Майсурадзе Михаил Васильевич : другие произведения.

Two angels

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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Let me tell you one true story
About love and death, and glory.
That was time of pretty women,
Strong brave men and honest human.

There lived one bad black angel;
He was evil, but he was magic;
He killed people just for fun,
Every man except the one.

That man was not really man,
'Cause he could not feel the pain,
He was angel, good white one;
And he wasn't afraid of gun.

Black and white, as death and life,
One could kill by means of sight,
Another one could treat by hands;
Black had power, white had sense.

One night they began the fight,
And they fought so many nights.
White angel cut the wings of black
And then put knife in his back.

Black angel died, but white was hurt:
He had his wings cut in the dirt;
He had become human being,
He had lost the endless living.

Poor white guy, he saved the Earth,
But he got God's cruelest curse;
And today he is among us,
He's looking for 
                 his new own path.

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