Низовцев Юрий Михайлович : другие произведения.

On the causes of the consequences of the human activity

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    The dualistic - the animal consciousness and self-consciousness - of a person determines all consequences of the human activity, which are manifested, on the one hand, in the aspiration to know the world and oneself, reflected in the development of the human self-consciousness and, as a result, in the formation of technology, culture, science, but, on the other hand, - to the persistence of hostility between different communities, layers of communities and specific people, which is reflected in violence, wars, oppression by some others, selfishness, distrust and disunity. These competing sides of consciousness cannot be eliminated due to the animal basis of a person, and we have to admit that the development of the human communities can only take place within the framework of antagonistic relations, the smoothing of which means the cessation of this development.

  Table of contents
  Chapter 1.
  What way the artificial intelligence will corrupt and crush us?
  Chapter 2.
  What does violence hide behind itself?
  Chapter 3.
  Why are wars proving to be an inevitable evil?
  Chapter 4.
  About the crisis, epidemics, or what will really happen to us?
  Chapter 5.
  Science as a factor in the development and destruction of civilization.
  Chapter 6.
  What to do to us with the officials?
  Chapter 7.
  Debunking transhumanism with its reliance on physicality.
  Chapter 8.
  Back - to the primates ?! or forward - to the superman?!
  Chapter 9.
  Determining community integrity.
  Chapter 10.
  Dynamics of activity of an integral community.
  Chapter 11.
  A person in habitat.
  Chapter 12.
  Reflection of levels of consciousness of a person in society.
  Chapter 13.
  Is continuous development of reason (intellect) infinitely possible?
  Chapter 14.
  What changes await us in us themselves?
  Chapter 15.
  Religion and science of the soul and consciousness.
  Chapter 16.
  Are "paradisiacal tabernacles" on Earth possible?
  Chapter 17.
  Is the space exploration possible through the manned flights?
  Chapter 18
  Explanation of the failures of anthropology in the study of the essence of a person.
  Chapter 19
  The most characteristic utopias of the present century.
  Since the human consciousness has two components - the animal consciousness, or more precisely, the primate consciousness, and self-consciousness, it is reasonable to assume that each of these components has its own considerations regarding, respectively, aspirations and ideas, and, as a consequence, thoughts and actions of person.
  A person's awareness that he is currently in the flow of time, and this, in general, short period must be used somehow, to a certain extent distracts him from the adaptability so characteristic of animals, and attracts him to reflections on the fact that he is clearly different from them, and therefore capable of different considerations and behavior.
  The first thing that comes to his mind is to improve the conditions in which he finds himself, and with which he can never be satisfied for the simple reason that it is always possible to find better ones, despite the rather reasonable proverb that the best is the enemy of the good.
  Nevertheless, a person in his communities gradually begins to change his environment.
  In particular, from collecting grains, vegetables, fruits and mushrooms he moves on to growing them, hunting wild animals a person gradually replaces by their domestication.
  For this he needs certain knowledge. And he begins to obtain it in all possible ways, for example, having seen how stones quickly roll down hills, he invents a wheel, having understood that fire both shines and warms, a person invents lamps and stoves, in which he, moreover, begins to cook food, becoming no longer beast-like, but businesslike and more savvy in relation to the invention of this and that.
  Knowledge begins to multiply and it has to be recorded not only in oral form, but also somehow graphically, first with symbols, and then with verbal writing.
  Science emerges.
  At the same time, to a large extent, hostile nature leads him to the idea that it can be defeated not only by his own efforts, but also by calling for help from those forces that made him so quick-witted and smart, and which, if you believe in them, will certainly help him.
  Some considered these forces to be the mighty wind, others - the bright and hot sun, others - the spirits of the mountains, etc.
  Religion emerges.
  Plant growing and construction required more efficient tools than hands. Gradually the stone tools appeared, then the metal ones. Entire technological branches emerged.
  As a result, the labor efficiency increased so much that the population began to grow, and surplus products of labor appeared that could be exchanged.
  Although, it must be said that the excess product did not arise by chance, but as a result of the conscious intervention of individuals and groups of people into their environment, which is how they differ from the animals.
  Trade arose.
  In addition, having taken possession of certain products of labor, it was possible, by selling them, to significantly improve their life and even free themselves from labor by hiring workers or acquiring slaves.
  Thus, the excess product gave rise to the right of ownership, which in turn provided some of the owners with the free time, which could be used in accordance with their interests and abilities.
  All this stimulated not only the development of science and technology, but also caused a desire to decorate everyday life and oneself, standing out from the gray crowd.
  As a result, architecture, painting, verbal balancing and various kinds of performances on platforms in front of the public arose.
  Any business needs to be learned. Therefore, not only craft schools arose, but also academies and universities.
  Thus, people in their communities have become cultured to a certain extent and have moved even further away from the former savagery, that is, they have become civilized.
  The result of this kind of progress was the belief, at least among a significant part of intellectuals, in the omnipotence of reason.
  Accordingly, theories emerged about the possibility of transforming everything that exists into the sphere of reason.
  For example, the famous scientist V. I. Vernadsky asserted the following: "...in the biosphere there is a great geological, perhaps the cosmic force, the planetary action of which is usually not taken into account in ideas about space... This power is the mind of man, the aspiring and organized will of him as a creature of the public" [1].
  The famous physicist I. N. Ostretsov went even further than Vernadsky in his statement: "...the reason is capable of overcoming the conventions of materialistic beingness and therefore there are no limits to its development and improvement" [2, chapter 1.7],
  Ostretsov is quite rightly recognizes that a person has something unknowable within the framework of a known reality (beingness), calling him irrational, which manifests itself only in the interaction of objects. In other words, he recognizes the presence in a person of that invisible and incomprehensible, but the main thing, namely what we call consciousness.
  However, Ostretsov comes to the conclusion that consciousness is immaterial, as well as everything that underlies the materialistic universe on the following basis ":..what is inside the proton? They can answer us: quarks. But quarks cannot exist separately in the material world. This is just a mathematical model, and they are no longer material objects. Thus, the materialistic universe is based on intangible objects "[ibid., Ch. 1.2].
  Similar misconception, on a basis that seems quite convincing, immediately leads Ostretsov to the problem of Nothingness, which he resolves in the traditional way by placing God in Nothingness: "...an individual object cannot arise without the Creator. Therefore, a comprehensive science can only be built on an idealistic basis" [ibid., Ch. 1.2].
  Indeed, physics has reached the limit of cognition of existing beingness in quarks, and consciousness itself should be attributed to irrational, since it seems to be, but is not recorded by instruments in any way.
  All this is so, but only within the framework of beingness, since we do not know what is being done outside it, but only "pure" nothingness cannot be there, since we are in material beingness, and this beingness may well be produced by material objects, but of a different order.
  We know only what is within the limits of our sensations. It is by them that we judge the environment. And the human mind has natural limitations in perceiving information even in the aggregate of all people and therefore is not able to cover everything and everyone, especially if this everything infinite and largely does not depend on people, since it is not they who completely form all this material.
  In addition, several centuries ago, the famous philosopher Hume quite rightly pointed out the inadequacy of such approaches, which consists in the fact that it is impossible to move from what "is" in accordance with only one"s own hypotheses to what "should be so" (the so-called Hume guillotine). That is, this idea of Hume boils down to the fact that what is does not entail what ought: "I have observed that in every ethical theory that I have hitherto encountered, the author has been reasoning for some time in the usual way, establishing the existence of God, or sets forth his observations concerning human affairs, and suddenly, to my surprise, I find that instead of the usual copula used in sentences, namely, "is" or "is not," I do not meet with a single sentence in which "ought" or "ought not" would not be used as a copula. This substitution takes place unnoticed, but nevertheless it is of the utmost importance. Since this "ought" or "ought not" expresses some new relation or assertion, the latter must necessarily be taken into account and explained, and at the same time the basis must be given for what seems quite incomprehensible, namely, how this new relation can be a deduction from others that are completely different from it" [3].
  Indeed, based solely on how the world is structured in accordance with the objects perceived by the sense organs, it is impossible to justify without gross logical errors what people should strive for, since the human sense organs are very limited both in quantity and quality, producing, on the one hand, a one-sided, that is, purely human picture of the surrounding world, and on the other hand, there is no other picture, and it is necessary to seek out a more or less adequate solution to a particular problem through experience in the combination with reflections.
  However, these remarkable scientists and their associates did not take into account that in human consciousness there is such a component as natural (animal) consciousness, due to the presence of which a person is able, like other living beings, to exist and thanks to which his own organism functions.
  And this animal consciousness, adaptive and egocentric by nature, could not help but make into the process of the human development its brutal contribution of this legacy of primates, since it first senses, and then does not reflect, but figures out how to settle down more comfortably in life, eliminating, if possible, everything that interferes.
  In other words, being the heir of the primates, a person could not but retain in his consciousness, along with a number of instincts and reflexes, the desire to the dominate in the community, which gives him many advantages not only in nutrition, but also in satisfying his own increased needs, often inaccessible to most others.
  In addition, the animal consciousness is not separated from self-consciousness by some kind of partition - they operate together. Therefore, to conquer the advantageous position in the community, a person could already not only, like animals, with the help of aggression, the degree and success of which depends both on brute force, or natural quick-wittedness, or from deception of fellow tribesmen and rivals, as well as and from the associative thinking, contributing to the most adequate planning of his actions together unscrupulousness, guile, cunning, treachery, sycophancy, etc.
  All these methods of violence and deceit are still the most effective methods of gaining power, however, if a person"s aggressiveness is inherited from monkey ancestors, then he acquired many other properties not from nature, but due to his awareness of himself as a person in society.
  So, for example, Karl Marx is biased in his assertion that violence is the fruit of social causes and its effect is manifested only in an exploitative society [4], since violence in society is determined primarily by the irremovable influence on human behavior of the aggressive and egocentric animal component of consciousness inherited from primates, and social causes are only an addition to this legacy of ancestors, that is, violence always manifests itself in any society, both in the most well-organized and in the most primitive.
  Naturally, the aggression to solve the problems of obtaining greater benefits from what is available and what is not enough for everyone, manifests itself not only among individuals and their small groups, but also between large communities, and later between states in the form of wars, mainly for resources.
  This fact can be explained only by the fact that the animal component of consciousness, both in individual and collective form, which cannot be removed from any human and any social organism, still forces every person and all their communities to fight for the most comfortable existence, in spite of everything, in which the selfish component of self-consciousness contributes to it, while the undoubted growth of the altruistic component of self-consciousness over several thousand years of the development of civilization could only affect the change in the forms of violence, having softened some of them.
  Perhaps Friedrich Nietzsche was the first to try to substantiate such joyless fact.
  He points out that a person is only a transitional link from the beast to the superman, on who everything ends: "What is a monkey in relation to man? Laughing-stock or excruciating disgrace. And the person for the superman has to be the same: laughing-stock or excruciating disgrace ... The superman - the meaning of the earth [5, v. 1, p. 8].
  However, his superman is, in fact, only a strong-willed and strong intelligent animal, which differs from other living beings, including an ordinary person, by its increased egocentrism and degree of dominance: "For the neighbor" it is a virtue only small people: they say: "one stands the other" and "the hand washes a hand"; they have neither the right nor the strength for your egoism" [5, v. 1, p. 210] ... The most malicious is necessary for the benefit of the superman [5, v. 1, p. 208]. What makes the superman by such - this is mainly the will for power: "But wherever I find the alive, I have heard everywhere about obedience. All living things are something obeying ... In order to the weaker served to the strongest - the will of the strongest induce him for it, which wants to be master over the weaker: he cannot do without this joy ... ...Only where there is life, there is will, but it is not the will to live, but - as I teach - the will to power!" [5, v. 1, p. 82-83].
  That is, Nietzsche has deduced from the original monkey essence of a person that it will ultimately destroy the altruism of his self-consciousness and make him a rational superbeast, ruling over everyone, which in itself is nonsense, but an indicator that the animal component of consciousness is really strong enough to make beast-like creatures out of individual people at certain moments in life, which is what always happened in different historical eras, when people enthusiastically destroyed other people or became cannibals.
  Nietzsche's underestimation of the influence of an altruistic program of self-consciousness on a person affected the fact that he stated with despondency: "Maybe, all of humanity is only one time-limited phase in the development of a certain animal species - so that a person has arisen from a monkey and will again become a monkey ..." [5, v. 1, p. 371].
  Nietzsche was only the first in a line of thinkers. pessimistic about the future of the human race.
  For example, in fact, he was joined by such an excellent world-class specialist in his field of biology related to the study of the brain, S. A. Saveliev. However, he predicted the final destruction of the mind in man already from the position of cerebral sorting (selection): "In just a few million years, cerebral sorting has increased our brain several times and has given it properties, unprecedented for the animal world. The problem is that this trend has already changed and today's artificial selection is aimed at reducing brain mass, which simplifies further socialization and conformism. At the same time, biological selection thrives, it is absolutely indifferent to both the size of the brain and the level of intelligence of its owner. The main value is food and reproductive dominance over other inhabitants of the planet. For these reasons, a safe uniformity of thoughts of the philistines will arise without any total control by the evil uncles with tomographs. The lovely humanity has already created perfect methods of behavioral selection that will destroy our consciousness and destroy the traces of reason without any additional efforts" [6. Preface].
  As you can see, both of these opposing positions of scientists - the endless development of reason or its final destruction - are very interesting and informative in certain moments, but, alas, they are categorically one-sided, which, one must assume, is being viewed even from such a brief overview. And this indicates that one-sidedness, as the conventional classic of Russian humorous literature Kozma Prutkov said, is like a gumboil.
  Thus, consideration of the influence of both components of a person consciousness on his thoughts and actions shows their opposition to each other in terms of the fact that the animal component of consciousness mostly strives to do everything possible for itself even at the expense of destroying the rest, without particularly thinking about it, and self-consciousness in its altruistic component reflects most of all on improving the functioning of the whole society, since it believes that in this case the life of each of its members will also be in the most favorable conditions.
  These components of consciousness are not capable of overpowering each other, since their influence on behavior of a person is based on the action of corresponding programs located in the genome of each cell of the organism.
  For this reason, a person, no matter what he does, will never return to a purely animal state of primacy, and, in the same way, will not become an immaculate, super-intelligent and non-aggressive person in a harmonious society of ideal people.
  1. Всемирная энциклопедия. Философия. М., АСТ. Мн. Харвест. Современный литератор. 2001.
  2. Острецов И. Н. Введение в философию ненасильственного развития. Монография. Ростов н/Д. ИП "Комплекс". 2002.
  3. Treatise of Human Nature by David Hume. 1739. V.1 Reprinted from the Original Edition three volumes and edited, with an analytical index, by L. A. Selby Bigge, M. A. (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1896).
  4. K. Marx. Manifesto of the Communist Party. Geneva. 1882.
  5. Ф. Ницше. Сочинения в 2 томах. Москва, издательство "Мысль".
  6. Савельев С. А. Церебральный сортинг. Издательство: ВЕДИ. 2016.
  Chapter 1.
  What way the artificial intelligence will corrupt and crush us?
  Whether the artificial intelligence is a panacea from all our troubles or it won't lead up to good? In this work not only the difference of artificial intelligence from consciousness of the person is shown, but it is also demonstrated - to what result this difference will lead.
  Under the artificial intelligence (AI), apparently, should be understood the ability of the machine (electronic computing, quantum or other) brain to solve tasks, to provide the requested information and, using sensors, to control a variety of devices by modeling of a situation according to a goal.
  The main characteristics of this brain are the memory size and processor speed on use of the programs, entered into it, exceeding the same characteristics of the human brain, and thus allowing to effectively replace a person both in solving various problems, and in managing complex processes.
  In particular, AI is used in mathematical proofs, data analysis, when planning, forecasting, translation, systematization of knowledge, training, recognition, interaction with the external environment according to indications of sensors (manipulation of objects, navigation, regulation of technological processes, diagnosis of diseases, customer service in finance and trade, protection of objects, control of transport, harmful productions, entertainments etc.).
  Part of scientists believes that the artificial intelligence, as well as and the person, is capable to have creative abilities, or creativity. In particular, treat Mark Ridl from Institute of Technology of Georgia (USA) them and the head of the association "London Futurists" David Wood (Great Britain).
  To understand whether AI is capable to perform creative functions, we will note some of its features.
  AI is only capable to perceive the goal set to it, but cannot put it independently, and AI does not understand sense of the obtained data which after interpretation turn into information for the person.
  AI is not capable to turn into a conscious being of any level because he recognizes these or those data on matrixes, enclosed into it by a person for a person, and not for itself.
  AI does not have an independent life, for which any living being has to fight, and it is not able to continue itself in the offspring.
  AI is able to work only through the human intermediation, but at the same time it does not require the mandatory communication with other AI.
  AI is capable to work only at means of the person, but at the same time it does not require obligatory communication with other AI. In this respect AI is the common thing, which is not interested in anything and not interesting to anybody, until it will not be connected to a power source and will not be entered into it the programs answering the purpose of the person whereas any living being is not capable to live in isolation, and the living being "is disconnected" from life only after death, that is - after withdrawal from the body consciousness.
  AI is capable to use only the rules of the formal logic within a solution of the task set to it, in particular, it can produce a new information, only combining the information known to it, but is not capable to produce essentially new information in another way. In particular, an intuitive approach is not available to it and it has no imagination.
  AI recalls in relation to the solution of certain tasks of the rational people who discover new relations of objects and phenomena only in a different combination of them, and new items - only by a combination of known parts in a different way - in accordance with the logical constructions.
  Therefore, AI, like rational people, cannot go beyond the limits of reasonable information processing, that is, a template.
  Anyway, but accelerated processing the information in comparison with a human brain, and fast acquisition within the framework of the goal of describing a variety of useful objects and presenting solutions to many complex, labor-intensive or multi-level tasks using existing programs, as well as the immediate provision of data to users within the existing database have transferred the civilization over the past few decades in a different-more condensed-time mode, the positive features of which are reflected in the following.
  The use of available information for the public has been facilitated many times. In particular, the Internet as much as possible provided access to virtually any available database for each person.
  Besides, there was a possibility of fast carrying out the most complex calculations, in particular, for a solution of earlier unavailable technological and scientific problems, and by that - designing and production not only new means of communication, computers, other consumer goods, but also space vehicles, new foodstuff, dwellings, studying of a genome of living beings, effective management of various processes without direct human participation, etc.
  As a result, the process of cultural and technological development of civilization has accelerated significantly.
  Nevertheless, as it was shown above, AI is not capable to set independently the purposes and to offer seeming at first sight by the incompatible, or absolutely original, so how it acts only under the programs, entered into it, irrespective of its high-speed performance and volume of the available memory, which can repeatedly exceed similar opportunities of a human brain.
  In other words, AI is capable to be only the assistant to the person, modeling a certain process on the set way that is far from creative endeavors, but it significantly accelerates and facilitates work of the person, and also allows it to penetrate into previously inaccessible spheres due to the limited action of the sense organs and insufficient memory size.
  However, is a person capable, without prejudice, to "digest" the actions of such assistant!?
  The facilitated information access blocks development of the person who can jump without effort from one topic on another now, using information which is already obtained earlier by others without carrying out own educational-research work, to replace own reflection with an information stream from AI, relying in all its decisions and actions on the options provided to them, which means the suspension of the work of the main target self-awareness programs. And this process of actual inaction of a person"s highest consciousness, like drug addiction, gradually dulls him, transferring the person into a state of lower (animal) consciousness, that is, lowering the level of his own self-consciousness to an extreme minimum.
  At the same time, it becomes more and more difficult for a person to embrace and comprehend the increasing flow of information through the Internet, especially since civilization is heterogeneous: every state, every elite, every religious center pursues its own goals, confronting each other.
  The negative impact of AI on a person after its appearance, that is, during the last decades, has already led to the emergence of a generation of relatively young people with "clip" thinking.
  They do not make it difficult of themselves to memorize certain data, having the ability immediately to receive them from the computer, and thereby they lose the ability to autonomously conduct long-term and systematic research, in which it is only possible to mentally combine heterogeneous and often seemingly incompatible information.
  This generation is a ready and grateful consumer of various new products, but it is not able to come up with both fundamentally new and find a way out of non-standard situations when savvy and intuition becomes the only helper.
  Association of similar people with AI quickly enough should lead a civilization to accident, so how acquaintance with an avalanche information stream becomes for them harder and harder to the adequate analysis, and becomes even more difficult thereof its adequate use, so how its filtering, as a rule, by doubtful criteria becomes actually only method of ordering of information, which hide the essence of the proceeding processes owing to limitation of resources of a human body and provoke inadequate reaction to the arriving data, at this the responsibility for the made decisions is born not by(with) AI, which is indifferent to what is happening, and the person yourself.
  Thus, as a rule, symptomatic phenomena are eliminated, or only those that the specialist can detect and evaluate within the framework of his own limited experience.
  As a result, the apparent inadequacy of the reaction to what is happening leads to negative consequences, differing only in degree. One of the first signals of such inadequacy was the Chernobyl disaster.
  In other words, with the growth of information flows, AI begins to falter, since programs compiled by man do not cover the whole diversity of complex systems, and a significant amount of conflicting information does not allow a person - the recipient of information - to choose the right solution.
  The situation of technological collapse threatening with crash of all civilization is aggravated also with the occurring cultural collapse.
  Rapid expansion of a zone of use of AI in production of goods and means of production and also in the field of services, deprives a significant part of the educated population of work.
  These people get into a situation of life on social benefits, receiving, it"s true, a free day in return for a working day, but these days are infinitely boring, because on social benefits especially you will not spree, and to be engaged in something creative and productive these people, owning only certain professional skills, are not accustomed, besides the fact, the abilities to these occupations, which are not routine, that is not an easy activity, so, and the aspiration to them, as a rule, is not available.
  There remains the sphere of banal activities, such as dominoes, computer games, garden and garden affairs, etc., as well as the scope of crime for especially aggressively stupid or cunning-wise ones.
  For more information about the "casus of free time", refer to the work (in Russian) with the same name (see, for example, the collection "All conversely. Answers to tricky questions about interesting", part 2, chapter 1, 2018. www. litres.ru).
  Naturally, such a loss of themselves due to the gradual repulsion of the working people by artificial intelligence from some meaningful activities, giving them confidence in their importance to society, leads them to degradation, and a civilization in general to loss of its essence consisting in the structure developing and guarding consciousness of each generation, which existence in the conditions of similar lowering of the level of self-values, so, and self-consciousness of people, loses meaning whereas the coming domination of machine artificial intelligence does not bear for AI any sense owing to its brainlessness, that is, because of lack consciousness at it that means impossibility for AI of independent development.
  Moreover, the acquisition by artificial intelligence over time creative abilities, similar human, will never happen due to the lack of its ability to "disconnect" from the formal logical, or strictly programmatic approach to solving problems and without this "distraction-disconnection", obtaining a fundamentally new knowledge or manifestation of inventiveness (non-standard approach) in any field of activity is impossible.
  The fact is that inventiveness, or solution of a certain problem essentially in a new way means "adaptation" to each other formally incongruous, but not a combination of the known things and receptions: the objects and the phenomena that are not combined in one plane, as it were, can ideally fit one another, if they are "fitted" to one another as if in volume.
  The problem, however, is that it is not possible to find this "volume", that is, to enter another dimension with the help of calculations, algorithms, standards, known knowledge, techniques, and even experiments.
  For the example, we will give two obviously beyond formal-logical approaches technological sentences, not fitting into the known patterns, and unavailable therefore to any AI.
  One of them is fuel-free power unit (Yu. Potapov, patent of the Russian Federation No. 2045715, 1993). The vortex heat generator of Potapov is executed in the form of a vertical cylindrical pipe into which the upper part is tangentially entered the water flow with such speed at which with turbulization of a flow appear cavitational bubbles, as a result, water the heats up quickly, and the heat release is redundant, which was shown not only on models, but also during comparative tests in NPO "Energia" in 1996.
  The measured heat release was about 142% of the expended energy. The installation, despite such violation of the laws of conservation, was manufactured and even began to be sold. In particular, it was manufactured and sold by the enterprises of Fakel (Kaliningrad), Thermovikhr,, Noteka, Yurle (Belarus).
  Another creative proposal is the development of a system and methodology for the movement of vehicles on highways without the formation of traffic jams (Makarov Yu. F., Nizovtsev Yu.M. Bulletin of transport information No. 11.2013). Its essence boils down to a paradoxical idea: instead of fight against traffic jams it is offered not to lead up traffic flows up to the state, which is hopeless for the movement, that is, for traffic flows the state of congestion and traffic jams is excluded owing to the establishment of the constant non-stop movement of practically any number of vehicles on highways. The similar transport mode provides the maximum throughput of highways thanks to maintaining of the distance between moving vehicles providing their free movement - with displacement from some lanes of others. The mode of non-stop traffic on highways of the network within 30-90 km per hour is maintained automatically without allowing a sudden drop in speed, not only due to the preliminary coordination of the throughput of the corresponding section of the highway and the throughput of the entrances, adjacent to this site of the highway, but also, in extraordinary cases, due to the restriction of entrance of cars on the ground or elevated highway on those sections, on which the speed of traffic falls lower than 30 km/h, by means of the integrated system of speed sensors of traffic and entrance traffic lights. At this, the problem of narrowing of the route, for example, owing to accidents which is also leading to formation of traffic jams, is solved by the introduction on all sections of each city highway of the reserve-technical (buffer) lane for a detour of places of accidents. This buffer lane can also be used for entrance-exit of cars, as well as the for passage of medical vehicles and buses.
  Therefore, all truly great discoveries and inventions, masterpieces of painting, sculpture, architecture, music, and literature, which are then repeatedly copied and somehow changed - not always for the better - emerged as a result of "coupling" outwardly incompatible by means of an exit into other mental and sensual dimensions, often referred to as the unconscious.
  Actually, the transition to unconscious means arrival of inspiration, or insight which, in effect, is explained by local coincidence of interest, expressed in certain purpose, and the experience of the person possessing, besides, certain inherent abilities in the relevant field, for example, music, color, smell, associative memory, etc., and all this must be supported by a strong will that holds the person in the field of the chosen aspiration, despite possible long periods of failure.
  Intensive interest, for example, can fetch the person into a state of excitation, and experience and abilities help to formulate clearly the questions, which can cause an "outflow" out of nowhere sudden realization of the event or can lead to a desired solution, as well as an answer to the question posed.
  However, the achievement of an outstanding result depends not only on the interest, will, scale and clarity of the goal, abilities (brain structure) of the person, but also on individual developments during the whole past life, on the ability to distract from the routine (reality).
  In other words, the inspiration mechanism (intuition, insight) consists in such a combination of the highest (self-consciousness) and the lowest (animal) forms of consciousness, - certainly present, but to varying degree, in every person - in which consciousness begins to work as automatically (without reflections and logic), as it happens at animals for their survival, and along with that into this automatic scheme relatively short time are embed all human achievements in the form of acquired experience and meanings in a given area of society, existing knowledge and skills in line with certain target orientation, as well as individual (from birth) are relatively briefly integrated into this automatic scheme. ) the capabilities of his thinking apparatus.
  Such relatively short-term harmonious fusion of targeted self-awareness programs, that are capable of the correction and self-training, and programs of the lowest consciousness, ideal for the survival, which are not counteracting each other, as usual, and working in unison, allows in automatic mode, in accordance with the intended purpose, to scan all the information concentrated in a person for his life and to "catch" from the myriad new connections the desired ones of connections, which, apparently, is a consequence of the formation of a kind of resonance between the configured goal and a complex of new communications, coinciding in their informational content with the goal, that is, those that are most suitable for this case, being, for example, the most effective for a particular technology or the most impressive for an object of art. And this is possible only in the free search mode, but with a predetermined goal.
  Of course, reaching this kind of the "frequency coincidence" is rather difficult to effectively accomplish the task, because of the significant amount of information accumulated over the lifetime, which is scanned in a similar free search mode, and it can only be simplified (to narrow the volume) by many years of preparatory work in the relevant field, knowledge of details, and at the same time knowledge of related disciplines. Nevertheless, obtaining non-trivial solutions (outside of formal logic) without fulfilling these conditions is impossible.
  Strangely enough, but in the preparatory work to such insight, the same AI, connected to Internet, can provide extremely great assistance, clarifying the direction of search and correcting the target.
  It is clear, that it is a little individuals corresponding to "severe" criteria of truly creative activity in comparison with all mass of the population, and they mostly make unusable products - that "artists" that "writers" that "researchers" in science and technology, since the creativity is not equivalent to talent - it is only the basis for the manifestation of a person's innate abilities, which may or may not be, but which cannot be acquired through labor or education, and they meet not often.
  In other words, the work of AI is based on combinatorics, that is, the search for combinations of data available in its base, and 11-19 billion neurons of the human cortex and 150 billion of all neurons of the human body work on a different principle - not on data exchange, but on distribution and conversion during all lifetime of the person of information by means of appearing and disappearing communications - some kind of impulses of updating - between neurons which are not programmed and do not give in to modeling, and the number of which, naturally, for a certain time interval can be many times more than the neurons themselves, and the new combination of which can be "caught" only in the process of free scanning the target"s "butterfly net", and the principal novelty of the "caught" is due to the random formation of links between neurons. All this allows, in principle, "to reach" the desired and at the same time original solution or to get the necessary answer, if, of course, the goal enters a kind of resonance with a set of new connections that are most suitable for this case.
  Thus, this kind of process, called insight, or insight, is not necessary for doing usual things, solving trivial tasks or tasks in the formal-logical plane (in this plane, in particular, the activity of the overwhelming majority of scientists and managers proceed) is available only to a person by virtue of his constitution as live organism, but not "iron" in a mathematical frame, and this process succeeds most correctly to the creative persons owing to certain combination of the lowest and highest forms of consciousness.
  Creative persons are always crowded with deep feeling of disappointment in relation to the environment surrounding them which comes to them from the lowest consciousness in its aspiration to creation of big conveniences to existence. However, this feeling is combined with their highest consciousness which dissatisfaction with insufficient public comfort, development of science or art, reaching high degree, demands to extend achievements of a civilization and culture to all.
  But the lowest consciousness dominates in this case, as a result of which the activity of these individuals is manifested mostly by instinct, without much reflections, with minimum of rationality - a formal-logical approach, - giving, nevertheless, the most creative people from all living.
  Nevertheless, and for persons, which are the most capable to these creative procedures, similar complex process of "getting" of essentially new knowledge has very low efficiency, so how it has in many respects accidental character.
  That is why there were not so many great discoverers and creators of the absolutely new in the entire history of our civilization, and all other figures who are not creative people, but pretending to be them, are just imitators, which there are especially numerous in art.
  Thus, high-quality cultural and technological growth of a civilization depends only on creators of essentially new, and the accelerated development of a civilization for the last decades as it is paradoxical, is provoked by generally brainless artificial intelligence which is also thought up by the creators of the new.
  And this AI is amazingly effective if to remember still a recent sluggish current of time in its absence, both concerning technological and cultural progress, and on coverage of all population the consumption benefits.
  All the other members of the population, in contrast to creative personalities, unfortunately, can only with more or less success copy, supplement, implement, as well as consume everything or admire all that the creators of the new thought up initially.
  Nevertheless, to save a civilization from crash creative personalities, even ifthey will try very much, will not be able. On the contrary, they and are "guilty" of approaching of the information collapse caused, in effect, by AI invented by them.
  However, inevitability of this process clearly demonstrates constancy of discreteness of the finite and the infinite.
  Chapter 2.
  What does violence hide behind itself?
  Until now, no explanation has been found for the inefficiency of non-violent methods of struggle of peoples both against oppressors and for their rights to a better life. At the same time, for the entire time of the existence of civilization there has not been a period without wars and bloody conflicts, and within the states various types of the enforcement agencies have raged and rage, striving to brutally suppress any disturbance against the ruling stratum. Where does the ineradicability of violence come from?
  As is known, in its structure and functions performed by its body, a person is a highly developed primate, whose genome is 99% identical to the genome of a chimpanzee.
  Therefore, a person cannot but retain a significant number of features of the animal psyche.
  The life of the animal world is built solely on the use of the innate instincts and acquired reflexes, useful for keeping in existence, which boils down to nutrition, reproduction as well as the consumption of sensations, preferably pleasant ones. The very existence of any living being depends primarily on finding by it some food, which, in turn, is determined by its stay in the corresponding section of the hierarchical chain of niches in which all living creatures are located, as a rule, devouring each other in accordance with the niche they occupy in this, in essence, the food chain of the different beings from plants to primates.
  The very access to food in the corresponding niche of the animal world is greatly facilitated if the individual manages to take a dominant position in the community by force, deceit or quick-wittedness, as a result of which he gets the sweetest pieces.
  Naturally, it is impossible to become a leader in a pack without constant manifestation of the corresponding force and aggression against relatives and rivals, which are nothing but a consequence of such properties of his individuality, reflecting of animal consciousness, as dominance, perseverance, decisiveness.
  Even among herbivores, one can see that, as a rule, the largest male is at the head of the herd.
  As for the beings, capable of eating meat, then, with rare exceptions, they not only devour enemies when they defeat them, but in case of chronic hunger they are quite capable of cannibalism.
  In other words, the animal world does not neglect any food if it is not enough, and here the strength determines everything.
  Being the heir of the primates, a person could not but retain in his consciousness, along with a number of instincts and reflexes, the desire to the dominate in the community, which gives him many advantages not only in nutrition, but also in satisfying his own increased needs, often inaccessible to most others.
  To win such an advantageous position in the community, a person could already not only, like animals, with the help of aggression, the degree and success of which depends on brute force, or natural quick-wittedness, or with the help of deception of fellow tribesmen and rivals, but also with the help of associative thinking, contributing to the most adequate planning of his actions, as well as unscrupulousness, guile, cunning, treachery, sycophancy, etc.
  All these methods of violence and deceit are still the most effective methods of gaining power, however, if a person"s aggression is inherited from monkey ancestors, then he acquired many other properties not from nature, but due to his awareness of himself as a person in society.
  Any personality, in addition to a number of negative and positive properties in relation to morality, also carries more or less neutral features in the form of varying degrees of strong-willed attitude, criticality, diligence, responsibility, conviction, curiosity, mental abilities and creativity.
  In addition, during its formation from a hominid to homo sapiens, each person acquired, at least in its infancy, such positive personality traits as kindness, friendliness, empathy, sympathy, mercy, which relate to disinterested care for others, denoted by the term "altruism", in contrast to egoism, which is a consequence of the egocentrism of the animal consciousness, aimed only at its own survival and well-being.
  These altruistic properties, formed in self-consciousness of a person, not only have a significant impact on the effectiveness of the collective actions of any groups of people, but also incline some thinkers to the idea of harmonizing the entire human community by non-violent methods.
  The most famous representatives of this position of non-violent action are Leo Tolstoy and Mahatma Gandhi.
  "Those who have ever experienced the joy of repaying evil with good will never miss a chance to receive this joy," wrote Leo Tolstoy [1].
  In turn, the main idea of Gandhi comes down to the renunciation of violence and the willingness to endure pain and suffering, influencing the prudence and conscience of the enemy [2].
  The intuitive reliance of both thinkers, in essence, only on the altruistic component of self-consciousness, externally expressed in the positive properties of a person's personality, which is always opposed by the selfish component of self-consciousness, externally expressed in the negative properties of a person's personality, is not able to eliminate the selfish part of self-consciousness, and even more so, is unable to remove the egocentricity of the animal component of the human consciousness.
  Therefore, the idea of nonviolent change in the society of both outstanding thinkers towards a more harmonious in practice has been reduced to benevolent wishes and, at best, to short-term victories.
  Similar point of view, of course, has its opponents who claim the opposite, considering violence necessary and even useful for the establishment of a society without violence, which Karl Marx was inclined to, that quite naturally followed from his consideration that violence is the fruit of social causes and its effect manifests itself only in an exploitative society, in the case of the elimination of which violence, as such, will disappear [3].
  In essence, Marx has proposed using the destructive nature of violence to create a society without violence, that is, without exploiters and exploited: first we will destroy, and then we will build. At first glance, this idea seems very tempting, simple, original, quite acceptable and effective. It is for this reason that half of humanity "pecked" at it, the consequences of which are known to everybody.
  However, neither Marx nor his other supporters have taken into account or assumed that violence is completely dependent on both the egocentric animal component of human consciousness and the selfish component of human self-consciousness, as a result of which violence can only be eliminated together with the person himself.
  In addition, this very idea of Marx is nonsense, since the destructive nature of violence, of course, can temporarily subordinate some to others, but violence is not capable of creation, that is, violence cannot be a tool for the complete and voluntary consent of all members of such a heterogeneous society to solve various tasks, and without this the harmonization of society is impossible.
  Be that as it may, both of these ideas gained numerous followers, although for the above reasons they could not find and did not find the confirmation in practice and successfully failed, despite all sacrificial attempts to lead tn antagonistic society with oppressors and oppressed to such a society in which everyone lives peacefully, amicably and prospers in all respects.
  Thus, if we proceed from the fact that violence is a consequence of the action of both components of consciousness, both natural and the corresponding component of self-consciousness, then it becomes clear why a one-sided approach to the phenomenon of violence and a lack of understanding of its roots have led to a legitimate failure.
  However, both of these ideas, despite their obvious incapacity, still own significant masses of the population, which, despite all the logical arguments about their falsity, will never abandon them due to the acquisition by them of a kind of abstract-religious character of faith in a better future.
  The Austrian biologist and philosopher Konrad Lorenz, speaking about the phenomenon of violence, proceeded from the fact that it "has an instinctive character, being a protective reaction of the organism to the environment" [4].
  This kind of reduction of the complex social relations of the human community, reflected in the collective and individual self-consciousness, as well asand the natural collective and individual psyche of various individuals to mere instincts alone, being the antipode of Marx's views on violence, looks just as unconvincing. If Marx forgot about the natural essence of a person, then Lorentz lost sight of his social component.
  Ludwig Gumplovich, a representative of the school of social Darwinism, believed that conflicts in the life of society are unavoidable, since people are mercilessly fighting for influence, survival and domination. Gumplovich argues that society develops in accordance with the law, which consists in "... the desire of each social group to subjugate every other social group encountered on its way, the desire for enslavement, domination" [5, p. 159].
  The same opinion was shared by Eugene During, who has believed the emergence of property, classes and the state as a result of the violence of one part of society over another [6].
  If all this were so simple, that is, on the basis of violence alone, then the flocks of primates, in which there is a rather complex hierarchy and various conflicts are produced - both internal and external, would have property, and classes, and the states.
  The well-known philosopher Erich Fromm, recognizing the internal aggressiveness of a person, also connected it with the social conditions that can contribute to the manifestation of aggressiveness [7].
  Here Fromm went further than Marx and Dühring, trying to connect the "internal aggressiveness of a person" with his features that were formed in the social environment.
  In his opinion, "the human living in two worlds at once" implies his inconsistency. He has also believed that the historical process is characterized by an increase in violence due to the fact that the emerging social conditions contribute to aggressiveness, which he divides into natural - for the sake of protecting vital interests - and malignant - for the sake of enjoyment only for oneself.
  Such considerations look rather primitive for the reason that Fromm does not show where the "internal aggressiveness of a person" came from, what is its role in the development of civilization and how it interacts with the positive features of the human psyche.
  In addition, his thesis about the growth of violence in the course of the historical process looks very doubtful, since the growth of culture in the course of the development of civilization, on the contrary, gradually has made society more humane, at least in relation to the prisoners of war, who were no longer eaten, but they were turned into slaves or serfs, and the degree of the human liberty also increased up to the recognition of the equality of all people already from the time of the bourgeois revolution in France in 1789, although, of course, class and domestic violence, as well as wars, have not disappeared anywhere.
  In fact, as strange as it may seem to many, violence is by no means the primary factor producing all social cataclysms.
  Violence within any community and the corresponding apparatus for this actually arise as a result of a change in the situation with the consumption, production and distribution of various goods.
  For example, violence in conditions of scarcity of resources, which is typical for local primitive communities, can only lead to the loss of the viability of these communities. Therefore, their members had to jointly take care of a more or less even distribution of resources to all its members without any obvious advantage precisely for maintaining the stability of the community. That is, the interests of the survival of the entire team under these conditions prevail over the interests of the personality.
  Therefore, in primitive communities there was no subject for the emergence of antagonism due to the lack of private property, but there was a need to fight for the survival of the whole community due to chronic lack of food, and only forced cooperation and mutual assistance could help the struggle for the survival of the collective, which subsequently served as the basis for the appearance in self-consciousness of all the basic properties of altruism.
  On the other hand, the egocentricity of the animal component of the consciousness of the primitive people has not disappeared anywhere, as a result, due to the chronic lack of food, the defeated rival tribe could be eaten in full, which usually happens in the animal world, demonstrating the similarity of the primitive communities to a pack of predators.
  In other words, the basis for such behavior of primitive people is in the overwhelming dominance in their minds of its animal component, although self-awareness has already come to them, but altruism is limited only to their own community, whereas in relation to competitors it was not observed in the same as in competing animals of packs fighting for survival.
  The emergence of a significant volume of the excess product, which arose due to the changed conditions for the existence of human communities, led to a shift in emphasis from the survival of the collective to ensuring better living conditions for individuals and the resulting power stratum and groups, close to it. This change has led to the need to provide protection of the benefits and position, which were obtained by the allocated interlayers.
  In itself, the excess product did not arise by chance, but as a result of the conscious intervention of individuals and groups of people in the environment.
  In particular, there is no doubt that somehow one of them thought of not only collecting fruits, grains and berries, but also planting plants, caring for them and harvesting. Similarly, one of the hunters could bring the baby artiodactyls to raise them in captivity for meat, skins or milk.
  Similar approach, which is not characteristic of animals, no longer follows from the animal component of consciousness, but is the result of a person's awareness of the environment as an object for transformation into other objects that are more beneficial for his life.
  These examples show that violence is only a secondary factor operating in human communities, and the primary cause that produces both violence and other changes in the life of these communities can only be the human consciousness, more precisely, both of its forms - the animal and self-consciousness.
  The very predominance of violence in society, due to the absence of a creative component in it, slows down its development and destroys the human psyche.
  As the additional example, it can be noted that the state is also not a product of violence, as a number of thinkers believe.
  Violence, not being a creative force, is not capable of serving as a tool for holding together the heterogeneous individuals in order to solve problems that ensure the development of this entire contradictory community in the struggle for the right to existence in the form of a separate state, but it can be a means to fight other states. At the same time, violence is used by the state as a tool to preserve its own foundation, which is always an antagonistic hierarchical framework.
  The state arises only when, with the acquisition of a certain material base, each person realizes the benefits of uniting people into a hierarchical community to ensure its existence on the basis of appropriate legal provisions that facilitate their interaction in order to achieve their goals, which consist mainly in the technological and cultural development, as well as in keeping this community from disintegration and absorption under the onslaught of other communities competing with it.
  At the same time, due to the difference in the aspirations of the bulk of the population engaged in the production of consumer products, which is always dissatisfied with its subordinate position and wants to change it for the better, and the layer exercising power powers, that give a lot of privileges, the latter must ensure the preservation of these powers, and the simplest and most effective way to ensure this is the use of violence for those who disagree with the methods of management, which are carried out by the ruling elite.
  It follows from this definition that resolving the antagonism of various segments of the population within any State requires the use of violence, not persuasion, to maintain the stability of this antagonistic entity, since the disadvantaged side always hates the other - the prosperous one.
  Thus, violence does not create a State, but only tries to keep it from disintegrating, eradication or absorption.
  Therefore, the development of the human communities through the state, which is both a creative force and an organ of violence - internal and external, is actually initiated and supported by the corresponding components of human consciousness - the animal and its self-consciousness, in case raising the latter to a level that makes it possible to comprehend the advantages of this formation in comparison with his shortcomings.
  In other words, the creative power is provided by the initially positive and neutral properties of a person's personality, which are a reflection of one part of his self-consciousness, while conscious violence is provided mainly by negative features of a person's personality, which are a reflection of another part of his self-consciousness.
  Naturally, the epithets "positive", "negative", "neutral" are given in the correlation of the personality traits with morality.
  In addition, violence is supported by the animal component of the human consciousness with its constant aggressiveness. It is this support of conscious violence by the animal component of consciousness that makes it an eternal winner in the dispute between altruism and egocentrism of human consciousness in any periods of the existence of civilization with the States composing it.
  So, to eliminate violence, it would be necessary to do the impossible - to remove the purely egocentric animal consciousness from the human body, but it is responsible for the functioning of every cell of the body and its survival in the whole in the environment, and in particular, for survival in it in the fight against competitors and enemies, which is impossible without violence. It is this circumstance that makes it senseless to carry out a "cleansing" of a person from his animal essence as a primate.
  In the same way, it is impossible to remove from a person the negative properties of his personality, which, together with positive and neutral ones, make him a specific personality, unlike the others.
  All these properties of a human's personality, being an external expression of his self-consciousness, developed during the long development of various forms of society, coexisting with the characteristics of his individuality, which reflects the animal component of the human consciousness.
  Thus, in any collective and individual aliv, the action of two forces is manifested - violence and creation. However, they are only an external expression of human consciousness with its activity and dissatisfaction in both of its forms - animal and self-consciousness.
  Initially, in the manifestation and development of living beings - from bacteria to primates - which lasted for billions of years on the planet, the natural selection acted on the basis of the genome mutations, in which a randomness prevailed, reducing the interaction of living beings to devouring or, at least, living at the expense of each other on the basis of trial and error, the essence of which they could not grasp, since their consciousness was fixing its attention not on the awareness of some process, but only on ensuring the functioning of the organism , its survival and adaptation to the environment.
  Therefore, the random positive changes in the genome, as well as useful skills that arise during life in the form of reflexes, along with the innate instincts, being manifested, consolidated not at once, but over the course of many generations. The consequence of this circumstance was such slow development and complication of organisms, which lasted billions of years in calendar years, until the appearance of hominids.
  And so, somehow - science has not yet found out this - hominids appeared with an additional component to the existing natural (animal) consciousness, the main feature of which was the ability to be aware of themselves through Time, and evaluate their actions not only in the process of adapting to the environment, but also in the course of its purposeful change for their own needs, desires and considerations.
  A result of this addition - the mistakes, made by these beings, who are aware of themselves and their actions, they could already evaluate in the limit at once and correct their actions on this basis in the right direction. That is, the dominance of certain randomness for these creatures has been replaced by a certain degree of freedom of action in striving for their own favorable future in the form of goals.
  The consequence of the emergence of such a process was the multiple acceleration of the development of hominin communities, which ended after several million calendar years with their transformation into homo sapiens, and then the formation of a new shell around them for a more convenient existence and development - civilization.
  The difference between the aspirations of the egocentric component of the human consciousness, focused on the functioning of the organism, its survival and adaptation to the environment, and the new component of consciousness - self-consciousness, focused mainly on changing the environment in its favor, and the desire to explain this environment for its more effective use accompanying this process , that is, the desire for knowledge of the environment, was expressed in a more or less intense struggle of these forces, the external manifestation of which was violence and creation.
  Therefore, it is they that directly change reality - the violence destroys, the creation forms, due to which there is a fairly rapid process of renewal of both the environment and the human self-consciousness, although the reason for manifestation of violence and creation lies in the dissatisfaction of both forms of human consciousness with surrounding.
  By itself, the process of creation contains three in some way propulsors that move both a person and society in their self-consciousness forward in their interaction and mutual influence.
  First of all, it is the struggle of the ruling elite, guided mostly by egoistic considerations of their own benefit, the basis of which is in the animal component of the consciousness of this elite, with intellectuals opposing it, due to their aspiration to improve society, which is based on the altruism of their self-consciousness, prevailing over the selfishness of self-consciousness and egocentrism of the animal component of their consciousness.
  Similar struggle between these strata of society, hating each other, due to the fundamental divergence of their interests and intentions, leads to a gradual change in social relations, since the masses of the people cannot but be involved in this struggle in one way or another, gradually benefiting from it in the form of improving the conditions of own existence.
  In turn, two main creative groups emerge among intellectuals, divided by interests.
  One of them is most attracted by the knowledge of the surrounding world both out of curiosity and for certain applied purposes - scientists and inventors. That is, the people who make it up not only strive to learn new things, but also to apply this new in practice, what ultimately results in the development of technologies, and this development, as you know, occurs most effectively by applying a creative approach to changing reality.
  Therefore, along with the improvement of the social structure, one way or another, a change in the technological equipment of society and, therefore, its economy occurs at one rate or another.
  In other words, these creative persons make the maximum contribution to the technological development of civilization.
  Both of these forces, despite the non-obviousness of the action of the first, which, as a result of this circumstance, and now are being substituted in the eyes of the public by the class struggle of working people and exploiters, although in a number of countries it is already difficult to separate working people and exploiters, produce a process of creation both in social relations and in technologies, significantly influencing each other so that when they intersect, the turns may occur that replace one way of life of a community or state with another - more perfect and convenient for the population in its ever-increasing scope, which, in fact, is the process of development of civilization within the framework of proprietary relations from slave-owing system up to capitalism.
  However, any turns and upheavals in the social order, especially the cardinal ones, occur only at a sufficiently high level of culture, if not of the entire population, then of its leading strata, the main contribution to the achievement of which is made by another group of intellectuals, manifesting itself in the sphere of social development, the closest the inner world of a person, that is, his self-consciousness.
  This group of intellectuals, more interested in the inner world of man and his communities, tries to penetrate it in various ways, correlating some people with others, comparing man with nature and society, and also clarifying the abilities of man to reflect these relationships in certain artificial forms.
  It is these creative people, to varying degrees, but still, that produce the cultural values in various forms, and directly affect the minds and feelings of the population, touching the most sensitive strings of the self-consciousness of each person, due to which both individual and collective self-consciousness is gradually changing: mores are softened, the population's craving for knowledge is growing, the number of intellectually and emotionally developed people is increasing.
  Such cultural development affects the growth of the altruistic component of the self-consciousness of the population, thereby expanding the layer of intellectual opposition to the authorities in its everlasting desire to harmonize social relations.
  The result of this cultural development of society, which seems to be far from political struggle, is, nevertheless, the building-up of the confrontation to the informal intellectual opposition to the ruling elite due to the spread of altruism among the masses. In addition, the growth of culture and education of the population makes it possible to increase the percentage of creative people who are, in fact, the only effective lever to accelerate the technological and cultural development of society.
  It is the actions of the intellectuals in the sphere of culture, ensuring the growth of the altruistic component of self-consciousness, create the conditions for the cardinal upheavals in the life of society, which occur against this background in the case of the overlap of the dissatisfaction with a significant part of society with the existing way of life on successes in the development of science and technology, which can produce a resonant explosive effect in the form of a change of certain relations in society.
  For example, the renaissance in Europe of the Middle Ages created the conditions for the emergence of creativity in the field of science and technology as well, expressed in a number of discoveries and inventions, the most prominent of which were the works of such scientists as Nicolaus Copernicus, Galileo Galilei, Giordano Bruno, and the inventors such as Nicholas of Cusa (hygrometer and spectacle lens), Johannes Gutenberg (printing press), Luca Pacioli (double entry accounting), Leonardo da Vinci (scissors, rolling bearing), Peter Henlein (pocket watch), Conrad Gesner (pencil). In addition, at the same time, artillery was improved and muskets were invented, the Gregorian calendar was created, intensive construction of new, more advanced ships began in the Netherlands, which marked the beginning of a wide trade of a number of European countries across the ocean expanses with other countries of the world.
  At the same time, already from the side of religion, Luther has gave the impetus to a change in attitude to labor, having stated that since God created a person to strive for the spiritual and to realize this goal he awarded a person with certain abilities and talents, then the only real way to manifest this divine gift can be be only labor.
  In this way, Luther has presented labor not as a duty, but as grace, removing here the contradiction between the worldly and the spiritual.
  Thus, from the Protestants in the person of Luther and the liberal government of the country of concentration at that time of Protestantism (the Netherlands), a kind of permission appeared to receive any "fruits" of labor and use them for the greater benefit of society, despite possible violations of established traditions, having paved the way for scientific discoveries and innovation, and their application in practice..
  All this happened against the backdrop of dissatisfaction among the population of a number of European countries with the restrictions imposed by feudal relations on the personal initiative of citizens.
  Similar overlap of changes in the field of social relations, culture, including religion, as well as changes in the field of science and technology has created a kind of the resonant effect, which led to a turn from ordinary manufactories and the work of artisans to the creation of the industrial production of goods and services, first in the Netherlands, and then in England, which marked the beginning of the era of capitalism from the XVI-XVII centuries.
  More details of this topic are revealed in the work "Why and when did the industrial revolution begin? and precisely in Europe?" [8].
  Another example of similar resonant overlap of these factors is the anti-feudal revolution in France in 1789.
  Just as in the first example, the revolution in France at the end of the XVIII century was prepared by the flourishing of culture, especially enlightenment.
  Thinkers such as Jean Melier, Charles Louis Montesquieu, Voltaire, Jean Jacques Rousseau, Denis Diderot, Claude Adrian Helvetius, d'Alembert have made a real revolution in their views on the functioning of society, having shown on the one hand, characteristic signs of the collapse of feudal absolutism, and, on the other hand, having suggested some ways to improve social relations.
  Along with that, at the same time, French science was experiencing an unprecedented upsurge.
  Pierre Simon Laplace has proposed the principles of celestial mechanics, putting forward, in particular, the hypothesis of the development of the solar system from the original nebula, has developed the analytical theory of probability and the theory of capillarity; Joseph-Louis Lagrange has laid the foundations for all further development of technology, since he opened extraordinary prospects for it with his analytical mechanics and the theory of analytic functions; Gaspard Monge has developed descriptive geometry; Joseph Jerome Lalande has compiled a catalog of stars; Antoine Laurent Lavoisier has developed the theory of combustion; Claude Louis Berthollet has created the theory of chemical equilibrium and chemical affinity; Adrien Marie Legendre has laid the foundation of the theory of numbers; Lazar Carnot has pointed out new ways of developing geometry; Jean Baptiste Lamarck became the first herald of the evolutionary theory of the origin of living beings.
  To this we can add important technical innovations that appeared at the same time.
  Charles Labeli has invented a caisson for the construction of the bridge supports under water; Louis Sebastian Lenormand has invented a parachute; the Montgolfier brothers have invented a balloon filled with hot air, and Jacques Charles has invented a balloon filled with hydrogen; Nicolas Joseph Cunho has created the first car with a steam-atmospheric engine; Claude Geoffroy d'Abban has designed the first steamer; Claude Chappe has invented the optical telegraph.
  The heyday of culture, science and technology in France at that time was accompanied by a clear decline in the social structure of the French state.
  It was being affected in the crisis of the agrarian sector of the economy and, as a result, in food shortages, poor development of the market relations, pumping the last juices out of the peasants by the feudal lords, the estate restrictions, the decomposition of the ruling elite and the accompanying collapse of the financial system of the monarchy. In addition, the lean years preceding the revolution have made a significant contribution to the excitement of the population against the monarchy.
  As a result of this general crisis, such bright representatives of the informal opposition to the authorities as Mirabeau, Robespierre, Marat, Desmoulins, Babeuf, Danton appeared in the stratum of French intellectuals, who later became the leaders of the revolution.
  It was they who, in parliament, the press and other open speeches, branded the decaying government, calling on the people to oppose it, especially since the dissatisfaction of the peasant masses with ever-increasing exactions grew.
  As a result, the actions of the informal opposition to the ruling elite, supported by the citizens of Paris, marked the beginning of the revolution by storming the Bastille.
  But without the preparatory influence on the population of education and the impact on the informal opposition of the ideas of French thinkers, as well as without a sufficiently high level of development of science and technology in France at that time, such a global event that proclaimed the end of the feudal era could not have had such a response in other nations. , especially since France was able to spread its ideas through wars to other peoples of Europe, since the technical equipment of its troops was the most modern, as a result of which they were lucky for quite a long time.
  Despite certain progressive changes in society, violence at any level of development of civilization in its various forms - often completely wild - does not disappear anywhere, and cannot disappear, being responsible for the destruction of what is, which leads to the liberation of space for the action of the forces of creation, so that the process of renewal of existing within civilization is not stopped.
  The contradictoriness of any society lies in the fact that units-people who make it up, are fighting for the place in it that they themselves consider the most appropriate for themselves, rarely agreeing to the latest, using all available means to eliminate competitors.
  These means can be neutral regarding morality reflecting such properties of the personality as the mind and will of a person, his curiosity and creativity, they can also be positive in the same respect, for example, kindness, friendliness, empathy, sympathy, mercy, but the advantage in this struggle for a favorable place in society, especially for power, is given by other properties of his personality, negative in relation to morality, such as unprincipled, craftiness, cunning, treachery, pleasing, supported by such features of his individuality, reflecting the aggressiveness of the animal component of consciousness, as dominance, perseverance and decisiveness.
  Some of these personality traits were developed on the basis of certain features of the animal consciousness, others arose only due to the conscious transformation of a person's own surrounding, affecting him like a boomerang.
  These additional properties, which are not directly related to the peculiarities of the animal consciousness, have been developed over time within the framework of self-consciousness in the process of productive and cultural activity, which is completely not characteristic of the reflex-instinctive activity of animals.
  These purely human properties in relation to morality can, for example, include such negative personality traits as treachery, unscrupulousness, positive ones - kindness, empathy, mercy, and neutral ones - will, criticism, responsibility and conviction,
  Thus, all personality traits of any person in relation to morality can be divided into negative (selfish) and positive (altruistic), which are adjacent to those who are neutral in relation to morality, and their levels can differ significantly, thereby affecting the behavior of a person in different situations.
  In addition, the selfish properties of a person's personality are supported by similar features of his individuality, the main one of which is dominance, reflecting the purely egocentric character of his animal component of consciousness, and an invariable sign of this character is a tendency to violence as the simplest and most effective way to achieve, at least temporarily, desired.
  An even deeper foundation of the egocentric nature of the animal component of the human consciousness is his dissatisfaction with the existing, which he would always like to improve.
  And the deepest foundation of the enduring aggression of the animal component of consciousness lies in the permanent activity of consciousness in the living.
  Without it, a living being would turn into a lifeless, that is, passive, which is not able to recognize, as well as selectively and constantly with a greater or lesser degree of initiative, arising from the dissatisfaction of a living being, to perceive, process, use and transmit certain information in accordance with the existing sense organs and information processing centers. It is this property of all living beings that distinguishes them from inanimate ones, including artificial intelligence, which is able to do something similar only according to a program entered into it in advance, without showing any initiative.
  Let us note on the basis of what features of individuality, which is an external expression of the animal consciousness, certain properties of a person's personality appeared.
  The main of these properties is the increased mental abilities, if they are compared with the quick-wittedness of animals. The fundamental difference between the human mind and its basis in the form of quick-wittedness, or the natural intellect, is concluded in the associative and abstract thinking, consisting in the connection and generalization of a number of specific concepts with their clothing in the form of the verbal and figurative expressions.
  It is this kind of thinking that is combined with curiosity and concern for improving the state of the social structure, combined with the animal quick-wittedness (natural intellect), the main features of which are speed, the amount of operational memory (RAM), the use of formal logic to create the behavior patterns, as well as dominance, aspiration to pry, perseverance and decisiveness, forcing the a person to strive, in spite of everything, to achieve the new and unusual, provides an opportunity for him to manifest own creative.
  Perseverance and tenacity in solving the problems of survival in a person's have been transformed in his self-consciousness into will, which is a conscious reaction to what is happening both outside and inside a person in the form of a sustainable mental effort to achieve the goal, providing the opportunity to chase the prospect in a competitive environment and supporting the progressive direction of development, accelerating more and more due to the growth of information flows produced by the expanding activities of human communities.
  Aspiration to pry, which is also one of the features of the animal consciousness, has been transformed in self-consciousness a person into curiosity, which is that personality trait, that involves in its development the manifestation of a purposeful interest in the new and unusual, which is the basis for the process of cognition.
  The forced cooperation of animals for the sake of increasing the probability of survival in the wild world of nature suggests, in the course of human development, the appearance in his self-consciousness in the quality his external expression of the friendliness, that is, - the main feature of altruism.
  Cunning as a tendency to deceive in order to obtain the desired result, arose in humans on the basis of the property of the individuality of animals in order to save life or increase the likelihood of capturing prey to distort information about oneself in the form of instinctive deception, for example, disguise, and other tactical tricks, such as an attractive smell, appearance or false sound signals to attract prey.
  Over time, in the course of socialization in order to achieve a higher position in society with the receipt of appropriate benefits, there was a gradual development of such personality traits based on the dominance of the animal consciousness, such as love of power, hypocrisy, servility, which, despite their immorality, help to achieve that or some other tempting goal in the absence of a deep mind and the outstanding abilities.
  Socialization has also led to the emergence of such a negative personality trait as unscrupulousness, which is absent in animals, since it has nothing to do with their adaptive existence within the framework of the instincts and reflexes.
  Thus, in addition to the brute force, a person has acquired a number of the above-mentioned means that contribute to the most effective struggle for power and other vital benefits.
  We also note the following: if a person inherited aggressiveness directly from the monkey ancestors, along with the above features of their individuality, then he acquired the remaining properties that contribute to more subtle use of violence from awareness of oneself as a person, transforming part of the properties of animal consciousness in the form of individuality into such personality traits as lust for power, cunning, hypocrisy, servility, as well as having additionally worked out such immoral personality trait as unscrupulousness.
  Any personality, except for one degree or another of negative properties, if we consider them from the standpoint of morality, also has a number of more or less neutral features that have grown on the basis of the traits of the individuality of an animal in the form of one degree or another of will (perseverance), curiosity (natural aspiration to pry), mental abilities (quick-wittedness of an animal) and creativity (dominance, quick-wittedness and aspiration to pry).
  The neutral can also include such newly emerged personality traits as criticality, diligence, responsibility and conviction, which, nevertheless, can experience significant fluctuations from their average value, being reduced to positive (self-criticism) or negative (laziness, irresponsibility). qualities from the point of view of generally accepted morality.
  In addition, the forced cooperation of animals for their own survival, characterized by instinctive support for each other in a pack or herd, served as the basis for the formation of already conscious friendliness as one of the features of altruism of the human personality.
  In the course of the cultural development of communities, kindness, empathy, mercy and concrete selfless care for completely unfamiliar people were added to this personality trait.
  Therefore, practically, every person has at least in its infancy such positive personality traits as kindness, friendliness, empathy, sympathy, mercy, which relate to disinterested care for others, denoted by the term - "altruism", but the animal egocentrism is also preserved in each person, aimed at their own survival and well-being, and the invariable and natural manifestation of this egocentrism is violence.
  Underestimating the negative properties of individuality and personality leads to an overestimation of the effectiveness of the nonviolent actions, which at best give only a short-term beneficial result, being suppressed by the need for violence in such a diverse society of people, each of whom has such contradictory forms of consciousness as egocentric animal consciousness and self-consciousness, characterized in general by the presence of both altruism and egoism, the interaction of which ultimately ensure the preservation of a positive development trend without falling of both a person and his communities into stagnation.
  Thus, the fundamental factor determining the development of a person and his communities is one or another degree of manifestation and interaction of both forms of the human consciousness, initiated by their dissatisfaction with one or another surrounding and also by oneself, and finding their external expression in the above-mentioned properties of individuality and personality of a person.
  If a person prevails such properties of individuality of the animal component of consciousness as cleverness, dominance, energy, sociability, a tendency to deceive in the form of distortion of information and dexterity in its presentation, acquired professional skills, perseverance and decisiveness, being complemented by such personality traits as irresponsibility, unscrupulousness, deceit, strong enough will, good mind and cunning, then such, in essence, immoral subjects gain an advantage in their desire for power over the rest - more inert members of a communities - in the form of philistines, highly moral intellectuals of various kinds and other representatives of the population who are lethargic or preoccupied with other matters and considerations, who are not able to deftly push back or slander an opponent, and also enjoy the humiliation of the lower ones, and at the same time endure the mockery of the higher ones.
  Such persons, due to the predominance of the negative in the social sense qualities of their animal component of consciousness, as well as in self-consciousness, without much remorse, naturally try to solve their problems by force and the means of deception that contribute to it, especially since the power is in their hands.
  If, however, such properties of individuality, stemming from the animal component of consciousness, as a high degree of sensitivity, impressionability, sociability, an aspiration to pry with a lack of decisiveness and quick-wittedness, which are supplemented by such personality traits, stemming from self-consciousness as confidence in one"s ideas, to which these persons are relate not always critical, and an altruistic mindset, which is characterized by kindness, friendliness, sympathy, mercy, then we will see a ready-made altruist-oppositionist who hates the ruling elite for oppressing and fleecing the common people.
  These non-formal oppositionists are confident in the final triumph of justice in the form of a harmonious society, but their methods of achieving this final earthly happiness are fundamentally various: some (Marx, Lenin) have considered it necessary to use all possible methods to achieve the desired harmony, including violent ones; others (Tolstoy, Gandhi) preferred non-violent ways to achieve justice.
  But both of them failed in their attempts to change the antagonistic society to a benevolent society, because a harmonious society within the framework of states with a population, the principal layers of which are always categorically opposed to each other, and do not want to change this mood, cannot be created by any methods - neither peaceful or violent for an ineradicable reason - the impossibility of eliminating the egocentrism inherent in the animal component of the human consciousness, and egoism, which is certainly present in one way or another in his self-consciousness.
  As for the change in the forms of violence during the development of civilization, the following can be noted in this regard.
  In the course of the slow and smooth humanization of the hominids over the course of 2.5 million years until they formed a civilization, the animal form dominated their consciousness, while self-consciousness was barely noticeable, manifesting itself only in the ability of these creatures, in comparison with animals, to make plans for the future, which could be quite remote, to transform the environment for their own purposes. They had practically no culture.
  But, nevertheless, by changing the environment around them consciously, they also changed their own self-consciousness, which eventually reached a certain limit that allowed them to reorganize their primitive communal community, turning it into a more complex hierarchical community based on the production and redistribution of excess consumer products, which they finally learned to produce rather than only collect.
  Therefore, before the emergence of this set of hierarchical communities, later called civilization, this being, possessing dual of consciousness, due to the overwhelming dominance of animal consciousness, used quite naturally habitually wild methods in order to survive in a natural environment filled with aggression. In particular, having defeated a tribe that competed in terms of obtaining food, which was always in short supply, the winners ate the vanquished without any remorse, which they, like moral standards, did not have then.
  Changes in this wild form of aggression and violence came only with the formation of civilization, within which small associations of tribes began to appear for more efficient foraging, transformed with the complication of their structure into states that possessed certain resources for development, and not just survival in an aggressive environment.
  A completely logical consequence of the changed conditions of existence, the primary cause of which was primarily the growth of the collective self-consciousness, was the transition from eating or killing captives to using them for ever-growing and expanding economic needs as living and speaking tools.
  Thus, with the slave system formed on this basis, whose states continuously fought with each other, as tribes fought among themselves before, the form of violence against the defeated was changed, moving away from its extremely wild expression, but nothing more.
  Nevertheless, the slave-owning system acquired a significant difference from the previous one - the primitive communal one in that, that some part of the community was freed from everyday labor through the use of slaves, and this quickly bore fruit in the form of the emergence of culture - both written and spoken. Painting in the form of frescoes flourished, various architectural and sculptural forms appeared. And this could not but contribute by the boomerang further growth of self-consciousness of wider groups of the population than before, as a result of which the degree of altruistic characteristics of the personalities of the free citizens increased somewhat.
  However, the violence in the form of classifying slaves not as people, but as talking cattle continued until the historical moment when stagnation in the slave-owning management was formed, followed by the decomposition of all social structures due to the cheapness of slave labor, blocking any ways of improving the production.
  The leading slave-owning states, no longer able to develop and resist the changed reality, fell under the onslaught of wild tribes, and in their place gradually formed states in which, instead of using slave labor, already to some extent liberated labor began to be used.
  That is, the understanding came that in order to obtain a greater income, labor had to be freed to a certain extent, and this could be achieved only by motivating workers in the results of their own labor.
  Therefore, the slave owners began gradually to transfer slaves from the position of talking animals to the relatively free status of workers attached to land plots, which, of course, do not belong to them, but, nevertheless, deliver to these workers a certain part of the income depending on the results of their labor.
  Ultimately, the masters of the slaves became landowners who controlled the work of the tillers.
  Over time, a hierarchy of the land owners was formed, on which the peasant worked, who, nevertheless, had a certain independence, being the owner of tools and buildings, but did not have the right to dispose of the land, remaining in this regard, in dependence on his master - the feudal lord.
  Thereby, in comparison with the slave-owning system, under feudalism, not only the circle of people, who began to realize themselves more free, expanded, but their self-consciousness gradually began to move away from its collectivist beginning, acquiring an increasingly the individualistic character not only among feudal lords, but also among the steel population, especially townspeople, merchants and artisans, who had their own specific and separate business and did not always unite in close groups..
  However, the violence on the part of the feudal lords against their peasant-workers, whose full masters they remained, did not disappear with the change in its form, since the feudal lords, in fact, could do anything with them, causing peasant riots from time to time.
  And wars in the era of feudalism continued on no less a scale than before, although the growth of culture and, accordingly, self-consciousness of an increasing circle of the population cannot be denied.
  The increase in the level of culture and education for a fairly wide range of the population and certain improvements in the production of goods, no longer restrained by the cheapness of slave labor, in particular, the emergence of manufactories, further expanded the stratum of people with a high level of self-consciousness, who have demanded in the person of Martin Luther to recognize labor by God grace. In his statement, Luther stated that God predesignates people for this or that type of activity, investing in them various talents and abilities, and thus he fulfills a certain vision.
  As a result of all these events, feudalism lost its support even in the person of the clergy, and the industrial turn in the Netherlands and England provided an increase in the production of the industrial goods due to the mechanization of production and, consequently, higher productivity in workshops, which turned into huge factories, giving the high profit, which was facilitated by the modernization of transport and the improvement of forms of trade.
  In some European countries, a class of controllers-managers of this production rather quickly formed, who became the owners of factories and plants - mainly the former owners of manufactories and the bankers - and a class of the hired workers in production - the former artisans. At this, the production and distribution of the manufactured goods has fell under the market mechanisms.
  Naturally, this process of forming new relations to resources and property was facilitated by the revolution of 1789 in France, which put forward the slogans of legal equality and liberty of the entrepreneurship in all spheres of life on the basis of the private-property relations.
  Since the class of the hired workers in factories with the intensive deployment of production began to be formed mainly from peasants, insofar as they could free themselves from feudal dependence by going to the cities, and a significant part of the land plots passed from the ruined parasites-seigneurs into the hands of the skilled peasant owners.
  Thus, formally, each citizen could become an entrepreneur through the loans, that is, the owner of property from which he could make a profit in one form or another and in volume.
  The gradual increase in the level of self-consciousness based on technological and cultural progress under feudalism has led to a new economy, which established for almost the entire population of the leading European countries other - freer, that is, an open attitude to property, having strengthened the individualistic tendency of self-consciousness of this population and thereby having intensified its self-activity, due to which these countries became world dominants competing with each other, and the countries of the rest of the world remained on the sidelines of history.
  Such open system of production and distribution, in which formal equality and individualism dominated in the conditions of competition between entrepreneurs for the use of available resources in the form of private ownership of them - capitalism, began to take shape from the 17th century and, apparently, is being completed at the present time.
  The era of capitalism, which, it would seem, finally completely freed labor, giving a significant increase in well-being to even larger sections of the population and the flourishing of all types of culture, to which practically the entire population of the developed countries of the world joined, did not at all lead to the abolition of aggression and violence.
  Aggression continued to manifest itself in even larger wars with the use of ever more effective destructive weapons, and violence flourished in all factories and plants, where all the juice was squeezed out of formally free, but in fact disenfranchised numerous workers, in order to obtain high profits, which were been coming onto to the luxurious life of comparatively few bourgeois.
  Thus, it is necessary to state the fact that the struggle against the violence of some groups of people over others from the time of the Spartacus uprising to the struggle of trade unions with the owners of enterprises in all branches of production, as well as the attempt to introduce distributive state socialism in a number of countries to eliminate oppression, has not led to the elimination of aggression and violence, despite the rise culture and a high level of technology.
  This fact can be explained only by the fact that the animal component of consciousness, both in individual and collective form, which cannot be removed from any human and any social organism, still forces every person and all their communities to fight for the most comfortable existence, in spite of everything, in which the selfish component of self-consciousness contributes to it, while the undoubted growth of the altruistic component of self-consciousness over several thousand years of the development of civilization could only affect the change in the forms of violence, having softened some of them.
  Therefore, violence as a product of dissatisfaction with both egocentric components of homo sapiens consciousness can only disappear with their elimination, and this is impossible, since this initial property of consciousness, providing for the activity of a person, is responsible on the part of the natural component of consciousness for the direct functioning and survival of the body in the environment, and its action is reinforced by the selfish component of self-consciousness, which ensures human survival in a social environment, as well as adapting a person to all her realities for the own well-being.
  As a result of the above analysis, a rather paradoxical conclusion is obtained for many: there is no way to do without violence with all efforts. Otherwise, society falls into stagnation, that is, it loses the opportunity to renew reality, since replacing violence with good wishes does not allow it to destroy what is already unfit for development, or something that hinders it.
  Such is the mission of violence, despite its disgusting appearance. Being objectively the reverse side of creation, it actually, together with it, it ensures the movement of humanity, and therefore, of its individual and collective consciousness, forward - to yet unknown changes.
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  Chapter 3.
  Why are wars proving to be an inevitable evil?
  Since ancient times, not a single power has openly proclaimed the need for the destruction of other peoples or tribes, speaking only about the pacification of ungrateful or evil neighbors, whose peoples will be better off under the auspices of other rulers - just and honest, and they will certainly establish proper order. And the order was sometimes brought about in such a way that not a single person remained of a whole series of peoples.
  1. The basic cause of wars in human communities.
  All living beings, in comparison with inanimate ones, have a cardinal difference from them. It consists in the fact that they are able to consume, process and transmit certain information, while all passive formations can only be carriers of information that are used by living things.
  Information, among other things, brings to every living being data about his place in the environment in which he has to fight for life in order not to lose the sensations that the information flow available to him provides.
  Naturally, the acquisition of certain advantages in the fight against rivals for the right to life can only be ensured by a continuous struggle with complacency - otherwise any living being will be devoured or pushed away from the feeder.
  Thus, in order to survive, produce offspring and feed satisfactorily, any living being whose main property is activity cannot be satisfied with what it has at this moment. Otherwise, it will be outstripped and even what it has already managed to acquire will be taken away.
  It is for this reason that the main consequence of activity is the aspiration for the new, based on dissatisfaction with the known and familiar, and this aspiration, as a rule, is realized in associations of living beings who find it easier to overcome the resistance of the environment. And the most characteristic examples, at a minimum, of preserving one's own range by gradually acquiring the most advantageous properties for this even with a minimum of methods for protecting against enemies are corals and ants. Their communities have existed for hundreds of millions of years, and are unlikely to be destroyed without catastrophes. However, these impoverished communities are on the outskirts of existence, while creatures with a higher level of dissatisfaction during this time have complicated their structure, reaching a higher level of their needs and, as a result, - a richer range of sensations.
  All living things, which are being distributed hierarchically along the food chain, starting with plants, provide food for those who are higher in this chain, who, in the course of evolution, due to an increased level of dissatisfaction, have achieved the great opportunities for the consumption of information, and, consequently, - the great opportunities to survive, while consuming for food those who could not achieve this.
  In this distribution, plants are at the very bottom, insects are slightly higher, and animals complete this chain.
  Stimulation of changes in all types of living beings is carried out by a variety of microorganisms - from viruses to bacteria and fungi, providing accelerated mutation of the genomes of these creatures, which partly affects the rate of development and complication of organisms.
  However, at the heart of all actions of living beings is the dissatisfaction of their consciousness, which allows, at least, to stay in the trend of the ongoing changes in the environment and not die immediately after birth.
  Within the framework of certain species and even families, dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs also dictates the pushing back of the weaker to acquire certain benefits, which, as a rule, are not enough for everybody.
  The emergence of human communities, for which, unlike all others, the most characteristic difference is a partial separation from the environment by determining oneself, turned out to be a turning point in the development of organisms on the planet, since it supplemented the instinctive-reflex activity of their consciousness by the project-target activity, that is, planned-promising activity due to the awareness of their own actions, thanks to which people have imagination, abstract thinking and the ability to go beyond full adaptability to the environment.
  In other words, a being has appeared that senses oneself not only a living organism, but also considers oneself by the being which is over the nature that owns time to a certain extent, and not just exists in time.
  Before the appearance of hominids, all other living beings were just active elements of an environment consisting of themselves and inanimate objects, since their consciousness focused only on consuming the products of their environment without understanding that this environment can be changed purposefully to improve own lives.
  Over time, the communities of hominids have acquired and augmented in their minds a kind of department, which gradually led them to the understanding that it is possible to purposefully change the environment in order to obtain predetermined results within a planned interval of time, for example, not just by picking fruits and berries, but by their breeding. This, in turn, led them to the understanding of time as a process within which one can act consciously throughout the entire life span. Thus, these already people, realized their mortality, which other living beings only sense through own decrepitude.
  A person's understanding of dissatisfaction with himself certainly provokes him to search for something interesting, to solve various riddles and problems, often by no means utilitarian, which very significantly develops consciousness and allows it to express himself with the greatest return and satisfaction in current life.
  Thus, in human communities, the degree of freedom, which consists, in principle, for all living beings in the dissatisfaction of consciousness with one's own surrounding, realized by an impact on the existing beingness taking into account its counteraction, is supplemented by a state of dissatisfaction of self-consciousness, that is, oneself, causing the development of ways of one's own change by impact on existing beingness with the possibility of transforming it for own purposes.
  Awareness of the temporality of one's life, in during which, nevertheless, one can achieve many goals together, can be designated as the awareness of oneself, or self-consciousness. Naturally, self-consciousness could not but lead to the mitigation of hostility within certain communities united by common goals, which could only be achieved in close cooperation. Mutual help, friendship, sympathy, dedication, empathy have appeared, which can be combined in the term "altruism".
  But, nevertheless, all these altruistic concepts that have arisen in a relatively narrow sphere of self-consciousness, dependent on the basic animal consciousness, which is responsible for the vital activity and retention of the organism in the environment, are not able to resist the egocentrism of consciousness of any organism or the entire community of organisms, each of which seeks to occupy the most advantageous position in this environment due to dissatisfaction with the current situation of the basic, that is, animal consciousness.
  Moreover, each person can differ in his consciousness and self-consciousness so significantly from other people that not only misunderstanding of each other arises between them, but also an irresistible enmity since their goals, hopes, aspirations, way of life, etc. contradict to each other so, that these contradictions can be eliminated only with the elimination of rivals, just as it happens in the animal world.
  That is, the dissatisfaction of people even within a separate community can be completely disproportionate, leading not only to misunderstanding, but also to enmity because of this misunderstanding.
  It is for this reason that there is enmity not only between communities, but also between individual groups of people, as well as individuals, not limited to only one rivalry, but leading to deadly wars or clashes between them, as a rule, for power, which brings not only primacy in the community, but also preferential access to all available benefits.
  In addition, the uneven development of communities always leads those in power to the temptation to subjugate and plunder less developed communities or even countries, what was doing the states of the "cultured" West and proud imperial Japan that joined them did, despising the rest of the underdeveloped and stupid Asians.
  Wars in themselves for the population are horror, devastation, hunger, darkness, epidemics, which is the most disgusting and destructive for the vast masses of people.
  But for states and moneybags, there is nothing more profitable than wars, since you can capture and rob foreign peoples, enrich yourself on the supply of weapons and pants for soldiers.
  However, the most curious thing is that wars are one of the most progressive processes affecting the accelerated development of civilization. The fact is that even in ancient Rome, which continuously conquered other countries and subordinated other peoples with alien cultures, languages and customs, an interesting consequence of its wars of conquest appeared, namely: the unification of barbarian peoples around a cultural center that did not persecute or humiliate them, but, on the contrary, over time gave the citizenship, built roads, water conduits, bridges, increased literacy, thereby laying the foundation for the formation of Europe as the most cultural and technological part of earthly civilization, that manifested itself later in the era of renaissance and the commission of the industrial revolution in Europe, that brought Europe into the world leaders, which it, together with its former colony - the United States is to this day.
  Along with that, wars mobilize for the sake of victory over the enemy all creative forces of the peoples, reveal their hidden creative potential, especially in terms of the development of technologies, on which the quality of weapons depends, and, therefore, victory.
  For example, the terrible Second World War, which led to colossal misfortunes, victims and devastation, gave mankind jet technology that revolutionized air transport, powerful rockets that allowed humanity to go into cosmos, atomic weapons, the further transformation of which led to the construction of many economical and environmentally friendly nuclear power plants, and also stopped global wars due to the risk of the destruction of all mankind.
