абразивный - (диск для болгарок): abrasive disc for angle grinders;
- (порошок а. на ощупь): this powder has an abrasive feel, similar to pumice powder;
- (частицы): the polishing material is a fluid containing grinding particles
аверс - (монеты, т.е. лицевая сторона): obverse
авоська, авторучка - смотри файл OBJECTS
ажурный - (блузка): sleeveless shirt, white eyelet lace;
- (каменная резьба): to the east the sacristy and chancel erupt in a forest of 14th century buttresses, pinnacles and flowing tracery, culminating in the famous Decorated east window
аляповато - (выглядеть, о картинке): the picture looked terminally tacky infml
аляповатый - (картины): the small parlor was plainly furnished, but it had a home-like look; there were no cheap, gaudy pictures
амбразура - (для лучников в средневековом замке): the archers' slits in a medieval castle
американские горки, ампула - смотри файл OBJECTS
анфас - (фотография а.): A mug shot is a photographic portrait taken after one is arrested. Most mug shots are two-part, with on side-view photo, and one front-view.;
- (фотографии а.): full-face photographs of him taken in the court;
- top-quality fabric and uncompromising details like embroidery, applique and beading
арена - (выйти на а-у, т.е. для боя быков): In a traditional bullfight, men on horses wound the bull. Then others come into the ring to tire the bull. Finally, when the famous hero steps into the ring, to tease it a bit and kill it, the bull is bleeding and damaged.;
- (т.е. цирковая): dangling in midair sixty feet above the saw-dust ring, the acrobat swung in space dizzy-headed, his first appearance before the circus public
арка - (каменная): each stone archway
requires a central, wedge-shaped stone at the top, which locks the pieces together and carries all the weight, the keystone;
- (под железнодорожным путепроводом): an archway beneath the railway viaduct;
- (полукруглая): the typical Roman arch is semicircular;
- (проезд на велосипеде под а-ой воспрещается): the riding of cycles through this archway is forbidden;
- (т.е. проход под аркой): a giant stone archway, Arc du Carrousel;
- (стрельчатая): pointed arch
аркан - смотри файл OBJECTS
арматура - (т.е. трубы): pipe-fitting;
- (т.е. для железобетона): the crew delivered the cement and rebar to create a commercial quality airport;
- (здания из бетона со стальной а-ой): the block of office buildings was built of concrete on a steel framework;
- (предварительно напряженная / стальная): prestressing tendons (generally of high tensile steel cable or rods) are used to provide a clamping load which produces a compressive stress that offsets the tensile stress that the concrete compression member would otherwise experience due to a bending load.;
- (предохранительная): pressure-relief valves
арматура / арматурный пруток / арматурная сталь - (для железобетона): the crew delivered the cement and rebar to create a commercial quality airport
арматурный - (а-е стержни закрепляют в бетоне): reinforcing beams are anchored to concrete;
- (профиль / пруток / сталь для железобетона): rebar
арочный - (вход в колледж): the arched entrance to the college;
- (ниша): the painting was set into an arched recess above the tomb
аэрозоль - (для освежения дыхания): breath spray;
- (от тлей): aphid spray;
- the aerosol spray worked with the same instantaneous effect
аэрозольный - (баллончики / инсектицидные а-ые баллончики / а-ые пропелленты): total release foggers, also known as "bug bombs", are pesticide products containing aerosol propellants that release their contents at once to fumigate an area
аэрофотоснимок - aerial photographs of cities and towns across Canada;
- an aerial photo of Auschwitz
баба - смотри файл OBJECTS
бабий узел - to tie a granny-knot
багор, бак - смотри файл OBJECTS
бакенбарды / баки / бачки - he scraped whiskers from his face;
- a fat man with muttonchop whiskers;
- (рыжие): a man with red sidewhiskers;
- sideburns
балка, баллон, баллончик - смотри файл OBJECTS
балясина - it is important to have tight balusters; you don't want the railing to break
бандаж - (грыжевой): truss: a bandage or apparatus used in cases of hernia, to keep up the reduced parts and hinder further protrusion;
- (турбины): turbine shroud
банка / баночка - смотри файлы POSUDA, PEJZAJ, TRANSPORT (water)
барабан - (т.е. бетономешалки): the desired consistency (of concrete) is one that rains or sheets off of the barrel as it turns over;
- (коксовый): coke drum;
- (ротора компрессора): compressor drum;
- (тормозного колеса самолёта): wheel hub
бархатистый / бархатный - (кожа): the Bioactive Line restores to the face a velvety skin without defects;
- (пиджак): a mossy velvet jacket;
- (тёмно-синее небо): the sky was changing rapidly from deep, velvety blue to cold, steely gray
барьер - (б. безопасности / разделительный б., т.е. автодороги): he spied the police car and legged it past the pumps and sliding down the embankments. He sprinted across three lanes of westbound motorway and barely broke stride as he hurtled the crash barrier
