вход - (бесплатный, т.е. в кино / на выставку): admission free;
- (в. в плотные слои атмосферы): the spaceship burned on the reentry into the atmosphere;
- (в. в плотные слои атмосферы): garbage burns up during re-entry of the spaceship;
- (в. в вестибюль школы): I want the prefects to stand guard over the entrances to the hall;
- (в. в док): the main dock gates habitually stand open in the daytime, the entrance being blocked only by a balanced red-and white striped pole;
- (в. в зал суда был только по приглашениям / пропускам): seating in the courtroom was by invitation only;
- (в. в залив): the ship headed for the mouth of the bay;
- (в комнаты можно было зайти с отдельного в-а): the rooms he used to see patients were accessible by a separate entrance from the corridor;
- (в. в пещеру): a narrow footpath that leveled out near the cave mouth;
- (в. в туннель): the tree was placed at the tunnel mouth to stop anyone coming across me;
- (в. в ущелье): the Riders were still in the low valley before the mouth of the Coomb, when cries and hornblasts were heard from their scouts that went in front;
- (в. во двор): a delivery van is parked at the entrance to the yard;
- (т.е.ворота на территорию посольства, ): the compound is guarded at its single gate by several watchful militia men;
- (главный в. в музей): two masked thieves walked into the crowded museum in broad daylight, yanked the pictures from the wall and left through the front door;
- (главный в. в учреждение): the imposing main doorway;
- (грузовой, т.е. в многоквартирном доме): he raced from the apartment and down the fire stairs to the basement and out through the delivery entrance;
- (грузовой в. / в. для поставщиков, т.е. в гостинице): tradesman's entrance (at the hotel);
- (т.е за дверями): He reached for the huge wooden doors and pushed. The entryway yawned open.;
- (задний): the back entrance led to a small alley behind the hotel;
- (знать все в-ы и выходы): I know the ins and outs infml of the case thoroughly;
- (в. на автостоянку): a metal boom gate is padlocked in place across the entrance to the car park;
- (на в-е в корридор): at the entrance of a corridor that lead toward the West Wing of the castle;
- (т.е. надпись, в. воспрещён / в. запрещён): a barred gate with a notice board to one side saying "Private property, keep out";
- (т.е. надпись, в. воспрещён / в. запрещён): no admission;
- (т.е. надпись, посторонним в. воспрещён): no trespassing;
- (т.е. надпись, посторонним в. воспрещён): for personnel only;
- (парадный и задний в. в здание): there will be additional police at the front and rear gates throughout Sunday;
- (платить по 25 центов за в. в кинотеатр): kids were ponying up their quarter admissions at the box-office window;
- (пожарный, т.е. в здание): the van swings into a parking area below the building and pulls up at a fire door;
- (в. с колоннами): from the road a gravel path leads up to the pillared entrance;
- (служебный): the service entrance smells of disemboweled bin bugs and cat piss;
- (служебный): He acted like he was everyone's best friend just because he was bringing their toot. But once they had their stuff they wanted him to fuck off - use the tradesman's entrance, please.;
- (стоять на в-е в кухню): he stood in the kitchen entryway;
- (усилителя, т.е. электронного прибора): cascade amplifier is any amplifier constructed from a series of amplifier, where each amplifier sends its output to the input of the next
входить - (в. без разрешения куда-л): he would harm no man who did not trespass in the hall;
- (т.е. быть / стать частью): смотри ниже;
- (в. в доверие к кому-л): to insinuate oneself in somebody's good graces;
- (в. в долю): смотри ниже;
- (в. в зацепление, о зубчатых колёсах): when the two wheels engage the smaller one will start to turn;
- (в. в легенду, о грубости и промахах кого-л): his harshness and verbal gaffes were becoming legendary;
- (в. в легенду, об амурных похождениях Кеннеди): Kennedy's womanizing ways are a Washington legend;
- (в. в моду): they are definitely coming back into fashion;
- (в. в моду): this service was slow to catch on infml in the USA;
- (в. в моду): it was a popular style in England, but it never really caught on infml in America;
- (в. в обязанности): смотри ниже;
- (в. в пикеобразно, об экономике): the country's economy took a nose dive last week;
- (в. в подробности): смотри ниже;
- (в. в привычку): my mother was afraid that if I gave in to my fears, it would set a pattern for the rest of my life;
- (в. в ритм): after a couple of days he settled into the rhythm of the place;
- (в. в ритм студенческой жизни): I didn't hit my stride as a college student right away;
