забаллотировать - (Конгресс забаллотировал пакет гуманитарной помощи, т.е. проголосовать против): Congress voted down a package of humanitarian aid;
- (т.е. не выбрать при голосовании): he was initially blackballed because of a dispute he once had with a couple of the committee members
забарахлить - I was talking to her when suddenly the telephone went haywire infml
забастовать - (шахтёры забастовали): the miners went out on strike
забастовка - record numbers of stranded holidaymakers fill airports as the baggage-handlers strike reaches its second week;
- (массовая): mass walkout
забвение - (её работы были преданы з-ю): despite some new editions of her chamber music after her death, her works fell into oblivion;
- (кануть в з.): the Emperor Qin Shi Huangdi had revolutionized China for 20 years only to sink into oblivion;
- (кануть в з.): these allegations will fade into oblivion;
- (картина была предана з-ю / канула в з.): for the time, the picture fell into obscurity;
- (Лета - река з-я): Lethe is the river of forgetfulness;
- (преданы з-ю): our ancestral traditions were relegated into oblivion;
- (предать з-ю): there are parts of the city which history relegated into oblivion because of incompatible land use, industrial contamination, incorrect planning, inefficient land use or economics;
- Laplace saved the paper from oblivion in his monumental treatise "Théorie Analytique des Probabilités";
- probability theory was emerging from a century of neglect
забегать / забежать (забегAть вперёд, т.е. слишком торопиться) - I was getting ahead of myself when I started asking questions about the job that I did not have;
- we don't want to jump the gun disapproving by making a statement about what caused the explosion before the investigation is completed;
- don't skip ahead if you find the program too easy;
- this will be important to understand later on, so don't skip ahead;
- (забегая в.): finally - to glance ahead - in 1924 Congress passed another bill;
- смотри файл DVIJENIE
забирать / забрать - (автомобиль из автосервиса): I took my vehicle into J. auto service center for a radiator flush and fill. When I came in to pick up my vehicle I presented them with a coupon 50% off a radiator flush and fill.;
- (з. автомобиль покойного с полицейской стоянки): the car isn't the object of a criminal investigation and is only here until a member of the deceased's family comes and picks it up;
- (т.е. арестовать, стража забрала нескольких самых явных буянов): the Watch took off a few of the more obvious ruffians;
- (багаж, т.е. с кругового транспортёра в аэропорту): I picked up my luggage off of the baggage carousel and noticed that the handle was broken;
- (т.е. багаж по прибытии самолёта): We had an uneventful flight into Faro. After an interesting experience with the automated gates I can now use with my high tech biometric passport, we retrieved our cases.;
- (т.е. багаж по прибытии самолёта): I retrieved my bag and found that it's been damaged;
- (багаж, т.е. просьба к транзитным пассажирам): all passengers connecting to U.S. flights will be required to claim their baggage;
- (з. в больницу): they took him away to the hospital;
- (выручку, т.е. о владельце картинной галереи): She runs an art gallery in the old city. She does not own it. She is employed by a Swiss who descends from his lair in Bern twice a year to check the accounts and pocket the takings.;
- (груз): to collect freight;
- (з. деньги, т.е. в банке): one million marks had been transferred to the Bank from Beirut and collected in cash by X.;
- (з. детей с улицы, т.е. беспризорных): it takes more than money to take children off the street;
- (его забрали в отделение полиции): he was taken to the police station;
- (з. жалобу [обратно]): The court persuaded them to try a reconciliation and she agreed. She dropped her divorce complaint.;
- (заявление, т.е. о поступлении в медицинское училище): the inscription fee will not be refunded if you choose to withdraw your application;
- (заявление): Can I withdraw a written statement to police? Not because I"m scared, but because it's right. The person I wrote the statement on didn't do that I had thought.;
- (з. из холодильника всё): the fridge had been emptied of all his favorite things;
- (з. исковое заявление): local Republican Party bigwigs applied a full court press on her, hoping to coerce her into dropping her lawsuit;
- (з. кого-л, т.е. автомобилем): to collect somebody;
- (кого-л, т.е. автомобилем): they would drive us to our destinations, drop us off and pick up a few hours later;
- (з. кого-л в облаве, т.е. арестовать): he was picked up in one of the sweeps by the Russian police and their East German acolytes;
- (з. личные вещи, т.е. из гостиничного номера при пожаре): Fire Instruction Notice. ... Do not stop to collect personal belongings.;