  Wars were defusing overproduction crises, changed the leaders of economic development, while remaining the most terrible thing that can be for the population.
  As shown above, this contradictory process is based on dissatisfaction of consciousness, and the engine of the development process is the confrontation between the egocentric animal consciousness and altruistic self-awareness with all the unavoidable cataclysms arising from this struggle.
  Therefore, the dreams of the beautiful-hearted dreamers about its future peaceful, harmonious, creative and well-fed life of the peoples among the palms and aromas of flowering plants are in vain.
  2. Civilization as an inexhaustible stream of wars.
  Before giving examples showing that all communities, even within the framework of a seemingly more or less cultivated civilization, are in a state of permanent wars, we note the following.
  To the inexperienced layman, who now lives in a relatively safe environment of a developed country, it seems that wars will not affect him. Indeed, it is not so easy to predict the future, but numerous threats are already being received, and everywhere, in fact, there are wars in various forms that have not been encountered before.
  If before the emergence of civilization, individual communities fought for survival like flocks of animals, trying to destroy competitors by eating the defeated, then at present, various methods of terrorism are used to weaken and intimidate a stronger enemy; developed countries in all possible ways (loans that cannot be repaid, bribery of the ruling clans, false propaganda, military threats and local wars) take away the natural wealth of the technologically and militarily less developed countries, keeping their population in enduring poverty; the ruling elites of developed countries and supranational power elites, in fact, by deception, are no longer seizing territories, but the economy (corporatization, buying up entire industries, putting individual governments under control, creating alliances of a number of countries, that are beneficial for these elites), ideologically processing the population, promising it various benefits in the future, but throwing it only pathetic handouts in the present, and they themselves are bathed in unthinkable luxury, which provokes permanent envy of the rest of the population, and it has to be restrained from being implemented in the form of taking property from the rich by maintaining a huge repressive and police apparatus and strict laws punishing the layman for the slightest violation of the rules in favor of the clans that seized power, as a result, these clans continue to get richer, and the rest population - to get poorer.
  Similar contradictions cause a lot of local wars in different parts of the planet, and they go on almost continuously not only between countries, but also between different segments of the population: Muslims hate Christians and try to harm them in every way, some ethnic communities compete with other bloody methods, the poor are eager to take away everything is with the rich, the rich persecute the poor, not only keeping them in poverty and factual disenfranchisement,, but also coming up with various ways to reduce the population, which, in spite of its poverty, consumes, in their opinion, too many of the limited earth's resources.
  All this shows that the shell of civilization includes, in essence, semi-primates who combine natural (animal) consciousness, and at the same time that additional "part" of consciousness that allows them to be aware of their actions and themselves in them, abstracting from reality in their projects and plans aimed at the cherished future.
  Similar duality of consciousness, both components of which have different and often opposite aspirations, which determines their struggle with varying success of one or the other component of consciousness, on the one hand, thanks to this struggle, which does not allow them to plunge into prolonged stagnation, accelerates their development up to the formation of a civilization more comfortable for life both in terms of security compared to archaic times when they devoured each other due to hunger and cold, and the formation within its framework of not only a high level of sensations (culture), but also various kinds of ideas (science and technology).
  On the other hand, the awareness of oneself in the indifferent world of nature and the fast flowing time, ending for each person with wilting and death, terrifies people from which they try to defend themselves with the invention of religion, since it promises them an afterlife, which somewhat calms them down, but does not moreover.
  Be that as it may, but the animal basis of the consciousness of homo sapiens, always dictates to them, as well as to any living beings, dissatisfaction with what is available, provoking the desire to change it for the better, that is, finding better nutrition, more attractive persons of the opposite sex, a more advantageous position in the community, which, in turn, provides a particular individual with the most preferred list of benefits, and, therefore, a larger set of pleasant sensations. In turn, dissatisfaction of self-consciousness in terms of altruism is able to successfully counteract these animal aspirations only in quiet times, and even then among a few people with a sufficiently high level of self-consciousness.
  However, the desire for dominance both within each community and between individual communities, dictated by animal consciousness, run into similar aspirations of each subject of action, thereby causing their enmity, despite the fact that self-consciousness tries turning this enmity into rivalry, but, as we know from history, the egocentrism of consciousness almost always wins.
  That is, the striving for primacy in order to obtain the greatest number of the high-quality benefits, which are not easily obtained, causes enmity, which too often results in bloody clashes.
  In the conditions of the primitive communal system, clans and tribes simply tried to destroy each other in the literal sense - by eating defeated enemies, since there was always not enough food.
  With the development of self-consciousness and the emergence of civilization, the victors began to turn the defeated into slaves, using their labor, and then the population was divided into a relatively free - the labor part, and the ruling class with its staff.
  A similar structure, in essence, has survived to this day.
  Now let's look at the chronicle of wars between states and within states (civil wars) with a few examples.
  Since the empire of the ancient Romans, in fact, at one time has covered significant parts of the three continents with the most developed populations for several centuries, it makes sense to look at how they achieved such success.
  At first, the main competition for the Romans was the Greek states, which, however, were however at the end of their statehood.
  It all started with the declaration of war by the Greek city of Tarentum against Rome (282 BC). The king of Epirus, Pyrrhus, stood up for Tarentum, opposing own expansion to the aggressive policy of Rome.
  In two battles, Pyrrhus defeated the Romans and gained power over part of the Italian peninsula and Sicily. In 275 BC the troops of Pyrrhus engaged in a battle with the Romans at Benevent, during which Pyrrhus was unable to win and retreated, evacuating his troops to Epirus.
  Thus, Rome defeated the last significant military leader of the Greek poleis.
  At the same time, a struggle began between Rome and Carthage, in essence, for the mastery of the entire Mediterranean region.
  Since the forces of the rivals were approximately equal, the war between them dragged on for a long time.
  The first Punic War went on with varying degrees of success. The battles of the Romans, who landed in Africa, with the Carthaginians ended in defeat of the Romans (255 BC), then the Roman fleet was destroyed in 249 BC, but in 241 BC the fleet of the Carthaginians was defeated by the Romans, who as a result received indemnity and control over Sicily.
  The Second Punic War (218 - 201 BC) began with the capture of the Spanish city of Sagunta by Hannibal, which was an ally of Rome, and continued on the territory of the Italian peninsula with the triumphant victories of Hannibal. However, the gradual exhaustion of the forces of Hannibal's army and the failures of other generals of Carthage in Sicily and Spain led to the withdrawal of Hannibal to Africa, where a battle took place under Zama, in which the troops of Carthage were defeated.
  Rome became the strongest state in the Mediterranean region.
  After the second Punic war, Rome defeated Macedonia, and this win placed all Greece in its hands, Rome also defeated the Seleucid empire, and subjugated Egypt.
  Rome only had to finally destroy Carthage.
  In 146 BC Carthage was taken by the Romans and completely destroyed.
  Building on its success in conquering foreign territories, Rome turned to the realm of Pontus (89 BC).
  At the very beginning of the conflict, Roman troops in Asia Minor were scattered by the troops of King Pontus Mithridates. But in 87 BC the Roman army under the command of Sulla landed in Epirus, controlled by Mithridates, and in a number of battles defeated the troops of Mithridates, forcing him to liberate the territories of Greece and Asia Minor, which he had previously occupied.
  The war between the Romans and Pontus was continued in 74 BC.
  In 72 BC, the Roman commander Lucullus inflicted a crushing defeat on Mithridates at Kabira. Nevertheless, Mithridates defeated the Roman forces at Ziel in 67 BC, regaining Pontus. In 66 BC, the Roman commander Pompey defeated the army of Mithridates on the Lycus River. Along the way, Pompey subjugated Syria and part of the Caucasus to Rome, and Mithridates in 63 BC took his own life at the hands of his bodyguard.
  Further everything continued in the same spirit: bloody civil wars were occuring in Rome, emperors overthrew each other, not forgetting about the seizure of foreign territories, and at the end of the empire, they were trying to maintain their dominance also through wars.
  It is difficult to find even a few peaceful years in the chronicles of the Roman Empire. There were endless wars, uprisings of slaves, revolts of discontented citizens and the population of the occupied territories.
  Maybe later, after the collapse of the Roman Empire, peace came to the newly formed countries of Europe? After all, it seems that they already have not enough forces to seize the stranger territories.
  Not at all. There are always enough forces for wars, since anyone who imagines himself to be stronger than his neighbor always comes up with the idea of using this force to subjugate the same neighbor or, at the very least, to rob his own nationals up to the last penny.
  Therefore, Europe of the second millennium AD represented the arena of continuous bloody battles between countries and within individual countries for primacy, not to mention crusades and wars per coffin of the Lord with an incredible number of victims.
  Here are some of the most typical examples.
  England and France fought with each other with rare interruptions for almost a millennium - before Napoleon, filling these breaks by cross-born wars of clans, the pretenders to the throne, wars with their own rebellious population, as well as the conquest of underdeveloped countries, creating their own colonial empires. In the XIX and XX centuries, these countries, in addition to conquering the backward peoples, were at war with Russia, and then with Germany, not counting less large wars, in particular, England with Argentina for the Falklands, and France - with Algeria, and then in Libya.
  Russia also was at wars throughout the second millennium with all the surrounding countries almost continuously. And within Russia, as in other European countries, various groups fought for power up to the XXI century. In addition, folk riots, which arose almost a continuous flow until the middle of the 20th century, were being brutally suppressed. That is, there was also no full-fledged peaceful life.
  For all three thousand years of its existence, China has also been in a continuous state of war with nomads and other countries surrounding it. In addition, two types of wars were continuously going on inside it - between the population, which periodically overthrew the emperors, and the ruling clique, as well as between various contenders for the throne. Moreover, any break in these wars immediately led the ruling elite to idea: it would be nice to rob or conquer someone else, what it was trying to do.
  Even now, after all wars of the XX century both with Japan and for the domination of the country between various contenders, China managed to capture Tibet, fight with India, conflict with the USSR, and now it is preparing to seize Taiwan.
  It seems that the United States of America, so geographically distant from the rest of the developed countries, can finally serve as a model of a peaceful and humane State.
  But no. It doesn't work again. At first, the United States fought with England, then for almost a century the United States were exterminating in various ways the indigenous people of North America, fought with Spain and Mexico, and then with Germany. Then the United States took part in the Korean War, and soon after that, until the end of the century, waged a cold war with the USSR. Thereafter, acting as a world gendarme, they began the war in Iraq, then - in Syria, and are currently preparing for war with China and continues to wage war with various extremist Muslim groups.
  Other countries and regions differ little from those listed. They also were at war in the form of the internal and external battles for the best life, calming on some time only when exposed to the overwhelming force.
  But especially distinguished by its inner belligerence the countries of Black Africa. There, like a thousand years ago, various tribes try to destroy each other every other, sometimes cutting opponents with hundreds of thousands. Inside the tribes take place all the time the continuous conflicts and bloody disassembly. All this shows that the level and quality of self-consciousness with its altruistic inclinations here have not yet quite reached satisfactory values, at least in order to make some breaks in wars and clashes.
  Here are some data for December 2021 on the topic under consideration.
  In Donbass, open war continues between separatists and the troops of Ukraine.
  In China, the most serious conflict between Uighur Muslims and Han Chinese is smoldering, which the Chinese have managed to contain so far.
  In most countries of the world, there are real battles between the power structures of states that support the coding of the population on the basis of covid, which is beneficial to them, and the opponents of the digital concentration camp.
  There are sporadic clashes between the black population and law enforcement agencies in the United States, and a number of states, in particular Texas, are aimed at separating from the United States.
  In Libya, there is a war for resources between various factions, which is supported by several European countries.
  10-year war between warring factions continues in northeastern Nigeria.
  In Ethiopia's Tigray District, a conflict broke out between the population and the security forces with numerous casualties. In West Africa, militias targeted civilians in Burkina Faso, Niger and Nigeria. In Central Africa, large numbers of people have been killed by armed groups in Cameroon, the Central African Republic and Chad.
  In Mozambique's Cabo Delgado province, the smoldering conflict has turned into a full-scale armed confrontation. Conflicts of varying degrees of intensity are currently taking place in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Somalia, Sudan and South Sudan. The number of victims of this permanent war in recent weeks has reached many thousands.
  There are periodic clashes on the border of India and Pakistan.
  The war of Muslim extremists continues against all non-Muslims and between their separate groups.
  On the border of Turkey, Iraq and Syria, there is a permanent war between the Turks and the Kurds, who are striving to create an independent state.
  The war is smoldering in Karabakh between Azerbaijan and Armenia.
  Since 2004, there have been ongoing clashes between the Houthis (Shiites) and government forces in Yemen, which have turned into the war since 2014.
  In Syria and Lebanon, there is an ongoing war between representatives of various religious denominations.
  The long - term war between Israel and the Palestinians continues.
  For many years in Mexico, there has been a real war between the state and the drug mafia using aviation and large military formations.
  In Colombia, there has been a war between government forces and rebels for several decades.
  The armed conflict between the rebels and government forces in Peru has been going on since 1980 and has claimed the lives of about 70,,000 people.
  The only thing that can hold back the fierce fighters for more pleasant places in the world is an outside force.
  For example, in the USSR, the Central Asian and Caucasian clans lived in peace, and after the collapse of the USSR they drove out and in some places massacred the Russians, in general, to the detriment of their economy, and began to conflict among themselves and within themselves with numerous victims.
  The hypocrisy of the ruling cliques at all times was expressed in the fact, that they, constantly fighting here and there, called for peace and harmony, immediately disrupting both peace and consent for their own benefit, with rare exceptions, such as Switzerland, whose peoples balanced themselves with the rest at the expense of banking and some other exclusive tricks (watches, resorts), and became indifferent to everything except themselves.
  3. Conclusions and upshots.
  The world of living beings is built on continuous contradictions: in order to survive, you need to devour another living being - be it a plant, insect or animal.
  And in our, as it seems, highly developed technological civilization there are tribes in which cannibalism is still practiced (New Guinea), and the overwhelming majority of people happily devour meat products, and the blood steaks give them special pleasure.
  That is, a thin cultural layer, the basis of which is the awareness of oneself as a subject capable of purposefully changing the surrounding world, and with it oneself in the direction of respect and love for the surrounding, is not able to compete with the basic (natural) consciousness, which is responsible for the functioning of the whole organism. and for the interaction of this organism with the environment, especially with significant threats to this organism.
  In other words, egocentrism, and not altruism, prevails in these cases, with rare exceptions. This we observe everywhere at the present time and have observed in the past, judging by the surviving chronicles.
  Therefore, rivalry related to deliberate actions, that is, to the sphere of self-awareness, can only in rare cases oppose the animal consciousness, which is set up to destroy or conquer the enemy. It clearly follows from this: wars cannot but be an attribute of any human community.
  The era of capitalism, providing maximum opportunities for the technological development, exacerbates the contradictions between states that have made headway in this development, which require new markets for the sale of products, thereby causing wars with losses incomparable with previous wars due to the emergence of new technologies in the field of armament, producing more and more effective tools for the destruction of manpower.
  Although the invention of atomic weapons somewhat tamed the aspiration for global wars, it quickly transformed into a aspiration for local and hybrid wars with the same goals: capturing new markets and robbing weaker countries and regions.
  However, the territory of the planet has the limit and the consumption of manufactured goods is not unlimited. Therefore, the capitalist mode of production, automatically adjusted to the growth of sales of products, fails when this limit is reached, because it loses the incentive for development.
  The resulting stagnation leads the ruling elite to the idea of transforming society into a form convenient for maintaining the power of this elite and all the advantages associated with it, while part of the altruistic intelligentsia is trying to revive the idea of direct democracy.
  In the first case, the ruling elite, in essence, having borrowed Campanella's ideas about an ideal state, offered some kind of formation, reminiscent of Campanella's "ideal" state.
  This state of Campanella - the "City of the Sun", where everyone works and there are no scoundrels and parasites, is based on an attempt to balance the various qualities and abilities of people by forced equality. The power in this ideal state belongs to the spiritual aristocracy, or intellectual and religious elite.
  Campanella offers the state to eradicate vices and the resulting wrong behavior. He also considers it necessary to destroy the institution of the family, since it leads to private property - a source of inequality. To improve people, Campanella proposes to carry out selection, which should be determined by the bosses.
  The current supranational power elite, imagining itself to be intellectual, also wants to forcibly put the population under its control by digitizing the population. This elite tries to discredit the family, having liquidated it gradually, and to deprive the population of property. It assumes to give him certain benefits depending on the behavior of specific individuals, which this elite considers correct, up to the selection of this population. This process has already begun in China.
  To do this, it is quite natural for itself, this elite is going to reduce the population several times to reduce the consumption of the remaining resources of the planet by the population, and the main way of this reduction may be to sterilize the population with medical drugs under the pretext of saving it from supposedly fatal diseases, and to digitize the rest of the population with the help of modern computer technologies, putting each of its members under control to dictate to him the appropriate behavior, especially since the main work will be performed not by the population, but by artificial intelligence.
  On the other hand, the altruistic part of the intelligentsia, advocating for the people's good without any exceptions, proposes to introduce direct popular rule in order to elect government bodies, which, in its opinion, will fairly distribute the products of labor and natural resources among all members of society, without giving anyone preferences.
  Both of these projects are typical utopias, since they, like capitalism, which has lost its incentive for development, lack this very development, which is always built on contradictions, but they are absent here.
  In the first case, beneficial for the ruling elite, people turn into a herd, which this elite grazes for the sake of obtaining certain products for themselves from this herd, not giving it the will in order to avoid its own elimination.
  Naturally, such an artificial formation will degrade extremely quickly in all its parts, since it will not receive updates in the form of certain innovations in both technological and cultural spheres, especially since this post-capitalist society will parasitize on artificial intelligence, which, as it is supposed, to replace the human intelligence, that in fact will eliminate human creativity, thereby depriving society of progress.
  In the second case, which seems to be beneficial for the entire population, this population will technically be unable to control their chosen ones, who will quickly try to benefit from the power they have inherited, and everything will return to normal, eventually producing the same degradation of the population in the computer field of the artificial intelligence.
  As a result of the fact that creative human consciousness gives priority to artificial intelligence, which is actually a brainless blockhead working according to programs defined and developed by someone else, artificial intelligence will give out information only within the framework of these programs, while there will be no one to write new programs due to the degradation of specialists in this field.
  In addition, users of incoming information will cease to understand its meaning from the point of view of adequate operation of all equipment and systems controlled by artificial intelligence. Therefore, communication, transport, and power supply systems in case of certain failures in the control system will fail at once, effectively destroying this technological civilization, from which only feral tribes will remain after a short time.
  For example, to elimination of the population of the large cities, it is enough to turn off the power supply, as a result of which elevators will stop, water from taps will stop flowing, traffic lights will go out, cars and trains will stop, and there will be no one to change this situation for the better. Food will quickly run out. Due to the lack of water, diseases and the extinction of the population will begin, which has nowhere to go and who are not expected anywhere.
  This is the upshot of the contradictory existence of a civilization, which, like everything finite, finds its limit in existence at that historical moment when contradictions will be eliminated.
  Therefore, this civilization will disappear, providing an opportunity for the gradual formation of a new civilization, which, most likely, will retain a very weak idea of the previous one.
  Chapter 4.
  About the crisis, epidemics, or what will really happen to us?
  The civilization that currently exists on Earth is everywhere technological in nature, as all new technologies are quickly picked up by the population of regions even remote from the centers of civilization.
  Similar civilization, of course, is developing with acceleration. This is easily seen in practice by the speed of introducing into the economy first steam engines, then railways, ships. telegraph, electricity, automobiles, airplanes, nuclear power, computers, the Internet, mobile communications. The time intervals between the widespread use of these novelties became shorter and shorter.
  At present, universal digitalization and the widespread use of artificial intelligence and robotics are on the threshold.
  Another sign of modern civilization is the use of the natural system of managemen of economic, based on the right of the strong, who owns property and is able to use the available resources to to extract profits from this property, for example, through the use of hired labor, while at the same time arranging for the protection of his property and profits by a convenient system of power with an appropriate judicial and repressive apparatus, which, moreover, with rare exceptions, proprietor can bribe if necessary.
  Until the twentieth century, all states on the planet used this particular economic system, based on the division of the population into an elite, often owning not only the main property, but the lives of the populations, although the forms of states at different times could be various, but their essence did not change from that - they were the exploitative and kept the bulk of the population in poverty and illiteracy.
  Such dispensation of society was natural because it is similar to the organization of an ordinary flock of primates, in which an alpha male owns everything with the help of his assistants, by the right of a strong and smart enough, keeping everyone else in fear.
  As a result, the individuals who have taken over the power, like the main monkeys, enjoy the best food, the cutest females, and the most "refined" entertainment.
  So, the power elites of modern society practically do not differ in respect to the use of power obtained in mostly unrighteous ways to satisfy their basic needs - not too exalted - from a flock of primates, except that they mask in every possible this the circumstance, regrettable for the bright minds of mankind.
  True, this way of managing and organizing society is compelled, since the resources most pleasant and rare by sources have never been enough for everyone, which caused a similar social structure, unfair to the majority.
  Nevertheless, the power elite can be characterized as follows.
  In principle, the imperious structures cannot involve the individuals with the highest possible level of self-awareness (the highest consciousness), i.e. the high-moral, conscientious, with high culture, humane and altruistic, inasmuch the pragmatism, promoting the successful actions of the imperious structures for own preservation and the concomitant deception of the people masses, as a rule, consisting in a promise of the onset of the near prosperity, rejects the high level of self-consciousness of all representatives of the imperious structures, promoting to the negative selection of representatives of power or to the rapid decrease in this level to hypocritical and unscrupulous mediocrity, without denying maintaining sharpness of mind and other intellectual abilities, , which already go not for the benefit of the people, and, as a rule, for preservation of power, privileges, got property, and only forcedly - for development of the country, in order to avoid its disintegration and accession to stronger neighbors, that for the most part leads to loss of power.
  Similar defectiveness of the rulers was also noted by the famous ancient thinker Plato in his work "The State", and he characterized the main ruler as follows: "But when he has disposed of foreign enemies by conquest or treaty, and there is nothing to fear from them, then he is always stirring up some war or other, in order that the people may require a leader... What a blessed alternative, I said: - to be compelled to dwell only with the many bad, and to be by them hated, or not to live at all!... And the more detestable his actions are to the citizens the more satellites and the greater devotion in them will he require?" [Plato. Complete works. Republic. Book VIII. Hackett Publishing Company. 1997].
  Plato also noted the ineradicable contradiction between the power elite and the people, demonstrated the difference between the tasks they solve: "First of all, I said, consider the nature of the qualification just think what would happen if pilots were to be chosen according to their property, and a poor man were refused permission to steer, even though he were a better pilot?... The inevitable division: such a State is not one, but two States< the one of poor, the other of rich men; and the are living on the same spot and always conspiring against one another... Well, I said, and how does the change from oligarchy into democracy arise? Is it not on this wise? - The good at which such State alms is to become as rich as possible, a desire which is insatiable?..." [Plato. Complete works. Republic. Book VIII. Hackett Publishing Company. 1997].
  If to put it briefly about the power elite, then can agree with Plato that it is a rabble of scoundrels according to its essence.
  At thus, it should be noted that their consciousness is close to the nature consciousness of primates, and they fell into the power elite only because of own mean, though they always pretend worthy citizens, Democrats, liberals and protectors of the people.
  A person in power falls into the quasi-natural situation, where one being inevitably "devours" another, being in turn @devoured" by a stronger or quirky. At once it cannot be, but always happens.
  For this reason, truly wise people invariably have evaded power at all times, considering this activities not only contemptible and unpromising both for itself and for the oppressed, deceived people by deed, but also an occupation, which hinders their individual development and interests, since power essentially is mill, grinding each individuality into a corporate dust.
  At this, a person in order to held in power, and even more so thrive in it, must possess the following properties or necessarily acquire them.
  Primitiveness, combined with dynamism, sociability, meanness and cunning, don't shy away from stealing, as well as he must be dishonesty, greed, hypocrisy and insidious.
  A person in power cannot trust anyone and he has to worship the superior for the sake of promotion or in the hierarchy of rulers.
  As a result, if he is not entirely primitive, this member of the corporation of rulers receives loneliness and degradation.
  Over time, the accelerated development of various technologies, in particular, in the field of agriculture, significantly increased the yield of different crops, which significantly affected the population of the planet towards its significant increase.
  At the same time, numerous inventions have appeared that automate the production process of goods, significantly reducing the duration of mandatory labor in production, which allowed to shift the center of gravity of labor to the service sector, making life easier for a lot of layers of society.
  There was a lot of additional entertainment in the form of cinema, television programs, and then computer games, and other pleasures for all tastes.
  With the development of self-consciousness of a significant part of the population by the twentieth century and the significant degradation of the ruling classes, expressed in the outbreak of fighter world wars, which were not at all necessary for the bulk of the population, an attempt was made to restore justice for everybody, which could allow the entire population to enjoy the benefits previously enjoyed only by the chosen ones, on the basis of the transition from private to collective ownership in the form of a system of socialist States.
  But quite quickly by the standards of history, this attempt failed.
  Practices of functioning of the distribution system of economic under the name socialism, appeared in a number of countries in the 20th century, showed that black caviar, sturgeon, yachts, palaces, beautiful girls, smart, truthful and pleasant interlocutors and other delights cannot be enough for everyone, but nevertheless, everybody wants this.
  Therefore, those in power in the countries of socialism, willy-nilly, came to a completely logical conclusion: to use primarily own power to satisfy their needs, they secretly first, and then they simply curtailed their socialism and found themselves in the same bosom of the private property system of economic, where can openly profit and enjoy a rare and delicious, but expensive food, exquisite drinks and other not cheap trinkets, such as diamond rings and personal airplanes for a lot of money, which were squeezed out of the working people in one way or another, but mostly simply stolen from them.
  So the system of socialism ordered to live for a long time, which is not surprising if you remember about human nature, which always strives for certain personal benefits, but often does not deserve it at all.
  However, quite unexpected and significant changes in the lifestyle of for the most part relatively young part of the population have recently taken place.
  But first we note that, so unsinkable for several centuries, capitalism has come to a natural end.
  Reasonable egoism and pragmatism, on the one hand, liberate the productive forces of each individual, making him competitively free within the framework of the state that supports the striving of each person to improve the living conditions. Thus, the pace of development of the respective communities becomes the maximum possible.
  On the other hand, the inequality of abilities and conditions under the domination of unlimited competition of individuals seeking to obtain benefits for themselves, cannot but lead to the separation of society with respect to the possession of property or its equivalents, at this, the difference in the size of this property can reach astronomical values.
  The natural occurrence of permanent tension between the "offended poor" and the "rich people who are snickering" the power elite is trying to smooth over with a robbery of less developed communities, the funds from which are largely transferred to the additional pro-feeding of both the ordinary people and the middle class to avoid social cataclysms.
  As a result, the world community was automatically divided into parasitic states, which make currently so-called "the golden billion", and other states, the development of which the parasitic states impede by "sucking out" in various ways, the main one of which is to bribe the power elites of developing countries, the wealth of these countries, including the most educated and capable citizens.
  The basis of the capitalist mode of production and community development is an emphasis on the growth of the mass consumption, stimulating the development of all systems of economy, and financially enriching the power elite, as well as the business elite.
  However, the growth of the mass consumption cannot be infinite.
  The limitation of a capitalist way of production consists, on the one hand, in an finiteness of resources and also in irretrievability of a number of materials at rough increase in number of the population of the planet now. On the other hand, now at an overwhelming part of the population decline in income is observed, at this, a considerable part of the rest population of Earth lives many decades on credit.
  In addition, the capitalist method of producing goods is ultimately harmful because of the constant imbalance of the integrity of the environment, surrounding the human communities, for profit, which leads to the destruction of nature in its individual parts, and in general. At this, the mass culture and advertising, debasing people to facilitate their manageability in order to engage in meaningless consumption, it rapidly lowers the level of self-awareness of the masses almost to the animal state, which means a progressive degradation of population.
  The ever-expanding spread of information technology and robotics under capitalism lead to the fact that instead of using people free time for creative leisure, they fall into despair, addiction and depression of people who have lost the status of experts in their work, aware of own unclaimedness for an indifferent society.
  The automatism, the soullessness of capitalism, its orientation mainly on profit actually lead to the transformation of a person from a subject of action into a puppet of incomprehensible goals of capitalism for him, which actually do not exist, just like there are no goals for a non-stop mechanism.
  Before this overwhelming senseless monster, he becomes powerless and indifferent, which means the indispensable collapse of this mechanism due to the reduction to a state of the disrepair of the main elements of the mechanism - the living beings.
  Naturally, the power elites, which are parasitizing on the dung heap of decaying capitalism, began to look for a way out of this critical situation.
  It turned out that natural pleasures and waste products can be replaced by almost the same things in virtual reality.
  In other words, an opportunity to achieve justice for all without exemption through online arose.
  Of course, these pleasures are ersatz, but they are often quite difficult to distinguish from real ones.
  Those in power have also seized on new electronic-information opportunities, but in a slightly different way.
  They realized that the people masses who were perpetually resisting and envious of them could be put down with the help of the latest electronic information technologies, and then theses masses could be reduced up to an acceptable limit, which they themselves would set.
  As the development of the current coronovirus epidemic (trial ball) shows, under the pretext of fighting for the health of the population, each inhabitant of the planet can be easily digitized for subsequent control and the introduction into his head of the postulates, that are favorable for the power elite and which could help them to maintain power.
  This state of torpor and dullness of the population is supported and deepened to a large extent by relatively recently introduced system of education that is defective for most, which is built on tests and online training/ This system does not provide full-scale knowledge and it calls only to obey the instructions of the authorities setting the appropriate training programs.
  To date, the power elites so degraded and divorced from the masses that even if they wanted to, they could not organize a full-fledged education and effective health care. However, they are unlikely to have such a desire, since they are limited by their own wretched interests and utilitarian goals, that in itself cannot help not only the prosperity of the working masses, but and themselves representatives of power elites are submerging into senseless luxury and various vices, which further contributes to their degradation.
  To reduce the number of the population, if desired, is also not difficult at present. It is only necessary to choose one of the known methods of a painless and inconspicuous approach to solving this problem.
  For example, it is possible to deprive the population of most regions of the Earth of the ability to produce offspring by distributing among them drugs or vaccinations with special additives that are able to emasculate this population.
  It is also possible to irradiate it by known methods constantly or sporadically during treatment or by means of stationary installations ostensibly for communication systems as well as mobile phones.
  Those in power can also, as the coronovirus epidemic has shown, throw some strains of deadly viruses or bacteria into the thick of the population, but with more precise localization of the spread of these deadly strains, to avoid of own infection.
  Some of these techniques have already been tested on people in Africa.
  These seemingly extremely profitable ideas for the rulers were facilitated not only by their aspiration to preserve their power and privileges at all costs, despite their extremely modest intelligence, corruption and nepotism; not only by the relatively rapid degradation of a large part of the population, already accustomed to just pressing buttons, or even frankly idling; but also the fruits of technological development, which make it possible to free the population from work in factories, which for the most part have already been rebuilt or are being rebuilt to operate fully automated complexes, and on plantations where mostly the automatic equipment can also to be used. Employees in management, trade, and most of the service sector are also gradually being replaced by robots or artificial intelligence systems.
  Therefore, those in power is no longer required in most of the population as a labor resource, that, naturally, leads them to think about restructuring entire life on the planet into a kind of automatic mode - a master-servant by using artificial intelligence and a relatively small number of servants out of the population, reduced to the extreme limit.
  However, all these considerations of the world power elite are sheer stupidity, which can be briefly expressed by the phrase: they chop, fools, the branch, on which sit.
  The fact is that the power elites of any country in the world are by no persons means the most outstanding with their abilities, intelligence and high moral qualities, but they are just scoundrels and mostly typical parasites,
  who, thanks to their nimbleness, lack of principles, family ties, cunning, fawning and other, mostly negative properties, penetrated into power, but - exactly they make decisions that affect the lives of other people: get involved the people into wars, rob the population, poison the environment for the sake of getting additional profits, keep the vast majority of the planet"s population in fact in poverty and slavery.
  They, as a rule, recruit entire cohorts of knowledgeable and qualified advisers, but, after listening to them, do what only them seems right to, but the most suitable for them is first of all the desire to maintain power by any means, if they were able to receive it, rather than the benefit of the peoples under their control, from which they very quickly come off in their palaces to the hymns of numerous lackeys.
  And if very smart people everywhere make not only mistakes, but also various stupidities, then what can be expected from the cunning, insidious and unprincipled, but near-minded scoundrels who always seize power and everything connected with it, so how the decent persons, as a rule, don"t aspire to power, but if and so, they are not able to win this race without rules.
  Naturally, all decisions of the ruling scoundrels are dictated by selfish interests and the monkey "logic." In addition, they hate each other, and at suitable case, are necessarily try to frame a leg for a competitor, although outwardly they all look very decent and are always engaged in ostentatious charity.
  What can be expected from such public?
  These individuals do not understand and will not understand due to own mental limitation, that they themselves are nothing, even if to take into account their service staff.
  Civilization does not exist and not develops for power elites that are just a necessary irritant for the rest of the population, which gives from itself inventors, scientists, artists, educators, doctors and other people who are capable of creativity, that is, which give the true life and development to the whole community.
  Without a diverse, large, educated and self-made population, civilization is doomed to decay and speedy death, along with all its narrow-minded power elites.
  Thus, if the power elites really begin to act as it was shown above, which is completely consistent with their logic and level of intelligence, civilization will disintegrate due to its inability to further development.
  The only question is the transience or not of this disintegration and its form, as well as the result, all the more so, judging by the existing artifacts that have survived on Earth, other civilizations existed before the current civilization, but they completely disappeared, and the reason for their elimination was not necessarily only natural disasters.
  An additional confirmation of the natural decomposition of civilization is the fact of compaction (acceleration) of civilization's own time, which was mentioned at the beginning of the article. This compaction of time was clearly manifested after the turn of civilization towards the industrial production, starting from the XVI century.
  Such acceleration of time, expressed in an increase in the number of emerging technical and organizational innovations, as well as significant events, mainly in the sphere of the population's use of these innovations per unit of calendar time, is associated with an increase in rates of the growth of information flows, which has a limit on the adequacy of their perception by both the sensory organs and information processing centers (brain person).
  This implies the inevitability of the information collapse destroying the infrastructure, which is based on the use of the results of information processing by computer networks (communications, energy, transport, trade, automated production).
  As a rule, the collapse of civilization provides society with a choice:
  falling into the savagery or transforming a social structure into a simplified self-governing domain structure connected by horizontal and vertical communications, which eliminates the need for a state apparatus.
  True, after some time a new civilization arises out of the savagery or with the decomposition of an equilibrium civilization, going through the same cycle as the previous ones.
  And this fact in itself testifies to the fact that over mankind and all its civilizations that arise over and over again, there is a different force - consciousness, which is eternally developing with the help of the transient civilizations.
  1. Nizovtsev Yu. Communes as a result of crash of all civilization. [Electronic resource]. 1914. Access mode: Amazon. (C) Yury Nizovtsev.
  2. Nizovtsev Yu. The driving force and source of development of the person and his communities. 1917. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: Amazon. (C) Yury Nizovtsev.
  3. Nizovtsev Yu. Whether will triumph of justice and how will it be done? Collection "It's the other way around. Answers to tricky questions about interesting things". Part 1, chapter 2. 2018. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: Amazon. (C) Yury Nizovtsev.
  4. Nizovtsev Yu. The person - a product of evolution?! Whether everything is so clear here?! 2018. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: Amazon. (C) Yury Nizovtsev.
  5. Nizovtsev Yu. How did the rulers act formerly, and doing now? and how -- people under them? Collection "Open eyes yours-own". Part 7. 2020. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: Amazon. (C) Yury Nizovtsev.
  6. Nizovtsev Yu. The roots and consequences of the negative selection into the power elites. 2020. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: Amazon. (C) Yury Nizovtsev.
  7. Nizovtsev Yu. The dethronement of the myth about good and evil. "The collection of special and outlandish - for the check with respect to creativity". Part 5. 2020. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: Amazon. (C) Yury Nizovtsev.
  8. Nizovtsev Yu. What way the artificial intelligence will corrupt and crush us?
   Collection "It's the other way around. Answers to tricky questions about interesting things". Part 3, chapter 1. 2018. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: Amazon. (C) Yury Nizovtsev.
  9. Nizovtsev Yu. The casus of free time. Collection "It's the other way around. Answers to tricky questions about interesting things". Part 2, chapter 1. Collection. 2018. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: Amazon. (C) Yury Nizovtsev.
  10. Nizovtsev Yu. Back - to the primates ?! or forward - to the superman?! Collection "It's the other way around. Answers to tricky questions about interesting things". Part 3, chapter 3. Collection. 2018. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: Amazon. (C) Yury Nizovtsev.
  11. Nizovtsev Yu. Whether it is worth being "treated" for stupidity!? Collection "Open eyes yours-own". Part 1. 2020. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: Amazon. (C) Yury Nizovtsev.
  Chapter 5.
  Science as a factor in the development and destruction of civilization.
  Science is generally spoken of only in a positive way, but it cannot but have a negative impact on society. Therefore, in this work, precisely its negative features are noted and justified, and it is also indicated what these features lead to in the end.
  Science is by no means only a collection of knowledge and skills. Science, first of all, is a specialized analysis, selection, systematization and dissemination of the current information, as well as the information already available in the relevant databases.
  Science covers all branches and areas of technology and culture. In addition, she addresses the problems of cognition of the surrounding reality, discovering and formulating the laws of beingness.
  The value of science lies in the fact that it allows any person, with sufficient preparation, to use the accumulated knowledge and methods to deepen and expand them, and even more so - to use its fruits.
  Nevertheless, science has a number of limitations, namely: it means nothing without relying on past knowledge; science also depends on current realities without the right to break away from them, since discoveries and inventions that have nothing to do with the current time do not find application and are forgotten; science is not able to go beyond the sensations and thinking abilities given to a person, in spite of the most modern computers, microscopes, telescopes and other instruments and apparatus; science requires appropriate funding for its development, thereby depending on the authorities and being basically obedient to them, despite the frequent immorality of decisions of the power structures in the use of new technologies.
  Confirmation of the thesis about the dependence of science on the current time is the invention of the turbine in ancient times, as well as a number of inventions of Archimedes, which did not find the application.
  Science is incapable of providing a person with new sensations and expanding the capabilities of his brain towards creative abilities, which depend mainly on a random combination of certain parts of the brain.
  The most recent example of the dependence of science on the authorities manifests in the attitude of medicine to the treatment of coronavirus influenza (covid). Unlike microorganisms that cause diseases such as smallpox or measles, influenza viruses, which are quite simple in their genome, constantly mutate in the struggle among themselves for penetration into clients' cells. Therefore, who if not doctors, who are well aware of this, should give priority in the treatment of influenza not to vaccines that are tuned to one type of virus strain, but to drugs, which in general was happening before the appearance of covid in 2019, which is a type of viral flu. However, doctors of all countries amicably, with rare exceptions, rushed to treat the covid with vaccines completely unprepared for this version of influenza, that is, practically useless, and in the future harmful in consequences, but beneficial for the authorities for a number of political reasons, as if forgetting about the available drugs, as well as the development of more effective drugs, except vaccines
  As many people guess from their own experience, you can avoid bringing your own body to diseases, at least such simple ones as influenza and other respiratory diseases associated with the transfer of microorganisms by airborne droplets, mainly to the mucous membranes.
  The author has been engaged in the prevention of these diseases for more than 15 years and had the flu only a few times during this time, and even then only because he was several times too lazy to carry out this prevention.
  Such prevention of viral and bacterial diseases in local (home or office) conditions is simple and effective.
  It is necessary after contacts with someone, that is, at least twice a day for retirees, and for those who work - several times a day, carry out the following simple manipulations, which take no more than 30 seconds.
  You must first pour water (200 ml) into a glass, throw a half spoonful of the table salt (NaCl) into the water, stir, take a little of this solution into your mouth, tilt your head back and create a turbulent layer of liquid in your throat for 20 seconds and then spit out this liquid. Thus, you rinse the mucous membrane of the pharynx, washing away viruses and bacteria that have got there. Further, pouring out a little solution from a glass into a shallow saucer, it is necessary, by lowering a finger or cotton swab there, to wipe the mucous membrane (eyelids) of each eye a couple of times, and then lowering each nostril successively into the liquid in the saucer, pass the solution back and forth several times and blow your nose.
  This procedure takes no more than 30 seconds, costs nothing in monetary terms, but you cannot be lazy. However, you will not need expensive medicines, hospitals, doctors, vaccinations and other worries, that is, you will not fall into the hands of doctors, since the highest mortality rate from covid is observed precisely in hospitals.
  In this way, it can be stated that science, represented by its most important branch - medicine, has disdained the humane considerations for the sake of political considerations, clearly demonstrating its true face.
  However, earlier, about the same thing happened with the study of the fission of the atomic nucleus, the fruits of which turned into a deadly nuclear weapon, and the Internet turned computer networks into the basis for artificial intelligence, which instantly crossed out the creativity of the population and stole working time from it, throwing it to the sidelines of idleness.
  However, the main feature of science is that it contributes to building a technological civilization, that is, a civilization dependent on the emergence and development of technologies.
  It is technology in its progress that accelerates the own time of any technological civilization.
  For example, the almost unchanged way of life of the Stone Age lasted for many millennia, while the subsequent era of slavery turned out to be several times shorter. The domination of capitalism turned out to be even shorter.
  In 1994, historian I. M. Diakonov drew attention to the decreasing exponentially historical cycles: "There is no doubt that historical process shows signs of natural exponential acceleration. From emergence of Homo sapiens until the end of the I phase passed not less than 30 thousand years, II phase lasted about 7 thousand years, III phase - about 2 thousand years, IV phase - about 1.5 thousand, V phase - about one thousand years, VI - about 300, VII phase - a little more than 100 years, duration of VIII phase while it is impossible to determine. Put on the schedule these phases are combined in exponential development which assumes eventually transition to the vertical line or more true, to the point of so-called singularity. Scientific and technical achievements of mankind were being developed according to the exponential schedule likewise ...". I. M. Dyakonov's considerations on this problem are described in detail in his monograph "Пути истории. От древнейшего человека до наших дней. КомКнига. Москва. 2007г." ("The Ways of History. From the most ancient man to the present day." KomKniga. Moscow. 2007).
  Diakonoff's schedule may be completed up to the vertical line. In this case, the point of singularity will lie for 2022.
  Definition of a technological singularity appeared after Diakonoff's works: the technological singularity is the hypothetical moment after which technical progress becomes such fast and complex that it will be inaccessible to comprehension. The technological singularity as a result of development of nanotechnologies was considered in the report of 2007 of the Commission on economic policy of the Congress of the USA, as start date of a singularity was called 2020, according to another prognosis - 2030. Basic idea of this conclusion is the corollary from the law of Moore (an empirical conclusion from the observed speed of development of technologies): somewhere between 2025 and 2035 the computing power of separate computers will be made even to the "crude" computing power of a human brain, and then and will surpass it.
  The given dates are close to each other and they also are close to the present time. The question is only in interpretation of the specified process, i.e. what will happen in the singularity point with the world civilization.
  The approaching informational collapse is confirmation of that the era of fundamental changes in civilization development approaches with an approximation of the point of the singularity.
  Informational collapse is defined as the condition of network information space menacing to its stability and normal functioning. Informational collapse is characterized by fall off of capacity of communication channels and arises at a situation when existing technologies are not able to transfer growing volumes of traffic.
  The beginning of the informational collapse manifests in constant increase in speed of emergence of new information and accumulation of this information in the Internet. Acquaintance with the avalanche flow of information becomes more and more difficult and even more difficult becomes thereof its adequate use because filtration of information, as a rule, for doubtful criteria becomes actually by single method of ordering of information. This process conducts to fast loss by society of perspective reference points of development, to replacement of the true purposes by corporate purposes, to bamboozle of an overwhelming majority of Internet users.
  In addition to the oncoming information collapse in recent years, the method of the capitalist production and consumption based on private property and loans has actually ended, since the territory of the planet has the limit and the consumption of manufactured goods by its population is not unlimited. Therefore, the capitalist mode of production, automatically adjusted to the growth of sales of products, fails when this limit is reached, because it loses the incentive for development.
  The resulting stagnation leads the ruling elite to the idea of transforming society into a form convenient for maintaining the power of this elite and all the advantages associated with it.
  Therefore, the ruling elite, in essence, having borrowed Campanella's ideas about an ideal state, decided to arrange some kind of the formation, reminiscent of Campanella's "the ideal" state.
  This state - "the City of the Sun", where everyone works and there are no scoundrels and parasites, is based on an attempt to balance the various qualities and abilities of people by forced equality. The power in this ideal state belongs to the spiritual aristocracy, or intellectual and religious elite.
  Campanella offers the state to eradicate vices and the resulting wrong behavior. He also considers it necessary to destroy the institution of the family, since it leads to private property - a source of inequality. To improve people, Campanella proposes to carry out selection, which should be determined by the bosses.
  The current supranational power elite, imagining itself to be intellectual, also wants to forcibly put the population under its control by digitizing the population. This elite tries to discredit the family, having liquidated it gradually, and to deprive the population of property. It assumes to give him certain benefits depending on the behavior of specific individuals, which this elite considers correct, up to the selection of this population. This process has already begun in China and it has been going on there for at least 6 years, and the preparation of the rest of the world, with the exception of African countries, for this digital concentration camp for the needs of the ruling "elite", the essentially pathetic in their mental abilities and culture, has been going on for two years with the help of intimidating the population with a new type of viral flu, and it is quite possible that this contagious virus was bred specifically with the help of the same scientists, even more so there are many bacteriological laboratories in the world, and the basis for the current global experiment on humans is many years of work on the study of the human genome. It turned out that science could not understand all the mechanisms of action of the genome, but they can already spoil it. The result is obvious.
  Thus, with the help of scientists, it is quite natural for itself, this elite is going to reduce the population several times to reduce the consumption of the remaining resources of the planet by the population, and the main way of this reduction may be to sterilize the population with medical drugs under the pretext of saving it from supposedly fatal diseases, and to digitize the rest of the population with the help of modern computer technologies, putting each of its members under control to dictate to him the appropriate behavior, especially since the main work will be performed not by the population, but by artificial intelligence.
  That is, every possible assistance in this project of the actual genocide of the population with its transformation into voiceless and thoughtless slaves for the absolutely unworthy needs of the ghouls in power, who believe that they will retain their power by implementation such stupidity, reducing all achievements of humanity and its culture to zero, is provided by science, which provides specialists and equipment to destroy the bulk of the population and bring the remaining part into obedient blockheads, divided into a kind of castes depending on the degree of obedience.
  This idiotic project aimed at preserving power for worthless individuals is a typical utopia, since it, like capitalism, which has lost its incentive for development, lacks this very development, which is always built on contradictions, but they are not here.
  In this case, which is beneficial, how it seems at first glance, for the ruling elite, people turn into a herd, which this elite grazes for the sake of obtaining certain products for themselves from this herd, not giving it the will in order to avoid its own elimination.
  Naturally, such artificial formation will degrade extremely quickly in all its parts, since it loses the ability to receive updates in the form of certain innovations in both technological and cultural spheres, especially since this post-capitalist society will parasitize on artificial intelligence, which, as it is supposed, will replace the human intelligence, that in fact will eliminate human creativity, thereby depriving society of progress.
  Thus, the actions of science according to a method of processing and transforming information that is specific only to it leads, to the acceleration of the development of a technological civilization, condensing its own time within the calendar time, which is an inevitable consequence of an increase in information flows consumed by science, contributing to the capture of more and more spaces by human activity.
  In this case, the technological progress is combined with the compaction of civilization's own time, which cannot but end with its disappearance, or rather, the arrival at the point of singularity, at which the existing technologies cease to operate.
  It is for this reason that the hopes of the ruling elites for some new post-capitalist form of the existence of civilization in the form of the state of Campanella, where they will prosper like the Roman patricians among the host of slaves, are in vain.
  There is no left own time for any forms of the current civilization, since the contradictions that moved it earlier, disappeared, and artificial inventing of contradictions is impossible for any mind.
  Therefore, the development of consciousness within the framework of the current civilization has become impossible. And this means that this civilization has become unnecessary, no matter how unpleasant it may be for the same science, which turned out to be unable to predict such a turn of events, because it relied on humanitarian foundations that put man at the forefront of existence and assuming, as a result, the existence of his civilization to be eternal, while in the world of events everything finds its end, but along with that it can resume through a corresponding pause on a new basis.
  Therefore, it makes sense to say a few words about humanism (not to be confused with humanity), which, in essence, is completely false in the antagonistic world of semi-primates.
  Humanism, proclaiming life in the spirit of reason, that seems completely fair at first glance, immediately leads humanity to a dead end, since most people use their minds purely pragmatically, not thinking about the lofty and spiritual, but seeking to satisfy their urgent needs for food, the production of offspring and distinguishing yourself from the crowd to gain benefits in the same way.
  The overwhelming majority of people still live in inhuman conditions - on the brink of survival. In many countries of the world, real wars are currently going on, which by no means improve the living conditions of the population. The education and health care system in most countries of the world is primitive and does not provide a long lifespan and rise to the heights of culture and engineering.
  Therefore, the theory of humanism is only elitist. And this is reinforced by the fact that more technologically advanced countries are still plundering the wealth of other countries, fleece its population, taking away its future mainly by bribing the elites of underdeveloped countries. But this robbery of other peoples does not bring the elites of rich countries and supranational elites anything but their decomposition, since beating and humiliating the weak has nothing to do with humanity.
  An ordinary person in rich countries that are considered democratic and cultural, in fact, is reduced to nothing in the environment of false democracy, he stops in his development, "fixated" on the consumption of electronic information novelties of civilization, which are devouring all his free time. Any of his protests are senseless or brutally suppressed. He becomes indifferent and incapable of decisive action, susceptible to deceitful propaganda of false values of a technocratic society, mainly consumer ones.
  The theory of humanism puts a person at the forefront of everything that exists, believing that he can solve all the problems of beingness thanks to his enduring interest in himself and his personality, which is supposedly self-valuable. But this, in essence, egocentrism does not take into account not only the limitations of any person in natural and temporal terms, but also forgets that dominating in any person is his semi-primacy essence, the consciousness of which will always dominate over his altruism, acquired relatively recently.
  Therefore, a person will always think first of all about himself, his family, and only then about a group of certain persons. And, as you know, group and personal interests too often diverge.
  If humanism begins, for the good of the whole society, to proclaim the primacy of group interests, then the adoption of these slogans, as can be seen from history, always led to the rule of the oligarchy or to despotism, which, in fact, is happening today, as a result of which an ordinary person is reduced to nothing, and the elite itself is rapidly degrading.
  If a person is unambiguously recognized by humanism as the crown of all that exists, then religion is thereby denied with its appeal to the soul. And the soul, or rather, consciousness, although invisible to us, is what revives and holds a certain time of a person in beingness, remaining oneself eternal, but changing in the chain of the human lives. You can read more about this in my work "Why does not science have the ability to identify the essence of consciousness?", posted on Amazon and on the Unknown Genius (Неизвестный гений) website.
  It is the eternal consciousness that determines everything that exists in Creation, and a person is only the most effective instrument of consciousness, through which consciousness acquires development.
  The fact that not a person - semi-primate, but the eternal consciousness is the determining link of Creation is proved not only by the short duration of human life, in which he has little time to do something, but also - by the disappearance of any technological civilization at the point of singularity, and by the emergence of the next civilization in the same place or on another planet under suitable conditions. And this civilization will also develop in the antagonistic contradictions of the same semi-primates until its own collapse at the point of singularity, but continuing but continuing in such intermittency the development of theinfinite consciousness.
  Thus, such contradictory creatures as people are not able to exist within the framework of harmony, but they are able to ensure the development of consciousness in the course of the gradual renewal of civilizations.
  Each person and his communities are finite. They appear and disappear, and traces of their presence on one planets are smoothed gradually, but on others - appear people, and this process doesn't have the end.
  Therefore, if to search the support only in the person, as a self-sufficing being, then the question of mission of human existence in intervals between the birth and death together with remaining people; and about mission of own civilization, which is also the finite, loses a meaning.
  This is one of the main reasons for the triumph of religion at all times, which tries to connect the person with some highest power to strengthen him in the world.
  Nevertheless, the meaning of human existence in such contradictory conditions in the form of the developing civilizations, of course, is available inasmuch at a depth level people are separated and united by consciousness, inherent to them.
  In the person consciousness (active) provides for oneself the actual, though every time, the temporal life bringing changes into consciousness.
  Consciousness in its individual expression, when it finds self in the finite beings over and over again, retains its active nature, its main base due to actions in the subject and resisting world which consciousness seeks to change through the person, as soon as can, despite all hindrances arising in front of it.
  In other words, the finite in the form of the alive and mortal turns into the infinite consciousness only through the discrete existence of alive.
  All of the above does not at all indicate the harmfulness of science, but only indicates its contradictory role in the development of technological civilization, since without science there would be no development of the human community, which, it is true, ends in collapse, but it is renewed again just like any human life is not just in offspring, but also in the development of consciousness, which in the brief human lives takes on new forms and shades, the number of which is infinite.
  As for the disintegration of the present civilization, which is already clearly approaching, the following can be briefly noted.
  As already mentioned, the digital concentration camp deprives the society of development, and civilization turns into savagery, because technologies are quickly lost and the time comes for wild tribes capable of living without without electricity and hot water.
  However, savagery and barbarism do not necessarily manifest themselves at the point of singularity. There is also another option for humanity to pass through this point.
  As it is paradoxical, it is possible to find nevertheless an outlet, or a temporary lacuna for establishment in certain degree of fair society, but only in the case of particular restriction of freedom of the individual, more precisely, its self-restrictions, in favor of collective, society, or a civilization without the states, despite all internal contradictions which always are rending society.
  For this purpose, it is required establishing such society at which the resultant of all contradictory forces become almost equal to zero.
  So as struggle, contradictions, collisions are always present at the developing society - it wouldn't be developing without them - so far as the process of development should be paused or - it should be expressed extremely weakly. In other words, a civilization, society has to lose possibility of development temporarily.
  In such state the civilization can be only as the equilibrium.
  Its basic signs consist in the following.
  First, it has to be in ecological equilibrium with the nature, i.e. it has to return generally to appropriating economy with preservation and addition of some resource-saving technologies.
  Secondly, having refused the complex state management system, the civilization has to return to the simplest forms of the public relations in the form of local self-coping cells of various orientation on the kinds of activity, connected among themselves not only horizontally, but also - vertically, unlike primitive communities.
  Thirdly, the tasks of a civilization has to be not development of technologies and the social relations, but self-sufficiency concerning creation for each person of the acceptable vital conditions and maintaining of functioning of self-coping cells without emergence of a heeling towards their withdrawal from self-government. The only "medicine" for this purpose is the most frequent rotation of the chosen managing personnel.
  In this relation the difference of this structure from primitive communities consists in more high level of consciousness of members of the self-coping cells, saved up for six millennia of previous civilization development, and, in this regard, emergence of possibility of the conscious decision by all members of cells of arising problems of a civilization within the elementary structures.
  Fourthly, the free time of each members of community which can be very the considerable, thanks to preservation of many technologies of reproducing of food and household items, has to be devoted to self-development in that sphere to which he has predilections: art, crafts, fight against diseases, learning process, etc.
  Thus, the civilization is as though conserved. Certainly, sooner or later it will go wrong, but time of its existence and quite quiet life of people in it can be much more, than life time of a technological civilization known to us.
  To the one who will tell that it is impossible to stop development, it is possible to give an example of a similar suspending in development of human communities, more precisely, its extreme delay.
  It is possible give as an example the well-known and studied primitive communities which have been existing approximately in the same condition of some tens of thousands of years, until awakened from "hibernation" about 10 thousand years ago whereby, partly, our civilization emerged about six thousand years ago. Communities, which are in the equilibrium with environment, exist and now in a natural form, for example, the Australian natives. There are similar communities in a artificial type of various sects, for example doukhobor. The public and production formations close to them - kibbutzim in Israel as well separate themselves from society and the state on the way of life, which is close to the equilibrium.
  It is not excluded that the ecological civilization which, perhaps, will appear after disintegration of a present technological civilization, will not disappear over time from the face of the earth, and under the influence of this or that push will be waken and will start functioning in another form.
  More information about the features of this kind of equilibrium civilization can be found in my work "Communes as a result of crash of all civilization", posted on site "Amazon" in English and on the site "Litres" in Russian.
  If in China the digital concentration camp is already fully organized and functioning, and in Europe, where 80% of the population is digitized and vaccinated, the digital concentration camp is almost ready with the allocation of already built and under construction concentration camps for those who do not agree to be elita's slaves, then in Russia, its free-loving population in its bulk evades vaccination in every way and for religious reasons of Orthodoxy, and due to fear of sterilization through vaccines, as well as simply opposing the pressure of the authorities by own enduring resistance to these authorities, which he always did not trust and which he does not respect due to their meanness, deceitfulness and theft.
  Russian people also shy away from coding. They are even falsifying codes, expressing no desire to get into a digital concentration camp or behind barbed wire, which is confirmed by the statistics of digitization, which in Russia, unlike Europe and China, a smaller part of the population obeyed.
  In addition, the government in Russia, rotten through and through and inept in governance, is simply not able to cope with this deaf resistance in a vast country with an ethnically diverse population.
  Therefore, Russia can become the only developed country in the world that has rejected the digital concentration camp, and pass the point of singularity not in the direction of decomposition and subsequent overthrow into savagery, but, for example, in the direction of its transformation into an equilibrium civilization.
  This can be confirmed by the following.
  Let us recall that in the last world war the Russians have already saved the world from the enslavement by the "superior race" once, having laid down tens of millions of their best fellow citizens, but having won fascism in the form of the entire rich and experienced in battles and to the teeth armed Europe by incredible efforts of the impoverished and exhausted country by Marxist experiments,
  All this happened not by accident.
  The basis of victories in any circumstances is the Russian character. This is eternal discontent of the Russian soul with itself and it is aspiration of the Russian soul to something for the best what she not knows, but always would like to know. That is truly free aspirations are most brightly expressed in the Russian soul. In this sense the Russian people rose above all in the world and, therefore, should become by responsible for the world.
  For this reason, the simple Russian people have fond of Christ who rejected temptations of this world, urged to help all sufferers, to refuse violence, to love and respect each other. The Russian people on the whole sincerely seek, consciously or not, but to follow Christ's precepts, unlike hypocritical people of the West who evade from recognition that their developed and cultural states humiliate and plunder of the rest of the world for the sake of only own full wellbeing, refuting by own disgraceful affairs the prayers and glorifications to Christ.
  The response to a question of the Russian idea can be only one: Russia once again should become as the savior of the world. Presumably that Russia doesn't remain lonely in the anti-individualistic aspirations. Such countries as India can join to it so as the bulk of citizens of India has purely patriarchal consciousness.
  What the point of singularity will give to us, becoming closer and closer?
  It cannot be predicted precisely, but, perhaps, the modern civilization of consumption will disappear, and on its place can appear or only wreckages and the people surviving in a cataclysm who fell into wildness or a new civilization on other principles of existence, which are so close to the Russian person.
  The sense of existence of consciousness, dominating in reality, consists in its development. The mismatch between acting system and sense of existence of consciousness is finding a solution by elimination of beingness which is unsuitable for development of consciousness. In this case the unstable technological civilization automatically collapses as the complex system which is losing management like the ship at the storming ocean.
  So, the depersonalized capitalist civilization, which reached the considerable technological tops, but having impregnated all society by their ideas, which are nonconstructive for development of consciousness, becomes as unnecessary, as well as the distributive quasi-state of slaves, like the "City of the Sun" of Campanella, where close-minded bosses reign supreme over the disenfranchised people, brought to the stage of complete stupefaction.
  Chapter 6.
  What to do to us with the officials?
  What to do to us with this damned nettle seed that prevents us from living a normal life, robbing and demeaning us hourly? Who always uncompromisingly counteracts the authorities and whether complete victory of one of the parties is possible? What forces do the social development move actually?
  The development of civilization reflects the gradual but uneven growth of the public self-awareness of various communities, the driving force behind the development of which is the struggle of egocentrism, stemming mainly from the animal consciousness of every person, caring primarily for their own good and self-preservation, and altruism - it is based on the awareness of each person of himself as part of a community that should be supported in every possible way by taking care of its members.
  At the head of each community is the power elite in the form of civil servants at various levels, and in one way or another they are delegated the right to govern the country.
  In varying degrees, controls the effectiveness of the management of the informal-intellectual opposition of the authorities, represented in developed countries by civil society.
  The imperious elite has at its disposal all the resources of the state, it would seem, for the purposes of the development of the country, the care of all citizens.
  However, an obstacle to this is the negative selection of civil servants from the president to the last clerk.
  The noble guardians of the people benefit quite do not aspire to the civil service, but vigorous, fairly clever, self-interested, hypocritical and selfish individuals, but, as a rule, without special talents aspire to it. The dominant feature of these persons is inevitably the lower consciousness, that is, in their consciousness there is a clear lack of awareness of themselves as self-valuable individuals, and not as consumers. The power and practically unlimited access to the privileges and resources of the state belittles them so much that they see in the masses only a source of benefits for themselves and a field for the manifestation of their own, in fact, animal aspirations (the personal well-being, comfortable existence, domination over others).
  he corporate solidarity, directed to improvement of own existence, is characteristic of representatives of governing bodies, the benefit, for this purpose there are means, but not public morals which reflects the interests of all community.
  Therefore, the power elite is always separated from the masses and rejects the sincere fighters for the welfare of the people, and welcomes the "natural" bureaucrats who serve only those in power on the principle of loyalty to them, as a result of which the interests of the people, the country is put by them in the second turn, and in the first - personal and corporate interests [1].
  Nevertheless, in those countries where control of authorities, especially executive, being represented by various public and electoral institutes, is put to the proper height, abuse of power, any corruption relations can be reduced to some minimum, and respectively the number of officials in these countries is at rather low level.
  In other words, the high level of public self-consciousness represented by numerous public institutes interferes the bureaucratic rampant and subsequent ruin of the country.
  As an example, one can cite two groups of large developed countries with different levels of public self-consciousness, which are reflected in the presence of numerous public institutions that provide the feedback of the whole community with the government, or, respectively, - in their practical absence.
  Thus, the obvious signs of distinguishing between states by the level of public self-consciousness should be the level of corruption and the number of officials in relation to the population.
  Indeed, if we consider the relevant statistics for the few relatively large and developed countries, then two separate groups are clearly visible in this respect.
  The first group includes Japan, France, Germany, Great Britain, and the United States, whose political system is characterized by a relatively democratic system of power, evidenced by a developed system of public institutions, ensuring a fairly effective influence of active groups on the behavior of the authorities.
  Below are data on the level of corruption and the number of officials in these countries.
  Japan: population - 128 million, the number of officials - 0.332 million, there are 309 persons for 1 official.
  Corruption perception index - 73 (place 20 in the general list of countries of the world).
  United Kingdom: population - 66 million, the number of officials - 0.450 million, there are 147 persons for 1 official.
  Corruption Perception Index - 82 (place 8 in the general list of countries of the world).
  USA: population - 309 million, the number of officials - 2.1 million, there are 147 persons for 1 official.
  Corruption Perception Index - 75 (ranked 16 in the list of countries of the world).
  To understand the term "the corruption perception index", we note that it is calculated according to the methodology of the international non-governmental organization "Transparency International", based on a combination of publicly available statistical data and a results of global poll.
  Within this index corruption is defined as any abuses for personal benefit.
  The index of perception of corruption represents the summary indicator counted on the basis of the data obtained from the expert sources provided by the international organizations. All sources measure the general degree of prevalence of corruption (frequency and / or volume of bribes) in the public and economic sectors and include an assessment of many countries. Sources assess the level of perception of corruption by experts and are a collection of surveys of entrepreneurs, analysts and country-specific specialists in relation to the assessment of commercial risks.
  The index ranks countries and territories on a scale from 0 (the highest level of corruption) to 100 (the lowest level of corruption) based on a perception of the level of corruption in the public sector.
  The index mainly contains averaged data collected over the last three years, giving an idea of the current estimates of the level of corruption by experts.
  The situation is completely different with the number of officials in relation to the population and the level of corruption in China and Russia, almost not having effectively working the public institutes, what is the reflection of the authoritarian structure of these states and the practical absence of feedback of the population with the authorities.
  Below are data on the level of corruption and the number of officials in two large in population and economically and technically developed countries in China and Russia.
  China: population - 1340 million, the number of officials - 70 million, there are 19 persons for 1 official.
  Corruption perception index is 41 (ranked 77 in the list of countries of the world).
  Russia: population - 144.5 million, the number of officials - 4.850 million, there are 30 persons for every official.
  Corruption perception index - 29 (place 135 in the general list of countries of the world).
  Since the data on the number of officials, or civil servants in Russia vary significantly, we give below the way we count the number of officials in the Russian Federation.
  Rosstat indicates the number of officials in 1.107 million
  However, a number of regional apparatuses are either excluded from consideration, or the number of civil servants in the regions is significantly underestimated.
  According to "Novay Gazeta"(New Paper), 15 thousand people represent the legislative power of the federal level.
  35 thousand are deputies of republican, regional and regional parliaments, their assistants and employees.
  24 thousand municipalities are represented by 700 thousand deputies of the legislative assemblies with the apparatus.
  At least 700 thousand people work in ministries, federal agencies and their regional branches.
  Regional administrations, regional ministries and departments with apparatuses contain about 600 thousand people.
  Municipal officials number - about 1 million.
  1.3 million are employees of licensing, regulatory and registration authorities.
  There are 1.5 million people in the pension, insurance, social and other funds.
  Thus, there are at least 4.850 million officials in Russia.
  According to Rosstat, the average monthly salary of civil servants in the first quarter of this year (2018) was 63.800 rubles, and this calculation does not include bonuses to officials.
  Serving officials, cleaners, secretaries, car drivers, canteen workers and other personnel is at least 1/3 of the number of officials, and their wages without bonuses are at least 30 thousand rubles. on average in Russia.
  Thus, the monthly expenses for officials and personnel serving them amount to at least 309 + 48 = 357 billion rubles, and for the year - 4.284 trillion rubles. At the same time, Russia's revenues in 2018 will amount to 15.26 trillion rubles. That is, at least about 21% of the revenue item of the budget of the Russian Federation is spent on all types of officials - from the president and ministers to deputies, judges, employees of pension, insurance and social funds, as well as their services.
  For comparison, we note that spending on health in 2018, that is, on the whole nation, will be only 460 billion rubles, and on education - 663 billion rubles.
  From the comparison of these groups of countries, one can clearly see the connection of the level of public self-consciousness not only with the level of corruption, but also with the structure of the state, in particular, the number of officials in it, a large number of which under authoritarian regimes are required primarily to control the loyalty of the population to the current regime and to implement propaganda explaining the lack of well-being of the majority of the population, as a rule, by the significant costs for defense from the potential enemies.
  The actual lack of effective control over the work of officials in authoritarian regimes by the public with an existing shortage of civil society institutions inevitably leads to the irresponsibility of officials for the results of their activity and to the inevitable use of their own position for mercenary purposes, that is, to large-scale corruption, the struggle with which, in particularly, in China, by the execution of corrupt officials does not lead to anything.
  As a result, in the actions of civil servants, it is not the proper fulfillment of their duties that comes to the forefront, but their imitation, all the more so as in the expanded ranks of officials penetrate not the knowing specialists, but rather incompetent rogues and conformists, who look around only to the authorities, numerous relatives of the authorities, moneymakers, hoping to warm their hands in their posts, etc. subjects.
  Such low quality of representatives of the governing structures of authoritarian states very significantly affects the efficiency of the country's economy and the moral climate of the population.
  However, not only under authoritarian regimes, but also in the ruling elite of any state - even the most democratic, prevails not the highest consciousness that is characterized by altruism in relation to all people in different countries without exception.
  The somewhat higher level of self-consciousness as the power elite of the developed democratic states mentioned above (the first group), but also of the entire population of these countries, formed as a result of their long-term development within the framework of the participation of various strata of the population in management at different levels, nevertheless, was based on the idea Reasonable egoism, first formulated by Hobbes.
  The idea of reasonable selfishness of Hobbes, further supported by the concept of Pierce's pragmatism, in essence, is the basis of the ideology of capitalism.
  Hobbes argues that the person, as a natural being, is egoistic, striving first and foremost to satisfy his own needs, but he is also reasonable, that is, he is able to understand with his mind that taking into account the interests of other people often turns out to be beneficial.
  For illustration, we present a small excerpt from "Leviathan" by Hobbes: "... natural laws (as justice, equality, modesty, mercy and (in General) behavior towards others as we would wish them to behave towards us) by themselves, without the fear of some force, forcing to carry out them, contrary to the natural passions, attracting us to partiality, pride, revenge, etc..." [2, p. 192].
  As for pragmatism, it is characterized by its founder, Pierce, as follows: "Consider what effects that might conceivably have practical bearings you conceive the object of your conception to have. Then your conception of those effects is the WHOLE of your conception of the object" [3, p. 331-346]
  Reasonable egoism and pragmatism, on the one hand, liberate the productive forces of each individual, making him competitively free within the framework of the state that supports the striving of each person to improve the living conditions. Thus, the pace of development of the respective communities becomes the maximum possible.
  On the other hand, the inequality of abilities and conditions under the domination of unlimited competition of individuals seeking to obtain benefits for themselves, cannot but lead to the separation of society with respect to the possession of property or its equivalents, at this, the difference in the size of this property can reach astronomical values.
  The natural occurrence of permanent tension between the "offended poor" and the "rich people who are snickering", the power elite is trying to smooth over with a robbery of less developed communities, the funds from which are largely transferred to the additional pro-feeding of both the ordinary people and the middle class to avoid social cataclysms.
  As a result, the world community is automatically divided into parasitic states, which make currently so-called "the golden billion", and other states, the development of which the parasitic states impede by "sucking out" in various ways of their natural and human resources, the main one of these ways is to bribe the imperious elites of developing countries.
  Thus, a slightly higher level of public self-awareness in these countries of the first group and other developed capitalist countries adjoining them, reflected mainly in the achievements of culture and education, a more progressive social structure, which takes place in developed capitalist countries, was, nonetheless, not high enough because the advantages obtained from a comparatively high level of culture and technology were transformed into a parasitic attitude towards the rest, less developed countries. And it is still happening, dividing the world into eternally poor countries, which is continuously being depleted in favour of the developed countries mainly by bribing the ruling elite, and the countries of the "golden" billion, in which are maintaining a good standard of living for the entire population due to actual robbery of the rest of the world.
  This fact for the ruling elite of developed "democratic" countries indicates only the desire to preserve their power at the expense of others, that is, to avoid disasters in their own countries at the expense of "feeding" their own population at their expense.
  The low level of self-consciousness of the power elite and the structures adjacent to it, which is limited, as a rule, by pragmatism, leads to the dominance of the lower or animal consciousness, for which the main feature is a sense of self-preservation, seeking not to lose anyway consumption of sensations, preferably the most pleasant, at the expense of the rest of the population, on which to representatives of the imperious elite to spit, but, nevertheless, the awareness of their own position hints to representatives of the imperious elite, that having lost or having destroyed this miserable, according to them, folk, they will lose a basis of own existence, and they are forced, creaking heart, somehow to interact with it.
  For greater clarity, we shall give the definition of the highest and the lowest consciousness, as well as we shall point out the features of their interaction.
  There are two irreconcilable creatures in each person.
  One of these beings is determined by the lowest consciousness, which is the only inherent in all flora and fauna, except the person; This type of consciousness manifests itself in inseparability with the environment on the basis of sensations.
  Beings with this type of consciousness are in the general stream of life, but are not capable "to rise" over it, they do not understand that they live. In this regard they remind in advance programmed mechanisms capable to sense, forming own environment and adapting themselves to it, but deprived of spontaneous or conscious memories, fantasies, notions of time, they have only a genetic memory in the absence of oral or written memory of generations, and are not able to consciously influence the habitat.
  These beings do not even know that they will die, but can feel approach of death only instinctively. Similar restriction of consciousness for these beings means impossibility of any purposeful change of the environment even for the most developed their representatives - these beings are completely subordinated to it, though, at the same time, quite reasonably and effectively interact with surrounding from the position coming from their sense organs to the processing information centers of an organism, which for them is not distorted by reflections, the reminiscences and experiences peculiar to human consciousness as a whole.
  In this respect, these natural organisms are more perfect than humans, and ignorance of their own essence makes them completely "happy" in existence, despite the fact that in the common natural circulation they only do that they devour each other.
  And such "being" necessarily "sits" in every person, and it cannot fail to determine its existence in one way or another, no matter how tried the person to distance himself from it.
  Another "being" in the person is represented by the highest consciousness, which separates it from the environment and from fellow tribesmen; it manifests itself in the realization of its own existence, for example, in the form of abstract ideas about the world and about oneself, a return to the past in the form of memories, designing subsequent actions based on consciously selected data from memory, combining them with newly received information, responsibility for the committed, the ability to make any decisions, even the most unprofitable and useless, which in fact is the most vivid manifestation of liberty of consciousness.
  On this basis the person tries to set to himself the purposes, to solve various problems and to change thereby by means of the developed representations the surroundings. For example, this being is capable to build to itself the dwelling not according to the standard, but as it is pleasant to it more, thinking out new ways of supply of materials on the course of the construction, changing a palette of walls and a roof, bringing into the extent of his intelligence, these or other innovations, in contrast, for example, from the invariable standards of the anthill.
  New projects and ideas develop the mind of a person, his insight, contribute to the most effective manifestation of various abilities during life, lead to the thought of beautifying life, that is, the culture of one's own beingness and beingness of the public.
  In the person both these antagonistic in relation to himself and to the surrounding, hypostasis, are merged together. Therefore, they do not manifest themselves separately, but operate in a hidden way, and the degree of their domination depends on the degree of development in a person of the highest consciousness.
  And the person himself often cannot predict what in the next moment will become predominant: love or hatred, anger or sympathy, sincerity or hypocrisy, timidity or courage, discretion or recklessness.
  The lowest consciousness "feeds" only on the sensations that give it everything, including the harmony of existence, i.e. something acceptable and even pleasant in our understanding in a certain combination of feelings if, of course, to distract from fight of each being for survival. Therefore, it does not wish to lose the sensations at all.
  Similar the type of consciousness has natural egocentrism, automatically seeking to survive, no matter what.
  In the process of development of the living beings, this type of consciousness undergoes relatively minor changes, since it is not able to withdraw own basic property - an unconscious desire for survival, based on the primordial activity of any living thing.
  The highest consciousness which is contained in the person at any level of its development is radical contrast to the lowest consciousness.
  In the presence of the highest consciousness in the living being, it begins as though to see the light, becoming not so much "poured" in the environment, how many separated from it, and, so it acquires the opportunity to look at it and on oneself from the outside, to appreciate this ratio in attempts to consciously set to itself goals in mind certain shortcomings in one's own existence, which, in the opinion of this being, could be overcome, and to try to obtain implementation of goals in actions.
  All this obviously drops out of an instinctive and reflex sphere of action of the lowest consciousness, and even begins to contradict it as the highest consciousness often neglects utilitarian reasons, chasing something to unattainable, but kind heart and mind.
  Being separated in self-consciousness from the environment, this being, in the course of time, in its development in relationship with the beings, which are like him, begins to feel the need for new forms, different from the primitive communal relations of still wild people, completely absorbed in the struggle for survival. In mutual communication this creature reaches such a limit that its various conscious aspirations begin to pour into significant changes in the environment, and not just in its use.
  From gathering, a person passes to cattle breeding, growing cereals, other forms of economic activity and the corresponding exchange of the labor products. Inequality, ownership, the struggle for the preservation and augmentation of property, for power and et cetera are arising, that in turn requires establishment of some institutions of order in order to avoid chaos - the local states in the bosom of a growing and improving civilization were being formed.
  New forms and institutions, on the one hand, ensure the accelerated development of communities already in a structured form, that is, as the states with the bodies of governance, security, courts, etc., and on the other hand, do not allow to the states to fall apart because of the contradictions, invariably tearing-apart the last.
  Despite a certain progress in development of human communities according to development of self-consciousness, the essence of human consciousness which is expressed in dualism, more precisely, in divergent life-aspirations of the lowest and highest form of consciousness does not disappear anywhere, and cannot be substantially modified.
  Both these parties of consciousness continuously conflict both in the person, and in the interpersonal relations: discontent with, visible inability to change quickly, the felt limitation of intelligence, abilities, etc.; the envy and hatred to competitors instantly would rip to shreds any human community if not the state with its institutes.
  Nevertheless, each person manifests also qualities of the highest consciousness which are expressed not only in the intellectual and production sphere, but also in inquisitiveness, various religious and cultural forms and also in the affectional relations, somehow: friendship, love, experiences for relatives, for the fatherland, etc.
  If the relationship between people on the basis of self-awareness slowly but steadily develops, then the lowest consciousness in the person remains unchanged.
  Therefore, the ideal persons do not appear, and the lowest consciousness, despite any form of its disguise, acts at any stage of the development of human consciousness, being expressed in deep-rooted egoism (egocentrism) - personal and corporate, hypocrisy (masking), suspiciousness (caution), contempt for people of other circle (mistrust to other communities), animal instincts concerning an opposite sex, etc.
  The main characteristics of representatives of the operating elite of the state and the reason of their emergence stated above, exclude long presence of persons at it with the high level of consciousness, that is with self-respect, altruistic, noble, honest, serving with total dedication. If such people fall into the elite, their fate cannot be envied: they either relatively quickly are removed under false pretenses from this highest layer of the state, or descend in their self-consciousness to the level of ordinary scoundrels, hypocrites and rogues, who have a highest form of consciousness, largely pushed back to the role of the subordinate by the lower consciousness.
  The lowest consciousness, without applying for creativity, free will and abstract thinking, never loses aspiration to survival of both the individual, and community of individuals. This its property does not allow to be developed in all breadth to the highest consciousness, having captured all people. Nevertheless, among them there are always representatives of the highest level of consciousness - generally it is the intellectual nonconformists neglecting opportunities of stay in imperious elite, and who more are interested in harmonization of community.
  The resulting confrontation of relatively few strata consisting of educated and, as a rule, fairly clever persons with polar aspirations - the lowest consciousness which displaced the highest on the second plan, against the highest consciousness - creates a constant tension and struggle in society, ensuring the development of society, that is, exciting the rest -In general, passive population, increasing the influx of the most active representatives of the masses into these strata.
  Therefore, even elimination of imperious elite in the maximum coverage never led to a "fair" society organization, its harmonization that visually is confirmed by actions of Bolsheviks after occupation of the power by them in Russia in 1917 and further almost full destruction or remove abroad them the aristocracy and the bourgeoisie.
  Already in the twenties the XX centuries in the Soviet Russia the new imperious elite, having replaced former, and at once separated itself from the people various privileges, as well as set as an object achievement of domination on a global scale that represents reflection of the typical properties of animal consciousness, namely: the maximum convenience of existence (pleasantness of sensations) and domination in the environment.
  Moreover, the low level of self-consciousness of the persons from the popular masses, who had reached power, the main qualities of which were energy, interpersonal skills, adaptability, corporate solidarity, hypocrisy, and along wih that - the insufficient education, utopian views, has been manifested in oblivion of increase in the standard of living of a people at large of Russia and use of its human and material resources for the sake of achievement of world revolution, and, as a result, continuous wars have resulted in catastrophic losses of the population and its enduring poverty.
  Naturally, this kind of subjects could not but take advantage of the privileges of power at all its levels, and a few years after the civil war in Russia the number of civil servants (officials) reached 700 thousand, exceeding their number in Russia until 1917 (500 thousand people).
  Based on the positions noted above, it should be noted: as it is impossible to bring a swan out of chicken, so and the official is deprived of the opportunity to be an honest person, a sincere altruist and a fighter for justice.
  The level of self-consciousness among individuals seeking to become officials is too low, as a result of which they first of all want to serve themselves and their own corporation in the person of the authorities, and not for the society.
  And always will be so, and not otherwise.
  You can reduce the number of officials, change the structure of the state apparatus, conduct regular inspections of the quality of work of officials, dismiss them for the slightest offense.
  The effect of these measures will be insignificant and, in the end, everything will return to normal.
  Nevertheless, the efficiency of activity of civil servants at all levels can be improved, despite the poor quality of human material in this field of activity. And an example of this can be dogs, which, as you know, came out of wolves, however, it took a lot of time.
  Therefore, haste in this process of transforming low-grade bureaucratic material into a fairly efficiently working set is inappropriate and can take more than one year, requiring a change of the state system at all levels.
