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What were the true aspirations of the glorified rulers and the reasons that caused them?

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    It is known, what deeds were glorious the famous rulers, about whom volumes of historical researches are written - from Caesar to the US President Kennedy. Much less publicized data about their sins and transgressions, since the power elites ordering historical research on their own ancestors or predecessors are not interested in revealing the unpleasant or unflattering facts of the primitiveness and immorality of these figures, and, moreover, still remains a mystery, why the scoundrels are usually in power - a kind of negative selection, - which was noted by Plato more than 2000 years ago.

  2. Character analysis.
  2.1. Gaius Julius Caesar.
  2.2. Napoleon Bonaparte.
  2.3. Winston Churchill.
  2.5. John Fitzgerald Kennedy.
  In recent works, "The person in the attractive field of power" [1, part 4] and "The driving force and source of development of the person and his communities" [1, part 3, chapter 3] we have shown the fundamental reasons, according to which in power are individuals who often cannot be denied intelligence, energy, sociability, organizational abilities, but their main properties are selfishness, love of power, covetousness, contempt for the lower ones, hypocrisy, adaptability, cunning, insidious, dishonesty, naked pragmatism (benefit).
  They are not afraid to take the burden of power, that is, the adoption of vital decisions for large groups of the population, because they are interested in the population only from the position of receiving from it one or another benefit for themselves or for their own clans, and they always deceive their subjects, obscuring their selfish goals, but, as a rule, supplement this deception with timely thrown small oblations.
  It is precisely these, by no means the most positive properties, that ensure surfacing" from the crowd and holding in power of these, in fact, crooks whose actions are aimed at creating their own well-being, and everything else is subordinate to this goal or it interests them as factors that contribute to holding power and the glorification of one's own person, who, as a rule, does not differ in any achievements in science or art.
  Therefore, it makes sense to use the most impressive examples to show the true "achievements" of these figures, who are often proud whole countries and admired by not stupid people, and who really were not deprived of some abilities and even talents.
  However, first, to understand the essence of the problem, we note the genesis of consciousness and the difference between human consciousness and the consciousness of other creatures, as well as a combination of properties that characterize people striving for power, and the similarity of these properties with the main signs of the most primitive living organisms.
  In one of the works, we noted the following.
  "Be that as it may, all living beings are different from other objects of being by the presence of consciousness in them, which, in fact, makes them alive. This means that, unlike inanimate objects, they acquire new properties that allow them to replicate themselves through reproduction thanks the genetic code available in them; to be merged with the environment through metabolism; thanks to mutations, to be distributed on different types of living organisms, and, at the same time, with greater or less success, to be modified in accordance with changes in the environment, in particular, to become more complex, etc.
  However, these beings in the form of flora and fauna have no subjectness. They manifest themselves in the environment only in the form of dynamic components of the environment that do not conscious themselves, although and act to give development to this environment, but act instinctively-reflexively, i.e. their consciousness is limited consumption of sensations, and it does not go beyond the environment, and the development itself is very slow in comparison with conscious actions. Therefore, such initial type of consciousness can be qualified as the lowest consciousness, the only inherent to all living beings, except for the person who has some kind of complement to it.
  This restriction in the only of the lowest consciousness in any representative of the flora or fauna is removed in the person whose consciousness acquires a significant complement in the form of awareness of oneself. Thus, one gets the opportunity to become the subject of action: he understands the meaning of his actions, composing projects, correcting them on the move, that is, remaining as part of the environment, he at the same time rises above it, becoming partly its master and even the creator as in various man-made structures, mechanisms, processes, and creations of the spirit, which is reflected in various areas of art and culture...
  Thus, in human beings there are two components of consciousness - the lowest, often called unconscious, or subconscious, and the highest consciousness, or self-consciousness. the level of which can differ significantly depending on the degree of development of the person or his communities - take, for example, the person of the Stone Age and the current Nobel laureate, - the level of consciousness and in that and other case significantly other, however self-consciousness is present both here and there, without disappearing anywhere, but the lowest consciousness, which is responsible generally for functioning of an organism (body) to hold it in a live state and to do it by adequate concerning stay of a body in the environment as well as to fix and spread an organism in the environment, remains almost invariable, i.e. does not depend on time.
  Both these components (hypostases) exist and act in the body and through the body in an indissoluble connection, but the highest consciousness is incapable to exist without the lowest, as the last is responsible for preservation of the living being in the environment - it is impossible to do without this, and the first - above all - for conscious and design activity of a being as individually, and in the human communities which are in a certain environment, and other natural beings always do without self-consciousness...
  The lowest consciousness "feeds" only on the sensations that give it everything, including the harmony of existence, i.e. something acceptable and even pleasant in our understanding in a certain combination of feelings if, of course, to distract from fight of each being for survival. Therefore, it does not wish to lose the sensations at all.
  Similar the type of consciousness has natural egocentrism, automatically seeking to survive, no matter what.
  In the process of development of the living beings, this type of consciousness undergoes relatively minor changes, since it is not able to withdraw own basic property - an unconscious desire for survival, based on the primordial activity of any living thing...
  Both these parties of consciousness continuously conflict both in the person, and in the interpersonal relations: discontent with, visible inability to change quickly, the felt limitation of intelligence, abilities, etc.; the envy and hatred to competitors instantly would rip to shreds any human community if not the state with its institutes.
  Nevertheless, each person manifests also qualities of the highest consciousness which are expressed not only in the intellectual and production sphere, but also in inquisitiveness, various religious and cultural forms and also in the affectional relations, somehow: friendship, love, experiences for relatives, for the fatherland, etc."
  If the relationship between people on the basis of self-awareness slowly but steadily develops, then the lowest consciousness in the person remains unchanged.
  Therefore, the ideal persons do not appear, and the lowest consciousness, despite any form of its disguise, acts at any stage of the development of human consciousness, being expressed in deep-rooted egoism (egocentrism) - personal and corporate, hypocrisy (masking), suspiciousness (caution), contempt for people of other circle (mistrust to other communities), animal instincts concerning an opposite sex, etc." [1, part 3, chapter 3].
  The low level of self-consciousness of the power elite and structures adjacent to it, as a rule, limited by pragmatism leads to the dominance of the lowest, or animal consciousness in it, for which the main property is a sense of self-preservation, which seeks in any case not to lose the consumption of sensations, preferably the most pleasant ones, at the expense of the rest of the population, and exactly the location inside of the power organs give similar senses primarily.
  In fact, the pragmatism of the rulers is reduced to the most profitable way of survival, which consists in the aspiration to consume the best foodstuff (the aspiration of any living being for food), - to create for themselves and their offspring the greatest possible comfort (the aspiration of any living creature to provide for themselves the maximum amenities that contribute, in particular, its reproduction).
  But to satisfy such requirements, a victory in the competitive struggle is necessary, which can give all the best on one"s choice from the perspective of consumption, namely: it is necessary a seizure of power or, at least, the proximity to the power elite (the aspiration of any living creature to dominate their own niche of life, the implementation of which may provide the best conditions for survival and, accordingly, the consumption of not just sensations, but - the most pleasant sensations).
  Thus, mainly people with the most primitive system of consciousness, that is, with a predominance of lower consciousness, try to get into the structures of power.
  Therefore, for the representatives of power, the lowest consciousness is inevitably a dominant, that is, in their consciousness a clear lack of awareness of themselves as self-valuable personalities, and not as consumers is sensed. Power and practically unlimited access to privileges and property belittles them to such an extent that they see in the people masses only a source of well-being for themselves and a field for manifesting their own low-lying instincts.
  However, being afraid of anger of the people and counteraction of informal opposition, they are forced to resist to anarchy, holding, in particular, by means of reforms that order, which provides functioning and development of society, but, naturally, not from the noble motives, but only from a sense of self-preservation.
  Compared to the rest, similar individuals from the standpoint of falling into the power elite and retaining inside it have significant advantages, since the main content of their consciousness is not compassion, disinterested love for one"s neighbor, honesty, self-esteem, nobility and other positive human qualities that have distanced a person from the animal world with its ruthlessness and automatism, and have helped human communities to use their creative abilities to change the world with great success.
  These positive human qualities, manifested with increasing force during the development of civilization due to the presence of a higher consciousness (self-awareness) in a person, are concentrated more in those individuals who are not satisfied with simple consumption, but who want more - knowledge about the world, about themselves, and wish to demonstrate your drawing abilities, Music, composing, civil and legal building, meaning they want more freedom, and not just for themselves, but for everyone. Therefore, they are natural opponents of power structures, criticizing them and forcing them to pay attention both to themselves and to pay more attention to the lives of the working masses, improving the efficiency of the state apparatus, culture and science.
  With the growth of this natural opposition to the authorities, the course of civilization is accelerating, countries and regions, which to the greatest extent concentrate all the cultural and technical achievements of civilization are distinguished, in contrast to archaic or backward states in which this opposition either did not appear or it is weak. Similar States are at the moment in the majority.
