Низовцев Юрий Михайлович : другие произведения.

Our true life is endless

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    New Apocalypse: inevitability of emergence and disappearance of world civilizations. Whether the destruction of our civilization is close?

  Chapter 1
  About the true relation of religion to soul movements.
  Chapter 2
  Whether the science recognized existence and movements of soul?
  Chapter 3
  Mechanics of emergence and disappearance of universes.
  Chapter 4
  Life and consciousness. The key of their emergence.
  Chapter 5
  The approaching of informational collapse as a major factor of ruin of the civilization.
  Chapter 5
  Hundred millions years of emergence and disappearance of world civilizations. Their mission. Some facts and illustrations.
  The problem of disintegration of a present civilization, as well as any reasonable civilizations practically is not presented in the last publications as, actually, and a role of civilizations. What for in particular the terrestrial civilization is necessary if with its inevitable crash everything disappears, including not only people, but also its cultural and technological heritage. It is possible to tell, of course, that "everything passes". Let's consider all this in more detail.
  Now the world gradually is plunged into world crisis of the unknown first of type.
  Both main competing systems of mode - at first socialism and then capitalism - suffered defeat both in economy, and in ideology. In other words, collectivism on the basis of the state institutes of the Soviet type as well as individualism under the slogan of sacred private ownership turned incapable for further development.
  Not numerous international corporations try to control by the world in own interests. They nominate, as a rule, in the form of leaders of puppets-lawyers and technocrats as presidents and prime ministers. The results of these actions in the form of all kinds of disasters appears at you.
  Crisis is aggravated with more and more due to expanding gap between level of public consciousness and level of technologies in which the population, in fact, understands nothing, but uses them, pressing the buttons, becoming more and more stupid.
  Any of existing religious faiths in modern conditions cannot overcome a mass prosaicness of the human consciousness directed by the most part on a survival or on finding of material benefits.
  So paradise on the earth somehow is not close. On the contrary, the number of the disadvantaged, hungry, spiritually deadened only grows.
  The anxiety is being caused by a proven exponential growth of changes in our world.
  "There is no doubt that historical process shows signs of natural exponential acceleration. From emergence of Homo sapiens until the end of the phase I have passed not less than 30 thousand years, the phase II lasted about 7 thousand years, the phase III - about 2 thousand years, the phase IV - about 1.5 thousand, the phase V - about one thousand years, VI - about 300, the phase VII - a little more than 100 years, duration of the phase VIII while it is impossible to determine. Put on the schedule, these phases are combined in exponential development which assumes eventually transition to the vertical line or more true, to a point of so-called singularity. Scientific and technical achievements of mankind develop also according to the exponential schedule ..." were specified by the known historian I. M. Diakonoff [1].
  Diakonoff schedule can be brought up to the vertical line. In this case the point of singularity will fall on 2022.
  The definition of the technological singularity appeared along with the works of I. M. Diakonoff: the singularity is understood as the hypothetical moment after which technical progress becomes so fast and difficult that will be inaccessible to understanding. Extrapolation of some tendencies of development of technologies shows that the point of singularity lays down for 2020.
  Both given dates are close to each other and close to the present time. The question consists only in the interpretation of the above-mentioned process, i.e. what will happen with the civilization of the world at the point of singularity.
  Approaching information collapse is confirmation that with approach of a point of singularity the era of fundamental changes in civilization development comes.
  Therefore the probability that it will be not instantaneous, but quite fast transition of our technological civilization to a degradation stage is high. At this transition the society is being deprived of previous goals because of their obvious futility (the current crisis demonstrates crash of capitalism way, socialism system collapsed in the recent past, anything new did not appear), the government and public institutions will start decaying, there will be a loss management, the probability of wars with use of the nuclear weapon for resources and a survival will increase. Infrastructure destruction will begin, there will be problems with the food, water, fuel, etc. All processes will be terminated or inhibited. There will be epidemics, interest to life will be finally lost, there will be a mass extinction of the population, loss of technology and the world will return to wildness and barbarity.
  Such, in general, short enumeration of problems of our civilization nevertheless indicates not only imperfection of the world, but also indicates obvious incompleteness of the world known to us. It is possible to remember, of course, about natural selection and to assume the rejection of those civilizations which could not solve own problems. Nevertheless, it is clear that any civilization, even the most prosperous, comes to an inevitable end, but the question thus arises: civilizations are required only "themselves", for their own development, or civilizations are required in order to achieve more important goals?
  Existence of a set of space-time measurements, as well as point of singularity outside space and outside time is taken for granted by science. Therefore problems of material civilizations in various space-time measurements do not coincide. However now not only the religion, but also actually science recognizes existence at the person of the field formation called by soul which does not disappear with death, but passes into other measurements with opportunity to come back.
  Thus, disappearance of a civilization (apocalypse) doesn't mean disappearance of the souls being while in it. But at the same time it means the subordinate provision of the material civilizations to world of souls, more precisely, their relation to souls as to polygons for the last.
  It is difficult to understand the role of the formed live mind and civilizations in one form or other, based on the theory of the "Big Bang", according to which there is a formation of a Universe out of a singularity, and then returning it in the singularity. It turns out that Mind, somehow having appeared, having created and having acquired a heap of achievements in technological, intellectual and cultural spheres, completely disappears together with the Universe end even if Mind was being kept in it between singularities, despite any cataclysms. If we shall admit the possibility of the formation and the stay of thinking singularity beyond space and time, then absence of events in the singularity assumes the absence of the front of work for this Mind and its useless as such.
  From here follows that three-dimensional measurement of the material Universe known to us is only necessary part of something bigger, and Mind appears in it in one of forms, but this form is not final.
  It would seem, the religion can tell us about other forms of Mind, about communication of our world and otherworldly. However questions of belief are not crossed with the science which is based on evidential base. Besides, religious faiths well adapted to existence in our world, having formed church institutes, but as a result lost a lot of things about what Christ and Buddha spoke.
  In particular, the Christianity, while not divided on the Cathedral in the sixth century AD, adopted the resolution about join of soul and a body just once. The church cannot explain adequately an ultimate goal of this association that contradicts the Gospel, but it perfectly explains the advantage received by "fathers of church" who legally declare itself by sinless during lifetime, without postponing a righteousness for the future, and to other persons sell indulgences in atonement of sins. This flagrant violation of a true state of affairs will lead in the near future Christian church in the near future to disintegration on Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox churches and a set of sects, and further - to loss of prestige, its decomposition and to a triumph of atheism together with the golden Taurus.
  The main direction of the Buddhism recognizes reincarnation and a soul indestructibility after death of a body, but it does not explain sense of work of individual soul in combination with a body, and only approves a nirvana (bliss) as an ultimate goal of movement of soul after passing of sufferings by it in the world with dissolution of individuality of each soul in it. The Buddhism believes that each person has opportunity to get out of a destiny wheel (the sansara wheel) at once into the nirvana without passing of a further chain of regenerations. The last contradicts to the sense of reincarnation. The Buddhism recognizes world as illusory. It contradicts to the idea of reincarnation because actually our world is created by "dense" for creation of difficulties of its passing, as "mechanism" for soul growth and soul development.
  There are a lot of speculations about soul and reincarnation, but there are also modern experimental data about soul existence, more precisely, there are data on possibility of existence of consciousness, as external manifestation of soul, outside of a body and after death of the body.
  Earlier the science has treated to possibility of existence of souls and reincarnation process with mistrust. She have rejected certain data on soul and reincarnation which were provided one and a half centuries ago by a spiritualism [2], as well as the half of the century ago by the psychologists having conducted treatment through regressive hypnosis [3].
  Now the science admits the fact of existence of soul, owing to the data obtained experimentally about independence of consciousness from a body, and does not consider reincarnation process as impossible, bearing in mind, for example, Jan Stephenson's researches. He researched cases, when people (mainly - children aged from two till four years) remembered that already lived earlier, gave the checked facts and described the events connected with the hypothetical previous life. However the most part of scientists relate to this skeptically, it is obvious because the science cannot produce the direct evidence connected with soul, being limited only indirect which many consider doubtful.
  Let's note that soul and a body come from different systems and it is necessary to consider their symbiosis respectively. However till recently the soul, at best, was being represented for science only by the energy-information copy of a body. The religion believes that the main function of soul consists in body revival.
  However souls are major from all, because they are particles of Supreme Mind. Not only bodies, civilizations, but also all remaining worlds exist for them.
  As for development of the material worlds and, in particular, civilizations, it is necessary to remember to words of Christ who told that the truth lies in the middle. Regarding the present way of life, it means that the leading role in society should be provided to the inner world of human, and therefore - his soul. And external conditions should not be an obstacle to it, as it is happening now, but to contribute to this. Then each person gets an additional opportunity to overcome substantially by means of soul own animal (natural) beginning and get closer to own soul. In this respect, the transition from competing States to self-governing communities is the most promising for civilization. The collective property (taken away from people) and the private property (stolen from the majority of people) won't appear in these communities.
  Berdyaev A.S points to this circumstance very brightly: "The problem of justice and freedom is not put in its cleanliness at all. The problem is dipped in the turbid atmosphere. Eventually, in the modern world there is neither justice, nor freedom. Fight for the elementary benefits, for the possibility of life, forces out a question of values. At peaks of a civilization there is an elementarization which only is being represented as the complex problem. It is possible to think only three outcomes from crisis to which the world will come: 1) Outcome fatal. Proceeding disintegration of natural space and social space, proceeding to decay a capitalist mode, the triumph of the atomic bomb, the chaotic world opened in creativity of Henry Miller, chaos not initial, and chaos of the end, war of all against all. It is world loss, and we can't allow it; 2) Violent, mechanical order of collective, the organization which isn't leaving place to liberty, world despotization. It is also difficult to allow; 3) Internal overcoming of chaos, victory of spirit over technique, spiritual restoration of hierarchy of the values, connected to implementation of the social truth" [4].
  At this it is necessary to mark: philosophers, developing these or those theories about the person, a civilization, society, their relations, as a rule, forget or do not give value to the transience of these phenomena, and that in itself can't promise happiness and liberty to the person, mankind.
  Recognition of superiority of the world of souls, or the higher (thin) world in comparison with the lowest - the material world, more precisely, - the more dense world, means the need of civilizations as base for development of the souls coming from the thin world into more dense world. These particles of Supreme Mind in the continuous, hard civilization collisions which are absent in thin worlds, are gaining necessary experience. And these serious tests ending as a result with death of the person, controlled by soul, proceed further, in next lives, until spiritual experience won't reach that limit in case of which the soul can't be enriched with anything more in dense worlds. The liberty of choice implemented daily by the person, the responsibility for this choice, for made actions facilitate soul or burden soul, or leave it as indifferent. The temptations of the world which are often pleasant for a body are, as a rule, harmful for soul. How and when the soul will overcome them - its promotion along stages of appropriate hierarchy of the spirit depends from this.
  To achieve this goal, first of all, the lowest, dense worlds and civilizations corresponding to them are required. Therefore the problem of an apocalypse, extremely exciting the world, means even in the worst variant only loss of bodies, but not loss of souls bearing all values and practices both of lowest, and higher worlds.
  Chapter 1
  About true relation of religion to soul movements.
  The religion, which main duty is maintenance of connection between our and otherworldly world, has no direct proofs of existence of soul, suggesting to take it on trust.
  But the religion has the spiritual experience, acquired from her adherents, the religion stores history of such considerable phenomena of our civilization as Christ and Buddha who appeared and became moral samples for people. As far as they are representatives of much more perfect souls so far as this in itself testifies to absolutely other relations between souls in their native world, unattainable at us, but they can be as horizon to which it is necessary to seek in everyday life.
  Christ and Buddha, without being representatives of the "unripe" souls like we which were in our, three dimensional world for training, growth and development of people, but being originally by field structures which are close to perfection and came from otherworldly world, showed in accordance with a number of objective evidence the ability to the application in our world of laws unknown to us: for example, local transformations of current reality with the instantaneous change of its structure, in particular, recovery of health at the incurably sick persons, the revival of the dead (Lazar's revival), as well as ability to move into another measurement and back (the rebirth of Christ).
  Great number of the modern, educated people denies possibility of the phenomena of this sort, supposing a faith in these "miracles" as "a privilege" of only people with low culture. In his time Isaac Newton visually showed immaturity of similar opinion. He mixed before the interlocutors a dust and small-sized garbage with metal sawdust and told: "Who will be able to take out right now everything up to the last particle of sawdust out of the general heap?" Interlocutors were silent. Then he took a magnet, brought it to the mix and all metal sawdust rose from the heap and adhered to the magnet. Then Newton said: "Why you doesn't recognize what Christ couldn't make similar, only at own level?"
  All this specifies the predominance of substance of soul over bodily substance and that our world, more precisely, our measurement is on a lower level in comparison with level of the world of souls.
  If there is hierarchy in the world of souls, souls of the highest level, i.e. close to perfection, were to reach this perfection somehow. Any improvement is a long and difficult process which you must go by yourself: to overcome all obstacles, to solve the most complex problems, repeatedly to fail because of the delusions and errors, to endure everything. Nobody else will be able to provide this experience. In other words, to reach perfection every soul has to grow, study, strive for perfection, accumulate experience, be mistaken, learn lessons from the mistakes, set for itself new tasks, solve them, but not alone, and in community of the same developing souls in the conditions of the imperfect, cruel and contradictory world.
  This process, apparently, reminds the growth and the development of the person and the development of civilizations as communities of people, but it is much more complex, more difficult, as well as more diverse and it has to proceed repeatedly in various conditions that is being defined by the reached level of soul. By our standards, this process can last many thousands and millions years and it embraces many human lives and many civilizations. Unlike life of the ordinary person, the existence of the soul is not being completed by the decline of vital forces and by death, the process of growth and development of soul goes on, in our understanding, eternally, for the reason that soul is particle of Supreme Mind.
  Souls at an initial stage of development start using space-time measurements from the lowest, three-dimensional space measurement, for own growth and development in aspiration to boundless perfection of Supreme Mind.
  Thus, if still the undeveloped soul starts going by all stages of growth and development in symbiosis with a human body, on the basis of human communities, one life can be only a tiny drop in the raging boiler of this development. In this regard has to exist and the mechanism allowing to use for the growth and development of a soul a set of lives within the corresponding biological or another form in sequence of civilizations various on the level of development.
  Let's consider the acquired concepts about soul and the mechanism of transformation of souls from the point of view of world religions, and then - from the point of view of science, having noted thus that these concepts the religion suggests to take as trust, and science - by means of these or those proofs. Besides, we on a critical basis will try to compare the concepts developed by them and to identify common features of their approaches in order to be sure whether the soul and the possibility of reincarnation (metamorphosis) of the soul is being recognized directly or indirectly by world religions, as well as whether modern scientific views converge in these approaches with religion.
  All initial world religions into the main streams recognize soul existence, defining soul in its own way, but always keeping in mind that the soul is the conscious part of the person moreover she continues to exist and when the body was lost. Idea of a repeated embodiment of soul in another body in the form of a chain of the corresponding embodiments is admitted by all initial religious streams, at least, at an initial and not turbid stage of emergence of religious confessions.
  Let's consider all this slightly in more detail.
  The most ancient religious trend is Hinduism.
  Hinduism considers that outside the physical world there is the single and invariable eternal spirit (Brahman). Soul (Atman) of each being is part of this spirit. The majority of Hindus believes that soul is eternal, initial, true essence of each person. When the body perishes, the soul goes into another body where continues new life. Soul is substance which learns the world. A soul goes out of self-cognitive soul of the Universe, then she is being embodied in the person and after his death she comes back in self-cognitive substance of the world. The consciousness of the individual is not being saved, but the accumulated experience and information remain. The consciousness are not present after death. And experience in individual soul remains and he is used in a new embodiment. Soul, thus, consists of self-cognitive elements which only gather in the specific person for the period of his life, then after death soul is being disintegrated on universal Atman's parts.
  The destiny of soul in each new life is defined by her behavior in former embodiments so as no sin remains without the punishment, any virtue - without award. The person receives that and another, if not in this life, then in the subsequent embodiments of soul. Thus, level of every soul depends on behavior of the person at its embodiments.
  The idea of repeated embodiments of soul is connected with concept of karma (action) and it is explained in detail in "Upaniṣad". In brief, the karma is influence of set of actions of the person on his subsequent embodiments. The karma as though sets in motion a wheel or circulation of life and death (sansara).
  Worldly pleasures are not sinful, but they cannot bring internal happiness, so the world is similar to a dream - it is transient and illusory. Bodies are created according to desires of soul. Soul can find any of bodies in order to fulfill own desires.
  After a row of births of a soul is being disappointed in fleeting pleasures and starts looking for the highest (spiritual) forms of pleasure, in other words, soul realizes that the body is not her true nature, but own spirit is her nature. In this case soul is not born any more, she is being exempted from Sansara and reaches rescue (Moksha) when all material desires cease.
  Thus, soul during human life gains experience of terrestrial affairs, preparing for further transition to higher worlds. Therefore embodiments in human shape are not punishment for a fall of man (how it is sometimes treated in Christianity), and life on the earth is not only useless suffering (the main concept of the Buddhism). Hinduism claims that terrestrial life with its duties (right up to duties of the soldier to protect the society) is the necessary condition of preparation of soul to the subsequent higher levels of development, - right up to the merger with Supreme Spirit. All events are considered only as source of information and experience for developing souls. The need for actions remains at the following level of an embodiment of soul. But the priority of the purposes is being changed for each soul at the certain stage - the priority of actions at an initial stage of development of human soul is being replaced by a priority of the estrangement and the comprehension of the highest spiritual essence of the world. Then soul is being reborn into a divine condition and important phase of priority of actions comes to this level also.
  Sacred books of Hinduism consider four purposes for human life. It is wealth and the power, pleasure and satisfaction of desires, the correct behavior, the deliverance from a cycle of regenerations. Two last purposes are considered as the main.
  One of the directions of Hinduism, Advaita-vedanta, considers that after achievement of the final deliverance, or rescue (Moksha), soul (Atman) stops the existence as individuality and she is being dissolved in uniform and indivisible, impersonal universal spirit (Brahman), remaining forever in a condition of pleasure.
  Buddhism concerning soul and reincarnation almost nothing differs from Hinduism. Buddhism considers eternal life as an infinite sequence of transformations by a way of change of body shells. Thus acts of the person influence his essence: he receives or sufferings and humiliations, or the joy and well-being. Thus, its actions (karma) define a fate of the person in this life and the subsequent embodiments. The relation to life as suffering is characteristic for Buddhism. Only the person can make the decision on an exit from a circle of sufferings (sansara). Thus it should be noted that, unlike Hinduism which considers gods by various embodiments of the Brahman, Buddhism, how Buddha spoke, considers that gods are thought-forms of religious people, in other words, Hinduism perceives the world as the reality created by the highest essence, while Buddhism perceives the world as games of the mind created by the person.
  Buddha's last embodiments in various bodies are described in "Dzhatakh" (Stories about birth), it is told there also how the person can reach the spiritual enlightenment. The body has to die, and "eternal "I" continue to live, and illusion of corporal pleasure is the main obstacle for achievement of the spiritual enlightenment.
  According to the main direction of Buddhism, Mahajana, only reality is Buddha's state. The ignorance, attachment, disgust prevent the awareness of the state of Buddha. If the person manages to overcome them, he leaves the world of illusory life and reaches the state of nirvana. Nirvana is considered as reverse side of existence in regeneration circulation (Sansara wheel): if the person reached nirvana, he crosses limits of circulation of births and death, but he does not lose opportunity to reveal itself and in the Sansara world. Thus, reincarnation in Buddhism implies the development of the living being during which it leaves the world of sufferings of Sansara and it is being plunged into pleasure (nirvana).
  Daoism in China as well Buddhism, does not deny reincarnation: it is said in "Zhuang-tszy", one of the main works of Daoism, that the birth is not the beginning, and death is not the end, there is a boundless life, a continuation without the beginning, life outside of space, continuity without the beginning in time.
  Shintoism in Japan acknowledges possibility of reincarnation too, considering that soul embodied in a new body, does not keep memories of the previous embodiments, but she can demonstrate the skills acquired in former lives.
  Views of Judaism on reincarnation of soul are divided. The Jewish historian Iosif Flavy in "Judaic war" writes: "Souls on their (Pharisees) opinion, are immortal everything, but only souls of kind persons resettle after their death in other bodies, but souls of evil persons are doomed to eternal torments. Sadducees deny immortality of soul and any afterlife reward.
  Reincarnation was recognized by such Jewish rabbis as Abraham Ben-Hiya, Levi of ibn-Habib, Nachmani, Bahya Ben asher, Itzhak Luriya, Shlomo Alkabetz, Chaim Vital and by the founder of the Hasidism Baal Shem Tov. Justification of reincarnation arises for them from the problem of good god and the evil world: the suffering of pious people, innocent children in this life is being explained by their wrong behavior in past lives. Reincarnation laws are described in the work of Itzhak Luriya and Haim Vital "Shaar Ha-gilgulim" (Reincarnation gate).
  Christianity, apparently, adopted originally idea of reincarnation from Neoplatonists and Judaism. Proof of this is the following.
  Christ said in the Gospel, the unquestioned authority of Christian church: "And pupils asked Him: "How does say scribes that Eli has to come before?" And Christ told them in reply: "Yes, Eli has to come before and arrange everything: but I say to you that Eli already came, both you didn't recognize him and did with him as wanted; and the human Son will suffer from them". Then pupils understood that He speaks about John Baptist". (The Gospel from Matthew, chap. 17). We will give also Christ's conversation with Nicodemus: "Nicodemus speaks: how the person can be born, being old? Really he can enter another time into womb of the mother and be born? Jesus answered: truly, truly I speak to you: if you aren't born from water and from Spirit you can't enter God's Kingdom. Born from flesh is flesh; and born from Spirit is spirit. Nicodemus told in reply: how it can be? Jesus answered: you are teacher of Israel, and you don't know it?" (The Gospel from John, chap. 3). About the subsequent embodiments of soul tell also Christ's such words: "Truly I speak to you: there is nobody who would leave the house, either brothers, or sisters, either the father, or mother, either the wife, or children, or the earth for the sake of Me and the Gospel and would be not received in this time, among persecutions, a hundred times more houses, and brothers, and sisters, and fathers, and mothers, and children, and lands. And in the future - to the eternal life" (The Gospel from Mark, chap. 10).
  Origen (the theologian) recognized by church as the Teacher, in the work "About Beginnings" (Riga. T. Butsen's publishing house. 1936) writes: "The nature of souls is not various, it is one at all. And if they agree that the same potter means, undoubtedly, one Creator, it is obvious, being rescued and perishing souls are created not by various creators. God does pots by honourable or low on the basis of the previous reasons, the proof of the God's truth does not meet any obstacle" (p. 226). Origen also specifies the reason of change of souls in this or that side: "Everybody whom He created, He created equal and similar because He had not reason for a variety and distinction. But so as reasonable creatures are gifted with ability of liberty, freedom of will of everyone resulted to perfection through imitation to God, or entailed to falling through neglect. And in it how we already spoke above, the distinction reason between reasonable creatures consists: this distinction received the beginning not from the will or the decision of Creator, but from definition of own liberty (creatures). God, recognizing by fair to control by the creation in compliance with his merits, directed this distinction of minds to harmony of single world; He created as though one house in which have to be jars not only golden and silver, but also wooden, both earthenware, and some jars for the honourable use, others for the low. It is, I think, the variety reasons in the world; divine providence controls by each being respectively to movement or desire of soul. At such understanding Creator is not unfair because he comes with everyone on merits, in compliance with the previous reasons; the happiness or misfortune of the birth of everyone and all other conditions are not being admitted by casual, and, at last, existence of various creators or distinction of souls by the nature is not asserted" (p. 161). "... Creator provided to minds, created by him, random and free movements, of course, in order that the good was their own good in case if it will be saved on their own will" (page 156). "Soul, how we often speak, is immortal and eternal; therefore we think that throughout numerous and infinitely huge and various centuries, she can condescend from the highest good to the extreme evil or from the extreme evil she can come back to the highest good" (p. 277).
