О том, как просто и легко придумать сюжет классического фэнтази и разнообразить его поворотами/событиями. Собственно говоря, тут вы и найдете такой себе сюжет и советы по нему.
This is the third additional file for Acrostics in Russian, open for all and beginning with the template. This time these are, as I have named them, Putinets, if you want to add something. Keywords: Myrski, friends, followers, make yourself, poetry, light verse, funny, acrostics, ...
This is the second additional file for Acrostics in Russian, open for all and beginning with the template. Keywords: Myrski, friends, followers, make yourself, poetry, light verse, funny, acrostics, in Russian.
This is the first additional file for Acrostics in Russian, open for all and beginning with the template. Keywords: Myrski, friends, followers, make yourself, poetry, light verse, funny, acrostics, in Russian.
This is the first additional file for miniatures, namely Haiku, in Russian, open for all and beginning with the template. Keywords: Myrski, friends, followers, make yourself, poetry, light verse, funny, haiku, in Russian.
This is the first additional file for Limericks in Bulgarian, open for all and beginning with the template; there can be many such files, which can be later closed for additions and made as books and the names changed to, say, follwrs_8\@1_poebul , and so on. Keywords: Myrski, friends, ...
This is the first additional file for Limericks in Russian, open for all and beginning with the template. Keywords: Myrski, friends, followers, make yourself, poetry, light verse, funny, Limericks, in Russian.
This is the first file for additions by followers on the theme, open for all and beginning with the template; there can be opened more such files at least till 899. Keywords: Myrski, friends, followers, make yourself, poetry, light verse, funny, in Bulgarian.
This is the first file for additions by followers on the theme, open for all and beginning with the template; there can be opened more such files at least till 699. Keywords: Myrski, friends, followers, make yourself, poetry, light verse, funny, in English.
This is the first file for additions by followers on the theme, open for all and beginning with the template; there can be opened more such files at least till 999. Keywords: Myrski, friends, followers, make yourself, poetry, light verse, funny, various languages.
This is the first file for additions by followers on the theme, open for all and beginning with the template; there can be opened more such files at least till 799. Keywords: Myrski, friends, followers, make yourself, poetry, light verse, funny, in Russian.
Вышел в свет коллективный сборник "Прощай, Молдавия", в котором представлены стихи двенадцати современных русских поэтов, как ныне живущих, так и уже ушедших, чьи судьбы связаны с Молдавией. Это Александра Юнко, Николай Сундеев, Константин Семеновский, Борис Викторов, Валентин Ткачев, ...
мне. давно. Карин Глейзер в комме к прекрасному стиху "Я ухожу, - сказала мне Печаль..." отметила: "В старых стихах, определённо, что-то есть. Поэтому и храню их - как память..."