- (в. в роль): I had fallen deeply into the part I was reading, that of the intellectual reporter;
- (в. в роль): The actress has revealed that her co-actor in the movie was so engrossed in his character while filming that he actually proposed to her. The actor was so much into his character that he made himself believe that he actually loved her.;
- (в. в силу): смотри ниже;
- (когда враг был дезорганизован, вошла пехота): when the enemy was completely disorganized, the infantry moved in;
- (т.е. надпись, не в. на территорию): a barred gate held in place by a steel catch with a notice board to one side saying "Private property, keep out";
- (т.е. поместиться в чём-л): смотри ниже;
- (т.е. быть / стать частью): смотри ниже;
- смотри файл DVIJENIE
входить (т.е. быть / стать частью) - (в группу террористов входят арабские боевики со всего региона): the group has proclaimed an ideological affinity with the Al Quaeda and reportedly includes Arab fighters from across the region;
- (в его знания об искусстве не входила резьба по дереву): his familiarity with art did not include woodcarving;
- (в. в компетенцию, большинство видов рекламы входят в компетенцию Управления рекламными стандартами): most forms of advertising previously fell within the ASA's remit, including advertisements placed on the Internet in paid-for advertising space on third party websites;
- (в. в компетенцию ЦРУ): things like this were not within CIA's purview;
- (в нашу задачу не входит это доказывать): it is beyond our scope to prove this in details here;
- (в. в общество, о больных церебральным параличом): those who suffer cerebral palsy are unfit to join in the society;
- (в объём работ входит...): the scope of work shall include the provision of training personnel, training equipment and support for on-the-job training in Nigeria;
- (в. в первую тройку крупнейших производителей автоматических кофеварок): the company ranks among the top three largest producers of fully automatic coffee machines;
- (в перечень работ входит...): the scope of work shall include the provision of training personnel, training equipment and support for on-the-job training in Nigeria;
- (в. в полномочия, в полномочия Управления рекламными стандартами входит применение ряда дополнительных санкций): the ASA's new remit provides a number of additional sanctions to apply in the event of a non-compliant on-line advertisement, including the right to remove any paid-for search advertisements that link directly to an advertiser's website page hosting non-compliant marketing materials;
- (в программу рекультивации не входит демонтаж шахт и инфраструктуры): the removal of plant and infrastructure is not always part of a rehabilitation programme, as many old mine plants have cultural heritage and cultural value;
- (в работу входят поездки заграницу): the job involves travelling abroad for 3 months each year;
- (в работу входило создание персонажей и концепций видеоигр): his job involved creating characters and [video] game concepts;
- (в. в рынок): everyone can enter the currency market and earn money there;
- (в семейство утиных входят утки, гуси и лебеди): the members of the family Anatidae, which contains the swans, geese and ducks;
- (в семейство утиных входят утки, гуси и лебеди): Anatidae is the biological family that includes ducks, geese and swans;
- (в соглашение входят типовые условия, доверенность и...): the agreement includes general conditions, power of attorney and...;
- (в. в союз, ЕС будет расширен и в него войдут несколько европейских государств): by then the EU will have expanded to encompass several Central European states;
- (в. в союз, Эстония вошла в Советский Союз): in 1940 Estonia was incorporated into the Soviet Union;
- (в. в среднее, зачёты не входят в среднюю оценку студента): Pass grades are not averaged into the student's GPA. However, an unsatisfactory grade will be averaged into the student's GPA.;
- (в тренировку входят 20 забегов): one workout entails 21 separate sprints;
- (в число посетителей борделя входят политики и самые богатые и знаменитые люди): wealthy brothel madam with a clientele that includes politicians and the very rich and famous;
- (город не входил в маршрут): Phnom Penh was not on my itinerary;
- (датчики топлива, которые входят в систему аварийной отсечки двигателя): two attempts to launch Atlantis were stymied by erratic fuel sensors, which are part of an emergency engine cutoff system;
- (заменитель сахара с высоким содержанием фруктозы входит почти во все готовые блюда): HFCS (High Fructose Corn Sweetener) has been incorporated into nearly every processed food;
