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New - paradoxical - representation of the picture of Creation

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    The work explains how nothingness turns into everything, remaining nothing. Creation is presented as a dual system of infinity out of time, and its holographic superhigh-frequency projection, which is integral zero in any position. Beingness in the form of universes with inhabited planets is a derivative of a hologram, and is built on an information basis.

  Holographic "backing" of Creation
  The initial for the person can only be what is being appeared, since it is impossible for the human consciousness to penetrate into the transcendental "space", from where all that is comes from.
  This situation with the correlation of sensations (consciousness) and things was understood several centuries ago to Hobbes and Berkeley.
  Hobbes detaches sensations with all their derivatives from objects, which are generating in us sensations: "And though at some certain distance, is presented, that the image, produced by our fancy, is the real and very object it begets in us; yet still the object is one thing, the image or fancy is another" [1, p. 50-51].
  The separation by Thomas Hobbes sensations and objects, in essence, was the basis for the idea of Berkeley, consisting in the fact that without existence of senses and reason the existence of everything else is problematic, because nothing and no one perceive it.
  Berkeley has believed the existence of things only due to their perception by the human mind, or his soul, inasmuch there is no evidence of separate existence of things outside human sensations: "You have force to imagine or form the ideas in your spirit, but it doesn't show that you could imagine a possibility of existence of objects of your thinking out of spirit. To reach it, you would have to imagine that they exist as the unrepresentable and unthinkable, that, apparently, is contradictory" [2, p. 76-79].
  Similar situation of complete isolation of the manifested to us through sensations, as well as some incomprehensible otherworldly, from which everything emerges, and which, due to such separation, Kant called the unknowable "thing in itself", seems insoluble within the framework of science, the basis of which is the repetition of phenomena, assuming thereby a possibility of their studying and qualification.
  However, such view of science is, in our opinion, artificially limited, so that, for example, history as a cross-cutting unique process of various events cannot be recognized by science, which is nonsense.
  Besides, in researches, probably, are acceptable hypotheses, based on the principle of similarity (fractality), as well as those assumptions, the positive corollaries of which, giving the solution of much, being to us, not explainable within traditional science, is possible to use with advantage for himself or for specification and addition of the known regularities.
  In particular, similar hypothesis can be that in which basis the principle of holography lies.
  But first, we note that beingness, if we assume everything existing under it, or existing real, cannot manifest itself in the absence of consciousness in it. In other words, if consciousness were not, as such, then there would be no beingness - nothing would exist. This situation is, apparently, the root cause of the appearance in the human mind of the concept of God-Creator.
  Berkeley was the first to quite clearly understand this correlation between consciousness and things, although in his own way: "True, there is a strikingly widespread opinion among people that houses, mountains, rivers, in a word, all sensed objects have a natural or real existence that is different from their perceptions by the mind. But no matter how confident and general agreement this principle may be affirmed, anyone who has the courage to subject it to research will find, if I am not mistaken, that it contains a clear contradiction. For, what are the above-mentioned objects, if not the things that we perceive in sensations? And what do we perceive if not our own ideas or feelings? And would it not be a complete contradiction to admit that any of them or any combination of them exists without being perceived?" [2, p. 60-64].
  In this statement, Berkeley traces the idea that without the existence of feelings and reason, the existence of everything else is problematic, since there is nothing and no one to perceive this else. True, Berkeley draws a conclusion from it, characteristic of his time: "... there is no bodily or material substance; it remains, therefore, to recognize that the cause of ideas is an incorporeal active substance, or spirit" [2, p. 76-79].
  Be that as it may, Berkeley is right in the assumption that without consciousness the world does not exist, it simply cannot be as beingness: in this case, the world - already non-existence.
  Our own existence means that in the infinite and eternal otherworldly Nothingness is a contradiction, as a result of which, while remaining one and timeless, along with that it manifests discretely in an infinite series of finite worlds that acquire a time of existence. Otherwise, Nothingness would have "remained" as non-existence.
  Our existence also means that timeless Nothingness potentially comprises everything, including something passive and something active who are capable as a projection of Nothingness to exist in time, that is - in finite changes.
  The question consists only in the "mechanism" providing this duality: potentially Nothingness contains Everything, and along with that it can't be present, since separately Nothingness - non-existence; however, its presence can provide its duplicate (the double or shadow), more precisely, a projection, in which there is time.
