind of vultures appear in the skies. And not earthly types, although there is a battle taking place on planet Earth. And here, for example, a creature: the first third of the body is with the needles of a large hedgehog, the second is like fish scales, the third is with cornflower petals. And the wings, from below, are like those of a butterfly, and from above, like playing cards. Wow, and the miscarriages began.
  The eternal boy-colonel shook off the stuck scales.
  However, do not intimidate him. And there was no talk of a conspiracy of geniuses, a typical tactic of Napoleonic Marshal Davout. Take it and jump if the enemy is a sucker. However, the boy-colonel thought, maybe it was in vain that he spoke so poorly of them - there was a calculation, but for military training, luck and natural mutual assistance.
  Since this world is so treacherous, be three times more vigilant!
  Margarita, even prompting, exclaimed:
  - A tiger in an ambush is dangerous until it curls its fangs... and a man is helpless until he sparkles with a bright invention! - Oleg Rybachenko finished his sentence for his friend!
  It's good to have the support of your loved one.
  Maybe they had their sights set on something, but the victim became a real warrior. Even if it"s in a dream!
  Or not in a dream, but somewhere in the interworld, where the souls of people seek their refuge.
  But dangerous enemies still remain.
  Yes, as soon as they tried to plot intrigues, the young man made his move again, out of the blue. He abruptly, although it seemed impossible in principle, forced the run, and the swords were already hitting so that several knights fell, although even the blade did not touch them. Now a pirate stood in his way, also pumped up with a potion, Don Cesar de Bazan. He, especially under the influence of magical dope, could offer serious resistance. The sea robber threw a dagger at Oleg Rybachenko, but the boy colonel immediately grabbed the blade with his bare fingers and threw it back. The dagger flew along a complex trajectory and the thug was unable to parry it when the tip pierced straight into the solar plexus. The thrown mace was also intercepted.
  The young warrior is superhuman and has enormous experience.
  The boy colonel caught up with the stopped sorcerers and, still at a distance, began a tactically sudden dashing attack, throwing a captured club, over which he did not have to sniff for long. But everyone probably scoffed at first that they would have to fight with a ragged beggar. The lethal weapon had the peculiarity that it was also enchanted, and its devastating flight was easy to miss. It turned out that the "shell" hit the body of the enemy with such force that the powerful metal plate burst, and the enchanted warrior himself was thrown back five meters, falling over like a bull in a slaughterhouse.
  The boy shouted:
  - Glory to the Fatherland!
  This is a classic class!
  But the attack continues.
  At another moment, the next opponent fell to the ground screaming with a broken hand and cracked ribs from the blow of the second sword. If the armor had not been tempered in a magical way, the mighty fighter would have been elegantly cut into pieces.
  Oleg Rybachenko spun like a top.
  Yes, even Bilan won"t help them here. And everything impossible is possible!
  When you chop at full swing - carelessly!
  And Oleg Rybachenko, to the enthusiastic roar of the audience, raced even faster. You can"t say that you"ve already won. Unlike the notorious bersekts, the abusive trance did not even sink into him. Helping to smooth out the path for himself with his swords, he accelerated his run to the utmost. Although, that can be considered the limit. The speed of light, contrary to Einstein"s false theory, even changes, obeying the law of addition. But he accelerated faster than a photon. It even seemed that he had stopped touching the sharpest stones. And in one fell swoop he caught up with the next group, in which the Sorcerers tried to organize worthy resistance.
  The battle dragged on - the boy"s muscular, sculpted body glistened with a mixture of blood and sweat.
  Naturally, all the remaining runners had a certain thought: to lag behind a little with the front ones, and to push up with the back ones and crush the overly frisky young angel with the whole crowd. But even conscience has nothing to do with it. It was felt as if the Mother of God herself was present and would never allow them to do this. And after all, only God"s people can fight like that. A person cannot do this! In addition to this, which is the most important truth of all, they were stopped by another thought: after all, everyone was just running away, and the blond imp or little angel had to fight, one by one and in bulk, with an entire army, the most skillful opponents.
  Although the boy colonel got the better of them quite easily, every real professional warrior knows perfectly well what it is like to switch from an exhausting run to a fierce skirmish, not even stop, but without hind legs, continue the chase again. That is, they had a chance to defeat the little devil with the face of an angel.
  Yes, after all, luck changes!
  Oleg Rybachenko naturally did not think so:
  - Everyone gets tired, only lazy people succumb to fatigue, only the dead do not shed drops of sweat!
  The boy uttered a catchphrase!
  Therefore, he was eager to finish the fight quickly. Even without waiting for the inevitable end, the knights clicked their teeth in fear. And there is no need for a command to fight. It is advisable to get an excuse from the prince about surrender.
  But can you expect this?
  Prince de Aregolla stopped his exhausted group and tried to arrange them in a sweeping sack, as if luring the victim into a spiked and steel cauldron.
  The spears flashed like barracuda teeth.
  Alexey, however, did not let him (throwing himself with a breaststroke in the style of Suvorov"s attacks), they would line up.
  The boy colonel was full of enthusiasm.
  Yes, there were people in our time, not like the current tribe! You are not the heroes! But there will be no more victims from Moscow. Napoleon will also be crushed in Europe; his genius will not help him. Yes, there would be no revolution at all for his nomination.
  And in general we will make the world united and safe!
  Bravo! We will not allow the Battle of Borodino! Let's end the war here instead! Then the tough Oleg Rybachenko rushed in, jumped to the side, knocking off the enemy"s swords and throwing him to the ground with his body. What followed was an incredibly long leap forward, which even a cheetah cannot do. Yes, Oleg Rybachenko received, albeit belatedly, a blow to the shoulder with a sword. But it was with a delay that he invested heavily and now De Aregolla himself, despite the potion, received a crushing blow to the chest, from which he fell on his back.
  An attempt to jump up and a sword to the head. Although he was enveloped in a magical trance, he was still unable to stand up on his own until the end of the "sacred battle." And Alexey developed the Hollywood "barrel" technique, which is a distraction, and a real kick to the painful point. The only one in the group, also a druid, muttering spells, went into such a deep defense that he simply missed the moment when Oleg the Terminator made a swift lunge to the side, and the fifth fighter toppled over - dumbfounded, with his helmet crumpled like a schoolboy in a wet blotter .
  The boy dignitary raised both hands up and shouted:
  - Victory!
  After which Oleg Rybachenko moved again during the Pugachev uprising. There was still a lot to do. The army of the peasant king stormed Kazan. The forces were unequal, especially since the defenders were not too eager to fight. Local merchants held a meeting with the Cossack king and announced that they would surrender the city. Only the officers really resisted. The local militia went over to the king's side. Some of the officers are also for Pugachev. Cossacks, of course, too. And in real history, Kazan was taken. And here the Pugachevites are much stronger and have never really been beaten.
  With the fall of Kazan, the path to Moscow opened. The Kremlin was captured immediately, Oleg Rybachenko threw a lasso over Potemkin. Not the great one, but his second cousin. Captured the lieutenant general. And also the governor of Kazan. And also several colonels.
  After which there was judgment: quick and righteous. Potemkin and the governor of Kazan were hanged. The two colonels who agreed to swear allegiance to Pugachev were pardoned. And the rest are also in the loop. They captured a large treasury and a lot of supplies.
  More than four thousand prisoners were released and joined the rebel army. And they grabbed guns from Ural factories, ready to go to the Turkish front.
  Pugachev achieved great success. Tsarina Catherine already wanted to come to an agreement with the Turks. But having learned about the major successes of the rebels, they demanded that the Russians leave the Balkans and Crimea. And in general, return everything that was won, and also pay a considerable tribute.
  After the fall of Kazan, Pugachev became really dangerous. His army moved towards Moscow. Kozodemyansk became a powerful fortress, where a lot of goods were brought. Melin, with a thousand soldiers and two hundred horsemen, gave battle to Pugachev. But he was defeated by a large army with cannons. And then the Pugachevites took Kozodemyansk by storm.
  Oleg Rybachenko and Margarita, as always, are at the forefront of the assault. Children are very aggressive and impetuous. And it is impossible to hold Kozodemyansk.
  Pugachev"s army was already approaching one hundred thousand soldiers, of varying quality.
  Despite its diversity, the abundance of guns and trophies made this armada invincible.
  The Pugachevites achieved success in other places as well. Beloborodov captured the last plant in the Urals and fortified himself. The rebels took most of the cities and besieged Tobolsk. And the monastery, which had held out to the rebels for so long, fell. Delong tried to give battle to Beloborodov, but fell into a trap, and his corps was partially defeated and partially captured. The general barely managed to escape. And soon Tobolsk also fell.
  Successes followed one after another... The rebels took Saratov almost without a fight. And this also became an achievement, many officers went over to their side.
  Part of the forces from Pugachev"s army moved to Simbirsk, and part of the forces from Samara came from the south. And the troops of the Cossack king approached Nizhny Novgorod. Here the nut was harder. Some units managed to arrive in the city. Although late.
  But Pugachev has an army of one hundred thousand and more than three hundred and fifty guns, and numerous guns. Plus Syzran fell, and Penza almost without a fight. The entire Volga rebelled, supported by Cossack troops. More and more the city swore allegiance to the peasant impostor. And more and more often the queen"s troops came over to his side. So Simbirsk was taken largely thanks to the betrayal of the troops. The rebels moved towards Tsaritsyn and the Don. It would also be possible to gather considerable forces there. Emelyan Pugachev felt more and more confident. Nevertheless, Nizhny Novgorod should have been taken. The city was well fortified and had a considerable garrison.
  However, the Kazan merchants agreed with the locals so that the militia would not offer resistance. Some officers were also inclined towards an alliance with the tsar. So already in the very first minutes of the assault, impressive gaps appeared in the defense of the queen"s troops. And of course, all this is not good for the defense.
  Pugachev's army is large. And faith in the king strengthened. With each victory, the people become stronger and stronger. And so the men and the steppe inhabitants overwhelmed the redoubts. The Cossacks are also fighting confidently, and there are also Don Cossacks among them. Former soldiers, Ural workers, and other forces are fighting for the Tsar Father. The battle is raging.
  Oleg Rybachenko and Margarita, as always, are at the most difficult site, as always at the forefront of the attack, and are cutting down officers and nobles. The boy and girl are truly terminators.
  Pugachev"s loud voice sounds:
  - Give up, kids! You will have mercy!
  And the soldiers throw down their weapons. And the merchant militia joined the Pugachevites.
  Oleg Rybachenko throws a sharpened disk with his bare toes and kills the general. After which the terminator boy roars:
  - May my holy land be glorified!
  After which the ranger girl Margarita throws discs. And again another commander was killed. Yes, both young warriors are at their best! And they destroy their enemies as they are destroyed!
  Oleg Rybachenko roared:
  - Yes, on Mars or on Venus, everywhere in Russia you are with us!
  And again he throws a grenade with his bare toes. Yes, Catherine"s royal troops will get it here.
  However, the battle is already dying down. Almost all the soldiers have thrown down their weapons and are only finishing off individual officers. But more and more of them are going over to the side of Emelyan Pugachev. Many people still think: can a simple Cossack be such a commander and take so many cities? No, it"s clear that the king is definitely!
  Nizhny Novgorod fell... and the tsarist, Cossack and peasant army moves further towards Moscow. So far there is nothing special to cover the capital with. Moreover, many cities surrender without a fight. Here in Ryazan there is only focal resistance. A couple of guard battalions fought, and the rest surrendered.
  The successes of the impostor led to the fact that he gathered more than two hundred thousand troops for the assault on Moscow. And the Mother See is barely covered. It has seven thousand regular troops, another twenty thousand militia, but... Unreliable.
  The Pugachevites intercepted a couple of regiments going to defend Moscow. And almost without a fight they brought Emelyan to the oath in Tushino.
  The new king accepted them into service. And he gave the order to take Moscow by storm.
  Moreover, the merchant militia did not want to fight with the king, and the local people were waiting for the legitimate emperor.
  Another news was the capture of Tsaritsyn, and the transition of the Cossack regiments to the side of the rebels. Oddly enough, the Yaitsky city still held out. Although Catherine"s soldiers were dying of hunger there. However, good news came from there: Ustinya is definitely pregnant. This means she will soon give birth to an heir. Or a daughter. Although experienced grandmothers say that most likely it is the son.
  And Emelyan also has joy!
  And the rebel troops launched an assault. As expected, the merchant militia did not shoot. It threw down its weapons and surrendered. The soldiers also fought reluctantly, like many officers. And it was not the innumerable stream of Emelyan that overwhelmed the capital.
  Only one of the Orlov brothers, who commanded the defense of the capital, tried to establish something. But the throw of the dagger pierced his throat. And this warrior fell, finding himself dead. Oleg Rybachenko acted flawlessly.
  After which the terminator boy yelled:
  - For a new, Russian order!
  And again he rushed into battle. So the boy fought fiercely. It contains frenzied excitement and the wildest results.
  The defense of Moscow was extensive and therefore the walls were poorly covered. The most important thing was not to allow units to be withdrawn to the Kremlin, where they could still hold out.
  But the most selected units of the Cossacks arrived at the Kremlin earlier. And they broke into the fortress. Many soldiers and even officers went over to their side. Even from the Semenovsky Guards Regiment. Not really, the fighters wanted to die. And so the Kremlin fell...
  Pugachev captured the Mother See and rode into the capital on a white horse. He is now almost a real king. And in luxurious clothes. And maybe even be crowned. Most of the garrison was captured. Of those who take the oath, there are even a couple of generals and many officers.
  Now Pugachev feels much more confident. Although St. Petersburg is still ahead, major successes have already been achieved!
  During the parade, Oleg Rybachenko drew attention to one already middle-aged, short, thin man. There was something familiar about him. The boy, of course, ran up to him; such a chance should not be missed.
  The man jumped up and lifted him by the collar, exclaiming:
  - It"s you Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov! That's someone I didn't expect to meet!
  The man in simple clothes nodded:
  - And this is you Colonel Rybachenko! How fast!
  Oleg Rybachenko clarified:
  - Already a major general! And you, Alexander Vasilyevich, should be a field marshal!
  Suvorov answered honestly:
  - Maybe! If the people love Peter the Third so much, then so it is!
  Oleg nodded in agreement:
  - Come to our side! Let the army be with the people!
  Suvorov exclaimed:
  - Oh God... If your Emelyan weren"t so dear to the people"s hearts, I would have thought three more times! And so! My body will be at his service!
  Thus, Alexander Suvorov also went over to the side of the rebels and the peasant king.
  Finally, the fortified area of the Yaitsky town also fell. The last soldiers and officers surrendered. In the south, Astrakhan swore allegiance to the tsar, surrendering almost without a fight. The Don became the cradle of the rebels. The Pugachevites moved towards St. Petersburg. They met almost no resistance. More and more new shelves were surrendered.
  Emelyan Pugachev moved with triumph to triumph. In Novgorod he was greeted with great honor. And only in St. Petersburg itself could they resist.
  However, a swift assault followed. The city was defended by guardsmen of the Preobrazhensky Regiment. And some militias.
  But there are many more Pugachevites and the genius of Suvorov is on their side. Where can I resist?
  Catherine herself tried to escape, but was caught, and the Orlov brothers were killed during the assault. Alexey Orlov was hacked to death by Oleg Rybachenko himself. And Nikita Papin went over to Pugachev"s side.
  Catherine the Second was imprisoned in a dungeon. Then they answered in rags and barefoot to Emelyan Pugachev.
  The peasant tsar promised her life and that he would let her go abroad if she publicly recognized him as her husband and Tsar Peter the Third. Otherwise, the gallows after the flogging.
  Catherine agreed. Life is more valuable. She recognized Emelyan as her husband and knelt down. Pugachev nevertheless ordered Katka to be thoroughly flogged. The former queen was whipped naked, right in the square. And then they were expelled from Russia.
  Rumyantsev and other commanders recognized Peter the Third as Tsar. The war with Turkey continued a little longer and ended with a peace favorable to Russia. Emelyan Pugachev carried out a number of reforms in Russia. He confiscated land from landowners, abolished serfdom, and gave free peoples. He made the positions of governors and city mayors elective, and introduced zemstvos.
  Russia gradually became a bourgeois country. Under the tsar there was an elective council, but it had purely advisory functions. And so the government was autocratic.
  Having rested a little and reorganized the army, Peter the Third began a new war with Turkey. For this purpose, all power over the troops was given to Alexander Suvorov. The Ottoman Empire was quickly defeated and conquered. Russia included its territories into its composition. Austria also grabbed some. Emelyan Pugachev later conquered Egypt. And then north of Africa. His reign was successful. Suvorov and his comrades shone. The revolution in France allowed Russia to conquer both Europe and France. By the end of the eighteenth century, Emelyan Pugachev had conquered all of Europe. Then Russia still fought a war with Britain, which it ended with a convincing victory. Pugachev ruled until 1810, and there he died and handed over power to Peter his fourth son and Ustinia.
  Russia moved across Africa and Asia, conquered India and China, and then America. By the end of the nineteenth century the whole world had become Russian. And man flew into space back in 1899! And he flew to Mars in 1917.
  People found peace and happiness. At least in this universe. And in general, Oleg Rybachenko"s fears were not confirmed.
  The victory of Emelyan Pugachev turned out to be convincing and useful for the whole world. Russia was a free empire, with a parliament and a strong tsarist government.
  Moreover, her army, reformed by Suvorov, had no equal.
  And without serfdom, industry developed at an accelerated pace.
  And everything turned out, in general, not bad. And Russia was lucky that the dynasty maintained the stability of power. And that the country did not fall apart. And there were victories, one after another.
  In addition, there was also an elective democracy of governors, city heads, and village elders. This also gave people the opportunity to express their opinions and have their full power.
  But the king was not a despot. And people's opinions were taken into account. And life soon became so good for everyone that people forgot that they could be dissatisfied. And few people thought about independence. Indeed, the unity of humanity is the most important thing!
  The Russian Empire united everyone... And a new religion was born. Which became united by absorbing different beliefs. And in the end, Buddha, Magomed, Christ, and Krishna were reconciled. Everyone became united and almost atheists!
  But then people also learned to resurrect the dead, but that"s another story
  Speer, this genius of organization, managed to convince the Fuhrer to urgently develop and put into production a light, cheap, maneuverable jet fighter with only two air cannons, but the best in the world in terms of flight characteristics.
  This is how HE-162 was born, not on December 6, 1944, when it first took off into the air, but it was already too late, but on April 20, 1943, when the Third Reich was still full of strength, and this could have influenced the course of the war. Fortunately, the Yummo jet engine was already ready for mass production. The plane was made almost entirely of wood, and the armor on the forehead alone weighed fifty kilograms. But the car is light, cheap, and very maneuverable, easy to control. Its speed exceeded 900 kilometers per hour, and the empty weight of the fighter was only 1,600 kilograms. The armament is initially two 20-mm aircraft cannons - stronger than the Yak-9 and comparable to the LAGG-5.
  Quite an easy machine to operate. In short, the people's fighter. Cheaper than ME-109 and easier to produce, but much more effective.
  The HE-162 proved to be an effective weapon. Already during the Battle of Kursk, German aces were gaining scores on it. Huffman especially distinguished himself.
  Hitler, of course, was pleased and ordered the production of the car to be increased to five thousand per month. This figure could not be achieved, but by the end of 1943 more than two thousand vehicles were produced per month.
  The HE-162 created problems for the USSR in the air, and somewhat slowed down the advance of Soviet troops. On the Kursk Bulge, the losses of German tanks were less than in real history; many IL-2s were shot down.
  The Germans were able to delay resistance and Kharkov and Orel fell a month later than in real history.
  But still the Red Army advanced, albeit slower than in real history. Thanks to this, the Germans managed to gain a foothold on the Dnieper and create a powerful defense there. And then the E-10 self-propelled gun arrived, a very successful tank destroyer.
  The Germans were able to stabilize the front in the east. In winter, Soviet troops were unable to cross the Dnieper. The Germans also held out at Leningrad.
  Although the Allies advanced in Italy. But at a very high price.
  Having failed to break through the Nazis, the Red Army moved to Crimea. Here, too, the battles lasted longer than in real history, but ended in defeat.
  The Allied landings in Normandy ended in defeat for Britain and the United States. On June 22, Soviet troops attacked the center. But the Germans were able to repel the onslaught of Soviet forces. Partly due to the successful and cheap self-propelled gun E-10. Weighing twelve tons, this vehicle had frontal armor of 82 millimeters at an angle of 45 degrees, impenetrable to Soviet thirty-fours, and a gun like the T-4. This vehicle could even penetrate an IS-2 in the forehead at close range, having a good chance of ricocheting the inclined armor.
  The new German technology is good in defense. And the Krauts take advantage of this. But Soviet cars are still not so successful. The T-34-85 has a rather weak gun and protection, and the height is too big. And the IS-2 is vulnerable to the forehead of the turret and the lower part of the hull.
  The Germans were able to hold on by concentrating their forces in the center in advance and guessing the main direction of the attack.
  After the defeat of the Allies in Normandy, anti-war sentiment intensified in the United States and Britain. Moreover, the Americans were unlucky; when attempting to land in the Philippines, their transport was attacked by Japanese battleships. And they were drowned. A lot of equipment and soldiers died.
  Which also made a strong impression on the American people.
  The Germans, having repulsed the attack in the center, transferred some of their troops to Italy and launched an offensive there.
  "Panther"-2 took part in the battles. The Germans managed to keep the weight to fifty tons by making the cannon 88 mm and 71 EL barrel, and the vehicle itself had 150 mm thick frontal armor at slopes.
  The Panther 2, being lighter but with a more powerful engine, proved to be an excellent tank destroyer.
  The Germans were able to recapture Naples and capture many prisoners and trophies. The allies fled back to Sicily. There they wanted to take refuge using the fleet.
  German designers also launched the E-25 into production. Soviet troops tried to attack again near Leningrad. But the Germans were ready there. In general, German reconnaissance worked well, especially aerial reconnaissance, since the Fritz had jet machines that flew at high altitudes and were absolutely invulnerable to Soviet air defense.
  In winter, Soviet troops again attacked the center, but their attacks were predictable. And in the air the fascists seized complete dominance. Allied aviation also lost a lot.
  In February, the Nazis carried out an operation in Sicily and captured more than two hundred thousand British and American soldiers. And in March the Germans struck in the south. We broke through the defenses, advancing at night, and created a couple of cauldrons.
  Soviet troops began to withdraw.
  After Roosevelt's death, Truman proposed a truce to Hitler. Fascist number one agreed. But in exchange he demanded the supply of petroleum products and the return of prisoners. Truman and Churchill agreed to this.
  The Germans had a free hand in the east. They also got a new tank, the E-75. A denser layout - engine and transmission together - and a transverse arrangement made it possible to reduce the height of the vehicle. It was reminiscent of a much grown Tiger-2, but with a much lower silhouette.
  With much thicker armor located at greater angles, the E-75 weighed 75 tons, with an engine of 1250 horsepower. Which made it quite mobile and reliable. The UK tank had two types of guns. 105 mm in 100 EL for fighting enemy tanks, and 128 mm in 55 EL, a more universal gun. The turret had 252 mm thick frontal sloping armor, and 170 mm thick side and rear armor, also sloping. The hull had 200 mm of armor on the top at an angle of 45 degrees, and 160 mm on the bottom at an angle of 45 degrees. The sides of the hull are 120 mm and the shields are another 90 mm.
  Thus, with a weight of 75 tons, the Germans created a vehicle not inferior to the Mouse in armor and armament, albeit with one gun.
  The E-75 was not penetrated by Soviet anti-tank guns, even on its side, and undoubtedly received Hitler's priority over all other E-series tanks.
  The USSR has so far only acquired the IS-3, which is better protected in the front of the turret, but more difficult to manufacture. So Stalin ordered that the IS-2 and T-34-85 not be removed from production for now.
  In the summer, German E-75 tanks first appeared at the front. They have proven to be very efficient machines.
  At the same time, the Nazis had a light vehicle ME-1010 with wings that changed their sweep, a more advanced model ME-262 X, and a more armed and faster and more maneuverable vehicle XE-262. The people's fighter has earned all the praise from its designers. And also the Yu-287 jet bomber, which showed tremendous aerobatics. And also the Arado brand.
  The Germans were able to advance in Ukraine in the summer and recaptured the Donbass. Then, in the fall, they took Kursk and approached Voronezh. Soviet troops retreated across the Don and tried to establish a defense there. Winter was approaching.
  German diplomats made efforts to include Turkey in the war.
  Here they circled and promised mountains of gold.
  Stalin, feeling that it was difficult for the USSR to resist the new German technology, and the creation of the new T-54 tank faced certain difficulties, proposed a truce to the Nazis.
  Hitler in response demanded the surrender of Leningrad and Crimea, as well as the supply of free bread, oil and other raw materials! And return the prisoners of war and transfer part of the gold to the USSR.
  Stalin agreed to everything except the surrender of Leningrad.
  The Nazis attacked Crimea in winter. They captured almost the entire peninsula, except Sevastopol. The Red Army tried to advance in the center and in the north, but again without success, suffering huge losses.
  In March 1946, the Fuhrer finally agreed to a truce for a period of three years. The USSR, of course, supplied the Third Reich with free raw materials and transferred some of the equipment of military factories.
  And the Nazis turned to the West. The atomic bomb had not yet been created, and Japan was desperately holding out against America. A fierce battle raged for every island in the Pacific Ocean.
  To begin with, Hitler reached an agreement with Franco and German troops took Gibraltar by surprise. Then we entered Morocco. The British base in Malta was destroyed and captured by landing forces. The Nazis went to Africa.
  Their pilots, Albina and Alvina, became very strong. The girls were able to outrun Huffman and be the first to overcome the barrier of five hundred downed aircraft on the eastern front.
  And in the West, completely bare-legged devils in bikinis became a thunderstorm for American and English cars.
  And Gerda, with her tank crew, was traveling through Algeria in an E-75. The girls are record holders for the number of destroyed vehicles on the eastern front, ahead of Wittmann.
  The warriors began to fight from the Kursk Bulge and showed their class. Although the not very smart Hitler doubted that women were capable of fighting. But Gerda, Charlotte, Christina and Magda worked wonders on the Panther. They turned out to be the second tank crew after Wittmann to receive a high award: the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with oak leaves, swords and diamonds. And also a cross of military merit in gold and diamonds.
  The girls ride along and sing:
  - We will destroy the whole world without the Reich,
  To the core and then...
  We will build a new, new world,
  Who was nobody will become everything!
  The warriors also giggle and bare their teeth. And they shoot themselves again...
  They knocked out an English tank and roared:
  - We are super!
  Gerda presses the joystick button with her bare toes, rips the turret off the Sherman and shouts:
  - I am the future goddess!
  Then Christina knocks over the tank with her bare toes and screams:
  - I, too, am a super girl!
  Then she shoots, smashing Charlotte"s car, and squeaks:
  - But Pasaran!
  And with the next shell, Magda finished off the Englishman. The girls are truly supermen.
  And to be honest, everyone is defeated without exception. We are used to killing all our enemies, and the place is in hell, of course!
  The female warriors work and shoot. They give no quarter to their opponents.
  Several thousand British and Americans surrendered. The men fall to their knees and kiss the girls' bare, dusty feet.
  This is how the struggle goes... Algeria has fallen, and the Germans are already in Libya. Of course, they win by playing. There are no obstacles for them.
  During the summer of 1946, the Germans captured the entire north of Africa and reached the Suez Canal. The Nazis now have a formidable weapon: disc planes that cannot be shot down. Both the British and the Americans broke under this.
  In the fall, the Wehrmacht moved to Sudan and the Middle East. The British and Americans fell like cracked nuts.
  Secretly they tried to come to an agreement with Stalin. Like, open a second front.
  The Red dictator answered evasively... During the fall, the Germans captured the entire Middle East and most of Africa, reaching Cameroon. And in the winter, German troops moved to Iran and further to India. The country of elephants was conquered. And then the Nazis advanced in the spring to southern Africa, finally taking control of the black continent.
  In June 1947, a landing in Britain followed... The selected forces of the Wehrmacht took part in the battles.
  For the first time, a pyramidal tank was tested, which showed excellent protection from all angles and high speed.
  Gerda's tank crew fought in it. The girls turned out to be extremely cool and greyhounds...
  They piled up a bunch of tanks and guns.
  Gerda fired, knocked down the English cannon and sang:
  - Our enemies will not stop us!
  And how he will laugh!
  Charlotte will also bare her teeth and squeak:
  - We will conquer the cover of the universe!
  And it will also sweep away the tank.
  Next Christina will slap her, growling furiously:
  - Boots sparkle on the march!
  And it will also sweep away the tower!
  Then Magda shot down an English howitzer and rasped:
  - Instant flight!
  The warriors are at a colossal height.
  And Albina and Alvina rush in the sky and finish off English and American equipment. They crush the Krauts with their bare, chiseled feet and sing to themselves:
  - Africa is dangerous, yes, yes, yes!
  Africa is terrible - yes, yes, yes!
  Don't go kids! Go for a walk in Africa!
  So he hit, in one battle, fifty planes between two.
  This is how female warriors confidently destroy their enemies.
  Britain fell in two weeks. And the London garrison capitulated. So the Third Reich crushed its dangerous enemy.
  But the USA still remains... Having united with the Japanese and having a lot of resources, the Germans begin to put pressure on the Americans... In August 1947, the Nazis landed in Iceland and captured this island, approaching America.
  It's not easy to get to the USA. But the fascists have created bridgeheads in Latin America and are building up their forces. But the war drags on for a long time. In winter, battles were fought at sea and in the air. And in the spring of 1948, the Germans tried to get to Greenland. And they succeeded... In the summer, the Nazis were already conquering Canada. But the battles were fierce...
  Getting closer and closer to the USA. But Soviet girls are also on the alert.
  Five girls Natasha, Mirabela, Angelica, Svetlana, Olympiada arrived in America to fight as volunteers against the hordes of the Third Reich. All five girls are very beautiful and speak English. Stalin-Putin refused to send the entire women's battalion, as this would contradict the terms of the peace concluded with the fascist empire. The USSR needed to gain time at any cost while the Nazis attacked the USA.
  The five girls are volunteers: they went through almost the entire war, from Brest and Bug to Orenburg. And they are fighting the Nazis on the other side of the Earth in the capital of Honduras.
  Tegucigalpa is one of the main strongholds of the defense, in confrontation with a motley horde. Both the Japanese and the Asian hordes got into trouble. The Germans themselves fought only with tanks, and the infantry was entirely from non-Aryan peoples. They drove Asians, blacks, and Arabs forward.
  Natasha fired, cutting off two Africans and chirped:
  - Just a horde of Genghis Khan!
  The golden-haired Mirabela, having cut down three Indians with a machine gun burst, raised her bare, tanned legs to the top. And she said:
  - We're grinding cannon fodder!
  A fragment from a grenade flew and slapped Mirabela-Zoya on her bare, round heel. Girls traditionally fight in bikinis and barefoot. And when it hits the rough, girlish sole with a sharp one, it hurts a little.
  The beauty winked and fired again... Mirabela is very slender, of average height with a perfect figure.
  Natasha is taller, with the rank of major, and even a hero of the Soviet Union. But also almost naked, barely covered by a bikini. Very tanned, but her hair is white. And Natasha shoots very accurately. And he loves to throw grenades with his bare feet.
  The beautiful Angelica shoots, knocking down four Arabs with a burst of fire. Her hair is red, or rather copper-red, like a proletarian banner. And when the winds blow, it's like a flag of revolution. The girl sparkles with her emerald eyes, like stars. And brutally sweeps away enemies.
  Svetlana is also blonde. And he fires from a machine gun. The girl planted her bare feet and gave a burst. Five assorted fighters were thrown up, and crimson fountains of blood flew out of the chests and bellies of their adversaries.
  Svetlana, licking her full lips, chirped:
  - War is air for the lungs...
  The girl, lying down, throws a grenade with her bare foot. Explosions are heard. Several militants fly off in different directions.
  Olympias is a bigger, beefier girl. Her hair is light brown. A typical village, young, blood-and-milk woman. She is very strong physically and shoots well.
  Here comes the turn again. And the killed fascist mercenaries fall.
  The Olympics, while shooting, says:
  - Okay, okay, where have you been? By Grandma! - The girl fired, killing three bearded Nazi fighters and added. - What did you eat - porridge! What did you drink? Mash!
  The girls are holding the line. They do not let the fascists forward. And friendly songs roar:
  - We will destroy the whole world of violence,
  To the core and then...
  We will build a new, heavenly world -
  Who was nobody will become everything!
  Natasha again throws a grenade with her bare foot. Blasts advancing infantrymen. It's definitely getting hotter. Here comes the notorious "Lion"-2. And next to it is the more advanced E-50. Projectiles are ejected. A black American's head was torn off and it rolled away.
  Mirabela stepped on a burning board, and her hardened legs barely felt the heat of the flame.
  The golden-haired beauty shot and purred:
  - And who will stop the flow of bloody, enraged rivers...
  Mirabela fired again, knocking the African off the E-50's armor and chirped.
  - A beam from a blaster will hit your temple, in an evil flash the man disappeared!
  The girl shot again. She flashed her barefoot, tanned, graceful foot through the air. A grenade flew towards her. The beauty with golden hair deftly beat off the gift with her bare, almost dust-free sole. The grenade flew back. She rushed into the ranks of the militants of the Third Reich. It looked like watermelons were falling out of the truck, breaking. There was so much blood spilling out.
  Mirabela tweeted:
  - The girl failed the exam, and the damned Reich came. Hitler was apparently tired of living, and his beauty famously ate him!
  Angelica is also a no-nonsense warrior. He shoots at himself with machine guns and says, scattering the corpses:
  - For mommy"s spoon! For daddy's spoon! And for Koba, a ladle! And on your side in bed!
  A beauty with copper-red hair launches a wooden airplane with her bare foot. He flies straight towards the massive German Lion tank. Land on the muzzle of a 105mm cannon and it explodes. The weapon fails.
  The German turns around and is forced to flee shamefully. Angelica, rubbing her leg on a piece of the building, says:
  - If you don"t have strength, you need intelligence! You'll have to make some noise!
  And again the girl shoots very accurately. Her red hair is like the flame of the Olympic torch. Attractive girl. She has already distinguished herself in the American army by demonstrating a furious temperament. He was especially good at making mischief with African-Americans. It"s so unusual and beautiful with them.
  Angelica, however, also destroys blacks fighting in the army of the Third Reich. Why did Germany conquer all of Africa? Try to stop such power.
  The E-50 is the newest tank, with a gas turbine engine and thick side and frontal armor. It cannot be taken with a grenade. Angelica threw the gift with her bare leg, knocked down several infantrymen and chirped:
  - Oh, your tank armor is reliable, from someone who intends to bite... Just know the power you have... nya, you can only kick a steel horse!
  Svetlana also shot very accurately. And she preferred to throw grenades with her feet. Her bare fingers also twirled the steel disk. The tip flew over and cut the throats of two fascist militants. They dropped the machine gun, and now a thick burst of large caliber slashed through the chains of the horde. A whole line of foreign fighters recruited through raids into the army of the Third Reich.
  Svetlana tweeted:
  - Luck is the reward for courage! One song is enough! Let them sing only about home!
  But the beauty has not yet had time to miss home. Although there are very few Soviet volunteers in the American army. Stalin-Putin did not want to shine, so as not to later give Hitler a reason to accuse Russia of violating the terms of the "Straw Peace".
  Five girls, the best in the women's battalion, were warned that if they were captured, the Motherland would have to disown them. And in this case, girls should mow about trivial mercenaries who were hired for money.
  And Svetlana, and Natasha, and the other girls understand that if they are captured, terrible torture awaits them. So they decided, in any case, not to be killed by the Nazis alive.
  German attack aircraft fly over the positions of American troops. Not expecting that they would be met with such stubborn resistance in the capital of Honduras, the Nazis were somewhat annoyed.
  Jet and attack aircraft are strong. Rockets are flying, guns are firing.
  American soldiers are dying. Olympiada was also hit by shrapnel in her fleshy shoulder. Blood came out. The heroic girl extracted a piece of steel with her teeth and spat out blood. And then she hit me again with a bulky submachine gun. Foreign mercenaries are falling. Almost everyone here is native, only their commanders are Germans, and even then not always. True, the crews on the most modern E-50 tank are entirely German. The car has decent speed and maneuverability. Well, this is not yet the most advanced modification - it weighs seventy-five tons. The walls are crumbling under the tracks. This one is usually manufactured in three versions with a 105-mm cannon, a 180-mm assault gun, and a 400-mm rocket launcher.
  And each modification has its own task. Here is this tank with an assault gun, more suitable for attacking cities. And it is not so easy to destroy it. Olympias crosses himself and grabs an anti-tank grenade with his bare fingers, his large but graceful, beautifully shaped leg. Now you need to throw the present right at the barrel to disable the mastodon"s weapon. Five machine guns cover a German, modern tank, and it"s not so easy to get close to it.
  Olympias is very strong, and her horse-like legs throw a grenade far. But it"s not always accurate. In any case, to hit such a target as the barrel of a 180-mm cannon. The hero girl has doubts. What if he misses?
  Eh, if their longtime partner Oleg Rybachenko had been with them, this brave pioneer would have come up with something.
  But the boy died in the battles for Voronezh. The girls did not know his further fate. But the fate of the pioneer inventor was indeed unenviable. At first, Oleg Rybachenko was brutally tortured, trying to snatch secrets. After torture, the eleven-year-old boy ended up in the mines. The work is scary and extremely hard. But the Soviet pioneer, small but wiry, turned out to be tenacious.
  He managed to survive, and even through the labyrinths of the mines he decided to escape. And Oleg Rybachenko managed to get out. The boy wandered around the Balkans for some time until he joined a local partisan detachment. There he became a liaison and saboteur.
  There was still a fairly developed partisan movement in the Balkans. Partly also because the occupation service was carried out by Italians, Romanians, Bulgarians, Albanians - who were not as combat-ready as the regular units of the Wehrmacht.
  But many partisans still died. Especially from air strikes. And the patriots of Yugoslavia are forced to hide in the mountains, forests, or, at best, small villages. A large number of commanders have already died. The situation was worsened by the peace signed with the USSR. Now new punitive divisions began to arrive in the Balkans, organizing massive raids and clearing the area.
  Oleg Rybachenko had to climb deeper and deeper into the mountains together with the partisans.
  Although Olympias did not know the fate of their universal favorite, she sighed heavily. Then she squeezed the grenade tighter with the fingers of her bare, girlish feet and, with all her strength, threw it at the enemy tank. The E-50 just fired, releasing a killer shell.
  Olympias even shook and she fell to her knees. He was hit on the head by a cobblestone torn from the pavement, and his bare heel was burned by hot metal. The girl rubbed her stunned head with dusty hair.
  The grenade flew, almost touching the barrel, and hit the inclined forehead of the car. An explosion thundered... But of course, 250 mm of frontal armor, and even at an angle, is not able to penetrate a grenade.
  The Olympics slammed its fist into the dust, raising a whole cloud of sand. Then she roared:
  - Kill it, kill it! Score a goal into the goal!
  The girl tapped her shin on the cracked asphalt. A splinter was stuck in the calluses of the heel. The skin on the girl"s soles was thick like that of a hippopotamus. She lived in a poor family and almost never wore shoes since birth. However, this did not make her legs seem at all rough in shape, but were tanned, graceful, seductive.
  The Olympics, however, were a little intimidating to the men with their tall height, strong muscles, and fists with protruding knuckles. But the heroic girl has the kindest character, and wide hips were combined with a relatively thin waist and sculpted abs. Only in clothes could Olympias appear overweight because of her large breasts. In a bikini, she looks like a busty athlete.
  The girl, in frustration, threw a grenade again, this time aiming at the tracks. But the deadly gift hit the thick, armored shield covering the rollers.
  Olympias punched herself in the chin in frustration. It made her jaw ache. And the hero girl cursed:
  - I cut like a scythe!
  Svetlana also tried to hit the dangerous tank, but the grenade thrown by the girl"s foot missed slightly. And the blonde began to get closer to the car. But then two more tanks appeared - "Lion" and "Panther"-2, they fired at all the approaches with machine guns. We had to be extremely careful.
  The American Sherman made an attempt to get close to the German vehicles. He had a chance to hit Panther 2, but only on the side. But a German is not so easy to deceive. Moreover, the taller silhouette of the Sherman makes it noticeable from a great distance.
  "Panther" 2 spat out a shell and hit the American directly in the forehead. The tall car broke in half. And it burned like a Christmas candle.
  Svetlana said in frustration:
  - Oh, how weak your tanks are... Better technically, you will become a Yankee!
  But Natasha, an experienced warrior, was able to get close to the Panther. She threw a grenade... And the long barrel of the German car curled into a ram's horn.
  "Panther" 2 tank, launched into production in 1943. In the latest most widespread modification, it has frontal armor of 150 mm, side armor of 82 mm at an angle, and an 88 mm cannon with a barrel length of 71EL. Starting in 1945, it was supposed to be discontinued in favor of the more advanced and better protected E-50 model. But for now this tank is fighting. Weighing 51 tons, the car has a 900 horsepower engine, which provides it with good driving performance.
  And now, having received damage, Panther-2 turns around and leaves. Natasha manages to throw another grenade with her bare foot. I broke the rollers. And the speed of the German car slowed down noticeably.
  Natasha says with a joyful look:
  - What a blow! My blow is a gift from God!
  And the girl showed her nose to the Germans. But machine gun fire started pouring out of the E-50. And the bullets whistled over Natasha"s white, somewhat stained hair. One of the bullets even cut off a strand of hair. The major girl even felt a little ticklish.
  Natasha tweeted:
  - If you want to be like an elephant, go to the madhouse as a bandit!
  The girl lifted her cut strand with her toes. Natasha's hair is silky, pearl-colored, but slightly dusty. And yet so soft. The girl ran them along her soles. A little ticklish and pleasant.
  Natasha remembered how the guy caressed her. His hands also started from the soles, rising higher to the thighs and the most sensitive place. When a handsome young man strokes you, it is very pleasant. Natasha almost loved him. She liked love play, and was aroused by the touch of a muscular male body. But Natasha didn"t have real, romantic love, when you go crazy about a man. She's already changed a lot of guys. Many of its men died in battle.
  Even this was the curse of war. And here in America, there are muscular, black guys. And everything is so unusual with them.
  Natasha shot and took down the black man. I felt a little sorry for the African boy. She killed a man fighting for interests alien to him. After all, the Germans are racists. They look at blacks as slaves. But at the same time, Africans are being enrolled in the foreign divisions of the swollen Wehrmacht.
  Natasha made something like a fig with her bare toes and showed it to the Nazis. Yes, the German nation itself does not suffer any damage here. Tanks have armor that is too thick to be penetrated by a grenade or bazooka. But the native units are dying.
  Natasha throws a grenade at E-50. She swung her bare, tanned leg and threw, twisting her hips. And the grenade flew in a high arc. My bare toes left me feeling the touch of metal. And then the grenade went off.
  Natasha whispers:
  - God bless us!
  A hot wind blew on the girl, as if touched by a handsome man. Natasha was reading a book about Tarzan, and she really wanted this man to play with her. I would stroke my bare breasts with strong hands.
  The grenade hit the barrel, but exploded too late, flying off the metal. The fragments clattered like peas on armor. Only scratches remain!
  Natasha took out another grenade. But I saw that it was anti-personnel. And the anti-tank weapons are gone.
  The girl growled in frustration. But in order not to waste time, I put it in my bare fingers. She turned her leg, bent her torso, then straightened it and threw it at the infantry.
  Half a dozen fighters flew up like ping-pong balls. One of them"s glasses flew off, and the fragments flew a couple of hundred meters and ran across Natasha"s back. The bra burst, and the major girl's beautiful breasts were exposed.
  The girl automatically covered her nipples. But then she realized who she should be afraid of. And she shook the machine gun again. She gave a turn and stepped back slightly.
  An American infantryman fired a bazooka. The shell hit the German tank on its inclined side, but the 160 mm of armor withstood it, repelling the destructive energy. The German fired back. His large-caliber weapon split the wall.
  Natasha tried to tie her bra straps. The girl thought that Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya was probably driven around in the cold in her shorts. It was in a Soviet film that she was depicted wearing a shirt or even some kind of dress. This alone is just a tribute to hypocrisy. In fact, the Nazis, in order to further humiliate the captured girl, probably stripped her naked. And the hungry German soldiers probably wanted to see a pretty and curvy girl naked.
  So in the real story, the girl heroine could not cover her breasts, so her hands were tied behind her back. But she was not ashamed and looked proudly. Natasha knew well what it was like to walk barefoot in the snow. She was hardy and loved to touch the snow with her bare soles. Natasha liked it and gave pleasure. But this is for her, already hardened by years of war. And for young and urban Zoya, this is apparently painful. The soles feel like they are burning coals.
  Natasha threw her bra aside in annoyance and shouted:
  - Shame is a bourgeois concept! The Soviet woman is not afraid of anything and is not ashamed!
  The girl again began to nail with a machine gun, or rather a submachine gun. The metal got hot, after all, Honduras is the tropics, it can be very hot there in February. Natasha's fingers are getting hot. We have to give it our all. Today is February 23rd. It is the day of the Soviet army and this requires fighting with all calm and reasonable fury.
  Natasha cut down five more with bullets, and accidentally burned her cheek on the hot breech of the machine gun. Of course it"s unpleasant, the blister is swollen.
  Natasha swore:
  - Well, God, why did you create so many problems for me and my country!
  The blister itched... The girl"s cheek is a very sensitive place. The girl tried to find something cold to apply to the swollen ball. But try to find something cool. In this hot city. Moreover, the weather was clear and the wind was blowing from the south.
  Natasha is clearly not at ease. Olympics throws a grenade from a long distance, but again unsuccessfully. And stormtroopers are already flying in the sky. German vehicles have strong armor and high speed.
  Jet planes come in waves, and seem to cut down strips of flax.
  Natasha hid in the gap. Fragmentation rockets blazed from above. The girl felt pieces of crushed stone falling from above with needles. It tickled my bare neck. The beauty's nipples were also pricked.
  Natasha whispered:
  - This is a massage... But not a corsage!
  The girl felt her body almost starting to itch painfully. It"s already hot, and exploding rockets add to the heat. And is this a bathhouse?
  Natasha remembered the natural Russian bathhouse, with spruce brooms. How the girl was thrashed then.
  These were such exotic sensations.
  Natasha sang to cheer herself up:
  - Love and death! Good and evil! What is holy, what is sinful! We are destined to understand!
  The girl stood up, shook off all this stuck dirt and debris.
  Natasha growled:
  - Oh, you'll get Hitler on the horns!
  And the girl major fired a burst at the infantrymen who were trying to rise to attack. Several militants recruited through the raid fell. Natasha wiped her dirty face, which stung her eyes. The warrior spat and crossed herself.
  She opened fire from machine guns again, and the militants were creeping in. Red-haired Angelica also threw a grenade with her bare foot. The present jumped up and hit the fascists. A dozen people were killed.
  The redhead sang:
  - There is a lot of good in the world, but it"s covered in snow!
  And the girl opened fire with a submachine gun, only using not her hands, but her dexterous fingers and bare feet.
  Angelica shot accurately and howled:
  -Hit! Hit! Another blow! Another blow and then... The mighty demon, God's gift, delivers an uppercut!
  And with her hands the girl threw shards of glass. She amazed the fascists and tweeted:
  - And for those who do not want to live in peace... We do hara-kiri to them!
  The Japanese really showed up. These narrow-eyed fighters. Well, how can you not do hara-kiri like that?
  Having unloaded the clip of the machine gun, Angelica picked up the grenade with her bare fingers and threw it at the samurai. They received a present, several mutilated Japanese, and flew off in different directions.
  Angelica stuck out her tongue and muttered:
  - I'm a super warrior! And the enemy killed the hyper!
  The Chinese, recruited by the Japanese from the captured areas of the Celestial Empire, went into battle. The Chinese warriors walked fearlessly, and the girls, having discharged their submachine guns, were forced to back away.
  Mirabel metal bare feet fragments of plasterer and glass. The other girls did the same. It became very difficult.
  The Shturmlev appeared, a powerful machine with a rocket launcher. Here's one who's going to screw you up - it doesn't seem like much.
  The first shot thundered... Svetlana, Angelica and Olympias were thrown up by the blast wave, like the fountain of a gigantic whale. The girls flew several tens of meters and plopped with their bare feet right into the fire.
  The girls jumped out of there, scalded and singed. They splashed their bare soles on the coals.
  Angelica hissed with annoyance:
  - The bull is first put under the ax, and then roasted! And we were first fried, and then under the ax!
  And the Komsomol girl laughed! But then she felt sad. I remembered that her friend was captured. The Germans undressed the young girl and began to bring fire to her bare chest. Such terrible pain. The girl was screaming, and her tender skin was charred. These are the fascists who turned out to be fanatics. They didn"t even ask questions, but additionally lit a fire under the bare feet of the captive. The Komsomol member, in the end, could not bear the torture and died from painful shock.
  Angelica, remembering this, splashed across the hot coals. The Olympics were ahead of her. This village girl has tanned skin, and you can"t take it with a blowtorch. Why not a superman girl? The Olympics sees a bazooka with a shell dropped by a killed American soldier. He picks her up with his foot and throws her into his arms. And he thrusts in with all his might.
  The shell flies and hits the forced Chinese. Lots of screams and moans. Mass of corpses. And severed limbs.
  Olypiada sang an ancient song:
  - And the samurai flew to the ground! Under the pressure of steel and fire!
  The girls finally ran out from the coals. Their graceful, bare feet got it.
  Svetlana, like the most tender of them, twitched and rubbed her bare soles, trying to relieve the itching.
  The Olympics, who ran barefoot in the snow since early childhood, did not pay attention to such a trifle.
  The hero girl sang:
  - Just imagine that we plunged into fresh milk... The reward is a real thing!
  And the warrior took with her foot a broken off, and quite heavy, piece of tile. Holding it tightly with bare, girlish fingers, she spun it and launched it towards the enemy. Three Chinese were victims of the present of death; their heads were crushed.
  Angelica said with a satisfied look, shooting at the enemy:
  - We are cool women!
  Svetlana, in order to slightly relieve the itching in her burned, or rather scorched, legs, sang:
  - There are women in our Fatherland,
  Why are they driving a plane as a joke?...
  For them, honor is more valuable than life,
  He can easily kill his adversary!
  They were born to win
  To glorify Rus' for centuries!
  After all, our great grandfathers -
  I immediately assembled an army for them!
  And Svetlana started scribbling from the machine gun. And she did it very masterfully. So that everyone can feel that this is a warrior from God! If not from the Almighty, then from Mars for sure!
  Natasha also shot. Together with Mirabela, they were forced to back away, picking up clips from dead American soldiers. The girls fell on their backs and shot back with their feet - they did it better that way. And they did it accurately. A mixture of Chinese and African troops advanced on the girls. And the warriors beat.
  Natasha sang:
  - The world is not a chessboard...
  Mirabela picked up this passage, exterminating the yellow and black mercenaries.
  - And the figures are not a round zero!
  Natasha added to the cut row of yellow and black ones:
  - Melancholy is attacking us!
  Mirabela fired with the precision of Robin Hood and chirped:
  - And the horse rushes into the fire!
  The girls, firing back, retreated behind the minefield. Chinese and African fighters ran into goodies. They began to explode, they jumped up, tearing them apart, and it became a bloody mess.
  Several Panther-2 tanks appeared in the distance. They are shooting, and they are afraid to poke their noses in. "Lion"-2 moves forward and also spits fire. And here is the Rhino flamethrower tank, drooling, with bundles of flame.
  But the most formidable is "Sturmlev". His rocket launcher isn't particularly fast-firing, but it's hellishly destructive.
  Natasha whispers:
  - Russians, Russians - not a calm fate! Well, why do we need trouble to be stronger?
  Indeed, they are fighting far from Russia. But it is clear that the Wehrmacht, having conquered the USA, will return to put the squeeze on the USSR. And Americans are so sweet and dear to girls.
  Natasha nails again, her hits seem to make pumpkins and heads burst under the shovels. The girl gets hit in the leg by a shrapnel. A cut swells on my shin. The beauty crunched a bone and chirped:
  - No, the vigilant one will not fade,
  The look of a falcon, an eagle...
  The voice of the people is clear -
  The whisper will crush the snake!
  I believe the whole world will wake up,
  There will be an end to fascism...
  And the Sun will shine -
  The path illuminating communism!
  At that moment, Olympias, with all her strength, threw a grenade at the Shturmlev. And the Soviet girls were finally lucky. The armored cap fell back, the Soviet gift flew straight into the wide barrel. For a second everything froze. And then it exploded. It was as if an atomic bomb had been dropped. And the German tanks scattered in different directions.
  The Nazis captured Toronto and were still able to enter that US territory from the north in the fall.
  The Americans gave in slowly but surely. They often surrendered and tried to hold their positions.
  But the Germans beat them both on land and at sea.
  Now in late autumn the Germans are surrounding Philadelphia. They win one victory after another and roar like hell.
  Gerda and her tank crew are at their best, as always. And grinning his teeth, smashing American tanks, he sings:
  - Tiger claws, power of steel,
  We see Nazism in the distance,
  From Genghis Khan's Europe!
  And with his bare toes he presses on the joystick. And again they will shoot at the Americans.
  Then Charlotte shoots, and her shots are accurate. And behind her came Magda, with Christina.
  So Philadelphia fell. The Germans are advancing further and by winter they have reached New York. And there they beat the enemy. And bombs weighing ten tons will be dropped from the TA-500.
  Truman, after the Germans surrounded New York and Washington, offered peace. In response, a demand for unconditional surrender.
  The assault on Washington followed in January. German pyramidal tanks fought.
  On the fourth day of the assault, the garrison capitulated. And five days later, the United States capitulated.
  Thus ended the war in the West... Or rather, almost ended. The Germans continued to advance until they captured all of Latin America...
  The truce with the USSR was still in effect. The Third Reich digested its spoils and formed new divisions. Stalin was still restoring the destroyed economy and gathering strength.
  In the field of tank building, the USSR was not very successful, creating only the T-54 vehicle and a small number of IS-4 tanks. For a long time it was not possible to get a decent car. And on April 20, 1953, taking advantage of the fact that Stalin died on March 5, Hitler again attacked the USSR. An attempt was made to achieve worldwide hegemony.
  Without Stalin, the Soviet troops resisted rather weakly. And the forces were unequal. In addition, both Japan and Türkiye entered the war.
  A month later, German pyramidal tanks surrounded Moscow and captured the Caucasus. And three months later we were already in the Urals. Alas, the forces are too unequal. Moreover, there are differences in the leadership of the USSR.
  In short, after five months of war, the USSR was finally occupied by the Third Reich and Japan.
  Then it seemed that humanity had finally found unity. But there are two superpowers in the world - the Third Reich and Japan. And Hitler on April 20, 1956 starts another war. Attacks Japan.
  And girls take part in the battle. Gerda is a witch who attacks samurai.
  And girls from the Red Army. Natasha, Alenka, Mirabela, Maria, Olympiada, Svetlana, Augustina, Aurora. And so on. All these girls have one thing in common - they fight barefoot and in bikinis.
  And they do it very effectively. They are crushing Japan... Under the blows of the German and coalition batons, the samurai are running and retreating.
  Gerda and Charlotte fight together on a pyramidal tank. The girls shoot at the Japanese, smash cars and sing:
  - We are super, super champions! And we will crush all the bugs!
  Gerda pressed the joystick button with her bare toes, hit the Japanese car and rustled:
  - I am a warrior with a computer in my head!
  Charlotte also fired, cut open the samurai"s car and squeaked:
  - And my surroundings, let them be the brightest and coolest!
  And the same way he will show his tongue!
  The girls are destroying Japan... The samurai are losing colonies, ships, and tanks.
  Japanese technology cannot compare with German technology. And the Nazis have more soldiers. So they are advancing quite successfully. And the samurai do nothing but rejoice and bare their teeth. More precisely, they are sad, but they still bare their teeth.
  Several months of fighting, and China, Indochina, and other lands were recaptured. The Nazis also landed in Japan itself.
  There the battle unfolded, and the Nazis used nuclear weapons. And so much destruction and destruction.
  Yes, the samurai were out of luck! They fell under such a club. Complete end!
  And in general everything looks extremely funny.
  Soviet girls put samurai on their knees and force them to kiss their bare feet.
  The beauties remember how the Nazis let them down. And this is very cool.
  Alenka and Natasha sing:
  - Destruction is a passion, no matter what kind of power! The authorities have always drunk other people's blood! Well, love reigns in the heart!
  And the same way they hit the samurai. And as they press, and with machine guns, they mow down the line.
  But Tokyo had already fallen... The war lasted six months and ended with the victory of the Wehrmacht.
  And on January 1, 1957, the Germans attacked Turkey and defeated it too. After which all other countries of the world were included in the Third Reich.
  The formation of a unified empire was completed. Already in 1947, the Germans flew into space, and in 1958, on April 20, they landed on the Moon. Thus began the era of space expansion. Hitler died in 1959, two days short of his seventieth birthday.
  Shortly before this, a referendum was held on the establishment of a monarchy, and the Fuhrer managed to appoint an heir. He became one of Hitler's many sons obtained through artificial insemination.
  The fascist regime was cruel, but it brought order to the Earth. Gradually, more and more people received citizenship of the empire.
  Developing according to plan and using the achievements of science, the Earth gradually solved the problem of hunger, epidemics, and unemployment.
  The birth rate was controlled and crime was successfully fought. In 1974, people flew to Mars. And a year later to Venus. In 1979 to Mercury. In 1980 to the moons of Jupiter. And in 1987 they landed on the farthest planet Pluto. Space exploration was underway.
  In 2000, the Emperor of Germany and the entire planet Earth, Friedrich the Third and son of Hitler, awarded the citizenship of the Third Reich to all people on planet Earth. And the formal equality of all races and peoples was announced.
  And in 2017, the first interstellar expedition to other worlds began.
  In 2019, Frederick the Third was assassinated and Franz became the new emperor. His reign was short. Two years later, a military coup took place and the Hitler dynasty finally fell. And the Republicans came to power.
  The revival of democracy and multi-party system was announced. Nazism gradually died out.
  In 2030, he called for the election of the supreme coordinator of the human power. It was Alenka, a warrior-witch who was already over a hundred years old. But the girl did not age at all and did not change over the years. Always muscular and young, fresh and beautiful.
  She ordered the destruction of all monuments to Adolf Hitler and the burning of his portraits.
  After which Alenka continued her expansion into space... Within a hundred years, people settled across half the galaxy.
  Then a war broke out with a fluoride-breathing civilization. But it's not that scary at all. The earthlings, having more advanced technology, won.
  And after a couple of centuries, the entire galaxy became human and several neighboring ones.
  And now another hundred years, and they discovered a way to travel through time. And bring people out of their past before they die. And then replace them with biomodels.
  So Hitler was taken out before his death and transported to the future. There the trial of the greatest dictator of all times and peoples took place. They decided to find him guilty of heinous crimes and sentence him to a billion years in prison, since the death penalty cannot exist in a humane supercivilization.
  Hitler was rejuvenated, turning him into a boy of about thirteen, and sent to a colony where other Nazi criminals, who also became children, were imprisoned.
  There they studied, worked, lived behind bars.
  Those who behaved well were given easier conditions: they were taken on excursions and given luxurious meals. Life was good for the young prisoners: separate cells with gravitational cameras, bathrooms and computers, gyms and leisure time.
  True, there was little free time and I had to physically work - occupational therapy for criminals. But this is not scary in young bodies.
  Adolf Hitler was a boy and did not grow up. But at the same time I was physically healthy, felt great, had an excellent table. Prisoners also have human rights.
  From time to time, for good behavior, the former Fuhrer was taken on starships and allowed to visit other worlds.
  Over time, occupational therapy decreased and fun and play time increased.
  Centuries passed. Humanity has spread throughout the universe. And so, finally, an amnesty followed and the Fuhrer was released. He did not suffer at all, unlike his many victims. A new big war had just begun with a civilization of butterflies from another universe, and the former Fuhrer volunteered for the army. And his commander was the charming Gerda, who, like all the inhabitants of the human, universal empire, was immortal and forever young.
  History has shifted a little, and the assassination attempt on Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev took place in 1965, and turned out to be successful. The young KGB Chairman Shelepin became Secretary General. For now, Kosygin remained prime minister. Shelepin set about tightening the screws and putting things in order. The working day was extended, and more severe penalties were introduced, including prison for being late for work and failing to comply with labor standards.
  Stalin was rehabilitated and the cult of personality was restored. And a lot of other examples of tightening the screws. The fight against drunkenness, and the Kosygin reform.
  And then price reform.
  The USSR developed even faster than in real history under Brezhnev, and Shelepin, combining elements of a market economy and the harsh Stalinist whip, achieved significant results. In addition, Shelepin, in view of the falling birth rate, introduced draconian taxes on bachelors, childless families, and families with one child. Abortion was banned, and contraceptives were practically not sold.
  Child benefits have increased.
  This also led to higher birth rates, especially in the Russian regions of the USSR. Population growth was much higher than in real history.
  Shelepin also increased his military potential, surpassing the United States in nuclear power, and in conventional weapons too. And there was also Vietnam... The authority of the United States in the world fell, and there were colossal difficulties within the country.
  The policy of détente began... It was accompanied by faster economic growth in the USSR. Shelepin's tough management gave better results than Brezhnev's sluggish style. And the population grew faster...
  The USSR increasingly penetrated Africa, and in 1979 sent troops to Afghanistan.
  And the 1980 Moscow Olympics were a colossal triumph! More than one hundred and fifty Soviet Olympians were awarded gold.
  And then the Soviet army attacked, and Iran, where Khomeni seized power.
  They defeated the Iranians quite quickly, but they did suffer some losses.
  Part of Iran became part of the USSR. Where ethnic Azerbaijanis lived, they joined Azerbaijan. Turkmenistan received part, and the Kurds became a Soviet socialist republic after a referendum.
  The USSR expanded its borders for the first time since 1945. Part of Iran became Iraqi, and Saddam Hussein joined the Warsaw Pact.
  Then the north of Afghanistan with the Uzbeks and Tajiks entered the USSR.
  Then there was a war with Pakistan - the USSR and India. A large territory was captured.
  A few years later, referendums were held, and Pakistan, as well as southern Iran and Afghanistan, became part of the USSR.
  Civil war broke out in Yugoslavia and it was also occupied by Soviet troops, and then Albania. After which these countries also entered the Warsaw Pact.
  The US was in crisis, especially under Reagan. There were mass unrest among blacks and other people of color. The economy fell further.
  Back in 1977, the USSR adopted a new constitution that made the form of government represented by the post of chairman of the USSR more authoritarian. And the secession of republics from the Union is prohibited.
  And in 1988, the first presidential elections in the history of the Soviet Empire were held!
  Of course, Shelepin won them... Scoring almost one hundred percent. The USSR reached the very peak of development. In 1990, Iraqi troops captured Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Brunei, the United Arab Emirates, Oman...
  Oil prices have risen sharply...
  The crisis in the United States has worsened. The new President Bush was literally reeling under the blows of fate. Blacks rebelled... And after the election of Bill Clinton in 1992, the United States completely split...
  There began a civil war and massacres.
  In 1993, Shelepin again won the presidential elections of the USSR.
  In 1995, Soviet troops occupied Alaska and a month later held a referendum there on joining the USSR...
  Thus, another dream was realized - to return Alaska, of course, stupidly sold, to Russia.
  Everything seemed to be going according to plan... In 1997, Soviet troops occupied Finland and held a referendum there on inclusion in the USSR. Thus, another Soviet republic was organized.
  It was rude though!
  Then there were still battles in Saudi Arabia when an Islamist rebellion broke out, but they were quickly suppressed.
  In 1998, Shelepin was elected to a third term.
  The USSR attacked Turkey, especially since NATO collapsed. And he added her to his team.
  In 2000, Shelepin finally lived a long and eventful life, ruled the USSR for 35 years - beating Stalin"s previous result, and died.
  The system of power was quite stable and authoritarian. The vice-chairman inherited powers until new elections. And it became Gennady Zyuganov. Who made a good hardware career.
  The USSR did not carry out seizures for some time... After the crisis, Europe itself entered the CMEA and the Warsaw Pact.
  But relations with China have worsened. The rivalry grew stronger.
  In the USSR itself, thanks to demographic policy, the birth rate remained very high. But this led to overpopulation and food shortages.
  The planned economy was already constantly in deficit. And although in industry the development of technology and the construction of new factories made it possible to somehow combat the shortage of goods, in agriculture it is much more difficult to increase volumes using coercive methods and tractors. It is not so easy to improve agriculture.
  In the 2003 elections, Zyuganov was elected with more than ninety-nine percent. But there were some problems... Especially with food.
  And there is nowhere to buy it - Europe has become socialist, the USA is engulfed in civil war. You can't get much in Brazil and Argentina. Of course there are problems.
  The USSR found itself in a small food crisis. Which soon became chronic, but in 2008 Zyuganov was again elected president. The dictator's position turned out to be stable. But food shortages became more acute... In 2011, child benefits were reduced in the USSR and abortion was again legalized.
  They began to fight against the very high birth rate, especially in the Muslim regions of the USSR. At the same time, the Soviet military machine was fighting in Africa and pushing the Celestial Empire out of Indochina. In 2013, Zyuganov was re-elected again.
  But this time the percentage was slightly lower. Within the USSR, the desire for democracy intensified. People wanted more freedom. Zyuganov suggested:
  - Let's allow a couple of games!
  And two more actually registered: LDPSS and SDPSS. They began to play the semblance of democracy. Zyuganov gave a little more freedom to the media.
  In the 2018 elections, two candidates fought against Zyuganov: Ksenia Sobchak and Vladimir Zhirinovsky. For the first time, elections were held on an alternative basis. And unexpectedly, Zyuganov narrowly lost to young Ksenia Sobchak - who received twenty-nine percent of the vote - almost forcing a second round.
  After which everyone was convinced that there was democracy in the USSR. Naked girls and bloody action films appeared on television screens.
  In foreign policy, relations with the only real competitor of the USSR, China, worsened. Why can"t two birds get along on the same planet?
  The US is in deep decline and cannot play a significant role. And Alaska is Soviet. Everything is so suspended...
  The USSR is still in shortages and a food crisis, although the military-industrial complex is working very well.
  And now, in 2023, new presidential elections in Russia are taking place... Even more democratic, and they are unexpectedly won... by world boxing champion Sergei Kovalev. But that is another story!
  In one of the alternative developments of history, in the 1996 elections, third place was taken not by Lebed, but by Vladimir Zhirinovsky. Well, basically, in the real story, that"s what everyone expected.
  Who would have thought, after the failure of the KRO led by Lebed in the parliamentary elections, that he would perform so strongly in the Russian presidential elections? But Zhirinovsky still, in conditions of fierce competition, took second place at that time, and he had at least ten percent. So... In any victory and defeat there is an element of chance and luck.
  Like the triumph of Zelensky in Ukraine, Lukashenko in Belarus and Putin in Russia. Just like the success of Zhirinovsky himself in 1993.
  But then things got worse for the Swan. In addition, Zhirinovsky spoke strongly at the television debates, and threatened to hang Yeltsin, and said that the Duma would obey only him. And he compared himself very favorably with Hitler - recalling the achievements of this great Dictator!
  How in seven years the economy grew two and a half times, unemployment disappeared, and the birth rate increased one and a half times. Crime has decreased threefold. And it will be so under Zhirinovsky! As for everything else, Zhirinovsky will not organize genocide and will not fight with the United States! And nuclear weapons will protect you from any aggression!
  All this added up, and Zhirinovsky scored fifteen percent, taking third place by a wide margin.
  And in Yeltsin"s ranks there was panic: they had miscalculated. What to do? They tried to win Zhirinovsky over to their side. But the communists promised Vladimir Volfovich much more: for him personally the post of secretary of the security council and assistant to the president on military issues, and five more posts in the government. Including the Minister of Foreign Affairs for Mitrofanov, and the post of Minister of Internal Affairs for Abaltsev.
  Of course, Yeltsin could not promise so much. Too many posts have already been paid for.
  Only Lebed, who took fifth place, was able to be invited to Yeltsin"s team, but Yavlinsky was against both presidential candidates.
  And then Yeltsin suffered a heart attack from the overload of emotional unrest. There is no strength to rise up and carry out a revolution.
  In short, Zyuganov won the second round, and there was a change of power. And the inauguration coincided with the storming of the capital of the republic, Grozny, by the Chechens.
  But the militants were trapped. The bulk of them were destroyed during the assault on Grozny. After which the militants, led by Yandarbiev, again asked for mercy. But Zhirinovsky insisted on continuing the war. And Zyuganov approved of this. The guerrilla war continued for several years, but then the terrorists gradually fizzled out. In Russia, under the communists, a rise began, the economy began to develop rapidly.
  The combination of planned methods and market elements produced impressive results. And the economy grew rapidly. Zyuganov was easily elected to the next term, and then amended the constitution, which allowed him to run for president an unlimited number of times. This is what was enshrined in the referendum. And in 2004, Zhirinovsky was arrested, and his party was banned. Zyuganov dealt with his political opponents. Relations with the West are quite tense. And in 2014, Russia also seized Crimea. As a result, the Cold War resumed. And Russia came under sanctions. But Zyuganov also included the south-east of Ukraine into Russia. And expanded the empire. This is what caused the collisions. After Trump came to power, the situation became even more complicated. Russia has fought a war in Syria and established a base in Venezuela. The situation was on the verge of nuclear war. Then the West offered the option of overthrowing the communists from power.
  However, simply removing Zyuganov is of little use. You need to put your man in. And then Natasha Sokolova was nominated for the 2020 presidential election!
  Natasha Sokolovskaya is the kind of girl who can defeat any opponent. And he will never give up. That some old man Zyuganov is against her. Who is clearly sick and has been saying the same thing for twenty-five years.
  And here there is an intrigue. Moreover, Natasha is forty years younger than Zyuganov and very beautiful!
  And the Russian economy is again in crisis and a lot of unnecessary goods are being produced. Natasha is also a hero of the Russian Federation, as a warrior. She, of course, can compete with the old, sick, boring dictator. Moreover, Zyuganov became too conservative and squeezed private traders, so that there was a shortage of many things. Especially when private trade was suppressed. Even butter and soap became rare, and coupons for many products reappeared. As Zyuganov grew older, he became increasingly an ardent enemy of capitalism.
  And he demanded more socialism!
  Natasha Sokolovskaya promised to return commodity abundance at low prices, competition, and private property. And in general, return real democracy, including the transfer of the doll! Well, the people, tired of the lack of tyranny of censorship, controlled by the media, vehemently supported all this. And Natasha easily collected two million signatures! She went into battle under the slogans: "Be free and get rich!"
  The girl was very militant, and came to the rally wearing only a bikini and barefoot.
  The beauty, flashing her bare heels, chirped:
  - Let's remove the commissars from the factories! Let every factory belong to the workers! And the land is for the peasants!
  And she"s a very pumped-up girl! And her muscles are like cast steel.
  And how he sings;
  I am the falcon of peace and war,
  Born under the brightest star...
  Faithful sons of the fatherland -
  Love - great, real!
  We will create a beautiful world,
  In which there will be happiness now...
  Let the Cherub Sun shine,
  Holy, exalted Russia!
  We will achieve our dreams
  There will be no more beautiful thing in the universe!
  The boy will raise the sword and you,
  May happiness be your place!
  And in the universe beauty,
  It's time for my big Fatherland to shine!
  Even though the girl runs barefoot,
  Believe me, we will soon live under communism!
  The majesty of the beauty of the high mountains,
  And golden steppes with a fragrant carpet!
  We will sweep away the trash from the universe
  Believe me, we will not regret our lives!
  And everything in the world will be fine,
  After all, communism will triumph everywhere!
  Who has a chisel in his hands,
  Who prefers a machine gun and bullets!
  What we do will last forever,
  Let's build cities by joking on Mars!
  The Slavs are terribly powerful,
  We will say to the people of the world - hello!
  The blood that flows is for sowing,
  To which the seeds of love grow!
  May it be good for everyone in the sublunary world,
  Don't be just a parrot knight!
  After such songs you can dance, jumping and jumping with your bare feet. And the girl is generally wonderful and super class! Here, with her bare toes, she tore up the portrait of Zyuganov.
  The communists roar, and the people rejoice: everyone wants change! There is more democracy in both economics and politics.
  So that you can make fun of dictators and financial bigwigs in the media. The Communist Party of the Russian Federation also became hated by people. They remembered with nostalgia the times of Yeltsin, when stores were full of goods, and naked women and interesting political shows were shown on television. That was so good!
  Many remembered the interesting politics and the turbulent parliament. It"s not like now - when there are only communists in the Duma and they vote in favor all the time!
  Everyone was tired of Zyuganov and the people who lived worse and worse wanted change!
  Beautiful Natasha Sokolova promised this! That there will be changes and new achievements. That Russians will not only be the first to fly to Mars, but will also live better than in the United States. And that she will move mountains! And the mountains will melt and the forests will burn!
  But now the election campaign is already underway. The girl is gaining momentum. And even squeaks:
  - I will be like Gagarin! And promises mountains of gold!
  And how it starts to jump. In short, the elections were held and Natasha Sokolovskaya became the new president!
  Zyuganov had a heart attack! And Natasha suggested:
  - Let's create a single state with America!
  And referendums were held, and a common empire arose!
  This is where the fairy tale ends, and well done to those who listened!
  Another AI, when on January 5, 1905, an attempt was made on Tsar Nicholas II. And only a few centimeters were not enough for the emperor to be hit by buckshot. But if only a little bit... The Tsar died and his son Alexei Nikolaevich Romanov became nominally the monarch. And Nikolai Alexandrovich Romanov was appointed regent under him. A man of extraordinary intelligence, tough and strong-willed.
  The first steps of the new emperor were to replace Kuropatkin with Brusilov, and Rozhdestvensky with Nebogatov.
  Russia's position in the war with Japan was difficult. Port Arthur has already fallen. But the forces in Manchuria are still significant. In addition, the quality of Russian troops increased with the arrival of selected regiments from the European part of Russia.
  But the Japanese, on the contrary, put down their best regiments in previous battles, and near Port Arthur.
  So Kuropatkin had every chance in the battle of Mukend. Only Kuropatkin himself was an unimportant commander.
  But Brusilov is truly a great military talent. And ready to fight an enemy of approximately equal strength. But the Russian soldiers have a better rifle than the Japanese, and the troops themselves will be better.
  Brusilov prepared well for the battle. Covered the flanks and went on the defensive. And he strengthened himself. His plan for the battle was simple: to wear down the Japanese on the defensive, and then, when they were exhausted, to solve the matter with one counterattack.
  Brusilov, of course, is a strategist, but Kuropatkin is not.
  And the battle began in February and lasted two weeks. Among other things, Brusilov had the know-how, a whole battalion of beautiful girls. He was hastily recruited from single men and young beauties, trained for a month, and thrown into battle.
  The most interesting thing is that all the girls were barefoot. And this gave them strength from Mother Earth, and made them invulnerable to bullets and shells.
  The girls were commanded by Anastasia Orlova and her four assistants: Natasha, Zoya, Augustina, and Svetlana.
  Having taken up the defense and dug trenches, the girls are waiting for the Japanese... And then the samurai are crawling in in thick chains. The artillery begins to fire.
  And the girls took the Mosin rifle in their hands. And let's shoot from a distance at the Japanese.
  They are sharp warriors, many of them are Siberian hunters. They fight with bare legs, despite February, in short skirts and open bellies.
  They fire shots and sing to themselves:
  - Russia has been famous for centuries as a saint,
  Our great king is simply Alexei,
  You are a worthy son, know Nicholas,
  And the heart is even truer than the mind!
  The warriors shoot accurately and knock out the Japanese at a distance.
  Anastasia fires and says:
  - For the Motherland, a beautiful dream!
  Next Natasha shoots, knocks out the Japanese and shouts:
  - For our holy Rus'!
  Zoya fires, knocking down the enemy and hissing:
  - No, the enemy has a chance!
  He shoots accurately, and Augustine:
  - For future generations!
  Punch and Svetlana, knocking down two Japanese:
  - For the holy names!
  The warriors needless to say: really cool!
  And the Japanese are creeping up with heavy losses. Although they are getting closer. But the girls shoot accurately and nonstop. They shoot and shoot. They shoot and shoot. And they don"t let me down. And when the samurai came very close, the girls began throwing grenades with their bare feet. And they demonstrate their inflexibility.
  And bare feet throw lethal things at the samurai. And now the Japanese are thinning out into redoubts. Their impulse weakens. And as they approach, the warriors meet them with sabers and bayonets. They finish off the last samurai.
  And they sing with a very enthusiastic look.
  Having exhausted the Japanese in defense, Russian troops led by Brusilov launched a decisive offensive and drove the Japanese south. Brusilov, unlike Kuropatkin, acted decisively and drove the samurai without stopping. And he managed to capture Port Arthur right away, right on the shoulders of the enemy.
  The barefoot girls of Anastasia Orlova's battalion of eagles burst into the city.
  They rushed through Port Arthur and shot and threw grenades at the enemy with their bare toes.
  And they crushed the Japanese with sabers. What did they think, that they took Port Arthur by treason? But here's the devil two! Russian soldiers are recapturing this city.
  And if our women fight! This generally means that they won"t let you down!
  And they cut down the Japanese.
  And the prisoners are forced to kneel down and kiss the bare, dusty soles of women's feet.
  They become obedient and they even like it.
  One samurai not only licked Natasha"s soles with his tongue until they shined, but also rose higher. The girl allowed him to treat the diamond of femininity with his tongue.
  After which she purred quite like a cat.
  The warriors did a great job. And now columns of prisoners are being driven away. Where has Japan's fighting spirit gone?
  Port Arthur fell. And then Brusilov"s Russian army moved to Korea.
  And Anastasia"s battalion runs ahead. They grab samurai on the way, and the girls force them to their knees.
  And they kiss their dusty heels and tanned shins.
  Fighting warriors. And funny.
  Anastasia, jumping up and throwing discs with her bare toes, asked Natasha:
  Is it cool to fight?
  The blonde girl answered honestly:
  - As good as it gets?
  Anastasia winked:
  - What"s it like when you use your tongue on your pussy?
  Natasha answered sincerely:
  - Just super!
  So they destroyed another Japanese battalion. They tied up the prisoners.
  After which they gave them decent plums on their noses with the toes of their bare feet!
  And the girls are crushing the samurai and Brusilov"s army, everything goes on and on and increases momentum.
  The Russian army reached the very south of Korea. And conquered the Peninsula.
  Part of the Russian squadron was scuttled in Port Arthur. And Russian engineers began to raise the ships and restore them.
  Despite the complete defeat of the samurai on land, the war still continued. At sea the Japanese were stronger. But then Nebogatov came. Along the way, he led the squadron to Port Arthur more skillfully. And so the Russian armada was strengthened. Here a squadron also left from the Black Sea.
  Nebogatov was inferior to the Japanese in strength, but not too much. In reality, the quality of Russian ships is no worse. There are a few of them less in number. But the shells are more armor-piercing.
  Nebogatov went to sea. Togo gave battle. But it turned out that not all Russian shells explode - the gunpowder is raw! Humidity is high.
  But Nebogatov turned the squadron back to Port Arthur in time and did not lose a single ship.
  We had to spend time replacing shells and replenishing forces. Until the squadron arrives from the Black Sea.
  The war dragged on, as did the costs of it. Both sides wanted to make peace. But the Japanese still occupy a dominant position at sea.
  But the shells have been replaced, and the Black Sea Fleet has been brought up. And at the same time, barefoot girls also pulled themselves up.
  And the ship with the girls moved into battle at full speed. Bare-legged girls in bikinis jumped up and circled around the guns. They aimed their guns and fired.
  The beauties fired and cut down the German ships. They did this with wild fury. The warriors were very sexy and muscular. Nothing compares to them. The Japanese cannot fight with such girls.
  And pipes hit by shells fall.
  And the warriors jump up and scream:
  - We are super class girls!
  And they show their tongues! And they shoot themselves, not allowing the samurai to escape. They respond aggressively. But they get a response from beauties. The Japanese cruiser is already sinking. And the girls jump up and shake their bare feet. They are such great stealers. Which nothing can stop.
  Warrior girls fight and jump. And they shoot down samurai with projectiles. And at the same time they still squeal.
  Natasha shouts:
  - Great Tsar Alexei! He will be very wise!
  Zoya, grinning and firing, added:
  - He is the wisest in the world! It will be very wonderful!
  So Augustine, shooting at the Japanese, sang along:
  - The wisest one will be!
  Next Svetlana fired, crushing enemies and growling:
  - Alexey is cool!
  Anastasia fired and said:
  - For Holy Rus'!
  And he"ll hit you too! The girls are so amazingly cool. And they thrash the samurai into pieces!
  And then the Japanese battleship was sunk. And it became very scary for the samurai.
  And the girls just run around almost naked and barefoot. And they flash their beautiful legs. They are generally wonderful stealers.
  And they look the healthiest and tanned.
  They're beating up samurai...
  Another battleship is also attacked. It will be useful to the Togolese fleet, very tight. And the Black Sea ships pulled up. They lob a projectile at the enemy.
  Natasha and Zoya pointed their twelve-inch weapons. And how they will fire with wild frenzy. And the battleship will take even one hit and break apart.
  Natasha and Zoya jump up and shake their bare feet and roar:
  - We are witches and there are no more beautiful beauties!
  And the girls show their tongues. And how they fuck you up, it becomes very painful.
  So they fired at Togo"s ship, its armor burst, as if the steel had boiled.
  And so the ship took over and sank.
  Natasha and Zoya sang:
  - Rus' laughed and cried and sang! That's why she is Holy Rus'!
  And again the girls will take it and jump up!
  And then Augustine and Svetlana will be hit like from a twelve-inch cannon. So the ship will take from Togo, break apart and sink!
  Girls show their noses. They caught Togo himself. And they forced beautiful girls to kiss their bare, chiseled feet. Togo smacked the warriors" bare heels and licked his lips. Apparently he liked it...
  Well, the girls are super, of course!
  And in general, a top class loaf! And they wink at the enemy, saying that we don"t mind doing something more serious!
  The Japanese fleet is sunk. And Brusilov and his team began to land in Japan itself.
  So Russia will have another large province on the islands. And the Russian ruler himself will become the Japanese Mikado.
  At the same time, the threat from the Land of the Rising Sun will be eliminated forever. And the royal army will be replenished with warlike and brave soldiers.
  So there was a reason to conquer Japan entirely. And troops were transferred to the metropolis.
  The girls and their battalion entered into battle with the samurai on land. The girls met the samurai with well-aimed shots, sabers and throwing grenades with their bare feet.
  Beautiful Natasha threw a lemon with her bare foot and squeaked:
  - For the Tsar and the Fatherland!
  And she fired at the Japanese.
  Gorgeous Zoya also threw a grenade with her bare toes and squeaked:
  - For the First-Called Rus'!
  And she also hit the samurai.
  Here the red-haired Augustine thumped and squeaked:
  - Glory to Mother Queen!
  And she also pierced the enemy.
  Anastasia also went crazy, launching a whole barrel of explosives with her bare feet, scattering the Japanese far away:
  - Glory of the Great Russian Empire!
  And Svetlana hit. She swept away the Japanese and gave in to the destructive lemon with her bare heels.
  She exclaimed at the top of her lungs:
  - To new frontiers!
  Natasha nailed the Japanese and squeaked:
  - For eternal Rus'!
  And she also slashed at the samurai:
  Excellent Zoya took it and hit the Japanese. She threw a grenade at the enemy with her bare foot and squeaked:
  - For a single and indivisible royal empire!
  And the girl whistled. It was clear that the teenager had become much larger, her chest was high, her waist was narrow, and her hips were fleshy. She already had the figure of an adult, muscular and healthy and strong woman. And the face is so young. With difficulty the girl suppressed the desire to make love. Just let them caress. And it"s better with another girl, at least she won"t take her virginity.
  Cool Zoya very deftly throws grenades at the Japanese with her bare feet. And it works very successfully.
  Augustine is a very redhead and also very beautiful. And in general, there are such wonderful girls in the battalion, just the highest relish.
  Augustine throws a grenade with his bare foot and chirps:
  - Let Great Russia be glorified!
  And also how it spins.
  What girls, what beauties!
  Anastasia also jumps. Such a big girl is two meters tall and weighs one hundred and thirty kilograms. At the same time, she is not fat, with molten muscles and the croup of a draft horse. She loves men very much. Dreams of having a child. But it"s not working yet. Many people are simply afraid of her. And a very aggressive girl.
  It"s not her men who ask, but she herself who brazenly solicits. Without shame and embarrassment.
  And she likes it. Be an active party.
  At the same time, Anastasia is a wonderful warrior. And she accomplished many feats. Anastasia commands their battalion.
  He also throws a grenade with his bare foot and shouts:
  - There will be light over the country!
  Svetlana throws a lemon with her bare foot and whispers:
  - Glory of the Great Russian Empire!
  The magnificent Zoya also makes a throw with her bare toes and roars:
  - For the glory of the Holy Motherland!
  Augustine squeals:
  - With unearthly sadness!
  And a present thrown by a bare foot also flies.
  Then Anastasia starts howling. He also throws a whole bunch of grenades with his bare feet.
  And the hero girl roars:
  - In the Name of the White God!
  Natasha also threw a grenade with her bare toes and blurted out:
  - In the name of Christ!
  And she fired a couple of shots.
  And Anastasia began to shoot with a machine gun. She did it very cleverly.
  In short, the girl is a beast.
  Bare-legged Natasha squeaked with aplomb:
  - I'm actually a superman!
  And she threw a grenade with her bare foot.
  Bare-legged Zoya also shot. Shot down the Japanese.
  - Glory to Russia!
  And with her bare foot she launched a grenade.
  Augustine also squeaked:
  - For Holy Rus'!
  Anastasia launched a whole box at the Japanese. And she took it and roared with frenzied rage:
  - For Svarog!
  Natasha took it and squeaked:
  - For a new system!
  And she threw a grenade with her bare foot!
  Svetlana bleated:
  - For muscles of steel!
  And she also launched a grenade with her bare toes.
  Bare-legged Zoya also took it and squeaked:
  - For love and magic!
  And bare feet in motion.
  Augustine the red-haired devil took and launched a box of grenades and squeaked:
  - Go beyond the borders on Mars!
  Anastasia will also launch a barrel of dynamite and mutter:
  - For the world order of Russia.
  And Natasha barked:
  - For a new path to happiness!
  After which the girls will laugh together.
  And it's so great! The girls are wonderful!
  The troops of Tsarist Russia were moving towards Tokyo.
  The Russian army stormed Tokyo.
  A boy and a girl walked ahead: Oleg and Margarita.
  The children exterminated the Japanese and advanced towards the imperial palace. Mikado solemnly announced that he would not leave the capital and would remain there forever.
  Oleg fired a burst at the samurai and threw a grenade with his bare foot, squealing to himself:
  - Rus' will never surrender!
  Margarita also launched a lemon with her bare foot and croaked, baring her teeth:
  - We will win or die!
  And a battalion of girls break through to the Mikado"s palace. All the girls were in uniform, only wearing panties. And these almost naked ones fight like heroines.
  Anastasia throws a grenade with her bare foot and squeaks:
  - Nikolai, you are a Mikado!
  Natasha also launched the gift of death with her bare limb and squealed, baring her teeth:
  - Our king is the coolest!
  And how it will sparkle like pearls! And such a dazzling girl.
  Bare-footed Zoya also chirps with delight and launches a grenade with her bare foot:
  - I am a winner in psychology!
  And she showed her tongue.
  Destroys his own samurai.
  Augustine, that red-haired devil, also shoots. And he does it so accurately. Mows down the Japanese.
  And roars at the top of his lungs:
  - Glory to my holy country!
  And bares his teeth!
  Svetlana, also a heroic woman, will launch a whole box of explosives.
  And the Japanese flew in all directions.
  The girls go on the offensive, crushing their opponents. Achieving tangible success. They feel menacing grace, and tireless pressure, and the absence of weaknesses. And bare breasts are the best guarantee of invincibility and unsinkability.
  Anastasia, cutting off the Japanese, chirps:
  - Hands made of oak, head made of lead!
  And he throws a grenade with his bare foot. Scatters samurai.
  Half-naked Natasha is also firing.
  Crushes the Japanese. And smashes them into fragments.
  Getting closer and closer to the palace. And the bare foot throws a grenade.
  The frightened Japanese surrender. They break into pieces.
  Terminator Girl says:
  - May Perun be with us!
  Bare-legged Zoya, a magnificent terminator girl, shoots herself and destroys the militarists. She bared her teeth.
  The girl croaked:
  - We are the knights of the greatest Russia!
  The girl threw a grenade with her bare foot. Scattered the enemy.
  Cool Zoya took it and sang again:
  - Suvorov taught him to look ahead! And if you get up, stand to death!
  And she bared her teeth in a grin.
  Fiery Augustine also sang and barked:
  - To new frontiers!
  And she added with a grin:
  - And we are always ahead!
  Svetlana the heroic girl also hit the enemy. She scattered the imperial guard and squeaked:
  - For the achievements of the era!
  And again the grenades thrown by bare feet fly.
  The girls press the enemy. They remember the heroic defense of Port Arthur, which will not be forgotten for centuries.
  Eh, how could such an army lose in real history, and even to the Japanese?
  What a shame.
  Anastasia throws a grenade with her bare foot and whistles:
  - For the Russian frontier!
  Natasha also launched something deadly with her bare foot and squeaked desperately, baring her teeth:
  - Here's to new successes!
  And she gave a turn to the Japanese.
  And here, with bare heels, Zoya will also take it and beat it. And then with her bare foot she took and launched a grenade.
  And after that she sang:
  - We will not succumb to enemy dictates!
  And she bared her face!
  A beautiful, very young girl with the figure of an athlete. And very brave.
  And Augustine will give a damn about the Japanese. He crushes them and very deftly throws a grenade with his bare foot.
  And scatters enemies as if bottles were flying off a ball.
  The girl roars:
  - Chocolate, that's our way!
  Augustine really loves chocolates. And under the king, the markets are filled with goods. What can you say about Tsar Nicholas? Now, the loser king is turning into a great one before our eyes. More precisely, the king died, but his son, Alexei, becomes great! And all that is needed for this is that girls fight on the fronts.
  And a couple of child heroes who prevented the Japanese from capturing Mount Vysokaya. When the fate of Port Arthur was being decided.
  So the Russian Empire was humiliated.
  Svetlana also launched a barrel of murder and collapsed the outer wall of the imperial palace with machine guns.
  Now the girls are running around the rooms. The war is about to end.
  Anastasia enthusiastically says:
  - I believe that luck awaits me!
  And again he throws a grenade with his bare foot.
  Natasha, firing murderous fire. While embroidering opponents, he tweets:
  - I will certainly be lucky!
  And again a grenade thrown by a bare foot flies.
  And then barefoot Zoya is going to be hit by a pair of tied bombs launched by her bare feet. And will smash opponents.
  Then he bursts into laughter:
  - I'm a comet girl.
  And again he throws out fiery tongues of death from himself.
  And then Augustine, this terminator girl, is already rushing. How she took everyone and smeared them all. Simply great.
  The warrior who is the real demiurge of battle.
  And he squeaks to himself:
  - Our crew has the highest courage!
  And then Svetlana appeared. So cool and sparkling. He infects everyone with his frantic energy. Capable of defeating essentially any enemy.
  And the warrior bares her pearly teeth. And they are larger than those of a horse. This is the girl.
  Svetlana giggles and roars:
  - For eggplants with black caviar!
  And the girls shouted in unison at the top of their lungs:
  - Apple trees will bloom on Mars!
  Mikado did not dare to commit hara-kiri and signed the surrender. Tsar Alexei II was declared the new Emperor of Japan. At the same time, in the Land of the Rising Sun they are preparing a referendum on voluntary accession to Russia.
  The war is almost over. The last units are putting together their weapons.
  The battalion of girls lined up the prisoners. Men must kneel down and kiss the bare feet of the girls. And the Japanese do this with great enthusiasm. This pleases them too.
  Of course they are such beauties. And it"s okay that their legs are a little dusty. It"s even nicer and more natural. Especially when they are tanned. And so rough.
  The Japanese kiss their bare soles and lick their lips. And the girl likes it.
  Anastasia notes with pathos:
  - Who said that war is not for women?
  Natasha giggled in response:
  - No, war is the sweetest time of anticipation for us!
  And she showed her tongue. How great it really is to be kissed in such a truly humiliating way.
  They smack Zoyka"s bare, round heel. The girl says with delight, squealing:
  - This is so great! I would like a continuation!
  Red Augustine warned:
  - Keep your virginity until marriage! And you will be happy about it!
  Bare-legged Zoya giggled and said:
  - May my Holy Land be glorified! But innocence only hurts!
  The girl grinned her face.
  Svetlana proudly remarked:
  - I worked in a brothel. And I don't need virginity!
  Bare-legged Zoya asked, giggling:
  - How did you like it?
  Svetlana sincerely and decisively stated:
  - Perhaps it couldn"t be better!
  Half-naked Zoya honestly said:
  - Every night I dream about how a man takes possession of me. It's so cool and nice. And I don"t want anything else.
  Svetlana suggested the girl:
  - After the war, you can go to the most prestigious brothel in Moscow or St. Petersburg. Believe me, you will love it there!
  Half-naked Zoya laughed and remarked:
  - You should think about this!
  Natasha suggested:
  - Maybe we can rape the prisoners?
  The girls laughed at this joke.
  In general, the beauties here are temperamental. And loving ones are scary. War makes girls aggressive. The warriors continued to poke their bare, dusty feet at the prisoners for kisses. I liked it.
  Then more interesting performances began. In particular, fireworks were shooting into the sky. Fireworks were displayed. And it was a lot of fun. Music was playing and drums were beating.
  Tsarist Russia conquered Japan. Which, in general, was what everyone expected. The authority of the Russian army was very high. Lots of singing and dancing by bare-legged Japanese women.
  Everything is beautiful and rich... In Russia itself there is also jubilation over the victory. Of course, not everyone was happy. For Marxists this is a crushing blow. The king's authority strengthened. And his chances have increased. The support in society is enormous.
  After the conquest of Japan, Russia continued its policy of expansion into China. Chinese regions voluntarily held referendums and joined the empire. Regent Nikolai Romanov, pursued a highly successful policy of Russian expansion in the southeast. China was gradually swallowed up.
  The economy of the tsarist empire, having avoided revolutionary upheavals, experienced rapid economic growth. It built roads, plants, factories, bridges, and much more. The country sold bread and many products.
  It produced the most powerful bombers in the world: the Ilya Muromets and Svyatogor bombers, and the fastest light tanks, the Luna-2. And there was a huge army of three million soldiers - a peacetime army five times larger than the German one.
  But Kaiser Wilhelm still took it and poked his head in. Moreover, the murder of the heir to the Austrian throne in Sarajevo became the reason for the war.
  And then the Germans decided to fight on two fronts.
  The Tsar's army moved towards them. Due to the Chinese regions, a decrease in mortality while maintaining a high birth rate, Tsarist Russia had a huge population. And she could mobilize a colossal army.
  Moreover, the population is predominantly young and aggressive.
  Austria-Hungary, having come under blows, burst immediately. The tsarist troops easily crushed the outnumbered Germans and captured East Prussia and besieged Königsberg.
  Hindenburg tried to defeat the Russians with a blow, but the numerical superiority of the tsarist army turned out to be too great. In addition, machine-gun, light tanks "Luna"-2 showed themselves to be very effective weapons for counterattacks.
  Defeated, Hindenburg fled. And Russian troops rushed to the Oder. In the south, Lvov and Przemysl were taken immediately. The Tsarist army advanced, and the Austrians fled in panic and surrendered.
  Turkey's entry into the war did little to gain the Germans. Although this did distract some forces. But the Russians continued to advance into Austria. And the Germans were beaten near Paris.
  Only in the area of the Oder River, having seriously weakened their troops in the west, were the Germans able to stop the advance of the Russian regiments.
  But in the south the tsarist army drove the enemy. Field Marshal Brusilov is at his best as always.
  And then Budapest was surrounded... And Bratislava and Krakow were taken. And Russian troops are approaching Prague.
  Asia Minor was captured in the south, Baghdad fell, the Russians took Istanbul.
  Emperor Franz turned to Wilhelm with a request to achieve peace. Moreover, Italy had already attacked the Austrians and opened a second front.
  But Russian troops cannot be stopped. So Prague is taken. And in winter, the royal regiments moved across the ice to Berlin. And in February they completed the encirclement of the German capital. And they broke into Vienna, Austria-Hungary disintegrated and was defeated.
  On February 23, 1915, Germany surrendered. Russian troops again entered Berlin.
