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Part 3. High-current electric rocket engine

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   Road in space. PART 3. High-current electric rocket engine READ ALL PART

High current electric rocket engine.

Andriy Lemeshko

   Readers are offered material on the topic of "electro jet engines". I emphasize that this is the author's vision of the problem. The way plasma or ion engines should be arranged, according to the author. Since, in fact, "electro jet engines" have already been invented, an essentially optimized version of those designs is offered to the reader's judgment. To shorten the text, some already well-known theoretical points regarding electric jet engines will be omitted.
      Plasma Accelerator
   Consider the Principal diagram of a plasma accelerator.
   In general, plasma accelerators are devices for obtaining plasma flows with velocities of 10-103 km/sec and more, which corresponds to the kinetic energy of ions from ~10 eV to 105-106 eV. At the lower energy limit, plasma accelerators are adjacent to low-temperature plasma generators - plasmatrons, and at the upper limit - with collective charged particle accelerators (see Acceleration of Charged Particles - Collective Methods). As a rule, plasma accelerators. are accelerators of a completely ionized plasma, therefore, the processes of excitation and ionization, as well as thermal processes, play an auxiliary role in them, in contrast to plasmatrons.
   Plasma flows with high speeds can be obtained in different ways, for example, by the action of a laser beam on a solid body. However, only devices (Fig. 1) in which plasma is accelerated and usually simultaneously prepared at the expense of electrical energy with the help of one or several special electrical discharges are classified as plasma accelerators proper


 There are plasma accelerators in the channel. there are simultaneously particles with charges of both signs - positive ions and electrons, i.e. there is no violation of quasi-neutrality. This removes the restrictions associated with the volume (spatial) charge (see the Langmuir formula) and makes it possible to obtain plasma flows with an effective ion current of several million a at a particle energy of ~ 100 eV. At ion currents ~ 1000 A, a particle energy of several keV has already been reached.
   Ions and electrons leave plasma accelerators with almost equal directed velocities, so that the main energy of the flow falls on ions (due to their large mass). Therefore, plasma accelerators are electrical systems that accelerate ions in the presence of electrons that compensate for the space charge of the ions.  
      Jet engine based on microwave air plasma
   The proposed engine is based on a prototype of a fuel-free jet engine created by Chinese scientists based on microwave air plasma.

Rice. 1. Schematic diagram of a plasma accelerator.

   A prototype plasma jet engine can generate the same amount of thrust pressure as a commercial jet engine using only air and electricity. The use of this prototype will make it possible to obtain simply a huge amount of 100% ionized plasma. What automatically turns the proposed motor into a high-current one. Let me remind you that conventional Electric Rocket Engines are designed to operate only in a vacuum. A high-current engine is also designed to work in the atmosphere if necessary. So, using elements of the Chinese engine, we can get an even more powerful and efficient engine.  
   High current electric rocket engine.  
   The proposed engine structurally has several basic elements. Let's analyze each of the elements of the proposed electric rocket engine.


  The shape of the nozzles in the form of "flared" is due to the fact that all substances are diamagnetic, to one degree or another. And plasma particles also have this property. This is a manifestation of plasma diamagnetism: it always tends to move into the region of a weaker magnetic field. Therefore, when creating a nozzle for a better outflow of plasma particles, it is necessary to form a magnetic field in such a way that the plasma bunch moves under the action of diamagnetic forces from a denser magnetic field to a less dense region of a minimum magnetic field. "Klesh" is just one of the options for implementing plasma acceleration due to a diamagnetic response to an applied external magnetic field. A magnetic field with such a configuration in space will additionally push out charged particles.


   Plasma generator
   As a plasma generator, you can use "Magnetron" + "RF Power Supply" + "AIR copmressor". Among plasma generators and accelerators, it occupies a middle place between plasmatrons and particle accelerators, like the railgun. Moreover, it theoretically can give 100% ionized plasma and accelerates the flow from both particles, both positive and negative. But I do not exclude that it is possible to achieve a greater effect between the microwave generator and the "deflecting magnetic field" should install a "railgun". Or even replace the Magnetron with a railgun.
      Magnetic mirror.
     This is where the main difference from conventional electric rocket engines begins. The Magnetic mirror also performs two functions "separation" and "acceleration"
   - separation, separates the gas into two separate streams. In one "sleeve" should go positively charged particles in the second negatively charged ions or electrons.


   How to achieve this? If the charges enter the magnetic field perpendicularly, then they rotate perpendicular to the magnetic field lines, but in opposite directions. If the particle enters at a certain angle to the magnetic field lines, then in this case the positive particles will move in a spiral into one sleeve, and the negatively charged particles into the other. Positive and negative articles end up at different poles of the Magnetic mirror particles.


   To do this, a deflecting magnetic field must be located on the path of the plasma, which ensures the entry of charged plasma particles at a certain angle to the magnetic field lines of the separating magnetic field. And ultimately ensures the formation of vortices from charged particles.


   How this vortex motion is explained by "ABS-book"




The second function of the Magnetic mirror is "acceleration" due to "Coulomb expansion".
   Coulomb expansion.
   As soon as there was a separation of charges between charges of the same sign, Coulomb repulsive forces arise, which greatly accelerate charged particles of the same sign.


   The meaning of separation is precisely to separate the charges and give an additional impulse to accelerate the particles due to the "Coulomb explosion" or Coulomb repulsion,


   which, in terms of efficiency, is not slightly lower than thermal expansion, and even surpasses it and occurs at relatively low temperatures
   . Magneto hydrodynamic accelerators
      The principle of operation of the Magneto hydrodynamic - generator is also known and well described in popular science literature. Magneto hydrodynamic accelerator is the same structurally as Magneto hydrodynamic - a generator operating on a hot gas jet.


  But instead of generating a current, an electric current is supplied to the Magneto hydrodynamic accelerator, on the contrary, which accelerates the jet of ions between the plates. Thus the Magneto Hydro Dynamic Generator becomes the Magneto Hydro Dynamic Accelerator
   Why do we need a Magneto Hydrodynamic Accelerator? Kinetic or thermal energy, as well as diamagnetic force, may not be enough to separate the plasma into plus and minus, so it is better to play it safe by using several Magnetohydrodynamic amplifiers as additional plasma accelerators.
   Transporting plasma particles with the help of Magneto-hydrodynamic-accelerators. From the injection site to the Magnetic mirror.
   Of course, the thermal and diamagnetic accelerations must exceed the decelerating effect caused by the Coulomb attraction between the particles at the injection site. But it's better to be safe, ideally, of course, one could do without Magneto hydro dynamic-accelerators, especially if it turns out that the acceleration caused by the "Coulomb expansion" is sufficient to create a high-velocity exhaust. But despite this, it makes sense to equip the exits from the Magnetic mirror with additional accelerators, which will additionally accelerate the plasma particles.
     -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHfCaqyZ5EY&t=204
     -- https://online.mephi.ru/courses/physics/electricity/data/course/5/5.3.html
     -- https://top-technologies.ru/ru/article/view?id=33821
     -- http://femto.com.ua/articles/part_2/2692.html
     -- https://www.booksite.ru/fulltext/1/001/008/072/391.htm
     -- https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Закон_Кулона
     -- https://building-tech.org/%D0%A2%D0%B5%D1%85%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%B8%D0%B8/sozdan-prototyp-bestoplyvnogo-reaktyvnogo-dvygatelya-na-osnove-mykrovolnovoy-vozdushnoy-plazmi
     -- https://studfile.net/preview/413180/

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