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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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  абажур - the company offers a wide variety of lampshades, including Victorian, chandelier, and replacement lampshades;
  - (настольная лампа с зелёным а-ом): he switched on the green-shaded desklight;
  - (стеклянный): table lamp with hand painted glasshade;
  - (а. торшера из стеклянных бусин): a bronze floor lamp with a beaded-glass shade
  авоська - a string shopping bag
  авторучка - fountain pen
  акваланг - (пловец с а-ом): a scuba-clad swimmer
  - (подводное плавание с а-ом): scuba diving
  аквариум - (т.е. круглый): fish bowl;
  - (похожий на а. шлем): he was taken to the pilot clothing store to be issued with G-suit, boots, and goldfish-bowl oxygen helmet;
  - (т.е. прямоугольный): fish tank
  алкотестер - a breathalyzer AmE / breathalyser BrE is a device for estimating blood alcohol content from a breath sample
  альпеншток - good hiking shoes, and maybe hiking poles, are recommended
  американские горки - (т.е. аттракцион): thrill rides like bungee jumping and roller coaster
  ампула - the vaccine is presented in single-dose vials
  аркан - lasso / lariat
  баба - (т.е. на чайник): tea cozy
  багор - crewmen stood alert with boathooks and fenders
  бак - (балластный б. на танкере): one row back were the first three empty ballast tanks;
  - (гидравлический): hydraulic reservoir;
  - (бензобак): the car was blown to pieces by an exploding gas tank;
  - (мусорный): dustbin / dumpster;
  - (с едой, т.е. в столовой самообслуживания): I slide my tray along the metal shelf before the vats of food;
  - (самолёта сельскохозяйственной авиации): tanks and spray nozzles of crop-dusters;
  - (стиральной машины): "My washer shakes vigorously during spin cycle, and washer is not overloaded." "If the washer is level and all four "feet" are firmly on the floor one of the balancing springs may be broken or unhooked. The tub is kept centered with three or four big springs that help overcome shaking if the tub is not loaded evenly. Take a look at the tub when the machine is empty and shut off. If one of the springs is at fault the tub will have a slight sideways list.";
  - (топливный): fuel tank;
  - (т.е. чан): vat;
  - смотри файл TRANSPORT
  балдахин - The coronation of a British monarch in Westminster Abbey is a piece of national pageantry unmatched anywhere in the world. At the centre of the ceremony is anointing: while the monarch is seated in the medieval King Edward's chair, a canopy over his head, the Archbishop of Canterbury touches his hands, breast and head with consecrated oil.
  балка - (анкерная): tie-beam; - for small footbridges, the cantilevers may be simple beams;
  - (двутавровaя): immense steel I-beams, 3 of them welded at 90-degree angle to look like enormous jacks (hedgehogs);
  - (двутавровая): SIPs (structural insulation panels) share the same structural properties as an I-beam or I-column. The rigid insulation core of the SIP performs as a web, while the OSB sheathing exhibits the same properties as the flanges.;
  - (коробчатого сечения): large cantilever bridges designed to handle road or rail traffic use box girders built from prestressed concrete;
  - (двутавровая): immense steel I-beams, 3 of them welded at 90-degree angle to look like enormous jacks (hedgehogs);
  - (двутавровая): SIPs (structural insulation panels) share the same structural properties as an I-beam or I-column. The rigid insulation core of the SIP performs as a web, while the OSB sheathing exhibits the same properties as the flanges.;
  - (перекрытий): after years of dereliction, new joists and flooring were installed (after the fire);
  - (б., соединяющая крепь с конвейером для его перемещения): relay bar;
  - (т.е. в строительстве): girder / rafter old use;
  - смотри файл AVIACIA
  баллон - (т.е. для подводного плаванья с аквалангом): A diving cylinder / scuba tank / diving tank is a gas cylinder used to store and transport high pressure breathing gas as a component of a scuba set. It provides gas to the diver through the demand valve of a diving regulator or the breathing loop of a diving rebreather.;
  - (т.е. для расширения отверстия аортального клапана): it is possible to widen the aortic valve opening using a small balloon inserted through an artery;
  - (т.е. огнетушителя): bottle;
  - (с кислородом): oxygen bottle;
  - (сжатого воздуха): compressed air bottle / vessel;
  - (слезоточивого газа): a can of tear gas
  баллончик - (аэрозольный, ... чтобы подросткам с аэрозольными б-ами краски было на чём рисовать): middle-class mortgage slaves who couldn't afford Balham and Clapham have tarted up some streets, planting flower boxes and painting terraces in pastel colours so that local teenagers with spray cans have a better canvas;
  - (т.е. аэрозольный, инсектицидный): total release foggers, also known as "bug bombs," are pesticide products containing aerosol propellants that release their contents at once to fumigate an area;
  - (т.е. аэрозольный, с лекарством): the canister is under pressure, don't puncture it;
  - (сжатого воздуха): the acid was vaporized by a compressed air canister;
  - (со слезоточивым газом): a nightstick and a can of mace swing from her belt
  банка / баночка - (т.е. жестяная): смотри ниже;
  - (керамические): Addison Ceramic Canisters - Tea Coffee Sugar Canisters;
  - (политуры): a jar of high-finish polish;
  - (т.е. сиденье в лодке): he reached the boat and sat on a bending thwart;
  - (т.е. стеклянная, б. варенья): a jar of jam / marmalade;
  - (т.е. стеклянная, б. майонеза): a jar of mayonnaise;
  - ( т.е. стеклянная, б. оливок): I put uneaten olives back in the jar;
  - (стеклянные): glass jars, in which floated slimy bits of animals and plants, suspended in variously colored potions
  банка / баночка (т.е. жестяная ) - (алюминиевая, т.е. от напитков): aluminium can;
  - (ветчины): a tin of ham;
  - (кока-колы): a can of coke / beer;
  - (кокосового молока): a can of light coconut milk;
  - (консервированных черешен без косточек): one can of pitted dark sweet cherries;
  - (с краской): paint tin;
  - (чая): he emptied the tea down the toilet and kept the can only;
  - (чая): Wolf Tea caddy is a very elegant and beautiful tin covered with brightly colours, which represents vary tea spectrum;
  - (чая): from a high-class grocer he bought a canister of fine tea;
  - (чая): Stainless Steel Tea Canister
  баночка - (она аккуратно накладывает на щёки румяна из б-и): she is carefully dabbing her cheeks with a pot of blush
  батарейка - (щелочная, т.е. электрическая): an AA alkaline battery
  батарея - (аккумуляторная): A rechargeable battery, also known as a storage battery, is a group of two or more secondary cells. These batteries can be restored to full charge by the application of electrical energy.;
  - (зенитная): the aircraft sought out enemy missile and flak batteries;
  - (масляная б. охлаждения): oil cooler;
  - (т.е. отопления): he showered and rubbed himself briskly with the towel he had left over the radiator night;
  - (солнечные): due to the growing demand for clean sources of energy, the manufacture of solar cells and photovoltaic arrays has expanded dramatically in recent years;
  - (солнечные): solar batteries store power generated from the sun and discharge the power as needed;
  - (солнечных элементов): solar array;
  - (электрическая): the voltaic pile, invented by Alessandro Volta in 1800, was the first electric battery;
  - (ядерная): Both targets had nuclear power plants. The reactor systems were noisy, especially the feed pumps that run cooling water through the nuclear pile.
  батут - trampoline
  бачок - (для мусора): driving the bottom of the trash can into the centre of the window, he shattered the glass;
  - (топливный): fuel tank;
  - (унитаза): toilet cistern;
  - (т.е. унитаза): A toilet flashes. The cistern refills.;
  - (унитаза): U.S Patent. Toilet Water Tank. A ball cock for a flush tank.
  безделушка - she wasn't some doddery old dear who put baubles in a pillowcase;
  - Inc Bauble. - Creating Fine Shiny Trinkets;
  - Baubles. Handmade earrings, necklaces, bracelets, and hairclips created from vintage beads, antique findings, colorful crystals, turquoise, and tableware.;
  - the shelves were filled with books and knickknacks;
  - (вожди племён отдавали землю в обмен на б-и): the writer outlined a system whereby with the exchange of trinkets Congo chiefs traded their land;
  - (магазин сувениров и б-шек): souvenir and trinket shop;
  - the gold box was a valuable and expensive trinket
  беруши - earplugs
  бигуди - she's wearing her hair in curlers;
  - roller / hair roller
  бинокль - (класть б. в футляр): he recased his binoculars;
  - (полевой, он поднёс к лицу полевой б.): he lifted his fieldglasses / field glasses to his face;
  - (полевой): field glass;
  - (театральный): The girl, now aged six, was bored and squirming. As the interminably long service continued, she stuck her finger in her eye, pulled her ears, and swung her legs. Her mother finally quietened her by giving her a pair of opera glasses to peek through.;
  - the spotting glasses were Chinese copies of a German Zeiss model adopted for use by the Soviet Army of old
  бита - (т.е. бейсбольная): bat
  бич - (удар б-а эхом прокатился по ложбине между холмами): I winced as the crack of the lash echoed around the hollow in the hills
  блесна - (ловить на б-у светлопёрого судака / щуку): to troll for walleye / pike;
  - (ловля форели и лосося с б-ой / на б-у): fly fishing for trout and salmon;
  - (рыбная ловля с б-ой и забрасывание б-ы): fly fishing and fly casting
  блюм - bloom
  бобина - A bobbin is a spindle or cylinder, with or without flanges, on which wire, yarn, thread or film is wound. Bobbins are typically found in cameras, and within electronic equipment.;
  - (магнитофона): he took the spool off the tape recorder;
  - (магнитофона): the slowly turning spools of a tape recorder
  болт - a bolt is an externally threaded fastener designed for insertion through holes in assembled parts, and is normally intended to be tightened or released by torquing a nut;
  - (б. Аллена, т.е. винт с цилиндрической головкой и шестигранным углублением): Socket cap screw / socket head cap screw / socket screw / Allen bolt is a type of cap screw with a hexagonal recessed drive. Socket screws are commonly used in assemblies that do not provide sufficient clearance for a conventional wrench or socket.;
  - (длиннорезьбовой): continuous thread bolt;
  - (законтрить б.): to safety a bolt;
  - (затянуть б. от руки): to draw a bolt finger-tight / to finger-tighten a bolt;
  - (на 4 мм с левой резьбой): a left-hand threaded 4 mm OD (outside diameter) screw / bolt;
  - (т.е. не задвижка, а нарезной): a steel door, closed by 2 great screw bolts, with butterfly nuts on the outside;
  - (т.е. не задвижка, а нарезной): one window in the day cabin was closed with screw bolts which could be manually undone;
  - (б. с буртиком): flange bolt;
  - (б. с квадратным подголовком): Carriage bolt / coach bolt is a type of bolt with a round head and a square neck underneath that prevents the bolt from turning while the nut is tightened. Has a domed or countersunk head, and the shank is topped by a short square section under the head.;
  - (скрепляются б-ами/ скреплённые б-ами рамы / прикрепляются б-ами к чему-л): Steel-bracket-type shelving is the most popular in library use. Frames for individual sections are either bolted or welded. Bolted frames consist of stack uprights bolted to top and base spreaders.;
  - (ставить б. на краске): to secure a bolt with a drop of paint;
  - (строительный): structural bolt is large, heavy-duty hex bolt used for structural applications in buildings and bridges;
  - (ступенчатый / б.-съёмник): A shoulder screw differs from machine screws in that the shank is ground to a precise diameter, known as the shoulder, and the threaded portion is smaller in diameter than the shoulder. Shoulder bolt specifications call out the shoulder diameter, shoulder length, and threaded diameter; the threaded length is fixed, based on the threaded diameter, and usually quite short. It is usually used for revolving joints in mechanisms and linkages; when used as a guide for the stripper plate in a die set it's called a stripper bolt.
  бон - (надувной б. для удержания на месте пролитой в море нефти): inflatable booms to try to hold the vented oil away from the cost until the chemicals could do their work;
  - booms deployed along the Louisiana coastline - oil from the Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion is approaching the US coast
  бочка - a barrel / cask is a hollow cylindrical container, traditionally made of vertical wooden staves and bound by wooden or metal hoops;
  - (большая): a politician declaimed from a board that had been set between two hogsheads;
  - (font color=blue>большая б. для вина / воды / пива): butt is a large cask especially for wine, beer, or water;
  - (большая б. с табаком): slaves rolled the large hogsheadss of tobacco to the wharves;
  - (т.е. для вина): the wine is left to mature in oak barrels;
  - (для дождевой воды): rain-butt;
  - (коньяк выдерживается в бочке 4 года): VSOP (Very Superior Old Pale), Réserve, where the youngest brandy is stored at least four years in cask;
  - (т.е. железная б. с промышленными отходами): the drums of industrial waste were buried in 1975;
  - (ложка дёгтя в б-е мёда): I've been offered a wonderful job - the only fly in the ointment is that the pay is not too good;
  - (пивная): a beer barrel;
  - (с водой): he stuck his head in the water barrel
  бочонок - in three draughts Thor emptied the cask of mead;
  - a small barrel is called a keg;
  - (б. амонтильядо): cask of Amontillado;
  - (для патоки и сахара): a cask for molasses and sugar;
  - (т.е. ёмкостью до 40 л): kegs of ammunition;
  - (пороха / рома): a keg of powder / rum
  брандспойт - (загасить огонь из б-а): to pay for two fire engines coming round and blowing the fire out with a wet hose;
  - A fire hose / firehose is a high-pressure hose that carries water or other fire retardant (such as foam) to a fire to extinguish it. Fire hose nozzles connect to a fire hose to distribute and direct pressurized water or fire retardant.
  браслет - (т.е. наручников): clip one of the bracelets around your right wrist;
  - (ножной, т.е. украшение): her arms and hands were encrusted with bangles and rings;
  - (ручной / ножной, т.е. украшение): her arms and hands were encrusted with bangles and rings;
  - (часов): a vintage gold integral bracelet gentleman's wrist watch;
  - (часов): The watch comes in titanium, black ceramic, and King Gold. The integrated bracelet is a three-link design;
  - (часов): savour the style and precision of our beautifully crafted high-quality metal watch straps;
  - (электронный, т.е. отбывающего наказание вне тюрьмы ): he is wearing an electronic tag;
  - (электронный б. на щиколотке, т.е. отбывающего наказание вне тюрьмы): he showed his electronic tag around his ankle;
  - (электронный, когда его выпустят под залог, он будет носить электронный б. и не сможет покидать своё шале в Швейцарии): while on bail he'd be electronically tagged, and have to stay in his Swiss chalet
  бредень - In small ponds, seines can be pulled by hand; large ponds are seined by dragging the net with trucks, tractors or small four-wheel drive vehicles. Seines are pulled from deep to shallow water.
  брелок - Fob is a small decorative item suspended by a watch chain. The fob could be decorative or functional, such as for use as a seal.;
  - (браслет с брелками): Trinket Charm Bracelet;
  - (для ключей): you can present a colleague with a lighter, a key trinket, a manicure set etc.;
  - (запирания / дистанционного управления сигнализацией): A remote keyless system is a system designed to remotely permit or deny access to premises or automobiles. The functions of a remote keyless entry system are contained on a key fob or built into the ignition key handle itself. Buttons are dedicated to locking or unlocking the doors and opening the trunk. Some cars will also close any open windows and roof when remotely locking the car. Remote keyless entry fobs emit a radio frequency with a designated, distinct digital identity code. Some cars' engines with remote keyless ignition systems can be started by the push of a button on the key fob.;
  - (т.е. ожерелье с брелками): Charm Necklace;
  - (т.е. на сумке): the handbag features a little padlock with key trinket that dangles off the back
  бритва - (опасная): straight razor;
  - (электрическая): electric shaver
  бритвенные принадлежности / бритвенный прибор - he noticed the missing shaving gear from the bathroom
  бритвенный станок - (одноразовый): disposable razor;
  - (со сменными лезвиями): replaceable blade razor;
  - (со сменными лезвиями): razor with replaceable / disposable blades;
  - (с двусторонним лезвием): double-side blade razor
  брус - block;
  - (боковой б. двери / окна): lintel, a horizontal structural member, such as a beam or stone, that spans an opening, as between the uprights of a door or window or between two columns or piers
  будильник - (его разбудил б.): he was awoken by the alarm at five o'clock;
  - (дорожный): travel alarm clock;
  - (дорожный): there's a travel alarm on the table;
  - (б. зазвонил): he woke up when the alarm went off
  будка - (т.е. привратника): a porter emerged from a glass-fronted booth and showed him into a small waiting-room;
  - (т.е. собачья): the dog sleeps in a kennel behind the house;
  - (т.е. собачья): a doghouse / dog house / dogshed / kennel is a small shed commonly built in the shape of a house, intended to provide dogs with a sense of security and protection from various weather conditions;
  - (телефонная): смотри ниже
  будка (телефонная) - telephone booth;
  - he has a habit of calling a young would-be actress from the same phone booth every day, so his wife won't see the number on his cellphone bills;
  - the red telephone box, a telephone kiosk for a public telephone, is a familiar sight on the streets of the United Kingdom;
  - a phone box is a small shelter in the street in which there often used to be a public telephone;
  - (стеклянная, т.е. о кабине телефона-автомата): a glazed kiosk
  булава - (т.е. в гимнастике): club;
  - (т.е. символ власти / оружие): the bulawa was a ceremonial mace or baton carried by a hetman, or the military head of the Cossack state. In Slavic languages, a bulava or bulawa is a mace or a club, in both the military and ceremonial senses.
