Русина Светлана Владимировна : другие произведения.

An ancient law

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  • Аннотация:
    One of the numerous foolish laws.

  ...В британском городе Йорк с незапамятных времён действует закон, разрешающий "стрелять из лука до смерти по шотландцам во все дни недели, кроме воскресенья".
   Высший Пилотаж, июнь-июль 2004г.стр.24.
  There is an ancient law
  At ancient town York,
  And probably you know,
  Or may be someone talked,
  That everyone, who wanted,
  To shoot at Scotches from bow,
  Could do it every work-days
  If only had arrow.
  And that is why I bother
  About Brian now.
  I don't care of another,
  But Brian..... Don't allow
  His visit York at work-days,
  His walks along the street
  Without bow in briefcase!
  With bow - should permit.
  Despite Brian's last name- Bowskill
  And he'll defend himself,-
  So many men could be killed
  Because of that, God save!
  You have a good idea
  To meet him not in York:
  In Moscow will be clear,
  Undangerous talk
  About kings and cabbage,
  About price and sales,
  Sir Charls's happy marriage...
  And smog... And something else...
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