  Power, like the people in it, is cold, ruthless, mechanistic, systematic, corporate, pragmatic, hierarchical, fixated on itself - it is like a soulless nature built on mutual devouring in the frameworks the chains of its dynamic units, therefore everything truly humane, especially altruism, characteristic for the highest consciousness of the person, is only an obstacle to the penetration into power and the retention in it.
  For this reason, the scoundrels, or the individuals, in whom the lowest consciousness, that is, natural instincts, predominate, seek to power and with great success are held in power. In this regard, these individuals are closest to ordinary natural organisms, who are not bothered by moral problems, and own intelligence, which is higher than that of monkeys, they are used to only succeed in their sovereign field, pushing aside competitors, and fearing the burden of power not because they are afraid to make a mistake in their care about people, but because aa boss may not appreciate their zeal for caring for him.
  Similar orientation of structures of power mainly on themselves, actually deprives them of the ability to independently develop the relevant community, provoking either complete stagnation or slow development, and even then this development is forced due to the pressure of neighboring communities that can subordinate or absorb this community, and to deprive the local top of power, which has been happening for the last several millennia in a row, without making any special changes in social beingness.
  But as soon as a more or less constructive opposition to the authorities arose, this community began to progress much faster. An example of this can be the Greek city-states, which appeared more than two thousand years ago, and which laid the whole cultural and legal foundation of the present civilization, as well as having produced a number of technical and military innovations. A great degree of freedom in the realities of that time was provided by numerous philosophical schools, which were not only the first scientific centers, but also influential opposition to the authorities, and the first initiator of mankind 's desire for harmonious peace was Plato with his ideal State [2, Chapter 2].
  After a long stagnation in Europe, following the fall of the Roman Empire, in the middle of the Middle Ages has occurred the turn to industrial production, beginning with the Netherlands, which put an end to an estates society close to caste community, that is, the stagnant, and caused the society in which real opposing forces appeared in a form of the capitalist power elite and humanitarian opposition to it, which has stood on the side of the working people and offered to improve society so, that there were no longer neither rich nor poor (Campanella, then Henri Saint-Simon, Karl Marx and many other thinkers - potential reformers) [2, chapter 2; 1, parts 6, 7].
  Thus, without constructive opposition to the ruling elite, either the archaic remains, or this community is absorbed by more advanced tribes or states.
  In potential power lovers, the primitive desire for consumption at the expense of others, or parasitism, was initially laid to the maximum extent. And it is promoted by to invariably elevated level of dominance on the basis of selfishness prevailing over all actions, that is, an inescapable aspiration in any way to push potential competitors from power and, therefore, from the feeding trough.
  Therefore, similar individuals are not ashamed anything: all their actions are characterized by deception. hypocrisy, contempt for the subordinates, cunning, perfidy.
  Thus, they use their highest consciousness misused, that is, all creativity available in them is directed not to the best organization of society, not to the common good, but to intrigues with the aim to penetrate the power in order to acquire and to consume the personal good, and by any means to preserve oneself in power.
  This implies the natural advantage of such individuals over ordinary decent people who are not able to betray with a charming smile, but it"s these, in fact, scoundrels who penetrate power and stay in it, create multiple obstacles to improve the content and effectiveness of management, since most often they either do not have the corresponding abilities, or lose them in the flow of consumer sensations provided for them from own power and comfort, having poisoning, however, by the intrigues of the inevitable competitors who must be resisted by spending time and mental resources.
  It is precisely because of the miserable content of power elites whose primary goals were and is their own well-being and maintaining power, and not the development of their own countries, that the move of civilization is slow, zigzag - with delays and kickbacks.
  Thus, from the foregoing, it follows that each representative of the power elite, and even more so, the ruler, in order to find the best food, the most pleasant comfort and the most beautiful representatives of the opposite sex, must, just as happens in nature, take a leading place in the community, that is, first eliminate competitors, and then retain the captured leadership, still eliminating potential competitors to his own place as lord.
  As a result, the ruler gets not only the opportunity kicking his subjects, if he wants, not only withdrawing the funds from the treasury for a "beautiful" life, but also the opportunity to provide his offspring with loot for many years to come, as well as to promote, as a rule, own incompetent offspring into power, and, if possible, make this power hereditary.
  An objection may follow to these theses: many rulers were cultured people, famous for their glorious deeds, and they are still set as an example for the current generation.
  Therefore, they simply cannot be commonplace killers, thieves, sybarites and lascivious male dogs.
  Let us look at specific examples of the behavior of the most famous and illustrious rulers of what preferences they were having, that is, what primarily were attracting these persons.
  We have chosen as examples such historical figures as Caesar, Napoleon, Churchill, US President John F. Kennedy, well-known and highly respected by the majority of the population.
  2. Analysis of the characters.
  2.1. Gaius Julius Caesar (100-44 BC)
  Caesar is the most revered, noble, endowed with many talents, brilliant commander, who have conquered the whole of Europe, bordering the Roman Republic, have carried out a number of progressive reforms in the country, de facto have formed the enormous Roman Empire. Napoleon took an example from him. His tactics and strategy were studied by all the great commanders. His name became an analogue of royal titles. Until now, the entire educated public is being thrilled at mention of his name.
  But - what really motivated this person in his deeds?!
  Caesar was born into a noble but not wealthy family. Received a good education at that time. Father died early. Gaius Caesar was then only 16 years old. He became the head of the family, which encouraged him to independence and the ability to take important decisions.
  Perhaps his ambitions were born even then: the aspiration for power - once he is noble, and the desire for enrichment - should not be such person as he, to be poor, especially since money opens the way to power - someone can be bribed, and own independence can be demonstrated to the public. At the same time, the very achievement of power guarantees an almost unlimited disposal of state resources.
  However, Caesar began small: he went to military service first to Bithynia, where he showed himself well, and was awarded the civil crown - an honorary military award. Then he was moved to Cilicia to war with Mithridates, but after the death of his adversary - Sulla, he returned to Rome to participate in the political struggle, that is, in fact, to gain power in the state. It was 78 BC, and Caesar was only 22 years old.
  Already in about 72 BC he was elected by the military tribune (command position allowing to command the legion), in 69 BC he became a quaestor (assistant consul and treasurer). In 66 BC Caesar was elected Curule aedile, whose duties included the organization of urban construction, transport, trade, everyday life of Rome.
  Thus, he was gaining increasing popularity among the people. In particular, in 65 BC he organized gladiatorial battles with extraordinary luxury.
  In 64 BC Caesar headed the permanent criminal court in robbery cases, and in 63 BC he had held the highest position in the system of Roman religious magistrates, having become a great pontiff. For the sake of this prestigious life-long position, he had to bribe all groups of voters, spending huge amounts on it. But his creditors did not stint, they understood the guaranteed return of money, since this position attracted general attention to him and ensured success in his political career.
  Indeed, in 63 BC Caesar received the position of governor in Spain, where he was able to practice oneself in pacification of local tribes (Lusitans), and in robbery a number of cities and churches to raise significant amounts to repay debts to creditors.
  Thus, by intrigue, bribery, family ties, military successes, periodic generous handouts to the plebs, to a large extent, quick wit, organizational talent and determination, as well as the successful elimination of competitors, the main of which was the famous commander Gnaeus Pompey, Caesar advanced to the first place in the Roman Republic, becoming first among the consuls (59 BC), and after the victory over Pompey - the sovereign dictator.
  In the interval between the first consulate and dictatorship, Caesar, as proconsul, began the wars of aggression in Gaul, eventually capturing to 50 BC territories of modern France and partially - Germany and Belgium. The robbery of the new territories gave Caesar astronomical sums, which to a large extent contributed to successful conduct by him of the civil war.
  Caesar's love of power was, on the one hand, realistic - he did not want to accept the Royal title, apparently not having interested in the external attributes of power. Having all powers of management and being proud of himself, he once answered a proposal to become king: "I am Caesar, not king!" [3, ј79].
  On the other hand, he considered his own intellectual abilities and accomplishments to be unique and therefore did not impede all kinds of honors in own honor, up to "... dictatorship for life, ... Father of his Country, ... statue among those of the kings ..." [3, ј76]; in the management of the state he did what he wanted, for example, "... he named magistrates for several years to come, ..." [3, ј76]; "... arrogant were his public utterances ..." [3, ј77]; he also openly scorned the senators, not taking into account the long-established republican traditions of the state.
  Therefore, as Suetonius writes: "Even the populace no longer were pleased with present conditions, but both secretly and openly rebelled at his tyranny and cried out for defenders of their liberty" [3, ј80].
  The conspiracy of nobles led by Brutus and Cassius developed, and Caesar was killed.
