Миллер Рудольф Андреевич : другие произведения.

Prayer As An Expression Of Our Free Will For The Coming Of Mashaha

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    About the article. The Shamai Secret School of Judaism, in its ideology, forbids us to fulfill the 248 Restrictive Commandments of the Torah, reduced to the Two Commandments in the Gospel, to the COMING OF MASHAH! Maybe she was right in this, when SPIRITUAL DECLINE came like the Jordan River, due to the Kalpa Iron Age, for example, without baptism in WATER in this River! But this Kalpa is FINISHED, and now we have the right to prayer to ask for a DECREASE IN OUR LAND OF MASHAKHA! But the sages of Judaism still tell us that in order to fulfill the 613th Commandment of the Torah: "Love your neighbor as yourself!"; it becomes necessary to remember and keep all the Commandments that precede it! And this can tell us that it is the Gospel that CRAFTS the need for us to remember and fulfill all the Torah Commandments! No wonder the Two Candles are visibly lit at the meeting of Shabbat of Judaism and are called: "REMEMBER AND FOLLOW!" ... In this article, we intend to explore this issue!


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   ISBN 5-648-02819-9
   No 2020 - R.A. Miller.
   About the article. The Shamai Secret School of Judaism, in its ideology, forbids us to fulfill the 248 Restrictive Commandments of the Torah, reduced to the Two Commandments in the Gospel, to the COMING OF MASHAH! Maybe she was right in this, when SPIRITUAL DECLINE came like the Jordan River, due to the Kalpa Iron Age, for example, without baptism in WATER in this River! But this Kalpa is FINISHED, and now we have the right to prayer to ask for a DECREASE IN OUR LAND OF MASHAKHA! But the sages of Judaism still tell us that in order to fulfill the 613th Commandment of the Torah: "Love your neighbor as yourself!"; it becomes necessary to remember and keep all the Commandments that precede it! And this can tell us that it is the Gospel that CRAFTS the need for us to remember and fulfill all the Torah Commandments! No wonder the Two Candles are visibly lit at the meeting of Shabbat of Judaism and are called: "REMEMBER AND FOLLOW!" ...
   In this article, we intend to explore this issue!


   Since, nevertheless, the need for us to remember and obey the Commandments, this leads us to the need to understand this Torah, which has FOUR SPIRITUAL LEVELS IN THE so-called PARDIS, where its LEVELS are: 1. FULL - SIMPLE, for example which can be perceived only by "NAGGAL" having "EARS TO HEAR"; 2. CRAFTS - HINT, for example, which can only be perceived by a sage; 3. DRUSH - REQUIRED, for example, which only a prophet can perceive; 4. SODA - SECRET, for example, which can only be perceived by the HIGH OCCASOR entering into the HOLY OF HOLY CHURCH!
   And this obliges us to deal with all the ERRORS that are SPECIFIED - SION in this TORA!


   The Torah tells us that Cain killed the beloved God Abel!
   So what?
   And the fact that Abel is the FATHER FORCE! But in matter, according to the same Torah, "Ka Yin" kills THIS FORCE OF THE FATHER! And indeed, for example, we can observe that the grain, falling into the ground, dies, but the sprout of some plant may appear! When a sperm cell enters the female egg, it also dies, but it gives growth to the embryo of the Living Being! This reveals to us the Sacrament of the Torah! We are looking in the Abrahamic religions for the One God the Father, and as a result we find ourselves in the "Tsim Tsum space", for example, which Kryon speaks of as the existence of a certain Interdimensional Network, where we can only find Him - God "will resolve" information, which, for example, in the Gospel, He is already represented by Some Son of Yeshua as the Living Word of God, whose Name is formed only when we, having gathered two or three, in His Name, carry the Unpronounceable Name of God, from Heaven to Earth, where the Sign of Tires from Power is added to this Unpronounceable Name God ini Shekhinah, and then even the utterly pronounced Name Yeshua is formed, in Greek Jesus, and in Russian - the Savior !!!
   And for this reason that Cain killed Abel, here on Earth, with our embodiment in matter, we can not use the Force of God the Father, because it is killed in the matter of Ka Yin, but only by the Force of the Mother as the Goddess Shekhinah, in ancient Hinduism called the Goddess of Kundalini or the Goddess of Shakti, and in isoteric Christianity - the Goddess Pistis Sofia!


