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19. What Other Pir Ideas Are There Outside The P I R ?

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    Here is made a review of a heap of various PIR, i.e. scientific and original, ideas and propositions, in all works of the author, outside this folder. This is as if a guide in this regard.
    Keywords: scientific propositions, ideas, researches, own and original, in English.



     Propositions, Ideas, Realizations is shorten to PIR not only for brevity but also because the word "pir" in Russian or Bulgarian means feast, and such ideas I have, in fact, everywhere. I as if only with this occupy myself, that give to the people all kinds of ideas what to do and how to do it, but somebody more educated has to advise them, after all. And I, as I like to boast (since I have ceased to work in my specialty and began to be interested in various social problems, what happened quite a long time before, somewhere 25 years back), have 2.5 tertiary educations, received in 3 different countries, and know 4 languages (let's hope that soon I will be able to say also foreign, not counting the Bulgarian, yet for the moment with it; or then can be said that I know 4.5 languages), so that I can be counted for well educated, can't I? Well, some of the readers can object that people, unlike me, are usually realists, and for this reason they don't give so many ideas which there is nobody to realize. I can't say that in such statement isn't a grain of truth, but then I can justify myself with this, that I simply like the game of mind, the invention of various tricks and novelties, the speculations with ideas, as is said, and think that can safely take that 3-4 percents of the people also like such things (in fact, the wide majority of people use what other persons offer to them, they don't do everything by themselves), and in our overpopulated world the number of these people can reach about hundreds of millions.
     For this reason I give ideas, and when my special folder for such things exists then I would like to stroll here by all my other works, in order to stress where can be found similar ideas and propositions, so that this material is a kind of guide. Till the year 2015 I think that it is time to finish with the big ideas, and in this case with this material I as if round off, but if there will emerge something worth the efforts then I will simply put the thing in question in this folder, yet I doubt this, I intend to translate everything in English and write further chiefly in English, until I still walk about this world.
     So, then let us begin, where I will follow the order in which the folders with my works are placed.

     1. Dummy-folder
     Here are my independent works that can't be included in other folders. The main thing in it is my "The communism as religion", my first serious book, although it is not big. This is quite a motley thing, popular study, as I called it, but together with enumeration of more than dozen characteristics of the communism as religion, its differences from the other religions, its past and future, follows very original chapter about one invented religion, the pentaism (from the word five), which as if happens to be continuation of the communism in most liberated form. I will not insist now that it will happen really so, people don't like to give much thought (in order to appraise its reasonability), but the originality is in this, that this is atheistical religion, although for many people, as well also for the very atheists, this sounds as open contradiction. The mere statement that the atheists are believers is already original idea, to say nothing about the very pentaism, which essence is in accounting for cause and effect relations, as well also in the joining of faith and reason (and heredity, etc., there are five things there). So, and as if this is not enough, I have added later one multilingual poetical Appendix about various communist addressings, what is also my personal observation and this point of view is, obviously, original (you can bet that nobody of the communists nowadays has thought about this, yet several centuries before, when these words were coined, somebody has thought, although not in such critical and comical aspect like the author).
     Further I may put here some other things, like part of my poetry, where one can hardly say that there are ideas and propositions, yet if one begins to search one can find something. After this here may appear other things that are also original, but as literary techniques, like "Myrski against Myrski", "Myrski's testament" and maybe something else, yet these are not really scientific ideas, just non-traditional thoughts.

