кайф жаргон (т.е. удовольствие) - (им всё было в к.): They were both around seventeen years old. They got a bang out of things, though - in a half-assed way, of course.;
- Whee! Who knew holding short-term Treasuries could be so exciting?;
- Whee! Remember that feeling as a kid, when you were jumping on the trampoline and you'd stomped and stomped until you'd gotten so high that for a brief moment that time seemed to stop?;
- Whee! I felt my baby kick tonight for the first time;
- (ловить / поймать к. от чего-л): смотри ниже;
- (под к-ом, т.е. от наркотиков): When you are high, it feels very much like your dreaming. When you are high, your vision gets messed up. Some people compare it to watching your vision in a movie theater.
кайф жаргон (ловить к. от чего-л) - (думаешь, я ловлю какой-то извращённый к. от того, что тебя обманываю?): do you think I get some sort of perverse kick slang out of cheating you?;
- (т.е. от героина): he got a quick rush infml from injecting heroin;
- (от джаза): Bing (Crosby) got a bang infml out of jazz, and shared it;
- (ловить к., т.е. от катания на лыжах): I am a freestyle skier. I like skiing because it is the coolest thing on earth, it gives me a kick infml.;
- (он ловил к., заставляя меня ждать): he was getting a kick out of making me wait;
- (т.е. от книги): I got a great bang out of this book;
- (т.е. приятно захмелеть): after about 2-3 drinks, I get a nice buzz infml and I only consume water for the rest of the night;
- (т.е. от телепередачи): the TV audience got a kick out of infml it
кайфовать - (т.е. от наркотиков): When you are high, it feels very much like your dreaming. When you are high, your vision gets messed up. Some people compare it to watching your vision in a movie theater.
каланча - (т.е. кличка слишком высокого человека): some examples of nicknames related to physical characteristics include "Beanpole" or "Short Fry" for a person who is tall or short
канючить - (дети канючили, чтобы им разрешили поиграть перед тем, как идти спать): the children were trying wheedling for some extra leisure before bed
капец жаргон - (вам к., т.е. по аналогии с нокдауном в боксе): Your secured creditors can repo the equipment or assets secured by their debt. If you're in the tree business and all your vehicles get repo'd, you are definitely screwed and down for the count fig.;
- (Если Т. подаст на него жалобу, ему к. Условно-досрочное освобождение отменят.): If she lodges a complaint, he's screwed infml. Parole revoked.
каприз - (зависимость канцлера от к-ов региональных партийных боссов): the revolt of her regional barons underlined the Chancellor's vulnerability to the whims of the 11 ambitious politicians, some of whom are eyeing the chancellery;
- (погоды): vagaries of the weather;
- (потакая к-у президента): When Nixon's special counsel Charles Colson arranged a night out at the Kennedy Center for Richard Nixon to conform to a sudden presidential whim, he was dressed down by chief of staff H.R. Haldeman in these terms: "You could have put the President's life in jeopardy, the Secret Service wasn't prepared.";
- (у него были свои к-ы): he had small personal follies;
- (к-ы читательских вкусов): due to the vagaries of public taste, it's all but impossible for authors to predict which books will find publishers
капризничать - (дети начинают к.): once kids get bored, they get cranky, start crying and once the fidgeting and ants-in-the-pants set in well you've all but lost the battle;
- (дети капризничают, оттого что они нездоровы, несчастны или ничему не обучены): children are naughty solely because they are ill, unhappy or untrained;
- (четырёхлетний малыш капризничал, оттого, что его разбудили): The four-year-old was cranky at being woken. "I want Mother," he said.;
- о ребёнке): People of all ages like to eat out. While some kids are impressively well mannered, those who act up can ruin the experience of others.;
- (о ребёнке): when the young boy acted out and was violent and unsettling, his adoptive mother thought it was a good idea to stick him on the plane and send him back to Russia;
- (ребёнок закапризничал): the child began to grizzle
капризность - top officials are resigned to such fractiousness
капризный - (девушка): a beautiful but moody girl who's ready to sleep with you one moment, scream on you the next, then completely ignore you, sleep with your friends but then cry on your shoulder begging for forgiveness when you try to leave her;
