Низовцев Юрий Михайлович : другие произведения.

The person as the hologram

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    Philosophers have explained the world. Thinkers-designers", for example Marx, have pointed out, how to change the world. The result of their reasons is known. Then, what is necessary on this part? If thou think that thou is clever - look lower, and thou find out about oneself shocking new.

  Keywords: the person, consciousness, life, death, things, information, time, motion, civilization, infinite, finite.
  Preface....................................................................................... 2
  Chapter 1
  What is a hologram, and whether it can be the basis of beingness and the person in it?
  Chapter 2
  Why to Creation not to do without person (living beings)?
  2.1. Role of the active in the form of the living beings and role of the passive in the form of things in beingness.
  2.2. Information as attribute of the active.
  2.3. Two types of manifestation of the active in beingness.
  2.4. Harmony, light and sound.
  2.5. The person in dream and in waking.
  2.6. Person as complex manifestation of the lowest and highest forms of consciousness.
  2.7. Intuition. Its mechanism and the base on the example of Shamanism.
  2.8. The person and computer.
  2.9. Reasonable and reckless persons. Sages and adventurers.
  2.10. Partial discovery of form-building abilities in beingness for human consciousness.
  2.11. The person as the being, understanding himself in Creation.
  Chapter 3
  The person in time.
  Chapter 4
  The person among things.
  Chapter 5
  What is the basis of a person's death, and whether there is immortality?
  Chapter 6
  Whether is temporary or eternal the human civilization?
  Chapter 7
  Why a person isn't capable to be not free?
  Chapter 8
  Reflection of levels of consciousness of the person in society.
  8.1. About racial, national, cultural superiority.
  8.2. Internationalism.
  8.3. Humanism.
  Chapter 9
  The person in habitat.
  If to recognize that the person is the hologram in his base, he, as well as any other part of the hologram, comprises everything, what is in this multiple infinite updating picture which consists from finite changing formations.
  The person, so, incorporates Everything that is at the basis of beingness, except eternity.
  How it can be interpreted?
  Apparently, as follows.
  An eternity, an infinity can come out of its timeless state only through the finite. i.e. through infinite series of durations; in its discrete updates as a result is possible to arrange life and development of what makes activity of Creation by means of interaction of this active with the passive.
  Beingness, which content is connection of the active with the passive, is a stable derivative of a holographic projection of Uniform in which the passive can't dominate, i.e. time, space and things (lifeless matter) can't have independent existence.
  This stable derivative of holographic projections of Uniform the active "arranges" for itself, manifesting itself through a variety of finite symbiotic formation with the passive (non-living matter) in the life, lasting anyway in the framework of beingness, providing thereby the active.
  The highest product of the active in the finite can only be a being who understands itself and who is trying to figure out the rest around itself.
  Therefore the crown of the manifestation of the active in the finite is a being who is able to separate itself from all other in order to look at itself from the outside, to surprise and to try to change itself somehow, the more that there are a lot of things around and the similar beings, conscious its own existence.
  This means that the active component of such being receives the most rapid change, experience, new emotions and a variety of subjects for reflection and action.
  What else is needed for development? Especially since this individual active (consciousness) can receive the update in each next life infinitely due to the death of the body, which occurs definitely, keeping itself precisely because of its vital activity, in contrast to the passive components of the body decaying as a result.
  Each individual consciousness, as and any thing (the passive), too is the frequency wavy structure in the basis, and as well, as seems, has to be subject to deformation, loss of stability and, so, - the loss of own specificity, or quality.
  How then it keeps its individual quality in infinite passage through finite formations i.e. is eternal?
  Certainly, the frequency disruptions, which change the structure of individual consciousness, happen at update of a holographic projection and, as a result, - in each coexistence of individual consciousness with a body-carrier.
  But, if the thing isn't capable to correct consciously the changes happening to it - at it as the passive there is no aspiration anyway to retain its peculiarity, which it is not aware, a thing has only elementary feedback mechanisms preventing its chaotic disintegration - then any living being, and not only a self-conscious being, by all possible means, which it has enough, clings to life. Thereby, consciousness keeps its main feature - the activeness, or the persistent aspiration to changes in itself and around itself.
  Actually, "immersion" of consciousness into the finite, live existence over and over again is also a solution of the problem of preservation itself as the active.
  The thing copies fall apart, but in doing so "feed" consciousness, giving it eternal life but discrete life in measurements derived from a projection of Uniform.
  Existence in things and among things, and also close to other consciousnesses in the form of the live, on the one hand, allows consciousness to correct the structure of own kernel on the basis of reactions of the surrounding on own actions not to lose ability to aspirations on preservation of the fundamental peculiarity - own activeness, and on the other hand, allows to try to use changes which it is capable to feel and/or to be aware anyway with advantage for itself, but not to the detriment.
  The variety of situations in each finite existence to any individual consciousness means finding by it of identity inherent to only this consciousness among an infinite number of particles of consciousness.
  It demonstrates that the person though is the crown of creation, there is only a consciousness tool, finite formation concerning his body.
  Complete loss of consciousness (death) turns the person into rapidly disintegrating thing.
  Therefore, willy-nilly it is necessary to recognize that the specific human personality in life is manifestation of the corresponding individual consciousness in its infinite development, and this personality is inseparable from consciousness.
  Chapter 1
  What is a hologram, and whether it can be the basis of beingness and the person in it?
  Group of physicists under the direction of Alain Aspect at the Parisian university in 1982 revealed that in particular conditions the elementary particles, for example, electrons, are able to instantly communicate with one another regardless of the distance between them. In other words, each particle knows always that another does, irrespective of distance between them. On this experimental basis the theory of the holographic Universe was developed. Any particle of this Universe is a holographic projection of the single reality. It has been assumed, as a corollary of this theory, that the physical density of the world is holographic frequency setting, and, in particular, that the person is the hologram.
  The physicist of the London University David Bohm deduces the main postulate out of this experiment: "The new form of comprehension probably can be called the Inseparable Wholeness in Flowing Motion". This point of view means that the stream, in any sense, precedes "things", whose origin and dissolution happens in this stream. Bohm notes that "each relatively self-contained and steady structure has to be understood not as something independently and constantly existing, but rather as the derivative, given rise in complete motion of the stream and, eventually, dissolving in the same stream. The fact how it is generated and supports the existence therefore depends on its local function into the stream". As suggested by Bohm, motion is primary; and that seems to us by constant structures, is only relatively autonomous subordinate essences which are appearing out of integrity of flowing motion and then are dissolved back in it. This process of formation goes infinitely. It is possible to believe also that Bohm brought out of discovery of Aspect following: the objective reality does not exist and that, despite its apparent density, the Universe in the basis - fantastic picture, the huge, magnificently detailed hologram [1].
  By itself a hologram represents the three-dimensional picture taken by means of the laser. To make the hologram, first of all a photographed subject has to be shined with light of the laser. Then the second laser beam, mixing up with light reflected from a subject, gives the interference figure which can be recorded on a film. The ready picture looks as senseless alternation of light and dark lines. But, once the picture will be shined with another laser beam, the three-dimensional image of an initial subject will arise. The three-dimension - not the single property, inherent to the hologram. If the hologram, containing the image of apple, cut in half and each half of the hologram shine by the laser, each half will contain the whole image of the same apple. If we continue to cut the hologram on more shallow slices, on each of them we will find again the object image as a whole. Unlike the routine photo, each site of the hologram contains information on all subject, but with proportion corresponding decrease of clearness.
  The principle of the hologram "all in each part" allows approaching to problem of the organization and the regularity in a new way in essence. The hologram shows that some things in the Universe do not give in to research by an analytical method: to dissect any subject and to study its constituents. If we cut something arranged holographically, we will not receive parts of which it consists, and we will receive the same, but it will be less accuracy.
  In this regard the interpretation of works Aspect by Bohm is as follows: he is sure that the elementary particles interact at any distance not because they exchange by certain mysterious signals among themselves but because their separation is illusory. He explained that at any more deep level of reality such particles are not separate objects, and actually the particles are extensions of something more fundamental.
  According to Bohm interpretation, apparent superlight interaction between particles says to us that there is more deep level of reality hidden from us, higher measurement, than ours, as in analogy to an aquarium. And, he adds, we see particles as separate because we see only part of a real. Particles - not separate "parts", but sides of more deep unity. This unity is ultimately the holographic and invisible. And so how everything in physical reality consists of these "phantoms", the Universe observed by us is a projection, the hologram.
  Such Universe can possess and other properties. If the apparent separation of particles is an illusion, means upon more deep level all subjects in the world can be infinitely interdependent. Electrons in atoms of carbon in our brain are bound to electrons of each floating salmon, each beating heart, each flickering star. Everything interpenetrates with everything and though human nature divides everything, dismembers, spreads all natural phenomena on shelves, all divisions are necessarily artificial, and the nature finally appears as a indissoluble web. Even time and space cannot be taken as a basis in the holographic world, because such characteristic as position, does not make sense in the Universe where anything actually is not separated from each other; time and three-measurement space as images of fishes on screens, should consider no more than projections. On it, more deep level, the reality is something like the super hologram in which the last, the present and the future exist at the same time. It means that by means of the corresponding tools the penetration into depth of this super hologram can be carried out and we can take pictures long ago the forgotten past. That else the hologram can bear in itself - still far it is not known. Bohm speaks: "Let's assume, for example, that the hologram is the matrix giving rise to all in the world, at least, all elementary particles is in it which accepted or will take any possible form of a matter and energy, from snowflakes up to quasars, from blue whales up to gamma rays, i.e. there is all in it ".
  Though Bohm recognized that we have no way to learn that else the hologram conceals in itself, he made bold to claim that we have no reasons to assume that in it more anything is not present. In other words, probably, holographic level of the world is simply one of steps of the infinite evolution.
  There are other researchers of properties of the holographic world except Bohm. Independently of Bohm, the neurophysiologist from Stanford University Karl Pribram working in the field of research of brain also inclines to a holographic picture of the world [2].
  Pribram has come to this conclusion, reflecting over a riddle, where and as memoirs are stored in a brain. Numerous experiments for decades showed that information is stored not in any particular site of a brain, and is dispersed on all volume of a brain. The researcher of a brain Karl Lashley in a number of decisive experiments in the twenties the last century has found out that irrespective of the fact which a site of a brain of a rat was deleted, he could not achieve disappearance of the conditioned reflexes received by a rat before operation. The only problem consisted that nobody could offer the mechanism explaining property of memory "all in each part".
  Later, in the sixties, Pribram faced with the principle of a holography and understood that he found the explanation which neurophysiologists looked for. Pribram is sure that memory is contained not in neurones and not in groups of neurones, but - in series of the nervous impulses, "braiding" a brain just as a laser beam "braids" the piece of the hologram containing all image entirely. In other words, Pribram is sure that the brain is the hologram.
  Pribram's hypothesis also explains how a human brain can store so many memoirs in such small volume. It is supposed that the human brain is capable to remember about 10 billion bits for all life.
  It was revealed that one more feature can be added to the properties of holograms - the huge density of record. Simply changing a corner under which lasers light a photographic film, it is possible to write down many various images on the same surface. It was shown that one cubic centimeter of a film is capable to store to 10 billion bits of information.
  Our supernatural ability to fast identification of the necessary information from the enormous volume of our memory becomes clearer with accepting the fact that the brain works by the principle of the hologram. If you ask that occurred to you at the word "zebra", you should not shuffle mechanically lexicon to find the answer. Associations to the words "striped", "horse" and "lives in Africa" appear in your head instantly.
  Really, one of the most surprising properties of human thinking is that each piece of information is correlated instantly and mutually with any another - one more quality inherent to the hologram. As any plot of the hologram is infinitely interdependent with any another, it is quite possible that it is the highest natural exemplar of cross and correlative systems.
  Location of memory is not the single neurophysiological riddle which became more solvable in the light of holographic model of brain of Pribram. Another riddle is how the brain is capable to translate such avalanche of frequencies, which it perceives by various sense organs (light frequencies, audio frequencies and so on), in our concrete conception about the world. Coding and decoding of frequencies is procedures with which the hologram it copes best of all. Just as the hologram serves as some kind of lens, the sending device, capable to turn as if a senseless mash of frequencies in the concrete image, so and a brain, according to Pribram, contains such lens and uses the principles of a holography for mathematical processing of frequencies from sense organs in an inner world of our perceptions.
  Pribram's thought that our brain designs mathematically "solid" reality, relying on entrance frequencies, also received the experimental confirmation. It was revealed that any of our sense organs possesses the much bigger frequency range of the susceptibility, than it was supposed earlier. In particular, researchers found out that our organs of vision are susceptible to audio frequencies, that our olfaction depends on what that now is called as "osmotic frequencies" and what even cells of our body are sensitive to a wide frequency range. Such finds suggest an idea that it is work of holographic part of our consciousness which transform separate chaotic frequencies to the continuous perception. The most curious aspect of holographic model of a brain of Pribram comes to light if to compare it with the theory Bohm. Because if the visible physical density of the world - only a secondary reality, and what "there", actually is only holographic frequency setting and if a brain - too the hologram and a brain only chooses some frequencies from this set and mathematically transforms them to sensory perception, what remains on a share of objective reality?
  The theory of the holographic Universe can be only by any approximation to truth, but it, nevertheless, visually illustrates our idea that, being divided into diverse particles, consciousness at the same time remains united. However the opinion Bohm about illusiveness of the Universe is exaggerated because the holographic image of object is impossible without the material carrier. In this case (earth holography) as the material carrier is the laser radiation.
  In return the holographic model also shows that consciousness is not brain function, and, on the contrary, the brain is controlled by consciousness, which, thus, in case of death of the brain, does not perish. In holographic reality the thought, eventually, is as well real, as consciousness.
  If the hypothesis about the holographic qualities of the Universe, i.e. about a wave basis of the Universe is close to truth, it will be the additional confirmation of use of this reality, owing to its characteristics, as the adequate tool for work, more precisely, for development of particles of consciousness through the living in bеingness.
  It is difficult to argue against the fact that consciousness exists and that it is quite clearly and effectively expressed in the person.
  The fact that the person is the finite - is also unconditional, but any finite is expression of the infinite in it. And if a lifeless stone reflects the infinity of the eternal, but indifferent to all the passive, then such live, self-active, understanding itself in opposition to the rest of the world, not indifferent being as a person should reflect not only a passive molecular component of his body, but also - something else that makes it alive and conscious of itself.
  It must be assumed that this something can be only active, and, perhaps, we never learn its true form, but manifestation of which we feel every moment.
  If to assume that the person in the basis is the hologram of the frequency passive and active, then the last can't but be the leading willy-nilly, otherwise it would lose its activity and would "be found" in nothingness, but not in the being, which is capable, undoubtedly, to change also itself and surrounding.
  The person, unlike a cobble-stone which only is destroyed, can grow and develop, i.e. in the process he can look for the new, the best and more suitable for him as it seems to him, and to do it quite purposefully, making mistakes, receding, but often and achieving his objectives.
  On this way in collisions with things and with similar the person more and more comprehends his environment and himself, without finding, however, full satisfaction in anything and in anybody.
  At the same time, each person, as we know, combines two polar properties: he has identity inherent only to him and at the same time he isn't capable to exist without similar. In other words, the person is separate and he also is whole, much like and all other people. Like the ant, which has lost the ant hill, the person perishes if he remains out of contact with people.
  This fact allows assuming, that the basis of the person is a hologram which in any own part is whole, and vice versa.
  This property of separation and at the same time unity allows each person to be separate, self-active, unique and at the same time - not capable to realize itself and own existence without communication. Similar acquisition of self-consciousness and self-activity in community means for each person in fight and tests purposefully to do what he is still capable of, seeking to reconcile in this process own egoism (reflection of the peculiarity) with sympathy to people surrounding him which actually is he as whole.
  Chapter 2
  Why to Creation not to do without the person (the living beings)?
  2.1. Role of the active in the form of the living beings and role of the passive in the form of things in beingness.
  According to the concept offered by us, the active, manifesting through live matter in the form of consciousness, is the leading echelon of Creation, forming beingness from the passive, manifested in it the form of lifeless matter, or things [3, chapter 1.2].
  Creation is qualified by modern science as the material Universe (an uncountable number of the Universes) in which there are conditions for formation of living beings from organic matter, and further - of reasonable beings.
  However answer to questions: what is basis of Creation; is eternal it or not; how living beings have appeared, i.e. beings with a genome, and also - how the person was formed of unreasonable creatures, science still did not gave, whereas the model presented by us, allows to make it, judging by an opportunity to explain a number of the phenomena which were earlier not giving in to an explanation and along with that did not fall under the scope of the known regularities [4, chapters 5, 7, 8, 9].
  We believe that Creation is not unicity, as well as we consider that Creation can't be presented only in the form of a number of similar Universes. Creation are manifestation of a certain deep reality - Uniform.
  Along with that Uniform has a projection in the form of discretely updated frequency wavelike structure - the hologram, the main content of which is the active (consciousness) that is a copy of the active from Uniform.
  Discrete updating of a projection by the active (precisely because it is the active) means emergence of "gaps" in infinity and emergence of durations that can be qualified as the prototype of time.
  Thus, Creation is not unary, but dual system.
  The basis of the dual system is" timeless, infinite Uniform, in which the active and the passive merged into inseparable whole. Uniform "gets out" in time by means of own projection in the form of frequency wavelike structure - the hologram.
  Beginningless and infinite process of updating of a projection includes information component: the active from a projection by means of information influence, which it as reasonable, possesses concerning Uniform, inasmuch it is in it in the original together with the passive, has an opportunity to copy fragments of the passive from Uniform according to form-building abilities of particles-copies of the active as the separate, presented in beingness in the form living beings, so also a whole presented by all set of living beings, i.e., forming own time of each own particle and along with that - the general time of all structure (beingness) thanks to its holographic essence (whole and part coincide).
  Particles of the active in a holographic projection of Uniform, thus, copying fragments of the passive from Uniform, unite with them individually and as a whole, and through themselves form the current time, space and things in motion.
  Hereby the union of the active with the passive within formed (derivative of a projection of Uniform) a continuum-beingness is manifested in the forms of alive, which is as people and all other living beings in measurement known to us. All of they are located in beingness, formed by single active (single consciousness).
  This beingness is manifested in the form of star systems with planets, part of which at a certain stage of development is suitable for existence and development of living beings of the most different type according to the program which is available for them, coded in a genome, allowing to copy itself by reproduction of this or that type. These organisms have the sense organs, information processing centers, they possess ability to reproduction, metabolism, and they don't exist outside communities.
  At this each living being according to available at it sense organs and information processing centers forms own time, and all their set, making a whole in a holographic projection, forms the general (external) time [4, chaper 6].
  The similar dual system allows to Uniform to appear in existence, and to the active (consciousness) - to live and develop in the finite, temporary, in other words - to develop discretely, but infinitely.
  It is clear from this preamble that living beings give in themselves the finite life to consciousness, a break in which (death) means only updating of each individual consciousness.
  Along with that living beings are the basis of all beingness without which it isn't capable to exist inasmuch only through them fragments of the passive from Uniform are converted into things, i.e. into material beingness known to us.
  Thus, there is no need to guess by what wonderful way was formed the genome without which the living being is impossible and which could self-assembled approximately with the same probability what aircraft carrier with all planes onboard.
  Life is a basis of Creation which without it doesn't exist.
  Therefore the statement about a life origin from lifeless matter is senseless. Life and things are incapable to exist in beingness independently inasmuch beingness is based on their interaction, being continuous manifestation of the passive from Uniform through the active of a holographic projection of Uniform.
  Aggregation of the active and the passive in beingness, i.e. in time, actually, constitutes the infinite, but discrete process of development and expression of the active (consciousness) in the environment from the resisting things (the passive) at the competition of representatives of consciousness in this environment.
  The holographic essence of a projection of Uniform is reflected in beingness not only on coincidence of each particle of beingness with the whole - by all hologram, but also externally expressed in similarity of the simplest structures of beingness and in fractality of its more difficult structures.
  Fractality is characterized by complicated similarity of the some kind, more precisely, - by self-similarity of part and whole too: the whole completely or almost completely coincides with the part or parts (has the same form) with dimension, bigger dimension of topological spaces.
  Crones of trees, blood system of animals, clouds, snowflakes and many other objects are fractal.
  Therefore for bigger clarity in understanding of this or that process or some difficult structure it makes sense to address to analogies on the basis of this similarity.
  In this case the state of the living being in Creation can be compared to work of a television receiver in a network (the computer on Internet).
  Let us choose for convenience of comparison a living being having the vision.
  This being in relation to the visual perception of the environment reminds the television receiver combined with a television camera which (eyes) catches the pulse signals going further to the processing centers (the relevant departments of a brain), converting these signals-packets of information into the moving image.
  Eyes like a television camera catch signals in certain range of frequencies (light). Eyes of the person, for example, don't fix light in the infrared range.
  Thus, the person through eyes can obtain only information, predetermined by opportunities of own eyes and no more. Thereby he isn't capable to see the radiations in another range of frequencies and to see the objects reflecting these radiations or radiating them. In this regard, the world (environment) for him is narrowed by opportunities of his sense organs.
  People believe, to all appearances, that these signals go from objects, outsiders and independent of them, in the form of light reflected from objects, in particular, and therefore that all people see seemingly same objects before themselves, and they before them do not disappear.
  Indeed, exactly thus the world is manifested for us, but it would be desirable to learn that is behind this.
  The science, alas, has stopped on the fact of this phenomenon and hasn't gone further, motivating such approach by lack of a possibility of experimental check of what stands behind the manifesting.
  Kant called this - the inaccessible for sensations of the person - "thing in itself" (transcendental object).
  As for the objects surrounding us, independent existence of objects of strictly certain forms, by which they appear to us, is very doubtful concerning other living beings.
  The matter is that beings of different types in own way perceive the same subject within its kind - and concerning its sizes, color, smell, form, permeability and - even in relation to its existence, that is determined by opportunities of a concrete being to convert the arriving signals into the data which is understandable to it from a position of usefulness for his life-activity, i.e. into information. This process of obtaining and converting the information into own surroundings are based on the action of the sense organs and the information processing centers of the organism.
  If we return to the comparison of a living being with a TV set equipped with a TV camera (the computer with a camcorder), then, unlike it, for example, the person has no separate external screen monitor on which he could watch both environmental, and himself from outside. Therefore in case of open eyes in front of him has a partial view of the surroundings and own body.
  It means that, unlike the screen of the TV, the person shows to himself of himself as if from self in action in own "now".
  In other words, the person (any living being) thanks to the sense organs and processing centers forms internally the own surroundings.
  At all not eyes create the picture seen by the person - only the unwrought light signals come to eyes. The picture appears then - by combining the pulse signals at their processing in the uniform changing picture in which the person is the main character, transmitting this picture as if outside - like the projector in a cinema hall directed to the screen.
  Thus, on the screen of the cinema hall the image moves thanks to relocation of a tape in a projector with a certain speed, and on the TV set screen the image moves owing to combining and conversion of radio signals from the ether by appropriate programs.
  And this materialization of separate frames or separate packets of information is carried out for the person-viewer virtually - in the form of images.
  Unlike the similar procedure, converting of wave matter (information packets) from a holographic projection of Uniform in any living being including in the person, into his surroundings, is produced by it not in the form of images any more, but in the form of the material objects of different "density" and various forms using the corresponding matrixes (form-building abilities), creating both the living being, and its surroundings in the framework total time which is a consequence of action of single consciousness in the comprehensive set of the living beings.
  Formation of objects of various forms according to the form-building abilities (matrixes), which are available for the living being, apparently, is carried out by the type of operation of 3D-printer known to us.
  As a result, around the person (and in it) appear concrete objects in motion, i.e. the environment.
  As you can see, both in a television receiver, and in the living being separate portions of information in the form of pulse signals owing to a delay when processing is converted into a visible, moving picture of objects in time.
  Only you are watching movie at screen, separate from yourself, and movie hasn't a direct bearing on you, and own picture you form yourself, although automatically, like any other living being - in yourself.
  However all living beings in their variety are connected among themselves anyway, and connected with the things surrounding them.
  In the same way television receivers (computers) in themselves don't work. To receive the image on the screen, it is necessary to connect them to power sources and to catch by means of antennas the signals from the general radio space, in which signals (radio waves) come from transmitters.
  For living beings this radio space is a wavy holographic projection.
  Approximately much like the image on the screen of the TV "undertakes" from the radiation of the certain transmitter (TV program), chosen by the TV viewer through of ether, and the living being "chooses" itself, the adjoining living beings and things (own time, or own beingness) for itself by means of a holographic projection according to the available set of sense organs at this being with their opportunities and opportunities of the centers processing information, bound with form-building abilities this living beings.
  However this choice is carried out not from the transmitter, so how outside space transmitter cannot be, but, nevertheless, this transmitter on call is a infinite Nothingness which potentially is Everything (Uniform).
  Therefore, the specified choice carries out the living being thanks to the form-building abilities which are available for it (they can't but be in the active, being at their absence as the passive owing to impossibility to exhibit itself) by means of own sense organs - by their "contact" through a holographic projection, similar to some extent to radio space for TVs and radio receivers, with this Nothingness, which is similar to some kind of transmitter containing potentially everything.
  This nothingness makes sense to call by Uniform, since everything is merged in its infinity.
  From this potential everything (Uniform) the active component (individual consciousness) of the living being produces the specified choice of own time (its surrounding), as well as single consciousness on the basis of all set of living beings produces the choice of global beingness in the form of universes with a network of the stars and planets creating as a result a favorable situation for existence of all live.
  At this only living beings can be actors in this eternal performance of beingness, inasmuch all the rest in beingness has no the sense organs and the information processing centers, and therefore can't carry out the choice for its existence by determination of the corresponding forms (this choice in each living being correspond to its form-building abilities). The person, in addition, can carry out this choice upon own conscious desires.
  Form-building abilities of each living being correspond to its sense organs, and their automatic action is controlled by single consciousness.
  All this wouldn't be possible, if each living being in its basis wasn't part of the total hologram of a projection of the infinite Uniform and did not coincided thereby with it.
  Exactly the holographic nature in the basis of living beings allows them to be separate, living every time by own life, having own time, own beingness, and along with that in the set - to be the single being who is eternal both in its singularity, and in each its separateness.
  At this, life of a body of the living being comes to the end when the passive component of each living being loses the form, which provides the vital functions of a body unlike the active component of the living being which is capable to keep the own form (individuality), resulting the eternal individual consciousness should "shift" self into a new bodily form after each collapse of the passive components of the body.
  Coincidence of everyone separate active in the living being with single active (single consciousness) in the hologram means their indissoluble communication and in beingness. In particular, for this reason single consciousness provides automatic functioning of an organism of each living being.
  It must be assumed that the specified analogy will bring bigger understanding offered by us of the model of Creation and a way of functioning of Creation, as well as won't allow to equate this model to solipsism.
  Confirmation of the fact of impossibility of self-generation of alive organisms on Earth is that relatively recently were found traces of organisms, at which could not but be a genome, in the most ancient on the Earth sedimentary rocks in the southwestern part of Greenland: it was traces of complex cellular structures whose age is at least 3.86 billion years.
  So, most likely, the first forms of life could have arisen as a result of hitting to Earth with meteorites [5].
  In other words, how Creation exists, so much and life exist in development - from bacteria to mammals
  As for a genome, then it is based on the program, copied by the active in a projection from Uniform on the molecular chains of a genome in accordance with the form-building abilities, which are available for it, for each case.
  2.2. Information as the exclusive peculiarity of the active.
  As is known, heritable information at bacteria is stored in the form of a DNA sequence of nucleotides that specify an amino acid sequence in protein. Its own gene corresponds to each protein, i. e. discrete site on DNA, different number and specificity of the nucleotide sequence.
  The very same information in a general sense is data about the state of material objects that are identified by these or other means.
  It follows from this that the grouping of these or those data (information) cannot be carried out by objects of lifeless matter.
  To identify, to receive (to copy) and to use the desired set of data can only the being possessing, at least, form-building abilities (patterns, tracing, matrices, and so on), means of scanning of the environment, data from which are transmitted to processing centers of this being. This identified information is used in one form or another after decoding.
  It means that information in the form of a code of a genome could be copied, compacted as coded program, and placed on the corresponding molecular chain only by a reasonable being, which is able to do it.
  Though, of course, and without material objects-carriers including consciousness, information doesn't exist. Generally, information arises only at allocation by the consciousness from general "noise" of those data which the consciousness is capable to recognize according to the form-building abilities.
  Information arises only in the active (consciousness) thanks to the means which are available for the consciousness carrier - sensations for the person, - being the material copy of fragments of objects from Uniform, identified by consciousness, available to sense organs, products of which is processed by the relevant centers for forming thereby of the current time and things, which are moved in space.
  Data about the respective recognized objects from Uniform in the form of separate portions-impulses consistently come through sense organs of the living being to the centers of their processing. Each impulse, thus, contains an information copy of the corresponding fragments of objects from Uniform.
  This copy completely updates the previous copy in the course of its processing in the centers of the living being. At this, the existing gap or pause between the impulses, arriving one after another, falls out for consciousness of the living being due to certain duration of processing every portion of information, and of the delay arising thereby, doing for consciousness discrete process of receipt of information as continuous.
  This delay (inertia of perception) is reflected in consciousness of the living being by perception by it consistently of separate portions of information which is processed by its centers in the form of ever-changing picture of things among which it is, and with which it can interact.
  The living being is in this case as if in the changing picture, formed by its consciousness like the character of a computer game, but with that difference that it self "produces" this "game" by means of sense organs and the centers processing information. In other words, the current irreversible present time emerges for each living being - its "now".
  Thus, information arriving discretely (by means of single consciousness) is converted automatically for each person into things, images, meanings, sensations which are also quite material components for each individual consciousness, which entails the subsequent actions of the carrier of consciousness.
  On the basis of this changed information, together with personal and genetic memory and already in many respects consciously produced thoughts (process of knowledge), as well as experiences, aspirations, perception of separate objects and imagination, the person every moment of his present time interacts with environment which as beingness in general is formed by single consciousness whereas through available set of sense organs of each living being is formed its personal surroundings and, partly, the being with the hidden help of single consciousness.
  In this regard "worlds", for example, of a birch, an earthworm, a cuttlefish and the person are absolutely various both in thingness, and in temporary manifestation, but they have as the general basis - beingness, which is formed by single consciousness.
  All actions of the being, having consciousness, are carried out in this thru process only on condition of inflow in its consciousness of the corresponding portions of information, each of which is processed, putting in certain duration ("now"), making a number of consecutive moments from the birth to death of the carrier of consciousness.
  So, eternal, but discrete update and keeping of beingness is produced through the finite living beings who are not only owners of sense organs, but also - owners of consciousness. This process results from interaction of a temporal holographic projection and timeless, infinite Uniform in the face respectively of the active (consciousness) and the passive from Uniform. At this, information is the bridge which connects them and forms eventually as the world, surrounding living beings, and self these beings. The infinite at this is expressed in the finite infinitely, but discretely.
  The active in the form of living beings is essence of beingness and all Creation.
  2.3. Two types of manifestation of the active in beingness.
  However, the active has, at least, two faces.
  One of them - the lowest - is all beings, living their lives, not understanding ourselves. They live by sensations, instincts, reflexes and they don't go beyond their limits. The main property of the lowest form of the active in the living being consists in aspiration to individual survival.
  Activity in a living being is expressed in adequate response to all influences of a surrounding medium for a survival, preservation and improvement. The last pursues the aim of increase of probability of the same survival in the offspring.
  Adequacy of reaction is evolved by each form of the living being by long adaptation to the environment, inasmuch each disastrous deviation is postponed in patrimonial memory and becomes taboo, and each positive interaction is also fixed, remembered and used by this form of the living being taking into account all changes of the environment in time.
  The formed algorithms of actions are stabilized and used by these or those local centers of the living being (the person has several such centers and the main center is considered the brain) for processing of the entering information in the form of standard programs.
  According to these programs the living being acts in process which is called life. Any essential deviation from a sphere of these programs leads the living beings either to gradual correction and addition of the programs (evolution), or to disappearance of this form of the living beings.
  Thus, each living being receives from own sensors (sense organs) only understandable (the useful to survival) to the organism in the grouping, as a result, data about the surroundings in the form of the phenomena. These data are clear to an organism not on sense, and upon their usefulness and need: they are acceptable for competitive functioning of an organism in its ecological niche.
  These data in the form of the phenomena, if they are necessary for full functioning of the living being, more precisely, if they are selected by it, can be qualify as information after their processing in the relevant centers of an organism by the available programs.
  In this regard, the living being reminds the computer, however, differing from it in the fact that programs on the basis, which is determined by single consciousness, are not put in it by some programmer, but sometimes they are formed millions of years gradually by corresponding modification of already available genome, covering all sphere of interaction of this type of the living being with surroundings and being transferred thanks to gradual modification of a genome to the offspring and by that being improved continuously up to the greatest possible limit.
  Therefore each living being is bound genetically to all chain of ancestors. Its programs take into account all mistakes of ancestors, as well as they use all their achievements in the respective sphere of stay which is determined by a set of sense organs. In relation to this sphere each living being is almost ideal and any essential changes of the software having in it lead to loss of its viability in this sphere, being the actual failures of the main programs. Dogs perish or run wild without owners, i.e. they correct the algorithms of actions towards the return to previous programs.
  In particular, in this regard any artificial (simulated) programs, changing this or that organism, for example, gene modification (engineering) lead to loss of operational stability of an organism in the sphere of its natural functioning and, therefore, to loss of ability to compete efficiently in it, i.e. loss of viability, which is determined by impossibility of single-step coordination of changes made and indigenous programs.
  Therefore, as a rule, the gene-modified living being rather quickly perishes; it is also either not capable to have offspring, or its offspring becomes unviable.
  Taking part in informational process, all living beings, everyone in own way, "weave" their own worlds as well as all Creation in their set whereas things are only material and tools (the same computer) for this eternal process.
  If living beings, though not comprehending the process, but perceiving it by each cell, create the own worlds and the common world for all in which they live and develop, then all of them, certainly, participate in informational process.
  Really, definition of information as procedures of obtaining data on state of the material objects, which living beings are capable to identify by means of sense organs and the centers processing these data for "immersion" into the environment which is acceptable for life, allows dividing all known objects on two parts.
  Some objects are not capable to receive data, which are acceptable for the organization of own existence, i.e., information, inasmuch they do not have the necessary means for this purpose - sense organs and the centers processing information, operating, at least, for providing own survival.
  These objects thereby, in principle, can have no life or personality, which is characteristic of the person.
  Therefore, so to speak, lifeless objects are manifested only to provide life and subjectivity to other objects - to beings which are capable to allocate themselves and surroundings, suitable for the existence, by means of informational process during which all set of the living beings converts entering informational packages into the current "common" time, and each living being - in its own time, forming thereby beingness.
  In other words, lifeless objects (things) have no independent existence, but are manifested by the living beings, forming for them habitat.
  Imperishable activity of living beings in the form of their continuous updating at all levels not only provides their own existence, in particular, in the form of biological life, but also holds them and things manifested by them in the form of beingness known to us, without which Creation as a whole cannot be present, as such, i.e. Creation without living beings can be qualified as a non-existence.
  If to tell about manifestation in beingness of the active in that form with which we are familiar then it is, first of all, the consciousness of ordinary living beings (ubiquitous flora and fauna). These beings do not realize themselves in own time though they form it through informational process. Nevertheless, they provide during this informational process both own existence, and existence of all else without exception.
  In this regard the question arises: if there are the beings which do not understand themselves, live only by sensations, then why not to be and to beings which are capable to understand themselves on the basis of own sensations and thereby to use the flows of information more efficient, i.e., in fact, - own time of life.
  We know the answer to this question, inasmuch, at least, primates on Earth were transformed somehow from the beings, which do not understand themselves, to the beings, understanding that each of them is the individual, i.e., understanding that it is subjectivity, separated of the environment, and to use this, arranging themselves more comfortable existence among artificial things, as well as trying to reorganize the world how they want and how they can make by means of existing tools, perhaps, and with the best intentions.
  However, in the social plan these intentions do not work because of the various considerations of each person and owing to inconsistency of human nature which, on the one hand, wishes to take away all conceivable goodness only for themselves and own circle (the owner's instinct), and on the other hand, preaches aspiration to universal happiness and wellbeing.
  As a result, the human community in the form of a civilization appears incapable to realize itself as the subject and cannot be manifested as independent formation with the uniform purposes and intentions - the civilization appears only as the convenient environment for acts of the person. It is formed by the living beings at coincidence of a number of conditions, the main of which is the readiness to formation at the living beings of self-consciousness is, and breaks up at approach of a point of a singularity - completion of own time of this finite formation [6, chapter 5].
  Thus, people and the living beings, similar to people belong to the second face.
  Their main difference from other live world is that they are capable to recognize themselves, i.e. - to understand own (individual) existence in time, and thereby to separate themselves from surroundings, receiving ability to targeted change it and themselves, accelerating development of own consciousness and acquiring in addition to sensations also desire to express themselves individually and collectively upon own understanding and in accordance with their projects both in the course of knowledge, and in the sphere of emotions and acts.
  The main property of the highest form of the active in a living being is aspiration at least to the local harmony with the possible spread of it up to the general harmony.
  Both of these active faces in the person - the lowest and highest consciousness - are opposite on the essence and their aspirations remain fruitless: each of them in the person does not reach respectively either immortality, or harmony in its finite expression.
  Aspiration of the living being in its lowest consciousness to a survival does not give to this beings of eternal life as the finite, inevitably coming to the end both with disintegration of its body (death), and the termination as a result of existence of entire its sort.
  Aspiration of the living being in its highest consciousness to harmony both individually and in patrimonial expression also comes to the end with the full breakdown for the same reason - its finite expression.
  In the person both forms (properties) of consciousness are integrated (fused together), bringing in him an additional contradiction owing to their opposite aspirations: an egocentrism, on the one hand, and collectivism in its conscious expression, with another.