   But what is this tower?
This Tower is only a BODY OF ANY MAN!
But why should it be built?
   It must be built because we are born babies! And our body must grow to its adult state!
But why then did God punish Humanity for this construction of his physical body?
   Because when this body has already grown, then, having free will on Earth, we should already switch from the material construction of this BODY to HIS SPIRITUAL CONSTRUCTION!
   So, if the material construction of the human body is somehow connected with the Element Earth, then its Spiritual construction can already be connected with the next Element Water, which in science is already presented as some LIFE ENERGY! And this energy flows through the various Energy Channels of man! But the main channels of man are nevertheless his Front - Middle Channel, called FUNCTIONAL, and Rear - Middle Channel, called the MANAGING!


   In the human energy system, the posterior median (Du-Mai, China.) And the anteromedian (Zhen-May, China.) Channels occupy a special place. They are considered as the "trunk" of the entire energy system, while the twelve classic pair channels are considered as branches fed from this trunk. Thus, the posterior median and anteromedian channels are the most important channels of the entire human energy system. I will give the topography of the middle channels, as it is described in classical Chinese bioenergy. According to these traditional ideas, the posterior median canal starts from the coccyx, rises up the spine to the back of the head, then passes through the crown, and then descends down the midline of the head through the forehead, interbrow, through the nose and ends in the middle of the frenulum of the upper lip (Zhen-Zhong point )
   The anteromedian canal, according to classical ideas, begins in the perineum, between the anus and genitals (the zone of the important acupuncture point Hui-yin), rises up the front surface of the body (strictly along the midline), passes through the stomach, chest, neck, chin and ends on the bridle of the tongue.
   Such is the traditional topography of the posterior-median and anteromedian canals, as given in the classical Chinese bioenergy theory. In my opinion, although these ideas should be taken as a basis, they nevertheless need some adjustment. And here, in connection with the need for adjustment, with humor it can be argued: "DU-MAY MAN! THINK! "...
   The posterior median canal belongs to the Yang category and is associated with all Yang canals, both manual and foot. For this reason, in the Chinese tradition he was called the "father of all the Yang channels." But Cain then killed Abel! The anteromedian canal belongs to the Yin category and is associated with all the Yin canals, both manual and foot ..
   Another important issue is the direction of energy circulation. Traditionally, in all guides on acupuncture, generally on oriental "reflexotherapy", an upward direction of energy movement is set both along the posterior median channel and the anteromedian. However, according to Taoist yoga, energy must rise up the posterior middle channel, sublimating the sexual energy accumulating in the lower part of the body, and lower down the anterior middle channel, thereby creating a "basis for sublimation". In this case, both middle channels are closed into a single ring of vital energy circulation (the so-called "microcosmic orbit" or the Taoist circle of energy circulation (see Fig. 1).

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Fig. 1. The Taoist circle of energy circulation.

   Life energy can also move along the middle channels and in the opposite direction to that indicated in the Taoist "cinnabar books", that is, along the anteromedian upward, and along the posteromedian upward (the reverse circle of vital energy circulation) (see Fig.2)