  In other words, Creation is the infinite, timeless Nothingness and along with that - something finite, manifesting itself in time infinitely, which in its last incarnation, which we sense, we call beingness, or existing reality.
  The fact that there is some kind of "mechanism" for the manifestation of the world in a form known to us is beyond doubt, and its simplest realization is God's power, or the power of spirit.
  This is the conclusion Berkeley has made, having considered as possible the existence of only the incorporeal, spiritual.
  However, the incorporeal is non-existence, which must remain in it because of the impossibility of the appearance in this "Nothingness" of internal contradictions with the exit of them "outside" - into beingness. But we observe a very real picture of the world, and the things that are in it are by no means incorporeal, on the one hand; and consciousness, on the other hand, interacting, in particular, with the body, despite its own elusiveness in the conditions of our measurement, is a quite effective and material force, reflected in the psyche and the transformation of sensations into a changing picture of the world.
  It should be noted at the same time that the same thing (object or phenomenon) a person, a lizard, a spider perceives everyone in own way and use it respectively. In some cases, the thing, perceived by the person, is inaccessible for a worm, without passing across canals of his feelings, or it is felt by a worm in absolutely other form and properties. That is, the worm has own time, own surrounding, i.e. own world anyway, and the person isn't able to get into it and vice versa.
  In other words, the sense organs of various creatures form own surrounding, as a result, not from "ready-made" things outside, as it seems to us hourly, with absolute certainty, but they form own surrounding in accordance only with means, which they possess, in which in addition to the senses, they also include data centers that come to them from the senses.
  Therefore, the "form" of a thing, obtained in the minds of any living creature. depends initially on the means available to it (sense organs, data centers), and not on the "matter" "on the other side" of sensations.
  That is, the most paramount for the living being in his correlation with a thing, , is the process of a discernment of a thing by scanning of surrounding by its sense organs and existence in individual consciousness though hidden, but accurately operating form-building abilities, or matrixes, corresponding to opportunities of the sense organs which the living being has.
  And the sense organs, both in the set and in the properties, differ significantly in living beings.
  For example, birds sense a magnetic field and are even able to navigate it, while a person does not possess such ability. However, he was able to understand its nature by expanding the range of his sensations artificially - this is his difference from other living beings - a person used the appropriate devices, discovered a magnetic field, determined its essence, and then began to use it for his practical activities.
  Anyway, but the sphere of a surrounding of different types of living beings is their own, and it depends on opportunities of their sense organs and also - on the hidden form-building abilities corresponding to them, which are determined not by individual consciousness in its open expression, but by means of a single consciousness, holographically uniting all types of consciousness of all living beings. But for man, the form-building abilities of consciousness are partially revealed also in his ability to determine in one way or another the essence of things on the basis of experiment and his own intellect.
  Interestingly, if we assume that on the other side of sensations is the superhigh-frequency hologram, which is existing and acting, integrally is zero due to the wave formations constituting it in antiphase, then such hologram can serve as the projection to the infinite and single Nothingness, not being for it a contradiction.
  Thus, this holographic formation, carrying in itself the prototype of time, due to the "gaps" between high-frequency wave pulses, can serve as a kind of informational "backing" between Nothingness and beingness, arising from the hologram.
  In brief, the history of emergence of a holography is as follows.
  Group of physicists under the direction of Alain Aspect at the Parisian university in 1982 revealed that in particular conditions the elementary particles, for example, electrons, are able to instantly communicate with one another regardless of the distance between them. In other words, each particle knows always that another does, irrespective of distance between them. On this experimental basis the theory of the holographic Universe was developed. Any particle of this Universe is a holographic projection of the single reality. It has been assumed, as a corollary of this theory, that the physical density of the world is holographic frequency setting, and, in particular, that the person is the hologram.
  The physicist of the London University David Bohm deduces the main postulate out of this experiment: "The new form of comprehension probably can be called the Inseparable Wholeness in Flowing Motion". This point of view means that the stream, in any sense, precedes "things", whose origin and dissolution happens in this stream. Bohm notes that "each relatively self-contained and steady structure has to be understood not as something independently and constantly existing, but rather as the derivative, given rise in complete motion of the stream and, eventually, dissolving in the same stream. The fact how it is generated and supports the existence therefore depends on its local function into the stream". As suggested by Bohm, motion is primary; and that seems to us by constant structures, is only relatively autonomous subordinate essences which are appearing out of integrity of flowing motion and then are dissolved back in it. This process of formation goes infinitely. It is possible to believe also that Bohm brought out of discovery of Aspect following: the objective reality does not exist and that, despite its apparent density, the Universe in the basis - fantastic picture, the huge, magnificently detailed hologram [3].