  The First World War ended. Russia gained a lot of territory. The border passed along the Oder. Russia included the Alps in its composition. Part of Austria-Hungary was annexed by Italy in the South. And Yugoslavia became a Russian vassal. The Hungarian and Czech kingdoms became part of Russia. The Polish kingdom included Krakow and became huge. Koenigsberg became part of the Russian provinces, as did Galicia and Bukovina. Transylvania became Romanian. Turkey before Egypt, and together with Iraq, Syria, and the Arab lands in Mecca became Russian territory. Only the British managed to capture Basra.
  Russian troops soon occupied Saudi Arabia completely. And colossal reparations were imposed on Germany.
  Thus, Russian hegemony arose in Eurasia. There were no major wars for several years. Russia and Britain completed Iran, including in their composition: the north and center of Russia, the south to the British. Then Afghanistan. Also north and center Russia, south Britain.
  The Tsarist Empire has become powerful, but Britain is still strong. The Russians moved across China, completing its capture.
  Economies around the world were booming... But in 1929, the Great Depression broke out.
  Tsar Alexei II reigns on the throne of Russia. He has outgrown his illness and is quite physically strong. The new king rules a country with ten million soldiers in peacetime and has almost swallowed China. And the economy, which suffered less than others during the depression, overtook the United States.
  And then the Emperor of Russia decided to deal with America? Why did they take Alaska away from the empire for pennies? Is this fair? Maybe this is robbery too?
  In short, the Emperor of All Rus', Alexei II, who was already called the great in 1933, on January 5, precisely on the day of the assassination of his father Nicholas II, he began a new war. Against, of course, America, which had reached its peak in depression.
  And other countries have not yet been able to interfere with Russia. They say the Americans cheated and must answer for it.
  And so the attack on Alaska began. Just at this time, the railway built by Russian engineers to Chukotka began operating.
  And the Russian army moved through the snow and snowdrifts.
  Including five eternal girls: Anastasia, Natasha, Zoya, Augustina, and Svetlana. They are not ordinary girls, but native witches. And therefore not aging, but eternally young and immortal. And since they are sorceresses, then in winter, on the polar night, and in the wild frost, they fight only barefoot and in a bikini.
  These girls run around, throw grenades with their bare feet and sing:
  - Great Tsar Alexei,
  You are the wisest in the world!
  And so Anastasia throws a grenade with her bare foot. The Americans are flying up from the explosions.
  And the girl shoots from a machine gun and shouts:
  - In the name of Rus'!
  And then Natasha also shoots, also throwing out the gift of death with her bare toes and squealing:
  - Come true, great dream!
  And he will also take it and bare his teeth.
  And then barefoot Zoya... Her heels are scarlet from the snowdrifts of Alaska. The girl screams at the top of her lungs:
  - He will only win for great Russia!
  And a grenade thrown by a bare foot also flies.
  Next comes Augustine. He crushes Yankees with machine guns and throws grenades with his bare toes.
  And he also roars:
  - The great Tsar Alexei is the Russian Tsar!
  And then Svetlana starts shooting... And with her bare feet she rushes at the Americans and squeals:
  - Everything will be great!
  Five girls are running almost naked across Alaska and thrashing the Americans. And here are the tanks moving: Nikolai-4, a new model with a cannon and six machine guns. And the Americans are being thoroughly mowed down. And behind them are "Alexandra"-3, which are very powerful and lethal. And there are as many as ten machine guns.
  And the girls are in front of the whole army, and they are half naked and pretty. They rush to themselves and sing:
  - In the name of the sacred Russia of the Tsars, everyone will be happier - wiser!
  And so they will crush another battery of Americans - throwing grenades at it with their bare feet.
  More and more Alaska is being captured by the tsarist troops. There really is no point in deceiving and grabbing such territory for next to nothing.
  And the warriors fight for themselves and move deeper into the enemy"s defense. And they crush their enemy, they press hard!
  Anastasia even roars:
  - May our land be great and pure!
  And again he throws a grenade with his bare foot!
  And then Natasha gave her turn and hissed:
  - Let our cool Rus' be famous!
  And the same way he will take and hit his enemies.
  And the lemon thrown by the bare toes flies.
  And then Zoya will cut off the Americans with a burst and squeal:
  - Yes, the future will be bedlam!
  And also launched by the girl"s bare feet, the gift of death explodes!
  And then Augustine will fire machine guns. And he mows down the line, and then squeals at the top of his lungs:
  - From dawn to dusk!
  And then the aggressive Svetlana fires. And he also uses his bare toes and actively scribbles:
  - Our crazy empire!
  And again, girl, twist your enemies! Salute to the heroine.
  And when American prisoners are captured, they have to kiss the girls" heels while kneeling. And where will they go? They kiss and smack. And they still lick their lips.
  They still want it...
  Where can you go against girls? They let the soldiers undress and rape. The witches really wanted sex. And the pleasure is great and you are charged with energy. You become magicians. And such a super class!
  Well, girls love to kill, these are girls. And they love to rape men, this is how witches are supposed to do it.
  But witches are still cool girls. And they love when they are processed. And they like it.
  The tsarist army has already captured Alaska. And she didn"t stop, but entered Canada. What's going on here? Canada is formally a dominion of Britain. Well, he doesn"t quite follow the rules, he lets American troops pass through him.
  So there is a reason to strike. And the Russian fleet is commanded by Kolchak. And he has already driven the Americans out of the Philippines and Hawaii. And there he captured his bases.
  Well, the Yankees are pressing on the sea. And there are such beautiful girls on the ships. And most importantly, the warriors are almost naked. And it's so beautiful. If girls are wearing only panties, then that"s great!
  It's so nice to look at girls like this. And when they seize American and Canadian ships and shake their bare breasts. This is absolutely great!
  And the girls slap their bare feet on the hot decks and chop the Americans with sabers.
  Any means are powerless against such girls. After all, these are the girls men dream about. What can you do against a beauty whose breasts are completely naked?
  After all, these are the kind of girls that you will stare at for hours. And you won't turn your head away. And they catch prisoners and force them to work with their tongues, pleasing their lustful wombs.
  And it"s so beautiful and pleasant! You can't go wrong with girls like this! They will cut off heads and saw through any veins.
  Here's a group of five running across Canada. It's already the end of April and everything is blooming. And the girls, well, they are so beautiful. And they cut down Americans with their magic swords. And they throw discs with their bare toes.
  And they whistle to themselves:
  - There is no more beautiful Motherland of Russia,
  Fight for her and don"t be afraid...
  There is no more beautiful country in the universe -
  The whole universe is a torch of light, Rus'!
  Well, girls, and supermen! And they bring battered enemies to their knees. And then they force you to kiss their bare and dusty soles. These girls are absolutely super!
  At the end of May, Russian troops, having captured most of Canada, entered US territory. Fighting broke out on American territory itself.
  And five girls attacked the Americans, brutally pressing them. Having defeated the whole battalion, the beauties began to play with the prisoners. When they had had enough fun with him, they had a barbecue party.
  They ate fresh meat and sang to themselves.
  There are many poor roads in the world,
  Like a gypsy's hair - a pile of paths!
  They drive the altars away beyond the threshold,
  Like a hungry child - a villain!
  Many forks, an abyss, a ravine:
  Like a devil in every path!
  You don"t even know friend or foe -
  The world has been divided into halves!
  The boy walks barefoot in the cold,
  A snowdrift alone satisfies hunger...
  But I believe you are poor with money,
  The rich warm up better in May!
  Clover is growing, know for everyone on earth,
  How the dandelion turns golden in the spring...
  If you are kind - a fairy tale is everywhere,
  The predator thinks, however, that you are a bunny!
  People throw nickels at us
  Ripping throats is a clear mercy!
  The strongest blows for us are from the hand,
  So that the second breath opens!
  Summer is over - autumn is coming,
  There is great heat, flames and rain in it!
  Apparently the Almighty has revealed to us the score,
  And the artist sketched a map of the world!
  I see a birch tree in the dress of kings,
  Gold, bright colors of rubies...
  May you people have kind hearts.
  And only then will you become a giant!
  The beggars had to trample a lot,
  There's a snowstorm again, and every finger is burning...
  Let at least an elk help me warm up,
  How the frostbitten boy turned blue!
  Why didn't anyone open the door?
  But why did you go completely wild...
  The poor child froze under the snow...
  I believe the angels will dispel the snowstorms!
  The cherubs will take you to heaven,
  Jesus himself will embrace you with affection!
  It will be, believe me, in eternal happiness, child,
  After all, God went to the cross for him!
  The girls sang, ate and went back to battle. They are warriors of such a steel threshold.
  And they destroy the Americans. Throwing discs and grenades with bare feet.
  It"s already the end of June and Russian troops have surrounded Philadelphia. Already a third of the continental United States is under the control of the Russian, tsarist army.
  And already in many cities the flags of the Russian Empire are flying. And battalions of beautiful girls from the tsarist army fight!
  And the girls really are so wonderful and impetuous. And again they beat all their opponents. And the Americans are falling.
  And here comes the tank: "Alexander"-4, the newest one! And his opponents stand up to him. And girls also go to the tank: Elizabeth, Ekaterina, Elena, Aurora. And they kick the Americans in the horns.
  How they will shoot you, how they will drive you into a coffin! Not enough for any fighter!
  They just throw their hands up and give up!
  And the girls crush their enemies with their caterpillars. And Elizabeth"s tank is moving...
  And underneath it"s like a mass of blood, meat, bones.
  And the girls step on themselves, crush their opponents and sing:
  - The Tsar rules Russia wisely,
  Issues decrees, judges servants...
  The throne does not tolerate fuss and barking,
  And not a method to subdue fear!
  This is how girls move in battle. And their fighting spirit is not like using an ax from under a bench!
  Elizabeth said with rage:
  - For the Russian throne!
  And how it shoots! And he will lay out a mountain of corpses!
  These are the girls who don't want to stop. And they beat their enemies and destroy the United States.
  And now the royal army is leading a column of prisoners. Those hands behind the neck and lowered their heads.
  Meanwhile, Hitler came to power in Germany. But he is still too weak to pose a serious threat to Russia. The more serious threat is Mussolini's Italy. But with such a monster as Russia, she will not dare to get into a war.
  So for now Russian troops are capturing America and the remnants of Canada.
  The girls are barefoot and in bikinis driving a battle tank. They are very formidable and strong.
  Elizabeth summarized:
  - Whoever comes to us with anything will die from it!
  Elena confirmed:
  - Definitely!
  And she sent a shell into an American battery. Such a girl with panache.
  And then Aurora throws out a shell and speaks out:
  - I want to live for Russia!
  And she hit another American. These are really the girls that any aggressor will trip over.
  And Britain, despite the capture of Canada, does not dare to enter into a war with Russia - it understands that this empire is too tough for it. And if he joins, the Russians will definitely take away all the US colonies easily. So it"s better not to get into trouble with Russia, where Alexei II rules!
  The king became completely healthy and turned out to be an extraordinary conqueror.
  And so Philadelphia fell... And in mid-July, Russian tanks are already approaching Washington.
  Elizabeth is also a witch girl, she has been fighting since the Russian-Turkish war during the time of Alexander II. And this girl with an important look says:
  - What did Rus' stand on!
  Elena fired at the American, primitive tank and replied:
  - On the valor of the Russian soldier!
  Cool Aurora confirmed:
  - Yes, exactly on this! Plus also on the extraordinary courage and organization of the heroic rear!
  Ekaterina answered cheerfully:
  - Glory to the Heroes of Russia! Glory to Tsar Alexei!
  And again the girl very accurately shot at the enemy.
  The warriors are inimitable!
  And again they fire because of all their beautiful members. Yes, such girls can definitely be said to lead Tsarist Russia to victory.
  In them is the sun of May and the dawn of love.
  And when they press on the pedals with their bare feet, it"s absolutely adorable.
  You really want to love and caress these girls! They are simply the shining sun of hope. And they have poetry and courage in the images of music and lyrical strings.
  The American battery surrendered. And the girls forced the US soldiers to kiss not even their legs, but the traces of their bare feet on the asphalt. And the men did nothing - where could they get away from this?
  And the warriors acted more and more boldly and brightly.
  Anastasia and her partners did not sleep either. How he shoots, how he runs out. And he will chop the Americans with sabers. She is simply a sparkling girl and starts at half a turn.
  But the Americans behaved badly for themselves. They caught a Russian intelligence boy and began to torture him. They stripped, tied to a tree and burned the naked body of a teenager with a torch.
  The boy tried to hold back his groans. But in the end he screamed... The boy was badly burned.
  The girls responded by doing tit-for-tat. And the executioners were doused with gasoline and set on fire. Yes, Russian beauties are terrible in their anger. And don't tease the Russian bear.
  There are also battles in the sky. Two Russian pilots: Albina and Alvina destroy and exterminate everyone. They have very powerfully armed aircraft. With aircraft cannons capable of shooting down an American with one hit. And these warrior girls really show something like that. What cannot be said in a fairy tale, cannot be described with a pen.
  Albina gives a burst, and a dozen American planes are shot down. The warrior is also almost naked in only panties, squealing:
  - May Tsarist Rus' be Great!
  And he hammers literally all the fighters in a row. This is the girl.
  But Alvina is not inferior. And shoots down a dozen planes at once. She shredded them and sang:
  - To the greatest toasts!
  And how crazy it is too! This girl doesn't do anything stupid! These are fights for all fights.
  By the way, in order to speed up the digestion of China and other lands subordinate to Russia, the young Tsar Alexei established polygamy in Russia! And this is a strong move! Now Russian soldiers take Chinese women as wives and make beautiful, white children!
  Albina remarked with a smile:
  - Why can a man have four wives, but a woman cannot have four husbands?
  And another American plane is shot down.
  Alvina answers logically:
  - That"s why it"s harder for a woman to feed so many parasites!
  And both girls laugh. They are such wonderful and magnificent beauties.
  And they clear the sky of American planes.
  Parts of the Russian tsarist army are already surrounding New York. They force Americans to come out and surrender. The girls are very cheerful and happy.
  The Alexander-4 tank destroyed an American battery. He reproduced many corpses.
  Elizabeth muttered with bared teeth:
  - We are warriors who serve the Tsar and the Fatherland wonderfully!
  Elena fired at the enemy and said:
  - There will soon be a Russian gold ruble!
  And the girl will laugh so much!
  And her teeth are pearly. And then Aurora will burst out laughing too. The girls are wildly excited and they have such beauty that words cannot describe them.
  And they force the Washington garrison to surrender!
  The warriors are so invincible! And their tank detachment will even crush a frying pan.
  The girls fight and sing;
  The Russian land is famous,
  The world is ruled by communism...
  The fields are strewn with gold -
  Let's head straight up, not down!
  Our hearts burn for the Motherland,
  We are girls - there is no more beautiful universe...
  We will fight our enemies to the end,
  Our faith will be resurrected in Rodnovery!
  Rus' is stronger than all the reds in the world,
  She shines like the sun in the universe...
  You fight for her and don"t be afraid,
  May adults and children be in glory!
  Russia is the greatest of countries,
  When the Fatherland is ruled by Leshka...
  Such a destiny was given to the Soviet people,
  May our knight be battle-hardened!
  In the Fatherland, anyone is now a hero,
  Capable of making the Motherland more beautiful...
  In the name of our holy mother,
  The endless Russian side of Russia!
  We will make anyone who is a tyrant,
  There will be no dictatorship over the country...
  Let millions of countries submit,
  And President Roosevelt!
  Let the raging dragon reign,
  He thinks he is capable of burning Russia...
  But a furious defeat awaits the Nazis,
  Because the knight, you know, is quite omnipotent!
  We will never give in to the Krauts,
  The Chinese will not defeat the Russians either...
  A bright star shines above us,
  For Easter we paint Easter cakes and eggs!
  You can achieve a lot, fighters,
  It doesn"t get any cooler...
  Proud fathers are proud of us,
  Because we are building a place in heaven!
  Barefoot girls rush through the snow,
  They do not know fear and reproach...
  I'm a Komsomol member running barefoot,
  Because there are no barriers, and there is no deadline!
  So we will never give in to the girls,
  We will not bow our heads under the axes...
  When trouble comes to the Fatherland,
  Let's trample it with our bare feet!
  You love the sisters of the sword,
  And Alexey - Honor Jesus...
  There is no need to cut fighters from the shoulder,
  If you just need to run barefoot!
  We are girls of the great horde,
  We love to fight and don"t retreat...
  Even though sometimes vile rumors circulate,
  Victory will be in radiant May!
  And believe me, communism will come with a dream,
  And there will be no power of money on Earth...
  We give fate a rough bill,
  Without all sorts of violence and laziness!
  In short, we'll soon fly to the stars,
  And we will raise the Russian flag over the universe...
  Spread your wings, red cherub,
  In the Name of the Family - the Lord of Russia!
  While the girls were singing, almost all the Americans had already been killed, and the Washington garrison began to throw out white flags.
  The girls jumped out of the tank and began to dance, splashing their bare, chiseled feet through the puddles. And their manes of hair were blown by the wind. These girls are such wonderful beauties.
  Now they have organized a party to celebrate the capture of the capital of America. They grill kebabs and drink wine.
  The girls eat it deliciously. And they whistle all sorts of songs to themselves. These are such wonderful warriors, you can say about them - supermen in panties.
  And Russian soldiers kiss your knees and feet. And the girls trudge and groan from orgasms.
  And they squeak and jump. They have such excitement and clever beauty of captivating power.
  But the warriors also made love to black captives and both parties liked it.
  But now the holiday is over and Russian tanks are moving south again. New York also fell...
  The Americans are retreating. Millions are available for rent. Roosevelt is running. There is already talk about surrender. The Russian nation demonstrates its greatness.
  Especially beautiful girls with blond and red hair.
  And they put the prisoners on their knees, and they are very pleased when the girls touch and grab their noses and male perfections with their bare toes.
  The female warriors of the Russian army are truly invincible!
  And here is the battle for Atlanta.
  For the first time, the girls on Alexander 4 see the huge American Washington tank. A machine weighing one hundred and seventy tons, on tracks. Why would it be doubly honorable to fight someone like that?
  And the girls shoot from a distance and hit the frontal armor. And a thick layer of metal can withstand it.
  Elizabeth says with annoyance:
  - Yes, we ran into trouble!
  Elena remarked as a consolation:
  - But the enemy won"t take us either!
  And she also sent a projectile at the enemy.
  And then there"s Aurora like a bullet. And it will hit the target very accurately. And will turn the enemy around.
  And she checked:
  - I am the toughest opponent!
  It actually hit the barrel of an American tank. And now the thug can only hit with eighteen of his machine guns. And "Alexander"-4 will rush towards the enemy. And how it will begin to accelerate, rattling its tracks.
  No one will ever stop such a giant.
  His athletic power is unparalleled.
  Catherine sang:
  - Aerobatics, my deadly crew!
  And the same way he will take it and hit the enemy.
  And the girls here are dashing.
  The American was eventually hit on the side. And the giant tank caught fire and its shells began to explode.
  And how crazy is the combat kit! And the armor and everything else will come off...
  And the girls exclaimed in unison:
  - For the Russian path!
  And they will laugh, baring their teeth!
  So Atlanta fell. And on September 7, 1933, the remnants of the American armies surrendered. And another war, victorious for Russia, ended. And how truly great it is!
  After the victory, the Tsarist Empire held referendums in the United States and Canada on joining the Tsarist Russian Empire. And the royal country expanded. And in general it"s good when autocracy and absolute monarchy rule. Everyone is equal before the king and there is no talking shop - parliament.
  And Tsarist Russia was a strong and stable empire - unique in its essence.
  Meanwhile, the Nazi regime strengthened in Germany, which set a course for creating the Wehrmacht and a strong army. True, Hitler constantly emphasized his friendliness towards tsarist Russia, although it cut the most territory from Germany.
  But then, yes, a military alliance was concluded: Italy, Germany and Russia. Moreover, Tsar Alexei agreed to the annexation of Austria to the Third Reich.
  Since Britain weakened economically, and France too, the tsarist government seriously looked at the colonies of France, Britain and Holland. In purely military terms, the Russian army became the largest - twenty million in peacetime. And a huge number of the world's best tanks, helicopters, and even jet aircraft. The Russian fleet was also stronger and more numerous than the British one, since weakened England could not compete with the economically powerful tsarist empire.
  So now the great Emperor Alexei wanted to take away all the colonies of his former allies.
  And what? Will pick it up!
  On May 15, 1940, the Second World War began. Tsarist Russia moved troops to the south of Iran, India, Indochina, and Egypt. And the Wehrmacht attacked France, Belgium, and Holland. Italy had previously captured Ethiopia, and attacked British Somalia, and moved regiments to the south of France.
  Here are the witch girls moving through the south of Iran. Anastasia and her four friends.
  The girls, as always, are young and barefoot. Years go by, and the beauties are just blossoming and not a single wrinkle or crack on the skin and not a single drop of fat on their cast bodies.
  So they begin to destroy the British colonial troops and do it with great enthusiasm.
  Anastasia, throwing a grenade at the Persians with her bare foot and roars:
  - Warriors of immeasurable power!
  Natasha also fires a burst from a machine gun, adds a grenade with her bare toes and shouts:
  - And we will never give in!
  Next Zoya fires, also mows down the British and Persians, and shouts:
  - Let us rule!
  And then Aurora will slap and smear the enemy with her bare foot and say:
  - The flourishing of our strength!
  And it will whistle again!
  And then Svetlana will give it and hit you with a machine gun. And he will also send a grenade at the enemy with his bare toes.
  And squeals:
  - For refined manners!
  And in Egypt, girls from Elizabeth"s crew are advancing on a tank. He is on the newest heavy tank "Alexander"-6. The car has a low silhouette and weighs sixty-five tons. And he hits with a bomb launcher. More suitable for combating enemy fortifications.
  Britain's tank fleet is relatively weak. And the best car is "Matilda"-2. But "Nikolai"-7 is fighting with her.
  He has the perfect anti-tank gun. Which hits from a long distance.
  The girls act with speed and cunning. And their tank is crawling through the desert. And he shoots himself. And the bomb launcher rumbles very intensely.
  The girls chuckle and chirp:
  - It"s very good on the throne! We are supermen!
  And again they will fire and destroy another bunker, or a fortified point in Britain.
  The British give in and give in...
  Now the Egyptian pyramids appear in front of the girls. They see them and wink. Is it really possible to stop such beauties?
  But in the sky Albina and Alvina are fighting over the Mediterranean Sea. They also bare their pearly teeth. And they whistle songs. These girls have fighting spirit.
  The warriors, however, are determined to fight as always, wearing only panties and bare breasts.
  And they show their colossal fighting class. They fire at themselves and shoot themselves from air cannons. And so nothing can stop the girls. However, the battle continues, and the British are running away from the beauties. You can't stop such aggressive people.
  And the girls shoot down a dozen planes with one burst and laugh to themselves.
  So they fly and fly. And the shooting doesn't stop.
  Albina chirps with a laugh:
  - I am unconquered at all times!
  Alvina, continuing to fire, adds:
  - Under the banner of Peter!
  The warriors jump and at the same time knock down the enemy.
  Columns of English and local prisoners are already being driven across Egypt.
  The tsarist troops are much stronger, and the colonial troops, who have no fighting spirit, are winning.
  Alexandria has fallen. And it's very simple. And now Russian troops are meeting with Italian ones.
  Joint parade. Fireworks, colorful processions. And stormy expressions of devotion and friendship.
  The Italians are delighted too. Especially when Russian girls run barefoot through the hot desert...
  And in another place, Alenka and her maiden regiment entered Delhi. It is felt that the sepoys do not want to fight with the Russian regiments. And that British colonial power was defeated in this Indian territory too.
  Many dark-skinned girls surround Russian soldiers and greet them with flowers.
  How beautiful everything is here. And a lot of flowers. And everything happens quite beautifully and orderly.
  Russian troops are already approaching Bombay and occupying it without much resistance.
  Alenka acts very actively and rudely. She throws grenades with her bare toes and squeaks:
  - I'm just a superman in a bikini!
  And how good it is for girls to run around half naked and in a bikini. They look so great.
  In the colonies, British resistance is weak. Local troops cannot give a fierce fight.
  Meanwhile, the Germans are advancing successfully. First they lured the British to Belgium. And then, with a throw across the Ardennes mountains, they were able to cut off the English and French units. Thus, an impressive victory was won.
  And Belgium is captured. And on June 22, after the capture of Paris, France capitulated, and a little earlier Holland. Thus, an impressive victory was won. And the Germans became noticeably proud. And the Russian army captured India, the south of Iran, Burma and Bangladesh. And also all of Indochina.
  The enemy was clearly losing. And the Germans broke into Spain and Portugal.
  Russian troops approached South Africa. They were hampered not so much by the resistance of Britain as by the stretched out communications and supply lines. And also the lack of roads in Africa and impassable jungles.
  But the tsarist army still got through everything. And it moved like a titanium roller. And the enemy increasingly gave up and fell to his knees.
  Regiments of girls moved, as a rule, barefoot, and forced the prisoners to kiss their feet. Sometimes the girls allowed the captives to shower their breasts with kisses.
  But then Anastasia, Natasha, Zoya, Augustina, Svetlana entered Australia. They are marching towards the capital Sydney. And they sing:
  - Rus', where everyone has many wives,
  Where the beautiful call is allowed...
  Where every person is like a brother,
  Our symbol, our symbol is Kolovrat!
  And again they throw grenades with their bare feet - scattering the British and locals.
  Anastasia took off the head of the British general with a saber and chirped:
  - For the glory of the Fatherland!
  And Natasha, with a throw of her bare foot, split the tank. And he will sing:
  - Whoa, the name of Rus' is Svarog!
  And the girls move, Zoya fires a burst from her machine gun, puts the Englishmen down and squeaks:
  - For a new Russian order!
  These are the girls! That they love to kill! And they won"t stop! And the faces of the beauties shine!
  And here Augustine is like a gunshot. How he mows down the English and squeaks:
  - For the Rus' given by birth!
  And Svetlana nails her. And with his bare foot he throws a murderous and deadly grenade.
  And it also squeaks:
  - My great Rus'!
  And again he gives a burst... He mows down the Germans, killing them without any ceremony.
  Now Sydney is giving up without a fight. And citizens and military keys are taken out. And they proclaim Tsar Alexei their king and emperor.
  This continent is also surrendering...
  And Russian ships land on New Zealand. At the same time, light tanks "Peter"-8 enter Pretoria. And South Africa is also falling. And a battalion of barefoot girls lands in Madagascar.
  And very beautiful girls throw grenades with their bare legs and land against the enemy. Madagascar is falling. And most of Africa was conquered by Russian soldiers.
  Tsarist Russia and the Third Reich and Italy almost won. But only Britain itself and Ireland remained. And autumn came, and then winter. The Germans and Russian aircraft bombed the British and turned their cities into ruins. But Churchill stubbornly refused to capitulate.
  In May 1941, a landing followed. The barefoot girls from the Tigress division were the very first to land. And let them destroy the British troops. And throw them with the toes of your bare feet.
  The British were bombarded by half-naked girls wearing only panties and shaking breasts. And it was very cool.
  And the battle was fought by tanks "Peter", "Nikolai", "Alexander", "Ivan", which literally crushed the opponents.
  And here is the newest tank "Alesey"-1 of a pyramidal shape. Which has rational angles of inclination from all angles and cannot be penetrated.
  In it, reclining, Elizabeth and her team of girls sat almost naked in only their panties.
  Four beautiful warriors, almost naked, shoot at English cannons, and are literally knocked over into the fire. And the girls shoot themselves and fill them with lead from machine guns. And the British are lying around in their hundreds.
  And the fighting beauties mow down the enemy, and literally launch their tank over the corpses. And carpets of murdered Englishmen are spread out. And the girls are riding in a tank. They're destroying Matildas and Churchills. The last tank can only scratch the vehicle of the tsarist army.
  And one Russian victory after another follows. And the Germans are advancing. But their T-3 and T-4 tanks are so weak compared to Russian vehicles. And also small primitive ones. And tall... And the tanks of the tsarist army are squat. And they use the rod for themselves, not paying attention to the shots.
  So the British are throwing out white flags. Several thousand selected Russian tanks landed in the very first hours, literally breaking into the defense.
  Anastasia received a bullet in her bare heel and laughed:
  - Massage guy!
  Then she grabbed the general"s nose with her bare toes and threw him over herself. He flew over and landed with his belly on the bayonets. And so much blood was shed.
  Anastasia screamed heart-rendingly:
  - Glory to Tsar Alexei!
  Natasha will also move her opponent"s shin and roar:
  - For a new Slavic order!
  And he will push the enemy's head. And he will split his shard. And squeals:
  - Cool girls, fans of freedom - we are fighting for a new order!
  And then Zoya fires from two machine guns at once, and with her bare feet throws peas with explosives.
  And it goes to the British on the first day. And having received it, the fighters of the empire of Foggy Albion throw down their weapons and are straight into captivity.
  And here Aurora enters the battle. Destroys the enemy with a weapon. She has a special machine gun with tracer bullets. He threshes the English like a sheaf of nunchucks.
  And here Svetlana shoots. And destroys the enemy.
  Shoots with lethal mass... And bares his teeth.
  And roars at the top of his lungs:
  - I am a woman, which is really super!
  And he jumps up and throws a grenade with his bare foot. And it will blow into all parts and fragments.
  And squeals:
  - I'm a bare-chested superman!
  And now the girls are stepping on themselves... They are entering deeper and deeper into British territory.
  Oleg Rybachenko, in the body of a boy no older than eleven in appearance, but with the shoulder straps of a major, although he himself is barefoot and in shorts, mows down the English. And he acts with frenzied rage.
  He lights a fire and sings:
  - We are experiencing the dawn and the highest color.
  And with him was the girl Margarita, who never became an adult. It"s good for her that at least she didn"t become an old lady!
  And this is much worse than being a girl!
  They surround London. And now they are threatening to take him. And a lot of enemies surrender. Only the king's guards do not give in and do not give up. But they are mercilessly destroyed. And they are carrying out total, inhumane extermination. This is the kind of total destruction that is happening. And the machines are very active.
  And in the sky Albina and Alvina are collecting bills. The girl has already received all seven degrees of the St. George Cross. First degree: St. George's cross, second - St. George's cross with a bow! The third is a golden cross. The fourth is a golden cross with a bow. The fifth is a gold cross with diamonds. The sixth is a gold cross with diamonds and a bow. And the seventh is a golden cross star with a bow and diamonds!
  These girls shot down fifty cars in one fight and sing to themselves:
  - We are such beauties that we are simply super and hyper, and generally wonderful beauties!
  And they will wink with a bared fang.
  These are the girls - Albina and Alvina... And they love to rape men. And they themselves don"t mind working with their tongue when they see attractive male perfection.
  And that girls are simply the embodiment of lust and love and passion!
  How they love pulsating jade rods.
  Warriors of the highest class...
  Here Churchill is fleeing from surrounded London. So they gave him a good hit on the horns.
  And he dragged her legs away, rushing off to Brazil... But the garrison of London capitulated. And Russian troops took Ireland almost without resistance. The British were already surrendering to the beat of drums...
  The Second World War ended within a year with the victory of the Axis powers. Most of Africa is Russian. However, both Germany and Italy were able to grab something.
  In addition, the Third Reich also included Spain and Portugal.
  And Russian forces reigned in Britain and Tsar Alexei also became the British monarch. Russia also occupied Sweden almost without resistance, and Germany occupied Norway and, even earlier, Denmark.
  Hitler occupied large parts of Europe. By creating a Third Reich type formation with a protectorate. And Russia recreated the empire and included it in its composition.
  A temporarily fragile peace situation has emerged. Which lasted for the time being.
  Tsarist Russia and Germany were digesting their acquisitions. They mastered the colonies.
  Tsar Alexei was still quite young and could not rush to conquer the whole world.
  But Hitler somehow couldn"t resist. It seemed to him that he received too little land in Africa, that Russia was too big. And together with Mussolini Jr."s son, they started a war against Russia. The fighting began on April 20, 1955, on the Fuhrer"s fiftieth birthday.
  The Germans developed a whole series of tanks for the war with Tsarist Russia, and apparently they counted heavily on this.
  The Panther 5 became the main tank developed for the war with Russia.
  Weighing 75 tons, this car was cool.
  And in general, a 128-mm cannon at 100EL is truly crushing power. And if he beats, then even the tsarist army will not seem enough.
  And there is an even more powerful tank: "Tiger"-5, which is even heavier and more heavily armored. And it weighs about a hundred tons!
  And in Russia, the main tank "Alexey"-4 weighs only fifty tons and has a gun of only 105 mm caliber. But it is much more advanced, pyramidal and with a gas turbine engine of 1800 horsepower, that is, very mobile.
  The German is more massive and powerful. Especially terrible are "Lions"-5, weighing two hundred tons. Which, however, does not greatly increase Hitler"s chances. So super-heavy tanks are too expensive and difficult to transport. Although there are some advantages in use and application.
  In any case, Hitler could not stand it and rushed to tsarist Russia. And the battles began.
  Powerful fortified zones of the Russian army stopped the enemy"s advance. And the Germans got stuck. And the tsarist army went on the offensive in Africa, where it had much more strength. And the Italians felt the first blows. Their troops are too weak and with low discipline, with much more backward technology to resist Russia.
  After just three weeks of fighting, the tsarist army drove the Italians out of Somalia and Ethiopia.
  I distinguished the girls Anastasia, Natasha, Zoya, Augustina, Svetlana. They are still as young as they were fifty years ago when they fought Japan. Tsar Alexei already has grandchildren, but the girls are still greyhounds, tough, aggressive, and brave.
  And during fifty years of war the girls remained young. And they don"t have a single wrinkle or crack on their skin. They are so beautiful and fresh as flowers.
  But Oleg Rybachenko and his partner Margarita are still children - they have not matured at all. At least externally. But they run faster than cheetahs. And neither a bayonet nor a bullet can kill them.
  These children love to throw sharp discs with their bare feet. They are generally super fighters!
  And any power will be brought to its knees!
  Anastasia, Natasha, Zoya, Augustina, Svetlana also fought with the Turks under Alexander II. And that"s why they are already more than a hundred years old. But they don't age because they are witches. And because they are immortal, in the power of Rodnoverie.
  And the representatives of the tsarist race run across Ethiopia and are already slaughtering the Italians.
  And again they force them to kiss their bare feet. And the girls, of course, are of indescribable beauty, and with ardent passion in their souls. They cannot be belittled in any way. They are what makes the country look great. And they win with a big guarantee.
  The Russian Tsarist Empire was largely continental, and unique to the Russian nation. The Russian nation, a mixture of many peoples, and Russia is like a melting pot, can swallow other peoples, gradually assimilating them and not oppressing them. That is why the royal empire grew. Slowly, kingdom by kingdom... And now there is very little left to global hegemony. Russia has a much larger population than the Third Reich and Italy.
  So she has every chance to capture and digest it. Moreover, considering that the opponents are weaker. And not everyone is happy with the regime of Hitler and Mussolini.
  In Africa, too, many local tribes and colonial units support the Russians. Likewise, Russian technology is better suited for the jungle.
  The battles showed that the Germans had problems even with the Panther-5, and not just with the Tiger-5. Yes, the Krauts have noticeably given up. After the tsarist army passed through Ethiopia and struck Libya, the German units also sailed. In battles in the sky, however, German developments surprised the royal aces - especially with disco-shaped devices. And they destroyed Russian cars with frenzied fury.
  But, of course, the Germans are no match for numbers. And discos are too expensive and there are relatively few of them. And they themselves are invulnerable, but they cannot fire , they only ram with a laminar jet. And maneuverable Russian vehicles can get away.
  The royal army in the sky, however, is strong. And at sea it"s even stronger. Although the Third Reich is not weak. But still the forces are unequal.
  Both in terms of population and economic potential, the Third Reich cannot cope with Russia.
  And if there are also very strong and beautiful girls fighting, then there"s a total collapse.
  Elizabeth and her team fight the German monsters, and even manage to win. And they are not embarrassed by the fact that the Nazis have much larger and heavier vehicles.
  Here the girls go around the enemy tanks and hit them right on the side. And they have no problems with the enemy. They destroy their enemy and sing:
  - Furious construction squad! Furious construction squad!
  Hitler will be checkmate! Hitler will be checkmate!
  And they destroy the enemy with tremendous ease. And the girls can't help but laugh.
  But the fascists, having received a slap on the back of their necks, retreat. Already in Libya, several Italian divisions are surrendering almost without a fight. And the soldiers of the royal army advance. The Krauts were knocked out of the Alps with a powerful blow, and the tsarist troops were marching across Italy. Barefoot girls from the army of Mussolini Jr. greet the colored troops of the tsarist army. Millions of soldiers of all nationalities fill Italy. And ten thousand mobile Alexey-4 tanks, which, weighing fifty tons, are almost impenetrable when fired from all angles.
  Italy, as the weaker link in the coalition, is dying very quickly... On May 30, tsarist troops captured Rome almost without a fight. And the capital of Mussolini's empire fell.
  And again the girls from the Russian army forced their dusty, bare feet to kiss the enemy. They understand that the enemy should be shown his real status.
  Albina and Alvina, while typing up accounts, recalled how they fought witches with the Japanese back when Alexey was lying in the cradle. And it was very funny.
  The girls have not yet had enough of the war and shoot down the Germans in the air. Albina even remarked:
  - Once we defeat the Nazis, what next?
  Alvina confidently stated:
  - Let's conquer Latin America!
  Albina noted doubtfully:
  - Well, that"s another two or three months! And then?
  Alvina giggled and replied:
  - Soup with a cat!
  Albina angrily said:
  - No, there must be some more realistic plan for life!
  Alvina said with enthusiasm:
  - So we"ll give birth to a bunch of children!
  Albina approved of this:
  - This is already better!
  Italy has already been virtually captured. Mussolini Jr. flees to France... Russian troops occupy Sicily. All pasta makers' possessions in Africa have already been lost. Only German enclaves remain, but the tsarist army is attacking them too. The threat of complete loss of Africa, in a battle with a stronger enemy.
  The Germans seemed to have miscalculated their strength. And now they are sailing under the blows of the royal troops.
  And tens of thousands of tanks are already in the south of France and have taken Toulon... Girls in bikinis are jumping around the city and bringing the fascists to their knees. They force themselves to kiss their bare heels and laugh.
  But you can also kiss a girl on the chest - she doesn"t mind!
  So many successes. And in the south of Germany, Russian divisions are also breaking through. And they already took Vienna. And they are advancing on Munich. The fascists succumb to the blows and raise their hands up. And surrender to yourself!
  Oleg Rybachenko is, of course, among those who fight in the forefront.
  And the boy personally captures three German generals. For which he receives a special reward from the monarch.
  At the same time, the eternal boy is barefoot and wearing shorts.
  Tsar Alexei rejoices at the victories. And what happened? Hitler the devil himself got into the noose. His E-series tanks are no match against pyramidal ones.
  Tsar Alexei rewards heroes and heroines. And he does it with great eagerness.
  One can only love and respect such a father king. Russian troops have already driven the Germans out of Morocco. And almost all of Africa is Russian territory. And what? So it got better!
  Tsar Alexei awarded Albina and Alvina to the best female aces of Russia with a new award. Star of a platinum St. George's Cross with a bow and diamonds.
  The warriors truly deserve it. And they have such strength. And they beat their own fascists. And they reach the finish line. The tsarist army is already approaching the Ruhr region, and fierce battles are raging there. They do not want to yield to the Nazis. And in France they are already surrounding Paris. The local population welcomes the tsarist army and will not stop.
  You could say the enemy is at the level of surrender. Hitler is rushing about, and it"s already mid-July. And the position of the Germans is almost hopeless.
  This is what it means to contact such a cool king as Alexei the Second, or the great.
  Finally, the remnants of the Wehrmacht troops in Africa have already surrendered. Russian troops marched through Paris. The situation was becoming critical for the Germans.
  By the end of July the Ruhr had already been completely retaken. And Russian troops are approaching the Baltic Sea.
  Hitler flees Berlin to Latin America. The royal troops entered Denmark, and Norway was liberated even earlier. Pal and Lisbon. The assault on Berlin followed in August. And the capital of the Third Reich was taken. Then the tsarist army, continuing its offensive, liberated Madrid.
  The last to be taken was the fortress of Gibraltar in September. The citadel was toppled... And another war was almost over. It turned out to be somehow surprisingly short and light.
  Tsar Alexei received the title of the greatest conqueror of all times.
  But Hitler is still alive and managed to escape. What to do with this monster? Oddly enough, Latin America did not want to extradite this tyrant. And then, on May 1, 1957, the last campaign against Latin America and the final war in the history of planet Earth began. The troops advanced without any problems. Local forces were too weak militarily and could not resist Russian troops.
  Elizabeth and her team have just shot down the battery, and now the enemies on their way are just giving up.
  The girl remarked with a chuckle:
  - This is war!
  Catherine noted with a grin:
  - The last war in human history!
  Elena suggested:
  - So let's toast to peace! And future creation!
  And the girls even kissed each other on the bare soles of their feet in delight.
  Well, that's how everything goes well...
  Anastasia and her team run and throw grenades at their opponents with their bare toes. They tear apart their enemies and bare their teeth.
  Natasha sang:
  - I am the girl of a colossal dream!
  And how to launch a killer grenade. Yes, you can"t be weak with girls like that. They won't forgive this.
  And they will advance on themselves, giving no mercy to the fascists. Let in this case they are not entirely fascists.
  Zoya also throws a grenade with her bare foot and hisses:
  - For victory over the enemy!
  And then Augustine fires from a machine gun and throws a grenade with his bare foot.
  And it squeaks:
  - Desperate blow!
  And then Svetlana will put pressure on her opponents and eat them into torn dough.
  These are the girls.
  And he blathers:
  - Tsar Alexei is our idol!
  Mexico City is taken and Cuba is captured. Russian troops are moving from north to south. And they do it very successfully. You won't stop them. And there will be a big victory.
  And Albina and Alvina score very successfully in the air battle. They are warriors who don"t need to show weakness. They shoot down planes that are far behind the Russian ones in terms of their level. And most importantly, barefoot girls in bikinis are at the helm. That they thresh everyone. And they shoot down everyone who gets caught in the fight.
  We've already passed Nicaragua. The armada of machines of the tsarist army cannot be stopped. And Russian troops are coming. And more and more often, opponents give up. And they drive away the enemies with columns of prisoners. And they bring the enemy to his knees.
  Anastasia runs for herself and makes her opponents fall on their faces and kiss her bare heels.
  So many enemies surrendered. And many of them capitulate to the beat of the drum. And they raise their paws up.
  Russian troops have already reached Venezuela. The situation is becoming increasingly calm.
  Brazil is the largest enemy and breaks relatively easily. And she is forced to capitulate.
  Girls walk through Rio de Janeiro and boys kiss their bare footprints.
  Natasha remarks with a chuckle:
  - Still, life is good!
  Zoya noted with some doubt:
  - It"s not so bad when you sleep with your feet against the wall!
  And the girls will burst out laughing. They really couldn't be funnier. But what can you do with them...
  Here the boy Oleg Rybachenko is also fighting. He has been serving in the tsarist army for more than fifty years. He rose to the rank of colonel, has many awards, and still looks about eleven years old. And with him is the eternal girl Margarita. She was a grown woman and was very afraid of growing old. And as a result, she remained a girl forever. However, they became children by about a hundred years ago. And then they are promised that they will grow up to sixteen years old - which is generally good! The boy, for example, won"t even need to shave!
  A boy and a girl throw grenades at their enemies with their bare feet and sing:
  - The joy of victories is expanding,
  Hitler is waiting for the gallows!
  Here is the last stronghold of Russia"s opponents - Argentina. Hitler hid there.
  And in July, Russian troops entered Argentine territory. Resistance was focal. And so the capital fell almost without a fight. And Hitler himself was found in August 1957... Dangling in a noose. Apparently they took their own and hanged them.
  Chile also capitulated. Thus ended the last war in human history.
  Twelve witch girls - possessing eternal youth - celebrated their victory. But another boy, Oleg Rybachenko, seemed very pleased. Finally, he can live for his own pleasure, how many years he spent in the army.
  And the Russians went into space already in 1947, and in 1954 they flew to the Moon. And in 1967 to Mars. And further new achievements. The solar system was gradually conquered. In 1975, Alexey II, having been in power for seventy years, crashed in a plane. And thus ended the reign of the greatest monarch of all times.
  And his son became the new king: Mikhail II. And Russia moved into space expansion.
  Oleg Rybachenko and Margarita walking on Mars in 2005. The boy notes:
  - A hundred years have already passed since I became a child. And isn't it time for me to grow up to sixteen years old?
  Margarita, who also looks like a girl, answers:
  - And I, too, must grow up according to the agreement! But why will we remain children?
  Oleg shrugged... An image of an angel-demiurge with wings suddenly appeared in front of them.
  The beautiful creature said:
  - You have completed part of your mission.
  But now space awaits you! And space worlds! So live and fight!
  Oleg Rybachenko asked with a grin:
  - You promised us bodies at sixteen!
  The angel nodded with a smile:
  - What do you and Margarita want?
  Margarita shook her head in agreement:
  - Even more?
  The angel nodded with a grin of pearl teeth:
  - This will be for you! But to grow up to sixteen years old, you will grow for a thousand years! And then you will remain in your youth forever!
  Oleg and Margarita squealed in unison:
  - It's not fair!
  Angela remarked with a smile:
  - Such is the price for immortality! But agree to be immortal children much better than mortal old people!
  The boy and girl agreed:
  - Yes, much better!
  And we laughed louder!
  Really, what are these mortal people? Even the greatest king of all times and peoples, Alexei, passed away. And they have an eternity ahead, full of radiant adventures.
  . An alternative history, where the great emperor did not go to Russia, but moved his regiments to... Turkey! Well, of course, why not? Why not free the Balkans from Ottoman rule?
  And the enemy, of course, is not too strong. And even before that he was beaten by the Russians.
  And Napoleon's army set out on a forced march. And she walked almost without encountering resistance from Bosnia to Istanbul. One obstacle: mountains, rivers, fortresses... And occasional resistance. And the population greets the French and Europeans as liberators.
  Napoleon captured Istanbul in 1812. Then he also fought in Asia Minor. Reached the Indian Ocean and Mecca. After which the French and their mercenaries moved to Egypt.
  While Napoleon did not go to Russia, he conquered Ottoman possessions. Perhaps some fortune tellers warned him of possible failure in the event of a war with the tsarist empire.
  The British tried to land in Spain in 1814. Napoleon returned to Paris. And gathering strength, he quickly moved to Spain and defeated the British there. After which the French became somewhat stronger in the Pyrenees.
  Their troops reached Morocco and occupied the entire north of Africa and Sudan.
  Thus, they established general dominance in the Mediterranean Sea. Gibraltar was also taken. And they were also thoroughly strengthened. The war with Britain continued with varying degrees of success. Both sides were tired of skirmishes at sea. Napoleon, however, wanted to take it with numbers. And more and more ships were built, sailors were trained. Gradually, the numerical superiority of the French, who had large human and territorial resources, began to take their toll.
  And the exhausted British began to succumb. Finally, in 1825, a landing took place. And Napoleon finally took London. Thus, the war ended. And the already elderly emperor decided to rest and engage in peaceful construction. The only thing is that the French continued to move across Africa and conquer its south. Nicholas the First came to power in Russia. The Russians waged a war with Iran, but despite the victories they did not conquer it, but limited themselves to moderate territorial acquisitions. Then Russia faced Shamil"s war in the Caucasus and found itself bound by it for a long time.
  Napoleon reigned until 1837 and was sixty-eight years old when he died. He was succeeded by his son Napoleon II. The young twenty-six-year-old blond emperor was previously the king of Italy and the Roman Empire. He, of course, wanted to surpass the glory of his father Napoleon the First.
  And Napoleon II made his first campaign against Iran, and then against India. Of course, the largest and most well-organized army in the world conquered both Iran and India relatively quickly. The conquest of Africa was also completed. France waged wars in Latin America, trying to take control of the colonies of Spain and Portugal. It was somehow not time for Russia. But the French, after long wars, finally gained a foothold in Latin America. Napoleon II died in 1856, and his son Napoleon III ascended the throne. He was only sixteen years old at that time. And in 1858, Napoleon III began his campaign against Russia.
  Decided to surpass his great grandfather. And in Russia there is still serfdom. And the country, of course, is incomparable in terms of combat strength with Napoleonic France.
  Napoleon III counted on victory. And two million soldiers moved across Russia. They marched in three columns: to Kyiv, Moscow and St. Petersburg. But Russia didn"t have its own Kutuzov.
  And Tsar Alexander II was forced to flee to Kazan. Moscow and St. Petersburg and Kyiv were captured. There were troops all over the world and more advanced weapons against Russia. Even in the army of Napoleon III, the first light tanks appeared.
  Yes, you cannot resist such power. Tsar Alexander II offered peace to the French. But Napoleon III declared that he needed Russia as a whole.
  In short, a guerrilla war began. But Napoleon has a lot of troops. In addition, Napoleon III announced the abolition of serfdom. That also won some of the people over to his side. The war still raged for several years, and Napoleonic troops reached the Pacific Ocean.
  Ultimately, a compromise was found. Napoleon III married the daughter of Alexander II and was crowned king. And Russia, as part of a vast empire, received some autonomy.
  Napoleon III was still fighting in China, his troops reached Australia and conquered Indochina. And in 1877 he died, and Napoleon the Fourth ascended the throne. A young man of fourteen years old. Great-grandson of Napoleon the First and maternal descendant of Russian tsars. Napoleon the Fourth completed the conquest of the world - having conquered the USA and all other islands... A worldwide empire arose. Then all that remained was to storm space.
  But there was no sadness, but the devils came knocking. Napoleon IV died in 1894. More precisely, he died hunting in Africa. And his throne was taken by a boy, Napoleon the Fifth, about four years old.
  Somehow Napoleon's descendants turned out to be not very tenacious. And of course, trouble began. Now in Latin America, now in China, now in Russia.
  But the troops suppressed the unrest and the separatists. Napoleon the Fifth grew up and decisively began to suppress the rebellions. After which somehow the planet Earth calmed down. And in 1914, the first man flew into space! In 1917, people landed on the moon.
  Gradually, humanity gained stability. And now the expansion into space. By 1935, people had visited all the planets of the solar system, and a settlement had arisen on the Moon. Napoleon the Fifth reigned until 1960 - sixty-six years - a record among the Bonapartes, and died in glory. And Napoleon the Sixth received the throne. By this time, successful experiments on rejuvenating people had already begun. And in 2000, people began to penetrate into neighboring stars. By 2020, the first human settlements have been created outside of planet Earth.
  However, Ivan the Terrible was not poisoned in 1584 (where did they get the idea that he was poisoned at all?), but lived for some time. He married an English princess. And at the same time he conquered Siberia and built cities there. In 1590, he had a son, Alexander, with an English princess. In 1591, son Dmitry died, but the Russians recaptured their years from the Swedes. In 1592 they took Narva.
  The joint war of Poland and Russia against Sweden ended in 1593 with the capture of Vyborg. And the defeat of the Swedish war in 1594.
  Russia thus reclaimed the cities on the Baltic coast, founded in Narva, as well as Vyborg. In 1595, Ivan the Terrible ordered the construction of a city at the mouth of the Neva. Thus, Aleksandrovsk arose more than a hundred years earlier. The year was named in honor of the son of Ivan the Terrible and the English princess.
  Then Ivan the Terrible continued to move across Siberia. His warriors advanced to the Amur River. In 1598, having recovered for sixty-five years - a record for Russia and one of the longest durations of a kingdom in the history of planet Earth, Ivan the Terrible died. His heir, Fedot, also died in the same year. And Alexander the First became king. He was only eight years old at the time of his ascension to the throne. But Boris Godunov became regent. And everything went more or less. True, there were also hungry years. Then the war with Poland in 1605. Then for the first time Alexander himself commanded the army. The Poles tried to besiege Smolensk, but were completely defeated. The Russians went on the offensive and took Kyiv and Polotsk. The Poles ceded lands along the Berezina and Kyiv to left-bank Ukraine.
  There was calm for some time. Russia was advancing in the east. She reached the Pacific Ocean and founded new cities there.
  Then came the campaign to Crimea, which coincided with the weakening of Turkey. Russia also conquered the Crimean Khanate, along with Azov.
  Thus a large empire arose. After which there was another war with the Poles. Alexander proclaimed - we will reconquer the lands of all Kievan Rus.
  And it happened. Russian troops under the leadership of the Tsar and the great commander Skopin-Shuisky were still able to defeat the Poles and even took Warsaw.
  After some controversy, Poland accepted Alexander the First as Tsar. After which the great power of the Slavs arose. Russia turned south in 1630. Wars began with Turkey. The Ottoman Empire was in decline and losing.
  Russia conquered the Balkans, and even entered Constantinople. The Ottoman throne was transferred to Tsar Alexander. And now the Russian regiments reached Egypt. And in 1640 they conquered Mecca and Iraq with Kuwait. Having formed a huge empire. In 1645-1647 there was a war with Iran. And Persia also submitted to Russia. The war with the Manchu Empire ended with the capture of northern China.
  Tsar Alexander, in view of the increase in the number of non-Russian population, even convened an ecumenical council. A change was made to Orthodoxy allowing for four wives.
  Which was a consequence of the desire to make it easier for Muslims to accept Orthodoxy, and to speed up the Russification of the newly conquered lands.
  In 1658, Tsar Alexander the first died, having ruled for sixty years, and also becoming the great Rurikovich.
  Mikhail the First, son of Alexander the First, became the new king. The new king was already forty years old. And he continued his father"s policy of conquest. Russian troops moved towards India. There were wars there.
  Which ended with the establishment of Russian domination there. Then there was a big war with China. In 1671, Mikhail died. And the war was continued by his son Alexei the first Rurikovich. The young king, about thirty years old, commanded energetically and achieved major victories. China was conquered after several years of war.
  Then Russia continued its movements to the east and south, conquering Indochina. Until we reached Singapore. In 1701, Alexei died, and his son Peter began to build a large fleet. Russia moved through the islands in the Pacific Ocean and landed in Australia.
  At the same time, there was a desire to expand into Europe. And in 1715 the war with Austria began. The superior Russian troops conquered Austria quickly. Then they captured Germany. We reached the Rhine itself. And they conquered Italy in 1721. So Peter the Great cut a window to Europe. Together with Egypt. At the same time, the Russians occupied Canada through Alaska. In 730, Peter the Great died and the throne was inherited by his grandson Peter the Second - Rurikovich.
  His reign turned out to be active: the young man began a war with France and conquered Canada, and Russian troops, who had greater numerical superiority, took Paris. The Netherlands were also conquered. Although the partisan war dragged on there. But in the end, she too was suppressed.
  And later in 1745, both Spain and Portugal fell. But there, too, there was a guerrilla war for several years. In 1753, after the death of Peter the Second, the son of Peter the Second, Peter the Third, ascended the throne. The new king continued to move across Africa and America. War broke out in 1761 with the last Great Power, Britain. Russia was not very successful at sea at first.
  But then, with numerical superiority and experienced commanders, the British were defeated. And there was a landing. And in 1767 London fell.
  And in 1780 Peter the Third also died. His twenty-eight-year-old son, Paul the First, ascended the throne. Russia no longer had serious opponents and was moving across Africa and Latin America. By 1820, when Paul the First died at the age of sixty-eight, Russia had completed its conquest of the entire world. And Ivan the Fifth ascended the throne at forty-two years of age.
  There was no one to fight with anymore. But science has not yet reached the point of conquering the vastness of space. Nevertheless, Ivan ordered flights to the moon. Like, the empire needs to move on. And in 1833, man flew into space for the first time. And in 1845, the Russians finally landed on the moon.
  Emperor Ivan the Fifth died in 1847. Alexander II inherited the throne. Expansion into space continues. Landed on Mars in 1861. And then on all the planets of the Solar System.
  And then they flew to other stars...
  So Donald Trump found himself in Roosevelt's place during the Second World War. This actually turned out to be a super chance! Consider the mistakes of your predecessor. And the first mistake: they allowed the USSR to rise and become a superpower.
  Donald Trump understood better than anyone else: Russia should not be allowed to win the Second World War. However, a quick victory of the Third Reich is also disadvantageous for America.
  The best option: let them kill each other as long and as much as possible.
  Well, of course, Donald Trump helped Russia a little, before Stalingrad... And there were no particular discrepancies with history. And drove the Third Reich out of Africa.
  And then he offered Hitler a truce in exchange for the abolition of anti-Semitic laws.
  After Stalingrad, the Germans realized that they could actually lose the Second World War, and agreed with Trump. Jews will not be persecuted, but... Trade is resumed...
  And prisoners are exchanged. Trump himself makes an atomic bomb and finishes off Japan. And the Germans, after stopping the bombing of their territory and closing the second front, are accumulating strength.
  The Fuhrer postponed Operation Citadel several times. And even in July he didn"t launch an offensive, because he wanted to test Tiger-2, a monster tank, in battle, and that means "Lion" and "Mouse". In addition, the Germans began to form divisions from foreigners and accumulate forces.
  And Trump advised the Fuhrer not to rush, since the plans of the German offensive on the Kursk Bulge are already known to the Soviet command, and there is nothing more stupid than to attack when the enemy knows about it.
  The Fuhrer was smart enough to listen to Trump's wise advice. And he became on the defensive.
  The Red Army finally went on the offensive in August 30. And got stuck in the enemy's defense in depth. The battles showed that the Panther is very good in defense, with its rapid-fire cannon, which hits at a long distance.
  And "Tiger" is not bad, and even "Ferdinand". The last self-propelled gun in the defense is quite strong. And it perfectly repels attacks from opponents. And "Ferdinand" is working very actively. As he hits from a distance, you won"t even be able to straighten your back.
  The Germans still gave in, at least slowly, but on the Oryol ledge. But Soviet aviation no longer dominated the skies. Without a western front, the Krauts were strong. Among the German aces, Marcel especially stood out.
  He did not die by accident in the Battle of the Mediterranean. And now, being an ace, number one fought in the east. And this best Luftwaffe ace, who in a short time set a record on the western front, which no one had ever broken in real history, was now fighting in the east.
  Marcel hit from a distance and did not allow himself to be pinched or knocked down. He became a legend among German and Soviet pilots.
  And without any exaggeration. He shot down both attack aircraft and fighters.
  For one hundred and fifty aircraft he was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with silver oak leaves, swords and diamonds. When he made two hundred aircraft, he was awarded the Order of the German Eagle with Diamonds. Upon reaching three hundred aircraft, he received a specially established award for him: the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with golden oak leaves, swords and diamonds. After shooting down four hundred aircraft, he received a gold and diamond crucifix of military merit and a gold and diamond Luftwaffe Cup. Marseille shot down two hundred planes over the Mediterranean in the fall. Over the winter and March he shot down almost a hundred more cars, and was transferred to the eastern front. There he exceeded three hundred vehicles back in May 1943.
  Then, in September 1943, it reached the figure of four hundred vehicles. And he even set a record by knocking out fourteen vehicles in one battle.
  Of course, with such an ace, the Germans felt more than confident in the sky.
  And they could hold back the onslaught of the Red Army by pulling up forces in advance. Nevertheless, Soviet troops advanced, albeit very slowly.
  At the end of October, the Red Army approached Orel. The Fritz tried to hold this city at any cost.
  The Tiger-2 tank was used in battle for the first time. This vehicle, however, performed well in defense, but often broke down. "Lion" turned out even worse. Similar to the grown-up "Tiger"-2, better known as the royal tiger, "Lion" had a more powerful gun, which, however, was unnecessary. Since Soviet thirty-four tanks were taken with German weapons. But the "Lion," weighing ninety tons, had no advantages over the "Tiger" in terms of armor, but was more expensive, less reliable, and the more powerful gun was inferior in rate of fire.
  Only when shooting at a long distance did the Lev have advantages, but it was of little use, since the thirty-four was almost impossible to hit in motion from such a distance where the Lev had advantages.
  The battles showed that the "Lion" does not have any advantages in protecting the sides or the forehead of the hull over the "Tiger"-2, and the thicker armor of the turret"s forehead only slows down its rotation.
  That is, it turned out that "Lion", in practice, is even worse than "Tiger"-2. And for what it turns out, it was designed.
  Nevertheless, the Tiger-2 was relatively well protected, it was impenetrable even to the side of the T-34-76, and therefore proved to be an effective, albeit clumsy, machine.
  At the same time, two pilots showed themselves well in battle: Albina and Alvina. Who fought all the time barefoot in bikinis. And they did it very effectively.
  Just as Albina presses the triggers with her bare feet, she will shoot down a Soviet pilot.
  And then Alvina will press, too, with her bare, chiseled feet. And again he will knock down the enemy.
  The girls worked actively and with the panache of panthers. Although they are novice warriors. But their secret is to fight in a bikini and barefoot, then no one will knock you down!
  The Battle of Oryol dragged on until the end of November. The Germans held the city, and the Red Army stubbornly stormed it. Stalin himself showed stubbornness in this matter. The city was thoroughly fortified by the Krauts and did not allow it to be surrounded.
  By the beginning of December there was a temporary lull, only battles took place in the sky. Marseille exceeded the number of five hundred aircraft shot down and was the second in the Third Reich after Goering to be awarded the Grand Cross of the Iron Cross.
  The Red Army stopped. But at the end of December it resumed its offensive. After stubborn fighting, Oryol was finally surrounded. And then take it. The Germans were pushed back a little more in the center. But they were ready for winter and fought hard.
  The Fritz were still able to repulse the offensive near Leningrad. Partly because of the warning from Trump, who was very afraid of the defeat of the fascists.
  Having repulsed the attack in the north, the Nazis somehow repelled the onslaught and survived the winter... And in the spring they began to accumulate strength.
  The Red Army also suffered damage. But she got the IS-2 and T-34-85. An exchange of blows began, and on June 22, 1944, the Red Army launched a major offensive in the center.
  The Germans succumbed, but slowly... Soviet troops advanced fifty kilometers in a month and a half on a fairly wide sector of the front. The Nazis generally changed their tactics somewhat and tried to conserve their strength without attacking.
  Here Trump clearly played the role, who did not want either Russia or Germany to win. But he was afraid that the Russians would win anyway, and advised the Fuhrer to build a war on defense in order to exhaust the Bolsheviks" resources.
  Hitler, despite all his aggressiveness, still went into deep defense. Moreover, German tanks are imperfect. And "Mouse" also did not live up to expectations, and only in defense, more or less showing itself in short counterattacks.
  The Germans have not yet been able to properly succeed in technology. The Panther 2 could be made more powerful in armament and armor, but it has not yet been possible to make it heavier than fifty tons. The Focke-Wulf was inferior in maneuverability and was unfinished.
  The Me-309 turned out to be powerful in armament and fast, but worse in maneuverability. The TA-152 was better than the Focke-Wulf in flight characteristics and powerfully armed, but it also turned out to be heavier. True, Marseille has developed good tactics for aircraft that are heavier, but more armed and better protected.
  So far, the Germans not only maintained their advantage in the sky, but even increased it due to the number of vehicles. Although the USSR also had the Yak-3 and LAGG-7. But this has not yet provided an advantage.
  But the Germans developed the ME-262. By June, the Luftwaffe already had a thousand of these jets with four 30-mm aircraft cannons. But in battle, the ME-262 proved to be insufficiently maneuverable and effective. Including because of the high speed. The only thing is that the ME-262 is very difficult to shoot down, it is armored and survivable, it is difficult to hit due to its high speed, but it breaks itself due to its not very reliable engine.
  So the Germans were so far only relatively successful in receiving the TA-152 and had the modernized ME-109 "K," the most popular fighter of the Second World War.
  The number of aircraft produced also increased, which made it possible to maintain superiority over Soviet brands. Moreover, German vehicles were significantly stronger in armament and engine power.
  The German Yu-288, which combined high speed and a large bomb load, turned out to be quite successful. And the first serial four-engine bomber, the Yu-488, capable of bombing over long distances. Its highlight was the comparatively small wing area, which gave it a speed of up to 700 kilometers per hour, which was a lot for a bomber at that time.
  The Germans were not very successful in the field of tank building. The Mouse is good at defense, but is still vulnerable from the air and difficult to transport. "Jagdpanther" turned out to be more successful. It was produced in ever-increasing quantities and earned a good reputation.
  Here, of course, the Germans almost finished the car, but in any case it turned well.
  The main quantity of German equipment increased, which made it possible to more successfully resist Soviet attacks. Including the offensive in August in the south.
  The autumn of 1944 came, Soviet troops did not even take Kharkov, and are still standing in the center.
  The Fritz felt a little more confident... Stalin continued to hammer away, but without the help of the United States he could not win the technological race against Germany.
  Having foreign divisions and many Hiwis, plus satellites, and former Soviet citizens, the Third Reich could more or less replenish its forces and remain on the defensive. Foreign workers and slave labor made it possible to produce a lot of equipment. And first of all, jet aviation.
  The V-1 and V-2 rocket project was abandoned in favor of jet aircraft and Arado bombers appeared. Which bombed perfectly. And Soviet planes could not even catch up with them.
  Hitler increasingly relied on an air offensive. The Fritz also fought in the winter... The Red Army was able to advance in the center during the winter.
  Here, although the Germans were expecting an attack, they were shocked by the work of the artillery, especially the Andryusha rocket launcher. But then numerous German tank divisions were able to stop the Soviet troops.
  The new German self-propelled guns E-10 and E-25, small but nimble, proved especially effective.
  The Tiger-2 also appeared with a narrower and smaller turret and a powerful engine of 1000 horsepower, which showed itself to be a more practical machine.
  In short, a war began with a menagerie more profitable for the Germans.
  Hitler really counted on the E series tanks, as they were more advanced and had a low silhouette. In the E-50, the height was generally one meter lower than that of the Tiger-2, which made it possible, with equal armor, to reduce the weight of the tank to fifty tons with a 1200-horsepower engine when boosting, a more armor-piercing and accurate gun.
  This turned out great! The car gained the speed and swiftness of a breakthrough. And girls fight on it. And of course, barefoot and in a bikini.
  The fighting was intense, especially in the spring, in May. The Germans began to try to attack. But they were only able to recapture Belgorod, which had been captured by Soviet troops earlier. The fighting went on for a long time. And the E-100 tank also took part in the battle. This vehicle, very well protected and with powerful weapons, became a big problem for the Soviet troops.
  After the appearance of the SU-100, Stalin unexpectedly decided to change the doctrine in tank building. And this self-propelled gun began to be produced in ever-increasing quantities.
  I was attracted by the ease of production of self-propelled guns and the more powerful gun. And also the fact that Stalin began to think about saving soldiers. In any case, in the summer of 1945 only the Germans attacked. They were only able to surround Rostov-on-Don and Oryol, and that was the extent of their success... Autumn, the Krauts sat on the defensive, and the Red Army was advancing. And in winter too... And only Belgorod was able to fight back.
  So both armadas slowed down...
  The year 1946 arrived. The Germans tried to attack in the summer using tanks E-50 and E-100, and E-75. Against them, Stalin had the SU-100 self-propelled guns, which practically replaced all other types of weapons. The Germans puffed, but made almost no progress... And in the fall and winter the Red Army was advancing...
  But again I achieved nothing.
  It's already 1947. The Germans press and advance, the Russians press back and advance. Nothing succeeded.
  Here comes 1948. The T-54 appeared, which, however, did not become widespread. The SU-100 is still in service. True, this self-propelled gun is somewhat outdated. The Germans have first place in the series above the E-75 with a gas turbine engine. And it was already well protected from the sides...
  But the Germans still could not achieve victory. The IS-7 was produced in the USSR. Who successfully fought the Germans.
  Then 1949... The front line is motionless, and blows are being exchanged. The boxers swing and destroy each other.
  So in 1950, the front line fluctuates slightly. But nothing significant happens.
  And it goes to 1951, the same thing. No change on the eastern front. Both sides were pretty exhausted.
  1952 went too. The last full year of Stalin's reign. The only thing the Germans had was discos that were invulnerable to small arms fire. The USSR has the most popular vehicle: the SU-122 with a long barrel, which is still rated as the best.
  And finally, 1953... Stalin dies and then this begins. There is a struggle for power in Moscow, and taking advantage of this, the Germans are going on the offensive.
  And they are advancing in the Caucasus. Türkiye finally enters the war.
  I capture the entire Caucasus in spring, summer and autumn, and get an advantage...
  But here Trump is already interfering. And on January 1, 1954, the United States begins nuclear bombing of the territory of the Third Reich and... Russia.
  Like this! Trump did intervene in World War II.
  And everything turns out very cool in its own way! And to some extent it"s cool!
  Trump confidently defeats his enemies! And this is his hellish PR!
  This American dictator even jumps for joy!
  An alternative history in which Hitler nevertheless decided that he should finish off Britain first, and only then attack the USSR. One of these steps was after the capture of Crete, and the attack on Malta. The latter was quite successful and the Fuhrer"s troops defeated the British. Hitler made the decision to finish with Britain and only then go to the USSR.
  Here he was influenced by four witch girls. Aryan beauties: Gerda, Charlotte, Christina, Magda - convinced the Fuhrer not to go to Russia yet! They even knelt down and swore that 1941 was not the time for this. In addition to the girl, they ran barefoot over the coals and performed a ritual confirming that it was better not to go to Russia. And four beauties convinced the Fuhrer that it was necessary for girls to fight in Africa. To which we received consent.
  The British base is attacked by a Fritz armada;
  The largest British base really looked like hell. It was attacked by more than a thousand bombers collected from the entire eastern front and having received decent combat experience, along with escort fighters. The British, of course, have been fighting for a long time, but they did not expect such a powerful massive attack. Indeed, who would believe that the Krauts would decide to expose the front, even if the enemy had temporarily quieted down. But the British soldiers are now being beaten mercilessly. For example, their ships are attacked by the Yu-87, the famous "thing". Not very fast, but possessing the highest (for their time) bombing accuracy, they torment the British fleet hidden in the bays. More modern Focke-Wulfs are not far behind, including even the legendary von Rudel himself, the king of attack aircraft. Known for the sinking of the most powerful Soviet battleship, the battleship Marat.
  For example, Corporal Richard sees vultures rolling down a hill like a sled. Numerous German bombers emerge from an ice hole like predatory fish. The already mature Englishman hangs up the phone in fear. He had never seen such a terrible sight. The sirens sound very late, after the bombs have exploded. The blast wave throws up British soldiers, severed arms and legs fly in different directions. One of the iron helmets became red-hot and hit the officer in the face. And how he screams:
  - Churchill is kaput! Hitler is cool!
  The British anti-aircraft guns did not start firing immediately, but only when thousands of bombs fell at once. The enemy calculated everything correctly: not a single bomb should go to waste. So crush the enemy and hit. All sectors are pre-marked on the map. Moreover, the insolent British did not even disguise themselves properly. Many of their anti-aircraft guns stand in plain sight and are the first to be swept away.
  Here the barrel of an 85-mm anti-aircraft gun, thirty-two feet long, was thrown up and bent in the air like a steering wheel. After which it crashed, crushing five Englishmen. One of the blacks had his belly torn open and his intestines fell out.
  And bombs fell, and everything was on fire, a fuel warehouse rumbled, they began to explode, scattering shells almost all over the skeleton, then another warehouse was hit. To top it all off, the sirens installed in the fairings of the Yu-87 and Focke-Wulf howled annoyingly, causing wild horror among the blacks and Arabs from among the colonial troops. But it seems whites are just as scared.
  For example, two British frigates collided, so much so that the boilers rumbled. And even the debris of the frigates that had taken off exploded in the air like mined fields, and the cruiser simply sank to the bottom.
  The English tank "Cromwell" with a short muzzle, but with decent speed and quite powerful frontal armor, accelerated in panic and rammed its own warehouse, even crushing a dozen of its own distraught soldiers along the way. Chaos grew. The English aircraft carrier began to sag, and the powerful dreadnought opened fire... on the coast, where its own soldiers were swarming.
  And in this underworld, two people remained completely unperturbed. One of them was an Indian, slowly lighting a pipe, and the other was a woman, clearly of Arab origin, but in military uniform. The two of them pay no attention to the rushing death. Or rather, a whole horde of horsemen of annihilation were playing an unusual card game. It was a game of fifty-two cards with jokers, and even according to the rules invented by the redskin himself.
  An Arab woman stated:
  - However, there is a lot of noise! And why create such a panic?
  One of the soldiers, with his back cut by shrapnel, almost ran into the Indian, but he was carelessly thrown away like a kitten. Droplets of blood fell on the red-skinned face and he licked them off, smiling. Then he noticed:
  - Making noise is for weak, pale-faced people. We Apaches think this way - if there is no enemy, then an enemy appears - even better!
  The dark woman remarked:
  - This is a typical weakness of those who profess the faith of Christ. They like to talk about sacrifice, but do not sacrifice themselves.
  The Indian nodded quickly:
  - Order is built on a foundation where the cement is faith and the sand is will! Faith is a heart of gold, and will is an iron fist! Only pale-faced people have neither one nor the other.
  Several burning British soldiers rushed into the water to wash away the flames. It was even boiling from entering the water, screams and wild moans were heard. And bloody circles crawled across the sea foam, thick at first, then gradually spreading out and turning pale. And the warriors of what was once the greatest and most extensive empire on Earth were losing their human appearance. The Arab woman snorted contemptuously:
  - And these men force us to wear a burqa!
  The red man, slyly squinting, remarked:
  - Apparently your menacing gaze scares them!
  The Arab woman bared her teeth sarcastically and said:
  - The softness of a woman is similar to the toughness of armor, only much more lethal and versatile in protection!
  The Germans preferred to immediately attack with all their might, the tactics of a boxer who, counting on the enemy"s unpreparedness, immediately rushes with all his might towards the enemy. When dozens of enemy planes are burning at airfields, unable to take off. When their own bombs explode inside the Lancasters, destroying everything around them. Tough but effective tactics. So the symphony of the underworld reached the peak of its power, and then began to subside.
  But this, of course, did not end there; the airborne division came into action. While the British are after such treatment, they can be taken lukewarm at all. Fortunately, landing gliders have already been manufactured in the required quantities and methods for towing them have been fine-tuned. Perhaps the best in the world today.
  So they fly, not like kites - slower, but fast enough, and even accompanied by the music of Wagner - Hitler's favorite masterpiece. Who else alive remembered the film "Apocalypse", where the Americans used this particular music when attacking the Vietnamese. How it scared them. So here is Wagner, and thundering motifs, through amplifiers. The paratroopers smeared phosphorus on their faces and painted themselves up; they look creepy, like the demons of their underworld. Also based on a psychological effect. Plus, some reagents and some magnesium chips were added to the phosphorus to cause a glow at least for a short time. So creepy, especially against the backdrop of the smoky glow and numerous fires. They even have machine guns, also camouflaged in the shape of dragon mouths. Then the melodious German and captured submachine guns are hitting. And the mown, torn ranks fall to the boots of the victors. And many simply prefer to give up, despite the fact that there are many more British than Germans.
  An Indian and an Arab woman hid in a small, carefully camouflaged hole. Redskin noted:
  - Well, we plowed them!
  The black-haired woman was surprised:
  - Are you saying we? Maybe you mean us?
  The Indian shook his head negatively:
  - No! Palefaces are beating the British and this is a good sign! And when the time comes, our holiday will come! When will the Indians liberate their continent!
  The Arab woman snorted contemptuously:
  - Do you, by any chance, lay claim to power over the world?
  The Indian affectionately, as if explaining to a mentally retarded child, grinned:
  - Those who want to get too much are usually left with nothing! So the big spoon is mouth-watering!
  The Fuhrer, of course, did not see what his falcons and hawks were doing, but in principle he guessed that the German military machine would work out everything accurately. In general, German military offensive operations up to the Kursk Bulge were carried out at a high professional level. Some even call them standard. It"s even strange that such a machine skidded and then completely fell apart.
  And the four themselves took part in the landing on Malta.
  Four girls were only in bikinis. And already in the air they threw grenades at the British with their bare feet. And it's very beautiful. These are the girls.
  And in flight, sharply sharpened discs are thrown. And a dozen necks were ripped open at once. One word - super class beauties. And very sexy and muscular. These are the warriors. And with one blow they split metal and bricks. They have such a frantic, seething power. And let them jump with their bare heels into the chins of the English soldiers. They're so fucked up.
  And blood flies and splashes in all directions.
  After which the girls used their swords. And they began to destroy the English ranks. And at the same time sing:
  - White wolves are flocking! Only then will the race survive! The weak perish - they are killed, purifying the sacred blood!
  The girls here are so cool. Simply great!
  And they cut down each English soldier with two swords. And they throw swastikas with their bare feet, killing fighters. And such ardent warriors...
  And the air strike on Malta is very powerful. The Fuhrer collected aviation from the eastern front. And the Yu-88 showed itself in its glory. And of course, the Yu-87 was also used, which, despite the dominance of fighters in the air, proved to be very effective.
  And the Krauts beat the British very hard. And terminator girls with bare feet are even stronger. And the warriors here are simply class!
  Well, how can you not admire such girls? Not girls - but simply panthers!
  They destroy their opponents. And they sing:
  - Nobody will stop us! No one will defeat us! Evil wolves are tearing apart the enemy!
  Evil wolves - salute to the heroes!
  And they cut down again... However, the British are already surrendering. And they raise their hands up.
  Gerda roars in English:
  - On knees! And kiss my feet!
  The men fall on their faces and kiss the girl"s bare, slightly dusty feet.
  Then Charlotte, the red-haired beast, forces them to kiss their feet. How beautiful she is.
  In the wind, her copper-red hair flutters like a fighting, proletarian banner.
  Both men and especially young men kiss the round heels of the goddess. And they lick the beauty"s rough feet.
  They kissed the bare feet of both Christina and Magda. Also girls of aerobatics.
  And such warriors are strong and muscular. And most importantly, barefoot and cute.
  And slender figures, and slabs of abs! And there is something wonderful in them, something martial and something beautiful.
  And every muscle plays, and muscle balls roll under the tanned skin.
  These girls are super class! They contain the power of anger and the flame of passion! And confidence in victory.
  And the English shower their bare, graceful feet with kisses!
  Malta fell, and it became much easier to transfer troops to Africa. The Fuhrer wised up, and the main thing that came to his mind was a logical thought: the USSR is a totalitarian country, which means it is strong. Almost two hundred million people are welded together by communist ideology and this is power!
  But at the same time, the USSR has enough land and is not going to attack anyone.
  So, in order to attack Russia, you should prepare.
  What kind of tanks do the Germans have? Frankly weak! And the Russians at the May Day parade saw KV-2s with 152-mm cannons, and KV-1s with 76-mm cannons, and T-34s, agile tanks also with cannons that penetrate the Germans.
  And the Fuhrer ordered: to create their own monsters as a counterweight to Russian tanks. In particular, "Panthers", "Tigers", "Lions" and "Mouses". Good cars for their time, but too heavy.
  Both expensive and labor-intensive! On the other hand, German technology could compete in this case with Soviet technology.
  In addition, the Germans hoped that they would soon have all of Africa, and they would be able to seize important resources of the world. And there will be slaves, and troops, and combat units...
  In general, the Wehrmacht warriors are strong...
  And the girls are gorgeous... And wonderful stealers!
  In Malta they walked and were noted for the torture of men. Fierce warriors. They stripped the boys and raped them with the girls! Why not entertainment?
  The warriors sang and shouted a lot:
  - No one will stop us, not even the devil can defeat us!
  Gerda and her team also attacked the English cruiser. The girls walked along it with swords and chopped everyone down. And at the same time they threw sharpened discs with their bare feet.
  These are the fast-moving warriors who cannot be stopped easily and without problems. They go ahead and destroy the sailors. And they wave to themselves with both hands. This four witches appeared. And the Witches are ruthless, completely murderous.
  They run along the deck, flashing their round, pink heels, and wave their swords like propeller blades. They cut down the English and sing to themselves while grinning.
  - We are not pathetic girls, our voice is so clear! We smash the British bravely so that it won"t be quiet here!
  And how tongues will show! These are the girls... Real terminators!
  And with their bare toes they throw discs at themselves and knock out their enemies.
  They will do it very bloodily. And their throats were cut. And so many throats were opened.
  Aggressive guys.
  And more precisely, girls, with the muscles of wild animals. And no one can curb them - such is the element.
  The girls are dashing and almost naked. And they even exposed their breasts to look more beautiful.
  Gerda sang:
  - And the cruiser will be captured - the girls are dashing! Such an element, such an element!
  The girls are truly such beauties that you can"t stop them at once.
  A frantic, seething energy bubbles within them. And it"s simply such an aggressive hurricane and an abundance of flame and heat.
  The warriors are truly just lovely. And they can hit you in the jaw with their fist.
  They have such aggressive leaps of girls that were born with wings and fangs...
  Charlotte chops down the English and squeaks to herself:
  - No one can compare with us in battle! I'm a she-wolf, a cool she-wolf!
  And the red-haired beast slaps and cuts with a sword...
  So the English admiral fell under the retribution of the girls. What did he actually want? Who did you contact?
  The warriors took him and chopped him into pieces!
  Christina sang with pleasure:
  - There will be sliced kebab!
  And she showed her tongue.
  And then with her bare foot she threw a disk with sharp edges. And she immediately killed five Englishmen.
  Magda kicked with her bare heel, and three Englishmen flew overboard. This girl is just a savage!
  And all four will exclaim:
  - Glory to our gods!
  And he will chop again... Hundreds of Englishmen have already been chopped down. And the survivors fall to their knees and kiss the beautiful girls, their strong, chiseled, bare feet.
  After the inauguration, Vladimir Zelensky announced the dissolution of the Rada and the holding of early parliamentary elections. This was generally expected. Relations with Russia, however, remained tense. Vladimir Putin did not congratulate Zelensky on his victory and did not recognize the presidential elections in Ukraine. But this even benefited the new young leader. The nationalists, who looked at him with suspicion, recognized him as one of their own. And the West realized that Putin really is an aggressor. And strengthened support for Ukraine. So it began for health, and ended for peace. Zelensky took it and performed extremely strongly in the new elections to the Rada. Managed to get a parliamentary majority. And then he held several referendums. Including constitutional reform.
  The powers of the president were significantly expanded. On the contrary, the Rada is limited. After which Zelensky began to decisively carry out reforms and modernization.
  At the same time, a cunning move was invented in Donbass. Warrior Anastasia Orlova was offered an interesting option. With the support of Ukraine and Western intelligence services, she will become the governor of the Lugansk and Donetsk regions. Then he will have formal membership in Ukraine and money for restoration and greater personal power. And even your own army. That is, the Kadyrov option. When Russia actually gave independence to Chechnya, only formally retaining control over it.
  Anastasia Orlova, who has influence among field commanders, accepted this option. I must say that this woman was very beautiful, blonde, and usually, even in the cold winter, she ran barefoot.
  Anastasia declared war on the "stealing" leadership of New Russia. She is a very militant and authoritative girl. And she founded her residence in Novoazovsk. Part of the people and militias supported her.
  Anastasia, with a battalion of barefoot girls, made several raids and captured several cities. Local battles broke out. There was a tug of war.
  Anastasia acted quite skillfully and received money from abroad. In addition, she had support in Russia. Including from women. The fact that Putin was sick also contributed to success. Apparently the ambitious president of Russia has overexerted himself. And under these conditions, the leadership in Russia was divided. Anastasia took advantage of this and captured Donetsk. Having received serious support.
  The war also began with Lugansk. But not too energetic. The militias didn't really want to kill each other.
  Ultimately, elections for the President of Novorossiya were held, and Anastasia won. It was immediately recognized by the United States and Kyiv. And then other Western countries, and the whole world!
  Zelensky kept his word, giving Novorossia a special status within Ukraine. And in Donetsk the yellow-blue flag fluttered again.
  The long-awaited peace has arrived.
  Zelensky actively fought corruption, and even introduced the death penalty for economic crimes. By strictly and skillfully managing and forming a professional team, Vladimir Zelensky provided Ukraine with high growth rates. The country was rising, and the power of the new leader was strengthening. Relations with Russia were improving. What contributed to the stroke that took Putin and made him less ambitious and aggressive.
  In Russia, Zelensky"s popularity was growing. He was a strong speaker, a charming person, a populist. And not a communist, but not an anti-communist either. Popular, both among the left and among Russian oligarchs. Very popular among Russian youth. An intellectual and a guy. He seems to be intelligent, but he has seized lasting power. Yes, definitely a leader, but also a gentleman at the same time! High culture, but understandable and loved by the people. A real talent in management. And a great organizer.
  And so, when five years of prosperity and rise of Ukraine had passed, and Zelensky"s power had finally strengthened, a sensational proposal followed.
  Namely, to unite with Russia. Create a single union state with a common president with great power. Of course, popularly elected.
  And in Russia the elite was in shock. What a move! By this time, Putin had weakened from a serious illness and lost popularity. This means that he could not fight, at least not fully. And Medvedev himself, in general, is not a fighter and is unloved by the people.
  And here Zelensky clearly wants to become president of a union state and... His chances are real! Firstly, the West would like to see Vladimir Zelensky as president of Russia and Ukraine! He showed himself to be a completely pro-Western and European politician. Secondly, Zelensky is popular in Russia and especially in Ukraine. Thirdly, there are no competitors in sight. Putin is seriously ill, Medvedev is weak and unpopular, Zyuganov and Zhirinovsky are too old. There are no other leaders in sight. Moreover, fourthly, there is support from the oligarchs of Russia and Zelensky.
  Yes, it is clear that this is a very serious candidate for the presidency of Russia. He has strength, charisma, and an extraordinary gift of oratory. And also the support of both Western and Russian media. Plus the popularity of the new in Russian politics, under old and boring leaders.
  In short, it is both inconvenient to refuse and scary to accept the offer. Putin suffered a second stroke. Medvedev became the acting president of Russia.
  Of course, it is far from a fact that Zelensky will definitely win. And I really want to annex Ukraine. Medvedev has a desire to surpass Putin! But is it worth taking such a risk as elections with Zelensky?
  However, the people of Russia supported the idea of unification with Ukraine. Hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets - demanding: the unity of the Slavic brothers. Demonstrators clashed with police in Moscow. Many people were injured. A wave of protest began to rise.
  The communists finally got Zyuganov, or more precisely, rotted away, and the younger leadership began to take the people out onto the streets. Demanding regime change.
  The nationalists also came forward and had their own strong and ambitious leaders. Maidan became more and more fashionable. Stones and Molotov cocktails were thrown at the police. The long-accumulated discontent of the people began to manifest itself more and more.
  Medvedev held a security council.
  Most of the members were in favor of unification - citing the fact that the devil is not as terrible as he is painted. And administrative resources and propaganda are a huge force! And that people can be thoroughly brainwashed, and they will generally vote for the party in power.
  Russian billionaires also swore allegiance to Medvedev, who was predictable, had been in power for a long time and more or less satisfied everyone.
  Billionaire Deribasco logically noted:
  - We must conduct an election campaign in the style: Medvedev is Putin today, and no Zelenskys are dangerous to us!
  Roman Abramovich remarked authoritatively:
  "We pulled Yeltsin out of the electoral pit with a four percent rating, and we"ll pull you out even more so!" Our money and media are our guarantee!
  Prokhorov confirmed:
  - We don"t want such high taxes on the rich as in Ukraine, and we will stand by you all!
  Dmitry Medvedev slammed his fist on the table and announced:
  - Then we accept the proposal for integration and unification!
  A unification agreement was signed between Ukraine and Russia. Immediately the balance of power changed. Presidential elections are due to take place within three months.
  To register for the presidency, it is enough to either collect one hundred thousand signatures, or make a ninety thousand dollar deposit, which will be returned only if you reach the second round. These are really funny rules. Partially taken from Russian and partially from Ukrainian legislation.
  Naturally, there will be many presidential candidates; Medvedev"s team apparently thought that this would be even more profitable for them! They say that the mobility of the electorate will give the authorities an advantage in the first round. And in the second, everyone will support Medvedev. In any case, the acting president was counting on it. And it began...
  Anastasia Orlova, this barefoot Cleopatra, said that there will be Zelensky against a whole hundred. And that he is Lancelot against the dragon Putin and Medvedev.
  Fierce attacks in the press unfolded. Some were on the side of Zelensky, others were on Medvedev"s side.
  The candidate registration period has begun. There was turmoil in Russia. The son of Dzhokhar Dudayev appeared in the Caucasus and declared jihad. And received widespread support in Islamic regions. Many experts suspected the ears of the CIA here. Moreover, Trump"s presidency is at its end, and we need to win at least some victories. And Zelensky on the Russian throne is a big victory! Although, there are also skeptics who claim that Zelensky can make Russia a great country, much stronger, especially economically, than it was under Putin.
  So opinion was divided in the West as well. The united Ukrainian-Russian state is, of course, a powerful association and not a joke at all. This could really be a monster. Naturally, the Russian security forces also supported the unification. Moreover, Anastasia is a cool woman. She, along with a battalion of girls, all beauties, were barefoot and in bikinis, knocked over and defeated the Russian special forces. When they gather dust to overthrow Zelensky"s too ardent fan.
  The girls showed that they fight fabulously barefoot and in bikinis! And the special group "Vympel" was defeated by hot women. As a result, the decision was made not to interfere, and the pro-Ukrainian leadership came to power in Novorossiya.
  Anastasia campaigned for Zelenky. In battle, the girl knew how to throw sharp, thin disks, boomerangs, and grenades with her bare feet. Bikini-clad warriors have become legendary. A whole regiment of girls, each of them is worth an entire division. This is a huge force!
  Anastasia rushed through the snow, her red, bare heels flashing. The girl sang:
  In the vastness of space, believe me, there is a dream,
  She is like a ray of sunshine in the sky...
  In the eyes of Svarog there is peace and purity,
  He is for us as Jesus will rise again!
  We will give birth to a radiant destiny,
  She will shine like the sun in May...
  But I don"t understand how long undead can be,
  How evil fate plays with us!
  Defend your fatherland, knight,
  Let the heavenly star shine...
  We protect the vastness of our native Earth,
  Let the planet become an eternal paradise!
  But what can terrible communism do?
  He will make the flag of the homeland omnipotent...
  And furious fascism will disappear into the inferno,
  We will pierce the enemy with a very strong blow!
  Give your hearts to our Motherland,
  To glow with very bright heat...
  We will go through our battle to the end,
  And we will destroy the Fuhrer with one blow!
  Comrade Stalin replaced his father,
  We are children of different generations...
  The horde will perish in hell in a frenzy,
  And the genius Lenin will show the way to Eden!
  In Russia every boy is a giant,
  And girls are trained to fight...
  The Lord Almighty Family is One for us,
  We Russians have always been able to fight!
  We will achieve, soon I believe, we will achieve everything,
  There is nothing higher in the universe...
  The Komsomol member raised the oar,
  And hit the Fuhrer on the roof!
  No more communism, no more ideas,
  They are beautiful and will bring happiness!
  And the Fuhrer is simply a villain,
  Very insidious, very black!
  I am a girl - the greatness of a fighter,
  Barefoot, she ran boldly through the cold...
  My thick braid is made of gold,
  I built a fast rose!
  A billion ideas can arise
  How to arrange a fatherland in communism...
  If you see a Fritz, hit him hard,
  So that bloody Adolf does not sit on the throne!
  Hit the fascists with your fist,
  Better yet, hit them with a sledgehammer...
  Let's ride along the Volga with the breeze,
  We simply don"t mind crushing goats!
  We will raise soldiers for the Motherland,
  The girls rush to attack...
  The beauty aimed the machine gun,
  Hitler's retribution will be painful!
  No one can defeat the Russians,
  Even though the wolf of fascism is a seasoned devil...
  But still his bear is stronger,
  Which order is building a new one!
  Run for the Motherland, for Stalin,
  Komsomol members are rushing barefoot...
  The Nazis were slashed with boiling water,
  Because the Great Russians are the coolest!
  Proud girls will enter Berlin,
  They will leave barefoot footprints...
  Above them is a golden-winged cherub,
  And they turn silver like a wasp"s pearls!
  The girl sings, but how she fights! After all, it was she and her four partners who at one time saved the militia from complete defeat at Iolaisk.
  Then five girls in bikinis and barefoot entered with a whole army.
  Yes, it was quite a spectacle.
  Anastasia fired a lot from the machine gun, cutting off the enemy"s line, and then threw several thin disks at once with her bare toes. Those heads are cut off.
  And Anastasia will sing:
  - For Holy Rus'!
  Natasha also fired, chopped down the enemies, and squeaked, throwing a grenade with her bare foot, knocking down a tank:
  - For Svarog!
  And then golden-haired Zoya gives her turn. And he also throws the gift of death with his bare foot and shouts:
  - For the future of Rodnoverie!
  And Aurora will follow them as soon as possible. And with his bare heel he will release the gift of death, shouting:
  - For great frontiers!
  And then Svetlana will push in. He will give a burst, and then from a machine gun, and with his bare toes he will send destruction...
  And the bare-legged beauty yells:
  - For the return of the Romanovs!
  Yes, Anastasia was a fan of the restoration of the royal empire. In fact, in Russia there is actually a tsar in power anyway. So why not create a legitimate monarchy? Moreover, the blood of many generations of European kings flows in the veins of the Romanovs. Is this their pedigree? What kind of family is Putin, and especially Lukashenko? Who are they to be kings? But the Romanovs are God"s anointed!
  Anastasia and her friends in bikinis performed many miracles. She fought like a devil. But then she quarreled with Putin and sided with Zelensky. In general, Anastasia saw that Ukraine was being wronged, and having a heightened sense of justice, she sided with the weak!
  Anastasia and her five repelled the assault on Novoazovsk when they tried to arrest her as a rebel. An entire column of government forces was cut off and disarmed.
  After which the captives fell on their faces and kissed Anastasia and the other girl"s bare, dusty feet.
  The girl philosophically said to the captured soldiers of Novorossiya:
  - I don't want to kill you! You are my brothers! And I will become your queen!
  In general, Novorossiya accepted Anastasia without much damage or heavy losses. True, the blonde terminator cut off the head of the governor of the Donetsk Republic and killed his guards, consisting mainly of Caucasians.
  Anastasia has long been a legend. In Crimea, she performed such miracles that she received the star of the Hero of the Russian Federation. Without her, it wouldn"t have worked out so smoothly with her partners in bikinis. But then Anastasia was taken and deprived of all Russian awards. Including for the murder of Russian special forces in battle, when they tried to remove him. A criminal case was even initiated.
  But they did not dare to start a big war with the virtually independent Novorossiya. Moreover, Putin fell ill, and without him no one wanted to take responsibility.
  Especially Medvedev, who in general is not a leader in his gut and spirit. But this is precisely what suited the Bears to the Russian oligarchs and Putin"s entourage - they can easily be manipulated.
  Be that as it may, a huge propaganda machine has risen against Zelensky. They began to blame everyone for everything. And that he was allegedly a drug addict, a thief, and siphoned off billions through offshore companies, and that he was generally gay.
  The province went to write. And of course there were witnesses, and assurances of various kinds. Including accusations of homosexuality. The registration of candidates has only just begun, and the mud is already pouring out.
  The number of people willing to take part in the elections, both Ukrainians and especially Russians, turned out to be colossal. Both communists and nationalists climbed in. Suddenly, even the old and sick Zyuganov showed up to vote. Although he has already left the post of chairman of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. Afonin, Udaltsov, and Grudinin also went to the polls. And in general there are still a bunch of left-wing candidates, little-known, but greyhounds. And so many people want to run for president! What about ninety thousand dollars? Is this really such a large amount by Russian standards?
  It was as if tanks were willing to climb. And businessmen, and artists, and pop figures, and writers. Yes, writers are also active. Make an advertisement for yourself. And ninety thousand dollars is not so much. So the CEC received hundreds of applications.
  Well, elections! Well, what a show it turned out to be! Even Alla Pugachev ran for president. Why not? Alka began to forget, she might remind of herself! Of the old people, Yuri Luzhkov climbed to the presidency. Apparently I also wanted to remind myself.
  Well, of course, such a show could not do without Vladimir Volfovich. But this time both his son Igor Lebedev and his right hand Degtyarev took part in the elections. They also went in three columns to the elections.
  The nationalists also moved. Of course, the legendary Demushkin, who served time in prison, and, interestingly, "Spider," the leader of "Metal Corrosion," and the head of the rock group "Kolovrat" ran for president, and many others.
  Well, of course, the pop singers also set off on a campaign. Here are Philip Kirkorov and Nikolai Baskov. They also have nothing to lose. Such a military guard deployed.
  And Timothy and Vitas, and in general many people went on a campaign.
  Of course, not by chance! Medvedev's plan was to nominate a huge number of candidates who would transfer votes to him in the second round. Overall the plan is interesting. Medvedev's rating is initially lower than Zelensky's. And it is impossible to win without cunning!
  But Yeltsin also had a zero rating, but he was able to win against Zyuganov. True, the latter conducted the elections like an invalid: losing on purpose!
  And in this case, Medvedev is opposed to an extraordinary and very talented person.
  So there's a lot going on here. At Solovyov"s show, Zelensky was constantly thrown mud at him. True, then a girl threw ice cream in Solovyov"s face with the toes of her bare feet. And she knocked out an eye. After which it became clear that it is not safe to throw mud at Zelensky! Like, this guy is a Ukrainian eagle!
