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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками

   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 1 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-395>
   In Exotic Land old city.
   Shi Yan and the others were defending an old castle, two overlapping Milky Way that often the looks at space hangs, is waiting for the change of top of the head Milky Way.
   Ai Ya, Cai Yi and the others have not come to here, related here excuse, listens from elder's urging.
   These came here elder ' to say this Exotic Land situation, the change of each sixty year cycle is different, will face what here, does not talk clearly including them.
   Therefore, Shi Yan and the others can only do ' to pay attention the change of space carefully, wanting change from that day ' to understand thoroughly to select the what clue.
   In this old city, has like Shi Yan this kind of small team, but has not had the how intense fight temporarily.
   Can enter this Exotic Land team, is not the friendly stubble, decided all the way however has been through repeatedly bad risk ' to come with great difficulty, did not discover again Exotic Land had the change, before has not seen the rare treasure, these people were diving to cultivate to accumulate power, that moment of but for and other changes having, was good maintains the peak condition.
   Ning Ze has not looked, perhaps is because Devouring Gold Silkworm was received by Blood Vein Ring, let the relation of that Ning Ze and Devouring Gold Silkworm has interrupted, Shi Yan prepared for actually greeted Ning Ze arrival, what a pity Ning Ze as if really has not induced to their positions, has not appeared.
   Shi Yan in old castle height hundred meters, has the big size small several hundred rooms, the smallest room, has 70-80 squares.
   Before this old castle obviously is , the Refiner master lives, passed through ' they to discover in this old castle various rooms only then Refiner master with obtaining household utensils and cauldron that the furnace, some Refiner used.
   The Refiner labor has much, since has not actually left behind any Refiner material Exotic Land every other sixty year cycle to open one time to be discovered from Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist Exotic Land, crossed for several thousand years.
   These for several thousand years, there are innumerable Warrior once to enter here these old castles once to have the material that what Refiner has used, definitely also early were received to blow.
   Therefore, Shi Yan and the others have not wasted the time, goes to other old castle to search for what, but the main energy will place head Milky Way, waits silently.
   On this day, comes change Shi Yan, Cai Yi and the Ai Ya three people observation space by Brother Lao li, then with the aid in Monster Core, each one calmly cultivates.
   In a basketball court broad stone chamber, Shi Yan releases stars to be luminous, looks at that stars luminous spot of flashing eyes, comes imperial to move these stars luminous spots with Stars Martial Spirit, changes course to realize the stars revolution dozens stars luminous spots according to a strange celestial chart incident flow the heaven and earth highest good.
   The stars luminous spots, likely are the fresh fireflies, is circling in flight in this stone chamber, the shining stone chamber is splendid. The escape of each stars luminous spot hovers, traceable perhaps walks the curve, or walks the straight line, the arc is fluctuating, is different.
   The looks at that glittering stars luminous spot, his Sea of Consciousness also slightly ripples, realizes from experience the path changes of these stars luminous spots attentively.
   The mind indulges
   Since understood the Intent Domain importance, so long as has the leisure, he using Stars Martial Spirit, will release some stars luminous spots to come by his clear Star Manipulation celestial chart, comes imperial to move these stars luminous spots to try to seek for the rule, comprehends Stars Martial Spirit mysterious Intent Domain.
   When Sky Realm boundary, the comprehension of Intent Domain concerns the promotion of Realm, he[ body] because in Stars Martial Spirit pours into directly using Martial Spirit Origin Seal, to the Sky Realm boundary, wanted to comprehend this Stars Martial Spirit true meaning deep meaning, knows that the stars the mystery, is more difficult.
   Understood this point, he understanding thoroughly of Intent Domain, the comprehension of Martial Skills deep meaning, has regarded future main important items weapon stars luminous spot glittering, his total involvement investment ', as if has to spill over one to sink to the wonderful feeling of vast star territory.
   As if in the darkness, he above trillion stars with that nine days had the relation, this feeling is marvelous, making him invest, understood Stars Deep Meaning that ancient does not extinguish.
   Suddenly, from that Blood Vein Ring, transmitted a Earthcore Flame news to read.
   Total involvement Shi Yan of investment, awakes to turn around suddenly, opens eyes to look to intruding the beautiful figure of secret room, knits the brows:, 'Do you make what? Does outside have what to change inadequately?'
   Comes the human is Cai Yi.
   The bright dress wraps ' five colors colored ribbons her graceful ketone body, is dancing in the air in that dress corner, she comes eyebrow leisurely ' like the black eyebrow coloring, the eye such as the gem of illumination, under shine of that stars luminous spot, has one beauty that makes the human believe.
   'Outside does not have what to change, I come to here, is hopes that you can relieve the main soul for me restriction.' The Cai Yi tender body stopped, bites lower lip to say lightly ' lightly: 'You also said that we are the companions, since is the companion, you should not such to me.'
   Shi Yan curls the lip, hey sneers, 'I fear you not, when I am a companion.'
   'Crossed was so long, I know that I could not kill you' naturally unable to begin the what evil heart. ', Cai Yi shames to be angry: 'You under that frivolous I, I will want to kill you obviously' are also because your is sticky. You advocate the soul restriction to relieve me now, I ensure cannot continue to investigate your formerly frivolousness, when we write off, what kind, 'I had said' we left from Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, I naturally can relieve you to advocate the soul restriction. ' Shi Yan remains unmoved, shook the head ' said indifferently: 'You and Ai Ya, if collaborates to kill me, in this Exotic Land, my' is very carelessly easy your [say / way]. Sorry, I am untrustworthy you ' to advocate the soul to leave behind restriction in you, for at crucial moment, but also keeps in balance Ai Ya with you, your two woman plans are mean, I do not dare to relax to you. '
   The Ai Ya tender and delicate cheek, gloomy a point, however said suddenly bitterly: ' I advocate the soul to have restriction, has a mind to tie, is battling, cannot display complete power.
   This Exotic Land happens the change, all association will fight for the rare treasure fully, when the time comes my power will not display completely, has in a big way possibly dies ' you to think that here I do die here? '
   Shi Yan is as before aloof.
   'Said that you are what kind, is willing to relieve me to advocate the soul restriction?'
   Cai Yi silent a while, suddenly neck flood red, has turned around, she carries to Shi Yan ' is loosening the dress of upper body slowly, will be bright and clean creamy back ' revealing.
   She sheds the slender waist place the clothing, then stopped, two cover snow white heavy milk-white bosom ' to turn round, lowers the head the looks at tip of the toe, Cai Yi said with the housefly sound: 'I know your fondness, so long as you comply to relieve restriction for me, my I can let you, as soon as own perfumed hair-oil.'
   Cai Yi is naked the upper body, her white and tender flesh under shining of stars luminous spot, appears is dazzling ' the Cai Yi milk-white bosom is very full, her two cannot cover up completely, revealed the spot that has the astonishing beautiful condition, makes any man bloodlines spurt to open sufficiently ' is hard self-made.
   'My this person, although good beautiful woman, but is not stupid, will not crack a joke with own secure dangerours.', Shi Yan vision brilliant, dissolute looks at Cai Yi that exposed spot, hey said with a smile: 'You walk, before has not left Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, I will not relieve restriction for you, even if you hands over the body, will not change my decision.'
   Cai Yi gains ground suddenly, the beautiful pupil full is the anger, she stares Shi Yan maliciously, ka-beng straight sound that the silver tooth bites ' is wishing one could the ruthless condition that Shi Yan dismembers a body.
   Shi Yan hey sneers, in the mouth expressed admiration, 'your this body was indeed attractive, waits to leave Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, if you also want to give me' me not to shirk. En, my this person of initiative to beautiful woman, has liked very much, I am newcomer do not resist, definitely will not disappoint when the time comes you. '
   'I cursed you dead like a dog!' Cai Yi scolded one bitterly, the clothing that at once will slip off puts on ' then gloomy the face to leave.
   Sneers shaking the head, Shi Yan is muttering in a low voice: 'Appearance is actually good, what a pity is actually a viperous beauty, momentarily will reveal the poison fang, the opportunity is not right, otherwise you can escape my palm to be strange', has not cared the arrival of Cai Yi, after she leaves, Shi Yan continues meditation ' other mystery of that stars revolution in this stone chamber.
   On this day, indulges Shi Yan in Intent Domain, awakes to turn around once more.
   'Did Milky Way have the change?' Looks up to chilly Ai Ya, the Shi Yan knitting the brows head, stopped the comprehension of Intent Domain, has stood from the ground.
   Ai Ya and Cai Yi are different, she does not have the matter, definitely will not come, this time intrudes ' Shi Yan to know that rashly outside definitely had the well.
   'It is not Milky Way.' Ai Ya looks solemn, 'is four of that surrounding looks like mountain range, starting from yesterday, that four looked like mountain range as if quietly to have a change' in surrounding mountain range of that old city, has had the earthquake of small scope to appear. ' Also can hear in the earthquake from that four looks like in mountain range, transmits the Demonic Beast roaring plant '
   'Demonic Beast?' Shi Yan stares, at once moves toward outside, said lightly: 'Can once see Demonic Beast to appear?'
   'Has not appeared, but these Demonic Beast roars, are many.' Ai Ya facial expression is not quite fond of playing jokes, ', according to my estimation, perhaps several hundred various Level Demonic Beast, this is also only I from the roar from distinguishing, Demonic Beast true quantity, definitely also not to these, if these Demonic Beast broke in the old city, we decide however do not feel better.'
   'Several hundred Demonic Beast!'
   Shi Yan facial expression changes, he in this Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, lowest Demonic Beast that sees is six levels, has probably not seen has been lower. Even if six levels of Demonic Beast ' if several hundred heads, extremely with amazement, if also has many seven levels, this will influence be hard to deal with.
   'At least one-third Demonic Beast, are seven levels.' Ai Ya supplemented.
   In the Shi Yan heart one cold ' dignified gets up, 'looks like the change of Milky Way, should arrive at' these many Demonic Beast 11 to appear quickly, here will definitely not continue to get down tranquilly. ', So was saying, he left stone chamber ' to go to that Lao li and the others the standing sentry places.
   Outside the old city, four look like mountain range is swaying likely again and again, the sad rumbled sound, transmits from the distant place leisurely ' that four looks like mountain range in reacted, seems having some fearful change quietly.
   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 2 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-396>
   Shi Yan stands in the window place of old castle, with the Lao li two brothers looked to surrounding four look like mountain range, can see that obviously that four look like mountain range unceasingly rumbled, is having some fearful change quietly.
   An intermittent beast roar, from that four looks like in mountain range to transmit, as if has countless Demonic Beast, in that four look like in mountain range to be dormant, the preparation breaks in this old city, in smashing of all Warrior old city biting.
   In the beast roar, in Eastern Azure Dragon mountain range sees thunder and lightning glittering gradually, slowly from that four looks like in mountain range to sway from side to side. Western White Tiger mountain range, then has the violent storm to wreak havoc, these storms the giant rock will directly lead the heaven, rocks are containing wild violent power.
   Southern Vermilion Bird Mountain, bunches of Fiery Flame are beating, dyes the scarlet red that day together, as if the day was burnt down in Fiery Flame.
   Northern Black Tortoise Mountain, has the snow and ice to be faded and fallen, the snow flower extreme woods are piece by piece cold, in rests, that Black Tortoise Mountain had been covered by the snow and ice, that region, has become the world of cladding in silvery white.
   Azure Dragon, White Tiger , Vermilion Bird and feast military, these four god beast mountain range changes again and again, caused to inspire some ancient formation, these thunder and lightning, storms, roaring flame and snow and ice, did not limit in four look like mountain range, was spreading toward the old city, was close to this old city.
   Four look like the change of mountain range, makes Demonic Beast that leader concealing gets up, suddenly is crazy.
   In deafening beast roar, several hundred first six levels and seven levels of Demonic Beast, in abundance after that mountain range clashes, in the beast eye is flooding the cruel savage vision, acting boldly regardless of one's safety dashes about wildly toward the old city.
   Demonic Beast that three great slug and silver lovelace wolves, the monoclonius python and saber toothed tiger, these usually little see, 11 appear Demonic Beast crowds to well up the tide to be ordinary, quick broke in the old city.
   In the old city Warrior in many masonries, saw with own eyes that four look like mountain range to change is quite panic-stricken, drills in abundance from the old castle, the attack of dignified looks at Demonic Beast, is alerting secretly.
   'Careful, evidently this Exotic Land mutation, should start.', Ai Ya deeply frowns, 'multi-thread Demonic Beast are so more than Warrior quantity, carelessly, by these Demonic Beast surrounding, feared that is runs away very much difficultly.', Cai Yi, Lao li and Lao Lun three people are also solemn, emerging of looks at Demonic Beast, while convenient took Imaginary Space Ring rare treasure, prepares to deal with these Demonic Beast fully.
   Has hidden other team Warrior in old castle in the entrance of old castle to stand firm, looks at Demonic Beast that clashes together from the ground and sky, each expression is serious.
   These Demonic Beast as if know that the condition in old city, breaks in the old city, immediately disperses to flush away toward the old castle that each can hide.
   The masonry in old city, there are many windows, these windows cannot prevent Demonic Beast that these can soar, after these Demonic Beast come, with the brute force the guard rail of window ripping the smashing, drilled into the masonry to start to search for obvious Warrior. Demonic Beast regarding invasion human Warrior, the extreme hatred, their missions as if must extinguishing kills all human Warrior.
   Ten first six levels of blue scales hawks, three first seven levels of monoclonius pythons from each window bench drill to the masonry that the Shi Yan five people of institutes are , the blue scales hawk can the hovering horizon, the mouth be sharp, the sharp claws such as the steel knife is common, braves the dense cold brightness.
   On this blue scales hawk has scales, these scales do not fear dividing of most weapons to chop, is very formidabe.
   Seven levels of monoclonius pythons, fearful, the alone angle of monoclonius python destroys the hardest defenses, endures compared with being repeatedly tempered God Weapon , Long Mang the saliva has the violent poisonousness, and can also utilize the strength of frost ice, once were approached by this monoclonius python, the strength of saliva and frost ice spurts together, including guard who Sky Realm Warrior releases up cover, resists hunchback that implication violently poisonous saliva, can dissolve various energy, the strength of frost ice can cover the light of various defenses significantly weakens.
   In guard light cover loses about an instant, the monoclonius python will worry, with that alone angle Warrior fleshly body directly chiselling.
   Only if specially cultivation fleshly body that kind of ancient Warrior, otherwise ran upon by that alone angle, definitely will be pierced the body.
   Ten blue scales hawks and three monoclonius pythons, disperse, enters the masonry that Shi Yan and the others are at quickly, has moved a while in that masonry, had discovered the Shi Yan five people of whereabouts, start to get together immediately, clashes in the Shi Yan five people of directions.
   'Three monoclonius pythons, ten blue scales hawks!' Ai Ya cannot bear call out in alarm one, the facial expression big change, 'was awful, these Demonic Beast together come, wants to rout them in turn, feared that is impossible. Everybody must get rid fully, must at the shortest time, the maximum degree kills these Demonic Beast, once were encircled by many Demonic Beast, we cannot live departure.', 'These thunder and lightning, roaring flame, storms and snow and ice, after Demonic Beast, is closing up toward the old city slowly. If cannot the short time these Demonic Beast solving, waits for these to come from four looks like mountain range thunder and lightning, roaring flame, storms and snow and ice to cover the old city, we will be more difficult.', Cai Yi also changed facial expression, the facial expression unprecedented dignity. The left several hundred meters places, in another masonry, lighten three person's shadows suddenly, that three people drills after the masonry, anxious looks to all around, then immediately the directions clashes toward Shi Yan rank.
   These three people of two male females, two male is the seventy years of age old men, wears Hua Yi, at this time facial expression is ugly, was being pursued by the behind monster police, quite distressed.
   Front girls, the dual cultivation straight tall beautiful leg, wears the goose yellow skirt, white teeth bright eyes, fresh is quite elegant.
   These three people as if discovered that breaks in their masonry Demonic Beast to be too strong, knew keeps in that masonry, definitely will be given to kill by Demonic Beast, therefore comes out from the masonry, must find the human to collaborate to cope with these Demonic Beast.
   In three people of behind, ten background Demonic Beast drill from the masonry, makes threatening gestures, sends out the intermittent rave, stares at three people not to put.
   'Grandfather, a bit faster walks!', That girls anxious call, the body fluctuates suddenly, branches out five illusory images, escapes toward the four directions.
   Her true body has swayed in the midair, the body blows out a gang of vigorous Stroke to be mad suddenly, fires into Shi Yan this fiercely.
   The surface toward that side Lao li and Ai Ya, sees that three people to clash, facial expression simultaneously changes, could not bear scold.
   Three people could not deal with break in their masonry Demonic Beast, directed Demonic Beast, hopes that Shi Yan this, with the aid of Shi Yan and the others power, jointly coped with Demonic Beast.
   The Shi Yan five people, only need cope with that ten blue scales hawks and three monoclonius pythons, will be strenuous, if adds on their behind Demonic Beast again, feared that is more passive, perhaps by that three people killing.
   Lao li and Cai Yi neglect one, in the eye splits ice cold rays of light fiercely, under oneself preparation the killer, gives to destroy completely girls that clashes first.
   This girls only then cultivation base of Earth Realm boundary, although the secret is mysterious, but Lao li and Cai Yi, so long as gets rid fully, that girls will unable to prevent inevitably, decides however is cut to kill by Lao li and Cai Yi with joint forces.
   The back to Lao li and Cai Yi, is releasing power to construct [Gravitational Field] Shi Yan quietly, heard behind that girls shouted tenderly, in the eye suddenly has appeared extremely the facial expression of doubts.
   Constructs [Gravitational Field], Shi Yan turns around suddenly, immediately saw Cai Yi and Lao li have prepared appropriately, must begin to put to death that girls.
   'Stop!', Shi Yan shot a look at that girls one, facial expression suddenly changes, calls out hurriedly prevents Cai Yi and Lao li.
   Cai Yi and Lao li their facial expression is startled, energy light wave reacted on hand is more and more intense, they are ready, so long as pushes out the energy light wave in hand, that girls is inevitably difficult to run away dies.
   Calling out of Shi Yan, making Cai Yi and Lao li stare, their whole face was puzzled, the calm face looked to Shi Yan, does not understand that was what at crucial moment, he will prevent.
   To girls, calls out in alarm one, in the eye the different luminous spot point, she looks to Shi Yan, as if has remembered the what person, suddenly aims at Shi Yan, cannot affirm saying: 'You, are you?', 'Zuo Shi, does not see for a long time.' Shi Yan grins to smile, 'how will you come to here?', 'Are you Shi Yan? Really are you Shi Yan?' Zuo Shi is overjoyed, a face does not dare to believe that 'didn't you go to Endless Sea? Comes back here?', The Zuo Shi behind two old men, are Zuo Family family Zuo Xu, that Cloud Mountain Chi Xiao.
   These two hear pleasantly surprised yelling of Zuo Shi, looks fiercely to Shi Yan, immediately shows the surprised expression.
   'First came to say again.' Shi Yan gives a loud shout, at once has selected nod to Cai Yi and Lao li, said: 'I knew that making them come.'
   Cai Yi and Lao li whole face does not prefer, but under the instruction of Shi Yan, is not good to defy, puts on a serious face to make way, first put Zuo Shi to enter the masonry.
   The Shi Yan intention moves, gathers potential for a long time [Gravitational Field], suddenly flies to Zuo Xu and Chi Xiao direction, five three great slugs are pursuing Zuo Xu and Chi Xiao not to put, suddenly attracting entered Wei [gold/metal] silks by that [Gravitational Field] the silk threads, was revolved in that [Gravitational Field] crazily, the gold thread of this [gold/metal] silk is extremely sharp, that three great slug by [Gravitational Field], cut off the body quickly, by [Gravitational Field] twisting the smashing, died in [Gravitational Field] immediately.
   'Monster Core!'
   Chi Xiao and Zuo Xu called together pleasantly surprised, looks at behind [Gravitational Field] five clear Monster Core, reveal the hope the facial expression.
   These three people are very unpleasant, that five Monster Core appearances that in Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist should mix, Chi Xiao and Zuo Xu are not obviously calm, stopped unexpectedly, wanting in [Gravitational Field] to take that Monster Core.
   'Leave alone Monster Core! First comes!' Shi Yan calls out.
   Zuo Xu and Chi Xiao facial expression shakes, immediately responded that turned around to hurriedly.
   'How will you come here?', Shi Yan shouts greatly.
   'On Xiao Shi Dragon Turtle Armor has a nautical chart, we according to that nautical chart, looked from Merchant Union. We lost many people on the way, after arriving here, only remaining our three.' Chi Xiao looks dejected, the speaker shouted loudly, plundered with Zuo Xu, fell together to the platform that Shi Yan and the others were.
   'Shi Yan, can you here? Well, you, your present Realm, in Nirvana Origin Third Sky? Like me?' Advocation of Zuo Xu Zuo Family, abruptly exclaim, in the eye is inconceivable.
   Chi Xiao and Zuo Shi are also simultaneously one dull.
   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 3 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-397>
   The masonry surrounding, leader Demonic Beast makes threatening gestures, exudes the intermittent roar, gathers by Shi Yan and other people, prepares to rush ahead at any time.
   Three [Gravitational Field], are circling in flight in masonry front, [gold/metal] silk splits golden light maliciously, in [Gravitational Field] stirred like sharp knife blade, sharp incomparable.
   Ten blue scales hawks and three monoclonius pythons as if know that [Gravitational Field] is not good to deal with, although cut-throat is staring at Shi Yan and the others, actually does not dare to penetrate in [Gravitational Field] to kill, but lingers in the [Gravitational Field] surrounding is not loose, seems waiting for what. Zuo Shi, Zuo Xu and Chi Xiao three people, arrive in Shi Yan this masonry time, brought another nine Demonic Beast, these Demonic Beast are six levels of three great empty, with seven levels of star anise great spiders.
   And star anise great spider has three, each one has the grinding pan to be equally big, the spider foot cold brightness is bright, clever is paddling in the midair, exudes the grating strange howl.
   That [Gravitational Field] that three great e strangle to death, the direction that hangs in Zuo Shi three people of coming, the instantaneous tragic death of that three great slug, making other three break off with the star anise great spider greatly does not dare to act rashly, for fear that will march into that death three great e footsteps, but is away from that [Gravitational Field] with raw hate is staring at the Zuo Shi three people.
   Arrives at Shi Yan this, Zuo Xu sees Shi Yan present cultivation base, the facial expression shocks, gets down conciousness calls out in alarm.
   Chi Yan and Zuo Shi are also extremely surprise, looks at Shi Yan that does not dare to believe that did not know in the several years, how Shi Yan was breakthrough to the boundary of Nirvana Origin Third Sky.
   'Some what words a while said again that now are not the opportunities of talking about old days.' Shi Yan facial expression is dignified, the intention controls three to seek [Gravitational Field], transfers [Gravitational Field] to prevent these Demonic Beast to seize the chance to unceasingly.
   Position that masonry height hundred meters may Shi Yan and the others be, is only the masonry waist spot, the lift-off has about 30 meters.
   This distance is not unattainable regarding these Demonic Beast, Demonic Beast that even if cannot soar from out of the blue, an impact of violent force, can leap. Some [Gravitational Field], these fall on ground Demonic Beast, definitely will sprint, enters directly.
   Before the stone rear area has , a monoclonius python that comes, three blue scales hawks, these four Demonic Beast eyes covetously, is seeking for the opportunity.
   When these follow Zuo Xu nine Demonic Beast one and come, these numerous Demonic Beast, eight side positions completely stop up the child Shi Yan and the others, not to the crevice that they leave.
   Ai Ya and Cai Yi they looked at Zuo Shi and Zuo Xu indifferently, facial expression some are unattractive.
   Chi Xiao is good, has Sky Realm Second Sky Realm cultivation base, but Zuo Shi has Earth Level, Zuo Xu also has Nirvana Origin Third Sky cultivation base this strength Ai Ya and Cai Yi, is only the burden.
   If all have Ai Ya to take responsibility, even if Shi Yan and they knew, she also without hesitation drove out Zuo Xu and the others, whatever they run its own course.
   But Shi Yan in this days, had proven with own strength he component Ai Ya in team and Cai Yi heart has does not hope, does not want in this sensitive time and Shi Yan mutual hatred, can only accept the arrangement of Shi Yan.
   'Zuo Shi do not move, hide prepare to deal with the attack of Demonic Beast in our middle other people at any time.' Shi Yan was cold the face, coldly was looking at Ai Ya and Cai Yi, impolite [say / way]: 'These three people are my friend, if you dare to play tricks, do not blame me not to give a thought to the face.', Ai Ya and Cai Yi elegant face changes, ' snort, poured has not refuted.
   The Chi Xiao three people listened to a Shi Yan such saying, was in the heart one cold, secret vigilant, started to guard against Ai Ya and nose clothes.
   Chi Xiao and Zuo Xu were the old foxes, through Shi Yan these words, they saw between Ai Ya, Cai Yi and Shi Yan, was not intimate.
   In the old city Demonic Beast runs amuck, everybody from dangerours, this time, most fears some people the disloyalty.
   Three people came from Merchant Union all the way, had been through repeatedly too many Gu, had been killed by many Warrior, early knew in Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, did not have the what friendly kind, only then can obtain the right of survival by own strength.
   'Xiao Shi, Demonic Beast you leave alone, listened to Shi Yan, protected you to be good.' Chi Xiao urged in a low voice.
   The Zuo Shi big eyeglasses winked winking, clever has selected nod, as before is the beautiful pupil extraordinary splendor flow of tears looks to Shi Yan.
   Eight side Demonic Beast surround, Shi Yan stands in the stone dead ahead, the facial expression is callous, the look is firm and resolute, such as ten thousand years of rock is common, as if will forever not vacillate, sends out the powerful makings that a gang of man is in sole possession of naturally.
   This moment Shi Yan, has the masculine charm without doubt extremely.
   For a long time does not see, when her most bad risk, bumped into suddenly vanished for a long time Shi Yan, Zuo Shi while accident, the heart also cannot help but rippled, got down conciousness thinks that this was dark is doomed innately?
   Merchant Union time, Shi Yan has the individuality, callous very ruthless, stays behind the profound impression of he leaves Merchant Union after the Zuo Shi heart, Zuo Shi often will remember him, the girls evasive heart, making her take Shi Yan and Merchant Union and Raging Fire Empire these so-called youth talent comparisons frequently.
   More is the comparison, Zuo Shi more thought that Merchant Union, Raging Fire Empire and Shen Gu Empire these youth eminents, as if Shi Yan is far from, the Realm link is the disposition, was inferior that Shi Yan is so prominent.
   Shi Yan left for several years, Zuo Xu had arranged Raging Fire Empire and youth of Shen Gu Empire several influences for her meets, did not know is what, these person of she is always unsatisfied, always takes these human and Shi Yan comparison secretly, was the comparison, she more thought that these people were inferior to Shi Yan.
   Zuo Shi thinks that this whole life was very perhaps difficult to meet Shi Yan again, now suddenly met with in Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, this unexpected meeting, making her be pleasantly surprised, looks at Shi Yan facing the appearance that numerous Demonic Beast unperturbed did not fear, why did not know, she tied tight for a long time nerve, as if suddenly relaxed.
   'Chi Xiao Senior, you stand in that side, prepares star anise great spider that will deal with clash. En, Grandpa Zuo, you and Chi Xiao Senior same place, is guarding against that side.' Shi Yan pointed out that a direction, looks at once to Cai Yi and Brother Lao li, 'left you, prepares to deal with below monoclonius python, Ai Ya, you pay attention behind.', Under the gaze of Demonic Beast, the Shi Yan calm free arrangement, the indifferent looks at dead ahead, said at once: 'Once there is Demonic Beast to rush ahead, immediately executes fully. We cannot fight the battle of attrition. Also has the roaring flame, thunder and lightning, storm and wind and frost to follow up in the surrounding, we not only need massacre these Demonic Beast, could not have the too big damage.', Ying Ya and the others simultaneously nod.
   Chi Xiao and Zuo Xu neglect one, the expression somewhat is slightly strange.
   In Merchant Union, Shi Yan, only then cultivation base of Disaster boundary, although displays prominently, may be only Shi family new first generation is also proud , compared with Zuo Xu and Chi Xiao status, that is well below.
   Circumstances changes with the time, today Shi Yan not only has entered into the boundary of plan Third Sky, unexpectedly the female who can also incite two now Sky Realm boundary, looks at the manner of that two female, as if also really obeys his instruction.
   Looks at all these in the eyeground, Zuo Xu and Chi Xiao secret heart startled, psychologically suddenly somewhat is hard to accept.
   After all in Merchant Union, initially when coped with Beiming Family, Shi Yan was listens their, has respected them, regarded the elder to regard them.
   Suddenly the situation had such big change, they naturally think somewhat strangely, Zuo Xu and Chi Xiao hesitant, poured has not said what, but helpless sighed in the heart, amenable according to the Shi Yan instruction situation.
   'These Demonic Beast , and other looked like the roaring flame and thunder and lightning that in mountain range braves to transgress, they think after and other bad risks arrive, moves together.', Cai Yi stands by Shi Yan, careful observation the change of old city border place, the elegant face is changing, startled sound track: 'That roaring flame, thunder and lightning, storm and wind and frost, will as if not aim at Demonic Beast, you look!'
   The people hear the news to stare to the surrounding of old city.
   These come from four look like the mountain range bad risk, covers gradually, starts the wreaking havoc old city.
   Demonic Beast that however in the old city moves, under these roaring flame, storms, thunder and lightning and wind and frost, seems safe and sound, not by the influences of these bad risks, without any Demonic Beast, because these bad risks will be seriously battered.
   These bad risks, shake the body of Demonic Beast cannot, as if instead can strengthen Demonic Beast power.
   Nepali surrounding Warrior of several humanity, after by that roaring flame, storm, thunder and lightning and wind and frost to covering, then either fires the hard coke, either by wind and frost blowing whole body freezes, at once by wind knife dividing.
   Demonic Beast is well, human Warrior actually as if cannot withstand these bad risks, in these approach under the bad risk that covers gradually, human Warrior was screaming, in a panic avoidance.
   Periphery Warrior in masonry. Looked that the situation is not wonderful, runs away in abundance from the masonry, together toward old city center chisel.
   They saw similar fast withering away under the disaster, was so laborious facing Demonic Beast, in addition these disasters, they know to be incapable of resisting, has to try to fire into the old city center.
   These roaring flame, storms, thunder and lightning and wind and frost, approach from the old city four directions slowly, the region of old city center, will be slowest is affected, entered the old city central area, will meet the time of these disasters changes slow, although does not know that like this will arrive can avoid a disaster finally, but at least can delay to meet the time of these disasters, can delay the time that they died.
   Therefore, Warrior of these surrounding, under chasing down of Demonic Beast, flees toward the old city center that goes all out.
   Sees only about hundred silhouette, is speeding along in the street and midair in old city, castrates like the rainbow, does not dare with the Demonic Beast entanglement of pursuit, to go toward the old city center.
   Masonry that Shi Yan one line are, is also not the center of old city, one big blocks the way to the center, these Warrior graze to come, making these pursue their Demonic Beast also together to fly, such as tide Demonic Beast, is running in the old city, the masonries is getting more and more near to Shi Yan rank.
   'It is not good, we must enter the old city center, otherwise Demonic Beast of these attacks, along the way while convenient will give to destroy completely us.'
   Completely understands after the situation in field, the Shi Yan peak however changes color, does not dare to hesitate, the violent shouted to clear the way: 'Immediately clashes!',
   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 4 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-398>
   Chapter 388
   Slaughters brutally
   After Shi Yan calls out, that hangs in the two overlapping rivers of space, suddenly had the change.
   Interweaving of that two rivers, blows out radiant dazzling rays of light, an extremely violent energy fluctuation, passed from that intersection suddenly.
   In shining rays of light, in that two overlapping rivers, rays of light glittering, sink to ancient human bodies, was led about vicissitude by the rivers, the rare treasure that in the rivers as if has, visibles faintly, seems converging toward that intersection.
   Lightly silver raindrop, declines from that intersection, the light rain in a flash has become the torrential downpour, the silver water screen waters from the day, falls into central one of the old city the lakelet.
   The lakelet had been dried up, after these silver raindrops pour into, fast was at once moist, very short time, that lakelet had several centimeters water.
   The silver lakelet, emits the misty silver light, covers from the day that region.
   When that several Demonic Beast, originally near lakelet, by that silver waterdrop to moving, the Demonic Beast sad and shrill scream, changes into the bloody water in the extremely short time in abundance.
   However, Warrior of there accumulation, was given the sputtering after by that silver waterdrop, is safe and sound.
   From the discount for difference of amount of silver in coins of day dropping, as if specifically aims at Demonic Beast, a damage to human Warrior not point.
   The occurrence of this mutation, making that Warrior be overjoyed, but also Warrior of pacing back and forth surrounding, broke in the lakelet hurriedly, by that silver rays of light covering.
   Approaches that some Demonic Beast, sees these Warrior to drill into the silver lakelet, although reveals the extreme hatred the vision, actually does not dare to break in the lakelet, does not dare to approach these silver light, as if knows that these silver light specifically aim at them, only dares in surrounding maliciously looks at humanity Warrior.
   Toward Warrior of old city center accumulation, had discovered the after unusual form in lakelet, each facial expression rouses, dies clashes toward that lakelet.
   Anybody looked, this old city other region was unsafe, only then the central lakelet, can prevent the attack of Demonic Beast.
   Shi Yan star light, has found that side marvelousness exhaltedly, immediately called to shout: 'Fires into there!'
   Ai Ya, Cai Yi and the others the facial expression are encouraged, saw the hope, hurriedly from masonry stone, Cai Yi and Ai Ya of Sky Realm boundary, float side Shi Yan, called out: 'Must as soon as possible, the Demonic Beast accumulation were many, we are very sad.'
   'Ai Ya and Cai Yi, you take Lao li and Lao Lun. Chi Xiao Senior, you take Zuo Xu and Zuo Shi, flies directly at the maximum speed, I come for your damage control.' Shi Yan sinks to shout to clear the way.
   Chi Xiao without demur, raises Zuo Xu, raises Zuo Shi, immediately flies side Shi Yan.
   'Shi Yan, can you?' Zuo Shi is worried about him, by Chi Xiao is proposing time, but also elongation head, an anxiety of face, 'that many Demonic Beast, but you have Third Sky of Nirvana Realm cultivation base, but also by far and not on these Demonic Beast quantities, you, if damage control, very dangerours danger.'
   'Are you good?' Ai Ya also asked one, but on her face does not have many relational meaning, she worried that Shi Yan cannot complete the work of this damage control, will make her situation difficult.
   Ai Ya and Cai Yi, do not want to bring Lao li and Lao Lun, in the hand to propose one person actually, if faces Demonic Beast, the hands tied feet tied, will be very difficult to display the true strength, the speed of march also will change slow.
   'Few idle talk!' Shi Yan cold snort, before 'we have not left Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, must work with concerted efforts, Lao li they do not arrive at the Sky Realm boundary, cannot soar, if you this time lagged behind them, I can also lag behind you. I just looked, that lakelet position are not many, a while we rushed, that lakelet has perhaps stood the human, when the time comes we want, must catch up with others to come out, if at this time of one mind, when the time comes were not short for one point to boost.'
   Lao li and Lao Lun reveal grateful expression.
   Ai Ya and Cai Yi hear of Shi Yan such saying, reluctantly agreed that is no longer wordy, puts out a hand they to mention Lao li.
   Bellows, Shi Yan suddenly revolution [Gravitational Field], three huge [Gravitational Field], such as the crazy meat grinder, spreads the intermittent grating howl at this moment.
   Three [Gravitational Field] fluctuated immediately position, winds around Demonic Beast that to approach toward the surrounding, is Chi Xiao, Cai Yi and the others set aside one to fire into the old city central road.
   Zuo Xu and the others do not dare to hesitate, sees have the road to walk, immediately speeds along fully, goes toward that old city center.
   Shi Yan draws in finally, look ice is cold, hey sneers, controls this [Gravitational Field] by the mind, eliminated the path for that Zuo Xu rank.
   Three [Gravitational Field], the encirclement in Zuo Xu and the others the body sides, making these Demonic Beast not dare to approach.
   Has these three [Gravitational Field], Zuo Xu one line of do not need the worry body side and behind Demonic Beast, proceeds to flush away.
   Shi Yan is controlling [Gravitational Field] finally, when leaves to that Zuo Xu three talented people, immediately again the fluctuation intention, making three [Gravitational Field] get together, has become gigantic incomparable ash-gray tornado.
   After three [Gravitational Field] fuse, this ash-gray tornado covers heaven and earth simply, soon compared favorably with that hundred meters masonry.
   Dozens fierce Demonic Beast, saw with own eyes that Zuo Xu and the others flew away, suddenly kills completely, stares at Shi Yan not to put.
   Sees with own eyes the Demonic Beast attack, Shi Yan is unhurriedly, changes into one bunch of star light, submerged in this giant ash-gray tornado instantaneously, is controlling this ash-gray tornado , the directions goes toward Chi Xiao rank.
   In in [Gravitational Field], Demonic Beast that coming does not dare to approach, but in surrounding cut-throat is staring at Shi Yan.
   This ash-gray tornado has monopolized Zuo Xu and the others behind thoroughly, Demonic Beast wants across the tornado, must detour.
   When they detour, Shi Yan gratefully displays [Seal of Life and Death], bang of seal knacks from two come out, staggering along that [Seal of Life and Death] in the huge rumbled sound, detours Demonic Beast that hits these.
   This [Gravitational Field] by him constructing, him naturally by [Gravitational Field] the strength of strangling to death, did not fall into, his thought moves, these hide in [gold/metal] silk, by restraint in a region, was given the influence by [Gravitational Field] power, is stranded is motionless in a place.
   The [gold/metal] silk is sharp, even if he, cannot guarantee whether fleshly body can receive.
   At this time situation dangerours is anxious, he does not dare to try the [gold/metal] silk fierce, in [Gravitational Field], he stagnates motionless, concentrating on is controlling, goes toward that old city center slowly.
   Chi Xiao and the others are speeding along in the midair, sees Demonic Beast to close up, directly gives way to traffic, really evaded, the meeting strength got rid, pushed these Demonic Beast one side on the line.
   Did not strive for hunting and killing many Demonic Beast, but in order to won time, good catching up as soon as possible to that old city center.
   Chi Xiao and Ai Ya procedure, without doubt is extremely correct.
   Demonic Beast from four looks like around mountain range to clash, most Demonic Beast, in the surrounding of old city, are closest to that old city, Demonic Beast are instead less.
   Warrior that old city center, gathered, hides in the silver lakelet, got rid to cut to kill some Demonic Beast, cutting there Demonic Beast quantity part.
   Therefore, is nearer to that old city center, Demonic Beast that actually faces are less , is quite naturally safe.
   Actually surrounding, because Demonic Beast comes in swarms, has not seen clearly the situation Warrior, by Demonic Beast submerging, is quickly by Demonic Beast worrying the fragment.
   [Gravitational Field] is circling in flight, the speed is not quick, all the way, Shi Yan gets rid again and again, along the road ten have the Warrior corpse that just died to pull into [Gravitational Field], absorbs these Warrior essence, instead the harvest is not small.
   Reason that he is willing heavy responsibility that undertakes to bring up the rear, has seized the opportunity, wants while Chaos, absorbs these Warrior essence.
   Some [Gravitational Field], him do not need to be worried one will be given to submerge by Demonic Beast, has this self-confidently, also meets such good opportunity by chance, he naturally cannot let off.
   Ten have the Warrior corpse, tied up in a [Gravitational Field] corner, with the [gold/metal] silk in together, was bound stubbornly by [Gravitational Field] power.
   When these Warrior essence flow in his body, he will also put out a hand several Monster Core receiving Imaginary Space Ring, will be controlling [Gravitational Field] unhurriedly, will close up toward the center of that old city.
   The silver lakelet of old city center, has the mutation suddenly again.
   The silver lakelet only then ten square meters, area is not big, Warrior that can hold, to most ten people.
   First enters these Warrior of lakelet, is enjoying not by the peace of Demonic Beast attack, will decide however is not willing again from will leave.
   However, breaks in this old city center from the surrounding with great difficulty Warrior, enters inside wholeheartedly.
   That lakelet that big area, the position is insufficient, Warrior that comes newly-arrived, wants to enter, can only usurp others' position, otherwise can only stay in the surrounding.
   At this time several hundred Demonic Beast are gathering toward the old city center, once these Demonic Beast all go to the old city center, but also keeps outside lakelet Warrior, must be cleaned by Demonic Beast.
   To that time, kept Warrior of surrounding, will be ripped the fragment by crazy Demonic Beast, is hard to escape absolutely.
   Therefore, to usurp the position of silver lakelet, arrives there Warrior, starts to slaughter mutually, to maintain a livelihood, for by the worry of Demonic Beast, these Warrior did not go all out clashes toward the lakelet.
   What is stranger, above that lakelet cannot soar, even if Warrior of Sky Realm boundary, cannot float above the lakelet, enjoys bathing of silver rays of light.
   Everybody want to enter, avoids following Demonic Beast Hong Chao, the fight also inevitably erupted.
   This by the fight of human Warrior leadership, be more brutal than killing of former Demonic Beast, in [Gravitational Field], separated several hundred meters to there, Shi Yan then saw that region rare treasure ran amuck, shining crystal light in all directions lasing, various ice fire thunder and lightning there continuous braved.
   Suddenly, in Blood Vein Ring transmits two message .
   'Puts us to exit.'
   message came from Black Ice Cold Flame and Earthcore Flame, these two Heavenly Flame, are ready to make trouble in Blood Vein Ring, as if has discovered the what advantage.
   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 5 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-399>
   'En?' The Shi Yan facial expression moves, immediately returns to the news! 'Is what?'
   'Here has power that we can restore.' Earthcore Flame and Black Ice Cold Flame returning news is consistent.
   Shi Yan facial expression one happy, without demur, has communicated Blood Vein Ring immediately, transmits own regard.
   Blood Vein Ring dawn appearance light, two groups of gigantic Fiery Flame, suddenly the escape comes out.
   After Black Ice Cold Flame and Earthcore Flame leave Blood Vein Ring, immediately disperses, separately flies toward Vermilion Bird Mountain and Black Tortoise Mountain direction, the side that two big Heavenly Flame fly is quick, such as lightning.
   Suddenly, they arrived at Vermilion Bird and Black Tortoise Mountain, submerges in that two big mountain range directly.
   The fierce taste, storm, wind and frost and thunder and lightning old city, as if cannot affect Black Ice Cold Flame and Earthcore Flame, their this flies all the way, Shi Yan had not seen that these disasters have the slight hindrance to them.
   Saw that Black Ice Cold Flame and Earthcore Flame vanish in Vermilion Bird and Black Tortoise Mountain, Shi Yan is pleasantly surprised, knows indistinctly that Vermilion Bird Mountain roaring flame and Black Tortoise Mountain frost ice, as if can supplement power that Earthcore Flame and Black Ice Cold Flame lose.
   Knows that Vermilion Bird Mountain and Black Tortoise Mountain after two Fiery Flame are of great advantage, Shi Yan is very joyful, even more thought that the tour of this Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist was coming right.
   Hides in [Gravitational Field], Shi Yan does not worry to go to that old city center actually, by far there looks at, while continues unhurriedly catches up toward that old city center, death Warrior Dead body 11 will collect on the way, pulled into [Gravitational Field].
   Near silver lakelet.
   The fierce combat, the brutal fight like a raging fire is performing, came from strength is not weak Divine Great Land these Warrior ' can enter this Exotic Land old city truly ', some body rare treasure self-defense, Martial Skills also quite mysterious.
   In order to usurps a own position in that silver lakelet ' these Warrior encirclements in the surrounding, starts toward the Warrior attack.
   Is centered on this lakelet, all Warrior displays own Martial Skills, takes out the rare treasure, to survive to fight.
   At this time in that lakelet, nine teams, have wrested away the position of lakelet.
   These nine teams have 70-80 people, among nine teams is separated by very for a long time, distinguishes right from wrong, Warrior of nine teams, reveal imposing manner that the rare treasure on hand is splendid, is the indifferent looks at surrounding.
   Lakelet center, three teams, in each team, two now Third Sky of Sky Realm Warrior, these people at this time have not hidden the strength, powerful imposing manner spread will come in abundance, with own great strength ' warned person who these surrounding eye covetously.
   The three teams of lakelet center, strength most powerful in the entire old city, these three teams are dominating the lakelet center firmly, bodies release the formidable imposing manner, takes the rare treasure, by indifferent looks at.
   The border place in lakelet ' six teams are surrounding, in these six teams has Second Sky of Sky Realm Warrior, same grasps the rare treasure.
   In six teams ' has three teams to face the attack of surrounding Warrior, in these three teams has Second Sky of Sky Realm Warrior ' strength to be relatively weak.
   Also because of so, Warrior of surrounding, has settled on their position, wants to displace.
   Warrior of that three team, in the lakelet, fully gets rid, strikes to kill nearby provocation by strongest power, wants through hunting and killing these people, frightens more people.
   Another three strong teams, does not have team like that unflustered sitting of Sky Realm Third Sky Warrior like central that there, has stood, is alerting secretly, looks at the abandoned surroundings carefully.
   In this has Heavenly Temple Ningxia chestnut Ning Ze and that two now Sky Realm boundary boundary Warrior, is Warrior of Heavenly Temple clothing stands with five in similarly together, the whole face sneers, facial expression gloomy and cold, rare treasure glittering on hand astonishing energy gloss, as if next quarter fully under killer.
   Ai Ya, Cai Yi, Chi Xiao and the others, in the surrounding of lakelet, actually do not dare to enter the place of strategic point, for fear that is hit by the unexpected misfortune, by the fight of that Chaos affecting.
   By the lakelet, dozens Dead body fresh blood drip flowing, was killed in the battle.
   Regarding the lakelet, the brutal fight is in progress, once for a while has the new team to win, strikes to kill other team Warrior in lakelet, then enters.
   At once, these move into the new team of lakelet , met with Warrior the challenge on point of departure, died in this moment, becomes extremely easy.
   Ning Ze saw Cai Yi and Ai Ya obviously, but at this moment, Ning Ze and the others have not come out to cope with Cai Yi and Ai Ya from that lakelet, is only indifferent looks at Cai Yi and Ai Ya, as to see them ripping the smashing by Demonic Beast.
   'How hasn't Shi Yan come?' The fight of Zuo Shi looks at lakelet, sucks the tongue secretly, the look is somewhat startled, 'these people were completely insane, this way, does not wait for Demonic Beast to come, here most person, in killing one another dead.'
   'Shi Yan, since is confident, surely does not have the matter, Xiao Shi you do not need to be worried that the boy cannot regard with the common sense.' Chi Xiao pulled mouth corner, forced smile said: 'Separates for several years, the boy has achieved the boundary of Nirvana Origin Third Sky, does not know how really he is cultivation. Yeah, I think that you have sufficed outstanding, may compare with this boy, you were bad.'
   'Xiao Shi, looked after you, has not dared diligently!' Zuo Xu stared her one eyes.
   Expert fist of Warrior by lakelet was rumbled, falls to Zuo Xu and the others the direction time, the body explodes suddenly, the blood rain flutters about.
   A Chi Xiao brow wrinkle, puts out a hand to wield void, bunches of white smog have fluttered, these blood rain and hashed meat belts to one side.
   'Really is fearful, here fellow, is fiercer than our Merchant Union Warrior, savage are many. Our Merchant Union security, since arrived here, we lost too many people, if here had also been killed, our explorations, too were sorrowful.' Zuo Xu sighed low-spirited. Zuo Shi is also again and again nod, spits the tongue, complained: 'Is you must seek, otherwise we will not die that many people.'
   Chi Xiao hear of her such saying, sighed.
   'Shi Yan came!', Ai Ya drinks one suddenly lowly.
   Cai Yi, Chi Xiao and the others, turn head to look hurriedly to behind.
   The giant ash-gray tornado, approaches from distant place slowly, ' has dozens corpses ups and downs in that tornado, drags the fresh posture along with gyration of tornado.
   In the rear area of that ash-gray tornado, dozens Demonic Beast whooshed ' also to clash, although these Demonic Beast in fiercely shouted, are actually not daring to enter.
   Shi Yan in tornado, the facial expression is callous, on the face transgresses grins fiendishly, Demonic Beast that coldly looks at encloses, unperturbed does not fear.
   '! Also came a fierce person, this second half did not have our positions!', Who 'is that boy? Before probably hadn't seen? Also is seven ancient faction people?', 'Idle talk! It is not seven ancient faction people, how can that powerful?', Encircles Warrior by lakelet, noted to hide in tornado Shi Yan, dozens corpses of looks at that ups and downs, in Demonic Beast that outside [Gravitational Field] does not dare to break, these people showed the alarmed and afraid expression, much discussion.
   Does not blame them to be afraid ' these Dead body and Demonic Beast manner, fully explained the issue.
   Although looks like Shi Yan, only then cultivation base of boundary of *@ Third Sky, the imposing manner that but Shi Yan shows at this moment, makes people scared.
   In hundred meters ash-gray tornado, energy of Chaos distortion is interweaving soul-stirringly '!
   Anybody can see fierce of that [Gravitational Field], sees with own eyes Shi Yan to arrive, but also encircles outside these Warrior, is only slightly one hesitant, gives way to traffic hurriedly, does not dare to block the Shi Yan road.
   The three strongest teams of that silver lakelet center ' also noted Shi Yan, that several now Third Sky of Sky Realm Warrior, will focus in Shi Yan in abundance.
   Ning Ze facial expression changes ' looks at that Shi Yan comes suddenly, officially informed personal maidservant one hurriedly, 'was he!', Heavenly Temple Sky Realm Second Sky Warrior, listened to a Ning Ze such saying, the look fiercely one brightly, stared instantaneously to Shi Yan.
   'motherfucker, it seems like and wanted few position. This boy is so fierce, that six teams of lakelet border, some people must certainly have bad luck.'
   'Yes, this time was really has had bad luck, that many Demonic Beast, a while must unable to enter, can we by Demonic Beast tearing into shreds?', 'And other opportunities, so long as there is an opportunity, we immediately drill into. Compelled anxiously, must make these fellows not feel better not awfully!', These Warrior of conversation, reveal the ruthless color that fierce does not fear, in this brutal environment, to maintain a livelihood, coming out that their what makes.
   'Shi Yan, we here!' Zuo Shi waves, on clear small face, full is joyful.
   Shi Yan in [Gravitational Field], grins to smile, is controlling [Gravitational Field], the position collections is slowly near toward Zuo Shi rank.
   Peripheral Warrior, sees him the directions to close up toward Zuo Xu and the others, heart inside obloquied that actually honestly makes way, for fear that by the Shi Yan ash-gray tornado affecting.
   Lakelet Center Warrior of that three strongest team, looked that to Shi Yan that threatening to come, when approaches after Shi Yan, these people neglect one, has revealed the panic-stricken god quietly.
   Leaves was near, they also saw [Gravitational Field] abundant Chaos power interwines, has had extremely the fluctuation of terrifying, they, cannot guarantee to enter in [Gravitational Field], to be whether able to be safe and sound.
   Hundred meters ash-gray tornado, is binding Shi Yan, with dozens corpses, approaches slowly, these rear Demonic Beast, saw here to gather that many Warrior, in abundance not awfully threw, toward also drew to throw in these Warrior of surrounding.
   These Demonic Beast have dozens heads, but also is not the main force, many Demonic Beast draw in the rear area, fast is catching up.
   The situation was even more precipitous.
   After Shi Yan comes, [Gravitational Field] in the lakelet surrounding anchorage, knits the brows to look at once to the nine Warrior teams in lakelet.
   The person of that nine Warrior teams, discovered time that Shi Yan looks, facial expression change, secretly is alerting, for fear that Shi Yan stared to them.
   ' You.
   ' Shi Yan looked, at once cracks into a smile, puts out a hand Heavenly Temple team that aims at Ning Ze to be, said: 'You come out, making a position give me.', Ning Ze facial expression one cold.
   That has the Second Sky of Sky Realm middle-aged person, changed facial expression.
   'Ai Ya and Cai Yi, our goals, were they.' Shi Yan is pointing at Ning Ze and the others, said lightly: 'Our time were not much, has killed them, was good to sit to rest slightly.', Ai Ya, Cai Yi, Chi Xiao and the others eye one bright, simultaneously has selected nod.
   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 6 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-400>
   The Shi Yan words fall, control this [Gravitational Field] gratefully, in Ning Ze toward that lakelet and the others the positions flushes away directly.
   The lakelet center, that three formidable team, sees [Gravitational Field] to approach suddenly, simultaneously shows the dignified facial expression, will focus in Shi Yan together.
   In [Gravitational Field] mixed several different power, power are more, this [Gravitational Field] might is also enhanced.
   Shi Yan I, although only then cultivation base of boundary of Nirvana Origin Third Sky, energy extreme powerful that but in [Gravitational Field] has, this energy fluctuation makes the Warrior also heart of Sky Realm boundary live to fear intent sufficiently.
   Shi Yan hides first in [Gravitational Field], when soon approaches Ning Ze and the others to that [Gravitational Field] time, he leaves to leave suddenly.
   Gold silks, gyrate suddenly crazily in [Gravitational Field], shining golden light interweaves mutually the distortion, in that [Gravitational Field] rapid is gyrating.
   Yu Ze and the others facial expression great change.
   Is Heavenly Temple Warrior, they fully realize the [gold/metal] silk fierce, even if uses [gold/metal] silk cultivation them , can only control with own the [gold/metal] silk of smelting, others cultivation [gold/metal] silk, same has the huge lethality to them.
   Therefore, saw with own eyes that holds the [gold/metal] silk [Gravitational Field] to clash, but also keeps that Ning Ze and the others, in abundance avoidance.
   'Boy, you turn over to noisily noisily, do not affect us, otherwise do not blame us to collaborate to destroy completely you.'
   The lakelet center, whole face scabs Warrior of Third Sky of Sky Realm, looked that [Gravitational Field] is getting more and more near, suddenly has stood, gloomy face cold snort, was speaking the warning.
   Sits in ground several other now Third Sky of Sky Realm Warrior , the coldly looks at Shi Yan facial features are bad.
   The area of lakelet not but greatly Shi Yan control [Gravitational Field], actually unusual occupies the place, once [Gravitational Field] all floods into the lakelet lake all Warrior, will be affected, must withstand the injury of that [Gravitational Field] completely.
   Shi Yan gives a calm smile, has selected nod, said: 'Relax, we only want to occupy temporary lodging in inside, will not affect you.'
   In the lakelet altogether has nine team that three teams to have Warrior of Nirvana Origin Third Sky boundary to assume personal command, if really has enraged all people, he also knows that the result will be definitely unattractive, therefore he has been controlling [Gravitational Field] carefully, making that [Gravitational Field] enter the speed of lakelet is very slow.
   Being critical situation Warrior of that several team, sees Shi Yan cautiously, relaxed facial expression slightly to be also more attractive secretly, although is guarding against Shi Yan as before, the manner was better.
   For them, so long as Shi Yan and the others were capable of substituting for Ning Ze, and does not affect their them not to inquire about, Ning Ze and the others the lives, they will not care.
   'You go too far!' Among Ning Ze and the others, that has middle-aged Warrior of Sky Realm Second Sky boundary, facial expression one coldly, suddenly snort [Gravitational Field] that bypassed approaches slowly, flushed from that lakelet.
   Ning Ze and the others saw him to move, knows that must move the position to know, only then walked from the lakelet, avoided [Gravitational Field] truly in Shi Yan and the others in the fights, can ask for the advantage.
   That person moves, Ning Ze one line of slightly one hesitant, has put suddenly on, changes into lightning, plunged Chi Xiao and Ai Ya directly.
   'You came out on'
   In the Shi Yan heart sneers, when to discovering Ning Ze one line of drills after the lakelet, drills into [Gravitational Field] car(riage) originally slow [Gravitational Field] fiercely, quickly becomes wild incomparable, the speed of transferring becomes the extremely quick, instantaneous cover to three now Heavenly Temple Warrior.
   That three talented people drill from the lakelet, simply has not thought that this [Gravitational Field] suddenly will change quick, carelessly, had been dragged into Center by that strong fierce attracting customer interest.
   Gold silks suddenly bundle to them, is only among rests, in the grating pitiful yell sound, these three has Warrior of Nirvana Origin Third Sky boundary, by [gold/metal] silk twisting smashing, at once by [Gravitational Field] violently leads, in an instant, has become hashed meat.
   These Warrior that side surrounds, in hearts send coldly, looked that is completely alarmed and afraid to the Shi Yan expression, gets down conciousness start retreat, is distant to that [Gravitational Field].
   Chi Xiao roar, a large amount of thick smokes fill the air from him, covers the body to lean ten meters position, in the thick smoke, the intermittent violent energy fluctuation, passes on unceasingly.
   The Chi Xiao person in the thick smoke, puts out a hand to emit a silver colored ribbon, that colored ribbon splits up in the midair, the silver light is bright, immediately binds to that Heavenly Temple Warrior of Sky Realm Second Sky boundary, has dragged into that Warrior the thick smoke directly.
   Ai Ya and Cai Yi elegant face one cold, that Datong money and rings, the escape from these two female hands come out together, in the shining gloss, covers Ning Ze and two Heavenly Temple Warrior.
   Shi Yan Ha Ha laughs wildly, Negative Energy spreads whole body, imposing manner rises suddenly suddenly, in a star light, before flickering carried over the Ning Ze body, lifts hand now [Seal of Life] to rumble, fell fiercely to Ning Ze.
   Ning Ze cold snort, does not believe that only then Shi Yan of boundary of plan Third Sky, true power resists with him sufficiently hardly.
   His two gloves three emerald pulling refer, falls off ' that two to pull to refer to from his finger flying, has the extremely strong earth elementary force to wander about destitute, pulls refers to as if can inspire the productive capacity of the soil between heaven and earth.
   In circling in flight, earth vigorous grand Intent Domain, pulls from three refers to the class coming out.
   The Ning Ze ten fingers of fingertip, clear Essence Qi, inject that three to pull in abundance refers, making earth Intent Domain that three pull refers to strengthen, making that pull refers to spreading the vigorous energy fluctuation, raised hand to pat [Seal of Life] that to the bang to Shi Yan.
   The myriad things have mystical powers, this implied among heaven and earth life vigorous life force Intent Domain [Seal of Life], hit fiercely to that three has pulled refers.
   Two violent energy fluctuations, are containing different martial arts Intent Domain respectively, the mutual impact in together, the energy fluctuation in that impact noise, splits the shining different light, dazzling such as smoke flower, making the human shock.
   Life not inferior, each life has its originality, so long as has the biology of conciousness, inborn will regard the most valuable wealth the life.
   This [Seal of Life] when rumbles, visibles faintly some human and Demonic Beast life form, these life forms are one by one different, appears in [Seal of Life], pulls to refer to the earth basic Intent Domain washing out that three unexpectedly, pulls to refer to the earth violent force clearing away that three one side, does not make that pull refers to continuing with the aid of earth power.
   Only then Shi Yan of boundary of Nirvana Origin Third Sky, comprehension life Intent Domain, seems to be more profound than that Sky Realm First Sky boundary Ning Ze comprehension foundation of Intent Domain of earth, this Divine Ability deep meaning did not have the division of too obvious strong and weak, under high of Intent Domain, completely is looks at Warrior regarding the understanding of Realm.
   After entering this marvelous world, Shi Yan has been fighting, frequently is facing the life and death, although does not fear, corruptly read own life, he regarding the understanding that the life sought livehood, agreed without consultation the [Seal of Life] Intent Domain essence.
   He after [Rampage], exerts power on [Seal of Life], itself compared with Ning Ze in some, the comprehension of Intent Domain is also thorough than Ning Ze several points, the might that this [Seal of Life] forms instantaneously, naturally also got the winning side, washes out Ning Ze Intent Domain stiffly, then that three rays of light that pulls to refer to covering.
   [Seal of Life] covers, contains energy in [Seal of Life], breaks in the Ning Ze position, Intent Domain falls into leeward Ning Ze, the self-confidence is damaged, was flushed by that [Seal of Life], whole person loudly hit flew directly.
   The people in the midair, the body of Ning Ze then transmit 'flip-flop', the resounding, the skeleton of his body, as if cannot withstand [Seal of Life] this to strike, suddenly explodes.
   Ning Ze has not fallen to the ground, whole body bloodstain, facial expression was pale, the vigor significantly was also weakened.
   'Sky Realm boundary how?', Shi Yan sneers, 'you regarding the understanding of Martial Skills Intent Domain, obviously superficial, otherwise you not, only then I of Nirvana Origin boundary, Intent Domain washing out. Intent Domain is not loose, your three pull refers, can precise earth power, I not have that easy wound to you.'
   Ning Ze puts out a blood suddenly, the spirit does not have.
   Shi Yan not only has shelled his body with [Seal of Life], but also destroys his will with the words, Warrior wants to display whole body power, powerful will, absolute self-confident essential.
   When a person was untrustworthy including oneself, then he is[ body] in also has enough power, releases very much difficultly.
   Ning Ze is this.
   The words attack of Shi Yan, has routed his self-confidence, making him give birth to be inferior to the Shi Yan thought immediately.
   This thought emerges the heart, he again difficult to display power in a big way, insisted protects fleshly body, carries on the protection for the skeleton Essence Qi, suddenly Chaos a draw.
   On such Essence Qi Chaos, making Shi Yan break in him[ body] in [Seal of Life] power outbreak, explodes he more bones, this made to put out a blood that Ning Ze could not stop, the whole person appeared incomparable exhausted.
   Putting out of this blood, means him, when facing Shi Yan, cannot have self-confidently, this attack not only will affect this fight, will affect the Ning Ze life.
   Lakelet Warrior of these Sky Realm Third Sky boundaries, after seeing Ning Ze falls to the ground, because the Shi Yan a few words mouth spits the blood, shook the head in abundance, knows that Ning Ze feared was finished.
   These people look to the Shi Yan vision, even more dignified.
   Destroys a body of person, majority of Warrior can achieve, but destroys a will of person, actually needs the savings of imposing manner, needs the big wisdom, but also needs the enough firm callous will.
   Shi Yan is that type has the absolute self-confidence to oneself obviously, and believes one can exceed anybody, not because of the person who any difficulty will submit.
   This kind of Warrior, is fearful!
   'You are not my match.' A callousness of Shi Yan face, unhurriedly walks toward Ning Ze, does not worry to get rid actually , to continue the words attack.
   The Ning Ze facial expression is alarmed and afraid, dull sitting there, unexpectedly flurried mind, reveals expression that does not know what to do.
   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 7 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-401>
   Numerous Warrior look to Ning Ze, secretly heaves a deep sigh, as if knows that Ning Ze wanted the tragedy.
   'Pitiful, has First Sky of Sky Realm cultivation base obviously, actually defeats in the person hand of my this Nirvana boundary. Yeah, it is said are you Heavenly Temple Ning Family rare Xiuwu material? This degree of attack, you cannot withstand, are you breakthrough to the Sky Realm boundary? He he, substance abuse? Paves the way with the massive efficacious medicines, walks dog shit luck enters into this Realm?', The boy is vicious!
   Lakelet Center, Warrior of now Sky Realm Third Sky boundary, looks at Shi Yan approaches step by step, sharply under the killer, instead is not continue urge Ning Ze, expressions are strange, is vigilant secretly.
   Under the ridicule ridicule of Shi Yan, Ning Ze facial expression is even more pale, the look is for the first time flurried, at this time he self-confidently did not have, is only thinking how to flee from here.
   Surrounding Warrior, sees the change of Ning Ze look, simultaneously in the heart sighed, knows that he must die without doubt.
   Warrior continues to fight does not dare, only wants to escape, this means that the spirit completely loses, is this, more cannot flee.
   Shi Yan at once
   Stretches out [Seal of Life and Death].
   [Seal of Life] and [Seal of Death] are overlapping void, contain Intent Domain of life and death highest good, covers fiercely to Ning Ze, gives to block the Ning Ze way.
   Gave to block including the road of escaping, the Ning Ze heart lived desperately, the will of seeking livehood by the death Intent Domain influence, had me to fear mentality that must die.
   He indeed died
   [Seal of Life and Death] covers, defense power that Ning Ze comes out reluctantly precise, collapses at the first blow radically ' cannot block the wild impact of [Seal of Life and Death] from the start.
   [Seal of Life and Death] submerges Ning Ze[ body] in ' his fleshly body transmits the explosive of landslide, the whole body skeleton explodes to break to pieces, skeleton that explodes ' torn to pieces of his fleshly body sprint.
   Moves toward side Ning Ze slowly, feels passing of his essence, Shi Yan is grinning cruel smiling, knows treating unjustly that this fellow dies, for own action inwardly proud of oneself.
   Has Sky Level Ning Ze, if not the heart lives to fear intent, did not have self-confidence ' Shi Yan to kill him, must enter into Second Sky from [Rampage] First Sky, many stimulation of movement Negative Energy.
   May because of Ning Ze own reason, his spirit completely lose, cannot display power, making Shi Yan have an opportunity, under the [Rampage] First Sky condition, kills to easy striking this Sky Level Ning Ze.
   This war, lets Shi Yan true conciousness to the imposing manner regarding the Warrior use, through this and fight of Ning Ze, he regarding the understanding of Intent Domain, in the struggle of vigor regarding the battle ' had the extremely profound understanding.
   Also after this war, he knows that is what is very difficult some people able to challenge in a Level match, the both sides Realm disparity was too far, a weak side, will have to plant the feeling of being inferior to the opposite party, has this mentality to be hard power in ' a weak side to display completely.
   But the Realm high person, has a stronger self-confidence inborn, this type self-confident will make their power display peak ' to be in inverse proportion, Expert is stronger ' the weak one to be weaker, that fight naturally cannot have the what accident.
   The weak ones want to challenge Expert, must first pass own psychological that pass! Only then has absolute self-confidence to oneself, has mentality that must win! Can by the influence of opposite party imposing manner, then complete power Lou Hui not come out!
   Has this mentality and formidable will, Warrior even can surpass the display of level, will have will be strong the possibility that own match has killed.
   An ordinary war, made Shi Yan benefit greatly, first clear realizing the battle between Warrior, solely does not fight the strength, but must display their wisdom and bravery, sometimes in imposing manner does not fear, even can make up for on some power not to be insufficient to fly this understanding, Shi Yan looked at that lakelet Warrior of these Sky Realm Third Sky boundaries again, the look also suddenly had the subtle change.
   Formerly these fellows warned his time, he was secret, has one type do not enrage the thoughts of these people, had the worry because of the heart, therefore his imposing manner also weak a point, probably was shorter than on a head the opposite party.
   May after with a Ning Ze war, he in the understanding of Warrior fight, enter brand-new Realm, the whole person is suddenly open, as if the wisdom rose planned.
   On the tenacious nerve, became aware through this Ming, making Shi Yan even give birth to a world my arrogance to be only self-confident to oneself.
   At this moment, even if God Realm Expert comes, his understanding does not live to dread, not because of opposite party powerful, but the imposing manner weakens, will unable to live including the thought of revolt.
   These Warrior in lakelet, quietly are gazing at this him, naturally saw the change of his look, at this time in the Shi Yan look, does not have one point of fearing intent again, instead has an extremely arrogant provocative flavor in inside.
   These Warrior in abundance knitting the brows heads, regarding, only then Shi Yan of pan boundary appraised a point high, knew Daozhen, if fought, Shi Yan decidedly not because their Realm are profound, but the heart lived the fear.
   'Ning Ze died, if you stay outside to me well, I will not manage you.' Shi Yan has turned around, had called to that Chi Xiao position, moves toward Zuo Shi at once unhurriedly, said: 'Goes in me.' Zuo Shi is only not combatant.
   Only then she of Earth Realm boundary, knows unable to add on, fears into the burden, therefore hides quietly in the crowd, does not let Ning Ze and these Heavenly Temple Warrior notes her.
   Her action without doubt is very correct , because of her intelligence, Chi Xiao and Shi Yan, Ai Ya and the others, can not have getting rid of worry place, does not need to be worried that sky Warrior holds under duress her, lets Shi Yan and Chi Xiao obey.
   In the crowd, Zuo Shi has not gone to look at the fight of her master Chi Xiao and her grandfather Zuo Xu, but is staring at Shi Yan, looks at Shi Yan unflustered kills Ning Ze.
   Warrior that surrounds is numerous, but Zuo Shi actually through this fight, understood the function of an imposing manner and will, benefits greatly from this war.
   Hears Shi Yan shouted lightly, Zuo Shi pursed the lips to smile gently, fills the pupil of Spiritual Qi, revealed the astonishing appearance, 'your this fellow, was really rotten to the core, the mouth was also malicious, this, that person will quickly not be massacred by you.'
   Shi Yan grins to smile, said: 'Only blames that fellow not to have experience too many brutal tribulations, cannot bear including the attack of this words' gets what one deserves he dead. ', Speech time ' Shi Yan previously the position line of that lakelet went, at this time [Gravitational Field] starts to move slowly, has drawn back coming out from that lakelet slowly ', and moves one side, is Shi Yan reveals passage.
   By the lakelet, surrounds Ran Warrior to have, but appearance of looks at that passage, does not have one person to dare first to enter, can only eager looks at Shi Yan bring Zuo Shi to enter, will also give way to traffic ' for fear that accidentally to reveal what to let the action that Shi Yan will misunderstand on own initiative.
   Shi Yan is bringing Zuo Shi, in the acting in a completely informal or uninhibited manner entry lakelet, takes out several Monster Core to give her conveniently, said with a smile: 'Your leave alone that many, restore with these Monster Core.', He early saw that Zuo Shi three people of Essence Qi have not restored, three people the time of the masonry flushing, power is not the peak condition.
   At that time three Monster Core in [Gravitational Field] appeared, Zuo Xu and Chi Xiao simultaneously were jealous, wants to gather that three Monster Core very much, this explained that they should be very difficult in the experience of Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, in the hand simply has not saved to what Monster Core, otherwise they are so long ' not to have Essence Qi to restore peak in the old city.
   Really, when Zuo Shi attains that several Monster Core, the eye has shone fiercely, suddenly calls out in alarm: 'These many Monster Core!'
   Shi Yan shook the head with a smile, knows that his guess right, 'you restored a while well' and other grandfather and Chi Xiao Senior have also come, you gave them Monster Core, making them also restore to the heyday. '
   'Thank you' calculates you to be loyal, has not forgotten the old friend. ' Zuo Shi rebukes white his divination face has actually been brimming with the beautiful smiling face, 'walked from Merchant Union, several years do not have a mouth news, when also you forgot us. Snort, Grandpa Shi also always moves toward us to inquire that asked has your news, is really good, when I originally you really ruthless, was good, now forgave you.'
   Zuo Shi as if very much somewhat resentfully read to him, while this opportunity, altogether poured out.
   The Shi Yan facial expression stagnates, suddenly sighed in a soft voice, 'I was indeed ruthless, yeah, was I have disappointed Shi family', after entering Endless Sea, he little remembered Merchant Union, remembered Shi family these 'family member'.
   After arriving at this Grace Mainland, he experienced a lot, knew many people, may regard the family member him, is good to him wholeheartedly, has Shi family Shi Jian these family member elders!
   They do not have the help of any selfishness he, after discovering he has a better prospect, even also persuaded him to leave Merchant Union, urging him to go to Endless Sea to pursue own future.
   Now to a Zuo Shi saying, he thought so that in the heart has the shame, in the experience of Merchant Union, reappears in the mind that cannot be restrained.
   Sets firm resolve secretly, after some day he has enough ability, he must help Shi family surely, making Shi family solely not dominate in that Merchant Union small place, he must give that Shi family family member, will be broader the future.
   ' We gave up, that position gave you.
   In this time, from that smog, broadcasts the Warrior sound of Heavenly Temple that Sky Realm Second Sky boundary, after that person sees itself the person body dead again and again, knew that very difficult in the hand to ask for convenient from Shi Yan and the others, gives up oneself decisively he, as soon as gives up, originally and Ai Ya and the others dogfight several now Heavenly Temple Warrior, calls a halt hurriedly, the calm face gathered side him.
   'We have the opportunity.' That person looks dignified, several other teams in directional lakelet, said lightly: 'Cannot snatch them, we can snatch others' position, the team in lakelet, continues their.'
   Lakelet edge, Warrior of other five teams, listened to his such saying, facial expression suddenly changed, facial expressions were vigilant.
   'So good.', Shi Yan, Henry, had selected nod to Chi Xiao and the others, 'they, since is so wise, we are not good to be ruthless, En, do not waste the physical strength, comes to rest, we looked that they fought to be life and death good.'
   Chi Xiao, Ai Ya and Cai Yi hear of Shi Yan such saying, simultaneously have selected nod, walked together.
   These people enter the lakelet, Shi Yan control the mind suddenly, transfers that [Gravitational Field] once more, making that [Gravitational Field] stop up directly before their bodies.
   Such one, Warrior of surrounding, must kill to them, needs to face [Gravitational Field].
   [Gravitational Field] was together the death barrier, after stopping up that together, the Warrior heart of surrounding lived to fear intent, simultaneously gave up regarding the goal Shi Yan rank.
   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 8 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-402>
   The Demonic Beast group of old city surrounding, such as the tide emerges generally, but also encircles Warrior outside silver lakelet, saw with own eyes that Demonic Beast in groups clashes, knows that situation dangerours is anxious, cannot attend to waiting for the opportunity again, in the Warrior team toward lakelet launches the final impact.
   Suddenly, above the lakelet various rare treasures run amuck, dazzling rays of light interweaves the lattice, all sorts of tyrannical energy fluctuations, erupt fiercely.
   Shi Yan sits in the lakelet, keeps off [Gravitational Field] before the body, making these crazy Warrior hearts live to dread that does not dare to regard the goal them.
   Ai Ya, Cai Yi, Lao li and Lao Lun four people, have benefitted from Shi Yan, can have the respite time, took out Monster Core respectively, started with the aid in the monster strength in Monster Core, restores own Essence Qi.
   Chi Xiao, Zuo Xu and Zuo Shi three people , is the same, these three people were quite poverty-stricken, because of the Shi Yan reason, in three people of hands has Monster Core to restore power at this time, and does not need to be worried that can become the front Warrior target.
   Little You midpoint, that three most formidable team, saw after Shi Yan one line of move into, has not taken other action, gradually relaxed vigilantly, sat in the lakelet center again.
   These three most formidable teams, in the lakelet dead center, have Warrior of Sky Realm Third Sky boundary to assume personal command, encircles these people outside lakelet, does not dare to be what kind to them, but copes with another five teams with every effort.
   Sits in the lakelet, the Shi Yan facial expression is indifferent, frowns outside looks at, Warrior that looks at these slaughter. He is controlling [Gravitational Field] quietly, gigantic incomparable [Gravitational Field], branched out a slightly dot [Gravitational Field] to come in being quietly, this small [Gravitational Field], always quietly in the Warrior central activity of going on an expedition, died later Warrior Dead body to draw.
   Dozens Warrior had been pulled into that small [Gravitational Field] by him, the massive essence well up, 11 drill into Shi Yan whole body acupoint.
   Others are battling at risk of life, he actually seizes the chance to collect the Warrior corpse, strengthens own power.
   The fierce combat of these many people, each had new Warrior dead, he sat in the lakelet, does not need to waste one point of strength, actually harvested greatly.
   The tour of this Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, was really comes right.
   In the Shi Yan heart sneers, is feeling emerging of huge heaven and earth Origin Energy, constrains several to want the crazy mood forcefully, when to him discovered that acupoint starts the painfully swollen, somewhat when cannot withstand these many essence of emerging, takes back that [Gravitational Field].
   It is not does not want to continue to collect these essence, but he knows that own condition, knows to bite off more than one can chew, in this bad risk Exotic Land, because if greedy, falls into the boundary of crazy backlash, his gain does not equal the loss.
   Gave up continue collect the dead essence, but he was gazing at all around as before vigilantly, looks at these Warrior tragic deaths, looks at more and more Demonic Beast flushed.
   Finally, several hundred Demonic Beast emerge like locust, these Demonic Beast already eyed covetously surrounding has not entered Warrior of lakelet, at this time gathers, immediately launches bloody slaughtering.
   Suddenly, the fight of lakelet surrounding, becomes even more brutal.
   Also keeps outside lakelet these Warrior, not only need face the impact of inside Warrior, but must deal with the Demonic Beast worry that emerges.
   More and more Warrior were killed, outside lakelet these Warrior, were crushed by the worry, gave Demonic Beast swallowing including the bone.
   Lakelet central Warrior, draws support Monster Core calmly cultivates, while emits the attention, dignified looks at these Demonic Beast.
   Although this silver lakelet has to resist the Demonic Beast special effect, but Warrior in lakelet, somewhat was worried that was worried this silver lakelet the strength of defense, will vanish suddenly.
   Outside gathered that many Demonic Beast, once the defensive power of lakelet vanished suddenly, but also keeps Warrior that in the lakelet calmly cultivates, suddenly will be gnawed the body by Demonic Beast, nobody dares to take risk, therefore is critical situation one by one.
   The fight of remnant cream, because of massive emerging of Demonic Beast, ended in half quarter time.
   With Ning Ze these Heavenly Temple Warrior together, cannot enter the lakelet finally, substitutes for Warrior of other team, 11 were worried the sliced meat by Demonic Beast, was swallowed into the abdomen by Demonic Beast to Blood Dripping Gem.
   , In the surrounding of silver lakelet, did not have a live person quickly, only remaining everywhere broken corpses, but also various about thousand class Demonic Beast.
   Leader Demonic Beast opens the fierce big mouth that fresh blood drip flowings, in the fang emits the stench the smell of blood, the Demonic Beast eye pupil that a pair of eyes color varies, Warrior in ice cold looks at lakelet, actually does not dare to enter the lakelet truly, but encircles in periphery does not walk.
   'It seems like this silver lakelet, indeed was the only means of livelihood.' Ai Ya black eyebrow coloring eyebrow slightly pressed, sighed in a soft voice, 'feels sorry for Warrior that these do not have, ends up to turn out dead completely the fate of not entire corpse, this Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist is really brutal, wants to obtain the rare treasure, indeed needs to wrestle with the life.'
   Cai Yi and Lao li nod, shows the expression that has a lingering fear together.
   'Shi Yan, this time has been lucky you , if not your ash-gray tornado, we decide however cannot from Heavenly Temple these person of hands, snatches this region.' The Lao li sincerity expressed gratitude, said sincerely: 'In that masonry, if no you, perhaps our two brothers, already'
   Lao li and in the Lao Lun heart understands, if no instruction of Shi Yan, Ai Ya and Cai Yi these two women, will not take them absolutely, cannot soar from out of the blue, only depends on two legs, they cannot arrive in this silver lakelet from the start.
   This all the way, the Lao li two brothers regarded the leader Shi Yan gradually, the start of the heart admired him, after this fight, the Lao li two brothers has approved him truly, did not look like Ai Ya and Cai Yi like that to cherish illegally.
   'We, since comes, how should do, in my heart has the spectrum.' Shi Yan gives a calm smile, 'you and we experienced that many together, is the friend of sharing joys and sorrows, matter that betrays the friend, I cannot do.'
   Speech time, Shi Yan shot a look at Ai Ya and Cai Yi.
   Lao li their eyes dodge, secret nod.
   Ai Ya and Cai Yi complexion is disgruntled, simultaneously cold snort.
   'Too happy, this should not be the first wave of Demonic Beast attack, that storm, roaring flame, wind and frost and thunder and lightning are still closing up, the silver lakelet can prevent Demonic Beast, actually may not block these to come from four looks like the mountain range disaster.' Shi Yan hesitated, facial expression had not relaxed as before, 'was careful, when a while these disasters came, prepared, first defended, so as to avoid by these disasters extinguishing.'
   Ai Ya and the others facial expression one austere, is anxious.
   'Shi Yan, how do you arrive at Nirvana Third Sky suddenly?' Zuo Shi has stood quietly, arrives at side him smilingly, 'I remember, when the places of our that quiet cloud, you only then the Disaster boundary, this has separated for 78 years, your cultivation was also too quick?'
   Chi Xiao and Zuo Xu also facial expression changes countenance, looks together to him.
   'what?' The Cai Yi tender and beautiful cheek, suddenly slightly changes, her eye has shone fiercely, vision brilliant looks to Shi Yan, 'you enter into the boundary of Nirvana Third Sky from the Disaster boundary, but has used for 78 years?'
   Ai Ya and Lao li two brothers , the peak however changes color, looked that the monster looks generally to him.
   The Shi Yan knitting the brows head, said lightly: 'Luck is good.'
   'Shi Yan, will you come to here? Didn't you go to Endless Sea Yang Family?' Zuo Xu has gawked a while, suddenly has remembered what, 'was right, your grandfather also told us, if we bumped into you, making you add cultivation industriously, Yang Family to think of as worthless. Are you what kind in Yang Family? These people to your? Has to come across the what not satisfactory matter?'
   'Yang Family' Shi Yan muttered whispered, was smiling bitterly shaking the head, 'did not say these, a short time did not talk clearly, my grandfather can they be good?'
   'Is very good, present Merchant Union, takes responsibility by our Zuo Family and your Shi family. Before you leave, almost exterminates an entire family Beiming Family, Mo Family and Ling Family, these three respected family masters were cleaned up, declined thoroughly in Merchant Union, now new Warrior invests our Zuo Family and your Shi family.' Zuo Xu smiled, 'also has been lucky you, otherwise Merchant Union is not one's turn our two families to take responsibility.'
   'Haven't you met what to be difficult?' Shi Yan asked at will.
   The smiling face on Zuo Xu face slightly one stiff, look one gloomy, said lightly: ' Greatly troublesome has not met, but Raging Fire Empire and God Blessed Empire, have actually brought many pressures to us. These two countries make war, has affected Merchant Union, both countries wants to win over us, does not want to make us continue the neutrality to get down, evidently, will not make us feel better.
   In the place of that quiet cloud, has Raging Fire Empire, God Blessed Empire and Merchant Union, Merchant Union is a potential weak side, after Beiming Family, Ling Family and Mo Family were cleaned up one after another is clean, Merchant Union overall Warrior power is insufficient, was unable to constitute to threaten to two big empires, therefore made these two Great Emperor state-owned the disloyalty.
   Listened to a Zuo Xu such saying, a Shi Yan brow wrinkle, the calm face has selected nod, said lightly: 'Has the words of time, I will find the way to help you process the threat of Raging Fire Empire and God Blessed Empire, but this matter wanted I to leave Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist. Yeah, Endless Sea one pile of troubles are also waiting'
   Zuo Xu and the others listened to his such saying, has revealed curious expression, but Shi Yan did not say that they have not closely examined.
   'Everybody do not talk about old days, must come troublesome.' Ai Ya made noise to break Shi Yan and the others suddenly the words, put out a hand to aim at the front thunder and lightning crowded region, said: 'There thunder and lightning, should arrive first, I think how everybody should think to cope with these attacks thunder and lightning.'
   Bunch thunder and lightning, such as the electricity snake winds to sway from side to side in the midair equally, in dazzling lightning, these thunder and lightning is getting more and more near, the thunder and lightning place visited, below masonry explodes in abundance, the quarry stone stirs up the plaster to shoot in all directions.
   'Makes above!'
   Warrior of lakelet center Sky Realm Third Sky boundary, suddenly startled shout.
   Under Shi Yan gaining ground of conciousness looks at day.
   Region that space two rivers interweave, ancient human bodies pile up, formed one to extend indistinctly to the corpse bridge of lakelet comes out, let fall toward the folk song under gradually.
   That dazzling rays of light place, the intermittent intense fluctuation passes on, the five colors brights, like are the sea-monster are swaying from side to side in these rays of light, carefully looks like, will discover that these brights unexpectedly are the sword, armor, the jade ornamental hairpin, jade and other different rare treasures.
   'Is the rare treasure!'
   Warrior in lakelet, screamed that the facial expression roused, the grinding fist sound of sword, prepared for has robbed rare treasure.
   The lake center, that six have formidable Warrior of Sky Realm Third Sky boundary, has stood one after another, they looked up a sound of top of the head, will then focus on surrounding Shi Yan and the others, look cold Li, as if harbored evil intentions.
   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 9 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-403>
   'Be careful!'
   Chi Xiao facial expression slightly changes, gets down conciousness gathers whole body power, the five fingers contraction is uncertain, continuously light smog, such as the spirit snake from his nail same braves to transgress.
   Ai Ya and Cai Yi are also anxious, looks at the storm, thunder and lightning, roaring flame and wind and frost that approaches to the distant place slowly, while is paying attention lakelet center three teams of Warrior, for fear that these Warrior will adopt the intense action.
   Central place that the top of the head of people, two Milky Way interweaves, energy fluctuation even more turbulent intense, like has innumerable different attribute energy, starts to have some unusual change at that interweaving point.
   The ancient human bodies of vicissitudes, receive Center energy to interweave a influence, starts submersion slowly.
   The stair that is formed by the car(riage) corpse, from that day gradual lets fall, was getting more and more close to the top of the head of people.
   'This ladder that is built by the ancient human body, should be able to arrive at that energy to interweave directly, when that ladder really fell, situation that three teams of Warrior should fight.' Ai Ya puts out the dull purple lithography, on the lithography portrays a mystical mysterious design together, likely is the vein of mountains and rivers, floods Intent Domain that the rivers are extending in all directions.
   The lithography is sending out purple light in her pure white palm faintly, the design that on the lithography portrays, lifelike, in that purple light circulation, the vein of that mountains and rivers just like living, has been flowing on that lithography slowly.
   Ai Ya sinks to the mind the lithography, the whole person has given birth to insightful wise Intent Domain immediately, she[ body] in Essence Qi pours into the lithography, in Intent Domain with lithography achieves the relation, in a soft voice said: 'This mountains and rivers seal was the Sacred level rare treasure, a while and other surrounding of the disasters approached', once that three teams of Warrior get rid ' I to let out this mountains and rivers seal immediately, this mountains and rivers seal decided however can hinder their some time, we can while that time, mount the day following the corpse ladder. ', Cai Yi, Lao li and Lao Lun three people looked at Ai Ya to take out mountains and rivers seal, the eye have also shone, three people as if know that the use and effect of mountains and rivers seal, the facial expression shook obviously.
   Shi Yan shot a look at Ai Ya one, has selected nod secretly, knows at this moment, this woman was knew roughly ' finally the hidden nose the method has also caused.
   Ai Ya came from White Emperor City, it is said the White Emperor City city host's daughter, from Cai Yi, Lao li and other population, Shi Yan knows that the White Emperor City city advocates cultivation base quite to be as if exquisite, Ai Ya is his daughter, in the hand has the formidable rare treasure, Shi Yan is not accidental.
   This ' starts to command this team from him all the way, Ai Ya relaxed, in many fights, desirably[ really] solid power restraining, has not put out other rare treasure to deal with enemy ' this mountains and rivers to print her to remain uses now, obviously the might should not be weak.
   'En, a while everybody carefully, if Ai Ya has emitted mountains and rivers seal, so long as has seized the opportunity, do not hesitate.' Shi Yan looks to Chi Xiao, Zuo Shi and Zuo Xu.
   The Ai Ya three people also come from White Emperor City, knows the wondrous use of that mountains and rivers seal, but Chi Xiao they actually do not know that Shi Yan was worried their not clear condition ' a while cannot seize the appropriate opportunity, has to say one ahead of time.
   Chi Xiao and the others nod ' facial expression was gently serious, hints to understand his reminder.
   'Xiao Shi, a while and your master close right up against, should not be far away from your master.', Zuo Xu lowers the sound, dignified urging: 'Really left your master to be far, remembers that must close right up against with Shi Yan, your strength was weakest, do not show off ability, you main duty, saves own life.', Chi Xiao has Sky Realm Second Sky Realm, is on Realm is outwardly strongest among them, Zuo Xu and Chi Xiao knew for many years, knows that the Chi Xiao skill, knows at crucial moment, Chi Xiao should be able to protect her.
   To hand Shi Yan
   Although looks like, only then Realm of Nirvana Origin boundary, the method that but this while he exposes, makes Zuo Xu believe secretly, Zuo Xu understood the critical moment, only then the Nirvana Origin boundary did not have many other him of relying on, perhaps was hard to shelter to leave the female, he cannot pin Zuo Shi secure dangerours on Ai Ya, Cai Yi and the others, therefore had this saying.
   'Relax the grandfather, I will protect my.' Zuo Shi answered one cleverly, the bright eye winked winking, slightly saying of some worries: 'Grandfather, you are also careful, the above rare treasure is no doubt precious, but do not take risk. You in the place of our quiet cloud, although Realm is also top, is here, your cultivation base', the Zuo Xu forced smile, has selected nod, has not argued what.
   Does not have what to be good to argue that here is Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, is entirely different from the situation of place of quiet cloud, this place any Warrior, at least has cultivation base of plan boundary. Most the fellows of Nirvana Origin boundary, but also is young. After arriving here, Zuo Xu somewhat has been sorrowful, lives first conciousness to gou in the place of quiet cloud, actually quite pitiful.
   He has one type the feeling of sitting the well view day, and decides in the heart secretly, once this time lives is coming out from Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, will decide however must look at the Zuo Family future development again, is more open, no longer limits to place of that small place that quiet cloud the vision will put. Zuo Xu, Ai Ya and the others in a low voice exchange time, the corpse ladder that audiences head goes against was getting more and more near, had dozens meters being away from to everybody.
   Lakelet Center has Sky Realm Third Sky Realm three teams of Warrior, to this moment, could not repress finally dry, in the pupil the ominous light is bright, starts to stare to potential killer.
   These three teams of Warrior, will concentrate from the beginning in the opposite party, has the Sky Realm Third Sky boundary Warrior team to regard the main threat similarly, when disaster when but under them looking of conciousness to approaches slowly, paid attention Shi Yan and the others, revealed part of attention.
   Shi Yan, Chi Xiao, Ai Ya and the others facial expression one cold, each one starts to be anxious. They are recent to disaster that compels slowly, a while these roaring flame and storms raid, they in Warrior compared with these lakelet will take the risk first, if when the resistance disaster, suddenly were then hit by these people, this will let their situation extremely difficult bad risks.
   'Remembers that a while pays attention my movement.', Ai Ya with the volume that only then the side talented person can hear, officially informed people one on the quiet, her is grasping the white hands of mountains and rivers seal, when does not know gets up, unexpectedly has become the strange dull purple. The blood vessel on her white hands has careful purple rays of light to flow slowly, 11 pour into mountains and rivers seal.
   'Shouted whistling!'
   Storm sound that the experience ghost howls, slowly becomes resounding, the disaster that comes first is the storm, in fierce compressed-air driven, energy of raging tide turbulent wind along with storm raids to start to spread, in these storms obviously glittering different light, different light such as sword blade, shining, there is a sharp cold brightness.
