- (в адрес полиции образно): he condemned apathy and prejudice hiding behind the reach of law and order, a clear slap at the police tactics;
- (против справедливости судопроизводства): this was in no way an imputation against the fairness of the Soviet judicial procedure;
- смотри файл DVIJENIE
выпадение - смотри файл DVIJENIE
выпадать / выпасть - (беды, что выпали стране): he is immune to this and other ills that befall the country;
- (госсекретарю выпало отделить внешнюю политику от внутренней): it fell to me to attempt to insulate foreign policy as much as possible from the domestic catastrophe;
- (ему выпала честь учиться у выдающегося композитора): while still in his early years of high school, he enjoyed the privilege of studying with the very distinguished Canadian composer, R.A.;
- (в. из синхронизма, о двигателе / роторе): the motor / rotor has fallen out of step;
- (ежегодный медосмотр выпадает то на несколько дней раньше, то на несколько дней позже дня рождения): Today is his annual medical. It normally falls on either side of his birthday, but this year the dates have aligned.;
- (т.е. из системы): postdoctoral fellows often fall through the cracks in that they are working professionals but are neither students nor employees;
- (место в истории генетики выпало томату): that place in the history of genetic studies fell to the humble tomato;
- (мне выпала особая привилегия и высокая честь...): I have the high privilege and distinct honor to...;
- (много горя и потерь выпало на нашу долю): much loss and sorrow has befallen us;
- (молодые люди выпадают из системы здравоохранения): too many young people fall through the cracks in the healthcare system;
- (в. на долю кого-л): the continuing nightmare that has befallen the Persian Gulf since the Shah's overthrow;
- (в. на долю кого-л): much loss and sorrow has befallen us;
- (не такая судьба выпала картине "Крик"): ...but that was not to be the fate of The Scream (the painting);
- (по жребию первая стража выпала Г.): they now drew lots for the watches, and the lot for the first watch fell to Gimli;
- (судьба выпала сотням неизвестных): accounts of what befell the hundreds of unknowns who did not receive the publicity accorded to the great Moscow trials of Daniel and Siniavski;
- (такая возможность выпадает раз в жизни): this is once-in-a-lifetime opportunity;
- (участь, которая могла в. плейеру): products such as the Mac set a new standard, but were quickly overtaken by cheaper rivals - a fate that could yet befallъ the portable digital music player;
- (я благодарен судьбе за то, что мне выпала возможность / честь ...): I'm grateful to have the opportunity / privilege to train with such a dedicated group of high level athletes;
- смотри файл DVIJENIE
выпадение - (в атмосферу радиоактивных частиц): fallout of radioactive particles released into the atmosphere by nuclear explosion
выпаливать / выпалить (т.е. сказать) - sometimes we clench our fists and blurt out our angry reactions;
- "...?" he blurted out;
- смотри файл DVIJENIE
выписанный - (в. вручную чек, т.е. не на компьютере): one of my handwritten paychecks was for an incorrect amount, less than what it should have been
выписать / выписывать - (вексель приказу банка): A. draws a bill to the order of a bank, and C. endorses it in order that A. may be able to negotiate it with the bank;
- (даты актуальных донесений в один столбец): having listed topical reports, he set down their dates in a single column;
- (денежный перевод на имя кого-л): make your money order payable to Multimedia Strategies;
- (документ): to make out a document;
- (запрос на документы): subpoena for documents was issued in recent days;
- (из больницы кого-л): he was discharged from the hospital;
- (квитанцию): to issue / make out a receipt;
- (лекарства): to administer drugs;
- (лекарство): your doctor has prescribed T. because you suffer from...;
- (лекарство кому-л): I prescribed expensive medicine for them;
- (лекарства): to administer drugs;
- (матрицу мат): one can do these calculations in the form of a Markov Process by writing out the Markov transition matrix;
- (в. по памяти еврейский алфавит): he had just finished writing out the entire twenty-two-letter Hebrew alphabet from memory;
- (повестку): the Fire Department issued the summons to the manager on duty at the time;
- (полис): to make out / issue a policy;
- (предупреждения, городские инспекторы стали в. предупреждения владельцам ветхого жилья): city inspectors begin issuing written warnings to owners of blighted and unkempt properties;
- (т.е. список из книги): matter of fact, I copied it out for future reference;
- (счета, автоматически оплачиваемые банком, продолжали выписывать на счёт, который должен был быть закрыт): He had an account with W. (bank) with most of his bills being paid automatically. He switched to the Credit Union and did what he thought was necessary to switch his automatic payments. Then he closed W. account. Some of the automatic payments continued to be issued to his supposedly closed W. account. W. honored those payments and charged fees for overdrafts and for insufficient balance.;
- (счёт): to make out a bill;
- (в. счёт-фактуру в долларах): to invoice in dollars;
- (фактуру): to make out an invoice;
- (чек): смотри ниже;
- (в. штраф за парковку автомобиля в неразрешённом месте): Permit only parking. A parking charge will be issued to unauthorized or illegally parked vehicles using these spaces. Parking charge £ 60.
