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The code of Nostradamus in one file,the part 3, the sort of catrens and the connect of years and catrens

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    No didn't the sort of assavoir mon and the connect of years and catrens did partially

   THE CODE OF NOSTR , the part III, the sort of cipher
  Components for the sort of cipher I (and you also) found whole . No haven't the sort of assavoir mon , also has only the part of the calculation connection years and catrens .
   I The sort of cipher: 46 letters
   In the sort on cipher also use theory of numbers and combinatorics. All components already has for cipher.
  Cipher consist from few part.
  1) We no want to sort on samples, and immediately on letters , build in one the line in rang of Nostr.
  2) We no want and very dream to sort on samples.
  Here number set the calculate, even more, what beside catrens from centuries is even catrens for almanacs and Galen. For example, has TFvVLlllgfA.... 966 numbers for centuries.
  Here awaits the difficult: placement and the sort on letters different from the sort on samples , two variables some no whole.
  Example for one samples (Tyyy) from tuple on 46 letters.
  а) Combinatorial the calculate, examples.
   Permutations :Р=4!/1!3!=4- with repetitions .
   Permutations without repetitions: Р=4! =24
   Placements without repetitions: А=4×3×2=4!/(4-3)!=24- for 'у' А=4!/(4-1)!=4 - for 'Т', sum 28.
   Placements with repetitions: А=41=4 - для 'Т', А=43=64 - for 'у' , sum 68.
   Combinations on samples without repetitions : С41=4!/(4-1)!=4 - for 'T' , С43=4!/3!(4-3)!=4 - for 'y', sum 8 .
   Combinations with repetition: С41=(4+1-1)!/1!(4-1)!=4 - for 'Т', С43=(4+3-1)!/3!(4-1)!=20 - for 'ууу', yes.
  If take to line of catrens, then 'у' - different on consist and need use placements by matching of criterion every letter to number , if the line of АВС, bur 'у' same on consist - it placements . Depends what we went would calculate. For example, for f,h,f,g,f - rang 'f' of the calculate different and differents , for example, from h,ff,g,l,f . So builds common combinatorics the calculate. Letters ууу - samples with repetition , Ту - without of repetition .
  б) The calculate detail for samples (Tyyy), every number did:
  Permutations without repetitions :Р=n(n-1)(n-2)(n-3)...2×1 P=4×3×2×1=24
  Permutations with repetitions: P=4!/1×2×3)=24/2/3=4 или 24,12,4
  Permutations without repetitions: Аnm=n(n-1)(n-2)...(n-m+1), so А43=4(4-1)(4-2)= 4×3×2=24
  Permutations with repetitions: А=nm А=43=4×4×4=64
  How many catrens by Nostr? It number - 1000. Another catrens again, is double or triple, or ... on one catrens. Really catrens did much larger, which confusion or rang gave combinatorics. Also assavoir mon need to calculate as 2 words. Need split number of catrens and number of years , number 1000 go to number of catrens . Years calculate arrays of Evclid.
  Common combinatorial the calculate, different variables.
  1) On samples with return.
  For the line of catrens: С221=22, 22× 22=484 , С461=46 ,46×7=322 ,С21=2!/1!(2-1)!=2
  С43=(4+3-1)!/3!(4-1)!=20 С41=1, 20+4=24
  For sample from 11 letters: С112=(11+2-1)!/2!(11-1)!=66 , С111=11 11×7=77, 132+77=209
  assavoir mon : С82=(8+2-1)!/2!(8-1)!=36 , С31=3 С81=6 8×6=48 36+3+48=87
  Sun: 1017+87=1104
  2) Can no to took returns , then numbers was less , than with returns. For tuple from 46 letters on samples: 46×7+2+4+11×11+22×22=933 , for assavoir mon or estetica: 8×8+3=67
  Sum :933+67=1000
  About 1000 from letter of Henry :
  '...tellement que i'ay este en doute longuement a qui ie viendrois consacrer ces trois Century du restant de mes Propheties, paracheuant la milliade & apres auoir longuement cogite d'vne temeraire audace, ay prins mo addresse enuers vostre ma ieste...'