  By itself a hologram represents the three-dimensional picture taken by means of the laser. To make the hologram, first of all a photographed subject has to be shined with light of the laser. Then the second laser beam, mixing up with light reflected from a subject, gives the interference figure which can be recorded on a film. The ready picture looks as senseless alternation of light and dark lines. But, once the picture will be shined with another laser beam, the three-dimensional image of an initial subject will arise. The three-dimension - not the single property, inherent to the hologram. If the hologram, containing the image of apple, cut in half and each half of the hologram shine by the laser, each half will contain the whole image of the same apple. If we continue to cut the hologram on more shallow slices, on each of them we will find again the object image as a whole. Unlike the routine photo, each site of the hologram contains information on all subject, but with proportion corresponding decrease of clearness.
  The principle of the hologram "all in each part" allows approaching to problem of the organization and the regularity in a new way in essence. The hologram shows that some things in the Universe do not give in to research by an analytical method: to dissect any subject and to study its constituents. If we cut something arranged holographically, we will not receive parts of which it consists, and we will receive the same, but it will be less accuracy.
  In this regard the interpretation of works Aspect by Bohm is as follows: he is sure that the elementary particles interact at any distance not because they exchange by certain mysterious signals among themselves but because their separation is illusory. He explained that at more deep level of reality such particles are not separate objects, and actually the particles are extensions of something more fundamental.
  According to Bohm interpretation, apparent superlight interaction between particles says to us that there is more deep level of reality hidden from us, higher measurement, than ours, as in analogy to an aquarium. And, he adds, we see particles as separate because we see only part of a real. The particles - not separate "parts", but sides of more deep unity. This unity is ultimately the holographic and invisible. And so how everything in physical reality consists of these "phantoms", the Universe observed by us is a projection, the hologram.
  Such Universe can possess and other properties. If the apparent separation of particles is an illusion, means upon more deep level all subjects in the world can be infinitely interdependent. Electrons in atoms of carbon in our brain are bound to electrons of each floating salmon, each beating heart, each flickering star. Everything interpenetrates with everything and though human nature divides everything, dismembers, spreads all natural phenomena on shelves, all divisions are necessarily artificial, and the nature finally appears as a indissoluble web. Even time and space cannot be taken as a basis in the holographic world, because such characteristic as position, does not make sense in the Universe where anything actually is not separated from each other; time and three-measurement space as images of fishes on screens, should consider no more than projections. On it, more deep level, the reality is something like the super hologram in which the last, the present and the future exist at the same time. It means that by means of the corresponding tools the penetration into depth of this super hologram can be carried out and we can take pictures long ago the forgotten past. That else the hologram can bear in itself - still far it is not known. Bohm speaks: "Let's assume, for example, that the hologram is the matrix giving rise to all in the world, at least, all elementary particles is in it which accepted or will take any possible form of a matter and energy, from snowflakes up to quasars, from blue whales up to gamma rays, i.e. there is all in it "[3].
  In our opinion, Bohm"s interpretation of Creation as a kind of holographic "lining" is somewhat vague, since it lacks its connection with both the infinite "Nothingness", and beingness, known to us, as well as it is unclear, why and how this hologram functions, and how it produces beingness.
  Human consciousness in own limitation, in particular, due to the recognition of unary (the lack of layers) of Creation, almost always searches the beginning in any process, at least.
  Even the best minds of mankind, for example, Descartes, Berkeley, Kant, Husserl, basing their reasoning on unary (the absence of several strata) of Creation, were forced to reconcile to need of recognition of external impersonal force as prime mover, although the contradictory and fantastic nature of this force - God - is obvious.
  The materialist theory of the self-motion of matter, which, according to dogmatic materialists, should explain everything, is actually inadequate for a number of reasons.
  The self-motion of matter, by definition, is supposed to be eternal.
  In this case, several questions immediately arise.
  In particular, it would be desirable to know, for what reason the self-motion of lifeless matter has produced the live and has passed into the channel of development of the live, having provoked the beginning of "progress"?