выписать / выписывать (чек) - if you would like to give to a charity, make sure to check its credentials before writing h a check;
- (в. чек от руки, вместо того, чтобы распечатать чек на зарплату системой QuickBooks, вы выписали его о.р.): rather than having QB print the check you handwrote the check;
- (Конгресс и президент договорились о "длящейся резолюции", временном продолжении бюджета, позволяющем казначейству в. чеки, пока продолжаются переговоры, т.е. между Конгрессом и президентом): Congress and the President agreed on a "continuing resolution" - a temporary budget extension - that authorized the Treasury to issue checks while negotiations continued;
- (кому-л): some small checks people had written down infml to me;
- (на американский банк): payment by check AmE must be drawn on U.S. bank if paid in U.S. dollars;
- (на имя кого-л): make your check payable to Multimedia Strategies;
- (на 50 долларов): to make out a cheque BrE for $50;
- (человек, на [имя] которого выписан чек): Consumers who fail to properly present a check to a bank and are refused payment is another somewhat common phenomenon in the banking world. For example, if a person who a check was made out to goes to the original bank to cash the check but is not a customer of that bank, the policies may require the consumer to present identification or provide fingerprints before being able to cash the check.;
- Pay the fee with a check or money order drawn on a U.S. bank payable to the Department of Homeland Security. Residents of Guam should make the fee payable to the "Treasurer, Guam," and residents of the U.S. Virgin Islands should make the fee payable to the "Commissioner of Finance of the Virgin Islands."
выписка - (из реестра): original or notarised copy of a letter from the legal advisor of the Applicant "L." stating that L. have reviewed the original extracts from the Register
выписка / выписывание - (в. счетов клиентам): billing of customers
выплата - (денежная, заменить социальные льготы, которые давались натурой, д-ыми в-ами): the Russian Federal Assembly has just decided to abolish many social benefits that have never actually been paid out and to replace numerous benefits paid in kind with cash payments;
- (за недвижимость, купленную по контракту): he received a deed to the property in 1999 after completing the contract payments;
- (ограничить в-ы какой-л суммой): labour urged the government to consider capping payouts at $ 5 million, arguing that the $22 million was unlikely to deliver an "extra slice of happiness" for the winner;
- (по кредиту): the teachers teaching full-time in a school that is meant exclusively for the students belonging to low-income families are exempt from loan repayment for about 15% of the portion if they have applied Perkins loan;
- (регулярно делать в-ы, т.е. долга): the first money was released in March, after which we continued to make regular disbursements (of the loan);
- (студенческого кредита): Disbursement: How the money gets to student or school. Federal Direct Student Loans are distributed through a channel that begins with the U.S. Treasury Department and from there passes through the U.S. Department of Education, then to the college or university and then to the student.;
- (финансирование передаётся стране-получателю путём ряда выплат): During each round, countries apply to the Global Fund for funding by submitting a proposal. Funding for approved proposals is transmitted to recipient countries through a series of disbursements.
