Журнал "Самиздат": Публицистика

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Найти себя-1. Седой
"Другой Мир" + Песня
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Рекомендует Мирошниченко А.С.

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 Зурабашвили И.С.
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 Каширец Л.В.
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 Олейниченко А.R.
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 Остапчук Я.В.
 Панченко Ю.В.
 Панченко Ю.
 Пушкарёв И.А.
 Руда А.
 Рэй Я.
 Савельева Л.
 Садыкова М.
 Саркисова О.
 Скрипникова М.А.
 Смольская А.
 Сороколетова И.С.
 Староверова А.С.
 Степанова Д.Н.
 Стрежень Т.
 Томилов С.В.
 Требушников Д.В.
 Федюнина А.В.
 Хвесик Е.Ф.
 Чертенкова А.С.
 Шампарова Е.С.
 Шарипова А.М.
 Шеломанова Л.И.
 Штурман Д.М.
 Karpenko K.
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  • Нелванд Елена: Нам не дано предугадать... 6k   Статья
    Давайте сыграем в ассоциации. Я назову какое-нибудь слово, а Вы - первое, что придет на ум в этой связи. Готовы? Тогда начнем. Ну, что-нибудь нейтральное. КОЛЕСО. Ваш ход. Есть? Спасибо.
  • Нелидов Григорий Львович: Не того хотят (второй манифест партии народного капитализма) 24k   Статья
  • Нелидова Надежда: Америка - это... 3k   Статья Комментарии
    "...Американцы скорее некрасивые, нежели красивые люди. Костяк североамериканской нации составляли англичане, которые в средние века так увлеклись сжиганием еретиков на кострах, что основательно перепортили свой генофонд".
  • Нелидова Надежда: Бегляночки и Розочки (криминал) 2k   Статья
  • Нелидова Надежда: В очередь, сукины дети! 1k   Статья
  • Нелидова Надежда: Живой труп, или Кавказский пленник 1k   Статья
  • Нелидова Надежда: Как у них, и как у нас 1k   Статья Комментарии
    Записки провинциалки, побывавшей за океаном
  • Нелидова Надежда: Ночной велосипедист (криминал) 1k   Статья
  • Нелидова Надежда: Провинция и ток-шоу "Чужое грязное бельё" 1k   Статья Комментарии
  • Нелидова Надежда: Ребёнок на клумбе (криминал) 1k   Оценка:5.74*5   Статья
  • Нелидова Надежда: Хороший текст. Школа литературного мастерства 3k   Статья Комментарии
  • Неллин Сергей: Как избежать бессмысленного спора? 5k   Статья
  • Неллин Сергей: Как можно выйти из безвыходного положения? 6k   Статья
  • Нема Светоч Тений: Чудеса или поиск работы... 0k   Миниатюра Комментарии
    вот так вот бывает:) Даже не удивилась, я то про чудеса давно знаю, а вот люди... ммм, вот оно как здорово что есть смельчаки женщины-НЕталанты:)))))
  • Немировский Петр: Глаза Сфинкса 294k   Роман
    Герой книги, молодой человек из России, приехал в США, толком не зная, что ему здесь делать и каким способом зарабатывать на жизнь. По совету родственницы, уже давно осевшей в Нью-Йорке, он поступает на курсы наркологов и - с корабля на бал - попадает в новую, совершенно непонятную ...
  • Немировский Петр: Исповеди Русских Наркоманов Нью-Йорка 67k   Оценка:7.28*5   Сборник рассказов Комментарии
    В этом сборнике собраны исповеди русских жителей Нью-Йорка, которые страдают от наркотической зависимости и борются с ней. Наркомания здесь предстает в своем жестоком облике, разрушающем в человеке все его нравственные основы. Быть может, эти исповеди кого-то остановят от роковой ...
  • Немировский Петр: Нью-Йоркское время 276k   Роман
    Время действия романа - конец девяностых годов, когда Америка переживала неслыханный экономический подъем. В основе повествования лежат реальные события: нашумевший суд в Нью-Йорке над российским воровским авторитетом Славой Япончиком и обвал на Нью-Йоркской фондовой бирже. Автору ...
  • Немировский Петр: Очерки 252k   Очерк
    Не любить Нью-Йорк нельзя. Потому что в этом городе каждый может найти то, что ему нужно для счастья, - деньги, друзей, одиночество. Нью-Йорк - место постоянных перемен. И самых неожиданных встреч. Люди здесь открыты, легко делятся своей болью. Предлагаемый сборник включает в себя ...
  • Немировский Петр: Убийство на Эммонс Авеню 14k   Рассказ
    Рассказ о безумии, охватившем одного писателя, который перевоплотился в своего героя, полностью утратив чувство реальности. "По-блатному он опустил на глаза козырек кепаря, поднял воротник кожаной куртки и, оскалившись, пошел знакомой дорогой. Пальцы в кармане нащупали рукоять ножа..." ...
  • Ненастьев Николай Александрович: От перемены мест слагаемых ничего не измениться 6k   Статья Комментарии
    Итак, Владимир Владимирович Путин сделал первый, самостоятельный, решительный ход на пути к надвигающимся президентским и парламентским выборам. Что бы и кто бы не говорил, а большие перестановки в правительстве РФ именно этим и объясняются.
  • Ненастьев Николай Александрович: Пивное дело: заговорили свидетели 3k   Статья
    Заседание городского народного суда под председательством А. Ширяева после восьмимартовских женских праздников, в понедельник, 11 марта, выдалось не только более оживленным, но и более веселым.
  • Ненастьев Николай Александрович: Про пиво 12k   Очерк Комментарии
    Губит людей не пиво, губят людей… имущественные отношения
  • Ненастьев Николай Александрович: Ударим по ... наркотикам 8k   Статья Комментарии
    Закружилось – завертелось что-то непонятное в последнее время. Вдруг все, кому не лень, стали призывать бороться с наркотиками, причем, эти призывы подкреплялись и конкретными мерами.