- (дети): once kids get bored, they get cranky, start crying and once the fidgeting and ants-in-the-pants set in well you've all but lost the battle;
- (женщина): she is a small, feisty, sometimes capricious woman;
- (женщина): a fire wants as much watching, and coaxing, and attending to as a fractious woman;
- (кот): Do you have a finicky cat that often plays with her food, refuses to eat it and then meows in protest, demanding something else? A fussy cat that refuses to eat can be hard to deal with, not to mention the pitiful howls for food that follow.;
- (младенец): The baby has started to become very fussy and cranky on her last 2 main feeds - 4pm and 7pm, worse on the 7pm. She jerks, cries, and can't seem to latch on to the teat, her tongue gets in the way - it's like she has forgotten how to latch on.;
- (младенец): the lullaby soothed the fractious baby;
- (ребёнок): Ever since my daughter turned three last months, she has been like a moody teenager. In the last hour we've had three major meltdowns. Once because she wanted to wear her green pants like me. Once because her juice was out of ice. Once because I had sandals on and she had tennis. I am out of patience.;
- (ребёнок): Sometimes children can react to things that they eat such as dairy products. It can make them cranky, hyper, over-stimulated, etc.;
- (ребёнок): a cranky baby
кататься со смеху - After a time, Jack came to the palace of the King of all the Birds, and there at the front gate were a sparrow and a crow marching up and down with matchlocks on their shoulders. Now at this Jack laughed fit to split.;
- we were rocking with;
- he collapsed in a fit of giggles
каторжный - (труд): writing was an underfunded, arduous sometimes backbreaking form of secretarial work
каюк разг - (Если Т. подаст на него жалобу, ему к. Условно-досрочное освобождение отменят.): If she lodges a complaint, he's screwed infml. Parole revoked.
кидать / кинуть (т.е. обмануть) - (кого-л): he pulled a fast one on me by paying me with a worthless check
кипеть - ( в сценарии кипели страсти): emotions are running high in the script;
- (внутри него всё кипело от гневаобразно): his insides writhed with anger;
- (деревня кипела от потрясения): the whole village had seethed with shocked curiosity and ill-disguised excitement;
- (о ненависти): a boiling hate erupted in his chest;
- (о чувстве, внутри него всё кипело): his inside seethed;
- (от возмущения): she's been simmering with resentment ever since the meeting;
- (к. от гнева): lascivious guffaws down by the door prompted one of the Lord's men to half draw his sword, the rest stirring with anger;
- (к. от гнева): he is absolutely incandescent with rage;
- (к. от злости): In order to embarrass him, they deliberately wasted his time. It made him seethe with anger;
- (к. от негодования): to simmer with indignation;
- (от несправедливости): the injustice of it all welled up inside him so that he wanted to yell with fury
кипучий - (идеализм): the exuberant idealism of the Kennedy Administration;
- (натура): everything about her incenses the left - her bubbly personality, her high-pitched voice, her lively manner of speech and facial expressions;
- (к-ая политическая культура Гонконга): the chief executive had his hands full balancing the boisterous Hong Kong political culture with the much conformist Chinese central government;
- (энергия): I cannot help but recognize the carnal appeal of his vitality
кипятиться образно (т.е. злиться) - (к. из-за кого-л): Ron was seething about the teacher;
- "Hog damn," fumed he;
- (к. из-за чего-л образно): "What have you got so het up slang for?" "I'm not het up about that horrid old Nazi."
- (он будет к., называть Р. ничтожеством, но потом согласится): he'll huff and puff and call R. a fuck-up, and say: not this time, junior, but he'll come through;
- He tore my ears off for disseminating half-baked rumours. I said to him, "I was only reporting. No need to get hot under the collar."
кирдык разг (т.е. придётся плохо) - (как ни крути, ему к.): whichever way he looks at the situation, he's screwed;
- (он понял, что ещё немного и ему к.): He'd taken care of the one with no problem, but the others had been wound up. One wrong move and he had been cornered. They'd circled him like vultures, and he thought he was about to bite the big one infml.
- (Если Т. подаст на него жалобу, ему к. Условно-досрочное освобождение отменят.): If she lodges a complaint, he's screwed infml. Parole revoked.
