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Soul Cry (en)

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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I don't want to let you go 
I've just want to touch your feelings 
I want do for you whatever you want 
In Simple ways my thoughts are moving 

They came to you when you've been sad 
They always come to you, when you are shining 
They found the own way to you 
They always breathing, always open

I'm in love with you, every time when you breathing 
I'm in love with you, when secretly watch you sleeping 
I love each time of your avake, your dreams your touch, 
I love your feelings

And even words can never say 
how much I love you and I need you 
You are the one, whom I obtain, 
I love your soul, I love your spirit 

You are the best for me 
You're in my heart and Soul
- you everywhere 
My unique, dear, lovely Man 

Let be you always,- who you are 
Don't trust to words of non believers.
Just open mind and full your heart
You find you way, you must believe it! 

Don't do that things, that burning you 
When they detach your own seeing 
Just listen voice inside of you
Reach what you want and what you need. 


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