Неделько Григорий Андреевич : другие произведения.

In The Twilight

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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Earth is shaking
Ground is breaking
Everybody"s having fun
Wanna dance and touch the sun
Night is calling
Train"s still rolling
Everyone"s involved
From young to old
Turn off the light
Make the twilight

In the twilight
Make the pleasure with no pain
In the twilight
Do it all again
In the twilight
Make the pleasure with no pain
In the twilight
Do it all again

Body language
Cries for damage
Do it with your hand
This night I"m a man
Shout out loud
There"s no doubt
Baby let me in
And we won"t give in
Shoot for the night
Time for the twilight

In the twilight
Make the pleasure with no pain
In the twilight
Do it all again
In the twilight
Make the pleasure with no pain
In the twilight
Do it all again
In the twilight
Make the pleasure with no pain
In the twilight
Do it all again
In the twilight
Make the pleasure with no pain
In the twilight
Do it all again

In the twilight
Make the pleasure with no pain
In the twilight
Do it all again
In the twilight
Make the pleasure with no pain
In the twilight
Do it all again
In the twilight
Make the pleasure with no pain
In the twilight
Do it all again
In the twilight
Make the pleasure with no pain
In the twilight
Do it all again
In the twilight
Make the pleasure with no pain
In the twilight
Do it all again
In the twilight
Make the pleasure with no pain
In the twilight
Do it all again

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