  булавка - (английская): her tartan skirt held together with a big gold safety pin;
  - (т.е. портновская): pin
  бумажник - a wallet / billfold AmE is a small, flаt case used to carry personal items such as cash, credit cards and identification documents, such as a driver's license;
  - (туго набитый б.): a well-stuffed wallet
  бункер - (зерноуборочной машины): grain tanks of grain harvesters;
  - (б. загрузки, т.е. в который загружают наличность в банкомате): a known cash dispenser unit of an ATM includes at least one note picking mechanism for extracting notes one by one from an associated currency cassette, stacking means for accumulating the extracted notes into a stack, and transport means for feeding the stack of notes to a delivery port or exit slot in the ATM from where the stack may be removed by a user of the ATM.;
  - (т.е. линии обороны): the first line of defense was composed of seemingly real bunkers, made of rebarred concrete, but the gun tubes sticking out of them were fake
  бурдюк - he brought us water in a waterskin;
  - a wineskin is an ancient container made of animal skin, usually a goat, used to transport liquids such as water, olive oil, milk, wine, butter or even cheese
  - (с козьим молоком): men walked by lugging bladders filled with goat's milk, grapes and melons, and odds and ends of country produce
  бутылкa - I hold a bottle of water to her lips
  - (сбывать б-и с сырой нефтью невежественным фермерам как средство от рака): in the 1860's, he used to palm off bottled raw petroleum on the yokels as a cure for cancer
  вализа - (дипкурьера): the very secret material is carried in a hard-frame despatch box / dispatch box chained to the man's left wrist
  ванна - bathtub;
  - the tiles above the tub;
  - (принять в-у): he had a lengthy bath, redolent with an expensive bath oil;
  - (хочется в горячую ванну?): guess you could use a hot tub, eh?
  - (электролитическая): alumina is dissolved in an electrolytic bath of molten cryolite
  вантуз - (т.е. воздушный клапан): air escape valve / air hole / vent;
  - (т.е. присоска): between the tapes he pressed the sucker, well licked, so that a small area of glass was visible on either side of it;
  - (т.е. для прочистки канализации): force-cup / plumber's friend;
  - (т.е. для прочистки канализации): My sink seems to have drainage issues. I've tried a plunger.;
  - (т.е. для прочистки канализации): placing the sink plunger over the drain, you will want to pump the plunger up and down (not too fast, but not too slow, just a steady movement) to create a suction.
  ватерпас - (т.е. прибор для проверки горизонтальности плоскостей и измерения небольших углов наклона, употребляемый при плотничных, земляных и каменных работах): spirit level
  ведро - A bucket is usually an open-top container. In contrast, a pail can have a top or lid and is a shipping container.;
  - I need a bucket to carry the water from the well;
  - the milkmaid carried a pail of milk in each hand;
  - (т.е. чтобы в нём давить виноград ногами): Get yourself to a garden store and buy a large feed trug BrE for crushing your grapes in. Having tried all sorts of methods, such as liquidisers, crushers, and squeezing the grapes by hand, it is now totally clear to me that crushing barefoot is actually the very best way of extracting the grape juice from the skins and seeds. Make sure the base of the trug is wide enough for you to stand comfortably with both feet inside.;
  венец - the priests were clad in cloth-of-silver vestments and crystal coronals
  веник - (т.е. банный): sauna whisk
  венок - (возложить в. к Могиле неизвестного солдата): he laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier;
  - (остролиста): the holly wreaths on the door knockers of the houses;
  - (цветов): she had arranged a wreath of thistles around the brim of her hat
  вентилятор - electric fans encased in huge metal mesh;
  - (в ванной): a kitchen range hood must move more air than a bathroom fan
  венчик - (т.е. для взбивания): whisk
  веретено - (наматывание нити на в.): bobbin lacemaking is a handcraft which requires the winding of yarn onto a temporary storage spindle made of wood, previously bone, often turned on a lathe
  вертел - (козёл вращался на в-е): I watch the goat spin slowly on a spit
  ветровой конус - windsleeve
  видеоглазок (т.е. дверной) - our new Door PeepHole Camera installs into a standard door peephole and provides you with a 170º 'fish-eye' field-of-view;
  - Peephole Video Camera. It's basically a small black and white video camera with a wide angle lens that replaces the standard peephole in your front door.;
  - this spy hole camera is the widest angle door view camera in the world;
  - Peephole Video Camera is a small black and white video camera with a wide angle lens that replaces the standard peephole in your front door;
  - Peephole Video Camera. It's basically a small black and white video camera with a wide angle lens that replaces the standard peephole in your front door.;
  винт - (т.е. крепёжный элемент) - a screw is an externally threaded fastener capable of being inserted into holes in assembled parts, of mating with a preformed internal thread or forming its own thread, and of being tightened or released by torquing the head;
  - (вывинтить в.): to remove / unscrew a screw;
  - (завинтить в.): to drive / screw a screw [into place];
  - (самонарезающий / саморез): Self-tapping screws. A countersunk, flat head screw with a double lead, consisting of a high and low thread; and spade-shaped point designed to drill its own hole. Specifically designed for attaching cement board to plywood.;
  - (с накатанной головкой): knurled-head screw / knurled screw
  винтик образно - editorial cartoonists had portrayed him as a small bolt in the swastika, a cog in the Nazi wheel;
  - I'm just a cog in the machine of a big company
  виселица - (вести на в-у): they were taking him to the gallows;
  - (висеть на в-е): a thief hangs on the gallows;
  - (повесить на в-е): he was caught and hanged on the gallows;
  - (повесить на в-е): we're going to hang him from the gallows;
  - (повесить на в-е, п. по закону на импровизированной в-е): he brings final justice to a horse thief, holding off dangerous mobs to give him a legal hanging from a makeshift gallows;
  - (послать на в-у): the judge sent 60 men to the gallows;
  - (поставить в-у): the gallows was set up at the back of the castle;
  - (преступление, которое карается в-ей): a crime punishable by gallows;
  - pirates were sometimes executed by hanging on a gibbet erected close to the law-water mark by the sea;
  - a crossroads marked by a gibbet and a fingerpost
  витрина - (стеклянные в-ы, т.е. для музейных экспонатов): model warships in dusty glass cases;
  - (т.е. магазина): смотри ниже
  витрина (т.е. магазина) - the window displays consisted of a few dummies, modeling fashions ten years out of date;
  - a famous chocolatier offering a tempting Easter window display of delectable gourmet chocolates of every possible kind;
  - he crashed his car into a shop front;
  - iron railings ran along storefronts;
  - ( в-ы магазинов с разбитыми при грабеже стёклами): smoking buildings and storefronts with broken glass from looting;
  - (стеклянная): he smashed the car through a plate glass window
  водомёт (т.е. для разгона демонстрации) - the police fired watercannons at the demonstrators;
  - police used watercannons to disperse the demonstrators
  водяные часы - hour-glass
  волан - (т.е. в бадминтоне): shuttlecock
  волчок - (крутить / пускать в.): to spin a top
  вольера - (с птицами): she had an aviary where she kept a variety of birds, some bright and tuneful, others with no apparent virtue unless they tasted better than they looked.;
  - finches sang merrily in their spacious aviary;
  - (с сурикатами): meercat enclosure
  воронка - (наливать в бутылку через в-у): to pour oil into the bottle through a funnel
  вывеска - (на в-е на двери магазина было написано): large sign on all the dusty doors read "Closed for refurbishment";
  - (т.е. на которой написано название учреждения): he remembered the notice saying simply BPR-CIA;
  - (т.е. на территории частной собственности): a barred gate held in place by a steel catch with a notice board to one side saying "Private property, keep out";
  - (т.е. с названием станции): the name of the station on the signboard;
  - (ставить столб с в-ой): he remembered the notice saying simply BPR-CIA and wondered again why they had to signpost the place;
  - (трактирная): a selection of inn signs carved on slabs and rescued after the Great Fire of London is preserved in the Guildhall
  вымпел - each encampment had twenty or so tents, the captain's pennants hanging limp above the heart of each gathering;
  - (т.е. узкий и длинный): he pointed at a scarlet pennon snapping at the top of the mainmast
  вышка - (нефтяная): oil rig / derrick;
  - (т.е. опора высоковольтной линии электропередач): An electricity pylon or transmission tower (also known as an ironman in Australia and a hydro tower in parts of Canada) is a tall structure, usually a steel lattice tower, used to support overhead electricity conductors for electric power transmission. They are used in high voltage AC and DC systems as well as railway traction, and come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes.
  - (прыжки в воду с в-и или трамплина): diving is the sport of jumping or falling into water from a platform or springboard, sometimes while performing acrobatics;
  - (т.е. сторожевая в концлагере): the camp was ringed by 19 watch towers;
  - (т.е. сторожевая в тюрьме): Security Searchlights. 60-Degree Beam Projection below base provides illumination close to the Base of Guard Tower
  гайка - female nut / screw nut;
  - (барашек): a steel door, closed by 2 great screw bolts, with butterfly nuts on the outside;
  - (корончатая): Castle nut / castellated nut is a type of nut with rounded extensions projecting past the nut's opening. A cotter pin is inserted through a hole in the bolt and bent around the castle nut's projections to lock the nut in place.;
  - ((мебельная / усовая / Т-образная): blind nut / T-nut;
  - (снять г-и на колёсах автомобиля): he spent an hour with his jeep jacked-up, struggling to remove wheel nuts, which had been almost cemented into place by a mixture of grease and desert sand;
  - (шестигранная): hexagonal / hex nut
  гвоздь - (забить г. в доску / стенку): to drive / hammer a nail into the board / wall;
  - (забить г. по самую шляпку): to drive a nail home / to the head;
  - (кровельный): roofing nail;
  - (обыкновенный): common nail;
  - (отделочный): finishing nail;
  - (полоски автомобильных шин, прибитые г-дями к деревянным колёсам): thin strips of old automobile tires tacked to wooden wheels enabled the ghoddy to travel over the rough, frozen street;
  - (прибить г-дями к дереву): you may screw or nail the birdhouse to a post or a tree
  гидропульт - (т.е. для разгона демонстрации): the police fired water cannons at the demonstrators;
  - police used water cannons to disperse the demonstrators
  гиря - (т.е. для физических упражнений): dumbbell;
  - (калибровочная эталонная): the scale comes complete with measuring pan and precision 100 gram calibration standard weight;
  - (снять г-ю с весов): to remove the weight on the scale;
  глазок (т.е. дверной) - Door scopes are quite common in some crime-ridden areas where people are afraid to open the door without first having a close look. The same is also true in homes of many elderly people.;
  - (т.е. в квартире): I peered through the fish-eye;
  - (т.е. в тюремной камере): the guard's eye was pressed to the judas-hole;
  - (смотреть в г.): he peers through a security peephole;
  - смотри видеоглазок
  глобус - (звёздного неба / земного шара): celestial / terrestrial globe
  горшок / горшочек - a leprechaun's pot of gold;
  - (т.е. ночной, ребёнок сходил на г.): Jamie had to hit the potty;
  - (ночной): the girl had her own chamber pot - her potty, as it was called
  грабли - Sometimes called gardening claws - or even gardening cultivators, hand rakes, claw rakes, grubbers, or stubby rakes - hand cultivators are a must-have hand tool for every gardener. Think of them almost like mini rakes for your hand. (In fact, mini rake is not an uncommon nickname for these tools, too!) Instead of being designed to sweep up large materials like leaves, sticks, or hay with both hands like your typical rake, these little claws are wielded with one hand, and are small enough to fit in your palm.
  грелка - (металлические, фарфоровые и резиновые г-и): metal, porcelain, and rubber bed warmers;
  - (т.е. старинная, для согревания постели): I"ll be up with a warming-pan later to take the chill off the linen
  гроб - she was shot once in the chest, and not the head, so there could be an open casket AmE at her funeral;
  - thousands of kids are going to come back in caskets (from Iraq);
  - (т.е. выставленный для прощания, г. обложен цветами): the bier is ringed with flowers;
  - (т.е. выставленный для прощания, сидеть у г-а): the boy is seated at the foot of the bier;
  - (изготовители г-ов): sometimes manufacturers of caskets and burial vaults make false or exaggerated claims about the durability of their products;
  - (несущие г. люди): the pallbearers, most of them police;
  - (носить г-ы тех, кто занимается физкультурой): "Did the doctor tell you to exercise?" "I told him I was going to exercise by being a pallbearer for all my friends who exercise.";
  - (принести г.): officers in full dress uniform brought the coffin;
  - (т.е. с лежащими вокруг цветами): she slumped on her knees against the bier of her son;
  - (поклонники сенатора Кеннеди потоком проходили мимо г-а): Senator Kennedy's admirers, both the famous and anonymous, had streamed past his casket all day and all night before the service;
  - (похороны в закрытом г-у): a funeral home director fatally stabbed his wife after she threatened to leave him, then buried her with a woman whose family held a closed-casket service;
  - (храм Гроба Господня): the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, also called the Church of the Resurrection, is a Christian church within the walled Old City of Jerusalem
  гробница - (т.е. Иисуса Христа): and the elders were afraid and came unto Pilate, entreating him and saying: Give us soldiers that we may watch his sepulcher AmE / sepulchre BrE for three days;
  - (Моисея): and he buried Moses in a valley in the land of Moab, but no man knoweth of his sepulchre unto this day;
  - the painting was set into an arched recess above the tomb
  громкоговоритель - (покупателей предупредили о происшествии по г-лю, т.е. по громкоговорящей системе магазина): shoppers were alerted to the incident over the tannoy system;
  - (полицейские разговаривают с человеком по г-лю): Police talk to man over loud speaker;
  - a police car swung to the curb, a loudspeaker on its roof, and then the announcement blared out into the street;
  грохот - (т.е. для просеивания): Place your 20 mesh classifier on top of your gold pan. Dump the ore powder on top of the classifier. Shake the classifier with a back-and-forth motion until the powder sifts through to the gold pan. Dump the bigger pieces of crushed ore left on the classifier screen back into the mortar to be crushed again.
  грузило - plummet
  диадема - diadem;
  - a pearl-encrusted coronet resting among the haze of soft smoky curls that framed her face
  диапозитив - the teacher illustrated, with transparencies on the overhead projector, what I had seen through the microscope
  дипломат (т.е. портфель для документов) - he was examining some papers he had taken from his attaché case;
  - document case
  дождик (т.е. ёлочное украшение) - this silver tinsel will dress any Christmas tree beautifully;
  - tinsel garland
  дозатор - batcher: a machine in which the ingredients of concrete are measured and combined into batches before being discharged to the concrete mixer;
  - (бункер д-а): the valve on the hopper, although registering one-third-open on the control panel was in fact stuck at full open;
  - (весовой): weigh batcher;
  - (весовой): in the batching of the materials for concrete, the cementitious materials such as Portland cement and fly ash are normally proportioned by weight accumulatively in a suspension hopper scale;
  - (для жидкого мыла): liquid soap dispenser;
  - (насос-д.): the injection system features a high-efficiency, sealless diaphragm metering pump that can inject corrosion inhibitors at up to 72 gallons per day against 3,700 psi;
  - (объёмный): rotary volumetric batcher designed for batching of loose, mild dust substances;
  - (д.-смеситель цементного раствора): slurry batcher mixer
  доска - (гладко обструганная): tables were smooth boards placed on trestles;
  - (т.е. гравировальная деревянная д.): woodcut is a relief printing artistic technique in printmaking in which an image is carved into the surface of a block of wood, with printing parts remaining level with the surface while the non-printing parts are removed, typically with gouges;
  - (т.е. гравировальная торцовая д.): Engraving techniques in 19th century France. The use of end-grain woodblocks was particularly relevant to ornamental illustrations, making it possible to print ornamentation and text in a single run.;
  - (грифельная): a writing slate is a small piece of slate, often framed in wood, used with chalk as a notepad or noticeboard etc.;
  - (грифельная): he reached for the schoolroom slate and pencil;
  - (двери): fire spoke through the cracks between the boards in the narrow rays;
  - (т.е. для писания мелом в школьном классе): blackboard;
  - (т.е. для писания мелом, царапать гвоздём по доске): to scratch a nail down a chalkboard AmE;
  - (из прессованных опилок): melamine faced chipboard;
  - (каминная д. / д. над камином): a timepiece on the mantel chimed four soft strokes;
  - (каминная д. / д. над камином): mantelpiece;
  - (картина нарисована на тополевой д-е): the picture was painted on a poplar wood panel;
  - (между палатками были проложены д-и, чтобы не увязнуть в грязи): boards had been laid between the tents so that you could walk without sinking into the mud;
  - (мемориальная д. в честь Линкольна): Lincoln commemorative tablet;
  - (мемориальная, открытие мемориальной д-и): unveiling of the memorial tablet to fallen soldiers;
  - (мемориальная, судя по мемориальной д-е): according to the plaque on the church, this is where G. Washington worshipped while in town;
  - (мемориальная, установитьмемориальную д-у на стене): The Edinburgh Education Committee decided to grant facilities for the commemorative tablet be placed on the wall of the B. school. Clarinda was a lady whom Robert Burns met in Edinburgh, and to whom he wrote two of his finest songs.;
  - (наскоро сколоченные д-и): the platform would be a jury-rigged affair of plain boards;
  - (объявлений): a large group of people was bunched around the bulletin board;
  - (объявлений): we're in classroom two now, it was on the notice board yesterday;
  - (положенная на бочки): a politician declaimed from a board that had been set between two hogsheads;
  - (разделочная): cutting board;
  - (т.е. дверные): the stout planks burst apart;
  - planks were hard to get
  дощечка - (на двери): a door with a brass plaque on it;
  - (на двери): brass plate;
  - (т.е. с прорезью для писем на двери): letter plate
  драндулет - jalopy
  дрек - (с тремя лапами, т.е. кошка): as the launch emerged from the transcom shadow they slung the three-point grapnels they held, the hooks sheathed in rubber hose
  дробинка - acute penetrating trauma from a close-range shotgun blast injury to knee. Birdshot pellets are visible in the wound, within the shattered patella.