  According to the testimony of Suetonius Caesar had many abilities: "In eloquence and military art he gained no less, if not more glory, than their best experts ... Cicero calls his syllable elegant, brilliant ... " [3, ј55]. About "Notes" by Caesar Cicero speaks like this: "He wrote memoirs which deserve the highest praise; they are naked in their simplicity, straightforward yet graceful, stripped of all rhetorical adornment ..." [3, ј56]. "He covered great distances with incredible speed, making a hundred miles a day in a hired carriage and with little baggage, swimming the rivers which barred his path or crossing them on inflated skins, and very often arriving before the messengers sent to announce his coming" [3, ј57]. " ... he never led his army where ambuscades were possible without carefully reconnoitring the country ..." He entered into battle ... sometimes in the most severe weather, when this was least expected of him" 3, ј58]. "No regard for religion ever turned him from any undertaking, or even delayed him ..." [3, ј59]. "He had joined battle... sometimes in the foulest weather, when nobody would least expect him to make a move... only after planning his movements in advance but on a sudden opportunity, often immediately at the end of a march, and... when the issue was doubtful, he used to send away the horses, and his own among the first, to impose upon the troops the greater necessity of standing their ground by taking away that aid to flight ..." [3, ј60].
  The same Suetonius testifies to his unpretentiousness: "... he drank very little wine ... in the matter of food Gaius Oppius tells us that he was so indifferent ..." [3, ј53].
  Further, Suetonius notes the lack of the ferocious temper of Caesar: "His friends he treated with invariable kindness and consideration. ... he never formed such bitter enmities that he was not glad to lay them aside when opportunity offered ..." [3, ј72-73].
  However, actually, except the love of power dominating in him, he was also possessed by a passion for acquisitiveness: "Neither when in command of armies nor as a magistrate at Rome did he show a scrupulous integrity; for as certain men have declared in their memoirs, when he was proconsul in Spain, he not only begged money from the allies, to help pay his debts, but also attacked and sacked some towns of the Lusitanians although they did not refuse his terms and opened their gates to him on his arrival. In Gaul he pillaged shrines and temples of the gods filled with offerings, and oftener sacked towns for the sake of plunder than for any fault. In consequence he had more gold than he knew what to do with, and offered it for sale throughout Italy and the provinces at the rate of three thousand sesterces the pound. In his first consulship he stole three thousand pounds of gold from the Capitol, replacing it with the same weight of gilded bronze. He made alliances and thrones a matter of barter, for he extorted from Ptolemy alone in his own name and that of Pompey nearly six thousand talents ..." [3, ј54].
  As an explanation, we note that one sestertium of Caesar's time was a bronze (medium) coin, and according to modern estimates, based on known prices in the markets of Ancient Rome, in terms of euros corresponded to 2 euros. For example, it was possible to buy on 1 sesterce liter of table wine, for ½ sesterce -1 kilogram of bread, for 15 sesterces - tunic, for 1200-2500 sesterces - slave.
  One Attic talent equated approximately 26 kilograms of silver. Since 1 gram of silver corresponds to approximately 5.5 modern dollars, 1 silver talent can be estimated at 143 thousand dollars, although, of course, the prices of our time and the time of Ancient Rome can vary greatly, but the scale is still visible.
  Nevertheless, Caesar perfectly understood the value of money not only as the means for a comfortable life, the construction of palaces and the purchase of works of art, which, however, he did not neglect according to evidence of contemporaries, and he considered money as a necessity to achieve power and its strengthen in the quality of some means of bribery of the people (customers and plebs in general) for own support, for bribes to relevant officials and senators to solve problems, in particular, appointments to positions, getting into astronomical debts to collect amounts on bribes, which however paid off pretty quickly, as well as to fight wars, the victories in which over the adversary - obviously weaker on the military organization (tribes of Gauls, Belgians, Germans), on the one hand, strengthened his position in power, and on the other hand, gave him huge sums as a result of the robbery of conquered peoples and tribes: "... he met the heavy expenses of the civil wars and of his triumphs and entertainments by the most bare-faced pillage and sacrilege" [3, ј54].
  In particular, in August 46 BC Caesar made a grand triumph, dedicated immediately to four victories. Not only the crowned captives and hostages from the conquered countries were shown in the procession, the slaves carried treasures, estimated at 64.000 talents, which is about 10 billion modern dollars.
  In addition to love of power and money grubbing, Caesar was a passionate lover of women: "That he was unbridled and extravagant in his intrigues is the general opinion, and that he seduced many illustrious women, among them Postumia, wife of Servius Sulpicius, Lollia, wife of Aulus Gabinius, Tertulla, wife of Marcus Crassus, and even Gnaeus Pompey's wife Mucia ... But beyond all others Caesar loved Servilia, the mother of Marcus Brutus" [3, ј50].
  Thus, in Caesar, the main signs of the lower (natural-primitive) consciousness were clearly concentrated, the main of which was self-centeredness in the desire to stand out and take a leading place in the hierarchy of the community, for which one should not disdain by any means, without remembering morality. That is, Caesar was a high-level dominant, like an alpha male, seizing power and grabbing the best of everything in a row - from luxury to a lot of attractive females, since power allows to make it.
  The above facts also indicate that in addition to dominance, two more properties of the lowest consciousness were clearly manifested in him - the aspiration for a comfortable life with feasts, palaces and triumphs (the best food and living conditions for living creatures), as well as the aspiration to fertilize as many females as possible for their own pleasure, and (unconsciously) to continue themselves in the offspring (transfer of their own genome to next generations).
  2.2. Napoleon Bonaparte. 1769-1821.
  Napoleon is considered by practically all more or less educated people to be unusually great - a true heir to ancient heroes, a brilliant commander, a talented organizer and lawyer who has put the world on a new - more adequate - foundation by his Civil Code.
  He forced all the monarchs of that time to acknowledge own insignificance before his great deeds, and France, the best part of the population of which was destroyed him in his continuous wars for domination of his neighbors, nevertheless recognized this Corsican as his greatest citizen.
  What is this citizen, who has made himself Emperor, if we look at him through the prism of the possession of each person of one of the two forms of consciousness indicated by us - the lower (primitive-natural, practically invariable for all living beings) and the higher (self-consciousness, which arises only in a person, and only inside him is constantly evolving in the frameworks of society). Which of these forms of consciousness prevailed in him according to the facts and results of his actions?
  The ancestors of Napoleon have been known since the 9th century AD. - Florentine branch of the Italo-Langobard family, descended from Count William. In the XIII century, representatives of the genus moved to the Genoa region, and then - in the XVI century - to Corsica, which then belonged to Genoa. So Napoleon is Italian by birth. And until his death, he spoke French with a distinct accent.
  In 1785, he prematurely graduated from the Paris Military School and was enlisted as a junior lieutenant in the artillery regiment. Napoleon supported the revolution and in 1792 received the rank of captain. In 1793, he arrived in Toulon, besieged by the revolutionary army, and received the rank of major there. With the help of artillery commanded by Napoleon, Toulon was taken and he awarded the rank of brigadier general for his merits. In 1795 Napoleon used artillery in the dispersal of the royalist rebellion in Paris and was promoted by divisional general and later appointed commander of the rear troops. In 1796, he took command of the Italian Army of the French Republic.
  Creating a numerical superiority in the right place and at the right time, Napoleon quickly dealt with the enemy, who used outdated military tactics, and cleared almost all of Northern Italy out of the Austrians, receiving a huge indemnity from the defeated. Then he drove the Austrians completely from Italy and captured a number of its regions, including Venice, Verona, Mantua, Genoa. The Italian campaign was successfully completed. He kept a large part of the military booty for himself, which is not indicative of lack of commercialism for him.
  In 1798, Napoleon went to conquer Egypt, as a pre-field to the conquest of India. He successfully completed this task, but in Syria failed and, leaving the army, went to France. This momentous event, as well as the fact that he left the army after crossing the Berezina, when it was necessary to somehow correct the collapse of his plans in Russia, testifies to Napoleon's enduring egocentrism, when for the sake of career reasons, he easily sacrificed entire armies. In addition, Napoleon took out from Egypt a lot of art and other treasures, some of which he kept for himself.
  The crisis in France in 1799, due to military defeats and the country's economic weakness, provoked a conspiracy against the ruling Directory, and the conspirators invited the popular General Bonaparte to take part in the conspiracy. The coup was completed and Napoleon became the first consul of the three - the head of the executive branch.
  So, taking advantage of his popularity and military force in his hands, Napoleon seized power in the country, which he could not even dream about at first, but, apparently, having felt own strength and weakness of the Directory after the Italian campaign, he was only waiting for the right moment.
  He had enough abilities to manage, formulate laws and conduct military operations, and Caesar served as an example, whose biography and books he carefully studied.
  Several victorious battles allowed Napoleon to seize northern Italy from the Austrians, which Suvorov had conquered for them, as well as to gain control of Italy and Germany. In 1802, the war with the coalition of Austria and Great Britain was over. Then Napoleon acquired Louisiana from Spain, thereby expanding the colonial possessions of France.
  Napoleon"s administrative reform allowed to solve the problems of tax collection and draft of recruits, and also outlined the structure of the state, close to modern.