     2. Curious Manifestos
     This is a whole book, and it is everywhere full with scientific ideas, new models of democracy, they are dozen there! They are entirely different, and in their own way criticize the democracy (which is worth only this, to be criticized, when contradicts to the common sense), where some of them are quite complicated for exact understanding, if the common reader tries to perceive the mathematical apparatus that is used in them (but this is not necessary, this convinces only people with scientific way of thinking, who are not more than 3-4%), where others a chiefly comical, yet all, these and those, are quite reasonable. Exactly this is the main characteristic of utopian models, that they are reasonable (but the people -- not much). Nevertheless they can be applied directly, or with some variation, and each model will bring some bettering of democratical governing, but will hardly make it worse (there is nowhere worse, in fact). In this book are also quite refreshing aphorisms in the Afterword, and one significantly better democratic variant, which the author has named "Hurray, Is It Possible?" (Government of the Reasonable Alternative), what in Russian or Bulgarian has initials URA, what means exactly "hurray", and in this way the dozen has become "devil" one (of 13 pieces). Really, this whole book deserves to be put in this here folder, but this is not proper, the folder is for shorter things. Confirmation of this, that the "Manifestos" are quite scientific for the common reader is the fact that they are ... less read than the other things (less than, say, the "Communism", "Cynical essays", some publicistic materials, social science fiction, verses, and others).

     3. Ten Cynical Essays
     This also is untraditional book, popular philosophy, and quite realistic (the cynicism is first of all unprejudiced realism, at least in the understanding of the author), and in it are not a few original ideas, yet it can't b said that it is teeming with PIR ideas. Nevertheless the approach is not usual (who writes nowadays cynical books?; vulgar ones are written, and actions and thrillers, but this is not cynicism) and almost everywhere there is something personal, from the author. Let me say by a pair of words for each of the ten chapters: in "About the Creation" is shown how God is reduced to pure necessity; in "About the woman and the man" is discussed, naturally, about the differences between the two sexes, not about the equality (of it there is not a trace left), and these differences are justified, they are necessary; in "About the mankind" is shown with what the society is bad, what is missing in it, and with what the civilization is more or less good, but leaves a lot to be desired; in "About the intellect" is investigated this notion from deep antiquity and up to current days, is discussed about the reason, and about this, that the intellect is, still, an undeveloped instinct, why this is so, et cetera; in "About the religion" is acquitted the concept about the opium and delusion, is spoken about the morality, is shown that for the majority of people it is necessary, are debated the theses about existence of God, about the atheism (which does not mean impiety) and that the atheists are also believers, and even about the communism as new religion; and let me put the point here because this is the middle of the book.
     Further, in "About the democracy" is cleared why this contradicting to the common sense notion is such important and suitable, is spoken about the zero decision, about conditional advantages, about drawbacks of real democracies, as well also about possible utopian models; in "About the violence" is explained why it (as extreme degree of compulsion) is necessary in our world, and after this are examined various manifestations of violence, like wars, genocide, fanaticism, terror, and others; in "About the justice" is elaborated one ancient Eastern thesis that our world is the only possible, is discussed about the right of the strong and about the justice (for the weak), about escapism from reality and affirmation of the ego, about happiness and moderation, as well also about the advantages and disadvantages of the freedom; in "About the population" is applied one approach of the author (in fact, scientific) for computing of optimal human population on the earth globe, how this can be reached, as also about the human life span; in "About the future" are firstly given (in author's vision) the constant tendencies in development of the society, then the unchangeable principles in this process, and in the end is judged about the near and distant future; with what the number ten is reached. But all this is not enough for the author, he gives also the "Constitution of Cynicland", with the rights and obligations of the individual, of what consists the Public Reason (i.e. the Government), and how have to be performed Parliamentary elections in this state of cynics. So that this may not be real PIR, but there are many propositions, ideas, and realizations about bettering of the society in the book.