  Inasmuch materialists, including Marxists, are not able to give any reasonable explanation for this fact, so far the beginning of development (progress) is recognized by materialists as aught spontaneous, i.e., in contrast to Christian views - as a matter of chance, fluctuation, i.e. some indeterminacy not clearly whereof. So this indeterminacy concerning the beginning of beingness the dogmatic-materialists (the case) and Christians (the external fantastic being) is the same in its depth, despite statements of Marxist-materialists and the Holy fathers. But materialists keep silence about the end of all live, so how this fact is unpleasant and unclear for them though, if was some beginning of progress, then must be some its end.
  Further, any motion is impossible without time on which motion is counted. However, counting of time requires the observer without whom it is impossible to judge, whether there is motion or it isn't present; so, lack of reasonable beings as observers means problematical character of the motion, as such.
  Besides, any motion in the conditions of the resisting environment - another environment is unknown to us - demands continuous "charging" of moving matter for motion preservation. Self-moving matter thereby is impossible without extraneous source, or some propulsor, so how matter is not a perpetual motion machine.
  With regard to the beginning and the end of all entities, more reasonable is the model of Hinduism. Proponents of Hinduism believe that the processes taking place in Creation pass infinitely, but, they are afraid of infinite development, without presenting essence of this process. Therefore, they reduce these processes to endless series of repetitive, identical, closed circular motions-cycles.
  Therefore. and here it isn't possible to avoid the beginning, inasmuch it is in each cycle, ergo, again a certain external or divine force is required for an initiation.
  However, Creation in whole cannot have the beginning for several reasons.
  Every beginning requires some extraneous force for initiation and a certain material. However, it should be noted in relation to Creation - neither that, nor another couldn't be till the beginning so how, by definition, there was nothing and no one until the beginning.
  On the other hand, if to recognize that potentially nothingness is everything in own infinity and timelessness, then this as if Uniform isn't capable to organize exit from timelessness into changes in its separateness (unicity), inasmuch some extraneous force would be required again for this exit. At this, timeless and infinite Uniform owes remain the same - it can't turn into the finite in itself.
  Consequently, the beginning of the world doesn't happen by itself and the weak human consciousness can admit it only by means of the appeal to some uncertainty in the form of God, self-development of unclear of what and from what, some senseless circular motion.
  However similar approach arises only from powerlessness.
  More perspective, apparently, is the equilibrium model of a dual Creation offered by us. In compliance with it becomes clearly, how Everything is capable to come out from Nothingness (nonexistence), and why the world order does not need any beginning.
  An Infinite Nothingness, potentially containing Everything, so and remains hidden in timeless infinity and along with that it exists in the "unwrapped" state, inasmuch "Nothingness" can be presented not only as pure zero, but also as set of material formations, which integrally make zero, i.e. they are formations, having opposite characteristics.
  For such "deployment", or the presence in the finite, in time are required only the material and the guidance, i.e. the passive and the active, which potentially are in an Infinite Nothingness, because there is everything in infinite.
  Thus, the dual equilibrium system of Creation has no motion and formally it is zero as in timeless state, and in "unwrapped" state, or in time.
  But exactly in time the infinite can address to the finite, i.e. in case of discrete updating of material formations infinitely (the infinite can "come out" into the finite infinitely only this way) that it is possible to designate in the form of a temporary projection of Nothingness on condition of participation in this eternal process the active, material, understanding and leading formation, which has to be for this purpose both the single, and the divided. Such is possible only in a holographic hihg-frequency formation. In it the single active discretely updates the copies of the things, recognizable by it oneself in Nothingness, forming thereby ruptures of infinity with certain duration, which in irreversible sequence make namely prototype of time.
  However, for development of the active, as distinguishes it from the passive, it is required not only time, but also life, i.e. - a smooth and periodical-progressive course of events at different levels in the worlds of moving and changing things.
  The opportunity at the active for the transfer of oneself in the world of changing things and events is available only one - to eliminate a pause between positions of updating, more precisely, somehow artificially close technically mandatory pauses between consecutive position updates.
  This opportunity is being realized by the single active through own separation in a holographic projection of Nothingness, inasmuch in each own particle of the single active owing to the mechanism of processing of packages of information, described above, a kind of its inertia, there is loss of a pause between positions of updating of copies of things, whereby, in particular, in human consciousness durations of each position of updating are consistently being linked like merging in consciousness of individual frames on film, when scrolling it at a certain speed in the cinema with a projection on the screen; it for the person, as well as for any another particle of the active (alive) is equivalent to manifestation of the moving and changing world of things and phenomena, containing as particles, so wave matter.