  • Неоист: Кризисы, cтиляги, руди, панки и гламур 2k   Статья
  • Неоист: Мерлин Мэнсон и домогательства 0k   Статья
  • Неоист: Панк-рок и его слушатели из субкультуры превращается в контркультуру 2k   Статья
  • Неолитик: Рецензия на стихо Ивана Зеленцова "Формула счастья" 7k   Эссе Комментарии
  • Неонета Елена Сергеевна: Почему мы играем? 4k   Эссе Комментарии
    ..Женщины - существа слабые и легко впадают в соблазн. И готовы соблазняться и соблазняться, даже если это всего лишь игра..
  • Неопытный: Назад, Вперед? 7k   Эссе
    Малая родина, уничтожения ГЭСами пласта культуры.
  • Неопытный: Нереальное интервью с героем фильма дурак 5k   Интервью
  • Неотмирасегов Александр Сергеевич: Идейное поселение. Глава 1 27k   Глава
  • Непушкин Александр Сергеевич: Верю! 0k   Стихотворение Комментарии
    А трудности - они временные!
  • Непушкин Александр Сергеевич: Как Тертый заговор победил 31k   Статья Комментарии
  • Непушкин Александр Сергеевич: Кудесникам хлебобулочной промышленности 0k   Стихотворение Комментарии
    Стихи написаны под воздействием профессионального праздника людей, дарующих хлеб наш насущный.
  • Непушкин Александр Сергеевич: Москва! Как много в этом пуке! 0k   Стихотворение Комментарии
  • Непушкин Александр Сергеевич: Русский Язык: дрейф нормы 5k   Оценка:3.86*6   Статья Комментарии
    Спорно? Давайте спорить!
  • Непушкин Александр Сергеевич: Футболисту отрезали ноги (Баллада о герое) 3k   Оценка:5.67*5   Стихотворение Комментарии
    Посвящается всем нашим футболистам, так и не сумевшим...
  • Нереальная Новелла: В помощь участнику конкурса "Нереальная новелла" 5k   Статья Комментарии
  • Нереальная Новелла: Нереальная новелла. О жанрах 2k   Миниатюра Комментарии
  • Нереальная Новелла: О новелле 5k   Миниатюра Комментарии
  • Нереальная Новелла: О русской теме 4k   Миниатюра Комментарии
  • Нереальная Новелла: Цитатник 6k   Миниатюра
  • Нерлин Игорь Валентинович: Поздравляем Михаила Гарцева! 1k   Очерк Комментарии
  • Несвит Валерия: Великая Отечественная Война 6k   Статья
    Статья, посвященная ВОВ, которую нельзя было бы не выложить.
  • Несвит Валерия: Пожарный - звучит гордо 1k   Статья
    Статья о роли пожарных в нашей жизни.
  • Неточка Незванова: Невозможный Достоевский 19k   Оценка:4.00*3   Эссе
    Возможна ли сегодня интерпретация Достоевского? Борис Парамонов. Бахтин. Ролан Барт
  • Нетылев Александр Петрович: Символическое значение оружия 19k   Оценка:8.50*4   Статья Комментарии
    В статьях, посвященных практическому аспекту военного дела, регулярно встречается упоминание о символическом значении оружия, как о чем-то само собой разумеющемся. Однако ни разу я не встречал статьи, в которой делались бы попытки более-менее раскрыть этот вопрос. На полное раскрытие ...
  • Неуймин Александр Леонидович: Крепнет дружба городов-побратимов 7k   Статья
    Первая часть отчета о поездке в Болгарию.
  • Неукропный Александр: Наступления Всу на Донбассе не будет: конкретные признаки и причины 11k   Рассказ Комментарии
  • неурби Орби Кенстут: Если вам плохо на душе 20k   Статья Комментарии
    Текст с большой терапевтической силой
  • Неустановленный автор: Воины креатива 2. Праведный меч 480k   Статья
    2008 - 2012 годы в истории современной цивилизации запомнятся как сложные и опасные. Мировой экономический кризис без всякой надежды на скорое разрешение. Стихийные бедствия как результат глобальных изменений климата. Рост международной напряженности, подогреваемый беспрецедентной ...
  • Неустановленный автор: Воины креатива. Главная книга 2008-2012 354k   Статья
    Эта книга - своеобразный бумажный вирус, который овладевает умами и расширит границы для реализации творческих возможностей. Здесь приведены креативные схемы, которые смогут использовать все желающие! Сейчас эти люди практические выключены из процесса Большого Созидания новой России, ...
  • Неустановленный автор: Пр. Вторая Книга. Выбор Пути 737k   Статья
    Россия - наше дело. И никакими технологиями, культивирующими мысль, что участвовать в судьбе своей страны, это политика, а политика - грязное дело, нас с толку не сбить. Судьба нашей Родины - нашего ума дело. Понимаете, нашего с вами.
  • Неустановленный автор: Проект Россия 486k   Статья Комментарии
    Мы хотим, чтобы Россия продолжала существовать как государство. Мы готовы ей помочь. Отбросив все предрассудки, мы действуем сообща. Нас объединяет Идея. Нас объединяет Россия.