  First of all, it is necessary to separate decision-makers, fraught with substantial losses or acquisitions, from the rest of the bureaucratic mass, and put them under the systematic control of public organizations in each field of activity and at each level.
  Without public organizations and institutions, self-governing regional cells, as well as capable parliamentary structures with the opposition of the current power elite active in them, it makes no sense to carry out any reorganization of the state apparatus.
  Every important decision at lower levels of government must be framed by referendums of the population, and fundamental decisions at the highest levels of government need to be coordinated with the parliament, having first polled the population, and when the executive power evades the will of delegates or deputies, elected by the people, it is necessary to dismiss the corresponding heads of executive bodies by legislative decisions when agreed with public organizations.
  One should not be afraid of wrong decisions of referendums or parliaments, since they can be quickly corrected by seeing firsthand the erroneousness of these decisions in practice, what will be a science to all for the future and will contribute to the nomination of more efficient managers, who managed to correct these mistakes. At this, these new managers and organizers can be used later, due to justified trust in them population.
  In this way, the transparency of the approach will largely eliminate corruption and will make it possible to determine the most talented managers and organizers by the quality of the implemented proposals and the correction of errors.
  Naturally, similar systematic approach requires the independence of courts, the press, a shift of focus from centralization to the distribution of power at local levels, like Switzerland, which is quite possible now even for vast territories thanks to digitalization and the Internet.
  Introduction of systems of artificial intelligence in the field of management and control will allow to reduce more than much the total number of officials at all levels.
  All of them and also other employees, discharged thanks to the artificial intelligence from the routine work is possible to distribute on propensities, vocational preparedness and education in private business, including agriculture, the service sector, or allow them to decide themselves the employment problem, for example, as self-employed, and other persons to provide an opportunity for retraining or to guarantee the sufficient allowance for the existence.
  As for the general approach, the most effective work of "public servants" can be under the following conditions.
  First, in order to ensure the greatest possible responsibility of those who elect their own "servants" into the state apparatus, it should be that the voters are persons, who have an education not lower than secondary. This, in particular, will allow them with some knowledge of the case to understand how candidates are deputies, judges, ministers, etc. with the request of the relevant information.
  Secondly, the voters should have a certain autonomy and independence in material terms, which is possible, as a rule, if they possess some property, for example, real estate, as well as if they have financial assets that exceed debts. Otherwise, they are easy to bribe or coerce due to the threat of dismissal, eviction, etc.
  Thirdly, for attraction to elections of people not indifferent, interested in progress and prosperity of all society, but not individuals and corporations, it is necessary to allocate from lump for participation in elections only those who really participates in production of goods and services in the age from 25 to 55 years, that is, in the most productive and responsible for themselves and own families age.
  Fourthly, in order to exclude the creation of corruption networks, it is desirable to remove officials of all levels from public service after the expiration of three-year term of their job with the transfer they to another job, as well as to eliminate the possibility of adopting them again to the job into the state structures over next 5 years.
  Fifthly, each public servant conducting or supervising work on certain objects or the directions is obliged to provide quarterly the report on work flow and the obstacles revealed for them for them to the special commissions of the active voters, controlling voluntarily the important for society areas of activity at all levels, that strengthens the active (civil) society, reveals the true quality and timeliness of working, as well as promotes an exception of an overrun of the budgetary funds.
  Sixthly, the voters receive in the person of own initiative groups at all main levels of the state activity the right to recall at any time the officials who did not cope, judging by the reports received by these groups, as well as complaints and actual state of affairs with the solution of tasks set.
  Seventh, the incomes of civil servants are limited to the size of the average wage in the country, that repels obvious fraudsters and rascals from the state service.
  Of course, such innovations may seem far from the existing practice, especially in conditions of authoritarian states, in the current conditions of a general decline in morals and passivity of the population, but without them, any community is doomed to the stagnation and subsequent decomposition.
  1. Nizovtsev Y. M. The person in the attractive field of power. 2017. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru. Amazon.
  2. Гоббс Т. Левиафан. Соч. в 2 тт. 2 т. М. 1991, с. 192.
  3. Peirce. C. S. The Fixation of Belief. The Writings. Volumes I - VI. Vol. III. Indiana University. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.iupui.edu/-arisbe/menu/.../bycsp.HTM
  Chapter 7.
  Debunking transhumanism with its reliance on physicality.
  The disgusting underside of seemingly benevolent desire of the transhumanism to improve a person and make his life extraordinarily pleasant and cloudless is shown in this work, as and the unfitness of the means used by it for this.
  The human nature, controlled in its foundation by an animal (monkey) consciousness, is such that any person, despite the ability to be aware of oneself as a subject of action, is too often unable to overcome own stupid wishes from the point of view of the ordinary arguments.
  This is his remarkable property of bringing his desires to the fore with or without understanding their stupidity, together with their promotion no matter what, gives not only the creative finds, but also the opposite of them, which can be expressed in the maxim: if I want, realizing this, then I exist, producing some expansion of Descartes' maxim: I think, therefore I exist, since a person has not gone very far from the monkey, differing from its existence in spontaneous desires only in that he wants as spontaneously, so and he wants, comprehending own wish. It is not necessary to think adequately at the same time, although, of course, it is desirable, but this how it will turn out.
  Transhumanism is a clear example of realizing one's own desire to become better in any way and exist completely without troubles, misfortunes, distresses and unnecessary reflections.
  Well, how can one not use all the undoubted and even dubious achievements of science and technology for such an improvement of a person so that he stops feeling pain in the form of suffering, illnesses, aging and death, and lives forever, it's really unclear for what, since without suffering this is not realized due to the lack of contrast between them and pleasant sensations.
  The absurdity of such approach to a person, which puts his corporeality, but not his consciousness, in the foreground, is obvious, since the very development ofthe human consciousness, which contains not only natural consciousness, but also awareness of oneself as a subject in a hostile environment, thanks to what consciousness is able to develop, what occurs in the struggle with this environment, and this inevitably causes sufferings, and illnesses, and aging, and death, but it does not lead to stagnation, which occurs in other case.
  The rest is non-existence, in which everyone hardly wants to stay forever, even if he has suffered greatly in the temporary life given to his body.
  However, it is not harmful to want in principle, but it is often quite costly because, for example, transhumanism wants to make this mankind and a person in addition, in fact, eternal not in dreams, but in very specific actions, for which gigantic sums have already been spent completely useless, and will be spending further, since why not to become immortal, if there is a science that seems to offer something interesting in this regard. So, we will plan immortality, no matter what.
  But in general, money is a pity, since it could be used with greater benefit for the entire population, and not just for moneybags, especially since not all are fools who defy any arguments.
  Therefore, it is worth dwelling in more detail on two problems: the possibility of improving the human body and the possibility of extending the life of this body to infinity, on which modern science is hard at work, though without much success.
  However, there is nothing surprising in the manifestation of such stupidity by transhumanists, which include not only many moneybags and government officials who do not believe in God or the devil, but also many scientists, since they should believe solely in the unstoppability of scientific progress.
  The bottom line is that they all consider the main occupation to be the case and the result of this case, in which their bodies participate, the derivative of which, as they believe, is consciousness. So, improve the body and there will be case and there will be a result, and consciousness will somehow attach to this, as long as there is life of the body.
  Hence, there are exorbitant expenses for various ways of connecting the body with artificial intelligence, as a result of which, as transhumanists believe, not only the superman, which F. Nietzsche dreamed of, will finally be obtained, but the happiness of the eternal existence of mankind will be found in the form of a combination of these perfect people-androids, combining all the advantages of computers, coupled with the Internet and the personal qualities of the body, and these perfections will begin to play by galaxies in the future so just - out of boredom, apparently, because apart from this they will have nothing to do, once the limit of perfection is reached, which, as it seems to many, will eventually result in the transfer of all human properties into digital space and the need for the body will disappear altogether.
  You can laugh or scoff at such curiosities as much as you like, but they are quite seriously trying to put them into practice, which can result in a stop in the development of the consciousness of a person and all of humanity and, as a result, their quite natural bodily extinction.
  The problem of combining the human body with the artificial intelligence is quite solvable in terms of connecting the human body with various amplifiers of its physical capabilities, as well as the possibility of increasing speed in making informed decisions based on connecting its body directly with the artificial intellect, what is already being practiced, for example, to increase efficiency actions of soldiers on the battlefield.
  However, all this does not affect the extension of a person's life and the adequacy of the perception of incoming information in relation to the adoption of appropriate decisions, the correctness of which is limited by the mental abilities of a particular person. These abilities lend themselves to strengthening by extraneous means only in the speed of decision-making, but not in their correct assessment.
  Moreover, created over time in this kind of a person-android, that is, a person with the artificial intelligence embedded in him, the habit of relying in the selection of significant data from the general information flow on the artificial intelligence reduces the human component of this creature to an application to the corresponding the artificial intelligence program, depriving him of own mind and will, most importantly, of creativity, that is, reducing the level of self-consciousness to an extreme minimum, since all artificial intelligence programs are built on a formal-logical approach, thereby narrowing the consumed information flows to an unacceptable limit.
  Therefore, this kind of supposedly improved person in direct combination with the artificial intelligence (human-android) actually loses the ability to develop both his own and in a community with similar subjects.
  In other words, quite quickly such form of the perverted beingness loses the ability to exist, since it excludes itself from life for the reason that life is fundamentally illogical. In addition, the artificial intelligence that dominates this creature remains incomprehensible to the principle of operation of the natural consciousness that supports the life of the body, as a result of which the disproportion between the tasks solved by the artificial intelligence and the tasks facing the natural consciousness in this human-android leads to the loss of natural consciousness when any significant error of artificial intelligence and thus the death of the natural body.
  Thus, only one brainless frame remains from the human-android - the android, along with the artificial intelligence, which does not know what to do next, and not the superman.
  Even more primitive and fatal in relation to the rate of degradation of a person is the idea of moving a person with the help of computer technology into the virtual worlds, where he can change his image, acquire a new virtual body, as if fitting into a different corporality, in order to slip away from reality unacceptable to him at this time.
  Here he really moves away from real life, which gives real development, and acquires, in the case of everyday and significant time inclusion in this virtual reality, dystrophy and the imminent death of his own body, which clearly shows which of these two realities is real, despite all the dissatisfaction by it.
  Since science knows practically nothing about consciousness, which, indeed, is not amenable to any measurements and manifests itself only according to some external signs, insofar as it tries to operate with the bodily parameters and properties of a person, which is completely meaningless, since the body in the absence of consciousness is nothing more than heaps of muscles and bones.
  Nevertheless, scientists are trying to change the human genome, with good intentions in mind, aimed at improving the person and extending his life, preferably indefinitely.
  It is easy to imagine what their intention to change the genome, which has been created and worked out for millions of years, will lead to, besides they do not really understand how this most complex program works on a protein carrier and they do not admit that it is only an application to consciousness, which uses it for its own development and, along with that, for organizing the work of both each cell of the body and the whole organism as a whole in its environment. That is, outside of consciousness, the genome, no matter how you change it, does not represent anything, and when experimenting with it, when consciousness is connected, it can be compared with a grenade in the hands of a monkey, twisting it.
  Paradoxically, but they, actually operating with their consciousness, but not with their body, do not allow into it the thought that the human body is just a temporary tool for the actions of consciousness, and this instrument (the body) for absorbing, transforming and transmission of information cannot but have a limited period of existence, determined by failures in information flows that gradually disrupt the functioning of body cells, as well as determined by the accumulation of information with age in human memory cells, gradually forming a fairly conservative circle of concepts and relationships.
  In addition, the neurons of the brain are not replaced during life, unlike most other cells in the body. And their inevitable death due to the accumulation of decay products over time leads to a loss of control over the actions of the body and thereby depriving it of viability.
  Therefore, a more or less full-fledged life of a person, as practice has shown, with rare exceptions, is possible only up to the ninth decade.
  In other words, any artificial change in the genome can only bring dissonance into the functioning of the human consciousness and nothing more. In addition, any person is not a ram, whose breed can be improved in order to collect more wool from him.
  So, such attempt to "expand" a person opens the way for an increase in the number of mental hospitals, but at the same time opens up the opportunity to earn money due to allocating funds for such "promising" researches.
  The continuous renewal of the cells of any organism, discovered in the early 50s of the last century, prompted scientists to the possibility of the artificial rejuvenation of the body, as well as the possibility of constantly replacing human cells with new ones with the help of nanotechnology, what supposedly will lead to immortality, but, as it turned out, cellular regeneration does not affect lifespan, since it is determined mainly by cellular DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid in the form of a macromolecule, storing information in the form of a genetic code consisting of a nucleotide sequence that ensures the storage, transmission and implementation of the genetic program for the development and functioning of the living organisms).
  Nevertheless, some methods have been identified to control the regeneration of cells in a number of organs of the body, which can help in the treatment of certain diseases, but in the matter of ensuring immortality, this kind of cell renewal has proven to be untenable.
  Even more untenable was the idea of the endless replacement of the atoms of a person with new ones, as if atoms determine human life. Here the physicality has ascended to an unthinkable height, despite the absurdity of separating it from consciousness during the life of the body, although it has long been known that by itself consciousness has nothing to do with atoms, and in general it does not belong to the material formations of the world known to us. Therefore, there is no sense in this replacement, and technically it is impossible to do it.
  However, scientific thought is constantly struggling not only in search of truth, but also in search of a good monetary allowance.
  You can live perfectly in the field of the search for immortality, which all the "best" people of our planet, who have everything but him, simply crave.
  This sweet word means for them the eternal preservation of everything acquired, which then can be used forever.
  Similar view of things borders on pure and unclouded idiocy, but to make such sweet impossible by possible overpowers all the arguments of reason, which is used by scientists, who have long begun to spend heaps of money primarily on themselves, and then on meaningless research on the problem of immortality and, despite this, having offered something to the balbes with bags of money.
  But first of all, these cunning people, in the manner of Mulla Khoja Nasreddin, requested a lot of money for preliminary research on such a complex and burning problem for the "best" people, which is not really solvable.
  At first, they got down to business so zealously that they gave rise to a number of scientific directions, each of which confidently has determined the causes of aging of organisms, and the most cunning even have suggested, however, theoretically, some ways to get required immortality, close to the implementation, having pointed out along the way that a real resolving problem can be waited in a cryogenic container with good freezing for better bodily preservation.
  And the designing of these containers began with the formation of a whole market for storing the bodies of rich idiots, who actually have rested in them forever.
  But for the sake of order, let's move on to a brief description of the main scientific approaches to the problem of aging, which for some authors is an excellent basis for suggesting to these rich dreamers of eternal life the idea that by revealing the causes of aging, scientists can try to eliminate them, providing them with immortality.
  More detailed information about these and other approaches to the problem of aging can be obtained, if desired, without much difficulty by turning to the Internet.
  Particular enthusiasm for the real achievement of immortality was caused by the discovery that the terminal sections of chromosomes (a long DNA molecule of a three-dimensional structure containing part or all of the genetic material of an organism) - telomeres - are shorten at each division of a cell, and at a certain moment they shorten so much that the cell can no longer divide and loses viability, having established thereby a link between aging and the telomere shortening.
  The subsequent discovery of the telomerase enzyme, which completes the shortened telomeres in germ cells and tumor cells, as it were revealed a way to achieve immortality by ensuring the constant completion of the telomeres, but it immediately turned out that in this case, the "immortal" cells grow into a cancerous tumor.
  Further studies have shown that the addition of the high-molecular hyaluronic acid into the human cells slows down the aging process and reduces the risk of cancer, although there is no need to talk about immortality, but it is often possible to fool many people which are far from science, with success.
  To date, a number of studies have shown that the aging process is influenced by many processes and phenomena that are almost impossible to get rid of, namely: gene mutation, oxidants, telomere shortening, DNA methylation, protein and DNA glycosylation, genome instability, hormonal imbalance, carcinogenesis, harmful effects of irritants.
  It is impossible to exclude any of the mechanisms of aging, since by suppressing one, you can disrupt the other, for example, by suppressing the activity of free radicals, you can disrupt the processes of the cell division.
  It should also be noted that the mutations, without which the evolutionary development would not be possible, destroy the organism over time. In particular, they cause aging because they create errors in DNA copying that cannot always be corrected and accumulate over time.
  At the same time, over time, the main control organ of the human body, the brain, inevitably fails. Neurons in the brain do not divide and are not replaced. Therefore, the decay products gradually accumulate in them, preventing their normal functioning. In addition, over time, the blood supply to neurons becomes more difficult due to embrittlement or narrowing of the vessels that supply blood to the brain.
  But, even if the body does not age for a long enough time, it will still fall out of life or because of such objective external factors as the fatal diseases and injuries, and in any case, a person will quickly lose touch with the environment due to information already accumulated in the memory cells, which creates unchangeable habits that prevent adaptation to an ever-changing environment that carries new risks that a person is unable to cope with, losing the ability to form an adequate logic of his actions, and, as a result, it leads to a violation of contacts with society and an actual drop out of it.
  That is, the evolutionary course of development of organisms - and man is the same living organism as the rest - dictates the course of events, determined by natural, and for man and artificial selection, occurring in the interaction of each organism with the environment, which contributes to a very specific limitation of the life cycle any individual in favor of procreation of this individual, thereby removing from circulation those organisms that are no longer compatible with the changed environment or are the least capable of adaptation. These organisms either die (are eaten, forced out) in the competition for food and the most favorable conditions of existence, or their life processes decline, and, for example, the salmon that have produced offspring immediately die.
  In other words, a changing environment dictates the need for a successive change of organisms, thereby selecting the most "tenacious" ones, which in itself requires a limitation of the life span of any organism for the benefit of the survival of both its offspring and the entire genus.
  The same applies to the human race, only artificial selection in accordance with changing social needs is of greater importance to it.
  In this regard, even as close as possible to ideal compensation for certain violations in the functioning of the body does not exclude the effects of the environment on a few ageless organisms, who die both by chance and because of the inability to compete with younger and, therefore, more adapted to the environment the organisms of own genus, or they die from the disruption of the functioning of certain organs, in particular, an unfavorable change in their sizes, not allowing to normally eat or breathe, as well as with a significant change in environmental parameters, or from the incurable injuries and enemies.
  From the point of view of determining the possibility of functioning of the living objects of beingness in it, it is necessary constantly to update these objects in a changing environment in order to adapt them to it.
  The manifestation of this immutable renewal in the system of any organism consists in the replacement of some cells with others with the death of the former, and in the generation of offspring by organisms, similarly, replacing them after the death of their parents.
  That is, only the finite life of any organisms ensures the long-term existence of the whole genus, and, therefore, the very manifestation of the infinite life.
  In addition to the telomeric theory, those wishing for eternal life liked the theory of gene cleaning of cells, the author of which was the British biogerontologist, informatics and mathematician Aubrey de Gray, who developed a strategy for negligible aging using genetic engineering methods.
  He categorically stated that in order to achieve almost immortality, it is necessary to eliminate a number of molecular and cellular damage using genetic engineering methods: extracellular debris, intracellular debris, cell loss, mutations in the nucleus and mitochondria, cross-links between polymer molecules, which will ensure the cell non-aging.
  He noted that it is possible to create the chromosomal copies of mitochondrial DNA and place them in the cell nucleus, which will replace the damaged own mitochondrial DNA. In addition, he proposed the destruction of "slags" by introducing enzymes that destroy them into the cell.
  As a result, he declared, people would stop dying of the natural causes.
  It is hard to believe that this "scientist" does not know such elementary truths as the fact that similar "treatment" of the aging of the body, that is, interference in the fine work of the genome and intracellular mechanisms, and they have been debugged for tens and hundreds of millions of years by the natural selection in a particular environment and for a specific type of organisms, which has been gained so far only about one and a half a dozen of the entire plenty earth organisms, in particular, some species of sharks, whales, turtles, mollusks, jellyfish, as well as lobsters, sea urchins, hydras, holothurians, the vegetative form of planaria (worms), for humans turns out ineffective due to a significant lead in the development of their brain in comparison with the control centers of all other living beings, which in non-aging organisms, as it can be seen from their list, are rather primitive, because they are intended for the simplest instinctive-reflex functioning under unchanged conditions.
  The human control center contains 11-19 billion neurons of the cortex of the human brain and 150 billion of all neurons of the human body, which operate on the principle of distribution and transformation of information through the entire life of a person through emerging and disappearing connections- a kind of update impulses - between neurons that are not programmed and cannot be modeled, and the number of which over a given time interval can be many times greater than the neurons themselves.
  The accumulation with age of inevitable disturbances in the functioning of brain cells (Alzheimer's disease and Pick's disease), which usually occurs after 65 years and increases toward 80 years, leads to the death of some neurons and the corresponding loss of individual synaptic connections (atrophy of the cerebral cortex and subcortical formations), and this means memory loss or the development of dementia in one form or another.
  Compensating for such disturbances in the cells of the cerebral cortex, in contrast to disturbances in the functioning of the cells of the simplest organisms, is almost impossible due to the too complex mechanisms of the combined functioning of neurons that appeared during the more than two-million-year period of hominid brain development.
  Besides, experience and human habits cannot be eliminated or compensated by any means.
  Of course, not all authors of hypotheses identifying the causes of aging are unscrupulous. Therefore, these authors do not claim to know how to eliminate the phenomena that they assume cause aging.
  For example, such a hypothesis is the consideration coming from the followers of the molecular genetic theory that aging is the result of the accumulation of random mutations that lead to errors in the system of storage and transmission of the genetic information.
  All stochastic theories are similar to that mentioned above, that is, fruitless in terms of ways to eliminate random mutations in chromosomes, errors in DNA copying during cell division, and wear and tear of DNA repair mechanisms that the authors explain aging.
  In conclusion, it should be noted that the very emergence of transhumanism and similar approaches to human society means not so much the stupidity or bad faith of a significant part of intellectuals, insofar the degradation of this creative, that is, the leading part of society in relation to the creation of a new by the aspiration not to the heights of human thought, but the intention to acquire additional significance in the eyes of society, acquire capital and live for their own individual pleasure, ahead of the dreams of transhumanists about the onset of universal pleasure, that more and more makes them more related to the behavior of the primates, and the society itself deprives the creative power, reducing it to a miserable vegetative state of stagnation that cannot last forever.
  Chapter 8.
  Back - to the primates ?! or forward - to the superman?!
  What is the future of mankind? Opinions differ, but all of them are, in essence, questionable. However, all this will end with something ...
  From the perspective of progress, it seems logical to assume the transformation of a person, but not of the whole mass of mankind, into a superman who, according to F. Nietzsche, goes far beyond the scope of an ordinary person thanks to acquisition by him of the increased egocentrism and a high level of dominance. It is in this transformation that Nietzsche sees the meaning of the existence of mankind.
  A slightly different version of the superman - a more modern one - was proposed by the science fiction writers the Strugatsky brothers under the name of 'luden'. This strange creature acquires the superintelligence from nowhere (what kind of mind is not explained), and it without fail rushes into far cosmos by incomprehensible means, where even more intelligent creatures await these ludens. in order to reduce suffering to a minimum and to increase joy to a maximum, the life and health of each such super-being become almost eternal, and it itself becomes a creator and consumer of culture. In these new "gardens of Elysees" futurologists see the future of mankind, or rather, what remains of it.
  Having approached a problem of change of the person from the opposite side, some biologists evolutionists, being guided by rules of artificial selection in society and brain researches, believe: to slide to all mankind back on a direct path - to primates, unless only something extraordinary will happen, for example, the implementation of cerebral sorting (the ability to predict the capabilities and abilities of a person by the size of certain areas of the brain by analyzing the individual morphological characteristics of the brain of a living person using a high-resolution tomograph, identifying thereby people with potentially outstanding and socially desirable abilities and talents).
  Who is right? And what still awaits us in the future?
  We turn first to the inventor of the term "superman" F. Nietzsche.
  In his work "So Zarathustra spoke" F. Nietzsche points out that a person is only a transitional link from the beast to the superman, on who everything ends: "What is a monkey in relation to man? Laughing-stock or excruciating disgrace. And the person for the superman has to be the same: laughing-stock or excruciating disgrace ... The superman - the meaning of the earth [1, p. 8]. ... he (a person) is transition and perdition... The most caring ask: "How to save oneself to the person?" Zarathustra asks, the only and the first: "How to surpass the person?" ... To the superman is predisposed my heart, he for me the first and only" [1, p. 207].
  According to Nietzsche, a superman differs from a person in his increased egocentrism: "For the neighbor" it is a virtue only small people: they say: "one stands the other" and "the hand washes a hand"; they have neither the right nor the strength for your egoism" [1, p. 210] ... The most malicious is necessary for the benefit of the superman [1, p. 208].
  What makes the superman by such - this is mainly the will for power, without which development is impossible: "But wherever I find the alive, I have heard everywhere about obedience. All living things are something obeying ... In order to the weaker served to the strongest - the will of the strongest induce him for it, which wants to be master over the weaker: he cannot do without this joy ... Only where there is life, there is will, but it is not the will to live, but - as I teach - the will to power!" [1, p. 82-83].
  But the superman cannot do, as F. Nietzsche believes, without the will to live, instincts, inner will, or "desire", as well as the will of passions and attractions: "... your body with its great mind: it does not say I, but it does I ... The tool and toy are feeling and mind: behind them lies yet Oneself. It also seeks through the eyes of the senses; it also listens by the ears of the spirit ... it compares, subjugates, occupies, destroys ... There is more reason in your body than in your highest wisdom ... Oneself speaks to I: Here you feel joy! ... You once had passions, and you called them evil. And now you have only the virtues: they have grown out of your passions" [1, p. 24-26].
  Let us see to whom else these signs belong, which Nietzsche attributed to a highest person.
  The will to life and instincts are inherent in any living organism.
  The inner will, or "desire," belongs in the most concentrated form to the predator.
  The will of passions and attractions cannot but be attributed for each person, but, of course, to a different extent.
  The will to force, or rather, to authority, expressed, according to Nietzsche, in the desire to subjugate another, is in fact a dominance characteristic of any living organism that always seeks to create more convenient living conditions for itself.
  This property is most pronounced among pack leaders, for example, the alpha-male monkeys. Actually, first of all, thanks to him, and not the strength, intelligence or cunning that can be found in assistants, the creature becomes a leader.
  Thus, Nietzsche"s superman is, contrary to desire of Nietzsche, not "half-saint", not "half-genius", not "creator", directing historical development in the direction he needs, not extreme individual, "absorbing" life in its extreme manifestations, surpassing a person so much how far a person surpassed the monkey, but this is just a copy of the monkey alpha-male in human form, that is, somewhat cultured.
  And his display on all signs, specified by Nietzsche, are the representatives of imperious elite of the states at all times in the history of the development of civilization. In some genius, with rare exception (Napoleon, who, however, despite all his dignities, ruined his own state, destroying many innocent people due to the false idea of uniting Europe under the auspices of France), is difficult to "reproach" the representatives of these elites, but behold the pronounced aspiration to the power and comfort is characteristic of them, which means the predominance of the animal consciousness of the alpha-male with his instinct of his own exclusiveness, which separates him from the weak and despicable fellow tribesmen, but by no means the prevalence in power elites of altruism, conscience, striving for equality and brotherhood.
  Nietzsche, may, have wished for a more noble higher person to appear in the future, but, alas, our desires do not always coincide with reality, and Nietzsche"s superman, judging by the above analysis, is not a noble, super-smart and hypersensitive being of the future, for whom an ordinary person is only a transitional stage from the animal, but he is only an egocentric with exacerbated desire to dominate.
  Similar to him, clever or silly, but cunning, resourceful and unscrupulous - by all means try to break in imperious elite at all times, differing in this most from the philistine. Thereby Nietzsche's expression: "The person is the rope tense between an animal and the superman. The rope over a chasm" [1, page 9] can at best be interpreted only as the aspiration of imperious elites in every way to arrange "abyss" among themselves and the people, showing all the rest the superiority in powers of authority, wealth, comfortable life, and trying to hide what is not enough for them, and lacks them, as a rule, intelligence in combination with self-respect, cultures, conscience, respect for people.
  Emergence of a civilization and cultural and also its technical advance means in general improvement of human community, more precisely, the increase of self-consciousness in generally, that is altruism, aspiration to knowledge, maintaining the saved-up cultural values, etc., but not only the improvement of technologies, and certainly not the increase in the likelihood of the appearance of "superhuman", which, as we have shown above, are always present in power elites, copying the actions of monkey alpha-males.
  In such development of civilization, it"s by no means a "superman" in their face of representatives of power elites who are just persons with a dominance of animal (the lowest) consciousness over self-consciousness (the highest consciousness), stimulates the development of the community, but the driving force of the development of the community is the incessant struggle the power elites as the brightest representatives of the animal consciousness predominantly, with the intellectual nonconformists as the most outstanding representatives of the persons understanding themselves, who is moved away from own animal consciousness to the greatest extent. Intellectual nonconformists sincerely trust in a possibility of organization of a harmonious condition of mankind and make for it all the efforts, contrary to indifference of the inhabitant, and counteracting the imperious elite which is most of all trying to keep own privileges and powers of authority owing to the mainly own animal essence [2, Section 3].
  In modern society generally science fiction writers and futurologists adjoining them, advance as it seems to them, the obvious idea about the selection out of mankind of some super-creatures with other intellectual opportunities, other vital aspirations, however, by indistinct, and with the removal from "wretched" mankind into space depths.
  Arkady and Boris Strugatsky in their novel "Waves Quench the Wind" [3] called them ludens and described this process of transformation as follows:
  "Any Mind - whether technological, or in accordance with Rousseau's ideas, or even heroic - in the process of first-order evolution goes from a state of maximum separation (savagery, mutual embitternment, wretchedness of emotions, distrust) to a condition of the individual association, greatest possible at preservation (friendliness, high culture of the relations, altruism, neglect achievable). This process copes laws biological, biosocial and specifically social. It is well studied and is of interest to us only here so far as leads to a question: and what's next?
  Having laid aside romantic trills of history of vertical progress, we find only two real, essentially differing opportunities for Reason. Or a stop, self-complacency, short circuit on, loss of interest in the physical world. Or entering on the way of the evolution of the second order, on the way of evolution planned and controlled, on the way to Monokosm.
  The synthesis of minds is inevitable. It gives an innumerable number of new facets of the perception of the world, and this leads to an incredible increase in the quantity and, most importantly, the quality of information available for absorption, which, in turn, leads to a decrease in suffering up to a minimum and an increase in joy up to a maximum. The concept of "home" is expanding to Universe scales. A new metabolism arises, and as a result of it, life and health become almost eternal. The age of the individual becomes comparable with the age of space objects in the complete absence of accumulation of fatigue. The individual of Monokosma does not need creators. He oneself both the creator, and the consumer of culture. On a water drop he is capable not only to recreate an image of the ocean, but also the whole world of the beings inhabiting it, including reasonable. And all this at continuous, unsatiable sensor hunger.
  Each new individual arises as a work of syncretic art: it is created by physiologists, and genetics, and engineers, and psychologists, aesthetics, educators and philosophers of Monocosm. This process, of course, takes several tens of Earth years and, of course, is the most fascinating and honorable ...
  TO CREATE, WITHOUT DESTROYING!" - here the slogan of Monocosm.
  Monocosm cannot but consider the way of development and own modus vivendi only true ...
  First: the entry of the mankind on the way of evolution of the second order means practically the transformation Hомо sapiens in Wanderer (superman).
  Second: most likely, not every Homo sapiens is suitable for such a transformation.
  ... the search, selection and preparation for incorporation of ripe individuals cannot but be accompanied by phenomena and events accessible to an attentive observer. It is possible to expect, for example, developing of mass phobias, new messianic teachings, appearance of people with unusual abilities, inexplicable disappearances of people, sudden emergence in people of new talents as if by magic, etc.".
  Indeed, it is known that our civilization in its development will come to the point of singularity. By this point, John von Neumann did not mean an astrophysical understanding, but the point beyond which extrapolation begins to give meaningless results. The historian I. M. Dyakonov drew attention to the point of singularity, or the limit point on the time axis, where historical cycles shrinking according to the law of progression converge [4].
  The approaching informational collapse is confirmation of that the era of fundamental changes in civilization development comes with an approximation of the point of the singularity.
  Informational collapse is defined as the condition of network information space menacing to its stability and normal functioning. Informational collapse is characterized by fall off of capacity of communication channels and arises at a situation when existing technologies are not able to transfer growing volumes of traffic.
  The beginning of informational collapse manifests in constant increase in speed of emergence of new information and accumulation of this information in the Internet. Acquaintance with the avalanche flow of information becomes more and more difficult and even more difficult becomes thereof its adequate use because filtration of information, as a rule, for doubtful criteria becomes actually by single method of ordering of information. This process conducts to fast loss by society of perspective reference points of development, to replacement of the true purposes by corporate purposes, to bamboozle of an overwhelming majority of Internet users.
  However, the optimistic futurologists interpret the point of singularity as a transition to a new, improved state. It, in their opinion, means a hypothetical explosive increase in the speed of scientific and technological progress, presumably resulting from the creation of artificial intelligence and self-reproducing machines, the integration of humans with computers, or a significant increase in the capabilities of the human brain due to biotechnology.
  Here, as science-futurologists and science fiction writer believe, ludens appear, that is, supermen, who, unlike ordinary people, use the situation of informational collapse for their own "ascent" and the removal from silly and vicious humanity.
  However, a point of singularity is, at a minimum, a bifurcation point, in which, due to the impossibility of being in the former quality, civilization is breaking up or moving into a different way of existence.
  As for the appearance of a superman against this background, the doubtfulness of this individual creature is obvious, if only because human intelligence is divided into two parts - creative and formal-logical.
  A person can transmit to powerful computers only his formal logical component in the form of appropriate programs, and the creative part of the intellect remains inevitably integral with the person, since 150 billion of all neurons of the human body work on a different principle - not on data exchange, but on the distribution and conversion during all lifetime of the person of information by means of appearing and disappearing communications - some kind of impulses of updating - between neurons which are not programmed and do not give in to modeling, and the number these impulses, naturally, for a certain time interval can be many times more than the neurons themselves, and the new combination of which can be "caught" only in the process of free scanning by the target"s "net", and the principal novelty of the "found", is due to the random formation of links between neurons. All this allows, in principle, "to reach" the desired and along with that - the original solution, or the receive the necessary answer, if, of course, the goal enters a kind of resonance with a set of new connections, most suitable for this case.
  It is this creative component of the human intelligence, which is impossible to convey to anyone or anything, that is truly human property. Exactly it, together with self-consciousness makes a person a super-being in comparison with all other living organisms. This, in fact, is the difference between a person not only from other living beings, but also from a computer: a person consciously searches for a subject of occupations, realizing that he is in the time that lends itself to completely conscious change due to his creativity and self-consciousness
  Of course, the degree of the human creativity is determined by a rather random (from birth) combination of brain subfields, their sizes, as well as the appearance of new subfields and other structural features of the brain.
  Therefore, extraordinary abilities for a particular type of activity, called talents, are not so frequent. Nevertheless, any person with an undisturbed psyche has from birth certain abilities that he can gradually develop, that is, no one can be denied creativity, but it can be expressed to varying degrees, and this is due to the random "construction" of the brain, that is not passed on to descendants.
  So that no totality of talents, if they are understood as the "super-mankind", cannot pass on their abilities to posterity, and, therefore, this ""super-mankind" is not capable of development.
  However, in the era of the coming information collapse, having" on hand " the Internet and powerful computers, a person can entrust this artificial intelligence almost all works, not connected with creative activity and to release oneself for it, apparently, getting an enormous resource of free time.
  Naturally, the person and arrives so, receiving as it is paradoxical, instead of freedom of creativity the separateness of oneself from freedom.
  Rapid expansion of a zone of use of artificial intelligence in production of goods and means of production and also in service trade, deprives of work a considerable part of the educated population.
  These people fall into a situation of life on allowances, finding, however, a "free" day in return for a working day, but these free days are endlessly boring, because on an allowance you especially will not have fun, and these people, who own only certain professional skills, are not accustomed to be engaged in something creative and productive, yes, and the abilities for this activity, which is by no means routine, that is, - not easy, and means, the aspiration to it, as a rule, for a ordinary person is absent. There remains the sphere of banal occupations, such as playing dominoes, computer games, gardening, etc., as well as the sphere of crime for especially aggressively stupid or cunning-wise.
  Similar loss of because of gradual pushing off by artificial intelligence of working mass from at least a little meaningful occupations that give them confidence in their importance to society, leads them to degradation, and a civilization in general loses of own essence, consisting in the guarding and developing consciousness of each generation, whose existence under conditions of such a decrease in the level of self-value, and hence people's self-consciousness, loses its meaning, while the coming domination of machine artificial intelligence does not make any sense to the artificial intelligence, who has no consciousness, and therefore, - creativity, i. e. the creative basis, and this means impossibility self-development on this base for it.
  At the same time, the part of the "advanced" population that compiles programs and works in the field of high technologies, as well as in the field of the use of artificial intelligence, at first glance, too could transform into supermen over time, taking advantage of the capabilities of computers.
  And this "advanced" part of the population does just so. The result is very sad.
  Plunging into a virtual world in which you can immediately get the right answer to any question without any difficulty, a person gradually loses own creative basis, which he is no longer consuming.
  Therefore, he turns into an application to the artificial intelligence used by it, which "knows everything and everything is able", losing the opportunity for development.
  The similar pathetic being cannot be ranked in any way not that to the superman, but also to the ordinary person.
  What has to happen to human community if as it was shown above, it is meaningless to speak about the superman and infinite development of civilization?
  Behold here modern scientists-biologists appear.
  They, in the person of evolutionists, predict a catastrophic finale of civilization with the return of people, in fact, to the level of primates, perhaps not suspecting that such a finale predicted to humanity long before them Nietzsche in work "Humane, overly humane": "Maybe, all of humanity is only one time-limited phase in the development of a certain animal species - so that a person has arisen from a monkey and will again become a monkey ..." [5, p. 371].
  True, he immediately consoles us: "It is precisely because we can imagine this prospect that we may be able to prevent such an end to the story" [5, p. 371].
  In this context, one can cite the statement of the evolutionary biologist S. Savelyev, which he made in his book "Cerebral Sorting": "In just a few million years, cerebral sorting has increased our brain several times and has given it properties, unprecedented for the animal world. The problem is that this trend has already changed and today's artificial selection is aimed at reducing brain mass, which simplifies further socialization and conformism. At the same time, biological selection thrives, it is absolutely indifferent to both the size of the brain and the level of intelligence of its owner. The main value is food and reproductive dominance over other inhabitants of the planet. For these reasons, a safe uniformity of thoughts of the philistines will arise without any total control by the evil uncles with tomographs. The lovely humanity has already created perfect methods of behavioral selection that will destroy our consciousness and destroy the traces of reason without any additional efforts" [6. Preface].
  Like F. Nietzsche, S. Savelyev also consoles us, but more concrete, -however, useless: "Only conscious cerebral sorting can be opposed to these processes as an instrument for realizing humanity"s eternal dream of harmony of peace, security and justice of relations" [6. Preface].
  It is useless because the real and powerful forces, at least interested in the status quo, always oppose benevolent goals.
  First of all, it should be noted a certain negative point in the proposed cerebral sorting.
  By implementation of the cerebral sorting, some evolutionary physiologists, in essence, believe that each person should be "attached" to one or another occupation according to the results of previously identified abilities, laid in the structure of the brain, by certain techniques (a cerebral sorting). They consider similar "attachment" to occupation according to discovered potentially enhanced properties of these or those departments of a brain the benefit both for the person, and for society, since this selection will prevent or, at least, will postpone degradation of mankind.
  In fact, it is obvious that the considerations of the person himself who has undergone a brain scan, about the results of which he may not know, remain unaddressed at best (ignored), and at worst the person can be punished and can be ordered to do, what is told.
  It should be noted at once, that these good wishes of evolutionists that "each person after determining their abilities and the uniqueness of the brain design will be able to choose the most appropriate occupation" [5. Preface] will remain only well-meaning, i.e. the barren in the conditions of modern States, built on the exploitation of some people for the comfortable existence of other people, and not on providing each person with opportunities for the harmonious development.
  Nevertheless, it is assumed that the analysis of the brain structure using high-resolution X-ray tomography will become a method of in vivo analysis for objective selection of talents and geniuses with various types of giftedness, as well as a method of the objective assessment of a person"s innate abilities for planning the authentic fate to the person.
  The inadequacy of such approach to improving a person and betterment his communities from the position of the coverage of everybody and each, ostensibly for their own good, can be seen from the technical impossibility of the coverage more than 7 billion potential clients with expensive brain scanning techniques, that means the inevitable elitism of this process; which, even assuming similar coverage with this scan, also implies further development of the identified abilities, , but it is very problematic .Equally problematic is the overcoming of difficulties after the discovery of a variety of "talents" in their "attachment" to job, since the job provided may cause an objection and even rejection from it of the individuals with talents.
  Besides, this approach to "improvement" of the person inevitably leads to artificial dissociation of people on the best and the worst, that is obvious talents and untalented persons. However, exactly the ordinary, but cunning individuals, as we know, mainly "get through" into the power, and they therefore will never allow dominations of talents, who besides and will not want "to flounder" in fetid ooze of only one increased consumption, which is characteristic of the imperious elite.
  This technology also actually assumes in the conditions of capitalism the introduction of their kind of serfdom onto abilities for people with the scanned brain which is inevitable as at all not the wisest and high-moral individuals, but ordinary crooks, who always are "creeping" dexterously into power, will direct this process. They will immediately spread unthinkable corruption in this matter, while they themselves will try to avoid scanning because of their apparent ordinariness, or they will tamper with own data, just as they are currently "stamping" doctoral dissertations for themselves with the help of "Negroes", that, as they think, raise their status, but it is justified only in a society of boobies.
  In essence, such approach restricts a person"s freedom, depriving him of his initiative in solving own problems. A person at similar artificial selection, which excludes his right to make mistakes, striving for the unattainable, falls into his own intellectual slavery hindering the development of his consciousness, which is possible only in overcoming difficulties, regardless of intellectual abilities and professional inclinations.
  If nevertheless to allow emergence of similar technical capability of scanning of a brain, then realization such has to be especially private affair of each person, but, alas, it almost not realizable for all and everyone in the available conditions.
  Many people will not be interested in this procedure for religious reasons or because they are already self-confident and know what they should do; others, on the contrary, feeling lack of talent, do not wish to be completely convinced of this.
  The same people who will want to learn about their potential abilities should be provided with complete anonymity, since many will not wish to make public the findings, for example, because of their own modesty or secrecy, the inability to use them, as well as owing to disgust to the work, to which the increased abilities will be found for them. But such anonymity, as shown by current practice, does not work.
  The same who will wish to develop persistently found potential abilities need to give such opportunity in the form of additional educational courses, olympiads, competitions including competitions on the available jobs that is by all means connected with corruption.
  In other words, this procedure should be completely separated from the state in the person of its officials, whose goals and objectives very rarely coincide with the goals and objectives of active citizens, which is currently very problematic.
  At last, even if to allow improbable - the coverage of all inhabitants of the planet a cerebral sorting and the choice by each of them of occupation, the most pleasant and perspective for oneself, and, effective for society, then the individual inequality of abilities, so, and opportunities to become famous, rise, etc. or opportunities to fall, in the opinion of surroundings, into the circle of blockheads, bastards, etc. will even more manifests the true (biological) inequality of people, hidden now under a mask of the enmity of the poor persons, who can be in considerable number clever, towards the rich, among which fools enough.
  This biological inequality will excite unquenchable envy and hatred of untalented persons to talents as the first will precisely know that they will never show talents that do not exist at all at them. At least therefore, the hopes of physiologists-evolutionists as well as hopes of Marxists for "berthing" civilization at certain efforts to the honey shores of the harmonious society and will remain unrealizable, whereas the lowest consciousness and the highest consciousness do not get to anywhere and, irrespective of existence and quality of abilities, will continue the fight in the case of existence of a human civilization, providing the accelerated development of the last for the time being.
  Non-recognition by biologists of a true picture of Creation, in which the main actor is consciousness, leads them to two senseless statements, one of which assumes destruction of the only force (consciousness) providing functioning and development of Creation in interaction of its warring parties, and another assumes the establishment of world harmony which is impossible owing to denial of any development by it.
  The mistake of the evolutionary biologists is the categorical assertion of the same S. Savelyev about the primacy in the process of development of mankind of solving biological problems: "The development of social instincts and artificial selection are aimed at solving biological problems, and not at the intellectual development of mankind. Progress, of course, is, but its purposes absolutely same, as well as at any soil worm. The main goal of a live organism consists in search of an infinite source of food, boundless reproduction and dominance at universal resettlement. In the solution of such tasks a brain - only the auxiliary tool which can be thrown out easily after successful use. For this reason, constantly arising encumbrances by excess of intelligence automatically are removed from community ... [6. Chapter 2] ... Objects of the biological evolution use the social revolution only for the solution of the food and reproductive interests, the world cataclysms are only ways of selection of a brain, and basic instincts and their derivative motivations always remain invariable" [6. Preface].
  The actual substitution of consciousness by its tool - a brain - leads the evolutionists, apparently from the fragment given above, to exaggeration of value of action of animal (lowest) consciousness in the person which is directed only to getting of food, ensuring reproduction and acquisition of advantages before the others, on the one hand.
  On the other hand, evolutionists do not wish to understand that the accelerated development of living beings began with the advent of self-consciousness at them (the highest consciousness) which began to compete with animal (lowest) consciousness both in the environment, and in the social relations creating the permanent antagonism of these consciousness forms, having, as a rule, contradictory interests, and, therefore, - a new driving force for their development, specific only to human communities, since human beings have two components of consciousness - the lowest, often called the unconscious or subconscious, and the highest consciousness, or self-consciousness, the level of which can vary significantly depending on the degree development of a person or his communities - take, for example, a Stone Age person and the current Nobel laureate, - the level of self-awareness in both cases is significantly different, but self-awareness is present here and there, not disappearing anywhere, while the lowest consciousness, which is mainly responsible for the functioning of the organism (body) to keep it in a living state and by the adequate in relation to the body"s stay in environment, as well as for its fastening and expansion in it, remains virtually unchanged, that is, weakly dependent on time.
  Both these components of consciousness exist and act in the body and through the body in an inextricable connection, and the highest consciousness is unable to exist without the lowest, since the latter is responsible for the preservation of the living creature in the environment, without what a life is impossible, and the highest consciousness - first of all, for consciously-project activity of a creature both individually and in human communities in a certain environment, at this, without self-consciousness other natural beings are coped completely.
  It is these deep-seated entities in the form of the lowest consciousness and highest consciousness, are hidden and intertwined in each human consciousness, and, consequently, in the public consciousness, with all their antagonism because of the need to solve various problems, for the most part contradicting each other, and pursuing different predilections and interests, really determine the development of human communities at any stage.
  Along with that, the assertion that a person will turn into a monkey, if he will be presented to oneself as a community of similar beings, as an inevitable result of his biological development, looks even more awkward due to the fact, that self-consciousness, acquired the monkey-like creature, making this being already by the personality, that is, who understands own stay in time and, therefore, is aware on own mortality, cannot disappear even with the death of a person.
  Though the prevalence in general at mankind of the goals of the animal consciousness, especially in power structures, is obvious and cannot but threaten with grave consequences for its existence, all the more so since, it is paradoxically, all greater realization of these goals is supported by the advent of the technological novelties, especially Internet belittling self-consciousness and narrowing the scope of its action by the spread of artificial intelligence, that practically deprives the human community of the driving forces of development in the form of fight of the lowest and highest forms of consciousness.
  Be that as it may, the way out of this process of falling self-consciousness with the acceleration of the technological progress, - but without self-consciousness the emergence of civilization would not have been possible, - becomes more and more problematic because of the difficulties in "slowing down" of actions of basic (animal) consciousness, if such significant decrease in creativity occurs, substituted by the formal and logical approach, peculiar to artificial intelligence.
  However, an exit from this falling of creativity - the main property of consciousness - cannot be reduced to a cerebral sorting, on which is indicated By S. Saveliev, whose the limitation and practical inapplicability in the developed public relations is obvious, but this exit consists in the process of updating, general for all mankind, with the reduction of all achievements of technical progress to zero. Especially, as S. Savelyev specifies, even "... the selection directed to identification and strengthening of the best qualities can with the equal probability lead both to progress, and to regress" [6, Chapter 2].
  Summarizing, we shall note that Nietzsche"s idea of a highest person - superman, as we showed above, essentially points to him as a copy of a monkey alpha male with his passion for the unconditional exaltation above the others, but - with a suit, some education and completely pressed self-consciousness - the creature malicious, limited by the passion of preserving what is mined, indifferent to ordinary people, hypocritical, unscrupulous, with meager mind, arrogant and at the same time always obedient to the superior persons , selfish, cunning, thieving, insidious, dishonest, but energetic and sociable, that is, with a clear excess of the level of animal consciousness over the highest consciousness (self-consciousness).
  If similar semi-primates, consisting, as a rule, in power, or at least near with power, in accordance with Nietzsche"s prediction, suddenly replace all other people, then, firstly, the subject of their lust for power will disappear; that is, the main feature of the superman, according to Nietzsche, - the will to power as the impulse that governs the world - simply will not find an object for its own realization, secondly, all these dominants - "supermen" will immediately begin to fight among themselves, like spiders in bank, and on it the existence of a civilization will end irrevocably.
  More modern idea about the superman-luden indicates not development of humanity in similar quality, and opposite, - on its degradation, because his highest consciousness which almost completely entrusted the management of the world to the artificial intelligence, which does not have creativity owing to the artificiality, lack of initiative and to a formalism despite speed and width of coverage of applications of artificial activity, practically comes down to a humanitarian application to a computer that is not able to discover anything new, at that time the animal consciousness of this subject, satisfied with the available comfort, falls into a kind of anabiosis and does not try to counteract the fatal behavior of the highest consciousness. So that and in this case, any development is completed, despite the many words about a highest and united reason in Universe.
  Moreover, this "universal" mind really has nothing to do in space, since the irresistible spatial separation of the inhabited planets indicates their autonomous development with the real unification of the living mind (consciousness) only at the level of the hologram [7, Chapters 2 and 9].
  Thus, both of these representations of the superman on closer examination are poured out in fact not into the arrival of human beings in own development towards a certain happy super-reasonable and super-sensual existence, but point out on banal degradation of already existing person.
  The idea about the future of mankind which is put forward by biologists evolutionists, and based on evolution of a brain of the person, during which the brain prefers to shy away from serious thinking, if a brain is not forced to do it - and all events leads precisely to this "laid-back" comfortable symbiosis of a person with a computer - even more directly predicts a person"s transition to complete stupidity with the same sad result as in the first two cases.
  What is called - we have arrived into deadlock!
  Really the final of a civilization will be so sad?
  It seems that the situation really reaches a deadlock, if in own development the human beings do not turn into the supermen, but conversely, as a result, if to address an essence of reasoning of F. Nietzsche or S. Savelyev, fall up to the level of primates. Furthermore, the analysis of the picture of the future of humanity by the Strugatsky brothers inevitably implies the transformation of it into a humanitarian application to computer networks.
  However, we know that a person, as such, is the only one of all living beings who has self-consciousness and creativity, and both of these properties must have a basis in his genome in the form of appropriate programs. And this foundation in itself, once it has arisen, becomes irremovable, which in no way will allow a person to turn both into a primate, who does not have such a foundation in the genome, and in the application to the computer - purely logical and fruitless in the relation of striving for a new (complete lack of creativity).
  Therefore, it makes sense to look at a person from a different angle, namely, not from a humanitarian position, but from a position - just a carrier of consciousness, which, in fact, makes the totality of certain molecular compounds by a living creature, capable of not only eating, adapting to the environment, breeding and evolve randomly, but also to think, how according to the requirements and desires it is possible - to change everything surrounding as well as oneself in the company with colleagues not only for search of sources of food, ensuring own reproduction and consolidation of comfort of own existence with aspiration to prevalence over others, but and for high and non-utilitarian aspirations for knowledge, culture, invention, other diverse creativity, for caring for other non-parasitic creatures, as well as for harmonizing social life, that is, for everything new and interesting both in the field of intelligence and socialization, and in areas of subtle feelings and experiences.
  Similar process is possible only in one case: if there is a transformation of information into time.
  Since information in the general sense is data about the state of material objects that are recognized by various means, the grouping of these data cannot be carried out by objects of non-living matter, which have neither corresponding sensors in the form of sense organs, nor processing centers of grouped and encrypted information, in particular, in the form of a set of neurons.
  Thereby, only a creature with at least form-building abilities (patterns, tracing papers, matrices, etc.), the scanning tools of the surrounding, data from which are transmitted to the processing centers of this being, can recognize, receive (copy) and use the required set of data. After decryption, these identified data (information) is used in one form or another.
  It turns out, that all living creatures, including humans, is engaged only that, like a television receiver, they convert impulse packets with encrypted information into a moving picture of being, which in fact is a changing point of the present, which will certainly elude human consciousness due to its continuous high-frequency update.
  In other words, the smooth own time of every living creature is the result of an information process, or a process of processing impulse information coming through its sense organs into the corresponding centers.
  In this case, the living creature is, as it were, inside the changing picture formed by its consciousness, like a character in a computer game, but with the difference that it uses own sensory organs and information-processing centers to create this "game". In other words, an irreversible present time appears for every living creature - its "now".
  Thus, for each person, the discrete information arriving automatically is processed (with the help of a single consciousness, that is, the united consciousness of all living things) into things, images, meanings, feelings.
  It means that the whole Creation is being formed and supported by the living beings. Otherwise, it simply would not exist, since the inanimate is not capable of perceiving information and transforming it into time.
  As a result of existence of such system of Creation, effective for consciousness development, the living beings infinitely are forming a changeable point of the present and by that - the conditions for change surrounding and, so a possibility of change of consciousness both individual, and single.
  The most effective tool for changing consciousness is a self-understanding being - a person, who is capable of artificially transforming the environment, and not always utilitarian.
  This transformation leads to the emergence of new - artificial - objects and processes, which means the continuous growth of the consumed information flows.
  If own time of the person and mankind in the form of a civilization is result of processing and the transformation of information, then run of events with development of a civilization has to accelerate.
  In other words, the current time of each person, as well as all community, is condensed with increase in the information flows consumed by them that is an inevitable consequence of the conscious human activity taking the increasing spaces.
  However, continuous growth of volume of information coming to consciousness of people and affecting external expression of this information process - acceleration of own time of a civilization, has to fit into the existing possibilities of human consciousness, inasmuch the finite (strategic) decisions are made by the person, but not the computer. Therefore, inevitably there comes the moment when the main centers of a civilization cease to cope with the avalanche flow of the arriving information - the speed of information processing begins to lag behind its receipt. At this extended moment (a singularity point) own time of system of a civilization is being completed - crash of a civilization. In other words, the system loses the quality, inasmuch it isn't capable to function the same way.
  Thus, exponential acceleration of time or continuous growth of the information streams passing through consciousness of the person leads ultimately to impossibility of functioning of a civilization in its former form, inasmuch the person as the system, managing everything, is no longer able to "digest" these flows, to cope with them. And escalating power of the linked computer systems turns out not the assistant to the person more, but threat for him. Information collapse in the form of exit a manage system from the sphere of direct and adequate control by the person stops the functioning of a civilization.
  Nevertheless, being updated due to informational collapse (the point of singularity), humanity in the shell of civilization does not have time to completely degrade, and thereby begins a new development cycle from scratch, repeating basically former, thereby confirming its own existence only as a carrier of consciousness.
  In other words, each civilization, like any complex system, eventually disintegrates with the advent of something new in its place; or after a certain pause under suitable natural conditions, a civilization similar to the previous one arises and begins to develop in the same place, forming its own accelerating time.
  Therefore, the process of the formation and development of civilizations on the inhabited planets of various stellar systems is ongoing, endless, but discrete, without formation as a phantasmagoric and senseless for the development of consciousness of a super-intelligent being (there can hardly be anything higher than a single and infinite consciousness), so and without the fall of a person to the animal level, since there is nothing higher than self-consciousness in living beings, and once the self-consciousness program in the genome has appeared, it can no longer disappear without a trace, but it can change in any direction, making a person infinitely diverse, and thereby changing his consciousness , which is required for the latter.
  This faltering development of consciousness through human communities in the form of civilizations going consistently through singularity points assumes infinite development of consciousness in series of the arising and disappearing civilizations on uncountable manned planets.
  1. F. Nietzsche. Works in 2 volumes. T. 2. Moscow, the publishing house "Thought". 1990.
  2. Nisovtsev Yu. The dethronement of the myth about good and evil. 2017. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru. Amazon. Yury Nizovtsev.
  3. Arkady and Boris Strugatsky. Waves dampen the wind. "Midday World (compilation)." Moscow, AST. 2016.
  4. Diakonoff I.M. The paths of history. From early human up to the present day. KomKniga. Moscow. 2007.
  5. F. Nietzsche. Works in 2 volumes. T.1. Moscow, the publishing house "Thought". 1990.
  6. Savelyev S.A. Cerebral sorting. Publisher: VEDI. 2016.
  7. Nizovtsev Y. M. The person as the hologram. 2016. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru. Amazon. Yury Nizovtsev.
  Chapter 9.
  Determining community integrity.
  An exact definition of an integral community has not yet been found, whereas one can proceed from the general concept of an integral community as a union of individuals based on common principles and values of beingness, both material and spiritual, found by them in the course of historical development in a certain territory, which can be attempted specify.
  An integral community, apparently, is association of individuals on the basis of common principles and values of beingness, both material and spiritual, found by them in the course of historical development in some territory.
  However, the definition, given by us, requires the specification. Therefore, first we turn to the known definitions of the integral communities.
  In Russia such community is usually called an ethnos, which means, in translation from the Greek - the people, and this term is clarified by researchers by the definitions, largely not coincident.
  The first and most recognized definition of ethnos was given by S.M. Shirokogorov: "Ethnos is a group of people speaking the same language, recognizing their uniform origin, possessing a complex of customs, a way of life, kept and sanctified by tradition and distinguished by it from such and others" [1].
  Let's note that not all known uniform sets of people fall under this definition. For example, in China are used two various languages - on structure and features very far from each other, historical origin of primary groups of Chinese is too variously just as customs and a way of life, but they already several thousands of years consider themselves by the uniform people (ethnos in domestic terminology).
  L. N. Gumilev spoke concerning ethnos as follows: "Members of ethnos are united by the general stereotype of behavior having a certain communication with a landscape (the place of development of ethnos), and, as a rule, including religion, the political and economic system. This stereotype of behavior usually is called national character" [2].
  Gumilev adds the following characteristics of ethnos in his understanding to this definition: biological similarity of people in ethnos, like an ant hill; a form of adaptation of people to a landscape; opposition of people of one ethnos to other ethnic educations; similar behavior of people of one ethnos; general origin and synchronous history; possession of the steady evolving systems; certain hierarchy.
  The disadvantage of this definition is the uncertainty of the concept of the stereotype of behavior, an indication of non-obligation of inclusion in a general stereotype of the behavior of religion, political and economic structure, which testifies to the blurriness of the concept of ethnos in Gumilev's interpretation. In addition, there is no reference to the attitude of people of the ethnos to culture and traditions.
  Yu.V. Bromley in his dualistic theory defines the concept of ethnic people (in fact, ethnoses) as a combination of ethnic language, everyday culture, ritual, ethnic self-awareness and natural-geographical, economic-social, state-legal and other conditions for the formation and existence of ethnic elements. Such ethno-social organisms constitute a certain socio-economic integrity, acting in the form of a tribe, a nationality, a nation [3].
  It is known that in many ethnoses there is no common ethnic language and, especially, - there are no general ceremonies, household culture, there is also no general ethnic consciousness (it still should be reached), natural and geographical conditions. For example, there are no first three features in Russia, China, India, Indonesia. Besides, Bromley did not include in any capacity the attitude of people of the ethnos towards religion.
  According to the system and static (component) theory (G.E. Markov, V.V. Pimenov) the ethnos is considered as historically arisen and evolving difficult self-replicating and self-regulating social system possessing polysynthetic composition (structure). Its components are indicated: the reproduction of the ethnos as a part of the population and its inherent demographic structure; production and economic activity; system of social relations and institutions; language; way of life, customs, rituals; system of personal contact [4, p. 5-18].
  There are many common words in this definition, but there is no indication of the main features of the ethnos, as, indeed, and at the above researchers. In addition, many ethnic groups lack a common language, way of life, rituals (China, Spain, Switzerland, Canada).
  In the works of A. S. Arutyunov and N. N. Cheboksarova. is offered to consider ethnoses as areas of the increased information density, as well as is noted special importance of process of inter-generational transmission of information for ensuring continuity and stability of ethnic system in time. Stadial types of communities (tribes, peoples, the nations) are considered as three different types of information density [5].
  This approach is obvious and does not carry significant information, since any development presupposes both an increase in the density of information and its transmission, but the authors could not indicate the essential features of an ethnos.
  Thus, all the above definitions of the ethnos do not reflect all of its inalienable features, among which would be highlighted the basic features and the main characteristic of the ethnos, which makes the community as holistic (integral) and developing.
  In order to find these basic features of a holistic community (ethnos), it is necessary to try by means of facts and some generalizations to mark out them.
  The material given below in the text, shows that the facts found and their analytical-synthetic processing indicate that the main features of any integral community (ethnos in Gumilev's terminology) are as follows: the historical formation of community in certain territories creating its stability outside a zone of activity of neighbors; the communication order including one language or several languages for communication and relations in the territory of placement of community; similar way of life; the special civil culture as well as the assimilation of culture of the previous communities and neighboring communities.
  But above these features of an integral community is the main - self-consciousness of the community, more and more finding itself in the course of uneven development of the community and its response to all external and internal factors, enriching in collision with them, and pushing thereby the community forward, nominating it in case of success in number of leaders; or stopping it in this motion at insufficient activity of the highest consciousness (self-consciousness) of leaders of the community, and leaving it thereby in thousand-year hibernation; or leading the community to disintegration and dissolution of its population in other communities with loss of the territory, language and even culture, as happened, for example, on the Baltic coast with northwestern Slavs assimilated by the Germans because of the weakness of their self-consciousness, their small number, the continuous and strong pressure of aggressive neighbors, that did not allow them defending own identity(integrity) as well as Hittites, Assyrians, in difference, for example, from Poles, Danes, Dutch, Armenians, Georgians.
  The self-consciousness of the community is reflected, for the most part, in ideas, values and actions of the intellectual-elite stratum, continuously fed by the rest of the population, which allocates from itself the most prepared representatives for managing and creative activity as community leaders.
  Leadership of the power elite ends when it starts to act against the masses, which nominated it, exclusively in their own interests, despite the help of propaganda and force pressure - detaching and contrasting thereby own consciousness to consciousness of the masses: the elite is replaced with the accumulation of dissatisfaction with the masses as conditions of life (poverty, semi-military or martial law, with all their restrictions, impeding normal nutrition, entertainment and reproduction of the population), which relates to the sphere of of the lowest consciousness, aspiring to receiving acceptable sensations, so and in the case the accumulation of dissatisfaction with conditions of public life (lack of civil liberties, scandalous inequality, the absence of the social elevators interfering effective manifestation of knowledge and abilities accumulated by each person, stratum restrictions, etc.) that relates to the sphere of the highest (developing) consciousness.
  The boiling point is expressed in mass disturbances at the key points of the country, and the antagonism manifested is resolved in replacing the leaders of management who completely detached from the masses by others, although they may not be better than the previous ones (China is the most vivid example of such processes).
  It follows from the definition presented by us that the essence of an integral (holistic) community, or an ethnos as a developing community of people is the collectivist self-consciousness of a community, without which there is not exist the possibility of the community developing in its integrity when this collectivist consciousness interacts with the external surroundings and within the community itself through collective actions of the community.
  Along with that the possibility of development of community in its integrity does not exist without hookup to action of self-consciousness of community of action of the lowest collectivist consciousness in case of essential recession in social development for turning a development course on more favorable.
  The presented brief analysis of the essence of an integral community is already capable of giving an idea of the main causes of the disintegration of communities that appear to be powerful and invincible.
  These reasons consist either in the absence of reaching by the community a common - voluntarily agreed - for all its nationalities of self- consciousness, or in inadequate consciousness of itself, which always takes a considerable time, and any artificial reduction of this time, also as an attempt to shorten the pregnancy period, will not help here.
  Therefore, for example, in the USSR the proclamation of a Soviet man as the best sample of such in the world turned out to be a fiction. The absence of real changes in his self-consciousness led him in the result of lose the goal by the community (building communism) to a throwback - to capitalism so condemned in the USSR (and correctly condemned), where, naturally, he found only mockery at himself.
  Along with this reason of the collapse of the USSR, there was also another reason: there was no possibility of reach in this artificial community of a common self-consciousness for all its nationalities which were at various stages of development of self-consciousness that clearly after the collapse of the USSR showed the descent of the republics of Central Asia to feudalism or even to Asian satrapies, and the republics of the Baltics, on the contrary, have directed towards the European Union.
  It is curious that the same problems confront the US, since there is no common self-consciousness for the three main groups of the population: the natives of the countries of Europe, the natives of Africa and natives of Latin America. In addition, this community may not even think about awareness of itself, both due to its own recent emergence and because of the rat robbery of all other communities in the world, due to which, in fact, the United States is still kept itself on the "crest of the wave of consumption."
  Below, with the example of Assyria, it is shown - to what sooner or later this policy leads. That is, those communities, which do not have internal integrity (the sufficient level and coverage of self-awareness) can be hold within of a single state either by force or benefit, or their combination with the activation of propaganda (deception), collapsing and dissolving in other communities immediately after the disappearance of that or another.
  Perhaps, several more examples we will manage to show in addition the leading role of collectivist self-consciousness in formation and development of an integral communities and the lowest collectivist consciousness - in correction of motion of community through its "shaking-up" during the crisis periods by the removal of imperious elite, holding thereby community from rotting or disintegration.
  For this purpose, we will take a view of several communities known for their long-term development which still, despite many catastrophic events in their history, during the millennia remain, not disintegrating, i.e., preserve the identity(integrity).
  The self-consciousness of Chinese about four thousand years ago during an era of formation of their complete community began to develop in conditions of relative isolation - close to the coast of the Pacific Ocean, in an area favorable for effective agriculture: this area was cut off by mountain ranges from other territories where a civilization started, which are relatively close to each other: India, Mesopotamia, Egypt.
  Apparently, because of isolation, the figurative (hieroglyphic) writing, characteristic of emerging civilizations has survived to this day in China, unlike the vast majority of other countries in the world.
  The self-consciousness of Chinese in this isolation developed almost autonomously. This autonomy kept figurativeness of thinking, and created also increased susceptibility of Chinese to new if that promises benefit, but limited their opportunities themselves successfully to aspire to new. The figurativeness of thinking affected hypocrisy, characteristic of Chinese, for the sake of profit.
  Early cultural development and formation of effective for development the hierarchical system of the state (Confucian), in comparison with archaic structures of management of the neighbors, allowed Chinese, feeling the superiority before these neighbors, to consider the surroundings as barbaric, and they keep this sense of superiority hitherto. This factor not only in a considerable measure influenced development of the self-consciousness of Chinese to high degree, but also allowed to hold this degree, despite all cataclysms in long history of the Chinese community.
  High density and population; labor-intensive, permanent irrigation works, requiring order, concentration of attention; hierarchy and systematics, developed in the Chinese people's self-consciousness a collectivist attitude towards life with the prevalence of the interests of the community in relation to interests of the individual, which was reflected in the actual primacy of traditions and the preference of form to content, but along with that, in the formation of a sense of duty, and practicality, resulting from the love of order, led to a consumer attitude towards religion - to God they turn mainly in order to ask something - such a contradiction in the character of Chinese on "freedom", if it is achieved, leads to preference by them of their own material interests to the public interests.
  Thus, the self-consciousness of Chinese developed in interaction with the specified environment factors, acquiring features, which did not allow under all cataclysms during long term to disappear to the Chinese community, and opposite, has nominated it to the leading countries of the world to date.
  In other words, having appeared about 4 thousand years ago in content, sufficient for the formation of the state, the self-consciousness of the Chinese community has not been lost, but thanks to the specified features, it gradually consolidated, having covered and united the numerous ethnic groups of the region, in spite of clashes, wars, invasions of barbarians and coups, having overcome all these catastrophic phenomena not without help in crisis situations of collectivist lowest consciousness, and not having allowed the community to disintegrate or dissolve in other communities.
  The self-consciousness of the Jews began to develop about 3.5 thousand years ago in the era of the formation of their integral community in the Middle East in the middle reaches of the Euphrates River after the merger of Semitic-speaking nomadic pastoralists with husbandmen of the desert oases, in contact with large states - Egypt, Assyria, Babylon. The Jew community had a relatively short historical period of time for the existence in the form of an independent state on the border of the second and first millennium BC. Nevertheless, the main achievement of the Jews over this period in comparison with most other peoples of that time was the creation of a monotheistic religion, fixed in the main positions in the Old Testament. Although only a tribal god was reproduced in this religion, it nevertheless drew Jews to a single source of everything that made it easier for them to develop their own culture, and their religion formed the basis of Christianity and Islam. This awareness of themselves, reflected in the Old Testament, did not allow Jews to dissolve among other peoples, since it highlighted them to a higher religious and cultural integrity among other holistic communities of those times.
  Relatively small number of Jews were at the crossroads of migration and interaction of different peoples. They were being conquered, resettled, sold, destroyed. Therefore, the usual practice of denoting a nationality by tradition and belonging to the national-religious community after the final loss of statehood was changed by marking by Jew of everyone who has a Jewish mother, and belonging to Jewish community had been determined primarily on the basis of recognition of the relevant religious canons.
  As a result of attempts to forcibly assimilate of Jews by neighboring large state entities in the Middle East and actual deprive their own territory, Jews began to gradually settle in different countries, on the one hand, being applied to orders of the respective country, but, on the other hand, steadily keeping own customs and religion (Judaism).
  Similar unstable position developed in their self-consciousness a certain duality which was felt by peoples, which have accepted them, especially as Jews having kept a few thousand years the high culture and hereditary skills, as a rule, were engaged more successfully in difficult kinds of intellectual activity, monetary circulation, art, trade and crafts, than less developed indigenous people, and by that could not hide the superiority over indigenous peoples, causing their envy and persecution under various pretexts. This superiority was maintained by ancient cultural and religious roots and strict following to ethnic roots as well as need to support each other among other peoples, even more uniting all Jews, despite their dispersion on the world.
  Therefore, the self-consciousness of Jews includes pride for the antiquity of their community and the significant contribution to formation of a world civilization in the cultural and technological relations and also fidelity to ancient traditions, contrary to pressure upon them of traditions of the peoples, which accepted them.
  Thus, the self-consciousness of Jews developed in interaction with extremely adverse factors of the surroundings, but thanks to this it strengthened and reached such religious and ideological and cultural level that it did not allow to this community to be dissolved at resettlement among a big number of other peoples, not only having overcome numerous catastrophes on the historical way, but also rather recently having recreated own state and having restored communication of Jews in an own classic language - Hebrew. Besides, higher level of collective self-consciousness of Jews in comparison with self-consciousness of other communities in combination with their absent-mindedness over the world promotes leadership of representatives of Jews in world elite, for what they were so hated by Hitler as the leading plutocrats.
  From this brief review, it is evident that not external factors for about four thousand years developed the communities of Chinese and Jews. They only served as the surroundings, with which the self-consciousness of the corresponding community interacted, strengthening or, on the contrary, weakening it.
  Having formed up to distinct and strong forms: language, cultural-religious, technological, domestic, i.e. having behind our back a powerful support in the form of awareness of ourselves as cohesive acquired spiritual and cultural values, in particular, the community of Chinese, despite such powerful negative impacts on it as internecine wars, numerous invasions of wild peoples, the transition of state administration to the hands of foreigners, has not disintegrated, as and the community of Jews, despite the dispersion of Jews around the world without support on own territory, the persecution of them by the whole world for thousand years, has not disappeared, but, on the contrary, was been ralling, and even introduced in qualities of a means of communication among themselves, the own ancient, forgotten language - Hebrew, and restored the Jewish state.
  As and the communities of Chinese and Jews, many others managed to preserve their integrity. Particularly unfavorable conditions for this development process were originating for Armenians and Georgians, which began from VI century BC.
  The self-consciousness of high level, formed in these communities yet 3000 years ago, expressed in a high culture, partly borrowed from the highly developed predecessors - the states of Mesopotamia, the single language of own design, traditions, adoption of the Christian religion that separated these communities from the underdeveloped neighbors, gorsky tenacity in preserving own customs and peculiarity, allowed them even under shaft of invasions of other peoples to keep the communities as holistic and developing, and to date to raise the level of the collectivist consciousness to ability to restore the national states - Armenia and Georgia.
  The weakness of self-consciousness, despite a powerful state, favorable conditions for existence, leaves only memories from deciphered cuneiforms from communities, that once were vast on occupied territories, such as Assyrians, spreading at one time their dominion over the entire known then civilized world.
  The end result of the weakness of the Assyrians' self-consciousness was the disappearance not only of the Assyrian community, whose state was the most powerful in the Middle East in the 7th century BC, but also Phoenicians who were Rome's main rivals; Etruscans, from which there are almost no traces left; Khazars; Huns, etc.
  Of course, not catastrophic external conditions, which in sufficient number and with even greater force influenced Chinese, Jews, Armenians, Georgians, were the main reason for disappearance of these communities, but did not crush them. Insufficient level of self-consciousness in the form of cultural, innovative and religious-traditional braces has destroyed these holistic communities, because with the help of basically only the lower consciousness with its desire for egocentrism, survival in any way, pressure by force, the refusal from contacts with other peoples or neglect by them, is impossible to withstand the onslaught of neighboring peoples for a long time; here is required a sensitivity to the new as well as timely rejection of the obsolete, unfit in the changed conditions; more or less altruistic morality and at the same time - established traditions or a common religion and language of communication, which gives specialness to the community; the developing ideas, for example, the idea of people by chosen God, and not just one desires to encompass
  and capture.
  For example, we shall show below the reasons for the collapse of the Assyrian community, which disappeared approximately 2.6 thousand years ago, unlike the neighboring - Jewish and Armenian.
  At the beginning of II millennium BC, in the upper part of Mesopotamia, close to the trade routes, a small oligarchic state of merchants arose, Assyria, which was under the control of alternately larger states of Mesopotamia.
  The weakening of the large states of this region provided an opportunity for Assyria, having transferred gradually the leadership of the country from the trade nobility to the military, move on to a policy of conquests.
  In the middle of XIII century BC Assyrian troops plunder Babylonia, in the 12th century BC Assyria subjugated Northern Phoenicia. The danger of invasion by neighbors forced the ruling Assyrian elite to improve the organization, the technical equipment of the army and its strength.
  War chariots, siege weapons, armament from iron instead of bronze, sappers, a new battle tactics and discipline appeared at the Assyrian army
  At the same time, no one could compete with the Assyrians in cruelty against the enemies and the ruthless robbery of the conquered countries.
  In VIII century BC Assyrians defeated the Damascus kingdom, in the 7th century BC they destroyed Babylon and captured Egypt.
  Assyrian imperious elite tried to unite violently occupied territories with the diverse population, various languages, religions and traditions by one - Aramaic - language. Wars led to deterioration of the situation of ordinary Assyrian farmers - the main land allotments departed to the tsar, grandees, temples.
  In Assyria by the end of the 7th century BC from the infinite wars and revolts in the conquered lands began to be felt exhaustion.
  At the same time, new powerful neighbors appeared for Assyria - Chaldean kingdom and Mussel. They attacked the central part of Assyria from two sides, its army was defeated, resistance ceased, and the Assyrians gradually dissolved among other tribes and peoples.
  It is curious that in the Assyrian art military plots and scenes of hunting prevailed.
  The ruination of Assyrian community distinctly shows that a support on force, cruelty which are properties of the lowest consciousness, in which there is practically no development, illegibility in means, the desire to coerce violently, in particular, by means of the policy of resettlement, as well as to unite the diverse tribes and peoples in surrounding of aggressive neighbors, inevitably leads to the death of the state, and after this disappears the community, which is assimilated by neighboring communities.
  Thus, the low level of culture of the community, and hence its self- consciousness, relying only on force and developing only military technologies does not find with loss of this force nowhere more support for own development, and his members join other communities.
  Such cases of assimilation of members of once powerful communities in the history of civilization are sufficient to understand the leading role in the development of communities of not external factors, even powerful ones, but internal, developed features: culture, traditions, ethics, often religion, not allowing only animal instincts in the form of force, greed, hatred to other peoples and primacy at any cost to dominate in collectivist consciousness of community.
  The given examples, despite not similarity of content of the self-consciousness of Chinese and Jews and also essential differences in surroundings their communities, show that both communities have all features, noted in the definition given above.
  They were formed historically in certain territories, the order of communication includes one or several main languages, that were singled out during development; a way of life and customs of peoples of communities for long history of each of them have become significantly closer to each other; having made a basis for formation of specific culture, at this, the tribes making these communities not necessarily have common biological (genetic) roots.
  It must be assumed that this means the correctness of highlighting by us the main features of an integral community.
  Nevertheless, collectivist self-consciousness is responsible for the development of the community. Its action can be more or less successful, as it is visible from the examples above.
  It must be assumed that development of community with maintaining its integrity as it is well looked through from the given examples, depends on the corresponding content of collectivist self-consciousness.
  This content, differing in detail for each individual community, in order to ensure the development of any community and preserve its integrity should have the following properties: a support on a level of culture that significantly separates the basic aspirations of man from animal instincts; ability to detach and distinguish itself from neighbors by pride for own peculiarity, despite of its specifics; the adequate choice of means, in particular, faith and traditions fastening community before any threats; evasion from conservatism, or overall preference of the new over the outdated; predominance in times of crisis the public interests over the personal; the ability to critically assess own actions in the present and adequately anticipate the future by leaders of the community by making responsible decisions so that they are correlated with the achieved level of mass self-consciousness.
  Similar content of self-consciousness of community keeps a community from disintegration and defines the course of its development, the relation to an external environment, all system of life of community. During this advance the collectivist self-consciousness is enriched itself, and raises at the same time the level of self-consciousness of each member of the community.
  1. Широкогоров С.М. Этнос. Исследование основных принципов изменения этнических и этнографических явлений. / Изв. Восточного факультета Государственного Дальневосточного университета. Вып. XVIII, Т. 1. Шанхай, 1923.
  2. Гумилев Л. Н. Этногенез и биосфера Земли. СПб. Кристалл. 2001. ISBN 5-306-00157-2
  3. Бромлей Ю.В. Очерки теории этноса. М.: Наука, 1983.
  4. В.В. Пименов. Этнология: предметная область, социальные функции, понятийный аппарат. /Этнология/ Под ред. Г.Е. Маркова В.В. Пименова. М. 1994.
  5. Арутюнов А.С. Этносы и нации (Приложение 2) / Народы мира. Энциклопедия. - М. ОЛМА Медиа Групп, 2007.
  Chapter 10.
  Dynamics of activity of an integral community.
  Since L. N. Gumilev"s definition of the dynamics of the integral communities, who called them ethnic groups, is quite problematic, it makes sense to use a number of examples to determine the dynamics of the integral communities by their activity.
  L. N. Gumilev in his complete definition of dynamics of the integral (holistic) communities, who called them as ethnoses, had noted for them four stages of life cycle: short phase of formation, rather long phase of existence, phase of decline and phase of historical relicts. At this, the duration of full life cycle of ethnos, according to Gumilev, is 1200-1500 years [1].
  Both of these considerations seem inadequate for the following reasons.
  It's not even about how many thousands of years the integral community can exist - everything is finite in our world. The essence of the problem is completely different.
  Each human community, being formed, for example, from the association of tribes, does not have a clearly defined order of phases, through which it must necessarily pass, as well as their number.
  The community can disintegrate immediately.
  It can exist in about the same state for many thousands of years and even tens of thousands of years, as, for example, the Australian aborigines.
  The community can also undergo various changes for thousands of years, in particular, in the quality of the population (mixing with other nationalities): in changing the language, religion, governing bodies, subordination (external management) in different periods, but, nevertheless, to remain the same integral community, preserving cultural features, which allows it to most successfully to separate itself in the self-consciousness from animal instincts, as well as from other communities; preserving, nonetheless, many of the original customs and installations related to specific of the natural environment in which the community develops, allowing the most effective survival and contact both between the community members and with the neighbors. By this, the community does not lose the base of collectivist self-consciousness, that is, its essence and integrity (holistic).