- (мышьяк не входит в обычное токсикологическое обследование, выполняемое в связи со вскрытием): despite the familiarity of arsenic as a classic poison, such deaths are a rarity these days, and thus arsenic is not covered in routine toxicological screenings performed in connection with autopsies, which is why the coroner initially missed the cause of death;
- (мышьяк не входит в обычное токсикологическое обследование): Arsenic is a drug that is not included in a routine tox screen. And because of that, he had nearly gotten away with murder.;
- (не в., шнуры не входят в гарантию): cords are excluded (from the warranty);
- (он легко входил в круг шпионов, спецназовцев и наёмников): with his convincing patter and combat garb, J. blended easily into the circle of spooks, bearded US special forces and burly private security contractors, who form part of the cast of America's war on terror;
- (похититель входил в шайку): the kidnapper was part of a ring;
- (расширить полномочия, так, чтобы в них входило расследование...): Starr asked the Justice Department for permission to expand his authority to encompass the investigation of Lewinsky;
- (результаты голосования в округе войдут в окончательный подсчёт): the vote in this county will be put into the final tally;
- (синтетические полимеры вошли в повседневную жизнь): synthetic polymers are so much a part of our everyday lives that...;
- (соблюдение тайны не входило в лексикон вахтёра): discretion was apparently not part of the vocabulary of a 15-euro-per-hour watchman;
- (сюда входили водохранилища, возникшие при постройке плотин на некогда судоходных реках): The jurisdiction of Admiralty Law extended to any waterway in the United States that had been navigable in its original condition. That included lakes built from damming once-navigable rivers.;
- (сюда не входит комната и питание, т.е. в плату за обучение): I have a problem with a university charging over $31,000 per year in tuition, per student (and that doesn't include room and board)
входить в обязанности - my duties involved answering phones and scheduling customer appointments;
- sitting and chatting were not part of the daily routine at OPD;
- my duties include taking letters to the post and making coffee;
- duties include research and graduate teaching;
- (в должностные обязанности): collection of evidence is part of job description of city police detectives;
- (в должностные о.): he carries out assignments in a positive manner even when it is not part of his job description;
- (командировка входит в служебные о.): when someone is sent to work at a particular site for, say, 18 months, it is always necessary to consider whether the secondment is part of the duties of a continuing employment or whether it involves taking up a different employment;
- (это входит в его о.): the industry norms are: 15% of the proceeds from the sale of a book to a U.S. publisher;... if the literary agent merely suggests improvements to your proposal, reads your book, makes suggestions and provides similar sales-enhancing help, that's part of the job;
- (в обязанности, это не входит в мои обязанности): that's not in my job description
войти в долю - (т.е. в руководстве компанией): we're currently looking for investors for our exciting new project, so if you'd like to get in on the ground floor, be sure to let us know
- (их родственники вошли в долю в этом бизнесе): it was found that Public Loaders were none other than International Longshoremen's Association officials, and that their relatives are "cut in" for a share of the boss-loading business;
- (любой может войти в долю?): can any Joe buy in?;
- Florida Governor L. had met with industrial leaders and asked if they would buy into the privatization of NASA with the government managing all launches and facilities, the companies assuming most costs for personnel and R&D;
- (он обмолвился, что хочет войти в долю на дальних рейсах): he let slip that he wants a cut in Air Passenger Duty on long haul flights;
- (я должен войти в долю в этом деле): I have got to get in on this
входить в подробности - owing to the nature of the terrain in Indochina it would take a long time to come up with additional information, though he did not amplify what the terrain had to do with the disappearing prisoners;
- I can't go into specifics;
- he would not go into detail about his employer;
- (не входя в подробности): without getting into lengthy specifics the communication between our two sides has stalled;
- A Wizz Air jet caught fire Wednesday at a Bucharest airport, and the 76 passengers on board were evacuated. Wizz Air said in a statement there had been a problem with an engine but did not elaborate.