  In an effort to strengthen his power, Napoleon put the press under control, created a powerful police and secret service, limited the opposition, returned Catholicism, secured the right to property and equality before the law, and then made himself by the lifelong consul, like Caesar.
  Napoleon's new order consisted primarily of supporting the French bourgeoisie in its expansion beyond France, which was most hampered by Great Britain, which had similar interests in the foreign market.
  The resulting conflict could not but be resolved by the war. Napoleon sold Louisiana to the USA and in 1803 captured Hanover, owned by the United Kingdom.
  In 1804, the Civil Code of Napoleon was ratified, the meaning of which for Napoleon personally was to strengthen his power as a guarantee of the preservation of civil rights, property rights to the land of peasants and those who bought the confiscated land of the church and emigrants during the revolution.
  Thus, it becomes clear that Napoleon"s main aspiration is nothing less than lust for power, as evidenced by the elimination by him of his main rivals - General Pichegru (was strangled in prison) and Moreau (was expelled from the country).
  In this regard, it was quite logical for him to proclaim himself the emperor of the French to enter the community of other monarchs, but he did not succeed, although Napoleon tried hard, believing that great deeds could replace hereditary patricianism.
  In 1805, seeing the growing power of France, almost all the countries of the rest of Europe, under the leadership of Great Britain, started a war with it, but were defeated, thanks to which Napoleon received not only new territories, but also about 65 million francs out of Austria. Prussia was also defeated, and Napoleon received 159 million francs of indemnity from it. As a result, by 1807, almost all of Europe was in the hands of Napoleon.
  Only Russia and Great Britain remained independent countries, with Spain and Russia being virtually allies of France in the role in which they were playing in the continental blockade of Great Britain. Portugal, which refused to submit to Napoleon, was subject to the contrition of 100 million francs.
  In Spain and Portugal, unrest began, which went into a war with France, which won the war, but not completely, as hostilities spilled over into a guerrilla war.
  In 1809, the war between France and Austria began, in which Austria was defeated.
  The instability of Napoleon's empire, which included almost all the countries of Europe, was shown by his unsuccessful war with Russia, after the defeat in which first Prussia broke away from Napoleon, and then Austria and Sweden. After the defeat in the "Battle of the Peoples" near Leipzig (late 1813), Napoleon abdicated in April 1814.
  At the beginning of 1815, Napoleon managed to escape from the island of Elba and recover to the throne for 100 days, after which he suffered a final defeat at Waterloo and was exiled to St. Helena, where he died in 1821.
  Napoleon was extremely ambitious, as his entire biography shows. He not only always sought power and was not afraid to bear its considerable burden, but also sought to regain power even in hopeless circumstances, having launched the escape an escape from the island of Elba, since he had to understand that he was guaranteed to lose to the superior forces of the opposing powers.
  At the very beginning of his ascent, Napoleon without any hesitation took advantage of the weakness of the Directory and seized power, which he held for about 15 years, but, like Caesar, his neglect for the opposition in the form of legitimate sovereigns of Europe, quickly rolled down after the unsuccessful military campaign in Russia, and two years later he lost power and the crown.
  Napoleon"s ambitions found their initial foundation thanks to his military successes in Italy: "After Lodi, - Napoleon will say later, - I began to treat myself not as an ordinary general, but as a person who was called upon to influence the fate of the peoples ..." [4, p. 32].
  During his stay in power, the increased self-esteem and complete lack of control of the actions were being expressed in contempt for others and an exaggerated opinion about own personality, that in the animal world leads inevitably an alpha male to defeat due to underestimation of the situation at constant competition. And the arrogant Napoleon, hoping for his own assessment of the situation, organized two failed campaigns - to Spain and Russia, which became the beginning of his fall.
  French historian Jacques Tulard confirms grotesquely exaggerated opinion of Napoleon about himself in his book about him in the following words of Napoleon: "Not for this I took upon myself the work of governing the Netherlands in order to listen to the opinion of the Amsterdam rabble or to act what others want ... Subordinate to me the peoples of Italy know me well and must remember that in one my little finger there is more intelligence than in all their heads combined" [4, p. 286].
  These tirades of Napoleon clearly show what does the autocracy of the arrogant dominant lead to, despite obvious talents and abilities - to exaggeration of own significance, to loss of ability to adequately assess the situation and the essence of things, that is, to mistakes and to subsequent decline and decomposition of everything he created for himself. This means for him the inevitable loss of power. in the face of competition with strong opposition both within and outside the country,
  There is the analogy here with Caesar regarding the behavior of the latter before the conspirators killed him.
  Indeed, the predisposition of the lowest consciousness to a purely material: dominion, honors, glorification, enrichment, pleasures, characteristic of these rulers, despite the high level of their intelligence, weakens the altruism of self-consciousness with its compassion to the weak, the pursuit of spiritual values and high ideals, which really only interfere in that bank with spiders, making up the essence of power. This predisposition can offer nothing more to a person, except, in fact, an animal - pleasant food, comfort, affectionate females and the possibility to kick the subjects or citizens in the consciousness of own importance and direct influence on world events, which partly happens, but purely locally, without affecting the general accelerating course of technological civilization.
  Actually, the usurper and upstart Napoleon was able to hold on to power for more than ten years, not only and not so much thanks to his military successes, but by the internal situation in post-revolutionary France. Its national bourgeoisie needed new markets for the sale of products, the peasants and the petty bourgeoisie wanted to secure the rights to property that they had seized from the aristocrats after the revolution. In addition, it was necessary to fix the elimination of feudalism in the new laws, in particular, in the abolition of estates, equality of citizens before the law, religious tolerance, as well as it was necessary to normalize finances, to form a new administration, etc.
  This is exactly, what Napoleon did, setting an example to the whole feudal world of what can be achieved in a short time thanks to timely and adequate reforms.
  However, his excessive ambitions, the inadequacy of autocracy, which he organized for himself, the strength of his competitors and the betrayal of the French bourgeois and the new nobility, and the tiredness of the population from wars have removed him from power, having made him by hero and, at the same time, a great loser of new history.
  Like all rulers, Napoleon believed, and to this he was also motivated by unconditional military talents, that the main way to strengthen and retain power is the conduct of predatory wars, during which it is possible not only gain popularity by your victories, but also significantly enrich oneself with military booty, and part of it to distribute for the same strengthening of own positions in power.
  However, the flip side of wars are the losses of alive power. The number of these losses is indicated in one of the French encyclopedias: "At least 5 million people - military and civilians - became victims of the Napoleonic wars" [5. P. XVII-XVIII].
  Napoleon"s biographer J. Tulard writes: "In 1813, the French, at whom began to draft 16-year-old sons in the army, called Napoleon the cannibal" [4, p. 321].
  Thus, in sacrifice to his ambitions and lust for power Napoleon brought unprecedented earlier number of victims of the war, and France itself became the victim of his ambitions, having turned from the leading into the secondary power, which ceded Great Britain superiority both in Europe and in the world.
  Like Caesar, Napoleon, penniless at first, was not spared the passion for wealth, luxury and other attributes of the "sweet" life in full accordance with the instinctive desire of any living creature as best as possible to settle himself to get the most pleasant sensations.
  He lived in stylish palaces, surrounded by numerous servants and new nobility in galunas, epaulettes and gold.
  True, he had enough money for all this luxury, since in all campaigns Napoleon was engaged in undisguised robbery, exporting gold, jewelry, art objects in astronomical quantities from Italy, Egypt, occupied European countries.
  His other instinctive desire, like that of Caesar, despite Napoleon's intensive load with military and state affairs, was the transfer own genome by the help of attractive females to the future.
  According to E. Roberts [6], from December 1804 to August 1813, Napoleon presented to his mistresses, and them were at least 21, over 480 thousand francs. This amounts to almost $ 10 million in modern equivalent.
  In addition to the legal heir from the second wife - Maria Louise of Austria, he had a son from actress Eleanor Danuel de la Plagne, a son from Maria Valevskaya and a daughter from Francoise Maria Leroy. However, he was not lucky here - his rightful heir did not inherit anything and died early, and the rest of the children did nothing special during their lives.
  2.3. Winston Churchill. 1874-1965.
  The high-born aristocrat, the greatest politician, the witty weirdo, the gourmet, the workaholic and the Nobel laureate. So Churchill is seen by historians, and with their filing - by the rest of the public.
  The British themselves named Churchill in 2002 as the greatest man in the history of their state.
  To find out if it is, then it would be nice to examine Churchill"s nature by his actions, that is, to find out what he was really striving for - were his goals high or low-lying?
  Winston Churchill was born in 1874 in one of the estates of the Dukes of Marlborough. He was the third son of the seventh duke of Marlborough.
  His family was not rich, and he had to find his own sources of income in the future.
  At first he tried himself by the military line, having graduated from the military school and even participating in several conflicts and wars. Consisting on active military service, he also tried out himself in journalistic activities.
  Seeing that the latter is better for him, he abandoned his dreams of a military career, preferring to cover the military conflicts in the press, using the connections of his high-ranking relatives and receiving good fees for articles and books, improving in his literary profession.