  Origen also writes and about community of souls in human civilizations: "God, everything that occurs in the world, turns on the general benefit and directs to the general prosperity of all life; those creatures which so were being removed from each other owing to a variety of souls, lead to some consent in activity in order to they, though by various movements of the souls, but after all worked for completeness and perfection of the single world. Their various movements go head skillfully to harmony and benefit of the united world; so, if some creatures need the help, others can help them, others excite abuses and competitions against the successful and all this in order to the diligence of these last was being found in struggle, and after a victory the estate, acquired by them by difficulties and sufferings, was saved more reliably." (p. 109).
  However further, there was accepted opinion that resettlement of souls is impossible in 553 AD on the Fifth Universal Cathedral in fierce fight. Souls are immortal and wait for the hour of the Last Judgement to revive together with Messiah arrival. Thereby, the church doctrine actually tried to eliminate the principle of the freedom of the will, along with this the conjuncture consideration of unconditional submission of believers to solutions of the highest church Cathedrals, as well as to any authorities was taken as the basic position of church. As a result in Christianity since that time it has appeared the opportunity to be as righteous now, instead of to strive to perfection both in this and in future lives. Confirmation to it, for example, is the doctrine about infallibility of the Pope, still existing in Catholic Church. Whole cohorts of "saints" appeared immediately, i. e. - infallible righteous persons approved as those not by divine Providence, but by special Church commissions. As a result, Christian church, having cancelled Christ's principles actually and having built at the center the dogmatism and the intolerance, has initiated own decay and decomposition as well as significantly slowed down the development of society and set up in it "mine" of final crisis: if there is no inevitable punishment for crimes, low deeds and thoughts, it is possible not to be afraid to do anything, having paid off from God's court by the indulgence
  Let's consider the main arguments of fathers of Christian Church which they cause into advantage of denial of reincarnation.
  1. If the person is reincarnated infinite number of times why he remembers nothing about the former lives and doesn't draw conclusions from the made mistakes?
  2. How the person - a creation wreath - can turn into fish or a small insect?
  3. The number of people grows, and the amount of souls remains by definition invariable. How then God's spark suffices for all persons?
  4. How can we know for certain that intrusive reminiscences are a memory of a past life, but not demonic tricks?
  These arguments, in the light of the doctrine about repeated embodiments about which, as we showed above, Christ spoke, aren't serious.
  Here are objections by the first argument.
  The person doesn't remember own former embodiments so as the body is the one-off tool during travel of the soul which was being embodied many times and which remembers all the embodiments, but temporarily blocks this memory at the next embodiment in order to avoid loss of freedom of the will and for independent elimination of mistakes, rather than using the hints from a past life; for the solution of new tasks, and not to return to the old stereotypes and aspirations. The balance of mistakes is important at coexistence of soul and a body: what is pleasant for a body, as a rule, is harmful to the development of the soul. If this balance is being tilted to soul she has the prospect of development, if - in favor of the body, this prospect is absent for her. The body can suffer or be lost, but the soul will rise, if it was done for a good cause.
  Here are objections by the second argument.
  The soul of a reasonable being is a particle of Supreme being and she can't be lowered up to the level of the soul of unreasonable creature, no matter what is happening in life of the reasonable being.
  Here are objections by the third argument.
  None of the people do not know anything about God's spark, about the number of souls and cannot know, but even if we assume that the number of souls is invariably, it doesn't contradict to the growth of number of people. Here the number of souls grows, and there - in other worlds - it decreases. The sum doesn't change.
  Here are objections by the fourth argument.
  Demons in the God's world are absent otherwise this world would not be God's world. There are not demons, but only undeveloped and therefore largely erring souls, taken for demons.
  Islam isn't considered in this context because it appeared on a basis Christianity and Judaism much more centuries after the specified religious trends, and Islam is, most of all, the set of customs, instead of religious dogmas so as Koran in details doesn't discuss the main theological and philosophical problems.
  Thus, all initial world religions recognize existence of immortal soul and directly or indirectly recognize "the mechanism" of relocation of souls out of one measurement in another, which these religions name by repeated embodiment of souls (reincarnation). The deviation from this recognition by Christian church from the sixth century of a new era up to present time is caused, apparently, by refusal from idea of reincarnation on a number of reasons, and conjunctural considerations of church hierarchy were basic. Nevertheless, Schopenhauer writes about it so: "In Christianity the doctrine about resettlement of souls and about atonement of all sins of former life is replaced with the doctrine about original sin (a fall of human), i.e. about atonement of a sin of another individual. So, both of these doctrines (the first - directly, the second - indirectly) identify, and with a moral bias, of this person with then person who lived earlier." [5, p. 646].
  Chapter 2
  Whether the science recognized existence and movements of soul?
  The science, as that, conducts any researches in the conditions of our material dense three-dimensional world (from the perspective of spatial measurements) on the basis of repeatability of these or those processes, i.e. information on processes and phenomena has to be fixed independently and has to give in to check. Therefore the science cannot submit any data about a particle of Supreme Mind - soul, about her structure, true motives of actions, etc. due to the fact that soul is the representative of another measurement, has another elemental basis, submits to other laws, unknown to our science.
  Nevertheless, the modern science is capable to obtain some indirect evidences of existence of soul and her actions. Now the science came nearer to comprehension of the fact that the body of the person is similar to the biological robot, and this body is incapable to produce the consciousness independently. As it was found out in a number of experiments of physicists and psychologists, the body does not have the required elementary basis to produce consciousness. In other words, it was proved that the brain is not bound to consciousness.
  The philosopher A.I. Vvedensky in 1914 formulated the law of "lack of objective signs of animateness". The meaning of this law is that the role of psyche in system of the material processes of a regulation of behavior is absolutely imperceptible and any thinkable bridge does not exist between the activity of a brain and the area of the mental or spiritual phenomena, including consciousness. Professor of the Moscow State University Nikolai Kobozev has shown in the monograph that neither cells, nor molecules, even atoms cannot be responsible for processes of thinking and memory. [6, p. 85].
  Therefore, we have to admit it is required another source in order to the consciousness was being formed. This source forms together with the body the system possessing self-awareness and the ability to be improved during dialogue with similar structures. Communities of these symbiotic systems in turn form a developing society or civilization.
  Consciousness is considered as external manifestation of soul in the person, i.e. consciousness is the process of awareness by the human of himself as an active and independent subject in society of similar subjects. This subject is capable to project mentally at a certain stage of his development the actions on the basis of foreseeing of their consequences, to work according to goals and to bear responsibility for the actions, continuously changing thereby level of the consciousness.
  Materialism considers that human consciousness is produced by the brain, i.e. consciousness is a product of matter. From the point of view of idealism any consciousness is an ego, "I", spirit, soul - non-material, invisible, spiritualizing, eternal, never-dying energy.
  It is clear now that both of these definitions are not true.
  The modern science has defined by experiments that the brain cannot produce consciousness. For example, the fact that the consciousness exists irrespective of a brain, was confirmed by researches conducted by physiologists under the direction of Pim van Lommel. Results of experiment were published in the biological English magazine "The Lancet". "The consciousness exists even after once the brain ceased to function. In other words, consciousness "lives" in itself, absolutely independently. As for a brain, it is not a thinking stuff, but the organ, as any another organ, carrying out strictly particular functions. The head of research well-known scientist Pim van Lommel declared: very much can be, a thinking stuff, even in principle, does not exist." [7].
  The explanation of the fact that consciousness can exist independently, Stewart Hameroff from university of Arizona in the USA and the British physicist Roger Penrose tried to give. They explained postmortem experience from the point of view of a quantum theory of consciousness. The soul of the person is contained in microtubules or the micro canaliculus being in neurons. Nowadays scientists prove: microtubules on the structure approach best of all to be carriers of quantum properties in a brain, so as they can keep the long time quantum states, i. e to work as quantum computers. "When heart ceases to supply with blood a brain, microtubules would be discharged. - Hameroff explains. - However the information saved up in them, does not collapse, does not vanish, and goes to space". Carriers of quantum information and, therefore, souls, according to professor, are weaved from a certain material. They are located in cells of a brain and when the dying person starts seeing the characteristic pictures, it is explained by effect of quantum gravitation in microtubules, or by loss of a quantum state of microtubules when the soul gradually leaves a body. Thereby, information which was concluded earlier in microtubules, is not destroyed, and only sluggishly leaves a body.
  "When the person dies, quantum information indefinite time exists outside a body. It is soul", - Hameroff considers. According to him, human souls are created from a certain material, "much more fundamental, than neurons, from the fabric of the Universe". "I think that consciousness always existed in the Universe. Probably, it existed since the Big Bang", - professor speaks. According to him, when the person dies and the body decays, quantum information (soul of the person), being contained in microtubules (proteinaceous intracellular structures), is not being destroyed, and extends in space. The scientist explained: "When heart stopped, and blood ceases to flow on vessels, microtubules lose the quantum condition. But quantum information which contains in them does not collapse. It cannot disappear therefore it is being dissipated on the Universe. When the patient, caught in the intensive care unit, survives, he tells about "white light", the patient can even see how he "leaves" the body". S. Hameroff considers what exactly therefore people in a condition of clinical death feel near death experiences: for example, they see bright light or feel that they fly into any tunnel. When doctors restore them to life, this quantum information or the soul which has been in space, comes back again to a body therefore the person and remembers this unusual experience. Hameroff's some colleagues criticize his theory, but the scientist notes that they still could not disprove it. www.evangelie.ru "..." Christianity and science »science News.
  In turn, the statement of idealists about consciousness as non-material energy looks not only unsubstantiated, but also false as the concepts "non-material" and "energy" contradict each other.
  It is known that energy is some binding of all types of a matter and it is the quantitative measure of movement. Energy passes from one form into another. In other words, energy is manifestation of motion of a matter. Therefore the term "non-material energy" is inappropriate and non-material, or absolutely incorporeal, simply does not happen, bearing in mind the mass of motion. Even "Nothingness" is, on the one hand, a degenerate matter, and on the other hand - a not born matter, more exact - "Nothingness" is a source of all reality so as it potentially contains "Everything" and it can be "equated", in particular, to wave formations in the antiphase so as waves, divorced in the antiphase, in the sum give zero. In other words, lack of substance in an explicit form can be only outside time and outside space, i. e. - in "Nothingness", in zero, containing, nevertheless, potentially "Everything" with opportunity to unwrap this "Everything" that as it is assumed, and occurred at the time of "Big Bang". This process as Penrose showed, is not the single. [8].
  Actually, we, being in three-measurement, the lower world, may express only various hypotheses about a singularity point, or "Nothingness", but these hypotheses will become never by the theory.
  The term "matter" is far from an ideal and it is inaccurate abstraction as far as it is applicable only for space-time measurements, and the point of a singularity from which as it is considered, universes arise and in which they as it is supposed by the modern views, are being shrunk, is outside time and outside space.
  It should be noted also that the materialism treats matter as the initial substance displayed by our feelings, but existing irrespective of them, and counterposes matter to ideal consciousness.
  So as the science can investigate subjects and the phenomena of only our measurement of our Universe, it has the right the term "the matter" to use only in relation to substance of our measurement. Everything that is in our measurement, there is its substance. It cannot contain anything of the incorporeal, or - the ideal. Therefore not only atoms, molecules, radiations, the complex field formations make substance and have a rest-mass or mass of movement, but also consciousness, thoughts, feelings cannot be separated from it.
  Actually, we, being in three-measurement, the lower world, can speak only various hypotheses about a singularity point, or "Nothing", but these hypotheses will become never by the theory.
  However the human individual consciousness is capable to be produced and to be developed only on the basis of combined action of soul and a body: the body without soul becomes simply biological robot (zombie), and soul without the body though can be in our measurement, but "drops out" out of the current reality and loses opportunity to take part in it. Actually, in order to produce actions, thoughts, the feelings reflecting our reality, a carrier in the form of a body corresponding to the soul is necessary to this soul.
  As far as soul is not representative of our world so far as the science not in forces to open its structure, category of substance from which soul is made, laws of its functioning. Nevertheless, the science could define that external manifestation of a soul - consciousness - can exist outside a body. Consciousness is absent at the sleeping human, but it comes back in the case his awakening. The same occurs during the faint. Consciousness leaves the body after clinical death and is being returned into the body again together with the appropriate memories. The last is confirmed by English researchers Peter Fenwick from the London institute of Psychiatry and Sam Parnia from the Central clinic of Southampton. They surveyed the patients, restored to life after cardiac standstill, and established that some of them precisely retold the content of conversations which the medical personnel had while those were being stayed in a condition of clinical death. Others have gave the precise description of the events which have occurred in this time span. Sam Parnia claims that the brain as any another organ of the body, consists of cells and it is not capable to think. However the brain can work as the device which discovers thoughts, i.e. as the antenna by means of which signal reception from the outside becomes possible.
  Neuroscientist, the Nobel Prize laureate in medicine, J. Ekklz declared: neither the physiology nor the theory of evolution cannot shed light on the origin of consciousness and the nature of consciousness. The origin and the nature of consciousness is absolutely alien to all material processes in the Universe. The inner world of the person and the world of physical realities, including brain activity, is absolutely self-contained independent worlds which only interact and to some extent influence on each other.
  Such large experts, as Karl Leshli (the American scientist, the director of laboratory of biology of primates in Orange Park (Florida), studying mechanisms of work of a brain) and the doctor of the Harward University Edward Tolmen, echoed this.
   Facts saved up by the science in the set prove that after physical death each out of living persons inherits another reality, keeping the consciousness.
  There is number of characteristics of consciousness received by means of experiments and supervisions of scientists, investigating this problem. These characteristics were listed by A.V. Mikheyev, the research associate of the St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University in report on the international symposium "Life after death: from belief to knowledge" which took place on April 8-9, 2005 in St. Petersburg:
  "1. There is so-called "the thin body", being the carrier of self-consciousness, memory, emotions and "internal life" of the person. This body exists ... after physical death, being on life time of physical body by "his parallel component", which provides above-mentioned processes. Physical body - only the intermediary for their manifestation on physical (terrestrial) level.
  2. Life of an individual does not come to an end with the current terrestrial death. Survival after death - the natural law for the person.
  3. The next reality is divided into a large number of levels which vary on the frequency characteristics of their components.
  4. The destination of the person upon postmortem transition is defined by setting on the particular level, being total result of his thoughts, feelings and acts during lifetime on Earth. Just as the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation emitted by the chemical substance depends on its structure, in the same way the postmortem destination of the person is defined by "composite characteristic" of his internal life.
  5. The concepts "Paradise and Hell" reflect two polarities of possible postmortem states.
  6. In addition to similar polar states a number of the intermediate takes place. The choice of an adequate state is being defined automatically by the rational-emotional "pattern" created by the person at terrestrial life. For this reason negative emotions, violence, aspiration to destruction and fanaticism, than would they not being justified externally, are extremely pernicious in this regard for further destiny of the person. That is a strong substantiation for personal responsibility and ethical principles." [9].
  Conclusions of Mikheyev quite correlate with the Bohm theory that our Universe is hologram, or the image imposed on wave substance. And "parallel component", called Mikheyev by soul, quite can, as the wave structure, interact with another, imposed on the wave, structure, i.e. by body. Thus, apparently, not the body produces consciousness, but soul converts the body from simply alive in state of understanding, she controls it implicitly, and consciousness becomes by external manifestation of that. And in this regard consciousness, more precisely, soul is immeasurably above in comparison with a body in hierarchy of substances. But consciousness, separated from a body, cannot produce any actions in our world. This consciousness, more precisely, soul - the newcomer from another world with other laws, but such world in which is not present, unlike ours, events, the conflicts, contradictions, the mutual destruction, i.e. - no present life in our comprehension. From here the adequate conclusion can be only one: the body serves in order that soul could enter our world and work through a body in it. And in this regard views of the modern science coincide with religion views on soul.
  Some kind of symbiosis of the divine soul and the natural-animal body, temporarily uniting the eternal, the ideal and the high with the unstable, the instinctive and the wild, creates the phenomenal combination of the high and the pathetic, the eternal and the mortal, knowing and doubting, the happy and grieving, aspiring and the apathetic, the wise and the silly, the generous and the avaricious, the abstract and the sensual, the tragic and the ridiculous.
  And the freedom of will, absence of the strict action program, which governs by an animal, leads of the person to the fact that he considers as the true, the necessary and the main. The answer for done, for mistakes allows to save up the experience, to understand a lot of things, to move further in the development at first in one, and then and in the following lives.
  It is curious that in the combination of soul and the body, soul immediately cannot show to itself - she as though is absent, she cannot be felt, it is impossible even to understand that this such, but actually, though indirectly, she, manifesting through consciousness and making the way through instincts, is the head of a body. If she is turned on suddenly, then the person can shows nobility, sincerity, kindness, love for the neighbor, if she gives way to the instincts of a survival then emerges egoism, hatred, avarice, rage, greed, deception, intolerance. And all this occurs under the sign of the inevitable end of each human being. He chases away the thought of this from himself, but it catches up with its all the time, someone due to hopelessness comes to awareness of the initial spirituality, others - to aspiration to enjoy by good things of life quickly flowing away. The first, eventually, get the repose and the hope, while the latter - emptiness and detachment. The soul receives what she deserved as a result of fight of these opposite principles, and in an interval between death and the new birth the soul can estimate the experience gained in flowed past life, consider that she done, plan the future for correction of mistakes and for fixing of the reached level of comprehension of goodness and love.
  The relation of the science to reincarnation is more complex. If existence of soul can be fixed on indirect signs, but on signs, which are very convincing, then indirect sign of reincarnation, essentially, maybe only one: memories of people about the former lives which can be checked.
  However there are two objective difficulties: first, blocking of memory of former lives which can be "broken" only thanks to random circumstances, secondly, as a rule, existence of wide intervals of terrestrial years between incarnations of the soul. Though on the last it is possible to note that these intervals for the recently given rise, or "young" souls can keep within some tens years due to the fact they do not possess still by large number of life impressions and experiences, therefore and their processing in another measurement after death does not take a lot of time on our standards. Therefore for "young" souls the interval between incarnations can be rather insignificant.
  Therefore the statistical material cannot be large on volume basis and its reliability can raise many doubts. Nevertheless, such researches were conducted by Yan Stevenson, the Canadian-American psychiatrist having studied cases, when people (mainly - children aged from two till four years) were remembering that they already lived before. Children were giving the checked facts and they were describing events, bound to the hypothetical previous life. The quantity of the cases described by Stephenson exceeds two thousand. According to statements of the author, he investigated only cases when contents of memoirs could be documented, and he found the documentary proofs of many cases, concerning past lives: names of relatives were confirmed, the residence description, other checked details also were confirmed. Besides Stevenson tried to compare various congenital defects and birthmarks at surveyed children with data on damages, scars, uglinesses and wounds on bodies of those who was considered by their previous reincarnation. From the point of view of Stevenson the repeated embodiment represents a survival of the person after death. Thus Stevenson considers that the similar survival is not bound to any physical process [10].
  Opinions on Stevenson's works in scientific community were shared: certain scientists called in question his methods of researches and conclusions which he did. However many considered that its work was carried out with due scientific rigor.
  The psychotherapy also provides the considerable number of proofs of reincarnation as far as it can deduce unconscious memoirs into consciousness and, thereby, it overcomes blocking between consciousness and subconscious. Apparent memoirs from antecedents have been found in many cases during treatment by hypnosis for neutralization of these or those subconscious memories of negative events. And when they were being realized, patients could solve the current problems and recovered often [3].
  Let's note also that according to polls of Institute of Gallup, apparently, intuitively the idea of reincarnation is being shared by a majority of the population of the planet.
  It is possible to note and that numerous evidences of Tibetan lamas are the practical confirmation of reincarnation.
  Besides, now memories of children about the antecedents are being studied in a number of the countries. There is the special institute in India fixing and studying similar cases (about one hundred during year). This phenomenon is being studied in the USA and in Bulgaria. The matter is that children of several years of age often precisely describe a place where they lived earlier, they describe former relatives, sometimes they tell about the hidden things. Psychologists explain this by the fact that the barrier between consciousness and subconscious mind (information on last incarnations can be stored in it) is being formed with age.
  Idea of reincarnation was supported by such great figures of our civilization, as Giordano Bruno, Voltaire, Benjamin Franklin, Karl Jung, Lev Tolstoy, Napoleon, Johann Goethe, William Yeats, Paul Gauguin, the Henry Ford and many others.
  It is curious that the great philosopher Schopenhauer denying existence of eternal souls too have used the idea of reincarnation, having converted it in the theory "The world as will and submission" in which he replaced eternal reasonable soul with eternal unreasonable will. The statement of science of that time in that the consciousness is considered derivative of a brain and perishes together with a body, is the basis of this approach. Schopenhauer writes: "Consciousness is life of the subject of knowledge or a brain, death - its end. Therefore consciousness is finite, the consciousness is always new and consciousness is being started anew each time."[5, p. 638].
  Further Schopenhauer develops the idea as follows: "Internal essence of our world is our will. The phenomena of the world are our submission. For someone who could clearly realize this unity, then difference between the future existence of the outside world after his personal death and his own existence after death would disappear."[5, p. 620]. "...intellect - a derivative phenomenon caused by a brain, and therefore he together with him is born and disappears. The will is single, she - the causing beginning, a germ of phenomenon from its forms to which belongs time - free, consequently - indestructible. Thus, the consciousness perishes with death, but does not perish that has generated and maintained that consciousness. "[5, p. 632-633]. "... intellect came out from under the power of nature at all not for comprehension of substance of things, but only for perception of motives, in other words, - for services to some individual and temporary manifestation of the will." [5, p. 612-613]. "... the individual in itself will ... receives new intellect in new beginning and it becomes as the new being deprived of memories of the former existence because the intellect possessing ability of memoirs, represents mortal part or a form, but the will - eternal part, or substance; therefore for the name of this doctrine more would be suitable "palingenesis", than "metempsychosis". These permanent revival form the sequence of dreams of life which are dreamed in itself to the indestructible will, while she, grown wise and improved by frequent change of various knowledge in constantly updated forms, will not destroy herself." [5, p. 641].
  It is difficult to blame Schopenhauer in that he had no reliable scientific data at that time about independence of soul in the form of consciousness from a brain. But, anyway, Schopenhauer, substituting soul for will and denying preservation after death of individual consciousness, as well as approving accession over time in a new body to the former will of new intellect, in other words, denying Supreme Mind in favor of available life, missed the most important: the purpose of a repeated embodiment of soul in a body of the person which consists in soul development - particles of Supreme Mind - for a celebration of Supreme Mind in all beingness. But Schopenhauer put on the first place unconscious will, which remains, in his opinion, after disintegration of a body and appearing over time in a new intellectual shell that means existence of the senseless world with intellect which emerges from somewhere on a short time and disappears after death completely.
  Thereby, Schopenhauer refuses to find out the cause of mind, real existing in the person, but, on the other hand, he formally confirms need of the reincarnation which differs at him, in essence, only by replacement of Supreme Mind with Will. So it is possible, with the considerable share of confidence to tell that Schopenhauer would recognize idea of reincarnation if he knew about independence of soul from a body.
  In connection with the above, we can state that the modern science in views of reincarnation, at least, has no irreconcilable contradictions with religion.
  Chapter 3
  Mechanics of emergence and disappearance of the universes.
  The theory of the Big Bang asserts that our Universe arose from some cosmogonic singularity (zero) [11]. A lot of speculations arose about it. However out of zero, or "Nothingness", the single material Universe cannot arise, at least by virtue of conservation laws if only not to speak about a divine providence or any another miracle.
  Really, the English physicist Roger Penrose found predecessors of our Universe. Together with Voganum Gurzadyan from Armenia he has come to the conclusion that before there was another Universe - previous. Scientists investigated so-called relict radiation - the microwave hum noise remained after the Big Bang and keeping information about origin of the Universe and its development. They found the strange inhomogeneities on this hum noise. Inhomogeneities were represented as concentric circles. Penrose and Gurzadyan consider: circles - not out of our space-time. It is gravitational traces of collision of the enormous - super large black holes which were formed in the previous Universe at the end of its existence, i.e. before "our" Big Bang [8].
  What it is possible to tell on this matter?
  Apparently, at first it is necessary to deal with an emergence problem out of a singularity, or out of "Nothingness" the Universe or universes.
  Penrose experimentally confirmed that the Universe was being formed in the point of the singularity, having found in addition the traces of the previous Universe. Only this one specifies that our Universe - not the single and that before it was, at least, one more.