  дубина - (безжалостно обрушить д-у на голову кому-л): a rider stepped out of nowhere to swing a brutalcudgel at his head;
  - (Геркулес с д-ой): Hercules holding a club;
  - (махать д-ой): he was wielding a huge club violently and cracking any sculls that came in the way;
  - (т.е. длинная д. с железным наконечником, которую держат так, что правая рука находится на расстоянии четверти длины от нижнего конца): a quarterstaff (quarterstaves plural) is a traditional European pole weapon and a technique of stick fighting, especially as in use in England during the Early Modern period
  дубинка - (бандит с д-ой): the cover features a short-skirted woman pulling out a pistol tucked into a garter as a brutal-looking, bludgeon-wielding thug closes in;
  - (т.е. короткая): he took the blow from the cosh and went down in a heap;
  - (полицейского): police in riot gear charged demonstrators with batons;
  - (полицейского): truncheon BrE;
  - (полицейские д-и): as his car approached the hall, the police bandying nightsticks AmE, pushed the crowd back;
  - (полицейского): the police charged the crowd with nightsticks
  дудочка - (камышовая / тростниковая): he sounded a trill like a woodlark on a reed pipe
  ёрш / ёршик - (т.е. для мытья бутылок): bottle-brush;
  - (т.е. туалетный): toilet brush
  жалюзи - (ламели венецианских ж.): slats of Venetian blinds
  жаровня - stoves replaced open fires and braziers as a source of more efficient and reliable heating
  жезл - staff (staves plural);
  - (крутить ж., т.е. в праздничном шествии): learn the skills crucial to boosting team spirit, from twirling a baton and leading a crowd in a cheer to singing a fight song and joining a marching band
  жестянка - (т.е. консервная): a can of coconut milk;
  - (с мелочью): he rummaged around in a tin for some change;
  - (с моторным маслом): a tin of motor oil;
  - (с чаем): he emptied the tea down the toilet and kept the can only
  жетон - (т.е. для оплаты для поездок на общественном транспорте): A bus and / or a streetcar station adjoins every major subway stop. Prices are the same as for the subway and each ticket or token entitles passenger to one complete journey of any length on the TTC (Toronto Transit commission) system.
  жёрдочка - (т.е. попугая): the parrot stood on its perch
  жёрнов - quern stone
  забор - (идти вдоль з-а): he was following a high paling that bulged with shrubs;
  - (из деревянных досок): split-rail fence;
  - (из острых кольев): a large set of security gates, flanked by spiked fence;
  - (садовый): garden fence
  задвижка (т.е. дверная / оконная) - he fumbled behind him for a latch on the door;
  - the latch turns, the door opens;
  - (задвинуть з-у): I eased the bolt in;
  - (задвинуть з-у): the door slammed shut, and he snapped the dead bolt just as a key clicked at the lock;
  - (защищённая от взлома з. окна): a burglar-proof window catch;
  - (защищённая от взлома з. окна): he unscrewed the burglar catch and eased up the window;
  - (открыть з-у): to ease the bolt;
  - (отодвинуть з-у на двери): the bolt was drawn back and the door creaked open;
  - (з. поддалась): the latch gave with a protracted rusty squeal;
  - sliding bolt
  зажигалка - he took out his lighter and held the flame to the cigarette tip;
  - (щёлкнуть колёсиком з-и): her hand is shaking as she tries to flick the flywheel of the lighter
  заклёпка - rivet;
  - (глухая / односторонняя): the extensive use of blind rivets (instead of conventional "bucked" rivets) has contributed largely to simplifying all-metal construction;
  - (з.-люверс / полая з.): eyelet rivet
  заколка (т.е. для волос) - (т.е. невидимка): А bobby pin AmE is a type of hairpin, usually of metal or plastic, used in coiffure to hold hair in place. It is a small double-pronged hair pin or clip that slides into hair with the prongs open and then the flexible prongs close over the hair to hold it in place.;
  - (т.е. невидимка): hairgrip BrE;
  - (т.е. в виде зажима): A barrette AmE / hair clip / hair slide / hair clasp , is a clasp for holding hair in place. They are often made from metal or plastic and sometimes feature decorative fabric. In one type of barrette, a clasp is used to secure the barrette in place; the clasp opens when the two metal pieces at either side are pressed together;
  - (т.е. в виде спицы): а hair stick / hairstick is a straight, pointed device, usually between five and nine inches in length, used to hold a person's hair in place in a hair bun or similar hairstyle;
  замок (замОк) - the lock clicked behind him;
  - he heard the key turn in the lock;
  - (з. открылся, т.е. капота автомобиля): the hood jumped up upward an inch when the catch was released;
  - (крепкий з.): stout lock;
  - (на дверях висячий з. / двери заперты на висячий з.): the door is padlocked
  заслонка - flap
  засов (т.е. дверной) - he fumbled behind him for a latch on the door;
  - the latch turns, the door opens;
  - (задвинуть з.): I eased the bolt in;
  - (задвинуть з.): the door slammed shut, and he snapped the dead bolt just as a key clicked at the lock;
  - (оконный): a burglar-proof window catch;
  - (открыть з.): to ease the bolt;
  - (з. отодвигается): a deadbolt slides back;
  - (отодвинуть з. на двери): the bolt was drawn back and the door creaked open;
  - (з. поддался): the latch gave with a protracted rusty squeal;
  - sliding bolt
  звонок - (т.е. дверной): смотри ниже;
  - (т.е. у пациента для вызова медсестры): The call-bell (at a hospital) was draped over the head of his bed;
  - (т.е. у пациента для вызова медсестры): he groped for the call-bell
  звонок (т.е. дверной) - Beside the bell was a brushed-steel plate with numbers on it. Either you rang the bell or you punched in the combination;
  - (нажать на з. / на кнопку звонка): he presses the buzzer;
  - (нажать на з. / на кнопку звонка): he pressed the door bell;
  - (позвонить в з.): to ring the buzzer;
  - (раздаётся з.): the buzzer sounds;
  - (услышать з. в дверь): he heard the insistent doorbell and frantic knocking at the front door
  змеевик - (с большим внутренним диаметром): wide bore steel vaporizing coil
  змей - (воздушный, пускать воздушного змея): he is flying a kite on our beach
  знамя - the SS made the twin-lightning symbol of its standard synonymous with inhumanity;
  - the Roman dragon banner, the windsleeve carried by Roman legions;
  - (королевское з., т.е. в армии): the story of losing and retrieving of the Queen's Colour is remarkable;
  - (не было ветра, чтобы развернуть знамёна): each encampment had twenty or so tents, the captain's pennants hanging limp above the heart of each gathering. There was no wind to draw out the standards and show him their badges.;
  - (поднять з. кого-л): During the civil war following Nero's death the Black Sea became a battleground. The freedman Anicetus, commander of the fleet, raised the standard of Vitellius, destroyed the Roman ships and then turned to piracy.;
  - (поднять / развернуть / расчехлить полковое з. / з. части): to hoist / unfurl / uncase a regimental, or unit colour
  знак - (т.е. армейский нагрудный з., з. "Отличный стрелок"): a "Distinguished Sniper" badge
  значок - (т.е. армейский, з. "Отличный стрелок"): a "Distinguished Sniper" badge;
  - (в виде короны): crown-shaped badge;
  - (т.е. с фамилией и должностью носящего): he had a stethoscope around his neck, almost the badge of office of a new intern
  зонд - (введение з-а в желудок / введение воды или солевого раствора через з.): gastric lavage, commonly known as a stomach pump, is the insertion of a tube into the stomach, followed by administration of water or saline down the tube;
  - (желудочный и дуоденальный мед): gastric and duodenal probe;
  - (желудочный и дуоденальный мед): a gastro-duodenal tube is inserted through the nose or mouth via the oesophagus into the stomach or duodenum;
  - (метеорологический / радиозонд): The first meteorological balloon sondes, or "registering balloons," were flown in France in 1892. In the 1930s, meteorologists were able to get continuous atmospheric data from balloons when the radiosonde was developed. A radiosonde is a small, radio transmitter that broadcasts or radios measurements from a group of instruments.;
  - (т.е. космический): to detect signals from the marcian probe;
  - (космический): the space probe will help to unravel some of the secrets of the universe
  зонтик - (т.е. большой пляжный) sunshade;
  - (т.е. от дождя): umbrella;
  - (т.е. от солнца): parasol
  изгородь - (рабица - материал для и-дей): chainlink mesh for fencing is probably the most versatile of all fencing fabrics;
  - (живая): Yew is often believed to be a very slow-growing hedge plant. You can keep your hedge in top shape by pruning just once a year.
  иллюминатор - (бортовой): they drew back the steel screens that covered the reinforced glass portholes
  кабина - (т.е. водителя пикапа): a truck with a bulbous cab;
  - (грузовая к. самолёта): belly cargo compartment of a passenger aircraft;
  - (для голосования): voting booth;
  - (душа): shower stall / cubicle;
  - (лётчика): cockpit;
  - (лифта): elevator carAmE / lift car BrE;
  - (т.е. на пароходике): its cubbyhole cockpit had room enough to...;
  - (т.е. пассажирская к. самолёта): the Boeing 747 cabins are refurbished and equipped with new seats;
  - (телефонная): смотри ниже
  - (телефонная): a vandalized telephone box;
  - (туалета): he found a man's room and locked himself in a stall;
  - (туалета): he did not find a free toilet cubicle;
  - (к. экипажа, т.е. самолёта): the hijacker dragged the girl backwards to the locked door to the flight deck
  кабина (телефонная) - telephone booth;
  - he has a habit of calling a young would-be actress from the same phone booth every day, so his wife won't see the number on his cellphone bills;
  - the red telephone box, a telephone kiosk for a public telephone, is a familiar sight on the streets of the United Kingdom;
  - a phone box is a small shelter in the street in which there often used to be a public telephone;
  - (проститутки обклеили телефонные к-ы глянцевыми визитками): prostitutes have plastered phone boxes with glossy business cards;
  - (стеклянная, т.е. о кабине телефона-автомата): a glazed kiosk
  кабинка - (душа): shower stall / cubicle;
  - (туалета): he found a man's room and locked himself in a stall;
  - (туалета): he did not find a free toilet cubicle BrE;
  - (т.е. туалета в клубе): he queues for a cubicle
  кадило / кадильница - censers filled the air with their perfume
  кадка - (в к-ах росли гранатовые деревья и олеандры): ...on the palace terrace where the pomegranates and oleanders grew in green tubs
  кандалы - (заковать кого-л в к. / надеть кому-л к.): place the prisoner in shackles;
  - (ножные): at the fort where slaves were held, leg irons and chains were still attached to the walls of musty cells;
  - (ножные): fetters / shackles / footcuffs / leg irons are a kind of physical restraint used on the feet or ankles to allow walking but prevent running and kicking;
  - (распилить к.): the convict scares the boy into stealing a file to grind away his shackles;
  - (ручные): Don Quixote saw some dozen men on foot strung together by the neck, like beads, on a great iron chain, and all with manacles on their hands;
  - (ручные, надеть ручные к. кому-л): you have shown yourself a mighty fighter, and we do not want to manacle you
  канистра (т.е. бензина) - (заправлять автомобили из канистр): to refuel the cars with jerry-cans;
  - portable fuel containers / gas cans;
  - It seems like every gas can I've ever owned spills gas. The Smart Fill Fuel Can is self-venting. It has an automatic shutoff.;
  - you may need to carry a spare can of petrol / gas
  капкан - (давящий): Body-gripping traps are designed to kill animals quickly. Animals that are caught squarely on the neck are killed quickly, and are therefore not left to suffer or given a chance to escape.;
  - (ущемляющий): The foothold trap is made up of two jaws, one or more springs, and a trigger in the middle which is usually a round pan. When the animal steps on the trigger the trap closes around the foot, preventing the animal from escaping.;
  - (ущемляющий): an animal caught in a leghold trap will frequently chew off its leg to escape the trap
  карабин (т.е. замОк) - a winch rope supplied with a latch hook on one end;
  - the wire rope is fitted with a safety latch hook on one end;
  - a latch hook for permitting secure hanging of strapped bags, such as purses and backpacks;
  - the snap hook device comprises a hook closed by means of a latch held against a stop by a spring;
  - leather dog leash with quick release snap hook;
  - At the time of the fall, the worker was wearing personal fall arrest equipment. A 2 1/4-inch gate snap hook on the end of this lanyard was connected to the D ring on the portable anchorage connector that was attached to the top flange of the beam on which he was walking.;
  - (т.е. на ювелирных украшениях): clasp hook / lobster clasp hook
  карандаш - pencil;
  - (т.е. выдвигающийся к. дезодоранта): push up from the bottom until stick is extended 7 mm;
  - (т.е. для глаз): skillfully applied liner / eyeliner brought out the vivid blue of her eyes
  карусель - (т.е. аттракцион): A carousel AmE / merry-go-round, is an amusement ride consisting of a rotating platform with seats for passengers. Other popular names are roundabout BrE and flying horses.;
  - (для выдачи багажа в аэропорту): passengers can find their baggage reclaim unit by checking the flight number;
  - (для выдачи багажа в аэропорту): at an airport, rotating conveyors in the baggage claim area are often called carousels
  кастет - my fingers slide easily into the loops of a brass knuckleduster in my pocket
  каталка - (на к-е вывозят труп): a body is being brought out on a trolley
  катафот - a tunnel lit by cat's eyes
  катушка - (для кабеля): electric cable reel;
  - (к. зажигания двигателя): ignition exciters;
  - (к. индуктивности / трансформатора / реле): A bobbin is a spindle or cylinder, with or without flanges, on which wire, yarn, thread or film is wound. Bobbins are typically found in cameras, and within electronic equipment. In the case of a inductor, transformer or relay, the bobbin is a permanent container for the wire, acting to form the shape of the coil (and ease assembly of the windings into or onto the magnetic core).;
  - (т.е. микрофильма): a corporation duly registered in the Public Registry of Panama at Docket 444567, Reel, 40406 and Frame 0002 since November 8, 1993;
  - (т.е. ниток): bobbin;
  - (пряжи): kittens playing with a spool of yarn
  кафедра - (т.е. проповедника в церкви): at the lectern, the reverend has asked the mourners to assume their seats
  качели (т.е. подвесные) - he sank onto the swing and coiled one arm around the chain;
  - (кататься / качаться на качелях): a small girl rocked on a swing;
  - (т.е. на верёвке): a rope swing is broken;
  - he sat on the swing
  кегля - (сумка для к-ей): tenpin purses for bowling
  кинокамера - 35mm Russian Spy Camera Masquerades as a Harmless 8mm Video Camera. Upon first glance, it might look like a 8mm motion picture camera that an ordinary tourist might use, but take a closer look and you"ll see that the device is actually a still camera that exposes 35mm film using a smaller lens on the right side of the body!
