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Is the space exploration possible through the manned flights?

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    In connection with the preparation in several countries of the flight to Mars, which has already spent billions of dollars for, it makes sense to ask: whether is the space exploration possible, as well as the manned space flights at present to planets of our star system and supposedly to the inhabited planets of other star systems are possible?

  Key words: man, cosmos, planets, stars, flights, civilization, risks.
  Any spatial displacement is a search for food and other resources for existence, and also it may be a aspiration for new impressions, knowledge, and the basis for achieving these goals are new contacts, and further - relations.
  Therefore, during the spatial displacement, a person is looking for opportunities for a better life and their own kind, first of all, at this, everything that is dead for him, in essence, does not matter.
  The initial idea of total cosmos exploration, which is currently being tried to implement, comes from the theory of the Russian thinker N.F. Fedorov, the basis of which is the universal raise of the dead for the harmonization of existence.
  Fedorov emphasizes the main thing in his vision of the harmonization of existence so: "The task of the human race is to convert everything unconscious, which spontaneously becomes born into a conscious, bright, real, universal, personal resurrection" [1, part 2, paragraph 13].
  This benevolent statement of Fedorov, who naively believed that everything that exists can be brought under the control of the human mind, apparently led him to such tempting choice of the universal raise of the dead, which, as he saw it, solves all the problems of existence and ensures universal happiness and immortality, since alive are killed by "war, polemics, competition and all struggle" [2. Question 8].
  In fact, firstly, the human mind has natural restrictions on the perception of information even in the totality of all immortal people and therefore is not able to cover everything and everything, especially if it all endlessly and largely does not depend on people, since they do not completely form all this material; secondly, the adaptability inherent in all living beings is necessary for them to coordinate their actions with many objects and phenomena independent of them, which cannot be made completely dependent even on conscious people, at least immortals, as a result of which "to convert everything unconscious... into the conscious" is also impossible, thirdly, a person who is a primate by origin cannot be completely separated from nature without completely destroying his biological essence, that is, himself, fourthly, the refusal to fight, competition is the refusal to develop not only a person, but his consciousness, that is, not at all the arrival of a happy, calm and creative life, but the degradation and decay.
  Fedorov, believing beingness to be the only reality equivalent to Creation, and the otherworldly to be ideal, considers it possible to get closer to this ideal by the efforts of all intelligent beings (people) and scientific achievements due to the return to life these intelligent ones and introducing them to a state of immortality, which, apparently, is quite reasonable, since thereby complete harmony is achieved in endless creative existence.
  However, Fedorov himself notes that we are in the present, but he also imagines that it can be turned into eternity, which contains everything that is, was and can be, without realizing that with this transformation there will be a loss of time with the receipt of nothingness, in which no events are possible and everything in this nothingness is no more than in potency, which is revealed precisely in the current time of the present. That is, Fedorov strives, as it turns out, from time into timelessness because of all the misfortunes, troubles and sorrows that humanity experiences in the present, whereas it is in these trials and deaths that not only the development of humanity occurs, but the most important thing in Creation occurs - development the human self- consciousness, which creates the maximum possible changes in the total (single) consciousness thanks to all innumerable collisions in the consciousness of a person and the aggregate humanity, which is constantly being renewed due to the mortality of members, which constituent of it.
  Thus, immortality for a person is not only impossible, but also meaningless, since consciousness makes him thinking and active in his own individuality and personality, and the human body is only an instrument of consciousness. The loss of a body for an individual consciousness does not mean a catastrophe, but a transition of the same consciousness to a new life in another body, then to the next life, and so on. That is, the human consciousness in its special features thereby acquires not only immortality, but also countless new lives [3, sections 2.1; 2.2].
  So, at its core, Fedorov"s idea of a universal return to life of dead comes down to the return of the past time toward the present time, and the unification of humanity by transferring this present time into eternity: "Hidden in the childish feeling of universal brotherhood was the fact that every person is a son, grandson, great-grandson , great-great-grandson... a descendant of the father, grandfathers, great-grandfathers, ancestors, a common forefather, therefore, this feeling contained not only the closest connection of the present, living (sons), but the same or even greater connection as the present with the past (fathers) , in contrast to the teachings of ancient and modern philosophers, whose mistake lies precisely in the gap between the present and the past [1, part 2].
