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Русско-английский словарь формы-вида Д-И

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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  движок - (т.е. реостата): A rheostat is a two-terminal variable resistor. Typically, these are constructed as a resistive wire wrapped to form a toroid coil with the wiper moving over the upper surface of the toroid, sliding from one turn of the wire to the next. Sometimes a rheostat is made from resistance wire wound on a heat-resisting cylinder with the slider made from a number of metal fingers that grip lightly onto a small portion of the turns of resistance wire. The "fingers" can be moved along the coil of resistance wire by a sliding knob thus changing the "tapping" point. They are usually used as variable resistors rather than variable potential dividers.
  двоиться в глазах - (если перепить, иногда двоится в глазах): when you drink too much you sometimes see double
  двояковыгнутый - (в геометрии): biconcave
  двояковыпуклый - (линза): biconvex / double convex lens;
  - (линза): lenticular lens
  двугранный - (угол): dihedral angle
  двузубый - (вилка): two-pronged fork
  двуногий - (динозавры): the birds descended from one group of exclusively bipedal adjective dinosaurs;
  - (животные): most bipedal adjective animals move with their backs close to horizontal, using a long tail to balance the weight of their bodies;
  - all birds are bipeds noun when on the ground;
  - Control of Locomotion in Bipeds noun, Tetrapods, and Fish
  двуручный - (меч): two-handed sword
  двускатный - (крыша): gabled roof
  двустворчатый - (аортальный клапан мед): the most common congenital abnormality of the heart is the bicuspid aortic valve;
  - (раковина): bivalve shell
  двутавровый - (балка, т.е. с узкими полками): SIPs (structural insulation panels) share the same structural properties as an I-beam or I-column. The rigid insulation core of the SIP performs as a web, while the OSB sheathing exhibits the same properties as the flanges.;
  - (балка, т.е. с узкими полками): I-shaped cross-section beam;
  - (балки / балки д-ого сечения): double tee beam / flanged-beam;
  - (д-ая балка / балка д-ого сечения, т.е. с узкими полками): steel I-beams
  двухцветный - (вымпел): his bicoloured pennant flew over а shelter wrought from branches;
  - (кошка): a bicolored cat;
  - (туфли / расцветка): spectator shoes are a men's and women's dress shoes. They are notable for their two-tone color. They are predominantly seen in black and white but other colors are not unheard of.
  двухэтажный - (автобус / автобус): a double-decker bus / double-decker is a bus that has two storeys or decks;
  - (дом): two-storey house
  двухъярусный - (кровать): he lowered her carefully on to the lower berth of a bunk bed;
  - (система зарплат): A 2008 study of collective bargaining agreements in the United States found that 25% of the union contracts surveyed included a two-tier wage system
  декольте - she giggles and her décolletage quakes
  дельтавидный - (крылья): far down the fuselage wafer-thin wings sprouted, delta-shaped, being both wings and tail controls all in one
  дерявянистый - (растение): ligneous plant is a plant having hard lignified tissues or woody parts especially stems;
  - (шип, т.е. на фрукте): the fruit is densely beset with hard woody spines
  деформированный - (голова): the baby's head is misshapen;
  - (зуб): crooked tooth;
  - (компакт-диск): how to fix a warped CD;
  - (конечность): Amelia is the birth defect of lacking one or more limbs. It can also result in a shrunken or deformed limb.;
  - (контейнер): the system identifies misshapen or damaged containers;
  - (пальцы ног балерины деформированы): her (ball dancer's) toes are misshapen and covered in calluses, blisters and raw skin;
  - (панели, т.е. деревянные): before polishing began, warped panels were straightened and stripes of new wood added to compensate for shrinkage;
  - (пол): the floors wаs warped and cracked;
  - (роговица): he had a warped cornea due to surgery that had been performed years before;
  - (ухо): a misshapen ear
  дёрн - the springy turf that covered the island with a green carpet;
  - A building site. Turf has been peeled back and the topsoil scraped away by heavy machinery, bulldozers and earthmovers
  дерьмо - (мерзкое): you and your kind are the filthiest crap fig that was ever elevated from the gutters of this country to positions of power;
  - (собачье): Signs are going up across Derbyshire in a spring-clean campaign to clear the county of dog muck. Residents are being offered signs to attach to gates, fences and walls to spread the message about the dangers of dog fouling. Responsible dog-owners can also pick up a free poop-a-scoop bag.;
  - (собачье): I tried to get pieces of dog shit out of the grooves on the sole of my shoe
  диадема, диапозитив - смотри файл OBJECTS
  диафрагма - diaphragm is the musculomembranous partition separating the abdominal and thoracic cavities and serving as a major muscle aiding inhalation;
  - (д. таза): pelvic diaphragm the portion of the floor of the pelvis formed by the coccygeal and levator ani muscles and their fasciae;
  - (т.е. фотоаппарата для плёнки): various buttons and dials on the camera allow the photographer to adjust camera settings such as shutter speed, focus, and aperture
  дипломат - смотри файл OBJECTS
  диск - (аудио / видео): audio / video disc BrE / disk AmE;
  - (луны): this full disc of the moon was photographed by the Apollo 17 crewmen;
  - (луны): from any location on the Earth, the Moon appears to be a circular disk which, at any specific time, is illuminated to some degree by direct sunlight;
  - (гибкий, т.е.компьютера): floppy disk;
  - (жёсткий, т.е.компьютера): hard disk;
  - (набора, т.е. цифрового замка): the dials were still in random order;
  - (штанги): a barbell consists of a metal bar, one or more sets of weight plates, and a set of collars;
  - (штанги): disk weights (plates) are slid onto the outer portions of the bar to obtain the desired total weight
  дисперсность - the high requirements with regard to coloring properties and dispersibility, in particular in aqueous but also in lipophilic media, can only be met by means of special formulations
  диффузный - (отражение, т.е. света): Scattering of light or other electromagnetic radiation is the deflection of rays in random directions by irregularities in the propagation medium, or in a surface or interface between two media. Scattering from a surface or interface can also be called diffuse reflection.
  длинноволосый - (придурок): he called me a long-haired pillock;
  - (умник): a smart-ass from the North with long hair and a little imported sports car
  длинноногий - (девушка): she looked young and leggy;
  - (конь): a rangy horse;
  - (скот): rangy cattle: long-limbed and long-bodied;
  - (т.е. прозвище короля Эдуарда I): Longshanks;
  - (чужестранец): the big rangy foreigner
  длинный и нескладный - (конечности / руки и ноги): gangling limbs;
  - (н. юноша с пушком на щеках): a gangling youth with a trace of down on his cheeks
  длинный и прямой - (волосы): a strand of her lank blond hair wrapped around a pink ear
  длинный и тонкий - (ёлки / ноги): spindled spruces / legs
  днище - (баркаса): they transferred their equipment under cover of darkness to the bilges of fishing launch
  догола - (раздеть д.): In June a cleaner was attacked at the school. She was stripped naked by her assailant who demanded sex.;
  - (раздеться д.): he stripped naked;
  - (раздеться д.): he made these women strip naked and parade
  дождик - (т.е. ёлочное украшение): смотри файл OBJECTS
  долговязый - tall and gangling boy;
  - the student was tall and gangly;
  - a tall lanky figure with the pale blond hair;
  - A lanky person is not only tall and thin but also a little bit awkward. You wouldn't use lanky to describe a tall, slender person who moves gracefully. Instead use lanky to describe someone who moves clumsily on his long limbs.;
  - he was lanky and raw-boned;
  - Тhere were two boys, a chubby one and a gangly one. The gangly one said, "...";
  - (баскеболисты): while tiny gymnasts co-exist with rangy basketball players, the rounder, more voluptuous athlete is rarely seen
  долька - (апельсина): segment of orange;
  - (чеснока): garlic clove is one of the small bulblets that can be split off of the axis of a larger garlic bulb;
  - (шоколада): square of chocolate
  домотканый - (материал): his shirt had no collar and was of a heavy, hand-loomed material;
  - (одежда / скатерть): homespun clothing / tablecloth
  донный - (рыба): demersal fish;
  - (рыбный промысел): bottom fishing refers to the most common way of fishing techniques, used to catch fish that are found near the sea floor;
  - (сейнерный невод): bottom seine net
  дорожка - (т.е. беговая д. на стадионе): lane;
  - (беговая д. т.е. в фитнесс-клубе): the gym was well equipped with a good supply of exercise paraphernalia, a long jogging trek / track, a large pool, steam and sauna facilities, and an attractive juice bar;
  - (в полях / между изгородями): they trudged down the dark, dank lane toward the village;
  - (велосипедная): bicycle / bike lane;
  - (гаревая): cinder track;
  - (т.е. магнитофона, шестнадцатидорожечный магнитофон): 16-track recorder;
  - (на виниловой пластинке звукозаписи): vinyl record groove;
  - (подъездная д., т.е. к дому): the driveway was crushed white rock;
  - (половика): a corridor was carpeted with a strip of drugget to muffle servants" steps
  дородность - a squat officer whose incipient corpulence made him look rather like one of his tanks
  дородный - (женщина): a very stout woman;
  - (мужчина): though grey-haired and portly, he was still in the prime of his life;
  - (народ): hobbits are a little people, smaller than Dwarves: less stout and stocky;
  - (фигура): a worn one-piece suit covered her burly frame;
  - (человек): burly / portly / corpulent man
  доска - смотри файл OBJECTS
  дотла - (сгореть д.): Many Southern California Homes Reduced to Ashes. Thousands of Southern Californians returned home to find their homes burnt to the ground;
  - (сгореть д.): the custom house is reduced to ashes;
  - (сжечь д.): the club was burned to the ground
  дощечка - смотри файл OBJECTS
  драндулет - смотри файл OBJECTS
  дранка - (т.е. кровельная): a piece of beam, shingles still hanging from rusted nails;
  - (т.е. кровельная, правильно выбрать вид к-ой д-и): picking the right type of roof shingles is very important;
  - (крытые д-ой крыши): wood-shingled roofs;
  - (прибить на стены д-у поверх брёвен): they nailed clapboards on the outside walls over the rough logs;
  - (стены из оштукатуренной д-и): lath and plaster wall
  драпировка - (на ткани): fluid drapery;
  - (настенные д-и): wall hangings neatly woven in soft wool;
  - (т.е. складки на ткани): a photograph taken against a background of drapery
  драпированный - (плакаты были... драпированы лентами из чёрной материи): posters were printed in radiant paint, mounted on hardboard and draped in thin streamers of black bunting
  древесный - (ящерица, т.е. обитающая на деревьях): arboreal lizard;
  - (растения): subshrubs, shrubs, trees and lianas are all woody plants;
  - (уголь): charcoal
  древко - (знамени): her banner bearer rode at her right hand, banner haft braced on his boot;
  - (копья): a spear is a pole weapon consisting of a shaft, usually of wood, with a pointed head;
  - (пики): a pike with a broken haft
  дрек, дробинка - смотри файл OBJECTS
  дрова - (горящие в камине): a room with a log fire burning in the grate;
  - (для печи): to bring in firewood for the stoves;
  - (искать д.): I'm looking for firewood;
  - (нужно нарубить д. / наколоть дров): there's wood that needs chopping;
  - (подбросить дров): we felt chilly, and H. directed his houseboy to throw on more logs;
  - (потрескивание дров в камине): the crackle of fresh pine logs on the hearth;
  - (смотреть на д.): to gaze at the logs flickering in the open fire;
  - (собирать д.): you're supposed to be looking for firewood
  дряблый - (животик): you have a flabby tummy, so we have to strengthen your diaphragm;
  - (кожа): vitamins for flaccid skin;
  - (мускулы): flabby muscles;
  - (пенис): flaccid penis;
  - (плоть): flabby, wrinkled flesh;
  - (плоть): flaccid flesh;
  - (флаг): a flaccid Union Jack dangled from a white mast;
  - (человек, сбросивший больший вес): he had a slack look of recent weight loss;
  - (человек, сбросивший больший вес): he had a shrunken appearance of a plump man who has lost a lot of weight in a short time;
  - (щёки): flabby cheeks
  дряхлый - (благостный старичок): a frail beatific old man;
  - (карп / клён): a hoary old carp / maple;
  - (слишком д., чтобы идти по горам): those too infirm to hike the mountains were told to go the other way;
  - (старик): a decrepit old man
  дубина, дубинка - смотри файл OBJECTS
  дублированный - (ткань, д-я флисом): polyester water resistant outerwear fabric with a fleece lining
  дуга - (окружности): this angle is indicated in Figure 1 by the solid circular arc;
  - (струи отскакивали дугами / дугой): he amused himself turning the taps on and off, particularly enjoying the effect of one whose jet bounced off the surface of the water in large arcs
  дудочка - смотри файл OBJECTS
  дуля (показывать дулю кому-л, т.е. эквивалентный жест) - (т.е. у американцев это - показать средний палец): our politicians accepted there was a price to be paid for giving the finger to the Americans in public and kissing their arses in private;
  - ( т.е. показать нос): to thumb his nose to Death, he ate more than he wanted;
  - (т.е. показать нос): If you cock a snook at BrE old use someone then you show them contempt or opposition. Snook in this saying is the action of putting one's thumb to the nose and spreading out the fingers as a sign of contempt.