     4. Now, look here!
     This is enormous book (more than 50 papers, and every year something new is added to it). It is almost impossible to explain what it contains, for there are all possible things in it, but at least for some of them must be said something, because, no matter that at least half of them are old (20 or even more years), they, almost all of them, continue to be actual (because there are discussed important and almost unchangeable characteristic of the objects). In the first part are more serious things, which I think are for journals. The first material here is "Essay on the common sense", what is from the time of perestroika and is left for comparison (which were our problems before and which are they now, when the democracy has come, what for Bulgaria is synonymous with poverty and misery). Then in "About the turn to the left" are explained pulse relationships in politology, which arise when one stable state of the things is changed with another; in "How much has to win a company ...?" is applied one method of the author for finding of conditions when a company works without any gain under conditions of high inflation; in "Too good is not good!" the talk is about the Currency Board in Bulgaria, which as much has helped us, twice more has hampered us to develop really free; in "Are we free, or on the contrary?" is dwelt on the topic that the transition to democracy was reduced for Bulgaria, in fact, to obvious enslavement by better developed economies, as also are discussed the possible ways out of the situation; in "Political gratitude", though this is politically engaged material, are also applied reasonable arguments about this which political party, most of all, has messed the things and confused our people so much that has led to catastrophe equivalent to military devastation.
     This, surely, is not the end of the first part. Further comes "Neo-Malthusianism, or ...", in which are expressed the main ideas from the essay about population, about this that the world has become too overpopulated, when, and how can be dealt with this; in "Myths about democracy" is focussed on a dozen widely spread (and not true) myths about this how good thing the democracy is, here everything is thought through by the author, though there is no sense to claim for priority of discovering of obvious things; in "About the ownership and its future" is discussed the question of property, far away from the communist view to the point, yet also in no way like the "democrats" look at it, this is the main stumbling stone in the economical area, all speculate with these questions, but nobody (except your author) has looked at the things in the right light, where the author even makes prognoses about the future capitalism, generating one important PIR proposition. Next, in "In ovo e veritas" is expressed one original idea about using of the egg as universal money unit, where the very idea belongs not to the author, but he shows its justification for applying and gives detailed tables; in "Oh, 'manci, 'manci -pation!" are exhibited for the first time the main ideas from the essay about the woman and the man; in "What we want to tell the world?" are reviewed various Bulgarian symbols, objects, and names, and the very way of putting of the things is pretty bold (because the smaller one nation is, the louder it trumpets about itself), but the theses are treated unorthodoxly and with etymological researches in various cases.
     Further come already new things, like "In Bulgaria everything is quiet" and "Political parties in Bulgaria", which are political, but here also are applied entirely untraditional, and in no way politological methods and means, here everything is unique and in the same time more scientific and philosophical; then in "About the degradation of morality" is looked from philosophical positions at the question of degradation of morality, acquitting it in some extent, but not much; and in the last till 2014 material "Is it possible moderate communism ...?" is given the author's opinion on the reasonable, or moderate, or future communism, which in the same time is also the same capitalism, what in any event is unorthodox look at the things, but, still, the right one. If there emerges something more here, then almost surely there will also be some PIR ideas of the author.
     Ah, but this was only the first part of the book with publicistic materials, and the second, where the narration is as if simpler, is designed for newspapers. Here already the first material, which was written exactly before 20 years, is dedicated to the truth about Bulgaria, which reduces to this, that we are incredibly poor, the situation now is the same, and I can't see how it can change in the near half a century. Further, in "About the market and ..." are explained some basic truths about the market, that we have still not learned; in "Do you want to lose your 13th pension?" is revealed an idea about dividing of deposits from the standpoint of better profitability, which is trivial, but despite of this is not applied by the people; in "Time to draw conclusions" is discussed the question about the center in our political life, which was absent then by us, but is absent also now, and for this reason (generally, yet not solely) we continue to be outsiders in Europe; in "About the elections and ..." are given some basic principles about democratic elections, which are discussed also in other places; in "Requiem for one coalition" is explained the inevitable disintegration of Bulgarian notorious UDF (Union of Democratic Forces), that obviously happened soon after this; further is said something more about the democracy; and then is explained "What we have messed with the Currency Board", what is reduced to this, that we have chosen the most inappropriate moment for this.
     Further comes one material about the convergence of socialism to capitalism, a thing that happened, but which we have stubbornly denied before, and by this is stressed that here, too, we have messed everything; then in "Why the communism has fallen down?" is given one entirely unorthodox version about this, dividing the society in debtors and creditors, who are linked between them with financial chains, which force them to work for the others, not against them; in "And where are we?" is shown one comparison of Bulgaria of fifteen years ago with others ex-communist countries, which is still actual (Ukraine as if tries now with big delay to compete with us about outsider position, but, at least in economical terms, it will positively not succeed). Then the "Predictions for the year 1999" can be equally well applied also to the year 2015, only that from the prices must be taken away the last three zeros; then "Can the Bulgarian pay 50% taxes?" is also permanently valid material, and not only for our country; then follow more or less trivial contemplations about homosexuality; then are placed two materials about democracy, which provide no new sight at the thing only if you have read everything else what Myrski has written about it, but otherwise they are, as usually, unorthodox.
     Further more, in "A step forward and two back" is discussed again the Currency Board (and not according with the "flute" of wealthy Western countries); "Again sharp turn" is dedicated to the "tsarist" party, which has emerged for two months (and has dissolved itself for two mandates); "Oh God, what we eat!" is not political paper, yet it not only mentions the massive spread of food substitutes, but also proposes strategies to combat this, as well a new symbol for marking of such products; the "Cocks" we will leave in peace, these are contemplations about this, that the birds in many aspects are better than the people; "Does global warming exist?" is typical PIR material, because it not only discovers the real situation but proposes how to fight with it (with already characteristic for the author utopian, yet wholly realizable, methods) and pictures the near future (which he will not live to see).
     Further stays again political material, about "The fatal 2013 year in Bulgaria" where everything seems elementary, but if is applied the non-trivial sight of Myrski, and where is made a prediction when the current economical crisis will end (in the middle of ... 2022-nd year -- well, we'll wait and see), is inspected the GERB-party, and what only not; in "Why we vote, when we ... don't vote?" is shown typical Myrski's nontrivial look at the elections, where people vote not "pro", but mainly in order to prevent coming to power of a hateful for them party, and is given ordering of the parties of that time according to the hatred to them, is predicted the falling down of socialists and the complete hopelessness in political regard (although all parties are right in their way). Then in "About the fascism ..." is cast (again) untraditional and maybe conciliatory look at the existence of extreme right-wing parties, what has to be done, how to combat the situation (via approving of a series of reasonable and utopian measures); and in "About the social Ministry ..." are shown the views of the author on the necessity of existing of Social Ministry in Bulgaria for to fight with the poverty of entire population, here everything is listed by points, in nearly ready form for applying by reasonable rulers (who, of course, are missing).
     The new things from 2014 are: "How to improve democratic protests?" where are explained the views of your author about bettering of democratic ruling through correct expression of the will and wishes of the people, which views, naturally, are also original (and for that reason also questionable); further comes "Read Chris Myrski (in the sense of political reviews)", which material is dedicated to not yet solved political crisis in Bulgaria (which will be solved when the economical crisis ends, which will end -- look a bit above), but in it are some other small ideas; and the last for the moment thing is "Thoughts about Ukraine", which is in unison with the title, so that there are various PIR-ideas about what to do there (i.e. this is not political review and may not correspond with the real situation there in the moment of publication). More things I as if don't intend to publish here, I think to switch to the English, but can't promise you that my hands will not begin to itch for to "scribe" a heap of (surely not just a pair of lines) on some theme.
     Ah, but there follows now a chapter with feuilletons, where almost everywhere are original (and even PIR) ideas, like: in "The extremal solution" is given one purely mathematical idea about search of extremum in not at all ideal mathematical environment; in the next two materials about reformation of Bulgarian language (which for various reasons are not translated, neither in Russian, nor in English) are outlined in comical aspect the actual ideas about fighting with the contamination of all languages in present days; then "New laws -- ..." focuses on some unpopular measures during the ruling of Government of last faithful communist Zhan Videnov, which, however strange it seams, have helped (as far as this was possible) to save many bank savings of the population; "Heads up, Bulgarians!" shows in humorous terms the "beneficial" influence that the democracy exercises on the living standard of Bulgarian; "Are you ready for the elections?", after etymological clarifications about this what are the election for the people, proposes 7 permanently actual methods for easing of political elections for the whole population. Then in "Nomen est numen!" is used one typically PIR-ish, although also comical, sight at the significance of the name for a political figure, where are used various etymological observations of the author; further in "How to fill the treasury" are proposed ten new taxes, which wholly comply with the saying that in every joke is a grain of truth, they are constantly actual; and in the last till now feuilleton about the cockroaches are explained various semi-scientific reasons about their usefulness, or at least about the necessity to put up with their presence in our homes.
     So, and in the last chapter, "Others", are put various other publicistic materials, like: "Actual political dictionary", which contains aphorisms about politicians and have some intersection with the Afterword to the "Manifestos"; "An open question" is a joke with various democratic views at an unexpected situation; "About the trees and the people" observes in popular terms questions of pulse politology (from "About the turn to the left"); in "Dozen questions for deliberation" is used the approach from the opposite for proving of a heap of drawbacks of democracy; "Could one cope with it?!" dwells on various incorrect condition in the social security of Bulgarians, the question is still actual; and this is all till the end of 2015 (on some sites here is again the idea about new calendar).