  In the course of this ebullient activity, Churchill, not deprived of energy, skilled in journalistic work and communicating with different circles of society, having various connections in high society, realized that popularity, money, glory, the greatest possible comfort, reverence of descendants and, most importantly, - power over people is easiest to gain at some dexterity, abilities and connections in politics, especially since there - along the path of his own father, who was Chancellor of the UK Treasury - he had a direct road.
  Already at the age of 25, Churchill tried to take a seat from the Conservative Party in the House of Commons, but was unsuccessful, having failed to consider the dissatisfaction of the voters of the district with the Conservative-sponsored "The Church Tithes Bill," which provided to the Anglican Church funding from local taxes.
  Churchill then took an active part in the Anglo-Boer War. The escape from captivity made him famous, and he received several offers to run for Parliament. Churchill did not fail to take advantage of this, in mid-1900, for the first time has got into the House of Commons from the Conservative party.
  Four years later, Churchill found it more advantageous, apparently, for career reasons, and also because of some differences on a number of political issues, to join the Liberal Party.
  His hopes were realized, and already at the end of 1905, Churchill was appointed deputy minister for colonial affairs, and in 1908 he became Minister of Commerce and Industry. Under him, a law was adopted on the minimum wage, according to which the standards for working hours and wages for the first time were established in England, which can be attributed to the positive political activity of Churchill.
  Churchill received one of the most influential posts in Britain - the post of Secretary of the Interior - in 1910. The minister"s salary was 5,000 pounds a year, and Churchill did not fail to immediately abandon his literary work, thereby showing his true life priorities - a passion for comfort and other attributes of a "sweet" life thanks to money, despite the burden of power and the corresponding hassles.
  However, this was not the most important thing for him. The post of minister gave Churchill the opportunity to directly exercise his power over people, and the forms of this manifestation characterize him as a cruel, self-serving despot, despising the "lower" public and ignoring the possible victims.
  This is confirmed by his actions in 1911 during the strike of sailors and port workers. Churchill directed the marines to suppress the riots and ordered them to open fire on the crowd [7].
  Hereinafter, the threat of a general strike thanks to the actions of Lloyd George was avoided, but Churchill in his conversation with him put about it this way: "I learned about this with great regret. It would be better to continue and give them a good thrashing" [8].
  At the end of 1911, Churchill received the post of First Lord of the Admiralty and immediately took up the modernization of the fleet to prepare it for a future war. To replace coal with oil, he initiated the allocation of more than two million pounds for the acquisition of 51% of the Anglo-Iranian oil company, thereby automatically making the Persian Gulf region a zone of strategic interests of Great Britain.
  Churchill's actions during World War I were largely unsuccessful. Antwerp, which he was trying to protect, fell, the Dardanelles operation, one of the initiators of which he was in 1915, failed catastrophically. Churchill received his resignation. However, in 1917 he was appointed Minister of Arms, and in early 1919, Minister of War and Minister of Aviation.
  Churchill"s actions against Bolshevik Russia, which he wanted to strangle in the cradle as a new possible rival to the British Empire, were also unsuccessful, since all his attempts to end the Bolsheviks through the intervention of British troops ended in failure.
  In 1921, Churchill was appointed Minister for Colonial Affairs and signed the Anglo-Irish Treaty establishing an independent Irish state. The government coalition of liberals and conservatives broke up, and Churchill suffered several defeats in trying to get into parliament from the Liberal Party. He did not think long, reasonably choosing the solution most favorable from career considerations, and in 1924 he moved to the camp of conservatives.
  His expectations were met, and in 1924 he received a second position in the state - Chancellor of the Treasury. Churchill also failed the procedure of returning the economy to the gold standard and increase the value of the pound sterling. Deflation occurred, rose in the price of British exports, the economic downturn began, there was mass unemployment.
  As a result, Churchill did not receive an invitation to enter the government, and in 1931 he was forced to return to literary work.
  Along with that, he continued to be a member of parliament and opposed the pacification of Hitler, well aware of who was behind him and that Hitler's task was not only to seize foreign territories and suppress Bolshevism, but also to advance Germany to the leading role in the world under the slogan of purification humanity and the organization of a new - the most "progressive" - fascist-racist order.
  In this regard, after the outbreak of the war, the dismissal of the former pacification leaders and the appointment of Churchill as the country's prime minister, who could organize resistance to the aggressor, were quite natural.
  To defeat Germany, an anti-Hitler coalition was created as part of the USSR, Great Britain and the USA, the resources of which far exceeded the resources of Germany with its satellites, so the coalition's victory in the war was prejudged
  However, Churchill worked tirelessly not only to defeat Germany, but to deplete its main rival, Bolshevik Russia, by opening a second front with Roosevelt only at the end of the war (1944), and after the end of the war, in his speech in Fulton, he called for a cold war and the eradication of Bolshevism, that is, the elimination of the last rival of the Anglo-Saxons in the world.
  Moreover, Churchill"s primitively low-lying essence was manifested in a call, completely incorrect from the point of view of a civilized man, in a conversation with US President Truman in 1947 to deliver a preventive nuclear strike against the USSR, which would "erase the Kremlin off the face of the earth and turn the Soviet Union into insignificant problem", substantiating this proposal by the fact that the aggressive USSR does not yet have an atomic bomb [9].
  Paradoxical as it may seem, the victory over Germany led to the career defeat of Churchill, who did not become prime minister again due to the victory in the election of the Laborites. All his stormy activities did not save the British Empire from collapse, and this collapse was accelerated by the war, since the damage from it was irreparable.
  The ruin of the economy not only of England itself, but also of its colonies, the external debt, having grown to astronomical sizes - mainly to the USA, the absence of clear proposals for raising the economy have led not only to Churchill's resignation and not only to the impoverishment of the inhabitants of the metropolis and its colonies, but also to the rapid collapse the whole empire and replacing the world currency - the pound - with the US dollar, and the transformation of Great Britain into a secondary power, instead of which its former colony - the USA - became the leading one in the world.
  Churchill's love of power was such that, despite his age (76 years) and a clear inability to fulfill the duties of the prime minister (strokes, heart failure, deafness), he was listed as prime minister from 1951 to 1955, refusing to resign.
  In addition, the years of his leadership, and this time were unsuccessful for the population of the UK due to the fact that his proposed cost reduction by reducing the import of food and industrial raw materials led to an increase in the prices of essentials.
  The work on military memoirs at a time when Churchill was out of work was mostly conjunctural, since he stated about all six volumes of his book "World War II," that he was not writing a book, but was making a fortune.
  Indeed, Churchill"s biographer M. Gilbert writes that this ambitious publication became for him a real enterprise in which he used a lot of people: naval, military and air force experts, scientists, historians, writers who did a great job: selection of materials, verification of facts, preparation of references. In addition, a group of trained secretaries worked for Churchill in two shifts. And besides, taking the opportunity to go down in history, former military, political figures and businessmen involved in military events willingly helped their memoirs on private occasions [10].
  Naturally, many English-language magazines began to print this work, at this, only one Life magazine paid Churchill $ 2 million for the right to publish. Over the years, this six-volume work was publishing in separate editions for decades. It is not surprising that such a well-known person as Churchill surpassed even the really talented prose writer E. Hemingway as the candidate for received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1953.
  In 1965, after the death of Churchill, the Sunday Times newspaper commented: "Very few authors in the twentieth century received more money from their books than Churchill" [11, p. 24].
  Churchill died of another stroke on January 24, 1965, and was buried with state honors.
  Churchill, at the beginning of his political activity, has not yet closed in complete and final love for himself and his clan. Therefore, he supported the social reforms carried out by the liberal government at the beginning of the twentieth century. In particular, in 1908 he initiated the law on the minimum wage, which established the norms of working hours and wages.
  Martin Gilbert in the preface to his book on Churchill [10] describes him as follows: "A shrewd, reasonable and cautious politician, Churchill was always a supporter of bold actions. One of his greatest talents was his exceptional mastery of the word, his love of language, which allowed him to eloquently and easily expound the most important things, convince and inspire people. He had a great sense of humor".
  Churchill also had a creative imagination. In particular, he proposed scattering foil from aircraft to bring down German radars, expressed the idea of creating a pipeline under the Atlantic Ocean, proposed the construction of a navigation device for pilots, and was involved in journalism and literature with success, eventually receiving the Nobel Prize.
  It must also be said that to a large extent his energy and tough control of the country in the war with Hitler Germany, allowed to mobilize Great Britain, despite casualties and hardships, to the all-out struggle against the enemy, which was crowned with success.
  However, the primary goal of Churchill was to achieve the highest power in the country, and, if possible, in the world, since the sun does not set in the British Empire. He followed this goal invariably until the last premiership, refusing already in a completely weak state to retire.
  Churchill once admitted to his mother: "If I do not succeed, it will be a disaster for me! Failures will break my heart, because ambition is my only support" [12].