- (з. льготы у заключённого): there's a number of privileges that can be taken away from the prisoners for bad behaviour;
- (з. назад признание поражение): Al Gore retracts his concession of defeat as his camp doubts Florida verdict;
- (з. оборудование с базы): he made arrangements for ammunition and other high-technology equipment to be picked up at an out-of-the way naval base;
- (он забрал всё, что было мне дорого): he has taken everything I held dear;
- (з. пакет у связного): you have to pick up a package from a contact, but you are being tailed by the local fuzz;
- (патрульные машины забрали людей, спящих на улице, т.е. после убийства): local tramps and down-and outs were interviewed (after the murder), patrol cars combed the area and picked up men sleeping rough in central areas of the city;
- (полиция забрала его): one day the police came and took him away;
- (полиция забрала его, чтобы допросить): the police had taken him in for questioning about her death;
- (з. рабочие инструменты с построенного судна): the last of the workmen picked up their tools and left the ship alone;
- (т.е. з. ребёнка с танцев): she pedaled away to collect her niece from dancing class;
- (з. свой паспорт у капитана, т.е. о матросе): he secured his passport from the Captain and slipped ashore;
- (смерть забрала кого-л): Mrs. S.H. died yesterday at her home and 20 minutes later her husband expired. It had always been their wish that when death claimed one, - it would claim the other and their request was granted.;
- (судно ехало, чтобы з. груз в А.): she was on her way to pick up a cargo of almonds from Anatolia;
- (з. талоны на питание): the refugee has to walk three miles to collect his vouchers;
- (з. у кого-л жизненную силу): the demon drained them of their lifeforce;
- (з. у кого-л свободу): they want to take away our freedom
- (з. что-л у кого-л): you have precisely an hour to recover what has been taken from you;
- (т.е. шпион может незаметно з. пакет): he can pick up the package unobserved
заблаговременно - he tried to telephone me in advance, but discovered I had gone ex-directory;
- (следует предупредить з., т.е. об увольнении): under common or contractual law an employer can dismiss an employee at any time, although a period of notice must normally be given (save in cases of gross misconduct) or a payment in lieu of notice is made
заблагорассудиться - (действовать, как им заблагорассудится): the cost of medical research will increase astronomically if physicians and universities continue to act in a high-handed manner;
- (королей можно ставить и снимать как заблагорассудится): kings are yours to hire or fire;
- (по закону не положено, чтобы чужестранцы бродили, где им заблагорассудится): it is against our law to let strangers wander at will in our land;
- (поступать, как ей заблагорассудится): the pro-abortion crowd says that whether or not a fetus is human is beside the point because it's inside a woman's body, and therefore her property to do with it as she pleases
заблокировать - (бои заблокировали район города): the fighting has completely shut down the area around the Imam Ali Shrine;
- (т.е. место было заблокировано и обеззаражено): the site was sealed off and decontaminated;
- (з. дверь мусорным ведром): he jams a rubbish bin across the frame to stop them from being disturbed;
- (законопроект): if the President produced а bill the senator didn't like, he could filibuster it to death;
- (инертные газы заблокировали поверхность нефти в трюме танкера): inert gases from the main engine exhaust flue were fed into the hold to expel oxygen and seal the surface of the crude oil;
- (одна ветвь власти могла бы полностью з. другую): a President is treated differently in that system because if a prosecutor could use the power of the judicial branch to sanction a president to get his testimony, to imprison a president, then one branch could utterly disable the executive branch, and we can't have that;
- (полиция заблокировала улицу): police blocked off the street;
- (з. программы иммиграции и выдачи рабочих виз как минимум на 12 месяцев): Congress should consider putting on hold immigration and work visa programs for a minimum of the next 12 months, giving its current citizens a chance to keep their homes, find (or hold onto) jobs, and support their families;
- (з. работу духовки и конфорок): The feature allows the user to lock out all oven and surface burner operation. When locked, there can be no unintended oven or surface burner activation.;
- (з. сделки с посторонними): he threatened to do everything in his power to block any deals with outsiders;
- (з. систему связи): While in the Navy, we were told to keep communications brief as possible. This allowed others an opportunity to use the same communication system without tying it up.;
- (з. учётную запись, т.е. на компьютере, как разблокировать заблокированную учётную запись?): How can we recover a locked out account?