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   Fig. 2. The reverse circle of energy circulation.
    In both cases, energy circulates in a closed ring, which has both an ascending branch and a descending one. Normally, the energy system functions as a balance of ascending and descending energy flows forming a closed loop - the energy ring.
   Thus, the bioenergy concept is based on the fact that the energy of the human body can function in two alternative modes - in the Taoist circle mode and in the reverse circle mode.
   In the classical Chinese bioenergy theory, there are not two, but three different modes of energy circulation. This is the Way of Fire, the Way of the Wind, corresponding to the reverse circle and, finally, the Way of Water, which, upon closer inspection, turns out to be a kind of Taoist circle.
   Energy-meditation practice can be carried out either on the basis of the Taoist circle, or on the basis of the reverse circle. These two modes of energy circulation are not equivalent. Here is what Chinese master Yang Junmin writes about this in his book, The Roots of Chinese Qigong:
   "Generally speaking, the Wind Path of qi circulation is not as popular as the Path of Fire. This method (the Way of the Wind, the reverse circle - V.K.) makes qi move in the direction opposite to its natural or normal course. Therefore, many qigong supporters believe that this option disrupts the normal movement of qi and causes problems. "
   Thus, Master Junming speaks out in favor of the Taoist regime of energy circulation. The same opinion, according to him, is shared by many qigong supporters. At the same time, a highly surprising fact is revealed - from the currently existing dynamic forms of qigong and internal (that is, based on energy-meditative practices) styles of Chinese martial arts, not a single one that uses the Taoist regime of energy circulation is visible. Not one, even among the diverse styles of Tai Chi Chuan - the most meditative and most Taoist martial art. All of them are based solely on the reverse mode of energy circulation. Thus, a paradox takes place in the development of Chinese qigong: the Taoist circle is theoretically preferred, but it is practically absent in real-life qigong and wushu systems.
   In both cases, energy circulates in a closed ring, which has both an ascending branch and a descending one. Normally, the energy system functions as a balance of ascending and descending energy flows forming a closed loop - the energy ring.
   Thus, the bioenergy concept is based on the fact that the energy of the human body can function in two alternative modes - in the Taoist circle mode and in the reverse circle mode.
   In the classical Chinese bioenergy theory, there are not two, but three different modes of energy circulation. This is the Way of Fire, the Way of the Wind, corresponding to the reverse circle and, finally, the Way of Water, which, upon closer inspection, turns out to be a kind of Taoist circle.
   Energy-meditation practice can be carried out either on the basis of the Taoist circle, or on the basis of the reverse circle. These two modes of energy circulation are not equivalent. Here is what Chinese master Yang Junmin writes about this in his book, The Roots of Chinese Qigong:
   "Generally speaking, the Wind Path of qi circulation is not as popular as the Path of Fire. This method (the Way of the Wind, the reverse circle - V.K.) makes qi move in the direction opposite to its natural or normal course. Therefore, many qigong supporters believe that this option disrupts the normal movement of qi and causes problems. "
   And here we need to draw the reader's attention to the fact that during the BAPTISM OF THE HUMAN IN THE JORDAN RIVER, a natural phenomenon may occur that the JORDAN RIVER BEGINS TO RISE UP! Isoteric Christianity hints at this natural phenomenon! Those. while the physical body of a person is growing, for example, up to 16 years, then the course of the Anterior - Middle Channel, called FUNCTIONAL, goes from bottom to top!
   But as soon as this growth ends, we, of our own free will, must turn off the operation of the Functional Channel! This obliges us to Judaism, so that we observe the SECRET OF NON-CONSCIOUSNESS in Shabbat! And this is also done in Taoist yoga, in the practice of a "microscopic orbit", when energy is sent from top to bottom through our FUNCTIONAL CHANNEL! And at the same time the FUNCTIONAL CHANNEL ceases to be valid!


   So, the termination of our FUNCTIONAL CHANNEL is carried out in order to observe the non-action of the SECRETS of SHABBAT when we prayerfully carry out the COMING MASHAHA: "NOT FOR US! BUT ONE OF YOURS, LET YOU FULFILL YOUR WILL! "...


In the application, we need to consider:

Awakening of the healing energy of the Tao

Taoist secrets of the cycle of internal energy

  Mantek Chia






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   OO SHKI "SATCHITANADA". Tashkent, with the assistance of the SCHOOL ETBIONAT, Himmel und Wolken e.V. Tashkent, Zolinќgen 2020 p. 10
   Responsibility Editor A.M. Gadzhiev.
   Approved by the Scientific and Methodological Council of SKIS, Schole, "Himmel und Wolken" e.V. as a teaching tool.






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