  In this world the single active can "unfold" in own particles through things, which are formed by each particle of the active in alive by existing sense organs by means of the single active, anyway, i.e., ultimately, acquiring in actions of own particles not only the changes in things (the passive), but also own change [4, Chapter 1.2].
  Thus, both a holographic projection Nothingness, and surrounding of each individual consciousness in beingness, or its "present", are formed by a single consciousness through individual consciousness of each living being, who are uncountable within Creation, and their sense organs.
  A holographic projection is being formed completely, or rather, discretely completely updated by a single consciousness, which is the totality of all individual forms of consciousness, at this, the "present" of each individual consciousness is being formed by oneself through the sensations of the carrier (the body) with the hidden helping of a single consciousness based on the basis of uniform Nothingness.
  In this regard, there really are no things without consciousness and consciousness without things, since things themselves are hidden in the timeless Nothingness, and consciousness updates only what is at its disposal in the holographic projection through copies of things (the passive) from Nothingness, which is being recognized by it.
  Therefore, things in this process of updating a holographic projection are connected with consciousness, if it on base of things, more precisely, on the basis of the passive from Nothingness, is forming copies of things and updates by them the previous copies in a holographic projection, but not inextricably, since each "moment" of updating is a certain duration, after which the next update occurs after a pause. These pauses - "gaps" constitute the prototype of time in which the infinite is being manifested infinitely as the finite, and this prototype of time in the consciousness of living beings is being transformed into continuous processes. Otherwise, information about things for consciousness would remain hidden in Nothingness, i.e. Nothingness would not manifest through own projection, which means nonexistence, but we do not observe this, since a changing world is open to us.
  And if without consciousness there is no matter, and without matter there is no consciousness, then this does not mean their identity - one is active, the other is passive, but they are completely merged only into Nothingness as infinite and timeless. At this, in a holographic projection they exist as the finite infinitely, but discrete, or in time. Thereby, they get the opportunity to be separated in each process of updating of a holographic projection.
  In this temporary process, before each individual consciousness through the sensations of own carrier, becomes possible in beingness, arising as a result, separately to study things, digging into their essence and along with that live among things.
  The holographic essence of a projection of Nothingness is reflected in beingness not only on coincidence of each particle of beingness with the whole - by all hologram, but also externally expressed in similarity of the simplest structures of beingness and in fractality of its more difficult structures.
  Fractality is characterized by complicated similarity of some kind, more precisely, - by self-similarity of part and whole too: the whole completely or almost completely coincides with the part or parts (has the same form) with dimension, bigger dimension of topological spaces.
  Crones of trees, blood system of animals, clouds, snowflakes and many other objects are fractal.
  Therefore, for bigger clarity in understanding of this or that process or some difficult structure it makes sense to address to analogies on the basis of this similarity.
  In this case the state of the living being in Creation can be compared to work of a television receiver in a network (the computer on Internet).
  Let us choose for convenience of comparison a living being having the vision.
  This being in relation to the visual perception of the environment reminds the television receiver combined with a television camera which (eyes) catches the pulse signals going further to the processing centers (the relevant departments of a brain), converting these signals-packets of information into the moving image.
  Eyes like a television camera catch signals in certain range of frequencies (light). Eyes of the person, for example, don't fix light in the infrared range.
  Thus, the person through eyes can obtain only information, predetermined by opportunities of own eyes and no more. Thereby he isn't capable to see the radiations in another range of frequencies and to see the objects reflecting these radiations or radiating them. In this regard, the world (environment) for him is narrowed by opportunities of his sense organs.
  People believe, to all appearances, that these signals go from objects, outsiders and independent of them, in the form of light reflected from objects, in particular, and therefore that all people see seemingly same objects before themselves, and these objects are not lost in front of them.
  Indeed, exactly thus the world is manifested for us, but it would be desirable to learn that is behind this.
  The science, alas, has stopped on the fact of this phenomenon and hasn't gone further, motivating such approach by lack of a possibility of experimental check of what stands behind the manifested.
  Kant called this - the inaccessible for sensations of the person - "thing in itself" (transcendental object).
  As for the objects, surrounding us, independent existence of objects of strictly certain forms, by which they appear to us as such, is very doubtful concerning other living beings.
