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Why are countries ruled by the unworthy people?

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    As you know, technically, countries are not ruled by representatives of power elites, but by managers hired by them, and power elites only supervise them and make drastic decisions based on the situation and their own interests, which, as a rule, do not coincide with the interests and needs of the population. Are the rest of the strata of society able to replace the power elites with their representatives, or is this impossible?

  Key words: consciousness, self-consciousness, person, power, egocentrism, altruism.
  Indeed, it seems that peoples should be governed by the most worthy and knowledgeable representatives of this people, but in practice everything turns out the other way around, although, it must be admitted that most of the representatives of any power elite have such not bad qualities as energy, not bad education, a high degree of sociability, decisiveness, quick-wittedness, dominance, cunning, curiosity, perseverance, ability to coordinate actions.
  At the same time, it is difficult to deny that, to one degree or another, these people are selfish, hypocritical, treacherous, unprincipled, dishonest and unusually dodgy. And it is understandable the possession such negative characteristics, without which it is unlikely that anyone would be able to stay in such a "bread" but also shaky place.
  The power elite receives at its disposal all the resources of the state, seemingly for the purposes of developing the country and caring for all citizens.
  However, an obstacle to this is the negative selection of civil servants from the president to the last clerk.
  It is not noble guardians of the people's welfare who strive to become civil servants, especially high-ranking ones, but energetic, not stupid, self-interested, hypocritical and egoistic individuals, but, as a rule, without special talents. The dominant of these persons is inevitably the lowest (animal) consciousness, that is, in their consciousness there is a clear lack of awareness of themselves as valuable individuals, and not as consumers. Power and less than limited access to the privileges and resources of the state degrades them so much that they see in the masses only a source of benefits for themselves and a field for the manifestation of their own, essentially animal aspirations (personal well-being, comfortable existence, domination over others).
  Representatives of management bodies are characterized by corporate solidarity aimed at improving their own existence, fortunately there are means for this, and not public morality, which reflects the interests of the entire community.
  Therefore, the power elite always separates itself from the masses and rejects sincere fighters for the good of the people, and welcomes "natural" bureaucrats who serve only those in power on the principle of loyalty to them, as a result of which they put the interests of the people and the country second, and first - personal and corporate interests.
  And yet, it is surprising that such unworthy individuals have the power that gives them the opportunity to dispose of people. material and financial resources, as well as permanently conduct corrupt activities without feeling remorse, live for your own pleasure, and in an authoritarian state in no way be responsible for your actions to the people, pleasing your superiors, and at the same time deceiving both - the masses and own bosses.
  Is the system of power really such that it only accepts such predators who devour themselves and trample on their people?
  Are other strata of society really not capable of taking power into their own hands and using it not in their own interests, but in the interests of the whole society?
  To understand this problem, it is obviously necessary to first identify these strata. And then determine their ability to gain power.
  Any power elite always has a subordinate shell that feeds it. This is, first of all, the bureaucratic apparatus, which includes all employees whose wages are paid by the state.
  Here are statistical data for some countries regarding the officials for 2018.
  Japan: population - 128 million, the number of the officials - 0.332 million, there are 309 persons for 1 official.
  France: population - 51 million, number of the officials - 0.320 million, 190 people per 1 official.
  Germany: population - 83 million, number of the officials - 0.508 million, 163 people per 1 official.
  United Kingdom: population - 66 million, the number of the officials - 0.450 million, there are 147 persons for 1 official.
  USA: population - 309 million, the number of the officials - 2.1 million, there are 147 persons for 1 official.
  China: population - 1340 million, the number of the officials - 70 million, there are 19 persons for 1 official.
  Russia: population - 144.5 million, the number of the officials - 4.850 million, there are 30 persons for every official.
  Thus, in percentage terms, the number of the officials in these countries ranges from 0.2 (Japan) to 5.0 (China), and the cost of their maintenance reaches up to 20% of all state income.
  From these data it is clear that a large number of officials in authoritarian countries is required primarily to control the loyalty of the population to the current regime and to implement propaganda that explains the lack of well-being of the majority of the population, as a rule, by the hostile environment of the country and the need for significant expenses on defense from potential enemies.