  In general, there was no unity in Russian society. Many, many people supported Zelensky. Like, really young blood and was able to raise Ukraine without high oil and gas prices! And what about Medvedev? The country is literally drowning in oil and gas dollars, and the economy is in complete stagnation. There is no growth, only unemployment is increasing.
  Medvedev generally has the highest anti-rating among all politicians. Although this is precisely why it is beneficial to the oligarchs. The more we depend on them, the more we control. The Russian government began hastily raising everyone's salaries and pensions. And at times...
  Moreover, Medvedev even proposed reducing the retirement age by two years. Like, everything is for the good of the people. And amendments were made to increase pensions and count work after retirement as length of service.
  Medvedev and officials did not forget. So that they stand and vote for him. In particular, public declarations of income were cancelled, and gifts of up to a thousand dollars were allowed. Which, of course, the official liked. So is permission to have real estate abroad, as well as accounts.
  In order to win over smokers, the anti-tobacco law was significantly relaxed. The sale of alcohol at night was allowed, and even gambling was legalized. The latter was welcomed by the oligarchs; indeed, why lose such income and take it underground.
  The "Dolls" program is back. They began to show more erotica on television.
  Medvedev also declared an amnesty, and even ordered the payment of relief money to the prisoners. And this is also a considerable percentage of votes. And the prisoners themselves and their families.
  In general, Medvedev put forward the slogan: more freedom! Indeed, Russia is tired of Putin's despotism. When you won"t even see a naked woman on TV!
  And of course there was an attempt to show: life has become freer, life has become more fun!
  Medvedev also lowered alcohol prices and allowed beer advertising on television. In fact, why go too far.
  But war was breaking out in the Caucasus. After Putin left, the mountaineers began to demand even more privileges and rights. And their ambitions have only grown. Moreover, Turkey began to put more active pressure on the Caucasus, their ambitions grew, especially since in Syria Erdogan received too little in his opinion. The situation was aggravated by the fall in oil prices and, consequently, gas prices. It was Venezuela that increased production after the overthrow of the Maduro regime. The United States and Iran have finally reconciled, and a unified government has been established in Libya.
  Falling oil prices have collapsed the Russian ruble, fueled inflation, and devalued increases in wages and pensions.
  And the increasing activity of militants in the Caucasus played against Medvedev.
  They said he was unable to preserve Putin's legacy. And what in general, as often happens: the superstar appointed himself a weak successor.
  Both the USA and Arab countries and even Iran fueled separatism in the Caucasus. But disagreements emerged among the security forces. Some still wanted to see Putin"s longtime partner, Medvedev, as president! And others were going to put in the much more popular Sergei Shoigu.
  But the latter was not supported by the oligarchs and industrialists. They considered him too left-wing, and the billionaires were tired of the dictatorship of one person. Everyone wanted a liberal on the throne and reconciliation with the West. Medvedev, waiting until the registration period for presidential candidates ended, fired Shoigu. What caused unrest in the army.
  . CHAPTER No. 2.
  Then Medvedev awarded Shoigu the long-promised rank of marshal and gave him the post of honorary deputy prime minister. Also a populist move. But in any case, the pre-election situation was not in favor of the acting president.
  Zelensky is younger, more successful, more eloquent, scoring points. And even when it was registered, more than two hundred presidential candidates retained their undisputed leadership. But Medvedev still had to fight for second place. Unexpectedly, Alla Pugacheva became his competitor for reaching the second round. The aging prima donna, who had not performed for a long time and was not particularly keen on PR, suddenly jumped up in the rankings.
  Perhaps it was a reaction to annoying politicians. Zhirinovsky and Zyuganov, on the contrary, sharply decreased in ratings. The people are terribly tired of both of these politicians. Moreover, younger and more original leaders appeared on their electoral field.
  Demushkin, who received the image of a martyr in prison, noticeably added. Suraikin still could not gain a rating, but another member of his party, Sergei Kovalev, the best Russian professional boxer, also began to gain points.
  In general, Sergei Kovalev turned out to be an interesting guy. He ran for the post of mayor of Moscow and, unexpectedly for everyone, became second. He joined the Russian Communist Party. And he also began to improve his rating.
  It should be noted that Sergey Kovalev is a very great boxer - the best among Russians, even surpassing Kostya Tszyu.
  Sergei Kovalev is thus a terminator and is dangerously close to Medvedev.
  True, most Russian survey services have ratings and... O. the president was overestimated. But the promotion was thorough. However, Medvedev was not very lucky. After Putin, somehow fortune became stingier. Oil prices continued to fall, the ruble exchange rate also fell, and prices rose rapidly. The Caucasus was burning more and more actively. And even Kadyrov"s men began to fight on the side of the militants. This is the situation. And then the Taliban attacked Russian troops on the border with Tajikistan.
  And as it turned out, Russian troops were not ready. Medvedev set himself up again. Plus, a scandal involving theft in the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Finance was revealed. A shadow has fallen on Medvedev's longtime friends. Doubts also arose as to who stole hundreds of billions of dollars from Russia. Also suspicions. And the media became insolent...
  Zelensky conducted the election campaign calmly, professionally, like a show. Zhirinovsky, as always, worked more for the authorities than for himself. Zyuganov was booed and pelted with rotten eggs. Then again incidents...
  Of course, Ksenia Sobchak took part in the elections, and she could not help but throw out the conik. She took it and threw a cake in Zhirinovsky"s face. And she attracted attention. It also happened quite epically.
  Alexander Povetkin also took part in the elections. The Russian boxer, after losing to Joshua, could not return for a long time, then had a couple of fights with passable opponents, and broke down in a more serious one. Having completed his career, he went into politics and began to create a nationalist party.
  So far without much success.
  Povetkin, however, punched his opponent in the face during a televised debate. He distinguished himself and this raised his rating a little.
  In general, the elections were hysterical.
  They held televised debates: they gave thirty seconds to answer, and there was a squabble. Parties, fights, scandals. A whole farce.
  Medvedev was promoted shamelessly, but his rating practically did not grow. Exit to the second round is still in doubt.
  Zelensky was ahead by a wide margin. And no wonder! In five years, Vladimir managed to end unemployment and restore all plants and factories, and build new ones.
  One of Zelensky"s achievements was the development of agriculture and alternative energy sources.
  In Ukraine, in particular, power plants have appeared that operate and charge from atmospheric pressure differences. As well as geothermal power plants. And much more. Including using the energy of the ionosphere. It so happened that science went against oil and gas.
  A real sensation was the appearance in Ukraine of a plant producing synthetic food and supplying it to China. And Russia has reduced food exports.
  There were also nominees among the Ukrainians. In particular, Vladimir Klitschko. The famous boxer had a difficult career. Returned to the ring: defeating Charr and Tyson Fury. But the third rematch against Joshua, he still lost again, but earned a lot of money. And he announced his final retirement from boxing.
  But then he came back again. He fought in Kyiv with Gassiev and won. Afterwards, he had another fight and won the title of regular world champion - finally breaking both Foreman's record and Joe Louis' record. After which he announced his nomination for president of the united Russia and Ukraine. And it must be said that Vladimir Klitschko among Ukrainians is second only to Zelensky himself. And despite his considerable age in boxing, Vladimir Klitschko already during the election campaign carried out a mandatory defense against a boxer who was twenty years younger than him. And again he won by knockout.
  After which Vladimir Klitschko"s rating jumped, and he moved closer to Medvedev, gaining chances for the second round.
  In general, these elections had one undisputed favorite: Zelensky, and there was a very close fight for second place. Alla Pugacheva, who had briefly surpassed Medvedev in the fight for second place, began to step aside. In principle, she was not illuminated by anything bright. And Vladimir Klitschko came in second place. But his electorate is not very stable. Sergey Kovalev, who managed to go after three defeats and collect all four light heavyweight belts, also fought in the ring and again won the championship title.
  And his rating jumped again. He could also reach the second round. Other Ukrainian boxers: Usik and Lomachenko supported Zelensky and the presidents did not interfere. Although both have not yet completed their careers. Why should they finish? Usik beat Joshua on points and became the undisputed heavyweight world champion. Lomachenko wanders from one weight category to another, and he is paid such large fees that he is reluctant to end his career.
  There is also an election campaign in the USA. Donald is leaving after two terms, and he"s not really healthy enough to run for a third. Young guys are running for president. From the Democrats, a very beautiful female governor of about thirty-nine - probably the youngest lady among the presidential candidates. From the Republicans, too, from young generals-heroes of the war against Iran.
  The generation of politicians in the United States has changed.
  In Russia, Putin might have been able to defeat Zelensky, but he was clearly burned out at work. Overvoltage has taken its toll! What he wanted was to overestimate his strength and not trust his surroundings. Or maybe they poisoned him too. After Nazarbayev left, another wave of democratization began in the CIS. Kazakhstan became a parliamentary republic. In Belarus, Lukashenko somehow suspiciously disappeared. And the president also became a figurehead.
  Another wave came. In Turkey, the parliament has already risen up against Erdogan. The pendulum swung in the other direction.
  Zelensky really changed the constitution in favor of more autocracy, but in the West he is perceived as one of their own! Yes, and referendums take place all the time. And there is real freedom of speech.
  In any case, Zelensky has no particular problems winning in the second round. Most likely, it will be Medvedev who will make it to the second round - administrative resources can be overcome by low popularity and not a very successful reign. Many noted the similarities with the elections in Ukraine - many presidential candidates, Zelensky"s leadership, low government ratings, and high anti-ratings.
  Whether Zelensky could defeat Putin is still a question, but Medvedev was clearly not up to the role of leader of the nation. And democracy here played against the authorities.
  Medvedev couldn"t really get himself ready for the fight. His character is not the same. Not a real fighter!
  But the problem with all autocracies is that the successors are not very good! Usually a dictator would put a weakling in his place so as not to overthrow him! For example, Nazarbayev"s successor was limited in power. And he doesn"t mind - he"s soft-bodied!
  But Vladimir Zelensky, in any case, came to power from the opposition, and is not a weakling.
  It must be said that Putin was also considered soft-bodied and weak, which is why they were installed as president, after the loud-mouthed Yeltsin. But as it turns out, there are devils in the quiet swamp!
  And then it turned out that the swamp was not so quiet after all. But Medvedev, it seems, is not a wolf in sheep's clothing, but truly a natural sheep. And he can"t muster the strength.
  Zhirinovsky insulted Zelensky with obscenities and was fined. Several dozen presidential candidates withdrew in favor of Medvedev, but this yielded almost nothing. Of the famous people who starred, there was boxer Denis Lebedev. He actually advanced purely technically. There were also businessmen and minor cultural figures. Of the writers, only Sergei Lukyanenko starred in favor of Medvedev. The rest wanted to promote themselves. And everyone believed in luck.
  Medvedev has grown quite a bit. But there was hope that the army, prison, and police would vote as ordered. Plus there is bribery of voters. And of course early voting. Here, too, there is every chance of success.
  Yes, this is precisely what prompted increased activity by the authorities. Give early voting. And there, of course, there is falsification. And the desire to vote with your heart.
  Unlike the 1996 elections, Medvedev was unable to increase his rating. Yeltsin, I must say, was also lucky. In particular, Dzhokhar Dudayev died accidentally. What kind of fly bit him, did not take the usual precautions during the call. After all, if it had happened a little earlier, they would not have had time to make the blow. And a little later, only the antenna would have been covered, and Dzhokhar himself would have been at a safe distance. This is such luck in war and for propaganda.
  And now you can"t finish off Dudayev. And there is no Raduev, who got caught so stupidly on the eve of the Russian presidential elections. But Dudayev Jr. does not want to die during the elections. And in general, apparently the triumvirate of successors: Yeltsin, Putin, Medvedev is being interrupted...
  Attempts to bribe voters were leaked and caused further scandal. The Patriarch did not support anyone, reasoning: God"s is God"s, and Caesar"s is Caesar"s. In general, under Yeltsin it somehow turned out easier. And for some reason the Orthodox Church sided with Yeltsin, who seemed completely hopeless. And industrial circles.
  And then the Russian oligarchs began to flirt with Zelensky. Apparently it"s impossible to raise Medvedev.
  And the mood in the media began to change. Zelensky was praised more and more. Zhirinovsky has already begun to say that his namesake is actually a diamond man.
  Medvedev again doubled wages and pensions. But the ruble finally collapsed. And inflation began. Tariffs have also increased.
  He even had to ask for a loan from the IMF. And oil and gas are getting cheaper and cheaper.
  Iran, Venezuela, Libya, Saudi Arabia are all increasing exports. And in the USA, a new method of shale extraction has been introduced. Costs fell sharply.
  And then there is the economic downturn and unrest in China. Well, it"s clear - I"m tired of the dominance of the Communist Party. And the Chinese want freedom and a multi-party system!
  There has been a slight change in power in India. There was an attempt to coup and establish a dictatorship.
  The confrontation in the Caucasus has grown sharply. Unrest also began in Siberia. In particular, the separatists have strengthened.
  In Britain, the party won the elections: "Renaissance", however, in a coalition with Labour. Queen Elizabeth is still alive, but she has promised that she will retire on her centenary, after which a referendum will be held to abolish the monarchy. And the founding post of President of Britain.
  France is uneasy. Mary Lipen won instead of Macron, and there was an attempt to establish a dictatorship. But the French themselves don"t know what they want, they organized a new Maidan. Yes, unprecedented in scale. And Mary was forced to abandon radical plans to expel Arabs and others. Then, even worse, the Supreme Court annulled the presidential election, and Mary was arrested.
  Early elections were also announced in France. That is, as always, there is a mess everywhere.
  In Belarus, having had enough of Lukashenko"s tyranny, they held a referendum and completely abolished the post of president. The republic became parliamentary, and the new prime minister said that there might be annexation to Russia. But after the presidential elections there. Zelensky is very popular in Belarus.
  In Kazakhstan, relations between the president and parliament have become strained. There was a threat of impeachment. But they quickly agreed, but the power of the head of state was further limited.
  Medvedev became more and more nervous. The elections were approaching, and Zelensky"s rating was several times higher. True, he doesn"t win in the first round, but in any case, Medvedev folds. There is only a calculation to cheat or knock out.
  A secret council took place. Russian billionaires gathered.
  Medvedev stated directly:
  - Do you want a Ukrainian stranger to receive the enormous power of the president of the empire?
  Deribasco logically noted:
  - Whether we want it or not, we have to get along with any government! Zelensky is not a communist, and... This is not Zyuganov, who did not suit us in any case!
  Medvedev stated dryly:
  - In Ukraine, income tax is much higher than in Russia!
  Roman Abramovich chuckled and remarked:
  - Who knows and counts our income! Besides, they were recently reduced there and almost equal to ours!
  Prokhorov answered with a smile:
  - The authorities are changing. We're staying! What can you recommend?
  Medvedev croaked in rage:
  - I don"t believe that Yeltsin won honestly!
  Deribasco responded coldly:
  - If Yeltsin"s rival had not been Zyuganov, then Borik really would have had little chance. But people still remembered too well the "charms" of communist power. Namely: empty shelves, cards, coupons, business cards, long lines, a salary of five dollars a month. Of course, no one wanted to return to these hellish times. Moreover, to lose the spectacle, and political shows, as well as films with sex, and much more. The people wanted freedom. And they voted not for Yeltsin, but against Scarecrow Zyuganov. But Zelensky will not scare the people. Unlike Putin, he will not close the "Doll" program, and he will not put people on cards. The year ninety-six cannot be repeated. Yeltsin stole five to six percent, but won by a difference of thirteen! So it's almost fair!
  And Zelensky is ahead with such a lead that you won"t be able to beat him!
  Medvedev yelled:
  - They threw me! We agreed!
  Roman Abramov noted:
  - At least the sanctions will be lifted from us! And you"re a Bear... You"ve already earned your pension!
  Medvedev hissed:
  - You should burn in hell!
  Prokhorov logically noted:
  - There is no hell! There is only a scarecrow to collect money!
  Medvedev asked in confusion:
  - Yes? What if there is no God?
  Prokhorov smiled and replied:
  -Which God? They present it differently!
  Roman Abramovich suggested:
  - Maybe make a new faith! Whoever is rich is loved by God! Whoever is richest is loved by the Almighty the most!
  Medvedev nodded:
  - Logical! But what will the people say?
  Roman Abramovich chuckled:
  - People can be educated!
  Medvedev gurgled:
  - I hope we remain friends!
  After which he left the hall...
  A kaleidoscope of events continued to rage in the world. Vitali Klitschko also returned to the ring and fought at the stadium in Kyiv. He fought Michael Tyson. Two old men, very famous and popular. Well, they raised a lot of money. Michael Tyson, of course, agreed to the fight, since he was almost a beggar.
  Even if Vitali Klitschko, who was younger and, most importantly, in much better shape, literally beat him. Vladimir Klitschko said that he still wants to win the title of absolute world champion and fight with Usik. After which he will break all records, becoming the oldest absolute world champion... And he can calm down. What else should he beat? Joe Louis has already been beaten, and Foreman has been beaten, and he has won the world heavyweight title four times.
  Vitali Klitschko made a lot of money from the fight, added to his treasury and fame, and had a relatively easy fight.
  Zelensky awarded Vitaliy Klitschko the Golden Order of Ilya Muromets. And this earned him additional sympathy.
  In the world of politics, boxers have become popular in general. Floyd Maweather became a candidate for US President. Formally independent. And with a decent rating. And what about a billionaire, and an unbeaten boxer, and a black man. Why not a contender?
  Floyd Maweizer supported President Zelensky in the elections and promised friendship.
  Few Floyd wanted a rematch with Paquio, and they raised a lot of money for it.
  Medvedev was clearly losing ground. To create a little shock value, he appointed Anatoly Kashpirovsky as Minister of Health with the rank of Deputy Prime Minister. Which, of course, is a strong move, but not enough. By the way, Anatoly Kashpirovsky became the oldest minister and deputy prime minister in the entire history of Russia. Yes, a record holder! Dmitry Medvedev also awarded the Queen of England the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called, and even presented the hero star to Shoigu. And he deprived Gorbachev of his highest order. Which, in general, is not so beautiful.
  And he also took and restored Beria to the rank of Marshal. Maybe to attract
  to their side of the Stalinists. And Boris Nemtsov was posthumously awarded the Order for Services to the Fatherland, first degree. Further, he renamed Volgograd by his decree to Stalingrad. Also flirting with the Stalinists. But also with liberals. Novodvorskoy posthumously awarded the title of Hero of Russia and... Stalin!
  Posthumously, Medvedev also awarded the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called to Yuri Gagarin. And he restored the Order of Victory to Leonid Ilya Brezhnev. Unexpectedly, Medvedev presented the gold star of the hero of Russia to Garry Kasparov.
  Also flirting with liberals. And with the communists. Both yours and ours.
  Medvedev also presented the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called to Pope Francis the First.
  Also very generous gifts from the "great ruler"! In addition, Medvedev unexpectedly again lowered the retirement age for both men and women to fifty-five. Which turned out to be a sensation. And again he increased pensions.
  What can you do on the eve of the elections?
  In addition, the acting president awarded Vladimir Zhirinovsky the rank of lieutenant general. Like, for faithful service, get it from the master's shoulder. And his son Igor Lebedev was unexpectedly appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs, instead of the old and unloved Lavrov in the West.
  Medvedev also offered Demushkin the post of head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but the authoritative nationalist refused. Of the new appointments, the appointment of Ksenia Sobchak as Minister of Culture became a sensation. She, seeing that her rating was very small, agreed. But she also demanded the post of Deputy Prime Minister. Medvedev agreed to this.
  Yavlinsky also participated in the elections, but became completely ill and withdrew for health reasons.
  The acting president also awarded him the star of the Hero of Russia.
  Mikhail Kasyanov received the Order for Services to the Fatherland, first class, and the position of honorary economic adviser. Why he withdrew in favor of Medvedev. But this is a very small fraction of a percent.
  Sergei Kovalev was offered the Minister of Sports, but it seemed to him not enough.
  A conflict arose with the chairman of the constitutional court. Zorkin finally left. But who should I give such a post to? Preferably for a woman! And they offered it to Alla Pugacheva.
  But the famous singer refused, citing that it was not for her. Medvedev nevertheless presented her with the star of the Hero of Russia. Although Alla refused to act in his favor.
  But who will be the chairman of the constitutional court? The position is stuck. Shoigu also refused - not his profile!
  Unexpectedly, Dima Bilan agreed. Although of course it"s not a fact that this is his profile! And of course, being a singer is more profitable and much more fun than being the chairman of a constitutional court.
  Medvedev, in any case, quickly latched on to this and awarded the star to the Hero of Russia.
  Dima Bilan, however, said that this was just a joke. However, to general approval, Lyudmila Putina was appointed chairman of the constitutional court. This was a strong move, given Putin"s popularity in Russia, but it was already somewhat belated, and it could not save Medvedev.
  Although titanic efforts were made. But prices were rising, the ruble exchange rate was falling, the Taliban were advancing in Tajikistan, and there was nothing to convince voters.
  At the last moment, Gennady Zyuganov was appointed first deputy prime minister in charge of the social block. But this is already a poultice for the dead.
  And Zyuganov himself has already completely lost his electorate.
  Degtyarev was appointed Prosecutor General on the eve of the vote. Also a presidential candidate from the Liberal Democratic Party.
  Medvedev moved and looked for new ways. One of the spectacular election moves was the presentation of a special gold medal named after Zhukov to all veterans of the Great Patriotic War. And a million Russian rubles to boot. But there are very few Veterans of the Great Patriotic War left.
  Medvedev also awarded the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called to Tereshkova. While there is an opportunity, why not reward it? So Anatoly Karpov can be given a hero of Russia. He's a great chess player! And Alekhine, and Botvinnik, and Tal and Spassky, Tigran - will posthumously present awards - not bad at all!
  Hero of Russia stars - that's cool!
  It's nice to give awards and give out medals. And if we also establish an order named after Putin. There are four levels: fourth - bronze, third - silver, second - gold, first - gold with diamonds!
  This is what Medvedev is an inventor.
  However, this is also not enough. Zelensky is also establishing new orders. Order, for example, of Taras Shevchenko. Or Taras Bulba! Or Gogol! Why waste time on trifles? And the Order named after Kozhedub! This is a strong move by Zelensky to please the left forces. In general, of course, Zelensky is not a communist, and not even a leftist. So he could have problems. But the communists in Russia did not have a leader.
  And also, Andrei Navalny? Somehow everyone forgot about him. Didn't you really run for president? But Andrei Navalny has been working in Zelensky"s team for a long time and has already done a lot in the fight against corruption in Ukraine.
  So no one has died yet! And the process of merging the two fraternal peoples and the general election of the leader of the nation is underway.
  Andrei Navalny will also wash Zelensky... As usual, he is on fire.
  And he acts energetically with frenzied pressure.
  And at the same time very subtly, so as not to scare away voters. Not Trump's style at all.
  And new times are coming in the world - safer and calmer. Democratic and secular reforms are beginning in Saudi Arabia, and in general religious extremism is weakening. Indeed, many can read the contradictions between the Koran and science on the Internet and wonder: why are they doing this? What are the grounds for considering the Koran and the Bible to be the word of God?
  When people begin to think and ask questions, they are no longer so rash. In fact, why does the century arise? More like fear of death! And so few people are afraid to die until they get sick!
  On the eve of the elections, Medvedev raised payments for sick leave and benefits for disabled people. The production of tanks was also increased...
  Medvedev, in order to show himself as a patriot, significantly raised the bar on military spending. The Bear tank, the heaviest of the monsters, weighing more than a hundred tons and with a nuclear reactor instead of an engine, was put into mass production.
  The Bear project was developed under Putin, on his personal orders. The idea was to create a monster tank to intimidate. The vehicle turned out to be very heavy and expensive, with multi-layer armor and two rocket launchers in service.
  The peculiarity of the car was its speed of more than one hundred kilometers per hour, with a weight of one hundred and fifty tons, and a colossal power reserve thanks to the nuclear reactor.
  True, during the run another unfortunate incident occurred - the caterpillar burst. And again the impression turned out to be spoiled. Medvedev was literally ridiculed.
  And then another episode happened with the acting president - you can"t imagine it on purpose. When Medvedev tried to knock down a tree in front of the lumberjacks, it fell right onto the festive table with food. So the unlucky interim head of Russia has again disgraced himself.
  Yes, Medvedev was really unlucky. Such fortune is capricious: it rewards one, offends another. Was Nicholas II really that bad, for example, but he was really offended by higher powers. So Medvedev, in general, a smart person, literally got away with everything.
  Attempts to do something ran into resistance and stubbornness.
  Medvedev seemed to be twitching in a frying pan. And then other problems arose. The acting prime minister was also involved in a corruption scandal.
  And here, of course, it could not have happened without Andrei Navalny. This guy will always fit in!
  I obtained such devastating incriminating evidence on Medvedev and his entourage - the scandal turned out to be amazing. In short, both Navalny and those who fell under his crushing blow became famous.
  And Medvedev had to make excuses and wipe off the spit. And everything poured out on him. Not elections, just horror.
  On voting day, Medvedev arrived under guard. It was clear that he was gloomy and unsure. My hands were shaking when I took the ballot. With his latest order, the acting president tripled the salaries of the military and police. And five times the pension!
  Anastasia Orlova, however, wittily poked fun at the candidate for the role of dictator:
  - It"s hard to sit on bayonets! Here he puts a money cushion!
  Afterwards, the terminator girl took it and showed it with her bare toes.
  Anastasia, of course, is a girl who won"t put her words in her pocket. Witty, strong, cool, charismatic.
  And so many guys fell in love with her. Moreover, Anastasia is a very temperamental blonde, and does not go to bed without choosing a new man for the night. Of course, she chooses more handsome, athletic, muscular men, sometimes even very young ones. But definitely different. Apparently to recharge with energy. And no one considers this formidable warrior a whore.
  On the contrary, for such a strong and muscular woman, it seems very cool.
  Anastasia also voted, took the ballot with the bare fingers of her graceful feet, and this is a whole roll, where it is difficult to find a surname, and placed it for herself without unnecessary prejudices. Well, it"s clear for whom!
  After which she showed her big figure with her bare toes!
  Vladimir Zelensky came to vote on a bicycle. He jumped and spun. As always, he is combative and temperamental. The real Napoleon Bonaparte.
  And of course, I voted briskly, as expected.
  Vladimir Klitschko never withdrew from the elections. And he also voted for himself and shook his fist at Medvedev.
  At the very last moment, Nikolai Valuev received the star of the hero of Russia from Medvedev and the post of Minister of Internal Affairs. I barely managed to film it. Although he refused to say who he voted for.
  Many people voted here: Alla Pugacheva, and Suraikin...
  Zhirinovsky, of course, could not help but make his mark. He took it and tore up the portrait of Vladimir Zelensky right at the polling station and promised that he would definitely shoot him when he came to power.
  Dima Bilan sang during the voting:
  - Everything is impossible, I know for sure! Bilan will be elected, he is an immaculate knight!
  Then other stars appeared.
  Garry Kasparov said that power is changing, and that Medvedev will leave and with him the Putin era will finally end.
  At the same time, the former world champion said that he was not against resuming his chess career. And break Steinitz's age record. And that Russia will soon receive a worthy and democratic leader, and the era of the tsars will finally become a thing of the past.
  And that Garry Kasparov invented his own chess, which will soon gain popularity all over the world.
  And demonstrated a hundred-cell board. New figures appeared in it. Two jesters each: next to the king and queen. Moreover, the jester walks like a queen, but hits exclusively like a knight. And two archers on the edge instead of pawns. Archers move like pawns, but they shoot diagonally across two whole squares. True, because they are on the very edge of the board, their value is somewhat reduced. But they can also turn into any shape.
  Garry Kasparov's chess has undoubtedly attracted the attention of people and journalists.
  Navalny promised that Kasparov would definitely become a minister.
  Anatoly Karpov also voted. But he is already an old former champion, so he promised only to advise. And he said that, most likely, big changes were coming. And what will be better tomorrow than yesterday!
  Already on election day, Medvedev announced that the duration of the minimum vacation in Russia was increasing to thirty working days, and that all women who gave birth to ten or more children would receive a reward from him: the star of the Hero of the Russian Federation.
  A new populist move, and I must say quite strong. But it's too late. Especially on election day, it is clear that this is just work for the public.
  Medvedev was clearly losing ground... His permanent power was very tired of everything.
  The people wanted to jump off Putin's rut, and the thirst for change was ripe. Plus, Medvedev"s obvious inability to be a strong personality turned out to be obvious.
  Zelensky, gaining points and acting without unnecessary populism and promises, confidently moved forward.
  These polls at the exit said that he was the clear favorite. But whether Medvedev will make it to the second round is still a question! For now, Vladimir Klitschko and Sergey Kovalev, as well as Grudinin, could challenge him for this place.
  Zyuganov voted last. The old, sick, former chairman of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation crossed the name Grudin and sighed. Yes, it is not an easy burden to become the first deputy prime minister of Russia at almost eighty years. Does he need it?
  And Zyuganov, breathing heavily, croaked:
  We'll go into battle again
  For the power of the Soviets...
  And as one we will die -
  In the fight for it!
  And he staggered out of the cabin. No, he will resign soon.
  The time was approaching, and the first data on the presidential elections were about to begin to arrive. Russia was on the verge of enormous changes. There were also rallies and demands for an alliance with Russia in Belarus . Everything became more and more furious and exciting.
  Turnout in the Russian presidential elections reached a record high in the history of alternative elections, almost ninety percent.
  And they just announced that the ballot boxes have been opened, and the counting of votes from the Far East has begun.
  . CHAPTER No. 3.
  The results of the first round began to flow from the Far East. As all opinion polls said, Zelensky was confidently in the lead. Medvedev was not even second yet. Grudinin and Vladimir Klitschko fought for second place. There were about two hundred more candidates on the list, so they scattered their votes. However, Zelensky gained almost fifty percent in Siberia and could even count on victory in the first round.
  Medvedev said in his hearts:
  - We wanted the best, but voted for fun!
  Zelensky was laconic:
  - The truth has won!
  The election data was constantly changing, but Zelensky's first place by a large margin remained unchanged. Another thing is that Grudinin and Klitschko sank slightly. And Medvedev began to come into second place, albeit with more than a three-fold gap from the leader. The acting president received the most in Chechnya, in the army, in a pre-trial detention center. Well it is clear. Especially in a pre-trial detention center. It is more difficult to monitor the vote count there.
  Medvedev, however, released many prisoners and the increase was not as significant as he expected.
  But with great difficulty, we managed to advance to the second round. Although Zelensky took almost forty percent in total, Medvedev barely collected thirteen. Moreover, with bribery of voters and violations. Yes, Dmitry Anatolyevich turned out to be rather weak. The third was Vladimir Klitschko. What a small sensation, the fourth is Grudinin. Dima Bilan also unexpectedly came fifth. Sergey Kovalev came sixth, although his rating was high. Zhirinovsky did not even make it into the top ten this time. True, Medvedev immediately awarded him the rank of Colonel General for faithful service and the star of the Hero of Russia.
  Such a consolation prize for your faithful servant. Further, Dima Bilan received the star of the Hero of Russia and the Order for Services to the Fatherland, first degree.
  But Dima said that he still wouldn"t support Medvedev. However, the position regarding Zelensky is also vague. Only Vladimir Klitschko openly called for votes in favor of Zelenskaya. Moreover, this boxer announced that he would fight in Moscow with the 2020 Olympic champion. And that the age difference doesn"t bother him. That Vladimir is stronger and more motivated than ever.
  Medvedev, however, awarded the hero of Russia star to both Vladimir Klitschko and Vitali Klitschko. Like, he is a fair man. You brothers have done a lot for boxing, especially Vladimir.
  Vitaly said that the most disgusting thing about the Maidan is that because of it he did not break Holmes" record. But he had every chance!
  And suddenly Vitaly wanted to meet with Gassiev in Kyiv. Which caused a certain stir. Why not try it?
  Sergey Kovalev also wanted to continue his career, recalling that Hoppins, even at an older age, defeated world champions and unified titles. And that for now neither Zelesky nor Medvedev plans to work in the government. And he wants to fight.
  The guys really had enough motivation. Of the other boxers, Dima Bivol expressed a desire to fight Kovalev.
  Medvedev negotiated with Grudin. He promised him mountains of gold. Grudinin wanted nothing less than the post of prime minister. Unexpectedly, the elderly Zyuganov supported Medvedev and called on Grudinin to join the team of the acting president. But then problems and a split arose in the ranks of the communists. Which both candidates did not like.
  But Sergei Udaltsov spoke in favor of Zelenky. They say that between two evils we must choose which we did not yet know!
  Nikolai Valuev proposed an alliance between Zelensky and Medvedev: Zelensky President - Medvedev Prime Minister. What the oligarchs liked! Moreover, they reminded that there is an unspoken point of unification: that different countries will have prime ministers and presidents from their own.
  And since Zelensky wins the presidential election, then a representative of Russia should become prime minister. But Medvedev is still in the second round.
  Zelensky, however, said that yes, the prime minister will be from Russia, but not Medvedev! Because the Russians are fed up with his management. And what is needed is someone more capable in economics and with a successful experience, not a failure like Medvedev"s!
  Social survey data showed that the majority of Russians did not want to see Medvedev as prime minister. More precisely, almost ninety percent were against it.
  Rogozin unexpectedly returned from political oblivion and began to be considered as a possible prime minister. Also, many Russians wanted to see Andrei Navalny as their prime minister.
  So the wheel of history was spinning faster and faster.
  In the world, of course, the West supported Zelensky, China remained neutral. Most countries are also for Zelensky, who was considered a democrat and a Westerner. But Medvedev was Putin"s partner for so long. They even talked about a tandem of two leaders. And it is clear that Medvedev is not at all as white and fluffy as he wants to seem. There are also elections in the USA. A contest between a young Republican and a young Democratic woman. And it's a fifty-fifty chance. Changes are also possible in China; leader Xi has health problems. And there seems to be a chance that he will be succeeded by a more democratic leader.
  In general, the Chinese oligarchy wants more freedom and democracy, but the people don"t have enough fun. What kind of elections are they when their outcome is known in advance?
  The fashion for dictatorship began to disappear. Everyone wanted something more than just being cogs.
  Zelensky personified new things and changes, and successful ones at that. And in Russia this was perceived positively. People did not want prisons, camps, or general fear.
  A generation has changed, and everyone wants change. Even in Cuba, where the Castro regime, hated by the people, was staggering. Even if the power was under a different name. In North Korea, there is also a thirst for change. Moreover, Koreans often said: monarchy is not for communism! And that the fat dictator must go!
  The desire for change around the world was growing, and Zelensky was in this wave. And progressed successfully!
  And in North Korea there was a protest demonstration. Which the dictatorial regime shot with machine guns. Which became another indicator of the barbarism reigning on the continent.
  Trump said that the United States can solve the problem of this dictatorship by force. And that a nuclear bomb will not scare them. Trump further said that the United States is already testing such weapons that no thermonuclear charges will be dangerous.
  But Trump's time was running out. And so he is the oldest of the presidents. Moreover, after Carter"s death, he even became the oldest among ex-presidents. Wow! And luck loves youth! If Trump had had a younger woman as his opponent, it"s unlikely he would have defeated her at all!
  Apparently the law of karma says: good luck to the young! Even if Ronald Reagan turned out to be an exception to the rule!
  And the relatively young Gorbachev turned out to be a failure. Even if someone can say that Mikhail Sergeevich was wrong? The first ruler of the USSR who spoke human language. And he was not understood by the people! Or maybe not even the people, but the elite!
  Oh, such luck! How much luck did Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin have, and how much did he achieve?
  And if Nicholas II had had a little more luck - for example, if Admiral Makarov had remained alive, how great and powerful Russia would have been then. China would become Yellow Russia and the whole world would be bent over!
  And so they took Crimea alone and were drawn into confrontation with the whole world!
  And Nicholas II, as a subtle diplomat, managed to negotiate Constantinople and Asia Minor from his allies.
  Well, okay, now the phenomenal Zelensky is becoming more and more active. And the second election is approaching.
  There is more and more jubilation and optimism in Ukraine. Medvedev naturally proposed a televised debate. Although this doesn't make much sense. The position of the acting president of Russia is not very strong. And there is nothing to brag about. Neither in economics, nor in politics and in war. The situation in the Caucasus has even worsened. And nothing can be done. Neither force nor diplomacy wins. Relations are becoming more and more hostile with Medvedev's entourage. No one here takes the Tsar seriously anymore. Although the king is still on the throne.
  Oligarchs, in general, are not against Zelensky. Only the security forces, or rather some of them, are unhappy!
  Secretly, Medvedev assembled a security council. The conversation touched on whether to cancel the second round. For example, were there any violations? Of course they were! And you can find fault with this and cancel the election results. Why would such a thing be confirmed through the Supreme Court? The idea seemed quite reasonable.
  Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev recalled that at one time in May 1999, Yeltsin discussed a plan for a military coup and dispersal of the State Duma!
  And it almost happened. True, even then there was no unity among the security forces. Some said that a soft option is better: the Supreme Court rejects the impeachment procedure due to the lack of a law on the removal of the Russian president. And until this law is adopted, and this is a constitutional law, two-thirds of the parliament and three-quarters of the Federation Council need to be assembled. And the powers of the Duma will expire, and so will the president.
  The security forces then actually promised to work with the Supreme Court and solve the problem peacefully. Yeltsin didn"t really want to go for a military coup with a two percent rating and five heart attacks. And the strength is not the same, and the support is not the same. Moreover, in 1993, the people still had support for that course. And in 1999 she was no longer there. And it couldn"t have happened with such results.
  So, if the impeachment process had gone through, it would most likely have ended without a shooting.
  Medvedev appealed to the Supreme Court to invalidate the elections.
  But then, of course, the judges began to object. That, they say, even if the elections are annulled, it will still have to be repeated. And Medvedev"s chances will only become less. And popular unrest will begin.
  So, they say, Dmitry better accept that Zelensky will become the president of Russia. And try to find your place.
  Moreover, many said that this clown would not succeed in Ukraine. But it must have worked! And you shouldn"t make a tragedy out of a molehill.
  Medvedev, after talking with judges and security officials, made a decision: to go to the elections after all. And hold the second round. And that"s really how it will work out. Maybe a miracle will happen after all. But no? So they won't put him in prison.
  The meeting of billionaires also expressed that they are not against democracy. And that Zelensky is not a leftist and suits them. And further, that finally all Western sanctions will be lifted and Russia will finally return to the world community.
  Now there's only one thing left to do: hold a televised debate. Zelensky agreed, but only at the Luzhniki stadium. Of course this was accepted. It was very reminiscent of the already passed stage with Poroshenko. Moreover, the difference in the first round was even greater. And Medvedev"s anti-rating is colossal.
  But TV debates are like a drowning man clutching at straws. The last meeting is on Friday, and the elections are on Sunday.
  Medvedev, in general, was preparing. But the facts are not on his side. And Poroshenko"s experience showed that you can"t change facts with rhetoric alone. Just like they could not defeat Mayor Luzhkov, the only time in the entire history of Moscow when the central television channels worked against the current head of the city.
  But propaganda could not outweigh the economic achievements of the Moscow mayor. And don"t vote for Kiriyenko, the author of the default! But it was he who was promoted most of all. Probably the most unsuccessful candidate was put against the business executive.
  However, the Russian media now campaigned more for Zelensky. Nobody believed in Medvedev. Even the Supreme Court was reluctant to hear the election cancellation case.
  So far the point is, the stadium is packed to the brim. Literally overflowing.
  And it was clear that serious controversy was coming. However, it was clear from Medvedev"s face that he had almost come to terms with defeat. But the last move must be made.
  On the eve of the debate, Medvedev appointed Vladimir Zhirinovsky as Minister of Internal Affairs. This is the last gesture of despair. But Zhirinovsky, knowing that more than eighty percent of voters were ready to vote for Zelensky, was not at all eager to quarrel with the future head of state. Although, of course, he understood that he was unlikely to find a place on Zelensky"s team.
  Yes, Vladimir Volfovich is old. However, Anatoly Kashpirovsky is an even older Minister of Health and Deputy Prime Minister. But he"s also not particularly eager to campaign for Medvedev. However, he has a chance to stay on the team. Age is big and that means experience. And my physical shape is just very good.
  No wonder the Kashpirov phenomenon.
  The debate in the stadium began with an exchange of greetings. And witty remarks. But Zelensky looked fresher, more confident, more convincing, and more professional.
  Medvedev was very nervous and started screaming. He couldn't be convincing. And things are pretty bad in the country. The people clearly support Zelensky. Everything is so tense here.
  Zelensky"s every word is accompanied by applause, and Medvedev is booed. That is, there is a real failure of the debate.
  Medvedev twitches and says:
  - I have experience!
  Zelensky answers with a smile:
  - With such experience, only go to the janitors!
  Medvedev responded:
  - Putin and I took Crimea!
  Zelensky responded wittily:
  - A thief's grip and short arms!
  And so on the debate went on, but Zelensky clearly won. He was much wittier and more convincing than Medvedev and the audience rejoiced.
  Immediately after the televised debate, the acting President of Russia issued a decree raising salaries five times and pensions seven times! But it already looked like a joke.
  Medvedev's people just laughed. Although it was clear that on the eve of the elections they were doing something else!
  Medvedev also decided to award the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called to both Stalin and Lenin. This decision must be said to be quite wise, but belated. Dmitry Medvedev clearly wanted to win over the communists. And especially the Stalinists. But at the same time, he took and awarded the star to the hero Tukhachevsky. This is also an extraordinary move and an attempt at flirting by the liberals.
  Medvedev generally tried to please both ours and yours. He awarded the Patriarch, the Pope and the leaders of Christian denominations. Primarily Protestants. And even Jehovah's Witnesses were restored to their rights, but this was of little use. All the same, they are prohibited from voting, and in general this organization is dying!
  Medvedev awarded both muftis and lamas. He tried to win everyone over to his side. The shower of medals and orders was extraordinary. At the same time, the acting president awarded all State Duma deputies a million-dollar bonus each. However, this rather scared away than attracted people to him.
  Next, Medvedev tried to establish several new orders: the Order of Peter the Great, the Order of Ivan the Terrible, the Order of Alexander the Liberator, the Order of Nicholas II and the Order of Brusilov. The Order of Lenin and Stalin were also restored.
  Medvedev sought to attract a diverse electorate in this way. And acting on the principle: both yours and ours! But in this case, omnivorousness gave rise to distrust of the people - they say, a political prostitute. People seem to have forgotten that Putin also flirted with both the left and the right. And I also tried to be an omnivore.
  However, what is allowed to Jupiter is not allowed to the bull! Putin somehow from the very beginning, despite the trail of the successor of Yeltsin, hated by the people, enjoyed the sympathy of both the people and the elite. Even the communists were afraid to speak out against him, and voted to confirm him as prime minister without fighting or bargaining.
  But Medvedev was never particularly loved. Apparently he was too intelligent and in Putin"s shadow. Nobody perceived him as a real fighter and ruler. In general, after Putin, somehow any successor seemed like a political dwarf and was something wrong. And Zelensky was perceived as charismatic, like a fairy-tale prince. And it"s no longer a cat in a poke, but a successful ruler who pulled Ukraine out of the swamp, or rather out of the hole.
  Of course, Ukraine suffered first of all due to the severance of ties with Russia. And here Poroshenko may not be so guilty. If something like this had happened in Belarus, it would have been a complete failure. In terms of professionalism, the Ukrainian government is strong! In Belarus, on the contrary, there are only sycophants and dishevelers. Putin sometimes had strong personalities on his team, like Rogozin or Tkachev, but they were quickly removed.
  Medvedev, in any case, was a man who did not seem to be a born ruler, and therefore this tsar was not entirely real and at court.
  In some ways he resembled Gorbachev, whom ordinary people in the West loved, but disliked among their own. Partly, of course, they began to dislike Gorbachev because of his struggle with drunkenness. Alcoholics and drinkers, of course, have not forgiven the shortage of vodka. There were wine riots. And then the cigarettes disappeared.
  No, Gorbachev is clear that they didn"t like him only because of his baldness. Medvedev, as prime minister, showed himself to be a very weak economist. And even without Zelensky, he would have problems with being elected to a new term.
  Once Putin pulled Medvedev by the ears.
  But now Putin has dropped out of the game - he has undermined his health, driving manually and straining himself with hockey. Was it necessary to climb on the ice at such a respectable age? Especially without having any skills when you were young?
  Putin burned out, got overextended. And without him, there is no one to stop Zelensky. Moreover, Putin himself conducted personnel policy in such a way that he did not have a worthy successor. Like Stalin, who made it so that Khrushchev succeeded him, and went bankrupt. And here Medvedev is not at all an adequate leader of the Russian empire.
  On the Saturday before the elections, all Russian TV channels broadcast a film about Zelensky. Naturally, with the aim of defaming. But few facts were presented. And propaganda showed its helplessness. And many channels commented on the film.
  Medvedev awarded orders to many generals. Having a starfall again.
  Unexpectedly, he also established a new Order of Botvinnik, three degrees: bronze, silver, and gold. And also the Order of Alekhine. And also bronze, silver and gold.
  Medvedev further announced by decree that Russia would transition to a professional army within four years. And the service life is reduced to six months.
  Next, the acting president announced that war veterans and those who served in hot spots would be awarded the Hero of the Russian Federation star. What has become a step that has no analogue.
  Medvedev was clearly looking for a place in history. Next, the acting president awarded Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin posthumously with the Order of Victory and the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called and the newly established large diamond star of the Hero of the Russian Federation.
  This was already the last attempt to play on the rating of the former Russian idol. Like, I have been Medvedev for so many years together with Putin - love me with all your heart and soul!
  But apparently people are not too eager to love this would-be dictator.
  And at night from Saturday to Sunday, Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev even announced the posthumous assignment of the title of Generalissimo to Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin!
  This was really really cool! Like, I give the title to the idol of previous years!
  However, will this help Medvedev? It is difficult to convince people to vote for themselves only by praising their former idols and awarding them with orders. No matter how much you shower with awards, you won"t bring Putin back. And it is clear that the old king has left and a new king comes from Kyiv.
  However, Zelensky was not asleep, and also awarded the Pope. The elderly Francis the First blessed the President of Ukraine for new achievements.
  And in Belarus, the pro-Russian coalition of parties has already completed collecting signatures to hold a referendum on unification with Russia. A vote on this matter is expected. However, Medvedev is not credited for this. And here the main initiative came from Zelensky, this idol of millions.
  So now Vladimir Zelensky was entering the finish line...
  Voting has begun in Siberia. Turnout was high from the start. People went to the polls and smiled. It was obvious that they were coming for the sake of change. And what they want is new. Everyone is tired and tired of the old.
  Even the song sounded in the morning:
  Our hearts demand change
  Our eyes require change...
  In our laughter and in our tears,
  And in the pulsations of the veins!
  Change, we are waiting for change!
  The elections were held calmly, but there was a huge turnout. People flocked to the elections in droves. Nikolai Valuev was one of the first to vote. He threw the ballot into the ballot box and said:
  - Let's vote for something new!
  Alexander Povetkin appeared next. I also voted and gave my opinion:
  - For the Russian Gods!
  Next came the voting. They threw ballots into ballot boxes. And Dima Bilan and Alla Pugacheva. Lev Leshchenko also appeared and announced:
  - Let's vote for something new!
  Nikolai Baskov sang:
  - Russian waltz, wings soar! Spring is coming!
  And he also put the leaf in the trash can.
  Then other guys appeared... Zelensky came to vote on a scooter and did a somersault - drawing applause. They voted and even recited:
  Know the pulsation of the heart and veins,
  Tears of our children, mothers...
  They say we want change
  Throw off the yoke of heavy chains!
  And thunderous applause! Although the poems are not by him, but by the famous poet and writer Oleg Rybachenko. But Oleg Rybachenko himself turned into a boy, and now he travels in another world.
  Then other boxers voted: Sergey Kovalei, Denis Lebedev. The last one tried to come back after the break. But he was beaten and finally left.
  Sofia Rotaru voted in Kyiv. And she smiled a lot...
  Vladimir Zhirinovsky also came. He shouted:
  - For a new path!
  And he flashed the epaulets of a colonel general. Zyuganov came to the elections in a wheelchair. And he was silent all the time.
  Grudinin voted smiling...
  Garry Kasparov gave a simultaneous game and also cast his vote. Moreover, he said that he would play a match with Carleson. So Anatoly Karpov gave a simultaneous game session.
  By the way, Karpov has already been awarded the Golden Order of Mikhail Botvinnik.
  So another question is who is the main and best world champion here.
  Certainly a lot has changed...
  And Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev surprised everyone again. Announced from the institution, the order named after "Oleg Rybachenko". Moreover, there are four degrees at once: the fourth degree is bronze, the third degree is silver, the second degree is gold, and the first degree is gold with diamonds!
  This turned out great!
  "Lucifer's Armageddon" has already been released in cinemas, and the records of "Avatar" and "Star Wars" have already been broken. Oleg Rybachenko is becoming a real literary superstar!
  Medvedev also established a literary prize named after Oleg Rybachenko - with a prize fund ten times larger than the Nobel Prize.
  And this is generally very cool!
  Then more and more Medvedev worked on Sunday. He awarded Oleg Rybachenko the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called, and the star of the Hero of Russia, and the large diamond star of the Hero of Russia, the Order of Victory. This was an attempt to change the course of history.
  Like, I"ll treat Oleg Rybachenko kindly, and everything will be great! At the same time, I will award both him and the marshal the title of the Russian Federation!
  And Sunday is coming... The first data from the executive polls are already known, which say that Zelensky has over eighty percent.
  And the flow of information will not stop...
  Medvedev is not going to vote yet. Works. Here he issues an order conferring on Vladimir Volfovich the rank of army general. Like, be faithful to me.
  Although Zhirinovsky, it seems, has already crossed to the other side.
  Lev Leshchenko became minister without portfolio. But that doesn't matter anymore.
  There is unrest in China. The people want democracy - they are tired of despotism! Man does not live by bread alone!
  I would like to say no to my boss! How long can you maintain discipline with a stick in the twenty-first century?
  Things haven't gone very well in China. It is impossible to follow the rails of communism and build capitalism indefinitely. Some changes are needed. And the leadership is too conservative.
  In addition, the new bourgeoisie wants democracy and an end to police brutality.
  The exhaustion of old-fashioned ways of working also had an effect! No desire to be cogs in the system. Yes, in China on Sundays, significant riots shake the system.
  And in the United States, a woman has the greatest chance of becoming president. However, the popularity of Floyd Mayweather suddenly began to grow. This invincible boxer has already climbed to the top of the ratings.
  Apparently the United States missed new victories and wanted neither a Republican nor a Democrat on the throne. And Floyd is also cool!
  And then there will be another TV debate.
  It's already Sunday evening. The polling stations will close soon.
  At the last minute, Medvedev finally appeared. He hastily threw the ballot into the ballot box and left without saying a word. The clock has struck and voting is over.
  For now, President Medvedev left the Kremlin and went to his residence near Moscow.
  There are two girls in the cabin with him. At least some entertainment.
  Natasha, sitting on the right, asked:
  - Well, what about Dima? Now they will announce your final failure!
  Medvedev noted:
  - There are still two months before the inauguration. So for now I"m still everything, and Zelensky is only the President of Ukraine!
  Alenka, sitting on the right hand, remarked:
  - And the inauguration can be accelerated! Your power, Dmitry Anatolyevich, is over!
  Medvedev imploringly asked:
  - But you girls can do it!
  Natasha frowned and asked:
  - What we can?
  Medvedev confidently stated:
  - Interfere with the inauguration!
  Natasha laughed and answered:
  - And How?
  The acting president responded decisively:
  - As if you don"t know yourself!
  Natasha answered angrily:
  - We will not kill Zelensky!
  Medvedev immediately objected:
  - Well, why kill it! Just make sure he gives up the crown himself!
  . CHAPTER No. 4.
  The girls giggled in unison...
  Alenka asked with a grin:
  - What do you suggest using hypnosis?
  Dmitry Anatolyevich nodded:
  - That's it! You can do it!
  Natasha answered for her friend:
  - We can, but we don"t want to!
  Medvedev was surprised:
  - Why is this?
  Natasha answered honestly:
  - Zelensky is the chosen one! And you, Dmitry Anatolyevich, are not capable of ruling the country!
  Alenka added with malice:
  - And this is quite obvious to all of us!
  Medvedev noted with rage:
  - Don"t you understand that we will become a colony of the West?
  Alenka answered confidently:
  - Rather, the West will become our colony!
  Natasha added sarcastically:
  - And with you, Misha, Russia won"t be great anyway!
  Medvedev gurgled:
  - I will give you the Order of Victory, the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called, the Order of Nicholas II, and a gold star in diamonds...
  Natasha laughed and remarked:
  - Or maybe we ourselves can become presidents and give ourselves three hundred orders?
  Alenka noted:
  - We can hypnotize you and become generalissimos.
  Natasha giggled and noted:
  - Or maybe supergeneralissimos!
  The girls burst out laughing...
  Alenka sang:
  - And sometimes even the enemy shouted,
  Hiding the fear - that I am a king!
  Natasha bared her teeth and chirped:
  - I don"t like theaters and arenas,
  There, a million is exchanged for a ruble...
  Although there are big changes ahead -
  I love Belobog and Stalin!
  And the girl used her bare toes to squeeze the losing president"s nose.
  The numbers have already been announced from the Far East. 91 percent for Zelensky, 7.5 percent for Medvedev, confident leadership of the Ukrainian president.
  Alenka also pulled Medvedev"s ear with her bare toes and hissed:
  - Well, what about the former president, did your awards help you?
  Medvedev strainedly said:
  - I'm not an ex yet! Before the inauguration, the real one!
  The girl screamed:
  - Glory to the new king!
  The witch girls refused to help Medvedev as their last trump card. And now, while the acting president was still trying to find a way out of a hopeless situation.
  Maybe influence the Supreme Court to annul the results of the Russian presidential election? This seemed like a big temptation. But in reality the odds looked slim.
  What if we issue a decree and offer each judge a billion dollars? After all, he is the president and he has power that even tsars never dreamed of! More precisely, the acting president. And indeed, if you offer a whole billion dollars, the judges will not resist.
  Why waste time on trifles?
  Data was transmitted over the radio. While Zelensky had ninety percent, plus in Ukraine it was expected that he would receive almost one hundred percent. Perhaps in the red belt area, due to Medvedev"s flirting with the communists, there will be a little more, there were some chances in the Caucasus. True, Ramzan Kadyrov seems to have decided to take the winning side. You can still make money in the army, although the military has no particular desire to serve, the falling president has no desire.
  In general, after the first round, Medvedev"s power weakened. And if he could still hand out awards, then otherwise he was increasingly ignored.
  Dmitry Medvedev arrived at his office and tried to contact the central bank. The attendant reluctantly connected him.
  The acting president demanded that money be allocated to him for urgent needs.
  The head of the Central Bank responded:
  - I will not do anything until I receive confirmation from the new President Zelensky.
  Medvedev roared:
  -Are you crazy? I'm still the president of the inauguration of the new! If so, then you must obey me!
  The head of the central bank noted:
  - According to the constitution, I do not obey you! And anyway, why do you need money?
  Medvedev replied with a grin:
  - Do you need countries for emergencies?
  The head of the central bank responded in a stern tone:
  - Do you want to escape?
  Medvedev barked:
  - I'll arrest you now! The army obeys me! Faithful Zhirinovsky is with me!
  The head of the Central Bank noted:
  - This one always takes the cake! And in Moscow more than ninety percent are for Zelensky. Your power is over Misha!
  Medvedev roared:
  - But yours didn"t start!
  And he hung up. Now the situation was getting difficult. The security forces are about to refuse to obey. Yes, Zhirinovsky is a fox. Was it worth appointing him as Minister of Internal Affairs? Give the order to the special forces. Or should we still try to use the State Duma?
  It is clear that Zelensky will hold new elections, and many deputies will not receive their mandates. More precisely, almost everything.
  Something different is needed here. But the State Duma is unlikely to go against the people. And the army will not support an outright military coup. The generals in Russia are not the kind to go to civil war.
  There is only one thing left - to cancel the presidential election in court. This is the only legitimate chance to prolong your agony. But most likely it will only be extended. It is unlikely that Medvedev has a real chance of being re-elected. In fact, his anti-rating is colossal, even worse than that of Petro Poroshenko.
  Medvedev also thought about another option. For example, physically eliminate Zelensky? But this is outright criminality. Stoop like that? Moreover, it will spoil Medvedev. And at best it will give a reprieve. Because the people will not forgive Medvedev for such a colossal failure in the elections.
  No, Dmitry Anatolyevich will not succeed. Without collecting even ten percent of the votes in the elections, he will definitely not remain in power.
  Medvedev approached the bar. He opened it, took out a bottle, and poured himself some cognac.
  Expensive - "Napoleon", aged for two hundred years!
  The acting president drank a glass. Then I snacked on the second one with lemon.
  My stomach felt warmer and my thoughts raced faster. After the third glass, Medvedev smiled and sat down in a chair. Cheered up a bit. In fact, why does he need this power? Full responsibility. Not a minute of free time, not a second of peace. Always on the move, under the surveillance of video cameras. You are afraid to say too much.
  There is a lot of work, but there is no pleasure.
  And I want to lie in bed with a girl. Play war on the computer.
  In fact, here you are the president, but to start a real war you will think twice. This is how the formidable Trump did not dare to attack Iran.
  You can talk a lot about war, but actually deciding on it is not easy!
  But fight the game, fight yourself!
  Medvedev sat down at the computer. I turned on my favorite World War II. He hadn't been able to play it for a long time. Here, in order not to strain too much, you use the scammer"s code. Like this...
  And then you run through technology at a hurricane pace. And you already have IS-7s, which you launch in regiments, and only T-1s against the Germans. There is a noticeable difference in strength and means.
  Medvedev, who almost never drank, also due to poor health, noticeably cheered up.
  This is how you throw the most expensive and heaviest tank of the Second World War, the IS-7, at the enemy. And you break it without much difficulty. The war is going on easily and victoriously. You take over city after city.
  In general, of course, Stalin led the country well, and managed to defeat the Third Reich in less than four years. Putin fought with ISIS longer. But the Germans have very cool technology.
  In the game, for example, the German E-75 tank, only the Soviet IS-7 can fight against it on an equal footing, all other tanks give in. E E-75 has very strong armor. Even the gun is superior to the Soviet IS-7 and is close in destructive power.
  And the Germans planned to make this tank their main one in 1945. What about ours?
  Medvedev sighed... They were unable to put the IS-7 into mass production in the post-war period. So the war lasted longer, no one knows who else won.
  Dmitry Anatolyevich, drunk, sang:
  - I love it, brothers, I love it! Love to live, brothers! And our ataman does not have to bother.
  Medvedev fell asleep while playing. It's relaxing...
  And the next day the final results of the presidential election became known.
  Almost 92 percent of voters voted for Zelensky together with Ukraine, and 6.7 percent for Medvedev. Thus, Zelensky"s triumphant victory took place.
  Celebrations and rejoicing began in the country. Finally, a new, as it seemed to many, bright life was coming.
  For now, Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev is serving as president during the inauguration.
  And he congratulated, of course, the winner. Where can you go? And there is nothing to count six percent.
  Minister of Internal Affairs Vladimir Zhirinovsky, however, visited Medvedev and consoled him:
  - I voted for you Dmitry Anatolyevich!
  The acting president replied quietly:
  - Thank you!
  Zhirinovsky suggested:
  - Maybe we should put you in the premiere?
  Medvedev shook his painted head:
  - I don"t think, after such a defeat in the second round, they will give me the prime minister. This will no longer be politically correct.
  Zhirinovsky logically noted:
  - Anyway, there should be someone from Russia in your place. So who if not you?
  Medvedev suggested:
  - Most likely, Andrei Navalny!
  Zhirinovsky bared his teeth and growled:
  - Andrei Navalny? Let this not happen!
  Medvedev shrugged his shoulders and remarked in confusion:
  -Where are you going?
  Zhirinovsky shouted:
  - Yes, I will arrest them all!
  Medvedev waved his hand:
  - Enough! Our time seems to be over! I'm going on holiday to the Canary Islands. What are you going to do?
  Zhirinovsky, squinting his eyes slyly, replied:
  - Lobby for the interests of your friends! Until Zelensky took up his duties as president of Russia and Ukraine!
  Medvedev sadly remarked:
  - Unfortunately, this is not so simple... Then they will strip you of three skins!
  Zhirinovsky, narrowing his eyes slyly, asked:
  - Please make me a marshal of the Russian Federation! Well, what is it worth to you!
  Medvedev thought for a couple of seconds, and then announced:
  - Fine! I will make not only you a marshal, but I will also restore Beria to the rank of marshal! It will be fair!
  Zhirinovsky nodded in agreement:
  - In relation to Beria, yes!
  Medvedev narrowed his eyes and asked:
  - And in relation to you?
  Zhirinovsky answered honestly:
  - And treat me like a king! I reward whoever I want!
  Medvedev nodded in agreement:
  - Yes, so be it!
  And he ordered the preparation of both decrees on conferring the ranks of marshals.
  The acting president of Russia cheered up. Thinking that now he can fully enjoy computer games.
  And they are great fun to play...
  But really, why would the president do anything else? Now technology has developed so much that you can be anyone. Even by the Lord God. And specifically in the game to create universes.
  For example, in the office of the acting president there are a large number of different games, including the most modern ones.
  Medvedev decides to play a real-time strategy game. Germany in 1939. Well, why are you using a scammer's code? You add yourself five thousand Panthers, three thousand Tigers and ten thousand Focke-Wulfs. And you deploy these forces against the enemy. And you attack Poland, which does not have even a tenth of such forces.
  And the war goes on as you wish, with one goal and victoriously. Medvedev, to be honest, is a huge conqueror here. It crushes the enemy as if crushing plums with a press.
  Poland was flattened easily and faster than in real history. You attack France. You launch ten thousand E-75 tanks at her using a rogue code. Let's face it, magnificent cars. Which are completely invulnerable to French guns, but lethal at long distances. They shoot down enemy cars.
  Medvedev even jumps for joy. As in the game, he moves quickly, and is already taking Paris... And then what about trifles? Let's take over Spain at the same time, so that Franco doesn't get too upset.
  And for the assault on Gibraltar we will use jet aircraft. Where will the British go?
  Of course, at the same time we use funds to build battleships and aircraft carriers. It will be difficult for Britain then. Here are one hundred aircraft carriers and two hundred battleships. This will be a colossal force.
  And then there are the landing ships. You also make tanks of the "E"-U series, a further evolution of the "E". Here you throw an "E"-50-U tank, such a machine that you can"t penetrate it from any angle.
  And let her torment the British. Here are two beautiful girls inside such a tank winking at the acting president of Russia.
  Medvedev blows a kiss to them in response.
  This is how we'll play...
  And the latest tanks are approaching London. And without ceremony they take the capital of England.
  Medvedev sang:
  - The world is boring! We'll all eat the cat!
  It is, of course, interesting and easy to play. I took the scam code and stamp whatever you want. So you capture the Balkans and go to Africa. You also stamp, and also infantry. You make troops, if only you had money. And the captured territory also gives money. Well, try it, walk around Africa.
  The USSR is still opening the front. Thirty-fours against the E-50-U series, which another ten thousand were stamped. If the E-50 is a vehicle with approximately the same armor as the Tiger-2, only the rational slope is greater, and the armament is a little stronger, and the engine is more powerful. The E-50-U, with equal weight, is comparable to the Soviet T-64, and even has a more powerful gas turbine engine.
  Yes, the forces are not equal. Here different generations of tanks fight.
  And Medvedev, of course, is dashing on a black horse.
  The forces, of course, are not comparable. You can also add the E-75-U, this is a squat killing machine, impenetrable even by ship guns.
  And how he will trample on himself. Nothing can stop it.
  Medvedev plays like a little boy. Eh, okay, then how. And no one is eager to see him. He lost and the acting president was forgotten.
  Everyone only loves winners.
  Dmitry Anatolyevich sang:
  And we defy the storms,
  From what and why...
  Live in the world without surprises,
  It's impossible for anyone
  May good luck, failure,
  All the jumps, up and down,
  Only this way, and not otherwise,
  Only this way, and not otherwise!
  Long live surprise!
  Surprise! Surprise!
  Long live surprise!
  Surprise! Surprise!
  Long live surprise!
  And Medvedev became more cheerful. Now his troops have occupied Ukraine, Belarus, and are inexorably approaching Moscow!
  The former Russian president says:
  - That our life is a game!
  And takes the capital of the USSR by storm. Of course, against the army of 1941, he has tanks with characteristics from the sixties and even the seventies, and the main thing is that there are a lot of them.
  Medvedev winks at himself... The capital Moscow has been taken. And now you can take over the Caucasus... And at the same time, take over the south of Africa for yourself. And will cross to Argentina.
  And from there attack the USA. He's a cool commander. The enemy lags behind both in quantity and quality of troops.
  Medvedev sings enthusiastically:
  - We will boldly go into battle! For the power of the Soviets! And we will wipe everyone into shit in the fight for this!
  Medvedev was temporarily taken away from the game. The Russian Defense Minister, who replaced Shoigu Trubetskoy, called. He asked the still acting president:
  - When will we take the oath of office to the new leader?
  Medvedev answered succinctly:
  - Where it should be, at the inauguration!
  Trubetskoy noted:
  - The new president of a united country wants to be inaugurated next week. So that they don"t have time to steal!
  Medvedev barked:
  - This is not according to our constitution and laws!
  Trubetskoy noted:
  - And Yeltsin adopted this constitution not according to the law and the old constitution. In fact, many thought that Putin would propose a new constitution, but somehow it didn"t happen!
  Medvedev noted:
  - It"s not the best idea for every new president to adopt a new constitution!
  Trubetskoy objected:
  - But Putin could! He was cooler than Yeltsin, and you, Dmitry Anatolyevich!
  Medvedev nodded and agreed:
  - Cooler and most importantly luckier! Without Putin, everything went wrong, and Zelensky took power in Russia.
  Trubetskoy noted:
  - And Lukashenko had a chance, but he missed his time. We should have moved faster!
  Medvedev logically noted:
  - Lukashenko was afraid of competitive elections in Russia. And Zelensky would not have taken the risk if Putin"s heart could not stand it. Managing the country so much manually is burnt out! Putin definitely burned out at work!
  Trubetskoy suggested:
  - Well, so should we accept the inauguration at a faster date or not?
  Medvedev boldly replied:
  - Do as you wish! I do not care anymore! I will retire to honorable retirement and live for my own pleasure. Maybe I'll travel around the world! I have already been both president and prime minister for a record period for Russia! How long can you cling to the throne?
  Trubetskoy agreed:
  - Well, if so, then let changes come! What to do with Shoigu?
  Medvedev responded coldly:
  - Let him rest! The marshal's pension is large. Let him travel around the world. I allowed you to have property abroad!
  Trubetskoy nodded and remarked:
  - Putin isolated Russia from the world! Although we grieved in words in the depths of our souls, we rejoiced at his death! As for Zelensky, we'll see! Many of us wanted orders like in the West. Receive like in the USA, but work... Like in the USSR!
  Medvedev noted:
  - Well, under Stalin, officials worked intensively! Don't think that they were full of honey!
  Trubetskoy asked:
  - What will you do?
  Medvedev recalled:
  - I was president, and I will retire as president. She is big... And I will enjoy life! Why else should I work!
  Trubetskoy recalled:
  - Zelensky can give you the post of adviser with him!
  Medvedev waved it off:
  - Ay! He is smart enough without my advice! In short - carry out the inauguration! Dmitry Anatolyevich sent his!
  Trubetskoy agreed:
  - Inauguration yes!
  Medvedev hung up. I decided to finish the game. Something that I never had time for before. And at least mentally crush the United States.
  Or more precisely in the game. However, the American Sherman is weak against the E-75-U. But the United States has a lot of aircraft, even if they are not as powerful as German jets.
  But the quality, of course, is not the same! The Krauts are racking up intense scores. Especially the pilots: Albina and Alvina! And these are girls who are distinguished by their colossal fervor.
  Medvedev is advancing on America from the south. And at the same time his tanks are moving across Siberia. He's having fun. By the way, why not conquer Japan yet? In this game you can also kill your allies. Advanced strategy. Apply the cheater's code and you will be stronger than your opponent in both quantity and quality. Not war, but pure pleasure. Here are the tailless jet machines, the Americans can"t even catch up.
  More precisely, to get there. And use radio-controlled missiles! And bully Americans. Medvedev really likes this game. And move the troops. Mexico has been taken. American cities are falling one after another. Such a pleasure.
  And in the east, tanks of the "E"-U series enter India. But what can the British oppose them? Moreover, the Third Reich has already accumulated resources and is producing the most modern technology without a rogue code.
  But Medvedev decided to upgrade the Panther a little. Here is the first conventional "Panther" - frontal armor of 80 - 110 mm, side armor of 50 mm, a 75 mm cannon, barrel length of 70 EL, engine of 650 horsepower. Here is the "Panther"-2 with frontal armor from 120 to 150 millimeters, 60-mm sides, an 88-mm cannon with a barrel length of 71 EL, and an 850-horsepower engine. Yes, a serious car. And it"s heavier not at forty-five, but fifty tons and has a shorter silhouette.
  But "Panther"-3. Frontal armor from 150 to 200 millimeters, sides of 82 millimeters, a gun of 88 millimeters with a barrel length of 100 EL and an engine of 1200 horsepower - weight 55 tons. Agree, such a car is generally super against the Shermans.
  But there is "Panther"-4. It has frontal armor from 200 to 250 mm at slopes, and side armor of 160 mm. a 105 mm gun with a barrel length of 100 EL. This is already a monster weighing 65 tons and with a low silhouette. Gas turbine engine of 1500 horsepower. Of course, an excellent serial development, capable of fighting even with the Soviet IS-7. Moreover, the IS-7 was not mass-produced.
  But there are stronger machines. Running "Panther"-5, frontal armor 250 hull at an angle of 45 degrees, 300 mm turret forehead at an angle, side 210 at an angle, 128 mm gun at 100 EL, weight of a more advanced tank 75 tons, 2000 horsepower engine gas turbine power . A machine superior to all Soviet and American models. Capable of penetrating the IS-7 from combat distance and withstanding head-on hits. "Panther"-5 is generally superb technology. The USSR has nothing stronger than the IS-7. And the Germans also have five types of Tigers.
  After capturing most of the US territory, Medvedev decided to drive away the Tiger as well. Well, "Tiger" is the first one everyone knows. The frontal armor is 100-110 millimeters with almost no slope, and the side armor is 82 millimeters without slope. And the 88-mm cannon, 56 EL barrel length, is a really howling tank. Unlike the "Panthers", where only the first series actually fought and there were samples of the second. Tank "Tiger"-2 better known as the "Royal Tiger".
  Frontal armor: 120-150 mm on the hull front at a 50 degree angle, 185 mm on the turret front at a slight angle, and 82 mm on the side at a 60 degree angle. It is well protected in the forehead, slightly better than the Tiger in the side, and has an 88-mm cannon with a barrel length of 71 EL. Of the production tanks of the Second World War, the best in terms of armament and frontal protection, weight 68 tons, engine 700 horsepower - rather weak in driving performance.
  "Tiger"-3 is a design vehicle. Frontal armor is 150-200 millimeters at an angle of 45 degrees, the front of the turret is 240 millimeters at an angle. Sides of 160 millimeters with inclined shields. Three types of different weapons: an 88 mm 100 EL cannon, a 105 mm 70 EL cannon, and a 105 mm 100 EL cannon with an engine of 1000 1200 horsepower. With a more dense layout and a weight of 75 tons. Yes, the car is serious and very dangerous. And an even more powerful "Tiger"-4 frontal armor 250 - hull inclined at 45 degrees, forehead 300 millimeters inclined, sides 210 millimeters, gun 128 millimeters 100 EL barrel length, or 150 millimeters barrel length 56 EL , weight 85 tons, 1500 horsepower gas turbine engine. A very powerful tank.
  But even cooler is "Tiger"-5. Frontal armor: hull forehead 350 mm at an angle of 45 degrees, turret forehead 400 mm at an angle of 50 mm. The sides are 300 mm inclined. A 150 mm 100 EL gun, or a 174 mm 70 EL gun, or a 210 mm 38 EL gun. Weight is 100 tons, gas turbine engine is 2500 horsepower. The most powerful machine will not even penetrate the IS-7 and St. John's wort. This one could be used against America. Although it must be said that "Tiger"-5 was not even in the projects in real history. But it"s no one"s fault that the war ended so quickly.
  But the virtual tank game can be improved.
  Medvedev began to storm the US capital Washington and the largest city of New York. Here you can really work and win.
  Albeit virtually. Here Washington is burning and German tanks are driving along it. And no one can stop Tigers-5.
  Medvedev is completing a stubborn assault on the US capitals and it seems like a victory. But there is also Japan ahead.
  . CHAPTER No. 5.
  What else could I do in the game? But the Lev family of tanks never went into production. These are truly monsters here. But in the Second World War, these machines of later series were even redundant. And even more so against Japan with its small and medium tanks.
  But Dmitry Medvedev decided to drive them away a little.
  Here is the first Lev tank, existing only in projects, and only partially embodied in metal. The frontal armor of the hull is 120 millimeters at an angle of 45 degrees, the frontal armor of the turret is 240 millimeters at an angle, the sides are 82 millimeters, the gun is 105 millimeters, the barrel length is 70 EL, the whole 80 tons, the engine is 800 horsepower. In general, a car that could have appeared together with the Tigers and Panthers on the Kursk Bulge. With a very powerful weapon for its time and excellent turret forehead protection. But fortunately she didn"t show up. "Lev"-2 project vehicle. The hull forehead is 250 millimeters inclined, the turret forehead is 300 millimeters inclined. The sides are 200 millimeters inclined. Gun or 128 mm 100 EL or 210 mm 38 EL. Weight 100 tons, engine 1800 horsepower. It has no equal in its power. Superior to the IS-7, which can only hit it on the side. But then you drive further, and "Lion"-3 appears, also chasing a monster. Frontal armor of the hull is 350 mm, turrets are 450 mm, with a side slope of 300 mm at slopes, a cannon of 150 mm at 100 EL, or 175 mm at 70 EL, or 210 at 56 EL, or a rocket launcher at 400 -mm. Weight is 120 tons, engine is 2500 horsepower.
  Yes, this is a formidable force.
  Tank "Lion"-4 is another super monster. The frontal armor of the hull is 450 mm, the frontal armor of the turret is 500 mm. The sides of the hull and turret are 400 mm inclined. A 175-mm cannon in 100 EL, a 210-mm cannon in 70 EL, a 500-mm rocket launcher. The weight of the car is 150 tons, the engine is 3500 horsepower gas turbine. From a long distance it penetrates all tanks, including the IS-7 and the American T-93. And even naval guns cannot penetrate it. This is a powerful machine, and with an extra cannon.
  But the even more powerful Lev-5 is the king of tanks. The frontal armor of the hull is 600 mm at an angle of 45 degrees, the turret is 800 mm thick, the sides are 550 mm at an angle. A 210 mm cannon in 100 EL, a 300 mm cannon in 70 EL, a 600 mm rocket launcher. The weight of the machine is 200 tons, the gas turbine engine produces 5000 horsepower. Impenetrable to almost all types of weapons, except for high-power missiles , especially large-caliber guns and bombs. Capable of firing at battleships and aircraft carriers. Truly a super tank.
  Well, in short, there is something to play. Medvedev is putting pressure on Japan.
  But he is interrupted again.
  The FSB director calls and says:
  - Dmitry Anatolyevich, will you give a conference to journalists?
  Medvedev stated decisively:
  - Not yet!
  - Why?
  The acting president responded:
  - I have the right to give interviews or not! So I decided not to give it yet!
  The FSB director nodded:
  - You can be calm for now! The interview won't go away! But we will look for another place!
  Medvedev noted:
  - Everyone, settle down! If anything, your general"s pension is big! You can live without working!
  The FSB director asked in surprise:
  - Isn"t it a pity to part with such enormous power?
  Medvedev answered honestly:
  - It"s a pity, of course, but a person submits to the inevitable!
  Medvedev returned to the game again. The former president of the largest and most resource-rich country in the world finally got the hang of it. And why not play if they can do without it now. Although he is the acting head of state.
  But how can you avoid the temptation to cut yourself in such a game? Well, German troops reached Chukotka. Fortunately, moving equipment in the game is much easier than in reality. And they go to China. And there they entered into battle with the Japanese. Of course, using the scam code, Medvedev churned out Lev-5 tanks and threw them against the samurai. And these are truly super class cars.
  How samurai are crushed. But still not the limit of perfection.
  But why, until the Second World War is over, is it not possible to run the heaviest German tank "Mouse" through the levels?
  This is truly a redistribution of perfection and the crown of beauty. More precisely, what can happen if gigantomania evolves.
  Medvedev began to drive away the Mouses.
  The Mouse tank, a tank that actually exists in metal, the heaviest of those that were actually embodied in metal, drove and even fought. The frontal armor of the "Mouse" is 150 mm on the bottom of the hull, 200 mm on the top of the hull, 250 mm on the turret front, and 210 mm on the sides. As we can see, the tank, even in its first version, is impenetrable to all serial Soviet tanks in the forehead and even on the side. The IS-2 and SU-100 could not penetrate this tank from any angle. Only the IS-7 could create problems for the Maus and actually fight this tank. But the IS-7 appeared only after the war, and never went into production. And the "Mouses" could already fight at the front in 1943. This tank has two guns: a short-barreled 75 mm and a 128 mm 55 EL, capable of penetrating all Soviet tanks except the IS-7 head-on. Moreover, the IS-2 from a long distance. There was also a 150 mm cannon.
  "Mouse" weighed 188 tons and had a 1250 horsepower engine, which is still not enough. Overall, the car is the strongest for its time, and has no equal.
  "Mouse"-2 is a design vehicle. More perfect. In the real story, the car was supposed to be made lower in silhouette and lighter. But in the game, of course, the car became more perfect, lower in silhouette, denser in layout, but even heavier. The frontal armor of the Mouse hull is 2 350 mm. The frontal armor of the turret is 450 millimeters. Sides 300 mm. Cannons are 75 mm long-barreled and 150 mm 70 EL, or a 210 mm howitzer, or a 400 mm rocket launcher. Weight 200 tons. Gas turbine engine 2000 horsepower.
  "Mouse"-3 gaming machine. Perfect too. The frontal armor of the hull is 600 mm, the turret is 800 mm, the sides are 550 mm. Guns 88 mm 100 EL, for fighting enemy tanks, and 210 mm 70 EL. Or a 550-mm rocket launcher. The weight of the tank is 250 tons, the gas turbine engine is 4000 horsepower. The tank is almost impenetrable with almost all weapons, except for the most powerful ones.
  "Mouse"-4 is a new evolution of gigantomania and more advanced. The frontal armor of the hull is 1000 mm at an angle of 45 degrees, the frontal armor of the turret is 1200 mm at an angle. The sides are 850 mm inclined. Armament: 105 mm 10EL cannon for fighting enemy tanks and quite sufficient against almost all types of vehicles. 300mm weapon at 70 EL, for destroying fortifications and redundant for tanks. Or instead, a 750-mm rocket launcher.
  The weight of the vehicle is 350 tons, which is not so much for such armor and weapons. Even the guns of a battleship cannot penetrate such a vehicle head-on. Only a direct hit from a powerful cruise missile or a very large bomb can destroy such a machine. From all angles it is impenetrable by all tanks and self-propelled guns of the Second World War. The engine is 6000 horsepower gas turbine.
  Well, "Mouse"-5 is the highest level of this series. The frontal armor of the hull forehead is 1600 mm at an angle, the turret forehead is 2000 mm, the sides are 1500 mm at an angle.
  A 128-mm cannon with a 100 EL to combat all tanks, quite sufficient against all brands including the IS-7 and a 900-mm rocket launcher. Other guns are impractical. There are a dozen machine guns. The weight of the tank is 500 tons. Gas turbine engine of 10,000 horsepower. The car is, let's say, perfection itself. Almost nothing can hit you in the forehead. Super tank...
  However, if anyone thinks that it"s impossible to come up with anything cooler than "Mouse"-5, then this is not at all true. The imagination of the authors of a good game about the Second World War is limitless.
  For example, there is also "Rat". In real history, this tank holds the record for size among all project vehicles, and was even partially embodied in metal.
  The "Rat" tank has 400 mm frontal armor, and the side armor is also slightly inclined. Armament: four 210 mm guns, or one 800 mm gun and two 150 mm howitzers, eleven anti-aircraft guns. Weight is 2000 tons, diesel engines have a total power of 10,000 horsepower.
  Tank "Rat"-2 is an evolution of the design vehicle with a more advanced layout. Frontal and any armor of 800 mm, with a large angle of rational inclination. Armament is one 1000 mm cannon and four 150 mm howitzers, sixteen anti-aircraft guns capable of firing at ground and air targets. Weight is 3000 tons, gas turbine engines, total power is 20,000 horsepower.
  "Rat"-3 is an even more powerful and advanced machine. Armor 1200 - millimeters at an angle. Armament: one 1250 mm cannon and six 150 mm howitzers. Twenty anti-aircraft guns capable of firing at both air and ground targets. Weight is 4000 tons, gas turbine engines, total power is 35,000 horsepower.
  "Rat"-4 is an even more powerful and advanced machine. Armor of 1600 mm at an angle. Armament - one 1600-mm cannon and nine 150-mm howitzers, twenty-five anti-aircraft guns capable of firing at air and ground targets. Weight is 5000 tons, gas turbine engines, improved, total power of 50,000 horsepower.
  "Rat"-5 is the coolest tank. Armor of 2500 millimeters on all sides. Armament: one 2500 mm cannon. And fifteen 150-mm howitzers. Forty anti-aircraft guns capable of firing at air and ground targets. Weight 10,000 tons. Nuclear reactor as an engine, power over 100,000 horsepower.
  The tank is actually really the coolest in the game. And in terms of weight and other characteristics.
  Well, you can entrust the storming of Tokyo to "Rat"-5. True, it is so expensive that you have to run the scam code several times.
  But overall, Medvedev can be pleased. He played thoroughly.
  And I finally watched "Rat"-5 in virtual reality. How to play dishonestly well.
  But then they call Medvedev again.
  This time the first deputy prime minister and acting prime minister is Siluanov.
  He said with a sad tone:
  - We lost Dmitry Anatolyevich! Almost all the ballots have already been counted!
  Medvedev wittily remarked:
  - It's better to lose well than to win badly!
  Siluanov was surprised:
  - How is this possible?
  Medvedev explained:
  - If Vitaliy Klitschko had been elected mayor of Kyiv the first time, his return to the ring would not have taken place. Instead of a great champion, the mayor would be a laughing stock!
  Siluanov agreed with this:
  - Yes, you are right, Dmitry Anatolyevich! Klitschko had an advantage to lose... But unfortunately you had no trace of such an advantage!
  Medvedev sang in response:
  - I am free, like a bird in the sky,
  I am free, having forgotten what fear means...
  I'm as free as the wild wind
  I am free in reality, not in a dream!
  Siluanov muttered:
  - Yes, you are just a poet Dmitry Anatolyevich! One can write verses about you!
  Medvedev answered seriously:
  - In any case, now I can calmly do my favorite thing - play computer games! And before that, for twenty years now I could only afford this in fits and starts!
  Siluanov muttered dully:
  - In games?
  Medvedev confirmed:
  - Exactly games! And it would be useful for you to study some military-economic strategy!
  The First Deputy Prime Minister reluctantly remarked:
  - I prefer practice!
  Medvedev hissed in response:
  - The evil reality is damned, it can drive you crazy!
  Siluanov answered coldly:
  - Do you want to escape from reality with the world of games? Commendable!
  There was irony in the words of the acting prime minister.
  Medvedev said:
  - Let me hang the star of the hero of Russia for you too!
  Siluanov advised:
  - Hang yourself, Mr. President!
  Medvedev chuckled and replied:
  - Maybe this is a good idea! Otherwise, Putin was only awarded posthumously!
  The acting prime minister responded:
  - Thank you, Mr. President!
  Medvedev continued melodiously:
  - For stupid empty eyes...
  Siluanov sang along:
  - For the fact that everything is possible...
  Medvedev finished:
  - But you can"t live!
  The acting prime minister responded:
  - Seriously though, they will most likely remove me! Looks like we'll have to scramble!
  Medvedev responded coldly:
  - There are many places on Earth!
  Siluanov nodded and gurgled:
  - In short, Mr. President, you promised me a hero star!
  Medvedev shouted at the top of his lungs:
  - Prepare a decree!
  They brought him another award paper. Like, write the acting president.
  At the same time, Medvedev awarded her to a bunch of people. Know ours!
  Eh, it"s already very late, and the acting president of Russia has fallen asleep.
  He dreamed of another alternative history. The Tsarist army, led by Kuropatkin, is fighting to release Port Arthur. But Medvedev himself appeared on a combat robot, with lasers and thermoquark shells the size of a poppy seed, but as lethal as the bombs dropped on Hiroshima.
  And how can Medvedev fight the Japanese with his combat robot? How samurai were torn apart, by the thousands. And how lasers and blasters came into use.
  And they slaughtered the Japanese, specifically they slaughtered them. And sawed it into pieces. And it devastated their ranks.
  Medvedev, who had lost his throne, found delight in battle. He mows down these samurai who dared to shake the sacred royal throne.
  But is it really bad, let"s say frankly, in all honesty, it was under the Tsar?
  May God grant every country such a tsar as Nicholas II. This is a real example of an intelligent ruler, and at the same time an intellectual.
  It"s a pity that such a nonentity as Kuropatkin let him down. And now Medvedev has taken on the Japanese. And let's thresh them. And doing this is very dashing.
  And laser beams mow down samurai by the thousands. A few more minutes of battle, and
  There is no Japanese army.
  What did the samurai gentlemen eat? And now maybe we can get to work on your ships.
  Medvedev lifted the combat robot into the air and rushed to the positions of the Togolese fleet. What does he think he can do with the Russian knight?
  And this is how fast a thermoquark robot rushes. Now he is already above the sea. And let's sink Togo's fleet. Cut armadillos, cruisers, and other living creatures.
  Like this... What if we also drop a mini-thermoquark bomb?
  And the new hero abandons her. A wave rises and sinks the ships of the land of the rising sun.
  Medvedev yells at the top of his lungs:
  - For Russia Nicholas,
  I will tear all the Japanese to pieces!
  And again, the acting Russian president goes into ecstasy.
  It's great to fight with such a robot.
  Let"s drown your own samurai... And there will be no Tsushima, the Japanese will have nothing to fight on.
  The last samurai ships are already sinking. What a victory this is!
  But there are still parts of the land of the rising sun that block Port Arthur. We need to really tackle them. To resolve all opponents of Tsar Nicholas"s empire.
  Medvedev sings enthusiastically:
  - And the samurai flew to the ground,
  Under the pressure of steel and fire!
  And let's destroy the troops that besieged Port Arthur. It really happened that a powerful fortress fell. And Russia received a slap in the face. And most importantly, it was worse than the Crimean War. There, the empire of Tsar Nicholas II lost to the coalition of England, France, Turkey, and the Kingdom of Sardinia. And she lost with dignity. And here is some Japan, which no one considered a serious rival.
  Let Russia not endure humiliation. Perhaps this is why Stalin, so cautious and restrained in foreign policy, opened a second front in the Far East against Japan. Indeed, the samurai humiliated Tsarist Russia too much.
  For this, destroy them with tiny thermoquark bombs and burn them with lasers.
  So that I don"t dare to defeat Russia! Oh, God grant that Zelensky be a successful king.
  Again, Russians and Ukrainians are united, and soon Belarusians will join them.
  And there will be a trinity of Slavs!
  Medvedev finished off the Japanese near Port Arthur, and rushed on... Russia defeated Japan. She took Korea, Manchuria, the Kuril Islands and Taiwan. She also forced the Japanese to pay a large indemnity.
  Tsar Nicholas II strengthened his position; revolution and unnecessary thought did not appear.
  Tsarist Russia continued to move across China. And its expansion in the east.
  But the Kaiser"s Germany, despite the fact that the Tsarist Germany was becoming a great power and growing even faster and more than in real history, still went ahead and entered the First World War.
  Yes, on two fronts.
  Well, now Medvedev has taken up the task of destroying the Germans. They have no reason to offend the Tsar-Father.
  And how it hits enemies with lasers. And let's thresh them in East Prussia like a hurricane. Medvedev shoots at German troops using lasers and gravitational energy beams.
  At the same time, the girls appeared. Of course in a bikini. Alenka and Natasha. And let the Krauts chop with lightsabers.
  Yes, Tsar Nicholas the Great, the Nazis never dreamed of such a thing. What are they planning against you, fathers?
  Medvedev sings aggressively:
  - Melons, watermelons, wheat buns,
  Generous, prosperous land...
  And he sits on the throne in St. Petersburg,
  Father Tsar Nicholas!
  The inauguration date was postponed early. And Medvedev was left entirely to his own devices. Like, while you're making out with the child.
  Medvedev also posthumously awarded Andropov the star of the Hero of Russia. Which probably should have been done earlier. And he issued a decree on the construction of a monument to Andropov.
  At the same time, the acting president also reinstated Yezhov and Yagoda. Why stand on ceremony here?
  Then he established a new order named after Bobby Fischer. But you can"t say anything that he was a great chess player. And not just great, but also scandalous. He wanted to be above everyone not only in chess.
  And also three degrees: bronze, silver and gold!
  And of course, first of all, Dmitry Medvedev awarded this order to: Garry Kasparov, Anatoly Karpov and... the Klitschko brothers!
  And at the same time, Dmitry Medvedev established the Order of Vladimir Klitschko. Also an interesting move. Three levels: bronze, silver, gold.
  And then there"s the Svyatogor Order, a brilliant solution.
  Medvedev steers and pedals. And he invents this again. This is a bear. A bear to all bears.
  And he has new ideas. For example, give every Russian a new car.
  In the meantime, go and play on the computer. What Medvedev wanted most of all. So he has now turned on a new strategy. War of different levels. This is what the president, even the former one, wanted to play about.
  You start with five workers and a thousand units each: coal, iron, stones, oil, food, gold.
  And let's first build a community center to produce new workers. Then, you begin to develop mines and agriculture.
  First of all, of course, obtaining food in order to better customize the workers.
  Medvedev has the most powerful, most modern computer. And you can churn out a lot of units.
  You build yourself a city and new trade centers. Money, of course, is a problem at first. Until you build a mint, a market, an academy of sciences, and so on.
  But Medvedev knows a universal way to get rich. Hire more agricultural workers and buy resources for bread. The market is very cheap to build. And then you saved up, bought an academy, built a sawmill, and made new mines. And then more... And gold flowed - the most expensive product. Especially when the mint did. And then it will be possible to improve the wells. This is how money flows much more fun. Can be used for improvement. New saws, new agricultural implements, land reclamation, fertilizer research. A new type of plow...
  Next, deepening the wells and pumping in new workers. New farms. Meat production. Construction of houses. To the houses of doctors, policemen, wells, markets, architects, firefighters. And so on... Tax collection. New improvements in gold mining. And the development of new space and work buildings.
  And there is already more and more money... There are surpluses and you can start building barracks.
  The game is interesting and challenging. The city is growing. No war yet. Here you can establish peacetime, and choose a weaker enemy... In fact, Medvedev is still accumulating strength in military-economic strategy.
  The military academy has been built. And you begin to form troops. Cavalry, infantry, flamethrowers, mortars, and other forces. Of course , artillery. Or even again, by improving the wells of the tank plant. The first cars are, of course, light and primitive, but they can be driven.
  Medvedev got carried away.
  The game consumed the president. You build yourself more and more new houses. They include a school of scribes, a library, and entertainment of various levels. Be it musicians, dancers, jugglers, senet players, zoos. Or another casino.
  And, of course, temples to various gods.
  Yes, there are many different religions in the empire. It is best to build different temples.
  And here everything is different. And mosques, churches, houses of worship, Buddhist temples, stupas, pagan gods.
  Yes, a rich mission. You also build bridges when crossing the river.
  There is a lot of work. Also organize festivals for different religions so that the gods are not offended.
  And so on without interruption. And work at the Academy of Science goes on, now one improvement, then another. Either a remedy against rodents or against insects - whatever improves agriculture, tractors appear.
  And even the Gods send good harvests. So you can drive away tanks and aircraft factories. Starting with light airplanes, you can reach atomic bombers. And the number of units is constantly growing. It has already reached one hundred thousand.
  Medvedev plays and promotes new technologies. No fear yet. You don"t have to fight, you can raise the index of prosperity and culture for your people. And this also matters. But there is now enough money and resources.
  What"s even better about the game is that the wells don"t deplete. You can forever extract resources.
  And build new cities on the map... Or even indulge in a pyramid or another wonder of the world.
  Medvedev is also churning out new barracks. True, the abundance of troops reduces the prosperity index. This, of course, is where the problem arises. But for now there is no one to fight with... But new technologies can be introduced to make tanks and planes faster. And bring up the heavy bombers.
  However, why not, already having medium tanks, not capture the enemy at the level of the Middle Ages?
  And Medvedev, having produced more tanks and at the same time improving their parameters, quickly invades the neighboring country.
  And also planes from above. And let's bomb the enemy with all our might. You rain napalm on him.
  And it's not a game by the rules.
  Medvedev enjoyed the destruction of the medieval city. And then the whole country with its primitive army. He enjoyed and won, although his planes and tanks received minor damage. This is how the grip turned out to be relatively easy. And then again you build a city on the conquered territory...
  And your tanks are already heavy. It is possible to attach both anti-nuclear protection and active armor.
  Medvedev had already been playing for ten hours and his eyes were tired and began to stick together. The acting president fell asleep.
  At first, Medvedev was spinning around in something vague. But it didn't last long. And then the ultra-modern T-95 tank flew up the hill. It was already late autumn, and trickles of rain were hitting the armor.
  Medvedev said:
  - The decisive day of the battle for Mount Vysokaya! That mountain that is the key to the entire defense of Port Arthur. Today is exactly November 21, or December 4 according to the new style. - The professor furiously hit his armor with his fist and exclaimed. - But there will be no capture of Vysokaya Mountain! The Pacific squadron will live!
  The Japanese have almost captured Mount Vysokaya. They crawled in like ants, in thick streams from all sides. The T-95 opened fire with a 152-mm rapid-fire cannon.
  Alenka pressed the joystick button, and the automatic cannon hit the Japanese like an anti-aircraft gun. Powerful high-explosive fragmentation shells knocked out hundreds of Japanese with one shot.
  Natasha, in turn, fired from eight heavy machine guns. And I also preferred to use a joystick.
  Medvedev drove the tank, the supermachine confidently climbed the steep slopes, and the tracks crushed the warriors of the Land of the Rising Sun.
  Margarita whistled and said:
  - We are making history!
  The acting president angrily confirmed:
  - Certainly! Under no circumstances will we allow Port Arthur to be surrendered!
  Alenka, firing from a gun, fired twenty rounds per minute, spitting out a projectile with increased destructive power weighing fifty kilograms. In one minute, a ton of metal and explosives erupted with precision.
  And the girl hit very accurately.
  And machine guns, each firing five thousand rounds a minute. Or forty thousand large bullets, over a short period of time. And how did they take on the samurai? How they began to press them.
  Alenka even sang:
  - And the enemy flock flew to the ground, under the pressure of steel and lead!
  The Russian tank worked aggressively. Here he cut down one thousand Japanese, here is the second. Removing them in layers.
  Natasha giggled and sang:
  - For the glory of Rus'! Let's never forget the Fatherland!
  And again he shoots from lethal caliber machine guns. And thousands of Japanese are lying dead.
  Medvedev took it and hissed:
  - Tsar Nicholas! You will be great.
  And let's crush the unfinished samurai under the caterpillars.
  Margarita logically noted:
  - Nicholas II could be the greatest of the tsars. He had every chance to make China a Russian province - Yellow Russia!
  Medvedev hit the samurai, rushed over them like caterpillars, and said:
  - Let it be so!
  Shell after shell flew out. They multiplied like quasi-matter, requiring much less energy than the actual increase in atoms and molecules.
  Alenka, pressing the joystick buttons with her graceful fingers, even exclaimed:
  - In the name of the Russian tsars!
  . CHAPTER No. 6.
  The gun roared and roared. Although, not so loudly, but muffled, it was possible to talk.
  Margarita asked the acting president:
  - What, the number of shells is infinite?
  Medvedev replied:
  - Quasi-matter does not require much energy to create. And filling a thermonuclear reactor with water is as easy as shelling pears!
  Margarita whistled:
  - Yes, this is brilliant! You can make chocolate ice cream this way too!
  Medvedev objected with a sigh:
  - Not yet, but very soon, yes! It"s a pity that so far we only get quasi-matter!
  Alenka, pressing the joystick buttons with her bare fingers, smiling with large tigress teeth, remarked:
  - This ability to create matter is also quasi-divine!
