Во истину бесовская вещь, на которую я набрёл в ходе работы над "Пилигримы Вечности" "Трансформация Богов". Мне поведал о той никому не известной ночи Мессии, да, да той самой ночи между синедрионом и претореей сам Антихрист. Да, хранит Вас Господь…. Искренне Ваш Сергей Аретинский…. ...
Sara Teasdale Union Square With the man I love who loves me not, I walked in the street lamps’ flare, We watched the world go home that night In a flood through Union Square/ I leaned to catch the word he said That were light as snowflake falling; Ah, well that he ...
Walles Stevens Arrival ft the Waldorf Home from Guatemala, back at the Waldorf. This arrival in the wild country of the soul, All approaches gone, being completely there, Where the wild poem is a substitute For the woman one loves or ought to love, Jyf wild rhapsody ...
Нередко бывает такое, что пиша рассказ (пиша - правильное деепричастие!) я сама себя вдохновляю на рисунки или стихи, т.е. такое сопровождение может идти. Сейчас пишу большой рассказ, вот это к нему
Amy Lowell Anticipation I have been temperate always, But I am like to be very drunk With your coming. There have been times I feared to walk dawn he street Lest I should reel with the wine of you, And jerk against my neighbors As they go by. I am parched now, and ...