  • Нефедьев Г.,логунова Л., Кудрявцева Е.: Размышления о "размышлениях о Гете": Дуэль четверых 50k   Статья
  • Нефёдов Юрий Алексеевич: Взрывы метана и пыли на угольных шахтах Кузбасса - возможные причины уже произошедших и будущих аварий ... 21k   Оценка:6.00*3   Статья
  • Нехно Виктор Михайлович: Драконы - кто они? 449k   Статья
    История древнего, как мир,обмана, рассмотренного под современным объективным ракурсом
  • Нечаев Павел: Ежики в тумане неопределенности 11k   Статья
  • Нечаев Павел: Человечество оккупировано паразитами 8k   Оценка:4.77*4   Статья Комментарии
  • Нечай Светлана Владимировна: В поисках Великих Матерей 27k   Статья
    Лингвистические исследования
  • Нечай Светлана Владимировна: Иван царевич и варги 12k   Статья
  • Нечай Светлана Владимировна: Имена богов с точки зрения лингвистики 38k   Статья
  • Нечай Светлана Владимировна: К вопросу о происхождении румынского языка 109k   Статья
  • Нечай Светлана Владимировна: Лингвистические параллели между молдавским и другими евразийскими языками 81k   Статья
    Выкладываю для интересующихся таблицу параллелей между молдавской лексикой и финно-угорскими, германскими, славянскими, тюркскими, палеоазиатскими языками. Над таблицей продолжаю работать, сейчас в ней около семисот слов.
  • Нечай Светлана Владимировна: Лингвистический анализ текста песен "Веда словена" 61k   Статья
  • Нечипорук Михаил Николаевич: play by e-mail 10k   Статья Комментарии
    Стаья про популярные pbem-игры.
  • Нечипорук Михаил Николаевич: The day of the tantacle 12k   Статья Комментарии
  • Нечипорук Михаил Николаевич: Потаенное окно 4k   Статья
  • Нечитайленко Константин Павлович: Межзвездная война(реферат по Астрофоруму . Обработка программой Textanalyst) 388k   Статья Комментарии
  • Нещеретный Владимир Николаевич: Манифест Рсдрп 180k   Статья
    Это манифест несуществующей пока Российской социал-демократической реалистической партии, которая имеет свою программу, направленную на сохранение нашей страны и нашего многонационального народа, в отличие от многочисленных существующих партий, внятных программ не имеющих. РСДРП ...
  • Нещеретный Владимир Николаевич: Манифест Рсдрп 180k   Статья
    Это манифест несуществующей пока Российской социал-демократической реалистической партии, которая имеет свою программу, направленную на сохранение нашей страны и нашего многонационального народа, в отличие от многочисленных существующих партий, внятных программ не имеющих. РСДРП ...
  • Нещеретный Владимир Николаевич: Манифест Рсдрп 180k   Статья
    Это манифест несуществующей пока Российской социал-демократической реалистической партии, которая имеет свою программу, направленную на сохранение нашей страны и нашего многонационального народа, в отличие от многочисленных существующих партий, внятных программ не имеющих. РСДРП ...
  • Нигматулин Роберт Искандерович: Диагноз Экономики России 13k   Статья
  • Нигматулов Денис Юрьевич: Ужас нашего времени 3k   Статья Комментарии
  • Нижегородцев Сергей Васильевич: Биткоин - запретить нельзя разрешить 15k   Статья Комментарии
  • Нижник Таша: Масова лiтература чи класика? Що оберете ви? 2k   Статья
    "Високим" жанром вважається класична лiтература, в той час як масова - зорiєнтована на досягнення швидкого успiху. Це вiдрiзняє її вiд лiтератури "високої", представники якої можуть дозволити собi писати "в шухляду" або "для нащадкiв", сподiваючись на належне поцiнування свого шедевру ...
  • Нижник Таша: Необычное вокруг нас 3k   Статья
    Сверхъестественное. Вымысел и / или реальность?
  • Нижник Таша: Рецензии на прочитанные книги 34k   Очерк
    Рецензии (развёрнутые аннотации, расширенные отзывы); стихи собственного сочинения. "Незабываемые сюжеты. Тихие "помощники" - книги" Мои впечатления о книгах, прочитанных на Литнете (и не только!). Книги, упомянутые здесь, своей моралью научат вас искать хорошее во всём, даже в ...
  • Нижник Таша: Сайты для поиска интересненького 2k   Справочник
    Здесь можно найти захватывающие книги, которые Вам посоветуют почитать. Также здесь Вы можете попросить помощи в поиске книг по сюжету, описанию, каким-то деталям.
  • Нижник Таша: Список любимых бесплатных книг на разные темы 62k   Справочник
    ЛЮБОВНО-ФАНТАСТИЧЕСКИЕ РОМАНЫ. В цифровую эпоху не так уж и много действительно интересных, а главное - бесплатных книг, которые хочется время от времени перечитывать...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: 2 My ironic passages about society 0k   Миниатюра
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: 2 Мои ироничные пассажи об обществе 0k   Миниатюра
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: 3 The sneers over the spiritualized persons 1k   Миниатюра
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: A person as the being, understanding oneself in Creation 48k   Статья
    The consciousness of a person is characterized, first of all, not by the mind, which is inherent in all living things in one form or another as centers that process information coming from the senses, but by the awareness of oneself, which implies not just the acceptance of information ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: A person in habitat 44k   Эссе
    A person in his communities in his environment gets into new relationships in comparison with other living beings, which he somehow understands and even to a certain extent can manage them, changing them according to his own plans, depending on their relevance, expediency, as well ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: A person in sleep and in waking 113k   Статья
    If we do not touch on physiology, then it should be noted: the processes that occur in sleep with a person, till now either obvious or incomprehensible, although there are enough assumptions of various kinds. But they have no convincing grounds. Therefore, it makes sense to try to ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: A person in time 43k   Статья
    Philosophers have explained the world. Thinkers-designers", for example, Marx, have been pointing out, how to change the world. But no one clearly explained, why to the world not to do without a person.
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: About the crisis, epidemics, or what will really happen to us? 27k   Статья
    Our lives began to change very quickly and not for the better. All sorts of wiseacres can't really say anything about the near future, except for obvious nonsense, based on nothing, although our civilization on Earth is not the first, and these past civilizations, alas, have gone ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: About the manifestations of the connection between the otherworldly and reality 63k   Статья
    It is believed that the intangible otherworldly as a thing in itself is absolutely inaccessible, invisible and terrible because no one returns from there. Let's try to understand why this is not the case using examples of known facts.