  3) I no took samples with return.
  484+322+2=808 С43=4!/3!(4-3)!=4 С41=4!/1!(4-1)!=4 808+8=816
  С112=11!/2!(11-2)!=55 55×2=110 С111=11!/1!(11-1)!=11 11×7=77 110+77=187
  It number close to 1002 prophets.
  For assavoir mon С82=8!/2!(8-2)!=28, С81=8 8×6=48 28+48+3=79
  I think, what common numbers of catrens was 1242, while this numbers until no sow.
  Change the calculation for samples with repetitions of letters, another no change.
  II. The sort of the line of assavoir mon (for esteticas)
  The sort on numbers ASSAVOIR MON - it's array for get of years esteticas. The sort on letters I no did.
  The line ASSAVOIR MON (2 words with white space !) compliance by 12 numbers: 2,3,4,5,7,9,11,13,16,25,49,61 - sum 205, 12 multipliers
  Has word on vertical NOSTRSDAMVS , can need.
  Letters заменяются 'i' on 'd', 'о' on 'v' , two the variable with white space 'i' on 'd', ' white space ' on 'm'.
  a s s a v o i r m o n
  N O S T R A D A M V S
  or with white space
  a s s a v o i r пробел m o n
  N O S T R A D A M V S N
  Two the variable right.
  It cipher of replacement.
  Need organize the sort on letters for cipher of esteticas. Connects with years across two array on 58 numbers of the line identification also, as years and catrens for almanac , centuries and K.Galen. Different only in the sort of cipher.
  III. Connects years with catrens. By the sort CAN used of binomial if coefficients.
  1) One from two of arrays of the line identification equal 46 perfect for the line of catrens, so much letters have tuple. Tuple already have the point of shift and the line of АВС,which sort letters of the code, builds their on rang. By this digital the part of code or ' empty ' years, must be attributed to array . Their numbers help to sort array, after he no haven't components of years future from testament.
  а2=b2q2 +r2 -array of the line identification + the line of catrens (digital the part)
  The line of catrens sort array of the line identification, array impossible to reject, he set Nostr and set it as array.
  Would took now array adds of years, for example , of key on 600 years, which need go 10 numbers (5+5). He have numbers 120 as two the book of Gorapollon. Us need put in accordance got years to letters of the code and numbers of Gorapollon must us to help, their need multiply, if take as combinations on right multiplication for combinatorics .
  а1=b1q1 +r1 - years, got from the sort of numbers Nostr , no added! To the date of reference .
  If took no array, but got years , then connect with catrens few another.
  Formula of ring for cipher: (0+ABC fromL)mod 12. Last numbers of compare defines that, what need search. If we wont 'to read' ABC, then 22 or 23 , if search centuries, then numbers 12, so 12 write. To begin the sort on letters (on centuries) with zero!
  The line can build in one the line . But letters no put in accordance to years.
  Three parts got. But to connect their more complicated, because array of key no know ,as him 'to see' your letters. All depend from numbers of Gorapollon. Numbers of Gorapollon can multiply on literal the part of cipher. So, right used numbers of Gorapollon, years find your catrens.
  2) To calculate across suitable fractals.
  That search need the variable , you need determine the solvability of compares.
  Additional materials:
   'L' - the point of shift.
  The line of catrens, digital the part of cipher: 2,3,4,5,9,16,19,23,27,31,47,49,61 - sum 296, 13 multipliers
  The line of catrens, letiral the part of cipher :
  (T) (FT) (v) (Tyyy) (l) (hfglNlggffl)(hAThgfzhAvgvbgyfyvyThv)(f)(L)(T)(z)
  Why this the line did right? Because common sum - 488, or 'empty' years.