  Medvedev chuckled. There were fewer and fewer Japanese around the mountain, and more and more corpses. The samurai tried to shoot at the tank, but in vain. The shells bounced off the armor like drops of rain.
  The acting president remarked:
  - And man is created in the image and likeness of God.
  Alenka, firing lethal shells, remarked:
  - If it is still created. Maybe we humans are the most intelligent, strong and powerful being in the universe!
  Medvedev logically suggested:
  - All the more necessary is the consolidation of humanity! We should unite! Then we will not know grief and defeat!
  Natasha confidently stated:
  - The Tsarist Empire is capable of uniting everyone! And unite everyone, without exception, into a monolith!
  And the girl fired machine guns again. Overwhelming the Japanese trying to enter from the left flank. The grenades did not harm the T-95 tank. And the guns, also from a distance, either missed, or their shells were ineffective. Moreover, there are no armor-piercing weapons in any country in the world. And you can"t penetrate such a tank so easily. His defense is top notch.
  And the machine guns mow down and the shells are swept away. And they do everything specifically, and very deadly.
  Natasha giggled and said:
  - Many Japanese will be missing!
  Alenka agreed with this:
  - Very many!
  And she flashed her sapphire eyes. And there are so many different things about this girl, a true terminator.
  The warriors are firing. And samurai bleed. Forty thousand bullets and a ton of shells per minute, this is a very large destructive force.
  Natasha notes:
  - We are warriors who suffer serious death!
  Alenka agreed with this:
  - And not just death, but the source of power in the entire universe!
  Margarita remarked judiciously:
  - If Tsarist Russia conquers the whole world, then all wars in the history of mankind will be ended once and for all!
  Medvedev agreed:
  - Of course baby! Nobody needs wars! But humanity must become united!
  Natasha hissed with the joy of a panther killing a bull:
  - When we are united, we are invincible!
  And she released sparks from her eyes! This is the girl! It contains the flames of fire, and ice and steel.
  But now the last Japanese are dying. And there is no one else to storm the mountain. More than fifty thousand killed warriors of the Land of the Rising Sun remained under Mount Vysokaya.
  The battle is over.
  The four took a place on a hill, and Medvedev remarked:
  "We"d better not talk to the garrison for now." In general, what are we going to do?
  Alenka suggested:
  - There are still many Japanese. Let's destroy the entire Nogi army.
  Margarita readily agreed with this:
  - That's it! We will squeeze out all the samurai! And it will be great!
  Medvedev grinned and remarked:
  - And our tank can also swim under water and fire shells. Let's sink the Japanese fleet!
  Natasha squealed with delight:
  - That's it! That's right, let's take and wipe out all the samurai at sea.
  The Japanese squadron had just begun its next bombing raid. Shells flew, including from eleven and twelve-inch guns. And this, you see, is serious.
  The tank rushed towards the coast. Alenka, tapping her fingers on the body of the car, remarked:
  - Okay, to the sea. But how could we give the initiative to the Japanese on land?
  Margarita, who had some knowledge about the war, recalled:
  - We had machine guns, and the Mosin rifle was much more reliable and effective than the Japanese one. And if not everything worked out at sea, then on land the samurai had no chance!
  Alenka angrily moved her bare foot along the floor and muttered:
  - Betrayal! Trivial betrayal!
  Natasha suggested:
  - We'll hang everyone!
  The tank went into the water. From the sides appeared propellers that controlled the machine. Here is the first target: a Japanese destroyer. Natasha pressed the joystick buttons with her thin fingers.
  And the shell hit the very bottom of the ship with lethal force. He turned the armor around.
  The destroyer received another shell. Natasha pressed her toe again.
  And then the Japanese drowns.
  Alenka giggled:
  - Let's take turns drowning! Machine guns are not very effective underwater!
  And the girl pressed the joystick, this time sending a shell into the bottom of the destroyer.
  Margarita answered with a smile:
  - Well, we have ladies!
  Natasha sent a shell again and shouted:
  - In the name of Rus', let there be victory!
  Alenka spat out the shells. She cut open the bottom of the ship of the Land of the Rising Sun and noticed:
  - Still, the tsarist power in Russia was not as bad as propaganda claimed.
  Margarita agreed with this and willingly spoke, especially since he had nothing to do anyway.
  - Under Tsar Nicholas II, Russia introduced the gold standard of money. The currency of the empire became the most solid and stable in the world. Prices also remained virtually unchanged. And under Tsar Nicholas, the payment reached thirty-seven rubles a month. In fact, Russia has become one of the leading countries in the world in terms of living standards. Industrial production became fourth in the world.
  Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev after sleep, began to play on the computer. In this case, he was cutting himself to continue the strategy. The strengthened power carried out seizures. The acting president of Russia threw tanks into battle.
  And heavy.
  It's still a good game. I drove it a little and got tanks heavier than a hundred tons. When he was president, Medvedev wanted to develop tanks heavier than one hundred tons. But Putin didn"t give it then. But the idea looked tempting. Super heavy vehicles. And six types of cars. Over five and one hundred tons.
  But now Medvedev is throwing tanks with nuclear engines into battle. And it breaks the defenses of middle-level countries. And again the captures. Yes, great... To make it a little easier, connect a military adviser. And together with him you lead the destruction of the enemy. And his capture.
  Here you are conquering another empire... Here the war is more serious, but it is led by a military adviser of Napoleon"s level. So you can just watch, and set up your empire with an economist of Stolypin"s level.
  And Medvedev, after sitting at a computer with a giant screen for several hours, began to snore.
  He's been sleep deprived for too long.
  Alenka fired at the Japanese. Having sunk the cruiser this time, she sang:
  - We are the strongest in the world,
  We will soak all our enemies in the toilet.
  The motherland doesn't believe in tears,
  And we'll give the evil oligarchs their brains!
  And the girl laughed. And her teeth sparkled with pearls!
  Medvedev suggested:
  - Since the war with Japan ends in victory, Russia"s economic growth will be even greater! And the tsarist empire will become the richest country!
  Alenka sank another destroyer and hissed:
  - We have always been rich! There was not enough order!
  Natasha hit the battleship of the Land of the Rising Sun and remarked:
  - We were in no way inferior to the Germans in the First World War. But because of the fifth column, we missed the victory!
  Alenka also sent another shell into the armadillo"s belly and declared:
  - Certainly! The fifth column is to blame for everything. During the First World War, the Germans could not even approach Minsk and were beaten in Galicia. And under Stalin, they already saw the Kremlin through binoculars. What does this mean?
  Natasha fired another shell at the bottom of the battleship and muttered:
  - Treason! We missed such a victory!
  Margarita also considered it necessary to remind:
  - If not for betrayal, we would have gained possession of Constantinople and Asia Minor, as well as access to the Mediterranean Sea. And we have lost so much because of betrayal and the fifth column!
  Alenka launched another projectile:
  - Yes, this is the fifth column! How many troubles are caused by her! The Russian Empire is a unique entity that could expand to the entire world and make humanity united!
  Natasha muttered aggressively:
  - Certainly! I could and would definitely do anything! And for humanity to be united and invincible!
  The girl sent another shell, after which the battleship finally split. And the Japanese drowned.
  Margarita remarked with alarm in her voice:
  - Look what is happening in the world now? Russia and the USA are on the brink of war. And China is overpopulated and totalitarian. There is no order and prosperity in the world!
  Natasha sent a new shell, this time to the cruiser, and agreed:
  - There is no order in the world! We need unified management!
  Alenka fired the shell and nodded in agreement:
  - And such a government could become a tsarist empire! The autocracy of Russia is the guarantor of global stability and prosperity!
  And the girl sent another shell, which finally split the cruiser.
  The Japanese were clearly freaking out. They fired indiscriminately, not understanding who was drowning them.
  It should be noted that on land, Japan did not have much of an advantage in numbers. And even in real history, it lost much more in killed and wounded than Russia.
  But at sea, the ships of the Land of the Rising Sun, manufactured in Britain and the USA, were slightly better than Russian ones, mainly domestically produced.
  But even here the qualitative superiority of the Japanese is quite insignificant. And the Russians shoot, perhaps, more accurately.
  Natasha, firing and sinking another destroyer, remarked in annoyance:
  - Indeed, Russia has defeated stronger opponents. For example, Napoleon!
  Alenka, having sent a shell to the armored cruiser, added:
  - Oh yeah! Napoleon was a genius! And he was stronger, but we defeated him!
  Margarita sighed heavily and grumbled:
  - Lose to the Japanese. This is so annoying and offensive!
  Alenka agreed with this:
  - Very annoying! Alas, because of this, the era of the Romanov dynasty ended. The era is glorious, heroic, with conquests and victories. And although we did not have our own Genghis Khan, we have been rising since the time of Ivan Kalita.
  And the girl sent another, very lethal projectile. And the armored cruiser split into two parts.
  Natasha continued, and with one shell she sank another destroyer. And the samurai have a lot of destroyers.
  The warrior asked the guys:
  - But I wonder why in the history of the world, not one of the empires achieved absolute power?
  Alenka again sent a shell into the belly of another destroyer and declared:
  - Yes, really, why? Everyone fell. And the Persian Empire, and Alexander the Great, and the Roman Empire. Why hasn't anyone united humanity?
  Natasha stamped her foot in frustration. Sank another ship and said:
  - That's it! Genghis Khan created an empire that could crush the entire world. But after his death, his sons and grandsons staged a showdown and tore the empire apart. Only Tsarist Russia, with its unitary system, was such a country that it could exist for many centuries and expand until it swallowed the entire globe!
  Alenka flashed her eyes and declared, sinking another destroyer:
  - Glory to the great empire of Tsar Nicholas! We will not give power to the illegitimate Bolsheviks and the provisional government!
  Natasha also sent a shell into the ship. She sank the Japanese and sang:
  - God save the king,
  Strong sovereign
  Reign for glory,
  for our glory!
  Reign to the fear of your enemies -
  Orthodox Tsar!
  Reign with glory
  To our glory!
  The girls seem to be really turned on. This is how they destroyed the samurai, you'll admire it. And Medvedev drove his killer underwater tank. In general, this is a cool weapon. He's sinking the entire Japanese fleet. But this is a great power.
  Twelve, only large armored ships, dozens of smaller ones, including cruisers. There are more than sixty destroyers alone. It takes time to destroy all this.
  Natasha, finishing off another ship, asked Medvedev:
  - What do you think, does God exist?
  The acting officer grinned and replied:
  - In what sense?
  Natasha sent a new shell, finishing off the destroyer, and noted:
  - Yes, religions have many versions! There are both pagan and monotheistic! Sometimes you start to think about it. And you doubt whether God exists when there is such a mess in the teachings!
  Alenka split another destroyer and, giggling, remarked:
  - Yes, in this regard it is difficult to believe in the Bible. For God alone to behave this way. And he even had favorites!
  Natasha nodded in agreement:
  - That's it. Believe that one people is the people of God? This is clearly unworthy of higher intelligence!
  Afterwards, the girl began to sink a large-tonnage battleship. The warrior was working.
  But Margarita expressed her opinion:
  - It"s still not clear how it is possible that a loving God disfigures women like that!
  Natasha was surprised:
  - How is this ugly?
  Margarita answered honestly:
  - Yes, he turns them into old women! And what could be more disgusting than an old woman!
  Alenka fired a shell into the cruiser"s belly and declared:
  - For some reason, there are very nasty old women walking around on earth, which is both stupid and terribly ugly!
  Natasha shook her head and supported:
  - And unsympathetic! And not aesthetically pleasing!
  The warrior laughed and winked at her partner. Like, she"s so cool and aggressive.
  Medvedev seriously remarked:
  - Indeed, old age is very bad. It makes people ugly, weak, vulnerable. But from an evolutionary point of view, it has some advantages!
  Alenka was surprised. Having hit another destroyer, she asked:
  - What advantages could there be in this disgusting state?
  Medvedev answered seriously:
  - This stimulates the development of science and intelligence. If a person did not feel tired, then there would be no need for him to invent a car. Likewise , the weakness of claws and fangs led to the invention of the knife. Cold times and glacial times taught us to kindle a fire. Diseases stimulated the development of medicine. - The acting president looked at how cleverly Alenka sent another Japanese ship to the bottom, and continued. - In many ways, human weaknesses stimulated science. We didn't know how to fly, but we created airplanes. And this is progress!
  Natasha sent another projectile and noted:
  - Progress. But still, when you look at the old woman, it becomes so disgusting. Is it really impossible to do without human ugliness?
  Alenka agreed with this:
  - Even young people can invent an airplane. Why fill the damned old age? This is terrible and disgusting!
  Margarita sang out of place:
  - I will not part with the Komsomol! I'll be forever young!
  And the girl moved her fist on the metal.
  Meanwhile, another battleship was sinking.
  The submarine tank continued to sink the Japanese fleet. Admiral Togo himself found himself in the water and was forced to escape by boat. Japan had a large fleet, but was faced with a fundamentally new weapon. And now she was completely defeated.
  Alenka, continuing to sink Japanese ships, bared her teeth, which were very large and sharp, and suggested:
  - That's what I'm thinking about. Of course, there must be aesthetics of bodies. And it is impossible for women to become ugly, with flabby skin and bent bodies.
  Natasha, having sent another destroyer to the bottom, very readily agreed with this:
  - Of course! This is what science is working on!
  Both warriors were in a very cheerful mood. They successfully sink the enemy fleet.
  Aggressive girls are capable of great feats.
  Margarita, meanwhile, expressed her thought:
  - Religions also arose due to the weakness of man. If man were stronger, there would be no religions. And of course, death and fear of death leads to the fact that a person seeks consolation for himself!
  Alenka recalled:
  - I took part in a seance, and saw something amazing. So there are perfumes!
  Natasha, with cunning in her voice, noted:
  - There is nothing surprising in the existence of spirits! After all, we fly in our dreams. This means there is a soul, and like a memory of flights!
  Medvedev nodded in agreement:
  - Yes, there is a soul! In this regard, the person is unique! Now maybe we can have some fun!
  The Japanese fleet was melting. The underwater tank played the role of a killer. Margarita was a little sad. Firstly, she found herself in the role of an extra. And secondly, which is annoying, you can"t see everything very well when you"re underwater. In general, Peter had strong doubts about God. In fact, why after the Russians adopted Christianity, various troubles fell upon them. And the Mongol-Tatar invasion, and before that, the feudal fragmentation of the princes. Wars between Russian people.
  That's when, finally, from the time of Ivan Kalita, the revival of Russia began,
  Muscovy grew stronger. Until, for example, under Ivan the Third it finally became a single, centralized state. And threw off the Tatar yoke.
  Yes, of course, Russia was rising. Until I stumbled in Japan.
  This marked the end of the history of the monarchy and the Romanov dynasty.
  However, the monarchy left, but authoritarianism remained.
  Margarita carefully stroked Alenka on the back. The girl purred contentedly. She seemed to enjoy it.
  Medvedev logically noted:
  - There is nothing wrong with a man loving a girl and a girl loving a man. This is quite natural. But at the same time, people must maintain decency.
  Margarita objected displeasedly:
  - Let's not read morals. I don't like this!
  The acting president chuckled:
  - And who loves! But we need to face the truth. People, in this regard, are noticeably different from animals!
  Margarita nodded in agreement:
  - Yes, there is a big gap between us!
  Alenka replied sarcastically:
  - And you know, between you and the monkey, I don"t notice much of a difference!
  Margarita laughed. Alenka, meanwhile, sank the last of Japan's twelve armored ships. After which, the girl remarked:
  - We are almost finished with the enemy fleet!
  Medvedev grinned sarcastically:
  - Yes, you are good workers! And in fact, they are capable of a lot! In general, I love warrior girls - they"re so sexy!
  Margarita twirled her body and sang:
  - I seem sexy, I'm like a processor! And I move like a robot - a sound aggressor!
  After which the student stroked Alenka a little more boldly. The girl pressed the joystick buttons with her long fingers and looked charming.
  How graceful are her movements.
  Margarita"s imagination depicted a princess walking barefoot to the scaffold. This is so romantic. And the princess is so red. She was stripped of all her jewelry and her expensive dress. All that was left was the sackcloth. But the prison uniform further sets off the charm of his sweet, pleasant, fresh face, like a rose. And fire hair. How beautiful is the princess going to execution.
  And there are thousands of people drowning up there. Ships are breaking apart, the elements are raging.
  And Japan suffers a colossal, unique defeat. So the samurai apparently have to repent of their sins.
  Margarita thought, what do the Japanese believe? What is their religion? They are pagans after all. But they defeated Orthodox Russia. After this, think about whose God is stronger!
  And the Mongols were pagans, but how many territories they captured.
  Margarita asked Alenka:
  - Tell me, beauty, how do you like Rodnoverie?
  The girl smiled broadly and, having sunk another destroyer, answered:
  - Very good religion! There are such beautiful fairy tales!
  Margarita asked insinuatingly:
  - Do you think fairy tales? Or maybe all these Russian Gods actually exist?
  Alenka shrugged and answered:
  - Maybe both elves and gnomes exist! Anything can happen in our world. And it"s hard to say what really exists and what doesn"t!
  Medvedev logically noted:
  - To some extent, everything in our world exists. All our thoughts, dreams, desires are what we leave behind. I have a very interesting theory of the Hypernoosphere, in which absolutely everything that has ever been invented by people exists. That is, thought exists forever. And she remains in some other, parallel worlds.
  Dmitry Medvedev woke up from sleep. And again he took up his fundamental work, more precisely the construction of an empire.
  And again conquests...
  First, assemble a new tank weighing a thousand tons and launch it at enemy positions. No, of course, not just one, but a great many.
  And they are moving through foreign territory. And on top there are also planes with atomic bombs. And what if we drive away the bombs too? And make annihilation ones?
  Dmitry Medvedev is like everyone else in the openwork.
  And now another country falls into the boots of a dictator. And the conquests are coming. But here's another enemy. The country is also big... You can even program it. Here is the USSR in 1941... There is an invasion. Units in Medvedev have multiplied automatically over many hours of play, and its population is already more than a billion. Against 196 million. And more modern technology. And soldiers can be churned out by barracks ad infinitum.
  Fortunately, electronic resources are inexhaustible. And put pressure on the enemy, put pressure on him.
  And tanks weighing a thousand tons are sent to nuclear reactors across Russia straight to Moscow.
  And it is practically impossible to leave them - nothing takes!
  Medvedev leads the strategy and hums to himself... Then, he stops the nuclear-powered tanks. And throws "Panther"-2 into battle. A car that, however, is still capable of beating a thirty-four.
  Medvedev plays with himself by loading different parameters of the cars... "Panther"-2... Like hitting from a distance. And it will penetrate a Soviet tank.
  That's not how you'll break through it! Especially in the forehead, but on board you can. The shooting is in full swing. And the thirty-fours rush off... And die under the blows of the guns...
  The army is moving again...And combat robots have appeared. They pace themselves. And the shells are shot down by lasers. And they do it very cleverly.
  And the virtual girls attack.
  Medvedev has an avid eye on strategy. An exciting battle. Again you play it yourself, or hand it over to a military adviser. And you watch the progress of the battle.
  They lead their tanks on the offensive.
  Here you can move forward pyramidal tanks that are less vulnerable and impenetrable from all angles. They move like a skating rink.
  And the girls run barefoot... And shoot on their way.
  Another war. Genuine toy. And money comes from gold wells without drying up. It"s like in a game, everything is according to plan, without failures, and without a decline in nature.
  Everything does not run out, and resources do not decrease. Although this does not seem very likely.
  Medvedev was interrupted by a call. The acting president picked up the phone:
  - Hello!
  The head of the presidential administration said:
  - Are you still in the office, Dmitry Anatolyevich?
  Medvedev responded sharply:
  - Yes! I'm still the president!
  The head of administration said:
  - Zelensky demands that after the inauguration you leave the residence.
  Medvedev asked, shuddering:
  - And where will I live?
  The head of administration replied:
  - In my apartment! Your power has ended and you must vacate all premises!
  Medvedev gurgled in a whisper:
  - I have a request to the new president - let him leave me the computer!
  The head of administration asked:
  - Give me the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called and I will ask Zelensky to have a computer for you!
  Medvedev nodded in agreement:
  - Well, it's possible!
  . CHAPTER No. 7
  And he called his assistant to prepare a decree. On conferring the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called on the head of the administration. The template is ready and so far I have signed for the responsibility.
  Then Medvedev began to play again.
  Now his virtual tanks are approaching Moscow and starting the assault. This city is being attacked by machines weighing two thousand tons.
  However, Medvedev also throws "Rat"-5 into the attack, this is a monster, not a tank. Ten thousand tons in weight!
  The troops are approaching the Kremlin... So Stalin is running away. And he is caught by barefoot girls in bikinis. They grab the nose with their bare toes. And they force Stalin to kiss his bare heels.
  Here are the troops of the virtual empire passing Moscow and going to the Urals...
  They capture him too...
  Medvedev begins to nod off again and begins to dream.
  Margarita asked sarcastically:
  - What about, for example, a more classical division: heaven and hell?
  Medvedev remarked gloomily:
  - This is most likely the primitive idea of the ancients about retribution after death. In reality, most likely, everything is somewhat more complicated!
  Natasha exclaimed with delight as she sank one of the last Japanese ships:
  - The sworn and ancient,
  The enemy swears again
  Rub me
  Grind into powder.
  But the angel does not sleep,
  And everything will work out. And everything will end well!
  The girls finished off the enemy fleet. Medvedev accelerated the tank, pursuing the samurai. Yes, they did a good job here. It"s interesting how history can be corrected. Tsarist Russia was a powerful country that was rising in height. Although not all people lived well.
  But the country was rising. The working day was shortened. New holidays appeared. Local self-government was created. The wages grew with stable prices. Schools opened. Under Tsar Nicholas II, spending on education increased more than six times. Primary education became compulsory.
  Yes, not everything changed for the better quickly enough, but how much the country lost due to the revolution and civil war. How many smart people died and left their homeland? And now, in this part of the universe there is a chance to prevent this.
  The streamlined tank floated quickly and silently under water. And now the last destroyer of the Land of the Rising Sun has been sunk.
  Natasha said with delight:
  - That's how young I am!
  Alenka corrected the girl, clarifying:
  - How great we are all here! They fought like lionesses!
  Margarita remarked in annoyance:
  - Nothing special! We simply had better technology!
  Alenka giggled and answered:
  - But we fired the cannons ourselves!
  Natasha supported her friend:
  - And we also did it ourselves! And this is a keen eye...
  Margarita picked out:
  - Slanty hands!
  Natasha laughed and replied:
  - And you are a charming girl!
  Margarita honestly stated:
  - I feel sorry for the Japanese. They draw wonderful cartoons. I especially like hentai!
  Alenka laughed and spun her leg in the air:
  - Hentai, this is cool! Even very cool!
  Natasha, with the smile of a girl who tasted the jam, suggested:
  - And let"s maybe kick the fascists" ass too!
  Medvedev nodded with a smile:
  - Good idea. But let's finish off the Japanese ground forces first. And we will help end the war faster. So that fascism does not appear in this universe.
  The girls answered in unison:
  -And it won"t appear, and China will be ours!
  After the Japanese fleet was sunk, the T-95 super tank made it to the surface.
  Then Medvedev began to dream about all sorts of nonsense.
  Warrior Alenka stood up for the defense of Ryazan. Natasha was with her.
  Both girls are in light armor, with a saber in each hand. And under your feet there are special, thin discs.
  A huge army of Mongol-Tatars mounted an assault.
  Many long stairs covered the walls at once. They were different: knitted from root logs, knocked down pine woods with crossbars. Heavy ladders with rows of logs were also used. The ramparts, thanks to the rapid pace of construction, turned out to be higher than the Tatars expected; many stairs did not reach the top. Ahead, the Mongols drove away the few captured Uruses. The Russian people preferred death to the shame of captivity.
  But the Mongols were relentless.
  Ruthlessly pushing with sharpened spears, the exhausted people were kicked up, hoping that the Russian people, not wanting to kill their own, would surrender. Or, under the cover of prisoners, infiltrate the ice rampart. Some of the prisoners rushed down screaming, sliding down the frozen ice, knocking down the hated nukers, tearing swords out of their hands and immediately falling hacked to pieces. People were quickly climbing the stairs, you don"t understand what kind and tribe?
  Half naked, in rags, with a club in their hands, with their backs stabbed and bleeding. The man Vaul, clad in armor, had already raised a huge ax, when they desperately screamed from below:
  -Don"t destroy us, knight, we are our own, the Russians!
  Voivode Dikoros jumped up to the wall and yelled:
  -I smell it"s ours!
  A desperate cry confirmed this:
  -Wait to chop, yours! There are no Mughlans among us!
  Very smart Alenka shouted:
  -Whoever crosses himself correctly is one of his own!
  - Be baptized, Orthodox people!
  With a terrifying voice, the horses bolted a mile away, the giant Vaula-Morovin roared.
  The defenders of Ryazan approved:
  -Right! Truly!
  They unanimously echoed on all the walls:
  -Come on, brothers, make the sign of the cross!
  Hundreds of ragged prisoners, blue from the cold, climbed over the rampart and fell, continuing to mechanically cross themselves. Some immediately picked up pre-laid stones and furiously threw them at the Mongols. Many Ryazan residents saw the Tatars for the first time, even many traditional opponents, the same Kipchaks, changed into Mongolian clothes.
  The enemies were wearing long fur coats, so long that they got tangled in the hems. Selected nukers had copper and iron plates hanging on their chests and their backs were open. To intimidate the Uruses, many painted their already evil, effeminate faces with blood.
  But the Uruses did not flinch, meeting the enemy with swords and axes. From Vaula"s powerful sweeping blow, five Mongols were killed at once, the second blow, and three more! Other warriors fought no worse. The Tatars clumsily climbed up the slippery shaft; they could not properly cover themselves with shields or cut with sabers. When, at the cost of enormous losses, the Mongol army reached the top, boiling water and a terrible weapon were poured on them: burning tar.
  Even women and small children poured scalding water and threw stones and blocks. Small slingshots with poisoned arrows were especially effective; even a five-year-old child, not yet able to pull a tight bowstring with his small hands, could shoot from them. And to miss when firing into such a thick mass is much more difficult than to hit. The assault was clearly choking, mutilated corpses rolled down in large quantities.
  Through a telescope skillfully made by the Chinese, Guyuk Khan closely watched the battle. He licked his lips and smacked his lips, every now and then, straightening his golden fur-lined helmet, which stubbornly and annoyingly climbed onto his forehead. Then he threw the pipe away in anger.
  -Our warriors are dying! Burundai and the Yellow Snake come to me!
  The Turgauds hastily rushed to carry out the order of the crown kagan. Guyuk was about to sit down in a carved ivory chair when a hand softly lay on his shoulder:
  -Don't worry, great one! Calm your wild gaze!
  A viscous melody purred, quite reminiscent of a woman"s voice.
  Guyuk Khan felt sleepy and could hardly stay on his feet. Yes, that's him. Again, like a ghost, the Yellow Serpent appeared in front of him - the most terrible person in his army, a hellish demon from distant and inaccessible Japan.
  The heir to the Supreme Khagan pointed a stupid finger! The yellow snake continued to spread, sometimes increasing, sometimes decreasing:
  -I! And I see right through you! It's time to moderate your anger! Well, more precisely, bring all your reserves into the battle as soon as possible! And I will help you, brothers, and give such a surprise to the enemy! The signature move, believe me, will be correct!
  -Dze, dze, dze! I will throw a selected tumen into battle under the command of Burundai! Together you will lead the attack!
  The Japanese flashed his eyes, baring his large yellow teeth:
  -There are no white demons, I want to kill my equals! Like a true ninja!
  The yellow snake flashed its talisman, a whistle imperceptibly appeared in its mouth, and a shimmering melody was heard.
  Guyuk thought that he was being mocked, but he had neither the strength nor the desire to argue with the ninja sorcerer. At this moment, the Turgauds rudely pushed Burundai, Guyuk Khan did not like this obedient protege of Subudai-Baghatur.
  -You leaky wineskin! Don't you see that the best warriors are dying under the walls of the Urus capital? Take the "Berkuts" immediately and, having passed the river, cut down the Uruses with a blow under the right wall.
  The experienced Burundai dared to object:
  -The ice is not yet strong, under the blows of thousands of hooves it will simply burst.
  Unexpectedly, the formidable Japanese answered for Guyuk.
  -Your concern is commendable. But your efforts are in vain! The magic powder has bound ice on the river stronger than military steel! Well, jump ahead, we ordered you!
  -The great ninja batyr knows what he is saying! Ride faster, if you master the hail, I will give a school of horses as a reward!
  Guyuk Khan shouted, shaking his fingers. Burundai did not dare to contradict any more - it was fraught with death. The Mongol with a flock of shaggy horsemen disappeared from sight. Suddenly a shadow approached, there was a noise overhead, and a strong air wave caused the crown kagan"s helmet to fly off:
  -Harakiri! So the Butterfly fluttered! Now the Uruses will have a "poultice".
  A giant dragon hovered above the surface, its golden wings blowing away the snowdrifts, and fiery tongues spilled out of its three predatory mouths.
  -Wonderful mongoose!
  Guyuk didn"t even have time to get scared:
  -He is capable of burning all of Ryazan.
  -Not all of it, but he"ll set the wall on fire. Go ahead, my little Godzilla!
  Medvedev's wonderful dream continued. The acting president had a colossal imagination.
  A mighty dragon, with a wingspan of fifty meters, soared into the air. The Mongols and the shamans accompanying them howled furiously. Tumen, under the command of Burundai, flew dashingly onto the ice, several horses stumbled, and they and their riders were immediately trampled by a frantic iron mass. The three-headed monster, meanwhile, smoothly dived onto the wall. Wilderness realized the danger of an air attack before the others. Well, of course, I didn"t want to reveal my trump cards ahead of time, but in order to save the city, I would have to use an unknown weapon until that day. The winged monster was opposed by a mechanical monster that vaguely looked like a mixture of a spider and a steel centipede. Smoke was already rising from the steam boiler. Well done guys for throwing in the coal in advance.
  The steam catapult is a masterful combination of the technologies of a steam locomotive, a winch, multi-legged ballistae and even... a musical snuffbox. And this beast, forged from hardened steel, could throw any damaging thing almost at the speed of a machine gun at a distance of up to two miles. Warrior girls were the first in the world who thought of adapting a piston engine for throwing charges. Dikoros personally turned the lever, a skillfully forged ribbon from chains began to move, inserting stones into the rapidly rotating blades.
  Since the Tatars rushed in a dense heap, there were almost no misses; on the contrary, each weighty cobblestone, bouncing, knocked down several pressing horsemen. One thing is bad, the aiming scale is rather weak, you can still hit the Mongols, but try, hit a flying dragon! The three-headed monster turned its head and opened its wide, fanged, diamond-shine jaws.
  The escaping flame flew past the rampart and hit the houses. Squeals and screams were heard, several half-blind women ran down the street, and houses caught fire with unnatural speed. Fortunately, sand and heavy barrels of water, as well as fire brigades, were on alert. Some of the huts, especially those close to the wall, were covered with fire-resistant asbestos. Under the friendly pressure, the predatory volcano turned pale and, having lost its strength, turned into streams of pale smoke.
  But the dragon clearly did not want to give up, coming out of the dive, he turned around with the grace of an overloaded stormtrooper and again brought down streams of a fiery tornado. The Tatars had already managed to reach the wall, so the raging flames struck them too. The formidable Burundai was among the victims; his luxurious clothes caught fire, and he rushed back with the roar of a wounded boar. The Russian soldiers also suffered, and part of the ice noticeably melted, exposing the earth and logs. The clothes on Dikoros were smoldering, but the fighter Antonov standing on the wall managed to pour a bucket of water on him, and steam rose from the hot chain mail.
  -What a devilish obsession, it"s a pity that cool Alenka doesn"t see us!
  The dragon turned around again and attempted to enter the third circle. The sorcerer Savely struck his fingers, he managed to launch a small fireball, the blow hit the middle head of the dragon. The small explosion did not cause any particular losses to the three-headed monster, but slightly knocked it off its trajectory, as a result of which the dragon fired ahead of time, a fiery whirlwind hitting the piled-up ranks of nukers. And again frantic howls, some of the Tatars moved back. It was then that Dikoros noticed a tall young girl, dashingly waving two double-edged swords. With inhuman speed, she chopped her opponents into cabbage, delivered terrible blows with her feet, elbows, and even her head, fluttering like a butterfly.
  Only one, or rather two people could have caused such devastation:
  -Juliana! Red angel, is that you?!
  - You smell flowers with your nose! From a three meter height!
  Alenka answered with a laugh. The warrior girl, with the speed of a crazed cheetah, flew up onto the rampart, leaving barely noticeable bloody marks on the wall.
  -Don"t talk, everything is clear! We must extinguish the winged torch!
  Alenka whistled wildly, the dragon, having leveled off its flight, entered the fourth circle. A warrior standing nearby told her:
  -Use the catapult, Alenka, knock him down with a boulder.
  The warrior girl barked menacingly.
  -I myself know better what to use!
  Alenka picked up three skillfully forged chains with lightning speed. This was also their warrior girls" idea: connect two or three small stones, shoot two or more ballistas and mow down, mutilate a whole line. Having deployed the steam catapult, Alenka jumped onto the blade and kicked the lever. She was thrown high up, and already in flight the warrior girl waved her arms, masterfully rotating her swords, directing the rapid movement, and managed to land on the back of the dragon, studded with spikes. The monster shuddered and tried to throw off the daring girl-rider, but the skillfully twisted chains overwhelmed the huge mouths - the formidable monster was completely saddled.
  -Why do you need three heads? Is one missing? They're full of holes, so I'll chain them together so that the last brains don't fly out!
  The warrior girl laughed at her clumsy joke. The dragon sharply gained altitude, then reproduced Nesterov"s loop, the muscles under the skin shook, the monster made desperate efforts to throw off the uninvited rider. Hot currents of air blew across the gigantic body, the kite rushed like a stone released from a catapult, or, most likely, a meteor. The atmospheric wave knocked the Tatars off track.
  Alenka cooed:
  -Not impressive!
  The acting president's sleep still continued. Mr. Medvedev fell apart a little, maybe even from grief.
  Indeed, what a twitching dragon was for the terminator girl when she went through extreme loads in twelve variable planes, accelerating to one hundred and fifty gravity and immediately diving into weightlessness, then again reaching the sublethal load limit. Any representative of flora and fauna is a worm in front of this product of genetic engineering.
  The monster made an attempt to turn its heads, clanging terribly with its huge mouth. The warrior girl slashed with her legendary sword with all her might, aiming at the most sensitive place - the nostril. The first blow was flat, silvery beads flew out of the nostril, like pearls they sparkled in the sun:
  "Your snot is beautiful, right, they say that a dragon can defecate gold."
  The snake struck with a light. In response, the beautiful and agile Alenka slashed with the tip, the blow was sharp and accurate, the blade turned slightly red, and cherry-ruby dewdrops appeared from her huge nose. They froze right on the fly, intertwining themselves into an outlandish ornament.
  The girl laughed:
  - Cool, come on, repeat the trick!
  The monster was already twitching, but continued to gain height, the capital city of Ryazan became smaller and smaller. Here it is in a cart wheel, now in a saucer, and here it is the size of a poppy seed, finally disappearing behind the clouds. The sky flashed black, filled with bright stars, they climbed into the stratosphere, it became difficult to breathe, a cold vacuum blew in. Although the legendary Alenka is not an ordinary person, she cannot do without air at all. But, apparently, the dragon is also itching, the reptile has convulsions, is out of breath, so we have to lower the altitude. There is clearly no desire to repeat the feat of Ruslan, who held Chernomorets"s beard for three days and three nights. A phrase from a children's website flashes in her head, and for some reason she really wants to repeat it.
  And the warrior girl says:
  -We are of the same blood, you and I!
  The dragon seemed to grasp the meaning, shuddered and paused its flight. Then it began to slowly decline.
  The beautiful and muscular warrior said:
  -You think correctly, my winged brother! We will have results with you!
  A real massacre was in full swing below, the Mongols were already rolling away from the walls, and the magnificent Natasha decided that the optimal moment had come to strike. Well done, brave girl, you can see her right away, where she passed, there remains a bloody path thickly paved with corpses. Not only her legs and arms, Natasha"s two elongated braids reek of daggers woven into chains made of hardened steel.
  Alenka said to herself, stamping her foot:
  -I will definitely make such personal belongings for myself! Now, let's warm up the Mughlans!
  A wild flame burst out like a triple volcano from the tinned throats, the Tatars huddled too tightly, and they were simply fried in hundreds, pouring out of the mouths of a hellish fire. The horses were especially frightened, however, most of the horses had already been repulsed by a sudden blow to the back, only Guyuk Khan"s personal guard remained under the saddle. The eruption continued, sweeping away hundreds and hundreds of fighters in one salvo in a fiery hurricane. The yellow snake watched with narrowed eyes the return of his little dragon.
  The fighter from the east roared:
  -Traitor! You are all representatives of the dragon family, you always betray and serve the one who is stronger!
  Enraged, the ninja sorcerer tried to defeat the daring rider, throwing pulsars at machine-gun speed. The young warrior Alena grinned and sang loudly:
  - With fire water - knock over the glass! You're a cool stranger - you spit fire!
  This is a girl - cheerful, with humor. And pulsars made of fire are not afraid of her.
  Alena easily shot them down, using legendary weapons and, from time to time, directing the beast towards enemy units. This reusable flamethrower with wings is better than a hundred horse-drawn mechanical ones.
  Perhaps even this is cooler than an attack aircraft, and how does it have so much fuel, and doesn"t the fuse run out? You will have to study the monster at your leisure and create a new, previously unseen weapon! The arrows bounce off the thick, iridescent armored skin, shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow, like millet. The hits only momentarily change the coloring: ruby red becomes lilac-violet. Lilac-sapphire, on the contrary, turns into scarlet-orange, golden yellow, and emerald green. This is very beautiful, it"s a pity that in the heat of a bloody battle there is no time to enjoy the fabulous spectacle.
  Russian warriors and soldiers of the White Legion, formed by girls, had already cut down most of the Mongol army. It became especially creepy when mechanical flamethrowers came into play; any army could not withstand such a double blow. Another minute, and a disorderly flight will begin. The yellow snake hesitated for a moment.
  Batu"s order is clear, to kill the crown kagan on the quiet, but the payment is too low. No, he will kill him later, but for now he will take him out from under the smashing Russian swords:
  -Let's move away, Kagan, I'll cover you!
  -What about the three-headed mangus? I won't let him torment my army!
  The ninja snapped his finger and sparks began to fall:
  "I can cast a complex spell and he will return to his world, but then I won"t be able to summon him for seven years!" There is an option though! A Hale level spell!
  -How is that?
  Guyuk's face, fat and puffy beyond his years, stretched out. Ninja Killer explained:
  -And so! If I kill his white mongoose, then the dragon will be mine, if he kills me, then it will be his!
  The Japanese sorcerer whispered a long mantra, the talisman sparkled brighter than the sun. Carried away by the excitement of extermination, barefoot Alenka suddenly felt the flexible, polished back of a powerful and already obedient monster disappear under her. She found herself in the air, flying down with the speed of a stone. The fall was not pleasant, but not fatal. Having broken through a meter-long snowdrift, the terminator warrior attacked the Mongols with the fury of a wounded boar. The last organized resistance fell, the pitiful remnants of the huge army rushed into mass flight.
  The most beautiful girls, bare-legged Alenka and Natasha, literally competed in exterminating disorientated nukers. Guyuk Khan, meanwhile, became practically invisible, his greyhound horse was breaking all hippodrome records, the hereditary kagan thought only about his own skin.
  -No, this is not a samurai! Pathetic coward. What a shame to serve such a mikado!
  The ninja barked.
  The yellow snake took out two powerful katanas, crossed them and jerked sharply, a sparkling pink ball separated from the blades. A magical homing pulsar quickly took off towards the beautiful, half-naked Alenka.
  The terminator warrior managed to notice the movement, cut down the fiery clot on the fly, a small explosion scattered like lightning, scattering a dozen or two Mongols:
  -It's the devil! Samurai of the Underworld!
  The Yellow Snake shouted. The ninja was already preparing to rush to meet the bloody barefoot Alenka, when an elementary thought came into his head. "What if he doesn"t immediately kill this strongest fighter girl, then the blonde terminator Natasha will join her, and then the consequences will become catastrophic. Moreover, she subdued the dragon, and only a very powerful warrior can subdue the great serpent."
  The ninja rasped:
  -I'm getting away birdies! I'm leaving to come back!
  The yellow snake, unfolding its white cloak, buried itself in the snow. Then, choking, he began to whisper a movement spell.
  Bare-legged Alenka continued her furious pursuit, tough Natasha did not lag behind. Despite all the fierceness of the battle, they did not let the royal tent of the crown kagan out of sight for a moment.
  -He will run away, let's catch up with the leader!
  The bare-legged Alenka suggested. Throwing a disk with her bare foot, Natasha casually responded, continuing to level the fleeing Mongols with swift strokes.
  -What for! We will bring extra joy to Batyga, and this is too humane. The sword kills easily, and the jihangir will simply rip off his skin.
  Alenka, having cut off four with one blow, burst out laughing.
  -If he doesn"t break off Batu"s horns himself! Are we going to drive them all the way to the camp, or what?
  Natasha giggled and said:
  -Batu shits his pants pretty hard, and the fewer Mooglans who survive, the better!
  The terminator girls quickened their pace, it was reminiscent of a game of catch-up, the nukers desperately whipped their horses, tearing their sides bloody. With desperate efforts, they managed to slightly break away from the Uru horsemen, but they cannot escape those who were designed faster than a cheetah!
  Waking up, Dmitry, Anatolyevich Medvedev did exercises and turned on the TV. On the occasion of Zelensky"s victory, nationwide celebrations and celebrations took place. The people sincerely rejoiced at the changes.
  Everyone wanted to live in a new way, and more freely. The inauguration was approaching, and Zelensky was gaining full power. And this also caused enthusiasm and inspiration. Like, everything will change and it will be better than yesterday. And the Slavs will find unity and the Cold War will end. Like the authoritarian nightmare of the Putin period.
  And beautiful songs were already sung about Zelensky... Everyone wanted something new and beautiful.
  Zelensky himself announced that with his first decree he would cancel parliamentary immunity, and also clean up the oligarch"s feathers. Zelensky also promised to significantly raise taxes on the rich. Like, they have no reason to get fat!
  In general, there were a lot of things planned to be done. Including the grandiose construction of the railway: Arkhangelsk - Chukotka, and then an underground tunnel to Alaska.
  Why is Zelensky not a king? His projects are grandiose. And in the USA the government will soon change and there will be another generation of politicians. Who also want change.
  And now Zelensky is unwinding...
  Before the computer was taken away, Medvedev entered the game...
  After the conquest of the USSR, it is possible to get involved with the USA. But first, let"s run the laser missile defense system; the empire has such capabilities here. War against the USA - 2008! The invasion begins from Chukotka to Alaska.
  There is a real struggle going on.
  The Abrams is fighting against the Panther-7 tank. The new car is no longer so heavy as it is perfect. And shows its absolute class.
  And he destroys the Yankees... Medvedev became somewhat bored with the war, and he handed over control to a military Advisor of the Rokossovsky class. And he began to manage...
  For example, build something... New temples each with seven religions. Or even new TV towers. And it would be cool to build a pyramid. One and a half kilometers high. Yes, that would be really great!
  At the same time, Medvedev is raising the level of well-being. It's not just about churning out military factories.
  You can also produce televisions, refrigerators, computers, laptops. And build production, and pump up fighting muscles. But the USA is already overpowering... The Empire already has a population of more than two and a half billion and is quite ready to fight a war against the USA. Medvedev bares his teeth and sings:
  - I am a true hurricane of all centuries! The one that will bring a lot of death!
  And again it puts pressure on America. Nuclear strikes are already being exchanged. Such a battle is growing.
  . CHAPTER No. 8
  Eh, let's push the units again. And how we'll hit! Here are the infantry girls moving. All barefoot and in bikinis. And how the Yankees stab with bayonets, and how they throw grenades with their bare feet. There is genuine energy in them. And everything shimmers, like mercury balls running under tanned skin. Girls love to kill - these are girls!
  And they sing to themselves:
  We are dashing Komsomol girls,
  We are Tsar Medvedev, a very wise Tsar...
  And of course we have a clear voice,
  Anything to argue - go for it!
  And again he threw grenades with his bare toes. These girls are literally super. And the Yankees crush, capturing Alaska. And they also sing to themselves:
  - Evil wolves flock together! Only then will the race survive! The weak perish, they are killed - purifying the sacred blood!
  And the girls rush into the attack baring their teeth. But against the Americans there are also "Tigers"-7, what amazing power. And such monsters cannot be stopped!
  "Tiger"-7 is a special high-pressure cannon with an initial projectile speed of 2500 meters per second. And as soon as she hits her, nothing will save her. And the Ambrams are running in all directions. And tears down the tower from them.
  And the girl forces the soldiers to kneel down and kiss their bare feet.
  The Americans surrender again. And the troops of Medvedev"s army are approaching New York. And the city is already under attack. He is captured without any ceremony.
  Medvedev considers himself a great commander: he finally took New York.
  And one might say he is the greatest of the invaders. And then Washington.
  And the Americans surrender. The US President fell on his face and began kissing the girls' bare feet. First one, then the second, in turn.
  So he kissed a whole battalion of barefoot girls. This is a great battle!
  Medvedev chuckles... So he captured America. But Putin was unable to do this!
  This is truly a battle - super! And then to Mexico.
  And again the grabs... And the Mexican girls make the Mexicans kneel, and they kiss their bare heels. And they roar:
  - Glory to the beauties!
  Yes, the computer can show large color images of girls, with bare heels, who are kissed by prisoners. And it's such a thrill.
  Here they are again leading prisoners - this time blacks. And they also kiss the girls" bare feet.
  And also the tanks are crawling pyramidal...
  Girls are moving and there are a lot of them... After all, you can churn out young ones from resources. And choose that all units are girls in bikinis. And this is so beautiful.
  They are mostly redheads and blondes.
  And they take over one country after another. Such cool warriors. Empires fall under their bare feet.
  Medvedev plays with pleasure... And even whistles something under his breath.
  How does a hydrogen bomb explode? Monstrous barbarity! And the whole city, as if a cow licked it with its tongue. How much more radiation? And barefoot girls run through radioactive dust. And their bare heels get burned.
  Medvedev plays as if a python is swallowing another territory.
  Here is another power conquered in the virtual world, and the flag is dropped.
  Tanks are now new with active armor and ceramics. Multi-layered and effective.
  And the aircraft carriers are modern, and also quite appropriate. And how planes begin to shoot from them.
  Medvedev, as we see, is a very smart acting president.
  So, now the development of drones. And that's cool. And also, disc-shaped aircraft. Here they are already going into battle like UFOs. And then, pyramidal tanks.
  US President Trump, a bright mind, ordered to make the car invulnerable and impenetrable from all angles. This is how the mastodon appeared in the form of a low pyramid. And such a car showed excellent protection. Especially against kinetic projectiles.
  And now, this tank turned out to be so successful that it cannot be penetrated, and it is still in service with the United States. They even called it that: the Trump tank.
  And madness sometimes seizes people when they see that the car is impenetrable.
  Medvedev is waging an unequal battle, and his machines have already taken yet another virtual capital, turning it into a pile of ruins and boiling craters.
  But this is not enough for the robot girl. She begins to develop a new generation of weapons: the annihilation bomb. And this bomb is four hundred times more powerful than a hydrogen one. So, if it does hit, you won"t even be able to collect the ashes!
  And the war is already moving into space.
  Medvedev is using ships made of a new alloy stronger and lighter than titanium. And starships fly into space, and combat robots fight. There are already many different models in underground factories.
  And now the last empire on the planet falls. And what? Now into deep space!
  The era of Star Wars begins.
  Medvedev understands this and vigorously presses the keyboard. Or you can move your fingers or control your thoughts.
  The acting president acts wisely and builds a space fleet for himself. And the fight continues.
  Development of an even more powerful, especially annihilation, thermoquark bomb is underway. And it is a hundred thousand times more powerful than the annihilation one.
  And then the ships rise into the sky. And they capture the planet's satellites. And then the neighboring systems. They do this extremely quickly.
  And the acting president produces terminators in the game. Here is the terminator hero. This is time travel, even if limited.
  Medvedev squeaked:
  - People stomp their feet on the ground, what about boots! Which is both stupid and terribly ugly!
  And Medvedev became much more cheerful. Eh, children, how good you are. Especially if they became space warriors.
  A star battle is unfolding. And serious exchanges of blows, when trivial punches in the gut. More precisely, it is imaginative thinking.
  Medvedev continues to attack:
  - My starships are murderous!
  And he appoints new space commanders in his place. And what is a fight, is a fight.
  Here Medvedev is in command with his commanders. Here the enemy coalition is rising against it. When such an innumerable armada approaches, it is scary; from afar, it seemed like a multi-colored, sparkling nebula was creeping. Moreover, each spark is a demon caused by the magic of a necromancer sorcerer. Over twelve and a half million military space ships of the main classes, and an endless small "comfort house", taking into account the constantly arriving reinforcements, its number was approaching two hundred million. The front stretched for a couple of parsecs; on such a scale, even the flagship ultra-battleships look like grains of sand in the Sahara.
  The General Battle is approaching: the Army of Medvedev"s space empire against the multifaceted "Coalition of Total Salvation", which has decided, instead of the constant tactics of an ever-late defense, to strike the fleet of the cruel aggressor itself.
  There are so many ships here, with an amazing variety, although in most cases it only hinders effective combat. Well, for example, a starship in the form of a harpsichord, or, with long muzzles instead of strings, a harp, or even a double bass with a tank turret from the Second World War. This may impress the faint of heart, but it is more likely to cause laughter than fear.
  Their opponent is an empire that claims to be a universal power. Medvedev's great space emirate, where everything is put at the service of war, the main slogan is efficiency and expediency.
  Unlike the coalition, the acting president's starships differ only in size. And the shape is practically the same, very predatory-looking deep-sea fish. Maybe with the only exception, they look like thick daggers shimmering with steel - grabs.
  The stars in this part of space are not too densely scattered across the sky, but they are colorful and unique in their light spectrum.
  For some reason, looking at these luminaries, you get a sad feeling as if you are looking into the eyes of angels, who condemn the living beings of the universe for their vile, truly savage behavior.
  The army of the acting president was in no hurry to go to the meeting; only individual mobile units, quickly, taking advantage of their superior speed, attacked the enemy, inflicted damage and retreated back. In response, they tried to meet them with barrage fire, but being more nimble and with perfect protection, they were much more effective.
  Mines, seemingly small on a cosmic scale, were torn as if by detonation, as were cruisers and destroyers. But we managed to bring down some big game. One of the huge battleships of the coalition was hit, it smoked thickly, warped, and panic flared on board the gigantic starship, like a fire in a dry forest.
  The aliens, similar to jerboas only with claws instead of a tail, run away in fear, while screaming and jumping up and down. Between them there are smaller types that look like hybrids of bears and ducks. The beaks curl in wild horror, quacks are heard, they fly apart, and feathers catch fire. Here one of the bear ducks turned upside down, turning its head into a fire pipe. There foam rushed straight into her throat, her stomach immediately took off her shoes, and the bird's carcass burst, splashing blood with the remnants of the flesh emanating from the child.
  The jerboas get burned and rush to the rescue modules, but it seems that the system that gives a ghostly hope for survival is hopelessly damaged. Their general, the Tail Cockroach, lets out a hysterical squeak:
  - Oh gods of the squaring of the universal circle, by...
  It was not possible to finish, the flames covered his hapless Excellency. The flesh of the intelligent rodent crumbled into elementary particles.
  The battleship burned out, expelling air bubbles into the vacuum, and then exploded, scattering into many fragments.
  Medvedev, having played enough, made a couple more orders. He also awarded Novodvorskaya posthumously with the star of Hero of Russia. He ordered that Oleg Rybachenko be awarded all the orders and medals that Russia has. And he presented the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called to Donald Trump. After which Medvedev fell asleep again... No one has bothered him yet.
  After such a feat, Alenka noticeably cheered up. So is her team.
  Margarita was the first to take the floor:
  - Let's finish off Japan at sea and finish them off on land!
  Alenka warmly supported this idea:
  - Certainly! Why allow the death of new Russian soldiers!
  Natasha also spoke out:
  - Kuropatkin is too indecisive a commander. So it"s not a fact that he will be able to win, even taking into account the weakening of the Japanese during the assault on Port Arthur!
  Medvedev summed it up decisively:
  - Let's attack! This is our chance, and Russia's chance!
  After which, the powerful and ultra-modern tank began to move. Yes, Japan is having a bad day. And they will more than once curse the moment when it occurred to them to fight with Russia.
  The tank was moving towards the Japanese troops. Alenka said with delight:
  - I had such an amazing dream. It"s as if Natasha and I are defending Ryazan from the hordes of Batu Khan.
  Margarita perked up:
  - Was I in a dream?
  Alenka shook her head negatively:
  - No! You were just not there!
  The girl groaned with annoyance:
  - What a pity!
  Bare-legged Alenka laughed and remarked:
  - You could only hinder us! But Natasha and I were so cool!
  The blonde girl asked in surprise:
  - Were you cool?
  Barefoot Alenka readily confirmed:
  - Yes, very cool! And I even rode a dragon!
  Natasha laughed and replied:
  - You were very beautiful on the dragon!
  Alenka readily confirmed:
  - It is like a fairy tale! Where there are dragons, and elves, and everything glamorous!
  Margarita answered with sincere feeling:
  - You are very beautiful even without a dragon! Just a fairy, and a miracle of miracles!
  Alenka confidently stated:
  - I will defeat everyone! With and without dragons!
  And the warrior showed her fist.
  The first Russian tank attacked the Japanese, who were standing near the walls of Port Arthur. There were still quite a lot of them. The artillery started working. In response, the 152-mm cannon of the formidable tank, as well as eight lethal machine guns, fired. And again the samurai began to be mowed down in the hundreds.
  Machine guns - "Dragons", a very lethal thing. Five thousand bullets per minute is just some kind of beast.
  The Japanese fell, pierced, torn to shreds, with their skulls crushed. Their bellies burst and their bodies jumped, thrown up by the crushing blows of the fire.
  Fragmentation shells with cumulative filling also exploded. They were excellent both for shooting at infantry and for penetrating the bottoms of ships.
  These are Terminator girls, and the professor is a real genius. So they began to thresh the samurai.
  Bare-legged Alenka exclaimed:
  - Let the Russian spirit be glorified!
  Natasha, pressing the joystick button with her bare toes, sent a shower of bullets, and continued:
  - And our Tsar, Nicholas II!
  Bare-footed Alenka continued to send shell after shell. Every three seconds a lethal weapon flew out. And the Japanese batteries fell silent. And yellow-skinned soldiers died in large numbers.
  Natasha, having mowed down several ranks of samurai, supported:
  - The anthem of the Motherland sings in our hearts.
  Bare-legged Alenka, continuing to spit shells with lethal filling, and they are much more powerful than plastid, continued:
  "There is no one more beautiful than him in the entire universe."
  Natasha, firing mercilessly at the Japanese with her bare toes, added:
  - Squeeze the knight"s machine gun tighter.
  Barefoot Alenka, the wreck of the samurai, finished:
  - Die for God-given Russia!
  The girls are really like that, super! Magnificent beauties. You look at them and admire them. But for the Japanese, this is pure death. The tank walked through the batteries. Knocked out the gun crews. He did it very, very quickly. Then I walked through the trenches. He also mowed down many. More precisely , not many, but almost all. The extermination turned out to be total. Here, of course, everything worked out automatically. This is how the Japanese were destroyed.
  Alenka noted with a chuckle, pressing the joystick buttons with her bare toes of her tanned legs:
  - We are more executioners than warriors!
  Natasha giggled and agreed:
  - Freedom, genius and glory executioners!
  And again it shoots in streams. And knocks out the samurai with wild force.
  Margarita, who also shot accurately with her bare feet, rationally remarked:
  - There will be fewer gay men, and there will be a shortage of men in Japan!
  Bare-legged Alenka burst out laughing and fired again:
  - Beware of women! Women, beware!
  This is, indeed, the kind of girl that shells, shrapnel, and any bullets bounce off of her. In any case, the girl is a real terminator.
  Natasha took it and sang:
  - Legions are marching,
  Their bayonets shine.
  There are millions behind us
  O Russian regiments!
  No one will stop
  No one will interrupt...
  The move opens up new ones,
  Let's fly quickly!
  And again it will rain down on the enemy. And it doesn"t let them go down to a hundredth of an ampere.
  Bare-footed Alenka, throwing out shells with the monotony of a woodpecker, hissed, having just sung mockingly:
  - One, striker, two striker, he is staggering.
  Natasha, firing, confirmed the song:
  - One blow, two blows, he"s lying around!
  Cool Alenka energetically supported:
  - Once a plank, two planks - a coffin is built.
  Bare-legged Natasha, continuing to fire and knocking out the enemy with machine-gun bursts, hissed:
  - One shovel, two shovels - a hole is being dug!
  And the warrior winked with her sapphire eyes. She really is such a sweetheart.
  Bare-legged Alenka looked closely at the positions. The tank worked quickly, and there was practically nothing left of General Nogi"s army. It looks like the commander himself was killed. We finish off the last Japanese from the siege army.
  Medvedev logically noted:
  - This is how far technology has come! Four men killed more than eighty-five thousand Japanese in a few hours.
  Half-naked Alenka, grinning evilly, remarked:
  - We need to destroy the rest too! Leave no one behind!
  Natasha sang as she fired at the last thousand samurai:
  - No, the mountains will not be golden, we will kill all the enemies of Rus' soon!
  Cool Margarita added:
  - No, not hemorrhoids, you'll soon be a dead adversary!
  Having mowed down General Nogi's army, the Terminator girls temporarily climbed out of the tank and ran barefoot through the snow. Well, it"s already winter.
  Already they destroyed more than one hundred and fifty thousand infantry. And plus the Japanese fleet. However, over two hundred and fifty thousand more Japanese stand against the army of General Kuropatkin.
  Medvedev came out of his sleep with an oak head. Walked around a bit. Then I played on the computer again... Star Wars is great... But something didn"t work out...
  Medvedev began to replay the new strategy. I turned on the historical game: Russia during the time of Nicholas II. And the war with Japan. This is such a cruel war. You can deploy a strategy and churn out forces on the computer.
  Medvedev played at an easy level, but missed an injection from the Japanese and suffered heavy losses. Yes, it is necessary to build not too actively. Let's reboot.
  And again you play to yourself... As it turned out, in Kuropatkin"s place, the acting president does not shine too much... All the time there are some glitches, mistakes.
  Medvedev then turned on the military adviser, and things went smoothly... And he himself took a nap and dozed off in his chair.
  Beautiful Alenka , splashing her bare feet, asked Natasha:
  - How do you feel, killing so many people?
  The blonde girl answered honestly:
  - Don't know! It feels like it's a computer game! You don"t feel any rage, anger, or much joy!
  Bare-legged Alenka giggled with annoyance:
  - This is war!
  Natasha twisted into a somersault. Her red, round heels were flashing. In general, she is a wonderful girl, capable of achieving a lot without much effort. And if we don"t wash it, we just ride it.
  The girls ran through the snow. Their bodies are very expressive. The chest is large, the hips are luxurious, like the croup of a horse, the muscles are prominent. These are the beauties-heroes. They have the most real feminine power. So much grace. And the legs - balls of muscles rolling under the tanned skin.
  Three Japanese scouts came across them.
  The girls did somersaults. And how they will hit samurais in the chins with their bare heels. And they actually broke their jaws. And they knocked out all their teeth. After which, the girls sang:
  - The greatness of the Russians was recognized by the planets,
  We are rushing confidently upward.
  We are loved and appreciated by all nations of the world,
  The people of the whole country are marching towards communism!
  And again the beauties winked with emerald eyes. They look so fighting. The warriors are active. And again jogging.
  Bare-legged Alenka jumped. She spun the pinwheel in the air and noticed:
  - We're so cool. We can conquer the whole world!
  Natasha giggled and replied:
  - Empress of Planet Earth -
  This is very cool!
  And both girls winked at each other. After which we rushed back. In fact, every day of war costs too much for the treasury of Tsarist Russia. And it"s time to finish with the Japanese quickly.
  Medvedev greeted the girls with a radiant smile:
  - Well, did you run around?
  Bare-legged Alenka said with a grin:
  - We're running and ready to fight!
  Natasha remarked aggressively:
  - We'll kill everyone!
  Medvedev waved his hand and ordered:
  - Then, let's go!
  Bare-legged Alenka laughed and answered:
  - Our four are the deadliest in the world!
  Natasha objected to this, stamping her bare foot:
  - Not in the world, but in the universe!
  And the powerful, aggressive and lethal tank drove at all speeds. More than two hundred and fifty thousand Japanese are ahead. But there are enough shells for a billion soldiers!
  Girls, a professor and a student - this is a team that will crush everyone and twist them into a ram's horn. And the tank flies towards the Japanese troops. He rushes at himself threateningly. He wants to break everyone.
  Bare-legged Alenka sang with delight:
  The expanses of Russia - beautiful, dear,
  Where are the pearls of the snow, the boundless rivers of crystal,
  And the Russian soldier and the general are one.
  Holy is the symbol of the state - the Orthodox eagle, our king!
  And then the fast tank actually took off. It flew by like a fighter jet. And he found himself in front of the Japanese. The universal cannon and dragon machine guns started working again . The girls got down to business very eagerly. Without further ado.
  Alenka fired the gun with her bare toes, knocked out the Japanese and sang:
  - Glory to my Rus', Stalin and Lenin, one family!
  And the red-haired devil sparkles with emerald eyes. And how he fucks up the samurai. You'll fall in love.
  And Natasha is not inferior either. Thrashes the Japanese.
  And sings:
  - Don"t slow down on turns. Our destiny is to win, girls!
  The warrior was in full bloom. And so fast, pouring fire on the enemy.
  And bare toes press the joystick button.
  Half-naked Alenka, firing, remarked:
  - There are two troubles in Russia...
  Margarita interrupted her here:
  - If only there were two!
  Bare-legged Alenka, firing, agreed with pleasure:
  - Yes, if only two!
  Natasha, shooting, laying down hundreds of Japanese, took it and sang:
  - In two, in two winters. In two, in two springs!
  Bare-legged Alenka, firing, added:
  - I"ll kill the Japanese and come back!
  Natasha giggled and replied:
  - Port Arthur is ours! And we will not allow anyone to take our Manchuria!
  And the warrior again thrashed the samurai. The Russians will not lose to the Japanese. This once again proves how invincible Russia is!
  Bare-legged Alenka smashed the battery and cooed:
  - Rus' will be famous in the most distant countries and centuries!
  Natasha also croaked:
  - And no forces will stop us!
  And she destroyed a couple thousand more samurai. Then the tank moved forward and the harvesting continued.
  Margarita, looking at this, expressed her opinion:
  - If the war is won so brilliantly, what will Russia do next?
  Medvedev watched the girls dashingly mow down the Japanese and suggested:
  - There will be a war, either with the Germans or with the British! But in any case, the battle with the Land of the Rising Sun is not the last!
  Alena, having smashed another battery, said:
  - So we"ll give it to the Germans, well, we"ll give it to them so much that it won"t seem enough!
  Natasha, the destroyer of samurai, added:
  - And Hitler will have no one to recruit into the Wehrmacht!
  Alenka, pressing the joystick buttons with her bare toes, aggressively declared:
  - But I feel sorry for the Aryans. So many beautiful white guys died!
  Natasha agreed with this, nodding sadly:
  - Yes, so many good people died! And for what?
  The girl hit the Japanese and noticed.
  - And the Japanese are a good nation, but we are forced to fight with them! Although this is not too good either!
  Margarita logically noted:
  - And the animals? Don't they kill each other? But man is just an animal of the highest order!
  Medvedev grinned and objected:
  - Man, unlike animals, has a soul! And his soul is truly unique and immortal! So, we and the animals are a whole abyss!
  Margarita objected to this:
  - And the monkeys? They also have a high level of intelligence. One of them knows three and a half thousand words!
  The acting president responded:
  - But they are our relatives!
  Bare-legged Alenka fired at the Japanese and sang:
  - I'm a monkey! Also a man!
  Natasha, mowing down the samurai, cooed:
  - Don't walk around wearing monkeys for a century!
  The supertank continued to mow down the Japanese. Why not? He's really a crazy beast
  which fires forty thousand bullets per minute. And its armor is impenetrable to almost any projectile. And not only the beginning of the twentieth century.
  Bare-legged Alenka, shooting, aggressively declared:
  - Tsar Nicholas did a lot for Russia, but he remained unappreciated and underestimated!
  Natasha, pouring fire on the Japanese, agreed:
  - It's right! The king was killed. They forced the priest to step away from the throne! And what has become better?
  Bare-legged Alenka fired from a cannon and added:
  - It got even worse! And even more vile people came to power!
  Natasha giggled, hit the Japanese and said:
  - So let's fight for a better future! And for the freedom of Russia!
  Half-naked Alenka, firing, said:
  - For change and victory!
  Then she showed her fist. She's a girl who can do this. Then even the samurai won"t be able to get rid of it. And the machine guns work. Everyone is mowing and mowing.
  They actually plow through whole rows of corpses. And they clear the space murderously.
  General Kuropatkin was informed that something strange was going on with the Japanese. Shooting, explosions, someone attacked them.
  . CHAPTER No. 9.
  Medvedev, having slept a little, took up the computer again. He didn't even shave. And again he began to play in his own way.
  The attack on Japan after the rogue code with tanks and airplanes. Including the best bomber of the First World War, Ilya Muromets. Which declared itself very loudly. And he hit the Japanese like a rubber smack against flies.
  And forward to Tokyo...
  Dmitry Medvedev, having conquered Japan, called himself the Mikado emperor.
  And then new wars...
  For example, you can play alternative history. Alexander II told Bismarck in 1875 that his differences with France were an internal matter between Germany and the French. Bismarck took over and attacked France in 1876. At first, the Prussians were lucky and reached Paris. But then they slowed down. And Britain entered the war... Everything would have been fine, but the British gave battle to Germany and were defeated. Then the Prussians pulled up their forces.
  The war in the West dragged on. The French defended themselves desperately. England transferred more and more forces...
  Meanwhile, Russia conquered Turkey and Istanbul. Britain and France and Germany were embroiled in war. And the empire of Tsar Alexander annexed many lands, including Iraq, reaching the Indian Ocean. And Palestine, and lands all the way to Egypt. And so the Russian troops, led by Skobelev, conquered Mecca, Medina, and other cities of Saudi Arabia.
  And the southern part of the Russian Empire was formed. And Alexander II became a great king. And the war between Germany against France and Britain lasted ten years.
  And it ended in a practical draw.
  Alexander II ruled until 1887 and became the victim of an assassination attempt carried out under the leadership of Alexander Ulyanov, Lenin's brother. His glorious reign, under which Russia built many roads, conquered many lands, and freed the peasants, ended.
  This alternative was how the game was played. Alexander the Third, together with commander Skobelev, conquered both Iran and Pakistan. But he also died - a bright little head. Under Nicholas II, Russia waged a war with Japan already having a fleet in the Indian Ocean, which came to the aid of the Pacific fairly quickly. The Russians defeated the samurai relatively quickly, and they had much more strength both on land and on water.
  In addition, the Russian army was commanded by the brilliant Minister of Defense Skobelev. And Russia not only won, but also managed to conquer Japan. Moreover, the United States had not yet ventured beyond the Western Hemisphere, and Britain was not so strong. Moreover, Russia was in an alliance with Germany. The latter lagged behind Britain and France in the struggle for Africa. Tsarist Russia, after the annexation of Japan and parts of China, became even stronger. The Delhi-Moscow road was being built.
  As seen from this, Tsarist Russia"s plans for expansion into India and China were successfully implemented. Tsar Nicholas II chose the side of Germany during the First World War. The Germans defeated France and occupied Belgium, Holland, Denmark and Norway. Russia captured Egypt, most of Africa and Indochina. And also the Pacific possessions of Britain. And even landed in Australia. And her Australia was captured.
  After which the war ended with the landing and occupation of Britain. The First World War is over. But it seemed to Kaiser Wilhelm that Russia had already conquered too much land, and without really trying. And he dreamed of revenge. Russia actually conquered vast areas - Australia, all of Asia, most of Africa, the Germans did not bite off so much, and even more from Portugal and Spain which they occupied. Austria-Hungary gained control of Italy and Libya. Russia took about three-quarters of Africa, and then occupied Ethiopia a little later. The Germans managed to chop off Morocco.
  Naturally, this was not enough for Germany. Although she took France, Belgium, Holland, and Norway, and Russia subjugated Sweden.
  Wilhelm's preparations began for a new war with Russia. The crisis of 1929 aggravated the situation. Austria-Hungary and Germany controlled almost all of Europe. And part of Africa... And Britain. But there was still the USA and Canada. Wilhelm and Nicholas II had not yet decided to go to war with each other. Moreover, Russia least of all wanted to fight, digesting vast territories. To speed up their assimilation, Tsar Nicholas II even allowed Russians to have four wives. What was enshrined at the Eighth Ecumenical Council.
  A similar decision was made in 1925. And in 1926, Nicholas II took himself another wife. As it turned out, the decision was not stupid. In 1929, the emperor had another daughter. And on November 25, 1932, a healthy son was finally born. Nicholas the second named him Peter. In honor of Peter the Great.
  And in 1933, on May 15, a new war began. Germany declared war on Canada. As a dominion of Britain. Two months later, the United States, led by Roosevelt, despite the economic crisis, entered the war with Germany. They didn't want to give up Canada.
  Already middle-aged, but aggressive, Wilhelm at first tried to fight alone, without demanding Russian help. He expected to do everything himself. But it is not so easy to conquer a territory separated by an ocean. Moreover, the United States quickly built tanks and an army. And they formed regiments... The war lasted for a whole year without much success for the Germans. Which only managed to capture Iceland and Greenland. But in Canada they couldn"t get a hold of it.
  Wilhelm turned to Tsar Nicholas II: "help me, colleague." You are my cousin and brother. Nicholas II himself had plans for Alaska and Canada. Well, I decided that it"s not the gods who sculpt pots. And he took it, and on June 25, 1934, declared war on the USA and Canada. His troops moved through Alaska, across US territory.
  By this time, the railway to Chukotka had already been built, and Russian troops were successfully advancing. On their side was a numerical superiority and the best tanks in the world, both light, heavy and medium.
  So America had to deal with unequal forces.
  And Nicholas II, as we see, is really on a white horse. And one victory after another. Russian troops are marching across Alaska. And they take city after city, village after village.
  The Germans are trying to land in Cuba. The war is growing. Kaiser Wilhelm writes to Nicholas II:
  - The Russians and I have been and will always be united. And we will never quarrel. So let America be finished off.
  Due to the extended communications, progress was a little slower than planned. But the Russian tsarist troops nevertheless captured all of Alaska in five months of fighting and entered Canada.
  Roosevelt even offered peace to Russia, promising to give up Alaska, but it was too late. The war continued with wild abandon.
  In the winter of 1935, despite difficult weather conditions, Russian troops reached the US borders in the north. The fighting continued in the spring... Russian troops carried out one operation after another, and by the end of July they captured almost the entirety of Canada. And in August they surrounded Philadelphia.
  The US finds itself in a very difficult situation. But they fought back desperately... However, by the end of 1935, more than a third of the US territory had already been captured. And in winter, the tsarist successes were even greater... By the beginning of March 1936, they approached Washington and New York.
  And in April, both cities were taken... The war continued until August until the entire territory of the United States was occupied.
  Then came the offensive in Mexico, and so on, throughout the territory.
  Wilhelm proposed to Nicholas II to complete the division of the whole world. Nicholas II agreed.
  During 1937, all of Latin America was captured by Russian troops. Thus, Nicholas II completed the division of the world with the Germans. And there are only three empires left: the largest: Russian, then German, and even further Austria-Hungary.
  Russia thus became the world hegemon, but... Nicholas II is still a great tsar, but a mortal. Died in August 1939. And the elderly Wilhelm attacked Russia on September 1, 1939. He decided to take advantage of the fact that Peter the Fourth was still a boy, not even seven years old. And he decided that while the regents were ruling Russia, it was best to strike. Two days later, Austria-Hungary also entered the war. All countries around the world were drawn into confrontation. The last war in the history of planet Earth has begun.
  The tsarist army had no equal in terms of numbers and quality of weapons. Russian tanks and planes are still the best in the world.
  And the battles showed this. So are new talented commanders.
  But Austria-Hungary turned out to be the weak link from the very beginning. And she lost almost from the first days. The tsarist army defeated the Austrians, took Lvov, and then Peremyl. Only by removing part of their forces from Poland did the Germans save the Austrians from complete defeat. But even this was of little use. The attempt to take Warsaw by the Kaiser's army failed in disgrace. And Russian troops forcefully pushed them back more than two hundred kilometers.
  The Germans stopped the Russian troops with great difficulty. The whole winter was spent in battles. In the spring battles were also in full swing. Russian troops gradually seized the initiative. They had several times more soldiers, and therefore by the summer they were able to wear down the Germans so much in mutual skirmishes that they began to surrender. At the same time, an offensive against Austria-Hungary began. In the autumn Budapest was surrounded. In addition, the tsarist army captured German possessions in Canada. And in the winter of 1940-1941, the tsarist army cut off East Prussia. And by April 1941 she reached the Oder.
  The position of the Germans became extremely difficult. In May 1941, Vienna fell. And over the summer, the Russians reached the Alps and liberated Venice. We entered the southern regions of Germany.
  And in the fall they finally captured Italy. The winter offensive against Berlin ended with its capture on January 30, 1942. After which the resistance of the Germans, who had already lost all their possessions in Africa, weakened. The Russians reached the Rhine by April. After which, on April 22, the remnants of the German forces capitulated.
  Thus ended the last war on planet Earth. It ended with the victory and success of Tsarist Russia.
  Next came the conquest of outer space. Back in 1936, the first Russian man flew into space. Flew around planet Earth. And in 1945, on May 9, the Russians landed on the moon.
  They flew to Mars in 1967. To Venus in 1969. To Mercury in 1972 . And on the satellites of Jupiter in 1973. Man landed on the farthest planet Pluto already in 1980. And in 2003, the first flight outside the solar system in human history took place. The Russian ship flew to Alaf Centauri and returned back in 2018.
  As of 2020, Russia is still ruled by Peter the Fourth, who, thanks to the achievements of modern medicine, is not at all an old man. Peter the Fourth has reigned for eighty-one years and his reign is the longest in the history of the world. Where the exact dates of the reign are known, of course.
  Well, for now, everything is calm in the world, as always. And even a little boring... People have a good life. True, there are problems with overpopulation. But birth restrictions are already being introduced here.
  Orthodoxy has modernized. The priests were shaved and dressed in uniforms with shoulder straps.
  The development of technology has created huge unemployment. But this problem is also solved. The Hypernet has developed.
  Research is underway, and spaceships capable of moving faster than the speed of light have already been created. Yes, good for Tsarist Russia and the whole world under the rule of the Romanovs. This most glorious dynasty in the history of mankind.
  Father Tsar Nicholas. Build a paradise on planet Earth!
  Dmitry Medvedev dismissed the strategy. He conquered the whole world for the Russian tsars. Showed his strategic thinking. He achieved great success and fell asleep again, dressed and dreaming as before.
  Kuropatkin stated:
  - Calm! Only peace!
  General Linevich noted with alarm:
  - Your Excellency, maybe we can strike now?
  Adjutant General Kuropatkin stated:
  - No! Of course not! It could be a Japanese trap!
  General Linevich timidly remarked:
  - This is our chance to finally win this war!
  Kuropatkin declared in a trembling voice:
  - Patience, patience and more patience!
  Linevich objected more angrily:
  - But Alexander Suvorov said: a moment gives victory!
  Kuropatkin muttered dryly:
  - I"m in command here! And we must first of all preserve the army. And in general, Japan will soon run out of steam!
  Linevich suggested:
  - Maybe we should at least do some reconnaissance?
  Kuropatkin reluctantly agreed:
  - This is possible, just be careful!
  Linevich growled aggressively:
  - In the name of the Tsar and the Fatherland!
  Meanwhile, the supertank was clearing out the Japanese. Knocked them out, shot them in various ways.
  Bare-legged Alenka, firing mercilessly, asked the acting president:
  - Is this our last operation?
  Medvedev asked with a grin:
  - Why do you think so?
  The red-haired beast remarked:
  - The Japanese have no more large formations!
  Nailing and shooting the samurai, Natasha also agreed:
  - But, in fact, Japan has nothing else to fight with!
  Medvedev responded with a somewhat uncertain look:
  - Japan can gather more new troops and purchase new ships from America and Britain. So, let"s face it, the war is not quite over yet!
  Half-naked Alenka, firing at the samurai, remarked:
  - What if Russia offers peace to Japan on moderate terms? We will take only the Kuril ridge, and everything else will remain as it was before the war?
  The acting president agreed:
  - In this case, most likely there will be peace!
  Margarita angrily remarked:
  - If not for the revolution, the Japanese would still have been defeated. They wouldn't go anywhere!
  Bare-legged Natasha, pouring fire on the samurai, readily agreed:
  - Certainly! They wouldn't go anywhere!
  Cool Alenka, tearing apart the Japanese with shells, suggested:
  - Let's capture the Mikado!
  Natasha jumped up aggressively:
  - Capture the Mikado? Well, interesting!
  Margarita remarked with a smile:
  - Wouldn"t that be too much?
  Medvedev also expressed doubts:
  - Isn"t this too much? After all, it"s one thing to defend one"s own, and another to interfere with Japan, which, let"s face it, is also not fighting on the original Russian lands!
  Bare-legged Alenka hissed, again smashing the Japanese with shells:
  - Is it worth showing such mercy?
  Natasha, pressing the joystick buttons with her bare toes, nodded:
  - Really, why do we need this? We can capture the Mikado too!
  Margarita laughed:
  - I'm on you like I'm at war! And in war, as on you!
  Medvedev replied sternly:
  - You need to know when to stop! We are not random people! We are the ones who seriously and consciously change history! So you need to show feeling, including measures!
  Bare-legged Alenka shot and sang:
  - Eh, measure, measure! How much cholera there is!
  The supertank was actively working. More than one hundred twenty-five thousand Japanese have already been destroyed. Half left.
  Natasha sang with a grin:
  - We will destroy the whole world of violence,
  Down to the ground and then
  We will build a cool new world,
  So that troubles and problems do not exist in it!
  Bare-footed Alenka, firing a very lethal fire, hissed:
  - For a good and just king!
  Margarita suggested:
  - Or maybe we"ll grab a couple of trophy barrels of sake?
  Bare-legged Alenka grinned venomously:
  - What, do you want to drink?
  Margarita shook her head negatively:
  - Athletes don't drink!
  Bare-legged Alenka, having blown up another battery, giggled:
  - From small dishes!
  Natasha suggested:
  - Let's drink palm beer. It's healthier!
  And she shot down more Japanese.
  Medvedev replied:
  - Business first, fun later!
  Shouldn't the acting president know this? Wasn't he always busy and busy?
  Yes, one of the first decrees of acting President Medvedev was to increase the salaries of State Duma deputies three times. And what about the deputies? They postponed the presidential elections. Thus, Medvedev served as acting president in Russia for quite a long time.
  And this even became a unique situation. When the head of state performs his duties for so long. But change does not come. More precisely, everything changed under Medvedev for the worse. As if fortune, which loved Putin so much, decided to take revenge on his successor. What's wrong with him!
  The modernized T-95 tank continued to exterminate the samurai in geometric progression. This machine showed its effectiveness. And the negative force of the rage of multiplying quasi-matter.
  Half-naked Alenka, firing at the Japanese, logically remarked:
  - Still, this is not entirely correct. It turns out that we can"t do anything without superweapons!
  Bare-legged Natasha answered angrily:
  - Some higher powers prevented Russia from winning the war with Japan. But a good thing was planned, the evangelization of China. And it didn"t turn out too pretty!
  Margarita asked the obvious question:
  - What about God then? Why didn"t he help Orthodoxy?
  Almost naked Alenka, sending shell after shell, noted:
  - That's it! In fact, allow the Japanese to win over the Orthodox country. This is indeed such a betrayal of the Russian faith!
  Natasha, pouring fire on the Japanese, angrily remarked:
  - The imperial religion should not be pacifist. Is it possible to become a great country if you live by the commandment: if they hit you on your right cheek, turn your left!
  Cool Alenka readily agreed with this, crushing the Japanese:
  - Certainly! We have no need for pacifism! Love your enemy! Is this a commandment?
  Margarita sang with enthusiasm:
  Anyone who is human is born a warrior,
  So it happened - the gorilla took the stone.
  When the living one is doomed to fight,
  And the fire is burning hot in the heart!
  The boy sees a machine gun in his dreams,
  He prefers a tank to a limousine.
  Who wants to turn a penny into a nickel -
  From birth he understands that power rules!
  Natasha exclaimed, pouring fire on the Japanese with the fury of a bubbling volcano:
  - Yes, automatic! And strength is the main thing! We must win!
  Bare-legged Alenka hissed in frenzy and rage, knocking out the Japanese:
  - I am what was born to win! And nothing less. Our victory will be ours!
  Natasha agreed, pressing the bare toes of her muscular legs on the joystick buttons:
  - It will be best this way! We have ruled and will always rule! I mean, Russia!
  Bare-legged Alenka, knocking out the Japanese, squealed:
  - I won"t lie, I want to rule! But not just a rusty machine, but an entire empire!
  And the girl has already swept away the last battery of the Land of the Rising Sun. She is such a beauty that she should be a world champion. And never give in to weakness and timidity.
  Natasha, shooting, muttered:
  - I will become a queen! Or, better yet, the empress!
  Bare-legged Alenka continued:
  - What about war, what about war, she"s a bad woman and a bitch! But it produces handsome guys, it says - kill the coward in you!
  Margarita nodded in agreement:
  - That's right, kill the coward in yourself! I think that if Nicholas II abdicated the throne, it was not at all because of cowardice!
  Half-naked Alenka stated decisively:
  - Now he won"t renounce! We will strengthen the royal throne so that it will stand for centuries!
  Natasha exclaimed:
  - Be a great Tsar Nicholas II! We support you! There will be no revolution - there will be Great Russia!
  Finally, the warriors finished with the extermination of the army of the Land of the Rising Sun. More than two hundred and fifty thousand soldiers and officers were killed. Thus, almost all of Japan's ground forces were destroyed. Just like the navy ceased to exist.
  Bare-legged Alenka remarked with a grin:
  - Was it worth the trouble? So, I meant to say freak out? Without resisting for too long, the army managed to defeat Russia!
  Natasha confidently stated:
  - Russia lost solely because of the fifth column. Otherwise, we would have won anyway!
  Margarita asked the acting president:
  - What are we going to do? Shall we come back or continue?
  Medvedev, who was losing power, turned on the computer and said:
  - Now we will be given a forecast of the further development of Tsarist Russia. If everything goes well, we'll be back.
  A pleasant female voice was heard;
  After the complete destruction of Japanese ground forces and navy, the Mikado offered peace. The USA and Britain agreed to act as mediators.
  The conditions were favorable to Russia. The country received the Kuril ridge and Taiwan.
  As well as control over Manchuria, Korea, Mongolia. In addition, Japan also paid an indemnity of two hundred and fifty million gold Russian rubles.
  The authority of Tsar Nicholas II grew, and there was a decline in revolutionary sentiment. The country began a rapid economic recovery. Zheltorossiya arose. Part of China voluntarily became part of Russia, as well as Korea and Mongolia. The Tsarist Empire became larger and its population grew. Economic growth began earlier than in real history and was stronger.
  There was no State Duma, and the tsarist government could better prepare for the First World War. The world's first light tanks "Luna"-2 in mass production and four-engine bombers "Ilya Muromets" and "Svyatogor" appeared in Russia. The First World War started anyway, but was more successful for Russia.
  Since the king had a larger population, economy and army. And the internal position is stronger. There is no State Duma - a hotbed of rebellion and military coup.
  With varying success, but, in general, on the initiative of Russia and the winning of most battles, the war ended on November 7, 1915 with the surrender of Germany. Austria-Hungary collapsed and was divided. Galicia and Bukovina became Russian provinces. Krakow and the surrounding lands entered the Kingdom of Poland, as did Poznan, Danzig, and part of East Prussia. And Klaipeda joined the Baltic province. Czechoslovakia emerged - a kingdom within Russia.
  Romania annexed Transylvania. Hungary became an independent kingdom, but under the patronage of Russia, and Tsar Nicholas as co-ruler. Austria has become a very small country. Yugoslavia arose, also under the patronage of Russia and under co-ruler Nicholas II.
  Türkiye has disappeared from the political map of the world. Iraq and Palestine became part of Britain, Syria became part of France, Asia Minor and Istanbul became Russian provinces. Thus, Russia again increased its territory. But it didn't end there. Then the Saudi Peninsula was conquered together with the French and British. And then Russia and Britain divided Iran and Afghanistan. The north and center became Russian provinces, and the south a British colony.
  The world seemed to have become stable. The war continued only in China. But in 1929, a serious economic crisis broke out, leading to the Great Depression.
  Revolutionary sentiments were growing again in Russia. Strikes and protests broke out. But the crisis turned out to be not too severe. Moreover, in 1931, war with Japan broke out again.
  The samurai wanted revenge. But this time the Russian army was stronger in all respects. And Admiral Kolchak is a brilliant naval commander.
  Japan was not only defeated, but also captured. Tsar Nicholas II was officially crowned the Mikado Emperor of Japan in February 1932. Thus, Russia expanded even more. And it annexed almost all of China.
  Both in terms of population and territory, Russia had no equal. Moreover, the British Empire was weakening. Hitler came to power in Germany in 1933, but what could he do against Russia? Never mind. Tsar Nicholas II died in 1937, having enjoyed a highly successful reign, the second longest after Ivan the Terrible. And with record conquests in terms of area and population.
  However, not everything worked out for the king in his personal life. The heir Alexei died young. Due to an unequal marriage, the younger brother Mikhail was deprived of the right to the throne of Russia.
  The crown was inherited by Kirill Romanov, who died in 1938 without living even a year. And his son Vladimir the Third became the new king. He was crowned, and the monarch reigned happily ever after until 1992. And Russia first took the colonies from France and Britain, along with Germany. Then she conquered Germany. And then the whole world. In short, the new Tsar George the First became the world emperor in 1992.
  Medvedev finished the review and said:
  - Apparently, enough for this universe! We're coming back!
  And all four shouted:
  - Glory to Tsar Nicholas II!
  Medvedev woke up from a call... He was informed that Zelensky"s inauguration as president of Russia and Ukraine was already underway. And that, they say, it"s time for Dmitry Anatolyevich to leave the office.
  Medvedev reluctantly complied. Before leaving, I shaved and took a bath.
  Then he left the office. He was taken in a special vehicle. On the way, they said that it would be best for Medvedev to fly to the Canary Islands to rest there.
  And Zelensky made another show of his inauguration. As usual, colorful with fireworks and jumps. On the day of the inauguration, Vitali Klitschko fought with Michael Tyson at the stadium in Kyiv. The famous American boxer agreed to the fight due to big money problems. Klitschko dominated all twelve rounds, but diplomatically did not knock out Tyson.
  Formally, one of the minor versions of the world champion was played out.
  After which Vitali Klitschko was awarded a diamond belt.
  Vladimir Zelensky received congratulations from all countries of the world - including China. Moreover, in the Celestial Empire, popular unrest intensified. Man does not live by bread alone. People wanted democracy and freedom. The despotism of the Chinese Communist Party was fed up; everyone wanted freedom.
  Zelensky has become just such a symbol. A symbol of democratic strength, after the fall of the dictatorship of the secret services under Putin.
  Zelensky spoke a lot about changes, the economy and new achievements. There has already been a competition for the position of prime minister in Russia. There were several thousand applicants. The selection process was very intense. And it looked great.
  So far everything was going quite smoothly. Zelensky even did a somersault at his inauguration. Got applause. Then he demonstrated his knowledge of foreign languages. He acted very actively and briskly.
  Finally, Zelensky took it and made a couple more speeches.
  Further, after the inauguration, personnel decisions followed. Lots of changes and new faces in the government.
  There was a real selection of "iron commissars". A personnel revolution was taking place in Russia.
  Zelensky issued many decrees in the very first days. Allowed the sale of alcohol at night and at traveling points. Introduced new taxes on the rich. He lifted immunity from deputies and judges. Increased production output. Introduced tariffs on trade with China.
  A referendum on unification with Russia was held in Belarus. And this also went to the credit of Zelensky. The majority of Belarusians supported unification with Russia.
  Zelensky complained that Medvedev raised the patches too much, but promised that inflation would calm down. And that nothing bad will happen.
  Indeed, price growth soon stopped. And the Russian economy began to grow. And in the Caucasus, militant actions somehow died down. It became much calmer.
  Zelensky finally proposed a candidacy for the post of Prime Minister of Russia. She became thirty-two-year-old Doctor of Sciences Alexey Bolshakov. He won the competition very confidently. And he became prime minister, the youngest in Russian history.
  Medvedev flew to the Canary Islands on vacation, and received the former president's pension, just having fun. So far he hasn't had any problems. But Shoigu was arrested and accused of attempting a coup. What did he want?
  There were also plenty of other solutions... In America, a forty-one-year-old Democratic woman won. Thus, the government changed. And a woman and the youngest candidate in US history came to power. The era of Trump is over . But friendship with Russia has only just begun to blossom. Naturally, against dictatorial China, the United States and the new Russian Empire were now friends.
  Zelensky even held a referendum and introduced a different name: instead, Russia - Kievan Rus. Which also spoke volumes. Belarus joined the federation. And the revival of the empire began... On a democratic basis.
  The new woman president of the United States inherited Trump"s hostility toward China and devoted herself to creating a coalition. Kievan Rus developed economically under Zelensky successfully. Russia somewhat restrained China. Then, she joined NATO. Soon a pro-Russian government came to power in Kazakhstan and a union state was formed. The Russians were squeezing Central Asia away from China. The confrontation kept growing.
  Zelensky conducted an anti-Stalin and anti-Putin campaign. He deprived Stalin and Putin of all the awards that Medvedev gave them.
  But everything turned out peacefully. Although the communists protested. We went to rallies.
  And there Lenin was finally taken out of the Mausoleum. A kind of joy for many. And the Orthodox Church canonized Alexander II and Ivan the Terrible, Russian tsars. The number of monuments to Nicholas II has also increased.
  Tsarism and Westernism somehow became fashionable. They became closer to Europe, and foreigners began to receive many posts. Russia has become part of the Western world, and after Trump left, the process of globalization intensified. And China fell into isolation and faced internal turmoil.
  At the same time, Zelensky increased the birth rate in the Slavic empire. The long-promised flight to the moon finally took place. And everything worked out somehow wonderful.
  Allied relations were established between Russia and the United States, or more precisely between Kievan Rus and America.
  And confrontation is a thing of the past. The world has become more and more global and safe. Although there were wars. Kievan Rus, together with the United States, carried out an operation in Libya, where they put an end to the Islamists. Then we dealt with the Middle East, creating bases there together with America. Kievan Rus and the United States together began to tilt the world and push China out of Africa. And here we cannot do without wars. And ground operations too.
  Both Kievan Rus and the United States carried out airstrikes jointly.
  Gradually, the Chinese were driven out from all over the world. And the celestial empire fell into a deep economic and political crisis.
  And Kievan Rus prospered more and more.
  Russia has never known such rates of economic growth. And that China collapsed - Kievan Rus rose. And it grew rapidly.
  The railway to Chukotka was built in record time. Which in itself is very cool.
  And they were digging a tunnel under Alaska. The Americans also began to build a railway to connect with Russia. A railway to Delhi was also being built... At the same time, canals were being dug from Siberia to irrigate Central Asia.
  A joint operation was carried out against Iran by the United States and Kievan Rus. And a sane secular regime was installed. After which they began to dig a canal from the Caspian Sea to the Persian Gulf.
  NATO expanded to include Arab countries. In Saudi Arabia, a parliament arose. The women began to take off their burqas. The construction of a secular state began.
  In the Russian media, everyone scolded Putin for extremism and threw mud at him for almost making Russia a colony of China, but thank God he died in time. They also spoke harsher words. But a criminal case was opened against Medvedev. And more than one.
  Stalin was carried out of the Kremlin wall. Lenin much earlier from the mausoleum.
  Much has changed in state symbols. Several new types of flags have appeared. Yellow was added to the Russian flag, and blue replaced light blue.
  This was also interesting. The coat of arms has changed... There was also a monetary reform. They exchanged money according to the ratio: one to a thousand. The gold standard of the ruble of Kievan Rus appeared. At the same time, new and old money arose - a penny - half a kopeck, and a half - a quarter of a penny.
  Everything is orderly...
  Titles also began to revive... Princes, barons, counts, marquises, and even dukes appeared. In particular, Zelensky became the Duke. Moldova also became part of Kievan Rus. There has already been talk about the election of the king.
  But Zelensky said that the president of Kievan Rus will be elected only by the people. And no more than two terms.
  Moreover, Zelensky reduced the term of office of the Russian president from six years to five. True, Zelensky served his first term for six years.
  By this time, he had completed the annexation of Central Asia into Russia. And restored the borders of the USSR. Only the Baltic states remained unoccupied.
  But the Americans did not want to give it up yet. And so they gave away Central Asia and the Caucasus.
  A new war broke out in the Caucasus, between Armenia and Azerbaijan. And she walked very cruelly. So Russia was able to occupy these republics and hold referendums on their annexation.
  Thus, Zelensky regained the Caucasus, expanding Kievan Rus. Let's face it, he's a conqueror. Moreover, he is also a democrat... His empire expanded further...
  So Afghanistan already during the second term of government, and part of Iran became parts of Russia.
  In the United States, a female president won a second term. So far it has been successful in the economy, and most importantly, it managed to knock out China. What a big win. And Kievan Rus is now an ally led by Zelensky.
  But, of course, Russia's power is growing too quickly. She has already annexed the north of Iraq.
  Borzo behaves. Kievan Rus is the first country in the world in terms of growth rates! And it has surpassed the United States in population. And already in America they are looking with alarm - has Russia become too strong?
  Moreover, the empire of Kievan Rus is expanding. Now the Baltic states are already under its control. Yes, this is a really big problem for Americans. Zelensky has already collected all the former territories of the USSR.
  And, like the Russian Tsar, he continues his expansion to the south. Now Iran and Iraq have become entirely part of Kievan Rus. And Zelensky was easily elected for a second term in the first round.
  Although there were many presidential candidates, the elections were democratic.
  Zelensky said that he is not going to follow Lukashenko"s example and rule for life. Moreover, the circumstances of Lukashenko"s disappearance were still unclear. Perhaps both Russia and the West simply no longer needed him. And he disappeared... But Zelensky is only gaining strength. And indeed, his reign in terms of success eclipses his predecessors, including Peter the Great.
  In fact, not everyone is capable of restoring the territory of the USSR, plus Afghanistan, Iran, and Iraq.
  But Zelensky doesn"t stop there. Now both Poland and Finland are under attack - they were also once part of the tsarist empire. And indeed referendums are held in these countries, and they voluntarily join Kievan Rus.
  There are successes on the scientific front as well. The long-awaited flight to Mars has taken place. Russian cosmonauts landed there. They took the soil and left the flag, which was a great triumph.
  At the same time, Kievan Rus took the original Port Arthur from China. And taking advantage of the fact that a civil war had begun in China, they took Manchuria under their protection.
  At the same time, Kievan Rus annexed part of Turkey. Those lands that were ceded to Russia under the Treaty of Versailles. Which was also a very strong move. Zelensky further expanded Kievan Rus as an empire. And in terms of economics, it came out on top, surpassing the United States.
  Well, China is plunged into the nightmare of a civil war, and it has already begun to be divided.
  Kievan Rus became a powerful country. And Zelensky"s popularity within the country grew so much that people began to beg Vladimir on their knees so that he would not leave. Hundreds of thousands of people gathered.
  Zelensky, as an exception, held a referendum allowing him to run for another third term as head of Kievan Rus.
  The leader in the USA has changed. He has already become a Republican. And not so young anymore - older than Zelensky. So relations between Kievan Rus and the United States began to deteriorate again. Russia has already become painfully stronger under Zelensky. They remembered that, together with the Ukrainian rule, this is already Zelensky"s fourth term.
  That, they say, the powers of the Russian President were not reduced. The only thing Zelensky did was to introduce an amendment to the constitution according to which the State Duma has the right to dismiss an individual minister with a two-thirds vote, or by a simple majority twice passing a vote of no confidence.
  And this amendment is not so significant, since the president retained the right to appoint all ministers and determine the structure of the government. And in the State Duma, Zelensky"s supporters have a constitutional majority.
  More significant was the introduction of direct elections to the Federation Council, as well as allowing prisoners to vote.
  But, in general, this is where the limitation of the president"s powers ended. The right to remove governors was retained. And in the legislative sphere it has even expanded.
