Романец Роман Владимирович : другие произведения.

Seller of Toys

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Seller of Toys.

   A Goblin was gloomy and was rubbing a frozen ear. And he also sold toys.
   Shining small cars, talkative dolls which were busy with their hairdressers and dresses, kind lions with brushes on tails and jumping balls - all of them were waiting their owners.
   The Goblin didn't understand people, who buy these unnecessary things (as he thought). For him the difference between a serious little bear and a pink merry pig with a cap was their price. The Goblin didn't like children. For them the toys differed for something else. But what was the difference? The Goblin didn't know.
   "Daddy! I want a car! I want!" - cried a small child.
   "You've got this", - the father resisted heroically.
   "A-a-a! Buy! The car!"
   "I'm tired of it", screwed up goblin's face. He couldn't tolerate loud noise.
   "Hm!" - he shouted. The trembling father gave money at once.
   Once the Goblin was a toy too. To tell a truth he was a defective toy. It wasn't because of his gray-green color and crooked ear. He was made by unskilled hands without soul.
   He left the toy world by himself. Even deceitful and bully shaggy small dragon was amusing and loved! And the Goblin wasn't loved. He remembered the moment when he was given to a child. The child having hardly glanced at him threw the Goblin away and cried. The seller didn't like to remember this scene. He was neither a toy nor a human being. He was a true Goblin.
   "Can I take this one?" - a girl asked timidly and took a plain little hare.
   "Why did she love him?" - irritable thought the Goblin - "He's got different eyes and a crooked ear. They will ask for a discount."
   A girl's mother pulled her hand showing her a big bear, dolls and a green monkey. The girl refused and clasped a little hare to her body.
   "I am not going to buy this absurd!" - the mother declared resolutely.
   The little hare raised his sad eyes sighed quietly and started crying. The girl stroked whispering something to his ear.
   "Wait a little. I shall back", - the Goblin heard.
   He remembered the time, when he was a toy himself. How he was waiting for somebody to come. And the Goblin felt something new inside himself.
   "Take him free", - he said and gave the hare to the girl.
   "Thanks!", - the girl could hardly whisper.
   The Goblin felt than he was turning a toy again. He was eager to fight with knights, kidnap princesses and dance and dance near bonfires.
   "I'm too sensitive", - he told to himself rubbing a frozen ear. - "I nearly forgot to raise the price for a green monkey."
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