  Further, we will note the following. The astronomers, investigating microwave background, or relic radiation of the Universe, have found mysterious "the dark stream". According to experts, it can point to existence of other Universes. Article of scientists is published in the magazine Astrophysical Journal Letters. Shortly about work writes Physics World portal.
  Authors of work analyzed the data transferred by the probe of WMAP (Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe - the probe for research of anisotropy of microwaves of the name of Wilkinson). This probe investigates the relict radiation filling the Universe since 2001. It is considered that this radiation has remained since the Big Bang.
  During the analysis of the relict radiation earlier it was found out that space temperature everywhere is identical and makes about 2,7 K. New data of the probe of WMAP showed that in some places the temperature is deviated from average temperature on one ten-thousand degrees. Authors of new work found out that these deviations "lead" to several galactic congestions. Researchers concluded that these congestions move in the determinate direction, and this movement is not connected in any way with the common expansion of the Universe.
  Such behavior of congestions cannot be explained within existing physical theories. Scientists believe that a certain force is "responsible" for it. The source of this force is outside the visible Universe. Experts already christened the phenomenon found by them as "a dark stream" by analogy to a dark matter and dark energy which are not found yet experimentally, but are used by physics for an explanation of interactions observed in space.
  Researchers offered a possible explanation for the observed phenomenon. According to one of hypotheses, at the moment of the Big Bang was born many universes, which can be represented as bubbles. When from the moment of Explosion passed 10-36 seconds, one of bubbles started extending and eventually has formed our Universe. "The dark stream" is a trace of one of neighbor "bubbles".
  Results of the new research, lasting five years, confirm the previous data obtained during three years' studying of relict radiation. For the first time scientists started talking about movement of galactic clusters in 2008.
  Thus, the latest experimental data, apparently, indicate formation at the time of the Big Bang not by one Universe, and, on the last resort, several.
  How do universes arise?
  It is possible to explain it so: universes are not being formed of a singularity point, they, allegedly, only pass through corresponding points of inflection, pairwise, with change of a sign of all parameters. For example, one of them, consisting of the matter, passes into the anti-matter. Another Universe, on the contrary, from an anti-matter passes into a matter. Or, if to present the universes in the form of wave formations, the phase of each Universe is being reversed upon transition through corresponding point of singularity. Zero in the mass balance remains as well at another option of transition of the universes through corresponding points of singularity when one Universe consisting out of matter, having shrunk in a point of a singularity and passed through it, starts again grow as the same matter (Big Bang), and, at the same time, another Universe, but consisting out of anti-matter as well passes through a point of a singularity and starts growing as the same anti-matter.
  So with the addition, or in the material balance, as in one variant, and in the another variant, the result is zero.
  At once the question could follow: when was the first beginning?
  The answer to this question is as follows: never. This process of transition of universes through a point of a singularity or, some kind, equilibrium oscillation process, from a position of our comprehension of time, goes always: it had no beginning and it will have no end.
  The main point is that movement, development is possible only in the material worlds which arise, change and disappear. Movement, development cannot be any stiffened formation where any life, any consciousness cannot arise and develop. Therefore inert, or the "dead" matter cannot be, it only is at various stages of the development in various universes, in the different forms, one of which in the divided form is Supreme Mind.
  If the beginning was absent, Supreme Mind was and will be always, but - not as invariable, omnipotent and looking at everything from above how it is represented, in particular, to religious consciousness. Supreme Mind - not "monolith", from which and out of which arises everything according to his desire. He consists of separate and various particles concerning their level of development. We call them souls: these particles penetrate all worlds, all measurements. At the same time, at this splitting they are the whole so as neither time, nor distances does not exist for them, all of them are bound with each other, in other words, particles of Supreme Mind - souls - are in the common information field.
  As for transition of the Universe through a point of the singularity, then information, accumulated by the soul in this universe, remains on the corresponding material carrier.
  Besides, upon transition of Universe through a point of singularity the basic information being stored in all souls out of this universe and representing in total the program of life cycle of the Universe as well remains and in accordance with this program starts expanding the Universe. In this regard the beginning "The gospel from John" is symptomatic: "At the beginning there was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God".
  Thus, all variety of changing material worlds, with their cataclysms, the conflicts, contradictions, collisions exists not in itself, and it serves the continuous development of particles of Supreme Mind. Thanks to it the Supreme Mind is not the stiffened and all-knowing formation, He lives through souls, and uncountable various combinations of all real do not let to this process of development of souls, and thus to Supreme Mind, stop.
  Similar transition of universes through a point of a singularity is confirmed, in particular, by the theory of superstrings which specifies that, collapsing, the Universe as though is being everted, forming the following universe [12]. It is confirmed by the experiment of Penrose given above during which traces of the former universe were found out.
  Apparently, this transition of given universe to the following universe passes through point of singularity or outside space, outside timeless point, and as we stated above, this transition should occur, at least, pairwise, in order to avoid emergence "something out of nowhere". The main idea of the theory of strings is that all necessary initial values of the following universe are formed before the Big Bang.
  All this says what does not exist as the single eternal Universe in which the inert matter unclear how produces mind, and God-founder who wonderfully out of nothing suddenly and once produces all reality. Materialism, as well idealism in this regard does not seem adequate.
  Referring to the experimental data, the singularity as the solitary formation closed only on itself, or as the only point being outside time and outside space, does not exist as there is no reason for which the singularity suddenly wakened, imposed on itself particular restrictions, and "exploded", whereby the finite universe was formed.
  Probably, eternal Supreme Mind cannot be into a singularity in loneliness and to be at this as Supreme Mind. In that case the only present Mind could not realize himself. Therefore, in our comprehension, regularly recurring process of pairwise transition of universes (with opposite characteristics) through correspondent singularity, or through "Nothingness" always existed and will exist, i.e. this process is eternal. If this some kind of oscillatory process could be stopped at any its stage, in the sum we would receive zero, or "Nothingness" though the material universes quite can be in uncountable set.
  "Nothingness" comprises the infinite number of potentialities and therefore the development of Mind in forming universes can go, in our comprehension, infinitely. But development of Mind can happen only at its presence in the changing universes. In other words, Supreme Mind does not is present as though at some uniform block. Supreme Mind is always divided. Its parts which we call souls pass gradually growth and development in the formed worlds using first certain advantages of more dense worlds for the rapid development, passing then into less dense, approaching to unattainable highest limit, which is unattainable because there is no limit for Mind. At the same time, Supreme Mind divided on souls developing variously and infinitely diverse, is the united formation, as all its particles-souls, bound with each other outside space and outside time, are able to instantly communicate with one another regardless of distance.
  Indirectly it is confirmed by researches of group of physicists under the direction of Alain Aspect at the Parisian university in 1982. It was revealed that in particular conditions the elementary particles, for example, electrons, are able to instantly communicate with one another regardless of the distance between them. In other words each particle knows always that another does, irrespective of distance between them. On this experimental basis the theory of the holographic Universe was developed. Any particle of this Universe is a holographic projection of the single reality. It has been assumed, as a corollary of this theory, that the physical density of the world is holographic frequency setting, and, in particular, that the person is the hologram.
  The physicist of the London University David Bohm deduces the main postulate out of this experiment: "The new form of comprehension probably can be called the Inseparable Wholeness in Flowing Motion". This point of view means that the stream, in any sense, precedes "things", whose origin and dissolution happens in this stream. Bohm notes that "each relatively self-contained and steady structure has to be understood not as something independently and constantly existing, but rather as the derivative, given rise in complete motion of the stream and, eventually, dissolving in same stream. The fact how it is generated and supports the existence therefore depends on its local function into the stream". As suggested by Bohm, motion is primary; and that seems to us by constant structures, is only relatively autonomous subordinate essences which are appearing out of integrity of flowing motion and then are dissolved back in it. This process of formation goes infinitely. It is possible to believe also that Bohm brought out of discovery of Aspect following: the objective reality does not exist and that, despite its apparent density, the Universe in the basis - fantastic picture, the huge, magnificently detailed hologram [13].
  Let's remember that the hologram represents.
  The hologram represents the three-dimensional picture taken by means of the laser. To make the hologram, first of all a photographed subject has to be shined with light of the laser. Then the second laser beam, mixing up with light reflected from a subject, gives the interference figure which can be recorded on a film. The ready picture looks as senseless alternation of light and dark lines. But, once the picture will be shined with another laser beam, the three-dimensional image of an initial subject will arise. The three-dimension - not the single property, inherent to the hologram. If the hologram, containing the image of apple, cut in half and each half of the hologram shine by the laser, each half will contain the whole image of the same apple. If we continue to cut the hologram on more shallow slices, on each of them we will find again the object image as a whole. Unlike the routine photo, each site of the hologram contains information on all subject, but with proportion corresponding decrease of clearness.
  The principle of the hologram "all in each part" allows approaching to problem of the organization and the regularity in a new way in essence. The hologram shows that some things in the Universe do not give in to research by an analytical method: to dissect any subject and to study its constituents. If we cut something arranged holographically, we will not receive parts of which it consists, and we will receive the same, but it will be less accuracy.
  In this regard the interpretation of works Aspect by Bohm is as follows: he is sure that the elementary particles interact at any distance not because they exchange by certain mysterious signals among themselves but because their separation is illusory. He explained that at any more deep level of reality such particles are not separate objects, and actually the particles are extensions of something more fundamental. In order to understand better it, Bohm offered the following illustration.
  Imagine an aquarium with fish. Imagine also that you cannot see an aquarium directly, and you can observe only two TV screens which broadcast images from the cameras, located one in front, another - from side of an aquarium. Looking at screens, you can conclude that fishes on each of screens - separate objects. So how cameras broadcast images under different corners, fishes look differently.
  Continuing supervision, after a while you will find out that between two fishes on different screens there is the interrelation. When one fish turns, another also changes the direction of movement, but it is a little different, but it corresponds to movement of the first always; when you see one fish in a full face, another - in a profile. If you do not own by the complete picture of the situation, you will conclude rather that fishes have to communicate instantly somehow with each other, than that this is accidental coincidence.
  Bohm claimed that the similar phenomenon happens to the elementary particles in experiment of Aspect. According to Bohm interpretation, apparent superlight interaction between particles says to us that there is more deep level of reality hidden from us, higher measurement, than ours, as in analogy to an aquarium. And, he adds, we see particles as separate because we see only part of a real. Particles - not separate "parts", but sides of more deep unity. This unity is ultimately the same holographic and invisible, as apple mentioned above. And so how everything in physical reality consists of these "phantoms", the Universe observed by us is a projection, the hologram.
  Such Universe can possess and other properties. If the apparent separation of particles is an illusion, means upon more deep level all subjects in the world can be infinitely interdependent. Electrons in atoms of carbon in our brain are bound to electrons of each floating salmon, each beating heart, each flickering star. Everything interpenetrates with everything and though human nature divides everything, dismembers, spreads all natural phenomena on shelves, all divisions are necessarily artificial, and the nature finally appears as a indissoluble web. Even time and space cannot be taken as a basis in the holographic world. Because such characteristic as position, does not make sense in the Universe where anything actually is not separated from each other; time and three-measurement space as images of fishes on screens,should consider no more than projections. On it, more deep level, the reality is something like the super hologram in which the last, the present and the future exist at the same time. It means that by means of the corresponding tools the penetration into depth of this super hologram can be carried out and we can take pictures long ago the forgotten past. That else the hologram can bear in itself - still far it is not known. Bohm speaks: "Let's assume, for example, that the hologram is the matrix giving rise to all in the world, at least, all elementary particles is in it which accepted or will take any possible form of a matter and energy, from snowflakes up to quasars, from blue whales up to gamma rays, i.e. there is all in it ".
  Though Bohm recognized that we have no way to learn that else the hologram conceals in itself, he made bold to claim that we have no reasons to assume that in it more anything is not present. In other words, probably, holographic level of the world is simply one of steps of the infinite evolution.
  There are other researchers of properties of the holographic world except Bohm. Independently of Bohm, the neurophysiologist from Stanford University Karl Pribram working in the field of research of brain also inclines to a holographic picture of the world [14].
  Pribram has come to this conclusion, reflecting over a riddle, where and as memoirs are stored in a brain. Numerous experiments for decades showed that information is stored not in any particular site of a brain, and is dispersed on all volume of a brain. The researcher of a brain Karl Lashley in a number of decisive experiments in the twenties the last century has found out that irrespective of the fact which a site of a brain of a rat was deleted, he could not achieve disappearance of the conditioned reflexes received by a rat before operation. The only problem consisted that nobody could offer the mechanism explaining property of memory "all in each part".
  Later, in the sixties, Pribram faced with the principle of a holography and understood that he found the explanation which neurophysiologists looked for. Pribram is sure that memory is contained not in neurones and not in groups of neurones, but - in series of the nervous impulses, "braiding" a brain just as a laser beam "braids" the piece of the hologram containing all image entirely. In other words, Pribram is sure that the brain is the hologram.
  Pribram's hypothesis also explains how a human brain can store so many memoirs in such small volume. It is supposed that the human brain is capable to remember about 10 billion bits for all life.
  It was revealed that one more feature can be added to the properties of holograms - the huge density of record. Simply changing a corner under which lasers light a photographic film, it is possible to write down many various images on the same surface. It was shown that one cubic centimeter of a film is capable to store to 10 billion bits of information.
  Our supernatural ability to fast identification of the necessary information from the enormous volume of our memory becomes clearer with accepting the fact that the brain works by the principle of the hologram. If you ask that occurred to you at the word "zebra", you should not shuffle mechanically lexicon to find the answer. Associations to the words "striped", "horse" and "lives in Africa" appear in your head instantly.
  Really, one of the most surprising properties of human thinking is that each piece of information is correlated instantly and mutually with any another - one more quality inherent to the hologram. As any plot of the hologram is infinitely interdependent with any another, it is quite possible that it is the highest natural exemplar of cross and correlative systems.
  Location of memory is not the single neurophysiological riddle which became more solvable in the light of holographic model of brain of Pribram. Another riddle is how the brain is capable to translate such avalanche of frequencies, which it perceives by various sense organs (light frequencies, audio frequencies and so on), in our concrete conception about the world. Coding and decoding of frequencies is procedures with which the hologram it copes best of all. Just as the hologram serves as some kind of lens, the sending device, capable to turn as if a senseless mash of frequencies in the concrete image, so and a brain, according to Pribram, contains such lens and uses the principles of a holography for mathematical processing of frequencies from sense organs in an inner world of our perceptions.
  Pribram's thought that our brain designs mathematically "solid" reality, relying on entrance frequencies, also received the experimental confirmation. It was revealed that any of our sense organs possesses the much bigger frequency range of the susceptibility, than it was supposed earlier. In particular, researchers found out that our organs of vision are susceptible to audio frequencies, that our olfaction depends on what that now is called as "osmotic frequencies" and what even cells of our body are sensitive to a wide frequency range. Such finds suggest an idea that it is work of holographic part of our consciousness which transform separate chaotic frequencies to the continuous perception. The most curious aspect of holographic model of a brain of Pribram comes to light if to compare it with the theory Bohm. Because if the visible physical density of the world - only a secondary reality, and what "there", actually is only holographic frequency setting and if a brain - too the hologram and a brain only chooses some frequencies from this set and mathematically transforms them to sensory perception, what remains on a share of objective reality?
  The theory of the holographic Universe can be only by any approximation to truth, but it, nevertheless, visually illustrates our idea that, being divided into diverse souls , Supreme Mind at the same time remains united. However the opinion Bohm about illusiveness of the Universe is exaggerated because from the description of creation of the holographic image of object, for example, an apple follows that it is impossible without the material carrier. In this case as the material carrier is the laser radiation.
  In return the holographic model also shows that the consciousness is not brain function, and, on the contrary, the brain is controlled by consciousness, more precisely, the brain is the instrument of the soul, which, thus, in case of death of the brain, does not perish. In holographic reality the thought, eventually, is as well real, as consciousness.
  If the hypothesis about the holographic qualities of the Universe, i.e. about a wave basis of the Universe is close to truth, it will be the additional confirmation of use of this reality, owing to its characteristics, as the adequate tool for work, more precisely, for development of particles of Supreme Mind.
  Chapter 4
  Life and consciousness. The key of their emergence.
  The person conceals in itself two riddles: he is a living being and he exists as a conscious creature. But science cannot explain how each cell was produced initially, besides he has a consciousness whose emergence the science cannot explain.
  The science still could not present within its research approach the convincing evidence and explanations how the transition from a lifeless matter to an alive matter have been carried out, and how in turn the transition from reflex operating organisms to conceiving beings have been performed.
  It is known that the live organisms unlike lifeless have a set of attributes: metabolism and energy exchange, the ability to grow and develop, reproduce, to maintain a certain composition. Furthermore, they are characterized by self-regulating metabolic system and they possess the ability to reproduce accurately the own metabolic system (DNA replication, its matrix copying and specifically determined synthesis of proteins-enzymes) and etc.
  The essence of various ideas of an origin of life can be summarized in three main concepts. One of them - idea of creation of all alive out of lifeless by the Creator, another - an abiogenesis, or the formation of the organic compounds widespread in nature, outside an organism without participation of enzymes, i.e. the: emergence alive out of the lifeless; and the third - a biogenesis, or the formation of organic compounds by living organisms: all living occurs out of alive.
  As for creationism, or ideas of creation of all alive out of lifeless by the Creator, the above was shown the inadequacy of this interpretation of the emergence of life. It was shown that the Creator, creating suddenly and single-passly "All" from "Nothing" cannot be. Therefore, there cannot be the similar creation - alive out of lifeless.
  Abiogenesis or a spontaneous generation as Pasteur showed experimentally still, is impossible. Moreover Pasteur showed that living can arise only from the alive.
  Only then from where "living" appeared if it was not originally in our world, more precisely, in three measurements of our Universe?
  Thus, the question of the appearance of the organic matter in the Universe in the framework of these three concepts is still open, but the most likely that organic matter have appeared on Earth out of space as brought from outside. This organic matter was capable to replicate accurately itself, and thus - it was able to certain change and development in suitable conditions.
  The key of emergence on Earth of the first elementary organisms with a "ready" genome can be such. Traces of complex cellular structures whose age is at least 3.86 billion years old have been discovered recently in the most ancient sedimentary rocks on Earth found in the southwestern part of Greenland. So, most likely, the first forms of life could have arisen as a result of ingress to Earth with meteorites, etc.
  The hypothesis of an extraterrestrial origin of life on Earth can be also confirmed by the following fact. Inside the meteorite ALH84001 at its detailed research the rhabdoid structures reminding in a form petrified bacteria were found. Originally this meteorite was a part of Martian crust. It was thrown out then in space as a result of explosion at collision of a huge asteroid with a surface of Mars that occurred about 16 million years ago. 13.000 years ago after a long journey in the solar system, this fragment of Martian rock landed in Antarctica, where it was found recently.
  Structures, whose age is estimated in 3.46 billion years old, have been discovered in ancient fossils found in Australia. It was remnants of cyanobacteria - the first photosynthetic organisms. Stromatolites meeting in shallow coastal water areas of not polluted salty reservoirs, testify to former domination of anaerobic microorganisms and cyanobacteria. They remind larger boulders upon its form and they represent the community of microorganisms living in calcareous or dolomitic rocks, formed as a result of their activity. Stromatolites, being at a depth of several centimeters from a surface, are saturated with microorganisms: photosynthetic cyanobacteria, producing oxygen, dwell in the uppermost layer; bacteria which to particular degree are tolerant to oxygen and do not need light are found more deeply; the bacteria that can live only in the absence of oxygen are present in the lower layer. Located in different layers, these microorganisms make the system united by the complex relationship between them, including food. Behind a microbial film is being revealed the rock formed by the interaction of residues of dead microorganisms in water with dissolved calcium carbonate. Apparently, when continents were not yet on primitive Earth, and only archipelagoes of volcanoes towered over an ocean surface, stromatolites abounded shallow waters. [15].
  Scientific chronology of emergence and development alive, accepted at the present time, is as follows.
  Four billion years ago on Earth as geneticists are expressed, mysteriously emerged RNA. They consider that it was being formed spontaneously from more prime organic molecules which have appeared on primitive Earth. Geneticists believe that ancient RNA molecules had functions of carriers of genetic information and proteins-catalysts, they were able to replicate (self-doubling), mutated and were subjected to natural selection. RNA does not have or does not exhibit these properties in modern cells,, but play a very important role of the intermediary in transfer of genetic information from DNA on ribosomes where protein is synthesized.
  As a commentary on the above statements we can be said that it is more fantastic, than proved though something the statement. Let's note also that it appeared, apparently, because the materialists scientists monopolizing science, categorically could not allow closer to the truth explanations not related to their "orderly" theory of the origin and development of all alive of lifeless up to "consciously" conceiving beings, in particular, and themselves which to please settled and dominating concept consciously lie all the time.
  Unicellular organisms appeared 3.9 billion years ago. They probably looked like modern bacteria and archaebacteria. In the result of the activity of photosynthetic cyanobacteria, oxygen appeared in the ocean, and about 1 billion years after that, he began to accumulate in the atmosphere. At first the formed oxygen was interacting with the iron dissolved in water. It led to emergence of oxides of iron which were being besieged gradually at the bottom. Thus, deposits of iron oxide arose with participation of microorganisms during millions years.
  Then, when the main amount of iron at oceans underwent oxidation and could not bind oxygen any more, it went in gaseous form to the atmosphere. After that as only photosynthetic cyanobacteria have created from carbon dioxide certain stock of energy-rich organic matter and enriched an Earth's atmosphere with oxygen, there were new bacteria - aerobes which can exist only in the presence of oxygen.
  Oxygen is necessary to them for oxidation (combustion) of organic compounds, and the considerable proportion of received energy is converted to a biologically available form - adenosine triphosphate (ATP). This process is very favorable energetically: anaerobic bacteria at decomposition of one molecule of glucose receive only two molecules of ATP, and the aerobic bacteria using oxygen, - 36 molecules of ATP.
  Eukaryotic cells arose with the advent of oxygen that is sufficient for aerobic lifestyle. They have unlike bacteria a core and such organellas, as mitochondrions, lysosomes, and at algas and the highest plants - chloroplasts where photosynthetic reactions are being made.
  Complex eukaryotic cells appeared two billion years ago when unicells complicated the structure due to absorption of other prokaryotic cells. Some of them - aerobic bacteria - have turned into the mitochondria - the energy stations of oxygen respiration. Other - photosynthetic bacteria - have begun to carry out photosynthesis in the host cell and became chloroplasts in the cells of algae and plants. Eukaryotic cells having these organelles and clearly detached core comprising genetic material make all modern complex life forms - from fungi to humans.
  1.2 billion years ago, according to biologists, there was an explosion of evolution due to the advent of sexual reproduction and which was marked by the emergence of highly organized forms of life - plants and animals [15].
  Comparing "scientific" idea about "mysterious" emergence RNA on Earth out of prime organic molecules with the emergence of complex biological structures such as the cell with a ready genome brought in from outside and development from all of them other types of an organic matter in the course of a long chain of changes, it is necessary to give preference to the second. Actually in favor of the second tells also the statement of geneticists: "It is considered today that protobionts have represented themselves RNA molecules, but not DNA so as it is proved that process of evolution went from RNA to protein, and then it went to formation of a molecule of DNA at which C-H connections were stronger, than C-OH connections at RNA. However it is clear that molecules of RNA could not arise as the result of a smooth evolution. Probably occurred leap with all the characteristics of self-organization of matter, whose mechanism is so far not clear" (grandars.ru> shkola ... proishozhdenie-cheloveka.html).
  On this occasion, we can only say so: if something else is unclear, it is better to keep silent, and not to develop on the basis of this representation unformed the fundamental theory of biological evolution.
  But with all this as "hung" is the following question: how nevertheless complex cellular structures together with the genome emerged initially, if they could not to be self-assembled on Earth?
  Indeed, the genome of the simplest bacterial cell, which gives her the opportunity to multiply, represents the next structure.
  Bacterial genome consists of genetic elements capable to self-replication, i.e. replicons. Replicons are bacterial chromosome and plasmids.
  Hereditary information is stored at bacteria in the form of sequence of nucleotides of DNA, which determine a sequence of amino acids in protein. The gene corresponds to each protein, i.e. a discrete site on DNA, differing number and specificity of sequence of nucleotides.
