движок - (т.е. реостата): A rheostat is a two-terminal variable resistor. Typically, these are constructed as a resistive wire wrapped to form a toroid coil with the wiper moving over the upper surface of the toroid, sliding from one turn of the wire to the next. Sometimes a rheostat is made from resistance wire wound on a heat-resisting cylinder with the slider made from a number of metal fingers that grip lightly onto a small portion of the turns of resistance wire. The "fingers" can be moved along the coil of resistance wire by a sliding knob thus changing the "tapping" point. They are usually used as variable resistors rather than variable potential dividers.
двоиться в глазах - (если перепить, иногда двоится в глазах): when you drink too much you sometimes see double
двуногий - (динозавры): the birds descended from one group of exclusively bipedal adjective dinosaurs;
- (животные): most bipedal adjective animals move with their backs close to horizontal, using a long tail to balance the weight of their bodies;
- all birds are bipeds noun when on the ground;
- Control of Locomotion in Bipeds noun, Tetrapods, and Fish
двуручный - (меч): two-handed sword
двускатный - (крыша): gabled roof
двустворчатый - (аортальный клапан мед): the most common congenital abnormality of the heart is the bicuspid aortic valve;
- (раковина): bivalve shell
двутавровый - (балка, т.е. с узкими полками): SIPs (structural insulation panels) share the same structural properties as an I-beam or I-column. The rigid insulation core of the SIP performs as a web, while the OSB sheathing exhibits the same properties as the flanges.;
- (балка, т.е. с узкими полками): I-shaped cross-section beam;
- (балки / балки д-ого сечения): double tee beam / flanged-beam;
- (д-ая балка / балка д-ого сечения, т.е. с узкими полками): steel I-beams
двухцветный - (вымпел): his bicoloured pennant flew over а shelter wrought from branches;
- (кошка): a bicolored cat;
- (туфли / расцветка): spectator shoes are a men's and women's dress shoes. They are notable for their two-tone color. They are predominantly seen in black and white but other colors are not unheard of.
двухэтажный - (автобус / автобус): a double-decker bus / double-decker is a bus that has two storeys or decks;
- (дом): two-storey house
двухъярусный - (кровать): he lowered her carefully on to the lower berth of a bunk bed;
- (система зарплат): A 2008 study of collective bargaining agreements in the United States found that 25% of the union contracts surveyed included a two-tier wage system
декольте - she giggles and her décolletage quakes
дельтавидный - (крылья): far down the fuselage wafer-thin wings sprouted, delta-shaped, being both wings and tail controls all in one
дерявянистый - (растение): ligneous plant is a plant having hard lignified tissues or woody parts especially stems;
- (шип, т.е. на фрукте): the fruit is densely beset with hard woody spines
деформированный - (голова): the baby's head is misshapen;
- (зуб): crooked tooth;
- (компакт-диск): how to fix a warped CD;
- (конечность): Amelia is the birth defect of lacking one or more limbs. It can also result in a shrunken or deformed limb.;
- (контейнер): the system identifies misshapen or damaged containers;
- (пальцы ног балерины деформированы): her (ball dancer's) toes are misshapen and covered in calluses, blisters and raw skin;
- (панели, т.е. деревянные): before polishing began, warped panels were straightened and stripes of new wood added to compensate for shrinkage;
- (пол): the floors wаs warped and cracked;
- (роговица): he had a warped cornea due to surgery that had been performed years before;
- (ухо): a misshapen ear
дёрн - the springy turf that covered the island with a green carpet;
- A building site. Turf has been peeled back and the topsoil scraped away by heavy machinery, bulldozers and earthmovers
дерьмо - (мерзкое): you and your kind are the filthiest crap fig that was ever elevated from the gutters of this country to positions of power;
- (собачье): Signs are going up across Derbyshire in a spring-clean campaign to clear the county of dog muck. Residents are being offered signs to attach to gates, fences and walls to spread the message about the dangers of dog fouling. Responsible dog-owners can also pick up a free poop-a-scoop bag.;
- (собачье): I tried to get pieces of dog shit out of the grooves on the sole of my shoe
диадема, диапозитив - смотри файл OBJECTS
диафрагма - diaphragm is the musculomembranous partition separating the abdominal and thoracic cavities and serving as a major muscle aiding inhalation;
- (д. таза): pelvic diaphragm the portion of the floor of the pelvis formed by the coccygeal and levator ani muscles and their fasciae;
- (т.е. фотоаппарата для плёнки): various buttons and dials on the camera allow the photographer to adjust camera settings such as shutter speed, focus, and aperture
дипломат - смотри файл OBJECTS
диск - (аудио / видео): audio / video disc BrE / disk AmE;
- (луны): this full disc of the moon was photographed by the Apollo 17 crewmen;
- (луны): from any location on the Earth, the Moon appears to be a circular disk which, at any specific time, is illuminated to some degree by direct sunlight;
- (гибкий, т.е.компьютера): floppy disk;
- (жёсткий, т.е.компьютера): hard disk;
- (набора, т.е. цифрового замка): the dials were still in random order;
- (штанги): a barbell consists of a metal bar, one or more sets of weight plates, and a set of collars;
- (штанги): disk weights (plates) are slid onto the outer portions of the bar to obtain the desired total weight
дисперсность - the high requirements with regard to coloring properties and dispersibility, in particular in aqueous but also in lipophilic media, can only be met by means of special formulations
диффузный - (отражение, т.е. света): Scattering of light or other electromagnetic radiation is the deflection of rays in random directions by irregularities in the propagation medium, or in a surface or interface between two media. Scattering from a surface or interface can also be called diffuse reflection.