кисло - "They don't have tank commanders painting rocks around the motor pool, as we do," B. noted sourly
кичиться - (...и он кичится этим перед нами): "Did he confess to the crime?" "He's too smart for that. But he did it, Judge. And he wants us to know he did it. He's rubbing our faces infml in it.";
- (своей утончённостью): he was standing out like a sore thumb in his elegant London-tailored suit as if flaunting his sophistication to a group of men who hated all forms of Western-ness;
- (к. своим патриотизмом): he hated sanctimonious demagogues parading as patriots;
- (к. своими пороками): the king flaunted vices of the most sordid kind with a cynical indifference to public opinion;
- (к. своим презрением к пристойности): these young women wore short skirts, bobbed their hair, listened to the new jazz music, and flaunted their disdain for what was then considered acceptable behavior
кишка тонка разг - (у него на это к.т.): Al Gore won't run for president because he hasn't got the stones infml for it;
- (если у тебя на это к.т.): If you haven't got the stones for it, go back to the camp. I can play the victim.;
- (у этих ребят к.т.): Those Merrill Lynch guys have no balls infml. Their idea of taking a risk is pissing in the shower.
классно разг - (к. провести время): I met loads of great guitar players and had a cool time
классный разг - (автомобиль): a cool sports car
клеить - (девочек): How to Pick Up Girls: A Guide by Girls for Boys
клеиться (т.е. знакомиться с особами противоположного пола) - (к кому-л): the woman at the bar was coming on to slang me
клёво жаргон - cool!;
- (как только дела начинают идти к., обязательно случится неприятность): once things are going hanky dory AmE slang, trouble must arrive
клёвый жаргон - (платье): her dress is really cool;
- (тёлка / чувиха): a total babe;
- (чувак): he's a cool slang dude
клюнуть - (Они пытались ей ещё морочить голову... Она на это не клюнула.): They tried to fed her more of the same bullshit story about it taking five days to get it into the computer system and transfer it into another computer system. She wasn't going for it.
клянчить - (сигарету): sometimes, the traffic police might also cadge infml vulgar a cigarette, then ask the driver to light it
кобылка - (горячаяразг, т.е. сексуальная): she's hot to trot infml
коварно - (действовать, о наркотиках): these drugs act insidiously;
- (спросить): "Do you live all alone?" the box inquired cunningly
коварный - (Альбион): the French used to refer to Britain as "Perfidious Albion";
- (Бог хитёр, но не коварен): god is subtle but he is not malicious;
- (болезнь): an insidious disease;
- (изощрённость): the international community should oppose the insidious sophistication of terrorists with united, thoroughly calculated and decisive action;
- (интриганка): she was a deceitful scheming little thing;
- (месть): sly revenge;
- (мир): I am certain of nothing in this fickle and treacherous world;
- (наличие свинца в окружающей среде является к-ым фактором, который может привести к необратимым изменениям здоровья): lead exposure is a particularly insidious hazard with the potential for causing irreversible health effects;
- (оговорка): an insidious rider as a condition for...;
- (отравление - убийство для к-ых): poisoning is murder for the underhanded;
- (план): they execute a devious plan to cause ships to run aground, pillaging their wrecks;
- (политик): at the age of 71 he was craggy, brooding and immensely cunning;
- (политик): a crafty politician;
- (раса): "rguing with Griphook about whose race is most underhand and violent isn't going to make him more likely to help us, is it?" Hermione says.;
- (ремесло мошенников): partnerships among law enforcement agencies in the U.S. and Canada are making it tougher for cross-border scam artists to ply their deceitful trade;
- (скалы): to navigate the treacherous rocky shores;
- (т.е. служанка): her housemaid L. is a young, catty eavesdropper;
- (сумасшедший): a madman is twice as cunning as anyone sane could be;
- (тактика): wily tactics;
- (тебе предстоит спасти его из лап к-ой распутницы): now it's down to you to save him from the clutches of a scheming harlot
коварство - (Альбионa): the perfidy of Albion;
- (в нём нет к-а): When Jesus saw Nathaniel coming toward him, he exclaimed of Nathaniel, "Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile old use!" (John 1:47);
- ("К. и любовь" Шиллера): "Intrigue and Love" by Friedrich Schiller;
- (изощрённое): the international community should oppose the insidious sophistication of terrorists with united, thoroughly calculated and decisive action;