  The bacterial chromosome is presented by one two-chained DNA molecule in the form of a ring. The sizes of a bacterial chromosome vary at various representatives of the Procaryotae kingdom. A bacterial chromosome forms a compact nucleoid of a bacterial cell. A bacterial chromosome has a haploid set of genes. It encodes a vital function for the bacterial cell.
  Plasmids of bacteria represent two-chained DNA molecules. They do not encode the main functions for life activity of the bacterial cell, but they encode functions giving bacteria of advantages if it falls into the unfavorable conditions of existence.
  The composition of the bacterial genome as a bacterial chromosome, or in plasmids includes mobile genetic elements. Intercalary sequences and transposons are mobile genetic elements.
  Intercalary (insertional) sequences, IS elements are the DNA sites. They are able to move as a whole from one area of a replicon to another area of the replicon, and they are able to move between replicons. They only contain those genes which are necessary for their own moving - transpositions: the gene coding a transposase enzyme, providing process of an exception of an IS element out of DNA and its integration into a new locus, and the gene determining synthesis of repressor, which regulates all process of moving.
  A distinctive feature of IS- elements is the presence on the ends of intercalary sequence inverted repeats. The transposase enzyme recognizes these inverted repeats. Transposase carries out one-chained ruptures of the DNA chains located on both sides of the movable element. Original copy of IS-element remains in the same place, and its replicated duplicate is moved to a new site.
  Moving of mobile genetic elements are called replicative or illegitimate recombination. However, unlike the bacterial chromosome and plasmids, mobile genetic elements are not independent replicons, since their replication - a component of DNA replication of the replicon, in which they are composed. There are several varieties of IS-elements. They differ in size and the types and numbers of inverted repeats. Transposons are the DNA segments possessing the same properties, as IS elements, but having structural genes, i.e. - genes providing synthesis of molecules, possessing specific biological property, for example, by toxicity. (See, e.g., vmede.org> index.php? Topic = 589.0).
  So, the elementary genome in actual fact appears by the most complex structure giving to a cell of the elementary organism - bacteria - property to be alive, i.e. to breed, interact with the environment, change itself, develop, being transformed gradually during these or those changes to more complex alive organisms.
  Therefore, relying on detection of approximately 4 billion years ago, of course, if it is true dating, caught in terrestrial rocks of bacteria on meteorites, it is possible to state: the genome, which is the basis for further development, could not be self-assembled. The most likely explanation for the appearance of cells with a similar genome is external space relative to Earth. With these simple cells for reproduction and development which once arose suitable conditions on Earth: the gravity, the corresponding gas atmosphere, atmospheric pressure, water mode, temperature differences on a surface planet, the level of magnetic and electromagnetic fields and etc., began a development of the living on Earth.
  In his time after the opening of the genetic code that can be called by the program on the biological carrier, the famous physicist Heisenberg said that the accidental formation of such an incredibly complex formation as the genome for any conceivable term simply could not happen and only remains to think about its divine origin.
  Unfortunately, the thought of a divine origin of a genome, as a matter of fact, explains nothing.
  Such evasion from an explanation of process of emergence of life shows, apparently, lack of opportunities of implementation of this project in the conditions of the measurement of the Universe in which we live. Above we have an example explaining the functioning of our universe by superstring theory, according to which it is not limited by the three spatial measurements. The number of measurements can reach twelve. We do not know about these measurements and what can be in these measurements. But we can assume the existence and functioning there alive systems of non-biological nature, for example, field nature being a part of the common system of Supreme Mind and functioning according to programs, similar to programs which manifest through genomes of live systems if we take into account the existence in the human of consciousness.
  Our three-dimensional measurement (time can be considered as the fourth measurement in it), despite the lowest order, apparently, possesses a number of advantages in comparison with higher measurements regarding maximal "resistance" to development of self-replicating organisms, including high organized organisms, or organisms with intelligence which are given the opportunity to be improved during the process of overcoming of the difficulties in the environment, on the one hand, hostile, and on the other hand, allowing to exist by overcoming "resistance" of the environment, including the social environment.
  However, all that is in three-dimensional measurement has no direct connection with Supreme Mind. Therefore, neither alive organisms, nor, especially, thinking substance were not be presented originally in this measurement. Nevertheless there is a connection between the measurements. Hence, there exists the possibility of transfer to a three-dimensional measurement of copies of the programs first in order to put the beginning of life on planets being appeared initially in this measurement of our Universe when suitable conditions for the emergence and development of organic life will be formed on them. It is known that the ray of light can be modulated by the signal bearing information which is capable to set certain programs of development or to correct the available programs. In particular, at Institute of Problems of Management of the Russian Academy of Sciences an exemplar of DNA have been placed between the laser and an external mirror. Both the direct and reflected beams not only apprehended genetic information, but also radiated it in corresponding frequency range.
  Similar transfer is presumably possible after passing of this or that cycle of complication and emergence as a result on one of planets of the high-organized animals like primacies, i.e. beings, which are the most suitable upon their potential capabilities to further social-work activity and for developing of the rudiments of consciousness. Transfer of copies of the programs reacting on external management on another scheme can be carried out in a genome of a monkey which on 99% coincides with a "human" genome on structure. As a result of similar reorganization, anyway, it is formed the base for symbiosis of the high organized biological organism and reasonable structure of another measurement, for which previously was impossible in three-dimensional measurement independent activity. Apparently, this symbiotic creature becomes quite adequate tool for performance of certain objectives in intervals from the birth to death of a body, then again from the birth and to death, etc. These tasks consist mainly in granting opportunities for the initial development of the soul in the lowest, antagonistic three-dimensional measurement where, thus, the body of a human is the carrier of soul.
  Unlike science, the religion has understood it to some extent long ago. The main religious doctrines about caducity of a body and eternity of soul testify to this preferential separation in favor of the soul.
  With development of others, later planetary systems in our measurement of the Universe on planets suitable for the formation of life due to conditions somehow is being brought the simplest live cells having the genome and the process of biological complication of live organisms is being repeated.
  It should be noted that this procedure is more complicated - nonlinear - in nature, instead of linear and evolutionary. Programs for assembly of genomes can have a set of variations, but their selection and the corresponding transfer or modification "in situ", most likely, are caused by the fact that the arising environment is optimal for human life for hundreds of millions of years as a dominant of this environment.
  Since consciousness is being manifested and enshrined only in the communication process with similar, people are united in communities in which they are sharing information, are accumulating it and processing it. As a result, they strengthen and multiply the effectiveness of own actions.
  Formed communities differ from flocks of animals by foresight of results of the actions as well as by discussion of these results, i.e. the awareness of own actions have being manifested in them. Communities are improved gradually, passing stages of development known to us, forming finally civilizations. However these civilizations exist relatively not for long if they acquire the technological orientation.
  In any case, the period of their life is not comparable with the period of complication of living organisms up to appearance of primacies. More precisely, term of existence of technological civilizations up to informational collapse with the subsequent disintegration of a civilization we can assume by analogy to our technological civilization if we believe that it originated in the fourth millennium BC, when Sumerian state is appeared, and its disappearance will happen in this century due to the information collapse.
  This period cannot be compared with the billions or at least hundreds of millions of years during which oxygen atmosphere was being formed on the planet, and after it was being emerged the vegetation on the land, as well as oceans appeared with live organisms.
  As a result of this activity, the biosphere is being formed gradually, quite suitable for life and development of the high-organized organisms, including the people united in communities. That's just the high-organized organisms in the form of primates will appear not soon - through hundreds millions years.
  Let's ask a question: is it not reasonable to use this interval of years for placing in appropriate biosphere of groups of people in the presence of such opportunity if human civilizations have long operated on other planets.
  Earth is the planet which was being formed late enough counting from the beginning of formation of the Universe. Planets of earlier stellar systems similar in structure and the conditions for the development of life to Earth were already created over billions of years before Earth emerged, and some of these planets could well have human civilizations similar to ours.
  Observing, what technologies have the present terrestrial civilization , it is possible to note that planetary technologies of the three-dimensional world do not allow carry out interstellar travel. Yes and how it will be shown in details below, technological civilizations are relatively short-lived. From the inception of culture, cities and states until civilization disintegration with the total disappearance of these civilizations or with confluence into wildness is passing not hundreds thousands years but less ten thousand years.
  Therefore, representatives of higher measurements quite could use free "platform" of this sort for formation and development of local human communities. In this case, their further movement to civilized communities with the passage of a full civilization cycle would be provided. Since high organized animals have not yet appeared, obviously, this problem can not be solved by restructuring of the genome of one of the primates under "the human program", but this problem can be solved by the transfer of people, more precisely, their copies from other planets on yet not occupied planets.
  Probably, there are no distances of our three-dimensional world for other measurements. Therefore "to reproduce" the initial number of people who were at the lowest stage of a civilization on own planet, for formation of a local colony in this case on the Earth, for example, 100 or 200 million years ago, is hardly impossible. Actually, it is confirmed by a number of artifacts that "forbidden" archaeology provides in abundance but which contradict to the generally accepted theory of evolution.
  If we shall return to the problem of emergence of the alive and to emergence of thinking beings, then must be noted: between a lifeless and an alive exists barrier which is impassable in three-dimensional measurement. Between a reflex acting being and a thinking being exists the similar barrier too. For example, creationists explain overcoming of this barrier by an intervention of God-creator. And it is clear since overcoming of this barrier in terms of the scientific approach is not possible to explain. Science has recognized long ago this implicitly.
  It is apparent in order to come nearer to truth in the solution of the matter it is necessary to depart the system of thinking using concepts of the self-sufficient person and self-sufficient mankind.
  According to offered by the concept of the infinite process of alive knowledge by Supreme Mind of himself, its particles in these or those forms have to be in all measurements of all universes so as the development of mind can take place only at its presence at the formed measurements of universes. Therefore Supreme Mind is in the divided state and its parts which we call the souls gradually undergo in formed measurements the growth as well as the development. The incipient stage of this process has to fall on the lowest - three-dimensional measurement - with another structure in comparison with those measurements, where "come" souls from. At the same time, Supreme Mind is the single and the indivisible since all its particles outside time and outside space are bound with each other and capable to be reported instantly with each other irrespective of distance, in other words, this unity of divided and various souls in their development is being provided due to the fact that all of them are in one information field.
  Particles of Supreme Mind are created from an unknown form of matter, more precisely, substance. They operate in the own world upon laws which for the human mind will always remain unknowns. Therefore, they are invisible to us, they cannot be fixed by us directly or through any devices. Besides, these particles, owing to absence in them of the material components of our three-dimensional world, cannot work in it independently. Apparently, symbiosis of a soul and the biological carrier corresponding to it from our world is required for actions of a soul in our three-dimensional measurement.
  Above we have shown that, bearing in mind of some indirect signs the human bodies during life lose consciousness without these particles-souls and the death means the termination of symbiosis of soul and a body which has lost opportunity to function. In other words, apparently, the body is the temporary carrier of soul which transforms a body thanks her presence in some thinking state.
  Thus, the corresponding biological form is the necessary for the development of the soul. In particular, this form can be obtained by prolonged transformation of live matter by means of its complication. The appropriate program is the beginning of this transformation. The program is a partial copy of the program of soul. This program is being transferred to the material carrier - a genome from organic amino acids. In our Universe, existing about 14 billion years, long before solar system were being created the first star systems with planets, where elementary genomes in cells were "started" for the first time in our Universe for the process of development once the relevant conditions have arisen.
  The same artificially created genome has been brought billions of years ago to Earth from the outside and initiated a chain of development of all alive on it.
  Thus, creationism is right in the respect that life could not arise from a "dead" matter, but no more. Life really arose from alive, but not an organic matter, and out of the substance which is some kind of projection of Supreme Mind. Supporters of the theory of biological evolution of the biosphere are right with regard to adaptation of formed beings to the environment, excluding the spontaneous generation of life, accidental formation of species and the evolutionary transition from primates to Homo sapiens.
  Let's consider the proofs of transformation of a monkey to the human which have given by evolutionists.
  If summarized the explanation of Darwin's evolutionary theory supporters of the conversion of reflex operating primates in conscious operating human, it is as follows.
  They point out that any higher animals did not have the ability to conceptual thinking, i.e. to the formation of abstract representations about subjects, which summarizes the basic properties of concrete things. The process of thinking for animals if it is possible to speak about that, is always concrete, the process of thinking for a person can be the abstract, generalizing, conceptual, logical. Thanks to ability to conceptual thinking, the person understands that he does, and understands the world. The second main difference is that the person possesses the speech. Animals can have very developed system of communication by transmitted signals but only the person has the second signal system - communication through words. It is supposed in natural sciences that the speech came from the sounds uttered during the work which then became common in the course of joint work. In the same way a mind could occur in the process of social labor gradually.
  Evolutionists believe that Darwin's theory has received genetic confirmation in the XX century, since from all the animals the chimpanzee genome upon the genetic apparatus is the closest to human. This genome is identical to the human genome on 99%.
  We note with his hand, that, as it is paradoxical, but both arguments of evolutionists: labor created human; human is genetically almost indistinguishable from chimpanzees, actually lead to the opposite conclusion.
  Themselves biologists say that the animal's behavior represents one of forms of functioning of its organism. The structure of the organism determines the needs of animals and their behavior programs. Any animal is born as a being endowed by the set of instincts. Instincts provide its adaptability to environmental conditions and limit individual variations of the behavior.
  The situation is different with a human. All people which have lived on Earth the last 35 - 40 thousand years belong to the same type (Homo sapiens).
  Thus, for years of change of organisms from the simplest to the primates the reflex system of their reaction to influence of the environment remained actually the same. In other words, programs of their actions are similar each other. And suddenly, for slight term, in a result of rather short-term influence of external conditions, some species of primates acquired consciousness and self-consciousness, while others have remained by monkeys. And we do not know what out of these monkeys "worked" more. Now the theory of Darwin is recognized, at least, disputable just because to explain how the monkey evolved into a human from a position of modern science is not possible.
  Obviously, for the emergence of consciousness in primates had to be occurred certain fundamental internal changes which were not for all the time of existence of organisms on Earth. What are these changes, if the person by its appearance, the structure of organs and even the structure of a genome is very close to a chimpanzee?
  It is possible to state the following: only change of the carrier-genome programmed to the reflex unconscious activity on the carrier-genome programmed on conscious activity can be as such internal change. Therefore, the transformation of the most perfect primate - it could be a chimpanzee or even more perfect primate - in the human prototype is possible only as a result of similar program change. Apparently, under this new program was remodeled the chimpanzee genome or the genome of a similar monkey. It is known that this genome coincides with a genome of the person on 99 %. This circumstance makes things technically.
  One of hypotheses believes that the closest human ancestor was a monkey lagoon from Ethiopia. She had less indumentum, she swam well. A significant part of the day she was walking vertically. She had "lowered larynx", the appearance of which, apparently, she is obliged to the semi-aquatic lifestyle. The important thing is that the similar larynx gives the chance to control respiration and, as a result, lets ability to speak.
  After similar reorganization the symbiosis of the resulting creature and individual consciousness - another, higher level than the level of the animal consciousness, becomes possible. This procedure also enables to evince ыуда-consciousness by this creature. Everything else: the ability to work together with the tribe, connected speech, creative thinking, etc. are being produced as a consequence during certain and relatively not very long term, fixing symbiosis of the soul and the body, thereby producing intellect. That's why so suddenly the human appeared. Also becomes clear why the connecting link from primates to humans has not been found so far. All the others - approximately the same primates who have not been touched by specified transformation, remained in its former animal quality. Although, in fact, conditions of their existence a little than differed from existence of the initial "candidate" for the human.
  Thus, we can say that a being, which is capable only for unconscious actions, has one program, but a conscious being (having self-consciousness) has another program - more complex: this program can quickly be reconstructed, it can be trained itself, it has the ability to project the actions on the future, it has the ability to process their results for the subsequent adjustment, using already saved up memory from a much bigger database, than at primates.
  However this program can "work" only with another "user" - with the soul of a higher order than the soul of the animal. In other words, in order to get a new quality, it is necessary to change the program, just as it is done with computers. After all, if a computer with the "old" program will be placed in the most favorable conditions, it will receive supplementary equipment, etc., then in a new way the computer will not work anyway.
  Based on the above, we will give their views on possible options of appearance of "homo sapiens" several tens of thousands years ago.
  One embodiment of the appearance of people, who have "received" self-consciousness thanks to reorganization of a genome under a more complex program at the most suitable species of primates, has already been described above. Apparently, this new type has been expressed in the Cro-Magnon eventually.
  Fact unusually rapid restructuring of the genome, contradicting speed of evolutionary development, stated usually by evolutionists, is confirmed by geneticists who used computer imposing of a genome map of a chimpanzee on a genome map of the person that allowed them to allocate three categories of so called DNA-duplications - that are available in a genome of the person, but are absent in a genome of a chimpanzee, that are available in a genome of a chimpanzee, but are absent in a genome of the person, and that are available in a genome of both types. DNA-duplication is one of forms of a mutation at which the site of a chromosome doubles. In this case DNA segments having length of at least 20 thousand of the nucleotide couples were considered. It appeared that about one third of DNA-duplications identified in a human, are absent at a chimpanzee. Geneticists were pretty surprised by this figure because it indicates a very high frequency of mutations in the short - by evolutionary standards - period of time. This work was carried out by an international consortium of scientists. It consisted of 67 scientists from 23 research institutions of 5 countries - the U.S., Israel, Spain, Italy and Germany. Geneticists of the Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston coordinated the work. And blood for DNA analysis gave a young male chimpanzee named Clint (Clint), inhabitant of aviary of the National Centre for the Study of primates behalf Yerkis in Atlanta, Georgia. (See, eg ., Dw.de> genome comparison ... and ... it ... human).
  Around the time when the first reasonable people were still in a semi-wild state, in parallel with them, according to the description in Plato's "Critias" functioned quite technologically advanced civilization, which he called Atlantis. Apparently, the Bible gives mention about this civilization too. The Bible indicates that Atlantis have been washed away by flood. Most likely, the high-tech structures - the pyramids - in some places of the Earth on land and under water were preserved from this civilization.
  Above we have shown that the emergence and existence of these civilizations which operated before the transformation of primates into people can be explained only by a kind of transfer of "copies" of people with those planets where people have already appeared. Further, communities of these, some kind of "transit" people could gradually go up to the stage, at least of local civilizations, reminding the current civilization, and then these civilizations were falling apart for internal reasons, of course, if previously they were not being exposed to the most powerful natural disasters.
  Thus, similar civilizations on Earth during hundred millions years quite could be emerged, developed and decayed according to internal or external causes. But not everything can disappear without leaving a trace. Some artifacts have been preserved and most authentic artifacts will be given below.
  In our opinion, with emergence on Earth of Homo sapiens could well be a situation where a highly technological civilizations and semi-wild communities of people passing the initial stage of the organization existed in different regions of Earth in parallel.
  After ruin of the last technological civilization more than twelve thousand years ago, the survived "transit" representatives of this civilization have mixed up with natives gradually, having lost bases of the culture and the technologies, but nevertheless having kept partially something from them. Otherwise it is difficult to explain the sudden socio-cultural and to some extent a technological leap in Egypt, Mesopotamia, India, fast formation of the states, construction of the cities, temples, use of the complex irrigational, astronomical constructions, etc.
  Besides representatives of the "antediluvian" technological civilization and primitive people like the Cro-Magnons, other communities of Homo sapiens could be in the same interval of time on Earth. It could be just those quite reasonable beings whom evolutionists refer to the candidates to the ancestors of modern humans. They included also, in particular, in their number of Neanderthals. It is now recognized that Neanderthals gradually disappeared, partly having mixed up with the Cro-Magnons.
  According to our approach, Neanderthals and other dead-end or side branch of Homo sapiens could be either less successful version of the first representatives of Homo sapiens, and could be descendants of earlier civilizations fallen into savagery that have retained consciousness and remnants of culture still, surprisingly high sometimes and this fact have been proved by archaeologists convincingly.
  The situation which is similar to position of Neanderthals not as predecessors of the modern people, but as some having remained not numerous degraded descendants of this or that disintegrated civilization with a high level of development, probably, exists and presently with the Australian natives who degraded up to stone tools of the most primitive level - so-called choppers. However, they do not differ by the intellectual level from other people. Having lost culture, having fallen into wildness, they did not lose skills of conscious activity, intelligence, they did not turn into animals, i.e. the program put in them for a soul and the soul itself did not disappear. Besides, we note that according to some researches practically all features which are typical for skulls of Homo erectus can be found in modern representatives or recently extinct Homo sapiens (www.scienceandapologetics.org).
  On this occasion, let me quote a passage from the book of Paleolithic ancestors of Tasmanians, published on the Internet, "Tasmanians and Tasmanian problem": "People from Mangoes lake, more the modern on the physical structure, than people from Kau Svamp, and at the same time much more ancient, could not be ancestors of the last - it would be contrary to the laws of evolution. Represent whether these two groups of early Australians two various migrations to Australia, two different waves in origin, and if so, why did the group, more archaic in its physical structure, is at the same time much later? "(Rugiland.narod.ru> index/0-969).
  This fragment from the book of the evolutionist, nevertheless, shows inadequacy of the theory of biological evolution regarding their explanation of the evolution of human from apes since her supporters cannot explain the concrete facts of history of emergence of the human.
  However, according to our concept, the earlier group of aboriginals, but more modern in its physical structure , could spring from one of a disintegrate earlier civilizations, and later group with archaic features - very thick bones, strongly expressed brow arches, sloping cut back forehead, massive jaws - is one of the branches of Homo sapiens.
  So, where do you find the one who by first constructed such unimaginably complex formation as Homo sapiens, what hardly will be to the end solved and explained? The science will be hardly able to answer this question within own sphere of researches.
  But it is possible to try to go beyond these frameworks, having assumed that not "solid " stuff known to us , but the field substance, invisible to us, is the primary material formation, which is "living" upon own laws and we hardly shall learn these laws. The field substance creates, more exactly, projects the finite, lower, temporary "solid" stuff for their own purposes, beginning since projection of universes and finishing by projection of live organisms, including her high-organized representative - the human.
  In this case the genome is one of these projections which becomes the beginning of the chain of development of organic matter with emergence of suitable conditions on this or that planet.
  However, this chain in the form of the flora which was formed at first, and then fauna, apparently, is only necessary but not sufficient condition for the formation of thinking beings. In order to the human arose out of the biological form-body suitable for it, having a fully developed brain, organs for various actions, etc., its genome must be different from a genome of the most advanced animals, in particular, by primates because the genome of animals corresponds only to the program to produce unconditioned reflex actions and more or less complex conditional reflex actions.
  Apparently, it is necessary to bring still something qualitatively new into this perfect body - the tool for actions, in order to the body of the animal became by the human. The science could not find in our world this qualitatively new, thanks to what a body, more precisely, the biological form can turn into a thinking being, having self-consciousness, - the human.
  The transition from an animal to the person is defined by the most perfect form out of another world, or rather, measurement, i.e. the transition is defined by soul - by the particle of Supreme Mind. The high soul cannot engage with some body having the genome of the animal. Therefore before it is necessary to change the genome structure towards such complication at which the symbiosis of body and soul becomes possible. The result is an individual capable of thinking. This is that quality level that separates the human from all other natural and biological formations. Corresponding correction of the genome is being carried out, apparently, according to a matrix-program available for field structures. That's why scientific research within our world will not be able to lead to a solution of sudden transformation of primates into the human.
  Thus, only after putting the soul into its corresponding biological form, the last, gradually growing together with soul under monitoring of parents and in communication with other tribes people, gets not the individual reasonableness, characteristic for higher animals, and not collective reasonableness, characteristic for colonies of bees or termites, but it becomes during a lifetime as autonomous part of Supreme Mind. This part - the person - possesses, irrespective from a stage of development of a civilization, by self-consciousness, freedom of will as well as he acquires own ideas about the world. The human is able not only to reflect the world as it happens with other live organisms, including highly complex organisms, but also he is able to change it according to own desires, imagination, plans, even if these plans are erroneous - any error can be corrected, if not in this, so in the another life. But in the process of life, overcoming obstacles to achieving the goals is the growth and development of the individual, and therefore is the growth and development of its soul too.
  Summing up, we note the following.
