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Intuition as a hidden process of targeted filtering of information

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    Until now, intuition seems to be a mysterious and even otherworldly phenomenon, which to a certain extent is so, but the very fact of recognizing its existence contains a moment of solving, if, of course, we turn to the origins of the emergence of consciousness, which in a person has acquired a certain aware meaningful form, and it is in combination with natural consciousness presupposes the possibility of knowing everything that is in front of him and in him.

  Table of contents
  1. Historical background.
  2. Prerequisites for creative activity.
  3. The main content, types and components of the intuition process.
  In regards to intuition, the two extreme positions generally set the tone.
  One of them is based on the fact that for all living beings, including humans, intuition is an unconscious, more precisely, an unaware way of solving a particular current problem. This process is non-targeted, but consumer-oriented, that is, it is related to the instinctive actions of animals and, accordingly, in our opinion, is also inherent in the animal nature of a person, who, therefore, throughout his life is in a kind of constant insight, not noticing it. A person most often makes this consumer choice hourly unconsciously, combining the disparate fragments of being presented to him at the moment into a single whole, which seems to him beneficial or safe, unknowingly understanding the preference of this solution to the problem using new connections. At the same time, the absence of a goal in this search does not in any way distinguish it from animals.
  Another position is that intuition is designated by a goal, and for a person it is the fruit of some revelation coming from the depths of consciousness, which allows a few especially gifted people to achieve their goals of comprehending completely new objects of reality without logical constructions as well as without much thought: to create unusual masterpieces of painting, music, literature, discover new laws, chemicals, mechanisms, methods of obtaining energy, previously unknown methods of movement in space, etc.
  Both of these approaches, in part, are fair, but in fact, they significantly simplify this phenomenon without revealing the mechanism of intuition and its genesis in relation to humans, which allow the production of non-obvious knowledge, thanks to which civilization again and again receives additional impulses for development both in technology and culture.
  In other words, a multitude of more or less economic, technological and fundamental problems requiring calculations, the choice of the most advantageous solution, qualifications, appropriate education, etc., with the help of one natural (animal), that is, an instant unconscious solution to find a solution to the current situation cannot be found. Most often, thoughtful and long-term research and development work is required to prepare a project and its implementation.
  On the other hand, millions of well-educated and qualified specialists in their fields cannot discover anything new within the boundaries of their professional activity, despite the fact that they use well-developed methods, standards, their own logical constructions, reasoning and common sense.
  Therefore, it makes sense to try to find out why some people are able to obtain new knowledge, which has nothing to do with combinatorics, and others do not succeed. Immediately note a rather curious fact. In principle, every person reveals some new for himself all the time: during work, training, travel, various life circumstances, communication with different people, etc.
  However, many people don't stop there. Having studied the basic techniques in their professional activities, they begin to think about various possibilities for improving this activity. True, for this you need to be able to break away from the routine, many everyday problems, which most often make a person as a philistine who is only interested in comfort, obtaining certain advantages that give power, money and other attributes of a pleasant life without much stress in the brain convolutions.
  What peculiarities of consciousness make it possible to avoid being dragged into the quagmire of philistine life, into which, although often through no fault of their own, more than 80 percent of the planet's population falls, since not everyone can get a good education and even have enough to eat?
  As you know, many features of consciousness are given to us from birth. It can be an excellent memory, the ability to distinguish the subtlest shades of color or sound, quickly calculate the most favorable options for behavior and, accordingly, immediately adapt to the prevailing circumstances, a strong will, etc. Practically, each person carries something above average in his consciousness, and this distinguishes him from the rest, giving him a certain advantage, although he himself may not even guess about this, which most often happens due to being crushed by difficult life circumstances.
  But all these features of human consciousness, determined to a large extent by the structure of the brain, are only auxiliary, since they can help him in creativity, but are not able to form a stable human attraction to creativity. The latter requires significant effort and tension, which does not make life relaxed and pleasant, namely, most people strive for it consciously or not.
  That is, if a person relies on prudence and common sense, which always incline a person to a pleasant life, and not to difficulties and hardships, then he is unlikely to prefer creativity, which makes the brain work with maximum stress, which in itself is not only difficult, but also dangerous to health.
  And yet there are quite a few people who are bored with the philistine life, and they try with varying degrees of success to break out of it into the vastness of conscious acquisition of a new one of one kind or another - which can be facilitated to a certain extent by the established inclinations, education, certain abilities, the presence of free time, but the main property that makes them get involved in a complex and difficult creative process, in fact, is an increased degree of dissatisfaction of both natural consciousness and self-consciousness, with a completely definite combination of them.
  Such a combination, inherited by each person from all his ancestors, natural (animal) consciousness and only human self-consciousness, constitutes the following interaction between them: he, as an instinctive egoist, and this is dictated to him by his natural consciousness, most of all wants to surpass everyone else in order to achieve the best for himself, leaving everyone else behind and thereby ensuring his dominance in this pursuit of the new and unusual, but the social experience acquired by him reaches in his self-consciousness of such a level that he understands himself as a unit of the community, which must share what has been achieved with the rest of its members for his own good.
  The most representative group of these instinctively creative people are inventors, of whom there are tens of millions. They receive patents for many methods of making certain substances, methods of cooking, which are not obvious to ordinary people, they invent new ways of carrying out simple and complex technological processes, not to mention devices for these purposes - from unusual pins and folders to atomic reactors and microchips.
  Therefore, it makes sense to consider in more detail what still attracts a significant part of people with necessity to this exciting, but generally ungrateful and difficult activity, which is called creative?
  1. Historical background.
  The famous philosopher of antiquity Plato, in his "Dialogues" (Phaedo) writes: "... knowledge comes to mind in this way, it is recollection? What way do I mean? Like this: when a man sees or hears or in some other way perceives one thing and not only knows that thing but also thinks of another thing of which the knowledge is not the same but different, are we not right to say that he recollects the second thing that comes into his mind? [1, p. 64] ... ... if we acquired this knowledge before birth, then lost it at birth, and then later by the use of our senses in connection with those objects we mentioned, we recovered the knowledge we had before, would not what we call learning be the recovery of our knowledge, and we are right to call this recollection? [1, p. 66] ... So then, Simmias, our souls also existed apart from the body before they took on human form, and they had intelligence [1, p. 67].