  дурнушка - (т.е.некрасивая девушка): In childhood, a beautiful little girl with perfect teeth gets treated much better than a snaggle-toothed dumpy girl infml. So if the dumpy girl wants to get along, she develops a winning personality, or retreats into a world of books and becomes really smart, or develops a wickedly funny sense of humor, to make people laugh about things other than her snaggletooth;
  душ - (принять д.): to take a shower;
  - (принять д.): he showered
  дыбом (встать / стоять д., о волосах) - (крик, от которого волосы встали д.): she let out a hair-raising shriek;
  - something about the voice made the sparse hairs on the back of his neck stand up;
  - (о кошачьей шерсти): the cat's fur suddenly stood on the end;
  - a shriek that made the hair on his head stand on end;
  - her hair was sticking up on end;
  - (от леденящего душу крика волосы на шее встали д. ): a blood-curdling yell raised the hair on his neck;
  - (от того, что он знал, у меня бы волосы встали д.): he said that what he knew about that man would curl my hair;
  - (стоящие д. волосы): spiky hair
  дым - the heavily perfumed smoke;
  - (едкий): pungent fumes;
  - (завитки дыма): the cloying incense rose in wispy tendrils from silver sconces lining the room;
  - (кордита): cordite fumes;
  - (костра): on other occasion he smelled the woodsmoke from an Iraqi fire and was able to skirt the encampment in time;
  - (сигарет): a rancid haze of old and new cigarette smoke hang in layers
  дымка - (выхлопных газов): the car passed through the intersection, a haze of exhaust puffing out of its tail pipe;
  - (горизонт был окутан д-ой): the horizon was hazy and vague;
  - (д. жары лежала на равнине): a heat haze lay over the plain;
  - the smoke serpents grew faint, became a formless haze and vanished;
  - the street still retains a wisp of its hard-knuckle maritime heritage
  дымовая завеса - smoke screen
  дымящийся - (азотная кислота): red-fuming nitric acid;
  - (здания): smoking buildings and storefronts with broken glass from looting
  дырявый - (котелок): leaky caldron;
  - (мяч): a punctured football
  едкий - (газ): hydrogen sulfide is a pungent and toxic gas;
  - (дым): acrid smoke;
  - (дым): pungent fumes;
  - (мазь): he worked the pungent salve into the tender skin;
  - (пороховой дым): sharp and acrid gunsmoke
  ёжик - (т.е. стрижка): crew-cut
  ёлочка (т.е. узор) - (блейзер "в ёлочку", т.е. с рисунком ткани "в ёлочку"): herringbone blazer;
  - (расположены ёлочкой): they are arranged in a herringbone pattern, so that in order to get past them you have to slalom back and forth half a dozen times, passing through a narrow mazelike channel between high walls of steel
  ёрш, ёршик, жалюзи - смотри файл OBJECTS
  жало - (т.е. отвёртки): a screwdriver with a long shaft / blade;
  - (пчелы): bee's sting
  жареный - (картошка, т.е. во фритюрнице): French fries;
  (картошка, ж-ая на сковороде ): pan fried potatoes;
  - (лук / яйца, т.е. на сковороде): fried onions / eggs;
  - (мясо, т.е. в духовке): roast meat;
  - (рыба, т.е. на гриле): broiled fish;
  - (шипение ж-ого мяса): The intruder pressed down again, grinding the white-hot object deeper into V.'s chest. There was the hiss of broiling flesh.
  жаровня - смотри файл OBJECTS
  жатый - (креп, т.е. ткань): crepe - thin, light fabric with a ridged or finely crinkled surface
  жвачка - (верблюд отрыгнул свою ж-у ему на голову): the camel regurgitated its cud on his head;
  - (т.е. жевательная резинка разг): chewing gum;
  жгут - (т.е. вязка, свитер со ж-ами): a cable stitch sweater;
  - (т.е. кровеостанавливающий): смотри ниже;
  - (т.е. проводов): смотри ниже
  жгут (т.е. кровеостанавливающий) - a tourniquet is a constricting or compressing device used to control venous and arterial circulation to an extremity for a period of time;
  - (завязать ж. на руке): she tied a tourniquet around his bleeding arm;
  - (накладывать ж. на ногу): he is putting a tourniquet around a man's leg;
  - (наложить ж. на истекаюшую кровью руку): he put a tourniket on her bleeding arm
  жгут (т.е. проводов) - A cable harness / wire harness/ cable assembly / wiring assembly / wiring loom is a string of cables and / or wires which transmit informational signals or operating currents. The cables are bound together by clamps, cable ties, sleeves, electrical tape, conduit, a weave of extruded string, or a combination thereof.;
  - harness of coaxial cables / of car audio cables;
  - By binding the many wires and cables into cable harness, the wires and cables can be better secured against the adverse effects of vibrations, abrasions, and moisture. By constricting the wires into a non-flexing bundle, usage of space is optimized, and the risk of a short is decreased.
  жгучий - (мазь, втереть мазь в кожу): he worked the pungent salve into the tender skin
  жезл - смотри файл OBJECTS
  желобок - (на стволе винтовки для телескопического прицела): the rifle had grooves along the upper side of its barrel to take a telescopic sight for target practice
  желудок - (сводить ж., т.е. от страха, у меня сводит ж., если кто-то собирается навредить моей семье): every time my dogs bark, I get a knot in my stomach as if someone is going to harm my family
  женоподобнo - (красивое лицо): he was the image of his mother, with almost effeminately handsome face
  женоподобный - (мягкость голоса): there was something vaguely effeminate about the softness of his voice
  женственно - (красивое лицо): he was the image of his mother, with almost effeminately handsome face
  женственный - (фигура девочки): her body began to curve and became more womanly;
  - (мягкость голоса): there was something vaguely effeminate about the softness of his voice
  жестянка - (т.е. консервная): a can of light coconut milk;
  - (с мелочью): he rummaged around in a tin for some change;
  - (с моторным маслом): tins of motor oil;
  - (т.е. для чая): he emptied the tea down the toilet and kept the can only
  жетон, жёрдочка, жёрнов - смотри файл OBJECTS
  жёсткий - (бумага): stiff paper;
  - (волосы): wiry / bristly hair;
  - (волосы): the thick black thatch of coarse hair was and remained history, only the tiny dark island on her mons remained of the dark, dense tangled forest of steroid fertilized pubes;
  - (изоляционная прослойка): Structural panels share the same structural properties as an I-beam or I-column. The rigid insulation core of the SIP performs as a web, while the OSB sheathing exhibits the same properties as the flanges.;
  - (кисть): Apply the primer after the sizing is dry. Using a stiff brush, stroke parallel to the length of the canvas.;
  - (кожа рыбы): Cobia are good food fish. They have very tough skin with minute scales.;
  - (крахмальный воротничок): stiff collar;
  - (материал для плетения): Wicker is often made of material of plant origin, but plastic fibers are also used. Often a frame is made of stiffer materials, after which more pliant material is used to fill the frame.;
  - (металлическая лента): tape measures designed for carpentry or construction often use a stiff, curved metallic ribbon that can remain stiff and straight when extended, but retracts into a coil for convenient storage;
  - (новые туфли): shoes are often stiff when they're new;
  - (обложка): a looseleaf folder with stiff covers of cardboard;
  - (жёсткие от соли штаны): salt-stiff trousers;
  - (пальцы): rigid fingertips jabbed him in the solar plexus;
  - (парусина жёстче, т.е. чем другая ткань): you can use a heavier material, like cotton duck, for the bodice lining. This offers more support, since it is stiffer.;
  - (подвески автомобиля): hard suspensions;
  - (пружина / рессора): a sports car with hard suspension system.
  - (становиться ж-им, кожица кабачка становится ж-ой на солнце): skins of ripe marrows harden in the sun
  живописный - (автодорога): the scenic serpentine route A1;
  - (вид): the picturesque view South of Portsmouth's residential End presents a waterfront not unlike it might have appeared 150 years ago;
  - (владение): this spectacular property is bounded by a golf course on one side and 20 acre parcels on the other sides
  жила / жилка - (т.е. вена): a vein was throbbing in his temple;
  - (т.е. многожильного провода): strip 1/4" of insulation from the end of the wire, and tightly twist the exposed strands;
  - (на шее): the strings of his neck;
  - (провода): he found the parted strands of the telephone line, sorted them out from the entangling undergrowth, and spliced them back together;
  - (т.е. сухожилие, соединяющее мышцу и кость разг): a tendon (or sinew) is a tough band of fibrous connective tissue that usually connects muscle to bone and is capable of withstand tension
  жилистый - (грудь): he whacked his stringy chest with his hand;
  - (плечо): wiry shoulder;
  - (руки): his arms were lean and stringy;
  - (сложение, оба были ж-ого с-я): the two men shared a sinewy build but that was as far as any similarity went;
  - (фигура): a stringy figure
  - (человек): the man was short and wiry;
  жирный - (волосы / кожа): greasy hair / skin;
  - (волосы, человек с ж-ыми волосами): an oily-haired man;
  - (земля / почва): he squashed the rich loam and tossed the clod away;
  - (кислота): fatty acid;
  - (коровы): fat cows;
  - (крышка сковороды): the greasy hinged lid of the popcorn machine;
  - (линия): bold line with arrow head either end;
  - (почва): the soil is too rich, it is poorly drained;
  - (слизняк): listen, you, fat slug;
  - (человек): a large beefy man with very little neck and a lot of mustache;
  - (человек): she was large, beefy, and purple-faced;
  - (шрифт): words printed in in boldface
  жирок - (детский): his mother wailed that his poundage was really puppy's fat
  жмых - (виноградный): grape pomace extract is a natural weapon against bacteria
  жопа грубо- (врач лезет пальцем в ж-у, т.е. о пальпации простаты): Today is his annual medical. The doctor takes him through the normal checks. Blood pressure, cholesterol, finger in the bum vulgar.;
  - (греть на солнышке свою ж-у): Hey, what are you doing these days? Sunning your fanny AmE slang, spitting at the ceiling?;
  - (засунь его себе в ж-у): you can shove your stupid fashion show up your arse vulgar!;
  забаррикадировавшийся - (подозреваемые): their duties include subduing barricaded suspects
  забинтованный - (голова): his head was swathed in bandages;
  - (его рука забинтована): his arm was covered in bandages and bound up in a sling
  забитый - (буквы пишущей машинки): letters in a typewriter were clogged;
  - (гостиница забита в июле): in July the hotel is mobbed;
  - (дорога была забита автомобилями): the road was packed with cars;
  - (дороги, забитые военным транспортом): the highways that were thick with military traffic;
  - (з-ые жиром артерии): the doctor tells him horror stories about fat-choked arteries;
  - (кафе всегда забиты битком): the coffee-shops are always crammed;
  - (корридоры людьми): the corridors were jammed with people and their belongings;
  - (корридор был забит учащимися): the corridor was jammed with students;
  - (порт, забитый судами): often there was a berthing delay in this, the most congested of the Soviet Union warm-sea ports;
  - (проход): the man stood in the packed aisle of the train;
  - (разбойники, з-ые в колодки): he saw footpads being pelted in the stocks;
  - (раковина умывальника): the sink was clogged;
  - (расписание): my schedule was jam-packed;
  - (з-ые транспортом улицы): the traffic is hopelessly congested;
  - (унитаз): they put me in a cell with a smelly stopped-up toilet
  забор - смотри файл OBJECTS
  забрезжить - (о повышении процентных ставок): investors will watch signals from the Federal Reserve about the outlook for US interest rates with baited breath, ready to sell bonds when a shift to higher rates looms
  забрызганный - (грязью): he was splattered with mud;
  - (з-ые дождём очки): he removed his rain-spotted spectacles and polished them;
  - (з. кровью камень): blood-spattered rock;
  - (он был обильно забрызган кровью): he was liberally splattered with blood;
  - (стена, забрызганная маслом): a little of the hot cooking oil spattered on the wall;
  - (человек был забрызган бензином): he was sprayed with the gasoline;
  - (шпоры, забрызганные грязью): the courtier's mud splashed spurs
  заваленный - (диван, заваленный книгами): a long sofa, also stacked with books;
  - (железнодорожная линия, т.е. снегом): groups of men worked in relays to clear the blocked railway line;
  - (корабль был завален богатствами): the ship was piled with wealth in such a profusion...;
  - (з-ые обломками улочки): in the rubble-strewn lanes the town militia were fighting hand to hand with his men;
  - (палубы и трюмы были завалены бочонками рома): their decks and holds were piled high with kegs of rum;
  - (пианино, заваленное нотами): an upright piano littered with musical scores;
  - (прилавок был завален фруктами): each tent enclosure was piled with fruit;
  - (стол, заваленный электронными деталями, справочниками, инструментами, проводами, паяльниками): a table strewn with electronic parts, manuals, tools, wires, soldering irons and other electronic components;
  - (стол был завален письмами): my desk was piled high with hundreds of letters
  завеса - (дымовая): smoke screen;
  - (пыли): that globular cluster lies near the plane of our galaxy behind a veil of dust;
  - (света от осветительных снарядов): the starshells exploded in blind sheets of white light a few feet above the ocean surface, showering gentle soft gobbets of burning magnesium over a wide area;
  - (з. туманa на окнах): a claying mist envelopes the university campus and breathes a sticky pall over the windows of the lecture room
  завёрнутый - (з-ые во флаги гробы, т.е. с погибшими солдатами): flag-draped coffins;
  - (канделябр, з. в суровое полотно): every chandelier or lustre, muffled in Holland, looked like...;
  - (подарок, з. в золотую бумагу): he discovered a present wrapped in gold;
  - (пулемёты были завёрнуты в полотенца): the submachine guns were rolled in towels and stuffed into haversacks