  In the United States, Zelensky began to be accused of Authoritarianism, and that the party, "Servant of the People," controls almost all posts in the state. The LDPR and the Communist Party of the Russian Federation ceased to exist. A party emerged - "A Just World" from the left. Instead of the LDPR, Patriots of Russia appeared. But the Servant of the People party completely dominated.
  Certain reforms also affected the church. Orthodoxy legalized the right to have four wives, drawing closer to Islam. The approach to icons has changed somewhat, and there has been a rapprochement with Protestantism. They began to say more: that God is One, and that mere mortals are not worthy of God"s worship.
  At the same time, the Trinity was abolished as not a biblical symbol and incomprehensible to mere mortals.
  And they introduced: that God is One, God the Father. But the term God the Son is not in the Bible. Moreover, there is no term: God is the Holy Spirit. So why not simplify religion.
  Moreover, a God who hangs on a cross does not inspire confidence. If He could not protect himself, then how will He protect people? In short, we switched to monotheism. And the Bible itself was mixed with ancient Slavic myths. The Gospel of Veles arose.
  Atheism has also intensified - they say, stop getting carried away with human fairy tales. We have one planet, and it doesn"t need people to believe in miracles and especially in the end of the world.
  There will be no end of the world and there shouldn"t be. And humanity should become a space empire and reach the very edge of the galaxy. What about galaxies? More like the universe. And having reached the edge of the universe, go to another part of the universe. After all, there are an innumerable number of universes. And so you can fly from one universe to another. And over time, learn to create yourself! And there will be new, immeasurable universes throughout practically all space.
  And planet Earth is just the cradle of humanity. And in the future there will be an empire of sextillion to sextillion degrees of universes, and without ceasing to further expand and conquer space.
  And the head and president of Kievan Rus Vladimir Zelensky, like a bright sun of hope rises over the planet!
  And his future and the future of Kievan Rus - may it be bright!
  And so an irresistible influence set in, shutting down the Allied forces on January 1, 1943. Rommel's battered corps stopped on the border with Libya. And all bombing of Nazi Germany stopped. Attempts to fly towards London also turned out to be failures. The German planes did not crash, but were driven back. A previously unprecedented miracle happened, the division of the world by theomagical power.
  However, at first this did not help the Germans much. Stalingrad, or rather the Paulus group in it, perhaps, could no longer be saved. And the Soviet troops confidently moved forward. The offensive in Voronezh and in other directions was successful. Almost as if in real time, the Red Army liberated Kursk, Belgorod, and Kharkov.
  However, after the transfer of Rommel"s seasoned divisions from Africa and those forces that in real history were also thrown into the Algerian and Tunisian deserts without any benefit, Mainstein"s famous counterattack noticeably gained in strength. Since significantly more German forces took part in it, especially aviation.
  And the thirty brand new "Tigers" that were stuck in the Sahara to no avail turned out to be not at all superfluous.
  This is where the first significant discrepancy with real history occurred. Mainstein launched a counterattack four days earlier and, having much more forces, advanced faster. Kharkov was recaptured nine days earlier, Belgorod twelve, and on the move, and most importantly, Kursk was taken, which in real history did not succumb to the Fritz.
  A significant number of German forces were involved. The Germans used transferred reserves from France, almost all combat-ready tank units, and main aviation. Whatever one may say, almost half of the Luftwaffe was distracted by the Western Front, so that significant forces in the enemy"s air were added. And he said this during the German counter-offensive, which resembled a sickle strike.
  Yes, and Mainstein in real history outplayed the Soviet generals, but here he has twenty divisions more ground forces and, taking into account the concentration of resources, three times more aircraft. And the Focke-Wulf is not bad at all if used correctly: the speed is high, the weapons are powerful. What is significant is the F-190 is more effective with numerical superiority. Since its powerful weapons allow it to shoot down a plane in one go, and it can escape due to its high dive speed.
  Soviet troops suffered a tactical defeat and left Kursk, many soldiers and officers were surrounded. Partially, some died, others, although a minority of these were captured, many escaped, although they lost their equipment.
  The Soviet troops suffered colossal damage and their offensive was stopped. But the German tanks could not build on their success due to the onset of the spring thaw.
  A temporary balance of power emerged.
  However, a new power could also enter the war: Japan. The samurai also had their hands untied. America is not accessible, but it is not attacking either. It"s true that Japan"s strong land army is putting pressure on China. Here Chiang Kai-shek faced a very difficult situation. Either try to come to an agreement with the Japanese, or fight, but no longer receive support with money and weapons from the USA, Britain and other countries.
  Naturally, the Germans longed for the opening of a second front in order to divert part of the enemy forces from the east. Nevertheless, they suffered significant losses. Stalingrad especially took a lot of energy. The Soviet troops also lost a lot, and some of the troops ended up in the Kharkov and Kursk cauldron.
  The Nazis increased their production of weapons. Thanks to the lack of bombing, the Krauts were able to increase the production of tanks by a more significant figure, as well as aviation. The bombing hindered the Nazis more than is commonly believed. Moreover, in real history, Germany increased the production of equipment largely due to the restructuring of the economy on a war footing and the increasingly active use of slave labor, and not because they were bombed weakly.
  For now, the Germans waited and built new tanks, trained crews, relying on modern technology. At the same time, the question remained open: where to start the offensive? The Kursk ledge no longer existed. And this is a natural clue. And so both the Germans themselves and Hitler hesitated. There was an idea to take Leningrad by storm. Although in this case it would be necessary to break through powerful fortifications.
  The German generals did not want to go to Stalingrad again. But frankly speaking, the choice is not wide. Is it possible to attack Moscow itself? Serious disagreements arose among the fascist leaders. Mainstein, Guderian and Rommel even spoke out in the sense that it was better not to attack at all, but let the Russians poke their noses in and lure them into a trap.
  An alternative plan provided for launching an offensive from the Taman Peninsula and Rostov-on-Don; the Fritz were able to defend this well-fortified city by transferring reinforcements from the Balkan group, replacing their occupying troops with Bulgarian and Italian ones.
  The Fuhrer, who liked operations in which troops break through in converging directions, was more and more inclined to this plan, but was slow to implement it. In particular, the Panther tank turned out to be capricious and often broke down, so it needed modifications. Let additional crew training. And the Fuhrer wanted to stamp more "Tigers".
  Stalin eventually got tired of it. Fearing that a second front would be opened by Japan, which had achieved major successes in southern China, whose ground army had already exceeded seven million soldiers and data on the growing military potential of the Third Reich, he himself ordered the launch of an offensive in the Kursk and Donbass directions. Hitler's hesitation and the Fuhrer's desire to form divisions with hundreds of Tigers and Panthers led to preemption.
  However, the Soviet troops, having launched the offensive on July 7, 1943, did not themselves have a decisive advantage in strength. 5.56 million German troops, about one million two hundred and fifty thousand satellite soldiers, acted against 6.6 million Soviet soldiers and officers. Mussolini, after the disappearance of the threat of attack from the west and south, significantly increased the number of Italian troops in the east. The number of Spanish units also increased. Salazar also sent a division of "volunteers". The French legions, Romanians, more actively Hungarians, Albanians, and foreign divisions in the SS from all over Europe also fought.
  Thus, the Soviet army did not have superiority in numbers, but the heterogeneity of the coalition reduced the quality of the enemy forces. The Red Army has some numerical superiority in tanks and artillery. But for now, perhaps, the "Tigers" and "Panthers" have no equal in terms of firepower and armor of the opponent. And the T-4 acquired superiority in gun firepower over the T-34-76. But the USSR has rocket artillery, and the Germans, despite the development of gas launchers in particular, have developed this rather poorly.
  There is approximate numerical parity in aviation. German fighters ME-109 "G", Focke-Wulf are stronger, however, than Soviet aircraft in armament and speed, but slightly weaker in maneuverability. But Germany, alas, has more experienced and productive aces. The Yu-188 bomber is perhaps better in flight characteristics than the PE-2 and TU-3. And the Yu-288 began to enter service. True, it has only just begun to be introduced, like the ME-309.
  But in any case, not having an advantage in strength, the Red Army launched an offensive against the enemy"s previously prepared defenses. And she faced stubborn resistance. But the Soviet troops were assertive in their offensive, regardless of losses, they pressed forward. Although the average pace of progress turned out to be low, one to two kilometers per day. The enemy snapped and managed to dig in again. The pace of no less heroic advance continued. By mid-August, at the cost of heavy losses, Soviet troops advanced up to one hundred kilometers, approached Kursk and launched stubborn battles for the city itself, also approaching Belgorod.
  On August 19, 1943, Japan, overcoming hesitation, opened a front in the Far East. By this time, having suffered a series of defeats, Chiang Kai-shek"s regime agreed to a peace favorable to the samurai. The Japanese gained control of important communications, and were freed from the need to wage a difficult guerrilla war with poorly organized, but very numerous Chinese troops. But Chiang Kai-shek was promised support in the war with Mao Zedong"s Red Army. Japan already has all the means to wage war with the USSR. And they decided not to wait for the rainy autumn and the harsh Siberian winter. Not to mention the fact that Hitler declared war on the United States back in 1941, but the samurai did not support him. The opening of a second front in 1942 could have saved the Nazis from a crushing defeat at Stalingrad.
  Japan's decision was quite expected. However, in the attack on Vladivostok the samurai achieved tactical surprise and inflicted serious damage on the Soviet Pacific Fleet.
  At the end of August, the Germans tried to counterattack using a mass of the latest tanks. But their southern counterattack was only able to achieve relative success. The Soviet command had already foreseen such a possibility and withdrew its troops to their original lines. Only the combined arms 31st Army fell into the cauldron and was mostly destroyed.
  However, the Soviet troops did not achieve their goal, and suffered very significant losses, failing to recapture the territory. Especially, more than six and a half thousand tanks were lost, against about eight hundred German ones. In the tank park, the numerical advantage passed to the Nazis. In September, the Germans were able to catch up with the USSR in the production of hundreds of aircraft per day, and in November, approximately in cars, increasing the production of Panthers to 650-700 tanks per month. Here, the use of resources from the occupied countries, primarily France, as well as Belgium and Holland, where labor conscription was introduced, played a big role.
  The Germans, with some delay, in September launched a long-planned offensive from Rostov-on-Don and the Taman Peninsula. And they ran into stubborn Soviet defenses. And Japan launched an offensive against Mongolia, capturing Ulaanbaatar and Primorye. But little progress has been made there.
  This diverted significant reserves and after a month and a half of fierce fighting, the German groups united. But the losses of the Fritz also turned out to be very significant, and they were forced to stop. But this tactical success provoked Turkey"s entry into the war and the opening of a third front in Transcaucasia.
  Now we had to fight back in this direction as well.
  By winter, the front line in the Far East will be stabilized. The Japanese advanced in the Primorye region from fifty to one hundred and twenty kilometers, captured more than half of Mongolia along with Ulaanbaatar, but their offensive stopped. The Turks approached Yerevan and attacked Batumi, they managed to capture two-thirds of the last city. The Germans themselves will not advance very much in the fall. And they have not yet seized the initiative.
  The war became increasingly positional and protracted. To exhaustion, and to technological superiority. During 1943, the USSR increased aircraft production by one and a half times from 25 thousand to 37 thousand. Nazi Germany from over 15 thousand to 32 thousand, more than double. In the last months of the year, the Germans matched their Soviet production results in aircraft. And in tanks and self-propelled guns too - with qualitative superiority. But the USSR also needs to fight off Japan. In addition, a number of aircraft and tanks are produced in Italy and other satellite countries of the Third Reich. Even if not too much. Plus, the Germans, taking advantage of the absence of war, began to extract and supply oil from Libya for their needs.
  So gradually the energy shortage in the Third Reich weakened. In addition, the African French possessions promised to be a good source of raw materials.
  So that the Nazis could supply themselves well. In response, the red designers prepared new types of tanks for Stalin with 85 mm and 122 mm guns. The Germans somewhat slowed down work on Panther 2. It's not easy to get a tank with powerful weapons, strong armor, and relatively mobility. And the "Royal Tiger" turned out to be too heavy at 68 tons. Only the modernization of the Panther promised to be relatively successful. And the T-4 tank, apparently, has exhausted its capabilities. Gradually, starting in 1944, the production of this machine began to decline. To stop completely in April.
  The Soviet command launched several offensive operations in the winter. And the Taman Peninsula, and in the center, and in the Leningrad direction, and near Kursk. But no significant success was achieved anywhere . The enemy already had a numerical superiority in manpower both in tanks and aircraft. Only fear of the weather forced the Fritz to adhere to defensive tactics.
  A negative role was also played by the increased number of deserters and traitors, as well as the fact that the Germans developed high-altitude aviation, which was more effective in reconnaissance from the air.
  In addition, the Soviet command approached the process of concentration of forces somewhat incorrectly. In particular, the tactic itself of starting the next operation in a different area even before the completion of the previous one made sense given the numerical superiority. Like in the First World War, pulling the Germans apart. But if the enemy outnumbers you, this made it difficult to achieve superiority in forces in a particular area.
  If Stalin had managed to create superiority on a separate section of the front at approximately a ratio of three to one, then perhaps tactical success would have been achieved.
  And so in one sector there is an offensive, in another they are preparing, but in reality it is easier for the Germans and their allies to repel. Moreover, the Fritz already had high-altitude, high-speed reconnaissance aircraft with excellent optics, which allowed them to track the movement of troops. And in winter it is more difficult to camouflage, and night is not a panacea, so German intelligence officers acquired good night vision devices.
  The "Royal Tiger" as a planned breakthrough tank was delayed in serial production and was not entirely successful. "Panther" -2, which Hitler ordered to be reinforced with armor to make the IS-2 impenetrable, and to install an engine of 900 horsepower, weighed 51 tons, even taking into account the installation of an alloy casing, which saved 800 kilograms. But it became possible to strengthen the side armor up to 82 millimeters at a rational angle. This made the German tank not as vulnerable from the sides as previous models. But again, "Panther"-2 and "Lion"-2 in a more advanced layout scheme are still only in the process of development.
  But over the winter, the Germans completely took control of French possessions in Africa, including the Niger Loop. And there is oil, gas and bauxite, and even larger reserves of uranium, especially in the Congo. De Gaulle was caught - without the help of the allies he was worthless, and Scorrel worked cleanly and skillfully.
  Thus, by May 1944, the oil problems were largely resolved. All supplies were already coming from Libya, and all that remained was to drill more and more wells.
  But in May the Germans were not yet ready to attack. Apart from the Tiger, which was outdated in design, they did not have a serious breakthrough tank. True, the "Tiger" was already in mass production and, thanks to the high quality of the armor and the thickness of the sides, as well as the rapid-firing, accurate gun, it could play the role of, if not an ideal, but more or less tolerable tank, breaking the turnover of the USSR troops .
  The German command, after a series of disputes, returned to the previous 1942 plan. Namely, to launch an attack on the flanks. Take Leningrad into a double ring and break through to Stalingrad. Moreover, after the Wehrmacht abandoned the Rzhev-Vyazemsky salient, a convenient bridgehead for an attack on Moscow was lost. So it"s relatively far from the capital.
  The Nazis' plan is also not optimal, but... Early parliamentary elections were held in Sweden, where the Nazis achieved an impressive victory. A country with a population of eight million people and a developed economy was ready to go to war against the USSR. The most popular figure was Charles the Twelfth. The Swedes longed for revenge for previous defeats and humiliation during the wars lost to Peter the Great and Alexander the First. Thus, all of Europe had already fought against the USSR. Moreover, Franco and Salazar decided to officially enter the war in order to claim their share of the spoils. Only Switzerland remained formally neutral, but it also sent a division of volunteers.
  Numerical superiority was on the side of the Nazi coalition. In addition, by mid-May 1944, the Germans already had about a thousand ME-262 jet aircraft in service. The car itself is quite successful, but with unfinished engines. But gradually the engines improved, became more powerful, more reliable and fuel consumption decreased.
  The offensive began in the south. The Fritz tried to repeat the plan developed by the OKW for Operation Blau in January 1942, but then arbitrarily changed by Hitler. When you are attacking Stalingrad from both the south and the north, along converging directions. But first, the Germans had to break through to the Don. The fascist Tigers went on the attack, but were faced with a strong defensive line. The advance of the Krauts turned out to be slow, they got bogged down in the defense in depth of the Soviet troops. Having covered only 35-40 kilometers in the direction of Voronezh in the first ten days.
  Then, in two weeks of stubborn fighting, the Nazis advanced only ten kilometers and, due to heavy losses, were forced to stop.
  The offensive in the south developed more successfully. There are fewer Soviet troops there, and it is more difficult to defend. Numerous "Panthers", "Tigers", "Ferdinands" (this self-propelled gun turned out to be more widespread due to the lack of strategic bombing!) and the first models of the "Jagdtiger" and the especially effective "Sturmtiger". The Germans managed to break through the first lines of defense and gain operational space.
  At the same time, the Japanese army also went on the offensive. The samurai increased the size of their tank fleet and their new medium-weight vehicles were practically not inferior in armament and driving performance to the T-34-76, and were even superior in frontal armor, although inferior in protection from the sides.
  Japan led the offensive in Mongolia, where it was much more difficult to maintain defense. The Soviet command was faced with a shortage of reserves, fighting back on all three fronts. And the losses of personnel during the winter offensive were considerable.
  The German offensive on Tikhvin, and the Finns and Swedes from the White Sea Canal, were repulsed with difficulty. The Nazis advanced slowly, but almost continuously. In mid-June, in the south, Mainstein's troops broke into Stalingrad. The second Battle of Stalingrad began. And by the beginning of July, after the fall of Tikhvin and Volkhov, the Finns, Swedes and Germans united - forming a second ring around the city of Lenin.
  Thus, an extremely difficult situation arose for the Soviet military forces.
  But Stalingrad did not give in to Mainstein. And this prevented the Germans from developing an offensive in other directions. In the south, as in 1942, they only reached the Terek Gate: getting stuck near Grozny and Ordzhonikidze. Heavy fighting continued in the Voronezh direction. By September, Soviet troops were forced to retreat beyond the Don. It"s an irony of fate that by the end of October the front line in the south repeated 1942 at the time of the greatest advance of the Nazis.
  It was worse in the north, where Leningrad found itself in a total siege. In addition, the Germans, Finns and Swedes were able to cut through the defenses of the Red Army on the Karelian Peninsula, cutting off Murmansk by land from the main part of the USSR.
  About forty Soviet divisions were isolated. However, their numbers were far from normal. Sweden fielded about twenty-five fairly well-equipped divisions. Together with the seasoned Finns and German troops, they gained a numerical superiority. And it is extremely difficult to transfer reserves to the Karelian Peninsula.
  In general, the Red Army could not receive the necessary reinforcements, so the Japanese turned out to be unexpectedly strong, their number, together with puppet troops, exceeded five million, and this is actually a full-fledged second front. So all we had to do was fight back against the Germans and their allies.
  Gradually, the zone of control of Soviet troops in Karelia was reduced, and Murmansk was completely blocked and virtually doomed. So the enemy fleet and especially submarines dominated the sea, so there was nothing to establish supplies with.
  Alas, in November 1944 the USSR did not have the reserves to repeat the turning point of 1942. Almost everything was spent to prevent the loss of the Caucasus. In addition, the Germans carried out the assault on Stalingrad more professionally, and reserves had to be constantly transferred there, as if into the crater of Tartarus. Stalin ordered to hold the city on the Volga at any cost. But given the dominance of enemy aircraft in the air, the price turned out to be incredibly high.
  Moreover, Mainstein, unlike Paulus, was in no hurry and looked after the soldiers. As a result, the ratio of losses was not in favor of the Red Army.
  Hitler hurried Meinstein, but the cunning field marshal knew how to dodge and withstand pressure.
  One of the most powerful types of weapons were the Sturmtigers. They had extremely powerful bomb launchers that launched projectiles weighing three hundred and twenty kilograms. Moreover, the shells are rocket-propelled and much more powerful than howitzer shells. You can call them a worthy answer to the Katyusha, albeit on tracks. In addition, some bomb launchers were also installed on trucks, with a longer firing range.
  The Germans also used gas launchers. And of course jet bombers.
  In December, the Japanese captured almost all of Mongolia and came close to Vladivostok, partially capturing Primorye and Khabarovsk. But General Frost forced them to stop.
  Taking advantage of this, the Red Army organized a series of counterattacks on the German flanks that tried to capture what was left of Stalingrad. What, even a small part of the city was held at the beginning of 1945. The Germans achieved certain successes in 1944, but were not even able to conquer the Caucasus and obtain Baku oil. True, for their own needs so far they had enough from Romania, Hungary, Libya, Cameroon and Nigeria.
  Leningrad was still under siege. Large reserves of food and ammunition were created in advance, so that the city could survive this winter, continuing to pin down significant forces of the Wehrmacht and its allies.
  The Soviet leadership also managed to make strategic reserves of raw materials in the city of Lenin for the production of weapons. So so far this hasn"t given the fascists too much.
  But Murmansk was completely blocked. Of the ten transports heading to the city, the Krauts finished nine.
  In January, the Soviet command tried to test the strength of the Germans in the center. However, it was not possible to defeat the very powerful and technologically advanced defense. The maximum advance was five or six, at best no more than eight kilometers. And the losses of the Soviet divisions were very significant. In most parts up to half the composition.
  But part of the German forces was distracted, allowing them to hold Stalingrad... In March, the Germans themselves launched an offensive at the Terek Gate. They managed to break through the line of Soviet defense and encircle Grozny and Ordzhonikidze, but the Fritz were stuck in the line of Vedeno, Shali and further through the cities.
  The city of Grozny itself remained in complete siege until May. In May, Stalingrad finally fell. There are practically no ruins left of the city and its suburbs, as well as the tank factory.
  The German coalition was also running out of steam, but the Fuhrer wanted victory. In January, the first successful tests of the disc were carried out, reaching a speed of up to two sound speeds and rising to 18 kilometers in height. In May, the diskette had already reached four sound speeds and jumped to an altitude of 30 kilometers.
  But the new machine, for all its strong and even unique flight characteristics, turned out to be vulnerable to small fire and expensive. The vulnerability problem was soon solved by launching a laminar plow, but this increased fuel consumption and reduced the aircraft's flight time. And the disc plane itself, in its laminar "coat," could not fire effectively.
  But the era of "flying saucers" had begun. In addition, the Germans acquired a strong trump card: new generation tanks of the "E" class. They differed with a similar weight to the "Royal Tiger" and "Panther", a much denser and more advanced layout, a low silhouette and thick armor.
  In mass production and on the battlefield, the Panther-2 and Tiger-2, and then the Tiger-3, performed well. The latter vehicle, with a more dense layout and a small turret, had strong armor and an engine of 1080 horsepower. "Mouse" never caught on. But the "Panther" modification, "F," performed well.
  Due to the lack of alloying elements, Soviet tanks did not have very high-quality armor, and so far the "Panther" coped with its role quite well even with a 75-mm cannon. And the 120 mm sloping frontal armor protected against the 85 mm Soviet T-34-85 gun quite reliably. But, perhaps, the Soviet self-propelled gun SU-100 turned out to be a worthy opponent to the Panther"s enhanced armor. The T-4 was already out of production. And of the production tanks, the Panther turned out to be the lightest.
  The first advanced tank in terms of its layout was the serial tank "Lion". The turret of this tank was moved back, and the transmission, engine and gearbox were located in one unit at the front. As a result, the silhouette of the vehicle was low, and the armor with a powerful 105 mm cannon was comparable to the "Royal Tiger", and the front of the turret was even more powerful.
  Moving the turret back also gave the Lion the advantage that when moving through the forest, the muzzle of its long-barreled gun did not cling to tree trunks as much.
  The Nazis also tried other schemes, and also bombarded Soviet positions with strong aircraft.
  Japan also tried to advance and finally cut off Vladivostok from the mainland.
  The Germans tried to break through to Moscow in June and July. But the Soviet line of defense turned out to be very strong, and the Nazis suffered enormous losses. Even the Lev tank is not entirely adequate in the offensive, primarily due to insufficient side cover.
  The Soviet command increasingly used the 100 mm gun caliber more and more actively. It is clear that the USSR does not have the resources to defeat enemy tanks with the same tanks, but anti-tank artillery can be used massively.
  The E-100 in the original model turned out to be too heavy at 140 tons, and the side armor was 120 millimeters (forehead 240 millimeters!), even at an angle. This was no longer enough. Not to mention the fact that the Mouses are hopelessly behind in their layout.
  In reality, the Lion tank and self-propelled guns - E-10, E-25 were advanced German vehicles, where the location of the engine, transmission and gearbox were combined. However, the Germans produced a lot of lagging equipment. For example, "Panthers", "Tigers", "Jagdtigers", "Jagdpanthers" with rather tall silhouettes that are lagging behind in development.
  "E"-70 was not entirely successful either. The vehicle was equipped with a powerful 128-mm cannon and an advanced layout, but due to the desire to maintain a combat load of at least 80 rounds and not go beyond 70 tons, its armor protection turned out to be comparable to the "Royal Tiger" - model 1944 and inadequate for a breakthrough. "Tiger"-3 is even better protected. But on the E-70, an engine with a turbocharger with a power of 1200 horsepower was successfully tested, which allowed the tank to reach a speed of 60 kilometers per hour on the highway.
  In any case, German tanks suffered heavy losses, as did the infantry. Both foreign divisions and satellites of the Third Reich lost a lot.
  By mid-August, the Germans had advanced only 40-50 kilometers in the center and were unable to gain operational space. And the losses turned out to be enormous. In September, the Nazis launched a new offensive in the south... In a month and a half of heavy fighting, the enemy broke through to the Caspian Sea, cutting off the Caucasus by land.
  But the Soviet command managed to establish supplies by sea, albeit at the cost of great damage. In November, the Fritz, at the cost of enormous effort and great damage, reached the Volga delta. In December the front line stabilized. The gap between the fronts of the Caucasus and the main Soviet territory grew. In addition, the Japanese managed to cut off Vladivostok, placing the Soviet city under siege.
  Despite the blockade, Murmansk managed to heroically hold out until December 1945. But he still fell...
  In 1946, hostilities continued... The position of the Soviet Army Group in the Caucasus turned out to be extremely difficult. They are cut off by land, and there is a threat of the final loss of Baku.
  Stalin felt extreme nervous and physical exhaustion. Fierce fighting unfolded in the direction of Tikhvin. There was an attempt to save surrounded Leningrad. In the city itself, food supplies were left for less than six months and food cards were cut again.
  At first, Soviet troops broke through the front line, but then the enemy, with a superior number of tanks, managed to carry out a counterattack and even cut off part of the Soviet troops. February passed in fierce battles both in the north and in the south, where Soviet troops tested the enemy and tried to recapture Stalingrad. And the latter was partially successful. Soviet tanks burst into the city, but, unfortunately, could not drive the Nazis out of there.
  But the third Battle of Stalingrad broke out. Soviet troops also achieved relatively major successes near Voronezh. But even there, the Fritz, using a large number of tank units and their technological superiority, were able to restore the situation. In March, disk-shaped helicopters and diskettes began to take part in hostilities on a large scale. The Germans made several improvements to flying saucers and were able to launch missile attacks on Soviet positions with them. But in practice, the disc plane did not live up to expectations as a miracle weapon.
  Just as the von Braun ballistic missile turned out to be too expensive and of low accuracy for its active use in combat to justify itself.
  But the Germans acquired tailless jet bombers capable of carrying up to ten tons of cargo and flying a distance of up to 16 thousand kilometers (!).
  Unfortunately, Soviet jet aviation was still lagging behind, and the enemy dominated the air almost completely. In any case, propeller-driven aircraft, in principle, cannot surpass jet aircraft in flight characteristics. And our own developments were too late. And the transition from propeller-driven aircraft to jet aircraft is too painful.
  And the pilots need to be retrained, the runways need to be extended, and a special type of fuel needs to be prepared. Well, the engines themselves are still being tested and debugged!
  The Germans found themselves distracted by Stalingrad... Oddly enough, the Third Reich and the entire coalition were running out of steam, and the Red Army was like a Phoenix bird. Both April and May passed in fierce battles near Stalingrad. And even in June, the Red Army was still trying to advance, pinning down the enemy. But in July, despite the heat, the Nazis still moved along the coast of the Caspian Sea in the direction of Baku. Progress was extremely slow. On average 1.5 kilometers per day. Dagestan snapped back... Soviet troops crushed the Fritz and their allies in all azimuths.
  They beat the enemy both in the center and in the north. They were not allowed to approach Arkhangelsk... But in September the pace of German advance in the Caucasus accelerated. The forces of the Caucasian group were greatly depleted, and a sea of ten transports arrived in conditions of enemy air supremacy in the air of at most two or three. At the end of October, the fascists nevertheless entered Azerbaijan. And in November they advanced to Baku. And at the beginning of December, the Krauts united with the Turks in Georgia...
  Even before March there were battles in the Caucasus, and Yerevan generally held out until June 1947.
  All winter the Red Army tirelessly tried to advance. They badly battered the coalition. Although the Japanese eventually took Vladivostok in April, this only allowed the USSR to gain a stronger foothold across the Amur.
  Although the Red Army did not achieve tangible successes with its attacks in the winter and in March, it did teach a fair lesson to the coalition. Within the German satellite countries, the situation became increasingly aggravated. Human resources were depleted and losses were enormous. The economic burden was becoming completely unbearable. Even successes at the fronts pleased the European man in the street less and less. The desire for peace grew stronger and stronger.
  But Hitler stubbornly wanted to finish off the USSR. Although the calculations that the Red Army would lose its combat effectiveness after the loss of Baku did not come true. In 1946, the USSR produced a record number of weapons: about 60 thousand aircraft and 40 thousand tanks and self-propelled guns, 250 thousand guns and mortars. Yes, Soviet aviation is mainly the Yak-9 fighter, the IL-2 attack aircraft, which is still in production. Yak-3 and LA-7 were produced in small quantities. Still in production are PE-2 and TU-3. Yes, aviation can be considered obsolete against enemy jet monsters, but it is not. Like the T-34-85, IS-3 and SU-100, the rest of the vehicles are in small quantities.
  And in 1947, the T-54 began to enter service, which should have put an end to the qualitative superiority of German technology. Of course, the T-54, weighing 36 tons, could not be stronger than all the enemy tanks, but it could easily compete with the Panthers and Tigers.
  The main German tank was the E-50, called the Lion-3. The vehicle is similar to the Lion, but with a more powerful engine of 1200 horsepower and thick armor. Weighing 75 tons, the thickness of the side armor of the German tank increased to 140 mm, and the front was 240 mm with a 105 mm gun and a barrel length of 100 el. The new German car should become the main one. It is superior to the Soviet one in armament and armor, but is more than twice as heavy.
  However, the T-54 is just beginning to enter production.
  But the summer of 1947 was even hotter. The Germans are trying to attack Moscow again. They also break through to Saratov. The fighting drags on until late autumn. The Fritz still manage to take Saratov. But in the Moscow area, they managed to advance a maximum of sixty to seventy kilometers. Both Rzhev and Vyazma, although the latter was half surrounded, remained with the USSR.
  Moscow has not been conquered, and the Nazis and their brutal coalition have to face the winter in the trenches. This time, the Soviet command is saving people and accumulating strength. In particular, the T-54 tank. And on December 31, 1947, the MIG-15 was successfully tested, which should end the German monopoly on jet aircraft in the air.
  True, in February 1948, Leningrad fell after many years of siege. A very heavy blow to the prestige of Soviet power.
  The position of the USSR in May 1948 became hopeless. The Germans and their coalition control the Caucasus, then the Volga to Saratov, and Tambov with Voronezh. Then east of Orel, almost next to Tula, then in Vyazma and near Rzhev itself, all the way to Arkhangelsk.
  Well, what else can be done in such a situation? Plus, the Japanese control all of Primorye along the Amur River and captured their only ally: Mongolia.
  And during the seven years of war, lands were lost on which at least half of the population of the USSR lived before the occupation, and maybe more. During the seven years of war, the Red Army irretrievably lost at least twenty million soldiers and officers. Not counting those who became wounded or crippled. Not counting the huge losses from massive bombing, shelling and starvation.
  Even taking into account the evacuated families, Stalin had no more than one hundred million manpower left under his control, probably maybe less. Of these, every fifth is drafted into the army. About twenty million different troops. Children from the age of five, pensioners, and disabled people of the first and second groups were allowed to use the machines.
  The country is extremely mobilized. The production of weapons in 1947 decreased only slightly... So it"s too early to put an end to the country of the Soviets!
  Stalin himself, in any case, did not think so. And Hitler also wanted to put the squeeze on Russia - to get everything at once! So there was no compromise at all.
  In the summer, the Germans launched a new attack on Moscow. They still hoped that they could break the capital and end the USSR. From the Red Army, Moscow was covered by more than three million soldiers and militias. They were armed with twelve thousand tanks and self-propelled guns. True, there are only about five hundred T-54s, mainly T-34-85s and SU-100s fought. The IS-3 had already been discontinued by this time. Very few IS-4 tanks were produced due to the technological unreliability of this mastodon. Six IS-7 tanks were produced, but this vehicle did not go into mass production. Although, probably in vain. It could penetrate the 240 mm armor of the 75 ton Lev-3 with its 130 mm cannon. True, the Germans had a more advanced tank, the Royal Lion, weighing 100 tons with an engine of 1800 horsepower, and a 128 mm with a very long-barreled gun with an initial projectile speed of 1260 meters per second.
  But Stalin somehow lost interest in heavy equipment, and preferred: preferably small, but remote.
  But the four warriors: Zoya, Victoria, Elena, Nadezhda did not think so. And they just received the IS-7 tank under their control. Moreover, and at number seven. So the four made this car at their own expense. The girls found gold bars in Siberia and donated them to the Ministry of Defense fund. And now they wanted to shoot from this wonderful machine themselves.
  And the momentous day of June 22, 1948 was just approaching. Hitler's troops were just leading the population, trying to bypass and encircle the Soviet city of Rzhev.
  And the four daughters of Russian demiurge gods, as always, decided to intervene at a critical moment for Russia! They always save their Motherland - Rus' - at the right time and place!
  In general, oddly enough, in most parallel universes the course of the Second World War and the Great Patriotic War was even worse for Russia than reality. Perhaps because the fascist regime that took control of Europe had much more potential than it was able to realize. The combination of brutal totalitarianism and market elements of the economy is more effective than the liberal capitalism of the West and the centralized, bureaucratic Stalinist model. Fortunately, for a number of reasons, both objective and subjective. Due to great luck, the Nazis were unable to use their trump cards.
  How many German spies were failed just because the Germans used a stainless steel scraper in documents, and the Russians used simple iron? And how did such a little thing decisively influence the course of the war?
  In any case, there was a parallel universe, where already in October 1941, one very meticulous intelligence officer accidentally discovered this fact. Genuine Soviet documents and fake German ones are wet and... On Soviet documents, the paper clip is rusty and this is noticeable, but on German ones it is not.
  This is a small thing, but its influence on the course of the Great Patriotic War turned out to be very significant.
  Having avoided failures and worked under the control of German agents, they discovered significant evidence of the preparation by Soviet troops of an offensive near Stalingrad. So convincing that the stubborn Adolf Hitler agreed with this and gave the order to regroup the Nazi troops stationed on the Volga. And that mattered.
  If during the Rzhev-Sychov operation, the Red Army, having more than twice as many forces as the Wehrmacht, was unable to break through the German defense, then at Stalingrad the balance of forces was more favorable for the Nazis.
  And the weather on November 19, 1942 was not conducive to offensive operations. Aviation, especially attack aircraft, could not take off, and artillery bombardment had only an extremely limited impact on the enemy"s developed defenses. Soviet troops, having gone on the offensive, got bogged down. Even the deployment of tank corps could not break a hole in Hitler's defense.
  Fierce fighting also broke out in the Rzhev-Sychov direction. They continued on New Year's Day. Only then, having suffered serious losses, did Soviet troops in both directions suspend their offensive. Hitler held out on the Volga, but the Germans began to be beaten in Africa. Churchill called Montgomery's offensive in Egypt: the end of the beginning. He also stated that now the allies will only win.
  Indeed, Rommel, despite the ongoing transfer of large forces to Africa, was unlucky and his army suffered defeat after defeat. To ensure the conduct of a war on two fronts, the Third Reich had to declare total mobilization in February 1943.
  Moreover, the main goals of Operation Blau were not achieved. However, in the winter of 1942-1943, the Wehrmacht, unlike real history, managed to avoid a serious defeat in the east. At the end of January, Soviet troops resumed their offensive in the center: the third Rzhev-Sychov operation and near Stalingrad. But it"s not daring to break through an enemy sitting in a strong defense. The battles were now reminiscent of the First World War. Lingering, positional. When the one who attacked lost more than the one who defended.
  Operation Iskra to liberate Leningrad was postponed. Stalin wanted to cut off the Rzhev ledge as quickly as possible and defeat the enemy at Stalingrad. The Germans, remembering the lessons of last winter, actively defended themselves. And so far they have managed to repel the onslaught of Soviet troops. As it turned out, when the Krauts are ready, it is not easy to break through their defenses. And the quality of the German armed forces is still at its best.
  The Soviet offensive lasted until the end of February, but was never successful.
  At the beginning of March, the Soviet command attempted an offensive in the Voronezh direction. After initial successes, the Red Army came under Mainstein's counterattack. Large Soviet forces were surrounded and were forced to fight their way back. The losses, especially in technology, turned out to be great, and the Germans and their allies were able to gain a foothold in this direction and completely captured Voronezh and its suburbs.
  During Mainstein"s counterattack, "Panthers" and "Tigers" took part in the battle for the first time. The new tanks partly lived up to their expectations. When used correctly, they were superior to Soviet vehicles in oncoming combat.
  The spring thaw set in and calm reigned on the eastern front. Fierce fighting raged in Tunisia.
  The Fuhrer tried to maintain a bridgehead in Africa at any cost. To achieve this, the Nazis even decided to take an unprecedented step. They gave Franco an ultimatum: either he lets German troops through to Gibraltar, or he is overthrown, like the Vichy government. The Generalissimo got cold feet and agreed. At the same time, he turned to the governments of Britain and the United States with a tearful plea: not to declare war on Spain, since this did not happen according to his will!
  On April 15, 1943, the Germans began the assault on Gibraltar, throwing in the latest Tigers and Panthers. The fortress fell under the attacks of hundreds of tanks in two days. The assault was commanded by Paulus, recalled from the eastern front. Ironically, the Germans were able to capture the last quarters, the houses of Stalingrad and the Stalingrad factories only by April 1, 1943. Thus, Paulus partially rehabilitated himself and received the title of field marshal and swords to the oak leaves of the knight's cross to boot.
  The capture of Gibraltar blocked British and American access from the west to the Mediterranean. And besides, the Nazis themselves were able to invade Morocco at the shortest distance, diverting part of the Allied forces from Tunisia.
  The pressure on the Tunisian bridgehead weakened, and then Rommel was transferred again. Hitler decided to freeze military operations in the East for now and try to take control of the Mediterranean Sea.
  The Soviet command also began to adhere to wait-and-see tactics. This is what Stalin did in real history, and this is what he decided to do now. Let the capitalists bleed the fools themselves. Let them hammer each other, and we will gather up our strength and strike when they are completely exhausted.
  The Germans were still holding northern Tunisia, and troops under the command of the new Field Marshal Paulus were advancing on Casablanca. The Americans faced Tigers and Panthers. It turned out that their Sherman was weak against such tanks, as well as the modernized T-4.
  And Churchill, after three months of hesitation, nevertheless declared War on Spain. However, by this time the Germans had already captured the entirety of Morocco and invaded Algeria. Therefore, this did not come as a shock to Franco. On July 25, German troops captured the capital of Algeria and inflicted a crushing defeat on the British. Success was facilitated by a counterattack from Rommel, and the sudden defeat and landing of Kissilring on Malta.
  The Eastern Front was stable and calm. Stalin, whose troops had suffered heavy losses in previous battles, replenished the Red Army. The Germans also formed new divisions and transferred them across the Strait of Gibraltar to the Mediterranean Sea.
  The activity of German submarines led to the fact that the tonnage of the American and British fleets began to decline. And this also did not contribute to success in the battles for the largest southern sea in Europe.
  The threatening situation in the Mediterranean led to the fact that on August 6, Churchill decided to land in France. But the operation took place under unfavorable weather conditions and was poorly prepared.
  On August 10, Rommel and Paulus united, forming a hefty cauldron in eastern Algeria. And on August 19, Mainstein, the insidious master of traps, cut off the Allied troops from the coast.
  The success of the Fritz was facilitated by the indecisiveness of the Americans, who considered the landing in France in 1943 premature, and an acute shortage of landing craft. Calm on the Eastern Front. In addition, aviation production in Germany more than doubled in 1943, exceeding thirty-two thousand aircraft per year - fortunately, the Germans had more manpower and territory under their control than reality. And the new Focke-Wulf vehicles with strong armor and weapons, as well as 30-millimeter cannons, caused too much damage to allied aviation.
  The catastrophe in Algeria and France made August 1943 truly black for the Allies.
  Stalin was even pleased with such successes. But Churchill's patience ran out. In the East, even air battles practically ceased, and partisan activity decreased. The Germans formed more and more new corps from former Soviet citizens and even created something like puppet local governments. So, separate brigades of local nationalists from the east were already fighting in Africa.
  The Bulgarian Tsar Boris also sent three of his best divisions to Tunisia, apparently hoping to get some colonies for himself on the dark continent.
  In September, Rommel launched a major offensive in Egypt. He managed, using the quantitative and qualitative superiority of forces, to capture Tripoli a week after the signal for the attack.
  The British and Americans suffered defeat after defeat in Libya. Under these conditions, Churchill announced the suspension of any aid supplies to the Bolshevik USSR and demanded the immediate intensification of hostilities. Stalin pretended to ignore the ultimatums. Although, of course, preparations for offensive actions were carried out. But Koba was cunning and even tried to test the waters for a separate peace. One, by the end of September, the Germans captured entire Libya, including Tolbuk, and even broke through into Egypt to Alexandria.
  Paulus managed to bypass the most important English fortified point and go south to the Nile. In fact, this spelled disaster for Britain in Egypt. Then the Germans could go to the Suez Canal and go to Iraq, and then not far from Baku.
  Delay became dangerous, and Stalin gave the order to resume the attack on Rzhev, as well as recapture Stalingrad, and at the same time crush the enemy in the North Caucasus.
  That is, in October, hostilities resumed immediately in three directions. And in November also on Leningradsky.
  However, it was not easy to break through an enemy who was well dug in and had powerful heavy Panther and Tiger tanks. Soviet troops faced deep positional defenses. And in defense, the new German tanks and self-propelled guns performed well.
  So there were no significant advances in October and November. Unless the German offensive was stopped at the Suez Canal. And then only temporarily... However, Paulus and Rommel turned their troops to Sudan. And they began to conquer Africa.
  The Wehrmacht is not yet ready to attack in winter.
  In addition, the Krauts pinned great hopes on the Panther-2 as a more advanced machine and the Tiger-2 and Lion.
  The winter passed in the Red Army's attempts to break through the Krauts' defenses. But nowhere was it possible to achieve major successes. Even if a breakthrough occurred, the enemy restored the situation with a counterattack.
  And the situation kept getting worse. In Britain, against the backdrop of military defeats, a political crisis arose. A vote of no confidence was passed against Churchill's cabinet. How could it be otherwise if the wiser Paulus knocked England out of Sudan and Ethiopia.
  The new government offered Germany a separate peace. Given the greater US losses from the German submarine fleet, Roosevelt did not object. Moreover, his position in America has been shaken. And the Japanese managed to win a couple of small victories, slowing down the American advance. So, the point of view - our hut on the edge has triumphed.
  Hitler, however, first put forward excessive conditions. Then the compromise was the French Lands and Egypt, as well as what previously belonged to Italy was returned. Sudan also falls into the possession of the Third Reich, but the Suez Canal is operated jointly.
  Thus, having given himself a free hand in the West, the Fuhrer threw all his strength into the East. The Nazis began their offensive against Moscow in May. Thanks to the French and English colonies, Libya already had enough oil, and Hitler wanted to win as quickly as possible.
  Plus, Türkiye also opened a second front.
  However, the Red Army already showed incredible fortitude and heroism in the battles for the Soviet capital. On average, the pace of German advance did not exceed one kilometer per day. By the end of August, the Nazis were able to advance a maximum of one hundred kilometers with a breakthrough width of just over three hundred.
  They approached Moscow, but ran into the Mozhaisk defense line. These were modest results. In addition, Soviet troops constantly counterattacked the enemy. New Soviet tanks T-34-85 and IS-2 took part in the battles. It cannot be said that the Germans completely lost their advantages, but the Red Army did not stand still, nor did science!
  New Soviet fighters Yak-3 and LA-7 appeared, capable of competing with German propeller-driven aircraft. True, the enemy has very strong reactive trump cards in return. ME-262 and HE-162 had no analogues in the world. Hitler also decided to ban the production and development of tanks lighter than fifty tons. As a result, the T-4 and the Panther were given up. "Panther"-2 turned out to weigh 50.2 tons and have a powerful gun with an engine of 900 horsepower. "Royal Tiger" and "Lion" even exceeded the monsters" weight of 70 tons. According to party resolution, Soviet cars did not exceed 47 tons in weight.
  Having failed to take Moscow, the Nazis turned their attention to Leningrad. They were really sick of this city. Massive shelling began in September. They also included 1000mm caliber guns and winged robotic projectiles.
  Hitler ordered to take Leningrad at any cost.
  The city managed to repulse three assaults in September and October. However, the Germans were able to advance ten to twenty kilometers, and also captured the Peterhof bridgehead. In some places, their units entered the city, worsening the group"s operational position. In November 1944, after the Nazis won the parliamentary elections, Sweden also entered the war against the USSR.
  It actively advertised the slogan: revenge for the defeats of Peter the Great and Alexander. New Swedish divisions arrived at the front and, together with the Finns, began an attack on the city from the north. And the Nazis resumed attacks using, among other things, the Sturmtiger and the even more powerful Sturmaus, as well as the E-100 tank, the world"s first serial monster weighing more than one hundred tons.
  Despite the massive heroism and resilience of Soviet soldiers and militias, as well as a desperate diversionary counterattack on Novgorod, the city could not be saved. However, the last quarter did not fall until January 27, 1945, showing an example of limitless resilience. And the city itself lasted a whole block: 1270 days! Probably the longest blockade of a city in modern wars.
  Although the Germans and their allies suffered huge losses, the goal was partially achieved. The second largest and most important Soviet city fell, and the hands of the most powerful enemy group were freed.
  In winter the fighting was fierce. The Germans used serial, jet aircraft with all their might. The USSR did not have parity power against them. This made it difficult to achieve an advantage in the air. On the contrary, the enemy dominated there. Just like while German tanks retained their advantages. And they even increased them with the advent of the "E" series.
  Compared to the Tigers and Panthers, the E-series tanks had a more dense layout, a low silhouette, and as a result, much thicker armor at an angle.
  The answer of Soviet science so far was only the IS-3, a stronger turret forehead protection. The T-54 was still being developed, and the T-44 was no more successful.
  Hitler, however, changed his plans in May 1945. And limiting himself to individual attacks, he carried out the main offensive in the Caucasus. It was more convenient to fight there. So after the capture of Stalingrad, supplying the Soviet group turned out to be difficult. In addition, in February, Soviet troops inflicted a strong defeat on the Ottomans in Transcaucasia, forcing the Turks to flee Yerevan and liberating the Kars region.
  The Germans broke through the defenses and, passing along the Volga, reached the Caspian Sea. Grozny fell on June 15, after stubborn fighting, Sukhumi on June 23, Zugdidi on the 29th of the same month. Tbilisi was taken at the end of July along with Kutaisi. In August, the fascist vultures finally captured Dagestan, as well as Poti, and reached Armenia from the north. In September they united with the Turks, and the assault on Baku began. The key city held out until November 6, 1945. Some battles in the mountains, especially in Yerevan, lasted until the end of December.
  Fierce battles also took place in the center. The Germans were able to come close to Tula and even take Kalinin, but then they were stopped. However, the front line has approached, and there are already no more than eighty kilometers left from the capital.
  The year 1946 began with a hot winter. The Soviet command, wanting to forestall the German offensive, desperately rushed at the enemy.
  Alas, the enemy"s advantage in the air only increased. Luftwaffe jet aircraft, unfortunately, were constantly being improved. New modifications of the ME-262 have appeared, including an ultra-high-speed one. Also a strong jet fighter TA-183, more advanced with swept wings HE-262, and a real masterpiece of aircraft engineering ME-1010 with controlled swept wings.
  And the USSR's main fighter remained the Yak-9. The car was once new, but is now clearly obsolete.
  But the Luftwaffe also has the Yu-287, and the Yu-387, TA-400, TA-500 jet bomber has appeared. And attack aircraft are jet. And the HE-377 is reactive and the HE-477 is also reactive and multi-purpose.
  And the E-70 series with tanks weighing as much as the "Royal Tiger", but with much stronger protection.
  And the real masterpiece was the pyramidal tank shown in metal for the Fuhrer"s birthday on April 20, 1946. Hitler personally gave him the name "Imperial Lion".
  The vehicle was shaped like an elongated, flattened pyramid, with small rollers covering the entire bottom of the tank. Thus, it did not have a tray, which significantly increased cross-country ability. In addition, the tank did not have a roof, and its armor from all angles had a high angle of rational inclination. Weighing 99 tons, the vehicle was armed with a 128 mm anti-aircraft gun with a barrel length of 100 EL, had an engine of 1800 horsepower, and frontal armor of 300 mm. Moreover, the slabs are at large angles of rational inclination, in the first frontal half and 250 millimeters in the second inclined half. Thus, it turned out to be the most powerful tank in the world, impenetrable from all firing points and when attacked with bombs from above.
  The Fuhrer immediately ordered it to be put into production as quickly as possible and at the same time to create an assault modification with a howitzer and a bomb thrower.
  So the Nazis stocked up, they had to be smashed. But, unfortunately, a very stubborn and technically strong enemy was caught. And at the end of May, according to tradition, when the roads dried out, the offensive began.
  The Fritz tried to bypass Moscow and Tula. The battles raged with unprecedented intensity and scope. But the Soviet troops were worthy of being called invincible. For three months of continuous battles, the Nazis were only able to encircle Tula and reach Kashina and approach Moscow from the north, partially cutting off communications. The fighting was already taking place on the streets of the city itself.
  Stalin left the capital and evacuated to Kuibyshev. But the Nazis began an attack on Saratov in July. This city fell on August 8th. Since Kuibyshev now found himself dangerously close to the front, that Supreme Commander moved his headquarters to Sverdlovsk. Fighting in Moscow continued into September. On the 18th, Kashira fell. At the beginning of October, the capital of the USSR was almost surrounded, and on 29, after stubborn fighting, Kuibyshev also fell. In addition, the Germans captured Guryev and Uralsk.
  November was full of terrible fighting. On November 7, the Krauts broke through to the Kremlin, but were driven back by a desperate counterattack. And during this battle, the acting commandant of Moscow, Marshal Rokossovsky, died!
  And the famous Soviet pilot Kozhedub shot down the hundredth German plane, becoming the first Soviet person to be awarded the title of four times Hero of the USSR. And also on November 7, 1946.
  On December 4, the blockade ring around Moscow was finally closed. But the capital and the remnants of its heroic garrison fought until Orthodox Christmas on January 7, 1947.
  The assault on the capital was led by Mainstein. For this he was awarded the second Order of the Grand Cross of the Iron Cross after Hermann Goering.
  But the war is not over yet. Stalin from Sverdlovsk promised to continue the fight. The Germans were also pretty exhausted. In the south, their troops approached Penza and Ulyanovsk and stopped. In March, the Soviets launched counterattacks. But in April they were still forced to leave Ryazan. And in May, the Nazis surrounded the city of Gorky, and broke through to Kazan from the south. In June, the Krauts captured Orenburg and approached Ufa. Resistance to the Red Army weakened, morale fell and mass desertions began. However, they have always been there, but after the fall of the capital they intensified many times over. No one had any desire left to die for Stalin. But people fought against fascism for their Motherland.
  The authority of the Soviet government also fell. In July, the Germans broke into Sverdlovsk. Stalin and his retinue moved to Novosibirsk. In the Urals, fighting raged until August... The Germans were hampered by the stretch of communications and the active actions of the partisans. But further war has already lost its meaning.
  Stalin, however, still hoped for something. The Germans broke into Tobolsk in September. But they were delayed by heavy autumn rains. The approach of winter stopped the offensive in Siberia, but the Nazis managed to capture all of Central Asia. In winter they did not dare to go to Novosibirsk. But Stalin was also unwell, and he moved to warmer Vladivostok.
  The year 1948 arrived. The Nazis were already armed with diskettes. In addition, more compact tanks with turbojet engines appeared. In fact, after it gets warmer, all that remains is for them to march victoriously and occupy the cities.
  But Beria poisoned the already seriously ill Stalin and offered the Third Reich surrender, subject to the preservation of Soviet power in Siberia.
  Hitler, who was damn tired of the war himself, almost agreed, but first, he captured Novosibirsk in May 1948. And the surrender was signed on June 22, 1948, on a symbolic date - exactly seven years from the moment of the attack on the USSR. This is how the Second World War ended. The United States defeated Japan back in 1945 and tested an atomic bomb. So the Fuhrer has no business going overseas.
  Beria, however, did not rule for long. The most famous Soviet ace, air marshal and seven-time hero of the USSR Kozhedub, will be able to carry out a military coup and overthrow the unpopular chairman of the State Defense Committee. Beria and a number of his accomplices were shot. In the Third Reich itself, in March 1953, patriots finished off Hitler. And Goering died from drug abuse a little earlier, while Himmler was shot due to suspicions of conspiracy.
  A fierce struggle ensued between the SS, led by Schellenberg, and the armed forces, led by Generalissimo Mainstein. This all resulted in a civil war. As a result, the Third Reich collapsed. And the reduced USSR began to gradually restore its influence. History went into a spiral again. The fantastic rise of Germany, swollen more than the empire of Genghis Khan, then the death of the main leader - chaos and extinction.
  And the gradual gathering of principalities, only the city of Baikalsk became the capital. The USSR, divided into many provinces with puppet provinces set up by the Germans, was united again. The biggest victory was the annexation of Moscow, which threw off the Nazi yoke. True, Ukraine, Belarus and the Baltic states, as well as Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan retained their sovereignty. After the collapse of the Third Reich, the United States became the world hegemon. A pro-American government was also established in China.
  But gradually the celestial empire became more and more independent. In the USSR, after the de facto dictatorship of Kozhedub, an essentially presidential constitution was established, but with a two-term limit in power. The elections were held on an alternative basis, and the post of president had a different name: people's chairman.
  The country had a mixed and rapidly developing economy.
  But here's how history changed from one paper clip. They lost the Second World War, although they fought valiantly. And the result was disastrous. Moreover, Germany was only able to gain greatness for a while.
  And the United States was gradually losing influence, the world was becoming multipolar, which means there was more and more chaos in it. On the contrary, there is less order. And about the same as in the present twenty-first century.
  Well, why is humanity so drawn to fragmentation and chaos?
  Tukhachevsky's campaign against Warsaw turned out to be unsuccessful primarily due to the fault of Stalin - who, instead of covering the southern flank of the Red troops advancing on Warsaw. turned the First Cavalry Army towards Galicia. Moreover, despite the large forces that were under the command of Joseph, he managed to be defeated by the Poles. The Red Army lost the battle of Warsaw. The Poles launched a counter-offensive, occupied territory including Slutsk and even occupied Minsk for several days.
  However, the West then did not dare to finance further bloody warfare with the Bolsheviks. Warsaw made peace, and the civil war quickly ended.
  But there is an alternative course of history and one of the many parallel universes. There, Lenin ordered the removal of Stalin, who was not very gifted in military matters and the capricious one, from command of the southern flank, and established the unity of command of Tukhachevsky, while maintaining Budyonny over the First Cavalry.
  In this case, an attempted counterattack from south of Warsaw failed, and the inspired Red Army was victorious in a fierce battle. The capital of Poland fell. After standing there for a while and receiving additional reinforcements, Tukhachevsky moved on to Lvov and Krakow.
  For some time the fighting continued against Wrangel, and with a further attack on the Crimea. Then the Red Army occupied the Baltic states in the north, and liberated Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia in the south. There was a temporary lull. Soviet Russia needed rest and temporary respite, which is what the NEP became. But Trotsky still insisted on the return of all lands of Tsarist Russia. As a result, in the summer of 1921, the Red Army occupied Finland, with the connivance of the West.
  In 1922, Primorye was conquered, then northern Sakhalin. Trotsky, whose authority as Chairman of the Military Revolutionary Council had strengthened significantly, managed to take Lenin's place and displace Stalin, who had been relegated to a secondary role.
  Oddly enough, as personal power strengthened, elements of capitalism became increasingly stronger in the economy.
  Trotsky himself became a leftist largely due to the desire to become holier than the Pope or more radical than Stalin. However, having gained power, the extremely talented Jew continued his balanced foreign policy. Without abandoning communist ideas, he at the same time tried to instill market elements and ensure good relations with other capitalist countries of the world.
  Hitler's rise to power in Germany did not produce fundamental changes in world politics. The Fuhrer was quickly put in his place - prohibiting any lifting of the Versailles restrictions or the restoration of universal conscription and military power. Just like the Nazis were banned from introducing anti-Semitic laws and much more.
  The only thing is that under Hitler, the German economy emerged from the crisis, but fascism never took radical forms, remaining moderate nationalism with some authoritarian features and general youth organizations such as the Hitler Jugent.
  The USSR under the leadership of Leon Trotsky became an economically rich power with developed heavy industry.
  The USSR economy was more market-based than Stalin's, but it also contained elements of planning in the form of five-year plans. The birth rate is high, especially since Trotsky also banned abortions - they say there are so many empty lands in Russia and there is no reason for them to gape like holes.
  Since the size of the German army remained limited to 100 thousand, and Poland had already turned into a Soviet, socialist republic, there would be no one to fight with. Moldova was returned to Russia back in 1921 - collecting the royal lands back.
  Trotsky himself supported the world international a little, but the goal of the world revolution began to be hushed up. Partly, as under Stalin.
  But the war still came from the East. Japan began military action against Mongolia. The Land of the Rising Sun, along with Italy, became the world's main invaders. True, Mussolini was forced to limit his ambitions to the capture of Ethiopia - the only country in Africa that was not someone else's colony. Japan, also not yet daring to fight alone with Britain and especially the United States, climbed into China. And she got in more and more here.
  There are many Chinese and, despite all their fragmentation, they are a serious adversary. And then the samurai entered Mongolia... Serious battles began there in the spring of 1941.
  Trotsky decided that the USSR was already strong enough to wage a full-scale war with the samurai. In addition, the Soviet dictator wanted to take revenge for the defeat of 1904-1905. On land, the Red Army is clearly stronger than the Japanese, especially in tanks. But at sea, the Pacific Fleet has not yet reached parity. But Lev Davydovich could not give up Mongolia.
  The Red Army initially stopped the samurai's advance. On August 20, 1941, an offensive took place on Khalkhin Gol, which ended in victory for the Red Army. After which Trotsky demanded that Japan give back South Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands.
  Naturally, a refusal followed, and a large-scale war began. Only, unlike the Great Patriotic War, it was fought on foreign territory. Although it cannot be said that there was little bloodshed.
  The battles were full-scale, and the Japanese resisted fiercely and did not surrender. But almost all operations of the Soviet troops were successful. The defense, after a powerful artillery barrage, was broken through, and tanks, including the latest powerful T-34, LT (heavy Leon Trotsky!), overcame the fierce ditch of corpses and metal.
  First, the warriors of the Land of the Rising Sun were driven out of Manchuria. Several successive operations were carried out, which took nine months from November 1941 to August 1942. Soviet troops entered North Korea... There were also battles on Sakhalin. The Japanese even tried to advance - they advanced thirty kilometers, but were stopped and choked on blood.
  In September 1942 there was an assault on Port Arthur. The Japanese, using support from the sea, tried to hold the line. Soviet troops broke through the front, but the enemy managed to stop the advance by dropping troops.
  But the samurai were unable to hold out their resistance for long. Soviet aviation took over and bombed ships. In addition, the Japanese are too dismissive of their lives - they didn"t even take parachutes into battle. Because of this, after the death of the main air elites, the resistance of the samurai in the sky noticeably weakened. And Soviet aviation began to win much more confidently.
  In addition, new developments by Soviet designers gradually negated the superiority of Japanese fighters in maneuverability. In December 1942, after another fierce assault, Port Arthur was taken, and Seoul fell in the same month.
  The next month of 1943 began with the January offensive in South Korea and the capture of the port of Busan.
  Japan was losing ground battles and was suffering more and more damage in the skies and at sea. In February 1943, Beijing was captured by Soviet troops. And in March, after fierce fighting, South Sakhalin was liberated. April and May were marked by new victories for Soviet weapons at sea... The increased submarine fleet, aviation and ships arriving from the Baltic were especially effective.
  In June 1943, Soviet troops drove the Japanese out of Shanghai. Thus forming their own zone of occupation.
  In July and August, paratroopers and sailors liberated the Kuril ridge from the enemy. Japan found itself in an exceptionally difficult situation. Soviet aviation increased its striking power and bombed harder and harder, and the naval fleet of the Land of the Rising Sun melted. In October 1943, Trotsky made a decision: to attack Okinawa - a dress rehearsal before the battle for the Japanese Metropolis itself. The battles were fierce, and the samurai used weapons en masse: kamikaze pilots.
  The epic battle lasted two months and a week, which finally ended with the fall of Okinawa. And in January 1944, Taiwan was liberated.
  Japan was now on the brink of complete military disaster. Hirohito could only count on the United States and Britain entering the war on his side; fascist Germany at that time was still too weak militarily, and Mussolini could not easily reach Trotsky in the Pacific Ocean.
  But the USA and Britain made hints, but were in no hurry to enter the war. Moreover, a massive anti-British uprising broke out in India. The moderate Gandhi was pushed aside by more radical nationalists and leftists. As a result, a real war began there. Churchill, who replaced Chamberlain, showed stubbornness and tried to keep Pakistan and India under his control at any cost. Which led to a protracted and bitter war that tied down British forces.
  The Americans acted completely passively in foreign policy: my hut is on the edge!
  In March 1944, Soviet troops, despite the fact that the weather was not yet very favorable, landed in Hokkaido. The fighting lasted three weeks and ended with the defeat of the Japanese. This success shook the emperor's confidence in the inaccessibility of the metropolis.
  Fighting on land and sea continued until May 11, 1944, when exhausted Japan finally capitulated.
  The fighting with the participation of Soviet troops lasted from April 10, 1941 to May 11, 1944 and took three years and a little more than a month. The losses of the Soviet army in killed and died from wounds amounted to 960 thousand soldiers and officers. A little more than sixty thousand civilian Soviet citizens also died. From bombing, artillery shelling, fighting on Sakhalin and on the border in Primorye. And about three million people were injured, of which four hundred thousand became disabled.
  In general, the USSR won a major victory and managed to install pro-Soviet regimes in China and Korea and occupied with its troops all the possessions of the Land of the Rising Sun.
  The authority of Comrade Trotsky was further strengthened both within the country and in the international arena.
  In 1946, the first launch of an artificial satellite took place in the USSR. And in 1950, the first Soviet cosmonaut was sent around the globe. In Romania, King Micaiah agreed to conclude a military and economic alliance with the USSR. Soon the power changed in Hungary. And in Czechoslovakia, it has long been ruled, albeit not exactly by communists, but by left-wing pro-Soviet forces.
  In 1951, a war broke out between Turkey and the USSR. At this point, neither the United States nor Britain had an atomic bomb, and starting a real massacre with such a powerful enemy as the USSR and its allies was suicide for the West.
  The Soviet army defeated Turkey in less than a month. Seeing that the reaction of the West is extremely sluggish... Shaved fought with the Indians for a long time, but in the end she lost hundreds of thousands of soldiers and lost control over her largest colony. There is an economic crisis in the USA and blacks are rioting.
  Trotsky makes a decision: and within two months the Red Army takes control of the entire Middle East and Iran, and a pro-Soviet government comes to power in Egypt. The British and French get punched in the teeth. And Hitler takes the side of the USSR and for this he gets the opportunity to Anschluss Austria.
  De Gaulle comes to power in France. He is very dissatisfied with Soviet expansion and talks about a crusade to the East, against Bolshevism. Trotsky, on the contrary, dreams of expansion into Europe, the situation is heating up.
  Adolf Hitler, taking advantage of the fact that the USSR is now in the union, begins the militarization of Germany. And in Algeria and Morocco a big uprising breaks out against France.
  De Gaulle is furious and demands that Germany stop military preparations. In response, the Fuhrer demands the restoration of the 1914 borders and threatens to send the people's militia against the enemy.
  Both sides are escalating threats and massing troops to the borders. The cunning Trotsky does not enter the war, but sells tanks and aircraft to Germany on credit. A battle unfolds between the Nazis and the French. Belgium enters the war, but this only worsens the position of France, which is constrained by rebellion in the colonies and communist activity on various fronts. The Germans, however, do not achieve a quick victory, but get stuck on the Mangio Line, but they occupy Belgium. After a year and a half of war, the Nazis came close to Paris.
  De Gaulle goes to sign peace and gives Elsarz and Lorraine back to the Germans. Belgium is also parting with part of its territory. The Fuhrer is strengthening his influence. In 1955, the USSR tests a nuclear bomb. Trotsky includes Czechoslovakia within the USSR. True, part of the Sudetenland goes to the Germans, but much less ethnic boundaries. But they have no reason to rock the boat...
  Hitler is forced to humble his ambitions and rejoice that he managed to expand in the West and at the expense of Austria. The Nazis also invade Denmark and also restore the borders of 1914 and the north of their empire.
  Trotsky died in 1960, having celebrated his eightieth birthday. Without bad habits and maintaining physical fitness, the Chairman of the USSR maintained clear thinking until his last deeds.
  He handed over the post of chairman to his son David, thereby founding the world's first communist dynasty. By this time, the USSR had experienced increased centralization and amendments to the constitution prohibiting withdrawal from it. Hitler also transferred power to one of his sons obtained as a result of artificial insemination, but on a competitive basis.
  However, the son is still too young, and after Hitler's death, the Nazis split, and soon the left wing came to power. The world has become safer, but the collapse of the colonial system has given rise to a new war of instability. The solution was the creation of a communist coalition. It provided mutual assistance and attempted to build socialism in the conditions of the dark continent.
  But world communism was distinguished by a large number of market elements and was a combined system.
  Meanwhile, contradictions grew within the USSR. The political dominance of one party no longer suited the growing oligarchy. Red wave businessmen wanted change and political power. So far, the successes of the planned economy and political gains have partially compensated for the opposition mood. But changes have happened in the United States. A new leader emerged, who, breaking the monopoly of two parties: Democratic and Republican, created a third - patriotic.
  And having come to power, he established autocracy. At the same time, starting a crusade against communism. David died, and after that a whole series of conspiracies and factional struggles began. As a result, the country was shaken. But the struggle between the factions ended with the seizure of the post of chairman of the USSR, and the people calmed down.
  There was active space expansion. In 2015, Pluto became the last planet to be set foot by a human astronaut. For a short time, people were able to visit the surface of Jupiter. True, they had to lie in special aromatic baths.
  Within the USSR, capitalist elements strengthened even more. There was a stratification between the poor and the rich. Real billionaires appeared, and at the same time members of the Politburo. Communism merged more and more with the oligarchy of finance and became less and less different from capitalism. Even the income tax became linear in the USSR and a single percentage was introduced. This, of course, led to vague discontent and led to minor riots.
  But so far the situation has not gotten out of control. But in reality, with the external attributes of communism, social guarantees were increasingly curtailed. In particular, medicine and education became partially paid, and the unemployed and labor exchanges appeared.
  Victoria reached Vilna and stopped remembering the parallel world. She now had to continue leading the Russian army.
  The capital of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Vilna, fell, but ahead was a march further to Grodno and Brest.
  Belarusians willingly joined the Russian army. They fell, however, snow and it became more difficult for the medieval army to move. Nevertheless, Grand Duke Vasily ordered to occupy Grodno and winter there. Victoria ran around the surrounding castles in search of someone else to chop or exterminate.
  A wild thirst for extermination seethed within her, but more and more often her opponents surrendered without a fight.
  There are, of course, different predictors, useful and dangerous.
  But in one of the alternative realities there was a sorcerer who told the Nazi a number on how to return the power to retell the mirror of the Devil. Droplets of the scarlet blood of an innocent child fell onto the reflective surface. And they were instantly absorbed, and the mirror itself began to glow, regaining its gifts. And the Fuhrer learned a lot then.
  But even knowing the future, it is not always possible to correct it. In Africa, however, the Germans regrouped their troops and managed to repel the offensive launched by Montgomery on October 23.
  Although with great difficulty, they were stopped by troops with superior numbers of manpower and equipment. However, knowing the place and time of the attack helped Rommel rationally distribute his few units and repel the attack. The British suffered significant losses and after two weeks of fighting were forced to stop.
  And the German submarine fleet was able to inflict great damage, sinking a dozen ships with landing forces that planned to land in Casablanca and on the coast of Morocco. The Americans, seeing the lack of success in Egypt and the activity of the "German wolf packs", abandoned Operation Torch.
  The Germans, in turn, tried to regroup their troops at Stalingrad to repel the flanking attacks of the Soviet troops, and prepared by burying themselves in defenses in the center.
  Due to bad weather on November 19, 1942, Soviet troops were unable to effectively use aviation, including attack aircraft, and artillery preparation achieved extremely limited success. So, by regrouping their forces, the Germans and their allies were able to repel the advance of the Soviet troops. True, this distracted the Nazis from Stalingrad itself, giving the Soviet soldiers who were heroes in the city a respite. Although there are very few houses left under the control of the Red Army.
  The Fritz also held out in the center... The battle at Stalingrad continued until the end of December. Having failed to achieve a breakthrough at the front, the Red Army stopped. But it wasn"t easy for the Germans either. They lost too much during the assault on the city, and although in defense the loss ratio seems to be in their favor, the troops are still exhausted.
  In January, despite the oracle's prediction, the Germans were unable to hold out in the north during Operation Spark. True, the fighting lasted for more than three weeks and cost the Red Army great casualties, but they managed to get through to Stalingrad by land.
  However, warned by the mirror of Iblis, the Germans were able to repel the offensive near Voronezh, strengthening their weak allies: the Italians and Romanians. Otherwise, the defense there would have been broken through.
  And the third Rzhev-Sychov operation was unsuccessful. The Germans again, albeit not without difficulty, repulsed the Soviet offensive. In Stalingrad itself it was hot, there were battles in January. Paulus was replaced by Mainstein and this more experienced field marshal managed to capture the citadel city by February 12. But again the Germans paid a huge price for this. In February 1943, the Reichstag had to be assembled and total war declared. Extend the working day and use slave labor more actively than before.
  The declaration of total war made it possible to increase the production of weapons and form new divisions. Including foreigners and Hiwis.
  Knowing when the British and Americans planned to enter Morocco, the Germans, using their large submarine fleet, dealt painful blows to the landing ships - disrupting one landing after another. This allowed the Nazis to localize military operations against the West and concentrate all their main forces in the east.
  The position of Rommel's corps remained difficult, but thanks to the mirror, fascist aviation began to operate more efficiently, and convoys improved the supply of the African group.
  Montgomery's new offensive in March 1943 was a failure. This time, Rommel, having received accurate data with the help of diabolical magic, lured the British into a trap and managed to inflict a crushing defeat on them! True, due to the enemy's numerical superiority and air supremacy, it was not possible to completely defeat Montgomery, but the defeat of Britain was noticeable. Especially many tanks were lost, and a significant number of vehicles were captured as trophies.
  The British withdrew a couple of defensive lines and became closer to Alexandria. Rommel needed new reserves, and the Nazis planned to continue the offensive in the southern direction. Stalingrad fell and then it was possible to advance along the Volga.
  In May 1943, the Krauts switched to Operation Dolphin. Their troops, despite the help of the oracle, faced very strong opposition from the Red Army. Progress was slow at the cost of heavy losses. True, the help of a fortuneteller influenced the course of the war. The Wehrmacht anticipated counterattacks and launched more and more attacks. In mid-June, the Nazis had already approached the Volga delta and reached the Caspian Sea.
  The position of Soviet troops in the Caucasus was aggravated by Turkey's entry into the war on June 22, 1943. And this actually predetermined the outcome of the battle for Baku oil.
  The Allies were not decisive. Montgomery switched to active defense and no longer thought about the offensive, and a landing in Morocco remained unrealistic.
  On July 10, 1943, Churchill, in order to divert part of the German forces from the east, attempted to land in France. However, the poorly prepared landing, coupled with American indecisiveness and the fact that thanks to an oracle, the Germans knew all the details, only resulted in the largest defeat of the British and Americans on land in history.
  More than six hundred and fifty thousand people and a lot of equipment were captured alone. But this, unfortunately, did not prevent the advance of the Nazis in the south. In August, the Germans captured all of Dagestan, the Turks captured almost all of Armenia along with Yerevan, and on the 27th the Nazis and Ottomans united, tearing the Transcaucasian front into two parts.
  And again, offensive attempts by Soviet forces on other sectors of the front ended in failure. The enemy was too well aware of the plans of the Soviet command.
  The special department in the Red Army was rampant, repressions and mass purges were carried out. Even several dozen generals and artillery marshal Kulik were shot.
  But as long as the enemy had a diabolical weapon, nothing would help against him.
  The month of September passed in heavy battles, the Nazis and Ottomans came close to Baku. And in October, fighting broke out in the city itself.
  The coastal city was being supplied across the sea, and they were desperately trying to hold it. The fighting dragged on and by November 7, as planned, the Krauts failed to take it. But all the other cities in the Caucasus had already been lost by this time. And in December, at the cost of colossal losses, the legendary city fell.
  The Caucasus was completely lost, as was the largest oil field developed at that time in the USSR. True, since all the oil wells were blown up and destroyed, the Nazis themselves could not take advantage of this advantage soon.
  There was a lull on the eastern front. Large German ground forces moved into Iraq and further to Palestine and the Suez Canal to aid Rommel. The Soviet leadership, however, decided to take advantage of the pause. Oil fields have already been developed in other places, including Siberia. And Soviet designers worked on new tanks. The IS-2 and T-34-85 were supposed to be a response to the German Panthers and Tigers.
  The production of weapons in Nazi Germany was higher than in real history. It is clear that the Nazis and slaves have more resources, and the bombing from the demoralized allies is weaker. This means that they could produce more iron, and better quality metal than in reality. Therefore, the production plan for 600 Panthers per month was achieved and even exceeded. But there were other restrictions: training time for new crews. Moreover, the "Panther," for all its undoubted advantages: a cannon with high armor-piercing and rate of fire, excellent visibility and optics, as well as good frontal protection, and good driving performance, had weak side protection and a staggered arrangement of rollers.
  The Panther-2 turned out to be a more advanced and promising development. Thanks to a much denser layout with a slightly higher weight of 47 tons, the Panther-2 had a strong 88-mm cannon with a 71 EL barrel length and armor of 120 mm on the front of the hull, 60-degree sides at an angle, and 150 on the front of the turret, with 900 horsepower engine in a duralumin casing.
  Such a machine began to be produced in November 1943, together with the Tiger-2. However, the Germans were still just developing their car. And they advanced on the Middle East.
  In March 1944, the Germans captured Kuwait and reached the Suez Canal.
  The oracle had to be broken so that the Nazis would not have any advantages. In this case, the girls had a desire to do it earlier, but limitations in influence affected them.
  For example, now, instead of girls full of magic, on April 1, 1944, two pretty beauties were moving along the front. Unfortunately, with very mediocre abilities, the jump limiter affected. It was a little cold even for bare feet to walk on the spring ground barely exposed to snow. On the left hand of the girls is the deep Volga, north of Kamyshin, and if you go further, you will reach German positions near Stalingrad. And the task of the warriors is to become almost ordinary girls and lose their superhuman abilities to neutralize the hated oracle... However, even this may now not be enough. After all, the USSR lost the territory on which half the population lived before the war, and a significant part of its industrial potential, including, first of all, oil convenient for extraction.
  There are, of course, many other deposits, but for them to work at full capacity, both time and money are required. That is, the situation is such that even if Hitler is deprived of the power of the mirror of Iblis, this may turn out to be painfully insufficient. Moreover, separatist sentiments intensified among the allies. Especially the Americans. Roosevelt is ill, Gallen is clearly inclined to leftist pacifism, and the prospects for new elections are not very cheerful.
  Submarine warfare is not going well for the Allies. The number of German submarines is constantly increasing, and their combat qualities are improving. Heat-guided torpedoes and hydrogen peroxide-powered submarines have already appeared. And the Allies" fleet is thinning and weakening, especially since the technotronic sharks of the Krauts have learned not to surface and not to reveal themselves.
  In addition, the activity of the Nazis" submarine fleet is higher than in real history: fuel supply has become easier, tankers are even arriving from the Libyan fields. In addition, the bombing of Romania is much weaker. And the production of synthetic fuel is higher.
  The allies are in shock, and their situation is unfavorable. Especially internal political ones.
  The balance of forces on the Eastern Front on April 1, 1944: USSR 6.3 million soldiers and officers, and about 5.3 thousand tanks and self-propelled guns, 95 thousand guns and mortars, 7.7 thousand aircraft. Heavy losses in winter battles when trying to defeat the enemy. The Germans, taking into account satellites, foreign divisions, Hiwi infantry, have accumulated more than 7.2 million, tanks and self-propelled guns already 8.8 thousand, guns and mortars about 100 thousand, aviation 16.5 thousand vehicles. Considering that the new IS-2 and T-34-85 tanks have just begun to enter service with the Red Army, the enemy"s superiority in the quality of equipment is significant. Thus, the production of "Panthers" and "Tigers" has already been promoted, and they make up more than half of Germany's tank fleet.
  In aviation, qualitative assessments are not so clear. German vehicles are superior to Soviet ones in speed and armament, but inferior in horizontal maneuverability, while at the same time superior in vertical maneuverability. But most importantly, jet aircraft appeared in the Fritz, primarily the ME-262. Of the propeller-driven fighters, the most powerful in terms of armament and speed were the ME-309 and TA-152. The Yu-488 and even earlier the Yu-288 entered serial production. These bombers had no equal in flight characteristics under high load.
  In any case, if we take into account the balance of forces, then the enemy must be recognized as more powerful. In addition, if the operation in the Middle East is completed, the fascists will become even stronger. And there is no more than a month left before their final victory there. So...
  The technically savvy Elena sighed heavily and sang:
  - No power, no strength... The goblin has clearly had too much to drink! He just sawed the bark and screamed obscenities!
  Zoya, who had preserved her culture even in a modest peasant dress, shook her finger at her friend:
  - Let's avoid vulgarities... Let's better draw up an action plan!
  Elena shrugged. She was thinner than before and not as athletic. Although perhaps many men would find her even more attractive than before. The girl's dress is simple, linen, white and clean. A little shorter than is customary for peasant women, exposing their tanned legs above the knees. The girls had no weapons or jewelry left. There isn't even a clock.
  They are now so rustic, too tanned for the month of April, but not so fast and strong. Feet walk along a clay road strewn with pebbles. Bare soles, like those of peasant women, are rough and feel comfortable when stepping on a prickly surface. When you walk, it doesn't blow cold like that. The morning frost after frost melts, and the feet are not so numb and sore.
  In her previous body, she was a warrior in general, even in Antarctica without any problems. And now my legs are red from the cold, and warming up in the morning sun, they ache disgustingly.
  Elena, who had already forgotten that the human body can experience unpleasant sensations from cold and fatigue, said with annoyance:
  - To be honest, I don"t see the point in such an expedition. We were thrown into this hell, deprived of strong magic... Left barefoot and in a simple peasant dress, and at the same time, obliged to save humanity from fascism!
  Zoya logically responded to a similar passage:
  "But that"s the beauty of it!" So that it would not be too easy when, using our miraculous abilities, we took Vilna and other cities of Lithuania. It"s much more interesting and most importantly requires imagination to defeat the enemy in simple bodies and without superpowers!
  Elena habitually kicked her bare foot into a large cobblestone sticking out of the clay in the middle of the road. But instead of flying out from the blow, the stone remained in place, and the Wise Girl screamed about the pain. The still long, graceful fingers immediately became swollen and turned blue. And Zoya even had to straighten a couple of them. The purple phalanges fell into place, and Elena shook off the tear that had formed on her cheek. You have to do something so stupid.
  The daughter of Belobog felt a surge of sympathy within herself, she was overwhelmed by a wave of empathy. And at the same time, a feeling of own weakness and vulnerability appeared. The nail under Elena"s blue flesh cracked, and her leg also became truly touchingly damaged and vulnerable.
  The wise one, with sympathy for herself, remarked:
  - This is what flesh without superpowers means... You simply become nobody!
  Zoya remarked in annoyance:
  - Your little legs will heal... You"ll live somehow!
  The girls set off along the road again. They no longer had the same reckless gaiety. In addition, the longer they walked, the more hunger made itself felt. Here the collective farm fields appeared... Work was already in full swing on them.
  The men, however, were not visible; only women and children were harnessed, some to the plow, some to the hoe. The people here are terribly thin, with exhausted faces. True, the boys, seeing the beautiful girls, smiled and waved at them, greeting them with calloused, outstretched hands.
  Zoya offered to help Elena with peasant labor. Svarog's daughter reluctantly agreed. She personally wanted feats of arms, and not the hard lot of the collective farm. But after she hurt her foot on a cobblestone, her belligerent mood disappeared at once. In addition, you should think about your own legalization. Whatever one may say, they ended up in only dresses and without pastors.
  Yes, the NKVD can declare them spies at any moment and confuse them. Otherwise they will turn out to be just refugees who have lost everything, including their documents. Their dresses are not very new, and the style with a shorter skirt is typical for the Bolshevik village. You can eat enough that they will believe it!
  Zoya was born in the village and her hands and body are very dexterous in suffering. Elena is a city lady, not only a Muscovite. True, she has experience in arable work in the Rodnover community. But still the movements are not as easy and familiar as Zoya"s. Yes, and broken fingers on the cold ground ache disgustingly.
  However, the young women, boys and girls are all barefoot, even if it was freezing at night and you risk almost getting cold. Only elderly women and old women in bast shoes. There are no men in sight, and the eldest above everyone is a curly-haired, reddish teenager, looking no older than fifteen, in high-order trousers, but with a very expressive look and a courageous chin. This kid with a Komsomol badge is the eldest among the boys and gives orders to everyone.
  The young commander did not comment on the fact that the two beauties joined them. As if this were so, it goes without saying. The climate of the Volga region is mild and the climate is in full swing, so an extra pair of hands won"t hurt.
  Elena's back soon began to ache, and she asked to go to the plow. So it"s easier for a fairly strong girl"s body, but you just need to carefully dig your heels into the loose soil so that your toes don"t irritate so much. But the pressure on the chest comes at a different angle, and the back, having unloaded, does not feel pain.
  The girl thought then, how old is she really? It has long since passed one hundred! Funny! She is one of the oldest women in modern Russia and at the same time, full of strength and health. But after being deprived of their magical abilities, they could become such monstrosities!
  This thought gives Elena chills...
  Everyone worked with enthusiasm and without a lunch break. Or only when it became completely dark, they approached the fire in order to refresh themselves. The Volga River was nearby and there was fish in the pot. But there is only so much bread, and it is somehow not entirely clean, with impurities. Another taste of onion.
  The food is simple and not too much; it seems like a delicacy for hungry stomachs. The Ranger Girls had not felt this tired for many years. No, it"s still very painful to be human without superpowers. And you get tired like... a donkey!
  But it"s also good that the organisms are young and healthy. The girls fell asleep together with other women in the barn on their own. One of the boys rested his head on Zoe's high chest. The ranger girl stroked his blond curls... And felt a strong melancholy. They received everything from life and from their patrons, the Demiurge Gods: eternal youth, power, the opportunity to have wealth, power, honor and respect, but... To conceive, they must sleep with a man equal in capabilities to them. And this is not at all easy to find.
  And if there are such guys, then they are on a different level and in a different universe. Elena remembered the song about Gagarin and this made her feel even more sad;
  Do you know what kind of guy he was...
  The whole world carried him in his arms!
  The brother of Tsar Nicholas II, Mikhail, unlike real history, acted decisively. The Imperial Guard opened fire on the rebels trying to storm the Winter Palace. Then the Cossacks, favored by the sovereign, and noble regiments entered the battle.
  Several hundred rebels were killed and others fled. The police actively captured the rebels and their leaders. Representatives of the State Duma, princely families, merchants and members of the financial elite hastened to swear allegiance to Tsar Nicholas, and swore loyalty. During the battle, more than six hundred rebels were killed and one and a half thousand were wounded. The guards lost about twenty people dead, the Cossacks another fifty.
  A serious clash, but the autocracy survived. The conspirators at the top had neither a single opinion nor a single leader. And in general, many of them believed that it was impossible to change the form of government during a war.
  There are many dissatisfied with Tsar Nicholas II, but it is difficult to offer an alternative to the imperial regime. Moreover, the rich seriously fear that the republican form of government will turn out to be too weak and loose to protect the capitalists from the hungry and rebellious proletariat, and the landowners from the peasants.
  But the people themselves will not organize a serious revolution. The Bolsheviks are still too weak and few in number, the Socialist Revolutionaries for the most part believe that the revolution is good, but it is better to win the world war first.
  In short, there was a riot and everyone came out! Something like a bloody resurrection repeated itself...And silence!
  Nicholas II awarded his brother for his decisiveness with the Order of George, first degree, and promoted him to the rank of general-in-chief, appointing Mikhail to command the western front. And the southern and Romanian fronts were subordinated to Brusilov.
  The size of the Russian army grew to almost ten million people, and its maintenance placed a heavy burden on the empire. It was necessary to advance.
  As soon as the roads dried out, the tsarist army struck in Galicia. Numerical superiority was on the side of the Russian troops. The Austrians weakened in morale, and regiments consisting of Slavs deserted en masse or surrendered. There were not enough German units to contain the enemy.
  To top it all off, the United States entered the war against the Central Powers in April. And thus the outcome of the conflict was already predetermined. The Germans tried to increase their forces in the West to defeat the Allies and were unable to provide significant assistance to Austria-Hungary.
  Russian troops occupied Lviv and a number of cities in Galicia. Even several small boilers formed. The Austrian, patchwork, broken front was collapsing too quickly, so the Germans had to move to a blind defense in the west and throw troops into the gaps that had formed.
  Developing their success, the Russians approached Przemysl and even surrounded the city. But supply problems and the introduction of more combat-ready German units into the battle slowed down the advance. But the Romanian Front went on the offensive, and after some time the Western Front too. The latter faced a difficult task: to break through the powerful, deep-echeloned German defense.
  The Tsar"s brother Mikhail did not consider it shameful, he learned from Brusilov and applied similar tactics. He began preparing an offensive in twelve different places at once, so that the Germans could not determine the direction of the main attack. In addition, they actively used a smoke curtain and an offensive at night.
  Russian troops in the south liberated Bucharest, and the attack in the center resulted in breakthroughs south of Vilno.
  The Germans had to once again strengthen their southern flank. The German troops blockading Riga were under threat of encirclement. Under these conditions, the Kaiser made the difficult decision to leave the Baltic states and withdraw troops to the Prussian defensive line.
  Things didn't work out for the union and Turkey. The Russians and British were advancing in Asia Minor, the French were putting pressure on Palestine in Syria. The Ottomans were weakening and their fall was not far off. In addition, the Bulgarians changed. Realizing that the Prussians had already lost the war, and the Russian troops, having liberated most of Romania, had reached the border, the Slavic king declared war on Austria, Turkey and Germany.
  Of course, this gave the Germans more headaches. They could no longer hold the front line in the East and were forced to retreat to the Vistula. Hoping that a natural water barrier would delay Russian troops.
  The ally in the west achieved only partial successes, although they were already using tanks more actively. But for now Germany held the front, although it was forced to move back a little. The southern section took a lot of effort.
  Well, tsarist Russia in the fall and winter transferred the brunt of the fighting to the Ottoman Empire.
  The assault on Constantinople, both from land and sea, ended in the triumph of Russian weapons. Turkey fell, and with it Russia received large territories, Constantinople and straits with access to the Mediterranean Sea.
  True, it was not possible to end the war in 1917, but the breath of victory was already felt by everyone, much more so than in 1916.
  The winter passed in Russia with small strikes and demonstrations, but there were no serious clashes, despite military difficulties. Perhaps the ruble has depreciated too much, but it is premature to talk about famine.
  However, it was time to end the war, and everyone understood this. Promoted to field marshal, Brusilov proposed delivering the main blow in the south, where the enemy was weaker, and then turning north.
  The Germans already had their first tanks. But their number is too small to have a significant impact on the course of the war. Russia also has its own vehicles, in particular Mendeleev tanks. But again, the tsarist industry cannot yet carry out mass production.
  But mass production of tanks was established by the British, Americans and French. This means that a new, powerful means of breaking through the defense has appeared, which should break through the German positions.
  The Allies also want to end the devastating war as quickly as possible. And from the end of March, they began trying to break through the deep-echeloned German defense.
  The offensive of Russian troops began as soon as the roads dried out in the south. The Russian troops, after previous victories, perked up, but the Austrians barely held on. Budapest found itself surrounded already at the beginning of May. Then the movement began towards Vienna and bypassing the Vistula River.
  The Italians also went on the offensive. Even Japan sent an expeditionary force to Europe. The Germans pressed from all sides.
  When Russian troops had already approached Vienna, Austria-Hungary capitulated. Germany's last ally had finally fallen. In the West, using strike tactics on different parts of the front, the Allies slowly but surely advanced. And Russian troops entered from the south to the rear of the German front covering the Vistula.
  Under these conditions, Chancellor Wilhelm, realizing the complete, hopeless position of Germany, announced the cessation of all hostilities on June 22, 1918. In fact, the Germans capitulated.
  Austria-Hungary ceased to exist. Russia received Galicia, the Krakow region, Bukovina, part of eastern Slovenia and Hungary. Romania Transylvania. All that was left of Austria-Hungary was small Austria and a greatly reduced Hungary. Czechoslovakia emerged under the auspices of Russia.
  The Tsarist Empire received from Germany Klaipeda, Poznan and access to the seas, cutting off East Prussia from the metropolis itself through Danzig.
  Germany had to give up what it had previously conquered in the 19th century to Denmark and France. She was sentenced to pay huge reparations every year, and limited the military potential to one hundred thousand people.
  And of course, like in real history, a demilitarized zone.
  Tsarist Russia expanded its possessions in the south. The Ottoman Empire, like the Austrian Empire, ceased to exist. Britain took Iraq, France, Syria and, together with the British, Palestine. Russia got Armenia, Asia Minor, and Constantinople.
  The Middle East and Iran were also divided into spheres of influence. Thus, Tsarist Russia achieved significant material acquisitions.
  But the war cost the lives of more than two and a half million soldiers, not counting the dead civilians, huge expenses. Finances fell into disarray and the country fell into debt.
  True, the allies leniently agreed to write off interest on loans, but still the debt turned out to be quite large - about ten billion gold rubles.
  But it was possible to nationalize enterprises previously owned by the Germans.
  The political situation in Tsarist Russia stabilized, and the authority of the emperor grew.
  Nicholas II took advantage of this by canceling his own manifesto on the State Duma. Autocracy was restored again, and legislative power passed in full to the tsar.
  This caused only timid attempts at protest. The country was too tired of the war and did not want new shocks.
  And the economy began a rapid, post-war recovery! Growth averaged about nine percent per year and was higher than in the United States.
  New advanced industries were created and mechanical engineering developed. Salaries grew.
  The length of the working day was reduced by the Tsar's law from 11.5 hours to 10.5 hours. And on pre-holiday days and before weekends until 9 o'clock. Also, the working day was reduced to nine hours, if at least part of it was at night.
  After the exchange of money, the solid gold balance of the ruble was restored. By 1929, a worker"s wages reached 50 rubles a month, with the price of vodka being 25 kopecks a bottle. That is, 200 bottles per month. And if we take it in gold equivalent, this is as much as 37 grams of pure gold.
  The country has taken second place, second only to the United States in terms of industrial production. The prospects for the empire looked very rosy, but... a great depression struck.
  The collapse affected the whole world, including Russia. The truth has damaged Germany and the USA the most. But tsarist Russia was too dependent on external borrowings and therefore could not avoid shocks and recession.
  The Bolshevik Party in the twenties was experiencing a crisis. Lenin actually retreated from the practical, revolutionary struggle by immersing himself in theory...and writing science fiction.
  Vladimir Ilyich met Herbert Wales in Britain and felt a taste for science fiction. In particular, from the pen of Vladimir Ilyich came a large, futuristic novel: "Communism is the path of happiness"! And a number of other works. Lenin was already making good money from science fiction works.
  The Bolsheviks split into Trotskyists and Stalinists. Stalin decided to return to the tactics of individual terror characteristic of the Narodnaya Volya. Trotsky took a more moderate position.
  The Socialist Revolutionaries are still active, although there were no longer any high-profile political murders in the twenties. The positions of the Republicans and Cadets gradually strengthened. Indeed, absolute monarchy seemed to everyone an outdated relic. So unrest, strikes, demonstrations began again and the royal throne began to shake.
  The monarch could remember a lot...
  The government of Nicholas II found a solution...in war! Moreover, the generals longed for revenge for the defeat by Japan. And this is understandable...
  After the First World War, Tsarist Russia conducted several small military campaigns. In the Middle East, where they and their allies completed the Arab world. In Afghanistan.... There the war took place together with Britain. Russia took over the northern regions of Afghanistan, populated mainly by Uzbeks and Tajiks, as well as Herat. The British, after brutal wars, nevertheless subjugated the south. Self-government remained in the center of Afghanistan.
  Iran still retained the appearance of sovereignty, but its division was also not far off.
  But the main clash of interests occurred in Japan. Moreover, in 1931, the Japanese created a puppet government in Manchuria and launched an offensive in China.
  Which became the reason for a new war.
  By this time, the Russian army had managed to update its tank fleet and create a very strong aviation. In the air, Japan was noticeably inferior, and Russia"s ground army was much more numerous and, perhaps, more combat-ready.
  The Pacific Fleet was commanded by the legendary Admiral Kolchak. The Knight of the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called, Brusilov, had already died by this time, but his capable students remained.
  The war was unsuccessful for Japan from the very beginning. Russian generals: Denikin, Wrangel, Kaleidin, under the overall command of the Tsar's brother Mikhail Romanov, acted energetically and skillfully. The experience of the First World War had an impact, and mistakes in the conflict of 1904-1905 were taken into account.
  Prokhorov's light tanks, which are simply irreplaceable in maneuver warfare, also turned out to be quite good. In any case, it was already a different Russian army, and a completely different war.
  However, during the first battle with the samurai, if instead of Kuropatkin there had been a more talented and decisive commander, the outcome of the war would, of course, have been completely different.
  In any case, within two months Port Arthur was besieged by Russian troops, and the Japanese were beaten. Two months later, all of Korea was liberated, and the citadel city was taken by storm.
  At sea, battles also raged with varying degrees of success. Until the squadrons from the Baltic and Black Sea arrived. The Land of the Rising Sun was completely defeated, and they even landed troops on Hokkaido. Japan was forced to sign a humiliating peace. Give back Manchuria, Port Arthur, some possessions conquered from the Germans, southern Sakhalin and the Kuril ridge. And at the same time pay an indemnity, a tidy sum - a billion gold rubles.
  The victory temporarily strengthened the position of the Autocracy, and then the Great Depression gave way to rapid economic upswings.
  In Germany, as in real history, Hitler came to power, but he was not allowed to run wild. In particular, the attempt to restore universal conscription faced fierce resistance from Russia and France. Although minor concessions were made in terms of military potential. The size of the army was allowed to increase from one hundred thousand to two hundred and fifty. In addition, Hitler returned control of the demilitarized zone to Germany.
  And dynastic problems were brewing in Tsarist Russia. The heir to the throne, Tsarevich Alexei, died... The Tsar's brother Mikhail Romanov was deprived of inheritance rights. And Kirill Vladimirovich Romanov really became the heir. But this guy is mired in drunkenness and debauchery. Completely degraded...
  So who will succeed Tsar Nicholas II? The Tsar's brother Mikhail, after the victory over Japan, received the rank of generalissimo and enjoyed enormous popularity. He became the first member of the royal family in the history of Imperial Russia to receive such a high rank. And many wanted to see him on the royal throne.
  True, Nicholas II himself - a non-drinker, without bad habits, who regularly did gymnastics - was still quite strong and it seemed that his reign would be the longest in Russian history. But Stalin conceived the most ambitious assassination attempt since the time of Alexander II. Although it seemed, what's the point?
  In any case, 1937 turned out to be an ominous year. Tsar Nicholas II was killed, and along with him, two ministers also died, as well as three dozen courtiers, and part of the Winter Palace collapsed.
