Поляков Андрей Владимирович : другие произведения.

Right to choose

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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You created this world to assert yourself.                                
You never need anybody's help.
You always know what you want,
Because you are God. and this is your world

You have many angels, and they are your slaves,
They prostrate themselves in front of your face,
They want to believe in justice for all,
But they are just slaves, and I think, it's wrong.

I'm a  the rebel, my number is seven,
I was among them in an eternal heaven,
I wished you  would make us free
But we were allowed only to be

The light from your eyes burned my wings.
I know exactly, what  this means.
I told you "Good Bye!", I'm going to hell,
My halo is still hanging on the your nail.

My friends are together, and we are all right,
We don't care now about darkness and light.
Our stormy lifes are booming like rock-n-roll,
But friends soon disperse and leave me alone.

But even in solitude I'l be what I am.
The  day will come when I meet them again.
Each of us is a brick in the wall,
That says "Right to choose is  justice for all".


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