  This contradiction significantly accelerates development of human community in comparison with other types of live communities. But the accelerated development of human community (civilization) rather quickly ends by disintegration as any finite. The question is only in terms.
  Along with that is distinctly looked through, that beings with the lowest consciousness need no other type of consciousness for life, whereas the possession for life only by one highest consciousness (self-consciousness) is impossible in a separation from the lowest consciousness.
  Besides, self-consciousness in itself doesn't fit into natural life at all, removing the being, which understands itself, from environment, and doing the beings in its finite expression not of this world, which ignores the survival problem, its extreme expression is suicide. Self-consciousness leaves the person in loneliness in front of horror of life where the relations of the living beings are reduced to devouring one another.
  Therefore, meaningless to speak about "production" by the nature during evolution of the beings which are conscious of themselves in time, but drop out of the natural "pot" in their self-conscious part.
  Similar being in the highest part of own consciousness has no relation to the nature, inasmuch only at one this part it isn't capable to devour anybody, on the contrary, in this part it as a result always strives for the highest good for all, which is impossible for the nature as a whole and for the human race in particular.
  So that any living being with the one lowest consciousness is not capable in itself to the detriment of own survival in the environment to be transformed to the being with self-consciousness, which in certain degrees deprives this being of the ability to survival owing to the separation from the environment.
  Supplementing the lowest consciousness, self-consciousness automatically worsens and narrows action of the lowest consciousness of the living being in environment, on the one hand, but gives to the living being the chance to act in the artificial "atmosphere", created by this new being.
  So, self-consciousness, which is not capable to exist in the person separately from the lowest consciousness, is required for other purposes, especially as if to compare by analogy the living being with the computer, whose sensors correspond to sense organs in the living being, and processors correspond to the centers of information processing in it, then this living being, as any computer, will not be able itself to transform of itself into formation for the solution of essentially new tasks without addition to the available programs of other programs with the help of someone.
  Therefore, the being, which is capable to understand itself in its separateness from the environment, can't do without program by means of which is formed self-consciousness, giving to the living being ability to realize itself in conscious target actions, aimed not only on achievement of one utility for an organism.
  It is clear that these programs, embedded in the genome of self-conscious being, - other, than at the ordinary living beings, and in themselves they doesn't arise due to the above contradictions between the lowest consciousness and the highest consciousness in the person.
  Such target programs of self-consciousness are available for eternal single consciousness (the active of a holographic projection of Uniform) which has everything that it can receive from Uniform according to the form-building abilities, and these programs of self-consciousness can be applied by it, at least, in two cases.
  First, it can occur at the peak of evolutionary process, when appear the beings, which are most advanced concerning potential abilities to recognition and processing of large and various volumes of information, potentially capable, besides, to purposeful information exchange among themselves and to target change of the environment (labor activity with use of the corresponding tools), for example, primates.
  It is sufficient to complement existing programs by the program, which allows them to recognize themselves (additional form-building abilities) for gradual transfer these beings into self-conscious beings, separating and contrasting thereby themselves to surroundings, and, so, acquiring the ability not only to adapt to the environment, but also relatively quickly, effectively to change it in own interests and goals in accordance with beforehand constituted projects, learning on the go, but, losing largely own nature and setting themselves the unattainable goals.
  Similar aspirations within the environment, which rejects them, lead the human community rather fast to crash due to the fact that the flows of information, the exponential growth which we are witnessing firsthand, all with great difficulty give in to adequate regulation.
  This process is completed with emergence of chaos in the point of singularity (at confluence of an exponential curve with a vertical that means the informational collapse of own time of a civilization as finite formation.
  Nevertheless, new abilities in the form of finding by the living being of self-consciousness to some extent compensate loss of purely native naturalness by it.
  Secondly, on condition of existence on these or those planets of the environment, suitable for existence of the beings, similar to people, including flora and primitive fauna, the prototype of the person with the corresponding genome and programs can be copied and placed in this environment for gradual development in the designated framework.
  The possibility of similar procedure finds confirmation in existence, in particular, on Earth of tens if not hundreds appearing and disappearing advanced civilizations, similar present civilization both during an era of dinosaurs and up to it, and after it, locally for hundreds of millions of years outside evolutionary development. Quite numerous artifacts, which remained from them, do not fit in the theory of Darwin and therefore are ignored [6, chapter 6].
  The person - the most perfect, unique and completed representative of Creation as a whole, because he in own holographic basis combines the simplest frequency spectrum of things, the complex frequency spectrum of the living beings without self-consciousness (only sensing beings) and the most complex spectrum of the self-conscious beings.
  If to recognize that the person is the hologram in his base, he, as well as any other part of the hologram, comprises everything, what is in this multiple infinite updating picture which consists from the finite changing formations.
  At this combination (merge), each person is an image of Uniform, inasmuch he is equipped with everything that is only possible in Creation, - there is no only of eternity of Uniform. Anyway the person is the interaction of the lifeless, thingness components, the consciousness of the lowest level (the level of sensations) and the thinking, projecting, understanding itself consciousness which in its single expression "holds" all beingness in state of change, updating a projection of Uniform, and consciousness is a key link in dual system of Creation, doing it stable by means of removal from nothingness, into which without consciousness would turn everything.
  The active (consciousness) in the person provides for itself the actual, though every time temporary life, which brings into consciousness the changes.
  Consciousness in its individual expression, appearing in finite beings over and over again, keeps its active character, its main frequency basis due to actions in the resisting world, which consciousness seeks to change as soon as can, despite all obstacles arising before it.
  Actions of the person, promoting restoration of frequency structure of individual consciousness, allow to each individual consciousness to be by eternal. Therefore, consciousness cannot be completely separated from the living beings and is compelled for preservation of itself again and again "to plunge" itself into the living beings. This way, i.e. - discretely, consciousness keeps itself eternally, as the active, through the finite in the form of the temporary worlds.
  The stay of the active beginning in the person not only gives to the person as to a separate being, conscious life, higher which anything isn't present, but also each individual consciousness has an opportunity in actions of the person to be changed and along with that to keep own kernel from destruction, remaining, unlike things, as the eternal on the form and along with that, possessing individuality inherent only to it.
  If on the monitor screen, like a human sleep, move only images of things, transformed from pulse radio signals, which aren't a "dense" matter, then in human consciousness (consciousness of any living being) in the course of consecutive coupling of packages-impulses of information, waves are converted mainly in the corpuscles, i.e. - into the changing world of things, apparently, according to the principle, close to the principle of operation of a 3D-printer.
  The main task of each individual consciousness in the person consists in that by means of short human lives to be in a condition of infinite development, i.e. - not only in reflections, emotional experiences - this or that type of dormant, - but in behavior, actions, work among people. Exactly it provides food for thought, knowing (identification of things in a new combination and new manifestation), as well as experiences.
  The base of this process in the person is self-consciousness which is manifested in separation of the person in own consciousness from the world, creating his subjectness which in turn gives the chance consciously to accumulate and systematize information, combining it with the current information, that broadens horizon, i.e. provides process of knowledge both for the subject, and for all community of human individuals, developing individual consciousness in this regard.
  Such is the true reason of emergence in the living beings of self-consciousness which is the most complete expression of single consciousness.
  2.4. Harmony, light and sound.
  Aspiration of the living being in its lowest consciousness to survive does not give to this being of eternal life as the finite.
  Similarly, aspiration of the living being in its highest consciousness to harmony ends with the full breakdown for the same reason - its finite expression.
  And in merger in the person of both forms of consciousness at least the local harmony in his social existence is not being achieved.
  The reason for it, apparently, is the opposite of aspirations of these forms of consciousness.
  But nevertheless development is achieved in struggle of the lowest form consciousness with the highest as opposites.
  Situation concerning achievement of harmonious existence of the person in life seems desperate.
  Nevertheless, are it possible at least short-term situations, in the case of occurrence of which the human consciousness is able to penetrate partly into the region of true harmony - into own holographic basis, or as if in through the looking glass of beingness, where the part and the whole coincide?
  Of course, the union of any individual consciousness with single consciousness can occur only in the case of output of individual consciousness out of beingness - after the death of the body.
  However, it is quite possible during lifetime to feel the echoes of otherworldly - the true harmony - at least, in two cases.
  One of them is described in detail below in the section "Intuition..."
  Similar exit beyond ordinary consciousness and logical constructions in "space", where things "speak", is achieved only by ability to exclude the opposing aspirations of the lowest and highest consciousness in the person for some time.
  This some kind of join of both forms of consciousness for the solution of a uniform task means temporary exit through the lowest consciousness in "space" in which consciousness forms objects of beingness, including also the person and where all these objects through the integrated consciousness become understandable, inasmuch consciousness "sculpts" out of lifeless fragments (matter) the various forms, which acquire motion in beingness.
  Naturally, no living being, including the person, is not aware that it and all else living beings thanks to the presence in them of consciousness possess by Creation as a whole, in beingness of which the inanimate is being transformed into material and tools for life.
  Basis of this paradoxical situation is the holographic essence of the person coinciding with a spaceless holographic projection of Uniform.
  Thus, not an environment creates the living being, and on the contrary, it creates habitat, resulting the living beings are the true masters in beingness.
  And all living beings, except the person, have no need to look for the road in their consciousness to the environment, inasmuch they are combined with the environment naturally at the interaction with things, as its active element, and "absorb" it in the form of own sensations, finding thereby own time.
  The person as part of the hologram of a holographic projection of Uniform and therefore coinciding in this basis of beingness with all hologram, in principle, is capable to become by this everything in mind goal, set by him, but actual for him is the appearance only in that sphere which he can perceive on the basis of the experience.
  Otherwise the product of insight for him remains unclear as, for example, everything is unclear in this "otherworldly" to addicts.
  At achievement of unity of actions (harmony) of the highest and lowest forms of consciousness the integrated consciousness begins to work also automatically (without reasoning and logic), as it occurs at animals for their survival, and at the same time all practices of the person in the form of the gained experience in this sphere, the available knowledge and skills with a particular target orientation are being connected short-term into this automatic scheme.
  Similar rather short-term harmonious merge of target programs of a self-consciousness and the ideal programs of the lowest consciousness for survival which are not counteracting each other, as usual, but, working in unison, for example, helping the person to escape this or that disaster, reflects their reciprocal interest in favorable settlement of the extreme situation whereas in routine circumstances their interests and aspirations, as a rule, are not match, that clearly visible from the contradictory actions of each person.
  If the request of the person (voluntary or involuntary) with the definite purpose to own lowest consciousness does not contradict aspirations of the last, related mainly with the survival of the organism, then the person receives necessary to it if, of course, he will be able to understand the answer.
  Another case of touch to harmony of a holographic projection, which is a high-frequency wave-like formations, constituting nil in the sum, is possible due to the fact that there are frequency wave-like forms of matter in beingness, which the person perceives in the form of light and sound.
  Exactly through them the person can approach harmony of own wave basis.
  Indeed, people believed thunder, lightning, sunlight and light of the moon from ancient times as newcomers from other world, deifying them in this or that form.
  And they were right in the respect that these frequency phenomena are quite actual reflection in beingness of a wavy projection of Uniform, inasmuch light and sound have no a direct bearing to the objects of the "dense" matter, but without them these objects would remain "in the shadows".
  Exactly frequency-wave basis of the person suggests not only the deification of him until recent times of a number of visual and sound effects, but and his addiction to orderly wave formations, which he is able to perceive by own sense organs.
  In the sphere of the light phenomena, in particular, patches of light on water, rainbow, polar lights, sunsets and sunrises, a combination of light clouds with blueness of heaven, magnificent greens of meadows and woods concern to them. Now laser shows and various pictures on television screens and monitors of computers are added to these lighting effects.
  All painters work on a combination of lighting effects, and those from them, who managed to catch the play of light, for example, impressionists, have been put in a row with the greatest representatives of the human race in art.
  Yes, and the art itself, as such, is aspiration to ideal, not absolutely clear for it, which, actually is a holographic basis of the person.
  Clear evidence of this fact is also the relation of the person to a sound.
  Natural sound phenomena in the form of splash of waves, rustle of a cane, singing of birds, murmur of a stream, peals of thunder, terrible sounds of a storm with whistle and howl of wind, chirr of a cricket gradually led the person to idea to copy these sounds through organs of articulation - singing - and by means of the pipes and strings, which were being transformed gradually to various musical instruments.
  Eventually simple copying was replaced by composing of various melodies - from militant marches to lyrical opera arias.
  It is curious that the thoughtless everyday consciousness perceives easier simple melodies. These unpretentious melodies become especially popular in accompaniment of the uncomplicated text.
  Undying love of the masses to this kind of music (frequency-wave formations) indicates concealed in the depths of every human consciousness the memory of own holographic basis.
  Numerous composers subconsciously too try to catch own frequency-wave basis. But this basis is too complicated and far from low-frequency (sound) waves.
  Nevertheless, it manages to make for some of them, mainly by using of the principle of similarity, on the one hand, and by access through insight in "otherworldly space", on the other hand.
  Such musical compositions arise in a small number compared to the total number of all musical compositions, inasmuch their creation requires some kind of magic, but the real magicians as true masters, do not appear in a large number, because to find "thing in itself" ("transcendental object) on that side of reality and connect it with reality can only the person, who knows on some reasons, how to do it. In more detail about this ability is described below in the section "Intuition ..."
  Product of similar insight is often the only one for the entire life of the composer, and composers, who created at least several similar masterpieces during life, are located in the first row, judging by long-term programs of performance of the same operas, cantatas, symphonies etc.
  Audiophiles and practically all lovers of classical music by "skin" feel at once uniqueness, universal greatness and unusual tenderness of this music which also is reflection of harmony of a hologram of projection of Uniform in that sphere of human life, where there is no need to fight for existence and can "sink" in waves of "ether" without damage.
  2.5. The person in dream and in waking.
  Every day of human life is divided on day and night during which the body has to have a rest - a body, but not multilayered consciousness.
  Each individual consciousness and in human dreams reflect own activity, manifested in daily human activities: you'll never see dreams in which you are in dormant. In dreams you as if continue to live in action: you are flying, running, fighting, somehow communicating, undertaking something, you are being frightened, taking offense, sobbing, though your body is in dormant. If in the daytime you are inactive or maintain a humdrum existence, then this denial of development is compensated by night dreams, saturated by various acts, often confused and contradictory concerning people famous to you. Consciousness thereby here tries to force the person to start at last though some actions.
  Besides, the individual consciousness in dreams tries not only to remember what had happened in life, it models various situations on the basis of information obtained during a day, viewing obtained results of night virtual actions, like the computer working according to appropriate programs.
  Dreams in this respect are undervalued by science which researches them mainly from the standpoint of psychology and physiology as a product of activities of a brain.
  Science believes that daily impressions are combined in dreams as bizarre and chaotic. These impressions after awakening people often can't remember or understand. Consequently, attempts to interpret dreams do not make sense.
  Really, the person in full consciousness isn't capable to penetrate into work of own individual consciousness which is becoming more active at night, to understand its sense, to determine mechanisms, i.e. - as if to fit into this process of dreams.
  This impossibility of connection to dreams consciously is explained by the fact that dreams proceed outside self-conscious programs of human consciousness, i.e. outside the abstract thinking and logical designs, whose participation not only isn't required, but can interfere with procedure, inasmuch during a dream passes processing of the information, accumulated per day and its combining with the information which is already available in databases, similar to computer processing of accumulated data.
  This practically computer processing of information corresponds to the standard programs which are available in consciousness at the level of the lowest consciousness (ordinary living beings) owing to what similar processing bears loading of ensuring normal functioning of an organism. Preliminary preparation (modeling) of consciousness for the subsequent actions of a body is carried out on this basis.
  Therefore interpreters of dreams, who even have managed to systematize of them according to their contents, aren't so false. They, of course, have provided only the list of some interpretations of dreams which are very limited and primitive. Nevertheless, the models appearing during sleep in consciousness as well as flashing images, can unconsciously, and in certain cases and consciously to be reflected in active life, and not without success though in a basis of this success are pledged day works.
  Whatever it was, but consciousness, in addition to receiving external (current) information mainly through eyes, which give more than 80% of all information, has also to systematize, to archive, to analyze information volume accumulated during the day. Only on the basis of this process consciousness automatically (outside target programs of self-consciousness) may to model the subsequent standard actions of the person.
  Self-consciousness, which often borders on stupidity, prejudices, exaggerations and self-conceit, i.e. by significant distortion of the arriving and available information, cannot but prevent to this information procedure. In other words, manifestation of self-consciousness in the subject in sleep owing to personal, corporate, emotional, cultural and other preferences would not allow him to approach an assessment of all array of the saved-up information objectively, on adequate processing which depends not only future behavior of the person, but also his functioning as a live organism.
  Thus, in sleep consciousness excludes distortions which are shown in the person through his self-consciousness - let this remarkable being is aware himself after awakening in the course of fight and development in which mistakes can only spur the ingenuity.
  Substantially for this reason, and not just because of fatigue, the person "transfers" himself to the "sleeping" mode, i.e. to the mode at which information arriving through his sense organs is minimized, in particular, organs of vision are disconnected, and as it has been told, self-consciousness does not "act" in open form.
  In other words, each individual consciousness limits itself in sensations and reflections for the sake of transition to the mode of processing of the accumulated information, and in this regard, i.e., eliminating self-consciousness, works at the level of "considerations" of the computer or a dog, a monkey in period of sleep according to standard programs.
  Therefore, the preliminary behavior models developed in dreams by the bigger part are connected with overall functioning of the organism, its survival, but not with conscious (project) activities of the person: if they are also remembered, then seldom are accepted to the guide by action by the person in the waking state - they, as a rule, are modified by him during day already according to his specific goals and intentions.
  Relationship of the highest consciousness and lowest consciousness in the person is quite complex and confusing. However, it is represented that the lowest consciousness which is responsible generally for adequate functioning of an organism, having the corresponding intellect, promotes also routine activity of the person, which precisely owing to the inertia is close to instinctive and reflex work of a body. The similar repeating activity causes accustoming to it that is fixed in so-called habits, i.e. - everyday actions without special thought (reflections) - and close therefore to automatism.
  Overwhelming number of people almost all time of their lives, carried out in such monotonous activity, not demanding adoption of important decisions and abstract reflections on the basis of analytical-synthetic work of consciousness, i.e. understanding of own activity. This activity in work and life is reduced thereby to daily repetitions, forming habits, the exit beyond limits of which is very difficult and turns out not often.
  Exactly this factor explains the fact that the days and years merge into one stream, and the person can't remember what happened to him in the summer ten years ago or winter of last year or even a month ago.
  Similar life actually doesn't demand self-consciousness in the form of original projection, so as does not bear in itself "ocean" of plans, and is based on habit. It doesn't even require a high intelligence.
  Therefore such life can be compared to a day dream, at which self-consciousness is disconnected for the most part, i.e. the main programs of self-consciousness are transferred into the "sleeping" mode: there remains only intelligence, which provides viability of a body and routine activity of the person.
  However the person wouldn't be as such, if he "was in a dream" all the time, i.e. he has being used practically only the lowest consciousness and the mode of habits, resembling to the animals.
  Any person, even the most humiliated and undeveloped, is able to recall always, maybe, the few, but significant episodes in his life. And he recalls them, precisely because in these times he acted creative: had being taken important (projective) solutions, had been surprised to something unique, had been outraged by unfairness, had being committed the fatal errors, had meetings with unusual people and phenomena, had loved, had suffered.
  In such affairs it is impossible to do without self-consciousness, inasmuch is necessary to correlate with self this visible, i.e. to commensurate this visible with own abilities, will, determination, impressionability, and to speak to himself: "And I so could be. And I understand this. And I am capable to be surprised by this (to be indignant)", and to set to himself the purposes on achievement of something pleasant or - the purposes on overcoming of the appeared obstacles, but not to evade from them: exactly this process is the true expression of liberty in the person, i.e. does this being by the person.
  In other words, in these episodes the person loses indifference, moves away from habits, tries to change consciously or intuitively though something in itself even to the detriment to the values recognized by him. Of course, these events cannot but be postponed in his memory, he is proud of his behavior in these episodes, or he regrets about the incident.
  For this reason, we are interested in reading the exciting novels, detective stories, where continuously something occurs, mysteries arise and are solved, swindlers and villains act, property are made and then it is lost, power is acquired and disappears like smoke, in general, rages fictional life, which so is distinguished from own "gray" existence.
  For the same reason all history, described by scientists-historians (though they don't understand of this), seems to them as activity of the figures which are situated as if outside routine. These figures-leaders accept nearly hourly vital decisions for tribes and the people, win battles, lose at the defeats everything, invent gunpowder and discover America, write eternally live cantatas and arias, conduct reformation of religions etc.
  Naturally, these scriptures are hard to recognize as the science, the more that is possible to look at the preserved materials differently.
  Thus, the "productivity" of individual human life in relation to a radical change of his consciousness, as a rule, is extremely low. This circumstance is understood by individual religious faiths (Hinduism, Buddhism), which do not stopper the journey of soul on one human life.
  Nevertheless, religious faiths do not suspect about the true destination of this travel and do not see the true basis of Creation.
  Whatever it was, but the periods of "waking up" are the most striking manifestations of consciousness in the person, that means its true free expression, often amazing of himself, and therefore - memorable.
  Indeed, this and is true expression of consciousness in life, which along with that "is postponed" in measureless "moneybox" of single consciousness.
  2.6. The person as complex manifestation of the lowest and highest forms of consciousness.
  It is reasonable also to ask a simple question: what in general does consciousness functionally in a body of the person as a combination of the lowest and highest entities (forms, programs)?
  Most likely, consciousness in the form of the lowest essence, first, controls the functioning of own organism, providing its viability and reproduction as updating of own body, and also production of posterity one way or another, including cloning; secondly, it manages actions of a body as if from outer side, namely, according to circumstances which, as a rule, don't remain a long time invariable, on the basis of sensations - at the available set of sense organs - and on the basis of the available reasonableness (opportunities of the centers processing information in the living being).
  All this is peculiar also to the person, inasmuch he is a highly developed primate on structure and functions.
  This being becomes by the person, as already it has been shown above, recognizing of self in time, that separates it from the environment and forces it to look at self from outside at least occasionally.
  And what is possible to see concerning the actions of the subject, which is aware of itself?
  With one side, - the person is a being, almost perfect, capable to incredible fulfillments, changing all world around, improving conditions of own life, perfecting itself as the personality, as well as developing and applying increasingly benevolent public morality (Sermon on the Mount of Christ).
  On the other hand, - the person is the obvious nonentity compared to the rest of flora and fauna. He fears of both life, and death, as well as - all around, and else - he is afraid of himself.
  Along with that he conducts almost all the time of own short life in a dream and in a light slumber of monotonous existence with rare creative "awakenings".
  Both the first, and the second is determined substantially by the additional property which somehow has appeared at the person namely - by self-consciousness, which places the person into the mixed - natural and artificial - world, created by him and his consciousness, where nobody will help him, despite all his awareness, except himself and some of his tribesmen.
  Consciousness dips this being into the disastrous world with its obvious contradictions so, as throw into water of the person who isn't able to swim in hope that he will swim up.
  And the most unbearable for him is the fact that he, unlike other beings in this world, understands all horror of the situation.
  Besides, self-consciousness, separating the person from the environment, clearly interferes with his functioning as an ordinary living being, depriving the body of plasticity, organic, perfection in actions and relations. And these remarkable properties have all representatives of fauna, who, without reasoning about themselves, feels like a fish in water.
  The person, however, tries to improve work of the body by various means, for example, medicines, gymnastics for more comfortable existence (without diseases) and prolong own existence in time many times, if not indefinitely, despite all the dissatisfaction by it. But all its efforts do not lead to return of natural ideality of functioning of a body during the stay of him as the ape, i.e. up to obtaining self-consciousness. Life time also does not manage to be prolonged significantly.
  Stimulating development of muscle bulk, force and endurance, he achieves as a result of impoverishment of mind and distortions in work of own body; medicinal influences, temporarily helping, develop into accustoming to drugs that is expressed as a result in loss of own personality in extreme manifestation - drug addiction; the care of extension of life by all available means comes to the end by senile marasmus etc.
  Nevertheless, ambiguous manifestation of self-consciousness can be estimated also from the fact that it is capable to approach if wants to circumstances from the side, opposite to that which is characteristic of animals.
  Consciousness in its highest expression never wishes to be applied to current situation and to follow its changes automatically, like animals, but, unlike them, it uses a goal-setting, which can be and not utilitarian. Therefore, consciousness is always free virtually, but, being in the person during his life, the consciousness, as a rule, is being oppressed practically by all and constantly suffers from this, it is unimportant - the person is rich or poor, sick or healthy.
  However, consciousness does not lose presence of mind, and anyway, tries to escape from fetters of the existing order.
  Here, in its highest expression, it is irreconcilable with the lowest consciousness, and in this fight wins alternately that one part of consciousness, then - another.
  Period of compromise and hypocrisy at the person, in fact, corresponding to consent with the environment, typical of any another living being, who never opposes itself to it, is replaced by inverse - unwillingness to apply himself to a situation, by attempts to change it under himself, under own experiences, intentions, projects, competing with other subjects of actions, winning and demolishing defeats.
  Losing or winning, luck or not, of course, matters for the person and it is reflected in his life, but doesn't matter for development of consciousness in him at the end, inasmuch is important not the result for each individual consciousness, but new impressions, new expressions of itself in the person in different circumstances.
  From position of mechanics, actions of consciousness in the person can be compared to control of airplane.
  Actions of the autopilot, working according to standard programs to be put in it, considering possible situations in flight, but not force majeure (unexpected), is possible to compare with actions of the lowest consciousness.
  The autopilot is capable to perform all necessary actions in relation to the known situations and according to the programmed situations, but in its programs lack algorithms of actions in non-routine situations, such as the committing of a defensive maneuver in case of an unexpected attack, the decision to save the aircraft in case of sudden destruction of some part thereof, or failure of some mechanisms (the chassis is not out), and etc.
  So too any living being with the lowest consciousness gets to the deadlock at cardinal change of circumstances as the fly when falling in water perishes, falling prey of fish.
  What in such extreme cases the person can make if no instructions and logical constructions provide similar situations, and there is no time on reflections and searching of the necessary decision, i.e. - what the person is capable to make, if appeared a purpose (task) which does not give in to achievement (decision) by means of routine analytic-synthetic approaches and known ways of modeling?
  2.7. Intuition. Its mechanism and the base on the example of Shamanism.
  Let's say that the person in the basis is the hologram. It means - there is in his basis everything that is in a holographic projection of Uniform at the moment. It is only necessary to find this basis, if it, of course, is present. The modern science keeps silent here.
  But the fact that this basis exists in the person has been long proven in practice by illiterate shamans, who have being solved by means of it many vital problems of the primitive life which could not be subject to logic in any way, being beyond the known regularities.
  What did Siberian shamans as well as African and American sorcerers find?
  What did they have?
  No more than certain set of knowledge, skills, based mainly on experience in the relevant field of activity, and an opportunity somehow according to these knowledge, skills and experience to be find on the situation a set of the actions yielding required result without calculations, proofs and reflections.
  Scientists believe that shamans realized this opportunity by means of intuition, without defining it in essence, apparently, owing to discrepancy of this activity of shamans with scientific methodology.
  The known scientific definition of intuition is as follows: ability of immediate comprehension of truth without preliminary logical reasoning and without proofs.
  This definition does not explain anything, and only establishes the fact. It does not trace the actual mechanism of actions of the person in unusual situations, does not specify the true basis of these actions, leading without intellectual constructions, of course, not always, but is quite frequent to achievement of a goal or the required result.
  Certainly, the success depends not only on the come insight, but also qualification of the person, i.e. his experience, knowledge and abilities.
  Anyway, but it is clear what a principal component of intuition (for this state more precise is the term "insight") is, first, experience, i.e. a set of the developed models, ready to immediate application. Knowledge and skills without experience will not help instantly or is even stretched in time to solve the arisen problem in the particular sphere. Secondly, an equivalent component of intuition (insight) is the insertion by the person of itself in state of insight that often occurs automatically in a stressful situation of danger or, on the contrary, at the relaxation moments, and even in a dream, but more often in the moments of awakening (by the way, emergence of insight in minutes of awakening in no small measure is defined by connection to work of a brain of some other centers processing information, such as: motor centers; centers that control the visual functions), third, insight comes only at a particular goal-setting to which have to correspond certain "technological" practices.
  Along with that, insight can be caused artificially when keeping of the specified three positions, exemplified by the actions of shamans and sorcerers.
  Usually shaman enters in the desired state by means of special techniques which promote shutdown of self-consciousness in its open form. The most efficient techniques for Siberian shamans are the combination of sound tools (tambourine), dance and the use of funds which rank as narcotic now. Shaman stays in the "space of insight", "opened" by him, so much how many necessary (sometimes several days) to clarify a problem, always having in mind and not losing a specific goal, and remembering need of return to itself back in all completeness, i.e. shaman does not forget about the stay in this "otherworldly space". For this reason he is capable to return from the "otherworldly" world.
  The ordinary person also, happens, enters in similar state unexpected for himself, receiving sometimes answers to questions, which are not resolved by the known methods. This as if automatic entrance to state of insight means also automatic exit from it that in itself retains identity of the person.
  Similar state, which is not controlled by human reason, is called as inspiration. It has various forms and is reached, as a rule, irrespective of the person at the moments of a stress, relaxation, half-asleep state and other unusual states.
  An ordinary person, as a rule, does not remember what happened to him in this state. He remembers only the answer to the question, stated mentally. However often success in this state is not achieved, in particular, because the person fuzzy formulated a question or lacked the necessary training - there are no necessary representations, knowledge, abilities and experience; in this case the sense of the answer is distorted or the complete comprehension of the answer is not reached.
  Nevertheless, arrival of inspiration, in effect, is explained by local coincidence of interest, which is expressed in certain purpose, and experience of the person.
  Intensive interest, for example, can bring the person to state of excitation, and experience helps to formulate the questions correctly that often leads to "emergence from nowhere" of comprehension of an event or the answer which is required.
  In any case, the mechanism of intuition consists in such combination of the highest and lowest forms of consciousness, at which consciousness begins to work automatically (without reflections and logic), as it occurs at animals for their survival, and along with that into this automatic scheme relatively short-term are involved all practices of the person in the form of the gained experience in this sphere, the available knowledge and abilities with certain target orientation.
  Similar rather short-term harmonious merge of target programs of a self-consciousness and the ideal programs of the lowest consciousness for a survival which do not counteract each other, as usual, and work in unison, for example, helping the person to escape from a misfortune, reflects their reciprocal interest in an extreme situation whereas in routine circumstances their interests and aspirations, as a rule, vary that clearly is looked through in contradictory actions of each person.
  If voluntary or involuntary address of the person with a definite purpose to own lowest consciousness does not contradict aspirations of the last, related mainly to the survival of the organism, then the person receives necessary to him if, of course, he will understands the answer.
  To do this, and relevant experience is required.
  A typical example of insight caused artificially, which in many cultural communities has been challenged as a hoax, or it is just ridiculed, and at best, it is represented by certain miracle, or under it unsuccessfully try to bring scientific-logical base, is actions of shaman or sorcerer.
  For example, it is known that Siberian shaman, entering a trance, is capable to specify quite precisely location of spontaneously wandering wild deer that is especially important during hunger strikes of natives.
  Shaman can also foretell how dangerous will be a path of the traveler in the district known to shaman, as if looking in the future.
  It is known also that Indians quite precisely foretold arrival of spring that is important for determination of the beginning of agricultural works.
  These examples in the context of our work indicate that particular target insights appeared in an initial stage of formation of a self-consciousness when the person, on the one hand, as the being, understanding itself in time, obtained an opportunity of actions on own comprehension, having understood that it is capable to influence on the environment consciously according to own plan, adapting it for itself, and not just being applied to it, and at the same time keeping substantially ability to follow instincts of an animal, which he was recently, for example, to instincts of the hunting predator, and on the other hand, the person did not yet master in proper degree the main techniques of intellectual activity, rules of logical constructions, the abstract thinking in its main forms. The person does not know mathematics yet, he is not able to extrapolate, there is no writing, and language is primitive.
  Therefore, the science for it as a way of acquisition of the useful knowledge is absent.
  However, people needed every day to anticipate danger, to procure food, heal the sick, etc.
  Out of this situation was found in selection from the tribe, in particular, of the most experienced hunters, comprehended many secrets of this activity and who at the same time were able to cure themselves in long wanderings from some injuries and inflammations.
  Thus, experience of the acquired target rational activity could be combined in them, with this or that success, with the instincts and reflexes of an animal which have not yet gone into the depths of consciousness, being almost ideal action program in situations known to an animal, in particular, when procuring food (fast determination of the location of a prey, the instinctive accounting of habits of a prey, ways of efficient killing, the accounting of weather conditions, force, dexterity, endurance, cruelty, fearlessness, etc.).
  On the other hand, own experience, knowledge and skills prompted to this special person the right choice the type of a prey in this season, the type of weapon, footwear and other equipment.
  The special person could combine this specialization with efficient treatment of a number of diseases, weather forecasting, etc.
  It was necessary only to find ways of the switching of own "open" consciousness (the highest consciousness, or techniques of self-consciousness, i.e. intellectual techniques having a target focus) on the second plan for work in unison with own "closed" consciousness (the lowest consciousness, or consciousness of own animal beginning) for the solution of the task, set in advance, by means of instinctive-reflex programs, but having in mind the set goal of this interaction of both forms of consciousness in the person.
  Such ways were found out from routine practice, inasmuch was already known narcotic effect of a number of herbs, as well as sounds of a rhythmic row during dances.
  It was developed gradually a kind of ritual of this entering into a trance, during which were being combined harmoniously the goals of the highest consciousness and the ideal action program of the animal beginning in the known situations, that, as a rule, was allowing to solve an set task rather quickly and efficiently, though and audience, and shamans did not understand the true mechanism of receiving the necessary result.
  Whatever it was, but this lack of understanding did not prevent to acquire methods of insight of different exterior forms, to introduce effective attributes and to transfer all accumulated to pupils, which are still called in Russia by shamans, and in America - by sorcerers.
  However over time, quite natural actions of shamans at the specified integration of the work of the highest and lowest forms of consciousness have overgrown in various rituals, the belief in communication of shamans with perfume, and further, having lost the sense and a basis, were being shifted into religion in the form of expectation of the divine help at the pleading request of afflicted, for example, call the rain in a drought: the so-called godfather move.
  However, all kinds of miracle workers, saints, magicians, "correct" psychics and to some extent hypnotists wittingly or unwittingly use this opportunity for "entry" in the "otherworldly" with varying degrees of success.
  Above we showed that each living being forms its own time, converting it into own surroundings within common time. The last is formed by all set of living beings and is converted by them into beingness, in which each living being occupies the niche, and this found environment corresponds to its sense organs.
  Naturally, any living being including the person, does not suspect that it and all other alive thanks to presence of consciousness at them possess by Creation in general, in beingness of which all inanimate turns into material and tools for life.
  Thus, not an environment creates the living beings, and on the contrary, they form habitat resulting the living beings are true masters in life. And all living beings, except the person, have not need to look for the road in its consciousness to the environment, inasmuch they in the interaction with things are merged with the environment as its active element and "absorb" surroundings in the form of own sensations, gaining thereby own time.
  The person as part of the hologram of a holographic projection of Uniform and therefore coinciding in this basis of beingness with all hologram, in principle, is capable to become by all, but the real for him is the becoming only in that sphere which he can apprehend on the basis of the experience in mind its goal.
  Otherwise, the product of insight for him will remain unclear as for example, everything is unclear in this "beyond" to addicts. But they need there in other: release from own self-consciousness for occurrence into the lowest consciousness which in the inert state provides for them effect of the complete merge with the environment, equivalent to Nirvana in its comprehension by Buddhists, called in jargon as kaif.
  The person in the self-consciousness pushed back the lowest consciousness on the background and by that considerably came off from the environment, having become the subject into temporary process. In other words, he understood that he is in temporary process with all advantages of this comprehension, but along with that he lost former unity with the environment.
  However, the lowest consciousness did not disappear in him. It means, in principle, he is capable to shift of it into the forefront temporarily, that is to enter into it, but without loss of the highest consciousness, without forgetting who is he actually, and, thanks to this, at some point to get out of the lowest consciousness, more precisely, to shift it again to the background.
  Shamans are able to do it without loss: to enter into the lowest consciousness, to learn required, and to get out of it. In other words, shaman, as if having returned to natural state of the lowest consciousness, but, without losing itself in it, that is, remembering the purpose, can coincide with its surroundings as well as in due time stop this coincidence.
  He in own consciousness is capable to become thereby not only as a wolf or a snake, but also - as snow-storm, ice drift, the near volcano, and inasmuch he does not lose at these moments the highest consciousness in the form of a goal or the solution of a particular task, he can ask in a new appearance the prepared question and see or feel the answer, but he will be able to understand the answer only with corresponding preparation, i.e. at adequate experience, knowledge and skills.
  Otherwise, he will not understand these answers.
  Therefore shaman, knowing the matter, adjoins in the insight with "otherworldly" only in the spheres, determined by him, with which he is well familiar, for example, treatment of some diseases, weather forecasting, searching of places for hunting for concrete species of prey, but does not even try to identify himself with a cloud to learn its physical substance, mechanism of formation of lightning, etc.
  More details about actions of shamans and sorcerers can be found, for example, in books: Vladimir Serkin "Laughter shaman"; Castaneda "the Wheel of time", "The separated reality".
  It should be noted that the basis of communication with pets, as well as - taming of wild animals is the fit in accordance of the lowest consciousness of the person and consciousness of an animal for emergence of their mutual understanding.
  Part of animals is not capable for this interaction (compliance) or owing to deficiency of own intellect (snakes, crocodiles) or - its discrepancies to the main positions with the lowest consciousness of the person.
