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Christmas Eve

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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  It was a cold, bleak Christmas Eve. I had been working hard all day because I didn't want to leave unfinished business for the next year. It was almost 6 PM and I was looking forward to going home. The office became unusually quiet and empty. All my colleagues had already left the working places and hurried to their families, that were already sitting at the Christmas tables. As for me, there wasn't anyone waiting for me back at home.
  'Phew, I'm finally done with this stupid report,' I said to myself. A moment later I grabbed my dark blue coat and bulky bag and hurried to the door. To my surprise, all three elevators were out of order. All of the sudden I felt really uncomfortable and alone. 'All right, there's one more service elevator at the end of the corridor, next to the stairs,' I remembered and headed down the hallway.
  'A pretty young woman is an easy prey for a crazy maniac,' just popped into my head. I got so scared that my hands started trembling. I jetted out towards the service elevator. My knitted navy scarf felt off my red curly head. To my horror, lights in the whole building went off. I was paralyzed with raw fear. Completely disorientated, I felt down on my knees and started crawling.
  Crawled a bit forward on my hands and knees, I heard a man's mumbling. I pushed myself to the side. Trying not to breathe I squeezed myself against the wall. His steps were getting closer and closer. Maybe that moment my mind came undone and I began whining quietly like a real little puppy.
  The very next moment stranger's hand tousled my short hair and a pleasant male voice told me 'Don't be afraid, boy. Good doggy.' Staying in character, I barked trying to act like a real dog.
  Until my last breath, I will never forget the moment when the lights went on. I was overwhelmed by confusing feelings. As if by magic the situation turned out to comic one. A handsome young man was starring at me without saying a word. Maybe it lasted just for several seconds, but it felt like an eternity.
  Suddenly he flung up his hands in surprise and spluttered with laughter. 'You know how to cheer somebody up!' he claimed when he stopped laughing. Like a perfect gentleman, he offered me a hand and helped to get back on my feet.
   'I suggest to continue our extravagant acquaintance in a café nearby. What would you say?' His dimpled smile left me no choice. ))))))))))))))))))))
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