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: About the origin and manifestation of personality 1105k   Монография
    A person, although separated from nature, but not so much as to lose his animal essence. This essence, more precisely, the animal consciousness, manifests itself to one degree or another in each person in the form of his individuality, whereas the personality of a person is a reflection ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: About the origin and manifestation of personality 23k   Статья
    A person, although separated from nature, but not so much as to lose his animal essence. This essence, more precisely, the animal consciousness, manifests itself to one degree or another in each person in the form of his individuality, whereas the personality of a person is a reflection ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: About the similarity and difference between smart people and creative people 35k   Миниатюра
    Smart people are often confused with creative persons, whereas these creative persons may be smart or not, but they remain creative for a significant part of their lives, but people who are smart, educated, versatile, who have their own opinions on everything around them, do very ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: About the sources of change (motion) and development 59k   Статья
    Here an attempt is made to overcome the one-sidedness, as well as the incompleteness of both materialism and idealism, by putting forward a hypothesis that balances the inanimate matter (the passive) and the matter represented by consciousness in alive (the active) in Creation, thanks ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: Alive as a Converter of Information into Beingness 31k   Статья
    Consciousness in alive uses the sense organs of the living being, its centers that process information, as well as programs that are realized in the form of form-building abilities, which together makes it possible to select out from the incoming information the surrounding that can ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: And yet, do I think, and, therefore exist, or vice versa? 17k   Эссе
    If we recall the maxim of Descartes: "I think, therefore I exist", which he attributed to a person, then he clearly unfairly neglected the rest of living beings, because they also think, because once they get into existence, they, feeling own existence and therefore wanting to prolong ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: Are "paradisiacal tabernacles" on Earth possible? 64k   Эссе
    Every person, deep down in his soul, would like to live in paradise, as he individually imagines it, but the majority understands perfectly well that this is impossible, although a significant part of the population still finds a loophole into this place, attributing, however, the ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: Are we under external management? 31k   Статья
    There are various theories about a person, for example, that he is not an independent entity, and his life is predetermined from above, although it is not clear why, or, on the contrary, that a person exists by oneself in his disposable life, which is not determined by anyone but ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: Back - to the primates ?! or forward - to the superman?! 49k   Статья
    What is the future of mankind? Opinions differ, but all of them are, in essence, questionable. However, all this will end with something ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: Creation - a hologram at the base or a matrix (the critical review)? 79k   Статья
    After the invention of computers and, accordingly, - games based on it with simulated reality, the consideration arose: maybe we are the inhabitants of the simulated game of some higher intelligence that produced us and amuses oneself, watching us? Therefore, it makes sense to compare ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: Debunking transhumanism with its reliance on physicality (Critical Notes) 26k   Эссе
    The disgusting underside of seemingly benevolent desire of the transhumanism to improve a person and make his life extraordinarily pleasant and cloudless is shown in this work, as and the unfitness of the means used by it for this.
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: Determining the community integrity 31k   Статья
    An exact definition of an integral community has not yet been found, whereas one can proceed from the general concept of an integral community as a union of individuals based on common principles and values of beingness, both material and spiritual, found by them in the course of ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: Did labor really create a person? 27k   Статья
    Until now, the question of the emergence and role of labor in the emergence and formation of a person is on the agenda for the reason that a number of living beings also work quite intensively, having, moreover, one can say, an ideal organization of labor with its division into appropriate ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: Dynamics of activity of an integral community 94k   Статья
    Since L. N. Gumilev"s definition of the dynamics of the integral communities, who called them ethnic groups, is quite problematic, it makes sense to use a number of examples to determine the dynamics of the integral communities by their activity.
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: Explanation of the failures of anthropology in the study of the essence of a person 65k   Статья
    Attempts to explain a person from himself could not but be a failure, because a person is more a means, not an end.
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: Freedom as a product of dissatisfaction of consciousness 58k   Эссе
    It is difficult to dispute the assertion that satisfaction disposes a person to the relaxation and serenity, that is, inactivity. Therefore, there must be something that promotes his activity, and it cannot but be the opposite of satisfaction, namely: dissatisfaction, which, one must ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: Fundamentals that determine the actions of a person 34k   Эссе
    This work shows that the basis of actions of a person, as well as all other living beings, is not thinking, but information and consciousness. It is all living beings manifest themselves as the instrument of consciousness, including a person, since are able to think thanks to their ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: How and for what was the person being appeared from the monkey?! 57k   Статья
    It is interesting nevertheless - from where everything undertook?