  These innate ideas, the existence of which Plato first noted, are not really formed during human life, but are contained as a database in the neural network of every living creature, preserving in this unimaginable memory traces from the sensations of amphibians to the personal and social experience of Homo sapiens. This database is currently referred to as the subconscious.
  Therefore, in principle, each person can plunge into it and discover a lot of things, which happens during his life, as a rule, unconsciously, but in some cases he does it quite consciously, or, at least, strives for it with a certain goal, receiving as a result, although not often, something like an insight that sometimes gives him a completely adequate solution to the task.
  However, Plato, in fact, guessing the presence in each person of information accumulated during the existence of living beings on the planet, has not paid attention to the fact that the initial source of information for any organism is sensations, not ideas.
  Plotinus has delimited between this immediate and instant comprehension of a certain knowledge and the discursive process of cognition, which is based on logical inferences [see, for example, 2, p. 184-185].
  The Roman philosopher Boethius in the 6th century AD translated the term "direct cognition" (epibole) from Greek into Latin as "intuitus" [3, p. 34-35].
  In this form, instant insight and entered into circulation.
  Rene Descartes, after many centuries, was also inclined to believe that clear knowledge can be obtained thanks to intuition, which gives knowledge, as he believed, more reliable than deduction: "By intuition I do not mean belief in the shaky evidence of feelings and not the deceptive judgment of a disorderly imagination, but the concept of a clear and attentive mind, so simple and clear that it leaves no doubt that we are thinking, or - that one and that same, a solid concept of a clear and attentive mind, generated only by the natural light of reason and due to its simplicity is more reliable than deduction itself ... "[4, p. 86].
  These considerations of Descartes were based on the fact that the truth of the axioms of mathematics cannot be substantiated empirically or logically due to respectively the relativity of experience, , and the absence of more general foundations for the axioms.
  However, not everyone agreed with these seemingly convincing arguments about the essence of intuition, which Descartes adhered to.
  The fact that the process of intuition includes, in addition to the memory of generations, also the flow of current information from the senses, was quite clearly noted by Ludwig Feuerbach: "... unconditionally undoubted, clear like the sun ... only sensual [5, p. 134-204].
  However, with this statement, he simultaneously rejected the intellectual component of intuition, which, as Plato showed, in fact, in the aggregate of "innate" information.
  Kant tried to connect empirical and "pure" knowledge with the help of intuition, since human cognition in general and intuitive cognition, in particular, are limited to the sphere of phenomena, which are provided us with sensations: "... our reason can only think, and it should receive the contemplation from feelings" [ 6, p. 662].
  In other words, Kant believed that the mind, without reliance on sensations, is not able to penetrate into the essence of phenomena, which will remain "a thing in itself".
  True, it should be noted here that the framework of sensations, in essence, after their processing in the corresponding centers of intellect, conclude all the memory, more precisely, the database during the entire existence and development of living beings, which each person possesses and into which he is able to penetrate exactly with the help of intuition, thereby combining these sensations and instincts, accumulated in the form of information databases of , as well as personal and social experience with own current considerations, through the goal, having made the appropriate filtering of the data presented to him in the process of creative intuition.
  Although Kant is right in the sense that, in modern terms, the mind is powerless without incoming information, he did not reveal the origin of intuition and its mechanism that allows at a certain level of cognition to reveal the "thing in itself", for example, at the level of the invented microscope or telescope to observe and study, respectively, micro- and macroworlds, as well as, for example, by grouping predetermined experimental and calculated data, as A. Einstein did, he instead of Newton's laws, proposed a general theory of relativity.
  E. Husserl believed that intuition is the "discretion" of the essence, which is unchanging and is outside things, their properties and laws, agreeing with Kant that the process of intuition is incomprehensible [7, p. 52-53].
  Such irrational approach to intuition is rather trivial, does not explain anything, and the "discretion" of the immutability of the essence contradicts the fact that in the process of cognition a person is only engaged in discovering some essences first, then he moves on to deeper essences, finding at each level of knowledge in them the truth, which he tests in practice and uses for his own purposes.
  A. Bergson gave intuition the importance of a factor akin to instinct located "inside life," in contrast to reason, going, as he believed, in the opposite direction: "There are things that only the intellect can search for, but it itself will never find them. Only instinct could find them, but it will never look for them" [8, p. 136].
  That is, Bergson believes that only intuition as an instinct is able to know things from the inside, since it is free from the "corrupting power of reason", representing by oneself a spontaneous impulse of a creative personality in the form of "pure" intuitive insights [9].
  Bergson, in his radical views on intuition, immediately misses two of its components, without which there can be no creative intuition, namely: setting a by no means spontaneous goal of research, and long preparation for it, without which any "spontaneous" impulses can only lead to a dead end, which is what happens to the overwhelming majority of the so-called creative personalities, especially clearly manifested in scientific and literary graphomania.
  By itself, this is Bergson's statement that intuition, as an instinct, is capable of knowing things from the inside, like a gumboil due to its one-sidedness, but it contains a share of sense, since non-obvious knowledge is acquired precisely in the process of intuition, but without reasonable and long-term preparation for the supposed insight, it turns into a jumble of incomprehensible symbols, in which it is impossible to understand and highlight what is necessary in accordance with the set goal.
  According to Z. Freud, creative activity is a product of a person's unconscious desires. If social life suppresses these instinctive aspirations of a person, then creativity, on the contrary, liberates them, providing an opportunity to address new things in unusual images and symbols. Such experiences, according to Freud, are felt only at the level of moods and vague desires, which must be grasped, thereby creating a kind of imaginary world in which unconscious desires, usually suppressed by law and morality, can be realized.