входить в силу - (входит в с. с 1 мая): with effect from May 1 (w.e.f. );
- (как только налог полностью войдёт в силу): once this tax is in full effect, the prices will rise;
- (когда система войдёт в силу?): when does the system become effective?;
- (о документе): the deed was not effective until it was recorded - and that occurred after the son's divorce was final;
- (о законе): last month new traffic laws came into effect;
- (о законе): the Act went into effect in June 1933;
- (о законе): the new bankruptcy law was enacted in 2005;
- (о запрете): the ban went into effect;
- (о постановлениях): the new regulations will come into effect next May;
- (о прекращении огня): the cease-fire established by the Paris Agreement had gone into effect on Jan 27;
- (о системе налогообложения): the new system of taxation will come into effect next May;
- (о страховом полисе): the policy has come in effect;
- (резолюция входит в силу с 3 мая): the resolution is effective as of May, 3;
- (с 5 февраля входят в силу поправки к разделу B, регламентирующему допуск к адвокатской практике, который надлежит читать следующим образом): it is ordered that effective Feb. 5, 2009, Part B, Governing Admissions to the Practice of Law be hereby amended to read as follows;
- (страхование входит в силу после того, как...): the insurance is effective only after the applicant has been accepted by the Insurer;
- (увольнение вошло в силу 5 июня 2007 года / немедленно): further to our meeting of May 9, 2007 I regretfully confirm that your employment with us is terminated with effect from fml June 5, 2007 / with immediate effect fml
входить (т.е. помещаться в чём-л): - (в сосуд войдёт 6 литров): this container will take six liters;
- (книги не войдут в полку): I don't think the shelf can take any more books;
- (штырьки штепселя не входят в розетку, т.е. не подходят по размеру): the continental pins on the back of this converter do not fit the outlet
входить (т.е. становиться частью) - (в общество, о больных церебральным параличом): those who suffer cerebral palsy are unfit to join in the society;
- (в рынок): he was sallying forth into a job-market glutted with young accountants;
- (легко в. в круг шпионов, спецназовцев и наёмников): with his convincing patter and combat garb, J. blended easily into the circle of spooks, bearded US special forces and burly private security contractors, who form part of the cast of America's war on terror;
- (Леонардо да Винчи настолько вошёл в нашу культуру, что...) - Leonardo da Vinci and his work are so much part of our culture that we think we know him well;
- (синтетические полимеры настолько вошли в повседневную жизнь, что...): synthetic polymers are so much a part of our everyday lives that...;
- (Эстония вошла в Советский Союз): in 1940 Estonia was incorporated into the Soviet Union
входной - (ворота): astride the entrance gate is a long, narrow shed, with one door inside the port area and one on the outside;
- (дверь): he flicked his eye constantly from the illuminated window to the front door;
- (напряжение, т.е. электрическое): these led diodes require an input voltage of minimum 1.7 maximum 2.8;
- (отверстие, т.е. пулевого ранения): The animal pathologist speculates that the bullet must have entered the wolf, partly broken apart, and then exited the animal's body. To test his hunch, he threads a wooden dowel through the small opening on the wolf's neck, pushing it in until it pops out of another hole at the back of the neck. That hole's size and shape indicate it's an entrance wound.;
- (плата): the gallery charges no entrance fee
входящий - (корреспонденция): I keep copies of incoming and outgoing mail
вхождение - (космического корабля в плотные слои атмосферы): garbage burns up during re-entry of the spaceship
вчера - (вечером): last night I made a point of examining his cash drawings for the last three months
вхожий - (по окончании университета, Оскар Уайлд переехал в Лондон, где стал вхож в самые блистательные гостиные...): after university, Wilde moved to London, where he insinuated himself into London's most glamorous drawing rooms as wit, dandy, and high aesthete
вчерашнее (т.е. существительное) - (он переживал из-за в-его): he was still smarting over yesterday when he took out the wrong target
вчерашний - (газеты): yesterday's newspapers are today's fish wrapping;
- (дождь): all the rain from yesterday had frozen solid;
- (новости): nothing is older than yesterday's news;
- (хлеб): day-old bread