   Lakelet edge six teams, see with own eyes the storm attack, facial expression treasure, takes out the rare treasure in abundance, and respective sacrifice the light cover of defensive power. Has defense class rare treasure Warrior, at this time also no longer hid, put on the color to vary, has special effect Armor. Zuo Shi has also put on Dragon Turtle Armor, this strange armor that is made by Turtle Shell piece by piece, covers her tall body most, except for two sections of slender calves, the Zuo Shi tender body was covered up by the armor, the appearance slightly is laughable, has the imposing manner that sincerely immovability.
   Some Shi Yan surprise, stared at her to look at one, has selected nod gently, said: 'These years, you should be great regarding this Dragon Turtle spirit early understanding evidently, En, is very good, although this gadget was uglier, but the defensive power should not be bad.' A Zuo Shi small face red, poverty-stricken [say / way]: 'Let alone, I know that this mail-armor and helmet is very ugly, does not want you to remind me, '.', Shi Yan cannot help laughing, at once turns the head to look strongly to the front, the attention above [Gravitational Field], pays attention the attack of that storm, effect on [Gravitational Field].
   Flap flap the storm obstructs the day to raid, emerges in [Gravitational Field] fiercely, the fluctuation that one type twists all different strength, transmits from that storm.
   With some [Gravitational Field] of storm contact, different power of various mixes, become Chaos cannot withstand suddenly, seemed affected by the storm, wind speed of that revolving, slow-down of terminal velocity, even starts to stagnate.
   In heart one cold, Shi Yan conciousness to the change of this storm, can destroy [Gravitational Field] immediately.
   facial expression slightly changes, he does not have to be excessively scruple, has not broken all in [Gravitational Field] while that storm, two catch suddenly again and again void, the intermittent energy fluctuation wells up from his control.
   Mixes in [Gravitational Field] maliciously [gold/metal] silk, comes under the influences of his two different strength, changes into golden light, vanishes in Imaginary Space Ring on his hand in abundance.
   In the short three seconds, all [gold/metal] silks were received by him, stops in Imaginary Space Ring.
   That instant that waits for the [gold/metal] silk to vanish completely, this is constructed by him, almost goes smoothly everywhere [Gravitational Field] that in the old city, finally was flooded by storm power completely.
   In a flash, precise [Gravitational Field] all sorts of different energy, were twisted Chaos by the manic fluctuation of that storm.
   [Gravitational Field] vanishes without the trace!
   Ai Ya, Chi Xiao and the others the facial expression change countenance, in the eye flashes through a dignified meaning, the rare treasure on hand starts to glow the misty halo.
   'Hey!', Lake Center, Warrior of now Sky Realm Third Sky boundary, looked at Shi Yan indifferently, suddenly curls the lip saying: 'Few threat.'
   In the lake several strongest Warrior, have been guarding against Shi Yan and the others, its main reason, but also lies in [Gravitational Field], because in [Gravitational Field] the energy fluctuation is too strange, the [gold/metal] silk exists, this lets these person of secret hearts startled, has regarded the significant threat Shi Yan.
   Now [Gravitational Field] vanished, only then Shi Yan of Nirvana Origin boundary, is not enough to affect them in their eyes, their facial expression loosen, does not have was serious Shi Yan and the others again.
   Mountains and rivers seal that also in this time, in the Ai Ya hand grips tightly, suddenly in purple light is greatly abundant, rises her top of the head slowly.
   Purple stream ray emit from mountains and rivers India , China, likely is rivulet trickle, spreads from that mountains and rivers India , China, the dispersing spider web is ordinary, floods audiences head to go against the space fast.
   'Do not be anxious!', The Shi Yan terrified color deterioration, cannot bear sink to drink one.
   purple light of mountains and rivers seal such as rills, extend in the audiences head top, in very short time floods above the lakelet, the change of Ai Ya while mountains and rivers seal, drinks one suddenly tenderly: 'Everybody prepares!', Warrior in lake, look one cold, simultaneously snort, will have focused in Ai Ya.
   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 10 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-404>
   Heart! '
   Chi Xiao face è slightly changes, gets down conciousness gathers whole body power, the five fingers contraction is uncertain, hunchback a wisp of light smog ' such as the spirit snake from his nail same to brave to transgress.
   Ai Ya and Cai Yi are also anxious, looks to distant place slowly bī near storm, thunder and lightning, roaring flame and wind and frost, while was paying attention iǎ lake center three teams of Wu Zu, for fear that these Warrior will adopt the intense action.
   Central place that the top of the head of people, two Milky Way jiā weave, energy fluctuation even more turbulent intense, like has energy that the innumerable types are not ' to weave the point to start in that jiā to have some unusual change.
   The ancient human bodies of vicissitudes ' receive central energy jiā to weave an influence, starts submersion slowly.
   One respectively stair that is formed by the ancient human body, from that day gradual lets fall, was getting more and more close to the top of the head of people.
   'This ladder that is built by the ancient human body, should be able to arrive at that energy jiā to weave directly, when that ladder really fell, situation that three teams of Warrior should fight.' Ai Ya puts out the dark purple è lithography on lithography to portray a mystical mysterious design together ', likely is the vein of mountains and rivers, floods Intent Domain that the rivers are extending in all directions.
   The lithography is sending out purple light in her pure white palm faintly, the design that on the lithography portrays, lifelike, in that purple light circulation, the vein of that mountains and rivers just like living, has been flowing on that lithography slowly.
   Ai Ya sinks to the mind the lithography, the whole person has given birth to insightful wise Intent Domain immediately, she injects lithography ' in Intent Domain with lithography to achieve relation ' within the body jīng Yuan in a soft voice saying: 'This mountains and rivers seal was the Sacred level rare treasure, a while and other surrounding of the disasters approached, once that three teams of Warrior got rid, I will let out this mountains and rivers seal immediately, this mountains and rivers seal decided however can hinder their some time, we can mount the day while that time' following the corpse ladder. '
   Cai Yi, Lao li and Lao Lun three people looked at Ai Ya to take out mountains and rivers seal, the eye have also shone, three people as if know that the use and effect of mountains and rivers seal, the facial expression shook obviously.
   Shi Yan shot a look at Ai Ya one ' to select nod secretly, knows that at this moment ' this nv person also knows the cardinal principle, finally will be hiding the method has caused.
   Ai Ya came from White Emperor City ' it is said nv of White Emperor City city host, from Cai Yi, Lao li and other population, Shi Yan knows that the White Emperor City city advocates cultivation base as if extremely jīng Zhen, Ai Ya is his nv, in the hand has the formidable rare treasure, Shi Yan is not accidental.
   This all the way, starts to command this team from him, Ai Ya relaxed, in many fights, real power restraining, will not have put out other rare treasure to deal with enemy ' this mountains and rivers to print her desirably to remain uses now, obviously the might should not be weak.
   'En, a a while everybody iǎ heart point, if Ai Ya has emitted mountains and rivers seal, so long as has seized the opportunity, do not hesitate.' Shi Yan looks to Chi Xiao, Zuo Shi and Zuo Xu.
   The Ai Ya three people also come from White Emperor City, knows the wondrous use of that mountains and rivers seal, but Chi Xiao they actually do not know that Shi Yan was worried their not clear condition ' a while cannot seize the appropriate opportunity, has to say one ahead of time.
   Chi Xiao and the others nod ' face è was gently serious, hints to understand his reminder.
   The poem, a while and your master close right up against, should not be far away from your master. ' Zuo Xu lowers the sound, dignified urging: 'Really left your master to be far, remembers that must close right up against with Shi Yan, your strength was weakest, do not show off ability' you main duty, preserves own life. '
   Chi Xiao has Sky Realm Second Sky Realm, among them is on outwardly Realm strongest ' Zuo Xu and Chi Xiao knew many years ' also know the Chi Xiao skill, knows at crucial moment ' Chi Xiao should be able to protect her.
   As for Shi Yan '
   Although looks like, only then Realm of Nirvana Origin boundary, the method that but this while he exposes, makes Zuo Xu believe secretly, Zuo Xu understood the critical moment, only then the Nirvana Origin boundary did not have many other him of relying on ' perhaps to be hard to shelter other nv, he cannot pin Zuo Shi secure dangerours on Ai Ya, Cai Yi and the others, therefore had this saying.
   ', Relax the grandfather, I will protect my.' Zuo Shi answered one cleverly, the bright eye winked winking, slightly saying of some worries: 'Grandfather, you also want the iǎ heart' the above rare treasure to be no doubt precious, but do not take risk. You in the place of our quiet cloud, although Realm is also apex ', but here ' your cultivation base '
   The Zuo Xu forced smile ' selected nod ' not to argue what.
   Does not have what to be good to argue that here is the dark magnetic fog buries, is entirely different from the situation of place of quiet cloud, this place any Warrior ' at least has to put up cultivation base of boundary. Fellow who most put up the boundary, but also is young. After arriving here , ' Zuo Xu somewhat has been sorrowful, lives first conciousness to gou in the place of quiet cloud ' actually quite pitiful.
   He has one type the feeling of sitting the well view day, and decides in the heart secretly ' this time, once lives is coming out from Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, will decide however must look at the Zuo Family future development again, is more open no longer limits to place of that iǎ place that quiet cloud the vision will put '.
   Zuo Xu, Ai Ya and the others in a low voice jiā class time, the corpse ladder that audiences head goes against was getting more and more near, had dozens meters being away from to everybody.
   The lake center has Sky Realm Third Sky Realm three teams of Warrior, to this moment, could not repress finally, in the pupil the ominous rice is bright, starts to stare to potential adversary.
   These three teams of Warrior, place on the main jīng strength the opposite party from the beginning, has the Sky Realm Third Sky boundary Warrior team to regard the main threat similarly, when but under them looking of conciousness to slowly bī near disaster, paid attention Shi Yan and the others, revealed part of attention.
   Shi Yan, Chi Xiao, Ai Ya and other face è one cold 'each one starts to be intense. They' a while these roaring flame and storms raided recently to disaster that bī came slowly, they in Warrior compared with these iǎ lakes will take the risk first, if when resistance disaster continued, then suddenly was hit this to let their situation extremely difficult bad risks by these people '.
   'Remembers that a while pays attention my movement.' Ai Ya with the volume that only then the side talented person can hear, officially informed people one on the quiet, her is shaking yù in mountains and rivers seal, does not know when got up ' becomes the blood vessel on strange dark purple her yù had careful purple è rays of light to flow unexpectedly slowly, 11 poured into mountains and rivers seal.
   'Shouted whistling!'
   Storm sound that the evil spirit howls, slowly becomes resounding, the disaster that comes first is the storm, ' energy of turbulent wind in fierce compressed-air driven crazy along with storm raids to start to spread, in these storms obviously glittering different light, different light such as sword blade, shining, there is a sharp cold brightness.
   Lake edge six teams ' see with own eyes the storm attack, face è treasure ' take out the rare treasure in abundance, and respective sacrifice the light cover of defensive power. Has defense class rare treasure Warrior, at this time also no longer hid ' puts on face è to vary, has special effect Armor.
   Zuo Shi has also put on Dragon Turtle Armor ' this strange armor that is made by Turtle Shell piece by piece, covers her tall body most, except for two sections of slender iǎ legs, Zuo Dai the tender body was covered up by the armor, the appearance slightly is laughable ' has the imposing manner that sincerely immovability.
   Some Shi Yan surprise ' stared at her to look at one, has selected nod gently, said: 'These years, you should be great regarding the understanding of this Dragon Turtle Armor evidently, En, is very good, this undergoes intent, although was uglier, but the defensive power should not be bad.'
   Zuo Shi iǎ face one red ' poverty-stricken [say / way]: 'Let alone, I know that this mail-armor and helmet is very ugly, does not want you to remind me, snort.'
   Shi Yan cannot help laughing, at once turns the head to look strongly to the front, the attention ' pays attention the attack of that storm ' above [Gravitational Field] the effect on [Gravitational Field].
   Flap flap the storm obstructs the day to raid ' to emerge in [Gravitational Field] fiercely, the fluctuation that one type twists all different strength, transmits from that storm.
   With some [Gravitational Field] of storm contact ' different power of various mixes, become mixes unable to withstand suddenly, seemed affected by the storm, wind speed of that revolving ' slow-down of terminal velocity, even starts to stagnate.
   In heart one cold, Shi Yan conciousness to the change of this storm, can destroy [Gravitational Field] immediately.
   Face è slightly changes, he does not have excessively to hesitate ' has not broken all in [Gravitational Field] while that storm, two catch the intermittent energy fluctuation to well up suddenly again and again void ' from his control.
   Mixes in [Gravitational Field] maliciously [gold/metal] silk, comes under the influences of his two different strength ' to change into golden light, vanishes in Imaginary Space Ring on his hand in abundance.
   In the short three seconds, all [gold/metal] silks were received by him, stops in Imaginary Space Ring.
   That instant that waits for the [gold/metal] silk to vanish completely, this is constructed by him, almost goes smoothly everywhere [Gravitational Field] that in the old city, finally was flooded by storm power completely.
   In a flash, precise [Gravitational Field] all sorts of different energy, were mixed by the manic fluctuation distortion of that storm.
   The magnetism kills the boundary field to vanish without trace!
   Ai Ya, Chi Xiao and the others the facial expression change countenance, in the eye flashes through a dignified meaning, the rare treasure on hand starts to glow the misty halo.
   The lake center, Warrior of Sky Realm Third Sky boundary ' looked at Shi Yan indifferently, suddenly curls the lip saying: 'Few threat.'
   In the lake several strongest Warrior, have been guarding against Shi Yan and the others ' its main reason, but also lies in the sulphur kills the territory field, because in [Gravitational Field] the energy fluctuation is too strange, the [gold/metal] silk exists, this lets these person of secret hearts startled, has regarded the significant threat Shi Yan.
   Now [Gravitational Field] vanished, only then Shi Yan of Nirvana Origin boundary, is not enough to affect them in their eyes, their face è loosen, does not have was serious Shi Yan and the others again.
   Mountains and rivers seal that also in this time, in the Ai Ya hand grips tightly ' suddenly in purple light is greatly abundant, rises her top of the head slowly.
   Purple è stream ray emit from mountains and rivers India , China, is disappears likely the disappearing rivulet, spreads from that mountains and rivers India , China, the spider younger sister network of dispersing is common ' floods audiences head to go against the space fast.
   'Do not be anxious!'
   Shi Yan terrified changes cannot bear sink to drink one.
   purple light of mountains and rivers seal such as iǎ streams, extend in the audiences head top, in very short time floods above the iǎ lake, the change of Ai Ya while mountains and rivers seal, drinks one suddenly tenderly: 'Everybody prepares!'
   Warrior in lake, look one cold ' simultaneously snort, focuses in Ai Ya. A
   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 11 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-405>
   'Small girl bringing death, I am becoming meet you anxiously!'
   Lakelet Center, whole face scabs Warrior of Sky Realm Third Sky boundary, facial expression sinks, suddenly raises hand to grasp.
   Giant palm that precise becomes by Essence Qi, clear appears in the space, that palm one mu place was big, covers to Ai Ya, the palm center has transmitted the strong fierce suction.
   Stands with him in another now Third Sky of Sky Realm Warrior together, on the face reveals the ridicule that disdains, paces slowly, he shrinks to extend like lightning in the left hand of sleeve cuff, the crystal light of bolt of white silk, precise become a giant clear python, worries is firing into Shi Yan rank.
   The corpse ladder of space, at this time, dropped to the altitude that soon can climb up finally.
   Shi Yan one line of become flushed, in heart obloquied that Ai Ya extremely worried, attracted the attention of these Expert, saw that Expert came, and was precise a clear python, Shi Yan and Cai Yi do not dare to hesitate, started to get rid to deal.
   'Shi Yan, nurses Xiao Shi to me.', Chi Xiao calls out several suddenly, at once a dusky sphere comes out from his sleeve cuff escape, in that sphere the rich mist fast dissipation comes, forms a ash-gray smog gathering place instantaneously, detains the clear python that flies.
   Cai Yi is cold the face, releases for flight the ring on snow arm, rings are rotating in the midair turning round, in shining rays of light, the ring border emits the sharp knife edge, swift and fierce delimiting to that clear python. Zuo Xu, Lao li and Lao Lun have not moved, the god quietly is solemn and respectful, does not dare one to relax.
   The clear python is swaying from side to side the body, is pleased as punch, ten meters ' snakewood is clear, this python when flies, suddenly blowout together crystal light.
   The bolt of white silk crystal light, is a sharp sword of destroying the hardest defenses ' punctures the fog barrier that Chi Xiao puts likely directly, hits on rings that fiercely, in Cai Yi releases for flight.
   That side along bringing the ring of knife point, was being hit by that crystal light, the path of flight completely changed, toward in all directions[ stirs up] shoots.
   Cai Yi elegant face one white, comes under the influence of this impulse, the tender body trembled trembling ' the first company retreat three steps, the none remaining in look in vain one dark.
   In lakelet another two teams of Warrior , the mutual battle gets up, starts to rob first to rush to Shi Ti the situation.
   Ai Ya emits mountains and rivers seal, in forehead has one bunch of purple light turnovers to be uncertain, that bunch of purple light and mountains and rivers seal achieves the relation, is broader, has covered in a short time the purple lakelet that she closes right up against that purple light and communication of mountains and rivers seal ' makes this mountains and rivers seal form the purple brook that extends.
   A sad imposing manner, oppresses from that purple brook, Warrior in all lakelet, ' are the mind shakes under this formidable pressure, immediately was affected, has one type to be hard to break through the feeling of that brook.
   Shi Yan is no exception.
   The ability of that purple lakelet one influence heart Divine Sense sea, the intermittent spiritual fluctuation transmits unexpectedly from mountains and rivers India , China, comes through purple brook spread, is affecting Warrior in entire lakelet.
   Faint ' Warrior in lakelet, the spiritual fluctuation by mountains and rivers seal was affected Sea of Consciousness, ' the look appears a confused meaning.
   The Ai Ya diving posture plunders suddenly.
   The body like the lightning, ' her first approached Shi Ti while people confused that instant, in the lakelet Warrior has not responded, she has mounted Shi Ti, fast interweaves to select Gu Pa to get up toward the space following the corpse ladder.
   5 Devils in Shi Yan Sea of Consciousness, suddenly in the confusedness that in his Sea of Consciousness in Ping Yan has appeared, shortly will eliminate, Shi Yan restored instantaneously soberly, then saw that Ai Ya climbs up the corpse ladder fast, first fires into interweaving of space rivers.
   'motherfucker!', Shi Yan could not bear explode a vulgar language.
   Ai Ya also planned unexpectedly them!
   She does not have the plan and Shi Yan from the start they mounts Shi Ti together, reason that she puts ahead of time mountains and rivers seal, an attention of attraction team, but to let Chi Xiao and Cai Yi blocks for her, used Chi Xiao and Cai Yi, won to oneself the time that the mountains and rivers seal might released.
   Time that and Warrior of that whole face scabs, the big hand grasps, came under the mountains and rivers seal influence, cannot truly completely play the might of that big hand imprint.
   In that person of eye appears a confused meaning, Ai Ya has seized the opportunity, started mountains and rivers seal biggest power, seizes the chance to affect Sea of Consciousness of all people, first has fired into the corpse ladder, became entered the person of stone ladder first.
   Ai Ya has not regarded the companion to regard Shi Yan one line of obviously, this days continuously and Shi Yan and the others stayed in together, perhaps to wait for this moment, making Shi Yan attract the attention for them, is good to draw support others cope with Shi Yan they the time, seizes the chance to fire into the corpse ladder.
   She achieved.
   Ai Ya climbs up on the stone ladder fast, that hangs below mountains and rivers seal, brooks that forms, instantaneous precise becomes together, releases a sincere defense barrier.
   Under the space interweaving luminous spot, the purple rivers that mountains and rivers seal forms, has become a new barrier, massive purple rays of light, when she rushes to the corpse ladder, gathers she does not want any at corpse ladder most under a body of ancient human body, pursues after her.
   'Good virulent woman!'
   That whole face scabs Warrior of Third Sky of Sky Realm, gloomy the face was scolding one, the big hand imprint that transforms grasps to that leaves the people recent that ancient human body, was actually swung by ancient human body purple rays of light one side, his big hand imprint cannot grasp unexpectedly to the ancient human body, cannot give the crumb purple light that mountains and rivers India , China past.
   'Has not thought that unexpectedly your [say / way], your several juniors, the plans are actually deceitful.' Another leaves Warrior of crystal light python precise, is cold the face, coldly looks at Shi Yan, Chi Xiao and Cai Yi, 'that woman walked first, you must be buried along with the dead for her, want sole possession , must a little come to understand that is good.'
   In lakelet, numerous Warrior tries the purple creek barrier that breaks through mountains and rivers seal to come out precise, while manner bad looking to Shi Yan rank.
   'This slut!', 'Whore!', 'Mother woman!', Cai Yi, Lao li and Lao Lun three people, clenching jaws obloquies that facial expression ugly.
   Ai Ya has used them, in does not attend to their life and death, seizes the chance to rush to Shi Ti, making them become being the target of public criticism, so the procedure, simply was vicious.
   Eye looks at surrounding these Warrior, in pupils the cold brightness is bright, the purple creek when has not formed space mountains and rivers seal breaks through, the anger is getting bigger and bigger, as if wished one could their swallow alive live record, the Cai Yi three people to send regards to the Ai Ya ancestor ten generations.
   Chi Xiao and Zuo Xu facial expression big change, gets down drawing back of conciousness to Zuo Shi, look dignifiedly.
   A pitiful yell transmits suddenly, border locates Warrior of Nirvana Origin boundary, looks at Shi Yan and the others, actually carelessly were embezzled with raw hate by the storm.
   In the storm, that person of body is torn to pieces, the internal organs were torn by the wind blade, the dead shape is extremely pitiful.
   Disaster already.
   People facial expression big change.
   Warrior of lakelet border place, to the speed, the might that the protecting oneself light will cover promote peak most quickly, toward the lakelet Center accumulation, while continues to gather power.
   Some scene Chaos come suddenly.
   These Warrior in lakelet, clench teeth to obloquy that attacks the defense barrier that mountains and rivers seal forms unceasingly, that purple rivers under the impacts of various rare treasures, have revealed weak, has the rivers slit to appear gradually.
   Several effective rare treasures, fly one after another from the Warrior hand of that several Third Sky of Sky Realm, these rare treasures in the shining crystal light, the bang shoot in the purple rivers of top of the head, breaks in the first ancient human body[ body] , the sputtering that winds around purple light that strikes that ancient human body on.
   Got down according to this situation, how long cannot want, the mountains and rivers seal barrier that Ai Ya kept, will be broken through.
   These many rare treasures catch up again and again, even if the Sacred level mountains and rivers seal, feared Spiritual Qi that will be directly hit completely will lose, directly has become scrap rock.
   Ai Ya spelled lost a Sacred level secret treasure mountain river seal, must detain the people, the disaster that makes their soon come gave to submerge, must one and kills the people, is good rare treasure that had sole possession of the space to appear indistinctly.
   Leaves a mountains and rivers seal, can actually obtain many rare treasures, good plan that this Ai Ya hits!
   'motherfucker, this rare treasure definitely is Sacred level, otherwise the defensive power cannot so powerful!', Shells Warrior of mountains and rivers seal again and again, shouting abuse, was cursing the virulence of Ai Ya, 'this inexpensive woman was wants to kill us!'
   'Mountains and rivers are printed with Intent Domain and power that the Ai Ya father exerts, her father in the boundary of God Passage Second Sky, wants to break the defense of mountains and rivers seal, does not have is so easy.' Cai Yi clenching teeth bitterly, 'this slut, the feelings are really virulent, the one had only known, initially should kill her first!', Lao li and Lao Lun also gloomy face.
   'We are also a side of being deceived.' At this time, Shi Yan looked suddenly to lakelet Center these Warrior, frowns to explain: 'You also saw, the woman has planned us together, at this time everybody do not begin to dispute, finds the way to break the defense of this mountains and rivers seal to be good first.', He saw these Warrior under the violent anger, had must the thought that they extinguish instantaneously kill.
   Once these many Warrior are crazy, even if he can protect oneself, Chi Xiao, Zuo Shi and the others cannot run away, to avoid these people loses to be sanely crazy, he has to speak the argument.
   'Father does not haggle over with you now, after waiting to be separated from the dangerours danger, again with you do accounts!', Warrior of that whole face scabs calls out one, will focus on above mountains and rivers seal, will be cold the face to get rid to shell.
   'Disaster that prepares to deal with.', Shi Yan sighed one lightly, has selected nod to Chi Xiao and Cai Yi, but offered a sacrifice to Star Shield, a star light pasted from him, covered his whole body.
   'En? Star Shield?'
   In lakelet, facial features withered and yellow, keeps the rough middle-aged guy of whole face beard, in the eye is flashing through together the different light, surprised looking Shi Yan, called out:, 'Boy, are you also our god people?'
   Shi Yan stares, suddenly had not pondered that spoke thoughtlessly to ask: ' what?,
   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 12 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-406>
   'Boy, are you also our god people?'
   That facial features withered and yellow middle age guy, surprised looks at Shi Yan, the speaker shouted loudly, seemed somewhat inspired.
   Shi Yan has gawked, is just thinking how to defend him of these disasters, suddenly has not ravelled that person of meaning, spoke thoughtlessly to ask what.
   'Are you our Radiant God Cult person? Stupid boy!'
   Guy snort, but the manner be better than before, formerly he looked at to Shi Yan time, wished one could to extinguish Shi Yan directly has killed, but now is scolding 'stupid boy', may look like as if no what evil intention.
   Shi Yan understands suddenly.
   'I come from Endless Sea, in body have Stars Martial Spirit, Endless Sea Three God Church, is the god branch, I'
   'That was right.' Does not wait for the Shi Yan lecture, he was impatient, called out: 'You come, we need to draw support your Strength of Stars, so long as you come out Seven Stars Arrow precise, integrated the strength of my big date, in addition Li Yue the strength of bright moonlight, decided however can break this what mountains and rivers seal barrier.'
   Side him, feminine Warrior of another now Sky Realm Third Sky boundary, has selected nod.
   This Radiant God Cult Warrior that called Li Yue, the look was ordinary, the body was extremely thin, the facial expression was also quite pale, has not undergone the illumination of sunlight likely for a long time.
   She when discovered that Shi Yan displays Star Shield, was surprised, has recognized Star Shield her, got down conciousness has regarded one of us Shi Yan, the manner on face also good many.
   When has not seen Shi Yan displays Star Shield, she looks to the Shi Yan look, cold.
   'Is the Radiant God Cult person.' Cai Yi reminded in a low voice.
   Shi Yan stunned ' has thought ' has selected nod gently, suddenly moves toward Zuo Shi, held Zuo Shi ' to move toward that lakelet Center directly. Zuo Shi look one hurried, was pulled by him is moving toward the lakelet, on the small face full is the doubts is puzzled.
   Chi Xiao and Zuo Xu neglect one, the facial expression one happily, saw the Shi Yan regard. Zuo Shi cultivation base is lowest, only then the strength of Earth Realm boundary, she keeps border ' to fear that cannot resist the disaster that these come, although around the silver lakelet magnetic field, making the speed that the disaster approached slow down, may under the responsibility according to this trend, how long unable to want, the disaster will cover.
   Shi Yan the Zuo Shi belt to lakelet Center, can make her contact the disaster of surrounding slowly, perhaps waited for that time, the barrier that Ai Ya kept to be explained that she can seize the chance to fire into the space, then avoided moving with the disaster.
   'Who is the doll?' Surface yellow guy, saw with own eyes that Shi Yan brought Zuo Shi together ' frowns to ask one.
   'My wife.'
   Shi Yan smiled, looked calm, tightens secretly has been gripping tightly the big hand of Zuo Shi.
   Some Zuo Shi also resistances, secretly blamed Shi Yan to be bewildered, but she shot a look at behind at will, saw after the expression that Chi Xiao and Zuo Xu relaxed ' immediately understood.
   Shi Yan this is must guarantee her.
   Zuo Shi is somewhat affected, has not struggled, coordination smiles cleverly ' followed Shi Yan.
   These come from Radiant God Cult Warrior, listening to Shi Yan saying that Zuo Shi was his wife ' also no longer says what, five Warrior also initiative sadly opened the body, was Shi Yan they make a scrap space.
   'You understood that displays Seven Stars Arrow ?' Li Yue inquired.
   'Does not understand.' Shi Yan shakes the head.
   'Using Strength of Stars, forms Big Dipper, can you know?' Li Yue asked again.
   'Big Dipper?' Shi Yan eye one bright, has selected nod, 'this I should understand how to transport again.'
   'Is very good, immediately displays, remaining gave me and Zhao Feng on the line.' Li Yue shouted to clear the way.
   'Quickly!' Named Zhao Feng facial features withered and yellow Warrior, urged Shi Yan hurriedly.
   Lakelet Center, another two strongest teams, as if know that Radiant God Cult some mystique, hears Seven Stars Arrow and a Big Dipper view, is the eye one bright, nobody spoke to scold Shi Yan, but was the vision brilliant looked to him.
   Under the gaze of people, Shi Yan imperial moves Stars Martial Spirit by the mind, gathers star point, forms seven groups in his top of the head according to the light group that the Big Dipper celestial chart arranges, 'is this?' Shi Yan indefinite asking.
   'Is this!' Zhao Feng facial expression one happy, at once laughs, an flame strength of burning hot, in the radiant sunlight, pasts from him.
   Sunlight of one group of burning hots, flies fiercely, pours into Big Dipper Jinnouchi.
   At the same time, on that Li Yue also has the light of moonlight to past, another group of bright moonlight , the escape from her hand comes out, has poured into Big Dipper Jinnouchi.
   'You leave alone, remaining gave us to be good.' Urging that Li Yue does not feel relieved.
   Shi Yan nod.
   One group of sunlight, one group of moonlight, seven Cluster light, collect in that Big Dipper.
   At once shakes the intense energy fluctuation, separately ripples from the sunlight and star light, seven Cluster light sudden resonances that fluctuation and Shi Yan release.
   Under the gaze of people, seven Cluster light that Shi Yan releases, the outbreak strange change, twists a Bow and Arrow appearance.
   That group came from the Zhao Feng sunlight, with the Li Yue moonlight, fuses fiercely in together, forms a power astonishing light arrow, that only arrow directly builds , was been precise by the light of stars that draws a bow on.
   The long bow elongates, an extremely violent power fluctuation, explodes suddenly.
   In a flash, the star light converges above that watt arrow, this arrow is only bringing the star light, on wild direction of fire bottommost ancient human body.
   The Intent Domain fluctuation that heaven and earth stars ancient do not extinguish, transmits suddenly, that only arrow collects sun and moon Strength of Stars, power rises suddenly, spreads extremely scary energy to fluctuate.
   A bottommost ancient human body, by this watt arrow direct bang, purple rays of light that the ancient human body body twined, was routed instantaneously.
   Float in mountains and rivers seal that audiences head went against, in which energy as if directly is struck to disperse, the mountains and rivers printed rays of light to be dim, cannot maintain the purple rivers that these spread.
   Various kind of rare treasures fly in abundance, pounds completely in that mountains and rivers seal, this mountains and rivers seal swayed in the midair, Spiritual Qi did not have, suddenly dropped.
   Zhao Feng laughs, shouts shouts to clear the way: 'We have broken through the barrier, must by us on first!', Li Yue facial expression one cold, looks to nearby these Warrior, coldly said: 'Understands a custom!'
   'On responsibility!'
   Zhao Feng stared side these Radiant God Cult Warrior, calls out the urging.
   Radiant God Cult these Warrior, in Zhao Feng under stares, awakens, climbs up hurriedly toward that Shi Ti.
   The Shi Yan facial expression moves, suddenly has pushed Zuo Shi, the Zuo Shi footsteps are staggering, arrived by that corpse ladder, was being pushed by the Radiant God Cult believer, somewhat distressed on corpse ladder.
   Zhao Feng and Li Yue see the Shi Yan procedure, but the knitting the brows head, has not said slightly what actually.
   In their hearts, Shi Yan, since is the Radiant God Cult person, even if one of us, his wife cultivation base is mean, at this time under kept most bad risk, Shi Yan such does, they poured did not oppose.
   'Shi Yan, they', Zuo Shi climb up to corpse ladder Center, suddenly remembers what, cannot bear shout that the beautiful pupil looks distantly to Zuo Xu and Chi Xiao.
   Chi Xiao they, at this time by disaster submerging, whole body rays of light are bright, is supporting in the disaster by strenuous efforts, the facial expression is somewhat distressed.
   Zuo Shi cannot put down her master and grandfather.
   'Leave alone that many, you first came up to say again.', Shi Yan calls out.
   Zuo Shi behind these Radiant God Cult Warrior, knits the brows the urging, Zuo Shi is helpless, must continue to climb up toward the place above.
   long time, Radiant God Cult these Warrior, all did not get up Shi Ti, at this time Zhao Feng and Li Yue simultaneously looked to Shi Yan, shouted to clear the way together: ', The brat do not waste everybody's time quickly.'
   'My what, others are waiting!', Zhao Feng stares, scolds: 'Others rush, you currently have the opportunity, but also hesitant what?'
   Lakelet Center, another two teams of Warrior, already simultaneous approximation.
   Distant place Chi Xiao and the others, were covered by the disaster at this time, the forehead places the cold sweat, as if extreme difficult of resistance, at this time he, if came up directly, perhaps Chi Xiao and Zuo Xu must forever stay here.
   'I can wait a while.', Shi Yan cracks into a smile, makes concessions on own initiative, said to Zhao Feng and Li Yue: 'You go first, my a while came up.'
   Zhao Feng and Li Yue stare, at once scolds Shi Yan this boy not know how to appreciate kindness, scolded in the sound, these two already before others came up, tandem has mounted Shi Ti, climbed up toward the place above.
   'Two!', Shi Yan calls.
   'Do you have what concubine matter? Really troublesome!' The Zhao Feng anger shouted to clear the way.
   'Help looks after my wife, is god people, I will remember aid that you extend.', The Shi Yan plea said.
   Zuo Shi came up first, but above will face what, no one talks clearly, he cannot with Zuo Shi together, feared that Zuo Shi will receive the above bad risk to affect, can only beg friendship superficial Zhao Feng and Li Yue to help to look.
   Zhao Feng cold snort, facial expression is somewhat disgruntled, 'brat pages of nonsense, actually morning a point comes up, was stupid! That rare treasure were not many, coming what unable to obtain lately.', Speech time, the Zhao Feng speed speeds up suddenly, vanishes in the fog gradually.
   Lakelet Center, another two teams of formidable Warrior, while this opportunity, in abundance got up the corpse ladder, along corpse ladder upward.
   Shi Yan turns head suddenly, Star Shield offers a sacrifice , the whole body skin has been the purple red, has drilled into these disaster Center.
   thunder and lightning, roaring flame, storm and wind and frost sweep across together, covers lakelet edge, these four types come from four look like mountain range Strange Energy, as if there is fearful destructive power regarding various types of defense light covers, Star Shield under these four disasters, spreads 'ka ka', the resounding, momentarily will as if rupture.
   Under these four disasters, he just likes gets sucked into the mire, takes a walk somewhat to be difficult.
   At this time he knows that Chi Xiao and the others were facing what.
   A rave, the different strength in whole body muscle erupts, the Shi Yan potential like the brave fighter, fires into Zuo Xu, has pulled taut him.
   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 13 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-407>
   In people, Zuo Xu, only then cultivation base of boundary of Nirvana Third Sky, the bosom was new promote enters, both were inferior compared with that Lao li and Lao Lun two brothers that he was strength weakest one.
   Under the attacks of four disasters, Zuo Xu resistance also difficult, glittering that the body winds around the blue rays of light rain clothes, as if are having the shatter indication in four influences of disasters, Zuo Xu cultivation base, very difficult to survive under this day disaster.
   Before Shi Yan rushes, pulls taut Zuo Xu, gave a loud shout, makes an effort to fling Zuo Xu.
   Different strength in a muscle erupts, at this moment Shi Yan obtained the infinite great strength likely, so under moves, Zuo Xu from four attacks of disasters, was thrown by him directly to the lakelet center.
   Warrior of there all parties team, fast is climbing up the corpse ladder, Zuo Xu arrives at that same place, is inferior to think that got up Shi Ti with these people, climbs fast toward the place above.
   Chi Xiao has Second Sky of Sky Realm cultivation base, under the influence of disaster, ample force, slow in corpse ladder line toward that lakelet.
   Shi Yan shot a look at his one eyes, saw that Chi Xiao does not draw support the external force, will be safe and sound.
   The mind is certain, Shi Yan no longer goes to manage Chi Xiao at once, in negative energy and rising suddenly of whole body muscle, he limps looks like Lao li and side the Lao Lun two brothers.
   Sees Shi Yan to come, Lao li and Lao Lun two brothers are overjoyed, the eye has shone immediately.
   Although two brothers are also Warrior on Divine Great Land, because Realm is slightly low, itself does not have the too fierce rare treasure non- body, when disaster also extremely difficult, Shi Yan comes, two People sound track Xie Manlian feel grateful.
   In this time two brothers conciousness to good of Shi Yan, compared with that Ai Ya, Shi Yan this type did not discard the procedure of teammate is to let two brothers is moved.
   Shi Yan sinks to drink, muscle block same places in two hand shiver, a vast infinite energy fluctuation, jumps to shoot from the arm instantaneously.
   Proposes one, Shi Yan is entering the boundary of [Rampage] Second Sky instantaneously, only thinks power that at this moment whole body has, endures compared with Third Sky of Sky Realm formidable Warrior.
   Two violent forces fling itself preparation appropriate Brother Lao li, took advantage of somebody's authority to fly, after Zuo Xu, flew to that lakelet center.
   But at this time, Chi Xiao also arrived at that same place, has attracted Brother Lao li conveniently, led the side them.
   Brother Lao li not hesitant hurried to mingle in the crowd, made use that corpse ladder.
   Pitiful yells, shout suddenly along these Warrior mouths from outside, these get sucked at the disaster, Warrior guard who nobody rescues only covers with the rare treasure, starts unable to withstand disaster four harm of power of that day, as soon as the strength of defense vanishes, four disasters instantaneously will kill to the bang.
   Either was fired the ashes, either was destroyed completely the soul by thunder and lightning, or was torn into shreds by the storm either is frozen by the wind and frost.
   Such a while time, ten people had died a tragic death, cannot enter lakelet Center unable again to approach that corpse ladder.
   Shi Yan turned head to look at one, discovered that once fell into Warrior of corpse ladder below five meters places to be able not by four influences of disasters, Chi Xiao also in that same place, the body was winding around the rich smog, dissipated, has not continued to consume the energy to resist all around disaster.
   Relaxed slightly, Shi Yan the Cai Yi line goes toward is moving difficultly, Cai Yi the clothing has soaked at this time, appearance quite distressed.
   On her fair cheek, the sweat stain appears, in the beautiful pupil full is flurried restless, is coming imperial to move fully[ body] in power, copes with four disaster Ran to affect reluctantly.
   In the Cai Yi sleeve cuff, dozens colored ribbons fly, these colored ribbon are dodging the five colored light corona, covers indistinctly her tender body.
   Under the influences of four disasters, these colored ribbons that she puts, explodes to break to pieces one after another, whenever a colored ribbon explodes broken, Cai Yi can facial expression slightly changes, appears the panicked and disorderly table cicada-like insect mentioned in ancient texts.
   That colored ribbon, is the Cai Yi livelihood section imperial energy circle, once these colored ribbons vanished completely, Cai Yi completely will also expose, at once is given to embezzle by four disasters, the skeleton not saves.
   Shi Yan coldly looked at her, in the eye flashes through a hesitant meaning.
   This Cai Yi and Ai Ya were hard-to-control that the Ai Ya clever trick prevail, making him guard against the heart to be heavier a point, got down conciousness Cai Yi and a Ai Ya return kind of person.
   He does not know, if under rescuing Cai Yi, in some moment of future, this woman can with Ai Ya one, regards the object who her plans.
   Lake bottom time, he looked at the Cai Yi wonderful ketone body completely, even also once got rid frivolously, he believes that Cai Yi decides however hates to the marrow of the bones to him.
   Has this hatred heart, Cai Yi will be law-abiding in the future, will be perhaps same as Ai Ya, frequently is thinking copes with him.
   Had this idea, Shi Yan has not wanted to rescue Cai Yi on some, wanted, whatever she ran its own course.
   'Shi Yan!', Cai Yi screamed suddenly that a face was in a panic restless, 'you had said that before the Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist matter had not ended, were we also the companions? Do you still remember your words? If you remember really that helps my!' The Cai Yi eye pupil looks maliciously to him, on the tender and beautiful face full is the urgent meaning.
   Shi Yan cold snort, this continues to struggle, utilizes is hiding power, gradually moved toward her.
   ' I naturally remember that I am not Ai Ya that slut, I had said words, naturally can select presently., Arrives at side Cai Yi, the Shi Yan extending year embraces her slender waist, makes an effort to tow to entrain her, with the light of stars the body covers, comes to cover her tender body, helping her resist outside world four violations of disasters.
   Cai Yi by slender waist that he embraces, the facial expression is stagnated, the body also slightly trembles, she lowered the head suddenly, inspired gently, said in a low voice: 'This time you helped me, I remember, previous time in lakelet you to our frivolousness, my I when has not occurred.'
   Shi Yan stunned.
   The fragrance of gladdening the heart, enters mouth and nose from Cai Yi Yi, is hugging her waist, is feeling that astonishing elasticity, in the Shi Yan heart, suddenly remembers the fluttering flags scene in that lakelet, somewhat is unexpectedly capricious.
   'Walks quickly!'
   The nose clothes saw him to be out of sorts suddenly, does not know that he thought some what, drank hurriedly tenderly.
   Shi Yan quickly awakened, has selected nod, grinned to sneer saying: 'Relax, this lakelet has the huge influence regarding the disaster, weakened these roaring flame and thunder and lightning might, otherwise few people can support the present. Since I dare to remain to save you, has confidence to be safe and sound.', So was saying, he is hugging the waist of Cai Yi, suddenly sinks to drink one,[ body] in various energy erupt suddenly.
   Such as the terrifying imposing manner of mountain, releases fiercely from him, in[ body] under the impact irrigation of various power, the Shi Yan strength is greatly infinite, a point star light that covers, seemed strengthened the might, that star point is moving crowded, forms the marvelous celestial chart faintly.
   The roaring flame, storm, thunder and lightning and energy of snow frost attacks, falls into that celestial chart, was affected by the celestial chart, causes the celestial chart[ stirs up] projects bunch of star light, the star light and that four day natural disasters strength hit mutually, splutters many energy luminous spots.
   Under the defense of Star Shield, Shi Yan is safe and sound, draws support fleshly body powerful, is dragging Cai Yi good step by step to that corpse ladder.
   At this time Chi Xiao on corpse ladder, fast climbed up toward the place above, saw with own eyes that Shi Yan hugs Cai Yi to come, Chi Xiao facial expression one happy, has selected nod to Shi Yan, shouted to clear the way lowly: 'Young fellow!'
   Shi Yan smiled, brings Cai Yi to the safe region, suddenly the imposing manner rises, a wild energy fluctuation, erupts suddenly from him.
   Was pushing these Warrior, simultaneously realized that the arrival of Shi Yan, is feeling the intense fluctuation that transmits from Shi Yan, these people are the look change, immediately is honest.
   'We walk.'
   Shi Yan cold snort, unflustered passes through from these people, first let on Cai Yi the corpse ladder, at once after Cai Yi, a foot pedal on the first ancient human body.
   Cai Yi under the asylum of Shi Yan, fast climbs up toward the place above of corpse ladder, the slender beautiful leg is swaying, two pieces of buttocks petals are quite moving, make somewhat dazzling and intoxicating, cannot stop has one type that Shi Yan under her body looks intensely holds the desire.
   It is not good!
   In Shi Yan heart one cold, immediately started to manifest suddenly conciousness to these negative mood slowly.
   Before he collected numerous Warrior Dead body quietly, absorbs on the Warrior massive essence that these just died, the richness of this time essence, went far beyond the past, realized until him soon could not withstand, stopped.
   Now in whole body 720 acupoint, starts the transpiration negative mood, these mood manifest suddenly quietly, start to affect his will, is enlarging his innermost feelings evil side, enlarges his primitive boat instinct.
   Essence that in this acupoint absorbs, wanted more vigorous , the negative mood that past can have, will be more violent than the past.
   When the battle had not ended, once the negative mood erupts completely, perhaps he will lose control, falls into the fiercest cruel crazy boundary, perhaps meets does not divide the enemy and ourselves, extinguishes the desire that destroys the biology of all seeing, is humane worst side, is the source of heart demon!
   When this desire was stimulated, perhaps he by his tenacious will, cannot control, must to that moment, he not know that really will have what, he perhaps one and will ruin including Zuo Xu and Zuo Shi.
   Contains this cruel crazy method only, as if only then alleviates through the release desire, however, in the nowadays situation, he also has the time to release the desire? Who can give him time?
   The Shi Yan eyes burning hot, brilliant falls on place above Cai Yi that by the moving physique that in the sweat gets wet, looks at that buttocks petal and beautiful leg, the desire in his heart multiplies even more swift and violent.
   Side is the cruel bloodthirsty, side looks for vent of woman, these two choices are placed in front of him, made about him make things difficult.
   Regardless of a that way, as if not suitable this time condition, once really by the heart demon controlling, enlarged innermost feelings evil side infinitely, he feared that the final result, will possibly surpass his control.
   He does not want to lose control.
   In the heart is struggling, he is controlling himself vigorously, does not look above Cai Yi, does not go to think matter that any can shoulder his innermost feelings desire.
   Clenches teeth, the facial features are fierce, follow after Cai Yi, Shi Yan fast in that day two rivers toward the region line that interweave goes.
   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 14 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-408>
   Must have a choice, but these two choices, are not Shi Yan want, regardless of that choice, as if not suitable this situation.
   The best choice, should not by the influence of negative mood.
   But Shi Yan knows fairly well, knows the eruption of each negative mood, his heart in wicked side to infinite enlargement, even if his will, the heart demon that is also hard to resist the innermost feelings, is hard is maintaining sober.
   Billowing negative energy, cannot be restrained overflows from his whole body acupoint, these negative energy seep his whole body, seeps in he veins, skeleton and flesh and blood, affects his Sea of Consciousness, seems controlling his mood.
   In this choice, he lost himself gradually, the breath is loud, eyes gradually has become the scarlet red, in the eye has the rich cruel crazy meaning.
   '!, A foot steps on, wild power, pours into the ancient human body of sole.
   The ancient human body of that connection corpse bridge, direct is ruptured, changes into that his foot steps on not to have the hashed meat of blood to crash below lakelet.
   A foot foot steps on, his place visited, each ancient human body was stepped on the smashing, crashes in abundance to below.
   The corpse bridge started to break from his body.
   Following connect the above ancient human body, lost and contact of above ancient human body, as if did not have some power support, suddenly drops in abundance.
   Steps on surplus these Warrior that the ancient human body is coming up, calling out pitifully, is crashing with the ancient human body.
   After Shi Yan, all Warrior life force, were stepped on by his foot foot, when these Warrior fall into below lakelet in abundance, appalling fiercely shouted, passed on at once.
   Still in corpse bridge above Cai Yi and the others, lowers the head looked that shows the panic-stricken expression.
   Shi Yan certainly the roads of below these people.
   Drops Warrior of lakelet, immediately embezzling these people have looked by four disasters desperately, the hatred look, fell the body of Shi Yan together.
   What a pity lost control of Shi Yan simply has not gone to look under, focuses on him of pupil scarlet-red, roared to ignore to continue to these people's pitiful yells to go toward the place above line along the corpse bridge.
   The following pitiful yell sound, did not have living quickly, these Warrior that finally leaves behind are cultivation base low that they approach the corpse bridge with great difficulty, power was almost worn down by that four disasters completely, drops ' power unable to support at this time once more finally ' is embezzled by that four disasters thoroughly.
   long time, these Warrior did not become did not have life Dead body by that four disaster violent attacks, does not save the flesh and blood quickly.
   Change of Shi Yan under regarding body knows nothing, gasps for breath as before, eyes is red, climbs toward the corpse bridge.
   Milky Way interweaves, vicissitude of ancient human bodies in the rivers are grazing, the chests of these ancient human bodies portray ancient formation that profound Ommo is measuring, in each ancient formation plaster Yang ' has the same rare treasure as providing the power fountainhead.
   These ancient human bodies, chest is bringing the rare treasure, Warrior that attacks crazily.
   Zhao Feng, Li Yue and the others, are also fighting for these ancient human body chests. The rare treasure, gets rid to the ancient human body with here many Warrior together, robs these rare treasures.
   Once an ancient human body were killed, the rare treasures of their chest, will be separated from their bodies at this time all Warrior, reckless getting rid, the mutual dogfight will fight for the rare treasure that these appear together.
   Zuo Shi stands in the one side, does not dare to participate in this fight is only surprised looks at these Warrior crazy mutual attacks, looks at they slaughters for the rare treasure.
   After Zuo Xu comes up, but looked at this brutal fight, stands with Zuo Shi in together, urged her do not act rashly, do not cause others' attention.
   Zuo Shi knows fairly well, is law-abiding, is only looks at, has not gotten rid one time.
   Her not sticking one's neck out ' made her at here actually very peaceful meeting, Warrior that coming up, was only for the rare treasure, when she has not displayed fought for the rare treasure desire, these people her have not regarded the threat to regard, nobody paid attention her.
   After Chi Xiao and Brother Lao li come up, arrives at the Zuo Shi side, is different from Zuo Shi, Brother Lao li looks at these rare treasures, looks at have the rare treasure ancient human body, reveals the hope the facial expression.
   'How is it? Wants?' Lao li , etc. abandoned the clouds to approach, facial expression one happy, called out: 'We whether should also begin?', Chi Xiao inspired, looks at this brutal fight, shook the head slightly, said: 'Wait a minute, Shi Yan will come immediately up, when he came to say again.', Lao li they have simultaneously selected nod.
   Here current of water very strange, side people, makes the human not realize, instead makes people think that these current of water are only the thing of illusory, does not have a wee bit influences to them.
   Their have smooth stony soil, that stony soil braves the white light, unceasingly the vicissitude, likely is being a boat.
   Warrior that coming up, majority are Sky Level, 20 people, walk to enter this old city strength to be strongest, the battle of numerous Sky Realm Warrior, making here become the incomparable bad risk, carelessly, stared by these people, will end up to turn out a miserable fate.
   Although Chi Xiao has Second Sky of Sky Realm cultivation base, may here, is not what, this place Third Sky of Sky Realm Warrior has six, Third Sky of Sky Realm has ten people, the surplus also majority are the fellow of Sky Realm First Sky boundary, the boundary of Liang Third Sky, besides Brother Lao li, has two. Zuo Shi is Warrior of only Earth Realm boundary.
   , Cai Yi also came up ' she to look at a situation quickly, silently arrived by Chi Xiao and other people ' facial expression to be dignified, said in a low voice: 'Shi Yan a little does not suit.'
   Chi Xiao, Lao li, Zuo Shi and the others, reveal startled accommodates, simultaneously by-path: 'What's the matter?'
   'I do not talk clearly.' Cai Yi shook the head, facial expression is very strange, 'I thought that he feared was Bedevilment?'
   People facial expression changes.
   'On him has intense energy fluctuation, but he as if lost the reason, murderous aura soars to the heavens, as to destroy all. I do not know this condition what's the matter, but I just above him, thought that he as if links me to massacre, ' that feeling, very fearful!'
   Such remarks, Chi Xiao and the others met department to live panic-strickenly, looks together to the position of corpse bridge.
   Strong malignant influences, have welled up from there first, that malignant influences have the thick smell of blood, has soaked in Blood Sea likely generally, to human a feeling of extreme dangerours danger.
   In that strong malignant influences, eyes scarlet-red Shi Yan, reveals slowly.
   Chi Xiao, Zuo Shi, Cai Yi and the others ' stared at his eye to look, was the facial expression shakes, seemed affected including Sea of Consciousness, immediately also had an intense destruction desire.
   Cruel and crazy, Xu Xue look, transmits ' this moment Shi Yan really not to be likely normal from the Shi Yan scarlet-red eye pupil deep place, such as evil spirit that drills from the hell deep place, wishes one could to give the tearing smashing all lives.
   He compared with the people in most formidable Demonic Beast that in Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist meets, but also appears terrifying many.
   'It is not good!'
   The Chi Xiao facial expression drastic change, startled called out: 'Shi Yan feared that was real Bedevilment! This, this condition, does not know that will have what!'
   'I have a look.' Zuo Shi is somewhat flurried, gets down conciousness to want by Shi Yan, asks that he had what.
   'Xiao Shi do not go!'
   Chi Xiao puts out a hand, held her stubbornly, said anxiously: 'Under Shi Yan this condition, will not have any reason to say, if you approach your him, perhaps will be regarded the object who destroys first by him! Do not go! Do not approach him!'
   'But this, very dangerours danger!' Zuo Shi has worked loose several, discovered that cannot work loose after the Chi Xiao hand, cannot bear call out in alarm, yells loudly: 'Shi Yan, what is up? What's the matter? We are what kind, can help you?'
   Cai Yi and Zuo Xu also look to him, is waiting for the reply of Shi Yan.
   Shi Yan sends out not a humanlike rave suddenly, air/Qi of inexhaustible evil spirit, roared with this, spreads over the region of entire battle.
   All keeps here Warrior, Sea of Consciousness fiercely trembles, Brother Lao li are the body shake fiercely, the eye socket car(riage) wisp of blood overflows unexpectedly. Zuo Xu was also same ' in eye the blood remained, the fierce earth tremor trembling, showed the alarmed and afraid expression.
   Other two Liang Jing Warrior ' is also same as Brother Lao li, in the eye socket the blood class comes out, sat on the ground.
   A great roar of Shi Yan, is full the strength of wild evil spirit, in the air/Qi of this evil spirit also has the energetic raging tide, affected all Warrior Sea of Consciousness unexpectedly.
   Realm lowest these Liang Jing Warrior ' Sea of Consciousness raises the giant wave, is hard to control the mind, by the direct Sea of Consciousness riot of air/Qi of impact that evil spirit, this was met the eye socket to bleed.
   On the contrary is Zuo Shi, although facial expression is pallid, instead is safe and sound.
   Her Sea of Consciousness has not become, did not soar to the heavens the influence of malignant influences by Shi Yan this actually, Brother Liang Jing Lao li the mind is damaged, has her of Earth Realm boundary to be not affected.
   Cai Yi and Warrior of Chi Xiao these two now Sky Realm boundaries, is the look big change, suppresses the fluctuation of Sea of Consciousness hurriedly, controls Sea of Consciousness not to be affected by Shi Yan fully.
   Still came from in fierce combat these Divine Great Land Sky Realm boundary Warrior, ' actually completely stopped along with a sonic boom roar of Shi Yan, the facial expression big changes, looked to Shi Yan.
   'Brat, do you do what?'
   Zhao Feng facial expression sinks, suddenly calls out one, 'are you leave scary good, at this time accidentally discharged Bedevilment, do you want to commit suicide inadequately? The boys, hurry to hold the breath with rapt attention, sits do not move in the place, controls the mind fully, do not want to be too many.'
   Li Yue look glittering is uncertain ' looks from afar to Shi Yan, suddenly said: 'These methods that Zhao Feng, you said that to him feared that is useless, his accidentally discharging Bedevilment, is not, but is perishing of will cultivation causes'! This Bedevilment, through calming the mind to restore to subside, this fellow, feared that was cultivation some evil mystique, the mystique had the change, affected his state of mind, this situation was very difficult to reverse. '
   '!' Zhao Feng calls out in alarm, dull looks at Shi Yan, suddenly does not know that did not know what to do.
   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 15 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-409>
   'Is careful this fellow, he was insane, do not walk with him was too near.' The middle-aged guy of that whole face scabs, cold snort, does not bear whisper that: 'At this time stirred the what bureau, if really wants dead, I did not mind that helped him!', Speech time, his eyes cold ice is cold, looks maliciously to Shi Yan, wants to attend to the Shi Yan situation conveniently.
   Does not know that was his being hostile to has brought to the attention of Shi Yan, after a rave, Shi Yan of eyes cruel looks at people, that pair crazy, eye pupil of Bloodthirsty, suddenly looked to him.
   'Looks at what? To refuse stubbornly?' He smiles cold, disdains saying: 'Is Bedevilment great? However is only Warrior of Nirvana boundary, if you really want dead, I have tidied immediately up you!', 'Tu Ke, this boy is our Radiant God Cult person, you dare he, I will not let off you!' The Zhao Feng violent shouted to clear the way.
   'He was insane, do you want to shelter a lunatic?' Named Tu Ke that whole face wound insane middle-aged person, facial expression cold Li, disdains jokes: 'This person, the willpower is not firm, unexpectedly when this key will accidentally discharge Bedevilment, I thought that he will revive, feared that will not have the what achievement, you were leave alone he.', 'Howling!'
   In this time, Shi Yan once more calls out one, such as crazy Demonic Beast, whole body gushes out the massive white fog, suddenly flushes away toward Tu Ke.
   The Tu Ke facial expression ice is cold, sneers saying: 'Courts death!', 'Tu Ke, do not act unreasonably!', Zhao Feng drinks greatly, 'this fellow is my Radiant God Cult person, you cope with him, copes with our Radiant God Cult! If you dare to kill him, father must make you attractive!', 'Our Pure Land, when has feared your Radiant God Cult.'
   Tu Ke Jie Jie smiles strangely, saw that Shi Yan rushes ahead, his, side lost the rare treasure ancient human body conveniently, was given to grasp by him, that loses the rare treasure ancient human body fleshly body to be badly-damaged, did not have a point power fountainhead, but was grasped by Tu Ke, one group of bloody glow pour into that ancient Dead body plaster suddenly.
   The ancient human body clashes fiercely toward Shi Yan, midway time, flesh and blood of ancient human body has fallen off suddenly, only skeletons of remaining Blood Dripping Gem.
   The skeleton of that ancient human body whole body, under the stimulation of power, explodes to shoot unexpectedly, thick long bone, changes into blood from the pores of the feet ' to shoot a maliciously all on the body of Shi Yan.
   'Sonorous!' The sound that [gold/metal] Tiejiao strikes, conveys from the Shi Yan chest, the incisive bone that fresh blood drip flowings, punctures on him, likely is the bombardment in the hardest stone, the Shi Yan chest jumps the shooting place luminous spot, bursts not to burst unexpectedly including the body besides the clothing '.
   The Tu Ke eye narrows the eyes, on the face appears shocking expression.
   Zhao Feng, Li Yue and the others, is one dull, some do not dare to believe looks to Shi Yan.
   Tu Ke has Third Sky of Sky Realm cultivation base, Pure Land various Martial Skills mystiques, went out of strange fierce, this takes a Warrior bone as the attack method of bone spear ' is Pure Land ' bone Blood Spear, ' might is infinite, the general defense rare treasure is very difficult to resist.
   Shi Yan only fleshly body, hard anti- that maliciously 'Blood Spear' the thorn strikes, the whole body is unexpectedly well, so the change, lets surrounding Warrior is facial expression one cold, the backbone is one cold, immediately has a very scared feeling.
   Is this boy normal humanity? For fleshly body of what this fellow, compares general Demonic Beast also to want powerful unexpectedly?
   The people do not control self emits this thought to come, looks at again to Shi Yan time, reveals the look that dreads completely, gets down conciousness toward retreat one step, for fear that Bedevilment condition even Shi Yan, has regarded the game to regard them.
   'Ha Ha' Tu Ke, you are not good. ' Zhao Feng also prepares to get rid to rescue, sees Shi Yan to be safe and sound, he was suddenly happy, fall about, 'your Pure Land secret, indeed was inferior evidently our Radiant God Cult, our believers have not used including the rare treasure, your this melts bone Blood Spear to take him not to have the means that really makes me have to suspect that your Pure Land has unearned reputation.'
   Li Yue also reveals to ridicule happy expression quietly, the look quite disdains, said lightly: 'The Pure Land that big reputation, was flattered evidently, today sees, originally also mediocre.', Tu Ke and these Pure Land Warrior, facial expression are pale, look gloomy gets down suddenly.
   In this time, Shi Yan once more rave, crazily has fired into that Tu Ke, the stars luminous spots, come out from his chest glittering, seems promoting stronger power support for his speed.
   If one bunch of star light, are only flash, before Shi Yan rushed to the body of Tu Ke, in the scarlet-red eye pupil, gushes out the terrifying spirit to fluctuate fiercely extremely.
   Tu Ke is only and he looks one, Sea of Consciousness fiercely trembles, has to plant by endless Blood Sea is submerged, by countless skeleton twining the illusion of whole body.
   'The look of this boy, can release the spiritual impact, be careful!', Another Pure Land Third Sky of Sky Realm Warrior, sees on the Tu Ke face appears one point of fan feels, suddenly calls out.
   The Tu Ke look immediately returned to normal, in heart one cold, the body such as the snake swayed from side to side generally, an explosive of skeleton, passed from his body plaster constantly.
   Skeleton blasting open, parched beans is the same '' makes noise, in the body plaster in the abnormal noise, the Tu Ke body appears dark blue rays of light comes, these rays of light such as the viscous water fluid covers his whole body, these green rays of light appear quite strange, misty, lodges like the evil spirit on him.
   The time of when to Shi Yan rushing ahead, these green viscous liquids, swell suddenly, the green liquid fluctuates three green spooky devil claws, extends fiercely, whereabouts Shi Yan grasps.
   'Closes the ghost hand green!'
   Tu Ke sneers, opened mouth puts out one bunch of rays of light, that rays of light is divided into three, drills into on that green and glossy devil claw separately.
   Three devil claws, in rays of light by his mouth were flushed, on the devil claw appears three green eyeballs, is the hell evil spirit is peeping at world likely, spreads gloomy ice cold green light.
   An energetic thought of devour soul, transmits from that three ghost eye, through the Shi Yan scarlet red eye pupil, direct enters his Sea of Consciousness leisurely.
   'You dare!'
   Zhao Feng roars, finally cannot bear get rid, makes one group of burning hots toward Tu Ke solar Divine Light, in Divine Light, visibles faintly the myriad things life that Sun nourishes, these lives under shining of Sun, can survive, can the multiplication life.
   Another Pure Land Warrior side Tu Ke, snort, silhouette in a flash, arrived at another side of Tu Ke, sleeve. Departs a round drum, a that round drum emergence, comes on the ballooning swiftly, spreads 'thump' sad sound.
   Solar Divine Light that Zhao Feng rumbles, under the influence of that drumbeat, the myriad things life that appears, as if shaken withering away, vanishes one after another does not see.
   Pins on solar Divine Light Intent Domain, one was shaken the powder, this bunch of solar Divine Light might, reduces greatly, that person seizes the chance to pinch seal, in the round drum five different light dodge to pass, breaks in solar Divine Light instantaneously, that solar Divine Light power counter-balancing.
   Three come from the Tu Ke devil claw, at this time has grasped on Shi Yan neck, that sharp such as the devil claw of blade, is harming the Shi Yan throat maliciously, spreads the appalling sound.
   Chi Xiao, Cai Yi and the others, see Shi Yan to meet the bad risk, neglects one, overran, must pass to help Shi Yan oppose the enemy.
   Brother Lao li also exude the roar, they shortly, will as if obtain some supernatural power, in the glove on hand spread verve fierce Intent Domain, killed unexpectedly together to Tu Ke and other Pure Land Warrior.
   Shi Yan neck was being cut by three devil claws, although spreads the sound that startled palpitated, but his neck had not been given tearing cutting by this devil claw, safe and sound.
   That 'closes ghost hand on to reveal green' the ghost eye that is looking at each other with he scarlet red eyes pupil, ice cold cloudy severe evil Mental Energy, seeps his Sea of Consciousness, tries to give the influence his Sea of Consciousness, making him be hard to control own body, formed the effective defensive power, '!'
   The Shi Yan rave, in scarlet red eyes, emits bunch of blood-red rays of light, a destruction, cruel, Bloodthirsty evil spiritual Intent Domain, breaks in the ghost eyes on that three devil claw directly.
   That three ghost eye, explodes to break to pieces one after another, in the ghost eye came from Tu Ke Intent Domain, attacked torn to pieces.
   Tu Ke I, comes under the influence of that evil spiritual Intent Domain, facial expression changes, in the eye pupil as if has little bloody glow to appear.
   Shi Yan puts out a hand, the arm is the purple red, wild power jumps to shoot fiercely, pats maliciously, in that three close in the ghost hand green.
   Three closes the ghost hand that comes out by Tu Ke precise green, explodes completely, changes into point green light, dissipates in heaven and earth.
   'How possible?'
   Under Tu Ke scream of conciousness, 'you, only then does the boundary of Nirvana Third Sky, how possibly break closes the ghost hand that I come out precise green? Is impossible!'
   Tu Ke was screaming, on the face revealed alarmed and afraid finally, evaded toward retreat hurriedly.
   Shi Yan silhouette, was twisting same place strangely, at once suddenly reveals in the Tu Ke right hand place that the purple-red gigantic fist, rumbles maliciously in the Tu Ke waist side.
   The flash flood energy raging tide, is bringing the destruction, Bloodthirsty and crazy Intent Domain, pours into the Tu Ke body plaster instantaneously.
   Under the energy impact of this terrifying, the sound of Tu Ke whole body skeleton explosive was louder, the waist even has the joint direct wearing out skin, highlights directly.
   Tu Ke called out pitifully fiercely, the left waist blood like the river, is flowing, in the pitiful yell that could not stop, Tu Ke such as saw the malicious ghost, scared fast fending, does not dare to approach with Shi Yan.
   He was afraid.
   Some Warrior that the surroundings wait and see, facial expression one cold, looks to the Shi Yan vision, is more alarmed more and afraid.
   Only then Shi Yan of boundary of Nirvana Third Sky, to differ the entire Level inferiority, made Third Sky of Sky Realm Tu Ke receive the heavy losses unexpectedly, was this what situation?
   'Shi Yan, is really fierce!'
   Lao li Ha Ha laughs wildly, the whole body is pasting an arbitrary supernatural power, copes with First Sky of Sky Realm Pure Land Warrior with his younger brother Lao Lun, that Warrior that hits unexpectedly is also whole body braves the blood, as if links a point revolt not to have.
   Also is jumps the ranks the challenge, and occupies the absolute initiative. The Zuo Shi beautiful pupil extraordinary splendor flow of tears, Shi Yan of boundary of looks at that Bedevilment sends the invincible might greatly, some mind drag unexpectedly, thought that at this moment Bedevilment Shi Yan, instead has an evil different charm of difficult word.
   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 16 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-410>
   Ten have the ancient human body, the vicissitudes in Milky Way, chest ancient formation of each ancient human body, ancient formation Center is mounting the same rare treasure.
   Zhao Feng and Li Yue these Radiant God Cult people, in Shi Yan launches the attack after that Tu Ke, slightly one hesitant ' also toward looking like does Pure Land these people to begin ' the battle of Radiant God Cult and Pure Land ' makes here numerous Warrior be affected.
   Chi Xiao, Cai Yi, Lao li and the others, saw Shi Yan crazy stares at Tu Ke not to put, lest Shi Yan receives the Pure Land joint bang to kill, flushed, stares at Pure Land Warrior not to put.
   Pure Land altogether has Warrior of two Nirvana Origin Third Sky boundaries, Tu Ke stares by Shi Yan, Clone does not have the technique, is tired out by dealing with the chase of Shi Yan, remaining that Third Sky of Sky Realm Warrior, then collaborating to sphere by Zhao Feng and Li Yue, Zhao Feng with Level and Li Yue of this person stared by , appears quite distressed.
   Radiant God Cult Zhao Feng this group of people ' overall strength not inferior Pure Land Warrior, in addition Chi Xiao, Cai Yi and Brother Lao li, this evenly matched fight, one reversed the aspect, enabling Radiant God Cult to occupy these Pure Land Warrior ghosts who winning side ' has killed to call again and again.
   The surroundings are waiting and seeing these Warrior ' look at Radiant God Cult and Chi Xiao one group of people, made war slightly one ' to give way to traffic hesitant with Pure Land ' , to continue to start to these ancient human bodies.
   The ancient human body does not extinguish, the rare treasures of their chest will not crash, letting the people to obtain these rare treasures.
   These people start to the ancient human body with joint forces, rushes to the rare treasure of ancient human body chest to go, when Mi Yu has not flown to fall from the ancient human body, these people will not attack mutually.
   But once rare treasure dew comes out, collaborated to cope with the ancient human body Warrior, will immediately slaughter for the rare treasure together. Whenever person of lucky acquired rare treasure ' is wild with joy, receives Imaginary Space Ring the rare treasure hurriedly, defends with the team of side in prevents some people to rob together '.
   Scene Chaos cannot withstand.
   By this Chaos scene influence, did not have Zuo Xu and Sai two master grandsons only. Zuo Xu by a roar of Shi Yan, Sea of Consciousness that shook is trembled trembled ' mind to be damaged, in addition knew that own Realm was insufficient, could not ask for what convenient in the Warrior hands of that many Sky Realm boundaries, he has not started to these rare treasures.
   Also a little ' he worried that Zuo Shi secure dangerours, for fear that Zuo Shi will be fought to affect, therefore has kept side Zuo Shi.
   In intense battle, Zuo Xu and Zuo Shi they, once discovered that may have the bad risk to approach, will transform several illusory images immediately, draws support confusing of illusory image, unflustered flees from the place of dangerours danger.
   Did not strive for active, cherished only the hope of avoiding mistakes, Zuo Xu and Zuo Shi procedure, making their securities have the safeguard.
   Everybody's goal, is here ancient human body rare treasure, when the people discovered that Zuo Xu and Zuo Shi have not read to the rare treasure corruptly, after has not adopted any made their discontented actions, to Zuo Xu and Zuo Shi has not started, this made them instead become safest two.
   Under Shi Yan Bedevilment condition, cruel and crazy, Bloodthirsty aura, whole body winds around rich negative white fog ' in these white fog as if to have the intense spiritual fluctuation, so long as anybody will approach him ' to come under the influences of these negative spirits, Sea of Consciousness will fall into the crazy boundary. Zuo Xu observation, is discovering the Shi Yan place visited quietly, but also in Warrior of battle, gives way to traffic in abundance.
   Person who these have not given way to traffic, the negative white fog that so long as wound around by Shi Yan on moving, has been able the eye socket flood red, immediately has one type crazily, the Bloodthirsty expression.
   He not only Bedevilment, has as if been able to pull into that type to make the human others together for the negative mood that it crazy secret realm ' in that white smog floods, lets normal Warrior sufficiently, shortly will turn into most savage Demonic Beast, will lose the reason, companion does not let off. Zuo Xu secret heart startled, had the new understanding to Shi Yan, severe warning Zuo Shi, before Shi Yan has not restored the reason, cannot approach him absolutely, so as to avoid by his negative mood affecting. Zuo Shi smiles, does not care at all ' is only curious looks at Shi Yan, in beautiful pupil different luminous spot ' point, likely very[ is popular] exerts.
   In the field most regrets is Tu Ke ' he by a Shi Yan fist bombardment in Zuo Yao, wild, the evil power invasion body of Bloodthirsty was made that waist side bone explode broken several by one ', at this time that cruel, Bloodthirsty evil power also in him[ body] will wreak havoc ' to make him complete power stimulate to movement very much difficultly.
   Under this condition, Tu Ke also has the ample force to get rid, however ' numerous formidable Martial Skills from dry Pure Land, shells after the Shi Yan body, cannot break Shi Yan fleshly body, even cannot hinder Shi Yan that to fear.
   Muscle is trembling lightly, all sorts of wild different strength in[ body] in such as goes full steam ahead general, Shi Yan at this moment fleshly body defensive power, energy that the whole body explodes, reaches the altitude of never having entered into.
   Under the boundary of Bedevilment, he power seems to be easier not to have the limit displays, tedious mysterious Martial Skills in various a carved inscription when mind ' releases, not only by the influence of Bedevilment, instead is obtained the huge amplification effect.
   Ordinary might very astonishing energy ' hits in his hand, becomes terrifying even more.
   The boundary of [Rampage] Second Sky, Bedevilment condition, whole body the utilization of various power instinct ' perfect explodes.
   Tu Ke discovered that he was mistaken.
   Obviously only then Nirvana Origin Third Sky Realm, imposing manner that however Shi Yan rises suddenly suddenly, that fierce, terrifying and evil energy impact, but also brings sufficiently the energetic raging tide that various types are affecting the will of the people, the attack of fleshly body, is the spiritual attack, makes Tu Ke be miserable beyond description.
   Various kind of secrets have used, he cannot injure to Shi Yan fleshly body as before, instead suffers setbacks ' situation more and more disadvantageous to him under the attack of Shi Yan again and again.
   'Zhao Feng!', Tu Ke silhouette like the electricity, transfers fast has fended the attack of Shi Yan, can't bear call out in alarm ' 'this boy is really your Radiant God Cult person? I know that your Radiant God Cult has several today to bestow on the astonishing junior, but is this fellow what I have never listened?'
   The Zhao Feng whole face disdains, hey sneers saying: 'My Radiant God Cult background, imagines compared with you wants deep many! Occasionally braves 1-2 abnormal fellows, really in normal. Your Pure Land, is different has that type the anomaly that exceeds the ancestors, what a pity these people have not entered Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, this time you are provoke, calculates that you had bad luck.', Zhao Feng is sneering, as before and Li Yue toward another Pure Land Third Sky of Sky Realm Warrior wanton bombing, under collaboration of these two, that Pure Land Third Sky of Sky Realm Warrior, the facial expression, simply does not have the means to take the initiative offensive distressedly, has been drawing support various defense methods, deals with attack of Zhao Feng and Li Yue.
   In the Chaos scene, the person who comes under the Shi Yan negative mood influence, does not know why ' moves unexpectedly slowly to Shi Yan ' receives the control of some evil power likely, unexpectedly and Shi Yan collaborates, is following the Shi Yan action, starts to surround toward Tu Ke.
   Although these people only then First Sky of Sky Realm cultivation base ', but actually fierce does not fear, did not care about own casualties ' even to be willing to sacrifice own life ' to come to be Shi Yan strives to strike to kill that Tu Ke opportunity.
   Height body strong Warrior, eyes and Shi Yan are equally red, crazy roared ' is fending while Tu Ke to his side unexpectedly, enclasped that Tu Ke fiercely stubbornly.
   That person spreads huge thunderous sound ' bunch of lightnings to brave to transgress from his whole body, suddenly Tu Ke whole body winding.
   Tu Ke becomes flushed, shouted to clear the way severely: 'go away!'
   Scale optical glass, braves a piece by piece from Tu Ke, that optical glass is the dark blue, sharp incomparable ' rumbles completely in that person.
   An instant, that person scatters on the whole body blood, body by that optical glass hacking splits one piece by piece.
   However, under this condition, this person ' does not embrace him who continued fierce not to fear as before independently stubbornly ' seems prepares to sacrifice own life, but also was Shi Yan strives for the best getting rid opportunity.
   Also focuses on Warrior of pupil scarlet-red, ' greedy person after him same plunged Tu Ke ' to tie down Tu Ke from the back stubbornly, making Tu Ke that struggled fiercely ' pressure multiply.
   Shi Yan gasps for breath, eyes is flooding cruel evil rays of light, did not say a word, before flickering to transfer to the Tu Ke body, once more.
   Two inflated ' [Seal of Life and Death] to gather at once folds in together ' ' that life and death under death Intent Domain, seal rose suddenly, fiercely seal to the forehead of Tu Ke.
   [Seal of Life and Death] dodges to pass, from the forehead of Tu Ke, submerged his head directly.
   The Tu Ke eyes sudden delay, on the face appears the painful facial expression, as if will be struggling intensely ' is wanting to invade the mind evil power to expel[ body].
   'Bang! Bang!'
   Two sad explosives, transmit from the head of Tu Ke suddenly, his head pounds likely maliciously in the watermelon of ground, explodes directly, the brain fluid and blood to mingle, splutter suddenly.
   Third Sky of Sky Realm Tu Ke, such was killed to the bang by Shi Yan until death, the head was hit to explode.
   Still is fighting for the rare treasure many Warrior, hears explosive sound ' cannot help but to turn the head to look, the facial expression great changes ' look fears.
   Shi Yan has killed that Tu Ke, eyes is as before red, kills toward recent Warrior.
   That is lakelet Center ' another team of Warrior, is Third Sky of Sky Realm cultivation base.
   That person just put to death an ancient human body ' receives Imaginary Space Ring the same knife and fork shape rare treasure, cheerful is laughing, called out again and again: 'Sacred level rare treasure! Absolutely is the Sacred level rare treasure! Ha Ha, this line not empty, this line not empty!'
   Laughing, his two Divine Light is sparkling, starts to look all around, prepares again the pathfinding , to continue to rob the rare treasure that on these ancient human bodies carries.
   In this time, he looked that to Shi Yan that flushed.
   eyes is red Shi Yan, in eye socket bunch of blood-red rays of light, braves to transgress directly from the eyeball, the bloody glow length about three meters, are two scarlet blood belts flutter likely scary from his eye ' extremely.
   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 17 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-411>
   That person looked at Shi Yan one, then the facial expression shakes, the Sea of Consciousness fierce earth tremor trembling, the desire of bloodthirsty, could not stop from heart generally flood, had one type to destroy the crazy desires of all lives.
   It is not good!
   In heart one cold, he restrains the happy expression hurriedly, comes whole body power precise, the preparation deals with the attack of Shi Yan.
   The person of boundary of Bedevilment, is very difficult have the reason saying that the goal of so long as by him being stared, very uncomfortable outside world environment change, can do only, kills the person of Bedevilment condition, otherwise he will tie down you not to put, will massacre you to finish.
   In that person of heart bright as snow, therefore discovered that the Shi Yan condition, knows how immediately should deal.
   'Slow one slow, first kills this boy! This fellow stays here, will only bother, he lives is threatening to anybody!', That person looks back on cold snort one, prevents in the team also in the partner of attack ancient human body, lets these person of branch targets.
   This team, came from Divine Great Land Martial Spirit Palace, is one of the Divine Great Land seven ancient faction, has the glorious history, was majestically located a Divine Great Land several thousand years of ancient sect, in the faction various Martial Spirit multiplies the acme, almost on any Warrior, had unique Martial Spirit.
   Speech Xiao Zi, is the leading person of this team, is one of the Martial Spirit Palace surrounding protects buddhist law, will be the future Elder candidate.
   So long as Xiao Zi enters into the boundary of God Passage, after the inspection of Martial Spirit Palace, can reach the Martial Spirit Palace Elder position, obtains the wealth in Martial Spirit Palace Earth Realm, must exceed the nowadays guarding position by far.
   He comes Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, to obtain the Sacred level rare treasure, will prepare for the Elder inspection of future Martial Spirit Palace.
   Divine Great Land seven ancient faction, are unfriendly ' has struggled, Xiao Ling this time in Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, has killed many other influence Warrior, running free with the current, has almost not come across the what setback all the way.
   Even if Shi Yan does not look for him, perhaps for here rare treasure, he also finally will start to Shi Yan rank.
   Zhao Feng, Li Yue and the others and Tu Ke battle, is just right for his regard, therefore collaborates in Zhao Feng and Chi Xiao these people, came from the dry Pure Land team starts ' him not to participate to Tu Ke these, but stares at these car(riage) corpses to start, wants to seize the chance to harvest many rare treasures.
   In his heart has own plan, wants to wait for Zhao Feng, Li Yue and the others, with mutually wounded time that Tu Ke this side fights, then gets rid to clean up the aftermath, at one fell swoop gets down Zhao Feng and Tu Ke these two Fang Renya, gain biggest benefit.
   After Shi Yan clashes, he paid attention observation, discovered that Tu Ke died, Zhao Feng, Li Yue and the others had the huge superiority.
   This is not he wants to see obviously.
   Therefore, Shi Yan comes ' instead to be just right for his regard, after calls out, these come from Martial Spirit Palace Warrior similarly, understood his regard, is sneering looks at Shi Yan, wants to seize the chance to destroy completely Bedevilment Shi Yan first.
   Including Xiao Zi, altogether seven Martial Spirit Palace Warrior, Xiao Zi and another Xiao Hai, in Third Sky of Sky Realm ' the other five people, three in Second Sky of Sky Realm, this influence, are in the lakelet a strongest side, these seven people have regarded the goal Shi Yan together, they have the absolute self-confidence.
   'It is not good!', Zuo Shi cannot bear shout tenderly, said anxiously: 'Grandfather, Shi Yan has the dangerours danger, that seven fellows were too fierce, Shi Yan feared that cannot support!', Zuo Xu is also facial expression changes, dignified has selected nod, said: 'Two now Sky Realm Third Sky boundary, the boundaries of three Second Sky, two now First Sky of Sky Realm. This power, is more formidable than that Radiant God Cult and Pure Land, only depends on Shi Yan one person, must suffer a loss.'
   'What to do grandfather?' Zuo Shi is helpless, said anxiously: 'I am only Earth Level, feared that cannot help'
   'Be not thinking helped.', Zuo Xu shook the head, grabs her, ' you came up, a twinkling time, will be put to death by these people, even if I passes by, change what.
   The Zuo Shi whole face is anxious, shouts toward Zhao Feng and Li Yue direction: 'Shi Yan has the dangerours danger.'
   Zhao Feng and Li Yue are coping with other Pure Land Warrior, hears Zuo Shi loudly shout, turned head to look at one, at once Zhao Feng shouts abuse:, 'Xiao Zi your old dog, is too not concerned about face, your many people, cope with our junior, knows ashamed?', 'Is he brings death, could not complain about us.' Xiao Zi grins fiendishly, the left hand arm has become the color of pure gold, Diamond Martial Spirit displays, his whole body has a [gold/metal] spirit of destroying the hardest defenses, as if can the only left hand, be able to break in society all barriers.
   The Martial Spirit Palace sacred place, approaches the Divine Great Land Five Elements space [gold/metal] space, Xiao Ling in order to arrives at peak own Diamond Martial Spirit cultivation, meditation in that [gold/metal] space 30 years, having made Diamond Martial Spirit collect [gold/metal] space dozens metal different functions, whole body has been able shortly to metallize, fleshly body endures compared with the same [gold/metal] Xi rare treasure simply.
   Diamond Martial Spirit was Martial Spirit Palace has spread ten thousand years of Sacred level Martial Spirit, once has used, whole body metallization, not only the body has the Diamond general defensive power, the hands and feet will also turn into the sharp instrument, extremely fearful, the might was also shocking.
   At this time Xiao Zi a left arm metallization, sees Shi Yan to clash, direct precise ten metal different functions in within the body, have not adopted any other methods, so is simple, a fist bang has approached Shi Yan.
   The metal different light explodes shoots!
   His metal arm, suddenly likely becomes the [gold/metal] sword that a handle Kimmy has sparkled, punctures directly in the Shi Yan chest.
   'Works as!' Shi Yan that clashes crazily, the muscle of chest transmits the sound that [gold/metal] Tiejiao strikes fiercely, the body potential that he clashes crazily, is stagnated slightly, strangely stopped in the midair that this fights with the fists.
   Ten metal different functions, by the contact of this fist, break in the Shi Yan chest loudly.
   The mystical different strength in chest trillion muscle fiber, gather immediately, changes into the innumerable tiny energy rays, twines to that ten metal different functions, prevents the violation of that metal different functions to his fleshly body.
   Safe and sound!
   He in half feast has stagnated a while, suddenly explodes roars, the blood-red light beam that in eyes shoots, flies to shoot fiercely.
   Two bunches of bloody glow, flood cruelly, terrifying and desperate negative energetic raging tide ' shortly the birthplace to shoot at Xiao Ling ' by Xiao Zi neck, fierce earth-boring auger to Xiao Zi fleshly body.
   'motherfucker! Freak!'
   Xiao Ling obloquies that shortly ' whole body has become the color of metal, wins golden light and silver medal light braves on the body skin, like is the water fluid, covers his whole body rapidly.
   The short flash, in the Xiao Zi flesh and blood is containing metal different functions, from[ body] in wells up, covered whole body ' to make him become a metal odd person.
   Energetic raging tide that Shi Yan to shooting, in his neck, following his nerve vein, wells up toward his mind.
   Xiao Ling is sneering, the eye became [gold/metal] silver coins has planted the color, the cheeks have become [gold/metal] silver, the whole person became strange incomparable ' gives people one type likely is not the feeling of humanity.
   These negative energetic raging tides, are flowing in his nerve vein, quilt he[ body] in metal different functions stopping up, the constitution have not been able to seep his head.
   'Boy, no wonder dies Tu Ke in your hands' do not think that has killed Tu Ke, can strike to kill me similarly! ' Xiao Zi hey is grinning fiendishly, 'Tu Ke is not my match, once my metallization, same level Realm Warrior, who can break my fleshly body?', Xiao Ling is extremely arrogant ' has not paid attention to Shi Yan from the start.
   That six Martial Spirit Palace Warrior, saw that Shi Yan could not injure Xiao Zi, does not worry actually, but was disperses, tagged along after other Warrior that Shi Yan came to block these.
   Person who comes under the Shi Yan energetic raging tide influence ' has First Sky of Sky Realm, eyes are red, as if by Shi Yan enslaving, saw that Shi Yan and human fight, immediately rush not awfully.
   That six Martial Spirit Palace Warrior, saw has First Sky of Sky Realm, expression was more relaxed, is laughing at unhurriedly getting rid, various usually rare Martial Spirit, display from them.
   Either is the mind fluctuates, either is like the earth, either is fleshly body like the water
   Martial Spirit Palace these people, regarding the understanding of Martial Spirit, surpass most Warrior, they Martial Spirit will display, likely turned into another condition, intercepts the person who these come under the Shi Yan negative mood influence together.
   'You deal with this fellow, I help that brat.', Zhao Feng urged Li Yue one, said dignified: 'This boy is quite special, if introduces the god him by us, the god must meet all sorts of grants us. I looked, this child was far from the pond the thing, we help him now, in the future he will bring the benefit that could not imagine to come to us.'
   Li Yue eye one bright, immediately understands that numerous nod: 'Relax, a while I have tidied up this fellow, can help you!'
   Radiant God Cult has the rigorous granting religious doctrine, if can the god extradite future Liang, that introduction, Earth Realm in god also meets when production costs rise , prices rise too, Zhao Feng discovered that Shi Yan in the boundary of Nirvana Origin Third Sky, unexpectedly after Tu Ke can kill, Shi Yan has regarded future god fiercest Expert to look at suddendly Zhao Feng, although is seemingly straightforward, actually the thoughts are exquisite, he knows, if he can lead into the god Shi Yan, making Shi Yan the god most dazzling nova, he will also surge upward along with the Shi Yan situation, obtained more rights and wealth in the god.
   Perhaps, he can through Shi Yan, accept the inheritance of some god mysterious secret, enters into the boundary of God Passage also perhaps.
   Therefore, saw that Xiao Ling wants to destroy Shi Yan, he worried immediately, no matter were also killed the incorrect match soon, directly flushed from that side.
   'Xiao Hai, you copes with Zhao Feng.', Sees him to come, Xiao Zi smiles cold, officially informed one toward his younger male cousin.
   Xiao Hai nod indicated to understand, indifferent transformed blurry silhouette, silhouette assumed the curving curve, the snake same entangles to Zhao Feng.
   Zhao Feng has not approached Shi Yan this, by that Xiao Hai surrounding, with is Third Sky of Sky Realm, Zhao Feng does not dare to be negligent, hurried precise power, copes that Xiao Hai.
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   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 18 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-412>
   The boys, you are extremely indeed fierce, if given time, can become the nova that Radiant God Cult another raises slowly inevitably. '
   Xiao Ling is grinning fiendishly, 'this definitely is not I wants to see that has killed you, will weaken Radiant God Cult future power, my to ignore you will not grow.', Xiao Ling of whole body metallization, grinning fiendishly, near body is firing into Shi Yan, Kungfu of metallization ' is carrying destroying the hardest defenses metal Intent Domain, heavy bombing Shi Yan.
   Shi Yan as if not know Xiao Ling close combat that metallization is fierce, the whole body muscle is shivering, unexpectedly with Xiao Ling dogfight together.
   They have not shown any secret ' not to use any rare treasure, such dogfight like the boorish boorish fellow in together, the Kungfu quarrels, being heavily engaged that hits.
   Mutation later Petrification Martial Spirit, with the bombardment that Xiao Ling's Diamond Martial Spirit meets the tough head-on with toughness, does not drop the wind unexpectedly.
   'Dang Dang Dang!'
   The deafening [gold/metal] iron hands over the engine knock, transmits from their bodies constantly.
   When Xiao Ling close combat ' metallized fleshly body that never suffers a loss, in the Shi Yan wanton bombing, unexpectedly also hit is on duty sound ' that wild energy impact in him[ body], is shaking his flesh and blood, made him unexpectedly[ body] in dozens metal different functions as if could not withstand.
   In battle, Xiao Ling fleshly body, although is well, actually shaken blood flowing from every orifice, facial expression even more fierce fearsome.
   Reviews Shi Yan, under the Bedevilment condition as if no exceptionally, on the face has not appeared a bloodstain, does not know likely exhaustedly, does not know the pain, contends with Xiao Ling bombardment by the instinct fist vigor, meets the tough head-on with toughness with fleshly body of his metallization to rumbling.
   Shi Yan of boundary of crazy Bedevilment, in the heart has inexhaustible destruction cruel desire desire was enlarged infinitely makes his hysteria to be crazy ' becomes only knows to slaughter, only then instinct destruction desire.
   This is thorough vent of another situation.
   Xiao Ling meeting the tough head-on with toughness to striking gives the goal that he vented exactly, in the wanton bombing, he is releasing the heart destruction desire heartily, is indistinct, as if entered some mystical Intent Domain.
   With Xiao Ling to war in ' he[ body] in 720 acupoint, continue to purify negative energy to transform that type to his whole body beneficial mystical different strength.
   Does not know how long so to have battled, these Yi enter his acupoint negative energy, the hand was purified finally.
   A continuously mystical different strength, suddenly passes from his acupoint endosmosis, Shi Yan suddenly, likely sobered a while, in the look has appeared Divine Light of sudden enlightenment.
   The mystical different strength pasts his whole body mystical different strength and Essence Qi mix, broke in Blood Vein Ring loudly, a barrier in Blood Vein Ring, suddenly was broken through, remembers together the wave flies directly from Blood Vein Ring, drills into the Shi Yan mind.
   Shortly, in this mystical Realm him, whole body trembles, the spirit sublimates, Sea of Consciousness drags continuously Divine Sense, expands suddenly in Sea of Consciousness.
   The Sea of Consciousness area, suddenly fully expanded three times in such an instant!
   The change of Sea of Consciousness, is Realm breakthrough is bewildered, Shi Yan enters into First Sky of Sky Realm directly, made the Essence Qi old tree in that Essence Qi light group, started to rise one time!