  In particular, a large part of the cat family, which in due time hunted on primogenitors of people, does not give in to training.
  Naturally, they do not wish to recognize the person as the leader, but they can coexist with him for own benefit (survival), whereas dogs always find mutual understanding with people, inasmuch they hundreds of thousands of years were assistants to the person in hunting, developed the intellect in communication with him, and recognize consciousness of the person as primary for themselves.
  As we showed above, a holographic basis of the person together with his opportunity to set the purposes and to aspire consciously to them, overcoming various obstacles thanks to own ingenuity, allows him not only to enter into state of an animal, but also to be merged in own consciousness with a cloud, a lake, a grove, etc. Shaman, which knows how to do it, is able to sense when he-cloud will spill by a rain, and then to tell about it to tribesmen.
  However apart from shamans, quite often occur among people similar to them on qualities the subjects: they, not knowing that, are capable in one way or another to insight without special training, calling arrival of insight by inspiration, or by creative rise because then at them everything turns out, all problems are solved mysteriously.
  This ability in action is qualified by science as intuition, although, of course, to understand the true mechanism of this insight science is not capable, because it relies on other principles of knowing.
  It would be strange and impossible for science to confirm adequacy of actions of often illiterate shaman or the sudden findings of ordinary people which suddenly because of one book are admitted as geniuses (James Joyce). But results of these actions are obvious, and in the course are all sorts of pseudo-scientific fabrications, streamlined definitions or concealment. Even the above-stated scientific definition of intuition absolutely nothing says and does not clarify its essence.
  Therefore, as oddities are discussed hitherto wonderful insights, for example, of Archimedes or Mendeleyev, although it is actually their long work on the study of relevant physical and chemical phenomena, and sitting, as a tack in shoe, task at some point relaxations, the first - in a bathtub, and the second - in a dream or half asleep, automatically entered them into contact with "cloud" necessary to them, and the answer to the question, "sitting" in their heads, was received, but they understood it only because they were prepared better than others for these discoveries by all the life, all experience, all knowledge.
  And other, one may say, creative people possess similar properties, being able to extract from "air" at the particular moments something ingenious or, at least, standing apart
  These include, above all, numerous inventors of anything, great artists, writers, in general, the creators of something original.
  If everything is clear with regard to inventors by definition: they create things which are the useful, which were not yet, that not under force, for example, for scientists, which generally are engaged in systematization and description of the collected facts and data, sometimes deducing on their basis of certain regularities, which the same inventors use to create a new, and the scientists, as a rule, stop either on the description of the phenomena or on conclusion of regularities, reflecting this in articles, then the culture experts still cannot distinctly explain, than the ingenious picture of Raphael differs from its precise copy, or - the "detective" novel of Dostoyevsky F. M. "Crime and punishment" - from numerous "smooth" novels on the same subject.
  As mentioned above, ingenious works are being written and drawn not just like that - on this or that cliche, the standard storyline.
  They too are fruits of insight, the only one of its kind. The person has to think, to prepare all life, perhaps, to something, yet precisely unknown to him, and the majority does not get acceptable results, so as it is almost impossible to represent a cloud so that it was alive, joyful and airy or - heavy and terrible, impregnated with moisture and thunder-storm.
  As and almost impossible to do what could make Dostoevsky F. M. - to show in expanded form the distorted view on own life and lives of other people, and tortures of the protagonist of the "Crime and punishment " after own erroneous action which as it appeared, does not coincide with character of his soul organization at all.
  Similar ingenious creations can arise only as a fruit of the hard previous work, incredible efforts, the corresponding combination of necessary knowledge, abilities, power of observation including the main ability: having saved up experience, consciously or not ,to enter, having in mind the target, into the "otherworldly" world of own lowest consciousness and even to merge with the necessary thing (too the hologram in its basis, as and the person, that means a possibility of their coincidence).
  In this world of "things in themselves", on terminology of Kant, who, however, did not go further, having refused thereby in productive contact with transcendent, is everything, and it is possible to receive answers to all questions, but only can understand these answers not everyone, and not everyone, having got there, will be able to leave this state.
  And any masterpiece is a fullest comprehension of object in which the author temporarily merges with necessary to him surroundings: cloud, animal, some event, person of a particular grade. And as he will frame it technically, it is another question. In particular, the technique of the letter of impressionists not was so good in comparison with the artists writing conventional landscapes, but they caught something new alive - in the form of flashing of shadows, turn of the head, an unusual combination of flowers and figures that allowed them to enter eternity.
  Therefore, copying of masterpieces in any field of activity reminds attempt of manufacture of the living person from wood.
  However, ingenious insights, happens, are fraught with a sad outcome, inasmuch, though it is difficult, but it is possible practically for any person - to enter into state of insight, but it is necessary still to be able to leave this state in order to not remain in the "otherworldly" world of own lowest consciousness, where, it is possible, very good because it is thoughtless and not terrible. Addicts who artificially enter themselves into the close to it state well know this, but they drop out of this consciousness automatically as soon as effect of drug comes to end.
  Therefore people, intensively the creative in the work, balance on the brink of the highest and lowest consciousness with a possibility of offset into the lowest consciousness, more precisely, replacement of the highest consciousness by it. Hence the high percentage of fallen into the madness of artists, poets and writers, suicide and drug addiction among them.
  "Delay" in the lowest consciousness without attempts of return to a self-consciousness is qualified by medicine as madness of this or that form though actually if communications in a brain are not damaged mechanically, then the majority of cases of madness is the state of the person at dominance of the lowest consciousness, when he does not recognize himself. In it he turns into the lost living being, i.e. in the being without niche of habitat, or in the being, which is absolutely helpless.
  Nevertheless, self-consciousness cannot disappear - it just leaves at this time into the background where there was the lowest consciousness earlier, and by efforts of physicians or thanks to some stress often manage to change these plans by places though the physicians do not understand essence of phenomenon of madness.
  2.8. The person and computer.
  Now there came the era of dominance of computers in human life.
  Now, as it is considered, fast-acting computers can do practically everything for the person: new technologies will develop, life will change for the better, perhaps, there will even come the century of general prosperity.
  Actually it is far not so.
  Computers themselves invent nothing new, on the contrary, they are improved by the person.
  By technique of a work, computers are something inverse to the creative person: they, in fact, touch the possible versions of something according to the programs, put in them by the person.
  Computer networks so facilitate human life with their tips and demonstration of stuff, including various shows, that, in fact, deprive of the person of labor skills, as well as they deprive him of the aspiration to think, submitting him answers to all imaginable questions, that is, alienating him from creativity in the direction to degradation.
  Exception by computers of research largely does the person by the simple consumer of information, and computer besides does not provide an integral and natural picture. The data obtained with its help, sometimes very interesting, can be interpreted in different ways.
  As a result, in particular, science is "overstocked" by a set of hypotheses, which do not turn into theories, inasmuch they cannot be checked (a cosmology, psychology).
  At unstable and considerable on number the data, computer is not capable to cope with the solution of a task absolutely, in particular, it is impossible with its help to receive a long-term weather forecast.
  With the growth of information flows, computers start give failures, inasmuch programs, being made up by the person, do not cover the diversity of complex systems, and a significant amount of conflicting information does not allow to the human - recipient of information - to choose the right decision.
  Computer, even the most perfect, has no efficient communication with external environment - its surroundings is artificial absolutely, and any computer stops immediately when disconnecting the energy source or failures in programs whereas the same communication is provided in the living being always during its life by the infinite active without looking at anything.
  Therefore the computer is only a thing with the improved feedback by the same living being, this feedback is present at all lifeless objects at their interactions.
  Computer is not capable to turn into a conscious being of any level because computer recognizes (identifies) these or those data according matrices, embedded in it by the person for the same person, but not for itself.
  I.e. computer does not understand sense and purposes of the obtained data which after decryption turn into information for the person, but not for the computer, or - the data, received by the computer, are the useful and necessary not for it, and for its owner.
  Computer, besides, can be assembled and disassembled, these or those programs can be embedded in it. Therefore, it has no independent life, for which any living being should fight, but at this the living being has an opportunity to continue itself in posterity.
  Computer can work only at means of the person, at the same time computer can do without communication with other computers, i.e. computer is the usual thing, which is not interested in anything and not interesting to anybody, until it will not "picked up" by someone, whereas any living being is not capable to live without a number of other living beings, which provide its existence, as well as create the competition for it.
  Thus, creative property of self-consciousness capable in critical moments to unite with the lowest consciousness for an exit to the environment formed by means of actions of living beings, adequate dive in which allows finding the right decision of a problem, remains most important "lifeline" for the person and mankind as a whole.
  Refusal of similar positive interaction of the lowest and highest forms of consciousness, for example, the shifting of all decisions on fast-acting computers (formal logic), the union of which in a network actually comes out from under monitoring of sluggishly operating human brain (intellect) means the end to all, more precisely, - completion of own time both the specific person, and all civilization.
  Explicit indication of completion of own time, in particular, of the present civilization is the emergence of overall computer network (Internet), at first seeming enormous achievement in process of development of the human community.
  Emergence of Internet in itself is not accidental, inasmuch its global character is expression of unconscious aspiration of the person to copying in beingness at peak of development of the human community of actions of uniform consciousness in Creation.
  This aspiration of the person to globalization with the advent of the corresponding hardware in the form of computers is explained by coincidence of a holographic basis of consciousness of any person with single consciousness in the hologram which can be presented in the form of the united person, more precisely, - of the merger of all individual consciousnesses in one - single consciousness.
  Usefulness of Internet is obvious: it facilitates access practically to the available databases to each person as much as possible.
  But it is not too obvious that the person in his condition of interaction of the lowest and highest forms of consciousness, is not capable to harmonize own life, using incredible opportunities of Internet.
  Of course, the person derives benefit from Internet for science, art, own development, etc.
  But at the same time the person cannot but use Internet to bypass or even to destroy the competitor.
  Besides, the facilitated access to information blocks the development of the person, which easily jumps from one topic to another, that means a suspension of work of the main target programs of self-consciousness. And this process, like drug addiction, enters the person into a condition of the lowest consciousness, i.e. - he losses himself.
  The person - a being, which is temporary and restricted both by opportunities of sense organs, and on resources of the centers of own organism, that process the incoming data.
  Therefore, to capture and comprehend the amplifying flows of information via Internet is beyond possibilities of the person, especially as the civilization is non-uniform: each state, each elite, each religious center pursue own aims, confronting to the others according to forces and capabilities.
  As a result, incorrect assessment of data (informational collapse), entering from a computer network, can lead sooner or later not only to failures in power, transport and other maintenance of mankind, that in itself is capable quickly to destroy all technical mechanism of a civilization as a complex system, but it can lead at the same time - to emergence of the conflicts between the states.
   The similar conflicts when an existing shortage of resources, the presence of opposing ideologies, general hatred of the poor and disadvantaged to the rich and civilized with high probability are capable to lead the world to a destructive and comprehensive war which with ease will bury all civilization quickly enough.
  2.9. Reasonable and reckless persons. Sages and adventurers.
  It is curious that in connection with opportunities of use of target programs of self-consciousness, the highest extent which can be associated with wisdom, people can be divided into two main categories: the reasonable beings and the imprudent being.
  The reasonable beings prefers to use mostly mind, logic, without aspiring by own efforts to new, but trying to obtain more comfortable state in life from a position of prime acquisition and consumption of its benefits.
  As a rule, the reasonable beings use own intellect in the form of conclusions, the abstract forms of the formal logic, and sometimes uses elements of dialectics. The reference example of similar approach is the mathematics. The Iconic form and the verbal form of communication are applied by the reasonable beings generally to achievement of the utilitarian purposes (benefit).
  Effectiveness of own speculative (abstract) constructs are checked in practice, i.e. in targeted actions, as a rule, jointly, including in culture, consumption of habitat, in particular, for food, in manufacture and consumption of artificial objects, as well as in an exchange of everything that is, by means of some equivalent (money). The form of this process, opened for people, distinguishes them from animals, whose instinctive-reflex communication with the environment does not open for them.
  Rational approach of the reasonable beings to life allows them to open the new relations of objects and the phenomena only in other combination of objects, and new objects - only a combination of the known parts in a different way - according to logical constructions in correlation with themselves.
  For example, they can think up a chair, having seen that on a bench at a wall is more convenient to sit, and to add a back to a bench. They can use firewood for heating, but they are not able think up a gas burner, inasmuch for its designing is not enough a combination of the known objects - building of new models from mechanical designs with application of laws of combustion and heat-exchange is required though when receiving the corresponding template, they can stamp gas burners in any quantity, and even a few to improve them on efficiency of action and on design.
  Such entities cannot go beyond the limits of rationality, i.e. - of a template, both in things, and in the relations among themselves.
  The habitual standard dictates to them to live like everyone, consuming what is, creating around themselves the surroundings of artificial and natural objects only to update it regularly, finding satisfaction in this incessant process.
  They have no understanding, that the pursuit for consumer values is quite monotonous, and it never gives the result satisfying the person completely.
  At such behavior the people actually evinces preference to the monotonic existence - as if to the life-sleep with rare moments of awakening which, as a rule, are initiated by external circumstances (marriages, divorce, new job, diseases, death of the close people, etc.).
  Having lived the life, similar reasonable beings with surprise discover in it, in effect, absence of interesting and outstanding events precisely because they were trying to follow to pragmatic approach.
  In this regard they are surprisingly similar in behavior with animals for whom, though they are not able to reason, the main thing is to obtain of sensations.
  Extreme expression of the reasonable beings is Ionych of Chekhov, on whose prototypes is even no wish to look, to the extent all their existence is blunt and primitive (A. P. Chekhov's story "Ionych").
  It is not necessary to confuse at the same time such as Ionych, in which self-consciousness in the form of respect for own personality "is hammered" into depth, with homeless people.
  Homeless people have failed mainly because of not very livable combination of weak will, improvident intelligence, inability to operate by liberty as expression of self-consciousness, but by desire to be free. They are not able to estimate own advantages and shortcomings adequately. Therefore, the view of a situation from their party is obscured, decisions are not thought out, insight turn out at them badly because of lack of experience and diligence. Without support they lose or miss everything that they have, and become by unnecessary to nobody, living by begging in constant humiliation.
  Homeless people can be carried to the intermediate layer between the reasonable and reckless people (the second main category of people).
  This second category with minimum of reasonableness (the reckless beings) prefers unusual life situations owing to their disagreement with formal-logical approaches to life - such life for them is boring and senseless as work on the conveyor on tightening screws.
  They do not love reasoning, logical constructions, try to avoid analytical and synthetic work, hate the actions according to pragmatic calculations; at the same time, they, as a rule, - at all not workaholics.
  Therefore the target programs of self-consciousness in combination with programs of the lowest consciousness can be applied by the reckless beings with great success, if, of course, these beings are capable to combine so contradictory forms of consciousness, for fast and resolute change of a situation in favor of the conceived.
  In other words, they prefer not the long-term reflections, not systematization of the facts and phenomena, i.e. not rational actions, but actions spontaneous, or actions at which the goal can be achieved for one-stage as if instinctively though, of course, they should work beforehand in acquisition of craft skills and gain experience.
  Exactly such people make discoveries, create masterpieces of poetry, painting, inventions, they become by the outstanding commanders. That is their activity is manifested generally in the creative scope, which attracts them at all not with a position of consumption of some benefits and goods - they are interested in the process.
  Alas, en masse the results of their activity are very mediocre both concerning the quality made by them and concerning acquisition of consumer values (they do not like to hoard stuff) owing to a lack of experience and laziness, and often - narrowness and ignorance; but defeats especially do not disturb them. It is pleasant to them to use the talent or ability, often - very mediocre (graphomaniacs) for receiving result without special effort of the intellect.
  And they fall back into the old ways, like the card player who cannot move away from the card-table.
  Nevertheless, there are creators new as in the field of technologies, and culture among them.
  Thereby these, one may say, makers try to create, first of all, other values, but not to keep own wellbeing if, of course, the intuition, which they try to use often, does not cheat to them.
  It is possible to note here the virtual absence of women in this cohort of the reckless creative individuals. There are almost no women either among inventors, nor in the ranks of warlords, nor among philosophers, major ideologies, religious authorities, etc.
  However women in every way seek to keep the family center, they take care of children, they work as teachers, doctors, accountants, bureaucrats of all colors, etc. That is they are bright examples of conservatism in every respect, and they without hesitation can be carried to rational entities. It is visible from here - to what rational activity is inclined to most of all, and how this activity is important for development as "soil" for "germination" of all other.
  Examples of not pragmatic love for process of creation are masterpieces of painting of impressionists which at their life nobody recognized; great music for which paid very poorly (Mozart); brilliant novels which were written in haste to hand out of debts (Dostoyevsky); inventions, without special hopes for their demand.
  The reckless beings seldom live long because often ignore safety, conveniences of life, own health, but, as a rule, their life reminds the adventure novel or a tragicomedy. Actually, novels about them with the poor end compose.
  One of extreme expressions of this category of persons is adventurers and fraudsters. With them everything is clear.
  The opposite extreme expression of this category of people are the sages, for whom intellect is not so important (they can be clever or not particularly) precisely because they have practically no big need to use own intellect, so as they seldom gets into critical situations (therefore they are designated as the sages), noting these "slippery" situations for themselves in advance due to almost always. As and shamans, they can combine the highest and lowest consciousness in unison, anyway, to receive the right decisions and to perform adequate actions.
  But their advices in crises if they and give advices, seldom influence the surroundings, inasmuch a reasonableness is not combined in it with inexplicable enlightenments, and places at fed the authorities borrow, as a rule, the reasonable beings, seeking to keep the reliable old world (consumer society), but not to aspire to new, which, it is not clear, as yet itself "will behave".
  Therefore they can listen to advices of wise men, but are not capable to apprehend these advices by the formalistic, conservative mind, in which everything is in advance painted, known and understood, owing to what, for example, the reasonable beings always (and it is vain) laugh at the sages promising arrival of troubles (Cassandra's effect).
  Therefore the reasonable beings constantly get into foolish situations, and the most outstanding (quick-witted) of them, according to most people, are those intellectuals, who are capable to get out with the smallest losses from unpleasant situations which they, as a rule, and create themselves.
  Exactly these the reasonable beings are glorified by historians though all mind of Napoleon did not prevent him to commit the most stupid campaign to Russia, brilliant, as it is considered, mind of Churchill "helped" to break up the British Empire after the last world war, collective intelligence of Politburo of the USSR was solved on hopeless war in Afghanistan, etc.
  By the way, the modern science in the face of the futurologists-intellectuals categorically declares sheer folly within standard logic of extrapolation, with which, in general, nobody argues, that the human civilization will infinitely develop, conquering all new worlds and even galaxies. These futurologists do not suspect or do not want to think that any material finite is not capable to be by continuous infinity within invariable quality: sooner or later any formation inevitably loses the form, i.e. is scattered in ashes or gets other form.
  Unlike these clever and reasonable beings, the true wise men are capable optimally to combine as needed the target programs of self-consciousness, experience, knowledge and skills with automatic programs of life support of own lowest consciousness.
  They try to reconcile at the critical (necessary) moments of the program of own lowest consciousness with the target programs of the highest consciousness, harmonizing their work within own experience, knowledge and skills. Thereby they put themselves always in the most advantageous position by foresight of the direction of succession of events.
  Therefore they look at what is happening as if from above, without special reflections, and succession of events is obvious to them though the true mechanism of this motion and its reason can remain for them unclear.
  They mostly observe and regret, inasmuch they understand that the intellectuals in power to them not to overpersuade.
  Nevertheless, the sages live not on a separate island, and they as well as all rest to suffer from an arbitrariness and bias of the reasonable beings, which behind trees (benefit) not see the forest (prospects), but, as a rule, are in power owing to the pragmatism and illegibility in means.
  Thus, the true sages carry out a role of observers in beingness, showing extreme degree of passivity of the active as own conscious inertness. Thereby they show limitations even of the most advanced individual consciousness, which believes that the world is something uncontrollable or, on the contrary, considers the world is operated by unknown forces with the purposes inaccessible for a human comprehension.
  This brief consideration of both categories of people shows that the most efficient for development of individual consciousness are people from category the reckless without extreme groups - of adventurers-idlers and any sages. This group of the reckless beings makes, though considerable, but minority, but this minority is the only creative from all population.
  Precisely they are "motors" of progress.
  They have thought up steam engine, light bulbs, computers, rockets, atomic bomb, gambling and soccer, but not other "swamp" of the reasonable beings, which only can use templates, and not a few sages who, at best, are able to advice.
  But these councils seldom who listens, inasmuch the belief in omnipotence of intellect, science, education prevails, whereas they actually are the help for accelerated promotion forward. And this accelerated promotion provides only the target programs of self-consciousness in a harmonious, but short-term combination with programs of the lowest consciousness
  Without this harmonious combination people could not acquire the highest possible rate of development, inasmuch only merge of both forms of consciousness allows to the open form of individual consciousness to come out for a while through the latent form of individual consciousness directly to own frequency basis - hologram, containing everything, to try to draw from it what is required.
  It should be noted the obvious difference of the sages in their relatively rare cohort: some of them proved themselves as famous thinkers, philosophers, advisers to kings and presidents - it is precisely those, which - sillier.
  They try to admonish the population that, in general, absolutely senselessly in itself, directly or through rulers, on insufficient or false basis, inasmuch in creation of theories (doctrines) they are self-confident and categorical, placing themselves high, so as believe that if they've seen the light, then under it they are capable to set the "true" base, which is its own for each of them.
  They most often perceive answers to the questions in insights perversely or partially, but, nevertheless, they are sincerely sure of originality and the eternal validity of own doctrines and visionary approaches, for example, Schopenhauer, whose theory about the world as will and representation is silly in every respect, inasmuch he puts blind force in it on the main place.
  In this number of "thinkers" by exceptional injuriousness are allocated "talents" of religious (Calvin, Leo Tolstoy) and social (Karl Marx, Alfred Rosenberg) ideologists and philosophers-muddles, with the direct participation of which (and later) arose a lot of woes for many people.
  If such sages-thinkers get an opportunity to implement directly own or borrowed idea-fix (theory, doctrine) into life, becoming rulers (Robespierre, Lenin, Hitler), and certainly dictators because any of them can't trust this implementation to someone else, to not spoil, then the result is known: the blood flows like water, justice in their understanding triumphs, idea is being embodied into life, it seems, as prescribed, but this idea bursts relatively quickly and necessarily like a soap bubble.
  Those of the sages, which are cleverer, withdraw into the shadows, inasmuch they understand, that is impossible to do anything in a bubbling cauldron of life - any guiding star, neither for the individual nor for humanity is not looked through.
  They know well that progress in the form of gradual improvement of life of the increasing part of people in the relative and absolute expression, growth of culture, commitment by them to declarations on general love and friendship, as well as tolerance quickly enough leads entire peoples to degradation and the subsequent subordination to the "savage" peoples or disappearance: this fact clearly notes history and similar events partly occur now (pressure of Islam).
  Therefore the true sages, such as Kant, understand that everything should go as is, inasmuch the meaning of existence not only human, but all living beings is struggle, competition, appearance and overcome of diverse contradictions, the negation of the old by the new, that there often is expressed within socium as injustice for many.
  However a distinct explanation for this statement was not given so far, whereas actually similar existence is caused by dual structure of Creation, in which the infinite Uniform expresses itself in beingness by means of single consciousness through own a holographic projection which is in eternal updating [3, chapter 1].
  So, elimination of contradictions, in particular, in social life (harmony) is impossible. Nevertheless, the aspiration to harmony is not forbidden, but harmony is slipping away all the time, like the horizon.
  It means that at all not the person and not his civilization - creation pearls which in the future surely have to reach pastures of Heaven, but this pearls are single consciousness in a combination (and coincidence) with individual consciousnesses. The suffering person is their tool, and he will not able get rid from troubles, diseases, death, but the person has to be grateful to own consciousness for the stay not as a thing, not as a plant or an animal, but the being who is not subordinated to anybody and capable to express himself as wants and can on own consideration, and it is unimportant - extensive or scanty this consideration, i.e. - capable to express himself freely in the infinite series of lives.
  Mind, intellect, reason, sanity define the same thing, namely: a product of this or that effectiveness of action of the centers processing the entering information from sense organs that is quite comparable to operation of the computer, which in itself, as we know, is not capable to discover either America, or new laws. Though, of course, the self-consciousness, inherent in any person, influences processing of informational streams which to some extent takes place consciously with elements of abstraction and logic, i.e. in an apparent form.
  Nevertheless, mind in implicit forms for any living beings and in addition to them in explicit forms for the person is manifested always as the tool allowing them to interact as appropriate with the environment.
  So, by means of mind is carried out more or less efficient, but only partially conscious interaction of the person with surroundings which is narrowed even more due to that the person in common life, as a rule, is guided by a habit.
  Therefore, dominance of intellect before self-consciousness, leaving for the person the comprehension himself as the subject of action, but as it is paradoxical, puts him closer to the lowest consciousness in the person, than to the highest, so as the rational person tries to adapt mostly to an environment, but does not try to change this environment under himself, though, perhaps, he and wants this, but overcomes phobia of risk.
  Mind (intellect, reason, sanity) is pragmatic, it is inclined more to repeat the studied actions, i.e. it is inclined to standard algorithms, as if believing for himself - the best the enemy good. Mind seeks to make life steady, convenient and noncontradictory, and is limited to it.
  Similar human consciousness is incapable to react to essential changes in surroundings efficiently: it or perishes in the person of its carriers, without sustaining the competition in quickly changing world, or in critical moments confides to the reckless beings, which easily pick up all new, but which can bring to impassable thickets.
  Under the wisdom the people intuitively understand possession by the person of the higher quality, than only sanity.
  Actually, wisdom is such combination of mind and self-consciousness at which the person is capable to connect the target programs of self-consciousness to the lowest consciousness consciously, but is not spontaneous.
  However efficient for development, but often pragmatically hopeless actions, which the sages reject, are undertaken without special reflections above described us people with fair share of imprudence which is not enough at the sages and which is in excess at adventurers.
  Sanity of the person in "pure" form works as the computer, according to the given programs, that is consequence of action of the centers processing information entering from sense organs. Therefore, the overweight towards rational activity means penchant to templates, i.e. following to a habit and the other already blazed paths for the person that indicates rather poor development of his self-consciousness.
  2.10. Partial discovery of form-building abilities in beingness for human consciousness
  In order to recognize yourself or any other object the person should have certain form-building abilities. Then it will find in all that is displayed, for example, in a mirror, the set of data, which will come down for consciousness of the specific person into a form of what he looks for, for example, - into his own shape, i.e. the person will obtain information.
  Only this property of human consciousness can lead him to acquisition of adequate information, in particular, about himself in a mirror.
  This property of consciousness is implemented through the corresponding set of sense organs.
  The consciousness of any living being, and not only the person, creates own world, its "now", scanning through sense organs surroundings, penetrating thereby locally into boundless Uniform.
  Naturally, any individual consciousness having certain level of development, cannot cover by sensations of own body-carrier and by own comprehension all infinite Uniform; but it is capable by those means which it has (the person has five sense organs), and by those forms which single consciousness provides to it according to its level of development and type of its carrier, to identify in Uniform the things corresponding to its life cycle, and by consecutive irreversible copying through a pause to form own time which is "converted" in each individual consciousness due to loss of a pause in it, in colourful, moving and changing "now", in which this individual consciousness can exist in the company with other individual consciousnesses among recognizable and copied things, remaining inseparably with own carrier for a certain time in this existence and sensing this existence.
  Objects which the person perceives by the sense organs in certain form, are dependent of him, he forms automatically the surroundings and own body in himself - in own processing centers, inasmuch initially the environment is only the high-frequency information copies of things which "are dissolved" in Uniform, and which are updated by consciousness through sense organs of living beings.
  These copies are converted in each individual consciousness, owing to physiological features of the organism perceiving discrete packages of information without pauses between them, in habitual for us things which move and change just because that only among them and in them and not in the high-frequency wave environment can abide, change, grow, reproduce and develop living beings.
  However objects of beingness aren't produced by consciousness at all as it is represented to the subjective idealists denying objective existence of matter. Actually objects of beingness are formed by the person, more precisely, by his consciousness through sense organs, out of quite material high-frequency copies in the form of information packages by converting of incoming pulse signals, containing the relevant information, into a smooth picture of moving things with hidden help of single consciousness.
  Analog of this process is the ordinary TV with that difference that if on the monitor screen, like a human sleep, move only images of things, converted from pulse radio signals, which aren't a "dense" matter, then in human consciousness (consciousness of any living being) in the course of consecutive coupling of packages-impulses of information, waves are converted mainly in the corpuscles, i.e. - into the changing world of things, apparently, according to the principle, close to the principle of operation of a 3D-printer.
  If a mole doesn't see the sky, the sun and stars, these objects for it don't exist as owing to absence of appropriate sense organs, so and - lack of the corresponding form-building abilities. Though, of course, both the sun, and stars and etc. don't disappear anywhere, inasmuch they are formed by single consciousness through all set of living beings, as if covering with them everything various living beings. But the present time of a mole, unlike the present time of the person, with these objects, except a near-surface layer of the earth, directly doesn't contact, though it is in their zone.
  In general, in order to get any data, the person has to formulate the object of own desire - consciously or intuitively (the environment is formed by him automatically with the hidden help of single consciousness), then he has to adress to where data can be, and scanning this "field" to identify by available means (sensations in conjunction with centers processing of data, or intellect) the required objects which are manifesting as copies in consciousness and which are distributed by him in certain order, making surroundings.
  Besides, it isn't enough to see in a mirror own image to some living being, to recognize itself in this image: of all living beings of only the person can learn himself in a mirror.
  Other living beings don't recognize themselves in a mirror, i.e. they aren't capable to identify own image with themselves, but, nevertheless, they identify according to degree of own reason what is necessary them for deduction of themselves in existence; in other words, these beings live, without understanding themselves, but only feeling, however this ability to sense holds all living beings without self-consciousness in existence - the living beings don't want to lose own sensations.
  If to return to analogy to a mirror then its surface by itself is empty - it is nothingness without the relation to something. But this surface is being filled with this or that content in the form of images, if consumers of this content begin contacting with it, allocating on this surface the familiar forms and skipping the unfamiliar, which their consciousness can't decipher. Then this nothingness represents everything that these consumers can identify in it.
  So and timeless, infinite and motionless Uniform responds to the requests of consciousness through the sensations, becoming in consciousness out of Nothingness by Everything, which is not Everything in general, but which presents just what consciousness can understand by own means at the moment.
  Thus, world through the looking glass is some kind of analog not otherworldly, but the true foundation of beingness, inasmuch only from there (from Uniform through its projection) is possible to receive Everything, but only is possible to receive this own Everything, if there is an idea about this Everything, and if there are corresponding sense organs.
  In other words, only into timeless Uniform can find by scanning the forms, which are clear for consciousness (which it is able to decipher). These forms in the form of copies are manifested in consciousness, becoming for it in a final form not as information-wave matter, but being converted to "dense" surroundings, known to us.
  Time for any living being, in particular, and for the person actually is the information process, during which material objects are identified by consciousness by surroundings scanning by him with facilities which are at its order (sense organs in combination with the processing centers).
  Incoming to consciousness, more precisely, in its relevant centers impulses from sense organs (information packages) contain the coded data on material objects, which consciousness was capable to identify. These signals merge in consciousness in a picture incessantly changing surroundings, inasmuch the pause between the impulses arriving one after another is obliterated in consciousness of living being at the expense of a certain duration of processing of every portion of information and arising thereby the delay, doing for consciousness the discrete process of receipt of information as the continuous (a perception threshold).
  Illusion of smooth current of time is created by the fact that consciousness of the person owing to his physiological features isn't capable to notice pulse character of the arriving information.
  Change of the rate of "flow" of time for the specific person, or his own time, can be qualified as change of volume of information processed by his centers or change of the rate of its processing that is not directly related to the "external" time, though each person believes "external", as if surrounding him, time, as the only possible time. Therefore, the factor of change of the course of own time about which he doesn't know, the person considers as miracle or absolutely inexplicable phenomenon.
  Each living being forms own time self with the hidden assistance of single consciousness, but all set of living beings representing individual consciousnesses forms the general, or "external" time, in which each living being dwells.
  Formation of own time by each living being proceeds automatically, more precisely, under monitoring of single consciousness within the available set of sense organs and form-building abilities of consciousness of this being.
  By means of the last the sense organs recognize necessary fragments of Uniform which turn at first into serial informational packages, and then, after their processing and join, are converted into the current time and things, moving in space.
  The same happens also to the person who on a structure is a primate, but to that difference that target programs of self-consciousness allow him to recognize consciously surrounding objects, using them, unlike animals, who do not penetrate into essence of objects, not purely utilitarian - for survival, but understanding at once or gradually their appointment, to apply the surrounding objects to own purposes, in every possible way combining and changing them.
  Thereby the person receives, almost like God, the ability to form the new worlds from the routine objects and objects which are thought up by him, nevertheless, being in "external" time which, in essence, being formed by single consciousness, is a necessary condition (as if the house) for existence of single consciousness already in the divided form - as individual consciousnesses, presented by living beings who find themselves into own time, but within "external" time, which provides single consciousness by all set of living beings.
  2.11. The person as the being, understanding self in Creation.
  Both material objects - things and consciousness - can coexist only so - in their mutual influence, being updated in copies of a projection of Uniform, inasmuch not the consciousness in itself only influences on itself and surrounding it, but and each thing always influences on consciousness. This mutual influence means that without each other they are lost.
  Infinite, eternal Uniform, comprising potentially everything, has to include also consciousness. This position is proved by the fact, that the person contains certain "dead" matter, and certain "live" consciousness.
  The person unites thereby the passive (things) and the active (consciousness) in time and motion, creating in collisions of live process the possibility of infinite development of consciousness in the finite.
  In this situation motionless and timeless Uniform, remaining as such, along with that finds its existence through the live, or in time, so how without the live, active there is no time, i.e. disappears also Uniform becoming as non-existence.
  However the fact of our existence confirms lack of non-existence.
  Thus, to all appearances, Creation is two forms: infinite Uniform, containing all things as if in preparation (potentially) together with consciousness bearing in itself understanding of itself in correlation with the passive; and a holographic projection of Uniform - the infinite in their finite frequency formations in antiphase.
  Time we are in Creation, means there is Everything, inasmuch the person comprises in self as a microcosm everything - both things and consciousness of both levels, but Everything can be appearing only from Nothingness. In other words, Everything has to be always, as and Nothingness, but jointly. Means, Everything and Nothingness coincide. However Nothingness is nonexistence, and Everything is life. So, nonexistence, remaining as nothingness, is manifested as beingness which has to have the basis as integral nothingness. It means that pure Nothingness is presented also as integral Nothingness, being in the divided state eventually as Everything of one sign and as Everything of opposite sign. In this case spread Everything in joining will give total zero. So, really Everything is Nothingness and vice versa.
  If Nothingness is manifested as Everything, then must be that what manifests Everything, and it cannot be passive. So, it is what can be called active. The rest is passive. The passive in itself isn't capable to be manifested, it has no independent existence. But it constitutes a basis of beingness (things in this or that quality). So, in existence the passive enters only by means of the active.
  Pure Nothingness is aught timeless and infinite, in which Everything (the active and the passive) is merged together. Therefore, it can be called Uniform. Separately Uniform can't but be nonexistence, but it is disproved by our own existence. Means, separate Uniform isn't present, and in addition to it there is an formation in which the active manifests the passive, i.e. Uniform has some kind of projection, which is the integral Nothingness, by means of this projection is formed beingness, known to us. So, Creation is dual system - timeless Uniform and its projection, which is the same infinite, constituting integrally nil , and not having motion as and Uniform, but this projection can't but have durations, inasmuch through it is formed eventually Everything by the active out of the passive, and this procedure demands consecutive ruptures of infinity.
  Infinite and conjoint Uniform is expressed through the finite which is manifested as a projection, or a copy of the active from Uniform. The active through this projection identifies and copies the passive from Uniform. I.e. in a projection the active and the passive, unlike Uniform, are divided. But they, being a projection of Uniform, have to constitute along with that the integral whole. Only the hologram, in which any part and whole coincide, meets this condition. Thereby they have contact outside of time and space, which in a projection of Uniform don't exist.
  The consequence of this factor is that all the scattered people at all times in beingness in their holographic basis, where there is no current time, is a single unit - as if one person, and in fact - single consciousness.
  If we admit existence of a holographic projection of infinite and motionless Uniform, the product of which is beingness, then from where undertakes and where there is this projection? There is not space where it could settle down?
  As we already specified, eternal and motionless Uniform by itself there is nothingness. But nevertheless, it is somehow manifested without any outside force, but a place for manifestation there really is not present. At this, the manifested, if it is "taken" from Uniform, i.e. is its projection, also should be as nothingness.
  Moreover, as and Uniform, its projection should be motionless, since it has not the propulsor.
  The mystery of the existence of Creation seems to be unsolvable.
  But it is not.
  Look at yourself. You are and thing and a conscious, active being (the live).
  It means that each living being unites in itself the active and the passive.
  Means, non-existence for Creation isn't present, because the active manifests itself as a spaceless projection separately and attracts to itself the passive, without being thereby in uniform integrity with the passive, characteristic for Uniform. How does the active make this?
  Uniform by itself is nothingness, or it is zero, but the active is exactly initiative in order to not forgetting the passive, to project itself informatively into the hologram in the form of wave formations which are in an antiphase, i.e. remaining thereby equal to zero. Nothing prevents the active to manifest itself also sequentially, updating the previous hologram by its full replacement through some pause with high frequency, i.e. discretely.
  Each updated hologram is motionless and represents by itself the "expanded" zero which through the pause, representing "pure" zero, is replaced by zero with another "extension".
  This discrete manifestation of infinity in the finite forms with ultrahigh frequency doesn't demand neither space, nor the motion, inasmuch arises nothing, except "gaps" in infinity which can be considered as prototype of time.