  The terrorists used the sewer system to mine and planted more than a ton of aminolon.
  Thus, an aggressive incident intervened in the course of history. This is how the reign of Tsar Nicholas II ended. The monarch did not begin to be called great or formidable. Those who did not love the emperor called him bloody, for a lot of blood was spilled into his kingdom. Who treated with respect is a Conqueror. So the number of lands under him in Rus' increased. Even a large province appeared in China: Zheltorossiya.
  In total, the kingdom lasted 43 years. Only Ivan the Terrible ruled longer, and nominally. But given that he took the throne for three years, the actual period of control turned out to be shorter.
  But the legitimate heir, Kirill Vladimirovich Romanov, nevertheless ascended the throne. He did not rule for long - about a year, but managed to exert some influence on the course of history. In particular, he allowed Adolf Hitler to carry out the Anschluss of Austria. Allegedly referring to the right of peoples to self-determination and, supposedly, this way there will be more order. Agreed to the Anschluss of Austria and Mussolini.
  Thus Germany expanded and its population exceeded eighty million. Not to mention that Hitler encouraged birth rates. Under Adolf the Demoniac, it grew one and a half times.
  A civil war broke out in Spain, but it ended much faster, since there was no Soviet Union, which provided assistance to the left-wing coalition in Madrid.
  But Franco became an ally of the Fuhrer. And the new Tsar Vladimir III collided with Britain.
  The situation is indeed complicated. A puzzle fraught with the Second World War. And a new round of confrontation. Iran is not divided, and this is actually the last Islamic country that is formally independent. Both Russia and Britain have plans for it. Things are very confusing in the Middle East. The territories of Russia, France, and Britain are mixed and difficult to manage.
  England is economically falling further and further behind both Russia and the increasingly powerful Germany. But the largest colonies are still British. But the power of the lion crown is weakening, Canada is almost independent. South Africa is also a dominion, like Australia. In India, the British position is weakening. Of course, there is a desire to push the lion.
  Hitler is trying to play on two fronts. Or he will enlist the support of France, Britain, Italy and Japan. In order to all together pile on Tsarist Russia and divide its vast possessions.
  Or look for territorial acquisitions in the West, but in an alliance with Russia.
  Hitler is a vile and unprincipled man, and, in general, he does not care with whom he enters into a coalition as long as it is beneficial to him.
  The new young Tsar Vladimir also dreams of going down in history as a great conqueror and wants to take away colonies from Britain and France. Strictly speaking, there is nothing left to take from the Germans. So a coalition with Germany is quite logical.
  Italy has captured Ethiopia and also wants new exploits. Mussolini is extremely ambitious. He doesn't care whether he goes east or west. But in France there is no great desire among the people to fight. Pacifism reigns there, and government is elected. There is no way to acquire such a strong ally. And Tsarist Russia, with its traditionally high birth rate and constantly decreasing mortality rate, is a very strong opponent. The population of Tsarist Russia is already growing at approximately three percent per year. Infant mortality has decreased, but the fashion for large families has not yet passed, and even working families are fertile. Taking into account territorial acquisitions, including in densely populated China, and sparsely populated Mongolia, and in Europe and Turkey, the population of Tsarist Russia in 1940 exceeded 400 million compared to 1913, when it was 180 million. And this is a continental power... Britain and France have less than 50 million in their metropolises, plus colonies. But the colonial troops are weak in morale and have little combat capability. So the Western ground forces are much weaker.
  The Fuhrer chooses an alliance with Russia against the West.
  In 1939, Czechoslovakia was partitioned. Germany also included the Sudetenland. The Germans strengthened the army and formed tank columns. Tsarist Russia also did not stand still, having a peacetime army of five million and five hundred personnel divisions.
  In Tsarist Russia, heavy tanks and strategic aviation, including aircraft with eight engines, have long been in production. France has only about thirty heavy tanks, and they are outdated. Britain doesn't have heavy vehicles. Well, Germany too, not a single one heavier than twenty tons. The USA has a little more than four hundred tanks.
  Hitler decided that it was not worth delaying and struck on May 15, 1940. The weather is just favorable and everything is ready. Or more or less ready.
  Tsarist Russia began an attack on India and other colonial possessions. The Russian army attacked poorly defended positions. There are relatively few troops consisting of the ethnic British and French themselves, and the colonial units do not really want to die for an idea or empire that is alien to them. In fact, who are the English to them? Exploiters, enslavers, robbers or infidels. It is unlikely that the Russians are much worse than them, so that they would die for the sake of the empire of the Lion or the Rooster.
  So the tsarist troops advance, overcoming sluggish, focal resistance. But the Germans were also able to defeat the French, English, Belgian and Dutch troops in a month and a half.
  Thus, Churchill lost the support of his main allies. The expectation that the United States would enter the war did not materialize. Roosevelt was not at all distinguished by the determination of Stenka Razin. And then such forces would go against America.
  Russian troops advanced across Africa and Asia in marches; more problems came from the terrain and the stretch of communications than from enemy troops. The lack of roads, especially in Africa, also had an impact. But the unpretentious Russian soldier heroically and stoically overcomes all difficulties.
  The Germans can only transfer troops to Africa with difficulty. The advance on Gibraltar was delayed due to Franco's stubborn resistance. And we had to transfer forces by sea. The Russians broke through to Africa, through Egypt, and it"s much easier for them. Italy also grabs everything it can grab, and in this matter Mussolini has the grip of a boa constrictor.
  The landing on the metropolis itself did not take place in 1940. In the air battle, due primarily to Russia's passivity, Britain survived. But it must be said that the wise Tsar Vladimir Kirillovich did not want Britain to capitulate ahead of time, but quite rationally intended to seize all its Asian and African colonies.
  Where will Britain go? After all, it has no reserves, without colonies and raw materials - its fall is a matter of time.
  In the winter and March 1941, Russian troops finally reached South Africa and defeated the last African Dominion. The British attempt to sit out in Madagascar also failed, and in May 1941, a landing was carried out with subsequent victory.
  Japan fought on the side of Russia in the war, and managed to grab something in the Pacific Ocean. The summer of 1941 was the period of a major air offensive against the British metropolis.
  Russian and German aviation attacked London and other cities of the English Empire. And on November 8, the anniversary of the Munich putsch, the landing finally took place.
  The fighting lasted sixteen days and ended in victory for the Russian and German troops.
  This, in fact, ended the Second World War. It turned out to be less bloody and lengthy than in the real story. And it very noticeably strengthened and expanded Russian possessions. Especially in Africa and Asia.
  A relatively peaceful period ensued. Russia and Germany were digesting their own territorial gains. The Third Reich included: Belgium, Holland, almost half of France, as well as Morocco, part of Algeria and the central possessions. True, due to Franco"s position and some indecisiveness of Hitler, the Germans did not have time to advance into the Equatorial possessions of France, and they fell to the Russian troops.
  Nevertheless, Germany still received a good piece of African land, exceeding its own territory in area. The area of the Third Reich's lands, taking into account European acquisitions, more than tripled. And if we count from the borders since 1937, taking into account Austria, the Sudetenland, and the Czech Republic as a protectorate, then four times.
  So the Germans as a whole had enough to digest, master and assimilate. Moreover, Russia expanded its colonial possessions, and could hardly control all this.
  And Italy got a lot: for example, most of Sudan, Somalia, Uganda and some other acquisitions, in particular Tunisia.
  Thus, the redivision of the world was completed for now. But as they say, over time, ambitions begin to manifest themselves.
  The United States did not begin to work seriously on the atomic project. In fascist Germany and Russia, the attitude also turned out to be cool. Japan is not yet developed enough to pull it off, and Britain and France have become vassal countries of the Third Reich and Russia.
  So the appearance of nuclear weapons was delayed for some time.
  But progress, of course, is inexorable. Physicists are working, the theory is developing, as are laboratory experiments. But a nuclear project needs the will of the state. Tsarist Russia already had too many worries and expenses related to the expansion of its territory. But Hitler for some reason had a grudge against such ideas of a nuclear program and believed that the atomic project would only waste a lot of money.
  In addition, the Russian ground army and aviation were the strongest and most numerous in the world, and the navy was also growing, especially due to economic growth.
  The tsarist generals and marshals preferred to develop tank building, build airplanes, aircraft carriers and battleships. Why do they need any fairy tales about nuclear bombs? That is, both the Germans and Russians were indifferent to this problem.
  In addition, there were enough raw materials to not have to worry about energy resources, at least in the near future.
  So, despite all the coldness of the Pentagon and the White House, the initiative involuntarily passed to the United States. Moreover, this is not only a matter of fear that the Russians or Germans will go further and put pressure on the New World, but also of the economy.
  Having lost the opportunity to receive oil from Asia, Africa, and the Middle East, the United States so far had its own wells in Texas, Florida, and began development in Alaska.
  But the US population was growing. Immigration was not discouraged in Russia, and the population continued to grow rapidly. Blacks and Arabs were especially willingly allowed to leave for the United States.
  The American economy was also growing, and there were more and more cars.
  And the search began for nuclear fuel and an atomic reaction that could provide colossal energy.
  Ten years have passed since the end of World War II. Hitler's Germany had a new weapon: disc planes capable of not only flying at tremendous speed, but also practically remaining invulnerable from small arms fire.
  In addition, the Germans managed to launch an artificial satellite above orbit, and most importantly, in June 1951, the first man into space.
  Tsarist Russia was a little late, and made full progress only in August of this year. In fascist Italy, changes took place in the same year. Benedito Mussolini, contender for the title of Julius Caesar, has died. In general, the Italian dictator was successful in governing. Taking into account the conquests in Africa, including Ethiopia, the territory controlled by Italy grew almost three and a half times during his reign. In addition, Benedito in Europe managed to chop off a part of France along with Toulon.
  But they didn"t let him go to Albania and Greece - these are territories within the sphere of influence of the Russian Empire.
  Benedito, of course, could be called great and a conqueror, although the Italian army did not shine too much with its exploits. But his son and heir considered himself no worse than his father.
  And he took the fall of 1951 and invaded Albania and Greece... No wonder they say that all great wars begin as if suddenly.
  Vladimir the Third was even happy about this. Italy's possessions in Africa are large, even larger than Germany's. So why not pick them up if there is a great reason?
  Russian troops began hostilities on November 7, 1951, attacking Ethiopia, Libya and Sudan. Russian units are stronger, more numerous and more combat-ready than Italian ones.
  So they quickly began to destroy the pasta army... But no one expected that, without any warning, Adolf Hitler would come out on the side of Mussolini Jr.
  Although if you look into it, there was nothing more unexpected.
  Germany lost the First World War to Russia and lost the most territory in Russia. And if the Germans managed to regain what they had lost in the West with interest, then in the East, frankly speaking, they were left with nothing.
  So Hitler really counted on his new weapons, especially discos and flying saucers. In addition, the Fuhrer believed that this time it would be easier to fight with Russia than in the First World War, since Germany and Italy would lead the company without having a second front.
  The calculation was also made that Japan, offended by the Russians, would also enter the war in the Far East and tie up the enemy there. Maybe Portugal and Spain will join the coalition, like Britain and France? They are much closer to Germany than to Russia. And some hopes were pinned on the USA!
  Moreover, America built an impressive navy, many aircraft carriers and modernized its tank fleet - although it was still inferior in quantity and quality to the army vehicles of the Old World.
  The social system in Tsarist Russia remained autocratic and an absolute monarchy. The Tsar and Emperor of All Rus' had full power: executive, legislative and judicial. Parliament was absent. There was a State Council of persons appointed by the emperor, but it had only advisory rights. The king himself issued laws, as well as decrees. He also had the right to execute and pardon, although, of course, there was also a trial. Jury trials were abolished after the murder of Nicholas II, so that the judiciary was also appointed and removed by the tsar or officials appointed by the emperor.
  This system had both its advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, the emperor could quickly solve this or that problem without any disputes or agreements, but on the other hand, the excessive concentration of power in one hand suppressed initiative and gave greater opportunities to the bureaucracy. It gave birth to different favorites and favourites. Vladimir was not distinguished by excessive hypocrisy and marital fidelity. Although women did not have much influence on his policies.
  In the field of tank building, Tsarist Russia had many powerful and heavy vehicles. However, the experience of combat operations in Africa has shown that the driving performance of a tank is extremely important. As a result, the main Russian tank did not go beyond forty-five tons. Since more weight created problems with cross-country ability, even with wide tracks.
  The tsar loved heavy tanks, but his advisers dissuaded the emperor from putting them into mass production. But the sixty-ton machine was available in two thousand copies. And the most popular tank, "Nikolai" - 3, was produced in sixty-three thousand.
  And the machine weighs forty-five tons, and the gun has a caliber of 122 millimeters. The frontal armor is two hundred millimeters, the rear and sides are 120 millimeters, the layout is classic.
  Hitler was seriously interested in heavy machines. And I wanted to have superiority over the Nikolai in a production tank. The German car swelled in weight to 75 tons and, this was already the limit, due to the fact that the large mass was extremely difficult to transport along railway lines.
  The German vehicle was armed with a 128-mm weapon, had frontal armor of 250 mm, and side and rear armor of 180. The layout is also close to the classical one.
  Numerically, the German tank was three times inferior to the Soviet one. Not to mention the difficulties of using too heavy machines.
  However, Russian equipment is scattered over wide areas, and on the European sector of the front there is approximate equality in the number of vehicles and infantry. Although in general the Russian army is much more numerous than the German one. And Russia has a huge population: it includes India, China, most of Africa, the Middle East, Persia, Indochina and much more.
  Of course, Hitler"s decision to attack Tsarist Russia, even taking into account that he has Japan and Italy on his side, and possibly France and Britain, is a colossal gamble. But the Fuhrer is a huge adventurer.
  It should be noted that the disc planes with which the Third Reich pinned such high hopes are not very effective in practice. The creation of a strong laminar jet led to enormous fuel consumption, and the flight time of flying saucers turned out to be relatively short. So they could act, even taking into account the enormous speed at not particularly significant distances. In addition, the laminar flow protected the disc from small arms, but in turn prevented firing from a flying saucer.
  So the Germans could only drop radio-controlled missiles from their diskettes, and then at a narrow angle, or by turning off the laminar flow, but at the same time becoming vulnerable.
  But, in any case, Hitler decided to attack Russia and threw his cards into play. In addition, the fascist feared that if Italy was defeated, they would attack him too. He had a mustache and didn"t trust anyone.
  Initially, the Nazis achieved success due to the surprise of the attack and the better organization of their troops. But the timing of the attack was chosen poorly. Snow began to fall and the tanks skidded. The Fritz could have captured part of Poland, including Krakow, but got stuck near Warsaw.
  The Russian military machine was spinning up... Japan, as the Fuhrer expected, entered the war, but its fleet did not have superiority over the Russian Pacific Fleet, and the battles were approximately equal. And Japan practically did not distract its ground forces from the Western theater of operations. In addition, the samurai were inferior to the Russians in the air, both in numbers and in quality. And the Land of the Rising Sun was able to capture only a few small islands.
  The cautious Franco and Salazar were in no hurry to enter the war. Russia is a very strong enemy. We must watch and wait. In real history, Franco limited himself during the Second World War to sending a blue division of fascist volunteers.
  Now the balance of power looked especially unequal in Africa.
  Italy quickly lost its possessions on the dark continent.
  In the spring of 1952, the tsarist army launched an offensive in East Prussia and was able to break through the enemy's defenses in depth. The Nazis had difficulty abandoning the advance of the tsarist army at Konigsberg, but the imperial troops began to advance on the Sudetenland and Krakow.
  It turned out that the more nimble Russian tanks were quite capable of fighting a heavy, but less agile enemy. The Chinese divisions under the command of Russian generals also performed well.
  The Germans were forced to leave Krakow... And then, due to the threat of encirclement, they began to retreat from the Vistula to the Oder.
  No, this was not the course of the war that the possessed Fuhrer expected. But it's my own fault. Moreover, the French and British, having smelled the fascist occupation, did not at all strive to die for the Fuhrer. So the replenishment was disrupted, and the vassal countries wanted to trivially sit out.
  And the worse things went for the Germans at the front.
  By winter, the Germans had lost all their possessions in Africa. And during the winter, by spring, they completely retreated to the Oder. Russian troops liberated Prague and the Sudetenland and approached Vienna. In addition, they defeated Italy and occupied Rome, Naples, and Sicily. So the spring of 1953 did not promise anything good for the Nazis. However, on April 8, 1953, Hitler suddenly died. The new German leadership is desperately asking for peace.
  Vladimir Kirillovich Romanov generously agreed. But the Germans paid dearly for this. The new border now passed along the Oder: Belgium, Holland, and Denmark received sovereignty, but within the framework of a vassal state of the Russian Empire. France regained its previously lost possessions, but became even more dependent on Russia.
  Italy and Germany lost all their colonies, which now became the property of the royal crown. Italy itself also received the status of a Russian vassal, and Sicily and Sardinia directly became part of the empire of Vladimir III.
  Germany also lost much of its independence and paid large reparations.
  Japan also lost all its possessions except its own territory and was forced to become a vassal state. And Tsar Vladimir Kirillovich Romanov also received the title of Emperor of Japan.
  Of course, that part of Australia that previously belonged to the Land of the Rising Sun also came under Russian control.
  In August 1953, the United States finally tested an atomic bomb. Eight years later, the nuclear genie was out of the bottle. In any case, progress cannot be stopped. And the appearance of the atomic bomb is inevitable. In the most extreme scenario, nuclear weapons could appear a maximum of twenty years later than in reality.
  With some delay, the tsarist government began to develop its response.
  So far, the United States could not decide to go to war with such a powerful empire. Moreover, it is not so easy to reach the main Russian industrial and economic centers from overseas.
  And the production of nuclear charges required both time and money! The United States had the funds, but time was running out. Tsarist Russia, with its resources and powerful intellectual potential, very quickly made up for the gap in this area. And in 1956, an atomic bomb also appeared in Vladimir III.
  Significantly inferior to Russia in population and resources, the capitalist and democratic USA gradually lost their trump cards.
  The only thing they could do was use nuclear weapons as a deterrent and try to undermine Tsarist Russia from the inside. But so far they haven't succeeded.
  Vladimir Kirillovich had no male descendants left from his first wife , and he remarried. And he reproduced an heir, calling him George.
  Tsarist Russia carried out space expansion. In 1959, a manned flight to the Moon took place about a year earlier than the Americans. Then in 1971 to Mars. The alternate world has become safer than reality.
  In 1975, man landed on Venus. In 1980 on Mercury. In 1981 on one of the satellites of Jupiter. And in 1992, just in the year of the death of Vladimir Kirillovich Romanov, the Russian cosmonaut proudly set foot on Pluto.
  George the first inherited the crown at the age of eighteen. And in general, we can say that Vladimir the Third, the Great, spent his 54-year reign very successfully. And then the Romanov dynasty continued.
  Let"s say that Tsar Alexander the Third, on the contrary, died earlier: in 1987 from an assassination attempt organized by Lenin"s older brother: Alexander.
  It would seem even worse. But not really. Nicholas II became tsar earlier, and got married earlier: in order to put his son on the throne if something happened. But his wife is different, and the heir is healthy, and Rasputin is definitely not there. And so at first, in general, as in real history: TRANSIB is being built, the economy is booming - expansion to China. True, ships are being built in the Baltic Sea a year earlier. And a little more uplift, due to the earlier rise of the financial genius Witte.
  The war with Japan did not start very well, but the Varyag managed to escape, and Admiral Makarov did not die. The story has shifted a little, and everything is going a little differently. But in real history, in fact, the Varyag had just a little time left to escape, and the death of Admiral Makarov was generally accidental and unlikely.
  The Russian fleet, led by Admiral Makarov, acted quite skillfully and sank Japanese ships. And then, when two Japanese battleships were blown up on the mir, Makarov attacked the samurai and sank another dozen and a half ships.
  That is, everything went well. And Japan lost superiority at sea.
  But on land, the samurai turned out to be weaker. Kuropatkin repulsed all Japanese attempts to advance and inflicted great damage on them. However, he did not act too decisively. But soon Russian ships arrived from the Baltic Sea, and Makarov finally took control of all waters.
  The Russians even began to land troops in Taiwan, and then on the Kuril ridge.
  Until Theodore Roosevelt intervened and offered mediation. Russia received Manchuria, Korea, Mongolia, the Kuril chain, and Taiwan.
  Zheltorossiya also appeared. Thus a new empire was formed.
  However, the king has not yet become too impudent. In 1914, the Second World War broke out. Russia is better prepared for this war: the economy is stronger, the territory and population are larger, and there is no thought in the way. Moreover, there was no recession caused by riots and the so-called revolution.
  The First World War proceeded with varying degrees of success. There were mistakes and successes of Russian generals. But in 1915, the Germans managed to achieve less success, since the tsarist army was larger and better supplied. But still, Russia lost half of Poland and Galicia. But the Germans were unable to enter Belarus and the Baltic states - the front line passed along the Vistula.
  And in the sixteenth year, the tsarist army already achieved great success against Austria and Turkey. The Ottomans were almost completely defeated. Just like the Austrians captured Przemysl and Krakow. Germany became scared. In the spring of '17, the Russians took Istanbul. Tsarist Russia also achieved significant successes during the summer offensive against Austria and Germany. And in the fall, when the tsarist troops had already reached the Oder, Germany capitulated. The division of Austria-Hungary and Turkey followed. Russia received Asia Minor, northern Iraq, and Istanbul. Galicia, Bukovina, Czechoslovak and Hungarian kingdoms and Krakow. Plus Danzig, part of East Prussia, Klaipeda region. Russia, thus, has strengthened many times over. And Germany also paid huge reparations.
  Tsar Nicholas II was in no hurry to take everything and everyone. But the Russians, British and French divided the Saudi Peninsula. Then the British and Russians divided both Iran and Afghanistan. Completed the redivision of the world.
  Until 1929, the whole world was on the rise, until the Great Depression broke out. In 1931, Japan started a war against Russia. And it was quickly defeated and, together with all the Pacific possessions, occupied. And then came the referendum and inclusion in Russia.
  Taking advantage of the weakening of Britain, France, and the United States, gripped by the Great Depression, Tsar Nicholas II led a war to conquer China. And this became his great conquest.
  In order to somewhat speed up Russification, Nicholas II made an unpretentious decision - he officially introduced polygamy in Russia - changing the theology and dogmas of the Orthodox Church. This is how the reform was adopted.
  And the king took himself a second wife. Russians were encouraged to marry foreigners and have many children. Huge China also had to be Russified. What's the best way to do this? Marry Chinese women!
  In Germany, Hitler did not come to power. In this story, he lacked a little. Too extremist. The main irritant was the fascist Mussolini, who captured Ethiopia. And dreaming of becoming the new Caesar and Trojan rolled into one.
  In May 1937, war broke out between Russia and Italy. As it turned out, Mussolini turned out to be a suicide. Russian troops captured all of Italy in two months, and in another three all the colonies of the state. Tsarist Russia also finally included Romania and Yugoslavia, and a little later Bulgaria. Having completed the annexation of territories. In the fall of 1939, Nicholas II died. And his heir, the completely healthy Alexei II, became the new tsar.
  In this case, Nicholas II reigned for fifty-two years - surpassing the result of Ivan the Terrible. And his reign turned out to be the most successful in the history of Russia, and his conquests were simply record-breaking. No king has ever captured so much. Russia has finally settled in China, and has strengthened in all directions.
  However, then, under Alexei the Second, a long period of peace began. France, Britain, and the USA did not want war. But Germany was disarmed and had no strength. So a situation arose that became calm.
  Colonial empires continued to exist. Russia remained the largest country, but Britain was formally the second power and was slightly inferior in area to the Tsarist empire. However, Australia, South Africa and Canada were almost independent dominions. And in India... In 1968, a big uprising broke out in India and after two years of war the British were expelled. But the tsarist army entered Indian territory and suppressed the protests. After which Britain lost this colony and Russia acquired it. Soon Russia also took the south of Iran.
  After Alexei the Second in 1969, the throne was inherited by Nicholas the Third. The Tsarist Empire was on the rise. So France lost control over Indochina and Thailand in 1979. And the royal troops came there too.
  And in the eighties and nineties, Africa came under the control of Tsarist Russia. After 2001, Peter, the fourth son of Alexei II, ascended the Russian throne.
  Tsarist Russia had by this time absorbed almost all of Africa, Asia, and picked up colonies of other countries, including Indonesia. But of course it didn"t go against Australia.
  A period of peace has arrived. The USA, Britain and France had nuclear weapons, Germany had economic power. Russia has economic power, nuclear weapons, the largest army in the world and population. And still an absolute autocratic monarchy without parliament. The Americans, being a second power, or even a superpower, made this a claim to Russia.
  However, the lack of democracy did not at all hinder the development of progress. In particular, back in 1943, in Tsarist Russia, the first man flew into space. And in 1961 to the moon. The flight to Mars took place in 1974. And by 2000, almost all the planets of the Solar System had been visited. A large expedition to the stars was being prepared. She launched in 2018, and recovered to Alpha Centauri.
  So tsarism did not prevent science from moving at all. Peter the Fourth of the Romanov dynasty even declared that enlightened absolutism was better.
  Especially against the backdrop of the scandals that constantly rocked the Donald Trump administration.
  Nicholas II was still considered the greatest king of all times and peoples. Tsarist Russia on horseback and the world hegemon. The outskirts and colonies are gradually becoming Russified. The empire is gaining momentum. And the whole world became a better place.
  And why? Thanks to Alexander Ulyanov, Lenin"s brother, who was executed for regicide. Lenin himself remained abroad. He met Wales and also became interested in writing science fiction, from which he became very rich and made a name. And so he became famous, becoming famous and famous, and was translated into many languages. Stalin died in prison due to tuberculosis and, in general, remained known only to specialists. Trotsky soon became involved in revolutionary activities and made a good career as an official, rising to the rank of actual Privy Councilor and Deputy Minister. Voznesensky became a minister under the tsar and achieved a lot. Khrushchev remained a small shopkeeper and did not gain fame. Brezhnev rose to the rank of colonel. Andropov served in the police and also became a colonel. Gorbachev became a major businessman and showman. Yeltsin remained a shopkeeper. Putin rose to the rank of colonel in the secret police and retired with honor. Medvedev is a petty official. Zhirinovsky, newspaper founder, and showman. Zyuganov tried to work underground against the Tsar. He received a prison sentence, then became an informant for the secret police. He retired with the rank of captain. Zhukov rose only to the rank of major. Vasilevsky became lieutenant general, Shaposhnikov became lieutenant general. Kolchak grand admiral and holder of many orders. Makarov also became a grand admiral, having fought in the First World War. However, not in the first, but the only world war, since there was no second world war. He became famous... Brusilov became a field marshal and holder of the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called. Denikin, Wrangel, Kornilov, and Kuropatkin became field marshals.
  And life was good under the kings. And prices have not increased for more than a hundred years. And the ruble had a stable gold backing of 0.77 grams. And many peoples lived well under the king.
  Everyone had equal rights and many called themselves Russians, even Africans. Things were going well for everyone under the Tsar. Only for Jews of non- Orthodox religion did the residency requirement remain. But these became fewer and fewer.
  Under the tsar, however, there were some problems. One of them, high birth rates and low deaths led to overpopulation. But this was going to be solved through space expansion. In addition, the development of science and agriculture made it possible to solve the problem of hunger. There was enough food for everyone. But the population growth in the empire is more than three percent per year. And this threatened trouble in the future.
  The tsarist government found a way out in space expansion. And it seemed reasonable. And new starships were built and research into superluminal speeds was carried out.
  The assassination attempt on Alexander II in 1866 was successful. As a result, the king liberator died. And Alexander the Third ascended the throne. The advantage was that they did not have time to sell Alaska, and the new Russian emperor was not inclined to give up any lands. Even if they are distant and not yet very valuable.
  Moreover, the construction of the road to Siberia to Vladivostok began even earlier. And it should have reached Chukotka!
  Tsar Alexander the Third was strong, decisive, strong-willed, healthy, and physically very strong. He ruled with a firm hand, and under him Russia entered a period of greatest prosperity and achievements!
  So it"s good that the great emperor began to rule fifteen years earlier than in real history!
  To begin with, he harshly suppressed all protests by revolutionaries and Narodnaya Volya. Then he began to reform the army and navy. With putting things in order.
  The king achieved a lot. Roads, bridges, factories were built, and the country rapidly developed capitalism. While maintaining autocracy. The tsarist government waged small wars, moving across Central Asia and expanding its influence there.
  A major war broke out with Turkey in 1977. It went even better, faster, more victoriously with fewer losses than in real history. The genius of Skobelev shone in it in full light!
  Russian troops defeated the Turks with less damage. And they managed to take Istanbul right away. Since they arrived there before the English squadron. This war was so successful that the king-priest was named Victorious Alexander! And Skobelev became the youngest field marshal in Russian history.
  Türkiye was divided. The British occupied Egypt and Sudan. Russia took Iraq, Palestine, Syria, and part of Saudi Arabia, Asia Minor, all of Armenia, and the Balkans!
  Thus, quite quickly and relatively easily, Alexander the Third captured a large territory. And he continued his expansion to the south. Moving through Iran, Turkmenistan, and further to Afghanistan!
  The Tsar's army also set its sights on India! The British were ready to fight. An alliance of Russia, Germany, Austria-Hungary against France and Britain emerged.
  Germany went on the offensive against the Republic of the Rooster in 1992. Britain declared war on Germany and Russia. Austria-Hungary gained Bosnia and Herzegovina, and attacked Italy.
  Russia began a campaign against India, and French possessions and Indochina. This is how the First World War actually began. But Russia and the Germans are already together!
  Russia also attacked Egypt.
  The tsarist troops, with the support of the local population, occupy India and Iran. They further enter Indochina. And the Prussians again defeat the French and surround Paris.
  Further, Republicans refuse to give up. And Paris is attacked, greatly destroyed. The Germans also capture both Belgium and Holland.
  Britain has been at war for some time. Russian troops occupy Egypt and Sudan. There is a war at sea. The Russian army is moving across Africa. All the way to South Africa. And collects colonies for himself. The Germans also grab some things.
  But Austria-Hungary is bogged down in a war with Italy. True, in 1894, the Germans came to the aid of the Austrians. And they complete the conquest of Italy.
  After which the country of oranges is divided among themselves.
  The war moves to the sea. And here the genius of the naval commander Admiral Makarov manifests itself. Which achieves a number of brilliant victories. Forcing the mistress of the seas to capitulate.
  Russia took control of India, Indochina, most of Africa, and also Australia, knocking out the British from there. Russian troops left Britain and Canada. Also founding a colony there. Thus, Britain lost almost all of its colonies, and Russia acquired them. The capture of Canada was facilitated by Russia maintaining control over Alaska. And the presence of a very powerful fleet. And the genius of Admiral Makarov and Rozhdestvensky.
  Well, that's not all. Russia moved towards China. Also very successful. And in 1904, the war with Japan began.
  But unlike real history, this war turned out to be not difficult, but rather fast. Moreover, Japan"s fleet was rather weak, while Russia"s, on the contrary, was very strong. Having defeated the Japanese, Russian troops captured Tokyo. And then a referendum was held, and the overwhelming majority of Japanese voted to join Russia.
  Tsar Alexander III won a new victory. Then came the voluntary-forced annexation of China. So region after region, province after province. The royal empire reached enormous proportions. From the USA, all of Canada and Alaska, all of Asia, Austria, the Pacific region. To South Africa and German possession in West Africa.
  Plus also Austria-Hungary. Such a vast power.
  But, of course, the Germans and Austrians wanted more. France is still occupied by Germany. Britain, offended by Russia, also wants war.
  The Kaiser managed to assemble a coalition: Spain, Portugal, Germany, Austria-Hungary and Sweden against giant Russia. The Germans had also managed to capture Denmark and Norway during the war with Britain. A powerful coalition was formed.
  And the war began on August 1, 1917. Just at the moment when Alexander the Third died and Nicholas II ascended the throne. The calculation was made that without such a great monarch as Alexander the Third, who had recovered fifty-one years, Russia would certainly lose.
  But Nicholas II had a lasting and strong power. Without Rasputin and the sick heir. So he could fight with the coalition.
  And the war began... The Germans trampled like a typhoon. Russian troops met them with powerful counterattacks. A big and fierce fight broke out.
  Nicholas II, in general, relying on a chain of fortresses, thoroughly exhausted the German and Austrian units. And then he launched a counteroffensive. And in Africa, Russian troops, using the world's first light all-terrain tanks, completely defeated the Austrians and Germans. And they cleared the Dark Continent.
  Both Sweden and Norway were conquered quite quickly.
  The war lasted a year and a half and ended with the Russian army, which was more numerous and had stronger tanks, capturing all of Europe. Then Britain fell. Russia has finally established dominance over the eastern hemisphere.
  And Tsar Nicholas II also became a great conqueror. Peace reigned until 1929, when the Great Depression broke out. The general economic crisis led to the fact that in 1931, just on May 1, a war began between Russia and the last great superpower, the USA!
  The Tsar's army of Nicholas II entered the borders of America. The forces were unequal. The American had almost no tanks and was poorly trained. And Russia outnumbered the United States many times over. The commanders of the tsarist empire were also better. So the war went one way from the very beginning. Russia was winning and advancing. And on September 30, after the capture of New York and Washington, the United States capitulated. Thus, another page in history was turned. In 1934, Nicholas II launched an invasion of Mexico and then upward into Latin America, conquering the Latin states. Until the last independent republic of Chile fell in December 1936.
  Thus, Nicholas II finally completed the story. Tsarist Russia united all countries and peoples of planet Earth.
  On November 7, 1937, Emperor of all planet Earth Nicholas the Greatest crashed in a plane. And his reign also ended. Alesey II became king. A healthy, young heir - about thirty-three. Under him, space expansion began. New frontiers and new flights. The monarchy was unshakable. Humanity is united and conquers space.
  The commandant of Port Arthur died, in fact, in real history, he was wounded in the head, but a fragment of a few millimeters passed closer to the brain. In short, the traitor who surrendered the citadel died and his place was taken by the hero of the defense of Port Arthur, Kondratenko.
  To strengthen the defense of the fortress, the new commander wrote off all the sailors and naval artillery ashore, and disarmed the squadron, but strengthened Port Arthur.
  As a result, the citadel was thoroughly protected, plus the skillful actions of Commander Kondratenko. The defense held out successfully. Kondratenko strengthened the defense of the Vysokaya fortress in time and the Japanese were unable to take it.
  By the end of December, the samurai were exhausted from the assaults. In January there was a lull caused by Kuropatkin"s attempt to unblock it, but it was not very successful.
  In February there was another assault, and again it was repulsed with heavy losses for the Japanese.
  During the defense, the boy Oleg Rybachenko behaved heroically. At the time of the siege, this cabin boy was only ten years old. The child fought along with adults and went on reconnaissance missions.
  He showed himself to be very brave and combative. And the defense held. Now March has already arrived... The Japanese have retreated again. Bloody Sunday did not happen in Russia, because Tsar Nicholas, since Port Arthur was in a good mood, went out to the people. The Russian army was replenished and became larger and larger. At the end of March, the Japanese tried to advance, but Kuropatkin"s forces had too great a numerical superiority and repulsed all attacks.
  And better yet, General Legs" units were shackled by the siege of Port Arthur. After suffering heavy losses, the Japanese retreated. But again Kuropatkin hesitated.
  At the end of April, a new assault followed, which, however, was also repulsed.
  And Oleg Rybachenko, this brave boy even captured a Japanese colonel, using a trap, of course.
  At the beginning of May, only minor skirmishes occurred, and on the 25th Rozhdestvensky"s squadron finally entered Port Arthur. The famous admiral brought fifty-one ships, crossing three oceans at once!
  After which the defense received reinforcements. And at the beginning of June the final assault on Port Arthur followed. The assault is desperate and fierce. Once again it was repulsed with huge losses to the Japanese. The Tsar finally removed Kuropatkin and appointed Linevich. In mid-July 1905, the Japanese were finally defeated. And the heroic defense of Port Arthur, which lasted more than a year, ended.
  Kondratenko was awarded the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called. And received the rank of field marshal. Then Rozhdestvensky"s squadron, together with Port Arthur, defeated the Japanese at sea. Moreover, Admiral Togo himself died in the battle.
  Japan was forced to make peace with Russia, through the mediation of the United States.
  We had to cede the Kuril Islands and Taiwan. Russia secured a protectorate over Korea, Manchuria, and control over Port Arthur. In addition, Japan paid a huge indemnity of a billion gold yen to Tsarist Russia.
  The victory strengthened the position of Tsar Nicholas II. Russia expanded its territories, and Zheltorossiya began to form due to the voluntary annexation of Chinese regions. No State Duma - Russia remained an absolute monarchy, without parliament.
  Of course, due to victory and political stability, economic growth continued earlier than in real history and was stronger.
  The First World War began as in real history. But it was more successful for Russia. Which army was larger and better, including thanks to the reforms of Field Marshal Kondratenko, and the economy was stronger, and the authority of the tsar was higher.
  The war lasted just over a year and ended with the collapse of Austria-Hungary, and the surrender of the Ottoman Empire and Germany. And Bulgaria, seeing what it smelled like, took the side of Serbia and Russia, as, by the way, did Italy and Japan.
  Field Marshal Kondratenko received the highest rank - generalissimo. And he became a holder of almost all orders, like Suvorov. Brusilov became field marshal. Admiral Kolchak, Kornilov, and Denikin made careers. Tsarist Russia annexed to itself: Galicia, Bukovina, Krakow Voivodeship, Poznan region, Klaipeda. Czechoslovakia also became part of the Russian Empire. And Asia Minor with Constantinople. And northern Iraq.
  Everything, in general, turned out to be good. The Japanese divided the German colonies with Russia in the Pacific Ocean.
  Then Saudi Arabia was divided between Russia, France and Britain. Then, after a short war, Russia and Britain divided Iran.
  And then Afghanistan. True, there was a bit of fighting there. And the British were not very lucky at first.
  The world has gained stability and prosperity. Until the Great Depression hit in 1929. Russia, after rapid growth, also fell into crisis.
  In 1931, Japan attacked Russia, seeking revenge for previous defeats.
  But this time, it was suicide. The tsarist troops defeated the Japanese. Admiral Kolchak is not at all old; he showed his genius, comparable to Ushakov. The Land of the Rising Sun was completely defeated at sea and then occupied. This was followed by a referendum in which the majority of Japanese voted in favor of joining Russia.
  Thus, Tsar Nicholas II strengthened his power in the Pacific Ocean. Russia continued its move into China. Weakened by the crisis, Britain, France, and the United States did not interfere with taking control of the Celestial Empire.
  In 1933, Hitler came to power in Germany. He began to restore the former power of the former empire. And of course he tried not to quarrel with Russia.
  Mussolini in Italy had friendship with Russia. And he quietly captured Ethiopia, expanding his colonies. There was talk about creating the Triple Alliance.
  Tsarist Russia wanted to annex all the colonies of weakening England and France. Well, the Germans and Italians are understandable too. The USA had its own plans.
  In 1937, Germany united with Austria, producing the Anschluss. And in November 1937, the second plane from Nikolaev crashed. The kingdom was interrupted very successfully. Nicholas II achieved colossal gains during his forty-three years of reign.
  They called him Nikolaev the Great! And even the Greatest, they became higher than Peter the Great.
  Under Nicholas II, the working day was reduced to ten hours, and seven years of education became compulsory and free. The national average salary reached 75 rubles per month with zero inflation and gold backing of the ruble. The royal currency was the hardest and most convertible in the world.
  Russia had the largest ground army in the world, and surpassed both Britain and the United States in terms of fleet size.
  Russian tanks were the best in the world, as were the planes. And helicopters at that time were practically the only ones on planet Earth. The most numerous and high-quality submarine fleet. The best artillery. Advanced technologies in television and video. The world's first color cinema also began to be filmed in Tsarist Russia. Including thanks to Tsar Nicholas II"s passion for photography.
  After the annexation of China, Russia took first place in the world in terms of population, overtaking Britain with all its colonies.
  Tsar Nicholas II reformed Orthodoxy and legalized polygamy. This wise sovereign managed to do a lot of things. And he passed away not spat upon, not persecuted, not having lost Russia, but a great man. And just a few millimeters of movement of the fragment had such an impact on the history of Russia. And they also say that there are no coincidences in history! That's how it happens. Both Nicholas II and the phenomenon of Generalissimo Kondratenko showed this.
  But after the death of Tsar Nicholas, a temporary leapfrog ensued. First, the monarch Alexei II died before he could be crowned. Then another heir, Kirill Vladimirovich Romanov, also died. And Vladimir III ascended the throne in 1938. The tsar is young, but generally not stupid and quite strong-willed and ambitious.
  Well, he got down to business! Russia, Italy, Germany, against Britain, France and maybe in the future the USA. Here, of course, the Triple Alliance is much stronger.
  In May 1940, Germany attacked France, Belgium, Holland and Britain. Russia attacked French, English, and Dutch colonies. The unceremonious seizure of territories began.
  The British and French could not resist the Russian army. And in a month and a half, the Germans defeated and forced France, Belgium and Holland to capitulate.
  Then the Fuhrer occupied Spain and Portugal, and captured Denmark and Norway. Russia occupied Sweden.
  The war was almost one-sided. With the support of the local population, Russia captured India, Indochina, southern Afghanistan, southern Iran, the Middle East and entered Egypt.
  Of course, the colonial troops could not resist the tsarist army, and they didn"t really want to. The conquest of Africa was somewhat delayed due to the lack of roads and stretched communications. The Germans moved across Africa through Gibraltar and Morocco, the Russians through Egypt, and then Sudan.
  However, the terrain was more of a hindrance than the resistance of British or French troops. There were few of them, and they were poorly armed, and mostly from local aborigines. Who neither knew how nor wanted to fight.
  In 1940, Hitler did not dare to land in Britain. He launched an air offensive, which was not very successful at first. But in the spring of 1941, Russian planes entered the battle, and Britain began to be put under mortal pressure.
  And in August, the landing of joint German-Russian troops followed, and after two weeks of stubborn fighting, the capture of London.
  After which the entire eastern hemisphere, including Australia and New Zealand, became Russian, German and Italian.
  But there was still the USA.
  Tsar Vladimir decided to attack America. Hitler and Mussolini supported him in this decision. The Third Reich moved troops to Iceland, and then to Greenland and Canada, and Tsarist Russia moved to Alaska. The forces are, of course, unequal. The United States has a rather weak tank fleet, and a much smaller population than Russia along with all its colonies. Although the economy is developed. But such a monster cannot be resisted.
  Having launched the offensive in 1943, the Russian army quickly occupied Alaska in two winter months. And in the spring, together with the Germans, they captured almost all of Canada.
  Brazil, Venezuela, Mexico and other countries declared war on the United States.
  The movement of Russian troops across the northern states of America began. The forces are, of course, unequal. Russia and Germany are better in both quality and quantity.
  The girls Natasha, Zoya, Aurora and Svetlana are fighting on the best Kondratenko-3 tank in the world, a mobile vehicle with a long-barreled and rapid-fire cannon. Very nimble, with a low silhouette.
  The weight of the Kondratenko-3 tank is about forty tons, and it is well protected. And the gun, despite its small caliber of 76 mm, has a high initial projectile velocity.
  Shermans, this tank cannot be penetrated from any angle. So...
  The girls, fighting barefoot and in bikinis, simply destroy the Americans and laugh a lot.
  Especially Natasha... And with her bare fingers she presses the joystick, saying:
  - Glory to my Rus'!
  Zoya shoots too. He does this with his bare toes, pressing the joystick buttons and shouting:
  - And all our native land!
  Next, Aurora fires. She strikes the enemy, and says, baring her teeth:
  - And higher powers are behind us!
  And the girl also winks very fieryly! He presses his bare toes like joystick buttons.
  And then Svetlana fires. Such a sharp and sparkling girl. Emits sunbeams from his mouth. And he also sings:
  - I am a world star! I run faster than even Satan!
  With girls like these, the devil himself is not scary. They are thrashing the Americans, tightly surrounding Chicago.
  And without letting anyone out of there. The destruction is, let's say, trivial. These are the girls.
  And so the garrison of Chicago capitulates. Know ours!
  And Russian tanks are already approaching New York. Tsar Vladimir rubs his hands contentedly. Have the Russians ever gone that far?
  The girls fight bravely in the air too. For example, a cute couple: Maria and Mirabela.
  Barefoot and bikini-clad beauties are collecting bills. There is literally nothing to oppose them. The girls here are so beautiful and dazzlingly aggressive and accurate.
  Maria fired a shot, shot down a dozen planes, in one burst and sang:
  - Glory to our native land! In the name of Russia!
  Mirabela also fired and roared:
  - But there is a leader in great power,
  He will call the Slavs to battle...
  They can't cope with Russia -
  When Vladimir reigns as king!
  From hard, strong, with an iron will,
  And the look is like cutting metal...
  Russians don"t need a better life -
  This is only what people dreamed of!
  Yes, these girls are masters of fighting and singing...
  By the way, in the midst of the assault on New York, the first Russian cosmonaut flew into space and flew around planet Earth. And this is another achievement of Tsarist Russia by the Romanov dynasty.
  And then the garrison of New York capitulated, and Washington soon fell. And on September 3, 1943, the United States completely capitulated. Thus ended the Second World War, which began on May 15, 1940. The war is glorious and victorious for Russia.
  Of course, both Hitler and Mussolini gained a lot from this war. Both dictators gained possessions in Africa, some in Europe and the USA. Europe was finally divided between countries. And after the referendum, Bulgaria became the Bulgarian kingdom within Russia.
  It would seem that the world has been redistributed again and the colonies can be digested. But Hitler, of course, would not be Hitler if he did not want more. In particular, defeat Russia. And seize its territory.
  And of course the Germans were counting heavily on new, more powerful weapons. Tanks of the "E" series and ballistic missiles, especially flying saucers.
  However, Tsarist Russia was significantly ahead of the Third Reich in ballistic missiles and in 1951, on April 12, even flew to the moon.
  And the "E" series tanks did not have a qualitative superiority over the Russian ones.
  And only flying saucers were a mystery. Thanks to the laminar flow, they turned out to be completely invulnerable to any type of small arms. But at the same time they themselves could not fire.
  Mussolini died and his son succeeded to the throne. Hitler put pressure on him and the young man agreed to fight with Russia. On April 20, 1955, a new, third world war began. On Hitler's side were: Italy, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Mexico, in short, all of Latin America, except for Cuba, which supported Russia. And there were no more other countries in the world! The third world war began on April 20, 1955. And Tsar Vladimir faced the most serious challenge of his reign.
  The only thing that could console him is that this war will be the last in the history of wars on planet Earth. Since all countries of the world participate in it!
  Well, once the war has begun, it must be waged! Hitler's attack was not particularly unexpected. Hungary, Yugoslavia, part of Russia with limited autonomy, their king Vladimir III. Albania is captured by Italy. Everything is orderly. The Germans are trying to advance from East Prussia, Austria, Italy from the south. And the fighting is going on in Africa. And the coalition of Latin countries against the USA. But they are not very active there. Only now war has been declared.
  Meanwhile, Hitler moved his main forces in Europe.
  And a hellish war broke out. The last large-scale war in human history.
  The Germans delivered the main blow in Hungary in the direction of Budapest. Oleg Rybachenko fought there. He still remained a boy of about ten years old. True, very physically strong, muscular, fast, and most importantly, like a highlander, immortal. Yes, the writer and poet Oleg Rybachenko received immortality, but on the condition that he become a boy of about ten years old, and serve Russia in a childish, but very strong and fast body. And he is a child since January 1, 1904. When I joined Port Arthur as a cabin boy. Well, he is not the smallest boy, but from the very beginning he was strong and fast and he was taken on the ship.
  Moreover, when they doubted whether it was too small, Oleg Rybachenko bent a copper coin with his fingers for a bet. After which, without speaking, he was taken onto the ship.
  The boy earned a great many awards, participating in all wars. Became an officer. But he still looked like a child. Therefore, although he was given awards for numerous exploits, the eternal boy was not given anything higher than captain. And now Oleg Rybachenko has been in the army for more than half a century. You"ve long since earned an officer"s pension, but if your health is ironclad, then why leave the service?
  Moreover, without computers, game consoles, television, it"s somehow boring. And in the army, you"re a captain, at least you"re driving soldiers. Yes, time still flies.
  Generalissimo Kondratenko died. Grand Admiral Kolchak, who surpassed Ushakov, also died. Many of the people Oleg Rybachenko started with are no longer in the service.
  More precisely, since the siege of Port Arthur, almost all the veterans have died. Only Vovka remained. He, too, was then a cabin boy, and now he is already a gray-haired grandfather. The truth still serves. And he is surprised that Oleg remains the same boy, who does not have a single scar on his body. This is a phenomenon known throughout the Russian, Tsarist army. The truth is that he fights very well.
  The boy Oleg is barefoot, it"s more pleasant and agile for him. He aims gun after gun and fires at the German E series tanks. The Nazi cars are simply huge. And nothing seems to stop them.
  But the eternal boy hits so accurately that he pierces the metal. He paints the Krauts, tears down towers and sings.
  - Tsar Vladimir, Russian Tsar...
  Orthodox sovereign!
  We will soon conquer the world,
  After all, there are cherubs above us!
  Hitler will end
  And whoever listened - well done!
  And the boy throws a grenade, barefoot, with his child"s foot. Greybeard Vovka just shakes his head.
  The writer and poet Oleg Rybachenko spent more than fifty years remaining a child in the twentieth century. And I must admit I've seen a lot. Being immortal, he had long ago lost all sense of fear. And the war reminded him of a computer strategy game.
  It was easy and fun to play. And it was also a pleasure to fight. It"s good when there"s morning dew under your bare feet, and you"re bathing an eternal boy, and you"re not dressed according to the rules in shorts!
  Oleg Rybachenko is allowed to run around in shorts and barefoot. The boy learned to walk without shoes even in the cold in Port Arthur. After all, an immortal body cannot catch a cold or get sick, and you quickly get used to the cold, which does not cause harm. Just like Peter Pan. And it"s almost pleasant to run barefoot in the snow. When moving, the cold is practically not felt, only when you sit motionless, your bare feet feel slightly stiff! But for a boy this is a small thing.
  But there are also witch girls Natasha, Zoya, Aurora, Svetlana! They also take part in the war. But not all the time, but in episodes. Helped us hold Mount Vysokaya when it was most difficult. Barefoot beauties fought there, and in bikinis. They threw sharply sharpened discs with their bare toes.
  And they cut with swords. And Oleg Rybachenko then fired a machine gun - they killed his senior comrades. And as a result, the samurai"s assault fizzled out, and Mount Vysokaya turned out to be unshakable!
  And the girls showed their highest class and Valkyrie aerobatics.
  And now the Germans are on the defensive. The tsarist army is ready for war. The Fuhrer failed to achieve tactical surprise.
  And the Russian troops are fighting courageously. It seems that Hitler will curse himself more than once for starting such a war. Moreover, despite the fact that the Fuhrer has two-thirds of Europe and a third of Africa under arms, but still
  he is not a rival to Russia.
  And the number of soldiers too. And the Italian troops are weak. Latin American countries are participating in the war sluggishly. And their army, both technically and organizationally, is not very good.
  So Russia is still keeping the enemy in defense in depth.
  The Kondratenko-6 tank is quite capable of fighting this series. And "Nikolai"-4 is heavier and shows itself to be a very strong machine.
  The Russians can fight with the heavier German monsters.
  Especially on "Nikolai"-4 where the crew of Alenka, the girl is very beautiful and in a bikini.
  130mm caliber gun. How it hits the fascists. It was in vain that Hitler attacked Tsarist Russia. This is not an easy ride for him, but a beating.
  Anyuta pressed the joystick button with her bare toes and sang:
  - For Russia and freedom to the end!
  And how the beauty will laugh!
  And then Augustine will launch a projectile at the enemy. It will split the metal and sing:
  - Let's make hearts beat in unison!
  And he will also press the joystick buttons with his bare toes. This is truly a cool girl!
  And here Maria is pounding. And he will split the fascists. And destroy the enemy.
  At the same time using bare toes. And he will also sing:
  - In the name of our Motherland, Saint! Let the fighter be simply cool!
  And he will burst out laughing and show his teeth!
  And then the Olympics will hit you with a heavy projectile. She's just what you need, girls - the juiciest apple juice!
  And again the girls broke through the E-50, knocked out the tower and laughed.
  Alenka sent a projectile, crushing the E-100, piercing through it. And using your bare toes. Why did the girl sing:
  - Break the enemy!
  And Anyuta thrashes around using her bare feet and squeaks:
  - The Fritz are kaput!
  And then Augustine will hit. Also very accurately and using bare toes, cooing:
  - Hitler is finished!
  And then Maria will add very aggressively. It will crush the fascists and squeak::
  - And whoever listened, well done!
  And he will show his tongue!
  And then the Olympics sends a projectile, killing opponents.
  And also using bare feet and singing:
  - Total sold out!
  And again the girl will take her tongue and show it.
  So they chop...
  The Germans, after a month of fighting from the beginning of the offensive, advanced from fifty to one hundred kilometers, and suffered large, even huge losses. And the Italians in Africa found themselves completely in a cauldron and surrounded. Their troops are trivially defeated.
  On May 21, Adolf Hitler ordered that everyone capable of bearing arms from the age of fifteen to sixty-five be drafted into the army. The tsarist army was drawing up reserves.
  As it turned out, German disc planes are not so scary in practice. True, Russian planes can attack with rams. But this can be avoided, thanks to the high maneuverability of the vehicles of the tsarist army.
  And Hitler"s hope for an invulnerable miracle weapon did not come true at all.
  The tsarist army was still defending itself. Powerful lines of defense, dug in advance, strong defense. Let Hitler run out of steam. But in Africa you can put pressure on a weaker Italian ally.
  If the Fuhrer had not decided to go to war with Tsarist Russia, he would undoubtedly have gone down in history as a great, and even the greatest, leader of Germany. And so the demon wanted to rule the world, and what came of it?
  Russian girls are the coolest in the world after all.
  Oleg Rybachenko, as always, is at the forefront of the battle. Neither a bullet nor shrapnel can touch him. He's a tough guy and a cool guy.
  A boy in shorts and barefoot, against the Nazis. And throws grenades at them, and runs in the lead rain.
  Yes, it"s a pity that the brilliant Kondratenko is not there, but there are young and capable commanders. In particular, Field Marshal Vasilevsky, who already stood out during the First World War. And he commands energetically and skillfully.
  And the Fritz, encountering a tough defense, become hopelessly bogged down in it. But they still try to break through.
  Oleg Rybachenko, this eternal boy laughs, bares his teeth and sings:
  - My motherland! My Holy Motherland!
  And also like throwing a grenade with his bare feet.
  And here Natasha, Zoya, Aurora and Svetlana entered the battle. They are eternal witch girls, servants of the sacred God of the Family. They don"t always fight, otherwise Russia would have conquered the whole world. But it is always effective and striking.
  Girls love to kill: these are girls!
  And how they will walk through the fascists, and how they will hit them...
  And with their bare toes they throw discs, killing the Krauts.
  The Nazis are getting bogged down and suffering more and more losses. Vasilevsky's great strategist proposes to defeat the Nazis and Italians in Africa. So Russian tanks, which are more nimble and have better maneuverability, will have an advantage. And in Europe, let the fascists get away with it. So that they would completely deplete their resources.
  Tsar Vladimir accepted this plan. And new forces were transferred to Africa.
  Elizabeth and her crew fought in Libya, cutting off Italian units. It's hot there and the girl looks good in a bikini. They have the newest Kondratenko-6 tank, in which the warriors bypass the positions of the Italians and Fritzes and confidently defeat them.
  Elizabeth shoots at a tank from Mussolini Jr.'s empire and says:
  - A fur coat and a caftan walk across the seas, across the waves!
  And of course he uses his bare toes.
  Next, Ekaterina shoots. Punches through a German car and roars:
  - In Russia, Tsar Vladimir is a hero!
  Elena is behind her, beating the Fritz"s self-propelled gun and chirping:
  - Hooray for Hitler for your Motherland!
  And finally, the Olympics will release the projectile. It will crush the Krauts, crush them and squeak:
  - The result will be excellent!
  And he also uses the bare toes of children's feet.
  In Africa, at the end of May and beginning of June, Russian troops achieved significant successes. The fighting spread to the territory of Libya and Ethiopia. On June 12, Tripoli fell. And on June 15, the capital of Ethiopia was taken on the move. So the soldiers of Mussolini Jr. began to pour out. Alas, he was unable to support his father.
  And his glory as a conqueror too. But Mussolini, having seized part of the English and French colonies, considered himself Caesar. But it seems impossible to surpass Caesar.
  Oleg Rybachenko fought while commanding the battery. And so valiantly that the Germans lost dozens of tanks from his fire every day. His boy was even awarded another golden cross. And they even finally awarded him the long-deserved rank of major.
  Previously, he was not assigned because he looks like a child. But the boy showed outstanding heroism. And the ability to fight.
  On June 22, 1955, Russian troops in Africa finally captured Italian Somalia. And on June 25, 1955, the remnants of Italian troops in Ethiopia capitulated.
  The Tsarist Army confidently won. Mainstein, who was considered the best commander of the Third Reich, wrote in his diary:
  - We woke up the hellish bear! Now we are being torn apart!
  By the end of June, the Germans had suffered such heavy losses that they were forced to suspend their offensive in Europe.
  Tsar Vladimir ordered increased pressure in Africa. First the Dark Continent, then everything else - said the outstanding monarch! On July 1, 1955, the Germans attempted to advance in Scandinavia. And they rushed towards Stockholm, but ran into very dense defense. And they suffered enormous damage.
  At the beginning of July 1955, Russian troops entered German Algeria.
  Libya was already under the control of Tsarist Russia. The Niger offensive and loops were underway.
  Elizabeth's tank crew fights the Nazis. It"s very hot and the girls even took off their bras and are now wearing only panties in the Kondratenko-6 tank. They shoot accurately at the fascists.
  And they want great feats.
  Tsarist Russia is still an autocratic country. And it still doesn't have a parliament. And that the revolution did not happen, and the Duma was not established. The kings themselves do not want to limit their power. But the Fuhrer and the Duce are dictators. That is, there is a war between two systems with authoritarian regimes.
  But for Tsarist Russia this is more natural. And a stubborn and ongoing battle ensues.
  Elizaveta presses the joystick button with her bare toes and fires a projectile. Purrs to himself:
  - Let's smash the Nazis to pieces!
  Ekaterina, too, pressed the joystick button with her bare toes and released the killer, purring:
  - Let's bring down Hitler!
  And Elena also beats, knocks out the fascists and squeaks:
  - We'll tear you apart!
  And also how he bares his teeth! And he presses the joystick buttons with his bare feet.
  And then the Olympics will turn you upside down, and how stupid it will be. It will crumble everyone and gurgle:
  - Hell of a passage and a crew!
  Don"t forget to press the joystick buttons with your bare toes. And defeat the enemy.
  The warriors are indeed very brave and sparkling in character.
  Oleg Rybachenko, meanwhile, repelled another attack by the Fritzes and sang:
  - For the Motherland and Tsar Vladimir - hurray!
  Yes, in real history there was such a self-proclaimed Emperor of Russia Vladimir III, the head of the House of Romanov. And he really began to formally rule in 1938. And then Vladimir turned out to be a real king and a great one at that! Vladimir Kirillovich Romanov is a tsar who has every chance of becoming the emperor of the whole Earth!
  After the victory, or rather repelling the attack, Oleg Rybachenko began playing cards with his subordinates. A boy in shorts, fair-haired, very muscular, and ripped, played with the gray-haired fighters. Surprisingly, Oleg is older than all of them. But this boy cuts himself.
  Remembering Port Arthur, the heroic defense from which the glory of Russia came. Great glory for this...
  The immortal boy remarked:
  - This is how we will solve all our problems! Soon there will be a moment when people will never kill each other!
  The soldiers and officers agreed:
  - Of course, Mister Major! They won't kill!
  Oleg looked at the ribbon with his many medals. Yes, there are already so many orders, few generals have them. And it would be nice to get a title too. Prince, count, duke!
  Duke Rybachenko - sounds beautiful!
  And the boy jumped higher and spun in the turntable.
  The Germans tried to attack, but were again repulsed and suffered colossal irreparable damage.
  During July, the Russian army achieved new, major successes in Africa. While the weight of the offensive of the tsarist army was there. Algeria has a lot of the best Russian weapons. And by the end of the month the Germans are surrounded and destroyed in the cauldron.
  In August, Russian troops penetrated Morocco. The girls fought desperately on the Kondratenko-6 tank, breaking through into the thick of it.
  Every now and then there were reports of Germans surrendering and cities being taken.
  Fighting took place in Nigeria and in different places. The Russians took both in numbers, more mobile technicians, and the support of the local population, which the racist fascists had turned against themselves.
  Africa indeed turned out to be a weak link in the strategy of Hitler and Mussolini Jr.
  Russia prevailed there... And in September, slowly pulling up forces, they moved to Norway. The Nazis suffered colossal losses. And Alenka and her crew were riding on the tank. The newest tank "Nikolai"-5 is heavy and showed itself to be more advanced than the E series.
  Even such a powerful tank as the E-200 was penetrated by the gun of the tsarist machine.
  Alenka, pressing the joystick buttons with her bare toes, rubbed her hands contentedly:
  - I am what can break the Wehrmacht!
  Anyuta also pressed the button with her bare toes, punched the German car and confirmed:
  - We will wipe the Wehrmacht into dust! For the power of tsarism!
  Cool Augustine fired and squealed:
  - And we will live under communism!
  Maria readily agreed with this:
  - Yes, under tsarist communism!
  And with her bare toes she pressed the joystick buttons. And at the same time he will hit and crush the enemy.
  And then Marusya squeaks:
  - At full degree!
  And he also presses the joystick button with his bare toes.
  Russian troops have already surrounded Oslo. There are battles for every bush and house.
  In the center, the tsarist army again repels the German offensive. Oleg Rybachenko, as always, is on the front line and fights confidently. Russian artillery works like clockwork.
  Everything is accurate and true...
  In October, Russian troops finally cut off Africa from supplies by land, liberating Morocco. The Nazis found themselves in a kind of cauldron.
  Even on the dark continent. Hitler was shaking with rage, but could not eat anything for lunch.
  Yes, he came to Rus'... Winter was approaching. Oleg Rybachenko, despite the fact that it is snowing, is still running barefoot and in shorts. Well, boy - whatever you take! And a completely fearless guy.
  And he throws grenades with his bare toes.
  And sings:
  - Let run clumsily,
  Armored tanks through puddles...
  And there is a machine gun on the roof -
  Cheburashka gunner,
  Crocodile machine gunner!
  Shakoklyak is on the attack!
  The terminator boy threw a grenade with her bare toes, tearing apart the Nazis and sang:
  - And I'm playing with dynamite,
  In plain sight for passers-by!
  How the Krauts shun the bats!
  Everyone is lying down, and I"m going!
  And the boy really is so funny! But he"s already been in the army for more than fifty years. And just a little devil! Even if he's blond!
  Oleg Rybachenko again throws a grenade with his bare foot and roars:
  - Glory to the Tsar and Nicholas and Vladimir the Third!
  And I thought that they should not confuse Vladimir Kirillovich Romanov with Vladimir Putin! The Romanov great tsars are an amazing family! Those who made Russia the greatest empire!
  And not as spoiled by luck as Putin!
  But Russian troops are repelling another attack.
  November is coming. The Nazis are running out of steam. But they are throwing new reserves into battle. They are already being finished off in Africa. It's hard for the fascists.
  So they take out their anger on the prisoners. They came across the beautiful Nicoletta. They stripped her down to her underpants and led her through the fresh November snow.
  A girl with her hands tied, almost naked, walks through the snowdrifts, leaving barefoot, graceful footprints. She is so beautiful. And the Germans follow her and whip her. And they beat themselves with a beauty, they beat them. Blood flows from his striped back.
  Nicoletta just clenched her teeth tighter. And he holds his head up proudly. And her copper-red hair flutters like a proletarian banner.
  And her bare feet also turned scarlet, but the girl doesn"t even raise an eyebrow.
  That's what phenomenal courage she has.
  Although the Nazis have already taken it and stuck it in their bare chest with a torch. But even then the girl only shuddered, but did not scream.
  She has such great faith...
  The girl is pulled up on the rack and her joints are twisted. Then they light a fire under their bare feet. He licks the beauty's bare feet. And with hot chains they whip the naked body of the beauty.
  Nicoletta sang in response;
  I am Chernobog, the daughter of the evil God,
  I create chaos, I sow destruction...
  My greatness cannot be overcome,
  Only furious vengeance burns in my soul!
  As a child, a girl wanted good things,
  She wrote poems and fed cats...
  Got up early in the morning
  The wings of cherubs fluttered above her!
  But I learned what evil is,
  What in this world makes you unhappy...
  What do you mean, say good?
  I fell in love with destruction passionately!
  And showed her girlish ardor,
  What a sparkling daughter of God she became...
  We will conquer the vastness of the universe,
  Let's show strength, very powerfully!
  Great Father this Chernobog,
  He brings chaos, wars into the universe...
  You pray to Svarog to help,
  In fact, you get rewarded!
  So I said, God bless,
  Let the anger bubble up in your heart...
  Let's build happiness, I believe, on blood,
  Let the womb be filled to the brim!
  I love cunning, meanness and deception,
  How to deceive Stalin the tyrant...
  It won't be possible to put it on display,
  And how much fog there is in the world!
  So she suggested making a strong move,
  Destroy the evil ones with one blow...
  But I fell in love with a very black God,
  In all matters, both these and those beyond the grave!
  How did I become accustomed to evil?
  And in my heart there was rage, maddening...
  The craving for joy, goodness has disappeared,
  As soon as anger penetrated from the pedestal!
  But what about Stalin - he"s also evil,
  There"s no talk of Hitler here...
  Genghis Khan was such a cool bandit,
  And how many souls he managed to cripple!
  So I say why keep good things,
  If there is no slightest self-interest in it...
  When you are a woodpecker, your mind is a chisel,
  And when I was stupid, my thoughts disappeared!
  This is what I tell myself and others,
  Serve the power like black ink...
  Then we will conquer the vastness of the universe,
  Waves will scatter throughout the universe!
  We will make evil so strong
  It will give rage immortality,
  Those who are weak in spirit have already been blown away,
  And we, the strongest people, believe in this!
  In short, we will become stronger than everyone everywhere,
  Let's raise the sword of blood above the universe...
  And our rage will be with her too,
  Let's receive a calling full of destiny!
  In short, I am faithful to Chernobog,
  I serve this dark force with all my heart...
  My soul is like the wings of an eagle,
  Those who are with the Black God are invincible!
  The war between Russia and Hitler's coalition continued. By December, Russian troops had finally finished off the Italians, forcing them to capitulate in Africa, and almost finished off the Germans there. Norway was also cleared of the Krauts.
  Now the tsarist army went on the offensive on December 25. Fierce fighting broke out. In winter, Russian tanks were clearly stronger. And penetrated through the enemy"s defense.
  Oleg Rybachenko, this eternal boy ran barefoot and in shorts through the snow, singing:
  - This is our last and decisive battle! We will die for the Fatherland - the soldiers are behind me!
  Russian tanks are very fast with gas turbine engines. And the fascists cannot stop them so easily.
  Here "Nikolai"-5 is rushing ahead. There are five girls on it who sing cheerfully:
  - No one will stop us, the Russian world cannot be defeated!
  And he'll burst out of a cannon! This actually turns out great! The girls, despite the cold, are in bikinis and barefoot. And they shoot themselves and don"t think about stopping.
  They just have wild, frenzied power.
  Alyonushka loves not only to shoot, although she pressed the joystick button with her bare toes and hit a German, but also to write stories.
  For example, she wrote how a girl went far away to save a kitten. For thirty-three days I walked barefoot along the rocky road, making my tender feet bleed.
  And yet she was able to find the animal. For this, the fairy fulfilled her wish and the girl married the prince.
  Alyonushka, however, thought, why does she need a husband in the Russian army? It's better to have a bunch of lovers. And more money and pleasure. After all, men are so different. And with them, of course, you experience pleasure in different ways. What about the husband? You will quickly get bored and bored with him!
  But the young man who is just beginning to discover the adult world is much more interesting.
  And Alenka shoots again, hitting the German E-100.
  And she moves her very beautiful legs, like those of an ancient Greek goddess.
  And then Anyuta shoots. Also with bare toes. And smashes a German cannon.
  After which the girl says:
  - There are many smart people in Russia, but Tsar Vladimir is the best of tsars!
  Augustine noted:
  - And Nicholas II was not bad! Oh, we didn"t know how to appreciate kings!
  Maria sang, shooting at the Nazis with her bare toes and grinning:
  - You need to obey the Russians, with a pure heart and a wiser one! And to the glory of Nicholas, he is the great king of kings!
  And Marusya sang something... And she also played with her bare feet...
  Russian troops are advancing. Oleg Rybachenko is also fighting. He is still a ten year old boy. Such is the price for immortality. Yes, but how good and cheerful he feels! He has so much energy and a seething flow of power.
  The boy throws a grenade with his bare foot and squeaks:
  - I am a tiger, not a cat, now there lives in me, not Leopold, but a Leopard!
  The boy-major, as always, is on fire. The Nazis cannot stop him.
  On January 1, Russian troops had already completely cleared their territory of German and Italian troops and entered into the possession of the Third Reich.
  At the same time, Russian units entered Mexico. The new year 1956 has arrived.
  For the Russians it began with new victories. On January 7, the remnants of German troops in Africa capitulated. And the entire Black Continent became Russian.
  Now the possessed Fuhrer realized that he was completely screwed. And he proposed negotiations to Russia.
  To which Tsar Vladimir replied:
  - We will only talk about the unconditional surrender of the Third Reich and Italy!
  What wise words! And the war continues. Oleg Rybachenko is, of course, at the forefront of the attack. Russian troops entered East Prussia. The defense lines here are strong. You have to fight to break through, and you won"t advance quickly.
  One of the means of breakthrough was the self-propelled gun with the Alexander-4 bomb launcher. A very powerful and lethal tool.
  And beautiful girls also celebrate here. They launch projectiles using their bare toes by pressing the joystick buttons. And they destroy enemy bunkers and pillboxes.
  Girls run boldly in the snow - that"s what Russian women are for. And the Indians and Chinese are thrown into battle. These are already literally filling up the approaches to the trenches with their corpses. But they still manage to take it.
  The Russian army is pushing in.
  However, strategist Vasilevsky transfers the main blow to Italy - which is much weaker. And so Russian soldiers win one victory after another.
  January turned out to be very successful. Russian troops overthrew the Italians and saddled the Alps. And in February they occupied Venice. And they entered Lorbandinia. They also took Poznan. The Germans were retreating. On March 2, Klaipeda fell. Russian troops advanced through East Prussia slowly, the defense was too dense. We had to literally burn the path with shells.
  But in Italy, the pasta front collapsed. And Russian troops rushed to Rome. On March 30, 1956, the assault on the Italian capital began. This is how the people paid for the ambitions of the Mussolini family.
  The capital of Italy, Rome, is under attack. The fighting is fierce. Although the Italians are increasingly giving up. Here the girls fight are very beautiful, both in bikinis and barefoot. The warriors throw grenades with their legs and knock out Mussolini's soldiers.
  The girls here are beautiful, and of course very sexy. And with the muscles of titans. And the way they throw grenades with their bare feet is simply amazing.
  Natasha goes forward and shoots, while growling:
  - For the beautiful Fatherland in my heart, my radiant fire burns!
  Zoya, firing, sings along:
  - Let's open the door to achievements! Our faith and the king are monolith!
  And then Aurora, with her bare toes, the red-haired bitch will release the discs. And the cut-up Italians fall.
  And then Svetlana sings aggressively, baring her teeth:
  - We'll kill everyone! We'll crush everyone!
  They throw discs with their bare feet and grind the fascists. This is how Mussolini ended up in the hands of the girls. The April assault of 1956 was fierce, and very figurative.
  And here the tanks are driving, hellish pillars of fire erupting from their trunks.
  The girls are advancing and throwing grenades with their bare feet. And how they will spit something bloody.
  And they will laugh...
  Natasha sang fervently:
  - Tsar Vladimir, punch Hitler in the face!
  And he will wink with his sapphire eyes. Such a wonderful girl.
  The girls rush with wild fury. They hit with machine guns. They mow down the enemy and scattered the fascists. And then the Olympics are running. And in the hands of the mighty, the female hero holds a flamethrower. And he"ll take it and hit you, but then he"ll hit you.
  From the fascists chips are flying in all directions. And the warriors can laugh as much as they want.
  Then he will sing:
  "Mussolini will be beaten!" Our friendship is monolithic!
  And again, like a wink with sapphire eyes! And he will hit the fascists.
  What did you want? Rome was taken at one time by the Slavs under the leadership of Attila. And now the Russians are taking it.
  Olympias, frying her opponents alive with a beam thrower, sang:
  - Bright sun of hope,
  Again it rises over the country...
  Rus' wins as before -
  The Wehrmacht warriors are being beaten!
  Russian eagle over the planet,
  Spreading its wings, it will take off...
  The enemy will be called to account -
  He will be defeated - broken!
  After the fall of Rome, Italian troops began to surrender en masse. Mussolini's empire, this junior military partner of the Third Reich, was burning out.
  Russian troops took Naples almost without resistance and landed in Sicily. There, too, they encountered almost no resistance. And Hitler was hysterical.
  By the end of May, Italy was finished. Hundreds of thousands of prisoners were taken.
  Russian girls put them on their knees and forced them to kiss their bare feet. They smacked their lips obediently. Some, especially young men, did it with enthusiasm.
  The girls purred contentedly.
  The eternal boy Oleg Rybachenko forced his captives to kiss his bare, childish feet.
  They did this quite willingly. The boys were very handsome, muscular and blond. True, he is still too small, and he did not want to do something more serious with the ladies. But when the rough heels are tickled with a tongue - it"s nice!
  Oleg Rybachenko captured the general and received another order. Which I was quite proud of.
  Mussolini Jr. was betrayed by his own entourage, and Tsarist Russia received another victory. But Benedito Mussolini Sr. did not live to see his shame and the collapse of fascism in Italy. However, the same fate awaited the Nazis in Germany. Russian troops went on the offensive in early June 1956. The main direction of attack was Austria.
  Elizaveta and her crew on Nikolai-5 moved against the Germans. Russian troops sought to surround Vienna.
  The Fuhrer, of course, found himself in a difficult situation. The Germans' possessions in Africa, Scandinavia, and most of the USA were lost. And now the battles are taking place exclusively on the territory of the Third Reich. Which, of course, is more unpleasant for the Germans. Russian troops also entered Mexico. Lady Gray de Monka commands a tank crew in this country.
  And Elizaveta leads "Nikolai"-5 around Vienna. Its main opponent is the E-50, which the Tsar"s machine penetrates like a blotter.
  Elizabeth fired, using her bare toes to press the joystick buttons.
  She hit a German tank and chirped:
  - We will give our hearts for St. Nicholas Rus'!
  Ekaterina also fired with her bare toes and corrected her partner:
  - It"s probably more correct to say Vladimir!
  Elizabeth shot again using her bare toes and chirped:
  - But still, it was Emperor Nicholas, who gave us the population of China, who made Russia invincible!
  Indeed, in the infantry that was sent to storm the German positions, the front were entirely Chinese. They literally threw corpses at us. But they broke through.
  Usually the Russians fought in aircraft and tanks. Infantry made up of Chinese, Indians, Asians. There are many Chinese. In addition, the bright-headed Nicholas II introduced polygamy while reforming Orthodoxy, and extra Chinese men were sent into battle. And the Russians take widows and unmarried Chinese women as wives.
  Cunning strategy.
  And the Chinese attack, die, and break through the German defenses.
  Elena uses her bare toes to press the joystick buttons and hits the Krauts again.
  And he sings:
  - For holy Rus', we will fight bravely!
  After which the girl will take it and wink. And bares his white teeth! And she is so aggressive.
  And then the Olympics will snap back. And he will also hit you with his bare toes and crush you.
  Then he will yell:
  - I am a deadly cobra!
  It should be noted that the E-50 tank can be dangerous. Its 88-millimeter cannon with a barrel length of 100 EL is rapid-fire, twelve rounds per minute, and very accurate. Often hits armor and can cause damage.
  Therefore, the girls try not to let the main German tank approach. Especially close up, its penetration ability increases sharply. And the core in the German projectile is either uranium or tungsten. True, after the loss of Africa and uranium deposits in the Congo, the strength of the German troops began to dry up.
  And the girls are so beautiful and barefoot and cool.
  They sing to themselves with enthusiasm:
  - Shines like a star over the whole world,
  Through the darkness of hopeless darkness...
  Great hero Tsar Vladimir,
  Knows neither pain nor fear!
  Enemies retreat before you,
  The crowd of people rejoices...
  Russia accepts you -
  A mighty hand rules!
  Fighting girls, you can"t say anything against them. And their legs are so bare and chiseled. When captured Germans kiss them, it is clear that both girls and men like it. And the warriors squeal contentedly.
  And they bare their pearly teeth.
  These are such cool girls. And with her bare toes, Elizabeth knocks out another fascist.
  After which he yells:
  - Glory to the great Fatherland!
  And so Catherine will shoot. It will ram an enemy tank, kill the Fritzes and squeak:
  - Death to the enemies!
  And there Elena also kicks, using her bare toes, pressing the joystick buttons with them. And he chirps:
  - For the Motherland in greatness!
  And then the outstanding Olympiad, also a blonde, will launch the projectile. And as it chirps:
  - For great Russia!
  And the girls are full of total enthusiasm.
  Here comes the E-75 tank. Its gun is more powerful: 128mm, and it can cause more damage. In addition, this tank has better protection and thicker armor.
  But Elizabeth is like crazy. And he will release something lethal, penetrating from a distance. And all that remains from the German are pieces of torn metal.
  And the girl will sing:
  - Holy beauty and big dream!
  After which the tongue will show.
  German E-75 tanks have recently become more widespread. They now have a longer-barreled gun, which allows them to fight Russian tanks, especially the lighter ones. And this makes the Krauts more dangerous.
  But Soviet girls are not embarrassed by this. And they crush the Krauts.
  And the warriors themselves, especially in the heat, are in bikinis and barefoot. And they fight very confidently.
  They win without exception.
  Catherine shot at the Nazis and sang:
  - But to be honest! I destroy all the Krauts without exception!
  Elena also fired with her bare toes and chirped:
  - We will defeat everyone and, of course!
  The Olympics also beat the Nazis without pity. She's such an invincible bitch.
  And also with the help of bare toes.
  Natasha and her team fight on the Kondratenko-6 tank. This car is a little lighter, but more mobile than the Nikolai. Of course, with less weight, the caliber is smaller and the armor is a little thinner. This means the risk of dying is much greater.
  But the girls, I must say, are not embarrassed at all. And they fight like giants of battle.
  Natasha sings, actively shooting:
  - It will be our victory!
  And he presses the joystick buttons with his bare toes.
  Zoya also shoots, using her bare legs and squeaks:
  - Tsar Vladimir forward!
  And all the girls in chorus barked:
  - Glory to the fallen heroes!
  After which Aurora fired, turned the German tank over and said:
  - Nobody will stop us! No one will defeat us!
  And she also shook her bare feet.
  And then Svetlana gave in, using her bare toes, and growled at the top of her lungs:
  - The Russians are fighting furiously!
  And all the girls exclaimed in unison:
  - The soldier's fist is strong!
  And again the beauties rush into battle. They shoot themselves accurately and accurately!
  But Jane's crews amaze the Mexicans. The lady is also very smart and beautiful.
  And the girls in her crew are barefoot and in bikinis. They fight with wild and calm fury.
  Then Gertrude fired, using her bare toes, and chirped:
  - I am a girl who will destroy everyone in a split second!
  And then Malanya bursts into action. And he will break the Latin tank from a distance.
  And then Matilda will kick her legs with her bare toes.
  And he will laugh:
  - I am a really great girl!
  And warriors of the highest and most furious order. They do not feel either weakness or anger.
  They'll fuck you up the same way.
  And Alenka also fights very confidently.
  By the end of June, Vienna is surrounded. A crushing blow was dealt to Germany and its prestige. At the same time, Russian troops are advancing towards the Oder. They throw the Chinese, Indians, and Arabs into battle. And they break through the Krauts" defenses.
  Hitler, of course, is already in a panic. How the girls pressed him into tanks and planes.
  Here are Albina and Alvina, two Russian pilots. Also barefoot and in bikinis, they knock down fascists like pears with a stick from a branch. And for a couple they literally work such miracles.
  Albina shot down five planes with one burst from her Peter the Great fighter and sang:
  - We are bears of the sky!
  Alvina shot down six planes with one burst from her war eagle, and chirped:
  - And we"ll smash everyone!
  In the sky, this couple was already legendary!
  The girls were awarded seven degrees of the St. George Cross: silver cross, silver cross with bow, gold cross, gold cross with bank. And also a gold cross with diamonds, and a gold cross with diamonds and a bow. And the highest degree star of a golden cross, with a diamond bow. A higher award - a large star of a golden cross, with diamonds and a bow, was established quite recently.
  So the girls could rightfully be proud of their achievements. And always, even in the cold, they fought only in bikinis and exclusively barefoot.
  Such wonderful girls.
  Albina fired and sang:
  - For our best victories!
  Alvina continued:
  - Let our grandchildren and grandfathers be proud of us!
  The warriors are truly girls of colossal class!
  They beat up the fascists in the sky and sing:
  - Glory to Russia, Glory! Our Tsar Vladimir is a hero! There will be a power at dawn! Bury Hitler in the ground!
  Of course, Vladimir Kirillovich Romanov can be very pleased with his warriors.
  Even if they fight, it"s in such a way that you can"t raise a spear against them!
  Vladimir Kirillovich Romanov is a tsar who has every chance of ending wars once and for all!
  And the fascists shudder under the blows of the tsarist army...
  The surrounded Vienna quickly fell. By mid-July, the troops of the tsarist empire reached the Oder on a wide front. And Koenigsberg was completely blocked.
  And the Germans retreated beyond the Oder. And they tried to create a line of defense there. Thoroughly protect yourself. But in the second half of July, Russian troops began an attack on Hamburg... The Nazis slowly but surely succumbed.
  The fighting was very fierce. Some villages changed hands several times. New German tanks of the more advanced AG series - pyramidal - also took part in the battles. They had good defense from all angles. But the tsarist army was superior in numbers.
  And a large number of Asian infantrymen died at the fronts. But they allowed me to move.
  The Germans' human resources were also depleted. By the end of August, Hamburg was surrounded and Munich was also blockaded.
  The Germans lost significant territory. And they had nothing to hold their positions with.
  Oleg Rybachenko fought in the front ranks on the territory of Germany itself. And the eternal boy constantly smiled and showed his pearly teeth.
  And there he threw grenades with his bare, childish feet. It's good to be a child - how natural it is to be in the heat in only shorts. And since you are immortal, you can also be half naked in winter without risking catching a cold.
  So the boy sang:
  - Barefoot, just barefoot,
  Under the July thunder and the sound of the surf!
  Barefoot, just barefoot,
  It's easy for a boy to be a cool cowboy!
  And the child major continues to destroy these fascists for himself. And they desperately counterattack.
  It"s already September... The rains are starting to fall... The tsarist troops, filling up the corpses of the Chinese, took Munich and Hamburg, and are moving towards the Ruhr region. The most important thing in German industry.
  And the Germans are desperately fighting back.
  Natasha fights on her tank and growls:
  - It will be extremely difficult for the Nazis!
  And press the joystick buttons with your bare toes. And he would fire shells at the Nazis.
  And then Zoya will slap you. And also with the help of bare toes.
  And he will also sing:
  - Rus' is what is against Hitler!
  And then Aurora will make an aggressive move. And also with the help of bare toes:
  - For the Russian path!
  And behind them Svetlana will also fire a killer projectile. It will pierce a German tank and squeak:
  - For Tsar Vladimir Kirillovich!
  And he will also show his tongue.
  The girls went wild here.
  Alenka on a heavy tank also crushes the Nazis. And beats them from a long distance.
  The warrior sang:
  - I subjugated half the world with my breasts!
  And Alenka"s breasts with scarlet nipples.
  And then Anyuta will kick you with her bare toes. It will ram a fascist tank and blather:
  - I'm a superstar girl! In the history books!
  And he will bare his teeth...
  And then Augustine will fire a killer projectile. He will crumble the Nazis and hiss:
  - May our army be the strongest!
  And he will also move his legs...
  And Maria will follow them and beat the Nazis. He will spin himself, aggressively blathering:
  - We are big aggressive girls!
  And then Marusya will unleash something extremely murderous and destructive on the Nazis. And with the help of bare, girlish feet.
  And then he sings:
  - We are a total defeat of the enemies!
  September passed in very fierce battles. The Germans desperately counterattacked. But in October, when the rains came heavier, the tsarist army again gained the advantage. And she began to advance towards the Ruhr. After a fierce assault, Koenigsberg fell. The Nazis received another slap in the face.
  And in the south of France, tsarist troops surrounded Toulon. So the Nazis had an extremely bad time.
  Hitler was raging, but while he was in Berlin. His position turned out to be weak.
  It is clear that no one wanted to listen to the negotiations. But the Nazis stuck in like flies.
  In November, troops of the tsarist army fought to occupy most of the Ruhr region, thereby effectively depriving Germany of its main production base.
  In December, the tsarist army occupied the entire south of France and entered Spain. And on the German front, she finally captured the Ruhr. Moreover, other German lands were also captured. And the tsarist army also landed in Denmark.
  Hitler was raging like a devil in a cage, but he could not do anything.
  On Catholic Christmas, the royal troops moved towards Paris. Despite the snow and frost, Natasha's crew was barefoot and in a bikini.
  The Germans surrendered more and more often. And the French didn"t want to fight the Russians at all.
  While smashing a German battery, Natasha remarked:
  - So, in fact, what did the possessed Adolf count on when he started a war with us?
  Golden-haired Zoya logically remarked:
  - Probably because, when we come under pressure, we will fall like coins from a holey pocket!
  Aurora crushed a walnut with her bare toes. Then she threw it into her mouth and rationally noted:
  - History teaches that it teaches nothing!
  Svetlana pressed her bare toes on the joystick button. She knocked out another German cannon and answered:
  - Let's be great fighters!
  The warriors, as you can see, are truly determined to fight and win.
  Oleg Rybachenko, a barefoot boy, rushes in shorts and with a bare, muscular torso. He even sways and roars:
  - We will beat the Krauts! We will beat the Krauts! And kick your ass!
  And the boy has such white, pearly teeth! Just a young and unbending terminator.
  Oleg Rybachenko shoots while running. Kills fascists and sings:
  - The Russian spirit is the power of the kings, defeat the Krauts!
  The boy threw a grenade with his bare foot and sang:
  - Russian waltz, the dawn rises - in the glory of the king!
  He really turned out to be a very combative guy. And he beats the fascists until the very first day.
  And the girls fight actively. Here is Mirabela... Also a top-class pilot. Nobody can stop her. She knocks down the Krauts and sings, baring her teeth:
  - Crazy girl! Here's her mark!
  And he will take and launch a rocket!
  Yes, that's how women are here! When Russian girls fight, no force can resist them.
  Mirabela shot down seven German planes with one burst of five air cannons, and chirped:
  - Tsar Vladimir Kirillovich is our God!
  And the girl slaps her bare feet on the glass.
  And also Albina and Alvina are fighting in the sky.
  They were such wonderful stealers. More and more new accounts are being collected. And at the same time they sing:
  - In the sky we are perfection! We are aces perfection! From a smile to a gesture - beyond all praise!
  Albina shot down four German planes with one burst and chirped:
  - Oh, what bliss! What perfection in battle!
  Alvina cut down five German planes and continued:
  - Know perfection in battle! And cool ideal!
  The warriors sang in chorus, cutting down the fascists:
  - Girls! Cooler girls! Girls! Cooler girls!
  They demonstrated their aggressive fervor. In fact, none of Hitler"s aces were forced to descend.
  But the fascists, of course, are under wild pressure.
  Hitler is in a bunker in Berlin and he is being bombed there like a cockroach. What did he want? Fascist number one has finished! He went against Tsarist Russia, and now he himself is being crushed like a cockroach.
  Tsar Vladimir Kirillovich is currently taking a break from winter on the shores of the Indian Ocean. Beautiful girls of different races and nationalities dance in front of him.
  However, the king does not mind watching gladiator fights. For example, two girls against two beauties.
  They fight with plastic swords so as not to hurt each other. However, they fight desperately.
  These are the warriors. There is a furious exchange of blows. Two blondes and two redheads...
  Tsar Vladimir asked Field Marshal Vasilevsky:
  - What is the most difficult thing in the war with the Germans?
  The field marshal answered honestly:
  - Gain confidence! Only at the very beginning, when the enemy began to advance, did I feel uncomfortable. And now we have begun to win and everything is clear about our enemies! - Field Marshal Vasilevich, this major strategist, drank wine.
  Vladimir Kirillovich logically noted:
  - It is extremely difficult to win all the time! But we showed ourselves capable of much! And now there will be time, and the whole world will become peaceful!
  Field Marshal Vasilevsky confirmed:
  - I believe in it!
  The girls had bruises on their naked bodies and looked extremely nervous.
  They fought, of course, not like in the times of Ancient Rome - they tried not to cause much harm to themselves. But they acted actively.
  Meanwhile, the fighting continued. In January, tsarist troops captured Paris on the move. The capital of Denmark, Copenhagen, was also taken. The German troops were weakening. The Russians continued to advance into Germany itself. The Fritz fought desperately, but their strength was broken.
  Oleg Rybachenko, this immortal boy jumped barefoot in the snow and rushed to the attack ahead of everyone, completely without fear of fire. And while whistling:
  - Who is used to fighting for victory,
  He will certainly defeat his enemies...
  He laughs cheerfully and will achieve a lot,
  And Hitler will be beaten hard!
  And the boy"s bare foot throws a grenade! And he bares his pearly, large teeth beyond his years. Yes, he already has a mouth like a wolf. It will gnaw through any throat.
  And girls on tanks are moving from south to north of Germany. They're about to go out to sea. And only the lands near Berlin and Pomerania will remain with the Krauts.
  Natasha, knocking out fascist tanks, remarked:
  - And war is fun in its own way!
  Zoya, having bashed the Nazis, agreed:
  - As good as it gets! Especially when we win!
  Aurora, firing with her bare toes, said:
  - Everything impossible is possible in the universe, just don"t need a little...
  And the red-haired girl will laugh so hard!
  The warriors twitch in frenzied joy and rage. And they crush the Germans.
  At the same time, the tsarist troops are advancing across Spain and are already approaching Seville.
  Olga in an armored personnel carrier fires at the Germans and police troops.
  The local Spaniards offer almost no resistance. Another country is falling under the ax of Russia.
  Oleg shot and sang:
  - Aerobatics, it will be bash on bash!
  And her partner Alice tweeted:
  - The greatness of the Russians was recognized by the planet,
  Fascism was crushed with a blow of the sword...
  We are loved and appreciated by all nations of the world,
  Let us stand the great sacred tsarism!
  And the girls will slap and press their bare toes on the joystick.
  The war between the tsarist empire of Vladimir Kirillovich Romanov and fascist Germany continues.
  Russian troops have almost completely liberated France from Nazi hordes. February 1957... The Tsarist army liberates Portugal.
  On February 23, Russian units from Denmark and Germany itself united.
  Oleg Rybachenko, this eternal boy, splashes in the mud with his bare feet. The child major shouts to himself at the top of his lungs:
  - Glory to the Russian Tsar Vladimir the Third! I will cut down Hitler, I will measure him with a whip!
  And the boy screams again and throws a sharply sharpened disc with his bare fingers. And it will strike the fascist in the throat. And then he throws a boomerang with his bare, childish leg, and immediately cuts the throats of five Krauts.
  Yes, Hitler"s bad idea to attack such an empire.
  Natasha and her team finish off the last Germans in Portugal. Their tank is inexorable in destruction.
  And they also press the joystick buttons with their bare toes, committing furious destruction.
  Zoya fired, smashed the German cannon and sang:
  - For Russia and freedom to the end!
  Aurora, using her bare toes, kicked the Nazi and chirped with aplomb:
  - God save the king!
  Svetlana also fucked, pressing the joystick buttons with her bare toes and squeaked:
  - Strong sovereign!
  Girls defeat the fascists. But then a new Hitler tank "Mouse"-4 appeared. A very powerful model - weighing three hundred tons, and a 310- mm gun. It can penetrate at a long distance, but it itself has such thick armor that the Kondratenko-6 tank will not take it from any angle.
  Natasha commands:
  - Girls, we need to come close and stick it into the lower part of the side, between the rollers - this is our only chance!
  Zoya smacked the German cannon with her bare toes and sang:
  - Fate is giving you the last chance, but hurry up! In rain, hail and snow!
  Augustine also tapped and chirped:
  - Last chance, fate gives you! Long live walking and daily running!
  And also with bare toes, and how it will twist. And he will smash the fascists.
  Svetlana roared:
  - For new frontiers and dashing victories!
  The Russian tank rushed, picking up speed. And the girls will take it and sing:
  - Strong sovereign, most glorious age, Orthodox Tsar, reign for glory, for our glory!
  And again they accelerated, moving away from a heavy projectile sent from the gun that the German "Maus"-4 had. The girls squealed:
  - Let"s not bend over the ram"s horn! So that you Hitler - die!
  And their tank is accelerating. It's like a small boxer attacking a big one. But of course the chances are fifty-fifty.
  Natasha, watching the movement of the tank, remembered how she boxed with a man in the ring. She missed punches and was beaten, but she held on. And then she confidently snapped. And she caught the enemy"s oncoming movement, and hit him on the chin. Knocked out!
  She received a thousand gold rubles. Such a fighting girl. If he gives it, he will give it!
  Natasha shook her bare leg and sang:
  - This is not the last battle, but it is decisive! For the glory of the Fatherland, for the Motherland and honor!
  And then their tank slips past the side and sends a shell... Zoya also used her bare toes, such a golden-haired girl, and as agile as a monkey. And "Mouse"-4 began to explode. His shells had clearly detonated. And then the towers will be torn off, and she will fly high into the air!
  The girls shout in unison:
  - Victory! Cool victory!
  And another tank on their list!
  On March 1, 1957, Russian troops began crossing the Elbe. It looks like Hitler was being stepped on.
  The boy Oleg Rybachenko, barefoot, with his child"s foot, threw a grenade, sank a fascist tank and shouted:
  - For new, unbending frontiers!
  Alenka's tank crew turns east. West Germany and France have already been liberated. Only the lands between the Oder and the Elbe remained under Nazi control. Well, also Britain and Ireland. The last forces of the Nazis are there.
  Alenka, firing at the fascist batteries, says:
  - Tsarevich Nikolai,
  If you have to reign...
  Never forget -
  The army fights valiantly!
  And now another shell is sent with bare feet. And he fell into a Fritz gun.
  Anyuta also shoots with bare toes. He hits the fascist and roars at the top of his lungs:
  - I"m the kind of girl who makes Hitler vomit!
  Next, the fiery Augustine nails. She"s also a sharp-shooting little devil, and roars:
  - To hell's gates!
  And uses bare feet.
  Maria shoots behind her. The same way he takes it and hits it, and squeals:
  - No one will stop me, the tigress, no one will defeat the barefoot girl, and I will be beaten anywhere!
  And then the Olympics will blow up. And he will knock out a German tank, tearing off its turret like a mushroom cap.
  And cackles:
  - For new, cool frontiers!
  And he will show his tongue again!
  The girls are just pushing themselves and desperately advancing. And the fascists are drowning under their blows.
  On March 2, 1957, the last Nazi forces in Portugal capitulated. It became clear that the dawn of fascism was setting. More precisely, is it dawn? Nightmare sunset!
  And Russian troops are advancing. The Germans are increasingly throwing down their weapons and surrendering.
  They fall to their knees. Both Russian and Chinese girls kiss their bare feet.
  It looks so cool and cool. And the fascists are being chopped and chopped.
  Natasha's crew is already on the train going to fight north, with the Krauts.
  The girls are sitting in their compartment. They play cards by holding them with their bare toes.
  Natasha noted:
  - It"s interesting, when we take Berlin, what"s next?
  Zoya answered confidently:
  - Next will be London!
  Fire Aurora giggled and asked again:
  - And then?
  Zoya stated decisively:
  - Latin America will be ours! We will not stand on ceremony with the Nazis!
  Svetlana agreed with this:
  - Of course we won"t! Let's conquer the whole world!
  Natasha enthusiastically confirmed:
  - And then there will be peace, all over the world!
  The girls sang in chorus, composing as they went;
  Glory to the Great Russia of Tsarism,
  Where Vladimir sits on the throne...
  We will crush the hordes of evil fascism -
  Glory to the army and monolith of us!
  Hearts were tempered in great faith,
  Our Mother Earth with all our hearts...