  Such communities represent undoubtedly China (Confucianism, Taoism, hierarchy, collectivism, preservation of ancient hieroglyphic writing, state seclusion, the opinion of one's own exclusiveness in the world), India (Hinduism, caste, Buddhism, the claim to the place of the founder of world civilization and the center of the world wisdom), Japan (Shinto, the homage of one's own traditions, propensity for sacrifice for the sake of the community, contempt for other cultures and nations), Wales (preservation of one's own language, customs, governing structures within another state for several thousand years).
  This list could be continued, but also it is quite enough to discredit the unambiguous phase order with the frames of life cycle of ethnos of 1200-1500, offered by Gumilev in his concept of ethnogenesis though, of course, the people pass in many cases stages, similar to the periods of human life: youth, a maturity, withering, but development of communities it is not identical to a human life, because the heterogeneous populations move, mix, so that the processes of youth and old age to them are not applicable uniquely - they as if to be rejuvenated regularly.
  Not all the numerous peoples, known to us from history, completely disappear. Quite often, they, within the framework of our civilization, are modified in one way or another, without losing their history, culture and customs, which is influenced by the landscape, climate, neighbors, population density, religious preferences, which accelerate or slow both the external processes, for example, the technological equipment state, and changing consciousness in its ethical and aesthetic filling. However, the decisive role in the long-term retention of the community in the state of development is being played by the content of its collectivist self-consciousness, and the community, if it relied only on strength or benefit, quickly disintegrates with the disappearance of that or another.
  Gumilev also believed that development of a civilization goes by means of appearance of certain ethnoses, their disappearance, and then appearance of new ethnoses, etc., i.e. - through the replacement of some integral communities by others in our terminology.
  Here he confounds the replacement of some states by others or change of one social formation by another.
  How many states existed in China, and how many different peoples came to China, which was fragmented-feudal, imperial and capitalist, and now considers itself to be socialist.
  Nevertheless, the Chinese community in its development has not ceased to be Chinese and has not ceased to exist for many thousands of years, as, however, and he Russian community which in the form of community of the Russian people with their customs, language with Cyrillics in a basis, national character with communal consciousness in its depth, and with the faith in the "kind" tsar, pagan inclinations, existed at first within the Moscow satrapy, and then - the Russian Empire which was replaced by the semi-feudal Soviet Union with its semi-religious (communist) slogans, coming finally to its present quasi-capitalist state, but remaining virtually unchanged in the quality of the community, which on its "Russianness", i.e. - the self-consciousness, which was being formed historically, be easily distinguished from another, as and can be distinguished from another the Chinese community.
  In the same way not one thousand years there is the Jewish community, without undergoing so considerable changes in collectivist self-consciousness that is noticeable in following to traditions and religious canons, whereas externally, what only were not being happen to Jews, up to their dispersion on the world.
  These examples show lack of obvious gaps in development of a world civilization which in this process is not stopped, but moves forward in own communities, though with different speed of development of these communities.
  The Roman Empire was also not gone completely, but would be forked in due time on two culturally close the large communities in the form of Byzantium which successor is Russia, and Western Europe on the place of the western part of the Roman Empire. Roots of these communities are close both on language, and on customs, and on religion, despite the differences which arose in process of development, but they mostly have external character, not being as determinative, what, in particular, confirms comparison of these communities with Chinese, Muslim or Indian communities.
  If to pass to dynamics of communities, then, first of all, it should be noted that the upshot of each life, concerning development of each individual consciousness, is determined by finding by a person of an optimum combination of the dissatisfaction in own self-consciousness in the form of desires, aspirations to these or those goals, and existing at him of set of opportunities and peculiarities, that should be used, from which can be exempted and by which can be neglected, as well as by the attitude to the results of one's own activity, for which will have to bear responsible.
  The deviation from the optimum means that the person did not discover himself in life, more definitely, did not determine the true system of own self-consciousness in the relation to the surrounding and did not add to it new properties.
  Therefore, change and development of the integral communities is necessary for development of self-consciousness of each person
  It is this circumstance that does not allow the active (consciousness in a person) in beingness to stay for a long time in certain structures, in some or other conditions, in this or that order, to follow one or another necessity, the active (consciousness) always seeks to change them, but not chaotically, and purposefully, with the benefit for itself, more precisely, forming of other structures and relationships, that gives for it own changes with accumulation of the corresponding experience in this development. Similar manifestation of the active (consciousness) among the passive (things) is the primary source of liberty, and the activity in its expressions and actions in a person is unwillingness of the stops, dissatisfaction by available, aspiration to changes, to the new, i.e. - to development, other expression of oneself in this process.
  Such conscious manifestation of the active is maximally possible precisely in a person because he has self-consciousness - it and gives him the fullest liberty, which any necessity cannot limit, on the contrary, necessity is a support for free expressions of a person, inasmuch only on the basis of the known order a person is capable to establish consciously other order, to reveal other regularities. But this is required not in itself, and means the accumulation of knowledge and skills for transition from one order to another and so on - sequentially - for development and expression of consciousness in the changing conditions.
  Thus, only necessity, or resistance of the environment give to consciousness the chance of manifestation of the activity through thoughts, feelings and actions in the process of overcoming this resistance - birds do not fly in an airless environment: the absence of contradictions is nothingness; only in the struggle can manifest itself liberty, and thereby to occur infinite motion of consciousness forward.
  Therefore, the main feature of any active (living), distinguishing it from any passive (lifeless) by the internal tension, is expressed by dissatisfaction with what is: the active creates something only in order that subsequently to destroy it. This variable vector in the form of opposite aspirations to creation and destruction points out certainly on the preference of the other (the new) over the established one.
  This dissatisfaction of consciousness, its aspiration for the new are nourished by the unceasing, varying flows of information, permeating the whole being of a person, which he can interpret possessing self-consciousness, differently, - in the measure of own understanding. Thereby, each person makes inevitably every time the fluctuations - from a habit to destruction of order, release from it. Having established one and having joined it, a person begins to be tired upon it sooner or later, and decides to change it, no matter the resist to this process by the external conservative nature of a person.
  This property is by all means transferred to human communities. Therefore, the course of their development represents fluctuations from creation to destruction of the arisen, and then - again to creation on a new basis.
  All this motion happens thanks to action both in each person, and in his communities of dissatisfaction of consciousness, respectively - individual and collective.
  Since the consciousness of a person and his communities has the two components - the lowest (natural-animal) and - the highest (self-consciousness) consciousness, insofar these two hypostases of the human consciousness participate in the development of integral communities, determining it, while various external conditions, causing dissatisfaction as the lowest, and the highest consciousness, force people in their totality to change these external conditions, up to a change in the landscape, the construction of cities, canals, roads, cut down forests, develop trade, improve the production of agricultural products, thereby provoking population growth, which in turn entails a cumulative increase in social wealth, the division of labor, strengthening of property rights and increasing of the stratification of society. And the stratification of society into the rich and poor, slaves and free, toilers and oppressors, rulers and all kinds of opposition to them, inevitably leads to an eternal struggle between them.
  All this, naturally, does not pass away human consciousness - personal and collectivist, - and slowly, but still, changes it with the passage of time.
  If to recognize that the living being becomes as a person thanks to emerging at it the self-consciousness, then it is clear that the level of awareness of oneself by a person of and respectively - the ratio of the self-consciousness and the lowest consciousness can strongly differ depending on time of human life, his surrounding, education, abilities, etc., although, on average, this level in the process of the civilization turn is growing and cannot but grow, albeit very slowly, so how the development of civilization means a gradual increase in the information flows capturing each person, occurring owing to activity of the same human communities occupying ever new spaces, cultural, technical and scientific fields.
  Being at the beginning of the civilization way an ordinary cannibal, a person gradually begins to treat in another way the neighbors, accumulating along with knowledge the certain moral installations making life and development of communities easier, doing it more and more civilized both concerning technical-technological equipment, so and - more altruistic relation to each other, i.e. - more distancing his from the natural-animal essence.
  Nevertheless, the life of people is a competitive struggle for various benefits and privileges that facilitate labor or deliver from it at all, and the means of this struggle can be different - from the most despicable actions to generous concessions and the establishment of mutually beneficial relations with own competitors.
  It should also be noted that it makes sense to talk about significant progress in communities or the life of an ordinary person only if a person or all peoples of the community are not crushed by hard work for survival. And this happens only with the appearance of at least at a certain number of people of the community of some free time, which they can devote to both sensual, and intellectual occupations, that and happens to development of a civilization.
  Such persons, who know really what to do in their free time has always been and will be in the overwhelming minority, because is necessary yet to know how to dispose free time, i.e., to be fruitfully active, finding oneself in creativity.
  But only such people are capable to create tension both in themselves, and in society, providing its development, that is increasing the volume of information base of community. They cannot be bored. Therefore, they try to think up always something new, float to unknown lands, plunge into depths of oceans, start wars for no apparent reason, will organize religious or secular societies, but the main thing - they involve the population into these enterprises, convincingly motivating their usefulness for everyone, whereas in fact "cream" gets to the few, and, as a rule, and this "cream" not going to benefit.
  Self- consciousness comprises in itself everything truly human: feelings of love, friendship, manifestation of care, fidelity to duty, honesty, conscientiousness, but these manifestations of self-consciousness are being admixed with all the time such consequences of invariable egocentrism of the lowest consciousness as envy, pride, love of power, egoism, self-interest, alienation, etc.
  If to return to a source of formation and development of integral communities, then the following should be noted.
  Dissatisfaction is a fundamental property, rather even - state of the active in alive which owing to permanent stay in it cannot stop - otherwise it will not be active any more, and will become as a thing, - therefore a person creates something only to destroy created, - it is unimportant what it belongs to, but in this process of creation-destruction the quality of the created consciously on average becomes higher - there is a high-quality change of the environment, the relations, communications, understanding, i.e. such interaction of consciousness in a person with surroundings conducts in general to the increase of the level of self-consciousness that we also observe, looking on itself inside our civilization. This variable vector in the form of opposite aspirations to conscious creation and destruction, so, indicates by all means preference of other, the new over the existing, and so will be until the civilization with all its communities disappears.
  However, consciousness of a person is non-uniform - in it the lowest (animal) form of consciousness acts, and - the highest (self-consciousness). Each of these entities possesses own dissatisfaction, corresponding to sphere of application of both types of consciousness.
  The dissatisfaction of the lowest consciousness always remains in accurately outlined borders of consumption of sensations, but sharply increases, demanding from the person or his community of immediate actions in the case of threat of life (the instinct of self-preservation inherent in any living being), belittling of life up to intolerant existence as well as in the case of threat to reproduction that in reality occurs during attack, adverse climate changes or a landscape, incorrect actions of the leaders, a lack of food and other factors relating to management of the organic and its preservation.
  The dissatisfaction of the highest consciousness inherent only in people, and appeared in them owing to awareness of themselves in the world around, or in current time, has no borders in their self-consciousness, and tries to conduct people to the most full-fledged and harmonious life, improving the relations between them and improving the environment, but without an opportunity to overcome influence on behavior of a person of the lowest consciousness, especially since, the lowest consciousness and the highest consciousness are not separated, but are inextricably intertwined, and which entity temporarily wins is determined by the conditions of existence of consciousness carriers and the degree of their development, more precisely, by the level of their self-consciousness achieved.
  Therefore, with a lack of food, unfavorable living conditions, cramped tightness on the employed territory, especially in comparison with the living conditions of neighboring communities, there is a growing dissatisfaction of the lowest consciousness of a community. The lowest consciousness with all his egocentrism replacing the highest consciousness at the critical moment, dictates to both a person, and his community to begin a throw from disastrous living conditions to favorable, and it is unimportant at the expense of what or whom.
  So, this dissatisfaction of the lowest consciousness threw wild Huns to others, but fertile places, and in China it lifted masses of the hungry peasants, who were turned into slaves, on revolts breaking everything around, reducing in some cases the population several times.
  During this action of consciousness arise and improve structurally the communities, making closer the nationalities, which have adjoined this motion, each other, or uniting the rebelling population in single impulse, which becomes rallied by the common interests, i.e., becomes a integral community.
  After comparatively short-term, desperate and bloody - not always winning - events caused by the accumulated dissatisfaction of the lowest consciousness, new formations can appear on the "cleared" place with improved or simply other conditions for beingness, in which will be possible to engage in organizational and structural improvement: construction, trade, create new governing bodies, improve laws, etc., i.e. there is a place for the developing actions of the highest consciousness, which restores its positions and pushes back the lowest consciousness, inasmuch it had made its work.
  Now the dissatisfaction of the collectivist highest consciousness is already manifesting itself in all its beauty It sees the devastation around and begins to push the community to restructure what remained, as well as to the creation of new ties, relations and new forms of the environment. This process can drag on for centuries.
  However, any community contains bureaucratic governing bodies, some imperious elite, and this top of the community has the property to focus on itself over time, neglecting the interests of the masses. If this neglect reaches the point at which the quality of life of the majority of the population in this community is reduced again up to the unacceptable level, threatening its degradation and even extinction, then the dissatisfaction of the lowest consciousness of the mass of the population under the threat of the death of their own offspring, supported by informal intellectual opposition, reflecting the dissatisfaction of the highest consciousness (lack of actual civil liberties, blatant inequality, the absence of social elevators, that hinders the effective manifestation of knowledge and skills accumulated by each person, etc.), increases up to such limit, that throws a considerable part of the population, or, at least, sufficient number of his most active representatives on removal of bureaucratic elite, despite of all danger to life which already turned into torture because of unusable management, greed and degradation of the imperious elite.
  Such events have taken place in Russia in February 1917, when the broad masses of the people, exhausted by the senseless war, mediocrity and helplessness of the disintegrating authorities, their isolation from the masses, had swept away the imperious top, but stopped themselves in inaction, which was used by the most extremist part of the intellectual elite, brought up on Marxist utopias. The new elite has transformed Russia (USSR) on the soil of the communal consciousness of the masses into the Asian satrapy with the Supreme infallible leader. USSR, however, achieved considerable success thanks to enthusiasm of the masses tempted with honey communistic shores; however, this chimera relatively quickly disappeared (1991), when the opposition, in view of the loss of the main goal of the community - the building of communism, has displaced the power elite at complete indifference of the masses and the lack of resistance of the power bodies.
  Interestingly, there is apparent difference on action of the collectivist consciousness of a community in the turning points for the developed communities and the undeveloped communities. The last (Russia - February 1917) is dominated by the dissatisfaction of the lowest consciousness - due to significant reduction in the standard of living of the population and its extermination (war), while for developed communities in which the standard of living is high enough, attitude of the population in the person of its representatives in the informal intellectual elite to an unsuitable social structure that is no longer able to contribute to the development of the community due to the loss of the previously set goals, becomes more significant (USSR - 1991).
  In other words, the increasing meddling of the dissatisfaction of collectivist highest consciousness with the passage of time into the turning events means the acquisition by the community of greater liberty, so how liberty is a consequence of aspiration of consciousness to change of itself in the existence in the conditions of resistance (counteraction) to the environment. And similar increase in extent of intervention of the highest consciousness with development of community happens due to the fact that only the higher consciousness is able to change, and the lowest consciousness, which is mainly responsible for organic functions, remains practically unchanged.
  Similar change of a integral community not as a result of only external influences, but at interaction of the community in the person of his collectivist highest consciousness with an external surrounding indicates decrease of entropy for it.
  Extrapolating this phenomenon from usual communities, which break up sooner or later, to all civilization, it is possible to note that, in general the entropy of the terrestrial civilization decreases over time, but, only till a certain moment ((the point of singularity) in which it comes back to former level - before emergence of a civilization.
  The same conclusion on other data were made by us earlier (see, for example, 2, Ch. 6).
  Also, another scenario of events in community at a stage of its smooth development is possible.
  Successful management of economy, bumper-crop years, unexpectedly appeared additional resources, technologies are capable to lead community to substantial increase of welfare and culture of the population in general. This circumstance in the neighbourhood with poor, undeveloped, but aggressive and militant, or just competitive communities can quite cause in them envy and desire to attack and burgle the prosperous country. If similar desire comes true, and it happens quite often, so how in prosperous countries the wellbeing leads to relaxation, then the community is again plunged into material poverty and a moral nothingness, receiving often external control.
  This situation means a temporary drop in the level of the collectivist highest consciousness, which causes a certain confusion of the elite and falling of the population into a stupor. The dissatisfaction of the lowest consciousness with a situation again can save this position, inasmuch it instinctively feels threat of death of community. The collectivist lowest consciousness influences the population, mobilizing from all its mass of the most active members who change unusable elite and try to redeem situation. It has success not always, but even at external management at sufficient unity of the population, high culture, invariable customs, i.e. in case of not fatal falling of level of the highest consciousness, there is high probability of exit of a community on central way of development up to new cataclysms of this kind.
  Especially brightly and pure this process of the development of community is illustrated by history of China which lasts nearly four thousand years.
  Similar processes went as well in Western Europe after disintegration of the Roman Empire: this is just the case when disintegration of the state is confused with death of community, whereas the accumulated - high -level of the highest consciousness of all mass of the population of the Roman Empire (culture, traditions, communication language, laws, morals, ways of government, Christian religion) has allowed not only to preserve the empire in the East (Byzantium), but also under the flag of the Papacy of the Christian church in Rome has allowed practically to restore the empire in the west of Europe with a certain competition of the states therein, having formed eventually through one and a half thousand years the present single European community of states.
  In other words, the integral Western European community did not disappear anywhere, and after the periods of stagnation, wars, revolutions - various on terms, has come approximately to the same unity as in the Roman Empire, but, naturally, on higher technological and cultural basis, i.e. - at higher level of self-consciousness.
  Close to this was the process of transformation of Byzantium: it as if has moved in its collectivist self-consciousness into collectivist self-consciousness of the Orthodox state of Russians, whose community is still developing. This example shows not paramount importance of the territory to the integrity and development of the community, but demonstrates the prevalence of such elements of self- consciousness of the community as culture, the foundations of language, laws, ethical norms, ways of management, communication through religion, etc.
  Below are examples that illustrate the life cycle of some communities, which is different essentially from the four-phase ethnogeny proposed by Gumilev.
  In turn, these examples, disproving the concept of passionarity of Gumilev [1], do not contradict the concept of development of the integral communities, offered by us on the basis of such source of development as the dissatisfaction of consciousness in both of its guises.
  By itself, the historical course of development of the Chinese community as the most ancient of all current holistic communities for nearly four thousand years, if to determine all tipping point of this development, i.e. - the positions of the cardinal changes in society right up to replacement of the entire ruling elite, shows multiple of alternating relatively short periods of the catastrophic events of various type (crash of empires, coups, invasions with seizure of power by nomads, etc.) and rather long eras of gradual transfiguration of community which has not disappeared for four thousand years, having kept the bases of self-consciousness, external appearance of the residents, the territory.
  In the second millennium (around the 17th century BC, in the territory of modern China in Henan, in the middle reaches of the Yellow River, as a result of association of tribes, a community called Shang with large settlements and monumental buildings was formed, and Chinese of that time had already begun using hieroglyphics.
  The ruler was simultaneously a military leader, supreme priest and organizer of the economy.
  The main occupation in the community was agriculture. Of great importance was also cattle breeding. The community members and the permanent employees, close in status to slaves, worked in the fields. The slaves were being delivered by the continuous wars with neighbors, but the most part of slaves was being exterminated or sacrificed. Success in wars of the community Shang (dynasty) with the population of Yin, which led to occupation of several neighboring territories, can be explained with presence of professional army with the fighting chariots at the community.
  The community (the monarchy) Shang existed until XI century BC, and it was defeated in an unsuccessful war with the western tribe Zhou. The source of such significant change in relations after the long reign of Shang in this case was substantially the conservation of the collectivist self-consciousness the community Shang in comparison with rise up to the higher level of the highest consciousness of neighbor in the face the Zhou people, what is consistent with their higher organization, technologies, and at the same time - the aspiration of the Zhou people to occupy a better place for own existence, in what the dissatisfaction of their lowest consciousness clearly is traced.
  The community Zhou, which basis was consisted by the population Yin, has existed till the 3rd century BC. Its territory extended, and mastering of new lands led to mixing of the population from different areas, creating thereby a prototype of the present Chinese.
  In the 5th century BC, the epoch of bronze is replaced by the iron age, tools are being improved, the area of new land is growing, new irrigation facilities are being built, fertilizers are beginning to be applied, the division of labor and economic specialization of the districts are being enhanced, the quality of armaments is changing, and crafts are developing.
  In connection with this, trade is expanding, and accordingly - the role of merchants and moneylenders increase.
  Organizational and technological development coexists with the cultural: the main philosophical schools of China are formed - Confucianism (VI-V centuries BC), Moism (V century BC), Taoism (IV century BC).
  Over time, the power of the central ruler Zhou weakened, and the power of the princes from the provinces strengthened.
  Wars between rival principalities prevented the growth of trade. The unification of the country was also demanded by the threat from the nomadic Huns.
  By IV century BC especially amplified the Western principality of Qing, which expanded its territory to the south and east.
  In this already the Qing kingdom in IV BC reforms were carried out which significantly undermined the foundations of the patriarchal family and the rural community: the fragmentation of large families was encouraged, as and - the division of their property, besides, the purchase and sale of communal plots were allowed. Taxation sharply increased.
  As a result, the army was reorganized, and the bronze weapons were replaced with iron, the war chariots were replaced by the more maneuverable cavalry.
  By the middle of the 3rd century BC, the Qing kingdom has defeated all rivals, and the supreme power passed from Zhou to Qing in the face of the new emperor (huangdi) Qing Shi Huangdi (the first Qing emperor).
  Thus, Zhou's kingdom was defeated by a competitor with a higher level of self-awareness. The social and technological innovations mentioned above corresponded this level of self-awareness.
  Emperor Qing Shi Huangdi conducted a series of successful wars, in particular, with the Huns, began the construction of the Great Wall of China, having pushed aside for limits of the Great Wall of Huns, removed the old nobility from power, and his officials were set at the head of the provinces.
  However, the land owners have been impoverished by the gradually rising costs on the army, the bureaucratic apparatus.
  Cruelty of these measures has caused discontent of impoverished community members, as well as the nobility, removed from the governing of the country.
  To this was added discontent with the barracks discipline, cruel punishments of the guilty, executions of Confucians who have opposed the oppression created.
  Immediately after the death of Qing Shi Huangdi (end of III century BC), a mass uprising of the land owners began, to which the slaves also joined.
  The most successful of the leaders of the uprising - the rural head Liu Bang - in 207 BC overthrew the last representative of the Qing dynasty, and the following year proclaimed himself Emperor, having founded a new dynasty Hang (the Old Hang Dynasty).
  In this case, the accumulated dissatisfaction of the lowest consciousness of all strata of the masses, which found themselves in a desperate situation being destroyed physically due to the brutal actions of the ruling bureaucracy with an extremely low level of the highest consciousness, was the main source of cardinal changes in relations in Chinese community of that time.
  The beginning of government of the Hang dynasty has been characterized by reforms in favor of community members for whom the land tax was lowered. Mass executions were stopped. To power began to attract individual representatives of the hereditary aristocracy, whereas dealers and moneylenders began to be taxed with ruinous taxes.
  Cruel norms and inhuman practice Qing Shi Huangdi were replaced with Confucianism relying on traditions. This ideology has survived until now.
  Successful wars significantly increased the territory of China.
  However, aggressive policy required enormous resources. Taxes began to be collected even from children and old people, and prices grew. Population towards the end of I century BC more and more convinced of the inability of the bureaucracy to change the situation for the better.
  General discontent caused the revolt in several provinces.
  The rebels dyed their eyebrows in red as a distinctive sign (the "Red Eyebrows" revolt). They captured the capital, killed the emperor-usurper, who removed from the power of the heirs of the Hang dynasty, and in 25 AD to power came again representatives of the Han dynasty (the Junior Hang dynasty).
  This turning point in the history of China is the manifestation of high degree of dissatisfaction of the lowest consciousness of the masses as the main source of the change in relations in the community due to the practical extermination by the ruling elite of the working population, and, at the same time, is the manifestation of the lowered level of the highest consciousness of the imperious elite.
  To prevent such insurrections in the future, a reform has been carried on release a part of the slaves, it was forbidden to brand and kill them. In part, this kind of liberalism was caused by new inventions: a water mill, a water-lifting pump, blowing forging bellows. A number of improvements have also been made in agriculture.
  The seizure of territories, the wars were quite successful, but the main goal - the establishment of direct contact with the Roman Empire due to the counteraction of Parthians could not be achieved.
  As a result, the crisis of the commodity-money system broke out, as well as - occurred the naturalization of the economy.
  The result was the ruin of the people masses - the population began to decline. All this, as well as the invasions of the barbarian tribes, caused a wide uprising of "the yellow bandages", lasting about 20 years (the end of the 2nd century AD), also the strife among the slaveholders began, the Huns came from the north.
  The consequence of these events was the collapse of the Han Empire into three states in 220 AD.
   The source of this turning in development of the Chinese community is simultaneously the manifestation of the accumulated dissatisfaction of the lowest consciousness of masses, which was expressed in the revolt of "yellow bandages" and also - lowering of the level of the highest consciousness of the imperious elite (the internecine strife).
  Besides, on these manifestations of the consciousness of the Chinese community happened the overlay of the dissatisfaction of the lowest consciousness of Huns who wanted long ago, but so far unsuccessful, to move to more favorable conditions for existence at the expense of strangers (Chinese).
  As some results of approximately two-thousand-year existence of community of Chinese one can note obvious progress, but not stagnation in its existence, despite all cataclysms.
  Technological progress was seen in the replacement of bronze tools and weapons with iron ones. Besides, mills, pumps, new technologies for agricultural production appeared, as well as a compass, seismograph, gunpowder, paper, silk manufacturing technology, multitier buildings have been invented.
  Tribal relations were replaced by a strictly hierarchical stratum state, in which, in accordance with the teachings of Confucius, the priority of patriarchal traditions and the inviolability of social principles were defended, that was beneficial to the elite of society.
  As for the community's self-consciousness, then the system of communication with the help of hieroglyphs was improved greatly their number increased to 18 thousand. Along with the cult of ancestors, became widespread Confucianism, Taoism in China, having formed largely Chinese specialness, as well as Buddhism, which has penetrated from India. The number of carriers of high standard of knowledge has increased significantly due to the development of irrigation and construction.
  After 220 AD long and fierce struggle began for power over China between three of its provinces (the Three Kingdoms period) which came to the end with foundation of the state Jing (226-420 AD).
  However, wave-like invasions of nomad tribes from the North and occupation of all northern provinces of China by them, forced elite of society (about one million people) to run to the Southern China.
  During this period of instability, the life of the Chinese became barbarous with rampant cruelty and murders. Nevertheless, the Chinese culture, influencing the invaders, was leading them to absorption by the Chinese community. Chinese also have assimilated the local residents of southern China: the decline of the Chinese community after 220 AD was replaced by the ascent. Partly, the barbarous North united with the colonized South of the country under control of new Sui dynasty (581-618 AD).
  Thus, between the two turning points of the development of China - 220 AD and 581 AD - after the decline follows the ascent, i.e., the dissatisfaction of the lowest consciousness of the population, provoking the outburst of passions, rebellions and decay, has been replaced by constructive actions of the highest consciousness mainly of new ruling elite of community, whose attention was largely being directed already to restore the economy.
  During the reign of the Sui dynasty, a canal was being built between the Yangtze and the Yellow River, the sections of the Great Wall of China were being restored. But these enterprises require to increase the taxes. Population as a result does not withstand the burdens and raises the uprising. This means that new accumulation of dissatisfaction of the lowest consciousness by the population due to the hardships, that have come again, required a certain solution.
  And it has come in the form of the replace of dynasties (ruling elite).
  To power has come the Tang dynasty in 618 AD who ruled till 907 AD.
  The country has come to the order: agriculture, Handicrafts, artisanal production, metallurgy and shipbuilding gained further development.
  An intensive construction of roads between provinces began, a progressive legal system has been formed, economic and cultural ties have been established with Japan, Persia, Korea, India, Arabia, etc., the size of cities and population increased, the territory expanded, again began to operate the Great Silk Road.
  However, during the last 100 years of the reign of the Tang dynasty, conflicts begin to occur between the central authority and the governors in the provinces of China. Internecine wars begin, and only in 960 AD the central power is restored within the frame of the new empire Sung (960-1279 AD).
  Thus, between two turning points of development of China - 618 AD and 960 AD - after the rise, having lasted during 200 years, has come the decline, i.e. the constructive dissatisfaction of the highest consciousness of the population has been replaced by the accruing destructive action of the lowest consciousness mainly of the ruling elite, having inspired internecine wars.
  The period of government of the Sung dynasty was characteristic by the easing of military power of China that entailed the occupation of northern provinces by barbarians, but it did not interfere with the general economic and cultural blossoming of China up to the 12th century AD: the book printing was being spread, new varieties of plants were being hatched, the technology of making porcelain, silk and varnish products was being improved.
  It is possible therefore to state the rise of self-consciousness of the population during this period. At this, the self-consciousness looks for a support not in military technologies, and in innovations in the field of culture and art softening mores and strengthening altruistic moods owing to what, perhaps, Chinese lost the former military ardor, and became with smaller eagerness to destroy nomads, preferring to live with them in the world at the expense of some concessions.
  That is, the period between the two turning points of China's development - 960 AD and 1279 AD (at this year China fell under the power of the Mongols) - can be marked in general by a rise in the level of the higher consciousness of the population.
  At the beginning of the 13th century invasion of the united Mongolian tribes began eastward, westward and again eastward - into China. By 1280 Sung empire fell, and China came under the rule of Mongols, having become part of their empire.
  The development of the country has been stopped, the economy has been undermined, part of the population has been enslaved.
  Such decline caused a gradual accumulation of dissatisfaction of the lowest consciousness of the entire population by its disastrous existence, and the population of China has revolted in the middle of the 14th century AD.
  In 1368 Mongols were expelled, and the son of the peasant Zhu Yuanzhang has taken power, having founded empire Ming.
  China returned part of northern territories, organized a number of sea expeditions, came into contacts with European civilization. Thus, this process can be considered the rise period.
  However, to the middle of the 17th century AD the united Manchurians attacked China in which meanwhile a peasant uprising was erupted.
  As a result, in 1645 China has lost the sovereignty and became by the part of the Manchurian empire of Qing (1645-1911).
  Unlike Mongols, Manchurians quickly came under the influence of Chinese culture, the emperors became Buddhists or Confucians.
  China began to develop rapidly, its population increased fivefold by the mid-nineteenth century AD up to 300 million people. Geographically, the Empire was expanded, capturing the part of Central Asia.
  However, in the XIX century AD began the importation of opium into China by Europeans, and accordingly - the Opium Wars, which have led to the defeat of the Qing Empire and the transformation of China into a semi-colony of Europeans.
  The second half of the 19th century was taking place in China under the sign of the extensive revolts of the population, in which several tens of millions of people died, but the power elite of China has survived with the help of European powers. Some reforms were undertaken.
  As a result of several wars Japan gained control over Manchuria and Korea.
  All these cataclysms brought the population to a state of extreme irritation, in other words, "the cup" of the lowest consciousness of the population was overfilled. In 1911 the uprising began, the Qing Empire ceased to exist. The Republic of China was proclaimed.
  Nevertheless, until 1926 in China, the unrest continued, resulting in a military coup Chiang Kaishek. However, the pacification did not occur, and disorders in China did not stop, at this, in 1931 began the war with Japan, which occupied Manchuria. The Chinese communists and their supporters have entered the struggle. The troops of Kuomintang, exhausted by the struggle against Japan, by 1949 were defeated by communists and receded to Taiwan. The turbulent period of existence for Chinese ended.
  Under the leadership of Communists, the People's Republic of China was established. There came the era of action of dissatisfaction of the highest consciousness of the new power elite of China, which, after some digressions, has led the Chinese community to a high level of technological development and the rise of the culture of the whole population. In general, motion of the Chinese community after 1949 can be considered as an upward.
  Thus, the life cycle of the Chinese community includes 13 turning (critical) points, between which the periods of evolutionary development of the community occur, however the Chinese community and after nearly four thousand years of development has retained its integrity (self-consciousness) and continues to move forward.
  The first critical point (XI century BC) marks the turning in the development of the initial Chinese community. The kingdom of Shang, which existed for about six centuries (from XVII century BC), was defeated by troops of Zhou province, which surpassed the kingdom of Shang in the military attitude.
  The replace of the power elite has led to economic and cultural growth, which has been changed through a few several centuries on decline in connection with the weakening of central power.
  The wars of the feudal princes began, culminating in the fall of Zhou in the middle of the third century BC under the onslaught of Qin Province (the duration of the time period between the two first turning points is about seven hundred centuries).
  Thus, the second point of the fracture (the middle of the 3rd century BC) marks the change of the ruling elite- the Zhou dynasty by the Qin dynasty. The initial result of replacing the power elite was a period of successful military action by the Chinese for several decades - the rise that relatively quickly was being replaced by the decline, so how wars ravaged the population and led it to revolt at the end of III century BC, which is the 3rd turning point (the duration of the period between the second and third turning points is 50 years).
  The third turning point in the development of China on the time axis (207 BC) shows an interesting phenomenon - the transformation of the village chief into the emperor, who founded the new Hang dynasty. Favorable for the population reforms led to a cultural and economic recovery, but this rise, like before, was being replaced by a recession due to growth of taxes and prices. This growth was necessary for waging the aggressive wars, unleashed by the ruling elite of China. The decline in the standard of living has initiated the excitation of the lowest consciousness of the whole population, that was expressed in general uprising, ended in 25 AD by the overthrow of the Hang dynasty, which is the 4rd turning point (the duration of the evolutionary period of the development between the third and fourth turning points is about 200 years).
  The fourth turning point of the events in the history of China (25 AD) formally indicates the replacement of one dynasty by another, but, in fact, shows the satisfaction of the demand of the people to replace the power elite. As before, the new power began to carry out the reforms, favorable for the population, but after a while it has involved the community into wars to seize territories, which have led the country to a crisis, and the population to impoverishment. The situation has been aggravated by the invasion of Huns. A large uprising of the population caused i the disintegration of the empire onto three states in 220 AD which is the 5rd turning point. The period of the evolutionary development of the Chinese community between the 4th and 5th turning points also looks like the changeover from the initial rise by the decline (the evolutionary period of development between the fourth and fifth turning points is about 200 years).
  The fifth turning point, indicating the coming to power of the new elite, denotes the foundation of the state of Jing (226-420 AD). The invasion of nomadic tribes and the seizure of Chinese territories by them have led Chinese community to the prolonged decline.
  The community has come to life only after the assimilation of the most of the nomads - by the 6th century AD, when thanks to a certain rise the barbarous North has been united with the colonized South of the country yoke under control of the new Sui dynasty, governing from 581 to 618 AD, that clearly represents the next - the 6th - turning point in development of community (the time interval between the fifth and sixth turning points makes more than three centuries).
  Thus, the sixth turning point can be designated the coming to power of a new elite in the person of the Sui dynasty (581 AD). As it was before, the initial actions of the new power elite were aimed at restoring the economy. However, this rise is rapidly coming to the end, inasmuch the recovery of economic potential has required significant funds, which had nowhere to take, except for the population. The angry population has revolted. The power elite was overthrown, and the new one was replacing it - in the form of the Tang dynasty, which ruled from 618 to 907 AD, that represents the 7th turning point (the time interval between the sixth and seventh turning points is less than 50 years).
  The seventh turning point (618 AD) marks the replacement of the former imperious elite by the ruling elite of the Tang dynasty. This power elite began to carry out reforms in all branches of the economy, as well as in the field of law. Nevertheless, the rise and development, which continued 200 years of reign of the Tang dynasty, are replaced by the decline - the conflicts begin to occur between the central authority and the governors in the provinces of China.
  Internecine wars have ended only in the middle of the 10th century AD and the central power was restored in the frame the new empire Sung, who ruled from 960 to 1279 AD - the 8th turning point (the time interval between the seventh and eighth turning points is more than three centuries).
  The eighth turning point in the development of the Chinese community means the replacement of the power elite of China (the Sung Empire has come to the place of the Tang Empire). In general, the era of the Sung Empire as an interval of evolutionary development can be characterized by a significant increase in the level of self-consciousness of the entire population, which has been reflected in the cultural flowering of China. This favorable time for the development of the Chinese community was interrupted by the invasion of Mongols and the loss of statehood by China (1280 AD) - the 9th turning point (the time interval between the eighth and ninth turning points is about three centuries).
  The ninth turning point is the conquest of China by Mongols. The invasion of the Mongols and the inclusion of China in their empire have led the Chinese community to long-term decline, inasmuch economy was destroyed, and the large part of the population was enslaved. Less than a hundred years was required for the accumulation of dissatisfaction of the lowest consciousness of the entire population to the extreme by its disastrous existence.
  This extreme dissatisfaction could not but lead to a general revolt against enslavers and to release of the country from their power (1368) - the 10th turning point (the time interval between the ninth and tenth turning points makes about 90 years).
  Thereby the tenth turning point in the development of the Chinese community marks the restoration of sovereignty of China after the revolt and exile of Mongols in the middle of the 14th century AD.
  The new Ming empire in the person of its power elite has being restored the economy, has being carried out a number of other progressive measures, but, closer to the XVII century AD its oppression was increasing. The population has rebelled. Along with that China has been captured by the Manchus (1645 AD) - the 11th turning point. The time interval between the tenth and eleventh turning points is about three centuries.
  The eleventh turning point is the capture of China by the Manchus in 1645 AD. China has become by the part of the Manchu empire Qing. The Manchus quickly came under the rule of Chinese culture, and the Chinese community was further developed.
  However, in XIX century began the importation of opium into China by Europeans, and accordingly - the Opium Wars, which led to the defeat of the Qing Empire and the transformation of China into the semi-colony of Europeans.
  The population of China has come to a state of extreme irritation, the revolts began, and in 1911 the Qing Empire ceased to exist. The Republic of China was proclaimed - the 12th turning point. The time interval between the eleventh and twelfth turning points is about three centuries.
  The twelfth point of the turn in 1911 denotes the replacement of the imperial power elite by the republican one. The development of the Chinese community in the conditions of republican rule long could not begin owing to the struggle of various groups, in which the war of China with Japan, as well and World War II has interfered. The struggle of two main groups - Chiang Kai-shek and communists - were won by the last (1949) - the 13th turning point. The time interval between the twelfth and thirteenth turning points makes less than 50 years.
  The thirteenth turning point in 1949 has marked the victory in the civil war of the Communists. The gradual technological and cultural revival of the Chinese community began, which continues to this day.
  This consideration of the history of the Chinese community for almost four thousand years shows that the integral communities develop discretely: evolutionary periods averaging several hundred years for China alternate with the turning events during which the imperious elite is changing, and respectively, the policy and the economic relations are changing in a varying degree. The periods between the turning points can significantly differ: to contain only one phase of rise, which can be interrupted by the turning in the form of external influence; the phase of rise can pass into the phase of the smooth motion (without substantial changes), which inevitably goes over into the phase of decline if it is not interrupted by external influence; the rise phase can also quickly pass into the decline phase in case of incorrect actions of imperious elite or external influence.
  Besides, as the history of the Chinese community shows, the turning (critical) points in development not always lead to rise, process of decay can last for a long time - until a new critical (turning) point, but only in case of a sufficient reserve of the collectivist self-consciousness of community which completely breaks up at its absence as it happened, for example, to the Assyrian community, unlike the Chinese or Jewish communities.
  For the Chinese community, the frequency of the turning positions (13) in the development of the community (XVII century BC - XXI century AD) is on average one turning point on 250 years for almost four thousand years, and the periods of evolutionary development between the turning points vary from 50 to 700 years.
  The Spanish Christian community was being formed from the 8th century AD in the fight against Arabs, more precisely, the Moors-Muslims, and by the 11th century AD in the north-west of the Iberian Peninsula four states emerged: Aragon, Leon, Navarre and Catalonia. In 914 AD the new kingdom Asturias included Leon, part of Portugal and part of Galicia, having formed, although divided, but still own power ruling elite of the state formed.
  The peasants and townspeople who fought alongside the knights with the Moors did not fall into serfdom. On the contrary, they received the great benefits: the peasants have been forming the free communities, and the townspeople enjoyed greater rights than the townspeople of other European countries. In the struggle against Muslims, the self-consciousness of Spaniards developed and became stronger, so how the war for the return of the lands of the ancestors has been consolidating the Spaniards, causing the emergence of such traits as valor, honor, perseverance in achieving the set goals, adherence to ancient traditions based on the Christian faith as opposed to Muslim customs and mores.
  With formation of Christian states in Spain and the weakening of Moorish rule for internal reasons, the return of the territory continued with success, and by the end of the 13th century the entire peninsula, except for the Granada Emirate, had been conquered by Spaniards-Christians. During the entire period from the beginning of Reconquista before its actual end continued strengthening of the of such quality of self-consciousness of Spaniards, how exactly Christian peculiarity as opposed to Conquerors-Muslim. Both new created kingdoms - Aragon and Castile - developed the specific statehood, which basis was the protection of trade and industry by laws.
  Both kingdoms were being united in the single kingdom of Spain to the end of XV century. The renewed power elite began with even greater zeal to strengthen the Catholic Church: Inquisition was introduced, persecution of Jews and Muslims began. At the same time, the power of the king was being strengthened, sciences and arts became more encouraged. America was discovered, and its absorption by the Spaniards began. Expansion of strong Spanish army extended also to Europe: Naples was conquered, Navarre was annexed, in 1519 the Spanish king was elected as the German emperor. At the end of the 16th century Spain expanded colonies in South and Central America, seized Portugal (1580), having become thereby the world power.
  This interval of the development of the Spanish community is characterized by the continuation of both the civilizational upsurge and the rise of the collectivist self-consciousness of Spaniards, who became to feel themselves to be world leaders.
  However, at the end of this period of development of the Spanish community (middle of the 16th century), the economic recession begins. It was caused by the costs of continuous wars and corresponding increase in taxes, despite the robbery of the countries of America.
  The regress of community was influenced in general by decomposition of the nobility (imperious elite) at the expense of the American gold, and respectively - the worsened quality of governance of the country as well as the weakening of the army.
  By the beginning of the 18th century the country has become the bankrupt because of the theft of officials and enormous expenses on the army. The revolts in the provinces began. Catalonia and Portugal separated from Spain. Spain also recognized independence of Netherlands. By the middle of XVIII century, the country has fell into decay, and after the death of the childless king of Spain, the war of several European states began for the placing on the throne of Spain of own protege. France has won, and Bourbons were on the throne of Spain. The power elite completely changed. Progressive reforms became to be carried out, in particular, the state apparatus was improved, the taxation was centralized, the colonial commerce, production of manufactory began to develop.
  However, at the end of the 18th century, during the reign of the weak King Charles IV, the war broke out with the revolutionary France. After the defeat of Spain, the country was forced to become the ally of France. Wars for other people's interests caused the uprising against the king's favorite. As a result, the crown was transferred to Napoleon's brother. This event caused outrage among the people. The guerrilla war began for the expulsion of French invaders. All these events of the Napoleonic period were caused mainly by the lowest consciousness of the masses of Spain, which always defends its own inhabited territory.
  After the defeat of the French troops, the power of the Bourbons was restored.
  However, the order in the country was being restored badly due to the weakness of the administration apparatus headed by the king. The decline of Spain caused excitement both in the country itself and in its American colonies, which declared themselves independent.
  As a result, in 1820, a provisional government was created in Spain, a more progressive constitution was proclaimed. Nevertheless, with the help of the French troops the absolute power was returned to the king.
  In Spain, for several decades, continued fermentation, repeated change of the managerial apparatus until the proclamation of the republic, which, however, has existed not for long - the throne again returned to the Bourbons (1874).
  Since this time, the rise has begun: the centralized administration of the country was restored, the financial system was put in the order, universal suffrage was introduced, industry and trade began to develop.
  For the years of the First World War the economy of Spain was shaken, at this, the spread of ideas of socialism led to unrest.
  As a result, in 1931 the monarchy was overthrown, but disagreements in Spanish society led to civil war, which culminated in the victory of the conservative military forces (1939).
  The modernization of the country, the development of industry and tourism began.
  In 1976, the royal power was restored. Democratic reforms were begun, which continue to this day.
  Let's designate the life cycle of the Spanish community according to the turning (critical) points.
  The first turning point (the 11th century AD) designates the cardinal change in development of the community in the form of formation on the peninsula of the Christian states as a counterweight to expansion of Moors that occurred by results of partially won the battles with Moors. It follows from this that in the Spanish community, since the invasion of Moors, the gradual rise of dissatisfaction of the lowest consciousness began, inasmuch it could not reconcile to loss of own territory. This rise - according to excitation of the collectivist lowest consciousness of community - continued till the 14th century, and, in process of increase in the freed territory, the highest consciousness has become to accompany the impact of the lowest consciousness on the behavior of the community, that were being reflected in the development of its specific statehood, which basis was the protection of trade and industry by the laws.
  The second turning point (the end of the 15th century) testifies to the emergence of a new power elite as a result of the unification of both kingdoms of Spain. Its actions have prolonged the rise of the country (the interval between the first and second turning points is about four centuries).
  In the 16th century Spain had become the world power. Practically, until that time, the self-awareness of the Spanish community continued to rise, inasmuch the community has felt itself by the world leaders.
  However, already in this century a tendency to lowering of the level of the highest consciousness of the imperious elite owing to its decomposition by American gold was being manifested.
  In connection with the decomposition of the elite, the economic recession began - the third turning point (the middle of the 16th century). This decline was promoted by the participation of Spain in continuous wars with the corresponding expenses on them, that required raising taxes. The amplified embezzlement of public funds by officials was added to this. The time interval between the second and third turning points makes about century.
  At the beginning of the 18th century the country becomes bankrupt.
  As a result, the power elite has come to complete degradation by the middle of XVIII century.
  The fourth turning point (the middle of the 18th century) designates external impact on the Spanish community as a result of which there was a change of the imperious elite (the time interval between the third and fourth points of a change makes about two centuries).
  The replacement of the ruling elite has led to the rise of the country, but it did not last long - in the end of XVIII century, Spain was defeated in the war and became the satellite of France.
  The fifth turning point characterizes the change in the power elite of the Spanish community at the end of the XVIII century (the time interval between the fourth and fifth turning points is about 50 years).
  From that time in the country the decline began. The people rose against French aggressors. They were driven out. Bourbons returned to the power, but the order in the country was not restored. Unrest continued in the country, there was a frequent change of the ruling regimes. Finally, in 1874. Bourbons returned to power again - the 6th turning point. The period between the fifth and sixth points of the crisis is characterized by a high level of the lowest consciousness of the population, that contributed to the liberation of the country, and a low level of self-awareness of the ruling classes fighting for power (the time interval between the fifth and sixth turning points is about century).
  The sixth turning point reflects the beginning of raising of the country after coming to power of Bourbons (1874). Economic and public rise continued before World War I. The decline began after World War. The decline culminated in the overthrow of the monarchy, the civil war and the coming to power of conservative forces in 1939 - the 7th turning point.
  The seventh point of the turning point (1939) testifies to the coming to power of a new conservative elite, nevertheless, gradually deployed the modernization of the country. The time interval between the sixth and seventh turning points is somewhat less than a century).
  As a result of the actions of the conservative power elite, the situation of the population improved, and in 1976 the ruling regime voluntarily restored the monarchy in Spain, thereby having delegated power to other, more democratic structures. The emergence of a new power elite in Spain under the auspices of a constitutional monarchy testifies about the turning in development of community of Spaniards which happened in 1976 - the eighth turning point. The constitutional monarchy organized democratic reforms, which continue with varying success so far (the time interval between the seventh and the eighth turning points is somewhat less than 50 years).
  Thus, the life cycle of the Spanish community, which lasted from VIII century AD and has not ended to this day (thirteen centuries), includes 8 turning points, between which periods of evolutionary development of the Spanish community are situated. These periods contain mainly phases of the rise or decline, as well as a combination of the rise and decline.
  For the Spanish community, the frequency of the turning points in the development of the community is, on average, one turning point on 150 years at distance 1300 years, and periods of evolutionary development range from 50 to 400 years.
  Such dynamics of development of communities is typical not only for those communities that, as Chinese or Spanish, exist in development, respectively, almost four thousand years and almost fifteen hundred years, but similar dynamics in the development of communities characterizes and already the disappeared communities (the reasons of their disintegration have been mentioned above).
  The Assyrian community directly belongs to the vanished communities. The Assyrian community had been appeared at the beginning of the II millennium BC, and it had disappeared at the end of the 7th century BC.
  The city-state of Ashur could be attributed to small trading states in the beginning of II millennium BC, in which merchants played a leading role, the state was not far off the trade routes. It was not independent, being under the domination of the larger states of the region.
  Trade successes depended to a large extent on amplification of contacts with neighbors, and the easiest way to achieve this amplification could be achieved by military means. Therefore, the power elite of Ashur made repeated attempts at a policy of conquest for several hundred years, but at the end of the 16th century BC Ashur was defeated by the then powerful state of Mitania, and the country found itself in a period of the deep decline.
  As a result of this, in the community from 15th century BC has been increasing by the discontent with the imperious elite, presented generally by merchants and has been arising an aspiration to replace the merchants with military.
  Merchants in the power were replaced by the military nobility headed by the tsar in the middle of the 14th century BC. These events and weakening of Mitania - Assyria were under its power - resulted in military achievements in the form of occupation of the neighboring territories.
  Development of this policy has given the opportunity to deploy a large-scale military action. In the middle of XIII century BC Assyrians have been robbing the Central regions of Babylonia, in XII century BC - have reached the shores of the Black and Mediterranean seas.
  However, the Aramean invasion put an end to the military expansion of Assyria, and from XI century BC up to the end of X century BC Assyria again has come in a deep decline: cities were empty and the population has been fleeing to the mountains.
  Due to the fact that Arameans were unable to create the large and powerful state, Assyrians at the end of the 10th century BC, rebuilt their military organization and carried out series of progressive military reforms. As a result, during IX century BC. Assyria has conquered all Northern Mesopotamia and has advanced to the shores of the Mediterranean Sea.
  However, at the beginning of VIII century BC the troops of the neighboring state of Urartu have inflicted the strong defeat over Assyria, which has lost some of own territories. In connection with the onset of the social and economic crisis, the population's uprisings began.
  Discontent with the old nobility has led to the loss of power by it. New tsars in the second half of VIII century BC has carried out the major reforms, reorganized the army and began the new campaigns for the robbery and the seizure of territories.
  By the middle of VII century BC Assyria manages to capture Egypt and all Mesopotamia.
  The capture of countries with different populations, languages and customs made the Assyrian community unsustainable, the more that the position of the indigenous Assyrian population had deteriorated significantly: the rural communities had lost their independence, and the agrarians had come close to the situation of slaves, planted on the ground. This circumstance, as well as the debilitating wars, frequent uprisings in conquered countries has caused a crisis in the state.
  Attack at the end of VII century BC on Assyria by the strong enemies from the east and south has led to the complete defeat of its army, the capital was burned, resistance ceased, and the population gradually dissolved among the neighbors.
  From this brief description it can be seen that the life cycle of the Assyrian community includes 7 turning points, between which are periods of the evolutionary development of the Assyrian community. The last turning point fixes its end.
  The first turning point (the end of the 16th century BC) designates a change in development of community as a result of external influence (the defeat by other state), after which the decline period began, which lasted to the middle of the 14th century BC (about 150 years).
  The second turning point (the middle of the 14th century BC) designates the replacement of the imperious elite of merchants by the military elite because of inadequacy of the operating structures of the state, and, respectively, falling of welfare of the population. The source of this turning (critical) event is mainly dissatisfaction of the highest consciousness of the population as a whole by the action of the governing structures for the development of the state. The result of replacing the power elite is the period of the successful military expansion of Assyria up to the beginning of XI century BC (approximately 250 years).
  The third turning position (the beginning of the eleventh century BC) signifies the critical point in the development of the community as a result of external influence (the defeat of the state as a result of the invasion). The period of the decline lasted until the end of the 10th century BC (approximately 200 years).
  The fourth turning point (the end of the 10th century BC) marks the critical position in the development of the community in the form of restoring its own military organization and carrying out the military reforms, which guaranteed the military successes of Assyria until the beginning of VIII century BC (approximately 100 years).
  The fifth turning point (the beginning of VIII century BC) signifies a turning position in the development of the community as a result of external influence (the defeat by another state). The period of decline continued until the second half of VIII century BC (approximately 50 years).
  The sixth turning point (the second half of the 8th century BC) denotes the replacement of the power elite of the old nobility towards the new military elite because of the defeat in the war and the impoverishment of the population. The result of the replacement of the power elite was the period of the successful military expansion of Assyria until the end of the 7th century BC (approximately 150 years).
  The seventh turning point (the end of the 7th century BC) marks the final turning in the development of the community (complete defeat by other states). It is followed by the disintegration of the state and assimilation of the population of Assyria with the neighbors.
  For the Assyrian community, the frequency of the turning points - there are only seven of them - in the development of the community is an average of one turning point on 200 years in interval about 1300 years (since the beginning of II millennium BC and until the end of VII BC), and the periods of evolutionary development fluctuate from 50 to 250 years.
  Judging by the provided data from all three examples, they do not find the consent with the hypothesis of ethnogenesis offered by Gumilev, since these examples represent the development of integral communities in the form of the evolutionary periods of development from fifty to several hundred years. These periods can contain the phases - only rise, only decline, or the phases of rise and decline in different order as well as both specified phases together with a phase of smooth motion. At this, the evolutionary periods are sooner or later interspersed with the turning positions, in which happen a change of the settled way both for internal and external reasons changing the habitual course of events, directing the development of community along the new course, but, without bringing it to disintegration, i.e.- preserving the development vector on are long term for communities with rather high level of self-consciousness which has been not enough for the Assyrian community, unlike Chinese and Jewish.
  For illustration, we will give a graphic depiction of the location of the turning points in the process of the development of the communities of China, Spain and Assyria over the centuries.
  The presented examples clearly show that a smooth regular change in the ruling regime or dynasties (evolution) -without special excesses-occurs only up to a significant weakening of the central power or strengthening of oppression of the population, in particular, of the agrarians in China, who constituted and constitute the main part of the population of China. All this, in turn, gradually leads to increase of discontent of almost all segments of the population. Thereby the deep dissatisfaction of their collectivist lowest consciousness cannot but increase, being shown not under the influence of incomprehensible space radiation (growth of passionarity according to Gumilev), and for quite natural reasons: accumulation of discontent with constant poverty, hopelessness, hunger, executions, etc. up to such limit, after which a strong unrest begins, growing into an uprising of the population.
  As a result, there is a coup in the form of a replacement in power elite, relations in the community tend to be softened - usually it is promoted by carrying out the reforms, and arisen deadly antagonism of the people and power recedes on the background, giving way to development of a community.
  Judging by the examples given above, the development of a community after a similar turning (critical) position may start with some rise, after then the life cycle of a community may continue for some time in the form of smooth motion without special changes as though by inertia up to the beginning of decline, which is mostly being caused by "failure" actions of imperious elite, inasmuch a elite quickly forgets about the previous cataclysms, and begins to think only of itself, reinforcing the robbery of the population, unleashing wars with the neighbors, reducing all relationships only to bureaucratic, depriving the population the right to vote.
  As a result, there is an economic decline, a impoverishment of the population, a tougher of the police oppression, and the discontent of the people is growing again, up to the specified limit, after the transition through which, the ruling elite is overthrown, and again everything repeats itself with the gradual growth.
  In general, there is a gradual growth of level of economic, social and cultural development of a community which, that can last from ancient times up to now in the event of a steady increase in the level of highest consciousness, or ceases with the disappearance of the community in the event of a permanent domination of the lowest consciousness over the highest.
  The periods of rise and decline can change by places from one turning point to another on these or those - generally external - reasons, or, as it can be seen from the examples given, between the turning points there can only be a recession or only a rise, the causes of which can also be external.
  In connection with this, to the points - so to speak - of the natural turning that arise as a result of internal processes in the community, the external influences are often added, for example, the invasion of nomads, the catastrophic defeats in wars with the neighbors, the capture of the central power by foreigners, etc., or the external impacts on community can stimulate the long-accumulating discontent in the masses with events in the community.
  Be that as it may, if at the turning points, for the most part only accompanying the manifestation of the activity of the lowest consciousness, the activity of the highest consciousness in the form of increase in level of its dissatisfaction of the surroundings finds expression in more or less reasonable (project and plan) actions of groups of people (cliques, parties, opposition), then the dissatisfaction of the lowest consciousness of the population (passionarity according to Gumilev) finds expression only in the forms of rebellion - "senseless and merciless" - and in motion of large masses of people.
  Therefore, it is not very productive to look for the source of such, seemingly, spontaneous activity of the masses of people or, in general, all other living beings, in cosmic radiation, solar activity, and so on.
  The similar natural phenomena happen in the history quite often without serious consequences for people. Not these remote external phenomena move the masses of people, as well as - not the direct circumstances of natural origin (an adverse change of climate or landscape, the onslaught of rivals, wars, eruption of volcanoes, floods, plots, etc.): the rivals can withdraw or can be repulsed, floods or wars end, and the former life of the community continues without fundamental changes.
  Therefore, it is obvious, that very rare turning points in the history of any community are being caused by a gradual accumulation - occupying, as a rule, hundreds of years - of a kind of social stress: the true causes of this stress often remain hidden, and the external expression of these events manifests itself in some or other indignations, as a result of which the situation in the community changes cardinally - there is a change of the ruling elite, and not just a replacement of a ruler or a dynasty, reforms begin, new projects appear, etc.
  Therefore, the source of activity of both the masses and the individual should not be looked for outside - the community or person is not a cobblestone, in order someone would move them arbitrarily, - the source of activity should be looked for inside, i.e. - in consciousness.
  The true source of the development of events lies in the dissatisfaction of consciousness with those - internal or external - factors that do not correspond to its sensations and perceptions about its own existence in the living being, which requires the resolution in the actions of this being by changing the conditions of its existence.
  These factors include those that directly and significantly affect a person or the masses of people, more precisely, significantly affects his or their consciousness, respectively. At this, self-consciousness is responsible for the planned and projected actions of a person in the environment and in society, and the lowest consciousness is mainly for the actions of a person or a group of people as an organism or organisms of the environment inside this environment.
  In particular, the well-known fact of the impossibility of the location of a community where almost everything is "eaten and drunk", and moving it to places where, presumably, it is possible to survive, finds an explanation in growth of the level of dissatisfaction of the lowest consciousness, caused mostly by a prolonged change in very specific circumstances of natural origin (the unfavorable climate changes or landscape changes , the onslaught of rivals, continuous wars, consequences of volcanic eruptions, floods, poor quality of management, etc.), but not in a one-time impact on the living beings of cosmic radiation.
  The accumulated dissatisfaction of the lowest consciousness under the influence of these or those adverse circumstances, being a true source of fundamental changes in the community, produces them only through their own carriers, when a certain limit of "patience" is reached, and in the quality of the "trigger" for these changes may be an insignificant event, for example, the bread shortage in Petrograd in February 1917, which formally led to the collapse of the monarchy in Russia.
  So it is senseless to look for an initial source of sudden turning (critical) events in community in concrete (single) natural circumstances, inasmuch without the corresponding response (reaction) to incoming into consciousness and accumulating in it information from the concrete phenomena, they are not recognized by the person (population) as fatal or turning (critical), i.e., by those, which are producing the menacing changes in community - a person (the population) accepts them as privates - the problem is being solved, and the life flows in the same order. This position is characteristic only of the evolutionary development of the community, which does not ruin down human lives in a multitude, as well as does not produce the fundamental changes in the community.
  The response (reaction) in the form of a significant outrage (disappearance of passivity of the population) occurs in the following cases: the gradual accumulation of discontent by the extreme aggravation of life in the community (tax increases, the growth of punishments, the total embezzlement of officials, the loss of control by the power elite, etc.); the external cataclysms: invasions, crop failures, the exhausting dragged-out wars; as well as - a combination of that and another.
  Thus, the essential (turning) response (reaction) is impossible without the corresponding overflow of consciousness by dissatisfaction of the lowest consciousness, that causes the instinctive actions of the masses of people, which can be supported by the opposition, if any, and some groups of people and individuals can use this mass discontent for own purposes (Napoleon, Lenin).
  The examples given above show also that over time in case of growth of the self-consciousness of the population and, accordingly, - the growth of the self-consciousness of the intellectual elite, the last, in the face of informal opposition, increasingly takes part in instinctive actions of masses in turning (critical) points, and in case of essential compromises between the operating elite and informal intellectual elite process of community development can be smoother - without cataclysms and even without sharp changes. The last, in particular, has occurred in Western Europe after World War II.
  In conclusion, one may say, that from the given examples, which can be more, in the developing integral (holistic) community one can see not Gumilev's four-phase ethnogenesis, which is coming to the end, according to his opinion, through 1200-1500 thousand years by disintegration of a community (ethnos), but - the intermittent (13 critical points for China) and, in general, progressive motion of a community, reaching many thousands of years (China).
  The community, in this life cycle, which is divided by turning (critical) - relatively short-term - periods, can disintegrate completely in one of them (a low level of collectivist self-consciousness), but, for the most part, during these turning periods it is being changed radically the political and economic control system along with replacement of the ruling elite. Successful replacement leads to a long rise; an unsuccessful or equivalent replacement of the elite - leads either to death in the form of the absorption of the community by the neighboring communities, or, in the case of a high level of self-consciousness (the Chinese or Jewish community), a decline lasts up to the next turning position and - to possible subsequent exit on rise, which provokes again after a certain time the decline, leading to a turning point in the development of the community, etc.
  Between the turning points, along with the phases of ascent and decay, there may - but not necessarily - be relatively long periods of smooth (evolutionary) development of the community.
  Thus, the development of a community is intermittent, but on the whole it is progressive, judging from the data of technological and cultural growth presented above, except for cases of stopping the growth of the community's self-consciousness for one reason or another, for example, by those, that manifested itself in the history of the Assyrian community, which focused on the use of force without the integrative cultural upsurge of the collectivist self-consciousness of the heterogeneous population, leading to the complete collapse of the community when this force disappeared.
  As we have showed, a source of development of a community is manifestation of dissatisfaction of collectivist consciousness of two types - the lowest consciousness and the highest consciousness.
  From this position the development of community can also be presented as low-frequency - several times during one thousand years - manifestation of dissatisfaction of consciousness, uneven on time, in the form of short-term surges in dissatisfaction of the lowest consciousness of the population (not always, but often these surges of dissatisfaction of the lowest consciousness are combined with surge of dissatisfaction of the highest consciousness of intellectual informal opposition), directed against the actions of the imperious elite. The similar combination means that types of consciousness hostile each other merge in own manifestation because of coincidence of their interests under the threat of death or disintegration of a community.
  Between these surges of activity on the time axis is manifested rather long (evolutionary) action of the imperious elite governing the community, for which the manifestation of the lowest consciousness is typical, so how any power elite is focused mainly on own interests. However, the ruling elite is forced to combine own interests with survival of community, i.e. - with its development and integrity (resistance to disintegration and invasions) that more corresponds to a sphere of the highest consciousness.
  The informal intellectual opposition is trying to correct the egocentric behavior of the elite The basis of the actions of the informal intellectuals are the domination of self-consciousness for them, which pushes aside the lowest consciousness to the background.
  The productivity of manifestation of dissatisfaction of the highest consciousness of the ruling elite and the informal intellectuals, and counteraction to this manifestation of the dissatisfaction of the lowest consciousness of the ruling elite in the periods between the turning points is reflected on the pace and smoothness of the development of a holistic community.
  The long, fluctuating development of various communities provides in own framework to each person by an opportunity of the search of oneself, immersing his consciousness in the condition of dissatisfaction with itself, which is transformed into generating of ways of own change via impact on beingness, given its counteraction. A certain mindfulness of own actions distinguishes a person from all other beings, who do not comprehend themselves in beingness, and therefore are deprived of an opportunity consciously to look for and find themselves in the world. Therefore, only a person possesses of the highest degree of liberty in this world [2, Ch. 7].
  1. Гумилев Л. Н. Этногенез и биосфера Земли. СПб. Кристалл. 2001. ISBN 5-306-00157-2
  2. Nizovtsev Y. M. The person as the hologram. 2016. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru
  Chapter 11.
  A person in habitat.
  A person in his communities in his environment gets into new relationships in comparison with other living beings, which he somehow understands and even to a certain extent can manage them, changing them according to his own plans, depending on their relevance, expediency, as well as according to his own cleverness and mood. The influence he exerts on the environment, its reverse influence on him, is unparalleled. Therefore, he is interesting both in terms of the origins and consequences of its activity.
  If all ordinary living beings in own consciousness are inseparable with the environment, surrounding them, then each person, being, as well as they, in this environment together with them, separates oneself in own consciousness from the environment and other people.
  On this base he is already capable to interact on own understanding both with the environment, and with other people.
  Thereby, a person is into the relations, which are new in comparison with the remaining the living world. A person somehow understands these relations and even to a certain extent can manage them, changing them according to own plans depending on the relevance of their projects, the degree of importance of their own goals, the mood and ingenuity.
  The degree of understanding and ingenuity each person is different, the relationship between people as a result diverse. However, self-consciousness, which makes this being by a person, immediately draws his interested attention to the surrounding things and people with position of possession of them from a different angle compared to other living beings.
  This aspiration to a possession is distributed in mind of a personas follows.
  First, he strives for possession, which provides his personal survival, somehow: food, the dwelling, tools for getting of food, etc.
  Secondly, he strives for possession by the partner of an opposite sex for reproduction.
  Thirdly, he strives for possession by all remaining that is only possible to capture.
  The first two positions coincide with the needs of any living organism that requires both food, and a den, and teeth or claws, as well as, as a rule (there are also other forms of reproduction), the sexual partner.
  This coincidence is explained by the need of interaction of the lowest (natural, or animal) consciousness through the sense organs with the environment to maintain of metabolism, the workable state of the organism, its growth, reproduction, etc., that occurs automatically, based on genetic memory, and partly, instinctively-reflexively, without requiring comprehension. On the contrary, the attempt of conceptualization of so difficult actions of an organism at this level with interference in it most often results the person in deplorable results. A person, thus, in this form of consciousness is inseparable from the environment, how and other living beings.
  As for the last position, such living being as a person, separated partly from the environment in own consciousness, tries to understand every moment the benefits from it and to use this advantage in fight against competitors. I.e. the natural egoism, inherent to each living beings and restricted for a being only what is needed for survival, the person transmutes in own consciousness into the systematic aspiration to capture and subordinate to himself everything even if this reality yet did not too need to him.
  This appetite to capture which in the ordinary living beings has different natural restrictions, for example, in food, air temperature or waters, in the form of counteraction of the living beings of other types (predators for artiodactyl), for communities of the people, who broke loose to liberty owing to understanding of own role in this environment and having a row of artificial means for effective counteraction to the environment, not is limited by anything, except natural opportunities of intellect, sense organs, technological equipment as well as, on the other hand, by fears, prejudices, religious suspiciousness, common sense, etc.
  However, whenever possible, a person strives everything that is in his field of vision, to do by his possession. And common sense, and the consciousness of the brevity of their own existence, as a rule, there is not able to resist the instinct of consumption in a broader sense: things, money, power, fame, etc.
  Thus, hypocritically claiming the contrary, a person in normal life (not in the vows) isn't able to get rid of the passion to possession.
  Therefore, it can always win-win play only on increasing passion of a person to consumption. It happens under capitalism, which is based on credit relations. Thereby the most part of people is being enslaved almost for the rest of life, dipping oneself in commodity consuming which only grows, providing the income to capitalists and degradation of the population in its concentration on the most insignificant of world values. But to all there is a limit, at least in limitation of resources. Wars for them, resentment of the deprived, falling of culture, universal growth of envy and disunity doesn't promise anything from this side as only the decay of civilization.
  On the other hand, also win-win is possible to play on the same string with the opposite side, claiming confidently and nobly that the property is the evil which should be eradicated to reach, at last, the common good, happiness and prosperity, having got rid of all capitalism ulcers.
  Marxists and to them similar, partly on short-sightedness, partly hypocritically, ignoring natural passion of any person to possession, have made in own false theory substitution of this inescapable aspiration of each living being to possession, by the contradictions between labor and capital, by poverty and wealth, the destruction of which allegedly should lead community to universal love and prosperity.
  Practical results of this approach are as follows.
  For the last hundred years in a number of the countries as a result of revolutions and coups the specified contradictions were removed, the sharks of capitalism were expelled or destroyed, their property was alienated in favor of the supposedly popular state with the prohibition of private property. The result has turned out very distressing both for the population of these countries, and for the states.
  The matter is that the property which was taken away from people has not disappeared to anywhere, but it just moved in hands already not to capitalists, but to the state bureaucracy with all their spongers on rights of the complete disposition by this property by the narrow group of persons in power.
  The officialdom, by definition, doesn't care about people. The people for bureaucracy are only the tool for achievement of own purposes which aren't connected to the welfare and prosperity of citizens of own countries in any way.
  Effectively dispose of property that has fallen into its hands, the bureaucracy in the planning and distribution system of allegedly socialism is not capable without enthusiastic owners. It leads to a catastrophic economic lag from the developed capitalist countries, to the low level of life of the population.
  Finally, all "socialist" countries, except North Korea and Cuba, returned to a bosom of the capitalist relations, but also there they turned out, in fact, derelicts.
  Through certain time, having felt own inferiority, become impoverished and discontented population became actively to express desire to return to distributive socialism, apparently, considering it as the smaller evil.
  Thus, it turns out, that both these mainline directions of development of civilization are deadlock.
  Coexistence of private and state ownership within the state bureaucracy as recent practice showed is less effective in any its proportions in comparison with a capitalist method of production with planning elements. The reason for this is impossibility to eliminate the contradictions between private owners and the state bureaucracy, inasmuch for the last own interests is above all else.
  Therefore, the state-bureaucratic capitalism isn't able to the most effective economic functioning, which is characteristic for capitalism with planning elements and, thus, countries with economy in the form of state-bureaucratic capitalism obviously loses in the competition to the leading capitalist countries.
  But capitalism in the face of own leaders - the international monopolies - at all the efficiency, - is based on the slogan "Divide and conquer".
  Therefore, the monopoly capitalism, mainly in the face of transnational corporations, without ceremony plunders the developing countries which are eternal debtors owing to bribery of their elite by the stakeholder groups of the monopolistic capital and transformation of the governance structures of the developing countries into compradors, providing for the population of the leading capitalist countries higher level of life and leaving the population of the developing countries in permanent status of disorder and poverty.
  Nevertheless, capitalism deprives also citizens of own countries of perspectives of development, dipping them in the abyss of consuming to which there is both a resource limit, as well as the limit consisting in narrowing of consciousness of a person up to the level of the pig who is champing continuously not paying attention to all remaining.
  Besides, the deprived population of countries which aren't relating to the "Golden billion" begins to support extremism of various kinds leading to wars, uncontrollable migration and all other growing excesses.
  The output from this situation if, of course, not to deceive itself further, that everything will be back to normal somehow, isn't visible.
  However, a person is only the tool of consciousness which leaves a human body if it becomes unfitness.
  Apparently, and collective consciousness of mankind shall leave a civilization if it comes into disrepair.
  The true reason of inevitable decay of any civilization is the information collapse, which occurs owing to the accelerated growth of consumed information flows (compression of own time of civilization), which has an elementary limit on the volume of processed information.
  Exactly in case of achievement of this limit, but not owing to decay of the unusable system, which is only consequence, quickly enough occur cardinal failures in governing bodies at all levels: instructions of the authorities aren't executed, supply of electricity stops, all transport stops moving, etc.
  Universal chaos begins, wars are being unleashed in consequence of reduction of resources, hunger and epidemic are coming, a social order is disintegrated, etc.
  The basic reasons of the completion of process of development of civilization consist as in finiteness of any structure in beingness, and in the level of development of consciousness which is the engine of civilization process. To this level corresponds the temporal boundaries of any civilization of three-dimensional measurement.
  The form, in which process of origin and crash of a civilization expresses, is gradually accruing information volume, passing through aggregate consciousness of the people making civilization owing to development of consciousness, leading to mastering everything new spheres for thoughts and deeds.
  Growth of information flows means the compression of own time of civilization, inasmuch time of any living being, as well as sets of the living beings - in this case of the people - actually is the information process, in the course of which material objects are being identified by consciousness by means of scanning by it of surroundings by the available tools (senses organs, combined with the processing centers).
  The natural limit to this process comes in case of impossibility by the available means - and it is a human brain - effectively to process the avalanche information stream. On this limit (the point of singularity), manifesting self by information collapse, own time of civilization comes to the end.
  It makes sense to mark the following in this context.
  Before emergence of civilization in people in the archaic society were being valued strength, dexterity, knowledge of medicinal herbs, the ability to effectively hunt, to prepare edible dishes, and so on.
  All this promoted to interact with the environment and to compete with remaining living beings with minimum use of the highest consciousness, inasmuch due to the absence of writing, the convenient communications between the rare settlements, distinctions in oral speech, exchange of knowledge and skills was hindered, abstract thinking, logical constructions were in their infancy.
  As a result, for survival and development in addition to instincts and reflexes had to use almost only such combination of the highest and the lowest forms of consciousness as the insight shamans.
  Externally, the primitive people (hominids) differed little from primates.
  However, their main feature was the emergence and gradual development of the highest consciousness (self-consciousness), so how they have realized themselves to some extent as separate from the environment and, therefore, began to try to use it not only instinctively-reflexively, but also expediently - planning own activities not for one day forward.
  They began to transform own surrounding, building various shelters from bad weather, inventing the different methods of cooking, manufacture and use of instruments of labor and hunting.
  The highest consciousness for the living being means appearance at him of additional form-building abilities, existence which this living being is aware.
  In particular, looking at the smooth surface of a stone polished with a rain or a surface of a rain puddle, the living being, self-aware in changing the environment for certain purposes, understands that this is exactly its reflection, and this circumstance gives it the chance to change the appearance, having braided pigtails or having replaced own attire. The similar understanding this being-person also tries to apply artificially, portraying, for example, itself by means of ochre on a stone during hunting for animals.
  The similar initiative activity stemming from the arisen understanding of own finding in the current time with night and day, sunrises and sunsets, winter and autumn, to which can be applied with knowledge of the matter, could not be based only on instincts and reflexes. In addition to them a person turned out able to comprehend himself as the being, which is not only among things and tribespeople, but also separately from them. In other words, a person has acquired understanding of own existence in the world with all liberty of manifestation of activity which he is capable to show consciously in the available surroundings.
  Similar awareness of the existence of oneself in the world, or self-consciousness in all other living beings is present only within the framework of adaptive reactions to environmental challenges, primarily due to their lack of understanding of their own presence in the current time, unlike a person, that gives him the opportunity in their communities to move away from a purely adaptive existence in nature towards thoughtfully targeted actions, up to creative ones.
  Successful examples of use of this new property were being transferred to descendants as verbally, developing the speech, and with attempts to note them in the form of drawings that finally led to origin of writing and significantly accelerated the development of the human communities, thanks to similar accumulation and transfer of experience in the form of visual messages, instructions, recommendations.
  Attempts not only to hunt, but also to select some animals for cultivation led to origin of the cattle breeding; the collection of fruits and cereals gradually developed into planting of a row of cereals and fruit-trees.
  Appeared as a result a certain excess of products has served as the basis for the development of exchange, which eventually has been transformed into trade relations.
  With the advent of new relationships, and thereby with formation of the civilizational model, knowledge and skills have received an addition in the form of private ownership of property, acquired by the different ways, including unjust, exceeding usual needs of a person.
  It is clear, that a person can dispose by things for the good not only for himself, but also for people, and vice versa.
  Private property in archaic society was absent, so how products, things were being distributed on all tribespeople uniformly. Such approach was dictated by survival of all community owing to the low productivity of the same things and a food. Naturally, the consumed things and products were being considered as the good exactly for all.
  Therefore, the term "good" since those times has two meanings: good-goods-things and good-blessing-boon-charity.
  In Russian the term "good" and now is understood, on the one hand, as the things, property, prosperity; and on the other hand, as goodness, kindly, the useful, the honest.
  In English, like the Russian language, the term "good" is understood and now as things, products (goods), as well as goodness, well, boon (good).
  Thereby notion "good" has meaning not only as things, products, but it was being transformed to the terms "kindly", "kindness", "goodness", i.e. into a certain positive moral category.
  However, this initial attitude towards consumption of objects and products in the form of common ownership with the development of trade relations, with the formation of States, different classes and states begins to lose its original meaning, turning from the good for everybody in property of the individual owners.
  Thus, good-thing in developed society begins to be understood not as common good, but as the good for specific (private) owners of things. In other words, the good (possessions, ownership) turns into representation of people in use of this good (property) only for the good of the owners.
  Similar process of transformation of "good" in "property" happened not only in Russia. For example, in English the good with the insignificant addition "s" (goods) is interpreted as product, cargo, ware, stuff and property.
  Apparently, for elimination of an ambiguity of the term "good" in Russian language has emerged such notions of common good as "well", "perfectly", and in English language - the term "well" (perfectly, successfully).
  Naturally, people, outside some share (partially deprived by property), have considered such situation for themselves as unfair, false, inhuman that couldn't but cause in them disappointment and its extreme expression - evilness. All these terms in different languages have related roots, and their meaning comes down to bad relations, the reason which is the varying degree of possession of property.
  Therefore, most likely, the term "evil" has arisen during formation of the proprietary relations with fixing of a certain possession by laws in a counterbalance to the word "good". These terms have expressed thereby the opposite relation of people to property. I.e. the property can be as good in the sense of common good, but the same property is the alien, unfair in correlation with specific owners provoking hatred, bitterness, anger, animosity, resentment, that can be summarized by the term "evil".
  So, the same formation - things - in the different relations produced two polar notions, which both in religion, and in morals turned into allegedly eternally existing categories - good and evil. Their different interpretation doesn't change an original sense of these categories because as it was stated above, these notions arose concerning possession and no more than that.
  However, in religion this opposite relation to possession in minds of people turned into eternal fight of good and evil in the world.
  I.e. religion has ignored, but rather, didn't want to understand the source of origin of good and evil, stated above, having absolutized these notions under the pretext of necessity of fight of light against darkness though actually it is about different intentions of people, which follow from contradictoriness of the lowest and the highest forms of consciousness in each person, which are in permanent fight and collisions.
  These contradictions are impossible to smooth. Therefore, a person of the developing civilization according to instincts of the lowest (animal) consciousness will always aim to multiply the good (ownership) for himself, considering that the opponents of this process are the specific evil for him.
  The highest consciousness, in a counterbalance to this selfish aspiration, will proclaim as goodness the giving out (distribution) of property that Christ most brightly has expressed so: "The poor in spirit are blessed wherefore they possess by the Kingdom of Heaven." (The Gospel from Matthew. Ch. 5, item 3).
  In this saying he clearly let know that good, or goodness in the world of aspiration to possession (property) is unattainable.
  The substance of a categorical imperative of Kant comes down to good, i.e. to the idea of committing of acts by a person concerning remaining people thus as though he has made them for himself.
  Here - in the categorical imperative - Kant also tears off "good" from the natural reasons, idealizing thereby a person by artificial removal him from own animal nature (the lowest consciousness).
  Actually, the impossibility to eliminate of egocentrism, derivative of the lowest consciousness of a person, denies reach by a person and mankind of absolute good and harmony, but proclaims incessant struggle in the framework of good (property).
  It is also interesting, that the degree of possession for the person by himself is determined by notions of "mind" and "wisdom", which is still not clearly clarified, although there is many reasoning about them, but all of them do not have a clearly defined base.
  Actually, mind, intellect, reason is a product of this or that efficiency of the action of the centers processing the information, arriving from sense organs that is quite comparable to operation of the computer which, as we know, independently isn't capable to discover either America, or new laws.
  Intellect acts in each living being.
  So, by means of mind more or less effective interaction of a person with the environment and tribespeople is carried out. Therefore, mind (intellect), strangely enough, is closer to the lowest consciousness in a person, than to the highest consciousness. Mind, so, is pragmatic, and is restricted by this.
  The predominance of the rational activity, in essence, similar to the work of artificial intelligence, with the exception of goal-setting, which manifests itself in the course of this work, practically deprives this activity of the creative approaches.
  Such individuals prefer for the most part to use reason, logic, not striving for the new by their own efforts, but achieving a more comfortable state in life from the standpoint of simply acquiring and consuming its benefits.
  As a rule, these reasonable people do not go beyond simple conclusions, abstract forms of formal logic, and only occasionally use some elements of dialectics. Mathematics is a typical example of such an approach. The sign and oral forms of communication are used by reasonable people mainly to achieve utilitarian goals.