  The matter is that beings of different types in own way perceive the same subject (thing or phenomenon) within its kind - and concerning its sizes, color, smell, form, permeability and - even in relation to its existence, that is determined by opportunities of a concrete being to convert the arriving signals into the data which is understandable to it from a position of usefulness for his life-activity, i.e. into information. This process of obtaining and converting the information into own surroundings are based on the action of the sense organs and the information processing centers of the organism.
  If we return to the comparison of a living being with a TV set equipped with a TV camera (the computer with a camcorder), then, unlike them, for example, the person has no separate external screen monitor on which he could watch both environmental, and oneself from outside. Therefore, in case of open eyes in front of him has a partial view of the surroundings and own body.
  It means that, unlike the screen of the TV, the person demonstrates to oneself of himself as if from oneself in action in own "now".
  In other words, the person (any living being) thanks to the sense organs and processing centers forms internally the own surrounding.
  At all not eyes create the picture seen by the person - only the unwrought light signals come to eyes. The picture appears afterwards - as a result of combining the pulse signals at their processing into the uniform changing picture in which the person is the main character, transmitting this picture as if outside - like the projector in a cinema hall directed to the screen.
  But, unlike the flat reflected image on the screen of the cinema hall, which moves thanks to moving the tape in the projector with certain speed and, on which light from a projector is being transformed into the set of the ordered light spots, which is replaced all time, that is perceived by sense organs of the person in the form of the movie (the virtual materialization) the materialization of the pulse signals inside the person after their transformation is carried out by the principle, the close to operation of the 3D-printer.
  As a result, specific objects in motion, that is, the environment, appear around a person (and inside him).
  As you can see, both in the television set and in the living being, the separate portions of information in the form of pulsed signals, due to the delay in processing, are converted into a visible, moving picture of objects, i.e. - in time.
  Only you are watching movie at screen, which is separate from you, and movie hasn't a direct bearing on you, and own picture you form yourself, although automatically, like any other living being - in yourself.
  However, all living beings in their variety are connected among themselves anyway, and connected with the things surrounding them.
  In the same way television receivers (computers) in themselves don't work. To receive the image on the screen, it is necessary to connect them to power sources and to catch by means of antennas the signals from the general radio space, in which signals (radio waves) come from transmitters.
  For the living beings this radio space (ether) is a wavy holographic projection.
  Approximately much like the image on the screen of the TV "undertakes" from the radio emission of the certain transmitter (TV program), chosen by the TV viewer through of ether, exactly so and each living being "chooses" itself, the adjoining living beings and things (own time, or own beingness) for itself by means of a holographic projection according to the available set of sense organs at these beings with their opportunities as well as opportunities of the centers processing information, bound with the form-building abilities these living beings.
  However, this choice is carried out not from the transmitter, since outside space the transmitter cannot be, but, nevertheless, this transmitter on call is an infinite Nothingness which potentially is Everything.
  Thus, the specified choice carries out the living being thanks to the form-building abilities, which are available for it (they can't but be in the active, being at their absence as the passive owing to impossibility to exhibit itself) by means of own sense organs - by their "contact" through a holographic projection, similar to some extent to radio space for TVs and radio receivers, with this Nothingness, which is similar to some kind of transmitter containing potentially everything.
  From this potential Everything the active component (individual consciousness) of the living being produces the specified choice of own time (its surrounding), as well as single consciousness on the basis of all set of living beings produces the choice of global beingness in the form of universes with a network of the stars and planets creating as a result a favorable situation for existence of all live.
  At this, only living beings can be actors in this eternal performance of beingness, since everything else in beingness has neither the sense organs nor the information processing centers, and therefore cannot make a choice for its existence by determining the corresponding forms (this choice for every living creature corresponds his form-building abilities). A person, in addition, can make this choice according to his conscious desires.
  Form-building abilities of data-processing centers of each living being correspond to his sense organs, and their automatic action is controlled by a single consciousness.
  All this wouldn't be possible if each living being in the basis wasn't a part of the general hologram-projection of the infinite Nothingness and thereby would not coincide with it.
  It is the holographic nature of living beings that allows them to be separate, each time living own life, having own time, own beingness, and along with that in their totality - to be in a basis the single entity which is eternal both in the singularity, and in each separateness.
  At this, the life of a body of the living being comes to the end when the passive component of each living being gets out of the shape providing activity of a body, unlike the active component of the living being capable to hold own form (identity) owing to what eternal individual consciousness should "get over" after each disintegration of passive components of a body into a new corporal appearance.