  Apparently, at least in our measurement of Universe initial consciousness, as itself, was no. Consciousness could come only out of other, higher measurements, having expressed first by only a reflex level of the simplest biosphere. The development of life began with this.
  The fact that there acted exactly as if extraneous consciousness is proved by the fact that a well-known law of non-decreasing entropy begins violated immediately in the local point of origin of life in connection with starting a gradual complication of living matter and weak, with certain setbacks and modifications, but, in the whole, acceleration in the development of this local life, accelerating, though very slowly due to its instinctive-automatic actions, which go mostly by trial and error.
  This process can't be qualified as purely the natural, i.e. going by former order as far as, having arisen it is at once beaten out from frames moving approximately in an identical rhythm, but with gradual scattering of lifeless matter. It is reasonable therefore to admit this fact of local transformation of live matter in more and more complex and various formations, acquiring unusual properties, as action of consciousness at the lowest level, which is still far from self-consciousness.
  This process not simply of complication, but development, though only at the reflex level, has peak in the form of appearance of high-organized mammals - primates, which are the ready form for formation of the human.
  Transition at the level of the person already to a conscious activity accelerates significantly the process of development, which was taking place billions of years on a reflex level of living, and reduces it at first up to hundreds, and then - to tens of thousands of years. With the advent of a civilization this development acquires nature of quite intensive and purposeful change by the human, more precisely, by the human communities, which were transforming gradually to the states, environment: extensive agricultural grounds, the cities, trade ways arise.
  I.e. conscious development, apparently, can't be as only the uniform development, but also as very feebly accelerated as it was for usual development of life earlier. Incessant process of improvement of the known, invention of new technologies were leading to other horizons, changing life, capturing new spaces, changing not only everything around, but also the human, more precisely, - his own consciousness. The pace of life is increasing.
  Probably that on local points, like Earth, development of the biosphere from reflex actions to conscious activity reflects the following fact: the consciousness takes beingness on itself as a support for own development. Consciousness, at this, develops at the lowest level of three-dimensional measurement of our Universe only up to that limit which is defined both opportunities of this measurement, and opportunities of this consciousness.
  These largely purposeful conscious actions lead to a evident compression of current events between the turning points of current beingness in the course of historical development.
  Indeed, the process of development on a conscious level on stage of civilization has clearly becomes exponential. It can be likened to a growing snowball, which is rolling with hill.
  Naturally, this "snowball" should fall apart inevitably so as the forces that hold it, is not unlimited.
  For the present civilization, as well for Earth civilizations, which existed before, this segment of development in exponent makes only about 6 thousand years if to consider appearance of our civilization since IV millennium B.C.
  In case of merge of an exponential curve with the vertical line there comes the transition state of uncertainty, or a bifurcation point, i.e., apparently, civilizations in that form which it acquired, comes to the end. In more detail it is told below about this.
  Chapter 5
  The approaching of informational collapse as a major factor of ruin of the civilization.
  The idea that development of a civilization has to go continuously, progressively, seizing all new and new territories, mastering unknown nowadays spaces, is dominating in science. All the time being improved technologies have to conduct to the spread of civilizations upon the Galaxy, to emergence of super civilizations, whose actions are being detected upon the huge astro-engineering constructions created by them, the transmission of powerful electromagnetic signals in the entire Universe, the movement of the stars, the organization of their collisions, etc. K. E. Tsiolkovsky, I. S. Shklovsky have tried to substantiate the similar idea, Stanislav Lem and many others were developing this idea.
  Let's note that approach of this sort is very pretentious in the aspiration to replace God with omnipotent mankind in the Universe.
  However super civilizations and like them are not observed neither with Earth nor out of near space.
  The following conclusions were drawn from this:
  - not enough observation data;
  - the theory is incorrect;
  - the theory is right, but extraterrestrial civilizations are not present in general, and our civilization is unique and single, at least, in our Galaxy.
  The last conclusion was drawn at first by M. Hart [16], then by I.S. Shklovsky [17].
  It is possible to comment these conclusions as follows.
  On the first and last conclusions we will tell: now data of astronomers out of supervision of development of star systems quite authentically show existence of a set of planets, similar to Earth and at the same time show lack of products of activity of advanced civilizations in foreseeable space.
  As for the second conclusion, below we will show weakness of the theory about boundless development of reasonable civilizations.
  There is also an idea about fast destruction of technological civilizations from environmental contamination, nuclear wars and all similar, caused by development of technologies. Fast disappearance of civilizations do not allow for them to begin a conquest of the Universe by them. As an example sometimes give the destruction of "antediluvian" civilization on border of the tenth millennium B.C. on Earth. Plato wrote about it, the bible and eposes of other people of the world have indicated to this fact.
  Indirect confirmation of this transience of existence of civilizations is detection by astronomers of planets similar to the Earth, suitable for formation on them of life even more so organic matters were found in space, on asteroids, other planets. However civilizations, probably, existing on them, are not being revealed itself. [18].
  Let's list the possible causes of destruction of a civilization presented by various researchers and predictors:
  - global war, nuclear or biological;
  - pandemic caused by genetic diseases, viruses, etc.;
  - hunger bound to an overpopulation;
  - ecological disaster;
  - catastrophic climatic changes;
  - atmosphere structural change;
  - change of a geomagnetic situation;
  - change of system of rotation of the Earth;
  - global earthquakes and eruptions of volcanoes;
  - falling asteroid;
  - change of solar activity;
  - influence of space radiation.
  It is visible from this list that the majority of the given reasons is not bound to deep changes during development of a civilization and they can be attributed more likely to external and even to outsider factors.
  It is possible to note still the theorem of a doomsday. It predicts a future tense of existence of human race, proceeding only from an assessment of number of people which lived till this moment. The theorem proceeds from the assumption that people living now are in a casual place of all chronology of human history, and chances of presence us in the middle of this chronological scale are great. In an apparent form this reasoning was offered for the first time by astrophysicist Brandon Carter in 1983. In compliance with the formula deduced by Carter the mankind has to disappear within 9120 years [19]. As seen upon the approach, this theorem is very problematic by a technique of definition of time of the doomsday.
  However the crash of a civilization, more precisely, time of its disappearance as well as the mechanism of its disintegration can be considered otherwise.
  Having turned the look to the universe known to us, we will see that it is constructed at work of particular coupled systems, or on action of gradually changing communities which arise and disappear all the time, - from communities in the form of galaxies and star systems till communities in the form of crystalline structures or fungi.
  As well communities of more high level - civilizations of alive and reasonable individuals - are changing: they are arising, developing till the particular moment, and then they are decaying. The question consists only in the speed of this process which in comparison with the speed of changes of galaxies or crystals is much higher owing to larger complexity and dynamism of this system of living individuals among macro systems.
  Some researches were devoted to a subject of condensing of time periods between critical events up to a final point. This approach is based on concept of the singularity, used John von Neumann in the middle of XX century. The singularity, if not to mean its astrophysical comprehension, represents a point behind which extrapolation starts giving senseless results.
  The historian I. M. Diakonoff paid attention in 1994 to a singularity point, or the limit point on a time axis where historical cycles are reduced which are shrink in compliance with the law of the regressions: "There is no doubt that historical process shows signs of natural exponential acceleration. From emergence of Homo sapiens until the end of the I phase passed not less than 30 thousand years, II phase lasted about 7 thousand years, III phase - about 2 thousand years, IV phase - about 1.5 thousand, V phase - about one thousand years, VI - about 300, VII phase - a little more than 100 years, duration of VIII phase while it is impossible to determine. Put on the schedule these phases are combined in exponential development which assumes eventually transition to the vertical line or more true, to the point of so-called singularity. Scientific and technical achievements of mankind were being developed according to the exponential schedule likewise ..." [1].
  Diakonoff's schedule may be completed up to the vertical line . In this case, the point of singularity will lie for 2022.
  Definition of a technological singularity appeared after Diakonoff's works: the technological singularity is the hypothetical moment after which technical progress becomes such fast and complex that it will be inaccessible to comprehension. The technological singularity as a result of development of nanotechnologies was considered in the report of 2007 of the Commission on economic policy of the Congress of the USA, as start date of a singularity was called 2020, according to another prognosis - 2030. Basic idea of this conclusion is the corollary from the law of Moore (an empirical conclusion from the observed speed of development of technologies): somewhere between 2025 and 2035 the computing power of separate computers will be made even to the "crude" computing power of a human brain, and then and will surpass it.
  The given dates are close to each other and they also are close to the present time. The question is only in interpretation of the specified process, i.e. what will happen in the singularity point with the world civilization.
  The approaching informational collapse is confirmation of that the era of fundamental changes in civilization development approaches with an approximation of the point of the singularity.
  Informational collapse is defined as the condition of network information space menacing to its stability and normal functioning. Informational collapse is characterized by fall off of capacity of communication channels and arises at a situation when existing technologies are not able to transfer growing volumes of traffic.
  The beginning of informational collapse manifests in constant increase in speed of emergence of new information and accumulation of this information in the Internet. Acquaintance with the avalanche flow of information becomes more and more difficult and even more difficult becomes thereof its adequate use because filtration of information, as a rule, for doubtful criteria becomes actually by single method of ordering of information. This process conducts to fast loss by society of perspective reference points of development, to replacement of the true purposes by corporate purposes, to bamboozle of an overwhelming majority of Internet users.
  As a rule, a point of a singularity interpreted as transition to the new, improved condition. However this point can be a bifurcation point, with possibility of transition to a condition of another type of a civilization, if available type of a civilization cannot exist, for example, it can be transition in a condition of an ecological civilization at refusal of the majority of the technologies applied earlier or it can be transition to a condition of the complete disintegration of a civilization.
  Any of these transitions does not cause optimism since and in one and in the other case the present civilization will stop the existence.
  In the first case the transition leads to the compelled global transformation which is bordered by accident: the mankind should refuse the comfortable existence provided with technical achievements which is not being combined with harmonious existence with the planetary nature. Will have to switch from the destruction of nature with the poisoning of the environment to interact with it and preserve not so much itself, as much as her, switch to the use of renewable natural resources. This will reduce significantly, in particular, energy resources and food resources. This process will involve automatically essential reduction of the population, structural change of management by society. In particular, it is necessary to refuse the state control system and to pass to hierarchical system of self-governing communities. There are, of course, variants, but an ecological civilization has nothing to do with capitalism nor socialism nor democracy.
  In the second case, owing to loss of management and occurrence of general chaos, will collapse communication systems, energy supply, water supply; transport will stop, the need in money, and, means and in a bank-financial system will disappear, collisions will begin, the cities will collapse, there will be epidemics; technologies, cultural values will be lost until writing system. The civilization will disappear as such, and her survivors will fall into wildness. Variants can be different, but the scenario is unlikely to be different from this.
  At the same time the idea of futurologists that the point of a technological singularity means hypothetical explosion-like growth of rate of scientific and technical progress, allegedly following out of creation of artificial intelligence and self-replicating machines, integration of the person with computers, or the significant increase in opportunities of a human brain due to biotechnologies, is being represented more than fantastic because of extreme proximity of the point of a singularity. Moreover, it is not observed while anything from predicted by futurologists. On the contrary, a gap between the ordinary population and its highest layers goes deep more and more. Highest layers of society are being decayed, more and more depriving overwhelming part of the population even necessary. These layers are being transformed from people into beings for the consumption, indifferent to everything, except itself, completely losing opportunity for development.
  Anyway, but the internal logic of process of disintegration of a civilization, in our opinion, can be interpreted and added as follows.
  A number of scientific researches allow us to approach to the disintegration of civilization as the demolition of the complex non-linear system, what is happening with the occurrence of certain conditions.
  In particular, Jay Forrester in the theory of the complex systems describes functioning of the complex systems as follows.
  In his opinion, "the complex system" means multilink structure of a big order with a non-linear feed-back. All social systems fall into this class. Like all systems, the complex system is the interdependent structure of feed-back circuits. "Feed-back circuit" is the technical term designating a situation in system for any moment of decision-making. The decision defines the sequence of actions which change a condition of surrounding system and cause a new flow of information on which the new decision is based. Such shaped chain structure is peculiar to all types of decisions, public or individual, conscious or unconscious. Processes, which are inherent in the human body and nature, managed by the laws which are explored by the psychology and physics, medicine and engineering, are all within boundaries of this structure. But the complex system has a number of specific features.
  The complex system is a system of a big order. "The order" of system is defined by number of the equations of level (i.e. integrals or statuses) in the system description. Social system, even for very restricted purposes, can be presented as system from tenth up to the 100-th order.
  The complex system is multilink. It contains more than three or four feed-back circuits. Interaction between these line-ups of a feed-back, shift of a dominating role from one line-up to another - this is what largely determines the nature of a complex system. The complex system has chains both positive, and the negative feed-back. The chain of the negative feed-back is most often mentioned in literature according to the theory of systems but only this concept is used exclusively in technical literature. But there is a positive feed-back which predicts all the processes of growth, whether biological or economic. Chains of the negative feed-back are chains of searching the purpose regulating the system in the direction of the certain purpose. Chains of a positive feed-back are chains of deviations from the purpose, exponentially declining system from some point of a labile equilibrium. But nature of positive feedback which determines the positive spiral of the behavior of growth depends not only on structure, but it also depends from the numerous changing factors surrounding this chain. These factors often add up and these factors are operated by other line-ups in system. In process of change of these factors regenerative characteristics of a positive loop of growth can be suppressed that will lead process to the neutral point separating positive and negative nature of behavior of a feed-back. If a chain is removed by some push in area of the negative feed-back, it starts generating an exponential decay of process in the direction to an initial point from which it was rejected.
  The complex system is non-linear. The modern mathematics deals with almost only with the linear processes. But life and society is almost wholly characterized by non-linear processes. Non-linear interaction in system allows to dominate for some time to one circuit of feed-back, but it can cause shift of this dominant in another part of system where the behavior of system so differs that these two situations seem as not having relations to each other. Iterative restructuring upon nonlinear functional dependencies does the complex system by extremely sensitive to the majority of parameters of system. Such non-linear behavior at the same time does system by resistant to the efforts made with the purpose to change behavior of system.
  The complex systems have characteristics which are generally unknown. The behavior of the complex systems differs strongly from behavior of simple systems.
  The complex systems are: 1) counterintuitive; 2) surprisingly insensitive to changes of many parameters of system; 3) resistant to administrative innovations; 4) the complex systems contain influence points often in unexpected places which are a source of forces, able to change balance in system; 5) the complex systems counteract and compensate exerted externally of efforts by decrease in rate of the corresponding action generated inside system (the correcting program will be amortized strongly so as its considerable efforts are spent for compensation of loss of internal action); the remote (long-term) reaction of the complex systems in the relation to any administrative innovation often is the opposite to immediate (near-term) reaction in the relation to this innovation; 7) the complex systems have a tendency to deterioration of the condition.
  In such situation when casual symptoms are accepted as the reasons, the person directs the efforts to elimination of symptoms, but thus the true reasons remain unaffected. Such action is inefficient, or it leads to situation deterioration. It is possible to tell with big confidence that approach to the solution of problems of the complex social systems, based on our intuition, in most cases leads to mistakes.
  The complex systems resist to the majority of administrative actions. Even in that case when the considerable change is made in system, her behavior often remains without change. The reason consists in the nature of the complex systems contradicting intuition, and their tolerance to change of parameters. Administrative measures relate to as structure (i.e. the elements chosen as sources of information as well as their use), and system parameters (defining influence of information and defining the magnitude of its actions). The term "administrative innovations" is considered here as a rule, as the formulation of a line of conduct showing how available information leads to a choice of decisions, defines action. Insensitiveness of system to change of the majority of its parameters leads to that the system remains insensitive and to the majority of modifications which are being imposed to it by new actions and decisions because these decisions change only extent of influence of information or action. The nature of resistance of social systems is hidden in this. Change of administrative intervention leads only to minor change of the majority of levels of system and the new combination of information for a decision making is thus formed. New information in combination with new administrative measures yields the results close to the former.
  The complex systems are different high sensitivity to change of only small number of particular parameters and to some structural changes of system. Similar inconsistency in the relation to the situation considered above concerning tolerance of system to parameters really takes place. Any system contains some points and, her behavior is sensitive only to change of these points. Change of administrative influence in one of such points puts pressure upon all system, and her behavior changes in all directions. These parameters and structural changes, to which the system is sensitive, usually are not self-evident.
  The active correcting programs imposed on social system, are much less efficient, than it was expected, thanks to that these programs have a tendency to substitute the appropriate internal processes.
  Complex systems have a tendency to quality degradation. The nature of systems contradicting intuition is the reason destroying of drawn-up plans of changes. In addition, the contradiction between short-term and long-term reactions of the system causes carrying out such administrative activities that make the system less satisfactory. For example, particular measures can improve a situation for a year or on two, but at this the stage at which will manifest changes worsen the system parameters, simply shifts into the future. The point is that we first see the positive results of the measures taken, and when the situation deteriorates, we're doubling the initial efforts. Enhancing the impact leads again to short-term improvement, compounding and worsening the long-term effects further. And again, we see, how is inventive the complex system in its ability to mislead us.
  We have an information volume, much more that which we correctly and systematically use. The imperfection of existing theories about the structure of the system is the barrier. Routine forms of accumulation of data will not be able to shed light, to reveal new about details of structure of system.
  Lack of information is not the main obstacle to understanding the dynamics of a complex system. Obstacle is the lack of willingness and ability to organize existing information in a manner that will reflect the structure of the real system and, therefore, will have the basis to behave so as would behave real system. Values of parameters are secondary - first you need to reflect correctly the structure of the system [20, p. 118-125].
  Using Forrester's approach to the complex systems, we will note the following. At informational collapse which already is beginning to manifest itself, especially in the field of informational technologies, such complex system as our civilization, begins to lose control, generally owing to the avalanche receipt of information and lack of its adequate filtration. In this regard the current situation does not provide time correctly to define those few points to which the behavior of a civilization is sensitive, the more that these points even in normal conditions are not self-evident. As a result, the majority of line-ups of a feed-back is being removed in area of the negative feed-back which starts generating an exponential attenuation of process. But nonlinearity of system at attempts to reconstruct it in a worsening situation and to bring to lifting, blocks all efforts made for change of behavior of system. There is no time in a situation of informational collapse for the exact definition of the reasons of worsening behavior of system, and casual symptoms are accepted for them. If efforts go on elimination of symptoms, the true reasons remain unaffected. Such action either ineffective or leads to deterioration. Thus, the structure of the real system due to lack of ability to organize incoming avalanche of information in the form that adequately reflects the structure of the system remains out of undertaken influences.
  Such, in brief, explanation of the process beginning with the destruction of the current civilization as a complex system that fall into the situation information of the collapse. Any asteroid or global flood, etc. are not required in order to any technological civilization in these conditions rather quickly stopped the existence.
  It is curious that the same nonlinearities of system leading to disordering, in other conditions can generate an order from chaos of the elementary processes. It follows from the concept of a structural stability entered by Ilya Prigozhin. In this context we can talk about the reaction of the system to emergence of the new units, capable to involve in interaction the various processes in system [21, page 178].
  Civilizations belong to non-equilibrium and non-linear systems. It means that they can arise and disappear as a result of change of conditions. If process of disappearance of civilizations was clarified to some extent, for emergence of civilizations "the new units, capable to involve in interaction various processes in system" are required also. These units for civilizations are reasonable individuals, organized in the communities. But the question of the appearance of these reasonable individuals for evolutionary theory remains open. Until now, this issue was not resolved and it is unlikely to be solved within the framework of the theory of evolution of the biosphere on Earth.
  However the problem is solved if to take into consideration opportunity of use of symbiosis of the biological form adapted for terrestrial conditions with the appropriate program put in it, and particle of Supreme Mind - a soul which controls by biological form through this program. This symbiosis of a soul and the body corresponding to a soul gives the person possessing consciousness.
  If we return to inevitable crash of a civilization, there, along with the "technical" reasons of its disintegration, the psychological reasons act also, namely: inability still an undeveloped inner "I" of the person to overcoming logic of the established unfair cruel society. Low level, downtroddenness of consciousness under the influence of external conditions leads people to reconciliation with society, and when enhanced its pressure - to spontaneous aspiration to destroy society together with itself or to go to the world of illusions which provides them Internet. All this in return cannot but promote to the system disorder.
  The Great Russian philosopher N. A. Berdyaev well understood this: "The truth is replaced more and more by advantage and interest, by will to mighty. Dislike for truth is defined not only the nihilistic or skeptical attitude towards her, but also by substitution of it by any belief and the dogmatic doctrine for the sake of which some false is allowed, and it is considered not as the evil, and as the benefit, ... Power of technology has another consequence, very difficult for the person to whom the human soul is not enough adapted ...A terrible time acceleration occurs, speed, beyond which the human can't keep up. No single moment does not become self-valuable it is only means for subsequent moments. Incredible activity is required of the person from which he cannot recover. But these active minutes make a person by passive. He becomes as means of extra-human process, he is only a function of the production process. Activity of the human spirit is weakened. Any person is estimated as utilitarian, upon his efficiency. This is the alienation of human nature and human destruction ... In the conditions of our world, in our time and space, can not think of the final victory of Spirit over Caesar. There is a constant self-alienation of Spirit into the object world and the Spirit must continually be returned into own depth ... The visible world is not imposed to us and compelling us the reality, it is addressed to liberty of spirit. At this all created by a free spirit is the most real. "[4].
  Thus, the consciousness more and more lags behind technological development, thereby the person as the conscious and creating subject, stops in development, "getting stuck" on the consumption of electronic and informational novelties of the civilization devouring all his free time.
  Except the specified "technical" and psychological reasons of the near disintegration of the present civilization there is the reason related to the arrangement of social relations. Capitalism winning all of their competitors reigns now. That he now carries in himself and whether it can at least temporarily suspend the decay of civilization?
  We shall give here the assessment of the modern capitalism by a number of known philosophers, psychologists and economists.
  The real aim of the capitalist system is self-reproduction of capital through its continuous circular flow; the main thing in capitalism - the circulation of capital leading itself in motion. Capital should increase by means of obtaining percent from it (rate of return). Movement of the capital stands behind all progress and behind all accidents in real life. Capital begets violence against ordinary people, who are involved in the orbit of its interests. This violence is anonymous, systemic, abstract and objective. Capitalism has no rivals in its ability to produce wealth (socialism did not last even 100 years compared with capitalism, whose age is not less than 500 years). Wealth is considered the basis of life; high culture and great civilizations have been growing only in affluent communities. Poorest members of society ultimately receive from big common wealth too; efficient production generates progressive institutions and social progress. Existence of capitalism is justified by that fact. It possesses by one more property - absence of ideology. Existential advantage of capitalism consists in it. Absence of ideology and any apparent cognitive coordinates generates property of amazing adaptability of capitalism to any civilizations. Capitalism allows people to build the society which is pleasant to them. It can exist in the conditions of democracy of Europe and North America, within fundamentalist modes of Iran and the countries of North Africa, dictatorships of the states of Latin America, authoritative board in Turkey, the state capitalism of China and Russia. Capitalism is a globality and truth without value. Complication in modern society of dialectic of private and public leads to increase of individual and group selfishness, indifference to other people's problems, cruelty in settling of the interests. Thus we can say that modern global capitalism is characterized by high harshness of logic of capital. The substitution effect of a global protest by the local protests promotes capitalism preservation because the system (whole) remains, and are destroyed only its separate elements (parts). Therefore, the continuous local protests are becoming a form of existence of global capitalism. Total action of a substitution effect leads to inefficiency of practically all types of an anti-capitalist protest. Change of the owner becomes the main result of all protests only. Change of the owner without change of the system is a priori senseless. In this point capitalism shows the impregnability. [22, 2012. Pages 187, 149, 189, 205, 110, 152].
  The effect of senselessness of protests arises. According to E. Fromm, the phenomenon of alienation conducts to loss of sense of protests. This factor in turn generates paralysis of will and creative abilities of participants of a protest. As a result society is being filled with the indifferent people not capable to active the actions [23]. This tendency is aggravated with scientific and technical progress. J. Kretbri in the research asked a question: whether do progress and development of technologies of people is cleverer and more perfect? It appeared, everything is on the contrary. The matter is that progress changed the human at neurological level. Evolution has led to the fact that we react more quickly to external stimuli, we lighter withstand stress and dealing with other people, but thus human has lost the ability to stay focused on the job long. In addition, in an environment where information is available everywhere and always, people unlearnt to remember it well. If earlier any serious mistake of the human brought to him the death, today the manager with the Wall Street, who made the error, receives for it the generous bonus or the quite good severance pay often. Thus, more comfortable life led to loss by the person of concentration and responsibility. Loss of these qualities conducts to the fact that people cannot long concentrate on protest actions and they are growing cold to them quickly [24].