  Infinite, motionless and eternal Uniform, thus, is manifested as the dual system - Creation - thanks to the active in Uniform and in its projection, which also remains same infinite, motionless and eternal, but already "split" by the finite, sequentially updated formations, which as separate have already temporary, and on condition of linking them in itself the active receives beingness and life where it can realize itself in real actions, turning thereby Uniform through its projection out of nothingness into everything.
  I.e. Uniform, remaining eternal, exits along with that through a projection in real existence.
  Beingness, which is being presented to us as such reliable, real, vast, corresponding certain laws, containing macro- and microcosm, elementary particles and radiations, galaxies and the living beings, in the basis has no more than information, more precisely, - the high-frequency holographic formations, bearing information. They are equal to zero integrally each position of updating owing to manifestation of each wave-like formation jointly with the same formation in antiphase. Such balance of a holographic projection of Uniform corresponds to timeless Uniform which is nothingness, becoming by everything only through own projection in time.
  This process cannot have the beginning and the end because the dual system of Creation is steady in the functioning and manifestation, which excludes non-existence due to interaction between the infinite and the finite.
  This system not only has no propulsor, but it formally is nothingness, making zero in total in any position. Therefore, it is not being fallen apart, and it does not need both in the beginning, and in the final.
  On the other hand, the system of Creation isn't capable to be divided on self Uniform and a separate holographic projection - system is a single whole, in which the form-building active is fueled by the passive, which is losing its shape in finite formations.
  The passive, losing a shape in finite (beingness), restores thereby a form of the active at their interaction. The active, thus, does not lose its basic shape (the core) and form-building abilities at the expense of the decaying passive in beingness, but the active also, "extracting" the passive from Uniform in the form of information copies for the period of existence of this finite, restores a form of the passive and change it. So, by means of the address to the finite in the form of losing a shape of the passive the active becomes eternal on a form, properties and can keep all system of Creation in actual existence.
  In spite of the fact that Creation on balance is zero, Creation also is everything, and therefore it can't but be manifested, demonstrating to itself in the face of the active this everything consistently and infinitely.
  Since the duality of Creation manifests itself like the effect of egg and chicken, insofar there can be no universal beginning from nothing, but the deep, infinite Uniform and multiple terminating formations, which are manifested discretely, but infinitely in the form of a projection Uniform, "always" are together and "always" support each other.
  Creation, being everything and nothingness, comprises opposites and denies itself, inasmuch in the person of the active constantly strives for novelty, destroying previous in itself and manifesting liberty of consciousness (the active) in these aspirations. But everything, that passed, doesn't disappear completely, and it is kept in memory of consciousness (the active).
  Therefore the dual system of Creation is active and passive; finite and infinite; changeable and constant; whole and part; uniform and scattered; motionless and in motion; reasonable and dark; live and dead; it wishes and refuses; it arises and dies away; it is one and another; it comes into life and perishes; it is equal to itself and - alternative; it holds a form and - blurry; it can't be, but it is there; it wants to learn about itself everything, but can't because of own infinity; the infinite in it denies the finite, but isn't capable to exist without it.
  The active, by definition, can't but develop, but in Uniform it is merged with the passive, whereas in a projection of Uniform the active infinitely, but discretely is manifested in finite. In finite the active can be separated and united with the passive. In its association with the passive, it finds the opportunity for the formation of a resistant environment of development - that is, space, the moving and changing things in it, and the active in this material beingness is represented by beings, which are self-replicate and self-active in a varying degree, i.e. the living beings into sets of things-objects of beingness.
  In beingness each individual active (consciousness), on the one hand, finds in the living being a possibility of development, an opportunity to express itself in communication with similar to self, receiving vital ups and downs; on the other hand, individual active among the things restores on reaction surrounding own kernel, keeping activity, and therefore, its own eternity; forms own time (own beingness) and participates in formation of external time (general beingness), updating a projection of Uniform through information contact with it, and converting wave-like holographic projection in the corporeal beingness, i.e. - in motion and life, "forcing" Nothingness to form Everything, more precisely, - coexisting with it eternally in the form of the dual Creation.
  The very same individual consciousness in the person, for example, via reflection at the mirror surface can always determine itself as the only living being from all known, conscious of itself as the identity, which thanks to self-consciousness, or separation from surroundings by determination of self, is capable to development on own conscious plans for achievement of the set goals.
  Consciousness, but not the person, more precisely, - consciousness through the subject of actions - of the person - through his sensations "extracts" firstly out of boundless Uniform the true world, i.e. the world which is adequate to the existence and development of both the person and his individual consciousness, and then through the same person consciousness is undergoing a series of misconceptions and discoveries not only in order to gain multi-knowledge, but, first of all, to determine itself in living collisions where it can not only adapt to the environment, but also, thanks to a certain detachment from beingness, or to self-consciousness, it is able to act freely, striving to beingness, pulling away from it and connecting with beingness again.
  One of the few fundamental truths, at least, in our world consists in ability of acceptance of decisions by a being, having self-consciousness, even if these decisions are erroneous, but which are formulated by him, and implementing appropriate actions by relying on beingness, manifested by him in the course of binding consciousness and Uniform of the information process of identification by the first of the second and the subsequent recognition by consciousness of itself.
  Any person is faced with contradictions in determining the true and false. But it must be so, because the path to truth, or rather, from the phenomenon to the essence is difficult and comprehension of truth at any level happens during many lives, through a number of mistakes, delusions.
  The animal nature of the person inclined to conformism, egoism, falsity, flashes of rage and mistrust, to various vicious bents, etc., is a natural and main subject for continuous struggle of consciousness against it. In fact, all human life consists of this fight.
  The human consciousness is unilaterally separated from single consciousness that is obligatory for its individual development, without the aid of something and someone. Nevertheless, in beingness, by analogy with a holographic projection, all living beings are anyway are grouped, and the self-conscious part of living beings aspires through communications not only to awaken self-consciousness in own heirs, but also in own association tries to overcome own animal nature wishing only the property (thingness) and seeking to survive in any ways.
  What is the appearance of a person in beingness?
  Actually, it is gradual detection by him of self.
  In him firstly begin to operate the programs of the lowest consciousness, coordinating automatically his organism with surroundings in their interaction, as at any being, which is born.
  The very birth of any being in beingness means emergence in it of consciousness in the form of sensation of own presence without opening of its channels in the form of sense organs.
  There is only a sense of presence - as at an amoeba, i.e. sense of hit in the current time in which programs can get to working. These programs according to a code of a genome, is related to the nature only as the ordered set of molecules.
  Gradually and sequentially also other programs begin to work, as a result, the being gets more life, being developed in own current time towards action of the programs coded in its genome, which there corresponds the set and quality of sense organs.
  Stabilization of their work is the border, with which the being can attempt if it has appropriate programs, to comprehend itself, i.e. in these attempts to overcome a threshold the only sensations for the sake of receiving idea of itself in time.
  Programs of the lowest consciousness which are generally supporting activity of an organism (the programs of sensations) are included from the very beginning of existence of a separate being as necessary automatically, more precisely, under monitoring of single consciousness connected with its part with all living beings, being a part of its hologram in basis.
  Programs of the highest consciousness (self-consciousness) if they are available, are included in action gradually only at interaction of this being with other beings with already operating self-consciousness, i.e. do not work automatically, inasmuch are not "rigid".
  Such beings have ability to set to themselves the purposes and to reach them, planning and correcting (understanding) the actions for achievement of goals.
  In other words, they represent themselves in the nearest "deployment" in own time, i.e. they are capable to form not only own time in sensations, but also to change own time in the direction of gap with the complete coincidence with the habitat for the sake of familiarizing to "space over surroundings" - spheres of conceptual, often abstract communication, in which at first to a developing being pay attention on an object and show how to handle it. The same is done also by parents the highest animals (tutoring), but no more than that.
  If to be limited by this, then being, even with programs of self-consciousness, will not be able to involve them.
  Therefore a trigger of inclusion of these programs is correlation of actions of the child with actions of adults who by signs, examples, sounds, explain to the new being that starts life with "blank sheet", how "to fill in this sheet" not thoughtless - on the samples, but according to own reasons, let often erroneous, regarding all manifesting with position of adaptation of this manifesting for self not only in the known forms, but also to try to change constantly both a form of things, and a communication form for change of self so, as it wants as far as possible.
  Thereby there is a coordination of own behavior and goals to own opportunities and opportunities of other people in this habitat.
  Full inclusion of programs of self-consciousness means emergence at the person of ability to put self in the situations, determined by him, and the ability to get out from them one way or another, expressing self before others and before self, i.e., receiving impressions of the activity not only from position of benefit. Similar expansion means awareness by the living being of self in time, or a comprehension of self as a subject, which is capable to conscious independent actions.
  Emergence of such ability is achievement by single consciousness in living beings of the highest point, in which the sign of single consciousness is manifested in the complete manner - the aspiration to create new, expressing self during this process.
  From history of development of the human community (civilization) we know that all attempts to realize theories of harmonization of human community on these or those principles - from Plato's state up to communistic society of Marx or fair anarchical self-government of Kropotkin - ended by collapse invariably.
  Like roly-poly toy society steadily has always returned after all uprisings, coups and revolutions to the known forms of public administration, whose main function is retention of the existing system by means of bodies of violence and different forms of deception of the population - from religious dogmas up to direct falsifications.
  Anyway, but the community in the form of the state does not fall into chaos, does not collapse, despite its unfair system, when, as a rule, not the best rule by the state, but the worst- the hypocritical, unscrupulous, impudent, cunning, and at the same time - the vigorous, communicative individuals with cold, predatory mind, caring first of all about themselves and own "clan".
  To explain this constant return of state or semi-public formations after any disasters, in fact, in the previous state fail any one theory of social development.
  It is stated only the fact of confinement and the development of any community only in the conditions of an unfair (contradictory) social order - with rich and poor, despicable and noble, disasters and prosperous, languid and energetic, clever and stupid, and other people, totally different in their properties in the "eternal" struggle of some for the preservation of captured earthly goods, the other - for the weaning of these goods in own favor.
  The ruling elite of any state in the conditions of the competition of the various states under the threat of conquest or absorption is forced to strengthen the foundations of the state, to improve of its structure, to put forward these or those ideas for cohesion of the population, that can be attributed to factors of the development.
  At this the theories of social development believe need of the more or less gradual improvement of state institutions, and some of them believe that this process will culminate by cancellation of the state, others - by the ideal state.
  On a invariable antagonism between people in society in due time drew attention Kant, having pointed out that the idyllic existence without struggle means the complete stagnation and a stop in development of society: "The means employed by nature to bring about the development of all the capacities of men is their antagonism in society, so far as this is, in the end, the cause of a lawful order among men... Without those in themselves unamiable characteristics of unsociability from whence opposition springs- characteristics each man must find in his own selfish pretensions-all talents would remain hidden, unborn in an Arcadian shepherd's life, with its concord, contentment, and mutual affection. Men good-natured as the sheep they herd, would hardly reach a higher worth than their beasts..." [7; thesis 4].
  Along with that Kant drew attention that time is objective only for human consciousness, and in itself does not exist, i.e. Kant considered that time is absent outside the personality, but recognized it as a condition of presentation about objects: "Time is therefore merely a subjective condition of our (human) intuition (which is always sensuous, that is, so far as we are affected by objects), and in respect of all phenomena, consequently of all things which come within the sphere of our experience, it is necessarily objective. We cannot say, "All things are in time", because in this conception of things in general, we abstract and make no mention of any sort of intuition of things. But this is the proper condition under which time belongs to our representation of objects. If we add the condition to the conception, and say, "All things, as phenomena, that is, objects of sensuous intuition, are in time," then the proposition has its sound objective validity and universality a priori" [8; 1.1, ј7].
  However, Kant did not manage to explain both of these phenomena, more precisely, - to determine their basis.
  As for the modern science, it or "bypasses" these factors, incomprehensible and inexplicable for it, or speculates on the common concepts, convenient for it, which is interpreted unilaterally, or artificially limits itself by natural sciences and technologies, showing the complete helplessness in fundamental questions of outlook and social development.
  Thus, injustice in all spheres of life, preservation and fixing of the actual inequality in society, constant use of violence, misinformation, distribution of various religious and public sectarianism, oppression of the weak and defenseless at all times, paradoxically, in its negative totality turns out invariable base of social and technological development (progress) though, at the same time, it should be noted the enduring role of counteraction of "humiliated and insulted", as well as many sincere fighters for justice and universal harmony, that not allow to be preserved and stopped to a stratified society, "shaking" it all the time.
  Exactly this perpetual antagonism, as can be seen, is the true soil for the development of society. As a result, wildness, cannibalism and barbarism gradually and substantially changed for more than 1/7 of the population by relatively comfortable existence in direct contact with cultural values, technological innovations. And it is provided and maintained by satisfactory educational level of the population.
  Nevertheless, the vast majority of the world's population remains in a state of miserable vegetating, without actually having access to culture, education, i.e. it does not get the opportunity to develop.
  It is clear in any case, that the progressive aspiration to "Golden Age", or to harmonious coexistence of all people without fight and sufferings - in continuous goodness, - in fact, turned out similar to pursuit for horizon.
  All this confirms the fact of invariable existence of religion which, as a rule, positions on one side any life - with all its horrors, diseases, disorder, unreliability, troubles, cares, sorrows, unpredictability, etc. - and on the other hand - allegedly postmortem existence of the person, at which, at last, fairness has to triumph and to everyone will be given due, somehow, for all lifetime acts.
  Any person both in life and at work uses these or those tools of labor, more or less taking care for them. Nevertheless, these tools become unusable sooner or later.
  This analogy is given to illustrate the fact that the person and his civilization are capable to be as tools, used to achieve goals unknown to any person and mankind as whole. And these tools as the finite, in the same way become unusable, requiring a replacement.
  The only difference between the person and stone, bacteria, ram or computer consists in what he comprehends self as the being, which is separate and independent in own activity.
  The consequence of this factor is liberty of will, inherent the person (uncontrollability in self-consciousness), which manifests itself in especially individual targeted actions as on achievement of the useful to itself of results, and absolutely senseless and even harmful actions, that is not characteristic of any other living being, without speaking about lifeless matter.
  Thus, many actions of the person are unpredictable for him, producing a huge number of various situations anywhere - from production of the material benefits up to science and culture, from policy up to morals, from the sphere of feelings up to the high ideas.
  The basis for contradictory actions of the person, as it was shown above, is the presence in him of the lowest and highest forms of consciousness, which, as a rule, are multidirectional and, therefore, they stay in conflict and not give each other of the apparent superiority.
  As a result, any harmony for the individual and any human communities in development are unattainable: here the person always is in the passive.
  However in these collisions of different people eternal consciousness can learn and express itself through the person, though falteringly (in separate lives, that is without continuous smooth motion), but - never stopping.
  It is possible to tell, in beingness, formed by the active on the basis of the passive, is reached the infinite, but discrete development of consciousness, i.e. is manifested the true kernel of the person - his consciousness, without which he represents only a clot of quickly decaying organic matter.
  Certain harm for the person becomes by acquisitions for his consciousness.
  In other words, consciousness creates for own representatives in beingness (living beings) acceptable for their existence the environment, reaching through these beings and development, and expressions of self in actual thoughts, feelings, acts and actions.
  But this existence is disputable and unstable for all living beings, inasmuch it is based on contradictions in consciousness, the forms which can deny each other, as well as on contradictions between consciousness and things due to activity of the first and passivity of the second.
  The passive brakes the active, resisting it, but at the same time makes the necessary habitat for symbiosis of the active and the passive, the highest point of which is the person.
  Thus, roots of antagonism of human beingness are laid in the contradiction between the active and passive from a projection of Uniform.
  The active and the passive, being divided and united in their interaction in a projection of Uniform, make thereby a contradictory basis of beingness.
   Consciousness, always the free owing to own activity finds for itself in a view of own development and expression the restriction in the form of the resisting habitat, which should and be supported, and along with that should be overcome, representing things, various living beings and their own countrymen, i.e. finds liberty within need and causality. Exactly within this framework can find its expression of liberty - without them, that is, outside the environment, liberty, as an everlasting dissatisfaction of consciousness by itself, has no place to be implemented.
  Therefore consciousness is forced to endure for own development and expression, as a human being, all collisions, including the sickness and death, and at the same time to find in this existence of the known charms and values, from which seldom who refuses, despite everything.
  Thus, the true sense of existence of the person and mankind consists in consciousness development, but not in acquisition of goods, not in development of technologies, sciences, not in strengthening of this or that social order, not in creation of the "fair" order, determined by someone.
  All it - chimeras, but at the same time and means, inasmuch development consists in that to determine itself among chimeras adequately, not to give in on promises and enticements.
  Everything - such important, indispensable, unconditional - will pass, will disappear, will be scattered in ashes. Only eternally developing consciousness will remain in multitude of living beings in the environment, formed through the same consciousness as single, and individually - in separation.
  And level, and therefore, the status of any individual consciousness depends on the degree of convergence of it with single consciousness. Any individual consciousness aspires to single consciousness in each "live" existence, without knowing throughout own stay in beingness about own coincidence with single consciousness.
  All emerging originally is for the person at all not accordance of knowledge of the reality, so as knowledge, as such, still isn't present, but it is compliance to sensations after their processing by consciousness
  Meditation of the primary source, or emerging out of sensations, is the true source of knowing.
  In contrast to the lowest consciousness of the living beings (without self-consciousness), the highest consciousness of the person is characterized primarily not by mind, which is inherent in all living things in one form or another as centers, processing information, incoming from sense organs, but by awareness of yourself itself, which implies not just the adoption of the information from sensations and more or less adequate reaction to it, but the subsequent conscious and planned change of everything that manifests before him and in him.
  The person is separated from other living beings at all not by that he has some essential differences in a set or quality of sense organs from primates, but that he is capable, representing himself and own opportunities, to expand range any more not of sensations, but - of representations about the environment, abstracting from it, and on this basis inventing the things which are absent in its environment, and procedures, for example, ware, tools of hunting and work, methods of cultivation of plants and animals, methods of exchange and trade, new production technologies of metal, ritual procedures, etc. The person also tries to reflect surroundings and self in drawings, various hand-made articles, stories about the past, finding in this approach a cultural basis and accumulating cultural traditions.
  Nevertheless, intellect of the person, i.e. ability with a high speed to process considerable volumes received information, only quantitatively differs from intellect of the highest mammals and even birds (crows) who owing to high development of the centers processing information are capable to understand properties of a number of separate subjects which can complement their muscular force or force of a beak, using after some reflection respectively sticks for knocking down from branches of bananas or stones to break the sinks of mollusks.
  However, unlike the person, they do not have the requirement of long-term targeted modification of the environment, because completely disengage from the environment, in particular, inventing items, which are absent in it, for own needs, they can't. And it means that even all most highly developed intellectually beings remain merged with the environment, whereas property of cognition self, recognition of itself in time (self-consciousness) is possible to obtained, only having separated of itself from surroundings. An opportunity to explore the environment and self emerges only in this case.
  So, it isn't enough to have intellect to separate itself from the environment. It is required also self-consciousness, which has no direct relationship to the intellect, and respectively, can't appear owing to development of intellect. In other words, the possession by the person of self-consciousness means the possession by him by the new programs, or emergence in the person along with the lowest consciousness (sensations and the centers processing information) of the highest consciousness, which possesses the additional form-building abilities (ability to recognize itself in time). These abilities promote not only to the use by the person of existing things, but also help inventing him things, which are absent in the environment, and promote the development of him on that basis of the abilities for knowing of laws, according to which this environment functions, in order to more successfully modify the environment, and, means, self.
  More opportunities for development among all living beings have beings with self-consciousness, who understand themselves, and, trying consciously to retain own essence (individuality), do not miss the arising opportunities for own changes - consciousness has enough time (eternity) to do it.
  Therefore a self-conscious being, for example, the person, is the support for consciousness in life a on its infinite way on finite islands of reality, and along with that - a base for change of itself in each of realities.
  As a result, individuality is not lost, but each time is put into other clothes, which are innumerable. So each being, which is conscious of itself, can be confident that the core of his personality is not undergoing fatal changes in any circumstances, which is just something external, that it itself has created to certain extent for some tests of itself in them.
  Awareness by the person of himself gives him opportunity in the course of the practical actions and the subsequent reflection (and vice versa) to find essence, stability of things in their changes, but it happens only on the basis of what exactly the person feels, without the opportunity to penetrate into the world, which is felt by other living beings, as well as without opportunity to penetrate beyond their own sensations, even expanded by devices, in particular, to get into own hidden consciousness (the subconscious mind), distant worlds, other measurements. In other words, for the person is attainable only what is being to him in three-dimensional measurement through his sense organs and that he is capable "to split" by means of the intelligence during existence of each human civilization. Such is reality in which the person exists.
  For human consciousness the changing world picture in the form of the phenomena, but not essences of deep levels, is formed not by sensations and not by thinking, though they are means, but this picture in general is a product of processing of arriving information into the person, similar to what occurs in the computer or in any living being without self-consciousness; the difference consists only in what the human consciousness is capable to separate itself from reality and to interact with it already on this new basis - a basis of own self-consciousness, purposefully using memory, form-building abilities, speech, various kinds of communication, imagination, experimental data, and all this - against the background of emotion, but not by means of only the software or instinctive and reflex actions respectively.
  It is possible therefore to note that each person possesses the highest form of matter from all available its forms just because he is a self-conscious being with the greatest possible level of liberty. Eventually he isn't subordinated to anybody and disposes self by himself, so how he initially in own consciousness "throws" himself only into such world in which it can purposefully be implemented so, as he can so far in the conditions of the resisting environment, including and direct competitors, the same, as he self. The person differs exactly by this from all other living beings, also having consciousness, but the lower level which only are being adapted to the environment, formed by them with the participation of uniform consciousness, - from bacteria to the highest mammals.
  However any living being without self-consciousness is the foundation of life, without which the highest consciousness cannot exist. The living beings without self-consciousness not only create the basis for the existence of a highest consciousness, but and - an intermediate shell between it and inanimate matter, supplying to a human body practically all energy resources, being him by food, as well as creates the live and vibrant background of his life without which human communities would been in the ice desert of silence.
  Thus, it is possible to tell that the person comprises all Creation not only because he is a converted particle of a holographic projection of Uniform but also because he is both a thing, and consciousness of simply live organism, and the highest consciousness of the being, which understands self.
  The being with self-consciousness differs from other living beings only by understanding self. This understanding produces all the aspirations, which are based on dissatisfaction of consciousness by itself. The dissatisfaction means its initial activity which is expressed in impossibility to live, simply adapting itself to the environment. This being acquires the requirement to change the environment and it thereby changes itself together with these processes, and thus to develop, not following the only need to adapt to the existing order.
  This conscious aspiration to change all existing, to liberation from former up to its replacement by other, is the finding by any being with self-consciousness liberty. Liberty of any individual consciousness is anyway manifested in these conscious decisions. During this process the consciousness enriches itself. At the same time liberty gives to the person the chance to live as he wants within surrounding reality, if the person, the consciousness carrier, is capable to dispose by this gift adequately.
  Liberty does not require "the attribution" of it to the person as "transcendental object" ("thing-in-itself"), i.e. to believe that the person is free only in the otherworldly world of consciousness. Any self-conscious being is freely always and everywhere owing to understanding of itself in the environment, created by it, understanding of own existence in the world of own time: it always comes to decisions self, it self and is responsible for them in any sphere - practical or intellectual. And it is unimportant, are available on it the reasons or these decisions are spontaneous; the important thing is that in the consciousness of the person as the exponent of activity of consciousness "sits" perpetual dissatisfaction, without which he would turn into the stupid cattle, chewing the same cud, that can be very pleasant. Exactly it is the expression of his liberty, and for this reason he has an opportunity not simply to live, and consciously to develop himself and don't stand still.
  Thingness in the person is material base of all, making a human body out of the elements and components corresponding to this measurement of beingness. In this lifeless matter, the passive is manifested the sign of Uniform, without which Creation wouldn't take place.
  The lowest consciousness, animating the body in accordance with existing codes and programs that allow the being to be reproduced, there is a metabolism in body, the organism is animated due to action of the sense organs, which "deliver" information outside and from within to centers processing information and controlling an organism.
  The most significant in any live organism are the sensations which are carrying out communication of consciousness in it with the surroundings.
  The highest consciousness, which comes in merger with corporeal components of the body and the lowest consciousness, creates the being having self-consciousness, which is a symbol of all Creation "constructed" for it.
  It is clear from this comparison of all three components of the reality of our world, that a sign of the person is not his material essence, not his sensations or even not its rationality inherent in any living beings owing to presence of managing directors of the centers at them, but only self-consciousness can be as this sign.
  Self-consciousness is inherent only to the person, whereas these or those sensations (sense organs), this or that degree of rationality (the centers processing the arriving information) have all living beings, even plants and viruses. Therefore the main difference of the person from other beings consists exactly in awareness of self, i.e. in separating yourself from the environment and determining yourself in it, and not in intellect (Descartes) and not in sensations (Hobbes), which respectively, in their opinion, are the basis of human existence.
  Thanks to self-consciousness only man is capable of conscious, target selectivity in perception, that allows him by the means, which are available for him, to reach deeper levels of things and the phenomena, gaining adequate knowledge of them at each level, i.e., finding a basis for conscious change of surroundings and, as a result, - changing himself during this process.
  Self-consciousness gives a scope for any creativity, providing the general development of consciousness in the conditions suitable for life and at the same time in the conditions resisting environment. Thanks to self-consciousness this creativity results to infinite, meaningful functioning of all beingness which exactly for this purpose and is formed by consciousness on the basis of Uniform.
  It follows that the person designates and expresses the highest consciousness, being its tool, on the one hand as the information link, which ties Uniform through a holographic projection to beingness and on the other hand as the rightful representative of single consciousness which consciously acts in finite real (with motion) formations on the basis of a projection of Uniform in the form of communities; without the similar individuals, counteracting each other and along with cooperating among themselves, single consciousness would be powerless.
  The principle of existence of the person in the world consists in aspiration to delimitation of the true and the false. Otherwise, reasonable development does not happen, there comes stagnation or chaos.
  The same principle of separating the true and the false leads to the possibility of free development of human consciousness, which is able, if it will want, to separate truth from falsehood, even though the latter are often favorable from a mercantile position.
  Everything, that exists, i.e. that is manifested in human consciousness originally, is the true, inasmuch consciousness is capable "to allocate" and decipher exactly it from boundless Uniform, i.e. to convert into information, forming thereby own time and creating thanks to it conditions and space for events, that is own life.
   The timeless, infinite Uniform, which is imagined by us as "thing in itself", is being "unpacked" by sense organs of the person every instant - just look around.
  Thereby Uniform gives the opportunity to human consciousness to recognize his existence without belief in something fantastic, all-powerful and external.
  The person as the image of Uniform, creates own "now", naturally, with assistance of Uniform which can't but respond on him.
  The person often can't estimate adequately information, received by him every moment, especially since it adds up with earlier information, taken by the person from memory, which could undergo to the distortion. And this addition not always is suitable for the current life. There are mistakes as well as the same facts are interpreted differently.
  The choice for various reasons isn't always carried out with advantage for affair. But the current practice allows understanding and correcting errors, if not to persist in this. In this struggle, in fact, with self the person is determined in life, then moving away from understanding of essence of the copies of fragments coming to him from Uniform, then coming nearer to essence, but, in the sum, moving ahead everything is farther in understanding of reality and, the main thing, in understanding of himself, more precisely, in understanding of itself by each individual consciousness.
  Chapter 3
  The person in time.
  The person can sense the stay in time only by perception of the moving and changing things surrounding him, i.e. by means of the sense organs, which are available for him the person allocates from an infinite set of "points" of some continuum only those "points", which he can "collect" as if unconsciously in forms, familiar and clear to him and bind them.
  These data, which are drawn up into material objects in his consciousness from signals of sense organs by means of decoding of these pulse signals, the person can recognize according to the representations which are available for him, though this process proceeds automatically.
  This comparison shows that any living being, including the person, has certain form-building abilities. The person, as a rule, doesn't guess about these abilities, inasmuch they proceed from single consciousness, but are realized through him.
  The living being by means of form-building abilities through sense organs and the centers of information processing, linking successive packages of information just as it occurs in a television receiver, forms in the consciousness the materialized copies of fragments from Uniform, but with that difference, that they represent generally three-dimensional objects of the dense matter in which it can exist.
  Everything else that falls out of the scope of the sense organs, for the subject as if doesn't exist, inasmuch he isn't capable to receive data, understandable to him (information), first, apart from the sense organs, secondly, aside from the form-building abilities, which are available for him in databases in the form of these or those programs.
  Thus, time of any living being, in particular, the person, is the information process, during which material objects are identified by consciousness by scanning by it of surroundings with tools which are at its order (sense organs in combination with the processing centers). Exactly thus activity of consciousness is expressed in the living beings.
  Naturally, this process of recognition and processing of the arriving data for any living being, according to the programs which are available for it, and a set of sense organs, happens automatically. The process is ended with converting the discrete data packets in a continuous environment, which is divided on two parts.
  One of them makes the direct surroundings, with which this being is capable to interact (these objects are converted by it generally into the "dense" matter by the principle of operation of the 3D-printer), another - makes "external" surroundings, up to which the being can't "reach out" (galaxies, the sun, stars, planets etc.), i.e. - no capable to interact with these objects, to influence them, though perceives them. These objects remain in consciousness of the living being virtually, being actualized, for example, in the form of "dense" matter only at direct contact of a being with them. For the person this contact can happen via devices and apparatus.
  The person in this process holds a specific place among living beings (he has the additional programs) inasmuch he is capable to separate self from the surroundings and by that to use her not only instinctively and reflex as other living beings, directly merged with environment, but also on own projects.
  In other words, being abstracted from the environment, he can make in the mind the plans of the action and purposefully create objects that do not exist in the environment. The most effectively he do it in association with other people, using his own and their experience, not using the same template automatically, as do the ants, bees, or a computer with a printer, but - in different combinations, with the experimental test, that could be qualified as a conscious innovation (rationalization and invention).
  It is clear, that lifeless objects (things), without possessing sense organs and form-building abilities, can't organize information process, and, so, aren't capable to form time. Therefore, they haven't a direct bearing on time, inasmuch they do not exist independently in it, but participate in its formation only as a passive element. Nevertheless, they make a life basis - something like economy, in which living beings anyway dispose.
  So, without organizing participation of living beings in beingness this beingness, per se, isn't capable to exist, also, however, as and without lifeless matter (things) - the pot can't do without clay and the potter.
  Information (pulse) nature of formation of time is asymmetrical (unilateral), differing from usual material or power interactions of objects in what the living being unilaterally scans surrounding, consistently copying the data recognized and grouped by him; at this it doesn't influence primary material in any way, replacing (updating) each copied fragment by the subsequent. This high-frequency update of one position by follow, etc., in particular, doesn't allow to return back or to run forward owing to asymmetry (unilaterality) and completeness of update of each position. As speak: "Everything passes".
  Therefore, each person thinks that time flows in one direction: from the past to the future via the ephemeral present ("now").
  However, due to full upgrade of one position to another, i.e. irrevocably and infinitely, there is no current of time in the basis of beingness (a holographic projection), as and there is no motion; there is only an eternity in the form of the wave-like holographic projection, which is updated infinitely with ultra-high frequency in the form of discontinuous moments-durations (pulses of information).
  So, in particular, to talk for this reason about time travel of the person is pointless.
  Whatever it was, but the objective, smooth and directed flow of time (not connected with consciousness) doesn't exist.
  The similar smooth and unidirectional current of time in beingness is only converting through living beings of information packages-impulses into beingness for development of consciousness in them.
  The very same high-frequency update of a holographic projection of Uniform has no stroke, motion - there is only duration of processing of a package of information, through a pause entirely updated by another package of information. This process of consecutive upgrade is point, discrete and infinite. It is possible to tell that there is no time in a holographic projection in our understanding, but there is infinity which is manifested in duration consistently.
  Consciousness exists in a holographic projection among being updated by it copies of frequency fragments of things from Uniform, in the form of a set of copies of individual consciousnesses, representing quite material frequency structures, same high-frequency formations as things, but higher order, and possessing in the living beings without self-consciousness only by ability to self-development, but having self-consciousness in the highest expression.
  A material holographic projection in its infinite variety, update comes from two sources - from consciousness, forming it, and from the passive in Uniform, without which this diversity couldn't be manifested by consciousness.
  In other words, there can't be a projection of Uniform outside duration. Therefore a condition of coexistence of consciousness and things is time - in its finite intervals (durations) a projection of Uniform is updated infinitely, and, as a result, the thingness worlds appear and disappear. Consciousness interacts with the passive, unveiling it so, how it can so far, and uncovering self in own updates and changes.
  Except high-frequency structures in the holographic projection there is nothing, and they didn't arise and didn't disappear, but exist, in our understanding, always, changing only the range and harmonics during updating. At this all of them are equal to zero integrally, being in antiphase each other.
  The difference between these formations consists in what the simplest structures (the passive) are not able to change themselves on own understanding which they don't have - they are changed (updated) in succession only with "challenge" them, more precisely, by their consistent identification by the most complex frequency structures (the active), having the understanding and which "are looking for" themselves in changes by them of the passive.
  The active (consciousness), as if "transmitting" (forming) through self the passive, thereby indirectly, through the passive, becomes capable to make changes and into itself. But for "work" of the active with the passive on change of self are required the stable formations, which aren't characteristic for a holographic projection of Uniform. In other words, life requires space with moving things in smoothly current time.
  This requirement is fulfilled due to consecutive "clutch" of updated frequency structures of the passive that is quite possible for information copies (information packages) owing to loss of pauses between positions of updating of the passive, or pauses between information packages.
  Pauses drop out for each individual consciousness in own carrier (the living being) generally because of a certain duration of processing of each package of information (the threshold of perception). This delay allows as if to the new package to catch up the previous package every time, creating in individual consciousness illusion of smoothly current information of certain forms.
  Thus "the clutch" of information packages can be carried out only through frequency structures of the active, which link in themselves the frequency structures of the passive in irreversible sequence of identification. It means conversion of the arriving information on the base of the motionless, but consistently replaced formations into moving world - as analog up to some extent can serve demonstration of the movie for the audience with that difference that the movie "is scrolled" inside of the active and the active makes this self.
  Any living being that is in the current life "inside" of this world (beingness), naturally, perceives it objectively, i.e. it isn't capable anything to change in the world, it cannot manage by this world, similar soldier in the computer game, but, unlike the soldier, no one has control over any living being in this world - it does everything self, however obeying to certain extent to fixed rules, not in forces, for example, to cancel the law of conservation of energy, chemical bonds of elements, own metabolism, limitation of life of a body in environmental conditions or to cancel compression of time with development of all alive.
  If mentally to exclude consciousness, "having left" beingness as a repository of things alone in the residue, it becomes as a non-existence. What's the difference, there is something there or not? All the same anybody isn't present there. If, on the contrary, to exclude things, having left consciousness in loneliness, it at once loses life - there are no things, time, space, motion, - there are no and the existence as such.
  We, as people, know only yourself and your sense organs, which present us beingness as temporal-spatial-corporeal world in motion in the three spatial dimensions. However, space doesn't exist "under" this reality, presented to us, separately from time, things and living beings inasmuch living beings "produce" it on the basis of Uniform by own sense organs with the hidden help of single consciousness.
  Non-existence for Creation isn't present, because the active manifests itself through a spaceless projection separately and attracts to self the passive, without being thereby in homogenous integrity with the passive, characteristic for Uniform.
  Uniform by itself is nothingness, or zero, but the active on that and the active, in order to not forgetting the passive, to project itself into the hologram in the form of wave formations which are in an antiphase, i.e. remaining thereby equal to zero. Nothing prevents the active to manifest itself also sequentially, updating the previous hologram by its full replacement through some pause with high frequency, i.e. discretely.
  Each updated hologram is motionless and represents by itself the "expanded" zero which through the pause, representing "pure" zero, is replaced by zero with another "extension".
  This manifestation of infinity discretely in the finite form with ultrahigh frequency doesn't demand neither space, nor the motion, inasmuch arises nothing, except "gaps" in infinity which can be considered as prototype of time.
  Infinite, motionless and eternal Uniform, thus, is the dual system - Creation, thanks to the active and a holographic projection of Uniform, which also remains same infinite, motionless and eternal, but already "split" by the finite, sequentially updated formations, which are already temporary separately having duration and on condition of clutch them by the active through self is formed beingness, where the active can realize self in real actions, turning thereby Uniform through its projection out of nothingness into everything.
  For the person every information package passes each "moment" to neurons of brain from different human organs of senses in the form of sequences of nervous impulses; in each of impulses the relevant information is concluded. Speed of distribution of nervous impulses fluctuates in the range from 1m/sec. to 120m/sec. Frequency and nature of sequence of the impulses, bearing, in particular, visual information depend on intensity and spectral structure of light, and the magnitude and duration of a separate impulse don't depend by nature and strength of irritation.
  Directly after generation of an impulse the nervous fiber is in, so-called, refractory state, and can't be excited during 1-2 milliseconds again, i.e. the nervous fiber is able to conduct nervous impulses with the frequency not higher than 500 hertz. Duration of the impulse passing on nervous fiber makes part of millisecond in each "moment".
  The pause between the nervous impulses, containing information, means that they don't go continuously. However this pause in every moment is below the threshold of perception of it by consciousness and therefore the pause is missed by consciousness.
  In particular, the moving picture for consciousness of the person is provided with interval between consecutively scrolled shots about 0.04 seconds that makes the specified threshold. Its duration, as can be seen, by more than an order of magnitude greater than the pause duration. Therefore the formed discrete consecutive moments (update of "reality" is produced in each of them) of own time of the person, concluding in its sequence all pictures and all events of life for a person, merge into a continuous inseparable stream in his consciousness.