   A comprehension of instinct, maps his heart suddenly, Shi Yan is once more crazy, the whole body blood unexpectedly and Negative Energy is fast precise.
   Body that because originally the variation Petrification Martial Spirit muscle rises suddenly ' strange is withered, that purple-red body, at this time has become terrifying blood-red.
   A little bit dark red blood, with Negative Energy to mingle, braves to transgress ' actually from his pore not to fall unexpectedly, but covers his whole body body.
   Likely is a blood cocoon.
   Looked from afar ' Shi Yan was moistened whole body the whole body smell of blood to soar to the heavens by the scarlet blood likely completely ', to human an extremely evil feeling.
   Xiao Ling becomes flushed.
   He and Shi Yan have been battling, he can understand fast compared with anybody the change of Shi Yan fleshly body, ' Shi Yan imposing manner, rises suddenly at this moment unexpectedly once more one time!
   As comes, is wilder overbearing energy raging tide, one type can open the Heaven Rend place evil power, from Shi Yan[ body] in jumps to shoot.
   A Shi Yan fist rumbles, the chest of Xiao Ling metallization, unexpectedly direct gets down hollowly a deep fist seal!
   Clear skeleton report, transmits from that Xiao Ling chest, his by dozens metal different functions have quenchinged the breastbone, as if cannot withstand this degree of bombing, explodes directly.
   Xiao Ling cannot bear call out pitifully, gets down the start of conciousness to fend.
   Shi Yan that power rises suddenly, likely is most savage Demonic Beast, threw Xiao Ling, the savage wild fist ' raindrop same bombardment on Xiao Ling's body.
   Body of Xiao Ling that metallization ' just likes by ten thousand tons great hammer bombardments, the skeleton explodes, fleshly body was made deep fist seal.
   His the body of that metallization, twisted directly, likely was the metal hit distortion.
   Xiao Ling was calling out pitifully constantly, is actually not able to avoid, is spurted by the blood that Shi Yan hit crazily, body also hit twist deformation, gradually has become a sliver of shape, likely by the Refiner master with the treasure that the mystique quenchinged, appeared the sword shape.
   The surrounding some are still coping with the ancient human body Warrior, dumbstruck, looks at Shi Yan that does not dare to believe that such as saw the evil spirit to be ordinary.
   The people back sends ' heart to live big terrifying coldly, the looks at Shi Yan look is alarmed and afraid, anybody cannot disregard evil power that at this moment * erupts.
   , Xiao Ling fleshly body bone was hit to explode quickly, was known as that defensive power abnormal Diamond Martial Spirit, cannot withstand thrashing of Shi Yan unexpectedly, appalling of twist deformation.
   In Xiao Lingyan Divine Light, gradually is dim, an eyeball of that [gold/metal] silver, restored the original design.
   'He was killed.'
   'Yes, Xiao Ling was killed stiffly.'
   'Is the boy a human? Xiao Ling Diamond Martial Spirit, but was known as that Martial Spirit Palace defensive power strongest that did not say same level Realm Warrior, power of only body, cannot the rumbling broken Diamond Martial Spirit defensive power?'
   'Same level Warrior? Does the boy have the boundary of Nirvana Origin obviously?', 'Was Xiao Lingtai was weak' that boy, was too strong? '
   'Did you say?'
   'I think that should be that boy is too abnormal.'
   Nearby Warrior whooping facial features have one type to be hard to be a worthy opponent bitterly and astringently the feeling of Shi Yan, Xiao Ling died, but Shi Yan as if not know , to continue to stare at Xiao Ling fleshly body to thrash is being the pasta that Xiao Ling hits is likely ordinary, he pinches to rub at will.
   'Big brother!', Xiao Haimu zi completely crack ' a sorrow of face, in that Zhao Feng direction, face upwards to bellow.
   'Gets what one deserves!', Zhao Feng hey is sneering, unprecedented carefree, thought that own judgment really right Shi Yan this boy absolutely is a talented person, may be Radiant God Cult in the future the most dazzling nova, so long as attached to Shi Yan this potential infinite seed, in the future he in Radiant God Cult Earth Realm, can certainly along with when production costs rise , prices rise too.
   Xiao Ling fleshly body, explodes directly, the flesh and blood flying in all directions had made into two sections by Shi Yan from the waist abdomen directly.
   Xiao Ling dies cannot die again, Shi Yan suddenly stopped, some standing of confusing there, as if do not know that had what, is pondering the what matter likely.
   Nobody dares to disturb him.
   People by far looks at he in this absent-minded condition, did not have the what person bold past to seize the chance to sneak attack him.
   Was frightened by the performance of Shi Yan.
   Tu Ke was hit to explode the head, Xiao Ling is broken Diamond Martial Spirit stiffly, was divided into two sections by a fist, Shi Yan savage, has made the people fearfully all frightened!
   Many people stopped to getting rid of ancient human body, but looks from afar to Shi Yan, a facial expression for fear that own petty action, triggered Shi Yan discretely ominous crazy.
   Any is ended up to turn out a pitiful fate by person who he stares, this truth, Tu Ke and Xiao Ling died with the body to the people have proven.
   Nobody dares to move.
   Zuo Shi has struggled, wants to have a look at situation ' actually stubbornly to be entrained by Zuo Xu ' is not permitting him to approach Shi Yan.
   That side Cai Yi, kills Pure Land First Sky of Sky Realm Warrior, is beautiful pupil astonished looks at he, on the face appears the extremely complex expression.
   Cai Yi thinks secretly.
   She also prepared to seek for the opportunity, calculates that with Shi Yan the lake bottom frivolous account, may after this change, she cancel this stupid decision thoroughly, decides to put behind that experience.
   'Big brother, Shi Yan this fellow was too formidable, compared with our bloodlines, seems to be fearful!'
   Lao Lun has been startled being startled, said to Lao li low voice.
   Lao li has selected nod, said dignified: 'He has the graciousness to us , he we died several times. Although in Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist does not have the what true friendship, but we should to treat him honestly, is full of gratitude, this is most basic[ said that] virtue' others have helped us, we must engrave on mind surely. '
   'I understand.'
   'Ha Ha, the young fellow, I have not really misread you!', Zhao Feng is laughing, no matter also abandons the sea rave ' to shout toward Shi Yan shouts to clear the way: 'After and other Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist matters ended, I will definitely report the place above, told them in Endless Sea, our god core seed.'
   The Radiant God Cult believer, the facial expression shakes, reveals the happy expression.
   The Shi Yan body shakes slightly, after this cruel vent, as if restored reason gradually ' confused meaning in his look ' little disappearance.
   Half sound, Shi Yan turns around suddenly, eyes restores the normal color, cruel and evil imposing manner, vanishes without the trace.
   'Ai Ya that slut?', He looks to Cai Yi, suddenly asked.
   Cai Yi ' shook the head under his gaze gently, after 'I come up, has not seen her, does not know that she went to where.'
   'If made me find that whore' I certainly to make him attractive! ' Lao Lun cold voice said.
   'Shi Yan!'
   Did Zuo Shi call getting up ' 'you to be all right finally cheerfully? Sobered? Knows that who I am?'
   She makes an effort to brandish the arm, a joy of face, is very[ is popular] appearance that exerts.
   Shi Yan grins to smile, has selected nod to her, said: 'You are all right well, I also feared that I can injure you, just condition, I' was unstabilized. '
   'All right, we are all right, he he.' Zuo Xu smiles embarrasedly, has wiped cold sweat, relaxed in secret.
   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 19 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-413>
   Chapter 402
   Sky Realm boundary!( Mid-Autumn Festival happy ~)
   'Boy, your as if breakthrough?'
   Before Zhao Feng arrives at the Shi Yan body, looks at he, calls out in alarm earnestly suddenly, 'did you enter into Sky Level?'
   Chi Xiao, Cai Yi and the others the facial expression shakes, one face is astonished looking however to him, facial expression changes countenance.
   Shi Yan smiled, nod said: 'Seemingly indeed breakthrough.'
   Speech time, he looks at the right hand palm, on the face appears the strange expression.
   Before the mystical different strength in whole body acupoint, fused with a blood, these mystical different strength converged in the blood, in his right hand palm, has formed three drops of extremely unusual dark red blood.
   Three drops of blood, in the blood vessel of his palm, spread a very intense energy fluctuation.
   In regards the control, he discovered that three drops of blood are the ruby are likely common, glittering and translucent carving, the beautiful Yao item, the control body, as if cannot cover up rays of light of that three drops of blood.
   The blood of Immortal!
   In the Shi Yan heart drinks one lightly, on the face full is pleasantly surprised, he listened to the Yang Family person to say very much long time ago, had the Immortal Martial Spirit Yang Family person, in some special environment, can be precise the blood of Immortal, said that the blood of Immortal has the extremely unusual function.
   In the past that Yang Qingdi, with the aid in the blood of Immortal, figured out him not dead, even knows that he and Black Ice Cold Flame had the relation.
   According to the view of Yang Family person, blood of wondrous use this Immortal is infinite, so long as knows the function, can draw support the blood of Immortal, achieves many the goal that is difficult to realize.
   The three drops of dark red blood in palm, have the intense power fluctuation, flows the blood that to be entirely different from within the body, even has his spiritual fluctuation, as if in that three drops of blood center, is reposing his soul thought that making him give birth to these three drops of blood, has the feeling of marvelous life.
   He does not know that the wondrous use of blood of Immortal, does not know how to utilize the blood of this Immortal, but these three drops of unusual blood production, makes him like extremely.
   That many Warrior essence, were transformed, in the Bedevilment condition, his bewildered entry Sky Level, but also is precise the blood of three drops of Immortal, the tour of this Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, is the harvest is it may be said that rich.
   Chi Xiao, Cai Yi and the others, the opening mouth, the look is panic-stricken.
   Especially Cai Yi and Brother Lao li, they and Shi Yan move in Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist together, but also remembers initially sees Shi Yan time, he as if only then Second Sky of Nirvana Realm cultivation base, in the several months time, he from Second Sky of Nirvana Realm, enters Third Sky, now enters into Sky Level.
   This is the astonishing cultivation speed!
   With own eyes the looks at Shi Yan step by step advancement, feared that is Cai Yi and Lao li does not believe that some people can in such a short time, again and again breakthrough.
   'Ha Ha, fierce fierce, boy is really astonishing, not only can massacre Tu Ke and Xiao Leng, unexpectedly can also breakthrough arrive at Sky Level, the future is limitless!' Zhao Feng actually very happy, him, Shi Yan is fierce, in the future in Radiant God Cult Earth Realm also even more honored, introduces Radiant God Cult him Shi Yan, naturally can also gain more advantage.
   Shi Yan from Xiao Leng hand, took that Imaginary Space Ring, is pinching that Imaginary Space Ring, Xiao Hai of indifferent looks at not far away, said: 'What's wrong, isn't convinced?'
   Xiao Hai and three Martial Spirit Palace Warrior, stand in the one side at this time, hatred looks at he, has not actually acted rashly.
   Hears the provocation of Shi Yan, Xiao Hai is restraining by force the violent anger, suddenly moves toward surplus these Pure Land Warrior quietly, Pure Land these people, saw that Xiao Hai and the others came, immediately responded, that Third Sky of Sky Realm Warrior, drank one lowly, said: 'Perhaps we with joint forces, can resist the Radiant God Cult person.'
   Xiao Hemmed nod, stands with the Pure Land person in together, does not dare to get rid as before.
   At this time, this place strongest side, without doubt is Radiant God Cult Zhao Feng and Shi Yan and the others, after two sides collaborated, has the overwhelming superiority, even if were Martial Spirit Palace and Pure Land collaborates, may not exceed Zhao Feng rank.
   Naturally, above not solely only then Martial Spirit Palace and Pure Land Warrior, ten Sky Realm Second Sky and First Sky Warrior, these people as if know the situation the subtlety, gets down conciousness also goes toward the direction line that Xiao Hai and the others gathered.
   The situation in field, distinguished right from wrong immediately.
   Zhao Feng and Shi Yan is a big association, surplus Warrior, arrive together, alert looks to Shi Yan, Zhao Feng and the others, for fear that Shi Yan they suddenly strike a vicious blow.
   'Can kill them?' On Cai Yi face one cold, is eager to try to say.
   Chi Xiao knitting the brows head, has not spoken slightly, but looks to Shi Yan.
   Shi Yan has gawked, looks at collaboration of that surplus team, looked at Zhao Feng and Li Yue, suddenly smiled, said indifferently: 'Evenly matched, words that fights at risk of life, no one can ask for the advantage.'
   Zhao Feng appreciation nod of slightly, said in a low voice: 'If really makes war with these people comprehensively, although we are insufficient to suffer a loss, but damages is definitely unavoidable. Now all people when we are the threats , to continue the battle to get down with these people, not necessarily can fall the advantage.'
   'This Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, Exotic Land, there must also many Warrior gather, at this time has consumed too many power, if bumps into many Warrior in that Exotic Land, we feared that will suffer a loss.' Li Yue knits the brows to say.
   Shi Yan looks to Xiao Hai and the others, the facial expression faint [say / way]: 'We search for the goal respectively , to continue to kill the ancient human body, harvests rare treasure.'
   'Should like this.' Zhao Feng hey smiles, 'wants to come these people, does not dare to provoke we, now we can feel relieved that the bold killing ancient human body sought for the rare treasure.'
   Vicissitude the ancient human body, is circling in flight in midair, seems receiving the influence of some power, cannot leave here.
   These ancient human bodies have restriction, if the Warrior non- active threat they, the ancient human body cannot get rid on own initiative, only when the ancient human body discovered that received to threaten, fully will resist.
   Ancient human body the source of power, came from the rare treasure of chest, 11 ancient human bodies strengths, is only equivalent to general Sky Realm boundary Warrior, the threat is not big.
   Set the policy, the people start to take action at once.
   Zhao Feng, Li Yue and these Radiant God Cult people, start the ancient human body that chooses to start, Chi Xiao, Cai Yi and the others , the attention is centralized, toward the surrounding vicissitude the ancient human body looks.
   Shi Yan getting rid, instead forcefully has not been breaking actually anxiously that Xiao Leng Imaginary Space Ring, explores with the mind.
   Xiao Leng Imaginary Space Ring, is divided into three small spaces, in a space, is piling up various class cultivation materials, is putting many [gold/metal] Tielei Refiner ores, a space, is placing the daily necessities and food, in surplus space, is Crystal Stone and bottle pot, with several types of rare treasures.
   That is the same knife and fork that he formerly succeeded in obtaining, emits the Zhen blue halo, the starting ice cold biting cold, in the knife and fork, has astonishing Cold Qi unexpectedly.
   Has traced a that knife and fork, the Shi Yan finger somewhat is icy cold, his body to Black Ice Cold Flame transforming, the finger will be perhaps frozen stiff.
   Cold attribute rare treasure.
   Shi Yan has selected nod secretly, received own Imaginary Space Ring this knife and fork, Xiao Leng Imaginary Space Ring, was wrapped by him on the finger, the thing that even must come in vain, do not want in vain, he naturally cannot waste.
   Xiao Hai of distant place, looks at he wraps Imaginary Space Ring of Xiao leng, the look is the hatred, actually very good to be controlling itself, has not flushed rashly.
   No matter Shi Yan also he, but also looked at his one eyes distantly, hey sneers.
   In Xiao Haiyan hatred was thicker, a hatred of face, is breathing unceasingly, seemed reminding itself do not impulse.
   This time Zhao Feng, Li Yue and other Radiant God Cult the people, stared to an ancient human body, that ancient human body chest has the emerald green colored armor, the armor seems reduced in that ancient formation together, does not see clearly, actually spreads misty emerald green colored rays of light, likely is the emerald gloss.
   That ancient human body, were encircled by Zhao Feng, Li Yue and the others, does not make him be separated from the line of sight, making that ancient human body be also hard to break through their defensive powers.
   Took a look at one, Shi Yan knows that ancient human body should unable to escape from Zhao Feng and the others capturing and killing, that emerald green colored armor, will definitely fall to Zhao Feng and other manpower.
   He looked at Cai Yi, Chi Xiao and the others, Cai Yi and Chi Xiao are staring at the ancient human body, in ancient formation of chest, mounts a silver dagger same, the dagger is emitting the silver light, seems providing the source of power for that ancient human body, that ancient human body does not have life force, actually in Cai Yi, Chi Xiao and the others under the attacks, continuously whole body emits the swift and fierce silver light.
   These silver only as if extremely sharp, does not dare to touch Chi Xiao hardly, when copes with the ancient human body, has been moving aside, for fear that by that ancient human body silver light shooting.
   Zuo Xu and Zuo Shi have not moved, stands firm in his side, but looks at Chi Xiao and the others captured and killed that ancient human body surprisedly.
   Looks at Zhao Feng and the others, looked at Chi Xiao, Shi Yan knows that gets down according to this condition, Zhao Feng they, are Chi Xiao, Cai Yi and the others, should be able to cut to kill the ancient human body, then obtains ancient human body rare treasure.
   Shi Yan looks up the ancient human body of vicissitude, looking around, prepares to choose an ancient human body, through hunting and killing the ancient human body harvests the same rare treasure.
   In this time.
   Palpitation of mind, ripples from his Sea of Consciousness, the Shi Yan eye dodges, holds the breath hurriedly with rapt attention, realizes from experience palpitation of this mind.
   Shouting of Black Ice Cold Flame!
   Toward Black Ice Cold Flame that north Black Tortoise Mountain runs away, does not know that stemming from the what kind reason, is using the mind to summon him unexpectedly, making him pass.
   In recent years, because he has carried on the mind intercommunication with Black Ice Cold Flame, between he and Black Ice Cold Flame early had the subtle relation, based on this, he can definitely induce to Black Ice Cold Flame aura, can realize the energetic thought of Black Ice Cold Flame release.
   Although does not know why Black Ice Cold Flame summoned him, but he knows that Black Ice Cold Flame will not harm him decidedly, but, below corpse ladder has destroyed, in that old city was flooding four disasters, at this time entered that Black Ice Cold Flame position, must face four threats of disasters, this made Shi Yan somewhat discrete actually.
   The summon of Black Ice Cold Flame was even more anxious!
   Shi Yan facial expression changes, has weighed carefully, suddenly the decision take risks to search.
   Four disasters are no doubt fearful, may just enter into Sky Level, fleshly body powerful, and also just grasped [Rampage] Third Sky him, the confidence rises suddenly.
   'You stay here, I get down.'
   Officially informed Zuo Xu and Zuo Shi, does not wait for these two to closely examine, he diving posture sank from under corpse ladder.
   : Holiday happy ~ RO
   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 20 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-414>
   ' Shi Yan?, Chi Xiao is starting to that ancient human body, discovered suddenly Shi Yan vanished, yells hurriedly.
   Zuo Xu has referred to not far away corpse ladder direction, the facial features are strange, 'he got down., ' what?'
   Chi Xiao facial expression changes, does not understand saying: 'Can he get down for what?'
   At this time everybody in fighting for ancient human body rare treasure, the people arrived here with great difficulty, sought for the goal, for the rare treasure was being the battle, but Shi Yan when will soon harvest the achievement, suddenly got down.
   Let alone he did not understand that all discovered this unusual Warrior, is reveals the doubts expression.
   Zhao Feng and Li Yue neglect one, did not understand, but at this time, everybody was fighting for the rare treasure, if gets down to seek for Shi Yan at this time, did not say that will be given to cover by that four disasters, even if they can live by luck, feared that cannot obtain here rare treasure again.
   Therefore, Zhao Feng dot Li Yue, although the doubts of whole face, have not actually followed Shi Yan to get down.
   Warrior in field, saw that Shi Yan has gotten down suddenly, secretly relaxed, a heart that evil star is not, can relax slightly.
   In these person of eyes, the threat of Shi Yan, must be bigger than any person.
   Were few Shi Yan such importantly struggled the match unexpectedly, they were certainly glad happy, basic, no matter Shi Yan got down to make what.
   'Grandfather, can Shi Yan have matter? Can he get down for what?' Zuo Shi stands that Shi Ti direction, lowers the head looks at, the discovery line of sight seemed actually hindered, what cannot see.
   ' He definitely has his plan, Shi Yan this boy cannot regard by the common sense, if he does not have the matter, definitely will not get down at this time., Zuo Xu comforts saying: ' Relax, the boy will not have the matter, he is more intelligent than anybody, I think that this getting down, definitely has other discovery., To a Zuo Xu such saying, Zuo Shi felt relieved, but in that Shi Ti position, under looks at.
   Silver lakelet, four disasters cover, whole body is hoodwinking star light Shi Yan, the facial features are dignified, feel Star Shield power to pass, he deeply inspired, walks toward outside of silver lakelet.
   frost ice and thunder and lightning dot roaring flame and storm four disasters, are wreaking havoc in the old city, covers the entire old city.
   Looked out a front, he discovered that under the influences of these four disasters, the old city the remnant of destroyed building, hundred meters high masonries, changed into piles of stones, avalanche under four disasters.
   The silver lakelet surrounding, gathered hundred and thousand of various class Demonic Beast, these Demonic Beast are opening the big mouth, in the eye appears the ice cold cold light, is in sight to rays of light of space interweaves.
   A Shi Yan appearance, these Demonic Beast roared immediately, wanted to break in the folk song, him ripping smashing.
   facial expression one cold, the Shi Yan looks at Demonic Beast group, does not dare to act rashly, but continues to resist four influences of disasters with Star Shield.
   That many Demonic Beast, even if he is arrogant, does not dare to act unreasonably.
   Once by Demonic Beast submerging, in cannot utilize in the Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist situation, he runs away absolutely difficultly dies.
   Shouting of Black Ice Cold Flame, but also is transmitting from that north, as if knows Shi Yan to get down, Black Ice Cold Flame also leaves from that north probably, is approaching toward him quietly.
   Felt the migration of Black Ice Cold Flame, the Shi Yan mind relaxed slightly, continued to withdraw in the lakelet does not dare to move heedlessly, resisted four influences of disasters with Star Shield.
   These four disasters, have the destructive power that the unusual ear fears, Star Shield under the destruction of these four different functions, Strength of Stars fast passes.
   'This is not good.'
   The knitting the brows head, in the Shi Yan head is trying to find the solution fast.
   The Strength of Stars accumulation is not easy, is the light of absorption stars, collects little, this Strength of Stars not like Essence Qi, but can also through absorbing heaven and earth Spiritual Qi, absorbs Crystal Stone to restore.
   Once Strength of Stars has exhausted, he has the mysterious method to be hard to display, this will weaken his strength.
   The tour of dark majestic noxious mist, had not ended, if Strength of Stars has early exhausted, following traveling schedule, much less safeguards.
   To come, Shi Yan decides to take risk with fleshly body and Dark Light Shield, comes the hard anti- here disaster.
   Thought, takes Essence Qi as energy fountainhead Dark Light Shield, suddenly offers a sacrifice, Dark Light Shield, his fleshly body also has become the purple red, god strange strength in a muscle, passes on suddenly from the whole body muscle fiber.
   Star Shield receives.
   Four the different functions of disasters, are reducing the energy defense on Dark Light Shield rapidly, the Essence Qi crazy irrigation on Dark Light Shield, is providing the continuous energy support for that Dark Light Shield.
   'chi chi chi!'
   On Dark Light Shield transmits the strange sound, under the influence of that four disaster, this Dark Light Shield power passes fast extremely.
   Short a half minute, the Essence Qi of Shi Yan irrigation on Dark Light Shield, has consumed one-third.
   ' Quite fierce! Does not know that my body can block?, Shi Yan has such a thought that suddenly wants to challenge, has a look at this variation Petrification Martial Spirit, whether can withstand this degree of disaster.
   Suddenly he received Dark Light Shield, the different functions impacts of four roaring flame dot frost ice, thunder and lightning and storm, covered the whole body instantaneously, seeped directly to his whole body pore, drilled into his fleshly body each corner.
   Severe pain!
   The ache spreads the whole body, when the seepage of roaring flame, frost ice, thunder and lightning and storm, an extremely fearful pain, multiplies directly in his whole body.
   If this painful average person withstood, feared that is the direct pain will faint, loses all defensive measures.
   He who may challenge the limit, the willpower is quite tenacious, under this pain, but clenches teeth the dying brace, not immediately stupor.
   Different functions in muscle, like are the countless silk threads, fast accumulation in his body plaster, each muscle as if in shivering, energy in that muscle releasing.
   Four disasters attack, in energy by muscle resisting, his purple-red skin, has the extreme terrifying resistance likely, unexpectedly under four disasters, has not broken out the meat crack.
   Black Ice Cold Flame changes into one bunch of ice cold rays of light, flies from the north, crosses leader Demonic Beast, in the Shi Yan top of the head float.
   'I lead you to go to a place, there, as if there is what thing. However there has fearful barrier restriction, I cannot enter, perhaps you can.'
   Black Ice Cold Flame communication , changes into ice flower at once, congeals in the Shi Yan chest.
   An extreme woods cold cold air/Qi, is centered on Shi Yan suddenly, fills the air.
   Shortly, Shi Yan has become a huge ice sculpture, whole body braves astonishing Cold Qi, that ice piece under the influences of four disasters, ka ka makes noise, helping Shi Yan resist four influences of disasters.
   ' Your did power restore?, Shi Yan pleasantly surprised [say / way].
   ' Has not restored, but restored 70%, this also foot enough. Chill in the air that Black Ice Cold Flame communication , it releases, including Demonic Beast of that leader, is alarmed and afraid, when these chill in the air fill the air, Demonic Beast that leader gathers, retreat comes in abundance.
   Black Ice Cold Flame by Blood Vein Ring restraint, in Blood Vein Ring, it never has been able to release true power.
   Now it has been separated from Blood Vein Ring, changes into ice flower, attaches on the body of Shi Yan, Cold Qi that releases, can this old city, give to freeze simply completely.
   Shi Yan remembers suddenly initially sees the Black Ice Cold Flame scene.
   At that time, Black Ice Cold Flame was relying on astonishing Cold Qi, gave frozen an island, and was precise leader Mysterious Ice Beast, the ice cold strength that at that time Black Ice Cold Flame showed that calculated straight world-shaking, feared that was God Realm Expert, wanted to cope with it not to be easy.
   Black Ice Cold Flame after is ancient Heavenly Flame, in the glorious years, has absorbed the numerous heaven and earth profound cold air/Qi, is among heaven and earth the most woods cold thing, is the life body in society most mystical.
   It and Earthcore Flame is different, Earthcore Flame reaches the Heavenly Flame time too to be short, British however Earthcore Flame has absorbed the essence of Sun, but compared with Black Ice Cold Flame, is well below.
   At this time Black Ice Cold Flame true power will release, is centered on Shi Yan, Cold Qi fills the air, the earth starts to freeze.
   Then from north mountain range the strength of frost ice, as if also by Black Ice Cold Flame controlling, strength of the frost ice continuously, started into four disaster most fearful one, under Black Ice Cold Flame energy amplification, the strength of frost ice also starts release.
   Demonic Beast that side eyes covetously, then gives way to traffic, carelessly by these extremely cold air/Qi moving, bodies stiffly, starts to ice up quickly, has become clear ice sculptures.
   They are irremovable thoroughly, froze.
   Shi Yan is different.
   In his body plaster has Black Ice Cold Flame cold energy, bone lou and veins, early had been transformed by Black Ice Cold Flame, can adapt to here ice cold strength.
   In addition Black Ice Cold Flame careful the strongest Black Ice Cold strength, will not have come to spread on him, therefore he, although with having thick freezing, but under muscle lead of explosive force, he can from the plaster by activity, but the speed naturally was affected, cannot likely in the normal condition that fast.
   'That direction!'
   Black Ice Cold Flame mind communication , is Shi Yan indicates the advance the path.
   Shi Yan without demur, stimulates to movement whole body power, is leading thick ice rock, goes toward the direction line that it indicates.
   Along the way, Black Ice Cold Flame continues to release Cold Qi, its attaches to cold energy in ice rock, falls to lowly four influences of disasters, enabling Shi Yan fleshly body not to need to bear too many four influences of disaster.
   The stone difference place visited, Cold Qi overflows, although leader Demonic Beast wants to attack him crazily, may realize that the attack of cold energy, immediately makes concessions.
   Without [Gravitational Field], using Black Ice Cold Flame cold energy, Shi Yan in the Demonic Beast group, is still well.
   As Black Ice Cold Flame points out the direction unceasingly, Shi Yan returned to the broken old city, southwest the old city in direction an ancient temple, sees a gigantic incomparable Demonic Beast corpse.
   That Demonic Beast only then an eye, rays of light interweaves, has thunder and lightning, frost ice, roaring flame and storm four different functions crazy stacks to be precise, has formed indistinctly 'Gate of Heaven' to elsewhere mystical.
   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 21 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-415>
   That inside energy fluctuation is violent, besides beyond thunder and lightning, frost ice, roaring flame and storm four fearful different strength, tertiary restriction, I, cannot break. '
   Black Ice Cold Flame from Shi Yan chest communication .
   Stands under the body of that Demonic Beast, Shi Yan frowns, quietly giant eye pupil of observation that Demonic Beast.
   Has felt a while secretly, he discovers that inside power fluctuation indeed extreme terrifying ' , if not draw support the external force, he does not have the confidence to enter that Gate of Heaven.
   'Don't you have that to eradicate all barrier restriction rare treasures?', Black Ice Cold Flame spreads the news to read once more, 'perhaps you can draw support from that same rare treasure, enters Gate of Heaven Center, knows secret.'
   The Shi Yan facial expression shakes, in the eye are many a happy expression two to take out Cloud Broken Heaven Edge , wisp of Divine Sense pours into ' and soul communication: 'Can enter that Gate of Heaven?', Above Flowing Clouds Heaven Breaking Shuttle, emits dawn the light suddenly, that Cloud Broken Heaven Edge acme, has aimed at Gate of Heaven faintly, projects a wisp of silver none remaining, shines above Gate of Heaven.
   Half sound, a wisp of response transmits: 'Can enter inside, but needs you[ body] in 50% Essence Qi make a connection with barrier to come.'
   Shi Yan has thought that nod ' responded slightly: 'Good, I pour into Essence Qi now, you make a connection with passage that enters, I must go.', The words,[ body] in Essence Qi same wells up like the rivers, in abundance irrigation to Cloud Broken Heaven Edge .
   Under his Essence Qi crazy irrigation, this Cloud Broken Heaven Edge projects bright silver rays of light ' one bunch of glares to shine suddenly, punctures fiercely above that Gate of Heaven.
   Shakes huge tremor ' to transmit from that Gate of Heaven entrance, a silver ecliptic, appears from that Gate of Heaven mouth.
   Shi Yan has not thought that immediately changes into one bunch of star light ' along that silver ecliptic, drills into Gate of Heaven directly, vanishes instantaneously.
   A piece of white singular space, only then a decayed dry corpse that dry corpse wears a green long gown, sits cross-legged to sit, the left hand is taking a thick ancient book ' as if the content in earnest reading ancient book.
   This singular space ' should be God Realm Expert constructs precise by the big supernatural power in this space, Shi Yan remembered immediately initially entered the space that Star God Ouyang Zhi that came out precise, here scene, with there, although was not quite same, but felt that was similar.
   Here should also be God Realm Expert, constructs by own power, is not abyss battlefield that type spreads many years of ancient Gate of Heaven, is Elementary God Realm Expert fiddles with.
   This Gate of Heaven will not have too many mysterious generally, does not have very fierce bad risk to exist, the area is also limited.
   Stands in this strange space, Shi Yan looks all around is the white fog that ' discovery sees pleasant ' is boundless ' farther region what unable to see.
   Hesitant, he did not have to wait and see that ancient human body ' first to walk randomly a while in this white space anxiously, actually had achieved nothing.
   In big space, as if only then such ancient human body ' in addition, did not have any thing again.
   Discovered that all roots are mysterious, perhaps ' Shi Yan before that ancient human body body then slowly paces to arrive at that ancient corpse, surplus Essence Qi gather Star Shield and Dark Light Shield spread quietly ' comes together, careful is guarding, for fear that also by the bad risk that by that ancient human body possibly has affecting.
   Stems from him to anticipate, when he arrives at that ancient corpse to put together ' has concentrated on to defend him, has not met any bad risk, has not felt restriction barrier.
   Leaves was near, he can see on that ancient human body is holding four large character Refiner secrets on that thick ancient book!
   In the Shi Yan heart moves, eye has shone.
   Is this Exotic Land that ancient Refiner master the hiding place of?
   Stopped over in this Exotic Land was so long ' he through all sorts of slight observation, knows that this Exotic Land should be a place that the Refiner master gathered in ' here has many Refiner furnaces, has many loses the function the Refiner material, refined the good end product rare treasure.
   Very obviously, in this Exotic Land, definitely has fierce Refiner master to exist before, although does not know that was what these Refiner masters vanished in abundance, but Shi Yan can affirm that here all, were related with the Refiner master.
   In the ancient time, the Refiner master is the same with Alchemist master, is the important constituent parts of Warrior.
   In the ancient time, is modern times ' the Refiner master and Alchemist master, enjoys honored Earth Realm in Warrior, each Refiner master and Alchemist master, is in itself uncommon Warrior, the rare treasure that the Refiner master refines, with medicinal pills that Alchemist master refines, is Warrior promotes the strength the important attribute.
   Warrior, if grasps the fierce rare treasure, and has various unusual medicinal pills, then in cultivation, when battles with the human ' can obtain the huge boost, if a Refiner master Realm is profound, can refine Sacred level and god rare treasure, then this Refiner master ' will be all Warrior for the object who it will respect to flatter.
   Reason that Ling Bao Sect can be majestically located for many years on Divine Great Land, has the massive Refiner master and Alchemist master with this sect cannot separate, perhaps if Ling Bao Sect not that many high Level Refiner master and Alchemist master, Ling Bao Sect cannot become one of the Divine Great Land seven big ancient faction.
   In brief, the Refiner master in this world ' absolutely is an extremely honored kind of person, receives the respect of all Warrior, more is the formidable Refiner master ' more enjoys all sorts of privileges.
   This Alchemist master, although makes decent for many years, maintains is actually reading the ancient book the posture, Shi Yan does not know that this Refiner master is existence of what kind Level, but he, since can construct Gate of Heaven to come out ' he at least is also God Realm Warrior, but the Refiner master will regard the life main pursue Refiner generally, Warrior Level, is only for Refiner must condition.
   In general, a Refiner master, if has God Realm cultivation base, is worst, this Refiner master should also be the Sacred level Refiner master, can refine the Sacred level rare treasure to come out.
   Sacred level Refiner master!
   The Shi Yan facial expression changed countenance ' eye to shine.
   On entire Grace Mainland, the Divine level Refiner master as if already vanished, now rumor fiercest Refiner master, is only the Sacred level Refiner master, can refine the Sacred level rare treasure.
   Spirit Yu sect, as if also merely has two Sacred level Refiner masters, is Ling Bao Sect depending on being majestically located the Divine Great Land most effective safeguard.
   The Shi Yan two illumination, closely stare in the Refiner master hand of that decency is holding thick 'Refiner Secret' ' heartbeat accelerates, cannot be restrained giving birth held the desire.
   Does not know that can have the bad risk?
   Is guarding secretly, Shi Yan puts out a hand, grasps that thick 'Refiner Secret', the skin is purple red ' glittering of a star light on the hand back.
   He is careful.
   A finger, moves that 'Refiner Secret' swiftly, an extremely violent spiritual fluctuation ' suddenly releases from that ancient book.
   In a flash, Shi Yan Sea of Consciousness drags, the mind as if by mystical soul restriction locking, has pondered as if cannot.
   Good Li!
   The Shi Yan receiving hand courageously, facial expression changed, is busy at holding the breath with rapt attention, stable mind.
   The finger loosens from that 'Refiner Secret', without a trace that formidable spiritual fluctuation, vanishes suddenly.
   As if so long as does not move that ancient book ' on ancient book not to have the slight spiritual fluctuation to transmit, however, so long as moved, that spiritual fluctuation can lock the mind of person, ran metal into cracks Warrior direct spirit Soul Restriction.
   Is cold the face, Shi Yan is not daring to move once more rashly, but is vision brilliant looks at that ancient book, discovered that the ancient book as if no any unusuality, after the finger loosens, does not have any mind telepathy.
   But he actually knows that fearful spiritual fluctuation, came from the ancient book absolutely! Perhaps is that pages of copy clerks! In perhaps each page of paper, has the strong fierce spiritual fluctuation, so long as moves ' must by greatly the impact of spiritual fluctuation.
   He who achieves the Sky Realm boundary, under this fearful spiritual fluctuation, is also at wit's end.
   Various his finishing cloudy devil race kind of soul classes deep meanings, regarding the understanding of soul power, too be profoundly more than general Warrior, he now cannot resist that fearful spiritual fluctuation, he believes that has traded Warrior of other Sky Realm boundary, is hard absolutely under the spiritual fluctuation of that ancient book maintains safely.
   Does not manage, first received said again that this ancient book absolutely was the precious space of Refiner master!
   The Shi Yan look fluctuated a while, clenched teeth, finally set firm resolve, no matter this 'Refiner Secret' is weird ' first stores Imaginary Space Ring it, waited later takes your time to inquire about the mystery.
   Puts out a hand once more, this time he uses Imaginary Space Ring to come to that ancient book, when moves to Imaginary Space Ring and that ancient book, launches heart oh rays of light to flash through ' that ancient book to vanish hurriedly together quickly, in his Imaginary Space Ring peaceful is staying.
   Not with finger direct contact this ancient book, powerful spiritual fluctuation in ancient book, has not triggered.
   The mind has felt, discovered that ancient book indeed was received by Imaginary Space Ring, he relaxed ' at once cautiously looks to that ancient human body, wants to have a look at this ancient book to have what to be different.
   Ancient human body[ body] in ' transmits an abnormal noise suddenly, at once this ancient book, changed into the light smoke strangely, vanishes in this singular space without the trace.
   The ancient human body of ancient book and this decency, has as if had the close relation, the ancient book one vanishes ' he as if not to have the existence necessity from his hand, such vanished.
   Not only so, along with the ancient human body change flying ash, this space also started to crack, appeared slits.
   Shi Yan facial expression slightly changes, is inferior to think that immediately once more and Black Ice Cold Flame achieves the relation.
   One bunch of silver color break-ups ' Shi Yan has drilled into fiercely, following ecliptic that Cloud Broken Heaven Edge makes a connection with, flushes away toward outside.
   In the space disintegration, Shi Yan changes into one bunch of star light, returns to the old city from that strange space.
   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 22 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-416>
   The space was shattered!
   The storm, roaring flame, thunder and lightning and frost ice four different strength entire old city, as if receive attracting of that Gate of Heaven to pull, quickly, crazy will emerge that soon to burst in Gate of Heaven that.
   Shi Yan stands under, looks at these disasters pours into Gate of Heaven, the space slit that the looks at space appears, the facial expression shocks.
   heaven and earth has the mutation, airborne revealed that the dazzling ray, from that ray, visibles faintly the five colors variegated space turbulent flow.
   In an intermittent violent rumbled sound, that Gate of Heaven ballooning, is changing into a small luminous spot finally, mystical above this old city vanishes.
   The old city restored suddenly tranquilly.
   Demonic Beast of these accumulations, as if also know that lost the significance that continues to protect, left from this old city unexpectedly in abundance, departed here.
   Surrounding four four look like mountain range, shortly will cave, in the rumbled sound, four looks like mountain range to change into the flat land, looked like the sand table is levelled.
   Milky Way that the space interweaves, slowly changes pale, was the river water is drained likely, lost beforehand mystical quickly.
   Graceful silhouette, looked under one from upper air together distantly, changes into one bunch of stream ray, leaves toward the distant place, does not see gradually.
   Shi Yan frowns, stares at that beautiful figure to look at a while, facial expression gloomy has gotten down gradually.
   Although is separated by extremely far, but he saw, that beautiful figure should missing Ai Ya.
   Shi Yan does not know that this woman is what in the space, does not know that she has the what bitter experience, her departure, making Shi Yan know that this old city perhaps did not have what the place that was worth accepting as a memento.
   Really, interweaves, numerous Warrior that in that Milky Way went on an expedition, starts to fly toward outside, no longer continues to stop over in the old city.
   These people as if know, in old city possibly no longer has the rare treasure to appear, knows that continues to remain, harvest what.
   That thick 'Refiner Secret' in that Gate of Heaven ancient human body hand, seems the reason that the old city has, this 'Refiner Secret' was obtained by Shi Yan, entire Exotic Land all sorts of strange, vanishes in abundance, this means likely the old city will not have any mystical again.
   That Demonic Beast skeleton, explodes the broken that instant in Gate of Heaven, explodes the dry and hard fragment, scatters in old city each corner.
   Space silhouette, as if saw the Shi Yan person under, they descend slowly, gradually is close toward Shi Yan.
   Frowns, looked at a while toward the space, what discovers after is Zhao Feng and Chi Xiao one line, Shi Yan relaxed, has not continued to support this to alert.
   Formerly when broke in Gate of Heaven, he has consumed the general spirit, at this time the condition was not good, if Warrior of space regarded the goal to start him, he under the present condition, will be some dangerours dangers.
   Zhao Feng and the others descend slowly, the group fall quickly on the Shi Yan side.
   'How under your boy did run comes?' Zhao Feng was thick the throat to shout, the whole face was surprised, 'your boy has done the what ghost, was what this Exotic Land restores all of a sudden normally? Day after day on Milky Way, with that remaining several ancient human bodies, together disappears, have you made what?'
   Li Yue and Chi Xiao one line , is also surprised looks at he, the doubts of whole face.
   They formerly above that but also in hunting and killing the ancient human body, was discovering suddenly the old city had the huge change, ancient human bodies drill into the space slit that splits, suddenly disappearing trail.
   Zhao Feng and the others observation, had discovered that the mutation in this old city, seems related with Shi Yan, secret surprised, immediately starts to walk toward below.
   Hunts and kills the ancient human body with them Warrior of these other influences, sees with own eyes the mutation formation of old city, knows the necessity that has not continued to keep, all leaves from here, toward another Exotic Land.
   'How I do not know a matter.' Shi Yan shook the head, is not willing to say his fortuitous encounter.
   The Refiner secret of Refiner master, possibly is the old city most precious same treasure, although he cannot know this Refiner secret temporarily the precious degree, but falls into Imaginary Space Ring from the Refiner secret, the old city has such big mutation, he knows that this Refiner secret had is important.
   On Grace Mainland, the Refiner master was quite scarce, Refiner class precious secret, precious.
   If makes the human know that the Refiner secret of here Refiner master, was obtained by him, refers to making trouble how to come erratically, perhaps will alarm on Divine Great Land the Refiner master of some most high-end, but each Refiner master, and numerous God Realm Expert are maintaining the friendly relations.
   If these high level Refiner masters, know in his hand to have such equally precious Refiner method, definitely will not hesitate at all costs looks for him, can do everything possible possesses of his Refiner secret.
   Stayed such a long time in Grace Mainland, he to this world brutal early some profound understanding, knows that wants strength powerful, can act in a self-serving manner in this world simply, can restrain without any legal morals.
   'Hasn't discovered what?'
   Zhao Feng is astonished however asks, in the eye glittering surprised rays of light, he seems to be curious, always thought that the mutation in this old city, has the inseparable relation with Shi Yan.
   Cai Yi is also looks at he, in beautiful pupil extraordinary splendor flow of tears, hesitant, in a soft voice said: 'I always thought that we above fight, the thing that possibly obtains, is well below your harvest. Although, I do not know that you obtained what, but this Exotic Land all mystical vanish suddenly, decides however is because has the treasure that most treasures, was obtained by somebody.'
   Zhao Feng and Li Yue eye one bright, thought Cai Yi said is reasonable, full Han anticipates is looking at Shi Yan.
   'Boy, you said that we are very curious.' Zhao Feng hey smiles, 'the curiosity of person, can kill the human, this point I also know. But I want to know that you have the what harvest, wants to know that in this Exotic Land, the most precious treasure, is the what gadget.'
   Shi Yan shakes the head, the facial expression is indifferent, 'has not discovered what.'
   Anybody knows that Shi Yan this does not want to say.
   Zhao Feng and Li Yue stared at him to look some little time, saw his manner to be firm, had no alternative, has not closely examined forcefully.
   They have regarded Radiant God Cult Shi Yan in the future the most dazzling nova, but also the prospect can close right up against Shi Yan to promote own Earth Realm in Radiant God Cult, naturally does not want to offend Shi Yan at this time, therefore is not good to continue to closely examine.
   As for Chi Xiao, Cai Yi, Zuo Xu and the others, this is lucky the Shi Yan care all the way, can be safe and sound.
   They when facing Shi Yan, always thought that owes Shi Yan many, saw Shi Yan not to say that naturally was not inquisitive.
   'En, I think that here should not the necessity that continues you to get down.' Shi Yan smiled, looks up the day, 'should we leave here?'
   'I just saw Ai Ya that inexpensive si person!'
   Cai Yi facial expression one cold, look gloomy and cold gets up, 'that inexpensive si person is planning us all the way, at crucial moment, but also wanted with the aid in our deaths, came many wrested away here rare treasure, if there is an opportunity, I must certainly do accounts with her!'
   Brother Lao li are the facial expression are also cloudy, Ai Ya very much has resentful reading.
   'She leaves here first, if I guess right, I think that Ai Ya should go to another Exotic Land, knows that we went to there, should have the opportunity to see her again.' Shi Yan nod, facial expression also quite gloomy and cold, 'this woman viper feelings, all the way never regard the companion to cross us, if there is an opportunity, I will also cope with her!'
   'Such being the case, can we be good together?' Zhao Feng grins to laugh, 'boy, I also want many matters to inquire you, En, the matter about Radiant God Cult, I thinks that you should also know, our Radiant God Cult, rules a region by force in Divine Great Land, is on Divine Great Land the most glorious sect, your this fellow is so outstanding, if in the future went to Divine Great Land, definitely by god please sacred place.'
   Radiant God Cult?
   In the Shi Yan heart moves, complexion had some subtle changes.
   According to the view of this Zhao Feng, Radiant God Cult is hides shortcomings extremely, and sect that extremely takes seriously the youth master, and on Divine Great Land one of the most formidable ancient faction.
   This sect has the mystiques of related Stars Martial Spirit all sorts of fine mysterious, has the complete utilization Stars Martial Spirit method, compared with many that Three God Church various mystiques must improve.
   If there is an opportunity to go to that Divine Great Land, can draw support Radiant God Cult power, he as if can indeed have many convenience on Divine Great Land.
   If can draw support Radiant God Cult power , to promote own cultivation base, gains the experience, comprehends the Intent Domain deep meaning, this as if also good.
   'En, I think that I may go to Divine Great Land, but is not now.' Shi Yan has hesitated, shows a faint smile, friendly said to Zhao Feng: 'In Endless Sea, some of some of my matters has not solved, when the Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist matter had ended, I will go to Endless Sea, if had finished the thoughts, I will go to Divine Great Land.'
   'That bird place has what to be quite dull.' Zhao Feng whispered, 'there corresponds our Divine Great Land, Warrior Level, is the multiplication of various Martial Skills and Martial Spirit, missed. Our Divine Great Land, is the Grace Mainland Warrior accumulation center, has all your sorts not to believe the marvelous thing that there, you there, can obtain all that you want!'
   Shi Yan he he nod, 'you do not need to induce me, if I in Endless Sea, have solved the matter, I naturally can go.'
   'We chatted well, I will tell us the god matter, told you to come in the future, how should seek for us.' Zhao Feng sees Shi Yan to have the plan of Endless Sea, no longer continues to mislead, hey smiles, said: 'I can be your guide.'
   'En.' Shi Yan smiles nod.
   Zhao Feng facial expression one happy, manner warm feelings.
   In this time, Fiery Flame of one group of burning hots, suddenly came from the distant place escape, lively comes toward Shi Yan.
   The burning hot flame, covers this region completely, under that burning hot flame strength, Shi Yan Warrior, thinks the body to be uncomfortable in abundance, gathers power to resist hurriedly.
   The Zhao Feng eye projects together the none remaining suddenly, he is staring at that Earthcore Flame stubbornly, suddenly the violent shouted to clear the way: 'Has essence of Sun flame strength!'
   Li Yue is also the eye one bright, changes countenance terrified.
   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 23 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-417>
   Shi Yan were not many said that smiled putting out a hand, Blood Vein Ring is emitting misty bloody glow, that Earthcore Flame escape came, vanished in his Blood Vein Ring suddenly does not see.
   Meanwhile, Black Ice Cold Flame also crashes into Blood Vein Ring, suddenly submerges.
   'Has essence of Sun flame strength really!'
   Zhao Feng eyes appears burning hot rays of light, pleasantly surprised looks at Shi Yan, 'hadn't boy, I just felt wrong?'
   'Good, in it indeed has essence of Sun flame strength.' Shi Yan nod.
   'Regarding our types with the aid of strength of cultivation Sun person, the flame strength of essence of Sun, is the most precious treasure, if can draw support essence of cultivation Sun, I think that my Martial Skills, will obtain enormous breakthrough.' Zhao Feng vision brilliant, ', if can draw support the essence of Sun, comprehended deeper First Level time Intent Domain, I could enter into the boundary of God Passage.'
   Shi Yan hey smiles lowly, shook the head, 'that is me.'
   'Can the words, later taking advantage of my cultivation some time, I do not want that essence of Sun power, I want, so long as can feel, making my short distance watch burning down of Fiery Flame, with flame strength characteristics that in the essence of Sun releases, how is it?' Zhao Feng hope looks to Shi Yan, the whole face anticipation.
   Shi Yan knitting the brows head, hesitant, lightly said: 'If only such, that issue is not big.'
   Zhao Feng, laughs pleasantly surprised, approves him to be really kind continually.
   'That rolls Fiery Flame, is what?' Li Yue cannot bear ask.
   'En, should be Heavenly Flame of new promote, came from ten thousand years of volcano, had own conciousness, the absorption of being in luck the essence of Sun. Now has not known its potential in a big way, since said that Earth Flame had conciousness, even if Heavenly Flame, then it should also be Heavenly Flame.' Shi Yan explained.
   'Heavenly Flame?!'
   Zhao Feng and Li Yue even Cai Yi, Chi Xiao and the others, one face admire is looking at him, expressed admiration.
   'It is said in this in society, nine Heavenly Flame exists, if adds on your this Heavenly Flame, should be ten plants.' Zhao Feng sighed myriad, 'on our Divine Great Land, has been spreading the Heavenly Flame legend, person but who had Heavenly Flame, was extremely rare. Each same Heavenly Flame, as if there is unique effect, has to make the human for mystical power that it admires, your this fellow is really the good luck, can obtain Heavenly Flame unexpectedly.'
   'Knows that has that nine Heavenly Flame?' In the Shi Yan heart moves, feigns optional asking.
   He had also heard Heavenly Flame rumor, said that in this world, known Heavenly Flame, nine types, said that nine Heavenly Flame have the rank.
   However the place of that quiet cloud, is Endless Sea, as if nobody knows that which several types nine Heavenly Flame are.
   Zhao Feng and Li Yue come from Divine Great Land, Divine Great Land is all Warrior centers, if there Warrior knows nine Heavenly Flame names, should be the Divine Great Land person.
   'Chaos Sage Flame, World Extinguishing Thunder Flame, Nine Quiet Soul Devouring Flame, Immemorial Antiquity Demonic Flame, Purgatory True Flame, Yin Spirit Ghost Flame, Vermilion Bird True Flame, Black Ice Cold Flame and Vanishing Corpse Flame!'
   The Zhao Feng look is bright, is loud and clear saying: 'These nine Heavenly Flame, are the known Heavenly Flame names, on our Divine Great Land, has been spreading these nine Heavenly Flame mystical, but has what wondrous use as for these nine Heavenly Flame, has what mystical, we actually do not know. Perhaps, person who only then these have Heavenly Flame, knows the mystical functions of these nine Heavenly Flame, with these nine Heavenly Flame fearful places.'
   'Chaos Sage Flame, World Extinguishing Thunder Flame, Nine Quiet Soul Devouring Flame, Immemorial Antiquity Demonic Flame, Purgatory True Flame, Yin Spirit Ghost Flame, Vermilion Bird True Flame, Black Ice Cold Flame and Vanishing Corpse Flame'
   Shi Yan muttered whispers, the eye slowly has also shone.
   'Chaos Sage Flame ranks first, that Vanishing Corpse Flame rank most end, each Heavenly Flame, as if can with the Warrior fusion, once Warrior fused Heavenly Flame, not only can obtain Heavenly Flame power, as if can also obtain.' looks at that Zhao Feng envies he.
   Formerly Black Ice Cold Flame continuously in the Shi Yan chest, when Earthcore Flame entered Blood Vein Ring, because the flame strength was too strong, in addition Black Ice Cold Flame desirably restraining power, Zhao Feng they do not know that bunch of cold brightness, unexpectedly was of Black Ice Cold Flame nine Heavenly Flame.
   If they know Black Ice Cold Flame and Nine Quiet Soul Devouring Flame, at this time on the body of Shi Yan, does not know that will be startled the what kind situation.
   Shi Yan asked the news that he has wanted to know, does not want to say what on Heavenly Flame much, therefore the smile looks to Zhao Feng and the others, said: 'Did you just above, harvest how is it?'
   A Zhao Feng facial expression happy, delicious [say / way]: 'We obtain four rare treasures, is Sacred level, three types in Sacred level First Rank, equally in Sacred level third rank! Hey, this time really gained, even if on Divine Great Land, the Sacred level rare treasure were very rare, the Sacred level third rank rare treasure, was only then the important personages of some big influences can have, Ha Ha!'
   Speaking of the happy place, Zhao Feng could not bear complacent laughed.
   The rare treasure that the Refiner master refines, is divided into Mortal level, Mystery level, Spirit level, Sacred level and Divine level five Level, each Level is divided into seventh rank, First Rank is most inferior, seventh rank is best, this Zhao Feng can obtain the third rank Sacred level rare treasure, is the fate is extremely indeed good, no wonder his happy.
   'You?' Shi Yan looks to Chi Xiao and Cai Yi.
   'Different Sacred level First Rank rare treasure.' Chi Xiao smiled, takes out a handle silver dagger si head, has raised, said: 'I took was the same.'
   Chi Xiao looks like is also calm, but the look actually suddenly burning hot gets up.
   Has place of quiet cloud Merchant Union in that the Spirit level rare treasure is very rare, not to mention Sacred level.
   This Chi Xiao can in Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, obtain the same Sacred level rare treasure, once in the future builds up the mind intercommunication with the Sacred level rare treasure, the strength of whole person significantly will be increased.
   Chi Xiao is relying on the same Sacred level rare treasure, can perhaps become Merchant Union, Raging Fire Empire and God Blessed Empire in the future the most powerful person, becomes Warrior Paragon in the place of that quiet cloud, his naturally also heart lives to like.
   'Good good.' Shi Yan does nod, 'have to be the same with a smile again and again?'
   'In my hands.' The Cai Yi sweet chuckle, has not taken the Imaginary Space Ring rare treasure, but looks like as if also extreme satisfaction, 'my luck is also good, has not thought really that this time in Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, can harvest.'
   Lao li and Lao Lun is a face envy, sigh oneself luck to be unsatisfactory, cannot harvest here.
   'Boy, should we leave?' Zhao Feng waited for a while, discovered in this old city not to have one person, cannot help but somewhat worried, 'the fellow who these left, should go to another Exotic Land, we passed earlier, perhaps can also harvest Divine Soul, if were late, but could not obtain on what.'
   'Can you know the direction?' Shi Yan is astonished however said.
   Zhao Feng takes out one with the similar compass that Ai Ya has, has raised, 'the gadget of Ling Bao Sect refinement, can take one's bearings in any region, had this gadget, naturally cannot become lost.'
   'That is good.' Shi Yan eye one bright, said with a smile: 'Such being the case, we can start off.'
   'You?' Zhao Feng looks to Chi Xiao, Cai Yi and the others, 'with us together?'
   Chi Xiao and Cai Yi obtained the rare treasure, the confidence have risen sharply, together nod.
   Brother Lao li have not harvested here, but also counted on that can obtain some fortuitous encounters in another Exotic Land, naturally cannot the midway give up, is nod indicates to with them together.
   Zhao Feng is not willing to be a companion with them, but looks in the Shi Yan face, many did not say what, took out the compass to distinguish a direction, said to Shi Yan: 'You and they follow us, another Exotic Land, should be very long to here, the most two days of time, should be able to rush.'
   Shi Yan nod.
   Zhao Feng and Li Yue neglect one, told that these Radiant God Cult people follow them, flies toward outside.
   Since here Gate of Heaven ruptured, this place all returned to normal, covers in the god thunder of surrounding, as if also no longer stopped over.
   Before Shi Yan, was worried that these god thunder, Essence Qi has exhausted most probably, at this time the god thunder of surrounding after all, if still, him must continue with the aid in Flowing Clouds Heaven Breaking Shuttle power, can breakthrough exit, when the time comes Essence Qi has exhausted, if bumps into the bad risk suddenly, that difficultly managed.
   Although Chi Xiao and Cai Yi are Realm are uncommon, but he is not willing his destiny, to hand over in others' hand, in that case, he must cost some time, first draws support from Monster Core, restored Essence Qi again.
   Without the god thunder of winding around surrounding, he then did not have these many worry, with Chi Xiao, Cai Yi and the others together, flies the horizon, pursues toward that Zhao Feng one line.
   After the half day, above an float mountain peak, Zhao Feng one line has met one crowd of Demonic Beast, these have six levels of Demonic Beast groups, without consuming Zhao Feng their many time, was cleaned up cleanly.
   In the Zhao Feng team, several Realm low Warrior, Essence Qi loses is not small, Zhao Feng has to make the people keep rest a while, is good to draw support Monster Core supplements Essence Qi.
   Shi Yan while this opportunity, takes out Monster Core in Imaginary Space Ring, with Chi Xiao, Zuo Xu and Zuo Shi three people together, restores Essence Qi by Monster Core silently.
   The Chi Xiao three people were poverty-stricken, because obtains the Shi Yan support and help, has enough Monster Core to restore.
   Essence Qi of three people of this consumptions are all the way many, has been at does not have the surplus Monster Core conditions, but above the fight through this old city, they seizes the chance from the bodies of some dead, received to blow many Monster Core, before had been granted several Monster Core by Shi Yan, Monster Core finally is right now sufficient.
   Enters into the Sky Realm boundary, one time of Shi Yan Essence Qi old tree enough growth, at this time restored Essence Qi slowly, the speed naturally.
   Chi Xiao is the same with him, when draws support Monster Core restores Essence Qi, held a lot of time.
   When Zhao Feng that side Warrior was already energetic, only then Shi Yan and Chi Xiao they, drawing support that but also continuation restores Essence Qi in Monster Core.
   Because Zhao Feng knows, must draw support the Shi Yan place are many , the urging, has not been waiting with Li Yue and the others, continuously and other Shi Yan and Chi Xiao spirit Yi Yi stands , to continue to start, goes toward that another Exotic Land line.
   This time has not continued to meet Demonic Beast actually, all the way smoothly.
   After two day, they arrive at another Exotic Land finally.
   In that Exotic Land surrounding, winds around this rich ash-gray smog, but actually does not have bang sufficiently to kill the Shi Yan soul the god thunder to exist.
   Follows in Zhao Feng, Li Yue and the others behind, Shi Yan, Chi Xiao and Cai Yi some people, arrived at this Exotic Land.
   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 24 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-418>
   1 building this is an island, the island Ancient Times tree, everywhere is the fresh flower, heaven and earth Spiritual Qi is in groups rich.
   Different with the Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist elsewhere region, although this island surrounding winds around richly, in the island does not have smog.
   Sees the place of seeing, is the old tree towering to the skies, rows, crowded incomparable, here does not have Demonic Beast to appear and disappear in all directions, likely is a paradise, making person whole body relax, thought that here cultivation, should be comfortable.
   Shi Yan one line of pass through the dense fog, after arriving here, lets loose Divine Sense quietly, suddenly discovered that Divine Sense is here unzoned, Divine Sense spread comes, various life trend on island can shine immediately in Sea of Consciousness.
   Zhao Feng has Third Sky of Sky Realm cultivation base, he comes Divine Sense spread, quick has covered the entire islands, had not actually discovered that a life trace, such an a hundred flowers in full bloom heaven and earth Spiritual Qi rich place, according to the truth should not be this appearance.
   Warrior that came from that Divine Great Land, definitely the part arrives at this, seeks possibly has Divine Soul on island, so long as these Warrior appear on the island, should come Divine Sense spread, is good to feel the unusuality on island, seeks for the possible opportunity.
   Chi Xiao, Li Yue and the others, is the whole face doubts, Divine Sense spreads, has achieved nothing.
   'Does not suit.'
   Shi Yan frowns, 'here definitely has the what strange place, will otherwise not have Warrior to appear, we can come, others definitely can also come, we can spread Divine Sense exit, other Warrior naturally is also same. According to the truth, we one arrives on this island, should be discovered immediately, is impossible not to have reconnaissance Divine Sense to seek.'
   'Everybody is careful, I thought that here is not normal, perhaps also will want the bad risk compared with that Exotic Land.' Zhao Feng facial expression sinks, looks dignified, 'everybody gathers at together, do not disperse, we enter in the island together the center, noses this island carefully.'
   The people simultaneously nod, mutually gathers at together, has not dispersed.
   Old trees towering to the skies, proliferate in the islands, looks, this islands by the thick forest covering, the human walked in the forest, the line of sight blocked from by the branches and leaves of these old trees, cannot look far.
   The group march forward on the island slowly, does not worry, marches forward, pays attention unusual form, so long as there is a what slightest sign of trouble, will stare at careful observation.
   'Thump! Thump!'
   The sad sound, has downloaded from the foot, in the place bottom deep place of island, has reacted to spread, that reacted frequency is slow, actually as if goes directly to the mind of person, has the strange function of long jab heart.
   'Bang bang bang!'
   The heartbeat of people, gradual acceleration, sad reacted of that island Shangdi bottom, can inspire the frequency of heartbeat likely, along with spreading of that reacted, Shi Yan and the others the heartbeat frequencies was getting quicker and quicker.
   Zhao Feng look glittering leaves one bunch of astonished rays of light, 'felt?'
   People together dignified nod.
   'Perhaps the unusuality of this island, came from the center of earth, the peace in island surface, should be only the representation, everybody should not be confused.'
   Zhao Feng deeply inspired, facial expression gradual gloomy gets up, 'I want in the place bottom, definitely to exist strangely, we are careful. Perhaps if the frequency of heart to certain situation, we will go crazy quickly. The more rapidness of heart beat, will affect our judgments and reason, making us anxious, was extremely anxious, finally possibly by own mood about.'
   , Zhao Feng deeply looks at Shi Yan, sinking sound track: 'Particularly you!'
   Shi Yan is somewhat awkward, has selected nod gently, 'felt relieved that reason that formerly lost the reason, had the reason. I will not lose reason again suddenly, this time I come under the following influence, should be able to be consistent with you.'
   'Whose can Divine Sense, penetrate to the place bottom?' Li Yue hesitant a while, facial expression changed, has discovered what likely, 'my Divine Sense, the bottom ten zhang (3.33 m) cannot, in the place bottom of this island, as if have some type barrier that thoroughly hinders Divine Sense to enter.'
   Gave her such a saying, people also Divine Sense spread to place bottom, confirms her view.
   Shi Yan Divine Sense, falls fiercely to the place bottom, however, thoroughly the bottom five zhang (3.33 m), immediately have encountered the thick hindrance.
   In the place bottom, has to hinder the Divine Sense thorough thick barrier, his Divine Sense, falls into the bottom, was lived by innumerable rope restraint likely, the pulling strength that more thoroughly the bottom, receives is stronger.
   Forces Divine Sense spread to the place bottom six zhang (3.33 m), Divine Sense that he emits the strength has used up, cannot penetrate that to fear one inch.
   'Can affirm.' Zhao Feng serious looks to the people, 'if as expected, the unusuality of this island, should in the center of earth, En, we now look, can look find to enter the entrance of center of earth. I think, if in this island also has Warrior, should in the center of earth, others be able to enter the center of earth, I think us certainly.'
   'En, definitely has the entrance.' Cai Yi speech time, takes out a sapphire bangle from Imaginary Space Ring, that bangle one appears swiftly in her white hands, immediately sends out three bunches of azure light, azure light shoots toward the place bottom, penetrated the earth barrier unexpectedly, thorough underground.
   Cai Yi closes one's eyes slowly, grips tightly that hand of bangle, has become the color of green emerald, glittering and translucent carving, is really beautiful.
   When three bunches of azure light fall into the bottom, the Cai Yi black eyebrow coloring eyebrow deep lock, in the induction of earnest place, half sound, the Cai Yi tender body is trembling likely suddenly, opens the eye fiercely, startled surprisingly said: 'The bottom has the fight!'
   The people facial expression changes countenance.
   'My this azure spirit bangle, knows that Exotic Land, over the two days I induced well, knows that this azure spirit bangle can explore different energy. Just light of seepage earth my three bunches of blue spirit, realized that at least ten different energy attacked mutually, was very obvious, in the bottom, decided however has various Warrior at the battle.'
   Cai Yi is grasping that azure spirit bangle, calm explained to the people.
   'Definitely is the following person, has discovered what, will otherwise not fight.' Zhao Feng smiles, 'like we meet these Sacred level rare treasures the time, only then saw lets benefit that the human is jealous, mutually will slaughter, our judgments cannot have the mistake evidently, the unusuality of this Exotic Land, originated from completely underground.'
   'Looks for the entrance!'
   The Shi Yan brow raises, cracks into a smile, 'separates to seek, above this island, should not have the what bad risk evidently, everybody disperses respectively, so long as has discovered the entrance, immediately said. Although this island area is not small, but our these many dispersions seek together, should be able to be very easy to discover the entrance.'
   The people of Zhao Feng to these Radiant God Cult told, oneself flies away in advance, pushes to the front, goes toward this island center.
   Cai Yi, Chi Xiao and Brother Lao li, under hint of Shi Yan, disperses from here, goes in four directions.
   Shi Yan has not moved, stands as before is freezing.
   Radiant God Cult has seven people, Cai Yi, Chi Xiao and Brother Lao li is divided into the three parties, these many people move together, how long should unable to want, can search for this island, he does not strive, can enjoy the achievement, therefore was loaf.
   Zuo Xu and Zuo Shi prepared dispersing to search, saw him to remain, this master female two has gawked, stopped is freezing.
   'Grandpa Zuo, after this matter, you sooner return to Merchant Union.'
   Shi Yan has hesitated, suddenly face urging Zuo Xu with deep veneration, 'from the Endless Sea process. There present situation I, although too did not understand, but I can actually affirm, present Endless Sea inevitably extreme Chaos. When I leaves from Endless Sea, the Fourth Devil Area demon People lifts the invasion, separated was so long, I think that perhaps these deep people and demon people together arrived at Endless Sea, if you there the way, will decide however will have the bad risk.'
   Such remarks, Zuo Xu facial expression slightly changes, the shock said: 'Demon person? Deep person?'
   Shi Yan nod.
   'Did not say that these two alien races, already did disappear from Grace Mainland? We in Merchant Union there, from some ancient fables, knows that has existences of these two big alien races, but we have not actually seen the people of these two big alien races, did they arrive at Endless Sea really? Now in Endless Sea?'
   'En, Endless Sea life extinguish, numerous Warrior had been killed by these two big alien races, Jialuo Sea Area and Yuanluo Sea Area, are field littered with corpses, many common people were also affected, yeah, is a long story'
   Mentioned Endless Sea, Shi Yan also was very depressed, when he left from Endless Sea, knows that there definitely afterward will be erupting the race war.
   Cao Family Cao Qiudao and Martial Spirit Palace Yang Yitian, is extremely the powerful character, these two collaborate, in addition Endless Sea advancing together of all influence altogether draws back, demon person and deep person, if cannot arrive at Endless Sea together, who wins who defeated was very difficult to say.
   However a little he can affirm that was this fight should not be easy to finish.
   After Yang Family escapes into Fourth Devil Area, did not have any news, although that Chi Yan said that Yang Qingdi must die without doubt, but Shi Yan always thought that person had not been killed easily, Yang Qingdi is Endless Sea most outstanding Expert, and is quite intelligent.
   According to the truth, he should have the subsequent party.
   In that Endless Sea, has the Yang Family person, has the fight, necessity that for him, has.
   Is the Chaos region, he more is easy to strengthen cultivation base through mystical Martial Spirit, now entered Sky Level, he needs massive Essence Qi to seek breakthrough, that Endless Sea Chaos, is one is quite obviously suitable his cultivation the good place.
   The body of Linda and Xia Shenchuan dies, in him at present, regarding Chi Yan Devil Emperor, Shi Yan has the faith that must kill!
   The appearance of Lang Xun, making Di Shan and Yu Rou have to betray for extension of race, for him, this is the greatest shame!
   He comes Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist to accumulate power, to again kill, should be his thing, robs.
   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 25 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-419>
   1 building 'there, since such dangerours danger, you also do want to go back for what?'
   Zuo Shi puzzled light shouted one, 'Shi Yan, you can return to the place of quiet cloud for the time being, I thought your grandfather, if knows that your breakthrough arrived at Sky Level, going crazy that can like. You return to Merchant Union now, Shi family and our Zuo Family collaborate together, can perhaps press God Blessed Empire and that Raging Fire Empire.'
   'The place of quiet cloud was too small' Shi Yan to shake the head, 'words that opportunity arrived, I will make you go to Merchant Union, sought for a more suitable cultivation place to you.'
   Lao li calls out loudly in the distant place.
   The Shi Yan facial expression moves, said to Zuo Shi and Zuo Xu: 'For the time being did not discuss, we pass, has a look at this island, has the what mysterious place.'
   After Shi Yan and Zuo Xu and Zuo Shi three people rush, discovered that Zhao Feng, Chi Xiao and Cai Yi have stood in that pitch-dark cave entrance, other Radiant God Cult people, in rapid clash from other direction.
   That is not a big cavern, in the cavern emits continuously cold aura, stands in that cave entrance, thought that has the cold wind to inject the body, making the human unable to stop the back to send coolly, thought that in the hole is hiding the alarmed and afraid bad risk.
   long time, Li Yue is not leading the surplus Radiant God Cult believers, has caught up, looks with Shi Yan together to cave entrance.
   'Should be here.' Zhao Feng lowered the head to look, shook the head, 'what could not see, inside can also impediment Divine Sense, be actually same as Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist elsewhere.'
   The group spoke, the person's shadow, flushed together suddenly, screamed loudly: 'Walks quickly!'
   An arm thick or thin rattan, such as the ghost hand general, si from the cavern shoots fiercely, twines instantaneously that person of body.
   The rattan one binds his body, from the rattan, spread the strong fierce suction strength suddenly, this person of blood, flows to the rattan, in very short time, a he blood was drained.
   Is opening the eye, he has not fallen into the hole, directly died certainly.
   People facial expression round of cold.
   'Zuo Shi and Grandpa Zuo, do not go, finds a safe place to treat outside.' Shi Yan takes the bull by the horns, urged their one hurriedly, 'in dangerours was too dangerous, you not only what could not add on the past busily, instead will also implicate us.'
   His these words said is very impolite.
   Zuo Xu look one gloomy, knew that own cultivation base is too weak, but nod, held Zuo Shi, said in a soft voice: 'Xiao Shi, do not go, Shi Yan has not spoken incorrectly, we indeed cannot help, yeah.'
   Although Zuo Shi is eager to try, but gave him such a saying , can only comply, at once is worried looked to Chi Xiao and Shi Yan, small sound track: 'You, inside is very carefully strange, if dangerours were too dangerous, do not snatch the what thing, came out from inside earlier, was living, can enjoy the advantage that obtained, if died, then did not have on what.'
   Shi Yan smiled, nods the head said: 'understood, I maintaining life to regard the first duty, if discovered really the matter may not be, I will come up earlier.'
   'Can get down?' Zhao Feng is excited, rubs hands, hey said with a smile: 'Is dangerours danger place, more has the treasure, everybody is careful, a while by these rattan not tying down.'
   People dignified nod.
   Zhao Feng no longer talks too much, laughing, is crashing to the following cavern.
   Li Yue and these Radiant God Cult people, does not have many to hesitate, after Zhao Feng, 11 grazes, sneaks toward the place bottom.
   Chi Xiao and Brother Lao li follow.
   'You leave first.' Shi Yan looks to Zuo Xu and Zuo Shi.
   These two slightly one hesitant, has not said what, leaves from this cave cave entrance, vanishes in the jungle of distant place quickly.
   Outside only remaining Shi Yan and Cai Yi they.
   Cai Yi not anxiously entry, but is looks to him who full Han anticipates, has not spoken, but a pair of beautiful pupil, actually appears anticipation expression.
   A bright green dress, the cheek is fair, eye that a reflection image can speak, such hope is looking at him.
   'Do you such worry?' Shi Yan frowns, neither cold nor hot [say / way].
   'Underwent the experience of that Exotic Land, I think that you should be able to trust me.' Cai Yi facial expression one positive, said naturally: 'I am different from Ai Ya, I will not be shameless, I know that this you helped us be too many all the way, at crucial moment, to your graciousness Qiu Bao, I will not guarantee!'
   'This reason is insufficiently full.' A Shi Yan face indifferently.
   'Under that definitely the dangerours danger, in my soul has your restriction, cannot display complete power.' Cai Yi angry is staring him, 'your how this, others such asked you, in that lakelet, although I had the incorrect place, but didn't you have?'
   Cai Yi neck spills over a ruddiness, the appearance is somewhat charming, did not have past very ruthless actually.
   Shi Yan grins silent smiled, 'good, in that lakelet, I indeed has the incorrect place, but this is also sees you to think the strategic point I, I will be unbearably angry will do. If you got rid to aid me to be the same at that time, I definitely not that to your.'
   Mentioned the fluttering flags scene under that lakelet, his remembering cannot help but initially the Cai Yi luster of the skin exposed beautiful condition, the look also changed meaning, became burning hot quite gets up.
   Under his gaze, Cai Yi awkward, is staring him maliciously, shouted to clear the way angry tenderly: 'Puzzled puzzled!'
   So was saying, under she wants to enter in that hole.
   'Was good, I help you untie and that's the end.' Shi Yan makes noise to prevent suddenly.
   Cai Yi beautiful pupil fiercely one bright, anchors the body hurriedly, smiling turning around looks to him, supple sound track: 'I know that your sentiment does not have. Your this fellow, is actually very easy getting along with, so long as others good intentions to you, you everywhere will not be thinking injuring someone, otherwise you cannot continuously take care of Zuo Shi that girl.'
   Since Zuo Shi appears, Shi Yan this all the way, is Zuo Shi and Zuo Xu considers at times.
   Cai Yi observation for a long time, has discovered Shi Yan in secret actually not likely stemming from the admire, before because Zuo Xu and Zuo Shi, knew with him that he does not give a thought to own dangerours danger, at times helps them.
   Paid attention to look was so long, Cai Yi knows finally Shi Yan did not look like unfeeling that she imagined, she envied Zuo Shi actually at heart, envied Shi Yan to her meticulous take care of.
   Guessed that the Shi Yan real disposition comes, her envy and hate to the Shi Yan, quietly changed pale, instead wants to hit to relate with Shi Yan.
   'I, if really ruthless, you and Lao li, already died.' Shi Yan cold snort, said lightly: 'If initially I did not save you to go to that corpse ladder in lakelet, you think that you can go on living?'
   'Knows your good intention.' Cai Yi smiles, the beautiful pupil is in high spirits, seems happy, 'right now can untie restriction to me?'
   Shi Yan nod, close your eyes, draws support the relation of that wisp of soul, entered her mind, will advocate that together restriction that the soul leaves behind in her, solving.
   Cai Yi relaxed suddenly, reveals the tooth to smile gently, such as the fresh flower is in full bloom general, tender and beautiful moving.
   She has selected nod to Shi Yan smilingly, said in a low voice: 'Actually your this fellow, is very good, if early knows that you are this person, I in that lakelet, the to ignore you will definitely not manage. En, but you have looked at my body, I will remember your, snort!'
   The words, Cai Yi lithe falling to the cavern, whole body pasts the five colors band of light, sneaks toward the place bottom slowly.
   Shi Yan one dull.
   Looks at the tender body that Cai Yi that is diving gradually, partly makes a sound shook, grinning smiles, after Cai Yi, has submerged cave.
   In the dark cavern, can only see the color light that on Cai Yi pasts, the Shi Yan speed speeds up, after three seconds, arrives at side her, sneaks toward below with her shoulder to shoulder.
   This cavern is extremely as if deep, they dived a while, what had not seen, had not seen that in the cavern had rays of light glittering to come out.
   'Shi Yan, said , do you like Zuo Shi? Although the girl Realm is not high, but is actually very beautiful, if you like her, is very normal.'
   Cai Yi, in the submergence, turns head to look suddenly to him, curious asking.
   'Manages your what matter?' Shi Yan snort, neither cold nor hot [say / way]: 'You manage well you, by here rattan twining, if really such, I being disinclined manage you.'
   'You cannot.'
   The Cai Yi smiling face is bright, after restriction in main soul relieves, her whole person has as if untied the heart knot, probably really no longer envy and hate Shi Yan to her frivolousness, face glowing with health, 'your this fellow, although looks like ruthless, but is actually not this, hee hee, I know.'
   'Did you none who does not become fall in love with me?' Shi Yan curls the lip, indifferent looks at she, 'I, although has traced you, but will actually not take responsibility, do not think that I because of this matter, will be deeply in love in you. The beautiful women, my this person of ruthless, will only be interested in your body, to your, does not have the what interest, I do not like the plans too heavy woman.'
   'Perhaps yes, I really fell in love with you.'
   Cai Yi half real , half fake charmingly angry, Life Qi, did not say smilingly: 'I listened to others saying that if man were interested in a body of woman, that left falls in love with a woman, is not far. I was also visited in any case by you only, was traced by you, you wanted me, has forgotten Zuo Shi that girl, is my man.'
   'You are sex-mad, has a look at the time situation to be good?'
   Shi Yan touches the nose, some, but said: 'Early knows that did not relieve your soul restriction, I discovered that you lost restraint, probably started the brain to have the issue. You want dead, no matter I, but rubbish with me, affects my vigilance.'
   'Really is the fellow of puzzled character and style!'
   Cai Yi white his eyes, look acme of beauty and deportment, quite attractive.
   They dive shoulder to shoulder, on her is stream ray glittering, her any slight expression fluctuates, clarity that Shi Yan can look, was hearing transmits the delicate fragrance that from her, listens her is resembling the happy as anger the charm in anger, Shi Yan actually strange to relax, thought that the tour of this place bottom, as if has not imagined is so fearful.
   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 26 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-420>
   Shi Yan and Cai Yi side-by-side, have used for ten minutes, finally arrived in the bottom.
   In the bottom has heavenly dwelling, but likely is the midheaven, has a huge swamp area.
   In swamp, grows is having the strange trees of many rattan, these trees assume the human form, each ten meters high, and is moving in swamp slowly, ghosts, wander around in swamp, sends out the ice-cold evil thought that can affect Sea of Consciousness of person.
   These ghosts, brave oil green rays of light, the swamp water fluid, is green spooky, is very strange, gloomy, is ghost that swamp shines is likely ordinary.
   Dozens Nirvana and Sky Level Warrior, disperses in swamp each direction, facial expressions with deep veneration, with these human form strange trees and ghost battles.
   Has the Warrior body dead, the whole body blood will be drained, spirit undying soul, rapidly by these ghost assimilation, becomes the ghost, stares to have Warrior that humanity lives to release the soul fluctuation of terrifying.
   In swamp, all Warrior gathers mutually, is making the battle, Zhao Feng and Li You and his party, in the left ten meters places of Shi Yan whereabouts, are dealing with these Fujiki and ghosts, facial expression quite dignified.
   After Shi Yan and Cai Yi get down, has not stopped, immediately arrives at the position that Zhao Feng, Chi Xiao and the others were.
   ' Shi Yan is careful, these cane monsters and empty spirits, are formidabe. Various swords and power attacks, to empty spirit invalid, is containing Intent Domain the attack of soul class, can empty give the elimination spirit. These cane monster this are situated in the biological and plant kind of foreign matter, can slurp the person blood, expands itself with the person blood, should not be twined by these rattan.
   Zhao Feng visited him to come, immediately drank to call loud, reminded him to pay attention these cane monsters and empty spirits.
   'Cane monster can shell this type of thing to be evil with power different, these rattan have the corner thorn, once punctures the body of person, will dig in the blood vessel, gives the suck dry the blood of Warrior. Also do not have by these rattan windings in empty has fearful soul corrosion strength spirit, once empty were drilled into Sea of Consciousness spirit, empty spirit will be given the control.'
   Chi Xiao is critical situation is dealing with a cane monster rattan, the body is winding around the rich smog, his whole person in smog partly visible, once has the rattan to come, his concealing in the smog deep place, making these rattan be hard to seek for his position.
   Li Yue and Brother Lao li, consider are only dealing with the empty spirit, not having the leisure to remind Shi Yan, discovered that he came, finds time to explain the cane monster and empty spirit fierce place.
   Three cane monsters, the rhizome grips in swamp, can actually move cleverly, as if there is foot same motion to be quick.
   Ten empty spirits, wind around in the Zhao Feng, Li Yue and other person sides, as if understands the methodicalness, every time together attacks, simultaneously releases the violent spiritual fluctuation attacked to Radiant God Cult and Chi Xiao rank.
   Under these spiritual fluctuations, Zhao Feng and Li Yue were also accomplishing a task with ease that dealt with may Brother Lao li somewhat be miserable beyond description, their facial expression ugly unceasing retreat under these spiritual fluctuations, was defending stubbornly Sea of Consciousness firmly, lived to fear by these empty spirits occupying the mind.
   Shi Yan paid attention observation, discovered that had many Warrior looks to be empty, the pupil presented the green, with these empty spirit cane monster same places, toward entering Warrior attack.
   These people obviously are also Warrior, as if by empty spirit occupying Sea of Consciousness, became did not have own conciousness, received the empty spirit control completely, only knew to the expansion attack of other Warrior machinery.
   After Shi Yan and Cai Yi arrive at this together, the war circle that also joins immediately, with Chi Xiao, Zhao Feng and the others together, attacks to these cane monsters.
   Shi Yan has swept one, in discovery this swamp has many Warrior, because people with cane monster and empty spirit battle, in leaping the anger falls in the crag, he cannot see clearly the appearance of these people, has equaled sketchily, he knows that here at least has the many Warrior team.
   A farther position, as if also has the battle to occur, because is separated by too far, before he arrives at this island very much ugly clearly, his Essence Qi restored to come through Monster Core, Black Ice Cold Flame and Earthcore Flame restored 70-80% power, now is dormant in Blood Vein Ring, momentarily can be corresponding his summon to brave.
   So many relying on, him were not worried, being calm and composed even in press of work is dealing with the entanglements of these rattan, but also is paying attention to the surrounding condition in the sentiment quietly.
   'Be careful!'
   Color Song Jiao drank one, shouted to Shi Yan: 'Your behind!'
   An oil green empty spirit, changes into one bunch of green light, bypassed Lao li, plunged him suddenly.
   That empty spirit is the soul evolves, does not have fleshly body, has extremely intense soul fluctuation, evil thoughts, advance one step to prick his mind fiercely, that empty spirit catches up at once, directly clashes toward his Sea of Consciousness.
   Shi Yan has not returned to turn around, immediately perceived the mind stabbing pain is incomparable, such as by the innumerable steel acupuncture in the head, the ache was been incomparable.
   In the severe pain, he has the negligence of moment, such negligence of flash, then has given that empty spirit opportunity.
   green light, vanishes in his mind together suddenly.
   Zhao Feng, Chi Xiao and the others the facial expression big change, Cai Yi is the beautiful pupil is also anxious, shouted to clear the way tenderly: 'Shi Yan, stands firm the mind, by the empty spirit not controlling!'
   The attack of this soul class, others rescue very much difficultly, Zhao Feng, Chi Xiao and the others looks at helplessly empty breaks in his Sea of Consciousness spirit, is at wit's end.
   Each Warrior Sea of Consciousness, is holds the soul the mysterious place, others' Divine Sense broke in Sea of Consciousness, will only let Sea of Consciousness Chaos, perhaps instead will make Sea of Consciousness become wild, will speed up the empty spirit control.
   Therefore, sees Shi Yan breaking in Sea of Consciousness by empty spirit, Zhao Feng and the others does not dare to break in Divine Sense rashly, they know, once such does, will only make Shi Yan more chaotic.
   With the empty spirit fight, can only depend upon own soul cultivation base, depends upon the formidable willpower, if cannot resist the empty spirit control, will degenerate into its slave, thorough perishes.
   Zhao Feng, Chi Xiao, Cai Yi and other People were startled, on bamboo cane monster, but also diverts attention to look to him, did not know him to be able on the bamboo in the past.
   In Shi Yan Sea of Consciousness.
   That thorough empty spirit, has caused his Sea of Consciousness mutation, entire Sea of Consciousness innumerable wisp of Divine Sense, shortly as if suddenly become weak, one fearful spiritual fluctuation, ripples from that empty spirit, has flooded his entire Sea of Consciousness.
   His look confusedly is suddenly empty.
   Chi Xiao and the others see the Shi Yan look to be empty, is in the heart one cold, did not shout darkly wonderfully.
   The Cai Yi elegant face slightly changes, revealed expression that worries about, called to shout again: 'Defends the mind!' In this time, Shi Yan suddenly grins to smile, hey said: 'Relax, I am all right.'
   In Sea of Consciousness is ambushing 5 Devils, changes into five huge phantom suddenly, plunges that empty spirit in Sea of Consciousness fiercely, that empty spirit in his Sea of Consciousness, appears the extremely flurried manner, does not dare to continue to remain unexpectedly, had discovered likely the how fearful thing, flees toward outside hurriedly.
   5 Devils closes, that empty gives to tie down together spirit, opens the fang densely covered huge mouth unexpectedly, ate to the minute that empty spirit directly.
   In Sea of Consciousness, his main soul also opened the third eye, Nine Quiet Soul Devouring Flame evil aura, spreads quietly.
   Such instant, he restored the reason, unexpectedly by the empty spirit influence, so the accident, was actually not made Zhao Feng and the others have a scare.
   'These empty gives me spirit.'
   When the people are panic-stricken, Shi Yan facial expression stares, slightly excitedly said: 'Do not cope empty worked, my fully enough.'
   Just after 5 Devils that empty spirit nibbled, he realized obviously 5 Devils expanded a point, but also somewhat had not given full expression, in that 5 Devils eye, empty spirit seemed the medicament that one type made up greatly, can strengthen their power.
   Some this discovery, Shi Yan has let loose the defense of soul directly, stands there is motionless, waits for empty spirit walking into a trap.
   The empty spirit wisdom is not high, cannot absorb to teach the jade, discovered after Shi Yan does not garrison, these empty spirit changes into bunch of green light in abundance, direct drill to his Sea of Consciousness. Whenever empty falls into his Sea of Consciousness spirit, a discovery above Sea of Consciousness is floating 5 Devils, natural enemy aura of destruction all souls on his princess soul releases, want reckless flees.
   At this time that 5 Devils respectively will disperse, searched for these empty spirit day empty spirits moving to 5 Devils in his Sea of Consciousness, looked like by the glue water sticking, could not move again.
   5 Devils extremely excited, grabs these empty spirits, greatly quickly made chewing motions in his Sea of Consciousness, delight of absorption.
   Soon escapes from his Sea of Consciousness empty spirit, was advocated the soul by him a third eye Nine Quiet Soul Devouring Flame evil light photo, immediately the soul flies to annihilate, without a trace of disappearance.
   Nine Quiet Soul Devouring Flame has to extinguish kills all souls the evil abilities, these empty enters his Sea of Consciousness spirit, is brings death simply, an empty spirit cannot escape the Nine Quiet Soul Devouring Flame evil light to shine.
   Zhao Feng and the others saw with own eyes an only empty spirit, drills into his Sea of Consciousness, but he is with smile on the face, but also in looking around of being calm and composed even in press of work, seems seeking for more empty spirits, this makes Zhao Feng and the others simply speechless, heaves a deep sigh secretly, is strange ability shock that Shi Yan displays.
   , Winds around quickly in Zhao Feng and the others this empty spirit, by Shi Yan Sea of Consciousness 5 Devils nibbling cleanly.
   After that 5 Devils has absorbed the empty spirit, volumes expand, the image is getting more and more clear, the face becomes lifelike.
   The stone looked that suddenly no longer satisfies this empty spirit.
   So the delicacy is placed in the front, if not enjoy well, too to waste?
   'I look other empty worked, you were careful that these cane monsters walked.'
   Turned the head to officially inform that Cai Yi one, Shi Yan was laughing, left from Zhao Feng this, strolling generally walked randomly in swamp.
   These plunged other Warrior empty spirit, discovered after his Sea of Consciousness completely does not garrison, all hit the chicken blood to fire into him, taking place of the fallen flew into his Sea of Consciousness.
   All falls into his Sea of Consciousness empty spirit, cannot only enter, has become the 5 Devils supplement soul energy nutrient, 11 in his Sea of Consciousness by 5 Devils nibbling.
   Side these Warrior teams, had discovered quickly this exceptionally, shows the panic-stricken expression, secret observation Shi Yan.
   'Shi Yan, I am Ye Changfeng, comes me , helping my!'
   A familiar sound, suddenly after left one crowd of cane monsters transmits, hears the sound anxiously as if quite.
   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 27 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-421>
   Seven cane monsters assume the semicircle, surrounds one line of Warrior in inside, under surrounding of that line of Warrior Saito monsters is quite distressed, surroundings 12 empty have not wound around spirit loose, often release the spiritual impact of terrifying, making that line of Warrior be miserable beyond description, resists was getting more and more difficult.
   Shi Yan this has not paid attention that together, so long as all the way sees the empty spirit, will let loose Sea of Consciousness, does not keep the slight soul defense, empty spirit drills into Sea of Consciousness on and other on own initiative, 11 by 5 Devils nibbling.
   In the cane monster group, a familiar cry, making his facial expression move, this earnestly looks to that together.
   'Ye Changfeng!'
   Shi Yan calls out suddenly makes noise, the eye is bright, 'is you in inside?'
   'Is I!'
   Ye Changfeng was shouting loudly, shouting of making an effort 'a bit faster came, motherfucker, these things were really nasty. I think you as if to the bamboo empty spirit, helped us solving these empty spirits.'
   After the determination is Ye Changfeng, Shi Yan no longer hesitates at once, changes into one bunch of lightning, the perpendicular incidence to that.
   Biting cold woods cold aura, overflows from him, woods white mist spread comes, making the surrounding cane monsters not dare to act rashly, these windings to his rattan, were flushed by that woods cold mist, 'ka ka' knot turn into ice is frozen, cannot move freely.
   The Black Ice Cold Flame side cold air/Qi, almost can freeze all things, the cane monster rattan is no exception.