  клавиатура - (для ввода данных, т.е. в банкомате): a key pad for inputting data;
  - (т.е. компьютера): keyboard
  клепсидра - he turned over his hourglass / hour-glass
  клеть - the belly of the plane was bare except for steel crates for seats lashed to the side bars;
  - (упаковочная): the furniture was flown to Moscow from Sears and Roebuck in packing crates
  ключ - ([гаечный]): hex cap screw is a cap screw with a hexagonal head, designed to be driven by a wrench / spanner;
  - ([гаечный], рожковый и накидной / разводной): In American English, wrench is the standard term, while spanner refers to a specialized wrench with a series of pins or tabs around the circumference. The most common shapes are called open-end wrench and box-end wrench. In British English, spanner is the standard term. The most common shapes are called open-ended spanner and ring spanner. The term wrench refers to a type of adjustable spanner.;
  - (т.е. гаечный, разводной): the term wrench BrE refers to a type of adjustable spanner;
  - (т.е. от двери): key
  клюшка - (т.е. в поло): Polo is a team sport played on horseback in which the objective is to score goals against an opposing team. Riders score by driving a small white plastic or wooden ball into the opposing team's goal using a long-handled mallet;
  - (в хоккее на льду): ice hockey sticks are long L-shaped sticks made of wood, graphite, or composites;
  - (в хоккее на траве): field hockey sticks are J-shaped and constructed of a composite of wood, glass fibre, or carbon fibre;
  - (для гольфа): golf club
  кляп - he heaved in his chair and vomited into the gag;
  - (заткнуть рот к-ом кому-л ): the bitch was yelling a lot so I gagged her and tied her to a chair
  кнопка - (т.е. канцелярская): drawing pin BrE / thumb tack AmE;
  - (т.е. канцелярская, прикреплённый к-ами / к-ой): a list was tacked to the door;
  - (лифта): he jabbed impatiently at the down button of the lift;
  - (т.е. одежды): snap;
  - (т.е. одежды): press stud BrE / snap fastener AmE;
  - (т.е. электрическая, расположенная на проводе): he reached up (in the bed) and pulled the toggle that extinguished the light;
  - (т.е. электрическая, нажать к-у): to push / press the button
  кнут - (показать, у кого к. образно): they are trying to show us who's holding the whip;
  - (щёлкать к-ом): the waggoner cracked his whip at the horses;
  - (щёлкать к-ом): the sledge came sweeping towards him with the dwarf cracking his whip
  ковёр - (персидские ковры): beautiful Persian rugs;
  - (положить борца на к.): the wrestler pinned his opponent to the canvas;
  - (протёртый): threadbare carpet
  - (к.-самолёт): a magic carpet / a flying carpet is a legendary carpet that can be used to transport persons who are on to their destination
  коврик - (молитвенный): wherever a devout Muslim travels, his prayer rug is always close at hand;
  - (т.е. на полу у двери): a good doormat in the hallway stops stand and moisture at your front door and keeps them away from your hardwood flooring;
  - (т.е. на полу у двери ): place doormats outside and rugs inside at every entrance to prevent sand or abrasive dust from accumulating;
  - (т.е. на полу у двери, вытереть кроссовки о к.): I scuffed my running shoes on the rug;
  - (т.е. у камина): hearthrug
  кокарда - (стражник с белой к-ой на шляпе): a watchman with a white cockade in his hat
  коклюшка - (плетение кружев на к-ах): bobbin lacemaking is a handcraft which requires the winding of yarn onto a temporary storage spindle made of wood, previously bone, often turned on a lathe
  колба - (коническая / круглодонная / мерная / плоскодонная): conical / round-bottom / volumetric / flat-bottom flask
  колодец - (т.е. для воды): the old well in the village had a bucket that could be lowered for water;
  - (т.е. для воды, копать / рыть к.): they had to sink a well to water their crops of carrots;
  - (т.е. для воды, упасть в к.): a baby fell down a water well;
  - (канализационный): a builder fractured his skull after he plunged 40ft down a forgotten sewer shaft at a derelict school;
  - (смотровой, т.е. в канализации): the light came from the circular vents in manhole covers;
  - (смотровой, т.е. в канализации): Vertical pipes, called manholes, connect the mains to the surface. The manholes are used for access to the sewer pipes for inspection and maintenance.;
  - (трубная изоляция годится для применения в колодцах здания): this pipe insulation is acceptable for use in duct applications;
  - (упасть в к.): a baby fell down a water well;
  - (фильтрации, т.е. очищенных сточных вод): Effluent flows directly from your house into an underground, two compartment septic tank. Solid waste settles into a sludge layer on the bottom and fats float to the top of the first compartment. Between these two scum layers is a zone of clarified liquid effluent which is internally piped to the second compartment of the septic tank for additional settling. As incoming sewage from the house fills the first compartment, clarified liquids are forced to leave the second chamber of the septic tank and flow out to the leach pit. A leach pit is a deeper, larger hole filled with rock for disposing of wastewater.
  колодка - (т.е. обувная): Last is the wooden block around which a shoe is formed. The last represents the shape and size of the intended wearer's foot. Lasts can be standard sizes or bespoke.;
  - (судно стояло в доке на к-ах): the ship was in dry dock, sitting on a collection of wooden blocks;
  - (т.е. удерживaющая самолёт): chock;
  - (т.е. удерживaющая танкер в доке): at last only the blocks that cradled the tanker remained;
  - смотри колодки
  колодки - (преступникам надевали к.): in Middle Ages, to shame criminals before their neighbors and give a warning to everyone else, they were sometimes put in the stocks;
  - (разбойники, забитые в к.): he saw footpads pelted in the stocks
  колокол - (по ком звонит к.): For Whom the Bell Tolls
  колокольчик - (т.е. на входе в ресторан): The doorbell (of a restaurant) jingles. A man steps inside.;
  - (т.е. на санях): the sledge came sweeping towards him with the bells jingling;
  - (т.е. цветок): Bluebell may refer to a common name for many species of flowering plants, including Common Bluebell (Hyacinthoides non-scripta), Italian Bluebell (Hyacinthoides Italica), Spanish Bluebell (Hyacinthoides hispanica);
  - (цветы к-ом): small campanulate yellow flowers
  колонка - (водоразборная, брать воду из к-и): we had to get water from a standpipe
  колонна - (веранды): pillars of the verandah;
  - (ворот): a pair of wrought iron gates, flanked with stone columns topped with winged boars;
  - (вход с к-ми): from the road a gravel path leads up to the pillared entrance;
  - (дорические): it is a solid red-brick block dressed up with a few Doric columns to let everybody know it is a public place;
  - (т.е. замка): mighty pillars upheld its lofty roof;
  - (мраморные к-ы в зале суда): inside the vaulted courtroom, with its red marble pillars and oaken buttresses, the tumult continues;
  - (навес, поддерживаемый к-ами): the judge's bench is well elevated and covered by a walnut canopy, supported by 2 marble pillars;
  - (т.е. противошумной стены): The image shows two anchor bolts laying side by side before they are positioned in the shaft. The curved ends are where the noise panels will be attached to each bolt.;
  - Wren's dome concept reappeared, now over the intersection of the cross, held up by eight piers that anchored archways and served as sectional dividers;
  - colonnade is a series of regularly spaced columns
  колотушка - (т.е. для создания шума): some farmers use clappers to keep birds off their crops;
  - (т.е. для создания шума): rattle: an instrument that rattles, used especially by people watching a football match;
  - (т.е. молоток): vibrate the concrete by tapping the bottom and sides of the mold with a rubber mallet and running a concrete vibrator
  колье - her plain gold wedding band and a narrow gold choker were the only jewelry she wore;
  - intaglio necklace
  коляска - (т.е. детская): a baby carriage AmE / buggy AmE / perambulator BrE / pram BrE is generally used for newborn babies and have the infant lying down facing the pusher;
  - (т.е. детская, катать к-у): mothers don't push big prams these days;
  - (т.е. детская лёгкая): A stroller AmE or push chair / buggy BrE has the child (generally up to 3 years old) in the sitting position, usually facing forwards. Push chair is the usual term in the UK, but it is becoming increasingly replaced by buggy. In American English buggy is synonymous with baby carriage.;
  - (запряжённая лошадьми): a carriage is a wheeled vehicle for people, usually horse-drawn;
  - (т.е. запряжённая лошадьми): stepping from his carriage G. Washington mounted his horse and rode the final miles;
  - (т.е. запряжённая лошадьми): in British and French coaches, the coachman drove from a raised coachbox at the front;
  - (инвалидная): a disabled person operating a self-propelled wheel-chair;
  - (мотоцикла): a motorcycle with a sidecar
  компас - (магнитный): magnetic compass
  контейнер - alumina is dissolved in an electrolytic bath of molten cryolite (sodium aluminium fluoride) within a large carbon or graphite lined steel container known as a "pot";
  - (для мусора): A waste container is a container for temporarily storing refuse and waste. The most general terms are waste receptacle / container bin. Common terms include bin BrE AustrE / dustbin BrE / rubbish bin BrE AustrE / refuse bin BrE / litter bin BrE / litter receptacle BrE / kitchen bin BrE / garbage can AmE / trash can AmE / trash barrel AmE / garbage bin AmE AustrE. Public containers with wheels are termed wheelie bin BrE Austr / mobile garbage bin respectively. A wheeled bin for residential or commercial curbside collection can be called by the generic name Herbie Curbie or the trademarked name Herby Curby.
  - (для мусора): they decided to move the dumpster that was in front of their car so that they could pull forward;
  - (перевозочные к-ы): a stack of rusted-out shipping containers
  конфетти - to throw confetti over the children
  конфорка (т.е. электроплиты) - (т.е. чугунная): solid plate hob;
  - (т.е. стеклокерамическая): ceramic hob
  копилка - the opening of the money-box;
  - (т.е. в виде поросёнка): piggy bank;
  - (т.е. при общественной кофеварке): I finally toss 2 quarters in the kitty
  кораблик - (бумажный): a carp had risen out of the mucky water and swallowed the paper boat whole
  корзина - (т.е. баскетбольная): смотри ниже;
  - (т.е. для переноски): смотри ниже
  корзина (баскетбольная) - (бросать мяч в к-у / по к-е): most boys in his neighborhood were trying to shoot hoops like Mike Jordan;
  - (броски по к-e): hoops-shooting contest;
  - (положить мяч в к-у): to score a spectacular goal by putting the ball through a hoop;
  - (попадать в к-у): He is good at basketball. He can sink a basket from the center line;
  - (установить к-у): I built her a basketball hoop;
  - (установить к-у на гараже): he put up a basketball hoop on his garage
  корзина / корзинка (т.е. для переноски) - (груз фиников в к-ах, т.е. на верблюде): the spy hid the radio beneath the consignment of date that he had stored in the panniers;
  - (для бумаг / мусора): the rat had taken refuge under a wastepaper bin;
  - (для рыбы): his wicker creel with the rainbow trout in it;
  - (мусорная): the teams must systematically use shredders in order to avoid confidential information being thrown into the dustbin;
  - (т.е. плетёная к. с крышкой для грязного белья): a mother might ask her son to put his noisome socks in the hamper;
  - (к. слив): a basket of plums
  кормушка - (для птиц): bird feeder
  короб - (т.е. картонный ящик, в который упаковываются картонные коробки меньшего размера с товаром, например, мороженая рыба, стиральный порошок...): A master carton is defined as a shipping carton which contains multiple, smaller, inner packs of the same item. A master carton cannot contain more than one type of Stock Keeping Unit;
  - (т.е. плетёный из прутьев с крышкой): pannier
  коробка - (дверная): doorframe;
  - (картонная): a stack of brown cardboard boxes;
  - (патронов): a hunting rifle and two boxes of shells for the rifle;
  - (похожее на к-у здание): the squat, boxy design of Slovak University epitomizes Communist-era architecture;
  - (т.е. с товаром): the man was shifting boxes against the wall;
  - (теннисных мячей): a tennis ball can
  коробка / коробочка - (т.е. от купленной навынос еды): the sink is overflowing with takeaway tins and garbage
  коромысло - (молочницы): a frame of wood fitted to a person's shoulders for carrying pails, etc., suspended on each side, as a milkmaid's yoke;
  корыто - (т.е. для стирки): the fisherman asked the fish for a new washtub;
  - (с водой, кузнец опускает раскалённый меч в к. с в.): the smith carefully observes the color of the glowing blade, and when the critical temperature is reached the sword is quickly quenched in a trough of water;
  - (старое к., о корабле): she is an old tub
  коса - (смерть с к-ой): death is often shown as a skeletal figure carrying a large scythe
  косметичка (т.е. сумочка с косметикой) - vanity case is a small handbag or case used by women for carrying cosmetics or toiletries;
  - make-up bag
  костыль - (ходить на к-лях): he had suffered from polio as a child and walked with crutches;
  - (ковылять на к-лях): he was hobbling around the house on crutches
  котомка - (взвалить к-у на плечо): the stranger hoisted his pack onto his shoulder and loped off
  кочерга - а poker and a pair of tongs
  кошель / кошелёк - (т.е. в виде мешочка): he searched in the sturdy pouch belted on the opposite hip to his sword
  кошелёк - change purse;
  - (т.е. бумажник): a wallet BrE / billfold AmE, is a small, flat case used to carry personal items such as cash, credit cards and identification documents, such as a driver's license;
  - prior to the introduction of paper currency, purses (usually simple drawstring leather pouches) were used for storing coins;
  - (поясной): funny packs
  кошка - (с тремя лапами): as the launch emerged from the transcom shadow they slung the three-point grapnels they held, the hooks sheathed in rubber hose
  кран - (т.е. водопроводный): смотри ниже;
  - (т.е. газовый): смотри ниже;
  - (пивной): beer tap;
  - (пивной): how could I sanitise the tap BrE / spigot AmE without affecting the beer?;
  - (т.е. подъёмный): смотри ниже
  кран (т.е. водопроводный) - (к. был выключен): the tap BrE / spigot AmE was turned off;
  - In Wisconsin we use faucet for that metal thing above the sink which provides water. Spigot is usually outside and may even be an old fashion water pump or fire hydrant.
  - It is convenient to attach a garden hose to a kitchen faucet when a large container needs to be filled with water, or when plants need to be watered. This is especially the case when an outdoor garden hose spigot is not available.;
  - (включать и выключать / открывать и закрывать к-ы): he turned the taps on and off;
  - (вода бежала из к-а): water running out of a bathroom faucet AmE;
  - (вода из-под к-а): is this mineral or tap water?
  - (запорный): In Great Britain a stopcock is used to prevent flow of water into a domestic water system. There are usually two stopcocks for a home. One is usually found just outside the property boundary and can be used to isolate the building from the water supply. The other is inside the property where the supply enters the property.;
  - (капли на носике к-а): drops forming on the spout of the faucet AmE;
  - (оставить краны открытыми): he left the taps running and the bath overflowed;
  - (шаровой): globe valve / ball valve;
  кран (т.е. газовый) - (для всей плиты): often turn the cooker gas tap off after each use;
  - (т.е. газовый, для конфорки): gas tap knob
  кран (т.е. подъёмный) - a crane lifts a noise wall and positions it for installation;
  - (башенный): tower crane;
  - (береговой): provisions and equipment were brought on board through the main hatch with a crane on the quay;
  - (велосипедный / монорельсовый / однорельсовый): monorail crane;
  - (козловый): gantry crane;
  - (консольный): jib crane;
  - (локомотивный): locomotive crane;
  - (мостовой): overhead crane;
  - (мостовой / передвижной): when the trucks got to the cruiser, a traveling crane lifted them up to the foredeck of the ship;
  - (портальный): bridge crane;
  - (портальный): he stood on a gantry crane high above the dry dock at the centre of the shipyard;
  - (портальные к-ы): great modules of high-tensile steel had swung in from the overhead gantries to drop into preassigned places
  кресало - (высечь искры кремнём и к-ом): he struck sparks with flint and steel
  крысоловка - rat traps are used for pest control
  кукла - (т.е. игрушка): doll;
  - (т.е. марионетка): puppet;
  - (т.е. на чайник): tea cozy
  кукла / куколка - (т.е. свёрнутая из тряпок): "Token for a baby maybe, wanting one or to keep a newborn healthy?" Cords tied the coarse cloth into an unmistakable swaddled shape. He dropped the baby poppet back in its hollow.
  кулёк / кулёчек - (конфет): a bag of sweets had spilled out of his pocket;
  - (полиэтиленовый): the tape recording in its polythene bag;
  - (полиэтиленовый): a small polythene sack with a sprig of young wheat in it;
  - (т.е. полиэтиленовый): he emptied the alcohol slops into a makeshift pouch in his trousers
  кулон - (гранатовый): garnet pendant;
  - (на цепочке): a metallic black crystal pendant on a silver chain;
  - (на ремешке): a pendant on a single thong;
  - (к. сердечком из серебра 925-ой пробы): sterling 925 silver heart pendant and chain
  курильница - (к-ы, испускающие благовонные ароматы): censers exhaling scented odours;
  - incense burner
  ладанка - he raised his hand to the pouch at his throat
  лампа - (аварийной сигнализации): emergency light;
  - (вакуумная / электронная): in electronics, a vacuum tubе АмЕ / electron tube АмЕ, thermionic valve BrЕ or just valve BrЕ is a device used to amplify, switch, otherwise modify, or create an electrical signal by controlling the movement of electrons in a low-pressure space;
  - (л.-вспышка): xenon flash lamps are gas-filled tubes used in cameras and strobe lights to produce bright flashes of light;
  - (л.-вспышка): In the late 1960s, Kodak replaced the individual flashbulb technology with the Flashcube. Flashcubes consisted of 4 electrically fired flashbulbs with an integral reflector in a cube-shaped arrangement that allowed taking 4 images in a row.;
  - (газоразрядная): A gas-filled tube / discharge tube is an arrangement of electrodes in a gas within an insulating temperature-resistant envelope. Although the envelope was typically glass, power tubes often use ceramics. Gas-filled tubes operate by ionizing the gas with applied voltage to start electrical conduction.;
  - (газоразрядная / т.е. накаливания): gas discharge lamps exceed the efficiency of a light bulb by a factor of 5-10;
  - (дуговая): the port area is cordoned off from the city by a chain fence, topped with barbed wire and arc lights;
  - (зажечь л-у): to light an oil / gas lamp;
  - (керосиновая): in a kerosene lamp, a wick is used to draw fuel from a tank or reservoir to a burner;
  - (настольные): table lamps and desk lamps;
  - (настольная): he switched on the green-shaded desklight;
  - (неоновая / газоразрядная): A neon lamp is a gas discharge lamp containing primarily neon gas at low pressure. The term is sometimes used for similar devices filled with other noble gases usually to produce different colors;
  - (неоновая, т.е. на вывесках / рекламе): neon signs are luminous-tube signs that contain neon or other inert gases at a low pressure;
  - (паяльная): a blowtorch AmE / blow torch AmE / blowlamp BrE is a tool for applying lower-intensity and more diffuse flame and heat for various applications, than the oxyacetylene torch;
  - (л. подсвета консоли): console floodlight;
  - (шахтёрская): the miner's lamp is CE Certified for use in explosive atmospheres such as coal mines;
  - (электронная / вакуумная / газоразрядная): electron tube can be used to describe either of two things: vacuum tube; gas-filled tube;
  - (электронно-лучевая): cathode ray tubes are still used as display devices in television sets, video monitors, and oscilloscopes, although they are being replaced by LCDs and other flat-panel displays
  лампочка - (л-и загорались над багажными полками): lanterns flickered into life over the luggage racks;
  - (заменить лампочку в светильнике): to replace the bulb in the lamp;
  - (л. мигнула на селекторе): a yellow light winked on the intercom;
  - (накаливания): the incandescent light bulb / incandescent lamp / incandescent light globe is a source of electric light that works by incandescence;
  - (электрическая): why an electric bulb needs to be vacuumed?