  завиваться - (о волосах): the paws were covered with dense brown hair that curled and coiled like wire
  завивка - (густая, т.е. волос): women wore ringlets clustered in the back of the hair with small tendrils waved around the face which replaced the earlier dense frizzle;
  - (когда мне нужно было сделать з-у, т.е. перманент, или стрижку): whenever I needed a permanent or trim we visited her dear friend A., who had once been a beautician;
  - (щипцы для з-и волос): curling iron
  завинчивающийся - (крышечка бутылки вина): twist-off caps actually preserve wine better than most corks due to less chance for oxidation;
  - (крышка баночки с икрой): twist-off caps for caviar jars;
  - (крышка): an aluminiium tube with the screw-top
  зависший - (капля): pendulous drop
  завитой - (женщина): in Brussels bars, permed and proper matrons while away the day;
  - (хвостик, з. колечком): a curly pig's tail poking out of the seat of his trousers
  завиток - (волос): women wore ringlets clustered in the back of the hair with small tendrils waved around the face which replaced the earlier dense frizzle;
  - (т.е. волос, небрежно выбивающийся из причёски): her hair was caught up in a seemingly casual French twist, so that wisps and tendrils brushed to porcelain skin of her face;
  - (завитки дыма): the cloying incense rose in wispy tendrils from silver sconces lining the room;
  - (дыма): tendrils of smoke were drifting from between the loosely shelved books;
  - (дыма): he seemed exclusively occupied with the curling eddies of smoke;
  - (завитки каминной решётки): the wrought-iron crollwork that composed the surround of the fireplace;
  - (т.е. чугунные): the cast-iron fireplace with its wrought vine leaves and curlicues
  завитушка / завитушки - (церковь, украшенная з-ами и витражами): an imposing church with scrollwork and stained glass;
  - iron gates all wrought with curlicues;
  - the great cast-iron fireplace with its wrought vine leaves and curlicues
  завшивленный - (голова): he scratched his lice-infested head;
  - (дети): the school nurse sent the lice-ridden children home
  завязанный - (акуратно з. галстук): he wears a gray suit and a neatly knotted tie to his job;
  - (аккуратно з. шейный платок): he was every bit the perfect butler, with his cravat neatly knotted;
  - (верёвка з-ая узлами): a battered case held together with a large quantity of neatly knotted string;
  - (верёвка, з-ая узлами): a heavy knotted rope;
  - (волосы были завязаны в конский хвост): her hair was bound in a ponytail;
  - (волосы, з-ые конским хвостом): he was a giant of a fellow, with black hair bound back in a ponytail;
  - (ленточка была завязана на шее у кота): the cat had a string of tinsel tied around his neck;
  - (на тугой узел / тугим узлом): He was still wearing the banner that she had tied around him. He hastened to take it off, but it was knotted very tightly;
  - (с з-ыми глазами): he could carve a better boat blindfolded and in half the time;
  - (с з-ыми глазами): the journalist was taken blindfolded to Kabul;
  - (у пленника были завязаны глаза): the prisoner was blindfolded
  загаженный - (кошачий туалет): cats don't like using a litter tray if it is heavily soiled
  загар - he had the healthy tan of men who spend their time in the mountains;
  - (крем для з-а): bronzing cream;
  - (лосьон для з-а): he was rubbing suntan lotion onto his nose;
  - (медовый з. приобретённый на свежем воздухе): she went pale beneath the honey-coloured outdoor tan;
  - (нейлоновые чулки цвета з-а): tan nylons;
  - (тёмный летний): his complexion faded from summer deep tan to a winter's pallor;
  - (тюремный ирония): Is he really that pale? It's a prison suntan.;
  - his trademark suntan;
  - Scientists Develop New Safer and More Natural Looking Suntan
  заглушка - plug;
  - (противопожарная): firestop seal
  загнутый - (крыша, загнутая вверх на свесах): there was a mansion made of teak wood in the traditional Thai style with a roof that curled elegantly upward in the eaves;
  - (крыша, загнутая вверх по углам): a Chinese temple with a roof that curled up at the corners;
  - (ноготь, загнутый вниз): a nail that curled under;
  - (ночной горшок с кромкой, загнутой вниз): a chamber pot with a rim that curled neatly under;
  - (с загнутыми вверх пальцами): curly-toed feet;
  - (тапочки с носками, з-ыми вверх и назад): slippers whose toes turned up and back;
  - (уголок, книга с з-ыми уголками): the book was looking old and dirty and dog-eared
  загон - (для верблюдицы): the she camel was rambling and spitting with disgust at having been evicted from her comfortable corral at the farm;
  - (для коней): the paddock where the huge horses were standing;
  - (т.е. для птиц на птицефабрике): a total of 3,200 mixed-sex commercial broilers were reared to 42 d of age in 16 pens of 200 at an initial stocking density of 18.4 birds/m2 (o.54 ft2/ bird)
  загораться / загореться - (о глазах): his eyes light up;
  - (у ментов глаза загорелись, т.е. от радости): The rozzers found his Porsche parked up outside a pub. They wanted to search inside. He told them to fuck off. Rozzers just love when you talk dirty to them. Their eyes must have lit up when they found 8 kilos of cocaine under the spare wheel.
  загорелый - (лицо): tanned face;
  - (лицо): his face was so freckly that he looked almost tanned;
  - (лицо): her tanned face was radiant in the sunlight;
  - (люди): summer graduates leave Hampton State Park tanned and trim;
  - (рука): the sunburned hand gathered up the four cards;
  - (человек): the man was suntanned and fit-looking
  загореть (т.е. приобрести загар) - the best way to get a tan is definitely the natural way;
  - (кожа загорела на солнце): his skin went brown in the sun
  загородка - (для животного): seats that encircled the enclosure;
  - (для коней): the paddock where the huge horses were standing;
  - (рабов загнали в з-у / за з-у): the slaves were herded unceremoniously into a pen
  загороженный - (дома были загорожены живыми изгородями): the houses were screened off by hedges;
  - (зданиями от любопытных глаз ): the office block, overlooking the courtyard only and screened from prying eyes
  заготовка - (т.е. алюминиевая, з. цилиндрической формы): A billet is one of the most widely used aluminium product forms globally. Billets are created directly through continuous casting or extrusion;
  - (т.е. гайки): To use (a die), a cylindrical blank, which is usually slightly less than the required diameter, is machined with a taper (chamfer) at the threaded end. This chamfer allows the die to ease onto the blank before it cuts a sufficient thread to pull itself along.;
  - (деревянная): use these excellent quality wood blanks to make pens;
  - (т.е. из металла): the Roman gladius was an early example of swords forged from blooms of steel;
  - (кузнец выковывает из нескольких стальных заготовок одну): the smith selects suitable pieces of tama-hagane (steel) and forge-welds them into a single block;
  - (листовая): sheet bar;
  - (непрерывнолитая): concast billet;
  - (под винт): There are two common methods for use in forming a thread-forming screw. In one such method threads are rolled on a screw blank including a tapered end portion, using conventional flat thread rolling dies.
  заграждение - (боновое, т.е. для сдерживания утечки нефти): the company has been using a mix of chemical dispersant, booms and burning to contain the spread of the oil spill;
  - (в противотанковую оборону входят естественные препятствия и искусственные заграждения): measures of defense against armor include natural and artificial obstacles;
  - (из колючей проволоки): the barbed-wire entanglement atop the perimeter walls;
  - (проволочное): at the northern extremity of the port lay the oil harbor and refinery, circled by chain-link fencing;
  - (противотанковые з-я): barbed wire and tank traps lined the shore
  загримированный - (т.е. актёры): you can't spend an hour on one person if you have 10 others that need to be made-up within that hour;
  - (з-ые неграми певцы): three girls in a slink red dress sing the chorus in harmony, followed by a collision, with the ultimate cultural no-no, as the refrain is taken up by three top-hatted minstrels in blackface;
  - (труп): a carefully groomed corps;
  - (сильно з-ые актёры): the boy actors who played women were heavily made up
  загримировать - (под старика): they made him up as an old man for the last act of the play
  загромождённый - (комната): cluttered room
  загрубевший - (ноги): getting horny feet during summer won't let us wear chic high heel boots in winter;
  - (руки): someone gave him a salve for softening roughened hands
  зад - (брюки так туго натянуты на заду, что видны контуры трусов): her blue trousers stretch so tightly across her rump he can see the outline of her knickers;
  - (нагнувшегося человека): he saw an enormous backside and shiny bald head buried in a box;
  - (ощущать давление на з.): he was conscious of the steady pressure on the seat on his spine, as the plane streaked towards sky;
  - (провела рукой по з-у / светила з-ом перед всем клубом): Everyone was looking at me. In my tipsy state, I thought they were all admiring my fantastic dance moves... until my hand brushed my bum infml vulgar and I realized the back of my skirt was caught in my knickers. I've been flashing my backside to the whole club.
  зад / задница грубо- (врач лезет пальцем в з., т.е. о пальпации простаты): Today is his annual medical. The doctor takes him through the normal checks. Blood pressure, cholesterol, finger in the bum infml vulgar.;
  - (греть на солнышке свою з-у): Hey, what are you doing these days? Sunning your fanny AmE slang, spitting at the ceiling?;
  - (засунь его себе в з-у): you can shove your stupid fashion show up your arse vulgar!;
  - (можно подумать, для меня большое удовольствие заглядывать в вонючие з-ы): See the attitude? As if it's the highlight of my day to peer up women's smelly bottoms infml.;
  - (провела рукой по з-е / светила з-ей перед всем клубом): Everyone was looking at me. In my tipsy state, I thought they were all admiring my fantastic dance moves... until my hand brushed my bum and I realized the back of my skirt was caught in my knickers. I've been flashing my backside to the whole club.;
  - (упасть на з-у): a woman who had fallen on her prat vernacular in a mudpuddle
  задвижка (т.е. дверная / оконная) - смотри файл OBJECTS
  задворки - (бродить на з-ах пользующихся дурной славой районов Манилы): I wouldn't worry too much about muggers or rapists, unless of course you're wandering around the back alleys of Manila's shadier districts;
  - (гостиница на з-aх Мюнхена): a small and obscure hotel in the back streets of Munich;
  - instead of parading around the brightly-lit mansions of the wealthy and noble, he scuttled around the back alleys of London;
  - (жить на з-aх северного мира): he lived on the outskirts of a northern world
  задёрнутый - (занавески): the curtains at the windows were all closed;
  - (занавеси задёрнуты): the curtains are drawn
  задирать / задрать - (задрав нос): he marched past, his nose in the air
  задом наперёд - (надеть свитер): you've got your sweater on back to front;
  - the exhausts had been fitted back to front
  задраенный - (окна): all windows were sealed, save one in the day cabin, which was closed but with screw bolts which could be manually undone
  задрапированный - (портрет лентами из чёрной материи): posters were mounted on hardboard and draped in thin streamers of black bunting
  задрипанный - (бар): not much for looks, tacky AmE infml neighborhood bar;
  - (парень): a schlumpy AmE infml guy walking with a tall chick who was striding along on spike heels;
  - compared with the hip clientele, I felt a little schlumpy in my parka
  задымлённый - (здания): а new tracking system to pinpoint people inside smoked-filled buildings has been developed in a move that should slash the risks faced by firefighters
  зажатый - (клочок бумаги, з. в створках медальона): the locket was shut - but caught in his jaws was a folded piece of paper;
  - (на самом краю кушетки): I was wedged tightly into the corner of the couch, appalled at his bullying attitude.;
  - (пистолет, з. в руке): there was an extra terrorist there, curled up asleep in the corner, his gun still clutched in his hand;
  - (пустыня, з-ая между горами): a wild yellow desert hemmed in by rocky hills;
  - (сигара, з-ая в зубах): he found colonel S., cigar clamped in his teeth, poring over maps of Arctic
  зажжённый - (огонь был зажжён в камине): the fire has been lit in the grate;
  - (свеча): a lighted candle;
  - (сигарета): the end of his lit cigarette;
  - (спичка): someone put a lighted match to a bit of newspaper;
  - (факелы): all the torches were lit;
  - (фитиль): a lighted fuse
  зажигалка - смотри файл OBJECTS
  зажим - a looseleaf folder with stiff covers of cardboard bound in a dull black vinyl, and a series of clips down the spine so that the leaves of the books could be extracted or further leaves inserted, if necessary;
  - working with a file and a vice screwed to the edge of the kitchen table, he began to convert the clips of the image intensifier to fit into these grooves;
  - (т.е. для волос): A barrette AmE / hair clip / hair slide / hair clasp BrE, is a clasp for holding hair in place. They are often made from metal or plastic and sometimes feature decorative fabric. In one type of barrette, a clasp is used to secure the barrette in place; the clasp opens when the two metal pieces at either side are pressed together;
  - (на кончике катетера): once the primary catheter was in place, the doctor inserted into it a second catheter with tiny jaws at its tip;
  - A clamp / cramp is a tool (often made of cast metal) which applies a force to hold two or more objects tightly together. This may be for a temporary period after which the parts will be separated, or they will hold together without the aid of the clamp (for example if they have been glued or screwed) Formed in the shape of a "G" (sometimes referred to as a "C") these metal cramps have a screw mechanism that can be adjusted until the items in question are held tightly..