  We are the sons of Tsar Nicholas,
  And they didn"t die for him in vain!
  Our homeland, you are dearer than anything else,
  Let's throw up a winged, heavenly fireworks...
  You are also fighting the Fatherland,
  Well, let the Nazis all die!
  Hitler wanted to get our Lands,
  And the evil dog attempted to assassinate the king...
  But we are dashing, we don"t accept that,
  So fascism attacked us in vain!
  The king is a kind and wise ruler,
  A mountain eagle soars above the planet...
  Vladimir will be the ruler of the horde,
  Our friendship is like a steel monolith!
  Let"s knock the support out of the Fritz"s legs,
  let Hitler suffocate in a noose...
  We will hand over cruel executions to shame,
  Who acts as evil on Earth!
  Royal strength and royal wisdom,
  He will destroy the fascists without measure...
  Believe me, Hitler did something really stupid,
  And now his life is like a thread!
  So respect the great kings,
  There are no cooler Romanovs on Earth...
  In the battle of the Nazis, strike the hearts,
  To open the way to accomplishments and dreams!
  Peter the Great took us to the sea,
  Alexander conquered Paris...
  Yes, sometimes grief happened,
  But Russia was protected by a cherub!
  Everything is beautiful with us,
  Both girls and boys, believe me...
  The king rules, you know justly -
  Even if an evil beast growls at the threshold!
  There are no limits, believe in perfection,
  Soon there will be kings of communism...
  Let us open the doors to bliss,
  Damn fascism destroyed!
  For Russia, the milestone has not been set,
  Believe me, we will defeat the enemy...
  The girls are barefoot, as if in Sparta,
  Well, our Tsar Vladimir is alone!
  We believe in Rod - the Great God,
  What created the perfect Slavs...
  We fight for honor and freedom,
  We strike at Nazism!
  You are the greatest Romanov family,
  Will always rule Russia...
  Great king, highest flight,
  Satan will not break the eagle!
  For love for great Russia,
  We send soldiers into battle...
  We glorify the faces of the saints from the icons,
  After all, any warrior is also a king!
  Our heart burns for the Fatherland,
  We girls are tough in battle...
  We will open the door to space, know
  And I"ll kill Adolf like a bitch!
  There's only a little time left until Berlin,
  We will enter, bearing the glory of kings...
  Old age does not threaten us girls,
  Believe me, we will not be spilled with water!
  Let's bury those who are evil and vile,
  The dragon will be dashingly defeated...
  And we have golden icons,
  Rodnoveria is an eternal law!
  On September 1, 1942, Türkiye entered the war against the USSR. The reason is clear - the thirst for revenge for previous defeats, and the desire to capture Baku. In addition, German diplomacy also played a role, which promised mountains of gold to the Ottomans. In any case, the Turks decided that there was no point in waiting any longer, and that they were not scavengers, but could also have time to fight.
  As a result, thirty Turkish divisions attacked Soviet Transcaucasia.
  Within a few days they took Batumi and were able to surround Yerevan.
  In response, Stalin was forced to withdraw part of the emerging reserves and transfer them to Transcaucasia.
  The Soviet command was forced to postpone the offensive at Stalingrad. The Germans, in turn, were able to achieve more in the Caucasian direction and take Ordzhonikidze and Grozny. And only by retreating into the mountains were the Soviet troops able to stop the Nazis.
  At the same time, the British postponed Operation Torch, fearing to involve Turkey in hostilities against Britain.
  By the end of December 1942, the Nazis nevertheless captured Stalingrad. They settled there. Soviet troops advanced, but without success in the center - the Rzhev-Sychov operation turned out to be too costly. However, the Fuhrer still declared total war, since the Third Reich did not have enough resources.
  In February, the Red Army amassed its forces and tried to attack the Germans from the flanks of Stalingrad. But the Nazis had already managed to regroup their forces and were ready to repel the blows.
  Operation Torch also began in February. The Germans were also ready, and after two weeks of fierce fighting, they stopped the British.
  The Americans have not yet landed in Casablanca and Tunisia. The fighting in Africa has stopped again.
  Hitler was still accumulating strength... In March, the Red Army carried out the Rzhev-Sychov operation for the third time, the battles lasted a whole month, without much success.
  In June, the Nazis gathered strength and moved along the Volga, trying to cut off Soviet forces in the Caucasus and reach the Caspian Sea.
  New German tanks took part in the battles: "Tiger", "Panther", "Lion".
  As well as the self-propelled gun "Ferdinand".
  The Germans were stronger than in real history, not beaten, and with fresh troops.
  The United States practically did not bomb the Third Reich, which made it possible to increase the production of tanks and self-propelled guns. And also launch the "Lion" series. However, the tank turned out to be too expensive and heavy; it often broke down and got stuck. But its thick 100-mm sloping side armor made the vehicle a good breakthrough vehicle. The advantage of the Lev tank was its powerful cannon, but the disadvantage was the weight of ninety. Which reduced the mobility of the car.
  The battles showed that this tank can still do something on level ground.
  The Panther's side armor turned out to be weak, which increased losses. The Tiger proved to be the most effective breakthrough tank. Its sides were covered with 82 mm armor, which made the forty-five powerless.
  The Germans advanced relatively slowly. The Soviet leadership as a whole expected just such an option, and prepared, brought up troops.
  True, unlike the Kursk Bulge, the fascists are much stronger and more confident.
  And the terrain is more convenient for attack than defense. And the Krauts also have more aircraft, tanks, and infantry. And it"s not easy to supply Soviet troops across the Volga.
  So the Nazis, breaking through the defense lines, advanced. We achieved success after success.
  After three months of stubborn fighting, we reached the Caspian Sea.
  Stalin, finding himself in a difficult situation, wanted to start peace negotiations. Since it has become obvious that the Caucasus cannot be contained. But it is extremely difficult to come to an agreement with Hitler. The fascists demand too much. And if you give in to them, they will eat you up. What about the truce? Hitler doesn't want it here. And of course allies are passive. They are afraid to delay the extra division.
  The Fritzes were moving along the coast of the Caspian Sea. And then, finally, they united with the Turks. What a joy it was!
  Beautiful German girls forced Soviet prisoners to kiss their bare feet. They did it obediently. And they smacked their bare heels.
  This is how the capture was carried out. And the Germans disarmed the Soviet units.
  Then Stalin offered the Fuhrer peace - agreeing to give up the entire Caucasus, and even Leningrad and Karelia. Plus pay a hundred years of reparations.
  The Fuhrer, after thinking a little, accepted the offer and peace was concluded on December 7, 1943.
  The Allies took this as a betrayal! And they imposed sanctions against Stalin and the USSR!
  And Soviet propaganda presented the actual surrender as a great victory. They say that, having been abandoned by the allies, they preserved the Soviet state and Moscow was never taken.
  And the Nazis, of course, launched an offensive from the Caucasus to the Middle East and strengthened Rommel"s group. By the end of March 1943, the entire Middle East and Egypt were captured by superior fascist forces. In addition, the battles showed that the Panther successfully fights against the English Churchills and Cromwells, but the latter cannot penetrate it head-on.
  In addition, the Germans were hardened in battles with the Russians, and easily beat the colonial British troops.
  In April, the Nazis moved to Sudan. And they finally took Gibraltar, beginning the occupation of Morocco. Churchill also tried to test the waters for peace. But Hitler, having given himself a free hand in the east, said no!
  And the Nazis moved across Africa. They were delayed more by the extended communications, bad roads or their complete absence, difficult climate and vast distances.
  Nevertheless, the Germans advanced. And they moved along the Dark Continent. Although, of course, their tanks, especially the Tiger-2 and the Lion, were quite sluggish in the jungle. By the way, the Germans also introduced a light "Panther" in their series, weighing twenty-six tons, which was very necessary for the war in Africa.
  As combat operations showed, such a tank, however, did not have any fundamental advantages over the T-4, except for a more powerful engine, but also inclined armor plates.
  Towards the end of 1944, the Germans acquired the E-10 self-propelled gun, which weighed twelve tons, had a very low silhouette, and very sloped armor. Such a machine is truly indispensable for Africa.
  Especially if girls fight on it. And the girls are generally super and classy.
  Gerda and Charlotte travel through the jungle and destroy the British and Americans. These are really the girls you need! You can"t even find cooler ones in the next hundred miles of territory. Girls love to kill - these are cool girls!
  So they caught the black fighters and forced them to kiss the bare feet of the beauties. It"s also immediately obvious - serious theft! And they fight for themselves, punching English cars from a long distance.
  Their self-propelled gun is already approaching Pretoria, the capital of South Africa. The girls shoot themselves, pierce the Churchill with a tungsten core and sing:
  - In Africa there are sharks, in Africa there are gorillas, in Africa there are more crocodiles! They will bite, beat and offend you! Children don't go for a walk in Africa! In Africa there is a robber, in Africa there is a villain, in Africa there is the terrible Barmaley! He will bite, beat and offend you! And his girls need to be torn apart!
  In February 1945, the last stronghold of the British in Africa on the island of Madagascar fell.
  So now Britain has lost its footing there too. At the same time, the Germans captured both Iran and India. They showed their phenomenal strength.
  And in May 1945, the Nazis carried out a landing in Britain. After three weeks of stubborn fighting, London fell. A month later, Ireland was captured.
  There was a temporary lull on land, but at sea the war continued. The United States was left alone against the Third Reich, its allies, and Japan. But for now, America is overseas, and you can"t take it so easily.
  In the Third Reich, universal labor conscription was introduced, and the production of aircraft and ships began to increase.
  Both battleships and aircraft carriers were built. And of course the submarine war was in full swing. And then there was no mercy for anyone from the American ships.
  In the fall, or more precisely, in November of 1945, the Germans boldly captured Iceland and then created bridgeheads in Argentina. However, the war at sea went on for a long time. It took many landing craft to reach America. And ships are not built that quickly. But be that as it may, the Third Reich was gaining strength. The forty-sixth year passed in an exchange of blows at sea. And in 1947, the Germans had already transferred military operations to Greenland and captured it. And from there it"s not far to Canada!
  The Nazis planned colossal conquests. And in 1948, an offensive began against Canada, and from Brazil to Venezuela along with the Japanese. The fighting unfolded very fiercely.
  The Germans advanced slowly but surely. Their E series tanks were more advanced than the American ones and showed their advantage on the battlefield. But by the way, the Yankees are not so simple, and they resisted very stubbornly. And they didn't try to give up.
  Although, of course, there were boilers. The Americans got into them. Then they gave up. And the prisoners kissed the Aryan girls" bare, dusty feet.
  Soon Quebec and Toronto fell, then other cities. From May to December 1948, the Germans captured almost all of Canada, as well as Venezuela, Nicaragua, and most of Mexico. This is an extremely difficult situation. By the beginning of 1949, the Germans had the United States in a steel pincer. Then, on January 11, the Americans attempted to use nuclear weapons for the first time in history. And they didn"t quite succeed. Of the five bombs, four died in planes shot down by German aircraft, and one, when it exploded, did not cause serious damage to German troops.
  In response, the Krauts intensified their bombing of American cities and military installations.
  So the battle proceeded with constant success in favor of the Wehrmacht. Who had better equipment and training of troops. Yes, and a large number. The fighting was very fierce. In early 1949, German, foreign, and Japanese divisions occupied what was left of Mexico and entered the United States from the north. America has been completely squeezed. And it became clear that things were bad for the United States. And by the end of summer, half of the territory of the eagle"s empire, as well as Alaska, had already been captured.
  The Germans took Washington and New York on November 8, 1949. And on December 7, 1949, the remnants of the US Army surrendered. This is how the Second World War ended. The bloodiest of all wars and it lasted more than ten years!
  It seemed that the long-awaited peace had arrived. But Hitler did not want to accept the fact that hegemony had to be shared with Japan. And on April 20, 1953, the Third Reich attacked the Land of the Rising Sun. A new war broke out. For world hegemony.
  Quantitative superiority is on the side of the Third Reich, and qualitative too. But the Japanese are fighting with great ferocity and mass heroism.
  However, the Nazis still prevail. However, the war lasted almost a year. The USSR remains neutral. Stalin died there and there is a serious struggle for power.
  Japan is eventually occupied by the Wehrmacht. A few months later, the Nazis also captured Latin American countries. They establish worldwide hegemony.
  Reforms are taking place in the Third Reich itself. A new religion is introduced to replace Christianity. There is no Trinity in it, only one supreme God and his messenger - Adolf Hitler. Single currency mark, single education. And also polygamy sanctified by religion. And genetic selection is still actively taking place. The human race is being improved.
  The USSR still exists in a truncated form and pays tribute to the Nazis. Nikita Khrushchev rules there and tries not to bully the beast. Nevertheless, Hitler has already subjugated the whole world to himself. And he looks at Russia as a red spot. But man assumes, and God disposes. On April 20, 1957, the Fuhrer became the victim of an assassination attempt just on his birthday. And at exactly sixty-eight years the reign of the wild tyrant was interrupted. Who conquered almost the whole world, and wanted to attack the USSR again on June 22.
  But as we see with him, it didn"t work out...
  Hitler was succeeded by Schellenberg. Hermann Goering died from drug abuse and gluttony. Himmler fell into disgrace, and Hitler stopped trusting him, and then removed him. Schellenberg succeeded Himmler and received the post of successor. In addition, Hitler had children obtained through artificial insemination. But the eldest of them was not yet fourteen.
  So the descendants of the Fuhrer did not have time to inherit. Hitler thus became emperor, but without a dynasty. Schellenberg did not dare to kill the Fuhrer's children, but removed them from power. And he himself became the Fuhrer and dictator.
  The struggle for power lasted for several years.
  And on May 1, 1961, Nazi Germany nevertheless attacked the USSR. There was an attempt to achieve: one planet - one empire!
  And Schellenberg"s troops were still able to capture Moscow. The Soviet army was too inferior in quantity and quality of military equipment. The capture of major cities of the USSR dragged on for six months due to large distances. And then the partisan war lasted for another ten years.
  However, things soon calmed down. Schellenberg pursued a relatively liberal policy, and in 1981 all Russians received citizenship of the Third Reich. Liberalization progressed gradually. Schellenberg died soon after. And a serious struggle for power broke out. Then, as a compromise, the monarchy was restored and the direct descendant of the Kaiser, Frederick IV, ascended the throne. In 2001, a referendum was held in which all inhabitants of planet Earth received citizenship and formally equal rights. And in 2017, the last restrictions for Jews and Roma were lifted.
  The era of National Socialism has come to an end. However, humanity is in a single empire, federal, and monarchical. Explores outer space.
  In it, everyone is formally equal, and there is a Senate and a Bundestag, where deputies are elected by the entire population of the Third Reich. And above them is the Kaiser, the emperor of all planet Earth.
  Life, in general, is not bad in material terms. Strict discipline, the development of science and technology with excellent German organization yielded results. Agriculture is excellent, there is no hunger, and there is an abundance of food even in poor regions of Africa. Everyone has a job, everyone receives a salary and pensions. Education and medicine are free. Likewise, free nurseries and kindergartens. Food costs pennies, and prices for all products have been frozen for many years. Everywhere, even in Africa, there are roads; almost everyone has either a separate apartment or house. All newlyweds are immediately given at least three rooms in an apartment with all amenities. You can take out a car or anything on credit. Many even have personal helicopters.
  The Internet is active, everyone has TVs and computers, the working day is only four hours. All sports sections are free, and you even pay to attend them.
  They give a considerable allowance for each child. Utilities and public transport are free. Everything became so neat and well-groomed. The streets are clean, many robots and automation have appeared. Exemplary order. Cigarettes are prohibited, although alcohol is still sold, and beer of various types is almost free. Children in public catering are also fed for free.
  Lots of free attractions and computer rooms.
  Human settlements already exist on the Moon, Mars, Venus, Mercury, and the moons of Jupiter.
  People are preparing to jump to the stars. A lot of things have already been invented.
  In short, it turned out quite well overall. And there was no need to get so worked up.
  In May 1999, Zyuganov decided not to approve Stepashin"s candidacy, but to go to early elections to the Duma. The communists and their allies made a consolidated decision to vote against Stepashin. Moreover, they were offended and deprived of their positions in the government. Such a decision would have been the most likely in history if Zyuganov had not been a Trojan horse in the communist camp, who undermined and compromised left-wing ideas.
  Early parliamentary elections promised many benefits for the communists, including due to fewer competitors and the image of martyrs.
  And this showed that the communists do not cling to their seats at all, but are more principled.
  The second time Yeltsin brought in Stepashin again, and then took Aksenenko for the third time. The Duma again did not approve, and it was taken and dissolved. New elections were scheduled for September.
  The stubbornness of parliament somewhat changed the course of history. The bombing of Yugoslavia lasted longer - as Milosevic hoped for help from Russia. And the dissolution of parliament gave the opposition a chance to win.
  The communists managed to put Yeltsin's impeachment to a vote again.
  And again it was just a little short, this time only two votes. The deputies were worried about the proximity of the parliamentary elections, and the danger of not passing in them.
  The Duma was dissolved, and Yeltsin appointed the little-known Aksenenko as prime minister by decree.
  In general, Zyuganov"s hopes that the elections would be held were justified. The sick and weakened president did not go against the constitution. And he didn"t risk exceeding his authority with a two percent rating. Primakov, seeing that his coalition did not have time to form and register, entered into an alliance with the communists. Yabloko and the Liberal Democratic Party went to the elections. The Unity bloc did not have time to form, and the NDR weakened.
  There is also the invasion of militants in Dagestan, and the indecisiveness of the security forces during the elections.
  The communists, together with Primakov and Luzhkov, achieved a colossal victory. They received more than fifty-five percent of the votes. The second was the Yabloko bloc, which also performed well, gaining fifteen percent. Unexpectedly, the LDPR performed well, collecting more than twelve percent. The NDR did not meet the five percent barrier - complete defeat! Zhirinovsky became the only pro-Kremlin leader in the Duma. True, the competition was weak. According to the new law, parties must re-register no later than a year before the elections, and many did not have time.
  The parliament was again dominated by the left opposition, both Yabloko with single-mandate seats and the LDPR in the minority.
  And of course a conflict arose... After the election of the State Duma speaker, a vote of no confidence in the government was passed. And again there was talk about impeachment. This time two thirds, it would be easy to collect!
  Yeltsin, after hesitating, decided to return Prime Minister Primakov and First Deputy Prime Minister Maslyukov to the chair.
  The left coalition agreed to this, but the president's powers were temporarily curtailed. And there is almost nothing until the new elections. After negotiations within the coalition, it was decided to nominate Primakov for president. Luzhkov became prime minister. And Zyuganov received the post of head of the legislative branch! That is, Super Skipper! Regarding the new one, amendments to the constitution should have even been adopted.
  The militants were driven out of Dagestan. But they didn"t go to Chechnya. A civil war broke out there. Russia supported Maskhadov and Kadyrov, against Basayev and Raduev.
  Primakov managed to win the Russian presidential election in the first round. The government, however, received additional powers. As is the legislative branch under communist control.
  Economic growth continued in Russia, oil and gas prices rose, and industry was revived.
  The Americans, in general as in reality, after the September 11 terrorist attack got involved in Afghanistan and got bogged down in Iraq. Primakov was easily elected for a second term. But in 2008, he lost his seat to the highly successful Prime Minister Yuri Luzhkov.
  The new president continued the previous policy of alliance with the communists. Zyuganov became prime minister.
  For some time, foreign policy was about partnership with the West and friendship with China. The Yanukovych regime has strengthened in Ukraine. So Luzhkov, unlike Putin, pursued a more pro-Ukrainian policy and valued the union of Slavic states. Ukraine even became part of the Euro-Asian Union in 2016. Luzhkov served two terms and resigned. Zyuganov finally became president, also winning the election quite easily. Zhirinovsky participated for the seventh time, all since 1991, and lost again.
  In the fall of 2015, Russia got involved in the war in Syria and bombed there. Trump came to power in the United States. Zyuganov, despite formal communism, continued his previous course in economics. Russia, despite the formal dominance of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, remained a market, democratic and moderately authoritarian country.
  Partnership with the West and moderate competition. There is an alliance with Ukraine and Belarus, and Kazakhstan, but also not too close. In 2020, Zyuganov was elected to a second term. In general, slightly lowering the result on the verge of the second round. And in Ukraine, after Yanukovych left, the unsystematic Zelensky unexpectedly won. Nazarbayev also left.
  Zyuganov said that he will not change the constitution and will leave after his second term.
  Thus, the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation still managed to steer Russia, showing a little more courage. And the world turned out to be safer and calmer than in reality.
  Who is Putin? How did his career turn out? After Primakov became prime minister, Putin was dismissed as too close to Yeltsin. Accusing, in particular, that the FSB screwed up the invasion of militants in Dagestan. Putin remained involved in politics for some time. He ran unsuccessfully for the State Duma. Then he became mayor of St. Petersburg.
  But then he left politics and got a job in the security service of a private company. So few people remembered him anymore.
  Zhirinovsky in 2020 went to the presidential elections for the eighth time and lost again with a modest result. But he still has a faction in the State Duma. And even Zyuganov awarded him the rank of major general after the 2020 elections. Donald Trump unexpectedly lost the election to a young Democratic rival. Merkel resigned early. And Lukashenko"s health has deteriorated sharply.
  In 2021, Russian cosmonauts finally flew to the Moon. And they planted a red flag there! Zyuganov announced Afonin as his official successor. Well, in general, life turned around in a circle again.
  As we see, the collapse of Russia did not happen even without Putin. And the light didn't turn over.
  . In which, Tsarist Russia won the Crimean War. Menshikov was killed by a stray bullet, and a more capable commander took his place. That is, an accident happened and changed the course of history.
  The opposite of the one with Makarov. The French and British were defeated piecemeal. And Russia, having captured a huge number of prisoners and trophies, recaptured Crimea.
  Türkiye was defeated in Transcaucasia. She gave Kars, Erzurum, and almost all of Armenia to Russia. Russian troops occupied Romania. However, there was no need to continue the offensive. The Sultan asked for peace. At the same time, Austria occupied Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  The Turks agreed to grant autonomy to Serbia, Bulgaria, Montenegro, and Romania became a Russian vassal. At the same time, Russia also took over Armenia: Kars, Erzerum, Tanrog, expanding its possessions in the south.
  Riots broke out in France and civil war began, and she could no longer send troops. Britain also left the conflict. The Sardinian kingdom also weakened. Austria has strengthened. The Austrians soon conquered the Kingdom of Sardinia, consolidating their dominance over Italy.
  Soon Shamil was caught, ending the war in the Caucasus. Russia made a profitable peace with China, taking away even more territory than in real history, so the authority of Russian weapons was higher.
  Nicholas the First did not support the north in the war against the south. On the contrary, he decided to help the southerners together with Britain in order to strengthen their positions in Alaska.
  Russia began to build cities and fortresses on American territory. There were even railway projects to Chukotka. Tsar Nicholas outlined a lot. Russian troops conquered Central Asia. This monarch died in 1867. Leaving Russia powerful and prosperous. His son Alexander did not abolish serfdom, but continued moving south. In particular, he conducted a victorious war with Turkey and annexed Constantinople to Russia. Then Mesopotamia.
  Again the war with Britain and the defeat of the British in Asia. Alexander the Second ruled a little longer, without making significant reforms, except for the judiciary, and somewhat improving the management system.
  The abolition of serfdom never followed. But Russia annexed Iran. The Tsar died exactly twenty years after Nicholas the First in 1887. Alexander the Third ruled for only a short time, until 1894, but managed to annex virtually all of India to Russia. And Nicholas II continued his movement to Indochina, and to China itself.
  There was a war with Japan. Overall victorious. And the complete conquest of China and Indochina. And penetration all the way to Australia. But in Europe the situation turned out to be somewhat different.
  The Austrian Empire annexed the south of France. And then she defeated Prussia, capturing southern Germany. It was Austria that became the world hegemon. France was greatly weakened by the civil war. Prussia could not unite. The Austrians eventually took and captured all of Prussia, as well as parts of eastern France. A large empire was formed that expanded into Africa. Soon the Austrians also conquered Belgium, Holland, and a lot of land in Africa. Then there was a war between Austria and Russia against Britain. It ended with the division of Africa between the Austrians and Russians.
  Emperor Franz truly became the greatest monarch, surpassing Napoleon Bonaparte by conquering almost half of Africa and most of Europe. France, too, was soon completely captured, along with Spain and Portugal. Yes, everything went well, but...
  The heir of Emperor Franz wanted to annex Serbia to himself! And in 1920 a great war began between the Russia of Nicholas II and the Great Austrian Empire.
  All of Europe is on Austria's side. Besides Britain, which is not as strong as in real history, and almost half of Africa. Plus, Sweden opposed Russia. And Norway and Denmark were captured under Emperor Franz.
  That was half the trouble. The US remained divided and a minor power. But Britain still controlled Canada and Austria. And after the first two months of hesitation, she also entered into battle on the side of Austria.
  So a big war broke out. Austria and England against Russia.
  Of course, Oleg Rybachenko is right there. And he fights like a real and unbending hero.
  The boy shoots at the foreign army with a machine gun and sings:
  - The anthem of the Motherland sings in our hearts,
  There is no one more beautiful than her in the entire universe...
  Squeeze the knight's beam thrower tighter -
  Die for God's given Russia!
  And he beats himself, destroys with a machine gun an army from all over Europe and partly from Africa.
  And the boy does not give in to himself. Here he throws a grenade with his bare toes and squeaks:
  - We will not give in and we will not give up!
  And again the boy fires a lethal and devastating burst. He does not want to give in to his adversary.
  And he sings to himself:
  - Nobody will stop us! Even a lion can't win!
  The boy is a real hero. Unbending and invincible. Knight of Faith! Even if not Christian!
  And so the Austrian attack was repulsed.
  The Austrians and the British have tanks, but Russia also has mastodons.
  Nicholas II still has a much larger population, taking into account the colonies. Consider all of Asia, eastern Europe, part of the Balkans, more than half of Africa.
  So Russia is superior in the number of infantry. And the soldiers fight very bravely...
  And the Austrians could not resist and were driven back from Warsaw. Then Russian troops advanced to the Oder and captured East Prussia. Galicia also fell, along with Lvov. Przemysl was besieged. Krakow was liberated.
  Then it turned out that the Slavs did not want to fight with the Russians and were surrendering en masse.
  The battles also showed that the lighter, nimble Russian tanks were more effective than the heavier, clumsier German tanks. And in aviation, Tsarist Russia is generally an order of magnitude stronger than the quality of the British and Austrians.
  Russian troops resumed their offensive after a pause. They took both numbers and skill.
  Budapest was surrounded and taken. At sea, Admiral Kolchak defeated the British and captured Australia. On land, Russian troops surrounded and took Berlin. And then Vienna.
  The Austrian Empire was also losing the battle in Africa. The English corps was also defeated. Yes, things were unpleasant for Emperor Adolf.
  He stuck his head in the wrong place and began to lose completely. How can he resist such power?
  After the fall of Vienna, the resistance of the Austrians became focal. And soon the Russians occupied all of Europe and Africa. At the same time, an attack on Canada began from Alaska. The British also lost.
  Britain found itself isolated and tried to sit out on the island.
  But it is clear that Russia will prevail by launching an air offensive.
  And she bombed almost everything that was on the surface. And then a landing force was landed on land, which brought Britain to submission.
  Thus, the entire eastern hemisphere, as well as Alaska and Canada, became Russian.
  Overall this is great! Nikolai the second took a temporary pause, digesting the possessions. The United States is still divided and not very strong, like other states dependent on Russia.
  In 1937, Tsar Nicholas II crashed in a plane. The throne was inherited by Alexei II. Unlike the real story, the heir was quite healthy and cheerful. And in 1941, he decided to conquer everything that his ancestors had not managed to capture.
  Letting go on the planet, the Earth will already be one empire. And the Russian army moved first to the northern states of America, and then to the southern ones. The United States was not strong and was quickly captured. But Mexico turned out to be easier to conquer. Then move up. One by one, capturing one country after another. The largest and strongest Brazil. But she lasted less than a month.
  And so they conquered Latin America and New Zealand. Alesei the Second went down in history as the consummator of all Russian conquests. And already in 1947, Russian cosmonauts set foot on the Moon. And in 1958 to Mars! In 1961 to Venus. In 1972 to Mercury, and in 1973 to the moons of Jupiter. In 1975, at the age of 71, Alexy II died. Nicknamed the Finisher. And his son Nicholas III became king. In 1980, man entered the last, most distant planet of the Solar System - Pluto. Nicholas III did not rule for too long. Died in 1985. And his son Alexander the fourth ascended the throne. A young king about twenty-seven years old. And the king ordered to prepare to jump beyond the Solar System. And they began to build starships and a photon rocket. And finally, in 2017, the first interstellar expedition launched.
  The famous writer and poet Oleg Rybachenko felt that something was wrong in the world. Humanity remains fragmented as it was. The number of countries on planet Earth is only increasing. And if anyone gains influence, it is only totalitarian, dictatorial China. And Russia, after the end of Vladimir Putin"s rule, plunged into a deep crisis. The war in the Caucasus is raging again, leftists and nationalists are rebelling. The economy is in decline again and crime is on the rise. And Russia begins to disintegrate.
  Despite his phenomenal luck, Vladimir Putin was never able to create a strong, stable political system, or a stable and rapidly growing economy. Many social and interethnic problems were not resolved. Rare luck allowed Putin to maintain the appearance of prosperity. But as soon as he left, all the unhealed abscesses opened up at once.
  Moreover, the threat of nuclear war looms! The world is in chaos, Russia is heading into a large-scale civil war! This needs to be fixed urgently.
  The boy read in a book that you can change the fate of people, and change its places! And there is one powerful gypsy who can do this to any person.
  So why not reverse the luck and luck of Putin and Nicholas II?
  Moreover, if Nicholas II is as phenomenally successful as Putin, then the course of history will change. And in the twenty-first century, the Romanovs will rule in Russia. This means that Putin won"t need luck. Or at least Russia has Putin's luck.
  And in the twentieth century, the luck of Tsarist Russia is very much needed.
  The famous writer decided to go to the gypsy woman. Fortunately, there was her address on the Internet, and developed intuition told the writer and poet that she was not a charlatan at all.
  Indeed, the gypsy is not simple. He lives in a mansion in Moscow, and looks about twenty years old, although he has been telling fortunes since Soviet times. You can immediately see the eternal girl with black curly hair - she is extraordinary!
  Oleg Rybachenko asked her:
  - Do a good deed! Change the luck of Vladimir Putin and Nicholas II!
  The forever young gypsy girl looked at Oleg Rybachenko and answered:
  - It"s good that you are not an egoist and will give up not for yourself, but for the country of Russia! And it"s even better that you have rich energy and an unprecedented, incredible, superhuman imagination!
  The gypsy winked and continued:
  - Changing history so much is not easy even for me! But you, the owner of the strongest and richest fantasy in the world, can help me!
  Oleg Rybachenko nodded in agreement:
  - I'm ready for anything! And I will fulfill any request!
  The young gypsy nodded and said:
  -I will turn you into a boy of about twelve, and you will grow extremely slowly and will never become older than fourteen in body. I will send you to a parallel world, where you will first become a slave!
  Oleg Rybachenko said in agreement:
  - I'm ready!
  The gypsy nodded and continued:
  - You will have to get me nine artifact stones: black, white, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, purple. And besides this, the tenth artifact is Koshchei"s crown!
  It's difficult, but you will have the forever young, fast, strong, resilient body of a warrior boy. And plus an extraordinary intellect and a phenomenal gift of imagination. Sooner or later, you will collect artifacts and return back to your world. And forever you will be in the body of a phenomenally strong and fast boy of about fourteen, and it will be impossible to kill you. That is, you will also receive immortality as a reward!
  Oleg Rybachenko nodded in agreement:
  - One can only dream about this!
  The forever young witch remarked:
  - But ten artifacts are mine, and only mine! They will give me such strength that you will more than deserve immortality! In the meantime, I will put you to sleep, and you will wake up as a slave boy in the quarries. And then your ingenuity will tell you how to get out of this!
  When you move, I will be able to change the fate, luck, and fortune of President Putin and Tsar Nicholas II. You will collect artifacts from different worlds for me, and in the meantime, from the beginning of the twentieth century, the history of Russia will go differently. That is, even if you don"t collect the artifacts - nine stones and Koshchei"s crown, the Tsar of Russia Nicholas II will still receive luck, fate, and the luck of Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin!
  Oleg Rybachenko smiled broadly and replied:
  -This is good! In the new world, I will be calm that the course of history has finally changed for the better! And that Russia will be able to restore order throughout the world and become a hegemonic country! And an absolute hegemon!
  The forever young gypsy ordered:
  - Lie down on the sofa!
  Oleg Rybachenko lay down.
  The sorceress girl purred:
  - Now sleep! You will wake up in another world.
  Oleg Rybachenko's eyes closed, and he almost instantly fell asleep.
  The gypsy took out the ingredients stored in advance from the containers and began to prepare the potion. She turned on the gas under the pre-prepared cauldron for magic. And she began to throw various things there, casting spells. At the same time, the eternal girl pulled out a deck of cards from her pocket and sang:
  - Oh, fate, fate, help Nikolai! Good luck from Putin, come to Tsar Romanov!
  Let Romanov win
  Rules like Genghis Khan...
  May it bring you luck,
  Putin by stealing a gift!
  It's better for Russia
  Nicholas the Great Tsar...
  Genghis Khan will become cooler
  Be like Vladimir Putin!
  The cauldron began to boil, and the potion began to bubble in it. The gypsy laid out the cards, cast a spell and threw the deck into the boiling haze... A super-bright flash flashed, as if from a thousand photo blitzes. The sleeping Oleg Rybachenko disappeared... And then, after lighting up, the cauldron also disappeared.
  The spacious hall where the great sorceress cast her spell became empty and quiet!
  The forever young witch said:
  - Well! I changed the course of history and it's cool! And if this idealist is lucky and collects artifacts, then I will become so powerful that Satan Himself will envy me!
  And the gypsy sorceress sparkled with emerald eyes!
  And a miracle happened!
  What really awaited Nicholas II... Indeed, a lot has changed. There was no bloody brawl during the coronation. And expansion into China was successful. The war with Japan, of course, happened. This was generally historically inevitable. It is clear that the monster in the face of the samurai should have been disarmed and destroyed. And there is no escape from this. You cannot leave danger on your borders.
  Japan was the first to start the war, but its attempt to attack Russian ships was unsuccessful. The Russians did not receive significant damage, and a dozen destroyers of the Land of the Rising Sun were sunk.
  "Varyag" also managed to escape from the encirclement. Which turned out to be a great success. And Admiral Makarov quickly arrived at sea and let"s destroy the Japanese. And General Kuropatkin defeated the samurai on land and completely occupied the entire Korean Peninsula.
  And even Tsar Nicholas II made a decision: he needed to stay safe from Japan forever! But as? Yes, land troops and annex them entirely to Russia as a province.
  And then a decisive battle took place at sea, where the Japanese fleet was finally finished off by Admiral Makarov.
  Four girls also took part in the battle! Bare-legged and in a bikini!
  Natasha, Zoya, Aurora, Svetlana. Four beauties who, waving sabers, board the largest samurai ship.
  Natasha cuts the Japanese and shouts:
  - You will be smeared, narrow-eyed!
  Zoya cut down another samurai and remarked:
  - And your eyes are sapphire!
  Natasha, having run the mill, confirmed:
  - Of course yes! Of course yes!
  And then Aurora took it again and kicked the Japanese in the chin with her bare heel. She broke his jaw and roared:
  - Hurray for the Motherland!
  Svetlana took it, cut off the samurai"s head and blurted out:
  - For Tsar Nicholas II!
  Yes, of course, a lot depends on luck. In particular, Admiral Makarov remained alive. And he turned out to be the second Ushakov. How deftly he commands. He himself is on a mobile cruiser, he can keep up with everything. And the Japanese, who, by the way, did not have a large advantage in guns, were beaten in sections and tactically.
  The skill of a general or naval commander prevails over a small numerical advantage.
  Moreover, by this time the Japanese were weaker in number. So, Makarov smashes them. It forces close combat, where Russian ships with armor-piercing shells are much stronger.
  And the Japanese are defeated. And the girls capture another samurai ship. And on it the flag of the tsarist empire flies!
  What are the Japanese? Are you not very good at luck? Nicholas II received Vladimir Putin's luck and everything went so well for him!
  What about the girls? The four beauties in bikinis are Rodnover witches who decided to fight for the king, although usually they have nothing to do with this world.
  But in this case, it is necessary to help the Russian people. And this is due to Putin"s luck. He would never have captured Crimea without firing a shot, if not for the same four witch girls. They helped make a miracle happen. But whether Russia needed to take Crimea away from the fraternal people is still a question. But annexing China to the Russian Empire is a great idea! Imagine how many subjects the Russian Tsar will have - he could crush the whole world!
  In short, the girls here are not wasting their time. And already the new battleship is being stormed.
  And again he is captured. And the sabers in the hands of the beauties just flash, and they"re so sharp. And so many Japanese were mixed.
  The battle at sea ended with the final sinking of the Japanese squadron and the capture of Admiral Togo.
  And the landing began. There were not enough steamships and transports. And they used longboats, transported them on cruisers and battleships, and did a lot of other things. The Tsar ordered the use of the merchant fleet during the landing.
  Russian troops beat off the onslaught of samurai who tried to throw them off the bridgehead. But the tsarist army held out courageously. And the massive attack was repulsed with heavy losses.
  During the assault, the witch girls cut with sabers and threw grenades at the enemy with their bare feet.
  They are of course in the most dangerous places. And how they started firing machine guns. Every bullet is on target.
  Natasha fired, threw a grenade with her bare toes and chirped:
  - No one is cooler than me!
  Zoya, firing a machine gun, threw the gift of death with her bare toes and squeaked:
  - For Tsar Nicholas II!
  Aurora, continuing to fire from machine guns and jumping up, snapped and said:
  - For Great Rus'!
  Svetlana, continuing to bash the enemy, said aggressively, baring her teeth, throwing a grenade with her bare heel:
  - For the royal empire!
  The warriors continued to beat and thresh. They have such a burst of energy. They shoot themselves and destroy the advancing samurai.
  There are already thousands, tens of thousands of Japanese killed by him.
  And the defeated samurai flee... The girls are very lethal against them.
  And the Russians are cutting up samurai with bayonets...
  The assault is repulsed. And new Russian troops land on the coast. The bridgehead is expanding. Not bad, of course, for the Tsarist empire. One victory after another. And Admiral Makarov will also help with his guns. Sweeping away the Japanese.
  And now Russian troops are already moving across Japan. And their avalanche cannot be stopped. They cut the enemy to pieces and stab with bayonets.
  Natasha, attacking the samurai and chopping them with sabers, sings:
  - White wolves are flocking! Only then will the race survive!
  And how he throws a grenade with his bare toes!
  Zoya sings along with fierce aggression. And also throwing with his bare feet, something unique, lethal:
  -The weak die, they are killed! Protecting sacred flesh!
  Augustine, shooting at the enemy, and slashing with sabers, and throwing grenades with her bare toes, squeals:
  - There is a war going on in the lush forest, threats are coming from everywhere!
  Svetlana, firing and throwing gifts of death with her bare feet, took it and squealed:
  - But we always defeat the enemy! White wolves salute to heroes!
  And the girls in chorus, destroying the enemy, sing, throwing deadly weapons with their bare feet:
  - In a holy war! It will be our victory! Imperial flag forward! Glory to the fallen hero!
  And again the girls shoot and sing in a deafening howl:
  - Nobody will stop us! No one will defeat us! White wolves crush the enemy! White wolves - salute to heroes!
  The girls walk and run... And the Russian army is moving towards Tokyo. And the Japanese are killing themselves, and they are being mowed down. The Russian army is moving. And one victory after another.
  Tsar Nicholas really pulled out a lucky ticket. Russian troops are already beginning to storm the Japanese capital. And it's all so great.
  The girls here, of course, are ahead of everyone and their pressure and exploits are at a great height.
  Especially when they throw grenades with bare feet. This generally causes shock and awe among the samurai.
  But here they are climbing the wall of the Japanese capital. And they chop people and horses into cabbages. They crushed their opponents to pieces. The girls are coming, screaming and laughing! And with their bare heels they kick you in the chins. The Japanese are flying upside down. And they fall on their own stakes.
  And the warriors wave their sabers even more powerfully.
  And the samurai suffer defeat after defeat. So Russian troops took Tokyo.
  Mikado runs in fear, but he can"t hide anywhere. And so the girls take him prisoner and tie him up!
  Great victory! The Japanese Emperor signs an abdication in favor of Nicholas II. The title of the Russian Tsar is significantly lengthened. Korea, Mongolia, Manchuria, the Kuril Islands, Taiwan and Japan itself become Russian provinces. Although Japan has a small, limited autonomy. But her emperor is Russian, an autocratic tsar!
  Nicholas II remains an absolute monarch, unrestricted by anything. He is the Autocratic Tsar!
  And now also the Emperor of Japan, Yellow Russia, Bogdykhan, Khan, Kagan, and so on, so on, so on...
  Yes, more luck. Notice that luck allowed Putin to conquer so much! The twenty-first century, alas, is not very suitable for captures!
  What benefit does Russia have from the fact that Putin"s enemy McCain died of brain cancer? Luck, of course, is colossal, you can"t even imagine it on purpose - for your enemy to die such a bad and unpleasant death!
  But the specific return for Russia is zero.
  But for Nicholas II, such luck and luck of Putin turned into great territorial gains. But really, why should fortune give gifts to Putin? Well, from the fact that Sobchak died at such a time and it was not necessary to give him the post of head of the constitutional court, how is it good for Russia?
  And Tsar Nicholas II of All Rus' is an extraordinary person. Naturally, after such a great victory, his power and authority strengthened. This means that some reforms can be carried out. Particularly in Orthodoxy! Allow nobles to have four wives, as in Islam. And also to give the right to a second wife to soldiers as a reward for their exploits and faithful service.
  Good reform! Since the number of people of other faiths and foreigners in the empire has grown, then the Russian number needs to increase. And how to do it? At the expense of women of other nations. After all, if a Russian takes three Chinese women as wives, then he will have children from them, and who will these children be by nationality?
  Of course Russian on my father's side! And that's great! Nicholas II, possessing a progressive mind, was more religious in appearance than in his soul. And of course, he put religion at the service of the state, and not vice versa!
  Nicholas II thus strengthened his authority among the elite. Men have wanted this for a long time. And he accelerated the Russification of the outskirts.
  Well, the priests didn"t mind either. Moreover, faith weakened in the twentieth century. And religion served the king, not really believing in God!
  And military victories made Nicholas popular among the people, and he, accustomed to authoritarianism, did not particularly want changes. The Russians never knew any other power!
  And the economy is booming, wages are rising. Every year there is a ten percent increase. Really, why change?
  In 1913, Tsar Nicholas, on the tercentenary of the Romanovs, once again reduced the working day to 10.5 hours, and on Saturdays and pre-holiday days, even to 8 hours. The number of weekends and holidays has also increased. It began to be celebrated as a day off and the date of Japan's surrender. And the king"s birthday, and the queen"s birthday, and the coronation day.
  After it turned out that the heir to the throne had hemophilia, Tsar Nicholas took himself a second wife. Thus, the issue of succession to the throne was resolved.
  But a big war was approaching. Germany dreamed of reshaping the world. However, tsarist Russia was ready for war.
  In 1910, the Russians annexed Beijing and expanded their empire. Britain agreed to this in exchange for an alliance against Germany.
  The royal army was the most numerous and powerful. Its number in peacetime reached three million and a thousand regiments. Germany had only six hundred thousand in peacetime. Plus Austria-Hungary, but its troops are not combat-ready!
  But the Germans are still planning to fight with France and Britain. And where can they draw two fronts?
  The Russians have the world's first light tanks "Luna"-2 in mass production. And four-engine bombers "Ilya Muromets" and fighters with machine guns "Alexander" and much more. And of course a powerful fleet.
  Germany has no equal forces.
  And the Germans still decided to attack Belgium and bypass Paris. There was nothing for them here at all.
  But the war began anyway. Germany made its fatal move. And her troops moved to Belgium. Only the forces are unequal. Russian troops are already moving across Prussia and Austria-Hungary. And the Luna-2 tank with a speed of 40 kilometers is already a colossal force.
  Moreover, note that Tsar Nicholas was lucky that the war began. The Tsar himself would not have attacked Germany. And so on the Russian side there is a large, overwhelming superiority in forces, tanks, superiority in artillery, and the best aviation in quantity and quality. And a stronger economy, as it was possible to avoid the recession caused by the revolution and defeat in the war. And so all the time there is an upsurge and success after success.
  Clearly the Germans were under attack. And then they themselves went in with the main forces, against France and Britain. Where should they go?
  Take Italy and declare war on Austria-Hungary! The only plus is that Türkiye entered the war against Russia. But this is even better for the king; he can finally take Constantinople and the straits for himself! So...
  And also four witches, eternally young native believers Natasha, Zoya, Aurora, Svetlana in battle! And they will already hit you! So they will hit both the Germans and the Turks!
  Writer and poet Oleg Rybachenko woke up. Forever, the young witch-sorceress fulfilled her promise, giving Nicholas II the luck of Vladimir Putin and now Oleg Rybachenko must fulfill his. Waking up was not easy. The boy's body was hit by a hard whip. The boy jumped up. Yes, Oleg Rybachenko is now a muscular boy, chained by his arms and legs. You can see a black-tanned, dry and sinewy body, with prominent muscles. A really strong and hardy slave, with strong skin that is so hardened that the overseer"s beating cannot cut it. You run to breakfast with the other boys, getting up from the gravel where the young slaves sleep completely naked and without blankets. True, it"s warm here, the climate is like Egypt. And the boy is all naked, only chains. However, they are quite long and practically do not interfere with walking or working. But you can"t take a big step in them.
  Before eating, you rinse your hands in the stream. You get a ration: mashed rice, and rotten pieces of fish. However, to a hungry slave boy, this seems like a delicacy. And then you go to the mine. The sun hasn't risen yet in the morning and it's quite pleasant.
  The boy"s bare feet have become rough and horny so much that the sharp pebbles don"t hurt at all, they even tickle pleasantly.
  Quarries where children under sixteen work. Of course they have smaller cars and tools. But you have to work fifteen, sixteen hours, just like adults.
  It stinks, so they relieve themselves right at the coalface. The work is simple: chop stones with pickaxes, then carry them in baskets or on stretchers. Sometimes you have to push the trolley too. Usually the boys push her in twos and threes. But Oleg Rybachenko is chosen alone because he is very strong. And he holds the pickaxe in his hands like an adult. He needs to complete a much larger task than the rest.
  It"s true that they give you more and more often. Three times a day, not twice.
  The slave boy whose body Oleg Rybachenko has inhabited has been here for several years now. Obedient, hard-working, all movements are practiced to the point of automaticity. Really damn strong, resilient and practically knows no fatigue. But at the same time, the boy hardly grows, and he now looks no more than twelve, with average height for this age.
  But strength... For several adults. A young hero. Which, however, apparently will never become an adult, and he will not grow a beard.
  And thank God! As a writer and poet, Oleg Rybachenko did not like to shave. You work for yourself and break stones, crumble them. And to the cart. Then you carry it to the trolley. It"s hard to push her and the children take turns doing this.
  The boys here are almost black, but their facial features are either European, Hindu or Arab. Moreover, there are many more European ones.
  Oleg takes a closer look at them. Slaves are not allowed to talk, they beat them with a whip.
  Oleg Rybachenko is also silent for now. And he studies. Here, in addition to male supervisors, there are also women. They are also cruel and beat with a whip.
  Moreover, not all boys have skin as strong as Oleg"s. Many people burst and bleed. And the guards can beat you to death. The work is very hard, and the boys, especially when the sun rises, start to sweat a lot.
  And here there is not one sun, but two. And this makes the day very long. And there is a lot of work. The boys do not have time to sleep and relax. This is a great torment for them.
  Oleg Rybachenko worked for himself, mechanically chopping and loading. Stirred for myself...
  And he imagined a picture of what was happening after Nicholas II gained the success of Russian President Vladimir Putin.
  Natasha, Zoya, Aurora, and Svetlana attack the Austrians in Przemysl. Russian troops immediately took Lvov. And they attack the strongest fortress.
  Girls are bare-legged and in bikinis, rushing quickly through the streets of the city.
  They chop down the Austrians and throw small discs with their bare feet.
  At the same time the girls sing:
  - Tsar Nicholas is our messiah,
  A formidable ruler of mighty Russia...
  The whole world is shaking - where will it go -
  For Nikolai with a song forward!
  Natasha chops down the Austrians, throws a grenade with her bare toes and begins to sing:
  - For Rus'!
  Zoya also crushes her enemies, and sings along with aplomb:
  - For the royal empire!
  And a grenade thrown by her bare foot flies! This is a killer girl. Can crush your jaw and drink the sea!
  And Aurora, too, throws a disk with her bare toes, scatters the Austrians and squeaks:
  - For the greatness of Russia!
  And he will bare his very sharp teeth! Which sparkle like fangs.
  Svetlana also doesn"t forget to give in, and roars:
  - Rus' of the Holy and Invincible Nicholas II!
  The girl demonstrates tremendous passion. And with bare feet he throws everything and throws presents!
  Natasha, firing and chopping, and throwing lethal weapons with her bare feet, squeaks:
  - I love my Rus'! I love my Rus'! And I'll cut you all up!
  And Zoya also shoots and howls, throwing something explosive with her bare toes:
  - Great Tsar Nicholas! Let both the mountains and the seas belong to him!
  Aurora, screaming with wild, frenzied rage, and throwing presents with her bare toes, howls:
  - Nobody will stop us! No one will defeat us! Dashing girls crush enemies with bare feet and bare heels!
  And again the girls are in a wild rush. They capture Przemysl on the move and sing, composing as they go;
  Our holy Rus' is glorified,
  There are many future victories in it...
  The girl runs barefoot
  And she is no more beautiful in the world!
  We are the dashing Rodnoverki,
  Witches are always barefoot...
  Girls love boys very much
  Its fierce beauty!
  We will never give in
  Let's not cave in to our enemies...
  Even though our feet are bare,
  There will be a lot of bruises!
  It's nicer for girls to rush
  Barefoot in the cold...
  We are truly wolf cubs
  We can punch it!
  We can't be stopped
  A formidable horde of Fritz...
  And we don't wear shoes
  Satan is afraid of us!
  The girls serve God Rod,
  Which, of course, is great...
  We are for glory and freedom,
  The Kaiser will be a nasty bit!
  For Russia, which is more beautiful than all,
  The fighters are rising...
  We ate fatty porridge
  Fighters do not bend!
  Nobody can stop us
  The power of girls is gigantic...
  And he won"t shed a tear,
  Because we are talent!
  No girls can"t bend,
  They are always strong...
  They fight fiercely for the Fatherland,
  Let your dream come true!
  There will be happiness in the universe
  The Sun will be above the Earth...
  With your incorruptible wisdom,
  Bayonet the Kaiser!
  The sun always shines on people,
  Over the most spacious country,
  Happy adults and children,
  And every fighter is a hero!
  There is never too much happiness
  I trust us to be lucky...
  Let the bad weather dissipate -
  And shame on the enemies!
  Our race God is so supreme,
  There is no one more beautiful than Him...
  We will become higher in soul,
  So that the evil one vomits everyone!
  Let's defeat our enemies, I believe
  White, Russian God is with us...
  The idea will be a joy,
  Don't let evil enter your doorstep!
  Well, in short, to Jesus,
  We will always be faithful...
  He's a Russian God, listen,
  He lies that He is a Jew Satan!
  No, in fact, God Almighty,
  Our Most Holy Main Family...
  How reliable He is the roof,
  And his Son-God Svarog!
  Well, in short, for Russia,
  There's no shame in dying...
  And the girls are the most beautiful of all,
  A woman has the strength of a bear!
  Hitler simply did not change the OKW plan, and the attack on Stalingrad was carried out from both the north and south, by Army Groups A and B. And the assault was entrusted to Mainstein. As a result, Stalingrad fell within ten days of assault from all sides. And the Soviet troops found themselves completely surrounded. After which the Wehrmacht moved along the Volga coast to the Caspian Sea. How did the Red Army respond? The offensive in the center was not very successful.
  Plus, Japan won the Battle of Midway, although it did not open a second front, but it captured the Hawaiian Islands. And at the same time, the land units of the samurai moved towards India. To retain this colony, Britain had to withdraw some troops from Egypt, abandoning Operation Torch.
  The Germans held the initiative on the eastern front. The rapid capture of Stalingrad collapsed the southern flank. The Fritz slipped to the Caspian Sea and cut off the Caucasus by land. And then Türkiye entered the war. Her army, although not very strong, is quite numerous and capable of fighting bravely.
  Already in the very first days, the Turks took Batumi and surrounded Yerevan. Yes, their achievements are decent, since the Red Army is pinned down by the German front.
  It should be noted that the Nazis took advantage of the fact that Soviet troops entered the battle directly from the trains and beat them in parts. This, of course, had a negative impact on the course of the war.
  Stalin was also nervous and freaked out - he demanded to hold the Caucasus at any cost.
  In short, the heroic defense of Stalingrad did not work out and everything fell apart. And even the absence of Japanese divisions in the Far East did not help.
  The Germans moved along the coast of the Caspian Sea, to Dagestan. To stop them gathering dust - but the forces are unequal, in addition, the Red Army experienced great difficulties with supplies. And she caved in. And the Krauts bombed actively.
  The United States almost did not touch the Third Reich, distracted by the victories of Japan. Britain weakened somewhat, and also did not get into trouble! Now the Germans had too many aircraft and could really put pressure on them.
  Stalin showed his worst qualities and too often lost his temper and yelled, but did not make the best decisions.
  So the loss of the Caucasus became inevitable.
  There is already a battle going on on the border with Azerbaijan.
  Soviet girls fight desperately. Here the beauties are fighting desperately.
  And they don"t retreat and don"t give up. And they crawl around their rear.
  Natasha, Zoya, Augustina and Svetlana dragged the German general from the rear. This is cool. The girls put him on his knees and forced him to kiss their bare feet. He smacked them with great enthusiasm! And he licked the girls' heels.
  Warrior girls are generally so sexy and charming. Then they gave the Fritz battle.
  Natasha slashed with a burst, cutting off the Nazis. She threw a grenade with her bare foot and chirped:
  - For great glory!
  Zoya also fired and squeaked:
  - For the Motherland and Stalin!
  She took it and threw the grenade with her bare toes. She scattered the Nazis and squealed:
  - For the USSR!
  The girls are so beautiful and amazing.
  Augustine also threw a grenade with her bare foot, and baring her teeth, she took it and hissed:
  - I'm so fighting! Like a terminator!
  And Svetlana will also launch something so lethal and destructive with her bare toes. And again he will sing:
  - Our friendship is monolithic, and that"s what it stands for!
  Four, they fight like that - these are girls! Funny beauties show their long tongues in response.
  Warriors of the highest category. And how they will hit you, and how they will yell at you.
  They crush the Germans like berries with a press.
  Natasha fired, threw a grenade with her bare foot and sang:
  - We are warriors of light and the red banner!
  Zoya also launched the killer with her bare toes and blathered:
  - And we will fight for Lenin!
  And then she slashed at Augustine, baring her teeth:
  - In the name of great joy!
  And then Svetlana fired and launched grenades with her bare feet, roaring:
  - We will take on this and turn it around!
  The four are actively working and shooting. Well, these are, after all, girls who know a lot about extermination. And they don"t fight like that.
  And as it should be for real terminators... High-flying warriors. And they have a passion for destruction.
  Natasha again threw a grenade with her bare foot and hissed:
  - I understand this world perfectly as an aggravation of the class struggle!
  Zoya also hissed, throwing a lethal, flesh-tearing grenade with her bare toes:
  - Which house will have a red flag!
  And then Augustine gave her turn. She mowed down the Nazis and threw a grenade with her bare foot - hissing:
  - Great space, this is our land and all of us!
  Warriors are truly capable of tearing even a heating pad.
  And then Svetlana shoos away a grenade with her bare foot, fires a burst and says with rage:
  - The fire and the bucking horse are furious!
  The girls, of course, will get turned on. And they butt heads.
  And on the German side, Gerd"s crew is fighting on the T-4. Again, once it starts up, you won"t warm up and you won"t be able to suppress such pressure. The girls have such hellish fire in their eyes.
  They shoot themselves and give no chance of salvation. And you can"t resist their white, pearly teeth.
  The warriors are aggressive and howl:
  - Wild aroma! We will send all enemies to hell!
  Gerda will fire, hit the thirty-four and squeak:
  - Future victories!
  Charlotte presses the trigger with her bare feet and gurgles:
  - We'll tear you apart!
  Magda also fired, destroyed the T-26 and said:
  - We'll reveal it.
  And she shook her bare toes.
  And Christina, too, presses her bare feet on the pedals and hisses:
  - Cheers for our party!
  The girls, of course, are almost naked in bikinis and barefoot. And at the same time extremely sexy.
  And they conduct attacks with their not very perfect, but effective T-4. And they shoot at the enemy. Don't give in to such girls in anything! And how they bare their teeth. And how they make a face!
  Gerda roars to herself, shooting with her bare toes:
  - Gerda loves to kill, this Gerda!
  And again fires shells.
  And then Charlotte shoots in turn and roars, knocking out the thirty-four:
  - I'll rip their stomachs open!
  And with bare feet he will start again.
  And then Christina will add the killer. Also using bare toes.
  And it will roar:
  - I am the embodiment of aggressiveness!
  What a waist she has, and sculpted abs!
  And then Magda will take it and slap it and roar:
  - Banzai!
  And her legs are also bare and chiseled!
  The four German women push themselves and really win. She has so much aggression and vitality.
  The warriors use the rod and shoot. They don't let the Red Army go.
  And female pilots also fight in the sky, and they show this. That their spirit is immeasurable.
  Here is the newest German Focke-Wulf. Gertrude is on it. And this girl shows that she is cooler than men. This is how he thrashes the fascists. Doesn't give them the slightest mercy. Gertrude started the real fight.
  And he shoots down a Soviet Yak and screams:
  - I am a super girl!
  Then he will take it and show his tongue. And again he will take up total extermination. This is the girl. And also barefoot and in a bikini. And then LAGG shot down and roared again:
  - Pilot gunner!
  And he will laugh at the top of his lungs. And then he"ll take down the PE-2. Such a girl, of the coolest scope and class. Then she again carried out a maneuver and destroyed the Yak with air cannons. And it will try.
  - I am the she-wolf of the sky!
  And how he bares his teeth! And how to get wild! What a grandma! Baba to all women!
  But, of course, the fascists are also trying to attack in the south.
  There, in particular, the pilot Helga fights on the ME-109. And so successfully that fragments are flying off from the British.
  A girl hit a Mustang and sang:
  - A lilac fog is floating above us!
  In general, how good it is to fight barefoot and in a bikini. How practical this is! And it"s very convenient.
  Helga is a pilot. The Fuhrer was smart enough to listen to advice and allow girls on tanks, planes, and in the army. And how much better things went for the Krauts.
  They themselves did not expect that women's bodies were so effective. Here Helga is famously gaining momentum and accounts.
  The girl presses the pedals with her bare feet and roars:
  - I"m such a delightful little cow!
  Helga shoots down two more English planes and squeaks:
  - Behind me there are German soldiers in a row!
  And she also shot down a bomber! What a girl! To all the girls, a big and cool warrior. If it does exterminate, it also does so without any ceremony or pity.
  The girls here are so sexy!
  And Rommel"s troops are tearing through the desert, without waiting for additional forces to arrive. We have to win, so we have to. The legendary commander "Desert Fox" was already accustomed to fighting with superior forces. And his soldiers are like that too. Here, for example, is a selected company of female SS warriors. They were transferred in early December, when the front was cracking, the Germans were retreating, and the British, on the contrary, were breaking through, releasing Tolbuk, and threatening to throw the Wehrmacht off African soil.
  Then the possessed Fuhrer proposed: transferring a female battalion of tigresses. Not because the ladies will change the balance of power, but so that men, especially Italian men, will feel ashamed and they will fight much more aggressively and more skillfully. After all, if the elite girls, hardened by harsh training, are ahead, then the men will be very ashamed.
  The warriors fought in just a bikini, using special creams for protection. For six months, their bare, girlish feet became so horny that they were not afraid of the sands hot as a frying pan, and from the tan their skin acquired a dark chocolate color. And many already have dozens of corpses behind them.
  Margo and Shella are two very young, but already battle-hardened Aryans. They are the youngest in the company, but in six months they have already earned the Iron Cross, First Class (second class, everyone in the battalion already had it), they are ruthless and kind.
  Margot had hair the color of fire, and Shella was a snow-white blonde with a touch of honey. Here they are fighting, repelling the onslaught of counterattacking British tanks. The Matildas, with their powerful armor, are moving ahead. Next are passable Cromwells with high-explosive shells and lighter vehicles. The girls buried themselves in the sand. It is useless to shoot such tanks head-on. We need to avoid them being noticed, and then...
  "Matilda" and "Cromwell" weigh about thirty tons, and when they pass over trenches dug in the clay sand, it becomes scary. It pours down on your bare, tanned necks, and you feel the terrible weight of the bastard machines on you. Here is the same "Cromwell", a typical iron with 70 mm inclined armor, which even an 88 mm gun cannot always take. It smells like British, very pungent gasoline and motor oil. The girls have their own surprises, easy troubles. The very first models of Faustpatrons. Since men, as is customary, let the ladies go first, so they test the latest and, as expected, promising weapons.
  But they also put the girls, contrary to the hypocritical slogan of Nazism: "war is a man"s business, peace for women!", into the thick of things.
  However, the infantry fell behind, which means there is a chance to sit in the trenches and win.
  Shella says in a whisper, afraid to sneeze from the sand falling from the trench clogging her nostrils:
  - Only aging on the battlefield will allow you to avoid fermentation of the champagne of victory that has gone rotten due to missed deadlines!
  Margo agreed:
  - He who does not have endurance will experience the sour wine of defeat and the bitter drink of loss!
  But the Matildas, Cromwells, and a dozen light Mongooses are already behind them. Now the hour of harvest has come.
  Shella, whose once pearly hair has turned gray from dust, and rests her bare heels on the hot sand, mentally turns to the Virgin Mary and other saints, saying, don"t let me down. The finger presses the pawl smoothly so that the cumulative charge goes directly into the gas tank.
  Margo pulls the trigger with her, also slowly. After which both girls spank each other with their hands. The charges hit directly in the stern, after which the gas tanks explode. Orange flames splash like foam of waves through the air, and someone"s curses can be heard.
  Then the short muzzles of British tanks are curled up by the shocks into peculiar tubes.
  And tigress girls bravely throw grenades at enemies. And fragments fly in all directions, tearing through the armor like a fiery cat"s paw, a destructive stream of cumulative particles.
  Here is female rage, saying that German women are by no means characterized by composure. And they know how to fight... And let the attack choke.
  It is much easier to repel the onslaught of infantry, consisting, as a rule, of Arabs and blacks recruited through raids or various promises. Seeing that the tanks were knocked out and there was serious resistance ahead, they retreated back at the first losses.
  Well, and then they completely turn to general flight. Since this is the style - offend the weak, so be it for the monsters!
  When the attack finally fizzled out and the girls continued their run through the desert in the evening, they had a conversation as they walked. Shella asked Margot:
  - Do you think we will still be in Alexandria?
  The fire warrior answered confidently:
  - I think that no later than November, or maybe in October, we will finally occupy Egypt.
  Shella logically and not paying attention to the itching in her calloused soles, from the hot sand, suggested:
  - When this nail in our underbelly, the base in Malta, is destroyed, the supply becomes better, as new units arrive, the enemy will no longer have a chance.
  Margot looked around to see how much time the sun had left before it set. To finally lie down and get a good night's sleep. The proximity of the reddening star to the horizon calmed the warrior. She lazily remarked:
  - I think the Fuhrer will not miss repeating the magnificent landing on Crete after Peru-Habor and Midway. Only this time they will actually demolish Malta.
  Shella shouted into the sky with a curse:
  - May the Almighty turn all the British bases into hell.
  The sun finally hid behind the horizon, the coolest day of the year, October 21, came to an end. And with it, Operation Polar Bear began. Why white? Cunning misinformation to make people think that we are talking about the north, but in fact the boxer"s crushing swing is in the south.
  The largest British base really looked like hell. It was attacked by more than a thousand bombers collected from the entire eastern front and having received decent combat experience, along with escort fighters. The British, of course, have been fighting for a long time, but they did not expect such a powerful massive attack. Indeed, who would believe that the Krauts would decide to expose the front, even if the enemy had temporarily quieted down. But the British soldiers are now being beaten mercilessly. For example, their ships are attacked by the Yu-87, the famous "thing". Not very fast, but possessing the highest (for their time) bombing accuracy, they torment the British fleet hidden in the bays. More modern Focke-Wulfs are not far behind, including even the legendary von Rudel himself, the king of attack aircraft. Known for the sinking of the most powerful Soviet battleship, the battleship Marat.
  For example, Corporal Richard sees vultures rolling down a hill like a sled. Numerous German bombers emerge from an ice hole like predatory fish. The already mature Englishman hangs up the phone in fear. He had never seen such a terrible sight. The sirens sound very late, after the bombs have exploded. The blast wave throws up British soldiers, severed arms and legs fly in different directions. One of the iron helmets became red-hot and hit the officer in the face. And how he screams:
  - Churchill is kaput! Hitler is cool!
  The British anti-aircraft guns did not start firing immediately, but only when thousands of bombs fell at once. The enemy calculated everything correctly: not a single bomb should go to waste. So crush the enemy and hit. All sectors are pre-marked on the map. Moreover, the insolent British did not even disguise themselves properly. Many of their anti-aircraft guns stand in plain sight and are the first to be swept away.
  Here the barrel of an 85-mm anti-aircraft gun, thirty-two feet long, was thrown up and bent in the air like a steering wheel. After which it crashed, crushing five Englishmen. One of the blacks had his belly torn open and his intestines fell out.
  And bombs fell, and everything was on fire, a fuel warehouse rumbled, they began to explode, scattering shells almost all over the skeleton, then another warehouse was hit. To top it all off, the sirens installed in the fairings of the Yu-87 and Focke-Wulf howled annoyingly, causing wild horror among the blacks and Arabs from among the colonial troops. But it seems whites are just as scared.
  For example, two British frigates collided, so much so that the boilers rumbled. And even the debris of the frigates that had taken off exploded in the air like mined fields, and the cruiser simply sank to the bottom.
  The English tank "Cromwell" with a short muzzle, but with decent speed and quite powerful frontal armor, accelerated in panic and rammed its own warehouse, even crushing a dozen of its own distraught soldiers along the way. Chaos grew. The English aircraft carrier began to sag, and the powerful dreadnought opened fire... on the coast, where its own soldiers were swarming.
  And in this underworld, two people remained completely unperturbed. One of them was an Indian, slowly lighting a pipe, and the other was a woman, clearly of Arab origin, but in military uniform. The two of them pay no attention to the rushing death. Or rather, a whole horde of horsemen of annihilation were playing an unusual card game. It was a game of fifty-two cards with jokers, and even according to the rules invented by the redskin himself.
  An Arab woman stated:
  - However, there is a lot of noise! And why create such a panic?
  One of the soldiers, with his back cut by shrapnel, almost ran into the Indian, but he was carelessly thrown away like a kitten. Droplets of blood fell on the red-skinned face and he licked them off, smiling. Then he noticed:
  - Making noise is for weak, pale-faced people. We Apaches think this way - if there is no enemy, then an enemy appears - even better!
  The dark woman remarked:
  - This is a typical weakness of those who profess the faith of Christ. They like to talk about sacrifice, but do not sacrifice themselves.
  The Indian nodded quickly:
  - Order is built on a foundation where the cement is faith and the sand is will! Faith is a heart of gold, and will is an iron fist! Only pale-faced people have neither one nor the other.
  . CHAPTER No. 5
  And there"s also a girl on the German bomber. In this case Viola. A very beautiful blonde, and her partner is Nicoletta. And both girls are very sexy. A bomb is dropped from a height. And also the warriors are barefoot and in bikinis.
  The girls roar to themselves:
  - We are such stealers that we are supermen!
  Nicoletta also spits bombs out of the fuselage. And destroys the enemy. The British get it that way.
  Viola will also launch a killer bomb from above. And he will kill the fighters of the Leo Empire.
  And also how it fares:
  - I instill fear in Britain!
  And he shakes his bare foot. And sing:
  - We'll tear Churchill apart!
  The girls from Yu-188 are very good at throwing bombs. Their car is new and more advanced. Its gun design is very fast-firing.
  So the girls and an English fighter were shot down.
  Their plane is quite fast. The warriors again use their bare feet to unleash destruction.
  Viola roars:
  - I"m driving all my enemies into the coffin!
  Nicoletta howls:
  - And I throw the enemy!
  And how he can take and shake his bare feet!
  These are the girls and how they thrash enemies. And don't stop. Genuine Aryans.
  And when they twist and shake their bare tits.
  And they drop bombs again.
  And there are girls here, on other planes. Here is Eva dropping bombs. Destroys the English and sings:
  - I am so great!
  And Eva also pedals with her bare feet.
  But Viola will drop the bomb again and roar:
  - I"m a wild girl, I want ten men in an hour, which is very cool and amazing!
  Several burning British soldiers rushed into the water to wash away the flames. It was even boiling from entering the water, screams and wild moans were heard. And bloody circles crawled across the sea foam, thick at first, then gradually spreading out and turning pale. And the warriors of what was once the greatest and most extensive empire on Earth were losing their human appearance. The Arab woman snorted contemptuously:
  - And these men force us to wear a burqa!
  The red man, slyly squinting, remarked:
  - Apparently your menacing gaze scares them!
  The Arab woman bared her teeth sarcastically and said:
  - The softness of a woman is similar to the toughness of armor, only much more lethal and versatile in protection!
  The Germans preferred to immediately attack with all their might, the tactics of a boxer who, counting on the enemy"s unpreparedness, immediately rushes with all his might towards the enemy. When dozens of enemy planes are burning at airfields, unable to take off. When their own bombs explode inside the Lancasters, destroying everything around them. Tough but effective tactics. So the symphony of the underworld reached the peak of its power, and then began to subside.
  But this, of course, did not end there; the airborne division came into action. While the British are after such treatment, they can be taken lukewarm at all. Fortunately, landing gliders have already been manufactured in the required quantities and methods for towing them have been fine-tuned. Perhaps the best in the world today.
  So they fly, not like kites - slower, but fast enough, and even accompanied by the music of Wagner - Hitler's favorite masterpiece. Who else alive remembered the film "Apocalypse", where the Americans used this particular music when attacking the Vietnamese. How it scared them. So here is Wagner, and thundering motifs, through amplifiers. The paratroopers smeared phosphorus on their faces and painted themselves up; they look creepy, like the demons of their underworld. Also based on a psychological effect. Plus, some reagents and some magnesium chips were added to the phosphorus to cause a glow at least for a short time. So creepy, especially against the backdrop of the smoky glow and numerous fires. They even have machine guns, also camouflaged in the shape of dragon mouths. Then the melodious German and captured submachine guns are hitting. And the mown, torn ranks fall to the boots of the victors. And many simply prefer to give up, despite the fact that there are many more British than Germans.
  An Indian and an Arab woman hid in a small, carefully camouflaged hole. Redskin noted:
  - Well, we plowed them!
  The black-haired woman was surprised:
  - Are you saying we? Maybe you mean us?
  The Indian shook his head negatively:
  - No! Palefaces are beating the British and this is a good sign! And when the time comes, our holiday will come! When will the Indians liberate their continent!
  The Arab woman snorted contemptuously:
  - Do you, by any chance, lay claim to power over the world?
  The Indian affectionately, as if explaining to a mentally retarded child, grinned:
  - Those who want to get too much are usually left with nothing! So the big spoon is mouth-watering!
  The Fuhrer, of course, did not see what his falcons and hawks were doing, but in principle he guessed that the German military machine would work out everything accurately. In general, German military offensive operations up to the Kursk Bulge were carried out at a high professional level. Some even call them standard. It"s even strange that such a machine skidded and then completely fell apart.
  And the girls see a similar dream, a kind of prophetic vision, interrupted by a tough command - rise!
  Nicholas II was the victim of an assassination attempt in Japan. Even then he died when he was heir to the throne. A famous assassination attempt that happened in real history. Tsarevich Nicholas was wounded, but miraculously survived.
  But no miracle happened. This luck, for the most unlucky tsar in all the history of Russia. Nicholas died... And with him died the great loser, who, of course, unwittingly, but still destroyed the royal empire and dynasty.
  And in 1894, at the age of fifteen, Michael II ascended the throne. Brother of Tsar Nicholas. The person is generally not stupid, quite tough and brave. Mikhail Aleksandrovich Romanov commanded a wild division during the First World War and distinguished himself in battle. In general, he was a tougher man than Nikolai, taller, with a more expressive face. Was he smarter? Nicholas II is not a stupid, talented person. But still not tough enough, strong-willed, and born to be a king. Plus, of course, Nicholas II"s problems, especially with his wife.
  Mikhail is no stupider than his brother, and most importantly, he is luckier... Well, Nikolai, still a bad name for tsars. And Nikolai was the first to fail. From the very beginning, the Decembrist rebellion. Then the unsuccessful start of the war with Iran. The victory was won, but there were not many conquests. And Iran is not a priori a rival to Russia. War with Turkey. Also not very successful at first. And the victories cost a lot of blood. And there are few conquests.
  And then the war in the Caucasus for almost forty years with Shamil. And this is bad, expansion has frozen. And finally, defeat in the Crimean War. And according to rumors, Tsar Nicholas was the first to commit suicide.
  Yes, that king was unlucky. Michael the First... Reigned in the Time of Troubles. He saved Russia. He conquered a few cities from Poland. Made some progress in Siberia. He didn't live long, though. But the king was, in general, normal. And without serious punctures.
  The policy of Mikhail Romanov was the same as that of Nicholas II: expansion into China and the East. Construction of Port Arthur. Diplomacy with Germany, preparation for war with Japan. Of course, it was obvious that we couldn"t do without a war with the Land of the Rising Sun. Too bad she was actively arming herself. And the young tsar wanted glory, wanted conquest, wanted to create Yellow Russia. In addition, it was obvious that China promised to become a colossal power in the future, and it would be better to divide it now. While it is fragmented.
  Japan attacked the Russian squadron in Port Arthur.
  Then Admiral Makarov was sent. This time there was no death. Partly because Mikhail did not allow Tsarevich Kirill to interfere with Makarov and he was not on the ship. And this changed the route a little.
  Admiral Makarov trained the squadron. Then, when the Japanese were caught in mines, he was able to attack the Togolese fleet.
  The naval battle ended in a convincing victory for the Russian fleet. However, later, the Japanese nevertheless laid siege to Port Arthur. But not for long. Mikhail removed Kuropatkin, appointing a younger and more capable commander. And again victories were won on land.
  Japan, in general, was defeated at sea. And then the troops landed.
  The samurai surrendered. Russia regained the Kuril Islands, captured Taiwan, and Korea.
  Subsequently, a number of Chinese provinces voluntarily became part of the empire, forming Zheltorossiya. The royal empire expanded and flourished.
  No Duma, no unnecessary democracy. Not life, but grace! Rapid development of the country. But naturally the First World War was inevitable. And now the hour of the dragon has come.
  But by this time Russia already had light tanks "Luna"-2, heavy tanks "Peter the Great", designed by Mendeleev"s son, and the most powerful bombers in the world: "Svyatogor" and "Ilya Muromets". Such was the power already!
  And the Russian army began to win from the first days. And the number of tsarist troops, due to the fact that China was already half annexed, was large.
  Russian troops defeated the Germans in eastern Prussia and surrounded Königsberg. They took both Lviv and Przemysl straight away. Russia had too many soldiers, and a large number of light, mobile tanks. Which had no equal and showed formidable strength. One army after another fell.
  The Russian army has already captured Budapest.
  Germany found itself in a difficult situation. Russian troops were already approaching the Oder. Italy also declared war on Austria. True, the Ottoman Empire entered the war against Russia. But this only turned into defeat and defeat on all fronts.
  Russian troops have already crossed the Oder. And in the winter they began to storm Berlin. There was nothing to hold the city. So the Germans still have a lot of strength tied up in the West.
  And Wilhelm and his headquarters hastily declared peace, or rather surrender.
  The war lasted only six months. Russian troops took Istanbul. And Türkiye was occupied by the army of Tsar Michael II.
  After which peace was concluded in Peterhof. Austria-Hungary disintegrated and ceased to exist. Galicia and Bukovina became Russian provinces. The Czech Republic and Slovakia became kingdoms led by Tsar Michael II. Hungary also recognized the Russian Tsar as its monarch.
  Krakow and other lands entered the Kingdom of Poland. East Prussia was cut off, Danzig became a Russian city. Asia Minor, and most of Iraq with Baghdad became Russian. The British received only the province of Basra and Palestine, and France received southern Syria.
  The kingdom of Yugoslavia was also formed, in which Michael II became co-ruler. I snatched a little bit for myself and Italy. Thus, Russia was able to become a major conqueror. And suffered small losses at minor expenses. But Germany still had to pay Russia most of the reparations. Impressive victory!
  . CHAPTER No. 2.
  After this there were several more small wars. Russia captured most of Afghanistan - the south went to Britain, and two-thirds of Iran - the south was also British. Then the tsarist, French and British troops finally divided the Saudi Peninsula. Hegemony arose. Japan also managed to grab some German possessions for itself.
  Until 1929, economic growth was observed throughout the world - the strongest in Russia. But the Great Depression followed. This is what brought Hitler to power in Germany.
  In Russia, too, there was an increase in revolutionary and strike sentiments. But in 1931 a new war broke out with Japan over China. Russia was stronger, and the fleet was commanded by the worthy successor of Admiral Makarov - Admiral Kolchak.
  Victory, landing, and Japan with all its Pacific possessions became a province of Russia. And Tsar Michael II and also the Emperor of Japan. Yes, it worked out so well. But the struggle for world domination did not end.
  Hitler was increasing his strength. And a coalition arose: Germany, Italy, Russia, against Britain, France, Holland, Belgium and the USA.
  In 1940, the tsarist army actually completed the conquest of China and ran into French, Dutch and English possessions.
  Hitler began the war on June 22, 1941 by invading France. The Fuhrer had a great plan and the genius of Mainstein. Russia launched an offensive against the British and French colonies in Asia and Africa. This is such a cruel war.
  Russia already occupied first place in the world in terms of population, its army was equipped with the best and most advanced tanks and aircraft. Helicopters, fighters, attack aircraft, bombers, including jets, are already in mass production! In general, somehow everything is going great.
  Hitler occupied France, Belgium, Holland and Denmark in a month and a half! Tsarist Russia occupied Norway and Sweden. As well as India, Indochina, southern Iran, the Saudi Peninsula and entered Egypt.
  The colonial English and French troops were distinguished by their low combat ability and had a very low military spirit - surrendering practically without resistance.
  Hitler wanted to move to Africa himself, but Spain opposed Germany. Then the fascists attacked the Franco regime and defeated it. And then Portugal. After a fierce assault, Gibraltar was taken!
  Next, Russia and Germany conquered Africa. Here, large spaces, jungles, deserts, and lack of roads were more of a hindrance than the resistance of the weak and confused colonial troops of Britain, France, and Portugal.
  There was a seizure of territories. Episodic battles, focal resistance. Russian tanks are still the best and with good maneuverability, especially the medium one: "Nikolai", which was named after Tsarevich Nicholas, killed by the Japanese.
  However, if you knew from what evil fate the samurai Tsuda Sanzo saved Russia, then the monument to him with the Eiffel Tower in St. Petersburg would have been torn down. Or maybe you named the tank after him.
  In any case, "Nikolai"-3 was a relatively light tank - under thirty tons, mobile with a diesel engine. Its speed was higher than that of the legendary thirty-four, its frontal armor was thicker and more sloping, its silhouette was lower, and it had a longer-barreled gun, albeit of a similar 76-mm caliber.
  Whatever you say, Russia captured more than two-thirds of Africa, the rest went to Germany and Italy. And after massive bombing in May 1942, a joint Russian and German landing of troops in Britain followed. The fighting lasted only two weeks and England and Ireland were occupied.
  And a month later they occupied Ireland.
  America behaved rather passively, fearing to enter into such a dangerous war, but still helped Britain with resources. So Hitler, Mussolini and Nicholas II decided to finish off the most economically powerful power.
  Moreover, Russia has a common border with America along Alaska. And they have already built a railway to Chukotka - which is very useful for the war!
  And now the Russian, tsarist army will move... And enter Alaska. But American tanks don"t even go against the Russians. This is what happened.
  Russian troops began landing in Alaska on September 1, 1942... And they advanced very successfully.
  Rapidly expanding the bridgehead. And as always, beautiful Russian girls take part in the battles.
  They are on the newest Nikolai-4 tank. The warriors are barefoot, wearing only a bikini. And they have a more powerful 85mm long-barreled gun: the Sherman's thunder.
  It"s already November, snow has fallen, but the beautiful girls: Natasha, Maria, Aurora and Svetlana, do not recognize any clothes and fight almost naked.
  Here the warriors shoot and smash with a precise hit from a Sherman shell. They bare their teeth. Natasha fired and roared:
  - I beat everyone for the king!
  And how it still fires!
  Then Maria will shoot, and so accurately that she will tear off the turret of the Sherman.
  She took it and tweeted:
  - I'm the girl who cuts metal!
  And then Aurora will launch a projectile. And also precise and clear.
  The warrior squeaks:
  - The highest aerobatics!
  And then Svetlana will kick you with all her furious strength. Blonde girl destroyer. And squeals:
  - I am a demon of hell!
  And the whole four will take their course, moving through southern Alaska.
  And here is the Alexander-4 tank, also the newest model with beautiful girls. A powerful 130-mm long-barreled gun, as many as eight machine guns and a crew of five beautiful girls in bikinis.
  They also go and shoot, knock out Americans, penetrate Shermans.
  Alenka released a projectile with her bare toes and sang:
  - For the glory of Tsar Michael!
  While firing, Anyuta supported, mowing down the Americans:
  - Great king!
  Augustine also hit, broke the Sherman, hissing:
  - For peace, labor, empire!
  Mirabela opened fire next. She also broke the enemy"s armor and hissed:
  - For the new Russian order!
  And then the Olympiad fired the projectile, as it thumped and roared:
  - I am such power and pain for the enemy!
  The girls behave well and fire. In their emerald and sapphire eyes the flames of the underworld.
  And the newest Alexander-4 tank, impenetrable from all angles, goes ahead and threshes the Americans. Such is the presentation and unconditional destruction.
  And the girls, it"s freezing, and they"re in just a bikini and almost naked-beautiful! We are bringing a cat with us!
  Alenka will fire a shell at an American car. How he rams it and sings:
  - I am a world star!
  And then Anyuta will take it and release it, cut off the enemy, and hiss:
  - And glory to the empire!
  And then Augustine will be hit by a shell, mow down the enemy, break the enemy"s armor and squeak:
  - I am a red-haired and shameless girl!
  And then Mirabela will be sandaled. And he will fire a lethal projectile at the enemy. He will tear off the tower and screech:
  - Ram from ram!
  And then the beautiful hero Olympics will take place. It will fire the most lethal of shells. It will crush the enemy tank and yell:
  - I'll sweep everyone away!
  Here comes a tank weighing seventy tons and destroys enemy redoubts. And it moves easily in the snow - the engine is the latest - gas turbine! You can't stop a car like that so easily.
  Alenka sings:
  - Nobody will stop us! No one will defeat us! Russian wolves are tearing apart the enemy! Russian wolves - salute to heroes!
  And again, using his bare toes, pressing the trigger, he hits the enemy. What a girl!
  Anyuta also fell down using her bare legs and squealed:
  - And I"m great!
  And then Augustine launches a projectile and howls:
  - I'm a wild girl!
  And Mirabela will release something completely killer and roar:
  - To new, unbending frontiers!
  And he will show his tongue so pink and long.
  And then the Olympics will thrash and smash the Americans, and will do it very well.
  Well, in general, a clear victory is visible. This battle has been won and the Russian and tsarist troops are moving forward.
  By the end of December 1942, all of Alaska had already been captured by the tsarist army, and fighting was taking place in Canada.
  In addition to tanks, female pilots also fight in jet aircraft. The USA has a lot of aviation, but its quality is very poor. Can't compare with Russian jets. Which crush the enemy with the intensity of terminators.
  And the girls Anastasia and Margarita on their planes "Ekaterina"-6 how effectively they collect accounts.
  Anastasia shoots down eight American planes with one burst of five aircraft cannons and screeches:
  - I"m just a super-class warrior!
  And with bare feet he presses on the pedals.
  Margarita shoots down ten American planes in one burst and squeaks:
  - And I"m even a class higher!
  Anastasia presses the triggers with her bare toes and blazes at the enemy. It will hit seven US Army vehicles and squeak:
  - I am such a warrior that the king is delighted!
  Margarita will also release the killer and squeak:
  - And not only the king! We are very beautiful!
  The girls fight and hit different cars. They throw the enemy out like dead mice into a garbage can. And they destroy US aircraft.
  Anastasia shot down several more planes and growled:
  - For the double-headed royal eagle!
  Margarita, baring her fanged teeth, chirped:
  - For such a cool thing!
  And she also hit a dozen more American cars. These are the girls. Girls love to kill. And tear it apart!
  And this couple works...
  Moves to ground targets. And go with the Shermans, punching right through them. Like a metal needle. And splitting the strongest iron and steel. This is how their downfall took place.
  Anastasia punches several Shermans and screams to herself:
  - I'm a girl who is capable of a lot!
  Margarita also thrashes the Americans on land and squeaks:
  - But nothing will stop me, and never has stopped me!
  Anastasia crushes the enemy, shoots down tanks and screams:
  - For the king, who is none wiser or cooler!
  The girls are of course gorgeous! And most importantly, in only one bikini! And invincible!
  No one can defeat or stop the girls!
  Anastasia, shooting, screams at the top of her lungs:
  - I am the girl who breaks steel!
  Margarita, continuing shooting, adds:
  - And any metal!
  The girls fly and shoot... Even though it"s cold and winter, that doesn"t stop them. Fighting is raging in Canada.
  Anastasia fires again and roars:
  - I'm like a boy!
  Margarit actively confirms and hammers with the fury of a panther:
  - I am the one who is funnier and cooler than everyone else!
  The girls, as you can see, are really counting on a lot and have indescribable luck!
  They're racking up half-naked bills! And they know no grief, no doubts! They have a lot of different opinions!
  But, in short, the beauties were lucky. They captured and attacked a four-star general with an air strike. Magnificent beauties. They'll fuck you up the same way!
  And again Russian and German tanks are moving across Canada.
  Here is Gerda's crew, on a German T-4. The car is frankly rather weak compared to Soviet cars. But the girls are not easy - they fight barefoot and in bikinis in the cold. And that says something!
  Let"s face it, such warriors are cool! They do not know doubts and weaknesses! Sapphires and diamonds are burning in their eyes! Such beauties will not yield an inch of land to the enemy! They are holy and vicious at the same time.
  They move themselves with colossal energy.
  And this is how they crush the Americans.
  Gerda fired using her bare toes and chirped:
  - I'm a wild girl! And not a virgin at all!
  And after that he bursts into laughter.
  Charlotte also fired from the cannon. It may not be too powerful, but it is fast-firing:
  - I'm like a hot and biting bee!
  After which the beauty will take and show her long tongue!
  And then Christina slaps and squeaks:
  - And my vocals! Klykov blow!
  And he too will bare his wolf teeth and roar:
  - There will be a new victory!
  The warriors really are so tough and aggressive. And they have so much muscle strength and frantic rage.
  And Magda will also hit the enemy. It will smash a Sherman from a distance, hitting it very precisely end-to-end and roar:
  - I"m such a cool German!
  The four, despite the fact that the car is not the best, fight successfully.
  And why? Because they have almost no clothes! And the warriors destroy the enemy very beautifully.
  Gerda proudly notes:
  - We are so worthy of the Fuhrer!
  After which the beauty will shoot again and bare her cute little face.
  The warriors here have an Aryan spirit. And they are not afraid of the cold. Although winter in Western Canada is still very cold.
  But nothing - just barefoot and almost naked. Then there will be good luck and victory!
  These are warriors full of a proud spirit.
  Even now the Aryans have no equal in perseverance. Except for the Russian girls.
  But Natasha on "Nikolai"-3, also in a bikini and barefoot, shot, turned out and walked around. Her tank, however, is better than the German T-4. The fighting here is tough and very aggressive.
  The Yankees are trying to snap back. But Natasha knocked down the "Witch" and hissed with a grin of pearl teeth:
  - I"m such a girl that no one will come near me!
  And Maria fired accurately at the American tanks. He will pierce them and hiss with bared teeth:
  - No forces can take us!
  And then Aurora will also shoot in turn. The Sherman was destroyed. Yes girl that's what you need.
  And then Svetlana will make her contribution... How it will hurt the Americans.
  There are also battles at sea. The Russian fleet captures the Philippines.
  And here, too, is the team: barefoot sailor girls. Also almost naked beauties, in bikinis. It"s true that the weather in the Philippines is wonderful even in winter - warm, because it"s almost the equator.
  And girls enjoy fighting and shooting. And run around flashing barefoot, round heels. The girls here are simply lovely. The very best - super!
  By the way, they love to rape prisoners! They tie them to themselves and then ride them. And so much so that the prisoners lose consciousness! And they arrange total extermination for themselves - or rather, not for themselves, but for their enemies.
  Such cool crews of half-naked girls. And nothing can stop them or crush them!
  The warriors board an American cruiser. They jump in almost naked, barefoot, with muscles flexing under tanned skin. And they furiously chop down the Americans. And they do not give the slightest chance of survival.
  And now the beautiful Stella and her partner Masha are visible. Both girls are tall, muscular blondes who chop everyone up. What's not a blow is cutting and ripping apart bodies!
  The girls walk along the American ship. If they wave to the right, it"s a street; if they wave to the left, it"s an alley!
  And the girls won"t stop! They don't leave opponents a chance! And what if they roar and start shaking their muscles!
  And again they wave their swords and howl:
  - We are girls for the Tsar, the Fatherland and Mikhail Romanov!
  And they chop it like samurai cabbage. So Stella took it and kicked the US officer in the groin with her bare foot. He will fly higher and jump overboard.
  The blonde terminator will give:
  - For my blows, they pay fees!
  And again he will bare his teeth and flash his pearly teeth! What a girl! The most juice and aroma!
  And the girls rush to themselves. And they pass like the tide of a tornado. They don't give the enemy a chance. They have colossal power. Darkness of devils and thousands of thousands of angels.
  And here comes Masha, who cuts three heads at once with two sabers! This is a girl - a girl to all girls!
  Both beauties cut as if they were hammering nails with swords. And there is no weakness or doubt in their actions. Move for yourself, without retreating or giving up. Justice requires uniting humanity. One empire, one crown, one goal and expansion into space.
  Just at this time, the first artificial Earth satellite is being launched into orbit. Here he is flying around the globe.
  And Russian girls in bikinis fight for themselves. And they are not inferior to the enemy. And the Americans, cut to pieces by the beauties, fall. Still, girls of the highest class and skill.
  At one time they managed to fight in Japan. They also fought at heights. The emperor himself was captured. They showed their colossal skills. They have such passion and so much muscle strength. Of course, such girls are a miracle of miracles!
  They cut down samurai in the palace. And they were also almost naked and barefoot. Girls who could do things that surprised their enemies.
  And they chopped any meat and demonstrated their artistry. The warriors, without any doubt, advance.
  An American admiral's head was cut off with a saber. And how the beauties will laugh, baring their fangs.
  And again they go on the offensive and cut themselves. Such warriors are real monsters. And on the throne is Tsar Michael. The son of Alexander the Third, but not that one. A luckier, more decisive, more strong-willed, and also a talented ruler .
  But, of course, luck matters, plus even greater toughness - Mikhail led an implacable fight against corruption, which had a positive impact on the army. But the most effective know-how is to use girls in bikinis for military purposes. And girls are very beautiful when they are almost naked and barefoot.
  So the battles take place with varying degrees of success. And beautiful warriors shoot very accurately, better than men. And most importantly, when the girls are almost naked, they are practically invulnerable. They are not affected by bullets and shells. A very strong army of warriors. That's cool. It was Tsar Michael"s idea to use girls almost naked and barefoot, and this brought victory.
  And girls in battles also threw grenades and daggers with their bare toes. And they showed their wild rage.
  The girls are quite dashing. And very beautiful, playful, and fleet-footed. Nobody could hold them.
  The warriors are very greyhounds... The bare feet of a girl are a very effective weapon. But what can they do? A lot of things. The bare soles themselves received energy from the earth and the beautiful warriors were playful.
  I must say that girls are the most beautiful in the world, that they are both wonderful and with the fury of cobras!
  The American cruiser is captured. The captured men fell on their faces. After which the warriors shoved their legs in their faces. And they forced me to kiss. And the girls cooed, and their bare soles, when they licked their tongues, felt pleasant and ticklish.
  But the beauties enjoyed having their bare feet showered with kisses and their heels kissed.
  After which the girls will laugh. And they bare their teeth!
  But it got better, the girls sunbathed naked a little and went swimming. These are such beautiful warriors. How can you take such a leg and kiss it? And lick every finger.
  The girls are great.
  Here is the Alexander-4 tank in battle again. It"s a rush and February is already coming. The troops move on. Getting closer and closer to US territory. The girls are so cool.
  Here Natasha shoots accurately. And it hits very accurately.
  The girl shoots extremely accurately and shouts:
  - We will crush the enemy!
  Maria shoots next. Took and defeated the enemy:
  - I am super!
  Maria is a very beautiful girl, and very active.
  And her bare feet are very beautiful and graceful in their eroticism:
  - We will destroy the enemy!
  And Aurora is such a girl, and she"s super, with bare bellies and breasts, and such puffy scarlet nipples:
  - I"ll break through the enemies and make it super!
  And how he shakes his red hair!
  And again he will kick you with his bare, chiseled feet. Such warriors are very cool!
  And then Svetlana will take and beat the enemy:
  "I love the Tsar and I will hang a noose around the neck of my enemies!"
  The girls will laugh. How they became greyhounds and cool.
  Americans are running away from girls. Or they give up. Or they die. The warriors are so beautiful, and very barefoot, and the girls are so wonderful. And fighting in just a bikini is pleasant and effective. Warrior girls are so amazing.
  Natasha shoots at the Americans again and hisses:
  - You are my brother and I am your brother! Or rather my sister!
  And again he moves his long tongue. Aggressive let's say warrior and beauty!
  And then Anyuta shakes her naked breasts. And he will scream and bare his teeth. And he will send a shell at the Americans. And he will take it and fuck it.
  - The beauty destroyed it! And it squeaks:
  - I"m such a super girl!
  Beautiful girl and loves sex. And this is nice!
  And the girl took it and hit her - she growled:
  - We will win and destroy the enemy!
  And here Aurora will kick and beat:
  - I am a king and a cool girl!
  The warrior can be quite a greyhound.
  The girls laugh to themselves.
  But Svetlana took it very coolly. And she gave such fees for the destruction of the enemy, and kissed the devils:
  - This is such a totalitarian aerobatics!
  The tank is very agile and lethal. He hits the weak and high Sherman. So the battles here are in favor of Tsarist Russia.
  Natasha is like a gunshot again. And coos:
  - For your idol!
  Maria began to shoot. The girl is very beautiful and has golden hair. By the look.
  The girl fucked, and aimed her bare toes and squeaked:
  - This is murder for the king!
  And here Aurora fucked the American. And the girl was, let"s say, really extremely aggressive and squeaked:
  - For a real boarding!
  And now the girl showed herself to be really strong.
  And Svetlana is aggressive and combative. She kicked with her bare leg and tore the enemy to pieces.
  And she chirped, baring her teeth:
  - I am a lady who flies like an eagle!
  So the girls began to fuck with wild force. And such aggression of beauties cannot be stopped. Without retreating or bending.
  Natasha shot again and hissed:
  - Until complete destruction!
  And Mary, without any nails, succeeded much more in destroying her enemies, and began to break her opponents.
  And then Aurora took it and hit the enemy with a cannon. And very successfully, with colossal aplomb. And crush, crush the enemy. And melted debris is flying from the Sherman in all directions.
  And Svetlana will also shoot and sing:
  - I am a girl of great dreams and great beauty!
  The warriors, in fact, demonstrate a remarkable will to win.
  It"s not for nothing that the empire became cool and great. Could surpass the achievements of Genghis Khan.
  The warriors move towards themselves... And they shoot, shoot, and tear through enemy positions, as if ripping open with a knife. Or rather, a very sharp and hardened dagger. And now the Russian troops are truly invincible. And the kingdom of a great empire.
