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  • Аннотация:
    Horrible war at the central, North and East parts of Eurasia, that ends with Сonstituent Assembly of [[Tartaria]]

Initially, the event is declared to be "Revolution against corruption". Each local feudal, Pahan declare, that he or she "support revolution against corruption". However, each pahan declares his enemies as "corruptioners" and "fascists". This leads to war of all against all.

Pahans use all kinds of weapon they can get, including the chemical, biological and ecological (actually, anti-ecological) weapon. The communication lines had been disabled. The optical cables happened to be broken, sometimes intentionally, in order to disable communications of the enemy. The radioactive clouds did not allow to see, what is happening, from satellites; they block also the radio communications. So, from civilised countries, the war at the North of Eurasia appears just as big, horrible puff of dangerous contaminants. It is believed to give name to the phenomenon, "Big Puff", that gradually converted to "BigPuff" and then to Bigpuf

The collapse, failure of the revolution is also qualified as "puff", ''puf", and this also can be considered as source of event. Few authors, perhaps, independently, qualified the huge cloud of contamination as "big puff", and here it is; the new word is coined out.

For pahans and their military generals, the bigpuf appears as serious trouble: instead of get pleasure at their resorts and enjoy sunshine, vine, delicious food and female escort, they had to sit at their shelters and handle the military battles.

For other people, covered by Bigpuf, it appears as a fatal disaster, apocalypse, a last day of the Uiverse. Many civilians die in this disaster. Some other flee to the other countries seeking for a refuge. However, they were not welcomed there. First, they were too many. Second, the most of survivals have skills and reflexes that would be appropriate for a barbarian tribe in a wild forrest, but not for the refugee in a civilised country.

The international society met a serious moral problem.
They could not let the refugee enter their countries - this would mean crash of their civilisation.
They could not stop the avalanche of refugee with the machine gun fire - this would be qualified as "military crime", according to their own riles.
They could not stop the war in wild and highly contaminated area.

However, actually, all the three unappropriate ways above were somehow combined.

Many aggressive armoured bands (private armies) tried to run through the border, escaping from the puff of contamination, famine and enemy fire. They were hist destroyed with drones and missiles.

Some refugee, mainly those who knew some European language and children, were adopted in Europe.

Other refugees were forced to stay in the small spots with low contamination, and stayed there during years, surviving with the humanitarian help from the West. Their settles looked as concentration camps.

Other territories, covered with conflict, become a hell, tartar. The last word gave name of the region, Tartaria. [[Bigpuf]] is followed by the wave of robbery, murder and [[cannibalism]]. Some cannibals - those who have strong weapon (machine guns, cannons, grenades, etc.) - survived: mainly officers of army, police, agents of [[KGB]], [[vertuhai]]s, private armies and other bandits.

The International Military Forces (IMF), by the order of the United Nations General Assembly, tried to stop the Bigpuf during may years, without significant advances.
The pahans of fighting republics, under supervision of the IMF troops, could sign an agreement. Each few years, riot, plot in some of these republics took place; the new government declared the old government as criminal (and had reason for this). Soon, the new pahan and his men returned to the common style of robbering and plundering everything, and the neighbour countries were declared as guilty for the poor economic and level conditions, and the invasion to the neighbour farm seemed to be the only solution.

The General of IMF, Mark Arturov is ordered to stop the [[Bigpuf]] in a little bit fuzzy formula: Stop the civil war at Tartaria (Bigpuf) in any way and in any mode you find suitable, as soon as possible, but during century 21.

Arturov tried to intervene the most serious battle, to punish the most aggressive pahans, but could not reach the peace. He was fighting not against an organised enemy, but with heap of very aggressive ttibes. They liked the humanitarian help from the civilised countries, but not so strongly, as they hated each other. The more humanitarian help had been provided, the strongest become the battle for its distribution.. The conventional methods were not efficient agains guerilla.

Pahans used to send saboteur, robbers to territory of the neighbour; they destroyed and plundered as much as they could carry out and returned. The offended panhan used to send troops and drones to destroy the bandits, to the neighbour territory.. Then, how to understand, who again beguns the war?

Mark Arturov had heavy discussion with Secretary of the International Security Council.
- How to handle these people? They are bandits, robbers, burglars, knives, impostors, drugdillers, проститутес, alcoholics, kleptomaniacs, drug addicts, nazi, communists, terrorists...
- Sorry, my dear General. You have to work with that you have. We have no other people for you!

Arturov had blocked food supply to the fighting regions.
Arturov ordered to install a buch of web cameras along the borders and "disputed" territories.
Arturov ordered to install the communication cables - at least to allow pahans to speak each other before to fight again.
Arturov ordered to destroy any heavy weapon of any pahan who use it - tanks, missile launchers, warplanes. Many hostages were killed in these operations.
Mark Aturov got reputation of "bloody general"..

The BigPuf lasts until the beginning of century 22.


Mark Arturov failed to comply with the order, to finish the operation on time. The final peace had been achieved only 2100.01.04, with the 4 rahans. Kristo, Murka, Galey and Imar drown, en fin, the borders of their feuds and accepted the Reglament, that become Constitution of Tartaria.

The constitution imposed the personal voting for pahans. Pahans were sure in their popularity. Also they were sure, that if one does not wote as they want, the dissidents will be punished soon. Other points of the Constitution did not seem to be serious.

The new word, "coordinator", instead of "pahan". Why not?

English as national language. Not a big deal. The translators are not expensive, and anyway, all important things are handled by Mark Arturov and his officers in English. In addition, the Russian is kept as a "reserve language", and all important documents had the Russian version.
In addition, each pagan claimed, that he or she knows English well. Perhaps, the last was most important. The ambitions acted as a booster of the progress.

Mark Arturov made his last effort at the election of coordinators and judges: he employed many Tartarians as volunteers, and gave them mortabots. The Arturov's volunteers and their mortabots were to protect those, who voted agains the former pahan. Mortabots were so spy after the KGB agents, who shown any aggression against dissidents. Even sending of any blackmail, treats were qualified as "election fraud" - as well as attempts to crаck the system of counting of votes. The same, as attempt to lill any dissident. The Election fraud, by constitution, had been qualified as attempt to break the base of legislation of Tartaria. Mortabots used to kill the frauders. It is the only thing, that mortabots can do.

None of previous pahans won the election. The winner were those candidate, who had predeclared small military budet. It was so modert, that the wars become impossible. No way to pay manufacturers to make guns and pistons. No way to pay the soldiers. The aggression is economically-efficient, if the the aggressor gets "for free" a strong army. So, the first election of coordinators happened to be end of Bigpuf.
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