  The line of АВС: a-1,b-2,f-1,g-4,h-1,l-11,n-22,t-1,v-1,y-1,z-1
  Two arrays of the line of identification for esteticas and 46 letters ( all дано for connect of years and cipher the part of code):
  The line of latitudes: 2,3,4,5,7,9,13,16,25,37,41 - sum 162, 162®=2,7min, 60®=1'.
  The line of identification, latitudes, turned in periods segments:
  In hours:
  2/3600=0+2/3600 3600/2=1800+0
  3/3600=0+3/3600 3600/3=1200+0
  4/3600=0+4/3600 3600/7=900+0
  5/3600=0+5/3600 3600/5=720+0
  7/3600=0+7/3600 3600/7=514+2/7 7/2=3+1/2
  9/3600=0+9/3600 3600/9=400+0
  13/3600=0+13/3600 3600/13=276+12/13 13/12=1+1/12
  16/3600=0+16/3600 3600/16=225+0
  25/3600=0+25/3600 3600/25=144+0
  37/3600=0+37/3600 3600/37=97+11/37 37/11=3+4/11 11/4=2+3/4 4/3=1+1/2
  41/3600=0+41/3600 3600/41=87+33/41 41/33=1+8/33 33/8=4+1/8
  Sum: with 0 :16+10+10+4+18=58
  For connection of years and esteticas.
  Whole the line of latitudes:
   37,41,42,45,48,50,52 - sum 315, 7 numbers
  In minuts:
  37/60=0+37/60 60/37=1+23/37 37/23=1+14/23 23/14=1+1+9/14 14/9=1+5/9 9/5=1+4/5 5/4=1+1/4 14
  41/60=0+41/60 60/41=1+19/41 41/19=2+3/19 19/3=6+1/3 8
  (42/60=0+7/10 10/7=1+3/7 7/3=2+1/3)
   (45/60=0+3/4 4/3=1+1/2)
   (48/60=0+12/15 15/12=1+1/4 )
   (50/60=0+5/6 6/5=1+1/5)
  (52/60=0+13/15 15/13=1+2/13 13/2=6+1/2)
  Sum: with 0 : with reduction with 0:22+6+8+4+6=46, with reduction without 0:22+6+8+4+6=46
  For connection of years with catrens of century, almanacs and Galen.
  Array , for example, key and 2 the book of Goropollon have number 120 , but between
  years and catrens wedged array of the line identification (on 46), what complicated accordance years by catrens across numbers of Gorapollon. So need or snashed numbers of Gorapollon on 2 arrays, or ti include theirs in cipher as the combination. It important.
  Theory , for information:
  Placement - or composition , or rang; or different element, or element are in different range
  Permutation - only rang, but no choose
  Combination - rang no take into account, only consist : without repetition С=n!/m!(n-m)!
  Right of sum: even object A can change m methods, а object B - n methods, and be k common methods of choice objects A and B together, then one from objects A or B can choice (m + n - k) methods.
  Right of works: even object A can choice m methods, аnd object B - n methods, and choice B no depended from choice A, then pare objects A and B can choice m×n methods.
  Or - ( n+m) , if А can choice m methods and after В to choice n methods , then nm.
  Notes to previous: if took classes no only Z on module , but and with minus, what can, that no need build on coefficients of Bezu and the calculate becomes a single. On one formula+1 can got much years, how has classes of deductions. But no all years Nostr took for interpretation, after years meet any specific events.
  Analogue of the code Nostr today is algorithm of RSA encryption with opening key or factorization of numbers, in which used formula of Euler and Ferma.
  The calculation of the code while is algorithm, but secondary in relation to astrological calculates.
  1) Vilenkin N.Y. Combinatorics, Мoskow, publisher ' Science ', 1969y.
  2) Special course ' Algorithmic theory of numbers and elements of cryptography ', author no no specified
  3) French sate with 'ABC' of cipher : http://cura.free.fr/dico3/708Bcode.html
  Table of contents.
  1) The sort of cipher : 46 letters
  2) The sort of the line assavoir mon (for esteticas)
  3) The connect years with catrens.
  Additional materials.
  Theory , for information.
  Notes to previous.
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