  Here, in this process arises own time of the person. It is a condition for making changes in surroundings, in which each person from the moment of birth automatically, and actually with hidden help of single, in a set, consciousness, "selects" through sensations from the various environment only those data which can be decoded (information), according to the reached level of development of consciousness (the form-building abilities).
  In this informational process the active (consciousness) connects a holographic projection and Uniform, receiving contact with the passive in it, and by that - a possibility to unite itself with the passive through the living beings, forming beingness, which thereby represents the passive from Uniform, converted through the living beings by consciousness into time, space, moving things, and the living beings is "placed" exactly in this beingness.
  Illusion of a smooth current of time as if from the past through the present in the future is created by the fact that consciousness of the person owing to his physiological features isn't capable to notice pulse character of the arriving information.
  This pulse character of the incoming information means its point fixation in continuous updating, i.e. existence of living beings in this conditional point, or in the present ("now").
  "Now" (present time) of the person is information process representing change of the material objects through irreversible sequence of the discrete "instants" which are being merged in consciousness in continuous (inextricably) flow.
  This process of formation by consciousness every moment of own "now" - the irreversible series of these moments make his life from the birth to death - mean that the person lives only in "now", only in it there are all changes, only in each concrete technically separate moment the human consciousness receives the corresponding package of information after processing which the following package of information arrives, updating previous, etc.
  However, the person doesn't sense intermittence of this process of replacement of one motionless copy on another, receiving thereby as if a moving picture from copies of fragments, "selected" by his consciousness from Uniform, perceived by him as things, among which he is situated (1, chapter 1.3; 3, chapter 3).
  This process of formation of the present of each person by means of processing of the packages of information arriving sequentially through a pause which isn't fixed by consciousness of the person, and replacing one another (completely updated), means permanent finding of the person in this present time "now", that is - lack of the real past and future.
  In other words, there is no the arrow of time containing the future, the present and the past, but exists only present time ("now") which it is conditionally possible to present in the form of point, inasmuch this "now" is being formed by the person, more precisely, by his consciousness through his sense organs, but it isn't being given him by something or by someone from outside. Therefore time doesn't come and doesn't leave, but is formed in his consciousness owing to fixing information packages sequentially coming through certain interval(each subsequent package completely updates previous) like the scrolled movie in which each separate frame the person doesn't notice, but fixes only changes of the objects presented to him by the movie.
  Own time, formed by each living being, is time of his life which comes to an end with body death when sense organs cease to function, i.e. primary channel of formation of own time disappears. "External" or common time does not disappear anywhere, inasmuch as it is formed by all set of the living beings.
  In this regard, it is meaningless to talk about move of the person in time by means of some time machine. He just has no need and reason to move. His individual consciousness has already localized of self quite deliberately in this point of own present ("now"), which is he self, inasmuch time, formed by his sense organs and his consciousness, along with that means existence of moving and changing things in space including his own body.
  It should, however, be noted that each individual consciousness in the person unilaterally cut off from single consciousness which it represents as part of a general hologram in the high-frequency projection of an infinite, homogeneous Uniform.
  However this unilateral clipping of individual consciousness from single consciousness means a possibility of autonomous existence for each individual consciousness, and for single consciousness - means the opportunity to provide automatic formation by each individual consciousness of own time. It is coexistence of the active as single consciousness and along with that as individual consciousnesses (free, developing, living). A basis of this coexistence is a holographic projection where the individual (part) and the single (whole) coincide.
  Each living being forms itself own time with the hidden assistance of single consciousness, but all set of living beings representing individual consciousnesses forms the general, or "external" time, in which each living being dwells.
  Change of the rate of "flow" of time for the specific person (each living being), or his own time, can be qualified as change of volume of information processed by his centers, or as change of the rate of its processing, that is not directly related to the "external" time, though each person believes "external", as if surrounding him, time, is the only type of time. Therefore, the factor of change of the course of own time about which he doesn't know, the person considers as miracle or absolutely inexplicable phenomenon, although, at least, he guesses about the beginning (birth) and the inevitable end of his time (death) [4, chapter 2].
  "External" time is a necessary condition (as if the house) for existence of single consciousness already in the divided form - as individual consciousnesses, presented by living beings who find themselves into own time, but within "external" time which forms single consciousness by all set of living beings.
  Single consciousness in own set forms "external" (general) time with which is combined own time of each individual consciousness in every living being including in the person in the period of the life. This own time is combined, more precisely, fits in the "external" time, but will not coincide with it, inasmuch the flow rate of own time is determined by each living being, possessing by types of organisms of different sense organs and various centers of information processing. Therefore, in particular, the lifetime and the flow rate of own time at a bacterium and at the person are not identical.
  A derivative of this general time is the global beingness, i.e. a space with moving things in the form of universes, stars, planets, atoms, molecules, radiation, and so on.
  If we observe "external" time and recognize its existence, as well as we believe that we are in this time, then it is to some extent so, but this time is the general for all living beings, but along with that each being lives in own time within "external" time.
  Until now, this fact does not find understanding in minds, apparently, because the "external" time is considered as the only objectively existing time as phenomenon.
  Nevertheless, the presence of own time, which in different ways is related to the "external" time, does not require the special proofs.
  There are butterflies-mayfly, living only one day, and thousand-year sequoias, turtles that live for hundreds of years, and microbes that exist less one second, etc. All of them have their own life in the allotted time in the "cocoon" of the general time, which is periodical and flowing smoothly as if outside.
  What determines the average term of the life or own time of different types of living beings which fluctuates from moments up to the millennia?
  If to recognize that time is the information process, determined eventually by the subject, then the rate of information processing, which arrives into living being, depends on its organization, in accordance with which the sense organs, situated in bodies, different in size and structure, as well as in different surroundings, transfer the relevant data to the centers, processing them with rate, which can differ in tens, hundreds and thousands of times. It is easy to understand this process, having remembered about computers of different power.
  Naturally, low speed of information processing of insignificant volume assumes and the slowed-down current of own time of living beings, for example, of perennial trees and vice versa, high speed of information processing of maximum large volumes in comparison to opportunities of the processing centers, is characteristic mostly for the simplest living entities, inasmuch their survival depends on it.
  "External" time manifests self for the person as reflection in his "now" of material objects, independent from him, inaccessible for changes by him , i.e. it is an external framework of his life. Own time of the person or his "now", unlike the "external" time, is formed by him. Own time, however, is throughout his life within "external" time with its smooth existential course and periodicity, but "now" of the person is his present time, but not some alien or counterfeit, because that he, though forming it automatically, in series of moments of life makes irreversible acts.
  The person can only regret about the completed or admire by it, but he isn't able to return it. Here the drama of life for the person is combined with the accumulation of experience by his own consciousness, in other words - with development of consciousness in each human life.
  The person (each living being) is situated in this case as if inside the changing picture, formed by his consciousness on the basis of information coming from sense organs. Here the person is similar to a character of a computer game, but with that difference that he self "produces" this "game". In other words, the current irreversible own time occurs for each living being - its "now", which is enclosed into a framework of "external" time, which is independent of the specific person.
  The person supposes that he can, knowing the past, extrapolate it into the future, for example as movement of planets, having corrected it in own imagination. The science considers this process as transfer of information into the future.
  However the person is not the planet. His own time and "external" time have various sources of formation - his personal consciousness and single consciousness respectively. Nevertheless, own time of the person is combined with "external" time during his life as reflection of coincidence of single consciousness and each individual consciousness in a holographic projection, which are divided yet in certain respect in beingness for life and development.
  Besides, autonomous existence of each individual consciousness in the person means that if the person can affect rate of current of own time consciously or not (see above section 2), then "external" time isn't subject to him.
  Anyway, even with the formal position is impossible to transfer that what is absent, in fact, into that what has not happened yet. Actually information undertakes from the available database during moments of "now" sequentially, inasmuch only during these moments it really exists, in order to use it not in the mythical future, but as the base for formation of subsequent moments of the present time.
  Getting something from the past which is measured by external time backward from "now", but really is absent, is impossible, as well as it is impossible to transfer something into the future - neither that, nor another isn't present, more precisely, they exist only in imagination of the person in framework of "external" time.
  Difference of concept of the ordinary person about the past in comparison with its representations about the future consists, in particular, in the fact that the future is absent for him in any form, except the imaginations, assumptions, whereas the past seems to the person existing really. In the past, on his concept, should be gathered, as in a moneybox, all that passes through the person into "now" though, actually, all accumulated information is in the databases available to the person only in his sliding "now".
  Permanent existence of "now" at all doesn't mean absence of changes in the consciousness, inasmuch every moment "now" has duration, during which from memory as from computer databases, this or that information can be requested and received. It is added to arriving information again, which is changing almost continuously, that allows projecting the further course of events with knowledge of the matter.
  However, all this too happens in "now", but not in the future. The confusion in these concepts occurs as a result of representation of each present instant as ephemeral boundary between the past and the future whereas "now" is a certain duration during which occurs a receiving and processing not only information from external sources surrounding consciousness, but also already accumulated information which is available to consciousness currently. This process goes sequentially - from one instant to the following - without stopping for consciousness which does not have time to note pauses between instants technically. It is probable therefore people divide time on the past, the present and the future in own submission.
  Thereby, information appears not from the past and not from the future which aren't present in reality, but time is formed by separate portions in "now", which arrive for processing by consciousness, that occupies a certain part of every instant in their sequence. This process goes each moment and has specific duration [1, chapters 1.3; 2, chapter 3].
  Formation of a new own time in the different body (after the death of the former), each individual consciousness "produces" after "disconnecting" from single consciousness in a holographic projection, which does not have space, time, things, motion.
  Therefore, each individual consciousness is in no way limited in choice of a new "point" of own time in beingness within "external" time, except own desires and own level of development. I.e. each individual consciousnessit chooses not time on some axis, but - as if the place for itself in global beingness to which it corresponds, inasmuch each individual consciousness has own time - it self forms own time.
  In this regard, exactly each individual consciousness, but not the body is the eternal traveler in frameworks of "external" time in each its "now", i.e. each individual consciousness is the traveler inside own time on the total beingness, so how "external" time - it only a condition for existence of all individual consciousnesses in own "now", like the house for many people. And in this "house" not too many "places" corresponds to state of each individual consciousness [4, chapter 4].
  Thus, as a consequence of the fact that beingness in its basis is a holographic projection of Uniform, - and this projection is formed by consciousness - is impossible to recognize as truth independent existence of time
  Motion, which is absent in Uniform, as well as in its projection, is necessary as phenomenon in which all living beings only and can develop. Motion also is being "produced" together with space, objects and smoothly current time by consciousness through the living beings, who only such surroundings, formed by them, are capable to perceive as reality and, respectively, to live and develop in it.
  However time, as the sequence discrete durations, is formed originally not in beingness, and in a holographic projection, merging in uniform stream moving and changing things only after processing the information packets, updating one another successively, in the processing centers of the living beings.
  If time (consciousness) disappears - there will be neither things, nor space.
  "Velocity of flow" of time depends on the volume of information coming to the individual consciousness through sense organs, inasmuch own time of the person is the information process, representing itself the copying of material objects, which are situated in surroundings of the person, by means of his sense organs in the form of irreversible sequence of the discrete, information-bearing durations, being merged in the human consciousness and in the consciousness of any living being into a picture of incessantly changing surrounding. And all these changes depend not on some arbitrary stream of things what is impossible for the passive, inasmuch information copies of things from Uniform are initially motionless and invariable, but these changes depend on consciousness: all things are identified and copied by consciousness in the sequence of its address to Uniform in accordance with its own form-building abilities.
  Thereby, rate of flow of time for every individual human consciousness depends on the volume of information (the amount and content of information packets), incoming in the processing centers of the human body, and on the speed of processing the incoming information in these centers (4, chapter 2).
  In normal circumstances, own time of each person "flows" ordinary, not changing own rate: he fixes time in accordance with such external factors as the hour hand, the movement of the sun across the sky and other periodic phenomena.
  However, examples of change of rate of "flow" of own time ("now") - its acceleration (condensation) and deceleration - for certain groups of people and individuals are known. At this, ordinary ("external") time does not change its rate.
  This strange and inexplicable both for people, and for science the phenomenon quite gives in to an explanation from a position of representation of own time of the person (any living being) as information process during which the rate of "flow" of time for each individual human consciousness, or his own time, depends on the volume of information coming to the processing centers of a human body and from the rate of processing of the arriving information in these centers.
  In particular, the change of "flow" of time, caused by reduction in the rate of processing of the arriving information, is faster "flow" of time in old age, which is felt by each person living till these years.
  The matter is that the general aging of an organism affects parts of a brain responsible for information processing, arriving from sense organs: they are exposed to the sclerotic and other changes, complicating their work, therefore at advanced age the same volume of information is processed more and more slowly per day in comparison with young years. It "eats" up to the sixth part of own time of elderly people though "current" of "external" time, making 24 hours a day, remains unchanged.
  The elderly themselves with surprise notice that they do not have time for a day to do the same that had been possible in earlier years. Time for them as if accelerates its course: ordinary things no longer fit in the traditional framework, and a lot of things have to shift on "tomorrow".
  This fact of acceleration of time ("now") can be qualified as a consequence of reduction in the rate of processing of approximately identical volume of information arriving in a day that is equivalent to growth of volume of the arriving information at loss by the processing centers of their efficiency.
  Acceleration of time happens also at a reverse situation when information processing rate practically remains to a constant, more precisely, frameworks of this rate (high-speed performance) don't change, but the volume of the arriving information for certain period increases. In particular, the contents of information packages in certain period of "external" time can significantly change: visible example of this circumstance is days sated with affairs and cares which slip imperceptibly. According to this increase in volume of information is compacted own time.
  In comparison with the days sated with affairs, the days of inaction last "eternally" - day, "empty" from affairs, lasts unceasingly, just as time "flows" in slowed-up rate for the prisoner in a solitary confinement where nothing occurs. In these cases the contents of information packages practically doesn't change. According to this decrease in volume of the arriving information takes place some kind of "stretching" of own time of the person.
  Information thereby makes own time of the person every day, being, in fact, as the filling of his life. Significant change of information streams means radical vital changes for him, leading to change in him. Therefore, the person instinctively seeks at least to keep flows of information, being engaged in everyday various affairs, generally on a workplace even if this work isn't interesting to him; the person seeks to learn news from different sources even if they directly are not affected him; he communicates with friends, members of the family etc. Loss of the main information channels owing to an illness, resignations, divorce, unemployment, etc. means true catastrophe, often almost equivalent to loss of life for each person.
  Two limit situations for own time of living beings, i.e. for the organisms-systems having consciousness are very curious.
  One limit case relating to a ratio of volume of information and opportunities of the system, which accepts this volume, consists in reduction of information flows to a minimum or in general - practically to the termination of receipt of information into system.
  Opposite case in this regard is the situation when the volume of the arriving information begins to exceed possibilities of the centers which process it.
  In the first case, disappearance or elimination information, which was arriving to system-organism, due to various reasons, stops normal functioning of system, inasmuch the course of the events, initiated by inflow of information. is stopped, that is equivalent for the system-organism to loss of time sense, i.e. own time of system is nullified.
  Emergence of a similar situation means transition of system, at least, to the "sleeping" mode, and for the person lack of inflow of information is his gradual degradation.
  Loss of time sense has been confirmed clearly with experiments with volunteers in the depth of a dark cave who gradually lost the feeling of course of time.
  As for degradation, it inevitably and quickly enough happens to the prisoners, deprived of any contacts with world around.
  The second threshold case seems quite simple. In particular, the computer in a similar situation blocks own work and turns into a useless box.
  Nevertheless, systems-organisms aren't brainless things.
  For example, many students, which were shirking classes, but which did not want to lose the scholarship, are trying to load the memory by large volume of material into session at extremely limited number of hours on preparation. In case of excessive diligence not so seldom impossibility "to digest" information arriving as avalanche, leads to irreversible destruction of the corresponding shares of a brain. Such madness actually means a final exit of system-organism out of normal functioning.
  In other words, own time of this entity is unable further to be accelerated (nowhere) in case of similar excess inflow of information (singularity point). Therefore "flow" of time in this situation for the subject of action (own time, or its "now") stops that is expressed in stop of functioning of this entity, i.e. in quality loss, or feature by this entity.
  So both of these limit cases concerning failure in functioning, converge.
  Distinction consists that if (the first case) timely return of system-organism to information streams can restore its normal functioning, then at overload of system-organism by information (the second case) it collapses, i.e. its own time comes to the end. On the place of this system appears already something another, perhaps - similar, perhaps - system of other quality.
  The example of this phenomenon (overload of system-organism by information, or arrival of system owing to the accelerated "current" of own time to singularity point) is regular collapse of planetary civilizations that have preceded our civilization, and many traces of which still remain (artificial underground tunnels hundreds of kilometers long, built hundreds of thousands and millions of years ago; various artificial underwater constructions clearly not relating to our time, numerous pyramids, which tens and hundreds of thousands of years; household items which age is estimated in millions of years). All these facts aren't entered in the evolutionary theory of appearance of the person on Earth about 150 thousand years ago and therefore are ignored [6, chapter 5].
  Thus, with development of the living organisms into more sophisticated and diverse beings the flow of time is accelerated, reaching the maximum values with the advent of civilization of reasonable beings, as a consequence their conscious actions. Growth of speed of emergence of new information and, accordingly, its volume leads, finally, a civilization to information collapse and disintegration.
  This implies regular formation under suitable conditions of the intelligent civilizations, which can occur not only at the peak of the evolution, and the inevitable decay of each civilization. In other words, permanent progress for civilizations in beingness is absent, that resembles to a certain extent the consecutive emergence of new living organisms under suitable conditions after the disappearance of previous.
  Chapter 4
  The person among things.
  Things in motion in space and the current time, which in an item state are manifested only in beingness, are formed by consciousness through sense organs of living beings, of course, not in order that to the person, per se, was to live wonderfully - he is only the finite tool of active (consciousness), combining in self as lifeless components , and both levels of consciousness, - all this beingness are formed, first of all, for development of consciousness and retention consciousness as well as all Creation from falling into a non-existence. Nevertheless, in finite human lives the individual consciousness, inseparable with the body, can express self in different way in feelings, thoughts and actions.
  However it is possible to develop only in the conditions of the resisting environment and the competition in different conditions, that doesn't provide complete and ultimate wellbeing and the final happiness for the person at all, but gives only different drudgeries, rare moments of delight and pleasure, and everlasting liberty of own expression, which doesn't allow to live quietly, and mostly attracts troubles.
  Things, which are independent of consciousness, can not exist - all of them, or rather their copies are formed by consciousness in accordance with its form-building capabilities and these copies are "given" to a person for his life and development, in the course of which evolves and changes his consciousness, having "temporary" independence in each life.
  Each thing in the world is only the full informational copy of the corresponding object from Uniform, identified and read out by consciousness by means of sense organs and respective centers of own live carrier. Therefore, things are secondary in relation to alive, in which consciousness is manifested, both on the lowest, and at the highest level.
  Thus, each thing originally is not the dense matter which in the form of a certain subject appears in life, for example, in front of the mirror. Any subject in front of the mirror is the information copy of what is in Uniform, representing in the intermediate phase (a holographic projection of Uniform) the frequency wave-like formation; these copies are converted in consciousness of the person, which unites the pulse signals (packets of information), into the "dense" objects of the various environment.
  That is all things of beingness have no independent existence, receiving it only by means of the active in the form of the living beings.
  The mirror demonstrates the reverse process of transformation of a dense object in its information a copy in through the looking glass. The object, which is in front of the mirror, thereby is doubled, being manifested in two different forms, and this clearly demonstrates its intrinsic duality.
  The conditional division by a mirror of the live world with the "lifeless" world behind the looking-glass shows the possibility of life and development only in the world with things, time, space and motion, which, being derivative of a holographic projection, nevertheless, makes a true field for development of consciousness in the conditions of the resisting environment.
  The mirror demonstrates the reverse process of transformation of a dense object in its information a copy in through the looking glass. The object, which is in front of the mirror, thereby is doubled, being manifested in two different forms, and this clearly demonstrates its ambiguity.
  The conditional division by a mirror of the live world with the "lifeless" world behind the looking-glass shows the possibility of life and development only in the world with things, time, space, motion which, being derivative of a holographic projection, nevertheless, makes a true field for development of consciousness in the conditions of the resisting environment.
  If in infinite Uniform everything is merged together, then separately there things aren't present; means it is impossible to speak about their existence in timeless Uniform - they are there potentially, and they can be manifested only in copies discretely, i.e. in time, and only in the forms, determined by consciousness.
  Things in an information-frequency form, i.e. in the form of copies, are "allocated" consistently from Uniform, forming not a number of the forms existing together, not travelling wave, but only one form which is completely replaced with another close to previous, i.e. is updated with the interval which is required on updating, and so on.
  So, things don't exist as separate and independent, being manifested in a particular form only through consciousness. They are manifested by single-multiple consciousness through wave high-frequency formations of a holographic projection, - being some kind of prototype of the material things known to us, - in the form of all beingness, and along with that are formed as specific things through each individual consciousness, creating its surroundings.
  Only loss of a pause in individual consciousness of the living being forms in representation, in particular, of the person, time, as if flowing from the future into the last - though there is only one the present ("now"), and in this short, but eternally updated "now" in each individual consciousness are being linked the updated wavy structures into the spatial moving world of things known to us which without involvement of the living beings, i.e. without beings with consciousness can't be manifested in any case, inasmuch the world without them - simply non-existence.
  As for the person, after his death the thingness beingness doesn't disappear anywhere, so how consciousness does not disappear anywhere; consciousness in its individual form becomes by another living being, participating as always in formation of time [4, chapter 13].
  The assertion, that consciousness in the process of perception of reality by living beings is secondary, and that the true reason of emergence of consciousness, together with his perception of the world is a natural process of evolutionary change, is inadequate, inasmuch exception of consciousness from the prime cause of the changing picture of reality arising in the living being, at once deadens these changes which in itself, that is without living beings, aren't necessary (yes and changes are absent, so how things do not exist in the absence of consciousness) and anything with themselves don't bear ,the more that any change of things does not give the living beings.
  Independent move of life, i.e. change of things by itself, doesn't exist - there is only an interaction of active (consciousness) and passive (things), creating life and development not for things (the lifeless), but for the live - consciousness.
  In this regard consciousness has extremely a broad spectrum of activity, caused by development of the living beings in beingness. But it isn't necessary to think that each individual consciousness dominates completely here. It forms the environment automatically (in fact, through single consciousness) in order to in struggle with the surroundings to develop in the same environment. As a result, there are new kinds of living beings disappear the earlier species, until finally, not appeared the being, the quality of the organism which most corresponds to a combination of this organism with self-consciousness. This combination represents the person.
  The person is separated from other living beings at all not by that he has some essential differences in a set or quality of the sense organs, in particular, from primates, but by that he is capable, representing self and own opportunities already in separation from the environmental, to expand the range any more not of sensations, but - of representations about the environment, receiving with use of the second signal system and by means of devices certain data about microcosm, various types of radiations, public life, cultural values etc., as well as using not just genetic memory, but also written memory, i.e. the knowledge and reasons of all past generations, that animals cannot do in principle.
  This information channel, of course, too is limited, but any more not only as a set of sense organs and by opportunities of the centers, processing information, but opportunities of the artificial surroundings, created by the person.
  Acceptance of the final decisions always belongs to the person and these decisions can't be "shifted" completely, for example, into computer networks, inasmuch any computer - only a thing, which depends on the person, - his supportive application.
  Besides, the shift from natural information to artificial intelligence quickly destroys the human consciousness, which is deprived under dictation of the computer of own liberty of action, receiving almost everything in finished form, i.e. instead of development the person receives degradation - and quite fast. This factor is one of components of the information collapse leading of a planetary civilization to decomposition.
  The lifeless (things) does not exist in time - the lifeless in the form of copies is "extracted" from Uniform by alive. Each living being, on the one hand, is consciousness, combined with the components of the things, and on the other hand, the living beings are surrounded by "things" which are "extracted" in reality by them. Thereby the living beings receives "space" for activity, growth and development among similar to it beings in things which are finite on form of existence in time.
  Lack of the real motion in the holographic projection, formed by single consciousness with formation of prototype of time, is converted in various measurements of beingness into current time and motion for all individual consciousnesses in the form of the living beings representing each of these measurements which they form and fix through sense organs and operating centers of own organism.
  Exactly this fact of participation of each individual consciousness through own sense organs and the operating centers in formation of surrounding "reality" allows each living being to join into the world, which is being formed around, to become its acting personage, unlike the viewer in a cinema hall.
  However, under this layer of reality, which is in the motion, is hidden the true layer of the motionless, but replaced copies of things.
  So, the motionless becomes by moving objects without propulsor and the question of the prime propulsor, be it God or the self-motion of matter, disappears by itself.
  Really there is no things outside consciousness and - consciousness without things, inasmuch things themselves are hidden in timeless Uniform and consciousness updates only what is in its disposal in a holographic projection, through which consciousness in the form of alive identifies and copies things (the passive) from Uniform.
  Therefore, things in this process of updating of a holographic projection are connected with consciousness, inasmuch it forms on their basis, more precisely, on the basis of the passive from Uniform, the copies of things and updates by them the previous copies in a holographic projection discretely, inasmuch every "instant" of the update makes a certain duration behind which through a pause there comes the following updating.
  These "gaps" of infinity make time in which the infinite is manifested as finite infinitely. Otherwise, information on things for consciousness would remain hidden in Uniform, or Uniform wouldn't be manifested in the projection that means non-existence for it, but we don't observe this, so how the changing world is open to us.
  Thus, it is possible to state: there is no matter inside consciousness, and there is no consciousness without matter, but it doesn't mean their sameness - one is the active, another is the passive, but they are merged completely only in Uniform as the infinite and timeless; and in a holographic projection they exist as the finite infinitely, but discretely, or in time, which doesn't flow smoothly and continuously as it is represented to us in beingness, but it represents by itself duration of "moments" of the update with pauses in between.
  Thereby the active and the passive have an opportunity to be separated and united in the course of the update of a projection.
  In this temporary process before each individual consciousness through sensations of its carrier arises the opportunity separately to investigate things getting to the essence and along with that - to live among things in beingness which is arisen as a result [3, chapter 1.2, 1.3].
  Beingness which is being presented to us as such reliable, thingness, vast, corresponding certain laws, containing macro- and microcosm, elementary particles and radiations, galaxies and the living beings, in the basis has no more than information, more precisely, - the high-frequency holographic formations, bearing information. They are equal to zero integrally each position of updating owing to manifestation of each wave-like formation jointly with the same formation in antiphase. Such balance of a holographic projection of Uniform corresponds to timeless Uniform which is nothingness, becoming by everything only through own projection in time.
  This process cannot have the beginning and the end because the dual system of Creation is steady in the functioning and manifestation, which excludes non-existence due to interaction between the infinite and the finite.
  This system not only has no propulsor, but it formally is nothingness, making zero in total in any position. Therefore, it is not being fallen apart, and it does not need both in the beginning, and in the final.
  On the other hand, the system of Creation isn't capable to be divided on Uniform and a separate holographic projection - system is a single whole, in which the form-building active is fueled by the passive, which is losing its shape in finite formations.
  The passive, losing a shape in finite (beingness), restores thereby a form of the active at their interaction. The active, thus, does not lose its basic shape (the core) and form-building abilities at the expense of the decaying passive in beingness, but the active also, "extracting" the passive from Uniform in the form of information copies for the period of existence of this finite, restores a form of the passive and change it. So, by means of the address to the finite in the form of the passive, losing a shape, the active becomes eternal on a form, properties and can withhold all system of Creation in actual existence.
  Each copy of thing is the frequency updated structure of this or that type which is "converted" in individual consciousness through sense organs and centers of processing of the arriving information in the carrier of consciousness into the concrete thing. At this, the things, being represented in the set, constitute, in particular, an environment around the person, and their connectivity and motion are caused by specifics of passing of information on the specified channels, owing to what pauses between impulses drop out.
  Updating of this sort can't be ideal purely statistically. Therefore during the existence of a thing in its specific quality the number of mistakes or failures accrues, and at achievement of a certain threshold value the concrete thing loses the stability or the quality and ceases to function adequately: the stone disintegrates, universe collapses and human life is terminated. Here the quantitative - number of failures - for a thing turns into quality change of a thing or in its full disintegration - stability of any thing is lost, and thereby as the special it falls out of existence, i.e. can't be as the infinite in this or that quality. This fact in itself confirms the secondary nature of all things of beingness, their derivativeness from consciousness.
  Nevertheless, each copy of concrete things, existing finitely in a set form, is material derivative from infinite Uniform. Therefore, copies of things in the projection Uniform don't disappear, but change the forms according to understanding of things by consciousness.
  Creation, being everything and nothingness, comprises contrasts and denies itself, inasmuch in the person of the active constantly strives for novelty, destroying previous in itself and manifesting in this liberty of consciousness (the active). But everything, that passed, doesn't disappear completely, and it is kept in memory of consciousness (the active).
  Therefore the dual system of Creation is active and passive; finite and infinite; changeable and constant; whole and part; uniform and scattered; motionless and in motion; reasonable and dark; live and dead; it wishes and refuses; it arises and dies away; it is one and another; it comes into life and perishes; it is equal to itself and - alternative; it holds a form and - blurry; it can't be, but it is there; it wants to learn about itself everything, but can't because of own infinity; the infinite in it denies the finite, but isn't capable to exist without it.
  Information process aren't possible for things owing to absence at them form-building abilities and sense organs, but this process is possible for consciousness in the living beings, that means existence of time which is formed in finite durations of ruptures of infinity of a projection of Uniform.
  Conversion of the high-frequency wave updated structures of a holographic projection through the living beings into the "dense" world means existence of beingness with the moving and changing objects in space and current time.
  Thus, things, as such, aren't present around, them don't exist, more precisely, they are presented in each individual consciousness as the material information copies in such forms, order and connectivity, that each individual consciousness in any living being among them can sense, and self-conscious living being in addition can think in accordance with its intellectual capacities; this phenomenon proceeds thanks to loss of a pause between updates of copies of things for each individual consciousness in the carrier, that automatically "transfers" any living being to the world with objects moving in space and time, known to us.
  Thereby not environment creates the conscious beings, but single consciousness through sense organs of carriers of all individual consciousnesses forms quite material frequency (holographic) projection on the basis of Uniform, being "converted" on the level of the individual consciousness, which from its part temporarily is "cut off" from single consciousness, into beingness with moving objects, i.e. beingness in whole is manifested by single consciousness in its multiple form; "now" of every individual consciousness is manifested by it through own sense organs with hidden help of single consciousness.
  All carriers (components of bodies) of consciousness are also thingness copies, gaining quality of the living being at the time of the birth, and losing it at the moment of death, inasmuch this property the lifeless receives from particles of active (consciousness).
  However, and the particles of consciousness are the copies of the active from Uniform in holographic projection because exactly in similar formation single consciousness can exist in plurality and along with that in unity and eternity, manifesting and acting on the basis of Uniform in the finite infinitely.
  The person, comprehending self as separate of the world, and along with that, being among remaining live organisms and things, is the main tool of consciousness which receives the emerging (the real) through its sense organs and operational centers in order to further to pass to identification in beingness of essences, where really not to do without thought and where the word, the idea, the experience acquire the value, and where happens a real development of consciousness.
  Chapter 5
  What is the basis of a person's death, and whether there is immortality?
  The person needs disclosure of secret of death and in a consolation.
  This secret together with a consolation try to provide materialists and religion who offer two different interpretations.
  One, the materialistic, states: death means transition of the person to a non-existence - everything for him comes to an end.
  And it, as some people consider, are perfectly because for any person after death there is nothing and he has nothing to worry about.
  As the saying goes: stopped suffer and calmed down forever. However, the special secret and a qualitative consolation isn't present here. But still many people agree with this approach. Nevertheless, with approximation of the end the certain concern comes even to them, and start prevailing thoughts about soul and the possibility of other life because the non-existence isn't interesting.
  Another, for example, Christian interpretation, supposes that death is return of soul to God with different options (hell, Paradise, purgatory, but no more than that). This interpretation of death and its consequences for the person seems more attractive so as it promises something, however, isn't known that specifically and a little because soul gets there, from where there is no return, but it would be desirable to return and again quite good to live; but nevertheless, unlike "the materialistic end", such option of a posthumous final comforts by some determinacy in respect of saving consciousness (soul) in eternity, however, unclear for what purpose.
  However, both approaches take of the person as a basis, i.e. - as the finite and therefore are inadequate.
  There is no person and there are no problems for him in the world, according to materialists, owing to disappearance of the person, as such.
  There is no person and there are no problems for him in the world and by results of the Christian attitude towards death so how the requital for deeds in the world during lifetime is transferred on external responsible force. However, it is in itself nonsense: you did, but "uncle" will decide for you. It would be more fair most to evaluate a degree of own fault, time for you everything is over, knowing best of all about own deeds, but not to rely on strange force, moreover and solving everything finally and irrevocably because another life is not expected for you in the world as it is supposed by churchmen.
  Thus, both of these interpretations of death are similar in the basis as well as on the main upshot: the world for the person disappears together with him after death.
  It is curious that both materialists, and churchmen refute their concepts of beingness by own interpretation of the fact of death.
  Materialists, considering the human consciousness as the highest manifestation of self-development of matter, at the same time by own interpretation of death as transition of the person from life to non-existence, thereby exterminates forever this highest manifestation of matter in its specific individual expression, reducing this highest expression of matter to zero, to a usual thing which is interesting to nobody, and the fact of appearance and disappearance which excites nobody. It in itself means that self-development of matter, as such, - absurd: from what they have left, to the same they have come.
  Churchmen make similar mistake. They, agreeing with extermination of a body as thing, "remove" consciousness of the person in "a locker" of paradise, hell or still something forever even if the person in life practically made nothing (and so most often and happens) that is nonsense so how this approach actually exterminates consciousness, removing it on "eternal storage".
  The only way of expression and manifestation of the infinite in the finite infinitely is the combination of the infinite, or eternal Uniform (everything and nothingness) and its high-frequency updated projection in the form of the hologram where the active (consciousness) "produces" the changes in copies of things (the passive) from Uniform, "creating" the basis (beingness) for own change, i.e. receiving life and development, but in the "intermittent" form, dying and reviving at all levels in the form of the things, "linked" to consciousness which too together with a thing-body should die and be born, undergoing all burdens and horror in these processes, but remaining in the basis as immortal. So an infinite consciousness should be reconciled with this finite because other options of existence of beingness and everything that is in it, presumably, are extremely improbable.
  Therefore,, approach to death should be another in essence, so how death is absent for infinite consciousness, being present only at the finite, temporary expression of consciousness, - in particular, in the person in whom the consciousness is combined with thingness components. The death for the person is the moment of transition of consciousness to other existence, differing from previous or similar to previous that is determined by the current life of the specific person.
  Here already the center of gravity is transferred from the person to the individual consciousness, growing together with the person, and developing in him at his life, but leaving him as the finite to following growth and development in another finite corresponding to the level of the individual consciousness. Peripetias of each life remain in memory of any individual consciousness, without disappearing forever, and in this regard each person as the personality is eternal in his consciousness which, actually, and creates all realities of the human life in the form of beingness.
  Immortality for the person not only is impossible, but also it is senseless, inasmuch exactly consciousness does him by the thinking and active being in own individuality, understood by him, and a body of the person - only the tool of consciousness. Loss of body for the individual consciousness is not catastrophe, but - transition of the same consciousness to new life in another body, then - to the next life and so on. I.e. the human consciousness in its individuality thereby finds not only immortality, but also uncountable new lives.
  Even short-term loss of consciousness (partial leaving of consciousness) turns the person into helpless "vegetable", i.e. the being, which is being expressed himself only in forms of natural functions, such as respiration, metabolism that means nothing in relation to intellectually-projecting abilities. Syncope, sleep are examples of this phenomenon; this fact further confirms the pivotal role both an individual consciousness, and self-consciousness in the life of any person.
  This consciousness, remaining unique individuality, without losing it, along with that is updated in each existence that guarantees lack of stagnation to each consciousness and not decreasing interest to coming due to novelty.
  Therefore, the widespread opinion about irrevocable loss of the human personality, "accumulated" during life with death of the person is delusion.
  This opinion is wrong, inasmuch it focuses attention on the person, i.e. - on the living being.
  But the person is only the tool of consciousness, the finite formation concerning his body - complete loss of consciousness (death) turns the person into quickly decaying thing. So that the concrete human personality in life is the manifestation of the corresponding individual consciousness in its infinite development and this personality is inseparable from consciousness.
  Within the presented model of the dual system of Creation, at last, receives an explanation the transitory character of everything - a stone, a planet, an universe, a human life.
  If in Uniform all - the active and the passive - is merged in infinity, in the projection of Uniform the active is in relatively separate position with the passive, inasmuch it itself forms the copies of things on the basis of Uniform.
  Thereby the active in the projection of Uniform has the opportunity to be manifested, being realized infinitely in copies of the things, being formed by it discretely.
  The active, in its separation from the passive in the projection of Uniform, has an opportunity "to use" the copies of things, being formed by it, endlessly, owing to that these copies are finite: the finite passive thus "supports" active at infinity, but in a particular form. The active, in its separation from the passive, nevertheless, is connected with it not only because the active forms the passive in the form of copies of things, but also because it is situated in these things, i.e. among them and in them as the support. Therefore, the active is forced to "move" from one the finite, which was terminated, to another, and this discontinuous, in fact, process lasts infinitely.
  It is possible to note in this relation that the active is realized infinitely in the finite in a projection of Uniform, being formed by the active. Similar process can't do without durations, which are the cornerstone of finite formations that means there is time, i.e. a projection of Uniform, unlike Uniform, is situated in time, and this is equivalent to change of the finite structures.
