Having assumed a brand-new identity, the former predator stood still for a couple of moments with his eyes closed, savoring the novelty of his new lease on life and everything that came with it - new memories, a new body, clothes, you name it. The hunger was gone.
His victim, on the other hand, lay motionless at his feet. But not for long.
Best not to linger, and not just because Margo will be worried.
The former predator was satisfied with his new name, Artur, and quickly disposed of the trash bags and hurried back home.
As it slowly came to, the devastated victim found itself on the grass next to the dumpsters. As it stood up, it caught a glimpse of the door of the house across the street closing. For some reason, the house seemed strangely familiar.
But that familiarity would soon pass.
It had already transformed into something and someone completely different. Its appearance had changed - in many ways similar to a human but still not exactly human.
Hunger started to bite, and, with it, the urge to devour and take possession of someone else's life grew stronger. This new predator would make great use of the abilities and instincts it had just inherited from its predecessor.
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