  Judging by Fedorov"s statements, he, in essence, connecting the past with the present, eliminates the future time, which, as it were, precedes the past and without it is not capable of manifesting itself in the present, for the sake, as it seems to him, of ensuring the immortality and happiness of every person in eternity. That is, he forgets that life in eternity, containing everything that was, is and will be, simply cannot exist, since in this separate eternity, in particular, there is no renewal characteristic of the present time, which is formed by the persons as by any other living being also, through its senses and consciousness automatically, whereas the past is contained in his memory, manifesting itself, again, in the present, and a person is able to imagine the future only in own imagination again in the present.
  In essence, Fedorov made another attempt to make people happy like Plato, Marx, the anarchist Kropotkin and other guardians of justice, but, unlike them, - on a universal scale, and even making them immortal.
  He decided to revive all dead and make them, as well as all living immortals, who will go out into the boundless but soulless cosmos and revive it by themselves, making it regulated, that is, they will begin to control it.
  Of course, such dreams contain both positive and negative, because, on the one hand, Fedorov sincerely wishes everyone to get out of the web of pathetic passions, hatred and malice, combining his own fruitful ideas with the cause of overcoming the blind force of nature.
  "Despite all the difficulties, the general return to life is only a return to a normal state, when humanity, in full possession of nature, as by its own strength, can carry out not out of need, but out of an excess of spiritual power the endless thought in the unlimited means of matter, having a model in Deity, accessible to contemplatio of the human race" [1, part 2, paragraph 24].
  "...a person himself becomes an instrument of salvation; The paralogism of the immortality of theoretical reason is resolved by the actual universal return to life, as a matter of practical reason. At the same time, psychology turns from general to collective, becomes a psychocracy, that is, it unites the human race both internally and externally in the work of knowledge and control of the soulless power of the cosmos, and thus psychology is not separated from cosmology, and the generations returned to life become the mind and soul of all worlds Universe" [2. Question XII].
  On the other hand, his gigantic swing is obviously incapable of having any practical result, not only due to the impossibility of molecular assembly ensuring human immortality, but also due to the ineradicable animal nature of a person, which creates, in confrontation with his self-consciousness, that competitive development trend that ensures the accelerated development of the human self-consciousness, unlike animals, giving a person in his communities the opportunity to produce both cultural values and achieve greater success in the development of technology and the acquisition of ever greater living comfort.
  True, all this is being given in continuous conflicts, rivalry, struggle and contradictions, but without them, that is, in a cloudless and calm life, nothing happens, which N. F. Fedorov did not turn his attention to, but I. Kant has drawn the attention to long before him, having indicated in his work "The Doctrine of Society." Section "The Idea of Universal History in the World-Civil Plan", that an idyllic existence without struggle means complete stagnation and a stop in the development of society: "The means that nature uses to realize the development of all the inclinations of people is their antagonism in society, since it ultimately becomes a cause of its law-consistent order... ...Without these themselves unattractive properties of non-sociability, generating resistance, which everyone must inevitably come across in their selfish claims, all talents in the living conditions of the Arcadian shepherds, that is, in conditions of complete unanimity, moderation and mutual love, would forever remain hidden in the bud; people as meek as the sheep they graze are unlikely to have made their existence more worthy than that of pets... " [4, p. 5].
  Fedorov does not accept such contradictory development of humanity in the conditions of civilization, believing that it would be preferable for humanity not such humiliating progress for a person, but the work of the return to life of the dead, which, ultimately, will lead all living persons and persons, returned to life, to general well-being, happiness and creative development in the cosmos they had mastered: "Although stagnation is death and regression is not heaven, progress is true hell, and the truly divine, the truly human lies in saving the victims of progress, in bringing them out of hell. Progress as the negation of the fatherland and brotherhood is complete moral decline, the negation of morality itself... ...progress consists in the consciousness by the sons of their superiority over the dead, that is, in such consciousness that excludes the need, and therefore the possibility, of uniting the living (sons) to the return to life of the dead (fathers), and meanwhile, in the matter of the return to life the fathers, real superiority would be expressed sons, if only this can be called superiority, whereas in glorification over fathers only their imaginary superiority is expressed" [1, part 1, paragraph 15].