  зазор - (вокруг шайбы): the water seals the crack around a washer and helps to create a vacuum;
  - (между мостом и верхом автобуса): the clearance between the bridge and the top of the bus was only ten centimetres;
  - (плотно прилегать друг к другу без з-ов): thin cyanoacrylate is used to glue together parts that fit tightly together with no gaps
  зазубренный - (жало пчелы): the worker bee's sting is barbed, and in the act of stinging it is torn from the bee;
  - (камень, т.е. неровный): he dived and snatched up a jagged rock;
  - (ногти, т.е. неровные): the fingers were tipped with jagged nails;
  - (клюв): the bird's jagged mandibles opened and closed;
  - (мечи, т.е. в бою): all their arrows were spent, and every shaft was shot; their swords were notched, and their shields were riven;
  - (нож): serrated knifes have a wavy, scalloped or saw-like blade;
  - (ножницы с з-ыми лезвиями): serrated scissors / shears;
  - (ножницы с з-ыми лезвиями): cutting with pinking shears will help eliminate fraying;
  - (ножницы с з-ыми лезвиями / з-ые лезвия): Pinking shears are scissors, the blades of which are saw-toothed instead of straight. Pinking shears leave a zigzag pattern instead of a straight line.;
  - (обломки, т.е. неровные и острые): the explosive charge destroys the metal case, converting it into jagged fragments;
  - (отверстие с з-ыми краями, т.е. неровными и острыми): it takes half a dozen tries to secure the grappling hook in the jagged hole;
  - (отверстие трубы): the ragged mouth of the drainpipe;
  - (предмет, т.е. острый): the jagged piece on which he had cut himself
  зазубрина - (алмазные з-ы): daggers with blades that had been crusted with serrated diamonds, so they would cut deeper
  заиндевевший / заиндевелый - (окно): a frosty /frost-rimed window;
  - (окно): a hoar-frosted window in close-up;
  - (трава): the frosty grass crunched under their feet
  зайчик (т.е. отблеск) - (медальон качался, отбрасывая красноватые зайчики на стену) he held that hand out and the locket hung below it, swinging hypnotically, raying flashes of ruddy light on the wall;
  - (джинсы, медные заклёпки которых отбрасывали зайчики): new bluejeans that shone little darts of light from the copper rivets
  закалённый - (клинок): hard-tempered blade;
  - (з-ые на огне / з-ые огнём колья): They raised their camp behind the stone ring. A score of builders set to clearing brush, digging latrines, and untying their bundles of fire-hardened stakes.;
  - (сталь): the specially hardened steel of the military handcuffs;
  - (стекло часов): fashion watch, hardened crystex glass
  закатанный - (рукава): rumpled shirt with rolled sleeves;
  - (тренировочные брюки закатанные до колен): she is dressed in trackies rolled low onto her knees and a midriff top;
  - (часть джинсов): the turn-ups of his jeans
  заклеенный - (конверт): he glanced at the sealed envelope
  заклёпка - смотри файл OBJECTS
  закованный - (в цепи): he lay bound in unbreakable chains;
  - (з-ые в цепи гребцы, т.е. галеры): the fettered rowers sitting at the oar;
  - (льдом образно): ice-bound Greenland;
  - (льдом образно): the world was blanketed in ice
  заколка - смотри файл OBJECTS
  заколотый - (волосы заколоты в тугой пучок): her hair is pinned tightly into a bun;
  - (волосы заколоты узлом): now, with her hair drawn tightly back and pinned in a French knot, her skin seemed taut;
  - (юбка, з-ая английской булавкой): her tartan skirt held together with a big gold safety pin
  заколоченный - (двухэтажки): a row of boarded-up duplexes that were sometimes used by crack dealers;
  - (з. досками камин / з-ое досками окно ): boarded-up fireplace / window;
  - (окна были заколочены досками): some of the windows were boarded;
  - (часовни были заколочены досками): small chapels, once the worshipping places of the villagers, now mainly derelict, boarded up, deserted
  закопчённый - (аудитория университета): a grimy lecture room;
  - (кирпичи): smoke-blackened bricks;
  - (ноздри дракона, з-ые сажей): the dragon's soot-caked nostrils were venting smoke;
  - (курительная трубка): he fumbled nervously in his pockets and pulled out a grimy pipe;
  - (туннели метро): the grimy labyrinth of tunnels and platforms;
  - (фасады домов): the grimy fronts of the surrounding houses were not welcoming
  закорки - (везти / катать / нести на закорках кого-л): he always gives us a piggyback up the stairs to bed;
  - (нести на закорках): I had to carry him piggyback;
  - (нести на закорках): I'll piggyback you the rest of the way;
  - (покатай меня на закорках): can I have a piggy-back?
  закостенелый - (мышление): his efforts to shake up ossified thinking in the Pentagon have been thwarted by the resistance of senior military commanders
  закоулок - (знать все уголки и з-лки судна): he wanted to know every nook and cranny of the real ship
  закоченевать / закоченеть - (мы закоченели к тому времени, когда попали в помещение): we were frozen stiff by the time we got indoors;
  - (о мёртвой собаке): the dead dog began to stiffen up;
  - (о мёртвом лосе): the moose is frozen stiff; it must have been dead for days;
  - (руки закоченели): his hands were freezing
  закрасить / закрашивать - (другим цветом): let's paint it over in green;
  - (крем-краска для волос закрашивает седину): the hair coloring cream covers the gray hair giving back rich, deep and long lasting colors;
  - (закрашенные опознавательные знаки на самолёте): commercial planes with markings painted out;
  - (з. поверх уродливые места): wipe it off and paint over the ugly parts;
  - (з. текилу соком): he used juice to blunt his tequila
  закрашивание - (седины): hair coloring cream, complete range of 82 shades, guaranteed coverage of gray hair 100%;
  - (седины): hair coloring cream, great for covering gray hair
  закреплённый - (древко знамени, з-ое на сапоге, т.е у знаменосца на коне): her banner bearer rode at her right hand, banner haft braced on his boot;
  - (на петлях, поверхности, з-ые на петлях на задней кромке крыла, т.е. самолёта): at the trailing edge of the wings are auxiliary hinged surfaces known as ailerons that are used to gain lateral control and to turn the airplane;
  - (нити основы закреплены на ткацком станке): long threads, called warp threads, are stretched on the loom and secured
  закруглённость - (крыла самолёта): supersonic aircraft required even more drastic changes in airfoil shapes, some losing the roundedness formerly associated with a wing and having a double-wedge shape
  закруглённый - (конец трубки, т.е. в виде луковицы): a slender pipe with a bulbous end;
  - (кончик штекера): the plug has a rounded tip;
  - (крылья пикапа / кабина водителя): a truck with big rounded fenders and a bulbous cab;
  - (кусочек металла): he saw a curve of metal, barely poking half an inch out of the snow;
  - (форма головки рукава): Shape sleeve cap with your fingers by spreading the fullness equally over the length of the basting until there are no pleats. The shoulder of the sleeve will start to take on a full, rounded shape.
  закругляться - one end of a rod is rounded in the shape of a hemisphere
  закрученный - the genes are found in tightly wound (to wind) cells called chromosomes
  закрывающийся - (плотно з-аяся крышка): it was a 250-gram can with a tight-fitting lid
  закупоренный - (): occlusion of arteries by deposition of plaque or by thrombosis ultimately results in lack of sufficient blood flow to tissues served by the occluded artery;
  - (артерии): clogged arteries;
  - (плотно з-ая бутылка, т.е. пробкой): a securely stoppered bottle;
  - (сонная артерия была полностью закупорена): the carotid was already totally occluded
  закупорка - (артерий): occlusion of arteries by deposition of plaque or by thrombosis ultimately results in lack of sufficient blood flow to tissues served by the occluded artery;
  - (в трубе): an obstruction in a pipe;
  - (канализации): When the pumps don't work I have to find out which pumps went flooey or where the plug-up is;
  - (кровеносных сосудов): there are two forms of stroke: ischemic - blockage of blood vessel supplying the brain with blood, and hemorrhagic - bleeding into or around the brain;
  - (распылителя): do not breathe out through the mouthpiece to avoid blockage of the spray
  закутанный - (в лохмотья): a man swathed in rags;
  - (в ткань фигуры): I saw vague moving shapes enshrouded in cloth from head to toe;
  - (в шаль): she was draped in a gauzy spangled shawl
  - (вожди племён, з-ые в яркие ткани): tribal kings draped in bright-colored native kente cloth;
  - (женщины, з-ые в платья): there were the mysterious forms of women shrouded in flimsy robes which hid even their eyes;
  - (канделябр, з. в суровое полотно): every chandelier or lustre, muffled in Holland, looked like...;
  - (сильно з.): he was heavily muffled against the cold;
  - (человек): the miniature, shrouded figure of a man sat high on the bow apron above the stem;
  - (чтобы не замёрзнуть): one of the terrorists, muffled against the chill, perched right up in the foc's'le apron
  закуток - (сторОжки): guards watched from their gatehouse cubbyholes;
  - his office was a cubbyhole with books and files piled high;
  - because there was no public telephone for miles, we had a cubbyhole in the wall in our porch so that people could, in emergency, open a little door and reach into Dad's police office for the phone: "Swansea 2258"
  залатанный - (джинсы): patched-up jeans;
  - (джинсы): she is wearing a beanie, a denim jacket and patched jeans;
  - (одежда): these robes had been darned in several places
  залегающий - (горизонтально з-ая глинисто-сланцевая формация): tunnel design in horizontally bedded shale formation
  заледеневший / заледенелый - (птица, т.е. на морозе): "Another frost-killed bird." He gloomily nudged the pathetic corpse with a booted toe.
  - (окно): a frosty /frost-rimed window;
  - (окно): a hoar-frosted window in close-up;
  - (трава): the frosty grass crunched under their feet
  заливаться / залиться (краской / румянцем, т.е. от смущения) - Ginny, blushing furiously, turned up with a get-well card;
  - (залившись румянцем, она представила его как А.К.): She blushingly introduced him as A.C. She looked all atwitter.;
  - (лицо залилось к. / р.): her face flooded with colour;
  - (он залился смехом): he erupted with laughter
  зализанный - (з-ые назад волосы): slicked-back hair
  залитый - (водой, з. водой пол): he collapsed on the waterlogged floor with a great splash;
  - (водой, o футбольном поле): the football pitch was waterlogged so the match had to be cancelled;
  - (з-ое кровью лицо): he saw her face suffused with blood;
  - (з-ые кровью улицы): blood-stained streets;
  - (светом): everything was suffused with a mysterious golden light;
  - (светом, дом был залит дневным светом): suddenly the house was flooded with daylight so sudden and bright he had to squint against it;
  - (светом): the restaurant is bathed in light which reflects off the gold lettering above the awning;
  - (светом, фильм залит солнечным светом): the film is drenched in sunlight and bathed in a glow of greens and browns;
  - (з. светом прожекторов, о палубе): the deck was floodlit;
  - (з. светом прожекторов, о помосте): in front of a chemist's shop, floodlit from a dozen places rose a white scaffolding;
  - (>слезами, о щёках): his cheeks were suffused with tears;
  - (солнцем, о нагорьях): broad sunlit uplands;
  - (солнцем, о пляжах): sun-swept beaches
  заложенный - (горло): when he reached that part of the story he found his throat obstructed;
  - (нос): a popular treatment for nasal stuffiness (blocked nose) in a baby is to put a few drops of saline into the nose just before feeds
  залысина - a receding hairline can be the first step toward going bald, or a slight change in your hairline that never progresses further;
  - (седые волосы с небольшими з-ами): he has white hair receding a little
  заляпанный - (грязью): Do you want to catch a chill? We will not appear at the temple wet and bedraggled.;
  - (з. грязью автомобиль): a muddy Land Rover pulls onto the verge;
  - (з-ые грязью шпоры): the courtier's mud splashed spurs;
  - (куртка, з-ая едой): a food-spotted vest
  замарать - (компания не хочет быть замаранной наймом рабского труда, т.е. заключённых): the company doesn't want to be smeared with the image that they're hiring slave labor;
  замаскированный - (набор мебели, з. под контейнер): The "Lounge" is a cool set of home furniture disguised as a simple container. As you can see in the pictures attached below this design looks like a cube, but this cube is a table with four chairs that you have to drag whenever needed.;
  - (танки были так искусно замаскированы, что...): the storage sited for the real tanks were so skillfully hidden that only his own staff knew where they were;
  - (электрошокеры, з-ые под фонарики): stun guns disguised as flashlights
  замерцать - (пламенем): things that had been only smoldering before now showed the first winks of flame
  замёрзший - (птица, т.е. мёртвая): "Another frost-killed bird." He gloomily nudged the pathetic corpse with a booted toe.;
  - (трава): the frosty grass crunched under their feet
  замок (замОк) - смотри файл OBJECTS
  замороженный - the frozen embryos at the fertility centers are much less robust
  замотанный - (голова): his head was swathed in bandages;
  замусоренный - (пляж): the beach was cluttered;
  - (парк): waste-strewn park;
  - (улицы): littered streets
  замусоривать / замусорить - (обглоданные кости замусорили берег): picked bones littered the shore
  замутнённость - (превышение фонового уровня з-ти): Protection of Washington State's salmonids requires that transportation officials consider the effect of suspended sediments released into streams during transportation projects. Many state and provincial criteria are based on a threshold of exceedance for background levels of turbidity.
