Лунева-Лучишина Оксана : другие произведения.

Waiting For The Phone To Ring

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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Why do I wait, for the phone to ring? 
Hoping that it will, and make my heart sing. 
Was it only yesterday, holding each other, 
Saying life will change, now I will be a Mother.
It wasn't planned, it was a shock, 
Somehow I expected you to be like a Rock.
What am I to do, where will I go?
In two months time, I will begin to show.
Who to tell, who not to tell,
Will I be sent to Heaven, or to Hell? 
Have I the right, to bring a new life,
Into this world, even though I am no wife.
You promised to leave, your wife of seven years,
All of a sudden, I feel unspoken fears. 
With having to think, not only of myself, 
To think of another life, and their sacred health.
No phone call, instead, a knock at the door,
I can hear in the background, our favourite score. 
I open the door, and see tears in your eyes, 
Somehow, waiting for you, to tell me some lies.
You tell me its all over, you can't leave your wife, 
The Children need their Father, having another life. 
This wasn't the message, I wanted to hear,
All of a sudden, my heart filled with fear.

What have I achieved these forty years of life? 
Nothing but sorrow, anguish and strife.
Life's never easy, but for some I see,
Not a care in the world, everything comes free.
Now my dreams of sharing, our lives together, 
Were shattered the moment, you said 'Never '. 
And so I now know, this new life of mine,
Will have to be born, without your life-line.
The times I have waited for the phone to ring, 
My heart would awaken, and start to sing. 
Memories of our Love, will always be there, 
But now, my life will take on, another to share.
And so the best way, to accept my new life,
Is to disconnect the phone - no pain, no strife! 
My new life in me, will always be told,
'Their Father was a Hero, his heart was never cold'.
The Love we shared went beyond my dreams, 
For the time it lasted, no wrong did it seem. 
Like all good stories, sad endings are to play, 
Into our hearts, little voices have their say.

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