  If you look at it, there have been many wars and difficult periods in the history of Russia. But Nicholas II was simply unlucky for the most part! He turned out to be a failure. But tactics are of great importance. What the great Russian chess player Alekhine showed. When he began to play instead of his opponent, turning over the board and winning. Genius is genius.
  With all the problems of Tsarist Russia, the factor of naked girls alone solved a lot.
  Helicopters also take part in the battles. Combat vehicles, and also crews with girls in bikinis and barefoot. What is the quality of an army consisting of girls? The most outstanding. Nothing can stop or defeat such an army.
  So in this army there are barefoot and almost naked girls. The crew on Captain Varvara's helicopter. Isn't this amazing? The sea will swell violently! And how the aircraft cannons will hit. And then there are rockets. These girls are real hurricanes like tornadoes.
  They are not inferior to the enemy in anything. The Russian army is ready for battles and great achievements.
  Varvara is a beautiful girl with brown hair and almost naked. As he roars at the top of his lungs:
  - The enemies will not pass! And they won't run away!
  And he will take it and release a killer discharge from all the jets of his coolest machine. And it will fly over the enemy. And he takes it and mows it down with a destructive bend.
  But modest Olga took and fired a rocket at the American positions and hissed:
  - I fought, not with a bast shoe, but barefoot!
  And he will wink with his sapphire eyes. Yes, these are girls - such incredibly amazing aerobatics. With it you can drink up a mountain and carry naked dragons.
  And the legs are so graceful and unique! And the waists are thin, and the bodies are very muscular.
  Varvara kicks ass and howls:
  - I can make a hole in the globe for the king!
  And he will grin his little face and wink with his eyes.
  The warriors are at their best here. Here Tatyana, also a girl in a bikini, will take it and squeal:
  - Let there be a king over all the earth!
  And she will sparkle with her pearly teeth. And from a helicopter it"s killer as nails. And it will be deadly. And it will really fry the metal. And will cause the destruction of the bunker.
  These are girls - all girls are girls! And then when the prisoners are brought in, those girls then kiss and lick their bare feet. This is generally the most sophisticated way to both humiliate and encourage.
  In it, Rommel"s army in November and December 1941 was able to win victory in Africa. This also happened because the partner of the brilliant Rommel did not make those gross mistakes that happened in real history.
  As a result, the Germans defeated the advancing British and retained their territory. At first, this did not affect the course of the battles; on the eastern front, the Germans were defeated near Moscow.
  However, later the Fuhrer's plans changed. Rommel by this time was able to take Tolbuk, and moved towards Egypt. Hitler decided to switch to temporary defense on the eastern front, and for now concentrate his efforts in Africa and the Middle East.
  However, since the offensive in Africa required fewer forces, the Nazis carried out several operations in the east. Defeated Soviet troops in Kerch. They surrounded us near Kharkov. They also pulled out a splinter in the Smolensk direction. The offensive of General Vlasov"s second shock army near Leningrad also ended in defeat.
  Sevastopol fell after the siege and assault. And the Krauts strengthened. The fighting took place on the Rzhev ledge. Here the Nazis managed to hold out.
  But in Egypt, Rommel, having received reinforcements, won a convincing victory. Building on their success, the Germans crossed Palestine and captured Iraq and Kuwait. And then the entire Middle East - having gained access to oil.
  After which the fascists turned to Sudan and tried to capture the whole of Africa.
  At the same time, there followed the assault on Gibraltar, and the penetration of German troops into Morocco and further into the African expanses.
  But the Germans" successes were facilitated by energetic work in the rear. Where is Hitler, too, what he did more skillfully than in real history.
  Having woken up, Hitler the Terminator took a bath with the girls, had breakfast with salad, cauliflower porridge and some other vegetables, adding low-fat multi-layer goat cheese and caviar. After which he summoned Speer, officially presenting the new imperial minister with a document signed by the law on emergency powers. Adolf was possessed and was very corrosive:
  - The production of weapons in the Third Reich is extremely low! We are lagging behind not only the warring Britain, but also the totalitarian USSR. But we need air supremacy, while increasing the production of old weapons, and switching to new ones. Especially promising jet bombers. After all, their enormous speed and high upper ceiling allow them to destroy British cities with almost impunity!
  Speer radiated optimism:
  - In Germany and Poland there is an excess of coal, in France there is iron ore, and we have enough equipment to produce many cars. After all, we produce more aluminum and duralumin than all the countries in the world combined!
  Possessed Adolf nodded:
  - For the time being! Britain and the USA are also promoting production, and we need to protect every gram of metal. Let schoolchildren and other children from the age of five also collect metal. Besides, why make the wings and fuselage entirely from duralumin. You can use both wood and canvas. For example, producing monoblock wings. And what? We need a new jet fighter weighing no more than two tons, easy to fly, easy to manufacture and cheap! The number of assembly parts should be reduced to a minimum, and opportunities should also be found to reduce the weight of the aircraft as much as possible and improve its aerodynamic properties. Now, by the way, aircraft designers will come, we will train them.
  Speer smiled:
  - Of course, my Fuhrer. As far as I understand, you are going to return all highly qualified workers from the army?
  Possessed Adolf confirmed:
  - We will recruit only highly qualified, ordinary workers from among foreigners. So it"s better there will be fewer idlers, and therefore partisans. We will, of course, reduce the number of ground forces; if there is no war with the USSR, then we don"t need so much infantry, but... Not radically, so I plan to defeat Gibraltar and Malta in the coming months and occupy the entire north of Africa and further to the Middle East. We will still need ground units. In addition, it is necessary to build additional shipyards both in Germany itself and in France, Belgium, Holland, and Norway. We need aircraft carriers, battleships and transports. And the Mediterranean Sea will turn into, as it were, an intra-German lake. Do you understand?
  Speer bowed:
  - Yes, my Fuhrer! I have already ordered the development of a construction program...
  Cunning Adolf added:
  - The working day may be extended to 16 hours if our emergency plans require it. The production of aircraft must be increased to one hundred aircraft per day in just nine months... More than three times compared to the current one, and it is by no means a fact that this will be enough!
  Speer hastened to encourage the Fuhrer:
  - Our pilots are of a higher class than the British ones, so quantity is not everything. And we will find new ways to forge plowshares into swords. As far as I understand, the priority for us is aviation?
  The Fuhrer clenched his fist tighter:
  - The priority for us is jet, bomber aircraft, and then fighter aircraft, plus the release of new equipment, and the development of miracle weapons! However, not only in the field of aviation, but also tanks, artillery, primarily jet artillery... We will talk about this in more detail.
  A bell was heard and the leading aircraft designers of the Third Reich entered the room.
  Messerschmitt, relatively young with a high forehead, Heinkel, already elderly, but very agile, athletically built Tank, Lippisch, and a couple of lesser known ones.
  Adolf pointed them to the chairs and ordered them to lay out the drawings on the table:
  - Your task is to create a new, very powerful and modern weapon. Germany has more wind tunnels than any other country in the world, and the technology of many aircraft is very backward. But only in the Yu-88, you can significantly increase the speed by giving the car a more streamlined shape. In particular, the cockpit will be given a teardrop-shaped, convex shape, which will improve visibility and make the pilot more spacious, and will also add speed by improving aerodynamics by a good five kilometers. Plus, it is necessary to give a streamlined shape to the firing points of both bombers and fighters, bomb racks, and air brakes in the non-working position.
  You write down what I tell you!
  The designers nodded in unison:
  - So definitely a great Fuhrer!
  Adolf continued:
  - XE-129 - should be redesigned so that the weapon box itself is given a streamlined shape and a movable aircraft cannon is installed to protect against attacks from the rear and lower hemisphere. In addition, this attack aircraft should be equipped with an engine boost system. At the same time as perestroika, it is necessary to increase the production of such attack aircraft. Their devastating air strikes paralyze the activity of the British. In addition, the Ju-87 dive bomber should be used in Britain. We will put outdated cars into service...
  Adolf paused. The designers were silent. The Fuhrer remarked:
  I have big doubts about the F -190. The vehicle turned out to be heavy and not maneuverable enough; in addition, it does not have a system for filling tanks with inert gases, which replace used fuel. Because of this, this car can even be knocked out with one incendiary bullet. What will Tank say about this?
  The famous SS designer, standing at attention, remarked:
  - This is our shortcoming, great Fuhrer. Although the placement of the tanks must be considered quite successful, they are less vulnerable to enemy fire and at the same time protect the pilot. As for maneuverability, then... One armor weighs 120 kilograms, and it"s not so easy for us to lighten it...
  Possessed Adolf suggested:
  - Try to improve the aerodynamic qualities of the Fokken-Wulf. Primarily due to weight reduction, it is necessary to bend the wing tips to increase the controllability and maneuverability of the vehicle. In addition, it will install protection for the rear hemisphere... As for the location of the engine in front of the pilot"s cabin, this protects the pilot, but requires the vehicle to be equipped with an ejection device. By the way, the very shape of the motor can be made more streamlined, which our industrialists should definitely take into account. By the way, what about work on the ME-309?
  Messerschmitt was somewhat shocked:
  - We are working on this, great Fuhrer. The calculated characteristics promise to increase the speed of the vehicle, up to 740 kilometers per hour, when armed with seven firing points! This will be the most powerful death for the British...
  Adolf interrupted:
  - Finishing should be done faster. And you, Speer, speed up the development of the new rapid-firing 30-millimeter aircraft gun. It can also be used very successfully for shooting at ground targets and against enemy aircraft! The new ME-309 should replace the previous ME-109. As for your ME-262 jet machine, alas, it has many disadvantages: heavy weight, low operational reliability, excessive accident rate... I'll sketch the jet we need myself.
  Adolf Hitler began to draw a car, using his knowledge of modern jet fighters. However, not the most modern ones, but from about the fifties, in order to adapt them to the current level of production and technology. He paid special attention to the technology of changing the wing sweep. Explaining all the advantages of such a design:
  - During landing and take-off, the sweep will decrease, and during flight it will increase. Only due to this, a fighter with a modern ME-262 engine will be able to accelerate to 1,100 kilometers per hour. And its weight will be significantly less.
  Messerschmitt looked at the diagram, wrinkled his high bald forehead and squeezed out:
  - Brilliant! But my Fuhrer, where did you get such deep knowledge of aerodynamics?
  The possessed Adolf narrowed his eyes slyly:
  - What about aerodynamics? A gifted person is usually gifted in everything! And mediocrity is mediocrity in Africa too! What's wrong with the Arado bomber? Show me the diagram?
  The hit-and-miss Fuhrer took a quick look and shook his head negatively:
  - No, that will not do! The idea with the trolley is no good, because of it the plane will not turn around and will crash. Requires conventional retractable landing gear. Consider some design changes for better aerodynamics. Without unnecessary invention, but with ingenuity.
  Adolf went crazy and made a few more comments:
  - The Gryphon Xe-177 aircraft has an extremely unreliable power plant. It needs to be replaced immediately, with the latest piston engines, initially four standing separately. Then to the most modern engines with a power of 2950 horsepower. As for the ability to strike from high altitudes and in a dive, then... Start developing the Xe-277, this machine will also become a nemesis weapon. But the main thing is jet bombers. This is a priority task. For example, this is what the Yu-287 should be like.
  The Fuhrer again made a sketch with forward-swept wings, explaining certain nuances to the designers. Adolf was seriously carried away, showing certain diagrams. Especially the tailless bomber. And that the design of a flying wing jet machine is more than promising. And at the same time, the vehicle is capable of bombing even US territory. He directly indicated that designers from all over Europe and even Jews should be involved in the work. Finally realizing that the designers were already busy enough, he mercifully let them go, leaving only Lippisha. The Fuhrer shouted:
  - And I ask you, Alexander, to stay! You will be tasked with creating new, extremely effective weapons.
  Lippisch was surprised:
  - I will be grateful to you, Fuhrer!
  Hitler the Terminator began to explain:
  - You, of course, know the theory of Wieselsberger, who was once an assistant to Professor Prandtl in Göttingen. He was the first to develop the theory of the influence of the screen on the underlying surface...
  Lippisch nodded, smiling:
  - You are well aware, my Fuhrer! Yes, I know this theory!
  Possessed Adolf continued:
  - We need to create an ekranoplan - a kind of hybrid of a torpedo boat and a seaplane. It actually flies much lower, some 20-40 centimeters from the water. In this case, the mass of air supporting the ekranoplan boat consists of two parts. One is a frozen stream under the wing; the other - rather insignificant - comes out from under the wing in the area of the trailing edge and is constantly replenished with air coming from above, from the tip of the wing.
  Lippisch readily confirmed:
  - Truly so my Fuhrer!
  Possessed Adolf continued:
  - However, the main mass of air remains under the bearing surface and creates a pressure there that is almost equal to the velocity pressure. It plays the role of a kind of air skating rink, along which the ekranoplan boat "rolls" like clockwork! The first person to use this in practice was the Finnish engineer Kaario. He developed a simple rectangular wing-sleigh gliding over the snow using a screen and even received a patent for it. Unfortunately, the military did not appreciate such a discovery in time. They say that the Russian professor Levkov conducted similar experiments... That is, this could become a new miracle weapon, capable of delivering bombs, torpedoes, and landing troops to the coast of Britain, at the speed of an airplane, and at the same time invisible to radar. Plus more devastating attacks on English ships! Agree?
  Lippisch fumbled with his hand, the helpful waitresses poured him some juice... After drinking a little, the designer remarked:
  - Yes, this is a rich idea, although there will be some technical problems. For example, sustainability...
  The possessed Adolf nodded in a friendly manner:
  - I"ll sketch out a rough diagram for you, it"s better to do it, and you"ll polish the small technical details yourself. The body should be long, reminiscent of an airliner fuselage, flowing into a dolphin cockpit nose, convex windshields and turbojet engines.... Although it is possible that piston engines will also work in the first models. And when this colossus is towed into open water, the engines will roar deafeningly and the narrow predatory body will explode like a whale, throwing up a cloud of spray. Mind you, this colossus is capable of rushing like a fighter a few meters from the surface of the water.
  Lippisch whistled in genuine admiration:
  - You have a rich imagination, Fuhrer!
  Dashing Adolf became even more inspired:
  - Of course it would be a miracle weapon. After all, ekranoplans are not afraid of any storms. They are not afraid of ice - they fly over it. They are not threatened by swampy river mouths and coastal rocks, on which ordinary ships can break, and the shallows are generally like a children's pond. They are capable of landing troops everywhere: from the African coast of Skeletons with its devilish reefs, to both coasts of the United States, the Arctic lands of Canada and Alaska. There would be several hundred of these machines, and Britain would fall in two months.
  Lippisch timidly remarked:
  - And the mines?
  The Fuhrer laughed:
  - That's exactly the mines! They do not threaten either under the surface of the waters or in the shallows! As well as torpedoes from submarines. And he himself is an ideal weapon for fighting the most advanced submarines, hitting them with depth charges. In addition, ekranoplanes can fire missiles and mines at enemy ships. Yes, of course, I will introduce you to the design of guided bombs. And of course, landings... An ideal means of delivering landing forces, not only with infantry, but also with tanks! Then the whole nature of the war will change at once! Do you understand Lippisch, what business does the Fuhrer trust you with?
  The designer asked more mercantilely:
  - What about the awards?
  Serious Adolf confirmed:
  - Of course, the most generous ones, an iron cross with diamonds, lands, colonies, subjects! If we conquer all of Africa, there will be enough land for everyone!
  Lippisch stated:
  - If money and funds are given, the ekranoplan will be ready, but... I also have projects for a tailless fighter.
  The Terminator Fuhrer hastened to reassure the inventor:
  - A tailless jet bomber, I"ve already sketched it out, others will take care of it. How convenient and a fighter! Ekranoplanes are more important because they are a fundamentally new weapon... In addition, the Gotha company has very talented designers who will do this. In the meantime, work on ekranoplanes. In general, now I have a lot of urgent matters, I still need to talk with the tank generals... The order will be given to you...
  Lippisch left the Fuhrer very inspired. Adolf thought that maybe it would be better to first talk with nuclear physicists about creating an atomic and, in the future, a hydrogen bomb, but he decided not to do too much, loading himself and other people at a time.
  There were several designers, including the most famous: Porsche and Aders. In general, if the Germans had a qualitative superiority over the Soviets in aviation and the submarine fleet (although not everyone admits this!), then the tank fleet of the Panzervale was noticeably lagging behind. In particular, the Soviet KV vehicles, T-28, T-34, were superior to the German ones in armor and armament, and the T-34 also in driving performance. However, the guns of German tanks are not strong enough for the English Matildas and Cromwells, much less those already being developed by the designers of the Churchills and Challengers. Not to mention the weakness of the armor of German designs...
  Having invited the guests to sit down, the Fuhrer began to read the moral:
  - Unfortunately, Germany currently does not have a reliable anti-tank gun... Equipped with a 50-mm T-3 gun, they can only stroke the armor of the Matilda or KV... But the Matilda entered service with Britain even before the start of the Second World War. We ourselves have captured Matildas, whose frontal armor cannot be penetrated. Well, the Soviet KVs cannot even penetrate the side or hull. The maximum that our car can do is break the track! That is, you designers have put us in such a position that the enemy"s tanks are much stronger than ours in terms of armor, and the new American "Grants" and the "Shermans" ready for mass production are superior in armament. Not to mention Russian vehicles with a 76mm cannon. And how do you carry out the task of creating new tanks, in particular with an 88 mm gun.
  Porsche responded in confusion:
  - Of course, we are carrying out similar developments, great Fuhrer. On May 26, the Armaments Directorate gave us an order for a 45-ton ViK -4501 tank. It should be exactly like this, with an 88 mm anti-aircraft gun converted into a tank turret. We already have preliminary drawings. You can familiarize yourself with them, great one.
  The Fuhrer asked:
  - Are you Aders?
  Erwin nodded:
  - Back in the forties, the vk -3001 was successfully tested. A new heavy vehicle, with a 75 mm cannon. We have a similar weapon in the anti-tank model, but it has not yet been put into mass production. In addition, work was carried out to create the T-6, weighing up to 65 tons. And a lighter model of 36 tons. We are trying great Fuhrer.
  Adolf, imagining himself a know-it-all, began to quickly examine the drawings. Here they are the first sketches of the formidable "Tiger", Germany"s most famous tank of the Second World War. This car became famous during the Kursk Bulge. In Soviet times, "Tigers" were generally reviled, but then the attitude towards this car became more objective. For its time, this tank, of course, was not bad. During the first major skirmish with our KVs, three Tigers knocked out ten Soviet vehicles, and they themselves escaped without damage. The main advantage of this vehicle was its powerful 88-mm cannon, which for a long time did not have a worthy opponent. However, on the Kursk Bulge, despite the qualitative superiority in technology, the Nazis were still defeated... Statistics on the combat use of this vehicle, as well as the ratio of losses, generally speak of it as one of the best vehicles of the Second World War. But the shortcomings are also visible to the naked eye. Heavy weight of 56 tons, with armor of only 100 millimeters (only 80 sides!), high height, lack of rational armor slope angles and poor driving performance. In general, the IS-2 tank, weighing ten tons less, was superior to the tiger in both armor and armament... But this tank appeared only in February 1944. The "Royal Tiger" generally weighed 68 tons, with frontal armor of 180 millimeters... Of course, such a tank was not suitable for war in Africa, in the desert, for landing, it"s just a machine like an ear of clay with feet of clay. No, of course, for its time, the "Royal Tiger" was very effective, it could destroy several enemy tanks in a battle, and once knocked out twenty-five "Shermans" within an hour. There seemed to be information about twenty-three T-34 tanks destroyed by the Tiger during one battle. But in any case, this tank is simply the embodiment of irrational use of power and weight. But, for example, the Soviet T-54 tank... A kind of embodiment of the successful rational use of actually previous technologies of the Second World War.
  The Fuhrer stated decisively:
  - No, gentlemen! This project is not suitable! Making a vehicle weighing fifty-six tons with only 100 millimeters of armor... Where is our vaunted German efficiency and rationality?
  Aders timidly remarked:
  - The French S-2, with a weight of 70 tons, had armor of 45 millimeters...
  The Fuhrer-Terminator interrupted angrily:
  - This is a tank from the time of the First World War. But the Russian KV-2 had a 152-millimeter howitzer and weighed 52 tons. But this is 152 millimeters, not 88.
  Therefore, I give you the task of an 88-mm cannon of 71 caliber, for a tank with a weight of no more than forty tons and frontal armor of at least 180 millimeters, sides and hull of 150 millimeters, an engine of six hundred, seven hundred horsepower. And this tank should be put into mass production at the latest, in six months.
  The German designers turned pale and their hands shook. Alexander looked at them mockingly. The task was indeed a very difficult one; armament and armor typical for the "Royal Tiger" model 1944, but you need to keep the weight down by 28 tons! However, Adolf considered this quite real, and even gave Porsche a friendly slap on the shoulder:
  - Don"t be upset, I myself will draw you an optimal scheme in which you can get by with such a relatively small weight. I'm not a tyrant, but a rationalist. You just have to rebuild a lot. In particular, placing the transmission and engine together.
  Aders remarked sadly:
  - This will create certain problems for us. In particular, such an arrangement will have the following disadvantages....
  Tough Adolf interrupted:
  - Of course, there will be some problems, but in principle they can be easily eliminated. Particularly in technical terms. But you can position the engine much more compactly, move the suspension and... The height of the tank needs to be lowered to two meters, and the crew should be placed reclining, then everything will be much more rational.
  The Fuhrer began to make a sketch, a kind of drawing, of the type of the most popular Soviet tank of the post-war period, the T-54. This vehicle was so successful that it was launched in 1947 and was used during the battles in Afghanistan with the Taliban; Iraqi troops fought with the US Army in them during Desert Storm and Operation Shock and Awe or Iraqi Freedom . " In total, more than 70 thousand of these tanks were produced. And that the car was very successful. With a weight of 36 tons, frontal armor of 200 millimeters, and a cannon of 100 millimeters caliber. This type successfully fought with both American Patons and Pershings during the Korean War. So for this technological level the model is very suitable and realistic for implementation. And quite easy to manufacture - cheap... As for the German 88-mm 71 El cannon, it was sufficiently penetrating for all tanks of the Second World War (with the exception of the frontal armor of the IS-3, which entered service in May 1945!). What about the IS-3? The tank is excellent in terms of armor, and the turret, which was given a pike shape. True, the driving performance was poor, and it was soon discontinued. Then there were several more models, the IS-4, and so on until they settled on the IS-10, renamed T-10 after Stalin"s death. And this turned out to be the last Soviet heavy tank. Khrushchev banned all development of heavy vehicles, and his successors did not revise this!
  In general, do the Germans need a tank heavier than forty tons, if even on a medium tank they can install a cannon that can penetrate 193 millimeters of armor at a distance of 1000 meters?
  The Americans quickly abandoned heavy tanks, and the weight of the Pershing did not exceed 42 tons, and the Sherman generally 32. But after it became obvious that a war with the USSR was about to break out, a monster appeared with a 120-mm caliber gun and an initial projectile speed of almost 1000 meters per second. However, the Americans soon became disillusioned with this tank. Before the appearance of the IS-10, the most popular post-war tank was the IS-4, with frontal armor of 250 millimeters and side armor of 170... A reliable vehicle, although it weighed more than 60 tons. In any case, you need to commission the creation of a heavy tank for Germany, but not more than 50 tons. For example, the IS-10 just weighed 50 tons with frontal armor of 290 millimeters and a gun of 125 millimeters... By the way, what caliber is the most successful? During the war, the most popular Sherman and Churchill models had armor of 100 and 152 millimeters (frontal). Well, the "Royal Tigers" coped with it quite well... But the "Panther" began to lag slightly behind the 75-mm caliber, even if the high initial velocity of the projectile became insufficient. Therefore, "Panthers" with 88-millimeter guns appeared, although only at the end of the war, and there were only a few of them. But the fact that the Wehrmacht had no plans to rearm tanks and anti-tank guns with a larger caliber suggests that this state of affairs suited everyone. There was indeed a Jagdtiger self-propelled gun with a 128-mm cannon and 250-mm frontal armor, but only 71 of them were produced and in such a tiny quantity they could not influence the course of the war. By the way, what"s interesting is that by the time the Jagdtigers surrendered, 43 more remained in service, which indicates the extreme survivability of such a machine.
  By the way, Stalin ordered that the IS-2 be immediately armed with a 122 mm cannon, although its penetrating power was excessive for German tanks (except for the "Royal Tiger", but only 458 such tanks were produced). Many advised the dictator to limit himself to a 100-mm barrel. And indeed the T-100 self-propelled gun turned out to be the best in terms of its overall combat characteristics. After all, the larger the caliber, the smaller the supply of shells, the lower the rate of fire, the initial velocity of the projectile, the range and accuracy of fire... But the Germans had the most massive tank, the T-4, and the self-propelled guns based on it, weighed only 22-24 tons. The Panzer self-propelled gun, however, was very successful: the Panther"s armament and frontal armor were almost identical to its own, with such low weight and height. It will be necessary to order the launch of more simple and cheap "Panzers" into production.
  And what about the caliber of the gun? For anti-tank guns, a caliber of 128 millimeters is too large; it is better to use it as an assault weapon, and choose an intermediate one of 105 millimeters.
  Adolf showed the German designers the diagram:
  - This is our new secret weapon! The tank should undergo testing in the coming months. Its combat use will be in 1943. In the meantime, you also have a project to create a heavy tank with 105 mm guns. As well as light self-propelled guns. So get to work gentlemen.
  Aders timidly objected:
  - The design you proposed looks attractive, but the problem is this tank is not in the spirit of our traditions... And the crew will be uncomfortable...
  Instead of answering, Adolf drank some juice and suggested:
  - Maybe we can have lunch, comrades. In general, this tank can be produced in large quantities, and I don"t think that the Americans and British will produce something better before the end of the war. And today you can eat a little meat...
  The girls quickly set the table. Alexander, realizing that the Fuhrer"s stomach, weaned from meat, could get sick, chose to remain true to himself, and only ate a little sturgeon, while remembering Sobakevich from their "Dead Souls". Hmm, so far he seems to be doing everything right. Puts the economy on a war footing, declares total war, passes laws that should have been adopted back in 1939... Hitler"s slowness with militarization led to a shortage of weapons, and precisely in quantitative terms... Moreover, the famous MP-44 assault rifle... Excellent in its combat characteristics a thing that in some ways is even better than the first Kalashnikov models. It"s just a bit heavy... Maybe we could really use the AKM assault rifle as a basis? Eh, it would be nice to create a weapon that combines the accuracy of the American M-16 with the rate of fire and reliability of the AKM. In general, progress is developing unevenly. For example, engines in tanks did not add much power, but the computer became completely inaccessible. But he has knowledge of the future, but what can he offer in terms of, for example, an oil substitute. Until now, even in America they have not learned how to effectively produce gasoline from coal! Despite rising oil prices. Well, what else can he offer. Dynamic protection, turbogenerator engines... And this will happen, but a little later, so as not to rush to lay out trump cards. In seventy years, progress has gone far ahead, but until old age is defeated, illness too, and man is not God! Moreover, in some ways there is even a regression... For example, an increase in religiosity, especially in Russia and the post-Soviet space, as well as in Islamic countries. But the great thinkers of the Renaissance and modern times predicted that religion would gradually die out!
  But strangely enough, religious extremism is growing... And priests are interfering more and more in state politics. And in this situation, the policy of the authorities is incomprehensible; do they really seriously believe that the truth is in Orthodoxy or Islam? All these educated and smart people? If not, then what is the point of abandoning the secular model of statehood? For the sake of efficiency in managing the masses? But it is precisely Orthodoxy that has proven its ineffectiveness as a state religion... The fact is that, having a formal basis for Christianity and, first of all, the New Testament, Orthodoxy has as its basis a pacifist teaching: do not resist evil and love your enemy! But at the same time, the actual policy of the empire is aggressive and requires violence and conquest. This is what gives rise to the contradiction between form and essence. Even if many people do not consciously understand this, they subconsciously feel it!
  Because of this, the Orthodox teaching is ineffective, devoid of logic, trying to be imperial and Christian at the same time. And Christian means Jewish and pacifist! After all, the Bible was written almost entirely by Jews, and maybe even entirely, because the Apostle Paul says that the advantage of the Jews is great because they have been entrusted with the word of God! This means that a Russian should not believe the Bible! This means that another faith is needed, but no longer based on the Jewish Scriptures... Which one? It should be developed by experienced professionals and psychologists under the guidance of the FSB! Then many contradictions will be successfully resolved...
  It must be said that a child reading the Gospel will never become a strong, brave, cruel warrior who loves Russia! And which country is famous in the Bible? Israel!
  True, Adolf himself is possessed, this player, having found himself in Hitler"s place, is not at all going to tighten the persecution of Jews. On the contrary, useful Jews will enjoy benefits and work for the Third Reich. There will be no such nonsense as shooting Jewish scientists or artists! But it is premature to repeal anti-Semitic laws. Firstly, people may misunderstand, and secondly, this is a source of wealth and a very solid source! But it is, of course, possible to soften anti-Semitic policies in exchange for Jewish support.
  What to do with the Pope? Relations with the Vatican are far from ideal, but open war will only bring harm at this stage. This means you need to seek the support of the Vatican, but at the same time insist on your interests... Ideally, put your puppet on the throne of Peter and gradually reform the religion...
  Porsche interrupted Adolf's thoughts:
  - We are very pleased with your dinner, Fuhrer!
  The possessed Adolf smiled graciously:
  - Well, for now I will meet with Himmler, and then let Heinseberg arrive. And look, guys: you have been given very strict deadlines!
  The Fuhrer's army was moving across Africa. And it held the defense against the USSR.
  In winter, the Red Army launched an offensive on the Rzhev ledge, but the Nazis were waiting there and were able to repel the blow. In the south, the Germans also held out, holding on to the Oryol and Kharkov directions. And only near Leningrad, Soviet troops were able to carry out Operation Iskra, but the battles lasted almost a month and the victory was bought at an extremely high price.
  The Krauts somehow survived the winter of '42 - '43.
  But in the spring, most of Africa is already conquered by them. And the Fuhrer is testing the waters of peace with Britain.
  Churchill is somewhat cold about this. Although Britain suffers defeat after defeat.
  It"s also not clear with Japan - the Battle of Midway was lost by America, and while the samurai are beating the large Yankee fleet piece by piece. And America cannot benefit from its numerical superiority at sea and in the air.
  Hitler wants to attack against the USSR, but even after the announcement of general, total mobilization, he has too little strength for this. Since the Krauts are scattered throughout Africa.
  In the summer the Red Army itself is ready to advance. The Nazis, however, having conquered Africa, form colonial troops. And they receive additional resources.
  They are used to produce the Lion, Tiger, and Panther tanks. However, the data given to the monster was not entirely successful. Too expensive, too heavy. True, for defense the Panther is a good tank destroyer, with a rapid-fire cannon.
  But the most unsuccessful was "Lion", heavy, expensive, but not very effective. The gun is too powerful against Soviet thirty-fours and light tanks, and the rate of fire is much lower than that of the Panther and Tiger. And the armor, however, is better than that of the "Tiger", and also at rational slopes. "Lion" turned out to be like a large "Panther" weighing ninety tons and an engine of eight hundred horsepower. However, somewhat faster than in real history, the "Tiger"-2, twenty-two tons lighter, entered production. Close in level of protection to the "Lion", but more mobile, lightweight. The gun, however, is of 88 mm caliber - versus 105, but quite sufficient to destroy all Soviet tanks. And what is significant is a faster rate of fire - eight shots versus five.
  So "Lion" is a child of a German, gloomy genius that did not take root.
  The Germans captured all of Africa, including Madagascar, over the summer. Stalin waited too long.
  Maybe he himself was counting on the Germans to launch an offensive. Especially seeing how the Lion, Tiger, and Panther tanks arrive. But the Krauts were still solving problems on the dark continent.
  Stalin missed the moment. The offensive of Soviet troops began in the direction of Orel and Kharkov. Just where the Germans were well prepared. And it was not possible to achieve tactical surprise. The very first battles showed that "Panther" performs excellently in defense. Not bad and "Ferdinands". They're good too.
  And the Tiger is a productive tank. And he scores well. The Germans are actively defending. And withstand the enemy's blows. In three months of very stubborn fighting, the Red Army advanced only fifteen kilometers. And her losses were significant.
  Two dozen English planes flew over the camouflaged girls; they probably didn"t notice anything, and were already beginning to disappear beyond the horizon, when suddenly new suspicious sounds were heard. Madeleine commanded:
  - Everyone lie down and don"t move!
  The girls froze, they were waiting for something. And then light transporters and trucks appeared from behind the dune. Judging by the design, it is made in England and America. They slowly moved towards the capital of Tunisia. Madeleine was a little confused. She believed that the front line was still far away, which meant the British would not yet have time to appear. Or rather, they should not appear. And here a whole column is rushing. Although, perhaps, less than a battalion... Who are they, some combat group, having bypassed the deserts of a not at all continuous front, wants to rummage around in the rear. It seems logical, although with technology they are easy to spot in the desert. In any case, you need to radio to your friends, but not open fire. Moreover, there are only a hundred of them, and there are more than three hundred British!
  Gerda whispered to Charlotte:
  - These are the English! This is the first time I've seen them so close!
  The red-haired friend, also quite nervous, answered:
  - Nothing special! And among them there are so many blacks!
  Indeed, at least half of the English were black. And the column moved slowly, and the blacks were still howling... They were getting closer and closer...
  Here the nerves of one of the girls could not stand it, and she fired a submachine gun. At the same second, the rest of the warriors opened fire, and Madeleine belatedly barked:
  - Fire!
  Several dozen Englishmen were mowed down at once, one of the trucks burst into flames. The rest of the British opened fire indiscriminately. Madeleine, seizing the moment, yelled:
  - Throw offensive grenades together!
  Girls from the elite SS battalion "She-Wolf" throw grenades far and accurately. And that they have been trained since childhood, and have also undergone special techniques. This is when you are training with electric shock, you are a little slow with the throw and you are shocked. Gerda and Charlotte also threw their gifts. And the British are head over heels and upside down... It"s so funny. They shoot randomly, and the blacks are still screaming in an incomprehensible language. Those are definitely scumbags...
  And Gerda shoots and throws, while also singing:
  - There is a nightmare in the pupils of the SS! One jump - one hit! We are she-wolves - our method is simple! We don't like to pull the cat's tail!
  Charlotte also growls in response. The bullets fired by her break the skull into fragments. And then they gouge out their eyes. Here's one frightened black man stabbing his blond partner in the side with a bayonet. He will spit blood in response. Charlotte sings along:
  - Angels of the starry dark hell! It seems that everything in the universe will be destroyed! You need to fly into the sky like a fast falcon! To protect souls from destruction!
  The British act unorganized, most of them are colonial soldiers: blacks and Indians, Arabs. They either fall, freezing, or, on the contrary, jump up sharply and begin to run around like crazy hares. However, the girls shoot accurately, and even though the grenades don"t fly far, the fragments are thick! There are already few enemies left. Madeleine screams in English, her voice is so deafeningly loud that you don"t even need a megaphone:
  - Surrender and we will spare your lives! In captivity you will have good food, wine and sex!
  It worked instantly and once they give up... Hands up and...
  They collected fifty prisoners, half of them wounded. Madeleine commanded:
  - Finish off the wounded!
  The "she-wolves" unceremoniously fired bullets into the temples of those who could not stand on their feet, and the rest were loaded into cars and driven to the nearest base.
  After the hot sand of the desert, Gerda"s bare feet are very pleased to feel the soft rubber. She even moans blissfully... American trucks are very comfortable and do not shake during the trip. Having won, the girls are cheerful. Charlotte asked Gerda:
  - How many did you kill?
  The girl shrugged her shoulders in bewilderment:
  - Don't know? I wasn"t the only one who shot... But I think there were many!
  Charlotte calculated:
  - There are a hundred of us, he killed about three hundred, which means three per brother, that is, per sister! An impressive start to the war!
  Gerda waved her hand indifferently:
  - This is not important to me! The main thing is that not a single friend died. Although this is, of course, statistics, three hundred enemies were destroyed, and on our side only two wolf warriors were slightly wounded. I"m even surprised how we haven"t completely conquered Africa yet, with such warriors.
  Charlotte immediately ruined the mood:
  - Well, we lost to these unfortunate warriors in the eighteenth!
  Gerda angrily shook her fair head, as if covered with New Year"s snow:
  - This is because of betrayal! But in fact, we were closer than ever to victory and this was obvious to everyone who is not blind! Alas, we were interrupted!
  Charlotte agreed, deftly scratching behind her left ear with her bare toes:
  - Yes, betrayal, sabotage, mediocrity of the military... But we still broke the Russians, forcing them to surrender in 1918! Oh, it would be nice to take a walk through the expanses of Russia, it"s cool there, but here it"s hot!
  Gerda giggled cheerfully:
  - But in Russia there are such severe frosts... But when I ran barefoot through the snow in the mountains, I know what torture it is.
  Charlotte bared her teeth:
  - Little Gerda runs barefoot through the burning snow... This is symbolic, as if in a fairy tale... Fairy tales about a pure, still childish and not at all selfish...
  Gerda winked cheerfully at her friend:
  - It"s like we have to go to the Fuhrer?
  Charlotte confirmed:
  - Almost! We are just driving, not running barefoot across the hot desert sand. And even after the victory.
  The tied up black man muttered in German:
  - Terrible angels, I am ready to serve you! You are a goddess, I am your slave!
  Charlotte stroked the black captive"s brown curly hair with her slightly roughened foot:
  - You blacks are already slaves by nature! This, of course, on the one hand is good, someone has to work hard from dawn to dusk, do menial work... But a slave by his nature, by his vile nature, is a traitor and cannot be trusted with a weapon. We Germans, in turn, are the most cultural and highly organized nation on Earth. A great nation of warriors, and it is not without reason that German mercenaries served in all European armies and even in Russia, most often in command positions!
  Gerda said fiercely:
  - Yes, you will serve us as a slave. We have special menageries for blacks. And for now all you have to do is...
  Charlotte suggested:
  - Let him kiss our feet. After all, it will be pleasant for us, and Niger humiliate himself.
  Gerda shook her head vigorously:
  "I don"t know how you are, but it is disgusting if the Aryan"s pure skin touches the lips of the smelly Niger." So...
  Charlotte disagreed:
  - Not really! On the contrary, I would have liked it. Well look...
  The fiery red-haired beauty thrust her little leg at the black man. He enthusiastically began to kiss the long, smooth, chiseled fingers of the goddess. And the girl only smiled tenderly in response, the black man"s thick lips tickling his tanned skin. The prisoner"s tongue ran over the girl"s elastic, slightly dusty foot. It"s still nice when you humiliate a strong, almost two-meter man.
  Gerda was surprised:
  - It"s strange, but don"t you feel disgusted?
  Charlotte smiled:
  - Not really! Why should I be disgusted?
  Gerda chose to remain silent: why should she interfere in her friend"s affairs? In fact, they were brought up that a German woman should not only be a warrior, but also a loving, gentle wife and a healthy mother. But she herself hasn"t thought about guys yet, maybe due to heavy physical exertion, or simply hasn"t found her match yet. However, Charlotte also seems to be tired of it. She hit the black man in the nose with her ankle, so much so that his nose began to flow and suggested to Gerda:
  - Maybe we can sing?
  Gerda nodded:
  - Of course, we"ll sing! Otherwise it becomes sad!
  The girls began to sing, and their friends joined in, so that the song flowed like a waterfall:
  My dear one and I are going out of the thicket,
  Hiding unearthly sadness!
  And the cold, burning, chilling,
  The broken motive pierced!
  Bare feet in the snow,
  The girls are going white!
  Evil blizzards roar like wolves,
  Disrupting flocks of birds!
  But the girl knows no fear
  She is a powerful fighter!
  The shirt barely covered the flesh,
  We will definitely win!
  Our warrior is the most seasoned,
  You can't bend it with a sledgehammer!
  Here the maples are moving gently,
  Snowflakes are falling on your chest!
  It"s not our custom to be afraid,
  Don't you dare shiver from the cold!
  The opponent is fat with a bull's neck,
  It's sticky and disgusting like glue!
  The people have such strength
  What did the holy rite accomplish!
  For us both faith and nature,
  The result will be victorious!
  Christ Inspires the Fatherland,
  Tells us to fight to the end!
  So that the planet becomes a paradise,
  All hearts will be brave!
  People will soon be happy
  Let life be a heavy cross at times!
  Bullets are brutally deadly
  But the one who fell has already risen!
  Science gives us immortality,
  And the minds of the fallen will be returned to duty!
  But if we chicken out, believe me,
  The enemy will immediately screw up the score!
  Therefore, at least pray to God,
  No need to make mistakes, be lazy!
  Judge Almighty is very strict,
  At least it can help sometimes!
  The Motherland is dearest to me,
  Holy, wise country!
  Our leader, hold the reins tighter,
  The Fatherland is born to bloom!
  The girls from the elite SS battalion "She-Wolf" sang so beautifully, and the words were soulful. In general, there is a stereotype that an SS man means an executioner! But that's not true. There were, of course, special punitive units, most often as part of security divisions that carried out special operations, but most SS divisions were simply the elite guards of the Wehrmacht. In general, it must be said that red, totalitarian propaganda is not the most reliable source of information about the Second World War. After all, it is clear that the communist leaders of Agitprop could not help but be unbiased and objectively cover events. So, it is reliably difficult to judge where there was real truth about the atrocities of the Nazis, and where there was fiction. In any case, those who are seriously engaged in historical research are forced to admit that not every SS warrior is an executioner and a monster. In addition, before the attack on the USSR; The Nazis generally behaved tolerantly in the occupied territories; Western sources do not indicate any mass atrocities or reprisals.
  And now the girls helped the prisoners get out of the cars; they patted the timid men's broad shoulders in a friendly manner. After which the girls were invited to refresh themselves...
  Lunch was modest, but a zebra was shot in the desert and each girl got a kebab cooked in Arabic style. In general, the Arabs, at least outwardly, were friendly and those who knew German even tried to joke or gently stroke the girls" legs.
  Gerda pushed the sticky Arab away and said:
  - I'm not for you!
  Charlotte followed suit:
  - Get yourself a harem!
  Gerda smiled and suggested:
  - But tell me, Charlotte, what would you do if you became the Sultan"s wife?
  The red-haired friend remarked doubtfully:
  - This is actually a debatable happiness... Although it depends on which sultan"s wife. If the great Ottoman Empire was in its heyday, then... It would even be very nice... I would reform the Turkish army, improve weapons... And probably first I would turn my gaze to the east.
  Gerda agreed:
  - Right! But it is a shame for Turkey that even in its heyday it could not conquer Iran. This was quite realistic, especially since the Persian army was backward. I wonder, Great Fuhrer, what decision will he make: conquer Turkey, or include him in his coalition, throwing the Ottomans a bone, including some of the not very valuable lands of Iran?
  Charlotte shrugged her shoulders in confusion.
  - Don't know! In fact, recently there have been rumors that we will attack the USSR... They say that Russian riches and rich lands of Ukraine are not really needed!
  Gerda picked up the mug of tea with the toes of her bare feet and, quite deftly, lifted it to her chin, pouring the brown liquid into herself. At the same time, the girl managed to talk:
  - Ukraine has very rich, rich lands. Under wise German leadership, and with our high farming culture, they will produce record harvests. And then our bread will be cheaper than water. And this will be for the benefit of the Ukrainians themselves, because the Soviet government is simply robbing them, forcing them to starve!
  Charlotte nodded.
  - We will teach these Slavs our great Germanic culture! Let's enlighten them!
  Here the conversation was interrupted by rude shouts, the rest time was over.
  But after lunch the girls were lined up again and forced to march through the desert. After eating it was hard to run and the girls even moaned slightly until, however, their bodies warmed up. And so they rushed off like jerboas.
  This is a virtual battle... And Africa becomes German... And the Soviet-German front...
  In winter, the Red Army again went on the offensive. There are stubborn battles going on.
  Christina, Magda, Margaret and Shella fight in the Panther. The vehicle, although not ideal, has a fast-firing, long-range gun, is moderately agile, and has good frontal armor.
  German girls are barefoot and in bikinis, despite the cold. And they conduct a maneuverable battle.
  Here Christina fires a shot... The shell hits the T-34-76 turret and pierces it. A Soviet tank stops, shot down.
  The girls are screaming at the top of their lungs:
  - Ours took it!
  Then Magda shoots. The beauty with golden hair also hit.
  Yes, so the turret of the thirty-four was torn off.
  The tigress girls take turns shooting. And very accurately. So they hit another Soviet tank.
  Margaret hit next. And it hit the SU-76 self-propelled gun. Deftly banged. And she sang:
  - Our hellish Germany is strong, it protects the world!
  And how the tongue will show!
  Then she hit Shell with a cannon. Hit the Soviet KV-1S tank. The girl did a good job too.
  Yes, four warriors in bikinis are fighting and are not afraid of the cold. After women began to fight, things went much better for the Third Reich.
  Here are pilots Albina and Alvina in the sky. Both beauties are in bikinis and barefoot. They fight on Focke-Wulfs. And this is a very serious car.
  Albina, firing from air cannons, says:
  - Active croquet! Do not regret the words!
  And how he will sparkle with a dazzling smile! And he will shoot down two Soviet planes at once.
  Alvina also cut down as many as three with air cannons and chirped:
  - My entry will be deadly and matte!
  After which the girl bared her teeth and showed her teeth! She is all charm, and full of phenomenal charm.
  Albina cuts off another Yak-9 plane and squeaks:
  - Why are Soviet pilots needed?
  Alvina shoots down LAGG-5 and confidently says:
  - So that we Germans can collect bills!
  Wonderful couple of girls. How they set about collecting awards for themselves. You really can"t argue against such beauties. They shoot down planes and bare their teeth.
  And the main secret is that in the cold, girls need to be barefoot and in a bikini. Then the bills will come on their own.
  And never get dressed. Shake your bare chest, and you will always be held in high esteem!
  Albina cut down another Red Army plane and sang:
  - In great height and stellar purity!
  And she winked, jumping up and twitching her bare feet, roaring:
  - In the sea wave and furious fire! And in a furious and furious fire!
  And again the girl shoots down the plane with an energetic approach.
  And then Alvina attacks the enemy. He does it around the corner, bares his teeth and squeaks:
  - I will be a super world champion!
  And again the car hit by the girl falls. Yes, the Red Army gets it pretty bad.
  And Albina roars with wild ecstasy:
  - I'm now an executioner, not a pilot!
  Shots down another Soviet plane and hisses:
  - I bend over the sight and the missiles are rushing towards the target, there"s one more approach ahead!
  The warrior acts extremely aggressively.
  Here both girls are attacking ground targets. Albina punches the thirty-four and squeals:
  - This will be the end!
  Alvina hits the SU-76 and whispers:
  - Until complete destruction!
  And how he shakes his bare foot!
  In winter, the Red Army was unable to achieve significant success. Only in the Rzhev area did they manage to make a slight wedge, but by introducing reserves, the Germans restored the situation. The Krauts are really strong.
  And in May 1944, having replenished their troops with new tanks, including the more advanced and better protected Panther-2, they went on the offensive in the area of Kursk and Rostov-on-Don.
  Everything would not be so bad if a large number of Arabs and blacks had not taken part in the offensive. And most importantly, Türkiye also entered the war. So the situation has become extremely alarming.
  And the Red Army, suffering heavy losses, retreated before the superior forces of the Wehrmacht.
  But the brave six girls, led by Alenka, fought fiercely with the Krauts. And the forces were clearly unequal.
  Alenka fought for Kursk, which was stormed by the Nazis. The desperate beauty threw a grenade with her bare toes and chirped:
  - Glory to Rus' and our dear party!
  Then Natasha launched a grenade with her bare toes and hissed:
  - We take care of the girl barefoot!
  Afterwards, Anyuta also sent a gift of death with the toes of her bare feet, and withered:
  - It will be a wonderful blow!
  Red-haired Augustine took and sent a gift of annihilation with her bare lower limb and squeaked:
  - Pointing the radar into the sky!
  And then the golden-haired Maria gave death to the Nazis with her bare legs.
  And she sang:
  - In Madagascar, in the desert and the Sahara! Been everywhere, seen the world!
  And then Marusya throws a whole bunch of bare soles of her feet and sings:
  - In Finland, Greece, and in Australia, Sweden, they will tell you that there are no more beautiful girls than these!
  Yes, the six girls fought very well. But the Krauts still took Kursk...
  No, you cannot resist such superior forces. The fascists are being stubborn.
  And what does the preparation of the monsters mean?
  Adolf Hitler was simply crazy: feeling like a real despot, to whom everyone obeys and trembles. Yes, if you want Stalin"s successes, then you need to be like Stalin, without pity and demanding of others and yourself (that"s exactly how Joseph Vissarionovich thought in this order!). Now the rustling is decent and the car will start to move. In general, Germany, taking into account its satellites, has a huge advantage over the USSR in the amount of industrial equipment, in the qualified workforce and in the number of engineers at all levels. This is a fact, but the production of weapons is still not up to par! Germany lagged behind the USSR throughout the war, despite all the destruction in Russia. And from what? Of course, due to a certain chaos that reigned in various departments and, especially in the military industry. In addition, a lack of raw materials, as well as an underestimation of the enemy"s potential, played a negative role. In particular, in 1940, the production of weapons in Germany was lower than in 1939 (if we consider the total including ammunition), and this despite the fact that the war was already underway, and the Third Reich took control of large territories with huge reserves of production capacity. Well, what can we say about Hitler"s organizational abilities? Not too much, he shone in the military industry.
  The Fuhrer declared in a long speech:
  - In the matter of supervising aviation, emergency powers are granted to Sauer. He will closely monitor the quantity of equipment produced, and, no less important, the quality. In addition, many of your friends Goering, even though they were once good aces, are not capable of leadership work. Not every good soldier is also an outstanding general, so instead of the hanged Eric, the technical sphere will be led by a person from among professional entrepreneurs who is capable of reforming and re-equipping the aviation forces. After all, Britain is not asleep, it is increasing both the quantity and quality of its armed forces, and especially its aviation. We need to be two heads ahead of the enemy, a dozen steps, otherwise we will completely lose our superiority over the enemy. Therefore, qualitative steps are needed.
  Goering timidly replied:
  - My friends, proven people who have proven their combat effectiveness and professionalism.
  The possessed dictator became furious:
  - Or maybe I, in your opinion, forgot who lost the Battle of Britain? Or who failed the four-year plan for the development of the national economy. Or do you also want to be hit with rods, and even publicly. So shut your mouth and be silent before you impale yourself!
  Goering even crouched down in fear. Alas, the Fuhrer is not to be trifled with. Then the noise was heard again, and another ME-262 jet took off into the sky. The car was massive and had two engines. The wings are slightly swept, the fighter itself looks quite menacing. Its speed characteristics, for 1941, are generally decent, and even by world standards they are record-breaking. True, the machine itself is not yet completely reliable and requires debugging. The fascist dictator, however, has already given the characteristics of new, more advanced fighters... The ME-262 weighs more than six tons, which means there is some overload. A fighter jet must be small, cheap and nimble. In this regard, the ME-163 could be quite good, but its rocket engine is too forced and only works for six minutes (or rather, it will still work!), which means the range is only within a radius of one hundred kilometers. As a Blitz-style bomber or a cover fighter for armada attacks on England, it is, of course, not suitable.
  But the ME-262 can carry a ton of bombs, that is, as much as the Pe-2, a Soviet front-line aircraft. That is, an excellent solution both for fighter sweeps and for supporting troops. However, why not create a fighter in the style of the Comet ME-163, but without a rocket engine, but with a turbojet engine? They tried to improve the "Comet" and seemed to increase the flight time to 15 minutes (this is a range of up to 300 kilometers), which is generally acceptable for the Battle of Britain. London can still be reached from Normandy... Although not everything is so obvious, you also need to bomb it and return back, and fifteen minutes were not so fast. In the future, rocket and jet fighters were recognized as a dead end in aviation. But the design of the "Comet" is very interesting, with its small size and lightness, which means it is cheap and maneuverable.
  In addition, there are also very promising fighters weighing generally 800 kilograms, such gliders that they can be used in air battles. True, due to their short range, flights on them can only be carried out in defensive battles, or delivered to London on... Transports, and then catch the pilots back. You'll have to think about it here. In real history, the gliders never had time to fight, and for some reason in Korea, Soviet aviation generals did not dare to try this idea. In general, it"s not sad, but during the Korean War, the American pilot was the first to score victories. So the Yankees should not be underestimated.
  After the flight ended, a young fair-haired girl jumped out of the cockpit and ran up to the Fuhrer at full speed.
  Possessed Nazi number one extended his hand to her for a kiss. What"s nice is when girls love you, and the Fuhrer, it seems, is quite sincerely idolized by all Germans, or rather, almost all except a few concentration camp prisoners. The pilot said with enthusiasm:
  - This is simply a magnificent plane, it has such speed and power. Let's tear all the lion cubs apart like a hot water bottle from a surrogate!
  The Fuhrer approved of the girl's impulse:
  - Of course, we"ll tear it up, but... Debugging the machine should be carried out at a faster pace, and this especially applies to motors. Here, of course, radical measures will be needed to improve them, but if anything the leader-designer will help!
  Everyone barked in unison:
  - Glory to the great Fuhrer! May Providence help us!
  The anthem of the Third Reich began to play and a column of young fighters from the Hitler Jugent moved forward. Boys from fourteen to seventeen years old marched to the drum in a special formation. And then the most interesting thing happened: teenage girls from the German Women's Union marched. They were in short skirts, the naked, bare feet of the beauties attracted the gaze of men. The girls tried to lift their legs higher, but at the same time pulled their toes back and carefully placed their heels. An entertaining sight of beauties with impeccable figures... The faces were really different and some of the young fascists were somewhat rude, almost masculine, and they also distorted them. Especially when they brought their eyebrows together.
  Esthete Adolf noted:
  - It is necessary that boys and girls receive physical training on a larger scale. And I know that a lot is being done on this matter, particularly in the Jungfolk, but what is needed is inclusiveness and the adoption of Spartan methods. Of course, in addition to encouraging theft... Our boys and girls must grow up to be decent and at the same time ruthless people.
  The Supreme Commander paused. The generals were silent, probably afraid to object, but did not want to confirm the obvious. The Fuhrer continued:
  - War is not a joke, but ruthlessness towards enemies must be combined with mutual assistance and a sense of brotherhood towards comrades. This is what we must instill in everyone... The new superman is merciless towards others, but even more so he must be merciless towards himself. For inferiority must first be eradicated in one"s soul, and then the weak human body will rise up!
  Another pause... The generals and designers suddenly realized and began to applaud vigorously. The Fuhrer seemed pleased:
  - This is better, but now I would like to see an imitation of air combat. So formidable and all-destructive...
  Heinkel timidly inquired:
  - With live ammunition or shells, my Fuhrer?
  Nazi number one nodded:
  - Of course, with combat ones. In addition, I would like to consider the effect of the ejection device. After all, you are working on it... - The Fuhrer shook his fists. - When, finally, it will be ready and put into mass production. After all, an experienced pilot is an experienced pilot who must be protected for future battles!
  The Fuhrer-Terminator nevertheless decided to show the designers a more modern design of the ejection device. This system should be less cumbersome, simpler and lighter. Well, the inexpensive squib, already mastered by German industry, is quite suitable for this purpose.
  The diagram had to be drawn on the go, but Hitler was a really good artist, and he drew clearly, quickly, the lines of the diagrams and turns were even and clear without any rulers or compasses. The hit-and-miss Terminator thought that it was strange, of course, that the Germans, having, in general, such a strong and to some extent advanced ideology as National Socialism and the totalitarian system, leaked the war to the Russians. Perhaps this is due to the fact that Russian soldiers were stronger and more resilient than German ones and learned to fight faster.
  In general, if you look at the course of the war as a whole, then the Russians, or rather the Soviet military, learned to fight, but the Germans seemed to have forgotten how... Their command made decisions at the level of first-graders, and maybe even lower if the first-grader has experience in conducting military operations in real-time strategies . And the fact that sometimes children of six years old already so deftly lead virtual armies is something they and Zhukov and Mainstein can learn from. However, some researchers consider both Zhukov and Mainstein to be mediocrities. There are also contradictions regarding the number of equipment, in particular captured French equipment. Hitler's memory (a good memory, especially when he was still healthy!) suggested that there were 3600 captured tanks captured from the French, a very impressive figure... Some models, such as the SiS -35 , were superior in their armor to the T-34 only in frontal armor. So this tank can easily be produced in French factories, except perhaps by replacing the 47 mm weapon with a long-barreled 75 mm gun. In fact, even this may not be enough. Britain and the USA in general have always valued armor most of all in their tanks. For example, the forty-ton Churchill had armor of 152 millimeters versus 120 for the IS-2 heavy tank.
  The Fuhrer told the designers something else:
  - We have enough wind tunnels, so look for a more optimal model of the aircraft and create streamlined shapes, without bringing the matter to expensive tests, where our best aces also die. For example, a flying wing model of an airplane is very effective, especially if the thickness and angle of inclination could be changed. I already gave you the drawing, so the tailless should be ready. Its estimated speed will be up to 1100 kilometers per hour even with a Yumo engine. So go ahead, but don't be insolent!
  Adolf the misfit also advised how to increase the speed of pipe blowing. He caught the poorly hidden irony in the designers" views: how did a simple corporal know so much? Don"t they believe in the genius of the Fuhrer? Well, we"ll figure it out... or not, we won"t figure it out, but we"ll prove to them that we"re educated.
  This was followed by lunch in the fresh air, the servant girls arranged tables and chairs. Beautiful... But what reforms should be made in National Socialism? Such as to reduce the number of enemies as much as possible and make friends. For example, do not exalt the German race at every turn and may even stop dividing peoples into classes. However, the division of nations into inferior and Aryan nations has not yet been formally legalized. This simplifies things. In general, Hitler began the mass extermination of Jews precisely after the attack on the USSR. Why would he have such kinks? Maybe he hoped that world Zionism would bless him for the war with Bolshevism, and the West would support him. And then, when Britain and the USA said decisively, no to the Wehrmacht, the Fuhrer became furious? Did he begin to take revenge on those Jews whom he could reach? Hitler is, of course, an idiot for perpetrating the Holocaust and thereby discrediting the idea of National Socialism. Now the words Nazi and executioner have become synonymous. Many also confuse nationalism and fascism, perhaps due to the consonance of the word Nazi. But this is not true at all. Fascism, in principle, has no direct relation to National Socialism. At its core, the concept of fascism arose in France in the nineteenth century and had a completely different meaning.
  A kind of essence of the teachings of fascism in its original version came down to the establishment of a corporate spirit, a sense of camaraderie among capitalists. Mussolini then introduced the teachings of fascism to his Blackshirts. Well, the Nazis were first called fascists by their enemies and political competitors. To be honest, the Nazis acted cruelly, so that fascist acquired an abusive, negative meaning. In Russia, at one time, nationalists experienced a certain rise, especially in the early nineties, reaching a maximum in 93-94. Then the war in Chechnya led to an increase in pacifist sentiment in society and a temporary decline in nationalism. The war in Yugoslavia and the bombing of Serbia led to a temporary surge in patriotism, but then a split occurred in the national movement. In Russia, the nationalists had a problem with leaders... They didn"t have their own Fuhrer... True, Zhirinovsky was compared to Hitler, and he even surpassed Adolf in some ways. For example, in the speed of political takeoff, within four years after the founding of the party, to take first place in parliamentary elections. But Zhirinovsky behaved unreasonably and failed not only to develop success, but even to maintain what he had achieved. Here I must say, first of all, it was his personal fault. Insufficient discipline in the party, scandals in which he got involved. But the real Hitler never sat in the Reichstag and no one showed his movie tantrums on television. And there was no television itself. Although Zhirinovsky"s success in the 1993 elections was a merit of his successful work with the television audience.
  A beautiful girl from among the servants sat down next to the Fuhrer and put his hand on her bare knee. Cooed:
  - Are you thinking about something, my Fuhrer?
  The Nazi dictator and at the same time a virtual player perked up. He noticed that he still hadn't finished his vegetable soup and fruit salad. The Fuhrer kissed the girl on the lips, feeling her youthful, sweet aroma and said:
  - You will go in the car with me. And you all get to work, the time to eat is over.
  And again, the gears of the state, although not quite well-oiled mechanism, began to turn. On the way back, the Fuhrer made love to the beauty, and was even surprised where he got so much energy and strength. After all, they said that the Fuhrer was impotent and generally supposedly disabled, having had syphilis (a lie) and being castrated (a total fiction!). It"s true that Hitler did not manage to have offspring... Well, tomorrow, he will take care of this matter himself... Or no, he will still have to invite Himmler. In general, in real history, the Fuhrer sharply strengthened the role of the SS. Apparently he too will have to go this route in this alternative. And that the subordination of the criminal police to the SS structure as a whole is reasonable; now all data and files will be merged into one source. In addition, the use of torture against criminals and those advanced interrogation methods that are characteristic of the Gestapo and other secret police structures will significantly increase the detection rate.
  The truth may increase and the number of innocent victims may increase, but... The vast majority of SS men are decent people, and an experienced investigator, as a rule, immediately sees whether a person is lying or telling the truth, and he rarely makes mistakes. This can be judged from many crime chronicles.
  Having decided a few more current affairs and inviting two new girls to warm the bed, the Fuhrer, resting his head on the naked lush breasts of the beauty, fell asleep...
  This time, he returned to the dream he had interrupted earlier, about a grandiose space battle. Again in his transparent fighter, and the enemy is trying to attack the ranks of the army of Great Russia. And the Fuhrer of the Hypernet game, and his partner, a plump, but at the same time muscular blonde, try to act, simultaneously helping each other. Ugly enemy fighters are trying to take the numbers, using their numerical superiority. The disharmony of the military armadas of Dermostan is becoming more and more striking. Their ships seem more and more disgusting. Captain Vladislav, using the "bucket" technique, quite successfully cut the car in the form of a crooked shoe and said:
  - It"s not for nothing that both Hitler and Stalin had a father who was a shoemaker!
  In response, his blonde partner flashed her bare, pink heels:
  - I don"t need boots or other shoes. With bare feet I feel the slightest curvature of the vacuum or vibrations of space much better! Oh my Fuhrer, would you like to become a girl?
  Vladislav chuckled in response:
  - It would be interesting for a short time. Everyone says that women have much stronger and longer orgasms than men, so I really wanted to check if this is really true?
  The blonde giggled:
  - Progress may give you the opportunity to experience this too... Unless, of course, we lose the grandiose space battle. There are too many enemies. Emperor Almaztiger 13, who has not yet been born but is already our commander, may also die.
  The person who hit the Fuhrer remarked:
  - A large commander, like a head in war, the larger the size, the more severe the loss!
  Instead of answering, the blonde began to turn her fighter around. He made a pretzel, barely avoiding the ram, and then very accurately fired back. The enemy"s vehicle burst into flames and began to split into very small flaming pieces, like poppy seeds. The girl, picking up the chewing gum with her bare toes and throwing it so deftly that it landed right on her protruding tongue:
  - Lovely! When you chew, then eat!
  But the tough warrior wasn"t so lucky; he was hit again, even if it was tangentially and the warrior-captain growled:
  - How sick of these women"s strokings got me!
  The blonde's eyes sparkled:
  -Are you not satisfied with stroking? Do you probably want something more serious? That's how impatient you all are, prone to treason!
  Vladislav laughed and almost swallowed a harsh answer from among the fighters of Dermostan. The picture of the battle has changed somewhat. The enemy seemed inexhaustible, introducing more and more new forces into the battle. The ultra-battleships were especially dangerous; huge, like asteroids, they slowly emerged from the vacuum, as if drawn with sympathetic ink (which appeared when you shine a lamp on them). Shit-stan tried first of all to bend the flanks, to perform an enveloping maneuver, probably to create a cauldron in space.
  The troops of Great Russia fought courageously, and at the same time they also did not shy away from maneuvers. This is how the method of mobile defense, as well as daring maneuvers and dives, was used. For example, the battle cruisers and grabs of the space army of Great Russia either disappeared or, on the contrary, appeared in the rear of the nightmare adversary. It was reminiscent of a fish hunting in an ice hole - they emerged, grabbed the prey (some kind of winter insect, and if the hunter was a catfish, then a bird!) and went back into the hole. In this case, the ships of Dermostan immediately got lost, began to huddle together, or even opened fire on each other. A funny plasma eruption with the incineration of starships. For example, even an ultra-battleship, having received several hits from thermal preon missiles, burst into blue and green flames. Then the great warrior (continuing to destroy the shitstans who were sticking like a bath leaf!) friend saw a picture inside a blazing ultra-battleship. And what an impressive colossus, a crew of as many as two million soldiers and fifty million robots!
  The militants inside the ship are various types of scumbags: trolls, goblins and several hybrid types, for example the most widespread: a mixture of ticks and cigarettes, or rather even cigarette butts! Well, scary creatures, as if from a horror movie drawn by a drug addict.
  The creatures desperately want to escape, but at the same time they collide with each other, stab, cut, bite. Here comes a fencing machine, specially created for boarding combat. And she is armed with quasi-plasma swords, not straight, but curved for a variety of maneuvers. The first fencing machine crashed into the living mess of those flowing out of a huge ship blazing with fire. Immediately, shreds of chopped meat and burnt bodies flew in all directions. A friend appeared behind her, she looked like a spider, only there were at least thirty limbs, and they were in the form of annihilation streams, capable of cutting even a dinosaur in half.
  One of the Dermostan officers yelled:
  - Oh, don't cut me! The pawn ate the queen!
  But he was unlucky, the cigarette butt with the paws of a tick, only even more disgusting, bumped into the antenna and hung pierced on it. However, the way he screamed could no longer be heard in that wildest, ever-increasing cacophony. Tongues of princeps-plasma flames, predominantly blue and orange, overtook the terrified fighters of Shitmostan, causing them to fry. And the fencing machines were rampant inside the ultra-battleship. Apparently it was clearly imprinted in their program: kill, kill, and kill again! And it doesn"t really matter to them who. And in the corridors there was the noise of the most terrible hyperroom.
  However, the ultra-flame has already reached the fencing machines, as well as many goblins and claw-cigarette butts have already crumbled into photons. So the ultra-battleship began to gradually disintegrate into several parts. Although the split occurred slowly, it did not seem any less ominous. Especially against the backdrop of a great many others, either flaring up as miniature supernovae, or, on the contrary, as shrinking starships. Unfortunately, not only of Dermostan, but of Great Russia.
  For example, a cruiser with the hammer and sickle emblem lost control and rammed into an enemy dreadnought. When two masses collide at sub-light speeds, it is equivalent to being rammed by an annihilation rocket. It vomits with overwhelming power (if one can put it that way, of course). The explosion blossomed like a tulip with multi-colored petals, suddenly consuming everything that existed around a dozen kilometers. Vladislav-Adolf put it:
  - And our guys seem to be in heaven already!
  The blonde remarked philosophically:
  - Heaven is the only good place where no one is in a hurry to get, even if they are in the heat!
  The Hitler hit agreed:
  - These are the paradoxes of the universe. We don"t want to end up in a good place, but the bad one drags us in! So it"s not even clear which is better, life or death.
  The girl remarked philosophically:
  - Life is always better than death. It"s not for nothing that almost all people think so. However, people"s opinions, like everything in our world, are relative.
  The Fuhrer performed another rather tricky turn, which allowed him to shoot down a two-seater, and therefore much more expensive and richly armed fighter (how beautifully it exploded, as if fireworks from complex combinations of pyrotechnic materials had flared up), pearls of shattered matter scattered across the vacuum. Vladislav-Adolf remarked:
  - People"s ideas about both nature and God are very contradictory. In general, there is even a concept of a reactive, that is, even a destructive mind, which forces a person to behave in a way that is not at all what pragmatic instincts and considerations of expediency should command.
  The blonde, having difficulty recovering from a brutal dive (what else can you do when seven fighters are rushing at you at once), said:
  - Stop pragmatics - turn on mathematics!
  - Not funny! - Vladislav retorted.
  Suddenly, in front of the naval aviation captain, an image of the command post of the army of Great Russia appeared. Indeed, this is, of course, a gift - the ability to penetrate the holy of holies and even recognize, even if not the plans of someone else, but one"s own command.
  Here it is, the flagship battleship, the impressive flagship of the space army of Great Russia with a diameter of one hundred kilometers. And this ship naturally also fights, because tens of thousands of powerful artillery barrels cannot be doomed to inaction. However, the flagship ultra-battleship tries to act in sync with other large ships. The enemy cannot be given the slightest chance to destroy the flagship, where the main command of the squadron of the space army of Great Russia is located.
  Surprisingly, the general commander and monarch are just an embryo lying in the womb. The mother herself is immersed in a state of suspended animation, since otherwise the performance of her duties would be too painful. And the functioning of the already sufficiently developed embryonic monarch, which has limbs and, most importantly, a rather large brain, is ensured by numerous cybernetic units. The embryo itself, reigning over the Great Russian Empire, feels quite comfortable.
  Yes, of course, and he is burdened by the need, he has been inside his mother for several years now. One can only dream of going for a run or moving something. And these are painful dreams, because birth means immediate disappearance. The embryo communicates with the outside world using scanners. Of course, they do not show the real appearance of the embryonic commander, but an image that is more capable of inspiring confidence. In particular, a handsome young man appears in the form of an unborn king. He gives orders to the troops in a clear, commanding voice:
  - Use the principle of elastic defense. As thousands of years ago, weaker forces, inferior in numbers, used the undoubted fact that a smaller mass is much more mobile than a large one. Since a meager mass is characterized by insignificant inertia!
  The girl marshal confirmed:
  - Of course... The army"s ability to maneuver is the key to victory. Of course, extremes must be avoided. After all, the ant is not the king of beasts!
  The embryonic commander grinned:
  - The deadliest creatures are bacteria. Although no, perhaps not even viruses! Although a primitive organism, it is effective! Here the enemy gathered enormous forces, from almost the entire universe, which means he exposed the remaining areas.
  Elf Marshal Fego with purple and orange pigtails remarked:
  - Sometimes a seemingly insignificant advantage on a limited section of the front is enough to win. This is a strange axiom of many battles, of different civilizations!
  The Fetal Emperor chuckled through the scanners:
  - In this case, you are looking at the root.
  Meanwhile, the armadas of Dermostan tried to reorganize on the move. A very significant reserve approached them from the rear. Thousands of large starships and millions of smaller ships went out using the bell formation. As a result, the fiery power of the parasites increased noticeably. The girl marshal said with excitement:
  - Here's another trump card thrown by the bastard opponent. Nevertheless, our reconnaissance was not quite up to par; the possibility of introducing such a huge number of forces was not provided for.
  The hologram of the emperor in the form of a boy kicked the sword. The propellant hit the gate. It exploded almost immediately. First, there is a flash that eats away the eyes, and then the growth of a purple mushroom that destroys everything within the range of the battleship"s gun. The hologram boy said:
  - This is phenomenal goal scoring! Well, let the opponents give it their all. I have a surprise prepared for him.
  Elf Fego looked at the picture of the battle with some doubt. The armada of Dermostan looked painfully formidable. Especially ultra-battleships, whose diameters reached two hundred and fifty kilometers. The elf suddenly remembered his home planet... The nature there is idyllic, there are not even bloodsucking insects. And lions... Well, not exactly lions, but hybrids with cornflowers. In general, this is a beautiful animal: the body is a cornflower flower, and the golden mane develops in the wind. Moreover, the cornflowers change shade... There is outright ugliness here, directed both against people and elves.
  The blonde marshal said:
  "We don"t know how many reserves the enemy has, but it seems to me it"s time to move our ambush regiment."
  The embryonic emperor objected:
  - Now is not the time to show your cards!
  The girl marshal tried to argue:
  "If our people die, there will be no one left to fight!"
  And then the embryonic commander was found:
  "You can"t win a war without casualties." In chess you can, but in a real battle you can"t! The merciless law of war is that losses are like rain irrigating the shoots of victory, you just need to make sure that losses do not develop into a downpour that washes away the shoots! - Then the hologram sent from the womb suddenly became kinder in face. - But don"t think that in order to reduce losses especially from the fire of ultra-battleships, let the starships of Great Russia retreat in a spiral.
  The elf marshal supported the embryo commander:
  - That's it, that's the only way. It is not yet known how many forces the enemy will be able to throw out of the underworld.
  Indeed, the starships of Shitmostan tried to move in a dense flock. At the same time, they did not save ammunition at all, throwing missiles at millions, without even caring about the accuracy of the hit. It seemed like billions of matches were being struck across the vacuum to flare into hyperplasm, burn everything living and moving, and then go out. Russian warriors shoot much more accurately, but the enemy"s gross dreadnought thundered, like a firecracker, scattering fragments like confetti. Deadly confetti that shot down several boats of Dirmostan. And the number of destroyed frigates of the bastard civilization is completely incalculable. It"s true that Russian ships are dying. Here the damaged cruiser, in desperation, rushed like a Russian tank on the Kursk Bulge and rammed the enemy"s ultra-battleship. Hundreds of thousands of lives were interrupted at once, and the fire burned, as if a gigantic gas pipe had been blown up.
  The dwarven marshal remarked gloomily:
  - They bend us, but we don"t give up! - The square commander noticed (or rather his holographic image, the dwarf himself was on another ship of the Gross-Dreadnought class!). - It would be necessary to launch at least some counterattacks on enemy communications and supply lines.
  The Fetal Emperor grinned through his boyish hologram.
  - What, in your opinion, am I a loser!
  The dwarf marshal grunted and spread his paws:
  "But they don"t save ammunition at all." This means that they have enough. Isn't it so, my lord?
  The Embryo Emperor objected:
  - No not like this! A great commander is more valuable than his head, so a helmet of caution and a camouflage of cunning will not hurt him! In short, the enemy is still in the sweet illusion that everything is fine with him, but in fact our victory is already close! To strike unexpectedly is tantamount to replacing a fist with an alloy steel sword!
  A small change in history associated with the major success of the Nazis during the offensive at the Ardennes. The Nazis advanced faster, were able to cross bridges and capture warehouses with weapons, ammunition and fuel. The success was also facilitated by the participation of Wittmann in the strike, who, unlike the real story, did not die! And what? Real heroes never die and are immortal! Wittman continued to fight and rack up the scores. After the destruction of the two hundredth tank, he became the first and so far only tanker to be awarded the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with oak leaves, swords and diamonds.
  Wittmann's genius slightly shifted the course of history. And the Germans turned out to be a little luckier, faster, more efficient. And they succeeded in what almost happened in the real story, but just a couple of hours were missing. And so the warehouses were captured, and the German army gained crushing power. As a result, Brussels was captured, and hundreds of thousands of British and American soldiers were captured.
  Stalin was in no hurry to attack yet, wanting the Allies to be more powerfully defeated in the West.
  The battles showed that the Tiger-2 is a very effective weapon both in terms of armament and frontal armor. The Germans, seeing that the Red Army was passive in the east , deployed additional units into the battle and began to build on their success. The Fritz also acquired the newest self-propelled gun E-25, which was small in size and weight, but had strong weapons and good armor, and most importantly mobility.
  As a result, new victories... Now the Krauts are in Paris. They are taking the French capital again.
  And this is what Stalin wants - for the allies to be killed, and then the USSR will get all of Europe.
  Stalin is a sly fox... But Churchill is not an idiot either. When Roosevelt died, he and Truman signed a truce with the Third Reich. At the same time, withdrawing the remnants of the defeated troops from France. And of course with a complete exchange of prisoners of war, and even with the supply of fuel and supplies to the Third Reich.
  Germany responded by repealing anti-Semitic laws. However, the Jews remained in the camps, but they were not burned, they were only forced to work, and the Americans sent canned food and cereals to the camps.
  The Germans had a free hand in France and Italy. Now Stalin made a proposal for a separate peace. But Hitler rejected it. In June, the Fritz offensive began. The first E-50 tanks entered the series. But as it turned out, the car was not entirely successful. Its weight remained high, almost 65 tons, with a lower silhouette than that of the Tiger-2, but the armor was of the same thickness, clearly insufficient, especially on the sides. The 88 mm gun with a barrel length of 100 EL turned out to be somewhat better. She fired twelve shots per minute.
  Driving performance was added by a more powerful engine, accelerating up to 1200 horsepower. In general, the tank, of course, improved compared to the Tiger-2 and had a slightly more rational slope of the armor, but remained vulnerable from the sides.
  The E-100 was better protected, but its heavy weight made transportation and combat use difficult. The most successful was the self-propelled gun E-25, with a very low silhouette of frontal armor of 120 mm, a large slope, and side armor of 82, and a cannon for the Tiger-2, it was the best self-propelled gun of the Wehrmacht and the Second World War. It accelerated to seventy kilometers per hour - an engine of 700 horsepower, and even ricocheted IS-2 shells into the forehead.
  The Germans struck the main blow from Hungary, trying to save Budapest, which was still surrounded. The fighting was extremely fierce.
  The offensive began on June 22, and the Red Army built a very powerful defense. The Germans still have few E-series tanks, only the E-25 self-propelled guns in fairly large quantities - they are quite easy to manufacture and cheap. Here are two girls in bikinis lying in it. The vehicle is lower than one and a half meters and thanks to this, it is so well protected and armed with a relatively low weight.
  Two girls, Charlotte and Gerda, lying down, fired at Soviet guns. In front of them, tiny cars moved, controlled by radio, clearing minefields.
  Red Charlotte fired the cannon. She knocked down the Soviet gun and shook her chest, barely covered by a thin strip of fabric. And she cooed:
  - Raging fire of hyperplasma!
  And then Gerda will slap her, using her bare toes. And he chirps:
  - I"m a very cool girl and not bad...
  The self-propelled gun moves itself. And from time to time it stops. Her frontal armor is heavily sloped, and this gives good protection. Soviet guns' shells are sensitive to ricochet. And nothing threatens such a self-propelled gun head-on. They can still hit the side. But the girls are in no hurry. The effective self-propelled gun is superior to the SU-100 in armor-piercing, and is also better protected, more mobile and at the same time lighter.
  And the Red Army doesn"t have enough dry goods. Mainly the T-34-85 tank, which is not powerful enough with its gun and has weak armor. And the German self-propelled gun E-25, by the way, is lighter, much stronger in armor and guns.
  The girls are fighting... Very beautiful and young. And their self-propelled guns bomb and throw...
  The Fritz eventually managed to break through to Budapest. A convincing victory, surrounded by Soviet units. Many were captured and killed.
  It"s true that the Nazis suffered significant losses. And there is not so much strength. Well, if equipment is still being produced, then human resources are not enough.
  And children and women are conscripted into the army. Or foreigners, but they are not reliable enough.
  However, the fighting continues... The Red Army is resisting very stubbornly, with many defensive lines. The Germans advance another hundred kilometers and stop. I don't have enough strength. And the Red Army itself goes on the offensive. But it is also not very successful and slightly pushes the Germans aside.
  Until winter comes... The front line stabilizes. In January 1946, the Red Army would advance in East Prussia and Poland, but made little progress.
  The Germans don't rock the boat in winter. The battles are bloody. But the front line is slow...
  And a period characteristic of the First World War begins. The front line becomes inactive. The Germans and foreign divisions advance in the summer, and the Red Army in the winter. And no one can achieve significant success.
  Year after year of war goes on. The Germans are somewhat ahead of the USSR in the development of jet aircraft. The USSR introduced the MIG-15 into mass production only in 1949. But by this time the Germans had ME-462 and XE-362. And most importantly, disc planes, which are impossible to shoot down from a powerful laminar jet with small arms.
  The tanks have the German "E" series... In contrast, the T-54 and IS-7 appeared. But the Germans then launched the AG series - a more advanced pyramidal one.
  But no one had an advantage. The front line remains in place.
  Until Stalin died in March 1953...
  And here, taking advantage of some confusion in the party leadership and the struggle for power, the Germans were able to achieve success. But then after the arrest and execution of Beria, the appointment of Vasilevsky, the great strategist, as the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, and the strengthening of the Head of the State Defense Committee Malenkov. The front line has stabilized within the borders of Europe.
  While there was a period of struggle for power in the USSR, the Germans were able to reach the Neman, and recapture the Balkans, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Greece, Albania and regain full control over Europe.
  But the front line stabilized again already on the borders of the USSR in 1941...
  And then December 1955... The Red Army, according to tradition, advances again in winter. How many years has the war lasted? Horror fourteen and a half! And there is no end in sight!
  As long as Hitler is alive, the war will not end. Malenkov is inclined towards peace within the same borders until June 22, 1941. But Hitler is stubborn and wants to win at any cost!
  The Red Army is advancing. The newest IS-12 tank is going into battle. A vehicle with a 203-mm caliber gun. It's a big one, with ten machine guns. And six girls - crew members. They try the very first model of the tank. Isn't it too big and heavy? Is the machine efficient? The girls, despite Christmas on December 25 and the frost, are in just a bikini. True, the tank has the latest gas turbine engine, and it"s warm. In addition, the six girls themselves are not simple.
  They have been fighting since forty-one. And we got used to being almost naked in any weather. In fact, when you're in a bikini all the time, you stop feeling cold. And the skin becomes elastic and durable.
  Girls drive a killer machine with bare legs. They are really cute and beautiful.
  Alenka is the boss here and the crew commander. What has the girl not seen in fourteen and a half years of war? Where has she been? The front has passed from Brest to Stalingrad, from Stalingrad to the Vistula, and now they are advancing in the Bialystok area. Bialystok itself is still held by the Germans. The front line became stable. And they dug a decent amount of trenches.
  So, in fact, the war is endless... And it may go on for more than one year. And what does this stubborn Hitler want?
  Here, too, the USA and Britain do not want peace between the USSR and the Third Reich. They want both sides to completely annihilate each other.
  The girls on the IS-12 are moving forward. The frontal armor of the tank is 450 mm at an angle. The projectiles bounce off. And the girls fire back.
  But there is only one such tank in the USSR so far. The IS-10 is already in production, but weighs fifty tons. The IS-7 is still produced as the T-54. The T-55 has also appeared among the masses, but so far it is just entering production. The Germans have pyramidal tanks. Also very strong and perfect. And high-pressure guns with short barrels.
  So the fight ahead is the most serious. Natasha and Anyuta shoot from a powerful ship"s gun and squeal:
  - Our flag will be over Berlin!
  And they bare their white, pearly teeth. And you can't stop the girls with mines.
  Two shells hit the frontal armor... They ricochet. No, the IS-12 is a serious car and you can"t take it that easily.
  But the IS-7, which is moving to the right hand of the girls, seems to have received a hit from a high-pressure cannon and stopped. Damaged the handsome guy.
  Alenka, flexing her abdominal muscles, sings:
  - Everything impossible is possible in our world, Newton discovered that two and two make four!
  The fighting is still going on unabated. A Soviet cannon hits the Germans. Large Marusya inserts shells into the breech. This is the life and destiny of girls. And they sing:
  - No one will stop us, no one will defeat us! Russian wolves crush the enemy, Russian wolves - a salute to the heroes!
  Augustine, firing machine guns, says:
  - In a holy war! It will be our victory! Russian flag forward, glory to the fallen heroes!
  And again the killer gun roars and sounds:
  - No one will stop us, no one will defeat us! Russian wolves are crushing the enemy, they have a tough hand!
  Maria, this girl with golden hair directs the tank and squeaks:
  - Let's crush the fascists hard!
  The Germans are having a hard time; fighting is also raging in the sky. But so far the MIG-15 is inferior in speed and armament to the German brands. The battle is going on unequally.
  Huffman, this wonderful ace pilot, made a good career during the war years. More precisely, wonderful and fantastic. After reaching three hundred aircraft he received the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with silver oak leaf swords and diamonds. Upon reaching four hundred downed aircraft, he received the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with golden oak leaves, swords and diamonds. For five hundred planes he received the Order of the German Eagle with diamonds, and after a thousand the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with platinum oak leaves swords and diamonds. And having reached two thousand aircraft, he received the Grand Cross of the Knight's Cross.
  The unique pilot was able to achieve many aerial victories. And he was still alive. Huffman was recently promoted to the rank of general. But he still flew as a private pilot.
  As they say, it doesn"t burn in fire and doesn"t drown in water. Over many years of war, Huffman acquired the instinct of a hunter. He became a super-legendary pilot and very popular. But he had a strong competitor - Agave, which also exceeded the figure of two thousand downed cars. And she was catching up with Huffman. But she is still very young, and has not yet lost a single fighter.
  The girl pressed the pedals with her bare, chiseled feet and fired a burst of air cannons. And now four Soviet MIG-15 vehicles were shot down.
  Agave giggles and says:
  - To some extent, we are all bitches! But I have nerves of steel!
  And again the girl turns away. It shoots down seven USSR aircraft in one burst - six MiGs and one TU-4, and squeaks:
  - In general, if I"m not super, then I"m hyper!
  Agave, of course, is a bitch. Pilot from Lucifer. Very beautiful honey blonde.
  Here he fires another burst and shoots down eight Soviet MIG-15 aircraft at once and beeps:
  - I am the most creative and reactive!
  The girl is really not stupid. He can do everything and can do everything. You can't call her a private.
  And her legs are so tanned, so graceful...
  But Mirabela is fighting against her... For a long time, Kozhedub was the best Soviet ace. He collected six gold stars of the hero of the USSR, having shot down one hundred and sixty-seven aircraft. But then he died. Then no one could break his record. And only recently Mirabela surpassed Kozhedub. And having shot down over one hundred and eighty aircraft, she became a seven-time hero of the USSR.
  This is a Terminator girl! Someone like her will stop a galloping horse and enter a burning hut.
  And even cooler.
  Mirabela had a difficult fate. I ended up in a children's labor colony. Barefoot and wearing a gray robe, she chopped down the forest and sawed trunks. She was so strong and healthy. In severe frosts she walked barefoot and in prison pajamas. And at least once I would sneeze.
  Of course, this phenomenon was noted at the fronts as well. For a long time, Mirabela fought in the infantry, and then became a pilot. Mirabela received her first baptism of fire in the battle of Moscow, where she went immediately after the colony. And there he showed himself to be cool.
  She fought barefoot and almost naked in the severe frost that literally paralyzed the Wehrmacht. She was such a damn, invincible girl. And she succeeded thoroughly.
  Mirabela believed in the imminent victory of the USSR. But time goes by. There are more and more victims, but victory does not come. And it gets really scary.
  Mirabela dreams of victories and achievements. She has seven stars of the USSR - this is more than anyone else! And damn, she deserves her awards! And he will continue to bear the military cross. Even if Stalin died, his work lives on!
  A girl comes in and hangs out... Shoots down a German XE-362 and squeaks:
  - Aerobatics! And a damn new crew!
  Really cool girl. A real cobra is capable of a lot.
  Mirabela is a new star...
  The fighting goes on for several days until the new year comes... The Soviet IS-12 received damage to the rollers and tracks - it is being repaired. Yes, such a cruel and merciless war. And how long will it last?
  And all because Wittman survived the battles in the West.
  Wittmann himself fought in a tank crew for some time. Having brought the count to three hundred vehicles, not counting guns, mortars, trucks, motorcycles and other things, he was awarded: the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with golden oak leaves, swords and diamonds, and was promoted to general.
  After which he no longer fought. But he commanded the sixth, SS tank army.
  Kurt Knipsel became the most successful tank ace of the Wehrmacht. But only after five hundred destroyed tanks did he receive the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross.
  Somehow he was deprived of awards. True, having reached a thousand tanks, he finally received: the knight's cross of the iron cross with silver oak leaves, swords and diamonds.
  Kurt Knipsel is a very effective fighting machine. Fought in different tanks. He was both a gunner and commander. For a long time I walked ahead of everyone without competition.
  But the beautiful Gerda was already able to catch up with him. The girls fought well. But then they had a pause. All four beauties became pregnant and gave birth to a pair: a son and a daughter. But after the break they quickly made up for it.
  And now Gerda has bypassed Knisel.
  How can they avoid getting around? They fight barefoot and in just a bikini. The girls took another break, giving birth to children again. And now we were approaching the number of two thousand destroyed tanks. And they could count on an unprecedented reward: the star of the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with silver oak leaves, swords and diamonds.
  These are the girls!
  Gerda shoots at the Soviet car. He tears off the tower and screams:
  - I'm a damn thing!
  And he shoots again. Penetrates T-54. And squeaks:
  - Homeland Germany!
  The girl is twitching. And she is very active... Yes, she has such a strategic streak. It"s already 1956... The war goes on and on... Not wanting to stop. The Red Army is trying to advance in different places. But be careful, there are few human resources left.
  And Russia is bleeding.
  The Red Army is trying to advance towards Romania. And then there was powerful artillery barrage, shooting, and killings.
  But the enemy is waiting. The Germans have the most popular tank, the AG-50. It is superior to the T-54 in protection, especially on the sides and, perhaps, in the armor-piercing power of the gun, but it is heavier. True, the speed of the German is higher due to the gas turbine engine.
  The German tank fires and scores.
  Margaret's crew is fighting. Fights in cold blood. German girls shoot down a Soviet tank. And they squeak with pleasure.
  Yes, and you can"t get through here...
  A discus piloted by Albina and Alvina is circling in the sky. Two blonde girls are hit by Soviet cars. And they do it masterfully. The completely invulnerable discus rams Migi and Tu. Killer car. And the warriors press their bare toes. And they don"t give the Red Army a chance in the sky.
  The disc plane is something that USSR scientists cannot copy. This is something for which no antidote has been found. And the Germans feel very confident in the air. And they fight like sorcerers with a magic wand.
  Albina, pointing her discus at the enemy, squeaked:
  - If there is a God, then he is German!
  Alvina, crushing the enemy, confirmed:
  - Definitely a German!
  And the girl laughed... In general, she was also tired of the endless war. Well, Germans and Russians kill each other. More precisely, the Red Army and the Wehrmacht. But the front line is still motionless... And there is no end or edge in sight.
  War... This is already a reality. Warriors born after the start of the war are fighting in the sky and on the ground.
  For example, Hans Feuer. The youngest recipient of the Order of the Iron Cross, First Class. And then he became the youngest recipient of the Order of the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross for the capture of a Soviet general.
  Yes, this is actually very cool.
  Hans Feuer is a desperate fighter. The boy fights like a giant, and it"s freezing cold in winter, wearing only shorts.
  This is really very cool!
  Hans became famous for centuries!
  And in general, such an incredible and intense war is going on here... Any AI fades.
  And in Romania, the Red Army cannot penetrate the German defenses. Both sides suffered losses. January is ticking by... And every day more and more people are killed and wounded.
  There is no beginning or end to insanity.
  Agave is in the sky again and shoots down Soviet vehicles. She is a hunter and a predator. Strikes the enemy.
  The cars she hit fall down. And then the girl fires at the ground forces. Knocks out the IS-7. And he laughs:
  - I'm the best! I am the girl who kills enemies!
  And again it is transferred to air targets. This is the destroyer of tanks and all vehicles that fly and shoot.
  Well, this is what is boiling at the front. And on the home front, scientists are trying to create something lethal. Although it doesn't work out the best.
  But here is a small tank AG-5. A machine weighing seven tons. Passing combat tests. And gnaws and gnaws the enemy.
  And when it"s time to sing, no one will stop us or defeat us!
  The AG-5 rushes along and shoots as it goes. And such a tank cannot be stopped. And the shells ricochet.
  And inside the car sits a ten-year-old boy, Friedrich, and squeaks:
  - And I will really be a super fighter!
  And again he fired... And it hits the very center of the tower. And its destructive power, even though it is small in caliber, is colossal.
  And in the sky Helga fights. A barefoot girl in a bikini is typing up the bills. And rejoices at his fantastic successes.
  And Agave gets ahead... And also fights.
  It"s already February 1956... The Red Army was unable to achieve success anywhere. But the Germans cannot advance either. Formidable underground tanks are going into battle. But they are purely tactical.
  The girls rushed underground, destroyed a battery of Soviet guns and returned back.
  At the same time, a couple of pioneers were captured. The girls stripped the captured boys and began to torture them. They beat the pioneers with wire, then roasted their bare heels with fire. Then they began to break my toes with hot tongs. The boys howled in wild pain. In the end, the girls burned out stars on their chests with a hot iron and crushed their male perfections with their boots. The last thing finished off the pioneers and they collapsed from painful shock.
  The girls, in short, showed top class performance. But again the Germans achieved nothing significant.
  Powerful self-propelled guns: "Sturmmaus", fired at Soviet positions. They carried out a lot of destruction and destruction. But a Soviet attack aircraft knocked out one of the vehicles, and the Krauts returned.
  The Nazis tried to use diskettes to crush Soviet batteries. Hedgehogs and explosives were used against them. There was a total exchange of blows.
  Here are Albina and Alvina again on their flying saucer. They point using their bare toes pressing the joystick buttons and do it extremely deftly.
  The girls, of course, demonstrate the highest aerobatics. They pulled their discus, and a dozen Soviet flying machines were shot down.
  Albina chirps:
  - Furious construction squad! There will be a starfall!
  And he turns his car around again. And the girls destroy the Red Army. Moreover, thoroughly...
  Alvina also shoots down a dozen Soviet planes and squeaks:
  - Crazy girls, and not virgins at all!
  The latter is true. The couple had a lot of fun with the men. And she did all sorts of things. Girls loved men - it pleased them! And especially if you work with your tongue.
  A girl of the highest rank... They tortured the pioneer... First they stripped him and poured a couple of buckets of water down his throat. Then they brought a hot iron to the swollen belly. And how they burned! The pioneer screamed in wild pain... There was a burning smell.
  Alvina hit him on the side with a hot wire. And how he wants to laugh... It"s very funny.
  Then she sang:
  - I'm tired of harrowing the rear - I want to tease my happiness!
  And how he will laugh! And he will bare his pearly teeth! This girl loves to kill, what a girl!
  And the girl"s legs are all bare and graceful. She loves to walk barefoot on the coals. And also to drive away captured pioneers. They squeal so much when their heels are fried. Even Alvina finds it very funny. And Albina is also a girl, let"s face it - super! How to elbow an opponent in the chin. And he squeaks:
  - I am a girl of the highest class!
  And bares his pearly teeth. Which sparkle as if polished. And the warrior is impressive! This can be something that cannot be said in a fairy tale or described with a pen!
  Both warriors knock down Soviet MiGs in the sky. The beauties are active. There is not the slightest doubt in them. And such wild and ecstatic beauty.
  The warriors control the joystick with their bare feet and attack Russian cars. As they press, they will crush the fighters, as if hitting crystal with a club. The girls are ruthless and merciless. They contain the power of anger and the flame of passion. And confidence in victory. Even if the war has been going on for fifteen years. But it doesn"t want to end either. Albina and Alvina are at the peak of their popularity. And they don"t want to retreat or stop for a moment. And they move towards themselves and ram the enemy.
  Albina, knocking down Soviet planes, screams:
  - The girl is tired of crying, I"d rather drown the bast shoe!
  And how he grins and flashes his pearly teeth. And how she now wants a man. She loves to rape men. She is very pleased with this. He'll take you and rape you.
  Albina roars:
  Girls sex is sex
  Here's to great progress!
  And the warrior will burst out laughing... And let"s kill all our enemies again. She has a lot of energy. And full of muscle strength.
  And Alvina will roar:
  - Let's smash the enemy to bits!
  And the warrior will start laughing actively! And I imagined how her guys were pawing. But let's just say it's nice.
  March is already upon us... The sun is shining more and more. On the first day of spring, Russian boys run barefoot through the melted snow. They laugh at themselves, grin at themselves, and show their figs to the Germans.
  Pioneers with red ties, short haircuts, some of them even shorter. They run and jump. Their bare feet hardly get cold. They have become very coarse. Girls are also running, also without shoes. The pink, round heels sparkle in the sun. Wonderful Soviet girls. Slender, athletic, accustomed to making do with little.
  And everyone grins and grins at their teeth... The first day of spring is real joy and thirst for light and creation!
  And there is an air battle in the sky. Mirabela, this is the number one Soviet pilot who shoots down another German plane. And as always, the girl is wearing only a bikini. Forever young and never fading. Such is the spiritual strength hidden in her.
  Mirabela, however, also loves when men touch her. She really likes it. That's why she's a pilot... When a girl's naked, muscular body is kneaded by men's hands, it's a real pleasure. And great fun!
  Mirabela hits another Nazi car and hisses:
  - I'm an armored bitch!
  The girl even hits the control panel with her bare, round heels. She is gorgeous. And inimitable.
  Mirabela gets out of it. And Agave flies towards her. Finally, the two most successful female warrior-pilots met. They shoot at each other from a roundhouse. They try to get it from a distance. But it doesn't work out very well. Both beauties fly off the shooting line. And they bare their teeth aggressively. Well, women are bitches. They look hard into each other's eyes. More precisely, head-on and they shoot again. The German ME-562 is still better armed than the MIG-15, and the Soviet vehicle was shot down...
  But Mirabela manages to eject, losing her plane for the first time in her flying career. The worst thing is that she ended up on enemy territory. And this is bad. Yes, such unique twists of fate. And on March 1, 1956, the world changes, but the rule of the Fuhrer in the cybernetic game remains.
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