   The cane monster as if also knows that he does not cope easily, rattan twine the midway, discovered that Black Ice Cold Flame aura, temporarily stopped, has not continued to stare at him not to put.
   Fiery Flame of bunches of burning hots, transmit from that seven cane monster center, that burning hot incomparable flame strength, as if came from the Fiery Flame purgatory, probably must give to burn down the ashes to be ordinary the life of entire world.
   Purgatory True Flame!
   Has not approached that together, through the induction of Black Ice Cold Flame, he knows that in that side person indeed has Ye Changfeng.
   Purgatory True Flame came from Ye Changfeng, only if other people dead soul extinguishes, otherwise Purgatory True Flame will not leave his body, since Purgatory True Flame appeared, that Ye Changfeng naturally definitely.
   Bunches of Purgatory True Flame Fiery Flame, such as the cloud cluster same float in the midair, these came from the Purgatory True Flame flame strength, fearful terrifying, the surrounding cane monster, does not dare to stretch out that to fear a rattan extremely.
   Shi Yan paid attention, discovered that in the surroundings of that bunches of Fiery Flame cloud clusters, dregs Zhang of many ashes, carefully look like, rattan that should be burnt down, reason that the cane monster is so obedient, should be has eaten owing of Purgatory True Flame.
   Although Purgatory True Flame is fierce, but empty spirit as if not fear, this kind of strange soul living thing, is walking randomly in Fiery Flame of bunches of burning hots, likely is the giant firefly, green shines upon the surroundings spooky, making there Purgatory True Flame flame be covered.
   In that cane monster, one line of four people, many sons and daughters, are very young, male natural Yingwei, female good-looking beautiful.
   Ye Changfeng sits cross-legged to sit on the ground, looks solemn, body often transgression continuously flame, the flame flies, fire Yun Juji with space in together, making these cane monsters not dare to act rashly.
   Another two male, one on the left and other on the right stand before the Ye Changfeng body, big formidable, is having an inch beard, quite some charm.
   These two look is deep, does not say a word, seems contending with the empty spirit soul impact.
   In Ye Changfeng behind, a carriage beautiful fascinating'winsome, wears the hot woman of leather skirt, grasps a dragon bone whip, pursing the lips indifferent looks at behind, frequently is guarding.
   Lin Yaqi not in this row.
   These four people have Ye Changfeng, deals with these cane monsters on foot enough, reason that they the situation dangerours machine , because periphery paces back and forth not the loose empty spirit.
   Was separated by some time, Ye Changfeng has entered into the boundary of Nirvana First Sky, another three people, was the characters of boundaries of Nirvana two, Third Sky, this influence was not strong in swamp, compares Zhao Feng and Shi Yan one line, even could be called small and weakly.
   Because of four people of Realm only in Nirvana, therefore gets up on the bamboo empty comes spirit, appeared has been unable to make ends meet the souls of 4 building Nirvana boundaries, Sea of Consciousness initially became, Divine Sense was limited, was very difficult to display how formidable soul defense class to attack, was so, they were dealing with empty to come spirit, will appear that difficult.
   'A bit faster comes to help!'
   Ye Changfeng saw that beyond his Saito monster stops, eye one bright, said anxiously: 'Your boy helped us empty solve spirit, other matter did not need you careworn, I can give the solution the threat of cane monster.'
   Shi Yan coming, whole body has not been braving cold You Cold Qi, the monkey the brow to look at his one eyes anxiously, said: 'Xinyan where?'
   Ye Changfeng suddenly one dull, look glittering gets up.
   'She where?'
   Shi Yan facial expression sank, fluctuates from that Ye Changfeng facial expression, he saw some not wonderful trend.
   'Has solved to us the empty spirit, a while I will tell you related Xia Xinyan matter.' Ye Changfeng deeply frowns, shakes the head sighs in a soft voice, somewhat guilty looks at he.
   Shi Yan is cold the face gradually to move toward these four people, that seven cane monsters see with own eyes him to approach, are feeling that astonishing Cold Qi, does not dare to attack.
   Side is Purgatory True Flame of Ye Changfeng release, side from Shi Yan Black Ice Cold Flame aura, although these two Heavenly Flame have not released true power, these aura that but they reveal, made the cane monster sufficiently panic-stricken, then always moved to give way to traffic.
   Seven cane monsters make way together, whatever he pushes directly into, so the accident, actually makes side Ye Changfeng another three people of secret hearts be startled.
   That three people are guarding against the cane monster carefully, while secret on the alert Shi Yan, appears extremely careful, is curious.
   Has the bronze skin color, wears the leather skirt, the tender body plentiful hot special whip beautiful woman, has raised the brow tip, the look provocation is staring at Shi Yan, Ye Changfeng before to body said: 'Changfeng, who is this fellow? Is your Ling Bao Sect? How haven't I listened?'
   'He is I in the friend of Endless Sea understanding.' A Ye Changfeng round sound explained.
   'Endless Sea?'
   The woman laughs at one, the dragon bone whip in hand flings, transmits thunderclap rumbled void suddenly.
   In that dragon bone whip successively, as if contains can inspire heaven and earth Lei Bian mysterious power, flings, that together on thunder.
   She is four people of cultivation base Realm highest one, the boundary of Nirvana Third Sky, grasps the dragon bone whip, the imposing manner is astonishing.
   'Beautiful woman, you, if can deal with the empty spirit, I do not get rid.'
   After Shi Yan comes, has pulled mouth corner, has swept her one eyes indifferently, ridiculed neither cold nor hot: 'Good, our Endless Sea is only the small place, naturally cannot compare your Divine Great Land, copes with this empty spirit, wants to come your Divine Great Land youth talent, be more adept than me, I do not overstep authority and get involved in another's affairs.'
   Was saying was saying, before he arrived at the Ye Changfeng body, sits directly, no longer looks at that woman, is only gloomy the face, stares at Ye Changfeng to shout to clear the way lowly: 'Xinyan how?'
   'I thought that you do not have that ability.' Woman facial expression one cold, cold snort, ', if Yaqi here, there need you are in the way, has the Yaqi that soul class defense rare treasure, this type empty spirit side does not dare to approach!'
   Shi Yan simply has not responded her, but the calm face looks to Ye Changfeng. The soul of Nirvana boundary, Sea of Consciousness initially becomes, Divine Sense is limited, is very difficult to display how formidable soul defense class to attack, is so, they are dealing with empty to come spirit, will appear that difficult.
   'A bit faster comes to help!'
   Ye Changfeng saw that beyond his Saito monster stops, eye one bright, said anxiously: 'Your boy helped us empty solve spirit, other matter did not need you careworn, I can give the solution the threat of cane monster.'
   Shi Yan coming, whole body has not been braving cold You Cold Qi, the monkey the brow to look at his one eyes anxiously, said: 'Xinyan where?'
   Ye Changfeng suddenly one dull, look glittering gets up.
   'She where?'
   Shi Yan facial expression sank, fluctuates from that Ye Changfeng facial expression, he saw some not wonderful trend.
   'Has solved to us the empty spirit, a while I will tell you related Xia Xinyan matter.' Ye Changfeng deeply frowns, shakes the head sighs in a soft voice, somewhat guilty looks at he.
   Shi Yan is cold the face gradually to move toward these four people, that seven cane monsters see with own eyes him to approach, are feeling that astonishing Cold Qi, does not dare to attack.
   Side is Purgatory True Flame of Ye Changfeng release, side from Shi Yan Black Ice Cold Flame aura, although these two Heavenly Flame have not released true power, these aura that but they reveal, made the cane monster sufficiently panic-stricken, then always moved to give way to traffic.
   Seven cane monsters make way together, whatever he pushes directly into, so the accident, actually makes side Ye Changfeng another three people of secret hearts be startled.
   That three people are guarding against the cane monster carefully, while secret on the alert Shi Yan, appears extremely careful, is curious.
   Has the bronze skin color, wears the leather skirt, the tender body plentiful hot special whip beautiful woman, has raised the brow tip, the look provocation is staring at Shi Yan, Ye Changfeng before to body said: 'Changfeng, who is this fellow? Is your Ling Bao Sect? How haven't I listened?'
   'He is I in the friend of Endless Sea understanding.' A Ye Changfeng round sound explained.
   'Endless Sea?'
   The woman laughs at one, the dragon bone whip in hand flings, transmits thunderclap rumbled void suddenly.
   In that dragon bone whip successively, as if contains can inspire heaven and earth Lei Bian mysterious power, flings, that together on thunder.
   She is four people of cultivation base Realm highest one, the boundary of Nirvana Third Sky, grasps the dragon bone whip, the imposing manner is astonishing.
   'Beautiful woman, you, if can deal with the empty spirit, I do not get rid.'
   After Shi Yan comes, has pulled mouth corner, has swept her one eyes indifferently, ridiculed neither cold nor hot: 'Good, our Endless Sea is only the small place, naturally cannot compare your Divine Great Land, copes with this empty spirit, wants to come your Divine Great Land youth talent, be more adept than me, I do not overstep authority and get involved in another's affairs.'
   Was saying was saying, before he arrived at the Ye Changfeng body, sits directly, no longer looks at that woman, is only gloomy the face, stares at Ye Changfeng to shout to clear the way lowly: 'Xinyan how?'
   'I thought that you do not have that ability.' Woman facial expression one cold, cold snort, ', if Yaqi here, there need you are in the way, has the Yaqi that soul class defense rare treasure, this type empty spirit side does not dare to approach!'
   Shi Yan simply has not responded her, but the calm face looks to Ye Changfeng.
   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 28 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-422>
   Luo Xiao and Luo Meng show hesitant expression, the knitting the brows fork have not replied.
   Ye Changfeng facial expression sinks, is disgruntled: 'Didn't Sister Lin Zhi, you believe me? Suspected that I am lying, comes to exaggerate his ability intentionally?'
   Lin Zhi shook the head 'I not to suspect you with a smile, I thought that you had possibly been deceived by this fellow, he should continuously in Sky Level, but hid the strength, making you discover that he has Earth Level cultivation base. Evidently, this came from the Endless Sea fellow, the plans are very heavy, approaches you intentionally, does not know that has the what plan?' Speaks, her look ridicule is looking at Shi Yan, was not worried that Shi Yan loses one's temper.
   Night long several Bo snort, is somewhat discontented 'does not believe to knock it off.'
   He and Shi Yan understanding, is been initiative by him, must say that Shi Yan wants to approach him, obviously could not convince.
   Initially on that Sun Island , his with own eyes looks at Shi Yan and Man Gu battle, and supported under the soul impact of Chi Yan by strenuous efforts, when Chi Yan destroyed completely Linda and Xia Shenchuan easily, Shi Yan appeared the helpless response.
   All sorts of signs indicated that Shi Yan initial Realm was not indeed high, was impossible to have Shi Yan to approach his view intentionally.
   But within short one year, steps into the Sky Realm boundary from the Earth Realm boundary, so accident, even if he saw with own eyes, believes truly difficult Lin Zhi and Luo Xiao and Luo Meng can not believe that is also natural.
   He, can definitely initially Shi Yan Realm be only Earth Realm, he is also hard to believe this fact.
   Group's speech, had not evaded that Shi Yan therefore for the time being sinks to Sea of Consciousness him the mind, is clear regarding four people of words.
   In Sea of Consciousness, 5 Devils is pursuing that 12 empty spirit crazily, 12 empty spirits that this intrudes rashly, but ran away distressedly saw the big terrifying matter likely, extreme fear.
   However, under the pursuit of 5 Devils, these 12 empty spiritual root this nowhere hides.
   The main soul that third eye, releases continuously devour soul light beam, these rays of light disperse, forms barrier that the hindrance soul crosses, blocked the Sea of Consciousness entrance completely.
   Knows the empty spirit after 5 Devils has the huge function, the Shi Yan main soul starts to catch up, these empty spirit has not fired the ashes directly, but forms all sorts of defense barriers, enables these empty spirit only to enter cannot leave, can only in Sea of Consciousness, become that 5 Devils nutrient.
   , 12 empty spirit were eaten to the friend by 5 Devils quickly cleanly.
   Shi Yan facial expression one cold, this looked to four people looked at that Lin Zhi one first indifferently, at once did not say patiently: 'Empty spirit had been solved, Xinyan what situation?'
   When he solves the empty spirit, whole body Cold Qi braves Yi, Black Ice Cold Flame to guard secretly, preventing these four people to cherish illegally.
   Now empty spirit withering away, his Cold Qi vanished, actually likely completely gathers at the eye, the pupil deep place as if braves the cold spooky cold brightness to make the person mind alarmed and afraid.
   By his vision photo, Lin Zhi somewhat felt weak, the elegant face also slightly changed, coldly snort.
   Luo Xiao and Luo Meng knitting the brows head, poured has not said what, in the heart was actually doubtful, looked to Ye Changfeng. 12 buildings 'carried off by the Pure Land person.'
   Under the cold brightness gaze of Shi Yan, Ye Changfeng expression dry, the somewhat ashamed apology submissively, 'three of us leaves after that Yuanluo Sea Area, after the vault of heaven sea area, goes directly to Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist. When entering the Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist entrance, two Pure Land Divine level Warrior, suddenly together appear, looked for Xia Xinyan directly'
   'Is the what Pure Land person, will look for her?'
   Shi Yan facial expression is ugly, coldly looks to Ye Changfeng, whole body murderous aura is steaming, shouted to clear the way severely: 'Is you and Lin Yaqi, has gotten up to the what tricks in secret, this lets the Pure Land person, stared at her?'
   'Feeds, your boy what manner?'
   Lin Zhi shouts suddenly, 'my younger sister Yaqi most did not have the scheme, always that good, you can suspect Changfeng this fellow, but do not pull my younger sister to be good?' She actually shielding younger sister quite, as an elder sister, this woman is also competent.
   'You shut up!'
   Shi Yan is impatient, frowns cold snort one.
   Lin Zhi also called, the loud preparation complained that the preparation looks his is not.
   That Luo Xiao and Luo Meng, is facial expression some are not quite attractive, thought that the Shi Yan manner was too bad, that Luo Xiao has hesitated, said: 'Friend, although you just helped your us, but you spoke please be polite, Lin Zhi was our leading eldest sisters, Yaqi is also our younger sisters, your this manner, we really unacceptable.'
   'Although you have cultivation base of Sky Realm boundary, but we do not fear you.' The Luo Meng temperament is not quite good, the calm face snort said: Jumps the ranks to challenge this matter, our brothers have to do, do not think that you have cultivation base of Sky Realm boundary, can act in a self-serving manner, thinks that everybody should give in to you. '
   'I and Ye Changfeng spoke, how you rubbish that many?'
   Shi Yan has stood suddenly, the facial expression cold, the coldly looks at Lin Zhi three people, said fierce: 'You, if the silent, I do not make you on own initiative law-abiding!'
   Lin Zhi look one cold, the dragon bone whip in hand void makes noise, a thunder of rupturing has resounded, that dragon bone whip flings everywhere the whip shade, such as lightnings, right in the face hits toward him.
   'Courts death!'
   Shi Yan impatient Xia Xinyan secure dangerours, in the flame, is getting rid to be relentless at this time, the left hand raises, is containing killing intent [Seal of Death], such as hill same, fiercely according to approaching that everywhere whip shade.
   Death Intent Domain, in that was in charge by the infinite enlargement, withering away of life, likely during that was in charge evolves.
   [Seal of Death] presses, to strange illusion that the human a life must wither away, death power, fast spread comes.
   Everywhere whip shade, under the Intent Domain impact of death, dissipated in abundance, in rests, became as transient as fleeting clouds.
   That dragon bone whip appears truly, thunder and lightning interweaves on the whip, fast cut down to his shoulder. 13 building [Seal of Death] depress loudly.
   The dragon bone whip held down by [Seal of Death] fiercely, the entire whip by [Seal of Death] killing intent invading, death Intent Domain, along the dragon bone whip, submerged holds the Lin Zhi white arms of whip, enters her tender body.
   Elegant face ice cold Lin Zhi, the beautiful pupil suddenly appears the startled color, ruddy cheek, strange is pale, does not have scarlet, one type died for a long time ice-cold feeling to the human.
   'You have made what!'
   Luo Xiao and Luo Meng simultaneously call out one, the body skeleton expand suddenly, on big two, grew instantaneously ten rice, has become two meters tall and strong appearance, angry throws toward Shi Yan.
   Ye Changfeng drinks finally greatly.
   Bunches of Purgatory True Flame Fiery Flame, spread comes, changes into burning hots the flame, floods between Shi Yan and Lin Zhi, Luo Xiao and the others, preventing them to approach mutually.
   Lin Zhi, Luo Xiao and Luo Feng three people see Purgatory True Flame to well up, immediately stopped, knows that Purgatory True Flame fierce they, do not dare to move these flame, remains to freeze.
   Shi Yan has not actually stopped.
   He castrates not anti-, coldly smiles, the vanguard intrudes that Lin Zhi direction as before, in Purgatory True Flame Fiery Flame, smooth, however line.
   Ices cold aura extremely, spread from him comes to tread step by step, swamp message of under foot freezes, these Cold Qi spread come, contacts with Purgatory True Flame Fiery Flame, emits the billowing thick smoke, counter-balances mutually.
   Purgatory True Flame to other party inadequate injury.
   'It is not only then you have Heavenly Flame!'
   Shi Yan blunt, turned head to shoot a look at Ye Changfeng, at once the body potential like the rainbow, intrudes that Lin Zhi position.
   Raises hand, a resounding ear and area around it, pulled out maliciously on the creamy cheek of Lin Zhi.
   Lin Zhi was hit to stay, covers looks at Shi Yan that the face is not daring to believe that said panic-strickenly: 'You, you dare to hit me, you dare to hit me'
   Also is an ear and area around it fan on her face, Shi Yan is sneering, said: 'Makes you shut up, don't you know?'
   Ye Changfeng calls out, moved the anger, 'Shi Yan, do you do what? Injures my person, is the what meaning?'
   'Injures your person?'
   Shi Yan purple, the smiling face is fierce, 'you , if not talk clearly, I solely do not injure your person, I will make you die here!'
   Ye Changfeng and the others became flushed.
   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 29 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-423>
   Until this moment, they as if know the viciousness of Shi Yan.
   Luo Xiao and Luo Meng they, prepared to get rid, however, is safe and sound after Purgatory True Flame the experience to Shi Yan, they awaken suddenly, knows that Shi Yan this Warrior of now Sky Realm boundary, may with general is different.
   Luo Xiao and Luo Meng add on the Lin Zhi three people, self-examines to challenge general Sky Realm boundary Warrior, but Shi Yan is not obviously ordinary!
   Strength that he shows, at is not Warrior of normal Sky Realm boundary can have, purity that this point, Luo Xiao , Luo Meng and the others looked.
   'Shi Yan, are you making what?'
   In this time, the distant place transmits Zhao Feng and the others the voices, calling, Zhao Feng, Li Yue, Chi Xiao and the others, 11 toward here line.
   'Well, how did you begin with human?'
   Zhao Feng looked at one from afar, suddenly optional saying: 'The fellows of how many Nirvana boundaries is only, are you wasting the what time? In that Exotic Land, the Third Sky of Sky Realm fellow, you have killed two, these boys of Nirvana boundaries, do you also need to delay what?'
   This words, Ye Changfeng, Lin Zhi, Luo Xiao and Luo Meng four people, have failed to explode at the scene, a face fears. ' Shi Yan, leaves this, I took you, do not lose one's temper, had the words to say well.
   Ye Changfeng meets rudeness with a smile hurriedly, hurrying makes him appease anger.
   The Lin Zhi cheek does not have the scarlet palely, under the invasion of that death Intent Domain, there are to plant from the place of death walks randomly a frightened feeling.
   That dragon bone whip has counter-balanced most [Seal of Death] power fortunately, breaks in her mind, was only death Intent Domain, has not blended many [Seal of Death] aura, otherwise she absolutely not such relaxed, power that perhaps really died, took away directly all life force.
   Lin Zhi also prepared to put out the hidden rare treasure, looks for Shi Yan to do accounts, but hears that Zhao Feng words, after seeing a strength of Zhao Feng side, gave up directly.
   First regardless of the word of Zhao Feng is really false, depending on Zhao Feng, Li Yue, Chi Xiao and the others Realm cultivation base, sufficiently makes them die 10,000 times!
   Zhao Feng, Chi Xiao, Cai Yi and the others who coming, is the master of Sky Realm boundary, including Warrior Zuo Xu of only Nirvana boundary, but also stayed outside.
   This influence places in this swamp, is second to none, Lin Zhi and the others do come to contend with them with what?
   Although Lin Zhi is not convinced very much , can only swallow, lowers the head does not speak, shut up actually finally peacefully.
   Luo Xiao and Luo Meng their expression is somewhat ugly, is silent does not speak, secretly is actually guarding against Zhao Feng and the others, for fear that Zhao Feng and the others had other what movement.
   They decide secretly, so long as that Zhao Feng and Chi Xiao reveal to kill their indications to come, immediately at the maximum speed flees, cannot remain absolutely same place.
   'Doesn't Shi Yan, use such strong?' The Ye Changfeng hollow laugh, is cuping one hand in the other across the chest 'you to know that again and again, I never have the what evil intention to you, initially did not have in Endless Sea, in this Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, does not have this meaning, among us, is only the somewhat small misunderstanding.'
   Shi Yan has selected nod, spreads out hand, said lightly: 'I dislike that woman gua chirp, if she shut up earlier, I cannot such getting rid of impulsive.'
   Lowering the head Lin Zhi, the tender body trembles gently, seems constraining the anger.
   'Shouted, has not been convinced, did Shi Yan, want me to help you docile that she taught? This woman, owes to hit, hits several times, is honest, hits were many, perhaps also will fondly remember this taste.' Cai Yi walked graceful, smiling looking to this, Wen Sheng soft and gentle words teased.
   The surrounding seven cane monsters, saw that this came so many masters suddenly, in addition, emitting of Purgatory True Flame and Black Ice Cold Flame, this makes cane monster conciousness to continue get rid to Shi Yan and the others, possibly what cannot obtain.
   Therefore, when that Zhao Feng and Li Youwang walk, seven cane monsters unexpectedly on own initiative disperse, went far away to several people gradually. 18 building Zhao Feng and Li Yue one line, arrived at this finally together, here does not have the empty spirit, did not have the cane monster, has become in swamp a safest region.
   'How is Xinyan a matter?'
   Shi Yan is cold the face , to continue to look to Ye Changfeng.
   'Is this'
   Initially Ye Changfeng, Lin Yaqi and Xia Xinyan three people left Yuanluo Sea Area together, wants to enter the dark magnetic fog cecidium for the time being, avoids Endless Sea Chaos, Ye Changfeng and Lin Yaqi, wants the unusuality of Endless Sea, sooner to inform their masters.
   However, three talented people arrive at the Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist entrance, has not entered, two said that God Realm Warrior from dry Pure Land, appears unexpectedly together, goal directly to approaching Xia Xinyan.
   Ye Changfeng and Lin Yaran is very puzzled, Xia Xinyan is also bewildered, but that two Pure Land God Realm Warrior, actually to Xia Xinyan extremely respectful, called her to ask her to return to the Pure Land sacred place for 'Venerable', said that must open what soul seal and so on words.
   Xia Xinyan is filled with the doubts, at that time had rejected directly, that two have God Realm cultivation base Pure Land Warrior, but said offends, trigs Xia Xinyan, has not paid attention to Ye Changfeng and Lin Yaqi, left from there directly.
   Ye Changfeng and Lin Yaqi they are confused, has no alternative, can only looks at Xia Xinyan carry off.
   Afterward they have thought that could not say a reason why to come, but thought faintly that two passed God Realm Pure Land Warrior, has probably regarded other person Xia Xinyan.
   'Your these words real?'
   Shi Yan is cold face 'I to think somewhat unthinkably, that two Pure Land passes God Realm Warrior, how to carry off Xinyan bewilderedly? As far as I know, Xinyan has never gone to Divine Great Land, that Pure Land will Warrior, how know her?'
   'Is unthinkable, is the fact.' Ye Changfeng is smiling bitterly 'Shi Yan, by my wisdom, if really arranges the lie, will write this extremely odd lie?'
   Shi Yan gawked, has hesitated, slowly shook the head, the whole face doubts said: 'Is what like this, that two Pure Land can Warrior, how look for Xinyan? They knew really Xinyan is inadequate? Is impossible?'
   'I and Yaqi have thought is very long, thought this matter, possibly is related with Xia Xinyan Reincarnation Martial Spirit.' Ye Changfeng hesitant, spoke to explain: According to my short understanding to Xia Family, I knows that on the clansman of this family, has Reincarnation Martial Spirit, can draw support the Warrior memory and understanding of last. I am thinking, Xia Xinyan on first can, Venerable of that Pure Land? '
   ', Pure Land indeed has that mystique, so long as achieves God Realm, in situation that in knowing to die, can be reincarnated the rebirth through that mystique. Before using that mystique, will leave behind Divine Sense to exist together, that Divine Sense has in the special vessel, every other 50 years, can induce reincarnation, this mystique called to plant the soul big law probably, our Radiant God Cult and Pure Land great distance was not quite far, has heard some actually.'
   Zhao Feng suddenly surprised receptacle.
   The Ye Changfeng facial expression shook, called out: 'That should be right!'
   A Li Wei brow wrinkle, deeply looks to Shi Yan, suddenly said: 'If that was true, the girl, was dangerous on dangerours'
   'Was what said?' Shi Yan facial expression changed, a heart sinks to the valley gradually, thought that some are not wonderful.
   'If that girl, is really reincarnation of Pure Land Venerable, once she were brought back to Pure Land, on that together Divine Sense fusion of first with her, by that Divine Sense awakening, her Venerable of that Pure Land, all souls of girl has remembered that will disappear.'
   Li Yue has attracted an cold air/Qi, 'Pure Land this mystique, I somewhat understood that I know the process of this awakening, needs many preparations. I think that girl, even if were brought back to Pure Land, in a short time, should be also safe and sound, wants to awaken on first soul of that girl, at least also requires five years of setup times, quite lets that girl cultivation three soul secrets, only then that soul secret cultivation has become, in awakening, can preserve spirit undying soul to perish.'
   Shi Yan gloomy face, look cold like blade, muttered to whisper: 'Pure Land, Pure Land'
   'Pure Land is one of the Divine Great Land seven ancient faction, passes God Realm Warrior to have about ten, in addition, True God Level Expert assumes personal command, your this Realm cultivation base, wants within five years, looks for the Pure Land important person, feared that is not quite easy.'
   Zhao Feng some looking of pitying to murderous aura steaming Shi Yan, 'within five years, if you can obtain the true approval of god, making the god the high level regard with a special fondness to you, draws support god power, perhaps also life force, can perhaps probably arrive at that girl.'
   Li Yue also nod 'this is the only method.'
   'Five years'
   Shi Yan is cold the face, coldly was saying: 'I and others was so long, who knows that Pure Land can awaken her ahead of time, ', waited for the Endless Sea matter to come to the end, I can try to find the solution.'
   'Only individual strength, wants from the Pure Land important person, is impossible.' Zhao Feng consoles, 'you awake, only if you have True God Level cultivation base, otherwise do not want to contend with Pure Land this kind of ancient faction, the big influences of this ten thousand years of history, are majestically located Divine Great Land that many years, naturally has background that you cannot imagine.'
   Li Yue, Cai Yi and Brother Lao li, after ravelling situation, persuaded, making him do not impulse, take your time to wonderfully.
   These Divine Great Land Warrior, know that Pure Land this ancient influence, has how fearfully, let alone was only Shi Yan of trivial Sky Realm boundary, even if were the God Passage peak ruthless person, wanted to contend with Pure Land, the final fate also can definitely be [soul destroyed / terror-stricken], did not have the possibility of escaping by luck certainly.
   Shi Yan gloomy the face, is keeping silent, nobody knows that he thinks some what.
   During people's persuasion, he is cold the face looks at four directions, for a long time, suddenly said: 'You continue, I also the matter that starts me not to complete.'
   So was saying, he digs in the place of bad risk the cane monster densely covered empty runs amuck spirit from Ye Changfeng this to the opening.
   Ice cold aura, spread from him comes, the Cold Qi place visited, his swamp rapidly frozen becomes the solid ice, these Cold Qi fill the air, entire swamp temperature, as if in sudden drop.
   The line, he has let loose the mind, comes out the Sea of Consciousness thorough thunder, the induction these empty infiltrates intentionally spirit.
   The region of empty spirit accumulation, the cane monster feels his ice cold air/Qi, is far away from him on own initiative, does not dare to extend the rattan, does not dare to come to the bamboo he.
   Empty spirit does not fear Cold Qi, only fears the impact of soul class, after he lets loose Sea of Consciousness, empty spirit has discovered the delicacy likely, 11 fire into him, changes into bunch of green light, vanishes in his Sea of Consciousness.
   An only empty spirit, falls into his Sea of Consciousness, was surrounded by Nine Quiet Soul Devouring Flame, by 5 Devils gradual nibbles.
   About hundred empty spirits, are moving in his Sea of Consciousness crazily, wants to flee, actually throughout cannot break through the wall that Nine Quiet Soul Devouring Flame makes to bond Zuo Chongyou in his Sea of Consciousness suddenly, cannot escape.
   5 Devils slowly about hundred empty spirits 11 will nibble, under his mind gaze, started to have the change quietly.
   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 30 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-424>
   Chapter 413
   Melts the cocoon
   In swamp, is floating about hundred empty spirits, 11 were attracted Sea of Consciousness by Shi Yan, was nibbled to the minute by 5 Devils.
   When all empty spirit vanished from swamp, Shi Yan 5 Devils in Sea of Consciousness, had the mutation at once.
   In his Sea of Consciousness, 5 Devils quite huge body, gradual curls up, brings together, continuously Divine Sense, quietly the congealment on 5 Devils, as if is 5 Devils is providing some type of necessary nutrient.
   Gradually, 5 Devils has become bunch, likely by thick cocoon wrapping, often spreads the intense spiritual fluctuation.
   aura of evil cold, releases from the body of 5 Devils, made Divine Sense in Shi Yan Sea of Consciousness, above 11 accumulations, as if was the 5 Devils mutation carries on the necessary preparation.
   Feels passing of Divine Sense, the Shi Yan facial expression is changing countenance, in swamp, suddenly stopped.
   Chi Xiao and Zhao Feng one line, although is making the battle with the cane monster, but after discovering his facial expression change, quietly closes up, encircles his whole person in inside.
   The Zhao Feng people did not know on him had what, but through his facial expression gawked dull, knew at this time his very dangerours danger, if were not careful that by the cane monster staring, or by other Warrior attacking, him had feared will have the sorrow of life.
   The Zhao Feng these Radiant God Cult believers, are Chi Xiao and Cai Yi these people, does not think that he has the matter, therefore on own initiative will undertake to protect his duty, his looks at, for fear that he will have the what accident at this time well.
   Time from the beginning, his Divine Sense flows to that 5 Devils speed to be slow, when precise becomes the circular to 5 Devils, after having the thick cocoon, Divine Sense in his Sea of Consciousness, flowed to the 5 Devils speed to slow down.
   Also in this moment, Shi Yan awakes to turn around from that quickly.
   In Sea of Consciousness the change of 5 Devils is still continuing, is absorbing his Divine Sense as before, but he no longer received the change influence of that 5 Devils at this time, can maintain sober treats this change.
   'Your this fellow, in this dangerours danger location, how sudden was out of sorts?'
   Cai Yi slightly obviously rebukes has drunk one tenderly, the beautiful pupil reveals expression that worries about, she side Shi Yan, the winning smile is graceful, has untied the heart knot likely, no longer envy and hate initially in that lakelet, Shi Yan to her impoliteness.
   A Shi Yan brow wrinkle, looked around person, awkward smiling, 'has coped with that many empty spirits, always somewhat cannot endure, relax, I restore to sober now, will not have the matter. En, many thanks your guarding, otherwise some of my perhaps also really accidents.'
   His such saying, the people felt relieved that shows the well-meaning smiling face, has selected nod to him.
   'These cane monsters also are really many, is extremely formidabe, we stay here for the time being, watches changes quietly. Only Kanamedo monster still, this swamp feared that is peaceful, I always thought that this swamp is peaceful, will have some what to come.'
   Zhao Feng and Li Yue they, the whole body power mobile speed slows down slowly, often puts out a hand, attacks the cane monster that dares to approach compels to draw back these, when to a cane monster when the energy impact of Zhao Feng, projected on other region, he grins hey smiles, some harboring evil intentions looks to elsewhere Warrior.
   Shi Yan has been startled being startled, looks to Ye Changfeng and Lin Zhi of four people distant place, raises the sound track: 'Ye Changfeng, you come.'
   That side Ye Changfeng four people, are dealing with the cane monster, pours is not strenuous, has Purgatory True Flame to protect, the cane monster does not dare to approach four people, causes this strength Earth Realm four people, in this swamp instead safely free, does not fear the threat of cane monster.
   Under greeting of Shi Yan, the Ye Changfeng look is somewhat unusual, he has hesitated, has selected nod to Lin Zhi and that Luo Xiao and Luo Meng, some trend of would rather not.
   The Ye Changfeng four people one, Zhao Feng and Li Yue disperse quietly, the Radiant God Cult person, understands, encircles their four people in middle, preventing these four people to flee.
   The Lin Zhi elegant face changes, heart shakes, is even more fearful and apprehensive.
   After by fan two ear and area around it, Lin Zhi was hit to awake likely, realized that Shi Yan very ruthless, in the heart had some awes to Shi Yan, does not know that Shi Yan will conspire.
   Luo Xiao and Luo Meng two brothers, is the calm face, has not talked too much, look glittering is uncertain, is guarding secretly.
   'Do you such carefully make what?'
   Cai Yi smiles, shook the head gently, Wen that soft and gentle words: 'We think the strategic point really you, can you be able to escape really? I thought that you are more law-abiding, here like outside, we do not want to kill you, you must die without doubt, again carefully also useless.'
   Lin Zhi facial expression one gloomy, somewhat helpless has accepted fate, no longer appears that discrete.
   'Shi Yan, are we friends?'
   Ye Changfeng walks to go forward, the handsome face is serious, the vision brilliant looks to him.
   Shi Yan has gawked, half sound, slightly nod, 'is.'
   'Since is the friend, is what your partners, has been provoking we? You are the same with them, when also we quite do bully? Initially in Yuanluo Sea Area, I have not harmed you, but also deferred to your instruction, carried off Xia Xinyan, although she was picked by the Pure Land person finally, but this matter we also had no alternative, even if were she at that time not with us together, I thought these Pure Land people, will look for her.'
   The Ye Changfeng calm face said.
   Shi Yan has selected nod, 'En, if, indeed is I am not in that case right, sorry, because of her matter, my mood is somewhat excited.'
   So was saying, he looks to Zhao Feng, Li Yue and the others, said indifferently: 'Such do not eye covetously, he is my friend, how regardless of the real situation, before the truth, I hopes that you give me a face, always do not aim at them.'
   Zhao Feng one line, listened to his such saying, grinned to smile, nod no longer said what.
   They look to Ye Changfeng and Lin Zhi one line of look, no longer like that ominous severe, suddenly tranquil.
   Ye Changfeng relaxed quietly.
   'Will you come to here for what? En, you compared with us, may know in this swamp first, there is what to be unusual?' Around Shi Yan eye looks at, in the heart has been full of the doubts, these many Warrior gather in swamp, saw obviously the empty spirit and cane monster are not affable, does not have one person to leave on own initiative, is anticipating what?
   In swamp, has the strange place inevitably, certainly has the what thing to attract this line, otherwise the bright fully aware of here extreme bad risk, these Warrior have not remained.
   Zhao Feng one line , is also the eye one bright, looks completely to Ye Changfeng.
   Shi Yan issue, is doubts in their heart, they curious, curious will be what Ye Changfeng one line of will also remain.
   'It is said this Exotic Land pure Divine Soul, in this swamp, this informed sources absolutely is reliable, but we stayed here were so long, had not discovered that any had the Divine Soul sound.' Ye Changfeng is also somewhat puzzled, 'according to the view of my master, if really also has that kind of pure Divine Soul to exist, region that is most likely to present, should in this swamp.'
   'Your here how long?'
   'Probably seven days, in seven day, the empty spirit and cane monster appeared actually much, we enter here person, died, after many people died, transforms as the empty spirit, as if the life died after here fleshly body, the soul will not perish, will become the empty spirit.'
   Ye Changfeng frowns to explain, carefully has thought, also shook the head, sighed, 'here how long perhaps we cannot stop over, crossed again on the 3rd, if here has not discovered that we must leave this place, even if had clear Divine Soul to exist really only, we also not had the good fortune to enjoy something.'
   Shi Yan has raised the brow, doubts looks to him.
   'After a few days, in this swamp, will spread very intense shake, these shakes can cause the smashing of soul, and is one by one intense. Stayed for seven days in this swamp, we have experienced twice that reacted, that reacted, almost lets our soul collapse twice.'
   The Ye Changfeng calm face, looks solemn, 'I consider as finished, the next shake, should after 3rd, a violent degree of shake, the next reacted arrival, intensely too be many before. Our Realm cultivation base are too low, feared that cannot withstand the fierceness of that reacted, we do not think the soul collapse.'
   Luo Xiao , Luo Meng and Lin Zhi three people, shows the regrettable expression, helpless shaking the head, somewhat is disappointed reluctantly.
   The Shi Yan mind moves, understood faintly, 'did previous shake, occur soon after?'
   Shi Yan comprehended immediately, facial expression was panic-stricken, 'that reacted, could affect the heartbeat of person, making the person heartbeat accelerate, has one type several to want the crazy soul to fluctuate?'
   A Ye Changfeng four people of head.
   Zhao Feng one line, are facial expression slightly changes.
   They did not enter this swamp again time, the place above on that island, realized that reacted.
   That drumbeat same reacted, can indeed cause the acceleration of heartbeat, making the human gradually crazy, before they on island, was affected completely, that Lao li, Zuo Xu and the others, are red in the face, somewhat cannot control the reason.
   The reacted might when in the island, feels was so big, happens in this swamp, definitely fearful.
   When let alone, according to the view of that Ye Changfeng, the next shake occurred, but also by the present is been more intense.
   'You thought that after this reacted, in swamp, can have some change?'
   Resounded four in that host city looks like the change of mountain range hesitant, Shi Yan, understood faintly.
   A Ye Changfeng four people of head.
   'En, my understood, before that shake has not come, we walk in together, can look discover.'
   Thought a while, Shi Yan has decided to remain, in attractive this swamp will have what kind to be unusual.
   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 31 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-425>
   Chapter 414
   swamp is startled changes
   In swamp.
   Because empty spirit by Shi Yan one person handling, now only remaining cane monsters in moving, regarding Warrior in swamp, the cane monster as if not appear how fearful, after losing empty spirit threat, they start the active threat, is divided into each team, launches to annihilate toward the cane monsters.
   Whenever a cane monster body died, the rattan of cane monster, will be bloody, converge in swamp.
   These cane monsters, as if have the flesh and blood to be ordinary, these dark red blood, but also is steaming hot, to human an extremely strange feeling.
   Shi Yan already understood, these cane monsters take slurping the blood of humanity as the food, blood that their bodies reveal, is is not really they originally, is on human Warrior these extracted blood.
   The cane monsters were put to death, the dark red blood, collects in swamp.
   The time passes quietly.
   Two days passed by.
   As a result of empty spirit disappearance, making the ray in swamp is even more dim, in swamp, is hoodwinking light green light, to the feeling of person gloomy.
   Whenever a cane monster death, the temperature in this swamp on a cold point, Cold Qi was dense to the human, such as pandemonium illusion.
   More and more cane monsters, under the Warrior joint effort, were cut to kill, more dark red blood, flowed in swamp.
   swamp becomes gloomy extremely scary, all sorts of cold You evil aura, as if gradually fill the air, winds around in swamp, making people somewhat absolutely terrified, does not think faintly wonderfully.
   Finally, all cane monsters, under the swamp Warrior joint effort, were cleaned up cleanly.
   Green and glossy swamp, poured into by bloody water, turns into the garnet that the fishy smell soars to the heavens, however, green light in swamp had not changed, hoodwinks above blood red swamp, is even more strange to the feeling of person.
   The cane monster was cleaned up completely, swamp becomes peaceful incomparable, many Warrior as if realized that the atmosphere are not many, has not spoken, improves the vigilance completely, is alerting secretly.
   Some Realm low people, have worn a thick clothing, resists strange Cold Qi in swamp.
   The stature is hot, puts on Lin Zhi of leather skirt, although has Third Sky of Nirvana Realm cultivation base, somewhat cannot withstand as before, at this time was throwing over a thick sweatshirt, the exquisite curve will bind solid, facial expression , seemed to be paler.
   Brother Lao li are also same, body has worn several clothing.
   Ye Changfeng only then Nirvana First Sky cultivation base, Sea of Consciousness initially becomes, should unable to withstand here almost to seep the cold of body, because has Purgatory True Flame, he is instead not affected, continuously bright flame, once for a while braves to transgress from his sleeve cuff, is resisting here Cold Qi for him.
   An extremely depressing feeling, spreads in entire swamp.
   All people in swamp, realized that was not wonderful, facial expressions unprecedented is vigilant.
   The water fluid in swamp, emits the first blood-red blister, after that blister bursts, wisp of blood red smog, spread comes quietly.
   Many blood-red blisters, brave from swamp.
   Blisters burst, in abundance transgressed the blood-red smog, these blood-red smog, fill the air gradually, spreads in the entire swamp place above, all also keeps Warrior in swamp, gave to cover completely.
   'Thump! Thump!'
   The sound of marvelous shake, transmits from swamp under quietly.
   Ye Changfeng four people of facial expression great changes.
   'Was bad!'
   Lin Zhi cannot bear scream that on elegant face full is the meaning of fear, 'this time reacted, as if comes early, was the time had not arrived, what occurred?'
   This Lin Zhi four people, as if know in swamp the reacted accurate rule, therefore after Saito monster was eliminated, does not have first to leave.
   But the change of this swamp reacted, has stemmed from his unexpected likely, because of cleaning up of cane monster, the occurrence of reacted, was ahead of time probably.
   The Ye Changfeng four people, are Nirvana Level cultivation base, did not leave swamp , because thought that reacted will also retard a while, in the heart also one point anticipated.
   But a reacted occurrence, four people worried immediately, in abundance color deterioration, but has selected nod toward Shi Yan, wants to leave swamp immediately, to the speed return to above the ground most quickly.
   'Lao li and Lao Lun, you also exit!'
   Shi Yan sees Ye Changfeng four people of being disturbed with fear expression, is in the heart one cold, courageously calls out makes noise.
   Brother Lao li are not the impulsive people, they neglect one, is grateful has selected nod to Shi Yan, then does not dare to hesitate, hurriedly with approaching that Ye Changfeng four people.
   Also keeps swamp Warrior of other team, person of these Realm in Nirvana, becomes flushed, as if conciousness to was not wonderful, is in abundance same as Ye Changfeng one line, hurries to the exit direction hurriedly.
   Suddenly, originally silent swamp, is suddenly noisy.
   Nirvana Level Warrior, in these reacted sounds, the exit that fast firing into falls, the Ye Changfeng speed is fastest, pushes to the front, first fires into that entrance.
   A sad sound, resounds through the entire swamp space, the sound came from that exit direction.
   Has the exit of bunch of glossy dark green brights, at this time by the thick blood-red smog stucking, has as if formed the defense barrier that one type has hindered anybody to break.
   That Ye Changfeng has hit, not only has not broken through here, instead had been pressed by a great strength stiffly.
   His body, such as the shell is common, crashed directly swamp, whole body has soaked the bloody water, suddenly lost one's voice to scream.
   Continuously Fiery Flame, suddenly wells up from his whole body, these Fiery Flame are jumping, releases the astonishing quantity of heat, gives to burn down the smog these bloody water.
   Another other team Warrior of First Sky of Nirvana Realm, is the same, fires into that exit the time with Ye Changfeng, had been pressed by a great strength stiffly, drops in swamp, by bloody water staining.
   That person does not have Ye Changfeng Heavenly Flame, under the immersion of bloody water, sad and shrill pitiful yell.
   His body emits the light blood-red smog, under the gaze of people, his body falls off fast, the skeleton of Blood Dripping Gem appears at the naked eye obvious speed.
   The corrosion is violently poisonous!
   The people above swamp, the peak however changes color, the foot enters Warrior in swamp, shortly, will realize that these bloody water start to have some change gradually, is corroding their Essence Qi.
   Shi Yan, slightly changed turning hostile, feels under the sole that corrosion to exist violently poisonously.
   However this corrosion is violently poisonous, other region occurred as to be slower, the toxicity was also weaker, although surroundings many Warrior also by bloody water staining, but has not sent out the sad and shrill pitiful yell immediately, by these scarlet poisonous water dissolving fleshly body.
   As if only then swamp under that exit, that corrosion is violently poisonously most violent.
   As a person was corroded gives the dissolution violently poisonously, wanted to fire into above Lin Zhi, Luo Xiao and Luo Meng three people, in abundance changed facial expression, a face frightened there, the onset and retreat can not.
   At this time leaves, will move intense defense barrier, perhaps by some power pressing under, fleshly body was given the immerse by the bloody water, the whole body body gives the corrosion.
   However, if not leave, that reacted occurred, by their Realm cultivation base, if as expected, should also be broken Divine Soul, regardless of leaves, as if has a blind alley.
   Lin Zhi one line, including Brother Lao li, reveal desperate expression at this time, did not have the idea there.
   'Lao li and Lao Lun, came back to say first again!'
   Shi Yan has hesitated, suddenly the speaker shouted loudly, 'Ye Changfeng, you also immediately returned, there was unsafe at this time, instead possibly was the place of most bad risk!'
   Ye Changfeng stares, at once responds that Mashangchong Lin Zhi three humanity: 'Walks! First returns!'
   Brother Lao li, advanced one step to leave, to the speed, the foot not moisten most quickly, the body like the rainbow, shoots at Shi Yan this directly.
   Ye Changfeng, Lin Zhi and the others, does not dare to hesitate, in abundance the potential stimulation of Nirvana Level, although cannot soar from out of the blue, but gathers power instantaneously in void glide a while, these people can also achieve but actually.
   Shi Yan this people, in Sky Level, at this time in abundance have flown from the swamp water surface, in midair float.
   Eye looks at Brother Lao li and Ye Changfeng and his party of face alarmed and afraid grazing come, Shi Yan eye suddenly one bright, ice cold biting cold energy, pours into swamp of under foot fiercely.
   That braves the blood blister the swamp bloody water, under freezing of Cold Qi, suddenly became had ten squares size blood-red ice rock, made Lao li and the others stop over sufficiently.
   The Lao li same person, was worrying that unendurable maintains void does not fall, saw that by ice rock that Shi Yan freezes, is overjoyed, closes up in abundance, stops over on that blood-red ice rock.
   'Friend helps.'
   Several Nirvana Level Warrior, saw with own eyes that can stop over together, implored to Shi Yan loudly, while grazed to come, was the same with that Lao li and Ye Changfeng, temporarily stopped above that together ten squares size scarlet ice rock.
   Was about to leave swamp Nirvana Level Warrior, because a person of body dies, completely honest, stays by Black Ice Cold Flame precise scarlet red ice rock above in Shi Yan.
   Gathers at elsewhere these Warrior, mostly in the Sky Realm boundary, had the ability of soaring.
   These people see their partner, together has stopped over in Shi Yan that hesitant, line toward Shi Yan.
   The marvelous reacted sound, gradually becomes crowded, this sound, as if the direct link will of the people, making the person soul tremble.
   Stands in blood-red ice rock Warrior of these Nirvana boundaries, when does not know gets up, is red in the face, the look gradually changed meaning, by beforehand alarmed and afraid, becomes the gradual confusedness, even reveals meaning of crazy Bloodthirsty.
   Shi Yan has swept these person of one, knows that these people feared is will unable to withstand first, will lose the reason quickly.
   'Should to kill them as early as possible.'
   Zhao Feng frowns, gloomy the face, has been sweeping Ye Changfeng and the others, heartless proposition: 'Nirvana Level, should short time lose the reason, sees the human to have the impulsion of destruction. At half sober half blurry condition while them at this time, should process earlier.'
   Radiant God Cult some people, in abundance nod.
   'This word in principle.'
   Sky Realm boundary Warrior that these gather, has not come, then the speaker high drinks, as if extremely approves of the proposition of Zhao Feng.
   : Two chapters have launched in salvos ~ RO
   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 32 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-426>
   Chapter 415
   Cannibal Corpse Insect
   'Should to process as early as possible!'
   Short and stout Sky Realm boundary Warrior, the void across came, sweeps one to stand these Nirvana boundaries Warrior on blood-red ice rock, the cold words shouts to clear the way.
   In swamp, often emitting blood blister, whenever the blood blister bursts, will have scarlet blood mist to fill the air, dissipation above swamp.
   'Doesn't above have your people?'
   Shi Yan also stands on ice rock, looked at his one eyes indifferently, neither cold nor hot [say / way].
   'Has.' That short and stout Warrior grins to smile, not care said: 'That two people, are our Devil Valley, I such do also consider for everybody, once they lost sanely, will attack all people crazily, when the time comes everybody with bad luck.'
   Speech time, he puts out a hand to aim at Warrior of two Nirvana boundaries, that two people wear the blue black Warrior clothing, is really consistent with this fellow clothing.
   'Little brother, do not have the womanly compassion, you save them now, a while they lost sanely, you by its evil, would rather courageously, will not have while them deeply thoroughly crazy, earlier eliminated them to be good.' Also Warrior of Sky Realm boundary, spoke the proposition to say.
   Zhao Feng, Li Yue and the others, have selected nod gently, only and other Shi Yan issued an order, without hesitation kills Lao li, Ye Changfeng and the others completely.
   Chi Xiao facial expression one cold.
   At this moment, he rejoiced suddenly Zuo Xu and Zuo Shi have not gotten down together, if this master grandson also in swamp, feared that same will fall into the dangerous situation with Warrior of these Nirvana boundaries, by these fellows gratefully sacrificing.
   Comes from Divine Great Land Warrior, does not know that is the instinct is faint, does not pay attention to the people on one's own side unexpectedly, in their mind, person who so long as has the threat to oneself, should give to strangle as early as possible, so as to avoid a while had the accident, by the difficult office.
   Cai Yi beautiful pupil glittering is uncertain, not having the publication to see, but under conciousness looks to Shi Yan, is waiting for the decision of Shi Yan.
   'You , to begin, to your people on one's own side, our here people, to trouble you do not help, we naturally can process.'
   Shi Yan frowns to look to Lao li and Ye Changfeng one line, hesitant, indifferent shooting a look at to four directions Sky Realm boundary Warrior.
   'Womanly compassion!'
   That short and stout Warrior, snort, some saying of despising: 'Your this procedure, for them, not necessarily is the good choice. If a while really begins, they die may be more miserable, perhaps the entire corpse cannot preserve.'
   'Our matters, we take responsibility, has nothing to do with you!'
   Shi Yan stands above that ice rock, the left hand lifts, wisp of blazing Fiery Flame, comes out from the fingertip lasing, such as hot sword cut down on ice rock, that ice rock one point of two halves.
   And on half ice rock, is standing Lao li and Ye Changfeng one line, moreover on general ice rock, is Nirvana boundary Warrior of these other teams.
   Essence Qi imperial moves, that has Brother Lao li ice rock together, slowly moves, fluctuates along with his mind, was far from another ice rock.
   'These people, your looks at office, but my here person, does not permit you to meddle!'
   Around coldly looks at, he ice rock under body gradual moves toward a swamp angle, oneself also together move with ice rock.
   'Boy has First Sky of Sky Realm cultivation base, but the expression is actually extremely arrogant.'
   Short and stout Warrior, hey sneered, took a look at Zhao Feng one, 'your Radiant God Cult, this time entered swamp, should also same want to obtain Divine Soul with us, for this purpose, sacrificed the person who some must die, should be the natural matter, you were a leader, seemed the non- winner?'
   'Is short of his motherfucker idle talk, how we want to do, are not one's turn you to gesticulate!'
   Zhao Feng impatient saying.
   Although he does not approve of the decision of Shi Yan, but has set firm resolve in Shi Yan, he had not opposed that instead and Shi Yan stands on a route.
   Zhao Feng, Shi Yan can be the Radiant God Cult most dazzling nova in the future, in addition only then Nirvana Third Sky time, Shi Yan can cut to kill Third Sky of Sky Realm Expert, therefore Zhao Feng takes seriously him, will not regard the common junior to regard him.
   'as you wish.'
   That short and stout Warrior, sneered hey, the body has been grazing above other together ice rock, looked all around, gathered huge Warrior that to say to the surroundings: 'You and should my decision, be consistent?'
   Surroundings these Sky Realm boundary Warrior, in abundance nod.
   This short and stout fellow, is cold the face to look to Zhao Feng, said: 'Such being the case, I begin, should not relate with you?'
   'as you wish.'
   Zhao Feng looked at Shi Yan, sees him not to indicate that this indifferent nod.
   The bunch swarthy evil light, flies suddenly from that short and stout Warrior sleeve cuff, these evil light change into an only Demonic Beast soul fierce shape in the midway, breaks in the Nirvana boundary Warrior within the body on ice rock in abundance.
   These Nirvana boundary Warrior of look confused delay, under that bunch of evil only lasings, the body tear, fleshly body these evil was only ruined from the interior, soul, one and by obliterate.
   Moreover in a flash, above ice rock six Nirvana boundary Warrior, fleshly body splits together, life aura does not have.
   A continuously essence, overflows from that six corpses, rushing Shi Yan fast.
   Is separated by about 20 meters, acupoint of Shi Yan within the body, already in fast gyrates, has had the intense attracting customer interest, these essence 11 inspiration within the body.
   long time, Warrior of these Nirvana boundaries, an essence, was not given the absorption by his acupoint.
   Whole body 720 acupoint, do not have the feeling of painfully swollen, in that acupoint, the essence by the fast precise transformation, was revealed the faint trace to affect the person mood faintly fluctuates negative.
   After entering into Sky Realm Realm, the essence that this mystical Martial Spirit can hold, as if jumped on a new level.
   The Warrior essence of six Nirvana boundaries, in his acupoint, does not dislike much, within the body acupoint when transforms the precise these essence, he is also the intelligence Pure Brightness, has not met the feeling of disorder intelligence.
   Realm has promoted, the capacity of this mystical Martial Spirit absorption essence, was was also likely strengthened, the speed of precise purifying, as if also increased quickly much.
   Has been separated by a distance, can actually the clear detection surging of essence, look at the look gradually crazy Lao li, Shi Yan hesitant, suddenly stimulates to movement Black Ice Cold Flame energy once more.
   One continuously ices the cold cold air/Qi, braves to transgress from his control, likely is the water snakes of ice sparkling stones, has drilled into the body of Brother Lao li and that Lin Zhi, Luo Xiao and Luo Meng.
   Under the seepage of cold air/Qi, these people, body gradual freezes, long time, has not become the appearance of ice sculpture.
   Only then that Ye Changfeng, under the energy seepage of Black Ice Cold Flame, safe and sound, Purgatory True Flame of his within the body, produces burning hot Fiery Flame on own initiative, Black Ice Cold Flame that he seeps, counter-balances completely.
   When Black Ice Cold Flame seeps, the eye of Ye Changfeng, becomes evilly is gradually sinister and ruthless, the whole body sends out extremely cut-throat aura to come out.
   The nearby winds around not the loose blood-red smog, does not know that is realized what, gathered, gave to wrap unexpectedly him.
   'Thump! Thump!'
   Marvelous trembling, continue to transmit from swamp, in the reacted sound, Ye Changfeng gradual loses itself, in the blood-red smog, suddenly sad and shrill calls out, as if in the soul was invaded some evil power, enabling him to control own reason.
   At the same time.
   The blood-red swamp dead center, ripples suddenly ripples, in the most centers of these ripples, a great tree of losing plant, floats slowly from swamp, was being promoted by some power likely, little outstretch swamp.
   That great tree does not have the branches and leaves, was dried up not to know many years, actually extremely huge, it when braved, has flooded entire swamp gradually, above the great tree, crawled completely a thumb size strange insect, these strange insect blue-greens, were the dung beetle are likely ordinary, the body has the thick carapace.
   The countless blue-green strange insects, are wriggling on that great tree slowly, more strange insects, drill from midheaven Tree Cave of that great tree, takes that great tree as the foundation, proliferates entire swamp.
   'Cannibal Corpse Insect!'
   Zhao Feng facial expression changes, suddenly calls out in alarm.
   Numerous Warrior in swamp, hear his calling out in alarm, completely changed facial expression, is critical situation, in abundance displays the rare treasures and Martial Skills of various defense classes, will bind solid the body, for fear that by this Cannibal Corpse Insect bumping into.
   These Cannibal Corpse Insect are creeping along the old tree first, a while time, crawled completely the old tree, at once exudes humming sound the songs and calls, several hundred monster insects, the body wriggled, on the shell have emitted the small meat wing, flew from that old tree unexpectedly, circled erratically on swamp.
   'Shi Yan is careful, this Cannibal Corpse Insect eats the human brain specially, extremely fearful, once entered the brain territory by this Cannibal Corpse Insect, by this Cannibal Corpse Insect eating the brains, will only remain a body.' Cai Yi is cold the face, beautiful pupil appears the meaning of deep dreading, closes up quietly to Shi Yan.
   The giant old tree, rises slowly from swamp, when this old tree blocks from entire swamp, that old tree giant rhizome spot, emits dazzling milky white rays of light suddenly, in rays of light, the lotus flower throne that is built by crystal reappears gradually.
   Above that crystal lotus flower throne, the nobody left, actually emits astonishing heaven and earth Spiritual Qi.
   Rich such as water heaven and earth Spiritual Qi, emits two from that crystal lotus flower throne, making the numerous Warrior facial expression in swamp change countenance, but inspired these rich heaven and earth Spiritual Qi, will think completely relaxed.
   heaven and earth Spiritual Qi wells up crazily, four sides winds around the blood-red smog, suddenly rushes on the piece by piece crystal floral leaf of that lotus flower throne completely, during this process, the heart of that lotus flower throne, the white light dodges to pass, suddenly appears a heart shape the household utensils, puts one type to let the person soul for the milky white water fluid that it trembles.
   That water fluid murmur is swaying, inherits 'thump' the sound, extremely intense life energy, release, making the person soul likely probably shatter.
   'Life Origin Fluid!'
   The Zhao Feng eye was suddenly red, the breath shortness, is thick the voice to lower roars, greedy of face.
   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 33 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-427>
   Heart-shaped household utensils, only then walnut size, the milky white water fluid, few pity, most have 56 drops.
   However, is such few liquids, lets all Sky Realm boundary Warrior in swamp, suddenly is crazy.
   Hears Zhao Feng to shout 'after Life Origin Fluid', these Warrior, are red in the face, the eye burning hot is incomparable, breathes together to be loud.
   In their eyes, that milky white liquid, seems among heaven and earth the most precious thing, can any to abandon the life to compete.
   Above the crystal lotus flower throne, that heart-shaped household utensils dodge to pass, most people have not seen, only heard Zhao Feng loudly shout.
   But drinks to call depending on Zhao Feng one, makes these Warrior forget oneself, does not attend to these Cannibal Corpse Insect terrifying, to the speed go toward that heart-shaped household utensils most quickly.
   Zhao Feng and Li Yue these Radiant God Cult believers, are no exception, the whole body light cover is defending, is avoiding encircling of Cannibal Corpse Insect, the facial features are greedy, fires into that heart-shaped household utensils fast.
   dumbstruck that Shi Yan looks.
   Zhao Feng and Li Yue these two, when that Exotic Land, facing the Sacred level rare treasure, has not looked like now is so impulsive, in their eyes, that so-called 'Life Origin Fluid' as if too be preciously more than Sacred level rare treasure, for these liquids, they as if can be reckless.
   Although does not know 'Life Origin Fluid', accurate effect, but from people's performance, he knows that this gadget feared extremely rare, decides however has the attraction that is hard to resist regarding Warrior, otherwise these Warrior not so crazy.
   Three now First Sky of Sky Realm Warrior, when fires into that crystal lotus flower throne suddenly covering is the same like the locust by countless Cannibal Corpse Insect of Cannibal Corpse Insect, three people submerging.
   Under the gaze of Shi Yan, that three people of defense energy light cover by Cannibal Corpse Insect to fast eating, when covered gnawing to three people of defense light, Cannibal Corpse Insect also seized the chance to drill into three people of bodies, in them[ body] in huo was moving, sent out[ was popular] sound that exerted, drill to their brains.
   Shi Yan that the one side watches, can see the huo of monster insect under their body in slight trend this that moves to make him have an absolutely terrified feeling immediately.
   , That three people were gnawed brain jian by Cannibal Corpse Insect quickly, the eyeball was eaten, manner fearsome dying.
   Many Warrior, was given the attack by Cannibal Corpse Insect, these monster insects are guarding against what likely, so long as some people will dare to approach the crystal lotus flower throne monster insect to well up, will gnaw to eat Warrior defense light cover by the unusual ability, will worry their defense rare treasures, will give to break by biting their armor.
   Monster insect what can eat, the energy armor, the flesh and blood, these defenses, can prevent their a while, actually likely cannot make the monster insect be at wit's end.
   Many Warrior, defense power under gnawing of monster insect give to break, was eaten the brain to be coarse, eyeball, shape pitiful incomparable death.
   Shi Yan and Cai Yi they stand in the remote corner, before sharply has not been rushing, therefore these monster insects have not regarded the main goal to treat them.
   Cai Yi stream ray is winding around, beautiful pupil extraordinary splendor flow of tears, closely looks to that crystal lotus throne, but actually does not dare to act rashly.
   Ten monster insects, are circling in her tender body surrounding, gnawed stream ray that on her released little, because the monster insect quantity were few, Cai Yi dealt with was also calm, like these impulsive fellows, had not been broken a defense by the monster insect to the direct short time, was eaten the brain * dead.
   'What each is Life Origin Fluid?'
   The misty star light covers the whole body, star light energy, little subduction under gnawing of ten monster insects, making him have to release more stars to maintain existence of Star Shield, guards against gnawing of monster insect to nip, he while looks to Cai Yi, the inquiry of doubts said.
   'Spreads one of the for a long time three sacred criteria water, Life Origin Fluid can wash life Essence, making the life have the inconceivable change.', Cai Yi beautiful pupil glittering the astonishing appearance, 'Life Origin Fluid is being Warrior of boundary of God Passage Third Sky, enters into a True God Level extremely effective boost, Warrior of boundary of God Passage Third Sky, if has drop of Life Origin Fluid, is in charge in Life Origin Fluid the soul life magnetic field friendly, his breakthrough True God Level possibility, big enhancement!'
   The Shi Yan facial expression shakes, changes countenance terrified.
   'You should know that Warrior cultivation, is the advancement will be slower in the future, regarding the comprehension and breakthrough of Realm, becomes more and more difficult. Most God Realm Warrior, in Third Sky Realm, finally its life, is hard to enter into that threshold! In our Divine Great Land, passes God Realm Warrior, although is extremely numerous, but can enter into the True God Level person, in ten, does not have one, this probability was too low, but Life Origin Fluid, can actually let Warrior of boundary of God Passage Third Sky, greatly strengthens the breakthrough opportunity!', On the Cai Yi face is pleasantly surprised, the speech time, sighed unceasingly that the beautiful pupil has not left that crystal lotus throne throughout.
   Very obviously, she regarding that crystal lotus throne above Life Origin Fluid, same has the greatly strengthened greedy heart. Countless monster insects, fly above swamp, the accumulation of locust in the nearby of crystal lotus throne, to the Warrior attack that these dare, gnaws on food these Warrior all defenses unceasingly.
   In that crystal lotus throne, that Life Origin Fluid dodges to pass once for a while, every time flashes before, makes the surrounding Warrior bloodlines spurt to open, reveals the extremely greedy look.
   Rich heaven and earth Spiritual Qi, braves to transgress from that crystal lotus throne, assumes the milky white smoke cloud, does not wind around loose.
   Is separated by hundred meters, deeply breathes Spiritual Qi that the above dissipation is coming out, Shi Yan is full of energy, has a graceful wonderful feeling.
   In Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, other region heaven and earth energy does not save, this Exotic Land place bottom, has so rich heaven and earth Spiritual Qi to exist, lets him is very surprised.
   As if Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist all heaven and earth Spiritual Qi of disappearance, gather at this, for that Life Origin Fluid is providing some existence necessary energy, making that Life Origin Fluid to preserve now, in specific, braves from that swamp.
   'So intense heaven and earth Spiritual Qi, perhaps, I should try to make Holy Spirit God come out', stared at that direction to look at a while together, his mind moved, suddenly has remembered what.
   Connects Blood Vein Ring by the mind, seeks position that Holy Spirit God is dormant, emits together Divine Sense, 'here heaven and earth Spiritual Qi extremely rich, could energy that to supplement to consume, do you want to try to come out to absorb?', Holy Spirit God does not have a chapter of news.
   Shi Yan is helpless, the precise mind, strokes all spiritual conciousness collections once more is a point, fires into that Blood Vein Ring the Holy Spirit God position.
   Spiritual conciousness twists a straight line, changes into one bunch of glares, drills into that Holy Spirit God center fiercely.
   Holy Spirit God had weak response finally, has deeply the exhausted meaning, looks like the dying old person, gives him a tenon worn out feeling.
   The Shi Yan facial expression changes countenance, in the heart is somewhat guilty, lets loose the mind hurriedly, making it fly from Blood Vein Ring.
   Blood Vein Ring has had very intense imprisonment to Black Ice Cold Flame, however, when treats Holy Spirit God and Earthcore Flame, such has not done, Holy Spirit God and Earthcore Flame, so long as wants to come out, Blood Vein Ring will not prevent to intercept, whatever they come and go.
   Holy Spirit God changes into one bunch of ice sparkling stones rays of light, flutters, flies in swamp slowly to the crystal lotus throne.
   Shi Yan is paying attention quietly.
   Sees only these to wind around not loose heaven and earth Spiritual Qi, after Holy Spirit God braves, seemed attracted, unexpectedly rushes Holy Spirit God really in abundance, injects in its special life structure.
   Holy Spirit God aura, by weak gradual expands, the spiritual fluctuation is slowly frequent, it is rapidly is restoring power likely.
   Slow speed, after obtaining the supplements of these heaven and earth Spiritual Qi, its speed sped up suddenly.
   Numerous Sky Realm boundary Warrior regarding Cannibal Corpse Insect attacks the time, Holy Spirit God changes into one bunch of ice sparkling stones rays of light, first broke in that crystal lotus throne unexpectedly, dodges to pass in the crystal lotus throne.
   The relation of Shi Yan and Holy Spirit God, stops suddenly, suddenly cut off by the crystal lotus throne.
   In heart one cold, he somewhat was worried, with total concentration looks to that.
   Sees only that crystal lotus throne spout the heaven and earth Spiritual Qi speed, after Holy Spirit God drills into, suddenly slowed down, heaven and earth Spiritual Qi that these formerly spread exited, slowly but actually passes unexpectedly, has poured into the crystal lotus throne.
   'That, is that bright, your?', Cai Yi side him, has paid attention looks at he, rays of light that looks at one bunch of ice wither helplessly, flies from the ring on his hand, evaded that all monster insects, drills into the crystal lotus throne, and immediately has caused the mutation of crystal lotus throne, this makes Cai Yi shock inexplicably, cannot bear closely examine.
   Shi Yan indifferent nod.
   The Cai Yi eye has shone fiercely, 'is that the what thing?'
   'A strange life, can slurp heaven and earth Spiritual Qi.', Hesitant, explanation that he non- sentiment does not hope.
   Cai Yi covers the mouth to call out in alarm, the crystal lotus throne of dull looks at distant place, suddenly surprised saying: 'If so, can it obtain that Life Origin Fluid? If it can attain Life Origin Fluid, you in the future when breakthrough True God Realm, will be easier than others, in addition, I heard that Life Origin Fluid also has other effect, extremely mysterious!', The Shi Yan facial expression moves, wants with that Holy Spirit God relation, has attempted, actually the discovery including Holy Spirit God aura realized that does not leave.
   'Life Origin Fluid is one of the three sacred criteria water, on our Divine Great Land, this thing as if only in the legend, had not heard that big influence can have, if you obtain this type of god water, I think that you can with the Pure Land exchange, probably come your friend.'
   Cai Yi vision scalding hot saying.
   The Shi Yan eye has shone suddenly.
   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 34 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-428>
   Shi Yan originally regarding this Life Origin Fluid desire not specially intense, after all the boundary of God Passage Third Sky, was too remote to him, his short time particularly does not need this Life Origin Fluid, does not want to be the same with Zhao Feng these people, crazy pursues that Life Origin Fluid.
   But listened to a Cai Yi such saying, he was excited.
   The heart moves, he does not plan to get down hesitant, no matter that Holy Spirit God whether can harvest in the crystal lotus throne, he must fight for that Life Origin Fluid fully.
   'Did you want?', Cai Yi smiled in a soft voice, inspires saying: 'Warrior of this thing under to all True God, has the greatly strengthened attraction, we must enter into True God Level after all, if there is this Life Origin Fluid, in the future you can use inevitably. In addition, Life Origin Fluid also has other effect, to a certain extent, this Life Origin Fluid value, feared that also is more precious than clear Divine Soul.', Shi Yan eyes was splendid, has selected nod, no longer talked too much, same started to move toward the crystal lotus throne with Zhao Feng these Warrior.
   whole body each muscle, is shivering quietly, the skin is purple red ', and precise all Essence Qi, gather Dark Light Shield, resists Cannibal Corpse Insect that may well up massively by this.
   Above crystal lotus throne, numerous Warrior by monster insect covering, the monster insect is dense and numerous, tens of thousands, humming sound is crying out strangely, gnaws defense power that on food these Warrior releases unceasingly.
   When arrives at crystal lotus throne place above to him, several hundred monster insects such as the star light is common ' in noses to spread, all of a sudden his body covering.
   Monster insects, put on that Dark Light Shield, the sharp tooth rubs ' 11 Essence Qi rays of light on Dark Light Shield is swallowing.
   Cannibal Corpse Insect not only can eat various defense classes the armor ' also to be able many energy wearing down, black light that on that Dark Light Shield comes out precise, under gnawing of Cannibal Corpse Insect bites ' little is dim.
   Many Essence Qi, from[ body] in wells up, on crazy injection Dark Light Shield ' in the irrigation of his huge Essence Qi, Dark Light Shield by power that the monster insect gnawed, without rapidness that he released, this enabled him throughout to maintain Dark Light Shield is violated.
   Zhao Feng and three Third Sky of Sky Realm Warrior ' either are pasting dazzling rays of light, either was protected the body by special valuable Armor, arrives above the crystal lotus throne under the attack of monster insect.
   In the threat of monster insect, dives slowly shallowly to the following crystal lotus throne.
   The innumerable dense and numerous monster insects, appear slowly in the heart of that crystal lotus throne, looks like makes the head skin tingle with numbness, the monster insect on crystal lotus throne ' volume is slightly bigger ' also ten scales is the silver, and there is an ancient snakewood on the scales.
   These ten Cannibal Corpse Insect, as if with general is not quite same, the whole body silver light is bright, sends out faint trace gloomy and cold aura.
   Zhao Feng and three Sky Realm Third Sky Warrior, when approaches the crystal lotus throne, these silver Cannibal Corpse Insect ' suddenly fly from the lotus throne, sends out the roar sound that grating howl ' that fist big body ' passes on, hears simply with amazement, as if can tear the eardrum.
   Beyond Lian Baimi Cai Yi is the tender body trembles ' in that roar sound ' ' shows the panic-stricken expression.
   In the roar sound, such as the advantage spear spirit fluctuation, puts on directly to all Warrior fine Divine Sense seas, must nearby all Warrior Sea of Consciousness penetrating.
   Zhao Feng and that three people, body shakes suddenly, on the face shows the painful expression, dives ' also suddenly to stagnate to the body potential of lotus throne.
   Ten silver Cannibal Corpse Insect, make use to fly, in ' starts to gnaw Zhao Feng four people of defense power with several hundred monster insect to mingle together.
   In the Zhao Feng control ' contain the light beam of solar flame strength ' Arrow to fly, maliciously thorn to that silver Cannibal Corpse Insect.
   'Dang Dang Dang!'
   Comes from him[ body] in sharp friend positive light,[ stirs up] shoots on the silver monster insect shell, spreads sound that [gold/metal] Tiejiao strikes.
   These silver monster insects ' unexpectedly slightly not affected , to continue to step up time ', in gnawing to nip the light cover that on him braves.
   Only covers ' unexpectedly fast the breakage under the gnawing food of silver monster insect, this makes the Zhao Feng peak however change color, has to take out a dark blue cloak, loves dearly has worn that cloak.
   The dark blue cloak, is a Spirit level rare treasure, has the energy fluctuation of wooden department.
   The cloak puts on, rich wood are energy, starts to past on Zhao Feng, the rattan of cane monster the surroundings died, seemed attracted, the accumulation is unexpectedly precise, turns into bulk wooden Armor on that dark blue cloak, Turtle Shell is equally hard.
   Zhao Feng to obtain Life Origin Fluid, purchases the flower high price the same Spirit level rare treasure was taking coming out ' the earliest possible time to cover the whole body, resisted the attacks of these silver monster insects by this.
   Other three Third Sky of Sky Realm Warrior, sees Zhao Feng to display to press the bottom the method, does not dare to hesitate, takes out the defense class rare treasure in Imaginary Space Ring in abundance, binds solid the whole body.
   However ', even if so, under gnawing of these silver monster insects bite ' these four people somewhat unable to endure as before.
   The rare treasure that four people take, in a short time, by these monster insects to the breakage that gnawing to nip, rattan that Zhao Feng that dark blue cloak, above covers ' has broken, the essence of that cloak, was nipped some pinholes to come out.
   Fortunately under the cloak, the solar none remaining light cover that Zhao Feng comes out precise, under dual defenses, by these silver monster insects drilling into body.
   Numerous Warrior, are different at the Realm height ' leaves the distance of that crystal lotus throne not to be inconsistent.
   Some Realm highest people, are the same with Zhao Feng ' slowly are submerging the crystal lotus throne, is struggling with these most fearful silver monster insect.
   Slightly low person ' also in the surrounding of crystal lotus throne, under encircling of several hundred monster insects, by strenuous efforts is supporting, the look actually frequently stares at the following lotus throne ' not to dare to relax.
   Like Cai Yi this kind of First Sky of Sky Realm Warrior, then spreads in the surrounding, does not dare to approach that crystal lotus throne ' for fear that to cause that the monster insect closes.
   In crystal lotus throne, after the dense and numerous monster insects appear the frequency that ' that heart-shaped household utensils flash before was getting higher and higher, Life Origin Fluid that in looks at that household utensils puts, the surrounding Warrior facial expressions are crazy.
   ' Shi Yan whole body was purple red ' surrounding to hoodwink Dark Light Shield at this time, the interior was covering Star Shield, arrived at the place above of crystal lotus throne. Several hundred monster insects emerge ' , on gnawing defends the aperture, he slowly is also diving.
   Only then First Sky of Sky Realm he, in the Warrior group of boundary of numerous Third Sky, and distance gradual pulling closer of Zhao Feng, more approaches that crystal lotus throne, he more is realized that an extremely intense resistance strength, ' has First Level to exist like silk wadding equally tenacious barrier in the place above of that crystal lotus throne.
   So long as dives to the crystal lotus throne, definitely will come under the influence of that barrier, more by approaching the crystal lotus throne, that barrier resistivity will be stronger.
   In the muscle turbulent energy erupts, enters the boundary of [Rampage] Second Sky ' the eyes scarlet red, he pushes these hindrance barrier to arrive at side Zhao Feng forcefully ' unexpectedly quickly.
   Many Warrior of surrounding, see, only then First Sky of Sky Realm he, leaves the crystal lotus throne to be so near unexpectedly, is startled.
   'Shi Yan, do you also come?'
   Zhao Feng grins to laugh ' 'quite carefully, is really uncommon, Li Yue by monster insect making cannot depend, has not thought of you unexpectedly! Ha Ha, I have not really misread you!'
   'Boy, leaves is nearer' is also quicker, you who dies should better leave earlier, bewilderment that so as to avoid a while dies! ', That short and stout Warrior ' looked at his one eyes indifferently, cold Ran Refeng said.
   'I can affirm that' you will predecease compared with me.
   The Shi Yan facial expression was tranquil ' neither cold nor hot rebuttal, at once suddenly takes out Cloud Broken Heaven Edge to come, sank to which the mind.
   'Can break that annoying barrier, directly enters in that crystal lotus throne?'
   'Ok, but needs to consume you one-third Essence Qi, the biology in that crystal lotus throne is fierce, once you enter, definitely will be given to submerge by the monster insect, whether the time comes you could have coped with these monster insects?'
   'This does not need you careworn, so long as you broke barrier to me on the line.'
   A dazzling ecliptic, from Shi Yan under foot suddenly to launch, that ecliptic carried sharpness of destroying the hardest defenses ' unexpectedly to make a connection barrier that above the crystal lotus throne had suddenly directly.
   Passing of one-third Essence Qi, making Shi Yan not dare to have hesitant slightly ' flashes that in that ecliptic appears, he changes into one bunch of star light, penetrates suddenly, first descended unexpectedly Center of crystal lotus throne.
   Tens of thousands of monster insects, crazy throws, shortly, will crawl completely Dark Light Shield.
   On Dark Light Shield precise Essence Qi, by the crazy speed vanishes ' in the short three seconds, Dark Light Shield was gnawed to clamp half!
   'The boy goes in!'
   '! How possible! His Realm' how possibly quickly enters its abundantly! '
   'This fellow, definitely unusual rare treasures, otherwise is hard to enter absolutely!'
   Warrior that side surrounds, saw that his first falls into the crystal lotus throne, screamed ' whole face does not dare to believe.
   The Cai Yi beautiful pupil one bright ' mouth corner transgresses a wisp of light happy expression suddenly.
   She knows that on Shi Yan has an unusual rare treasure, can tear all barrier restriction, in Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, Shi Yan draws support such rare treasure all the way, continuously withdraws from various terrible topography , already confirmed his ability.
   Saw that Shi Yan first enters the crystal lotus throne, she is actually not accidental, instead the heart lives to like, eyes is staring at Shi Yan firmly, is waiting for the Shi Yan next step movement.
   Does not know is what, Cai Yi always thought that if he fights for regarding Life Origin Fluid fully, numerous Warrior in this swamp, possibly nobody can struggle he.
   Although Shi Yan initially enters Sky Level, but this all sorts of mysterious performance, have made Cai Yi believe in firmly all the way, she always thought that Shi Yan can achieve the average man the matter that is hard to achieve.
   Facts showed that her feeling has not made a mistake.
   Shi Yan first fell into the crystal lotus throne, whole body by Cannibal Corpse Insect crawling completely, that Dark Light Shield creakied, in a short time must disintegrate.
   On crystal lotus throne, Shi Yan crazy pours into on Essence Qi Dark Light Shield ' Stars Martial Spirit Strength of Stars, seeps to Star Shield, and after stimulating to movement whole body power to prepare for Star Shield burst, copes with monster insect, eye actually in anxious search that heart shape household utensils.
   , Above the crystal lotus throne, cannot see that heart-shaped household utensils extraordinarily unexpectedly.
   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 35 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-429>
   Ten silver monster insects, fly quietly from the crystal lotus throne, suddenly drill to Shi Yan Dark Light Shield.
   The monster insect of silver outer covering, obviously is not quite same as general Cannibal Corpse Insect, they have stronger gnawing food ability, regarding the energy absorption rate, goes far beyond the general monster insect.
   Ten silver monster insects, open the sharp tooth on Dark Light Shield, has nipped maliciously, on that Dark Light Shield is containing vigorous Essence Qi energy, fast vanishes.
   Dark Light Shield that the short three seconds, Shi Yan spread comes, under the gnawing food of these ten silver monster insects, burst.
   Speed of his Essence Qi irrigation. Could not catch up by the monster insect is gnawed the speed of absorption, Dark Light Shield broke instantaneously.
   In heart one cold, Shi Yan facial expression also changed, anxious seeks for the heart-shaped household utensils that vanishes does not see on the crystal lotus throne, wants to obtain Life Origin Fluid as soon as possible.
   Nearby Warrior, is more anxious than him, when deals with the monster insect fully, eye cold looks at he, at any time prepares to meddle, robs possibly can immediately the heart-shaped household utensils of visualization.
   Ten silver monster insects, after breaking Dark Light Shield, does not have the slight hesitation, to his in First Level Star Shield carries on new round gnawing.
   By Star Shield that Strength of Stars comes out precise, is containing the deep meaning of sidereal revolution stars circulation, has the ancient true meaning that the heaven and earth stars ancient do not extinguish to exist, the light of that stars continuously, arrangement naturally the vast Star Sea design, sending out locates meaning that will never extinguish.
   The Star Shield defensive power, obviously win to plan to continue compared with Dark Light Shield, under these silver monster peaceful gnawing, speed that on Star Shield Strength of Stars vanishes ' wants to be slower.
   Even if so ' on that Star Shield is containing Strength of Stars, is in gradual passing.
   Gets down by this condition, minute ' Star Shield feared most mostly must unable to endure.
   The heart-shaped household utensils, still do not have once more appears.
   The Shi Yan look, attentively the crystal lotus throne under looks at body, whole body is the purple red dignifiedly, has prepared to withstand the attacks of these Cannibal Corpse Insect with fleshly body directly.
   , 'Shi Yan! Comes out! You not!', Zhao Feng person in place above. Cannot bear call out in alarm, 'these silver monster insects' Level is higher, I, how long could not resist, you continued to keep on that crystal lotus throne, only eating the food will fall fleshly body by the monster insect '.
   Not far away Chi Xiao, deeply frowns, speaking makes him sooner leave.
   Cai Yi does not know when gets up ' also closes up to this. Is separated by 20 meters, looks at Shi Yan on the crystal lotus throne anxious is seeking for Life Origin Fluid, reveals expression that worries about.
   She has not spoken to make Shi Yan come out, why does not know. She always thought that Shi Yan should have by the thing. Thinking Shi Yan can come out from the crystal lotus throne general Life Origin Fluid belt.
   Nearby Warrior, by the monster insect submerging, complete power precise will come out. At the attack of resistance monster insect.
   Although also wants to break in the crystal lotus throne, but does not have Cloud Broken Heaven Edge this kind of broken rare treasure in the hand. They can only resist barrier on crystal lotus throne to hinder energy little, slowly closes up toward the crystal lotus throne.
   , ' Boy, you acts recklessly. By your Sky Level cultivation base, dares to bribe Life Origin Fluid. Even if were you succeeds in obtaining. Can you lead really him?..
   That short and stout Warrior, grinning fiendishly of face, look very ruthless. Is preparing secretly, so long as Shi Yan from that crystal lotus throne comes out belt of Life Origin Fluid, he will get rid without hesitation, comes to rob from the Shi Yan hand directly.
   He even hopes that Shi Yan can go well.
   If Shi Yan can go well, he does not need to take risk to enter the crystal lotus throne, does not need to deal with these more stronger monster insects.
   Him, robs Life Origin Fluid from the Shi Yan hand, compared with seek from these monster insect mouths, wants to be easier.
   Shi Yan simply has not cared the words of people ' the anxious looks at crystal lotus throne ' on whole body Star Shield the star light passes, he suddenly lets loose Divine Sense, huge Divine Sense, will pour into directly on the crystal lotus throne.
   One type like the sponge fine Divine Light wave. Ripples suddenly from the crystal lotus throne, such as watermarks spread.
   In the crystal lotus throne has spirit class barrier, regarding the exploration of Divine Sense, is the new round defense, in clearing away of that fine Divine Light wave ' Shi Yan in the Divine Sense fluctuation that puts, blocked completely. Cannot seep the crystal lotus throne unexpectedly.
   Spiritual conciousness that not only so, he releases, triggered some restriction of crystal lotus throne probably.
   Makes the person heart explode broken violent reacted sufficiently, passes on fiercely from the crystal lotus throne, under this reacted, Warrior in all swamp, is the body shivers, was hit the heart by the great hammer likely maliciously, whole body twitched, uncomfortable awfully.
   Shi Yan bears the brunt.
   In that violent reacted, all sorts of mystical power in his body, such as incorrigible are crazy. In him[ body] in conflicts in all directions.
   , 'Puff!'.
   A blood spurts, stands the body on crystal lotus throne, staggers, as if also stood cannot come to a stop.
   Muscle, shivers in reacted, the different strength in complicated muscle, wells up all of a sudden completely, moves in his five main internal organs (entrails) all the limbs and bones.
   Evolves also produces mutation Petrification Martial Spirit to peak, at crucial moment, plays the important defense role finally.
   Comes from the violent strong spirit impact of crystal lotus throne, making Warrior of extremely far place creaky, cannot withstand this wild reacted.
   In above crystal lotus throne him, under the help of Martial Spirit, does not have the direct spirit break.
   In Sea of Consciousness, the main soul third eye opens, came from Nine Quiet Soul Devouring Flame devour soul energy, changes into bunches of small flame, walks randomly above Sea of Consciousness.
   One continuously breaks in Sea of Consciousness, lets ordinary Warrior Sea of Consciousness for the spiritual impact that it collapses sufficiently, swiftly a visualization, by the devour soul small flame covering.
   Did not have to explode the spiritual fluctuation of broken Sea of Consciousness to release with enough time, that continuously spirit attacks, by the devour soul flame burning down the ashes, changed into nothingness above his Sea of Consciousness.
   The help of Nine Quiet Soul Devouring Flame, making his Sea of Consciousness restore the peace instantaneously, the will was not affected.
   Also in this moment, he finds the heart-shaped household utensils that mystical vanished finally, saw in the heart-shaped household utensils murmur Life Origin Fluid.
   Life Origin Fluid in the crystal lotus throne.
   In glittering and translucent carving crystal, there is together extremely a dazzling region, the crystal light is bright. Spreads violent spiritual fluctuation unceasingly.
   That heart-shaped household utensils, likely are one type the main eye that blows the crystal lotus throne, mounts ' the crystal lotus throne to rotate in crystal lotus throne Center, once for a while refracts the crystal seed light, makes that inside heart-shaped household utensils occasionally appear.
   But that region, by numerous silver monster insect covering, these monster insects, so long as does not move body ' heart-shaped household utensils to be given to block from by the monster insect, cannot appear.
   Only then these monster insects started to move, the heart-shaped household utensils that was hidden, once for a while will appear.
   , 'Appeared'.
   Short and stout Warrior, is pouring into the Shi Yan sound frequently, appears after the crystal lotus throne in that heart-shaped household utensils again. He cannot bear the pleasantly surprised scream, the look is fiery.
   Many Warrior, the breath is rapid, is anticipating secretly, all sorts of Martial Skills and mystiques, start precise.
   , '!..
   The sound of glass shatter as, transmits from Star Shield, under gnawing food that in that ten silver monster insects never say die, Star Shield was also broken by biting.
   Appearance of Shi Yan fleshly body direct non- cover on the crystal lotus throne.
   Several hundred monster insects, rush headlong into mass action suddenly. Does not have in which his lan fiercely.
   , 'Works as ding-dong'.
   The resounding that [gold/metal] Tiejiao strikes, transmits from the Shi Yan body suddenly.
   Under the gazes of all people, Shi Yan stands erect as before motionless. Under the gnawing food of several hundred monster insects. If the rock is standing equally lofty and steadfast, had not been eaten the food to be clean by Cannibal Corpse Insect unexpectedly directly.
   The whole body stabbing pain is incomparable!
   An advantage tooth of only Cannibal Corpse Insect, maliciously punctures on the body, such as the pintle same digs in within the body, in his muscle slowly thorough.
   cultivation to acme Petrification Martial Spirit, carves in this time, stimulates all potential.
   In muscle innumerable wisp of different strength. If the tide wells up, starts to form the innumerable naked eyes the defense that is difficult to see to burst a dike, hinders the gnawing food of these Cannibal Corpse Insect advantage teeth.
   Cannibal Corpse Insect can gnaw general rare treasure, can suction various energy, actually as if cannot the short time break the defense of his fleshly body!
   Cai Yi beautiful pupil bright like the stars, covers shouts lightly seasoned, facial expression amazed.
   Chi Xiao is dumbstruck, in the eye rays of light is also bright, does not dare to believe completely.
   Under Zhao Feng looks at, was scared, suddenly does not know that should say some what friends.
   Many Warrior, suddenly clamored, cried out strangely again and again, to see the picture was the shock.
   The defense of only fleshly body, under the gnawing food of that many monster insects, had not been drilled into fleshly body by a monster insect unexpectedly, the powerful image that Shi Yan shows, is simply shocking.
   , ' Concubine!..
   Pinches the fist, landslide wild energy. Pounds maliciously on that crystal lotus throne, the crystal lotus throne spreads the violent explosive suddenly.
   The crystal lotus throne has swayed, the central again territory, appears a small scoop channel, but that glittering and translucent carving crystal, has not actually ruptured along with his fist.
   The hardness of crystal lotus throne, has surpassed his anticipation. The monster insect attacks fleshly body,[ body] is hiding the innumerable wisp of different strength, are dealing with the gnawing food of monster insect together, the situation extremely bad risk, if cannot succeed in obtaining Life Origin Fluid earlier, he will unable to support sooner or later.
   Also is under a fist bang.
   The crystal lotus throne still broken.
   The Shi Yan look slightly changes, in heart panic-stricken extremely, has to plant to be compelled the feeling of hopeless situation.
   , 'Bang'.
   Also is a fist rumbles, in this fist, is containing his all energy.
   A fist rumbles, the monster insect that on the fist covers was run over and died, the fist also bursts, a drop of dark red blood, tumbles suddenly.
   This is blood of the drop of Immortal!
   A blood of drop of ruby, tumbles from his fist. If red precious pearl equally turning round rotation, is sending out dazzling scarlet bloody glow, is flooding a energy fluctuation of mystical.
   This drop of blood. Rolled a while on the crystal lotus throne. Suddenly seeps to the crystal lotus throne.
   The crystal lotus throne has the mutation suddenly.
   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 36 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-430>
   Clear like gem dark red blood, the turning round trundle, is submerging the crystal lotus throne quietly.
   Has released the intense spiritual fluctuation the crystal lotus throne, after the seepage of this drop of blood, spreads one type to make Warrior perish suddenly sufficiently evil conciousness.
   Above the crystal lotus throne, several hundred silver monster insects, wild cry the escape is coming out.
   Above Zhao Feng one line , the color deterioration, noticed that these silver monster insects all clash toward them, under conciousness is far away from the crystal lotus throne, did not shout darkly wonderfully.
   In crystal lotus throne, one, only then face size silver monster insect, diligently pushes from the crystal lotus throne.