заблокироваться - (система заблокируется, если компьютер не узнает код): if the computer does not recognize your account number, this system will automatically shut down
заблудившийся - (найти з-ееся животное или человека): wolves were running through the outskirts of K. until they found a straggler, either animal or human
заблудиться - I fear we have lost our way;
- my parents drove me to college, and for some reason we got lost in Boston;
- either Gandalf was astray, or else the land had changed in recent years, for he did not strike the stream where he looked to find it;
- why do you think that we have gone astray?
заблудший - (т.е. ошибающийся): it is unlikely the truth will emerge as to whether he is a deluded mercenary who drew Afghan officials into his web, or a misled crusader hung out to dry;
- (перевоспитание з-их): reformation of errant men;
- Beijing and its wayward province of Taiwan
заблуждаться - (з. насчёт чего-л): during this period B., deluding himself over the aims of National Socialism, gave it his support, which he withdrew in 1934;
- (он заблуждается, если думает, чтo eго повысят): he's deluding himself if he thinks he's going to be promoted this year;
- (он заблуждается, когда думает, что верховодит, т.е. заключённый в тюрьме): he mistakenly believes that he has the upper hand;
- (он не заблуждался на этот счёт): he had no such delusion;
- (сильно, если вы имеете в виду сговор, то вы с. заблуждаетесь): if it's collusion you have in mind, you're very far afield;
- After reading the news, participating in key industry conferences and doing some thinking, I've come to the following conclusion: the regulators - and Congress - are barking up the wrong tree fig. They would have you believe that the equity markets are rigged, retail investors are screwed and that the market structure is flawed. They would further argue that the equity markets are in need of dramatic new regulation, flash orders and high frequency trading are the root of all evil and that "dark pools" are something promulgated by Darth Vader. I have only two words to say to Congress, the SEC and the White House: Bull. Shit.
- (родители): if the brain is malleable, it is also vulnerable to the ambitions and mistakes of others, whether they are misguided parents, well-meaning cultural trendsetters or despotic national leaders
заблуждение - parrots often scream simply for the fun of it so it is a fallacy to think they perceive that yelling is a reprimand;
- some trainers say you should never look a horse in the eye - Tim explains why that's a fallacy;
- (абсолютизация традиций - это з.): seeing traditions as a cure-all / overemphasizing traditions / making a fetish of traditions, as though we only need to restore the well-forgotten past and everything will be fine, is an illusion / wishful thinking;
- (введение в з. ): Misrepresentation is a contract law concept. It means a false statement of fact made by one party to another party, which has the effect of inducing that party into the contract. For example, under certain circumstances, false statements or promises made by a seller of goods regarding the quality or nature of the product that the seller has may constitute misrepresentation.;
- (ввести / вводить в з.): смотри ниже;
- (вводящий в з.): смотри ниже;
- (т.е. думать, что кража собственности компании - это мелочь): many people think that theft of company property is not too serious, and such notice will make it clear that this is a misconception;
- (не вывести из з-я / остаться в з-и, опасения, что те, кто поверил в ложному сообщению, т.е. в газете, не будут выведены из з-я / не останутся в з-и): Most complainants want prompt corrections given equal prominence to the original story, and few find the discreet mention of a mistake on a page and at a time chosen by the editor a sufficient remedy. Unapologetic, discreet corrections do little to assuage people's fears that the majority of those who believed the original story will not be disabused.;
- (покончить с з-ем, что ограниченная ответственость компаний есть благо): it is time to end the delusion that limited liability is a natural good;
- (политика во Вьетнаме была з-ем): our policy in Vietnam was misguided, doomed to fail;
- (распространённое): A common misconception about foreclosure auctions is that investors bid on properties. The truth is that investors bid on mortgages (also called liens).;
- (распространённое): contrary to a popular misconception among young American males, the penis is not a muscle that flexes into erection;
- (у владельцев котов бытует з., что царапание мебели - попытка кота точить когти): many owners have the misconception that scratching is merely the cat's attempt to sharpen his claws;
- Some introductory physics exam questions can be solved by rote application of problem-solving algorithms. Many students take home the lesson that rote understanding works well enough. To avoid this pitfall, many instructors put especially challenging problems on exams, problems harder than those encountered on the homework.
