Лобанов Алексей Валентинович : другие произведения.

Why are you

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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            Why are you

                    Sep 25/ Y2K+2

 For a few month ago
 When you rode on a white horse
 Had you had an amount of a better drive in
 Nowadays you do grow
 And you have no choice
 Why are you? Why do you keep surviving
 Again. Within minimum range
 Of the greatest pain at the Elefant bone
 Undestructable evil tower
 You do play with thoughts of a Golden age
 And do make'em to leave you again alone
 With a tears of a Hollow flower.
 Why are you? Why are you
 Staying home when the leafs got yellow
 All. What you loved is dead.
 Or have burned, and nothing is true
 No one can to predict the deep in a shallow
 Grave, but you hope that not all is bad.

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