Last Optimist : другие произведения.


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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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  • Аннотация:
    Викония - это темная эльфийка, героиня обожаемой мной игры Baldurs Gate II. По сюжету там можно было крутить с ней роман, чем собственно мой герой и занимался. И по этому поводу даже стишок родился... на аглицком!

I was saving your life,
Not once and not twice.
But I"m still foolish man,
You"re - mighty and wise.

I was trying to find
Where is lie, where is truth.
What"s a pain that you hide?
But you told me: "You, youth!

You just can"t understand
How I lived, who am I.
All, that you can pretend - 
Lick my boots till they shine!

...But in spite of these all
I can"t live without you.
No one could make me fall!
- Fool! - you sang like a flute.


I"m whispering your name 
All night, my bed is cold.
With you I"ll go insane,
You are my greatest fault.

My dark, my ebon love,
Your eyes are full of fire.
No empty words, no dove - 
Just desire, just desire.

We have won many fights,
And you still were so high!
But in one rainy night
You have said me: "I lied."

I"m afraid of my past,
Please, don"t leave me alone!
Night has gone very fast...
All your feelings were blown!!!

CHORUS again.

You were using my love,
You were selfish and cruel.
Sometimes I cried: "ENOUPH!"
And you cried: "Dirty fool!"
But together we were.
Angry words, which you said,
I have always ignored, 
"Cos I knew - you just played.

So, in one rainy night, 
When no one could propose,
You have whispered: "You"re mine.
And I"ll always be yours.

CHORUS again and again and again and...

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Новые книги авторов СИ, вышедшие из печати:
О.Болдырева "Крадуш. Чужие души" М.Николаев "Вторжение на Землю"

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