     5. Social Problems
     This folder is not very big (and will also not become big) and in it are grouped in new design a series of discussed on various places themes, which have social significance nowadays. First "Democratic Values" shows that in the democracy, in fact, are no ideas or values, it is just so, dust in the eyes of populace; this is typically PIR material with scientific approach to the theme, with original observations (contradicting with the official views) and with various propositions for bettering of the democracy, as well also with poetical Appendix in English about the honours it deserves. The next theme is the well-known French phrase "Cherchez la femme", where the women and the men are observed, their common characteristics, the question about emancipation, and so on, and all this also with scientific approach, with etymological proofs of the views of ancient nations to these matters, and with the traditional for the author original way of thinking, what is also a PIR thing. Further come "Social Evils", where as if is no place for special personal contribution, yet it exists (there are cited some of the features of the living matter from the essay about Creation) and are discussed many important social problems again in nontraditional way, and in the end is also included poetical Appendix.
     In "Bulgarian Survival" are almost no special ideas, yet something can be found, there are mentioned ancient rules for good and moderate life, the main strategies of survival, and are given many examples for finding of natural food, what is pretty actual in our time of surrogates. But in "Our Inability To Destroy" are expressed again PIR ideas about this how the major social problems in the present times are reduced chiefly to this, that we don't know how painless to destroy, in order to close the corresponding cycles, and because of this they are closed with unnecessary wasting of "biological matter", understand people; the way of narration is philosophical and etymological (in places), and teems with various ideas, including about the pensioning and about some informational units, and is also equipped with poetical Appendix in English. For the moment this is all, but as far as I five years carry in my head the idea about a new booklet on Bulgarian ... barbarism (for it is so), then maybe I will write it some time, where I intend first to convince the reader that we, really, are considerably big barbarians, and later to explain that this is not so bad, this has its good sides, and the very theme, the scientific and philosophical approach, and the convincing (I hope) cumulative proofs will be again symptoms of PIR ideas.