  And one of the well-known prime ministers of Great Britain - Lloyd George, who worked with Churchill, described Churchill as a person who is ready to make a drum from her own mother"s skin to drum the march in own honor.
  An example for Churchill in his quest for Supreme power was Mussolini.
  Pierre Milza notes in his book "Mussolini" Churchill"s words about him: "Mussolini is the greatest living legislator" [13].
  And at a press conference in Rome in January 1927, Churchill said: "If I were Italian, I"m sure that I would be completely with you from the beginning to the end of your victorious struggle against the brutal appetites and passions of Leninism" [10, Chapter 22].
  For career advancement, Churchill actively used his connections in the highest circles of society.
  As an example, we can cite one case of Churchill's communication not with ordinary people, but extremely useful for his ambitions and aspirations: "In March 1907, Churchill went to rest in Biarritz, in the magnificent castle of his friend Baron de Forest and his father, Baron de Hirsch. "The king dines or has supper with us every day," Churchill wrote. Churchill moved from France to Italy, where he took a second car trip, this time with a new friend, F. E. Smith, a member of parliament from the Conservatives, a witty and brilliant man who quickly became his closest companion, despite political differences. From Italy they went to the de Forest castle in the Moravian Eichgorn, where they had fun hunting for hares and partridges" [10, Chapter 9].
  Churchill needed power not only for its sake, but it provided many other opportunities, in particular, to get good money through corruption, that he repeatedly used.
  Churchill, who did not have capital, but wished to live in luxury, rendered services to bankers, receiving a corresponding bribe for this.
  Sevastyanov A. N. in his book about Churchill writes the following: "The Jewish banker Kassel secured him participation in the loan issued by the Japanese government in the amount of 10.000 pounds (in current money - 500.000 pounds). Churchill wrote to his brother Jack about this financial transaction: "I hope to get a small profit from this." In 1905, Kassel paid for furniture in Churchill's bachelor"s apartment in the Mayfair district of London. Kassel"s financial support was ongoing. The income from the shares of the Etchison, Topeka and Santa Fe railway, which he bought for Churchill in 1907, enabled the politician to pay for the typist's services. When Churchill married Clementine in 1908, Kassel gave them £ 500 for their wedding, that is, about £ 25.000 in terms of current money" [11, p.20].
  "During the First World War, the production of explosives in the UK in large quantities (thirty thousand tons) required acetone, which was not on the market. The state was ready to pay for it in full without bargaining ... Weizmann, the head of the Jewish Agency, received from Churchill a monopoly on the production of acetone throughout the empire. You can imagine what fabulous profits such contracts bring!" [11, p. 21].
  "... Sir Robert Whaley Cohen asked him to mediate in negotiations with the British government to merge his private oil companies with the Anglo-Persian oil company, in which the majority of the shares were held by the British government ... Churchill agreed to represent Cohen's companies in negotiations with the British government. For his mediation, he received 5,000 pounds - the amount equivalent to the annual salary of a cabinet member" [11, p. 22].
  Churchill as the true dominant-power-lover could not help but wage or at least accompany wars and local conflicts, that had not only to support his image as a great strategist, but also strengthen his position in power as a fighter for the interests of the British Empire.
  In particular, he made considerable efforts to create the permanent conflict situation in Palestine - the territory mandated by Britain, where actually Jews and Arabs has been faced each other, in order to "fish in troubled waters" in the future, paving the way not only for Britain but also for the USA actual to dispose without hindrance of the region"s richest oil resources.
  As for the Second World War, Churchill, being the head of his country, in agreement with Roosevelt, was dragging out this war in every possible way, reasonably considering it the result weakening his opponents - the USSR and Germany. Of course, he had in mind the interests of Britain and the USA, that is, the Anglo-Saxons and himself as their protector.
  Churchill does not spare his opponents and participates in a number of punitive operations and wars: he fights with the Boers in the Boer War, goes to Cuba, where José Marty 's rebellion is suppressed, participates in punitive operations in Sudan, repressions against the Irish, Somalis, Rhodesians, fiercely fights with the Bolsheviks.
  But his greatest "achievement" was the Bengal famine in India in 1943-44, actually organized by him, in which, according to the estimates of the Indians themselves, about 7 million people died.
  More recently, journalist and international analyst Rakesh Krishnan Simkha, in an interview with Sputnik, outlined some of the details of this next brutal deed of Churchill, for who the Indians apparently have nothing to do with people.
  An abundant harvest of food grain collected in Bengal in 1942, the British has exported almost the entire to the metropolis. Rice prices went up, and by June 1943 it had become out of reach for the millions of poor people in this region, and in a relatively short time millions of people died a quiet death, because there was no one to help them.
  A member of the commission investigating the causes of hunger, W. K. Aykroyd described all the horrors of the mass hungry in his book with the sarcastic title "Victory over Hunger".
  And the aforementioned Simkha in his interview described Churchill's general attitude towards the Indians as follows: "Winston Churchill was simply the last of many bloodthirsty despots who controlled the fate of India for more than 200 years of British rule. He said: "I hate Indians. They are bestial people with bestial religion".
  In addition, Churchill organized at the end of World War II the completely senseless killing of over a hundred thousand people in Dresden, directing 800 bombers to this defenseless city. No military aims justify this attack. Perhaps he wanted to take revenge on Germany for the bombing of London and Coventry, but one cannot to put oneself on the same board with the Nazis, although this was the case.
  Thus, between the wars, as well as during wars, Churchill shoots, burns, suppresses, starves both own and others subjects and citizens ostensibly in the public interest, but in fact in accordance with the animal instincts that dominate him, which are characteristic of all rulers: back in the Gaelic wars Caesar methodically destroyed the Celtic population, boasting this, and Napoleon did not pay attention not only to the suffering and numerous casualties among the civilian population during his wars, but also did not spare his soldiers, most of whom died not in battle, but from diseases, wounds, adverse climatic conditions(frost in Russia or the heat and plague in Egypt and Syria), or was simply cast at the mercy of fate in the same Russia and Africa.
  Personal and corporate egoism, corresponding to animal egocentrism, as well as suspiciousness and prejudice, corresponding to animal caution, were clearly expressed in obvious hatred and contempt for other communities: "I do not believe that a dog on the hay has any right to hay, even if she lay on it for a long time. I don 't recognize that right for her. I do not admit, for example, that great injustice was committed against the Red Indians of America or the black Aborigines of Australia. I don"t admit that injustice was committed against these people because a stronger race, a more advanced race, a wiser race, let"s say so, came and took their place" [14].
  At this, Churchill's hatred of other civilizational approaches and communities was reaching the highest degree.
  In particular, he, having not tolerated the rivalry of Germany with the British Empire, fought with all his might against it in the First World War, and in the Second World War he used every opportunity to bring Germany to the very bottom, having transformed into corpses the civilian population of German, and cities - into ruins by total bombing, as well as having offered to divide Germany into dozens of small states in order to get rid of this rival on the world stage forever.
  He hated the Bolsheviks with the same force, trying to destroy them with the help of intervention after 1917, and after World War II in 1945, Churchill ordered the British military to prepare operation "Unthinkable", a plan for a war with the USSR, which was to begin in July 1945, and then, besides calling for a cold war with the USSR (Fulton Speech), considered it necessary to destroy the USSR by nuclear bombardment, while it did not have nuclear weapons. M. Gilbert cites his words on this subject: "If I remained the Prime Minister, I would surely be able to convince the Americans to use their new weapons to deter the Russians" [10, Chapter 36].
  And he did all this literally after recent hugs and friendly conversations with Stalin, which clearly indicates his hypocrisy, corresponding to disguise for animals, in order to the enemy does not recognize during your true intentions.
  His hypocrisy is also confirmed in actions on the territory of his own country.
  At first - the first ten years of MP Churchill was full of such positive statements as the need to show mercy to the defeated Boers, criticism of the increase in defense spending.
  But, as soon as he was appointed Minister of the Interior, he began to suppress the protests against the authorities with unprecedented cruelty: in this way the mass social protests of the workers were suppressed, the performances of the women-suffragettes who demanded equal rights. The brutality of the new Minister, who ordered the police to treat protesters as hardened criminals amazed even his conservative colleagues, and against protesting dockers and sailors in Liverpool in 1911, he sent the Marines, allowing the use of weapons.
  Like all males among animals who have achieved power and are able to get what they want, Churchill, since the income allowed it, became a gourmet, consuming the best delicacies, the most expensive cognac and champagne, Cuban cigars. He also liked to play in the casino, used a luxurious state-owned yacht for himself and relaxed in the most expensive resorts in the world.
  As for women, it is possible that he wanted to consume them in large quantities, but in his youth, without serious funds, lacking an attractive appearance and without the ability to look after girls, first he failed with the daughter of a high-ranking official Pamela Plowden, who has preferred Count B. Litton to him. Then actress Ethel Barrimore also has hesitated to marry him, the heiress of wealthy ship-owner Muriel Wilson similarly has rejected the offer of hand and heart on his part, and the likely alliance with the daughter of Prime Minister Transvaal Luis Botha Helen never found a logical completion.
