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Whose instrument is a person? And only by it is he?

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    Neither materialists nor idealists could determine either the essence of Creation, nor the sources of change and development of living beings up to the appearance of a person, nor the reason for the change in the environment surrounding the living beings in such a way that they could exist and develop in it. This, apparently, is explained by the fact that materialists consider consciousness to be a product of the self-development of dead matter, and idealists believe that consciousness itself creates matter, including living matter. However, it is quite possible to assume otherwise.

  Key words: information, person, consciousness, alive, matter, development, Creation, hologram, civilization.
  In our opinion, it is possible to try to determine the essence of Creation, the sources of change and development of living beings up to the appearance of a person, and the reason for the change in the environment surrounding living beings in such a way that they can exist and develop in it, if to assume that inanimate matter and consciousness, which is matter of a higher level compared to dead matter, coexist together without producing each other.
  Along with that, in living beings, including humans, they are in an alliance, which gives infinite consciousness the opportunity to manifest and act through the finite living, in which dense structured matter is, as it were, permeated by a field ultra-high-frequency matter, going beyond the frequencies possible in beingness.
  We all know that a person is mortal, like humanity as a whole, which, having once appeared, will also inevitably disappear. So what will be left of it? And will it remain?
  There are currently two answers to this question.
  The afterlife is the answer to religion.
  The eternal development of humanity is the answer of science.
  The first answer does not even have indirect evidence. Moreover, it takes a person beyond the boundaries of life.
  The second answer is nothing more than a good wish, since if there was a beginning, then there will be an end.
  In other words, both answers, in essence, do not promise that everything developed by civilization will remain, and to whom, if no one survives.
  In fact, this seemingly sad ending indicates that in addition to finite man and humanity there is something else - endless, which requires both a person and all living things for their own eternal development and change. This is what consumes everything developed by a person and humanity, but not only consumes.
  Proof of the presence of this something in every living being is that it comes to life only at the presence of this something and lives for the time being.
  True, this something is completely ephemeral, that is, in no way perceptible, but at the same time there is no life without it.
  Perhaps that is why it was called consciousness. And indeed, without the accompaniment of alive by knowledge, that is, first of all, a program of action, no life is possible.
  This program was found in every cell of any organism in the form of a code on a protein carrier. Where this program came from and how it was introduced is unknown. But, nevertheless, this complex system, which controls the future actions, growth and development of each organism, appeared, refuting with its appearance the hypothesis of the spontaneous transformation of dead matter into living matter.
  A person is fraught with two riddles: he is a usual living being, and along with that he is a being capable of conscious, that is, design-targeted actions to change both the environment and himself. But science cannot explain how each of living cell was produced in its original form with a ready-made program of metabolism, actions, growth, reproduction and development; a person, besides, has self-consciousness, whose appearance science also cannot explain.
  Science has still not been able, within the framework of its research approach, to provide convincing evidence and explanations of how the transition from inanimate matter to living matter took place, and from instinctive-reflexively acting organisms to beings that think quite voluntarily.
  It is known that living organisms, unlike nonliving ones, have a set of characteristics: metabolism and energy, the ability to grow and develop, reproduce, and maintain a certain composition. In addition, they are characterized by the presence of a self-regulating metabolic system, and they have the ability to accurately reproduce their own metabolic system (DNA replication, its template copying and specifically determined synthesis of enzyme proteins) and more.
  The essence of various ideas about the origin of life can be expressed in three main concepts. One of them is the idea of the creation of everything by the Creator from nothingness, and, in particular, the living from the dead; the other is abiogenesis, or the formation of organic compounds common in living nature, outside the body without the participation of enzymes, i.e., the emergence of living things from non-living things; and the third is biogenesis, or the formation of organic compounds by living organisms: all living things come from living things.
  As for creationism, or idea about the creation of everything by the Creator from nothingness, this is nothing more than a pure fantasy that can only be taken on faith.
  Abiogenesis, or spontaneous generation, as Pasteur showed experimentally, is also impossible, and he, besides, showed that alive can only arise from living things.