  According to C.G. Jung, loss of sense and paralysis of will generate compensatory effects in mentality of the person, bound to spontaneous penetration into his consciousness out of depths of a subconscious mind of negative and destructive collective archetypes; the majority of them are caused by primitive instincts, violence and cruelty [25, pages 42-43].
  Political rationality and dispassion of the capitalist system generates its antipode - senseless violence. In fact, a person stands in front of a binary choice - either to accept the existing rules of the game, or to exercise (self-) destructive violence, and violence without agenda, program and ideology. In this case, violence is transformed into the single form of a protest in the rational world, the protest for the sake of protest. Violence is the psychological discharge, having a value in itself. The purpose of this revolt becomes purely existential - a subjective statement about objective conditions of life. We can say that spontaneous violence is a sign of systemic powerlessness of the person [22, pages 110, 117, 121].
  The same, but with another emphasis said F. Fukuyama: capitalism is the most perfect form of economic being; all attempts to rebel against it will lead only to situation deterioration. Fukuyama called this situation as "the end of history" [26].
  This brief review of main features of the existing capitalism to date leads to the conclusion about the global transfer them of false values in the values that define life. Thus a kind of cancer tumor is being formed which erodes the human and his civilization rapidly.
  The spirit living in each human, and the malicious illusion producing every day by capitalism, cannot coexist for a long time. Independent activity of human being gradually stops, and disappears together with it the base for the development of the spirit. The automatic aspiration of capitalism to conversion of each person in the condition of the animal, chewing cud given to him, means the deadlock and the civilization disintegration.
  Thus, cumulative action of three deep factors designated above lead to process of withdrawal of the person - the main engine of a civilization - out of the civilization mechanism, and it stops.
  The fact of the inevitable destruction of Earth's civilization, with its complete disappearance or flowing into savagery, if we consider it as part of the materialist conception, leads to the only possible conclusion: all the cultural and technological advances should completely disappear. Thus, the existence of human civilization and the entire human race loses its meaning. For what to live to mankind if all acquired by it for thousands years vanish eventually?
  World religions relate to a doomsday a little differently. They recognize this process as the necessary and the natural, but they dissaccord on nature of this process.
  "Mahabharata" describes the end of the world (pralaya) as a war to rid Earth of its inhabitants, whose number is constantly growing, with further subsequent emergence of a new world. Separate life of the certain person - as a spark on a wind of change. Everyone strives for a brief moment of its existence, not only to survive but also to develop, to comprehend what is happening to him and the world around him. This is an unsolvable problem for reason in the ultimate life, but for infinite soul which can infinitely absorb information and experience different worlds, such problem is not present. Transition of the soul into another world is painful if she lives in a human whose animal instincts are crushing her by fear of death.
  Soul, awakened in the person, is not afraid of death so as for her the death is not present. The human, having the awakened soul, starts appreciating only one - the experience, knowledge which it acquires in life, and then his life is filled with joyful serenity. For, whatever happens in life - everything is transitory, because ahead of - death. Like this, the common doomsday in "Upanishads" is more likely physical phenomenon, instead of an apocalypse. Although natural disasters have shown that the whole world may perish, and the social world, the world of the struggle for existence was being broken up into the eyes of the ancient inhabitants of India, and all this have indicated his extremity, temporariness, and hence the apparent lack of meaning in this existence, Hinduism has considered that the experience gained remains timeless, knowledge about life remain, and they are passed on and on together with the movement of eternal soul.
  Buddhism, like Hinduism, does not recognize of end of the world as the single and the final. The assumption of an extremity of existence contradicts to the main postulates of the doctrine of Buddha that speak of eternity and infinity of the being. Larger Kalpa comes to the end, however after some term the Universe starts "unfold" again - the cycle repeats. Therefore, according to Buddha, Sansara (a wheel of regenerations) never began and will never end.
  Kabbalah builds understanding of the end of the world from the idea and purpose of creation. Kabbalah understands the end of the world, as transition of the nature on the step of development - the final condition of the whole universe when the lowest point of creation reaches the same condition what the highest form. Judaism recognizes for coming of the Messiah just such a situation, during which will be implemented the ancient prophecies of the Hebrew prophets - in particular, universal, eternal peace is being established throughout the world, will disappear evil, crime.
  With regard to the Christian religion, the events associated with the end of the world (Armageddon), are described in "Revelation" of John, where the Second Coming of Christ to judge the world will be visible to all people on Earth, "... and every eye will see Him." Jesus Christ and the apostles indicated some signs of the end of the world: the emergence of many false Christs (Matthew. 24:5, 1 John. 2:18), distribution of preaching the gospel all over the world, to all nations (Matthew. 24:14), impoverishment of faith and love in human (Matthew. 24:12, Luke. 18:8), fear of the scourge that must overtake the earth (Luke. 21:26) and the phenomenon of the wicked, i.e. Antichrist. Before the second coming there will be a revival of the dead in Christ as well as a change the faithful who remained alive. It is considered in some Christian denominations (Baptists, Pentecostals) that there will be an admiration of Church at this time and its meeting with Christ in clouds. The Last Judgement will come. Eternity will come after the trial - blessed in communion with Christ for some and painful - for others.
  According to Islamic teachings, in the end times before the end of the world will be Al-Masih ad-Dajjal (false messiah, Antichrist). Emergence of false messiah will mark those tests which will drop out to people. . Sovereignty ad-Dajjal will last some years, then he will collect huge army under own guidance and will begin war against those who rejected him. Iza will be revealed from heaven at this moment, and will crush Dajjal. Then Iza will unite the world under uniform sovereignty and on the basis of uniform religion of Islam.
  Thus, Judaism, Christianity, Islam the fact of destruction of civilization, or the end of the world leads to deadlock. These religious confessions are talking about the second coming and the transition of the world together with it in a condition of eternal tranquillity. It besides makes as senseless the fact of existence of the world, all its experience and the main thing, the fact of existence of immortal soul which at such approach for one human life has to pass all tests. After death of a body for soul everything comes to an end and she receives further that she deserved. In the same way according to the concept of the specified faiths and for single-passly existing world everything comes to an end.
  The most ancient east religions do not recognize a final doomsday, as well as single-pass test of soul, and they consider this process as the cyclic.
  Common for all religious trends is recognition of the end of this human civilization in the light of a general detach of souls from bodies. Thereby, all of them implicitly confirm the extremity of civilization concerning its final qualitative unsuitability, excepting representations of Judaism.
  The religion gets ahead of the science in this thesis, being wiser than it, since the science, recognizing the inevitable an end of the world can nothing offer in return except the eternal nothingness. These underlying causes of relatively brief existence of our technological civilization naturally can disseminate on civilizations of other planets as well as civilizations that previously existed on Earth, not excluding, of course, and any external catastrophic changes.
  In connection with what has been stated above, the particular importance acquire proofs of existence in the past, during hundred millions years on Earth of the civilizations similar to the present civilization. If they were and disappeared, it indicates not only their extremity but also sets the direction of finding meaning that is embedded in their existence, and hence - meaning of the present civilization.
  Chapter 6
  Hundred millions years of emergence and disappearance of world civilizations. Their mission. Facts and illustrations.
  Over the last two centuries many items and written evidence has been accumulated in various museums, foundations and private collections. It is impossible to identify them from the point of view of belonging to this or that period of our civilization. The age of separate artifacts which rather precisely can be determined by a place of their bedding in the earth's layer of crust, reaches hundred millions years. Besides, some megalithic structures have preserved. They appeared, on a number of measuring estimates, 12 thousand and more years ago. The account of these years goes on millions and tens of millions years. No one knows who built high-tech tunnels that also have preserved.
  At the same time the beginning of our civilization relates to the period of the Sumerian state, which dates back to the fourth millennium BC.
  Thus, life time of our civilization makes about 6 millennia.
  Existing scientific approach believes that our civilization is sole and that it has arisen as a result of the emergence about 200 thousand years ago on Earth of the first person due to the evolution of primates. According to the biological theory of evolution the primates themselves have emerged as a result of the evolution of live cell. This orderly theory, however, is based, as researchers admit, on a riddle of emergence of a genome on Earth which, owing to the most complex structure, could not self-assembled for any imaginable time. Lack of evidence about the cause of sudden onset of consciousness in one of the branches of primates is the second riddle for evolutionists. Researchers cannot still find a transition link from ape to human and explain why, for example, chimpanzees remained by monkeys and did not pass into the person for millions flowed past years.
  It turns out that the evolutionary theory is only a convenient hypothesis which tries to explain emergence of live organisms at first, and then beings possessing consciousness on a planet in the simplified way.
  It is necessary to recognize nevertheless that within the traditional research approach based on repeatability of results of experiments, it is hardly possible to explain these riddles.
  But science is not able to give up "itself" and so far as this approach dominates as far as it can transform without the slightest grounds the hypotheses into theories, ignore the facts which contradict to this approach. It is one of the main reasons according to which the great philosopher Schopenhauer is sceptically concerned to science, considering it is close to the attempts to systematize things, and in the first place by value in the life of the mankind he put the inventiveness.
  We will note in turn that a current technological level, comfort level, more shortly, everything in what we live and what we use - from a wheel and the house up to the vacuum cleaner and the rocket - thought up inventors who were not suffering by a lack of imagination and often had a vague idea about the laws of physics and chemistry.
  And only then, scientists have looked for explanation by all invented, for example, why the wheel can roll, why fire burns.
  But we will not belittle very strongly science: it too made the considerable contribution to development of civilization. However the most paradoxical is that it involuntarily has led this progress to the final point, having created informational collapse in functioning of the complex system of a civilization and, thereby, science actually killed civilization. Our civilization, as it was shown above, will disintegrate soon and just practically completely will disappear, like civilizations, which were on Earth up to it.
  The fact that these civilizations have existed, whatever spoke, is obvious. And the level of technological development of these civilizations, according to finds given below, was often above by our civilization.
  The Bible, Plato, myths and legends of many peoples of the world have kept the memory of the "antediluvian civilization" to be existed comparatively recently. It was lost approximately at a boundary of the tenth millennium BC. And it not millions years and therefore from it, in addition legends, remained not in time yet to disappear some hi-tech constructions the most known of which are pyramids and tunnels. Pyramids have preserved on land and under water. Numerous underground tunnels have also preserved. Erection of similar constructions presents even today considerable or even insuperable difficulties, but scientists, against all evidence, still describe in textbooks as thousands of slaves "dragged" stone blocks in hundreds tons and "hewed" them with the nano-precision in the third millennium B.C. in Egypt.
  Below we will give the most apparent evidences about the finds, which cannot be attributed to our civilization, and in which it is difficult to recognize as fakes, but we will refuse from precise dating. This refusal is caused, in particular, by that the existence of the Carboniferous Period (290 - 360 million years ago) is disproved by the abiogenous hypothesis of formation of the coal, described in the monograph "Unknown Hydrogenium" (S. Digonsky and V. Teng), that means loss of this period out of geochronology. Hypothesis about Earth expansion, made in 1889 by Roberto Matovani (1889. R. Matovani "Les fractures de l'écorce terrestre et la théorie de Laplace", Bull. Soc. Sc. Et Arts Réunion: 41-53) casts doubt on the existence of the Earth for 4.5 billion years and the emergence of flora and fauna similar to the modern as well as creating other conditions approaching to modern, in particular, gravity, climate, etc., about billion years ago. According to the hypothesis of expansion of the Earth it could occur only about 250 million years ago. Both hypotheses are disputable, however they casts doubt, respectively, and the settled theory of biogenic origin of coal and the theory of plate tectonics.
  Absolute accuracy of dating is not important for us within this work even more so that the error of applied techniques of dating is enough large. The very fact of the appearance and disappearance of earlier civilizations on Earth at different times and impossibility of an explanation of their emergence in line with the biological theory of evolution is important for us.
  In particular, the fact of the existence of "antediluvian" civilization which vanished about the tenth millennium BC, which cannot be refuted, only demonstrates coexistence, apparently, tens of thousands of years of this from nowhere highly technologically advanced civilization together with Cro-Magnons and Neanderthals but this fact does not indicate that the ancestors of the people "antediluvian" civilization were terrestrial primates.
  Nevertheless, we will provide still some evidence on existence on Earth of earlier civilizations, including millions years ago, referring dating of various type of deposits bearing in mind the artifacts found in them. In addition, we will present materials on a number of artificial constructions found on Earth whose age in tens, hundreds, thousands times exceeds one thousand years.
  As one of the consequences of the presented materials we may note demonstration by these materials of people which are similar of modern people. Technologies of early civilizations were enough close to the modern, bearing in mind items found. And all these events took place a lot of millions of years ago! At that scientists are evaded from explanations of the found artifacts, many facts and finds were hidden or ignored.
  All this are explained within the concept presented by us: the single source and the same scheme of producing of life as well as the high-organized organisms and consciousness gave the same appearance, the same genetic identity, thanks to which, for example, the descendants of the "antediluvian" civilization and Cro-Magnons could be mixed at contacts.
  As a result, the Cro-Magnons were intermingled gradually to the remained part of cultural traditions and technologies of the "antediluvian" civilization, their development was accelerated and through rather short time religious cults arose, the cities, the states appeared which even fought with each other using nuclear weapons and aircraft to be kept.
  Distinct traces of these wars have preserved in India (Mohenjo-Daro city have been destroyed, as believe researchers of buildings and ground in the city, by an attack with use of the nuclear weapon approximately in the 3700th year BC). Photo preserved remnants of the city is given below. This war is described in the epos "Mahabharata".
  Ruins of Mohenjo-Daro. Photo from "National Geographic".
  Source: dopotopa.com
  Images of some types of aircraft - vimaanas were preserved. The German engineers at the end of the 2nd world war have reproduced some of these devices partly. Emergence of these devices was fixed on the Russian-German front.
  Source: dopotopa.com
  Source: sekreti-mira.ru
  Before collection of artifacts out of different time periods of existence of the Earth we will give the table as a matter of convenience of comparisons. The table contains the name of these periods, their duration in the usual timeline.
  1. Selection of the materials testifying to existence of technological civilizations more than twelve millennia ago (an early and late pleistocene: from 12 thousand years till 1.6 million years ago).
  Collection of the materials testifying to existence of technological civilizations more than twelve millennia ago (an early and late pleistocene: from 12 thousand years till 1.6 million years ago).
  So, we will consider at first the available information and the variety of artifacts which cannot be attributed to our civilization at all, but apparently they relate largely to the "antediluvian" civilization which is the closest to us. The period of time during which it existed is difficult to determine, but it is not our problem, since we are trying to illustrate the fact of the existence of more ancient advanced civilizations on Earth which does not correspond in any way to the biological theory of evolution. We shall also try to figure a mission of these civilizations.
  Traces of nuclear war: 25 thousand years ago.
  Traces of another antediluvian war involving nuclear weapons were discovered recently: careful studying by group of the French experts of several tens larger funnels on planet surface which have been considered as traces from blows of meteorites, showed that they could be formed and as a result of nuclear detonations. The age of the majority of funnels is estimated about 25 thousand years. The deepest crater is located in South Africa. According to researchers, it was formed as a result of the nuclear strike with power more than 500 thousand tons in trotyl equivalent (TNT) - power of the bomb dumped to Hiroshima, is estimated at 20 thousand tons.
  Source: nespat.com> comment_1350877402.html
  The fact of formation so-called "caked green glass" (Trinitite) is known too. It is produced as a result of nuclear explosions caused by high temperatures, high pressure as well as - due to radiations. Trinitite has been found in many craters on Earth and the time of its formation varies widely - from tens, hundred thousand and more years ago.
  Source: dopotopa.com
  In 1996, the Russian artificial satellite discovered in Antarctica in appearance almost unimpaired spaceship of the huge sizes previously hidden under a layer of ice. Analysis of the surrounding ice revealed that the accident occurred 24.000 years ago. Almost simultaneously with the discovery of the spaceship began erupting volcano on one of the nearby islands of the same Scottish archipelago. Real risk of losing the ship has coerced Russia to seek help from the United States. The request, however, was cancelled later, and the expedition quickly left a dangerous zone. Frustrated by failure and not wanting to object went to the others, Russians in the end simply destroyed it.
  Source: www.priroda.inc.ru
  Bosnia pyramids. Construction time is not less than 12 thousand years ago.
  Just not long ago, the ancient pyramids were discovered and investigated in Bosnia. Description of the events is is given below.
  This opening is historical and it changes our understanding of the early history of Europe for several reasons:
  1. This is the first pyramid discovered in Europe.
  2. The complex includes the largest pyramid structure in the world - the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun. Its height is more than 220 meters. This is much higher than the Great Pyramid of Egypt, whose height is 147 meters.
  3. The Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun has, according to the Bosnian Geodesy Institute, fantastically precise orientation with respect to geographical North: the accuracy - 0 degrees, 0 minutes and 12 seconds.
  4. The Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun is completely covered by rectangular concrete blocks. Properties of concrete, including incredible durability (to 133 MPa) and low water absorption (about 1%), according to scientific institutions in Bosnia, Italy and France, much more surpass all known modern concrete materials.
  5. Pyramids are covered with a layer of earth which according to the State institute of soil science, has age about 12 thousand years. Calculations of scientists showed: taking into account features of local climate, the age of a soil layer with which all pyramids are covered, makes 8-12 thousand years. Researchers have drew conclusions, making a start from that that 1 cm of the soil in this district was formed on the average for each 200 years and reached from 40 cm to 1.5 m today. But very few people thought that upon this layer of soil can speak only about the number of millennia during which pyramids stay deserted whereas they could be erected much earlier. The radio-carbon analysis of the paved terrace on the Bosnian Pyramid of the Moon, made by Technology Institute from Poland confirmed that the terrace was constructed about 10350 years ago (plus-minus 50 years). This opening also confirms that the Bosnian pyramids are the most ancient known pyramids of our planet.
  According to radio-carbon dating the age of the Bosnian pyramids makes 24 800 years +/-200 years.
  Archaeologists planned to clear away completely one of the parties of Pyramid of the Sun and two of her ribs by the end of 2008. But the task was difficult: work move ahead quite sluggishly because of practical and financial difficulties.
  The entrances to the tunnels were discovered during excavations at a few kilometers from the place of their holding. Experts have convinced that tunnels have been carried out under the basis of pyramids, probably, to internal rooms (halls) of this ancient construction. The height of the tunnels achieves human body height. The closer to the pyramids their walls are becoming more smooth and well-preserved stone laying looks through under feet. The big smooth stone with the inscriptions, reminiscent of the runic symbols and modern letters E and Y was found in one of tunnels.
  6. There is an extensive network of underground tunnels and chambers, which stretches more than ten miles under the Bosnian Valley of Pyramids.
  7. Ceramic sculptures weighing more than 8 thousand kilograms that does them by the largest ancient sculptures from ever found in the world were found in this underground labyrinth.
  The Bosnian Institute of Geodesy made the sensational statement that all four sides of the pyramid are oriented on parts of the world, thus the northern side is directed to the Pole star. Pyramids in Egypt and Mexico are arranged by the same principle.
  Semir Osmanagic
  Source: http://www.pravda.ru/science/mysterious/anomalareas/04-03-2010/1020600-bosnian_valley-0 alexandr-palkin.livejournal.com»619115.html
  Japan megalithic artificial structures. Erection time is about 12 thousand years ago.
  Megalithic monuments in Yonaguni (Japan) also, apparently, belong to the previous civilization. Being on eighty meters below than the ocean level, they are conclusive evidence that more than 12.000 years ago an advanced culture existed here - before the huge mass of ice thawed and level of the Pacific Ocean on eighty meters was being lifted. In particular, Teruaki Isha, professor of geology of Tokyo University, has defined that immersion of terraces under water happened at the end of the last ice age - about 10 thousand years ago. In that case the age of pyramids of Yonaguni is twice more, than the age of the Egyptian pyramids.
  Geologists have determined the age of the Yonaguni Monument from 10 to 16 thousand years (http://ru.wikipedia.org).
  The quantity of the found artifacts was approximately identical on land and under water. Near pyramids the head of the person which was cut from a stone was found. Many unknown hieroglyphs were carved on the head. It is difficult to imagine that it is a natural formation.
  Source: dopotopa.com
  Source: dopotopa.com
  Underwater megalithic structures near the island of Ponape (Caroline Islands).
  Australian divers led by David Childers (ethnographer) and Japanese archaeologists confirmed the existence near the island of ruins of megalithic constructions. Australian researchers, plunging to a depth of 20-35 m, have found 12 huge columns which have acquired by corals, and on lying at the bottom of basalt rocks they saw pretty clear pictures of geometric figures. Japanese divers managed to make even more: they reached the basis of Nan-Madola in the form of huge walls from the basalt blocks connected without any solution. They calculated upon the speed of immersion of the ocean bottom that the age of the underwater city makes 10-12 thousand years. Scientists from universities of states of Ohio and Oregon and the Pacific Institute in Honolulu (Pacific Studies Institutes) (USA) confirmed the calculations.
  Source: dopotopa.com
  Stone pyramid in the USA built not less than 12 thousand years ago.
  Rock-Lake (USA) lies 20 miles to the East from the city of Madison in the American state of Wisconsin. Length of the lake makes eight kilometers, and width - about four kilometers. Nathaniel Heyer accidentally found in the Rock-Lake the small stone pyramid with a flat top in 1836. The building has the shape of a truncated pyramid. Upstairs there is a small square area, side makes 1.4 meters. Side of the square base is equal to 5.3 meters, and the height of the pyramid - 8.83 m. Design, obviously, is composed of smooth stones connected by construction composition. The stones are covered with a thick greenish coating which is easily scratched out, and then smooth gray surface of stones appears.
  Dr. James Sherts, the engineer at the University of the State of Wisconsin in Madison, responded about the pyramid of Rock-Lake as about "a fantastic find". He suggested that the priests and stargazers "observed the Sun, the Moon, planets and stars in their eternal movement from the top of the pyramid" and that "underwater pyramid is oriented exactly to the North". The magazine "Skin Diver" in January issue of 1970 wrote about the riddle of Rock-Lake: "These pyramids are absolutely improbable, impossible - they are too old and they are in a place where nobody was able to build them. From the point of view of logic they can't exist, but the history is seldom governed by correct logic".
  It is easy to understand why pyramids Rock-Lake have been called "unbelievable": someone had built all 13 pyramids, in addition, not under water, not at the bottom of the lake, and on the land. So the pyramids were erected when the lake on this place did not exist, i.e. - at least - 12.000 years ago, at the end of the ice period.
  Other methods of dating yielded even more stunning results - about 16 thousand years ago! At this time glaciers were receding gradually, they were melting and left numerous lakes and rivers, and part of the American continent was still covered with ice. The Great Lakes on the border between the USA and Canada arose during this period. Since the hollow, containing the quiet Rock-Lake, was always filled with water. If this area in the ice age was covered with a thick layer of ice, it is unclear how the pyramids were able to withstand the pressure of the ice masses?
  Source: ufo-com.net
  China pyramids. Construction time is about 12 thousand years ago.
  16 pyramids are located in China, Shanxi Province, including three giant, repeating arrangement of the Egyptian pyramids. But the three pyramids of China are twice more than Great Egyptian pyramids, and they are the copy of the Martian pyramids located on Mars on the plateau the Bastion. U.S. Air Force pilot James Gaussman saw a huge pyramid in spring 1945, flying over the mountains Kin Lin Xiang Tsiyan to the town Tsiyan in the Central China. Thinking that no one would believe him, the pilot photographed, by our standards, impossible constructions. The mysterious pyramid: height - 300 meters and width at the basis - 500 meters - have been imprinted in the picture! It means that it is twice more than the biggest of the well-known giants of old structural art - Big pyramid of Cheops, which has been risen to a palate only on 148 meters! But this unique photo of James Gaussman instantly disappeared in the halls of the U.S. military archives. Why? Perhaps, it occurs because of "care" about peace in the mindset on this planet.