заблуждение (ввести в з.) - (введённый в з.): are suicide bombers "martyrs" or misguided fools?;
- (все, кого ввело в з....): the editors apologize to anyone who was misled by the original solution to this problem;
- the internet led me astray;
- (ввести в з. комиссию): the speaker had violated the tax laws and there was evidence he had intentionally misled the committee about it;
- (комиссия была введена в з. группой учёных): the Commission was misled by the panel of academics that advised it;
- (доводы Республиканской партии, т.е. США, вводят в з.): the GOP talking points are red herrings;
- (ввести в з. самых близких людей): the idea that he had cheated and misled those closest to him was upsetting beyond words
заблуждение (вводящий в з.) - (заявления о прочности изделий): the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has issued orders against some manufacturers, prohibiting them from making such false or deceptive durability claims;
- (заявления, формально верные, но вводящиее в з.): statements that are technically accurate but intentionally misleading;
- (информация / сведения, лицо, предоставившее вводящую в з. информацию / вводящие в з. сведения): to properly allege fraud in the state of Florida when making a claim in the courts, you have to allege: 1) a misrepresentation of a material fact, 2) which the person making the misrepresentation knew to be false, 3) that the misrepresentation was made with the purpose of inducing another person to rely upon it, 4) that the person relied on misrepresentation to his detriment and 5) that this reliance caused damages.;
- (предположение было оотброшено, как вводящее в з. ): the defence suggestion that pointed to alternate suspects who were not properly investigated by the RCMP, was dismissed as a "red herring" fig;
- (рассуждения): casuistry: specious, deceptive, or oversubtle reasoning, especially in questions of morality;
- (советы): There's a lot of misguided career advice out there that suggests doing what you "love". But loving to cook and wanting to stand in a restaurant kitchen for 11 hours a day are two different things.