  Neurotic personalities are most prone to this kind of activity: "An artist is a person who is able to overcome the automatism of thoughtless existence, to feel more acutely and earlier other diseases, emotional conflicts of time" [10, p. 156].
  Only creative activity is capable of pulling a person out of gross reality, but not everyone is capable of it, although work activity may also be useful for self-realization, but, however, it does not always bring pleasure: "The program to become happy, to which we are forced by the principle of pleasure, is impracticable, but yet" [11].
  Freud relocated the general problem of intuition into the sphere of creative activity, although in fact it is much broader, since every person, who is largely an animal, lives most of his life in accordance with developed and instinctive habits, that is, quite automatically, unconsciously using them. but at the same time its intelligent activity is adjacent to it. However, being permanently in society, he is forced to obey its laws and morals. It is from this circle, as Freud believes, that a person can break free in his creative impulse.
  In fact, the creative impulse, or inspiration, is one of the forms of intuition characteristic of people with an automatic attraction to this very laborious and often thankless activity. The incessant attraction to creativity appears in these people due to the predominance of in their consciousness of its animal form with its inherent egocentrism. The unremitting dissatisfaction with the existing ones dictates the desire for superiority over other people in terms of ensuring the most comfortable existence for oneself in the form of new forms of beingness, largely diluted with the realization that these forms are not intended for individual use, but for their perception by society.
  There are quite a few such creative people, since they include not only artists and writers, among whom, however, most of them are nothing more than graphomanes and mazils, but also a large cohort of inventors and some of the workers of science and education who are inclined to create or discover new forms of being and relationships between people. But their abilities are unevenly distributed and the products of their activities are often very mediocre. However, they cannot give up this activity, since they receive not only extraordinary satisfaction from it, but also a feeling of superiority over other mortals, and never find satiety in such kind of activity that makes them related to the deity who creates the new worlds.
  Freud also did not indicate the content and mechanics of the creative impulse, and they have certain differences from other forms of intuition.
  In particular, the entrance and exit from the state of creative activity occurs, as a rule, arbitrarily, more precisely, regardless of the desire of the "creator", without giving him painful sensations, unlike, for example, shamans. Probably, this happens in accordance with the specifics of the brain, which is able to act as intensively as possible for no more than four hours.
  In addition, Freud did not note the importance of planning for future creative impulses.
  Indeed, the absence of a clearly formulated goal does not allow any impulse to manifest itself effectively enough. It is the presence of the initial goal that distinguishes any process of the creation intuition from monkey activity, which, of course, manifests itself in the use of monkey intellect, but is almost always immersed in the "sea" of instincts and reflexes, which is perfectly able to use, unlike humans, due to their aimless, but adaptive and automatic existence only in the form of a living component of the environment, merged with it and feeling in it, like a fish in water.
  Therefore, the penetration of a person into the subconscious, in a state of immersion in which all other living beings are almost constantly, but he, being in a relatively safe socium, as if it is separated by this socium from the world of wild nature, although it acts largely automatically, but at a safe level, unlike the wild. He is not keeping the goal in mind for the period of a creative impulse, and therefore he has not the opportunity to gain the desired in this virtual world of memory as the accumulated experience of all previous generations.
  It is precisely the absence or loss of a goal and a loss of orientation in the world of the subconscious that does not allow finding and separating something new for oneself, at best limiting oneself to not quite ordinary, but nevertheless trivial crafts that carry no significant benefit, no new discoveries, no new interesting and beautiful.
  As for the replacement of creative activity by labor for self-satisfaction of a person, it is always necessary for the inflow of new information to a person, albeit in a reduced quality, since freed, and not forced labor, provides a person with the opportunity at any level of education to find something new, at least for himself. getting pleasure from this, since the fruits of human activity differ in their value, if they are new, only in scale.
  The most adequate place of intuition in the process of cognition was determined by Henri Poincaré, having noted that with the help of intuition new approaches and original solutions are revealed, and Poincaré's discursive research methods assigned the role of checking, consolidating and using new acquisitions [12, p. 21]. However, the very origin of intuition and its mechanism for him again remained a mystery.
  Philosophers of our time only confirmed this relationship between discursive and intuitive research methods: "Logic and intuition are organically linked, interpenetrate in the process of cognition, and any attempt to break them makes self-knowledge impossible" [13].
  So modern philosophers and psychologists have added little to the results of reflections on the intuition of their predecessors, rather trivially confirming the connection between intuition and memory, life impressions and habits.
  In particular, OV Stepanosova believes that the uncertainty of the situation presupposes the emergence of knowledge in the form of guesses and forebodings, from which the researcher can choose [14, p. 133-143].
  In addition, modern philosophers and psychologists are trying to establish the mechanism and stages of the process of intuition, but again their findings are rather superficial, running into some new semantics, which is allegedly destroying logical obstacles and barriers between remote conceptual matrices; or in the action of some structural and functional blocks, which give new ideas, which they themselves do not quite understand; or the effective penetration of two spheres of thought into one another, etc.
  In general, to this day, intuition has not revealed its secrets, but below we will try to at least slightly open the veil over it.
  2. Prerequisites for creative activity.
  But first, let us note the attributes of any living beings that distinguish them from all other objects of the world around them, without referring to the reasons for the appearance of these living beings, although, in our opinion, they are the motive force of Creation (see, for example, the article "What is the basis of the manifested (reality)?" [15, section 4].
  So, every, even the most primitive, living being has a genome, which is a program on a protein carrier, which provides the possibility of growth, development, reproduction and functioning of an individual. In addition to the genome, each organism has sensors (sense organs) that allow him to perceive certain data from the environment and from its own internal organs. Naturally, any living being must also have a kind of internal computer, or intellect, that is, the center for processing signals from the sense organs (sensors) into the information necessary for the functioning of this being both as a whole and in each of its parts. Further, each organism cannot do without organs capable of transmitting information to the environment, which makes it possible, by transmitting and receiving information, to participate in one or another collective life of similar living beings.