  The actual lack of effective control over the work of officials in authoritarian regimes by the public with an existing shortage of civil society institutions inevitably leads to the irresponsibility of officials for the results of their activity and to the inevitable use of their own position for mercenary purposes, that is, to large-scale corruption, the struggle with which, in particularly, in China, by the execution of the corrupt officials does not lead to anything.
  As a result, in the actions of civil servants, it is not the proper fulfillment of their duties that comes to the forefront, but their imitation, all the more so as in the expanded ranks of officials penetrate not the knowing specialists, but rather incompetent rogues and conformists, who look around only to the authorities, numerous relatives of the authorities, moneymakers, hoping to warm their hands in their posts, and such subjects.
  Thus, it should be noted: as it is impossible to bring a swan out of chicken, so and the official is deprived of the opportunity to be an honest person, a sincere altruist and a fighter for justice.
  The level of self-consciousness among individuals seeking to become officials is too low, as a result of which they first of all want to serve themselves and their own corporation in the person of the authorities, and not for the society.
  And always will be so, and not otherwise.
  You can reduce the number of officials, change the structure of the state apparatus, conduct regular inspections of the quality of work of officials, dismiss them for the slightest offense.
  The effect of these measures will be insignificant and, in the end, everything will return to usual.
  It is quite curious that almost all officials consider themselves intelligentsia, as if forgetting that they, in fact, are maintained by the power elite. It is this circumstance that practically determines their behavior at critical moments of the existence of the state, which they support until its collapse becomes apparent, although in words they may show a critical attitude. That is, they confuse education with culture, which is not the same thing.
  The main feature of the officials is the same negative features as those of representatives of the power elite, which are inherent in them to almost the same extent. Therefore, their cherished dream, taking advantage of their properties as rogues, is to break into the circle of the power elite, which sometimes happens, since their dishonesty suits this circle, but, alas, this circle is relatively narrow and the vast majority of officials have to be content with the relatively dust-free work of serving the power elite, and they do not at all tend to give up this work, where they can often steal, in favor of other types of work, apparently due to laziness, corruption, irresponsibility and a small amount of ability. Otherwise, they would not have become officials.
  In addition to the representatives of the power elite and officials, there are also so-called the creative people, or creatives.
  Their main property is that they are able to go beyond traditional rational thinking.
  In other words, combinatorics, observation, experience, analysis, synthesis do not give effect in acquiring non-obvious knowledge, being within the framework of known ideas and concepts, and therefore logical thinking people are only able to develop them, building more perfect combinations of the known, which, of course, is also new, but of a lower order, and it does not allow reaching qualitatively different levels of cognition and development.
  A high degree of creativity is associated with the acquisition of fundamentally new knowledge, which is not obvious, that is, no combination of known knowledge, no conclusions in the form of formal logic can give it, as well as experiments aimed at improving the known.
  Any creative person is characterized by a coincidence of interest in solving a specific problem with an increased degree of dissatisfaction with the general state of affairs in his own field of research or science as a whole. At the same time, this person should experience strong dissatisfaction with himself, all the time striving to prove not to someone, but to himself, his own competence.
  Similar state of a creative person, in our opinion, is due, on the one hand, to a high degree of dissatisfaction of the animal component of this person"s consciousness, characterized by the desire for dominance in one"s own environment, and on the other hand, a fairly high level of altruism in own self-consciousness, which requires spreading own achievements to everyone.
  It is the animal component of consciousness, inherited by people from their natural primitive predecessors, who had no time to think logically without being eaten at once, that allows them to make decisions without an analytical-synthetic approach to a particular problem, thereby skipping the chains of long-term mental activity, and using all depths already accumulated in memory. At the same time, people also have the opportunity, unlike animals, to quite consciously approach the problem being solved, having previously analyzed it on the basis of experimental research.
  Of course, this dual approach to solving problems does not always give results in the form of discoveries and inventions, but it always introduces a person into a state of separation from the known and boring, since the usual consumption of all kinds of goods, which gives pleasant sensations, is not much different from the sensations inherent in animals, are incomparable with the feelings of the creator of the new, who equates him with the gods.