  Only one thing follows: alive was always, and there was no chicken that laid this egg.
  This conclusion leads to the understanding that living things are one of the foundations of the entire Creation, despite the fact that any living being is mortal, that is, finite. However, we also know about the existence of the infinite, but the infinite in real life is unimaginable for humans. And this means that the infinite is capable of manifesting itself only in the finite, remaining, nevertheless, infinite.
  It is this process, supposedly, occurs in an infinite Creation, which never arose, since one "part" of it "is" outside of time, and its actual infinite "part" - the beingness with all its universes and planets with living beings - is in endless current time. And, as if, between them there is a kind of spacer in the form of a hologram, through which the formation of the current time, the result of which is beingness, that is, this beingness itself is nothing more than a product of this time, the formation of which takes place through living beings [see, for example, 1].
  The infinity outside of time, by definition, is nothingness that potentially contains within itself everything that can manifest itself in time.
  But time still needs to be created, or more precisely, its creation requires a kind of alliance of the infinite and the finite in a form that involves the formation of time based on the decoding of information perceived by the finite.
  Only living things are capable of this trick, which in their structure contains sensors (sense organs) that can perceive information in one form or another; information transformation center (centers) capable of deciphering signals coming from the senses; the functioning program of a given living being.
  However, this is only one side of a living being, distinguishing it from any inanimate object, and giving him the opportunity to live, extending its existence in its own offspring.
  The other side of alive is that it, in its innumerable variants, units and associations, ensures the systematic converting of information-energy packets, that enter the senses, into the current time, since these disparate packets are being interconnected into an inextricable stream in the consciousness of a living being due to the fact that when processing each of them, a delay occurs that is not recorded by the information conversion center due to the inertia of this processing process, just as it happens when a person watches a movie, during which the gap between the individual frames of the film, which is scrolled at a certain speed, is not recorded by the person, creating for him there is a continuous and unified course of events on the screen.
  As a result, the information-energy packets are being converted into their product - time, which appears to a living being as a series of events in a changing material environment, to which it is necessary to adapt in order to survive.
  Thus, the powerful energy of ultra-high-frequency wave-like structures of a holographic projection of a infinity out of time, which carry the corresponding encoded information in their harmonics, is converted into mass and energy of objects of current reality, which relate to each other in accordance with the well-known formula E=mc².
  Thus, that is, through living beings in their entirety, the formation of being takes place, containing them in an infrastructure of inanimate objects, thanks to which they find suitable conditions for their finite existence. This existence itself is being controlled precisely by a infinite material consciousness in field form, which is capable of being both in finite living beings in time and outside of time, that is, it manifests itself as individual and along with that as one [1].
  Only a hologram has this feature [see, for example, 2].
  Exactly, in a hologram, any part of it repeats the whole. The hologram itself is a high-frequency formation as a product of the superimposition of several coherent waves, which gives a stationary interference pattern, since the phase difference of the waves does not change.
  In a hologram, each particle of the active does not lose its unity with the entire single-multiple infinite set of the active particles, and therefore can, in particular, with the help of this unity, to recognize, read and copy from an infinity out of time by means and methods, which it is available, necessary for own existence the things in their connection, recognizing them in accordance with own mind, coupled with form-building abilities so, as it wants and can, updating every "moment", that is, discrete, but infinitely, a holographic projection as a quasi-temporary basis for one's own existence in the current reality in the form of a living thing in this information process.
  Particles-copies of the active (consciousness), in the association with copies of the passive in a current reality, are able thereby to receive from an infinity out of time the "necessary" copies of things (passive) for them to replace existing copies of things in beingness, including replacing own material base, as well as updating also themselves.
  This information process of the interaction of an infinity out of time, where everything is inseparably, and the holographic projection, where the active and the passive are separated, requires for interaction of the active and the passive as well as for interaction of the active with an infinity out of time the artificial union of the active and passive in one form or another of alive, the main difference of which from everything else is the ability to convert individual consecutive data packets, carrying encoded information, into objects of a current reality for their updating, including consciousness in alive.