   In that lotus throne, reveals a slit, then compared with the normal silver monster insect big 56 times of monster insects, the body has beautiful flower min, flower mark mystical not measured that as if has a mysterious charm, can let person mind perishing.
   Stares these Warrior that the crystal lotus throne is waiting and seeing, mystical flower min on looks at that monster insect shell, the look is suddenly absent-minded.
   Various types of energy light beams, interweave suddenly in the place above of crystal lotus throne.
   So long as stares is being itchier flower min to surpass ten seconds of Warrior, will be shortly crazy, suddenly starts toward Warrior, expansion attack that fierce does not fear.
   That biggest silver monster insect, assumes an air of self approbation, braves on the crystal lotus throne, it has two oil green small eyes, the soybean is equally big, projects ice cold green light, is flooding the mood of bloodthirsty.
   'The king of Cannibal Corpse Insect! Eight levels of Demonic Beast!'
   Zhao Feng screamed suddenly that the look startled all, hurriedly fended toward the distant place.
   Surrounding Warrior, hears scream terrified color deteriorations of Zhao Feng such as to see the ghosts and demons, under conciousness is far away from that crystal lotus throne.
   Cannibal Corpse Insect that the space circles in flight, drills after the crystal lotus throne becomes in that huge monster insect Bloodthirsty is crazy, as if obtained many power, when gnaws the food people, absorbed the energy speed becomes quicker and quicker.
   Although Warrior in swamp are many, does not have one person to surpass Sky Level, but eight levels of Demonic Beast, actually endure compared with humanity passes God Realm Warrior!
   King of visualization all people these eight levels of Demonic Beast Cannibal Corpse Insect have flustered, the start heart lived really frightened.
   The kings of eight levels of Demonic Beast Cannibal Corpse Insect, are the Cannibal Corpse Insect leaders, not only has the Cannibal Corpse Insect characteristics, can slurp various energy, can gnaw to eat fleshly body, but also has the extremely fearful energetic ability.
   This monster insect comes to the entire swamp place above, winds around one tearing brain fierce spirit to fluctuate. Each Warrior Sea of Consciousness, under this spiritual fluctuation, is sways, some Realm slightly low people by Sea of Consciousness Chaos of these spiritual fluctuation impacts, the seven orifices were flowed out the blood, appearance fearsome.
   Zhao Feng and that short and stout Warrior, after this King of Demon Insect comes, does not dare to continue to approach to the crystal lotus throne, fends fast, lest leaves was late, by that King of Demon Insect staring.
   At this time, Zhao Feng did not have the time to remind Shi Yan to consider only to maintain life.
   Cai Yi and Chi Xiao, are the mind are also damaged under that intense spiritual fluctuation, in an extremely difficult situation, facial expression pale avoidance.
   Dares to keep in the crystal lotus throne surrounding 50 meters, has a person by crazy of King of Demon Insect influence!
   These mind were fluctuated to affect energetic, lost the sane person, in the surroundings of that crystal lotus throne, but also is not having mutual battle of conciousness.
   Did not have conciousness, does not know ache, only knows slaughtering constantly, this fight brutal bloody.
   Under the gaze of people, these lose sane Warrior, in a short time, dies in the match hand one after another, dead shape extremely pitiful.
   Either cut off the body, either was torn the four limbs, either bit to death by the monster insect stiffly. Every other how long, in the surroundings of crystal lotus throne, could not see a survival had reason Warrior.
   Only then crystal lotus throne Center, a person is standing, does not have that as before is Shi Yan.
   Above the crystal lotus throne, extraordinary, on him did not have the monster insect that submerged innumerably, before wished one could gnawing the monster insect of sediment him, at this time encircled side him, has not welled up unexpectedly once more.
   His, some innumerable dense and numerous Cannibal Corpse Insect, many these silver monster insects, but these monster insects, at this time quite law-abiding, has not been saw likely game such killing goes forward.
   The king of Cannibal Corpse Insect his dead ahead, that clamps greatly, two green spooky small eyes, calmly looks at he.
   Shi Yan also looks.
   Is silent is exchanging what likely.
   'Gives me again a drop of your blood.'
   'Is what?'
   'I can evolve.'
   'Do I give you for what?', 'I[ body] in has your blood, I will serve your to attach most importance, but you must to my blood, that blood be able to make me continue to evolve, can since the new life level.', 'How many do you need?', 'One month, gives me one drop on enough.'
   'Can you do some what for me?', 'what can do for you.'
   Shi Yan looks at it, feeling came from its fine Divine Sense head silently pleasant, the look is strange. Before this Cannibal Corpse Insect! The kings drilled from the crystal lotus throne, suddenly releases the terrifying spirit to fluctuate extremely, under this intense incomparable spiritual fluctuation, his mind short falls into enemy hands, almost wants to be crazy.
   Is good plays role because of Nine Quiet Soul Devouring Flame at crucial moment once more, breaks in the spiritual impact of his Sea of Consciousness these, 11 give to burn down the ashes, lets be in crystal lotus throne, has not fallen into the crazy condition with other Warrior one.
   The appearance of king of Cannibal Corpse Insect, made him reveal the alarmed and afraid meaning at that time, he thinks that this time had been finished, must by the king of this Cannibal Corpse Insect gnawing fleshly body.
   Which expects the king of looks at that Cannibal Corpse Insect, actually suddenly realized that from the body of king of that Cannibal Corpse Insect, spreads one to let he very kind smell.
   A that is the flavor of his blood!
   At that moment, his suddenly conciousness to submerging crystal lotus throne blood of the drop of Immortal, unexpectedly by the king of this Cannibal Corpse Insect absorbing.
   At once, made the matter of his accident occur.
   King of wild cry Cannibal Corpse Insect, everywhere monster insect, when attacks surrounding Warrior crazily, these crawl to fill the monster insect of his whole body, instead all falls from him, 11 gather at his, has not continued to attack him.
   Also in that moment, he received from the soul thought of king of Cannibal Corpse Insect.
   Eight levels of monster insects, wisdom opens, can utilize the strength of soul, although the mouth will not spit the criticism, can actually exchanges with the soul and human, the king of this Cannibal Corpse Insect, is this kind of rare high price Demonic Beast.
   'That Life Origin Fluid, but also in the crystal lotus throne? You also in the crystal lotus carries together, are you with that Life Origin Fluid, the what relations?', 'You accept my request, that remaining Life Origin Fluid, were you.'
   'Is what you to my blood, has that strong desire?'
   'Wants Life Origin Fluid like your humanity, your blood, has the irresistible attraction regarding me!', 'I[ body] in that blood, is not common, temporarily, I do not know should be how precise. I was the present complied, I cannot guarantee what.', ', if you in six months, have not given me the blood edible, between you and me the agreement, automatically relieves. After half year, you give me five drops of your blood, I give you drop of Life Origin Fluid, this agreement, how do you think?', 'I consider.'
   On crystal lotus throne, king of Shi Yan and Cannibal Corpse Insect to holding, silently through soul exchange.
   The innumerable monster insects are dancing in the air, gathers round that crystal lotus throne to flutter in all directions, pursues these Warrior.
   At this time, was in crystal lotus throne Center Shi Yan, was safe and sound, looked at each other with Wang of Lengyan that Cannibal Corpse Insect, unexpectedly not in the least by the attack of monster insect.
   Surrounding that many Warrior, but looked at that crystal lotus throne to be the same, revealed to shock facial expression.
   Nobody knows how this is a matter.
   They only know that this dares to enter the crystal lotus throne, robs the Life Origin Fluid boy from that many monster insects, unexpectedly in the crystal lotus throne live well.
   Cai Yi, Zhao Feng and Chi Xiao one line, open the eye, dull looks at that same place, but also is using Essence Qi to support the attack of monster insect by strenuous efforts.
   The monster insect is getting more and more fierce, crazy kills any in Warrior that in swamp presents, some silver monster insects, flies in abundance from the crystal lotus throne, was staring at Cai Yi, Zhao Feng and Chi Xiao one line of killing in the past, must give to gnaw the food clean stance them completely.
   Under the attacks of these silver monster insects, has Third Sky of Sky Realm Zhao Feng and Li Yue, but can also support reluctantly.
   But Chi Xiao and Cai Yi, these only then Sky Realm one, Second Sky Radiant God Cult believer, is getting more and more distressed, resistance extremely difficult, looks at that condition, how long as if could not want, gnawing to eat a defense by these silver Cannibal Corpse Insect, met fleshly body to expose.
   They do not have Shi Yan that to defend fleshly body, once the body exposes, almost must die the bureau.
   Chi Xiao and Cai Yi were scared, were moving in that entrance direction slowly, want the opportunity of seeking, does not dare to continue to stay here.
   What a pity the place of that entrance, still has extremely fearful defense barrier to exist, is quicker than Chi Xiao step First Sky of Sky Realm Warrior, when the place above attacks, had been pressed by a great strength bitterly.
   Chi Xiao and Cai Yi look startled to accommodate, line to that time together, hesitated suddenly, has not dared the direct impact on the entrance.
   'Lets your kid, to their several.'
   In this time, Shi Yan suddenly makes noise in the crystal lotus throne, speech time, puts out a hand to aim at Chi Xiao, Cai Yi and Radiant God Cult these people distantly.
   The Wang of Cannibal Corpse Insect responded.
   Is entangling Chi Xiao, Cai Yi and Cannibal Corpse Insect of Radiant God Cult these people, after a sharp howl, is far away suddenly.
   Cai Yi suddenly pleasantly surprised cheers, in the eye the whole body cannot conceal[ is popular] exerts joyfully, under the heart also fiercely relaxed.
   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 37 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-431>
   Shi Yan drank to call, making the king of that Cannibal Corpse Insect prevent small Cannibal Corpse Insect, killed to that Chi Xiao, Cai Yi and encirclements of Radiant God Cult these people.
   Under the Cannibal Corpse Insect gnawing food, original Chi Xiao and Cai Yi soon could not support, at crucial moment, these small Cannibal Corpse Insect fly from suddenly. No longer continues to get rid to them.
   Chi Xiao and Cai Yi relaxed fiercely, the facial expression was pleasantly surprised, distantly looks to Shi Yan in crystal lotus throne.
   In swamp, many military see Chi Xiao and Cai Yi because of Shi Yan a few words, no longer receives encircling of these Cannibal Corpse Insect, has gawked, some people reveal the envy the expression.
   , 'Shi Yan that fellow. How to achieve?', Zhao Feng arrives at Chi Xiao and Cai Yi side, asking of doubts.
   Chi Xiao and Cai Yi shake the head together, is bewildered.
   The king of that Cannibal Corpse Insect, will listen to the instruction of Shi Yan unexpectedly. So the accident, making all people surprised. Does not know that he through the what method, unexpectedly makes this King of Demon Insect so docile.
   Chi Xiao and Zhao Feng in doubts. In quietly observation he, is discovering him on that crystal lotus throne. Still is exchanging what with the king of that Cannibal Corpse Insect.
   , ' Remove barrier, your condition, I complied...
   Shi Yan looks at it, has hesitated for a long time. Thought that its this condition to oneself, does not have the what harm, this agrees.
   , ' Other person?.
   , ' Kills off them? Has the what advantage to you?.
   , 'Does not have the fault, their energy. Blood' to my these kids. Can strengthen the evolution energy...
   , 'This'.
   Shi Yan hesitated ' to look to that short and stout Warrior one line, grinned to smile '' can wait a while' you to make these kids leave first, you also sank to swamp Ran. I need one to kill their reasons. '.
   , ' Does what?.
   , 'Listened my to walk.'.
   The king of Cannibal Corpse Insect is speechless, as if too does not understand his idea, after obtaining the approval of Shi Yan. It complied.
   Sees only that crystal lotus throne to sink slowly. These space are circling in flight monster insect ' receives its order, falls in abundance from the space, either drills into on the crystal lotus throne, either enters in these old trees.
   long time, above swamp, could not see a monster insect.
   Shi Yan received Cloud Broken Heaven Edge , float ' has hesitated in space, then flies to the position that Zhao Feng, Chi Xiao and Cai Yi were.
   , 'How do you achieve?', Zhao Feng opens the eye, curious calling out: 'That Demonic Beast is eight levels of fellows, is full of wisdom, wants formidable you actually to make it compared with our power' not attack us? Shi Yan Shi Yan ' is your this fellow a human, this will Demonic Beast listen to your instruction?.
   Chi Xiao, Cai Yi and Li Yue, is curious awfully.
   , 'Its power receives the limit of crystal lotus throne, cannot display completely, cannot long-term appeared I to tell it on swamp', our a while leaves. Let it give me drop of Life Origin Fluid ' it to comply.
   looks at surrounding Warrior collects, Shi Yan said ' mouthful nonsense intentionally loudly:, ' This Demonic Beast because has the wisdom, the choice that therefore understands, it knows the Daoist priest time and we fights, it will have the loss, will be been heavy to the wound side by power of that crystal lotus throne, therefore gave up...
   So was saying, he looks to that short and stout Warrior, grins hey says with a smile:, 'The present did not have the what matter. It said that in this swamp. Does not have Divine Soul to exist, only then Life Origin Fluid, it has given me one drop. Let us leave as early as possible, do not continue here stay.'.
   , 'Gives the child your one drop?'.
   That short and stout Warrior eye one bright, the facial expression shakes, laughs saying:, ' Boy, your Realm cultivation base, is very far from the boundary of God Passage, you are keeping that drop of Life Origin Fluid, does not have many functions. Might as well trade to me?..
   , ' Trades to you?..
   Shi Yan feigns stares, is stroking gently Imaginary Space Ring, shook the head '' I, although has not entered into the boundary of God Passage temporarily, but sooner or later, I can step into this Realm. Remains drop of Life Origin Fluid' in the future I will also be wanting breakthrough True God Realm time uses, regardless of you trade with what, value not enough...
   Fatty facial expression sinks suddenly, hey sneers two, stares at Shi Yan not to speak.
   Belongs to Devil Valley these Warrior, gathers quietly side the fatty, looks are bad, indifferent looks at he.
   Many Warrior, with this fatty one eyes, the heart lives reads corruptly, wants Life Origin Fluid that gains Shi Yan to obtain, not, when leaves here. To get rid to rob.
   Some people, is look glittering is uncertain. As if knows in this swamp to have greatly exceptionally. Prepared to watch changes quietly, plans to wait a while to leave swamp, has gotten rid to the island on again.
   , 'Boy, that Life Origin Fluid, is not you have competently, knowing the limitation words. Hands over as early as possible!'.
   The fat people sneer, facial expression more and more gloomy.
   Zhao Feng knitting the brows head, is disgruntled: ' Fatty, you rubbish really many, that thing is Shi Yan obtains. If you plant, oneself asked the king of Cannibal Corpse Insect to snatch, now does this calculate what?..
   , ' Little said these uselessly... The fatty whole face is impatient. Took a look at other side team Warrior one of the several now Third Sky of Sky Realm, twists to say with a smile: Everybody should be the same with my idea, we might as well collaborate, first this boy killing. Then seperately equals, I always thought that this boy has not spoken the truth, perhaps he Life Origin Fluid that obtains from king of that Cannibal Corpse Insect. More than one drop...
   , ' Hands over...
   , ' Hands over, said truth, we will not be what kind to you...
   , 'Does not hand over, you cannot run away.'.
   In swamp, Warrior of these Sky Realm boundaries, indifferent looks at Shi Yan, the manner is bad.
   Shi Yan looks calm, shaking the head of smiling, ' does not hand over...
   , ' Are you court death?. Fatty cold voice shouted to clear the way.
   , 'Do you want Life Origin Fluid? If I do not hand over, you are the preparation begin, kills me to rob directly?' Shi Yan looks at people, at a moderate pace saying.
   , 'Broken is natural!'
   Shi Yan smiled, has selected nod, said: 'That does not have the means.'.
   Zhao Feng, Chi Xiao and the others stare, is ready that meddles hurriedly, closes up quietly to him.
   Shi Yan did not speak, secretly still in guarding against Zhao Feng and the others, this Life Origin Fluid was so precious, he cannot guarantee that Zhao Feng can also the heart live reads corruptly, at this time, tested the people time.
   , ' Must be careful, words that these many Warrior collaborate, we want to resist, decides however must whole-heartedly...
   Zhao Feng lowers the sound. Dignified ' ' boy, a while you , if there is what method, decides however to want first to display, do not retain, power that these people unite, is stronger than us...
   In Li Yue heart as if intense has struggled, she there facial expression cloudy clear uncertain, some little time, deeply inspired, facial expression strange different way: 'Shi Yan, can you deal with several now Third Sky of Sky Realm person?'
   , '... The Shi Yan indefinite forced smile said.
   , 'Considered as finished, puts together.' Li Yue shakes the head gently. ' This time accompanied your crazy one time, but everybody prepared not wonderful...
   , ' Do you plan me really?..
   Shi Yan stares, in the heart flood the marvelous mighty waves, ' this Life Origin Fluid is so precious, actually falls to my hand, I will not give you drop of Life Origin Fluid, do you why get rid for me? So long as you do not butt in horizontally, copes with me, I thought that you showed extreme tolerance. You do not need to help my...
   He to the Zhao Feng these Radiant God Cult people, has had the heart of guarding, always thought that they are not quite reliable.
   Him, Zhao Feng and his connection are not big, do not need, because he offends the people, even was also worried that Zhao Feng will be the same with that fatty, meddles to rob Life Origin Fluid.
   , 'You are our Radiant God Cult person. In the future can also be our god future seed' this all the way. We are also share joys and sorrows ', if because of Life Origin Fluid, makes the matter that kills the goose. We also were too not the things... Zhao Feng stares, some Life Qi said:, ' You, when my Zhao Feng is the what person?.
   , ' Said honestly that I just had hesitant. However, I think through now.
   .. Li Yue is somewhat embarrassed.
   , 'You?' Shi Yan looks to Cai Yi.
   , 'Our line, experienced that many all the way, you get rid to save us repeatedly.' Cai Yi smiles, is pointing at also by frozen Lao li and Ye Changfeng one line, ' your this fellow seems like ruthless, actually has the principle very much, your help, Lao li these two fellows, feared that died did not know many times...
   , Cai Yi has smiled was saying:, ' I really cannot find out, must be based on the what reason, does not stand with you together...
   Shi Yan nod, ' does not waste me to make the king of that Cannibal Corpse Insect let off you gently..
   He had not inquired only, was Chi Xiao, his self-confident Chi Xiao will definitely stand this side him.
   , 'Really is the moving friendship!'.
   The fat people hey are sneering, claps hands appreciation, in the look has the meaning of light mock.
   , ' Didn't everybody need to continue to hesitate? These Radiant God Cult people, although is fierce, but we, if collaborates, thinks that kills them. Also is not a difficult matter, right?..
   People nod.
   Shi Yan has smiled suddenly, smiles is very relaxed, is very unflustered.
   , ' Do you smile what?.
   , ' Laughed at you dead...
   Cannibal Corpse Insect that only vanishes ' suddenly braves to transgress once more from swamp, circles in flight again in the world.
   That sinks to the crystal lotus throne in swamp. Also surfaces, the king of Cannibal Corpse Insect on that crystal lotus throne, the oil green small eye, looks distantly to Shi Yan this, seems waiting for what.
   Was separated by hundred meters, Shi Yan has selected nod to it, said lightly: 'Kills off them.'
   The innumerable monster insects are suddenly crazy, invading of blotting out the sky, again in these Warrior swamp submerging.
   Has Zhao Feng and Chi Xiao one line to be safe and sound.
   , ' I have said that you definitely predecease compared with me, you have not believed that right now should you believe?..
   Shi Yan grins, smiling is looking at that fatty, the Yin and Yang odd taunt.
   He by ten silver monster insects sphering. A face is alarmed and afraid, the time of continually replying did not have.
   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 38 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-432>
   Ten silver è monster insects, fly quietly from the crystal lotus throne, suddenly drill to Shi Yan Dark Light Shield.
   These have the monster insect of silver è outer covering, is not quite obviously same as general Cannibal Corpse Insect, they have stronger gnawing food ability, regarding the energy absorption rate, goes far beyond the general monster insect.
   Ten silver è monster insects, open the sharp tooth on Dark Light Shield, has nipped maliciously, on that Dark Light Shield is containing vigorous jīng Yuan energy, fast vanishes.
   Dark Light Shield that the short three seconds, Shi Yan spread comes, under the gnawing food of these ten silver è monster insects, burst.
   The speed of his jīng Yuan irrigation, could not keep up with by the monster insect is gnawed the speed of absorption, Dark Light Shield broke instantaneously.
   In heart one cold, Shi Yan face è also changed, anxious seeks for the heart-shaped household utensils that vanishes does not see on the crystal lotus throne, wants to obtain Life Origin Fluid as soon as possible.
   Nearby Warrior, is more anxious than him, when deals with the monster insect fully, eye cold looks at he, at any time prepares ā, robs possibly can immediately the heart-shaped household utensils of visualization.
   Ten silver è monster insects, after breaking Dark Light Shield, does not have the slight hesitation, to his in First Level Star Shield carries on new round gnawing.
   By Star Shield that Strength of Stars comes out precise, is containing the deep meaning of sidereal revolution stars circulation, has the ancient true meaning that the heaven and earth stars ancient do not extinguish to exist, the light of that stars continuously, arrangement naturally the vast Star Sea design, sending out locates meaning that will never extinguish.
   The Star Shield defensive power, obviously win to plan to continue compared with Dark Light Shield, under gnawing of these silver è monster insects, the speed that on Star Shield Strength of Stars vanishes, wants to be slower.
   Even if so, on that Star Shield is containing Strength of Stars, is in gradual passing.
   Gets down by this condition, the minute, Star Shield feared most mostly must unable to endure.
   The heart-shaped household utensils, still do not have once more appears.
   The Shi Yan look, attentively the crystal lotus throne under looks at body, whole body assumed dignifiedly has prepared to withstand the attacks of these Cannibal Corpse Insect with the body purplish red directly.
   'Shi Yan! Comes out! You cannot bear!'
   The Zhao Feng person in the place above, cannot bear call out in alarm, 'the monster insects of these silver è, Level is higher, I, how long could not resist, you continued to keep on that crystal lotus throne, only eating the food will fall the body by the monster insect!'
   Not far away Chi Xiao, deeply frowns, speaking makes him sooner leave.
   When Cai Yi does not know gets up, closes up to this, is separated by 20 meters, looks at Shi Yan on the crystal lotus throne anxious is seeking for Life Origin Fluid, reveals god who worries about
   She has not spoken to make Shi Yan come out, why does not know, she always thought that Shi Yan should have by the thing, thinking Shi Yan can come out from the crystal lotus throne general Life Origin Fluid belt.
   Nearby Warrior, by the monster insect submerging, complete power precise will come out, at the attack of resistance monster insect.
   Although also wants to break in the crystal lotus throne, but does not have Flowing Clouds Heaven Breaking Shuttle this kind of broken rare treasure in the hand, they can only resist barrier on crystal lotus throne to hinder energy little, slowly closes up toward the crystal lotus throne.
   'Iǎ, you act recklessly, by your Sky Level cultivation base, dares to bribe Life Origin Fluid, even if were you have succeeded in obtaining, you can lead really him?'
   That short and stout Warrior, grinning fiendishly of face, look very ruthless, is preparing secretly, so long as Shi Yan from that crystal lotus throne comes out belt of Life Origin Fluid, he will get rid without hesitation, comes to rob from the Shi Yan hand directly.
   He even hopes that Shi Yan can go well.
   If Shi Yan can go well, he does not need to take risk to enter the crystal lotus throne, does not need to deal with these more stronger monster insects.
   Him, robs Life Origin Fluid from the Shi Yan hand, compared with seek from these monster insect mouths, wants to be easier.
   Shi Yan simply has not cared the words of people, the anxious looks at crystal lotus throne, on whole body Star Shield the star light passes, he suddenly lets loose Divine Sense, huge Divine Sense, will pour into directly on the crystal lotus throne.
   One type like the sponge jīng Divine Light wave, ripples suddenly from the crystal lotus throne, such as watermarks spread.
   In the crystal lotus throne has jīng god class barrier, regarding the exploration of Divine Sense, is the new round defense, in washing of that jīng Divine Light wave, the Divine Sense fluctuation that Shi Yan puts, has blocked completely, cannot seep the crystal lotus throne unexpectedly.
   Jīng god conciousness that not only so, he releases, triggered some restriction one of the crystal lotus throne to make the person heart explode broken violent reacted probably sufficiently, passed on fiercely from the crystal lotus throne, under this reacted, Warrior in all swamp, was the body shivers, had been hit the heart by the great hammer likely maliciously, whole body ōu chu, uncomfortable awfully.
   Shi Yan bears the brunt.
   In that violent reacted, all sorts of mystical power in his body, such as incorrigible are crazy, conflicts in his within the body in all directions.
   A blood spurts, stands the body on crystal lotus throne, staggers, as if also stood cannot come to a stop.
   A muscle also shivers in reacted, the different strength in complicated muscle, wells up all of a sudden completely, moves in his five main internal organs (entrails) all the limbs and bones.
   Evolves also produces mutation Petrification Martial Spirit to peak, at crucial moment, plays the important defense role finally.
   Comes from attacks the violent strong jīng god of crystal lotus throne, making Warrior of extremely far place swing yù to fall, cannot withstand this wild reacted.
   In above crystal lotus throne him, under the help of Martial Spirit, not having the direct jīng god to collapse.
   In Sea of Consciousness, the main soul third eye opens, came from Nine Quiet Soul Devouring Flame devour soul energy, changes into bunches of iǎ flame, walks randomly above Sea of Consciousness.
   One continuously breaks in Sea of Consciousness, makes ordinary Warrior Sea of Consciousness attack for the jīng god who it collapses sufficiently, swiftly a visualization, by the devour soul iǎ flame covering.
   Did not have to explode the broken Sea of Consciousness jīng god to fluctuate to release with enough time, that continuously jīng god attacks, by the devour soul flame burning down the ashes, changed into nothingness above his Sea of Consciousness.
   The help of Nine Quiet Soul Devouring Flame, making his Sea of Consciousness restore the peace instantaneously, the will was not affected.
   Also in this moment, he finds the heart-shaped household utensils that mystical vanished finally, saw in the heart-shaped household utensils murmur Life Origin Fluid.
   Life Origin Fluid in the crystal lotus throne.
   In glittering and translucent carving crystal, there is together extremely a dazzling region, the crystal light is bright, spreads the violent jīng god to fluctuate unceasingly.
   That heart-shaped household utensils, likely are one type the main eye that blows the crystal lotus throne, mounts in the crystal lotus throne center, the crystal lotus throne is rotating, once for a while folds the crystal seed light, makes that inside heart-shaped household utensils occasionally appear.
   But that region, by numerous silver è monster insect covering, these monster insects, so long as does not move the body, the heart-shaped household utensils will be given to block from by the monster insect, cannot appear.
   Only then these monster insects started to move, the heart-shaped household utensils that was hidden, once for a while will appear.
   Short and stout Warrior, is pouring into the Shi Yan sound frequently, in that heart-shaped household utensils again after on the crystal lotus throne appears, he cannot bear the pleasantly surprised scream, the look is fiery.
   Many Warrior, the breath is rapid, is anticipating secretly, all sorts of Martial Skills and mystiques, start precise.
   The sound of glass shatter as, transmits from Star Shield, under gnawing food that in that ten silver è monster insects never say die, Star Shield was also broken by biting.
   Appearance of Shi Yan body direct non- cover on the crystal lotus throne.
   Several hundred monster insects, rush headlong into mass action suddenly, submerges in which him fiercely.
   'Dang Dang Dang!'
   The resounding that [gold/metal] iron jiā strikes, transmits from the Shi Yan body suddenly.
   Under the gazes of all people, Shi Yan stands erect as before motionless, under the gnawing food of several hundred monster insects, such as the rock is standing equally lofty and steadfast, had not been eaten the food to be clean by Cannibal Corpse Insect unexpectedly directly.
   The whole body stabbing pain is incomparable!
   An advantage tooth of only Cannibal Corpse Insect, maliciously punctures on the skin, such as the pintle same digs in within the body, in his muscle slowly thorough.
   cultivation to acme Petrification Martial Spirit, carves in this time, stimulates all potential.
   In a muscle innumerable wisp of different strength, such as the water wells up, starts to form the innumerable eyes the defense that is difficult to see to burst a dike, hinders the gnawing food of these Cannibal Corpse Insect advantage teeth.
   Cannibal Corpse Insect can gnaw general rare treasure, can suction various energy, actually as if cannot the short time break the defense of his body!
   Cai Yi beautiful pupil bright like the stars, covers shouts lightly seasoned, facial expression amazed.
   Chi Xiao is dumbstruck, in the eye rays of light is also bright, does not dare to believe completely.
   Under Zhao Feng looks at, was scared, suddenly does not know that should say some what.
   Many Warrior, suddenly clamored, cried out strangely again and again, to see the picture was the shock.
   The defense of only body, under the gnawing food of that many monster insects, had not been drilled into the body by a monster insect unexpectedly, the powerful image that Shi Yan shows, is simply shocking.
   Pinches the fist, landslide wild energy, pounds maliciously on that crystal lotus throne, the crystal lotus throne spreads the violent explosive suddenly.
   The crystal lotus throne has swayed, the central region, appears a scoop channel, but that glittering and translucent carving crystal, has not actually ruptured along with his fist.
   The hardness of crystal lotus throne, has surpassed his anticipation.
   Monster insect attack body, within the body is hiding the innumerable wisp of different strength, are dealing with the gnawing food of monster insect together, the situation extremely bad risk, if cannot succeed in obtaining Life Origin Fluid earlier, he will unable to support sooner or later.
   Also is under a fist bang.
   The crystal lotus throne still broken.
   The Shi Yan look slightly changes, in heart panic-stricken extremely, has to plant by bī on the feeling of hopeless situation.
   Also is a fist rumbles, in this fist, is containing his all energy.
   A fist rumbles, the monster insect that on the fist covers was run over and died, the fist also bursts, a drop of dark red blood, tumbles suddenly.
   This is blood of the drop of Immortal!
   A blood of drop of ruby, tumbles from his fist, such as the red è precious pearl equally turning round rotation, is sending out dazzling scarlet bloody glow, is flooding a energy fluctuation of mystical.
   This drop of blood, rolled a while on the crystal lotus throne, suddenly seeps to the crystal lotus throne.
   The crystal lotus throne has mutation Chapter 419 suddenly
   King of Demon Insect
   Clear like gem dark red blood, the turning round trundle, is submerging the crystal lotus throne quietly.
   Has released the crystal lotus throne that the intense jīng god fluctuates, after the seepage of this drop of blood, spreads one type to make Warrior perish suddenly sufficiently evil conciousness.
   Above the crystal lotus throne, several hundred silver è monster insects, wild cry the escape is coming out.
   Above Zhao Feng one line, change noticed that these silver è monster insects all clash toward them, under conciousness is far away from the crystal lotus throne, did not shout darkly wonderfully.
   In crystal lotus throne, one, only then face big iǎ silver è monster insect, diligently pushes from the crystal lotus throne.
   In that lotus throne, reveals a slit, then compared with the normal silver è monster insect big 56 times of monster insects, the body has beautiful patterns, pattern mystical not measured that as if has a mysterious charm, can let person mind perishing.
   Stares these Warrior that the crystal lotus throne is waiting and seeing, the mystical pattern on looks at that monster insect shell, the look is suddenly absent-minded.
   Various types of energy light beams, weave suddenly above jiā of crystal lotus throne.
   So long as stares at these patterns to surpass ten seconds of Warrior, will be shortly crazy, suddenly starts toward Warrior, expansion attack that fierce does not fear.
   That biggest silver è monster insect, assumes an air of self approbation, braves on the crystal lotus throne, it has two glossy dark green è iǎ eyes, the soybean is equally big, leaves ice cold green light, is flooding the mood of bloodthirsty.
   'The king of Cannibal Corpse Insect! Eight levels of Demonic Beast!'
   Zhao Feng screamed suddenly that the look was alarmed and afraid, fended hurriedly toward the distant place.
   Surrounding Warrior, hears the scream of Zhao Feng, terrified changes such as sees the ghosts and demons, under conciousness is far away from that crystal lotus throne.
   Cannibal Corpse Insect that the space circles in flight, in that huge monster insect drills after the crystal lotus throne, becomes Bloodthirsty is crazy, as if obtained many power, when gnaws the food people, absorbed the energy speed becomes quicker and quicker.
   Although Warrior in swamp are many, does not have one person to surpass Sky Level, but eight levels of Demonic Beast, actually endure compared with humanity passes God Realm Warrior!
   King of visualizations these eight levels of Demonic Beast Cannibal Corpse Insect, all people have flustered, the start heart lived really frightened.
   The kings of eight levels of Demonic Beast Cannibal Corpse Insect, are the Cannibal Corpse Insect leaders, not only has Cannibal Corpse Insect can slurp various energy especially, can gnaw the food body, but also has extremely fearful jīng god ability.
   This monster insect comes, the entire swamp place above, is winding around one type the jīng god who tears the brains fluctuates.
   Each Warrior Sea of Consciousness, under this jīng god fluctuates, is sways, some Realm slightly low people, were mixed the seven orifices to flow out the blood by Sea of Consciousness of these jīng god fluctuation impacts, appearance fearsome.
   Zhao Feng and that short and stout Warrior, after this King of Demon Insect comes, does not dare to continue to approach to the crystal lotus throne, fends fast, lest leaves was late, by that King of Demon Insect staring.
   At this time, Zhao Feng did not have the time to remind Shi Yan, considered only to maintain life.
   Cai Yi and Chi Xiao, under that intense jīng god fluctuation, is the mind is damaged, in an extremely difficult situation, face è pale avoidance.
   Dares to keep in the crystal lotus throne surrounding 50 meters, has a person by crazy of King of Demon Insect influence!
   These mind come under jīng god fluctuation influence, lost the sane person, in the surroundings of that crystal lotus throne, but also is not having mutual battle of conciousness.
   Did not have conciousness, does not know ache, only knows slaughtering constantly, this fight brutal bloody.
   Under the gaze of people, these lose sane Warrior, in a short time, dies in the match hand one after another, dead shape extremely pitiful.
   Either cut off the body, either was torn the four limbs, either bit to death by the monster insect stiffly.
   Every other how long, in the surroundings of crystal lotus throne, could not see a survival had reason Warrior.
   Only then crystal lotus throne center, a person is standing, has not moved as before.
   That is Shi Yan.
   Above the crystal lotus throne, extraordinary, on him did not have the monster insect that submerged innumerably, before wished one could gnawing the monster insect of sediment him, at this time encircled side him, has not welled up unexpectedly once more.
   His, some innumerable dense and numerous Cannibal Corpse Insect, many these silver è monster insects, but these monster insects, at this time quite law-abiding, has not been saw likely game such killing goes forward.
   His dead ahead, the king of that huge Cannibal Corpse Insect, two green spooky iǎ eyes, calmly looks at he.
   Shi Yan also looks.
   Is silent jiā is flowing what likely.
   'Gives me again a drop of your blood.'
   'Is what?'
   'I can evolve.'
   'Do I give you for what?'
   'My within the body has your blood, I will serve your to attach most importance, but you must to my blood, that blood be able to make me continue to evolve, can since the new life level.'
   'How many do you need?'
   'One month, gives me one drop on enough.'
   'Can you do some what for me?'
   'what can do for you.'
   Shi Yan looks at it, feels silently is coming from its jīng Divine Sense head, the look is strange.
   Before the king of this Cannibal Corpse Insect drilled from the crystal lotus throne, suddenly released the terrifying jīng god to fluctuate extremely, under this intense incomparable jīng god fluctuated, his mind short fell into enemy hands, almost wanted to be crazy.
   Is good plays role because of Nine Quiet Soul Devouring Flame at crucial moment once more, breaks in his Sea of Consciousness jīng god to attack these, 11 give to burn down the ashes, lets be in crystal lotus throne, has not fallen into the crazy condition with other Warrior one appearance of king of Cannibal Corpse Insect, made him reveal the alarmed and afraid meaning at that time, he thinks that this time had been finished, must by the king of this Cannibal Corpse Insect gnawing the body.
   Which expects the king of looks at that Cannibal Corpse Insect, actually suddenly realized that from the body of king of that Cannibal Corpse Insect, spreads one to let he very kind smell.
   That is the flavor of his blood!
   At that moment, his suddenly conciousness to submerging crystal lotus throne blood of the drop of Immortal, unexpectedly by the king of this Cannibal Corpse Insect absorbing.
   At once, made the matter of his accident occur.
   King of wild cry Cannibal Corpse Insect, everywhere monster insect, when attacks surrounding Warrior crazily, these crawl to fill the monster insect of his whole body, instead all falls from him, 11 gather at his, has not continued to attack him.
   Also in that moment, he received from the soul thought of king of Cannibal Corpse Insect.
   Eight levels of monster insects, wisdom opens, can utilize the strength of soul, although the mouth will not spit the criticism, can actually use soul and person jiā class, the king of this Cannibal Corpse Insect, is this kind of rare high price Demonic Beast.
   'That Life Origin Fluid, but also in the crystal lotus throne? Are you also in the crystal lotus throne, you with that Life Origin Fluid, the what relations?'
   'You accept my request, that remaining Life Origin Fluid, were you.'
   'Is what you to my blood, has that strong yù to look?'
   'Wants Life Origin Fluid like your humanity, your blood, has the irresistible being puzzled strength regarding me!'
   'That blood of my within the body, is not common, temporarily, I do not know should be how precise. I was the present complied, I cannot guarantee what.'
   'If you in six months, have not given me the blood edible, between you and me the agreement, automatically relieves. After half year, you give me five drops of your blood, I give you drop of Life Origin Fluid, this agreement, how do you think?'
   'I consider.'
   On the crystal lotus throne, king of Shi Yan and Cannibal Corpse Insect to holding, is adopting the soul jiā class silently.
   The innumerable monster insects are dancing in the air, gathers round that crystal lotus throne to flutter to pursue these Warrior in all directions.
   At this time, was in crystal lotus throne central Shi Yan, was safe and sound, looked at each other with Wang of Lengyan that Cannibal Corpse Insect, unexpectedly not in the least by the attack of monster insect.
   Surrounding that many Warrior, but looked at that crystal lotus throne to be the same, revealed to shock facial expression.
   Nobody knows how this is a matter.
   They only know that this dares to enter the crystal lotus throne, robs Life Origin Fluid iǎ from that many monster insects, unexpectedly in the crystal lotus throne live well.
   Cai Yi, Zhao Feng and Chi Xiao one line, open the eye, dull looks at that same place, but also is using the jīng Yuan to support the attack of monster insect by strenuous efforts.
   The monster insect is getting more and more fierce, crazy kills any in Warrior that in swamp presents, some silver è monster insects, flies in abundance from the crystal lotus throne, was staring at Cai Yi, Zhao Feng and Chi Xiao one line of killing in the past, must give to gnaw the food clean stance them completely.
   Under the attacks of these silver è monster insects, has Third Sky of Sky Realm Zhao Feng and Li Yue, but can also support reluctantly.
   But Chi Xiao and Cai Yi, these only then Sky Realm one, Second Sky Radiant God Cult believer, is getting more and more distressed, resistance extremely difficult, looks at that condition, how long as if could not want, gnawing to eat a defense by Cannibal Corpse Insect of these silver è, met the body to expose.
   They do not have Shi Yan that powerful body, once the body exposes, almost must die the bureau.
   Chi Xiao and Cai Yi were scared, were moving in that entrance direction slowly, want the opportunity of seeking, does not dare to continue to stay here.
   What a pity the place of that entrance, still has extremely fearful defense barrier to exist, is quicker than Chi Xiao step First Sky of Sky Realm Warrior, when the place above attacks, had been pressed by a great strength bitterly.
   Chi Xiao and Cai Yi look startled to accommodate, line to that time together, hesitated suddenly, has not dared the direct impact on the entrance.
   'Lets your iǎ fellow, to their several.'
   In this time, Shi Yan suddenly makes noise in the crystal lotus throne, speech time, puts out a hand to aim at Chi Xiao, Cai Yi and Radiant God Cult these people distantly.
   The Wang of Cannibal Corpse Insect responded.
   Is entangling Chi Xiao, Cai Yi and Cannibal Corpse Insect of Radiant God Cult these people, after a sharp howl, is far away suddenly.
   Cai Yi suddenly pleasantly surprised cheers, in the eye the whole body cannot conceal excited joyful, under the heart also fiercely relaxed.
   Chapter 420
   Kills off them!
   Shi Yan drank to call, making the king of that Cannibal Corpse Insect prevent iǎ Cannibal Corpse Insect, killed to that Chi Xiao, Cai Yi and encirclements of Radiant God Cult these people.
   Under the Cannibal Corpse Insect gnawing food, original Chi Xiao and Cai Yi soon could not support, at crucial moment, Cannibal Corpse Insect of these iǎ fly from suddenly, no longer continues to get rid to them.
   Chi Xiao and Cai Yi relaxed fiercely, the facial expression was pleasantly surprised, distantly looks to Shi Yan in crystal lotus throne.
   In swamp, many Warrior see Chi Xiao and Cai Yi because of Shi Yan a few words, no longer receives encircling of these Cannibal Corpse Insect, has gawked, some people reveal the envy the expression.
   'Does Shi Yan that fellow, how achieve?'
   Zhao Feng arrives at Chi Xiao and Cai Yi side, asking of doubts.
   Chi Xiao and Cai Yi shake the head together, is bewildered.
   The king of that Cannibal Corpse Insect, will listen to the instruction of Shi Yan unexpectedly, so the accident, making all people surprised, does not know that he through the what method, unexpectedly makes this King of Demon Insect so docile.
   Chi Xiao and Zhao Feng in the doubts, in quietly observation he, are discovering him on that crystal lotus throne, but also is flowing what with the king of that Cannibal Corpse Insect in jiā.
   'Remove barrier, your condition, I complied.'
   Shi Yan looks at it, sank for a long time, thought that its this condition to oneself, does not have the what harm, this agrees.
   'Other person?'
   'Kills off them? Has the what advantage to you?'
   'Does not have the fault, their energy, the blood, to my these iǎ fellows, can strengthen the evolution energy.'
   Shi Yan has hesitated, looks to that short and stout Warrior one line, grins to smile, 'can wait a while, you make these iǎ fellows leave first, you also sink to swamp, I need one to kill their reasons.'
   'Does what?'
   'Listens my and that's the end.'
   The king of Cannibal Corpse Insect is speechless, as if too did not understand that his idea, after obtaining the approval of Shi Yan, it complied.
   Sees only that crystal lotus throne to sink slowly, these space are circling in flight the monster insect, receives its order, falls in abundance from the space, either drills into on the crystal lotus throne, either enters in these old trees.
   long time, above swamp, could not see a monster insect.
   Shi Yan received Flowing Clouds Heaven Breaking Shuttle, float in space, has hesitated, then flies to the position that Zhao Feng, Chi Xiao and Cai Yi were.
   'How do you achieve?'
   Zhao Feng opens the eye, curious calling out: 'That Demonic Beast is eight levels of fellows, is full of wisdom, is more formidable than our power, can you actually make it not attack us? Shi Yan Shi Yan, is your this fellow a human, how this will Demonic Beast listen to your instruction?'
   Chi Xiao, Cai Yi and Li Yue, is curious awfully.
   'Its power receives the limit of crystal lotus throne, cannot display completely, cannot long-term appears on swamp, I told it, our a while left, making it give me drop of Life Origin Fluid, it complied.'
   looks at surrounding Warrior collects, Shi Yan said intentionally loudly, mouthful nonsense: 'This Demonic Beast because has wisdom, the choice that therefore understands, it knows the Daoist priest time and we fights, it will have the loss, will be been heavy to the wound side by power of that crystal lotus throne, therefore gave up.'
   So was saying, he looks to that short and stout Warrior, grins hey says with a smile: 'Now did not have the what matter, it is said, in this swamp, not having Divine Soul to exist, only then Life Origin Fluid, it has given me one drop, making us leave as early as possible, do not continue to stop over here.'
   'Has given you one drop?'
   That short and stout Warrior eye one bright, the facial expression shakes, laughs saying: 'Iǎ, your Realm cultivation base, is very far from the boundary of God Passage, you are keeping that drop of Life Origin Fluid, how many does not have to affect, might as well trade to me?'
   'Trades to you?'
   Shi Yan feigns stares, is stroking gently Imaginary Space Ring, shook the head, 'I, although has not entered into the boundary of God Passage temporarily, but sooner or later, I can step into this Realm. Is keeping drop of Life Origin Fluid, in the future I will also want breakthrough True God Realm time uses, regardless of you trade with what, value not enough.'
   Fatty face è sinks suddenly, hey sneers two, stares at Shi Yan not to speak.
   Belongs to Devil Valley these Warrior, gathers quietly side the fatty, looks are bad, indifferent looks at he.
   Many Warrior, with this fatty one eyes, the heart lives reads corruptly, wants Life Origin Fluid that gains Shi Yan to obtain, not, when leaves here, wants to get rid to rob.
   Some people, is look glittering is uncertain, as if knows in this swamp to have greatly exceptionally, prepared to watch changes quietly, plans to wait a while to leave swamp, has gotten rid to the iǎ island on again.
   'Iǎ, that Life Origin Fluid, is not you have competently, the knowing the limitation words, jiā comes out as early as possible!'
   The fat people sneer, facial expression more and more yīn sinks.
   Zhao Feng knitting the brows head, is disgruntled: 'Fatty, you rubbish really many, that thing is Shi Yan obtains, if you plant, oneself asked the king of Cannibal Corpse Insect to snatch, now does this calculate what?' 'Little said these uselessly.' The fatty whole face was impatient, took a look at other side team Warrior one of the several Third Sky of Sky Realm, said with a smile ferociously: 'Everybody should be the same with my idea, we might as well collaborate, first gives to kill this iǎ, then seperately equals, I always thought that this iǎ has not spoken the truth, perhaps he Life Origin Fluid that obtains from king of that Cannibal Corpse Insect, more than one drop.'
   'Jiā comes out.'
   'Jiā comes out, says the truth, we will not be what kind to you.'
   'Jiā does not come out, you cannot run away.'
   In swamp, Warrior of these Sky Realm boundaries, indifferent looks at Shi Yan, the manner is bad.
   Shi Yan looks calm, shaking the head of smiling, 'not jiā.'
   'Are you court death?' Fatty cold voice shouted to clear the way.
   'Do you want Life Origin Fluid? If my jiā does not come out, you are the preparation begin, kills me to rob directly?' Shi Yan looks at people, at a moderate pace saying.
   'That is natural!'
   Shi Yan smiled, has selected nod, said: 'That does not have the means.'
   Zhao Feng, Chi Xiao and the others stare, prepares ā hurriedly, closes up quietly to him.
   Shi Yan did not speak, secretly still in guarding against Zhao Feng and the others, this Life Origin Fluid was so precious, he cannot guarantee that Zhao Feng can also the heart live reads corruptly, at this time, tested the people time.
   'Wants a iǎ heart point, words that these many Warrior collaborate, we want to resist, decides however must whole-heartedly.'
   Zhao Feng lowers the sound, looks dignified, 'iǎ, a while you , if there is what method, decides however to want first to display, do not retain, power that these people unite, is stronger than us.'
   In Li Yue heart as if intense has struggled, she is clear there facial expression yīn, some little time, deeply inspired, face è strange different way: 'Shi Yan, can you deal with several Third Sky of Sky Realm people?'
   '.' The Shi Yan indefinite forced smile said.
   'Ok, put together.' Li Yue shakes the head gently, 'this time accompanied your crazy one time, but everybody prepared not wonderful.'
   'Do you plan to help me really?'
   Shi Yan stares, in the heart flood the marvelous mighty waves, 'this Life Origin Fluid is so precious, actually falls to my hand, I will not give you drop of Life Origin Fluid, do you why get rid for me? So long as your not horizontal ā foot, copes with me, I thought that you showed extreme tolerance, you do not need to help my.'
   He to the Zhao Feng these Radiant God Cult people, has had the heart of guarding, always thought that they are not quite reliable.
   Him, Zhao Feng and his connection are not big, do not need, because he offends the people, even was also worried that Zhao Feng will be the same with that fatty, ā robs Life Origin Fluid.
   'You are our Radiant God Cult person, in the future can also be our god future seed, this all the way, we are also share joys and sorrows, if because of Life Origin Fluid, makes to kill jī to take the matter of egg, we also were too not the things.' Zhao Feng stares, some Life Qi said: 'You, when my Zhao Feng is the what person?'
   'Said honestly that I just had hesitant, but, I think through now.' Li Yue is somewhat embarrassed.
   'You?' Shi Yan looks to Cai Yi.
   'Our line, experienced that many all the way, you get rid to save us repeatedly.' Cai Yi smiles, is pointing at also by frozen Lao li and Ye Changfeng one line, 'your this fellow seems like ruthless, actually has the principle very much, your help, Lao li these two fellows, feared that died did not know many times.'
   , Cai Yi has smiled was saying: 'I really cannot find out, must be based on the what reason, does not stand with you in together.'
   Shi Yan nod, 'does not waste me to make the king of that Cannibal Corpse Insect let off you gently.'
   He had not inquired only, was Chi Xiao, his self-confident Chi Xiao will definitely stand this side him.
   'Really is the moving friendship!!'
   The fat people hey are sneering, claps hands appreciation, in the look has the meaning of light mock.
   'Didn't everybody need to continue to hesitate? These Radiant God Cult people, although is fierce, but we, if collaborates, thinks that kills them, is not a difficult matter, right?'
   People nod.
   Shi Yan has smiled suddenly, smiles is very relaxed, is very unflustered.
   'Do you smile what?'
   'Laughed at you dead.'
   Cannibal Corpse Insect that only vanishes, braves to transgress suddenly once more from swamp, circles in flight again in the world.
   That sinks to the crystal lotus throne in swamp, surfaces, the king of Cannibal Corpse Insect on that crystal lotus throne, the iǎ eye of glossy dark green è, looks distantly to Shi Yan this, seems waiting for what.
   Was separated by hundred meters, Shi Yan has selected nod to it, said lightly: 'Kills off them.'
   The innumerable monster insects are suddenly crazy, invading of blotting out the sky, again in these Warrior swamp submerging.
   Has Zhao Feng and Chi Xiao one line to be safe and sound.
   'I have said that you definitely predecease compared with me, you have not believed that right now should you believe?'
   Shi Yan grins, smiling is looking at that fatty, the yīn Yang Guaiqi taunt.
   He was given to sphere by ten silver è monster insects, a face is alarmed and afraid, the time of continually replying did not have A
   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 39 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-433>
   Chapter 421
   The crystal lotus throne from the swamp liter, the king's of Cannibal Corpse Insect roar on the crystal lotus throne, everywhere monster insect is flying again, in Warrior toward swamp swarms to encircle.
   Shi Yan stands above swamp, these Warrior that indifferent looks at formerly bluffed and blustered were given to tie down by the monster insect, does not say a word.
   The quantity of monster insect, simply tens of thousands, in swamp is the domain of monster insect, these slaughters, making these Warrior simply not have the strength to hit back.
   Warrior under the gnawing food of monster insect, were broken by biting the light of defense to cover with the rare treasure, was drilled into within the body by the monster insect, finally was eaten to fall the brains to perish.
   Chi Xiao, Zhao Feng and the others, look is slightly cold, the looks at monster insect eats fatty these people one after another, this is dangerous conciousness to the mind of Shi Yan.
   King of Demon Insect on crystal lotus throne, is moving the lotus throne slowly, arrives under the Shi Yan body, looks at that the oil green small eye, full Han anticipates he.
   'Killed off, we discussed other matter again.'
   Shi Yan frowns, spreads the Divine Sense thought.
   Neat that King of Demon Insect replied.
   In roar sound, monster insect crazy submerges all Warrior, in this swamp, launches bloody slaughtering of monster insect food person.
   Quickly, besides Shi Yan one line, all Warrior by monster insect killing.
   Whenever a Warrior body dies, on them the dissipation will leave the essence to come, was given the absorption by Shi Yan mystical Martial Spirit, emerges his whole body acupoint.
   More than 30 Warrior, majority in Sky Level, this are above the essence of imagination, the vigorous degree stems from him to anticipate that made his acupoint bulge sore fierce.
   Shi Yan knows that this absorption essence, feared will again make him fall into the crazy region, but he is not anxious, after all this time does not have the enemy to surround the body side, so long as afterward gives him the time, naturally can restore such as beginning.
   Corpses, get down witheredly, sinks swamp slowly.
   long time, did not float above swamp.
   After these people die, fleshly body is also quick by the monster insect eating the food, after a while, they have become the skeletons of Blood Dripping Gem, the dead shape is quite pitiful.
   facial expression that Zhao Feng looks at with amazement, some back round of cool.
   'How do you achieve?' looks at facial expression unflustered Shi Yan, the Zhao Feng voice is hoarse, 'King of Demon Insect is full of wisdom, is eight levels of Demonic Beast, with some words of poisoning people's minds, cannot let King of Demon Insect compromise, I am very curious, is what this King of Demon Insect, will obey your order unexpectedly?'
   This is all people wants to know.
   'Indeed is not words of poisoning people's minds, can make it law-abiding.' Shi Yan smiled indifferently, has not explained thoroughly that 'I with that King of Demon Insect, have the secret agreement, how, to clarify specifically truly difficult that do not ask.'
   Zhao Feng silent nod.
   'I from King of Demon Insect, can obtain Life Origin Fluid, En, this I am open about the facts you.' Hesitated, Shi Yan said again: 'Cannot obtain all Life Origin Fluid immediately, needs a process, I cannot guarantee whether can within Life Origin Fluid beg from King of Demon Insect.'
   People eyes one bright.
   'In you, if who entered into the boundary of God Passage Third Sky, can look for me, I will give drop of Life Origin Fluid.'
   Shi Yan smiles to say suddenly.
   Zhao Feng, Chi Xiao, Li Yue, Cai Yi and the others, the facial expression shakes, eye Divine Light is fiercely bright.
   'This is the commitment.' Shi Yan grins, 'I pledged you, your anybody, so long as entered into the boundary of God Passage Third Sky, can ask me to demand drop of Life Origin Fluid, so long as my in the hand indeed had at that time, I cannot stingy.'
   Zhao Feng and Li Yue facial expression is excited, body gently trembled trembling.
   Chi Xiao opens the eye, nod, the whole face is silently grateful.
   Cai Yi sweet chuckle, beautiful pupil extraordinary splendor flow of tears.
   'barrier that will leave abolishes.' Shi Yan looks to King of Demon Insect in crystal lotus throne.
   Sad rumbled, transmits from that entrance, winds around in the entrance rich blood-red smog, dissipates quietly.
   'You come up first, I also need to remain some time, En, I need to treat some time with it.' Referred to that entrance, Shi Yan definitely said: 'In that entrance, should no longer have defense barrier to exist, now you do not need to be worried about what.'
   So was saying, he arrives at Ye Changfeng and Brother Lao li position, the body braves to transgress a continuously burning hot Fiery Flame.
   Lao li and Luo Meng one line, under the roasting of that burning hot Fiery Flame, the body is tying the solid ice, gradual melt, reveals slowly from the ice piece.
   The Ye Changfeng look is confused, when the Earthcore Flame flame strength closes up, his Purgatory True Flame, spontaneous formation defense belt of fire.
   In the crystal lotus throne, no longer has makes the person will confused reacted sound transmit sufficiently, when Earthcore Flame approaches, Ye Changfeng restored suddenly soberly, the eye has shone suddenly.
   'Had the what matter?'
   Looks on swamp is floating dry corpse everywhere, a Ye Changfeng face with amazement, is staring at his dignified asking: 'In this swamp, exactly had what? For what these people, completely has become this appearance? In present swamp, is are you also living?'
   Shi Yan nod.
   'Did you obtain?'
   'Life Origin Fluid!'
   Shi Yan is astonished however, looks at he, 'do you know Life Origin Fluid?'
   'This is goal that we come.' Ye Changfeng look one gloomy, is smiling bitterly nod, 'I know that in this swamp, should have Life Origin Fluid, I come to here, is hopes that can obtain drop of Life Origin Fluid. But my cultivation base is mean, Sky Level, in an instant that change remembers, lost the reason.'
   'Shi Yan saves you, your several, feared that early died.'
   Cai Yi black eyebrow coloring eyebrow slightly pressed, the matter that formerly will have in a soft voice, described simply, she mentioned Shi Yan to use Black Ice Cold Flame, froze their bodies, preventing them to receive the violation of other Warrior, mentioned the everywhere of monster insect to circle in flight, in Warrior 11 swamp bit to death.
   Lin Zhi and Lao li Brother and the others, hear facial expression to change again and again, appearance that has a lingering fear.
   'You have rescued our brothers one time.'
   Lao li sincere expression of gratitude, a gratitude of face.
   Shi Yan smiles, has not claimed credit, has not spoken the what words.
   Lin Zhi allowed to fluctuate tenderly, was somewhat embarrassed, lowered the head, said one in a soft voice: 'Thanks.'
   Shi Yan smiles nod, similarly has not spoken.
   'Shi Yan, you'
   The Ye Changfeng facial expression hesitates, the words began, actually promptly stopped.
   He looks at Zhao Feng, looked at Chi Xiao, Cai Yi and the others, has hesitated, suddenly said: 'Shi Yan, I want to speak several words with you alone.'
   Shi Yan moved in the direction of that crystal lotus throne on own initiative, body float above the crystal lotus throne, hints him with.
   Ye Changfeng stands above scarlet red ice rock, above surprised looks at crystal lotus throne he, the surface obviously hesitant color, he as if knows fierce of crystal lotus throne, knows that existence of king of that Cannibal Corpse Insect, does not dare to pass easily.
   'All right.' The Shi Yan laughter comforts.
   The Ye Changfeng facial expression is slightly peaceful, this moves scarlet red ice rock of that under foot, depends slowly toward him.
   Lin Zhi, Luo Meng and Luo Xiao three people, the original intention also wants to come, was actually prevented with the look by Ye Changfeng, the diving posture stands up, in other has on corpse ice rock to stop together, looks from afar to Shi Yan this.
   'You walk first.'
   Above that crystal lotus throne, Shi Yan to Chi Xiao, Zhao Feng and the others nod, 'you comes up first, I pass for two days to come up again, have the what words, when the time comes reached an agreement again.'
   , He also told: 'Was right, their also belt comes up Lin Zhi while convenient.'
   Zhao Feng and Li Yue too did not understand that his procedure, may not ask much, has selected nod, was bringing departure Luo Meng, Lin Zhi and Brother Lao li on the past.
   In such as the entrance, really did not have the barrier of defense to exist, they opened access, flew toward the island above.
   In swamp, suddenly only remaining Ye Changfeng and Shi Yan they.
   'Did you obtain Life Origin Fluid really?'
   The king of looks at crystal lotus throne below Cannibal Corpse Insect, the meaning of Ye Changfeng whole face anticipation, saying.
   Shi Yan nod.
   'Can to me a drop, I only seek one drop!'
   Ye Changfeng is suddenly excited.
   Shi Yan knitting the brows head, has not replied slightly.
   'I know that precious of Life Origin Fluid, knows this liquid regarding Warrior of boundary of God Passage, has the how precious function.' Ye Changfeng is suddenly excited, ', but I can with the thing exchange, so long as you told me you to need what, I will decide however to do everything possible for you to do. what, I will collect for you, I only asked drop of Life Origin Fluid!'
   Shi Yan stares, puzzled looks to him, partly makes a sound exits to ask: 'You to the boundary of God Passage Third Sky, but also difference far away, is what you requests drop of Life Origin Fluid?'
   'I did not strive for me.'
   Ye Changfeng sighed, the expression somewhat dreary helpless, 'my old ghost master, stagnated in the boundary of God Passage Third Sky was too long, he was a Alchemist master, time of this life consumption on Alchemist, compared with many many on martial arts cultivation. He is getting more and more near to True God Level, does not have a point assurance to enter into that threshold, I feared that he in this will close to unravel, therefore urgently was asking drop of Life Origin Fluid for him.'
   Shook the head, Ye Changfeng continues saying: 'I am the Ling Bao Sect abandoned person, was almost taken away to feed Demonic Beast, the master gave shelter to me, I early died. I do not think that looks at he falls short, does not think that he forever stops over in this Realm, I also know that enters into True God Level, is his lifetime long-cherished wish, I want to help his, considers to repay these years the graciousness of guidance.'
   The Shi Yan facial expression changes countenance.
   'Asked you.' Ye Changfeng implored urgently, 'I know that I possibly cannot put out the what precious thing now, but I promised you, if later you had any need, I must do utmost for you realize. En, you can say the request now, I decide however will care, for realizes.'
   'Makes me ask.'
   Silent for a long time, Shi Yan looks suddenly to the monster insect on crystal lotus throne, spreads the Divine Sense thought that 'whether to give me first drop of Life Origin Fluid?'
   'Many thanks.'
   'You must your blood, give me first again one drop.'
   ( To be continued. If you like this work, welcome you to come(.) casts the recommendation ticket, your support, is I biggest power.) RO
   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 40 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-434>
   Chapter 422
   But Ye Changfeng treasure heavy is holding a crystal vial, the facial expression is excited, the body trembles, expressed gratitude repeatedly.
   Shi Yan stands above the crystal lotus throne, looks at that heart shape household utensils receive in the lotus throne slowly, Wang of Little the eyes looks at that Cannibal Corpse Insect reveal the meaning of brilliant anticipation.
   Stretches out the finger, realizes from experience to refer to a trundle of blood of abdomen drop of Immortal by the mind, is feeling the strange fluctuation of that drop of blood.
   The fingertip splits a small slit, a drop of ruby dark red blood, the void turning round rotation, fell suddenly.
   Raises the head King of Demon Insect that to hope, greedy raising beginning to accrue interest tooth, swallows into the blood of that drop of Immortal the abdomen.
   The King of Demon Insect body, suddenly becomes blood red boiling hot, it retracts slowly the crystal lotus throne, vanishes in the crystal lotus throne quietly does not see, resembles is digesting the mysterious special effect of blood of that drop of Immortal.
   Ye Changfeng is holding the crystal vial, the looks at that drop of milky white god water, pleasantly surprised.
   'You come up, I also need to remain to treat for several days.'
   Shi Yan shot a look at his one eyes, said lightly.
   'Shi Yan, how should I thank you?' The Ye Changfeng facial expression shakes, suddenly shouted to clear the way: 'Request that so long as you set, I realized inevitably fully, you felt relieved that this drop of Life Origin Fluid, I will explain the whence, my master, layer on layer will thank inevitably also you.'
   'Your master really in Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist?' Shi Yan has gawked, smiled slightly, 'does he live in Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist?'
   'Before was, but, perhaps will not continue to keep Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist.' Ye Changfeng conceals nothing whatsoever, 'reason that my master keeps Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, is to seek for drop of Life Origin Fluid, now had this drop of Life Origin Fluid, my master should not continue stay Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, may return to the Divine Great Land accumulation refinement Spirit Pill surplus materials.'
   'Melts Spirit Pill?' Shi Yan stunned, 'had Life Origin Fluid, but also needs to refine other medicinal pills?'
   'It is not.' Ye Changfeng smiled, explained: 'Melts the Spirit Pill main material, is Life Origin Fluid, can say that Spirit Pill by medicinal pills that Life Origin Fluid refines, increases other accessory material, can Life Origin Fluid the display of effect maximum degree.'
   'Hope hear Qixiang.'
   'Is this.' Ye Changfeng he he the chuckle, was saying: 'Drop of Life Origin Fluid, can increase boundary of Warrior God Passage Third Sky to enter the True God Realm probability, but only depends on Life Origin Fluid, cannot play thoroughly its effect, can only display about 70% probably. However if refines Cheng Hua Spirit Pill, can a Life Origin Fluid ten tenths effect playing, melts these accessory material that Spirit Pill needs, can greatly promote the Life Origin Fluid effect.'
   Shi Yan facial expression changed countenance, has hesitated, suddenly said: 'If in the future if possible, making your master also help me use Life Origin Fluid refinement Spirit Pill, whether?'
   'I think that should not have the issue.' Ye Changfeng Ha Ha has smiled, 'you could rest assured that my old ghost master, most does not like owing people the favour, can help you, I think my master to be able very happy.'
   'That melts the Spirit Pill accessory material, is very precious?' Shi Yan asked again.
   'To the average person, can indeed be called the valuable rarities, but to my master, is actually not difficult to seek.'
   'Also asked him to seek, also me in province in the future the multi- fee time.' Shi Yan said.
   'Ha Ha, does not have the issue.' The obstruction in Ye Changfeng heart, has as if relieved, said with a laugh: 'You felt relieved that so long as in the future you need refinement Spirit Pill, so long as looking we, surely do not have the issue. En, this gives you, if later you went to Divine Great Land, went to Spirit Medicine Valley in dead soul mountain [lineage/vein] with this sign, some there definitely people received you, if we in Divine Great Land, so long as did not go out, should there.'
   command token is the bronzine, in the frontage six pill pills arranges, the reverse side has one 'severely' character.
   'My master is the Sacred level sixth rank Alchemist master, surnamed Li, this command token is his symbol.' Ye Changfeng answered.
   Shi Yan has selected nod, receives this command token, this said: 'That first said that has thanked, En, I must the stay in swamp some time, you first exit, does not use outside I, after I come out, should return to Endless Sea, I want we to meet next time, should in Divine Great Land.'
   'Do you also go back to make what?'
   Ye Changfeng facial expression changes, 'heard that now Endless Sea extreme Chaos, the demon person and deep person look for help everywhere at this time in Endless Sea, your Endless Sea all influence also collaborates, with the Endless Sea demon person and deep person life-and-death fight, you passes now, feared that will clamp.'
   Shi Yan knits the brows, 'my a little matter must process.'
   'oh, was right, I heard the rumor recently, said that advocation of Yang Qingdi Yang Family, worked loose from that Heavenly Demon Sealing Divine Formation. It is said that must return to Endless Sea. That Yang Qingdi seriously is in society fierce and ambitious, can actually come from the imprisonment of Devil Emperor, heard that he intentionally enters Heavenly Demon Sealing Divine Formation, but also thinks, if must draw support from that Heavenly Demon Sealing Divine Formation cultivation what mystique. If he returns to Endless Sea , the Endless Sea situation, definitely will again have the sweeping change.'
   Ye Changfeng has thought that the sinking sound said suddenly.
   The Shi Yan look is quickly bright, a face is startled to accommodate, 'he, did he come from Heavenly Demon Sealing Divine Formation?'
   'En, hears is this, but I cannot affirm.' Ye Changfeng has selected nod, 'regarding the Endless Sea concrete situation, I am not specially clear, but in that Fourth Devil Area, Warrior of some our person clans, requesting my master to refine medicinal pills, said the secret news in that Devil Territory , I do not know the genuine and fake.'
   Shi Yan deeply inspired, sinking sound track: 'Thank you this news.'
   'Yang Qingdi is really person Xiong, only then cultivation base of boundary of God Passage First Sky, it is said can contend with Devil Emperor. This character, even if in our Divine Great Land, extremely rare, it seems like big of world, not only Divine Great Land can have that world-shaking strong person.'
   Ye Changfeng is filled with emotion to say.
   'The related Endless Sea news, how many do you also know?' Shi Yan asked again.
   'I do not know many, only knows there very Chaos and that's the end.' Ye Changfeng shook the head, 'these days, I in Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, have not gone to Endless Sea once more, if you return, must be careful, it is said the Endless Sea all influence, is looking for your news as before, is very high to your hatred value.'
   Grins to smile, Shi Yan is quite actually proud.
   'Was good, I came up, you take care, later remembers that dead soul mountain [lineage/vein] Spirit Medicine Valley looks for me.' Ye Changfeng no longer said what, urged him to be careful that left from this ice rock.
   Ye Changfeng walks, Shi Yan lets loose mind, connects King of Demon Insect by the intention, making him block entrance barrier.
   King of Demon Insect sinks to swamp, actually received his Divine Sense thought that complied at will.
   Trembles, entrance barrier is once more precise.
   King of Demon Insect and crystal lotus throne, clashes in swamp to rise slowly, it in the crystal lotus throne, seems absorbing the essence of blood of Immortal.
   Shi Yan has hesitated, sits well above that crystal lotus throne, closes one's eyes to be silent.
   The acupoint ballooning, a continuously negative mood, is coming out from his within the body dissipation, fills his whole body, affects his mind.
   mystical Martial Spirit when purifies the acupoint essence, all sorts of negative mood, start to attack his body, the backlash strength of that negative mood, making him several want to be crazy.
   In that crystal lotus throne, he gasps for breath, the facial expression is fierce, the look is red, such as Bloodthirsty Demonic Beast.
   long time, under the function of backlash strength, his whole body stabbing pain is not incomparable, the convulsion the body, is rolling on that crystal lotus throne, exudes not humanlike rave roar sounds, such as the evil spirit in hell crawls the world, releases to destroy aura of all lives intermittently.
   By swamp some monster insects, on him under this crazy Bloodthirsty aura, gradually are far away from him, does not dare to approach.
   The king of crystal lotus throne central Cannibal Corpse Insect, has drilled the crystal lotus throne quietly, a green spooky small eye, looks at he, in the small eye lightens the astonished color.
   It does not know that on Shi Yan had what, evil aura that but sends out at this moment from Shi Yan, actually extremely fearful, lets it extreme shock, does not know that this obviously Realm not high new host, will be what will have the aura fluctuation of such terrifying.
   Crazy was roaring, Bloodthirsty crazy Shi Yan, destroyed in swamp in all directions, that old tree pounding torn to pieces, the hard object that had all around, gave to grind the smashing, the corpse rumbles the fragment swamp was surfacing the boat.
   Wild does not have conciousness.
   This condition continued for quite a while, Shi Yan gradually has subsided, evil fluctuation gradual restoration was normal.
   The later some time, he sat on the crystal lotus throne, closes one's eyes is feeling what.
   A day passed by.
   Shi Yan wakes up slowly, on the face shows the light happy expression, extends the right hand, is feeling the blood of five drops of Immortal comes out, are feeling Essence Qi vigorous boundless, is feeling the change of Stars Martial Spirit, only thinks the mind to be joyful, carefree incomparable.
   'It seems like, your Life Origin Fluid, must be me completely.' Shi Yan cracks into a smile.
   'You, if has enough that blood, I can exchange with you.' King of Demon Insect returns to the news.
   The Shi Yan bursting out laughing, has hesitated, asked: 'Does my blood, have that big use to you really?'
   The mind moves, Shi Yan remembered Devouring Gold Silkworm to come suddenly, hesitant, his mind connected Blood Vein Ring, bound that Devouring Gold Silkworm to tow it from Blood Vein Ring with Divine Sense.
   Devouring Gold Silkworm whole body is pasting shining golden light, a appearance, makes threatening gestures swiftly, as to work loose restraint.
   Shi Yan looks at Devouring Gold Silkworm, hesitates for a long time, compels blood of the drop of Immortal suddenly, drop to that Devouring Gold Silkworm.
   Hot tempered Devouring Gold Silkworm, sees the blood of that drop of Immortal, suddenly appears the stance of extreme hope comes, struggling, must swallow the blood of that drop of Immortal.
   Must to its Shi Yan, actually not coy, the blood of that drop of Immortal, drips into its mouth directly.
   Swallows into the blood of Immortal, Devouring Gold Silkworm whole body golden light greatly Sheng, appears full of energy, excited, will wrap unexpectedly in its restraint strength, tore stiffly.
   'Humming sound!'
   Devouring Gold Silkworm exudes the grating roar sound, the sudden dance before his body gets up, opened mouth puts out golden light bright silk.
   ( To be continued. If you like this work, welcome you to come(.) casts the recommendation ticket, your support, is I biggest power.) RO
   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 41 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-435>
   * [gold/metal] Can after swallowing the blood of that drop of Immortal, appears quite[ is popular] exerts, whole body golden light is shining, puts out tall and slender [gold/metal] silk.
   Shi Yan looks at that Devouring Gold Silkworm, looks at that [gold/metal] silk, on the face reveals the amazed color.
   This [gold/metal] silk, in golden light flood is selecting blood-red, moves in that Devouring Gold Silkworm mouth corner with the wind, the willow catkin is the same, does not have much difference with the normal silk thread, but he sinks to the mind the silk, actually the keen detection that [gold/metal] silk and he as if there is subtle relation.
   Perhaps is the function of blood of that drop of Immortal, his looks at [gold/metal] silk, comes out the Divine Sense dissipation, attaches on the silk, the silk can actually absorb his Divine Sense thought that sways from side to side with his regard optional change.
   This silk, as if has become extending of his hands and feet, becomes with him the mind is the same.
   After Devouring Gold Silkworm puts out that silk, golden light slightly dim a point, lies on the crystal lotus throne, seems gazing at this him silently.
   Was different from the past, at this time on the body of Devouring Gold Silkworm, has his aura obviously, between he and Devouring Gold Silkworm, relied on blood of the drop of Immortal to have a subtle relation.
   Stems from him to be unexpected, Devouring Gold Silkworm looked at his a while, enters in Blood Vein Ring unexpectedly on own initiative once more, like before, wholeheartedly is not thinking is separated from Blood Vein Ring restraint.
   One bunch of golden light flash through, Devouring Gold Silkworm submerges Blood Vein Ring, law-abiding stay in ring, no longer makes struggling that makes a futile effort, has probably regarded the long-time habitat Blood Vein Ring, prepares to stay in Blood Vein Ring.
   That flood is selecting the bloody glow silk, then sways from side to side along with his regard in void circles in flight, the silk is circling in flight ' such as a high-pitched and fine handle small sword, golden light, the surrounding old tree was cut the smashing.
   Shi Yan eye suddenly one bright.
   This [gold/metal] silk, obviously with past is not quite same, as if becomes one type has quenchinged the rare treasure, can by him with wishes fulfilled controlling, will not have any stagnation.
   Hesitant, his mind is controlling the [gold/metal] silk, has called that [gold/metal] silk slowly.
   Puts out a hand, he pulls taut the [gold/metal] silk, the silk falls into his palm ' a feeling of sharing the same roots, leaps forward in the hearts suddenly.
   The [gold/metal] silk as if has become his fleshly body part, his Divine Sense irrigation in , the [gold/metal] silk melted in his palm slowly, turned into the gold thread trace of his palm likely, extremely marvelous.
   So long as thought that this [gold/metal] silk will fly ' to suit his regard same to wave like flying sword from his palm immediately.
   [gold/metal] Cansi was sharp like the blade, this flood bloody glow, as if fierce, actually has become in his hand equally marvelous killer copper, wants to come, when ' suddenly releases the [gold/metal] silk with the person battle, decides to make the match be surprised unexpectedly, even possibly directly striking to kill the match.
   So the accident, actually lets his inwardly pleasantly surprised, gets down conciousness the change of [gold/metal] silk, converges the wondrous use of blood of Immortal.
   On the crystal lotus throne ' Wang of You the green small eyes that Cannibal Corpse Insect, secretly has been gazing at this him, looks at he takes Devouring Gold Silkworm, drops out blood of the drop of Immortal, looks at that Devouring Gold Silkworm puts out strange [gold/metal] silk ' looks at he by the control of nervi cardiaci loosen that silk, twists the sawdust the surrounding old tree.
   'The fellow, is very fierce, if it takes your blood for a long time, perhaps it also will have the mutation, evolves to a higher level.' Does King of Demon Insect spread the fine Divine Sense light 'oh?', The Shi Yan facial expression rouses, grins hey smiles, 'illuminated you saying that my blood, should be has regarding your this kind of life affects uniquely.'
   'That is natural.'
   'How can concrete effect, say with me?', 'Your that blood essence, has the bloodlines of Ancient God in inside, can improve our evolutions, lets our life forms, becomes perfect. Then, this was the god blood, some day, used your this blood, we could evolve to and your humanity life form are similar, even must tend to be perfect compared with you.'
   'I do not understand your meaning.', 'In your blood, has life of imprint god, although is imperfect, but to us, had enough nutrient. Is fierce Demonic Beast, more can realize from experience life of imprint this god fine jian advantage, if can be complete to the absorption life imprint in god blood, advantage that we obtain, unquantifiable.', Shi Yan is silent.
   Initially he listened to cloudy devil race saying that said that in the Antiquity time, once three big Godly Monarch, the blood of each Godly Monarch, has the unique function, Immortal Godly Monarch was only one of the initial Godly Monarch, the bloody stool of Immortal has the extremely special effect, Black Ice Cold Flame as if also had raised, said that the blood of Immortal can make the breakage rare treasure restore so.
   The Immortal Martial Spirit effect, is makes the shatter fleshly body healing, cultivation arrive at the acme, can have the body of Immortal, so long as the blood of Immortal exists, even if a skeleton disrupts completely, can rely on the blood of Immortal to come again precise fleshly body, rebirth in society.
   The blood of deeper First Level related Immortal wondrous use, he is not really as before clear, only then advocation of Yang Qingdi Yang Family, as if knows that the true use of blood of Immortal, can give the display of maximum degree the potential of blood of Immortal.
   'I will soon leave this swamp, you?', Frowns to hesitate a while, his communication comes out once more, 'you still stay here, several exits with me together?'
   'Naturally with you together?', 'Can you leave here?'
   'Naturally, this crystal lotus throne controls various swamp kind of restriction key positions, I want to leave, not by the influence of any restriction. That just fellow, you placed where it, I also followed the past, as for that Life Origin Fluid, continuously in my body, so long as you can make me satisfy, I naturally according to the agreement, regularly will give you one drop, when this Life Origin Fluid gave you completely, I also obtained enough your blood, I only will leave when the time comes, return to here.'
   Shi Yan stunned.
   'This does not have what to need to consider that you will not suffer a loss, you need with you, I earn with me, your I am happy, isn't good?', 'Good.', Smiled, Shi Yan raises Blood Vein Ring, first releases a wisp of own thought in Blood Vein Ring, when reveals misty bloody glow after Blood Vein Ring, he clashes that King of Demon Insect saying: 'Has been OK, you go, inside can hold Devouring Gold Silkworm, naturally can also hold you.', His words fall, the king of Cannibal Corpse Insect changes into one bunch of silver light, vanishes in Blood Vein Ring.
   The mind searches, he discovers in Blood Vein Ring, moreover opened one new crystal lotus throne that comes out by strange energy precise, the king of Cannibal Corpse Insect is squatting above that crystal lotus throne, whole body silver light glittering, in curious is sizing up four sides condition.
   Black Ice Cold Flame and Earthcore Flame separately are at left and right of that crystal lotus throne, braves bunches of flame, is looking at carefully the foreign matter that is moving into newly, is guarding carefully.
   'Other fellow!', The Wang Meng of Cannibal Corpse Insect one startled, it observation in Blood Vein Ring, has discovered besides Devouring Gold Silkworm immediately, two strange lives, that life form unexpectedly compares unexpectedly its is unusual, is only the pure life flame, does not have the entity, aura that may release, quite terrifying is fearful.
   Black Ice Cold Flame ice cold biting cold, Cold Qi is dense, the Earthcore Flame burning hot like the roaring flame, burns down the brilliant flame.
   Two strange Heavenly Flame, distinguish right from wrong in that Blood Vein Ring, lives in peace with each other, separates a side with Devouring Gold Silkworm, maintained with it a mutual non-aggression distance, but quietly releases own powerful aura, as if in warning newly arrived it careful, do not think that is fierce in outside world, can act in a self-serving manner in Blood Vein Ring.
   'En, not solely only then your, you give me in inside law-abidingly, do not think in swamp can control the monster insect, can do all kinds of evil things in the ring, it seems to me, enters in Blood Vein Ring, your energy, compared with others fierce many, perhaps fights not necessarily, you will also suffer a loss.'
   Shi Yan not salty not pale reminder.
   The king of Cannibal Corpse Insect is quite surprised, is inducing Black Ice Cold Flame and Earthcore Flame aura secretly, crossed some little time, has transmitted the echo: 'I and their well water not interfering with river water.'
   Shi Yan has selected nod with a smile.
   In this time, another bunch of cold and gloomy rays of light, suddenly the escape from a crystal wall under crystal lotus throne comes out, drills into Blood Vein Ring quickly, is law-abiding in its original region.
   Holy Ghost idea.
   In rich incomparable heaven and earth Spiritual Qi, infiltrates continuously is icing the cold meaning, is dormant in the crystal lotus throne for a long time, slurps massive heaven and earth Spiritual Qi Holy Spirit God, finally restored 67 energy.
   As soon as it escapes into Blood Vein Ring, that crystal lotus throne is suddenly deficient on Spiritual Qi, winds around not the loose light smog, dissipates the blue Shi Yan facial expression to be amazed gradually, immediately releases the thought that connects with it, 'how to return?', 'Under crystal lotus throne, Spiritual Qi mouth, has thick heaven and earth Spiritual Qi water fluid, I slurped was so long, Spiritual Qi water fluid that Spiritual Qi mouth sent out, attracting almost, power also restored most probably, did this return, has what to be improper?', ' Does not have.
   ', Shi Yan facial expression is complex, expression strange shaking the head.
   Holy Spirit God moves into Blood Vein Ring, making the king of that Cannibal Corpse Insect have a scare, before Holy Spirit God entered under the crystal lotus throne the Spiritual Qi mouth time, it had also realized, even emitted the spiritual impact on spy on, actually had achieved nothing, Holy Spirit God was different from human Warrior, the life form was quite strange, its spiritual impact, has not affected to Holy Spirit God.
   Bright fully aware of said that in crystal lotus throne below Spiritual Qi mouth, were many equally strange biology, is actually incapable of nosing, this makes the king of that Cannibal Corpse Insect also faintly somewhat restless, now Holy Spirit God has slurped enough Spiritual Qi, suddenly fell into Blood Vein Ring, it knows that original Holy Spirit God also came from Shi Yan.
   At this moment, the king of Cannibal Corpse Insect, when regards Shi Yan, becomes is more discrete.
   It perceives faintly that Shi Yan feared is not quite same as general human Warrior, can have so many unusual biology, and can place them together in one, and does not need to be worried to receive these unusual living thing backlash, so the character, is not the bold strong person, loses the sane lunatic.
   Shi Yan obviously is the former.
   'I want to digest your blood effect some time, do not disturb me, only if you meet the huge bad risk.' King of Demon Insect silent some little time, finally the communication soul thought came.(
   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 42 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-436>
   Chapter 424
   Above islands.
   Zhao Feng, Chi Xiao, Li Yue, Cai Yi and Zuo Xu one line, stand in the place of that entrance, is waiting silently.
   They waited for two days.
   'Hasn't Shi Yan come out? Can he have the what accident in inside? Master, you have met that many bad risks in inside, is really because of his reason, turns danger into safety?' Zuo Shi is very puzzled.
   Zuo Xu whole face forced smile, helpless has selected nod, ', if not Shi Yan, perhaps we were buried in? You have not gotten down, does not know in has hidden many bad risk, to be honest, the decision of Shi Yan is correct, you do not have one fortunately and get down, otherwise feared that cannot live coming out.'
   Brother Lao li, show the expression that has a lingering fear.
   They understand, if no help of Shi Yan, they definitely early will die, in that swamp, had washed out the soul by that strange fluctuation directly.
   In their heart feels grateful Shi Yan.
   'Shi Yan this fellow, but also really cannot regard with the common sense, he only then cultivation base of Sky Realm boundary, can actually turn the hand for the rain, is makes the human not be possible to survey seriously.' Zuo Xu has selected nod, shook the head gently, thought one feared that was old, could not completely understand Shi Yan more and more.
   In the past when place of Merchant Union quiet cloud, Shi Yan, although was budding, but the potential had at that time, actually might as well so the terrifying exaggeration.
   Then how long?
   He from the kid of past Earth Realm boundary, leapt enters into Sky Level, unexpectedly has pressed him, this cultivation speed, it may be said that shakes Gu Shuojin, heard something never heard of before simply.
   Zhao Feng and Cai Yi these Divine Great Land Warrior, pass Chi Xiao and Zuo Shi several people these days, some indistinct understood Shi Yan origins. Knows are more, Zhao Feng and Cai Yi even more surprised, cannot believe that simply Zuo Xu and the others the views, know Chi Xiao they have not deceived their necessities, they do not believe.
   'This boy, has boundless prospects seriously, anticipated really he can in Divine Great Land, stir a bigger wind and rain. I always thought that the potential of this kid, is not limited to this by far, if in the future he to Divine Great Land, perhaps has been really able to press seven ancient faction these so-called youth talents to plan, becomes the most dazzling nova.' Zhao Feng sobbed.
   Li Yue and an audiences Radiant God Cult person, nod tallies, expressions not measured complex.
   The Shi Yan this days performance, deeply has subdued them, making them know Divine Great Land, although is big, completely gave to include the world youth master not necessarily.
   In remote Endless Sea, still had Shi Yan anomaly so to exist, obviously marvelousness between world, everywhere.
   'He belongs to Divine Great Land, I know.' Li Yue shows a faint smile, defined, 'by his point, that Endless Sea feared that cannot cover up, cannot live in his long-time restraint, sooner or later, he must brave all hardships to our Divine Great Land on the 1st, melts Long Chengshen, I can affirm.'
   Zhao Feng and the others in abundance nod.
   Happy intent that the Cai Yi extraordinary splendor flow of tears, in the beautiful pupil full Han anticipates, in the heart also saved read thinks that anticipated him some day, can come Divine Great Land to release completely the potential.
   ', He will come not long our Divine Great Land, I favor him, in the future we will recommend him in teaching Elder, definitely will make these Elder have a scare.' Zhao Feng thinks of the interesting part, could not bear hey smile, complacent quite.
   Another side.
   Ye Changfeng, Lin Zhi, Luo Xiao and Luo Meng four people, has not departed, is waiting on the island as before.
   Lin Zhi did not have the past arrogance, spoke Shi Yan time, facial expression was obscurely difficult to distinguish, the expression also had the unusual respect, does not want formerly like that to be supercilious.
   'That fellow, we feared that will die in, is hard to imagine , the fellow simply is not a human.' Luo Meng the face, is looking painstakingly to Ye Changfeng, 'I now have believed finally, the fellow initially with you knew, is really Realm is not perhaps high, this person, as if there is infinite possibilities.'
   Ye Changfeng nod in agreement, 'so character, in the future must become the great talent, although now has not come Divine Great Land to show face in public, but once came, feared that does not have any person, can cover up his rays of light. I anticipated really very much that anticipated he some day greatly kills the four directions in our Divine Great Land, I believe that this day will not be remote.'
   'Sister Lin Zhi, your also envy and hate that boy?' Luo Xiao makes noise suddenly, the look ponders.
   The Lin Zhi elegant face changes, remembered that two resounding ear and area around it, the cheeks also thought that somewhat fiery boiling hot, the expression also appeared likes a cat on hot bricks.
   Shi Yan getting rid very ruthless, has left behind the extremely profound influence to her, she is thinking also the future looks for Shi Yan to murder those who have cheated them, but when Ye Changfeng matter after stating clearly, and says Shi Yan naturally bestows drop of Life Origin Fluid time, the hatred in her heart, was paler.
   Ye Changfeng old ghost master, once had the graciousness with her, regarding that old man, she is also admirable, for the condition worry of that old man, this time on own initiative volunteers for military service to accompany Ye Changfeng to enter Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, has saved the thought of repayment, hopes that can do some what for that old man.
   Shi Yan magnanimous bestows a drop of Life Origin Fluid behavior, lets her is very puzzled, does not understand that is a what person can be so natural, including the Life Origin Fluid this Jane rare treasure, can deliver unexpectedly, even if on Divine Great Land, Life Origin Fluid is also only in legend present great treasure.
   Seven ancient faction boundary of Warrior God Passage Third Sky, the quantity are many, these people for drop of Life Origin Fluid, feared that is coming out that the what matter makes, Life Origin Fluid precious degree, explained in the spoken language truly difficult.
   He sends out drop of Life Origin Fluid, this magnanimous procedure, letting Lin Zhi is unable to understand that somewhat is grateful.
   'This person, cannot regard with the common sense, very ruthless certainly is sometimes poisonous, sometimes has makes people be hard to imagine magnanimous, the time that I and he contact is not long, actually knows that this fellow is not that really ruthless generation. If is really the ruthless fellow, in he can destroy completely in our situations easily, will not make this type appears the laughable matter comes.'
   Ye Changfeng has hesitated for a long time, the look is sincere, 'in any event, only drop of Life Origin Fluid, I and my master, have owed his huge favour. In the future on Divine Great Land, if he obtains my place usefully, I whole-heartedly, will hold the matter for him inevitably.'
   'En, with this person intersection, will truly not suffer a loss.' Luo Xiao and a Luo Meng head.
   'He came out, we said goodbye with him, has owed him such big favour, multi- and other days, should be.' Ye Changfeng said.
   Lin Zhi also gently nod.
   Also midnight.
   In the place of that entrance, grand silhouette, leapt to fly together suddenly.
   Ye Changfeng one line, close up hurriedly, the facial expression is calm.
   'Your this fellow, came out finally, making us good.' Zhao Feng sees him to make an appearance, immediately laughs, 'boy, I thought that in your eyes Divine Light seemed to be swifter and fiercer a point, under that swamp, had the harvest?'
   Shi Yan grinned to smile, looked at people, 11 nod, 'harvest was far, but indeed cultivation, Essence Qi is actually the rich fining a point. Yeah, was really to trouble everybody, making you wait for a long time now, excuse me.'
   'Ha Ha, spoke these words, you also looked on as an outsider.' Zhao Feng laughed, comes to pat his shoulder intimately, 'can say the real situation in swamp?'
   'Does not have the words that what said.' Two one, the Shi Yan rascal said: 'Does not have what to say, I indeed have contacted with that King of Demon Insect, through that King of Demon Insect, obtained some useful news, uses other thing with it, has received in exchange for Life Origin Fluid, but cannot obtain immediately.'
   'Can you from that King of Demon Insect hand, obtain Life Origin Fluid really?' Zhao Feng changes countenance terrified, look burning hot.
   This point Shi Yan does not plan to conceal, smiles nod, 'good.'
   The people facial expression shakes, full Han anticipates the meaning.
   'I have said that now opportunity, when you some day enter into the boundary of God Passage Third Sky, so long as looking I, drop of Life Origin Fluid, decidedly were not the issue.' Shi Yan pledged again.
   The people are wild with joy.
   'En, should arrive at the distinction time, I must return to Endless Sea first, after a period of time, will possibly come Divine Great Land, when the time comes will look for you.' Shi Yan looks to Zhao Feng.
   Zhao Feng again and again nod, gratified saying with a smile: 'I will have anticipated that your arrival, you could rest assured that I can guarantee, when you arrive at our Divine Great Land, these people of god, definitely were also anticipating. In this first generation, the new person of our god flash are not many, these old fogies who the appearance of your this fellow, will let the god are wild with joy.'
   'If uses Life Origin Fluid, whether from that Pure Land hand, to change my friend?' Shi Yan hesitates, suddenly asked.