  For this reason, the creative people are not interested in the desire for power, which only leads to the acquisition of consumer values.
  That is, the creative people, of whom there are quite a few in total, since they appear not only among the educated people, but also among the ordinary people, as a rule, neglect both routine bureaucratic activities and humiliation of their fellow tribesmen, which so attracts representatives of the power elite who always want to be on top.
  It is creative people, who do not find time for such a banal desire how to rule, who through their efforts move civilization forward, providing energy and everyday comfort, which no one really thinks about, taking for granted an electric light bulb, a computer, an airplane, a smartphone, a soft bed and a sewer.
  However, in total, the creative people, other well-educated people of mental work, rulers and various servants of the latter account for no more than 20% of the entire population.
  What then does the rest of the population represent and why does it not claim power?
  If we exclude from the adult population the power elite with all its servants, including judicial, security and other bureaucratic structures, the number of representatives of which in some countries reaches 5% of the total population, as well as a layer of creative people and representatives of the informal opposition, that in percentage terms the rest of the mass of the diverse population hovers around 80, increasing in underdeveloped countries and decreasing in developed ones.
  This mass includes pensioners and housewives, whose number may be about a third of the population; small owners working independently or with a few hired personnel; agricultural workers (peasants), the number of which in a number of countries is almost the entire population; small traders; relatively few employees of large industrial and mining enterprises; small employees of public and private enterprises; service workers from waiters to salespeople.
  In addition to these representatives of the population, the common people are represented by the unemployed, soldiers, and rentiers.
  We also note the rather low cultural and educational level of this population not only in underdeveloped countries, where access to education and culture is practically inaccessible to it, but even in developed countries, education for ordinary citizens is very limited in nature with an emphasis on early specialization, thereby not providing an opportunity for diverse development and significantly narrowing horizons.
  It should also be noted that not only in South America, South Asia or Africa, most of the population is illiterate or semi-illiterate, but even in the United States the number of illiterates is several tens of millions.
  What can be expected from such a quality of the population?
  The answer is obvious.
  It is not for nothing that for a long time these people, who are driven into a corner by circumstances or are simply engaged in hard, monotonous or simply uninteresting work for the sake of earning barely enough to live on, have been given the name - philistines.
  Indeed, even if some of these people are smart and have certain abilities, their implementation is quite problematic for them and over time they become, like everyone else, indifferent to everything except their local life and family relationships within a particular clan or community.
  Thus, the efforts of the entire civilization for the majority of the population in our high-tech and cultural times were still not enough to raise the entire population of the planet to a sufficiently high cultural and consumer level.
  Of course, the reason for this sad circumstance is seen, first of all, in the uneven development of peoples and tribes in different regions of the planet, which, in conditions of private property relations with their right of force, are simply fleeced by more developed countries, which deliberately keep them in a primitive state.
  However, even in developed countries, which have a good secondary education for the entire population, there are many museums, interest clubs and other opportunities for development, the number of the philistines still makes up the majority of the population who do not feel aspiration not only to power, but in general for nothing other than their own well-being and comfortable life, being compared in this regard with animals.
  How to explain such a sad phenomenon of such pitiful people who are potentially capable of conscious perception of the world and even creativity?
  We must assume that the solution to this problem rests in their consciousness.
  The weak development of self- consciousness and the equally inexpressive manifestation of their animal component of consciousness, being satisfied with just a well-fed and more or less comfortable life, as a result, implies little interest in any matter that is not directly related to their well-being.
  As a rule, the high mind, which appears not only due to the possession of innate abilities, but is also developed and strengthened by long study, participation in various educational programs, the pursuit of hard-to-reach goals, such individuals are not peculiar not only because of their lack of high aspirations, but also due to the influence of the mediocre or the philistine environment, absent the accessible social elevators, financial means for education and etc.
  Thus, the philistines are united in the following.
  All representatives of this most significant layer of each community are guided mainly by their own reason and experience: preoccupied with themselves and their own well-being, they do not aspire to either "high" or "low" goals, limiting themselves to the desire of a hassle-free and well-fed life in which it is desirable see troubles only on the monitor screen.