  From this we can conclude: the main difference between living beings and other objects of beingness is that they are able to perceive the data they need from the environment, transforming them into information useful for themselves, and sharing this information to a certain extent with other living beings, while all inanimate objects can only be carriers of information.
  It is for this reason that living beings are the active component of beingness, and all its other objects are the passive, from which the active component could not appear in any way, but without which the active is not able to function.
  Thus, living objects are able, thanks to the appropriate processing of incoming data, to figure out how to use the information received, unconscious or consciously changing own surrounding for their own benefit.
  Naturally, alive first of all wants to stay in the information flow, which it is able to perceive and comprehend - each at the level of his consciousness - distinguishing himself from things that do not understand anything by the fact that he uses them for own benefit and preservation, competing in this with other living beings.
  Therefore, all living beings are active, that is, conscious, however, with the exception of a person, these living beings only practically instinctively-reflexively uses their environment to maintain itself in action (nutrition and metabolism), seeking to push competitors away from food (domination). The finiteness of their own existence, which they, apart from humans, do not understand, but feel due to the deterioration in the functioning of certain parts of the body, they overcome by procreation (transfer of their own genome) in all possible ways, up to budding, which requires a special program of growth and development as an individual, and general (generic). Therefore, living beings cannot do without a genome.
  However, the following is curious.
  If we turn to all living organisms, excluding humans, they can be characterized only as slaves of sensations, since they do not go beyond adaptation to the environment. Within these limits, they strive to survive by obtaining food; seek to multiply, delivering satisfaction themselves; they try to dominate both individually and in a group, not being satisfied with the current situation, but striving to ensure a better quality of sensations, including a sense of superiority over neighboring beings.
  However, to get out of the limits of adaptability to the environment, that is, to cease to be slaves of sensations alone, these creatures - from bacteria to primates - are not able, remaining on the lowest degree of consciousness, or - practically in complete dependence on their own sensations.
  The activity of their consciousness, as already indicated, is limited to nutrition, reproduction, attempts to dominate whenever possible, regardless of the complexity of the organisms and the development of their governing body - the brain. Everything that happens with such organisms is their response to the impact of the environment.
  Therefore, similar consciousness can be qualified as the lowest consciousness, that is, the consciousness that is practically completely dependent on the environment, which is their hostess, and they are its involuntary slaves, although they are capable of slow development thanks to their own non-vanishing activity.
  It is visible from everything stated that for live organisms there is only one opportunity to get out of existence as slaves of sensations - toward liberty, as more or less conscious development of ways of own change, namely: at least partially to get rid of the full submission to the environment, i.e. to rise to some extent above it, and thus to gain the opportunity not only to adapt to it, but also to fit it under themselves, wondering how best to do it first, too, to improve the quality of sensations, and then for autonomous reflections on the meaning of life, its curiosities and own improvement.
  Similar opportunity is realized through the person, who, while remaining an animal, or the being adaptive to the environment, at the same time acquires the ability to consciously influence the environment, thereby raising oneself above it, that is, breaking out oneself of the full adaptive slavery, and getting the opportunity through this conscious impact with the acceleration to develop their own consciousness, mainly manifested through the brain, the change of which is directly reflected in the growth of the possibilities of consciousness to influence the environment, which in turn changes the brain structure, and therefore, consciousness.
  The exit from the dependence (slavery) from the sensations alone onto the space of ideas, thoughts, refined feelings means a transition from the rudiments of liberty to the possibility of its fullest realization in the course of socialization within the framework of the building civilization by these already dual beings.
  Thus, the lowest consciousness which is becoming isolated on sensations, in the person is complemented with the highest consciousness which, if the person is capable to realize the actions and to foresee their development, is possible to call self-consciousness.
  Similar dual nature of the human consciousness brings with it the emergence and development of antagonism of the lowest and highest forms of consciousness, since the egocentric animal consciousness is focused mainly on the survival of the organism in the struggle with everything around, and the highest - mainly onto social harmonization of human communities, its own cultural improvement. The resulting contradiction between these forms of consciousness, which are indissolubly fused in man, leads them to fight for supremacy in the pursuit of so different intentions, thereby stimulating the development of both the people and their communities, which the most characteristic is manifested into the emergence of civilization and its rather rapid development compared to past epochs of slow development of purely the plant-animal kingdom with a change in quality - in the direction of the technological and cultural, that is, the delayed biological evolution which is not changing adaptability of consciousness of all available beings, quite suddenly was replaced by the accelerated development of one of types of living beings with the modified (dual) consciousness [16, Chapter 3].
  As for the original source of activity of any form of consciousness of a living being, it can only be inescapable dissatisfaction of consciousness, without which any living being is a thing, that is, a passive object, unable to have aspirations - spontaneous or conscious [16, Chapter 4.1].
  The lowest form of consciousness, leaving a being in slavery to the incoming sensations, and the highest form of consciousness, reflecting conscious aspiration of a being into the kingdom of the fullest free expression of oneself, which are indissolubly connected inside the person continuously create unpredictability of his behavior, so how in various situations one form of consciousness can push the other into the background, turning the same person that into a rude animal, then into a well-meaning and loyal individual [16, Chapter 4.2].
  The main property of the duality of human consciousness, determining its original impact on the environment, fundamentally changing the world, and most of all changing the collective and individual consciousness as a result of its reverse reaction on the effective change by it through the person of the environment, is creativity (the creative abilities of a person, or the ability to produce non-obvious ideas, to think outside the box) of a person - the highest form of his freedom. However, the creativity abilities is distributed across individuals extremely unevenly - with a minimum in individuals with weak manifestations of both the lowerst and highest forms of consciousness, reaching its maximum value in subjects with a powerful manifestation of the lowest consciousness, supported by a manifestation of high level of self-consciousness.