  Effectiveness of own speculative (abstract) constructs is checked in practice, i.e. in targeted actions, as a rule, jointly, including in culture, consumption of habitat, in particular, for food, in manufacture and consumption of artificial objects, as well as in an exchange of everything that is, by means of some equivalent (money). The form of this process, opened for people, distinguishes them from animals, whose instinctive-reflex communication with the environment does not open for them.
  Rational approach of the reasonable beings to life allows them to reveal the new relations of familiar objects and the phenomena only in other combination of these objects, and new objects - only a combination of the known parts in a different way - according to logical constructions in comparison with themselves.
  For example, they can think up a chair, having seen that on a bench at a wall is more convenient to sit, and to add a back to a bench. They can use firewood for heating, but they are not able think up a gas burner, inasmuch for its designing is not enough a combination of the known objects - building of new models from mechanical designs with application of laws of combustion and heat-exchange is required though when receiving the corresponding template, they can stamp gas burners in any quantity, and even a few to improve them on efficiency of action and on design.
  Such people have no special desire to go beyond the limits of rationality, i.e. - of a template, both in things, and in the relations among themselves.
  The habitual standard dictates to them to live like everyone, consuming what is, creating around themselves the surrounding of artificial and natural objects only to update it regularly, finding satisfaction in this incessant process.
  They have no understanding, that the pursuit for consumer values is quite monotonous, and it never gives the result satisfying a person completely.
  At such behavior the people actually evinces preference to the monotonic existence - as if to the life-sleep with rare moments of awakening which, as a rule, are initiated by external circumstances (marriages, divorce, new job, diseases, death of loved ones, etc.).
  Having lived the life, similar reasonable beings with surprise discover in it, in effect, absence of interesting and outstanding events precisely because they were trying to follow to pragmatic approach.
  In this regard they are surprisingly similar in behavior with animals for whom, though they are not able to reason and set goals for changing the environment, that is, to go beyond adaptability, the main thing is to obtain of sensations.
  However, the self-consciousness inherent in people has the property of a purposeful striving for something new, interesting, and not only for consumer values, which ensures the development of management, science, technology, culture, and hence the personality, as well as the public self-consciousness in the direction of moving away from the primitive savagery.
  Therefore, there are always people with a considerable tendency to pursue the unusual, new and interesting.
  They are also not interested in lengthy reasoning, careful calculations, actions based on templates.
  In addition, the increased egocentrism of their natural (lowest) consciousness certainly pushes them to find an opportunity to dominate in order to stand out from the crowd, at least in the field of achieving something non-standard, and the altruistic part of self-consciousness, in turn, also supports this aspiration because of the benefits it provides for the whole society.
  Such positive interaction of two forms of consciousness, usually opposing each other, often gives an equally positive result, especially if a given enthusiast has certain abilities. An example of this can be not only great scientists and artists, but also numerous inventors of various technical innovations - from small ones, like a toothbrush or paper clips, to such large ones as turbines or pumps.
  Thus, their activity focuses mainly on creativity, which attracts these figures not from the standpoint of consuming some goods - they are interested in the process itself.
  True, massively, the results of their activities are very mediocre, mainly due to drawback of education, patience, talents, but they are not going to give up such attractive activity they're not going, producing a lot of unnecessary and even harmful, but it is they who are in their relatively few truly talented creators " promote scientific, technical and cultural progress, making life more comfortable and at the same time moving more and more people away from a purely consumer attitude to life by familiarizing them with technical and cultural innovations, that is, raising their level of self-consciousness in relation to both individual and social altruism.
  It is possible to note here the virtual absence of women in this cohort of the creative personalities. There are almost no women either among inventors, nor in the ranks of warlords, nor among philosophers, major ideologues, religious authorities, etc.
  However, women in every way seek to keep the family center, they take care of children, they work as teachers, doctors, accountants, bureaucrats of all colors, etc. That is, they are bright examples of conservatism in every respect, and they without hesitation can be carried to the rational beings. It is visible from here - to what rationally-purposeful activity is inclined to most of all, and how this activity is important for development as "soil" for "germination" of all other.
  People intuitively understand under wisdom some possession by a person of quality, which is higher, than mind. They determine this property as a view on all events from side; the few have this property and it is connected with an increased level of self-consciousness more than it is connected to intellect.
  Indeed, the highest consciousness gives the chance to a person to understand oneself. It is inherent in all people, but the few comprehend the presence at themselves, and the few are capable to use it. Understanding this presence allows to have a look at themselves with side, to see own shortcomings and advantages, to evaluate them, but not for it to calm down in consciousness of own knowledge and, to some extent, of own superiority, but to determine a meaning of own activity.
  By and large, this meaning itself does not consist in striving for something otherworldly, not in striving for universal harmony and not in striving for the established values of this world, but in striving to comprehend the new, alluring, which seems to be the fairest and at the same time which gives the greatest degree of freedom at a given level of development of civilization. Wisdom is disinterested, and thus reckless. An example of this is the ancient philosopher Plato with his views on a just reorganization of the state, where everyone will be equal and well-organized, for which he suffered from the Sicilian tyrant Dionysius I - was sold into slavery.
  However, the high level of self-consciousness in its altruistic incarnation significantly obscures the egocentricity of the animal consciousness of the human sage, largely depriving him of energy and creativity.
  Therefore, the sages are mostly inclined not to actions, but to contemplation, especially since they generally, but not always, understand the "incorrigibility" of existing social relations with the achievement of complete social harmony and justice for all.
  But they cannot prove this, and they are also incapable of making everyone else believe to oneself, with rare exceptions, which, nevertheless, do not lead to anything good.
  It happens, of course, that some of them, like the same Plato, out of youth, out of stupidity or as a result of believing in one or another theory of their own or borrowed, try to achieve the good for everyone by starting upheavals or revolutions, but alas, with one and the same result.
  Sometimes they try to give advice to the rulers, hoping to instruct them on at least a relative harmonization of social relations.
  The advice of these wise men, who are not completely wise due to their misunderstanding of the psychology of rulers, the sovereigns can listen, but they are not able to perceive them with their formalistic, conservative reason, in which everything is pre-planned, known and understandable in relation to the power and the people, as a result, they, as completely reasonable people, act in their own way, and always (and in vain) they laugh at the wise men who promise the arrival of troubles (the Cassandra effect).
  Be that as it may, but sages, unlike other individuals, are able to most optimally combine, if necessary, target programs of self-consciousness, as well as experience, knowledge and skills with life support programs of their own lower consciousness in order to understand what is happening, putting themselves in the most advantageous position by the foresight of the direction of events.
  Therefore, they look at the whole series of events as if from above, without much thought, and the development of events is obvious to them, although the true mechanism of this movement and its causes may remain incomprehensible to them.
  As a result, they rarely get into trouble, foreseeing traps and temptations in advance, and the consumer values of the world are not interesting for them and therefore do not take time.
  They mostly watch and regret, because they understand that they cannot convince the "smart guys" in power.
  However, wise men do not live on a separate island, and they have to suffer, just like everyone else, from the arbitrariness and bias of "reasonable" people who are not able to see behind the trees (benefits) the forest (prospects) , but, as a rule, are in power due to their pragmatism and promiscuity in means.
  Thus, true sages perform the role of observers in beingness, showing the extreme degree of passivity of the active by their conscious inactivity. Thus, they demonstrate the limitations of even the most advanced individual consciousness, believing that the world is something uncontrollable or, on the contrary, considering the world to be controlled by unknown forces with goals inaccessible to the human understanding.
  It should be noted the obvious difference of the sages in their relatively rare cohort: some of them proved themselves as famous thinkers, philosophers, advisers to kings and presidents - it is precisely those, which - sillier.
  They try to admonish the population that, in general, absolutely senselessly by itself, directly or through rulers, on insufficient or false basis, inasmuch in creation of theories (doctrines) they are self-confident and categorical, placing themselves high, since they believe that if they've seen some light, then under it they are capable to set the "true" base, which is its own for each of them.
  They most often perceive answers to the questions in insights perversely or partially, but, nevertheless, they are sincerely sure of originality and the eternal validity of own doctrines and visionary approaches, for example, Schopenhauer, whose theory about the world as will and representation is silly in every respect, inasmuch he puts blind force in it on the main place.
  In this number of "thinkers" by exceptional injuriousness are allocated "talents" of religious (Calvin, Leo Tolstoy) and social (Karl Marx, Alfred Rosenberg) ideologists and philosophers-muddles, with the direct participation of which (and later) arose a lot of woes for many people.
  If such sages-thinkers get an opportunity to implement directly own or borrowed idea-fix (theory, doctrine) into life, becoming rulers (Robespierre, Lenin, Hitler), and certainly dictators because any of them can't trust this implementation to someone else, to not spoil, then the result is known: the blood flows like water, justice in their understanding triumphs, idea is being embodied into life, it seems, as prescribed, but this idea bursts relatively quickly and necessarily like a soap bubble.
  Those of the sages, which are cleverer, withdraw into the shadows, inasmuch they understand, that is impossible to do anything in a bubbling cauldron of life - any guiding star, neither for the personality nor for humanity is not looked through.
  They know well that progress in the form of gradual improvement of life of the increasing part of people in the relative and absolute expression, growth of culture, commitment by them to declarations on general love and friendship, as well as tolerance quickly enough leads entire peoples to degradation and the subsequent subordination to the "savage" peoples or disappearance: this fact clearly notes history and similar events partly occur now (pressure of Islam).
  Therefore, the true sages understand that everything should go as is, inasmuch the meaning of existence not only human, but all living beings is struggle, competition, appearance and overcome of diverse contradictions, the negation of the old by the new, that there often is expressed within socium as injustice for many.
  As for progress, it is by no means "guilty" of sages and rulers, but of creative individuals.
  They came up with a steam locomotive, light bulbs, computers, rockets, an atomic bomb, card games and football, but - not the rest of the "swamp" of reasonable people who can only stamp according to a template and use stamping,
  Without this harmonious combination of the high degree the egocentrism of natural consciousness and self-consciousness in its altruistic features, which is most effectively manifested in creative individuals, and not in sages and other individuals, a person in him communities would not be able to acquire the highest possible rate of technological and cultural development compared to any previous periods of development of alive.
  Consequently, the complete elimination of contradictions, in particular, in social life (harmony) is impossible. Nevertheless, the pursuit of harmony is not forbidden, but it remains, like the horizon, all the time slipping away.
  The formula the "labor created the person" is also relevant to possession. Its sense comes down to the fact that the living being suddenly took possession by itself (having understood himself as separate of the environment) by means of labor.
  The dubiousness of this claim is not necessary to prove, since there are many extremely hardworking creatures, which hundreds and tens of millions of years so and remain in the same quality, as, for example, termites, bees, as well as some species of monkeys, which are able to collect and process the fruits collectively.
  Obviously, all these living beings, being able to do the job, have no highest consciousness which, being the special program of self-training and comprehension, isn't worked out by labor, and is embedded in the living beings, potentially capable of perform the job and having flexible intelligence. Exactly this qualitative shift from the lowest consciousness to a combination of the lowest and the highest forms of consciousness cannot explain science, which and has not found any convincing bases for the sudden appearance at one of the subspecies of primates of self-consciousness, whereas similar primates till now have not yet found it.
  This process of appearance of the higher consciousness reminds introduction by the programmer to the computer of the additional program, giving it new functions.
  Only a single consciousness of the hologram can be by this conditional programmer. Exactly it forms beingness as whole by means of set of living beings through the total time, as well as individually - through each living being, which in turn forms own time in the framework of the total time.
  If it appears that some beings potentially are capable to take possession of its time, i.e. to understand that they exist in it, then such beings are candidates for the redefine from the beings, merged with the environment, into the beings, capable to separate themselves from the environment consciously.
  Exactly so, apparently, a person appeared though to master given program was not so easy, but nevertheless - the result is available.
  Anyway, potentially any being with the lowest consciousness is a basis of life, without which the highest consciousness can't do.
  Alive with the lowest consciousness creates not only a basis for manifestation of the highest consciousness, but also - the intermediate shell between it and lifeless matter, supplying a human body practically by all energy resources, being its food, as well as in addition to that, the living beings with the lowest consciousness create the live and raging background of his life.
  A person without the lowest consciousness is nonsense - he couldn't possess by own body without it, without speaking about interaction with the environment.
  Duality of consciousness of a person consists what in a person first of all acts the lowest consciousness, providing to the person existence, but along with that in every possible way hindering to achievement of the highest harmony by him in sense of universal good and justice, i.e. what most of all wishes the highest consciousness.
  This creates an eternal contradiction causing internal stress state in each person, which is expressed in own diverse and often opposing aspirations, as well as in the similar relations of people with each other, that is an indispensable basis for the development of both these beings and their consciousness.
  Therefore, in spite of all considerations of philosophers and scientists, who claim that a harmonious existence of mankind in beingness is possible (the Golden age, communism, etc.), the hopes of all ordinary people for a happy and fair final in existence hang in the air.
  The best is the enemy of the good. Remembering this expression, we can say that the person - the possessor of the lowest and highest forms of consciousness - gets not so little - namely, - the life, in which he can display his ingenuity and his feelings.
  The idea of achievement of harmony in beingness should be dismissed, inasmuch harmony is possible only with an exception of the lowest consciousness out of the person, but, the person without the lowest consciousness loses both a body, and feelings, and the information processing centers - i.e. the person loses a possibility of interaction with the environment. Thereby he loses food, sounds, breathing, the sense of touch, intellect, in other words, and feelings and reason.
  As a result, a person loses the subject for thought. That is a person turns into nothingness, but it cannot be, since he in own consciousness with the totality of the living beings retains in existence all Creation, which always is situated in him and in front of him personally.
  If to recognize that consciousness is eternal, then a person in the consciousness is also eternal, inasmuch the set of all lives, in which consciousness of each person is manifested is equal to the discrete infinity.
  It is difficult to invent the best method of expression of consciousness in eternity.
  Chapter 12.
  Reflection of levels of consciousness of a person in society.
  Such, widely used still in the ideology, the currents of the human thought, as racism, humanism and internationalism, as shown in this work, are nothing more than falsehoods that allow to mislead the entire nations, thereby causing wars and other innumerable troubles for them.
  Various theories, claiming the superiority of one or another group of people over others, competing with theories about universal equality, brotherhood and love between people, occupying thereby extreme positions, are obviously inadequate.
  In particular, the racial theory, supporter which was Hitler, suffered, as we know, the full breakdown purely experimentally - its insolvency had been confirmed by the outcome of the last world war.
  The policy of internationalism in the face of the USSR was also not crowned with success - different nations didn't want to integrate voluntarily in universal love and respect, and the USSR was divided on the national "apartments".
  Continuous local wars of the last decades aren't a sign of internationalism and humanism, despite all efforts of the UN, in consequence of which this international organization practically lost the status.
  What peoples of Earth can hope for and from what, in fact, the position of separate groups of people and specific persons depends?
  At the same time, it would be possible to try to clarify, what disconnects and integrates at the depth level of people, not stopping on the external signs of the various groups of people have been described in numerous works.
  1. About racial, national and cultural superiority.
  The main error of all theories and hypotheses that attempt to explain inequality in these or those relations of different people, races, tribes, individuals, superiority of one over others as a result of their alleged inferiority is that they are based on the fact that the dominance of some properties is put into the merit, others - in minus as to certain people, and the whole nations and races, whereas from the results of recent studies of the human brain it follows that the brain structure of individuals of any race can differ to such an extent that their thinking abilities are also able to differ up to 40 times, thereby giving on the one hand extreme dullness in any affair, and on the other - genius in one or another field of activity.
  Be that as it may, but in due time J. A. Gobineau, who the first in details developed the theory of inequality of certain groups of people on the basis of racial and, partly, the national and cultural identity, believes that the inequality of races is caused by different set, in fact, of external properties: "Then, passing from one induction to another, I was gradually penetrated by the conviction that the racial question overshadows all other problems of history, that it holds the key to them all, and that the inequality of the race from whose fusion a people is formed is enough to explain the whole course its destiny" [1, p. XIV].
  Gobineau divides people into three basic types: black, yellow and white, highlighting inherent to each type of properties.
  The essence of his approach is quite clearly expressed in the following lines: "The negroid variety is the lowest and stands at the foot of the ladder. The animal character, that appears in the shape of the pelvis, is stamped on the negro from birth, and foreshadows his destiny. His intellect with always move within a very narrow circle. He is not however a mere brute, for behind his low receding brow, in the middle of his skull, we can see signs of a powerful energy, however crude its objects. If his mental faculties are dull or even non-existent, he often has an intensity of desire, and so of will, which may be called terrible. Many of his senses especially taste and smell are developed to an extend unknown to the other two race.
  The very strength of his sensations is the most striking proof of his inferiority. All food is good in his eyes, nothing disgusts or repels him. What he desires is to eat, to eat furiously, and to excess; no carrion is too revolting to be swallowed by him. It is the same with odours; inordinate desire is satisfied with all, however coarse or even horrible. To these qualities may be added instability and capriciousness of feeling, that cannot be tied down to any single object, and which, so far as he is concerned, do away with all distinctions of good or evil. We might even say that the violence with which he pursues the object that has aroused his senses and inflamed his desire is a guarantee of the desire being soon satisfied and the object forgotten. Finally, he is equally careless of his own life and that of others: he kills willingly, for the sake of killing; and this human machine, in whom it is so easy to arouse emotion, shows, in face of suffering, either a monstrous indifference or a cowardice that seeks a voluntary refuge in death.
  The yellow race is the exact opposite of this type. The skull points forward, not backward. The forehead is wide and bony, often high and projecting. The shape is the face is triangular, the nose and chin showing none of the coarse protuberances that mark the negro. There is further a general proneness to obesity, which, though not confined to the yellow type, is found there more frequently than in the others. The yellow man has little physical energy, and is inclined to apathy; he commits none the strange excesses so common among negroes. His desire is feeble, his will-power rather obstinate than violent; his longing for material pleasures, though constant, is kept within bounds. A rare glutton by nature, he shows far more discrimination in his choice of food. He tends to mediocrity in everything; he understands easily enough anything not too deep or sublime. He has a life of utility and a respect for order, and knows the value of a certain amount of freedom. He is practical, in the narrowest sense of the word. He does not dream or theorize; he invents little, but can appreciate and take over what is useful to him. His whole desire is to live in the easiest and most comfortable way possible. The yellow races are thus clearly superior to the black. Every founder of a civilization would wish the backbone of his society, his middle class, to consist of such men. But no civilized society could be created by them; they could not supply its nerve-force or set in motion the springs of beauty and action.
  We come now to the white peoples. These are gifted with reflective energy, or rather with an energetic intelligence. They have a feeling for utility, but in a sense far wider and higher, more courageous and ideal, than the yellow races; perseverance that takes account of obstacles and ultimately finds a means of overcoming them; a greater physical power, an extraordinary instinct for order, not merely as a guarantee of peace and tranquility, but as an indispensable means of self-preservation. At the same time, they have a remarkable and even extreme, love of liberty, and are openly hostile to the formalism under which the Chinese are glad to vegetate, as well as to the strict despotism which is the only way of governing the negro.
  The white races are, further, distinguished by an extraordinary attachment to life. They know better how to use it, and so, is it, would seem, set a greater price of it; both in their own persons and those of others, they are more sparing of life. When they are cruel, they are conscious of their cruelty; it is very doubtful whether such a consciousness exists in the negro. At the same time, they have discovered reasons why they should surrender this busy life of theirs, that is so precious to them. The principal motive is honour, which under various names has played an enormous part in the ideas of the race from the beginning. I need hardly add that the word honour, together with all the civilizing influences connoted by it, is unknown to both the yellow and the black man.
  On the other hand, the immense superiority of the white peoples in the whole fields of the intellect is balanced by an inferiority in the intensity of their sensations. In the world of the senses, the white man is far less gifted than the others, and so is less tempted and less absorbed by considerations of the body, although in physical structure he is far the most vigorous" [1, p. 205-207].
  Gobineau and his followers, in particular, H. S. Chamberlain (Houston Stewart Chemberlain. Grundlagen des Neunzehnten Jahrhunderts. 1899) and E. Haeckel, F. Galton, G. Lebon, G. Gunter, as well as many others, make the standard mistake, considering the problem of inequality from the standpoint of the totality of human qualities based on physical and behavioral signs.
  The only positive outcome of this consideration is that three main types of people specified to Gobineau, are clearly on different levels of development. Inasmuch the level of development is determined by the reached level self-consciousness, so far as exactly this factor determines their main properties, their strengths and weaknesses.
  These properties and the sides are very curious and point to fact that the human consciousness, possessing, in any case, by self-consciousness, passes the different stages of development in different conditions, manifesting self by various ways, but never loses its essence (self-consciousness).
  Therefore, any inequality between people if to be guided by the main property of their consciousness - self-consciousness, cannot be: thanks to self-consciousness a person acquires the accelerated development, the personality, liberty, the ability to change purposefully the world and self in the world; all this occurs irrespective of the level of his development, but in the framework of existing conditions; therefore, despite all external distinctions and, people of one type without special work interact with other types of people, and even join their communities. This fact finds the mass of examples from the migration history.
  Though, of course, in own environment the cannibal so will also remain as the cannibal, and he has no chances to be rebuilt during own life. However, in difference, for example, from a wolf, he, having self-consciousness, in other surroundings, in other conditions will be able to be rebuilt, inasmuch not only instincts and reflexes, but also self-consciousness in its altruistic feature is capable guide any person, manifesting its primacy in conditions that exclude previous relationships within communities.
  Whatever it was, but any person understands himself, understands that he lives; therefore, he is capable as to mental design, and construction of buildings, assembly of different mechanisms, instruments and their conscious use.
  He can develop ideas and considerations in thoughts; can just dream and enjoy it, but, nevertheless, he permanently rebuilds the habitat according to own reasons. At the same time a person is capable to feel and act instinctively and reflexively.
  Therefore, the shape of the eyes, the skin color and the form of the skull has no value, except esthetic reasons. It is approximately the same as to compare a timid fallow deer, a macaque, a mighty bear and a whale. All of them are good in own way. At the same time - the level of consciousness of these animals is not much different, if only by some features in sensation and processing rate of the information arriving through the sense organs.
  However, all these animals together with remaining beings, down to plants are similar in one - they don't understand that they live, i.e., are in time. In other words, they aren't capable to separate themselves from the environment and to look at themselves from the outside; they are only able to sense, and their mental abilities are at the level of computer processing of the information coming from this or that set of sense organs into corresponding to this information volume the processing centers with this or that ability to self-training on rather high stages of development.
  Thus, all types of people only complement each other, doing the world more colourful and multi-color, and we can only regret about inevitable contradictions in between, that often leads to contempt and misunderstanding from more strong, technologically more equipped person in relation to careless, but cheerful and musically gifted aborigines in Africa, or to hardworking, quiet and loving order to Chinaman. Similar division and elevation of own group is aggravated also with distinction of beliefs, leading even to religious wars and different fanaticism, as well as utilitarianly justifies colonial wars and the robbery of developing countries, which is still ongoing.
  However, the human passion to dominate, the animal selfishness that is inherent in the people, as the biological beings, struggling for "a place under the sun", will always draw the attention of those in power to a very superficial and biased theories of the racial, national or cultural inequality. Though we know that are enough fools everywhere, on the one hand. On the other hand, relocation since the childhood of malayan, indian or even negro in more cultural environment and giving of the appropriate education to him can make of him great musician, physicist or even Nobel laureate. There is a lot of examples of it: physicists and Nobel laureates indians D. Sudarshan, C. V. Raman, chinese man Yang Jennin, outstanding physicist japanese Kaku, great musician negro Armstrong. This list can occupy not one page.
  Therefore, we can say: with all the diversity of properties and features of people inhabiting Earth, their basic essence is the same - they are able to understand themselves, guided by more goal-setting and even creativity than adaptability, and, as a result, quite quickly in comparison with other living things change all around themselves, as well as inside themselves.
  All disputes about the essence of a person, the extreme point which is racial theories and similar to them, thus, don't take into account prevailing significance of self-consciousness in its altruistic features, which is the accessory of any person, irrespective of the level of his development, group accessory and mental capacities.
  In effect, Gobineau and his followers one, less developed part of people, have put in the position of the animal or half-animal, over which should be the most advanced people, justifying this concept by existence mainly of the external signs, given above, that far not so.
  However, Gobineau not from the ceiling took this concept. Obviously, there was enough important base of such approach.
  Really, in each person adjoin two irreconcilable beings adjoin.
  One of these beings is determined by the lowest (natural) consciousness, which only one is inherent in all flora and fauna, except a person; its basis is the unification with the environment on the basis of sensations.
  The beings with this type of consciousness are in the general flow of life, but aren't capable "to rise" over it, they don't understand that they live. In this regard they remind in advance programmed mechanisms capable to sense, forming their own environment and adapting selves to it, but devoid of spontaneous or conscious memories, fantasies, notions of time, they have a genetic memory in the absence of written memory of generations.
  These beings do not even have a clue that they will die, but can feel approximation of death only instinctively. Similar restriction of consciousness for these beings means impossibility of any purposeful change of the environment even for their most developed representatives - these beings are completely subordinate to it, though, at the same time, quite reasonably and effectively interact with surroundings from position coming from their sense organs to the processing centers of an organism of information which for them isn't distorted by speculations, reminiscences and experiences peculiar to the human consciousness in general.
  In this regard these organisms are more perfect, than people, and the ignorance of own nature makes them quite "happy" in existence, despite the fact that, in the total natural circulation they only also do that devour each other. And such "being" necessarily "sits" in each person and determines his existence largely, no matter how hard a person tries to move away from it.
  Another "being" in a person is represented by the highest consciousness, which separates it from the habitat and from tribespeople; it is manifested in awareness by him of own existence, for example, in the form of abstract ideas about the world and about self, a return to the past in the form of memories, designing up of the subsequent actions on the basis of consciously fitted data from memory in their combination to again arriving information, responsibility for the committed, opportunity to make any decisions, even the most unprofitable and useless that actually there is the brightest manifestation of liberty of consciousness.
  On this basis a person tries to set to oneself the purposes, to solve various problems and to change thereby surroundings, using the worked-out ideas-projects. For example, he is capable to build to itself the dwelling not according to the standards, and so, as he likes, coming up with in the course of construction of the new means of supply of materials, changing the colours of the walls and roof, applying in the measure of own ingenuity the certain innovations, unlike, for example, from the unchanging standards of an anthill.
  New projects and the new ideas develop mind of a person, his insight, most effectively during life manifest the various abilities, lead to a thought of decorating of life, i.e. culture of own beingness and social beingness.
  In a person, both hypostasis of consciousness is merged together, though they are opposite to each other as well as to surroundings. Therefore, they aren't manifested separately, but act latently, and the level of their domination depends on a development level of the highest consciousness in a person. And a person himself can't foretell often what in him suddenly at the next moment will become prevailing - love or hatred, rage or sympathy, sincerity or hypocrisy, shyness or courage, judiciousness or recklessness.
  The lowest (animal) consciousness is "fed" only by sensations, which give it everything including harmony of existence, i.e. something acceptable and even pleasant in our understanding in a certain combination of sensations, if, of course, to distract from struggle of each being for survival. Therefore, it doesn't wish to lose sensations at all.
  Similar type of consciousness possesses a natural egocentrism, automatically aiming to survive, no matter what.
  In the process of development of living beings, this type of consciousness undergoes relatively minor changes, inasmuch not able to remove own principal property - instinctive urge to survive based on the initial activity of any living.
  Only the most developed representatives of fauna shift emphasis in implementation of this property a little, showing some kind of "friendliness" to representatives of own kind, gathering in flocks and organizing families. Nevertheless, similar animal collectivism in its basis bears not love, not friendship, but the most profitable relations between individuals for survival and reproduction.
  The highest consciousness (self-consciousnessЪ, which is contained in a person at any level of his development is the root opposite to the lowest (animal) consciousness.
  In case of existence of the highest consciousness in the living being, this being as if begins to see clearly, becoming not so much "poured" in the environment how many separated from it, and, so, this being finds an opportunity to look at it and at itself from the side, to evaluate this ratio in attempts to set to itself the purposes consciously in view of these or those shortcomings in own existence, which, in its opinion, would be possible to overcome, and pursue implementation of these goals in actions.
  All this clearly falls out of an instinctive and reflex scope of action of the lowest consciousness, and even begins to contradict it, inasmuch the highest consciousness often neglects the utilitarian reasons, chasing something to unattainable, but the amiable to heart and mind.
  The being, separated in self-consciousness from the environment, with the passage of time in the development in relationships with similar to self begins to feel a need for new forms, which are different from the primitive-communal relations of the wild people, fully absorbed by struggle for survival, inasmuch in communication it reaches such limit, in case of which its various conscious aspirations begin to result into essential changes of the environment, but not just into its use.
  From the hunting, as well as the gathering of the fruit, roots, etc. a person passes to cattle breeding, cultivation of cereals, other forms of managing and appropriate exchange of products of labor. As a result, property arises, and with it comes the inequality, fight for saving and enhancement of property, for power, etc. that requires in turn of the certain institutes of an order to avoid chaos - in a bosom of the growing and perfecting civilization emerge the local states.
  New forms, on the one hand, provide the accelerated development of communities already in the form of the states, and on the other hand, don't allow them to collapse owing to the contradictions, which are tearing these communities.
  Despite a certain progress in development of the human communities, essence of the human consciousness, manifested in dualism, more precisely, in multidirectional life aspirations of the lowest and the highest of types consciousness, anywhere doesn't disappear and cannot significantly be modified.
  Both these sides of consciousness continuously conflict both in a person, and in the interpersonal relations: dissatisfaction by yourself, visible inability to change quickly, the felt limitation of intellect, abilities, etc.; envy and hatred to competitors instantly would rip to shreds any human community if not the state with its institutes.
  Nevertheless, each person shows also qualities of the highest consciousness which is expressed not only in the intellectual and production spheres, but also in inquisitiveness, different religious and cultural forms, as well as in the affectional relations, such as: friendship, love, experiences for relatives, for own fatherland, etc.
  If human relations on the basis of self-consciousness develop slowly, but steadily, then the lowest consciousness in a person remains practically invariable.
  Therefore, the ideal people do not appear, and the lowest consciousness, no matter how camouflage its manifestations, acts at any stage of development of self-consciousness of a person, expressing self in the ineradicable selfishness (self-centeredness) - personal and corporate, hypocrisy (disguise), suspiciousness (caution), contempt for people of other circle (mistrust to other communities), animal instincts concerning an opposite sex, etc.
  Development of self-consciousness in itself in different human communities doesn't proceed with the same speed. Some local communities appear in more favorable conditions, others, for example, owing to an environment or isolation from other communities, are delayed in development.
  Therefore, in the world still primitive-communal, tribal, feudal and capitalist structures adjoin. Last, relying on own technological achievements, naturally dominate, bringing into the civilization the discord and hostility. And that is not the point, what color skin at citizens of the developed countries, and the point is in their general leading development which allows them to rob and humiliate the others. In search of reasons for a robbery of the remaining peoples the ideologists of the developed countries didn't shun till recently to use theories of a racial superiority, though the people of the developed countries couldn't avoid the same stages of development in any way, but to recall it they avoid.
  It is impossible to get rid both from the lowest, and from the highest consciousness, but such attempts make as many people, and all mankind till now.
  The mankind from a century wishes to get into the world of eternal harmony without any low instincts and aspirations, where the milk rivers flow in honey river banks, where all is well, all contradictions are removed, universal justice reigns, and where it is possible to be engaged in what the soul desires, without breaking an established order.
  The communistic paradigm is the extreme expression of this utopia. The most surprising concerning authors and followers of this concept is dominance in them not reasonable, but purely sensual aspirations to harmony. It is clear that universal justice is the universal equalization, which can't but lead to removal of all dissenters by these or those methods and, thus, it will transform the rest into a herd of sheep, who will need pastors, that in itself means the emergence of new inequality, and so on.
  Widely known individual way of deliverance from supposedly the lowest in the person, which is typical for monks, yogis and other believers in the existence of the ideal person.
  Monks try to kill own flesh, moving away from the world and eating the small insects. Yogi also show the big abilities in killing of a flesh and at the same time - the unique survivability.
  However, neither the one nor the others cannot get rid of own body, which continues to live in spite of all efforts, if they aren't excessive. And the life of the body constantly connected to the world by many threads. It is impossible to break off all threads, but the fact that some threads manage to break off, for example, by the solitude in a cave, means only the refusal to participate in affairs of the world, from changes, from activity, which constitutes the essence of consciousness; i.e. these people, aiming to delete the lowest in itself, are refused from themselves, inasmuch self-consciousness is no more than a superstructure over the lowest consciousness and without it doesn't exist.
  On the other hand, it is known that self-consciousness ceases to be shown only at mentally ill people, who thereby temporarily or permanently fall out of discharge of people, staying already in state of animal instincts and reflexes, absence of memories on own life, i.e. they lose understanding of own existence and by that ability to purposeful activities.
  Therefore, views of Gobineau and his followers equating, in effect, the whole peoples to mentally ill people, are absurd.
  Anyway, but people at any stage of development can't refuse various purposeful actions, that already distinguishes them from animals, acting just instinctively-reflexively, i.e. without awareness of the direction of own motion.
  However cardinal convergence of a part of people, in essence, with animals, the negation of their ability to development, quite suits for the idea about superiority of certain reasonable subjects over these allegedly unreasonable beings and promotes the handling with them, as the beings of the lower sort.
  If it is impossible to eradicate any of both forms of consciousness in a person, then, certainly, they shall interact somehow and this interaction shall lead to something.
  It is clear, that the lowest consciousness surely assumes egocentrism and primary sensual experiences. The lowest consciousness is a basis of passions, rough rationalism, habits and pragmatism. At the same time, only it provides natural combination (coexistence) of a person with the environment. In this respect, a person is an animal, and it is impossible here to do anything.
  In turn, self-consciousness assumes a certain removal of a person from the world and convergence with the environment already on a new basis - aspiration to conscious and quite reasonable change of the world. However, a person can go too far in this aspiration, supposing himself as the tsar of the nature and its eternal principal, forgetting about the limitation as in a set of sense organs, and the limitation of reason, memory and the life.
  Thus, the egocentrism, rationalism and pragmatism, stemming from the lowest consciousness in a person always struggles against the high ideas of self-consciousness, which is inclined not only to purposeful aspirations to improving life in general and in particular, but also to disinterested aspiration to universal harmony.
  What turns out as a result?
  The result for the specific person and mankind in general is deplorable.
  In other words, the positive outcome, as it is visible from temporal and quite sad practically for all mankind of existence with his incessant sorrows, disorder, sufferings, diseases, loss of relatives, inevitability of death, wasn't and isn't present.
  This hopelessness for a person and mankind has been marked still by Schopenhauer, and he on this pessimistic note formulated the whole theory in which the unreasonable will had laid in the basis of Creation.
  Various types of mixtures of both forms of the human consciousness at different stages of development give the rattlesnake composition which continually is blowing up in wars, the personal conflicts, persistent inequality, hatred and malice one to others.
  This aspiration to mutual destruction is restrained only by the states. And no gleam in these struggles on different basis of both forms of consciousness is visible. On the contrary, the information flows in the framework of high technologies, flooding now the most developed states, lead to loss of adequate reference points by an administrative staff of these countries, as well as the supranational groups, that to all other is aggravated still by group egoism and stratification of society on "eternally" poor (both people and the countries), and rich, self-satisfied beings.
  Consequently, it is necessary to recognize how the same Schopenhauer [2], the meaninglessness of similar existence, or to recognize existence of the best world behind a coffin - how this is represented to all religious faiths?
  Or it is necessary to recognize that behind the finite person and the finite mankind is something bigger, the infinite, which must be manifested exactly so in the finite (a person).
  Other options, apparently, aren't available.
  2. Internationalism.
  Internationalism, preaching the cooperation and friendship between the nations, how it might seem at first glance, takes a correct position, opposing itself to nationalism and cosmopolitism.
  However, this attempt is absolutely fruitless. Internationalism, staking on human values, at once gets to the deadlock.
  Should not take too long to talk about cosmopolitanism and nationalism, inasmuch cosmopolitanism is rootless, and therefore it is objectless, like a hermaphrodite, representing the degeneration of the human species, which turn selves in impotent beings; and nationalism is a product of immaturity and self-conceit of Nations, which seek to approve the own significance at least by the own specialness, though it is possible to approve themselves only by the achievements, talents, tranquility and sincere friendliness, however, nationalism tends to force and insults in its absence.
  Internationalism, certainly, tries to distance from opprobrium of cosmopolitism, showing two possibilities of development of a civilization.
  One of them is connected to the communistic ideology, which asserts that the struggle of the working people outside national framework (the proletarian internationalism) will lead to creation of the classless society and dying off of the state.
  In work [3, chap. 2] has been shown the utopian nature of this project, the main disadvantage which is that it ignores the fact that in a developing society the contradictions are the engine of development. Their removal may result in the best case to establishment of the equilibrium society, devoid of development.
  Aspiration to egalitarianism for the vast majority of the population, the emphasis on the distribution of the benefits, instead of conquering them or, at least, earning with complete expense of forces, abilities and energy has led the fruits of Marxist ideology - allegedly socialist states - to stagnation and decay. Dreams of all working people on the fair and harmonic life in surroundings of the dairy rivers and the honey shores turned to dust.
  Socialism and communism proved selves as chimeras.
  On the other hand, too intense strained of the fighting sides in society for power, property, rights, etc. can lead any community to anarchy and destruction rather quickly.
  Exactly this circumstance determined the emergence in a bosom of civilization of the states of different type which basic function consists not in retention of the power of the rich over the poor that many theorists put on the first place, but in retention of society from decay by establishment and use of laws, compulsion of people by force in case of need to observance of certain norms and rules within the existing institutes.
  Another possibility for the development of civilization, in the opinion of the internationalists, is connected to globalization and the prospect of the establishment of a world government.
  Absurdity of this project is obvious: no economic integration will force the local elites to cede voluntarily their power to anyone else.
  Exactly for this reason the financial bigwigs try to rule by the world the last decades covertly, leaning on the impersonality of capitalism.
  The true aim of the capitalist system is self-reproduction of capital through its continuous circular flow; the main thing in capitalism - the circulation of capital, which induces itself to motion. Capital should increase by means of obtaining percent from it (rate of return). Motion of the capital stands behind all progress and behind all accidents in real life.
  Capital begets violence against ordinary people, who are involved in the orbit of its interests. This violence is anonymous, systemic, abstract and objective. Capitalism has no rivals in its ability to produce wealth (socialism did not last even 100 years compared with capitalism, whose age is not less than 500 years).
  Wealth is considered the basis of life; high culture and great civilizations have been growing only in affluent communities. The poorest members of society ultimately receive from big common wealth too; efficient production generates progressive institutions and social progress. Exactly this fact justifies existence of capitalism. It possesses by one more property - absence of ideology. Existential advantage of capitalism consists in this.
  Absence of ideology and any apparent cognitive coordinates generates property of amazing adaptability of capitalism to any civilizations. Capitalism allows people to build the society which is pleasant to them. It can exist in the conditions of democracy of Europe and North America, within fundamentalist modes of Iran and the countries of North Africa, dictatorships of the states of Latin America, authoritative board in Turkey, the state capitalism of China and Russia.
  Capitalism is a globality and truth without significance. Complication in modern society of dialectic of the private and public leads to increase of individual and group selfishness, indifference to other people's problems, to cruelty in defending of the interests.
  Thereby, it is possible to state that modern global capitalism is characterized by the increased rigidity of logic of capital. The substitution effect of a global protest by the local protests promotes capitalism preservation, because the system (whole) remains, and are destroyed only its separate elements (the parts). Therefore, the continuous local protests are becoming a form of existence of global capitalism. Total action of a substitution effect leads to inefficiency of practically all types of an anti-capitalist protest. Only change of the owner becomes the main result of all protests. Change of the owner without change of the system is senseless a priori. In this point capitalism shows its steadfastness. [4, pages 187, 149, 189, 205, 110, 152].
  Political rationality and dispassion of the capitalist system generates its antipode - the senseless violence. In fact, a person stands in front of the binary choice - either to accept the existing rules of the game, or to exercise (self-) destructive violence, and violence without agenda, program and ideology. In this case, violence is transformed into the single form of a protest in the rational world, the protest for the sake of protest. Violence is the psychological discharge, having a value in itself. The purpose of this revolt becomes purely existential - a subjective comment about objective conditions of life. We can say that spontaneous violence is a sign of systemic powerlessness of a person [4, pages 110, 117, 121].
  The same, but with another emphasis has said F. Fukuyama: capitalism is the most perfect form of economic beingness; all attempts to rebel against it will lead only to situation deterioration. Fukuyama called this situation as "the end of history" [5].
  The spirit, living in each person, and the malicious illusion, producing every day by capitalism, cannot coexist for a long time. Independent activity of the human being gradually stops, and disappears together with it the base for the development of the spirit. The automatic aspiration of capitalism to conversion of each person in the condition of the animal, chewing cud given to him, means the deadlock and the civilization disintegration.
  This factor is aggravated also with the fact that capitalism is oriented initially on a person-customer, but not on harmonic development of society. Resources for consumption are not limitless. At the same time the number of the poor and disadvantaged in the world is growing rapidly. Relatively rich countries begin "to be fenced off" from the poor countries in counterbalance of globalization. And this policy can't but lead to increased tension between them, to different conflicts and the general decline of civilization.
  To these negative factors are added the super-accelerated development of information technology, not allowing already to people to join the heights of technological, technical and cultural thought, but mostly plunging them in the flood of cheap news and false values.
  On the other hand, contradictory information flows are beginning to sweep over the controlling centers, that are unable, because of the limited capacity of people-managers choose the right strategic and even tactical directions of movement of the countries, branches, economies.
  The number of collisions for power, resources and retention of status is growing, as well as automatically grow the quantity of errors, failures in the general functioning of a world civilization as viable system. Civilization begins to collapse - at first on the independent, rigidly competing parts, and then if it doesn't perish in wars, it will lose control over systems of supply with energy, over communication, transport etc., i.e. begins to collapse with all sad consequences.
  Thus, capitalism of technological society, although more sustainable and cost-effective than distributive socialism, which has demonstrated amply own failure, also comes to crash.
  It turns out in practice that capitalism and socialism are unsuitable for the translation of mankind into a harmonious existence, which means: such existence cannot be in the development process, how cannot be manual control by public development.
  Besides, civilizations, appearing with growth of self-consciousness in a person, inevitably cease to exist, bearing the disastrous consequences to all human community, when the centers, providing the livelihoods of any civilization, which functioning at a basis of adequate processing of the arriving information, cease to cope with all the accruing its flow (information collapse).
  All this convincingly shows that a person, per se, is the tool of consciousness which isn't capable to develop separately - without own expression in a person in temporary antagonistic communities.
  3. Humanism.
  As you know, the progenitor of a person was a monkey, as evidenced by both the structure of his body and the genome.
  Therefore, it is difficult to deny that his consciousness was also inherited to a certain extent from these animals, which appeared about 50 million years ago on Earth, while the prototype of a person, the hominid, appeared about 2 million years ago, and the hominid in the course of gradual development "matured" to homo sapiens several hundred thousand years ago. The civilization itself, which laid the foundation for the accelerated economic and cultural development of modern mankind, arose 6-8 thousand years ago.
  This shows that the conditional part of a person's consciousness, which makes him such, appeared and developed in full relatively recently.
  Thanks to this part, a person began to understand that solving only the current problems within the framework of the prevailing conditions is not enough to significantly change his position in the environment for the better. And a person in his communities is trying to consciously change these conditions to more promising ones, which can be qualified as a result of the project-target thinking that has appeared in him, looking into the future.
  In other words, unlike animals, man has realized that he is in time and can control it to a certain extent, thus partly separating himself from a purely adaptive animal existence.
  However, the emergence of self-consciousness did not in the least weaken the animal form of consciousness inherited from primates, especially since the environment surrounding a person remained the same competitive, in which he must always defend the won positions, showing by no means philanthropy, but most often the rigid egocentrism, which is the main feature animal consciousness, which helps any living being to survive under conditions of natural selection, and then, in addition to it, the artificial selection.
  In other words, the animal form of consciousness in a person, just like in other living beings, "feeds" only on sensations that give him everything, including the harmony of existence, that is, something acceptable and even pleasant in our understanding in a certain combination the sensations, if, of course, we ignore the struggle of each creature for survival. Therefore, in no case does similar being want to be deprived of the sensations.
  This type of consciousness has a natural egocentrism, automatically striving to survive, no matter what.
  In the process of development of living beings, this type of consciousness undergoes relatively minor changes, since it is not able to withdraw its main property - an unconscious desire for survival, based on the initial activity of any living.
  An external expression of the animal consciousness, quite naturally striving only for nutrition, its own reproduction, the possible improvement of its position in the environment and comfort, is the individuality of any living being, including a person.
  The main properties of individuality are quick-wittedness, sensitivity, impressionability, decisiveness, a certain degree of sociability, the ability to pry, as well as dominance, perseverance, cooperation in actions. They represent in their totality, level and relationships the individuality of the animal consciousness along with its acquired or genetic characteristics - such as appearance, temperament, with the addition of acquired life experience, skills, behavior.
  Self-consciousness, contained in a person at any level of his development, is the fundamental opposite of his own animal consciousness.
  In the presence of self-consciousness (the highest consciousness) in a living being, this being, as it were, begins to see clearly, becoming not so much "merged" into the environment as separated from it, and, so it acquires the opportunity to look at it and on oneself from the outside, to appreciate this ratio in attempts to consciously set to itself goals in mind certain shortcomings in one's own existence, which, in the opinion of this being, could be overcome, and to try to obtain implementation of the goals in actions.
  All this obviously drops out of an instinctive-reflex sphere of action of the animal consciousness, and even begins to contradict it as self-consciousness often neglects utilitarian reasons, chasing something to unattainable, but cute for the heart and mind.
  This new position - the emergence of self-consciousness - inevitably complements the external expression of animal consciousness - individuality, with all its features, already new properties, such as curiosity, will, the ability to think abstractly, creativity. In addition, in the course of the transformation of nature and the accelerated development of mankind, culture appears within the framework of civilization and, as a result, the attitude of people towards each other is gradually changing, which is expressed in such new properties of consciousness as: kindness, friendliness, empathy, sympathy, mercy, sacrifice. i.e. unselfish concern for others. These features of already self-consciousness are designated as altruism.
  Some of these new features that characterize the self-consciousness of each person were formed on the basis of the corresponding the individuality traits. In particular, the quick-wittedness of animals developed in man into a mind characterized by various forms of thinking, up to creativity, perseverance has given free rein, the ability to pry has led to curiosity, and cooperation led to friendship and mutual assistance.
  A new external feature of self-consciousness turned out to be altruism, which is absent in the animal world.
  All these external properties of self-consciousness in their totality already reflect not the individuality, but the personality of each person, which, judging by its main feature - altruism, conflicts with the main property of individuality - egocentrism.
  In more detail, the individuality and personality of a person, as well as their interaction, are disclosed in my work "Why and how do individuality and personality compete in a person?" [6].
  Thus, in accordance with the purely temporary factor in the formation of the human consciousness, the egocentrism of the human consciousness, which is several tens of millions of years old, cannot but prevail in the mass of the population over the altruism of the same consciousness, which was formed mainly only in the course of the development of civilization, more precisely, its culture, that is, for several thousand years in conditions far from the blissful existence in the comfort and satiety of the vast majority of the population, including the current situation on the planet.
  It is this predominance of animal properties over the altruism of human self-awareness in an antagonistic society such as capitalism that the proponents of all kinds of humanism could not adequately appreciate, emphasizing the value of man as a person, and, therefore, asserting his right to development, happiness, freedom, calling for love, compassion, humanity, sympathy, tolerance, which in itself looks impressive, but it is completely unrealistic for the reason that such an attempt to put the personality before the individuality means a completely unfounded belief in the victory of the recently appeared altruism over the most ancient egocentrism of the human consciousness, concentrated on the survival of the organism, which is forced to prevail among the hungry and humiliated majority.
  The entire history of the development of the human communities with recent cannibalism, which has survived in places to the present day, continuous wars, the systematic destruction of nature and its resources, catastrophic pollution of the surface of planet with waste from their activities, hatred, envy and squabbles in human communication indicates the predominant predominance of egocentrism over altruism with rare exceptions, and judging by recent events that have put the entire civilization on the brink of destruction, there is no glimmer in favor of the victory of altruism over egocentrism.
  The fact is that humanism puts a person above everything, having in mind his personality, that is, external and finite, and thereby does not take into account the essence of human consciousness, which in a person, as was shown above, is ineradicably dual, due to what in the struggle of selfish and altruistic features of human consciousness and there is an accelerated development of human communities in comparison with other communities of living beings, developing at the same time the self-consciousness of a person.
  Humanism also denies the eternity and infinity of consciousness, although there is no doubt that it is consciousness that makes each being alive in an endless series of generations of these beings in Creation.
  Therefore, the desire of humanism to eliminate this struggle by directing "all material and non-material resources to make life as comfortable and safe as possible" is utopian due to the impossibility of destroying the egocentrism of human consciousness, which, moreover, in the fight against the altruism of human consciousness, contributes to the accelerated development of self-consciousness itself.
  Thereby, like racial theories, humanism, which, by definition, is atheistic, that is, seeking support not in God, but in a person, is completely inadequate, although at first glance it is very sympathetic, due to its proclamation of the slogan: a person who lives in the spirit of reason and the use of his abilities must oneself determine the meaning and forms of his own life.
  As it always happens, the reliance of humanist theorists on a person, on his elevation, immediately leads humanism to a dead end.
  The vast majority of people who are no worse than the rest are forced to live in inhuman conditions, often in hunger and cold; they - on the verge of survival - are not up to life in the spirit of reason and the use of their abilities, which still need to be determined, which is very difficult in the actual absence of an education system and on the verge of survival. That is, the theory of humanism is elitist and in this respect is very abstract from the human race in its majority.
  Besides, the construction of the humane society by means of the ethics, based on humanitarian values in the spirit of reason and free search, suffered a complete collapse: the richest society in the face of Western countries, robbing the underdeveloped countries, and having the high level of life, nevertheless, is in a deep ideological and economic crisis, and decays.
  A person in the countries of "golden" billion is reduced to a pathetic, selfish being in the conditions of false democracy, he stops in the development, "going in cycles" on consuming of the electronic and information novelties of civilization devouring all his free time. Any protests are senseless or are cruelly suppressed. He becomes indifferent and incapable for decisive actions, pliable to the false propaganda of the fallacious values of technocratic society, - typically the consumptive.
  On the other hand, poor in the majority the Muslims making the considerable part of the population of Earth, turned out as anti-humanists in their aspiration to dilapidated religious dogmas, contradicting as to reason, and to liberty of the relations, search of new values, development. The elite of the Muslim countries, in effect, tries violently to force other people to accept these medieval views pulling the world to uniformity, wildness and autocracy.
  There is also no doubt that humanism is not able to solve the problem of choosing between the interests and needs of the person and groups of people.
  Recognizing the intrinsic value of the human personality, humanism leads to the concentration of a person on himself, destroying always naturally and temporally limited a person in the face of his personality, not capable to become the superman at all efforts to that end.
  Recognition by humanism as primary these or those the group interests and values mean a direct way to totalitarianism and the relegation of a person thereby to nothing.
  Undeniable also, humanism denies religious values, repelling the most people away from self, inasmuch in the depths every human being feels his own weakness, limitation, mortality and cannot do without the support even and the fictitious external forces.
  Thus, recognition of the intrinsic value of a person as a pearl of Creation without appeal to his basis - consciousness, turns out both senseless, and useless.
  It is confirmed also by practice: freedom, happiness, development, despite all efforts of humanists and the UN, remain on the sidelines, and dominate, in fact, only thirst of a profit, consciousness of own superiority, utilitarianism, i.e. is implemented a transfer by the structures of power of false values into the values, determining life. Thereby is formed some kind of cancer tumor which is corroding the person and his civilization quickly.
  A brief examination of these aspects of the life of human society shows how the absence of the possibility of the existence of a harmonious community of such contradictory beings, both people, and absence of necessity in such harmonious community, which would be the end of development.
  Both each person and his communities are finite. They appear and disappear, and traces of their presence on some planets are smoothed gradually, on others - appear people, and this process doesn't have the end.
  Therefore, if to search the support only in a person, as a self-sufficing being, then the question of mission of the human existence in intervals between the birth and death together with remaining people; and about mission of own civilization, which is also the finite, loses a meaning.
  This is one of the main reasons for the triumph of religion at all times, which tries to connect a person with some highest power to strengthen him in the world.
  Nevertheless, the meaning of the human existence in such contradictory conditions in the form of the developing civilizations, of course, is available, inasmuch at a deep level people separates and unites by consciousness, inherent by them.
  In a person consciousness (active) provides for oneself actual, though every time the temporal life, bringing changes into consciousness.
  Both each person and his communities are finite. They appear and disappear, and traces of their presence on one planets are smoothed gradually, on others - appear people, and this process doesn't have the end.
  Therefore, if to search the support only in a person, as a self-sufficing being, then the question of mission of the human existence in intervals between the birth and death together with remaining people; and about mission of own civilization, which is also the finite, loses a meaning.
  This is one of the main reasons for the triumph of religion at all times, which tries to connect a person with some highest power to strengthen him in the world.
  Nevertheless, the meaning of the human existence in such contradictory conditions in the form of the developing civilizations, of course, is available, inasmuch at a deep level separates and unites people consciousness, inherent by them.
  In a person consciousness (active) provides for oneself actual, though every time the temporal life, bringing the changes into consciousness.
  Consciousness in its individual expression, when it finds self in the finite beings over and over again, retains its active nature, its main frequency base due to actions in the objective, resisting world, which consciousness seeks to change through a person, as soon as can, despite all hindrances arising in front of it.
  The human actions, contributing to the recovery of the frequency structure of individual consciousness, allow remaining the eternal to each individual consciousness. Therefore, consciousness can't be isolated completely from the living beings, and forced for own preservation again and again "to plunge" into them. Exactly thus, i.e. discretely, infinite keeps oneself through the finite temporal world as the active.
  The stay of the active beginning in a person not only gives to a person as to a separate being, the conscious life, above which there is nothing, but also each individual consciousness has an opportunity to change oneself in actions of a person, and along with that to save own kernel from the destruction, remaining, unlike things, as the eternal, and at this, having only to one to it inherent personality and individuality.
  The living beings scattered on universes, in their communities, including people, retain Creation in existence thanks to the fact that, as finite, they form beingness discretely in this existence, providing the infinite existence of Creation, and to themselves - life. In the infinite set of these beings each individual consciousness can develop, express oneself and implement oneself infinitely.
  Therefore, it is possible to state: for development of consciousness, which presents in each person as the infinite, single and along with that - as the divided, the main thing in any conditions - the most awful and, seemingly, insuperable - is the rejection of own negativism, egoism, arrogance, irreconcilability, various temptations. All this consciousness passes in the person over and over again and here nothing to be done: to find is possible, only having lost.
  The irreversibility of the taking place events, which lead to death, impossibility to correct a lot of things out of deeds does life as the tragic and creates for consciousness so necessary for it for development the environment resistance, in the absence which - continuous happiness - consciousness would be fallen into stagnation, or, on the contrary, - in continuous chaos consciousness would be lost self. Therefore, moments of "now" appear and disappear (are updated) sequentially, but don't stiffen in blissful rest and don't lose its sequence.
  1. J. A. Gobineau. Essay on the inequality of the human races. Paris. 1853-1855.
  2. Schopenhauer A. The world as will and representation, vol. 1. Amazon. 2010.
  3. Nizovtsev Yu. Communes as a result of crash of all civilization. 2014. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: Amazon. Yury Nizovtsev
  4. Zizhek C. Year of the impossible. Arts dangerous dream. M. Europe. 2012.
  5. Francis Fukuyama. The End of History and the Last Man. Free Press, 1992. ISBN 0-02-910975-2.
  6. Nizovtsev Yu. The vicissitudes of beingness. Part 8. 03.2022. Amazon. Yury Nizovtsev.
  7. Nizovtsev Yu. Everything and Nothingness: 2016. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru. Amazon. Yury Nizovtsev
  Chapter 13.
  Is continuous development of reason (intellect) infinitely possible?
  It is obvious that without giving a clear definition of the concept of reason, it is impossible to answer this question. We can only state that in beingness known to us, continuity and infinity are clearly manifested only in mathematics, and even in physics, limits are set for everything. Nevertheless, there are and are even developing theories of the unlimited development of the human reason, which, apparently, are supported by the belief in the inevitable triumph of reason over chaos.
  Well-known definitions of the human reason reduce it to the ability to think, as well as to act meaningfully.
  However, animals do the same thing, and some of them are characterized by abstract thinking, imagination, and foreseeing the future (rats), and dolphins have speech in relation to the transmission of complex signals.
  This means that the main difference between humans and animals is not indicated in these definitions.
  Moreover, the generally accepted definition of consciousness essentially coincides with the definition of reason (intellect), since it states that consciousness is the ability to think, reason and determine one"s attitude to reality.
  It follows that, firstly, consciousness in these definitions coincides with reason (intellect, secondly, both people and animals have reason, or consciousness; thirdly, the main characteristic of reason (consciousness) is thinking.
  The accepted definition of thinking comes down to the fact that a thought is a connection of concepts perceived and understood by the human consciousness, a connection between the image of a goal and the elements of a situation.
  This definition, relating to the human activity, already quite adequately indicates the difference between humans and animals. The latter are trying to understand the situation in the same way, but they do not set goals in the form of certain concepts, often abstract, characterizing the future project, being satisfied with solving the current specific problems of adapting to the environment on the basis of experience, instincts, using the trial and error method.
  In other words, the thinking of animals, as undoubtedly, considerations of all other living beings, is oriented only by adaptability to the environment, which gives them the opportunity to satisfy their needs, while people are also capable of purposefully changing this environment not only to satisfy needs, but also - interests, which may consist in knowledge of this environment, which can significantly expand additionally both the zone of their needs and make their life easier.
  That is, the main difference between a person and any other being is that the latter are characterized only by adaptability, and a person is capable, in particular, of creative actions, which means that he is fully aware of them in terms of the conceptual purposeful design of future objects.
  And this, in turn, indicates that a person has acquired the ability to control time in his actions, seeking to shorten or extend it depending on his goals and interests, feeling that this time is his own present, although it, on the other hand, flows away inexorably.
  In other words, besides eternity, or infinity outside of time, that is, nothingness, there is also beingness, in which regular (cyclical) or, as it were, external current time manifests itself, in which, in particular, it is found a person, but which he cannot influence, and his own time, which is subject to him, but which he does not notice, although it is being formed by him.
  All this indicates that outside the current time - in eternity - no events can happen.
  Therefore, eternity cannot help but turn to the current time for the sake of its own manifestation, which is possible only in it.
  And vice versa, one can go into timeless endless eternity only by losing current time and with it the events, without which there is no life.
  During the entire existence of civilization, perhaps only Aristotle and I. Kant to some extent understood the objective-subjective nature of time - its duality in relation to living beings.
  Aristotle has formulated quite accurately concept of external time, having specified that it is associated with "movement of the celestial sphere", being in this regard as objective. But, at the same time, Aristotle absolutely fairly has marked that "if time - the measure of movement, it assumes number because there where is a measure, there is also a number, and the number should be counted by someone" [1]. Here Aristotle has hinted that external time is fixed only by consciousness. Actually, it is equivalent to ascertaining of the fact of problematical character of existence of time outside consciousness.
  Kant, in fact, agreed with Aristotle's the hint as regards of the fact that outside consciousness time isn't present: "Time isn't something objective and real ..., and it is an objective condition which is necessary by the nature of the human mind for the coordination among itself sensually perceived by a certain law, and - pure contemplation" [2].
  However, the same Kant has argued that ""the thing in itself (the transcendental object) is outside all thinking," meaning consciousness [3], on the one hand reasonably believing the unknowability of consciousness, but, on the other hand, not having noted that consciousness manifests itself precisely in the thinking of any living being.
  In other words, both material objects - a thing and consciousness - are capable of manifesting themselves really only in the form of a living thing surrounded by inanimate objects, that is, in beingness in the interaction in time, providing, in particular, for consciousness a possibility to think in a living being among other living beings surrounding it, and objects. All of this, collectively, creates events, so as not consciousness in itself only influences on itself and surrounding it, but and the thing always influences on consciousness. This mutual influence means that the friend without friend they are lost. Therefore, Fichte's thought: "I do myself: own beingness by means of the thinking ... I - it is unconditional, is own creation" [4], is correct only half. Without the support of consciousness in alive by other infrastructural objects of beingness consciousness in the form of alive can create nothing, including itself. Though, certainly, it is difficult to deny the leading role of consciousness in the process of this interaction.
  For a person who has consciousness, itself consciousness remains as "the thing in itself (the transcendental object)" at any level of development of the person. It is implicit a person himself recognized this fact long ago, having declared that consciousness is incorporeal, ideal. Really, consciousness can't be touched, but after all and a magnetic field we can't feel.
  Actually there is nothing more real than consciousness thanks to which, actually, all and occurs, more precisely, everything is manifested.
  Consciousness as the highest material component of Creation responds for maintenance of an animation of beingness and manifests it variously, taking care of itself and it. However similar high-organized form of a matter has no basis in our three dimensional measurement, and only goes it through the appropriate carriers, restricting itself in this finite who, naturally, can only rejoice and be surprised to this arrival but who will not be able to penetrate into structure of matter of the "highest" measurement. Therefore, we can only build guesses about consciousness and our own mission, as temporal owners of consciousness.
  Therefore, consciousness and the inanimate cannot exist without each other in beingness, and in living beings they are united, just as they are united outside of time, but in living beings they are already in the current time, that is, in the thick of events, thinking and acting.
  This can only happen if between a timeless infinity, or Uniform, and beingness, or reality with its current time, there is a kind of spacer (gasket) - a hologram, which, like a timeless infinity, is nothing more than nothingness, differing, yet, that it has gaps of infinity gaps that constitute the prototype of time [5, Ch. 2.1].
  This hologram is a kind of bridge between a timeless infinity (Uniform) and beingness, since consciousness and inanimate objects in the ultra-high-frequency form of the hologram are no longer in a single, but divided form, present in it, and along with that they present in beingness, as if covering it, converting through living beings into denser matter and thereby constituting beingness with its current time, in which each individual consciousness exists within the framework of its carrier - a living being, and which is being formed by the living beings due to their constitution, whereas within the framework of a hologram outside of time, their single consciousness is "located," with which each individual consciousness coincides in accordance with the known property of the hologram - all in one. Thereby, consciousness gets the opportunity of output into the current time, remaining also out of time, and provides itself with eternal life, preserving in a hologram the memory of all the past lives of each living creature, access to which, in particular, any person receives at the time of death, that is, when he has not yet stopped thinking, but also did not find himself in his consciousness out of time [5, Ch. 2.1; 2.2].
  Such triune structure of Creation allows it to be eternal without beginning and end, and along with that provides the opportunity for consciousness in beingness to change and develop endlessly through mortal living beings, but not continuously, but discretely in a series of mortal organisms of various kinds, the most effective of which is a person with his self- consciousness and constant life collisions in the conditions of the accelerating time of the technological civilization, which, like a person, has its own "century" - from the slave system to capitalism. This "age" of civilization ends at the point of singularity as a result of the onset of information collapse, when its own time comes to an end, but through some time the process of formation of the civilizational shell of humanity it is repeated either again in the form of a technological civilization with its rapid development or in the form of an equilibrium ecological civilization [6, Ch. 2, 3].
  This kind of discrete series of civilizations, along with a discrete sequence of human lives, ensures the change and development of consciousness endlessly in the current time of existence only under the conditions created by a technological civilization, while in the conditions of an equilibrium the development of the civilization development slows down and comes to naught [ibid.].
  Science, represented by scientists who followed I. Kant, has not realized till now the objective-subjective essence of time.
  Since time immemorial, time on Earth has been measured by people in accordance to periodic processes, associated with the rotation of the planet around its axis - a full revolution occurs in a day - and with the rotation of Earth around the Sun - a full revolution occurs in a year.
  In terms of physics these periodic changes, going consistently, create a progressive course of events, or time in which we live, that is time in physics is considered a form of passage of these or those processes, or the condition of possibility of changes.
  Thus, still it is considered that we live in some external sequence of events with almost not changing temporary stream, within which all processes, including the most complex ones, they have no influence on the uniform, continuous and constant "course" of time.
  This approach of scientists to time as only objective process did not allow them to explain the reason for the obvious accelerated development of living nature and the even greater compaction of the own time of a technological civilization in the course of its development in comparison with monotonous astronomical cycles.
  As a result, scientists were unable to foresee the current systemic crisis, fraught with the collapse of civilization.
  The very moment of disintegration occurs for each technological civilization in an information collapse (the singularity point, or the collapse point), following the discovery of nuclear technologies, the genome and the Internet, when, with the avalanche-like growth of information flows, control systems based on the work of artificial intellect, begin to malfunction, since programs compiled by humans do not cover the entire diversity of complex systems, and a significant amount of contradictory information does not allow a person - the recipient of information - to choose the right solution.
  Added to this is the crisis in scientific research, since, as it turns out, there is nowhere to go beyond the structureless quarks that make up all hadrons participating in the strong interaction, that is, all scientific discoveries are in the past, that also indicates the end of their own time of the civilization in its development.
  It is curious that very few thinkers, although they did not understand the fundamental reasons for the impending collapse of civilization, felt it with an appropriate reaction, especially since civilization itself does not provide the overwhelming majority of the population with acceptable living conditions. Naturally, these thinkers wanted maximum benefits for everyone without exception instead of living in the horrors of hostility, anger and mutual destruction.
  But they, not in the example of Kant, could not realize that any development requires contradictions, struggle, violence, which stimulates the opposing parties towards improvement for the sake of victory, survival or strengthening positions - a kind of selection similar to the natural - and not harmony and goodness, the achievement of which the best minds of mankind believe, but the population also hopes.
  However, the recent experiments with rats placed in ideal conditions of existence have shown that in them both reproduction and development slow down, and then the extinction begins.
  All these views of the benefactors of mankind come, again, from a misunderstanding of the essence of time and a person.
  A person oneself, like any living being, forms his (own) time not by oneself, but under the control of consciousness, being a kind of temporary instrument of his own eternal consciousness, which gives him life for a certain time, but for oneself at the expense of a succession of people - life eternal in development in this series discretely, resuming his development and change in each new organism. But this change is impossible in eternal goodness, which consciousness already "has" beyond time, that is, this goodness alone "gives" only nothingness, but we do not observe this. So, everything should go as it goes under the flag of consciousness in alive in beingness and along with that the same consciousness out of time.
  That is, the main reason for the rather strange theories of some quite sensible philosophers and physicists is their belief in achievability a world without violence in complete happiness and harmony specifically for each person, while the consciousness of the same person requires not goodness, but change and development, for which, in fact, consciousness through a person and all other living beings are forming time. Only in this way - through the finite in time - is the infinite outside of time capable of manifesting itself in the living, receiving, in addition to everything else, life with all its shortcomings and problems, but this is after all not nothingness.
  It was the belief in the possibilities of a person, without understanding a person as a temporary instrument of consciousness, that prompted some thinkers, of whom below we note two, apparently surpassing the rest with their super-original approaches to the development of reason in a person, combined with ensuring for him and all mankind complete happiness and creative successes in complete harmony endlessly.
  In such inadequate approaches to the development of the human reason, since without a person they do not think of the reason, these scientists, however, noted many omissions of modern science and negative features of civilization.
  One of them, the famous Russian philosopher Nikolai Fedorovich Fedorov, at the end of the 19th century, assessed civilizational progress as follows: "If progress, improvement occurs with the help of evolution, development (the change of states) of what is happening (?), then progress is not so much the action of an intelligent being as a manifestation of blind force, and therefore cannot be called the improvement" [7, part 1, note 9], and he quite correctly predicted an inevitable end for it: "If the unification of the living for a universal return to life does not is carried out consciously, then the unification of sons turns into civilization, into alienation, hostility, into destruction, and instead of the return to life appears culture, that is, degeneration and finally extinction" [ibid., part 3, paragraph 1].
  True, to prevent this end, he did not find anything better than to try to immortalize all mankind, resurrecting all the dead and providing them with complete harmony and eternal creative development on countless planets of space: "One restoration of the disappeared, its conversion to conscious and active is proof, complete knowledge and lasting, immortal existence" [7, part 2, paragraph 16], without having payed due attention to the fact that separately the immortal (timeless) and the finite objects in the current time are not able to exist, nevertheless, concretizing own statement as follows: "The duty of the return to life requires the opening of a path to heavenly space, for without the possession of heavenly space the simultaneous existence of generations is impossible, although, on the other hand, without the return to life of all people it is impossible to achieve complete possession of heavenly space... ...The question of the fate of the Earth leads us to the conviction that the human activity should not to be limited to the terrestrial planet... ...stable existence is impossible while the Earth remains isolated from other worlds. Each isolated world, due to its limitations, cannot have immortal beings. On each planet, the means of life are limited, not infinite, although they can be very large, and, therefore, death should eventually appear due to lack of means of subsistence, if it had not had time to appear earlier for random reasons" [ibid., part 4].
  Rejection of current reality, duplicating, however, but on a scientific basis, the idea of the nonviolent development of society of Leo Tolstoy and Gandhi, prompted the famous Russian physicist and philosopher of our time I. N. Ostretsov to create a scientifically based theory of the nonviolent development of the reason, under which he, apparently, meant the development of the human consciousness: "The most valuable in the ideology of the democratic motion is, albeit only intuitive, but the desire for absolute denial of violence... ...It is this circumstance that is one of the starting points of my understanding of the world, logically full of a system of views that would justify the need and inevitability of a non-violent philosophy... ...And if Marx's theory was aimed at creating a materialistic theory of human society, then the task of non-violent philosophy is to build a theory of the development of reason "[8. Instead of introduction].
  Ostretsov begins by presenting his theory of the development of reason from afar as follows: "... the properties of an individual object can manifest themselves exclusively through the properties of classical, group objects. Without interaction with group structures, individual objects cannot be perceived; they are irrational or at least quasi-material. Just as the properties of an electron cannot be known without its interaction with a classical "device," the properties of the human intelligence cannot appear without its interaction either with the material essence of the person himself or with groups of other intellects. In mathematics, however, this circumstance was clarified much earlier. For example, Dedekind defined an irrational number as a special type of section in the set of rational numbers; individual objects have the property of identity. In particular, this means that a separate, individual object cannot directly determine the properties of classical, collectivist objects. The properties of collectivist objects are determined only by statistical patterns that manifest themselves as a consequence of the interaction between members of the entire group" [ibid., Ch. 1.2].
  That is, Ostretsov is quite rightly recognizes that a person has something unknowable within the framework of a known reality (beingness), calling him irrational, which manifests itself only in the interaction of objects. In other words, he recognizes the presence in a person of that invisible and incomprehensible, but the main thing, namely what we call consciousness.
  However, Ostretsov comes to the conclusion that consciousness is immaterial, as well as everything that underlies the materialistic universe on the following basis ":..what is inside the proton? They can answer us: quarks. But quarks cannot exist separately in the material world. This is just a mathematical model, and they are no longer material objects. Thus, the materialistic universe is based on intangible objects "[ibid., Ch. 1.2].
  Similar misconception, on a basis that seems quite convincing, immediately leads Ostretsov to the problem of Nothingness, which he resolves in the traditional way by placing God in Nothingness: "...an individual object cannot arise without the Creator. Therefore, a comprehensive science can only be built on an idealistic basis" [ibid., Ch. 1.2].
  Indeed, physics has reached the limit of cognition of existing beingness in quarks, and consciousness itself should be attributed to irrational, since it seems to be, but is not recorded by instruments in any way.
  All this is so, but only within the framework of beingness, since we do not know what is being done outside it, but only "pure" nothingness cannot be there, since we are in material beingness, and this beingness may well be produced by material objects, but of a different order.
  In particular, one can assume by no means incomprehensible and intangible, omnipotent and omniscient God in Nothingness that looks, at least, unconvincing, but to accept a hypothesis based on the fact that outside of beingness there is a certain structure in the form of a hologram of a ultrahigh frequency type, which is therefore not perceived by our feelings or instruments. This structure is connected with beingness, manifesting itself through living beings invisibly, although it only goes beyond the frequency spectrum of beingness and, in particular, for this reason, it is not able to act independently in beingness, but able to manifest itself in thoughts and actions through living beings, since the latter have a set of organs and properties that allow informatively to perceive this as if an outside structure without its real manifestation in beingness.
  Therefore, both consciousness and its derivatives, for example, in the form of seemingly ideal thoughts, feelings, mathematical models, etc., - material, reflecting, in particular, in the continuously appearing and instantly disappearing non-algorithmic electrochemical connections of the neurons of the human brain in all their aggregate implicitl, but the material ultra-high frequency spectrum of vibrations, characteristic of consciousness, that is, of a hologram outside of time.
  In other words, a whole series of actually material objects cannot be measured by known means, apparently for the reason that the ultra-high-frequency structures of the hologram, representing, in particular, consciousness, go beyond the limits of what is measurable or countable in beingness, which in itself imposes a limitation on the possibility of knowing the human mind, that is, on the development of the human reason in this regard in beingness.
  This fact in itself indicates that the consciousness (reason) of a person, limited both by the biological nature of a person and the material limit of beingness (the correlation of uncertainties), constructed by consciousness on the basis (infrastructure) of inanimate objects, is quite naturally focused not on the infinite knowledge of everything, which Ostretsov insists on: "...the reason is capable of overcoming the conventions of materialistic beingness and therefore there are no limits to its development and improvement" [ibid., ch. 1.7], but the human mind, based on sensations, focuses on absorbing the endless changes of everything in beingness, that is, in the current time, which it is able to perceive or realize, which is just possible and even often pleasant, and this perception is called life, in contrast to that which is outside of time.
  Boundlessness in itself in beingness is really possible. For example, number of combinations in chess in case of 64 cells makes 10 in the 120th degree, whereas the number of atoms in the Universe between which there are different conversions and combinations, makes 10 in the 80th degree. The modern science claims that the uncountable quantity of universes appears and disappears, like bubbles. So number of combinations of the infinite number of objects is also infinitely. Therefore, the course of events in which the consciousness acts, formally can go endlessly.
  Apparently, this rather obvious texture passed by Ostretsov's mind, and he, like many of his predecessors and followers, was forced to turn to the ideal and timeless creator of everything - suddenly, who allows the human reason (consciousness) to endlessly strive for it as unthinkably perfect, while in fact everything happens the other way around: Creation exists forever for the sake of life, manifested in beingness in the interaction of consciousness and inanimate matter, under the control, but not management, of the aggregate consciousness of a hologram (a single consciousness), which gets as a result life, change, and development infinitely, but discretely.
  Reckoning on the divine power, as if giving reason to a person, Ostretsov declares: "It is the belief in the endless improvement of the material forms of one"s existence that opens up grandiose prospects for reason and its bearer, a person... ... the mind is predetermined to develop to the realization of its irrational essence and the creation of new worlds on the rational basis" [8, Ch. 1.6].
  It is curious that Ostretsov in this statement completely agrees with the above-mentioned domestic thinker N.F. Fedorov, who also believed that the human reason mind has the power to endlessly develop in creative achievements outside of time due to its own immortality, not taking into account, like Ostretsov, that the mind (consciousness) is inherent not only in a person, but also in all mortal living things, of which a person is a part. Therefore, consciousness is not able to separate completely from the living mortal, changing and developing only in it and being limited to it.
  Nevertheless, the development of reason (consciousness) through an immortal person, impossible continuously at all through the mortal living beings, occurs, posthumously interrupted and arising in new organisms and civilizations, that is, this infinite change and development occurs discretely in the symbiosis of body and consciousness only in the current time, which is being formed through alive, while Ostretsov believes that the reason (consciousness) must escape from the competitive abomination of the material to where it should be - in perfect, and therefore - in non-violent and benevolent, which it does not allow in the imperfect beingness.
  However, such non-violent and benevolent state of individual human groups can also manifest itself in beingness, but not as the crown of the development of the mind, but as a result of the collapse of technological civilization and the compelled transition of surviving communities to strategies and tactics of the survival in new conditions of the limited resources and refusal in connection with this from private property.
  In this case, collective self-consciousness blocks the egocentric aspirations of the animal consciousness of each member of the community for the sake of the survival of the entire collective.
  n such collective there is no violence against the personality, since each member is interested in the survival of the collective, on which his own survival depends, but to talk about liberty in the actual absence of development, always associated with destruction and creation, i.e., by violence, but not stagnation, since each individual is completely satisfied with such a passive life, which is still better for him than immediate death from hunger and cold in the wild, don't have to, in contradiction with Ostretsov"s opinion on freedom: "...freedom is the state of an adequate individual in an adequate collective, for only in an adequate in the collective there is no violence against an adequate individual" [ibid., Ch. 3.6].
  The misunderstanding of the possibility of developing consciousness (reason) only in the current time is also evident from the following statement by Ostretsov: "The reason is absolutely free in its constructions. They are not connected in any way with time and place and are completely determined by the carrier of the reason...... The reason will reach a state in which it will fully determine all the properties of the material world...... Order manifests itself, first of all, in the fact, that it underlies not interaction and activity, but in the laws of preservation and symmetry that reject violence "[ibid., Ch. 1.7].
  This statement by Ostretsov reveals his lack of understanding of the essence of Creation, beingness, time and information.
  Creation exists forever and does not need to achieve any special "state".
  A single consciousness is not free in its constructions of beingness, since it can conclude in itself and save all living beings of a special structure - sensory organs, a genome, a center for receiving, processing and transmitting information - unlike inanimate matter, in beingness only with a combination of completely certain parameters and constants in it, i.e., order, not chaos, in which living beings can change and develop in the current time of ordered beingness, formed by them with the participation of a single consciousness of a hologram, which is a projection of infinity outside of time, and a place in the form of space filled with moving objects is nothing more than a product of the current time, not existing without it.
  In other words, the laws of conservation and symmetry are applicable primarily to inanimate objects that make up the infrastructure of beingness, which, constituting a certain ordered structure, only ensures the development of the living, while the living always, due to dissatisfaction with the present, strives for what seems best for it, and therefore always , in order to avoid death from stagnation, tries to change its environment, violating the existing order in it and establishing a new one, and this, in fact, is the development of living things, in contrast to the stability of being as a whole, which guarantees the change and development of living things in it outside of chaos.
  Along with that, Ostretsov perfectly understands and even tries to prove that there is something above beingness that guides it: "The great spirit is a gift from God. It is outside of time and outside of space" [ibid., Ch. 2.2], but his vision is limited, essentially, to the divine reason and nothing more: "The reason reigns both above us, in the form of the phenomenon of God the Father, and inside our world, as the Reason of the Son of Man. At the core of our world are the irrational, the Holy Spirit, and Reason. All worlds in which space-time forms of matter arose must obey certain rational laws. Therefore, these worlds must be defined by properly chosen basic characteristics. In these worlds there is a metric, i.e. the cardinalities of the sets characterizing their properties are always countable. And, therefore, the emergence of any materialistic space-time phenomenon outside the mind is impossible" [ibid., Ch. 1.8].
  In addition, he rightly believes that "...in its technological growth, humanity has come to a point of "singularity", a way out of which cannot be found by replicating standard classical approaches" [ibid., Ch. 4.4].
  However, he sees a way out of the current situation of the collapse of civilization in the organization of society with "... a complete absence of rights and the presence of only obligations between individuals in relation to the collective... ... when a person is freed from property" [ibid., Ch. 3.6], which is equivalent to the creation of an equilibrium civilizations with self-regulating and self-governing cells-collectives, in which, as practice has shown, no development occurs [6, Ch. 2, 3].
  Ostretsov"s main consideration boils down to the following: "... the development scheme in the material world can be presented as follows. At a certain stage, the fluctuation occurs associated with the emergence of a new idea of development. Due to its adequacy, this fluctuation is assimilated by a group of intelligentsia, involved in development. Taking this into account, conditions are created for expanding this group and improving its working conditions. In the extended group, the fluctuation of larger amplitude occurs. And so on... ...The development of the reason cannot occur in struggle... ...Development is the most natural state of the reason... ...struggle, in particular, is a condition of only inadequate development, which is in no way associated with the development of the reason. At best, struggle and violence only form the conditions for the development of reason at the stages of existence of inadequate social forms. The very development of the reason is always a natural evolutionary process, constantly expanding in time and space" [ibid., 2.2.].
  That is, he is inclined towards a rather primitive evolutionary idealism, in contrast to the hypothesis we have proposed, the essence of which boils down to the interaction between the material active (consciousness) and the material passive (inanimate matter), which do not produce one another, being in this respect independent, but, therefore, however, coexisting in beingness in such a way that the passive acquires certain forms under the influence of the active [5, Ch. 1.6].