выплатить / выплачивать - (в-ать остаток кредита / в-ить долг): if you move to a new home and charge $2000 for furniture on a credit card charging 18,5% interest and pay off the balance by making the minimum payments, it will take you more than 11 years to repay the debt;
- (долг): by the time you pay off the debt you will have spent an extra $1,934 in interest alone;
- (кредит): in January 1977, Mexico repaid its loan in full, with interest, more than three years ahead of schedule;
- (одолженную сумму): mortgage term is the number of years over which you pay back the amount you borrow;
- (социальные льготы): the Russian Federal Assembly has just decided to abolish many social benefits that have never actually been paid out and to replace numerous benefits paid in kind with cash payments
выплаченный - (дом полностью выплачен): the house is completely paid off
выплачиваться - (зарплата выплачивается в первую пятницу после проработанной недели): the pay date is the Friday following the week worked;
- (зарплата будет в. в рабочий день непосредственно перед праздником): The pay date is the Friday following the week worked, except when there is a scheduled University holiday. The pay date, in those instances, will be on the working day immediately preceding the holiday.;
- (сумма студенческого кредита выплачивается в течение 14 дней по получении необходимых документов): private student loan funds are usually disbursed within 14 days of receiving all necessary paperwork
выполнение - (ежедневное в. упражнений): daily performance of these exercises has proved most beneficial to patients with this illness;
- (законов): law enforcement;
- (обязанностей): this work interferes with the performance of his duties;
- (обязательств): fulfilment of one's obligations;
- (обязательств): WTO oversees the implementation of member nation's trade commitments;
- (в. обязательств пo настоящему договор стороной А): Party A's performance of its obligations hereunder shall neither conflict with any of its obligations under any other agreement or document, nor contravene any applicable laws, regulations or administrative rules;
- (в. обязательств, предусмотренных контрактом): Requirement of Consideration for the Discharge of Contractual Obligations in Texas;
- (правил): the rules are good but the enforcement is bad;
- (работы, печатать со скоростью, достаточной для успешного в-я работы): ability to type accurately at a speed sufficient for successful job performance;
- (служебных обязанностей): activities associated with the discharge of official duties;
- (соглашения): there was no sign whatever of implementation (of the agreement);
- (соглашения): the execution and delivery of this Agreement;
- (указаний): following his orders has never yet led you into harm
выполненный - (вычитать гранки или вёрстку для проверки ошибок в в-ом типографском наборе): use the galleys or page-proofs to check for mistakes in the composition handiwork;
- (задание выполнено): mission accomplished, the kid is no longer a problem;
- (изумительно в-ная чаша): a marvellously wrought chalice;
- (искусно в-ое седло): a cunningly wrought saddle;
- (по образцу, шпага выполнена по образцу традиционного дуэльного оружия): the sword is modeled on a traditional European dueling weapon, rapier, sabre;
- (правильно в. медосмотр): when done properly, the exam is a rigorous procedure in which a health-care provider looks for changes in size and shape and uses the pads of her fingers to detect any changes or lumps in the breast or underarm area;
- (фрески, в-ые А. Пеллерини): The suite of rooms was destroyed by fire in 1940. The most grievous loss was the destruction of the painted frescos executed by Antonio Pellerini between 1709-1712.
выполнимый - (выполнимо ли прекращение огня?): is it feasible that he can enforce the cease-fire?;
- (идея): workable idea;
- (план): your plan sounds quite feasible;
- (план / программа): workable plan / program;
- (работа): doable task
выполнить / выполнять - (анализ ДНК): he got a legal order to disinter the body and carry out DNA tests;
- (анализы на интоксикацию): "You ran a tox screen that came back negative." "We do a tox screen in every automobile fatality. It's routine.";
- (арифметические действия): he learned to read, write and do simple arithmetic;
- (важное дело): I will allow you to perform an essential task for me;
- (возложенную на него задачу): the US Environmental Protection Agency is clearly a dysfunctional agency no longer able to live up to its mandate;
- (вылет, вертолёт - в. на бомбардировку): the helicopter was carrying out bombing raids;
- (вылет, лётчик выполнял очередной тренировочный в.): the pilot was on a routine training sortie;
- (выполняя свой долг): NASA astronauts who have lost their lives in the line of duty are memorialized at he Space Mirror Memorial at the Kennedy Space Center visitor Complex in Merritt Island, Florida;
- (вычисления): to perform computation;
- (вычисления): there is a handy way to carry out such computations;
- (вычисления): to carry out calculations;
- (график поставки): to maintain delivery schedule;
- (в. для пользователя техобслуживание двигателя по фиксированной цене): the program undertakes to provide the operator with a fixed engine maintenance cost over an extended period of time;
- (договор, т.е. между тренером и командой): The coach discovers that the boys have not lived up to the contract in terms of their studies. Many of them are failing or not regularly attending classes.