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: How can one attract randomness and take advantage of it the process of creativity? 42k   Статья
    Creativity in a person is the only thing that determines the progress of civilization in the technological and cultural spheres. Where did this creative beginning come from, science has not yet discovered, although much has been written about it. It is not even clear with what, in ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: How did the rulers act formerly, and doing now? and how -- people under them? 32k   Статья
    How to cope with the people the most effective? Even in ancient times, Plato spoke out very definitely about this. What changed lately both with the people, and with rulers? And what to do to the ordinary person in a situation when he is being robbed and deceived constantly? Neither ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: How do thinking and consciousness relate to each other? 33k   Эссе
    If we follow Descartes' thesis: "I think, therefore I exist," which he has attributed exclusively to a person, then, contrary to him, it turns out that both primates and, in some respects, even the artificial intellect think. However, if this is the case, then they are hardly equivalent ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: How is the decline of the present civilization manifested? 20k   Статья
    Infinity, not existing in itself, manifests itself only through the finite. Therefore, the development of civilization cannot last indefinitely with the capture of more and more space, as many futurologists believe. Sooner or later it comes to a natural end, but after some time it ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: Intriguing facts about the human relations 554k   Монография
    Relationships in society are extremely diverse. They manifest themselves not only between people, but also between different communities. Their result is also contradictory. One day they can be friendly, and at another time they are replaced by hostile ones, although everyone seems ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: Intuition as a hidden process of targeted filtering of information 69k   Статья Комментарии
    Until now, intuition seems to be a mysterious and even otherworldly phenomenon, which to a certain extent is so, but the very fact of recognizing its existence contains a moment of solving, if, of course, we turn to the origins of the emergence of consciousness, which in a person ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: Is continuous development of reason infinitely possible? 43k   Статья
    It is obvious that without giving a clear definition of the concept of reason, it is impossible to answer this question. We can only state that in beingness known to us, continuity and infinity are clearly manifested only in mathematics, and even in physics, limits are set for everything. ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: Is everything so obvious in Russia's confrontation to the Western world? 61k   Статья
    Whose will win in the confrontation between Russia and the entire Western world, led by the United States? Weak Russia nowadays or the strong America? Is it possible to actually the victory any of the parties at this stage of development of a civilization? Why only Russians do not ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: Is it possible to create a fair people's state? 95k   Статья
    The best minds of mankind have been struggling for several thousand years to solve the problem of establishing a fair people's state, but this tempting goal has not been achieved in any way, despite repeated attempts. What is the reason for the collapse of these blissful hopes?
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: Is the direct democracy possible? 25k   Эссе
    Until now, in educated circles, the idea of the possibility of the direct democracy, reminiscent of the Athenian of those ancient times, is wandering, but in practice nothing comes out even among anarchists. Nevertheless, the computer technologies, as it seems, finally provided a ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: Is the space exploration possible through the manned flights? 34k   Статья
    In connection with the preparation in several countries of the flight to Mars, which has already spent billions of dollars for, it makes sense to ask: whether is the space exploration possible, as well as the manned space flights at present to planets of our star system and supposedly ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: Light, mine, mirror, say... 33k   Статья
    Here, using the example of an ordinary mirror, we present a way out of the impasse in which science finds itself, considering time to be an objective reality within the framework of the only one formation (Creation).
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: New - paradoxical - representation of the picture of Creation 49k   Статья
    The work explains how nothingness turns into everything, remaining nothing. Creation is presented as a dual system of infinity out of time, and its holographic superhigh-frequency projection, which is integral zero in any position. Beingness in the form of universes with inhabited ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: On new attitude to some public relationships 20k   Эссе
    At the heart of all actions of living beings, including a person, is information. The living being that possesses it in the most acceptable form for survival and development receives an absolute advantage.
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: On objectivity, relativity and absoluteness of truth 43k   Статья
    Truth exists as the certain information about objects, obtained in various ways, which reveals in the current reality their specific essence only for subjects at a certain level of consciousness for their benefit, as well as for the application, that develops them, and changing with ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: On the adequate sides of N.F. Fedorov"s idea of the universal return to life of the dead 44k   Статья
    The initial idea of total cosmos exploration, which is currently being tried to implement, comes from the theory of the Russian thinker N.F. Fedorov, the basis of which is the universal raise of the dead, which in itself indicates the utopianism of both the second and the first. Nevertheless, ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: On the causes of phenomena that inevitably accompany progress 19k   Статья
    The dualistic - the animal consciousness and self-consciousness - of a person determines all consequences of the human activity, which are manifested, on the one hand, in the aspiration to know the world and oneself, reflected in the development of the human self-consciousness and, ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: On the causes of the consequences of the human activity 928k   Монография
    The dualistic - the animal consciousness and self-consciousness - of a person determines all consequences of the human activity, which are manifested, on the one hand, in the aspiration to know the world and oneself, reflected in the development of the human self-consciousness and, ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: On the emergence and essence of self-consciousness 75k   Статья
    Until now, only psychology recognizes self-consciousness. However, psychology explains the emergence and essence of consciousness and self-consciousness only within the framework of their external manifestations. An attempt to expand these frameworks based on a new approach to them ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: On the enduring coexistence of consciousness and inanimate matter 54k   Статья
    Until now, there are only two main positions regarding the emergence and existence of Universe, which is considered to be synonymous with beingness: the eternal moving matter progressed until the appearance of the living beings; some life-giving force created everything that exists ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: On the essence of a people in the frameworks of the state 778k   Монография
    Too often a people, population and nation are presented as one and the same, especially since ethnos and nation in translation mean people, and, indeed, the explanation of the differences between these concepts is too general and does not reveal the essence of these concepts, although, ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: On the essence of the people in its manifestation in riots and revolutions 25k   Эссе
    It is recognized that a revolution is a spasmodic transition from one qualitative state to another. A revolution can be cultural, technological and social. If with the first two types of revolution everything is more or less clear in terms of qualitative changes, then opinions differ ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: On the essential differences between a people, population and nation 21k   Статья
    Too often a people, population and nation are presented as one and the same, especially since ethnos and nation in translation mean people, and, indeed, the explanation of the differences between these concepts is too general and does not reveal the essence of these concepts, although, ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: On the foundations of the human thoughts and actions 17k   Эссе
    An artificial intelligence and computer games have formed the basis for the idea that someone controls us. Is this true or not? Below we have attempted to answer this question not as clearly as it is posed.
