Михайлов Евгений Александрович : другие произведения.

How are you?

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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28 January 2020

How are you?

   Why'd you asked me again
   "How are you?"
   You don't care and your interest is not true.
   Many times strangers asked me the same thing,
   But no one tried and listens to my scream.
   You can say it is rude or possibly mean,
   Well, all right but this life it is not a dream.
   When someone stops and says "How are you?"
   I would like to give him some sort of a clue.
   It may shock, even stress I believe,
   Since you asked, give support. Or just leave.
   This is how we find who's strong,
   To invite them to survive damn long.
   Giving help is a gift not a crime.
   Follow words with strong deeds all the time.
   Glad to see decent people with us,
   Maybe they will be,
   The NEW upper class.

Yevgeniy M.

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