  "If progress, improvement occurs with the help of evolution, development (change of states) of what is happening (?), then progress is not so much the action of an intelligent being as a manifestation of blind force, and therefore cannot be called the improvement" [1, part 1, note 9].
  However, Fedorov did not understand that the blind, as he called it, force of progress, which forces civilization to accelerate the flow of its own time, is in fact not purely natural. It arises from the interaction of the animal (natural) consciousness of a person and the completely rational self-consciousness inherent only in man, which has separated him from the blind forces of nature. It is the struggle of these two components of the human consciousness, and not some other natural forces, that ensures the accelerated development of civilization, and therefore allows each individual human consciousness to constantly plunge into ever-growing information flows, that is, to receive ever new changes in their own self-awareness as a result arising collisions, thereby developing both his self-consciousness and giving from the entire totality of individual forms of consciousness new food for a single consciousness of all [see, for example, 3, sections 2.2; 2.4].
  Thus, Fedorov became the founder of space exploration. K. E. Tsiolkovsky took advantage of his idea, and then it was implemented on the scale of the Solar System, which continues to this day.
  However, all enthusiasts of space exploration with a possible meeting with the inhabitants of other planets of the Universe and further control of the Universe, obviously, still have not realized what Fedorov already understood then, who specifically noted that "without the return to life all people it is impossible to achieve complete possession of celestial space", having remarked also: "By turning the influence of the earthly mass into conscious labor, the united human race will give the earthly force controlled by reason and feeling, therefore, the life-giving force, dominance over the blind forces of other celestial bodies and will unite them in one life-giving work of the return to life all people" [1, part 3, paragraph 2].
  In this mastered cosmos, Fedorov suggests finally arranging a true paradise for all these immortal returned to life in all generations, however, without specifying either specific means of the return to life or tools for arranging this paradise: "The kingdom of God, or paradise, is a work of all forces of all abilities, all people in their totality, a work of not negative, but positive virtues, such, one might say, a paradise for adults, it can be a work of only people themselves, a work of completeness of knowledge, depth of feeling, power of will; paradise can be created only by the people themselves, in fulfillment of the will of God, not alone, but by all the forces of all people in their totality, and it cannot consist in inaction, eternal peace, peace is nirvana, perfection lies in life in activity "[2. Question XII].
  The contradictory nature of this man-made paradise of Fedorov is that by eliminating the present, that is, the current time for the sake of eternity, by which he understands, in essence, nothingness, since his eternity contains everything, he loses the current time, and therefore events, that is, life, which is revealed precisely not in timelessness, but in the present with its troubles and joys. Thus, development in this paradise cannot happen as a result of the lack of renewal in it due to the immortality of its members.
  The point is not even that manned flights to exoplanets located at a distance of at least several light years are hardly possible at all given the modern development of technology and the complete discrepancy between the structure of the human body and the structure and composition of the extended and low-temperature space vacuum, saturated with deadly radiation, but that the very development of technological civilizations, as Fedorov rightly noted, is not infinite due to their degradation.
  As we believe, this development, amounting to 6-10 thousand calendar years, ends with a natural collapse when a technological civilization on any planet reaches its highest stage - capitalism due to the compaction of the civilization's own current time up to the point of singularity, upon reaching which this time ends, and with it the existence of this form of civilization also ends, which after some time arises again, developing, if the civilization is technological, in approximately the same way as the previous one, up to the point of singularity, etc.
  However, the technological civilizations do not always end their existence with complete disintegration with the descent of the surviving population into wildness.
  The discovered artifacts show not only the existence on Earth of at least several dozen developed technological civilizations over hundreds of millions of years, but also the emergence on the wreckage of technological civilizations that have preserved some technologies, equilibrium ecological civilizations that partly resemble the world of the resurrected persons, which Fedorov spoke about, by their existence without the competitive development, as a result of which they gradually fade away [see, for example, 5].
  This regularity of the emergence of civilizations on planets that are capable of providing conditions for the development of the human communities for a certain period clearly shows that it is not a person in his short life, no matter how long it is being extended, who is the pearl of Creation, but it is his immortal consciousness, and its most perfect instrument is a temporary person.