  The coincidence of each separate active in a living being with a single active (single consciousness) in the hologram means their inextricable connection in beingness. In particular, precisely for this reason, a single consciousness ensures the automatic functioning of the organism of every living creature.
  The indicated procedure for selecting data through the sense organs and processing centers of this data can also be compared with mirror reflection: the surface of the mirror itself is empty - it is nothing without relation to something.
  But this surface is filled with one or another content in the form of images if consumers of this content begin to contact with this surface, highlighting familiar forms on it and missing an unfamiliar that their consciousness cannot decipher. Then this mirror Nothingness represents everything, that consumers can identify in it.
  So and the untimely, infinite and motionless Nothingness responds to the requests of consciousness through sensations, transforming Nothingness in consciousness into Everything, which is not Everything at all, but represents only that consciousness can understand by its own means at the moment.
  Thus, the world behind the looking-glass is some kind of analog not of the otherworldly, but the true foundation of this world, since only from there (from Nothingness through its projection) is possible to receive everything, but only it is possible to receive this own Everything, if an idea of all this is had and if there are appropriate sensory organs.
  In other words, only in the timeless Nothingness can be found by scanning the forms, that are intelligible to the consciousness (which it can decipher). These forms in the option of copies manifest themselves in consciousness, becoming for it in its finite form by no longer information-wave matter, but transforming into the "dense" environment, known to us.
  The automatic connection in the processing centers of a living creature of information packets, due to a certain inertia of information processing, which is to some extent equivalent to the threshold of perception of information packets successively arriving in the form of discrete pulses, ultimately there is a process of converting information into the reality of beingness with things, space, movement, smoothly flowing time.
  The living beings can exist, multiply and develop in this beingness since the wave material formations in this macrocosm, surrounding living beings, already display for the most part the properties of corpuscles.
  In this case, an analogue of the transformation of wave matter into corpuscular by consciousness can be the currently widely used 3D printer, which translates digital models into various things, up to organic ones.
  It follows from the foregoing that for all living beings, the main thing is not thinking (rationality), not sensations, but the complex process of recognizing objects hidden in a kind of otherworldly Nothing, that is, the main thing for living beings is obtaining information.
  Information in the general sense is data about the state of material objects that are recognized by one or another means.
  From this it follows that the grouping of certain data - their translation into a form (information) that is digestible for possible use, cannot be carried out by objects of inanimate matter.
  To recognize, get (copy) and use the desired set of data can only be a creature, that has, at least, form-building abilities (templates, tracing-papers, matrixes etc.), by tools of scanning the surrounding, the data from which are transmitted into the processing centers of this creature. After decryption, this identified and grouped data - information - is used one way or another or is present as an environment.
  This means that information in the form of a genome code could be copied, compacted as an encoded program, and placed on the corresponding molecular chain only by a rational being who knows how to do it.
  Although, of course, without material objects-carriers, including consciousness itself, information does not exist.
  From this it follows that the time of any living creature, in particular, and man in reality is an information process during which material objects are recognized by the consciousness by scanning the surrounding by the tools, which are available for it (sense organs in combination with processing centers).
  The impulses (packets of information) entering the consciousness, or more precisely, to its corresponding centers, from the sense organs, contain encoded information about material objects that consciousness has been able to identify. These signals merge in the consciousness into a picture of a constantly changing environment, since the pause between the impulses coming one after another is lost in the consciousness of a living being due to a certain duration of processing of each piece of information and arising thereby the delay, that makes the discrete process of receipt of information (perception threshold) continuous for consciousness.
  More details can be expressed as follows.
  Generally, information arises only at allocation by the consciousness from general "noise" of those data which the consciousness is capable to recognize according to the form-building abilities.
  Information arises only in the active (consciousness) thanks to the means which are available for the consciousness carrier - sensations for the person, - being the material copy of fragments of objects from Nothingness, identified by consciousness, available to sense organs, the products of which are processed by the relevant centers for forming thereby of the current time and things, which are moved in space.
  Data about the respective recognized objects from Nothingness in the form of separate portions-impulses consistently come through sense organs of the living being to the centers of their processing. Each impulse, thus, contains an information copy of the corresponding fragments of objects from Nothingness.