  These packets are similar to the pulsed signals from the transmitter via the ether to the television receiver, in which they are converted into a changing decorated picture on the screen.
  That is, alive is also able to convert individual impulse signals containing information into a incessantly changing picture of the world due to a certain inertia of signal processing, which in the minds of any living being nullifies pauses between incoming packets of information (the positions of the update), creating a continuous change in the whole picture, in which arise already real - more or less "dense" - objects, rather than frequency information copies of the active and the passive [1. Chapter. 1].
  It is the hologram that is the "gasket", more precisely, the information bridge between an infinity outside of time and beingness. The hologram represents a kind of projection of an infinity outside of time, being, on the one hand, nothingness, since as a hologram, that is, a frequency-wave formation, it contains ultra-high-frequency formations in antiphase, making up integrally zero. On the other hand, these formations, unlike an infinity outside of time itself, can be autonomous in their nothingness, that is, appear separately, being, thereby, able to be conductors of information between an infinity outside of time and beingness, and are also capable to be an endless source of energy and a storehouse of accumulating information, coming from beingness as a product of the activity of living beings.
  That's why, Creation can be represented as an infinite, timeless Nothingness and along with that - as a set of finite objects, which are manifested in time infinitely, i.e. that we call beingness, or the existing present. Along with that, the information bridge connecting an infinity out of time and beingness can be considered a projection of an infinity out of time in the form of a kind of formation, hidden from our view because it represents ultra-high-frequency formations, exceeding in frequency the limits of possible high-frequency formations of beingness, and that are situated in the opposite phase mutually. As a result, when they arise, they immediately destroy each other, representing in this respect, like an infinity out of time, an infinite nothingness, but only integrally.
  Nevertheless, each "half" of these wave-like high-frequency formations, arising, can serve as the accumulator and transmitter of information like radio waves in the ether, connecting an infinity out of time and beingness, since the complete annihilation of these formations does not occur due to the infinity of this holographic projection of an infinity outside of time [1].
  Thus, Creation exists without arising or ending, thanks to the information flow, which is provided by a projection of an infinity outside of time in the form of a hologram from beingness towards an infinity outside of time and back.
  This provision conditions the permanent activity of alive, aimed towards own changes in a competitive environment suitable for life.
  Thereby, two tasks are solved.
  Alive automatically supports the existence of the entire Creation, since without it Creation becomes non-existence due to the loss of the current time, which is being formed by alive.
  In addition, alive as the active, cannot be unchanged and satisfied with the present. It changes, develops in its finite forms during the competition, but at the same time automatically fixes all its changes in the form of feelings and thoughts both in each individual consciousness of an individual living being and in a single consciousness of a hologram, since each individual consciousness and a single consciousness in a hologram coincide in accordance with the principle of the hologram "all in every part" [2].
  If any living being, from the moment of birth to death, relies in its existence only on instincts and reflexes, using the method of trial and error and accumulating individually specific experience, then, in accordance with such program of actions, it is only capable of adapting to its environment. Going beyond the limits of such adaptive activity is excluded for him, since the program of growth and development present in each cell of the body does not provide for any other interaction with the environment.
  Mutations in the genome can only contribute to the improvement or deterioration of this adaptive activity, but they are not able to update the program so much as to change this way of interaction of the organism with the environment to the opposite of adaptive. This requires a new program, additional to the previous one, which changes the way the body interacts with the environment to the opposite - a conscious influence on the environment, changing it, in order to achieve pre-set goals, which may not be associated with just one consumption of sensations, characteristic of the rest of the living world.
  Therefore, it makes sense to turn to a more detailed consideration of the issue of the emergence of a person, which has not yet been fundamentally resolved, and which, in our opinion, can only be resolved hypothetically, since, as was shown above, it was not nature that produced living things and humans, but certain conditions contributed to their emergence, the basis of which was a rather complex program. This program was artificially fixed on a biological carrier, which is more likely than its emergence spontaneously from dead matter, completely incapable of independent actions.