  Therefore, the desire of all thinkers, including N. F. Fedorov, to focus on ways to improve man and his communities, leading them one way or another ultimately to a harmonious existence without troubles and worries and even to immortality, is nothing more than a chimera.
  Nevertheless, modern scientists, who, like Fedorov, believe in that there is nothing else besides beingness (universes), although this is completely groundless, but visibly, consider the development of reason to be unlimited, despite the finiteness of a person and his limitations both in the capabilities of the organs of senses and in the capabilities of his thinking apparatus.
  Supplementing them with the artificial intelligence will not replace the creative abilities that only a person possesses. But without creativity, development is impossible.
  Therefore, it is completely groundless for the progressives, represented by a number of scientists who believe in the infinite development of reason and officials who support them, to count on this intelligence, who, as always, hope to "warm their hands" in this matter.
  As a result, without much thought, unlike Fedorov, they consider it necessary and actually try to begin the exploration of space, using spaceship crews from people, quite pragmatically - in order to capture the expensive resources of various kinds, first by organizing flights to the planets of the Solar System, and then they aim in their dreams at flights to exoplanets of nearby stars.
  Naturally, all these figures disguise their utopian ideas with various kinds of arguments and reasoning, which basically lead to the following.
  First, they turn to history, in which certain difficulties were declared insurmountable, and then ways were found to overcome them. For example, Auguste Comte considered it impossible to know the chemical composition of stars, Kelvin claimed that it was impossible to create a heavier-than-air flying machine, Rutherford did not believe in the possibility of practical use of the nuclear energy.
  In this case, there is a substitution of concepts, since the field of scientific research in terrestrial conditions is not comparable not only with the exploration of boundless space with the direct participation of a person in space flights, but also with the removal of any organisms beyond the protective layer of the Earth's atmosphere, the cellular structure of which in a relatively short time will be destroyed by the most powerful galactic and solar radiations, protection from which currently does not exist in the space conditions.
  In other words, the laws of nature prohibit the living organisms from being in conditions that fundamentally hinder their survival and actions, which does not at all mean the exploration of space with all its contents by the corresponding automatic systems that already exist and have proven themselves quite well. In particular, the flight to Mars of a large expedition, which is discussed in more detail below, is nothing more than a fantasy on which "skilled" people make and have already made considerable money, taking advantage of the ignorance of officials and the romanticism of the quasi-educated public.
  In addition, the so-called Hume's guillotine can suggest a method for making an adequate decision. This idea of Hume boils down to the fact that what is does not entail what ought: "I have observed that in every ethical theory that I have hitherto encountered, the author has been reasoning for some time in the usual way, establishing the existence of God, or sets forth his observations concerning human affairs, and suddenly, to my surprise, I find that instead of the usual copula used in sentences, namely, "is" or "is not," I do not meet with a single sentence in which "ought" or "ought not" would not be used as a copula. This substitution takes place unnoticed, but nevertheless it is of the utmost importance. Since this "ought" or "ought not" expresses some new relation or assertion, the latter must necessarily be taken into account and explained, and at the same time the basis must be given for what seems quite incomprehensible, namely, how this new relation can be a deduction from others that are completely different from it" [6].
  Indeed, based solely on how the world is structured in accordance with the objects perceived by the sense organs, it is impossible to justify without gross logical errors what people should strive for, since the human sense organs are very limited both in quantity and quality, producing, on the one hand, a one-sided, that is, purely human picture of the surrounding world, and on the other hand, there is no other picture, and it is necessary to seek out a more or less adequate solution to a particular problem through experience in the combination with reflections.
  For example, if the boundless space functions around us somehow, this does not mean at all that people are obliged to develop it or, on the contrary, not to climb there in vain.
  Therefore, we should turn to the already obtained reliable facts, and, as Hume pointed out, not make unfounded decisions based on what we see at the moment, in particular, the decision that people should strive with all their might and means into space, supposedly because they are cramped on Earth, and space is limitless.