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: On the harmonization of all things 29k   Статья
    Humanity will always strive for harmony, although until now all its attempts to achieve this blissful state have failed, but in this seemingly fruitless striving, civilization has reached an unprecedented flowering, which, literally, immediately gave way to withering. So, is harmony ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: On the nature of activity 25k   Эссе
    The essence of living beings is determined by their specific activity, which differs from the motion and change of inanimate objects, indifferent to their own existence, perception and evaluation of the information coming into the sense organs, which after its processing turns out ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: On the necessity of a person presence in Creation 534k   Монография
    Unlike other living beings, a person is capable of not only adapting to the environment, but also changing it consciously for their own purposes and in their own interests. A person is the only being who understand their presence in the current time, which in itself makes his life ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: On the possibility of creating a "melting pot" of peoples 27k   Эссе
    Attempts to bring peoples closer together to the greatest possible extent have been made since Old Testament times, but they have regularly failed, leaving us with the riddle of the impossibility of such obvious and profitable undertaking. Is the only reason for the failures in creating ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: On the ratio of consciousness and a person 80k   Статья
    Each person understands that his consciousness is inseparable from himself, but he cannot imagine how and why something invisible and intangible makes him suddenly temporarily alive, and then suddenly disappears, leaving him dead? Both science and well-known thinkers individually ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: On the ratio of true and false 40k   Статья
    Any person is faced with contradictions in determining the true and false. But it must be so, because the path to truth, or rather, from the phenomenon to the essence is difficult and comprehension of truth at any level happens during many lives, through a number of mistakes, delusions, ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: On the reasons for the accelerated development of human communities 22k   Статья
    If you look at the course of life of humanity in its development, it turns out that it goes with acceleration, which is increasingly condensing the main phases of this development - from slaveholding up to capitalism. Moreover, even before the emergence of civilization, the living ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: On the reasons for the decline of individual communities 37k   Эссе
    The reasons for the decline of certain communities are assessed mainly without touching upon the deep ones, which is particularly noticeable when comparing the fall of the Roman Empire and the more or less stable state of China to this day. Therefore, it makes sense to try to identify ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: On the reasons for the success of individual communities 37k   Эссе
    To date, the reasons for the success of certain communities are determined, in essence, superficially. Therefore, in the present work, an attempt is made to penetrate the depths of this phenomenon, which is quite complex and ambiguous.
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: On the similarity and difference between criminality and those in power 32k   Эссе
    It is quite difficult to determine the difference between representatives of government structures and criminals, since both of them deceive, rob and destroy the population in different ways. However, the former mainly represent the governing structures, while the latter are outcasts. ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: On the source of entropy and its features in beingness 29k   Статья
    Until now, the source of entropy as an irreversible dispersion and a measure of disorder or uncertainty of a system has not been identified, whereas the entropy carries not only a negative charge, but is one of the factors that ensure living things, and for a person it represents ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: Property as the basis for the accelerated development of civilization 42k   Эссе
    The duality of the human consciousness presupposes the inevitability of the manifestation of the struggle of his animal consciousness and his self-consciousness, and the latter, thanks to the understanding of oneself, is clothed in a form that contributes to own accelerated development, ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: Reflection of levels of consciousness of a person in society 61k   Статья
    Such, widely used still in the ideology, the currents of the human thought, as racism, humanism and internationalism, as shown in this work, are nothing more than falsehoods that allow to mislead the entire nations, thereby causing wars and other innumerable troubles for them.
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: Religion and the science of the soul and consciousness (critical notes) 51k   Статья
    Many branches of science are aimed at studying the essence of consciousness, the main of which is psychology. Success, judging by the results of this turbulent and costly activity, is actually not observed. In particular, not only is there still no clear definition of consciousness, ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: Revolution as a consequence of the rise of self-consciousness to a high level 52k   Эссе
    I would like to determine why, despite the presence of well-known reasons for social revolutions, in Asian countries with popular indignations until recently there were no leap changes in the basics of the social system, in contrast, for example, to the indignations that arose during ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: Russia and the Usa as two opposites 22k   Статья
    Antagonism of Russia and the USA as a manifestation of the opposite of collectivist and individualist forms of consciousness.
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: Science as a factor in the development and destruction of civilization 33k   Эссе
    Science is generally spoken of only in a positive way, but it cannot but have a negative impact on society. Therefore, in this work, precisely its negative features are noted and justified, and it is also indicated what these features lead to in the end.
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: The casus of free time 41k   Статья
    Dreams about free time at the real triumph of robots and computers turn into the search for at least some occupation, so as not to fall into prostration. Than all this threatens us? And what could be the solution?
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: The convenience of slavery and the light of liberty 28k   Статья
    The duality of the human consciousness implies the inevitability of the manifestation of his animal nature. The struggles of the instincts and passions that form the basis of the slavish psychology, egocentrism, stagnation, and creativity of the person, whose foundation lies in his ...
  • NewНизовцев Юрий Михайлович: The deepest reasons for the constant aggressiveness of the West 28k   Эссе
    The fact that by many the aggressiveness of the Western countries are still explained by the tightness in Europe, whose population now exceeds that of Russia several times over, is certainly true, but the crowded also exist in other regions of the world countries of which do not conflict ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: The driving force and source of development of the person and his communities 229k   Монография
    What is the real source and driving force of development of the person, of terrestrial civilization in general, and of the communities making up it, which impart to everything that exists, the appropriate dynamics? This issue is still on the agenda, since no satisfactory answer has ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: The essence of the human activity 1045k   Монография
    The essence of a person is determined by his activity. The activity of a person ensures his consciousness, which in turn contains the animal and personal components, interacting with each other and thus ensuring the accelerated development of both a person and his communities together ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: The hidden prerequisites of radical turns and coups in the course of the development of civilization 30k   Статья
    It is known, that the appearance of coups that radically alter the course of civilization"s development, is explained in different ways. Nevertheless, each coup is preceded by an accumulation in a certain combination of factors acting implicitly, but which inevitably produce the decisive ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: The justification of the inevitability of the manifestation of antagonism in a developing society 26k   Миниатюра
    Each person and his communities are extremely contradictory phenomena, differing from all creations of beingness in the dual orientation of consciousness, which affects both the desire to consume the most pleasant sensations and spiritual development. In real life, this irreducible ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: The most characteristic utopias of the present century 82k   Статья
    Surprisingly, until now, all segments of the world's population feed on utopias of various kinds, from which they are unable to abandon, with rare exceptions. However, the situation is saved by the fact that civilization develops according to objective laws, and the consequences of ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: The noosphere theory as an unsuccessful attempt to humanize the biosphere 61k   Миниатюра
    What will happen to the noosphere (sphere of mind), and what is its role in the phenomenon of a person, and also, on the contrary, what is the role of a person, like all living things, in Creation?