     6. For Arabs, Chinese, and Hindus
     Well, in two words, here also brims with original ideas in the style of Myrski, i.e. such that I call PIR-feast (in scientific sense) ideas, but exactly this folder is not yet written to the moment of translating of this text in English. Still, I can tell you now what it will contain for the reason that it will be adaptation (here not verbal translation) of the things from the folder "For all CIS people" where I elaborate to the end one really bold -- yet quite justified, in my opinion -- idea about making of Bulgarian language for world standard (etalon), i.e. for official language of entire world! Here have to be mainly 3 materials. Firstly comes "Bulgarian lessons", in which I will give no lessons, naturally (this is too traditional for me), but I use this title as a bit catching the readers. What I will do here is to make comparative analysis of Bulgarian language with the language of narration, here English (and there Russian), which is good enough for initial acquaintance with it for all who can read it, and it contains (or will) explanations about Bulgarian phonetics, its simplicity (easier than almost any other language), the types of vowels and consonants (from "Illiterate world"), then some short grammar (which is also very simple -- we have no cases, no special tenses, and the gender of the words can be obtained from their endings), then a super-short dictionary with Bulgarian words used to show that the major part of the words are understandable (and here, with the English, I will use surely many European roots, more or less common to the readers). Then will be "Under Bulgarian banner" where will be elaborated the idea about perfect suitability of Bulgarian as official world language, its major advantages in alphabetic, phonetic, grammar, and political aspect, and will be explained which nations and why can prefer the Bulgarian, as also forecasted some estimation about the next 20-30 or so years of transition. ( In the CIS folder there is one small open letters about the very name of this union, because the current one is only working term, otherwise it sounds at least funny, but they, as is said, don't give a damn about this, and, anyway, this is not for Arabs et cetera. ) And the third material here will be with the also bold name "Down with the English" (as world standard), where I will explain why the English is so bad, super-simplified, not qualitative enough, with mixing of all grammatical categories, with utmost unsuitable alphabet, not at all easy for good speaking (one begins easy to speak it but later makes all possible errors, especially in writing), and, with one word, vulgar, uneducated language, so that the problem with world-wide spoken language is vital and unsolved. For the moment I don't plan to put more materials here, but it depends on the response of the readers, so that it might happen that I will add also a thing.
     So, then follows the very PIR folder, which I leave without comments, because there everything is just a scientific feast (for the intelligent reader).