бассейн - (т.е. здание в котором находится б.): pool house;
- (плавательный ): he vigilantly maintained his toned physique with 50 laps a day in the university pool;
- (плавательный): the chlorine that is used to purify water in swimming pools;
- (т.е. фонтана): a group of statues stood in the middle of a circular pool
башка - his glossy bald pate infml, barrel chest and belly made him the equal of his two companions put together
бегунок - (регулировочный б. на ремне безопасности): you must thread the end back through the adjustment slide exactly as shown in FIG 3
безбородый - (мальчишка / юнец): unbearded youth
безводный - (кислота): glacial acetic acid is a trivial name for water-free / anhydrous fml acetic acid;
- (пустыня): unwatered wilderness
безволосый - (грызуны): As vulnerable as naked mole rats seem, researchers now find the hairless, bucktoothed rodents are invulnerable to the pain of acid and the sting of chili peppers
безгубый - (щель б-ого рта): a lipless slit of a mouth
безделушка - смотри файл OBJECTS
бездна - (Люди б-ы): The People of the Abyss by Jack London.;
- (огненная): The Ring was made in the fires of Mount Doom. Only there can it be unmade. It must be taken deep into Mordor, and cast back into the fiery chasm from whence it came.;
- (океанская): krill discovered living in the Atlantic abyss
бездонный - (глаза образно): her fathomless black eyes were boring into his;
- (желудокобразно): that boy eats so much that he must have a hollow leg infml;
- (ледниковое озеро): a bottomless glacier lake;
- (пространство вселенной): the fathomless space of the universe
беззубый - (человек): the wizened, toothless landlord
безлюдный - (комнаты): the rooms were utterly deserted;
- (корридор): he was walking down a deserted corridor;
- (местность): the landscape around the airport was flat and desolate
безногий - (люди): legless men on electric carts;
- (ящерицы): snakes arose from lizardsd and are thus considered to be a highly specialized group of limbless lizards
безоблачный - (небо): the sky had been a near cloudless blue all day;
- (небо): cloudless sky;
- (небо): unclouded skies;
- (небo): swallows wheel and scream in the seamless bright sky
белёный - (стена): lime-washed walls
белокурый - (головка): her fluffy blond head was protruding onto the pillow;
- (женщина): she was blonde
берлога - (зверя): I'm like a big, strong predatory animal in his den;
- (т.е. место проживания образно): she is employed by a Swiss who descends from his lair in Bern twice a year to check the accounts and pocket the takings.
беруши - смотри файл OBJECTS
бескрайний - (леса): interminable forests
бескровный - (лицо): his face was bloodless
беспроводный - (телефон ): cordless phone;
- (телефонная трубка для стационарной линии): a cordless handset for a conventional landline
бесформенный - (брезент, т.е. сложенной палатки): misshapen canvas;
- (в наступающей ночи земля расплывалась б-ым серым пятном): the land faded into a formless grey under coming night;
- (масса, т.е. папирус, растворённый в уксусе): the vinegar would quickly dissolve the papyrus and by the time anyone extracted the secret message it would be a glob of meaningless pulp;
- (масса / месиво , превратившаяся в б-ую массу / б-ое месиво мякоть ладони): he plucked from the pulped meat of his palm such pieces of glass as he could;
- (пятнышко): the TV camera with a ten-power lens slaved into the fire-control radar showed the inbound warhead just as a featureless white blob;
- (сургучная печать): a fat-bellied bottle studded with a blobby wax seal;
- (туман): the smoke serpents grew faint, became a formless haze and vanished;
- (холмы): featureless hills;
- (холст): Like lightning, he set upon the hapless punching bag. He gave it blows, punches and kicks that roared like thunder upon smashing into the bag. For a moment, small pieces of the ceiling fell, then, as cracking was heard, the entire punching bag fell, collapsing into a heap of misshapen canvas, scattered chains and pieces of cement and plaster.;
- (холщовая сумка): he took a large, misshapen canvas bag out of the trunk
бечёвка - (воздушного змея): the wrapping off, the string held taut, the kite rose to heaven
бигуди - смотри файл OBJECTS
бижутерия - fake jewellery
бинокль - смотри файл OBJECTS
бирка - (на багаже, проверенном службой безопасности, т.е. аэропорта): that tag will be applied to security screened baggage only;
- (предохраняющая товар от кражи в магазине): the security officer saw her cut off anti-theft tags from two purses and stuff them into her shopping bag;
- (производителя, т.е. с указанием ухода за тканью): whether you hand wash or machine wash all nylon prty dresses will depend on the manufacturer's tag.;
- (с именем, т.е. на официантке): The waitress is Chinese. Her nametag says Lucy.;
- (б-и с указанием ухода за тканью): We test fabrics for shrinkage, colourfastness and other textile performance requirements appropriate to the fibre content and to the type of garment. Workmanship and care labelling BrE are also examined, our preference being given to machine washable fabrics.