  In conclusion, the following can be noted.
  Of course, the task of humanity is not the accumulation of comfort, but the development of individual and collective self-awareness, which occurs most effectively and in diverse forms in the conditions of the most developed cultural and technological states of equipping humanity, what, on the other hand, inevitably leads a civilization to collapse at the point of singularity namely due to the biological and social nature of a person, producing in his communities a compaction of civilization"s own time due to the absorption by a person and his communities of an increasing volume of information flows in the course of the development of a civilization.
  In addition, the biological construct of a person, as well as the social organization of communities, is such that as a person with his dual consciousness - natural consciousness and self-consciousness - and its communities, consisting of personalities, completely different regarding development of self-consciousness, and therefore in terms of needs and interests, are not able to agree, having different goals to the extent of their understanding of themselves and others, as well as reality, that is, for a significant part of these personalities the problems, associated with the processes of knowing and self-improvement, don't exist.
  Similar heterogeneity of the members of the communities that make up civilization also contributes to its disorganization at the stage of capitalism, when individualism manifests itself most prominently.
  Therefore, a single consciousness has to help create conditions for the revival of humanity and help bring it back to a civilizational form, thereby ensuring in this discrete regularity its own development through imperfect, but necessary, since this development is impossible outside of time, and the current time cannot be created without living beings, which in itself indicates the eternal coexistence of the active (consciousness) and the passive (inanimate matter).
  That is, a human technological civilization cannot achieve a state of harmony, which is unattainable in the conditions of an antagonistic, but the only one contributing to the development the human consciousness society. Moreover, this civilization is not capable of developing indefinitely. Human technological civilization is the final product of the development of living things, but it allows consciousness to develop discretely in the struggle of personalities due to the regular resuming of each civilization, of which there are countless in Creation.
  In this way, that is, with the help of the finite, the infinite single consciousness bypasses the comparative short-term existence of the human civilizations. Moreover, all living things, and not just a person, forming the current time, manifest a single consciousness through each individual consciousness in alive, giving both life, which is impossible outside of time, in which a single consciousness in the form of a hologram is "located". That is, the living mortal, combining the inanimate structured matter and the individual consciousness, and the immortal single consciousness depend on each other, not existing separately, only alive, including a person and his communities, go through finite cycles of development, and consciousness through them manifests itself endlessly, receiving the entire limitless palette of life manifestations, and not just development and aspirations for knowledge.
  This process has neither beginning nor end, since a single consciousness "is" outside of time, but receives through the mortal alive - in the current time - from each individual consciousness a portion of life, and the number of these portions is immeasurable. And in itself, the connection between each individual consciousness and a single consciousness is timeless, since all this is a single hologram, that is, a single consciousness and each individual consciousness as a single whole "make up" a hologram outside of time, and along with that are manifested in the current time of beingness.
  Ostretsov, believing a possibility of achievement by reason (consciousness) of harmony in which there will be a true development of reason, confuses the development horizon with reality. The horizon in itself is not achievable, but stimulates development, always characteristic with discrepancy of the different purposes and interests which will never be able to be replaced by a single goodness. Therefore, Christ's precepts on which Ostretsov comments actually speak about two worlds - the world in the current time of contradictory development, and the world out of time, by definition, not capable to development, but capable to control the world of development. These two worlds depend from each other and in lack of any of them another is not capable to be shown. Therefore, they are compelled to support each other forever.
  Thus, it is generally pointless to talk about non-violent development - there is no violence outside of time, but there cannot be development there, just like life in general, and in the world of current time, formed by the living, impossible to do without violence, since the principle of development is creation, which requires destruction of the obsolete for the sake of creating the new, etc.
  The very dual nature of a person - a primate on the one hand, and a self-aware being on the other, thereby having dual consciousness, does not allow, without loss of biological essence, to isolate from him one "part" of consciousness - the self-aware reason for the endless development of this reason, which, moreover, however, it is impossible without biological-social life, which is what artificial intelligence shows us, which, despite its capabilities, remains in the status of a dependent blockhead.
  1. Аристотель. Метафизика. М., 1999. (Aristotle. Metaphysics. Moscow, 1999.)
  2. Кант. О форме и причинах чувственно воспринимаемого и умопостигаемого мира. - В книге. Сочинения, т. 2. М., 1964.
  (Kant. On the form and causes of the sensible and the intelligible world. - The book. Works, Vol. 2. Moscow, 1964.)
  3. Иммануил Кант. Сочинения в шести томах. М., 1965. (Immanuel Kant. Works in six volumes. M., 1965.)
  4. И. Г. Фихте. Сочинения в 2-х томах. - СПб. Мифрил. 1993. (Fichte J.G. Works in 2 volumes. - St. Petersburg. Мифрил. 1993.)
  5. Nizovtsev Yu. Everything and nothingness. 2016. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru. Amazon. Yury Nizovtsev.
  6. Nizovtsev Yu. Communes as result of crash of all civilization. 2016. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru. Amazon. Yury Nizovtsev.
  7. Фёдоров Н. Ф. Философия общего дела. 1906. https://predanie.ru (Fedorov N. F. Philosophy of common cause.)
  8.Острецов И. Н. Введение в философию ненасильственного развития. Монография. Ростов н/Д. ИП "Комплекс". 2002. (Ostretsov I. N. Introduction to the philosophy of nonviolent development.)
  Chapter 14.
  What changes await us in us themselves?
  Existing theories about the development of a person and humanity are divided into three main categories: some consider a person as the only representative of the reason, which he must develop, forgetting that a person and humanity are finite, and a person himself is a semi-primate; others believe that a person, as a natural product of the evolution, despite he somehow acquired the reason, will inevitably follow the evolutionary processes within the framework of his ape essence, not paying attention to the exclusivity of his own mind; still others believe that progress is a manifestation of a blind force that will lead the humanity to degeneration and extinction if this force is not somehow evaded from.
  The question of the existence of a person and humanity has long been discussed from all sides, but it is rather difficult to give an adequate conclusion about oneself. Therefore, it is mainly talked about development problems, and not about the degradation of humanity, although at present, rather, the latter is happening.
  Nevertheless, each thinker, having stated one or another feature of a person in his communities, which, in his opinion, prevails and leads humanity to collapse, gives his own recipe for avoiding this collapse, not paying attention to the fantasticness or practical inapplicability of this recipe, probably due to problems in assessing their own depth of mind, which is limited only to a person.
  In itself, the explanation of the inadequacy of the approaches of famous or known scientists, briefly described and commented below, lies in the fact that they consider the existence of a person in his communities precisely as a person, highlighting certain of his features, without noticing the main thing - the realization in the finite person of the infinite consciousness. Therefore, no matter how they twist a person with all his abilities, who, alas, is finite, it turns out zilch.
  The most optimistic of these thinkers is the known physicist and philosopher I. N. Ostretsov, who claims that reason in its Christian interpretation reigns in the world: "The reason reigns both above us, in the form of the phenomenon of God the Father, and inside our world, as the Reason of the Son of Man. At the core of our world are the irrational, the Holy Spirit, and Reason [1, Ch. 1.8].
  Thus, Ostretsov's recognition of the only kingdom of reason inevitably leads him to the supreme owner of this reason, who, by own desire, formed the world on own reasonable basis, although it is not clear where this basis came from: "The creation of the world by God the Father is the crown of the triumph of Reason over randomness" [1, chap. 1.8]. Moreover, Ostretsov is consistent in his aspiration to track the intentions of God the Father: "If our world was created by God the Father, then he is the only one. He is the product of his insight" [1, Ch. 1.8].
  Everything else follows from such denial of the eternal existence of Creation, namely: a person's aspiration to return to his creator, more precisely, to his goodness, in spite of everything, while taking on part of his functions to manage the world.
  Following the precepts of Christ, as he understands them, Ostretsov tells us the following: "...violence in general and struggle in particular is a condition only for adequate development, in no way associated with the development of reason. At best, struggle and violence only form the conditions for the development of reason at the stages of existence of inadequate social forms. The very development of the reason is always a natural evolutionary process, constantly expanding in time and space" [1, Ch. 2.2].
  Ostretsov tries to prove the predetermination of the transition of human civilization to a social organization adequate to the postulates of Christ on the basis of the following thesis: "... without solving the problem of determinism, all social structures turn out to be built on sand" [1. Introduction].
  Of course, the meaninglessness of the project of bringing the world to final harmony and symmetry is obvious, since Christ himself in his postulates showed that harmony is nothing more than a horizon to which every person should strive in the struggles of life, and not the final goal of the human development.
  However, Ostretsov decisively and on a scientific basis proposes to reorganize the imperfect beingness by bringing it to harmony by creating a philosophical system based on a combination of a statistical approach to social phenomena, characterized by the rejection of violence, and the determinism in the development of the human society and its reason, using the axiomatic method [1. Introduction],
  However, the fantastic nature of these, at first glance, quite adequate reasoning, is clearly visible in the content of the following statement by Ostretsov: "The reason is absolutely free in its constructions. They are in no way connected with time and place and are completely determined by the bearer of the reason... ...The reason will reach a state in which it will completely determine all the properties of the material world... ...The order is manifested, first of all, in the fact that it underlies not interaction and activity, and in the laws of conservation and symmetry that reject violence" [1, Ch. 1.7].
  Bringing the laws of the physical world closer to the beingness of a person, which is characterized by the presence in him of a consciousness unknowable to science, as well as the presence in a person not only of rationality in terms of his awareness of himself, the prospects and fruits of his activity, but also of the animal essence, Ostretsov puts aside the limitations of a person as in the set and abilities of his senses, and therefore the limits in the possibilities of selecting information, and in the capabilities of his own centers for processing information entering them.
  In other words, the current own time, which is being involuntarily created by a person himself within the framework of his semi-animal essence, will not allow him to find another "time and place that are completely determined by the bearer of reason," and in which it will be possible to do without violence.
  Ostretsov's approach to the problem of the development of mankind is characterized by a coincidence of purpose and means, since a person, even if we recall Christ, on whose postulates he relies, did not appear at all in order to eventually replace God on his throne in a state of complete harmony. But this is precisely what Ostretsov calls for in his statements about the future management of the world by a person and the creation of new worlds by him: "...the reason is predetermined to the develop up to the realization of its irrational essence and the creation of new worlds on a reasonable basis" [1, Ch. 1.6]. "... the reason is able to overcome the conventions of materialistic beingness and therefore there are no limits to its development and improvement" [ibid., Ch. 1.7],
  So, the problem of Ostretsov, like all the great well-wishers of humanity that preceded him in their inescapable aspiration to lead it to complete goodness, is their failure to understand that only living beings, due to their structure, have the ability to independently receive, transform and transmit information.
  It is on this basis that they build beingness and exist themselves, being in a rhythmic state of competitive change and development. Without living beings, which are such only if there is consciousness in them, beingness not only loses its meaning, but Creation itself becomes nothingness.
  This kind of state of the competitive change and development of living beings in their communities, due to their biological and social structure, cannot be uninterrupted within the framework of external (calendar) continuous time of existence. Therefore, flowing within the limits of this calendar time of beingness, the very existence in Creation of the finite living beings inscribes itself also within the limits of own time.
  In particular, such proper time is the time of existence of each human civilization (several thousand calendar years), first in development, which gradually accelerates with the growth of information consumed, and then in degradation, that is typical for communities of all living beings. Therefore, this cycle, or own time of existence of the civilization, ends with its reboot. In other words, it is renewed, being recreated after its destruction, depending on the degree of its destruction, either in a form similar to the previous technological civilization capable of development, or becoming an equilibrium ecological civilization incapable of development, or disappearing completely, that is, being reset, for example, due to the death of all life on the planet.
  Thus, on a planet that has conditions suitable for life for a long calendar time, there may be many human civilizations, but in their sequence the development of humanity does not take place as consistently, but it proceeds only locally - within the framework of the current cycle. Consistently, in this series of civilizations, through a person in his communities changes and develops consciousness, more precisely, it is flowing through collisions, without which any human lives cannot do.
  Thereby, this kind of discrete nature of the existence of civilizations means implementation of changing and developing consciousness through them endlessly, which is ensured twofold: on the one hand, under the control of a single consciousness that holds the entire system in which living things exist in the infrastructure of non-living things in a working state; on the other hand, a particle of a single consciousness that every living being possesses, more precisely, gives activity to a being of a certain structure, provokes it in the conditions of a changing environment to show dissatisfaction with what is, ensuring a change and development of consciousness in the process of reproduction of these creatures in a series of mistakes and achievements accumulating in memory, without which there can be no development [2, Ch. 1.5].
  If we return to Ostretsov"s approach to a person and humanity, he puts them on the same level as God, and not with animals, which, apparently, his author subconsciously wanted, despite the fact that man is mortal and, moreover, a semi-primate: "The collective reason of humanity will acquire non-spatial and timeless forms of existence and create a world in which it will be destined to achieve the all-encompassing potential of God the Father. Absolute determinism in the development of the mind, and with it the whole world, is guaranteed by the phenomenon of God the Father" [1, Ch. 1.8].
  Unfortunately, Ostretsov"s the excessive optimism regarding the capabilities of the reason leads him to a scientifically-like accumulation of a whole series of absurdities, reflected in the one-time command of a Supreme Being who inexplicably emerged from nowhere, who incomprehensibly decided to produce everything out of nothingness only on planet Earth. And this seething everything must, again, for some unknown reason, calm down in goodness, behind which somehow no life is foreseen. Why then did the Supreme Being excite it?
  The commandments of Christ, which Ostretsov comments on, actually speak of two worlds - a world within the framework of the current time of contradictory development with inevitable violence, manifested in the destruction of the old for the sake of creating a new one, and a world outside of time, by definition, incapable of development, but capable of controlling the changes and development of the world. These two worlds depend on each other and cannot exist separately, but they are also not capable of becoming a single whole.
  This is the essence of Creation.
  Therefore, it is generally meaningless to talk about non-violent development - there is no violence outside of time, but there cannot be development there, just like life in general, and in the world of the current time, formed by alive, it is impossible to do without violence, since the principle of development is the creation for the sake of creating the new, and the destruction of the obsolete, which is resisting own elimination, etc.
  The very dual nature of a person - a primate on the one hand, and a self-aware creature on the other, does not allow, without loss of biological essence, to isolate reason from him for development, which, moreover, is impossible without biological-social life. It is this the artificial intellect shows us , which, despite its capabilities, remains a dependent blockhead, which can always be disconnected from the power source.
  The evolutionary-scientist S.V. Savelyev is trying to subvert optimistic thinkers. He proves quite convincingly, that if his knowing hand in the form of a high-resolution tomograph is not applied to a person, then all of humanity will inevitably return to its previous animal state: "In just a few million years, the cerebral sorting has increased our brain several times and has given it properties, unprecedented for the animal world. The problem is that this trend has already changed and today's artificial selection is aimed at reducing brain mass, which simplifies further socialization and conformism. At the same time, biological selection thrives, it is absolutely indifferent to both the size of the brain and the level of intelligence of its owner. The main value is food and reproductive dominance over other inhabitants of the planet. For these reasons, a safe uniformity of thoughts of the philistines will arise without any total control by the evil uncles with tomographs. The lovely humanity has already created perfect methods of behavioral selection that will destroy our consciousness and destroy the traces of reason without any additional efforts" [3. Preface].
  And further, Saveliev summarizes: "...the continuation of our biological evolution does not look very rosy. Neither an excess of food, nor the development of dull social conformism, nor forced tolerance, nor a pseudo-information space within the framework of a controlled imitation of freedom promises us any special progress. Apparently, we will face a further decrease in brain size combined with a decrease in individual variability..." [3, Ch. 11].
  In general, having rightly noted such a sad fact for us, Saveliev offers, unlike Ostretsov, his solution to rapprochement with harmony, security and justice: "Only conscious cerebral sorting can be opposed to these processes as an instrument for realizing humanity"s eternal dream of harmony of peace, security and justice of relations" [3. Preface].
  If earlier it was not possible to "get into" the brain, then current technologies allow it to be done, which is what Savelyev needs to realize his dream of establishing universal fairness, and at the same time preventing a person from sliding to the monkey ancestor.
  His recommendations are as follows: "To implement the project, a device should be created for intravital analysis of the location of neurons in the brain and ensure that the basics of the necessary information about the individual variability are available. There is the complete scientific clarity and real technical capabilities regarding the creation of such device. The spatial resolution of a 3D tomograph is required to be about 1 micron (voxel size) with a scanning time of no more than 6 hours. The computing power of the system should make it possible to calculate the location of about 100 billion neurons in the human brain. A solution to this problem is just around the corner. Modern traditional tomographs have approached the resolution level of 100 microns, and the use of X-ray optical elements and phase-contrast scanning systems will simplify this task. Technical and intellectual capabilities for creating the necessary tool already exist in two or three countries, which will allow completing work on the creation of such tomograph in the near future.
  In parallel, it is necessary to accumulate information about the structure of the brain of various people. To do this, you should create a specialized structure with conveyor histological processing of the brain of people with a known biography, original abilities or without them at all... ...In this situation, the morphological database on key brain features will be partially ready by the time the intravital analysis of individual brain features begins. It is quite understandable that it will take time to develop methods for comparing the morphological structure of the brain and real human behavior. The accuracy of intravital analysis will increase exponentially with the expansion of the number of examined variants of the brain structure. The result of this work will be the possibility of an objective assessment of the abilities of each person "[3, Ch. 11].
  For the sake of the objectivity, Savelyev admits the inhumanity of his project and, as a consequence, the need for its implementation by force. But, at one time, Comrade Lenin also considered it possible to force underdeveloped humanity to complete harmony in a way that still resonates today.
  Therefore, Savelyev justifies himself as follows: "By implementing conscious cerebral sorting, both individual and social problems generated by the biological mechanisms of evolution will be solved. The project looks like an inhumane event, built on interference in a person"s fate, control of behavior and forced limitation of his interests" [3. Consequences of the selection].
  It must be said right away that Savelyev is in vain scaring us with a catastrophic decrease in brain volume right now, since this volume with all the additional convolutions and sections has been increasing and changing for millions of years, and so it will not immediately decrease up to that of a monkey in either quality or quantity.
  We shall be facing something completely different and very close - the inability even with such a wonderful brain to process the catastrophically increased volume of diverse and contradictory information, since there is a limit to everything. There is no point in pinning your hopes on an artificial intellect, since it is not capable of making fateful decisions on its own, acting only within the framework of the programs embedded in it by the same person.
  Therefore, a person has to make many decisions immediately in view of only superficial signs that hide the deep causes of events, which is naturally fraught with errors, and, in the worst case, disasters on a global scale.
  Savelyev cannot offer any means from this "disease," and not only him.
  As for the implementation of his project into life, it is extremely unlikely, if only due to the fact that the power elites, that control us, consist, due to a completely natural selection into them, only from such individuals for which the use of the brain is important only in order to crawl into power and will gain a foothold in it not for the benefit of the humanity, but for the sake of power itself over crowds of people, often uncontrolled, and, in addition, providing the opportunity to play out the most base, but pleasant instincts associated with nutrition, reproduction and other monkey pleasures. For all this, no great virtues or inclinations are required. On the contrary, what is most needed is resourcefulness, cunning, quick intelligence, sycophancy, unscrupulousness, a tendency to deceive, as well as irresponsibility, expressed in experiments that seem beneficial to oneself, but are clearly harmful to the population.
  Such subjects will never allow their brains to be analyzed by the means offered, since great brains simply do not exist there and cannot exist as they are unnecessary. Moreover, altruism and creativity are a significant hindrance in the environment of "spiders in power." The same applies to their offspring, most often the mediocre ones, since the giftedness does not occur often, but, at the same time, it can be found in all segments of the population, regardless of education and upbringing.
  It is tempting, of course, for those in power to condemn the people to new slavery on the brain, distributing everyone in the appropriate categories, but it is painfully expensive, and of the population - billions, especially since these peoples will suddenly demand, that those in power themselves be tested for suitability.
  In addition, the clever people identified by this technique can quickly come up with how to quickly destroy all the current rich and exploiters without problems.
  And in general, in the conditions of the current degrading capitalism, the process of cerebral sorting will certainly not be led by the wisest and most highly moral individuals, but by ordinary crooks, who always deftly "crawl" into power. They will immediately "arrange" unthinkable corruption in this matter., And they themselves will try to evade scanning due to their obvious ordinarity, or they will manipulate the data for themselves, just as they are currently stamping doctoral dissertations for themselves with the help of "negroes".
  The same people who want to know about their potential abilities should be provided with complete anonymity, since many will not want to make public the data obtained, for example, because of their own modesty or secrecy, lack of the possibility of their use, as well as because of disgust for the case, if even the abilities to it are found. And such provision of anonymity, as current practice shows, does not work in any way. This means that this procedure should be completely separated from the state in the person of its officials, whose goals and objectives very rarely coincide with the goals and objectives of active citizens, but this, of course, is very problematic.
  So, the cunning rulers who are most interested in preserving themselves in power are likely to decide that it is preferable to do without these innovations, which can only harm them personally, showing all their dullness.
  If you look at this technique from the perspective of developing self-consciousness, then its use restricts a person"s freedom, depriving him of his initiative in solving own problems. A person at similar artificial selection, which excludes his right to make mistakes, excludes his aspiration for the unattainable, falls into his own intellectual slavery hindering the development of his self-consciousness, which is possible only in overcoming difficulties, regardless of intellectual abilities and professional inclinations.
  In other words, the cerebral sorting only hinders the development of the human self-consciousness, despite its external attractiveness.
  The mistake of the evolutionary biologists is the categorical assertion of the same S. Savelyev about the primacy in the process of development of mankind of solving biological problems: "The development of the social instincts and the artificial selection are aimed at solving biological problems, and not at the intellectual development of mankind. The progress, of course, is, but its purposes absolutely same, as well as at any soil worm. The main goal of a live organism consists in search of an infinite source of food, boundless reproduction and dominance at universal resettlement. In the solution of such tasks a brain - only the auxiliary tool which can be thrown out easily after successful use. For this reason, constantly arising encumbrances by excess of intelligence automatically are removed from community ... [6. Chapter 2] ... Objects of the biological evolution use the social revolution only for the solution of the food and reproductive interests, the world cataclysms are only ways of selection of a brain, and basic instincts and their derivative motivations always remain invariable" [6. Preface].
  The actual substitution of consciousness by its tool - a brain - leads the evolutionists, as it can be seen from the fragment given above, to exaggeration of value of action of animal (lowest) consciousness in a person which is directed only to getting of food, ensuring reproduction and acquisition of advantages before the others, on the one hand.
  On the other hand, the evolutionists do not wish to understand that the accelerated development of living beings began with the advent of self-consciousness at them (the highest consciousness) which began to compete with animal (lowest) consciousness both in the environment, and in the social relations, creating the permanent antagonism of these consciousness forms, having, as a rule, contradictory interests, and, therefore, - a new driving force for their development, specific only to human communities, since a person have two components of consciousness - the lowest, often called the unconscious or subconscious, and the highest consciousness, or self-consciousness, the level of which can vary significantly depending on the degree development of a person or his communities - take, for example, a Stone Age person and the current Nobel laureate, - the level of self-consciousness in both cases is significantly different, but self-consciousness is present here and there, not disappearing anywhere, while the lowest consciousness, which is mainly responsible for the functioning of the organism (body) to keep it in a living state and by the adequate in relation to the body"s stay in environment, as well as for its fastening and expansion in it, remains virtually unchanged, more accurately, weakly dependent on time.
  Both these components of consciousness exist and act in the body and through the body in an inextricable connection, and the highest consciousness is unable to exist without the lowest, since the latter is responsible for the preservation of the living creature in the environment, without what a life is impossible, and the highest consciousness - first of all, for consciously-project activity of a being both individually and in human communities in a certain environment, at this, without self-consciousness other natural beings are coped completely.
  It is these deep-seated entities in the form of the lowest consciousness and highest consciousness, are hidden and intertwined in each human consciousness, and, consequently, in the public consciousness, with all their antagonism because of the need to solve various problems, for the most part contradicting each other, and pursuing different predilections and interests, really determine the development of human communities at any stage.
  Along with that, the statement about the transformation of a person into a monkey, if left to himself in his communities, as an indispensable result of his biological development, looks even more absurd due to the fact that the ape-like creature acquired awareness of himself as a personality who understands his stay in time and , which means, their mortality, and using this limited time of life in order to influence the environment purposefully, changing it in their interests and needs, and therefore, thereby developing their self-sufficiency, initiative, self-consciousness, creativity and altruism, cannot even disappear with the death of a person, since consciousness is immortal.
  The degradation of individual populations of the human race for various reasons - internal or external, as history shows, does not return people to the image of monkeys, but leads to the disappearance of this population in a competitive environment, since it will be relatively quickly replaced by more energetic natural competitors.
  Thus, the way out of the current decline in creativity - the main property of self-awareness - cannot be reduced to cerebral sorting. Its limitation and practical inapplicability in existing social relations is obvious. Moreover, as S. Savelyev himself points out, even "... selection aimed at identifying and strengthening the best qualities can with equal probability lead to both progress and regression" [3, Ch. 2].
  This exit is carried out for civilization by the process of its renewal with the reduction of all achievements of technical progress to zero, which occurs automatically in the form of information collapse at the point of singularity, providing to the preserved humanity in one quantity or another, but without loss of quality (self-consciousness), a new cycle of development on the base of this renewed humanity, which is confirmed by the appearance and disappearance on our planet of a whole successive series of civilizations similar to the current one, from which many artifacts have been preserved [4].
  That is, the process of the emergence of civilizations, as can be seen, has not stopped, and it will continue after the collapse of the current civilization until the climatic and other external conditions necessary for life on the planet disappear.
  Unlike other thinkers - progressives and evolutionists, the famous Russian philosopher Nikolai Fedorovich Fedorov relatively recently assessed civilizational progress this way: "If progress, improvement occurs with the help of evolution, development (change of states) of what is happening (?), then progress is not as much an action of a rational being as a manifestation of blind force, and therefore cannot be called improvement [5, part 1, note 9]... ...the unification of sons turns into civilization, into alienation, hostility, into destruction... ...appears culture, that is, the degeneration and finally extinction" [5, part 3, note 1].
  Fedorov further explains: "The triumph of the younger generation over the older is an essential part of progress. Biologically, progress consists in the absorption of the elder by the younger, in the displacement of the fathers by the sons; psychologically, it is a replacement of love for fathers with soulless exaltation over them, contempt for them, this is a moral, or rather, the most immoral displacement of fathers by sons... ...Progress is precisely that form of life in which the human race can taste the greatest amount of suffering, striving to achieve the greatest amount of pleasures . Progress is not content with recognizing the reality of evil, it wants a complete representation, a doubling of evil, it revels in it in realistic art, while in ideal art it strives for complete conviction of unreality, in the impossibility of good, it revels in the representation of nirvana... ...Although stagnation is death and regression is not heaven, progress is true hell, and the truly divine, truly human business lies in saving the victims of progress, in bringing them out of hell. Progress as the negation of the fatherland and brotherhood is a complete moral decline, the negation of morality itself. For the present century, the century of progress, father is the most hated word, and son is the most humiliating. To adhere to the father's and grandfather's, to be dependent on them - what could be more shameful for a progressist... ...The goal of progress is a developed and developing personality, or the greatest measure of freedom available to a person, that is, not communication, ...but separation is the goal of progress, therefore, the least degree of fraternity" [5, part 3, note 15].
  Naturally, since the civilization does not provide the desired development with the achievement of complete harmony for man and humanity, but only leads to the disappearance of humanity, then, as Fedorov reasonably believes, it is necessary to help the humanity get out of such peak situation.
  And he offers a rather original method of this help, which consists of the following: "The task of the human race is to convert all the unconscious, which spontaneously becomes born into a conscious, bright, real, general, personal raise of the dead" [5, part 2, paragraph 13], substantiating this idea of a general return to life of the dead by the fact that "Progress is a direct the opposite of the return to life of the dead, progress consists in the critical attitude of the younger generation towards the older generation, in the condemnation of the fathers by the sons and in action in accordance with this condemnation" [5, part 3, note 15].
  That is, he considers it possible to separate a person from a meaningless alive, born for no apparent reason, by the method of stopping such an unreasonable process by the process of the return to life of the dead, which he presents as follows: "We know nothing about the abyss and the victory of defeated death, but we believe it is possible for us, as instruments of the God of the Fathers, who breathed life into us, possible and necessary, on the one hand, to achieve, through all, of course, people, knowledge and control of all molecules and atoms of the external world so as to collect the scattered, to unite the decomposed, that is, to put them in the bodies of the fathers that they had at their death, and on the other hand, we believe it is possible and necessary, having achieved the internal control of the psychophysiological process, to replace the birth of children similar themselves, their fathers and ancestors (atavism), by returning to fathers the life, received from them" [6].
  "The project of the general action of the subject, in its entirety, on the object in its entirety (i.e., on the entire earthly planet in its entirety, and not on any part of it only, on the entire solar system in its entirety, and, finally, to the entire Universe). This action consists, firstly, in turning the generative force into a regenerative one and the killing one into a reviving one, and secondly, in collecting scattered dust and combining it into bodies, using for this purpose radiant images, or images left by waves from the vibration of each molecule, and thirdly, in the regulation of the Earth, i.e. in the management of the Earth as a cemetery, - this control consists in the sequential return to life, or re-creation of many generations of the dead, in the return to life to spread through returned to life the regulation to all worlds that do not have the inhabitants. Such a project is a complete expression of supramoralism, or the answer to the question "for what purpose was a person created," indicating that the human race, all the sons of men - through the regulation of the heavenly worlds - themselves will become heavenly powers, ruling the worlds of the Universe" [ibid.].
  "The difficulty of rebuilding for each generation of that generation that immediately preceded it is exactly the same; since the attitude of the present generation towards their fathers and that of the generation, which will reach the art of rebuilding first, his fathers exactly like our great-grandfathers to their fathers. Although the first, returned to life will, in all likelihood, be return almost immediately after death, barely having time to die, and those who are less devoted to smoldering will follow, but each new experience in this matter will facilitate further steps. With each new return to life, knowledge will grow; it will be at the height of the task, and when the human roll reaches the first deceased. Moreover, for our great-great-great-grandfathers, the rebuilding should be even easier, incomparably easier, that is, it will be incomparably more difficult for our great-great-great-grandchildren to restore their fathers than for us and our great-great-great-grandfathers, for in the rebuilding of our fathers we will use not only all previous experiences in this matter, but also through the cooperation of our resurrectors, so that it will be easier for the first son of a person to restore his father, the father of all people" [5, part 4].
  Thus, Fedorov"s conclusion about the impossibility of developing the human reason within the framework of the earthly existence (civilization) to a state of harmony prompted him to resolve this problem by entering the humanity into a creative space outside of time by achieving the immortality of every person and the corresponding suppression of birth rates: "The task of the human race is to convert all the unconscious, which spontaneously becomes born into a conscious, bright, real, general, personal raise to life" [5, part 2, paragraph 13],
  At its core, Fedorov"s idea of a universal return to life of dead comes down to the return of the past time toward the present time, and the unification of humanity by transferring this present time into eternity: "Hidden in the childish feeling of universal brotherhood was the fact that every person is a son, grandson, great-grandson , great-great-grandson... a descendant of the father, grandfathers, great-grandfathers, ancestors, a common forefather, therefore, this feeling contained not only the closest connection of the present, living (sons), but the same or even greater connection as the present with the past (fathers) , in contrast to the teachings of ancient and modern philosophers, whose mistake lies precisely in the gap between the present and the past [5, part 2].
  Judging by Fedorov"s statements, he, in essence, connecting the past with the present, eliminates the future time, which, as it were, precedes the past and without it is not capable of manifesting itself in the present, for the sake, as it seems to him, of ensuring the immortality and happiness of every person in eternity. That is, he forgets that life in eternity, containing everything that was, is and will be, simply cannot exist, since in this separate eternity, in particular, there is no renewal characteristic of the present time, which is formed by a person as by any other living being also, through its senses and consciousness automatically, whereas the past is contained in his memory, manifesting itself, again, in the present, and a person is able to imagine the future only in his imagination again in the present.
  Fedorov did not understand that the blind, as he called it, force of progress, which forces civilization to accelerate the flow of its own time, is in fact not purely natural. It arises from the interaction of the animal (natural) consciousness of a person and the completely rational self-consciousness inherent only in a person, which has separated him from the blind forces of nature. It is the struggle of these two components of the human consciousness, and not some other natural forces, that ensures the accelerated development of civilization, and therefore allows each individual human consciousness to constantly plunge into ever-growing information flows, that is, to receive ever new changes in their own self-awareness as a result arising collisions, thereby developing both his self-consciousness and giving from the entire totality of individual forms of consciousness new food for a single consciousness of all [2, sections 2.2; 2.4].
  In conclusion, we note that the biological structure of a person, as well as the social organization of communities, is such that both a person with his dual (natural consciousness and self-consciousness), and his communities of completely different people by their level of self-consciousness, and therefore in terms of needs and interests, are not able to agree, having different goals to the extent of their understanding of themselves, others and reality, and this understanding is not directly related to the problems of cognition for the vast majority of the population.
  To a large extent, for this reason, the development of civilization, like any finite formation uniting living beings, ends in crisis and collapse, but it resumes if there are suitable conditions for existence in one form or another, as noted above, as well as in the work "Are "paradisiacal tabernacles" on Earth possible?" [4].
  That is, the human civilization is not capable of developing endlessly, having in a limited person equally the limited informational limits. Therefore, the state of harmony is unattainable for it, and is not necessary, since harmony is the antithesis to development.
  Any civilization is not infinite, but a final product, subject to regular renewal, which occurs endlessly, but discretely, allowing consciousness to develop in the struggle of personalities, which is not repeated in detail in various life collisions. And there are countless such civilizations in Creation. In this way, that is, with the help of the finite, an infinite single consciousness bypasses the temporality of the existence of the human civilizations [2].
  Moreover, all living beings, and not just humans, forming the current time, manifest a single consciousness through each individual consciousness in the living, giving both life, which is impossible outside of time. That is, the temporary living and immortal consciousness depend on each other, not existing separately, only alive, including a person and his communities, go through finite cycles of change and development, and consciousness through them manifests itself endlessly, receiving the entire limitless palette of life manifestations and impressions, and not only the development in the human aspirations for knowledge, also infinitely - without beginning and without end, since a single consciousness is outside of the current time, but also - through alive - in the current time, receiving from each individual consciousness the appropriate portion of life every time, since a single consciousness and each individual consciousness - a single whole, making a hologram out of time, and along with that, - in time, which is formed by exactly living beings [2].
  1. Острецов И. Н. Введение в философию ненасильственного развития. Монография. Ростов н/Д. ИП "Комплекс". 2002.
  2. Nizovtsev Yu. Everything and nothingness. 2016. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru. Amazon. Yury Nizovtsev.
  3. Савельев С. А. Церебральный сортинг. Издательство: ВЕДИ. 2016.
  4. Nizovtsev Yu. M. Are "paradisiacal tabernacles" on Earth possible? [Electronic resource]. Access mode: Amazon. 14.02.2024. Nizovtsev Yury.
  5. Фёдоров Н. Ф. Философия общего дела. 1906. https://predanie.ru
  6. Фёдоров Н. Ф. Супраморализм, или всеобщий синтез". 1906. https://predanie.ru)"
  Chapter 15.
  Religion and science of the soul and consciousness.
  Many branches of science are aimed at studying the essence of consciousness, the main of which is psychology. Success, judging by the results of this turbulent and costly activity, is actually not observed. In particular, not only is there still no clear definition of consciousness, but it is also unclear for science where consciousness comes from and where it goes. It also fails to determine the location of consciousness in the body and correlate it with the intellect, not to mention the identification of the essence of this hitherto incomprehensible phenomenon, which, nevertheless, forms the basis of life and the pillar of religion.
  Every person who sincerely believes, belonging or not to one or another confession, believes in any case that he has a soul - a messenger of another world, making him not only alive and able to apply himself to various life circumstances, but also showing him the way forward, as if forcing him to set goals and plan his future, thereby realizing himself as a self-made person in this progressive motion.
  Probably, as a result of the emergence of this state of awareness of oneself to a certain extent separated from everything else and the strengthening over time of this understanding of oneself, along with the term "soul", the concept of "consciousness" appeared, with which science tried to replace the concept of "soul", thereby trying to to separate a person from the other world, linking a person's desire for knowledge with his living essence.
  However, this attempt was only partially successful, since in fact the soul, or consciousness, whatever you call this impalpable essence, is not amenable to either contemplation or research, remaining completely unknown in its undoubted presence in a living person and not only, since consciousness is inherent in in general, all living beings.
  This presence forced mankind, at least by some indirect signs, to try to somehow define this unknown, but, nevertheless, the most important thing in any life, since without it there is no life.
  Religion laid the foundation for such attempts, and only then science joined them.
  The results of these attempts are briefly shown below, and it must be said that they are disappointing in a purely exploratory aspect.
  Let's consider the acquired concepts about soul (consciousness) from the point of view of world religions, and then - from the point of view of science, having noted thus that these concepts the religion suggests to take as trust, and science - by means of these or those proofs. Besides, we on a critical basis will try to compare the concepts developed by them and to identify common features of their approaches in order to be sure whether the soul and the possibility of reincarnation (metamorphosis) of the soul is being recognized directly or indirectly by the world religions, as well as whether modern scientific views converge in these approaches with religion.
  All initial world religions into the main streams recognize soul existence, defining soul in its own way, but always keeping in mind that the soul is the conscious part of the person moreover she continues to exist and when the body was lost. Idea of a repeated embodiment of soul in another body in the form of a chain of the corresponding embodiments is admitted by all initial religious streams, at least, at an initial and not turbid stage of emergence of religious confessions.
  Let's consider all this slightly in more detail.
  The most ancient religious trend is Hinduism.
  Hinduism considers that outside the physical world there is the single and invariable eternal spirit (Brahman). Soul (Atman) of each being is part of this spirit. The majority of Hindus believes that soul is eternal, initial, true essence of each person. When the body perishes, the soul goes into another body where continues new life. Soul is substance which learns the world. A soul goes out of self-cognitive soul of the Universe, then it is being embodied in a person and after his death it comes back in self-cognitive substance of the world. The consciousness of the personality is not being saved, but the accumulated experience and information remain. The consciousness is not present after death. And experience in individual soul remains and it is used in a new embodiment. Soul, thus, consists of self-cognitive elements, which only gather in the specific person for the period of his life, then after death they is being disintegrated on universal Atman's parts.
  The destiny of soul in each new life is determined by its behavior in former embodiments so as no sin remains without the punishment, any virtue - without award. A person receives that and another, if not in this life, then in the subsequent embodiments of soul. Thus, level of every soul depends on behavior of the person at its embodiments.
  The idea of the repeated embodiments of soul is connected with concept of karma (action) and it is explained in detail in "Upaniṣad". In brief, the karma is the influence of set of actions of a person on his subsequent embodiments. The karma as though sets in motion a wheel or circulation of life and death (sansara).
  Worldly pleasures are not sinful, but they cannot bring internal happiness, so the world is similar to a dream - it is transient and illusory. Bodies are created according to desires of soul. Soul can find any of bodies in order to fulfill own desires.
  After a row of births of a soul is being disappointed in fleeting pleasures and starts looking for the highest (spiritual) forms of pleasure.
  In other words, soul realizes that the body is not its true nature, but own spirit is itsr nature. In this case a soul is not born any more, it is being exempted from Sansara and reaches rescue (Moksha) when all material desires cease.
  Thus, soul during human life gains experience of terrestrial affairs, preparing for further transition to higher worlds.
  Therefore, the embodiments in the human shape are not punishment for a fall of a person (how it is sometimes treated in Christianity), and life on Earth is not only useless suffering (the main concept of the Buddhism).
  Hinduism claims, that the terrestrial life with its duties (right up to duties of the soldier to protect the society) is the necessary condition of the preparation of soul to the subsequent higher levels of development, - right up to the merger with Supreme Spirit. All events are considered only as the source of information and experience for developing souls. The need for actions remains at the following level of an embodiment of soul. But the priority of the purposes is being changed for each soul at the certain stage - the priority of actions at an initial stage of development of the human soul is being replaced by a priority of the estrangement and the comprehension of the highest spiritual essence of the world. Then soul is being reborn into a divine state and important phase of priority of actions comes for this level also.
  The sacred books of Hinduism consider four purposes for the human life. It is wealth and the power, pleasure and the satisfaction of desires, the correct behavior, the deliverance from a cycle of the regenerations. Two last purposes are considered as the main.
  One of the directions of Hinduism, Advaita-vedanta, considers that after achievement of the final deliverance, or the rescue (Moksha), soul (Atman) stops the existence as individuality and it is being dissolved in uniform and indivisible, impersonal universal spirit (Brahman), remaining forever in a state of pleasure.
  Buddhism concerning soul and reincarnation almost nothing differs from Hinduism. Buddhism considers the eternal life as an infinite sequence of transformations by a way of the change of the body shells. Thus, the acts of a person influence his essence: he receives or sufferings and humiliations, or the joy and well-being. Thus, his acts (karma) definite a fate of a person in this life and the subsequent embodiments. The relation to life as suffering is characteristic for Buddhism. Only a person can make the decision on an exit from a circle of sufferings (sansara). At this, it should be noted that, unlike Hinduism which considers gods by various embodiments of the Brahman, Buddhism, how Buddha has spoken, considers that gods are thought-forms of the religious people. In other words, Hinduism perceives the world as the reality created by the highest essence, while Buddhism perceives the world as games of the mind created by a person.
  Buddha's last embodiments in various bodies are described in "Dzhatakh" (Stories about birth), it is told there also how a person can reach the spiritual enlightenment. The body has to die, and "eternal "I" continue to live, and the illusion of the corporal pleasure is the main obstacle for achievement of the spiritual enlightenment.
  According to the main direction of Buddhism, Mahajana, only reality is Buddha's state. The ignorance, attachment, disgust prevent the awareness of the state of Buddha. If a person manages to overcome them, he leaves the world of the illusory life and reaches the state of nirvana. Nirvana is considered as reverse side of existence in the regeneration circulation (Sansara wheel): if a person reached nirvana, he crosses the limits of the circulation of births and death, but he does not lose opportunity to reveal oneself and in the Sansara world. Thus, the reincarnation in Buddhism implies the development of the living being during which it leaves the world of sufferings of Sansara and it is being plunged into pleasure (nirvana).
  Daoism in China as well Buddhism, does not deny the reincarnation: it is said in "Zhuang-tszy", one of the main works of Daoism, that the birth is not the beginning, and death is not the end, there is a boundless life, a continuation without the beginning, life outside of space, continuity without the beginning in time.
  Shintoism in Japan acknowledges possibility of reincarnation too, considering that soul embodied in a new body, does not keep memories of the previous embodiments, but it can demonstrate the skills acquired in the former lives.
  Views of Judaism on reincarnation of soul are divided. The Jewish historian Iosif Flavy in "Judaic war" writes: "Souls on their (Pharisees) opinion, are immortal everything, but only souls of kind persons resettle after their death in other bodies, but souls of evil persons are doomed to eternal torments. Sadducees deny immortality of soul and any afterlife reward.
  The reincarnation was recognized by such Jewish rabbis as Abraham Ben-Hiya, Levi of ibn-Habib, Nachmani, Bahya Ben asher, Itzhak Luriya, Shlomo Alkabetz, Chaim Vital and by the founder of the Hasidism Baal Shem Tov. Substantiation of reincarnation arises for them from the problem of good god and the evil world: the suffering of pious people, innocent children in this life is being explained by their wrong behavior in past lives. Reincarnation laws are described in the work of Itzhak Luriya and Haim Vital "Shaar Ha-gilgulim" (Reincarnation gate).
  Christianity, apparently, adopted originally idea of reincarnation from Neoplatonists and Judaism. Proof of this is the following.
  Christ said in the Gospel, the unquestioned authority of Christian church: "And pupils asked Him: "How does say scribes that Eli has to come before?" And Christ told them in reply: "Yes, Eli has to come before and arrange everything: but I say to you that Eli already came, both you didn't recognize him and did with him as wanted; so, and the human Son will suffer from them". Then pupils understood that He speaks about John Baptist". (The Gospel from Matthew, chap. 17). We will give also Christ's conversation with Nicodemus: "Nicodemus speaks: how the person can be born, being old? Really, he can enter another time into womb of the mother and be born? Jesus answered: truly, truly I speak to you: if you aren't born from water and from Spirit you can't enter God's Kingdom. Born from flesh is flesh; and born from Spirit is spirit. Nicodemus told in reply: how it can be? Jesus answered: you are teacher of Israel, and you don't know it?" (The Gospel from John, chap. 3). About the subsequent embodiments of soul tell also Christ's such words: "Truly I speak to you: there is nobody who would leave the house, either brothers, or sisters, either the father, or mother, either the wife, or children, or the earth for the sake of Me and the Gospel and would be not received in this time, among persecutions, a hundred times more houses, and brothers, and sisters, and fathers, and mothers, and children, and lands. And in the future - to the eternal life" (The Gospel from Mark, chap. 10).
  Origen (the theologian), recognized by church, as the Teacher, in the work "About Beginnings" (Riga. T. Butsen's publishing house. 1936) writes: "The nature of souls is not various. It is one at all. And if they agree that the same potter means, undoubtedly, one Creator, it is obvious, being rescued and perishing souls are created not by various creators. God does pots by honourable or low on the basis of the previous reasons, the proof of the God's truth does not meet any obstacle" (p. 226). Origen also specifies the reason of the change of souls in this or that side: "Everybody whom He created, He created equal and similar because He had not reason for a variety and distinction. But so as the reasonable beings are gifted with ability of liberty, freedom of will of everyone or has resulted to the perfection through the imitation to God, or entailed to falling through the neglect. And in it how we already spoke above, the distinction reason between the reasonable creatures consists: this distinction received the beginning not from the will or the decision of Creator, but from the definition of own liberty (creatures). God, recognizing by fair to control by the creation in compliance with his merits, directed this distinction of minds to the harmony of a single world. He created as though one house in which have to be jars not only golden and silver, but also wooden, both earthenware, and some jars for the honourable use, others for the low. It is, I think, the variety reasons in the world; divine providence controls by each being respectively to movement or desire of soul. At such understanding Creator is not unfair because he comes with everyone on merits, in compliance with the previous reasons; the happiness or misfortune of the birth of everyone and all other conditions are not being admitted by casual, and, at last, existence of various creators or distinction of souls by the nature is not asserted" (p. 161). "... Creator provided to minds, created by him, random and free movements, of course, in order that the good was their own good in case if it will be saved on their own will" (page 156). "Soul, how we often speak, is immortal and eternal; therefore, we think that throughout numerous and infinitely huge and various centuries, she can condescend from the highest good to the extreme evil or from the extreme evil she can come back to the highest good" (p. 277).
  Origen also writes and about the community of souls in the human civilizations: "God, everything that occurs in the world, turns on the general benefit and directs to the general prosperity of all beingness; those very creatures, who are being so far removed from each other due to the diversity of souls, lead to some consent in activity in order to they, though by various motions of their souls, but after all worked for the completeness and the perfection of a single world. Their various motions go head skillfully to harmony and benefit of a united world; so, some beings need the help, others can help them, others excite abuses and competitions against the successful and all this in order to the zeal of these latter was revealed in the Struggle, and after a victory the estate, acquired by them by difficulties and sufferings, was saved more reliably." (p. 109).
  However further, there was accepted the opinion that resettlement of souls is impossible in 553 AD on the Fifth Universal Cathedral in fierce fight. Souls are immortal and wait for the hour of the Last Judgement to revive together with Messiah arrival. Thereby, the church doctrine actually tried to eliminate the principle of the freedom of the will, along with this the conjuncture consideration of unconditional submission of believers to the solutions of the highest church Cathedrals, as well as to any authorities was taken as the basic position of church. As a result, in Christianity since that time it has appeared the opportunity to be as righteous now, instead of to strive to perfection both in this and in future lives. Confirmation to it, for example, is the doctrine about infallibility of the Pope, still existing in Catholic Church. Whole cohorts of "saints" appeared immediately, i. e. - infallible righteous persons approved as those not by divine Providence, but by special Church commissions. As a result, Christian church in the face of Catholics, having cancelled Christ's principles actually and having built at the center the dogmatism and the intolerance, has initiated own decay and decomposition as well as significantly slowed down the development of society and set up in it "the mine" of the final crisis: if there is no the inevitable punishment for crimes, low deeds and thoughts, it is possible not to be afraid to do anything, having paid off from God's court by the indulgence.
  Let's consider the main arguments of the fathers of Christian Church which they cause into advantage of denial of reincarnation.
  1. If a person is being reincarnated the infinite number of times, why he remembers nothing about the former lives and doesn't draw conclusions from the made mistakes?
  2. How a person - a creation wreath - can turn into fish or a small insect?
  3. The number of people grows, and amount of souls remains, by definition, invariable. How then God's spark suffices for all persons?
  4. How can we know for certain that intrusive reminiscences are a memory of a past life, but not the demonic tricks?
  These arguments, in the light of the doctrine about the repeated embodiments about which, as we showed above, Christ spoke, aren't serious.
  Here are the objections by the first argument.
  A person doesn't remember own former embodiments so as the body is the one-off tool during travel of the soul which was being embodied many times and which remembers all embodiments, but temporarily blocks this memory at the next embodiment in order to avoid the loss of freedom of the will and for independent elimination of mistakes, rather than using the hints from a past life; for the solution of new tasks, and not to return to the old stereotypes and aspirations. The balance of mistakes is important at coexistence of soul and a body: what is pleasant for a body, as a rule, is harmful to the development of the soul. If this balance is being tilted to soul she has the prospect of development, if - in favor of the body, this prospect is absent for her. The body can suffer or be lost, but the soul will rise, if it was done for a good cause.
  Here are objections by the second argument.
  The soul of a reasonable being is a particle of Supreme being and she can't be lowered up to the level of the soul of unreasonable creature, no matter what is happening in life of the reasonable being.
  Here are objections by the third argument.
  None of the people do not know anything about God's spark, about the number of souls and cannot know, but even if we assume that the number of souls is invariably, it doesn't contradict to the growth of number of people. Here the number of souls grows, and there - in other worlds - it decreases. The sum doesn't change.
  Here are objections by the fourth argument.
  Demons in the God's world are absent otherwise this world would not be God's world. There are not demons, but only undeveloped and therefore largely erring souls, taken for demons.
  Islam isn't considered in this context, because it appeared on a basis Christianity and Judaism much more centuries after the specified religious trends, at this, Islam is, mostly, the set of customs, instead of religious dogmas so as Koran in details doesn't discuss the main theological and philosophical problems.
  Thus, all initial world religions recognize the existence of an immortal soul and directly or indirectly recognize "the mechanism" of the relocation of souls, which these religions name by repeated embodiment of souls (reincarnation). The deviation from this recognition by Christian church from the sixth century of a new era up to present time is caused, apparently, by refusal from idea of reincarnation on a number of reasons, and conjunctural considerations of church hierarchy were basic. Nevertheless, Schopenhauer writes about it so: "In Christianity the doctrine about resettlement of souls and about atonement of all sins of former life is replaced with the doctrine about original sin (a fall of human), i.e. about atonement of a sin of another individual. So, both of these doctrines (the first - directly, the second - indirectly) identify, and with a moral bias, of this person with then person who lived earlier." [1, p. 646].
  The science, as that, conducts any researches in the conditions of our material dense three-dimensional world (from the perspective of spatial measurements) on the basis of repeatability of these or those processes, i.e. information on processes and phenomena has to be fixed independently and has to be verifiable. Therefore, the science cannot submit any data about a particle of Supreme Mind - soul, about her structure, true motives of actions, etc. due to the fact that soul is the representative of another measurement, has another elemental basis, submits to other laws, unknown to our science.
  Nevertheless, the modern science is capable to obtain some indirect evidences of existence of soul and her actions. Now the science came nearer to comprehension of the fact that the body of the person is similar to the biological robot, and this body is incapable to produce the consciousness independently. As it was found out in a number of experiments of physicists and psychologists, the body does not have the required elemental basis to produce consciousness.
  In other words, it was proved that the brain is not bound to consciousness.
  The philosopher A.I. Vvedensky in 1914 formulated the law of "the lack of the objective signs of the animateness". The meaning of this law is that the role of psyche in the system of the material processes of a regulation of behavior is absolutely imperceptible and any thinkable bridge does not exist between the activity of a brain and the area of the mental or spiritual phenomena, including consciousness. Professor of the Moscow State University Nikolai Kobozev has shown in the monograph that neither cells, nor molecules, even atoms cannot be responsible for the processes of thinking and memory. [2, p. 85].
  Therefore, we have to admit that for the manifestation of consciousness, another, extraneous, source is needed, under the influence of which a living being is formed in the form of an organism that has consciousness of one level or another.
  In particular, a person is a being that, like all other beings, has the lowest-level consciousness (natural), but also has self-consciousness, which helps him understand his temporary stay in the world of events and communication.
  Such system in the face of a person has the ability to improve in communication with similar structures. Communities of these symbiotic systems in turn form an evolving society or civilization, developing most quickly.
  Consciousness is considered by the external manifestation of soul in a person, i.e. consciousness is the process of awareness by a person of himself as an active and independent subject in society of similar subjects. This subject is capable to project mentally at a certain stage of his development the actions on the basis of foreseeing of their consequences, to work according to goals and to bear responsibility for the actions, continuously changing thereby the level of the consciousness.
  Materialism considers that the human consciousness is produced by the brain, i.e. consciousness is a product of matter.
  From the point of view of idealism any consciousness is an ego, "I", spirit, soul - non-material, invisible, spiritualizing, eternal, never-dying energy.
  It is clear now that both of these definitions are not true.
  The modern science has defined by experiments that the brain cannot produce consciousness. For example, the fact that the consciousness exists irrespective of a brain, was confirmed by researches conducted by physiologists under the direction of Pim van Lommel. Results of experiment were published in the biological English magazine "The Lancet". "The consciousness exists even after once the brain ceased to function. In other words, consciousness "lives" by itself, absolutely independently. As for a brain, it is not a thinking stuff, but the organ, as any another organ, carrying out strictly particular functions. Very much can be, a thinking stuff, even in principle, does not exist", -the head of research well-known scientist Pim van Lommel declared" [3].
  The explanation of the fact that consciousness can exist independently, Stewart Hameroff from university of Arizona in the USA and the British physicist Roger Penrose tried to give. They explained postmortem experience from the point of view of a quantum theory of consciousness. The soul of a person is contained in microtubules or the micro canaliculus being in neurons. Nowadays scientists prove: microtubules on the structure approach best of all to be carriers of quantum properties in a brain, so as they can keep long time quantum states, i. e to work as the quantum computers. "When heart ceases to supply with blood a brain, microtubules would be discharged. - Hameroff explains. - However, the information saved up in them, does not collapse, does not vanish, and goes to space". Carriers of quantum information and, therefore, souls, according to professor, are weaved from a certain material. They are located in cells of a brain and when the dying person starts seeing the characteristic pictures, it is explained by effect of quantum gravitation in microtubules, or by loss of a quantum state of microtubules when the soul gradually leaves a body. Thereby, information which was concluded earlier in microtubules, is not destroyed, and only slowly leaves a body [4].
  "When a person dies, the quantum information the indefinite time exists outside a body. It is soul", - Hameroff considers. According to him, the human souls are created from a certain material, "much more fundamental, than neurons, from the fabric of the Universe". "I think that consciousness always existed in the Universe. Probably, it existed since the Big Bang", - professor speaks. According to him, when a person dies and the body decays, the quantum information (soul of a person), being contained in microtubules (proteinaceous intracellular structures), is not being destroyed, and extends in space. The scientist explained: "When heart stopped, and blood ceases to flow on vessels, microtubules lose the quantum condition. But quantum information which contains in them does not collapse. It cannot disappear therefore it is being dissipated on the Universe" [ibid.].
  In turn, the statement of idealists about consciousness as non-material energy looks not only unsubstantiated, but also false as the concepts "non-material" and "energy" contradict each other.
  It is known that energy is some binding of all types of a matter and it is the quantitative measure of motion. Energy passes from one form into another. In other words, energy is the manifestation of motion of a matter. Therefore, the term "non-material energy" is inappropriate and non-material, or absolutely incorporeal, simply does not happen, bearing in mind the mass of motion. Even "Nothingness" is, on the one hand, a degenerate matter, and on the other hand - a not born matter, more exact - "Nothingness" is a source of all reality so as it potentially contains "Everything" and it can be "equated", in particular, to wave formations in the antiphase so as waves, divorced in the antiphase, in the sum give zero. In other words, lack of substance in an explicit form can be only outside time and outside space, i. e. - in "Nothingness", in zero, containing, nevertheless, potentially "Everything" with opportunity to unwrap this "Everything" [5].
  Actually, we, being in three-measurement world, may express only various hypotheses about a singularity point, or "Nothingness", but these hypotheses will become never by the theory.
  The term "matter" is far from an ideal and it is inaccurate abstraction as far as it is applicable only for space-time measurements, at this, the point of a singularity from which as it is considered, universes arise and in which they as it is supposed by the modern views, are being shrunk, is outside time and outside space.
  It should be noted also that materialism treats matter as the initial substance displayed by our sensations, but existing irrespective of them, and counterposes matter to ideal consciousness.
  So as the science can investigate subjects and the phenomena of only our measurement of our Universe, then it has the right the term "the matter" to use only in relation to the substance of our measurement. Everything, that is in our measurement, there is its substance. It cannot contain anything of the incorporeal, or - the ideal. Therefore, not only atoms, molecules, radiations, the complex field formations make substance and have a rest-mass or mass of motion, but also thoughts, feelings emanating from the relevant organs of the body, cannot be separated from it, unlike consciousness, which does not belong to the body, but on the contrary, it is it that forms it by successively changing it, from superhigh-frequency wave-like formations of the hologram, of which it is a particle. The hologram itself is a projection of timeless infinity [ibid].
  However, consciousness oneself is able to form reality, including the bodies of living beings, only with their participation, more precisely, with the participation of their sense organs and centers that process the information coming through these organs, representing a kind of the phenomenon of egg and chicken, but only with the help of a single consciousness [ibid.].
  Thus. a projection of a timeless infinity and the current reality cannot function without each other, being sides of the same coin, their "duties" are distributed as follows: a projection of timeless infinity has the function of an informational "bridge" (its role is played by a single consciousness of a projection) between timeless infinity (source of information) and beingness (consumer of information in the form of alive). Along with that, the processing of information coming from timeless infinity into beingness through the projection of timeless infinity and converting information into time, that is, into the current reality with all its attributes, in which alive is already capable of producing information, lies with the living beings, but the control of the actions of each individual consciousness and ensuring the maintenance of the infrastructure for the existence of the living beings is carried out by a single consciousness, which coincides like a hologram with each of its particles - individual consciousness. A single consciousness is also a database, concentrating all the information produced by alive.
  This ability of alive to produce, consume, convert and transmit information appears due to the unification of the copies of the active and the passive, "supplied" by a projection of a timeless infinity, in one form or another, having the receptors and the information processing centers. In this respect, being with its current time is a derivative formation of a projection of a timeless infinity, representing a single consciousness.
  Similar combination of the active and the passive in beingness provides through the genome the programmed growth, metabolism, reproduction and development of organisms in a suitable infrastructure (environment).
  The key to the presented model of Creation is a projection of an infinity out of time, providing a connection between an infinity out of time and beingness, as well as the storage of information, generated by alive; the "energy" of this system is presented by the active (consciousness), and the material of this system is presented by the shapeless passive [5].
  Such projection of an infinity out of time can only be a hologram [6]: in a hologram, any part of it repeats the whole.
  The hologram itself is a high-frequency formation as a product of the superimposition of several coherent waves, which gives a stationary interference pattern, since the phase difference of the waves does not change.
  In a hologram, each particle of the active does not lose its unity with the entire single-multiple infinite set of the active particles, and therefore can, in particular, with the help of this unity, to recognize, read and copy from an infinity out of time by means and methods, which it is available, necessary for own existence the things in their connection, recognizing them in accordance with own mind (intellect), coupled with form-building abilities so, as it wants and can, updating every "moment", that is, discrete, but infinitely, a holographic projection as a quasi-temporary basis for one's own existence in the current reality in the form of a living thing in this information process.
  Particles-copies of the active (consciousness), in the association with copies of the passive in a current reality, are able thereby to receive from an infinity out of time the "necessary" copies of things (passive) for them to replace existing copies of things in beingness, including replacing own material base, as well as updating also themselves.
  This information process of the interaction of an infinity out of time, where everything is inseparably, and the holographic projection, where the active and the passive are separated, requires for interaction of the active and the passive as well as for interaction of the active with an infinity out of time of the artificial union of the active and passive in one form or another of alive, the main difference of which from everything else is the ability to convert individual consecutive data packets, carrying encoded information, into objects of a current reality for their updating, including consciousness in alive.
  These packets are similar to the pulsed signals from the transmitter via the ether to the television receiver, in which they are converted into a changing decorated picture on the screen.
  That is, alive is also able to convert individual impulse signals containing information into a incessantly changing picture of the world due to a certain inertia of signal processing, which in the minds of any living being nullifies pauses between incoming packets of information (the positions of the update), creating a continuous change in the whole picture, in which arise already real - more or less "dense" - objects, rather than frequency information copies of the active and the passive [5].
  Thus, the human individual consciousness is able to feel, think, act and develop only on the basis of the interaction of the soul (consciousness) and the body: the body without soul becomes simply the biological robot (zombie), and soul without the body though can be in our measurement, but "drops out" out of the current reality and loses opportunity to take part in it.
  After some digression, let's continue to review the reasons of individual scientists on consciousness.
  English researchers Peter Fenwick from the London institute of Psychiatry and Sam Parnia from the Central clinic of Southampton surveyed the patients, restored to life after the cardiac standstill, and established that some of them precisely retold the content of conversations which the medical personnel had, while those were being stayed in a condition of the clinical death. Others have given the precise description of the events, which have occurred in this time span. Sam Parnia claims that the brain as any another organ of the body, consists of cells and it is not capable to think. However, the brain can work as the device which discovers thoughts, i.e. as the antenna by means of which signals reception from the outside becomes possible.
  Neuroscientist, the Nobel Prize laureate in medicine, J. Ekklz declared: neither the physiology nor the theory of evolution cannot shed light on the origin of consciousness and the nature of consciousness. The origin and the nature of consciousness is absolutely alien to all material processes in the Universe. The inner world of a person and the world of the physical realities, including the brain activity, is absolutely self-contained independent worlds which only interact and to some extent influence on each other.
  Such large experts, as Karl Leshli (the American scientist, the director of laboratory of biology of primates in Orange Park (Florida), studying mechanisms of work of a brain) and the doctor of the Harward University Edward Tolmen, echoed this.
   Facts, saved up by the science in the set prove that after physical death each out of living persons inherits another reality, keeping the consciousness.
  There is number of characteristics of consciousness received by means of experiments and supervisions of scientists, investigating this problem. These characteristics were listed by A. V. Mikheyev, the research associate of the St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University in report on the international symposium "Life after death: from belief to knowledge" which took place on April 8-9, 2005 in St. Petersburg:
  "1. There is so-called "the thin body", being the carrier of self-consciousness, memory, emotions and "internal life" of a person. This body exists ... after physical death, being during the life time of a physical body by "his parallel component", which provides above-mentioned processes. A physical body - only the intermediary for their manifestation on physical (terrestrial) level.
  2. Life of an individual does not come to an end with the current terrestrial death. Survival after death - the natural law for a person.
  3. The next reality is divided into a large number of levels which vary on the frequency characteristics of their components.
  4. The destination of the person upon postmortem transition is defined by setting on the particular level, being total result of his thoughts, feelings and acts during lifetime on Earth. Just as the spectrum of the electromagnetic radiation, emitted by the chemical substance, depends on its structure, in the same way the postmortem destination of a person is determined by "the composite characteristic" of his internal life.
  5. The concepts "Paradise and Hell" reflect two polarities of possible postmortem states.
  6. In addition to similar polar states a number of the intermediate takes place. The choice of an adequate state is being defined automatically by the rational-emotional "pattern" created by a person at his terrestrial life. For this reason, negative emotions, violence, aspiration to destruction and fanaticism,
  no matter how they justify outwardly, are extremely pernicious in this regard for further destiny of a person. That is a solid substantiation for the personal responsibility and ethical principles." [7].
  The conclusions of Mikheyev quite correlate with the Bohm theory that our Universe is hologram, or the image imposed on wave substance. And "parallel component", called Mikheyev by soul, quite can, as the wave structure, interact with another, imposed on the wave, structure, i.e. by body. Thus, apparently, not the body produces consciousness, but soul converts the body into a living being, as well as from simply alive into self-conscious state, it controls it implicitly, and consciousness becomes by the external manifestation of that. And in this regard, consciousness (soul) is immeasurably above in comparison with a body in hierarchy of substances [6]. But consciousness, separated from a body, cannot produce any actions in our world. This consciousness (soul)- the newcomer from another world with other laws. From here the adequate conclusion can be only one: the body serves in order that soul could enter our world and act through a body in it, more precisely, interact with it.
  In this respect, the views of modern science, at least in the above-mentioned considerations of well-known scientists, coincide with the views of religion on the soul (consciousness).
  The relation of the science to reincarnation is more complex. If the existence of soul can be fixed on indirect signs, but on signs, which are very convincing, then the indirect sign of reincarnation, essentially, maybe only one: memories of people about the former lives which can be checked.
  However, there are two objective difficulties: first, blocking of memory of former lives which can be "broken" only thanks to random circumstances, secondly, as a rule, existence of wide intervals of terrestrial years between the incarnations of the soul.
  Therefore, the statistical material cannot be large on the volume basis and its reliability can raise many doubts. Nevertheless, such researches were conducted by Yan Stevenson, the Canadian-American psychiatrist, which has studied the cases, when people (mainly - children aged from two till four years) were remembering that they already lived before. Children were giving the verifiable facts and they were describing events, bound to the hypothetical previous life. The quantity of the cases described by Stephenson exceeds two thousand. According to statements of the author, he investigated only the cases, when contents of th memoirs could be documented, and he found the documentary proofs of many cases, concerning the past lives: the names of the relatives were confirmed, the residence description, other verifiable details also were confirmed. Besides, Stevenson tried to compare various congenital defects and birthmarks at surveyed children with the data on damages, scars, uglinesses and wounds on bodies of those who was considered by their previous reincarnation. From the point of view of Stevenson, the repeated embodiment represents survival of a personality after death. Thus, Stevenson considers that similar survival is not bound to any physical process [8].
  The opinions on Stevenson's works in scientific community were shared: certain scientists called in question his methods of researches and the conclusions which he did. However, many considered that its work was carried out with due scientific rigor.
  The psychotherapy also provides the considerable number of proofs of reincarnation as far as it can deduce unconscious memoirs into consciousness and, thereby, it overcomes blocking between consciousness and subconscious. In many cases during treatment by hypnosis for the neutralization of these or those subconscious memories of negative events have been found the explicit memoirs from the antecedents. And when they were aware of, patients could solve the current problems and recovered often [9].
  Let's note also that according to polls of Institute of Gallup, apparently, intuitively the idea of reincarnation is being shared by a majority of the population of the planet.
  It is possible to note and that numerous evidences of Tibetan lamas are the practical confirmation of reincarnation.
  Besides, now memories of children about the antecedents are being studied in a number of the countries. There is the special institute in India fixing and studying similar cases (about one hundred during year). This phenomenon is being studied in the USA and in Bulgaria. The matter is that children of several years of age often precisely describe a place where they lived earlier, they describe former relatives, sometimes they tell about the hidden things. Psychologists explain this by the fact that the barrier between consciousness and subconscious mind (information on last incarnations can be stored in it) is being formed with age.
  Idea of reincarnation was supported by such great figures of our civilization, as Giordano Bruno, Voltaire, Benjamin Franklin, Karl Jung, Lev Tolstoy, Napoleon, Johann Goethe, William Yeats, Paul Gauguin, the Henry Ford and many others.
  It is curious that philosopher Schopenhauer denying existence of eternal souls too actually have used the idea of reincarnation, having converted it in the theory "The world as will and representation", in which he replaced the eternal reasonable soul with the eternal unreasonable will. The statement of science of that time in that the consciousness is considered derivative of a brain and perishes together with a body, is the basis of this approach. Schopenhauer writes: "Consciousness is the life of the subject of knowledge or a brain, death - its end. Therefore, consciousness is finite, the consciousness is always new and consciousness is being started anew each time."[1, p. 638].
  Further Schopenhauer develops the idea as follows: "The internal essence of our world is our will. The phenomena of the world are our representation. For someone, who could clearly realize this unity, the difference between the future existence of the external world after his personal death and his own existence after death would disappear" [1, p. 620]. "...intellect - a derivative phenomenon caused by a brain, and therefore he together with him is born and disappears. The will one is the causing beginning, a germ of phenomenon from its forms, to which belongs time - free, consequently - indestructible. Thus, the consciousness perishes with death, but does not perish that has generated and maintained that consciousness" [1, p. 632-633]. "... intellect came out from under the power of nature at all not for comprehension of substance of things, but only for perception of motives, in other words, - for services to some individual and temporary manifestation of the will" [1, p. 612-613]. "... the individual in itself the will ... receives new intellect in new beginning and it becomes as the new being deprived of memories of the former existence because the intellect possessing the ability of memoirs, represents mortal part or a form, but the will - the eternal part, or substance; therefore, for the name of this doctrine more would be suitable "palingenesis", than "metempsychosis". These permanent revival forms the sequence of dreams of life which are dreamed in itself to the indestructible will, while she, grown wise and improved by frequent change of various knowledge in constantly updated forms, will not destroy oneself" [1, p. 641].
  Schopenhauer at that time had no reliable scientific data on the independence of the soul (consciousness) from the brain. Probably for this reason, Schopenhauer substituted the soul with the will and denied its preservation after death, as well as
  insisted the accession over time in a new body to the former will of new intellect, in other words, denying Supreme Mind (A single consciousness) in favor of the available beingness, he has missed the most important: the purpose of a repeated embodiment of soul in a body of the person which consists in development of soul- particle of Supreme Mind - for celebration of Supreme Mind in Creation. But Schopenhauer had put on the first place the unconscious will, which remains, in his opinion, after disintegration of a body and appearing over time in a new intellectual shell that means existence of the meaningless world with intellect which emerges from somewhere on a short time and disappears after death completely.
  Thereby, Schopenhauer refuses to find out the cause of mind, real existing in the person, but, on the other hand, he formally confirms need of reincarnation, which differs at him, in essence, only by replacement of Supreme Mind with Will. So it is possible, with the considerable share of confidence to tell that Schopenhauer would recognize idea of reincarnation, if he knew about independence of soul from a body.
  In connection with the above, we can state that the modern science in views of reincarnation, at least, has no irreconcilable contradictions with religion.
  1. А. Шопенгауэр. Мир как воля и представление. Том 2. Гл. XLI. Стр.637-638. Минск. Попурри. 1999. (A. Schopenhauer. The world as will and representation. Volume 2. Ch. XLI. pp.637-638. Minsk. potpourri. 1999).
  2. Кобозев Н. И. Исследования в области термодинамики процессов информации и мышления. М.: Изд-во МГУ, 1971. С. 85. (Kobozev NI Research in the field of thermodynamics of information and thinking processes. M.: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 1971. S. 85).
  3. Near-death experience in survivors of cardiac arrest: a prospective study in the Netherlands; Dr Pirn van Lommel MD, Ruud van Wees PhD, Vincent Meyers PhD, Ingrid Elfferich PhD // The Lancet. Dec 2001 2001. Vol 358. No. 9298 P. 2039-2045.
  4. Hameroff S., Penrose R. Orchestrated Objective Reduction of Quantum Coherence in Brain Microtubules. The "Orch OR" Model for Consciousness. Wayback Machine - 1996. Архивная копия от 12.04.2012.
  5. Nizovtsev Y. M. The person as the hologram. 2016. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru; Amazon.
  5. Низовцев Ю.М. Мироздание - голограмма в основе или матрица (критический обзор)? 02.11.2021. Журнал "Топос". РФ. (Nizovtsev Yu. M. Creation - a hologram at the base or a matrix (critical review)? Magazine "Topos". RF).
  6. 1980. David Bohm, Wholeness and the Implicate Order, London: Routledge, ISBN 0-7100-0971-2.
  7. Михеев А. В. Жизнь после смерти: от веры к знанию. Журнал "Сознание и физическая реальность", No 6, 2005 г. (Mikheev A. V. Life after death: from faith to knowledge. Journal "Consciousness and Physical Reality").
  8. Ian Stevenson. "The Explanatory Value of the Idea of Reincarnation", Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 164:305-326, 1977. Stevenson, Ian (1974). Twenty cases suggestive of reincarnation, second (revised and enlarged) edition, University of Virginia Press. ISBN 978-0-8139-0872-4.
  9. Michael Newton. Destiny of souls: New Case of Life between Lives. ISBN: 1-56718-499-5.
  Chapter 16.
  Are "paradisiacal tabernacles" on Earth possible?
  Every person, deep down in his soul, would like to live in paradise, as he individually imagines it, but the majority understands perfectly well that this is impossible, although a significant part of the population still finds a loophole into this place, attributing, however, the paradise thither, where it is not during life. However, the leaders of humanity, strong in their thought, tirelessly tried to determine the path to this blissful place not somewhere, but right here.
  Animals, who do not understand, unlike people, that they are in time, which can actually be changed, and not just necessarily adapted to it, are quite happy, so to speak, with this misunderstanding, living as it should be - in the frames of nutrition, reproduction and possible improvement of their position in the environment, competing with their fellows, and not knowing that they will die, but, however, feeling it by deteriorating state and loss of strength.
  A person is often disgusted with adapting to all the rubbish that is around, and he has a desire to eliminate it altogether, that is, to live in complete harmony with his own environment - in safety, without conflicts and troubles of all kinds, excluding, of course, illness and old age, which cannot be avoided. This is the minimum of harmony, although it would be nice to also satisfy some of your needs, for example, doing something according to own abilities and desires without much pressure from the outside, since without this even a calm and rhythmic life becomes uninteresting, and therefore -unnecessary.
  One of the first thinkers who constructively have thought about this problem of a local earthly paradise with minimal, but still harmony, was Plato (Plato. Complete works. Republic. Hackett Publishing Company. 1997).
  He came up with what seemed, at first glance, to be a good model of this local paradise, although he himself doubted the possibility of its practical implementation, since he was well aware that he most likely had not taken into account much.
  As a result, Plato turned out to be the founder of all models of earthly paradise, which other thoughtful people later tried to invent. But, if you delve into the essence of these models, they are not much different from Plato"s, which in itself means not just their inadequacy, but a lack of understanding of some of the foundations of human life, the main of which, apparently, is that a person in in his communities exists in a way that he does not only exist in himself, but also for something else. But this was something they all didn"t know, although Plato understood the very fact of this ignorance and therefore doubted the enterprise.
  The Platonic enterprise itself was quite simple and consisted of the following: "Until philosophers reign in the state, or the so-called current kings and lords will not nobly and thoroughly philosophize and this will not merge into one - the state power and philosophy, and until those people are obligatorily removed - and there are many of them - who are now striving separately or for power, or to philosophy, until then, dear Glaucon, states will not get rid of evils, and it will not become possible for the human race and will not see the sunlight that state structure which we have only described verbally" [ibid., Book 5].
  Indeed, why keep fools or a bunch of mediocre people in power! It is difficult to object to Plato here. But unfortunately, it turned out the opposite every time for some reason. And this greatly has embarrassed Plato.
  Along with that, Plato fully understood the problematic nature of being in power of philosophers: "In relation to the state, the position of the most decent people is so difficult that nothing could be worse ... So, imagine such person who turned out to be the helmsman of several ships. The helmsman is superior in height and strength to everyone on the ship, but he is deaf, and also short-sighted and understands little about navigation, and among the sailors there is a strife over the control of the ship: everyone thinks that it is he who should rule, although he has never studied this art ... ... in addition, he declares that there is nothing to learn about this, and are ready to tear apart the one who says what is needed ... Having overcome the noble helmsman with the help of mandrake, wine or any other means, they seize power on the ship, begin to dispose of everything that is on they eat, drink, feast and, of course, direct the course of the ship exactly as it is natural for such people" [ibid., Book 6].
  Having not figured out how to attract the decent people to govern the state in a legitimate way, without which it is not capable of being fair in his opinion, Plato, through the lips of Socrates, demands forcibly to force philosophers to govern the state: "So, good people therefore do not agree to govern - for no money , nor for the sake of kudos: they do not want to be called either mercenaries, openly receiving remuneration for guide, or thieves, secretly using its benefits; in turn, honor does not attract them - after all, they are not ambitious. In order for them to agree to govern, it is necessary to oblige them to this and apply punishments "(ibid., Book 1).
  That is, according to Plato, there is no way to do without decent people:
  "Because you think that shepherds or Bootes take care of the welfare of sheep or oxen when they fatten them and groom them, and that they do it for some other purpose, and not for the benefit of the owners and their own" (ibid., Book 1).
  Thus, Plato understood, in general, the insolubility of the problem of justice in an antagonistic society, and therefore it was quite reasonable to propose, with the help of decent people, to force others to behave correctly, first having forced decent people themselves to take up this matter. It turns out to be a vicious circle.
  This is where violence arises in the minds, as a powerful tool for establishing justice, that is, harmonizing social relations.
  Be that as it may, Plato has set himself the task, which was to establish a harmonious organization of the state both from the position of the internal consistency of life, where everyone will be satisfied with everything, and in defense from the external enemies: " ...we are founding this state not at all meaning to make one of the segments of its population somehow especially happy, but, on the contrary, we want to make the entire state as a whole so. After all, it was in such state that we expected to find fairness, and unfairness, on the contrary, in the worst state system ..." (ibid., Book 4).
  Plato, within the framework of this deceptive model, has considered that satisfaction with beingness by all and, therefore, fairness for all, can be achieved. In order for fairness to cover everyone and everyone, Plato proposed to establish a certain kind of equality between citizens, who, of course, cannot be equalized in general because of their diversity and many points of application of economy and management, but you can try to narrow this diversity by reducing it to only three classes - aristocrats-philosophers, guardians, farmers together with artisans: "Wealth and poverty. One leads to luxury, laziness, innovations, the other, apart from innovations, leads to baseness and atrocities... ...Be that as it may, they contain two states hostile to each other: one for the poor, the other for the rich... ...that fairness consists in that. so that everyone has his own and fulfills his own too ... ... the interference of these three estates in other people's affairs and the transition from one estate to another is the greatest harm to the state and can rightfully be considered the highest crime" (ibid., Book 4).
  Understanding the insufficiency of this division of the population into a kind of castes to establish equality, which already looks like inequality, Plato has come up with some supposedly fairly clear criteria for evaluating progeny, suggesting, in accordance with them, to conduct a constant selection of this progeny in order to highlight the abilities, qualities of the mind and inclinations of each individual even in childhood and, thus, preliminarily determine the place of a given individual within the framework of one or another estate: "Although all members of the state are brothers ..., but the god who sculpted you, in those of you who are able to rule, mixed gold at birth, and therefore they are most valuable, in their assistants - silver, but iron and copper - in farmers and various artisans. You are all related, for the most part give birth to your own kind, although it still happens that silver progeny will be born from gold, and gold from silver; the same in other cases. From the rulers, God demands, first of all and mainly, that it is here that they turn out to be valiant guardians and that nothing more intensively protects as own progeny, observing what kind of admixture there is in the soul of their children, and if a child is born with an admixture of copper or iron, they should in no way have pity for him, but act as his natural inclinations deserve, that is, include him among the artisans or farmers; if someone is born with an admixture of gold or silver, this should be appreciated and honorably transferred to guards or into helpers. After all, there is a prediction that the state will collapse when it will be guarded by iron guardian or copper ... " (ibid., Book 3). "... the best men should mostly unite with the best women, and the worst, on the contrary, with the worst, and that the progeny of the best men and women should be educated, and the offspring of the worst should not, since our small herd should be the most selective. But that this is how it is done, no one should know, except the rulers themselves, so as not to bring the slightest discord into the squad of guards" (ibid., Book 5).
  In addition to the selection of progeny, Plato proposes to completely eliminate private property, up to the possession of wives, bringing the diversity of citizens of the state in this respect to one denominator for the sake of their equalization, and thereby free them, as he believes, from enmity and envy caused by uneven ownership of property: "... no one should have any private property, unless it is absolutely necessary ... ... no one should have such a dwelling or storeroom, where everyone who wishes would not have access" (ibid., Book 3).