  ледоруб - ice axe
  лекало - A French curve is a template made out of plastic, metal or wood composed of many different curves. It is used in manual drafting to draw smooth curved of varying radii.;
  - the drafting method is more commonly employed in men's garments and involves drafting a pattern directly onto pattern paper using a variety of straightedges and curves
  ленчик - (седла): Tree: the base on which the rest of the saddle is built. Usually based on wood or a similar synthetic material, it is eventually covered in leather of a leatherlike synthetic. The tree size determines its fit on the horse's back as well as the size of the seat for the rider.
  линейка - a 12-inch ruler;
  - the drafting method is more commonly employed in men's garments and involves drafting a pattern directly onto pattern paper using a variety of straightedges and curves
  линза - A corrective lens is a lens typically worn in front of the eye to improve vision. The most common use is to treat refractive errors: myopia, hypermetropia, astigmatism, and presbyopia;
  листовка - (в защиту демократии): he was arrested for distributing pro-democracy leaflets;
  - (т.е. призывающая к джихаду): lately, fliers / flyers have appeared in Khartoum mosques urging jihad;
  - a proclamation nailed to the cooksheds informed lumbermen that any man overheard talking union would be fired off the job immediately;
  - (раздавать л-и): students distributed handbills calling for better funding for schools;
  - a flyer / circular / leaflet / pamphlet / handbill - so many words for a piece of paper with words and images printed on it that gets handed out on a street
  ложа - (т.е. в театре / на стадионе): the box was situated exactly halfway between the goal posts
  лопата - (работа киркой и л-ой): he was destined for pick-and shovel work;
  - (т.е. совковая): spade
  лопатка - (т.е. для нанесения лака): spatula for lacquer application;
  - (для пиццы / торта, т.е. на неё помещается целый торт): pizza / cake lifter;
  - (для пиццы, т.е. чтобы класть в духовку / вынимать из духовки): pizza peel;
  - (для пиццы / торта, т.е. чтобы раздавать порции): pizza / cake server;
  - (для рыбы): fish slice BrE / slotted spatula AmE;
  - (для теста, т.е. в миксере): dough blade;
  - (каменщика / штукатура): bricklayer's / plasterer's trowel;
  - (т.е. мастерок, разгладить поверхность, т.е. бетона, л-ой): create a smooth surface by using a trowel;
  - (сапёрная): with his entrenching tool, which weighed five pounds, he began digging a hole in the earth;
  - (турбины): wind turbine blades work by generating lift due to their curved shape
  лоток - (т.е. для кота): how much litter do I put in my cat's litter box / litter tray?;
  - (т.е. для промывания золотоносного песка): sluice box;
  - (т.е. для промывания золотоносного песка): when the gold-laden gravels were dumped into the upper end of the sluice, the flow of water carried the material down the length of the box;
  - (лоточники с лотками, полными безделушек и еды, сновали в толпе): peddlers with trays of trinkets and food wove among the crowds;
  - (торговать с лотка гамбургерами): he couldn't run a hamburger stand
  лохань - (с водой): the smith carefully observes the color of the glowing blade, and when the critical temperature is reached the sword is quickly quenched in a trough of water
  лука (т.е. седла) - I wish I could walk and not bump like a sack at Gandalf's saddlebow;
  - (задняя): cantle;
  - (передняя): pommel
  лупа - magnifier / magnifying glass
  манеж - (т.е. для верховой езды): indoor / outdoor arena;
  - (т.е. для ребёнка): There is ample room in the café and store for mothers with prams and pushchairs to get around easily. We have a play pen to amuse children whilst their parents enjoy a treat.;
  - (т.е. конный, крытый м.): indoor manege / riding hall;
  - (т.е. конный, открытый м.): outdoor manege
  манекен - (в магазине одежды): the window displays consisted of a few chipped dummies (dummy), modeling fashions ten years out of date
  - (т.е. портновский): all of the fitting steps below are demonstrated on a foam mannequin;
  - (т.е. портновский): a dressmaker's dummy;
  - (т.е. портновский): A dress form is used to give a three-dimensional view on the article of clothing that is being sewed. When a piece of clothing is made, it can be put on the dress form so one can see how the piece of clothing turned out.
  маска - (т.е. для подводного плаванья, плавать с м-ой и трубкой вокруг рифа): we snorkeled around the magnificent reef;
  - (защитная): they donned the protective clothing, face masks and oxygen bottles;
  - (т.е. карнавальная): A domino mask is a small, often rounded mask covering only the area around the eyes and the space between them. The masks have seen special prevalence since the 18th century, when they became traditional wear in particular local manifestations of Carnival, particularly with Venetian Carnival.
  - (кислородная): oxygen mask;
  - (лётчика): the flight leader was jabbering rapidly into his mask;
  - (противодымная м. в кабине пилота): smoke goggle
  медаль - (наградить м-ю за храбрость): he was decorated with a medal for bravery;
  - (наградить м-ю): Pamela Anderson was born on July 1st 1971, Canada's one hundred's birthday, and her parents were awarded with a medal;
  - (наградить м-ю): at the end of the week, scouts who had done a remarkable job were awarded with a medal;
  - (обратная сторона м-ли): the reverse of the medal;
  - (олимпийская золотая): an Olympic gold medal
  медальон - a locket in the shape of a heart
  медяк - (т.е. медные деньги): he dropped some coppers on the counter
  мельница - (ветряная): windmill;
  - (водяная): The Mill on the Floss;
  - (ручная м. для зерна): the quern for grinding grain
  мемориальная доска - according to the plaque on the church, this is where G. Washington worshipped while in town
  мензурка - they were in beakers, in phials, in little envelopes
  мешочек - (полиэтиленовый): a small polythene sack with a sprig of young wheat in it;
  - (полиэтиленовый): the tape recording in its polythen bag
  молоток / молоточек - (отбить телячьи эскалопы молоточком): she pounded the veal scallops with a mallet until they were thin enough;
  монокль - he readjusted his monocle
  мочалка - (из люфы): A giant loofah smears across his shoulders and down his back. His masseur offers him a towel.;
  - (стальная): thoroughly clean the steel mesh using steel wool and acetone or denatured alcohol
  мышеловка - (попасться в м-у): the mouse was trapped in a mousetrap
  набалдашник - (посоха): a stout stave of polished wood with a carven head;
  - (трость с н-ом на конце): a stick with a knobнабалдашник on its end
  надгробие - they sat on one of the tombstones;
  - the painting was set into an arched recess above the tomb;
  - I read the words on the old headstone
  наручники - (на всех были н.): all the criminals were black, all wore orange coveralls and handcuffs;
  - (он явился в суд в н-ах): pale and downcast, he arrived in cuffs at the A. regional court;
  - (снять н.): "You can take off the cuffs." The guard unshackles the prisoner
  - Don Quixote saw some dozen men on foot strung together by the neck, like beads, on a great iron chain, and all with manacles on their hands;
  - (надеть н-и кому-л): you have shown yourself a mighty fighter, and we do not want to manacle you
  наушник - (т.е. защитные резиновые кольца головного телефона): outside, ground crew shuddered even in their earmuffs as the boom echoed through the hangars;
  - (наушники головного телефона): he took a headset and fitted the earphones over his head;
  - ([противошумный]): At the shooting range we were equipped with earmuffs. Still the noise was deafening.
  - (н-и радио): he donned the headset;
  - (радио): the technician listened through his earphones as his direction-finders stabilized on the source of transmission;
  - (радио): she had the earphones on and made first contact, tapping out his call-sign on 14 megacycles;
  - (радио): with headphones over his ears;
  - (стетоскопа): he slipped the stethoscope around his neck and fitted the earpieces;
  - (шапки): pedestrians were holding their shapkas tight on their heads, ear-muffs down
  - (шапки): a cap with earflaps
  невод - ponds are harvested by the drain-and-seine (total) or the multiple (partial) harvest method;
  - (лов н-ом): total pond harvest is accomplished by draining and seining;
  - In small ponds, seines can be pulled by hand; large ponds are seined by dragging the net with trucks, tractors or small four-wheel drive vehicles. Seines are pulled from deep to shallow water.;
  - (ловить н-ом): the fish was seined from overflow pools along the nearby river
  несессер - (дамский): vanity case is a small handbag or case used by women for carrying cosmetics or toiletries
  нож - he could see the bare knobs on the branch where smaller branches had been lopped off with a knife or a hatchet (большой);
  - (для мяса): carving knife;
  - (для рыбы): fish knife;
  - (кухонный): a set of carvers;
  - (на кнопке / на пружинке): a brand-new switchblade in his back pocket
  - (ножи из Дамаска): steel and cutlery from Damascus;
  - (ножи): for the best cutlery, kitchen cutlery, men shaving, straight razors and unique gifts, visit our stores
  - (перочинный): penknife;
  - (скрепера): the cylinder causes the scraper bowl to lower to bring the scraper blade into contact with the underlying terrain;
  - (скрепера): scraper bowl with a movable cutting edge;
  - (столовый): table knife;
  - (хлебный, т.е. с зубчатым лезвием): breadknife
  ножницы - (садовые / для стрижки овец): armed with shears and machetes, supporters of the militant farmer J. B. went on a rampage through test sites for genetically modified corn in southern France on Sunday;
  - (маникюрные): nail scissors;
  - (маникюрные): the nail had been neatly clipped, as if with a pair of manicurist's scissors;
  - (портновские большие): use dressmaker shears to cut fabric along designated cutting line
  номерок - (т.е. в гардеробе): check
  носилки - A stretcher is a medical device used to carry casualties or an incapacitated person from one place to another. It is a simple type of litter, and still called by that name in some cases.;
  - (пострадавшего кладут на н.): the casualty is placed on the stretcher and can be carried away;
  - (т.е. скорой помощи): the driver and the attendant of the ambulance car ran round to the back and eased out an empty stretcher;
  - (транспортировка раненых на носилках): transporting a casualty by litter is safer and more comfortable for him than by manual means;
  - two litter bearers set the litter down, frequently at some distance from the wounded man, go over and get him, and bring him to the litter
  носовой платок - (бумажный): paper tissue;
  - (т.е. бумажный): he used a tissue to wipe his eyes;
  - I was crying and my pockets were full of soggy tissues;
  - (т.е. из ткани, тонкий): a fine handkerchief;
  - (т.е. из ткани): handkerchief / hanky infml / hankie infml;
  - (с рисунком / узором): I was wearing a patterned handkerchief in my breast pocket;
  - (сморкальник разг): he wiped his eyes with his snotrag infml
  ночной горшок - a chamber pot / chamberpot / john / jordan / po / potty / thunder pot is a bowl-shaped container with a handle kept in the bedroom under the bed or in the cabinet of nightstand and generally used as a urinal at night;
  - the word gazunder may refer to a chamber pot, so called because it goes under the bed;
  - (пойти на г., о ребёнке): Jamie had to hit the potty
  огниво - (т.е. сказка Андерсена): The Tinder-Box by Hans Christian Andersen;
  - he reached into his belt-pouch for his firesteel;
  - (кремень и о.): flint and steel
  ожерелье - intaglio necklace;
  - (жемчужное): a superb three-string pearl collar with a cameo clasp
  опрыскиватель - (растений): plant mister
  оселок - the level strokes of her whetstone didn't vary as the mercenary sharpened her sword
  отвес - plumb line: a line from which a weight is suspended to determine verticality or depth
  отмычка - lockpick / lock pick;
  - (тумблер замка против о-ки): he had an American Yale lock on the door, with a pick-resistant tumbler and a sturdy locking mechanism;
  - he extracted the pick from the keyway
  очки - horn-rimmed glasses were flashing in the sun;
  - he removed the rain-spotted glasses and polished them;
  - her sharp eyes were framed with square spectacles;
  - an ugly old bat in outsized specs infml;
  - (т.е. в круглой проволочной оправе): John Lennon's trademark "granny" spectacles;
  - (для плаванья): goggles;
  - (т.е. защитные о. фехтовальщика): strapped tightly on the face of the fighters are black steel goggles, with discoloured, steel-mesh lenses;
  - (носить о.): I refused to wear the thick glasses I needed since I was 9 to correct my terrible eyesight;
  - (ночного видения): night vision goggles showed only rough terrain features, mainly the tops of hills and ridges;
  - (стереоскопическиe): stereoscopic shutter glasses;
  - (тёмные): I wore sunglasses;
  - (т.е. узкие о. только для чтения): her half-glasses were slipping down her nose
  ошейник - each of the beasts had a thick, leather collar around its neck, which was attached to a long chain
  пакет - (молока / сока, т.е. картонный): a carton of milk / juice;
  - (обмен п-ами между шпионами): the swap of packages went off all right;
  - (с подарком): there was a large package tied to the bird's leg
  пакетик - he slipped his trousers to his knees and taped the batch to his thigh
  паланкин - inside the litter, he settled back against the pillows;
  - palanquin
  палка - (вставлять п-и в колёса, т.е. мешать): she put a spoke in his wheel;
  - (т.е. для ходьбы): she whacked H. around the shins with her walking stick;
  - (т.е. для ходьбы): my cane click-clacks on the pavement;
  - (железная): the iron bar was strong enough through the middle;
  - (лыжная): ski pole / ski stick BrE;
  - (ударить п-ой по голове): to smack an enemy over the head with his cane;
  - (ходить с п-ой): He had overcome the damage caused by a stroke. Now, although he used a walking stick and had a slight limp, there was nothing to suggest the length and severity of his illness.
  палочка - (т.е. в алкогольном напитке): swizzle;
  - (т.е. волшебная / дирижёрская): wand;
  - (дирижёрская): conductor's baton;
  - (т.е. дирижёрская): the evening's musical interpretation under the baton of conductor S.L. won generous applause;
  - (для еды): he shoveled some rice into his mouth with his chopsticks;
  - (припоя): a soldering iron and small stick of solder;
  - (с ватным тампоном, т.е. для чистки ушей): people use Q-tips to clean their ears;
  - (ходить с п-ой): He had overcome the damage caused by a stroke. Now, although he used a walking stick and had a slight limp, there was nothing to suggest the length and severity of his illness.
  папильотка - she's wearing her hair in curlers
  парашют - parachute;
  - (прыгать с п-ом, он прыгал с п. и попал в несчастный случай): on Saturday my husband was in a very serious skydiving accident
  парик - the window displays consisted of a few chipped dummies with their wigs askew;
  - (т.е. накладка): a toupee is a hairpiece or partial wig of natural or synthetic hair worn to cover partial baldness
  паяльная лампа - a blowtorch AmE / blow torch AmE / blowlamp BrE is a tool for applying lower-intensity and more diffuse flame and heat for various applications, than the oxyacetylene torch
  педаль - (акселератора автомобиля): the accelerator pedal on a car;
  - (велосипеда): one of the pedals has come off my bicycle;
  - (газа, т.е. в автомобиле): don't floor the gas pedal AmE in the middle of the turn;
  - (гончарного круга): potter's wheel may be powered by kicking a fly-wheel attached to the bottom of a spindle connected to the wheel-head by using a treadle;
  - (давить на п., т.е. автомобиля): I pedaled AmE / pedalled BrE like mad but nothing happened;
  - (оргАна): an organ pedal;
  - (швейной машины): the treadle of a sewing machine
  пелёнка - (т.е. в которые заворачивают младенца): an infant's soiled swaddling;
  - (т.е. памперсы / прокладки): nappy BrE / diaper AmE
  пепельница - (в автомобиле): he tapped his ash into the dashboard tray
  песочница (т.е. на детской площадке) - (играть в п-е): let's go play in the sandbox;
  - local parks are equipped with playground equipment and sand pits
  пест / пестик - (ступки): mortar and pestles are used as drug paraphernalia by some in order to grind up pills
  печатка - I went over to the desk and penned a quick note. I signed the Maestro's name to it, sealed it with his signet.
  печка / печь - (печь для сушки хмеля / солода): the townlands were rich, with wide tilth and many orchards, and homesteads there were with oast old use and garner, fold and byre;
  - (т.е. кухонная): she was stirring the contents of a large pot on the stove;
  - (т.е. дровяная для отопления): most important to the clean and efficient running of any wood heater, is the firewood;
  - (микроволновая): microwave oven
  печь - (для обжига): the model has to be fired in the kiln;
  - tin is primarily obtained from the mineral cassiterite (SnO2) and is extracted by roasting cassiterite in a furnace with carbon;
  - (доменная): pig iron is crude iron obtained directly from the blast furnace and cast in molds
  пипетка - (закапать антибиотик в рот хомяку из п-и): squirt the antibiotic into the hamster's mouth with an eyedropper
  плакат - (над конторкой портье): a banner over the front desk (at a hotel) welcomed the S. reunion class;
  - (развернуть и поднять п., т.е. с приветствием): they unfurled a placard they secreted in their coats and held it up;
  - (с портретом спортсмена): each and every tent had the same poster attached to it;
  - (с рекламой цирка): they put up posters all around the town advertising the circus
  платформа - (вокзальная): a scarlet steam engine was puffing smoke over a platform;
  - (т.е. железнодорожная): "What do they move on flatcars?" "Tracked vehicles and heavy guns.";
  - (т.е. железнодорожная): flat;
  - (метро): into the grimy labyrinth of tunnels and platforms;
  - (нефтяная, т.е. для добычи в океане): an offshore platform, often referred to as an oil platform or an oil rig, is a large structure used to house workers and machinery needed to drill wells in the ocean bed, extract oil and/or natural gas, process the produced fluids, and ship or pipe them to shore;
  - (нефтяная, т.е. для добычи в океане): the Deepwater Horizon rig explosion
  плафон - (люстры): glass chandelier with 5 spiral twisted arms and shades
  плаха - Beheading with a sword or axe goes back a very long way in history. Where an axe was the chosen implement, a wooden block, often shaped to accept the neck, was required.;
  - A headsman's block was set up before a tree. It took three blows to sever the man's head from his body.