бисер - (вышивка б-ом): top-quality fabric and uncompromising details like embroidery, applique and beading;
- (метать б. перед свиньями): I'm afraid you're casting pearls before swine with your good advice - he won't listen;
- (т.е. ручная вышивка б-ом; лиф, обильно украшенный бисером и вышивкой по талии): this strapless sweetheart ball gown is crafted from luxurious satin with a gathered bodice lavished with a hand-beaded and embroidered midriff
бита - (т.е. бейсбольная): смотри файл OBJECTS
битком забитый / битком набитый - (зал Палаты представителей): I walked into the packed House chamber;
- (зал суда был б. набит зрителями, свидетелями и родственниками ответчиков): another case was in progress, and the back of the courtroom was packed solid with spectators, witnesses and relatives of defendants;
- (кафе): the coffee-shops are always crammed;
- (расписание): my schedule was jam-packed;
- (трибуны были набиты б.): the stands were packed to the bursting point;
- (у меня б. набито, т.е. в гостинице): If you're looking for a bed, I've none to offer. I'm full to bursting.
битый - (посуда): smashed crockery;
- (стекло): they sprinkled broken glass and nails on the roads;
- (стекло): to use a piece of broken glass to cut wrist-bonds;
- (яйца): The eggshells of the emu are too strong for the bird to crack with its bill alone. Instead the black-breasted buzzard flies up into the air with a stone in its claws which it drops on the emu's nest. The bird then descends to eat the smashed eggs.
бледность - (весеннему солнцу ещё только предстояло позолотить его зимнюю б.): he was fair-skinned by nature and the spring sun had yet to tint his winter pallor
бледный - (блондинка): she was a wan, pretty blond;
- (выступление теннисиста образно): Britain's number-one tennis player gave a disappointingly lacklustre BrE / lackluster AmE performance;
- (девушка): I saw the girl at the palace that day. She looked most beautiful. Perhaps a bit wan. Drawn, as it were.;
- (б-ая, как воск, кожа): waxy white skin;
- (лицо): a pale / white face;
- (лицо): beads of sweat were breaking out over his pasty face;
- (лицо становится б-ым от страха): when somebody is afraid, his face gets sallow;
- (мальчик): a pale boy;
- (мертвенно-б. от пьянства): often he was pallid and shaky-handed from too much wine;
- (мертвенно-б. ): he was pallid and shy;
- (мертвенно-б-ое лицо): the ugly flush suffused his pallid face;
- (она была бледна, как повязка, которой была забинтована её голова): she was as wan as the bandages swathing her head;
- (от страха): he looked pale and frightened;
- (свет фонарей): the tallow lamplight;
- (человек): he looked pale and peaky;
- (человек): he was plump and pale;
- (человек): he looked very white and strained;
- (экономические показатели): if we continue to see a lackluster AmE / lacklustre BrE European economic performance then policy makers may try to talk the euro down or even make interventions in the market
блеск - (бриллианта): the cut of a diamond determines its brilliance;
- (в глазах): a steely glint in his eyes;
- (в глазах): gleam in his eyes;
- (в глазах): I could tell he was angry by the glint in his eye;
- (волос): the conditioner gives the hair a beautiful soft sheen;
- (волос): brown hair with golden glint;
- (для губ, т.е. косметика): lip-gloss;
- (доспехи были начищены до зеркального б-a): his armor was a silver plate polished to a mirror sheen;
- (льняные ткани обладают сильным естественным б-ом): linen fabrics have a high natural luster AmE;
- (лишить б-а образ премьер-министра): the near-collapse suggested that the Prime Minister's three years in office, the very accomplishment he boasts the most, had dulled his luster AmE / lustre BrE;
- (медные кастрюли были начищены до розового б-а): copperpots and pans had been burnished to a rosy gleam;
- (образно): in Claudius' evil gleam you can see why Gertrude threw her husband for him;
- (довольный б. в глазах): he sensed an unexpected glimmer of contentment in her eyes;
- (отполировать до зеркального б-а): he looked as if his personal tailor and hairdresser had polished him to fine sheen;
- (сиять зеркальным б-ом): his shoes shined to a mirror gloss;
- (б. сотрётся также образно): the luster will wear off;
- (стали): the glint of steel;
- (угля): the dark glitter of coal;
- (шелковистой поверхности ткани): Poplin, also called tabinet, is a heavy, durable fabric consisting of a silk warp with a weft of worsted yarn. As the weft is in the form of a stout cord the fabric has a ridged structure, like rep, which gives depth and softness to the lustre of the silky surface.
блесна - смотри файл OBJECTS
блеснуть - (зубами): "..." he said, flashing his brilliant teeth;
- (о глазах): his eyes flashed;
- (о металле): Something glimmered. He saw a curve of metal, barely poking half an inch out of the snow;
- (свет блеснул сквозь шели ворот): a feeble light was seen glimmering through the chinks in the weatherbeaten gate
блеснуть / блестеть - (глаза злобно блестели): his pale eyes were glinting maliciously;
- (глаза блестели от возбуждения): his eyes were gleaming with a peculiar excitement;
- (кожаные пальто блестели в светe фонарей): the policemen's leather coats glistened in the lamplight;