- (долг): смотри ниже;
- (желание): смотри ниже;
- (завещание): to execute a will;
- (задание): He could cope discreetly with those who came too close to the top men of the organization. By January he had fulfilled 12 assignments of this kind.;
- (задание, он выполнял задании): during the war he was on some mysterious mission;
- (в. задание в одиночку, т.е. о лётчике): On the night of 30 March 1944 he participated in an attack on Nuremberg. Short of the target, his aircraft was very severely damaged by enemy fighters, which forced three of his crew to parachute out. Despite this, and single handed, he completed his mission before turning for home.;
- (задание, о морских пехотинцах): could the Dutch marines carry out such a mission?;
- (заказ): if we are unable to fulfil your order within 15 working days, we will advise you of the situation and give you the opportunity to cancel your order;
- (заказ на биржевые операции): a stop loss order that tells your broker to execute your order at any price once the commodity has reached your price target;
- (команда безупречно выполнила манёвры): the team performed their best moves faultlessly;
- (команда-победитель выполняет круг почёта): the team performs a lap of honor;
- (команду на компьютере): he executed the command (on a computer) to decrypt a message, and got gibberish;
- (Конгресс полномочен в. статью Конституции): Congress has power to enforce this article of the Constitution;
- (контракт): details on similar contracts performed in the last 10 years;
- (контракт, он выполнил свою часть к-а): he had honored his part of the contract and expected fair treatment in return;
- (мёртвую петлю, т.е. о лётчике): On 21 September 1913, as a test pilot for Louis Blériot, in a Blériot model XI monoplane and in a series of test flights exploring the limits of airplane maneuvers, he flew a loop. Pyotr Nesterov, a Russian army pilot, had flown the first one on 9 September 1913, just 12 days earlier;
- (в. норму международного мастера, сыграв со счётом 7:4, т.е. в спорте): he earned an International Master norm by scoring 7-4;
- (обещание): смотри ниже;
- (т.е. обещанное): the Prime-Minister has not delivered on debt-reduction;
- (обзор): to undertake a review;
- (общественную функцию): Do the Liberal Arts Serve a Public Function?;
- (обязанности): смотри ниже;
- (обязательства): смотри ниже;
- (олимпийскую н-у, т.е. о спортсмене): using a variety of aerobic cross-training methods, he recovered from the surgery quickly and set his sights on making the Olympic standard;
- (операцию Цесарева сечения): he performed a difficult Caesarian section;
- (в. оплату по кредитной карточке): the charge was applied against your credit card;
- (отчёт в рамках программы): reports elaborated in the framework of the Danube Pollution Reduction Program;
- (план): смотри ниже;
- (по образцу, шпага выполнена по образцу традиционного дуэльного оружия): the sword is modeled on a traditional European dueling weapon, rapier, sabre;
- (пожелания): he reluctantly complied with their wishes;
- (поручения): I worked a few hours a week for a local lawyer, doing legal research and running errands;
- (поручения / приказания): Crabbe and Goyle seemed to exist to do Malfoy's bidding;
- (постановление выполнило свою задачу): this ordinance accomplished its purpose;
- (в. постановления об уплате алиментов на детей): there are rules that guarantee that service members will comply with child support orders, unless they are willing to face adverse administrative or criminal actions;
- (постановления суда): in the presidential campaign, Nixon pandered to segregationists by promising to reverse the policy of withholding federal funds from school district that refused to comply with federal court orders to integrate their schools;
- (правила клуба): if you join the club you must abide by its rules;
- (правила техники безопасности): the factory was closed for failing to comply with safety regulations;
- (приказы): He strongly reprimanded my uncle for not having carried out his orders;
- (в. приказы начальника тайной полиции, т.е. о подчинённости): Adolf Eichmann said that he took his orders from his secret police boss;
- (проект): to perform a project;
- (проект): to put together a team that has all of the required skill sets to deliver the project effectively;
- (просьбу): he prayed to Odin for a favourable wind and drew lots to decide which of his men was to be sacrificed in return for granting of his petition;
- (пункт повестки дня): the last point on his agenda had been covered;
- (расчёты с заказчиком): I manage a sales account for a large customer;
- (т.е. режиссёр выполнял пожелания редактора фильма): after some grousing, he complied with his wishes;
- (резолюцию ООН): we expect them to adhere to resolution 1559;
- (рекомендацию): it is unclear how the recommendation could be implemented;
- (в. свою задачу): Does probation really serve its purpose?;
- (свою отвратительную обязанность): he completed his distasteful duty;
- (в. свою роль): Congress has a profound moral duty to show - for once - that it is willing to do its part;
- (свою часть договорённости): I was keeping my part of the bargain flawlessly;
- (сложное движение в уме, т.е. о женщине в коме): They asked her to imagine playing tennis. Remarkable, this made neurons fire in the premotor cortex, a region that hums with activity when you mentally practice any sophisticated movement, from a jump shot to a backhand.;
- (соглашение): the North Vietnamese did not even pretend to live up to the Geneva Accords;
- (в. соскок на сломанную ногу, т.е. о гимнасте): he had to dismount squarely on his broken leg;
- (строительные работы): if you are intending to carry out construction works, please contact us;
- (террористы готовы в. угрозы): I believe the terrorists are prepared to carry out all their threats unless their demands are not met;
- (тушение пожара было выполнено за 9 месяцев): thanks in part to his expertise, a firefighting operation expected to last 3 to 5 years was completed in 9 months;
- (угрозу): смотри ниже;
- (указания): he often does not follow through on instructions (not due to oppositional behavior or failure to understand instructions);
- (условие): if you have to relocate in order to comply with this condition, the following assistance is available;
- (функции): a directive from Mr. Bush to all ambassadors that warns them not to perform functions abroad that could just as easily be done from American shores;
- (функцию аэропорта): The Ports serve a function analogous to airports: This is where you drop into the Metaverse (virtual universe in the computer) from somewhere else;
- (художественное оформление книги было выполнено карандашом и чернилом): the artwork was rendered in pencil and ink on Bienfang velour paper;
- (элементарные действия): to carry out atomic steps
выполнить / выполнять (долг) - he's only doing his duty;
- (перед Родиной): they were ordinary patriotic soldiers doing their duty to the Fatherland;
- (в. свой д. по отношению к каждому ребёнку в отдельности): It is in the best interest of Jodie that separation (of conjoined twins) takes place - it is in the best interest of Mary that it does not. There is an irreconcilable conflict and the court cannot fully honour its separate duty to each child to do what is best for that child.