  As a matter of fact, the creativity is a person's inescapable attraction to unusual and new forms of beingness, which is dictated by a resonant coincidence of the aspirations of lower consciousness and the interests of self-consciousness, in which the violent aspirations of animal consciousness prevail, requiring exceptional and unusual comfort for themselves in being - a sign of the dominance of the subject, -which are reinforced the interests of the highest consciousness, aimed at spreading the open new to the entire community with appropriate gratitude and even glorification of the inventor or discoverer.
  It is creativity, that is peculiar only to man and not the rationality of consciousness, which is inherent in one way or another to all living beings that have organs for processing incoming information into the organism, ensures the cultural and technological development of civilization [16, Chapter 4.2].
  In any human community there is always a certain number of people permanently concerned with creating maximum comforts for their own existence, which is a characteristic feature of the lowest consciousness. If some part of these individuals is not satisfied with social comfort, the development of science, technology, art, which is a remarkable sign of the highest consciousness, then a similar combination of these features of both forms of consciousness with some dominance of the lowest consciousness, forcing a person to not stop trying to achieve the best conditions for himself, leads such an individual to a kind of instinctive creative activity, which sometimes pours out into completely new forms of things and phenomena that are useful both for everyday life and for development.
  The effectiveness of actions of such subjects is determined by the individual structure of their brain, through which both forms of consciousness mainly act as well as inclinations to one or another kind of activity that arise in the process of life - experience, education, upbringing, etc.
  At the same time, the maximum value of the effectiveness of the subject's actions can manifest itself only when his inclinations coincide with the individual characteristics of the brain, which give the subject of actions only his characteristic features, for example, the ability to perfectly manage or draw, or compose entertaining stories, etc., which in itself makes it valuable to society, but does not imply a drive for creativity.
  This attraction is determined only by the dominance of his lowest (animal) consciousness in combination with a high level of the highest consciousness with characteristic altruism for it. Such a contradictory combination of animal egoism and the desire to serve the public interest gives the individual an increased level of dissatisfaction with his professional activity, creating a constant will-mindedness to achieve the ever-new goals set by him in the range of existing interests, which are most often not achieved due to certain obstacles, both external - there is no necessary education, knowledge, so and internal properties - there are no necessary abilities. However, it happens that a person finds himself and produces a lot of inventions, beautiful paintings, sculptures, etc.
  If similar creative individual has significant natural data from birth, having received a good education and found himself in an environment suitable for satisfying his aspirations, then he is able detect new things and phenomenon that are not obvious to others in own field of activity, and the fundamental nature of this new depends on the scale of his target aspirations.
  In the case of discoveries of new laws, other approaches to reality, his accomplishments are qualified as genius, True, this rarely happens due to the unlikely coincidence of the factors noted for this, especially since not every person can successfully use an intuitive approach to gaining new knowledge.
  The adaptability of all living things, except for humans, which implies complete submission to own surrounding, means the presence of an appropriate program of action in their genome, while in a person who is already capable of going beyond pure adaptability in relation to the environment in the form of quite conscious activity in accordance with the established goals that eventually become not only utilitarian, there should be a program additional to the adaptive one, which can be designated as project-oriented, that is, assuming, at least, rational activity.
  All living beings, except for humans, exist, in fact, in different food chains, devouring each other with more or less success. Therefore, to stay in existence, they do not have time for long reflections, and are forced to automatically turn to the instincts accumulated in generations for an instant response to danger. That is, they all turn to the deep memory inherited from their ancestors, combining it with already developed reflexes, that can hardly be attributed to rational actions due to their instantaneousness and automatism.
  Since man is also an animal, although in part, he also cannot help but preserve the possibility of such actions in himself.
  And indeed, every person knows that he spends a significant part of his life time on such "automatic machine", that is, without any reflection.
  At the same time, each person, thanks to the ability to set goals for himself, has the opportunity to penetrate into his own deep memory, having a specific goal which contains information from the time when his distant ancestors were still in the form of reptiles.
  However, this opportunity remains precisely an opportunity for almost all individuals, except for creative ones, who, as noted above, on the one hand, have the ability to instinctively not stop trying to achieve what seems to them best for their own existence due to domination in their dual consciousness of its lowest component,
  on the other hand, their level of self-consciousness is high enough in order not to be limited by their own selfish interests, but to try to serve the whole society by sharing with it the fruits of their own efforts to identify new, interesting or just useful ones.
  You can read about the distribution of the population over the rest of the main strata depending on the combination of the levels of both forms of consciousness in my work "The driving force and source of development of a person and his communities" [16. 4.2].
  3. The main content, types and components of the intuition process.
  So, the implementation of the automatic process of animal intuition, which allows you to unconsciously use the resolution of the problems of the current situation as quickly as possible, is not noted by a person at all, manifesting itself every day on the instinctive level of consciousness most of the time, which is why almost all the time of a person's life without obvious signs of creativity (a person in the street, or philistine) proceeds as if half asleep, that is, without much thought and meaningful actions, being the heritage of primates in this respect, and qualifying as a habit. Apparently, this is why the famous English philosopher David Hume believed that habit is the main property of every person [17, p. 69], although this, of course, is not the case, but for many ordinary people striving only for a well-fed, pleasant and carefree life, habit really becomes second nature.
  Creative persons who have the above ratio of both forms of consciousness, of which the animal form prevails, even despite the lack of pronounced abilities and education, always try to update their own habitat with at least new types of knitting of stockings and tablecloths or breeding unusual plants and breeding new breeds of animals, repairing household items with their improvement, etc., that is, they do not sit idle, but try to penetrate at least so into the secrets of beingness for their own benefit and the benefit of society.
  Ordinary rational-logical thinking, of course, helps them in this process of updating the environment, but does not allow them to find interesting and unusual new things.
  Therefore, many creative individuals, having gained some experience and having acquired sufficient, as it seems to them, professional knowledge, to satisfy their interest in a particular problem, set a specific goal, for example, to come up with a machine for quickly washing a large number of dishes so as not to use their own hands in this process.