  And if in this context becomes clear that the infinity of the active (consciousness) in a projection of Uniform persists, despite the temporary character of the projection, thanks to "immersion" of the active in the finite discretely, but infinitely, then the finiteness, the "temporariness" of copies of things requires an explanation, in particular, because still there is an opinion about eternal existence of material structures that surround both the common person and the person as a species-being.
  This explanation of the finite existence of objects of the world, or copies of things from Uniform, is the frequency character of the holographic projection of Uniform.
  The active (consciousness) with ultrahigh frequency identifies (recognizes) and copies things from Uniform, and these copies as information packages "appear and disappear", more precisely, they are updated each impulse in the holographic projection.
  Each copy, thus, is the frequency updated structure of this or that type which is "converted" in individual consciousness through sense organs and centers of processing of the arriving information in the carrier of consciousness in the concrete thing. At this, the things, being represented in the set, constitute, in particular, an environment around the person, and their connectivity and motion are caused by specifics of passing of information on the specified channels, owing to what pauses between impulses drop out.
  Updating of this sort can't be ideal purely statistically. Therefore, during the existence of a thing in its steady quality the number of mistakes or failures accrues, and at achievement of a certain threshold value the concrete thing loses the stability or the quality and ceases to function adequately: the stone disintegrates, universe collapses and human life is terminated. Here the quantitative - number of failures - for a thing turns into quality change of a thing or in its full disintegration - stability of any thing is lost, and it thereby as the special falls out of existence, i.e. can't be as the infinite in this or that quality. This fact in itself confirms the secondary nature of all things of beingness, their derivativeness from consciousness.
  Nevertheless, each copy of concrete things, existing finitely in a set form, is material derivative from infinite Uniform. Therefore, copies of things in the projection Uniform don't disappear, but change the forms according to understanding of things by consciousness.
  But yet raises the question.
  Each individual consciousness, like the thing (the passive), is a frequency structure, and in this way, as seems, has to be subject to deformation, loss of stability and, therefore, loss of its peculiarity, or quality.
  How then it retains in infinite passing through finite formations the individual quality i.e. is the eternal?
  Certainly, frequency failures, which change structure of individual consciousness, can't but happen in the updated holographic projection and, as a consequence of all that, in each its coexistence with a body-carrier.
  But, if the thing isn't capable to correct consciously the changes happening to it - at it as the passive there is no aspiration anyway to retain its peculiarity, which it is not aware, a thing has only elementary feedback mechanisms preventing its chaotic disintegration - then any living being, and not only a self-conscious being, by all possible means, which it has enough, clings to life. Thereby, consciousness keeps its main feature - the activeness, or the persistent aspiration to changes in itself and around itself.
  Actually, "immersion" of consciousness into the finite, live existence over and over again is also a solution of the problem of preservation itself as the active.
  Existence in things and among things, and also close to other consciousnesses in the form of the live, on the one hand, allows consciousness to correct the structure of own kernel on the basis of reactions of the surrounding on own actions not to lose ability to aspirations on preservation of the radical peculiarity - own activeness, and on the other hand, allows to try to use changes which it is capable to feel and/or to be aware anyway with advantage for itself, but not to the detriment.
  The variety of situations in each finite existence for any individual consciousness means finding of sole individuality in an infinite number of particles of consciousness.
  So goes development of living beings and consciousness in them, i.e. the initial frequency disruptions in the structure of the active does not lead him to disaster (the collapse, or loss of the form), since the kernel of the active is restored in the finite making a frequency projection of Uniform by stable as a whole, and each particle of consciousness - capable to participate in the formation of the time and, as a consequence, - in the formation of the real worlds in time.
  Thus, the finite is necessary to the infinite not only for functioning of the dual system of Creation as the timeless and along with that as the temporary system, which thereby is retained in equilibrium, but also for stabilization of the active in Creation, making the active by unchanging and eternal in its essence, yet infinitely changeable.
  At this, more opportunities for development among all living beings have beings with self-consciousness, who understand itself and, trying to consciously to retain own core, do not miss arising opportunities for own changes - they have enough time to do it, so how consciousness, which is inherent them, and forms time every time for own placement. Therefore, a self-conscious being, for example, the person, is support for consciousness in life on its infinite way on finite islands of reality, and along with that - a base for change of itself in each of realities.
  As a result, individuality is not lost, but each time is put into other clothes, which are innumerable. So each being, conscious of itself, can be confident that the core of his personality is not undergoing fatal changes in any circumstances, which is just something external, that is created by it itself to a certain extent for some tests of itself in them [3, chapter 1.2].
  The state of mind (consciousness) in the person all the time changes - joy turns to despair, sadness gives way to excitement in anticipation of the change, the importance and confidence in the thoughts and actions give way to confusion and loss of all hope.
  And it is impossible to tell that the consciousness in the person (any beings understanding themselves) becomes better or worse, so how it tests itself in different situations and respectively manifests itself in different ways. Perhaps, he wants to be more perfect, to decide the fate of all, to do much good for all and everything, but it turns the other way around. Nevertheless, eternal life of consciousness gives it unlimited opportunities except boredom, inasmuch an information basis of life is irreversible sequence of changes to which willy-nilly is necessary to be adapted.
  Egoism of human consciousness is quite clear: it is from its side disconnected from single consciousness, acquiring thereby the relative solitude and the ability to act with a "blank sheet." With the approach of death this temporary loneliness, among other things, turns into fear of loss of own personality forever.
  What's really going on, the person doesn't understand owing to the specified temporary restriction of consciousness in him.
  Most people see that it is not his consciousness, but his living being is a personality.
  They are not able to imagine that this personality-being can be lost: some believe (the religious consciousness), that this personality-being has to be saved after death in this or that otherworldly sphere; others plan to place own body after death in the cryogenic tank, hoping for future successes of science in achievement of immortality.
  Similar boundedness means absence of understanding of finiteness of any thing in life, except consciousness which uses the finite for own perpetual motion forward, i.e. for development.
  As for the personality, she is formed by actions of consciousness into the living being for the purpose of receiving changes in the current life that the consciousness acquires, and the "gotten" personality, naturally, remains in eternal consciousness, whereas a body of the person, as well as a body of any living being as thing, disappears forever.
  The thing in our measurement is updated imperceptible for us during the information process, connecting consciousness through sense organs of its carriers with Uniform. Therefore, in particular, substance of a human body changes on all its components in its growth and development (without the knowledge of the person) "technically" by single consciousness, and in this high-frequency update appear inevitable errors which in the course of their accumulation are becoming more difficult to be corrected.
  With accumulation of failures during life a human body, as extremely difficult (multi-level) system, loses symmetry and purity in his functioning. Besides, there is an accumulation of the information during life in memory of the person. This information becomes sooner or later as superfluous that hinders to work effectively to the controlling centers of an organism and thereby promotes to approach of diseases and the general senescence of an organism.
  As a result, these factors do life of a body by the finite even in case of the most favorable conditions.
  It should be noted that the passive (non-living), as the simplest in its original frequency structure, including universes, stars, planets, in accordance with their appointment is less subject to disbalance, the more that the control centers similar to the centers of live organisms, are absent at them, but there are various feedback mechanisms which restore automatically stability of systems. The number of the main levels of functioning at them in comparison with live organisms is small that also promotes the most effective stabilization of systems.
  In other words, the lifeless (the passive) according to his place has time of existence, bigger in comparison to the living beings close to it by the sizes. In particular, the stone may be lain tens of thousands of years, and the living being of comparable sizes can live only tens, at best - hundreds of years. Even if owing to evolutionary zigzags the living beings, like some species of turtles, fishes, crustaceans, practically do not age thanks to effective operation of mechanisms compensating failures in work of cages and bodies, they are compelled to quit the stage due to both the losses of compliance with the changing environment, and competition of more young and flexible competitors in relation to adapting to the environment.
  But in the most difficult biological systems, for example, in a human body, compensative mechanisms hold an organism in operating state on average relatively not long - a few decades. This fact is additional confirmation of gradual accumulation of failures in a frequency basis of an organism which is made in the lower layer by simple components in the form of molecule structures, that is expressed even in the most favorable circumstances and at rather normal functioning of body organs in inevitable change of adequate work of these or those cells of an organism in the direction of their uncontrollable growth (cancer), culminating to the destruction of the body, or the dying off of nervous cages (Alzheimer's disease) breaking normal functioning of an organism.
  The individual consciousness in case of such situation is forced to leave an organism, unsuitable to action, which, saving the form, or an appearance of the specific personality, loses life, i.e. ability to updating, reproduction, interaction with the environmental etc. Thereby the human organism passes into category of usual molecular organic substance and decomposes by living beings in a species of microorganisms on components, mixing up with environment. It is curious that the corpse is decomposed by the elementary live organisms which also have consciousness of other level. Thereby they release a place for the following organisms - potential carriers of the higher consciousness.
  The prime causes of aging and death of the person are still unknown to science. Therefore, some scientists find it possible to do a human life virtually almost immortal.
  If we go beyond such limitation to wider look - at the finiteness of all things, the reasons of transient nature of things - from universes up to subatomic particles, from bacteria to humans - are also unknown to science.
  And it is clear: within the real world of finite things, using knowledge of found regularities according to which, as it seems, functions the world, i.e., being "inside" this world, it is impossible to learn "ultraboundary technical" prime cause of finite existence of things of this world.
   Acceptance of unicity of the known world, despite efforts of outstanding thinkers and science in general, does not allow explaining the principles and the reasons of functioning of Creation.
  According to this "hopeless" situation to the fore inevitably leaves a religious picture of the world, according to which a certain external force, despite all its fantastic nature and inconsistency, is recognized as the prime cause of the world. With all of this, many quite educated people anyway believe in some external force exactly because of understanding by them of lack of plausible explanation for Creation both ontological and epistemological positions within the limits of short human life and an extremity of existence of all human race.
  Therefore, the dual model of Creation, offered here, which assume necessity of the finite for "exit" the infinite in the existence through finite (see above), can be actual.
  In particular, an explanation of the finite existence of things of our world, i.e. the prime cause of inevitability of their disintegration, is laid in high-frequency updating of the holographic projection with the corresponding appearance of time. During this process of updating of the things of already our world, derivative of a holographic projection of Uniform, - from the lifeless up to thingness component of live bodies - the number of failures gradually grows owing to impossibility of the ideal course of any most perfect process. Therefore, the most complex formations (the living beings, i.e. organisms with a genome) live not for long in comparison with time of existence of simpler lifeless formations of the similar sizes - the number of levels of functioning of living organisms is incomparably more and reliability of systems respectively differs.
  Each individual consciousness (any live) in itself isn't a thing, having another structure and acting programs, using only certain material complexes of this measurement, that determines the limb of a living being.
  The loss of the body-carrier from corresponding measurement for consciousness (the live), which rather long grown and developed together with him according to existing programs (genome codes), means "the exit" of individual consciousness from this measurement. However, by inertia, keeping some images from recently operating feelings of a body, the individual consciousness, which yet didn't unblock itself, some "time" is in this measurement. I.e. each individual consciousness after death of a body doesn't lose instantly own "now": it still "sees" the world, known to him, but isn't capable to act in it.
  But any consciousness visited this world to act, and not just to observe. Therefore it "removes" blocking and automatically comes back to "self", i.e. - directly into single consciousness, remaining in a pause between lives as merged with it and along with that, being as the separate, receiving thereby everything that has the single consciousness, but and keeping what it has gained in countless private lives.
  The basic is that the consciousness after death of a body gets in this pause into own "benevolent", in our understanding, measurement where everything is in harmony, light and joy, but, clearly, - any development in this "Paradise" cannot be, and can be only the recreation, (repose).
  Fight against someone and against something is necessary for development, - sufferings, pain, pleasure of finds and bitterness of losses, or, perhaps, the nasty, but life are necessary for this. And each individual consciousness in the highest expression, i.e. having self-consciousness, chooses to itself what, in his opinion, misses for it, with what it ought to face and look - it can withstand or not, can overcome the new resisting environment or capitulates.
  So it's a sin to complain on my life in particular and to any living person. His consciousness self has chosen this life, despite all forthcoming torments in it: there is nobody more to make this choice because there is nobody above the beings, understanding themselves in Creation: there is neither God, nor the devil, there is nothing external, there are only the active and the passive, i.e. - consciousness and things in the form of dual system - Uniform and its holographic projection.
  Chapter 6
  Whether is temporary or eternal the human civilization?
  Running of events with development of a civilization is accelerated, or the present time of all community, as well as every person, is condensed with increase in the information streams consumed by them, that is an inevitable consequence of the conscious activity of the person which captures all large spaces.
  This acceleration of own time of human community (civilization), that were reflected in compacting of significant events, begins to be looked through especially obviously on the stage of industrial revolution, when time slowly lasting in their relatively minor changes in the middle ages begins to be accelerated significantly: already only after a few decades with the invention of the steam engine, Railways, vehicles will go on highway, planes will rise in the sky, and then for a smaller period of time rockets will takes off, the explosion of the atomic bomb will occur, there will be computers, the planet will be covered by tentacles of Internet.
  However continuous growth of volume of information coming to consciousness of people and affecting external expression of this information process - acceleration of own time of a civilization, has to fit into the existing possibilities of human consciousness, inasmuch the finite (strategic) decisions are made by the person, but not the computer. Therefore inevitably there comes the moment when the main centers of a civilization cease to cope with the avalanche flow of the arriving information - the speed of information processing begins to lag behind its receipt. At this extended moment (a singularity point) own time of system of a civilization is completed - crash of a civilization. In other words, the system loses the quality, inasmuch it isn't capable to function the same way.
  Exponential acceleration of time or continuous growth of the information streams passing through consciousness of the person leads ultimately to impossibility of functioning of a civilization in its former form, inasmuch the person as the system, managing everything, is no longer able to "digest" these flows, to cope with them. And escalating power of the linked computer systems turns out not the assistant to the person more, but threat for him. Information collapse in the form of exit a manage system from the sphere of direct and adequate control by the person stops the functioning of a civilization.
  That occurs further can only be assumed, but the civilization, as well as any difficult system, finally, breaks up with emergence on its place of something new; or after certain pause under suitable natural conditions on a former place arises the civilization similar to former and starts developing, forming already own accelerated time. [6, chapter 5]
  This fact is very regrettable for ordinary consciousness at least because our usual life in relatively comfortable civilization comes to an end, and this fact is the true in this situation because the development of human community in the form of limited system of a civilization isn't infinite.
  Thus, on the one hand, it is the true that the human civilization is finite and it has to disappear, on the other hand, it is the true that a civilization, time having arisen, can arise again under suitable conditions, and so can proceed indefinitely.
  It is true and that this process of emergence and disintegration of civilizations of reasonable beings must have a binding thread. And this thread must connectall all reasonable beings in their various manifestations both in the world known to us, and in other measurements, inasmuch spontaneously consciousness and all living beings can't arise at all.
  This fact is very regrettable for ordinary consciousness at least because our usual life in relatively comfortable civilization comes to an end, and this fact is the true in this situation because the development of human community in the form of limited system of a civilization isn't infinite.
  Thus, on the one hand, it is the true that the human civilization is the finite and it has to disappear, on the other hand, it is the true that a civilization, time having arisen, can arise again under suitable conditions, and so can proceed indefinitely.
  It is true and that this process of emergence and disintegration of civilizations of reasonable beings must have a binding thread. And this thread must connect all reasonable beings in their various manifestations both in the world known to us, and in other measurements, inasmuch spontaneously consciousness and all living beings can't arise at all.
  So, it is true that the mind, more precisely, consciousness is the leading echelon of Creation in general, and consciousness, in traditional understanding of time, as and Creation, as well as its derivative - beingness, is eternal. The truth of this assertion is fundamental, so how it is known, that the probability of self-assembly of such most complex formation as genome, without which there does not exist all live, is equal to zero in three-dimensional measurement. And time so - a genome is "messenger" of eternal consciousness, which, existing infinitely, is manifested and lives locally and discretely in time which is formed by it via carriers of consciousness in a projection of Uniform.
  In his time after the opening of the genetic code that can be called by the program on the biological carrier, the famous physicist Heisenberg said that the accidental formation of such an incredibly complex formation as the genome for any conceivable term simply could not happen and only remains to think about its divine origin.
  Unfortunately, the thought of a divine origin of a genome, as a matter of fact, explains nothing.
  Besides, it should be noted that the slightest change of the main world constants does impossible existence of Universe, known to us, as a sustainable formation. The same applies to the main physical and chemical parameters of terrestrial life, change which leads to the impossibility of organic life on Earth.
  Attempts to explain these phenomena as from scientists (a chance), and theologians (external reasonable force) don't maintain criticism as it was shown by us above.
  By itself the civilization system, unlike the person, has no self-consciousness, and in this regard its reason is at the level of ordinary (without self-consciousness) the living beings, approaching in certain relations to the computer. Besides, this system is "empty" in the sense that it is the non-self. As well as an ant hill, it makes only convenient structure for actions of the living beings in the form of the person. The civilization in itself doesn't exist whereas any living being may be quite autonomous, forming for itself the corresponding conditions (own time) within own reason and existing sense organs in various ways, including the living beings can unite, for example, in swarms, settling down themselves in beehives, as well as can interact in ant hills, coral formations and civilization systems.
  In other words, any civilization without the inhabitants is the empty "beehive" - it quickly turns into dust, losing them. This direct dependence of so difficult organization from the "minor", as it seems, residents once again show the dominating role of living beings in Creation, which is nothingness without them. Along with that without civilization, with its disappearance, already civilized people, losing their "accommodation", partially quickly run wild, and their most part dies in hunger and cold. Therefore, living beings (consciousness) also can't be absolutely independent, needing always a thingness support for themselves.
  So, civilizations can be qualified as formations, derivative from living beings, more precisely, their level of consciousness. Existence of any civilization completely depends on these beings, but time of existence of civilizations is determined not by time of life of a separate being, but by current of time of all community of living beings, i.e. by the course of the accelerating process of receiving and processing of information by all variable set of the living beings, constituting a civilization which comes to the end at surplus of information, which comes to the end at surplus of information that leads to impossibility to process it by the means, available to the civilization. Living beings of system at this not necessarily perish in full set, but can form through certain interval the new system similar former, or the system based on other principles of existence.
  Thus, any civilization is some kind of optimal shell, more precisely, certain atmosphere not simply for existence of the living beings, understanding themselves, but for the accelerated development not their as biological beings (people neither externally, nor structurally don't change during existence of any civilization), but for the fastest development of their consciousness; however the difficult organization of a civilization is under construction by them automatically - in the frameworks of adaptation to the environment surrounding them, - the same as the swarm of bees is assembled and lives.
  Civilizations are scattered through all universes. They exist only up to the point of singularity, being formed at the appropriate level of development of consciousness of living beings, i.e. when more and more awakening consciousness demands bigger degree of separation from the environment. And on Earth during its existence on its surface at the suitable conditions, including the physical, climate, flora, fauna, and so on, and it is hundreds of millions years, according to the preserved artifacts, acted dozens of civilizations like ours but with the difference that they have not arisen by an evolutionary way.
  It is possible in addition to tell only that the infinity in the person of Uniform doesn't need any chances or external forces.
  Uniform comprises everything. And this everything is potentially the active and the passive which are realized in a holographic projection of Uniform into time; a holographic projection is formed by the active through information "bridge" between Uniform and the active in a projection, updating wavy structure of a projection, containing high-frequency copies of objects from Uniform.
  In turn the multiple and single active (consciousness) converts by way, stated above by us, the discrete updated structures of a holographic projection into a continuum, known to us, with space, current time, moving objects.
  Life in its most various manifestations is possible only in the finite, in local temporary lacunas; life is that the imperfect, appearing, in which consciousness can grow and develop, overcoming different essential thresholds, or relative truths of beingness, striving to perfection through passing of uncountable lives in the incalculable worlds, but never reaching perfection, and therefore never stopping.
  Life in its most various manifestations is possible only in the finite, in local temporary lacunas in the conditions of confrontation; life is that imperfect, being, in which consciousness can grow and develop, overcoming different intrinsic thresholds, or relative truths of beingness, striving to perfection through passing of uncountable lives in the incalculable worlds, but, never reaching perfection, and therefore never stopping.
  Chapter 7
  Why a person isn't capable to be not free?
  Any person isn't imperious to be exempted from self. It is possible, it seems, to draw a conclusion: If such exemption is absent, then is no liberty for him, that liberty generally - chimera.
  Really, liberty, if to represent it as independence, is incompatible with any coercion and any restrictions, in particular, with the circumstances, age specifics, education level, features of education and character (shyness, politeness, deference, coldness, vigor, sociability, etc.), views and mentality, family relationships, traditions, pressure of the employer, laws, public institutes, and, at last,the limitation of lifetime - the person is mortal.
  Such liberty - the typical phantom.
  Nevertheless, vast majority of people, judging by their behavior, which is reflected in information sources, associate liberty with independence from one or the other, supposing to untangle all vital nodes and to provide the independence, in particular, thanks to of increase in the bank account, acquisition of additional property, breakthrough to power or, on the contrary, the removal into solitude.
  But to untangle does not succeed anything, on the contrary, the aspiration to independence by the specified means results the person to difficulties in the management of property, preservation of capital, loss of power because of the instability of the material world, of the fragility of human relationships, complexity to control it all, while keeping opportunities for self-development, etc.
  From this emerges despair, mental disorder, uncertainty in correctness of its place and the direction of own motion.
  On the other hand, the removal from the world in solitude, apparent independence from the world in it - is illusory, inasmuch the person in the world should express self anyway, develop, fight, communicate, but not to become reserved or in a cave, the more that connection to the world he all the same fails to interrupt - he willy-nilly must feed somehow, he does not able to get rid of thoughts about events in the world, all the time returning to them, if not personally, then in memory, i.e. he can't be exempted completely from the world, and his aspiration to implement release from the world is no more than manifestation of egoism and fear to live, disguised by aspiration allegedly to supreme values unavailable in normal life.
  Solitude in the form of the isolation from the world leads to loss of time of life, exit from values of human community in favor of fictitious values of some other, otherworldly world, and to a stop in development of own consciousness, inasmuch only in vital collisions this development happens, but not in blissful chants which at best are meditation.
  So independence is only the negotiable side of liberty, which faces toward the external - liberty "from", but not liberty "for".
  Of course, the person can't do without this flip side of liberty, inasmuch he lives among things and other people, but it isn't necessary to associate it with liberty, denying such, owing to impossibility to get rid of vital fetters, i.e. it is impossible to forget about another - face side of liberty, which represents of liberty, namely: activity, which can't be exterminated in any living being in any way.
  The active differs from the passive exactly by internal aspiration to changes of itself in the person in an external environment, by inability to settle down safely and permanently among things, the order which the active (consciousness) cannot be satisfied, because exactly it arranged this order, but without complete confidence in correctness of this order. Consciousness in the person finds right there the shortcomings, which lead to awareness by the active (consciousness) of its own omissions and, respectively, of own certain insolvency.
  Therefore, as the source of liberty, manifested in all the actions of the person in his interaction with the outside world, things and people, can only be his consciousness in the form of self-consciousness, which is initially active, i.e. uncomforted and dissatisfied by itself and, therefore, by any order and any relations, which actually are absent without it generally, or which completely depend on him, inasmuch the person oneself produces the external circumstances (his consciousness) and he oneself is exempted from them.
  This activity is expressed in the person in his enduring aspiration to build an ideal order and to arrange harmony between people. He, naturally, never reaches of this among unstable things and imperfect people, but in this aspiration it reaches the main thing - the development of own consciousness, and that is his true destination.
  Essence of liberty is comprehended for the person only in the representation of the same person, who is not that other, as the combination of the lowest and highest forms of consciousness in the form of organic compounds of a body. Therefore, all actions of the person are expressed in the interweaving of the instinctive and the comprehended.
  For any kind of consciousness in the living being liberty is the internal state caused by the imperishable own activity which is shown in permanent dissatisfaction with self. This dissatisfaction leads any living creature forward, being reflected in conscious and unconscious actions, in particular, for the person, to the overcome the incessant resistance of the environment, and a kind of "drive belt" for the instinctive actions of a person to resolve his unconscious dissatisfaction with the situation, or the impetus for action is the subconscious persistence, whereas a similar impetus, but already to the actions to overcome the conscious dissatisfaction in his self-consciousness is the will.
  In the lowest consciousness liberty in action is manifested instinctively, i.e. without an explicit goal, by trials and errors.
  Liberty in action is manifested by the highest consciousness as the volition - in the form of the aspiration to the scheduled purpose. This type of consciousness is already capable to qualify, i.e. to understand the restrictions of aspirations to the scheduled purposes as the captivity), and the release from these shackles as liberty "from", naming therefore this liberation as independence, which can be reached by the conscious effort in the form already the will in certain direction.
  Besides, the person acquires ability to select from some set what more corresponds to his interests as at present, and also in the future. In other words, thanks to consciousness it finds ability to regulate and plan the life as he wants, but taking into account a surrounding, and evaluating consequences of scheduled acts in advance, i.e. understanding what will have to answer for them as the front of himself, and before own surrounding.
  However, this essential adding in consciousness of the living being (self-consciousness), who allows it to comprehend self and, apparently, to behave reasonably and responsibly, in no way diminishes the action of the lowest (animal) consciousness, which at any moment can start blocking all sorts of aspirations of highest consciousness, if only will seem to it, that they are contrary to human survival, or even if they can impair the quality of his life.
  Nevertheless, the person, who represents the lowest and the highest consciousness, merged together in the form of a body, is material manifestation of action of liberty as in instinctive and conscious aspirations. Internal contradictoriness of these aspirations and at the same time their unity in a common base doesn't allow to determine actions of the person as purely conscious or purely unconscious. Therefore, accurately to predict actions of any person or to predetermine them is impossible, and in this also is manifested liberty.
  Thereby the free manifestations of the person, i.e. his advance forward happen by means of as instinctive and conscious actions.
  The explicit impossibility for the person to escape from public and natural fetters led, as it seems at first sight, to the fruitful idea: liberty is the cognized necessity.
  However, this restriction of liberty in favor of some order doesn't explain ways of this cognition - necessity in a type of order, organization is manifested everywhere, but everything can't be cognized - neither in one human life, nor in life of many generations, especially as everything continuously changes, and on the cognition is required time.
  Besides, this purely external interpretation of liberty can cause bewilderment due to the fact that even if to admit of knowing or understanding of all restrictions, with which are encountered the person, it is possible to qualify such cognition only as humility before external thingness factors, which thereby are admitted as primary.
  Similar approach, in effect, denies development and can result not to liberty, but to the thought of release from similar oppression only after death, or to the paranoid idea that the course of soulless things must determine (to dictate) all motions of the person.
  Last automatically assumes the totalitarianism in the public relations, which is trying to deprive of the person and liberty, and independence that leads it as a result to crash. A notable illustration of this result is the drop during not so long time almost all Marxist regimes that have adopted this "remarkable" formula of liberty.
  This kind of result again shows the inadequacy of the domination of things over consciousness, which arranges the world for self, starting since the formation of things on own understanding, that is, in accordance with the existing form-building abilities at it.
  Whatever it was, but the person in the habitat is associated with it not only by the genetic memory, he gets the in the course of the maturation, development a whole range of household and religious precepts, cultural principles; willy-nilly, he is forced to follow the customs of the current social environment. On this basis and owing to an own experience of life the person works out certain habits, which he follows all the life.
  Thus, all this complex of communications with the environment holds the person within a certain order, and he is forced to follow by this order.
  However, necessity exists for consciousness only in order for to overcome it.
  If animals participate in this process not being aware of themselves, without separating in own consciousness from the environment, but, nevertheless, anyway change the environment, and change with it, possessing thereby, as the living beings, by rudiments of liberty, but to the person, as to the living being, which understands oneself, is capable not only to follow a habit, to established communications, i.e. - to necessity. He lowers self by this adherence to the habits actually up to animal level. Of course, the habit in the basis is the repulsion of new, unclear and frightening. The habit calms the person. But, anyway, the repose relaxes the person. He begins to lag behind from changes, which appears indispensably in life, in the environment, whereas dissatisfaction, activity force the person not only to move from place to place, to change a profession, religion, but also to consciously improve way of life, to acquire additional knowledge, to invent, extracting from self not only emotions and rational actions, but also the feelings, thoughts contradicting the existing order.
  This dissatisfaction of consciousness, aspirations for the new is fueled by the ongoing changing flows of information, penetrating the whole being of the person, which he can interpret, possessing self-consciousness, in different ways, to the best of his understanding. Thereby each person inevitably commits all the time of oscillations from a habit to destruction of an order, to the release from it. Having set one and having joined to it, it begins to be weighed upon it sooner or later, and decides to change it despite all the resistance of own external conservative nature.
  As a result of the emergence of the new originate additional communications, is being expanded the cognitive environment, that means the continuous increment of information flows, to which has to be adjusted every person.
  So occurs, the person wants this or not, the change of his own consciousness, that in fact, and is required for consciousness itself.
  As for resting state, then in respect of absolute calm it is a pure chimera, and in life state of rest is only temporal rest, a respite for a body and consciousness in a dream or in switching to other types of activity.
  This fact is explained by that the person in the basis is the information copy of the appropriate fragments of an unmanifested infinity, and this copy is updated discretely with super-high frequency.
  In other words, the person represents in a holographic projection of an unmanifested infinity the "blinking" cluster of information on a wave basis, converted into the living being in the frames of beingness, i.e. in self-acting formation, forming own time, in which it is in the move and the change among things and similar to it formations on the base of own understanding, as well as on understanding of single consciousness in the frames of this or that order.
  Chaos is excluded here because high-frequency up-date of a holographic projection automatically assumes causality of this irreversible information process, inasmuch copying of objects in the course of each update of a holographic projection is carried out sequentially on the basis of what is available, but with high frequency. Therefore, changes of copies of things in case of each pulse are insignificant and tied to previous forms. As a result, in each individual consciousness high-frequency update is reflected not the chaotic, but ordered processes of change of beingness, surrounding it, with respect for the principle of causality.
  In similar Creation, as if every instant appearing and disappearing, it is senseless to speak about calm, especially that this Creation is being kept from falling into nothingness by the living beings, which form through themselves beingness in the form time, space, things in motion without stopping, or infinitely.
  If both sides of "coin" of liberty for the person are activity and independence, then, at least, the responsibility can't but be as an edge of this coin.
  Each person tries to comprehend the actions, aiming to reach in them maximum efficiency in achievement of a goal. The people, surrounding him, can have opposite aspirations. The consensus isn't always achievable here. Therefore, efficiency of actions of one person can do much harm others and even to him in the future. There is no output from this situation and it is necessary to be responsible for deeds sooner or later.
  Life isn't measured by successes and failures, inasmuch each human life is specific manifestation of consciousness, for which is important the process, but not local results. The person, as a rule, does not understand this, being indignant on an assemblage of misfortunes which are falling down on him, utter darkness of his short existence, coming to the end with diseases and death, regardless of, he is rich or it is poor, smart or silly, experienced or careless, visionary or obedient to destiny.
  The person finds the consolation in necessity (fatum, fortune, destiny, God or yet something exterior, outside, but not in himself), justifying own limitation and insolvency by circumstances, which always are, and from which he depends.
  In other words, the person tries thereby to avoid of the responsibility for the decisions, without wishing to take it over.
  The person doesn't understand that he creates the circumstances oneself, in order that his consciousness tested through him itself in them. During these tests his own consciousness can express itself in interaction with surroundings and understand own weak and strong sides, answering one way or another for their actions.
  Therefore, responsibility is a certain promise of consciousness to self to pass the alleged tests both with waiting of a certain reaction of surroundings, and with readiness to accept any consequences of what is undertaken. Possible consequences consist in fulfillment of the promise, in cancellation from execution of promise, in fiasco of the enterprise.
  The responsibility is connected directly to experience, inasmuch the accumulation of life experience represents, in effect, the gradual mastering by ability to be taken into account of the reaction of surroundings concerning own acts in combination with adequate planning of own actions.
  The responsibility is reflected for the consciousness in censure or in approval of itself both on character of promises, and by results of own acts, that there is that other as the manifestation of conscience, i.e. the true assessment of own acts.
  In particular, for showing the weakness and conformism consciousness in the person has to answer rolling away to its former positions and starting all anew, rebuking itself.
  As for the irresponsibility, it is deception of oneself, so how the irresponsibility consists in false promises, impunity for which is impossible - an order hinders by it.
  Violation of an order as a result of the irresponsible acts turns out for the irresponsible personality as chaos, which it didn't expect and in which heit is being lost, without being able without appropriate preparation be applied for new circumstances and, the more so, to overcome them.
  It follows that the responsibility for own actions comes sooner or later.
  It means: there is no absolute liberty and independence neither in mind, nor in acts, and liberty for the person in life actually is an opportunity conscious manifestation of the activity in frames necessity (this or that dependence), for any extension which (these frame) have to take responsible.
  However, here dominates activity (consciousness), which oneself initially puts to itself this framework (but not falls into them by accident), and, therefore, initially willing to take the responsibility.
  Another matter, how adequately each human life proceeds, but it isn't necessary to lament here because the source of liberty is consciousness, which always is present in the person, determining indispensable presence of liberty in him.
  Though, of course, the equality sign between the person and consciousness can't be set, so how the person is natural restriction of consciousness for development and expression of consciousness together with development of the person. Therefore, this restriction (the person) can't be eliminated, but attempts of an output from this restriction by consciousness proceed in beingness eternally, i.e. in time which each person separately and by all set of reasonable beings creates, without suspecting about this.
  As a result, no matter how weak was the person and no matter how peculiar to him were attempts to evade from activity and by that - from responsibility, he inevitably fails in them that is determined by his own initial essence.
  Thus, the result of life, concerning development of each individual consciousness, is determined by finding by the person of an optimum combination of own dissatisfaction in the form of desires, aspirations to these or those goals with the available set of opportunities and own characteristic features (the present frames of the reality, or order), which should be used, from which is necessary to be exempted or by which can be neglected, as well as by the attitude towards results of own activity, for which will have to bear the response. The deviation from an optimum means that the person had not found himself in life, or rather, didn't identify the true building of own consciousness in the relation to surroundings and didn't add to it new properties.
  Be that as it may, search of himself is a real face of liberty of the person in beingness that distinguishes him from the other living beings, who do not comprehend of themselves in beingness and therefore deprived of an opportunity consciously to look for and find themselves in the world.
  As for the existing definitions of liberty, they do not give an idea of its essence, precisely because their authors do not know both source of liberty, and its mission, and, therefore, to understand its essence they are not able.
  In confirmation of this state of affairs can result in some of the definitions of liberty with their short characteristic from our side [7, chapter 1].
  Liberty - the idea reflecting such relation of the subject to own actions, when whom he is their determining reason, and they directly are not caused by natural, social, interpersonal-communicative and individual-patrimonial factors.
  Here liberty at first is an idea, then liberty is the relation, and, finally, liberty is the reason. Whether not too there are a lot of heterogeneous concepts? Outwardly all it seems very reasonable in this definition, but it is reduced to the person, who is considered by the reason of liberty. It and is so clear. But that such is available in the person, in order to he became by the reason of liberty, does not reveal.
  Liberty is the domination over circumstances competently.
  Here liberty is the knowledge, thanks to which everything has to turn out. But if knowledge does not help, what, liberty will disappear? The knowledge, information is some conditions for manifestation of liberty, but conditions are not so sufficient. The knowledge can be both without the use and with the inadequate use.
  Besides, there is no action in knowledge - in itself it is dead: information without use turns into a warehouse. The knowledge, in principle, cannot be the complete, and the person has the knowledge in large measure as misinformation, following which he comes to crash. Here more likely circumstances dominate over us, and the person - their victim. Not for nothing speak: "A lot of knowledge - many afflictions".
  Liberty is an ability to make a choice on the basis of distinguishing of good and evil.
  This definition of liberty too approves priority of knowledge for liberty, only no deeds, but certain moral categories that, in itself, is the whole problem. Still nobody knows of it. Something seems by evil for some people, it's the same - good for others. What is here liberty! Anybody has no such ability and cannot has at least because in our world all life is based on an antagonism, and for the person the purpose, the aspiration of his rival cannot be as good in any way and often promises to him death. The abstract good or the evil does not exist.
  Liberty is possibility of manifestation by the subject of will on the basis of understanding of laws of development of the nature and society.
  In this definition to the knowledge about which was told above, the will as a certain effort for the aid to the knowledge is added. To realize even, it seems, the correct laws though in many cases, the laws formulated by limited people, at all no truth, and the delusion, for example, laws of social development, is not enough for their adequate application. Therefore, similar application of tte will on the basis of laws can lead not to liberty, and to bondage that in the history was happening too often, especially in Russia.
  On the other hand, if under the will to be understood the conscious desire of the person in the form of inducement to conscious management of the acts for achievement of the goals coinciding with his motives, or objectified requirements, as well as that the will - a product partly the genetic, but relating to the program of self-consciousness, and partly bringing up by surroundings, then the will, as well as the knowledge, cannot be as the cause of acts of the person.
  The will is more the additional motivation, it induces the person to act with some persistence, determination, initiative, but the will by itself or in a combination to the knowledge instead of liberty can send the person to slavery to a subject or a idea, to which it forces him to go, will forces the person to make acts according to the chosen purpose, i.e. is not free, but forced. Not the will accepts the final decisions, it only promotes their achievement.
  The will generally is a product of dissatisfaction of self-consciousness, and surroundings, but the will has not the direct relation, in particular, to conscious management of circumstances. The will may serve in the basic for overcoming of obstacles on the way to the purpose. The will is the aspiration into outside, and liberty cannot be outside of the person - it is not a gift.
  The will maintains the activity of the person or suppresses it, but does not define. Therefore, it is necessary to the will to add liberty as self-defining category in acts of the person. And it turns again that liberty at all does not coincide neither with the will nor with the knowledge and that this such is unclear.
  Liberty is what allows to the person according to his purposes to manipulate by the subjects of the outside world.
  Liberty is already the deputy of God in this definition, permitting to the person to live, but as and God oneself, what is liberty - not known. The definition, as such, is absent here.