  плеть - (удар п-и эхом прокатился по ложбине между холмами): I winced as the crack of the lash echoed around the hollow in the hills;
  - I should have been ruling those lands with his kind beneath the lash to till the soil and grateful for their miserable lives;
  плита (т.е. кухонная) - a kitchen stove AmE / cooker AmE / cookstove is a kitchen appliance designed for the purpose of cooking food;
  - electric kitchen ranges are the most popular type of range currently found on the market;
  - (газовая): a companionway led down to a cramped four-berth resting area, with a tiny toilet and a camping-gas cooker;
  - (газовая / электрическая): gas and electric stoves;
  - (индукционная): induction range / induction cooker;
  - (микроволновая): microwave oven;
  - (стеклокерамическая, т.е. варочная поверхность): glass-ceramic cooktop;
  - (чугунная): the rustic cabin had no heat except for the cast-iron cook stove AmE in the kitchen
  повод - (конь на п-у, т.е. рядом со всадником): a horse on a lead rein will slow us;
  - a sudden blow from behind sent me sprawling into a cart and I scrambled away from the slashing hooves of a loose horse, snapped halter dangling as it dashed, panicked, from the sound of battle and the sickly smell of blood
  поводок - (держать на коротком п-дке образно): he was keeping his prey on a very tight leash fig.;
  - (на конце п-дка был медведь): at the end of the long leather leash was a bear;
  - (собаки должны быть на п-дке): the law requires that dogs must be on a leash at all times
  поводья - (дёрнуть п.): he shoved his foot into the stirrup, hefted himself onto the horse's back, and yanked the reins so the animal turned toward the stable exit;
  - (дёрнуть п.): he yanked on the reins and the horse reared;
  - (отпустить п.): fortunately, I had not dropped the reins, I tugged at them fiercely to bring the frightened beast back under control;
  - (потянуть п.): he hauled on his reins to turn the horse towards the sea
  погремушка - rattles are the first toys which every baby receives;
  - the giant tossed him like a beanbag
  подголовник - headrest
  подзорная труба - spyglass
  подиум - (т.е. манекенщиц): she was relishing the prospect of strutting her stuff on the catwalk;
  - there was a podium dominated by a raised lectern in its centre
  подкова - horseshoe is nailed to the bottom of a horse's hoof for protection
  подпруга (т.е. седла) - (затянуть п-у): to tighten the cinch;
  - (п. была надёжно затянута): the saddle was securely cinched;
  - (затянуть п-у): the knowledge of how to saddle the pony seemed to be second nature as my hands moved to tighten the girth, to check the stirrups;
  - (подтянуть п-у лошади): I was adjusting the horse's girth
  подсвечник - (керамический): a candle in a pottery holder;
  - I licked the finger and thumb and snuffed the candle in its sconce
  подставка - (т.е. для безделушки): the scull stood on a pedestal that S. had carved of a piece of old oak;
  - (для брёвен): beds were little more than wooden bunks AmE placed along the wall;
  - (для дров в камине): a pair of firedogs;
  - (для дров в камине): the resulting slug hadn't been useful even to make andirons with;
  - (для зонтиков): umbrella stand;
  - (для обуви): shoe rack;
  - (для ручек): the desk was free of clutter: there was a blotter, pen stand, and the telephone;
  - (электрочайника): before connecting the kettle, check if the voltage indicated on the appliance (underside of kettle end base unit) corresponds with the main voltage in your home
  подстилка - (т.е. для пикника): a picnic rug is spread out on a grassy bank;
  - (пляжная): beach blanket
  позорный столб - the jail with its pillory
  покрывало - (т.е. вязаное / стёганое): counterpane;
  - (т.е. для картины / статуи): drop-cloth;
  - (т.е. на женщине): veil;
  - (т.е. на кровати): bedspread;
  - (т.е. на призраке): a shroud enveloped her form, and I saw the graveworms crawling in the folds of the flannel;
  - (накрыть танки термоизолирующим п-ом): one idea that had almost worked was to lay a thermal insulating blanket over tanks so as to deny the helicopters the heat signature by which they hunted their motionless prey;
  - (т.е. предохраняющее от пыли во время ремонта): the tables were covered with dropcloths to protect them from plaster and dust raining down from the ceiling during construction work;
  - (т.е. стёганое п. на кровать): quilt
  поленница - (он умело принялся за п-у, т.е. начал рубить дрова): he stripped to his shirt and made a competent start on a stack of wood;
  - woodpile
  полено - the crackle of fresh pine logs on the hearth
  полка - the wall was lined from end to end in shelves (shelf), each crammed with books;
  - (багажная п. в поезде, поставить чемоданы на п-у): he stowed the trunks in the luggage rack over his head;
  - (т.е. в спальном вагоне для спящего пассажира): berth;
  - (верхняя): the upper shelf;
  - (для обуви): shoe rack;
  - (т.е. для ручной клади в самолёте): The jet skidded off the runway. Some luggage had fallen out of the overhead bins.;
  - (т.е. для ручной клади в самолёте, багаж должен помещаться в п-е): carry-on luggage must fit under the seat or in an overhead department;
  - (книжная): he keeps the book on his bookshelf;
  - (книжная): the walls were lined with wooden bookcases;
  - (нижняя п. двухъярусной кровати): he lowered her carefully on to the lower berth of a bunk bed;
  - (подвесная п. с аптечкой): there was a basin and a medical cabinet standing ajar above it
  помада - (губная): she fished in the drawer for lipstick
  попона - a yellow centaur adorned the white silk trappings of his horse
  портмоне - wallet
  портфель - the papers went in the messenger's briefcase to London;
  - the lawyer snapped a briefcase shut;
  - from the briefcase L. handed me a thumbed police manual of line drawing of cars;
  - each passenger is allowed one piece of carry-on luggage plus a purse or briefcase or laptop computer;
  - (с документами): document case;
  - (толстый п. / набить п.): L. stalked in carrying a fat briefcase containing the first consignment of papers from his office. Next morning on his way to work, L. reclaimed the papers and returned the book that S. had given him to pad out his brief.
  поручень - I clang to the rail;
  - (т.е. на детском сиденьи): a portable guardrail protected the child from sudden stops;
  - (т.е. на палубе судна): each grapnel, trailing rope, rose 20 feet, dropped over the guard rail and caught fast;
  - the belly of the plane was bare except for steel crates for seats lashed to the side bars;
  - he leaned on the fo'c's'le rail;
  - (боковые поручни в кабине транспортного самолёта): the belly of the plane was bare except for steel crates for seats lashed to the side bars
  посох - staff;
  - a stout stave of polished wood, shod with iron;
  - a tall old man with a staff;
  - (т.е. епископский): head of a crosier
  постамент - (т.е. декорация на сцене): the action (of the play) takes place on a plinth surrounded by bottles and broken glass
  постромки - (т.е. для ребёнка, который учится ходить): leading strings were intended to help a toddler when on his first steps
  примус - a portable stove is a cooking stove specially designed to be portable and lightweight, as for camping or picnicking, or for use in remote locations where an easily transportable means of cooking or heating is needed
  прищепка - (т.е. для занавесей): curtain clip;
  - (т.е. для сохнущего на верёвке белья): clothes peg BrE / clothes pin AmE;
  - (приколотые п-ами брюки, т.е. сохнущие на верёвке): pegged slacks
  пробирка - (т.е. для забора крови на анализ): only blood drawn by an acceptable medical technique into a collection tube with no anticoagulants should be used;
  - The next step was to get my blood drawn. The nurse filled three test tubes in the usual manner of using a tourniquet and syringe in my arm.
  пробка - (т.е. бутылки): cork;
  - (т.е. бутылки): he removed the stopper from the whisky;
  - (т.е. ванны): in my bathroom I had only scalding hot water in the bathtub but no plug;
  - (вынуть п-у): the color drained out of his face as if the plug had been pulled;
  - (вынуть п-у из бутылки): he unstoppered the bottle, and drank the contents in one gulp;
  - (вынуть п-у из бутылки): he uncorked the bottle;
  - (вынуть п-у из сливного отверстия): he unplugged the drain and the water was gone;
  - (графина): the stopper of a decanter;
  - (заливного отверстия): filler hole plug;
  - (т.е. плавкий предохранитель): fuse / fuse plug; - (плотно закройте п-ой дезодорант): cap firmly after use to inhibit the growth of bacteria;
  - (пузырька с лекарством): cap;
  - (штуцера): filler plug
  прожектор - (т.е. вертолёта): a searchlight turns the rooftop into a brightly lit stage;
  - (включить п-ы): when we get close to them we"ll have our searchlights;
  - (заливающего света): floodlight
  противогаз - he secures a mask to my belt that I don't have to wear unless there's a gas attack;
  - gas mask
  прялка - a spinning wheel is a device for spinning thread or yarn from natural or synthetic fibers;
  - (т.е. ручная): distaff
  пугало - (т.е. соломенное): he was no more her true husband than a straw man from the fields;
  - I put a hat on top of the scarecrow
  пуговица - button
  пульверизатор - to clean the caulking around bathtubs and showers, fill a trigger spray-bottle with vodka, spray the caulking, let sit for 5 minutes, and wash clean
  пульт - (дистанционного управления): a 22 function remote control that allows you to control bass and treble and scroll through your iPod menus;
  - (управления, в кибернетике): control board;
  - (управления дозатором): the valve on the hopper, although registering one-third-open on the control panel was in fact stuck at full open;
  - (п. управления диспетчерской порта): at another console, one of the day-shift men was taking care of the rest of the estuary traffic, bringing ships in and out;
  - (п. управления судном на мостике): the able seaman prowled the glowing screens along the bridge console
  пюпитр - (т.е. для чтения, сидящий за п-ом юноша): seated at a reading slope, the youth looked up from the weighty book he'd been studying;
  - the prosecutor pulled out an easel and placed on it two enlarged photos of the footprints
  ракета - (баллистическая): 406 had a the submarine-launched ballistic missiles aboard;
  - (земля-воздух): the effectiveness of the Arab's Soviet-built surface-to-air missiles;
  - (зенитная управляемая): the gadget telling the SAM (surface-to-air missile) where and when to explode is generically called the "fuse";
  - (космическая): space rocket;
  - (крылатая р. с ядерной боеголовкой): nuke-tipped cruise missile;
  - (межконтинентальная): intercontinental missile;
  - (р.-постановщик радиопомех): decoy missile;
  - (противотанковая ракета "тоу", т.е. управляемая по проводам с применением оптических средств слежения): armed with TOW (Tube launched, Optically tracked, and Wire guided) missiles, helicopter gunship had proven to the tanks of the North Vietnamese just how fearsome a foe a missile-armed chopper could be;
  - (сигнальная): flare;
  - (тактическая р. с ядерной боеголовкой): tactical rockets with nuclear warheads, highly accurate and highly mobile, borne on the backs of tracked vehicles;
  - (с активной системой наведения): active missile;
  - (ядерная): nuclear missile
  ракетка - (для бадминтона): badminton racket;
  - (для настольного тенниса): ping-pong paddle;
  - (теннисная): tennis racket;
  - (т.е. теннисная, р-и выданы напрокат на 2 часа): rackets were racked up for two hours
  рампа - these ramps are designed to offload rolling equipment from the trains;
  - there is a short ramp, protected by a steel portcullis, running down the floor to the first basement level
  ранец - (взвалить р. на плечи): the stranger hoisted his pack onto his shoulders and loped off;
  - (пехотинца): the Confederate infantryman's food was carried in a haversack old use, essentially a sack suspended from a shoulder strap over the right shoulder to the left hip;
  - (солдата): the weight usually carried by a soldier when in marching and fighting trim was a gun, 40 rounds of cartridges, and an eight or ten pound knapsack;
  - (солдата / пешеходного туриста): knapsack is a soldier's or hiker's bag with shoulder straps, carried on the back;
  - (школьный): he carried his books in the school satchel
  расчёска - I draw out a steel comb, raking it through my hair;
  - she was attacking his hair with a wet comb
  респиратор - Place a chunk of ore into the mortar. Put on your safety glasses and dust mask.
  - breather mask
  рожок - (т.е. для обуви): shoe-horn;
  - (люстра на 5 рожков): five-light crystal chandelier;
  - (т.е. музыкальный инструмент, заиграй на своём рожке / подуй в свой р.): Little Boy Blue, come blow your horn, the sheep's in the meadow, the cow's in the corn
  розга - (они страдали от его розог): the boys were smarting from his rod
  ростомер - height measure
  рулетка - (т.е. мерная лента): a tape measure / measuring tape is a flexible ruler. It consists of a ribbon of cloth, plastic, fiber glass, or metal strip with linear-measurement markings
  рюкзак - (взвалить р. на плечи): the stranger hoisted his pack onto his shoulders and loped off;
  - bulky backpacks;
  - (ребята с р-ами выходили из вокзала): grungy kids in backpacks emerged from the station;
  - (снять р. с плеч): he hoisted his backpack from his shoulders;
  - (т.е. солдатский / туристский): knapsack is a soldier's or hiker's bag with shoulder straps, carried on the back;
  - he carried some of his gear in his pack - two shallow pans, the smaller fitting into the larger, a spoon, a fork, and some skewers
  салфетка - (влажная, т.е. в наборе питания в самолёте): airplane wet wipe;
  - (т.е. вышитая / вязаная, для украшения): doily;
  - (дезодорирующие с-и): Deodorant Towelette Packet;
  - (т.е. для вытирания рта / рук): a fresh napkin;
  - (т.е. для протирки кузова автомобиля): a moist wax-impregnated towelette suitable for polishing a lightly-soiled exterior surface of a vehicle;
  - (марлевая, т.е. медицинская): a medical student arranges his suture needles, forceps and gauze pads on the table;
  санки - (везти детей на с-ах): in the winter, she bundled us up on a sled and pulled us to the store
  сантиметр - (т.е. мерная лента): a tape measure / measuring tape is a flexible ruler. It consists of a ribbon of cloth, plastic, fiber glass, or metal strip with linear-measurement markings;
  - tailor's tapes are flexible for easily and accurately measuring parts of the body or garments
  саркофаг - (крышка с-а): sarcophagus (sarcophagi plural) lid
  сачок - (т.е. рыболовный): Harvest is one of the most important parts of fish farming. In cages and raceways, harvest may be as simple as partial draining; then herding, confining and removing fish with a dip net.
  сбруя - a horse tack store specializing in western saddles, saddle pads, horse bits, horse blankets, breast collars, horse halters, grooming tools,...;
  - saddles, stirrups, bridles, halters, reins, bits, harnesses, martingales, and breastplates are all forms of horse tack;
  - (сбруя свисала с потолочных балок): horse tackle less often is festooned from the exposed beams;
  - horse tackle: saddle: pad, cantle, seat, skirt, pommel, jockey flap, stirrup leather / stirrup iron, girth;
  - (т.е. парадная): horses with silver trappings;
  - (т.е. парадная): the trappings of the lady's steed were covered with glittering embroidery
  свеча / свечка - (огарки с-ей): stubs of candles;
  - (оплывшая): guttering candle;
  - (сальная): tallow candle;
  - (тонкая, т.е. восковая): a thin candle is called a taper
  сейф - he managed to get hold of the keys and open up the lock box;
  - (взломать с.): the thief broke the safe open and stole the diamond;
  - (взломать с.): to crack a safe;
  - (держать пистолет в с-е): I kept the gun in a lock box
  секач - (т.е. кухонный): chopper;
  - (мясника): a butcher's cleaver;
  - (садовый, т.е. кривой нож для обрубки сучьев): billhook
  секундомер - an integrated 1/100th second stopwatch measures elapsed time, split/lap time, and first-and-second place times;
  - (включи / выключи с.): start / stop the stopwatch
  серп - (с. и молот): hammer and sickle
  серпантин - (люстры увешаны с-ом): the chandeliers were hung with gold and silver streamers;
  - (развесить с. на деревьях и кустах): he brought gold streamers and draped them, artistically over the trees and bushes
  серьга - (т.е. в ушах, в виде кольца): hoops / hoop earrings;
  - (т.е. в ушах, из гагата): jet earrings;
  - (т.е. висячего замка): High Security Closed Shackle Padlock is made with a solid hardened steel body and a shackle of hardened boron alloy steel
  сети / сеть - (вылавливать рыбу с-ю / сетями): often, ponds contain an excavated depression or harvest basin where fish are concentrated and netted during final drainage;
  - (ловить сетями): to catch with nets;
  - (т.е. рыбацкая, забросить с.): to cast a net;
  - (т.е рыболовные): ponds are harvested by the drain-and-seine (total) or the multiple (partial) harvest method
  силомер - high striker / strength tester / strongman game: an attraction used in funfairs, fundraisers, and carnivals. It operates by utilizing the lever where one end holds a puck attached to the tower and the other end is struck by the person or contestant using a hammer or mallet. The aim of players is to ring the bell suspended on top of the tower. If the lever is struck with enough force, the puck will rise high enough to hit the bell, indicating a success.