  In March, 1994 Austrian Hartwig Hausdorf made a trip on the regions closed for foreigners adjacent to the town of Xian - the capital of the Province of Shaanxi, located in the central part of China. During this trip he found 6 famous pyramids. Later in October, 1994 he once again arrived to China, having taken a chamber. Hausdorff managed to shoot the 18-minute movie. Having come back home, he at first decided to have a look video records but what was his surprise when, having made increase he found other pyramids on a background of the finished shooting shots! In total there were more than hundred pyramids on the area 2000 square km! At the beginning of ХIХ century, the German merchant Meyer Schroeder was being led caravans from the Great Chinese Wall far inland. One day he was driving along the Mongolian-Chinese border with the monk conductor, and the conductor warned that they will see soon the pyramids. The conductor said that there are seven pyramids, and they are all located near the ancient capital of China Hu Xian. When Schroeder asked the monk about the age of the pyramids, the monk said - these pyramids are mentioned as ancient in our most aged books written five thousand years ago.
  Source: sekreti-mira.ru/piramidy-kitaya /
  Numerous underground tunnels. Build time: at least, from 12 thousand years till 1.6 million years ago.
  The oldest tunnels whose age is estimated at nearly a million years were found in 1965 by the Argentina ethnologist Juan Moritz. In Ecuador, Morona- Santiago's province, his expedition surveyed and mapped the tunnel system, mostly rectangular, which was laid at the depth 230 meters. Their smooth walls seem polished. There are found vent pipes by diameter about 70 centimeters. These mysterious underground structures extend for hundreds of kilometers in all directions, including towards the Pacific Ocean. The majority of them still remain unexplored.
  It is noticed that if the tunnel is older and deeper, it is more perfect on a design and is more precisely oriented. Tunnels, whose age reaches 12.000 years found in Western Europe, are the "youngest" and the most rough constructively of all found ancient underground constructions. But even they could not be constructed by primitive people who inhabited, by modern historical views, our planet at the time. What then we may say about more perfect tunnels whose age is estimated in the tens of thousands and millions of years! .It is necessary to assume that any advanced civilization really existed in an extreme antiquity on Earth. It disappeared from a planet surface upon the unclear reasons, having left only our uncivilized ancestors on Earth.
  Source: nespat.com»comment_1350877402.html
  Source: dopotopa.com
  Israel megalithic complexes. Construction time: at least, from 12 thousand years till 1.6 million years ago.
  Mares's underground megalithic complex (National Park Beth Gavrin - Mares). Israel.
  It is shown (the average photo) that the holes were cut (not cut down) in limestone as though by a fret saw.
  Calcite streaks on traces from chisels formed under the influence of hot liquid, show that the period of their formation should be attributed to periods of strong tectonic shifts. Similar tectonic movements have occurred on the Earth from 12.000 years ago till 1.6 million years ago, as well as 5.3 million years ago, 16 million years ago. Thus, Mares's underground megalithic complex could exist since that time.
  Thin coating of secondary minerals in Mares's underground rooms (Bet Gavrin's national park).
  Source: dopotopa.com
  The metal structure of a complex alloy discovered in Romania. Age of the find is at least, one million years ago.
  The group of workers dug out in a sandy pit on the river bank Muresh in the spring of 1974 a certain object - length 20.2 cm - in Romania, in 2 km to the East from the settlement Ayud and in 50 km to the South from the city of Kluzh-Napoka. They thought at first that it is a stone axe. Therefore this find was sent in archaeological institute. The object was cleared of a sandy crust covering it, and the metal subject of rectangular outlines appeared before eyes of researchers. The object had two holes of different diameters converging under right angle. Oval deformation of low portion of the larger hole was noticeable: it is apparent that a staff or a core could be put in the hole. The top and side surfaces were covered with traces of heavy blows. Having considered all details together, scientists expressed opinion that the object was part of specialized machine. Repeated metallurgical tests only deepened the mystery surrounding the object found.
  Dr. Niederkorn made analysis at Institute of researches and protection of non ferrous ores (city Magural). Analyses showed that the subject consisted or was made of the complex metal alloy. The alloy contained 13 elements and aluminum was the main thing (89%). Further in decreasing order of percentage, there was copper (6.2%), silicon (2.84%), zinc (1.81%), lead (0.41%), tin (0.33%), zirconium (0.2%), cadmium (0.11%), nickel (0.0024%), cobalt (0,0023%), bismuth (0.0003%), silver (0.0002%) and gallium (traces). Though aluminum is one of the most widespread elements of crust, it can be presented in the nature only in the form of compounds; it is produced in the production purposes by electrolysis of ores in flux at temperatures between 950 and 970 degrees Celsius. Aluminum has been used as material for industrial products only since XIX century. However this object has very ancient age.
  The ancient age of the object is confirmed by the following: bedding at the depth 10 meters near mastodon remains (this species of animals died out about one million years ago), rather thick oxide film (over one millimeter) on the surface of the subject. Functional purpose of the object remains unclear.
  The German edition of the magazine AAS "Ancient Skies" (www.factor-online.com)
  Stone tools. The age of tools make about 250 thousand years.
  In the 1960th years Juan Armenia Camacho and Cynthia Irwin-Williams dug out in Ueyatlako, near Valsequillo, in 75 miles from Mexico City, skillfully executed stone tools competing upon the execution to the best examples of Cro-Magnon culture in Europe. More rough tools were found in El-Horno (El Homo), Both in Ueyatlako, and in El-Horno the stratigraphic position of finds did not raise doubts. However these artifacts have one property which cannot but cause discussion. The matter is that group of geologists who carried out scientific researches in interests of Geological inspection of the USA, defined that the age of finds makes 250 thousand years. In this group of the scientists working on a grant of National fund of science, entered: Harold Meld (Harold Malde) and Virginia Stin-Makintayr (Virginia Steen-Mclntyre) representing Geological inspection of the USA, as well as the late Roald Frayksell (Roald Fryxell) from the Washington State University.
  According to the statement of these geologists, applied independently of each other four methods of determining the age, gave an unusually large age to samples, which were found in Valsequillo. These are the following methods: 1) uranium method of definition of age; 2) age definition on the basis of the analysis of traces of a nuclear decay; 3) tefra-hydration method; 4) studying of the geological erosion.
  M. Kremo, R. Thompson. The Hidden History of the Human Race.
  Artifacts of Mexico. Exhibits of the museums.
  In due time the geologist Virginia McIntyre from Federal geologo-service U.S. was sent to Mexico on a venue of archaeological excavations to define age of some subjects found there. When carrying out the analysis Dr. McIntyre have used the most modern equipment and, nevertheless, she determined the age of artifacts by four different ways four times to be convinced of a regularity of the received results. She had every reason to doubt their accuracy. Archaeologists were confident that the age of found household items make approximately 22 thousand years, and they just wanted to get scientific and accurate confirmation of own assessments made "by eye." Instrumental methods showed that the age of the artifacts is... 250,000 years!
  Ika's stones.
  The most mysterious stones on a planet were found in the late of 80-ies of the XX-th century in South America, in the Republic of Peru. Mysterious drawings on stones puzzled archaeologists. The scenes presented on these stones reveal the life of an unknown civilization. People fly on mechanical birds, hunt on dinosaurs, use ancient reptiles as pets, watch stars in a telescope and do the transplantation of internal organs, including the heart and brain.
  The stones got its name in honor of the small town Ika, situated just close to the Nazca desert. Researchers have revealed regularity in system of drawings on stones. All images are grouped in a series from 6 to 200 stones forming some kind of stone library.
  Source: sekreti-mira.ru
  2. Collection of the materials testifying to existence of human civilizations from an early Pleistocene to an early Pliocene (1.3 - 4 million years ago).
  Human footprints and human remains with age from early pleistocene (1.3 million years ago) until the early pliocene (4 million years ago).
  Footprints of people or creatures related to human are preserved in some places of Earth. They were found in the rocks of the most different age. Chain of footprints was discovered in Mexico in 2005 by the British-Mexican expedition led by Dr. Silvia Gonzales from John Moores University in Liverpool. The expert in geochronology Paul Renne from Stanford University carried out dating of rock in which the footprints were installed. He determined that her age is about 1.3 million years. Thus, Homo sapiens (the scientists who have found traces, did not doubt that the traces were left by the representative of this species) existed on the American continent in the early Pleistocene. But he could not be there in accordance with the classical scheme of origin and evolution of the human.
  Source: www.dotopa.com
  The humeral bone was found in 1965 in Kanapoi at the southernmost end of the Turkana Lake in Kenya. The bone was "amazingly similar" to the modern human exemplars. Its age originally was defined around 2.5 million years. Later this figure has been revised and age of the find began to be estimated about 4 million years or more. Fossil bones of legs, whose age is 2.6 million years, were found in Koobi Fora, in the eastern part of Turkana Lake in 1973. Richard Leakey said that they are "almost indistinguishable" from the bones of modern humans. Astragalus has been found also in the Koobi Fora in 1974. Its age is 1.5-2.6 million years. The anatomist doctor Bernard Wood studied this fossil bone carefully and proved that the bone is almost identical with the same bone of modern human. French researchers led by J. Shavayon have found in 1977 a humeral bone in Gombore in Ethiopia which as they specified, was the copy of the same bone of the modern person. The age of this find makes over 1.5 million years.
  Source: M. Baigent, Ancient Traces: Mysteries in Ancient and Early History.
  Eksmo. Moscow, 2004. ISBN 5-699-04989-4. Page 70.
  Letolil footprints.
  In 1978, the expedition team led by Mary Leakey, based at Letolil, in northern Tanzania, approximately in thirty miles to the South from the Olduvai Gorge, has discovered fossilized footprints of three human beings. These early people walked through recently dropped out volcanic ash, probably, escaping from a volcanic eruption. It was found about fifty traces stretched on seventy seven foots. Their age makes from 3.6 till 3.8 million years.
  These prints are older than the alleged human ancestor of the Australopithecus "Lucy", and hence out of all hitherto discovered it is the earliest evidence of human erectus. Although they are older than "Lucy" than 200.000 years, they were left by the feet, with an anatomical point of view, exactly the same as the feet of modern humans. Nothing suggests that they were left by beings like "Lucy".
  Letolil prints left more than 3.6 million years ago with the feet having anatomical similarities with the feet of modern humans.
  Australopithecus foot - "Lucy's" relative - has long fingers with protruding thumb like monkeys. The most well-preserved copy of such fossil foot can not be combined with these prints. The thumb is not rejected aside at Letolil prints, as well as at the feet of modern humans. The distance between it and the second finger is same as it would be and today. Professor Russell Tuttle from the Chicago university writes in plain terms that "it is difficult to imagine that it was possible to combine precisely a foot (like Lucy's foot) ... with prints of Letolile feet".
  A lot of experts, who studied these prints, are agreed in opinion that the feet, left these prints, again upon the words of Professor Tuttle, "are indistinguishable from prints of feet of people walking, as usual barefoot widely".
  Professor Tuttle continued his criticisms. In February 1997, the magazine "National Geographic" has quoted his statement that "the traces had been left by mysterious hominid whose fossil remains yet to be discovered." These facts have not yet been adequately addressed: popular articles and books about "Lucy" and her relatives ignored them.
  Source: M. Baigent, Ancient Traces: Mysteries in Ancient and Early History.
  Eksmo. Moscow, 2004. ISBN 5-699-04989-4. Page 60.
  Bones and skeletons of people of ancient civilizations.
  In summer 1860 the Italian geologist and academician Professor Giuseppe Ragazzoni was seeking fossil seashells in Castenedolo, near Brescia. In these ancient coastal formations he found fossilized human bones, the upper part of the skull fused with a petrified coral, together with limbs and ribs. He showed them to other geologists, who found that human bones could not be in such ancient layer, and concluded that they have got to it out of intrusive burial - i.e. out of deep burial of much later time which reached lower layers of the rock. And therefore professor Ragazzoni threw out them.
  Bones were found again in January 1880. They were found between ancient fossilized coral reef and petrified clay which contained cockleshells. Professor Ragazzoni was informed about this find, and he arrived into place with the assistant to take personally discovered fossil bones. Quite a lot of bones were found: parts of a skull, jaw, teeth, vertebrae and limb bones. Later fragments of jaws and teeth were found in the same month in seven foots from that place. They were different from those that have been found before. Mindful of own previous experience, Professor Ragazzoni carefully studied the place to exclude the possibility of the pass of these bones out of intrusive burial. Such evidence was not found, and, as he wrote, all bones "were completely covered and filled with clay and small fragments of corals and cockleshells" that swept aside any remaining doubts. Besides, it served as the proof that they once were located in an ancient sea.
  Almost untouched skeleton was found three weeks later, in February 1880. Again Ragazzoni led by extraction of fossil remains. Survey of bones showed that the skeleton belonged to the woman. As a result remains of four people - the man, the woman and two children were received. Bones were quite strongly scattered that corresponded to the assumption that these people were drowned in the sea, and then their bodies were carried away in different directions by waves. Probably, they were sailing in the boat.
  The fact that the bones could be safely stored so in ancient coastal fossil layers, pointed out that the dating around 3-4 million years had very high probability.
  Ragazzoni showed bones to professor of anatomy at the Roman university which studied both the place of excavation, and the bones. This expert noted that there was not the slightest indication that the bones - a female skeleton in particular - could fall into the ancient layer from a burial place. He also noted that the skull was so strongly drowned in clay that it took him a lot of effort to remove it.
  Almost untouched skeleton was found three weeks later, in February 1880. Again Ragazzoni led by extraction of fossil remains. Survey of bones showed that the skeleton belonged to the woman. As a result remains of four people - the man, the woman and two children were received. Bones were quite strongly scattered that corresponded to the assumption that these people were drowned in the sea, and then their bodies were carried away in different directions by waves. Probably, they were sailing in the boat.
  The fact that the bones could be safely stored so in ancient coastal fossil layers, pointed out that the dating around 3-4 million years had very high probability.
  Ragazzoni showed bones to professor of anatomy at the Roman university which studied both the place of excavation, and the bones. This expert noted that there was not the slightest indication that the bones - a female skeleton in particular - could fall into the ancient layer from a burial place. He also noted that the skull was so strongly drowned in clay that it took him a lot of effort to remove it.
  Professor concluded that the bones are "indisputable evidence of existence of the human with human shape which is habitual for us".
  Source: M. Baigent, Ancient Traces: Mysteries in Ancient and Early History.
  Eksmo. Moscow, 2004. ISBN 5-699-04989-4. Page 70.
  The arrow tip. The age of find makes 2-3 million years.
  Carlos Ameghino, working (1912-14) on behalf of the natural history museums of Buenos Aires and La Plata, has extracted from upper layers of the late Pliocene the femur of Toxodon - extinct ungulate mammalia. Toxodon lived in the ancient time in the territory of South America. This long-haired animal was similar to the short-legged and hornless rhinoceros. Carlos Ameghino discovered the stone tip of a arrow or a spear in hip of Toxodon, This find is the evidence of presence on the territory of modern Argentina 2-3 million years ago, people with a fairly high level of development. But perhaps the femur and the tip of an arrow in it was not such ancient? And the femur got to the bottom from high layers simply somehow itself? However, Carlos Ameghino pointed out that the hip was found together with other bones of a hind leg of Toxodon. It means that the femur was not the separate bone which somehow has got to the Pliocene formation, but it was part of an animal which was lost when this geological layer was in a formation stage.
  M. Kremo, R. Thompson. The Hidden History of the Human Race.
  Stone balls artificial origin. The age of finds make about 3 million years.
  Ethnographer Boman described his trip to Miramar, which has taken place on November 22, 1920. "Parodi (collector) reported about detection of the stone sphere washed up by the surf which remained "cemented" in the barranca.
  Boman and Parodi have discovered that the ball bears traces of simulated processing. They have found some more several balls processed human. Spheres have sat firmly in the rocky mass. There were no signs of that the soil have been disturbed over balls. Rock layers, in which the balls were found, refer to the Pliocene. Their age is about 3 million years.
  M. Kremo, R. Thompson. The Hidden History of the Human Race.
  Processed stones for sling.
  In 1926, John Baxter, who was one of the assistants J. Reid Moir, under the Pliocene Red Rocks in Bramford that under Ipswich (England), dug out an egg-shaped subject which have got to a collection only thanks to singularity of the form.
  J. Reid Moir noticed grooves and faces of artificial origin immediately, i.e. the egg-shaped subject has been processed by a human hand. Detrit horizon, located under the Red rock, contains fossils and sedimentary rocks of inhabited areas of the surface, whose age fluctuates from the Pliocene to the Eocene. Thus, the age of the stone for a sling can make from 2 to 55 million years.
  M. Kremo, R. Thompson. The Hidden History of the Human Race.
  3. Selection of the materials testifying to existence of human civilizations from an early Pliocene (5 million years ago) till an early Eocene (55 million years ago).
  Stone tools of labor and mode of life.
  Clarence King known and respected American geologist was the director of Federal service of inspection of 4th parallel. In 1869 he was engaged in geology of Table Mountain. He noticed in one of parts of the mountain near a volcanic cap that the recent flooding bared the layer of gravel lying under it in some places. He started looking for minerals and during this attentive inspection he discovered part of the stone pestle which has firmly got stuck in the dense solid sand. The pistil was taken outside. The legible impression of the pestle remained in the place where it was discovered. C. King had not the slightest doubt that the pistil lay here as much as and the gravel - many millions of years.
  C. King was known as an experienced geologist, it was impossible to doubt the age of the layer of rock - over 9 million years, - in which he found this pestle, and, nevertheless, the found subject was man-made.
  Later stone mortar was found in the same place.
  Shortly the pestle and the grinder had been found. Place of discovery - the bottom gold-bearing layer of sand at the rocky basis of the mountain - indicates age of finds: from 33 to 55 million years.
  Near the town of San Adreas - at the depth 144 feet below the surface - have been found many stone grinders and other artifacts of artificial origin. They were in the layer of rock, whose age is 5 million years. Stone grinders and pestles have been found in twenty six places of an excavation in rock layers dating back at least, 23 million years.
  The stone grinder and the pestle, found under Table Mountain in 1877 by the managing director of mine.
  Source: M. Baigent, Ancient Traces: Mysteries in Ancient and Early History.
  Eksmo. Moscow, 2004. ISBN 5-699-04989-4. Pages 8-12.
  Megalithic underground-aboveground complexes.
  According to A.V. Koltypin, megalithic underground-ground-based complexes: Mareshah, Beth Gavrina, Hurvata Midras, Lusit, Temple Mount in Jerusalem, the cities of David, and other places confirms the conclusion drawn at the beginning of this subject about very ancient age of all listed constructions. The age of complexes cannot precisely be defined due to the lack of objects, which would be synchronous concerning construction time of these complexes. It is possible to say more - less confidently only that all these and many other megalithic complexes of Israel have been constructed till the last global disaster and the Great Flood which occurred about 12.000 years ago. Lower age limit of their construction corresponds to the age of rocks, on which the megalithic blocks are located and in which underground constructions "have been cut down". Thus, time of construction of megalithic structures Israel is the range 100-34 million years ago (a late Cretaceous - an early Oligocene) - 12.000 years ago (the boundary between the Pleistocene and the Holocene).
  Stone wheels-doors of the Turkey caves.
  Triliton's Megalithic blocks in Baalbek (Lebanon).
  Megaliths of South America.
  Megaliths of South America.
  Source: dopotopa.com
  4. Selection of materials, indicating the existence of human civilizations from an early Paleocene (65 million years ago) till an Early Jurassic (200 million years ago).
  Incredible fossils.
  The ancient stone with the print of a bare human foot lies in the village Beavers in Belarus in the yard of local church. The print of a foot could appear on the boulder when it was still soft clay. But at that time dinosaurs still were walking on Earth.
  Source: sekreti-mira.ru
  Fossils in form of oddments or traces of activity of the organisms belonging to former geological eras, provide important information about organisms of the epoch of its formation, animals and plants of those times. At the same time, there is a number of fossils which neither the geology, nor history cannot explain. For example: the print in limestone of the human palm, numbering 110 million years.
  Source: myevolution.ru / category / artefakty-antiquities
  200 multilayer plates are relief maps. Age of these plates is about 120 million years. Russia.
  Source: sekreti-mira.ru
  Professor of the Bashkir University Alexander Chuvyrov to the middle of the 90th years of the last century in city archive of Ufa found notes written in the XVIII century. From the text of notes followed that near the village Chandar of the Nurimanovsky region of Bashkiria 200 white plates, covered with the strange badges, have been stored.
  Chuvyrov became interested in these mysterious plates and started looking for in local archives of any information about them. Alexander Chuvyrov decided to find these stones and organized some expeditions. However, the search for a long time did not bring results.
  It was only in 1999, one of the mysterious plates was found - a local resident said that under the porch of his house from time immemorial lies a huge stone. And this stone has strange properties - it is impossible to inflict any damage to it, and for many years the stone did not wear out at all...
  This stone was pulled out and was delivered into the Bashkir University. It appeared that its sizes make 148 х 106 cm, thickness - 16 cm, and weight - about one ton.
  It appeared that the three-dimensional map was displayed on the surface of the plate. Serious researches began. It was proved that South Ural is presented on the Chandar plate. However, the terrain is partially different from the modern terrain.
  Further researches showed that the card consists of three layers. The first bottom layer is the extra strong dolomite, the second layer is made by way unknown to the modern science, of diopside glass. The relief map is executed from this particular glass. The third layer represents heavy-duty calcium porcelain. This layer protects the map from external damage.
  All this is more than surprising especially as the age of a find defined by means of scientific methods, was simply fantastic - about 120 million years!
  Source: Natalya Trubinovskaya chronoton.ru> artefakty
  Metal tools found in limestone dating from 140 million years ago. US
  Source: dopotopa.com
  Ordinary looking hammer was found in Texas in 1934. It has literally rooted into limestone by age about 140 million years.
  Wooden handle of the hammer was being petrified outside. The handle inside turned into coal. Then its age is estimated: millions years too. Specialists of Metallurgical Institute in Columbus (Ohio) were amazed with chemical composition of the hammer: iron - 96.6%, chlorine - 2.6%, sulfur - 0.74%. Other impurities could not be detected. Such pure iron has not been received in the history of the earth metallurgy.
  Any bubble was not revealed in metal. Quality of iron even by the modern measures is exclusively high and causes many questions as the content of the metals applied in metallurgical industry by production of different grades of steel (as, for example, manganese, cobalt, nickel, tungsten, vanadium or molybdenum) is not revealed. Unnecessary impurities are absent in iron, and percentage of chlorine is large extraordinarily.
  Iron of "the Texas hammer" does not rust! When a piece of rock with the ingrown tool has been chipped from the rock in 1934, the metal in one place was badly scratched. No signs of corrosion appeared on the scratch for last more than sixty years... According to estimates of Drake Buff, the director of the Museum of Fossil Antiquities in which this hammer is being stored, the find comes from a early Cretaceous - from 140 to 65 million years ago. Dr. Hans-Joachim Tsilmer from Germany, being engaged in a mysterious find in detail, concludes: "This hammer was made by the unknown to us the technology".
  Sources: www.factor-online.com
  Footprints of humanoids in the Lower Cretaceous clay limestone of the river Pallyuxy, USA.
  Footprints of the bipedal creatures crossing dinosaur footprints preserved in Lower Cretaceous clay limestone (135-140 million years ago). Pallyuxi, Texas, USA. The photo is made by Glen Kuban (1985) and placed in Origins Research, Vol. 9, No. 1, 1986.
  Mysterious prints of bare feet and shod feet of humanoids together with traces of dinosaurs were discovered by a group of scientists led by Stanley E. Taylor in 1968 in bed of the river Pallyuxi near Glen Rose and the State park "Valley of Dinosaurs "in the State of Texas (USA). They examined four chains of such traces in the Lower Cretaceous clay limestone (marls), accumulated 135-140 million years ago. The unusual picture from the remote past was slightly opened to looks of researchers - "people" and dinosaurs were passing in the same place at the same time. "Double" prints indicated it: when the dinosaur went over a "human" trace and vice versa - when "person" have stepped on trace already left by a dinosaur.
  A master plan of the same traces. The photo is made by Glen Kuban (1985) and placed in Origins Research, Vol. 9, No. 1, 1986.