  The Inanimate matter is completely helpless in this regard, guided only by certain few laws of existence of the inanimate matter, which, unlike living matter, is only capable of being a carrier of information, but does not have the ability to use it for its own purposes, which it does not have, just as there are no zones perception, processing and transmission of information.
  In other words, this program is introduced into a certain organic compound in appropriate conditions under the control of a single consciousness of a holographic projection of infinity outside of time, since a single consciousness as a hologram covers being with the current time, which manifests itself artificially alive so that in this no longer purely field world, But in a world with the movement of various objects, it could exist and develop both for itself and to keep Creation from passing into non-existence [1. Chapter 2].
  Thus, without the current time, that is being formed by alive for itself, and therefore a certain way structured world with the movement (change) of bodies in space, Creation is not able to emerge from the state of non-existence, but this we do not observe. Therefore, our proposed hypothesis about the information-holographic essence of Creation, which manifests itself in alive in the current time, created by it, looks, of course, the crazy hypothesis, but, nevertheless, it explains much of what scientific research within the framework of experimental testing methods based on formal-logical constructions cannot be explained.
  That is, the combination in the living beings of structured compounds of the dead matter with a higher structure of the field matter of consciousness based on a hologram allows to convert energy-information packets coming from an infinity out of time through a hologram, into the current time by means of alive.
  The product of this process is a denser matter of being with movement (change) in a certain space, which is necessary not only for the emergence and existence of living things, but it is also required for the endless functioning of Creation as such through beingness, as it were animated in time with its only partially field structure, which, unlike a hologram with its only frequency-wave formations, can already ensure life in accordance with biological laws on individual exoplanets.
  This development of living beings occurs in the current time, which is their common, or calendar time, but at the same time this development takes place in the own time of each living being and each of their communities within the framework of a common time. That is, the current time, as it were, splits into two streams - the general one, which extends on beingness, and the own time of the local formations of living things, in which the diversity of beings of a living matter is manifested.
  In particular, this development on different exoplanets regularly culminates in the emergence of creatures capable of both adapting to the environment and partially rejecting it, making fundamental changes in this environment according to their own understanding, giving a variety of excellent examples of emotional and mental activity. But the own time of the communities of these finite contradictory beings always ends in information collapse due to their gradual accumulation of excess information, which these creatures, biologically limited by their nature, cannot cope with.
  In other words, the informationally compacting own time of these communities within the framework of civilization cannot continue indefinitely, which means the crash of each civilization is by no means due to external reasons. Nevertheless, the human race, if an environment suitable for life is preserved, does not disappear, but begins to develop again. But the emerging civilization again reaches an information collapse, which is inevitably the fruit of its technological development, and this continues until the environment that ensures the existence of these beings disappears.
  Over the pass billions of years, during the changes of organisms from protozoa to primates, the instinctive reflex system of their reaction to environmental influences has actually remained the same. In other words, their action programs are similar to each other. And suddenly, in a short period of time, as a result of a relatively short-term exposure to external conditions, some species of primates developed self-awareness, while others remained monkeys. However, it is not known which of these monkeys "worked" more. Currently, Darwin's theory is considered, at least, controversial precisely because it is not possible to explain how the ape evolved into humans from the perspective of modern science.
  Obviously, for self-consciousness to arise in primates, some fundamental internal changes had to occur, which had not occurred during the entire existence of organisms on Earth. What kind of changes are these if a person is close to a chimpanzee in his appearance, organ structure and even genome structure?
  We can state the following: such an internal change can only be the addition of a genome programmed for the instinctive-reflex activity, by a program, focused on the aware activity. Therefore, the transformation of the primate - it could be the most perfect primate - into a prototype of a person (hominid) is possible only by supplementing the existing program with another. Apparently, the primate genome of a similar chimpanzee was rebuilt for this new program.
  And the fact that the chimpanzee genome is 99% the same as the human genome technically makes things easier.