выполнить / выполнять (желание) - (умирающего): you must grant his dying wish;
- (желания, т.е. жены): he granted her wishes;
- I will see to it that your wishes are carried out;
- (волшебный олень может в. желание): the stag could give you wishes if you caught him;
- grim tales of kings sacrificing their sons to gain their desires
выполнить / выполнять (обещание) - to carry out one's promise;
- he made good on his pledge to donate $1,000;
- he made good on his promise to paint the living room;
- (пообещать больше, чем мог в.): promising more than you could deliver;
- (предвыборные обещания): will the government deliver on their election promises?;
- he made good on his pledge to donate $1,000;
- he promises things that he has no intentions of performing;
- do politicians keep their promises?;
- the Web has more than lived up to its promise;
- the citizens hope that the government can deliver on that promise;
- he would have no alternative but to abide by his pledge to free the man;
- the Italian government will sell another stake in electricity company E. in a move toward making good on infml a pledge to significantly lower public debt;
- the President has yet to make good on his pledge to deliver emergency assistance to the continent
выполнить / выполнять (обязанности) - to carry out his duties as a government employee;
- you will be required to perform duties which will include teaching, lecturing and conducting research;
- (вице-президент будет в. обязанности президента): the Vice-President shall exercise the office of President of the USA
выполнить / выполнять (обязательства): - if the Soviets abide by their undertakings...;
- the President maintained his pledge to cut the deficit in half;
- sentencing courts should ensure that defenders have carried out their obligation to advise the client about collateral sequences before accepting a plea and at sentencing;
- (договорные обязательства): to abide by contract obligations;
- (о банке): the bank has not lived up to its obligations;
- (по договору): any hostilities directed at our ally will compel America to honor her treaty commitment
выполнить / выполнять (план) - after his electoral victory he fulfilled his long-standing plan;
- (в. план по добыче 1.9 млн баррелей в день): the company is on track to meet its 2009 production target of 1.9 million barrels of oil equivalents per day;
- (в. план, по которому биотопливо должно составлять 30%): Fuel companies have exceeded the amount of biofuel they were obliged to supply during the first quarter since the UK targets were set. Only 20 per cent of biofuels met qualifying environmental standards but the government's Renewable Fuels Agency claims the UK is on course to meet its target of 30 per cent by the end of the accounting year.;
- (в. план года по производству 25000 автомобилей): they have failed to meet this year's production target of 25,000 cars;
- (в. план по росту чистого дохода на 4-6%): we are on track to deliver on our full year target of net revenue growth of 4% to 6%
выполнить / выполнять (угрозу) - to carry out threats to evict Russia's Black Sea Fleet from Sevastopol;
- will he really go through with his threat?;
- my dad made good on AmE Austr infml his threat to cut off our Internet service;
- President Bush made good on his threat to veto the legislation
выполняться - (аборты выполняются в опасных условиях): every year thousands abortions are performed under unsafe conditions;
- (какой бы огромной ни была задача, она выполняется): massive though the task may be, it gets done;
- (лечение выполняется под общим наркозом): the therapy is carried out on general anaesthetic;
- (доказательство выполняется так же мат): the computation in the proof of Example 2 goes through in the same way for all except the relation (3);