- (краснокожих): it is always the redskin who attacks, and with the wiliness of his race he does it just before dawn, at which time he knows the courage of the whites to be at its lowest ebb;
- (лисье): "I offered to present scientific backing for your beliefs. And I did!" "Yes, you did - with a fox's subtlety, for your pretended explanation backed our beliefs, and at the same time removed all necessity for them.";
- (прaвителей): the perfidy of Pakistan's rulers;
- (к. прaвительства заключается в том, как оно десятилетиями скрывало эти данные): The insidiousness comes from the way the government hid this data for decades;
- (при всём своём к-е, он умер, как и остальные): for all his astuteness, the judge had gone the way of the rest;
- (с макиавеллиевским к-ом): he did it with Machiavellian subtleness;
- (к. смены ударов, т.е. в драке): the cunning of switching from jab to hook;
- (к-ом убедить подписать документ): he persuaded her to sign the document by guile fml
козёл отпущения - a fall guy is a person who is used as a scapegoat; someone who ends up taking the blame for the actions of another person or group
кокетка - And since she has plunged Tavy head over ears in love with her without any intention of marrying him, she is a coquette, according to the standard definition of a coquette as a woman who rouses passions she has no intention of gratifying;
- (она высокомерная к., которая сама виновата в своих несчастьях): she is an uppity minx who's the author of her own misfortunes;
- (она страшная к.): she's a huge flirt
кокетливо - (к. сдвинутые набекрень каски): their steel helmets tipped saucily awry to suggest a lack of discipline;
- (к. захлопать ресницами перед кем-л): I fluttered flirtatious eyelashes at him;
- (к. сделать ударение на последнем слове): "Why thank you, sir." I stress the last word flirtatiously, batting my eyelashes at him deliberately.
кокетливый - (девушки): flirtatious girls may flirt with guys who they consider to be just friends, and it can be misconstrued as a crush;
- (женщина): is she open, trusting, flirtatious or more enclosed and introspective?;
- (поведение): flirtatious seductive behavior
кокетничать - (с кем-л): flirtatious girls may flirt with guys who they consider to be just friends, and it can be misconstrued as a crush
кокетство - there was no attempt at flippancy or false coquetry on his part
колкий - (высказывания): her rapier-like wit and biting sarcasm had been compared to the stinging utterances of the legendary Dorothy Parker;
- (комментарии): he made a rather tart comment;
- (комментарии): pungent comments by leading Congressmen expressing growing skepticism about foreign aid;
- (литературный стиль): a pamphleteer with a biting literary style;
- (ответ): a stinging retort;
- (ответ): I was about to make an acid reply;
- (ответ): he expected a tart response to his mockery;
- (ум): she was known for fierce integrity and withering intelligence;
- (ум): his political opponents feared his mordant wit;
- (юмор): her mordant sense of humour
колко - (сказать): "That explains a great deal," said M. tartly
колкость - (выдержать его к-ти): they were too young to have grown sufficiently thick skin to withstand his caustic remarks;
- (обменяться к-тями): the Vice President traded quips with the talk-show host;
- (обменяться к-тями): Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson clashed on Friday over Russia's alleged interference in the Brexit vote even as they sought to mend ties after years of antagonism. They also exchanged barbs on everything from Russia's alleged interference in British politics to Moscow's involvement in Ukraine and Syria, and the atmosphere at times grew tense during their joint news conference.;
- (причинять боль своими к-ями): she causes me endless pain with her snide remarks;
- (терпеть к-ти): his hide's thick enough to put up with snide remarks;
- there was a barb in his casual geniality
колоть - (в боку, у меня кололо в боку, т.е. после бега): I had a side stitch today because I decided to push the pace a little at the end of longer than usual run;
- (в боку, у меня кололо в боку): for the past two weeks I've had a stitch in my side that only comes out when I start to even walk too fast;
- (грубая ткань колола кожу): He unfastened his cloak and tossed it at her. She clutched it against her chest. The coarse weave was scratchy against her skin.;
- (страх колол его изнутри, как иголками): fear jabbed at his insides like needles
колотьё - (в боку): A side stitch is usually a cramp in the diaphragm - the large muscle located between you lung and abdomen that controls breathing
колоться - (грубая ткань кололась): He unfastened his cloak and tossed it at her. She clutched it against her chest. The coarse weave was scratchy against her skin.