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: The origins of cunning and its main difference from creativity 25k   Статья
    Cunning is often confused with ingenuity, while it is nothing more than a tactical machination, at the expense of which will not win the war, but you can deceive some people. Therefore, it makes sense to clarify the origins of cunning and creativity (ingenuity), and to identify on ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: The result of the obedience of the peoples and the degradation of the elites 42k   Эссе
    If the peoples are submissive and inert, and the power elites of the leading countries and their supranational offshoot do not understand the course of time, then what is the result of this stalemate?
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: The roots and consequences of the negative selection into the power elites 87k   Статья
    What are the root causes of the rottenness of power elites at all times - their stupidity, greed, hypocrisy, deceit, corruption, pursuit of their own predominantly mercantile interests, an enduring desire to sow discord, contempt for ordinary people, constant mistakes at the management ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: Time as a condition of the finite in infinity for consciousness 38k   Статья
    Beingness in a certain way contains consciousness, without which its manifestation would not be possible. Consciousness injects beingness through itself in the living beings into current time forming own surrounding out of things, giving beingness sense, and life to oneself through ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: Time as a manifestation of the process of obtaining information 55k   Статья
    The time factor is an integral element of consciousness, not existing outside of it. Consciousness of any living being is characterized by two types of time - the own time of each living being (its present) and the external time, which is being formed by the whole totality of living ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: Time as a sliding present, formed by alive 57k   Статья Комментарии
    Consciousness manifests beingness through its own carriers, giving it meaning, and life to itself through the selection of information about being that it is able to decipher, copy and process for further use. Consciousness fixes the changes of beingness available to it in the form ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: Truth as a manifestation of essences of the different levels 38k   Статья
    For more than one thousand years, thinkers have been proceeding from the idea that a person is the pearl of creation, and all their constructions are tuned precisely to this idea; therefore, they are, at the very least, insufficient and too often misleading, which is also characteristic ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: What are the true reasons of the abnormality of geniuses? 74k   Статья
    The creative beginning is present in every person, reaching its peak in not much individuals. However, these geniuses, with rare exceptions, suffer from diseases that are not often inherent in their less talented and numerous brethren. Why is this happening, modern science has not ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: What can be revealed from the other side of fear? 70k   Статья
    Until now, the clear definition of the concept of fear, as well as the place and significance of this phenomenon in relation to both the main strata of society and society as a whole, has not been given. The attempt to solve these problems is presented in this article.
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: What changes await us in us themselves? (Critical notes) 42k   Статья
    Existing theories about the development of a person and humanity are divided into three main categories: some consider a person as the only representative of the reason, which he must develop, forgetting that a person and humanity are finite, and a person himself is a semi-primate; ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: What does violence hide behind itself? 62k   Статья
    Until now, no explanation has been found for the inefficiency of non-violent methods of struggle of peoples both against oppressors and for their rights to a better life. At the same time, for the entire time of the existence of civilization there has not been a period without wars ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: What forces manifest personality in history? (Critical comments) 73k   Статья
    There are many opinions about who or what makes history. Some argue that the main actor in the history of mankind are the personalities, others - peoples, others believe that we are controlled by certain forces. Therefore, it makes sense to figure out what is really happening to us, ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: What happens at the moment of death? 88k   Статья
    Alive is an expression of consciousness in beingness, containing in oneself, in contrast to inanimate matter, its own consciousness, but this consciousness in the living cannot do without the inanimate, which constitutes its material basis, a kind of carcass of any being, and this ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: What has self-consciousness led, and what will it lead to? 48k   Статья
    The role of self-consciousness, which is characteristic only for a person, is still underestimated. It is even more incomprehensible to everyone and everyone: what the civilization will come to thanks to the participation in this process of this truly human property, why is self-consciousness ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: What is the basis of the manifested (reality)? 40k   Статья
    Some problems going beyond a consideration circle science and religion, nevertheless, do not disappear anywhere. Some of them are a subject of inescapable interest, in particular, that which concerns the ultraboundary for our sensations (otherworldly). The following are considerations ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: What is the main reason for the emergence of the state? 48k   Эссе
    The paper shows that the state is only a product of increasing the level of self-consciousness of a person in his communities. Self-consciousness in its interaction with the natural consciousness of the same person ensures the accelerated development of the consciousness of a person ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: What is the mystery of genius, still unsolved? 42k   Статья
    Could a genius of thoughts and feelings emerge from primates? The answer is obvious. This means that there are certain potencies in a person, allowing to solve the problem of genius. On the other hand, geniuses among individuals is impossible to project and grow up at all diligence ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: What is the true difference between intellectuals and intelligentsia? 74k   Статья
    There is no such term as the intelligentsia, except Russia, generalizing all representatives of intellectual labor. In the rest of the world, the cultural layer of the nation is called intellectuals, and the term intelligentsia is not applied. However, in reality, representatives ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: What really is intellect? 58k   Статья
    In order to doubt, that a person's intellect is his mind, or consciousness, make sense to compare it with artificial intellect. Then it becomes clear that intellect by itself and consciousness in general differ significantly and an attempt should be made to clarify the essence of ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: What role does inequality play in human communities? 69k   Статья
    Is it possible to equalize everybody in the aspiration to build a fair society or is it impossible? What role does inequality play in society - is only negative? In which sectors of society there is practically no inequality?