  This copy completely updates the previous copy in the course of its processing in the centers of the living being. At this, the existing gap or pause between the impulses, arriving one after another, falls out for consciousness of the living being due to certain duration of processing every portion of information, and of the delay arising thereby, doing for consciousness discrete process of receipt of information by continuous.
  This delay (inertia of perception) is reflected in consciousness of the living being by perception by it consistently of separate portions of information which is processed by its centers in the form of ever-changing picture of things among which it is, and with which it can interact.
  The living being iis in this case as if inside the changing picture, formed by his consciousness, like the character of a computer game, but with that difference that it self "produces" this "game" by means of sense organs and the centers processing information. In other words, the current irreversible present time emerges for each living being here - its "now".
  Thus, information arriving discretely (by means of single consciousness) is converted automatically for each person into things, images, meanings, sensations which are also quite material components for each individual consciousness, which entails the subsequent actions of the carrier of consciousness.
  On the basis of this changing information, together with personal and genetic memory and already in many respects consciously produced thoughts (process of knowledge), as well as experiences, aspirations, perception of separate objects and imagination, the person every moment of his present time interacts with environment, which as beingness in general is formed by single consciousness whereas through available set of sense organs of each living being is formed its personal surrounding and, partly, - the being oneself - with the hidden help of a single consciousness.
  In this regard "worlds", for example, of a birch, an earthworm, a cuttlefish and the person are absolutely various both in thingness, and in temporary manifestation, but they have as the general basis - beingness, which is formed by single consciousness.
  All actions of the being, having consciousness, are carried out in this thru process only on condition of inflow in its consciousness of the corresponding portions of information, each of which is processed during certain duration ("now"), making a number of consecutive moments from the birth to death of the carrier of consciousness.
  So, eternal, but discrete update and keeping of beingness is produced through the finite living beings who are not only owners of sense organs, but also - owners of consciousness. This process results from interaction of a temporal holographic projection and timeless, infinite Nothingness in the face respectively of the active (consciousness) and the passive from Nothingness. At this, information is the bridge which connects them and forms eventually as the world, surrounding living beings, and self these beings. The infinite at this is expressed in the finite infinitely, but discretely.
  The active in the form of living beings is essence of beingness and all Creation.
  The information process that things are not capable of, due to their lack of form-building abilities and sense organs, but consciousness in the face of living beings is capable of, means the presence of time that forms in the finite durations of infinity breaks, which is represented by a holographic projection of Nothingness.
  The transformation of high-frequency waved updated structures of a holographic projection through the living beings into a "dense" world means the existence of beingness with moving and changing objects in space and current time.
  Since the process of obtaining information is characteristic only of creatures with consciousness, since the inanimate has nothing to do with the recognition process, insofar beingness is being formed by consciousness through living beings, that is, neither planets, stars, nor universes, nothing can exist without consciousness at all.
  Summarizing, we note that a holographic projection is being fully formed, or rather, discretely updated by a single consciousness, which is the totality of all individual consciousnesses in living beings, eventually transforming through this single whole into external time, or into global being, while the present of each individual consciousness is being formed by oneself on the basis of Nothingness, which gives him his own beingness, or rather, his own life within the framework of external time through the sensations of the carrier with the hidden helping of a single consciousness.
  In this regard, there really are no things without consciousness and consciousness without things, since things themselves are hidden in the timeless Nothingness and the consciousness updates only what is at its disposal in the holographic projection through which the consciousness recognizes and copies things (the passive) from Nothingness.
  As for the person, then only he obtains self-consciousness, while certain sensations (sensory organs), one degree or another of intelligence (centers that process incoming information in accordance with existing form-building abilities) have all living things, even plants and viruses.
  Therefore, the main difference between a person and other creatures, also involved in the formation of information flows, which eventually convert into time and space with moving things, consists in self-awareness, that is, in separation from the environment and the definition of oneself in it.
  Thesis statement of material assumes at the corresponding interest more detailed acquaintance with these matters, for example, on the websites www.liters.ru and Amazon.
  1. Гоббс Т. Избранные произведения. Т. 2. М., 1964.
  2. Беркли Д. Трактат о началах человеческого знания. СПб. 1905.
  3. 1980. David Bohm, Wholeness and the Implicate Order, London: Routledge, ISBN 0-7100-0971-2.
  4. Nizovtsev Y. M. Everything and Nothingness. 2016. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru. Amazon. љ Yury Nizovtsev.
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