  ситечко - (чайное): a tea strainer
  сито - flour sifter / sieve
  скакалка - jump rope AmE / skip rope BrE / skipping rope BrE
  скалка - (т.е. для теста): take the rolling pin and set it on top of the flattened dough
  скатка - (т.е. с постельными принадлежностями у солдат / туристов): You'll have to spend the night here. We'll bring a bedroll down to you.
  скворечник - he put up a birdhouse for martins
  скипетр - whetstone sceptre BrE / scepter AmE from the seventh-century ship-burial
  склеп - crypt
  слайд - the teacher illustrated, with transparencies on the overhead projector, what I had seen through the microscope
  совок - (т.е. для муки / для мусора / для сахара / кухонный): flour / litter / sugar / kitchen scoop;
  - (т.е. для мусора): she swept over to him holding a dustpan and brush;
  - (т.е. игрушечный): the boy was playing with his scoop and pail on the beach;
  - (т.е. игрушечный): toy shovels are common playthings on sandy beaches or in sandboxes;
  - (садовый): a gardening trowel is a tool with a pointed, scoop-shaped metal blade and a handle
  соска - (т.е. надеваемая на бутылочку): a baby bottle is a bottle with a teat / nipple AmE to drink directly from;
  - she found a baby's nursing bottle and a rubber nipple;
  - (т.е. пустышка): comforter / dummy BrE;
  - (т.е. пустышка): all silicone soother;
  - (т.е. пустышка, с.-термометр): Pacifier AmE thermometer. Make your baby feel comfortable while checking his body temperature. Rely on the Soother Thermometer for an accurate and pleasant diagnosis.
  спица - (т.е. вязальная): kneedle;
  - (вязальная): a pair of knitting needles flashed in midair in front of her;
  - (вязальная): this yarn is commonly used with a US size 10 knitting needle;
  - (т.е. зонтика): an umbrella with fiberglass ribs;
  - (колеса): a spoke of a bicycle;
  - (наколоть бумагу на с-у): he impaled the slip of paper on a small brass spike
  ставень - (т.е. окна, я попытался открыть нижнюю створку. Она немного подалась, но, похоже, внутри были ставни): I tested the lowest casement. It shifted but I'd bet there were shutters on the inside, if only for the warmth in this inhospitable climate.
  стекло - (оконное): his face was pressed against the window pane
  стеллаж - (гравитационный): Carton flow is a form of shelving that uses a gravity feed rear load design. Each unit consists of one or more inclined runways. Merchandise is loaded in the rear of each runway. As an item is removed from the front, the item directly behind it slides forward in place of the previous. Тhe main advantage of carton flow rack over static rack or shelving systems is that merchandise remains better organized and easier to find / pick. With carton flow rack, the product is automatically rotated on a first in first out basis.;
  - (гравитационный): gravity flow rack shelving reduces travel time and increases order fulfillment speed, while providing an organized, high-density storage system
  стог - (сена): a needle in a haystack;
  - the enemies are burning as they come, rick poet cot, and tree
  стойло - (т.е. в конюшне): stablebox;
  - (конь, привязанный в с-е, бил копытами): though cross-tied in its stall, the horse pawed the ground with its hooves
  стремя - (всунуть ногу в с.): he shoved his foot into the stirrup;
  - (привстать / приподняться в стремёнах): he rose in his stirrups and gazed ahead;
  - (приподняться на стремёнах): he stood in his stirrups to search the sea
  ступка - mortar and pestles are used as drug paraphernalia by some in order to grind up pills
  стяг - the Roman dragon banner, the windsleeve carried by Roman legions
  сумка - (дипломатическая): the diplomatic bag;
  - (т.е. дамская): she was swinging a huge handbag;
  - (т.е. дамская): each passenger is allowed one piece of carry-on luggage plus a purse AmE or briefcase or laptop computer;
  - (т.е. из двух частей для вьючных животных / на багажник велосипеда): pannier is a basket, bag, or similar container, carried in pairs either slung over the back of a beast of burden, or attached to a bicycle or motorcycle;
  - (т.е. из синтетической ткани на ремне через плечо): slingback / sling bag / slingpack;
  - (кондуктора на длинном ремне): the conductors wore leather pouches;
  - each crew member received a shore pass from a leather satchel the officer wore over his shoulder;
  - (т.е. с. для инструментов / дорожная / спортивная с. на молнии, ): He is carrying a black zip-up holdall, which looks as though it might contain his gym gear. Instead it carries a Blaser R93 single shot, straight pull, bolt action rifle, with a 10- shot magazine packed with soft-nosed 308s.;
  - (т.е. дорожная / спортивная): a duffel bag / duffle bag / kit bag / gym bag is a large cylindrical bag made of cloth with the closure at the top;
  - (т.е. дорожная / спортивная): my duffle bag was unpacked;
  - ( т.е. дорожная / спортивная, расстегнуть молнию на с-е): he unzips the holdall from stem to stern and assembles the rifle;
  - (т.е. хозяйственная): a clanking string shopping bag was swinging from her wrist
  - (т.е. хозяйственная на колёсах): shopping trolley;
  - (т.е. через плечо): he carried a duffel shoulder-bag;
  - (т.е. через плечо): he carried his books in his school satchel
  сундук - a great wooden chest encrusted with jewels
  суперобложка - book jacket / book wrapper / dust cover / dust jacket / dust wrapper / jacket / wrapper is a wrapper originally used to protect the covering material of the book from soiling or other damage, but now also used for promotional purposes;
  - (книги в малиновых с-ах): crimson-jacketed law books;
  - (т.е. книги): the synopses and little biography on dust jackets and back covers are, in truth, designed to lure readers to buy the book;
  - (оформление с-и / рисунок на с-е): jacket art by M.G., jacket design by M.G.
  табакерка - the tobacco-jar made out of the base of a fourteen-pounder shell;
  - snuffbox / snuff-box
  табличка - (т.е. глиняная т. для письма, например, шумерская): tablets found at Nippur, a Sumerian spiritual center south of Baghdad, described the collection of poppy juice in the morning and its use in production of opium;
  - (т.е. мемориальная, судя по т-е): according to the plaque on the church, this is where G. Washington worshipped while in town;
  - (на двери, т.е. с фамилией хозяина): a door with a brass plaque on it;
  - (на двери, т.е. с фамилией хозяина): brass plate;
  - (на двери, т.е. с фамилией хозяина): the name on the doorplate checked with the one typed on the letter;
  - (т.е. на доме с фамилией хозяина ): The building has no nameplate on the door. It is a private club.;
  - (на клетке в зоопарке): his father pointed out all animals to him, reading the details off the little tin plaques in front of each cage;
  - (на участке земли): there was an empty space with a small sign hammered into the ground that read Weezly;
  - (на участке земли): a barred gate held in place by a steel catch with a notice board to one side saying "Private property, keep out";
  - (повесить т-у "не беспокоить" на двери, т.е. номера гостиницы): he hung the DO NOT DISTURB sign on the door;
  - (с кнопками на входе в дом): beside the bell was a brushed-steel plate with numbers on it;
  - (с названием учреждения): he remembered the notice saying simply BPR-CIA;
  - (с параметрами прибора, проверьте мощность прибора на т-е): check appliance's rating plate for watts
  - (т.е. с фамилией хозяина на столе была т. с его именем - господин М.): his desk had a nameplate identifying him as Mr. M.
  табло - (т.е. на вокзале с информацией о поездах): the commuters are milling at the edge of the platform, glancing at the electronic display;
  - (т.е. на панели управления): Behind the control console a visual display board 9 feet wide and 4 feet tall occupied the wall. It showed in map form the crude-tank layout of the ship's cargo capacity;
  - (т.е. на стадионе): a gigantic billboard
  таз / тазик - there was a basin and a medical cabinet standing ajar above it;
  - wash basin
  тарелка - (весов): weigh dishes are our medium-sized weighing pans that can be used for weighing gems;
  - (глубокая / мелкая): soup / dinner plate;
  - (летающая): the boys are playing [with a] frisbee in the park;
  - (локатора): the Minicam van of one of the stations, complete with its rooftop radar dish;
  - (сателлитной антенны): he turned his satellite dish in the direction of the Saudi capital, using the Send button to transmit a series of quick blips to indicate it was he who was calling
  тарелочка - (стрельба по т-ам): skeet shooting
  тарзанка - (прыжки с т-и): thrill rides like bungee jumping and roller coasters
  тачка - (гороха): he traded two good mounts for a barrow load of pease and a rag-man's cast-offs;
  - (запряжённые ослами т-и): cooking gas is sold from wheeled carts pulled by donkeys;
  - He was given a wheelbarrow. He set to work carting away the mounds of earth that others broke free with picks and shovels;
  - (катить т-у): to wheel a barrow / to trundle a wheelbarrow
  тележка - (т.е. в супермаркете): supermarket trolley;
  - (т.е. в супермаркете): would shoppers please refrain from taking trolleys out of the mall;
  - (т.е. в супермаркете): a shopping cart (also called a trolley in British and Australian English; sometimes referred to as a carriage / shopping carriage in the U.S. region of New England; also known as a bascart in some regions of the U.S., basket in others, and buggy in the American South) is a cart supplied by a shop, especially a supermarket, for use by customers inside the shop for transport of merchandise to the check-out counter, and often to the customer's car after paying as well;
  - (вагонная): independent suspension railway bogie;
  - (возить т-у, т.е. о старьёвщике): His grandfather was a ragman. He gave the first impetus to the family fortune by driving a tin-cart about the country.;
  - (гороха): he traded two good mounts for a barrow load of pease and a rag-man's cast-offs;
  - (для багажа на вокзале): trolley;
  - (т.е. для безногих инвалидов): legless men on electric carts;
  - (т.е. для транспортировки двигателя самолёта): engine dolly;
  - (запряжённые ослами т-и): cooking gas is sold from wheeled carts pulled by donkeys;
  - (колёсная, т.е. вагона): bogie;
  - (ручная): some men pulled handcarts behind them;
  - (с едой, т.е. в поезде): the plump woman with a food cart arrived at the compartment door;
  - (т.е. торговца бутербродами): vendors manned carts of sandwiches;
  - (т.е. торговца вразнос): salesmen were pushing carts full of extraordinary merchandise;
  - (т.е. уборщицы): the sweeper reached into his barrow;
  - (шасси, т.е. самолёта): Main Landing Gear Bogie Beam. The operator of an A330 aircraft has reported a fracture of the RH MLG Bogie Beam whilst turning during low speed taxi maneuvers.
  тени (т.е. косметика для глаз) - a shimmering cream eye shadow;
  - a glittering powder eye shadow;
  - (с блёстками): he used a tissue to wipe her eyes and smeared the spangled eyeshadow she was wearing
  тент - (т. выскочил из ограничителей и развернулся на боковой стороне трейлера): the tarp had rolled past its stops in the full open (rolled up) position and partially unrolled down the side of the trailer;
  - (т.е. над дверью или окном): An awning / overhang is a secondary covering attached to the exterior wall of a building. It is typically composed of canvas woven of acrylic, cotton or polyester yarn, or vinyl laminated to polyester fabric that is stretched tightly over a light structure of aluminum, iron or steel, possibly wood or transparent material. The location of an awning on a building may be above a window, a door, or above the area along a sidewalk. With the addition of columns an awning becomes a canopy, which is able to extend further from a building, as in the case of an entrance to a hotel. Restaurants often use awnings broad enough to cover substantial outdoor area for outdoor dining, parties, or reception.;
  - (т.е. над входом в ресторан): the restaurant is bathed in light which reflects off the gold lettering above the awning;
  - (под т-ом): merchants were selling all manner of wares from trestle tables beneath broad awning;
  - (под т-ом, о зрителях на полигоне): in the awning there was a collective outletting of breath
  тигель - crucible
  толкушка - (т.е. для картофельного пюре): mash the potatoes with a hand masher or an electric mixer
  тональный крем - foundation
  топор - The axe / ax is an implement that has been used for millennia to shape, split and cut wood; to harvest timber; as a weapon; and as a ceremonial or heraldic symbol. The axe has many forms and specialized uses but generally consists of an axe head with a handle, or helve.;
  - (тупой): his face looked as if it might have been hacked, by a dull hatchet, out of a block of gnarled wood
  топорище - the axe consists of an axe head with a handle / helve;
  топорик - (т.е. кухонный): chopper;
  - (т.е. для рубки мяса): cleaver
  трамплин - (прыжки в воду с вышки или т-а): diving is the sport of jumping or falling into water from a platform or springboard, sometimes while performing acrobatics;
  - (т.е. для прыжка в воду): she stepped onto the diving board and stretched;
  трап (т.е. на корабле) - they trooped down the gangway, and headed for the dock gates;
  - gangboard BrE;
  - prospectors staggered down the gangplank AmE;
  - he trotted up the upper deck and mounted the outside ladders to the wing of the bridge;
  - (сходной): a companionway led down to a cramped four-berth resting area, with a tiny toilet and a camping-gas cooker
  трибуна - (взойти / подняться на т-у): the Governor mounted the stand to deliver his address;
  - (т.е. для выступающих в суде): the commissioner was going to call our names one at a time and we would stand at the wooden podium and plead.;
  - (для зрителей): specially erected grandstands held the spectators;
  - (т.е. докладчика): there was a podium dominated by a raised lectern in its centre;
  - (свидетеля в суде): the witness stood at the lectern, his fists clenched, his face tensed with rage;
  - (т.е. стадиона): смотри ниже
  трибуна (т.е. стадиона) - (крытая): the covered north-side grandstand was constructed in 1948;
  - the seats were rising in stands;
  - a flash of lightning illuminated the stands;
  - his voice echoed over them, booming into every corner of the stands
  трость - he publicly brawled with Royal officials, once beating a captain with his cane;
  - my cane click-clacks on the pavement;
  - she whacked the boy around the shins with her walking stick;
  - (ударить т-тью по голове): to smack an enemy over the head with his cane
  турникет - (т.е. для пропуска пассажиров в метро): up the escalator he went, through the ticket barrier;
  - (перепрыгнуть через т.): he hurdled a turnstile at the T. tube station
  тюбик - (зубной пасты): I forgot to screw the cap back on the toothpaste tube;
  - (клея): a tube of instant glue
  тюк - (нести т. на спине): he carried the larger pack;
  - (хлопка): a bale of cotton
  удила - (грызть у. образно, т.е. т.е. от желания участвовать в расследовании убийства): Investigator L. had only been in the prosecutor's office a few months, and was champing at the bit to be involved in a murder case;
  - (закусив удила): His roar of pain was too much for his panicked horse. Bit clamped between its teeth, the animal reared up.
  удлинитель - (т.е. электрического провода): extension cord
  уздечка - (дёрнуть у-ку вправо): he pulled the bridle sharply to the right, and slipped away back into the sand dunes
  указатель - ([дорожный]): he was reading a wooden signpost that was sticking on the left-hand side of the road
  уключина - (гнездо у-ы, т.е. весла): Ship oars!: Outboard arm cradles oar at elbow, inboard hand on handle, oar is lifted to a 45 degree angle and swung into the thole pins. Oars are lowered to the horizontal.
