Драк Маркус : другие произведения.

Лживый свет (Английская версия). Песня Магела Амати. (Песня-пародия.)

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками Юридические услуги. Круглосуточно
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  • Аннотация:
    Английская версия (перевод) Песни Магела Амати Вихдеда (Магел Акати) "Лживый свет" - агента Империи Зарейн (Империи Зари), подростка, спецназа. Мага Тьмы.

  Исходная, Русская версия вот: http://samlib.ru/editors/m/markus_d/pesnjamagelaamati-lzhiwyjswetpesnja-parodija.shtml
  A false light - Song Magel Amati. (Song-parody.)
  На музыку Disturbed - Sons Of Plunder. yadi.sk/d/jp4gi0Wjfawhr
  Oh, oh, True - Terrible...
  Oh, oh, True - terrible!
  I was an ordinary people.
  I - student, just like that, yes.
  But the mages of light captured,
  I recruited her, of cource.
  Murderer of your competitors
  Just made me, forever.
  Then get rid of thought
  Afraid of me like fire.
  Here we go...
  Killed me to good peoples!
  I saw in peoples,
  Suddenly all evil!
  You are scoundrels,
  Do want vomit all!
  Rob, torture, murder other
  Сreatures, oh yeah!
  I saw to your heroes,
  They - Sami Evil,
  Only evil!
  There no good,
  There no good -
  In them!
  Сovered only something good
  And white appearance, but,
  They only those villains,
  What attracted.
  And you - deceived themselves,
  After all, you want be so -
  Create a death and pain, yes...
  I will stop them all are.
  Try though b...
  I'll save the monsters from people
  least a little way.
  You are unhappy lyudyary -
  You're lying yourself.
  Whether you like to kill,
  Torturing others!
  Are you ready to face for the sake of blunt boy,
  Even morality,
  Humanism - always!
  I saw your light.
  And he - just evil.
  Externally be Monster -
  Even better.
  Monsters - you bright,
  Clean and nyashnye,
  And much kinder
  Many people!
  I'll kill those who lie,
  Light that he is hero!
  My mission here:
  Destroy false light!
  I will protect all the monsters
  From bad, evil mans.
  Maybe I'm even crazy,
  But I see you all!
  Your being human -
  Anger and vice
  For centuries, ever!
  it's so, yes!
  it's so, yes!
  Hate you all - And myself,
  That's how it is was.
  To kill cruelly, exactly,
  In throes, of yes!
  You are a ruthless killer,
  Maniacs from evil,
  Here we go! Yup!!!
  Truth - scary!
  Truth - scary!
  Oh ya!
  Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes -
  I have seen the essence! Yup!
  Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes -
  In your eyes. Wah!
  Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes -
  Mans become evil!
  Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes - True - terrible!..

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Новые книги авторов СИ, вышедшие из печати:
О.Болдырева "Крадуш. Чужие души" М.Николаев "Вторжение на Землю"

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