     7. Homo Rationalis
     This is collection of social science fiction, and because it isn't of adventure type but rather philosophical and social, then it, too, unavoidably, makes some contact with the PIR-area. In each story there are important ideas and are given their reasonable solutions. Here are also etymologically oriented pieces, but all are rich with ideas, on account of what can be objected that there are no conflict situations, they are shown schematically, people don't compete to do ... stupid things (because this is what the actions and conflicts mean, they all can be solved without special actions, but reasonable, what the author also does). It can be said that this is simply an SF-PIR, with all its pluses and minuses.

     8. Urrh, cum commentis
     This is enormous book, and it was initially written in English, and because it not only seems but is pretty strange (as a genre) let me say a pair of sentences about it. This is popular etymology, or Creation of the whole world and life on it, but shown through the prism of all languages, here is spoken about various ideas hidden in the words or rather in the links between similar words in different Indo-European languages. Here is the very real to the bones scientific feast-PIR. Everything is interesting, if one shows speculative thinking, everything is natural, original, yet at the same time vulgar in places, because this is the way how the common people think, for the words are exactly folk art. But because all this is not enough for the author he makes on various places comments and suggestions, which can be found also at once in [] brackets by the index I_comments and I_suggestions.

     Well, with this as if may be finished, because there is no reason to speak about some special ideas in my verses, they are simply merry, comical, and not quite decent. Bur something else can appear some time later, and I don't think all the time to add here and there by something, so that let me say also what can be expected.
     So, the main PIR thing that can be expected somewhere in 2018-2020 (if I will live long enough) this is Russian (and only) variant of my multi-lingual dictionary EXPLAIN, which (and this in Bulgarian, and also unpublished) was used as source for creating of the Urrh. This will be simply translation in Russian, so that in it will be many Bulgarian words in the very index, but so will be easier for me, and in this way it will be accessible also to people understanding (or learning, for I, after all, hope that such people will emerge) Bulgarian (you know, the Russians can understand Bulgarian, and v.v.), or else there will be many old Russian words, because the Bulgarian is nearer to the Church-Slavonic, than the Russian. The dictionary is organized as data base and I intend to preserve somehow these small pages, where in the beginning will be the words of the index, and then the explanations. We shall see, everything depends on the time that I can spend, because I translate myself for the moment only in English (with the Russian have finished before a pair of years), but in full, yet I think to come also to the German for my first three "whales".
     Later on can emerge my "Letters to the posterity" again in English, and maybe partially, i.e. while I write the book (but if can succeed to write the first, say, 13 from them). They will contain many PIR ideas, yet there will hardly emerge something principally new, everything will be repetition (and evolvement) of my old ideas about the life on Earth (and its surroundings).
     I have also some other ideas in linguistic aspect, but they will be originally in English, and if something emerges then you will somehow understand about what it goes. So that with this I end this closing PIR material.

     Dec 2014

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