  Straining his own brains for more than one day, this person fails over and over again, but it happens that suddenly, from nowhere, the necessary fundamental decision comes from, which in the future is quite simply framed by various accessories, tested and introduced into everyday life. The entire environment of the inventor, and not only him, is pleased with such achievement.
  However, the author of the invention, having analyzed the process of obtaining a new solution, notes that he not only recalled what he knew from books and instructions, but many times unnoticed for himself plunged into the depths of his own memory and social experience, from where vague images sometimes emerged, which over time finally turned into a satisfactory and non-obvious solution to the problem.
  From this simple example, it is clear that non-obvious knowledge can be obtained with some degree of probability under the following conditions.
  Determining of a specific sphere of action as well as own interest in it in the form of a goal. Always with this goal in mind, it is necessary to start studying the problem with the involvement of all known materials and experimental data, the accumulation of which will eventually lead to complete confusion due to the seeming chaotic state and the multitude of this data.
  Ordinary developers or researchers exactly stop at this. They systematize the accumulated and, on this basis, make something like a combine, which does not require attracting new knowledge and gives some effect, although the goal is not fully achieved, but the created device somehow works, the picture represents a semblance of reality, the sounds of music do not look like a cacophony, etc.
  Creative people, despite the seeming impossibility of achieving their goal, do not stop there. It is at this stage of development that the process of creative intuition begins.
  Each researcher or artist solves it in his own way.
  Some of them are being immersed in their own memory, life experience, instincts in various ways, which they generalize by the term inspiration, which is more typical for artists, trying to find there unusual, but acceptable for creating a full-fledged and interesting harmony of sounds, unusual shades of color, sculptural forms, images of the past, the most expressive and lively phrases, etc.
  The degree of immersion in one's own information databases means presenting to oneself the corresponding degree of the volume of information that is absent in the current life, but which one can try to unconsciously filter during this immersion in accordance with the set goal, if, of course, it will be possible to keep the target trend in this subconscious state. in line with which the incoming information is filtered. In this case, a kind of resonance between the goal and the knowledge hitherto hidden may suddenly appear.
  At the same time, talent among creative people is determined by the innate ability quickly and adequately to find in the process of intuition among a heap of heterogeneous information precisely those previously hidden data that allow us to determine the direction of solving the problem in accordance with the set goal, which is also characteristic of a genius, the main difference of which from talent lies in the scale of his goals and searches.
  A significant contribution to the creative process of changing reality and the person himself, and therefore his consciousness. introduces imagination, as it allows you to approach the new and unknown in its simplest and most understandable figurative form without complex formulas and confusing analytics.
  Such fantasies, built not on sand, but on a solid foundation of accumulated knowledge under certain properties and actions of an individual fall into the category of insights (intuition), being the most productive road to the finds in the form of non-obvious knowledge, that is, knowledge, that does not follow from known rules and interrelation directly.
  It is the intuition that leads to new images, first vague and then acquiring more distinct forms, that provides the most significant shifts both in the process of cognition and in art, producing the initially sought object (phenomenon, regularity, art object) in its figurative integrity, although and without details. But these details can be cleared up analytically and experimentally later, while non-obvious knowledge has already appeared in a mental form, which over time can be translated into drawings, paintings or sculptures.
  Strictly speaking, this kind of intuition, or insight, represents an unconscious search for the inexpressibly beautiful, which is eternal and which cannot be achieved, but which can be approached.
  This is confirmed by the fact that so far no one has been able to learn how to create masterpieces of art in a conveyor way, despite, for example, knowing all the rules for combining colors on canvas.
  This fact undoubtedly indicates that the basis of the beautiful is on the other side of the current beingness, and the reflection of this "otherworldly" can only be contemplated or extracted in the form of masterpieces of art that are as close to alive as possible with a successful contact with the beautiful, since the very presence of the beautiful in nature suggests the idea of creating something like this, and attempts to do this have indeed yielded, albeit in relatively small number, extraordinary objects of art, the appearance of which by following certain rules, as, for example, in crafts, cannot be explained.
  In particular, Leonardo da Vinci once discovered a new painting technique with blurred lines, a haze between the audience and the depicted object, thereby reviving the image. And it is unlikely that this discovery was made only with the help of trials, experience and reflection. Then a lot of great artists who worked long before Leonardo, sooner or later would have done the same, having thought carefully and studied the process of drawing. Obviously, only one Leonardo managed, plunging into his own depths of memory, to see with his mental vision the images of the beautiful, which still disturbed his distant ancestors with similar pictures in dreams and in reality. Probably, this process of creative intuition was worked out by Leonardo quite effectively, since he transferred it to technology, creating a lot of magnificent inventions, which, however, at that time no one needed, for example, a parachute, a helicopter, a tank, a robot.
  It is curious that the process of intuition may not be creative at all, but rather pragmatic, contributing to the survival of the local community. It is available to individuals who may be illiterate and savage, but possessing the same dominance of the natural (lowest) consciousness over self-consciousness, nevertheless tuned in for the good of this entire community.
  Such persons still exist. They are called shamans or sorcerers, because they possess a special technique of insight, which differs from creative intuition in that in order to penetrate into the depths of their own subconsciousness, or ancestral memory, they use doping in the form of drugs and rhythmic sound signals, having designated previously for themselves the purpose of visiting this database. The goal is usually dictated by the needs of the community, such as rain or locating schools of fish for food, as well as solving problems of this kind, mainly for the survival of a community outside of civilization or in its outskirts.
  The shaman, in the course of his immersion in the subconscious, tries to find and most often, with sufficient experience, finds the answer in the events of a more or less distant past, connecting them with modern realities and filtering out those events, which are far from the goal. In this case, an experienced shaman quite accurately indicates the days and places of rain shedding in drought or places where fish accumulate in water bodies.
  That is, the shaman not only sinks into the depths of memory, but, as in the process of creative intuition, spends time preparing for insight in the form of a preliminary study of the current situation, comparing it in the future with past events and looking for coincidences.