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: What to do to us with the officials? 37k   Статья
    What to do to us with this damned nettle seed that prevents us from living a normal life, robbing and demeaning us hourly? Who always uncompromisingly counteracts the authorities and whether complete victory of one of the parties is possible? What forces do the social development ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: What underlies the passivity of philistines? 28k   Эссе
    The people, which politicians and propagandists praise at all crossroads, in fact, represent a heterogeneous mass, the basis of which, both in number and in mentality, are the so-called ordinary people, who, as a rule, do not go into the intricacies of political intrigue, but wanting, ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: What waits for us after all in the next world (otherworldly)? 36k   Статья
    Where will we get after death? and what for? and whether we will get? A subject is very relevant always, on which, apparently, the adequate answer cannot be. And all the same ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: What were the true aspirations of the glorified rulers and the reasons that caused them? 95k   Статья
    It is known, what deeds were glorious the famous rulers, about whom volumes of historical researches are written - from Caesar to the US President Kennedy. Much less publicized data about their sins and transgressions, since the power elites ordering historical research on their own ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: When and why does an equilibrium ecological civilization appear? 70k   Статья
    Is it possible for another civilization to appear on the planet, in which there is no development, compared to the current technological civilization? It seems that this cannot be because without development, or at least change, nothing can exist. However, there is such thing as equilibrium. ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: Where did Homo sapiens come from among unreasonable and brainless? 28k   Эссе
    On the one hand, a person, judging by his genesis and structure, is a product of evolution. On the other hand, a person has clearly fallen out of the cage of nature, judging by his completely conscious actions, often directed both against nature and against himself. Is there any sense ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: Whether it is possible to eliminate near-surface inflammations without treatment? 21k   Статья
    Elimination of near-surface inflammations by continuous removal by frame conductors of heat from zone by contact method.
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: Whether it is worth being "treated" for stupidity!? 32k   Эссе
    Whether there is a purpose in existence of blockheads? Probably, they represent the transitional stage to more developed mammals, but, nevertheless, in further blockheads don't leave them.
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: Whether the movement of vehicles without traffic jams is possible? 39k   Статья
    Abstract The technical solutions provide the non-stop movement practically of any number of vehicles on highways. They are characterized by high throughput and relatively low costs.
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: Whether there is the presence of the invisible God in us? 38k   Статья
    The invisible presence of God is revealed in the invisibility of consciousness in alive, but the narrowness of a person is manifested by the contradictoriness of the image of God, created by him. Whether it is possible to eliminate these contradictions?
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: Whether time travels are possible? 23k   Статья
    To answer about the possibility of travels through time, one can ask a question: is there a way out of the present, in which there is always a person in the course of his life? And yet, if we go further, then this opportunity opens - here only for whom?!
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: Whether will triumph of justice and how will it be done? 26k   Статья
    Would be the two main systems in both management and ideology - capitalism and socialism - act as before in the framework of the development of civilization? If not, what will be the outcome to which humanity will come? and is there a chance on justice here?
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: Who is right: Westerners or isolationists? 20k   Статья
    It seems, practice showed for a long time the full idiocy of aspiration of Russia to rightful cooperation with the Anglo-Saxon world, which assumes Russians as plebeians, gun meat, their highest layer - as selling and the despicable, but considering of themself - as inspired divinely, ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: Who makes the main contribution to the development of civilization? 36k   Статья
    It is believed that most of the discoveries that change the face of civilization are made by intellectuals, mainly solid scientists or groups of scientists, who experiment for a long time and put forward various theories that allow them to know the world, and ultimately produce many ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: Whose instrument is a person? And only by it is he? 34k   Статья
    Neither materialists nor idealists could determine either the essence of Creation, nor the sources of change and development of living beings up to the appearance of a person, nor the reason for the change in the environment surrounding the living beings in such a way that they could ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: Why and due to what are manifested the interest and interesting? 66k   Статья
    If the aspiration to interesting didn't exist, then the public so and remained herd of monkeys. Because concepts of interest and interesting comprise more than one meaning and they are still not disclosed, one can try to find these meanings, having cleared why interest and interesting ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: Why and how do individuality and personality compete in a person? 83k   Эссе
    Individuality and personality are by no means identical, reflecting various and often contradictory hypostases of the human consciousness. They demonstrate not only the dual nature of his consciousness, but also show why this being is able to change both nature and himself with an ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: Why are countries ruled by the unworthy people? 29k   Эссе
    As you know, technically, countries are not ruled by representatives of power elites, but by managers hired by them, and power elites only supervise them and make drastic decisions based on the situation and their own interests, which, as a rule, do not coincide with the interests ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: Why are wars proving to be an inevitable evil? 38k   Эссе
    Since ancient times, not a single power has openly proclaimed the need for the destruction of other peoples or tribes, speaking only about the pacification of ungrateful or evil neighbors, whose peoples will be better off under the auspices of other rulers - just and honest, and they ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: Why are we capable of laughing? 21k   Эссе
    Laughter can be up to tears, but tears do not bring up to laughter.
  • NewНизовцев Юрий Михайлович: Why Creation cannot do without a person? 29k   Эссе
    Unlike other living beings, a person is capable of not only adapting to the environment, but also changing it consciously for their own purposes and in their own interests. A person is the only being who understand their presence in the current time, which in itself makes his life ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: Why do local civilizations remain disconnected? 65k   Статья
    What are the reasons that some local communities on the planet have "stuck" in archaic, others - in the middle ages, and third have made technological and cultural breakthrough, having become the "motor" of all civilization; as well as in connection with which, for example, Russia's ...
  • Низовцев Юрий Михайлович: Why doesn't hope leave us? 90k   Статья
    It seems that everyone understands what hope is, but, nevertheless, its versatility and ambiguity thinkers of different historical eras have not been able to reduce to something fundamentally defined, pointing to one or the other properties of it and attaching to hope excessively ...
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