  Liberty is the existence of possibility of a choice of options of an outcome of an event. Lack of a choice of options of an outcome of an event is equivalent to absence of liberty.
  In this case "unhappy" liberty gets to dependence from a choice. You will choose not so or you do not see a choice, so there is no liberty at you? Here liberty is put in dependence on external circumstances. At such liberty the person would differ nothing from the computer which, besides, is able to choose better.
  Liberty is one of types of manifestation of the randomness, guided by a free will (intention of will, conscious liberty) or by the stochastic law (unpredictability of an outcome of an event, the unconscious liberty), i.e. something opposite to necessity.
  Here liberty is arbitrariness, grasped by will. If liberty is the opposition of necessity, people could not create accidentally the whole civilization and much that in it make not accidental, but consciously and purposefully. Much of what people do based on their needs which arise not randomly. Even desires of the person are not arbitrariness, and proceed from his representations which are formed by an environment.
  Liberty is fear releasing the person from all conventionalities of a reality.
  This definition reduces liberty to nothingness. It is not visible the person in this definition. Being exempted from conventionalities which represent public life, the human is exempted from self. Liberty to the person is not needed in this case.
  Liberty is the person who is projecting freely himself on freely chosen purpose.
  Here Sartre went strongly too far, having told three times about liberty, but without having defined it, having noted, however, that liberty and the free person - same. Certainly, without person in our world of liberty does not exist, but what after all forces the person "to project himself on freely chosen purpose"? Perhaps it also is the liberty? Sartre did not give the answer on this question.
  It is curious that there is no precise definition of liberty. All of these definitions of liberty "beat around the bush". The feeling is created, that they define liberty like blind palpating different parts of an elephant: one, touching a trunk, says that the elephant is similar to a snake, another, feeling a foot, claims that the elephant reminds a column.
  All these vague ideas of liberty point out that their authors do not know to what it can belong that it is actually and what is its mission.
  This imitation of the search for the true meaning of liberty reminds the capture of a cat in a dark room in which it is absent.
  In search of liberty the people, getting rid in life from some of the external obstacles and restrictions instantly are taken prisoner to others (and even often look for this captivity to absolve themselves of responsibility for the acts: sectarians, Party members, members of corporations) that clearly specifies absence of liberty outside: how many look for it there - won't find.
  Indeed, how is possible to find liberty somewhere outside the person or in his physiological features, or in his mentality if it can be manifested only through his self-consciousness, and the foundation of liberty has been laid in holographic formations of the active as the opposition to the passive. Consciousness (the active) aims to manifest liberty, forming the passive owing to own activity, which doesn't allow the active to stop, i.e. to become in the passive and thereby to fall through in non-existence.
  Therefore, the active (consciousness in the person) in beingness can't be stayed for a long time in these or those structures, in these or those conditions, in this or that order, follow this or that necessity, it aims to change them always, but isn't chaotic, and purposefully, with a favor for itself, more precisely, forming of other structures and relations that gives to it the own changes with accumulation of the appropriate experience in this development. Similar manifestation of the active (consciousness) among the passive is the primary source of liberty, and the activity in its expressions and actions in the person is unwillingness of stops, dissatisfaction with what is available, aspiration to changes, to new, i.e. - to development or other expression of oneself in this process.
  Such conscious manifestation of the active is the greatest possible exactly in the person, because he has self-consciousness - it gives the most complete liberty. Any necessity cannot restrict this liberty on the contrary necessity is a support for the free expressions of the person, so how only on the basis of the known order the person can set consciously another order, reveal other regularities. But all it is required not in itself, but it means the accumulation of knowledge and abilities to go from one order to another, and so on successively for the development and the expression of consciousness in the changing conditions.
  Thus, only necessity, or resistance of the environment give to consciousness the chance of manifestation of own activity through thoughts, feelings and actions in the process of overcoming this resistance - in the airless environment birds don't fly: absence of contradictions is the calm and kindness; but only in the struggle liberty can be manifested and thereby occur the infinite motion of consciousness forward.
  So, the main feature of any active (alive), distinguishing it from the passive (lifeless) by the mandatory internal tension, is the expression of the dissatisfaction with what is available, thereby creating an incentive to search for better conditions: the active is forming something only in order that afterwards to destroy it, replacing the other - more, as this seems to it, suitable. This variable vector in the form of the opposite aspirations to creation and destruction certainly indicates a preference, given up to other before the established, that has as a basis the full update each position of a holographic projection by the subsequent position.
  Therefore, liberty is constant aspiration to the release from one for creation of another, not necessarily better, but other.
  However, let us ask ourselves the question: what is man in essence?
  Apparently, the person is an animal that had found self somehow in the world, i.e. had comprehended in it own existence, thanks to what it has been able to separate self from the environment, adapting it already purposefully under self with smaller or bigger success, and being changed in this process of interaction with the environment much quicker, than the other organisms.
  The greatest rates in this development the community of people reach in the frames a civilization, forming it at that level of development of self-consciousness when the last requires for itself bigger, than can give almost equilibrium coexistence with the environment (primitive-communal system).
  Opportunities which are given by a civilization for an acceleration of development of the public relations of technologies, science and culture mean the constant growth of information flows, leading to time compression, so how own time of a civilization, or its "now", is a consequence of manifestation of information interaction of the active and the passive [see higher].
  Inevitable compression of own time as a result leads any civilization to information collapse.
  In place of the collapsed civilization come other civilizations, in which again are manifested somehow the person, and is repeated, but not literally, life cycle and decay of civilization, because the other option for the development of, apparently, doesn't exist at this level of self-consciousness in its interaction with the natural consciousness.
  All this partly reminds the proceeding series of human lives, inasmuch with the death of the specific human beings the life doesn't come to an end; there appear and live approximately the same people.
  Thus, both the person, and a civilization as the finite can't be self-sufficing, but are tools of infinite consciousness.
  The extremity of the person and his civilization doesn't allow to accomplish aspiration of the person to complete separation from the environment, to the release from it, it doesn't manage to dominate unconditionally over the environment, how doesn't manage to monks to get rid of own corporal shell completely.
  Here can only be envied of the flora and fauna, which are poured naturally in the environment and which does not seek to break away from it, being in all completeness of sensations, which are inherent in them and compose their life. Thereby, they, and quite "happy" the fact that don't know about own death.
  If, on the one hand, complete separation of the person from the environment is impossible, and on the other hand, is manifested his difference from other living beings, consisting in awareness self with all that it implies, then, probably, liberty (release) for the person can be expressed only in his aspirations somehow escape out of fetters of all that surrounds him with that difference from the fly, which trembles in a web, that his main aspirations are conscious (are free), and have the base in some eternal and depth, which is behind beingness, and along with that - inherent to beingness, moreover, is incapable to be eternal and steady without beingness like a fish without water. In this regard the person is the highest. self-conscious expression of the active in Creation, without which the last loses the meaning of existence.
  If further to analyze that is a person as the single free being in beingness known to us, then it is necessary to mark the following.
  Thingness components of a body of the person (lifeless) and things around him (the environment) give to the person in his consciousness a support, provide a natural order, filling surroundings and alternating in time. Of them are formed a fairly convenient place for the person.
  Along with that things create the permanent resistance to actions of the person hindering manifestations of his activity and not allowing to the person to be rid owing to the prevailing habits from a everyday situation.
  Thus, things are the indispensable means, "food" for human mind and abilities. Thanks to ingenuity, derivative mainly from self-consciousness, people in communities are being engaged by the bringing the things to such combinations, which can be more suitable and even favorable to them. For example, unlike other living beings, the person has been capable to compare fire not only with a devastating fire (wildfire) and disastrous tongues of flame, but and with cooking and heating.
  That is, the conscious actions of the person on the basis of cogitations and comparisons, as it appears, can quite result in other understanding of things and phenomena, exempting him from these or those misconceptions and leading to overcoming the existing order.
  The natural-living essence of the person provides his communication with the environment in framework the sense organs which are available for him, i.e. by means of sensations in the form of action of instinctive and reflex programs.
  Self-consciousness of the person, on the contrary, separates the person from the environment, but thanks to this it allows to take a detached view on it and on himself from the side, and to estimate own opportunities to more or less plan change of both the environment, and himself.
  As can be seen, all most important in Creation is aggregated in the person: and the passive (things) and the active (consciousness of both levels), but is lost infinity of existence.
  This loss is explained with the fact that the infinite - in this case consciousness - can be expressed only through the finite, i.e. - by means of some kind of "ruptures" in infinity, otherwise the infinite isn't capable to exit out of nonexistence.
  In this interaction of the infinite with the finite over and over again consciousness in continuous updating and development remains eternal and Creation doesn't lose the stability.
  Thus, any finite (the person, civilizations, planets, universes - everything, except consciousness - is exactly that, in what only consciousness can discretely be implemented.
  Therefore. consciousness in the person (in beingness) as if localizes self in the restrictions, determined by it, only to overcome them as the active, being exempted from one for the sake of formation of another, just as one holographic pattern of a unmanifested infinity is updated by the next.
  So overcoming restrictions within the finite structures is liberty of consciousness based on own inescapable activity, which is expressed in the person preferentially in his consciousness, and in remaining living beings - in the spontaneous activity, which anyway is becoming complicated in the application to changing conditions in process of development of the living beings.
  In conclusion it is necessary to mark that in the dual Creation there is nothing, except the active and the passive, which are being disconnected and united in the eternal interaction, owing to the form-building abilities which are available for the active, which allow through information influence to perform "building" of beingness from things by discrete update of a holographic projection of unmanifested infinity. This beingness is evolving through time and space, in which can be determined and exist the living beings, including people.
  For the human consciousness the changing world pattern in the form of the phenomena, but not essences of the deep levels, is formed not by sensations and not by thinking, though they are means, but it, in general, is a product of processing of information, coming to the person, similar to that which occurs in the computer or in any living being without self-consciousness; the difference consists only the fact that human consciousness is capable to separate self from reality and to interact with it already on this new basis - a basis of own self-consciousness, purposefully using memory, cognitive abilities, language, different communications, imagination, experimental data, and all this is against the background of emotions, but not by means of only the software or instinctive and reflex actions respectively.
  Therefore, can be noted that every human possesses the highest form of matter from all available forms precisely because he is self-conscious being with the highest possible level of liberty, the presence and the manifestation of which he understands but cannot explain its source and mission.
  Eventually, the person isn't subordinated to anybody and himself disposes by self, since he initially himself in own consciousness "throws" himself only into such world, in which he can purposefully be implemented so, as he only can in the conditions of the resisting environment, including and his direct competitors. The person differs exactly in this from all remaining living beings, also having consciousness, but with the lower level, which only adapts to the environment, formed by them with the participation of a single consciousness, - from bacteria to the highest mammals.
  The person, thanks to the main property - self-consciousness, is free even in death, which is available to him practically at any moment of life, inasmuch he knows about it, though fears it. But in certain circumstances the person is decided on death, unlike all remaining living beings, who, without understanding itself, but possessing sensations, are never capable to refuse from them voluntarily.
  Another relation to death on comparing with all remaining living beings is the result of the conscious dissatisfaction oneself, inherent to the person, leading sometimes to a premature end owing to an insuperable rupture of circumstances, created by him, and circumstances, wished him.
  The person from all living beings, famous to us who create themselves and the surrounding by means of own sense organs and the centers processing information, is the single being, who comprehends self in individual and collective actions, i.e. a being, who understands that it is in the frames of time.
  But the person doesn't understand that the information pulses (packets of information), received by him through sense organs from an unmanifested infinity, are converted into his own time and his own surroundings within the general (external) time, formed by all set of the living beings, connected in consciousness, but along with that separated in a holographic projection of an unmanifested infinity. Therefore, he "places" himself in "external" time which he watches directly in connection with daily allowance, seasonal and to annual changes of surroundings, without noting the often very considerable oscillations of own time (see chapter 3).
  Whatever it was, in information interaction of consciousness with things, manifested in beingness, is expressed essence of consciousness of all living beings, consisting not in intellect and not in sensations, which are just some means, but in own inescapable activity.
  This activity is the main property, which doesn't allow to stop to each living being, and in the beings, understanding themselves, activity is manifested in conscious dissatisfaction by themselves and surroundings: the person has no limit to any ideas or desires (needs). Therefore, the person can't follow to the same order, but always aims to change it, and it is unimportant how this at he turns out. The main thing - there are changes during which the person, more precisely, his personal consciousness gets experience and development together with the changing life, new shades of feelings, comprehension of these changes with all excitements on this occasion.
  Exactly in these eternal aspirations of human consciousness to a new on the basis of its enduring dissatisfaction with self and surroundings is expressed liberty, or action of releasing and creating the forces of consciousness.
  The aspiration to violation of the customary order for human consciousness adjoins to aspiration to creation of a new order. Actually, in these step and contradictory activities consist human lifetime, in which consciousness finds itself and loses, and then - again finds. And so everything goes unceasingly - from one life to following.
  Liberty is the inescapable product of activity, which is manifested in actions of the person in life as the state of a dissatisfaction of consciousness by oneself, which is realized into development of ways of own change by means of exposure on existing beingness taking into account counteraction of beingness.
  n other words, the everlasting dissatisfaction of consciousness with itself evokes its aspiration to the change self in the frame of own existence in the person in the conditions of the resisting environment.
  If living conditions do not allow the person to dominate completely over circumstances, nobody and nothing prevents him to strive for this: the approximation to an ideal is also, in a sense, finding of larger liberty.
  Known expression: "At last I broke loose" means transition of the person to the intense activity, i.e. the blocked aspirations start being implemented. It is not necessary to think that liberty can be outside, round you. If there are no aspirations, be all to your services around, but anything it will not be necessary for you. The rich idlers who are quickly tired from life know about this well.
  Chapter 8.
  Reflection of levels of consciousness of the person in society.
  Various theories, claiming the superiority of one or another group of people over others, competing with theories about universal equality, brotherhood and love between people, occupying extreme positions, are obviously inadequate.
  In particular, the racial theory, supporter which was Hitler, came, as we know, to full breakdown purely experimentally - its insolvency had been confirmed by the outcome of the last world war.
  The policy of internationalism in the face of the USSR was also not crowned with success - different nations didn't want to integrate voluntarily in universal love and respect, and the USSR collapsed on national "apartments".
  Continuous local wars of the last decades aren't a sign of internationalism and humanism, despite all efforts of the UN, in consequence of which this international organization practically lost the status.
  What peoples of Earth can hope for and from what, in fact, position of separate groups of people and specific persons depends?
  At the same time, it would be possible to try to clarify, what after all disconnects and integrates people at the depth level, so how the external signs of the various groups of people have been described in numerous works.
  8.1. About racial, national, cultural superiority.
  The main error of all theories and hypotheses that attempt to explain inequality in these or those relations of different people, races, tribes, individuals, superiority of one over others as a result of their alleged inferiority is that they are based on the fact that the dominance of some properties is put into the merit, others - in minus as to certain people, and the whole nations and races.
  For example, J. A. Gobineau, who the first in details developed the theory of inequality of certain groups of people on the basis of racial and partly national and cultural identity, believes that inequality of races is caused by different set, in fact, of external properties: "Then, passing from one induction to another, I was gradually penetrated by the conviction that the racial question overshadows all other problems of history, that it holds the key to them all, and that the inequality of the race from whose fusion a people is formed is enough to explain the whole course its destiny" [10, p. XIV].
  Gobineau divides people into three basic types: black, yellow and white, highlighting inherent to each type of property.
  The essence of his approach is quite clearly expressed in the following lines: "The negroid variety is the lowest and stands at the foot of the ladder. The animal character, that appears in the shape of the pelvis, is stamped on the negro from birth, and foreshadows his destiny. His intellect with always move within a very narrow circle. He is not however a mere brute, for behind his low receding brow, in the middle of his skull, we can see signs of a powerful energy, however crude its objects. If his mental faculties are dull or even non-existent, he often has an intensity of desire, and so of will, which may be called terrible. Many of his senses especially taste and smell are developed to an extend unknown to the other two race.
  The very strength of his sensations is the most striking proof of his inferiority. All food is good in his eyes, nothing disgusts or repels him. What he desires is to eat, to eat furiously, and to excess; no carrion is too revolting to be swallowed by him. It is the same with odours; inordinate desire is satisfied with all, however coarse or even horrible. To these qualities may be added instability and capriciousness of feeling, that cannot be tied down to any single object, and which, so far as he is concerned, do away with all distinctions of good or evil. We might even say that the violence with which he pursues the object that has aroused his senses and inflamed his desire is a guarantee of the desire being soon satisfied and the object forgotten. Finally, he is equally careless of his own life and that of others: he kills willingly, for the sake of killing; and this human machine, in whom it is so easy to arouse emotion, shows, in face of suffering, either a monstrous indifference or a cowardice that seeks a voluntary refuge in death.
  The yellow race is the exact opposite of this type. The skull points forward, not backward. The forehead is wide and bony, often high and projecting. The shape is the face is triangular, the nose and chin showing none of the coarse protuberances that mark the negro. There is further a general proneness to obesity, which, though not confined to the yellow type, is found there more frequently than in the others. The yellow man has little physical energy, and is inclined to apathy; he commits none the strange excesses so common among negroes. His desire are feeble, his will-power rather obstinate than violent; his longing for material pleasures, though constant, is kept within bounds. A rare glutton by nature, he shows far more discrimination in his choice of food. He tends to mediocrity in everything; he understands easily enough anything not too deep or sublime. He has a life of utility and a respect for order, and knows the value of a certain amount of freedom. He is practical, in the narrowest sense of the word. He does not dream or theorize; he invents little, but can appreciate and take over what is useful to him. His whole desire is to live in the easiest and most comfortable way possible. The yellow races are thus clearly superior to the black. Every founder of a civilization would wish the backbone of his society, his middle class, to consist of such men. But no civilized society could be created by them; they could not supply its nerve-force or set in motion the springs of beauty and action.
  We come now to the white peoples. These are gifted with reflective energy, or rather with an energetic intelligence. They have a feeling for utility, but in a sense far wider and higher, more courageous and ideal, than the yellow races; perseverance that takes account of obstacles and ultimately finds a means of overcoming them; a greater physical power, an extraordinary instinct for order, not merely as a guarantee of peace and tranquility, but as an indispensable means of self-preservation. At the same time, they have a remarkable and even extreme, love of liberty, and are openly hostile to the formalism under which the Chinese are glad to vegetate, as well as to the strict despotism which is the only way of governing the negro.
  The white races are, further, distinguished by an extraordinary attachment to life. They know better how to use it, and so, is it, would seem, set a greater price of it; both in their own persons and those of others, they are more sparing of life. When they are cruel, they are conscious of their cruelty; it is very doubtful whether such a consciousness exists in the negro. At the same time, they have discovered reasons why they should surrender this busy life of theirs, that is so precious to them. The principal motive is honour, which under various names has played an enormous part in the ideas of the race from the beginning. I need hardly add that the word honour, together with all the civilizing influences connoted by it, is unknown to both the yellow and the black man.
  On the other hand, the immense superiority of the white peoples in the whole fields of the intellect is balanced by an inferiority in the intensity of their sensations. In the world of the senses, the white man is far less gifted than the others, and so is less tempted and less absorbed by considerations of the body, although in physical structure he is far the most vigorous" [10, p. 205-207].
  Gobineau and his followers, in particular, H. S. Chamberlain (Houston Stewart Chemberlain. Grundlagen des Neunzehnten Jahrhunderts. 1899) and E. Haeckel, F. Galton, G. Lebon, G. Gunter, as well as many others, make the standard mistake, considering the problem of inequality from the standpoint of the totality of human qualities based on physical and behavioral signs.
  The only positive outcome of this consideration is that three main types of people specified to Gobineau, are clearly on different levels of development of consciousness. Exactly this factor determines their main properties, their strengths and weaknesses.
  These properties and the sides are very curious in themselves and point to fact that human consciousness, possessing, in any case, by self-consciousness, passes the different stages of development in different conditions, manifesting self by various ways, but never loses its essence (self-consciousness).
  Therefore any inequality between people if to be guided by the main property of their consciousness - self-consciousness, cannot be: thanks to self-consciousness the person acquires the accelerated development, the personality, liberty, the ability to change purposefully the world and self in the world; all this occurs irrespective of the level of development, but in the framework of existing conditions, and, nevertheless, people of one type without special work interact with other types of people, and even join their communities.
  Though, of course, in own environment the cannibal so will also remain as the cannibal, and he has no chances to be rebuilt during own life. However, in difference, for example, from a wolf, having self-consciousness, he in other environment, in other conditions will be able to be rebuilt, inasmuch not instincts and reflexes, but the self-consciousness is as the predominant characteristic for any person, right there showing own superiority in the conditions excluding the former relations in communities
  Whatever it was, but any person understands himself, understands that he lives; therefore, he is capable as to mental design, and construction of buildings, assembly of different mechanisms, instruments and their conscious use.
  He can develop ideas and considerations in thoughts; can just dream and enjoy it, but, nevertheless, he permanently rebuilds the habitat according to own reasons. At the same time the person is capable to feel and act instinctively and reflex.
  Therefore, the shape of the eyes, the skin color and the form of the skull has no value, except esthetic reasons. It is approximately the same as to compare a timid fallow deer, a macaque, a mighty bear and a whale. All of them are good in own way. At the same time - the level of consciousness of these animals is not much different, if only - by some features in sensation and processing rate of the information arriving through sense organs.
  However, all these animals together with remaining beings, down to plants are similar in one - they don't understand that they live, i.e., are in time. In other words, they aren't capable to separate themselves from the environment and to look at themselves from the outside; they are only able to sense, and their mental abilities are at the level of computer processing of the information coming from this or that set of sense organs into corresponding to this information volume the processing centers with this or that ability to self-training at rather high stages of development.
  Thus, all types of people only complement each other, doing the world more colourful and multi-color, and we can only regret about inevitable contradictions in between, that often leads to contempt and misunderstanding from more strong, technologically more equipped person in relation to careless, but cheerful and musically gifted aborigines in Africa, or to hardworking, quiet and loving order to Chinaman. Similar division and elevation of own group is aggravated also with distinction of beliefs, leading even to religious wars and different fanaticism, as well as utilitarianly justifies colonial wars and the robbery of developing countries, which is still ongoing.
  However the human passion to dominate, the animal selfishness that is inherent in the people, as the biological beings, struggling for "a place under the sun", will always draw the attention of those in power to a very superficial and biased theories of racial, national or cultural inequality. Though we know that are enough fools everywhere, on the one hand. On the other hand, relocation since the childhood of malayan, indian or even negro in more cultural environment and giving of the appropriate education to him can make of him great musician, physicist or even Nobel laureate. There is a lot of examples of it: physicists and Nobel laureates indians D. Sudarshan, C. V. Raman, chinese man Yang Jennin, outstanding physicist japanese Kaku, great musician negro Armstrong. This list can occupy not one page.
  Therefore, we can say: with all the diversity of properties and features of people inhabiting Earth, their basic essence is the same - they are able to understand themselves and, as a result, quite quickly in comparison with other living things change all around themselves, as well as inside themselves.
  All disputes on an entity of the person, the extreme point which is racial theories and similar to them, thus, don't take into account prevailing significance of self-consciousness which is the accessory of any person, irrespective of the level of his development, group accessory and mental capacities.
  In effect, Gobineau and his followers one, less developed part of people, put in the position of the animal or half-animal, over which should be the most advanced people, justifying this concept by existence mainly of the external signs, given above, that far not so.
  However, Gobineau not from the ceiling took this concept. Obviously, there was enough important base of such approach.
  Really, in each person adjoin two irreconcilable beings adjoin.
  One of these beings is determined by the lowest consciousness, which only one is inherent in all flora and fauna, except the person; its basis is the unification with the environment on the basis of sensations.
  Beings with this type of consciousness are in the general flow of life, but aren't capable "to rise" over it, they don't understand that they live. In this regard they remind in advance programmed mechanisms capable to sense, forming their own environment and adapting selves to it, but devoid of spontaneous or conscious memories, fantasies, notions of time, they have a genetic memory in the absence of a written memory of generations.
  These beings do not even have a clue that they will die, but can feel approximation of death only instinctively. Similar restriction of consciousness for these beings means impossibility of any purposeful change of the environment even for their most developed representatives - these beings are completely subordinate to it, though, at the same time, quite reasonably and effectively interact with surroundings from position coming from their sense organs to the processing centers of an organism of information which for them isn't distorted by speculations, reminiscences and experiences peculiar to the human consciousness in general.
  In this regard these organisms are more perfect, than people, and ignorance of own nature makes them quite "happy" in existence, despite the fact that, in the total natural circulation they only also do that devour each other. And such "being" necessarily "sits" in each person and determines his existence largely, no matter how would be tried the person to move away from it.
  Another "being" in the person is represented by the highest consciousness, which separates it from the habitat and from tribespeople; it is manifested in awareness by him of own existence, for example, in the form of abstract ideas about the world and about self, a return to the past in the form of memories, the drawing up of the subsequent actions on the basis of consciously fitted data from memory in their combination to again arriving information, responsibility for the committed, opportunities to make any decisions, even the most unprofitable and useless that actually there is the brightest manifestation of liberty of consciousness.
  On this basis the person tries to set to itself the purposes, to solve various problems and to change thereby surroundings, using the worked-out ideas-projects. For example, he is capable to build to itself the dwelling not according to the standards, and so, as he likes, coming up with in the course of construction of the new means of supply of materials, changing the colours of the walls and roof, applying in the measure of own ingenuity the certain innovations, unlike, for example, from the unchanging standards of an anthill.
  New projects and the new ideas develop mind of the person, his insight, most effectively during life manifest the various abilities, lead to a thought of decorating of life, i.e. culture of own beingness and social beingness.
  In the person both hypostasis of consciousness is merged together, though they are opposite to each other as well as to surroundings. Therefore, they aren't manifested separately, but act latently, and the level of their domination depends on a development level of the highest consciousness in the person. And the person himself can't foretell often what in him suddenly at the next moment will become prevailing - love or hatred, rage or sympathy, sincerity or hypocrisy, shyness or courage, judiciousness or recklessness.
  On this basis it tries to set to itself the purposes, to solve various problems and to change thereby surroundings, using the worked-out ideas-projects. For example, this being is capable to build to itself the dwelling not according to the standards, and so, as he likes, coming up with in the course of construction of the new means of supply of materials, changing the colours of the walls and roof, applying in the measure of own ingenuity the certain innovations, unlike, for example, from the unchanging standards of an anthill.
  New projects and the new ideas develop mind of the person, his insight, most effectively during life manifest the various abilities, lead to a thought of decorating of life, i.e. culture of own beingness and social beingness.
  The person has these two hypostasis of consciousness, that are opposite in relation to itself and to surrounding, are merged together. Therefore, they aren't manifested separately, but work latently, and the level of their domination depends on a development level of the highest consciousness in the person. And the person himself can't foretell often what in him suddenly at the next moment will become prevailing - love or hatred, rage or sympathy, sincerity or hypocrisy, shyness or courage, judiciousness or recklessness.
  The lowest consciousness is "fed" only by sensations, which give it everything including harmony of existence, i.e. something acceptable and even pleasant in our understanding in a certain combination of sensations, if, of course, to distract from struggle of each being for survival. Therefore, it doesn't wish to lose sensations at all.
  Similar type of consciousness possesses a natural egocentrism, automatically aiming to survive, no matter what.
  In the process of development of living beings, this type of consciousness undergoes relatively minor changes, inasmuch not able to remove own principal property - instinctive urge to survive based on the initial activity of any living.
  Only the most developed representatives of fauna shift emphasis in implementation of this property a little, showing some kind of "friendliness" to representatives of own kind, gathering in flocks and organizing families. Nevertheless, similar animal collectivism in a basis bear not love, not friendship, but the most profitable relations between individuals for survival and reproduction.
  The highest consciousness, which is contained in the person at any level of his development, is the root opposite to the lowest consciousness.
  In case of existence of the highest consciousness in the living being, this being as if begins to see clearly, becoming not so much "poured" in the environment how many separated from it, and, so, this being finds an opportunity to look at it and at itself from the side, to evaluate this ratio in attempts to set to itself the purposes consciously in view of these or those shortcomings in own existence, which, in its opinion, would be possible to overcome, and pursue implementation of these goals in actions.
  All this clearly falls out of an instinctive and reflex scope of action of the lowest consciousness, and even begins to contradict it, inasmuch the highest consciousness often neglects the utilitarian reasons, chasing something to unattainable, but the amiable to heart and mind.
  The being, separated in consciousness from the environment, with the passage of time in the development in relationships with similar to self begins to feel a need for new forms, which are different from the primitive-communal relations of the wild people, fully absorbed by struggle for survival, inasmuch in communication it reaches such limit, in case of which its various conscious aspirations begin to result into essential changes of the environment, but not just into its use.
  From the hunting, as well as the gathering of the fruit, roots, etc. the person passes to cattle breeding, cultivation of cereals, other forms of managing and appropriate exchange of products of labor. As a result, property arises, and with it comes the inequality, fight for saving and enhancement of property, for power, etc. that requires in turn of the certain institutes of an order to avoid chaos - in a bosom of the growing and perfecting civilization emerge the local states.
  New forms, on the one hand, provide the accelerated development of communities already in the form of the states, and on the other hand, don't allow them to collapse owing to the contradictions, which are tearing the states.
  Despite a certain progress in development of human communities, essence of human consciousness, manifested in dualism, more precisely, in multidirectional life aspirations of the lowest and the highest consciousnesses, anywhere doesn't disappear and cannot significantly be modified.
  Both these sides of consciousness continuously conflict both in the person, and in the interpersonal relations: dissatisfaction by yourself, visible inability to change quickly, the felt limitation of intellect, abilities, etc.; envy and hatred to competitors instantly would rip to shreds any human community if not the state with its institutes.
  Nevertheless, each person shows also qualities of the highest consciousness which is expressed not only in the intellectual and production spheres, but also in inquisitiveness, different religious and cultural forms, as well as in the affectional relations, such as: friendship, love, experiences for relatives, for own fatherland, etc.
  If human relations on the basis of self-consciousness develop slowly, but steadily, then the lowest consciousness in the person remains invariable.
  Therefore, the ideal people do not appear, and the lowest consciousness, no matter how camouflage its manifestations, acts at any stage of development of human consciousness, expressing self in the ineradicable selfishness (self-centeredness) - personal and corporate, hypocrisy (disguise), suspiciousness (caution), contempt for people of other circle (mistrust to other communities), animal instincts concerning an opposite sex, etc.
  Development of consciousness in itself in different human communities doesn't proceed with the same speed. Some local communities appear in more favorable conditions, others, for example, owing to an environment or isolation from other communities, are delayed in development.
  Therefore, in the world still primitive-communal, tribal, feudal and capitalist structures adjoin. Last, relying on own technological achievements, naturally dominate, bringing into the civilization the discord and hostility. And that is not the point, what color skin at citizens of the developed countries, and the point is in their general leading development which allows them to rob and humiliate the others. In search of reasons for a robbery of the remaining peoples the ideologists of the developed countries didn't shun till recently to use theories of a racial superiority, though the people of the developed countries couldn't avoid the same stages of development in any way, but to recall it they avoid.
  It is impossible to get rid both from the lowest, and from the highest consciousness, but such attempts make as many people, and all mankind till now.
  The mankind from a century wishes to get into the world of eternal harmony without any low instincts and aspirations, where the milk rivers flow in honey river banks, where all is well, all contradictions are removed, universal justice reigns, and where it is possible to be engaged in what the soul desires, without breaking an established order.
  The communistic paradigm is the extreme expression of this utopia. The most surprising concerning authors and followers of this concept is dominance in them not reasonable, but purely sensual aspirations to harmony. It is clear that universal justice is the universal equalization, which can't but lead to removal of all dissenters by these or those methods and, thus, it will transform the rest into a herd of sheep, who will need pastors, that in itself means the emergence of new inequality, and so on.
  Widely known individual way of deliverance from supposedly the lowest in the person, which is typical for monks, yogis and other believers in the existence of the ideal the person.
  Monks try to kill own flesh, moving away from the world and eating the small insects. Yogi also shows the big abilities in killing of a flesh and at the same time - the unique survivability.
  However, neither the one nor the others cannot get rid of own body, which continues to live in spite of all efforts, if they aren't excessive. And the life of the body constantly connected to the world by many threads. It is impossible to break off all threads, but the fact that some threads manage to break off, for example, by the solitude in a cave, means only the refusal to participate in affairs of the world, from changes, from activity, which constitutes the essence of consciousness; i.e. these people, aiming to delete the lowest in itself, are refused from themselves, inasmuch self-consciousness is no more than a superstructure over the lowest consciousness and without it doesn't exist.
  On the other hand, it is known that self-consciousness ceases to be shown only at mentally ill people, who thereby temporarily or permanently fall out of discharge of people, staying already in state of animal instincts and reflexes, absence of memories on own life, i.e. they lose understanding of own existence and by that ability to purposeful activities.
  Therefore. views of Gobineau and his followers equating, in effect, the whole peoples to mentally ill people, are absurd.
  Anyway, but people at any stage of development can't refuse various purposeful actions, that already distinguishes them from animals, acting just instinctively-reflexively, i.e. without awareness of the direction of own motion.
  However, the cardinal convergence of a part of people, in essence, with animals, the negation of their ability to development, quite suits for the idea about superiority of certain reasonable subjects over these unreasonable beings and promotes the handling with them, as with beings of the lower order.
  If it is impossible to eradicate any of both levels of consciousness in the person, then, certainly, they shall interact somehow and this interaction shall lead to something.
  It is clear, that the lowest consciousness surely assumes egocentrism and primary sensual experiences. The lowest consciousness is a basis of passions, rough rationalism, habits and pragmatism. At the same time only it provides natural combination (coexistence) of the person with the environment. In this respect, the person is an animal, and it is impossible here to do anything.
  In turn, self-consciousness assumes a certain removal of the person from the world and convergence with the environment already on a new basis - aspiration to conscious and quite reasonable change of the world. However, the person can go too far in this aspiration, supposing himself as the tsar of the nature and its eternal principal, forgetting about the limitation as in a set of sense organs, and the limitation of reason, memory and the life.
  Thus, the egocentrism, rationalism and pragmatism, stemming from the lowest consciousness in the person always struggles against the high ideas of self-consciousness, which is inclined not only to purposeful aspirations to improving life in general and in particular, but also to disinterested aspiration to universal harmony.
  What turns out as a result?
  The result for the specific person and mankind in general is deplorable.
  In other words, the positive outcome, as it is visible from temporal and quite sad practically for all mankind of existence with his incessant sorrows, disorder, sufferings, diseases, loss of relatives, inevitability of death, wasn't and isn't present.
  This hopelessness for the person and mankind has been marked still by Schopenhauer, and he on this pessimistic note formulated the whole theory in which the unreasonable will had laid in the basis of Creation.
  Various types of mixtures of both levels of human consciousness at different stages of development give rattlesnake composition which continually is blowing up in wars, the personal conflicts, persistent inequality, hatred and malice one to others.
  This aspiration to mutual destruction is restrained only by the states. And no clear space in these struggles on different basis of levels of consciousness is visible. On the contrary, the information flows in the framework of high technologies, flooding now the most developed states, lead to loss of adequate reference points by an administrative staff of these countries, as well as the supranational groups, that to all other is aggravated still by group egoism and stratification of society on "eternally" poor (both people and the countries), and rich, self-satisfied beings.
  Consequently, it is necessary to recognize how the same Schopenhauer, the meaninglessness of similar existence, or to recognize existence of the best world behind a coffin - how this is represented to all religious faiths?
  Or it is necessary to recognize that behind the finite person and the finite mankind is something bigger, the infinite, which needs to be manifested exactly so in the finite (the person).
  Other options, apparently, aren't available.
  8.2. Internationalism.
  Internationalism, preaching cooperation and friendship between the nations, apparently, takes a correct position, opposing itself to nationalism and cosmopolitism.
  However, this attempt is absolutely fruitless. Internationalism, staking on human values, at once gets to the deadlock.
  Should not take too long to talk about cosmopolitanism and nationalism, inasmuch cosmopolitanism is rootless, and therefore it is objectless, like a hermaphrodite, representing the degeneration of the human species, which turn selves in impotent beings; and nationalism is a product of immaturity and self-conceit of Nations, which seek to approve the own significance at least by the own specialness, though it is possible to approve himself only by the achievements, talents, tranquility and sincere friendliness, however the nationalism gravitates to force and insults in case of absence of force.
  Internationalism, certainly, tries to distance from opprobrium of cosmopolitism, showing two possibilities of development of a civilization.
  One of them is connected to communistic ideology, which asserts that the struggle of the working people outside national framework (the proletarian internationalism) will lead to creation of classless society and dying off of the state.
  In work [11, chap. 2] has been shown the utopian nature of this project, the main disadvantage which is that it ignores the fact that the contradictions are the engine of development in a developing society. Their removal may result in the best case to establishment of equilibrium society devoid of development.
  Aspiration to egalitarianism for the vast majority of the population, the emphasis on the distribution of the benefits, instead of conquering them or, at least, earning with complete expense of forces, abilities and energy, has led the fruits of Marxist ideology - allegedly socialist states - to stagnation and decay. Dreams of all working people on the fair and harmonic life in surroundings of the dairy rivers and the honey shores turned to dust.
  Socialism and communism proved selves as chimeras.
  On the other hand, too intense strained of the fighting sides in society for power, property, rights, etc. can lead any community to anarchy and destruction rather quickly.
  Exactly this circumstance determined the emergence in a bosom of civilization of the states of different type which basic function consists not in retention of the power of the rich over the poor that many theorists put on the first place, but in retention of society from decay by establishment and use of laws, compulsion of people by force in case of need to observance of certain norms and rules within the existing institutes.
  Another possibility for the development of civilization, in the opinion of the internationalists, is connected to globalization and the prospect of the establishment of a world government.