  The majority of traces had a diffuse elongated shape, but the heel and 5 fingers were distinctive on some of them and the thumb of a foot was located not as at monkeys, and as at the modern people. We could even conclude on the location of certain traces: "human" pursued dinosaur. Similar traces were discovered in 1910.
  It is likely that some of these traces are really a fake. However the majority of prints are all original and they have no slightest relation to the limestone erosion. This is confirmed by the following: existence of "double" prints, presence of the pair traces left by the right and left foot, extrusion of fossil dirt at the edges of prints, and the fact that many traces were found by G. Taylor in the layers dug out from under the layer of limestone lying on the surface.
  The whole open-air museum exists on the river Pallyuxi. There we can observe traces of dinosaurs mixed up with human traces in layers of a new, post-catastrophe era. And nothing can be garbled: every year a silt brought by seasonal inflow during a season of a drought dries and turns into a stone plate: year - a plate, year - a plate. Even arithmetic knowledge is enough to count the number of layers-years. And it turns out that people were running upon this wonderful planet together with mammoths and dinosaurs.
  Source: dopotopa.com
  Footprints of humanoids in the Jurassic clay limestone of Kugitangtau ridge, Turkmenistan.
  Two chains of distinct prints of bare "human" feet 26-27 cm by length were found by professor Holmuod Kudoykuliyev in 1983 on a slope of the Kugitangtau ridge in southeast Turkmenistan. These traces adjoining to more than 3000 traces of dinosaurs remained in the Jurassic clay limestone. Its age is 150-200 million years. Expedition of the Turkmen academy of Sciences under the leadership of the director of Institute of Geology of the Turkmen Academy of Sciences K. Amanniyazov worked thrice subsequently at this place. In 2000 Denis Swift from Institute of dinosaurs (Pensacola, the State of Florida, the USA) worked here together with the Turkmen scientists (in honor of D. Swift the traces of humanoids were called by "Swift's traces"). All researchers have recognized the similarity of these prints and traces of human and recommended conducting their further research.
  K. Amanniyazov told the following in 1983: "The front part of the foot by width 10 cm is well- delineated, there are rounded deepenings reminding toes: the thumb, index, middle ... There is a narrowing in the middle of foot of the right foot, the heel is spherical - 5 cm wide. We found other traces. Their length reached 30 cm, heels were narrower, and foot was wide. The thumb was longer, other fingers decreased towards a little finger".
  K. Ammaniyazov together with the geologist Zagorodnev during expedition in 1987 at detailed mapping of the platform of Sara-Kai counted about 1000 traces in various "walking" chains. Total of such chains is not less than 16. Traces have a different shape.
  Source: dopotopa.com
  In May 2000, British paleontologists have discovered near Devonshire a skeleton of Tyrannosaurus Rex, one of the most gluttonous pangolins. The skeleton of the person was in the stomach of the dinosaur. Several twisted pieces of metal and material similar to the modern polymers have been found in left hand of skeleton. After detailed survey the researchers established the following: these oddments are the ancient weapon. Scientists have discovered several perfectly round holes, similar to conventional bullet holes in the dinosaur's skull. According to paleontologists, this meal became the last in life of a pangolin since received wounds were fatal. Unfortunately, conventional approaches, according to which tyrannosaurus lived 70 million years ago, and the first human ancestors appeared only one million years ago, have tied freedom of thought of paleontologists, and the find was immediately declared as the greatest mystery of Earth's history.
  Source: www.priroda.inc.ru
  Artifacts fixed spacecraft on the Moon.
  Source: dopotopa.com
  Artificial structures were discovered and photographed on the Moon. When and who could build these structures? That's what about it in one of interview the former NASA official Richard Hoagland speaks: "I consider that the project "Apollo" confirmed the existence of an ancient but nevertheless human civilization on the Moon. She was laid down by our ancestors very long ago. But we were able to unveil only a small part of the information obtained by NASA that people once inhabited the entire solar system." Dating in the hundreds of millions of years, proposed independent experts, sends us into the age of dinosaurs, if not further. However people could exist on Earth in those days.
  Source: V. Bumagin. nenosfirs.ucoz.ru »PLANET SPACE»
  5. Selection of the materials testifying to existence of human civilizations from an early Triassic (248 million years ago) to a late Carbon (300 million years ago).
  In 1922 the mining engineer and the geologist John Rayd looked for minerals in Nevada. He found a fossil print of the sole of the rear half of a human shoe. The sole has been clearly outlined in the rock. As the proof visible prints of stitches served: on sole edge "there was well imprinted the insertion thread; the thread fixed a welt to the sole". One more line of stitches was noticeable on the sole. The dent was situated in the center of the heel - just as it would be when wearing shoes.
  The fossil print was brought by Rayd to New York and shown to the geologist from the Colombian University and to three professors from the American Museum of Natural History. They have come to the conclusion that the print belonged to the Triassic period (213-248 million years ago).
  The single known photo of part of a petrified sole of the shoe found in rock, whose age makes over 213 million years, was published in the New York newspaper in 1922.
  The microscopic analysis carried out by the expert of the Rockefeller Institute, showed that due to the complex twists and curls of the thread used at an insertion, we can say that it was a fossil man-made thing.
  Source: M. Baigent, Ancient Traces: Mysteries in Ancient and Early History.
  Eksmo. Moscow, 2004. ISBN 5-699-04989-4. Page 16.
  Traces of the human bare feet.
  Traces of bare feet similar to traces of the person, were found in 1835 after the heavy pouring rains near of Carson in the State of Nevada (USA). They were being printed in Triassic sandstones with the age from 213 to 248 million years. Footprints of humans or human-like creatures were also found in Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Spain, Georgia, China, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Tanzania, South Africa, Australia and several other countries.
  Source: dopotopa.com
  Metal structures found in sediments aged about 300 million years.
  One of the most interesting artifacts was found in the late nineties. The artifact was found, as usual, absolutely incidentally. A piece of petrified clay was raised. The age of this piece makes no less than 300 million years.
  As it turned out, metal objects of unknown purpose (conditionally they were called "bolts") were introduced into the clay.
  They got into the clay long ago - up to fossilization. First of all an advanced molecular diffusion says about it - over time, the material of "bolts" (iron) was diffusing into the clay and the clay was diffusing into "bolt" bodies. This process requires a great deal of time. Secondly, one of the "bolts" is situated within the rock: this "bolt" is visible only on the roentgenogram.
  Source: dopotopa.com (http / / gnosis.info)
  The artifacts given by us above, we can systematize, having received some picture. In this case, the artifacts could be much more numerous, but we took the most reliable.
  Artifacts, as expected, most of all have been inherited from so-called "antediluvian" hi-tech civilizations in the Pleistocene (0.01 - 2.0 million years ago): apparent signs of nuclear war, numerous pyramids (more thousand ) on land and under water, numerous hi-tech tunnels in different places of Earth, numerous megalithic constructions, metal structures from complex alloys and etc. Besides, traces of a preliminary stage of civilizations in the form of primitive tools, as well as works of art about the same age were found.
  Megalithic structures; footprints of people and their bones showing exactly the same shape of the ancient person and the modern person remained from an early Pleistocene and an early Pliocene (1.3 - 4 million years ago). Besides, tools of hunting and other subjects of artificial origin were found.
  As for the period from an early Pliocene (5 million years ago) till an early Eocene (55 million years ago), high-tech products were found even in this period. At the same time a large number of stone tools indicating at least the preliminary stage of the development of civilization, were found. Possibly, it is products of later and early stages of development of a civilization respectively, as well as perhaps it is traces of different civilizations. Unfortunately, lack of precise methods of dating does not give the more exact conclusions.
  Selection of materials indicating the existence of human civilizations from an early Paleocene (65 million years ago) till an Early Jurassic (200 million years ago) indicates that in these very distant from us times Earth was settled by civilizations with level of technologies, at least, not below, than ours. It is proved by maps on triplex stone plates, found in Urals. Mountains, the rivers, and Ufa canyon which is not present now, have been plotted. There are images of dams, channels and dikes. The first (bottom) layer is especially durable dolomite, the second was made unknown to modern science way of diopside glass. The relief map is executed from this glass. The third layer was made from heavy-duty calcium porcelain. It protects the map from external damage. It should be noted that in this remote from us period, this or that civilization had metal tools. At the same time, traces of bare human feet have been found too. It can testify that, at least, one of civilizations was at this time at the early level of the development however the shape of these ancient people differed nothing from shape of the modern person. Photos taken by "Apollo" on the Moon show: ancient earth civilizations were capable to fly, at least, to the Moon due to their technological development.
  Human civilizations have been manifested in the most distant from us the period of time according to artifacts detected there: from an early Triassic (248 million years ago) till a late Carbon (300 million years ago). Preserved prints of footwear, numerous traces of the bare feet found in the different countries and on different continents, as well as found metal structures, that provide an opportunity to state about the existence of civilizations and at this time, very distant from our era.
  The lack of reliable upon their dating artifacts in more distant from us periods of existence of the Earth, can testify that only starting with the period of time about 250 million years ago the conditions suitable for existence of the person on it: the gas balance, gravity, plant forms and early animal forms, water mode and etc., have been formed on the Earth. Apparently, only by this time the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere was being increased to an acceptable level - more than 10 % - for the existence of the animal forms. The ozone layer protecting these forms from an ultraviolet radiation of the Sun also was created by this time. Since that time, civilizations began to emerge on the Earth. Traces of these human civilizations are being traced in this or that quantity and quality in Permian, Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous, Paleocene, Eocene, Oligocene, Miocene, Pliocene, as well as Pleistocene.
  As we mentioned above, visits by extraterrestrial beings of Earth is extremely improbable if to refer to them in respect of the artifacts discovered on Earth in previous epochs, with the delay of their visit up to tens of thousands of the Earth years and with the execute by them of works for a long time, that are ordinary for any developing civilization. It is improbable that prints of bare feet, sandals, primitive instruments of labor, hunting, as well as the tools corresponding to level of our civilization, etc. were related to extraterrestrial beings. Besides, proofs given us in chapter 5 shows that technological civilizations are relatively short-term. They are disintegrated inevitably, having reached a certain informational, technological and social level. Therefore, they do not reach the ability to execute the interstellar voyages, if it in general can be reached in our three-dimensional world with restriction upon the velocity (300.000 km/s) and with interstellar distances absolutely inaccessible in comparison with this velocity. And it is not necessary because to penetrate practically into any point of the measurement of our Universe from the other measurements is feasible, and hence the problem of transfer of copies of matrices of the optimal biological form already generated previously for symbiosis with this form of soul with the purpose of subsequent formation of the person does not arise. Further, the first not numerous communities of people develop gradually into full-fledged civilizations.
  Initial local groups of people over time, under suitable conditions of life can be developing like us. That is why they are able to achieve high technological level. It is confirmed by presented artifacts. They also can develop or, at least, exist without technological lifting in general the long time. It is confirmed by presented artifacts in the form of primitive instruments of labor.
  Moreover, the main factor is the relation to these civilizations not as self-energetic and self-sufficient, but as finite and relatively short-term human communities, because the process of development not so much people how many particles of Supreme Mind go within these civilizations. Actually, civilizations are intended just for this purpose.
  Thus, the picture of passing of the whole series of civilizations on the Earth in the conditions suitable for life appears. At first glance, it seems that they, arising out of nowhere and disappearing almost completely, do not make any sense in the history of Mind development. However, it turns out, this is not so.
  We tried to open a source and the reason of their emergence and to show regularity of rather fast disappearance of technological civilizations. It is unlikely that another destiny waits the present civilization on Earth especially as prerequisites of its disintegration have showed itself in stagnation of production relationships and the beginning of the informational collapse. Along with that sources of further development are not observed. We, in turn, showed that in the destruction of any civilization is no tragedy the complete disappearance of all, because the human genus arose not incidentally and exists not in itself, but he is only some derived formation that emerges, develops up to the certain limit, disappears, and civilizations themselves are discrete sequence. Thus, the mission of mankind is the service for the development of the most high-organized formation which includes every person at his best part.
  Works considering the development of the present civilization on Earth, as a rule, focus on the optimistic scenario, obviously, in the hope that the mighty human mind will overcome all, that, in the end, he will conquest the near and far space, there will be contacts and cooperation with other civilizations, growth and development of our civilization will be lasting almost infinitely.
  At that actually there is no consideration of reasonable civilizations as finite formations inevitably perishing or stopping, but again appearing and passing practically the same cycle of development up to the destruction. The difference consists only in the period of time: the existence of a technological civilization, producing relatively quickly informational collapse, global wars, etc., can last 5-6 thousand years, the existence of equilibrium ecological civilization - on orders of magnitude more.
  Within the materialistic concept series of self-sufficient reasonable civilizations, appearing and perishing with all the values looks meaningless, just as the life of any human being, because they turns to ashes eventually together with all achievements, feelings, thoughts.
  Now, one can hardly deny, bearing in mind the finds of various and numerous artifacts, the existence on Earth of a set of reasonable civilizations, beginning with the emergence of the atmosphere and biological life. Some of these civilizations have surpassed the achievements of modern civilization bearing in mind, for example, the construction of thousand-kilometer tunnels, preserved on Earth. It is possible to note also the details of high-tech machinery, made of alloys of another kind than it is practiced now as well as the objects of art made with other impurities and upon unknowns to us to technologies. These artifacts have been founded in the corresponding terrestrial deposits. Extant through the tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions years from former civilizations the fundamental structures under water and on land on the basis of mega blocks, are also executed upon unknown technologies with a jeweler accuracy which is reached now only with laser application. It should be noted that the consideration of the remained images and prints shows the following: the shape of persons of civilizations which existed on Earth tens and hundreds of millions years ago, little than differed from shape of the modern persons.
  Therefore the statement that similar to the modern person the biological form appeared as the most acceptable for development in symbiosis with it in three-dimensional measurement of the Universe of such complex and comprehensive field form as the eternal soul will be near to the truth. Developing communities of people were the same acceptable systems. These systems we call civilizations. Apparently, more the dense, or, in the usual sense, the material world - contradictory, dynamic as in itself, and in the form of human communities, which are compelled to fight for a survival by any means, just as people in these communities, - is awful for all objects of our world from the humanitarian point of view: one destroys another in the lifeless nature, one devours another in the complex and multilayered biological niches, but at the same time, on the other hand, this "resisting" world is, apparently, optimum "nursery" for the initial growth and development of souls. Souls in symbiosis with bodies in terrible conditions of this world order are obliged to take decisions, to act, all the time to be exposed to temptations and risk, to be in errors, to correct deeds, estimating all this after death of a body and taking into account for the next life. But every soul can somehow move relatively quickly to growth and improvement up to the stage when she, due to the accumulated potential, will be able move to other measurements, less dense and tough upon the conditions, approaching the time when the reincarnation will be unnecessary.
  Thus, imperfect and finite formation is used for growth and development of eternal, in essence, souls. Any worlds and measurements, any values and fulfillments becomes subject to souls in process of their perfecting.
  We cannot yet say with certainty what will be the next apocalypse. But, within our concept, this is not so essential, because series of practically completely vanished civilizations, with their entire culture and technology indicates that, on the one hand, there was, is, will be a need for these civilizations, on the other hand, that each such civilization is not self-sufficient, and she is the basis, or some sort of testing ground for the growth and development of some timeless creations.
  And religion and, partly, science coincide now in that human souls are these timeless creations. They do not disappear nor after death of any body or after the death of civilization, nor even after the collapse of the universe. And numerous merges, more precisely, symbiosis of a body and soul, and action of these formations in the form of communities (civilizations), allows to the soul to save, accumulate, transform, transmit the information not only for her own development, but also for the development of the entire community of souls and accordingly for the development of Supreme Mind penetrating all worlds, thanks to its particles-souls.
  The universe, it seems, in the light of modern views and achievements could be represented as the computer managed by god-programmer by means of self-training programs with memory, or souls. However this representation suffers by the rough sketchiness.
  In fact, being inside the system, we can state nothing, except guesses what is beyond our measurement, especially about what is beyond space and time. However, there are eternal souls in us. They are particles of Supreme Mind Therefore we, at least by indirect signs, can form some idea about the forefather of our souls - Supreme Mind, moreover especially as existence of consciousness, or souls beyond a body is already proved experimentally.
  In light of the above seems the most likely that Supreme Mind was always, at our comprehension of time, just as there was all the rest. It is impossible to prove it directly, but we can assume the following.
  On the one hand, if we admit the existence of Supreme Mind in solitude before the appearance of beingness, in this case he would not be by Mind, because any mind cannot comprehend and evince itself in solitude. On the other hand, assuming the initial existence of the matter which produces Mind, this assumption also has to be rejected because it is required the development of matter by means of complex programs for the emergence of Mind. These programs cannot "fall from the sky": they had to be formed, and this can not happen randomly.
  One can only assume that Supreme Mind, at our comprehension of time, was always, perpetually. It is possible only in material worlds which continuously arise, change, disappear, and not in some immobile formations where can never be no life, no consciousness. Therefore inert, or the "dead" matter cannot be, it just is at various stages of development in different universes in different forms, one of which in the divided state is Supreme Mind.
  Thus Supreme Mind to be aware itself, to be evinced in the actions must be in the divided form, permeating all worlds. Along with that he must remain as the whole and the indivisible, comprehending all in order to be as Supreme Mind.
  Indeed, the integrity and nevertheless the separateness for Supreme Mind may be provided if he is composed of autonomous and different in their level of development of the particles - we call them souls: these particles penetrate all worlds, all measurements - however when such separateness they are as the whole, because neither time nor distance does not exist for them, and they are all related to each other, being in the single information field.
  We can say that all variety of changing material worlds, with their cataclysms, the conflicts, contradictions, collisions exists not in itself, and it serves the continuous development of particles of Supreme Mind. Thanks to it Supreme Mind is not the immobile and the all-knowing form, he lives through souls, and countless diverse combinations of all things do not allow to stop this process of the development of souls, and hence do not give to stop the process of the development of Supreme Mind.
  Of course, one can argue with this. But quite possible holographic structure of universes is an example of adequacy of similar approach (the third chapter of the book). In accordance with this approach, each particle is a holographic projection of the single reality, and the physical density of the world is holographic frequency setting. Thus, any, apparently, self-contained structure can be presented in the form of derivative of the motion flow in other words, each site of the hologram contains information on all subject: in this regard, the particles of the Supreme Mind - souls - are not something separate from it, they are merged into a whole at another level.
  Thereby, the eternal Supreme Mind comprehend of itself and receives the continuous development through own particles - souls, directed or, maybe, projected into the material worlds, which could not get development beyond time and space. Any universe gives the chance to souls to pass a development cycle through a multiple embodiments in the appropriate material forms, for example, such as a human body. If the particles of Supreme Mind (our souls) are into space-time measurements, at least, into our measurement, it becomes clear that Supreme Mind can realize itself due to these own particles. It is possible to present that all particles-souls pass a development cycle all the time in space worlds passing gradually out of more dense measurements into less dense. They are being improved and finally they reach the level, which allow them to be come off from worlds and to come nearer to level of the whole - to Supreme Mind. However we will never be able to say precisely: what will happen at the end of this process and whether there is an end of this process?
  As a result, it turns out that all existing: universes, appearing and disappearing; civilizations, appearing and disappearing; people appearing and disappearing, exists not for itself, and for the growth and development of the particles of the Supreme Mind. Therefore, any measurement does not exist by itself, but it is the developing structure in which these particles-souls can be accommodated in one form or another. Apparently, biological forms relevant to souls are one of optimum forms for actions of souls in these measurements. And souls which are the material field forms of the highest order, coexist discretely with biological forms of the highest order, forming temporary join of these forms, thinking and acting during their common life.
  However, any soul can not be developing in isolation. Therefore, the communities of people, which we call civilizations appear and begin to develop as soon as the appropriate conditions emerge. They, just as universes as well as human life, are finite and they can exist relatively not for long. Development of souls can occupy incalculable number of years because time flows differently in other measurements, and the concept of time does not make sense outside of space-time measurements.
  Civilizations, especially technological, owing to the reasons considered above, are destroyed at achievement of the certain level. However they can be recreated at the presence of suitable conditions again and again. Thus, there is a succession of civilizations, in which relatively sluggishly pass a cycle of development of community of souls through relatively rapidly changing communities of people (civilizations). In other words, contrary to the prevailing opinion that reasonable civilizations are developing all the time reaching any out-of-limit levels and becoming almost by Supreme Mind, it turns out that civilizations are discrete and serve not for the person and boundless development of humanity, and for development and cognition by Supreme Mind of itself by means of own particles-souls.
  Thus, the development of the particles of Supreme Mind, hence and himself which is united in them never was started and never will end. This development has not cyclic character - each time starting from scratch after passing the cycle, - it proceeds in the finite, but being renewed all the time lives; in the finite, but being renewed all the time civilizations; in the finite, but being renewed all the time universes. This process is not being interrupted and Supreme Mind does not fall into any fatigue or apathy, nor fall into "bad" infinity, because reality, which is changed in their infinite combinations, oppose to this.
  This picture does not imply of once creation of the world and the solitary Creator of the world.
  Indeed, hardly the eternal Supreme Mind can be in a singularity in loneliness and to be at that by Supreme. In that case the single Mind could not comprehend himself. Therefore, in our understanding, the process of the pair transition of the universes (with opposite characteristics) at their collapse and transformation into the new, growing universes through the singularity, which is outside of time and space, existed and will exist always, i.e. eternally. If this, some kind of oscillatory process could be stopped on any its stage, in the sum we would receive zero though the number of the formed material universes can be countless.
  Theoretically, timeless, outside space point of a singularity contains an infinite number of potentialities, giving the chance to Mind for the infinite development. But the evolution of the Mind can proceed only if the Mind is present at universes passing through a point of a singularity regularly.
  In other words, Supreme Mind is not limited by "the one block". He is always in a divided state and its particles, which we call souls, gradually pass in the formed worlds the growth and development using at first certain advantages of denser worlds for relatively fast development, and then moving into the less dense, becoming closer to the unattainable highest limit, unreachable because there is no limit to Mind. At the same time, divided into different in its development, and infinitely various particles-souls Supreme Mind is the united, because all souls are related to each other outside space and outside time and they are able to communicate instantaneously with each other regardless from the distance. In short, each particle of Supreme Mind - soul -can know always what any another soul makes, and the aggregation of all souls - Supreme Mind - knows everything that understood, made and do all its particles.
  If we formulate conclusions of the work briefly, they are as follows.
  1. God, as Supreme Mind, is the totality - a kind of collective of autonomous
  in operations of particles of a field substance - souls, which is found on different stages of the development, divided spatially but, at the same time, united in uniform continuous informational integer outside of space and time, perhaps, using the holographic principle known to us. Therefore all, acquired by each particle-soul, enters in this, some kind of collective Mind embracing All, since souls permeate everything. Supreme Mind has no beginning and no end, he always develops in uncountable combinations of reality, and in it Supreme Mind is omnipotent, all-comprehending. This divine unity of souls, their all-understanding on channels of communication cause those properties of merging, tenderness and all-absorption which people call love. That is why any person is capable of love, as opposed to, for example, artificial intelligence. That is why Christ appealed to all people, each of which possesses a divine particle, to love each other first of all and without looking on anything.
  2. Lower forms of matter are the base for the development and improvement of the Supreme Mind. He is contacting with them continuously through particles-souls. Lower forms of matter exist eternally in our understanding of time in the form passing through points of singularity of universes, which are shrinking and are expanding. This is a kind of oscillatory process with zero balance on the mass of all set of the universes if we proceed out of the mass, hence - out of laws of conservation.
  3. The human is one of the highest forms of the lowest substance, which is being revived by soul. A soul is revealed through consciousness, more precisely: it is symbiosis of the soul and the body organized almost ideally, which is the top biological link in the chain of all living, capable to the "working" merger with the high soul. The genome designed by Supreme Mind, is the base of all alive.
  4. Arising and disappearing human civilizations is a base for the development of the initial particles-souls in the rough and resisting world. Just as at the person, the term of life of civilizations is determined by the increase of the internal contradictions doing system unstable. In particular, the main reason for disintegration of the relatively short-lived technological civilizations as complex nonlinear systems is the information collapse which comes at the peak of development of the civilization.
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