  One hypothesis suggests that the closest human ancestor was a lagoon monkey from Ethiopia. She had a smaller hairline, swam well, walked vertically for a significant part of the day, had a "lowered larynx," the appearance of which, apparently, is associated with a semi-aquatic lifestyle. It is important that such a larynx allows you to control breathing and, as a result, gives the ability to speak.
  After such restructuring, a symbiosis of the resulting individual and consciousness, of a different, higher level than the consciousness of the animal, becomes possible. This procedure brings the individual the opportunity to show, in addition to the form of consciousness focused on adaptability to the environment, self- consciousness, aimed mainly at using the environment for their own purposes by adapting it to their needs and interests.
  Everything else: the ability to work together with fellow tribesmen, coherent speech, creative thinking, etc. is developed as a result in a certain and relatively not very long period, consolidating the symbiosis of a new program that underlies self- consciousness, with the body, and thereby developing a way of thinking based on logic and creativity.
  It was after such restructuring that a hominid appeared so suddenly, then gradually transformed into a person. It also becomes clear why the transition link from primates to humans has not yet been found. All the rest - about the same primates, not affected by the specified transformation, remained in their previous animal quality. Although, in fact, the conditions of their existence were not much different from the existence of the original "candidate" for a person.
  Thus, we can say that a being capable only of instinctively-reflexive actions has one program, while a conscious being, able to adapt the environment to achieve their own goals, has a different, more complex - dual program: this program has the ability to incline a person not only to instinctively-reflexive actions, but also - to projecting their actions for the future, processing their results for subsequent adjustments, using the already accumulated memory from a much larger database than that of primates.
  However, the additional program can only "work" with an existing program of the highest possible order compared to the program of an ordinary animal, that is, the updated genome must have a structure that allows the most productive coordination of the instinctive-reflex actions with the actions determined by logic or creativity. Therefore, the ancestor of the hominid was a primate similar to the modern chimpanzee, whose genome was 99% identical to the human genome.
  In general, it should be noted that the program of actions designed to adapt the creature to the environment could not itself (in an evolutionary manner) be supplemented by a program of the opposite type, which is an obstacle to the previous one, since the additional program is already designed for the actions of the being related to the adaptation of the environment to his own thoughts and goals. This very process of introducing the additional program into the genome was almost instantaneous compared to billions of years of evolution of the adaptive living beings.
  Fact unusually rapid restructuring of the genome, contradicting speed of evolutionary development, stated usually by the evolutionists, is confirmed by the geneticists who used the computer imposing of a genome map of a chimpanzee on a genome map of a person that allowed them to allocate three categories of so called DNA-duplications - that are available in a genome of a person, but are absent in a genome of a chimpanzee, that are available in a genome of a chimpanzee, but are absent in a genome of a person, and that are available in a genome of both types. DNA-duplication is one of forms of a mutation at which the site of a chromosome doubles. In this case DNA segments having length of at least 20 thousand of the nucleotide couples were considered. It appeared that about one third of DNA-duplications identified in a person, are absent at a chimpanzee. Geneticists were pretty surprised by this figure because it indicates a very high frequency of mutations in the short - by evolutionary standards - period of time. This work was carried out by an international consortium of scientists. It consisted of 67 scientists from 23 research institutions of 5 countries - the U.S., Israel, Spain, Italy and Germany. Geneticists of the Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston coordinated the work. And blood for DNA analysis gave a young male chimpanzee named Clint (Clint), inhabitant of aviary of the National Centre for the Study of primates behalf Yerkis in Atlanta, Georgia. (See, eg ., Dw.de> genome comparison ... and ... it ... human).
  Around the time when the first reasonable people were still in a semi-wild state, in parallel with them, according to the description in Plato's "Critias" [3] functioned quite technologically advanced civilization, which he called Atlantis. Apparently, the Bible gives mention about this civilization too. The Bible indicates that Atlantis have been washed away by flood. Most likely, the high-tech structures - the pyramids - in some places of Earth on land and under water were preserved from this civilization.