  замутнённый - (речные системы): although salmonids are found in naturally turbid river systems in the Northwest, this does not necessarily mean that salmonids in general can tolerate increases over time of suspended sediments
  замухрышка - (профессор): a weedy professor of agronomy has placed a time bomb under one of the world's two superpowers
  замызганный - Do you want to catch a chill? We will not appear at the temple wet and bedraggled.
  занесённый - (вьюгой / метелью город): blizzard-stricken city;
  - (з-ое копьё, т.е. для удара): F. ran upon him, with his spear levelled;
  - (снегом, город был занесён снегом): at the end of a long, confining winter during which the city was snowbound, we searched hungrily for any diversion
  заноза - (вытащить з-у): How do you get out a splinter? You can remove a splinter using a needle and tweezers
  заношенный - a pair of scuffed engineer boots
  заострённый - (кончик, инструмент с з-ым к-ом): awl is a pointed tipped tool;
  - (з. кончик воротничка): if you're ironing a collar, start on its underside, work from the outside (the pointy end) and work inwards;
  - (кончик штекера): the plugs have an angular, enlarged tip;
  - (лицо): a pointed face;
  - (нос судна заострён на ватерлинии): these ships exploited a new hull-design idea, the bulbous bow, in which the bow was made sharp at the waterline to cut the waves but flattened further down, giving greater buoyancy and easier changes of direction to the water;
  - (уши): black hair was brushed straight back over the pointed ears
  запавший - (глаза): the eyes were deep-sunk into the sockets;
  - (глаза / щёки): sunken eyes / cheeks;
  - (глаза, т.е. от слёз): socketed eyes
  запачканный - (балахон): a stained off-white robe from chin to floor;
  - (з-ые грязью шпоры): the courtier's mud splashed spurs;
  - (джинсы были запачканы слизью): her jean were smeared with goo stinking to high heaven;
  - (куртка, з-ая едой): a food-spotted vest;
  - (рабочие, з-ые сажей): grimy workmen;
  - (слегка з. кузов автомобиля): a moist wax-impregnated towelette suitable for polishing a lightly-soiled exterior surface of a vehicle;
  - (фартук кузнеца, з-ый сажей): grimy smith's apron;
  - (халат): he slopped beer down his already heavily stained blouse;
  - (челюсти, з-ые кровью): the jaws smeared with blood
  запертый - (т.е. в доме): He keeps trying doors, looking for an exit. They're locked in. Trapped.;
  - (дверь заперта на засов): the door is bolted on the one side;
  - (на висячий замок): warehouses with large bay doors for unloading trucks, padlocked for the night
  - (на висячий замок, шлагбаум заперт на висячий замок, перекрывая вход на автостоянку): a metal boom gate is padlocked in place across the entrance to the car park;
  запечатанный - (в з-ом конверте): the papers went in the messenger's briefcase to London, wax-sealed in a stout envelope;
  - (конверт): he glanced at the sealed envelope;
  - (ответ должен быть послан в з-ом виде): responses to this Invitation shall be sealed and submitted in accordance with the instructions
  запёкшийся - (губы): parched lips;
  - (кровь): смотри ниже;
  - (ноздри дракона с запёкшейся сажей): the dragon's soot-caked nostrils were venting smoke
  запёкшийся (кровь) - with the gentlest possible movements he continued touching away the caked blood;
  - the matted blood on the back of his head;
  - (к.): he was covered with gore from head to feet;
  - his jacket was stiff with congealed blood;
  - (одежда, слипшаяся от з-ейся крови): clothes caked and clotted with blood;
  заплаканный - (глаза): wet and puffy eyes;
  - (глаза): teary eyes;
  - (глаза): she scrubbed at tear-filled eyes with the back of her hand;
  - (глаза / щёки): tear stained eyes / cheeks;
  - (лицо): a tearful face;
  - (мать, т.е. убитого): his tear-soaked mother
  заплата - patches on her clothes
  заплесневелый - (з-ая камера крепости, где держали рабов): musty cells at the fort where slaves were held;
  - (коллекции музеев образно): the city's museums are filled with mouldy BrE old collections;
  - (пирожное): mouldy cake;
  - (сыр): moldy AmE old bits of cheese;
  - (хлеб / сыр): mouldy bread / cheese
  заплетённый - (волосы): braided / plaited hair;
  - (гривы коней были заплетены): their horses were of great stature, their manes were braided on their necks;
  - (коса): woven plait
  заплывший - (глаз): his eye had been reduced to a puffy slit amid a mass of purple-and black bruises;
  - (глаза у ищеек): bloodhounds have drooping eyes and floppy ears
  заподлицо - (благодаря раззенкованным отверстиям в деталях, головки винтов могут быть з. с поверхностью): counterbored holes in parts allow the screw head to be flush with the surface or recessed;
  - (клёпка з.): streamlining the form of the aircraft by eliminating as much drag as possible (e.g. using flush riveting);
  - (со штукатуркой): a steel door, flush against the plaster
  - (фонарь кабины пилота был з. с фюзеляжем): when the canopy came down it would be almost flush with the fuselage
  запотевать / запотеть - (об окне): the windows were misting up;
  - (окно запотело от влажности): the window is fogged with humidity
  запотевший - (плексиглас): he peered suspiciously through the steaming perspex
  заправленный - (брюки,з-ые в сапоги): the cowboy wore his jeans tucked into his boots;
  - (пижамная куртка, з-ая в штаны): he's wearing a pyjama shirt tucked into high-waist trousers;
  - (полностью з. автомобиль, т.е. бензином): the Jaguar limousine was to be fully tanked
  запруженный - (пролив, т.е. судами): (the tanker) she'd transit the crowded Malacca Strait past Singapore
  запряжённый - (з-ая лошадьми двухместная повозка): a horse-drawn two-seater in which the driver perched in front on a cushion;
  - (з. лошадьми экипаж): horse-drawn carriages still clatter through downtown Portsmouth;
  - (сани, з-ые оленями): a sledge drawn by two reindeer;
  - (тележки, з-ые ослами): cooking gas is sold from wheeled carts pulled by donkeys;
  - (фургон, з. ослом): a donkey-drawn wagon;
  запылённость - (в условиях крайней запыленности очистка рельсового пути запрещена): do not sweep track under extreme dusty conditions
  запятнанный - (кровью): stained with blood of the martirs;
  - (меч): a stained sword
  зарево - there came a glow
  зарешеченный / зарешечённый - (окно): a barred window
  заржавевший - (дверные петли / латы / меч): rusted hinges / armor /sword;
  - (железнодорожные подъездные пути): lines of boxcars are stranded in the yard of rusted over railway spurs;
  - (разбитый автомобиль): a site was marked by the gutted and rusted wreck of a car
  заросли - after s quick search in the darkness, the British Tommies passed on, leaving him wounded and undiscovered in a thicket;
  - (з. были ещё запутаннее, чем казалось): the thicket was more tangled that it had appeared;
  - (кустов): he was fighting his way out of a clamp of bushes nearby;
  - (орешника): primroses and anemones were awake in the filbert-brakes
  заросший - (газон, т.е. давно некошеный): an overgrown lawn;
  - (крыша, з-ая очитком): a roof carpeted by the alpine succulent sedum;
  - (лицо, з-ее щетиной): stubbed face;
  - (мехом): a whiskered furry face of a beaver;
  - (т.е. небритый): he was stubbed and tired;
  - (плющом, дом зарос п.): the house is overgrown with ivy;
  - (поля, з-ие сорнякями): weed-infested fields;
  - (тротуар потрескался и зарос травой): the sidewalk was cracked and weedy;
  - (участок, з. кустарником): the dog began to trot away from them across the scrubby patch of ground;
  - (ущелье): the green and jungly ravine
  зарубка - indentation;
  - (з-и на рукоятке топора означают число убитых врагов): the notches in that tribe's warrior axe handles stand for killed enemies
  засаленный - (кастрюля / сковородка и т.д.): the popcorn machine was spilling out drifts of the stuff, its greasy hinged lid jittering up and down
  - (курительная трубка): he fumbled nervously in his pockets and pulled out a grimy pipe;
  - (сиденье, т.е. автомобиля): I lean back on the greasy, cloth seat;
  - (стол): below decks the crew were grouping round the greasy messroom table;
  - (шляпа): greasy hat
  засветиться - (об экране): at each end of the kitchen, Chestron panels were embedded in the wall. He touched one, and the screen brightened. From this, he could control the lighting, the through-hose audio, the heating and cooling, and other systems.;
  - (обшивка самолёта засветилась вишнёво-красным светом, т.е. раскалённая): the skin of the aircraft began to glow cherry red in the heat
  засевший - (з-ие там разбойники): the area was infamously known for the large number of brigands holed up there;
  - (чувство): his ingrained sense of doom
  засиженный мухами - (декорации фильма): the fly-blown BrE / fly-specked AmE setting of Bogart movie;
  - (окно): a dirty fly-blown BrE / fly-specked AmE window
  заслонка - flap
  заслонённый - (зданиями от любопытных глаз): the office block, overlooking the courtyard only and screened from prying eyes
  заснеженный - (горные вершины): snowcapped / snow-capped peaks of the Bavarian Alps;
  - (двор): the sled skidded down the snowy yard;
  - (местность / пейзаж): the train chugged through the snowbound landscape;
  - (сучья): on the flanks of the mountain the wind howled through the pines, its pitch rising to a near-scream among the snow-clogged boughs;
  засов - смотри файл OBJECTS
  засорённый - (буквы пишущей машинки): letters in a typewriter were clogged;
  - (раковина умывальника): the sink was clogged;
  - (труба, з-ая жиром / смазкой): the pipe's clogged with grease
  засос (т.е. след от поцелуя) - a hickey is a discoloration of the skin - a bruise, really - caused by prolonged suction of the mouth against the skin;
  - (оставить з. на ком-л / сделать з. кому-л): I gaze in horror at the red marks all over my breasts. I have hickeys! He's given me goddamn hickeys.;
  - (скрыть з.): how to hide a hickey
  засохший - (пень): wizened stump
  заспанный - (водители): bleary-eyed drivers rumbled through the night;
  - he was still woolly-headed with sleep
  заставленный - (каминная доска): the fire was burning under the crowded mantelpiece;
  - (комната): cluttered room;
  - (комната, з-ая мебелью): Eagle Moving Services. An accurate inventory of your household is important to arrive at an accurate estimate of your load size and weight, however an easy rule of thumb is to assume 1000 lbs. for a lightly furnished room and 1500 lbs. for a heavily furnished room.;
  - (комната была заставлена разными предметами): a room was crammed with objects;
  - (стена была заставлена рядами полок, з-ых книгами): the wall was lined from end to end and ceiling to floor in shelves, each crammed with books;
  - (стена была доверху заставлена ящиками сигарет): one entire wall was stacked high with cartons of cigarettes;
  - (стол, з. немытой посудой и объедками): a table laden with unwashed vessels and half-eaten food;
  - (стол не так заставлен): the table is less cluttered (in the version of the painting)
  застеклённый - (окно, т.е. кареты): the brougham had a glazed front window, so that the occupants could see forward;
  - (парадное): he parked in the forecourt of a new tower block with a glass porch
  застеленный - (койка с аккуратно з-ой постелью): I found a wooden cot, with the bed neatly done;
