Неделько Григорий Андреевич : другие произведения.

Mama Let Me Go On Cyrbool

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    [На музыку КранКа и Рубера из игры "СамоГонки".]

"Mama Let Me Go On Cyrbool"


	Mamamama let me go
Let me go on Cyrbool
	Mamamama let me go
On Cyrbool


	Mamamama let me go
Let me go on Cyrbool
	Mamamama let me go
On Cyrbool

	Mamamama let me go
Let me go on Cyrbool
	Mamamama let me go
On Cyrbool

	It's eternal like an eight
	Gonna be your weight
	Gotta be a stand
	Understand it

	It's your heaven in your hell
	And your bottomless well
	It's got to be the end
	Just accept it

	Pa pa pa pa pa pa pa
	Pa pa pa pa pa pa pa


	Mamamama let me go
Let me go on Cyrbool
	Mamamama let me go
On Cyrbool

Mamamama let me go
Let me go on Cyrbool
	Mamamama let me go
On Cyrbool

	Pa pa pa
	Pa pa pa

	Pa pa pa
	Pa pa pa

	It's eternal like an eight
	Gonna be your weight
	Gotta be a stand
	Understand it

	It's your heaven in your hell
	And your bottomless well
	It's got to be the end
	Just accept it

Pa pa pa pa pa pa pa
	Pa pa pa pa pa pa pa

	Pa pa pa pa Cyrbool
	Pa pa pa pa Cyrbool

Mamamama let me go
Let me go on Cyrbool
	Mamamama let me go
On Cyrbool

Mamamama let me go
Let me go on Cyrbool
	Mamamama let me go
On Cyrbool

	The end

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