заболевание - (инфекционное): the spread of an infectious illness in a handful of hospitals has stirred some of the concerns among Canadian health experts;
- (инфекционное): to check the delirious man for communicable diseases;
- (т.е. карликовость): The boy was born with a rare form of dwarfism. His condition stunted his body's growth, but it didn't interfere with his positive attitude;
- (опасность з-я гриппом): you can reduce, but not eliminate the risk of catching or spreading influenza during a pandemic by covering your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing, using a tissue when possible;
- (профессиональное, у работающих под землёй шахтёров на железных рудниках бывает рак лёгких как профзаболевание): West Cumberland iron-ore miners who work underground experience an occupational hazard of lung cancer;
- (редкое неврологическое): he had been suffering from multiple system atrophy, a rare neurological disorder;
- (страдающие з-ями мозга): sufferers from brain conditions;
- (т.е. такие как припадки, диабет, аллергия, клаустрофобия, расстройство обоняния): have you ever had one of the following conditions: seizures (fits), diabetes (sugar disease), allergic reactions that interfere with breathing, claustrophobia (fear of closed-in places), trouble smelling odors;
- (укажите з., которое может помешать или не позволить вашему ребёнку участвовать в баскетбольной программе): please list any medical condition that would impair or prohibit your son/daughter's participation in the R. Basketball Program;
- (хроническое): in medicine, a chronic disease is a disease that is long-lasting or recurrent;
- (хроническое): thanks to a chronic medical condition that requires a steady supply of expensive prescription medications, she is on a tight budget;
- a most grievous affliction of the skin
заболевать - people started getting sick;
- then animals started to sicken
заболеть - (з. брюшным тифом): the family came down with typhoid;
- (остеомиелитом): he cut his foot on a piece of metal and contracted severe osteomyelitis;
- (позвонить на работу и сказать, что заболел): you can call in sick;
- (з. раком брюшной полости): he was taken ill with abdominal cancer;
- (з. сибирской язвой): he has contracted cutaneous anthrax;
- (смертельно з. возвратным тифом): when she becomes deathly ill with tick-borne relapsing fever...;
- (спидом): an estimated 40000 Americans contracted HIV last year;
- (столбняком): you can get tetanus if you cut yourself on a rusty nail;
- (т.е. чувствовать боль): he squeals when it starts to hurt;
- (т.е. чувствовать боль, ветер, от которого заболели уши): the rush of icy wind that was starting to make his ears ache
забор - (воздуха): air intake;
- (образцов / пробы, т.е. для анализа на ПСА / з. образцов должен осуществляться до манипуляций с простатой): Specimen Collection and PREPARATION. No special preparation of the patient is necessary. Specimens for free PSA testing should be drawn prior to such prostatic manipulations as digital rectal examination, prostatic massage, transrectal ultrasound (TRUS), and prostatic biopsy.;
- (з. образцов осуществляется способом, исключающим гемолиз): specimens should be collected in such a way as to avoid hemolysis;
- (образцы следует обработать и положить в холодильник в течение трёх часов после з-а крови): specimens should be processed (centrifuged) and refrigerated within three hours of blood draw;
- (т.е. оградa): garden fence
забота - (весь в з-ах): rumpled and careworn as ever, he gives me a crushing handshake;
- (внимание и з.): our soldiers deserve our care and solicitude;
- (второстепенная): in a spreading economic crisis, "saving Social Security" is a secondary worry;
- (годы забот и трудов): years of worry and toil had carved deep lines into her face;
- (государственные з-ы): whatever cares of state or other annoyances might prey upon the monarch's mind, his story-teller was sure to send him to sleep;
- (для каждого дня достаточно своей з-ы): sufficient into the day is the evil thereof;
- (заботы жителей засушливых регионов): water rights and other matters of concern to dwellers in arid regions;
- (з-ы и тревоги): he didn't want to go back to all the troubles and worries;
- (меня тронула его з.): I was touched at his concern.;
- (не твоя з.): she's not your concern;
- (з. о вопросах стиля): his preoccupation with questions of style borders on piety;
- (з. о суверенитете страны): this solicitude for the sovereignty of the North Vietnam's neighbors would have been touching had it been so unprecedented;
- (з-ы общественности): I thought about how to present the issues I championed and better relate them to the public's concerns;
- (отсутствие з-ы, у мышей отсутствие з-ы о детях возникает и как врождённая черта, и в результате воспитания): in mice, child neglect is a product of both nature and nurture, according to a new study;
- (такая з. с вашей стороны): thank you, sir, it's very thoughtful of you;
- (твоими заботами): a few days alone would be enough to rob me of the little health I have regained under your clumsy care;
- (тебе и без того забот хватает): you've got enough to be getting on with at the moment;
- (это не твоя з.): it's not your concern;
- (я была тронута их з-ой): Friends who'd guessed that something had been wrong with me, called to inquire. I was touched by their solicitude.