  - (корридор был застелен дорожкой половика): a corridor was carpeted with a strip of drugget to muffle servants" hurrying steps;
  - (з-ая кровать была пуста): his bed, neatly done up, was empty;
  - (кровать была застелена уборщиками): the bed was done up every day by the cleaners;
  - ( кровать была застелена крахмальным бельём): the bed was done up with crisp blue linen
  застёгнутый - (на пуговицы из плетёной ткани): his shirt was high at the neck and fastened with toggles of plaited cloth;
  - (на все пуговицы образно): his suit and tie made him look a little too buttoned down to guard against some of this country's most unscrupulous criminal operations;
  - (плащ был застёгнут брошью): the cloak which was thrown over his shoulders was secured at the neck with a brooch
  застёжка - (т.е. браслета от часов): catch;
  - (т.е. браслета часов): integral bracelet, double lock safety clasp;
  - (т.е. крючки лифчика): her fingers unhooked the fasteners of her brassiere;
  - ([з.]-молния): a zipper (zip BrE / zip fastener BrE rare) is a device for temporarily join two edges of fabric;
  - ([з.]-молния, юбка с молнией сзади): leather skirt with a back zipper;
  - ([з.]-молния, юбка с молнией сзади): back zip skirt;
  - (на кнопках): a snap fastener / snap / popper / press stud is a pair of interlocking disks commonly used in place of buttons to fasten clothing;
  - (з. на кнопках спереди): the parka has a snap fastener front closure;
  - (з. на молнии спереди): slide fastener front closure;
  - (з, на пуговицах спереди): button front closure;
  - (на ящике): the crate had metal clasps and a bar code sticker on the top;
  - (ожерелья): a superb three-string pearl collar with a cameo clasp;
  - (пальто с з-ой на пуговицы донизу): the coat features a full button front;
  - (платье с з-ой на пуговицы донизу): full button front dress;
  - (расстегнуть з-и, т.е. на ящике): wasting no time, he unhooked the buckles;
  - (расстегнуть з-у шкатулки): unhooking the clasp, he opened the lid;
  - (ремня безопасности): thread both portions of the vehicle belt onto the locking clip;
  - (шкатулки): she slid back the fine filigree clasp and flipped open the box
  застывший - (взгляд, он смотрел з-им в-ом): there was an arrested look on his face;
  - (мускулы, з-ие после долгого сидения): muscles stiff from hours in the chair;
  - (наш язык не является з-им): the shape of our language is not rigid
  засунутый - (пулемёты были засунуты в рюкзаки): the submachine guns were rolled in towels and stuffed into haversacks
  засушенный - (розы): Dried up roses. I hung up some roses upside down to dry them out for use of decoration.;
  - (цветы): dried flowers
  засыпанный - (опилками): standing on the beaten, sawdust-strewn dirt;
  - (парк, з. мусором): waste-strewn park;
  - (поляна, з-ая снегом): snowfilled forest glade;
  - (снегом, город был засыпан с.): at the end of a long, confining winter during which the city was snowbound, we searched hungrily for any diversion
  затвердевать / затвердеть - he loosened the soil before it could dry and cake
  затвердeвший - (глина): hardened clay;
  - (смола): he found buckets of tar gone hard
  затвердение - (кала): extensive hardening of the feces;
  - (кожи на месте внутрикожной инъекции мед): in the presence of TB infection, the test produces a measurable amount of skin induration med at the site of intradermal injection, read between 48 and 72 hours later
  затейливый - (рисунок): a fanciful design of butterflies and flowers;
  - (серьги): arty earrings;
  - (тесьма на обшлагах): the fancy braid on his cuffs;
  - (украшенные з-ой резьбой колонны / колонны с з-ой резьбой): ornately carved pillars
  затемнённый - (комната): a darkened control room where a wall of video monitors was cycling through a series of images of the complex;
  - (фасад): he watched the blacked-out facade of the hotel
  затемнение - (с первого дня войны ввели положение о з-и): from the first day of the war, blackout regulations were enforced
  затёкший - (нога): Sometimes numbness in your legs can be due to a more pressing health concern. Chances are, a numb leg isn't a big deal.;
  - (размять з-ие плечи): he stretched his arms to ease the stiffness in his shoulders
  заткнутый - (дыра, з-ая газетой): he was oblivious of the cold seeping in through the newspaper-stuffed hole in the window
  затмевать / затмить - (свечение города затмевало звёзды): the urban glow obscured many stars
  затонувший - (корабли): sunken ships
  затопленный - (дорога): the flooded road left them no alternative;
  - (остров был затоплен наводнениями): the island has been inundated by floods and ravaged by winds, but still the people who love the island return and rebuild
  затопляемый - (местности): seasonally inundated areas, such as river floodplains;
  - (почвы): swamps are forested wetlands on waterlogged or inundated soils where little or no peat accumulation occurs
  затоптанный - (грязь): standing on the beaten, sawdust-strewn dirt;
  - (люди были затоптаны в толпе): seven people were trampled in the crowd;
  - (следы были затоптаны подбитыми железом башмаками): his own little prints were overwhelmed by the trampling of the iron-shod shoes before them and behind them and about them;
  - (улики затоптаны, т.е.следы): the evidence are contaminated beyond rescue
  затор - (ледяной): floods form in many regions when ice breaks up in springtime and forms ice jams;
  - (з-ы на транспорте): he worried about traffic congestion as a result of the city's expansion
  зaтуманенный / зaтуманившийся - (глаза): his dimming eyes had not deluded him;
  - (голова / сознание): he stumbled out into the courtyard, still bleary minded;
  - (зеркало): misted mirror;
  - (зрение было затуманено дождём на очках): his vision was so clouded by the rain on his glasses he didn't see anything;
  - (с з-ым взглядом): dazed-looking people dressed in loose pajamas;
  - (с з-ым взглядом): bleary-eyed drunks leaning on each other;
  - (с з-ой головой / с з-ым сознанием): he stumbled out into the courtyard, still bleary-minded
  затуманивать / затуманить - (паника затуманивала рассудок): panic was fogging his brain;
  - (слёзы затуманили глаза): tears blurred her eyes;
  - (синева затуманила пейзаж): a blue fog blurred the landscape
  затуманиваться / затуманиться - (взгляд затуманился / глаза затуманились): he realized his own eyes were misting up, his vision was getting blurry;
  - (взгляд затуманился / глаза затуманились): Each time someone else spoke, he sank into a dream. His gaze settled upon a speaker, a mistiness entered his eyes, and there was a pause like a coming back before he began again.;
  - (об окне): the windows were misting up
  затупившийся - (клинок): hacked and blunted blade;
  - (ножовка): the specially hardened steel of the military handcuffs parted to the now blunt hacksaw
  затушевать / затушёвывать - There is an endless amount of functions that can exist within this inequality. Instead of graphing each possible function (which would be an impossible task) we shade in all of the area below the line 2x+3y=0.05. The shading will show that all functions below the line satisfy the inequality.
  затушёванный - (область): There is an endless amount of functions that can exist within this inequality. Instead of graphing each possible function (which would be an impossible task) we shade in all of the area below the line 2x+3y=0.05. The shading will show that all functions below the line satisfy the inequality.
  затычка - (от ванны): in my bathroom I had only scalding hot water in the bathtub but no plug;
  - (для ушей): earplug
  затяжной узел - a twisted hangrope from which the noose has been cut
  затянутый - (галстук, з. слишком туго): the young man has a necktie drawn too tight;
  - (з. льдом пруд): a pond skimmed over with ice;
  - (з-ая паутиной> люстра): cobwebby chandelier;
  - (пеленой глаза были затянуты пеленой усталости): his eyes were filmed with fatigue;
  - (пояс, з. на талии): sagging, the fashion of wearing pants with their waistbands around the hips rather than snugged to the midriff, has been a controversial style of dress.;
  - (струны лютни были слишком сильно затянуты на колках): the lute string has been wound too far on its peg;
  - (туго з. пояс): tight belt
  заусенец - (т.е. на металле): grinding a metal part will remove burrs, deep cuts or saw marks
  заусеница - (т.е. на ногтях): My toddler has developed a habit of picking at her nails. She creates hangnails and picks away at her nails until they bleed.
  захват - (т.е. крапановой оправы кольца, который удерживает драгоценный камень): basket settings are metal setting with prongs that hold gemstones;
  - (т.е. робота): then, with computer precision, the claw grasped the heavy handle and hoisted the crate vertically
  захватанный - (журналы): he owned much-thumbed almanacs;
  - (справочник): from the briefcase L. handed me a thumbed police manual of line drawing of cars
  захиревший - (яблоня): a scraggly old apple tree
  захламленный - (стол): a cluttered desk
  захоронение - whetstone sceptre from the seventh-century ship-burial
  захороненный - the dragon was said to guard the rich treasures buried with the dead
  зачёсанный - (волосы, з-ые назад): brushed back hair;
  - (волосы были зачёсаны назад): black hair was brushed straight back over the pointed ears;
  - (волосы были зачёсаны назад): his hair was swept back;
  - (з-ые назад волосы): black hair swept back
  зачиненный - (джинсы): patched-up jeans
  зачитанный - (журналы): he owned much-thumbed almanacs;
  - (книга): a well-thumbed copy of Keynes's 1936 classic "The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money";
  - (книга, т.е. с загнутыми уголками): the book was looking old and dirty and dog-eared;
  - (книги): well-worn and well-loved books;
  - (справочник): from the briefcase L. handed me a thumbed police manual of line drawing of cars
  заштопанный - (мантия): his robes had been darned in several places
  зашторенный - (окно): shuttered window
  заштрихованный - (область): There is an endless amount of functions that can exist within this inequality. Instead of graphing each possible function (which would be an impossible task) we shade in all of the area below the line 2x+3y=0.05. The shading will show that all functions below the line satisfy the inequality.
  заштриховать / заштриховывать - There is an endless amount of functions that can exist within this inequality. Instead of graphing each possible function (which would be an impossible task) we shade in all of the area below the line 2x+3y=0.05. The shading will show that all functions below the line satisfy the inequality.
  защемлённый - (нерв): a pinched / pressed / compressed nerve
  защёлка - clamp;
  - (капота автомобиля): using the flashlight beneath the front end of the car, he located the locking switch for the hood
  звезда - (преобразование з.-треугольник): The Y-Δ transform / Y-delta / Wye-delta / Kennelly's delta-star transformation / star-mesh transformation, T-Π / T-pi transform is a mathematical technique to simplify the analysis of an electrical network. The name derives from the shapes of the circuit diagrams, which look respectively like the letter Y and the Greek capital letter Δ. In the United Kingdom, the wye diagram is sometimes known as a star.