  Apparently, the emergence and existence of such civilizations, which functioned even before the transformation of primates into humans, can only be explained by a kind of transfer of information "copies" of people from those planets where people had already appeared. Further, the communities of these, a kind of "transit" people could well gradually reach the stage of at least local civilizations, reminiscent of the current civilization, and then naturally disintegrate for internal reasons (information collapse), unless, of course, they were exposed previously to the most powerful natural or artificial (war with the use of nuclear weapons) cataclysms.
  Thus, on Earth over hundreds of millions of years, such civilizations appeared, developed and, for underlying or external reasons, disintegrated. But not everything can disappear completely without a trace. Some artifacts have been preserved, and the most reliable ones are given by us, in particular, in [4], and they can also be found on the Internet.
  It is also important that only after the introduction of an additional program into the corresponding biological form of a primate, the latter, gradually "merging" with this program under the control of parents and in communication with other tribesmen, in addition to individual rationality characteristic of higher animals, or to collective rationality characteristic of colonies of termites or bees, which are focused only on adaptation to the environment, also becomes a personality with an appropriate level of self-consciousness, with his characteristic desire for the domineering transformation of own surroundings.
  This being - a person - possesses, regardless of the stage of development of the human communities, free will, his own ideas about the world based on thinking related to logic, abstraction and, to a certain extent, creativity.
  A person - is able not only to reflect the world, as it happens with other living organisms, including highly organized ones, but also to change it in accordance with his desires, imagination, plans, even if they are erroneous - any mistake can be corrected, But in the process of life, overcoming obstacles to achieving the set goals, the personality develops, which is an external reflection of the level of its self-consciousness, introducing into the data bank of the holographic projection of an infinity out of time everything, that this personality has done and what happened to him during life.
  The richest palette of experiences, considerations and ideas, as well as everything done during life, distinguishes a person from an animal.
  The richest palette of experiences, considerations and ideas, as well as everything done during life, distinguishes a person from an animal.
  That is why a person is the most effective and versatile producer of changes in his own consciousness, and therefore in a single consciousness of a hologram, which thereby thinks and feels similarly in this endless, but the discrete stream of countless lives.
  But, along with that, he represents the most effective information basis that keeps Creation in an endlessly changing and developing state.
  It also follows from all this that the desires and intentions of a single consciousness, if one can speak of it that way, in relation to human lives, basically contradict the desires and intentions of a particular person in his local consciousness.
  A person wants, first of all, for himself and own descendant health, well-being, success, that is, he strives in the direction of harmony, avoiding collisions, troubles and misfortunes, at least for himself and his environment.
  However, his dual nature - animal and humanistic - does not allow him to do this, plunging him into conflicts, contradictory relationships with neighbors and ill-wishers. This nature requires the use of any means to survive and move towards a better life, as a result of which he does not disdain deception, flattery, sycophancy, etc.., trying, nevertheless, to preserve in their best representatives a self-esteem, responsibility and citizenship. All this leads to the release of numerous and often violent emotions and productive ideas, although it proceeds as if by itself.
  It is this flow of feelings, experiences and ideas, which often harms a particular person and which he fears, that a single consciousness is required first of all, creating for it an indescribable and unpredictable background of life with all its vicissitudes, and not comprehension of one or the other laws, which, in general, Well, not many. That is why the development of mankind does not proceed indefinitely, but is limited by the framework of emerging and decaying civilizations, largely repeating each other, but at the same time not repeating all the countless shades of life collisions that ensure the enduring interest of a single consciousness to life instead of non-existence, which is just nothing.
  1. Nizovtsev Yu. Everything and nothingness. 2016. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru. Amazon. Yury Nizovtsev.
  2. 1980. David Bohm, Wholeness and the Implicate Order, London: Routledge, ISBN 0-7100-0971-2.
  3. Plato. Complete works. Hackett Publishing Company. 1997.
  4. Nizovtsev Yu. The person - a product of evolution?! Whether everything is so clear here?! 2016. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru. Amazon. Yury Nizovtsev.
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