  The philistines do not feel the desire for new at the expense of their own efforts, seeking a more comfortable state of life from the position of simple acquisition and consumption of finished goods.
  This, the most significant part of the population is engaged predominantly in daily monotonous work, and practically has no prospects for any other kind of activity, that could contribute to the development of self-consciousness among these masses.
  The habitual standard dictates to these people to live as everybody, consuming what is, creating around itself an environment of artificial and natural objects in order to regularly to update it, finding the satisfaction in this incessant process.
  With this behavior, a person actually falls into a monotonous existence - as if into a life-dream with rare moments of awakening, which, as a rule, are initiated by external circumstances (marriage, divorce, new job, illness, death of loved ones, etc.).
  Having lived their life, most these people are surprised to find in it, in in essence, the absence of interesting and outstanding precisely because they tried to follow a pragmatic approach.
  In this respect, they are remarkably similar in behavior to animals, for which, although they do not know how to reason, the main thing is to get sensations.
  Such persons avoid participation in any social motions, being interested only in own well-being, but avoiding any risk.
  They do not resist the authorities and avoid any extremism, but only until their survival is at stake - having realized this, they will sweep away everyone and everyone without any hesitation or reflection.
  If you take a look at the philistine from the position of consuming information flows, then they are interested in them in direct accordance with the level of development of their self-consciousness, which for the most part is extremely low.
  Therefore, we observe a very obvious tendency of the philistines to consume information flows that correspond to the level of their self-awareness, usually limited to stupid shows, games, gossip on social networks, problems of their own reproduction and meaningless conversations.
  Something more complex, new in science, culture, history, technology, which requires some effort to comprehend, the philistines do not allow into their skulls.
  This kind of inertia clearly demonstrates the inability of the philistines to take any independent action outside the framework of their personal life.
  Let us further characterize another layer of the population - the so-called the informal opposition to power structures.
  Unworthy people, who, as a rule, seize power always and everywhere, are also always and everywhere opposed by worthy people, that is, decent, honest, straightforward people who want justice for everyone without singling out special castes or ranks.
  They are not a formal opposition to the government, because they do not want to compromises with it, for example, to join the government. Their desire is the removal of the oppressors.
  Their disinclination to compromise represents them, in essence, as the only force that really counters the power elites in any country in the world.
  If a person"s overflowing with dissatisfaction, in particular, with his place in society, for example, in the form of an unsatisfied aspiration for power, which is part of the sphere of the lowest consciousness that dominates the altruism of his self-consciousness, leads a person to forgetting all moral norms and crushing his opponents by any means, aspiring to power, then n the contrary the significant dominance of the altruism of the human self- consciousness over the egocentrism of the animal component of consciousness, which is based on dissatisfaction with the insufficient harmonization of society makes similar person a fierce opponent of the powers that be, with whom he fights with all his might without any compromises.
  Thus, the displacement of the animal component of consciousness by altruism of self-consciousness of the egocentrism into the background, giving scope for dissatisfaction of self-consciousness as the highest component of consciousness, characterizes the layer of the informal oppositionists in every society, who are confident in the triumph of reason, science, justice, equality, the result of which, according to in their opinion, general harmony will certainly arise in society and a harmonious person, in particular, will appear.
  They are the ones who recklessly fight for the people's happiness, not suspecting how the people see this happiness.
  Nevertheless, practically, only they constructively criticize the power elite, not claiming to enter the government, which they fiercely hate for unrighteous actions against the masses, poor government, corruption, stupidity and mediocrity.
  Basically, the informal opposition includes the left educated elite, who understand the injustice of what is happening, and at the same time unsold.
  The informal opposition also include radical students who, for example, in France in 1968, with their indignation, changed the vector of the country's development, shifting it to the left. In general, the informal opposition can include all educated people who have a fairly high level of altruism, self-consciousness and, accordingly, a sense of self-worth sufficient to not go to the service of those in power, and at the same time to have their own ideas about improving society, even if utopian.