вчерне - (наметить в.): to draft an outline of the proposal
вчетвером - (пойти в кино): they went to the cinema in a foursome
вчитаться / вчитываться - (я не особо вчитывался в сообщения в прессе): I paid little heed to the sparse news reports I read
вширь - (строительство вверх, а не в.): building upward rather than sideward
выбивать / выбить - (автомат защиты сети выбьет разг при повышенном токе): the circuit breaker will turn off or "trip" when in an overcurrent condition;
- (в. из колеи): the sight of his tall, rangy figure filling the doorway, the concern in his eyes, the realization that he had sought her out when she ignored his call, almost unhinged her;
- (в. из равновесия, т.е. вопросом): he was thrown momentarily off balance;
- (в. из равновесия, т.е. психически нестабильного человека): she was not stable, and a non-guilty verdict would push her over the cliff fig;
- смотри файл DVIJENIE
выбиваться / выбиться - (в. в люди образно): he had worked his way up, becoming first a busboy, then a waiter, then maitre'd;
- (в. из бедности): Economists Reveal Factors that Help Poor People Lift Themselves Out of Poverty;
- (в. из бедности): those households who used their existing assets most productively were more successful at pulling themselves out of poverty;
- (в. из графика / из расписания): we were out of time;
- (в. из сил, я совершенно выбился из сил): I am completely exhausted;
- смотри файл DVIJENIE
выбившийся из сил - (рабочие): at the end of the hot day the spent workers slept under a shady tree
выбирать / выбрать - (в. бумаги на выброс): sort out the papers to be thrown away, and put the rest back;
- (т.е. в списке): to select the names of the prisoners to be released;
- (в. в списке): he gave me the opportunity to pick the names from the list;
- (в. в таблице телевикторины): I go for the person on the right-hand side of the grid;
- (вино): I volunteered to help choose the wine;
- (в. вино для приёмов): to pick wines for parties;
- (выберите что-то одно): "You lied to federal investigators." "What makes you federal investigators? You can't have it both ways around. You want to play all cloak and dagger and refuse to show ID, then how should I know who you are?";
- (в. кредитную карточку с условиями, которые со временем станут выгодными для вас): evaluate all offers carefully before you apply and then select a card with the terms that will benefit you over time;
- (в. единицу измерения углов): numerical values can be assigned to angles by selecting a unit of measure for angles;
- (жертву, преступник выбирает жертву потому, что ему кажется, что она принадлежит к определённой социальной группе): In crime and law, hate crimes / bias-motivated crimes occur when a perpetrator targets a victim because of his or her perceived membership in a certain social group. Examples of such groups include but are not limited to: racial group, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, or gender identity.;
- (жулики выбирают людей, которые ищут любви и общения): con artists target people looking for love or companionship, in order to exploit their vulnerability;
- (закуску, т.е. в ресторане): I go for a shrimp starter;
- (из меню): it was such a big menu I didn't know what to choose;
- (т.е. из предложенных чисел): pick / take a number;
- (или... или... / между чем-л): we had to choose between leaving early and paying for a taxi;
- (иметь возможность в. , мы могли выбирать место, т.е. в туристическом автобусе): Place de l"Opera was the best place to join the tour because it was one of the less busy destinations and therefore we could have the pick of seats.;
- (в. камеру на видеомониторе): he turned the tuning dial on his video monitor and picked up one of the inside cameras;
- (в. кого-л для издевательств): I was singled out for all sorts of harassment;
- (компании приходится в. между ликвидацией и сползанием в посредственность): at this juncture, the company's choices are to sell out or suffer a slow slide into mediocrity;
- (в. курсантов с особыми способностями): we were singled out as cases of special aptitude and sent straight there;
- (лучшее, т.е. из предложенного): when you offer him sweets he always goes for the biggest one;
- (выбранное по его усмотрению): to give him a chance to fight a set-piece battle on his own terms at a place and time of his choosing;
- (в. место проведения): we're still trying to decide on a venue;
- (в. на видеомониторе одну из установленных в помещениии камер): he turned the tuning dial on the video monitor, picked up one of the inside cameras;