   The Zhao Feng facial expression is startled, hesitant a while, the facial features were complex, 'did not say, but I thought that the possibility definitely had, if the value of your friend, not specially big, was acted by the high level of our god, uses Life Origin Fluid, indeed had possibly to realize.'
   'Shi Yan, if in the future you have come up in god Earth Realm, Realm as profound as the certain extent, the god will give up the initial capital under your body.' Li Yue comforts to say.
   Shi Yan silent nod.
   'We must leave, said goodbye with you, finally said that thanked.' Ye Changfeng comes up, bows a ritual, the expression said grandly: 'If in the future has what to be troublesome, remembers that with method that I give, seeks us. My that old ghost master, although Realm is not peak, but on Divine Great Land, can speak, if you have the trouble, my master will not decline decidedly.'
   'Is your master?' Zhao Feng has gawked, slightly was startled for his extremely arrogant tone, asked.
   'My master is the Alchemist master, surnamed Li.' Ye Changfeng smiled.
   Zhao Feng frowns to think, half sound body shakes, suddenly said panic-strickenly: 'None who does not becomes is dead soul mountain [lineage/vein] Spirit Medicine Valley that?'
   Ye Changfeng nod.
   Zhao Feng is surprised, does not recognize to call to shout: 'Unexpectedly is he!'
   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 43 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-437>
   Chapter 425
   Return trip
   'En?' Shi Yan has gawked staring, puzzled looks to Zhao Feng, 'is that old man very famous?'
   'Later you went to Divine Great Land, naturally knows.' Smiling of Zhao Feng mystical, 'that old man, even if the Pure Land person, will respect, has not thought of these kids, unexpectedly is that old man's successor, no wonder.'
   Shi Yan is astonished however.
   'Was good, we anticipated that you enter Divine Great Land earlier, we should also leave.' Zhao Feng smiled, officially informed one with Li Yue one line, makes noise the farewell.
   'Takes care.' Cai Yi smiling walks, the beautiful pupil is staring at him, seeming to be the countless words must say, finally said: 'Remembers that looks for me, if you do not come, I will also look for you.'
   'Looks for me?' Shi Yan smiled, is somewhat unclear her manner, ', in Divine Great Land, the opportunity that we possibly meet is few, your I meet, not necessarily needs.'
   'Heartless fellow!' Cai Yi snort, has smiled at once, 'has not related, I will find your, something, I have not talked clearly with you.' The expression is ambiguous.
   The people hey have smiled suddenly, the expression ponders.
   'Said goodbye.' Cai Yi whispered with a smile, the beautiful pupil was splendid, turns head to shoot a look at Brother Lao li to be the same.
   'Many thanks, Brother, we will remember your benevolence.' Lao li they said with one voice.
   Shi Yan smiles nod.
   'Walks walks, we return together, one and starts off and that's the end. Looks in the face of Shi Yan that boy, this all the way, we will shelter your.' Zhao Feng smiles nod to the Cai Yi three people.
   Shi Yan waves, looks at Cai Yi and Zhao Feng one line of depart slowly, looks at Ye Changfeng four people of gradual disappearances.
   Not long time, in island only remaining he and Chi Xiao, Zuo Xu, Zuo Shi.
   'Did you obtain Life Origin Fluid really?' When all people walked, Chi Xiao deeply inspires, looks dignified.
   'Good.' Shi Yan has selected nod with a smile, 'you some day, has entered into the boundary of God Passage Third Sky, remembers that looked for me is, so long as in my hand had Life Origin Fluid, cannot decidedly stingy.', He looked to Zuo Xu and Zuo Shi, 'you are also same.'
   Three people look to feel grateful.
   'Walks, we leave here, goes in the Endless Sea direction.' Shi Yan does not hesitate, in the heart is worrying about the Endless Sea situation, does not want to continue to stop over in Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist.
   A Chi Xiao three people of head.
   One line of four people, leave from this Exotic Land shoulder to shoulder, break in strange Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, goes toward Endless Sea.
   Some day.
   The Shi Yan four people cross Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, finally comes in the place of border, the sunlight that looks at sees again, the people have one type to have a new lease of life the feeling.
   Everywhere star light, by the average man could not realize the way, descends from the space quietly, submerges his Stars Martial Spirit.
   The Shi Yan facial expression changes countenance, in the eye reveals a happy expression.
   Why does not know, his clear perceived that the light of stars pours into the speed in within the body, wanted obviously quickly, possibly compared with initially entered Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist the time, wanted three times to continue quickly.
   Everywhere star light, the naked eye cannot see, can actually realize from experience to obtain, 11 get down from the day escape, such as the raindrop is hidden in his Stars Martial Spirit does not see, strengthens the stars different functions in Stars Martial Spirit quietly.
   Perhaps is Realm enters into Sky Level, perhaps also in that Exotic Land, the mystical different strength strengthened Stars Martial Spirit, letting Stars Martial Spirit can hold many Strength of Stars.
   In brief, this Stars Martial Spirit adsorptive capacity, obtained the large scale enhancement, this is the fact beyond question.
   The Chi Xiao three people, cannot induce to his change, is only looks at his expression is joyful, knows that his seems to be happy.
   'What's wrong?' Asking that Zuo Xu smiles, 'thinks to see Sun, has a heartfelt joy, was long, suddenly came out, the feeling that Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist treats is truly good right?'
   Shi Yan did not state clearly, smile nod.
   'Endless Sea really that complex?' Chi Xiao looks dignified, the looks at West, the eye is bright, 'demon person and do deep person, appear and disappear in Endless Sea really? Now also in Endless Sea?'
   'Also is really fearful, we must detour evidently, that inside this time should the dangerours danger, be able not to pass through Endless Sea very much, not want the process to wonderfully.' Chi Xiao silent, suddenly said: 'It seems like, we can distinguish here.'
   Shi Yan nods the head, thinks that said: 'After returning to Merchant Union, they said to our grandfathers, making them too should not be worried about the Merchant Union situation, when I stood firm in Endless Sea, I will find the way to help you. En, if possible, I will send for meeting you, making you leave Merchant Union that small place.'
   Zuo Xu eye fiercely one bright.
   Zuo Shi is also again and again nod, pleasantly surprised shouting: 'Good good, outside arrived, knows that our Merchant Union was indeed small, our Warrior, Realm also as if lowered. You looked fellow who these Divine Great Land come out, is almost big with my age, has Nirvana and cultivation base of Sky Realm boundary, is really the human compares the human spirit deceased person, I do not want to sit the well view world to go.'
   Chi Xiao forced smile, helpless heaving a deep sigh.
   This time in Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, the attack that he comes under is not small, looks at young has the Sky Realm boundary cultivation base junior, in his heart has depressed of difficult word.
   Especially Shi Yan.
   Leaves after Merchant Union, in several years, entered into the Sky Realm boundary from that Disaster boundary at one fell swoop, the cultivation speed, was simply shocking.
   Chi Xiao does not know that this is because on him, has mystical Martial Spirit to affect in the display, only works as this is the influence of environment, first conciousness to a good cultivation environment, has importantly how regarding Warrior.
   'After this time goes back, we will prepare for leaving Merchant Union, relax, I can say your present situation with your grandfather.' Zuo Xu inspired, he he said with a smile: 'The old fogy, decides however cannot think that this time you, have exceeded him unexpectedly, has surpassed your Shi family all predecessors.'
   Shi Yan cannot help laughing.
   'You ensure real anticipation next time meeting time, you can take to us a bigger pleasant surprise.' Chi Xiao deeply looks at he, said: 'On you have too many miracles, I think some day, you can surmount numerous so-called Expert, stands Warrior peak, I know that definitely will have such one day.'
   'Many thanks your auspicious words.' Shi Yan grins.
   The Chi Xiao three people also said with him some proverb, said the Merchant Union condition, is reluctant to part to say goodbye, from this Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist outside said goodbye along and him, detours to return to Merchant Union.
   Shi Yan is looking out distant place that vast sea area, suddenly laughs loudly, changes into one bunch of star light, goes in the direction of vault of heaven sea area.
   Endless Sea.
   One year hurries away, these five sea areas go on an expedition unceasingly, the demon person, the deep person and human the clan and Demonic Beast in appearance that on five sea areas preys on, for the cultivation resources, for the hatred of race, is slaughtering mutually, had not subsided.
   Jialuo Sea Area and Yuanluo Sea Area, at this time separately have become the demon person and deep person the place of dwelling, Jialuo Sea Area was being dominated by the deep person temporarily, Yuanluo Sea Area is occupies by the demon person, five gigantic sea areas, only remaining three belong to person of clan Warrior, the invasions of two big alien races, making Endless Sea go on an expedition again and again, as if short time will not subside.
   Jialuo Sea Area and Yuanluo Sea Area boundary, with the regions of three big sea area borders, did not know many lives in this year.
   Tens of thousands of alien races and Warrior, at the Endless Sea battle, making Endless Sea simply become a Shura blood field, the corpse everywhere.
   The common people of humanity, in constant anxiety in this fight, cannot see the hope, does not know that the future direction, will be afraid some alien race one day to arrive, islands that they will live slaughtering dead island.
   On this day, in Dark Water Territory vast islands, human clan and Devil Clan master as before battle, after a bloody battle, the human the clan masters were cut to kill completely, almost nobody can escape by luck.
   In island everywhere Dead body, some people of clans, there is an demon person, many Demonic Beast demon beasts, many are uncountable.
   In the countless skeleton, the person's shadow quietly appears together, cannot pace back and forth on the island that the smell of blood soars to the heavens, knits the brows looks at in the forests, facial expression gloomy.
   In the island early did not have the human, Divine Sense spread to come, lost to view desolate, a fluctuation of life did not have.
   Big islands, only then the cinereous vulture of food corpse is soaring, eats the corpse in excited gnawing, the mosquito is flying randomly, the rank stink irritates the nose, scene extreme terrifying.
   Passed over gently and swiftly on corpses, he very stays, crosses this islands, flies in that Cloud Wind Island direction.
   Cloud Wind Island is islands between Yuanluo Sea Area and Dark Water Territory, heaven and earth Spiritual Qi is barren, always unusual Warrior in the place above moves, initially the Xia Family person, left after Jialuo Sea Area, in Cloud Wind Island temporarily avoids, did not submit to Endless Sea Warrior, being careful was living.
   Returned to Endless Sea, he was not clear to here situation, does not dare to come rashly, begged the news from other influence Warrior mouth, looked for the Xia Family person, then has become his only way.
   The line, he evaded all the way desirably these have the Warrior accumulation islands, concealing aura, and original look will conceal with the special method, does not want to know the status.
   The Endless Sea situation is complex, only then clarifies the situation first, he well sets the next step program of action.
   Arrives at Cloud Wind Island , lets loose Divine Sense, spreads, is feeling the life fluctuation on island, the Divine Sense place visited, a life fluctuation has not responded, in the entire islands, links Demonic Beast not to realize unexpectedly, Death Qi heavy, was desolated has resembled likely for a long time.
   Sped along the island, he has not seen human Warrior, has not seen the alien race, but had not discovered that perhaps the skeleton of common people, the person on this island, already migrated evidently.
   He naturally could not find the Xia Family person.
   Dark cloud suddenly capping.
   In the cloud layer, dark qi of continuously cold, slowly multiplies, in the dark clouds, spreads the strange energy fluctuation once for a while.
   The facial expression moves, he knits the brows to look that suddenly to dark clouds that reveals quietly, facial expression gradually is dignified, is alerting secretly. RO
   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 44 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-438>
   Chapter 426
   Deep person
   The dark clouds capping, the densely covered horizon, making Cloud Wind Island the light of Sun unable to shine, is the warm islands, suddenly becomes gloomy Cold Qi is threatening.
   The dark clouds drop slowly, under a piece of jungle toward Cloud Wind Island sinks, gloomy air/Qi along with it filling the air four directions.
   Shi Yan frowns, is looking up to the dark clouds of space, in the heart slightly startled, quietly hideaway aura.
   The main soul in Sea of Consciousness, the third eye is suddenly bright, releases to hinder all soul explorations the fine gods and ghosts strength, entire covers his Sea of Consciousness, does not enable any Divine Sense exploration to approach.
   Hides in old tree branches and leaves, by the slit, he is gazing at the distant place quietly.
   long time, one line of three silhouette, do not appear gradually from that dark clouds.
   An old man of graying at the temples, makings outwardly submissive but inwardly evil-hearted look outstanding young people, one unexpectedly is cloudy devil race Yi Cuibi.
   Three people brave from the dark clouds, stands firm in that jungle place, the facial expression is calm, was talking in a low voice what.
   Looks from afar to that same place, pays attention that old man that young people, Shi Yan discovered that these two and Yi Cuibi eyes, the body is frail, the makings outwardly submissive but inwardly evil-hearted ice is cold, the spiritual fluctuation is quite intense, excels at the utilization of soul energy extremely.
   Deep person!
   Looked at one, he had then affirmed the status of two, the physique of deep person, is different from Devil Clan with humanity, their physique is partial in the cold, does not like the energy waste on quenchinging of fleshly body, regards the life-long goal cultivation of soul, each deep person, is the physique cold is frail, seems delicate, the soul is fierce.
   The makings and soul of two fluctuate, with mostly the same except for minor differences of Yi Cuibi, obviously is a race.
   Outwardly submissive but inwardly evil-hearted handsome youth, attentive and Yi Cuibi said some what, is asking for her favor, has the cordiality to her likely greatly, the Yi Cuibi facial expression was faint, the response that was perfunctory several, urged that youth was quicker the motion.
   The old man of that graying at the temples, should shelters the youth, the look is cold, Divine Sense has been searching, preventing the human to approach since birth.
   Three photographs in seeking for what, in jungle speech walks around, to arrive at the position that Shi Yan hides gradually.
   'Sister Cuibi, this time found the crystal of cloudy jade, my father personally will then get rid, to refine a cloudy deep cold pill , helping you expanding one time Sea of Consciousness , to promote your soul energy, enabling you soon to achieve Second Sky of Sky Realm, the soul goes a step further.'
   Youth mouth corner has a smile, full Han anticipates saying: 'Cloudy deep cold pill's refinement, extreme is not easy, my father precise this medicinal pills, is in order to makes your father sincerity treat us. Cloudy devil race this for our deep person [lineage/vein], our deep person has occupied Jialuo Sea Area now, shares that many precious cultivation resources, if given time, the influence of our deep person, definitely formidable, your father is cloudy devil race three big commands, in the future naturally will also go a step further, obtains the advantage that he earns.'
   The Yi Cuibi black eyebrow coloring eyebrow has raised, looked at his one eyes lightly, has not said what.
   'Sister Cuibi, you said that my there does have the problem? Didn't you comply with our weddings for what?' The youth have no alternative, a face worried bothersomely that 'my status Earth Realm, can't be joined to you? In this year, how I to you, you should be clear, I do is not very good?'
   'It is not insufficiently good, but I do not like you.' The Yi Cuibi stingy words, coldly snort, 'I have not remembered finally you before seeing me, the young person are innumerable, has the relational woman with you, does not know many. Your side never lacks the girls person, is what must pester to me with hardship?'
   'You are different from other woman.' The youth bear a grudge, raise hand to pledge: 'Before has not seen you, other woman is only the happy field companion who I play, has never had the true feelings. After seeing you, all change, for you, I early has cut off the relation with these women, but to let you are seeing me, I do insufficient good?'
   Yi Cuibi continues to shake the head, the facial expression is desolate.
   The youth is helpless , to continue to pester, covers the chest to show the true feelings there, the words is sure, must run away the appearance that the heart and liver gives her to look.
   In the leaf, Shi Yan coldly looks at that same place, in the heart sneers.
   One year, the cloudy devil race person unexpectedly has become integrated with the deep person, with for a race, the relation is really evidently easier to be intimate.
   The youth so pursue Yi Cuibi desperately, perhaps also for Yi Tianmo in the cloudy devil race status and Earth Realm, to obtain the Yi Tianmo sincerity, this must look for Yi Cuibi to unite the marriage, its goal is also for truly cloudy devil race and oneself binds together, so as to avoid Yi Tianmo has the what disloyalty.
   looks at that Yi Cuibi paces in the forests slowly, graceful, the Shi Yan look cold woods get down gradually.
   He remembered initially saw the Yi Cuibi scene, in the place of that abandonment, this woman used powerful soul conciousness, gave to break through his mind protection directly, trigs him, led into the old city that him cloudy devil race was, afterward, he and this woman, but also had hunted and killed Demonic Beast in Yin Beast Mountain together, has a fate.
   Circumstances changes with the time, cloudy devil race walked from abyss battlefield, moves in Endless Sea, arrives at together, so the accident with the deep person, stems from him to be unexpected greatly.
   Yi Tianmo three people of initial pledges, still near ear, but they actually submit to the deep person at this time.
   Although has not regarded the loyal subordinate the Yi Tianmo three people, may see this moment scene, he is in the heart is uncomfortable.
   He knows that Yi Tianmo and the others are also because it cannot be helped.
   The deep person and demon person are too really strong, Endless Sea Warrior, blood relationship that because they and demon people and deep person inherit, will not regard the partner to regard them, Yi Tianmo and Di Shan cultivation base is uncommon, but compared with Devil Emperor and yama, that naturally is well below.
   The situation is inferior to the human, has to lower the head, for extension of race, for the posterity, they have to submit, finally and deep person and demon person arrive together.
   Shi Yan is not accidental.
   If he initially has to suppress Devil Emperor powerful to be fierce, can preserve the cloudy devil race clansman not by the violation of demon person, perhaps Di Shan one line of will not betray, will also regard the master to regard him.
   What a pity, extreme rapid that although he Realm progresses, actually as before compared with cultivation several hundred years of Devil Emperor, even if taking advantage of Holy Spirit God, Black Ice Cold Flame and Earthcore Flame three energy of strange life bodies , can only advocate a Mo Jita this kind of role war with the demon, is hard to ask for convenient from the Devil Emperor hand.
   Even if now, he must really to Lang Xun and Chi Yan this kind of character , can only the rout, escape is difficult to say.
   Initially Chi Yan with the aid of Xiao Hanyi fleshly body, power that displayed, then world-shaking, letting him only to take advantage of Ye Changfeng to escape, does not have a point strength to hit back.
   Now he enters into the Sky Realm boundary, three big lives regain the ability, if fuses once more, does not know whether can may endure a war.
   He has not grasped as before.
   Follows in the youth rear old man, obviously is Expert of deep person, the spiritual fluctuation like the severe gale, the place visited jungle branches and leaves circles in flight to sway, that type such as the blade shears the general spiritual fluctuation, does not have cultivation base of boundary of God Passage, feared that cannot display.
   Passes the God Realm deep person, regarding the understanding of soul, absolutely extreme terrifying.
   Under him holding the breath of conciousness with rapt attention, has not used one point of power, coldly looks at these three people passed over gently and swiftly from hundred meters, the facial expression is serious.
   The Yi Cuibi three people, come as if in seeking for the what cultivation material, has walked randomly a while on Cloud Wind Island , drills into the dark clouds of space, floating goes far away.
   He does not know whether the Yi Cuibi three people have harvested, did not care that stopped over a while in Cloud Wind Island , hesitant, left, flies in the Dark Water Territory direction.
   Cloud black ink island.
   Dark Water Territory is rich in Yun Moshi the island, in the island is tightly guarded, various Level Warrior linger in the surrounding of islands, in the island has also established all sorts of strange barrier barriers, prevents closing up of alien race.
   Has not approached that islands, he then sees in the island the person's shadow flickering, many Warrior are appearing and disappearing.
   This islands belong to Heaven Lake Holy Land, Warrior on island , came from Heaven Lake Holy Land, the islands have the thousand li(500 km) to be far to that Cloud Wind Island , does not have the deep person and demon person appears and disappears in the nearby.
   Arrives at the islands surrounding, sees Heaven Lake Holy Land Disaster boundary Warrior, goes forward to shout loud, asked about the Shi Yan status.
   He sees Shi Yan is person of clan Warrior, does not have many stops, asked about the status, was only the routine business.
   Shi Yan has dodged several, said that he is one person alone cultivation Warrior, arrived in the island.
   After on island, has handed over middle grade Spirit Stone, he then inquired the situations on some islands.
   The cloud black ink island really belongs to Heaven Lake Holy Land, in the island does not have the common people, only then hundred Realm Warrior guard temporarily, the responsibility regularly inspects nearby sea area, inquired that the trend of deep person and demon person, this time cloud black ink island, Nirvana Second Sky Realm Heaven Lake Holy Land Warrior takes responsibility.
   The islands center, directional teleportation, goes nonstop to the Heaven Lake Holy Land headquarters.
   Once Warrior on island, discovered that the surroundings have the demon person and deep person to come, then will directly enter that directional teleportation, immediately leaves this cloud black ink island, after waiting for the situation to subside, will come here once more , to continue to peep at the surrounding sea area the situation that is the Heaven Lake Holy Land collection news.
   'Hey, today the saintess your honorable self visits, comes the situation on inspection island, can your this fellow once see our saintesses?'
   That person Spirit Stone that holds appreciatively Shi Yan to bestow, the smiling face is somewhat ambiguous, said: 'Our saintesses, although seems like the look is ordinary, actually is actually the real beauty, but she usually has the mask, nobody can see. However the figures of our saintess, that graceful, may be called perfect, if you can give me again together Spirit Stone, I can make you approach the region that the islands central saintesses live, perhaps you can the good luck sees our saintesses.'
   The Shi Yan bursting out laughing, is smiling shaking the head, 'considers as finished, cannot see the portrait, but has a look at the figure, was inferior that does not see.'
   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 45 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-439>
   Chapter 427
   Rips open the mask
   'Your boy is not understanding!' This person is not glad, smiles, saying that despises cold: 'The portrait of saintess, you can peep actually, figure that can have a look at the saintess, is the good fortune that you cultivate! Snort, the boy, you come us to say the black ink island, has what matter?'
   'All right.' Shi Yan knits the brows.
   He by Sky Level cultivation base, so long as conceals slightly, other people cannot see his real Realm, for example now, he revealed that cultivation base of Human Realm boundary, this Warrior actually completely could not completely understand, when only his cultivation base is indeed mean, in the heart naturally somewhat despised.
   'Saintess came, Liu Tao, careful, be not seen you to be loaf by the saintess!'
   Suddenly, hears one to scold from the distant place, a look straightforward guy, by far severe staring and Warrior of Shi Yan speech to that.
   Liu Tao keeps silent, shuts up hurriedly, some fearing shrank necking, looks distantly to the distant place.
   Shi Yan is also suitable for the power and reputation to not far away hill.
   Under that mountain peak, row of Hongwafang, a Third Level house center, goes out of together wonderful graceful silhouette slowly.
   Qu Yanqing.
   A silver-gray vigor attire, neat, moving heart and soul that her moving physique wraps, on an ordinary not wonderful face, that bright eye absorbs the human extremely, has one type not is respectable that allows to look down upon.
   In Heaven Lake Holy Land, Qu Yanqing Earth Realm is aloof, regarding general Heaven Lake Holy Land Warrior, she without doubt is the character of keeping aloof, can only observe, can only profane to play in the heart, does not dare to reveal the iota on the face.
   Road Warrior on many Heaven Lake Holy Land, when she passes through, does not look askance, serious.
   However, once she walks, these person looks hot looked that carries the buttocks place to her, the facial expression burning hot.
   The Qu Yanqing line, beautiful pupil glistens, arrives at Shi Yan this directly, 'has island come up the stranger?' She looks to Shi Yan, the question actually obviously aims at Liu Tao.
   Liu Tao feels extremely flattered, bows slightly, flattered hurriedly: 'Was this boy, said that from the Tuta sea area, bypassed Yuanluo Sea Area to come. En, he mentioned our Dark Water Territory, looked to select the cultivation material, said that on the road cautiously, has not bumped into the alien race person.'
   Qu Yanqing puts on a serious face, the look ponders, has sized up Shi Yan a while, suddenly leaves the sound track: 'You come with me, I have the words to ask you.' The expression does not allow to reject.
   In the Shi Yan heart sneers, the facial expression was tranquil, has selected nod, said lightly: 'Good.'
   'Boy, a while gives me custom, the saintess asked your what, answered what, if you did not dare honestly, my Liu Tao made you know that inevitably what was called to be in deep sorrow!'
   Shi Yan shrugs, chic and smooth.
   'You come with me.' Qu Yanqing comes in view of him obviously, shot a look at his one eyes at will, then takes back the vision, the manner is arrogant, has not cared him, when only he is only ordinary Warrior.
   Shi Yan were not many said that followed silently.
   The line, he discovered all the way these Heaven Lake Holy Land Warrior, is the same like the greedy person, greedy is staring at the Qu Yanqing back to their bodies, but frontage Qu Yanqing person, is serious, the sage is the same, reveals the awe the expression.
   In the heart laughs in one's heart, Shi Yan knows this Qu Yanqing in the Heaven Lake Holy Land Warrior eye, obviously extremely wonderful delicious, but they feared for a lifetime is also can only have a look, the opportunity of forever not having moved.
   Suddenly remembers when the place of that abandonment, he once had touched the waist buttocks of this woman, has ripped open the mask on her face, looks at these Heaven Lake Holy Land Warrior again, he has the proud spontaneously.
   Your saintesses, the father also traces has rubbed!
   Shi Yan wicked interest said with a smile in the heart maliciously.
   Arrived at that Hongwafang, Qu Yanqing walked, the central 50 square meters main halls, have chocked up the chair, tidied up clean neat.
   Qu Yanqing sits in the main hall seat of honor, is wielding the pure white white hands, hints Shi Yan to sit left side of her.
   Shi Yan is safely free, careless sits, looked at a front, discovered that door unlatched, the extremely far place, 1-2 Warrior silhouette appear, should unable to see here scene, is impossible to hear here speech sound.
   'You said that you come from the Tuta sea area, how can know that side situation? En, so long as to our useful news, I will give you certainly to reward for services rendered.' The Qu Yanqing sound is chilly, the look is arrogant, when speech, on the table stage before body, emits three crystal light bright high grade Spirit Stone slowly, the jade refers to ignites Spirit Stone lightly, inquired indifferently.
   'Does not know.' Shi Yan shakes the head.
   The Qu Yanqing black eyebrow coloring eyebrow wrinkled slightly, the facial expression somewhat was obviously disgruntled, 'these three high grade Spirit Stone, to your this Realm Warrior, should not calculate that was light. You thought that the reward is too low? Like this, I think your news the precious degree, if your news enough rare, I can give you to reward for services rendered separately, how?'
   'Spirit Stone what, my not rare.' Shi Yan shook the head, suddenly said: 'I want to know very much, your here situations, actually how? You are the Heaven Lake Holy Land saintess, should know very well truth, whether to consider?'
   The Qu Yanqing elegant face stagnates, the beautiful pupil somewhat unusually, strangely takes a look at him.
   General Warrior, when sees her, will appear will like a cat on hot bricks, under her the suppression of status and cultivation base, this Human Level small Warrior, feared that will not be agile the speech, but this person of quarts discussed that will obviously not be anxious, instead also dares to speak to interrogate that she will get up.
   This made Qu Yanqing slightly be startled, thought that the present person some are not quite as if same.
   'Situation that actually you do know the Tuta sea area?' Qu Yanqing slightly one hesitant, the facial expression woods are suddenly cold, consistent cold and proud, 'I asked your what, said what, I was unhappy others and I bargain back and forth.'
   , Qu Yanqing has curled the lip, mocked: 'You think you, has with the qualifications that I bargained back and forth?'
   Shi Yan hey smiles, nod affirms saying: 'Has.'
   'oh?' Qu Yanqing has raised the brow tip, reveals little does not bear, sneers saying: 'You depending on what?'
   'Depends on the father to trace you!'
   'Courts death!'
   Qu Yanqing has stood suddenly, the facial expression ice is cold, look gloomy and cold, must begin to offend somebody.
   Her white hands just lifted, suddenly discovered that Shi Yan dodges to vanish, unexpectedly did not have the trail.
   The next quarter, rough man aura, transmits in her scruff place suddenly, her mind one startled, has not responded that then the light mask on discovery face, unexpectedly was ripped.
   'I like the face under your mask.' Shi Yan smiled, impolite has patted one on her abundant buttocks, called surprisingly said: 'Is the elasticity is as before astonishing, for a long time does not see, stature as before such charming, does not waste father people in the overseas, but also has been keeping thinking about you.'
   The Qu Yanqing terrified color deterioration, the tender body trembles fiercely, suddenly loses the sound track: 'You, your sound?'
   Formerly words, he restored the vowel.
   Ha Ha smiled, Shi Yan mood one happy, grins to tease: 'Beautiful woman, separated was so long, you actually still remember that my sound, good good, looked that my you early seemed to be heavy to my sentiment profound meaning, father very happy.'
   'I have a dream will not forget your evil sound!'
   The Qu Yanqing silver tooth bites darkly, coldly has turned around, does not know that is the alarmed and afraid or excited, tender body shivers gently, is staring him maliciously, said furious: 'Do you also dare to come back?'
   Shi Yan smiles, a face is amazed, asks back: 'Don't I dare to return for what?'
   So was saying, his vision brilliant looks to that beautiful fine cheek, smiles is acclaiming repeatedly, 'has a moving cheek obviously, why covers up? Really wastes Natural Heavenly Object. En, I pity the person of flower, sees you each time, will make this face reveal that sees the sunlight, absorbs heaven and earth Spiritual Qi.'
   'Your bastard!'
   'Good, I am a bastard.' Shi Yan nod, full mouth acknowledged again and again that putting out a hand has patted the racket on that tender and delicate cheek immodestly, sneered saying: 'Compared with the person of my bastard, has, accepted father's condition, afterward immediately tears to pieces the facial skin, but also sends for chasing down me, you said that your Master Men, whether also wants the bastard compared with me? You, are not I rescue, can you live are returning from the abyss battlefield? Can you live the present?'
   Qu Yanqing imposing manner suddenly weak.
   'I remember, when the place of that abandonment, I had said that you are the maidservant who I purchase, father work as the current event to be busy, has not tasted your taste, how now makes up?' The Shi Yan smiling face is evil, language air cooled woods.
   The Qu Yanqing illness brought on by the obstruction of flow of vital energy, wishes one could to swallow into his one, chews the blood froth to be good maliciously.
   'Your what?' Shi Yan sneers.
   'I acknowledged that the procedure of master, really has the deficiency.' Qu Yanqing sighed suddenly in a soft voice, evaded his provocation, sat there, facial expression said low-spirited: 'But I cannot take responsibility, initially the master school person chased down your time, I have not participated, you why so? You left, should not come back, you came back, the situation will only repeat, should deal with your person, meets such to you.'
   'Hadn't they been hit to awake by demon person and deep person?' Shi Yan is cold the face, coldly is smiling, 'looks like the Endless Sea destruction, feared how long could not want, at this time is also thinking in fought, I thought my this coming back, could see Endless Sea by the deep person and demon person thoroughly usurping. En, so also good, these people keep Endless Sea, might as well gave dead is good, lived also wastes the cultivation resources, even was inferior to convenient others alien races.'
   'You should not come back.' Qu Yanqing sits there, the expression is complex, 'leaves, do not come back again, Endless Sea cannot accommodate you, but you can in other place live well, why comes to here to confess in court?'
   'Well, do you as if very care about me?' Shi Yan one startled one for the first time, hey said with a smile: 'Did beautiful woman, none who does not become really to my heart dark Xu? En, I know the charm unparalleled, your I have the reality of flesh, the woman concern is strange, it is said to the frivolous own person, special emotions, you are is also so?'
   'I manage your life!' Qu Yanqing changed facial expression, the air/Qi tender body shivers all over, wishes one could the stance that Shi Yan chokes to death.
   Shi Yan indifferently by right, look were many profound meaning, as if has discovered a marvelous matter.
   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 46 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-440>
   Chapter 428
   Shi Yan influence
   Four items of relative, they simultaneously are suddenly silent.
   The atmosphere is somewhat strange.
   'You are the Heaven Lake Holy Land saintess, so long as Heaven Lake Holy Land does not perish, you can such keep aloof, accept lying prostrate in worship of subordinates Warrior.' Shi Yan silent a while, said suddenly calmly: 'Reason that my this time comes before your body, but thought that your heart should not be narrow, could sanely with me discusses some Endless Sea nowadays situations.'
   'Do you want to know what?' Qu Yanqing knit the brows, sighed in a soft voice.
   'I only know that Yuanluo Sea Area and Jialuo Sea Area were the demon person and deep person, related Three God Church, Gu Family and Dongfang Family news was not clear, I was very curious their this tripartite influences, now where? Yuanluo Sea Area had been wrested away by the demon person, they naturally needed the new cultivation place.'
   'Dongfang Family in the Dark Water Territory tabernacle, Gu Family went to the Tuta sea area, attaches in the Cao Family sphere of influence. As for that Three God Church'
   Qu Yanqing has hesitated, said: 'Three God Church believer, then has not moved in Endless Sea, speculated according to us that perhaps their people hide in the seabed, is watching changes quietly, waits for us and demon people and deep person puts together life and death, will brave from the seabed.'
   'Said this year situation with me.'
   The silent several seconds, Qu Yanqing nod, explained the situation that she knows slowly simply.
   In this year, Shi Yan whets itself in Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, lost the contact with Endless Sea, knows nothing regarding here situation.
   years ago, he leaves Endless Sea not long time, Devil Territory and Jialuo Sea Area Gate of Heaven makes a connection truly, the corpse soul bridge extends from Devil Territory , arrived at Jialuo Sea Area.
   Devil Emperor Lang Xun and Chi Yan, true body arrives at Jialuo Sea Area together, and is carrying several thousand elite.
   Short one week of time, demon person then arrives Yuanluo Sea Area, has cleared away Yuanluo Sea Area all barriers.
   Three God Church Ouyang Luoshuang is budding, battles by Silver Moon Martial Spirit and Lang Xun of precise thousand years moonlight, the struggle half day, is defeated weak.
   Hence, Three God Church withdraws from Yuanluo Sea Area, part sneaks the seabed, part hides sacred place, for a long time does not reveal the body in the sea level.
   Is defeated including Ouyang Luoshuang, Gu Xiao and Eastern jue can only evade the point temporarily, does not wait for the demon to lift to intrude on, the split up influence, in the master the clan transfers, changes over to the Tuta sea area and Dark Water Territory.
   Many common people, degenerate into the cannon fodder, was cut to kill to slaughter by the demon person, the Yuanluo Sea Area field littered with corpses, pitiful does not endure to witness.
   Cao Qiudao and Yang Yitian have to step onto the floor, assumes personal command in Dark Water Territory and Tuta sea area, gathers the Endless Sea all parties influence, deals with the invasion of demon person.
   Ouyang Luoshuang often makes an appearance, the effective strength gradually is enhanced each time, power is getting more and more fearful, had gradually has compared Cao Qiudao and Yang Yitian strength.
   When the Tuta sea area, the demon person prepares to make use the invasion, a team of demon person, was killed cleanly by strange cutting.
   Afterward the demon person sends out the demon to advocate Mo Jita to go to nose, in that Tuta sea area Corpse God Church region, Mo Jita carries the severe wound, almost cannot live return.
   Lang Xun flies into a rage, goes into action personally, all alone marches into that sea area, looks for Corpse God Church to retaliate.
   In Corpse God Church, two big ten thousand years of Corpse King collaborates, by the heaven and earth Five Elements true meaning, makes Lang Xun fly back without any results unexpectedly, under the Five Elements backdrop covers up, the Corpse God Church religion was covered completely, is hard to penetrate including Lang Xun Divine Sense.
   After this war, Corpse God Church receives widely-noted.
   Qing Ming is Corpse God Church Cult Master, in that world-shaking war, instead stands by, has not participated in the qualifications unexpectedly.
   Afterward Lang Xun said that Corpse God Church has mutation, two big Corpse King break away from the Qing Ming control, becomes the Corpse God Church actual master, should being restrained Corpse Slave, then has become the mainstay of Corpse God Church, the Corpse God Church original disciple, became has taken care the Corpse Slave servant.
   Corpse God Church Corpse King and Corpse Slave, turn into the master from the servant, original master, then has become the servant of taking care.
   Rising of two big Corpse King, rewrote the Corpse God Church history, Corpse King and Corpse Slave gathered the influence that formed, dominated on original Qing Ming these believers.
   Has wisdom two big ten thousand years of Corpse King, has wielded Corpse God Church, making Corpse God Church change external appearances only, instead the strength multiplied.
   Including Lang Xun Devil Emperor, cannot collaborate to ask for the advantage from two big Corpse King, this lets Endless Sea all influences Warrior, first conciousness to had self- conciousness Corpse King, has fearfully how.
   Xia Family that declines, on Xia Family first generation master Xia Qinghou, becomes an official in the vault of heaven sea area suddenly, fights with the deep person in Jialuo Sea Area border, cuts to add up totals hundred various Level deep people, has blocked from rays of light of numerous influence head at one fell swoop.
   The Seven-Layered Underworld three big Hei Tian yamas, with a Xia Qinghou war, the gloom that fights, cannot execute Xia Qinghou unexpectedly.
   A Xia Qinghou war becomes famous, gathers the Xia Family remnant forces, establishes a new school in the vault of heaven sea area, constructs sect Lipai near Heavenly Demon Mountain Range forcefully, was Xia Family settles down again.
   After fighting, the people suddenly discovered that Xia Qinghou has entered into the boundary of God Passage Second Sky, and soul cultivation base is quite exquisite, Yang Yitian acknowledged that he in the attainments of soul, cannot exceed Xia Qinghou steadily.
   Continuously pushed aside Xia Family, takes the stage, and bloomed compared with past dazzling rays of light.
   Yang Yitian of vault of heaven sea area, has approved the Xia Qinghou powerful strength, whatever he monopolizes the power in a place in the vault of heaven sea area, keeps in balance Jialuo Sea Area Hei Tian yama and other masters by him.
   Xia Qinghou that ten thousand years of Corpse King of Tuta sea area, Three God Church Ouyang Luoshuang, rises suddenly, the sudden appearances of these four Expert, have disrupted the plan of demon person and deep person, in addition has Cao Qiudao and Yang Yitian has related all Warrior influence, gathers the resistance power, making the demon person and deep person be restrained very much.
   Wanted the short time to sweep clean the Endless Sea demon person and deep person, saw with own eyes that Endless Sea emits four to threaten their masters to come out suddenly sufficiently, has to think things over carefully before acting, not rashly radical, step by step but proceeds in an orderly way carries on the annexation the important matter, gradual comes to get rid to three big sea areas.
   Over the past year, two Great Devil Emperor, three big yamas, the distinction and Cao Qiudao, Yang Yitian, two big ten thousand years of Corpse King, Ouyang Luoshuang and Xia Qinghou have fought, Devil Emperor and yama, cannot collaborate to ask for the advantage from this Expert, fights several times, was injured, starts to cease all activities.
   Later, the soldier of subordinates, starts to battle mutually, being heavily engaged that a three day small war, a seven day war, hits.
   One year later, under Cao Qiudao and resistances of Yang Yitian these Expert, the demon person and deep person, has not conquered Endless Sea, both sides fell into the lasting battle of attrition gradually, starts to compete the manpower and resources.
   Qu Yanqing sits well on the chair, tea green tea, said lightly: 'In this year, the alien races and our fights, each have, I said that is this year important matter. In addition, some minor matters have nothing to do with you, wants to come you not to have the interest, I was not many say.'
   'Ten thousand years of Corpse King, Ouyang Luoshuang and Xia Qinghou'
   Shi Yan muttered, the facial expression was quite strange, mouth corner transgressed the light smiling face.
   He suddenly discovered that these fellows, have the dispute unclear relations with him unexpectedly.
   If were not his [Seal of Life] stimulated ten thousand years of Corpse King life conciousness, that ten thousand years of Corpse King will not have the wisdom, will not betray Qing Ming, will not appear resists Devil Emperor Lang Xun, conformed with Corpse God Church, making Corpse Slave become the heaven shaking important matter of to attach most importance person.
   It can be said that ten thousand years of Corpse King transformation, is his one creates.
   Ouyang Luoshuang also differs not in a big way.
   In the past he obtained the Star God inheritance, stimulated beyond that day the change of meteorite, perhaps Ouyang Luoshuang meditation in the meteorite, was unable that quick reviving.
   Because of his appearance, that Ouyang Luoshuang quickly the awaking extension, then moves into Endless Sea, has become the Three God Church most dazzling new first generation God Realm master.
   Xia Qinghou is also similar.
   He knows, reason that Xia Qinghou that quickly returns to normal , because received the Ye Changfeng spirit empty pill's advantage, in Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, Ye Changfeng once stated clearly that Xia Qinghou has come swamp under island, was stranded many years, clear only Divine Soul that from swamp only remained.
   When absorbs that clear only Divine Soul, Xia Family Reincarnation Martial Spirit occurred craftily changes, making him unconscious, becomes the delay wood stares once for a while.
   The spirit empty pill's appearance, making him retrieve itself gradually, digests martial arts true meaning that clear Divine Soul has left behind only, this made him enter into new Realm, stepped into the boundary of God Passage Second Sky, and grasps some secret that clear Divine Soul once had left only behind, this can with the Hei Tian yama battle perfection.
   Corpse King, Ouyang Luoshuang and Xia Qinghou
   Shi Yan grins hey smiles, the mind is joyful.
   Over the past year, although he has not moved in Endless Sea, but he or has no intention or the tripartite Expert that has a mind to facilitate, has actually substituted for him, has raised the difficult situation in Endless Sea, making the Endless Sea situation be insufficient becomes worse.
   To a certain extent, he has been affecting this Endless Sea situation quietly, even if other people not here.
   'Do you smile what?' Qu Yanqing is astonished however.
   'Does not have what.' Shi Yan shook the head, has hesitated, asked: 'May have the Yang Family news, does recent one year, have the Yang Family person activity?'
   'The Yang Family person should have part at this time, in the middle of that seabed Huang City, we receives the message, Yang Mu and the others, had appeared in seabed Huang City. However now the Endless Sea situation is grim, nobody has a mind to continue to look for their troubles actually, illuminates us, Yang Mu they should come out from the abyss battlefield, went to seabed Huang City.' Qu Yanqing light [say / way].
   'Huang City?' Shi Yan is surprised.
   'En, seabed Huang City, is Sea Clan opens, the goal is to carry on with the goods exchange of our person clan. Although the seabed commodity is rich, may also some cultivation materials, only then in the sea level has. Sea Clan causes Huang City to come, is lets Warrior in sea level with the marine commodity, trades seabed cultivation material.'
   'Yang Mu has appeared in Huang City unexpectedly.'
   Shi Yan muttered whispers, the eye has shone suddenly.
   : One, will continue to make up today tomorrow, the forced smile, I discovered that I fell into some strange Realm ~ RO
   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 47 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-441>
   Do you want to go to seabed Huang City? '
   Qu Yanqing frowns, shook the head gently ' ' seabed Huang City very Chaos. Has Sea Clan and monster clan, human Warrior, that is more than a race to mingle region. Seabed Huang City has gone since an expedition again and again, as if has been never peaceful. In the past your Yang Family powerful time, Sea Clan gave back to your Yang Family face, now Yang Qingdi was stranded, perhaps life-long cannot walk from the imprisonment. At this time Sea Clan will not necessarily continue to give you face, I think that Yang Mu they in Huang City, the day also not necessarily felt better, you have gotten down, change what.
   Shi Yan is silent, silent smiling. Has not cared her words.
   , ' You should better or are far away from Endless Sea. Is far away from this place is apt to get into trouble.. The Qu Yanqing eye is bright, said sincerely: ' You are not quite same as the general Yang Family person. All influence in Endless Sea, fully aware of said Yang Mu and the others in Huang City, will not make some what, but if knows that you in seabed Huang City, feared that is different...
   , 'oh?'. Does Shi Yan raise eyebrow ' ' this words to say?.
   , 'Yang Mu these people are living. Also cannot the eyebrow defeated promote the Yang Family important matter, they are impossible to make Yang Family rise in Endless Sea again, regarding others' threat, will not be big.', Qu Yanqing facial expression is dignified ' ', but you are different, the head who you let the Endless Sea all parties influence, realized that you have the infinite potential, your performance, even has surpassed Yang Qingdi young time, if gives you more time calmly to cultivate, some day, you could substitute for Yang Qingdi, making Yang Family promote once more, comes to a stop in Endless Sea again...
   Shi Yan grins, hey has smiled. Reveals expression that feels extremely flattered ' nod saying:, ' Is indebted to favor...
   , 'Their to ignore you will not manage. Once you pass on the Huang City news, wants to come Endless Sea these fellows, will do everything possible to cope with you. Your threat. The point was too big, many people were afraid you, the time will not make you grow' they to be afraid you to you becomes another Yang Qing Shell '.
   Qu Yanqing facial expression with deep veneration, serious saying.
   , How 'to go to seabed Huang City?. Shi Yan turns a deaf ear to her persuasion, said with a smile:, ' I naturally must go to Huang City, these people want to make some what to make them to me really' come are. You looked whether I can go on living well...
   Is so long in Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist meditation. He enters into Sky Level at one fell swoop, and makes Black Ice Cold Flame, Holy Spirit God and Earthcore Flame regain energy, critical moment. If can make these three big life body weights mix newly, draws support the sharpness of that mystical great sword. He is self-confident, only if Yang Yitian and character of Cao Qiudao this tenon rank goes into action personally, otherwise do not want to be what kind of him.
   The Endless Sea situation is so grim, he does not believe Yang Yitian and Cao Qiudao this character, junior who for trivial true is not formidable, but chases down Huang City.
   Most is also Gu Xiao and Wu Qin this kind of role comes ' this character, he does not fear unperturbed.
   , 'Do you want to go really?'. Qu Yanqing facial expression cold, regarding his stubbornness somewhat angry., 'You in the past how? The Endless Sea situation is so complex, Yang Family also does not have the means to render you any assistance, why remains? By your potential. Ten years, naturally have been able to step peak. Who when the time comes returned to Endless Sea' to cope with you...
   , ' My regard has decided... Shi Yan smiled, the look ponders is staring at her. Suddenly said: ' Do you as if very much care about me?.
   The Qu Yanqing expression stagnates, at once is angry considerate:, ' I do not think that looks at you early died! You are living, perhaps in the future can be Endless Sea makes some what, could look like that Ouyang Luoshuang and Xia Qinghou to be ordinary. Gives Devil Emperor and yama greatly to threaten, could let Endless Sea, is insufficient to reduce to the alien race hand...
   , ' Endless Sea will turn into the what appearance, I will not care... Shi Yan cold voice snort, did not say patiently:, ' Said that how to enter the qi city?.
   Qu Yanqing is silent, clenches teeth to turn head not to visit him, seems spiteful.
   Shi Yan stunned, ' does your this woman, become is really none who does not interesting to me?.. Gawked a while, Shi Yan has been confused, somewhat bewildered asking.
   Qu Yanqing, finally no longer hides what annoyedly ' panting in indignation saying:, Before ', your Yang Family has to connect Huang City teleportation, on Immortal Island. Now Immortal Island has become the temporary palaces of three big yamas, you go, has a blind alley, in addition, you can dive from the sea water, that seabed Huang City in Jialuo Sea Area under. You arrived at the seabed, oneself seek, must be able to find, you must court death, my being disinclined manages you...
   Shi Yan Life Qi, did not say with a smile:, 'So good. My this coming, has not thought actually will run into you. En, you actually are not quite it seems like same as Cao Zhilan, but also is a little touch of humanity, if in the future one day, I must destroy completely Heaven Lake Holy Land', when will worry about today's friendship, making you safe and sound...
   , 'Extremely arrogant!'
   , ', The father has been very extremely arrogant. The beautiful women, have met again, I look for your news, as you wish reporting do not report, I did not fear that your Heaven Lake Holy Land sends for chasing down me.'.
   , ' I am not bored...
   , ' That came the date to meet again...
   Shi Yan is not but actually loathsome, laughs, suddenly put out a hand to trace on her cheek fiercely. Also approved one, this unflustered departure.
   Goes out of this tile-roofed house, he transfers immediately. Changes into one bunch of lightning, left this islands rapidly.
   Qu Yanqing sits is freezing, beautiful pupil lightens the complex appearance, the cheek is gradually red.
   Half sound, she shook the head gently, the white hands stroke gently Shi Yan has been tracing the half cheeks, muttered in a low voice whispers:, ' Goes on living well, I have not asked you to do accounts. Your this hateful lecher!..
   Leaves from Dark Water Territory, Shi Yan all alone goes to the Jialuo Sea Area direction, arrives at Jialuo Sea Area edge, looked was winding around on that day the cold dark qi sky, his facial expression gloomy got down gradually.
   Looked at a while indifferently, his whole body shines black light, covers the body with that Dark Light Shield, then sneaks toward the seabed.
   Sea-monster that the deep blue sea water, the spear, crosses once for a while. Blue emerald green seaweed, seabed world magnificent multi- colors, visionally blurred moving.
   Dives. The hydraulic pressure constantly is strengthened, is pressing Dark Light Shield.
   Dark Light Shield glittering misty black light, has not been distorting because of the enhancement of hydraulic pressure, continuously Essence Qi slowly pours into, Dark Light Shield bright spread comes gradually, enabling him to be able in middle[ from] by the activity hands and feet, utilizes all sorts of power.
   Even if in sea water, space the energy of stars, can seep, pours into him quietly[ body].
   The body shrinks in Dark Light Shield, feels the stars to be able injection, Shi Yan closes the eye, sinks to Stars Martial Spirit the mind.
   The mind submerges, just likes enters vast boundless Star Sea, walks randomly in the star territory likely slowly, the surroundings as if have light of glittering innumerable stars, releases Strength of Stars that ancient does not extinguish, is pasting the heaven and earth stars highest good.
   He likely has become a small stars luminous spot, is walking randomly in the vast star territory, is realizing from experience the Star Sea mystery, has put behind itself, total involvement investment in.
   Comprehends Stars Martial Spirit, this is a slow process ' needs the ceaseless efforts, meditation that needs to persevere, but also needs some sudden enlightenment.
   The Sky Realm boundary, needs to comprehend various true meanings between heaven and earth, can make Realm obtain the sublimation, enters into the new level.
   In Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, he early knows Warrior of Sky Realm boundary. With the general Nirvana Origin boundary Warrior biggest difference. Then is Intent Domain grasps and comprehends.
   Has Martial Spirit that Immortal, Petrification and stars three types can grasp temporarily, so long as realized a Martial Spirit true meaning, making the energetic soul obtain the sublimation, he has the possibility further ' to enter into the new level.
   Understood this point, he these three Martial Spirit Intent Domain cognition, has regarded the following essential target.
   Through Cai Yi and the others the views, he knows this acquired Martial Spirit, because has not passed through the system cultivation, wants to comprehend the Intent Domain true meaning, be more difficult than the average man.
   So, he does not dare to idle. Grasps each point. Has the leisure, comprehends the Intent Domain mystery.
   Returns from Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, he deeply has ground Immortal Martial Spirit, often cuts the finger with the sharp instrument, realizes from experience Immortal Martial Spirit with the mind regarding the restoration of fleshly body, through the healing of flesh, realizes from experience the Immortal Martial Spirit mystery.
   Because regarding the understanding of Immortal Martial Spirit is not too profound. The mystery that the line, he comprehends all the way are not many, seems very difficult to catch the essential factor.
   Actually the blood of Immortal has with wondrous use, he also knows unclear. This returns to Endless Sea, seeks for Yang Family Senior to learn that the Immortal Martial Spirit true mysterious function ' is he advocates one of the important items arriving.
   Since enters Endless Sea, Yang Qingdi has been as if paying attention to him, Yang Family has also rendered his many assistance.
   When this dangerours is difficult, he thought that arrives with Yang Family together, performs an own strength, helping Yang Family handle something, must.
   Also, his greeting on first meeting Yang Qingdi given name. Throughout personally has not actually seen, for him, this is also a regrettable matter.
   He always thought that he is necessary and Yang Qingdi cannot meet truly, consults the wondrous use of blood of Immortal to this Yang Family fierce and ambitious.
   In comprehension of Stars Martial Spirit indulges. In Dark Light Shield. He does not know the time to pass, at the uniform speed, sinks to the seabed slowly.
   Shi Yan wakes up suddenly.
   In Dark Light Shield. He opens eyes, frowns to look to the front, on the face somewhat is astonished the color however.
   Alien race person of one crowd of person first snake bodies, grasps the lance knife and fork. Is patrolling in the front sea water. Is approaching toward him slowly.
   Is an alien race woman of celebrity first snake body, the upper body is graceful, the curve is exquisite, eye pupil emerald green colored. The cheek is gorgeous, from willow waist. Then is a long snake tail, on the snake tail has the bluish gray ring-like flower mark, she is swaying from side to side the snake tail. The speed is quick ' such as green rays of light in the sea water.
   In her behind. The alien race person of person first snake body has five ' is Warrior, understood that utilizes heaven and earth energy, cultivation base in the appearance of Earth Realm boundary, grasps the knife and fork to grow hair, the look is cold. Snake Person Clan!
   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 48 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-442>
   Shi Yan looked at one, then has recognized the identities of these alien race people.
   Snake Person Clan is one of the Sea Clan, human first snake body, year to year life seabed, but occasionally also will come on the land to move.
   Snake Person Clan nature happy in place of cultivation cold. The instinct is obscene, usually did not have the favorable impression to humanity, in seabed, once bumps into the person clansman, often on own initiative provocative attack.
   To his knowledge. Snake Person Clan as if Yang Family relates well, the Snake Person Clan nowadays head of the clan is a female. Named Li Sha, probably and Yang Qingdi also has the impure delicate relations.
   In the past Yang Qingdi young time. Travelled for pleasure in the seabed ' as if has also rescued a Li Sha life.
   Yang Family can stand firm in Huang City. It is said and Snake Person Clan has the connection greatly, Yang Family connects Huang City teleportation, with the great support of Snake Person Clan, can construct finally.
   Snake Person Clan unites, extreme bearing a grudge, so long as offended them, definitely by their envy and hate in the heart, frequently is being thought the retaliation.
   The Sea Clan race is many, Snake Person Clan is a very competent race, in the seabed, the Snake Person Clan influence is very big, the master also has many, present head of the clan Snake Person Clan Li Sha, seems one passes God Realm Warrior, the supernatural power is uncommon, is deep the Snake Person Clan love.
   A series of related Snake Person Clan material, in the mind, he then had has decided the idea. Knows how should deal with these Snake Person Clan.
   One line of Snake Person Clan teams, there are six people. Is that gorgeous Snake Person Clan woman of head, cultivation base of boundary of Nirvana Origin Third Sky, grasps the silver lance, on the lance is drawing the green snakewood, has the green strange fluctuation often ripples that lance nearby current of water to spread the marvelous sound.
   Snake Person Clan approaches slowly, actually quite discrete, is that Snake Person Clan female of head in the Shi Yan body first ten meters place, suddenly raised hand the silver lance.
   behind five Snake Person Clan blacks of Earth Realm boundaries, stopped suddenly completely.
   , 'Does humanity, have to see the silver horn electricity praying mantis?'. That Snake Person Clan female, coldly looks at he, cherry lips slightly, puts out the sound wave.
   , 'silver horn electricity praying mantis?'.
   Shi Yan is astonished however shook the head, said: 'Hasn't met?'
   The silver horn electric eel is six levels of Demonic Beast in sea, can emit the intense electric current, the motion fast, round trip such as flies in the seabed, is very difficult to hunt and kill, the silver horn electricity praying mantis has Monster Core that silver horn also refines the extremely good material of weapon, in Huang City, silver horn electricity su silver horn, value not poor.
   , 'Hasn't seen?'
   That Snake Person Clan woman, doubts looks to his look gloomy and cold, snort, said:, ' The silver horn electric eel dives obviously toward you, haven't you seen? Saw obviously, doesn't want to tell us?..
   The Snake Person Clan instinct is oversuspicious, to a person clan more deficient trust always thinks that humanity is deceitful, in the past Yang Qingdi saved Snake Person Clan nowadays head of the clan Li Sha, Yang Family had given up any idea of that has the friendly relations with Snake Person Clan.
   , 'Has not seen.'.
   Shi Yan smiled the manner to be called temperately friendly, 'I, if saw naturally to tell you. Deceives you, does not need actually.'.
   , ' Fei Ya, this boy is smiling. Looked that does not know thing, he definitely saw the silver horn electric eel, did not tell us intentionally...
   Becoming emaciated like the bamboo pole, the facial expression green and yellow Snake Person Clan youth, cold snort, the manner is bad.
   Is that Snake Person Clan woman of head, is coldly looks at Shi Yan, in the eye rays of light shines slightly. As if guessing his[ really] solid Realm.
   Getting down time, Shi Yan hides[ really] strength aura that solid Realm cultivation base, appears now, seems has Third Sky of Earth Level.
   These snake people, cultivation base of Earth Realm boundary, naturally is not considered as how profound, by their cultivation base. Can capturing or cutting very much easily to kill Shi Yan.
   , ' You , if not speak the truth, does not take it ill us not to be impolite!..
   When Fei Ya facial expression cold, disgruntled saying, speech, her plentiful white hands raised ' that silver lance to emit one bunch of ice cold rays of light suddenly, that rays of light glittering, sea water[ stirred up] splash that in all directions shot, as if power was very uncommon.
   Shi Yan looks at she, has not revealed timid intent tranquilly, shows a faint smile, said: 'I am the Yang Family person.', ' Yang Family piece?..
   The Fei Ya facial expression stagnates, facial expression is slightly more attractive, the congealing eyebrow said:, How ' did you show?..
   Shi Yan without demur, extends a hand, has not displayed Petrification Martial Spirit, takes out one to be small. The head, makes an effort to delimit on the finger, leaves together the blood seam.
   Immortal Martial Spirit initiative display function.
   That blood seam, the blood has not flowed out one drop together, ' blood seam under the marvelous function of Immortal Martial Spirit heals gradually, quick vanishes to disappear.
   , 'Immortal Martial Spirit?'.
   The Snake Person Clan six people, call out in alarm together make noise.
   Fei Ya has hesitated, suddenly said:, 'Are you Yang Family direct descendant?'
   Shi Yan nod.
   , 'Did you call what?'.
   , 'Shi Yan.'.
   , 'Shi Yan?'. The Fei Ya whole face doubts, looked back to look at the behind five people, said puzzled:, ' Have you listened to Yang Family the person?.
   That five people shake the head together.
   , ' You, if the Yang Family person, is what is surnamed?. Fei Ya snort, as if some have not believed.
   , ' Has Immortal Martial Spirit, but also needs seperately to prove what?. Shi Yan has gawked, cannot help but thinks troublesome, shook the head, said: ' Ok, do you believe as one wishes, I am disinclined to ask that I only want to know Huang City exact position, whether everybody does inform me?..
   He knows seabed Huang City in Jialuo Sea Area below, but the Jialuo Sea Area under sea area is vast, without exact position, to discover the Huang City position, is not an easy matter.
   The seabed does not see Sun Moon Star Chen, is very difficult to take one's bearings, seeking of headless non- brain, may waste constantly many energy.
   This naturally is not he result that wants to see.
   , 'Do you go to Huang City to make what?'. Fei Ya asked.
   , 'A little matter... The Shi Yan smiling face is indifferent ' ' whether to inform the Huang City position?'.
   , ' Leaves here... Fei Ya has thought that spoke of: ' Yang Family now in the middle of that Huang City, is not good, you who crosses cannot obtain the asylum in the past. Heard that Yang Qingdi had been surrounded by Devil Emperor, Jialuo Sea Area also by the deep person wresting away, your Yang Family declined, the business is also not as before, the effect on Sea Clan getting smaller, did not have Sea Clan also to think highly of you like before...
   In this point Shi Yan heart clear.
   Since Yang Family has been has gathered the sea level commodity of other Jialuo Sea Area and sea area, delivers to seabed Huang City through that teleportation, with these seabed no cultivation materials, received exchange the Sea Clan treasuring efficacious medicine jade, accords to his need, happy.
   Reason that Yang Family is like that strong in Endless Sea, on the one hand can obtain massive Endless Sea no cultivation material from Fourth Devil Area, another three aspects also rely on with the Sea Clan trade, through Sea Clan these unique materials, making Yang Family earn the rich profit.
   Sea Clan through Yang Family, obtains treasures the cultivation material that seabed many had not appeared, therefore reason. In Huang City, Yang Family Earth Realm has been reliable.
   However, at this time is different in those days, Yang Family evacuated from Jialuo Sea Area, no longer has the massive commodities to enter Huang City, Sea Clan is also very difficult again through Yang Family , to continue to obtain the cultivation resources in numerous sea level, in addition Yang Qingdi was also passed to Huang City by the news of Devil Emperor imprisonment, this made Yang Family have the change in Huang City Earth Realm slowly.
   Because evidently, Yang Qingdi was stranded. Snake Person Clan treats the Yang Family manner, had the subtle change.
   Shi Yan starts to reconsider treats the Snake Person Clan manner.
   , ' chi chi chi!..
   When he lived to the Fei Ya and other will of the people was sick, from his behind direction, suddenly spreads the intense electric current sound.
   Two height ten meters silver horn electricity are rude. Has braved from his rear sea water fiercely, these two silver horn electricity praying mantis head silver horn. Has glistened dazzling rays of light, lightnings[ stirs up] shoots, winds to march forward, toward this block direction electricity.
   , 'How can two?'
   Before to Shi Yan manner bad that thin snake person, saw that the silver horn electricity praying mantis presented two all of a sudden. Is surprised, cannot bear scream.
   Snake Person Clan squeal, very coarse, such as the bit delimits the stone, grating.
   Shi Yan hear of discomfort, have cannot help but covered the ear, very repugnant this sharp sound.
   In Demonic Beast as for that two six levels of sea, he has not cared actually, by his present Realm cultivation base, this kind of six levels of Demonic Beast, was not placed in the eye by him. The silver horn electricity praying mantis of Snake Person Clan pursuit, as if had one, by that Fei Ya Nirvana Origin Realm cultivation base. Adds on five Third Sky of Earth Level Snake Person Clan masters again, copes with a silver horn electricity praying mantis, does not have the major difficulty actually.
   But if there are two, that situation completely was different.
   Fei Ya can only deal with a silver horn electric eel, only then five people of Earth Realm boundary, even if collaborates, perhaps cannot another silver horn electric eel hunting and killing, once makes two silver horn electric eels collaborating, regards the goal to attack Fei Ya one person, this Snake Person Clan small team, feared that will eat non- bottle Shi Yan to be disinclined to respond actually, sees strip silver horn electricity su to release the lightning again. The fast escape comes. His knitting the brows head, gives way to traffic on own initiative.
   silhouette moves, he then such as like lightning, before that Fei Ya and other people shifts, has hundred meters far to them.
   In two silver horn electricity praying mantises, on silver horn the bloodstained, as if received Fei Ya and the others the attacks to injure, this time called the helper. Is impolite. Stares at Fei Ya they not to put, to Shi Yan no matter actually did not ask that passes through from the Shi Yan beforehand position directly. Flushed toward that Fei Ya rank.
   The lightning interweaves to come, the electrical network covers, the Fei Ya six people fall into the difficult region instantaneously.
   Shi Yan stands in the one side. The facial expression indifferently, did not say a word. looks at that six snake people were pursued by the silver horn electricity praying mantis. The meaning of not having meddled.
   Fei Ya can only deal with a silver horn electric eel. In her hand the lance throws, silver light such as flying corner, maliciously thorn to an electricity praying mantis.
   Another five people, then by lightning of another silver horn electric eel[ stirs up] the ghost who shoots called again and again. The Shi Yan ear that the grating cry, listens to is uncomfortable. Considers to no longer look that is far away from this place is apt to get into trouble.
   , ' Helps our. I will lead you to go to Huang City...
   Fei Ya shouted suddenly tenderly, whole face was anxious, did not have formerly arrogant indifferent.
   Shi Yan shakes the head with a smile.
   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 49 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-443>
   Fei Ya vision Fankou her looks at Shi Yan does not move hundred meters instantaneously, immediately knows strength that Shi Yan real plaster solid Realm, should appear incessantly.
   After she looks Shi Yan runs into them, had not revealed slight fearing intent, obviously is not afraid them.
   She also knows that a reputation of their clan is not good, ordinary person clan Warrior, so long as bumps into them, will keep at a respectful distance, does not dare to be wordy with them.
   Shi Yan looks at they come, has not given way to traffic, calm remains, but also talked at random with them, has not cared them obviously.
   Also because of this discovery, she has not acted rashly to Shi Yan, this time after the silver horn electric eel appears, Shi Yan flickered to move to about hundred meters suddenly, this made her understand immediately Shi Yan should cultivation base be uncommon, will not be definitely inferior she, this made noise the request.
   But Shi Yan actually rejected.
   Bearing a grudge of Snake Person Clan and records the graciousness, went out of the name in Sea Clan, so long as had the kindness to Snake Person Clan, Snake Person Clan definitely afterward will repay.
   Can obtain the Snake Person Clan friendship, is always person of clan Warrior most anticipated that she extends the olive branch on own initiative, by her understanding the person clan Warrior, she thought that Shi Yan should comply without hesitation, helping them give to put to death the silver horn electric eel together, quite makes them repay a debt of gratitude afterward.
   But Shi Yan almost not hesitant, actually directly shakes the head rejection, this makes Fei Ya somewhat be hard to accept.
   Fei Ya is cold the face to shout angrily, silver lance that lets out, such as the flying corner is equally fast on the silver horn electric eel leaves the trace, as if must vent the anger in heart.
   Her Realm is uncommon, alone faces a silver horn electric eel, pours does not drop the wind.
   That another five Snake Person Clan clansmen, under the attacks of another various silver horn electric eels, appeared embarrassed.
   Lightnings interweave fast in the sea water, forms the continuous electrical network, that five people stirring being miserable beyond description, that five snake people, Realm in Earth Realm, the knife and fork lance in hand in swing, once were shot to the violent plaster by the lightning, five people can the body shake, reveal the ache the expression.
   The silver horn electric eel is six levels of Demonic Beast, that silver horn electric eel has not been injured, the energy is extremely good, the lightning of release, is swifter and fiercer than injured that.
   Under the lightning attack of that silver horn electric eel, that five Snake Person Clan clansman, half is gradually weak.
   And the person, whole body even has become the burnt black, evidently by the lightning to heavy of electricity, the speed of avoiding, was slower, might be killed by that silver horn electric eel very much.
   'Do you want what?'
   In Fei Ya heart anxious, at this time does not want with Shi Yan multi- waist suo what, to state clearly the benefit strategic point directly, 'said that so long as you helped us solving the silver horn electric eel, I naturally can meet your request.'
   Really mean and shameless humanity, takes advantage, is really your adept good pill Fei Ya to clench teeth secretly, in the heart the anger is bubbling like a caldron, wishes one could to kill Shi Yan in advance is good.
   'Do I want what?'
   Beyond hundred meters, the Shi Yan facial expression hesitates, smiled gently, grins: 'If you formerly manner good, is relying on the relations of Yang Family and your Snake Person Clan, my what does not want, can help you cope with these two silver horn electric eels.'
   , The Shi Yan old god was saying: 'Now, hey, in my heart is not feeling well, pours does not need to coerce your what, does not want to help. Your manner, making me very discontented, although our Yang Family received a difficulty temporarily, but can be Endless Sea Hao Xiong in the future as before, your Snake Person Clan is shortsighted, does not want to continue to implicate with our Yang Family, my also being disinclined enthusiastic look touches the cold buttocks, saw a play in side.'
   Spitting blood of Fei Ya air/Qi.
   Shi Yan such spoke, obviously had to solve the silver horn electric eel self-confidently, but he has enough ability obviously, actually did not get rid, saw a play in side, but also taunted one once for a while, was exasperating does not pay with a life seriously.
   That five Snake Person Clan clansman, under an attack of silver horn electric eel, was getting more and more weak.
   A Snake Person Clan clansman, the snake tail by the distortion of electricity discharge, was being twitched unceasingly, moved has been incapable, got down according to this situation, how long cannot want, this Snake Person Clan fellow, by the silver horn electric eel killing.
   'How you want me to do, are you satisfied?'
   Fei Ya clenches teeth, in the heart the hatred is strong, has actually restrained by force, looks distantly to Shi Yan, makes noise to entreat, 'I do not know.'
   Shi Yan sneers, a matter does not close under- punches the appearance that oneself hangs up high, does there have the meaning that gets rid to rescue?
   'I apologized to you, was just we are not right, we should not to you, I guarantee, after this matter, we regarded certainly the Snake Person Clan friend to regard you, will not have formerly situation to occur again.' The eye looks at partner is less good, momentarily by the silver horn electric eel putting to death the appearance, Fei Ya has to lower the head, stacks the smiling face there, entreated.
   Shi Yan has raised mouth corner, facial expression is joyous.
   'Can you sincere, En, the smiling face falsely don't be so good?'
   Fei Ya must spit blood simply, but actually does not dare to display, is restraining by force the anger in heart, squeezes out the bright smiling face, supple sound track: ' Helps us one, asked you, I know that you will definitely not stand by, I thank you this was first right the mouth
   Shi Yan laughs, is refreshing, the speaker shouted loudly: 'I like the woman smiling to me, does not like the woman being indifferent to my facial expression, Ha Ha, if you this, among us will not have the what misunderstanding from the beginning, you so will not be distressed, yeah, your women, are this, does not arrive at the dangerours machine time, will not drop the obnoxious airs.'
   So was saying, he slowly moves the body, walks toward another five Snake Person Clan.
   That five people of situations send dangerours, if he late gets rid again, perhaps really must meet with a disaster.
   And a snake person, body convulsion, already by electricity did not have one point of energy, starts the vicissitude to get up in that sea water.
   The silver horn electric eel collects suddenly, opens the big mouth, must swallow down to one that snake person.
   Shi Yan comes before that silver horn electric potential body suddenly.
   Two gather ten, in the control the star light is bright, the stars light group escape comes out suddenly, seven stars light groups in his hand imprint pull, gradually precise becomes Seven Stars Bow And Arrow.
   One bunch of radiant star light, built above that Seven Stars Bow And Arrow, the stars glistened, the fluctuation was intense.
   Seven Stars Arrow is prominent.
   star brilliance, swift and fierce Seven Stars Arrow flies, that Seven Stars Bow also changes into stream ray, is attached to the Seven Stars Arrow tail wing, immediately strengthened the Seven Stars Arrow might.
   If sharp javelin, unprecedented, cuts the [gold/metal] crushed stone, punctures the sea water.
   The Seven Stars Arrow illness shoots silver horn electricity Jiangxi, lightning, submerges on that silver horn electric eel head together instantaneously.
   The silver horn electric eel has not revolted, ten meters body, stagnates quickly in the sea water.
   The next quarter, a star light starts glittering in its body to come out, the star light like the blade, drilled slowly, on the body of that silver horn electric eel, are suddenly many innumerable stars light hole.
   Stars light hole defers to the stars path to hover slowly.
   The path of Big Dipper, reappears in its body, shakes the dazzling star light to flash through, this silver horn electric eel body splits suddenly, blood splash.
   Seven Stars Arrow , submerges in the silver horn electric eel body plaster, the silver horn electric eel by the Strength of Stars decomposition.
   Intent Domain that stars do not extinguish, attaches above that Seven Stars Arrow , after that silver horn electric eel splits, Intent Domain is not loose , to continue to congeal.
   The light of little stars, the escape from the silver horn electric eel body plaster of that fission comes out, condenses again in the sea water.
   Also is star Bow and Arrow appears.
   The energy of stars, gathers not to be loose, Intent Domain is as before swift and fierce, new Seven Stars Arrow forms once more, has shot.
   This time, this Seven Stars Arrow , direction of fire another silver horn electricity su.
   Without the accident.
   Another silver horn electric eel, moves aside continually without enough time, by that Seven Stars Arrow in the brain bag, Seven Stars Arrow was submerged, the strength of Big Dipper erupts suddenly, from interior, one and strikes to kill this silver horn electricity shoes.
   Short five seconds, two six levels of Demonic Beast silver horn electricity Jiangxi, in Shi Yan is containing under stars Intent Domain Seven Stars Arrow , one and strikes to kill, splits the blood clot completely.
   Fei Ya and five snake people, in the sea water, the facial expression are panic-stricken, in the eye had one point to fear intent.
   'Earlier the manner is friendlier, you did not need to waste that among long time.' Shi Yan cracks into a smile, said unflustered: 'Is two silver horn electric eels, for me, wants to strike to kill, is minutes and seconds' matter, relaxed.'
   Fei Ya the plan looked for Shi Yan to condemn afterward, at this time thinks the lip dry, cannot be popular other thought again, but silent looks to him, hesitant half sound, asked: 'You in what Realm?'
   'Sky Realm.'
   Fei Ya terrified color deterioration.
   That five snake people, was in the eye fills dreaded the meaning, got down conciousness tightened the weapon in hand, the facial expression was discrete.
   'What's wrong, wants to begin?' Shi Yan funny shaking the head , the impolite attack said: 'Depends on your six, feared that insufficiently looked from afar, although in your Snake Person Clan the master are many, but wants to cope with me, do not set out under Sky Realm, will otherwise lose is very big.'
   'I have said that you are our Snake Person Clan friend.' Fei Ya facial expression one positive, said with deep veneration: 'We treat the friend, is always confidential, will not make the matter that does not favor the friend.'
   Another five Snake Person Clan people, nod, one by one is and again proper.
   Shi Yan smiled, the expression ponders, has selected nod to them, silver horn and are Monster Core that 'you want, the vicissitude in the sea water, you also staring are making what? Should take takes.'
   'These two silver horn electric eels, are strike to kill by you, that silver horn and Monster Core, are you by rights ought.' Fei Ya stern [say / way].
   'I do not need that gadget.' Shi Yan shakes the head, indifferent waving, 'you want to take away, otherwise sank was far, wants to seek on the trouble again.'
   Six snake person eyes one bright.
   'Really?' The Fei Ya probe said.
   Shi Yan smiles nod.
   Fei Ya hesitated, on face also had a sincere happy expression finally, happy sound track: 'You are good.'
   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 50 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-444>
   Chapter 432
   After the favour changes in temperature obtain Shi Yan agreed that six snake person eyes simultaneously have shone, Fei Ya looks to his look, there is a smiling face.
   The silver horn electric eel is six da level Demonic Beast, silver horn or Monster Core, the value is big, these six snake people to chase down this silver horn electric eel, have consumed many energy, is in order to collects silver horn and Monster Core.
   Two silver horn and Monster Core, this value, has surpassed their unexpected, this thinks that Shi Yan has killed the silver horn electric eel, will appropriate to oneself these types of cultivation materials gratefully, which expects Shi Yan to be able not to move unexpectedly.
   'You must collect silver horn and Monster Core, best quickly, when otherwise they sink to the seabed, wants to seek again, must spend many energy.' The Shi Yan old god, has not been exposing a point greedy heart to silver horn and Monster Core.
   Six snake people, stared at Shi Yan to look at a while, discovered after Shi Yan really as if did not care, this excited motion.
   Not long time, these six snake people, take two silver horn and two Monster Core, they look to the Shi Yan manner, was suddenly friendlier.
   'Your this fellow, but also is good, has not snatched our things.' Fei Ya carefully has thought that said in a friendly way: 'This, we must go to seabed Huang City in any case, we guide for you, can save many times, how is it?'
   Shi Yan with a smile nod, 'so good.'
   Fei Ya receives cautiously silver horn and Monster Core, in the heart equaled has been waiting till Huang City, should sell the what price this silver horn and Monster Core.
   In the heart is hitting good plan, Fei Ya is happy, in the front leads the way, hints Shi Yan to follow.
   Seabed Huang City under Jialuo Sea Area, In general, does not know that the direction human Warrior, wants to seek for the Huang City position, needs to spend half a month the time.
   However Snake Person Clan year to year lives in the seabed, is knows from A to Z to Huang City that is guided by these six Snake Person Clan, Shi Yan is glad with ease.
   The Fei Ya six people before, Shi Yan follow in the rear area, the expression nature, free from arrogance and rashness.
   Six illegal alien people after the experience to his fearful strength, treats his time, is more respectful, during the words, does not have the slight arrogance again.
   Regardless in the what place, everybody will respect Expert, cultivation base of Sky Realm boundary, even if in Sea Clan, could be called is the master.
   Especially Shi Yan also that young.
   'Really are you Yang Family person?' Fei Ya is curious, in marching forward, suddenly the speed slowed down, turns head to take a look at Shi Yan, the doubts said: 'Among the Yang Family master, does not have probably surnamed? We know that three big Shura kings have cultivation base of Sky Realm boundary, you such young, should not be one of the three big Shura kings, you also said that you are Yang Family direct descendant, is what we have not listened to your given name?'
   Shi Yan smiled, explained at will: 'I come the Endless Sea matter not to be long, before lived in other region, you have not listened to my name, was natural. But I can promise you that I indeed am the Yang Family person, if saw Yang Mu these Yang Family people in Huang City, they will prove this matter to you.'
   Fei Ya accommodates tenderly somewhat strangely, appearance of starting to speak but hesitating.
   In the Shi Yan heart moves, suddenly asked: 'Yang Mu have they in Huang City, encountered the what problem? If possible, whether to consider?'
   Fei Ya had not replied immediately, but frowns to ponder, half sound, she gently nod, said: 'Your Yang Family person in Huang City these days, the day indeed does not feel better'
   'What's the matter?'
   'Since Yang Qingdi by the news of Devil Emperor imprisonment, had been handed down from generation to generation from the Endless Sea place above, in Huang City originally with your Yang Family communication close Sea Clan, then no longer that warm feelings.', Fei Ya coyly said: 'Also includes our Snake Person Clan.'
   Shi Yan gawked, nod indicated to understand that 'Jialuo Sea Area was occupied by the deep person, since, Yang Family through Jialuo Sea Area teleportation, has gotten so far as seabed Huang City the above commodity. Now Yang Family hides, naturally cannot have the massive commodities again, transports the seabed through teleportation, this I am conceivable.'
   'En, you can understand this point, I said.'
   Fei Ya has pulled mouth corner, hesitates , to continue saying: 'Huang City not solely only then Sea Clan exists, to be honest, in Huang City, your humanity Warrior quantity are more, has to commit the monstrous crimes in your Endless Sea, offended scattered in disorder Warrior of all big influence, does not dare to continue to keep Endless Sea, majority will choose to arrive at Huang City.'
   'In Huang City, some cut-throat Warrior, each one is a camp, wrests away a side. In the past your Yang Family powerful time, these people were always respectful to your Yang Family courteous, regarded the pillar to regard your Yang Family, Huang City beforehand order, was maintained by your Yang Family.'
   Fei Ya facial expression with deep veneration, 'Huang City suitable human live, many Sea Clan people, can in the Huang City tabernacle. However Huang City constructs the initial goal, is for your person clans, there air is moist, outside world has defense current of water barrier, the human Warrior life, trades for and our Sea Clan.'
   'On the contrary is our Sea Clan person, is not because must trade the cultivation commodity, generally for a long time will not occupy in Huang City. Our Sea Clan person, cannot long time leave the sea water, although Huang City the moisture is heavy, can live temporarily in inside, but cannot treat too for a long time, our Sea Clan person, majority in various clan territories in Huang City surrounding.'
   About the Huang City further information, Shi Yan knows not many, now sees Fei Ya to have a mind to explain understands, the facial expression that he reveals the attention, earnestly is listening respectfully.
   'In Huang City, was maintained to continue by your Yang Family before, because the humanity in Huang City, majority could not mix in Endless Sea, these people were not the friendly kinds, after arriving at Huang City, was not necessarily law-abiding, often at the Huang City battle. Your Yang Family, assumed Huang City, makes Huang City orderly, frightens these Warrior, making them not dare to act unreasonably.'
   'But now is different. After Yang Family decline, the original dangerours machine your Yang Family these small influences, do not have the human influence control of enough powerful again, often goes on an expedition in Huang City, making Huang City Chaos gets up. Your Yang Family, has no time to manage, can only leave alone.'
   'However regarding our Sea Clan, your person clans at the Huang City change battle, we do not turn off the control, how as you wish to toss about, so long as in our Sea Clan since later, can give our enough above cultivation commodities to be good as before. No matter our Sea Clan, your Yang Family cannot control, Huang City becomes Chaos even more gets up, in the city often erupts the fight.'
   Fei Ya frowns, as if regarding the Huang City condition, some are unsatisfied.
   'Is related with Yang Family? You said that the Yang Family day doesn't feel better, refers to what?' Shi Yan spoke frankly.
   'Your Yang Family in Huang City, as if stored up many cultivation commodities, does not know that has matter such?' Fei Ya did not answer asked back, look difference.
   Shi Yan stunned, hesitated, facial expression gloomy gets down gradually, has selected nod, said: 'Perhaps has matter such.'
   In the past Yang Family was in luck from the Jialuo Sea Area Immortal Island migration, the massive commodities, transported Fourth Devil Area, some commodities, shifted seabed Huang City from Immortal Island.
   By Yang Family in a Jialuo Sea Area many years of accumulation, even if extremely few part of commodities of wanders about destitute Huang City, to average person, is the wealth that is hard to imagine.
   Seabed Huang City part of Warrior, want to come to know this news, does all kinds of evil things in Huang City unceasingly, provocative Yang Family leading Earth Realm, perhaps also to test the response of Yang Family.
   Fei Ya looks at he, from fluctuation of his look, knows earnestly he should comprehend, nod said: 'With similar that you think, these Huang City many Warrior, shifted to your Yang Family to the Huang City cultivation material moved the greedy heart. They continually provoke your Earth Realm, is tests your responses, looked that you are capable of suppressing them, but your Yang Family, because does not have the master to enter Huang City, regarding their provocation, often takes the measure that pays no attention to does not ask.'
   , Fei Ya continued saying: 'Such one, these people when your Yang Family nobody, bold dissolute. Recently we received the message, these fellows, now are getting more and more dissolute, as to take the action in the near future, wanted open and aboveboard to wrest away your Yang Family cultivation commodity, therefore I said that your Yang Family in the Huang City day, these days did not feel better.'
   'Yang Family in the past and Sea Clan related closely, should Sea Clan be capable of stopping this matter?' Shi Yan has hesitated, look is sharp, coldly looks at Fei Ya.
   Fei Ya did not conceal, has selected nod, said: 'Good, if Sea Clan acts to stop this matter, these people naturally do not dare to act unreasonably.'
   'Do you want to watch changes quietly?' Shi Yan snort, impolite saying: 'If I have not guessed wrong, your Sea Clan many people, to Yang Family that some commodities interested? Perhaps, do the boldness of these fellows, have the support of part of Sea Clan in secret also perhaps?'
   Fei Ya facial expression changed, had not denied actually that nod said: 'Good.'
   'Your Snake Person Clan what manner?'
   Five snake people, listened to a Shi Yan so saying, changed facial expression, the facial expression was somewhat restless.
   'Our head of the clan wanted to shelter your Yang Family, other Sea Clan race, actually looks for our head of the clan, talked in secret, by the Sea Clan future benefit, convinced our head of the clan. Temporarily, our head of the clan belong to pay no attention did not ask that has not meddled to mislead some people to cope with your Yang Family.'
   Fei Ya hesitant some little time, sighed, ', if Yang Qingdi also assumes Jialuo Sea Area, I think that Sea Clan various clans, such will not do decidedly. But the Yang Qingdi life and death does not know now that your Yang Family cannot preserve Jialuo Sea Area, to our Sea Clan, your Yang Family lost the value, thought that also stubbornly is protecting your Yang Family, as if not need, therefore many Sea Clan people, will discard your Yang Family, thinks that this will meet to the Huang City future is advantageous.'
   Shi Yan gloomy the face, is sneering constantly.
   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 51 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-445>
   Chapter 433
   Favorable turn? Shi Yan?
   To put it bluntly, completely because of one 'advantage' character.
   In the past when Yang Family powerful, can be Sea Clan transports the cultivation materials in massive sea level, let entire Sea Clan for it income.
   For this reason, even if in seabed Huang City, Sea Clan will maintain Yang Family consistently, making Yang Family the Huang City leader in fact.
   Now Yang Family declines, cannot render Sea Clan many assistance, Sea Clan naturally also no longer shelters Yang Family.
   Not only so, because knows that Yang Family has the massive commodities to shift Huang City, even the heart lives greedily, did not give a thought to the past former friendship, embarrassed began to some Yang Family that commodities directly, this to ignore Huang City these humanity Warrior, no matter, or agitated in secret, had human Warrior of disloyalty to provide the energy in behind for these to Yang Family.
   In Shi Yan heart bright as snow, the brain transferred the extension, minute clear interest relations.
   'Some how many do Sea Clan, no longer trust Yang Family? Also how many do Sea Clan, adopt neutrality? How many Sea Clan, want to wrest away our Yang Family that some commodities?' Has hesitated a while, he makes noise to ask suddenly.
   Fei Ya light smiling, shook the head, 'this must go to observation by you, I after all am also a Sea Clan member, is impossible to help your this bystander. I can only say that our Snake Person Clan, has not gone to the matter that makes that to hit a person when he is down, our head of the clan, even once wanted to prevent, but is overwhelmed by sheer numbers, finally can only adopt the neutrality, two do not help.'
   'You can adopt the neutrality, was good.' Shi Yan selected nod, the manner does not say that friendly, ', regardless in the what place, will have evidently being shortsighted subordinate to exist, my this entered Huang City, naturally must be Yang Family combs the order, making some people with high aspirations honestly law-abiding.'
   Six snake people have gawked, the expression strangely looks to him, as if not favor him.
   'You, although has cultivation base of Sky Realm boundary, but depending on your, wish makes Yang Family restore strength and glory in Huang City, seems not quite realistic.'
   Fei Ya has not spoken frankly, smiles lightly, said: 'Person who clan Warrior is only Huang City these has the disloyalty to your Yang Family, several masters of Sky Realm boundaries, even has Third Sky of Sky Realm Expert to exist, your wish makes them honestly law-abiding, was not quite realistic, let alone also has our Sea Clan?'
   'Your looks at.' Shi Yan cold and proud said that is harsh.
   The Fei Ya six people of facial expressions stagnate, reveal the taunt the look, the appearance that not knowing the immensity of heaven and earth, did not think obviously Shi Yan has this ability.
   Shi Yan were not many said that frowns to be silent, in the eye the cold brightness was bright, mouth corner transgression ice cold brutal smiling face.
   Seabed Huang City.
   This is a surrounding covers is turning on the water vastly barrier, the moisture is very heavy, some massive human Warrior life seabed cities.
   This city has Merchant Union general size, is divided into the east , south , west , north and middle five cities, in Huang City, the building is the hard stone stack , many buildings are completed by the coral, building that the colorful coral completes, very tall and pleasing to the eye, is sending out charming rays of light.
   Huang City above barrier, has the bright to shine all year long, lets Huang City without Sun Moon Star Chen, as before bright incomparable, does not appear dim.
   East , south , west , north and middle five cities, each city has the massive human Warrior activity, in each city, is situated stores, on the street is also decorating all kinds of stalls, is selling the dazzling cultivation material, has the jade, efficacious medicine, old book and rare treasure, has everything expected to find.
   Many Sea Clan people, move in Huang City, in massive seabed cultivation material hand, brings Huang City to sell, or received exchange from the human Warrior hand has the cultivation material of big value for them.
   This huge trade place that is constituted by multi- races.
   Beforehand time, all city in this old city, has Yang Family to keep the order, any comes the Huang City sell material human Warrior, needs to be under the permission of Yang Family to enter, but also needs to pay certain fee on time.
   Sea Clan, then not by this limit.
   Any Sea Clan clansman, can move in Huang City freely, does not need to the Yang Family payment expense.
   Yang Family in the middle city, the huge incomparable architectural complex, builds completely with the corallites of various glistening, not only hard incomparable, but also very beautiful grand, indicated that Yang Family has aloofly how in Huang City Earth Realm.
   In the Yang Family architectural complex, was setting up numerous transaction fields, has various kinds in the seabed not possible cultivation material, feeds specially these strong side big Sea Clan races to choose.
   The greatly single transaction, is closed there.
   All Sea Clan Expert, if needs some unusual cultivation materials, so long as gives enough earnest money, Yang Family will be responsible for searching for in the sea level, is Sea Clan seeks, gains the equivalent cultivation resources from the Sea Clan hand.
   Through this kind of transaction, Yang Family has harvested many precious seabed treasures from Sea Clan, once these treasures arrive at Jialuo Sea Area, will then disperse through the Yang Family channel, sold to Cao Family, Martial Spirit Palace and Tianxie Fairyland this kind of super influence, gains the huge price difference.
   Reason that Yang Family can become the big influence that Endless Sea is second to none, with having Huang City this good trade place has the connection greatly, Sea Clan trusts Yang Family, regards to connect the Endless Sea middle man Yang Family, these years and Yang Family is together harmoniously, maintains Yang Family together in Huang City aloof Earth Realm, has approved Yang Family regarding the management of Huang City humanity Warrior.
   This condition, has continued to get sucked into the Devil Emperor imprisonment to Yang Qingdi, gradual change.
   Huang City center.
   In Yang Family architectural complex.
   In beautiful coral constructions, beforehand transaction field, was already empty, the person's shadow is scarce, no longer has Sea Clan to come to seek for the unique cultivation material.
   Since Yang Family withdraws after Jialuo Sea Area, these transaction field then gradual closure, Yang Family no longer has the massive cultivation materials, with has sold, has not continued the seabed cultivation treasure that purchases Sea Clan to bring.
   The Yang Family person, has lived in seclusion in that architectural complex, little comes out, as if quiet.
   Over the past year, must come on time human Warrior of payment expense, little came, finds various excuses to shirk, said that in the hand does not have Crystal Stone, making Yang Family extend a time limit.
   The Yang Family from the beginning manner is very strong, has gotten secretly even down the heavy hand, but after days, the Yang Family person after several fights, has not asked for convenient, instead the loss is not small.
   , Yang Family no longer goes to control not to pay the fee gradually human Warrior.
   Such one, more human Warrior, start to disregard Yang Family leadership Earth Realm, no longer paid the fee.
   Gradually, does not pay the fee these formidable influences, in secret probe, these cultivation resources that even preserves to Yang Family this architectural complex in produced read corruptly, start to find various excuses, provocative Yang Family, said that beforehand sold to the Yang Family material value is soaring, said the reward that Yang Family initially gave were too few.
   A person, starts to demand the Yuan Crystal compensation to Yang Family forcefully.
   In a giant cave.
   In the cave, is placing all kinds of cultivation materials, has the rare ore, has the rare seabed spirit grass, various class raw material for medicine pill pills, even there are in the Endless Sea rare strange treasure.
   This some cultivation materials, accounted for in the past 1/10 of Immortal Island preserve, in the Yang Family migration from Immortal Island, through entering Huang City teleportation, has delivered to Huang City.
   In the cave, audiences Yang Family Warrior, looks dignified, is taking inventory these commodities, was talking with a worried look.
   Yang Mu, Yang Zhou, Yang Xue, Yang Ke, Yang Meng and Li Feng same person, impressively.
