Михайлов Евгений Александрович : другие произведения.

Wonderful World

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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6 December 2019

Wonderful World.

   What a wonderful world being created for us,
   It has freedom and peace, and, a strong middle class.
   We were promised protection and safety for sure,
   And work has been done to find the ultimate cure.
   This is great, sometimes very hard to believe,
   People suffer from pain, desperation and grief.
   And the ones who were guarding our sleep and our rest,
   Some are drugged, some are killed, many simply suppressed.
   After watching TV, you feel shame and depressed,
   So much hate, dirt and lies very often expressed.
   No respect to the One who is leading us all,
   Only knives in his back but he's not a voodoo doll.
   What a wonderful world, I'm truly impressed,
   You can buy all you want, money makes you the "Best".
   This is what we were taught; it is deep inside us,
   This is how was built the very strong middle class.
   Can we change this one day? It is all in our hands,
   Start by taking the mask off from yourself and friends.
   Don't be shocked but be strong, I believe that we can,
   Build a Wonderful World for ourselves and for man!

Yevgeniy M.

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