  "Only in this way could the guards remain unharmed and preserve the state. And as soon as they have their own land, houses, money, they will immediately become owners and farmers from the guards; from the allies of the rest of the citizens they will become the hostile overlords; hating themselves and arousing hatred towards themselves, harboring evil intentions and fearing them, they will all time live in greater fear of internal enemies than of external ones, and in this case they themselves, and the whole state, will rush to their speedy death (ibid.).
  "All wives of these husbands must be in common, and separately, let none of them cohabit with anyone. And children should also be common, and let the father not know which child is his, and the child - who his father is" (ibid., Book 5)).
  Thus, it turned out, that Plato"s harmonious logic regarding the establishment of a semblance of heaven on Earth led him to absurdity.
  But what is surprising is not even this, but the fact that this approach has been preserved to this day.
  That is, the fact of the desire for consumer values in a society based on proprietary relations does not find a resolution in a society where private property is eliminated, since, for example, "... the best men should mostly unite with the best women, and the worst, on the contrary, with the worst..." (ibid., Book 5).
  In other words, Plato and all his followers, right up to Karl Marx, anarchists and other fighters for justice still have not understood that all people differ so much that it is pointless to talk about their equalization, in principle, that also practice has shown in the form of the final fruits of all revolutions, which ended, as we know, not with the establishment of universal equality and justice, but with the same thing - the restoration of the power of one or another kind of crooks over peoples, who differ from the rest precisely by their dishonesty, cunning, flattery, demagoguery, deceit, selfishness and opportunism for anything.
  For some reason, everybody does not want to remember that each person is nothing more than a semi-primate, having as a result a dual consciousness, that is, being at the same time an animal with the corresponding consciousness, which he demonstrates in his own individuality with all his animal egocentricity, and by a personality, in which he manifests his awareness of himself no longer as a being just adapting to his own surrounding, but as a being that is already capable of project-targeted activity, which also requires a significant share of cooperation, and therefore altruism.
  More details about a person"s personality and individuality are outlined in my work "Why and how do individuality and personality compete in a person?" (The vicissitudes of beingness (collection of articles and essays). Section 8. 22.05.2022. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: Amazon. Yury Nizovtsev).
  In any form of antagonistic competitive society, advantage is automatically given to the egocentric animal consciousness of a person, which most effectively contributes to the seizure of property and power, while the altruism of human consciousness is found on the margins. During this fierce struggle for comfort, power, privileges and other pleasures, opponents use all means, including war, thereby promoting the latest achievements of technology, science and propaganda, that is, ensuring progress in society as a whole with their seemingly negative activities.
  Any attempts to stop this development within the state or outside it was doomed to failure precisely because of the triumph of the egocentrism of human consciousness in the form of a departure from collectivism towards individualism both in the public consciousness and in the consciousness of each person, ensuring the accelerated development of a number of countries in the world that have turned lagging conservative countries to their colonies. This tendency, in a competitive society, supported the non-stop development of civilization as a whole during the struggle between those in power and their noble opponents who want universal happiness, which is precisely not capable of ensuring the accelerated development of society.
  Therefore, all countries that actually tried in the twentieth century AD promote the idea of harmonizing society within the framework of the state, lost the pace of development and quite quickly returned to the previous antagonistic system.
  Likewise, attempts by anarchists to harmonize society led to nothing other than temporary stagnation and subsequent collapse under pressure from stronger rivals (Makhno's Republic in Ukraine during the Russian Civil War and attempts by Spanish anarchists to organize something similar during the Civil War in Spain in the 1930s).
  Be that as it may, social forms, in the course of the development of antagonistic competitive communities in the form of states, were improved, i.e., the course of their own time was accelerated as a result of the arrival of ever-expanding information flows, reaching the peak of their development under capitalism with its most effective form of worship of the golden calf.
  It is clear that all attempts to artificially stop this accelerated motion of civilization by banning private property in favor of harmonizing society locally, that is, rolling back to a position close to stagnation (countries of the socialist bloc), were doomed to failure.
  However, any progressive motion cannot be endless. So, civilization will collapse on its own at the point of singularity as a result of being overwhelmed by information flows that it will no longer be unable to cope with, despite the use of artificial intelligence for this.
  Does this mean that it is impossible for a local paradise to appear on Earth?
  Apparently, this only means the impossibility of establishing a just state.
  However, the deniers of the state - the theorists of anarchism - brought little to the cause of establishing earthly justice, since in practice they did not succeed at all, in contrast to the short-term, but still, the triumph of the communists, for the same reason - all people are different and each wants its own too often at the expense of its neighbor, and at least some order has to be established by the state. This means that all guardians of justice, like Plato, have to resort to coercion, which is in no way consistent with paradise in earthly conditions.
  What, in this case, should be done to achieve such a noble goal - the harmonization of society? And is this harmonization necessary?
  In order to understand this, we must first determine clearly enough why society developed rapidly only in the form of antagonistic communities in cultural and technological terms, and was hampered in its development within the framework of the primitive "paradise" of archaic communities, where everyone was equal and justice in them in the form the survival of communities triumphed.
  Only then will it become clear why, with the complete elimination of antagonism in a community, its development stops, and the society itself disintegrates or is absorbed by other communities.
  This phenomenon is explained in more detail in my works "Property as the basis for the accelerated development of civilization." (The vicissitudes of beingness (collection of articles and essays). Section 7. 05.22.2022. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: Amazon. Yury Nizovtsev) and "The driving force and source of development of the person and his communities." (05/30/2019. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: Amazon. Yury Nizovtsev, www.litres.ru).
  In short, the analysis shows that in the conditions of a competitive technological civilization, which ensures the accelerated development of culture, technology, science and, as a consequence, living comfort for an increasingly large part of the population, but, to a large extent, at the expense of the robbery of the rest of it, the harmonization of everything society is excluded. That is, development is ensured thanks to social disharmony with the brutal oppression of ordinary workers, incessant wars, the domination of nonentities and scoundrels over the smart and decent in the flow of misinformation and total deception of ordinary people, who make up more than 80% of the population.
  All this action does not last very long (6-8 thousand years) - until the point of singularity in the development of civilization, upon reaching which, as a result of information collapse, as well as ideological and energy crises, own time of a technological civilization ends. It disintegrates, as a rule, in two versions - either completely, with the loss of all technologies and a rollback into savagery, or it transforms into a set of local groups of self-organizing and self-governing domains-cells with the preservation of some technologies.
  These domains are not completely separated from each other due to the fact that they require commodity exchange to survive, since each domain can conduct only specific activities depending on the prevailing conditions: fishing, clothing production, textile production, tool making, crop growing, beekeeping, etc.
  The preservation and even a certain efficiency of the functioning of these domains-cells is determined not so much by their small number, the use of some surviving technologies, the abolition of private property, the consciousness of their members in terms of cooperation for the sake of the survival of the domain, but rather by the absence of pressure from external superior forces that no longer exist in the form of states.
  New conditions finally make it possible to realize the ideas of anarchists for the harmonization of the community, which, in the absence of external opposition other than the forces of nature, although it loses the opportunity for development without competition, provides survival within the framework of purely collective actions, a certain comfort and even free time for self-development of the inhabitants of the domain.
  Thus, the egocentrism of the animal component of human consciousness in the form of his individuality is balanced by the altruistic collectivist component of human self-consciousness, and each a person is forced to come to terms with the collectivist principle of existence due to the impossibility of another option in the conditions of survival in the natural environment, without having the same resources, which is reminiscent of the existence of primitive communal communities, but at a higher level of development of self- consciousness of domain members.
  These domains are interconnected by commodity exchange due to their diverse activities. The necessary leadership, which coordinates general work, issues of health care, medicine, education, culture, transport, energy supply, communications, etc., is collective, and individual leaders of one or another area of activity are rotated periodically and as often as possible. Natural resources are conserved as much as possible, since they form the basis for keeping the domain in working condition, making this form of civilization not only balanced in terms of blocking individualistic aspirations by collectivist forms of organizing community life, but also environmentally friendly due to the absence of thoughtless consumption of natural resources used only when necessary.
  Actually, these domains, and not states, become a kind of earthly paradise with their minimal, but still harmony. That is, this earthly "paradise" appears not within the framework of civilization, but as a result of collapse of technological civilization. Below, these domains are described in a little more detail.
  Evidence of both options for the collapse of technological civilization are numerous artifacts discovered at different times, in particular by archaeologists, and concentrated mainly in the storerooms of museums around the world. In addition, artificial structures of civilizations of distant eras unknown to us can be seen on the surface of the planet and on the seabed (pyramids, thousand-kilometer equipped tunnels and the remains of unknown cities under the waters of the seas and oceans).
  Many artifacts are now displayed on the Internet, and modern methods of determining their age show that they have nothing to do with present civilization, although the people who lived on Earth in those distant years, judging by the same artifacts, neither in appearance nor in their way of life, but also in terms of technological and cultural achievements, do not have significant differences from representatives of present civilization, which, according to modern scientists, appeared as a result of evolutionary changes in primates and are for this reason the only intelligent inhabitants of the planet.
  The fact that this is not so is quite impressively demonstrated by the artifacts below.
  Traces of nuclear war 25 thousand years ago.
  Traces of the antediluvian war involving nuclear weapons were discovered recently: careful studying by group of the French experts of several tens larger funnels on planet surface which have been considered as traces from blows of meteorites, showed that they could be formed and as a result of nuclear detonations. The age of the majority of funnels is estimated about 25 thousand years. The deepest crater is located in South Africa. According to researchers, it was formed as a result of the nuclear strike with power more than 500 thousand tons in trotyl equivalent (TNT) - power of the bomb dumped to Hiroshima, is estimated at 20 thousand tons.
  Source: nespat.com> comment_1350877402.html
  The fact of formation so-called "caked green glass" (Trinitite) is known too. It is produced as a result of nuclear explosions caused by high temperatures, high pressure as well as - due to radiations. Trinitite has been found in many craters on Earth and the time of its formation varies widely - from tens, hundred thousand and more years ago.
  Source: dopotopa.com
  China pyramids. The construction time is about 12 thousand years ago.
  16 pyramids are located in China, Shanxi Province, including three giant, repeating arrangement of the Egyptian pyramids. But the three pyramids of China are twice more than Great Egyptian pyramids, and they are the copy of the Martian pyramids located on Mars on the plateau the Bastion. U.S. Air Force pilot James Gaussman saw a huge pyramid in spring 1945, flying over the mountains Kin Lin Xiang Tsiyan to the town Tsiyan in the Central China. Thinking that no one would believe him, the pilot photographed, by our standards, impossible constructions. The mysterious pyramid: height - 300 meters and width at the basis - 500 meters - have been imprinted in the picture! It means that it is twice more than the biggest of the well-known giants of old structural art - Big pyramid of Cheops, which has been risen to a palate only on 148 meters! But this unique photo of James Gaussman instantly disappeared in the halls of the U.S. military archives. Why? Perhaps, it occurs because of "care" about peace in the mindset on this planet.
  In March, 1994 Austrian Hartwig Hausdorf made a trip on the regions closed for foreigners adjacent to the town of Xian - the capital of the Province of Shaanxi, located in the central part of China. During this trip he found 6 famous pyramids. Later in October, 1994 he once again arrived to China, having taken a chamber. Hausdorff managed to shoot the 18-minute movie. Having come back home, he at first decided to have a look video records but what was his surprise when, having made increase he found other pyramids on a background of the finished shooting shots! In total there were more than hundred pyramids on the area 2000 square km! At the beginning of ХIХ century, the German merchant Meyer Schroeder was being led caravans from the Great Chinese Wall far inland. One day he was driving along the Mongolian-Chinese border with the monk conductor, and the conductor warned that they will see soon the pyramids. The conductor said that there are seven pyramids, and they are all located near the ancient capital of China Hu Xian. When Schroeder asked the monk about the age of the pyramids, the monk said - these pyramids are mentioned as ancient in our most aged books written five thousand years ago.
  Source: sekreti-mira.ru/piramidy-kitaya /
  Numerous underground tunnels. Build time: at least, from 12 thousand years till 1.6 million years ago.
  The oldest tunnels whose age is estimated at nearly a million years were found in 1965 by the Argentina ethnologist Juan Moritz. In Ecuador, Morona- Santiago's province, his expedition surveyed and mapped the tunnel system, mostly rectangular, which was laid at the depth 230 meters. Their smooth walls seem polished. There are found vent pipes by diameter about 70 centimeters. These mysterious underground structures extend for hundreds of kilometers in all directions, including towards the Pacific Ocean. The majority of them still remain unexplored.
  It is noticed that if the tunnel is older and deeper, it is more perfect on a design and is more precisely oriented. Tunnels, whose age reaches 12.000 years found in Western Europe, are the "youngest" and the roughest constructively of all found ancient underground constructions. But even they could not be constructed by primitive people who inhabited, by modern historical views, our planet at the time. What then we may say about more perfect tunnels whose age is estimated in the tens of thousands and millions of years! It is necessary to assume that any advanced civilization really existed in an extreme antiquity on Earth. It disappeared from a planet surface upon the unclear reasons, having left only our uncivilized ancestors on Earth.
  Source: nespat.com»comment_1350877402.html
  Source: dopotopa.com
  Israel megalithic complexes. Construction time: at least, from 12 thousand years
  As writes A. V. Koltypin, the megalithic underground-ground complexes of Mareshi, Bet Gavrina, Hurvata Midras, Luzita, the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, the City of David and other places confirm the very ancient age of all these structures. It is impossible to accurately determine it due to the lack of objects synchronous with the construction time. We can only say more or less confidently that all these and most other megalithic complexes in Israel were built before the last global catastrophe and the Great Flood, which occurred 10-12 thousand years ago. The lower age limit for their construction corresponds to the age of the rocks on which the megalithic blocks are located and in which the underground structures are "cut down".
  Megalithic blocks of Trilithon in Baalbek (Lebanon).
  Source: dopotopa.com
  200 multilayer slabs are relief maps. Age of these plates is about 120 million years. Russia.
  In 1999, a mysterious slab was found in Bashkiria, Russia.
  Source: sekreti-mira.ru
  Professor of the Bashkir University Alexander Chuvyrov to the middle of the 90th years of the last century in city archive of Ufa found notes written in the XVIII century. From the text of notes followed that near the village Chandar of the Nurimanovsky region of Bashkiria 200 white slabs, covered with the strange badges, have been stored.
  Chuvyrov became interested in these mysterious slabs and started looking for in local archives of any information about them. Alexander Chuvyrov decided to find these slabs and organized some expeditions. However, the search for a long time did not bring results.
  It was only in 1999, one of the mysterious slabs was found - a local resident said that under the porch of his house from time immemorial lies a huge stone. And this stone has strange properties - it is impossible to inflict any damage to it, and for many years the stone did not wear out at all...
  This stone was pulled out and was delivered into the Bashkir University. It appeared that its sizes make 148 х 106 cm, thickness - 16 cm, and weight - about one ton.
  It appeared that the three-dimensional map was displayed on the surface of the slab. Serious researches began. It was proved that South Ural is presented on the Chandar plate. However, the terrain is partially different from the modern terrain.
  Further researches showed that the card consists of three layers. The first bottom layer is the extra strong dolomite, the second layer is made by way unknown to the modern science, of diopside glass. The relief map is executed from this particular glass. The third layer represents heavy-duty calcium porcelain. This layer protects the map from external damage.
  All this is more than surprising especially as the age of a find defined by means of scientific methods, was simply fantastic - about 120 million years!
  The materials obtained during the study were sent to the Center for Historical Cartography in the state of Wisconsin (USA). The opinion of experts was that such a map could only be compiled using aerospace photography. It turns out that spaceships are been flying over the Earth millions of years ago.
  Meanwhile, researchers are confident that the found slab is only a small part of a huge world map made in ancient times by representatives of an unknown civilization.
  Source: Natalya Trubinovskaya chronoton.ru> artefakty
  Source: sekreti-mira.ru
  Metal tools found in limestone dating from 140 million years ago. US.
  Source: dopotopa.com
  Ordinary looking hammer was found in Texas in 1934. It has literally rooted into limestone by age about 140 million years.
  Wooden handle of the hammer was being petrified outside. The handle inside turned into coal. Then its age was estimated so - millions years too. Specialists of Metallurgical Institute in Columbus (Ohio) were amazed with chemical composition of the hammer: iron - 96.6%, chlorine - 2.6%, sulfur - 0.74%. Other impurities could not be detected. Such pure iron has not been received in the history of the earth metallurgy.
  Any bubble was not revealed in metal. Quality of iron even by the modern measures is exclusively high and causes many questions as the content of the metals applied in metallurgical industry by production of different grades of steel (as, for example, manganese, cobalt, nickel, tungsten, vanadium or molybdenum) is not revealed. Unnecessary impurities are absent in iron, and percentage of chlorine is large extraordinarily.
  Iron of "the Texas hammer" does not rust! When a piece of rock with the ingrown tool has been chipped from the rock in 1934, the metal in one place was badly scratched. No signs of corrosion appeared on the scratch for last more than sixty years... According to estimates of Drake Buff, the director of the Museum of Fossil Antiquities in which this hammer is being stored, the find comes from a early Cretaceous - from 140 to 65 million years ago. Dr. Hans-Joachim Tsilmer from Germany, being engaged in a mysterious find in detail, concludes: "This hammer was made by the unknown to us the technology".
  Sources: www.factor-online.com
  Artifacts fixed spacecraft on the Moon.
  Source: dopotopa.com
  Artificial structures were discovered and photographed on the Moon. When and who could build these structures? That's what about it in one of interview the former NASA official Richard Hoagland speaks: "I consider that the project "Apollo" confirmed the existence of an ancient but nevertheless human civilization on the Moon. She was laid down by our ancestors very long ago. But we were able to unveil only a small part of the information obtained by NASA that people once inhabited the entire solar system." Dating in the hundreds of millions of years, proposed independent experts, sends us into the age of dinosaurs, if not further. However people could exist on Earth in those days.
  Source: V. Bumagin. nenosfirs.ucoz.ru »PLANET SPACE»
  Artifacts presumably related to pre-existing equilibrium (ecological) civilizations on Earth.
  Stone tools. The age of tools, made about 250 thousand years.
  In the 1960th years Juan Armenia Camacho and Cynthia Irwin-Williams dug out in Ueyatlako, near Valsequillo, in 75 miles from Mexico City, skillfully executed stone tools competing upon the execution to the best examples of Cro-Magnon culture in Europe. More rough tools were found in El-Horno (El Homo), Both in Ueyatlako, and in El-Horno the stratigraphic position of finds did not raise doubts. However, these artifacts have one property which cannot but cause discussion. The matter is that group of geologists who carried out scientific researches in interests of Geological inspection of the USA, defined that the age of finds makes 250 thousand years. In this group of the scientists working on a grant of National fund of science, entered: Harold Meld (Harold Malde) and Virginia Stin-Makintayr (Virginia Steen-Mclntyre) representing Geological inspection of the USA, as well as the late Roald Frayksell (Roald Fryxell) from the Washington State University.
  According to the statement of these geologists, applied independently of each other four methods of determining the age, gave an unusually large age to samples, which were found in Valsequillo. These are the following methods: 1) uranium method of definition of age; 2) age definition on the basis of the analysis of traces of a nuclear decay; 3) tefra-hydration method; 4) studying of the geological erosion.
  M. Kremo, R. Thompson. The Hidden History of the Human Race.
  Ika's stones.
  The most mysterious stones on a planet were found in the late of 80-ies of the XX-th century in South America, in the Republic of Peru. Mysterious drawings on stones puzzled archaeologists. The scenes presented on these stones reveal the life of an unknown civilization. People fly on mechanical birds, hunt on dinosaurs, use ancient reptiles as pets, watch stars in a telescope and do the transplantation of internal organs, including the heart and brain.
  The stones got its name in honor of the small town Ika, situated just close to the Nazca desert. Researchers have revealed regularity in system of drawings on stones. All images are grouped in a series from 6 to 200 stones forming some kind of stone library.
  Source: sekreti-mira.ru
  The Ica stones depict how humans fought dinosaurs.
  Source: sekreti-mira.ru
  Letolil footprints.
  In 1978, the expedition team led by Mary Leakey, based at Letolil, in northern Tanzania, approximately in thirty miles to the South from the Olduvai Gorge, has discovered fossilized footprints of three human beings. These early people walked through recently dropped out volcanic ash, probably, escaping from a volcanic eruption. It was found about fifty traces stretched on seventy seven foots. Their age makes from 3.6 till 3.8 million years.
  These prints are older than the alleged human ancestor of the Australopithecus "Lucy", and hence out of all hitherto discovered it is the earliest evidence of human erectus. Although they are older than "Lucy" than 200.000 years, they were left by the feet, with an anatomical point of view, exactly the same as the feet of modern humans. Nothing suggests that they were left by beings like "Lucy".
  Letolil prints left more than 3.6 million years ago with the feet having anatomical similarities with the feet of modern humans.
  Australopithecus foot - "Lucy's" relative - has long fingers with protruding thumb like monkeys. The most well-preserved copy of such fossil foot cannot be combined with these prints. The thumb is not rejected aside at Letolil prints, as well as at the feet of modern humans. The distance between it and the second finger is same as it would be and today. Professor Russell Tuttle from the Chicago university writes in plain terms that "it is difficult to imagine that it was possible to combine precisely a foot (like Lucy's foot) ... with prints of Letolile feet".
  A lot of experts, who studied these prints, are agreed in opinion that the feet, left these prints, again upon the words of Professor Tuttle, "are indistinguishable from prints of feet of people walking, as usual barefoot widely".
  Professor Tuttle continued his criticisms. In February 1997, the magazine "National Geographic" has quoted his statement that "the traces had been left by mysterious hominid whose fossil remains yet to be discovered." These facts have not yet been adequately addressed: popular articles and books about "Lucy" and her relatives ignored them.
  Source: M. Baigent, Ancient Traces: Mysteries in Ancient and Early History.
  Eksmo. Moscow, 2004. ISBN 5-699-04989-4. Page 60.
  Footprints of humanoids in the Lower Cretaceous clay limestone of the river Pallyuxy, USA.
  Footprints of the bipedal creatures crossing dinosaur footprints preserved in Lower Cretaceous clay limestone (135-140 million years ago). Pallyuxi, Texas, USA. The photo is made by Glen Kuban (1985) and placed in Origins Research, Vol. 9, No. 1, 1986.
  Mysterious prints of bare feet and shod feet of humanoids together with traces of dinosaurs were discovered by a group of scientists led by Stanley E. Taylor in 1968 in bed of the river Pallyuxi near Glen Rose and the State park"Valley of Dinosaurs "in the State of Texas (USA). They examined four chains of such traces in the Lower Cretaceous clay limestone (marls), accumulated 135-140 million years ago. The unusual picture from the remote past was slightly opened to looks of researchers - "people" and dinosaurs were passing in the same place at the same time. "Double" prints indicated it: when the dinosaur went over a "human" trace and vice versa - when "person" have stepped on trace already left by a dinosaur.
  A master plan of the same traces. The photo is made by Glen Kuban (1985) and placed in Origins Research, Vol. 9, No. 1, 1986.
  The majority of traces had a diffuse elongated shape, but the heel and 5 fingers were distinctive on some of them and the thumb of a foot was located not as at monkeys, and as at the modern people. We could even conclude on the location of certain traces: "human" pursued dinosaur. Similar traces were discovered in 1910.
  It is likely that some of these traces are really a fake. However, the majority of prints are all original and they have no slightest relation to the limestone erosion. This is confirmed by the following: existence of "double" prints, presence of the pair traces left by the right and left foot, extrusion of fossil dirt at the edges of prints, and the fact that many traces were found by G. Taylor in the layers dug out from under the layer of limestone lying on the surface.
  The whole open-air museum exists on the river Pallyuxi. There we can observe traces of dinosaurs mixed up with human traces in layers of a new, post-catastrophe era. And nothing can be garbled: every year a silt brought by seasonal inflow during a season of a drought dries and turns into a stone plate: year - a plate, year - a plate. Even arithmetic knowledge is enough to count the number of layers-years. And it turns out that people were running upon this wonderful planet together with mammoths and dinosaurs.
  Source: dopotopa.com
  Underwater megalithic structures near the island of Ponape (Caroline Islands).
  Australian divers led by David Childers (ethnographer) and Japanese archaeologists confirmed the existence near the island of ruins of megalithic constructions. Australian researchers, plunging to a depth of 20-35 m, have found 12 huge columns which have acquired by corals, and on lying at the bottom of basalt rocks they saw pretty clear pictures of geometric figures. Japanese divers managed to make even more: they reached the basis of Nan-Madola in the form of huge walls from the basalt blocks connected without any solution. They calculated upon the speed of immersion of the ocean bottom that the age of the underwater city makes 10-12 thousand years. Scientists from universities of states of Ohio and Oregon and the Pacific Institute in Honolulu (Pacific Studies Institutes) (USA) confirmed the calculations.
  Source: dopotopa.com
  Processed stones for the sling.
  In 1926, John Baxter, who was one of the assistants J. Reid Moir, under the Pliocene Red Rocks in Bramford that under Ipswich (England), dug out an egg-shaped subject which have got to a collection only thanks to singularity of the form.
  J. Reid Moir noticed grooves and faces of artificial origin immediately, i.e. the egg-shaped subject has been processed by a human hand. Detrit horizon, located under the Red rock, contains fossils and sedimentary rocks of inhabited areas of the surface, whose age fluctuates from the Pliocene to the Eocene. Thus, the age of the stone for a sling can make from 2 to 55 million years.
  M. Kremo, R. Thompson. The Hidden History of the Human Race.
  A metal vase with decorative elements found in rocks about 500 million years old.
  A Scientific American report in June 1851 reported that while blasting Precambrian rock (534 million years old) at Dorchester, Massachusetts, two fragments of a metal vase were found. Bonded together, the fragments formed a dome shape 4.5 inches high. 5" at the base, 2.5" at the top and 1/8" thick. Visually, the material of the vessel resembles painted zinc or an alloy with a large admixture of silver. Decorative elements - flowers and vines - are inlaid with silver.
  As for domain civilizations, which previously appeared after the collapse of technological civilizations on Earth, the very fact of their emergence is explained by the disappearance of the pressure of states on the population that remained after the collapse of a technological civilization. This is a population that has declined significantly, as a rule, retains some technologies, but is able to use only part of them only for more or less tolerable survival in new harsh conditions, and not for development, for which it lacks the strength, resources, and mood.
  However, the horizontal and vertical connections of relatively small domains, in which there is no private property, with their diverse activities and sufficient initiative of their inhabitants in self-government and self-organization, combining collective aspirations with personal needs with the dominance of collectivism by virtue of harsh living conditions, provide not only the survival of the population of the domains, but also their relatively good standard of living, allowing them to have free time for their own development and satisfaction of own interests.
  However, there are not enough resources, energy, or a sufficient number of specialists for technological and energy development. Therefore, the life of the inhabitants of the domains flows almost unchanged, but still it is incomparable with the life of archaic communities, all of whose aspirations are aimed solely at survival, while the inhabitants of the domains have the opportunity, using their abilities, to develop various crafts and culture as a whole.
  This kind of civilization, which in some cases appears on the ruins of a technological civilization, for example, if nuclear wars or total epidemics do not destroy almost the entire population and all the achievements of civilization, lose, at least for a significant period of time, the possibility of development, and are forced to enter into equilibrium with nature.
  The main features of such an equilibrium civilization are as follows.
  It has to be in ecological equilibrium with the nature, i.e. it has to return generally to appropriating economy with preservation and addition of some resource-saving technologies.
  Having refused the complex state management system, the civilization has to return to the simplest forms of the public relations in the form of local self-coping cells of various orientation on the kinds of activity, connected among themselves not only horizontally, but also vertically, unlike primitive communities.
  The tasks of civilization in this case can no longer be the development of technology and social relations, but they are limited to self-sufficiency in terms of creating acceptable living conditions for each person and maintaining the functioning of self-governing cells without the appearance of a tilt towards their departure from self-government. For this, the only "cure" is the most frequent rotation of elected management personnel.
  In this relation the difference of this structure from primitive communities consists in more high level of self-consciousness of members of the self-coping cells, saved up for six millennia of previous civilization development, and, in this regard, emergence of possibility of the conscious decision by all members of cells of arising problems of a civilization within the elementary structures.
  Besides, the free time of each member of community which can be very the considerable, thanks to preservation of many technologies of reproducing of food and household items, has to be devoted to self-development in that sphere to which he has predilections: art, crafts, fight against diseases, learning process, etc.
  Thus, the civilization is as though conserved. Certainly, sooner or later it will go wrong, but time of its existence and quite quiet life of people in it can be much more, than life time of a technological civilization known to us.
  To the one who will tell that it is impossible to stop development, it is possible to give an example of a similar suspending in development of human communities, more precisely, its extreme delay.
  It is possible give as an example the well-known and studied primitive communities which have been existing approximately in the same condition of some tens of thousands of years, until awakened from "hibernation" about 10 thousand years ago whereby, partly, our civilization emerged about six thousand years ago. Communities, which are in the equilibrium with environment, exist and now in a natural form, for example, the Australian natives. There are similar communities in a artificial type of various sects, for example doukhobor. The public and production formations close to them - kibbutzim in Israel as well separate themselves from society and the state on the way of life, which is close to the equilibrium.
  As we showed above, an aware translation of an antagonistic technological civilization into a harmonious community is impossible for both biological and social reasons.
  But, nevertheless, a harmonious community can appear with the disappearance of technological civilization, when the remaining population falls from fairly comfortable living conditions into a situation of survival. That is, it will be possible to be saved only through collective efforts with the socialization of property, leaving from the egocentricity of animal consciousness only initiative with the blocking of egoism, similar to what happens in archaic communities, but with a greater share of altruism, that is, without much savagery.
  If remnants of the collapsed civilization are not dissolved in wildness, and somehow will be transformed to equilibrium system of the small domains connected among themselves and self-organization and self-government becomes a basis of activity of these domains, then there will be the situation, which is cardinally different from the former.
  Between each individual and his collective-cell there is a continuous contact as each person really in different periods, but with high frequency and manages by a cell and simply works in it, and he is terribly interested in that both management and work were carried out as it is possible better. In this case the collective and the individual as far as it is possible, merge together. Kibbutzim, the old believe communities, some religious sects are an example of it.
  The chaos disappears, the order is being established by members of a cell in that type what seems to them the best and is respectively corrected further if it gives in to improvement. Thus, justice and equality triumph in work, and liberty remains for any creative activity in a time off and only is welcomed by everyone.
  Thus, the sense of economic freedom which is provided by the capitalist state in the form of employment by any individual by economic activity accepted for him with receiving the corresponding profit, significantly changes. This change in the particular relation is positive so as this freedom is illusion in the society of representative democracy.
  The matter is that, having begun the business, the person gets to fetters of the complex economic relations and, as a rule, he is being ruined. If it does not occur, he will get to slavery to the process of receiving profit behind which forgets about the human qualities. The immoral being seeing before not people but only bank notes which spends all the time for increment and deduction of capital is formed. This being inhibits both itself and others or that is even worse, becomes the rentier, i.e. - becomes parasite who consciously exists at the expense of other working people.
  The private property is not present in a self-coping cell, any capital cannot be acquired.
  Therefore, more adequate aspiration for a person to the type of work to which he has more than abilities and, respectively, - more satisfaction from it, becomes by sense of economic freedom. Especially that this economic activity goes on the benefit to all members of cell without any self-interest.
  The community is grateful to the working person and he is happy by this recognition of results of own work and tries to work even better, using all the abilities and talents.
  Certainly, rather narrow scope of work in a tiny cell considerably narrows a choice of a person and, thereby, as though limits his liberty as limits his liberty and the accepted regulations of life of each cell, but this liberty for each person is reality, instead of illusion. And, if you are not satisfied with something, nobody forbids you to be engaged in in free time any business which is pleasant to you. Besides, you can move to another by the nature of work a cell, be engaged coordinating activity, etc.
  Thus, if the inhabitants of the domains manage to self-organize in such a way as to maintain a certain cultural level and some technologies that support the level of consumption of the most necessary things for life, then a system of a kind of equilibrium will be formed, that is, not developing, but not decaying formations, that are also in equilibrium with nature, and capable of providing a satisfactory existence for the existing population.
  In similar intermediate state of non-development and non-decay, that is, equilibrium, they are able to exist in balance with nature even longer than technological civilizations - up to several tens of thousands of years, judging by the available artifacts mentioned above. But they still inevitably disintegrate under the influence of a gradual decline in interest in life, in which, despite its smoothness, relative well-being and peace, little happens.
  The equilibrium civilizations are described in more detail in my work "Communes as a result of the crash of all civilization" (10.10.2016. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: Amazon. Yury Nizovtsev, www.litres.ru).
  However, it is also possible that this civilization will turn towards technological development if certain discoveries and inventions are suddenly made that can be implemented technically without special costs. Then this initial impulse can give sufficient energy to the rest of the population in the direction of development, and this civilization will transform into a technological one, which, apparently, has happened several times in the history of the Earth. But at the same time, the community will begin to stratify into the owners of technologies and their products and everything else associated with them, courts, officials, police, rulers, armies will appear with the corresponding strife and wars, and everything will begin to happen in the same antagonistic order.
  This kind of curious phenomena in the life of communities of people who came from nowhere, sometimes reaching an even higher technological level of development than now, occurred approximately during several hundred million years before the 10th millennium BC, when, under the influence possibly of natural disasters, which are called иy the flood, the well-known Atlantis, described by the same Plato, disappeared (Plato. Complete works. Republic. Hackett Publishing Company. 1997).
  Our hypothesis, based on the holographic nature of Creation, also gives an answer to the question of the repeated appearance, outside the evolutionary development of communities, of exactly the same people as today tens and hundreds of millions of years ago. In particular, this was mentioned in my works "The person - a product of evolution?! Whether everything is so clear here?!" (14.12.2019. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: Amazon. Yury Nizovtsev, www.litres.ru). "Человек, мозг, сознание и сверхразум". Журнал "Топос". РФ. 14.08.2023. ("А person, brain, consciousness and super-mind". Magazine Topos. RF. 14.08.2023).
  If we return to the last local technological civilization (antediluvian Atlantis), which appeared outside the evolutionary process on Earth, then the population that survived after its collapse around the middle of the 10th millennium BC there was already someone to pass on the surviving fragments of its culture and technologies.
  The fact is that just by this time - the Middle Stone Age (Mesolithic) - the Cro-Magnons, who had long supplanted the Neanderthals, somewhat increased the level of self-awareness that develops in archaic communities extremely slowly. As a result, they improved and even changed the methods of economic, which were previously limited to hunting and gathering.
  In particular, they managed to invent a bow and arrow, which had significant advantages over spears, a dog was tamed. Tools such as chisels, axes, tesla and strugs appeared, and stone tools with composite blades made of flint and obsidian began to be used. Hoes and picks began to be used for tillage.
  It was from the 10th millennium BC that significant changes began to occur in the life of traditional local communities. These communities began to change relatively quickly - a kind of proto-civilizations, appeared in an area of the modern Egypt, the Middle East and Asia Minor, which turned out to be close to Atlantis.
  Only the influence of the surviving inhabitants of a highly technological and highly cultural antediluvian civilization, which Plato called Atlantis, can explain the relatively rapid transition - within a few hundred years - of the inhabitants of this region from tribal villages in which they lived for tens of thousands of years, to cities with straight streets and even some places with houses of several floors; the start from the 10th millennium BC intensive trade not only on land, in particular in the territory of what is now Turkey, but also in the Mediterranean Sea; agriculture also began to develop, the results of which, that is, grain reserves, could be used both during crop failures and during wars; various crafts, the beginnings of science and culture appeared, for example, the walls of houses began to be decorated with frescoes.
  However, the self-consciousness of the natives was still at a relatively low level, and only technologies and culture of a purely consumer and rather primitive property were available to him, that is, neither high culture nor high technologies of the disintegrated antediluvian civilization were available to them, despite the fact that many samples of its samples, drawings, and other documents were preserved. It took several thousand years for the population to realize the possibility of using them at least partially.
  Only then did the flourishing of civilization begin in the form of states and city-states.
  These were the Sumerian civilization (late 5th millennium BC), the heirs of which were the Akkadian, Assyrian and Babylonian states; The Indus civilization and the civilization of Ancient Egypt, which arose in the 4th millennium BC.
  It is unlikely that the Sumerians came up with a wheel out of nowhere, which the civilizations of South America did not even think of.
  The Sumerians also suddenly introduced and began to use a new number system, new writing on clay tablets, and began to carry out complex astronomical measurements for household needs. For the first time in agriculture, they used a plow and a seeder, which no one had previously thought of either. But they were hardly particularly genius. Most likely, they managed to borrow a lot from the previous civilization, since some of the achievements of this civilization reached them, and not only them. They were finally able to understand some of these technologies, begin to use them, and even improve them over time.
  The Egyptians also did not stand aside. They specialized mainly in architecture, in which they achieved unsurpassed success to this day; in writing system, inventing, in particular, paper; in music, composing orchestras from various musical instruments; in medicine.
  It is also unlikely that they themselves developed complex systems for the treatment of eye and gynecological diseases, methods and instruments for craniotomy.
  The Indian civilization manifested itself mainly in the field of agriculture. Rice, cotton and sugar cane began to be grown there. Representatives of this local civilization also achieved significant success in mathematics (algebra and trigonometry) and navigation.
  Of course, they created something on their own, but the fact is known that they inherited from the antediluvian civilization aircraft - vimanas, based on a different principle of aeronautics, now lost, and samples of atomic weapons.
  Images of some types of these vimanas have also been preserved.
  Source: dopotopa.com
  At the end of the 2nd World War, German engineers reproduced the so-called "flying saucers", the appearance of which was recorded on the Russian-German front, according to drawings that they borrowed in the late 30s of the twentieth century in India as a result of expeditions to the Himalayas.
  Source: sekreti-mira.ru
  Distinct traces of war with the use of atomic weapons, the independent development of which was made only in the twentieth century AD, preserved on the territory of present-day Pakistan (the city of Mohenjo-Daro, destroyed, according to researchers of buildings and soil in the city, by an attack using nuclear weapons or, possibly, a vacuum bomb, around the 4 millennium BC). A photo of the surviving remains of the city is given below. This war is described in the epic Mahabharata.
  Ruins of Mohenjo-Daro. Photo from "National Geographic".
  Source: dopotopa.com
  In conclusion of this review essay, it can be stated that at all known times on Earth there were no "paradisiacal tabernacles" in any state, but, in the absence of states, excluding, of course, archaic communities, similar formations were been emerging in the form of the equilibrium ecological civilizations.
  Chapter 17.
  Is the space exploration possible through the manned flights?
  In connection with the preparation in several countries of the flight to Mars, which has already spent billions of dollars for, it makes sense to ask: whether is the space exploration possible, as well as the manned space flights at present to planets of our star system and supposedly to the inhabited planets of other star systems are possible?
  Any spatial displacement is a search for food and other resources for existence, and also it may be a aspiration for new impressions, knowledge, and the basis for achieving these goals are new contacts, and further - relations.
  Therefore, during the spatial displacement, a person is looking for opportunities for a better life and their own kind, first of all, at this, everything that is dead for him, in essence, does not matter.
  The initial idea of total cosmos exploration, which is currently being tried to implement, comes from the theory of the Russian thinker N.F. Fedorov, the basis of which is the universal raise of the dead for the harmonization of existence.
  Fedorov emphasizes the main thing in his vision of the harmonization of existence so: "The task of the human race is to convert everything unconscious, which spontaneously becomes born into a conscious, bright, real, universal, personal resurrection" [1, part 2, paragraph 13].
  This benevolent statement of Fedorov, who naively believed that everything that exists can be brought under the control of the human mind, apparently led him to such tempting choice of the universal raise of the dead, which, as he saw it, solves all the problems of existence and ensures universal happiness and immortality, since alive are killed by "war, polemics, competition and all struggle" [2. Question 8].
  In fact, firstly, the human mind has natural restrictions on the perception of information even in the totality of all immortal people and therefore is not able to cover everything and everything, especially if it all endlessly and largely does not depend on people, since they do not completely form all this material; secondly, the adaptability inherent in all living beings is necessary for them to coordinate their actions with many objects and phenomena independent of them, which cannot be made completely dependent even on conscious people, at least immortals, as a result of which "to convert everything unconscious... into the conscious" is also impossible, thirdly, a person who is a primate by origin cannot be completely separated from nature without completely destroying his biological essence, that is, himself, fourthly, the refusal to fight, competition is the refusal to develop not only a person, but his consciousness, that is, not at all the arrival of a happy, calm and creative life, but the degradation and decay.
  Fedorov, believing beingness to be the only reality equivalent to Creation, and the otherworldly to be ideal, considers it possible to get closer to this ideal by the efforts of all intelligent beings (people) and scientific achievements due to the return to life these intelligent ones and introducing them to a state of immortality, which, apparently, is quite reasonable, since thereby complete harmony is achieved in endless creative existence.
  However, Fedorov himself notes that we are in the present, but he also imagines that it can be turned into eternity, which contains everything that is, was and can be, without realizing that with this transformation there will be a loss of time with the receipt of nothingness, in which no events are possible and everything in this nothingness is no more than in potency, which is revealed precisely in the current time of the present. That is, Fedorov strives, as it turns out, from time into timelessness because of all the misfortunes, troubles and sorrows that humanity experiences in the present, whereas it is in these trials and deaths that not only the development of humanity occurs, but the most important thing in Creation occurs - development the human self- consciousness, which creates the maximum possible changes in the total (single) consciousness thanks to all innumerable collisions in the consciousness of a person and the aggregate humanity, which is constantly being renewed due to the mortality of members, which constituent of it.
  Thus, immortality for a person is not only impossible, but also meaningless, since consciousness makes him thinking and active in his own individuality and personality, and the human body is only an instrument of consciousness. The loss of a body for an individual consciousness does not mean a catastrophe, but a transition of the same consciousness to a new life in another body, then to the next life, and so on. That is, the human consciousness in its special features thereby acquires not only immortality, but also countless new lives [3, sections 2.1; 2.2].
  So, at its core, Fedorov"s idea of a universal return to life of dead comes down to the return of the past time toward the present time, and the unification of humanity by transferring this present time into eternity: "Hidden in the childish feeling of universal brotherhood was the fact that every person is a son, grandson, great-grandson , great-great-grandson... a descendant of the father, grandfathers, great-grandfathers, ancestors, a common forefather, therefore, this feeling contained not only the closest connection of the present, living (sons), but the same or even greater connection as the present with the past (fathers) , in contrast to the teachings of ancient and modern philosophers, whose mistake lies precisely in the gap between the present and the past [1, part 2].
  Judging by Fedorov"s statements, he, in essence, connecting the past with the present, eliminates the future time, which, as it were, precedes the past and without it is not capable of manifesting itself in the present, for the sake, as it seems to him, of ensuring the immortality and happiness of every person in eternity. That is, he forgets that life in eternity, containing everything that was, is and will be, simply cannot exist, since in this separate eternity, in particular, there is no renewal characteristic of the present time, which is formed by the persons as by any other living being also, through its senses and consciousness automatically, whereas the past is contained in his memory, manifesting itself, again, in the present, and a person is able to imagine the future only in own imagination again in the present.
  In essence, Fedorov made another attempt to make people happy like Plato, Marx, the anarchist Kropotkin and other guardians of justice, but, unlike them, - on a universal scale, and even making them immortal.
  He decided to revive all dead and make them, as well as all living immortals, who will go out into the boundless but soulless cosmos and revive it by themselves, making it regulated, that is, they will begin to control it.
  Of course, such dreams contain both positive and negative, because, on the one hand, Fedorov sincerely wishes everyone to get out of the web of pathetic passions, hatred and malice, combining his own fruitful ideas with the cause of overcoming the blind force of nature.
  "Despite all the difficulties, the general return to life is only a return to a normal state, when humanity, in full possession of nature, as by its own strength, can carry out not out of need, but out of an excess of spiritual power the endless thought in the unlimited means of matter, having a model in Deity, accessible to contemplatio of the human race" [1, part 2, paragraph 24].
  "...a person himself becomes an instrument of salvation; The paralogism of the immortality of theoretical reason is resolved by the actual universal return to life, as a matter of practical reason. At the same time, psychology turns from general to collective, becomes a psychocracy, that is, it unites the human race both internally and externally in the work of knowledge and control of the soulless power of the cosmos, and thus psychology is not separated from cosmology, and the generations returned to life become the mind and soul of all worlds Universe" [2. Question XII].
  On the other hand, his gigantic swing is obviously incapable of having any practical result, not only due to the impossibility of molecular assembly ensuring human immortality, but also due to the ineradicable animal nature of a person, which creates, in confrontation with his self-consciousness, that competitive development trend that ensures the accelerated development of the human self-consciousness, unlike animals, giving a person in his communities the opportunity to produce both cultural values and achieve greater success in the development of technology and the acquisition of ever greater living comfort.
  True, all this is being given in continuous conflicts, rivalry, struggle and contradictions, but without them, that is, in a cloudless and calm life, nothing happens, which N. F. Fedorov did not turn his attention to, but I. Kant has drawn the attention to long before him, having indicated in his work "The Doctrine of Society." Section "The Idea of Universal History in the World-Civil Plan", that an idyllic existence without struggle means complete stagnation and a stop in the development of society: "The means that nature uses to realize the development of all the inclinations of people is their antagonism in society, since it ultimately becomes a cause of its law-consistent order... ...Without these themselves unattractive properties of non-sociability, generating resistance, which everyone must inevitably come across in their selfish claims, all talents in the living conditions of the Arcadian shepherds, that is, in conditions of complete unanimity, moderation and mutual love, would forever remain hidden in the bud; people as meek as the sheep they graze are unlikely to have made their existence more worthy than that of pets... " [4, p. 5].
  Fedorov does not accept such contradictory development of humanity in the conditions of civilization, believing that it would be preferable for humanity not such humiliating progress for a person, but the work of the return to life of the dead, which, ultimately, will lead all living persons and persons, returned to life, to general well-being, happiness and creative development in the cosmos they had mastered: "Although stagnation is death and regression is not heaven, progress is true hell, and the truly divine, the truly human lies in saving the victims of progress, in bringing them out of hell. Progress as the negation of the fatherland and brotherhood is complete moral decline, the negation of morality itself... ...progress consists in the consciousness by the sons of their superiority over the dead, that is, in such consciousness that excludes the need, and therefore the possibility, of uniting the living (sons) to the return to life of the dead (fathers), and meanwhile, in the matter of the return to life the fathers, real superiority would be expressed sons, if only this can be called superiority, whereas in glorification over fathers only their imaginary superiority is expressed" [1, part 1, paragraph 15].
  "If progress, improvement occurs with the help of evolution, development (change of states) of what is happening (?), then progress is not so much the action of an intelligent being as a manifestation of blind force, and therefore cannot be called the improvement" [1, part 1, note 9].
  However, Fedorov did not understand that the blind, as he called it, force of progress, which forces civilization to accelerate the flow of its own time, is in fact not purely natural. It arises from the interaction of the animal (natural) consciousness of a person and the completely rational self-consciousness inherent only in man, which has separated him from the blind forces of nature. It is the struggle of these two components of the human consciousness, and not some other natural forces, that ensures the accelerated development of civilization, and therefore allows each individual human consciousness to constantly plunge into ever-growing information flows, that is, to receive ever new changes in their own self-awareness as a result arising collisions, thereby developing both his self-consciousness and giving from the entire totality of individual forms of consciousness new food for a single consciousness of all [see, for example, 3, sections 2.2; 2.4].
  Thus, Fedorov became the founder of space exploration. K. E. Tsiolkovsky took advantage of his idea, and then it was implemented on the scale of the Solar System, which continues to this day.
  However, all enthusiasts of space exploration with a possible meeting with the inhabitants of other planets of the Universe and further control of the Universe, obviously, still have not realized what Fedorov already understood then, who specifically noted that "without the return to life all people it is impossible to achieve complete possession of celestial space", having remarked also: "By turning the influence of the earthly mass into conscious labor, the united human race will give the earthly force controlled by reason and feeling, therefore, the life-giving force, dominance over the blind forces of other celestial bodies and will unite them in one life-giving work of the return to life all people" [1, part 3, paragraph 2].
  In this mastered cosmos, Fedorov suggests finally arranging a true paradise for all these immortal returned to life in all generations, however, without specifying either specific means of the return to life or tools for arranging this paradise: "The kingdom of God, or paradise, is a work of all forces of all abilities, all people in their totality, a work of not negative, but positive virtues, such, one might say, a paradise for adults, it can be a work of only people themselves, a work of completeness of knowledge, depth of feeling, power of will; paradise can be created only by the people themselves, in fulfillment of the will of God, not alone, but by all the forces of all people in their totality, and it cannot consist in inaction, eternal peace, peace is nirvana, perfection lies in life in activity "[2. Question XII].
  The contradictory nature of this man-made paradise of Fedorov is that by eliminating the present, that is, the current time for the sake of eternity, by which he understands, in essence, nothingness, since his eternity contains everything, he loses the current time, and therefore events, that is, life, which is revealed precisely not in timelessness, but in the present with its troubles and joys. Thus, development in this paradise cannot happen as a result of the lack of renewal in it due to the immortality of its members.
  The point is not even that manned flights to exoplanets located at a distance of at least several light years are hardly possible at all given the modern development of technology and the complete discrepancy between the structure of the human body and the structure and composition of the extended and low-temperature space vacuum, saturated with deadly radiation, but that the very development of technological civilizations, as Fedorov rightly noted, is not infinite due to their degradation.
  As we believe, this development, amounting to 6-10 thousand calendar years, ends with a natural collapse when a technological civilization on any planet reaches its highest stage - capitalism due to the compaction of the civilization's own current time up to the point of singularity, upon reaching which this time ends, and with it the existence of this form of civilization also ends, which after some time arises again, developing, if the civilization is technological, in approximately the same way as the previous one, up to the point of singularity, etc.
  However, the technological civilizations do not always end their existence with complete disintegration with the descent of the surviving population into wildness.
  The discovered artifacts show not only the existence on Earth of at least several dozen developed technological civilizations over hundreds of millions of years, but also the emergence on the wreckage of technological civilizations that have preserved some technologies, equilibrium ecological civilizations that partly resemble the world of the resurrected persons, which Fedorov spoke about, by their existence without the competitive development, as a result of which they gradually fade away [see, for example, 5].
  This regularity of the emergence of civilizations on planets that are capable of providing conditions for the development of the human communities for a certain period clearly shows that it is not a person in his short life, no matter how long it is being extended, who is the pearl of Creation, but it is his immortal consciousness, and its most perfect instrument is a temporary person.
  Therefore, the desire of all thinkers, including N. F. Fedorov, to focus on ways to improve man and his communities, leading them one way or another ultimately to a harmonious existence without troubles and worries and even to immortality, is nothing more than a chimera.
  Nevertheless, modern scientists, who, like Fedorov, believe in that there is nothing else besides beingness (universes), although this is completely groundless, but visibly, consider the development of reason to be unlimited, despite the finiteness of a person and his limitations both in the capabilities of the organs of senses and in the capabilities of his thinking apparatus.
  Supplementing them with the artificial intelligence will not replace the creative abilities that only a person possesses. But without creativity, development is impossible.
  Therefore, it is completely groundless for the progressives, represented by a number of scientists who believe in the infinite development of reason and officials who support them, to count on this intelligence, who, as always, hope to "warm their hands" in this matter.
  As a result, without much thought, unlike Fedorov, they consider it necessary and actually try to begin the exploration of space, using spaceship crews from people, quite pragmatically - in order to capture the expensive resources of various kinds, first by organizing flights to the planets of the Solar System, and then they aim in their dreams at flights to exoplanets of nearby stars.
  Naturally, all these figures disguise their utopian ideas with various kinds of arguments and reasoning, which basically lead to the following.
  First, they turn to history, in which certain difficulties were declared insurmountable, and then ways were found to overcome them. For example, Auguste Comte considered it impossible to know the chemical composition of stars, Kelvin claimed that it was impossible to create a heavier-than-air flying machine, Rutherford did not believe in the possibility of practical use of the nuclear energy.
  In this case, there is a substitution of concepts, since the field of scientific research in terrestrial conditions is not comparable not only with the exploration of boundless space with the direct participation of a person in space flights, but also with the removal of any organisms beyond the protective layer of the Earth's atmosphere, the cellular structure of which in a relatively short time will be destroyed by the most powerful galactic and solar radiations, protection from which currently does not exist in the space conditions.
  In other words, the laws of nature prohibit the living organisms from being in conditions that fundamentally hinder their survival and actions, which does not at all mean the exploration of space with all its contents by the corresponding automatic systems that already exist and have proven themselves quite well. In particular, the flight to Mars of a large expedition, which is discussed in more detail below, is nothing more than a fantasy on which "skilled" people make and have already made considerable money, taking advantage of the ignorance of officials and the romanticism of the quasi-educated public.
  In addition, the so-called Hume's guillotine can suggest a method for making an adequate decision. This idea of Hume boils down to the fact that what is does not entail what ought: "I have observed that in every ethical theory that I have hitherto encountered, the author has been reasoning for some time in the usual way, establishing the existence of God, or sets forth his observations concerning human affairs, and suddenly, to my surprise, I find that instead of the usual copula used in sentences, namely, "is" or "is not," I do not meet with a single sentence in which "ought" or "ought not" would not be used as a copula. This substitution takes place unnoticed, but nevertheless it is of the utmost importance. Since this "ought" or "ought not" expresses some new relation or assertion, the latter must necessarily be taken into account and explained, and at the same time the basis must be given for what seems quite incomprehensible, namely, how this new relation can be a deduction from others that are completely different from it" [6].
  Indeed, based solely on how the world is structured in accordance with the objects perceived by the sense organs, it is impossible to justify without gross logical errors what people should strive for, since the human sense organs are very limited both in quantity and quality, producing, on the one hand, a one-sided, that is, purely human picture of the surrounding world, and on the other hand, there is no other picture, and it is necessary to seek out a more or less adequate solution to a particular problem through experience in the combination with reflections.
  For example, if the boundless space functions around us somehow, this does not mean at all that people are obliged to develop it or, on the contrary, not to climb there in vain.
  Therefore, we should turn to the already obtained reliable facts, and, as Hume pointed out, not make unfounded decisions based on what we see at the moment, in particular, the decision that people should strive with all their might and means into space, supposedly because they are cramped on Earth, and space is limitless.
  Since space with billions of galaxies, each with billions of functioning stars, as recent studies have shown, exists, it is pragmatically and cognitively necessary to turn to it, and not to leave it in vain, especially since reserves of those materials that are in short supply or practically non-existent on Earth may already be discovered on the planets, satellites and asteroids closest to Earth. In addition, the study of at least the nearest space can provide information about still unknown phenomena and processes that may also be useful in terrestrial conditions for certain purposes.
  However, space is practically inaccessible to people, since neither its low-temperature vast space, permeated with deadly radiation, nor the lifeless planets around various stars allow people to be there in conditions that are completely unsuitable for the life of biological objects.
  In principle, of course, it is possible to use existing spaceships for travel to the Moon or Mars, but to preserve the health and lives of their crews, a 15-meter-thick lead shield is needed from galactic radiation alone. But there are also sporadic bursts of even more powerful solar radiation. All this immediately makes this project insignificant.
  Nevertheless, even in such contradictory circumstances, it is possible to find a solution that is quite acceptable for the current conditions to explore space and even use it for various purposes.
  This solution is as follows.
  Instead of manning spaceship crews with people, which is what the not very well-informed public and scientific-bureaucratic leadership are fixated on, it is necessary to use various kinds of automatic devices, instruments and robots controlled by artificial intelligence, which are not afraid of either low temperatures or cosmic radiation, thereby eliminating the sacrificial use of people for space exploration, especially since the Earth has not yet been largely mastered by them.
  Thus, the idea of K. E. Tsiolkovsky, who declared that earthly humanity should populate space, can be attributed only to such applications to humanity as the automatic systems and the artificial intelligence, and not directly to people.
  For greater clarity, we will add a few details to what has been said.
  Let's start with the planetary system of our sun.
  To date, it has become clear that there are no inhabited planets in this system except Earth.
  Most likely, this circumstance is connected with the fact that there are no conditions for the origin and existence of organic life on these planets, and it is not possible to settle them in the foreseeable future.
  True, in principle, the persons can visit Mars, but it, like the Moon, is cold and lifeless, and if you ask the flight enthusiasts towards this planet what they are going to do there, then you will not get a constructive answer, except how the vague expressions about research itch and demonstration the power of mankind incomprehensibly for whom.
  Probably, the competition between the US and Russia in space has forced US President Trump to sign the NASA funding bill for 2017 in the amount - $ 19.5 billion and in 2018 - $ 19.1 billion, and this amount of funding involves the allocation of funds for the preparation of the manned flight to Mars, as reported on March 21, 2017 by space/com.
  Let's present the considerations of some organizations and the figures on the master of Mars.
  But first, we point out that the average distance from Earth to Mars is 225 million km, the maximum - 401 million km - the minimum - 56 million km. Accordingly, the flight to Mars at the current state of technology (maximum rocket speed - 16 km/s) will be 162 days, 289 days and 39 days.
  Elon Musk (the SpaceX company - the United States) assumes to construct the ship capable to reach Mars in three months. There he plans to found base on which place in hundred years the city in one million inhabitants will appear. The ticket to Mars will be costs about 200 thousand dollars.
  The Inspiration Mars Foundation (USA) plans to send a manned expedition to fly around Mars and return to Earth. The organization believes that this flight will serve as a catalyst for national prosperity, knowledge and global leadership.
  The private project Mars One (USA) involves a flight to Mars, followed by the establishment of a colony on its surface and television broadcasts of everything that happens.
  The program "Aurora" of the European Comic Agency suggests to land astronauts on Mars until 2033.
  The ultimate goal of these activities is to find resources.
  In addition, their implementation involves the development of new technologies, economic revival, the acquisition of new knowledge.
  The main danger in interplanetary flights is the exposure of people to high-energy particles, which include galactic and solar.
  Galactic cosmic rays are the nuclei of hydrogen, helium and other light elements with an average energy of 10 billion eV. For complete absorption of these rays, a lead screen 15 meters thick would be required. On Earth, humans are protected by the magnetic field from this radiation, which, by the way, is practically absent on Mars (it is 800 times weaker than the earth's magnetic field), as a result of which people will be irradiated with high-energy particles on the surface of Mars.
  In a single flight to Mars, a person will receive a radiation dose of 0.3 Sv (sievert), at this, the lethal dose of radiation makes 3 Sv. However, 0.3 Sv is enough for irreversible damage to brain cells and the subsequent dementia.
  In addition to galactic radiation, in space, during chromospheric flares on the Sun, fluxes mainly of protons and helium nuclei with an energy of about 199 MeV occur. The density of these streams can exceed the density of galactic radiation thousands of times and these flashes cannot be predicted.
  Astronauts getting into the zone of chromospheric radiation means inevitable death from radiation sickness.
  The strongest health risks for long interplanetary flights are the adverse effects on the psyche of a tight space; weightlessness provokes the appearance of muscle laxity, bone osteoporosis; the absence of a magnetic field adversely affects the human autonomic nervous system.
  The lack of adequate medical care, technical breakdowns, and an increase in the moments of making erroneous decisions due to constant flight stress also threaten the crew with great trouble.
  All these deadly risks to people for a fairly long flight without adequate protection compared to the goals of the expeditions make a flight to Mars, as in general flights to other lifeless planets of the solar system, completely unacceptable, at least until the development of an effective system to protect the crew from radiation and the emergence of more high-speed means of displacement in space.
  Besides, the flights of the person towards any uninhabited worlds are senseless as only studying live and communication with it can be of true interest to the person, and alive among all planets of the Solar system is presented only on Earth.
  As for some data that is still unknown to science about other planets of the solar system, they can be obtained by the corresponding automata and robots, especially since these data do not carry the vital interest.
  We note further that the latest astronomical data have shown that a number of stars have planets with an atmosphere, that may be suitable for life to appear on them.
  Only here to get to these planets from the Earth seems extremely difficult.
  The fact is that the distance to the nearest star Proxima Centauri is 23 trillion kilometers or 2.45 light years.
  So that, the manned flights to the inhabited worlds does not threaten us yet, but it still makes sense to stop at the possibility of contacts with civilizations on the planets of other star systems, and what these civilizations are like.
  To date, due to the absence of ordered signals from space, it has become clear that the long existence of any civilizations on other planets is very problematic, although these civilizations themselves, of course, arise, since there are planets suitable for living.
  What is the reason for their disappearance? And why they do not turn out to be able to reach such heights of technological development by which their existence could be recorded.
  Only one thing is clear: these civilizations appear and disappear relatively quickly, forming after a while again, and disintegrate again, like any finite formations.
  The comparative short duration of the existence of civilizations on the inhabited planets, judging by the history of terrestrial civilizations, is also indicated by numerous artifacts found dating from tens of thousands to hundreds of millions of years, and there is more than a dozen of these vanished civilizations [5].
  We have proposed an explanation for the short duration of the existence of these civilizations on the inhabited planets of many star systems. It lies in the fact that their development ends at the information peak due to the lack of the ability of the human brain to process information supplied to it by systems similar to modern artificial intellect [see, for example, 3, Chapter 1.7].
  Since the information peak of development is ahead of the energy peak, the reason for the absence of any signals from these civilizations is that their representatives do not have time to reach a sufficiently high technological level in terms of energy production and its emissions.
  Thus, all these facts indicate that the centers of all events in the universe are inhabited planets, rare in comparison with the number of other planets and stars, scattered at an insurmountable distance from each other for individual living beings, on which the process of development of living things proceeds approximately equally up to before the formation of civilizations, although there are deviations from this process [see, for example, 7].
  1. Фёдоров Н. Ф. Философия общего дела. 1906. https://predanie.ru
  2. Супраморализм, или всеобщий синтез". 1906. https://predanie.ru)"
  3. Nizovtsev Yu. Everything and nothingness. 2016. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru. Amazon. Yury Nizovtsev.
  4. Idea for a Universal History from a Cosmopolitan Point of View (1784). Translation by Lewis White Beck. From Immanuel Kant, "On History", The Bobbs-Merrill Co., 1963.
  5. Nizovtsev Yu. M. Are "paradisiacal tabernacles" on Earth possible? 29.12.2023. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.samlib.ru
  6. Treatise of Human Nature by David Hume. 1739. V.1 Reprinted from the Original Edition three volumes and edited, with an analytical index, by L. A. Selby Bigge, M. A. (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1896).
  7. Nizovtsev Yu. M. The person - a product of evolution?! Whether everything is so clear here?! 2017. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru
  Chapter 18
  Explanation of the failures of anthropology in the study of the essence of a person.
  Attempts to explain a person from himself could not but be a failure, because a person is more a means, not an end.
  Practically, all researchers of a person and his beingness put the emphasis on man and his properties, giving more or less attention to one or the other.
  Nevertheless, one of the founders of philosophical anthropology, V. Dilthey, quite adequately believes that science has absolutized the human mind.
  But Dilthey finds a way out of this impasse in an equally one-sided absolutization of the human life as a whole, understood by him as a way of beingness a person in cultural and historical reality.
  Dilthey colorfully wrote that in order to represent life in its integrity and completeness, it is necessary "a representation a person in all the diversity of his forces, about a person as a willing, feeling, representing being" [1].
  Dilthey saw the basis for such representation of life in life experience: "All knowledge grows out of inner experience and cannot go beyond it; it is the starting point for logic and the theory of knowledge. We represent and comprehend the world only insofar as it is experienced by us, becomes our direct experience" [ibid.].
  Therefore, Dilthey presents the spiritual world of a person as a series of connected forms of consciousness - religion, art, general knowledge, identical to the historical world.
  Quite rightly criticizing the natural sciences in their approach to reality, ignoring a person, Dilthey exaggerates the experiences of a person, believing that there is no difference between the spiritual world and objectified spirituality.
  That is, Dilthey considers the original connections and meanings of the human life as a fundamental experience, once the subject and object are not divided, which can serve as food for scientific knowledge.
  Thereby, he disproportionately simplifies the relationship between human life and science, mistakenly believing that the human intellect is capable of to perceive the world together with a person as a whole, based only on the experience of sensation.
  Indeed, the awareness of a living being of himself in time provokes him to know the world around him, but it does not mean at all the inclusion of this world in itself, that is, in the mental development of the individual, but only leads to the use of this world for its own purposes in stages in accordance with the development of human self-awareness, moreover, only the study of texts, comparing oneself with others and the study of the history of culture, do not give an opportunity to fully know either own personality or own individuality.
  Nevertheless, Dilthey has noted that history is a means "to open a person to himself" [ibid], making a start the foundation for the understanding that a person is an abyss, into which one can after all look.
  In other words, the temporality of the human life along with that shows something eternal, hiding behind it and not allowing a person to stop.
  Also interesting is Max Scheler"s attempt to get out of the impasse of the old philosophy with the help, as he believed, of an anthropological "U- turn": "The questions of what a person is and what is his position in beingness with the awakening of my philosophical consciousness have become for me the most significant, central among all other philosophical questions" [2].
  Scheler believes that the duality of the human action is expressed both ideally and vitally, representing both corporeality and meanings. Meanings are related, on the one hand, to experiential-situational reactions to the world, and, on the other hand, to transcendental values that cannot be derived from the objects and phenomena of this world.
  The defects of modern civilization stem, according to Scheler, from an exaggeration of the role of reason in culture and cognition, while values can only be felt.
  Scheler believes that science, metaphysics and religion based on contemplative-speculative knowledge are necessary to clarify the human essence.
  At the same time, Scheler has noted that the formation of meanings aimed at values in modern culture turned out to be relegated to the outskirts, which actually led to the loss of the meanings of culture.
  Therefore, Scheler called for the study of human nature in order to proceed from the consideration of this nature from himself, thereby realizing the principle of philosophical anthropology.
  Scheler places man between animals and God, considering a person as a bridge from one to the other. Biological and mental are supplemented for a person by an extra-natural spirit that forms the personality of a person, thanks to which a person is able to contemplate absolute and eternal essences - values. Therefore, the personality is unknowable, being held by the extra-life spirit in the world of values.
  However, the spirit in itself is powerless. Therefore, he realizes oneself through human instincts, as if putting a person in the position of his own co-author, although he does not have an understanding of his own position.
  Although the lowest principle acts as a condition for the highest - spiritual, the development of the spirit is carried out by denying life, placing a person both in the world and beyond the world.
  According to Scheler, the purpose of the modern philosophy lies in deciphering such a duality of a person, since only by penetrating into the human essence, which is what philosophical anthropology does, one can find the initially true [ibid].
  Scheler, like Dilthey, is trying to find the truth through penetration into the human essence.
  In this study, he achieved considerable, having determined the nature of the duality of a person, consisting in his animal nature and extra-natural spirituality.
  However, Scheler did not go further, being satisfied with the recognition of spirituality as a divine phenomenon.
  In other words, Scheler could not approach a person as a carrier of consciousness, which is an attribute of all living things, but which manifests itself at different levels of development of living things in such a way that at the peak of the development of alive, consciousness itself is able to reach the level of self-consciousness, above which nothing exists, since awareness of oneself as a subject in time provides this living being with the opportunity to create the world like God, and God manifests itself in these subjects who are aware of themselves.
  The inadequacy of such studies of the essence of a person stems from the lack of a foundation for him, which cannot be in beingness, that is, the reality surrounding a person, and at the same time cannot be some kind of non-material world spirit that creates and directs this reality for purposes known only to him.
  It is this circumstance that indicates the need to create a hypothesis, at least explaining the need for the existence of living beings in reality, among which something appears joint and separate from them in the image of a person with the clarification of the role of living beings in Creation, and this role is not limited to only one beingness.
  In other words, without additional layers of the universe, it is impossible to explain either the appearance and essence of a person, or the eternal existence of beingness, which includes universes in reality only as an infrastructure for active beings capable of creating, receiving and transmitting information, that is, producing, as well as perceiving, analyzing and combining data coming to them through a special kind of sensors (sense organs), turning them into understandable information for themselves by processing this data in the appropriate centers, using the resulting information to ensure their own existence, as well as to transfer it to descendants through reproduction.
  In this way, these active beings differ from other objects of beingness, capable only of carrying information that is more or less suitable for the living. Only living beings can be such active elements of beingness. It is they and only they who, at any level of their own development, are able to isolate from the surrounding that data, that is, information that can ensure their existence and development in the existing reality.
  Arnold Gehlen tried to create philosophical anthropology in the form of a set of data of individual sciences, excluding a number of metaphysical abstractions from them: "It is necessary to put in parentheses any theory, consciously or inadvertently oriented metaphysically, because its existence or non-existence along with facts not only does not change anything in them, but also does not generate ever new specific questions in relation to them. In such case, any theory is metaphysical, which tendentiously or, as is mostly the case, naively groups such abstractions as "soul," "will," "spirit," etc. [3].
  He believes that it is possible to explain a person starting from oneself, "if you do not associate oneself with the existing explanations of a person, but firmly hold on to the question: what exactly does this need to interpret a person mean?" [3]. Moreover, Gehlen believes, like Nietzsche, a person to be an insufficient being who is not able to survive in the natural environment due to the lack of natural instincts, as well as the "overload" of information. A person finds psychological relief in social institutions and culture, thanks to which he is able to survive.
  Similar overload Gehlen reduces to the "principle of unloading," realizing it in the activities of self-realization, that is, a person, according to Gehlen, is constantly striving to change himself and his own environment, thereby removing excessive overvoltage [ibid.].
  Thus, according to Gehlen, a person is forced to create his own world because of his inferiority, streamlining life experience through language and social institutions. That is, a person is not able to exist separately from culture: "By action, one must understand a prudent, planning change in reality, and the totality of facts changed in this way or newly created facts, together with the means necessary for this - both "means of representation" and "material means" - should be called culture ... ... there, where the animal conceives the surrounding world, the human has the sphere of culture "[ibid.].
  Gehlen's philosophical anthropology, even with regard to the basic features of man, did not present anything new, precisely because he neglected metaphysics, and therefore, could not even make assumptions about why such a strange creature suddenly arose from the animal world - man.
  In fact, the only thing that Gehlen noted was the insufficiency of man in comparison with animals. The banality of such a statement is obvious, but the role of this new being is not obvious. And Gehlen reduces it only to the "principle of unloading", which forces him to create his own world, as if by force.
  Gehlen did not understand that a person, unlike animals, consciously or not, creates the world around him from his own needs, that is, he changes it in such a way that he changes himself along with it, repeatedly accelerating the development of his own consciousness in all its diversity.
  In other words, both Gehlen and his predecessors mentioned above, focusing on penetrating into the essence of a person, did not notice the most important thing in him - creativity, stimulating very significant change in consciousness of a person, due to which a mass of new relations in society arises with extraordinary speed - both in culture and in constantly improving technologies and social life, which entails the manifestation of new forms of consciousness that could not have arisen without a person, limited to the depleted animal existence of consciousness within the elements of the natural environment without any signs of creativity, while a person brought the consciousness of living beings to a new level due to the acquisition of self-consciousness in addition to animal consciousness, mainly focused on the transformation of the environment, which gave him the opportunity not only to use what is, but to invent a new one that greatly facilitates his life and changing a person himself through the use of emerging new technologies, new samples of cultures and new relationships in society.
  According to Helmut Plesner, a person should be considered as a natural and at the same time cultural being, which, occupying a central place in the world, is called upon to create order in it, oriented towards himself. A person leads his own life, and it is possible to unravel it only by moving from the body to consciousness, and not vice versa [4].
  The human body is the original basic structure. Beingness of a person is always on the border, and it is one, despite its duality, laying the border between itself and the environment [ibid].
  The human body fills the space with itself, and is not dissolved in it, like an animal, existing inside the space representing corporality dually - simultaneously "flesh (spatiality) and "body", positioning to its own spatiality.
  The next level of the human duality is the interaction of soul and body, which constitutes the inner world of the body, due to the presence of which a person becomes one.
  The third level of duality of a person is the combination in a person of an individual and a universal "I", which is involved in the socio-cultural world.
  Revealing the boundary with the environment, a person thereby moves towards himself, as such, realizing this motion in behavior.
  If the plant is directly included in the environment, the animal is not aware of its interaction with the environment, then a person is aware of this interaction, as if leaving the body into nothingness. By this Plesner explains the inability of the private sciences to capture the essence of man, believing that he has captured it in his anthropology.
  Distancing himself from the natural-bodily reality, a person as a person puts himself in a position of independence from the world, while simultaneously influencing it.
  In this capacity, a person reveals his openness to the world and, at the same time, the insecurity of his being.
  Plesner expresses his ideas in three anthropological laws.
  In accordance with the first law of natural artificiality, "outputting on nothingness" is compensated by the results of him impact on nature.
  In accordance with the law of mediated immediacy, according to Plesner, a person becomes aware of his consciousness, that is, a vision of what is objectively such only for human consciousness.
  In accordance with the law of utopian location, that is, denying the absolute, a person constantly needs it for his own retention in the world [ibid].
  A person "wishes and hopes, thinks and wants, feels and believes, fears for his life and in all this must recognize the distance between perfection and his capabilities" [ibid.]. Plesner believes that it is the culture that compels a person to be creative that opposes the dangers that a person's openness to the world brings [ibid.].
  Plesner's idea about the possibility of solving a person, tracing the motion of his body as the initial basic structure toward consciousness, is quite original, but, as it turned out, incapacitated, since he still did not unravel the person, despite his invention of rather strange anthropological laws, which actually boil down to a banal truth: a person, unlike animals, realized himself in reality as a being with the ability to creatively influence nature, that is, with a vision of it as an object of a target influences in accordance with own considerations, understanding at the same time his actual inseparability from nature.
  Nevertheless, Plesner intuitively guessed the true basic component of a person, calling it flesh, characteristic of all living beings, but the existence of which is due not to some kind of space and not nothingness, but to the consciousness of the lowest level, which gives life to the flesh until the death of the body, that is, keeping it in life for a certain period. What makes a living being by a person is an additional program in his genome, which allows him to reveal oneself to the world by awareness of oneself in the mainstream of creativity.
  The human behavior is determined not by the boundary of a person with the environment, but by the interaction of his lowest consciousness and that additional "part" of his consciousness, which is his self-consciousness, expressed by a specific personality, while the lowest "part" of her consciousness reflects his individuality, characteristic of any living being [5].
  It is thanks to the personality that reflects the highest consciousness, that is, the self-conscious "part" of consciousness that resists the influence of the lowest component of one"s own consciousness, reflecting his individuality, that a person in his communities acquires, unlike other living beings, an additional powerful developing force that arises as a result of the struggle of these mostly antagonistic components of consciousness, which give human communities an unprecedented acceleration, which leads to the creation of a technological civilization and the highest examples of culture.
  Generalizing, it should be noted that the study of a person in his selfhood has not led the aforementioned anthropologists to any significant discoveries.
  They did not clarify the paradoxical appearance of such half-hearted and even anti-natural being, appeared, in their opinion from the same nature, although it is clear that nature has nothing to do with it, since the same primates have remained the same natural creatures over tens of millions of years, while it is not known where the hominids who came from in just two million years turned into people who created a great technological civilization and a magnificent culture.
  The philosophers-anthropologists discuss the spiritual world of a person, forgetting both about his temporariness and the temporariness of his entire civilization, which will sooner or later disappear, although it is clear that behind this temporality there is something eternal that a person serves in the quality of the finite, without which the infinite cannot do [6].
  Again, having noted the lowest and highest consciousness in a person, they did not realize that a similar duality of human consciousness is the engine of history, the source of which is the dissatisfaction of any living being always striving for better than it has.
  In other words, the duality of the human consciousness, which can be considered as inferiority in comparison with complete natural beings, actually allowed a person, like God, to construct his own world, in which he gained freedom to a much greater extent than natural beings, who actually do not have subjectivity.
  All these anthropological philosophers have not identified either the source or the driving force of social development, which are, respectively, the dissatisfaction of the human consciousness with what is, and a powerful developing force that arises as a result of the struggle between the lowest and highest components of the human consciousness, for the most part antagonistic in their considerations.
  It is this struggle that gives the human communities an unprecedented acceleration, and outwardly it is expressed in the actions of specific personalities who, nevertheless, have a special individuality [5].
  Therefore, it makes sense to briefly outline our concept of a person as a means for the development of consciousness, which explains much of what the anthropological philosophers mentioned have tried unsuccessfully to understand and explain.
  In order to understand the idea of our approach to a person, we will have to start with the hypothesis about Creation from several layers.
  But first, let's turn to the concept of infinity, which is often associated with eternally current time, at least because it is opposed to concept of a finite, but is realized in it, not existing by itself. Really, in the world known to us it isn't watched anything infinite - even our Universe is finite. However, it is possible to assume that universes can be infinitely many and that each of them doesn't appear from nowhere and doesn't disappear completely, and as if hesitates in time infinitely.
  Such approach is quite laid down in concept, so-called, the potential infinity known since antiquity. The potential infinity is understood as the infinite sets of objects, as well as processes, which can go unceasingly, i.e. without restrictions. However, the integrity of the infinite subjects and processes isn't considered.
  As for the actual infinity, the infinite objects and processes which can be uniform and integral, but non measurable are implied by it. In mathematician to the actually infinite objects belong the actually infinite sets and the actually infinite-dimensional spaces.
  It turns out that the infinity in time always "rests" on the finiteness of the processes and phenomena, which, as it seems to scientists, can last, interrupted, by an endless series.
  However, by themselves they always have the same beginning and the same end, thereby not receiving development, that is, in this position they are meaningless.
  In other words, such world in some objective time of finite things and phenomena, as the passive one, lacks both a developing component, that is, the active one, and the unifying component, that is, the information.
  On the other hand, an infinite something out of time, potentially has everything in itself - both the active and the passive, uniting them, and in this respect it is Uniform, although it does not manifest by itself in anything, but has the possibility to endlessly "transmit" its content in the finite form.
  As paradoxical as it may seem, this is what we observe around. That is, without us - without the living beings - the world of things and phenomena cannot exist precisely because we represent that active one that is capable of producing, perceiving and transmitting data that makes sense for it, that is, the information, thereby manifesting Uniform under a certain condition, which is represented by a holographic projection of Uniform [6].
  Thus, Uniform in its timelessness, if it is one, is deprived of everything because of the impossibility of manifesting, that is, it turns out to be nothing, but if there is such a possibility, Uniform as the infinite can present everything.
  Such opportunity can be provided by a projection of Uniform, that coincides with it, since it is zero on balance, thereby being nothingness, but both of its components with the opposite sign can carry content.
  Therefore, it is able to "conduct" through itself, for example, in the form of ultra-high-frequency updating copies, fragments of those objects of beingness, that consciousness is able to identify in Uniform. These discrete ultra-high-frequency wave-like renewing fragments, manifesting themselves in the form of things, phenomena and living beings, and thereby composing beingness, represent the prototype of known to us time in an intermittent ultra-high-frequency form. In this temporal manifestation, the opposite of the projection of Uniform in relation to untimely Uniform One is expressed, which allows you to have infinitely operating system of the dual Creation from Uniform and its projection.
  In other words, the things themselves are hidden in the untimely Uniform and consciousness updates only what is at his disposal in a holographic projection through copies of the things (the passive) from Uniform, which it recognizes.
  Therefore, things in this process of updating the holographic projection are connected with consciousness, since it, on their basis, more precisely, on the basis of the passive from Uniform, forms copies of things in a frequency form and updates by them the previous copies in a holographic projection, but not inextricably, since each "moment" update is a certain duration, for which after a pause the next update occurs.
  These "gaps" constitute the prototype of the current time in beingness, in which the infinite manifests itself in the finite infinitely. Otherwise, information about things for consciousness would remain hidden in Uniform, since Uniform without its projection would not manifest itself, which means non-existence for it, but we do not observe this, since the changing world is open to us.
  In a holographic projection all things - material, frequency formations - are formed by consciousness in the form of copies from Uniform and therefore depend on it and on consciousness, i.e. they are formed by consciousness on a basis of the infinite and timeless Uniform, which can't directly be present in the finite formations of an infinite holographic projection, which thereby are in this projection in time, and in this regard, things, as the passive and merged in Uniform, don't depend on consciousness and remain in timeless Uniform in the same "dissolved state". This is the only way they can be there out of time - "in dissolved state", including consciousness oneself [ibid].
  Thus, the information copies of things from Uniform for continuous updating of a holographic projection are formed by consciousness, but don't arise in itself so how to identify in Uniform things can only consciousness on the basis of the previous copies and own form-building abilities, thanks to what consciousness "chooses" from Uniform some other form of a thing and copies it, updating thereby the previous copy, having access through sense organs of the carriers into Uniform in one form or another. Therefore, in this relation, things, more precisely, their copies in the projection of Uniform, depend on consciousness which forms them, but nevertheless without the passive from Uniform consciousness is incapable to form the corresponding copies.