   The Yang Family fourth generation youth, looks at huge quantity of the cultivation resources in this cave, secretly worries for the transportation of part of resources.
   Father of Yang Zhuo Yang Mu, has cultivation base of boundary of Nirvana Third Sky, this time is this line of elder, is the Realm highest, his looks at commodity everywhere, worries secretly, heaves a deep sigh.
   'Father, some commodities, must transport earlier, the late words, feared that then did not belong to our Yang Family.' Yang Mu is cold the face, cold voice was saying: 'Huang City many people, are staring at part of commodities, they are ready to make trouble, the patience were getting fewer and fewer, I feared that drags again, they will attack to kill directly.'
   'Father, goes to the Xia Family person, although has not had the news to come temporarily, but we actually must prepare ahead of time.' Yang Zhou also sighed, ', if Xia Family can come the human earlier, perhaps can also make these fellows restrain, what a pity I feared that we could not wait for Xia Family to come the human, yeah, if Grandpa Mo and Grandpa Li had one person here, we were also insufficient to be so passive.'
   Mo Duanhun and Li Mu, are the meanings of three big Shura kings, cultivation base of Sky Realm boundary, blood-thirsty, in Endless Sea and Huang City is ominous illustrious, many people awe these two.
   What a pity, these two big Shura kings actually merged into Fourth Devil Area, had not had the news to transmit.
   'Grandfather for the family in the future the important matter, making the master sneak Fourth Devil Area, is for Wan Shi industry of family, we endure humiliation temporarily, so long as waits for the appropriate occasion, naturally can make Yang Family enter into the sea level, and depresses all people at one fell swoop, becomes the Endless Sea genuine leader!'
   The Yang Zhuo facial expression is calm, coldly said.
   'Won't great grandfather in Devil Territory , have the accident really?' The Yang Mu forced smile said.
   'Never must suspect your great grandfather!' Yang Zhuo cold snort, 'your great grandfather for these years, has been waiting for an opportunity, must the demon person and deep to invade Endless Sea, making Yang Family be dormant completely, does not enter the war, preserves the family overall strength, in the critical time, will act to establish the ten thousand th cause! Now the Yang Family temporary dreariness, your great grandfather already calculated, so long as we insist that naturally can see Yang Family to dominate that day of all influences.'
   'But these commodities, we feared that is very difficult to preserve.' Yang Mu shakes the head gently, 'I feared how long we could not support.'
   'Can support for day, supports for day!' Yang Zhuo silent a while, the look complex is suddenly difficult to be bright, 'past years the great grandfather has said that when we are most difficult, will have the favorable turn to appear, making us a little patient, do not confuse own situations.'
   'Favorable turn?' Yang Mu Yang Xue one line of face stunned.
   'En.' Yang Zhuo as if is not quite also definite, expression no wonder that: 'Your great grandfather with the blood of Immortal speculated in the past Shi Yan future time, had said that Shi Yan will render the Yang Family enormous assistance in the future, said that Shi Yan will enter seabed Huang City in the future, lets us, when is most difficult, waits for his arrival.'
   People stunned.
   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 52 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-446>
   Chapter 434
   Most difficult time to 'Shi Yan?'
   Yang Mu raises the brow, looks stunned, the whole face is bewildered, in the heart is very the surprise.
   Yang Zhou, Yang Xue and Li Feng these Yang Family future pillars of the state , was startled, looked to Yang Zhuo, suddenly completely silent, the facial expression was strange.
   'Good, is Shi Yan!'
   Yang Zhuo affirmative nod, 'past years the great grandfather had inferred, said that in the future Yang Family will come across the enormous accident, but Shi Yan actually in Yang Family dangerours is difficult, bravely stepped forward, helping Yang Family get through the difficult time.'
   Yang Zhuo too cannot believe actually, but to raise the people morale, he said the truth, but can the fact turn into the Yang Qingdi prediction really such, in his heart a bottom did not have actually.
   'Won't great grandfather make a mistake?'
   Yang Zhou has hesitated, is smiling bitterly shaking the head, 'I acknowledged that Shi Yan that boy is indeed uncommon, arrives at the Endless Sea time, although is not long, the wind and rain that but he tosses about is really not small. The progress of this fellow, is enviable, cannot believe him to be able simply that quick breakthrough.'
   , Yang Zhou again said: 'But, Shi Yan comes Endless Sea after all soon, Realm cultivation base, is well below these Xiong to dominate Endless Sea many years of Expert. I know that he is very formidable, the future potential will be infinite, but must say, when will be most difficult, he can help us get through the difficult time, was this too also unthinkable?'
   Yang Mu and Yang Xue nod, too cannot believe slowly obviously that always thought the meaning of Yang Zhuo these words comfort is bigger.
   'In the past we and Shi Yan entered the abyss battlefield together, when entered the next entrance, we and he were separate. Three years later, we come out from the abyss battlefield, immediately entered seabed Huang City, knows nothing including his these days experience, whether he also lives cannot affirm, was so long, he had not come, has not come Huang City, must say at the difficult times, he braves suddenly, I always thought that is not quite realistic.'
   The Li Feng black eyebrow coloring eyebrow tight wrinkle, does not control self remembers the performance of Shi Yan in that abyss battlefield, in her heart has approved the Shi Yan potential, knows, if Shi Yan is also living, after such long wheting, should Realm not be low, could have cultivation base of Nirvana boundary also perhaps.
   She cannot imagine absolutely, in such a short time, Shi Yan crossed the boundary of Nirvana, enters into the Sky Realm Expert domain at one fell swoop.
   Is relying on the fusion of Black Ice Cold Flame, Holy Spirit God and Earthcore Flame, he draws support that handle mystical great sword, even cut off the demon to advocate a Mo Jita arm, and awakens ten thousand years of Corpse King conciousness, lets that Gu Xiao, Qing Ming and other Endless Sea Hao male losing entirely face countenances.
   They were too long in the seabed Huang City dull time, has almost sealed up with Endless Sea, does not know the situation in sea level.
   Although Shi Yan in years ago, was once budding in Yuanluo Sea Area, and kills the four directions greatly, but this news actually only then all influence head knows, because Shi Yan once made Gu Xiao, Wu Qin, Qing Ming and the others the face countenance completely lose, cuts off a Mo Jita arm, this lets the demon person and Endless Sea leaders thought that is the great shame.
   This insult, they not only will not propagandize, will also stop up fully.
   Therefore, related Shi Yan ominous horizontal, only then few high levels know, general human Warrior, feared that listens not to listen continually.
   If Yang Zhuo knows that Shi Yan mixes that big storm in Endless Sea, lets the demon person and Endless Sea All parties Expert sleeps on pins and needles, perhaps will have deeper First Level cognition to Yang Zhuo that words.
   But now, they actually decidedly do not dare hoping to pin on Shi Yan.
   'This batch of commodities, we decide however to nurse well.' Yang Zhuo has not said what in the Shi Yan issue, has hesitated, told that Yang Mu said: 'Your a while continues to send for leaving Huang City, goes to vault of heaven sea area Xia Family, showed our here situations that has a look at Xia Family whether could worry about in the past face, sent for helping us stand firm the Huang City situation.'
   Yang Zhuo continues to tell that 'Yang Zhou and Yang Xue, you urged, our Yang Family person, temporarily do not move in Huang City. As for the provocation of Huang City that four gangs of fellow, do not respond, so long as they do not intrude on here truly, we do not go to manage, but must pay attention their movements, making outside person stare tightly, if they have the large-scale action, we must the earliest possible time know.'
   Yang Zhou, Yang Mu and the others nod indicated to understand.
   Yang Zhuo deeply frowns, hesitates, looked that said to Yang Ke: 'Sends with person of Snake Person Clan negotiation, has the what good news to send? Snake Person Clan in the past and we related harmoniously, if head of the clan Snake Person Clan Li Sha is willing to act, I think that four influences, should not dare to be so rampant.'
   Yang Ke look one gloomy, sighed, shook the head gently.
   'Didn't have the what words to say?' Yang Zhuo looks to him, 'at least, ought to express that head of the clan Li Sha not worry past face?'
   Yang Ke is responsible for this matter, hear that is a sigh, but said: 'Sent the past person, simply has not seen the Snake Person Clan head of the clan, after reporting, Snake Person Clan Elder, made him leave directly, said that their head of the clan are not willing to see us. Since our Yang Family declines, Snake Person Clan has interrupted and our beforehand warm feelings relations, and gradually becomes estranged with our relations, that Snake Person Clan Elder, will wish one could soon and Yang Family pretends non-involvement the relations, how can manage our poverty-stricken?'
   Yang Zhuo sobbed, the forced smile said: 'Fickleness of human relationships, our Yang Family was Sea Clan made that many matters in the past, once Yang Family declined, Sea Clan has then put behind we to their help, Snake Person Clan cannot count on the past evidently.'
   'No one can count on that can only depend upon us.' Yang Mu gloomy the face, is clenching jaws saying: 'Some day, when our Yang Family restored strength and glory, I must these to regret that knows offended our Yang Family, will face what.'
   'After these words, do not raise again, how thinks to deal with now difficulty to say again.' Yang Zhuo weak waving, facial expression dreary is looking in the cave the dazzling huge commodity, is thinking Yang Family the huge painstaking care to gather these commodities, once consuming, will remember this batch of commodities quickly not to guarantee, in the heart will be hanging a giant stone likely, heavy will make him not gasp for breath simply.
   In the cave, is hanging the wind chimes, spread clear resounding suddenly.
   The Yang Zhuo people facial expression shakes, the facial expression haze gets down suddenly, no longer talks too much in abundance, along steps immediately from cave.
   Above the cave, is the discussing official business main hall of this Yang Family architectural complex, at this time in the palace center, a Yang Family deacon, bows to stand erect, facial expression anxious seat.
   Yang Zhuo and the others walk one after another from rear hanging curtain.
   'Li Yu, your hurriedly summons we, behavior what?' The Yang Zhuo calm face, stands firm in the main hall, looks dignified.
   'It is not good.' Li Yu shouted one lightly, could not keep in view to bow to salute, anxious sound track: 'That four influence sudden truces, no longer mutual battle, has not continued to fight for the opposite party domain. Entire Huang City, suddenly peacefully was peaceful, I received the message, the head of that four influence, as if started communication , had the indication of being reconciled.'
   Such remarks, in the hall the Yang Family people, all are facial expression change.
   In Huang City, when Yang Family Head holds the general situation, not having other influence to exist, moves in Huang City Warrior, completely is Rogue Cultivator, does not have the family, has not formed the team, operates independently.
   After Yang Family declines, in Huang City some Realm profound Warrior, had the disloyalty, starts to fight for the Huang City leading power.
   In several years, multiplied many big size small influences in Huang City, some Realm powerful Warrior, have gathered a number of cultivation base uncommon humanity, started blatantly provocative Yang Family overlord Earth Realm, encountered with Yang Family secretly, no longer payment any expense.
   Is challenging the Yang Family authoritative time, these influences to strive for the leading powers of four big cities, battles to have no time mutually.
   After several years of war small wars, in Huang City, four strongest influences emerges now, separately is at the east , south , west and north four cities, they wrest away four cities, the tax revenues of info clerk these city Warrior merchants, are these provide the asylum from the merchant.
   These four strongest influences, have substituted for Yang Family leading Earth Realm, outside the region except da central city will cover, each other battles again and again, city that to wrest away copes with, not law-abiding.
   Also is so, Huang City these years Chaos like that even in some blocks of transaction, will erupt the fight.
   The battle is so long, four influence accumulated grievances are extremely deep, the hatred of both sides is enormous, said according to the truth, possibility that should not shake hands.
   Now suddenly truce, that then only then a possibility they have the common benefit.
   That batch of rich cultivation commodities of Yang Family preserve!
   Yang Zhuo and the others facial expression is pale, from that four influence truce small details, the keen detection was not wonderful.
   'Only then under benefit that in letting the human is jealous, that four influences meet the truce, they exchange in secret, schemes our batch of commodities inevitably.' Yang Zhuo deeply inspired, has hesitated, immediately ordered: 'Fully alert! From now on, anybody does not permit to leave! All sorts of restriction that we once set up, start immediately. They dare to come in, even if we cannot resist, must make them pay the deeply grieved price!'
   People facial expression ruthlessly is suddenly severe.
   The Yang Family person never fears death, more in this difficult time, instead even more will unite.
   Set the policy, Yang Zhuo then starts to get ready, on the one hand made outside Yang Family Warrior all return, on the one hand made here person start to get ready in all directions, starts various kind of defensive measures of this place architectural complex, prepares for that dealt with this to fight at all times.
   'These four influences, although has Warrior of Sky Realm boundary to assume personal command, but must battle, we did not fear.' Yang Zhuo cold snort, grins to sneer saying: 'Our Yang Family person can always defeat a superior enemy, our Immortal Martial Spirit, can let our power large scale promotion, in addition we rare treasure and secret are top, each has the armor of protection, we must exceed them to be too many in the external condition, jump the ranks to defeat them, is not impossible.'
   Yang Zhuo gives everybody unceasingly the air-blowing.
   The Yang Family soldier, had not revealed that the meaning of fearing, facial expressions were firm, have prepared fighting a bloody battle.
   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 53 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-447>
   Chapter 435
   The four directions collaborate Huang City become are quite suddenly silent.
   In the past the lively four big cities, will have the human Warrior commerce to sell various cultivation materials, person who also will have Sea Clan, took the treasuring rare treasure of seabed to peddle, store in along the way, was the person's shadow flickering, will have the loud bargaining sound.
   Today is different.
   Four big city coldly are clear, the person who some can set up a stall in the past regularly, withdraws at home, does not dare to go out.
   Several crowds of Sea Clan clansman, gathers at together, is exchanging low voice, once for a while looks to the direction of middle city, facial expression gloomy and cold.
   Many people received the rumor, as if knows that today will have the big movement, knows that Huang City will erupt what kind of heaven shaking accident, knows that after this war, that Xiong dominates a Huang City many years of strongest influence, perhaps shortly will disintegrate, cannot base in Huang City.
   Everybody is waiting for what silently.
   In the noontime, four big cities start to have human Warrior to gather, under leads of four Sky Realm boundary Expert, is silent is approaching in the direction of central city quietly.
   Warrior of four Sky Realm boundaries, will early move to arrange, the line, in the block corner, unceasingly has Warrior to join.
   , These four Sky Realm boundary Warrior, gathered about 800 Realm height Warrior gradually, the attire is different.
   Some sleeve cuffs are tying up red ribbon, some are bringing the sharp black skull cap, some wears the green long dress, but also some are bringing the glove.
   Warrior of four influences, have the obvious discrimination way, one was clear-sighted.
   After a accumulation of double-hour, these four influence about 800 Warrior, arrive at the direction of central city slowly, meets in an overlapping crossroad.
   The people stopped suddenly completely.
   At once, four Sky Realm boundary Warrior walk from the respective team, gloomy the face, is arriving at the central street, stopped in an open-air small wineshop, divides four directions, sits on a table.
   The wineshop master, noticed that these four people arrive, facial expression changes, does not dare to say what, not saying a word comes up the nice wine end in wineshop, then bows distantly, does not dare to stop over there that draws back.
   'Ming Hai, Yang Family waited you not to be thin in the past, that year you were chased down by Gu Family, runs away Jialuo Sea Area, is Xiao Hanyi acts to let chase down your person to retreat. Afterward Xiao Hanyi invited you to join Yang Family, although you have rejected, Xiao Hanyi has not said what, but also told you Huang City position, making you come Huang City to seek a livelihood, you decided really can start?'
   The stature is slender, has plentiful physique beautiful woman dove Lan Xin, the expression is crisp, mouth corner had a smile, shot a look at opposite Ming Hai.
   Ming Hai has cultivation base of Sky Realm Second Sky boundary, in four people, cultivation base is exquisitest, once suffered the Shura king Xiao Hanyi kindness, before frequently depended with the relations of Xiao Hanyi, antagonizes people in Huang City in all directions, is the thorn bosses, is that type of conduct residual poison, works role that leaves no ground.
   Ming Hai for the news family feud, dared direct descendant extinguishing Gu Family one in the past kills, afterward Gu Family sets out the master, captures him fully, gives him to run away Jialuo Sea Area, when gets sucked into surrounding, passing by to bump into by Xiao Hanyi, after having found out the situation, Xiao Hanyi acts Gu Family came the human to drive out, has guaranteed his life.
   Reason that Xiao Hanyi such does, is admires him not to fear Gu Family.
   After Ming Hai arrives at Huang City, often boasted this matter with the human, was on intimate terms Xiao Hanyi, lets in the past many Huang City people, was mistaken that he was concerned with Yang Family, awed to him very much.
   Dove Lan Xin mentioned this matter, intentionally ridiculed him, embarrassing him.
   Dove Lan Xin, with the monopoly of Ming Hai for Beicheng area, battled not to know many for these years.
   Time from the beginning, dove Lan Xin is always inferior, by being miserable beyond description that Ming Hai presses, latter hawk or eagle mentioned in ancient texts Lan Xin has climbed up the relations of Water Scorpion Clan, this does not fear Ming Hai, firmly grasps the Beicheng area in the hand.
   Although this everybody reached an agreement must collaborate to cope with Yang Family, but dove Lan Xin recalled to mind the old enmity, caught the opportunity naturally to want sarcastic comments.
   'Good, big brother Xiao indeed waits me not to be thin.' Ming Hai grinned hey to smile, ', if big brother Xiao were also in good health, so long as officially informed the human to say one, I will not have the disloyalty decidedly, perhaps also will maintain the Yang Family interests, with you to war.'
   Ming Hai shook the head, a face regrets saying: 'Was a pity that big brother Xiao already, me did not receive the message, said that Xiao big brother Divine Soul Ju Mie, fleshly body also by Devil Emperor Chi Yan wresting away, yeah, so the hero character, actually fell until now region, I am unworthy for big brother Xiao. Big brother Xiao for Yang Family, has it may be said that consumed the life energy, although ends up to turn out the title of Shura king, but how? As before is only a Yang Family dog, essential time, wasn't sacrificed in the same old way?'
   'How regardless to say that Xiao Hanyi is also the Yang Family person, if he knows that you treat Yang Family like this, does not know under the dwelling place of the dead, can regret to get rid to save you in the past?' Dove Lan Xin sneers, unkind [say / way].
   'Snort!' Ming Hai facial expression one ruthless, look cold looks to her, 'I such do, Yang Family that also for big brother Xiao, he is was not good at this time, I get rid to take away the thing that big brother Xiao fought for in the past comes, always compares by others is robbed to be better completely? I have resulted in these commodities, can strengthen own strength, perhaps some day, I can enter into the boundary of God Passage, to that time, I have remembered that big brother Xiao's benevolence, meets the idea to revenge for him.'
   Fu Hao and Yán Fēng have smiled suddenly.
   They separately are the leader in east district and Southern District, is First Sky of Sky Realm cultivation base, hears Ming Hai this shoddy excuse, thinks interesting, laughs.
   'Do you smile what?' Ming Hai gloomy face, cold -ly snorted and said: 'Interesting?'
   'Interesting, is indeed interesting.' Fu Hao nod, grinning said again and again immodestly: 'What extinguishes the Xiao Hanyi soul is Lang Xun, the one who usurps his fleshly body is Chi Yan, your Ming Hai extremely arrogant enough to must look for Devil Emperor to revenge unexpectedly, you said that is funny?'
   The Ming Hai facial expression is cloudy, hatred looks to them.
   'Little pulled such useless thing.' Yán Fēng frowns, a face is greedy, said impatiently: 'Said how to divide food these materials, everybody goal is consistent, for that batch of Yang Family resources, does not need to find the what excuse.'
   Ming Hai snort, had not continued to argue.
   'I have a proposition.' Dove Lan Xin has hesitated, suddenly said: 'Who can kill that Yang Zhuo, can divide one, how?'
   Such remarks, other three people have gawked.
   'You think that you can massacre Yang Zhuo?' Fu Hao knits the brows, coldly said: 'Yang Zhuo, although only then cultivation base of boundary of Nirvana Third Sky, but is well-known, the Yang Family Immortal Martial Spirit might is infinite, each Yang Family person, if battles at risk of life, has to jump the ranks the ability of challenge. Although Yang Zhuo Yang Family direct descendant, in the hand the rare treasure are innumerable, cultivation is top Martial Skills, even if Nirvana Third Sky, is not you can one person cope, you think really you have the support of Water Scorpion Clan, will the itself strength also enhance?'
   'I do not certainly think.' Dove Lan Xin curls the lip, 'I am worry a while everybody am not willing to leave fully, by that Yang Zhuo making was difficult to manage, our one of them coped with Yang Zhuo, although was insufficient the steady victory, but can also suppress him, their joint words, coped with him really attentively, he could not support, three people got rid fully, he must die without doubt. I consider for everybody, feared that everybody does not make contribution, waste more time, such proposed. Did you say?'
   Ming Hai and Fu Hao, Yán Fēng listened to her such saying, silent, after a while, nod, has approved of her proposition.
   'Time, although is abundant, but in order to will soon obtain that batch of commodities, I think that we should be quicker the motion.' Yán Fēng is most urgent, his first has stood, the detail that 'reaches an agreement is invariable, I am responsible for attacking from the east side, you are busy at your duty, everybody comes the direction convergence of that discussing official business main hall, finally opening cave time, must present. En, was right, doesn't your side planted agent, have the issue? Can't making a mistake position?'
   Yán Fēng looks finally to Ming Hai.
   'Absolutely safe.' Ming Hai sinister has smiled, 'Yang Family is not good, before attached to Yang Family these people, was not each loyal not two, asked several planted agents to be too easy. Everybody to live, has a better outlet, they naturally understood how to choose.'
   'So good.'
   Yán Fēng has selected nod, first leaves since then, goes toward the east side line of Yang Family building.
   He leaves, these follow his several hundred Warrior, moves immediately, immediately followed.
   Ming Hai and Fu Hao, the dove Lan Xin three people, sat there have drunk several liquor, was silent to stand, led the master to leave respectively.
   In wineshop, storekeeper slowly comes out from the rear area, smiles bitterly is tidying up the wine class on table, heaves a deep sigh.
   'Boss, do you shake the head what? Don't you as if like them?' The young male servants go forward, asking of being perplexed.
   'These fellows, come tavern food and drink, never gives money.' Sigh of storekeeper, 'they are inferior to Yang Family. In the past was the Yang Family strongest time, any Yang Family Warrior coming food and drink, to money, without any Yang Family Warrior, can eat without paying drinks in vain. These people, not only do not give money, their these fellows, also Chang to come eats without paying drinks in vain, this way, we could not stay in Huang City.'
   Young male servant facial expression is low-spirited, 'they.'
   'Yang Family compared with them, actually never has been able not to speak the custom in the past.' The voice of storekeeper is slightly high, at once conciousness arrives improper, lowers the sound hurriedly, 'these four people, after having governed that four big city, the tax revenue wants is more ruthless than Yang Family, business guest who exploits unceasingly, they treat Sea Clan time, flattered to flatter, treated one of us the time, suppression that actually made an effort, Huang City, if has taken responsibility by them finally, I looked that many people will unable to mix.'
   'Yes, heard recently has many people, considers must leave Huang City. Yeah, has personal enemy outside, who is willing to come the seabed to live, in the past Yang Family when fortunately, in the city has not fought, Yang Family has maintained us, does not make Sea Clan bully us, now had these four fellows to take responsibility, the Sea Clan person was getting more and more rampant, did not pay attention to us.'
   The young male servants also with a worried look, look to that gorgeous architectural complexes of central city, said in a soft voice: 'Hoping Yang Family can withstand , to continue to keep the Huang City order, by that four fellows not defeating.'
   'Easier said than done.' Storekeepers oh the sound sighed, the shaking the head whole face was helpless, considers sooner is transferring out Huang City.
   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 54 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-448>
   Chapter 436
   The strong liquor gathers murderous aura 'old person, comes two jug liquor, fiercest that!'
   A clear and bright sound, never the distant place transmits suddenly, sees only a stature to be grand, the pupil shines, the youth who hangs the shoulder black hair, wears a black vigor attire, lives the prestige tigerishly walked.
   In his behind, six snake person facial expressions are strange, blindly following suit.
   Face stunned of storekeeper, looks at the surroundings, discovers the street to be lonely, the surroundings link a store not to open the door, this youth seems people from other place, has probably not received the rumor, does not know that today's Huang City, will have the how big accident.
   'Little Brother , you are beginning Huang City?' Storekeepers looks around, suddenly lowers the sound, does not wait for him to approach, then hurriedly said: 'You earlier walk, here left the construction of Yang Family to be too near, do not stay here too for a long time, a bit faster left.'
   He somewhat dreads that six snake people, the sound of speech is very low, seems not willing that six snake to hear.
   The youth grin to smile, as if knows his worry what, big Ma Jin dao sits down, before the position that chooses by chance is , Ming Hai and Fu Hao, Yán Fēng, the dove Lan Xin four people have made that table, he sits down steadily, waves to hint that six snake people do not approach, saying of smiling: 'Just I heard you to mention Yang Family, does not know whether the old person can talk clearly with me.'
   facial expression of storekeeper one cold, shakes the head hurriedly, ', we just what had not said that Little Brother you definitely misunderstood.'
   'I am the Yang Family person.'
   The storekeepers and young male servants, facial expression simultaneously changed, the facial expression is astonished.
   'Do not be anxious, my not nonsense what.' The youth smiled, said to that young male servant: 'On two jug strong liquor.'
   The young male servants look to the storekeeper.
   The storekeeper facial features hesitate, think that clashes that young male servant nod.
   The young male servants bend the waist to retreat, brings two jug strong liquor quickly, the respectful end gives that table, but also in supplementary one plate of beef, small sound track: 'Whom at this time should not have to be willing to pretend to be the Yang Family person, En, this dish beef, is offers free of charge, I think storekeeper definitely will not blame my.'
   Sigh of storekeeper, nod has not said what.
   'You as if to Ming Hai these people, do not have the what favorable impression, is Huang City many people, hope to wield Huang City by Yang Family in the future? The old people do not restrict, some what said what, my this person will not chew the root of the tongue randomly, can explain directly.' The youth take out bulk middle grade Yuan Crystal with a smile, throws to that young male servant conveniently, at once sits well jug strong liquor, has filled fiercely, rough straightforward.
   stunned of storekeeper.
   Staring that the young male servants also look.
   'This was too precious.' Hurried going forward of storekeeper, wants to take Yuan Crystal in that together young male servant hand, said flurriedly: 'These two jug liquor, are unworthy together middle grade Yuan Crystal , Little Brother , are you want to buy my this wineshop?'
   The youth shake the head to laugh in spite of trying not, wave saying: 'Old person does not need such to care, you said that with me Huang City situation, what this Yuan Crystal I am many, you take away to might as well.'
   The facial expression of storekeeper was astonished, has sized up his a while, started to speak but hesitated.
   'Might as well, although I am the Yang Family person, but will not know the life, I have the discretion.' The youth hint him should not be cautious, 'you said Yang Family wielded Huang City in the past time, the merchants believe that but also helps you deal with the Sea Clan person, has matter such?'
   nod of storekeeper, formerly words will say, then said: 'That four people wrest away four big cities now, does all kinds of evil things, helping the Sea Clan person deal with our people on one's own side, many merchants feel indignant but not daring to speak out, planned to travel. Yeah, we have the personal enemy in outside world, dull does not get down in Endless Sea, will not continue to do business in Huang City, now the day more and more does not feel better.'
   The young male servants see that youth quite to speak, backed up Ming Hai and the others procedures, clenched jaws, the indignant uneven appearance that wished one could Ming Hai and the others early dead.
   Repetitive nod that the youth listen, also inquired some details, this waving makes them leave.
   Six snake people, collected at this time.
   'You asked these many, there is what using?' Fei Ya frowns, 'Ming Hai they maintain the Sea Clan interests, helping Sea Clan work, the Sea Clan nature is satisfactory, this to ignore they do not manage. If they are handling matter to us, our Sea Clan naturally can act, pursues them to leave Huang City, in society situation is this, who is formidable, whose is effective.'
   Shi Yan grins to smile, considers only to drink, has not restored the spirit with Essence Qi, jug strong liquor entered the abdomen, on the face gradually red.
   'Ming Hai they started to take action, you do not want to help Yang Family? Is slowly motionless for what?'
   'It is not anxious.'
   Shi Yan eye flood red, looks distantly to the Yang Family architectural complex in line of sight, tranquil saying: 'They have not started to take action, that side battle has not erupted, I now not anxiously acting. When they think that can eat up Yang Family, I naturally can get rid, making their warmth cool.'
   'The Ming Hai four people, have cultivation base of Sky Realm boundary, Ming Hai has Sky Realm Second Sky cultivation base, another three people, has strange rare treasure Martial Skills, they can surface from Huang City that many influences, naturally has the energy, depending on your, you how many when really can help Yang Family?'
   Fei Ya does not favor him obviously, said: 'As far as I know, that dove Lan Xin and between head of the clan's Water Scorpion Clan younger brother Bao Wen relate significantly, is that Bao Wen person clan lover, Bao Wen as if also loves her, has supported to her very much, is for this reason, that dove Lan Xin has dares with Ming Hai that holds not fears to do against, do you know Bao Wen Realm?'
   Shi Yan has gawked, said lightly: 'What's wrong? That is Bao Wen very fierce?'
   'The boundary of God Passage First Sky!'
   Fei Ya speak unhurriedly and clearly said that dignified, looks at his good play the expression.
   Stems from her to anticipate that after Shi Yan hears Bao Wen has cultivation base of boundary of God Passage First Sky, is only light 'oh', has not revealed any alarmed and afraid meaning unexpectedly, as if that Bao Wen is only ordinary small Warrior, cannot leave behind the deep influence in his heart.
   'The boundary of God Passage!'
   Fei Ya has duplicated.
   Shi Yan does not bear, said: 'I know. Is that also what kind of?'
   'You can cope with dove Lan Xin, can you cope with Bao Wen?' Fei Ya pities looks to him, 'Bao Wen likes this lover, today such big sound, he definitely in secret observation, you, if dares to cope with dove Lan Xin, I think that Bao Wen will decide however will appear.'
   'Comes.' Raised head drinks the second jug liquor, has wiped mouth corner, Shi Yan tranquil saying: 'Anyone, dares to get rid to cope with Yang Family today, I will make him unable to eat to capture walking.'
   'Acts recklessly.' Fei Ya cold snort.
   Other five snake people, reveals to sneer, looks to the Shi Yan expression, is extreme disdaining.
   'Old person, comes two jug strong liquor again, drinks was crisp, kills to be happy!'
   Shi Yan calls out one once more, whole body sends out fierce cruel aura naturally, the back sits straight, the whole person such as the sharp sword of sheath, makes a great show of one's talents.
   Yang Family surrounding.
   After a resounding howl, before Ming Hai strolls arrives at Yang Family big all trades, the behind platoon becomes several hundred Warrior, arm Shangzha the red ribbon, indifferent looks at front.
   Ming Hai stands in the front line, grins to laugh, the speaker shouted loudly: 'Brother Yang Zhuo, Ming Hai comes to visit, but also looks at the brother to be liberal to meet.'
   The front door shuts tightly.
   The Yang Zhuo sound, conveys suddenly, 'Ming Hai, my Yang Family waits you not to be thin, has not thought that today came from the front door, can be you unexpectedly.'
   'Brother Yang Zhuo , because your Yang Family waits me not to be thin, I am this peacemaker.' Ming Hai hey smiles, eyes looks to a front door 50 meters in height coral Gulou, in the tower, silhouette of Yang Family people reveals, then has Yang Zhuo.
   'So long as the brother you hands over that batch of commodities, my Ming Hai takes responsibility, guarantees your Yang Family to be safe and sound. En, looks in big brother Xiao's face, your Yang Family can also continue to keep Huang City, will only need to pay part of fees to me on time, in Huang City some people will not cope with you, naturally, these houses, you must let.'
   Ming Hai looks from afar to Yang Zhuo, shouted to clear the way loudly.
   Yang Zhuo and the others facial expression gloomy, indifferent looks at he, in heart anger flaming.
   These city central buildings, are the symbols of Yang Family, is Yang Family rules the symbol of Earth Realm in Huang City, if these buildings have exchanged ownerships, means that a Yang Family dozens years of power and influence one does not save.
   Here significance is indescribable, the Yang Family person will be will not discard decidedly.
   'Ming Hai, you want not to think.' Yang Zhuo cold voice response.
   Ming Hai does not lose one's temper, as if will know like this, he will also heave a deep sigh, will persuade again: 'Brother, you are also the person of bright affair, should know that the present situation is not very wonderful to your Yang Family. Your Jialuo Sea Area has discarded in any case, cannot discard these things. Lives is being more important than what, I give big brother Xiao the face, will embrace this heavy responsibility, is willing to be complete for your Yang Family, do not disappoint my pains.'
   Yang Zhuo sneers, does not say a word.
   'Yeah, it seems like you are really besotted.' The Ming Hai whole face regretted, helpless looks to the front, has hesitated, said: 'In ten minutes, if you have not let our satisfactory responses as before, then Brother Yang, I must not do right by you.'
   Yang Zhuo and the others continued silent.
   Ming Hai were not many says what, to behind these Warrior coldly nod, these people dispersed respectively, arranged before the gate, surrounded completely the front door surrounding region.
   The atmosphere constrains.
   After ten minutes, Ming Hai waves, said lightly: 'Kills!'
   Another three directions, passes on hawk or eagle mentioned in ancient texts Lan Xin, Fu Hao, Yán Fēng the sound of calling out.
   The flames of war light instantaneously.
   Outside the Yang Family city wall, Warrior silhouette shuttle back and forth, various light beam and attack rare treasure, throws to fly in abundance, kills to fall toward the Yang Family bang.
   Meanwhile, sits indifferently has drunk the youth of seven altar strong liquor continuously, finally facial expression red has stood slowly, not saying a word paces to go in the direction of Yang Family city wall.
   Cold evil terrifying aura, reveals quietly from him, gradually spreads to all directions.
   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 55 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-449>
   Chapter 437
   Enter the stage!
   City center, Yang Family.
   Four Warrior influences, collaborate to start to shell to the Yang Family city wall from four directions, above the city wall, energy light barrier expand, will come from the Warrior light beam and rare treasure intercepting, Ming Hai and Fu Hao, Yán Fēng, Warrior of dove Lan Xin four Sky Realm boundaries, do not worry, has not begun immediately, indifferent looks at attack under.
   In the city wall, Yang Zhuo and the others looked solemn, stands on the highest building frustum, Warrior group that the looks at four tide of being critical situation well up generally.
   Situation dangerous dangerours.
   Like a raging fire that the fight is conducted, in Ming Hai discovered that First Level level defends barrier, gradually starts to disintegrate, finally cannot repress, the speaker clamored: 'Brother Yang, you are so besotted, these things looks at, only will make stubbornly Yang Family be hit by the total destruction.'
   Yang Zhuo is cold the face, did not say a word.
   Ming Hai in the entrance, crosses the hands behind the back the looks at distant place is standing high Yang Zhuo, the facial expression cold gets down gradually.
   Half sound, he no longer waited for finally that takes out a square shape lithography suddenly, by Essence Qi irrigation, throws to fly fiercely that lithography.
   Lithography, is containing mountains not broken strange Intent Domain, suddenly pasts.
   That lithography enlarges gradually, becomes has mountain general size unexpectedly, before First Level level barrier toward gate shells maliciously.
   Intent Domain on lithography, becomes very obviously, that hill oppresses slowly, is carrying the serious incomparable strength.
   Strikes, then ten riders barrier pressing the different light lasing, explodes to break to pieces directly.
   Ming Hai hey is sneering, about two have the tedious law seal, in the control different light glittering, unceasingly the power irrigation center, that small a mountain size lithography, energy more and more powerful that stores up, these light barrier rays of light that pounds drag to stir up to disperse unceasingly, appears more and more weak.
   At the same time, Fu Hao, Yán Fēng, dove Lan Xin also one and get rid.
   Fu Haochen drank one, the body such as the rainbow passes through the date, likely was together the sharp long sword, shot directly above these light barrier, pierced ten riders light barrier.
   Yán Fēng is sneering, condenses the strength of severe gale, sees only several hundred wind blades to fly upwards, shining, gives tearing First Level level barrier.
   Dove Lan Xin smiles, the speaker shouted tenderly: 'Big brother Yang, why? You such do, is only the futile effort, finally cannot change what. Is inferior to everybody to make peace, you resign benefit, we do not use the multi- fee time, everybody is happy, to be better?'
   So was saying, dove Lan Xin opened mouth puts out together icy light, in icy light, a jade ornamental hairpin sparkles to shine, pulls ten ice corner light beams, punctures together maliciously above that matter level barrier.
   Warrior of four Sky Realm boundaries also catches up, protection barrier that the Yang Family city wall surrounding winds around, was eradicated instantaneously most probably.
   These barrier tear the gap, the command encircles to be pleasantly surprised in Warrior of nearby square influence, is calling out, infiltrated.
   Suddenly, several hundred Warrior, flood into the Yang Family garden, Ha Ha smiles severely, starts the directions to take a step toward central Yang Zhuo and the others slowly.
   The Ming Hai facial expression is indifferent, crosses the hands behind the back to pace, strolls, does not have a remorse.
   This is constructed by Yang Family, gets rid to construct barrier that layer upon layer by that Xiao Hanyi, today under his leadership, is broken by the thorough bang finally.
   looks at Yang Family Warrior retreat in defeat again and again, the Ming Hai mind is joyful, mutters to whisper: 'Big brother Xiao, do not blame me, although Yang Family is the influence that you attach, but does not belong your. You died, I cannot because of you, but stops the advance the footsteps. If one day, my Ming Hai can reach the Yang Qingdi altitude, when remembers that the past benevolence, looked for the opportunity to revenge for you, I such did, can repay your graciousness of life-saving for some day.'
   The Ming Hai facial expression is faint, consoling oneself, footsteps not, therefore stays, slowly arrives at the architectural complex that Yang Zhuo and the others are.
   Fu Hao, Yán Fēng, dove Lan Xin show power of Sky Realm boundary, is easily accomplished, some small restriction that will block the way gave to sweep clean, laughing, was making great strides forward in the Yang Zhuo direction.
   Yang Family all Warrior, temporarily are treating in the Yang Zhuo architectural complex, their quantity only then about hundred people, Level is also very ordinary, is not enough to deal with so cut-throat power.
   In that architectural complex, has finally the First Level defense circle, concentrates all power, deals with the impacts of these four power, has no other choice.
   , Under the Ming Hai four people of leadership, several hundred Warrior gathers gradually, spheres the highest building that Yang Zhuo one line are.
   Warrior that these intrude on, has not destroyed actually in all directions, time along the way, but also restrains the subordinate carefully.
   Especially dove Lan Xin, scolds unceasingly severely, yells to that Ming Hai, Yán Fēng and Fu Hao subordinate: 'Pays attention, this building do not destroy, we have the agreement beforehand, this architectural complex is me, do not damage belonged to my every bit of property.'
   Ming Hai and the others sneered, knows the gorgeousness of this woman greedy Yang Family garden, when decides to join, draws support the Water Scorpion Clan Bao Wen reputation, making the Water Scorpion Clan master get rid, wanted the building in this city forcefully, wants to regard her and Bao Wen happy good temporary palace here.
   Ming Hai and Fu Hao, Yán Fēng, although also has the idea to here, after Bao Wen sends for delivering the exit news, three people also can only comply.
   Water Scorpion Clan in various Sea Clan clans, although is not a strongest race, but Water Scorpion Clan clansman each mean residual poison, treats the method of enemy quite to be always cruel, nobody is willing to offend Water Scorpion Clan unless it is absolutely essential.
   Ming Hai listens to that dove Lan Xin yawp, the facial expression somewhat to disdain, because has the agreement beforehand, poured many does not say what , under backed up to restrain started, so as to avoid that Bao Wen will live in the future, looked for their terrible business.
   Dove Lan Xin whole face joyful smiling face, grasps the jade ornamental hairpin, smiling arrives at that Yang Zhuo and the others the positions, raised head to look at Yang Zhuo on platform, revealed the tooth to smile, tender sound track: 'Big brother Yang, you get down, such gorgeousness of this host construction, if destroyed, I can love dearly.'
   The Yang Zhuo facial expression ice is cold, hates sound track: 'Inexpensive woman! In the past beginning you when Huang City, Crystal Stone that the stony broke, paid taxes continually did not have, I in the past forgave your some date and time, you do not have in the qualifications that Huang City based! Today is in power, actually must scheme my Yang Family base industry, your this disposition, must end up to turn out the fate of meeting a cruel death sooner or later.'
   Dove Lan Xinqiao face one cold, snort, coldly said: 'In the past I entered Huang City, indeed was the stony broke, but your Yang Family was big in the Huang City influence, depending on my cultivation base, already rushed out an influence. Your isn't Yang Zhuo arrogant? In the past did not spare a glance to me, is looking down upon me, now do you regret?'
   'oh?' Ming Hai one hear was happy, suddenly hey has smiled, assumes an air of self approbation saying: 'Originally rumor unexpectedly real.'
   Fu Hao, Yán Fēng are also the smiling faces that shows to ponder, looks to that dove Lan Xin expression, quite strange.
   In Huang City, the related dove Lan Xin wind comments is always unsatisfactory.
   Beginning rumor woman Huang City time, only then Nirvana Realm cultivation base, in the Endless Sea personhood lover, sent for chasing down by others big madames finally, she who has pursued cannot base in Endless Sea, has to arrive at Huang City.
   After Huang City, this woman carries the severe wound, the stony broke, cannot hand over including the housing expense that should pay.
   At that time, this woman, only then is also the good leather bag, it is said her one person alone arrived at Yang Family, wanted to receive in exchange with the beauty in Huang City Earth Realm, hoping Yang Zhuo can marry her for the wife, wanted with the aid in the Yang Family influence, revenges, came to obtain certain Earth Realm in Huang City.
   What a pity, Yang Zhuo as if knows her to be imprudent, has rejected directly, has given several Crystal Stone, then has sent her.
   In this woman surface has not said what, at that time also thanked profusely, mediated Yang Zhuo to relate significantly outside, misleading the human into thinking that she and Yang Zhuo a little ambiguous related.
   Yang Family many Warrior, after hearing her autobiography the news, although the Yang Zhuo burst denied, does not dare to continue the info clerk her tax revenue, making her be able to base in Huang City.
   Dove Lan Xin relies on that ambiguous rumor, in Huang City is flavorful, frequently is flaunting the Yang Family banner, does business in Huang City, makes her give to make piece of heaven and earth actually.
   'Regret?' Yang Zhuo facial expression cold and proud, grins to disdain saying: 'Your this inexpensive maid, has not entered my Yang Family person, is my Yang Family great good fortune. On the natural disposition of your this loose and fickle, my Yang Zhuo then summons the prostitute, will not have a liking for you, I had not regretted in the past that now is also same! slut, in 100 years, you also give up any idea of into my discernment!'
   'Yang Zhuo the hypocrite of your fickle widowed righteousness, you, since cannot have a liking for me, I have destroyed you!' Dove Lan Xin is breathless, in eye pupil the color of overflowing full hatred, saying of facial expression cold: 'I have destroyed you today, making you live to might as well die! Yang Zhuo Yang Zhuo, I will make you regret for a lifetime!'
   'Ha Ha.'
   Ming Hai has smiled suddenly joyfully, claps hands to shout loudly: 'Originally is the love lives to hate extremely, interesting, interesting, I also work as that am only the rumor, has not thought that also really has this matter.'
   Fu Hao, Yán Fēng also show the strange facial expression.
   Under Yang Zhuo indifferent looks at, the facial expression is invariable, faint [say / way]: 'Everybody, since came, goal was very clear, but wants to obtain that batch of commodities of my Yang Family preserve, can you prepare loss serious?'
   'To harvest, naturally must pay a price.' Fu Hao laughed, looked at Ming Hai, looked at dove Lan Xin, teased: 'Won't dove poisonous woman, right now you love dearly this host to construct? Must want to kill Yang Zhuo, this house must break.'
   The dove Lan Xin facial expression hatred, said maliciously: 'Destroyed! Destroyed completely!'
   'Early should so.'
   Fu Hao speaker laughs, at once shouts to clear the way severely: 'Soldiers, begin, Yang Family person who who kills are many, the reward are then more.'
   'Kills the Yang Family person?'
   An indifferent sound, conveys from the rear crowd suddenly.
   Sees only a facial expression red youth, is raising wine pot, sneers is pacing the line to come out slowly.
   His look is extremely arrogant, does not look at the appearance anybody in eye, drinks, while strides bravely forward to come, said with a smile indifferently: 'I must have a look but actually, today who can massacre a Yang Family person.'
   'Shi Yan!'
   In the platform, Yang Zhuo and other audiences Yang Family person, drinks to make noise suddenly greatly, the facial expression is astonished.
   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 56 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-450>
   Chapter 438
   Bloody suppression!
   'Your great grandfather had said that when we are most difficult, Shi Yan will appear.'
   Yang Zhuo that words, reappear suddenly in all Yang Family direct descendant descendants hearts, all Yang Family people, in this moment, the facial expression are encouraged suddenly.
   When is most difficult, Shi Yan came.
   Came really!
   The youth are drinking the strong liquor, in cruel these Warrior groups, strolls, grins to sneer, walked from the rear area step by step, suddenly attracted the attention of all Warrior.
   'I want to take a look, who dares to begin?'
   The youth eyes ice is cold, indifferent looks at dove Lan Xin, Ming Hai, do not pay attention to the world person, extremely arrogant domineering, a conceited overbearing appearance.
   'Boy, who are you?'
   Fu Hao facial expression sinks, coldly looks at he, waves side Warrior to youth to tell suddenly: 'Fu Jie, has killed him!'
   Fu Jie is his younger male cousin, altogether enters Huang City with him, Second Sky of Nirvana Realm cultivation base, is always his about arm, the disposition is cruel, these years have done the shameful deal for him.
   His cultivation base to this younger male cousin is self-confident.
   That height about two meters tall and strong guy, the whole face scabs, grins fiendishly, fires into that youth fiercely.
   The youth grin to laugh, the look ridicule, the right hand is lifting wine pot , to continue to drink heartily.
   The time of when to that Fu Jie's valiant body such as the sharp sword generally shooting, the youth languidly gets rid, the left hand finds out fiercely, such as, buckles like lightning suddenly on that Fu Jie's neck.
   A height two meters guy, was grasped neck to raise by him single-handed, armored hand bombardment on him, but transmits the sad sound that [gold/metal] Tiejiao strikes, youth expression does not have the slight change unexpectedly.
   Raises single-handed that guy, youth grinning smiles, shook the head, said: 'You are first!'
   The youth make an effort to pinch, Fu Jie's neck was pinched directly, Fu Jie's excellent head, the pushing toothpaste same, flies to ascend the sky from neck fiercely.
   Blood hurricane!
   Pinches, under wild power, Fu Jie's neck, unexpectedly directly was pinched to explode.
   Astonishing power!
   People facial expression suddenly one cold.
   The youth facial expression is faint, before does not give a thought , the splash of blood, is lifting wine pot, drinks the light jug liquor gu throat, this is laughing, raises the sound track: 'Strong liquor gathers Killing Intent, drinks murder, seriously is a life big happy event.'
   So was saying, the youth does not attend to fearful of people , to continue at a moderate pace goes toward the front line.
   First Sky of Nirvana Realm Warrior, stands before his body, the facial expression is alarmed and afraid, gets down conciousness wish retreat.
   The youth castrate invariably, knitting the brows head, puts out a hand slightly suddenly a stamp.
   The chest of that First Sky of Nirvana Realm Warrior, was drilled through by his two directly.
   Youth two rip, that Nirvana First Sky Realm Warrior, was torn two halves by him from the chest stiffly, the five internal organs and blood to mingle, splashes, side numerous Warrior of sputtering.
   Fu Jie, that afterward was torn two halves Warrior, in the hand of youth, seems only the paper sticks, collapses at the first blow simply, was pinched to explode neck, was torn fleshly body, does not have including the revolt.
   In field numerous Warrior, suddenly back sends coldly, the look fills alarmed and afraid.
   Begins a performance, two that Yang Zhuo and Yang Mu, Yang Xue and Li Feng audiences Yang Family Warrior, looks at straighten, was at that time silly.
   'Stone, is really Shi Yan, you?'
   Yang Mu has stopped, only thinks the lip dry, was given to have a scare by his bloody method, starts to suspect all that one see.
   Warrior of two Nirvana boundaries, such directly met a cruel death, does not have including a revolt leeway, is this what kind powerful overbearing power?
   The youth cannot help laughing, to beginning a performance Yang Mu said: 'Big brother, didn't 45 years do not see, how know the little brother?'
   The Yang Mu hollow laugh, is pleasantly surprised embarrasedly.
   'Boy, who are you?' Ming Hai also changed facial expression, gets down conciousness retreat one step, the look is unpredictable, said: 'Are you Yang Family person?'
   Shi Yan with a smile nod, 'good, in the past Xiao Hanyi entered the place of quiet cloud, then to extradite me came Endless Sea. Reason that En, Uncle Xiao was given to capture by Lang Xun, because of me, my heart has had guilty. Today saw Uncle Ming Hai, it seems like I can be Uncle Xiao handle something.'
   'Do you, you want to make what?' Ming Hai cold snort, outwardly fierce but inwardly faint-hearted [say / way].
   'Cleaning up trash.'
   The Shi Yan facial expression is cheerful, looks up to Yang Zhuo, said with a smile: 'Uncle, did not mind that I do help Uncle Xiao handle something?'
   Yang Zhuo stunned, has gawked, said: 'Ming Hai has Second Sky of Sky Realm, Shi Yan you were careful'
   'Minor matter.' Shi Yan smiled, raises the sound track: 'Here matter, gave me to be good, Uncle Lao did not take the trouble. En, Uncle, Big brother, you in place above well looks at, having a look at these to betray our Yang Family fellow, meets so is out.'
   The Yang Family people facial expression is strange, shows the expression that starts to speak but hesitates.
   'Boy is extremely arrogant!' Dove Lan Xin screamed suddenly that hurried [say / way]: 'Everybody joint effort, has killed the boy of this confusing first, then copes with Yang Zhuo!'
   Fu Hao, Yán Fēng, Ming Hai early have this intent, listened to a that woman saying, complete nod, facial expression gloomy and cold, must start.
   'Isn't anxious, comes, I like the slow labor having the delicate work.' Shi Yan waving gives a calm smile, ice cold white clouds, spread exits suddenly, such as the watermark same spreads to that Fu Hao, Yán Fēng, the dove Lan Xin direction, forms the First Level colored glaze ice layer, enabling that three people to collaborate with Ming Hai.
   Meanwhile, Shi Yan eyes suddenly scarlet-red like blood, suddenly drinks one lowly: 'Comes out.'
   bloody glow from Blood Vein Ring flood, rays of light flashes before together suddenly, sees only a fierce evil strange insect, flew fiercely, flushes away toward that Ming Hai fiercely.
   The king of Cannibal Corpse Insect! Eight levels of Demonic Beast!
   The King of Demon Insect ice cold oil green eye pupil, coldly looked at Ming Hai one, an extremely fearful spiritual impulse, such as the electric current is common, pours into Ming Hai Sea of Consciousness instantaneously.
   Ming Hai must begin, thinks suddenly the headache wants to crack, immediately holds to get up.
   The monster insect flutters to depart, changes into one bunch of green light, is hidden in that Ming Hai within the body.
   The sound of appalling gnawing food bone, transmits, a person whole body round of cold that listens to from that Ming Hai within the body suddenly, the body trembles fiercely.
   Ming Hai crazy fiercely shouted gets up suddenly, everywhere sways back and forth, body gradual withered getting down, he is crazily howling, unexpectedly frightened cries, unceasing called to shout: 'Has killed me! A bit faster has killed me! Asked you! Has killed me!'
   The monster insect in his within the body, gnaws to eat his bone internal organs little, he even can hear that clear sound!
   The audiences head skin tingles with numbness.
   The looks at Ming Hai sad and shrill appearance, some timid people, two legs tremble, gets down conciousness toward retreat go.
   Shi Yan tranquil looks at that like Ming Hai of person, mouth corner is not holding the light happy expression, supple sound track: 'Uncle Ming Hai, taste how? Should you be able to feel internal organs eaten that wonderful? En, you enjoy slowly, that monster insect has the discretion very much, will eat your body first, will then drill into your brain, slowly eats your brains, at that time, you immediately had not possibly died.'
   Some people started to spit, followed Ming Hai these Warrior, only thinks that in the stomach disturbed a while, including meal that yesterday ate up, one and has spat.
   Dove Lan Xin, Fu Hao, Yán Fēng, facial expression is pale, unprecedented fear.
   Begins a performance on Yang Family people, leaves goes excessively, does not endure to witness.
   Yang Xue and Li Feng several females, cannot withstand, is squatting the body, retching of making an effort, the facial expression is distressed.
   Too cruel.
   Any sees this Warrior, the back sends coldly, is Shi Yan vicious and frightened restless.
   Did not have the battle, was then scared.
   'Lunatic, this is a lunatic!'
   Some people call out in alarm, the speaker shouted loudly, 'dove eldest sister, I did not do, reward that you gave, I not had the good fortune to enjoy something, bye.'
   So was saying, that person is covering the belly, distressed must retreat.
   Shi Yan turns head suddenly, shot a look at his one eyes tranquilly, said in a soft voice: 'I have not said that no one permits, is obedient, has the advantage to you.'
   That person shakes the head again and again, facial expression pale [say / way]: 'Wizard manages you.'
   His hurrying suddenly to retreat, does not attend to dove Lan Xin tempting with the promise of gain, flees to run away.
   Shi Yan grins to smile, said lightly: 'That then could not complain about me.'
   Such remarks, that person of body flies high suddenly float, by an invisible big hand, was caught the space likely directly.
   Gold threads, do not know when gets up suddenly appears, the gold thread is circling in flight, weaves the lattice, slowly has covered.
   That person of body, such as bean curd is common, was cut the innumerable blocks, fresh blood drip flowings, crash-bang crashes from the space.
   Six Warrior that one and retreats, is the same with him, withdraws from ten meters, the discovery enters in not the well-known magnetic field in abundance, by the gold thread big net covering, dismembers instantaneously the innumerable blocks.
   Has not sent including a pitiful yell.
   Shi Yan silent smiled, shakes the head gently, tranquil saying: 'I just had said that I do not have nod, no one permits, is not obedient, can only walk one first.'
   Yang Family Head constructs surrounding about 800 Warrior, facial expression turns white one after another, a strength, as if had screened out by some mystical power, only thinks the physical strength of continually coming to a stop, as if did not have.
   looks at youth who teased in the field indifferently, all person hearts lived the fear, does not know that should not know what to do.
   'Puff passes.'
   Nirvana Realm Warrior, the knees have knelt suddenly, kowtows toward the youth, the fear said: 'I have made a mistake, I was deceived the head by the lard, my heinous crime, asking you to let off us, I want to go on living.'
   'We want to go on living!'
   Many Warrior have knelt, toward that youth tearful eyes hazy sob, sound sad and shrill such as the cuckoo cries aloud, heard that it makes the will of the people tremble.
   'To go on living?' The youth cancould help laughing, have hesitated, has selected nod, supple sound track: 'I give you opportunity.'
   'Has what instruction?' Kneels in the people of ground, is overjoyed, called to shout repeatedly.
   Aims at Fu Hao, Yán Fēng, dove Lan Xin at will, the youth told lightly: 'Has killed these three people, you can live, otherwise, must die completely!'
   Fu Hao, Yán Fēng, dove blue mind and body trembles, the facial expression blanch, the eye obviously fears.
   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 57 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-451>
   Shi Yan stands in Yang Family Head construction front, looks calm, bold Fang Qiu, presses instantaneously that Fu Haodian Yán Fēng and dove Lan Xin three people of imposing manners.
   Side him, dozens Warrior knees are well-grounded, a face is disturbed with fear, for fear that he suddenly gets angry.
   He enters the stage, uses the bloody method, hits to explode Warrior of two Nirvana Origin boundaries, calls the monster insect, drills into the Ming Hai body plaster directly, at this time is still gnawing to eat the internal organs of Ming Hai.
   That bone terrified sound, has not stopped to the present, the head skin that looks at tingles with numbness, stood continually cannot come to a stop.
   A Yang Zhuo audiences Yang Family person, on the stand, dull looks at the following sound at this time, the facial expression is being encouraged.
   At this time Yang Mu, Yang Xue and Li Feng these Yang Family new first generation masters, once more remembered Yang Zhuo that words, ' your great grandfathers have said that when we were most difficult, Shi Yan may appear , helping us change the situation, let all invading one's territory being self-supporting bitter fruits.,
   Before Yang Mu, Yang Zhou and the others, had the manner of suspicion to these words, from the start does not dare hoping to pin on him.
   However, when the situation is most difficult, vanished 45 years of Shi Yan, unexpectedly appears.
   He in the method of as powerful as a thunderbolt, suppresses at one fell swoop all people, lets kneel to bend down directly in the place that dozens Warrior frighten, so the accident, all of a sudden has drawn from the hopeless situation the Yang Family person.
   'Shi Yan'
   The Yang Mu whole face happy speaker on the stand shouted loudly, ' your this iǎ, was what vanishes is so long, in the middle of the abyss battlefield, you suffered what, was what can have so fearful cultivation base?,
   Yang Zhou and Yang Xue dot Li Feng one line , is also the curiosity of whole face, surprised looks at he.
   Gains ground to smile, Shi Yan has not replied, but looked that to side these are kneeling Warrior, said lightly: ' Opportunity I give you, can grasp, must think your motions. Hey, Yán Fēng and Fu Hao, dove Lan Xin these three people, although has cultivation base of Sky Realm boundary, but your about 800 Warrior, collaborate to deal with these three people, how long should unable to want, then can execute three people, I am waiting for your motion.,
   Fu Hao three face è, the yīn calm face, vision glittering is ugly unceasing, a face vigilant looks to the surroundings.
   ' We give your advantage, this iǎ could not give you, you collaborated to kill three of us with it, might as well cope with this iǎ with joint forces. In addition our three, want to extinguish kills this iǎ, should be easy as pie, this iǎ dies, we formerly agreed will cash, when the time comes has harvested Yang Family that commodity, your everybody has.,
   Dove Lan Xin clenches teeth, the elegant face ice is cold, coldly kneels to bend down to that in the people of place said.
   Fu Hao, Yán Fēng, is the facial expression shakes, promised the advantage hurriedly, explained the fierce relations, hopes that these followers can divide the abundant this time situation, collaborated to cope with Shi Yan with them.
   ' You, if listened to this iǎ, even if has killed three of us, you are also afterward same what unable to obtain. Also, anyone of you can guarantee that Bo Zi will say to have the letter? Afterward three of us died, you are the non- root grass, how this iǎ wants to pinch you, considering as finished that was said by him, you consider clearly!
   Fu Hao sneers to say.
   Yán Fēng is also again and again nod, the sentiment profound meaning said: 'Fellow brothers, my Yán Fēng self-examined that waits you not to be thin, this days, I give your advantage to be seriously many. This iǎ can give you what? He will only bide one's time for punishment in the future, once he has been in power, Yang Family continues Xiong to dominate Huang City, your destinies are as before unchangeable! Why? Is the friend with him, final fate, only like Ming Hai.'
   Dove Lan Xin, Fu Hao, Yán Fēng, show the sincere expression, the persuasion of doing best to convince.
   These three people of dental cusp mouth advantages, showed the fierce relations, made many people move actually, knelt to bend down in these Warrior of place, pondered, thought that the dove Lan Xin three people of excuses made sense some.
   Kneels on the ground, some facial expression restless people, were gradually cold the face to stand, the vision lightened the yīn cold cold brightness.
   These Warrior of distant place, then closes up quietly goes forward, encircles Shi Yan in plaster Yang, only waits for that dove Lan Xin three people to issue an order, chose a person submerging Shi Yan.
   The situation reverses once more.
   Yang Zhuo and other Yang Family the masters, eye looks at begins the mighty waves, the smiling face on face vanishes gradually, the facial expression is also dignified, Yang Zhuo lowers the sound, urged Yang Mu one line on the quiet, making their iǎ heart point, a while look that the situation was not wonderful, immediately lent a hand to help Shi Yan.
   Is Shi Yan of people focal point, the facial expression is actually invariable, does not have the proper response regarding the reversal of situation, the smiling face on face is like that tranquil indifferent.
   He looks all around, has selected nod slowly, look cold Li, said in a soft voice: 'You think to collaborate, then can kill me? Hey, it seems like you really do not see the coffin not to shed tears, En, who wants to give a try first?'
   So was saying, he by mind summons King of Demon Insect, making that King of Demon Insect pick up the speed.
   'Hua Cha!!'
   The abnormal noise in Ming Hai body, comes was clearer, people clear seeing, that King of Demon Insect is wriggling on Ming Hai slowly, drills into the Ming Hai mind from his neck.
   Ming Hai eyes suddenly Tu, a face fears, grasps the throat is exuding 'hum' the cry, must fearfully fearful.
   'This child heart is cruel, is the friend with him, you cannot fall any advantage finally, dove Lan Xin continue the cup to be puzzled: ' The Ming Hai fate, you also saw, once in the future he is in power, stood firm in Huang City, all of you, difficult running away misfortune!'
   People face è great change.
   Thinks that the Shi Yan procedure, these person backs send coldly, gets down conciousness looks to Ming Hai, even more thought that Shi Yan is uncompanionable, adds more fearful than all Yang Family people.
   Remembers could hit jiā to say with this character in the future that these Warrior then hearts live the fear, restless hesitant a while, facial expressions strengthen.
   'Has killed him!'
   'Has killed this iǎ!'
   'Only then has killed him, Huang City can be peaceful! His Immortal, no one have thought on the auspicious day!'
   Suddenly, the sound of clamoring continuously, all follows Yán Fēng three people of Warrior, the community is furious, shares a common hatred.
   The Shi Yan smiling face is invariable, stands in people plaster Yang, unperturbed does not fear , the non- well words, as if are waiting for beginning of these people.
   The dove Lan Xin sharp tenderness drinks, likely is an insane tiger, must break through that First Level ice crystal the barrier, first fires into Shi Yan.
   Shi Yan hey smiled, the left hand opens, the ripple of ice sparkling stones, spread exits suddenly.
   Ices cold cold meaning extremely, overflows from his control, aggravated the defensive power of that ice crystal barrier once more, enabling that dove Lan Xin yù ornamental hairpin to play the role of essence, the ice crystal barrier cannot rumble broken.
   'Has killed him!'
   Yán Fēng and Fu Hao wave together.
   Before dozens, kneels to bend down in place Warrior, is loyal for the table, at this time instead is the first wave fires into the Shi Yan person.
   Person's shadow flickering, dozens Warrior face è are fierce, smiles severely , to promote to high energy, changes into bunch of rays of light, stirs up plaster Shi Yan.
   In the crowd, Shi Yan same stands one's ground steadfastly like the rock, the smiling face is the ice is colder.
   'Comes well.'
   He has not moved, instead said smilingly such a few words, same place were sitting, is calming the mind likely cultivation.
   People facial expression big quake, when he has been afraid, the courage is more abundant, clamoring, urges to send all sorts of Martial Skills rays of light.
   Sees only dozens seven color rays of light, such as the rainbow is the same, suddenly from eight Fang to come, entire tribe to center plaster Yang's Shi Yan.
   The stone falls to the sea is common, so many energy light beams, throw, in his body first ten meters position, vanishes suddenly completely, has not presented a points wave.
   Ten Warrior, approach his body first ten meters, statures fly high suddenly float.
   As if invisible big hands, have grasped these ten Warrior completely, their bodies fast circles in flight, energy starts unable to gather power confused to protect the body.
   ' How can be?,
   'Can't I move?'
   ' My jīng Yuan did not listen to direct.,
   That ten Warrior, abruptly exclaim, the whole face is disturbed with fear, does not know that had what.
   ' Do not shout that you were dying immediately, now shouts also uselessly., Shi Yan heaves a deep sigh gently, regrets saying: ' This yù keeps you to assign, what a pity you cannot see clearly the situation, not knowing good from bad such, I can only deliver you to start off first.,
   Gold è different light, the escape from his Imaginary Space Ring come out suddenly.
   The gold thread throws flies to ascend the sky, circles in flight in space, sharp, once that gold thread moves Warrior that the space circles in flight, the bodies of these people look like the bean curd are common, was cut directly, Blood Dripping Gem crashes.
   With formerly wanted running away boat these people, is simply exactly the same.
   Ten Warrior, very know that had what, directly was dismembered.
   In [Gravitational Field] plaster Yang, Shi Yan mouth corner is holding the light happy expression, starts to stimulate to movement [Gravitational Field], covers toward Warrior of distant place.
   Suddenly, is centered on Shi Yan, Warrior of ten meters sector shrieks and howls wildly, wish of going all out escapes.
   Imperceptibly, as if has one to be able the devil of dismembering person, hides, is giving to carry off this life life, cannot know that actually to have what, only knows that Warrior more and more, by that invisible devil cutting the body, turned into broken
   The space blood flies horizontally, is working like the giant cutters, what kind Realm Warrior, so long as, were affected based on this, once the body circles in flight, means that the life has arrived at end.
   About 50 Warrior that short a half minute, formerly first began, then became by the minute corpse broken dropped place.
   Is centered on Shi Yan, in surrounding ten meters regions, remnant corpse everywhere, unexpectedly not together whole.
   Five Mou Laiming Warrior, such a while time, on bewildered changes into the broken smell of blood to shoot up to the sky, bloody water such as rivulet trickle flows on the ground.
   Let alone Warrior of these surrounding, Fu Haodian Yán Fēng and dove Lan Xin three people, have frightened does not dare to move.
   Does not dare to run away, does not dare to approach, stops in same place, face è is pallid.
   Shi Yan had said that has not been under his permission, anybody dares to leave, then meets a cruel death.
   These words, have not dared to run away.
   To be continued RA
   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 58 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-452>
   Approaches Shi Yan, the fate enmity was dismembered, lives several hundred crushed stones, to prove this bloody brutal fact.
   All people completely in same place, does not dare to run away, does not dare to start to Shi Yan.
   In the field suffocates to be peaceful.
   The smell of blood soars to the heavens.
   On beginning a performance of Yang Family, Yang Xue and Li Feng and other Warrior, in abundance evade to go, takes out the handkerchief to cover mouth, the body squats down, is retching unceasingly.
   Before Shi Yan treated that Ming Hai time, although method bloody virulent, but the scene was not very great, the impact was limited.
   But this large-scale slaughtering, makes 50 Warrior blood fly instantaneously horizontally, twists the field same stump residual limb to fly, the internal organs leave, this scene cannot describe with the bloodiness.
   'I formerly had said that wants to maintain a livelihood, has killed Yán Fēng and Fu Hao, the dove Lan Xin three people to me, so long as these three people died, you can depart safely. Otherwise, you are the same with these three people, changes into to me stays here broken., The Shi Yan facial expression is indifferent, the smiling face is temperate, supple sound track: ' I give you half double-hour time, after half double-hour, if the Yán Fēng three people are also living, hey, you understand.'
   'Has killed Yán Fēng!'
   'Has killed Fu Hao!'
   'Has killed dove Lan Xin!'
   In field quiet a half minute, suddenly some people drink severely.
   Having hundred responses to a single call.
   Warrior that all mind tremble with fear, could not keep in view the Yán Fēng three people of that excuses again, under the Shi Yan absolute blood and iron cruel pressure, they collapsed finally.
   More than 700 Warrior, were suddenly crazy, calling, is throwing toward Fu Hao, the Yán Fēng dot dove Lan Xin three people.
   Fu Hao three people of dissertation what, again could not control the situation, under the Shi Yan terrifying power and influence, they only wants to go on living, only wants to use the Fu Hao three people of lives, with the Fu Hao three people of blood, preserves itself.
   Fu Hao, Yán Fēng, dove Lan Xin have cultivation base of Sky Realm boundary, however, faces the Warrior group that the water is welling up generally, they also lack the ability to do what one would like, spill over one share to be bitterly and astringently sorrowful.
   Has spent for 45 years the power that saves with great difficulty, when is most essential, unexpectedly collaborates to cope with them, this attack, compared with was killed by Shi Yan, but must make them be hard to accept.
   looks at red these past subordinates of eye, Fu Hao three people of face tragedies, including the method of resistance, was inferior before , was like that swift and fierce.
   Shi Yan has stood, no matter also that crazy person goes toward the responsibility Yang Family host construction line directly, arrives in port, early some people are bowing
   Yang Family Warrior, bows to lower the head, a face awe, said in a soft voice: ' Young Master Yan.,
   Has selected nod toward him with a smile, under his leadership, Shi Yan unflustered goes toward the above platform direction line.
   behind shocking war cry, his black ink, if the unheard, the facial expression is tranquil, has not shown the accidental expression, on the face the smiling face is calm throughout.
   long time, Shi Yan then does not arrive at beginning a performance of Yang Family Warrior accumulation, Yang Zhuo is waiting, a face is happy
   Bows a ritual, Shi Yan said in a soft voice: 'Uncle.'
   Yang Zhuo nod, the speaker happy said with a smile again and again: 'Good iǎ, others to say the gentleman don't three day, when has increased respect for somebody, your this fellow, does not hold in high esteem that simply. Ha Ha! Makes the human not dare to believe simply! Ha Ha, my Yang Family no lack of successors to carry on, even if your great grandfather keeps Devil Territory , has your this iǎ to act, can make Huang City steady like the rock.'
   Shi Yan smiled, looked at Yang Xue and Li Feng, Yang Meng and the others, the good intention said: ' Do not spit the bad body.,
   Li Feng phoenix eyes one bright, stared his one eyes, is angry no wonder that: 'Is your this fellow! Why is so bloody? Killed has killed, such fearful disgusting person who must do?'
   Yang Xue and Yang Meng are also again and again nod, approves of her view, the face was blaming Shi Yan should not be so cruel painstakingly.
   Shi Yan laughs, 'sometimes, deals with some people, needs to let they lifelong unforgettable stimulation, can make them honest. We also need to seek a livelihood in Huang City, if, once Yang Family loses power, these people then immediately cherish the disloyalty, that is not wonderful. I such do, will make them remember life-long betrays our Yang Family fate, making us have the nightmare daily, even if Yang Family real some day is not good, makes them not dare to have the slight disloyalty!'
   The Yang Zhuo whole face appreciation, nod said: ' Stands to reason.
   Yang Mu, Yang Zhou and the others, go forward, hugged with him maliciously.
   'You come back really well.' Yang Mu makes an effort to whip his shoulder, clenches teeth to shout to clear the way: 'Your this fellow, should come earlier, we soon could not support, if you late a point, feared again was can only see the big brother my Dead body.'
   Shi Yan look glittering, shook the head gently, ' the big brother let alone this omnious words, our is not live well? Now although Jialuo Sea Area is not us, how long but I could not want, belonged our, will fall to our hands in once more, in the future we will want, but also was not only only Endless Sea.,
   The people facial expression shakes.
   'Your understood?' Yang Zhuo stunned, asked in a soft voice: 'The matter related to your great grandfather, you heard some news? Shi Yan, you solid told me, did you know what? To be honest, since arrives at Huang City, we broke with the family relation, although obtained your great grandfather's mouth news in advance, but we actually restless.'
   The Yang Family people, anticipate looks to him.
   In the Shi Yan heart sighed, knows the people suppressed was too ruthless, was in unfavorable situation in Huang City unceasingly, the Endless Sea situation was complex is also difficult to be bright, they could not see the hope, does not see clearly the future condition, started to produce has suspected, suspected that the Yang Qingdi past urging, really had that matter.
   He needs to make the people be encouraged.
   ' I indeed receive a message., Under the gaze of people, he has selected nod, definitely said: ' I have the friend to obtain the news from that Fourth Devil Area, said that great grandfather from the Devil Emperor imprisonment, at this time should move in Devil Territory , I think that two Great Devil Emperor, should have a headache at this time extremely.,
   Such remarks, all Yang Family people cheer, a face jumps for joy.
   They need Mou Kending an answering plaster case.
   Shi Yan gave them.
   ' Everybody too should not be worried, according to the present situation, the short time great grandfather will perhaps not return from Devil Territory ., Shi Yan continued saying: ' But, once the great grandfather returned from Devil Territory , Endless Sea situation, then in our Yang Family person during grasps. En, how long I could not want, we then can duplicate Endless Sea, cleaned up the aftermath, will be our things, seized.,
   On the people face reveals happy again and again nod.
   Especially Yang Zhuo, is gratified exceptionally, said to him: ' Your this fellow, really does not waste your great grandfather's pains, in the past the great grandfather made Xiao Hanyi go to the place of quiet cloud to meet you, we also thought that too did not understand, now knows his vision, when was so early, he then saw your potential, your great grandfather's vision, really made us have to gasp in admiration.,
   Shi Yan smiled, before arriving at the Yang Zhuo body, bends down the free time below crazy fight, said in a soft voice: ' Fu Hao, Yán Fēng ended.,
   Really, his words fall, Fu Hao, Yán Fēng, under the energy impacts of several hundred Warrior, the mind collapse, the defense light cover that offers a sacrifice, explodes to break to pieces directly.
   Warrior group of invading, directly Yán Fēng and Fu Hao submerging, various rare treasure bombardments in that two people, has not saved the skeleton that the two hit, died a tragic death at the scene.
   Can cultivation base of Sky Realm boundary be what kind of?
   Several hundred Level different Warrior, collaborate to attack, the power light group that erupts instantaneously, feared that including Warrior of boundary of God Passage First Sky, deals with be in an extremely difficult situation.
   Let alone Yán Fēng and Fu Hao?
   Yán Fēng and Fu Hao die, below facilitated only remaining beautiful Lan Xin.
   'This nv person, the Yang Zhuo knitting the brows head, shakes the head saying: ' It is not quite easy to cope, you look at these people, does not dare to cope with her first. This nv person excels in taking advantage of somebody's authority, this time she attached to Water Scorpion Clan Bao Wen, that Bao Wen has cultivation base of boundary of God Passage First Sky, they knew this point, does not dare to move her to start immediately.'
   Shi Yan to under.
   The fact really such as Yang Zhuo said.
   Water general Warrior, that dove Lan Xinwei in the center, actually nobody dares to start immediately.
   The dove Lan Xin face è blanch, retreat in the crowd, the speaker shouted loudly unceasingly: 'Anyone of you dares to cope with me, Bao Wen definitely will not let afterward off you! You know me and Bao Wen relations, knows Bao Wen cultivation base and method, if I have an accident, you think that you can live are leaving Huang City?'
   Her threat, really played the proper role.
   Gathers round her these Warrior, look blushes, actually continuously in indecisive, a while has a look at Shi Yan in platform, a while to look to below dove Lan Xin, acts bashful the uncertain idea.
   Although Shi Yan formidable cruel, but Bao Wen in the Huang City reputation, actually spreads is remote.
   Any comes Huang City Warrior, knows that seeking revenge for the slightest grievance of Water Scorpion Clan, knows that head of the clan's Water Scorpion Clan fierce and cruelty of younger brother Bao Wen, if behind dove Lan Xin does not have Bao Wen, she feared that already died.
   But she proposed that Bao Wen given name, the people actually have to be discrete, although many people are afraid Shi Yan, but more people, fears that Bao Wen to be more.
   Therefore, looks at dove Lan Xin had been surrounded by everybody, nobody dares first starting.
   Passes the God Realm Warrior deterrent force, incisiveness that at this time manifests.
   'Bao Wen passes God Realm cultivation base., Yang Zhuo sank, the forced smile looked to Shi Yan, said: ' Or, this dove Lan Xin? This time has you to act, has broken through, if has killed dove Lan Xin this inexpensive plaster person, makes Bao Wen fly into a rage, afterward we feared must deal with the Bao Wen anger immediately. Yeah, if your great grandfather, did not fear actually, but in our Huang City, not passes God Realm Warrior now.'
   The Yang Family people, listened to a Yang Zhuo such saying, although in the sentiment too does not want to accept, actually also knows that passed God Realm Warrior to mean what, hesitant, helpless nod, was approves to the Yang Zhuo excuse.
   ' Yes, Bao Wen passes God Realm Warrior, was enormous in the Water Scorpion Clan influence, offended Bao Wen, thoroughly offended Water Scorpion Clan. If really such, to our foothold in Huang City, indeed is disadvantageous, if we can return to Endless Sea immediately, pours does not fear him, but now,
   Yang Zhuo also oh sound sigh.
   ' Let alone was Bao Wen, even if were head of the clan Water Scorpion Clan kisses, I can also make him honest., Shi Yan sneers.( To be continued RA
   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 59 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-453>
   Yang Zhuo one dull, the whole face does not dare to believe that looks to him, said: 'Xiaoyan, aren't you chat?'
   Yang Mu and other Yang Family people, is the facial expression is amazed, suddenly completely dumbfounded.
   Coming out that they look, Shi Yan has cultivation base of Sky Realm boundary now, Shi Yan also acknowledged this.
   By cultivation base of Sky Realm boundary, wants fierce of monster insect in addition, coped with dove Lan Xin this kind of Warrior naturally to have more than enough to spare, but if said copes with Bao Wen, as if somewhat overreached oneself?
   The Sky Realm boundary and passes between God Realm, clearly divided, the middle disparity is hard to weigh with the ordinary rod.
   Passes God Realm Warrior, must deal with Warrior of Sky Realm boundary, is simply easy as pie, even has the instant kill ability, the Sky Realm boundary wants to jump the ranks the challenge to pass God Realm, only if Sky Realm peak, perhaps has such possibility.
   But Sky Realm First Sky, wants to cope with God Realm, that is almost the impossible matter.
   It is not Yang Zhuo they do not have the confidence to Shi Yan, but is the view of Shi Yan, was too shocking a point, they do not believe that by Shi Yan present Realm cultivation base, can pose the threat to that Bao Wen?
   Let alone was head of the clan Water Scorpion Clan Bao Ke?
   'This matter, I will not crack a joke randomly.', Shi Yan smiles calmly, comforts Yang Zhuo and other humanity: 'Uncle you should not be worried, since I said that naturally has relied on. Today dove Lan Xinbi dies without doubt, that Bao Wen does not come but actually, if he really came, I must be able but actually he.'
   Such remarks, the people are the facial expression change.
   On the stand, the Shi Yan smiling face is temperate, is relaxed, as if has not placed eyeground that reputation illustrious Bao Wen ' as before is the bird's eye view below dove Lan Xin, is waiting silently.
   Next stingy came from Huang City Warrior numerously, at this time early already that dove Lan Xinwei in Center ' actually indecisive, under the threat of that dove Lan Xin, nobody dares first starting.
   Passes the God Realm Bao Wen reputation, frightens the residence to have the human sufficiently.
   Shi Yan does not worry but actually, the old god, has not been revealing the slight anxiety on that stand, when waited for a while to him, discovered after under Warrior does not dare to get rid as before, ' the speaker shouted loudly: 'Time drew near, if a while that dove Lan Xin had not died, hey, then you then first she died.'
   Under the people, backs send coldly, the look suddenly changed.
   'Time gave you, so long as you began' dove Lan Xinbi dead without doubt, I waited again, your looks at office. ' Shi Yan is smiling, said neither cold nor hot: 'Bao Wen, although is fierce, but now not here' you if is really afraid him, has killed dove Lan Xin that slut, immediately leaves Huang City is, I do not believe that Bao Wen to dare to chase down you to Endless Sea. '
   'Boy, you do not go too far!' The dove Lan Xin facial expression cold, raise head to look that said to him ' fierce: 'You dare to cope with me, Bao Wen will not let off you decidedly! You consider for Yang Family, best fast to put me to leave. I told you obvious' Bao Wen near Huang City, I have spread news ' immediately he to come, you give me now honestly, a while everybody felt better. '
   Yang Zhuo facial expression changes.
   Yang Family people, reveals startled accommodates, gets down conciousness looks to Huang City, as if thought that Bao Wen hides in the crowd, may brave to be the same anytime.
   They know that the Bao Wen mean residual poison, knows that person, once comes, must walk to lose one's temper, definitely greatly will open kills bu Yang Family the situation to be well below the past at this time, if Yang Qingdi, them had not feared that actually that Bao Wen dares to begin, but Yang Qingdi is imprisoned now in the Devil Territory news, not only has spread over Endless Sea, various seabed clans knew this matter, Bao Wen, if also dreads Yang Family, will not support secretly that dove Lan Xin.
   Passes God Realm Warrior, has to change the course of events, decided that world situation ability, they have no alternative but to be discrete.
   Shi Yan was happy, Ha Ha has smiled, looks all around, the speaker shouted loudly: 'Bao Wen in? If you here, might as well now come, if were late, you then gather up dead bodies for this woman. Ha Ha!', The people are the facial expression are astonished, looks askance for his arrogance domineeringly.
   Only the boy of Sky Realm boundary, under attention of numerous Warrior, dares to say the Bao Wen given name, talked back the boastful talk, even if his strength were inferior to Bao Wen, but this courage and wisdom, made everybody admire sufficiently.
   'Shi Yan, such impulsive, you such do not do, Water Scorpion Clan will not let off decidedly your. We know that Water Scorpion Clan disposition, their extreme bearing a grudge, you such provoke, to your Yang Family not slight advantage. Listens to our persuasions, receives hand, making that woman leave, this to you should be the best way.', A chilly sound, conveys from the crowd suddenly, sees only that Snake Person Clan Fei Ya to appear slowly, comes in the crowd with five snake people together, the speaker shouted loudly.
   The distant place, some appearances vary, race distinct Sea Clan clansman, appears quietly.
   The Sea Clan master who in Huang City does business, early knows that Yang Family will have the accident today, before these people, adopts the manner of paying no attention to does not ask, because knows that today Yang Family will remove from Huang City, after being glad and other situations to stabilize, again comes Yang Family to look at to understand clearly. However, from the Yang Family architectural complex, the Shi Yan clamoring sound that hears, too the postscript * was really extremely arrogant, this lets some Sea Clan people who surrounds in secret, surprised inexplicable, does not know that had what here, curious, comes to have a look, actually suddenly discovered that here situation, according to them has not been thought such performed.
   Sea Clan master who Ming Hai and Fu Hao, Yán Fēng corpses, most glamorous place in crowd, coming, but has swept one, then facial expression changes, gets down conciousness looks to keeping aloof Shi Yan, eye glittering is uncertain, in heart spills over the surprised idea thought.
   'None who does not becomes, was this boy has killed the Ming Hai three people? Can't? This fellow is so young, how can be Ming Hai these three people of matches? Did this exactly have what?'
   The Sea Clan person who dozens encircle, is confused, secretly guess, curious awfully.
   'My matter, is not one's turn your Snake Person Clan to inquire about.' Shi Yan laughs, unconventional, the speaker shouted loudly: 'Today I then here, can your Sea Clan various group of demons in buddhist hell, have a look at many characters, has the thought to my Yang Family, I can 11 cut off their reading to think.'
   'You were too extremely arrogant!'
   'Does boy, you dare to provoke my Sea Clan? You think that you are Yang Qingdi? I thought your live is impatient?', 'In the past Yang Qingdi [gold/metal] abundant time, when facing our Sea Clan, is well-mannered. Are you what thing? Unexpectedly dares to say the boastful talk!'
   'Are you are courting death?', 'Boy, tumbles out Huang City to us, here does not welcome you!'
   'Tumbles out Huang City!'
   Suddenly, under numerous Sea Clan person, is filled with righteous indignation, shouted curses completely toward Shi Yan.
   Shi Yan sneers, 'snort, said lightly: ' You do not coordinate me to speak, father is disinclined to respond you.'
   When Yang Family is powerful, was the Sea Clan person of seabed has handled many matters, the cultivation material that Sea Clan Warrior lacked, obtained through Yang Family.
   It can be said that existence of Yang Family, has had the advantage to Sea Clan, lets Sea Clan many Warrior for it income.
   Now Yang Family declines, various Sea Clan clans not only did not think of the former friendship, but also incited likely the dove Lan Xin this kind of puppet in secret, wanted to scheme Yang Family that cultivation material, carried on suppression gratefully to invade to Yang Family, so the procedure, let the Shi Yan in secret envy and hate, in race favorable impressions to these seas he has not thought through, was really not good, at the worst evacuated from Huang City, the annoyed words, destroyed also to be possible Huang City.
   Most is leading the Yang Family person, introduces Divine Great Land them temporarily, same can evade the Endless Sea this time flames of war dispute.
   Must tear to pieces the facial skin in any case, he is fearless, this is arrogant, did not fear that breaks off with the Sea Clan person.
   'Shi Yan, you were too extremely arrogant, you such do, will only have the bad influence to the situation.', Fei Ya is cold the face, shook the head, has not continued to persuade.
   'Time are not much, if dove Lan Xin Immortal, you then first she dies!' Shi Yan facial expression sinks suddenly, violent shouted to clear the way.
   'Who dares to kill my Bao Wen woman!', A cloudy sad sound, conveys from Huang City suddenly, the ash-gray shadow, such as the clouds float together generally rapidly.
   Above Huang City rich mist, fast is precise, in that mist Center, one group of grey shade gradual clear.
   Gloomy ice cold aura, covers entire Huang City suddenly, making all person Turin souls shake, the uncomfortable feeling that has one type staring by the poisonous scorpion.
   This sound, Yang Family here is hesitating numerously Warrior that wants to start, completely changed the color, leaves that dove Lan Xin to be distant hurriedly.
   Dove Lan Xin who in the heart is disturbed with fear, after hearing this sound, has been reassured likely, relaxed all of a sudden.
   She smiles, reveals the acme of beauty and deportment stance, the plentiful physique moves lightly, speaker pretty shouting: 'I here.'
   'Hey, has not thought that Yang Family also has the so extremely arrogant boy, is really interesting, interesting.', That grey shade is grinning fiendishly in the mist, releases ice cold gloomy and cold aura, a greatly strengthened spiritual fluctuation, covers suddenly, gave to cover entire Yang Family.
   Yang Zhuo and other Yang Family the masters, hear his sound, becomes flushed, shows the scared expression.
   'Bao Wen Senior, this boy made impertinent remarks, despises our Sea Clan person, the heinous crime!'
   'Has killed this boy, lets these bold humanity, knows calculation that under the seabed who said!'
   'Has killed him! Has killed him!', These Sea Clan people, see Water Scorpion Clan Bao Wen to come, facial expressions rouse, the speaker yelled.
   'Ha Ha, everybody could rest assured that today I come, naturally must make this boy meet a cruel death.'
   Bao Wen is laughing in the space, simply has not placed the eyeground Shi Yan, ridiculed: 'Yang Family also has such a good seedling unexpectedly, what a pity, immediately must destroy in my hands. Hey, making Yang Family completely cut off the hope that the future has rallied, considers a life big happy event.',
   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 60 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-454>
   Bao Wen hey smiles, finally appears above Yang Family, changes into one bunch of black light, falls to the dove Lan Xin side fiercely.
   'You came finally.' Dove Lan Xin whole face happy expression, charming saying: ' When also your not painful lover family, such for a long time has not come out, making others one good.
   Bao Wen smiles obscenely, puts out a hand to pat one in the buttocks that she very curls upwards, said: 'Beautiful woman, I talked about old days with the human outside, this came lately one step, how can not love you, didn't this come?'
   'Came well, came well.' The dove Lan Xinxiao eyes narrow a seam, suddenly looked up to Shi Yan, the sound coldly, 'just this boy, instructed that these people wanted to kill me, added that was you came, could not prevent my killed fact!', Dove Lan Xin whole face hatred.
   Bao Wen grins to grin fiendishly, the back is dragging a two meters scorpion tail, that scorpion tail is curving, is swaying in the midair, releases the intermittent bitterly disappointing energy fluctuation.
   He was only slanting Shi Yan, was very calm saying: 'Is only a junior of now Sky Realm boundary, dares to be rampant in our Sea Clan unexpectedly, human Warrior really acts recklessly, does not know in the middle of the seabed, who is the actual master.'
   So was saying, Bao Wen sudden eye one bright, wave of ash-gray energy light beam, quickly suddenly to launch from his eyes pupil.
   Is blending the fluctuation of energetic raging tide, such as the sharp sword is common, the direct thorn to Shi Yan Sea of Consciousness, resembles to shatter Shi Yan Sea of Consciousness at one fell swoop.
   'Spiritual attack', Shi Yan smiled, shakes the head, said indifferently: 'I most did not fear that the this kind of spirit has attacked, yeah, when also you will have other method to disappoint me somewhat actually.'
   The Bao Wen spiritual impact terminal velocity comes, covers instantaneously Shi Yan, that energetic raging tide rushes his Sea of Consciousness completely.
   In Sea of Consciousness, the Shi Yan main soul opens the third eye suddenly, came from the Nine Quiet Soul Devouring Flame flame of fire devour soul, disperses bunches of fiercely, rushes these to break in the spiritual attack of his Sea of Consciousness completely.
   If the snow and ice were burnt down by the high temperature, all breaks in the spiritual fluctuation of his Sea of Consciousness, shortly by that devour soul fireworks burning the cleanness, has not remained including one wisp of fine Divine Sense.
   The Bao Wen sinister eye pupil, suddenly appears the painful color, his is covering the head, facial expression excitedly changes, startled called out: 'Boy, your you can burn to extinguish my spiritual conciousness unexpectedly!'
   'I have said that today who comes, that slut is difficult to run away dies!' The Shi Yan facial expression ice is cold, gives a calm smile, to raise hand to aim at Bao Wen to say suddenly: 'Does him to me!', A bright, flies suddenly from that Ming Hai corpse, King of Demon Insect reveals immediately that plunged Bao Wen fiercely.
   'The king of Cannibal Corpse Insect! Eight levels of Demonic Beast!', Knows that Sea Clan Warrior of this monster insect origin, cannot bear call out in alarm, facial expression with amazement. King of Demon Insect is eight levels of Demonic Beast endures compared with passing God Realm Warrior, this King of Demon Insect meditation does not know many years, the true strength and Warrior of human God Passage Second Sky boundary is almost the same, it is also good at the spiritual impact braving swiftly, distracted energy raging tides, then fill the air, covers entire Huang City.
   All Warrior, immediately were affected, discovered that conciousness is somewhat fuzzy, the spirit becomes is hard to concentrate.
   This is because of the spiritual fluctuation of King of Demon Insect, but aims at that Bao Wen one person, if King of Demon Insect comes Mental Energy all spread, these come under the influence Warrior, feared that will be bad luck.
   Bao Wen is also the facial expression changes, facial expression is dignified, eye looks at King of Demon Insect comes, called out: 'Originally takes advantage of eight levels of Demonic Beast, no wonder your boy dares to be so extremely arrogant.', Was saying, Bao Wen does not dare to neglect, puts out hurriedly fully, the scorpion tail sends out '', the vibration sound, naked eye obvious surging, clears away from that scorpion tail, has formed bunch of light waves, fiercely bang to King of Demon Insect.