  звёздочка - (алгебры со з-ой мат): C*-algebras (C star algebras) mat;
  - (на погоне): a star on a shoulder-strap;
  - (на погонах разг): three months later he got his "pip" as a second lieutenant;
  - (т.е. печатный символ): asterisk;
  - (т.е. цепная): sprocket
  здоровенный - (кусок мяса): a hefty dollop of meat;
  - (молодой человек): a strong, hefty-looking young man;
  - (морские пехотинцы): he had a vision of burly marines clumping all over Whitehall;
  - (парень): a burly 17-year-old;
  - (парень): he's a strapping infmllad, your son;
  - (полицейский): a beefy cop putting the grab on a suspicious fellow who's trying to flee;
  - (спецназовец): a burly special-operations soldier;
  - (человек): a large beefy man with very little neck and a lot of mustache;
  - she was large, beefy, and purple-faced
  зеркально - (отполированная дверь): highly polished door;
  - (з. отражать): the Canadian experience on the matter of Internet jurisdiction closely mirrored that of the U.S
  зеркальный - (блеск / глянец / лоск): he looked as if his personal tailor and hairdresser had polished him to fine sheen;
  - (блеск, доспехи были начищены до з-ого б-a): his armor was a silver plate polished to a mirror sheen;
  - (изображение): ambulances or fire engines use mirror  - (отображение, надпись в з-ом отображении): the bright beam sifted through the thin layer of wood and the script appeared in reverse on the underside of the lid;
  - (поверхность воды): the reflection of New York city on the mirror-like water surface;
  - (поверхность воды): I was sitting on the landing, watching the river below as occasional soft circles of ripples expanded out when fish or insects disturbed the glassy water surface;
  - (прицел): reflex sight;
  - (фотоаппарат): a single-lens reflex (SLR) camera is a camera that typically uses a semi-automatic moving mirror system that permits the photographer to sometimes see exactly what will be captured by the film or digital imaging system, as opposed to pre-SLR cameras where the view through the viewfinder could be significantly different from what was captured on film
  зернистый - (икра): fresh-grain / soft caviar;
  - (фотография): grainy photograph
  зёрнышко - (икры): berry;
  - (пшеничное): a single grain of wheat can take root
  зигзаг - (идти з-ами): He singing at the top of his voice, and weaving slightly as he walked. A large bottle was swinging from his hands. She watched him meander tipsily up to the castle.;
  - (лестница шла з-ами по дому на верхние этажи): the staircase zigzagged through the house to the upper stories;
  - (ножницы-з. ): serrated scissors / serrated shears;
  - (ножницы-з. ): cutting with pinking shears will help eliminate fraying;
  - (ножницы-з. оставляют срез з-ом): Pinking shears are scissors, the blades of which are saw-toothed instead of straight. Pinking shears leave a zigzag pattern instead of a straight line.;
  - (плыть з-ами): to beat against the wind means to make progress against the wind, by sailing in a zigzag line or traverse;
  - (прострочить з-ом): holes in the seam can be repaired by zigzagging with a normal machine over the seam;
  - (тропка, зигзагами ведущая к двери): the zigzagging path leading to the front door
  зигзагобразный - (молния): there was another clap of thunder, followed immediately by forked lightning;
  - forked lightning is a lightning that is visible in the form of a zigzag or branching line across the sky
  - (тропка): the zigzagging path leading to the front door
  зиять - (зиял пустой сейф): the yawning and empty wall safe;
  - the doorless entrance gaped wide and bright
  зияющий - (открылся з. вход): He reached for the huge wooden doors and pushed. The entryway yawned open.;
  - (пасть акулы): gaping shark's maw;
  - (пещера): a yawning cavity;
  - (пробел в логике): the conclusion left the obvious gaping lapse in the logic of his actions;
  - (пустота): his eyes moved heavenward, up into the gaping void of the Chapter House cupola;
  - (з. пустотой сейф): the yawning and empty wall safe;
  - (рана): a gaping / yawning wound
  змеевик, знамя, знак, значок, зонд, зонтик - смотри файл OBJECTS
  золотить - (заходящее солнце позолотило мели канала образно): westering sun gilded the shallows of a broad channel
  зрительный обман - visual deception is the art and craft of using observable actions and images to deceive viewers;
  - it was such a good trompe l'oeil that people got irritated when they tried to talk to the woman and she wouldn't respond
  - visual treachery, each message denying the one before
  зуб - (держите вилку в зубьями вниз): hold the fork in your left hand, tines facing down;
  - (зуб / зубы, т.е. животного / человека): tooth singular / teeth plural;
  - (передние з-ы, т.е. человека): he smiles, showing his incisors;
  - (т.е. резьбы): When flat thread rolling dies are employed, the threads on the tapered end portion of the screw are not fully formed and do not have sharp crests. Since these leading threads are not sharp, they will not readily deform the metal of the workpiece, and when the thread-forming screws are forced into the workpiece, a substantial torque must be applied on the screw to cause it to form the desired thread.;
  - (шестерни): the teeth of a gear;
  - (т.е. шестерни): cog;
  - (щётки для волос): her hairbrush with golden strands of her hair still caught in its bristles
  зубастый - (мальчишка): toothy boy;
  - (пасть): a toothed maw thrust up, caught the gull and dragged it below
  зубец - (держите вилку в левой руке зубцами вниз): hold the fork in your left hand, tines facing down;
  - (цепь крутых горных вершин зубцами тянулaсь в небо): a range of steep summits rose jaggedly into the sky;
  - (т.е. электрокардиограммы): the P-wave indicated the electrical activity associated with contraction of the cardiac atria, the heart's upper chamber
  зубок - (чеснока): garlic clove is one of the small bulblets that can be split off of the axis of a larger garlic bulb;
  - (чеснока, т.е. в рецепте): one clove garlic
  зубчатый - (башня): crenellated tower;
  - (горы): here, saw-edged mountains endlessly bisect the horizon;
  - (колесо): a gear-toothed wheel about 7 inches in diameter;
  - (колесо): cog;
  - (колесо / колесо / механизм): cogwheel is a toothed wheel that engages another toothed mechanism in order to change the speed or direction of transmitted motion;
  - (з-ые колёса вошли в зацепление): new gears engaged, and the claw transported the box to the far side of the vault;
  - (край листа): a dentate leaf margin has square or rectangular teeth along the margin that point outward;
  - (крепостные стены): crenellated ramparts;
  - (листья с з-ым краем): elms are distinguished from other trees by their simple, unsymmetrical leaves, strong-ribbed, saw-toothed, short-stalked, always unequal and often oblique at the base of the blade
  - (з. нож / нож с з-ой кромкой): she picked up a serrated knife and began to slice tomatoes for a salad;
  - (ножницы с з-ыми лезвиями): serrated scissors / shears;
  - (ножницы с з-ыми лезвиями): cutting with pinking shears will help eliminate fraying;
  - (ножницы с з-ыми лезвиями / з-ые лезвия): Pinking shears are scissors, the blades of which are saw-toothed instead of straight. Pinking shears leave a zigzag pattern instead of a straight line.;
  - (очертания з-ых скал): the jagged outline of the crags;
  - (привод): gear-drive;
  - (з-ая стена замка): no face looked over the battlements of the castle and the gates were fast shut;
  - (стены, т.е. городских укреплений): she noticed figures moving between the crenellations on the town walls;
  - (утёсы): ragged cliffs
  зыбучий - (пески образно политики): as unnerving as it was to find my footing in the shifting sands of New York politics, I had no plans to drop out of the race
  игла / иголка - (двойная, т.е. швейной машины): Knit fabrics don't behave when sewing across the knit. They like to pucker and shift, usually when you're trying to get a nice flat hem on a t-shirt. Using a twin needle helps.;
  - (дикобразы / ежи покрыты иглами): porcupines / hedgehogs are covered with quills;
  - (т.е. медицинская, для наложения швов): a medical student arranges his suture needles, forceps and gauze pads on the table;
  - (иглы свиной щетины): hog bristles have long been used for paintbrushes and art brushes;
  - (сосновые иглы, т.е. опавшие): mulch lightly with weed-free straw or pine tags and water;
  - (сосновые иголки, т.е. опавшие): a little patch of well-drained earth with full or half day sun, a couple of inches of well-rotted compost, straw or pine tags for mulch;
  - (цыганская): harness needle
  изборождённый - (склоны, и-ые оврагами и ущельями): the western side of each ridge was steep and difficult, but the eastward slopes were gentler, furrowed with many gullies and narrow ravines
  изваяние - (и-я обнажённых мужчин): he followed the marble treads as he descended between a gauntlet of nude male sculptures
  извивaющийся - (дорога / река ): meandering road / river;
  - (змея): the door knocker was in the form of a twisted serpent;
  - (червяк): squirming worm
  извилина - (береговой линии): an inlet is an indentation of a shoreline, usually long and narrow, such as a small bay;
  - a meander is one of a series of regular sinuous curves, bends, loops, turns, or windings in the channel of a river, stream, or other watercourse;
  - (мозга): the possession of a primate forebrain with a deep curiosity wrinkle furrowing it for better or worse
  извилистый - (автодорога): a sinuous highway;
  - (автодорога, т.е. горная): the scenic serpentine route A1;
  - (долина): a deep winding valley;
  - (дорога): winding / meandering road;
  - (дорога): the slow twisty road;
  - (каналы между коралловыми островами): those who ruled here put their trust in the tortuous channels among the corals that barred the way to any ship whose master wasn't privy to the anchorage's secrets;
  - (линия): wobbly line;
  - (река): meandering river;
  - (след змеи): the snake's undulating body cut a wide, curving track through the thick dust on the floor;
  - (тропа): a winding / sinuous trail / path;
  - (тропинка): he set off along a winding path through the rosebush;
  - (тропинка): the path was crooked, rocky and potholed;
  - (улицы): the winding narrow streets;
  - (шрам): a twisted scar
  изгиб - (в механике): in engineering mechanics, bending / flexure characterizes the behavior of a structural element subjected to an external load applied perpendicular to the axis of the element;
  - (дороги): curve in the road;
  - (реки): a meander is one of a series of regular sinuous curves, bends, loops, turns, or windings in the channel of a river, stream, or other watercourse;
  - (жёсткость на и.): bending stiffness factor;
  - (т.е. позвоночника, шейный, грудной, поясничый, крестцовый): viewed laterally the vertebral column presents several curves, which correspond to the different regions of the column, and are called cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and pelvic;
  - (продольный, в физике): buckling;
  - (со временем верхняя и нижняя поверхности профиля крыла самолёта приобрели ту или иную степень и-а): in time, both upper and lower surfaces (of the airfoil) were curved to a greater or lesser degree
  изгибание - deformation;
  - (т.е. в геометрии): bending
  изгибаться / изогнуться - (грациозно изгибаясь, крылья развернулись): with sinuous grace the great wings opened;
  - (змеиная голова изгибалась взад и вперёд): the serpentine head writhed back and forth;
  - (изгибающаяся змея): a twisting serpent;
  - (о теле): her body twisted, jerked and ground against him;
  - (спина изогнулась дугой): her back arched;
  - (стены помещения были изогнуты к нижней части танкера): the walls of the cavity were curved to the nethermost part of the ship's hull;
  - (танкер изогнётся, если залить водой передние и задние танки, оставив средние танки пустыми): if the stem and stern ballast tanks are allowed to flood with water while the center section is buoyant with air, she will arch like an acrobat doing a backspring;
  - (тело изогнулось в прыжке): her whole body flexed in a noiseless leap toward the reeds;
  - (человек изогнулся от удара по хребту): the figure arched as if kicked in the spine, threw up its arms, pitched forward, rolled once and came to rest half-obscured beneath the inspection catwalk
  изгибающий - (момент, в механике): bending moment
  изгородь - смотри файл OBJECTS
  изуродованный - I hear the young men that are being brought in now are very disfigured. Limbs missing and faces blown apart.