длинноволосый - (придурок): he called me a long-haired pillock;
- (умник): a smart-ass from the North with long hair and a little imported sports car
длинноногий - (девушка): she looked young and leggy;
- (конь): a rangy horse;
- (скот): rangy cattle: long-limbed and long-bodied;
- (т.е. прозвище короля Эдуарда I): Longshanks;
- (чужестранец): the big rangy foreigner
длинный и нескладный - (конечности / руки и ноги): gangling limbs;
- (н. юноша с пушком на щеках): a gangling youth with a trace of down on his cheeks
длинный и прямой - (волосы): a strand of her lank blond hair wrapped around a pink ear
длинный и тонкий - (ёлки / ноги): spindled spruces / legs
днище - (баркаса): they transferred their equipment under cover of darkness to the bilges of fishing launch
догола - (раздеть д.): In June a cleaner was attacked at the school. She was stripped naked by her assailant who demanded sex.;
- (раздеться д.): he stripped naked;
- (раздеться д.): he made these women strip naked and parade
- A lanky person is not only tall and thin but also a little bit awkward. You wouldn't use lanky to describe a tall, slender person who moves gracefully. Instead use lanky to describe someone who moves clumsily on his long limbs.;
- he was lanky and raw-boned;
- Тhere were two boys, a chubby one and a gangly one. The gangly one said, "...";
- (баскеболисты): while tiny gymnasts co-exist with rangy basketball players, the rounder, more voluptuous athlete is rarely seen
долька - (апельсина): segment of orange;
- (чеснока): garlic clove is one of the small bulblets that can be split off of the axis of a larger garlic bulb;
- (шоколада): square of chocolate
домотканый - (материал): his shirt had no collar and was of a heavy, hand-loomed material;
- (рыбный промысел): bottom fishing refers to the most common way of fishing techniques, used to catch fish that are found near the sea floor;
- (сейнерный невод): bottom seine net
дорожка - (т.е. беговая д. на стадионе): lane;
- (беговая д. т.е. в фитнесс-клубе): the gym was well equipped with a good supply of exercise paraphernalia, a long jogging trek / track, a large pool, steam and sauna facilities, and an attractive juice bar;
- (в полях / между изгородями): they trudged down the dark, dank lane toward the village;
- (на виниловой пластинке звукозаписи): vinyl record groove;
- (подъездная д., т.е. к дому): the driveway was crushed white rock;
- (половика): a corridor was carpeted with a strip of drugget to muffle servants" steps
дородность - a squat officer whose incipient corpulence made him look rather like one of his tanks
дородный - (женщина): a very stout woman;
- (мужчина): though grey-haired and portly, he was still in the prime of his life;
- (народ): hobbits are a little people, smaller than Dwarves: less stout and stocky;
- (фигура): a worn one-piece suit covered her burly frame;
- (человек): burly / portly / corpulent man
доска - смотри файл OBJECTS
дотла - (сгореть д.): Many Southern California Homes Reduced to Ashes. Thousands of Southern Californians returned home to find their homes burnt to the ground;
- (сгореть д.): the custom house is reduced to ashes;
- (сжечь д.): the club was burned to the ground
дощечка - смотри файл OBJECTS
драндулет - смотри файл OBJECTS
дранка - (т.е. кровельная): a piece of beam, shingles still hanging from rusted nails;
- (т.е. кровельная, правильно выбрать вид к-ой д-и): picking the right type of roof shingles is very important;
- (крытые д-ой крыши): wood-shingled roofs;
- (прибить на стены д-у поверх брёвен): they nailed clapboards on the outside walls over the rough logs;
- (стены из оштукатуренной д-и): lath and plaster wall
драпировка - (на ткани): fluid drapery;
- (настенные д-и): wall hangings neatly woven in soft wool;
- (т.е. складки на ткани): a photograph taken against a background of drapery
драпированный - (плакаты были... драпированы лентами из чёрной материи): posters were printed in radiant paint, mounted on hardboard and draped in thin streamers of black bunting
древесный - (ящерица, т.е. обитающая на деревьях): arboreal lizard;
- (растения): subshrubs, shrubs, trees and lianas are all woody plants;
- (уголь): charcoal
древко - (знамени): her banner bearer rode at her right hand, banner haft braced on his boot;