кольнуть - (её кольнула обида): she felt an immediate flash of resentment;
- (шрам кольнул): his scar gave a painful twinge
колючий - (ткань): What fabric is itchy? Sometimes wool can be scratchy and rough, so wearing it against your delicate skin can lead to itching and even rashes or hives.;
- (характер): his prickly personality
колющий - (боль): he was awoken by a sharp stabbing pain in her chest
комок нервов - I have been under so much pressure in the office and at home recently that I am little more than a bundle of nerves.
комплекс, комплексовать - смотри общий файл
конфуз - (ей грозит к.): Palin Faced with Embarrassing Situation. The governor is facing fresh embarrassment after the arrest of the woman who's due to become her daughter's mother-in-law;
- (пережить унижение и к.): in 1804, while still in Harrow, Byron suffered a moment's humiliation and discomfiture when in response to his classmates' intimation that he was admired for his wide ranging knowledge of publications and literature - and that surely this must be owed to his reading of Reviews, he responded naively: "what is a review?"
копаться в грязном белье - (т.е. мусолить сплетни о личной жизни): as the newspaper raked muck last year with the apparent motive of destroying Clinton, it aired Bush's dirty laundry with little apparent reason except to exonerate him
кореш жаргон - an old pal infml of mine;
- every professional criminal would sell his sidekick slang unhesitatingly if the price were right;
- the young inmate is enduring the vicious bullying of his cellmate, sidekick of G-Wing's psychotic "top-dog", S.D.
корыстный / корыстолюбивый - (женщина): a smart and self-interested woman who strives to escape the poverty and servitude dictated by the lowly circumstances of her birth
- (т.е. люди): Andersen's only error was to exaggerate the effect of one small boy's voice among the brayings of the self-opinionated and self-interested;
- (к-ные интересы / цели, бесстыдно преследовать к-ые цели): he accuses advocates of free enterprise of pursuing unabashed self-interest with no concern for the common good;
- (избавьте меня от ваших к-ых оправданий): spare me the self-serving justifications;
- (политик): self-seeking politician
корыстолюбие - (просвещённое к. больше способствует стремлению к счастью, добродетели и общественному благу, чем общество, сильно зарегулированное временными государственными деятелями): many advocates of the marketplace argue that enlightened self-interest is often more conducive to the pursuit of happiness, virtue, and the common good than is a society massively regulated by temporary public leaders;
корысть - self-interest motivated the Good Neighbor policy;
- (поддерживать кого-л как из к-ти, так и из сочувствия): she will back him, out of self-interest as much as compassion
косноязычный - he stumped around, up and down the sidewalk, an inarticulate man stymied by the complexity of his emotions
косный - (Олимпийский комитет): he persuaded the hidebound Olympic Committee to...;
- (постановки оперного театра): Great is Manhattan's Metropolitan Opera. But most of its stagecraft is pompous, hidebound, stodgy.
косо смотреть образно (т.е. не одобрять) - (благочестивая женщина косо смотрела на политическую деятельность мужа): the deeply pious woman had always looked askance at her husband's political activities;
- (британские власти к. смотрели на браки между британцами и немцами): in early post-war decades, marriage between Brits and Germans was much frowned upon by the British authorities;
- (на разрешения на ношение оружия смотрели к.): He probably had a gun permit, but in Ford County one was not really needed, not in 1970. In fact, permits were frowned upon.;
- (пуритане к. смотрели на развлечения): strict Puritan ideas still prevailed, and such recreation was frowned upon;
- (фирма к. смотрела на разводы, т.е. сотрудников): the Firm had never hired an unmarried lawyer, and it frowned heavily on divorce, as well as womanizing and drinking;
коту под хвост разг - The movie dragged on like a piano recital. My husband and I looked at each other like "There was 2.5 hours of my life down the toilet."
коченеть - (руки закоченели на морозе): my hands grew numb in the sharp frost;