  излом - (вулканический грозит поглотить страну): the volcanic fissure threatens to swallow the country;
  - (неровный): uneven fracture;
  - (по горам проходил и.): a fissure ran over the mountains
  излучина - (реки): the campus is located on a bend of the river;
  - (реки): curve;
  - (и-ы реки): meanders
  измельчённый - (и. боксит размером до 100 мм и мелкие частицы): the crushed bauxite to 100 mm and the fines will be collected in the same belt conveyor
  - (зубок чеснока): 1 clove minced garlic;
  измождённый - (выглядеть и-ой): K.H. looks worn out on her 30th birthday. The busy schedule of K. is clearly taking a toll on her appearance as the actress looked gaunt and hollow-cheeked with dark circles under her eyes.;
  - (лицо): смотри ниже;
  - (человек): he looked haggard and almost used-up;
  - (черты): a man with the emaciated features of those who have endured disease and hunger
  измождённый (лицо) - (больного раком): the ravaged face of the cancer victim;
  - a gaunt face;
  - his face still looked drawn and strained;
  - (болезненно и-ое): his face still looked unhealthily drawn;
  - his face looks white and haggard and ghostly
  измочаленный - (кусок верёвки): the frayed length of rope that was serving him for a belt
  изнанка - (сложите сшиваемые детали одежды и-ой внутрь): place the pieces wrong sides together
  изнаночный - (петля / ряд, т.е. в вязании спицами): purl stitch / row;
  - (сторона, сложите сшиваемые детали одежды и-ой стороной внутрь): place the pieces wrong sides together
  изнашиваться / износиться - (мельница всё больше изнашивалась): everything about the mill got shabbier and shabbier;
  - (шестерёнки изнашиваются): gears grind
  изношенный - (гитара): battered guitar;
  - (и. до дыр смокинг): his threadbare tax and yellowing boiled shirt;
  - (до дыр туника): threadbare tunic;
  - (одежда /туфли): worn-out clothes / shoes;
  - (оружие): some of the weapons may be decrepit
  изнурённый - he looked haggard and almost used-up
  изогнутость - (крыла): positive / negative camber
  изогнутый - (кинжал): he unsheathed a viciously curved dagger;
  - (конец анкерного болта): Two anchor bolts are positioned in the shaft. The curved ends are where the noise panels will be attached to each bolt.;
  - (поверхность крыла самолёта): early airfoils typically had little more than a slightly curved upper surface and a flat undersurface;
  - (рога барана): curved horns of a ram;
  - (стены помещения были изогнуты к нижней части танкера): the walls of the cavity were curved to the nethermost part of the ship's hull
  изодранный - (пальто): a tattered overcoat with long flaring panels and a tight waist
  изометрия - Isometric of a Cube with Circles Inscribed on its Faces
  изорванный - (пальто): a tattered overcoat with long flaring panels and a tight waist
  изрезанный - (берег): between the Adriatics and its rugged coast;
  - (берег): the peninsula has a mountainous interior and deeply indented coasts;
  - (земля была изрезана холмами и оврагами): the land was rumpled with hillocks and gullies like the blanket on an unmade bed;
  - (камни, т.е. эрозией в виде горизонтальных полос): incised rocks looked like wide-waled corduroy on the horizontal;
  - (и-ое колеями поле): a rutted field;
  - (и-ые колеями улицы): the deeply rutted streets of Kabul
  изрешеченный - (автомобиль / человек был изрешечен пулями): the car / man was riddled with bullets
  изрубленный - (клинок): hacked and blunted blade
  изрытый - (вид, отложения жировой и фиброзной ткани придают лежащей над ними кожей и. вид): cellulite is a colloquial term for deposits of fat and fibrous tissue causing dimpling of the overlying skin
  - (дорога): rutted / rutty road;
  - (дорога): he was bumping along a rutted forest track;
  - (b>и-ое колеями поле): a rutted field;
  - (оспой, лицо было изрыто оспой): his face was pitted, like he had spots when he was a kid;
  - (оспой, лицо было изрыто оспой): his face was pockmarked;
  - (оспой, человек с и-ым оспой лицом): a pox-scarred man;
  - (пейзаж был изрыт оспинами бомбёжки): the landscape around the airport was pockmarked from bombing;
  - (склоны, и-ые оврагами и ущельями): the western side of each ridge was steep and difficult, but the eastward slopes were gentler, furrowed with many gullies and narrow ravines;
  - (снарядами): shell-pitted battlefield;
  - (холмы были изрыты оползнями): the hills were pitted with rock-slides
  изувеченный - (взрывом): the sailor was disabled in the explosion;
  - (гранатой): Тhe boy was maimed by what appeared to be an unexploded grenade he had found in the fields. His left foot was amputated and his right leg was broken. He lost vision in his right eye.;
  - (корова): He discovered his cow mutilated under strange circumstances. The cow was found dead with its udders and reproductive organs surgically removed from its body.;
  - (нога): her crippled leg;
  - (плоть от плоти её): she saw the mutilated flesh of her flesh;
  - (рука): a maimed hand (he was missing the thumb)
  изуродованный - (лицо): the torchlight flicked across his mangled face, so that the scars looked darker and deeper than ever;
  - (лицо): her face was terribly disfigured;
  - (и-ое лицо станет нормальным): the doctors say that the facial disfigurement can go down with the time;
  - (опасность остаться навсегда и-ым): the risk of permanent disfigurement;
  - (плоть от плоти своей): she saw the mutilated flesh of her flesh;
  - (трупы): lurid tales of mutilated bodies
  изуродовать - (жену кислотой): Man Held on Charges he Disfigured Wife with Acid. ... The injuries, she claims are the result of having acid thrown on her by her estranged husband.;
  - (пейзаж): the landscape was defiled by power lines / by hideous bungalows;
  - (тела жертв): the serial killer mutilated the bodies of three of his victims
  изъеденный - (алтарь изъеден личинками древоточца): the wooden altarpiece is pockmarked with woodworms;
  - (бронзовый дракон, и. патиной): a mighty bronze dragon leprous with verdigris;
  - (и-ые плесенью казармы): Cleaning Up Mold-Infested Barracks;
  - (холмы были изъедены эрозией добела): the hills were pitted with rock-slides and clawed white by erosion
  изящество - (вести себя с и-ом): he was noted for dealing with these cases with fineness;
  - (города): the city had lost much of its elegance and luster during 40 years of Communist rule;
  - (за 40 лет коммунистического правления город потерял своё и. и величие): the city had lost much of its elegance and luster during 40 years of Communist rule;
  - (необычные для молодой женщины и. и выдержка): she had an unusual grace and bearing for a young person
  изящно - (вытереть руку): she stooped and daintily cleaned her hand on his tunic
  изящный - (балерина): graceful dancer;
  - (бёдра): slender thighs;
  - (брови): a little pucker appeared between her dainty brows;
  - (и-ым движением): she delicately rearranged her shawl;
  - (движения): graceful movements;
  - (девушка): a thin, good-looking blonde and apparently graceful;
  - (женщина): a beautiful and slinky woman;
  - (купол собора): the graceful arabesque dome of Sacré Coeur;
  - (латунный каркас): 5 discs of marble had been stacked and affixed to one another within a delicate brass framework;
  - (оружие, о луке): a huge but graceful weapon;
  - (платье, т.е. подчёркивающее фигуру): "How's my dress?" "Slinky.";
  - (почерк): his clear, elegant script;
  - (прожилки снега на камнях): the weather in its mountain fickleness shifts from rain to sun, picking out the delicate streaks of snow on gray stone;
  - (стеклянный сосуд): the papyrus was rolled around a delicate glass vial;
  - (стиль): the paper has good exposition and clear and graceful writing;
  - (человек): slender man
  ил - (т.е. в озере / пруду / реке): his feet were slipping over silt;
  - (т.е. в реке, частицы соли, ила и гравия): spinning particles of salt, silt and gravel have worked like diamond drills, carving out potholes and tunnels;
  - (т.е. накопившийся в септике осадок): hire a professional who will use a high-powered vacuum truck to remove the sludge from the septic tank
  илистый - (запах): a wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell;
  - (река): the sluggish flow of the twisting, muddy river
  иллюминатор - смотри файл OBJECTS
  иллюминировать - (заглавную букву в старинном манускрипте): illuminated capital from the Icelandic codex F.
  иней - (воск свисал похожими на и. потёками): a chandelier with candle stubs still resting in its sockets, solid wax hanging in frost-like drips;
  - (намерзание / нарастание / образование инея на трубопроводах хладагента): to prevent condensation or frost formation on refrigerant lines
  инкрустация - the surfaces of gold and silver inlay;
  - (по дереву): he stared in wonderment at the lid's hand-carved inlay - a five-petal rose
  инкрустированный - (драгоценными камнями): a gigantic tortoise with a jewel-encrusted shell;
  - (драгоценными камнями): a great wooden chest encrusted with jewels;
  - (клинки, и-ые алмазными зазубринами): daggers with blades that had been crusted with serrated diamonds, so they would cut deeper;
  - (крышка сундука была инкрустирована слоновой костью): the top of the wooden chest was inlaid with ivory;
  - (мебель): inlaid furniture;
  - (на крышке было инкрустировано изображение розы): the lid bore a beautiful inlaid design of a rose;
  - (потолок был инкрустирован мерцающими символами): the ceiling was inlaid with gleaming symbols;
  - (роза): the inlaid rose had been crafted of a pale wood;
  - (стол, и. маркетри): inlaid Marquetry oval table
  искалеченный - (взрывом): the sailor was disabled in the explosion;
  - (горбун): a deformed little hunchback, he was ailing throughout his life;
  - (гранатой): Тhe boy was maimed by what appeared to be an unexploded grenade he had found in the fields. His left foot was amputated and his right leg was broken. He lost vision in his right eye.;
  - (нога): Steinmetz had a deformed leg and also a hunch on his back;
  - (корова): He discovered his cow mutilated under strange circumstances. The cow was found dead with its udders and reproductive organs surgically removed from its body.;
  - (плоть от плоти её): she saw the mutilated flesh of her flesh;
  - (рука): a maimed hand (he was missing the thumb);
  - I hear the young men that are being brought in now are very disfigured. Limbs missing and faces blown apart.
  искорёженный - (дверь была искорёжена взрывом): the door was buckled by the blast;
  - (локомотив): A passenger train slammed into the back of stopped freight train. The impact left the passenger train partially derailed, its mangled locomotive resting atop the back the freight train.;
  - (металлический остов): the metal framework, twisted and buckled;
  - (обломки кораблекрушения): we"ll have a haunting glimpse inside the mangled shipwreck off the coast of Italy that just days ago was a proud ocean liner
  искоса - (взгляд и.): he missed the quick sidewise scrutiny of his companion;
  - (взглянуть и.): he shot a nasty look sidewise at John;
  - (взглянуть и.): he glanced sideways at R.;
  - (посмотреть на кого-л): he looked slantwise at her;
  - (смотреть и.): she kept looking at him sideways, as though frightened he might collapse again;
  - (смотреть и.): to look askance
  искра - the bullet struck the axe and ricocheted off with a spark;
  - (высечь и-ы, удар высек и. из клинков): I saw one sword come up to meet another, a clash that raised sparks from the blades;
  - (жизни): he endowed his creation with the life-spark;
  - (искорки в глазах от удара): the back of his head slammed into a stone wall behind him, tiny lights burst in front of his eyes
  искривить / искривлять - nightmare twisting and contorting his sharp features
  искривление - (позвоночника): I have curvature of the spine;
  - (конечностей и позвоночника): this booklet outlines some of the exercises capable of preventing deformities of the limbs and spine
  искривлённый - (дуб): gnarled oak;
  - (стены помещения были искривлены к нижней части танкера): the walls of the cavity were curved to the nethermost part of the ship's hull
  искристый / искрящийся - (вода): the shimmering water of the Bosporus;
  - (иней): the walls were covered in sparkling silver frost;
  - (струи): the sparkling jets of a tall fountain
  искриться - (бриллианты искрились на свету): the diamonds sparkled in the sunlight;
  - (о воде): the water frothed and glistened
  испарение - (едкие испарения): pungent fumes;
  - (калий кипит при 6670, выделяя ярко-зелёные и-я): potassium and boils at 6670, emitting an intensely green vapour;
  - (и-я хлора): At the center of the courtyard lay a large pool and spa. Faint fumes of chlorine trembled in the scorched air.;
  - (ядовитые): it is a barren wasteland, riddled with fire and ash and dust. The very air that you breathe is a poisonous fume.
  испачканный - (балахон): a stained off-white robe from chin to floor;
  - (бельё): put all soiled linen into the basket;
  - (джинсы были испачканы слизью): her jean was smeared with goo stinking to high heaven;
  - (кровью): the front of your car is smeared with blood;
  - (куртка, и-ая едой): a food-spotted vest;
  - (одежда была испачкана грязью): his clothes were daubed with mud;
  - (одежда, и-ая пятнами): he slopped beer down his already heavily stained blouse;
  - (рабочие, и-ые сажей): grimy workmen;
  - (скатерти и салфетки): the busser removes dirty dishes, soiled linen, glassware and silver from table and counter tops;
  - (фартук кузнеца, и. сажей): grimy smith's apron;
  - (челюсти, и-ые кровью): the jaws smeared with blood
  испачкать - (арахисовым маслом весь диван): the children had smeared peanut butter all over the sofa;
  - (джинсы слизью): her jean was smeared with goo stinking to high heaven;
  - (картину жизни): someone had soiled his pure picture of life;
  - (кровью): the front of your car is smeared with blood;
  - (одежду грязью): his clothes were daubed with mud;
  - (одежду едой): you have dribbled food all down the front of your jacket;
  - (репутацию): to smear the reputation of somebody;
  - (руки): to soil one's hands;
  - (руки): you"ll dirty your hands if you touch that machine;
  - (руки чем-л образно): these were top lawyers, the kind who wouldn't normally soil their hands with police work or criminal law;
  - (чтобы не и. папку): on the outside of the front cover a square of white paper had been pasted, and over it a larger square of cellophane to keep it clean
  испещрённый - (лицо было испещрено шрапнелью): his face was peppered with shrapnel;
  - (обложка была испещрена предупредительными пометками и указаниями по обращению с материалом): "Operation Witchcraft," read the title on the first volume. "Policy Regarding Distribution of Special Product." The rest of the cover was obliterated by warning labels and handling instructions, including one that quaintly advised the accidental finder to "return the file UNREAD" to the Chief Registrar at the cabinet office.;
  - (трава, и-ая чистотелом и анемонами): lawns of green grass dappled with celandine and anemones;
  - (униформа, и-ая зелёными и жёлтыми пятнами): their uniforms dappled green and ochre
  испещрить / испещрять - (лоскуты пересаженной кожи - щёки): his waxen skin-grafts mottle his cheeks;
  - (свет торшера с абажуром из стеклянных бусин испещрял пол отблесками и тенями бусин): a bronze floor lamp with a beaded-glass shade provided a brandy-colored light, dappling the floor with bead gleam and bead shadow
  исписанный - (густо и-ые свитки): close-written scrolls;
  - (убористо и-ые листы): these closely written sheets might have been reports
  исподлобья - (смотреть): tough-looking Mexicans sat glowering from doorways
  иссохший - (берег / деревья): sere lit bank / trees;
  - (земля): arid soil;
  - (лицо): there would be a day when his face would be wrinkled and wizen;
  - (осенние листья): the sere lit and withered leaves of autumn;
  - (розы): wizen roses;
  - (старуха): a wizened old lady
  иссушающий - (дыхание дракона): dragon's withering fire breath
  истёртый - (кольцо): the once dull and scuffed ring was bright and untarnished;
  - (ступеньки): he walked up the worn stone steps
  истлевший - (коврик): the snake was curled up on the rotting hearth rug;
  - (листья): drifts of moldering leaves;
  - (одежда): the body, pulled forward by the attempt, collapsed suddenly to a powder, leaving only a heap of greenishly mouldering clothes;
  - (останки): his mouldering remains lay beneath snow and stone
  истощённый - (подросток, т.е. который быстро растёт): he had the pinched, slightly unhealthy look of someone who has grown a lot in a short space of time;
  - (рыба): the infected fish become emaciated and suffer from deficiency symptoms;
  - смотри файл общей лексики
  исхудалый / исхудавший - (лицо): gaunt face;
  - (остатки разбитого ополчения, и-ие и голодные, нечёсаные и вонючие, не представляли большой опасности): These sorry discards from some defeated militia weren't going to be much of a challenge. They were all gaunt and hungry, matted and filthy.;
  - (человек): Yeltsin appeared, gaunt and unsteady
  исцарапанный - (холмы были исцарапаны эрозией добела): the hills were pitted with rock-slides and clawed white by erosion
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