Укрощение огня
Обезьяна взяла в руки палку и стала трудиться, но создание общества и связанного с ним технического прогресса, превратившего человека в "гомо сапиенс" произошло лишь после того, как человек получил от Прометея Огонь
Благодаря Огню Человек стал царем природы на Земле и вышел в космическое пространство.
Прошли десятки тысяч лет, и все это время Человек совершенствовал свое умение владеть огнем. Борьба за экономику горения продолжается и сегодня. Цена прогресса -- потепление атмосферы Земли из-за вредных выбросов газа из заводских труб и электростанций, а также двигателей всех мастей и назначений. Сегодня мы используем только незначительную часть энергии от сгораемого топлива, так как коэффициент полезного действия двигателя очень низкий.
Процесс горения топлива представляет собой химическое окисление углеводов кислородом воздуха.
Для полной (100%) химической реакции необходимо обеспечить контакт всех (без исключения) частичек углеводов с кислородом. Процесс подготовки топлива в цилиндрах (камерах сгорания) и горение составляет тысячные доли секунды, и за это время физически и химически невозможно закончить реакцию.
Газообразное топливо имеет большое преимущество перед жидким топливом в части полноты горения. Но для транспортных средств возникает масса проблем с хранением и взрывоопасностью газовой смеси.
Неполное сгорание приводит к удорожанию энергетики, увеличенному расходу топлива и загрязнению атмосферы угарными газами. Применение катализаторов и дожигателей топлива лишь повышает стоимость двигателей, уменьшает мощность и не всегда гарантирует чистый выход газов в атмосферу.
У автора есть наработки, которые позволяют дополнительно уменьшить расход топлива.
Устанавливая гомогенизатор на двигателях, можно управлять процессом горения по любой заранее разработанной программе.
Внедрение предложений удешевит работу энергетических установок и позволит почти вдвое уменьшить выброс газов в атмосферу.
Bak Yuri
Taming of fire
The ape took a stick and began to work, but the creation of society and technical progress that turned man into Homo sapiens took place only after man received Fire from Prometheus. Due to fire, man became the king of nature on the planet and went out into the space.
Many thousands of years have passed and all the time man has been busy improving his skill of wielding fire. The fight for the economics of burning goes on till now. The price of progress is the warming up of the earth atmosphere because of the harmful exhaust of gases from chimney-stalks and all kinds of engines. Today we use only a small part of energy contained in the burning fuel since the efficiency of engines is very low.
The burning process is chemical oxidation of hydrocarbons by the air oxygen. To ensure the full (100%) chemical reaction, all hydrocarbon particles (without exception) should be brought into full contact with oxygen.
The process of fuel preparation in cylinders (combustion chambers) and combustion itself lasts thousandth parts of a second; within this time it is impossible to finish the reaction completely.
From the point of view of combustion, the gaseous fuel has a great advantage over its liquid counterpart. However, if used for vehicles, there arise a lot of problems with its storage and explosion hazard of gas mixture.
The incomplete combustion entails rise in price of power engineering, increased consumption of fuel and atmosphere pollution with carbon monoxide. The use of catalysts and fuel afterburners only increases the price of engines, reduces their power and does not guarantee absence of harmful exhaust.
After careful examination of modern methods of combustion, our group of inventors managed to resolve the conflict between the fuel preparation and the process of chemical oxidation. We have developed a device that converts liquid fuel into gas, uniformly mixes it with air (in a ratio necessary for combustion) and feeds it in a form of air-gas mixture into the engine cylinders (combustion chambers). The device has no additional mechanical drive since the whole process occurs at the expense of the sucked or blowing air. The device of this kind is called homogenizer and the uniformly distributed mixture of fuel with air is called homogenous. The homogenous mixture burns in the engine cylinders with a high speed (practically in an instant); as this takes place; the gas releases the greatest energy.
The price of the proposed device in serial production is USD 1-2. The application of the device on engines manufactured in the Soviet Union allowed decreasing of fuel consumption by 10-12% in "Lada" cars, 15-17% in "Moskvich" cars and 20-25% in "Volga" cars. There was no exhaust of carbon monoxide into the atmosphere. The Lada drivers could use the 76-grade gasoline instead of the 92-grade without any sign of detonation.
The use of homogenizers will allow complete burning of fuel in internal combustion engines and boiler furnaces, which will decrease fuel consumption in reciprocating motors by 10-12% and in turbine and jet engines by 12-15%, as well as increase their efficiency and power, facilitate their start-up in cold seasons. There will be no need for afterburners and catalysts since there will be no exhaust of carbon monoxide into the atmosphere.
The authors have additional developments which will allow further economy of fuel consumption.
By installing the homogenizer on engines one can control the combustion process by any conceived program.
The proposed device was highly appreciated by Prof. Norman Chigger of Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), USA, one of the world's leading specialists in the field of stream hydrodynamics.
As usual, the main obstacle for the commercialization of our inventions is the lack of financing. To bring the device to the consumer's notice, one has to manufacture homogenizers of various designs depending on the engine kind, power and purpose. It is necessary to conduct all-round development and road tests of the engines. Advertising and marketing also demands large sums of money. Now we are looking for investors.
The use of our inventions will reduce the price of power installations operation and will halve the g
Новые книги авторов СИ, вышедшие из печати:
О.Болдырева "Крадуш. Чужие души"
М.Николаев "Вторжение на Землю"