заботить - (единственное, что его заботит): the only thing he cares about is money;
- (меня заботит, выиграем мы или проиграем): I really care whether we win or lose;
- (хорошие манеры ребёнка - з. нянек): most nannies wouldn't have been very concerned about the little boy's table manners
заботиться - (Америке не придётся з. о том, чтобы их выручать): he didn't add that, that way, America wouldn't have to worry about bailing them out;
- (з. друг о друге, т.е. о брате с сестрой): He wants to know if she is the sort to go missing or take off without leaving a note. Never. We are tight, you know. We look after each other.;
- (мне нужно з. о своей репутации): I've my reputation to consider;
- (не заботясь о том, что это были за объекты): they were content to rely upon formal manipulations without worrying too much about what the objects they were manipulating actually were;
- (о больном): when you're sick I'll take care of you;
- (т.е. о госте): my host family took good care of me;
- (о детях, она заботилась о детях): she was looking after the children;
- (о детях, ты должна з. о своих детях): you must see to your children;
- (з. о душевном и духовном благополучии пациентов): registered nurses who work with holistic remedies attend to the mental and spiritual well-being of patients by providing massage therapy, aromatherapy, acupuncture and biofeedback;
- (з. о ком-л, т.е. обслуживать): I want a man to see to my needs;
- (з. о людях в первую очередь): Just like the old boy. He'd always see the men right first. They didn't come like that any more.;
- (з. о предстоящих выборах): legislators care more about the coming national election;
- (з. о своём обогащении): now they'd have the wherewithal to see to their own enrichment, and America needed only offer expertise and advice about how to enter the capitalist world with both feet, and open eyes;
- (о себе): as his mother and the moving van took off, he suddenly realized he had to grow up fast and fend for himself;
- (з. о себе, он может о с. позаботиться): he is a big boy, he can look after himself;
- (з. о собаке): he was looking after the dog while we're away;
- (з. о том, чтобы выдвигались квалифицированые люди): I will endeavor to see that nominees are qualified;
- (з. о том, чтобы линии на кортах были свежими): he saw to it that the white lines on the tennis courts were fresh;
- (з. о том, чтобы он хорошо ел): his mother fussed over whether he was eating enough and the state of his laundry;
- (з. об интересах кого-л): he had her best interest at the heart;
- (организация имела целью з. об устройстве членов): the aim of the organization was to see that former SS men established themselves in commerce and industry;
- (Отдел путешествий Белого дома заботиться о журналистах, путешествующих с президентом): the travel office charters planes, books hotel rooms, orders meals and generally takes care of the press when they travel with the President.;
- (отец, заботясь о моём здоровье, велел перекопать полы, обработать стены антисептическим раствором и побелить): The previous occupant having died of tuberculosis, people with some misgiving regarded his office and residential quarters. My father, naturally solicitous about my health, had the mud floors dug up, the walls treated with an antiseptic solution and profusely lime-washed; and the whole place fumigated with sulfur and incense.;
- (т.е. отец заботился о детях): he was a tough taskmaster, but we knew he cared about us;
- (потребители, заботящиеся о калориях и содержании жира): consumers that are concerned about calories and fat content have multiple options; reduced-fat milk contains 2% milk fat and low-fat milk contains 1% milk fat;
- (фирмы заботятся о том, чтобы музыканты получили свои деньги): some companies see to it that the musicians get their money
заботливо - (предлагать выпить): he offered drink solicitously, like aspirin for a headache;
- (ухаживать за автомобилем): he drove the car with a ferocious aggression, while tending it with loving care
заботливость - (от его з-ти у меня поднялось настроение): his kind concern lifted my spirits
заботливый - (женщина): Latin women are very caring, faithful, loving, and make wonderful mothers;
- (женщина): such woman is called nurturing, such man is called sentimental;
- (мать): his feisty, nurturing mother;
- (няня): a doting nurse;
- (персонал родильного отделения): all staff on maternity ward was very caring;
- (з. по отношению к старикам): my children are always very considerate towards old people;
- (хозяин): the house was fronted by a terrace, from which the careful owner had brushed the morning's snow;