Неделько Григорий Андреевич : другие произведения.

The Message

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    [Текст песни.]

Your screaming words
Burn out the ground
Your thunder voice
Is awfully loud
Your passion though
Is much too hot
Goodbye baby
Like it or not

Lightning strikes
Fire eyes
Lord in the skies
I"m tired

I got the me-me-message
For you-u-u
And it say-ay-ays
Shut up your mouth
Get out of my way
Shut up your mouth
Get out of my way
Shut up your mouth
Get out of my way
Now it"s O"K

Never the truth
Hurting with lies
Where is my youth?
I"m broken supply
Got to escape
Fight it and run
A mental rape
Is over and done

Holy God
Look what I got
I"ve got to find
My sight

I got the me-me-message
For you-u-u
And it say-ay-ays
Shut up your mouth
Get out of my way
Shut up your mouth
Get out of my way

I got the me-me-message
For you-u-u
And it say-ay-ays
Shut up your mouth
Get out of my way
Shut up your mouth
Get out of my way
Shut up your mouth
Get out of my way
Now it"s O"K

Never the truth
Hurting with lies
Where is my youth?
I"m broken supply
Your screaming voice
Burns out the ground
Your thunder words
Are fucking too loud

Lightning strikes
Fire eyes
Lord in the skies
Where is my sight?!

I got the me-me-message
For you-u-u
And it say-ay-ays
Shut up your mouth
Get out of my way
Shut up your mouth
Get out of my way

I got the me-me-message
For you-u-u
And it say-ay-ays
Shut up your mouth
Get out of my way
Shut up your mouth
And get out of my way

I got the me-me-message
For you-u-u
And it say-ay-ays
Shut up your mouth
Get out of my way
Shut up your mouth
Get out of my way
Shut up your mouth
Get out of my way
Finally O"K

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