  In this model isn't present not only any self-development of matter, but it also isn't required, inasmuch consciousness and things in copies don't arise in a holographic projection, but exist as polytypic material formations discretely in infinity of updating which is "produced" by a single consciousness.
  Time for each individual consciousness in beingness is being represented as current smoothly whereas in its basis - a holographic projection - time is irreversible sequence of durations, separated by pause.
  These durations (the "moments", more precisely, the updating positions) exist not in itself, but are formed during information discontinuous process of the identification (the recognition) of things from Uniform for consecutive updating of previous copies of things in a holographic projection.
  Each individual consciousness in the development and life in any of measurements of beingness is merged with the body-thing without which it can't act in the corresponding measurement of beingness due to their different characteristics (individual consciousness has no the sense organs, appropriate to the particular form of matter of these or those measurements of beingness). This connection of the eternal consciousness (the active) with lifeless (the thing) as the finite lasts temporarily - during the possible existence of this association, the term of which is determined by the accumulation of the inescapable failures in its ultra-high-frequency holographic basis, by the environment itself, as well as the program of actions of consciousness oneself during the information process connecting the living beings with the things [ibid].
  Merged in Uniform, things and consciousness in copies exist in a holographic projection of Uniform not without "intervention" of consciousness in separateness of each copy, without losing thus unity in a holographic projection owing to its main property, as holograms, as well as getting the unity in time of coexistence of the individual consciousness and a body.
  Consciousness is not the incorporeal, ideal, unique, capable self-developing in own loneliness, as, for example, thought Hegel. On the contrary, in a holographic projection consciousness exists among copies of things, which are being updated by it in the form of a set of copies of the individual consciousnesses representing quite material frequency structures, same frequency formations as things, but higher order, and possessing in the living beings without self-consciousness only ability to self-development, but having self-consciousness in the highest expression.
  Except the frequency structures in a holographic projection there is nothing, and they didn't arise and didn't disappear, but existed, in our understanding, always, changing only the range and harmonics during updating. At this all of them are equal to zero integrally, being in antiphase each other, that is reflected on beingness, which is a derivative of a holographic projection of Uniform, since beingness contains both matter and antimatter.
  The difference between these formations consists in what the simplest structures (the passive) are not able to change themselves on own understanding which they don't have - they are changed (updated) logically in succession only with "challenge" of them from Uniform, more precisely, by their consistent identification by the most complex frequency structures (the active), having the understanding, which "search" themselves in changes by them of the passive.
  Thereby, indirectly, through the passive, are possible changes of the most active. But for "work" of the active with the passive on change of itself it is required steady formations, which are absent in a holographic projection of Uniform.
  This requirement is fulfilled due to consecutive "clutch" of updated frequency structures of the passive that is quite possible for information copies (information packages) owing to loss of pauses between positions of updating of the passive, or pauses between information packages.
  Pauses drop out in each individual consciousness in own carrier (the living being) generally, because of a certain duration of processing of each package of information (the threshold of perception). This delay allows as if to catch up by the new package the previous package to every time and replace it, creating in individual consciousness illusion of smoothly current information of the certain forms.
  Thus "the clutch" can be carried out only through frequency structures of the active (consciousness) in the living, connecting in it all incoming frequency structures in the form of pulse information packets in the irreversible sequence of the identification. It means transformation of the arriving information out of the motionless, but consistently replaced formations, into the moving world - as analog up to some extent can serve demonstration of the movie for the audience with that difference that the movie itself "is scrolled" inside of the active by the active oneself.
  Fluctuations of one sign in the form of the separate packages of information (impulses), which are arriving consistently in the processing centers of the living being, are being merged in them in the holistic material, being transformed to the picture not the frequency type, but, for example, into the picture known to us the world of the things and the phenomena. On the one hand, this picture has an information-frequency material basis, on the other hand, the picture of the world represents, like a computer game, an artificial steady formation with own regularities, rules and establishments which can differ for the various measurements, but for which always are typical the current time, motion of the specific objects in a certain space.
  Any living being, that is in the current life "inside" of this world, naturally, perceives it objectively, i.e. it isn't capable anything to change in the world, it cannot manage by this world, similar a soldier in the computer game, but, unlike the soldier, no one has control over any living being in this world - it does everything itself, however obeying to a certain extent the fixed rules. It cannot, for example, cancel the law of conservation of energy, chemical bonds of elements, own metabolism, limitation of life of a body in the conditions of environment or condensation of time with development of all living [ibid].
  A person - the most perfect, unique and completed representative of Creation as a whole, because he in own holographic basis combines the simplest frequency spectrum of things, the complex frequency spectrum of the living beings without self-consciousness (only sensing formations) and the most complex spectrum of the self-conscious beings.
  At this combination (merge) each person is an image of Uniform, inasmuch he is equipped with everything that is only possible in Creation, - there is no only of eternity of Uniform. Anyway, a person is the interaction of the lifeless, thingness components, the consciousness of the lowest level (the level of sensations) and the thinking, projecting, understanding itself consciousness
  Similar living beings together with other, simpler living beings in their single expression "hold" all beingness in a state of change, updating a projection of Uniform, and consciousness is a key link in dual system of Creation, doing it stable by means of the removal from the state of nothingness, into which without consciousness would turn everything.
  The active (consciousness) in a person provides for oneself the actual, though every time temporary life, which brings into consciousness the changes.
  Consciousness in its individual expression, appearing in finite beings over and over again, keeps its active character, its main frequency basis due to actions in the resisting world, which consciousness seeks to change as soon as can, despite all obstacles arising before it.
  Consciousness, which is the frequency structure in own particles, is subjected to failures in the process of update in a holographic projection. These purely statistical mistakes, happening in super-high-frequency formations, can change the quality of the formation and even to destroy it at their accumulation, what happens to the passive (things), as a result of what things are finite under form; this, how it seems, has also to dislocate the frequency structure of each individual consciousness, up to his destruction.
  However, it doesn't happen for the following reason.
  If the passive (things) isn't capable (things have not consciousness) to correct happening changes in own basis (the frequency spectrum) and sooner or later it is degraded - any thing, as the passive, has not the aspiration to keep anyway its own feature, which thing is not aware, having only standard feedback mechanisms preventing its chaotic disintegration, whereas every living being, and not only a self-conscious being, by all possible ways, which it has enough, clings to life. Thereby, consciousness in any living being keeps its main feature - the activity, or the inescapable aspiration to the changes in itself and round itself. However, consciousness in any living being can't influence destruction of thingness components of the body, disintegration of which stops the functioning and existence of this symbiotic formation (concrete living being).
  Existence of consciousness into things and among things, as well as near other particles of consciousness in the form of the living beings, on the one hand, allows each individual consciousness on reactions to its actions to correct the structure of own frequency kernel at means of a single consciousness, restoring this kernel, and thereby not to lose own feature - the aspiration to the changes, i.e. liberty in a varying degree of the expression.
  In other words, the actions of a person, promoting the restoration of the frequency structure of individual consciousness, allow to be by eternal to each individual consciousness. Therefore, consciousness cannot be separated completely from the living beings and it is compelled for preservation of itself again and again "to plunge" itself into the living beings. This way, i.e. discretely, consciousness preserves itself as the active in the finite temporal world infinitely [ibid].
  On the other hand, similar temporary existence of consciousness in the finite being provides the ability to use changes in itself and round itself, which it is capable to sense and/or understand, anyway, with advantage for itself, but not to the detriment.
  As a result, the stay of the active beginning in a person not only gives to a person as to a separate being, conscious life, higher which anything isn't present, but also each individual consciousness has an opportunity in actions of a person to be changed and along with that to keep own kernel from destruction, remaining, unlike the things, as the eternal and along with that, possessing individuality inherent only to it.
  The consciousness of any living being, and not only a person, creates own world, its "now", scanning through sense organs the surrounding and penetrating thereby locally into boundless Uniform.
  Naturally, any individual consciousness having a certain level of development, cannot cover by sensations of own body-carrier and by its understanding all infinite Uniform; but it is capable by those means which it has (a person has five main sense organs), and by those forms which single consciousness provides to it according to its level of development and type of its carrier, to identify in Uniform the things corresponding to its life cycle, and by consecutive irreversible copying through a pause to form own time, which is "transformed" in each individual consciousness due to loss of a pause in it in colourful, moving and changing "now", in which this individual consciousness can exist in the company with other particles of consciousness among recognizable and copied things, remaining inseparably with own carrier for a certain time in this existence and sensing this existence.
  Thus, it is possible to note that according to the offered model of the dual Creation quite possible is the existence of the actual active infinity (consciousness) and th boundless, potentially full by all things, but the passive infinity, which are merged in timeless and motionless Uniform, as well as the existence them in infinite change discretely in a holographic projection of Uniform, which is "converted" in each individual consciousness into beingness with the moving and changing things.
  In this model Uniform and its projection sustain each other in the form of the equilibrium dual system, and they aren't capable to existence in separateness. Their division would mean disappearance of Uniform, so how separately it is net zero, or it is nothingness.
  A single consciousness finds itself in plurality of particles-copies in the world into time, and thereby the motionless uniform consciousness in Uniform through its projection becomes capable in the form of copies to alter itself through the change of own particles-copies providing it by information about own finite lives in the living beings infinitely at a support on things in the form of copies manifested by them from Uniform, which there is everything and nothingness in own infinity, as if enlivening in this process Uniform, full by everything.
  An infinite and timeless Uniform, thus, is the merged together the active and the passive; but in own projection it is presented by a multiple steady active, seeking to development, and - the passive, receiving different forms. The passive makes base for this development in infinitely updated by the active a holographic projection.
  This duality is the only condition of manifestation Uniform, or - as a result - such duality is the only condition for life and development of consciousness.
  It is curious that, represented as "thing in itself" the timeless, infinite Uniform, is being "unpacked" by sense organs of the person every instant - just look around, - thereby Uniform gives the opportunity to human consciousness to recognize his existence without belief in something fantastic, all-powerful and external.
  Each person understands own spiritual essence, i.e. - understands that he is not a thing, that he can do a lot of things on own understanding, but when everything goes well in his life, the person, as a rule, doesn't think about it.
  However, at these or those failures, as well as at the end of life, he willy-nilly looks for support, understanding own powerlessness, and often - and a vanity of hopes, one prays, another person meditates - and he can be addressed to God, an idol, etc.; but any person is addressed in fact, without noticing that, to own essence - to own consciousness: and this address is equivalent to the appeal to single consciousness.
  In reply he receives that looks for: either hope, or confidence, or if everything is very bad, - consolation.
  A person as image of Uniform, creates own "now", naturally, with assistance of Uniform which can't but respond on him [ibid].
  Let's note further very remarkable fact: the randomness in usual life, presented inside a person in the form of the lowest (animal) consciousness, and the highest consciousness (consciously-target expression of consciousness) are antagonists in the respect what, if the subject, having the highest consciousness, is mistaken, then he will be is capable to understand the mistake and to correct deeds, significantly having accelerated own advance on the way of development, while the random is some kind of edge of consciousness, making the essence of the lowest part of consciousness. Consciousness uses the random if it doesn't know what and how to do at this level of development, but, accepting in attention a random, though slowly - with kickbacks and zigzags - nevertheless moves ahead.
  Thus, the antagonism of the lowest and highest forms of consciousness both in the person, and his communities means emergence of the new driving force, providing the fastest development of consciousness in its carrier - a person.
  The randomness, more tending towards chaos, isn't capable to be a reliable support to a structural order, breaking its all the time. Therefore, giving continuous changes to the living environment, it promotes so continuous destruction of the prevailing order, forcing the living beings to obey to itself completely, without especial thinking. The basis of this is reflex-instinctual mechanism of action, which is the same for all sentient beings, what would not occur with them.
  However, it is required to Creation both destruction, and more or less successful creation which can satisfy consciousness, having given an incentive to its development by removal from senselessness of existence only on level of consumption of sensations.
  Thus, in Creation the most succeeds concerning acquisition of meanings in conjugation them with sensations is only who can figure how more effectively to destroy or create something, but on this effect are able not accidental procedures, not some order, a prerequisite for which is stability, but only the creativity and initiative, always leading to rather rapid achievement of the expected or unexpected result, harm, advantage or even insignificant meaning of which can understand only the being having these properties, i.e. a being who understands oneself: dissatisfaction with oneself, understood by this being by all means provokes the being to search interesting, permission of various riddles and problems, often not utilitarian that very significantly develops consciousness and allows it to express with the greatest return and satisfaction itself in the current life.
  Thereby, the state of dissatisfaction of consciousness by oneself which is realized into development of ways of own change by impact on the current beingness taking into account its counteraction, gives to a self-conscious being the limit degree of liberty.
  Therefore, no one and nothing is capable of creating and destroying in the most efficient way, except for a subject, possessing both consciousness at the level of sensations and self-consciousness, which means that for both for the single consciousness and for individual consciousness it is impossible to do without this subject-person as the most effective tool for their own development and consumption of vital collisions.
  The appearance of a being with two levels of consciousness as a living and freest representative of the active (consciousness), effectively forming a passive environment (beingness) for oneself in Creation, that is, the pearl of beingness, is an inevitable manifestation of functioning of the active among the passive.
  What kind of essence makes after all living beings change and evolve?
  This essence turns the motion into development (complication, improvement which for a person is conscious) by own forces.
  Activity of the living beings, including the person, unlike other objects of beingness which are submitted only to natural laws: to conservation laws, the law of non-decreasing entropy, Newton's laws, etc., has to outgo out of consciousness - the only difference of the living beings from other objects of beingness.
  Otherwise, the activity of living beings would differ in nothing from circular motion of other objects of beingness, but we do not observe it.
  This essence, property, feature forces a person, and in general, all living things to do not stand still - to develop, at the same time it sensitively reacts to circumstances of life and the environment, manifesting itself for a person in of senses, thoughts, and action in two ways: on the one hand, forcing him in any case not to lose activity, on the other hand, dramatically increasing or decreasing own level at certain confluence of circumstances, both natural, and man-made.
  The active is different from the passive - exactly by the inner aspiration to the change oneself in a person in the external environment, by the inability to safely and constantly arranges itself among things, the order of which the active (consciousness) cannot be satisfied, because it itself arranged this order without full confidence in the correctness of this order. Consciousness in a person immediately reveals in it the shortcomings that lead to the awareness by the human mind of its own omissions and, accordingly, its own certain insolvency.
  Similar state of activity, or state of conscious destruction and creation is the source of liberty, which is manifested in all actions of each person in his relations with the outside world, things and fellow tribespeople that means his development. And this state maybe only when the living being realizes himself, i.e. in the case of the emergence of self-consciousness at it. Self-consciousness, which is initially active, that is, restless and dissatisfied with itself and, consequently, any order and any relationship, which are absent without him at all, or which in fact completely depend on him, because external circumstances a person (his consciousness), except global circumstances, produces personally, and is freed from them independently.
  In a person this activity of consciousness is expressed in its enduring aspiration to build an ideal order and to arrange the harmony between people, what he, naturally, never reaches among unstable things and imperfect people, but in this aspiration it reaches the main thing - development of own consciousness, and this development is his true destination.
  The essence of liberty, or the pursuit of destruction and creation of all available to ae person, is realized only in the representations of the same person, who is nothing but the combination of lowest and highest consciousness in the form of organic compounds of the body. Therefore, all human actions are expressed in the interweaving of instinctive and conscious.
  The germ of liberty in the form of the unconscious aspiration of any living being to destruction of the unfit or uncomfortable for it and the construction of more suitable one is inherent in all living things. In other words, this initial (unconscious) internal state of consciousness of a living being is conditioned by permanent own activity, without which it simply could not be considered alive, and this unconscious activity manifests itself in the permanent dissatisfaction with oneself among things and other living beings in dynamics.
  For any kind of consciousness in the living being liberty is the internal state of consciousness caused by steady own activity in the resisting environment, and the activity itself is manifested in the permanent dissatisfaction with itself, entailing creation and destruction of the surrounding in the course of which there is both a change of activity, and change of the carrier of activity.
  The space of similar dissatisfaction expands in person by the awareness of this feeling (property, essence, feature), transforming into his conscious activity, which again reduces to the processes of destruction and creation in everything that surrounds him.
  This dissatisfaction, which is now inherent in human consciousness in its self-consciousness, but which does not go away anywhere and from its lowest consciousness, and not at all will, as Schopenhauer believed, and not passionarity, as Gumilev considered, leads any living being forward, being reflected in conscious and unconscious actions to overcome the unceasing resistance of the environment.
  Liberty, or action of dissatisfaction is manifested by the lowest consciousness of a person instinctively, i.e. without the obvious purpose - by trial and error, in its aspiration to survival, reproduction, convenience and safety. Nevertheless, at the heart of any aspirations and solutions of the lowest consciousness in the living being the dissatisfaction of consciousness is laid, inasmuch alive (active being) aspires away from what it has, therein, where, how it presupposes by own sensations, is better, than in this moment, i.e. - more pleasant and more profitable: more food, more comfortable, more warmly, more safely, etc. But, as we know, it is impossible to rely on feelings always: that is proved, for example, by regular flights of a locust to the desert or migration of fish jambs directly into a mouth to predators for own death.
  Liberty, or action of dissatisfaction manifests itself by the highest consciousness (self-consciousness) as aspiration to the planned purpose. This type of consciousness is already capable to qualify, i.e. to understand at least visible restrictions for its aspirations to the planned purposes as shackles, and the release from these restrictions as liberty "from", naming so this release as independence, which can be reached by persistence in a certain direction. Besides, a person gains ability to choose from some aggregate, that more corresponds to his interests as at present and also on the future. In other words, due to the feeling of dissatisfaction in the self-consciousness of a person, he acquires the ability to regulate and plan his life in the way he wants, but taking into account surroundings, and assessing in advance the consequences of the planned actions, i.e. understanding, that he will have to answer for himself, and before own surroundings.
  However, this significant addition in the consciousness of a living being (self-consciousness), which allows him to realize himself and, it seems, to act reasonably and responsibly, does not diminish action of the lowest (animal) consciousness, which in any moment can begin to block any aspirations of the highest consciousness, if only seems to it, that they contradict survival of the person or even if they can worsen quality of his life, or, on the contrary, when the lowest consciousness of the person will accumulate own dissatisfaction with real circumstances to such limit (not enough food, too cold, a lot of harmful neighbors, too much anxiety), at which a person (a whole community) shall rush there, where the horizon of the best flashed, according to the lowest consciousness, which is not able to design, but capable, in the case of sufficient fullness, to push aside the highest consciousness together with all its arguments, and to force the community to migrate to an unfit terrain where it will find own perdition or to force the whole people to get involved to a hopeless war with neighbors for the best share in which it will completely lie down.
  Nevertheless, a person, who represents by himself the lowest and highest consciousness merged together in the form of a body, is material manifestation of action of liberty as in instinctive, and conscious aspirations. The internal contradictoriness of these aspirations and at the same time their unity in a basis does not allow to distribute unambiguously actions of a person on purely conscious and purely unconscious. Therefore, accurately to predict actions of any person or to predetermine them is impossible, and in it he is also free.
  Thus, the free manifestations of a person, i.e. his advancement, occur through both instinctive and conscious actions, which are based on an inescapable dissatisfaction with themselves and their environment. It is another matter, in what state is this fundamental property of activity, that is, its fullness both in the sphere of the lowest consciousness and within the limits of the highest consciousness.
  The overflow of a person by dissatisfaction, in particular, with his place in the society, for example, in the form of an unfulfilled desire for power, which enters the sphere of the lower consciousness, leads him to forget all moral norms and crush by any possible ways of opponents, also aspiring in power.
  The overflow of a person by dissatisfaction with a place in life from the position of possibly the most effective protection of one's own dignity, the dignity of his fatherland from unrighteous encroachment of enemies, remaining in vain in everyday life, and this is the sphere of self-awareness, forces a modest accountant display miracles of heroism in the war, where this property of consciousness allows him, unlike ordinary life, to unfold so, as did not dream the professional military.
  Nourish this dissatisfaction of consciousness, which cause the aspiration to unknown, the unceasing and changing information streams, penetrating all being of person which he can interpret, having consciousness, differently, to the extent of his understanding.
  Thereby each person inevitably perpetrates always the fluctuation from a habit, or the settled way of life, to destruction of an order created by no small efforts, to liberation from it. Having established one and having joined it, he begins to be tired by it sooner or later and decides to change it, no matter how resisted to this change the external conservative nature of the person.
  As a result of the appearance of the new, additional connections arise, the cognitive environment is expanded, which means the continuous growth of information flows, to which every person is again forced to be applied.
  At the basis of this growth of information, and hence of development, is the inescapable dissatisfaction of the consciousness of maximum fullness.
  So proceeds, want this or not a person oneself, the change of his own consciousness together with change beingness, that actually and is required for consciousness.
  Outwardly, the confrontation between the lowest form of consciousness and the highest one in a person and his communities, which ensures the accelerated development of human communities, manifests itself in the struggle of the power elite, for whose members the lowest consciousness is the dominant, with the intellectual opposition, the dominant of which is the highest consciousness, in which altruism prevails.
  In turn, the process of technological and cultural development of civilization is provided by a group of creative personalities who combine a high level of the lowest consciousness with fairly high level of altruism, and not some other groups or relationships. Therefore, creative people play the role of a mover of technology and culture, but, again, their creative properties are based on the features of their consciousness, and not some other forces.
  Thus, in addition to such an external force as the struggle of the ruling elite with the intellectual opposition that opposes it, in any civilized society two more forces arise and operate, represented by two groups that are characteristic of their creativity, but divided by interests, since the interests of one are focused on scientific research and the development of technologies of different kind, and the interests of the other are in the sphere of culture.
  Let us first turn to the first creative force aimed at the development of civilization in line with technology.
  This force, operating mainly in the field of technology, is most interested in the knowledge of the surrounding world, applying the knowledge gained both to expand the scope of knowledge and for applied purposes of changing the surrounding reality - these are scientists and inventors, whose activities lead to the development of technologies and, as a result, to the constant re-equipment of technical means of production, trade, arms and everyday life. Most effectively, such a transformation of the environment in which the rest of the natives are found is carried out by applying a creative approach to changing reality.
  Therefore, along with the improvement of the social order, one way or another, at one speed or another, take place a change in the technological equipment of society and, consequently, its economy, including the growth of labor productivity as well as the emergence of its lighter forms.
  In other words, these creative persons make the maximum contribution to the technological development of civilization.
  Thus, the struggle of the power elite with the intellectual opposition opposing it and the action of creative persons in the development of technologies ensure the process of creation both in public relations and in technology, significantly influencing each other, so that when they intersect, turns can occur that replace one way of life of a community or state with another - more perfect and convenient for the population in its ever-increasing coverage, which, in fact, is the process the development of civilization within the framework of proprietary relations - from the slave-owning system to capitalism.
  However, the action of the first force was never noticed by the social sciences, which replaced it in the eyes of the public with the struggle or the interaction between the working people and exploiters, although in a number of countries it is already difficult to separate the working people and exploiters. In addition, if an exploited worker suddenly becomes rich or becomes an entrepreneur, he in the same way begins to take care of himself first of all, and not of the offended and oppressed, without experiencing strong moral problems. The explanation of this phenomenon is again in the sphere of consciousness, since the vast majority of the exploited and exploiters have quite low level of self-consciousness in its altruistic component, and the level of animal consciousness with its egocentrism is high enough [5].
  Therefore, the action of both of these forces with their interests can manifest itself intensively only with comparatively high level of culture in society, including the appropriate level of education, thanks to which the development of the altruistic component of self-consciousness of at least part of the population ensures to the level of respect not only for themselves. This is confirmed by the practical lack of development of archaic societies that still exist in certain parts of the planet, although there are certain productive forces based on the use of sometimes not so primitive tools.
  That is, any motion in society, including turns and upheavals in the social order, especially cardinal ones, occurs only at sufficiently high level of culture, if not of the entire population, then of its leading strata, the main contribution to the achievement of which is made by the third group of the creative intellectuals, manifesting itself in that sphere of development of society, which is closest to the inner world of a person, that is, to his self-consciousness.
  This group of intellectuals, more interested in the inner world of man and his communities, tries to penetrate it in different ways, correlating some people with others, comparing a person with nature and society, and also finding out the ability of a person to reflect these relationships in artificial forms.
  It is these creative people, to varying degrees, but still, that produce cultural values in various forms, and directly affect the minds and feelings of the population, touching the most sensitive strings of the self-consciousness of each person, due to which both individual and collective self-consciousness is gradually changing: mores are softened, the population's craving for knowledge is growing, the number of intellectually and emotionally developed people is increasing.
  Such cultural development affects the growth of the altruistic component of the self-consciousness of the population, thereby expanding the layer of intellectual opposition to the authorities, who want to harmonize social relations contrary to the authorities
  The result of this cultural development of society, seemingly far from the political struggle, is, however, the growing confrontation of informal intellectual opposition to the ruling elite due to the spread of altruism among the masses. In addition, the growth of culture and education of the population makes it possible to increase the percentage of creative people who are, in fact, the only effective lever for accelerating the technological and cultural development of society.
  Thereby, the actions of the intellectuals of the sphere of culture have a decisive influence on the growth of the altruistic component of the self-consciousness of the population, creating conditions for the development of the social way of life.
  Therefore, cardinal revolutions in the life of society occur against this cultural and educational background in the case of dissatisfaction with a significant part of society with the existing system of life in the presence of a certain level of technological development that allows to change the economic management.
  The most characteristic and well-known example of such a coup is the resonant explosive effect in the form of the revolutionary abolition of feudal relations in French society in 1789.
  These, in our opinion, are the main forces - hidden and external, contributing to the manifestation of both personalities in history and the layers of the population highlighted above, who play roles determined by the level of both components of consciousness - natural consciousness, expressed in the individuality of each person, and self-consciousness, externally represented by his personality [5].
  Therefore, the absence or weak manifestation of all three of these external forces in society, the cause of the occurrence and actions of which are both components of consciousness - natural (animal) and self-consciousness - makes it accordingly archaic or stagnating, an example of which is currently a number of third world countries where nothing happens, and no active personalities or groups are manifested.
  1. Дильтей В. Собрание сочинений в 6 тт. Т. 1 "Введение в науки о духе. Опыт полагания основ для изучения общества в истории. М. Дом интеллектуальной книги. 2000. ISNB 5-7333-237-2.
  2. Max Scheler. Die Stellung des Menschen im Kosmos. 1928.
  3. Gehlen A. Soziologie der Macht //Handwoerterbuch der Sozialwessenschaften. Bd.7. Stuttgart.Tuebingen. Goettingen. 1961. S. 77-81.
  4. Плеснер А. Ступени органического и человек. Введение в философскую антропологию. М. Российская политическая энциклопедия РОССПЭН. 2004. 368 с.
  5. Nizovtsev Yu. Why and how do individuality and personality compete in a person? 2021. Access mode: Amazon or Litres.ru
  6. Nizovtsev Yu. Everything and nothingness. 2016. Access mode: Amazon or Litres.ru
  Chapter 19.
  The most characteristic utopias of the present century.
  Surprisingly, until now, all segments of the world's population feed on utopias of various kinds, from which they are unable to abandon, with rare exceptions. However, the situation is saved by the fact that civilization develops according to objective laws, and the consequences of the action of these laws any human mistakes and even stupidity are not able to cancel, but can only accelerate or slow down the development of civilization, especially since the comprehension of errors is the main path of the human development.
  1. The utopia of the globalization.
  Let us first turn to the idea, so popular among the power structures, of prolonging the existence of capitalism through the globalization of the world order with the transfer of control of civilization to the world government.
  Similar, in essence the fantasy indicates the desire of the power elites to have pleasant stay at the top of the pyramid of power without any competitors, with the complete unity of the lower parts of the pyramid.
  However, you can wish anything you want, but there is no way to manage this natural form of development of the human community, as well as other forms of its development at other stages, even with the use of artificial intellect.
  An example of this is regular crises, the occurrence of which no government can eliminate.
  The main reasons for the inability to manage the development of the entire civilization are the complexity, heterogeneity of the structural elements of civilization, the continuous and independent change of its leaders, the inability of the ruling elites, limited by their selfish dogmas, selfish interests and their corresponding short-sightedness to understand the essence of the processes that are taking place, which they can only sometimes slow down or accelerate, but no more.
  Therefore, this super-complex system of functioning of civilization is proceeding itself, more precisely, according to the laws of the functioning of any communities of living beings, whether they think individually and collectively knowingly or not, during the finite time of existence of the entire earth civilization, which is allotted to the relevant generations [see, for example, 1, chap. 2, 3, 4].
  The globalization is also impossible due to the fact that civilization itself is a series of local civilizations with different levels of development - from primitive communities (New Guinea, Australian aborigines, many African and South American communities) to tribal communities such as tribes of Afghanistan, Pakistan, nomads of northern Africa, as well as numerous feudal communities, such as Thailand, Brunei, Morocco, Jordan. The last in this series of belated communities are those that have lagged behind the leaders for various reasons, and the most typical example of this kind of local civilizations is Russia, which has lagged behind in its cultural and technological development from neighboring Europe by about 300 years.
  I believe that the ratio of collectivist and individual forms of consciousness is at the basis of the way of life and relations of people, and hence the pace of their development.
  In primitive (archaic) communities, the collectivist self-consciousness completely suppresses the individual, while being at the same time subordinate to the natural (lower, or animal) consciousness due mainly to the forced focus on solving the problems of survival, not development.
  That is, this state of primitive human communities resembles the state of flocks of animals, especially since there is no private property in such communities and communications between communities are minimal, which means that the volume of information flows covering archaic communities is insignificant.
  With the advent of private property, the way of life and relationships between people change significantly.
  The rights of members of certain communities in relation to property begin to be regulated forced, commodity exchange develops, trade centers appear, mainly at the intersection of trade routes, which eventually turn into cities. Various entertainment events appear, descriptions of travels and everyday life of various peoples, that means the emergence of the rudiments of culture.
  In this regard, the level of individual self-consciousness is growing, but since the living conditions remain difficult for the vast majority of the population, the collectivist self-consciousness continues to dominate, while remaining, nevertheless, subordinate to the natural consciousness focused on survival.
  Therefore, the states that appear, as a rule, in the form of a union of cities and localities adjacent to them, in their structure resemble in their structure a tribe. At the head is a leader who can bear the name of a khan or an emir. He is surrounded by advisers, and priests are nearby. Sometimes, but relatively rarely, a more advanced government is carried out in a collegial form (Greek poleis), but it did not last long due to disputes between the elected temporary rulers for primacy, and as a result, it was replaced by the governance of tyrants. However, unlike the tribe, these formations had courts, class division of community members, tax collectors, security and military units.
  Over time, the authoritarian structure of states did not undergo major changes - until the 19th century, but then it was replaced by a republican system, more advantageous for the bourgeoisie that gained strength, which in this case could easily control and even change governments keeping own interests.
  this policy of such major confessions as Islam, Buddhism, Catholicism, excluding the Protestantism that emerged in the 16th century AD, has left many countries to this day on the sidelines of history, since only personal initiative, not constrained by the arbitrariness of government officials and other authorities who support the prevalence of collectivist consciousness, including natural consciousness and self-consciousness, over individual self-consciousness, can bring to the path of accelerated cultural and technological development.
  It was possible to overcome the dominance of collectivist consciousness over individual self-consciousness only in a number of European countries, thanks to the separation of Protestants from Catholicism, who have blessed free labor [2, 3], and the transition of Protestant countries to intensive technological development, attracting more and more additional information flows, which, in turn, contributed to raising the level of individual self- consciousness of almost all citizens of these states, and at the same time enriched them both materially and spiritually, as a result the rest of the world with its characteristic retarded development partially turned into colonies of developed countries, and the rest became their satellites.
  As a result, all the countries of Islam and Buddhism, the largest of which are India, Indonesia, Iran, Egypt, Pakistan, Nigeria, the countries of Central Asia, as well as the countries of traditional Catholicism, most of which are in Latin America, found themselves on the sidelines of technological development with all ensuing consequences, the main of which was the preservation of individual self-consciousness at a low level, which means a lack of initiative and a lack of enterprise, a low level of education of the population and a lack of interest in creative activity, since it is possible to use the fruits of other people's labor in the form of phones, cars, airplanes, etc.
  This is the price of the domination of the collectivist consciousness, supported by the indicated confessions, which, moreover, try with all their might to limit the influence of information flows on their parishioners, which is especially typical for the countries of Islam with their medieval prohibitions.
  You may say, what about Japan and China, which are not much inferior to the leading countries of the world in the production of high-quality products?
  In fact, Japan a little earlier, and China relatively recently fell into information flows from European countries, and with all Asian thoroughness began to steal and copy technological innovations from the West, setting up the production of these copies in a significant amount and with decent quality, but somewhat cheaper.
  As for new technological discoveries and inventions, there were none in these countries, and they are not. Chinese culture and its Japanese samples also did not spread throughout the world.
  The explanation for this phenomenon lies in the fact that the collectivist consciousness of the population of these countries, supported by such passive forms of religion as Buddhism and Taoism, has not undergone significant changes in its dominance over individual self-consciousness. Every Chinese or Japanese is always obedient to his superiors and tries, in order to avoid trouble, not to show initiative, but to show diligence in the name of the prosperity of his clan or community.
  In other words, the desire for stability and order, for the observance of traditions, prevents within the framework of such local civilization to any creative activity which consists in identifying the new and unknown, which can just disrupt the well-established order.
  Therefore, despite the stormy information flows that swept these countries, the individual self-consciousness of the population of these countries failed to liberate itself, and China or Japan is not destined to steer either technical or cultural progress.
  Russia, like Japan or China, has existed almost throughout its history within the framework of an authoritarian state, whose inhabitants were holops of the rulers.
  Naturally, the manifestation of individual self-consciousness in this country was suppressed, there was no private initiative, but under pressure from Western neighbors, the rulers of Russia had to think about overcoming its technological and cultural backwardness.
  The rather extraordinary Tsar Peter I carried out some reforms, rebuilding the governing bodies, the economy and the army according to the European model. As a result, over time, an educated stratum appeared, each member of which had a certain freedom in their actions, and, therefore, acquired a sufficiently high level of self-consciousness, whereas the individual self-consciousness of the representatives of the main mass of the population, suppressed by the collectivist (communal) self-consciousness of a rather low level, was almost imperceptible, since this peasant population was actually in a state of slaves.
  Similar duality of the self-consciousness of the population laid a certain imprint on the entire subsequent history of Russia, causing the 1917 revolution.
  It is impossible to combine such forms of consciousness of communities of different development, more precisely, local civilizations, into a single whole, unlike, for example, the countries of Europe, which mostly fell into a single stream of information development, including traditions and religion.
  Of course, all these heterogeneous local civilizations that have lagged behind in development can be colonized or destroyed, but does such an approach have any relation to globalization as an unification of equal, more precisely, understanding and respecting each other parties?
  So from this side, globalization looks like a typical utopia.
  On the other hand, S. Huntington [4] significantly exaggerated the importance and power of backward local civilizations, pointing out the possibility of their real opposition to the West, highlighting China and the countries of Islam.
  Only Russia is capable of resisting the developed Western countries militarily, thanks to its vast nuclear arsenals, but the mutual destruction of the warring parties makes this conflict unrealistic, especially since Russia has actually become a semi-colony of the same West.
  Therefore, the possibility of a conflict between local civilizations appears only with a significant weakening of the West, together with the removal, for one reason or another, of the threat of a war with the use of nuclear weapons.
  2. The idea of abandoning capitalism while preserving the power of the ruling elites by eliminating private property and competition.
  The idea of abandoning capitalism is to eliminate private property and competition in any possible way, for example, through the widespread digitization of the population to distribute it by caste, the transition to digital currency to deprive the population of its own will at disposal of funds, and gaining the power of a few chosen over a faceless crowd. whose desires are predetermined and executed by artificial intellect on the orders of these chosen ones.
  The fallacy and even stupidity of such approach is most clearly manifested in the desire to abandon private property, which brought humanity out of the stagnation of archaic times into more or less dynamic development in a competitive environment.
  Apparently, the authors of this idea overestimated themselves and underestimated Kant, who more than 200 years ago understood the importance of antagonism that appeared in society with the emergence of private property: "The means that nature uses to carry out the development of all inclinations of people is antagonism of them in society, since it eventually becomes the cause of a law-order ... Without these unattractive properties of uncommunicity themselves, generating resistance for which everyone must inevitably encounter in own self-interested ambitions, all talents in the conditions of life of Arcadian shepherds, that is, in conditions of complete unanimity, moderation and mutual love would forever remain hidden in the bud; people as meek as the sheep they herd hardly made their existence more worthy than the existence of domestic animals ..." [5, page 5].
  Artificial elimination of competition means that the community falls into stagnation and gradual degradation, which inevitably leads to the death of this community and all its satellites, who follow the orders of the owner, despite all the opportunities provided by technological progress, since, for example, the transfer of the population to the virtual world of figure means the rupture of this population with the real world, which simply will exclude already unnecessary part from itself.
  In addition, those in power believe that due to the transfer of all financial and most other operations to digital format (digitalization), the drop in demand can be compensated by replacing the real needs of the population with those that are beneficial to those in power.
  To achieve this goal, a worldwide database is being created, which should include all available information about each client, including even the diseases that he suffers from. Accordingly, this information allows continuous monitoring of each person, imposing both tastes and goods on him, directing each person where the authorities consider it necessary, as a result of which it becomes possible to collect t from him and he maximum tribute, and permanently manage by him during whole his life.
  Such short-sighted idea, designed to completely subordinate each person to considerations of power elite with the help of computer networks, is aimed primarily at creating the ideal consumer by depriving him of his own will and desires. It will quickly and inevitably lead all sectors of society, devoid of initiative, and hence development, to degradation and decay in the form of the disappearance of civilization.
  This stupidity of the dominants of the animal passions and desires at the extreme weakness of self-consciousness, which cannot make own carriers peer into the future and stop the mass separation of a person from spiritual values, and most importantly - from creativity, actually denies the meaning of the existence of mankind in its desire for continuous aware renewal, turning it into semblance of a flock of monkeys.
  With this development of events, population degradation will occur
  quite quickly, having left in place of the civilization some instruments and mechanisms that will be already incomprehensible to the surviving aborigines.
  3. The idea of establishing a just people's state by destroying the ruling elites.
  This idea, which has been inspiring the masses of working people to this day, appeared immediately after the emergence of private property, which was clearly unfairly distributed.
  The extant Chinese chronicles testify to a number of uprisings of the disenfranchised population against the mandarins several thousand years ago.
  Some of these uprisings ended in victory for the oppressed. However, these victories, instead of establishing justice, as it was understood by those deprived of it, or rather, deprived of property, led only to the formation of new dynasties within the same antagonistic system, in which the masses of the poor again work for the rich and noble.
  Karl Marx in his Manifesto [6] and subsequent numerous works tried to impart a scientific character to, in essence, the eternal dream of the destruction of the oppressors and the establishment of a kind of paradise on Earth.
  On this formed basis, charming and in addition seemingly scientific, in Russia, at the beginning of the 20th century, the last large-scale attempt was made to establish truly the just state.
  The peasant masses who fought for alien interests, realizing this fact after several years of deprivation and victims of the First Imperialist War, turned their rifles against power, having changed it eventually as if to the power of the working people in accordance with the teachings of Marx, but, just like in ancient China, due to the low level of collectivist self-consciousness of this mass of the population and even lower level of individual self-consciousness, gradually came to the formation of a semblance of Asian despotism, led by the first secretaries of the Communist Party - a kind of alpha-males, who succeed each other, and a new religion in which the desire for heavenly grace was replaced by the desire for earthly grace under the name of communism, where everyone will finally get enough, and will live without grieving and happily.
  This naive belief aroused an unprecedented sacrificial enthusiasm of the population, which led at first to a significant technological and cultural breakthrough, but, like any utopia, which ended pretty soon with a complete ideological collapse in the form of a loss of faith in communism and the subsequent destruction of an artificially created supposedly nationwide socialist power with a rollback from some achieved modernity to medieval methods of government and existence of a population divided again into estates, as well as widespread corruption, since in a short time it is impossible to raise a low level of collectivist self-consciousness of a heterogeneous population, until recently illiterate or semi-literate, with its archaic notions of a way of life based most of all on natural consciousness, and all the more is impossible forming in the majority of the population of a level of individual self-consciousness high enough to become prevailing over collectivist.
  This complex educational and upbringing process, based on a general gradual cultural and technological upsurge, as the development of European countries, now leading in the world, has shown, takes not decades, but centuries.
  Therefore, the population of Russia as a whole has not overcome the barrier between personal self-consciousness and collectivist consciousness, which includes the self-consciousness of the main part of the community and its natural consciousness, in favor of individual self-consciousness.
  Free people - persons with a high level of individual self-consciousness - will never allow the alpha-male to rule them - as the sole ruler, what whatever he may be, and in Russia this has happened for a thousand years and is happening now.
  What is the explanation for this development, which, as a rule, leads, after revolutions and coups, to the restoration of an antagonistic system?
  It turns out that in the conditions of private property relations, this system is the most effective and even the only possible one, since it provides a certain pace of development, a certain order in the state, insuring it from chaos and disappearance, while its absence inevitably leads to the stagnation and disintegration of the state and its further absorption by other states.
  The idea of reasonable selfishness of Hobbes, further supported by the concept of Pierce's pragmatism, in essence, is the basis of the ideology of the most advanced antagonistic system - capitalism.
  Hobbes argues that the person, as a natural being, is egoistic, striving first and foremost to satisfy his own needs, but he is also reasonable, that is, he is able to understand with his mind that taking into account the interests of other people often turns out to be beneficial.
  For illustration, we present a small excerpt from "Leviathan" by Hobbes: "... natural laws (as justice, equality, modesty, mercy and (in General) behavior towards others as we would wish them to behave towards us) by themselves, without the fear of some force, forcing to carry out them, contrary to the natural passions, attracting us to partiality, pride, revenge, etc..." [7, p. 192].
  As for pragmatism, it is characterized by its founder, Pierce, as follows: "Consider what effects that might conceivably have practical bearings you conceive the object of your conception to have. Then your conception of those effects is the WHOLE of your conception of the object" [8, p. 331-346]
  Reasonable egoism and pragmatism, on the one hand, liberate the productive forces of each individual, making him competitively free within the framework of the state that supports the striving of each person to improve the living conditions. Thus, the pace of development of the respective communities becomes the maximum possible.
  On the other hand, the inequality of abilities and conditions under the domination of unlimited competition of individuals seeking to obtain benefits for themselves, cannot but lead to the separation of society with respect to the possession of property or its equivalents, at this, the difference in the size of this property can reach astronomical values.
  The natural occurrence of permanent tension between the "offended poor" and the "rich people who are snickering" the power elite is trying to smooth over with a robbery of less developed communities, the funds from which are largely transferred to the additional pro-feeding of both the ordinary people and the middle class to avoid social cataclysms.
  In a capitalist society, several main strata are formed. The majority are ordinary people (philistines), which include employees of various kinds, manufacturing and technical personnel of factories, plants and other corporations that produce products, including those in the field of agriculture, as well as retirees and housewives.
  The ruling stratum is the power elite, which is opposed by the informal opposition. The power elite is supported by the bureaucratic apparatus of various kinds, as well as the group of law enforcement agencies and the army. The stratum of creative people, in whose sphere the development of science, technology and culture is located, is also subordinated to the power elite.
  Thus, except philistines as well as the power elite, representing mainly the organizational- managing contingent from the highest officials and the most advanced business, in each community there is a layer of the people of brainwork, intellectuals of all kinds, as well as - relatively few representatives of the rest of the population, who managed in one way or another to rise in their self-consciousness to the level that dictates their aversion to the amoral and selfish behavior of the power elite.
  These persons have the hope of reorganizing society in the direction of harmony, that is, equality, fraternity and at the same time liberty, without understanding that liberty always resists to equality, justice, destroying any stability. But this hope for harmonious world order can never disappear in their blissful consciousness: they as true humanists, are not capable to believe that horrors of our world cannot turn into prosperity of each person and all mankind eventually.
  Informally-oppositional part of intellectuals, to which various educated people from this or that generation can be attributed, are active, honest, sincerely wishing good to the people, that is, with the dominant higher consciousness, have never joined and will not join to the hypocritical and self-interested governing elite of the state. Already reached level of the highest consciousness, putting material benefits on the last place among life values, will not allow them to commit similar. Therefore, they will always expose the unscrupulous, hypocritical and thievish individuals in power of this world, to fight for the rights and civil liberties of working people, involving them in this fight as much as possible widely.
  Thereby, their opposition to imperious elite does not allow society to freeze in place, being reflection of antagonism of the lowest and highest types of consciousness in each person.
  The struggle between them when the passive behavior the most part of the rest of the population occurs continuously with the dominance of a more energetic and unprincipled ruling elite, which is provoking self-hatred from everyone else, and thus forming that antagonism that does not allow society to stop in developing.
  It is for this reason that any coup or revolution that overthrows or even destroys the entire power elite, as it happened, for example, in China repeatedly, relatively quickly leads to the reproduction of former - antagonistic - order in society, that is, restores the condition, under which is possible development of society.
  In Russia, after seventy-year cataclysms, the same thing occurred. If this recovery does not happen, then the community will disintegrate, merging with neighboring states. True, there was no place for Russia among the developed capitalist countries, and it rather quickly turned into a semi-colony of the leading Western countries, ruled by the comprador elite bribed by them.
  The imbalance in the confrontation of the power elite and informal intellectuals leads either to stagnation in the development of the community, or to disorganization of the control system and the onset of chaos with unpredictable consequences.
  Thereby, the driving force of social development, as well as development of each person, is the hidden interaction of two forms of consciousness: the lowest, or natural (animal), and the highest, or self-consciousness [9, part 3, ј 3].
  The rest strata of society, significant in terms of the number, except for the layer of creative people providing scientific, technological and cultural growth, more or less close to the philistines. These conformist or inert layers include representatives of security forces, military, small businessmen, rentier and various criminals.
  Therefore, due to the low level of self-consciousness and, as a result, only pragmatic aspirations, they are not able to independently influence the course of social development, but these layers, under the influence of propaganda, as well as under the influence of changed living conditions, can begin to act, either supporting a ruling regime which generally satisfies their rather squalid living needs, or joining the opponents of the regime if it deprives them of a well-fed and measured life.
  4. The idea of symbiosis of the human mind and the "mind" of the artificial intellect.
  Let us now turn to another utopia - the idea of creating a hybrid of the human body and the artificial intellect to build supposedly optimal technocratic society.
  Under the artificial intellect, apparently, should be understood the ability of the machine (electronic computing, quantum or other) brain to solve tasks, to provide the requested information and, using sensors, to control a variety of devices by modeling of a situation according to a goal.
  The main characteristics of this brain are the memory size and processor speed on use of the programs, entered into it, exceeding the same characteristics of the human brain, and thus allowing to effectively replace a person both in solving various problems, and in managing complex processes.
  In particular, the artificial intellect is used in mathematical proofs, data analysis, when planning, forecasting, translation, systematization of knowledge, training, recognition, interaction with the external environment according to indications of sensors (manipulation of objects, navigation, regulation of technological processes, diagnosis of diseases, customer service in finance and trade, protection of objects, control of transport, harmful productions, entertainments etc.).
  Part of scientists believes that the artificial intellect, as well as and the person, is capable to have creative abilities, or creativity. In particular, treat Mark Ridl from Institute of Technology of Georgia (USA) them and the head of the association "London Futurists" David Wood (Great Britain) [10].
  To understand whether the artificial intellect is capable to perform creative functions, we will note some of its features.
  The artificial intellect is only capable to perceive the goal set to it, but cannot put it independently, and the artificial intellect does not understand sense of the obtained data which after decryption turn into information for the person.
  The artificial intellect is not capable to turn into a conscious being of any level because he recognizes these or those data according to the matrices, enclosed into it by a person, for a person, and not for itself, not understanding the reason for the formulation of the task and its essence, but proposing certain solutions in accordance with the existing matrices, without going beyond their limits. From the options selected by the artificial intellect, a person-consumer can choose the most effective in his opinion.
  The artificial intellect does not have an independent life, for which any living being has to fight, and it is not able to continue itself in the offspring.
  The artificial intellect is capable to work only by means of the person, but at the same time it does not require obligatory communication with other artificial intellects. In this respect the artificial intellect is the common thing, which is not interested in anything and not interesting to anybody, until it will not be connected to a power source and will not be entered into it the programs answering the purpose of the person whereas any living being is not capable to live in isolation, and the living being "is disconnected" from life only after death, that is - after withdrawal consciousness from the body.
  The artificial intellect is capable to use only the rules of the formal logic within a solution of the task set to it, in particular, it can produce a new information, only combining the information known to it, but is not capable to produce essentially new information in another way. In particular, an intuitive approach is not available to it and it has no imagination.
  Comparison of the human intellect with the machine (artificial) intellect shows that the main characteristics of both types of intellect are speed, the amount of RAM (operational memory), the use of formal logic to create models.
  The main difference between the natural intellect and the artificial intellect is the lack of independence of the artificial intelligence, which works for an external consumer, which, moreover, can constantly change, while the natural intellect works for a completely specific living being: in this case, for a specific person.
  Due to the complete lack of independence of the artificial intellect in comparison with the natural, which does not have a strict program of actions, the following difference arises: the artificial intellect processes only the information that is transmitted to it at the request (desire) of the consumer within the framework of the programs embedded in it, and also the artificial intellect is not able to evade the consumer's desire, while the natural intellect has a certain autonomy in its actions, in particular, it is able to solve tasks not only according to standard programs, but also it can be ready to some changes in the parameters of the environment surrounding a living being, as well as to operate with various and largely arbitrary signals that enter the sense organs and from them to it.
  Moreover, the artificial intellect does not understand the meaning of incoming data. He also does not understand the purpose of this processing data, providing the result of information processing to the consumer in the form of data related in a certain way, for example, a weather report or a translation of text into another language. Likewise - mechanically - the artificial intellect participates in the control of subordinate systems, for example, by controlling the movement of a conveyor or the work of a robot on Mars.
  That is, the artificial intellect is a fast-acting and well-organized blockhead, since not only does it not understand the meaning of its actions, but is also not interested in its own existence, so how it is a function of an external consumer, and this consumer can turn off the robot or computer at any time at will.
  Precisely because of its own senselessness in any activity, but by its appearance - reasonable work (the vast majority of the population and even many scientists holily believe in its mind), programmed in fact by an external consumer to obtain the fruits from its labors, the artificial intellect is not able to be creative, while the natural intellect does not have a rigid program of action, it is operating with various and largely arbitrary signals entering from the senses, to solve the task of keeping its own carrier (a living being) in a state of direct sensation consumption. As a result, the living being is able, at a minimum, to act according to the method of trial and error in a changing environment. It's far from creativity here, but there is still meaning in the actions of the natural intellect, since it, as an integral part of individual consciousness, is interested in preserving the sensations that give life to the entire system of any organism, including it.
  Thus, working for a living being, and being in the internal structure of this consumer, the intellect becomes its organic and integral part - a kind of information processing unit and a block for controlling the body's functions in its interaction with the environment, independently thinking within the framework of such functioning, without which a living being cannot do [11].
  By doing so the intellect of any living being - from bacteria to humans - is the same in principle of action and programmed functionality.
  Moreover, in terms of functionality, determined by the corresponding programs; by lack of autonomy; dependence on RAM (the operative memory}, the intellect of any living creature is similar to artificial intelligence.
  But still, the intellect of a living being differs from the artificial intelligence.
  Firstly, in that it is an integral part of its master - consciousness, without which consciousness is unable to function, since the intellect of a living being is not only responsible for the functioning of every cell of the organism and the entire organism as a single system, but it also on signals from a single consciousness, uses form-building abilities, embedded in its program, to form own time, that is, the local current reality.
  If, for some reason, the organism's intellect ceases to function, then consciousness falls out of the current time, which means death for this living being. But, since everything depends on consciousness in every living being - from the manifestation of an infinity out of time in the form of beingness, so how it participates in the formation of time, up to the organization of life in this beingness, in so far as it has to look for an embryo, suitable for its level of development for growth and development again. And everything is repeated from the beginning - from birth up to new birth. However, more about this is described in the work "Why does not science have the ability to identify the essence of consciousness?" [12, section 6].
  Secondly, the natural intellect does not have the rigid programs of action that, as a result of genome mutations, change in accordance with the influence of the environment. Therefore, the intellect is able more or less quickly to adapt to changes in certain parameters of the environment, as well as operate with various and largely arbitrary signals that enter the senses and from them to it, to solve the problem of keeping its own carrier (living being) in a state of direct consumption of sensations.
  In contrast to the relationship between the natural intellect and the human consciousness, merged into one, the relationship of a living being in the form of a person and the artificial intellect is such, that a person lived and can live quite tolerably and without the artificial intellect, which, of course, is able to facilitate his existence, but along with that, this relief transfers both the person himself and almost all communities into a new state of only users of information provided by the artificial intellect, depriving them of independent activity both in thinking and leaving them without job, including work on obtaining information and its independent critical analysis. All this rather quickly leads to the degradation of the entire civilization [1, chap. 3, 4].
  Of course, the level of development of the intellect for the simplest and most complex organisms in structure differs, but the principle of operation of this biological computer, its functions, which are implemented according to programs corresponding to the structure of the organism and the presence of certain sensory organs in it, remain unchanged.
  At another level of the impact of consciousness on the structured material of the body, the consciousness in the form of its special part organizes the external interaction of the organism with the environment, at least, for survival in it in the fight against competing beings, and also, under favorable circumstances, imparts the body a desire to occupy a place in the community of similar organisms, which is the most advantageous from the point from the point of view of receiving sensations, preferably the most pleasant, due to the constant dissatisfaction of the being with the present, which forces the being to search for better conditions.
  On this - open - level, through the intellect manifests itself this special part of each individual consciousness, which can be called the natural consciousness, inherent in every living being. The natural consciousness solves the current problems of existence in somewhat by the free (unprogrammed) choice in its reaction to challenges of surrounding, which may be wrong, but, in general, this choice contributes to the development of living beings along with their consciousness. And an assistant in this process of interaction of a living being with the environment for natural consciousness is its intellect, which provides the natural consciousness with the appropriate information on its requests, both current and out from memory.
  This part of the consciousness of a living being in the process of interaction with the environment has to solve different types of tasks, showing, respectively, different thinking abilities, which consist not only in the speed of making decisions using the data, stored in memory and suitable for solving the problem that has arisen, but also in the search for new - more favorable - conditions for life, that is, to think at least at the lowest level of creativity, manifesting curiosity, as well as to distort information about oneself (deception) for competitors and allies, trying to create the most favorable conditions for their own existence in the form of pleasant sensations.
  In other words, this component of the individual consciousness of every living being - the natural consciousness - has to respond to the challenges of own surrounding, that is, in one form or another, to savvy how to increase the probability of survival, choose the most preferable time for reproduction, take an advantageous position in its own niche of existence and etc. Such thinking apparatus, based on sensations, can be distributed, in particular, along different neural circuits and solve the emerging problems of existence in its own way.
  By this, the natural consciousness strives to ensure the maximum possible adaptation of the organism to the environment during its open interaction with it.
  It should be noted, however, that the natural consciousness, practically. does not go beyond the framework of instincts and reflexes, as a result of which a living creature is able to act mainly by trial and error in a changing environment, often dying, but passing on to the offspring the properties necessary for life in new conditions.
  An additional level of the impact of consciousness on the organism, as well as on the process of the interaction of this carrier of consciousness with other beings, is characteristic only for humans. This process is being consisted in inherent to them self-consciousness, which ensures the use of the environment by a person for his own purposes on the basis of understanding own interaction with it not only for adaptation to this environment, but also for its artificial transformation, which gradually gives more and more free time, presenting each person accordingly more opportunities for general development, which was previously hindered by the problem of survival.
  This duality of human consciousness was quite clearly noted by A. Schopenhauer in his fragment "On the intellect without reason" [13, p. 78], who, apparently, understood by the term the "intellect" precisely all thinking abilities of the organism, that is, in fact, consciousness: "... animals have a simple intellect, while we have - a double one, namely - along with the contemplative - also the reflective intellect, and the operations of both are often performed independently of each other: we contemplate one thing and think about the other, although often these operations intersect with each other".
  Indeed, in a person, both the action of the natural consciousness is manifested, which, with the help of the intellect, mainly solves the tasks of survival and the best adaptation to one's own surrounding, so and the action of self-consciousness, which by the most part solves the problems of improving one's own life and the state of human communities not only pragmatically, but also pursuing altruistic and cultural goals in their best representatives, transferring own self-consciousness gradually to a higher level, that is, expanding the possibilities of existence up to its highest samples. At this, self-consciousness, like the natural consciousness, uses the intellect as a provider of information to solve its own problems of managing human behavior.
  Similar multidirectionality of the tasks to be solved in one and the same human consciousness not only presupposes the unpredictability of his actions, but also the continuous struggle of these components of consciousness, that solve various tasks, which means the appearance in this form of living beings of a new driving force for the development of consciousness, which significantly accelerates the development of consciousness together with development of human communities [9, part 3, ј3].
  5. The idea of extending the lives of favorite and selected people.
  Some scientists, in particular, Dee Gray [14], believe that it is possible to develop some compensation mechanisms with which it will be possible to eliminate most "extracellular debris", "intracellular debris", cell death and atrophy, mutations in the nucleus and mitochondria, cell aging, cross-links between biopolymer molecules.
  In addition to these considerations, the possibility of freezing the bodies of wealthy immortality enthusiasts in cryogenic chambers should be added to await the triumph of science on this front.
  Many wealthy clients have already fallen for such seductive promises.
  The utopianism of their views in this case borders on idiocy, but what you will not do for the sake of even the ghostly possibility of extending the pleasures of the life of millionaires.
  In fact, the life expectancy of any organism has quite natural limitations.
  First of all, we note that the natural selection, and for a person and the artificial selection that occurs in the interaction of each organism with the environment, contributes to a very definite restriction of the life cycle of any individual in favor of the continuation of the genus of this individual, thereby removing from the circulation those organisms that are no longer combined with a changing environment, or the least adaptable. These organisms either die (eaten, forced out) in the competition for food and the most favorable living conditions, or they experience a decline in life processes, and, for example, salmon, after producing offspring, immediately die.
  In other words, a changing environment dictates the need for a successive change of organisms, thereby selecting the most "tenacious" ones, which in itself requires a limitation of the life span of any organism for the benefit of the survival of both its offspring and the entire genus.
  The same applies to the human race, only artificial selection in accordance with changing social needs is of greater importance to it.
  In this regard, even as close as possible to ideal the compensation for certain violations in the functioning of the body does not exclude the effects of the environment on few ageless organisms, who die both by chance and because of the inability to compete with younger and, therefore, more adapted to the environment the organisms of own genus, or they die from the disruption of the functioning of certain organs, in particular, an unfavorable change in their sizes, not allowing to normally eat or breathe, as well as with a significant change in environmental parameters, or from the incurable injuries and enemies.
  However, for higher mammals with a developed brain, the compensatory mechanisms that somehow restore the normal functioning of the cells of organisms with primitive control centers (almost brainless) do not prove effective due to the complexity of both brain neurons and the connections between them.
  The slightest malfunctions in the functioning of neurons, or their gradual death, lead to a disorder in the manage by the individual organs and the whole organism. At this, the accumulation of errors in the operation of neurons inevitably happens over time, if only as a result of imperfections in the removal of decay products from them.
  For a person, this inability to compete with younger individuals means losing the opportunity to follow established habits in a changed environment, difficulty adapting to new forms of work, communicating with younger people who have very other views and interests, in non-understanding changed relationships and communications between people using other technical means, including for communication, etc.
  That is, participation in public life and productive activities, where, in fact, all the most important interests of any person are concentrated, becomes practically impossible for him. It remains only to "smoke heaven", which is completely uninteresting, and death here becomes a blessing. And in this regard, it is especially stupid to put a person in a cryostat, assuming to unfreeze him in the "high-tech future" or implement a person into a virtual environment,
  In other words, the information that accumulates with age in a person"s memory cells gradually forms a fairly conservative circle of concepts and relationships - it is also called experience and habits.
  This circle is mainly associated with the human self-awareness and it is not related to compensation mechanisms that actually manifest themselves most effectively in the "immortal" organisms, and which, according to some scientists, in particular, Dee Gray [14], can be developed.
  In addition, such "treatment" of the aging of the body, that is, interference in the fine work of the genome and intracellular mechanisms, and they have been debugged for tens and hundreds of millions of years by natural selection in a particular environment and for a specific type of organism, which are currently available so far only about one and a half a dozen of the entire plenty earth organisms, in particular, some species of sharks, whales, turtles, mollusks, jellyfish, as well as lobsters, sea urchins, hydras, holothurians, the vegetative form of planaria (worms), for humans turns out ineffective due to a significant lead in the development of brain of humans in comparison with the control centers of all other living beings, which in non-aging organisms, as it can be seen from their list, are rather primitive, because they are intended for the simplest instinctive-reflex functioning under unchanged conditions
  The human control center contains 11-19 billion neurons of the cortex of the human brain and 150 billion of all neurons of the human body, which operate on the principle of distribution and transformation of information through the entire life of a person through emerging and disappearing connections- a kind of update impulses - between neurons that are not programmed and cannot be modeled, and the number of which over a given time interval can be many times greater than the neurons themselves.
  The accumulation with age of inevitable disturbances in the functioning of brain cells (Alzheimer's disease and Pick's disease), which usually occurs after 65 years and increases toward 80 years, leads to the death of some neurons and the corresponding loss of individual synaptic connections (atrophy of the cerebral cortex and subcortical formations), and this means memory loss or the development of dementia in one form or another.
  Compensating for such disturbances in the cells of the cerebral cortex, in contrast to disturbances in the functioning of the cells of the simplest organisms, is almost impossible due to the too complex mechanisms of the combined functioning of neurons that appeared during the more than two-million-year period of hominid brain development.
  Therefore, more or less full life of a person, with rare exceptions, is possible only up to 80-90 years old.
  Be that as it may, but experience and human habits cannot be eliminated or compensated by any means.
  Therefore, with a significant change in the situation or circumstances, requiring a radical change in behavior, an older person, especially a "long-liver," begins to make erroneous decisions under the pressure of "accumulated" dogmas. At first, he loses creativity, and then loses the ability to form an adequate logic of his actions, which ultimately leads to the disruption of his contacts with society and actual falling out of it.
  Therefore, the attempts to repeatedly extend the life of a person in themselves are meaningless and they can only be attributed to speculation on the basis of fear of death by a person in order to produce these useless actions for the removal from the budget or rich sponsors of considerable funds for scammers.
  With regard to the limitation of the calendar life cycle of the person, it must be stated that the human body is evolutionally almost completely inherited from primates whose life expectancy under favourable conditions could reach 60 years, as it can be seen from the life expectancy of chimpanzees (50-60 years).
  Naturally, the same calendar life of the body has inherited to hominids, but within several million years with the growth and complication of their brain the life expectancy of Neanderthals and Cromanionians has decreased 1.5-2 times compared to primates, having made according to known statistics about 30 years, but to date it has increased to 67 years on average mainly due to advances in the field of medicine, which is described in more detail in the article " Why life time such is, what it is?" [15, part 2, ј5].
  6. The idea of the departure of the most advanced humanity in cosmos.
  Any spatial displacement is a search for food, other resources for existence. Besides it may be an aspiration for new impressions, knowledge, and the basis for achieving these goals are new contacts, and further these relations.
  Therefore, during spatial displacement, a person is looking for opportunities for a better life and for his own kind above all, at this, everything that is dead for him, in essence, does not matter.
  At one time, K. E. Tsiolkovsky declared that earthly humanity must populate cosmos.
  Apparently, he meant the achievement of the goals mentioned above.
  To date, it has become clear that there are no inhabited planets in solar system except Earth.
  Most likely, this circumstance is connected with the fact that there are no conditions for the origin and existence of organic life on its planets, and it is not possible to settle them in the foreseeable future.
  True, in principle, the persons can visit Mars, but it, like the Moon, is cold and lifeless, and if you ask the flight enthusiasts towards this planet what they are going to do there, then you will not get a constructive answer, except how the vague expressions about research itch and demonstration the power of mankind incomprehensibly for whom.
  Nevertheless, it is argued that the ultimate goal of these activities is to find resources. In addition, their implementation presupposes the development of new technologies, economic revival, and the acquisition of new knowledge.
  However, to date, protection against deadly radiation in open cosmos has not been developed, but billions of dollars for manned flights to Mars have already been spent and continue to be spent.
  The main danger in interplanetary flights is the exposure of people to high-energy particles, which include galactic and solar.
  Galactic cosmic rays are the nuclei of hydrogen, helium and other light elements with an average energy of 10 billion eV. For complete absorption of these rays, a lead screen 15 meters thick would be required. On Earth, humans are protected by the magnetic field from this radiation, which, by the way, is practically absent on Mars (it is 800 times weaker than the earth's magnetic field), as a result of which people will be irradiated with high-energy particles on the surface of Mars.
  In a single flight to Mars, a person will receive a radiation dose of 0.3 Sv (sievert), at this, the lethal dose of radiation makes 3 Sv. However, 0.3 Sv is enough for irreversible damage to brain cells and the subsequent dementia.
  In addition to galactic radiation, in space, during chromospheric flares on the Sun, fluxes mainly of protons and helium nuclei with an energy of about 199 MeV occur. The density of these streams can exceed the density of galactic radiation thousands of times and these flashes cannot be predicted.
  Astronauts getting into the zone of chromospheric radiation means inevitable death from radiation sickness.
  All these deadly risks to people for a fairly long flight without adequate protection compared to the goals of the expeditions make a flight to Mars, as in general flights to other lifeless planets of the solar system, completely unacceptable, at least until the development of an effective system to protect the crew from radiation and the emergence of more high-speed means of displacement in space.
  Besides, the flights of the person towards any uninhabited worlds are senseless as only studying live and communication with it can be of true interest to the person, and alive among all planets of the Solar system is presented only on Earth.
  As for some so far the unknown data about other planets of the solar system, they can be obtained by the corresponding automata and robots, especially since these data do not carry the vital interest [16].
  Despite the obvious stupidity of moving people in an empty and cold space, through which none of the planets similar to Earth will be able to reach in the foreseeable future, especially since until now no signals from some aliens have been received, the idea of mastering this lifeless space, which is just an infrastructure for relatively rare inhabited planets (exoplanets), scattered on unthinkable for manned flights to them in the near future, quite flourishes in the minds of far from untalented representatives of the intellectual elite [ibid.].
  In modern society generally science fiction writers and futurologists adjoining them, advance as it seems to them, the obvious idea about the selection out of mankind of some super-creatures with other intellectual opportunities, other vital aspirations, however, by indistinct, and with the removal from "wretched" mankind into space depths.
  Arkady and Boris Strugatsky in their novel "Waves Quench the Wind" [17] called them ludens and described this process of transformation as follows:
  "Any Mind - whether technological, or in accordance with Rousseau's ideas, or even heroic - in the process of first-order evolution goes from a state of maximum separation (savagery, mutual embitternment, wretchedness of emotions, distrust) to a condition of the individual association, greatest possible at preservation (friendliness, high culture of the relations, altruism, neglect achievable). This process copes laws biological, biosocial and specifically social. It is well studied and is of interest to us only here so far as leads to a question: and what's next?
  Having laid aside romantic trills of history of vertical progress, we find only two real, essentially differing opportunities for Reason. Or a stop, self-complacency, short circuit on, loss of interest in the physical world. Or entering on the way of the evolution of the second order, on the way of evolution planned and controlled, on the way to Monokosm.
  The synthesis of minds is inevitable. It gives an innumerable number of new facets of the perception of the world, and this leads to an incredible increase in the quantity and, most importantly, the quality of information available for absorption, which, in turn, leads to a decrease in suffering up to a minimum and an increase in joy up to a maximum. The concept of "home" is expanding to Universe scales. A new metabolism arises, and as a result of it, life and health become almost eternal. The age of the individual becomes comparable with the age of space objects in the complete absence of accumulation of fatigue. The individual of Monokosma does not need creators. He oneself both the creator, and the consumer of culture. On a water drop he is capable not only to recreate an image of the ocean, but also the whole world of the beings inhabiting it, including reasonable. And all this at continuous, unsatiable sensor hunger.
  Each new individual arises as a work of syncretic art: it is created by physiologists, and genetics, and engineers, and psychologists, aesthetics, educators and philosophers of Monocosm. This process, of course, takes several tens of Earth years and, of course, is the most fascinating and honorable ...
  TO CREATE, WITHOUT DESTROYING!" - here the slogan of Monocosm.
  Monocosm cannot but consider the way of development and own modus vivendi only true ...
  First: the entry of the mankind on the way of evolution of the second order means practically the transformation Hомо sapiens in Wanderer (superman).
  Second: most likely, not every Homo sapiens is suitable for such a transformation.
  ... the search, selection and preparation for incorporation of ripe individuals cannot but be accompanied by phenomena and events accessible to an attentive observer. It is possible to expect, for example, developing of mass phobias, new messianic teachings, appearance of people with unusual abilities, inexplicable disappearances of people, sudden emergence in people of new talents as if by magic, etc.".
  Indeed, it is known that our civilization in its development will come to the point of singularity. By this point, John von Neumann did not mean an astrophysical understanding, but the point beyond which extrapolation begins to give meaningless results. The historian I. M. Dyakonov drew attention to the point of singularity, or the limit point on the time axis, where historical cycles shrinking according to the law of progression converge [18].
  The approaching informational collapse is confirmation of that the era of fundamental changes in civilization development is going with an approximation of the point of the singularity.
  Informational collapse is defined as the condition of network information space menacing to its stability and normal functioning. Informational collapse is characterized by fall off of capacity of communication channels and arises at a situation when existing technologies are not able to transfer growing volumes of traffic.
  The beginning of informational collapse manifests in constant increase in speed of emergence of new information and accumulation of this information in the Internet. Acquaintance with the avalanche flow of information becomes more and more difficult and even more difficult becomes thereof its adequate use because filtration of information, as a rule, for doubtful criteria becomes actually by single method of ordering of information. This process conducts to fast loss by society of perspective reference points of development, to replacement of the true purposes by corporate purposes, to bamboozle of an overwhelming majority of Internet users.
  However, the optimistic futurologists interpret the point of singularity as a transition to a new, improved state. It, in their opinion, means a hypothetical explosive increase in the speed of scientific and technological progress, presumably resulting from the creation of artificial intelligence and self-reproducing machines, the integration of humans with computers, or a significant increase in the capabilities of the human brain due to biotechnology.
  Here, as science-futurologists and science fiction writer believe, ludens appear, that is, supermen, who, unlike ordinary people, use the situation of informational collapse for their own "ascent" and the removal from silly and vicious humanity.
  However, a point of singularity is, at a minimum, a bifurcation point, in which, due to the impossibility of being in the former quality, civilization is breaking up or moving into a different way of existence, which can be described as equilibrium.
  In other words, it is possible to find nevertheless an outlet, or a temporary lacuna for establishment in certain degree of fair society, but only in the case of particular restriction of freedom of the individual, more precisely, its self-restrictions, in favor of collective, society, or a civilization without the states, despite all internal contradictions which always are rending society.
  This purpose requires establishing such society at which the resultant of all contradictory forces becomes almost equal to zero.
  Since in developing society it is impossible so far as development has to be suspended or -it has to be expressed extremely poorly. In other words, a civilization, society has to lose possibility of development temporarily.
  In such state the civilization can be only as equilibrium.
  Its basic signs consist in the following.
  First, it has to be in ecological equilibrium with the nature, i.e. it has to return generally to appropriating economy with preservation and addition of some resource-saving technologies.
  Secondly, having refused the complex state management system, the civilization has to return to the simplest forms of the public relations in the form of local self-coping cells of various orientation on the kinds of activity, connected among themselves not only horizontally, but also vertically, unlike primitive communities.
  Thirdly, not development of technologies and the public relations, and self-sufficiency concerning creation for each person of acceptable biotic conditions and maintaining of functioning of self-coping cells without emergence of a heeling towards their withdrawal from self-government has to be problems of a civilization. Single "medicine" for this purpose is the most frequent rotation of the chosen operating personnel.
  In this relation the difference of this structure from primitive communities consists in more high level of consciousness of members of the self-coping cells, saved up for six millennia of previous civilization development, and, in this regard, emergence of possibility of the conscious decision by all members of cells of arising problems of a civilization within the elementary structures.
  Fourthly, the free time of each members of associate which can be very the considerable, thanks to preservation of a row of reproducing food and household items of technologies, has to be devoted to self-development in that sphere to which he has tendencies: to art, crafts, fight against diseases, process of tutoring, etc.
  Thus, the civilization is as though conserved. Certainly, sooner or later it will go wrong, but time of its existence and quite quiet life of people in it can be longer than tenfold than life time of a technological civilization known to us.
  To the one who will tell that it is impossible to stop development, it is possible to give an example of a similar suspending in development of human communities, more precisely, its extreme delay.
  It is possible give as an example the well-known and studied primitive communities existing approximately in the same condition of some tens of thousands of years, did not waken yet from "hibernation" about 10 thousand years ago due to which, partly, our civilization was created about six thousand years ago. Equilibrium communities with environment exist and now in a natural form, for example, the Australian natives. There are they in a simulated type of various sects, for example doukhobor. The public-production formations close to them - kibbutzim in Israel - as well separate themselves from society and the state on the way of life, the close to the equilibrium.
  7. The reasons for the appearance of similar utopias.
  The reasons for the appearance of these utopias are both in the desire to embrace the immense, and in banal self-interest, as well as in the hope of deceiving time and getting into eternity or arranging an earthly paradise, which, of course, is pleasant in the feeling of at least some prospects, but crumbling with only one thought about the imminent death of each person with all his unique personality.
  The main reason for the emergence of such "exciting" utopian ideas, which, upon closer examination, turn out to be ordinary stupidity, is that the basis of all these considerations is based on a seemingly plausible humanitarian idea: a person is the crown of all creation, and therefore humanity must exist forever and rule everything, more precisely, this crown can only be the best representatives of the human race, and not the entire multibillion-dollar population.
  This humanitarian idea automatically implies the consideration that, on the one hand, it would be nice to gather strength and resurrect at least the greatest dead, and on the other hand, try to use medicinal and high-tech means to prolong the life of the best representatives of the human race by hundreds and thousands years even under the condition of their symbiosis with artificial intellect.
  This kind of humanism also requires the search for any means in order to ensure the eternal existence of the current human civilization, but only again in the person of its "best" representatives up to the successive migration from Earth to other planets with distribution throughout Universe and its further control.
  However, all these "wonderful" considerations of the "best" representatives of the human race do not correlate in any way with all other mortals, apparently finding that there are not only too many of them, but they either simply do not have the proper education, or their minds are weak, or they are poor, sick, vicious, etc. For this reason, "happiness" should be provided only to those who managed to break into the elite, that is, to surface like a well-known shit, upward at the non-resistance of less passable individuals.
  Naturally, these "best", and in essence, semi-primates, who consider themselves the rulers of the world, treat with trepidation such false theories, naively believing that they can get to the earthly paradise, taking the necessary servants thereto. And these servants, the main element of which are advisers who are very qualified in certain areas, actually laugh at them on the sly, collecting a good profit on their stupidity, telling them about tomorrow's receipt of inexhaustible energy due to thermonuclear installations, which in terrestrial conditions is not feasible, or about senseless manned flights into distant cosmos, or obtaining the right means for a thousand-year life right now, but now still lasts and lasts, and these idiots wait and hope.
  This is the true logic of humanism, which at first glance seems to be a grandiose creation of the human spirit, which cares about the welfare of this pearl of creation, but eventually comes to the above-mentioned considerations, bordering on genocide of the entire human race, including themselves, because they do not understand that without living "material" they will have no one to parasitize on.
  To clarify the true meaning of humanism, it makes sense to quote an excerpt from my book "The person as the hologram" [19, chap. 8].
  "As well as racial theories, humanism, which, by determination, is atheistic, i.e. looks for a support not in God, and in the person, is absolutely inadequate, though at first sight it is very nice, owing to proclamation by it of the slogan: to determine the meaning and forms of own life must the person himself, living in the spirit of reason and use of own abilities.
  As it occurs always, the support of theorists of humanism on the person, on his elevation at once leads humanism into the deadlock.
  First, the vast majority of people, who are not worse than the others, is forced to live in inhuman conditions, often - in hunger and cold; they - on the brink of survival - are not capable to life in the spirit of reason and use of own abilities, which still should be to determine, that is very difficult in case of the actual absence of an education system and on the verge of survival. I.e. the theory of humanism is elitist, and it in this regard is distracted from the human race in its majority.
  Secondly, construction of humane society by means of the ethics, based on humanitarian values in the spirit of reason and free search, suffered a complete collapse: the richest society of Western countries, robbing the underdeveloped countries, and having the high level of life, nevertheless, is in a deep ideological and economic crisis, and decays.
  The person in the countries of "golden" billion is reduced to a pathetic, selfish being in the conditions of false democracy, he stops in the development, "going in cycles" on consuming of the electronic and information novelties of civilization devouring all his free time. Any protests are senseless or are cruelly suppressed. He becomes indifferent and incapable for decisive actions, pliable to the false propaganda of the fallacious values of technocratic society, - typically the consumptive.
  On the other hand, poor in the majority the Muslims making the considerable part of the population of Earth, turned out as anti-humanists in their aspiration to dilapidated religious dogmas, contradicting as to reason, and to liberty of the relations, search of new values, development. The elite of the Muslim countries, in effect, tries violently to force other people to accept these medieval views pulling the world to uniformity, wildness and autocracy.
  Third, humanism is not able to solve the problem of choosing between the interests and needs of the person and groups of people.
  Recognizing the intrinsic value of the human person, humanism leads to self-centeredness, destroying the identity of the person, naturally and temporally limited not capable to become the superman at all efforts to that end.
  Recognition by humanism as primary these or those the group interests and values means a direct way to totalitarianism and the relegation of the person thereby to nothingness.
  Fourth, humanism denies religious values, repelling the most people away from self, inasmuch in the depths every human being feels his own weakness, limitation, mortality and cannot do without the support even and the fictitious external forces.
  Thus, recognition of intrinsic value of the person as a pearl of Creation without appeal to his basis - to consciousness, turns out both senseless, and useless.
  It is confirmed also by practice: freedom, happiness, development, despite all efforts of humanists and the UN, remain on the sidelines, and dominate, in fact, only thirst of a profit, consciousness of own superiority, utilitarianism, i.e. is implemented a transfer by the structures of power of false values into the values, determining life. Thereby is formed some kind of cancer tumor which is corroding the person and his civilization quickly".
  It is curious that among these ideas, proudly raising a person to the highest pedestal, the well-known fact remained aside, consisting in the finiteness of not only human life, but everything else material, up to the Universe. And you cannot argue with this fact, but you can neatly get around it, confusing the brains of the townsfolk with various false ideas or half-truths, the first place among which is religion, and the second is science, although, of course, not everything is so simple. Religion makes it easier for peoples to live in a terrible and short existence, and science brings technological progress, thanks to which we use smartphones and warm homes. But, operating only by reproducing phenomena and logic, science can neither discover nor explain anything outside of them.
  It turns out that all the aforementioned "fruitful" ideas of endless progress of the human race are based on an absolutely false basis, chosen unconsciously at best, and at worst - with the aim of pursuing momentary selfish interests, using the hopes of philistines for a better future and the elite's dreams of eternal bliss.
  However, it is known that besides the finite there is also the infinite.
  But, there is no time in an infinite. Therefore, there is only one option for him to manifest - through the temporary finite.
  Since the one being, capable of conscious actions is a person, insofar as among all mortal creatures he really is the highest form in which an infinite can not only be temporarily realized with the greatest success, but also to prolong this time to infinity due to the constant discreteness of own existence through human lives that are reproduced over and over again.
  It is possible for a long time and, in essence, it is meaningless to argue about this infinite: that it - a highest mind, God, a single consciousness, spirit, or something else. But and so it is extremely clear that without each other the infinite and the finite cannot exist. Therefore, in order for the infinite to somehow be realized in the process of action and development, that is, to manifest itself in time, it must, having united with the finite, but remaining infinite, thereby turn out to be here and there.
  It is this alliance of the infinite and the finite that happens in living beings, who are alive for that reason, unlike everything else, that they provide the possibility of one forms of the infinite - the active - through another form of it - the passive - temporarily, but at the same time eternally - thanks to discreteness of existence (successively dying , resurrection without memory about previous life, and life until the next death) to control each person and at the same time not to deprive him of free will, solving the problem of both human life and the problem of the development of consciousness through a person endlessly.
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