  Finally, fairly clever Churchill realized that it will difficult for him to find contact with women for a number of reasons, one of which was his inability to systematically court for them.
  Therefore, when Churchill met Clementine Hosier - the daughter of a dragoon colonel, whose mother was from the family of Earley counts, and probably was smart enough, in order to consider a promising politician at Churchill, she found him a profitable party for her daughter. Churchill did not resist, and after all his failures on the love front, and his age pressed - he was already 33 years old - he married Clementine, in addition, he had already achieved a lot in his career, having held the post of Minister of Commerce in 1908.
  Thus, he closed the problem of sex, which was doubtful for him, and engaged with all energy more attractive career development, showing genuinely the highest degree of dominance. Moreover, he kept this dominance until his very advanced age, refusing to resign from the post of prime minister already in a frail condition to the very last limit - at 80 years old.
  From this it is clear that despite the external brilliance, in Churchill, as in the other characters of our review, all the basic properties of the lowestr consciousness gathered: dominance was expressed in their fierce desire for power; the creation of the most favorable conditions for themselves was reflected in the desire for a comfortable and well-furnished life with getting always the best. As for the transfer of the genome, Churchill, due to his busyness and inability to deal with women, concentrated on his own wife, from whom he had many children.
  Churchill used all his talents and skills, as well as his good intellect, as can be seen from his actions, despite the distracting maneuvers in the form of literary creativity, to enter power and to be consolidated in it, making decisions, first of all, not to improve the lives of at least citizens of own state, but to maintain the dominance of the large owners of Great Britain and international capital, serving them, without sparing forces, and receiving considerable bonuses and privileges from them.
  2.5. John Fitzgerald Kennedy. 1917-1963.
  Kennedy - the most adored, and not only by the residents of the United States, president of this country without an original name and with a short history, the former colony of England, which now overshadowed its former metropolis, and each president of which, as seen by many, owns the whole world. It seems that in front of John"s charm all his sins on the female part recede, and it"s hard to believe that he was insincere in his actions and state deeds.
  Therefore, it is interesting to take an open look at this wonderful example of masculinity and universal adoration from the side of known facts, for some reason set aside or forgotten, and figure out on this basis, what was influencing him in the first place.
  John Kennedy was born in 1917 in Massachusetts in the family of an Irish, Catholic, wealthy businessman and politician Joseph Patrick Kennedy.
  He graduated from Harvard University in 1941. Participated in hostilities in the naval forces. The rank of lieutenant he has ended the war.
  He was interested in politics, a successful activity in which could pave him the way to the highest power, where the power turns an ordinary person into a historical figure, about which legends add up, judging by one of his diary entries about Hitler: "You can easily understand how in just a few years, having overcome the hatred surrounding him now, Hitler will turn into one of the most significant personalities in history. Cherishing the infinitely ambitious plans that he wanted to realize in his country, he posed a threat to humanity. But the secret, enveloping his life and death will outlive him for a long time. There was something about him that legends add up to" [15, p. 69].
  And in the advancement to the highest power, his father could really help him, being one of the richest people in the USA, a comrade-in-arms of President Franklin Roosevelt, who himself had dreamed of a highest power in the USA, but did not work out, but now he could try to promote inti power his not stupid, educated, charming and attractive son.
  And this rich man, close to mafia circles, did not think at all about decency in the race to the presidency with hardened politicians and used all means to achieve the goal.
  After the war, Kennedy took up journalism, working with Hurst, but having appreciated own abilities and inclinations, as well as yielding to his father's agitation, he plunged into politics.
  He was not able face any material problems, because the Kennedy clan dreamed of the highest political posts of at least one of its representatives, and was ready to provide considerable resources to achieve far-reaching goals, the ultimate of which was the post of President of the United States.
  During the years of John F. Kennedy 's presidency, the capital of the Kennedy clan was more than $1 billion, from which John F. Kennedy was receiving his main income, not from the president 's salary.
  Intrigues and bribery, which was mostly done with John 's tacit consent by his father, from the very beginning accompanied Kennedy 's career growth.
  It all started with the House of Representatives. Joseph Kennedy began negotiations with Congressman D. M. Curley, who had financial and legal difficulties. Joseph offered to pay his debts and settle legal troubles if Curley vacated the seat in the House of Representatives.
  Joseph later admitted in a conversation with a journalist about the beginning of his son"s political career: "I just called someone, got in touch with people I know. I have many friends" [16, p. 19].
  As a result of the actions of his father, John F. Kennedy came to represent Boston County in the US Congress as a congressman from the Democratic Party (1947 - 53). He was a member of the committee on education and labor relations.
  The next step in Kennedy's breakthrough to power was the struggle for the post of senator from Massachusetts. In front of him was a serious rival - Republican Henry Cabot Lodge, a grandson of the former chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the main oppositionist to US President Woodrow Wilson on the issue of joining the League of Nations.
  John Kennedy owes his victory with a slight margin over Henry Cabot Lodge again thanks to the thoughtful and generously funded actions of his father and his team [17].
  John F. Kennedy was a senator on the Labor and Public Welfare Committee until 1960.
  Already in 1956, John F. Kennedy was seen as a future candidate for the presidency of the United States, partly because he personified the "new generation" about which he mentioned in the slogan during his first election campaign in Congress in 1946. In early 1959, preparations began for the presidential election, and in January 1960 he announced the registration of his candidacy. With a slight margin, he managed to defeat his opponent from the Republican Party, Richard Nixon.
  Again, for the third time, Joseph Kennedy ensured this victory to his son with not quite legal means. In particular, Eleanor Roosevelt outlined in a television interview the following: "Kennedy"s father is delivering heaps of money all over the country and he probably has a paid representative in every state now" [18].
  In US history, the 1960 presidential election is considered the dirtiest.
  Kennedy's rival, Richard Nixon, US Vice President, was supported by FBI Director E. Hoover and America"s richest man, Howard Hughes. Compromising evidence, bribery of voters, judges was used. Probably more experienced and become skilled in past election campaigns, Joseph Kennedy, who also did not suffer from a lack of money, was more successful.
  In addition, John Kennedy himself, as a young, successful and handsome candidate, influenced voters to a large extent with his charm.
  Be that as it may, with an extremely small margin of votes (119 thousand) with a total number of voters - 69 million, John Kennedy won.
  So John Kennedy became the 35th president of the United States.
  Thus, by intrigue, bribery, family ties, generous handouts to voters and, as a result, by the successful elimination of competitors, John Kennedy moved to first place in the country.
  During his presidency, Kennedy has not made anything particularly outstanding, although he tried to revive the economy by cutting taxes, but without success, having failed to overcome opposition resistance.
  It should be noted, however, that Kennedy advocated equalizing the rights of blacks, created a national arts fund, and initiated a flight to the moon.
  However, unsuccessful were his actions in relations with other states, which he, like any ruler of a strong power, wanted to subordinate to his influence, but did not succeed.
  His attempts to overthrow F. Castro in Cuba led to nothing. Not only that, he received the Caribbean crisis in connection with Cuba, which put the whole world on the brink of nuclear war.
  Kennedy also decided to increase US intervention in the Vietnam Civil War, which ultimately, but already at his successors, led to the defeat of the United States.
  Kennedy did not live to see the end of his presidency. He was killed in Dallas, because, like Caesar at one time, he neglected the opposition, which in the person of large monopolies and Mafia couldn't tolerate he restrictions, which Kennedy tried to impose to them.
  It must be said that Kennedy was not a fool, although, in fact, by the politician who held the highest office in the country, he was made by his own father, not by him oneself. Nevertheless, the son lived up to his trust: John Kennedy had a flexible mind, good professional training, determination, and even audacity, if he carried out a number of socio-economic reforms, signed the Nuclear Test Termination Treaty, effectively fought segregation, and proclaimed the US"s entry space exploration, including landing on the moon.
  Kennedy struggled with unemployment and tried to boost the country's economy, having suffered as a result, because he tried to force the monopolies not to take out capital and production out of the country in pursuit of a higher rate of return, that, according to many experts, was the main reason for his death - who will allow for oneself to lose hundreds of billions of profit due to the whim of some Kennedy!
  As for greed and money-grubbing, John F. Kennedy was above this, but not because of the presence of nobility from birth, but because the wealth of the family allowed him to remain "in chocolate" all his life. He had no debts, he did not have to raise money for election campaigns, he did not need funds for a luxurious life - he was always accompanied by the maximum possible comfort and presence of the most beautiful women.
  For example, on the Honey-Fitz yacht, there was even an elevator. Inside is a lacquered dark wood finish. In addition, the yacht had a small copy of the White House Oval Office. It was here that the president was meeting with representatives of his administration in the midst of the Caribbean crisis.
  But to power John Kennedy treated not simply quiveringly, but also was making to all lengths to get and keep it, not having at all in his thoughts the concepts of conscience, nobility, honesty.
