Пирогов Александр Юрьевич : другие произведения.

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками

  I am a Christian and belong to the Orthodox Church. I believe in God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. I am married to a beautiful woman Oksana.
  I knew about God in the year 1991. It was after the disintegration of the USSR, when many preachers from abroad were coming to Ukraine to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. In the year 1994 I bought my first Bible and started to understand the truth.
  Approximately at that time I met representatives of the religious organization 'Jehovah's Witnesses'. I studied literature (together with the Bible of course). Oleg Solomka was the leader of the Bible studies group. On the 29th of April 1996 I became psychologically sick and went to a psychiatry hospital at Sverdlova Square in Sumy.
  At the hospital it was very hard. They gave me such injections, that I felt myself like a banana or like another vegetable. As a matter of fact it was schizophrenia.
  After the hospital I had serious conversation with my mother who told me not to go the organization of Witnesses. But anyway I needed to go somewhere, because I read Bible and understood that Jesus was the truth and I needed to communicate with people who believed the same truth. So the chance brought me to the Church 'Rozhdestvo'. The leader of the Church was Vadim Lysenko.
  In 1998 I received disability pension, because I couldn't get rid of my sickness. I liked to go to the Church of Vadim. In 2001 I was baptized and became a member of the Church.
  In the year of 2003 I found a job. It was a yard-keeper at the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. At that time there was a Church at the Academy's building. It was the Church of 'Jesus Christ's Rozhdestvo'. The pastor was Andrei Harchenko. I went to this Church. During the years 2003-2007 I was on a special note for one sin. Because I couldn't get rid of the sin I was excommunicated from the Church in April 2007.
  I went to the Church 'Trinity' of Avramenko Sasha during 2007-2010. I took communion there because Sasha didn't think I had a serious sin. In the Church 'Trinity' I felt myself very comfortable.
  In 2010 I dated with my first and last girl-friend Oksana. We met, drank coffee, talked, rested, went to the river, walked and kissed. Together we decided to go to one Church (Orthodox Church). On the 10th of June 2011 we got married at the Orthodox Church. On the 21st of October 2011 we registered at the registry office and became legal husband and wife.
  Since summer 2012 I work as a specialist in service sales at the Ukrtelecom. I like my work, because I have to communicate with people and it brings result - I sell internet.
  My wife works as a cleaner at the chemical plant. Every Sunday we go to the Trinity Cathedral to the liturgy. I love my wife, my work and the Church very much.
  This is the story of how God worked in my life. Always listen to God and do what He tells you to do. Thank you for reading my story.
  P. S. I also read the Book of Mormon and I believe it is true. This is another testimony about Jesus Christ who was in America. So I believe that the Bible and the Book of Mormon are true. I can witness it to the whole world. And I will start with my wife. Now my wife is a little bit sick. I mean her psychological condition. May be she needs treatment?
  I must help her.
  The book of Mormon tells us about people who had sailed to America just before the Jews were captured by the Babylonians. They started the civilization of modern American Indians. It is very interesting but they had the knowledge of the coming Messiah. And 2000 years ago Jesus Christ came to America to those people and told them the same gospel He was telling in Israel land. He appointed 12 Apostles and went to heaven. What amazing news! Some people believed and some not. After that there was a piece of history of America when there were wars. In 600 ad. the history was abridged and written on the plates by a man named Mormon. He hid the plates on the mountain Kumora. In 1820 an angel Moroni appeared to a young man named Joseph Smith and told him to find the plates. So the plates were found and translated into English by power and gift of the Holy Ghost.
   The scripture is known as a Book of Mormon.

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