  урна - (т.е. для голосования): mobile ballot boxes could be stuffed with false ballots;
  - (т.е. для мусора): he dumped his helmet in a dustbin;
  - (т.е. для праха покойного): cremation urn for ashes;
  - (иметь форму у-ы): the vase is urn shaped
  уровень - (т.е. прибор для проверки горизонтальности плоскостей и измерения небольших углов наклона, употребляемый при плотничных, земляных и каменных работах): spirit level
  факел - (ф-ы были зажжены): all the torches were lit;
  - (дворец был освещён пылающими ф-ами): the hall was lit with flaming torches;
  - (факельное шествие): torchlight parade
  фен - (для волос): hair dryer
  флаг - (государственный): The national flag of the United States of America (the "American flag") consists of thirteen equal horizontal stripes of red alternating with white, with a blue rectangle in the canton (referred to specifically as the "union") bearing fifty small, white, five-pointed stars arranged in nine offset horizontal rows of six stars (top and bottom) alternating with rows of five stars. The fifty stars on the flag represent the 50 states and the 13 stripes represent the original thirteen colonies that rebelled against the British monarchy and became the first states in the Union. Nicknames for the flag include the "Stars and Stripes", "Old Glory," and "The Star-Spangled Banner" (also the name of the national anthem).;
  - (ф. вывешивается круглый год на большинстве государственных учреждений): Display and use. The flag is customarily flown year-round at most public buildings, and it is not unusual to find private houses flying full-size flags.;
  - (приспустить ф. перед кем-л): the flag should never be dipped to any person or thing, unless it is the ensign responding to a salute from a ship of a foreign nation;
  - (поднять / развернуть / расчехлить государственный ф.): to hoist / unfurl / uncase a national colour;
  - (ф. Соединённых Штатов, ф. штата, ф. подразделения вооружённых сил, ф. воинского подразделения): the oath is traditionally performed in front of the United States Flag and other flags, such as the state flag, military branch flag, and unit guidon may be present;
  - (ф. трепетал на ветру): the flag was fluttering in the breeze;
  - the Roman dragon banner, the windsleeve carried by Roman legions;
  - (флаги собирательно): enough flowers and bunting would cover the rude spots on the dais
  флагшток - flagstaff / flagpole
  флажок - (т.е. узкий и длинный): he pointed at a scarlet pennon snapping at the top of the mainmast;
  - each encampment had twenty or so tents, the captain's pennants hanging limp above the heart of each gathering
  флакон - (духов): a pure floral fragrance presented in an innovative bottle;
  - (духов): perfume bottle / vial;
  - (духов): a phial of perfume;
  - (яда): poisons were in beakers, in phials, in little envelopes
  флакончик - (спрея): the canister is under pressure, don't puncture it;
  - (тушь для ресниц в виде брикетика и во ф-е, т.е. жидкая): mascara: cake and wand version
  флюгер - (ф. показывает / смотрит на восток): a weathervane / weather vane faces permanently east
  фонарик (т.е. карманный электрический) - by the feeble light of the torch BrE;
  - (луч / свет ф-а упал на лицо): the torchlight flicked across his face;
  - (посветить ф-ом в лицо кому-л): Scully shines the flashlight AmE in Mulder's face;
  - (посветить ф-ом на притолоки): shining a pencil torch onto the lintels, he gently fingered the wooden beading that ran down the two sides;
  - (посветить ф-ом под автомобилем): using the flashlight beneath the front end of the car, he located the locking switch for the hood;
  - (светить ф-ом в трюм): he was peering with a torch into the forward ballast holds;
  - (электрический): he examined the front suspension by the light of his flashlight
  фонарный столб - he leaped onto a lamppost and shinnied up like a monkey on a stick
  фонарь (т.е. уличный) - (в свете ф-ей): the policemen's leather coats glistened in the lamplight;
  - (район красных ф-ей): a "red light" district where more than a dozen houses of ill repute plied their trade;
  - a street light / lamppost / street lamp / light standard / lamp standard is a raised source of light on the edge of a road, which is turned on or lit at a certain time every night;
  - he had passed under a streetlight;
  - a few beams of the streetlamps fell into the alley;
  - a faint orange light was filtering through the curtains from the street light outside the window
  фонтан - the sparkling jets of a tall fountain
  фонтанчик - (т.е. питьевой воды): in Wisconsin some people still say "bubbler" for water fountain from which one drinks directly
  фотоаппарат - 35mm Russian Spy Camera Masquerades as a Harmless 8mm Video Camera. Upon first glance, it might look like a 8mm motion picture camera that an ordinary tourist might use, but take a closer look and you"ll see that the device is actually a still camera that exposes 35mm film using a smaller lens on the right side of the body!
  футляр - (т.е. бинокля): case;
  - (выложенный поролоном ф.): if the console is to be regularly moved we recommend that it be installed in a foam-lined flightcase;
  - (вынуть из ф-а бинокль): I uncased the binoculars;
  - (набора): a sleek leather case, with silver words stamped across it, reading "Servicing Kit";
  - (часов): in classical neuroscience, the adult brain was considered an immutable machine, as wonderfully precise as a clock in a locked case
  хлопушка - (т.е. для сигнальных отметок при съемках фильмов с синхронной записью звука): a clapperboard / clapper / clapboard / slate / slate board / sync slate / time slate / sticks / board / marker is a device used in filmmaking and video production to assist in the synchronizing of picture and sound, and to designate and mark particular scenes and takes recorded during a production;
  - A clapstick is a Recording signal device. A clapstick is also a piece of equipment used in the motion picture and TV industry to signal a synchronization point on film and audio track.;
  - (т.е. рождественская): Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without crackers BrE
  ходули - a busker is dancing on stilts, wearing a clown outfit;
  - Clown on Stilts Entertaining People at a Carnival in Winnipeg
  ходунки - (т.е. детские): walker / baby walker
  центрифуга - (для обогащения урана): uranium-enriching centrifuge;
  - a centrifuge designed to test would-be astronauts for their responses to heavy g-loads speeds up
  цепочка - (т.е. дверная, как установить ц-у на двери): how to install a security chain on a door;
  - (т.е. дверная, оставив дверь на ц-е): leaving the security chain in place, I opened the door a few inches;
  - (т.е. дверная, оставив дверь на ц-е): he opened the door, still keeping the security chain locked;
  - (от часов): he wore a heavy gold watch chain across his vest;
  - (т.е. украшение): heart hanging on a gold chain;
  - (часы с ц-ой): watch and chain
  цистерна - (балластная ц. на танкере): one row back were the first three empty ballast tanks;
  - (вагон-ц.): the loop siding near the river, used by tank cars;
  - (ц. плавучести, т.е. на танкере): her 9 ballast tanks were now empty, acting as buoyancy tanks
  циферблат (часов) - he glanced down at the luminous dial of his watch;
  - in horology, a movement is the internal mechanism of a clock or watch, as opposed to the case, which encloses and protects the movement, and the face which displays the time
  чадра - chaderi, the Muslim covering that provides only a tiny rectangle of embroidered lace through which the wearer can see but cannot be seen
  чан - (с элем): a vat of ale;
  - a factory worker has died after falling into a giant vat of boiling chocolate
  чаша - (весовая): the scale comes complete with measuring pan and precision 100 gram calibration standard weight;
  - (т.е. сосуд): She reached into the neck of her dress and pulled out a black crystal pendant on a silver chain. Lifting it over her hand she dangled it above the bowl.;
  - (т.е. сосуд на ножке, используемый при причащении): in Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, Anglicanism, Lutheranism and some other Christian denominations, a chalice is a standing cup used to hold sacramental wine during the Eucharist (also called the Lord's Supper or Holy Communion)
  чашечка - (курительной трубки): the bowl of a pipe
  чашка - cup;
  - (т.е. в виде цилиндра): a mug of coffee;
  - (для получения сплошного газона инокуляты бактерий высевали на ч-и с агаром Тодда-Хьюитта штриховым методом): a defined inoculum of bacteria was streaked as a lawn onto Todd Hewitt agar plates;
  - (ч. Петри): Petri dish
  челнок - (т.е. для плетения кружев): tatting is the art of making lace using one or more shuttles;
  - (т.е. лодка): a lone skiff evidences the daily cycle of seawater to mud that leaves inexperienced navigators at the mercy of the tide
  чемодан - he stowed his suitcase in the trunk of the car;
  - a battered case held together with a large quantity of neatly knotted string;
  - he had heaved his trunk to the front door
  чемоданчик - (на ремне): a standard aluminium shoulder case such as professional photographers use to protect their cameras and lenses;
  - (ядерный): a nuclear briefcase is a specially outfitted briefcase used to authorize the use of nuclear weapons and is usually kept nearby the leader of a nuclear weapons state at all times;
  - (ядерный): football infml (a small, thirty-pound metal suitcase containing codes that can launch a nuclear attack. It is carried by a military aide to the President and follows the chief executive wherever he goes)
  чехол - (на стульях): crocheted covers on the chairs;
  - (т.е. матраса): during the Renaissance, mattresses are made of pea shucks, straw, or sometimes feathers, stuffed into coarse ticks;
  - (т.е. матраса): the protective fabric cover which encases the mattress and foundation is called ticking;
  - (т.е. на чайник): tea cozy
  чучело - (лисы): stuffed fox
  чушка - 3.6 ton ingots were then teemed in thin-walled ingot moulds;
  - (алюминиевая): new remelt facility in C., Texas produces prime quality aluminum billet;
  - (машина для отливки чушек): ingot casting machine
  шайба - (в водопроводном кране): washer on a faucet;
  - (т.е. в хоккее): ice hockey is a team sport played on ice, in which skaters use sticks to direct a puck into the opposing team's goal
  шатёр - the king's pavilion was large, its stiff walls of heavy canvas were faded
  шведская стенка - monkey bars
  шест - they erected a huge flagpole around with they gathered;
  - the main dock gates habitually stand open in the daytime, the entrance being blocked only by a balanced red-and white striped pole;
  - you see them with long thin poles and miles of twine dipped in the water;
  - (боевой, т.е. с железным наконечником, который держат так, что правая рука находится на расстоянии четверти длины от нижнего конца): a quarterstaff (quarterstaves plural) is a traditional European pole weapon and a technique of stick fighting, especially as in use in England during the Early Modern period;
  - (т.е. канатоходца): balancing pole;
  - (с петлёй, т.е. для отлова собак): a dog handler has gone inside with a long pole and noose;
  - (толкать ш-ом, лодки, которые толкали ш-ами по заливу): sacks from the hold were being lowered to flat bottomed boats poling to and fro across the shallow bay
  шестерёнка / шестерня - (...пока ш-и не сотрутся от старости): the machine was destined to tick in unchanging rhythm until its gears corroded with age;
  - cogwheel;
  - (ш-и вошли в зацепление): new gears engaged, and the claw transported the box to the far side of the vault
  - (ш-и крутятся образно, т.е. мысль работает): he could almost see the cogs working under her hair;
  - (ш-и крутятся в закрытом масляном картере): the gears run in a closed oil sump;
  - (цилиндрическая прямозубая ш. / ведущая ш., т.е. в автомобиле): The mesh between spur gear and pinion gear teeth is critical. If they are too loose, then the metal pinion gear may swiftly chip away the outer portion of the softer spur gear teeth.
  шило - awl
  шильдик - (т.е. табличка с параметрами прибора, проверьте мощность прибора на ш-е): check appliance's rating plate for watts
  шкатулка - (для драгоценностей): a jewelry box AmE or jewellery box BrE, also known as a casket AmE, is a receptacle for trinkets, not only jewels;
  - (музыкальная): musical box
  шкив - (т.е. на кнехтах, для канатов, управляющих парусами): knights are posts with holes for wheels (sheaves) where ropes for handling the sails run and can be made fast
  шлагбаум - (ш. был поднят): the sighting bar was up;
  - (ш. заперт на висячий замок, перекрывая вход на автостоянку): a metal boom gate is padlocked in place across the entrance to the car park;
  - (ш. опустился): the pole-barrier descended;
  - (ш. перекрыл путь): a red-and-white boom locked our path;
  - (ш. поднялся): the boom rose
  шлакобетонный блок - an incinerator built from breezeblocks is against the back fence
  шланг - (для поливки растений): the use of hosepipes had been banned due to drought;
  - (на крючья кошки были надеты куски ш-а): as the launch emerged from the transcom shadow they slung the three-point grapnels they held, the hooks sheathed in rubber hose;
  - (для разгрузки танкера в море): hoses from the shore installation are coupled up to the manifold
  шлифмашина - a sander is a power tool used to smooth surfaces by abrasion with sandpaper
  шокер - a stun gun in your hands will repel your attacker with high voltage yet a low amperage shock that will leave him writhing on the ground for up to ten minute
  шпагат - (кулинарный, например, для скрепления мясных рулетов): kitchen twine;
  - (моток ш-а): a ball of twine
  шпала - (т.е. железнодорожная): an incinerator built from breezeblocks is against the back fence, alongside a pile of old railway-sleepers meant for garden edging
  шпалера / шпалеры - (растущий на ш-ах у кирпичной стены): he was tending an apple tree espaliered across the brickwork;
  - (сад со ш-ами): trellised garden;
  - (тень на гостевой автостоянке создавалась горизонтальными шпалерами, с которых свисали бугенвилии): the guest parking was shaded by horizontal trellises festooned with purple bougainvillea;
  - (яблоня на ш-е): an espaliered apple tree
  шпатель - putty knife
  шпингалет - (оконный): a burglar-proof window catch;
  - windowlatch
  шплинт - A split pin, also known in the United States as a cotter pin / cotter key, is a metal fastener with two tines that are bent during installation, similar to a staple or rivet. The British definition of "cotter pin" is equivalent to U.S. term "cotter". To avoid confusion, the term split cotter is sometimes used for a split pin. A further use of the term "cotter pin" is the "crank cotter pin" used to lock bicycle pedal cranks to the bottom bracket axle. These are not "split" at all and are wedge shaped.
  шпонка - (т.е. на валу): splines can be thought of as a series of axial keyways with mating keys machined onto a shaft
  шпора - (заляпанные грязью ш-ы): the courtier's mud splashed spurs;
  - (он был в сапогах со ш-ами): he wore fighting gear, booted and spurred
  шпулька / шпуля - (швейной машины): A bobbin is a spindle or cylinder, with or without flanges, on which wire, yarn, thread or film is wound. Bobbins are typically found in sewing machines.
  шпунт - Tongue and groove joints allow two flat pieces to be joined strongly together to make a single flat surface. Each piece has a slot (the groove) cut all along one edge, and a thin, deep ridge (the tongue) on the opposite edge.
  штакетник - (т.е. забор): picket fence
  штандарт - (т.е. знамя): the SS made the twin-lightning symbol of its standard synonymous with inhumanity
  штатив - (телескопа): he forced the telescope into its holder
  штопор - (т.е. для открывания бутылок): corkscrew
  щётка - (для волос): hairbrush;
  - (т.е. для мусора): she swept over to him holding a dustpan and brush;
  - (для мытья бутылок): bottle-brush;
  - (для одежды): clothes-brush;
  - (зубная): toothbrush / tooth-brush;
  - (половая): broom;
  - (реостата): A rheostat is a two-terminal variable resistor. Typically these are constructed as a resistive wire wrapped to form a toroid coil with the wiper moving over the upper surface of the toroid, sliding from one turn of the wire to the next.;
  - (стеклоочистителя, т.е. автомобиля): parking wardenс put tickets under wiper blades
  щипцы - (для завивки волос): curling irons and tongs;
  - (для орехов): nut-crackers;
  - (каминные): poker and a pair of tongs
  щит - (т.е. воина): shield;
  - (рекламный): the words on the billboards are in Turkish;
  - (рекламный, т.е. с рекламой фильма): the actress saw a giant advert of herself
  щиток - (солнцезащитный, т.е. в автомобиле): getting in, he scraped up the placard he"d thrown on the dash - K. county unified police - official business - and slipped it back behind his visor
  щуп - (т.е. для измерения количества жидкости): Dipsticks can be used to measure the quantity of liquid in an otherwise inaccessible space, by inserting and removing the stick and then checking the extent of it covered by the liquid. The most familiar example is the oil level dipstick found on most internal combustion engines.;
  - (осциллографа): oscilloscope probe;
  - (т.е. электроприбора): a test probe / test lead / test prod / scope probe is a physical device used to connect electronic test equipment to the device under test
  электробритва - electric shaver
  электрошокер - a stun gun in your hands will repel your attacker with high voltage yet a low amperage shock that will leave him writhing on the ground for up to ten minute
  эстрада - (т.е. для оркестра): the old Victorian bandstand appears from darkness like an enormous cake mold cut in half and plonked near the pond
  этикетка - (на бутылке вина): any winemaker can put a châteaux label on the wine as long as it comes from a specific parcel of vines;
  - (снабдить артефакт э-ой о месте, где его откопали / прикрепить к артефакту э-у о месте, где его откопали): each artefact was labeled with its place of excavation
  юла - (крутить / пускать юлу): to spin a top
  ярлычок - (со штрих-кодом): the crate had metal clasps and a bar code sticker on the top;
  - (химчистки): a dry cleaning tag
  ящик - the belly of the plane was bare except for steel crates for seats lashed to the side bars;
  - (выдвижной): he took an old Luger from the bottom drawer;
  - (деревянный): a great wooden chest encrusted with jewels;
  - (для перевозки домашних животных в самолёте): air-freight pet transport crate;
  - (картонные): a stack of brown cardboard boxes;
  - (кассы, т.е. для денег): the barman deposited his money in an ancient wooden till;
  - (мусорный): garbage can / trash can;
  - (мусорный): A waste container is a container for temporarily storing refuse and waste. The most general terms are waste receptacle / container bin. Common terms include bin BrE AustrE / dustbin BrE / rubbish bin BrE AustrE / refuse bin BrE / litter bin BrE / litter receptacle BrE / kitchen bin BrE / garbage can AmE / trash can AmE / trash barrel AmE / garbage bin AmE AustrE. Public containers with wheels are termed wheelie bin BrE Austr / mobile garbage bin respectively. A wheeled bin for residential or commercial curbside collection can be called by the generic name Herbie Curbie or the trademarked name Herby Curby.;
  - (пива): a crate of beer;
  - (почтовый, т.е. абонементный): post-office box (POB);
  - (почтовый, т.е. на столбике на улице): pillar-box;
  - (почтовый, т.е. перед домом / т.е. в который бросают отправляемые письма): Mail is stolen every day, and tax forms tend to include Social Security numbers, making them especially valuable to a thief. Don't send out your tax return by sticking it in your home mailbox AmE. Instead, take it to the post office or use a big blue post office drop box.;
  - (с инструментами): he brought a hacksaw blade from the tool chest under the stairs;
  - (т.е. с вереском): the terrace, fringed with boxes of purple heather;
  - (т.е. с товаром): the man was shifting boxes against the wall;
  - (т.е. упаковка апельсинов): a crate of oranges;
  - (т.е. упаковка оружия): the trucks were carrying long, square cross-sectioned boxes that contained surface-to-air missiles;
  - a hollow box was dragged over a concrete floor;
  - (т.е. хранилища в банке): the claw grasped the heavy handle and hoisted the crate vertically
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