  One of the evidence of this is John Kennedy"s tacit consent, and by no means by weakness of own character, to the help from his rich and influential father in ascending to the summit of power, who did not disdain any intrigues, acting by bribery, connections and intimidation of those who disagree with the help of Mafia.
  The Kennedy family had a connection with Mafia since the 30s, when John's father made a fortune from the underground whiskey trade. His frequent golf partner was the influential gangster D. Roselli.
  John Kennedy was also in intense contact with the mafia leaders. In Cuba, in 1957, he was relaxing with influential mafiosi Meir Lansky, and one of the three mafia leaders in the United States, S. Dzhankana, helped to collect the votes in the presidential campaign in 1960, moreover, according to John Kennedy's mistress Judith Exter, Kennedy asked her to hand over a package of money to her good friend Dzhankana to bribe voters. In addition, Kennedy turned to Dzhankana with a request to remove F. Castro after the failure of the American landing in Cochinos Bay (April 1961).
  However, after the declaration of war to Mafia by the Minister of Justice, John F. Kennedy's brother Robert, arises the conspiracy of three mafiosi - S. Dzhankan, S. Traficante and S. Adonis. Jack Ruby, who killed Oswald, who allegedly shot Kennedy, was also the member of Mafia. This explains the connection between Mafia and the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
  In addition, John F. Kennedy was the actual hostage to the FBI Director E. Hoover, who had on him an extensive dossier with documents and photographs of not only his love affairs, but also on relations with Mafia.
  To avoid scandal, it was decided to change the head of the FBI after the re-election of the president, but Kennedy did not wait for this - he was killed. At the same time, there are many statements. that FBI agents sought to hide information about the Kennedy assassination - photos and video recordings were seized from witnesses to the assassination of the president. Almost all of them were missing. Key evidence, related to the disclosure of the assassination procedure, was falsified by the FBI.
  Thus, Kennedy"s murder itself could be the result of Kennedy"s breach of obligations to Mafia, which was being covered by the FBI.
  An important factor, at least contributing to the assassination of the president, was his policy towards the monopolies: in particular, Kennedy in 1962 lost the confidence of the business community, seeking to lower steel prices, in addition, he tried to stop the outflow of capital from the US economy to other countries with a higher rate of return, and thereby became the main enemy of the monopolies, who needed to be eliminated.
  Like all rulers, even temporary ones, Kennedy, wanted to raise the prestige of his power in the simplest way possible - participating in wars.
  Apart from the failed invasion of Cuba and the US involvement in the Vietnam Civil War, Kennedy managed to bring the entire world to the brink of a devastating nuclear war during the Caribbean crisis.
  Researchers attributed the Cuban crisis to Kennedy"s obsession with the idea of the Cold War and his penchant to create conflicts. He believed that he should be "tough", despite the dangerous situations that arise later. Kennedy stubbornly refused to compromise and remove American missiles from Turkey, which were not of special strategic importance for the United States [19, p. 351].
  Like almost all healthy primitives who are in power, Kennedy instinctively sought to inseminate as many women as possible, while simultaneously receiving a lot of pleasure, and not at all thinking of high morality, which, judging by his actions with the opposite sex, was inaccessible to him.
  Alan Brinkley in his book [20] writes that, having a wonderful family and a bunch of children, Kennedy hid his almost pathological sexual concern. Brinkley cites the following facts: "Almost all of his adult life, wherever he went, Kennedy was always looking for sexual adventures. It is not surprising that his status made him a particularly attractive prey for the ladies. Friends, assistants and sexually preoccupied politicians like him, joining forces, vied with each other to introduce the president to the fair sex. His list of don Juan included movie stars, fashion models, relatives of of friends and dear call girls".
  So in the case of Kennedy, who is adored by the majority of the US population, it is necessary to recognize by the will of inexorable facts the predominance of a primitive animal essence of consciousness in it, which, on the one hand, helped him to penetrate power, and on the other hand, demonstrated those qualities that are more appropriate alpha males of primates, rather than a highly moral and religious intellectual.
  From this brief analysis, perhaps, of the most famous, or at least for this moment the most known and respected characters in the history, it follows, paradoxically for philistines, that the main aspirations of both Caesar and the other characters in our review were reduced to the seizure of power and its retention, which was facilitated by their conduct of actual and economic wars, the aspiration for the most open or implicit subjugation of own fellow citizens, which in nature corresponds to the high level of dominance, the most vividly represented by the alpha-males of monkey packs.
  Similar primitive (natural) strivings were promoted by other properties of consciousness noted above in considered characters, the main of which are greed and money-grubbing, paving the way for a sweet and comfortable life with funds obtained mainly by unrighteous ways, which in nature corresponds to the aspiration of each organism to provide itself with a "warm" place and good nutrition; voluptuousness, which in nature corresponds to the aspiration of each organism by the maximum possible coverage of the opposite sex to increase by all means the number of their "copies" in the environment.
  Whatever it was, but to help the desire for power more than anything can not only and not so much a high level of intelligence, which, of course, is not superfluous, but above all those properties of consciousness that directly contribute to the victory in the competition with similar dominant individuals, and they do not include compassion, pity, love, friendliness, mercy, honesty.
  Help in the competition for power, which gives basic material wealth, cunning, insidiousness and deceit, which are a superstructure of such properties of the lowest (primitive) consciousness as dynamism, curiosity, communicability, the aspiration to stand out, disguise, caution, sexual activity, contributing to stay and gain a foothold in existence for the consumption as possible of the most pleasant sensations during the struggle for existence with the transfer of gained positions to own offspring.
  All these properties of primitive (lowest) consciousness, without which it is impossible to do to any living being, including man, are manifested in different ways in living beings, but already in their highest degree they can be observed in a pack of nimble and nosey monkeys, who do not know what sympathy and pity are, but invariably show energy, sociability when feeling hungry, thievery under favorable circumstances, the trick when sharing food to snatch the most "sweet" pieces.
  In particular, human hypocrisy corresponds to such a property of primitive consciousness as camouflage - it allows the same monkeys to mask their true intentions, for example, by taking food from a weaker member of the pack before he runs away; human suspicion and prudence corresponds to the primitive property of caution, which manifests itself in monkeys during communication in order to avoid troubles on the part of a stronger being, as well as in dislikes to other populations of beings; human sexual licentiousness in using women for their own pleasure corresponds to the behavior of alpha male apes, for which are accessible to all females of a pack and, accordingly, the production of the maximum number of offspring.
  And all this is dominated by egoism as the desire to stand out in the community as much as possible, subjugate everyone to oneself and take everything desired, which corresponds to the egocentrism of any living creature trying not only to survive, but to provide itself with the best living conditions in the form of the most pleasant sensations.
  Thus, in the most famous and revered rulers: Caesar, Napoleon, Churchill, Kennedy and other lesser-known rulers who are hardly significantly different from those noted in the properties of their consciousness, in a concentrated form were gathered the main properties of one of the two forms of consciousness - the lowest (animal, or primitive, ancient) consciousness, prevailing over the properties of its other form - the highest consciousness (self-consciousness), reaching its peak and mass character at the last stage of the existence of technological civilization, but not affecting its foundation - a lower consciousness that does not change with the passage of time, and still prevails in the rulers.
  It is the predominance of the lowest consciousness over the highest one, and, consequently, indiscrimination in the means of achieving their goals that help them successfully defeat competitors for the highest authority, which, of course, is facilitated by a high level of intelligence and creativity as properties of higher consciousness, but already in the second turn, since the dominance that determines the enduring and strongest aspiration to occupy the most advantageous place for existence in the hierarchy of individuals, that is, a kind of power in one"s own niche of existence, is an integral property of the lowest consciousness and has nothing to do with values of the highest consciousness of a spiritual and aesthetic orderю The dominance gives only a pleasant sensation of power over the fellow tribesmen, if one succeeds in attaining this, in which Caesar and other rulers succeeded in, and, as can be seen from their behavior, this sensation was giving them the highest satisfaction.
  This, in fact, consists the nature of power, which, due to the duality of human consciousness, cannot be changed, as a result of which in power will always be the scoundrels, no matter how historians cover them, painting the supposedly great and glorious deeds of these figures, whose essence not much different from the essence of the monkey.
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  14. To the Peel Commission (1937) on Jewish Homeland in Palestine.
  15. John F. Kennedy, Prelude to Leadership. The European Diary of John F. Kennedy (Washington, D. C. Regnery, 1995.
  16. Mochael O'Brien, John F. Kennedy. A Biography (New York: St. Martin's Press, 2005.
  17. "Rose Kennedy Speaks at a Tea, 1952", n. d., JFKL.
  18. Eleanor Roosevelt to JFK, June 2, 1958, JFK.
  19. Reeves R. President Kennedy. Profile of power. 1993. New York. Simon & Schuster. ISBN: 978-0-671-64879-4.
  20. Brinkley, Alan. John F. Kennedy. 2012. Times Book. ISBN: 978-0-8050-8349-1.
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