  Since space with billions of galaxies, each with billions of functioning stars, as recent studies have shown, exists, it is pragmatically and cognitively necessary to turn to it, and not to leave it in vain, especially since reserves of those materials that are in short supply or practically non-existent on Earth may already be discovered on the planets, satellites and asteroids closest to Earth. In addition, the study of at least the nearest space can provide information about still unknown phenomena and processes that may also be useful in terrestrial conditions for certain purposes.
  However, space is practically inaccessible to people, since neither its low-temperature vast space, permeated with deadly radiation, nor the lifeless planets around various stars allow people to be there in conditions that are completely unsuitable for the life of biological objects.
  In principle, of course, it is possible to use existing spaceships for travel to the Moon or Mars, but to preserve the health and lives of their crews, a 15-meter-thick lead shield is needed from galactic radiation alone. But there are also sporadic bursts of even more powerful solar radiation. All this immediately makes this project insignificant.
  Nevertheless, even in such contradictory circumstances, it is possible to find a solution that is quite acceptable for the current conditions to explore space and even use it for various purposes.
  This solution is as follows.
  Instead of manning spaceship crews with people, which is what the not very well-informed public and scientific-bureaucratic leadership are fixated on, it is necessary to use various kinds of automatic devices, instruments and robots controlled by artificial intelligence, which are not afraid of either low temperatures or cosmic radiation, thereby eliminating the sacrificial use of people for space exploration, especially since the Earth has not yet been largely mastered by them.
  Thus, the idea of K. E. Tsiolkovsky, who declared that earthly humanity should populate space, can be attributed only to such applications to humanity as the automatic systems and the artificial intelligence, and not directly to people.
  For greater clarity, we will add a few details to what has been said.
  Let's start with the planetary system of our sun.
  To date, it has become clear that there are no inhabited planets in this system except Earth.
  Most likely, this circumstance is connected with the fact that there are no conditions for the origin and existence of organic life on these planets, and it is not possible to settle them in the foreseeable future.
  True, in principle, the persons can visit Mars, but it, like the Moon, is cold and lifeless, and if you ask the flight enthusiasts towards this planet what they are going to do there, then you will not get a constructive answer, except how the vague expressions about research itch and demonstration the power of mankind incomprehensibly for whom.
  Probably, the competition between the US and Russia in space has forced US President Trump to sign the NASA funding bill for 2017 in the amount - $ 19.5 billion and in 2018 - $ 19.1 billion, and this amount of funding involves the allocation of funds for the preparation of the manned flight to Mars, as reported on March 21, 2017 by space/com.
  Let's present the considerations of some organizations and the figures on the master of Mars.
  But first, we point out that the average distance from Earth to Mars is 225 million km, the maximum - 401 million km - the minimum - 56 million km. Accordingly, the flight to Mars at the current state of technology (maximum rocket speed - 16 km/s) will be 162 days, 289 days and 39 days.
  Elon Musk (the SpaceX company - the United States) assumes to construct the ship capable to reach Mars in three months. There he plans to found base on which place in hundred years the city in one million inhabitants will appear. The ticket to Mars will be costs about 200 thousand dollars.
  The Inspiration Mars Foundation (USA) plans to send a manned expedition to fly around Mars and return to Earth. The organization believes that this flight will serve as a catalyst for national prosperity, knowledge and global leadership.
  The private project Mars One (USA) involves a flight to Mars, followed by the establishment of a colony on its surface and television broadcasts of everything that happens.
  The program "Aurora" of the European Comic Agency suggests to land astronauts on Mars until 2033.
  The ultimate goal of these activities is to find resources.
  In addition, their implementation involves the development of new technologies, economic revival, the acquisition of new knowledge.
  The main danger in interplanetary flights is the exposure of people to high-energy particles, which include galactic and solar.
  Galactic cosmic rays are the nuclei of hydrogen, helium and other light elements with an average energy of 10 billion eV. For complete absorption of these rays, a lead screen 15 meters thick would be required. On Earth, humans are protected by the magnetic field from this radiation, which, by the way, is practically absent on Mars (it is 800 times weaker than the earth's magnetic field), as a result of which people will be irradiated with high-energy particles on the surface of Mars.
  In a single flight to Mars, a person will receive a radiation dose of 0.3 Sv (sievert), at this, the lethal dose of radiation makes 3 Sv. However, 0.3 Sv is enough for irreversible damage to brain cells and the subsequent dementia.