- (одежду): she picked out a scarf to wear with the dress;
- (в. одного из двух кандидатов / между друмя кандидатами): it was difficult to decide between the two candidates;
- (осторожно в. дорогу на снегу с прожилками грязи, т.е. на леднике): I picked my way cautiously over snow veined with dirt;
- (обычно выбирать, пианисты обычно выбирают "Грёзы" Шумана): most pianists who play Kinderszenen rarely excerpt it, but when an individual piece from it is played by them in concert, "Träumerei" is usually their choice;
- (обычно выбирать): they are wine enthusiasts and if a $20 bottle of Merlot is their usual choice, you can bet that they will only occasionally shell out $35 or $40;
- (в. пленных для освобождения): while grateful for the early release, I refused to select the names;
- (в. положение переключателя): select proper watt setting;
- (правильно в. колледж): picking the right college;
- (президента, т.е. на выборах): in an exemplary election at the end of 2002 Kenyans selected a reputable and reformist president;
- (выбирая не самый популярный колледж): applicants should minimize their risk by not choosing the most popular colleges;
- (в. простые геометрические формы, т.е. для дизайна): when H. and other hackers wrote the software, they didn't have enough money to hire architects or designers, so they just went in for simple geometric shapes;
- (свидетель выбрал не того человека на опознании): the witness picked out the wrong man in the identification parade;
- (слабину, пока не выберете слабину): pull on the shoulder belt until all slack is out and the lap belt is tight;
- (слабинуобразно): they are busily contacting out former business partners to "take up the slack" fig as they put it;
- (статьи, выбранные для этого тома): the papers selected for this volume;
- (управляемая ракета выбирает стальную конструкцию с водой по обе стороны и землёй на концах): if they told the missile to go for steel structures with water each side and land each end, it would take out bridges;
- (шарлатаны выбирают своими жертвами людей с неизлечимыми болезнями): snake oil salesmen tend to target people with incurable diseases;
- (школа выбрала чернокожих учащихся, чтобы послать их на собрание об опасностях, грозящих вступающим в банду): a school in the US singled out black students to attend an assembly on the dangers of joining a gang;
- (я не могу в., кого пригласить): I can't decide on who to invite
выбираться / выбраться - (выбравшись из горячки политической жизни): the ship's leisurely pace and group dining did give us time to get to know one another, to meet other passengers, and to decompress a little out of the hothouse American political environment;
- (живыми): we got out alive last time;
- (в. из бедности): Factors that Help Poor People Lift Themselves Out of Poverty;
- (в. из бедности): those households who used their existing assets most productively were more successful at pulling themselves out of poverty;
(в. из бедности): What percentage of people get out of poverty?;
- (в. из кризиса): the party is likely to lift itself out of the crisis it suffered;
- (т.е. из неприятностей): I think he is caught up in something that is bigger than he is. He's trying to get out but he just keeps getting in deeper.;
- (в. из неприятностей): to give Britain the time it needs to get out of its Brexit mess;
- (в. из переделки / передряги): the more I knew about the set-up, the sooner I could work out how to get clear of this mess;
- (в. из передряги): The quest to retrain Ireland's jobless poses an important test for Europe. Ireland has a more educated and flexible workforce than other ailing euro-zone countries. If Ireland can't solve its woes, it bodes ill for such countries as Spain and Portugal.;
- (в. из положения): is there an exit strategy that allows Britain to get out of this situation?;
- (в. из трудного положения): now for some snags, and how to get out of them;
- (в. из трудного положения): to extricate oneself from difficult positions;
- (в. из тюрьмы): he's broken out of prison;
- (отсюда): we'd got out of here last time thanks to his fortitude;
- (страна, казалось, выберется из десятилетий деспотизма): for a brief time last year, it seemed that Kenya would emerge at last from decades of ruinous despotism;
- (страна не может в. из трясины образно, т.е. из экономического спада): the country is not free to lift itself out of the mire it is in;