   The king of Cannibal Corpse Insect, the speed in that light wave greatly reduces, may fire into the Bao Wen direction, has not actually changed.
   The Bao Wen scorpion tail catches up, the face of whole person also vibrates, a piece by piece strange Armor piece, fast production on his cheeks.
   Sinister and ruthless aura, releases from him, his side region exploding explodes again and again broken, Yang Family some buildings, cannot help but sway, receives on him obviously the influence of energy.
   Passes God Realm Expert, once catches up, can affect the change of heaven and earth energy.
   This Bao Wen accumulation energy, making the seabed Origin Energy also start becomes Chaos cannot withstand, Origin Energy precise time, has created the huge change of seabed, making the surrounding sea water completely crazy surges.
   Bao Wen roar, is wanting to cross that King of Demon Insect, cuts to kill Shi Yan directly. King of Demon Insect as if knows his intention, when he catches up, innumerable strong fierce spiritual energy fluctuate, suddenly gathers the straight line, shoots at the pao article completely.
   Bao Wen flies to body potential, void is stagnating suddenly, facial expression appears painful the sentiment of struggling.
   Shi Yan stands, in that begins a performance on, coldly is looking at the fight of Bao Wen and King of Demon Insect, looks to that dove Lan Xin, grins to sneer, you cannot escape from the appearance of my palm.
   Numerous Sea Clan masters who the surroundings wait and see, saw with own eyes that Bao Wen unexpectedly detaining by eight levels of Demonic Beast, showed the surprised expression.
   Until this moment, they know Shi Yan has to hold not fears, unexpectedly is because has eight levels of Demonic Beast.
   These people who this wants to seize the chance to disturb, after experience to King of Demon Insect, law-abiding, and starts quietly retreat.
   About 700 human Warrior, saw that Bao Wen and Shi Yan fight, secretly relaxed, avoids quietly toward the distant place, for fear that the fight of that King of Demon Insect and Bao Wen affected them, making them the innocent victim.
   Fei Ya and five snake people, frown, has been far away from the battle area gradually, closes up in the Yang Family city wall direction.
   Wears the bamboo hat, is covering graceful silhouette of black long gown, suddenly appears side Fei Ya, she puts out a hand to block the body of Fei Ya retreat, lowers the sound to ask: 'What's the matter?'
   Fei Ya with comes excessively, but looked at her one eyes, then reveals startled to allow, to hurry to worship on bended knees.
   That Snake Person Clan woman, puts out a hand to lift, light saying: 'Does not need to be overly courteous.', 'Head of the clan'
   Five snake person male, peak however changes color, restless stiff there, does not know that must worship on bended knees.
   'Do not salute, I passed by here by chance, hears here sound, has a look at the situation.' The bamboo hat and long gown have covered up the snake person woman of facial features and whole body, the sound is gentle and charming, as if there is mysterious effect of calming the nerves, under her sound, Fei Ya and five snake people was peaceful, 'said situation that you know.', Woman gentle voice asked.
   Fei Ya nod, bows hastily slightly, the expression that a face feels extremely flattered, hurriedly the related Shi Yan situation that she knows, 1510 said that listened to her.
   Woman slightly nod, said after Fei Ya, has gawked a while, expression strange saying: 'Has not thought after him, Yang Family also has such a small monster to exist, it seems like it was he really vanished, Yang Family that will quickly not decline'
   'Head of the clan, the fellow is very fierce. He has cultivation base of Sky Realm boundary, when cuts to kill two silver horn electricity su, easy, made the silver horn electricity praying mantis dismembering instantaneously, was quite fearful.', Fei Ya explained.
   'The Sky Realm First Sky boundary' the Snake Person Clan woman, twittering, has raised head slightly, as if observation Shi Yan under the bamboo hat, looked at a while, somewhat serious saying: 'General Sky Realm First Sky Realm Warrior, gets rid fully, can massacre two silver horn electricity praying mantises in a double-hour not necessarily. He can achieve quickly, strength decides however solely does not have First Sky of Sky Realm, the Yang Family person, often the somewhat mysterious method, I think this boy, is not definitely simple.'
   'Head of the clan, we?' Fei Ya questionnaire looks to her.
   Wields to lead element of black silk thin glove, female optional saying of this Snake Person Clan: 'Does not want some any to indicate that we watch changes quietly, this time comes, solely is not only that Bao Wen one person. En, how long I could not want, Bao Ke will also come, we in one side looks at on line.'
   ', Did head of the clan Water Scorpion Clan also come unexpectedly?', Fei Ya and the others could not bear call getting up 'En.' The woman has selected nod, said indifferently: ' Today Yang Family must be removed from Huang City, the massive commodities possibly become the thing of without owner, some people have the idea, is natural.
   However looks at this situation, pleasant plan of many person, may fail also perhaps. ', 'Not?' Fei Ya does not dare to believe looks to Shi Yan of distant place, said with amazement: 'Chinese fellows, only then Sky Realm boundary, if head of the clan Water Scorpion Clan came, he can have the what means? I think him definitely in flash, by head of the clan Water Scorpion Clan killing, surely did not have the what accident.'
   'Dares such extremely arrogant person, naturally solely such not to select the strength, we look. Has not thought really that the fellow such good luck, in the family also has this card in a hand unexpectedly, good that it seems like I guess, many people have miscalculated, when really he was imprisoned in Devil Territory , then life-long cannot crop up once more.', The woman sighed in a soft voice, expression sobbed the feeling.
   Fei Ya and other snake people know that the she and Yang Qingdi connection, listened to her such saying, shuts up, does not dare to express the opinion.
   Outside the Yang Family city wall, many Sea Clan clansmen, slowly are gathering, almost the Huang City all Sea Clan masters, understood here situation, cannot help but all comes, in Huang City, has extremely fearful aura once for a while, reveals quietly.
   Does not know that many Sea Clan peak Expert, the ambush in Huang City, in the way of using being in sole possession, concealing aura, looks at carefully to have that fight in Yang Family secretly.
   Is the youth of people focal point, back is stiff, the sharp sword same inserts in Yang Family Head construction platform, the facial expression is callous, mouth corner transgresses sneering of wisp of taunt, thought aloud: 'Made such big move, the person who should come, should come, I must have a look at these Sea Clan people but actually, whether is the idiots.',
   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 61 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-455>
   Huang City central city area.
   Numerous Sea Clan masters converge, human Warrior also, at a looks at sufficiently manned Sea Clan annals war.
   Almost Huang City about two-thirds Warrior. At this time there, before either is, comes, either comes afterward, gathers in Yang Family. The facial expression varies, in looks at strange young people.
   Stands youth proudly in platform. The facial expression is calm, under the gaze of people, does not have poverty-stricken restless, relaxes very much.
   Monster insect that he emits, that Water Scorpion Clan Bao Wen doing bothersome extremely bothersome, approaches him unable.
   Sea Clan Expert of boundary of God Passage First Sky, was given to detain by eight levels of Demonic Beast, cannot cutting to kill that monster insect, instead retreats in defeat again and again. Reveals the weak indication gradually.
   This accident. Let many person Sea Clan heart live alarmed and afraid, regards the manner of Yang Family people, quietly is changing.
   The insect of centipede dies, but is not stiff!
   The Sea Clan person, simultaneously has such a thought.
   This thinks that Yang Qingdi was given the imprisonment by Devil Territory Devil Emperor, Yang Family cannot rally. Continued to take the overlord to maintain the order in Huang City, which knows when Yang Family was most difficult. Suddenly braves a youth, Ming Hai, Yán Fēng and Fu who Hao three people gets rid of then to let invade one's territory died a tragic death. And emits eight levels of Demonic Beast, making that Bao Wen be also miserable beyond description.
   The so huge contrast, lets think that Yang Family today then the master who must remove from Huang City. Had a scare completely.
   Comes ambush who in secret prepares the minute to snatch that commodity. At this time temporarily does not want to make an appearance, continued to hide concealing aura to see clearly the situation to make the decision again.
   , Whoever 'I said today's. You must die without doubt!'.
   Begins a performance, Shi Yan looks the impatient expression cold words to call out one suddenly, in eyes appears the extremely callous chill in the air.
   The dove Lan Xin tender body trembles, suddenly thinks to be restless, gets down conciousness wish retreat, meets person who seeks the protection.
   What a pity. At this time that Bao Wen, detaining cannot provide by King of Demon Insect to her safeguards safely, drank coldly in Shi Yan one, her first time spilled over not the wonderful feeling.
   The performance of Shi Yan, has stemmed from her anticipation completely, she cannot think that Shi Yan has to let the monster insect that Bao Wen everywhere is restrained unexpectedly.
   , 'You dare to start to me, you definitely will regret afterward!', Dove Lan Xin somewhat outwardly fierce but inwardly faint-hearted clenches jaws, hysteria yells.
   , 'These words, you formerly also had said... Reason that Shi Yan curls the lip' 'I waits to be so long, was makes Bao Wen present really certainly your reading to think well. I must make you know that betrays my Yang Family. Even if some people shelter, is equally difficult to run away dies.', Shi Yan suddenly has smiled., ' The present was your time of death..
   The voice falls, winds around in dove blue mind and body side small [Gravitational Field], starts suddenly.
   The dove Lan Xin body flies high float, ascended the sky Essence Qi to start Chaos to get up to the belt by that [Gravitational Field], is hard to be precise should barrier to protect itself.
   Has looked at formerly the fate of group, she frightened is immediately restless, yells loudly:, ' Saves me! Saves me!..
   She was calling for help toward Bao Wen.
   What a pity, Bao Wen heard, does not have some counter- addiction King of Demon Insect to stimulate to movement power fully, innumerable silver rays of light, such as everywhere light rain, gives to cover that Bao Wen, each brilliance Center, is containing the King of Demon Insect rich monster strength and fine Divine Sense head. Let that Bao Wen see dove Lan Xin calling for help obviously. Does not have energy to extend aid.
   , ' This was out.
   Shi Yan has smiled. The facial expression is happy. Adds: 'By fate of dismembering'.
   golden light, brave in that dove Lan Xin surroundings. The gold thread one presently, cuts immediately to her tender and delicate body.
   Does not have the accident, dove Lan Xin that plentiful moving body, under paddling of gold thread, by Blood Dripping Gem has been divided into the innumerable blocks, crash-bang fell from [Gravitational Field], fell place, with corpse block to mingle that the surrounding that smell of blood soared to the heavens together.
   Dove Lan Xin was dismembered.
   Surroundings numerous person clan and Sea Clan Warrior, in the heart sends coldly, keeps silent.
   Loudest these Sea Clan people who formerly called, at this time has been scared completely, did not dare to look at Shi Yan, for fear that he suddenly got rid, them one and changing into blood clot everywhere.
   , 'I said that today no one can save you.', Shi Yan grins, shakes the head gently, has done a not worthy of mentioning small matter likely, is very calm.
   , 'That Bao Wen'
   Yang Zhuo lowers the sound, facial expression dignifiedly ' ' he after is the Bao Ke younger brother, the momentum in Water Scorpion Clan is very big, if you have coped with Bao Wen, the Water Scorpion Clan head of the clan, will not give up inevitably. Our Yang Family in the Huang City manpower. It is not enough to deal with Water Scorpion Clan, Shi Yan, such does, can too certainly a point?..
   , ', if Water Scorpion Clan head of the clan, because the trivial whore, then really fights a decisive battle with our Yang Family, I thought that this head of the clan also almost can leave office.', Shi Yan smiled, comforts to say in a soft voice:, 'Uncle, you felt relieved that my innate discretion. Sea Clan is looking down upon our Yang Family, when we will be unable to recover, in secret will bully, I such do, is makes them know, even if will be the big grandfather will not act temporarily. Disaster that I can also Sea Clan bring be hard to imagine to them!'.
   The Yang Zhuo facial expression shakes.
   One's blood bubbles up to the brim that Yang Mu, Yang Xue and his party of young people, listen. Closely makes a fist, the sleep moment, such as the present so has not only felt proud and elated.
   , 'Your this fellow, really makes human '' Li Feng beautiful pupil extraordinary splendor flow of tears, on the face glow the astonishing gloss, she looks smilingly to Shi Yan, the heart drags, thinks this moment Shi Yan. Charm big makes her mind be enchanted by simply.
   The men in the powerful, will have a unique charm naturally, Li Feng have lived in Yang Family, always advocates the military force, oneself also continuously toward this aspect diligently.
   Today the powerful performance of Shi Yan, deeply has shocked her. Let her suddenly conciousness to the Shi Yan charm.
   , 'Xiao Feng, were you feelings of love rippled, he he... Yang Xue gives a calm smile, supple sound track:, ' Younger Brother Yan was our Yang Family person' you must walk to move. My this elder sister definitely fully helps you. En, by the Younger Brother Yan charm, will fear in the future will confuse all Endless Sea women, you may probably try hard, cannot make the bystander charming Younger Brother Yan..
   , ' Talked nonsense what... Li Feng face one red, has hacked this boudoir close friend one eyes maliciously, tender sound track:, ' You spoke irresponsibly again, I must not be impolite to you..
   Yang Xue he he smiles tenderly, did not fear that her threat , to continue to speak to tease.
   The Shi Yan facial expression is actually invariable, but smiled slightly, feigns words that has not heard two women, as before calm looks to, emits Divine Sense quietly, comes in secret observation.
   Master, ' this coming, solely is not only Bao Wen one. Turns around, looks at Yang Zhuo, his sinking sound track: ' Does not need to run evidently today. Whether our Yang Family can continue to maintain overlord Earth Realm at Huang City, looks at today these people, had the boldness and spirit..
   Yang Zhuo eye one bright, the nose is happy:, 'Did you say?'.
   , ' I think many Sea Clan peak characters. In using various secret way observation here, perhaps that Water Scorpion Clan head of the clan Bao Ke, in these people...
   , ', if these people angry, gets rid together, we. Yang Zhuo is restless.
   , 'I think them unable... Shi Yan knit the brows' ' I to bet a gambling, has a look person who this time comes, whether can see clearly the situation...
   , ' Some risks...
   , ' Can take risk to try, is worst, we leave Huang City...
   , 'Boy, you dares to kill my woman, my potential must kill you!', Bao Wen saw with own eyes that dove Lan Xinshen dies, flies into a rage, suddenly screamed that the imposing manner was dreadful.
   , 'slut, killed has then killed, how can you?. Shi Yan stopped and conversation of Yang Zhuo. Smiled, raises hand to summon King of Demon Insect, said indifferently: ' Comes back.'
   King of Demon Insect changes into one bunch of silver light. Suddenly leaves from that Bao Wen direction, a twinkling time, then appeared on beginning a performance of Yang Family.
   Meanwhile, Shi Yan that had not gotten rid of personally ' suddenly deeply inspired ' eyes gradually to turn into the scarlet red, indifferent looks at below numerous humanity and Sea Clan Warrior, looks finally to that Bao Wen, the sound cold said:, ' Does not have monster insect, I want to cope with you, living that you can keep off?..
   These words extremely arrogantly!
   All under humanity and Sea Clan Warrior, has tarried completely, the item of dew strange expressions, thought that this boy was insane?
   Also too didn't know the life?
   The trivial First Sky of Sky Realm fellow, dares unexpectedly such extremely arrogant saying these words. Can En challenge Bao Wen directly?
   Really insane inadequate?
   All people spill over a strange mood.
   , 'Does not have the monster insect, your fart is not! Father direct instant kill called'.
   Several of Bao Wen air/Qi want to spit blood, flies into a rage there, ' boy, you plants, tries, how having a look at me to tidy up you...
   , ' I come oneself..
   Shi Yan flies high to begin a performance on to float from Yang Family suddenly. Is pacing proudly void. Slowly toward that Bao Wen in the past.
   , 'Stone potato! Do not impulse'.
   All Yang Family people, cannot bear call out in alarm, is the same with under these people, they same do not believe that he can not draw support King of Demon Insect power really ' frontage and that Bao Wen fights.
   Sky Realm boundary to passing God Realm?
   Does this possibly win?
   Overreaches oneself?
   , ' Might as well... Shi Yan turns head, cracks into a smile, self-confident [say / way]: ' Uncle, I make you have a look, my Yang Family person jumps the ranks the ability of challenge, has how formidable.
   Yang Zhuo facial expression delay.
   Yang Mu and the others were also shocked.
   , 'Good'. Bao Wen grins to grin fiendishly, hey yelled:, ', if your boy can use cultivation base of Sky Realm boundary, keeps off me, as soon as strikes, I then did not haggle over you to kill the hatred of my woman, and continued to approve your Yang Family in Huang City overlord Earth Realm. So long as my Bao Wen still, me can take responsibility, lets all Water Scorpion Clan clansmen, approves this matter!'
   , 'Does this word take seriously?'.
   , 'Takes seriously!'
   , ' That said it and meant it...
   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 62 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-456>
   When many people Shi Yan was insane.
   By First Sky of Sky Realm cultivation base, must fight with Expert of boundary of God Passage, huge can the so disparity, how win?
   Place above Yang Family Head construction, Yang Mu and the others, the whole face worried that does not know Shi Yan has what relying on.
   Under numerous person clan and Sea Clan Warrior ' also reveals shocking expression, attentively looks to him, is waiting for what silently.
   'Head of the clan, was this fellow insane?'
   In the crowd, Fei Ya shakes the head gently, a incomprehensible expression ' in a soft voice inquired.
   Wears the snake person beautiful woman of bamboo hat, that bamboo hat raises slightly, as if quietly will also be gazing at Shi Yan, looks at he will be having the what world-shaking method.
   'Dares to say boastful talk' either is the intelligence has the issue, either has the proud strength. This boy does not know the good and evil likely, I thought that he has to rely on inevitably, we watch changes quietly. ' Snake person beautiful woman said slowly, in the heart has also filled with the anticipation.
   Same hides with her in crowd Center, some Sea Clan masters who aura concealing gets up, frowns.
   Suddenly, the vision lines of sight of all people, completely centralized in one person.
   Under is in the glare of the public eye ' Shi Yan eyes to be gradually red, suddenly connects Blood Vein Ring with the mind, spreads own formidable conciousness, wants that Blood Vein Ring to coordinate him.
   Before beginning, he ' abstained with the Blood Vein Ring connection the soul, although has not transmitted the accurate front to answer, but he knows that Ring Spirit definitely at crucial moment will provide the boost to him.
   Really, the thought has relayed in Blood Vein Ring, that conceal in Center Black Ice Cold Flame, Holy Spirit God and Earthcore Flame these three strange life bodies ' outbreak change.
   Three groups of strange energy fluctuations ' will shortly bind these three big life bodies ' one type the energy fluctuation that makes the person soul tremble with fear ' immediately to release from these three life bodies.
   Vast infinite powerful energy, reveals ' to pour into his lower abdomen Essence Qi light group place from Blood Vein Ring instantaneously.
   Black Ice Cold Flame, Holy Spirit God and Earthcore Flame these three big life bodies, fuse once more only, mixes in his Essence Qi light group in together, such as the design of primal chaos Yin and Yang fish, is connected Black Ice Cold Flame and Earthcore Flame by Holy Spirit God, transports to let pass God Realm Warrior for him sufficiently for it scared terrifying power.
   eyes was red, negative energy overflows fast ' in the rapid growth of power, from Blood Vein Ring, has transmitted aura of Chinese mystical great sword suddenly.
   The great sword changes into one bunch of bloody glow ' suddenly to brave in his palm.
   Cruel, evil and crazy energy aura, will shortly fill the air, in this moment, Shi Yan light energy fluctuation ' had the change that is hard to imagine.
   'I must have a look but actually, how you keep off my attack!'
   Shi Yan grins to laugh, is feeling the incessant energy fluctuation, suddenly[ body] in power pours into the mystical great sword ' eyes on that great sword ' gradual opens, the eye of blood-red scary, likely in the devil that the hell deep place is dormant, must arrive at the society.
   'chi chi chi!'
   Covers huge barrier above Huang City, spreads the strange sound, this barrier that by passing God Realm Expert is constructed ' as if somewhat cannot withstand the indication that the energy change of this wave of powerful ' unexpectedly appears must burst.
   Numerous Sea Clan Expert, the peak however changed color ' eye to shine fiercely.
   The Snake Person Clan head of the clan, beautiful pupil under that bamboo hat ' becomes the extraordinary splendor flow of tears, suddenly calls out in alarm, 'very strong power fluctuation!'
   Fei Ya is surprised, only thinks that wild ominous severe power raging tide, is centered on Shi Yan, seethes with excitement suddenly, toward spreads in all directions.
   In Shi Yan below Sea Clan Warrior ' under that wild energy fluctuation, shows the painful expression.
   They thought suddenly pants for breath, becomes difficult, probably ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) mountain, presses directly in their top of the heads, making them give birth to the knee to become tender, wants to kneel to bend down in place Xing Donglai.
   'Small' heart! '
   'To that boy far one volume!'
   'Oh my God, is this possible? Can the body of this small cover, how have such intense energy fluctuation? Was I the feeling make a mistake?'
   'Is impossible! Is absolutely impossible!'
   'Warrior of Sky Realm boundary, is decidedly impossible to have powerful power so.'
   Sea Clan, is humanity, at this time calls out in alarm completely, the horridness of hysteria, avoidance ' for fear that by Shi Yan energy pressing two leg rupturing.
   That has the mystical great swords of eyes, revealed that blood-red rays of light ' the style of any flower sentry post, has not divided directly to Bao Wen.
   If epoch-making, one type terrifying energy that makes the person mind tremble with fear fluctuates, shoots at Bao Wen loudly.
   The space spreads strange five colors brilliance, under this sword, the space of seabed as if somewhat could not withstand, cracks the slit.
   That barrier distortion is fluctuating, has absorbed Huang City all heaven and earth Origin Energy, strongest defense energy will stimulate to movement, has not burst.
   Bao Wen changed facial expression ' a face was also amazed, could not bear call out in alarm: 'You' do you unexpectedly, have this energy unexpectedly? '
   The great sword has not stayed the moment along with his words, releases the heaven shaking scarlet rainbow light, must break out general heaven and earth ' shoots at him fiercely.
   The Bao Wen scorpion tail spreads the violent shivering sound, the cheeks scales are densely covered, a continuously Dark brown brilliance, the dissipation from him comes out, forms a giant light beam, hits maliciously to that great sword rainbow light.
   That Dark brown brilliance precise light beam, moves that great sword rainbow light swiftly then by one point of two halves.
   Fully precise Bao Wen comes out strikes, cannot block unexpectedly strikes!
   The people are all startled!
   The bloody glow rainbow, castrates not anti-, cut down as before slantingly.
   The Bao Wen scorpion tail trembles, is cold face ' to put out together green light fiercely.
   In green light, a handle emerald green colored small sword ' releases the sea to hold the myriad things Intent Domain to come, that small sword, Huang City above barrier is adsorbing heaven and earth Origin Energy, crazy injection in.
   The green small sword inflates unceasingly ' is becoming more and more greatly, quicker absorption heaven and earth Origin Energy.
   Some cultivation base weak Warrior, the body is winding around naturally energy was also affected, by that green small sword absorbing, having made the power and influence of that green small sword stronger and stronger.
   The sword sharp small vortex of small sword appears small poisonous scorpion illusion, is pleased as punch in that vortex, releases ice cold gloomy spirit energy.
   That poisonous scorpion illusion lifelike is moving in vortex, seems pulling various heaven and earth energy unceasingly.
   Suddenly, poisonous scorpion illusion becomes incomparably huge ' lifelike, flies sharp from that sword, hits to Shi Yan.
   Meanwhile, when that small sword also changes into one bunch of green light is direct to the mystical great sword that Shi Yan offers a sacrifice.
   Employing two methods to achieve one goal.
   Bao Wen wants to intercept the Shi Yan mystical great sword by the small sword, uses poisonous scorpion illusion that wisp of Divine Sense and energy congeal, strikes to kill Shi Yan I.
   Pleasant plan that he hits.
   Shi Yan shakes the head to sneer, said lightly: 'You think but actually beautiful.'
   In blood-red eyeball that above the mystical great sword, that only opens, spread the strange Ran evil spirit to fluctuate.
   Poisonous scorpion illusion leaves the green small sword hundred meters, was given the influence with the Shi Yan great distance by invisible power extremely suddenly, stagnated immediately in void.
   bloody glow, from that blood-red eyeball[ stirs up] shoots, such as the blood-red raindrop is the same, hitting on that poisonous scorpion illusion.
   If were corroded that poisonous scorpion illusion unexpectedly fast melt by the acid precipitation, by that scarlet raindrop making eyelets.
   Meanwhile, that mystical great sword cuts above green small sword that fiercely, in Bao Wen spits, only listens to a clear delightful sound ' that green small sword to be covered by bloody glow, by evil energy attack green small sword in spirits, such as was hit hard, rays of light is dim immediately.
   'Works as!'
   That green small sword has swayed in the midair, fell directly has gotten down Spiritual Qi not to have.
   Bao Wen eyes dodges, the body has swayed fiercely, seemed hit the chest by the awl maliciously, the entire imposing manner, releases like the note.
   mystical great sword rainbow brilliant Sheng ' evil energy fluctuation world-shaking in Black Ice Cold Flame, Holy Spirit God and under Earthcore Flame three stimulation of movement of strange life bodies, releases the part simply '[ really] solid power, continued to depress Bao Wen.
   Bao Wen facial expression was pale ' this time courage not to have, could not give birth continues the strong resistance the thought that hurried retreat.
   The mystical great sword was staring at him likely, regardless of Bao Wen fended to where, that great sword then met the twinkling, but, bit him not to put, making him in an extremely difficult situation, hid in the crowd.
   All person clan Sea Clan Warrior, could not attend to at this time amazed ' starts to fend startled.
   Sees Bao Wen to come, these people then shouted curses ' hurriedly to be far away from Bao Wen at the maximum speed.
   mystical great sword place visited, releases the evil energy fluctuation unceasingly, Warrior that these approach, the facial expression delay, likely by some evil soul power invading, did not know the life there, checked off the soul likely.
   The chicken pu dog jumps!
   Because of moving aside of Bao Wen, making numerous Warrior also escape, making in Yang Family all Warrior start unceasingly the fluctuation position, avoids Bao Wen with every effort, avoids that handle mystical great sword that is in hot pursuit.
   'You want to make me keep off you, as soon as strikes?'
   Shi Yan float in space, grins to sneer ' to shake the head to ridicule: 'I here am waiting, your attack? En, won't you only escape? Passes God Realm Warrior, such selects the skill?', Bao Wen where is wordy?
   Including the Sacred level rare treasure that the life cultivates, at one fell swoop was routed, Spiritual Qi does not have, even if also has the rare treasure, he does not dare to take.
   Yang Family people ' suddenly[ is popular] exerts laughs, reddens all over the face ' closely makes a fist.
   The insult that these days receives, in this moment, as if looked.
   The Shi Yan only person of strength ' unexpectedly suppressed really passed God Realm Bao Wen ' to enable that Bao Wen only to move aside, did not dare the attack!
   So accident, let alone they had a scare, that beforehand has head of the clan Snake Person Clan who appraises extremely high to Shi Yan, being shocked.
   Half sound, head of the clan Snake Person Clan shakes the head sighs, muttered in a low voice: 'After from now on, in Yang Family besides Yang Qingdi, Shi Yan is worth paying attention. Even if Yang Qingdi young time, cannot reach the altitude of this boy, it seems like Yang Family really Yang Family, not because Yang Qingdi was imprisoned, is unable to recover.', The Fei Ya facial expression is astonished, the youth who the dull looks at float space clamored proudly extremely arrogantly, some little time, gently nod, said: 'Originally he is not conceited', but really has to suppress the Bao Wen strength, I have looked down on him. Really cannot believe that Bao Wen that such a fellow of now Sky Realm boundary, can hit is considering only the escape, must cloud over. ',
   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 63 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-457>
   The Shi Yan intuition is full.
   Previous time draws support from three big life body power time, because Petrification has not entered the peak variation, at that time his fleshly body could not endure, when[ body] in turbulent energy is mobile ' veins to have a tear aching feeling, whole body is stiff, motion time, the spirit, will and fleshly body were affected completely.
   Draws support not own power, fleshly body will come under backlash strength influence ' average man to suffice to withstand very much difficultly.
   He, did not have the variation when initially Martial Spirit ' also same is miserable beyond description.
   This time is different.
   Enters into the Sky Realm boundary, the Martial Spirit variation achieves peak ' fleshly body powerful is above he imagines, definitely should adapt to injection of this extra power unexpectedly.
   Besides the veins somewhat tingle with numbness slightly, this time he does not have other uncomfortableness.
   That world-shaking energy, when[ body] in the fast-flow ' power is full the feeling of whole body, makes him want to cheer simply loudly.
   He enjoys this power wild pleasant sensation.
   Links God Passage Mi Jujian by the mind, he can realize that this great sword can absorb he many power, so long as energy is enough, this great sword as if can release to destroy the Heaven Destroyer place sufficiently terrifying power.
   Bao Wen was obtuse with initial, has cultivation base of boundary of God Passage First Sky, may face the pursuit of mystical great sword, the method of actually not having dealt with.
   The same Sacred level rare treasure ' and a mystical great sword contact, then Spiritual Qi all did not have swiftly ' directly has become the scrap.
   From this small detail, Shi Yan can affirm that Level of this mystical great sword, should be Divine level!
   Divine level rare treasure!
   Entire Endless Sea, has not presented the Divine level rare treasure, now in his hands ' has the same present world.
   Is this what concept?
   The same Divine level rare treasure ' can significantly promote the Warrior strength, could let Warrior, displays to go far beyond itself Realm powerful power.
   His clear realizing ' the same Divine level rare treasure, said fearfully how to Wu Kanlai.
   'Bao Wen, you do not want me to keep off you, as soon as strikes?' Has a good laugh ' the Shi Yan imposing manner to rise unceasingly, whole body releases continuous powerful aura to come, such as the high mountain ridge is common, one spicy can only look at reverently the dilutedness that ' cannot step over to the human.
   In secret is hiding many masters, realizes his growth of this time aura, in heart flood a panic-stricken feeling.
   Yang Family new first generation, wants terrifying compared with Yang Qingdi of older generation unexpectedly!
   All people start to regard Yang Family, thought that was Yang Qingdi died, Yang Family will not decline in light of this.
   Fearful power that Shi Yan displays, deeply has shocked all people!
   The entire Huang City humanity and Sea Clan Warrior ' this moment remembered Shi Yan this person, the life has been hard to forget.
   In Sea Clan one crowd of streams of people, spreads cold the sound, sees only a Water Scorpion Clan clansman, suddenly flew.
   Before he arrives at the Bao Wen body, instantaneously ' frowns, suddenly two opens.
   Innumerable green light mark ' came from his palm spread, toward that mystical great sword flushing away.
   In these green light min, appears tens of thousands of poisonous scorpion illusion to come, each poisonous scorpion releases ice cold cold intent ' to attack the blood-red eyeball on mystical great sword.
   'Big lane!'
   Bao Wen pleasantly surprised shouting to clear the way, is dragging the scorpion tail hurriedly, releases green light mark ' and that person of light min smelts.
   More poisonous scorpion illusion, appear ' this green light min to have the extremely mysterious function in that green light min, the mire is the same, can detain the secret dwelling mystical great sword that enters under the green light mark, likely by the countless green silk threads twining, has divided to the Bao Wen speed, drop doubled and re-doubled.
   'Are you head of the clan Water Scorpion Clan Bao Ke?'
   Shi Yan float in day, suddenly has smiled, has selected nod to that person, puts out a hand a finger of that mystical great sword.
   rays of light of fining, shoot from his fingertip, has drilled into the mystical great sword.
   The mystical great sword obtains energy to pour into once more, moves fiercely, suddenly flies upside down, changes into one bunch of bloody glow, falls to the Shi Yan control steadily.
   Raises great sword ' he to look to Bao Wen and Brother Bao Ke, on the face reveals the faint smile the expression, said lightly: 'Head of the clan Bao Ke, you wants to be the same with your younger brother, breaks off with my Yang Family?'
   Bao Ke is very similar to the Bao Wen appearance, the same facial expression cold, the facial expression is thin, his eyes lightens the cold brightness, coldly looks at stands proudly in Shi Yan of space, snort, said: 'Our Water Scorpion Clan, always does not have the dispute with your Yang Family, this time accident, is purely the accident, is the Bao Wen independent procedure, with our Water Scorpion Clan irrelevant.'
   'oh?' Shi Yan grins ' bursting out laughing to shake the head, 'you were said that' Bao Wen instigated dove Lan Xin to cope with our Yang Family, with your Water Scorpion Clan relations? '
   'No!' Bao Ke categorical [say / way].
   Shi Yan stunned.
   'Big brother!'
   'Shut up!'
   In the bustling field, is suddenly peaceful, many Sea Clan people ' surprise looks to head of the clan Water Scorpion Clan.
   'Your is Water Scorpion Clan, the what manner?' Shi Yan knits the brows, the expression is bad, 'none who does not becomes prepares to retreat to clarify my Yang Family temporarily'[ really] does solid condition, how decide to cope with our Yang Family again? '
   'I said that Bao Wen matter, with our Water Scorpion Clan irrelevant.' Bao Keheng, shot a look at his younger brother one eyes indifferently, scolds saying: 'For a woman, fights with our ally so mouths unexpectedly, you did not have the discretion more and more.'
   He teaches Wei Bao Wen to come unexpectedly.
   Bao Wen facial expression changes, wanted to say some what, but under his vision, embarrasedly silent.
   'Bao Wen also received to teach the coin, I thought that this matter stopped, that woman also had been killed in any case by you, I think that you should also give vent to indignation?', The Water Scorpion Clan head of the clan, has hesitated, looks up to Shi Yan, calm saying.
   Shi Yan showed a faint smile, has selected nod, natural saying: 'Our Yang Family, is always friendly with your Sea Clan' this time, although some small accidents, but will actually not affect among us the relations. En, our Yang Family has kept the Huang City order, later does not change, do you think? ', 'Natural.', Bao Ke nod.
   Shi Yan laughs, the speaker shouted loudly: 'So good.'
   Stand Yang Zhuo and the others on , reveals happy expression mutually looking at each other time gently nod.
   The Bao Ke manner, meant that abandoned Water Scorpion Clan is will not begin the disloyalty, he as if saw Shi Yan knew hard to deal at this time and Yang Family mutual hatred ' to Water Scorpion Clan in the future not any advantage, this indicated the manner under the big crowd of people, said his regard to Shi Yan.
   'Our Snake Person Clan, always and Yang Family is on good terms, we have approved Yang Family in Huang City Earth Realm. Regardless of after how, so long as the Yang Family person still at the Huang City this Huang City order, as before is then maintained by Yang Family, I am head of the clan Snake Person Clan, took a stand in this!', A gentle and charming weak sound, conveys in the Sea Clan crowd suddenly ' sees only wears the Snake Person Clan beautiful woman of bamboo hat, slowly unique good.
   'Head of the clan Snake Person Clan!'
   'Did she also come unexpectedly?'
   'Has not thought really this woman also presents unexpectedly.', Many Sea Clan people, cannot bear shout look to be strange lightly ', discussed low voice.
   ' Our Silver Shark Clan, is this seeks the manner.
   Transmits a sunny tenor from Huang City the tall building of south suddenly, sees only in that building peak, wears silver long dress ' facial features fuzzy grand man, looks distantly to this.
   ', Silver Shark Clan head of the clan!'
   'Today did all head of the clan all come Huang City? They regarding Yang Family, but also really suffices to attach great importance to!', ', Kissed to surprise people including the Silver Shark Clan head of the clan unexpectedly.'
   'Evidently everybody regarding Yang Family, has given enough attaching great importance.', Numerous Sea Clan and masters of person clan whoop suddenly, the manner is astonished.
   Strength of Silver Shark Clan ' in various Sea Clan clans is top, Silver Shark Clan head of the clan Yin Hui has cultivation base of boundary of God Passage Second Sky, ominous illustrious in Sea Clan, is famous for cold and proud extremely arrogantly, the running amuck seabed many years, as if never have admitted defeat to the human.
   In the past when Yang Qingdi just entered into passed God Realm, enters the seabed, because was extremely extremely arrogant ' once and Yin Hui had the dispute, they it is said at a seabed secret battle, finally made no distinction between victory and defeat.
   After that war, Silver Shark Clan has approved Yang Family in Huang City overlord Earth Realm.
   Yin Hui can share half and half with Yang Qingdi ' is the older generation passes God Realm Expert, has extremely honored Earth Realm in Sea Clan, is deep some young Sea Clan youth to honor collection person young , the nature challenges various responsibility Expert happily, it is said had also gone to Endless Sea above, asks many God Realm masters to battle, few has the news of being defeated to transmit.
   Has not thought that today's Huang City, came including Yin Hui unexpectedly, and he has affirmed Yang Family in Huang City overlord Earth Realm.
   Silver Shark Clan is slightly stronger than Snake Person Clan and Water Scorpion Clan influence, Yin Hui individual strength ' is also higher than Li Sha and Bao Ke, his these words must suffice the weight compared with Li Sha and full sickness.
   'En, maintains the original design to be invariable, this has the advantage to everybody. Our Yang Family asked that also nothing but was the stability of Huang City, only then Huang City maintained the original design, can attract more person clan Warrior to do business, this to your Sea Clan, should also be the best situation.'
   The Shi Yan impractical midair, looks similarly from afar to Yin Hui, said indifferently.
   'Boy, you also wanted compared with past Yang Qingdi rampantly domineering, but I liked.' That Yin Hui smiles cold, neither cold nor hot [say / way]: 'In the seabed in your Endless Sea, is Expert is to honor, today you showed enough strength' we to feel relieved that continued to give you Huang City. ', Shi Yan knitting the brows head.
   'Some day you and Yang Qingdi , but if actually, today my commitment, then automatically becomes invalid.', That Yin Hui snort, 'wanted to earn others' respect, must suffice the component, now, your component enough, therefore I nod.', Yin Hui these words said that has not continued to stop over actually, smiles cold, said lightly: 'You also leave are too extremely arrogant' your present strength, is not you truly, does not draw support external force ' you as before is only now Sky Realm boundary Warrior. The boys, put best into it, although my Silver Shark Clan no longer managed, but that side Black Flood Dragon Clan, needed you to handle. Hey, this time most thinks that your Yang Family perishes, is not our Silver Shark Clan, is not Snake Person Clan and Water Scorpion Clan, if you can make Black Flood Dragon Clan that fellow agree that is holds in the handshake Huang City really once more. ', Yin Hui is sneering increasingly estranged, a while then left Huang City.
   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 64 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-458>
   Yin Hui walks, Water Scorpion Clan Bao Woman, Bao Ke two brothers, has not continued to stay, officially informed Shi Yan one, one and departs.
   Gathers Warrior in Yang Family numerously, sees today the Huang City accident, knows that Yang Family many liveliness may not look, departs in abundance one after another.
   long time, in Yang Family Sea Clan and human the clan master, then quietly does not retreat.
   Shi Yan arrives by Yang Mu and other people, is looking at the crowd of departure on that stand distantly, shows a faint smile, said to Yang Zhuo: 'Uncle, now should you satisfy? Four people that today invades one's territory, had been put to death completely, as for their followers, I looked that does not need to be ruthless actually. After all, Huang City future, needs to take advantage of these fellows.'
   Yang Zhuo is well satisfied, smiles nod again and again, 'your this boy, seriously is outstanding, I have not thought that you have Bao Ke and Bao Wen that two brothers nod the means compel unexpectedly. Ha Ha, your great grandfather really calculates evidently exhaustive, will have you in Yang Family, Huang City should not regenerate the incident.'
   Yang Mu, Yang Zhou and other Yang Family juniors, shows the smiling face, was acclaiming his method to be uncommon.
   'That Black Flood Dragon Clan?' The Shi Yan knitting the brows head, has thought that said: 'It is said Black Flood Dragon Clan is the Sea Clan most formidable race, compared with Silver Shark Clan, Snake Person Clan and Water Scorpion Clan wants fierce many, Black Flood Dragon Clan head of the clan Nu Lang to have cultivation base of boundary of God Passage Third Sky probably, was known as that seabed first Expert, is this?'
   Yang Zhuo hear of he mentioned Black Flood Dragon Clan, facial expression changed, nod sighed: 'Good.'
   'Black Flood Dragon Clan to our Yang Family, manner was very whether unfriendly?'
   'Really is so.'
   'In the past the great grandfather arrived at the seabed, wanted to have the Huang City leading power, at that time Silver Shark Clan, Water Scorpion Clan and Snake Person Clan agreed that only then Black Flood Dragon Clan Nu Lang did not comply. Nu Lang does not comply, Yin Hui and Li Sha statement is useless, your great grandfather to let Nu Lang nod agrees with this matter, once arrived at Black Flood Dragon Clan, it is said and Nu Lang noisy is not very happy, why did not know, Nu Lang complied finally, but not has been friendly to our Yang Family, I back then your great grandfather's method, perhaps had the deficiency.'
   The Shi Yan facial expression is startled.
   'Nu Lang said at that time, gives us the Yang Family time to show, if our Yang Family governs Huang City, is favorable for Sea Clan, he will approve our Yang Family in Huang City Earth Realm. Although your great grandfather method was more incisive, systematic that but truly handles Huang City afterward, after our Yang Family governs Huang City, was Huang City transported the massive cultivation commodities, making all Sea Clan profit. Then Nu Lang is complies reluctantly, acknowledged our Yang Family in Huang City overlord Earth Realm.'
   'Now is Nu Lang not quite probably satisfied?'
   'En, your great grandfather was imprisoned after Devil Territory , we lost to the Jialuo Sea Area control power. After this, our Yang Family does not have means to continue is Huang City provides enough cultivation commodity, this lets Nu Lang is very discontented, perhaps also because of so, wish makes our Yang Family lose to the control of Huang City.'
   The Yang Zhuo calm face, has thought that said: 'Nu Lang expressed that this manner comes, I think Ming Hai, Yán Fēng and Fu Hao these fellows, does not dare to have the idea of our Yang Family. Although Nu Lang does not have personally to act, but he, so long as took a stand, enough made Ming Hai and the others dissolute.'
   'This also no wonder'
   Shi Yan is also easy to understand that Nu Lang approved Yang Family overlord Earth Realm in the past, purely from benefit.
   Now Nu Lang saw clansman of Yang Family after being in power Huang City Sea Clan obtained many convenience, even if in the heart does not approve, in the face of these huge benefits, is a clan head of the clan, he also knows how should decide.
   The situation had change such, Yang Family has shown the sign of decline, in 35 years, has not been Huang City continues to transport the massive cultivation commodities, the Nu Lang natural heart had the veiled criticism, will make such decision, poured is also natural.
   Sees things in others'shoes, if he stands in the Nu Lang angle, with the Yang Qingdi cross-eye, did not discover Yang Family cannot continue to bring the advantage for him, will make such decision.
   'Evidently, if also wants means to handle that Nu Lang, Nu Lang is Sea Clan first Expert, he has not said that some people feared will have also the manner of waiting and seeing to come.'
   Hesitated, Shi Yan deeply had frowned, somewhat worried, ', so long as our Yang Family showed the strength as usual to come, continuation was the Sea Clan cultivation material provides the pillar, I want to be in the Nu Lang heart discontented, will not say what. Just'
   Endless Sea the situation is now special, demon person and deep person rode roughshod, have wrested away Jialuo Sea Area and Yuanluo Sea Area, the place above sea level war continuous, wanted to maintain under this situation! The type trade, is more difficult obviously.
   What is main, Yang Family did not have the Jialuo Sea Area leading power, cannot the bold conduct in the sea level, if at this time wants to collect enough cultivation commodity in the sea level, be too more than former difficulty.
   So long as can solve this problem, wants to come that Nu Lang not to agree, but wants to solve this problem, currently speaking, indeed is really not easy.
   'Is because the situation is too complex, cannot be Huang City transports the Sea Clan urgently needed cultivation commodity like the past, makes the Sea Clan heart live the complaint, causes this big movement to come tu, Yang Zhuo to sigh in a soft voice, helpless saying: I also know that the issue leaves in the what place, may know that can be what kind of? Your great grandfather still in Devil Territory , the short time should not return to Endless Sea, above, the guarding heart of all influence to our Yang Family is too heavy, has not chased down to the seabed, is good, wants to establish the trade mechanism with them, that is simply impossible.'
   Yang Mu, Yang Xue and Li Feng and the others, shakes the head again and again, a face has no alternative.
   Shi Yan shouted one lightly, was looking under one line of Snake Person Clan Warrior on the stand, was astonished however said: 'Haven't they departed?'
   Yang Mu and the others, reveals attention expression, looks to under.
   Sees only that the Fei Ya and other snake people, at this time after crowd disperse, not only has not departed in light of this, instead toward here line.
   Wears head of the clan Snake Person Clan of bamboo hat Li Sha, wears the black loose long gown, the deportment is uncommon, is swaying from side to side the long snake tail, arrives at Yang Family Head construction leisurely the front, raises hand to look to the Yang Zhuo direction, suddenly supple sound track: 'Does not know whether to come up a to chat?'
   Yang Zhuo surprise has gawked, half sound, has selected, said with deep veneration: 'Li Sha Senior is willing to condescend, is being honored of our Yang Family, invited!'
   An under guard, hears his instruction, hurries to open Stone Gate, bows crossing the hands behind the back to stand.
   Li Sha smiles in a soft voice, said to Fei Ya: 'One and comes up with me.'
   Fei Ya shows the expression that feels extremely flattered, nod, the beautiful pupil is and again pleasantly surprised.
   Two snake person females, from below steps, the line, long time, then do not arrive at the position that Yang Zhuo and the others are at step by step.
   After Li Sha comes, casts off head bamboo hat conveniently, a waterfall puts the black hair of waist, appears suddenly, the mild-mannered silk slides, glittering charming gloss.
   A charming sexy face, vermilion lip, bright-colored moving beautiful pupil, jade Bai Zan skin color.
   Li Sha is the Sea Clan most renowned beautiful woman, the sex appeal is worthily plentiful, sends out the flavor that seizes the person heart and soul naturally, such as the thoroughly ripe honey peach, making the human wish one could to nip one maliciously, beautiful.
   Her bamboo hat removes, the entire stand suddenly has as if shone, all Yang Family male including Yang Zhuo, is the facial expression shakes, the eye cannot help but reveals the vision that acclaimed.
   Shi Yan is also in the heart dark to praise, for this woman astonishing gorgeous charm exclamation.
   She is the mature beautiful woman of White Wing Clan Yu Rou that rank, whole body sends out the astonishing sex appeal, simply is the difficult adversaries of all men, making the person mind be enchanted by, gives birth to want the unusual mood that he pushes over to rub to pinch maliciously.
   'Head of the clan Li Sha.'
   Yang Zhuo bows, bends the waist to salute, facial expression is with deep veneration dignified.
   'Li Sha Senior.'
   Yang Mu, Yang Zhou and the others, hold the breath with rapt attention, does not look askance, displays proper to respect.
   In the legend, this Li Sha and Yang Qingdi have ambiguous, although Yang Qingdi never acknowledged that but the Yang Family person does not dare to neglect this woman, is very the caution and care.
   Li Sha shot a look at Yang Zhuo one, then takes back the vision, then looked to Shi Yan, revealed the tooth to smile, supple sound track: 'Hero has the youth, Yang Qingdi looked like you so big time in the past, may not have you to be so fierce. Yang Family or Yang Family, first generation is stronger than first generation, I early know so.'
   Shi Yan is indifferent to personal gains and losses, gives a calm smile, 'many thanks appreciation.'
   Li Sha smiles nod, has referred to Fei Ya, said in a soft voice: 'Many thanks you lend a hand to help them, you, perhaps Fei Ya they by the silver horn electric eel being electrocuted.'
   ' Yang Family and Snake Person Clan are always friendly, I lend a hand to assist, is natural, Li Sha Senior does not need to be polite.
   ' Shi Yan smiled, has selected the black head to that Fei Ya.
   Fei Ya beautiful pupil glittering leaves the difference the gloss, purses the lips to smile, said: 'Your this fellow, is really astonishing, I for formerly to your contempt apology, was my underestimate you. En, I do not believe before that you can solve the Huang City dangerours machine, has not thought you not only have killed Ming Hai and Fu Hao, Yán Fēng, dove Lan Xin, but can also make Bao Ke and Bao Wen acknowledge that your Yang Family leading power, was I have looked down on you.'
   Shi Yan cannot help laughing, shakes the head saying: 'You do not need to apologize, I should thank you. This all the way, you materials told me Ming Hai and the others, will not have confidence. En, is because you told the dove Lan Xin and Water Scorpion Clan Guan Zai, I know how should decide, I must thank you.'
   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 65 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-459>
   'You were polite.' Fei Ya smiling saying.
   'You left come politely politely.' The Li Sha smiling face ponders, supple sound track: 'Yang Family and our Snake Person Clan, always relate closely, this time your Yang Family died, I also wanted to act. En, I must explain that my this coming, does not want to take responsibility for your Yang Family, but wants, when Ming Hai and the others were excessive, gets rid to guarantee your Yang Family person life. I initially had reached an agreement with various clans, they discard your Yang Family matter, I have no right to take responsibility, but I said that must keep your Yang Family person life, I can do, is only these many.'
   The Yang Zhuo facial expression shakes, the eye has shone suddenly.
   Chapter 447
   Ambition Shi Yan has also gawked, deeply looks to Li Sha, bows a ritual, said: 'Li Sha Senior can achieve this step, was can do right by our Yang Family, I represented Yang Family thank you.'
   The Sea Clan race is many, but the most formidable four races, are Black Flood Dragon Clan, Silver Shark Clan, Snake Person Clan and Water Scorpion Clan, these four races are biggest in the Sea Clan influence, the master is also most.
   And Snake Person Clan ranks after Black Flood Dragon Clan and Silver Shark Clan, Li Sha cultivation base is also inferior to Nu Lang and Yin Hui, she can, when Yang Family dangerours is anxious, strives to save the life of Yang Family person vigorously, obviously this woman does not have to a Yang Family aid.
   Has not hit a person when he is down, at crucial moments also prepares to lend a hand to help, if Li Sha said is true, the Yang Family person must thank her.
   'Reason that I remain, is to explain, told you, actually our Sea Clan person, without you imagined is so bad, then did not speak the friendship.'
   Li Sha has hesitated, looks at all around, suddenly said: 'Initially I proposed must save your Yang Family person life time, Nu Lang and Yin Hui agreed immediately, once by Yang Qingdi has injured Bao Ke, slightly hesitates, complied, nobody wants to be ruthless to your Yang Family.'
   'oh?' Shi Yan grins, hey has smiled, 'said that when copes with our Yang Family, your Sea Clan four big head of the clan, but also has met to discuss?'
   'I am also open about the facts you.' Li Sha nod, 'we truly have discussed.'
   Shi Yan hey smiles, has not said what.
   'We consider the matter and of itself, if your Yang Family can continue to give us Sea Clan to bring the advantage, I think that will not have any head of the clan to have other idea.' Li Sha, forced smile said: 'But since Yang Qingdi was imprisoned after Devil Territory , your Yang Family lost to the Jialuo Sea Area control power, consecutively for four years, has not continued to transport our Sea Clan scarce cultivation material for the seabed, this lets continuously to many Sea Clan people who your Yang Family forms the dependence, very uncomfortable.'
   Yang Zhuo helpless sigh, 'we do not have the means.'
   'I know.' Li Sha smiled, 'we, if has never received these convenience but actually. But for these years, Sea Clan Warrior, once lacks the cultivation material, can through your Yang Family receiving in exchange. We already were used to this point, you no longer give us to be convenient suddenly, many person scarce cultivation material of cannot obtain, naturally had the complaint. At this time Ming Hai and Fu Haotiao came out, striking one's chest the guarantee can substitute for your Yang Family, provided these cultivation materials for our Sea Clan, you said that we can move?'
   'Ming Hai and Fu Hao?'
   Yang Zhuo smiles cold, snort, disdained saying: 'Depends on them?'
   'They are not naturally good.' Li Sha continues to explain, ', but they related Cao Family and Martial Spirit Palace.'
   Yang Zhuo finally changed facial expression, 'how possible?'
   'Does not have what not to be impossible.' Li Sha raises the eyebrow, said with a smile: 'Your Yang Family these years, through this seabed Huang City, earned the huge wealth, you said that Cao Family and Martial Spirit Palace won't be jealous? Your Yang Family can achieve, now Cao Family and Martial Spirit Palace can also achieve, Ming Hai and on Fu Haozhao these two influences, showed the situation that they can not move?'
   Shi Yan knits the brows, sighs: 'I understood.'
   But Yang Zhuo also nod, 'if really in that case, I think that Cao Family and Martial Spirit Palace will categorically not reject, instead will support secretly.'
   'Fact is so.' Li Sha smiled, 'Cao Family and Martial Spirit Palace although at this time cannot take care of oneself, cannot send out the master to come Huang City, when hears here situation, showed enough interest. Ming Hai and Fu Hao ensure can definitely convince our Sea Clan, to the people advantageous situation, this matter then like this made a final decision.'
   Yang Family people, in heart, although is not willing to accept, may listen to Li Sha to speak of here, knows that the situation should be this.
   'No wonder Fu Hao, Yán Fēng and the others dared such dissolutely, snort, originally has Cao Family and Martial Spirit Palace to support in the back.' Yang Zhuo clenches teeth, sneers saying: 'Now Endless Sea so Chaos, that Cao Family and Martial Spirit Palace actually have a mind to extend the hands and feet to Huang City come, is really ambitious.'
   'Anybody has the ambition.' Li Sha has selected nod, 'real situation, was this. However our four head of the clan, were reading the help of Yang Family to our Sea Clan, agreed must guarantee the seed of your Yang Family not to extinguish, I and Yin Hui, Bao Ke will come, was staring at the Ming Hai four people, preventing them to do went too far.'
   'If really this, I wrongly accused you actually.' Shi Yan frowns, 'feels for others, if I in your positions, will do such. For the race future, discards one does not look like the useful ally, is the way things should be, you can read the past kindness, gives our Yang Family way out, was a little friendship.'
   'We not like your humanity.' Li Sha loses says with a smile.
   Yang Zhuo and the others facial expression is somewhat embarrassed.
   'I told the facts, other your also Life Qi.' Li Sha is smiling, 'your Yang Family in the past was Endless Sea, has handled many matters, your Yang Family has been restraining Fourth Devil Area, I thought Endless Sea Warrior, will not have that many years peaceful days. May see your Yang Family to reveal that the defeat shape, your Endless Sea all parties influence, has not actually been thinking extends the aid to you, instead first is thinking how to come to eat to the minute Jialuo Sea Area, these people, treated your Yang Family time, has not kept the means of livelihood, even wants to destroy completely your Yang Family entire clan, whether so?'
   Shi Yan, Yang Zhuo and the others facial expression was uglier.
   'Our Sea Clan, although also has the selfish person, although considered for oneself equally, but also speaks some friendship.' Li Sha smiles proudly, 'I just said that our Sea Clan person, in this aspect compared with good many that your humanity makes. In this regard, Sea Clan, the deep person and Devil Clan, were inferior that your humanity that unfeeling certainly righteousness, for the benefit, what can not attend.'
   Yang Zhuo sighed, helpless has selected nod.
   The influence and heartlessness of human in this aspect, is well-known the major races, even if were Li Sha did not say, change this fact.
   Also because of so, the major races to carries on the trade with humanity time, has the conservative manner, many races do not like the person clan, thought that the person clan is in the world is most sinister the fearful race, a lot of dirty tricks, did not speak the custom, forgot honor at the sight of profits, the shortcoming were innumerable.
   'I said these many, is hopes that you can understand, although our Sea Clan this doing is atypical, but had still not been in the situation of that real being ruthless.' Li Sha has hesitated, said: 'This matter has been solved, I hope that your Yang Family does not want in the envy and hate our Sea Clan, if really such, does not have the advantage to us. If can maintain the original design, I think that our Sea Clan person, in the face of the benefit, can stand with your Yang Family as before together. But if in your Yang Family heart had the hate, our Sea Clan envy and hate, will have made in the future to our Sea Clan disadvantageous matter comes, this definitely is not we are willing to see.'
   'This matter is too early to say.' Shi Yan hesitated has smiled, 'Black Flood Dragon Clan head of the clan Nu Lang, has not taken a stand, he was the Sea Clan first master, if not approve our Yang Family today's Earth Realm, our Yang Family feared that was is very as before difficult to base in Huang City. If is really not good, our Yang Family may leave Huang City, perhaps at that time you really can cooperate with Cao Family and Martial Spirit Palace, hey, but I reminded your one, now Cao Family and Martial Spirit Palace same cannot take care of oneself, in the future Cao Family and Martial Spirit Palace whether and present lords over a sea area generally, may not say certainly.'
   Li Sha beautiful pupil Divine Light one bright.
   The Shi Yan old god, was saying with a smile lightly: 'Some day, Endless Sea feared will have a bigger accident, after the accident, Cao Family and Martial Spirit Palace living whether to support, may not say certainly. If you this time and Cao Family and in Martial Spirit Palace relation, in the future to be whether able to be the same with the present, obtains our Yang Family friendship, hey, that is uncertain.'
   'Boy, you are really extremely arrogant enough, you compared with Yang Qingdi in the past, but also wants the smelly fart!'
   The Li Sha hear the profound meaning of his voice, deeply looked to him, 'you believe depending on what that your Yang Family can suppress Cao Family and Martial Spirit Palace in the future, becomes the Endless Sea only overlord? Depending on you? Although you are uncommon, but to Cao Qiudao and Yang Yitian also difference far, you think really with the aid in the external force, then can exceed Cao Qiudao and Yang Yitian to be inadequate?'
   Shi Yan smiles not to speak.
   Li Sha frowned gently, 'boy, you spouted rhetoric, really had confidence inadequately?'
   'No.' Shi Yan shakes the head, ', but I will do such, perhaps the short time is impracticable, but I will regard the goal it. Perhaps ten years, perhaps 20 years, but I want most 30 years, I to achieve this matter inevitably!'
   A Yang Zhuo audiences Yang Family person, shakes suddenly, eyes shines fiercely.
   All Yang Family people, the facial expression are encouraged at this time, is excited for the future that he described, as if saw a brand-new picture scroll, launched slowly in the Shi Yan hand.
   That is Yang Family lords over Endless Sea, lets all influences for the wonderful scene that it lowers the head to bow politely.
   'Your ambition, compared with the strength that you show, but also wants on big some.' Li Sha deeply looks to him, partly made a sound has selected nod, 'I wish you soon to realize your ambition first ahead of time, if really such, I applauded for your Yang Family, was Yang Qingdi happy.'
   , Li Sha once more has revealed the tooth to smile, ', but, before then, you first convinced Nu Lang that old stick-in-the-mud.'
   'Nu Lang?'
   'En, he was worrying for the refinement same Sacred level rare treasure at this time bothersomely, although has not come Huang City. Nu Lang as if favors and Cao Family and Martial Spirit Palace cooperation, thought that is handled Huang City by Cao Family and Martial Spirit Palace together, compared with your Yang Family past management, will be favorable for our Sea Clan.'
   'Nu Lang in the what place?'
   'Naturally in Black Flood Dragon Clan. He wants to refine the same Sacred level rare treasure, actually suffers from not seeking for Fiery Flame of enough high temperature, recently had implemented continuously repeatedly, because the temperature insufficient ignition point, is hard to melt the material to melt several scarce difficult, is having a headache. His time should be not quite happy, if you at this time looked for him, feared that cannot fall what good facial expression.'
   'Fiery Flame of high temperature?'
   Shi Yan eye one bright, suddenly Ha Ha has smiled.
   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 66 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-460>
   Chapter 448
   Rich Refiner resources
   'Do you smile what?'
   Li Sha knitting the brows head , the face obviously disgruntled thought that Shi Yan this is takes pleasure in others'misfortunes.
   'Has not smiled what, I am think that anger is Warrior of boundary of God Passage Third Sky, to refine same rare treasure, unexpectedly also difficulty so.' Shi Yan facial expression one austere, has thought that said: 'Many thanks Li Sha Senior solution En, after your saying, I thinks that we will have arrangement properly.'
   I who 'should say said that how your Yang Family will do finally, I cannot manage, but I hope that your Yang Family can like before , to continue to keep Huang City. Sea Clan and you cooperate for many years, because of this time event, do not affect both sides' cooperation, so long as does not have other incident, I think that the Sea Clan all parties head of the clan, once more will not have the what idea.'
   Li Sha slightly one hesitant, urged several, then no longer said what.
   'Many thanks head of the clan Li Sha reminder.' Yang Zhuo sincerity expression of gratitude.
   'Is impolite.' Li Sha smiled, looks back to look at Fei Ya, said easely: 'Such being the case, I did not disturb you, Huang City these humanity Warrior were also receives Ming Hai, Yán Fēng and Fu Hao, the dove Lan Xin four people of kinds of witchcraft their four people killed by you now, do not continue to wage a war, maintained the stability of Huang City, was our Sea Clan is glad to see.'
   Shi Yan and a Yang Zhuo head.
   'We then went back.' Li Sha has not continued to stop over, leaves with snake person Fei Ya together, long time, then did not leave Yang Family.
   Yang Zhuo and the others, after discovering all Sea Clan and human Warrior one after another departs, tranquil, facial expressions rouse.
   Crag, I lead you to have a look at our Yang Family preserve that commodity. '
   Yang Zhuo sank, suddenly has smiled, 'that some commodities, although only accounts for our Yang Family several 1, but in others eyes, is extremely huge. Your this time comes Huang City, if must need the what cultivation material, can take to take directly!'
   Yang Mu and the others also lù leaves happy expression.
   'Good.' Shi Yan is very refreshed, follows the Yang Family people, arrives at the rear area of Yang Family discussing official business main hall, opens the secret passage, arrived at that to preserve various Yuan stones, to treasure the spirit cave.
   The looks at dazzling cultivation material, Shi Yan changes countenance terrified.
   This batch of commodities, included cultivation Crystal Stone and the scarce commodities of various scarce Five Elements metals and types of Spirit Medicine spirit seabeds.
   In sea level rare cultivation material, has everything expected to find in the cave, if there is the excellent Refiner master and an accomplished Daoist priest, uses these huge cultivation materials, refines various rare rare treasure and pill sufficiently.
   Yang Family wrests away the Jialuo Sea Area many years, with various kind of Sea Clan masters of seabed, has the trade with the Devil Territory demon people, for several hundred years, Yang Family gathered numerous cultivation materials from Endless Sea, seabed and Devil Territory , Yang Family has been able to cover entire Jialuo Sea Area, the absorb all parties masters moves into, was inseparable with these huge cultivation resources.
   'Do you have a look at the what need?'
   A Yang Zhuo face proudly, 'our Yang Family on the cultivation resources, compared with Cao Family and Martial Spirit Palace superhigh. The cultivation material that so long as the seabed, Devil Territory and Endless Sea place above has, almost our Yang Family has the stock, before some accomplished Daoist priest and Refiner on master Endless Sea, wanted to collect the what scarce material, will come our Yang Family.'
   'Uncle, our does Yang Family have the exclusive accomplished Daoist priest and Refiner master?' In the Shi Yan heart moves, suddenly remembers in the Refiner secret that Exotic Land obtains, is considering, if discovers excellent Refiner Master to come, whether to open the Refiner secret, obtains the Refiner method to decide.
   'Accomplished Daoist priest and Refiner master, in our Endless Sea extremely scarce, on entire Grace Mainland, these two Warrior occupations, extremely scarce honored. In general, the formidable accomplished Daoist priest and Refiner master, walks around, not in a place stay too for a long time.'
   Yang Zhuo frowns, explained slowly: 'Accomplished Daoist priest and Refiner master, arrives at a region, either seeks for the cultivation material, wants what to seek extremely good Refiner, to build up the treasure trove, its goal often for Refiner and builds up, once they have completed Refiner and build up once more will set off the journey, seeks for new Refiner toward other region and builds up the material, the accomplished Daoist priest and Refiner master is of no fixed abode, it is said only then in Divine Great Land that same place, has the place that the accomplished Daoist priest and Refiner master builds up. Our Endless Sea, currently did not have this place.'
   'Our Yang Family is Immortal Good Fortune Pills, the what person refines?' Shi Yan stunned, if no exclusive accomplished Daoist priest, that is the pill of what artificial Yang Family refinement
   'Before had accomplished Daoist priest way Endless Sea, coming our Jialuo Sea Area to seek for some scarce cultivation materials. Your great grandfather goes into action personally, with the material of numerous accomplished Daoist priest demand, received exchange their getting rid, refined some pill that accomplished Daoist priest to leave for our Yang Family afterward.'
   Yang Zhuo explained that at once heaves a deep sigh, 'the excellent Refiner master and accomplished Daoist priest, are not often willing to be restrained, even if our Yang Family, is very difficult to make a Sacred level Refiner master and accomplished Daoist priest come to refine the rare treasures and pill our many rare treasures for our Yang Family specially, is the end products of direct uā fee high price purchase, the end product often is with us does not match, these rare treasures that only then customizes, can play the maximum might to come.'
   The Shi Yan eye shines slightly.
   'Let alone our Yang Family, Cao Family was huge in the Endless Sea influence with Martial Spirit Palace , is the same is very difficult to obtain the excellent accomplished Daoist priest and Refiner azure to narrow the eyes. Divine Great Land, fiercest accomplished Daoist priest and Refiner master, is the Sacred level ranks, this Level Refiner master, feared that will go to Divine Great Land, will not stay in our Endless Sea decidedly for a long time.' Yang Zhuo helpless sighing.
   'Then, the fierce Refiner master and were accomplished Daoist priest, in all Warrior self-seeking attitude, the sweetie pies?'
   'That is natural.'
   'Is the anger of Black Flood Dragon Clan the Refiner master is inadequate? If not, is what he must refine the rare treasure?' The Shi Yan heart causes suspicion unable to bear asks again.
   Yang Zhuo shook the head with a smile, 'the Sea Clan person, the day does not have Human Flame Martial Spirit, I had not heard can have the Sea Clan master becomes the true Refiner master and accomplished Daoist priest. Because in the race Sea Clan person body will not produce Fiery Flame especially, does not have the Human Flame Sea Clan person, controlling Fiery Flame that is hard to be skilled inborn, from the start cannot become the true Refiner master and accomplished Daoist priest. Excellent Refiner master and accomplished Daoist priest, not info clerk Sea Clan artificial person.'
   ' That anger
   'His that is the what Refiner master.' Yang Zhuo shakes the head with a smile, 'he just seeks for bottom that type of volcano, throws some scarce cultivation materials, dissolves these materials to build the rare treasure the appearance, oneself use the mind to train hard, polishes with the blood, although this is also Refiner, the method of separable Refiner master, but has differed the long distance.'
   'Refiner master Refiner, is not such?'
   'Naturally is not.' Yang Zhuo facial expression one positive, said with deep veneration: 'A true Refiner master, has Human Flame inevitably, fiercer point can utilize the strength of Earth Flame, in the legend the accomplished Daoist priest of most god, even has Heavenly Flame! The true Refiner master, wants to refine the same rare treasure, must among heaven and earth mystical formation that not measures, inlays seal directly in the rare treasure, various mystical formation, are the places of Refiner most jīng marrow, formation has not had the extremely unique function, or can gather energy, can form Five Elements is or the coagulation physique Demonic Beast spirit, is interlinked with the mind, has a thought that the rare treasure echoes immediately!'
   'Is the rare treasure that the Refiner master refines, only looked whether in the rare treasure has mystical ancient formation on understood. Has the formation rare treasure, is the Refiner master refines. That any formation, has not been only material simple fusion some rare treasures, is actually not what Refiner , the so-called rare treasure of our Endless Sea many Warrior use, to put it bluntly, refines with this cheap way, including our Yang Family.'
   'Then, that angry so-called Refiner, was far from true Refiner?' Shi Yan cannot help laughing.
   'Ha Ha, if Sea Clan meets Refiner, that also does want the Refiner master to make what? If the Refiner master everybody can hold concurrent jobs, not that rare, otherwise, how can the Refiner master maintain aloof Earth Realm?' Yang Zhuo has also smiled.
   'En, evidently becomes a Refiner master, to a family, Fang Shili, is of great help.' Shi Yan suddenly, in the eye lù leaves strange rays of light.
   'Naturally, in the legend Warrior of Ancient Times time, each is the è Refiner master and accomplished Daoist priest. According to the legend, at that time Warrior, does not differentiate the Refiner master and Refiner master, any Warrior in cultivation, and will build up to regard Realm part Refiner, each Warrior, will be the è Refiner master and accomplished Daoist priest. Warrior of that time, not and builds up to repose Refiner on others, his rare treasure and pill all personally refine. But along with the change of time, Warrior gradually studies under the Warrior community to differentiate the accomplished Daoist priest and Refiner, to our time, the accomplished Daoist priest and Refiner master unexpectedly has become Warrior one group of special figures, does not know that this change is good is bad.'
   Yang Zhuo said after a sigh.
   Shi Yan is listening to his illustration earnestly, has gawked some little time, in eyes rays of light glittering, as if unceasingly is considering the what issue.
   The material that crag, you do have needing, some words, directly take. ' Yang Zhuo asked with a smile.
   'I keep several days, first had a look to say again that you came up.' Shi Yan awakens suddenly, said with a smile brightly.
   'Stays here?' Yang Zhuo is astonished however.
   Selected nod, Shi Yan has affirmed saying: 'Good, stays here. Uncle, should not be worried that temporarily that Black Flood Dragon Clan should not have the what action. When came out from here to me, I will go to Black Flood Dragon Clan, looked for that anger to make a final decision the matter.'
   ' Looks to get angry Yang Zhuo face è changes.
   'Relax, I have discretion.' Shi Yan is self-confident, 'I can definitely handle that anger, this point, I have the full assurance!'
   The Yang Zhuo and other Yang Family people, are all confused, does not know that he came from where self-confidently, but Shi Yan of this day has taken to them too many pleasant surprises, although they are puzzled, actually some faint anticipations.
   'Good, has the what matter, you on line. It is not clear, asked me to inquire directly.' Yang Zhuo has not said what, has selected nod, then led Yang Mu one line to come up.
   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 67 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-461>
   Chapter 449
   Comforting( plea monthly ticket!!)
   In the cave, only remains Shi Yan one person.
   In the big cave, places hundred and thousand of various class Refiner, to build up the material, dazzling, making human eye uā twine
   On each cultivation material, has the yellow paper to mark to call, says the main function.
   So long as is the Refiner master and accomplished Daoist priest comes, took a look to look has been clear at a glance, immediately knows this cultivation material, how should its smelting in the rare treasure and pill, as for the crucial moment and accurate component, must look at the method of Refiner master and accomplished Daoist priest.
   According to Yang Zhuo that must become a Refiner master, needs Human Flame, can utilize Earth Flame that is best, if in the body has Heavenly Flame, the bad Refiner master can also refine the uncommon rare treasure.
   Human Flame is worst, Earth Flame is good, Heavenly Flame may with not be possible to ask, Heavenly Flame is the Refiner master and Divine Tool in accomplished Daoist priest hand!
   Sees to see is the Refiner material, within the body has Black Ice Cold Flame, Earthcore Flame and Nine Quiet Soul Devouring Flame, Earthcore Flame is the Refiner excellent kindling material, in Imaginary Space Ring, a thick Refiner secret, derives in mystical Exotic Land, badly is also the Sacred level Refiner master remains.
   Three essential factors that the kindling material, material and Refiner secret, a Refiner master must have, he has at this time completely.
   So long as he has a mind to study diligently, can become a Refiner master, with own Fiery Flame with the material, refines various effect different rare treasures to come out for own jīng heart, can the rare treasure urges to send especially completely, provides the excellent boost for oneself.
   Sits well in the cave, Shi Yan hangs the item silent, knits the brows to think deeply.
   In the whole body hole, a continuously negative mood, quietly releases to overflow, all sorts are sufficiently confused the will the thought that the gradual multiplying enhancement, floods his mind gradually.
   Before got rid to strike to kill Ming Hai one line, gave to meet a cruel death with [Gravitational Field] dozens Warrior, Negative Energy that these people overflowed, poured into his hole completely, let his hole faintly fresh pain, transported numerous negative energy for him.
   At this time, negative energy was purifying, started to have the backlash strength, affects his will.
   Because knows that must have been through repeatedly this disaster, he vigorously requests to keep in the cave, wants by the tenacious willpower, melts all these.
   The mind enters Blood Vein Ring leisurely, he calls Black Ice Cold Flame, Fiery Flame of shining white è, such as ice uā same braves to transgress slowly, at present is floating in him.
   'Lives in my frozen, has not returned to my intelligence normal, before has not given your new instruction, does not want unsealed.'
   Shi Yan communication Divine Sense thought.
   Black Ice Cold Flame responded immediately.
   In recent years, Black Ice Cold Flame in Blood Vein Ring, already had known very well his all sorts of mystical are strange, it has the clear understanding to various customs of Shi Yan, knows that should in the what time, help the pressure on Shi Yan alleviation body.
   Ice uā same Black Ice Cold Flame, releases to ice cold aura suddenly extremely, these Cold Qi concentrate not to be loose, changes into continuously shining white è the smog, pours into his body in abundance.
   'Ka ka ka!'
   The body of Shi Yan, starts to be covered by the First Level ice crystal, the body spreads the sound that the solid ice freezes, in short three seconds, his body by a First Level five meters thick solid ice binding.
   If a matchmaker, Shi Yan sits well there, the brow cannot move, jīng Yuan of whole body, by this different strength freezing.
   Black Ice Cold Flame is ancient Heavenly Flame, appropriates among heaven and earth the extremely cold strength, so long as comes out from Blood Vein Ring, it can urge to send Cold Qi completely, can cover Cold Qi of islands, branches out one-fifth to come, sufficiently Shi Yan frozen move.
   In ice rock, negative energy in Shi Yan body, but also is purifying quietly.
   In ice rock, even if in heart has all sorts of cruel thoughts, is hard to put in the motion, can only be restrained in ice rock.
   Within the body negative energy purifies aura that is emitting, breaks in his mind swiftly, as if by Black Ice Cold Flame affecting, the thought that likely one and sealed up.
   Under this condition, he does not need to worry that periphery the crazy destruction all, can wait for negative energy to purify relieved completely.
   Time in a hurry.
   A day in a flash.
   Completely purified negative energy, changes into a continuously mystical different strength, overflows quietly from the whole body 720 holes, pours into his whole body veins, skeleton and blood to strengthen his body, strengthens his jīng Yuan purity, in his palm, is precise the blood of new four drops of Immortal.
   Part of mystical different strength, were absorbed by Stars Martial Spirit, making that Stars Martial Spirit past the radiant star light, innumerable star point, move on his heart, is relying on Stars Deep Meaning, is strengthening Stars Martial Spirit regarding the absorption and accumulation of stars different functions, lets the Stars Martial Spirit steady growth evolution.
   Shi Yan wakes up slowly.
   He realized immediately whole body ices extremely coldly, the mind moves, he spreads the thought to Black Ice Cold Flame once more.
   Ice uā that Black Ice Cold Flame turns into, spreads one share suction suddenly, sees is only attached to his side cold cool flame, 11 fly from, pours into Black Ice Cold Flame completely.
   In a flash, that covers ice rock of his whole body, without a trace that then vanishes, as if never has appeared.
   Exhales the one breath, is feeling the change of Stars Martial Spirit, with the blood of four drops of Immortal in the control comes out, Shi Yan shows a faint smile, said to that Black Ice Cold Flame: 'Was OK.'
   'I returned to the ring.' Black Ice Cold Flame response.
   Shi Yan knit the brows suddenly, has prevented return of Black Ice Cold Flame.
   'En? What's wrong?'
   'We initially had the agreement, when enters into the Nirvana boundary after me, I can give you to be free.' The Shi Yan facial expression with deep veneration, after 'initially I entered into the Nirvana boundary, because the situation is special, you fall into the quiet condition, I have not carried out the commitment. Now'
   'I do not want to leave temporarily.' Does not wait for the Shi Yan lecture, Black Ice Cold Flame communication has broken his thought that 'I initially wanted to leave you , because I thought that perhaps you in one day, will want to wrest away all my forcefully, gives to enslave me. Before me that master, regards the same rare treasure to regard me, but after some time being together, I discovered that you are different from him.'
   'oh?' Shi Yan has gawked, is astonished however said: 'Said that you aren't about to leave me?'
   'Temporarily did not have this plan.' Black Ice Cold Flame sank, returns to the news saying: 'I discovered after suiting thing and place that I evolve, I can explain with you that to that time, I have hoped you can put me to leave. Now, I continue to treat with you in the same place, your this fellow, was the different races of person clan, with you in the same place, as if compared with alone went out, was thrown to seize by other human God Realm Warrior was safer.'
   Shi Yan cannot help laughing.
   In the heart the thought moves once more, sees only Earthcore Flame and Holy Spirit God, one and escape from Blood Vein Ring comes out, including that King of Demon Insect.
   Black Ice Cold Flame, Earthcore Flame, Holy Spirit God, King of Demon Insect and Devouring Gold Silkworm, three strange life bodies, two Demonic Beast, simultaneously come in the cave, each other energy flushed, has created five colors variegated energy grains, was centered on Shi Yan, wanted spread to exit.
   'Tightens your energy!'
   Shi Yan face è changes, calls out one hurriedly, within the body huge jīng Yuan revolves suddenly, forms huge Dark Light Shield, moved to cover completely instantaneously these five colors variegated energy bō.
   Five lives, hear his anxiety to drink to call, hurried locks in energy respectively, has not continued class lù to come out.
   When is stable to energy, after the cave restores to be tranquil, Shi Yan frowns, said in a soft voice: 'Everybody can treat in together, was the fate, this time made everybody come out a to chat, was wants to realize to explain.'
   Black Ice Cold Flame, Earthcore Flame and Holy Spirit God, change into three groups of different light, separately in his dead ahead float, Devouring Gold Silkworm and King of Demon Insect, one on the left and other on the right, at he two side, calmly is waiting for what.
   'I know that my blood, to having you of entity, has the extremely special effect.' Shi Yan sank, looked to Devouring Gold Silkworm and King of Demon Insect, 'I pledged again, from now on, so long as I were living, every other one month, will grant you a drop of blood, helped you better evolution.'
   He looks emphatically to King of Demon Insect, ', regardless of you whether gives me Life Origin Fluid, so long as you keep side me, this commitment has been effective. Even if your Life Origin Fluid will give me in the future, my today's stipulation, will not change.'
   The words, he stretches out the finger, the stimulation of movement refers to the abdomen, squeezes out the blood of two drops of dark red Immortal, wraps by the thought that moves to Devouring Gold Silkworm and King of Demon Insect.
   Life that these two types have the entity, after seeing the blood of Immortal, lù leaves the greedy urgent vision, swallows the blood of that two drops of Immortal hurriedly, later looks again to the Shi Yan vision, suddenly becomes feels jī to get up in a friendly way.
   Selected nod with a smile, Shi Yan looked to Black Ice Cold Flame, Holy Spirit God and Earthcore Flame, 'I do not know that your evolutions, needed the what kind chance and special day material treasure. But I pledged in this, if I obtain to your advantageous materials, I can earliest possible time jiā give you, helping you evolve quickly, later, if you discovered that better cultivation place, I will not use method forcefully restraint you, can put you to leave.'
   Black Ice Cold Flame, Holy Spirit God and Earthcore Flame three types the life that does not have the entity, hears the news to transmit the thought together, heart fresh feeling jī.
   'In this cave, has various class cultivation materials, these cultivation materials, are useful regarding our humanity. I do not know whether you need, you can transfer voluntarily, if discovered that suits thing that you evolve, does not need to be polite, takes to do as one pleases voluntarily is.'
   Black Ice Cold Flame, Holy Spirit God and Earthcore Flame hear these words, immediately mood jī moves, walks from his body forward flight directly, starts to move in this cave.
   Also really has to suit these three life evolutions the material.
   Three big life bodies have circled in the cave, unexpectedly also chooses the thing that a difference has conformed to them to evolve, three lives adsorb these materials, stopped in him again at present.
   Shi Yan eye one bright.
   : First offers two chapters, does not have the words of accident, in the afternoon also two chapters, asked the monthly ticket ~~ RA
   <Р'Р'РRРIРR 68 url: https://lnmtl.com/chapter/god-of-slaughter-chapter-462>
   So long as you keep my one day, I with every effort will then help you evolve. But I must explain beforehand, if you harbor the disloyalty in my side, once had been discovered by me, I will be impolite.. '
   Shi Yan has hesitated, facial expression is coldly severe, ' perhaps, my present cultivation base, possibly also[ town] cannot suppress you, but I believe that sooner or later, I can suppress all your on the 1st, if who dares to betray me. Makes comes to my disadvantageous matter, even if you runs away the horizon, I will also make you pay the price, destroys completely your life traces!..
   Five lives, has not spread different reads.
   , 'Was good, offensive talk word of praise I explained beforehand... Cracks into a smile, he said again:, ' Now. I want into the Refiner master, but I actually know nothing regarding Refiner, in you. Who can render me the assistance in this aspect.', ' I can...
   Five lives, simultaneously transmit the news unexpectedly, complies with the unexpectedly extraordinary consistency.
   Shi Yan dumbstruck.
   , 'Refines my method, I can inform you, Holy Spirit Church forms me with the what type mystique, I can pick to I do not have disadvantageously tell you.', Holy Spirit God explained first.
   , ' The past many Refiner masters arrived in the center of earth, drew support refines the rare treasure the rock magma of center of earth. I hide in the center of earth rock magma, knows some Refiner master Refiner methods... Earthcore Flame statement.
   , 'I know are not many, but also understood that refines our lives the methods. These Heavenly Temple people, once some Refiner formation, seal carved in my[ body].'. Unexpected, Devouring Gold Silkworm responded, it seems like after obtaining the blood of Immortal, ' this Devouring Gold Silkworm treats the Shi Yan manner. Also had enormous change quietly.
   , 'I have some formation of refinement rare treasure.'. King of Demon Insect returns to the news.
   , 'I have Refiner master all memory imprint of!.. Black Ice Cold Flame spreads the thought that self-confident ' ', if I these memory imprint. Instills into directly in your mind, you can become a qualified Refiner master'.
   Holy Spirit God, Earthcore Flame, Devouring Gold Silkworm, King of Demon Insect and Black Ice Cold Flame, these five lives. Simultaneously has transmitted the affirmative answer, explained that they know some related Refiner mysteries.
   Especially Black Ice Cold Flame, because once by a Refiner master occupying soul, it was interlinked with that Refiner master mind ' obtained that Refiner master complete Refiner method, it may be said that most made Shi Yan pleasantly surprised.
   , 'Good! Very good!'.
   Shi Yan laughs, only thinks carefree dripping, he wants Refiner, actually does not suffer from basic way ', therefore inquired that these five life bodies, he had not had the too big expectation. After all these five lives are not humanity, he does not think that these five lives can render him many assistance.
   But the final result, actually stems from him to be unexpected, each life, unexpectedly more or less knew some Refiner methods ' this to make him be overjoyed.
   , ' From Holy Spirit God, the Refiner method that you know, by the Divine Sense thought that 11 narrated that listens to me.
   Sits well in the cave. Shi Yan mouth corner has a smile, waits for Holy Spirit God soul conciousness ' to calm the mind to wait.
   Continuously soul conciousness, records precise Holy Spirit God all sorts of secrets, starts to pour into his mind first.
   Refines the Holy Spirit God method ' is the Holy Spirit Church most precious mystiques, in Endless Sea. Except for the character of Holy Spirit Church Cult Master rank, these cultivation base profound Elder, cannot obtain the accurate detail.
   This Holy Spirit God is essence crystallization of refinement, refinement detail that it knows, is next to Holy Spirit Church teaching tooth faint trace soul conciousness, transmits from it, forms memory silk threads in the Shi Yan mind. The secret detail, will show in the Shi Yan mind directly.
   Holy Spirit God refinement method, extremely mysterious, is collects various unusual Demonic Beast and human Warrior fine soul unexpectedly, with some cold attribute rare treasures, smelts in the profound cloudy cauldron stove, by dozens Holy Spirit Church Nirvana Origin, Sky Realm and God Realm master, catches up, own thought reposing, raises in that cauldron stove warm the to mingle fine soul. After many years of quenchinging growth, inspires the Heavenly Lightning lightning, drives out impurities, gradual forming.
   Once Holy Spirit God produces self- conciousness. Holy Spirit Church all believers, will repose the strength of belief in the place above, is Holy Spirit God provides the continuous different strength, accelerates the growth of Holy Spirit God, making the Holy Spirit God gradual absorption gather heaven and earth Origin Energy, after the several years accumulation, slowly formed Holy Spirit God.
   This Refiner method, it may be said that is another Bi Qijing, has the enormous difference with the general Refiner method.
   Smelts by the fine soul, the strength of collection belief, comes to be precise by heaven and earth Origin Energy gradually, but also needs to depend upon the Heavenly Lightning lightning to drive out the dregs, mystery, weighs with the common sense truly difficult.
   Is feeling a continuously pure thought. Was realizing from experience in this period the tedious mystical heaven and earth highest good, the Shi Yan facial expression was panic-stricken, shows the expression that shocked, was realizing from experience silently.
   After a long time, Holy Spirit God no longer has the memory to transmit, indulges Shi Yan in that mysterious Refiner condition, knows nothing about the outside world condition, the whole person glows the strange appearance, with heart and soul realizes from experience. Understands that mysterious Refiner method regarding the understanding of heaven and earth power highest good.
   A brand-new picture scroll, as if slowly has unfolded in his mind, through refining Holy Spirit God all sorts of details, he had the understanding of deeper First Level regarding the heaven and earth highest good.
   Using heaven and earth energy, portrays Refiner ancient formation, in formation is containing all sorts of mysterious highest good, this actually is also a utilization of Intent Domain. In the Sky Realm boundary, each Realm breakthrough, solely does not depend upon the accumulation of Essence Qi, and grasps regarding the understanding of various earth highest good Martial Skills Intent Domain, is the breakthrough key. He had bottleneck, throughout cannot be solved the method, through this Holy Spirit God Refiner mysterious transportation, he thought faintly perhaps through Refiner, can make him on Realm breakthrough, gains the enormous advantage.
   Indulges under this condition, After a long time, he gradually awakes to turn around.
   Opens the eye, he sees five lives also in him at present, Holy Spirit God no longer has conciousness to transmit, Earthcore Flame saw him to wake up, officially informed his one, started some Refiner methods that transmitted it to know.
   Many Refiner masters when the refinement rare treasure, will have the Earth Flame place, comes to shorten Earth Flame turbulently to come Refiner the Refiner process with the aid of Earth Flame compared with Human Flame using Earth Flame as far as possible. Compared with Human Flame appropriate, these Refiner masters draw support in ten thousand years of hot mountain core the rock magma come Refiner, many Refiner methods and details, shows in the rock magma deep pool two hides in the rock magma deep pool, had life consciousness Earthcore Flame, under causing trouble of curiosity. Gives to write down the methods of many Refiner masters. Although it does not know that these Refiner methods and details what with actually also knows this is a very precious experience.
   Dares using the Earthcore Flame Refiner Refiner master, In general, Realm not to lower, Refiner method that these people reveal, essence quite. Earthcore Flame gives Shi Yan these Refiner method transportation, has several Refiner commonly used formation and Refiner fundamental mode. It is not Shi Yan of Refiner master, although knows formation mysteriously extremely. The comprehension that is very difficult to be thorough, he can only remember with every effort, these memory imprint in innermost soul.
   For a long time, Shi Yan woke up and looks once more to Devouring Gold Silkworm.
   Devouring Gold Silkworm at once communication .
   It is Demonic Beast, the Refiner method of knowledge, is related with Demonic Beast.
   That is Heavenly Temple Warrior refines the Demonic Beast knack with mystique, first integrates in the Demonic Beast soul with the Divine Sense thought that draws support these materials that Demonic Beast likes, gradual wins the Demonic Beast favorable impression to use blood essence to feed Demonic Beast, achieves the relation with Demonic Beast little. Let Demonic Beast[ body] in using the blood and Divine Sense of Warrior makes Demonic Beast Warrior part finally
   The Heavenly Temple building up monster technique, has the enormous difference with the way of general Refiner master Refiner rare treasure.
   Shi Yan detail will consider carefully, discovered that to this time Refiner , helping is not very big. Through the mystique of this building up monster, he knows actually, how should treat Devouring Gold Silkworm and King of Demon Insect, knows that must utilize the what kind way, can with a Demonic Beast better communication. King of Demon Insect also at once transmits Divine Sense.
   As expected, Refiner technique that it knows, with mostly the same except for minor differences of that Devouring Gold Silkworm.
   Is Demonic Beast, it had the master, Refiner method that it knows, how was his master to be little in the past and it establishes the relation. How to subdue it, making it become part of to attach most importance person, how to fuse with the master, reaches an agreement the monster power of strength and master. This is not Shi Yan currently needs.
   He looks finally to Black Ice Cold Flame.
   These things that ' I know, memory very tedious huge, only depends on the transmission of conciousness. A short time cannot clear off Chu.. Black Ice Cold Flame spreads thought ' ' I these memories to twist one bunch of memory light groups, keeps in your Sea of Consciousness, but you must that memory light group to the absorption digestion, probably need some time...
   , How long time ' requires?.
   , ' This must think your main soul the withstanding limit, if you advocate the rapidness that the soul can absorb, you grasp the speed of digestion, will speed up.
   I think that perhaps takes about a half year, En. This was quick. After all that memory light group. Is a true Refiner master, probably that fellow is a Sacred level Refiner master! If you can digest these memory light groups completely, I think that you is a really Refiner master. That is hundred years of Refiner of Refiner master senses! '.
   The Shi Yan eye has shone suddenly, this is he at this time the true need!
   The complete Refiner vein, to his condition of this knowing nothing, is most appropriate.
   , ' You do, my open mind. Accepts your memory light group!..
   , ' Good!..
   Black Ice Cold Flame is not wordy, suddenly changes into one bunch of none remaining, sinks to his mind directly.
   The ice-cold chill in the air, seeps the Shi Yan whole body instantaneously.
   Although Black Ice Cold Flame constrains its power vigorously, but its Cold Qi, makes Shi Yan whole body tremble as before. The thought seemed frozen, conciousness somewhat is fuzzy.
   In his mind. Black Ice Cold Flame unusual life light group, gradual puts out one continuously to remember the silk thread.
   These memory silk thread windings, slowly are together precise, gradually has formed a memory light group. In that only group, has extremely huge tedious memory thought to come, these memory thoughts, transform tens of thousands of vice- different memory scenes, is fluctuating in that memory light group unceasingly.
   Memory of Black Ice Cold Flame about Refiner master spits all, changes into one bunch of icy light, withdraws from the Shi Yan mind.
   Shi Yan looks dignified, the eye closes slowly, falls into some marvelous Intent Domain in the cave, is calming the mind to realize from experience.

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