  The process of intuitive insight is also possible through the use of random phenomena.
  The fact is that randomness in any form, even for a person who, in principle, can figure out the nature of this phenomenon, is not able to generate directly conscious actions for its use, since a person understands only in hindsight that this phenomenon is accidental, that is, unexpectedly, when he can no longer do anything, and he has to either eliminate the consequences of this randomness, if they are negative, or to think, is it possible to take advantage of this randomness for your own benefit in the future.
  It is also impossible to predict randomness, for that it is an unpredictable phenomenon, that is, something that falls out of any known order, since it is the result of the intersection of independent processes.
  Nevertheless, exactly a person already in the new role of a conscious converter of the environment, can transfer randomness thanks to self-consciousness from the category of chaotic to the category of necessary, but only for cognition of the unobvious new, and he is already capable on it, accelerating thereby many times the process of development of both a community of people and their consciousness.
  In other words, as soon as this new being - a person - was able to manifest interest and ponder, that is, to build projects, or penetrate into the future in the form of setting specific goals in front of oneself, and strive to achieve them by a will force, but never satisfied with what has been achieved, this being, firstly, turned out to be the only one of all, capable to this conscious "management" by time in order to obtain the desired result; secondly, the self-consciousness inherent in this being led him to the fact, that this being has found ways to consciously use the randomness, albeit indirectly, which was previously impossible in living nature - that"s why the evolution of living things went so slowly - billions of years - before the advent of a person.
  To use randomness, at least time is required not only to notice it, but to understand its nature and possible application.
  How important this is for the expansion of information flows is clear from the arbitrary nature of randomness: if a random phenomenon is akin to surprise, then randomness falls out of a known series of current events and, possibly, - available knowledge. In other words, randomness may well be the phenomenon, non-obvious and extraneous to the database of mankind being out of a known order.
  Consequently, randomness is the direct neighbor of unobvious new knowledge, and, then through it can be achieved, and not through logic, reflection or combinatorics. Therefore, randomness and non-obvious new can quite naturally converge, if you move away from traditional research methods and use some methods of using randomness for your own goals.
  Fundamentally, randomness is something external, closer to chaos than to order. Its independence from the established one can redraw the order in a completely unimaginable way and thereby denote the unknown, and therefore also fundamentally new knowledge.
  However, randomness can manifest itself in this way only through a self-conscious being who is consciously being not satisfied with what is available, and therefore is capable to choice only what interests him, setting goals for himself, unlike all other living organisms, which only instinctively strive to the better conditions of existence, and the primary cause of instinctive actions of these organisms are uncontrolled by them mutations in the genome.
  Consequently, the activity of the being, known to us as Homo sapiens can already manifest itself in the conscious pursuit of the new in order to satisfy its needs in the best, using all available opportunities, including randomness, despite the fact that randomness is impossible to determine initially.
  So, the emergence of self-consciousness in Homo sapiens creates an opportunity for his creative activity that does not coincide with his routine activity, or makes him a creative being.
  In other words, the use of randomness in the creative process of obtaining new knowledge allows you to often do without immersion in the subconscious, but also, in accordance with the set goal, it makes it possible to try to filter out known information in search of a new by the distraction from everyday life, mostly during the period of relaxation.
  The fact is that during these periods, many parts of the nervous system, brain and spinal cord are not loaded completely. Similar periods can be such moments of rest or relaxation, as falling asleep or exiting from sleep, relaxation of any kind, distraction from thoughts about work, that is, those moments at which in which you can get to attract the unoccupied neurons from those parts of the nervous system that are not directly related to the processes of thinking in order to solve given problem successfully.
  In addition, randomness presupposes a sudden break in the consciousness of stereotypical thinking within the framework of the known that, either after some reflection, it allows you to build this randomness into a particular technological process, radically changing it, or randomness pushes a researcher, artist, innovator to turn to his own subconscious as a goal in order to gain an understanding of its role in solving a particular problem.
  Of course, this is very rarely obtained by itself, but at some skill it can help find what you are looking for.
  The effectiveness of such a technique is confirmed by the stories of some researchers who obtained the desired result precisely in periods of relaxation and the like.
  These include Archimedes, who found his idea in the bath; Galileo, who, being in the church, from the swing of the lamp deduced the law of oscillation of the pendulum; Robert Mayer, who formulated the law of conservation of mechanical energy during one of his travels; Henri Poincaré, who after long work and anxious sleep in the early morning hours established the existence of "automorphic functions".
  Finally, intuition finds a rather convincing explanation if to recognize that such frequency-wave structure as a hologram is at the heart of Creation.
  Really. the presence of the things world in the form of the last, true and independent of us (objective) is disproved by the fact that it is being represented by our sensations and is being formed by a brain, and this world for different types of organisms can be other, and its basis can quite be frequency-wave, on which information is written down.
  However, this frequency basis of beingness is outside the current time of beingness and therefore is non-spatial and zero in terms of material balance.
  The hologram can be the "formation" of this sort,
  In a hologram, any part of it repeats the whole. The hologram itself is a high-frequency formation as a product of the superposition of several coherent waves, which gives a stationary interference pattern, since the phase difference of the waves does not change.
  In a hologram, each particle of the active does not lose its unity with the entire single-set infinite set of active particles.
  Thus, the particles-copies of the active formations of the hologram, that is, consciousness in combination with copies of the passive, which are things of the current reality, are thereby able to receive from an infinity out of time the copies of things, "necessary" for them (the passive) to replace the existing copies of things in beingness, including to replace own material basis, as well as to update themselves.
  You can read more about this informational model of the universe based on a hologram, for example, in my work "What is the basis of the manifested (reality)?" [15, section 4].