- (копья): a spear is a pole weapon consisting of a shaft, usually of wood, with a pointed head;
- (пики): a pike with a broken haft
дрек, дробинка - смотри файл OBJECTS
дрова - (горящие в камине): a room with a log fire burning in the grate;
- (для печи): to bring in firewood for the stoves;
- (искать д.): I'm looking for firewood;
- (нужно нарубить д. / наколоть дров): there's wood that needs chopping;
- (подбросить дров): we felt chilly, and H. directed his houseboy to throw on more logs;
- (потрескивание дров в камине): the crackle of fresh pine logs on the hearth;
- (смотреть на д.): to gaze at the logs flickering in the open fire;
- (собирать д.): you're supposed to be looking for firewood
дряблый - (животик): you have a flabby tummy, so we have to strengthen your diaphragm;
- (кожа): vitamins for flaccid skin;
- (мускулы): flabby muscles;
- (пенис): flaccid penis;
- (плоть): flabby, wrinkled flesh;
- (плоть): flaccid flesh;
- (флаг): a flaccid Union Jack dangled from a white mast;
- (человек, сбросивший больший вес): he had a slack look of recent weight loss;
- (человек, сбросивший больший вес): he had a shrunken appearance of a plump man who has lost a lot of weight in a short time;
- (щёки): flabby cheeks
дряхлый - (благостный старичок): a frail beatific old man;
- (карп / клён): a hoary old carp / maple;
- (слишком д., чтобы идти по горам): those too infirm to hike the mountains were told to go the other way;
- (старик): a decrepit old man
дубина, дубинка - смотри файл OBJECTS
дублированный - (ткань, д-я флисом): polyester water resistant outerwear fabric with a fleece lining
дуга - (окружности): this angle is indicated in Figure 1 by the solid circular arc;
- (струи отскакивали дугами / дугой): he amused himself turning the taps on and off, particularly enjoying the effect of one whose jet bounced off the surface of the water in large arcs
дудочка - смотри файл OBJECTS
дуля (показывать дулю кому-л, т.е. эквивалентный жест) - (т.е. у американцев это - показать средний палец): our politicians accepted there was a price to be paid for giving the finger to the Americans in public and kissing their arses in private;
- ( т.е. показать нос): to thumb his nose to Death, he ate more than he wanted;
- (т.е. показать нос): If you cock a snook at BrE old use someone then you show them contempt or opposition. Snook in this saying is the action of putting one's thumb to the nose and spreading out the fingers as a sign of contempt.
дурнушка - (т.е.некрасивая девушка): In childhood, a beautiful little girl with perfect teeth gets treated much better than a snaggle-toothed dumpy girl infml. So if the dumpy girl wants to get along, she develops a winning personality, or retreats into a world of books and becomes really smart, or develops a wickedly funny sense of humor, to make people laugh about things other than her snaggletooth;
душ - (принять д.): to take a shower;
- (принять д.): he showered
дыбом (встать / стоять д., о волосах) - (крик, от которого волосы встали д.): she let out a hair-raising shriek;
- something about the voice made the sparse hairs on the back of his neck stand up;
- (о кошачьей шерсти): the cat's fur suddenly stood on the end;
- a shriek that made the hair on his head stand on end;
- her hair was sticking up on end;
- (от леденящего душу крика волосы на шее встали д. ): a blood-curdling yell raised the hair on his neck;
- (от того, что он знал, у меня бы волосы встали д.): he said that what he knew about that man would curl my hair;
- (стоящие д. волосы): spiky hair
дым - the heavily perfumed smoke;
- (едкий): pungent fumes;
- (завитки дыма): the cloying incense rose in wispy tendrils from silver sconces lining the room;
- (кордита): cordite fumes;
- (костра): on other occasion he smelled the woodsmoke from an Iraqi fire and was able to skirt the encampment in time;
- (сигарет): a rancid haze of old and new cigarette smoke hang in layers
дымка - (выхлопных газов): the car passed through the intersection, a haze of exhaust puffing out of its tail pipe;
- (горизонт был окутан д-ой): the horizon was hazy and vague;
- (д. жары лежала на равнине): a heat haze lay over the plain;
- the smoke serpents grew faint, became a formless haze and vanished;
- the street still retains a wisp of its hard-knuckle maritime heritage