  Absurdity of this project is obvious: no economic integration will force the local elites to cede voluntarily their power to anyone else.
  Exactly for this reason the financial bigwigs try to rule by the world the last decades covertly, leaning on the impersonality of capitalism.
  The true aim of the capitalist system is self-reproduction of capital through its continuous circular flow; the main thing in capitalism - the circulation of capital, which induces itself to motion. Capital should increase by means of obtaining percent from it (rate of return). Movement of the capital stands behind all progress and behind all accidents in real life.
  Capital begets violence against ordinary people, who are involved in the orbit of its interests. This violence is anonymous, systemic, abstract and objective. Capitalism has no rivals in its ability to produce wealth (socialism did not last even 100 years compared with capitalism, whose age is not less than 500 years).
  Wealth is considered the basis of life; high culture and great civilizations have been growing only in affluent communities. The poorest members of society ultimately receive from big common wealth too; efficient production generates progressive institutions and social progress. Exactly this fact justifies existence of capitalism. It possesses by one more property - absence of ideology. Existential advantage of capitalism consists in this.
  Absence of ideology and any apparent cognitive coordinates generates property of amazing adaptability of capitalism to any civilizations. Capitalism allows people to build the society which is pleasant to them. It can exist in the conditions of democracy of Europe and North America, within fundamentalist modes of Iran and the countries of North Africa, dictatorships of the states of Latin America, authoritative board in Turkey, the state capitalism of China and Russia.
  Capitalism is a globality and truth without value. Complication in modern society of dialectic of the private and public leads to increase of individual and group selfishness, indifference to other people's problems, to cruelty in defending of the interests.
  Thereby it is possible to state that modern global capitalism is characterized by the increased rigidity of logic of capital. The substitution effect of a global protest by the local protests promotes capitalism preservation, because the system (whole) remains, and are destroyed only its separate elements (the parts). Therefore, the continuous local protests are becoming a form of existence of global capitalism. Total action of a substitution effect leads to inefficiency of practically all types of an anti-capitalist protest. Only change of the owner becomes the main result of all protests. Change of the owner without change of the system is senseless a priori. In this point capitalism shows its steadfastness. [12, pages 187, 149, 189, 205, 110, 152].
  Political rationality and dispassion of the capitalist system generates its antipode - senseless violence. In fact, a person stands in front of the binary choice - either to accept the existing rules of the game, or to exercise (self-) destructive violence, and violence without agenda, program and ideology. In this case, violence is transformed into the single form of a protest in the rational world, the protest for the sake of protest. Violence is the psychological discharge, having a value in itself. The purpose of this revolt becomes purely existential - a subjective statement about objective conditions of life. We can say that spontaneous violence is a sign of systemic powerlessness of the person [12, pages 110, 117, 121].
  The same, but with another emphasis has said F. Fukuyama: capitalism is the most perfect form of economic beingness; all attempts to rebel against it will lead only to situation deterioration. Fukuyama called this situation as "the end of history" [13].
  The spirit, living in each person, and the malicious illusion, producing every day by capitalism, cannot coexist for a long time. Independent activity of human being gradually stops, and disappears together with it the base for the development of the spirit. The automatic aspiration of capitalism to conversion of each person in the condition of the animal, chewing cud given to him, means the deadlock and the civilization disintegration.
  This factor is aggravated also with the fact that capitalism is oriented initially on the person-customer, but not on harmonic development of society. Resources for consumption are not limitless. At the same time the number of the poor and disadvantaged in the world is growing rapidly. Relatively rich countries begin "to be fenced off" from the poor countries in counterbalance of globalization. And this policy can't but lead to increased tension between them, to different conflicts and the general decline of civilization.
  To these negative factors are added the super-accelerated development of information technology, not allowing already to people to join the heights of technological, technical and cultural thought, but mostly plunging them in the flood of cheap news and false values.
  On the other hand, contradictory information flows are beginning to sweep over the controlling centers, that are unable, because of the limited capacity of people-managers choose the right strategic and even tactical directions of movement of the countries, branches, economies.
  The number of collisions for power, resources and retention of status is growing, as well as automatically grow the quantity of errors, failures in the general functioning of a world civilization as viable system. Civilization begins to collapse - at first on the independent, rigidly competing parts, and then if it doesn't perish in wars, loses control over systems of supply with energy, over communication, transport etc., i.e. begins to collapse with all sad consequences [6, chapter 5].
  Thus, capitalism of technological society, although more sustainable and cost-effective than distributive socialism, which has demonstrated amply own failure, also comes to crash.
  It turns out in practice that capitalism and socialism are unsuitable for the translation of mankind into a harmonious existence, which means: such existence cannot be in the development process, how cannot be manual control by public development.
  Besides, civilizations, appearing with growth of self-consciousness in the person, inevitably cease to exist, bearing the disastrous consequences to all human community, when the centers, providing the livelihoods of any civilization, which functioning at a basis of adequate processing of the arriving information, cease to cope with all the accruing its flow (information collapse).
  All this convincingly shows that the person, per se, is the tool of consciousness which isn't capable to develop separately - without own expression in the person in temporary antagonistic communities.
  8.3. Humanism.
  As well as racial theories, humanism, which, by determination, is atheistic, i.e. looks for a support not in God, and in the person, is absolutely inadequate, though at first sight it is very nice, owing to proclamation by it of the slogan: to determine the meaning and forms of own life must the person himself, living in the spirit of reason and use of own abilities.
  As it occurs always, the support of theorists of humanism on the person, on his elevation at once leads humanism into the deadlock.
  First, the vast majority of people, who are not worse than the others, is forced to live in inhuman conditions, often - in hunger and cold; they - on the brink of survival - are not capable to life in the spirit of reason and use of own abilities, which still should be to determine, that is very difficult in case of the actual absence of an education system and on the verge of survival. I.e. the theory of humanism is elitist, and it in this regard is distracted from the human race in its majority.
  Secondly, construction of humane society by means of the ethics, based on humanitarian values in the spirit of reason and free search, suffered a complete collapse: the richest society in the face of Western countries, robbing the underdeveloped countries, and having the high level of life, nevertheless, is in a deep ideological and economic crisis, and decays.
  The person in the countries of "golden" billion is reduced to a pathetic, selfish being in the conditions of false democracy, he stops in the development, "going in cycles" on consuming of the electronic and information novelties of civilization devouring all his free time. Any protests are senseless or are cruelly suppressed. He becomes indifferent and incapable for decisive actions, pliable to the false propaganda of the fallacious values of technocratic society, - typically the consumptive.
  On the other hand, poor in the majority the Muslims making the considerable part of the population of Earth, turned out as anti-humanists in their aspiration to dilapidated religious dogmas, contradicting as to reason, and to liberty of the relations, search of new values, development. The elite of the Muslim countries, in effect, tries violently to force other people to accept these medieval views pulling the world to uniformity, wildness and autocracy.
  Third, humanism is not able to solve the problem of choosing between the interests and needs of the person and groups of people.
  Recognizing the intrinsic value of the human person, humanism leads to self-centeredness, destroying naturally and temporally limited to the identity of the person, not capable to become the superman at all efforts to that end.
  Recognition by humanism as primary these or those the group interests and values means a direct way to totalitarianism and the relegation of the person thereby to nothingness.
  Fourth, humanism denies religious values, repelling the most people away from self, inasmuch in the depths every human being feels his own weakness, limitation, mortality and cannot do without the support even and the fictitious external forces.
  Thus, recognition of intrinsic value of the person as a pearl of Creation without appeal to his basis - to consciousness, turns out both senseless, and useless.
  It is confirmed also by practice: freedom, happiness, development, despite all efforts of humanists and the UN, remain on the sidelines, and dominate, in fact, only thirst of a profit, consciousness of own superiority, utilitarianism, i.e. is implemented a transfer by the structures of power of false values into the values, determining life. Thereby is formed some kind of cancer tumor which is corroding the person and his civilization quickly.
  A brief examination of these aspects of the life of human society shows how the absence of the possibility of the existence of a harmonious community of such contradictory beings, both people, and absence of need in such harmonious community, which would be the end of development.
  Both each person and his communities are finite. They appear and disappear, and traces of their presence on one planets are smoothed gradually, on others - appear people, and this process doesn't have the end.
  Therefore, if to search the support only in the person, as a self-sufficing being, then the question of mission of human existence in intervals between the birth and death together with remaining people; and about mission of own civilization, which is also the finite, loses a meaning.
  This is one of the main reasons for the triumph of religion at all times, which tries to connect the person with some highest power to strengthen him in the world.
  Nevertheless, the meaning of human existence in such contradictory conditions in the form of the developing civilizations, of course, is available inasmuch at a depth level people are separated and united by consciousness, inherent to them.
  In the person consciousness (active) provides for itself actual, though every time the temporal life bringing changes into consciousness.
  Consciousness in its individual expression, when it finds self in the finite beings over and over again, retains its active nature, its main frequency base due to actions in the thingness resisting world which consciousness seeks to change through the person, as soon as can, despite all hindrances arising in front of it.
  Human actions, contributing to the reconstruction of the frequency structure of individual consciousness, allow remaining the eternal to each individual consciousness. Therefore, consciousness can't be isolated completely from the living beings, and forced for own preservation again and again "to plunge" into them. Exactly thus, i.e. discretely, the infinite saves self through the finite temporal world as the active.
  The stay of the active beginning in the person not only gives to the person as to a separate being, the conscious life above which there is nothing, but also each individual consciousness has an opportunity to change self in actions of the person, and along with that to save own kernel from destruction, remaining, unlike things, as the eternal, and at this, having only to one to it inherent personality.
  The living beings scattered on universes, including people in the communities, retain Creation in existence thanks to the fact that as finite, they form beingness discretely in this existence, providing the infinite existence of Creation, and to themselves - life. In the infinite set of these beings each individual consciousness can develop, express self and implement self infinitely.
  Therefore, it is possible to state: for development of consciousness, which presents in each person as the infinite, single and along with that - as the divided, the main thing in any conditions - the most awful and, seemingly, insuperable - is the rejection of own negativism, egoism, arrogance, irreconcilability, various temptations. All this consciousness passes in the person over and over again and here nothing to be done: to find is possible, only having lost.
  The irreversibility of the taking place events, which lead to death, impossibility to correct a lot of things out of deeds does life as the tragic and creates for consciousness so necessary for it for development the environment resistance, in the absence which - continuous happiness - consciousness would be fallen into stagnation, or, on the contrary, - in continuous chaos - consciousness would be lost self. Therefore, moments of "now" appear and disappear (are updated) sequentially, but don't stiffen in blissful rest and don't lose its sequence.
  Chapter 9
  The person in habitat.
  If all ordinary living beings in own consciousness are inseparable with the environment, surrounding them, then each person, being, as well as they, in this environment together with them, separates self in own consciousness from the environment and other people.
  On this base he is already capable to interact on own understanding both with the environment, and with other people.
  Thereby the person is into the relations, which are new in comparison with the remaining live world. The person somehow understands these relations and even to a certain extent can manage them, changing them according to own plans depending on the mood and ingenuity.
  The degree of understanding each person is different, the relationship between people as a result diverse. However, self-consciousness, making this beings by the person, immediately drew his interested attention to the surrounding things and people with position of possession of them from a different angle.
  This aspiration to possession is fixed in mind of the person basically in three steps.
  First, the possession, which provides his personal survival, somehow: food, the dwelling, tools for getting of food, etc.
  Secondly, the possession for reproduction by the partner of an opposite sex.
  Thirdly, the possession by all remaining that is only possible to capture.
  The first two positions coincide with the needs of any living organism that requires both food, and a den, and teeth or claws, as well as, as a rule (there are also other forms of reproduction), the sexual partner.
  This coincidence is explained by the need of interaction of the lower consciousness through the sense organs with the environment to maintain metabolism, functional state of the organism, its growth, reproduction, etc., that occurs anyway automatically, more precisely, instinctively-reflex on the basis of genetic memory and doesn't require conceptualization. On the contrary, attempt of conceptualization of so difficult actions of an organism at this level with interference in it most often results the person in deplorable results. The person, thus, in this form of consciousness is inseparable from the environment, how and other living beings.
  As for the last position, such living being as the person, separated from the environment in own consciousness, tries to understand every moment the benefits from it and to use this advantage in fight against competitors. I.e. the natural egoism, inherent to each living beings and restricted for a being only what is needed for survival, the person transmutes in own consciousness into the systematic aspiration to capture and subordinate to himself everything even if this reality yet did not too need to him.
  This appetite to capture which in the ordinary living beings has different natural restrictions, for example, in food, air temperature or waters, in the form of counteraction of the living beings of other types (predators for artiodactyl), for communities of the people, who broke loose to liberty owing to understanding of own role in this environment and having a row of artificial means for effective counteraction to the environment, not limited by anything, except natural opportunities of intellect, sense organs, technological equipment as well as, on the other hand, by fears, prejudices, religious suspiciousness, common sense, etc.
  However whenever possible, the person strives everything that is before him to do by his possession. And common sense, and the consciousness of the brevity of their own existence, as a rule, there is not able to resist the instinct of consumption in a broader sense: things, money, power, fame, etc.
  Thus, hypocritically claiming the contrary, the person in normal life (not in the vows) isn't able to get rid of the passion to possession.
  Therefore, it can play win-win only on the increasing passion of the person to consumption. It happens under capitalism, which is based on credit relations. Thereby the most part of people is being enslaved almost for the rest of life, dipping itself in commodity consuming which only grows, providing the income to capitalists and degradation of the population in its concentration on the most insignificant of world values. But to all there is a limit, at least in limitation of resources. Wars for them, resentment of the deprived, falling of culture, universal growth of envy and disunity doesn't promise anything from this side as only the decay of civilization.
  On the other hand, also win-win is possible to play on the same string with the opposite position, claiming confidently and nobly that the property is the evil which should be eradicated to reach, at last, the common good, happiness and prosperity, having got rid of capitalism ulcers.
  Marxists and to them similar, partly on short-sightedness, partly hypocritically, ignoring natural passion of any person to possession, have made in own false theory substitution of this inescapable aspiration of each living being to possession by contradictions between labor and capital, poverty and wealth, which destruction allegedly should lead community to universal love and prosperity.
  Practical results of this approach are as follows.
  For the last hundred years in a number of the countries as a result of revolutions and revolutions the specified contradictions were removed, sharks of capitalism were expelled or destroyed and their property was alienated in favor of allegedly nationwide state with prohibition of a private property.
  The result has turned out very distressing both for the population of these countries, and for the states.
  The matter is that the property which was taken away from people has not disappeared to anywhere, but it just moved in hands already not to capitalists, but to the state bureaucracy with all their spongers on rights of the complete disposition by it by this narrow group of persons in power.
  The officialdom, by definition, doesn't care about people. The people for bureaucracy are only the tool for achievement of own purposes which aren't connected to the welfare and prosperity of citizens of own countries in any way.
  Effectively dispose of property that has fallen into its hands, the bureaucracy in the planning and distribution system of allegedly socialism is not capable without enthusiastic owners. It leads to a catastrophic economic lag from the developed capitalist countries, to the low level of life of the population.
  Finally all "socialist" countries, except North Korea and Cuba, returned to a bosom of the capitalist relations, but also there they turned out, in fact, derelicts.
  Through certain time, having felt own inferiority, become impoverished and discontented population became actively to express desire to return to distributive socialism, apparently, considering it as the smaller evil.
  Thus, it turns out, that both these mainline directions of development of civilization are deadlock.
  Coexistence of private and state ownership within the state bureaucracy as recent practice showed is less effective in any its proportions in comparison with a capitalist method of production with planning elements. The reason for this is impossibility to eliminate the contradictions between private owners and the state bureaucracy, inasmuch for the last own interests is above all else.
  Thereof state-bureaucratic capitalism isn't able to the most effective economic functioning, which is characteristic for capitalism with planning elements and, thus, countries with economy in the form of state-bureaucratic capitalism obviously loses in the competition to the leading capitalist countries.
  But capitalism in the person of own leading part - the international monopolies - at all the efficiency, - is based on the slogan "Divide and conquer".
  Therefore monopoly capitalism, mainly in the face of transnational corporations, without ceremony plunders the developing countries which are eternal debtors owing to bribery of their elite by the stakeholder groups of the monopolistic capital and transformation of governance structures of developing countries into compradors, providing to the population of the leading capitalist countries higher level of life and leaving the population of the developing countries in permanent status of disorder and poverty.
  Nevertheless, capitalism deprives also citizens of own countries of perspectives of development, dipping them in the abyss of consuming to which there is both a resource limit, as well as the limit consisting in narrowing of consciousness of the person up to the level of the pig who is champing continuously not paying attention to all remaining.
  Besides, the deprived population of countries which aren't relating to the "Golden billion" begins to support extremism of various kinds leading to wars, uncontrollable migration and all other growing excesses.
  Output from this situation if, of course, not to deceive itself further, that everything will be back to normal somehow, isn't visible.
  However, as we showed above, the person is only the tool of consciousness which leaves a human body if it becomes unfitness.
  Apparently, and collective consciousness of mankind shall leave a civilization if it comes into disrepair.
  The true reason of inevitable decay of any civilization is the information collapse, which occurs owing to the accelerated growth of consumed information flows (compression of own time of civilization), which has an elementary limit on the volume of processed information.
  Exactly in case of achievement of this limit, but not owing to decay of the unusable system, which is only consequence, quickly enough occur cardinal failures in governing bodies at all levels: instructions of the authorities aren't executed, supply of electricity stops, transport stops, etc.
  Universal chaos begins, wars are being unleashed in consequence of reduction of resources, hunger and epidemic are coming, a social order is disintegrated, etc. [6, сhapter 5].
  The basic reasons of completion of process of development of civilization consist as in finiteness of any structure in beingness, and in the level of development of consciousness which is the engine of civilization process. To this level corresponds the temporal boundaries of any civilization of three-dimensional measurement.
  Form, in which process of origin and crash of a civilization expresses, is gradually accruing information volume, passing through aggregate consciousness of the people making civilization owing to development of consciousness, leading to mastering everything new spheres for thoughts and deeds.
  Growth of information flows means compression of own time of civilization, inasmuch time of any living being, as well as sets of the living beings - in this case of the people - actually is the information process, in the course which material objects are being identified by consciousness by means of scanning by it of surroundings by the available tools (senses organs, combined with the processing centers).
  The natural limit to this process comes in case of impossibility by the available means - and it is a human brain - effectively to process the avalanche information stream. On this limit (the point of singularity), manifesting self by information collapse, own time of civilization comes to the end [4, chapters 2, 3].
  It makes sense to mark the following in this context.
  Before emergence of civilization in people in the archaic society were being valued strength, dexterity, knowledge of medicinal herbs, the ability to effectively hunt, to prepare edible dishes, and so on.
  All this promoted to interact with the environment and to compete with remaining living beings with minimum use of the highest consciousness, inasmuch due to the absence of writing, convenient communications between the rare settlements, distinctions in oral speech, exchange knowledge and skills was hindered, abstract thinking, logical constructions were in their infancy.
  As a result, for survival and development in addition to instincts and reflexes had to use almost only such combination of the highest and the lowest forms of consciousness as the insight shamans.
  Externally, the primitive people differed little from primates.
  However, their main feature was the emergence and gradual development of the highest consciousness, so how they have realized themselves as separate from the environment and, therefore, began to try to use it not only instinctively and reflexively, but also expediently - planning own activities not for one day forward.
  They began to transform own surrounding, building various shelters from bad weather, inventing the different methods of cooking, manufacture and use of instruments of labor and hunting, facilitating these occupations.
  The highest consciousness for the living being means appearance at it of additional form-building abilities, existence which the living being is aware.
  In particular, looking at the smooth surface of a stone polished with a rain or a surface of a rain puddle, the living being, conscious, understands that it is exactly its reflection, and this circumstance gives it the chance to change the appearance, having braided pigtails or having replaced own attire. The similar understanding this being-person also tries to apply artificially, portraying, for example, itself by means of ochre on a stone during hunting for animals.
  The similar initiative activity stemming from the arisen understanding of own finding in the current time with night and day, sunrises and sunsets, winter and autumn, to which can be applied with knowledge of the matter, could not be based only on instincts and reflexes. In addition to them the person turned out able to comprehend himself as the being, which is not only among things and tribespeople, but also separately from them. In other words, the person has acquired understanding of own existence in the world with all liberty of manifestation of activity which he is capable to show consciously in the available surroundings, or self-consciousness, which for all remaining living beings is absent.
  Successful examples of use of this new property were being transferred to descendants as verbally, developing the speech, and with attempts to note them in the form of figures that finally led to origin of writing and significantly accelerated the development of human communities, thanks to similar accumulation and transfer of experience in the form of visual messages, instructions, recommendations.
  Attempts not only to hunt, but also to select some animals for cultivation led to origin of cattle breeding; collection of fruits and cereals gradually developed into planting of a row of cereals and fruit-trees.
  Appeared as a result a certain excess of products has served as the basis for the development of exchange, which eventually has been transformed into trade relations.
  With the advent of new relationships, and thereby with formation of the civilizational model, knowledge and skills have received an addition in the form of private ownership of property, acquired by the different ways, including unjust, exceeding usual needs of the person.
  It is clear, that the person can dispose by things for the good not only for himself, but also for people, and vice versa.
  Private property in archaic society was absent, so how products, things were being distributed on all tribespeople uniformly. Such approach was dictated by survival of all community owing to the low productivity of the same things and a food. Naturally, the consumed things and products were being considered as the good exactly for all.
  Therefore the term "good" since those times has two meanings: good-goods-things and good-blessing-boon-charity.
  In Russian the term "good" and now is understood, on the one hand, as the things, property, prosperity; and on the other hand, as goodness, kindly, the useful, the honest.
  In English, like the Russian language, the term "good" is understood and now as things, products (goods), as well as goodness, well, boon (good).
  Thereby notion "good" has meaning not only as things, products, but it was being transformed to the terms "kindly", "kindness", "goodness", i.e. into a certain positive moral category.
  However this initial attitude towards consumption of objects and products in the form of common ownership with the development of trade relations, with the formation of States, different classes and states begins to lose its original meaning, turning from the good for everybody in property for individual owners.
  Thus, good-thing in developed society begins to be understood not as common good, but as the good for specific (private) owners of things. In other words, the good (possessions, ownership) turns into representation of people in use of this good (property) only for the good of the owners.
  Similar process of transformation of "good" in "property" happened not only in Russia. For example, in English the good with the insignificant addition "s" (goods) is interpreted as product, cargo, ware, stuff and property.
  Apparently, for elimination of an ambiguity of the term "good" in Russian language has emerged such notions of common good as "well", "perfectly", and in English language - the term "well" (perfectly, successfully).
  Naturally, people, outside some share (partially deprived by property), have considered such situation for themselves as unfair, false, inhuman that couldn't but cause in them disappointment and its extreme expression - evilness. All these terms in different languages have related roots, and their meaning comes down to bad relations, the reason which is the varying degree of possession of property.
  Therefore, most likely, the term "evil" has arisen during formation of the proprietary relations with fixing of a certain possession by laws in a counterbalance to the word "good". These terms have expressed thereby the opposite relation of people to property. I.e. the property can be as good in the sense of common good, but the same property is the alien, unfair in correlation with specific owners, provoking hatred, evilness that can be summarized by the term "evil".
  So, the same formation - things - in the different relations produced two polar notions, which both in religion, and in morals turned into allegedly eternally existing categories - good and evil. Their different interpretation doesn't change an original sense of these categories because as it was stated above, these notions arose concerning possession and no more than that.
  However in religion this opposite relation to possession in minds of people turned into eternal fight of good and evil in the world.
  I.e. religion has ignored, but rather, didn't want to understand the source of origin of good and evil, stated above, having absolutized these notions under pretence of need of fight of light against darkness though actually it is about different intentions of people, which follow from inconsistency of the lowest and the highest forms of consciousness in each person, which are in permanent fight and collisions.
  These contradictions are impossible to smooth. Therefore the person of the developing civilization according to instincts of the lowest (animal) consciousness will always aim to multiply the good (ownership) for himself, considering that the opponents of this process are the specific evil for him.
  The highest consciousness, in a counterbalance to this selfish aspiration, will proclaim as goodness the giving out (distribution) of property that Christ most brightly has expressed so: "The poor in spirit are blessed wherefore they possess by the Kingdom of Heaven." (The Gospel from Matthew. Ch. 5, item 3).
  In this saying he clearly lets know that good, or goodness in the world of aspiration to possession (property) is unattainable.
  The being of a categorical imperative of Kant comes down to good, i.e. to the idea of committing of acts by the person concerning remaining people thus as though he has made them for himself.
  Here - in the categorical imperative - Kant also tears off "good" from the natural reasons, idealizing thereby the person by artificial removal him from own animal nature (the lowest consciousness).
  Actually, the impossibility to eliminate of egocentrism, derivative of the lowest consciousness of the person, denies reach by the person and mankind of absolute good and harmony, but proclaims incessant struggle in the framework of good (property).
  It is also interesting, that the degree of possession for the person by himself is determined by notions of "mind" and "wisdom", which is still not clearly clarified, although there are many arguments about them, but they do not have clearly contoured base.
  Actually mind, intellect, reason is a product of this or that efficiency of action of the centers processing the information, arriving from sense organs that is quite comparable to operation of the computer which, as we know, independently isn't capable to discover either America, or new laws.
  Intellect acts in each living beings.
  So, by means of mind more or less effective interaction of the person with the environment and tribespeople is carried out. Therefore mind (intellect), strangely enough, is closer to the lowest consciousness in the person, than to the highest consciousness. Mind, so, is pragmatic, and is restricted by this.
  People intuitively understand under wisdom some possession by the person of quality, which is higher, than mind. They define this property as a view on all events from side; the few have this property and it is connected to self-consciousness more than it is connected to intellect.
  Indeed, the highest consciousness gives the chance to the person to understand self. It is inherent in all people, but the few comprehend its presence at themselves, and the few are capable to use it. Understanding this presence allows to have a look at themselves with side, to see own shortcomings and advantages, to evaluate them, but not for it to calm down in consciousness of own knowledge and, to some extent, of own superiority, but to determine a meaning of own activity.
  The very same meaning by and large consists not in aspiration to something otherworldly, not in aspiration to universal harmony and not in aspiration to the settled values of this world, but - in comprehension a new, alluring, represented to the most fair and at the same time giving the greatest level of liberty, despite everything. Wisdom is unselfish and thereby it is reckless.
  The formula "labor created the person" is also relevant to possession. Its sense comes down to the fact that the living being suddenly took possession by itself (having understood himself as separate of the environment) by means of labor.
  The dubiousness of this claim is not necessary to prove, since there are many extremely hardworking creatures, which hundreds and tens of millions of years so and remain in the same quality, as, for example, termites, bees, as well as some species of monkeys, which are able to collect and process the fruits collectively.
  Obviously, all these living beings, being able to do the job, have no highest consciousness which, being the special program of self-training and comprehension, isn't worked out by labor, and is embedded in the living beings, potentially capable of perform the job and having flexible intelligence. Exactly this qualitative shift from the lowest consciousness to a combination of the lowest and the highest forms of consciousness cannot explain science, which and has not found any convincing bases for the sudden appearance at one of the subspecies of primates of self-consciousness while similar primates still have not found of self-consciousness.
  This process of appearance of the higher consciousness reminds introduction by the programmer to the computer of the additional program, giving it new functions.
  Only single consciousness can be by this conditional programmer. Exactly it forms beingness as whole by means of set of living beings through the total time, as well as individually - through each living being, which in turn forms own time in the framework of the total time.
  If it appears that some beings potentially are capable to take possession of its time, i.e. to understand that they exist in it, then such beings are candidates for their redefine from the beings, merged with the environment, into the beings, capable to separate themselves from the environment consciously.
  Exactly so, but not differently, the person appeared though to master given program was not so easy, but nevertheless - the result is available.
   Anyway, potentially any being with the lowest consciousness is a basis of life, without which the highest consciousness can't do.
  Alive with the lowest consciousness creates not only a basis for manifestation of the highest consciousness, but also - the intermediate shell between it and lifeless matter, supplying a human body practically by all energy resources as well as being its food, and in addition to that the living beings with the lowest consciousness create the live and raging background of his life.
  The person without the lowest consciousness is nonsense - he couldn't possess by own body without it, without speaking about interaction with the environment.
  Duality of consciousness of the person consists what in the person first of all acts the lowest consciousness, providing to the person existence, but along with that in every possible way hindering to achievement of the highest harmony by him in sense of universal good and justice, i.e. what most of all wishes the highest consciousness.
  This creates an eternal contradiction causing internal stress state in each person, which is expressed in own diverse and often opposing aspirations, as well as in the similar relations of people with each other, that is an indispensable basis for the development of both these beings and their consciousness.
  Therefore, in spite of all considerations of philosophers and scientists, who claim that a harmonious existence of mankind in beingness is possible (the Golden age, communism, etc.), hopes of ordinary people for a happy and fair final in existence hang in the air.
  The best is the enemy of the good. Remembering this expression, we can say that the person - the possessor of the lowest and highest forms of consciousness - gets not so little - namely, - the life, in which he can display his ingenuity and his feelings.
  The idea of achievement of harmony in beingness should be dismissed, inasmuch harmony is possible only with an exception of the lowest consciousness out of the person, but, the person without the lowest consciousness loses both a body, and feelings, and the information processing centers - i.e. the person loses a possibility of interaction with the environment. Thereby he loses food, sounds, breathing, the sense of touch, intellect, in other words, and feelings and reason.
  As a result, the person loses the subject for thought. That is the person turns into nothingness, but it cannot be, since he in own consciousness with the totality of the living beings retains in existence all Creation, which always is situated in him and in front of him personally.
  If to recognize that consciousness is eternal, then the person in the consciousness is also eternal, inasmuch the set of all lives, in which consciousness of each person is manifested is equal to the discrete infinity.
  It is difficult to invent the best method of expression of consciousness in eternity.
  1. 1980. David Bohm, Wholeness and the Implicate Order, London: Routledge, ISBN 0-7100-0971-2.
  2. Karl H. Pribram. Languages of the Brain. Experimental paradoxes and principles in neuropsychology. "Progress", 1975.
  3. Nizovtsev Y. M. Everything and Nothingness. 2016. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru. Amazon. Yury Nizovtsev.
  4. Nizovtsev Y. M. Miracles in a sieve. 2016. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru. Amazon. Yury Nizovtsev.
  5. Prokhorov A. L. "Life emergence on Earth" on materials of article of Richard Monasterski in the National Geographic magazine, 1998.
  6. Nizovtsev Y. M. Our true life is endless. 2014. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru. Amazon. Yury Nizovtsev.
  7. Idea for a Universal History from a Cosmopolitan Point of View (1784). Translation by Lewis White Beck. From Immanuel Kant, "On History", The Bobbs-Merrill Co., 1963.
  8. Kant I. The Critique of Pure Reason. University ofAdelaide. 1781/1998. The web edition published by ebooks Adelaide. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: ebooks.adelaide.edu.au > Library. ebooks
  9. Nizovtsev Y. M. In what, how and for what liberty is acting. 2014. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru. Amazon. Yury Nizovtsev.
  10. J. A. Gobineau. Essay on the inequality of the human races. Paris. 1853-1855.
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  13. Francis Fukuyama. The End of History and the Last Man. Free Press, 1992. ISBN 0-02-910975-2.
  1. 1980. David Bohm, Wholeness and the Implicate Order, London: Routledge, ISBN 0-7100-0971-2.
  2. Karl H. Pribram. Languages of the Brain. Experimental paradoxes and principles in neuropsychology. "Progress", 1975.
  3. Nizovtsev Y. M. Everything and Nothingness. 2016. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru
  4. Nizovtsev Y. M. Miracles in a sieve. 2016. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: proza.ru
  5. Prokhorov A. L. "Life emergence on Earth" on materials of article of Richard Monasterski in the National Geographic magazine, 1998.
  6. Nizovtsev Y. M. Our true life is endless. ISBN: 9781310873126. Smashwords Edition, 2014 (C) by Yury Nizovtsev.
  7. Idea for a Universal History from a Cosmopolitan Point of View (1784). Translation by Lewis White Beck. From Immanuel Kant, "On History", The Bobbs-Merrill Co., 1963.
  8. Kant I. The Critique of Pure Reason. University of Adelaide. 1781/1998. The web edition published by ebooks Adelaide. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: ebooks.adelaide.edu.au > Library. ebooks
  9. Nizovtsev Y. M. In what, how and for what liberty is acting. ISBN: 9781311774460. Smashwords Edition, 2014 (C) by Yury Nizovtsev.
  10. J. A. Gobineau. Essay on the inequality of the human races. Paris. 1853-1855.
  11. Nizovtsev Y. M. Communes as a result of crash of all civilization. ISBN. 9781311711199. Smashwords Edition 2014. (C) Nizovtsev Yury.
  12.Zizhek C. Year of the impossible. Arts dangerous dream. M. Europe. 2012.
  13. Francis Fukuyama. The End of History and the Last Man. Free Press, 1992. ISBN 0-02-910975-2.
  The real aim of the capitalist system is self-reproduction of capital through its continuous circular flow; the main thing in capitalism - the circulation of capital leading itself in motion. Capital should increase by means of obtaining percent from it (rate of return). Movement of the capital stands behind all progress and behind all accidents in real life. Capital begets violence against ordinary people, who are involved in the orbit of its interests. This violence is anonymous, systemic, abstract and objective. Capitalism has no rivals in its ability to produce wealth (socialism did not last even 100 years compared with capitalism, whose age is not less than 500 years). Wealth is considered the basis of life; high culture and great civilizations have been growing only in affluent communities. Poorest members of society ultimately receive from big common wealth too; efficient production generates progressive institutions and social progress. Existence of capitalism is justified by that fact. It possesses by one more property - absence of ideology. Existential advantage of capitalism consists in it. Absence of ideology and any apparent cognitive coordinates generates property of amazing adaptability of capitalism to any civilizations. Capitalism allows people to build the society which is pleasant to them. It can exist in the conditions of democracy of Europe and North America, within fundamentalist modes of Iran and the countries of North Africa, dictatorships of the states of Latin America, authoritative board in Turkey, the state capitalism of China and Russia. Capitalism is a globality and truth without value. Complication in modern society of dialectic of private and public leads to increase of individual and group selfishness, indifference to other people's problems, cruelty in settling of the interests. Thus, we can say that modern global capitalism is characterized by high harshness of logic of capital. The substitution effect of a global protest by the local protests promotes capitalism preservation because the system (whole) remains, and are destroyed only its separate elements (parts). Therefore, the continuous local protests are becoming a form of existence of global capitalism. Total action of a substitution effect leads to inefficiency of practically all types of an anti-capitalist protest. Change of the owner becomes the main result of all protests only. Change of the owner without change of the system is a priori senseless. In this point capitalism shows the impregnability. [22, 2012. Pages 187, 149, 189, 205, 110, 152]. 22. Zizhek C. Year of the impossible. Arts dangerous dream. M. Europe. 2012.
  Political rationality and dispassion of the capitalist system generates its antipode - senseless violence. In fact, a person stands in front of a binary choice - either to accept the existing rules of the game, or to exercise (self-) destructive violence, and violence without agenda, program and ideology. In this case, violence is transformed into the single form of a protest in the rational world, the protest for the sake of protest. Violence is the psychological discharge, having a value in itself. The purpose of this revolt becomes purely existential - a subjective statement about objective conditions of life. We can say that spontaneous violence is a sign of systemic powerlessness of the person [22, pages 110, 117, 121].
  The same, but with another emphasis said F. Fukuyama: capitalism is the most perfect form of economic being; all attempts to rebel against it will lead only to situation deterioration. Fukuyama called this situation as "the end of history" [26]. 26. Francis Fukuyama. The End of History and the Last Man. Free Press, 1992. ISBN 0-02-910975-2.
  Irreversibility of the taking place events conducting to death, impossibility to correct a lot of things from deeds does life as the tragic and creates for consciousness so necessary to him for development the environment resistance in the absence of which - continuous happiness - consciousness would fall into stagnation, or, on the contrary, - in continuous chaos - it would be lost itself. Therefore moments of "now" appear and disappear (are updated) sequentially, but don't stiffen at kind rest and don't lose their sequence.
  1. 1980. David Bohm, Wholeness and the Implicate Order, London: Routledge, ISBN 0-7100-0971-2.
  2. Karl H. Pribram. Languages of the Brain. Experimental paradoxes and principles in neuropsychology. "Progress", 1975.
  3. Nizovtsev Y. M. Everything and Nothingness. 2016. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru. Amazon. Yury Nizovtsev.
  4. Nizovtsev Y. M. Miracles in a sieve. 2016. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru. Amazon. Yury Nizovtsev.
  5. Prokhorov A. L. "Life emergence on Earth" on materials of article of Richard Monasterski in the National Geographic magazine, 1998.
  6. Nizovtsev Y. M. Our true life is endless. 2014. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru. Amazon. Yury Nizovtsev.
  7. Idea for a Universal History from a Cosmopolitan Point of View (1784). Translation by Lewis White Beck. From Immanuel Kant, "On History", The Bobbs-Merrill Co., 1963.
  8. Kant I. The Critique of Pure Reason. University of Adelaide. 1781/1998. The web edition published by ebooks Adelaide. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: ebooks.adelaide.edu.au > Library. ebooks
  9. Nizovtsev Y. M. In what, how and for what liberty is acting. 2014. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru. Amazon. Yury Nizovtsev.
  10. J. A. Gobineau. Essay on the inequality of the human races. Paris. 1853-1855.
  11. Nizovtsev Y. M. Communes as a result of crash of all civilization. 2014. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru. Amazon. Yury Nizovtsev.
  12.Zizhek C. Year of the impossible. Arts dangerous dream. M. Europe. 2012.
  13. Francis Fukuyama. The End of History and the Last Man. Free Press, 1992. ISBN 0-02-910975-2.
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