  If we recognize such a holographic hypothesis of Creation as adequate, then all living beings, possessing consciousness, are active elements of beingness that do not lose their unity with the entire hologram, and in their self-conscious expression in the form of a person they, in principle, are capable not only unconsciously as, for example, animals, but quite consciously - in accordance with the set goal - to plunge into the subconsciousness, that is, to merge into their own database for a while, and then, with a certain training, get to the hologram level, where you can become a storm, a school of fish, a galaxy, a planet, a thunderstorm, a stone ridge, that is, anything, and on this basis, as it were, to feel the essence and internal processes going on in this education, having received an answer to the question formulated in the goal in the framework of their professional, research or artistic activity.
  Oddly enough, illiterate shamans are most skillfully using immersion in the hologram to coincide in own consciousness with the objects they need, which is probably happening because they are not burdened with prejudices and scientific knowledge of socium. They are still so close to nature that it does not seem impossible for them to "drown" in it to the very bottom, having discovered behind it the opportunity to become a cloud, a beast, ice hummocks, trees for some time, determining the course of their motion in merging with them, taking out the acquired data back into beingness with knowledge, for example, of the timing for the rain or predator attacks on the herd.
  Unlike ordinary creative people, shamans at least partially remember what were happening to them in the other world of the hologram, accumulating experience and improving their skills, which they pass on to their fellow tribesmen who are most suitable for this activity.
  Thus, in the consciousness of shamans, the lowest and highest consciousness coexist most effectively and even enter into resonance, giving the opportunity to descend for a while and merge in your consciousness with the hologram to determine in it what is sought.
  In a similar way, but with a lesser depth of immersion, large time expenditures, numerous mistakes and losses, all creative persons carry out their search for the new and unusual due primarily to their stable attraction to creative activity, which manifests itself as a result of the dominance of the lower consciousness over self-consciousness, but the latter still restrains the emerging animal instincts in a civilized framework and even translates them into a pragmatic channel for the benefit of society.
  In the absence of an appropriate - sufficiently high - level of both forms of consciousness and their similar interaction - with the domination of lower consciousness - all other strata of society are discovered, and in the extreme version - weakness of self-consciousness and a high level of the animal consciousness, a stratum of criminals arises, whose members do not lend themselves to re-education, - the so-called repeat offenders (recidivists), that we observe in practice for all times and all peoples, but a convincing explanation for this phenomenon has not yet been found, although the material, presented here, quite adequately reveals the reason for such extreme manifestation of human nature, when an individual is intelligent, inventive, cunning, often sufficiently educated and resourceful, has the inescapable contempt to moral principles, since over and over again trying to enjoy the benefits of society, not giving anything in return and not stopping criminal attempts until his death.
  Thus, the experience of rational activity largely influenced the flourishing of civilization due to the systematic and expanding work on transforming nature and society, as well as on processing data from creative activity, but it also turned away from the latter the majority of the population, who prefers to live by habit, using the ready-made fruits of civilization and not at all striving for the often thankless, difficult, time-consuming and mostly useless work of acquiring something new with the help of intuition. However, it is the discoveries of the new that produce the civilization itself, making up the progressive movement of society not only in the field of comfort, nutrition, education, but also in the field of science, technology and culture.
  Let us note the main positions of this brief study.
  It is clear what a principal component of intuition (for this state more precise is the term "insight") is, first, experience, i.e. a set of the developed models, ready to immediate application. Knowledge and skills without experience will not help instantly or is even stretched in time to solve the arisen problem in the particular sphere. Secondly, an equivalent component of intuition is the insertion by the person of itself in state of insight that often occurs automatically in a stressful situation of danger or, on the contrary, at the relaxation moments, and even in a dream, but more often in the moments of awakening (by the way, emergence of insight in minutes of awakening in no small measure is determined by the ability to connect to the work of the associative lobes of the brain of some other centers that process information, not yet involved for work, for example, motor centers; centers that control visual and auditory functions, etc.; third, insight comes only at a particular goal-setting to which have to correspond certain "technological" practices.
  Along with that, insight can be caused artificially when keeping of the specified three positions, exemplified by the actions of shamans and sorcerers.
  An ordinary person, as a rule, does not remember what happened to him in this state. He remembers only the answer to the question, stated mentally. However often success in this state is not achieved, in particular, because the person fuzzy formulated a question or lacked the necessary training - there are no necessary representations, knowledge, abilities and experience; in this case the sense of the answer is distorted or the complete comprehension of the answer is not reached.
  Nevertheless, arrival of inspiration, in effect, is explained by local coincidence of interest, which is expressed in certain purpose, and experience of the person.
  Intensive interest, for example, can bring the person to state of excitation, and experience helps to formulate the questions correctly that often leads to "emergence from nowhere" of comprehension of an event or the answer which is required.
  In any case, the mechanism of intuition consists in such combination of the highest and lowest forms of consciousness, at which consciousness begins to work automatically (without reflections and logic), using all available databases of living beings, as it occurs at animals for their survival, and along with that into this automatic scheme relatively short-term are involved all practices of the person in the form of the gained experience in this sphere, the available knowledge and abilities with certain target orientation.
  Similar rather short-term harmonious merge of target programs of a self-consciousness and the ideal programs of the lowest consciousness for a survival which do not counteract each other, as usual, but work in unison, for example, helping the person to escape from a misfortune, reflects their reciprocal interest in an extreme situation whereas in routine circumstances their interests and aspirations, as a rule, vary that clearly is looked through in contradictory actions of each person.
  If voluntary or involuntary address of the person with a definite purpose to own lowest consciousness does not contradict aspirations of the last, related mainly to the survival of the organism, then the person receives necessary to him if, of course, he will understand the answer.
  To do this, and relevant experience is required.
  The person in the self-consciousness pushed back the lowest consciousness on the background and by that considerably came off from the environment, having become the subject into temporary process. In other words, he has understood that he is in temporary process with all advantages of this comprehension, but along with that he has lost former unity with the environment.
  However, the lowest consciousness did not disappear in him. It means, in principle, he is capable to shift of it into the forefront temporarily, that is to enter into it, but without loss of the highest consciousness, without forgetting who is he actually, and, thanks to this, at some point to get out of the lowest consciousness, more precisely, to shift it again to the background.
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