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Interview with ms.Jane Doyle

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   Miss Jayne Doyle, a lady of a non-distinguished age, is sitting in her rolling chair in front of me. She is not disabled, but prefers not to loose too much energy on walking, as she has to preserve her calories to warm herself up in the nighttime. Her chair is loaded with different things, which seem to be nothing but junk to me, but these are her belongings, her real estate, her actives and her property. We enjoy sunlight on the Ocean avenue, she looks at me with a slight suspicion, as she still can't get the point, why am I supposed to interview her. I am a bit nervous: I have never had an experience of talking to the homeless. But the lady in front of me seems to be peaceful enough to encourage me to start the conversation.
  -- Good morning, Мiss Doyle! How are you today?
  -- Holy God, I am okay! Just wait a minute, hon!
   Her satin-gloved hand disappears in one of her bottomless bags, and returns, holding a bottle. She makes a couple of big, loud swallows, and smiles:
  -- Now! I am ready, hon! Got a bit nervous, never happened to be interviewed before! But I always wanted to be a star! Maybe, it's the right time?
  -- Well, you wanted to be a star! Great to know! Were you born in Los Angeles?
  -- No, honey! - She pronounces "honey" very slowly, then her posture turns more elegant, she corrects her clumsy hat on her head, she lifts up her darkly painted eyebrows, crosses her hands on her breast, and now she is fully ready to talk of herself.
  -- I was born in New Jersey. I knew I was to become a star from the moment I was taken from my mother's body! I went to school, but dropped it in the 7th grade to move here, in Hollywood!
  -- Did you leave your family behind?
  -- Telling you least, I'd never had a family! My mom was a stripper in one of them clubs in NY, and my dad never showed his face to me. I, sort of, had a sister, but no idea where she is now.
  -- So, you moved in LA. Did you feel all right here from the moment you came?
  -- Yeah, I did. I had a goal - to become a movie star! I wanted to go to the agents, but I didn't have money to pay them.
  -- But they were supposed to get commissions from your contract, not your money?
  -- Exactly, but I didn't have any actors school done, so they just did not understand, how talented I was! They wanted either school or money. I had neither. They didn't deal with me! But I kept on going to the auditions, and finally, I got myself a role!
  -- And what sort of role was that?
  -- It was a big thing! It was one of the main characters. And the movie was called...something..."The sharp moon inside the holey cave".
  -- Was it an adult movie?
  -- Well, I don't say so, it was a film about love...but, mostly, yes, it was not for kids.
  -- Was that the only role, or you acted more?
  -- Oh! I'd played a hundred roles of that sort! I wouldn't had stopped, If Michael wouldn't had appeared in my life! He wanted me to stop acting.
  -- And so?
  -- I stopped. I loved him so much, I was ready to do anything for him! It was the real, big love! I made some money on the acting and got myself a little apartment. Michael was a rock band guitar player. We'd had so much fun together.
  -- Did you get married?
  -- No. I left him.
  -- You left? What could be the reason?
  -- Well, I didn't want him anymore. He made me sell my apartment to pay for drugs, I couldn't find myself a job, and he kept on asking me for money, so I left him. And what happened then, I don't remember, I sort of, was in hospital.
  -- How did it happen that you are here now?
  -- That's how it happened. When I went out of the hospital, I had nothing. My mother was found dead in the backyard of the strip bar she worked in, and I didn't know a thing about my sister. Gosh, I still don't! But, I do fine, can't you see? I have a chair, and a lot of things! California is good! God, bless the Governator! And Santa Monica is free, so I can go wherever, and no cops would say a thing to me! I do fine!
  -- Would you return to the society, if you get a chance?
  -- No, no...I don't know. I don't care about them people! Your society is nothing but a concerned crowd! There was no good I saw in the society, I don't belong to it anymore! I got my folks here, in the park, I get plenty of food from the garbage bins! I am free - no cleaning, no bills, no obligations! The real artist is always separated from the society! I don't need a society to be a star!
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