Лунева-Лучишина Оксана : другие произведения.

The First Time Ever, The Last Time Ever

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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The first time ever, I saw your face,
My body, my mind, just entered Space. 
Your eyes they shone, just like the stars, 
To guide me on my way to Mars,
You spoke some words, I did not hear,
My heart awoke amidst a cheer.
The first time ever I walked with you, 
Your hand in mine around the Zoo.
We looked at all of Noah's pairs,
And wished like them we had no cares. 
We smiled, we talked, we laughed aloud, 
Imitating peacocks, we were so proud.
The first time ever I kissed those lips,
I smelt your skin, just like rose-hips.
I whispered sweet nothings into your ear, 
And told your mind, 'No need to fear'.
I saw within, your heart of gold,
A mirror image - once so cold.
The in-between times, our lives were fun, 
Sharing each other, Loving the Sun.
How was I to guess, what would happen so soon?
When tragedy would strike, and burst our balloon.. 
I know to give 'Thanks', for all that we've shared, 
But in my heart, I was not prepared.
The last time ever, I saw your face,
Your eyes so sad, they'd lost their grace. 
Your heart so weary, you could not weep, 
Your body lay down, to seek out sleep, 
So soon, this Earth to leave you must, 
Finding Love, now lost - how so unjust.
The last time ever I breathed with you,
My heart shed tears, coloured rainbow blue. 
How could I live my abandoned life alone,
When both our hearts, had found a home, 
Eternal sleep I call unto you, 
To take me now, to my Love true.

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