  In addition to galactic radiation, in space, during chromospheric flares on the Sun, fluxes mainly of protons and helium nuclei with an energy of about 199 MeV occur. The density of these streams can exceed the density of galactic radiation thousands of times and these flashes cannot be predicted.
  Astronauts getting into the zone of chromospheric radiation means inevitable death from radiation sickness.
  The strongest health risks for long interplanetary flights are the adverse effects on the psyche of a tight space; weightlessness provokes the appearance of muscle laxity, bone osteoporosis; the absence of a magnetic field adversely affects the human autonomic nervous system.
  The lack of adequate medical care, technical breakdowns, and an increase in the moments of making erroneous decisions due to constant flight stress also threaten the crew with great trouble.
  All these deadly risks to people for a fairly long flight without adequate protection compared to the goals of the expeditions make a flight to Mars, as in general flights to other lifeless planets of the solar system, completely unacceptable, at least until the development of an effective system to protect the crew from radiation and the emergence of more high-speed means of displacement in space.
  Besides, the flights of the person towards any uninhabited worlds are senseless as only studying live and communication with it can be of true interest to the person, and alive among all planets of the Solar system is presented only on Earth.
  As for some data that is still unknown to science about other planets of the solar system, they can be obtained by the corresponding automata and robots, especially since these data do not carry the vital interest.
  We note further that the latest astronomical data have shown that a number of stars have planets with an atmosphere, that may be suitable for life to appear on them.
  Only here to get to these planets from the Earth seems extremely difficult.
  The fact is that the distance to the nearest star Proxima Centauri is 23 trillion kilometers or 2.45 light years.
  So that, the manned flights to the inhabited worlds does not threaten us yet, but it still makes sense to stop at the possibility of contacts with civilizations on the planets of other star systems, and what these civilizations are like.
  To date, due to the absence of ordered signals from space, it has become clear that the long existence of any civilizations on other planets is very problematic, although these civilizations themselves, of course, arise, since there are planets suitable for living.
  What is the reason for their disappearance? And why they do not turn out to be able to reach such heights of technological development by which their existence could be recorded.
  Only one thing is clear: these civilizations appear and disappear relatively quickly, forming after a while again, and disintegrate again, like any finite formations.
  The comparative short duration of the existence of civilizations on the inhabited planets, judging by the history of terrestrial civilizations, is also indicated by numerous artifacts found dating from tens of thousands to hundreds of millions of years, and there is more than a dozen of these vanished civilizations [5].
  We have proposed an explanation for the short duration of the existence of these civilizations on the inhabited planets of many star systems. It lies in the fact that their development ends at the information peak due to the lack of the ability of the human brain to process information supplied to it by systems similar to modern artificial intellect [see, for example, 3, Chapter 1.7].
  Since the information peak of development is ahead of the energy peak, the reason for the absence of any signals from these civilizations is that their representatives do not have time to reach a sufficiently high technological level in terms of energy production and its emissions.
  Thus, all these facts indicate that the centers of all events in the universe are inhabited planets, rare in comparison with the number of other planets and stars, scattered at an insurmountable distance from each other for individual living beings, on which the process of development of living things proceeds approximately equally up to before the formation of civilizations, although there are deviations from this process [see, for example, 7].
  1. Фёдоров Н. Ф. Философия общего дела. 1906. https://predanie.ru
  2. Супраморализм, или всеобщий синтез". 1906. https://predanie.ru)"
  3. Nizovtsev Yu. Everything and nothingness. 2016. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru. Amazon. Yury Nizovtsev.
  4. Idea for a Universal History from a Cosmopolitan Point of View (1784). Translation by Lewis White Beck. From Immanuel Kant, "On History", The Bobbs-Merrill Co., 1963.
  5. Nizovtsev Yu. M. Are "paradisiacal tabernacles" on Earth possible? 29.12.2023. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.samlib.ru
  6. Treatise of Human Nature by David Hume. 1739. V.1 Reprinted from the Original Edition three volumes and edited, with an analytical index, by L. A. Selby Bigge, M. A. (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1896).
  7. Nizovtsev Yu. M. The person - a product of evolution?! Whether everything is so clear here?! 2017. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru
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