  Thus, some influx of new members of the power elite is ensured almost entirely by the bureaucracy, since creative people disdain such banal activities, it is practically inaccessible to the philistines, the informal oppositionists to the power structures, advocating for universal justice, despise the power elite for the crude animal-parasitic essence with complete hypocrisy, and therefore do not want to join the government, with rare exceptions.
  That is, the structural basis of civilization is based on the enduring parasitism of the power elite, the unworthy representatives of which, in fact, cannot be changed to worthy due to the lack of a base for the worthy in the same power, the places in which, in practice, receive only for hereditary aristocrats, super-rich people, bureaucrats and scoundrels.
  Nevertheless, as we can see, the process of technological and cultural development, in which the creative people play a leading role, is ensured by unfair private property relations, which are also based on the counteraction of the egocentrism of the animal component of a person and the altruistic component of his self-consciousness.
  This counteraction is reflected in public life by the struggle of the power elite, guided mostly by selfish interests of their own benefit, the basis of which is in the animal (natural) component of the consciousness of this elite, with the informal oppositionists to it in the person of radical individuals who oppose it, due to their interest in improving society, which is based on the altruism of their self-consciousness, which prevails over the egoism of self-consciousness and the egocentrism of the animal component of their consciousness.
  The struggle of these strata of society, who hate each other, due to the radical divergence of their interests and intentions, leads to a gradual change in social relations, since the rest of the people cannot help but be involved in one way or another in this struggle, gradually benefiting from it for themselves in the form of improved conditions own existence, despite the cruel forms of resolving contradictions between different groups of the population in the form of wars, uprisings, coups and even genocide, which are constant companions of any antagonistic social formation, nevertheless, avoiding a state of stagnation precisely due to its own inconsistency in the form of the struggle of the power elite with the informal opposition to it.
  These forces - the creative people who act as drivers of technology, and the struggle of the power elite with the informal opposition to it, ensure the process of creation both in social relations and in technology, significantly influencing each other so that when they intersect, turns can occur, that replace one way of life of a community or state to another - more perfect and convenient for the population in its ever-increasing scope, which, in fact, is the process of development of civilization within the framework of property relations - from the slave system to capitalism.
  However, the confrontation between the power elite and the informal opposition in various forms as the main driver of civilization has not yet been noted. It is being replaced in the eyes of the public by the struggle or interaction of the working people and exploiters, although in a number of countries it is already difficult to separate workers and exploiters. In addition, if an exploited worker suddenly gets rich or becomes an entrepreneur, he, in the same way, begins to care primarily about himself, and not about the offended and oppressed, without experiencing strong moral problems. In other words, this person, who stands out from the common people, becomes the same predator as his brothers in power and wealth.
  The explanation of this phenomenon is again in the sphere of consciousness, since the vast majority of the exploited and exploiters have quite low level of self-consciousness in its altruistic component, and the level of egocentrism in his animal component of consciousness is quite high.
  Therefore, the action of both of these forces with their interests and needs can manifest itself intensively only with comparatively high level of culture in society, including the appropriate level of education, thanks to which the development of self-consciousness of at least a part of the population is being ensured. This is confirmed by the practical lack of development of archaic societies that still exist in certain parts of the planet, although there are certain productive forces based on the use of sometimes not so primitive tools.
  That is, the absence of the creative people who play the role of a driver of technology, and informal opposition to the power elite, or the weak manifestation of all three forces in society - creative people, the parasitic power elite and informal opposition to it, makes society respectively archaic or stagnant, an example of which is currently a number of third world countries in which nothing happens and no the active persons or groups appear.
  All of the above suggests that the passivity of the philistines who are considered a people, probably due to their overwhelming number in the entire population, is not able to make them a real force that successfully opposes power structures.
  Such force can only be a sufficiently educated and organized layer of radically minded persons who, of course, are not able to change private property relations, but through their constant struggle with power structures are able to bring energy into society, involving part of the philistines in this struggle, and thus not only save society from stagnation, but also create the basis for the gradual manifestation of talents from all layers of society, which technologically and culturally advance it forward, increasing the comfort, technical equipment and education of the population all more and more.
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