After the storm shining cars
Will slowly drive around
The striped slabs,
The sunken streets.
(vacant lots will fall prey
To drive by camera shots.)
The world will be filled
With open mouthed strangers
In need of directions.
Without ceremony
Zeus' trees will be felled,
Sand will be tilled,
Land will be cleared
Made ready to lie
With the businessmen,
With the lovers of ruin,
(Who are eager to
Develop the detritus.)
My yard will be mined
For memories, for the
Glimmers of before. While
The lonely eyes of four
Legs will be desperate
For food. (tongues will be
Seeking drink.)
And I, And I will
Walk the shore with
The inexorable sadness
Of a flightless bird and
Ask the wind if this is
What it wanted the water
To convincingly convey. (communicate?)
Alternate end,
And ask the wind what it
Told the water to say.